Drilling of Bone

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Review Article

Drilling of bone: A comprehensive review

Rupesh Kumar Pandey a, S.S. Panda b,*

PhD Student, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Patna 800013, Bihar, India
Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Patna 800013, Bihar, India

article info abstract

Article history: Background: Bone fracture treatment usually involves restoring of the fractured parts to
Received 1 November 2012 their initial position and immobilizing them until the healing takes place. Drilling of bone is
Accepted 10 January 2013 common to produce hole for screw insertion to fix the fractured parts for immobilization.
Available online 18 January 2013 Orthopaedic drilling during surgical process causes increase in the bone temperature and
forces which can cause osteonecrosis reducing the stability and strength of the fixation.
Keywords: Methods: A comprehensive review of all the relevant investigations carried on bone drilling
Bone fracture is conducted. The experimental method used, results obtained and the conclusions made
Bone drilling by the various researchers are described and compared.
Immobilization Result: Review suggests that the further improvement in the area of bone drilling is pos-
Thermal osteonecrosis sible. The systematic review identified several consequential factors (drilling parameters
and drill specifications) affecting bone drilling on which there no general agreement among
investigators or are not adequately evaluated. These factors are highlighted and use of
more advanced methods of drilling is accentuated. The use of more precise experimental
set up which resembles the actual situation and the development of automated bone
drilling system to minimize human error is addressed.
Conclusion: In this review, an attempt has been made to systematically organize the
research investigations conducted on bone drilling. Methods of treatment of bone fracture,
studies on the determination of the threshold for thermal osteonecrosis, studies on the
parameters influencing bone drilling and methods of the temperature measurement used
are reviewed and the future work for the further improvement of bone drilling process is
Copyright ª 2013, Delhi Orthopaedic Association. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 1) Conventional approach

2) Direct approach
Bone is a calcified connective tissue forming the major portion
of the skeleton of most vertebrates. A bone is said to be frac- In conventional approach the setting and immobilization
tured if there is a break in its continuity. Fractured bones are of the fractured parts is done from outside whereas direct
capable to heal itself by producing new bone forming cells and approach implicates the internal fixation of fractures using
blood vessel at the fracture site. There are two basic ap- immobilization screws, wires and plates. The limitation of
proaches for bone fracture treatment.1 the conventional approach lies in the fact that the parts

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ91 6122552037 (O); fax: þ91 6122277383.

E-mail address: sspanda@iitp.ac.in (S.S. Panda).
0976-5662/$ e see front matter Copyright ª 2013, Delhi Orthopaedic Association. All rights reserved.
16 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0

cannot be optimally aligned, in some cases the alignment

from outside is not possible and the healing takes a long 2. Studies on the determination of threshold
time.1 These limitations are overcome by direct approach in for thermal osteonecrosis
which bone drilling is a common operation for internal fix-
ation of fracture by immobilization screws or for prosthetic Osteonecrosis (ON) is a disease resulting from the temporary
device installation. Fig. 1 shows a bone drilling operation in or permanent loss of blood supply to the bones. In the absence
which drill makes hole in the bone, by removing the material of the blood supply, the bone tissue dies and causes the bone
from it.2 to collapse. There are several reasons which may cause the
During this process temperature rises which can result in loss of blood supply to the bones. Trauma related necrosis can
bone necrosis i.e. irreversible death of the bone cells when the result from an injury whereas non traumatic necrosis is
temperature increases above a threshold.3e5 The compressive caused due to some medications, blood coagulation disorders
force acting on the fixation usually demands for high degree of or excessive use of alcohol. Thermal trauma is a subtype of
stability of the fixating screws. To ensure this stability the traumatic necrosis called as thermal necrosis of bone or
threads of the screw must engage or grip the bone enclosing thermal ON.7 ON associated with the drilling is very complex
the drilled hole. But necrosis causes breakdown of bone phenomenon. Apart from the thermal damage, drilling of
around the implantation site leading to the loosening of fix- bone can also cause micro damage to the bone. Small cracks
ation.6 Thus the method of internal fixation of fracture for accumulate in the mineralized matrix of bone which can
faster recovery is advantageous only if the thermal necrosis of cause osteocytes apoptosis.8 Death of osteocytes due to drill-
the bone can be avoided. Therefore the bone drilling studies ing may therefore increase the risk of osteonecrosis due to
plays a very vital role in improving the chances of avoiding depletion of the osteocytes, reduction in blood flow and
thermal osteonecrosis. Few researches, mostly experimental, increased osteoclastic resorption resulting in structurally
pertaining to establish optimum drilling conditions and drill weaker bone.9 The presence of empty osteocyte lacunae is the
geometry has been reported in the literature. It has been more histological distinctive characteristic of osteonecrosis3,10 as
than a half century since which the investigation on bone shown in Fig. 2. Necrotic bone adjacent to a pin tract is
drilling is carried out but still there is no general agreement on denoted by presence of empty osteocyte lacunae marked with
the mechanical modelling of this process to determine opti- dots. Healthy osteocytes are encircled. The line indicates the
mum drill design and drilling parameters for avoiding bone border between the present and disappeared osteocytes.10
necrosis. An attempt has been made to compile the work The primary objective for carrying out these studies is to
related to bone drilling to develop a technological database of investigate the viability of bone after thermal trauma. Ther-
orthopaedic drilling process. The present paper not only mal damage to the living tissue is related to the magnitude of
summarizes important studies but also reviews meticulously temperature elevation and the time for which the tissue is
the area for minimizing heat and force induced bone tissue subjected to the damaging temperatures.11,12 The inverse
injury. relationship of thermal necrosis temperature and necrosis
The present review is categorized into the following time for a wide range of temperature (44  Ce100  C) was
sections studied and it was found that an increase in temperature
above 70  C causes immediate damage of epithelial cells4 as
1) Studies on the determination of the threshold for thermal shown in Fig. 3. Bone necrosis was consistently seen in his-
osteonecrosis. tological sections of rabbit at temperatures greater than or
2) Studies on the parameters influencing the bone drilling. equal to 70  C.13
3) Miscellaneous factors affecting bone drilling. Lundskog performed his studies on rabbit and stated that
4) Heat generation and temperature measurement during a temperature of 55  C for 30 s will induce irreversible death of
bone drilling. the bone cells.5 Bonfield and Li demonstrated that irreversible
5) Conclusion and future directions. bone changes occur when dog femora were heated to 56  C
in vivo.12 Eriksson et al3 performed histological, histochemical
and vital microscopic study in the rabbit and established

Fig. 1 e Process of bone drilling and temperature Fig. 2 e Histological image showing the status of
measurement without coolant.2 osteocytes during drilling.10
j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0 17

Table 2 e Parameters influencing the temperature rise

during bone drilling.
Drilling parameters Drill specifications

Drilling speed Drill diameter

Feed rate Cutting face
1) Rake angle
2) Clearance angle
Drilling energy Flutes and helix angle
Cooling Drill point
1) Internal cooling 1) Point angle
2) External cooling 2) Chisel edge
Drilling depth Drill wear
Fig. 3 e Timeetemperature curve showing thermal
necrosis of epithelial cells.4

3.1. Drilling parameters

Drilling parameters play a very vital role for controlling the

a threshold of 47  C for 1 min to cause thermal necrosis of the temperature generated during drilling. From last few decades
cortical bone. Also they evaluated the effects of defined tem- many researchers have investigated on this aspect so as to
perature rise on bone regeneration and found that heating of minimize the chances of necrosis during drilling.
the test implants (titanium) to 47  C or 50  C for 1 min caused
a significant reduction in the bone formation in the implants 3.1.1. Influence of drilling speed and feed rate
while no significant effects were observed when the heating Many researches in the past have been carried out to deter-
was done to 44  C for 1 min.14 These results reflected the mine the influence of drilling speed, axial drilling force and
importance of controlling the heat generated during the or- feed rate on bone drilling temperature. Most of the re-
thopaedic surgical process that hampers the proper bone searchers have described it in interrelated terms of the speed
regeneration. The above experiments were not conducted on of drill with force or feed applied during drilling. Therefore to
human bone. The human femoral bone tissue is different make the topic better and convenient to understand for the
microscopically from bovine femoral tissue.15 Therefore exact reader all the above parameters are reviewed together.
threshold temperature for the death of the human cortical The review on the drilling speed during bone drilling sug-
bone due to overheating is unknown. However, majority of the gests no consistent trend. Some suggest low drilling speed as
authors believes that an average temperature of 47  C for they showed that the temperature increases with increase in
1 min as threshold, above which the necrosis of the human drill speed while others suggests a decrease in the tempera-
bone will take place.3,11,14,16e18 Table 1 summarizes some of ture with increase in drill speed. Thompson19 found that the
the important studies on the determination of threshold for temperature increases at 2.5 mm and 5.0 mm from the drill
thermal osteonecrosis. site with increasing speed from 125 rpm to 2000 rpm during
skeletal pin insertion in vivo. Vaughan and Peyton20 studied
the influence of the rotational speed on temperature rise
3. Studies on the parameters influencing the during cavity preparation and reported that with the increase
bone drilling in drill speed, the temperature generated increases. Matthews
and Hirsch21 investigated human cadaveric femora and found
The temperature generated during the bone drilling depends that increasing the rotational speed from 345 rpm to 2900 rpm
upon various parameters such as drill diameter, drill rota- did not have any significant change in the temperature during
tional speed, axial drilling forces, cooling etc. The most drilling. But increasing the thrust force was associated with
important parameters reported in the literature can be decrease in both maximum temperatures and their duration.
broadly divided into two groups: 1) drilling parameters and 2) They measured the effect of applied force from 19.6 N to
drill specifications. Table 2 depicts detailed information on the 117.6 N along with the drill speeds varying from 345 rpm to
parameters affecting bone drilling. 2900 rpm and concluded that both the temperature and time

Table 1 e Investigation on the threshold for thermal osteonecrosis.

Authors (year) Species investigated Conclusions

Moritz and Henriques (1946) Pig  An increase in temperature above 70  C causes immediate damage of epi-
thelial cells
Bonfield and Li (1968) Dog  Irreversible bone changes occur when heated to 56  C
Lundskog (1972) Rabbit  Temperature of 55  C for 30 s will induce irreversible death of the bone cells
Eriksson and Albrektsson (1983) Rabbit  47  C for 1 min causes thermal necrosis of cortical bone
18 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0

duration above 50  C decreases as the applied load increases.

These results are also shown by Augustin et al22 who con-
cluded that the peak temperature during drilling decreases as
the feed rate increases. Brisman23 reported that the drill speed
of 1800 rpm and load of 1.2 produced same heat as with the
drill speed of 2400 rpm and the load of 2.4 kg while drilling
bovine cortical bone. Independently increasing either the
speed or the load caused an increase in temperature in bone.
However, increasing both the speed and the load together
allowed for more efficient cutting with no significant increase
in temperature. Hillery and Shuaib24 showed that there is
a significant decrease in the temperatures generated during
bone drilling with increasing drill speed from 400 rpm to Fig. 4 e A broken portion of drill bit left in situ.32
2000 rpm with a drill diameter of 3.2 mm. Bachus et al25
examined cadaveric femur and found that the duration and
magnitude of maximum temperature decreases with
increasing axial thrust force at 820 rpm. Nam et al26 found that influence of various parameters on bone heating during
increasing either the speed or the force resulted in tempera- drilling in vitro in a bovine cortical femur model. He proposed
ture rise while conducting experiments on bovine ribs by that the temperature is positively correlated with the speed in
applying a load of 500 g and 1000 g with a drill speed of the range of 400 rpme7000 rpm and negatively correlated
600 rpm and 1200 rpm. Sharawy et al27 conducted experi- with speed above 700 rpme24,000 rpm and thereafter remains
ments using 4 thermocouple technology to measure the heat constant up to 40,000 rpm. He also concluded that for lower
generated from three drilling speeds (1225, 1667, and speeds of 400 rpme800 rpm an enhancement in axial thrust
2500 rpm) and found that the mean rise in the temperature, from 80 N to 200 N has no effect on temperature generated.
the time of drilling and the time needed for the pig jaw bones Udiljak et al1 carried out high speed drilling experiments on
specimen to return to the initial temperature decreases as the pig bone with speeds ranging between 140 m/min to 225 m/
drilling speed increases. Apart from the studies of Matthews min using 4.5 mm drill (standard surgical twist drill and two-
(1972), Hillery (1999) and Sharawy (2002) there is a general step drill) with constant feed per tooth of 0.1 mm. They con-
agreement in the literature that the temperature increases cluded that for both the types of tested drill, high speed
with drill speed approximately up to 10,000 rpm. drilling (140 m/min) causes less increase in the temperature as
Histological studies were done to examine the effect of compared to standard speed drilling (6.53 m/min). They also
high speed rotary instruments on bone during orthopaedic reported that the results of high speed bone drilling above
surgical processes by Boyne,28 Moss29 and Spartz.30 These 140 m/min don’t causes a significant reduction in the tem-
studies suggested that high speed drilling could cause less perature hence it makes no sense in increasing the speed
noxious effect to the bone than the low speed drilling. above 140 m/min. Tu et al36 used a three dimensional elas-
Abouzgia and James31 conducted drilling experiments on ticeplastic dynamic temperatureedisplacement finite ele-
bovine femora without coolant, for forces ranging from 1.5 N ment model in Abaqus to simulate the Kirschner pin and bone
to 9.0 N and drill speed of 49,000 rpm. They found that the thermal contact during drilling process. Based on the nu-
temperature increases with force up to 4.0 N, and then de- merical results they concluded that a larger applied force can
creases at forces greater than 4.0 N. They concluded that with reduce the temperature rise effectively. Tu et al37 also carried
an increase in forces heat generation rate increases but the out similar simulation of drill and bone during drilling. The
drilling time reduces hence less heat is produced therefore results showed that the temperature induced during drilling
higher forces has been recommended during bone drilling. But decreases with an increase in drilling speed or the applied
higher the axial force applied during drilling can cause micro force (Figs. 5 and 6).
cracks in the bone and drill breakage.32 So it is necessary to
find out optimal feed rate such that the drilling force is not
excessive to cause the breakage of the drill (Fig. 4) or bone
damage besides maintaining the drilling time as short as
Iyer et al33 performed histological studies of rabbit tibia.
They measured the heat generated in vivo during osteotomy
preparation at low (2000 rpm), intermediate (30,000 rpm), and
high (400,000 rpm) speeds and observed an inverse relation-
ship between drill speed and heat generated. They also eval-
uated the rate and quality of healing after drilling osteotomies
at the above three speeds in the mandible. The histologic
findings suggested that in the initial 6 weeks, the rate of
healing and quality of new bone formation are higher for high
speed drilling as compared to low or intermediate speed Fig. 5 e Variation of bone temperature with drill time for
drilling.34 In the same year Reingewirtz35 investigated the different rotating speeds.37
j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0 19

Fig. 6 e Variation of bone temperature with drill time for

different forces applied.37
Fig. 8 e Histogram of sample drilled with 4.5 mm drill
diameter with a speed of 570 rpm and drilling force of
100 N.38
Recently the influence of drilling speed and force on tem-
peratures generated during orthopaedic drilling process and
histopathology of bovine tibia was evaluated by Karaca et al.38 experimental investigations on the effect of feed rate and
They concluded from the experimental and statistical analy- drilling speed during drilling of a bovine femur showed that
sis that the temperature decreases with increasing drill force the maximum temperature increases with increasing spindle
and decreases with increasing drill speed. The histopatho- speed and decreases with increasing feed rate. From the above
logical studies revealed that the volume and the amount of studies there is no clear indication about the optimum bone
damage along the drilling site in the bone tissue are absolutely drilling speed and axial drilling force but majorities of the
affecting the quality of the drilled bone and its regeneration experimental investigations recommend high speed with
speed along the drilling site. They showed the effect of larger force or feed rate for minimum temperature generation
recorded temperature in terms of osteocyte density, empty or during bone drilling.
filled lacunas, the Haversian canals and the distance between
the drilled site and the filled osteocyte (Figs. 7e9). 3.1.2. Drilling energy
Histogram in the Figs. 7 and 8 in which maximum tem- Drilling energy is defined as the energy expensed for produc-
peratures generated are 83  C and 57  C respectively clearly ing a hole. Drilling energy is directly related with the amount
indicates that at higher drill forces less temperature is pro- of heat generated during drilling. Lower cutting energy is
duced during drilling. The histogram processed by the authors associated with less residual and thermal damage (cracking
for lower drill forces were better than the histogram of higher and necrosis) in the cutting region.40 Higher the energy con-
drill temperature, in terms of filled osteocyte, which indicates sumed implies higher heat generated leading to higher rise in
lower bone damage. Also, they observed that drilling with temperature.41 Greater the forces induced during drilling im-
lower speed consists of more filled osteocyte and are exposed plies higher drilling energy expensed to produce hole. Few
to lower drilling temperatures as compared to drilling with the researchers in the past have done the calculation of energy
higher speeds thereby influencing the structure of bone in consumed during bone drilling. Almost all of the energy used
a negative way as shown in Figs. 8 and 9 (maximum temper- in material removal is converted into heat.42 Jacob and Berry40
ature generated is 57  C). In 2012 Lee et al39 through their measured the torque and thrust during drilling of mature
bovine tibia using several drills with different speed and feed

Fig. 7 e Histogram of sample drilled with 4.5 mm drill

diameter with a speed of 570 rpm and drilling force of Fig. 9 e The histogram of sample drilled with 4.5 mm drill
40 N.38 diameter with a speed of 1180 rpm.38
20 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0

rate. They found that at lower rotational speeds the forces are cooling involves feeding the coolant to the surface of the drill
much higher as compared to the higher speeds and, as the at the entry point.
feed is increased the forces increases. In 1976 Wiggins and In closed type internal cooling system the coolant circu-
Malkin43 performed an experimental investigation on bone lates through the tunnels incorporated inside the drill and
drilling using different types of drill bits of various diameters. back to the central heat exchanger. Cooling is achieved by the
The drilling behaviour with constant thrust force was meas- mechanism of conduction of heat from the drill to the coolant
ured in terms of feed rate, torque and specific energy. They flowing through tunnels. No contact between coolant and the
have identified that the clogging of drill bit causes substantial bone takes place. In open type internal cooling system the
increase in the drilling torque hence increases specific cutting coolant flows of through the tunnels in the drill and exits from
energy. No measurements for the temperature generated the opening at the drill tip, thereby taking away the heat
were done. Abouzgia and James41 investigated the effect of the generated during the drilling process. Besides taking away the
force on the energy consumed during the drilling process heat by conduction, the coolant also provides lubrication and
using forces between 1.5 and 9.0 N and for free-running irrigation (excluding closed loop internal cooling system).7
speeds from 20,000 to 100,000 rpm. The measurements of Lubrication reduces the friction during drilling and hence
electric power showed that the total energy consumed gen- less heat is generated. Bone produces short chips when it is
erally decreases with increasing speed and force, primarily dry but during orthopaedic treatment it is wet therefore the
because of decrease in drilling time. They suggested that high chips produced get clogged which increases the friction and
drilling speed with a large force is desirable because bone raises the temperature during drilling. Irrigation causes the
temperature is reduced. Karmani and Lam44 studied the effect effective removal of chips and debris which avoids clogging of
of rake angle on the cutting efficiency and the specific energy flutes during bone drilling and facilitates less heat generation.
requirement during the bone drilling process and concluded Matthews and Hirsch21 studied the effect of the use of coolant
that the selection of the optimum rake angle facilitates cut- during drilling of human cortical bone and found that the
ting, improves the chip flow and reduces the specific cutting cooling is highly effective in limiting the maximum temper-
energy. ature elevations. The experimental holes were drilled while
being irrigated with water at room temperature at flow rates of
3.1.3. Influence of coolant 300, 500 and 1000 ml per minute. They showed that higher the
The effect of use of coolant during bone drilling for ortho- irrigation rate lower is the bone temperature developed during
paedic surgery is investigated by many researchers22,45e48 drilling and the temperature never increases beyond 50  C for
they found that cooling is one of the most important factor the irrigation rate of 500 ml/min or above (shown in Fig. 11).
as it significantly decreases the temperature induced during Kirschner and Meyer50 used open type internal cooling
drilling. Two methods internal and external cooling are often system for dental drilling. They concluded that as the internal
employed for the supply of coolant during drilling (shown in cooling feeds the coolant at the tip of the drill, a combined
Fig. 10(a) and (b) respectively). The types of cooling systems rinsing and cooling effect on bone is obtained which main-
are7: tains bone temperature lower as compared to temperature
generated with external or no cooling. Lavelle and Wedg-
1) Internal cooling systems. wood45 performed an in vitro study at low rotational speed of
1.1) Closed type. 350 rpm with force of 19 N and showed that internal irrigation
1.2) Open type. reduces the temperature more effectively when compared to
2) External cooling systems

Internal cooling involves feeding of the coolant to the drill

tip through the tubules in the drill shaft whereas external

Fig. 11 e Effect of cooling rates on average maximum

Fig. 10 e (a) External cooling and (b) internal cooling cortical temperatures recorded at specific distances from
approaches.49 the drill.21
j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0 21

external irrigation. Haider et al46 performed histographical (7 mme9 mm) and human cadaveric (3 mme5 mm) bone.
studies on sheep and compared the effects of external and Wiggins and Malkin43 found that the temperature produced
internal cooling. They concluded that external irrigation is during drilling is directly proportional to the drilling depth.
more effective on the surface whereas internal irrigation in Since the clogging of drill flutes by bone chips causes a sub-
the depth. Effectiveness of internal irrigation compared to stantial increase in torque and friction as the drilling depth
external irrigation increases as the depth increases. But increases. Cordioli and Majzoub54 carried out their bone drill-
Benington et al47 in their experiment observed the thermal ing investigations on bovine femurs with twist drills of 2 mm
changes at implant sites with internal and external cooling and 3 mm diameter running at 1500 rpm with external irriga-
and found no appreciable difference in the temperate gen- tion. They observed higher temperature at 8 mm depth as
erated. So they concluded that there is no benefit of expensive compared to 4 mm depth regardless of the drill diameter and
internal irrigation system over the external irrigation. Kali- the presence of cooling. Kalidindi48 found that the increasing
dindi48 observed a significant rise in temperature during behaviour of the temperature with depth is due to increase in
drilling without coolant. He performed various experiments the contact time between the workpiece and the drilling tool
with external cooling to observe its impact on drilling tem- which increases the overall friction and hence higher heat is
perature and found that the external cooling reduces the produced. But Tehemar55 recommended that the influence of
temperature generated during drilling. Augustin et al22 carried drilling depth on the increase in temperature is not so impor-
out drilling experiments on porcine femora to evaluate the tant when open type internal cooling system is used during
influence of different drilling parameters on the increase of bone drilling. Oliveira et al56 and Lee et al39 from their in-
bone temperature. They concluded that cooling with water at vestigations suggested that depth is the predominant factor
26  C is the most important factor in reducing the bone tem- influencing the temperature induced during bone drilling.
perature during drilling. Sener et al51 performed in vitro There is a general agreement in the literature that greater
experimental studies on bovine mandible and observed that the drilling depth higher is the temperature generated despite
more heat is generated on the surface of the drilling cavity as of any drilling conditions and cortical bone thickness is pos-
compared to the bottom surface. Therefore, they suggested itively correlated with the temperature generated during bone
external irrigation can provide sufficient cooling during drill- drilling.
ing. Besides that they also examined the effects of external
irrigation using saline at 25  C and 10  C and found that lower 3.1.5. Predrilling
coolant temperature causes lower temperature generated Drilling can be done either in single step or in multistep. In
during bone drilling. Similar results were obtained by Al- single step only one drill of required diameter is used to pro-
Dabag and Sultan52 using the coolant at 5  C and 25  C. duce the desired hole whereas in multistep drilling known as
Augustin et al53 investigated the performance of internally predrilling, drill diameter is gradually increased from mini-
cooled step drill during drilling of porcine femora. They found mum to the required diameter using a number of drills. Mat-
that with all combinations of parameters, the use of internal thews et al57 conducted experiments on human-cadaveric
type irrigation system produces bone temperatures much cortical bone to examine the effect of predrilling during drill-
below the threshold for thermal osteonecrosis. From the re- ing of bone and found that, predrilling is highly effective
view of literature under this section it is clear that only few method of minimizing temperature elevation. Branemark58
researchers had carried out the investigations for the com- recommended incremental drilling as it gradually removes
parison of the internal and external cooling and there is no the material from the drilling site, resulting in less friction and
clear suggestion of the better and convenient of the two to be better heat dissipation. Itay and Tsur59 also suggested that
used during bone drilling. predrilling can effectively lessen the temperature during
drilling of bone. Udiljak et al1 investigated with the conven-
3.1.4. Drilling depth and cortical bone thickness tional drill and step drill (Fig. 12) and showed that the max-
Drilling depth and cortical bone thickness also influence the imum bone drilling temperature was much lower in case of
temperature during drilling and both are positively step drill as compared to conventional drill.
correlated.24,38,39,43,48,54e56 The frictional resistance offered by Kalidindi48 also found similar results and concluded that
the compact cortical bone to the drill causes increase in tem- the maximum temperature obtained using incremental
perature. Greater the cortical thickness greater is the drilling drilling is far less as compared to single stretch drilling to
depth and so the friction and heat generated. Eriksson et al16 produce same hole. They suggested that it may be due to
performed in vivo experiments to study the temperature rise the time gap between the change of drills during incre-
during drilling of rabbit, dog and human tibiae under similar mental drilling and hence the new drill is in cool environ-
conditions and found that the temperatures generated is ment as compared to the single stretch drill. They have also
highest in humans followed by dog and than in the rabbit. They reported that the temperature reduction is due to the
concluded that the variations in the drilling temperature reduction in the debris to expel with step drilling, but with
measured for different species were due to the difference in the the predrilling there is a disadvantage of drilling time being
mean cortical thickness. Hillery and Shuaib24 also carried out increased resulting in extended operation time. Recently
their experiments with constant drilling parameters and drill Augustin et al53 examined the temperature changes in the
specifications for both bovine and human bone and found cortical bone during drilling with a step drill. They reported
significantly higher temperature for the bovine bone as com- no differences in the maximum bone temperature with two-
pared to human bones. They explained that this result is due to step drill as compared to the standard drill of the same
the difference in the mean cortical thickness of the bovine diameter.
22 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0

increasing drill diameter. Similar observation is also reported

by Augustin et al22 in drilling porcine femora. They concluded
that with increase in drill diameter contact surface between
the bone and the drill increases resulting in the increase in
overall friction and the heat produced. Larger drill hole re-
duces the strength of the bone and takes longer time for re-
covery. Bechtol et al62 suggested that the drill hole of 20% of
the diameter of the bone reduces the strength by 40% of its
original strength. Burstein et al63 inserted screws in the fem-
oral diaphysis of dogs and concluded that the drill holes are
present up to 12 weeks which increases the chances of
refracture due to decrease in strength of the bone. They
reported that reducing the diameter greatly result in the
breakage or bending of drill bit during drilling. Hufner et al64
carried out investigations to see the effect of drill diameter
and length on the deviation of the actual to the planned target
point during bone drilling. The results suggested that drill bit
deviation from the planned target point increases using small
Fig. 12 e (a) A classic surgical drill and (b) step drill (two diameter and longer drill bits.
phase drill).1
3.2.2. Cutting face

1) Rake angle
3.2. Drill specifications 2) Clearance angle and flank
1) Rake angle: it is defined as the angle between the cutting edge
Drill specifications are also a major factor influencing the and the plane perpendicular to the workpiece. Rake angle is
temperature generation during drilling. Several researches a critical factor influencing the cutting forces. Several in-
showed that many features of drill are responsible for vestigations have been carried out to identify an optimal
increase in thermal injury to the bone.22,32,60 Any drill is rake angle for bone drilling. There is a general agreement on
usually characterized by the drill diameter, cutting face, helix the results obtained by Jacob et al65 that, as the rake angle
angle and the drill point (Fig. 13a). The drill cutting face is increases the bone cutting forces decreases for a single edge
further specified by rake angle and clearance angle whereas cutting tool. Drill can be assumed to be formed by two single
point angle, flank and the chisel edge defines the drill point32 edge tool wrapped around a common axis,40 hence severe
(shown in Fig. 13b). the rake angle lower are the cutting forces. Saha et al60
observed that the higher rake angle increases the cutting
3.2.1. Drill diameter efficiency of the drill. An optimum rake of 20 e30 was rec-
Several researchers have carried out bone drilling experi- ommended by Hillery and Shuaib24 as it sufficiently clears
ments to determine the effect of drill diameter on the tem- the chips and generates very low thrust force.
perature generated during drilling.22,48 They found that the 2) Clearance angle and flank: flank is the flat part of the drill
diameter of the drill significantly influences the drilling tem- when viewed end on (Fig. 13b). The flank of the drill rep-
perature. Kalidindi48 studied the temperatures produced resents a large surface area for friction during drilling.
while drilling with three different drills of diameters 2, 3.5 and Clearance is the space provided to avoid undesirable con-
4.3 mm at a feed rate of 0.42 mm/s and speed of 1200 rpm. He tact of the flank with the workpiece. It is the angle by which
found that the temperature increases exponentially with the flank of the drill clears the material during drilling.32
Despite of the clearance provided the large surface of the
flank results in high friction with workpiece, causes gen-
eration of the frictional heat and hence the temperature
during drilling. Farnworth and Burton66 suggested a clear-
ance angle of 15 for better cutting efficiency during bone
drilling operation. Saha et al60 also recommended the same
values as optimal clearance angle for bone drilling.
Recently, Karmani and Lam44 investigated on the design of
the surgical drill bits and demonstrated that the optimum
clearance angle of the drill bit for bone drilling lies in the
range of 12 e15 . Natali et al32 suggested that the friction
between the flank and the bone can also be reduced by
increasing the clearance angle half way along the surface
termed as split point (shown in the Fig. 14). Split point
causes reduction of the friction of the flank with workpiece
Fig. 13 e (a) Twist drill bit. (b) Drill bit tip.61 so less heat is generated.
j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0 23

cutting lips to converge about a point causes the reduction of

the chisel edge to a nominal value due to which the axial
thrust force during drilling reduces. Despite the theoretical
advantage of 3-fluted drills over 2-fluted counterparts, there is
a lack of evidence in the literature in support of their use.
Helix angle of the drill is defined as the angle formed by the
edge of the flute with the line parallel to drill centre line. Helix
angle and rake angle of the drill bit are interrelated and larger
helix angle results in a larger rake angle, which is desirable
since torque and thrust during drilling decreases. Helix angle
is decided in such a way that there is a compromise between
the strength of the cutting edge and efficient chip ejection
through the flutes.70 Helix provided on the drill bit can be
slow, standard or quick depending upon the helix angle32
(shown in Fig. 16).
A slow helix or low helix have elongated drill flutes
whereas high or quick helix drills have compact flutes i.e.
Fig. 14 e (a) Standard drill and (b) split point drill. number of turns is higher in quick helix than in slow helix.
Short chipping materials are drilled with the slow helix as the
debris gets cleared easily by the drill but for the kind of ma-
terials in which the chips get clogged, a quick helix is used.
3.2.3. Flutes and helix angle
Most of the orthopaedic drill used presently has slow helix.
The flute is a deep groove that typically twists around the drill,
Bone produces short chips when it is dry but during ortho-
giving the waste material a path out of the hole. In the absence
paedic treatment it is wet with blood and marrow fat, there-
of a flute, the drill would not cut as quickly, as the waste
fore the chips produced get clogged which increases the
material would need to be removed before drilling could
friction and raises the temperature during drilling, hence
continue. Flutes can vary in size and the drills can be con-
theoretically a quick helix could be more efficient.32 For sur-
structed with number of flutes with various helix angles.
gical drill, the range of 13 e35 helix angle are usually
Bertollo et al67 examined 2-fluted and 3-fluted surgical drills
employed depending upon the drill diameter.60 Fuchsberger71
and found that 3-fluted design offers a significant improve-
suggested a helix angle of 12 e14 for effective bone drilling.
ment over the 2-fluted design in terms of deviation from the
Farnworth and Burton66 recommended an optimal helix angle
planned target point as they have more acute tip. In 3-fluted
of 27 for performing an orthopaedic drilling operation. Wig-
designs the cutting edges tends to converge at a point by the
gins and Malkin43 through their investigations showed that
virtue of symmetry (shown in Fig. 15) and also have superior
a helix angle of 28 generates much lower torque and specific
bending stiffness. They emphasized that in the absence of
cutting energy during drilling. Narashima et al70 demon-
drill-jigs and guides during orthopaedic drilling, 3-fluted drill
strated that the torsional rigidity varies parabolically with
can effectively reduce the skiving to avoid the difference in
helix angle and reaches maximum at 28 . They suggested that
position of the intended hole or damage to the surrounding
due to this reason the same angle is used for wide range of
applications. Davidson and James72 also concluded that the
In their further studies Bertollo et al69 highlighted that the
cutting efficiency of 3-fluted designs were found to be greater
than that of the 2-fluted drill, but this did not translate into
a decrease in the maximum temperatures during drilling.
They concluded that in 3-fluted type designs, the tendency of

Fig. 15 e Point angle of 2-fluted drills (a) are generally less Fig. 16 e Variations in helix angle and a worm spiral drill
acute than 3-fluted drills (b).68 bit.32
24 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0

temperature decreases uniformly with increasing helix angle. 2) Chisel edge: is defined as the edge at the end of the web that
They proposed parabolic flute (known as worm spiral) pro- connects the cutting lips (Fig. 11). The chisel edge length is
vides an excellent clearance of debris and hence a higher feed equal to the web thickness and it also determines the dif-
rate is possible with this type of flutes (shown in Fig. 14). ference between the cutting edges about the axis of rota-
Higher feed rate increases the rate of heat generation but re- tion. The chisel edge significantly contributes to the thrust
duces drilling time hence less heat is produced.32 force produced during drilling. It also hampers the center-
ing of drill bit on an irregularly curved bone surface. The
3.2.4. Drill point amount of contribution made by the chisel edge to the axial
thrust produced during drilling depends upon the ratio of
1) Point angle lengths of chisel and the cutting edges.68 Stephenson and
2) Chisel edge Agapiou74 suggested that the relationship of contribution of
1) Point angle: point angle for a drill is defined as the angle the chisel edge to the thrust force with respect to ratio of
formed by the projection of the cutting edges on to a plane the web thickness to the drill diameter. They reported that
passing through the longitudinal axis of the drill (Fig. 13b). at the ratio of 20%, the contribution is 50%, for a ratio of 30%
Point angle prevents the walking of the drill and enables the the contribution doubles and for 40% it becomes four times.
user to drill at the desired site. Hence an optimum point The straight chisel line edge has a large negative rake angle
angle is desirable as using drill guide is not always possible which does not have any cutting action but some sort of
during orthopaedic drilling. The smaller point angles pro- extrusion effect, giving rise to a considerable amount of
duces more acute tip which can easily stab in the material thrust force during drilling.60 Saha et al,60 to design an
preventing the walking of the drill. But with acute tip less improved orthopaedic drill suggested that the width of the
portion of the cutting lip is involved in the cutting action in chisel edge can be reduced by grinding to improve the
the first moments of the drilling leading to higher rise in the cutting efficiency. However the maximum amount of web
temperature. On the other hand larger point angles provide thinning is limited by minimum strength of the web
full contact of the cutting lip with the bone as soon as necessary to avoid the breakage of the drill due to the cut-
drilling starts.7 Several researchers have carried out in- ting force. Natali et al32 suggested that incorporating a split
vestigations to find the influence of drill point angle on point in the drill can reduce the chisel edge to almost a tip
bone drilling. There is no general agreement on the opti- hence the extrusion effect of the chisel edge is transformed
mum drill point angle. Bechtol et al62 investigated the effect to the cutting action by imparting positive rake angle at the
of point angle during bone drilling and recommended an chisel edge zone. They also reported that this design facil-
angle of 90 for surgical drill. Later same result was also itates the breaking of the chips into smaller pieces causing
shown by Jacobs and Berry.40 Sneath73 suggested a larger their easy ejection through the flutes. This modification of
drill point angle of the range of 130 e140 to be used for the drill also helped to have more acute tip which can be
orthopaedic drilling. Similarly, Farnworth and Burton66 accurately positioned on the curved surface of the bone
suggested that the point angle in the range of 120 e140 during drilling. From the study of the previous in-
gives most satisfactory performance in terms of thrust vestigations it is clear that the reduction of the chisel edge
force, torque, rate of penetration and the quality of the can contribute significantly towards the lowering of the
holes. Wiggins and Malkin43 performed investigations with thrust forces during bone drilling with an increased accu-
three different types of drill bits (surgical twist drill, general racy in the position of the intended hole.
purpose twist drill and a spade drill) having different point
angles and observed that the drill with a point angle of 118
generates much lower torque and energy as compared to 3.2.5. Drill wear
the other two. Saha et al60 and Natali et al32 investigated the Drill wear is common during drilling. The repeated use of
drilling performance of various design of the drill and found drill causes the cutting edges to wear out due to mechanical
118 point angle is best suited for surgical drilling. Thrust and thermal load encountered by them during drilling. Mat-
force generated varies parabolically with the point angle thews and Hirsch21 suggested that during the bone drilling,
and reaches the minimum value at approximately 118 .74 bone temperature increases with the multiple use of drill.
Fuchsberger71 in his investigations recommended an opti- The wear increases the surface roughness of cutting lips
mum point angle of 70 to reduce the temperature pro- resulting in the increase of axial thrust force, temperature
duced in bone drilling process. Hillery and Shuaib24 found and cutting vibrations. Drill wear can be detected by using
no significant difference in the temperatures generated scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or by light microscope.
while drilling bovine tibia and cadaveric bone with drills of Jochum and Reichart75 investigated using 20 Timedur cannon
point angles 70 , 80 or 90 with 23 positive rake angle. drills (ZL-Duraplant-Implant-4System) for 51 times in vitro
Later, Augustin et al22 carried out the drilling experiments experimental setting using pig’s mandibles. They concluded
on porcine femora to evaluate the influence of the drill from the investigations that the use of drill more than 40
point angle (80 , 100 and 120 ) on the temperatures gen- times causes significant wear and increase in temperature.
erated during bone drilling. They concluded that using Allan et al76 investigated the effect of drill wear on the tem-
different drill point angles don’t have any significant dif- perature rise during drilling of the porcine mandibles in vitro.
ference on the increase in the temperature during drilling. They examined three types of drills bits: one was new (Lei-
Karmani and Lam44 suggested a range of 110 e118 point binger 1.5 mm diameter with two flutes), one was which had
angle for the design of orthopaedic drill. drilled 600 holes, and the third drill had been in use for
j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0 25

several months as shown in Fig. 17. They observed a signifi-

cant difference in the temperatures generated by the three 4. Miscellaneous factors
drills, and reported that the change in temperature was due
to the amount of wear. Several other factors are present in addition to those men-
Chacon et al77 measured heat generated in bone by 3 tioned before which affect the bone drilling process. Most of
implant drill systems after repeated drilling and sterilization. the investigations on the bone drilling had been carried out
Temperature was measured by them with thermocouple in vitro without the skeletal blood flow. Cortical flow of blood
in vitro using the bovine femoral cortical bone specimen. in vivo may dissipate a portion of heat developed during
Their results showed that the temperature increased with drilling. Wootton et al80 suggested that in the cortical bone
multiple uses of drill. Ercoli et al78 investigated on bovine rib there is a very low flow of blood, also the coagulation takes
and found that the TiN-coated drills showed greater wear and place rapidly during drilling hence its effect is likely to be too
significantly lower material removal rates as compared to non small to be important. Matthews and Hirsch21 made a com-
coated drills. Misir et al79 measured increase in temperature of parison between the vivo and vitro studies and showed that
4  C and 10  C with K type thermocouple in vitro using the there is no significant effect of the skeletal blood flow on the
bovine femoral cortical bone specimen at a constant drill load bone drilling temperature. They reported that in vivo condi-
of 2.0 kg with a speed of 1500 rpm after 35 and 45 uses tions the ambient body temperature is different from vitro
respectively. Karaca et al38 performed studies on the protec- therefore to obtain accurate results the investigations must be
tive coatings that have been applied to the drills with the preferred in actual conditions rather than in made up situa-
intention of improving the durability of the drill bit. They tions. Recently Karaca et al38 performed experiments to
found that TiBN coated drills generates more temperatures investigate the drilling temperature variations with bone
during drilling as compared to the drills without coating. mineral density (BMD). They found that the temperature
Recently Oliveira et al56 conducted drilling experiments on generated during drilling increased with increasing BMD. This
bovine bone with twisted stainless steel and ceramic drills to is because bone hardness is influenced by BMD and hardness
find out the relation between the thermal changes and drill increases with increasing BMD. Age of the patient, site of the
wear. They found a positive correlation between temperatures bone in the body and its variation in properties from person to
generated and the no of uses of drill. They also reported that person is also an influencing parameter on the forces and the
no severe deformations or blunting was detected even after 50 temperature generated during bone drilling. These factors can
uses. be correlated with the bone mineral density. The overshoot of
The above discussion of the past studies on drill wear the drill after the drilling of cortical bone can also be a signif-
suggests that the drill wear and temperature generated icant factor affecting the damage of the surrounding cells and
during bone drilling increases with the number of times the recovery time for patient.
a drill is used. No clear suggestion is made on the number by
which the drill can be used repeatedly until they become
blunt and ineffective, producing a significant increase in
temperature. 5. Heat generation and temperature

In orthopaedics and dental practices use of drilling process for

producing holes is common. The heat is produced during bone
drilling due to the plastic deformation of the chips and the
friction between the bone and the drill. As bone is having poor
thermal conductivity, heat could not be dissipated easily,
raising its temperature. This heat is a significant problem
because bone is very sensitive to increase in temperature
which can cause its thermal necrosis. The complex relation-
ships between the geometry of the drill bit, drilling conditions,
mechanism of the chip removal and the properties of the bone
presents a great challenge in developing a mathematical
model for the calculation of the heat generated during bone
drilling. In the past only a few attempts for the development of
a thermal model for bone drilling had been made. Although
the cutting action in drilling is more complicated than in
machining but mostly theory of orthogonal cutting is applied
for the calculation of the heat generated during bone drilling
because the chips produced during bone drilling indicates
shear failure similar to the chip separated from metal during
machining.40 Heat generated during drilling mainly arises
Fig. 17 e Images of the three drills end and side view. (a) from three sources (shown in Fig. 18): (A) primary shear
The top image is of the fresh drill. (b) Worn drill (which had deformation within the shear zone, (B) friction between the
drilled 600 holes). (c) Worn drill (used for several months).76 rake face of the tool and the chip and (C) friction between the
26 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0

experiences oblique cutting mechanics. The temperatures

were calculated by using an explicit finite difference
Measurement of the temperature produced during bone
drilling at the toolebone interface is egregiously difficult due
to the dilemma associated with the placement of the tem-
perature measurement device at this location. Traditionally
thermocouple technique has been commonly used for the
determination of the temperature elevation in both vivo and
in vitro experiments (shown in Fig. 19a). But recently, use of
thermographic camera has increased for the determination
Fig. 18 e Zones of heating in orthogonal cutting.72 of the bone temperature during drilling due to its ease in
measuring the temperature at any desired location
(Fig. 19b).
During investigations researchers have usually used two or
flank face of the tool and the newly created surface of the more thermocouples due to bone anisotropy. The review of
workpiece. the related literatures suggests that the thermocouples are
Davidson and James72 developed an analytical model for normally placed at increasing radial distances of 0.5 mm,
the calculation of rate of heat entering the bone using the- 1 mm and 3 mm from the drilling site. Sharawy et al27 used
ory of orthogonal machining. In the development of the four thermocouple technique by using thermocouples in four
model for calculating the heat generated they considered orientations from the hole at the same depth. Kalidindi48 used
only the energy used for shearing of material (Zone A) both the techniques, where the thermographic image was
neglecting the significant effects of moving chips (Zone B), utilized as a template for the placement of the thermocouple.
the heat produced between the tool flank and bone (Zone C) Recently Goran et al81 investigated the temperature distribu-
and the heat transfer between the drill bit and bone. The tions during drilling of the porcine femora with infrared
temperature distribution calculations were done by solving thermographic camera. The thermographic picture showed
the Fourier heat conduction equation in two dimensional that the temperature is maximum along cortical bone, which
domain using Galerkin’s Finite Element Method with is the most compact component of the bone. Both the
CrankeNicolson time stepping. Kalidindi48 derived and methods are accompanied by certain disadvantages. These
solved analytically homogeneous differential equation for are:
the heat conduction in radial direction. Tu et al37 presented
an elasticeplastic dynamic finite element model to simulate  Temperature measurement by thermocouple is not a sat-
the temperature rise during drilling using commercially isfactory method because of poor thermal conductivity and
available finite element software Abaqus. Recently Lee inconsistent properties of bone.
et al61 suggested a new thermal model based on the theory  Large number of pilot holes is to be prepared for thermo-
of oblique cutting for applications into orthopaedic surgery. couple insertion during experiments.
All the process parameters are taken as a function of the  Infrared thermographic camera only detects the surface
cutting radius. They considered the cutting lips to be divided temperature so it cannot accurately predict the temperature
into finite number of cutting elements, each of which at the actual drilling site.

Fig. 19 e Common methods for the estimation of temperature experimentally during bone drilling: (a) thermocouple
technique17 and (b) infrared (IR) thermography.80
j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0 27

5. For efficient removal of the debris and to minimize friction

6. Conclusions and future directions during bone drilling use of quick helix or worm spiral with
split point and large point angle (100 e120 ) is suggested.
Almost every aspect of the bone drilling has been covered in
the present review. Due to the large variations in the results Based on the above literature review, the guidelines for
obtained from bone drilling researches it is difficult to con- bone drilling are shown in Table 3 to highlight some common
clude briefly. The important points have been highlighted points that an orthopaedic surgeon should keep in mind to
under different headings. From the above review the following perform bone drilling with minimum drilling induced bone
points can be concluded: tissue injury.
Review suggests that the further improvement in bone
1. Irreversible death of the bone cells (necrosis) takes place if drilling is possible. Continuous efforts are being made for the
the temperature increases above 47 for 1 min. improvement of drill design and for optimizing the drilling
2. No clear indication about the optimum bone drilling speed parameters. There are several significant factors influencing
and axial force but majority of the experimental in- the bone drilling on which no general agreement is yet been
vestigations recommends high speed with larger force (of made, or are not investigated and need an evaluation in the
the magnitude so that the bursting of bones doesn’t take future. Better understanding of these factors will enhance the
place) for minimum temperature generation. performance of the surgeon and the post-operative outcome
3. Irrigation is the most important factor to avoid bone ne- for the patient. Future work in this area includes:
crosis but no clear recommendation on better and con-
venient of the internal or external irrigation is reported.  Development of the model predicting the relationship of
4. Two phase drill bit (step drill bit) is recommended over the drilling force, drill temperature and surface roughness of
conventional drill bits as material removal from drilling site hole with drill geometry and drilling parameters, and the
takes place gradually which lowers the temperatures gen- effect of their variation on the force, temperature generated
erated during drilling. and surface roughness of hole produced during drilling.

Table 3 e Guidelines for bone drilling with minimum bone tissue injury.
Guideline for bone drilling Literature review recommendation Reason

High drill speed with larger force (of the No clear indication from the past studies Increase in speed and force increases the
order so that the bursting of the bone but majority of the studies recommends rate of heat generation but reduces the
should not take place) high drill speed with larger force for time of drilling. Hence overall less total
minimum heat generation heat is generated
Supply of coolant Coolant should be used whenever it is Coolant helps in dissipating the heat
feasible through conduction. Besides taking away
the heat by conduction, the coolant also
provides lubrication and irrigation
(excluding closed loop internal cooling
system). Lubrication reduces the friction
during drilling and hence less heat is
generated. Irrigation causes the effective
removal of chips and debris which avoids
clogging of flutes during bone drilling and
facilitates less heat generation
High drill rake angle Rake angle of 20 e30 is recommended Higher the rake angle, lower are the
cutting forces which increases its cutting
efficiency and reduces the heat generation
Use of split point Can be used effectively for bone drilling as Split point causes reduction of the friction
the friction between the flank and the of the flank with workpiece so less heat is
bone is reduced by increasing the generated
clearance angle half way along the surface
Quick helix or worm spiral Temperature decreases uniformly with High helix/parabolic flutes provides an
increasing helix angle. The recommended excellent clearance of debris which
ranges are 25 e35 or drill bit with reduces the friction and hence reduces the
parabolic flutes can be used heat generated
Two phase drill bit (step drill bit) Step drilling is highly effective method of Material removal from drilling site takes
minimizing temperature elevation place gradually which lowers the
temperatures generated during drilling
Large point angle Point angle in the range of 100 e130 is Larger point angles provide full contact of
recommended by most of the researches the cutting lip with the bone as soon as
drilling starts and hence less total heat is
produced due to the faster cutting action
28 j o u r n a l o f c l i n i c a l o r t h o p a e d i c s a n d t r a u m a 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 1 5 e3 0

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