Concepts and Approaches
Concepts and Approaches
Concepts and Approaches
What Is Religion?
The concept of religion has changed massively over the centuries, and it
is really only since the latter part of the nineteenth century that having
a religion has come to refer to the extent to which someone adheres to
a faith tradition, and to be contrasted with non-religion. Before that,
someones religion (religio) might have been his or her pattern or rule of
life. Religion is used in this book as a shorthand for religiosity or
religiousness and is contrasted with non-religion.
Religion has had slightly different meanings in different cultures and
historical periods. In most countries, Christianity is an elective religion, that
is, people opt in or out of it. The same is probably true of Western Buddhism.
However, most other religions are closely intertwined with cultural identity
(rather in the way that being Protestant or Catholic in Ireland is intertwined
with cultural identity). To be Jewish, for example, is as much a matter of
cultural or racial identity as of what is now thought of as religion.
Religion also has different connotations in a culture in which everyone
is religious, from one in which religion is contrasted with non-religion.
The psychological study of religion has largely been carried on in the latter
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2 Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality
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4 Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality
What Is Psychology?
Let us now turn to psychology. There has long been interest in matters that
we would now call psychological, mainly under the auspices of either
philosophy or religion. However, psychology only emerged as an
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6 Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality
either, but I also see limitations in both approaches. Each can be enriched
by taking the other into account, and each benets from checking its
claims against those of the other. Applying this to religion, I suggest that
what religious people have to say about their religious life (i.e., why they
do what they do, and how they experience it) is far too rich and interesting
to be ignored. However, given the limitations of human awareness, and
given the extraordinary human capacity for self-deception, augmenting it
with the more rigorous, albeit restricted, approach of the natural sciences
has great benets, as far as that is possible. A psychology of religion that
takes this binocular approach will have more to offer than a monocular
approach based solely on either the natural or human sciences.
It is important to distinguish two very different enterprises in the
psychology of religion. One is concerned with why humans in general
tend to be religious, with what makes humans the religious primate.
The other is concerned with differences between people, with why some
people are religious and others are not, and with why religion takes
different forms in different people.
The question of why humans tend to be religious has probably had
particular urgency and fascination for psychologists who are not them-
selves religious, and who nd religion deeply puzzling. Why should so
many people be engaged in something that seems to them to be so mani-
festly false? Answers to that question fall into three groups. First is
a sociological answer, which falls outside the scope of this book.
For Durkheim, for example, religion provided society with the symbolic
language by which society could understand itself. A second set of answers
has focused on what religion does for the individual. Freud, for example, in
The Future of an Illusion (Freud, 1961/1927) argued that religion assuages
the sense of helplessness that people would otherwise feel by providing
them with belief in an all-loving and all-powerful God. We will return to
that in the next chapter. Both of those explanations have focused on the
social or personal benets that religion may conrm, despite religion being
presumed to be false.
The third approach to explaining why humans are religious has taken
a different tack and has suggested that religion is an inevitable by-product
of how humans have evolved. The idea is basically that we are religious
because our brains are hardwired in such a way that religion comes
naturally to us. As we will see, a minority position holds that religion has
evolved because it has adaptive value, but most people think that it is a by-
product of other evolutionary developments. We will return to that in
Chapter 3.
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8 Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality
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Concepts and Approaches 9
of religion, for example, with how religion helps people cope with
This is not an exhaustive list of the range of subdisciplines within
psychology, but it covers the main ones and gives an indication of the
scope of psychology.
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10 Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality
seem to have multiple causes (e.g., both biological and social ones), so
I see no general case for claiming that simple, mono-causal explana-
tions, such as psychological explanations of religion, are always to be
However, that leaves many questions about how to bring psychological
explanations of religion into relationship with the accounts given of
religion by religious adherents. If we are willing to consider both kinds
of accounts, what is the relationship between them? In most books on the
psychology of religion, religion is treated just as a phenomenon to be
studied. However, it also itself offers an interpretative perspective, that is,
a religious perspective on religious phenomena can be brought into dia-
logue with the perspective of psychology.
Psychology offers an explanation of religion from an outsiders
perspective, but it can also contribute to religious interpretation from
the inside, interpreting the psychological signicance of the scriptural
texts and doctrinal beliefs. This interpretative role has been relatively
neglected. This book will also give more attention than usual to the to-
and-fro between the outsiders perspective of the psychologist and the
insiders perspective of the faith community.
Some might say that though psychology cannot rule religious accounts
out, psychological and religious accounts are answering such completely
different questions that no useful engagement between them is possible.
That would be the counterpart of the position, argued more generally
for science by Stephen Jay Gould, that science and religion are non-
overlapping magisteria (Gould, 2002).
Against that view, I want to maintain that there can be fruitful contact
between psychology and the perspective of religious people themselves.
I claimed earlier in this chapter that it is helpful to consider both the kind
of external causal explanations that the natural sciences try to offer and
the rst-person accounts in terms of reasons and intentions that partici-
pants offer. In the case of religion, rst-person accounts will normally
come from people who are themselves religious and who see things in
religious terms. Psychology is normally offering an outsiders perspective,
whereas religious people are offering an insiders perspective. I suggest
that these are best seen as complementary perspectives, not as mutually
Most books on the psychology of religion make no mention of the
insiders perspective of religious people themselves, though their perspec-
tive cannot be entirely excluded from the study of religious experience.
I shall refer to how religious people see things, where that is relevant and
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12 Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality
Religion has various components, including religious experience, prac-
tices, and beliefs. People can be more religious in one of these ways than
in the others. No one component of religion should be seen as the
primary one, from which others are derived. Different facets of religion
may have a different causal basis, and cultural assumptions about their
relative importance can change.
Psychology is a complex discipline, with various subdisciplines, such as
developmental psychology, each of which can focus on religion in its
own distinct way. Though the primary focus of psychology is on the
individual, it is also both a biological and a social science.
Psychology has generally tried to study religion with objectivity. It can
discover much of interest about religion, including the effects of reli-
gion, but it has no basis for reaching conclusions about the truth or
falsehood of religious beliefs. There is value in bringing the outsiders
perspective of psychology into dialogue with the insiders perspective of
religious people themselves.
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