14 Chapter 8

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Chapter 7

7. IRole of Rahu-Ketu m Progeny 228

7 2 Role of Rahu -Ketu m Diseases 260

7.2.1 Eye Diseases 267

7.2.2 Contagious Diseases - 268

7.2.3 Speech trouble 268

7.2.4 Epilepsy 270

7.2.5 Mental Diseases 270

7.2.6 Heart Diseases 272

7.2.7 Tuber Diseases 272

7.2.8 Leprosy 274

7.3 Role of Rahu-Ketu in compatibility 280

7 4 Role of Rahu-Ketu m Longevity 292

7 4.1 Balarista Combinations 294

9.4.2 maraka combinations 300

7.4.3 Combmations forLong life 304

Chapter -7

7.1Role of Rahu-Ketu in Progeny

All the people bom 4n this world, men or women, always have
a strong desire for the continuation of their family or lineage. Each
boy and girl is gifted with a companion for the continuation of the
family and the system which units a boy and a girl is called as
marriage The main reasons behmd a marriage are -

writ ^ cmich Tmr i

Mcpf u1
As the verse says, the continuation of lineage with good children is
one of the aim of marriage The sexual union of a boy and a girl
leads to the birth of a child But, many times it is seen that many
people are without children mspite of their ability and fitness.
Many people are there, who are found to be medically fit, but still
having no children. Medical science is totally silent m these
matters, So, it is sure that something divine is required in progeny
matters and sometimes divine factors are found to be obstacles in
progeny matters. Medical science has not developed itself mto a
position, where it can find out these divine causes behmd the
progeny matters. So, these questions can be answered only by a

branch of knowledge, which is divine as well as scientific and

Astrology is that branch of knowledge Astrology is the only

scientific branch, which has answers to all the questions of people.

Thats why it is considered as the best fnend and guide to the


The Grahas and houses considered m astrology signify various

factors. Among the Grahas, Jupiter is considered as the signifier of

children. The fifth house of a chart indicates children All the twelve

houses in a chart are very closely interrelated. I have already stated

that, the system of marriage unites a boy and a girl and the

seventh houses of the chart indicates it. Seventh houses of a chart

indicates marriage, partner, sexual mtercourse, love affairs,

reproductive fluid etc The most prominent profit, which a men or

women expects from a marriage is children, which is mdicated by

the fifth house, which is also the 11th house, the house of profit,

from seventh house. The fourth house of a chart indicates mother.

A lady will become a mother only when she gives birth to a child. A

child always needs the care, love and affection of the parents. But,

mother has been considered as the prominent among the parents.

Thats why these factors viz-mother and children are signified by

successive houses.

Generally, when the fifth house i.e., Santana Bhava is under the

influence of benefic Grahas, the native will have children and when

the fifth house is afflicted by malefic Grahas, the native will face

problems m child related matters, Usually, the matters related to

progeny are judged from the fifth house, the lord of the fifth house,

ninth house, the lord of the ninth house, the Grahas aspectmg the

fifth house and Jupiter. Nmth house is fifth house from fifth house.

So, it is called as Anubhava Santana Bhava and it indicates father also.

And I think that -the ascendant and its lord are also important.
Because, the ascendant and its lord indicate the physical strength
of the native, The influence of malefic on these houses and then-

lords are considered as bad for progeny. Both Rahu and Ketu are

considered as malefic Grahas, and so, their influence is always bad

in progeny related matters Not us know about their role m

Almost all the astrological texts consider the influence of

nodes as bad m child related matters

^TTatTfT2 II

If Rahu is in the fifth house or Rahu is with the lord of the fifth

house, without any beneficial aspects, it indicates the destruction

of progeny become of serpent curse. Generally, Rahu is related with

serpent curses. What is a serpent curse? How a man gets serpent

curse? What indicates serpent curse? Let us try to find out answer

to these questions. A curse can be said as a thing that causes evil

or harm or a solemn utterance intended to invoke the wrath of a

supernatural power So, curse can be considered as a mixture of
human and divine things or natural and supernatural things. One
thing is sure that the curse always results m troubles and harms
Curses may cause physical and mental problems. In horary
astrology, if 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th houses are connected, it indicates
worries due to curses. The nature of the curse must be understood

from the Grahas mvolved Another important factor m curses is that

it contmue for several generations and it effects an entire family or

a community though the curse may mvolve only one person. I have

already stated that Rahu signifies serpents. It is Rahus permanent

signification irrespective of its placement m the chart So, the

curses which mvolve Rahu usually mdicate serpent curses But,

there are certain scholars, who consider that though the nodes are
bad in child related matters, sometimes they give positive influence.

According to Dr. Bhojaraja DvivedI, H'rlfd W TIWR- grr tpr

WriT i i wf wm ^ w ^ ii
# ~w tran f^rrar t im wm w fit % -mm

^ t3 I So, under certain mfluences, the nodes may be

auspicious also. The above verse says that, the serpent curse will
lead to the destruction of child, when there is absence of beneficial
aspects. So, when there is beneficial aspect, the evil effect of the

serpent curse will be cancelled. I personally feel that the beneficial
aspect mentioned m the verse is of Jupiter Jupiter is called as

Santanakaraka and its strength is a vital factor m judgmg the progeny

related matters When a powerful Jupiter is ascpetmg, the native

will definitely enjoy children So Jupiters position and strength is
also important.

I have stated earlier that, the curse will continue to

generation and its effect will influence a family or an entire
community. So, when a horoscope shows the combination of a
serpent curse, it is not necessaiy that the combmation shows the
natives present life deeds, but it may have come from his past lives
or from a mistake done by his family members.

Scholars like Dr. Bhojaraja Dvivedi opine that Rahu mdicates

serpent curse and Ketu indicates brahmana curse. But, some scholars
feel that both the nodes mdicate serpent curse, let us know about
their influence on progeny.

fnpr:4 I When Rahu or Ketu is in the fifth house, the

native will have a Kuputra Kuputra means the son who always
quarrels or fights with the parents. So, misunderstanding between

the parents and children is common under this yoga. Under this
combination, the bom child will be of wicked nature, which will
create permanent sorrow to the parents. But, there will be change

in the nature of the child according to the signs, aspects and


Tift iffsT^jcfr iH'rlulrMtil ftt Rh^:5 I The said combination

tells us about the chances of child form Rahu and Ketu and actually

it is against all the other yogas which consider Rahu- Ketu as

obstacles in child matters. According to this combination, if one of

the signs among Aries, Taurus and Cancer comes as the fifth house

with Rahu or Ketu m it the native will be gifted with children This

combination is related to Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces

ascendants and accordmg to this combination, Rahu or Ketu will not

harm the children when one of them is m the fifth house.

Generally, astrological texts say that the nodes m these signs viz-
Anes, Taurus and Cancer do good and give good results. So, they
might not harm the children also. But, I dont agree this factor.

Because, I consider that the occupation of fifth house by one of the

nodes is always bad and will harm the children mspite of the
auspiciousness of nodes in certain signs. My experiences also prove
this factor, But, if these nodes have beneficial aspect, then the
native has the chances of children.

Tift wft TpRJWT 6 I If Rahu is in the eleventh house, the

native will have children at old age. Experiences prove this

combination to be true. When Rahu is in the eleventh house, Ketu

will be in fifth house, which is inauspicious to progeny. Native will

have children at the old age only when proper measures are taken

to ward off the evils of the nodes. And, I feel that if necessary

actions are taken, native will have children immediately after the

marriage without any delay. Usually the nodes7 will bring many

abortions also when they are influencing the fifth house.

Many astrological texts like Jatakatattva, Parasara H5ra mention

about the various combinations which indicate serpent curses and

its effect on the children If the lord of the Lagna is with Rahu and

the lord of the fifth house is with mars, the native will have no

children due to serpent curse.8 The conjunction of the ascendant

lord with Rahu and fifth house lord with mars indicates serpent

curse If the Rahu is m the fifth house and it is aspected by mars it

indicates serpent curse9 and the native will have no children. The

occupation of fifth house by Rahu is considered as very bad and

when the mars, aspects it, the malefic influence over the fifth house

will increase, which will adversely effect the children. When the fifth

house in occupied by Saturn and it is aspected by Moon and the

lord of fifth house is with Rahu it indicates serpent curse10 and the

native will have no children. In this combination the fifth house is

occupied by Saturn, a malefic and also a Graha of neuter gender.

Saturn and Mercury are considered as in eunuch among the Grahas

So, the occupation of fifth house by Saturn is bad and the lord of

the fifth house is with Rahu, which also adversely effects the

progeny matters. If the fifth house is one of the own houses of

Mars, and it is occupied by Rahu and if there are no beneficial

aspects, then the native will have no children due to serpent curse

11 This combination is related to the Natives bom m either Cancer

ascendant or Sagittarius ascendant. The fifth house of these

ascendants are Scorpio and Aries respectively, which are the own

houses of Mars. The fifth house is occupied by Rahu without any

beneficial aspect, which adversely effects children.

tfdcbRch^' %5f:12 I When

Jupiter, who is the signifier of children is with Mars, the lord of the

ascendant is with Rahu and the lord of the fifth house is m one of

the inauspicious house viz, 6,8 and 12, the native will have no

children due to Serpent curse Jupiter, who is the signifier of

children is with Mars, a cmel malefic. The lord of the ascendant is

with Rahu which is harmful to physical abilities of the native. The

lord of the fifth house is in one of the most inauspicious houses in

a chart, which adversely effects the children. In such a

combmation, the native will have no children.

Rff ^ | The above

combination indicates Pitrsapa or the curses of father. I have already

stated that the nature of a curse will be understood by the Grahas

involved in it and the curses will affect the native mentally and
physically This combination depicts how the curse of a father will

affect the children. Among the Grahas Sun is the mdicator of father

and the ninth house of chart indicates father. According to this

combination, Sun is in eighth house which is one of the
inauspicious houses, Saturn is in fifth house and the lord of the

fifth house is with Rahu The occupation of fifth house by Saturn

and the conjunction of Rahu with the lord of fifth house indicates


^ TTT# H!tp?7iqi^ | This

combination states how the matrsapa or the curse of mother will

effect children. Generally, it is believed that the curse from a

mother is impossible Because, she will forgive anything But,
under rare conditions, she will also curse According to this
combination, Mars, who is the lord of the fourth house is with

either Saturn or Rahu. So, this combination is related to Leo and

Capricorn ascendants. Only these two ascendants have Mars as the

lord of fourth house Fourth house mdicates mother, whose lord
Mars is with malefies. Both, Sun and Moon are in ascendant,
which will happen only on a new moon day. So, m this
combination, the lord of the fourth house, which mdicates mother
is afflicted and also the moon is weak, who is the sigmfier of

Mother So, accordmg to this combmation matrsapa is responsible

for the childlessness of the native

According to Dr. Bhojaraja Dvivedi15 if the lord of the ascendant

-or lord of the fifth houses is in eighth house and the lord of the

third house is in fifth house is with either Mars or Rahu , then the a

native will be childless due to the curse of brother or Bhratfsapa.

Lord of the ascendant or fifth house is powerless as one of them is

occupying eight house. The lord of the third house, which indicates

brother is in fifth house and it is jomed by either Rahu or Saturn.

The lord of the third house, which mdicates brother is afflicted. So,

the curse of brother is considered as the reason behmd


Generally, the occupation of fifth house by malefies is bad to

child related matters.

TTtFT Wilfrid: If the fifth house is occupied

by Rahu, Sun and Mars, then the native will get child happiness

only after many remedial measures. This combination says the

requirement of remedial measures to for child happiness, if the fifth

house is occupied by either Rahu or Sun or Mars. It also indicates

that the occupation of the fifth house by one of these Grahas is an

obstacle in child related matters. So, Santi or remedial measures are

recommended. The remedial measures may be divine or m the form

of medicines and surgeries.

When the fifth house is occupied by malefics, we must understand

that the native will get child happiness only after divine bliss.

Grahasanti, fasting, temple visit, Yantradharana etc. are the ways to get

divine bliss. But, if the native has any physical inabilities, then the
active needs medical measures. The physical abilities and
disabilities can be known from the ascendant, the lord of the
ascendant, seventh house and the lord of the seventh house. So,

the word Santi in this combination indicates divine bliss as well as

medical help.

Parasara has dealt with the different types of curse, which

effect the Santana Bhava The 83rd chapter of Parasara Hora depicts

these causes There will be no issues due to the curse of a

serpent17 under the following combmations.

1 When Rahu is m the fifth house aspeted by Mars, the native will

have no issues. The occupation of fifth house by Rahu is very bad

and when Mars aspects the Rahu, the negative influence of Rahu will

be doubled, which will adversely effect the issues and results in


2. When the lord of the fifth house is associated with Rahu and
Saturn is in the fifth house having an association with Moon, the

native will have no Issues. The association of the lord of fifth house

with Rahu is very bad and Saturn is in fifth house, which is a Graha

of neuter gender having an association with moon, which is

Saturns enemy and this also produces negative influence on the

fifth house

3. When the significator of children viz-Jupiter is with Rahu, the

lord of fifth house is devoid of strength and the lord of the

ascendant is with Mars, the native will have no issues. The

association of Jupiter, significator of children with Rahu is harmful

to the child. The powerless condition of the lord of the fifth is also

bad the association of Mars with the lord of ascendant creates

physical disabilities in the native and all these condition afflict the

fifth house

4. When the significator of children, Jupiter is with Mars, Rahu is m

the ascendant and the lord of the fifth house is in 6th, 8th, or the 12th

house, the native will have no issues due to serpent curse. In this

combination, the significator for children is afflicted because of its

association with malefic Mars. The ascendant is also powerless due

to its occupation by the malefic Rahu, and the lord of the fifth house

is in inauspicious house. Rahu, which is m ascendant is aspecting

the fifth and ninth houses, which is also bad to the children.

Modem scholars have admitted the Trikona drstl of Rahu, aspect to

fifth and ninth houses.

5. The native will have no issues, when the Mercury as the lord of

fifth house, is in the navamsa of Mars and also has the association of

Mars and the ascendant is occupied by Rahu, and Mandi. This

combination is related to Taurus and Aquarius ascendants. For

these two ascendants, Mercuiy is the lord of the fifth house.

Mercury is also considered as a Graha of neuter gender just like

Saturn and it is m the navamsa of malefic Mars and it is also having

an association with it, which makes Mercuiy powerless, So, the

lord of the fifth house is devoid of strength And, the ascendant is

occupied by Rahu, and mandi, which makes the ascendant powerless.

Mandi, is the satellite of Saturn and it is used more m horary

astrology, Rahu m the ascendant is aspectmg fifth and ninth

houses. All these conditions adversely effect the issues.

6. When the fifth house is one of the own houses of Mars viz-Anes

or Scorpio and the lord of the fifth house, Mars is associated with

Rahu or Mercuiy, the native will have no issues. This combination is

related to Cancer and Sagittarius ascendants, as they have Scorpio

and Aries, the own houses of Mars, as the fifth house. The lord of

the fifth house, Mars is afflicted because it is having an association

with either Rahu, or Mercuiy Rahu is a trouble maker in child

matters and Mercury is a neuter gender Graha, which is also not

good for child related matters. So under such a condition the native

will have no issues.

7. The native will have no children, when the 5th house is occupied

by Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter and the lords of

5th and the ascendant are devoid of Strength. As the combination

says, the lords of 5th and ascendant are powerless and the fifth
house is occupied by malefics and this condition leads to


8. Lastly, the native will have no issues due to serpent curse, when

the lord of the ascendant or Jupiter is associated with Rahu and the

lord of the 5th is m conjunction with Mars. The conjunction of the

fifth lord with malefic Mars is inauspicious and Rahu is also having
an association with Jupiter or with the lord of the ascendant.

Association of Rahu with Jupiter is bad for children as it is the

sigmfactor for children Rahus association with the lord of the

ascendant adversely effects the physical abilities of the native So,

the native will be issueless

All the combinations explained above indicate serpent curses

resulting m childlessness and in all these combinations, Rahu has

an important role to play, which proves that Serpent is a

permanent signification of Rahu. Parasara has recommended Nagapuja

and Nagapratistha as a remedial measure to the problems related to

serpent curse.

iWlfffirow i

Hwrtorsf ww Mnk18
^ CN S ii

Let us know about various fathers curse19, which results m

childlessness. We will also know about the role of nodes m these

curses. Amongst the Grahas, Sun20 is the sigmfier for the father and

ninth house21 of a chart indicates father.

1. When the Sun, Mars and Saturn are in the ascendant and 5th

house and Rahu and Jupiter are in the eighth and twelfth the native

will be childless. In this combination, it is not stated which

amongst the Sun, Mars and Saturn should be m the Ascendant

and fifth house and which amongst Rahu and Jupiter should be m

the eighth and the twelfth According to G.S. Kappor, the Sun must

be m the ascendant, Mars and Saturn m the fifth, Rahu m the

eighth and Jupiter in the 12th house.

2. When the Sun is m the eighth house, Saturn is m the fifth

house, the lord of fifth is associated with Rahu and the ascendant is

occupied by a malefic, the native will be issueless. In this

combination Sun, the sigmficator for father is in eighth house. I
have already stated that 2,4,6 and 8th houses have close connection
with curses. The fifth house is occupied by the malefic Saturn and

the lord of fifth house is having an association with Rahu, which is

bad for progeny and the ascendant is also occupied by a malefic,

which makes the ascendant powerless. Under such condition, a

fathers curse is responsible for childlessness.

3. The native will be childless if the lord of the sixth house is m the

fifth, the lord of the tenth house is in the sixth and Jupiter is

associated with Rahu.

These are the curses of father, which results in the

childlessness of the native and in these combmations nodes also

play a role.

Let us know about the Matrsapa22 or the curse of mother

resulting m childlessness. Moon23 is the sigmfier for mother and

the fourth house24 of a chart indicates Mother.

1. The native will be issueless, when the lord of the fifth house and

Moon are associated with Saturn, Rahu and Mars and they are m 5th

or ninth house. The fifth house which indicates children and the

Moon, which mdicates mother are associated with malefic Saturn,

Rahu, and Mars, which is mauspicious for children. And, they have

occupied 5th or 9th house, the houses which are closely related with

children. The malefic association of the Moon with Rahu, Mars an

Suture mdicates Mothers curse.

2. The native will be issueless if Mars as the lord of the fourth

house is associated with Saturn and Rahu, and the fifth and

ascendant is occupied by Moon and Sun respectively This
combination is related to Capricorn and Leo ascendants, as both
these ascendants have Mars as the lord of fourth house. The
Fourth house in a chart indicates Mother and m this combination,
its lord, Mars m under negative influence because of its association

with Saturn and Rahu The fifth and ascendant is occupied by Moon

and Sun.

3. The native will be childless, if the ascendant is hemmed in

between malefics, waning Moon is in 7th house and the fourth and

fifth houses are occupied by Rahu, and Saturn respectively. In this

combination, the ascendant is weak as it is hemmed in between

the malefics, which may cause diseases and disabilities m the

native. Moon, who signifies mother is m seventh house, a maraka

house and moon is also very weak. The fourth and fifth houses
which indicate mother and children are also occupied by the

malefic Rahu, and Saturn respectively, which adversely effect these

houses. So, in such a condition the natives will never get the
happmess from having children.

4. The native who is bom in Cancer ascendant occupied by Mars

and Rihu, and the fifth house is occupied by Moon and Saturn will
never have children. This combination is simple and easily

understandable. The ascendant is occupied by Mars, and Rahu and

among them Mars is debilitated. The lord of the ascendant, Moon is
also debilitated and it is with Saturn, a bitter enemy. In this

combination, the native has all the chance of some serious

diseases. The debilitated Moon and Saturn are aspected by Rahu,

which mcreases the negative influence on the fifth house

5. The native will be childless when Mars, Rahu, Sun and Saturn

are m ascendant, 5th house, 8th house and 12th houses respectively
and the lords of the ascendant and the fourth are m 6th, 8th or 12th.
The lord of the ascendant and fifth house are badly placed.
Ascendant is occupied by Mars, which is accepting the fourth and

eighth houses with its Caturasra Drsti So, the fourth house, which

indicates mother has the negative influence of Mars. Fifth house is

occupied by Rahu, which is veiy bad for children. The eighth house
in occupied by Sun and it is aspected by Mars as said earlier and it
may be joined by the lord of the ascendant and fifth also. Saturn is
m the 12th house and it is aspectmg the second and ninth houses

with its Tridasa Drsti. So, its aspect on the ninth house is also very

bad, and it also may be joined by the lords of the ascendant and
fifth house Under these conditions, the native will be childless.

6. When Mars Rahu, and Jupiter are m the eighth house and the

fifth house is occupied by Saturn and Moon, the native will be

childless. The sigmflcator for children, Jupiter is badly placed in

the eighth house with Mars and Rahu. So, Jupiter is devoid of
strength. The fifth house is occupied by Moon and Saturn, which
are bitter enemies and their placement is very bad for the occupied

house. As they are occupying the fifth house, it will adversely effect

the progeny. The native will be childless

So, under these conditions, the native will be childless due to

the curse of the Mother and here also Rahu plays an important role.

Let us see how the curse of a brother25 leading to

childlessness. Amongst the Grahas, Mars26 in the sigmfier for

brother and third house27 signifies brothers. Third house

indicates younger co-boms and eleventh house indicates elder co-


1. The native will be issueless, when the lord of the third house is

with Rahu and Mars is in the fifth and the lord of the ascendant and

the fifth are in eighth house In this combmation, the fifth house is

occupied by the malefic Mars The lord of the ascendant and fifth

house are powerless as they have occupied one of the inauspicious

v- house, the eighth house and they are aspected by Mars with its

Caturasra Drsti which is in the fifth house. The lord of the third

house, which indicates brother is with the malefic Rahu I have

already stated that eighth house has a special importance in curses

and in this combmation, the lord of the ascendant and fifth house

have occupied that house

2. When the fifth house is a sign of Mercury and it is occupied y

Saturn and Rahu, and Mercury and Mars are in the 10th house, the

native will be issueless. This combination is related to Taurus and

Aquarius ascendant, as they have the house of Mercury as their
fifth house The lord of the fifth house is powerless as it is
occupying the twelfth house with Mars, a cruel malefic, which also
indicates brother And, for these two ascendants, Mars is not so
auspicious. The fifth house is also weak as it is occupied by the

Saturn, a Graha of neuter gender and Rahu, a cruel malefic in

progeny matters.

3. When the lord of the third house is in the eighth house and

Jupiter is m the fifth house associated with Saturn and Rahu, the
native will be issueless. The lord of the third house, which indicates
brother is m the eighth house, one of the inauspicious houses and
the fifth house is occupied by Jupiter, the sigmficator for children,

but it is devoid of strength due to its association with Rahu, and


Sometimes the curse of brahmanas28 also effect the progeny.

So, let us see the combinations for lack of issues due to the curse

of brahmanas Jupiter and Venus29 are considered as the signifier for


brahmanas. Amongst the signs, Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces are

considered as of brahmana signs30.

1. When Rahu is in the sign of Jupiter and Jupiter, Mars and

Saturn are in the fifth house and the lord of the ninth house is m

eighth house, the native will be issueless I have already stated that

Jupiter is the signifier for brahmanas and children and its sign is

occupied by Rahu and the fifth house is occupied by Jupiter along

with the malefic Mars and Saturn. So, the fifth house and the

house of Santanakaraka both are afflicted The lord of the ninth

house, which is the lord Anubhava santana bhava is also devoid of

strength as it is m eighth house and it is aspected by the Mars in

the fifth house. So, under such a condition, the native will be

2 The native will be childless, if the lord of the ninth house is in

fifth, the lord of the fifth house is m the eighth with Jupiter, Mars

and Rahu. The lord of the fifth house is under the negative influence

as it is m eighth house and it is with Jupiter, Mars and Rahu

Jupiter which indicates brahmanas and children is under negative

influence as it is with Rahu and Mars and it is m eighth house,

which has close connection with curses.

3. If the lord of the ninth house is debilitated and the lord of the

twelfth house is in fifth house having an association with Rahu, the

native will have no children. The lord of the ninth house, which has
a great role to play in child matters m powerless as it is m the sign
of debilitation. The lord of twelfth house, one of the mauspicious
houses is in fifth house and it is associated with Rahu, a cruel

malefic in child matters So, such a eombmation will lead to the

misery of the native m child matters.

4. When the Jupiter is debilitated, Rahu, is m ascendant or fifth

house and the lord of the fifth house is m 6th, 8th or 12th houses, the

native will never get child happmess. Jupiter, which is sigmfieator

for children and brahmanas is debilitated The fifth house is afflicted

as it is having as association with Rahu. The lord of fifth house is

also powerless an it is occupying one of the most inauspicious


5. If Jupiter is associated with Saturn m the ascendant and Rahu is

m the 9th house, or Rahu with Jupiter is in the ml2th house, native

will be issueless Santana karaka Jupiter is powerless, when it is

having an association with Saturn or when it is m the twelfth

house with Rahu, and the ninth house is also afflicted as it is

occupied by Rahu.

These combinations reveal the curse of brahmanas resulting m


Parasara has given certain combinations, which indicate the

curse of the wife31 resulting in childlessness. Amongst the 12

houses, 7th house32 mdicates wife and amongst the Grahas Venus33

is the significator for wife.

1. When Saturn and Venus are in the 7th house, the lord of the

eighth house is m the fifth house and the ascendant is occupied by

Sun and Rahu, the native will be issueless. Generally a wife will

curse only when any act of husband hurts her. Generally when the

husband enjoys sexual intercourse with wife through compulsion,

the husband might be cursed by the wife due to displeasure. In the

above combination, the seventh house which indicates wife is

occupied by Saturn and Venus and the ascendant is occupied by

Sun and Rahu. Both Sun and Rahu are accepting the 7th house. So,

both seventh house and Venus, which indicate wife are afflicted.

The fifth house is occupied by the lord of eighth house, which is

also negative for the child matters.

2. When Mars is in the second house, Jupiter is m the twelfth house

and the fifth house is occupied by Venus having an association

with Saturn and Rahu, the native will be childless. Santana karaka

Jupiter is powerless as it is occupying twelfth house. Mars which is

m the second house is accepting the fifth and ninth houses, with

its Caturasra Drsti which puts negative influence on Santana Venus,

who is the Karaka of wife is m fifth house and it is also powerless as

it is having an association with Saturn and Rahu.

3. The native will be childless, when Rahu is m the ascendant,

Saturn in the fifth house, Mars is in the 9th house and the lords of

the fifth and seventh are in the eighth house. The lord of fifth and
seventh, which mdicate children and wife respectively are badly

placed in the eighth house. The ascendant, fifth house and ninth

house have negative influence as they are occupied by Rahu, Saturn

and Mars Under such a condition, the native will never get the
happiness of children

Parasara says that sometimes the native will be childless due

to the curse of a departed soul34 or spirit. Scientific world does not

agree the existence of souls. But many researches have proved
their existence. Let us know about the combinations, which
indicates Souls curse.

1. The native will be childless due to the curse of a departed soul,

when Saturn and Sun are m the fifth house, the waning moon is m

the seventh house and Rahu and Jupiter are m the 12th house. In

horary astrology, Mandi is considered as the sigmficator for departed

souls. But in horoscopes, Mandi has least importance and none of

the texts have clearly mentioned about the fact that which amongst

the nine Grahas signify souls Spnt or Pretatma means the soul which

has not got a blissful or the one whose funeral ntes are not
properly done. In this combination, the malefic Saturn and sun are
occupying the fifth house, which makes the fifth house powerless.
Moon is also weak and it is occupying the seventh house. Jupiter

and Rahu, which are spiritual Grahas have occupied the inauspicious

house. So m this combination, the fifth house and the Santana karaka

are under malefic influence

2 The native will be issueless, when Rahu is m the ascendant,

Saturn is m the fifth and Jupiter is m the eighth house. In this

combination Rahu in the ascendant is aspectmg the fifth and ninth

houses. Jupiter, which is a spiritual Graha is m the eight house and

it is aspected by the Saturn in the fifth house.

3. When Venus, Jupiter and Rahu, are m the ascendant associated

with Moon and Saturn and the lord of the ascendant is in the
eighth house, the native will be issueless. In this combination,

Santana karaka, Jupiter, the ascendant and the ascendant lord are

under negative influence.

4. When Saturn is m the ascendant, Rahu in the fifth, Sun m the

eighth and Mars m the twelfth house the native will be childless.

These combinations reveal the curse of departed Souls

resulting in childlessness. Parasara has recommended the remedial

measures for these curses. Parasara recommends Kanyadana and

feedmg brahmanas for the curse of a father. Recitation of Gayatri

Mantra and feeding brahmanas are recommended for the mothers

curse. Charity is recommended for brothers cruse. A native must

give charity and feed brahmanas for the curse of brahmanas Kanyadana

is recommended for the curse of wife and performance of Pin da Dana

is recommended for the curses of a departed soul.

We knew about the various curses resulting m childlessness.

Let us know about the role of Rahu -Ketu with the help of certain


Example 1:

Male Horoscope

Asce Moon
Sun Sat 95 55

Yen Ketu Sat Ketu

Jup 55
59 95 Navamsa
55 95
Graha Chakra
Mars 55

Asce Mars
Moon 99
Ven Mandi
Moon Rahu 55
Mandi Rahu Jup

2-4-1975, 6 10 A.M. bom at

Cannanore, Latitude -11.52N, longitude- 75.25E, Mula Naksatra,

balance of Ketu dasa-6 years , 6 month 0 days

In this chart, Rahu is m the ninth house, the house of Anubhava

Santana But Rahu is aspected by the powerful Jupiter, as it is in its

own house.

Female horoscope

Moon Jup 55 Asce Mars

Ven Ketu Mandi Asce 55
Ketu 55

Sun Sat Navamsa Mer
Graha Chakra Ven Chakra 55

Mars 55

Mer Sun
Moon 55
Rahu 55

55 55 55 Jup,

21 02 1977, 2.55P.M, bom at Punalur in Kerala, Latitude

8.54N, Longitude -76.38E, Revati Naksatra Balance of Mercurys dasa

16 years 01 Months and 09 days

In this chart Rahu is m the fifth house and Sun is in the ninth

house. The fifth house is aspected by Jupiter, the significator for

children The lord of the fifth house is also powerfully placed in the

tenth house in its sign of exaltation. In the male chart also the lord

of the fifth house, Moon is powerfully placed m tenth house, a

friendly sigh for moon.

In both Charts, there are certain problems regarding

children. But the fifth house of the Chart is aspected by Jupiter,

the significator for children, which assures them children. But

these couple did not have children immediately after the marriage.

They got the happiness of children m the fifth year of married life


and before that they have done many remedial measures also The

main remedial measures done by them were Nagapuja, Nagapratistha

and Sasti Vrata These remedial measures were fruitful for them. The

couple had no physical problems but still they had to wait for the

children. These horoscope, prove the role of Rahu m children


Example -2

Male Horoscope

Sun Mer Mer

Asec Jup Moon Sat Ven 99
Ketu Venu
99 Mars
Asec 99

Graha Chakra Navamsa

Sat Chakra
Mandi Ven Mars
99 99 99
Rahu Sun
Moon Ketu 99


2-4-1978, 9 30A.M, bom at Kasargod, Keral, Latitude -12.36 N

Longitude- 75-2E, Uttarasadha Naksatra, balance of Suns dasa- at

birth is Oyears 7 Months, 23 days

Female Horoscope

99 Jup 99
Rahu 99
Sat 99 99
Mandi 99

Graha Chakra Navamsa
Mars 99
Ven Ven 95

Sun Sun
Mer Sat 99
Jup 99
Ketu Mandi

5-12-1984, 7.30A.M, bom at Karkal, Karnataka, Asvmi

Naksatra Balance, of Ketu dasa- lyear 1 Month, 16 days, Latitude -

13.12N, Longitude 74.59 E.

In the male horoscope, fifth house is occupied by Rahu and the lord

of fifth house is also m twelfth house The fifth house and fifth lord

dont have any beneficial aspects. In the female chart, the fifth

house is occupied by Moon and the lord of the fifth house is m its

sign of exaltation and the fifth house is aspected by the by Jupiter,

which is the Santana Karaka So, female horoscope indicates the

chance of children. But, in this case, the male chart is having

problems regarding children and the female chart is showing the

chance of children. But, the female had many miscarriages. Still

the couple are not having any children. But, as the female chart is

good, the couple will have children, but they may face delay.


Male Horoscope

Mer Sun Moon Moon

Asce Ven
Sat Mars Jup Mandi
Ven 99
Navamsa Mars
Graha Chakra Ketu
Asce 99
Rahu 99

Ketu Mandi 99

Mar Jup 99 99

27-4-1966, 12.55A.M, bom at Cannanore Kerala, Punarvasu

Naksatra, Balance of Jupiters dasa- 9years, .9Months, and 2days

Latitude -11.52N, longitude 75.25 E.

Female Horoscope

Sun 99
Rahu Asec
99 99
Sat 99

Mer 99 Ven
Navamsa Mandi
Sun Graha Chakra 99
Chakra 99

Jup Asec
Ven Moon
Mer Mars Ketu Jup
Rahu 99 99
Mandi Sat

3-2-1974 7.25 P.M. bom at -Cananore Mrgasira Naksatra,

balance of kujas dasa- lyear 8Months, 25days.

In the female horoscope, fifth house is occupied by Rahu and the

lord of fifth house is in its sign if debilitation. There are no good

influences on the fifth house as well as on the Jupiter. In the male

horoscope, fifth house is occupied by Rahu and the lord of fifth

house Venus is well placed m the second house. But, the fifth
house is not having any positive influence and the lord of the nmth
house i.e Mercury is also debilitated and it is with Saturn So, both

horoscopes indicate problems regarding children. After so many

years of marriage, the couple is not blessed with children They
have performed many remedial measures But none of the
measures have proved them fruitful. And, the lady has many

miscarriages also. This many due to the powerful influence of Rahu

and absence of beneficial influence on the fifth house.

Example -4

Male horoscope

Moon Asce
55 55
Sat Asce Sun Sat
Sun Mars
Ven Navamsa Rahu
Graha Chakra Ketu Ketu Chakra
Mars Jup
Mar Mandi
55 55 55
Ketu 55 55

15.8.1971, 3.45 A.M, bom at Trivandrum, Kerala, Rohini

Naksatra balance of Moons dasa- 4 years, 10 Months, 16days,

Latitude -8.31 N, Longitude-77.00E.

Female horoscope

Jup Ketu Mars 9 9

99 99
Asec 55

9 9 Moon Sun
Sat Jup Mars
Graha Chakra Ven Navamsa
Sun 9 9 Chakra
Mer 99

Asce Ven Rahu Mandi 99 Moon

Asce Mandi

18-1-1976, 6 OOA.M, bom at Bangalore, Karnataka, Pusya

Naksatra balance of Saturns dasa- 3years, 4 Months, 23days,

Latitude -12.58 N, Longitude-77.38E

In the male horoscope, the fifth and ninth houses are unoccupied.

But the lords of these house, viz- Venus and Saturn are badly

placed. Venus is in the second house with Sun and Ketu and its an

enemy sign for Venus and Sun is also its enemy Saturn is in the

twelfth house with Moon and Moon is the enemy of Saturn In the

female chart, the fifth house is occupied by Ketu and the lord of the

fifth house viz- Mars is also not so powerful. Saturn is aspecting

the fifth house After many years of marriage, they are childless

and they also have done several remedial measures. But still they

dont have any results to be happy.

In all these four examples, one of the nodes is placed m the

fifth house and all are having problem with child matter. Only in

the first example, where both the horoscope had powerful aspect of
Jupiter were gifted with a child. All these examples clearly prove
that the nodes have a great influence over the children when they
are connected in any way to child matters. They also mdicate

certain types of curse, which the person is having and which must
be properly solved. So, we must agree that the nodes have a great

importance in progeny.

7.2 Role of Rahu -Ketu in Diseases

According to ancient Indian Ayurveda teachrs, the balanced

state of the Tridosas viz- Vata, Pitta and Kapha indicates healthy

condition of a native and any imbalance in this state will lead to

health problems. All the people bom m this world want to be
healthy. But, each and every man is disturbed by diseases. So,
nobody m this world is m a position to consider himself as healthy
The changes m the weather bring about many variations m the life
of all bemgs including mankind. Accordmg to Medical Science, the
main causes behmd the diseases are physical, environmental and
psychological. But, according to Astrology, the combinations of the

Grahas, the changes in the period of Grahas; both ruling period and

sub-period, the changes of the positions of the Grahas m transit etc

bring about changes in the life of beings and this will cause
diseases. The main failure of medical science is that, it has no
devices or machines or paths to find out when a Particular man will
be attacked by the diseases and the one of the prominent use of
astrology is that it can mdicate the time periods, which will disturb
the heath condition of a person. Astrology helps the mankind to
take necessary precautionary measures and avoid the diseases.

Astrology is the scientific branch which connects astronomy,

which is about the celestial objects and other scientific branches
biology, zoology, medicme, which are about beings. Thats why B.V.
Raman Says, Man and the Universe cannot be separated from each
other. Therefore Sages were the first to bridge the gulf between
astronomy and biology with the great discipline of astrology35. As
Astrology is the science of time, it is helpful to all the branches of
medical science With the help of astrology, one can clearly judge
the longevity of a diseasesed person before giving him any type of
treatments. Because, if a person is not having longevity then all the
treatments given to him are simple wastages. In medical science,
there are no ways to find out the longevity of a person.

srfjwt f 1^r trateRW n36

According to Dr. Charak, Astrology can help in two ways.

Firstly, when adverse planetary influences indicate the occurrence
of an ailment at a future date and medical science has
understandably no clue about it... Secondly, it can sometimes
indicate whether or not surgical intervention is going to help and

when. In addition, it is possible that a sound astrologer may able to
point to a diseased organ or region when the medical man is
fmdmg it difficult to locate the site of the illness. This may help
taking some preventive steps especially the astrological remedial
measures to forestall the malady. For a medical man it is not

possible to predict the future illness37.

Dr. Jagannatha Rao recommends the consultation of

astrologers by medical practioners. He says m his book. Medical
Astrology that We have seen cases where persons were declared
fit, but only after a few years they became invalids. And the medical
men were unable to foresee the calamity and could not give a word
of advice as a fore warning An apparently hale and healthy
individual dies suddenly of heart failure and a person who is
declared as a hopeless ease by doctors survives Why? What
answer the doctors have to this question. They may say it is their
fate. That is exactly what we want. Yes, fate is true and the science
of astrology helps as to know ones fate. So, where is the harm m
learning astrology and applying it to daily practice 38.

According to Astrology, the diseases which disturb the life of

a man has not only visible causes but also certain invisible causes.
The invisible causes are


tfrsT wi^dr w ^ *ic# w wwn w

^n^ir ^tht w^r ww n
twaift ?&3w #5q# 4Wcbm n39

A sin committed by a person to god, family deity, brahmanas etc,

black magic, troubles from souls- all these are the invisible reasons

behind the diseases Medical science has no ways to know these

invisible reasons. So, Medical science has no other friend as

Astrology, which will help it m its every step. Astrology helps to

know the time, when a person will be troubled by a disease. One

can also know the organ or part of the body, which will be affected

by a disease with the help of Astrology. Astrology also tells us the

depth of the disease and the necessary treatment, required for the

disease. So, it is sure that, Astrology is the best and supporting

branch of knowledge to medical science

Accordmg to Astrology, all the beings including human beings

are influenced by the Grahas The nature of the influence of a Graha

will vary from one horoscope to another. A Graha which bestows

wealth and prosperity to a native m a horoscope may be the creator

of diseases and problems in another horoscope. So, there is no

doubt in that the nature of the influence of the Grahas, vary from

one horoscope to another. Grahas influence the people accordmg to

their signification, nature, the nature of houses and signs occupied

by them Let us know about the role of Rahu and Ketu m diseases.

Almost all the astrological texts mention about the diseases

caused by different Grahas Amongst the Trigunas, Rahu - Ketu

represent Tamoguna means they are of Tamasik nature. They are of

sharpness nature and amongst the Tridosas they mdicate windy

nature (Vataprakrti) Among the five elements, they mdicate Vayu Tatva.

All these factors are very important m judging the diseases from

Rahu - Ketu All the Grahas mdicate certain diseases m the twelve

signs of the zodiac. Let us know, what are the diseases mdicated by

Rahu - Ketu in twelve signs.

Rahu m Aries indicates diseases of the brain, head, eyes, face,

muscles, nose etc. Rahu m Taurus indicates diseases related to

mouth, tongue, tooth diseases, problems m speech etc Rahu m

Gemini indicates Asthma, fever neck problems etc. Rahu m cancer

indicates stomach diseases, heart diseases, high blood pressure.

Cancer etc. Rahu m Leo indicates heart diseases, heart attacks, eye

diseases etc. Rahu in Virgo indicates stomach diseases, kidney

troubles, back pam problems etc. Rahu m Libra signifies sexual

diseases, kidney troubles, excessive discharge of urrne, burning

sensation etc. Rahu in Scorpio signifies impotency, sexual diseases,

pregnancy problems, uterus troubles etc. Rahu in Sagittarius

signifies thigh problems, bone problems, problems in walking etc.

Rahu m Capricorn signifies diseases related to legs, accidents, major

surgeries etc. Rahu m Aquarius indicates knee problems, joint

pains, problems m walking etc Rahu m Pisces indicates weakness,

diseases related to legs, paralysis etc.

Ketu in Anes indicates diseases related head, eyes, brain

tumour, paralysis etc. Ketu m Taurus signifies blmdness, tongue

diseases, problem in speech etc. Ketu in gemim indicates Asthama,

hearing problems, deafness, breathing problems etc. Ketu m cancer

indicates high blood pressure, stomach diseases, heart troubles,

accident etc. Ketu m Leo mdicates blood pleasure, eye diseases,

spondilitis etc Ketu in Virgo mdicates stomach diseases, back pam

problems, lever problems, etc Ketu m Libra indicates kidney

troubles, urme troubles, sexual diseases etc. Ketu m Scorpio

mdicates sexual diseases, back pam problems paralysis etc. Ketu in

Sagittarius mdicates thigh problems. Ketu in Capricorn signifies

knee problems, mental problems, problems in walking etc. Ketu m

Aquarius signifies diseases related to legs. Ketu m Pisces indicates

problems in walking, epilepsy, coma, headache etc.

We have seen the diseases signified by ten nodes m twelve

signs. Let us know about diseases indicated by the nodes in twelve
houses. If one of the nodes is in ascendant, then it indicates

diseases related to head. It includes small troubles like headache

and big problems like brain tumor also. In the second house they

indicate diseases related to face, eye trouble, speech troubles etc.

In the third house they indicate ear troubles, neck problems etc. In

the fourth house, they indicate heart troubles, cancer, accidents,

unnatural deaths, chest pam, Asthma etc, When one of the nodes

is m the fifth house, they indicate mental problems. When they are

in the sixth houses the native may have disease like back pain,

stomach diseases etc. Their position m the seventh house indicates

unnal troubles, problems related to sexual inter course etc The

native may have sexual diseases when one of the nodes is m eighth

house. Thigh problems are mdicated by them when they are m the

ninth house. Diseases related to legs, paralysis, weakness etc, are

indicated by them when they are m the tenth house. Their

placement in the eleventh house mdicates ear troubles joint pains

and knee troubles. When one of the nodes is in twelfth house, the

native will be affected by leg troubles, eye diseases etc.

Astrological texts have enumerated various diseases indicated

by the nodes. Let us know about them.

TRTxpfcf 40............... Accordmg to Mantresvara,

Rahu indicates heart troubles leprosy, fever, poisoning, leg pam,

ulcer etc. Both the nodes mdicate windy diseases. ^58^^

According to Vaidyanatha41, Rahu creates epilepsy leprosy, ulcer,

imprisonment etc. and Ketu creates skm diseases, leprosy etc.

According to kalidasa42, Rahu creates windy and phlegm related

diseases and Ketu gives stomach diseases, eye diseases, windy

diseases, leprosy etc. Generally, the placement of nodes m 6th, 8th
and 12th houses makes them as creators of diseases and their
relationship with lords of these houses is also bad.

Let us know about various diseases caused by the nodes.

When Rahu is m the ascendant, it will create diseases m the upper

portion of the body 1 e. face. Almost all the astrological texts have

mentioned this factor. And, Rahu44 in ascendant also creates blood

pressure and ailments m body

7.2.1 Eye Diseases

If Sun is m the ascendant with Rahu and Saturn and Mars are

m fifth and nmth houses, the native will be blind from birth. The

above combination explains the janmandha roga 45 Sun, which is the

signifier of eyes is under the malefic influence of Rahu The fifth and
ninth houses are occupied by Saturn and Mars. Saturn in

aspectmg the second house with its Tridasa Drsti and second house
indicates right eye. Mars in aspectmg the twelfth house with its

Gaturasra Drsti and twelfth house indicates left eye. So, the eye

indicating houses are inflicted and the sigmfier of eyes i.e. sun is

also under malefic influence of Rahu So, these reasons will result in

the blindness of the native from birth.

7.2.2 Contagious Diseases

When the eighth house is occupied by Rahu -Ketu, Saturn and

Mars, and they have relationship with marak lords, then the native

will suffer from contagious diseases46. The occupation of the eighth

house by malefic Grahas is bad for the health of the native. In this

combination the maraka lord is also having the relationship. So this

relationship is also very bad The Grahas mentioned here represent

Tamoguna and the Tamasik nature of these Grahas and the occupation

of an undesirable house create contagious diseases

7.2.3 Speech trouble

If the lord of the second house is conjoined by one of the

nodes then the native will have trouble m speaking47. Second
house indicates speech. So, when the lord of the second house is
jomed by one of the nodes the speech of the native will be affected

If the lord of the second house is with Rahu or with the lord of the

house of occupied by Rahu and is in one of the undesirable houses

then the native will have troubles related to teeth, tongue etc.
during the mam period and sub-penod of the lord of the second
house. In this combination, the lord of the second house is related
with Rahu or with the lord of the house occupied by Rahu. And, it is

in one of the inauspicious houses viz-6th, 8th, and 12th houses. The

native will suffer from diseases related to teeth and tongue and the
second house mdicates teeth and tongue.

Accordmg to Parasara48 , when Saturn is with Rahu, the sixth

house is occupied by malefic Grahas and the lord of the sixth house

is having relationship with malefic Grahas then the native will be

troubled by diseases throughout his life. Sixth house is the house

of diseases. So, in judging the diseases, the sixth house and the
lord of the sixth house are very important. In this combination, the
sixth house in occupied by malefic The lord of the sixth house is
having relationship with malefies. Both these conditions adversely

effect the native And, Saturn is joined by Rahu and both of them

are of Tamasik nature which is also bad for the health of the native

So, under such condition, the native will be troubled by diseases of

various types throughout his life.

If the third house is occupied by one of the nodes or the lord

of the third house is having relationship with one of the nodes,
then the native will suffer from diseases related to neck and
throat49 Neck and throat are indicated by third house and its lord.
So, the occupation of the third house by one of the nodes or the
relationship of the lord of the third house, with one of the nodes,
indicates diseases and troubles related to neck and throat.
7.2.4 Epilepsy

The native will suffer from epilepsy50 if the eighth house is

occupied by Rahu and Moon. Placement of Moon and Rahu in a

house is always considered as bad and it adversely affects the

native. In this combmation, they are m eighth house, one of the

most inauspicious houses. Moon is of satvic nature and Rahu is of

Tamasika nature So, their placement in a house is always bad.

The native will suffer from epilepsy, when Rahu is m

ascendant and the sixth house is occupied by Moon In this

combmation the Tamasik Rahu is in ascendant, which is an

indication of diseases of upper body and the sixth house, which is

the house of diseases is occupied by Moon.

7.2.5 Mental Diseases:


'iMWIibsT TK'Mdl <*>dc?ft-4^ld II 51

When moon is with Rahu and other malefic Grahas m fifth, eighth and

twelfth houses, the native will suffer from mental diseases. Moon is

of satvik nature and is the indicator of mind. Rahu is of Tamasik

nature and when Rahu is placed with moon, it creates mental

disorders. Among the twelve houses, eighth and twelfth are the
inauspicious houses. The fifth, house also indicates mind. In this

combination, moon is with Rahu in fifth, eighth or twelfth house and

such a combination indicates mental disorder. The native may be

quarrelsome, cruel and unkind

If the fifth house is occupied by Saturn, Rahu and mandi, the

lord of the fifth house is also under the aspect of malefics and the

fifth house is not occupied by any benefics, then the native is will

suffer from loss of memory 52 . The native will forget things. Native

memory power will be less. And it is also a kind of mental sickness.

The fifth house, which mdicates mind is occupied by malefics like

Saturn, Rahu and mandi, and there are no beneficial influence on

the fifth house. And the lord of the fifth house is also aspected by

malefics. So, it is also powerless. So, both fifth house and the lord

of the fifth house are influenced by malefics which make them

powerless. The Grahas m fifth house are of Tamasik nature, which is

also bad. So, such a condition results m loss f memory

When powerless Moon, Rahu and mars are m twelfth house,

the native will suffer from mental diseases53. The powerless Moon

indicates the weak state of Mind and it is with the strong malefics -

Rahu and Mars in twelfth house, one of the mauspicious houses.

Moon is influenced by the Tamasik Rahu and Mars. In such a

combination, the native will have mental diseases and he may show

violent tendencies also. The native will be violent because, Moon is

influenced by Mars, which is a Graha of violent nature.

According to Dr Shukadeva Chatervedi54, if moon, Venus

and the lord of the eight house are influenced by Rahu- Ketu, or

mandi the native will have mental disturbances due to impure food.

This combination is also mentioned in Prasnamarga Rahu, Ketu and

mandi mdicate impure food Impure food indicates filthy food or

poisonus food.

7.2.6 Heart Diseases

When the lord of the ascendant is weak and having the

aspect of malefies, and the fourth house is occupied by Rahu, the

native will have heart diseases55. It is seen m many horoscopes,

that when Rahu is placed in the fourth house, the native will have

heart diseases Fourth house of a chart indicates heart. Rahu also

indicates heart. In this combination, the lord of the ascendant is
weak, and is having the aspect of malefies, which mdicates the

chances of diseases. Rahu m the fourth house indicates heart. So,

the native always has the chances of heart diseases.

7.2.7 Tuber Diseases

When Saturn is in the sixth house aspected by Mars, Sun

and Rahu and it is not having any relationship with benifics, then

the native will suffer from tuberculosis56. The Tamasik Saturn is

occupying the sixth house, which indicates diseases. Saturn is

aspected by Sun, Mars and Rahu and among them sun is of satvik
nature and Mars and Rahu are of Tamasik nature. This aspect

increases the malefic influence on the sixth house And none of the

benefics are having any relationship with Saturn So, under such a

condition, the native has the chances of tuberculosis.

TH# f cPfcr W S7||

When Rahu is ascendant, or when Saturn Mars and Rahu are

together is with Rahu in eighth house and the eighth house is

occupied by mandi, the native will suffer from certain severe

diseases. Three combination are mentioned here. The placement of

Rahu m ascendant is very bad for the health. When Saturn, Mars

and Rahu, which are of Tamasik nature are together m any house, it
also mdicates severe diseases When the eighth house is occupied

by the lord of the ascendant with Rahu, it also mdicates the chances

of certain severe diseases. The conjunction of Rahu with the lord of

ascendant is also very bad for the health. Severe diseases means
the diseases which last for a longtime and which cannot be easily
treated and removed and which will bring death also.

When Rahu is in ascendant, mandi is in triangular houses or

Mars and mandi, are m eighth house, the native will suffer from

certain severe diseases58. In this particular combination, the

Tamasik Rahu is in ascendant. Mandi is in one of the triangular

houses or it is with the Tamasik Mars m eighth house, one of the

inauspicious houses. So, such a combination is always bad for the

health of the native.

When the sixth house is occupied by Saturn and Mars and it

is aspected by Sun and Rahu, the native will suffer from the

diseases59 which last for a long time. The sixth house is occupied

by the Tamasik Saturn and Mars and aspected by Satvik Sun and

Tamasik Rahu and the lord of the ascendant is also very weak. In

this combination, the sixth house is totally under the influence of


When Saturn is m the Seventh house and it is aspected by

Rahu, the native will suffer from diseases60 related to unnaiy

bladder, kidney etc. The seventh house indicates the unnaiy

troubles Seventh house is aspected by the Tamasik Saturn and it is

aspected by the Tamasik Rahu. So, the seventh house is under severe

malefic influence and it will result m urinary troubles.

7.2.8 Leprosy:

Rahu has been considered as the main cause behmd leprosy.

When one of Mars and Mercury are the lord of ascendant and

joined by Saturn, Moon and Rahu, the native will suffer from

leprosy. Mars is of Tamasik nature. Mercury is of Rajasik nature.

One of them is the lord of the ascendant and it is joined by the

Tamasik Saturn Rahu and Satvik Moon. Such a combination will lead

to the disease of leprosy.


WfWMW TTf# Ti^r: tjw l|6i

When Rahu and Sun are m the eighth house, the native will have

leprosy. If the Rahu and Sun are joined by Mars m the eighth house,

then the native will be suffering from severe stage of leprosy. The
eighth house is mentioned here, which is one of the inauspicious

houses. The placement of malefic Grahas m eighth house is always

bad for the health and longevity. In this combination, the Tamasik

Rahu and Satvik Sun are m the eighth house, which results m

leprosy. The native will have a higher level of leprosy, when these

Grahas are jomed by the Tamasika Mars

If Moon, Mercury and the lord of the ascendant are with Rahu

and Ketu then the native has the chances of leprosy62. In this

combination, the lord of the ascendant the, Satvik Moon and the

Rajasik Mercury are with the Tamasik nodes. So the Grahas of Trigunas

are jomed.

In the above combinations, we can notice that Moon, Mercuiy

and Rahu have a great role in the disease of leprosy. Almost all the

astrological texts have considered Rahu as the mam reason behind


Accordmg to me, the nodes have a great role m the sexual

diseases, which haunt a native The placement of nodes in seventh
and eight houses or the conjunction of the nodes with Venus m one
of the inauspicious houses result m sexual diseases. Both Venus
and nodes create excessive sexual interest which result m various

types of sexual diseases.

We have seen the various diseases caused by the nodes. But,

before deciding the diseases, we must consider certain pomts We

must know the houses and signs occupied by the Grahas, the

relationship between the Grahas, aspects beneficial and negative

influences and strength of the Grahas All these points must be kept

m mind to decide the diseases m a chart. We have seen the various

diseases caused by the nodes. Let us know about this fact with the
help of horoscopes


Mer Sun Mars 55

Ven Mars Mandi Sun Ketu

Mars n 55
Ketu Navamsa
Graha Chakra Chakra
55 Asce
Rahu Moon
Moon Ven Mars
Jup Rahu Sat

17-4.1960, 9 40 A.M, bom at Udupi, Latitude 13 20 N, longitude

74.6E, Purvasadha Naksatra, Balance of Venus dasa at birth 16 years

3 months 14 years.

In this chart Rahu is m fourth house, Ketu is with Mars, the lord of

maraka house l e seventh house. The eighth house is occupied by

Saturn, Moon and Jupiter forming Gajakesari Yoga Saturn m eighth

house also increases the longevity. The lord of the ascendant is also
exalted, which also increases the longevity. The fourth house is

occupied by Rahu. The fourth house mdicates heart and Rahu also

mdicates heart. Till the end of the Mars dasa everything was fine.

But m the Rahu sub-period of Rahus ruling period, the person had a

heart attack The condition of his health got worst and till now he

has not come out of the heart troubles. Rahu in the fourth house is

always bad and it is of Tamasik nature Further it is aspected by

Mars, which is also of Tamasik nature and is the lord of seventh

house, a maraka house and it increases the heart troubles. But the

Rahu in fourth house is aspected by Jupiter with its Trikona Drsti and

it might have saved his life. But, still now his health condition is



77 77 77


Graha Chakra
77 Jup
Sat Sun
Asce Mer

This horoscope is taken from the Malayalam Astrological Magazme

Ksheera PathanT. 14 10 1955, Sravana Naksatra Balance of Moons

dasa 0 years 3 months 0 days

This chart is of a epilepsy patient. This diseases started during the

Ketu, sub-period of Rahus ruling period. In this chart, Rahu is m

second house and Ketu is m eighth house. Rahu is with Saturn and

both are of Tamasik nature. The fifth house is occupied by Mars,

which is also of Tamasik nature and its a powerful maraka in this

chart, as it is the lord of second and seventh house. Ketu in the

eighth house is aspected by the Mars. Both Rahu and Ketu are not

having any beneficial influences. The lord of the fifth house, Saturn

is with malefic Rahu. This person was normal till the end of

Mercurys sub-period. It was m the Ketus sub-penod, got the

problem of epilepsy, at the age of 18. After that he became mentally

upset slowly, there were changes in his behavior. He became
violent. He was gettmg angry on small issues. He was
uncontrollable He became mentally sick.


Jup Asce
Moon Sun Mandi Sun Jup
Sat Ven
99 Mandi
Rahu Navamsa
Graha Chakra Chakra
Moon 99

Ketu Ven Rahu

Asce 99
Mars 99 Mars Mer Sat 99

9-7-1999, 4 40 PM, bom at Belthangady Latitude 12 50N, Longitude -

75 13E, Krttika Naksatra, Balance of Suns dasa 3 years, 0 months and 28


In this chart Ketu is m second house and Rahu is in eighth house Ketu

in the second house is aspected by Tamasik Mars with its Caturasra

Drsti and by Tamasik Saturn with its Tridasa Drsti This chart belongs

to a boy, who is dumb. Second house, which indicates the talking

abilities is occupied by Ketu which is aspected by the Mars and

Saturn. The lord of the second, Saturn is debilitated and aspected
by Mars. So, both second house and the lord of the second house
are powerless This resulted in the troubles in talking. The boy is
dumb by birth, and I personally feel that, the boy has least chances
of talking abilities. Even doctors have dropped this case They also
have come to the conclusion that this boy cant talk.

7.3 Role of Rahu-Ketu in compatibility

Marriage is an important turning point m the life of a person.

Astrology is the best guide in the selection of a good partner.

Grhasthasrama is one of the four Asramas through which one must

proceed. Accordmg to Hindu tradition, marriage is not meant for

sexual pleasures. But it is intended for begetting children and also

to perform certain rites and duties In compatibility, the mental
unity between the girl and boy is important and the physical unity
is secondary. Thatswhy in Astrology, mental unity is given

importance. wf WT I TT: W TIFfo

These words say the importance of mental unity m marriage. A

study of the Hindu sacred books shows that the marriage ceremony
was given great importance in those periods. Actually these texts
tell us about the qualities of a good boy and girl, the dos and

donts in match making asvalayana grahyasutram tells us about the

qualities of bride and bridegroom. q- -qi^cr:

q-rwicr wmm '?r^r

^r^ipftf^ 3# fterr -^r.................

xT ?ftcT xT qtpfer

^ xrf^r xr TFfranr ^r i
ipr ipiFf w TTffr^r ^?r
- II

But in these texts, compatibility or match making is not mentioned.

Dependmg upon the qualities of bnde and bridegroom, families etc,

marriage were done Varahamihira m his Brhatsamhita says that the

future of the couple must be decided from the Muhurta of marriage

function. But, now a days the match making is given great

importance. Many verses are available, which give a vital in place
for match making.

q^TOlcO W8FT I

w qr n
1^r mi

But, one thing is sure that, compatibility or match making

helps in finding the best life partner and there are no friends like
astrology in this matter.

Match making deals with mental unity, progeny, longevity, developments,

knowledge about good and bad penods etc

teiczf wwir *prt: qfifrjw =st#t

%f^r%: i 4lt^dR^^ swfw^ii: -#r qr^h^TfTf^w ^rrtew

\ II

Longevity is knovm from the eighth house, name and developments

from the ascendant, progeny from the fifth house, marriage and
unity from seventh house and renunciation from the ninth house
All these factors must be considered is m match making.

Seventh house m a chart is considered the house of marriage.

Among the navagrahas Venus is considered as Kalatrakaraka . But, the

lord of seventh house, the Grahas m seventh house and the Grahas,

aspectmg the seventh house are also considered to know about

partner The beneficial influences on the seventh house and the
occupation of the seventh house by benefices mdicate good married
life while the malefic influence on the seventh house and the
occupation of the seventh house by malefics signify problems in

married life. As both Rahu and Ketu are considered as malefics,

their influence on the seventh house is considered as bad for

marriage and married life But, many have accepted that marriage

takes place in Rahus ruling or sub-penod.


erf^r: iww wb %frrwpjir:65|i

According to this verse, marriage takes place in the period of the

lord of the seventh house, the Graha aspectmg the seventh house,

Graha m the seventh house, the period of Venus and Moon.

According to some scholars, marriage takes place m the period of

Rahu also. But, it is not accepted by all The period of Moon and

Venus are considered by all as the best period of marriage. Both

these Grahas are considered as female Grahas Thatswhy, their period

is considered as helpful for marriage. Even Rahu is considered by

many as female Graha So, they might have considered its period as

good for marriage. But, this view is not accepted by all. My

experience says that this opinion is also true and I have seen many

marriages m the period of Rahu

Generally it is seen that, when Rahu or Ketu is m seventh

house or in fifth house or they have relationship with the lord of

seventh house or they have any relationship with the Kalatrakaraka

Venus, love marriages takes place. Generally, the placement of

nodes m seventh house is considered as bad. Let us know about
the effect of the nodes m seventh house.

When Rahu is in seventh house, the native will loose money due to
his relationship with ladies, he will loose his wife, may be impotent
and lack of intelligence.

W: 67li

When Ketu is in seventh house, the native will show interest m

women of ill repute, lever troubles, will lose his wife and having
diseases due to the lose of semen

Almost all the astrological texts give the same opmion on the
effects of the nodes m seventh house. So we can definitely say that,
nodes give negative influences m seventh house. They create
problems m married life and they cause diseases also. Sometimes
they cause the death of partner also. One thing is sure that they
cause problems in married life, when they are m seventh house.
Problems may come m many ways. Misunderstanding may occur
between the partners or one of them may die or problems may
come m the form of diseases. When one of the nodes is m seventh
house it creates strong urge for sexual satisfaction So, excessive
sexual intercourse is one of the feature when nodes are m seventh
house. This interest may create problems in married life. Because,
one of the partner may not be interested in sexual mtercourse and
we know that, excessive sexual thirst leads to certain diseases also.

Mantresvara has told that, when one of the nodes is in seventh

house, it causes impotency due to the loss of semen. So, it is sure

that the occupation of seventh house by one of the nodes is always
bad for married life.

So, the above factor says that occupation of the seventh

house by one of the nodes causes defect m ones character also.

qmw i

If Rahu or Ketu-is in seventh house, then native will show interest in

other men, if it has malefic aspect she will be interested m wicked

deeds and will be characterless, will be mterested in arguments
and will be of ill repute criticized by all. This verse states the effect
of nodes m seventh house m a female horoscope. But I feel that the
above said results will be seen m a male horoscope also. It is
generally seen that, when one of the nodes is m seventh house, the
native will show mterest m people of opposite sex. This may happen
before marriage or after marriage also If the interest in others
happens before marriage, then it often ends m marriage. This
interest may be m several people not m one person also. And, if the

nodes are having the aspect of malefic Grahas or having any

relationship with malefic Grahas, then this combination will

definitely adversely effect the character of the native.

It is said in astrological texts also that Rahu or Ketu create the

combination of adultery.


If the lord of the seventh house is with Rahu or Ketu and having

malefic aspect, then the native will be adulterer. In this

combination, the lord of the seventh house is with one of the nodes
and it is having malefic aspect. This combmation clearly tells us

the influence of nodes on ones character

If the lord of the seventh house is with Saturn, Mars and Rahu

then it will bring the death of spouse70. We knows that Saturn,

Mars and Rahu are first rate malefics and all these Grahas have a the

nature of separation. So, any relationship with these Grahas will

bring separation. Thatsway m this combmation, the relationship of

the lord of the seventh house with these Grahas will bring the death
of the spouses.

If the seventh house is occupied by Rahu and if the seventh

house is aspected by two malefics, then the native will not have
chance of marriage and if marriage takes place the spouse will be

short lived71. This combination does not indicate Sanyasa Yoga. But,

under this combination, the native will not get a spouse or spouse
may die early. In this combmation, the seventh house is occupied

by Rahu and the seventh house is aspected by two malefics The

occupation of the seventh house by Rahu is a big problem in

married life and when the seventh house is aspected by malefics, it

increases the difficulties. Thatsway, it is said that the spouse will
be short lived or the native may not marry.
When Mars is in sixth house, Rahu in seventh house and

Saturn m eighth house, spouse will die early72 In this combination,

the 6th, 7th and 8th houses are occupied by malefics, which indicate

problems m married life In this combmation not only seventh

house is under malefic influence but also the seventh house is m

Papavarga or surrounded by malefics, and it increases the negative

influence on the seventh house Thatsway, it is said that, m this

combination the spouse will die. This combmation is mentioned m

Jatakadesa73 also, where it is said that if the seventh house or the

lord of the seventh house is in papavarga, it will bring the death of


We have seen the effects of Rahu - Ketu in seventh house. Let

us know about effects of the conjunction of Rahu - Ketu with other

Grahas m seventh house Generally, the conjunction of Rahu - Ketu

with other Grahas m the seventh house mcrease the problem in

married life.

If Rahu and Sun are in seventh house, the native will loose money

due to relationship with ladies. All other Grahas Moon, Mars,

Mercury, Venues, Saturn give the same results. But, only Jupiter

will decrease the negative influence of the nodes. If Jupiter is with

the nodes, then the negative influences of nodes will decrease. With

all the other Grahas, the negative effects will increase. And, if the

nodes are with Venus then the negative influences will be more.

Because, Venus is the sigmfier of spouse and sexual pleasure So,

when Rahu- Ketu is with Venus, the sexual interest of the native will

increase, which may make the native to create relationship with

many women or ill reputed women.

The mam reason behind the negative impact of the nodes m

seventh house is their signification of separation Both Rahu and

Ketu are considered as the sigmfier of separation or Prthak Karakatva

So, when they are m seventh house, they bring separation from the
spouse. This separation may be in the form of death or

\ T& f^T 7W I

TT W 75|!

According to this verse, Rahu, Saturn and Sun are the signifiers of

separation. So, their influence on seventh house brings separation.

Though only Rahu is mentioned m this verse, I feel that, just like

Rahu, Ketu also has the signification of separation. So, the influence
of nodes on seventh house brings separation. This signification of
the nodes must be kept in mind during match- making. I have
already told that the nodes also are responsible for love marriage.
But I have seen that most of the love marriage or affairs under the

influence of nodes are failures. This may be due to the signification

of nodes as separators.

Almost all the astrological texts have mentioned the fact that

Rahu works as Saturn and Ketu as Mars. and

We know that an important factor to be noticed during match

making is Kujadosa or Mangaladosa According to this dosa, When Mars

is m ascendant second house, fourth house, seventh house, eighth

house and twelfth house, it brings the death of the spouse. Almost

all the astrological texts have mentioned about this Kujadosa This

dosa has been considered as a severe one and must not be

neglected, But, as the texts say, Ketu works like Mars. So just like

Mars Ketus influence on these houses will be the same. In

experience, I have seen that Ketu dosa or Ketus influence on seventh

and eighth houses in enough to minimize the effects of Kujadosa So,

if Mars is m one of the houses mentioned above m a boy horoscope,

then Ketu m seventh or eighth house m a girls horoscope m enough

to nullify the negative influences. This signification of Ketu m

prominent fact m match -making.

We have seen the effect of nodes in compatibility. Let us

understand it with the help of horoscopes.

Example: 1

Asce Moon
Moon Jup Sat
Ketu 99
Mer 99

99 99

Graha Chakra Navamsa

Sat Jup Chakra 99

Mer Sun Yen Rahu Asce
Ketu Mars Sun

26-11-1977, 2 02 P.M, bom at Bangalore, Latitude 12.58N,

longitude 77.38E, Rohini Naksatra, balance of Moons, dasa -4 years 6

months 19 days.

In this horoscope, Rahu, is m seventh house, and Ketu in ascendant.

The lord of the seventh house, Mercury is well placed m tenth

house having the aspect of Jupiter But, the placement of Rahu m

seventh house is always bad m marriage matters I have already

told that when one of the nodes is m seventh house, it creates the

chances of love marriage. This girls was also a love marriage.

Marriage took place in the Moons sub-penod of Rahus ruling

period. But, soon after the marriage, problems started m their life.

Both were suspicious about the character of each other. In the sub

period of Mars of Rahus ruling period, they got separated. I have

already told, about the indication of separation by the nodes. The

mam reason behind the separation of the couples was this girls
relation with another man. So, this horoscope is a best example for

several significations of Rahu. Rahu m the seventh house is not

aspected by any benefic Grahas Love marriage, separation and

illegal relationship are available m this horoscope So, this

horoscope is a best example for Rahus role m compatibility In this

horoscope, Rahu was the mam cause behind the love marriage,

separation and illegal relationships.


Sun Rahu Mer 99 99

Mandi Jup Mer Jup

Ven Mars
Ketu 99
Moon Navamsa Mandi
11 Mars
Rasi Sat Moon chart Jup
chart Sat
11 i*

99 99
Sun Asce
11 19 Rahu it

7-5-1976, 5.53A.M, bom at Udupi Latitude 13.20N, Longitude

74.6E, Aslesa Naksatra, Balance of Mercurys dasa 12 years 2 months

and 3 days.

In this horoscope, Rahu is m seventh house and Ketu in the

ascendant with Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Rahu in the seventh house

is aspected by Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Mars. Mars is in the fourth

house and it is accepting Rahu with its Caturasra Drsti. So, Rahu m

having both malefic and benefie aspeetmg. This horoscope is of a

friend of mine. And, this person is well known for his love affairs
He had relationship with many girls before marriage. But, he was

never serious m any of his relationship. Only m one relationship he

mvolved seriously. But that relationship also didnt end m
marriage. Another important factor m this horoscope is that, this
person continued his relationship after the marriage also. So, this

horoscope is a best example for faults m character when Rahu is m

seventh house. This person used his relationship to satisfy sexual

thirst. The aspect of Mars on Rahu increases the sexual thirst,

which created faults m his character and it made him to use the
relationship for sexual pleasure.

The above examples clearly explains the role played by nodes

m ones life So, their role can never be neglected in compatibility.

7.4 Role of Rahu-Ketu in Longevity

The task of the determination of longevity is an important

part of Astrology. It is a different, complicated and important task.
The knowledge of longevity is an important use of astrology.
Thatswhy scholars have told 3TFJST '3TR5TTW tRtbxFW I.

Every human being bom in this earth wants to live a fruitful and
happy long life. But, during the journey of life, everyone has to
undergo many problems and sufferings. Some incidents may end

the life of an individual. The main use of astrology is that, it helps
us to know about the good and bad times. Good times give us

wealth, name and fame and we can make the best use of it while
during the bad times, we may have to undergo sufferings, financial
loss, accident, diseases and sometimes it may end our life. The
knowledge of time makes us to take the necessary actions and
precautions which may decrease the evil effects and increase the

According to astrological principles firstly we must know the

longevity of a person from the horoscope, then only we must think
about the positive and negative factors of the horoscope.

sRFprr f cT^rub fir tnfew n

Phaladipika gives us many details on longevity. If a child dies within

eight year, then it is called as Balarista If the child dies between

eight and twenty years, then it is called as Yogajayu. The death after

20 years and between 32 years is called as Alpayu The death after

32 years and between 70 years is called as Madhyayu and if a

person lives beyond 70 years, then it is called as Pumayu

3T# nsnftw'htiuri' iiMiiRy gipi^tQ' ww -dKiQ^id

'Ifcbllf: 76||

Among the navagrahas, Saturn is the signifier of longevity.

Among the twelve houses, eighth house is related to longevity as it

mdicates death. But, for the determination of longevity, all the

houses and Grahas must be considered Determination of longevity

of human beings m exact and precise m terms of years, months

and day etc. is a difficult task. Long ago sages tackled this question
very easily. But, modem scholars are findmg it difficult. But many
modem scholars have succeed in this question to a great extent. I

have already told that all the Grahas have their influence on the

longevity and as Rahu and Ketu are Grahas, they also have a great role

to play in longevity. So, let us know about the role of Rahu-Ketu m

longevity. Astrological texts mention about different combination

which cause death Let us know about them.

7.4.lBalarista Combinations:

tl# -zmw wiq: 77ll

If Rahu is m one of the angular houses and it has relationship with

malefics, then the child will die immediately after the birth. In this

combination, Rahu is in one of the angular houses. Ascendant,

fourth house, seventh house and tenth houses -are angular

houses. All these houses are important in the judgment of

longevity. So the occupation of one of these houses by Rahu effects

the longevity. And this Rahu is also having a relationship with

malefics. The relationship may be in the form of conjunction or

aspects And, this increases the evil effects of Rahu which results in

an early death.

When Moon is in sixth house or eighth house and it is under

the influence of malefics and Rahu is m fourth house, it will bring

the early death of a child. 78 All the astrological texts have given

importance to the strength and weaknesses of the Moon m the

determination of longevity. In the above combination, Moon is

occupying the sixth or the eighth houses. Sixth, eighth and twelfth

houses are veiy important m the determination of longevity as they

are considered as the most inauspicious houses. Generally, the

occupation of these houses by Grahas always adversely effect the

health and longevity of a native In the above combination, Moon is

m one of the inauspicious house and it is weak as it is under the

influence of malefics and fourth house is occupied by Rahu The

occupation of house by Rahu m always considered as bad and Rahu

will be aspectmg the eighth house, the house of longevity and such

combination leads to early death of the child.

When Rahu is in the ascendant having relationship with

malefics, the child will die at the age of the 5. 79 I have mentioned in

a previous combination that Rahu in angular houses adversely

effects the longevity of a native. In this combination, Rahu is in

ascendant and it is having relationship with malefics. This

relationship may be in the form of conjunction or aspects. This

relationship mcreases the evil influence of Rahu and brings the

death of the child.

SJTRTR ifim T: I

^ 80ll

According to this combination, when Mars is in second house with

Saturn and Rahu in third house, the child will live only for one year.
It means the child will have an early death. In this combination, the
malefic Saturn and Mars are m second house and we know that

second house is one of the maraka houses. So occupation of maraka

house by malefics is always dangerous to the life of the child. Both

these Grahas are aspectmg the eighth house, the house of death In

this combmation Rahu is m third house and it is aspectmg the

seventh house with its Trikona Drsti Seventh house is one of the

maraka house and it mcreases the evil effects So, such a

combination will lead to an early death of the child.

When malefics are m the ascendant and seventh house or m

second house and twelfth house and Rahu is in fourth house, the

child will die in seven days.81 Two combination are explained here.

In both combinations. Rahu is m fourth house. In the first

combination, malefics are in ascendant and seventh house.

Seventh house is one of the marak houses and the ascendant

indicates the physical condition of the native. Both these house are

under malefic influence Rahu m the fourth house is aspectmg the

eighth house, and I have already told earlier that, the occupation of

an angular house by Rahu is death inflicting. So, in this

combination, ascendant, fourth house, seventh house and eighth

house are inflicted, which results m the early death of the child.

In the second combination, the second and twelfth houses

are occupied by malefic Grahas and Rahu is in fourth house. Second

house is one of the marak houses and the occupation of that house

by a malefic always adversely effects the native. In this

combmation, the twelfth house is also occupied by the malefics and

it is one of the inauspicious houses So, m this combination, the

ascendant is surrounded by malefics, which makes the ascendant

weak. Rahu m the fourth house is aspectmg the eighth house and

twelfth houses, which increase the malefic influences. So, such a

condition will lead to an early death of the child.

When Moon is in seventh or ninth house with Saturn, Mars

and Rahu, the child will die in the seventh day or seventh month. 82

In this combination Moon is with mars, Saturn and Rahu and it

weakens the position of Moon. I have already told earlier that, the

strength and weakness of Moon is an important factor m the

determination of longevity. In this combination, as Moon is joined

by cruel malefics, it adversely effects the health of the bom child.

And, it is in seventh or ninth house If these Grahas are in seventh

house, then all will be aspecting the ascendant which weakens the

ascendant. Mars will be aspecting the tenth and second houses.

Saturn is aspecting the ninth and fourth houses. Rahu is aspecting

the eleventh and third houses So, a major portion of the houses

are under malefic aspect If these Grahas m ninth house, then Mars

will be aspecting the twelfth and fourth houses. Rahu will be

aspecting the ascendant and fifth houses. Saturn will be aspecting

the eleventh and sixth houses. So, m this combination also major

houses are aspected by malefics. Such a combination will lead to

an early death of the child

xr ciicWcfl ^ i

t t ffaf^ 83n

If Jupiter or Venus is in their sign of debilitation with Rahu in the

fifth house and if they dont have the aspect of moon, the bom

child will meet its end early. This combination is related to Virgo

and Taums ascendants. For Virgo ascendant , Capricorn will be

the fifth house, where Jupiter is debilitated. For Taums ascendant

Virgo is the fifth house, where Venus is debilitated. In these both

combinations, Rahu is also in fifth house and is aspecting the

ascendant. But this combination will be cancelled, if Moon is

aspecting the Jupiter and Venus. If Moon is aspecting Jupiter or

Venus, then a Yoga will be formed If Moon has to aspect the

Jupiter, then it must be m the seventh house from it and it will

result m the formation of Gajakesari Yoga and Moon will be m its own

house viz Cancer. Moon will be in Pisces a friendly sign, when it is

aspecting the Venus m Virgo and will result in the formation of

Sarabha and Namakesari Yoga So, the Arista combination will be

cancelled, when Moon is aspecting.

The child will have an early death when the ascendant is

aspected by Saturn and Mars and the Moon and Sun have

relationship with Rahu84 In this combmation, the ascendant is

aspected by Mars and Saturn and this aspect is enough to bring an

early death Both Sun and Moon are having relationship with Rahu

This relationship may be m the form of aspect or conjunction. It is

said m astrological texts that, the relationship Rahu with Sun and

Moon is bad for the horoscope. So, such a combmation will lead to
an early death of the child.

All the above combinations are related to Balarista which bring

an early death. Let us see other combinations which adversely
effect the longevity of a horoscope.

7.4.2 maraka combinations

In this part, I am going to discuss about the combmations,

which are maraka for a native and which can also check the

longevity of the native

Tfc^:85 I If Ketu and the lord of the fourth

house are m sixth house, then the death will be through weapons.
The death can come at any age depending the ruling and sub

period of the Grahas Fourth house indicates Sukha or happiness and

the lord of the fourth house is m sixth house, one of the

inauspicious houses. The sixth house mdicates thieves, enemies,

weapons, diseases, etc. Ketu also indicates weapons. In this

combination the lord of the fourth house is with Ketu in the sixth

house and thatsway the death is said to be through weapons.

The native will die due to poisonus food, if the lord of third
house is with Saturn in one of the inauspicious houses. If one of
the nodes is with them, then the death will be through
imprisonment86. Third house87 mdicates throat and food items.
Saturn indicates impurity. So, when the lord of the third house is
joined by Saturn, it indicates poisonus food items and thatswhy the
death is said to be through poison. In this combination, if one of
the nodes is there, then the death will be due to torture and
imprisonment. Both the inauspicious houses also signify

impnsonment. So, when Rahu or Ketu are there, then the death will

be due to impnsonment.

When powerless Moon is with one of Mars Rahu and mandi m

the eighth house, the native will be possessed by the spirit and will
meet the end m the form of fire or water accidents.88 Moon is the
sigmfier of Mind and water In this combination, the moon is weak
and the weak position of Moon indicates fear from water, and

chances of mental diseases. Moon is joined by either Mars or Rahu

or mandi and placed m eighth house. If one of these Grahas is with

Moon, it mdicates the instability of mmd and chances of mental
diseases. The possession by spirit is also a type of mental diseases
and it mdicates suicidal tendencies. According to me, this
combination mdicates suicidal deaths also Especially, the

conjunction of Moon with Rahu always indicates the chances of


When Rahu is m the eighth house aspected by malefics, the

native will die due to certain diseases and serpent bite. 89 Eighth
houses signifies longevity. The occupation of the eighth house by
malefics is always dangerous to the longevity of the native. In this

combination, the eighth house is occupied by Rahu and it is

aspected by malefics, which increases the evil effects on longevity,
In this combination, the native will die due to diseases and snake
bite. The occupation of the eighth house by malefics always
indicates diseases. I have already said in a previous chapter that

Rahu signifies serpent and related matters Thatswhy the

occupation of the eighth house by Rahu is considered as an

indicator of death by serpent bite

The native will die due to the cuttmg of the hands and legs, if

Saturn with Rahu is m ascendant or seventh house. 90 The

conjunction of Saturn and Rahu is always bad for the health of the

native and m this combmation, the conjunction comes in the

ascendant or Seventh house. Ascendant mdicates the physical

appearance of the native and the seventh is a maraka house. So,

both these house are important in the determination of longevity.

Both Rahu and Saturn indicate hands and legs. Thats why m this

combination, the death is indicated through the cuttmg of the legs

and hands

The native will die due to the mjuiy from weapons to navel
and stomach, when Saturn m the ascendant without any beneficial

aspect and Moon is with Rahu and Sun. 91 In this combination,

Saturn is in the ascendant and it has no beneficial aspects and

according to astrological texts, it mdicates health problems.92

Moon is with Sun and Rahu and Moon comes with Sun only in new

moon days, when it is completely weak and my experience says

that the birth on a amavasya day is always dangerous to the

longevity of the native. Rahu is also with sun and Moon and it
increases the evil effects. According to this combination, the native

will die due to the injury from weapons to navel and stomach Sun,

Moon and Rahu indicate stomach diseases.93 So, the injury

mentioned m the combination may be m the form of a blow from

another person or m an accident or a surgery also. In a way this

combination indicates the chances of accidents and failures m


w 9* n

Moon is with Saturn, Rahu and mandi aspected by the lord of the

ascendant and placed m sixth, eighth or twelfth houses, the native

will have on unnatural death. In this combmation, Moon, which is

the signifier of mmd is with the malefic Rahu, Saturn and mandi and

it is aspected by the lord of the ascendant. The conjunction of

Moon with these cruel malefic Grahas indicates the instability of

mind and chances of mental problems. And, it is placed m one of
the most inauspicious houses and I have explained earlier that
these houses are very important m the determination of longevity.
Actually this combination mdicates the chances of suicides.
Because, I feel that such a combination will leads to mental
sickness and suicides.

The native will die due to poison or fire or water, when the

third house is occupied by Rahu and Saturn or when the third

house is aspected by Saturn and Rahu 93 But I feel that the death

will be from poison Both Saturn and Rahu indicate poisonous

thmgs and the third house indicates throat and food items. So, I
feel that in this combination, the death will be from poison

Generally, the nodes check the longevity of a person, when

they are m the ascendant or m sixth house or eighth house or

twelfth house or they are m seventh house from the lords of maraka

houses or when they are with maraka lords. Further, the nodes are

considered as marakas for Scorpio and Capricorn ascendants. 96 All

the above combmations explain us the marak character of the nodes.

But, sometimes, they increase the longevity also So, let us see
those combmations

7.4.3 Combinations for Long life

Though the navagrahas are grouped into benefics and malefics,

their positive and negative influences change from one horoscope to

another. Above I have explained about the maraka nature of the

nodes which check the longevity and m this part, I am going to
explain about the beneficial influence of the nodes, which increases
the longevity.

Rahu will remove all the evil influence, when it is m Cancer

Aries, or Taurus ascendants 97 In this combination, Rahu is m the

ascendant and the ascendant must be one of the above three signs,
viz, Anes, Taurus, Cancer Generally, the occupation of the

ascendant by Rahu is considered as an indication, of the diseases in

the upper part of the body. But, for these three signs as ascendant, -

Rahu is considered as good and as the remover of all evil effects of

the horoscope. This view is accepted by many astrological scholars


'jlWlfbil TrafftiT IT: 98| Rahu removes all the evil

effects, when it is m sixth or seventh house with benefics or

aspected by benefics. Rahu gives good results in sixth house Sixth

house is a upacaya houses and malefics give positive influences m

upacaya house. So, naturally Rahu m sixth house removes all the

evil influences. But m the seventh house, Rahu is considered as bad

and gives suffering and problems. Seventh house is a maraka house

and Rahus placement m this house is always dangerous to the

longevity. But, in this combination Rahu is with benefics or aspected

by benefics. So, the beneficial influence on Rahu removes its

negative impact and makes it as a remover of evil effects. I have
explained earlier that the nodes give results accordmg to the
positive and negative influences, they are having. So, m this

combination, the benefic influence on Rahu makes it a benefic.


When Rahu is m third house or sixth house or in eleventh house

and it is aspected by benefics, Rahu will remove all the evil influence

in a horoscope. The three houses mentioned above are upacaya

houses where malefics give positive results. As Rahu is considered as

a malefic, it is beneficial m these houses. Accordmg to this

combination, Rahu is having beneficial aspect also and it increases

the beneficial influence of Rahu and makes it a yogakaraka And, I feel

that Ketu also gives the same results of Rahu in these houses and it

is aspected by many astrological scholars also.


According to this verse, Ketu also removes all the evil influences,

when it is m third house or sixth house or eleventh house or

twelfth house. Among the houses, third, sixth and eleventh houses

are upacaya houses and Ketu gives good effects m these houses as it

is also a malefic Graha But, twelfth house is one of the mauspicious

houses and generally, all the Grahas give negative influences m this

houses. Then, why Ketu is considered as good in this house?

Because Ketu is considered as Moksakaraka and among the twelve

houses, twelfth house is the house of Moksa or salvation. So when

the Moksakaraka Graha, Ketu is in the house of Moksa the strength of

Ketu will be doubled Thatswhy, it is considered as the remover of

evils in twelfth house. According to Parasara101 the aspect of Rahu on

twelfth house also removes all the evil influences on longevity.

We have seen about the role of the nodes m longevity Let us

know about their effects with the help of certain horoscope.


55 55
Jup Ketu Asce Jup

55 Asce
Graha Chakra Navamsa
Moon Chakra Mars
Moon Mars Sat Sun
Ven Sun 55

Rahu Mer
55 55 Mer 55


19-11-1977, 11.11PM, at Allahabad Latitude -25.28N, longitude

81 54E, Uttarasadha Naksatra Balance of Suns dasa 1 year, llmonts,


This horoscope belongs to the great prime minister of India, Indira

Gandhi. In this horoscope Rahu is in Sagittarius, the sixth house, a

upacaya houses and Ketu is good m twelfth house and I have

explained earlier that Ketu is good in twelfth house. Ketu is having

the aspect of Venus and Rahu is not aspected by any Graha, Rahu is a

yogakaraka in this horoscope as it is m Sagittarius and it is called

Kodanda Rahu, which gives wealth, name and fame. Indira Gandhi

was killed on 31st October, 1984 and at that time she was having

the sub-penod of Rahu, in the ruling period of Saturn. Saturn is in

the ascendant and it is a sign of its enemy and as it is the lord of

seventh and eighth houses, Saturn is a malefic m this horoscope.

Rahu, is m Sagittarius and so, it is a beneficial Graha But, she died

m this period. How come a beneficial period caused her death*?

Though Rahu is in Sagittarius, it is in the sixth house from the lord

of ruling period, Saturn. So, the lord of ruling period and sub

period are in a 6/8 axis (Sasthastama), which is always bad to the

native. It is also said m astrological texts. W&T

4T TIW WfTPT I So, the 6/8 axis of the dasa lord and antardasa lord

proved maraka for Indira Gandhi

Example -2

Mars Mars
99 99
Sat 99
Sat 99 99 99

Rahu Rahu
Moon Jup 99 99

Graha Chakra Navamsa

99 99 Ven Chakra
Ketu Asce Sun
Mer Asce Ketu
Yen Sun Moon

23-9-63 B.C, 5.48A.M, Balance of Mars dasa lyear 5 months 10

days, (This horoscope is taken from B.V. Ramans Notable

Horoscopes) Augustus Caesar

Augustus Caesar m one of the great personalities seen by the

world. He died at the end of Ketu dasa In this horoscope Ketu is m

Scorpio, second house and Rahu, is m Taurus, eighth house So,

both the nodes are not well placed m the horoscope. Ketu m the

second house is aspected by Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. So, Ketu is

having one beneficial aspect and two malefic aspect. Rahu is with

the malefic Mars and Saturn. Mars is a cruel malefic in this

horoscope, because it is the lord of second and seventh houses and

it is related with both nodes The whole dasa of Ketu proved negative

to him He faced serious health troubles and died at the end of the

dasa Ketu was in maraka house, having the aspect of maraka for Graha

and it proved maraka to him.

1 .Icha Santhathi Mathu Kelavu Chinthenagalu-P 4

2 Vivahavijnanam Chapter 5-58

3.Jyotisa Yoga Sahasri P. 214

4 Jatakatattva- Chapter 5-199

5 Jyotisa Yoga Sahasri P.238

6.Jatakatattva Chapter 5-162

7/*J# i Jatakatattva 5/133

8. tf^T <i^i) I (Jatakatattva chapter 5-89)

9. PT# wr TOpT l(Jatakatattva chapter 5-82)

10. W ^T# (Jatakatattva chapter 5-83)

11 UphfJatakatattva chapter 5-87)

12. Jatakatattva chapter 5-85

13. Jatakatattva chapter 5-93

14. Jatakatattva chapter 5-99

15. Jyotisa Yoga Sahasri P 261

16. Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram chapter 5-163

17. Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram chapter 83-9-16

18. Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram chapter 83-17

19. Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram chapter 83-27, 28, 30

20. Phaladipika chapter 2-1

2 l.Phaladipika chapter 1-14

22.Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram chapter 38, 39, 42, 44, 45, 46

23. Phaladipika chapter 2-2

24. PhaIadipika chapter 1-11

25. Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram chapter 83-52, 58, 60

26. Phaladipika chapter 2-3

27. Phaladipika chapter 1-11

28. Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram chapter 83-72, 73, 74

29. RvllRd: 'SpTPrfr - Brhajjatakam chapter 2-7

30. #^I^W fctar: - Jatakaparijata chapter 1-21

31. Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram chapter 83-89, 90, 92

32. Phaladipika chapter 1-13

33. Phaladipika chapter 2-6

34 Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram chapter 83-97, 100

35 Rogavum Chikitsayum Jyothishathil P V

36. Prasnamarga chapter 9-3

37. Rogavum Chikitsayum Jyothishathil P. VI

38. Rogavum Chikitsayum Jyothishathil P. VII

39. Rogavum Chikitsayum Jyothishathil P. IV

40. Phaladipika chapter 14-9

41. Jatakaparijata chapter 2-80-81

42. Uttarakalamrta chapter 5-52-53

43. Phaladipika chapter 8-25

44. Manasagari Jataka Paddhati chapter 10-1

45. Jatakatattva prakirnatatva -243

46 Madhyaparasarl chapter 5-18

47.Phalad ipika chapter 16-6

48 Brhat Parasara Hora 6astram chapter 17-13,14

49. Jatakaparijata chapter 12-43

50. WiQq -133

51. Jatakaparijata chapter 6-81

52. Sarvartha Cintamani Chapter 5-47

53. ^ITW # toR - P 132

54. WiQb)' w R tor -p 130

55. Jatakaparijata Chapter 6-89

56. Jatakaparijata Chapter 6-95

57. Jatakapanjata Chapter 6-64

58. Jatakaparijata Chapter 6-61

59 Sarvartha Cintamani Chapter 5-38 (sixth house)

60. Virasimhavalokam Chapter 32-1

61. Virasimhavalokam Chapter 17-1

62.Sarvartha Cintamani Chapter 5-6

63. Ksheerapatham July 2001, P216

64. Ksheerapatham July 2001, P217

65. Vivahavijnanam Chapter 1-39

66. Phaladipika Chapter 8-26

67. Phaladipika Chapter 8-31

68.Prasnamarga Chapter 20-33

69.Sarvartha Cintamanl Chapter 6-6

70.Sarvartha Cintamanl Chapter 6-17

71. Jatakabharanam Chapter 2-269

72. Jatakabharanam Chapter 2-270

73 .Jatakadesa chapter 13-2

74. Vivahavijnanam Chapter 2-8

75. ^ p Wlfcto P 81

76. Phaladipika Chapter 13-6

77. Jatakatattva - Sutika Tattva 50

78. Jatakatattva - SOtika Tattva 70

79. Jatakatattva - Sutika Tattva 95

80. ManasagarI Jataka Paddhati Chapter 10-3

81. Manasagari Jataka Paddhati Chapter 10-12

82. Manasagari Jataka Paddhati Chapter 10-29

83. Manasagari Jataka Paddhati Chapter 10-53

84. Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram Chapter 9-7

85. Jatakatattva prakirnatattva 57

86. Jatakaparijata Chapter 5-84

87. Uttara Kalamrta Chapter 5-5

88. Jatakaparijata Chapter 5-85

89. Jatakaparijata Chapter 5-89

90. Jatakaparijata Chapter 5-93

91. Jatakaparijata Chapter 5-95

92. Camatkara Cintamam - 1

93.Uttara Kalamrta Chapter 5-25, 26, 51

94.Jatakaparijata Chapter 5-96

95 Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram Chapter 44-27

96.Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram Chapter 44-22, 23, 24

97.Jatakatattva - Sutika Tattva 1175

98.Jatakatattva - Sutika Tattva 127

99.Jatakaparijata Chapter 4-79

100. Manasagarl Jataka Paddhati Chapter 10-29

101. Brhat Parasara Hora Sastram Chapter 9-11


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