William G. Hopkins Plant Biotechnology PDF
William G. Hopkins Plant Biotechnology PDF
William G. Hopkins Plant Biotechnology PDF
Photosynthesis and Respiration
Plant Biotechnology
Plant Cells and Tissues
Plant Development
Plant Diversity
Plant Ecology
Plant Genetics
Plant Nutrition
Plant Biotechnology
William G. Hopkins
Plant Biotechnology
Hopkins, William G.
Plant biotechnology / William G. Hopkins.
p. cm. (The green world)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-7910-8964-9 (hardcover)
1. Plant biotechnologyJuvenile literature. I. Title. II. Green world (Philadelphia, Pa.)
SB106.B56H67 2006
630dc22 2006008157
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Introduction vii
1 What Is Biotechnology? 2
5 Engineering Plants 68
Have you thanked a green plant today? reads a popular bumper sticker.
Indeed we should thank green plants for providing the food we eat, fiber for
the clothing we wear, wood for building our houses, and the oxygen we breathe.
Without plants, humans and other animals simply could not exist. Psycholo-
gists tell us that plants also provide a sense of well-being and peace of mind,
which is why we preserve forested parks in our cities, surround our homes
with gardens, and install plants and flowers in our homes and workplaces. Gifts
of flowers are the most popular way to acknowledge weddings, funerals, and
other events of passage. Gardening is one of the fastest growing hobbies in
North America and the production of ornamental plants contributes billions
of dollars annually to the economy.
Human history has been strongly influenced by plants. The rise of agri-
culture in the fertile crescent of Mesopotamia brought previously scattered
hunter-gatherers together into villages. Ever since, the availability of land
and water for cultivating plants has been a major factor in determining the
location of human settlements. World exploration and discovery was driven
by the search for herbs and spices. The cultivation of new world cropssugar,
viii Introduction
All problems are finally scientific problems.
George Barnard Shaw (18561950)
Irish playwright
What Is Biotechnology?
It was late when he returned to the village. The moon had risen,
and the other villagers were asleep in their huts. He had been
hunting for meat and now he was hungry. Searching for some-
thing to eat, he spotted a bowl of grain that had been left sit-
ting beside his hut for several days. It had rained recently and
water had collected in the bowl. The grain was sprouting, but he
took a handful anyway. It had an unfamiliar but pleasant taste,
so he ate the rest of the grain and, to slake his thirst, he drank
the liquor in which it had sat. As he sat resting by the remains
of the cooking fire, he thought of the tales told by the elders in
the villagetales of how their ancestors had moved constantly
from place to place as they gathered the wild grains and of
how there was never more than just enough to eat. He thought
of how they now saved the fattest and healthiest of the grains
and sowed them in the moist ground near the river so they no
longer had to search for grain but simply waited for the crop
to mature. They no longer had to move about, and there was
always more than enough grain to feed the village. And as he
sat and thought, he began to feel strange sensations. His vision
began to blur and he felt dizzy. He thought, I should go into
the hut and sleep, but he had difficulty trying to rise and fell
asleep where he sat.
What Is Biotechnology?
> 2C2H5OH + 2CO2
Figure 1.1 A cheese maker stirs a cauldron of curd and the watery part of milk known
as whey. Cheesemaking is one of the oldest examples of biotechnology.
to the Sumerians at least as far back as 6,000 years ago and has
been made wherever domesticated animals produced more
milk than could be immediately used by the people.
Figure 1.2 A scientist looks at root growth on wheat plants that have
been genetically modified to resist infection by Fusarium, a type offun-
gus. Scientists typically modify the genes of plants in order to increase
yields or improve the nutritional quality of a plant.
10 Plant Biotechnology
What's in a Word?
Even though the origins of biotechnology can be traced back thousands of
years, it has only recently become part of the public consciousness. For
example, in the Websters Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language
published in 1988, the word biotechnology is not listed. By that same year,
however, the word biotechnology had already become well established as
part of the dictionary of the scientific and academic world. The first geneti-
cally modified plant, a tobacco plant resistant to an antibiotic, had been
created in 1983, and in 1986 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
approved the release of an herbicide-resistant tobacco variety. In 1988, the
National Library of Medicine together with the National Institutes of Health
(NIH) established the National Center for Biotechnology Information, with
an emphasis, of course, on human and animal biotechnology.
Today, less than 20 years later, if you google biotechnology, you will
bring up over 119 million hits. There are thousands of biotechnology
companies around the world, and most major universities have formal bio-
technology courses or programs. A Google search for plant biotechnology
alone will bring up over 15 million hits, and scarcely a day goes by that you
cannot find a reference to biotechnology in major newspapers.
What Is Biotechnology? 11
DNA and genes and look at how this new biotechnology came
into being. We will show how plants are genetically engineered
and how this new technology compares with traditional methods
for producing new food plants. We will dispel some of the myths
surrounding genetic modification and review the present impact
and future potential of genetically modified plants. In the final
chapter, we will examine some of the moral and ethical questions
surrounding genetically modified organisms.
The discoveries of the fermentation process to make beer and
wine and the use of enzymes from animals to make cheese are all
lost in antiquity, but they harness the activities of living organ-
isms. Using living organisms to process foods and to manufac-
ture other products that are useful to humankind is commonly
referred to as biotechnology. Beginning in the 1980s, however,
the word biotechnology has taken on a whole new meaning.
Most people now understand the term biotechnology to mean
the manipulation of an organisms genes to create genetically
modified organisms (GMOs). This book will trace the develop-
ment of biotechnology from its early beginnings to the present,
explain the science behind biotechnology, and help the reader
make an informed judgment about the role of biotechnology in
the future.
The Early Days of Biotechnology
There are science and the applications of science, linked together
as fruit to the tree that has borne it.
Louis Pasteur (18221895)
French chemist and microbiologist
14 The Early Days of Biotechnology
Plant Biotechnology
The Early Days of Biotechnology 15
What is Fermentation?
One of the more interesting things about nature is its extreme
conservatism. In spite of their striking differences, organisms as
diverse as fungi, oak trees, earthworms, and elephants all share
many of the same genes and do things, in a metabolic sense at
least, in much the same way. For example, when organisms break
down sugars, fats, and proteins to retrieve energy, the pathway
used is virtually identical in all living organisms. The end result,
however, is different depending on whether or not oxygen is
available. When oxygen is present, this pathway is called cellular
respiration. When oxygen is absent, the same pathway is called
The initial steps of respiration and fermentation, a process
called glycolysis, are the same. In preparation for respiration or
fermentation, complex storage molecules such as starch (plants)
or glycogen (animals) must first be broken down into their com-
ponent glucose molecules. Glucose, a simple sugar made up of six
carbon atoms, is further broken down through glycolysis (Figure
2.2). The net result of glycolysis is that one six-carbon mol-
ecule (glucose) is converted to two three-carbon molecules called
18 Plant Biotechnology
foods, especially in Asia. As with beer and wine, the fungi are used
to improve the texture, flavor, and nutritional value of foods as well
as to delay spoilage.
In Japan, China, and other Asian countries, a large variety of
foods are prepared from soybeans (Glycine max). These include
tempeh, a solid food prepared by processing soybeans with the
fungus Rhizopus species; sufu, a Chinese cheese prepared from
soybeans with the help of the fungus Actinomucor elegans; and soy
sauce, a condiment prepared by fermenting soybeans and wheat
with Aspergillus oryzae.
In addition to fungi, bacteria have also proven useful in tradi-
tional biotechnology. As noted earlier, bacteria produce acetic acid,
which is used in preserving and flavoring foods and as an impor-
tant industrial feedstock. In Europe and North America, lactic acid
produced by the bacterium Lactobacillus has long been used to
preserve cabbage (sauerkraut) and naturally fermented pickles.
Metabolite Use
Organic Acids
Citric acid Flavoring ingredient in candies, soft drinks,
medicines; used in inks and the dye industry
Ethyl alcohol Industrial solvent, medicines, raw material
in the manufacture of materials such as ether,
acetic acid, synthetic rubber
Glycerol Glycerin; explosives
Penicillin Oral and injectible antibiotic
Griseofulvin Oral and topical antibiotic
Metabolite Use
Vitamins and Growth Factors
B vitamins Nutritional supplement and medical therapy
Riboflavin Nutritional supplement and medical therapy
Gibberellin Plant growth hormone with commercial
applications in floricultural
Beta-carotene Synthesis of vitamin A (provitamin A),
nutritional supplement, and coloring agent
for margarine
Amylase Conversion of starch to sugars prior to
Rennet Milk coagulation in the manufacture of cheese
Invertase Hydrolyzes sucrose (table sugar) to glucose
and fructose
Pectinase Pretreatment of fruit juices to remove turbidity;
removal of pectins before concentrating fruit
Proteases Hydrolysis of proteins during food processing
A term that has begun to permeate the bioengineering field is bioreactor,
used broadly to indicate any vessel or container where organisms are used
to produce a product. The organism may be microorganisms, plant cells, or
animal cells. In that sense, fermentation vats used to produce citric acid
or penicillin would be considered bioreactors. Indeed, an entire industry
has developed around the design and manufacture of bioreactors using
batch culture or immobilized cells for the production of enzymes, vaccines,
hormones, pharmaceuticals, and a host of other useful chemicals. Most
bioreactors consist of tanks surrounded by pumps and pipes that move
fluids and gases into the reaction chamber, provide cooling, and remove
effluent for downstream chemical processing. Bioreactors may range in
size from small, bench-top devices for laboratory experimentation and
testing up to large industrial versions that process several thousand liters.
The concept of bioreactor has even been extended to include the use of
bacteria to assist in the breakdown of materials deposited into landfills and
the use of genetically modified plants to produce chemicals with industrial
or pharmaceutical value.
28 Plant Biotechnology
The origins of biotechnology as a science can be traced back
to Pasteurs discovery that fermentation was caused by micro-
organisms. This stimulated the development of fermentation
on an industrial scale to produce a variety of feed stocks that
supplied the manufacturing industry. The term biotechnology
was first used by Karl Ereky in the early twentieth century in
the context of large-scale agricultural meat and milk produc-
tion. In addition to producing products for the manufacturing
The Early Days of Biotechnology 29
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Arthur C. Clarke (1917)
British author and inventor
Plants and Biotechnology
Before Recombinant DNA
Plants and Biotechnology: Before Recombinant DNA 33
Figure 3.1 An agronomist examines the roots of a Thlaspi plant in a growth chamber.
Thlaspi and other metal-accumulating plants can be used to remove heavy metal
contamination from soils.
All this is made possible by the fact that virtually every plant cell
is totipotentit has the genetic potential to reproduce the entire
organism. All one has to do to make use of this potential is to find
the conditions that allow the potential to be expressed. Even cells
that have matured and already assumed specific functions can be
made to reverse the differentiation process and differentiate along
a different developmental path. Unlike plant cells, animal cells are
not generally totipotent: Most animal cells become highly differ-
entiated early in their development and this differentiation cannot
be reversed. The major exception is animal stem cells, which retain
some capacity to differentiate down different paths. But even stem
cells are not capable of producing an entire animal.
The most important commercial technique for micropropa-
gating plants is known as shoot-tip culture (Table 3.1). One sim-
ply cuts out a small tip of a shoot (called the explant) that includes
the growing region of the shoot (the apical meristem) and a few
of the most recently formed leaves. This explant may be as little
as 23 millimeters long. The explant is first washed with a dilute
solution of household bleach to remove any contaminating fungi
or bacteria. It is then placed on the culture medium under sterile
conditions. The shoot tip will continue to grow and, as it grows,
numerous microshoots will appear. Microshoots arise from small
groups of dividing cells that remain trapped where the young
leaves join the stem. These are called axillary buds. This is the same
It may sound like the stuff of folklore, but if you should hap-
pen to live near a swamp, you may occasionally have seen fires
dancing across the surface of the swamp. What actually causes
these fires is methane gas (CH4). In stagnant swamps, any dis-
solved oxygen is used up rather quickly and, since there is no
significant mixing of water and air, there is little opportunity
for the oxygen supply to be replenished. Under these condi-
tions, anaerobic bacteria, which thrive in the absence of oxy-
gen, will take over. Anaerobic bacteria break down the organic
material in the swamp and, in the process, generate methane
gas. Methane is commonly known as marsh gas or swamp gas.
It is also the principal constituent of natural gas, which is usu-
ally found in association with petroleum deposits.
There are many sources of methane in addition to swamps
and petroleum deposits. The principal sources today are cattle
flatulence, municipal sewage treatment plants, and landfill
sites. We cant do much about the cattle, but most landfill sites,
particularly in urban areas where they have been reclaimed
Plants and Biotechnology: Before Recombinant DNA 41
Figure 3.4 An entrepreneur stands by the truck he uses to collect vegetable oil from
restaurants to make biodiesel fuel. Biodiesel has become increasingly popular with
energy-conscious people over the past few years.
The role of plants in biotechnology was established long before
genetic modification brought plant biotechnology to the atten-
tion of the general public. Accumulator species of plants are
used to remove heavy metals from contaminated soil, a process
called phytoremediation. Various forms of plant tissue culture
have been used extensively to clone commercially valuable plant
varieties and to eliminate viruses and other pathogens.
Plants have also been used to generate environmentally sound
biofuels. Fuel ethanol is produced by fermentation of cane sugar,
corn, sweet potatoes, and other plants. Biogas, or methane, is
generated by the bacterial breakdown of agricultural wastes
for use as an on-farm energy supply, and plant fats and oils are
processed as biodiesel, a renewable fuel for buses, trucks, and
The advantage of biofuels over fossil fuels is that the plants
or plant oils used in the production of biofuels are a renewable
resource, but the diversion of large amounts of crops into biofu-
els of any kind will compete with traditional markets and drive
up the price of food and other products.
DNA, Genes, and Protein
We wish to suggest a structure for the salt of deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA). The structure has novel features which are
of considerable biological interest.
James Watson (1928) and Francis Crick (19162004)
from Nature, 1953
DNA, Genes, and Protein
Biotechnology, in the sense that most people understand it today,
involves a manipulation of genes, thus tricking plants into pro-
ducing novel proteins. This is a controversial technology for a
variety of reasons, but we cannot make informed judgments about
the technology and its application without at least a rudimentary
understanding of the science behind it. Both the nature of the gene
and the synthesis of proteins are intimately related to the heredi-
tary DNA. Thus, in order to understand how this new technology
works, we should first have a basic understanding of DNA and of
the relationship between DNA and proteins.
A DNA Primer
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) was first isolated from the nuclei of
cells in 1869, but it was not until early in the twentieth century that
it became clear DNA was the hereditary material that passed unique
characteristics from one generation to the next. Chemical analyses
eventually revealed that nucleic acidsDNA and its companion
ribonucleic acid (RNA)were very large molecules constructed
from only five simple building blocks called nucleotides. A nucleo-
tide is composed of three elements: a nitrogen-containing base, a
5-carbon (pentose) sugar, and a phosphate group (Figure 4.1). The
sugar in RNA is called ribose, hence ribonucleic acid. The sugar in
DNA is missing one oxygen atom and is thus called deoxyribose.
The four bases that make up DNA are adenine, guanine, cytosine,
and thymine, while in RNA uracil takes the place of thymine.
Biologists had long known that heredity was controlled by genes
and that genes were in some way related to DNA. Scientists knew
that it was important to understand the structure of DNA because
knowing the structure would lead to further understanding of how
the hereditary material worked in the cell.
The first clue to the structure of DNA came in the 1940s when
Erwin Chargaff analyzed DNA from several different species and
found that, regardless of the source, the DNA always contained
roughly equal proportions of adenine and thymine and that the
DNA, Genes, and Protein 51
Figure 4.1 DNA is made out of a basic unit called a nucleotide. Each
nucleotide is made out of a sugar molecule, a phosphate group, and
a base.
52 Plant Biotechnology
macromolecule, protein. However, Watson and Crick won the DNA race pri-
marily because they had access to one critical piece of evidence: an X-ray
diffraction pattern of DNA provided by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins
of the University College of London. When an X-ray beam is fired at a crystal
structure, the beam is scattered (or diffracted) in a particular pattern, depend-
ing on the arrangement of molecules in the crystal lattice. The diffraction pat-
tern obtained by Franklin and Wilkins indicated that their DNA crystals were
arranged in a helical pattern.
Watson and Crick put this information together with what was then known
about the chemistry of DNAin particular, the very consistent ratios of adenine
(A) plus thymine (T) and cytosine (C) plus guanine (G)and began to build mod-
els as big as themselves from pieces of wire and bits of brass. The one model
in which everything finally fit together was the now-famous double helix.
54 Plant Biotechnology
What is a Gene?
DNA is a lot like the hard drive on your computerits primary
function is to store information. Like the information in your
hard drive, the information in DNA is stored in discrete blocks or
addresses. These blocks or addresses are called genes. In a com-
puter, the information needed to perform specific operations is
downloaded into the RAM, which is where the instructions in
the software are actually carried out. In the cell, the information
contained in the gene (the DNA) is downloaded into ribonucleic
acid (RNA) which, in turn, directs the synthesis of the proteins that
make the cell function.
To put it in biochemical terms, DNA is a sequence of nucleotides
and a protein molecule is a sequence of amino acids. A gene is a
DNA, Genes, and Protein 55
Figure 4.3 During translation, transfer RNA (tRNA) carry amino acids
to the cells ribosomes. Each tRNA molecule recognizes a sequence
of three nucleotides, known as a codon, on a strand of messenger
RNA (mRNA). A protein is created when the amino acids are chained
DNA, Genes, and Protein 59
codes for human insulin is over 4,000 bases long. With a code of
three bases for one amino acid, there is enough DNA to code for
over 1,300 amino acids, but insulin is a small protein that contains
just over 100 amino acids. What is the purpose of that extra DNA?
It turns out that a gene is more like a recipeit contains not only
the list of ingredients (the amino acids), but also the instructions
for making the protein. Sectors of the gene (promoters, introns,
etc.) contain the instructions that tell the cell when to make the
protein, how much to make, and so on.
samples of DNA with EcoR1 and then mixed the two in a test tube.
The result was a hybrid molecule of SV40 and E. coli DNA. Because
the new DNA was created by splicing together (or recombining)
DNA from two different sources, it was called recombinant DNA
(rDNA). With this experiment, Berg created the first recombinant
DNA molecule, thus making genetic modification possible and
providing the foundation for all of modern biotechnology. Bergs
work was recognized with the Nobel Prize in 1980.
At the same time, Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer, also at
Stanford, were studying bacterial plasmids. Plasmids are inter-
esting little pieces of DNA that are found primarily in bacteria.
Plasmids are very small, circular pieces of DNA that are separate
from the normal chromosomal DNA of the bacterium. One of the
principal functions of plasmids appears to be to carry genes that
confer resistance to antibiotics. Cohen and Boyer found that if they
cut plasmids from two different sources with the enzyme EcoR1,
the two plasmids would readily join to form a hybrid plasmid. This
is because when EcoR1 cuts the DNA, it leaves overhanging, or
sticky ends. They are called sticky ends because when any two
pieces of DNA cut by this enzyme are brought together, they natu-
rally anneal, or stick together. The same thing will happen with
a piece of foreign DNAsay from the chromosome of another
organismthat has been cut out with the same enzyme. All pieces
of DNA cut by EcoR1 will anneal with a similarly treated plasmid
to form a hybrid plasmid (Figure 4.5).
Cohen and Boyer then took advantage of another peculiar trait
of bacteriatheir capacity to take up bits of DNA from their envi-
ronment and incorporate it into their own genome. This process is
called transformation, and the bacterium that takes up the foreign
DNA is said to be transformed. Cohen and Boyer found they could
induce bacteria to take up hybrid plasmid DNA. Once inside the
cell, the plasmid (including any newly introduced genes) is repli-
cated normally as the bacteria divide. Under optimal laboratory
conditions, E. coli may divide every 20 to 30 minutes, so that after
DNA, Genes, and Protein 63
DNA is a relatively uncomplicated, double-stranded molecule,
consisting of only four building blocks called deoxyribonucleo-
tides. The key to DNA structure is that opposing nucleotides
in the two strands pair in a complementary relationship: the
adenine nucleotide (A) pairs only with the thymine nucleotide
(T) and the guanine nucleotide (G) pairs only with the cytosine
nucleotide (C). The geometry of these pairings is responsible for
maintaining the parallel spacing of the sugar-phosphate back-
bone of the molecule as it twists to form a helix.
The complementarity of nucleotide pairing is also the key to
both DNA replication and RNA synthesis. As the two strands
separate, free nucleotides naturally pair with each single strand
to form a new double-stranded molecule. In the same way,
ribonucleotides pair with complementary bases in the DNA
template to form a strand of messenger RNA that moves into
the cytoplasm of the cell where it directs protein synthesis. The
DNA code is based on the sequence of nucleotides, with each
sequence of three nucleotides coding for a specific amino acid in
the protein. The entire sequence of DNA nucleotides that speci-
fies a complete protein is known as a gene.
Limited sequences of DNA, some containing a complete gene,
can be isolated by cutting the DNA with restriction enzymes. Pieces
of DNA can then be recombined in different combinations to form
recombinant DNA (rDNA). Bacteria have the capacity to take up
pieces of DNA from their environment and incorporate it into their
own genome. A bacterium that has incorporated a foreign gene
is said to have been transformed. As the transformed bacterium
reproduces, it produces many copies of that gene, a process called
gene cloning.
Engineering Plants
Science can amuse and fascinate us all, but it is engineering
that changes the world.
Isaac Asimov (19201992)
American author and biochemist
Engineering Plants
A noted cookbook writer of the Victorian era began her recipe for
jugged hare (rabbit stew) with the instructions: First, catch your
hare. The recipe for genetic engineering is not a lot different.
Before you can start moving genes around in order to create a
transgenic plant, you have to first identify and isolate the gene of
interest. Random DNA fragments are of little value if you dont
know which fragment contains the gene you want to transfer. It
would be like looking for that needle in the haystack. In fact, if
the restriction enzymes you used to break up the DNA happened
to cut the DNA in the middle of the gene you want, then no frag-
ments will contain an intact copy of the gene.
So, we are now faced with two questions. How do we find and
clone a gene that we want to use to transform a plant? And once
we have the gene, how do we insert that gene into a plant? In
other words, how do we actually go about genetically engineer-
ing a plant?
Gene Hunters
One approach to finding a particular gene is to create a comple-
mentary DNA (cDNA) library; cDNA is made by running RNA
transcription in reverse. First, you have to isolate the messenger
RNA (mRNA) from cells that contain the gene you are interested
in. Then, an enzyme called reverse transcriptase is mixed with
this isolated mRNA. Reverse transcriptase uses the mRNA as a
template to make a single strand of DNA in the same way that
DNA serves as a template for making the mRNA. Remember that
making a copy of mRNA from DNA is called transcription, so
making a copy of DNA from RNA is going the other way; that is,
reverse transcription.
The enzyme reverse transcriptase is isolated from retroviruses.
Most animal viruses contain DNA as their genetic material. When
a virus invades a cell, it takes over the cells genetic machinery in
order to make copies of its own DNA. But there are some viruses,
called retroviruses, that contain RNA instead of DNA. When a
Engineering Plants 71
Figure 5.1 The tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infects the leaves, flow-
ers, and fruit of many plants, including tobacco. TMV is an extremely
persistent plant virus and has been known to survive for many years in
dried plant parts.
with microscopic gold beads that have been coated with pieces of
DNA. The protoplasts are then subjected to a brief pulse of elec-
trical current (typically measured in milliseconds). The electrical
pulse opens up small holes in the cell membrane that allow the
DNA-coated beads to enter the protoplast. The membrane quickly
reseals itself and the DNA remains trapped within the protoplast.
Some of the DNA then becomes incorporated into the host cells
genome and is reproduced along with the rest of the DNA when
the cell divides.
Another way of transforming plant cells is literally a shotgun
approach. In this technique, known as biolistics, the DNA is first
coated on gold or tungsten beads approximately 1 micrometer
(0.000039 inch) in diameter. The particles are then loaded into a
gene gun, which fires them at a suspension of cultured cells (Fig-
ure 5.2). The gene gun was originally developed in the early 1980s
by a group of plant biologists and nanotechnologists (technolo-
gists who work with very small things) at Cornell University. The
particles, fired by a discharge of high-pressure helium gas, travel at
about 400 meters per second. This is fast enough to penetrate the
cell membranes and carry the DNA into the cells but not so fast
that the discharge destroys the cells. Believe it or not, in the early
days of the gene gun technique, some laboratories actually used
modified 0.22-caliber rifles! The gene gun technique has been par-
ticularly useful for transforming corn or maize (Zea mays) cells,
which do not lend themselves to protoplast-based techniques.
Figure 5.2 A gene gun can be used to inject foreign DNA into a plant
cell. The foreign DNA is coated on metal beads and then fired at a col-
lection of plant cells. Once inside the cell, the DNA releases from the
bead and becomes incorporated into the plant chromosome.
Figure 5.4 Two test plots of soybeans are pictured side by side. The soy-
beans treated with Roundup herbicide (right) show less weed growth
than the soybeans that have not been treated with Roundup (left).
82 Plant Biotechnology
The first step in producing a transgenic plant is to find the
gene for a trait that you want to insert into the plant. There are
several ways to obtain a gene. The first is to isolate messenger
RNA and, using the enzyme reverse transcriptase, construct a
Engineering Plants 83
whoever could make two ears of corn, or two blades of grass,
to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before,
would do more essential service to his country, than the whole
race of politicians put together.
Jonathan Swift (16671745)
Anglo-Irish author of Gullivers Travels
Genetically Modified Plants
From Herbicides to Vaccines
Herbicide Tolerance
Herbicide tolerance was one of the first traits to be engineered in
plants because it involves only a single gene and there appeared
to be a ready market for the product. Glyphosate tolerance is a
good example. Unlike most other herbicides, when glyphosate
is sprayed on the leaves, it rapidly moves to the roots. Because it
kills the roots as well as the aboveground portion of the plant,
glyphosate is particularly effective against perennial plants,
such as dandelions. This is one of the reasons for the immense
popularity of glyphosate herbicides.
What is the value in having genetically modified herbicide-
tolerant crops? The value in herbicide tolerance is most directly
for the farmer. Left unattended, weeds reduce crop yields by $12
billion annually or more. Additional billions are spent every
year attempting to control weeds. In normal practice, weed
control involves several passes over the field with different her-
bicides because various weeds germinate at different times. But
once the crop itself has germinated, spraying for weeds without
damaging the crop plants themselves is tricky at best. Thus, the
traditional approach requires complex mixtures of herbicides
and multiple sprayings with a consequent heavy chemical load
on the soil. When the crop plants themselves have the capacity
Genetically Modified Plants: From Herbicides to Vaccines 87
Figure 6.1 A Colorado potato beetle feeds on its favorite food, a potato leaf. A major
focus of the biotechnology industry is the creation of insecticides that will reduce
the impact of destructive insects, such as the Colorado potato beetle.
Corn pollen does not travel well. Only 10% travels farther than 3 to
5 meters (9 to 15 feet) from the edge of the field.
Other studies have shown that for the pollen to be toxic to monarch
larvae, the pollen density must be greater than 135 to 150 pollen
grains per cm2 of leaf surface. The average density on milkweed
plants within 3 m (9 ft) of a corn field is only 20 to 30 grains per
The Cornell study itself indicated that, given the option, monarch
larvae prefer to graze on leaves that are free of corn pollen. If a larva
encounters a pollen-coated leaf, it will usually avoid it and
move on.
Margarine 26 70 2.7
Fish 15 78 5.2
Butter 55 39 0.7
Genetically Modified Plants: From Herbicides to Vaccines 95
Molecular Farming
Plants make a lot of strange chemicals. In most plants, a sig-
nificant proportion of their assimilated carbon and energy is
diverted to the synthesis of molecules that have no obvious role
in their growth and development. Many of these molecules have
found use in antiquity as folk remedies, soaps, and essences.
Others have found use as dyestuffs and feedstocks for chemical
industries (gums, resins, rubber, and others) and even more have
found use as therapeutic drugs. Even though the recent trend has
been toward chemical synthesis of drugs designed to target spe-
cific illnesses more effectively, plants traditionally have been the
principal source of therapeutic drugs. With the advent of rDNA
technology, however, plants are being viewed as production
vehicles with the potential to not only stock your local pharmacy
but to produce a variety of other useful molecules as well.
Using transgenic plants as bioreactors to produce useful
molecules is called molecular farming (Figure 6.2) Because
many of these molecules are intended to have use as therapeu-
tic drugs (or pharmaceuticals), the technique is often referred
to as molecular pharming. Most of the therapeutic products
produced in transgenic plants are proteins, such as antibodies
and antigens or vaccinesproducts that have previously been
extracted directly from other animals, cultured in chicken eggs,
or simply not produced at all.
Why engineer plants to produce these products? The answer
is that traditional methods are very costly. Plants, on the other
hand, are easily transformed and they can produce huge quanti-
ties of soluble protein at relatively low cost. Among plants that
are being used for molecular pharming are alfalfa, bananas,
carrots, potatoes, and tomatoes. One of the favored crops for
molecular pharming, however, is tobacco. Tobacco is one of the
easiest plants to transform, it produces a large leaf mass, and,
perhaps most important, it is a non-food crop. The significance
of this last attribute will be addressed in chapter 7. And the
98 Plant Biotechnology
Figure 6.2 A researcher inoculates a plant with an engineered virus that produces
proteins for human therapeutic use. This technique is often used in molecular farm-
ing, also known as molecular pharming.
Figure 6.3 The cotton plant is a promising candidate for future genetic engineering.
By altering the genes of the cotton plant, scientists may be able to produce a cotton
fiber that has qualities superior to non-genetically engineered cotton fiber.
The first generation of genetically modified plants has focused on
herbicide tolerance and resistance to insects and disease. The pri-
mary beneficiaries of these products are the farmers, who benefit
by reduced production costs. Consumers benefit indirectly by the
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from farming operations
and lowered pesticide load in the environment.
Another objective of using rDNA in plant breeding is to pro-
duce plants with enhanced nutrition. The improvement of quan-
tity and composition of oils from oilseed crops is one area under
development. It may be possible to change the oil composition to
Genetically Modified Plants: From Herbicides to Vaccines 103
Every business and every product has risks. You cant get around it.
Lee Iacocca (1924)
American business executive
Putting Genetically Modified
Organisms in Perspective
Perhaps you have seen them in the newsanti-GMO protesters
dressed like a cob of corn or a tomato with a fish head. GMO
supporters might be tempted to laugh at such antics, but it is
important to remember that genetic modification (GM) is a
new technology. There are, no doubt, some protesters who are
simply anti new technology, but for others there are legiti-
mate concerns about the safety of the food they eat and the
impact this new technology may have on their lives and the
environment (Figure 7.1).
Most consumers accept without question foods produced
through what is now called conventional plant breeding. Such
foods are considered natural, safe, and acceptable. Many feel
that GMOs, however, are not natural, safe, or acceptable. GMOs
should be vigorously debated, as the product of any new tech-
nology should be, but the debate must be based on an informed
understanding of the facts. The debate should not be distorted
by scientific misinformation and misinterpretation or, worse yet,
personal invective or political objectives. Informed debate on the
GMO issue can only come about when the public has a broader
understanding of the underlying scientific foundation.
You should now be able to appreciate that the scientific con-
cepts behind genetically modified foods are not all that difficult
to comprehend. But how does rDNA technology stack up against
traditional plant breeding? Are GM foods any more or less safe
to eat than conventionally bred foods? Are GMOs potentially
harmful to the environment? Are there real benefits to GM foods
and other products for consumers in North America as well as
in developing nations?
Putting Genetically Modified Organisms in Perspective 107
Figure 7.1 A Greenpeace activist wears a mask and shows a hand full of peas in
front of the European Council building in Brussels, Belgium. Worldwide, many
organizations are calling for governments to restrict or ban the sale of GMOs and
GM-foods out of concern over the safety of these products.
Figure 7.2
Double cross seed
is produced by the
careful breeding
of four different
inbred lines. Two
of the inbred lines
must be detas-
seled in order
to prevent them
from pollinating
Putting Genetically Modified Organisms in Perspective 111
25,000 or more genes that come along for the ride. Many of these
genes may be undesirablethey may cause the stem to grow long
and weak, reduce the yield, or lower the quality of the flour.
A large amount of the conventional breeders effort is spent
simply getting rid of this genetic garbage. This is usually accom-
plished by crossing the hybrid back to the original commercial
cultivar, a process called backcrossing. This means that all of
the progeny, which may number in the thousands, must be care-
fully screened and those with undesirable traits discarded. The
remaining progeny are again backcrossed to the original culti-
var. This screening-selection-backcrossing routine is repeated
generation after generation until the breeder is at last convinced
that he has eliminated the undesirable traits and has regenerated
the superior bread wheat with the single addition of the desired
disease resistance gene. It may take 1012 generationsmeaning
1012 yearsto eliminate the undesirable genes. Even then, the
new commercial strain will still be contaminated with unknown
foreign genes contributed by the wild relative. It is impractical, if
not impossible, to remove them all.
One advantage cited by proponents of GM crops is that pro-
ducing a transgenic hybrid is far more precise. Recombinant
DNA technology allows the breeder to select a single gene and
insert only that gene into the genome of the commercial cultivar.
The resulting progeny are then identical to the parent with the
exception of that one additional gene. There are no undesirable
or unknown genes carried along, and the new cultivar with the
new trait can be available to growers within two to three years.
Figure 7.3 The toppling of plants before harvest is known as lodging. These corn
plants became lodged after the roots of the plants were damaged by insects.
DNA as well. We also eat lots of protein in the form of enzymes and
structural proteins in our food. But cooking denatures both DNA
and protein. DNA and protein are further denatured by the acids
in our stomachs, and intestinal enzymes break down these mol-
ecules into their basic building blocks, which are absorbed into the
bloodstream. These DNA and protein building blocks are the same
regardless of whether they came from plants, animals, or bacteria.
Some people express concern about eating a pesticide or
toxin when corn or potatoes are transformed with the gene
that encodes Bt protein. Remember that Bt protein is toxic only
to the larval stage of insects in the family Lepidoptera. It kills the
larva by interfering with the absorption of nutrients in the gut.
Bt protein does not affect humans, however, because the human
gut is fundamentally different from the insect gut. The human gut
does not have the receptors that are attacked by Bt protein, and
the strongly acidic environment of the human gut immediately
denatures the protein. The protein is then digested as any other
protein is. Keep in mind as well that Bt is an approved insecticide
for organic gardening. Finally, what is foreign DNA anyway?
You might be aware that recent research has shown that humans
share as much as 70% of their genes (and hence DNA) with earth-
worms and more than 95% with mice!
GM foods are not immune to safety and security problems, but
neither are conventional foods. After all, plants have had billions of
years to develop toxins that discourage creatures such as us from
eating them. For example, the seeds (but thankfully not the fruit) of
apples, cherries, and apricots, as well as some strains of lima beans,
contain cyanogenic glycosides. These are chemical compounds
that release cyanide when the cells are disrupted. The odd apple seed
eaten with a core will probably cause little harm, but a half cup of
dried seeds releases enough cyanide to kill an adult. Potatoes and
tomatoes are in the same family as belladonna, deadly nightshade,
and Datura (jimson weed), all of which contain deadly alkaloids.
The potato alkaloid solanine accumulates in the green plants but not
Putting Genetically Modified Organisms in Perspective 117
This is not intended to put you off from eating fruits and
vegetables. What you have to remember is that, except in rare
circumstances, the concentrations of toxins in common food plants
are so low that they can be tolerated without ill effects. We have
118 Plant Biotechnology
product itself, not because of the method that was used to generate
that product. It is more important that we be able to trust our gov-
ernment agencies and other organizations to carefully scrutinize
the safety and potential environmental impact of any new crop
variety, regardless of whether it was generated by conventional
breeding or genetic engineering, than it is to worry about the
breeding method that was used to arrive at that product.
This does not mean, however, that there are not potential
problems with GMOs. There are, in fact, two problems that are of
particular concern to a growing number of farmers. Both problems
Figure 7.4 Due to the publics concern over the safety of GM foods,
some manufacturers have chosen to label their foods as being free of
genetically engineered ingredients.
124 Plant Biotechnology
except that the seeds produced by that crop will not germinate.
Terminator technology could seriously erode the farmers abil-
ity to save seed and increase their dependence on multinational
corporations. This would be particularly serious in Third World
countries, where an estimated 1.4 billion people depend on seed
saving to feed themselves.
Terminator technology generated substantial protest when it
was first brought to the publics attention in 1998. As a result, the
technology was banned outright in several countries, and further
research on the technology was banned under a moratorium
issued by the United Nations convention of biological diversity in
2000. Although several large U.S. seed companies indicated they
would not use the technology in their products, there is concern
that research continues in the United States, which did not sign
on to the moratorium.
Terminator technology may help to focus farmers, consumers,
governments, and seed companies on the real risks and benefits
of genetic modification. On the one hand, terminator technology
would help seed companies protect their investment in modified
crops, which can be substantial. On the other hand, it offers no
agronomic benefit of any kind for farmers. It will likely be very
difficult to balance the rights of seed companies against those of
farmers and consumers, whose rights must also be protected.
A Question of Risk
Back in 1987, noted biochemist Daniel Koshland wrote in Science
that to be alive is to be at risk. We subject ourselves to risk in
hundreds of ways every day of our lives, every time we step off the
curb to cross a street, climb into an automobile or airplane, or eat
food in a restaurant. Our recreationRollerblading, bicycling,
skiing, swimming in shark-infested watersand, in fact, virtually
everything we do involves some level of risk. We accept that risk
because each activity in some way makes our lives easier or better
and we weigh the risks against the perceived benefit. But in each
Putting Genetically Modified Organisms in Perspective 125
Very early in the development of agriculture, farmers began what
we now know as conventional plant breeding, simply by select-
ing the best seeds and crossing their best plants to improve the
quality of grains and other food crops. In the twentieth century,
however, a whole new arsenal of methods was developed by plant
breeders, including double-crossed hybrids, mutations, embryo
rescue, haploid breeding, and somaclonal variation. Each of these
new methods has allowed the introduction of new traits into our
food plants, and the products of these methods are considered
acceptable by the public. Conventional breeding, however, always
carries unknown genes into the new variety. By contrast, genetic
modification (GM) is a far more precise technique, allowing the
insertion of one specific gene expressing a single trait, yet this
method is unacceptable to many.
A strong argument can be made that concern over food safety
and protection of the environment should not be focused on the
method. Herbicide tolerance, for example, can be introduced
126 Plant Biotechnology
Biotechnology The use of living organisms to generate products for the use
and benefit of humans.
Butanol A type of alcohol consisting of four carbon atoms per molecule.
Cellular respiration A sequence of metabolic reactions that converts sugars
and other substrates to carbon dioxide and water in the presence of oxygen.
The principal energy-generating metabolism in a cell.
Chemical mutagen A substance that induces mutations, or genetic
changes, in the DNA of a living organism.
Codon A sequence of three adjacent nucleotides in DNA or RNA that com-
prises the genetic code for one amino acid in a protein.
Complementarity The property of base pairing in nucleic acid synthesis,
in which the nucleotide sequence in the original strand is preserved in the
newly formed complementary strand; a second round of copying restores
the sequence of the original strand.
Continuous culture A bioreactor that is fed by a stream of nutrients and
produces a continuous stream of effluent to be processed.
Conventional plant breeding Any method for producing new plant variet-
ies that does not involve recombinant DNA.
Crown gall A cancerous growth on plants due to transformation of the
host cells by the bacterium Agrobacterium tumifaciens.
Cyanogenic glycoside A chemical, found in some plants, that releases toxic
hydrogen cyanide when the cells are disrupted.
DNA ligase An enzyme that catalyses the formation of strong covalent
bonds along the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA.
Edible vaccine A vaccine produced in a common food (such as bananas)
that can be administered simply by eating the food.
Effervescence The property of producing large numbers of bubbles that
rise to the surface with a fizzing sound, such as in beer or soda pop.
Electroporation The momentary induction of small pores in the membrane
of a cell or protoplast by a brief pulse of electric current. It enables plant
protoplasts to take up small pieces of DNA from the surrounding medium.
Embryo rescue A technique for culturing the hybrid embryo formed when
two plants that do not normally mate are crossed.
Enterotoxin A toxin that has its effect in the gastrointestinal
Fatty acid A long-chain hydrocarbon (composed of only carbon and
hydrogen) with an oxygen-containing carboxylic acid group at one
end. The principal component of fats and oils.
Feedstock The raw or starting material for an industrial manufac-
turing process. For example, crude oil is the feedstock for the produc-
tion of gasoline and diesel fuel in a refinery.
Fermentation The metabolic breakdown of sugars and other sub-
strates in the absence of oxygen. The product of fermentation is usu-
ally ethanol, lactic acid, or a similar chemical.
Fructose A six-carbon sugar molecule with a structure similar to
glucose. Common table sugar (sucrose) is made up of one molecule
each of glucose and fructose.
Gene The basic unit of heredity. A sequence of nucleotides in DNA
that encodes the sequence of RNA, amino acids in a protein, or car-
ries other instructions for the synthesis of proteins.
Gene gun A laboratory tool for shooting foreign DNA into plant
cells. The technique is known as biolistics.
Genetically modified organism (GMO) Any organism whose genetic
constitution has been successfully modified.
Genetic engineering The use of recombinant DNA technology to
alter the genetic constitution of an organism.
Genetic modification (GM) Any change to the genetic constitution
of an organism, although in common usage it refers specifically to
changes involving recombinant DNA technology.
Genome The sum of all the genes in an organism.
Glufosinate An herbicide that kills plants by blocking the incorpora-
tion of inorganic nitrogen into organic molecules.
Glycolysis A sequence of enzymatic reactions in a cell that convert
one molecule of glucose to two molecules of pyruvic acid. It is com-
mon to both cellular respiration and fermentation. The difference
between respiration and fermentation is in the fate of the
pyruvic acid.
Glyphosate A herbicide that kills plants by blocking the synthesis of the
aromatic amino acids, which are characterized by having a chemical ring as
part of their structure.
Helicase An enzyme that separates the two strands of double-stranded
DNA during replication.
Hybrid The offspring or progeny from two organisms differing by one or
more genes.
Hydrocarbon A molecule made up of only the elements carbon and hydro-
gen. Methane (CH4) is the simplest hydrocarbon. Diesel fuel and gasoline
are mixtures of several hydrocarbons.
Hydrogen bond Weak forces that hold molecules together by sharing a
hydrogen ion. The hydrogen is normally shared between two oxygen and/or
nitrogen atoms.
Inbred line A genetically pure line that breeds true. Inbred lines usually
arise through self-pollination and selection.
Ionizing radiation Radiation that has sufficient energy to cause permanent
changes in molecules.
Landrace A variety of any agricultural crop that has become adapted to the
microclimate of a particular limited area through generations of selection.
Marker gene A gene for a trait such as antibiotic resistance that enables
technicians to identify cells that have been successfully transformed.
Metabolite Any chemical that participates in the chemical reactions that
occur within a cell or organism.
Micropropagation The technique for reproducing plants asexually through
tissue culture.
Microshoot The small shoots that are produced by micropropagation.
Molecular farming (pharming) The use of genetically modified plants
as bioreactors to produce molecules that plants do not normally produce.
When the molecule has pharmaceutical value, the process is called molecu-
lar pharming.
Mutation breeding The introduction, via conventional breeding, of genes
modified by inducing mutations with ionizing radiation or chemical
Nanotechnologist Researchers who work at the nanometer scale (1 nano-
meter = 1 billionth of a meter).
Nucleotide A molecule composed of a nitrogen base, a sugar, and a phos-
phate group. The basic building block of nucleic acids.
Open pollinated Pollinated by natural means.
Osmosis The diffusion of water across a membrane.
Overexpression A term that describes what happens when a gene is engi-
neered to produce more than normal amounts of the protein that it codes
Phytochelatins A small protein that prevents heavy metal toxicity by
sequestering the metal ions and storing them in the large central vacuole of
the cell.
Phytoprospecting The use of accumulator species of plants as an indica-
tion of the presence of particular metals in the environment.
Phytoremediation The use of plants to decontaminate polluted soils,
especially soils contaminated with heavy metals.
Plasmid A small piece of circular DNA found in bacteria and in the mito-
chondria and chloroplasts of animal and plant cells.
Polyhydroxyalkoanate (PHA) A biodegradable plastic synthesized by cer-
tain bacteria.
Protoplast A plant cell that has been stripped of its cell wall, leaving the
cell membrane intact. A naked plant cell.
Pyruvic acid A three-carbon molecule that serves as a precursor for fer-
mentation and respiration products such as ethanol and carbon dioxide.
Recombinant DNA A fragment of DNA containing the DNA from two
different species spliced together in the laboratory. A plant cell naturally
infected with Agrobacterium also contains recombinant DNA.
Restriction enzyme A substance that cuts double-stranded DNA at the
site of a particular base sequence.
Reverse engineering The synthesis, in the laboratory, of an artificial gene
or a strand of DNA matching the amino acid sequence of a known protein.
Reverse transcriptase An enzyme that transcribes RNA into DNA.
Selection A technique for plant improvement in which the best seed from
each crop representing a particular trait is saved for planting the next gen-
eration or making the next cross.
Sequester To withdraw or tie up.
Shoot tip culture A technique for culturing the growing region at the tip
of a plant stem in order to induce the formation of multiple microshoots.
Somaclonal variation Mutations that arise during micropropagation.
Somatic hybrid A hybrid formed asexually by the fusion of two or more
Totipotent The capacity for any plant cell or tissue to develop into a fully
competent mature plant.
Transcription The assembly of an RNA molecule complementary to a
strand of DNA.
Transformation The transfer of genes from one organism to another.
Transgenic An organism that has been genetically transformed.
Translation The assembly of a protein on a ribosome in accordance with
the sequence of nucleotides in a strand of messenger RNA.
Triglyceride A fat or oil molecule consisting of three fatty acids attached
to a molecule of glycerol.
Vector In genetics, a means for carrying DNA into a cell. The
Agrobacterium plasmid is an example of a vector that is used to transform
plant cells.
Vegetative reproduction Plant reproduction that does not involve the
union of sperm and eggs.
Alberts, B., A. Johnson, J. Lewis, et al. Molecular Biology of the Cell. New
York: Garland Science, 2002.
Bud, R. The Uses of Life: A History of Biotechnology. Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Cummins, R., and B. Lilliston. Genetically Engineered Food: A Self-Defense
Guide for Consumers. New York: Marlowe & Co., 2000.
Grace, Eric R. Biotechnology Unzipped. Toronto: Trifolium Books, 1997.
Hart, K. Eating in the Dark. New York: Vintage Books, 2002.
Hopkins, W. G., and N. P. A. Hner. Introduction to Plant Physiology, 3rd
ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
McHughen, A. Pandoras Picnic Basket: The Potential and Hazards of
Genetically Modified Foods. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.
Kreuzer, H., and A. Massey. Recombinant DNA and Biotechnology.
Washington, DC: ASM Press, 2001.
Plasterk, R. H. A. RNA Silencing: The Genomes Immune System. Science
296 (2002): 12631265.
Pringle, P. Food, Inc.: Mendel to MonsantoThe Promises and Perils of the
Biotech Harvest. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003.
Raven, P. H., R. F. Evert, S. E. Eichhorn. Biology of Plants. New York: Worth
Publishers, 1999.
Tagliaferro, L. Genetic Engineering: Progress or Peril? New York: Lerner
Publications, 1997.
Thieman, W. J., and M. A. Palladino. Introduction to Biotechnology. San
Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2004.
Turner, N. J., and A. F. Szczawinski. Common Poisonous Plants and
Mushrooms of North America. Portland, OR: Timber Press, 1991.
Watson, J. D. The Double Helix. New York: Atheneum, 1968.
Hart, K. Eating in the Dark. New York: Vintage Books, 2002.
Pringle, P. Food, Inc.: Mendel to MonsantoThe Promises and Perils of the
Biotech Harvest. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003.
Tagliaferro, L. Genetic Engineering: Progress or Peril? New York: Lerner
Publications, 1997.
Watson, J. D. The Double Helix. New York: Atheneum, 1968.
Web Sites
Canadian Renewable Fuels Association
This site has many links to both Canadian and American renewable fuels sites.
Gene Gun
This site describes the origins of the helium-powered gene gun.
Molecular Farming
Well-constructed site with extensive links to other sites both for and against
genetic engineering.
RNAi. Nova (Public Broadcasting System)
Provides animated video and links to questions and answers.
Accumulator species, 3235 Biodiesel, 4143, 4446
Acetic acid, fermentation and, 19 Bioengineering, defined, 8
Acetyl-CoA, PHAs and, 100102 Biofuels, 23, 4044, 47
Actinomucor elegans, 20 Biogas, 41, 44
Adaptive advantages, 119121 Biolistics, 76, 77
Advantages of GMO crops, 111 Bioreactors, 25, 26, 27, 41, 97102
Adventitious shoots, 36 Bioremediation, 2628, 29
Aflatoxins, peanuts and, 117 Biotechnology, defined, 8, 10
Agrobacterium tumefaciens, 7779, 108 Blind staggers disease, 32
Alaska, bioremediation in, 28 Boyer, Herbert, 62
Alcohols, 5, 7 Brassica species, 93
Alkali poisoning, 32 Brazil, 24, 4344
Alkaloids, in foods, 116117 Breadmaking, 45, 7
Amino acids, 56, 8082 Butanol, fermentation and, 16
Ammonium perchlorate, 27 Butterflies, Bt and, 9091
Amylase, 5, 22 Butyl rubber, 16
Antibiotics, 10, 21, 23, 62, 64
Antibodies, 9899 Caffeine, toxicity of, 117
Antifreeze genes, 115 Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Antiparallel, defined, 54 (CFIA), 118, 121
Apical meristems, 38 Cane sugar, 24, 4344
Arabidopsis thaliana, 101 Canola, 93, 94, 122
Arntzen, C.J., 9899 Catalysts, enzymes as, 24
Aseptic technique, 17, 36 Cattails, bioremediation and, 26
Aspergillus niger, 22 Cattle, 32, 34, 40
Aspergillus oryzae, 20 CDC Imagine wheat, 120121
Astralgus, 32 cDNA, 7071
Auxins, crown gall and, 7779 Cellular respiration, 1719
Axillary buds, 3839 Cellulose, gasohol and, 4344
Certification of organic crops, 122
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) protein, Chargaff, Erwin, 5052
8992, 116 Cheese, 57
Backcrossing, 111 Chelation, 33
Bacteria, 6162, 114 Chemical mutagens, 73,
Bacteriophages, 6062 120121
Base pairing, 5255 Chemicals, 2022, 97102
Batch culture, defined, 21 Chitinase, viral resistance and, 92
Beer, 45 Citric acid, 21, 22
Berg, Paul, 6162 Citric acid cycle, 18, 19
Beta-carotene, 22, 96 Clones, defined, 35
Bialaphos, 8082 Codons, protein synthesis and, 57
Bin run seed, 122 Cohen, Stanley, 62
Biodegradable plastics, 100102 Colorado potato beetles, 89, 90, 91
Competitive advantages, 119121 EcoRI enzyme, 6162, 63
Complementarity, 5355, 59, 67 Edible vaccines, 99100
Complementary DNA (cDNA), 7071 Effervescence, citric acid and, 22
Contamination, seeds and, 122 Electrophoresis, 66
Continuous culture, defined, 21 Electroporation, 7576, 77
Conventional plant breeding Embryo rescue, 112113
acceptance of, 106 Enolpyruvyl-shikimate-3-phosphate
disadvantages of, 109111 synthase (EPSPS), 80, 82
herbicide tolerance and, 120121 Enterotoxins, 8992
history of, 107108 Environmental Protection Agency
pesticide tolerance and, 119 (EPA), 10
process overview, 108109 Environmental safety, 119124
trait development by, 111114 Enzymes, 22, 2425. See also specific
Cooking oils, 44, 46, 100 enzymes
Corn, 76, 96, 108, 110 Ereky, Karl, 14
Corn steep liquor, 23 Erucic acid, 93
Cotton, 101102 Escherichia coli (E. coli), 28, 6162, 99
Crick, Francis, 5253 Ethanol, 19, 21, 2324, 4344
Crossing, 108110 Ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS), 73
Cross-pollination, 122 Explants, micropropagation and, 38
Crown gall, 7679 Exxon Valdez, 28
CryIAb, 91
Cyanogenic glycosides, 116 Farming, molecular, 97102, 120
Cytokinins, crown gall and, 7779 Fatty acids, 41, 42, 46, 9395
Feedstocks, 8
Denitrifying bacteria, 26 Fermentation
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). See biodegradable plastics and, 102
DNA butanol production and, 16
Department of Agriculture, U.S., 118, feedstock production and, 8
119 gasohol and, 44
Disease resistance, 8992 glycerol production and, 1415
DNA industrial production and, 2025
genes and, 5456 Louis Pasteur and, 14
insertion into plant cells, 7579 overview of, 5, 1719
modern biotechnology and, 6066 Fingerprinting, DNA, 6566, 74
overview of, 5054 Fish genes, tomatoes and, 115
presence of in all foods, 114, 116 Flavr-Savr tomatoes, 115
proteins and, 5660 Fleming, Alexander, 23
DNA fingerprinting, 6566, 74 Flounder genes, 115
DNA ligase, 54, 74 Flower coloration, 8788
DNA polymerase, 55, 74 Food and Drug Administration
Domestication, 45 (FDA), 118
Double helix model, 5254 Food safety, 114117, 118
Forensics, 6566 Goitrogens, 117
Franklin, Rosalind, 53 Golden rice, 9496
Fungi, 78, 9. See also specific species Greenpeace, 107
Fungicides, 8081 Griseofulvin, 21
Fusarium infections, 9 Groundwater, 27
Fusion of protoplasts, 75 Gun cotton, 16
Lactic acid, 14, 19, 20 Nobel, Alfred, 1617
Lactobacillus, 20 Nobel Prize, 17, 61, 62
Lake Ontario, 28 Norwalk virus, 99
Landfills, methane and, 4041 Nucleotides, 50, 51, 59
Landraces, 109 Nutrition, improving, 9396
Lepidopterans, Bt and, 9091, 116
Liberty, 8082 Oil refineries, 2627
Libraries, cDNA, 7071 Oils, 4144, 46, 9395, 100
Ligase, 54, 74 Oilseed rape, 93, 94, 122
Lipids, 95 Open-pollination, 109
Locoweed, 32 Orchids, 39
Lodging, 112, 113 Organic farming, 116, 122
Lysine, feedstock and, 96 Origins of biotechnology, 47, 14
Osmosis, protoplasts and, 7375
Maize, transformation of, 76 Overexpression, defined, 80
Mannitol, protoplasts and, 7375 Oxygen, 1819, 44
Marker genes, 64, 65
Marquis wheat, 108 Pandoras Picnic Basket, 114
Marsh gas, 4041 Papain, 24
Measles, edible vaccines and, 100 Paper mills, 34
Messenger RNA (mRNA), 57, 58, 59, Pasteur, Louis, 14, 15
7071, 8788 Pasteurization, 114
Metabolites, production of, 2025 Pathogens, 3940
Metals, 26, 32 Pauling, Linus, 5254
Methane, biofuels and, 4041 PCR. See Polymerase chain reaction
Methylation, 60 Peanuts, aflatoxins and, 117
Microbiology, Pasteur and, 14 Pectinase, 22
Micropropagation, 3640, 113114 Penicillin, 21, 23
Molecular farming, 97102, 120 Penicillium chrysogenum, 23
Monarch butterflies, Bt and, 9091 Perchlorate, 27
mRNA, 57, 58, 59, 7071, 8788 Pesticides, 116, 119
Mutagens, chemical, 73 Petroleum products, 28
Mutation breeding, 112 Petunias, pigmentation and, 8788
Mutations, 7173, 112 Phages, 6062
Pharming, molecular, 97102, 120
Nanotechnology, 76 Phytoaccumulation, 3435
National Center for Biotechnology Phytochelatins, 33
Information, 10 Phytoprospecting, 3233
Natural gas, methane and, 40 Phytoremediation, 3235
Nature, 5254, 90 Plant cell transformation, 73, 7576
Neuberg, C.A., 1415 Plant oils, biofuels and, 4144
Nickel, phytomining and, 34 Plasmids, 6264, 65, 79
Nitroglycerin, 16 Plastics, biodegradable, 100102
Pollination, 8890, 109, 122 Riboflavin, 22
Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 50, 57
100102 Ribosomes, 59
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Rice, Golden, 9496
6566, 74 Risk, assessment of, 124125
Polymerases, 55, 74 RNA interference (RNAi), 8788
Potatoes RNA silencing, 8788
alkaloids in, 116117, 118 Roundup, 7982, 8687, 120121
disease resistance and, 75 Rubber, synthetic, 16
gasohol and, 44 Russet Burbank potatoes, 114
micropropagation and, 40
molecular farming and, 99 Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 5, 19
somaclonal variation (SCV) and, Safety, 114117, 118, 119124
114 Salix species, 35
Precautionary principle, 118119 Saturation, 9395
Precision, as advantage, 111 Sedges, bioremediation and, 26
Prince William Sound, 28 Seed oils, 41, 9394
Probes, fingerprinting and, 66 Selection, 64, 108
Productivity, defined, 9, 92, 9294 Selenium, 32, 34
Proteases, 22, 117 Sequestration, 33
Proteins, 5660, 8992 Serotonin, bananas and, 117
Protoplasts, 7375 Sewage treatment plants, 40
Pseudomonas, 28 Shoot-tip culture, 38
Pyruvic acid, 1819 Shotgun biolistics, 76, 77
Silencing, 8788
Radiation, ionizing, 73 Silos, methane and, 41
Rapeseed, 93 Smith, Hamilton, 6162
Reassortment, 35 Solanine, 116117, 118
Recombinant DNA (rDNA), 8, 6162, Solanum tuberosum, 75
67 Somaclonal variations, 40, 113114
Rennet, industrial production of, 22 Somatic hybridization, 75
Rennin, 6, 7, 8, 24 Soybeans, 20, 4446, 81
Replica plating, 64 Soy sauce, 20
Replication, 54, 6264, 74 Starches, gasohol and, 4344
Resistance, 8892. See also Herbicide Start codons, 59
tolerance Stearic acid, 94
Respiration, 1719 Sterile technique, 17, 36
Restriction enzymes, 6062, 6264, Sterility, 122124
6566, 67 Sticky ends, 62
Retroviruses, 7071 Streptomyces hygroscopicus, 8082
Reverse engineering, 71 Sufu, 20
Reverse transcriptase, 7071 Sugar cane, 24, 4344
Rhizopus, 20 Sugar-phosphate backbone, 5255
Suicide seeds, 122124 Uniformity, clones and, 3536
Sunflower oil, biofuels and, 41
Suppression, RNA and, 8788 Vaccines, 98100
Swamp gas, 4041 Variability, genetic, 109
Sweet potatoes, 44 Variations, somaclonal, 40
Vegetative reproduction, 36
Tempeh, 20 Vetch, 32
Temperature, PCR and, 74 Vinegar, 19
Teosinte, 108 Viruses, 3940, 6062, 7072, 92
Terminator technology, 122124 Visualization, 66
Thallium, phytomining and, 34 Vitamins, 22, 96
Thermal properties, 101102
Thlaspi species, 33 Waste management, 26
Ti plasmids, 79 Watson, James, 5253
Tissue culture, 36 Weeds, control of, 8687
Tobacco, 10, 9798 Weizmann, Chaim, 16
Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), 72 Weizmann process, 16, 17
Tomatoes, 115 Wetlands, 26
Totipotency, 38 Wheat, 108, 112, 120121
Toxicity, human, 82 White, Phillip, 36
Toxins, in all foods, 116118 Wilkins, Maurice, 53
Trace elements, 34 Willows, 35
Transcription, 57 Wines, 5
Transfer RNA (tRNA), 58, 59
Transformation Yeasts, fermentation and, 5
of bacteria, 6263, 64 Yields, 9, 9294
of plant cells, 73, 7576, 7679
Translation, 58 Zea mays, 76
Triazine resistance, 5657 Zymology, defined, 14
Triglycerides, 41, 42, 95 Zymotechnology, 14
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William G. Hopkins received a B.A. in biology from Wesleyan University
and a Ph.D. in botany from Indiana University. His post-doctoral train-
ing was conducted at Brookhaven National Laboratories. He has taught
at Bryn Mawr College and the University of Western Ontario, where he is
now professor emeritus (Biology). Dr. Hopkins has taught primarily in the
areas of plant physiology and cell biology, was responsible for design and
implementation of an honors program in cell biology, and served many
years as an undergraduate counselor. In 1988, Dr. Hopkins was awarded
the universitys Gold Medal for Excellence in Teaching. His research and
publications have focused on the role of light and temperature in plant
development, the organization of chlorophyll-protein complexes, and
energy transformations in chloroplasts. Dr. Hopkins has been a contribut-
ing author to two high school biology textbooks and is the senior author
of Introduction to Plant Physiology, a textbook published by John Wiley &
Sons and now in its third edition.