Drilling of Bone
Drilling of Bone
Drilling of Bone
Review Article
Article history: Background: Bone fracture treatment usually involves restoring of the fractured parts to
Received 1 November 2012 their initial position and immobilizing them until the healing takes place. Drilling of bone is
Accepted 10 January 2013 common to produce hole for screw insertion to fix the fractured parts for immobilization.
Available online 18 January 2013 Orthopaedic drilling during surgical process causes increase in the bone temperature and
forces which can cause osteonecrosis reducing the stability and strength of the fixation.
Keywords: Methods: A comprehensive review of all the relevant investigations carried on bone drilling
Bone fracture is conducted. The experimental method used, results obtained and the conclusions made
Bone drilling by the various researchers are described and compared.
Immobilization Result: Review suggests that the further improvement in the area of bone drilling is pos-
Thermal osteonecrosis sible. The systematic review identified several consequential factors (drilling parameters
and drill specifications) affecting bone drilling on which there no general agreement among
investigators or are not adequately evaluated. These factors are highlighted and use of
more advanced methods of drilling is accentuated. The use of more precise experimental
set up which resembles the actual situation and the development of automated bone
drilling system to minimize human error is addressed.
Conclusion: In this review, an attempt has been made to systematically organize the
research investigations conducted on bone drilling. Methods of treatment of bone fracture,
studies on the determination of the threshold for thermal osteonecrosis, studies on the
parameters influencing bone drilling and methods of the temperature measurement used
are reviewed and the future work for the further improvement of bone drilling process is
Copyright ª 2013, Delhi Orthopaedic Association. All rights reserved.
Fig. 1 e Process of bone drilling and temperature Fig. 2 e Histological image showing the status of
measurement without coolant.2 osteocytes during drilling.10
j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0 17
Moritz and Henriques (1946) Pig An increase in temperature above 70 C causes immediate damage of epi-
thelial cells
Bonfield and Li (1968) Dog Irreversible bone changes occur when heated to 56 C
Lundskog (1972) Rabbit Temperature of 55 C for 30 s will induce irreversible death of the bone cells
Eriksson and Albrektsson (1983) Rabbit 47 C for 1 min causes thermal necrosis of cortical bone
18 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0
rate. They found that at lower rotational speeds the forces are cooling involves feeding the coolant to the surface of the drill
much higher as compared to the higher speeds and, as the at the entry point.
feed is increased the forces increases. In 1976 Wiggins and In closed type internal cooling system the coolant circu-
Malkin43 performed an experimental investigation on bone lates through the tunnels incorporated inside the drill and
drilling using different types of drill bits of various diameters. back to the central heat exchanger. Cooling is achieved by the
The drilling behaviour with constant thrust force was meas- mechanism of conduction of heat from the drill to the coolant
ured in terms of feed rate, torque and specific energy. They flowing through tunnels. No contact between coolant and the
have identified that the clogging of drill bit causes substantial bone takes place. In open type internal cooling system the
increase in the drilling torque hence increases specific cutting coolant flows of through the tunnels in the drill and exits from
energy. No measurements for the temperature generated the opening at the drill tip, thereby taking away the heat
were done. Abouzgia and James41 investigated the effect of the generated during the drilling process. Besides taking away the
force on the energy consumed during the drilling process heat by conduction, the coolant also provides lubrication and
using forces between 1.5 and 9.0 N and for free-running irrigation (excluding closed loop internal cooling system).7
speeds from 20,000 to 100,000 rpm. The measurements of Lubrication reduces the friction during drilling and hence
electric power showed that the total energy consumed gen- less heat is generated. Bone produces short chips when it is
erally decreases with increasing speed and force, primarily dry but during orthopaedic treatment it is wet therefore the
because of decrease in drilling time. They suggested that high chips produced get clogged which increases the friction and
drilling speed with a large force is desirable because bone raises the temperature during drilling. Irrigation causes the
temperature is reduced. Karmani and Lam44 studied the effect effective removal of chips and debris which avoids clogging of
of rake angle on the cutting efficiency and the specific energy flutes during bone drilling and facilitates less heat generation.
requirement during the bone drilling process and concluded Matthews and Hirsch21 studied the effect of the use of coolant
that the selection of the optimum rake angle facilitates cut- during drilling of human cortical bone and found that the
ting, improves the chip flow and reduces the specific cutting cooling is highly effective in limiting the maximum temper-
energy. ature elevations. The experimental holes were drilled while
being irrigated with water at room temperature at flow rates of
3.1.3. Influence of coolant 300, 500 and 1000 ml per minute. They showed that higher the
The effect of use of coolant during bone drilling for ortho- irrigation rate lower is the bone temperature developed during
paedic surgery is investigated by many researchers22,45e48 drilling and the temperature never increases beyond 50 C for
they found that cooling is one of the most important factor the irrigation rate of 500 ml/min or above (shown in Fig. 11).
as it significantly decreases the temperature induced during Kirschner and Meyer50 used open type internal cooling
drilling. Two methods internal and external cooling are often system for dental drilling. They concluded that as the internal
employed for the supply of coolant during drilling (shown in cooling feeds the coolant at the tip of the drill, a combined
Fig. 10(a) and (b) respectively). The types of cooling systems rinsing and cooling effect on bone is obtained which main-
are7: tains bone temperature lower as compared to temperature
generated with external or no cooling. Lavelle and Wedg-
1) Internal cooling systems. wood45 performed an in vitro study at low rotational speed of
1.1) Closed type. 350 rpm with force of 19 N and showed that internal irrigation
1.2) Open type. reduces the temperature more effectively when compared to
2) External cooling systems
external irrigation. Haider et al46 performed histographical (7 mme9 mm) and human cadaveric (3 mme5 mm) bone.
studies on sheep and compared the effects of external and Wiggins and Malkin43 found that the temperature produced
internal cooling. They concluded that external irrigation is during drilling is directly proportional to the drilling depth.
more effective on the surface whereas internal irrigation in Since the clogging of drill flutes by bone chips causes a sub-
the depth. Effectiveness of internal irrigation compared to stantial increase in torque and friction as the drilling depth
external irrigation increases as the depth increases. But increases. Cordioli and Majzoub54 carried out their bone drill-
Benington et al47 in their experiment observed the thermal ing investigations on bovine femurs with twist drills of 2 mm
changes at implant sites with internal and external cooling and 3 mm diameter running at 1500 rpm with external irriga-
and found no appreciable difference in the temperate gen- tion. They observed higher temperature at 8 mm depth as
erated. So they concluded that there is no benefit of expensive compared to 4 mm depth regardless of the drill diameter and
internal irrigation system over the external irrigation. Kali- the presence of cooling. Kalidindi48 found that the increasing
dindi48 observed a significant rise in temperature during behaviour of the temperature with depth is due to increase in
drilling without coolant. He performed various experiments the contact time between the workpiece and the drilling tool
with external cooling to observe its impact on drilling tem- which increases the overall friction and hence higher heat is
perature and found that the external cooling reduces the produced. But Tehemar55 recommended that the influence of
temperature generated during drilling. Augustin et al22 carried drilling depth on the increase in temperature is not so impor-
out drilling experiments on porcine femora to evaluate the tant when open type internal cooling system is used during
influence of different drilling parameters on the increase of bone drilling. Oliveira et al56 and Lee et al39 from their in-
bone temperature. They concluded that cooling with water at vestigations suggested that depth is the predominant factor
26 C is the most important factor in reducing the bone tem- influencing the temperature induced during bone drilling.
perature during drilling. Sener et al51 performed in vitro There is a general agreement in the literature that greater
experimental studies on bovine mandible and observed that the drilling depth higher is the temperature generated despite
more heat is generated on the surface of the drilling cavity as of any drilling conditions and cortical bone thickness is pos-
compared to the bottom surface. Therefore, they suggested itively correlated with the temperature generated during bone
external irrigation can provide sufficient cooling during drill- drilling.
ing. Besides that they also examined the effects of external
irrigation using saline at 25 C and 10 C and found that lower 3.1.5. Predrilling
coolant temperature causes lower temperature generated Drilling can be done either in single step or in multistep. In
during bone drilling. Similar results were obtained by Al- single step only one drill of required diameter is used to pro-
Dabag and Sultan52 using the coolant at 5 C and 25 C. duce the desired hole whereas in multistep drilling known as
Augustin et al53 investigated the performance of internally predrilling, drill diameter is gradually increased from mini-
cooled step drill during drilling of porcine femora. They found mum to the required diameter using a number of drills. Mat-
that with all combinations of parameters, the use of internal thews et al57 conducted experiments on human-cadaveric
type irrigation system produces bone temperatures much cortical bone to examine the effect of predrilling during drill-
below the threshold for thermal osteonecrosis. From the re- ing of bone and found that, predrilling is highly effective
view of literature under this section it is clear that only few method of minimizing temperature elevation. Branemark58
researchers had carried out the investigations for the com- recommended incremental drilling as it gradually removes
parison of the internal and external cooling and there is no the material from the drilling site, resulting in less friction and
clear suggestion of the better and convenient of the two to be better heat dissipation. Itay and Tsur59 also suggested that
used during bone drilling. predrilling can effectively lessen the temperature during
drilling of bone. Udiljak et al1 investigated with the conven-
3.1.4. Drilling depth and cortical bone thickness tional drill and step drill (Fig. 12) and showed that the max-
Drilling depth and cortical bone thickness also influence the imum bone drilling temperature was much lower in case of
temperature during drilling and both are positively step drill as compared to conventional drill.
correlated.24,38,39,43,48,54e56 The frictional resistance offered by Kalidindi48 also found similar results and concluded that
the compact cortical bone to the drill causes increase in tem- the maximum temperature obtained using incremental
perature. Greater the cortical thickness greater is the drilling drilling is far less as compared to single stretch drilling to
depth and so the friction and heat generated. Eriksson et al16 produce same hole. They suggested that it may be due to
performed in vivo experiments to study the temperature rise the time gap between the change of drills during incre-
during drilling of rabbit, dog and human tibiae under similar mental drilling and hence the new drill is in cool environ-
conditions and found that the temperatures generated is ment as compared to the single stretch drill. They have also
highest in humans followed by dog and than in the rabbit. They reported that the temperature reduction is due to the
concluded that the variations in the drilling temperature reduction in the debris to expel with step drilling, but with
measured for different species were due to the difference in the the predrilling there is a disadvantage of drilling time being
mean cortical thickness. Hillery and Shuaib24 also carried out increased resulting in extended operation time. Recently
their experiments with constant drilling parameters and drill Augustin et al53 examined the temperature changes in the
specifications for both bovine and human bone and found cortical bone during drilling with a step drill. They reported
significantly higher temperature for the bovine bone as com- no differences in the maximum bone temperature with two-
pared to human bones. They explained that this result is due to step drill as compared to the standard drill of the same
the difference in the mean cortical thickness of the bovine diameter.
22 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0
1) Rake angle
3.2. Drill specifications 2) Clearance angle and flank
1) Rake angle: it is defined as the angle between the cutting edge
Drill specifications are also a major factor influencing the and the plane perpendicular to the workpiece. Rake angle is
temperature generation during drilling. Several researches a critical factor influencing the cutting forces. Several in-
showed that many features of drill are responsible for vestigations have been carried out to identify an optimal
increase in thermal injury to the bone.22,32,60 Any drill is rake angle for bone drilling. There is a general agreement on
usually characterized by the drill diameter, cutting face, helix the results obtained by Jacob et al65 that, as the rake angle
angle and the drill point (Fig. 13a). The drill cutting face is increases the bone cutting forces decreases for a single edge
further specified by rake angle and clearance angle whereas cutting tool. Drill can be assumed to be formed by two single
point angle, flank and the chisel edge defines the drill point32 edge tool wrapped around a common axis,40 hence severe
(shown in Fig. 13b). the rake angle lower are the cutting forces. Saha et al60
observed that the higher rake angle increases the cutting
3.2.1. Drill diameter efficiency of the drill. An optimum rake of 20 e30 was rec-
Several researchers have carried out bone drilling experi- ommended by Hillery and Shuaib24 as it sufficiently clears
ments to determine the effect of drill diameter on the tem- the chips and generates very low thrust force.
perature generated during drilling.22,48 They found that the 2) Clearance angle and flank: flank is the flat part of the drill
diameter of the drill significantly influences the drilling tem- when viewed end on (Fig. 13b). The flank of the drill rep-
perature. Kalidindi48 studied the temperatures produced resents a large surface area for friction during drilling.
while drilling with three different drills of diameters 2, 3.5 and Clearance is the space provided to avoid undesirable con-
4.3 mm at a feed rate of 0.42 mm/s and speed of 1200 rpm. He tact of the flank with the workpiece. It is the angle by which
found that the temperature increases exponentially with the flank of the drill clears the material during drilling.32
Despite of the clearance provided the large surface of the
flank results in high friction with workpiece, causes gen-
eration of the frictional heat and hence the temperature
during drilling. Farnworth and Burton66 suggested a clear-
ance angle of 15 for better cutting efficiency during bone
drilling operation. Saha et al60 also recommended the same
values as optimal clearance angle for bone drilling.
Recently, Karmani and Lam44 investigated on the design of
the surgical drill bits and demonstrated that the optimum
clearance angle of the drill bit for bone drilling lies in the
range of 12 e15 . Natali et al32 suggested that the friction
between the flank and the bone can also be reduced by
increasing the clearance angle half way along the surface
termed as split point (shown in the Fig. 14). Split point
causes reduction of the friction of the flank with workpiece
Fig. 13 e (a) Twist drill bit. (b) Drill bit tip.61 so less heat is generated.
j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0 23
Fig. 15 e Point angle of 2-fluted drills (a) are generally less Fig. 16 e Variations in helix angle and a worm spiral drill
acute than 3-fluted drills (b).68 bit.32
24 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0
temperature decreases uniformly with increasing helix angle. 2) Chisel edge: is defined as the edge at the end of the web that
They proposed parabolic flute (known as worm spiral) pro- connects the cutting lips (Fig. 11). The chisel edge length is
vides an excellent clearance of debris and hence a higher feed equal to the web thickness and it also determines the dif-
rate is possible with this type of flutes (shown in Fig. 14). ference between the cutting edges about the axis of rota-
Higher feed rate increases the rate of heat generation but re- tion. The chisel edge significantly contributes to the thrust
duces drilling time hence less heat is produced.32 force produced during drilling. It also hampers the center-
ing of drill bit on an irregularly curved bone surface. The
3.2.4. Drill point amount of contribution made by the chisel edge to the axial
thrust produced during drilling depends upon the ratio of
1) Point angle lengths of chisel and the cutting edges.68 Stephenson and
2) Chisel edge Agapiou74 suggested that the relationship of contribution of
1) Point angle: point angle for a drill is defined as the angle the chisel edge to the thrust force with respect to ratio of
formed by the projection of the cutting edges on to a plane the web thickness to the drill diameter. They reported that
passing through the longitudinal axis of the drill (Fig. 13b). at the ratio of 20%, the contribution is 50%, for a ratio of 30%
Point angle prevents the walking of the drill and enables the the contribution doubles and for 40% it becomes four times.
user to drill at the desired site. Hence an optimum point The straight chisel line edge has a large negative rake angle
angle is desirable as using drill guide is not always possible which does not have any cutting action but some sort of
during orthopaedic drilling. The smaller point angles pro- extrusion effect, giving rise to a considerable amount of
duces more acute tip which can easily stab in the material thrust force during drilling.60 Saha et al,60 to design an
preventing the walking of the drill. But with acute tip less improved orthopaedic drill suggested that the width of the
portion of the cutting lip is involved in the cutting action in chisel edge can be reduced by grinding to improve the
the first moments of the drilling leading to higher rise in the cutting efficiency. However the maximum amount of web
temperature. On the other hand larger point angles provide thinning is limited by minimum strength of the web
full contact of the cutting lip with the bone as soon as necessary to avoid the breakage of the drill due to the cut-
drilling starts.7 Several researchers have carried out in- ting force. Natali et al32 suggested that incorporating a split
vestigations to find the influence of drill point angle on point in the drill can reduce the chisel edge to almost a tip
bone drilling. There is no general agreement on the opti- hence the extrusion effect of the chisel edge is transformed
mum drill point angle. Bechtol et al62 investigated the effect to the cutting action by imparting positive rake angle at the
of point angle during bone drilling and recommended an chisel edge zone. They also reported that this design facil-
angle of 90 for surgical drill. Later same result was also itates the breaking of the chips into smaller pieces causing
shown by Jacobs and Berry.40 Sneath73 suggested a larger their easy ejection through the flutes. This modification of
drill point angle of the range of 130 e140 to be used for the drill also helped to have more acute tip which can be
orthopaedic drilling. Similarly, Farnworth and Burton66 accurately positioned on the curved surface of the bone
suggested that the point angle in the range of 120 e140 during drilling. From the study of the previous in-
gives most satisfactory performance in terms of thrust vestigations it is clear that the reduction of the chisel edge
force, torque, rate of penetration and the quality of the can contribute significantly towards the lowering of the
holes. Wiggins and Malkin43 performed investigations with thrust forces during bone drilling with an increased accu-
three different types of drill bits (surgical twist drill, general racy in the position of the intended hole.
purpose twist drill and a spade drill) having different point
angles and observed that the drill with a point angle of 118
generates much lower torque and energy as compared to 3.2.5. Drill wear
the other two. Saha et al60 and Natali et al32 investigated the Drill wear is common during drilling. The repeated use of
drilling performance of various design of the drill and found drill causes the cutting edges to wear out due to mechanical
118 point angle is best suited for surgical drilling. Thrust and thermal load encountered by them during drilling. Mat-
force generated varies parabolically with the point angle thews and Hirsch21 suggested that during the bone drilling,
and reaches the minimum value at approximately 118 .74 bone temperature increases with the multiple use of drill.
Fuchsberger71 in his investigations recommended an opti- The wear increases the surface roughness of cutting lips
mum point angle of 70 to reduce the temperature pro- resulting in the increase of axial thrust force, temperature
duced in bone drilling process. Hillery and Shuaib24 found and cutting vibrations. Drill wear can be detected by using
no significant difference in the temperatures generated scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or by light microscope.
while drilling bovine tibia and cadaveric bone with drills of Jochum and Reichart75 investigated using 20 Timedur cannon
point angles 70 , 80 or 90 with 23 positive rake angle. drills (ZL-Duraplant-Implant-4System) for 51 times in vitro
Later, Augustin et al22 carried out the drilling experiments experimental setting using pig’s mandibles. They concluded
on porcine femora to evaluate the influence of the drill from the investigations that the use of drill more than 40
point angle (80 , 100 and 120 ) on the temperatures gen- times causes significant wear and increase in temperature.
erated during bone drilling. They concluded that using Allan et al76 investigated the effect of drill wear on the tem-
different drill point angles don’t have any significant dif- perature rise during drilling of the porcine mandibles in vitro.
ference on the increase in the temperature during drilling. They examined three types of drills bits: one was new (Lei-
Karmani and Lam44 suggested a range of 110 e118 point binger 1.5 mm diameter with two flutes), one was which had
angle for the design of orthopaedic drill. drilled 600 holes, and the third drill had been in use for
j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0 25
Fig. 19 e Common methods for the estimation of temperature experimentally during bone drilling: (a) thermocouple
technique17 and (b) infrared (IR) thermography.80
j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0 27
Table 3 e Guidelines for bone drilling with minimum bone tissue injury.
Guideline for bone drilling Literature review recommendation Reason
High drill speed with larger force (of the No clear indication from the past studies Increase in speed and force increases the
order so that the bursting of the bone but majority of the studies recommends rate of heat generation but reduces the
should not take place) high drill speed with larger force for time of drilling. Hence overall less total
minimum heat generation heat is generated
Supply of coolant Coolant should be used whenever it is Coolant helps in dissipating the heat
feasible through conduction. Besides taking away
the heat by conduction, the coolant also
provides lubrication and irrigation
(excluding closed loop internal cooling
system). Lubrication reduces the friction
during drilling and hence less heat is
generated. Irrigation causes the effective
removal of chips and debris which avoids
clogging of flutes during bone drilling and
facilitates less heat generation
High drill rake angle Rake angle of 20 e30 is recommended Higher the rake angle, lower are the
cutting forces which increases its cutting
efficiency and reduces the heat generation
Use of split point Can be used effectively for bone drilling as Split point causes reduction of the friction
the friction between the flank and the of the flank with workpiece so less heat is
bone is reduced by increasing the generated
clearance angle half way along the surface
Quick helix or worm spiral Temperature decreases uniformly with High helix/parabolic flutes provides an
increasing helix angle. The recommended excellent clearance of debris which
ranges are 25 e35 or drill bit with reduces the friction and hence reduces the
parabolic flutes can be used heat generated
Two phase drill bit (step drill bit) Step drilling is highly effective method of Material removal from drilling site takes
minimizing temperature elevation place gradually which lowers the
temperatures generated during drilling
Large point angle Point angle in the range of 100 e130 is Larger point angles provide full contact of
recommended by most of the researches the cutting lip with the bone as soon as
drilling starts and hence less total heat is
produced due to the faster cutting action
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