Technology Integration-Portfolio
Technology Integration-Portfolio
Technology Integration-Portfolio
Selected Technology/Resource Name: Age/Grade Level: Technology/Resource Type:
LiveBinders 6th grade and up
(11yo +) Application Software Device Website
Source: (Web address, company name, etc.)
Associated Learning Standard(s): The resource may be generally applicable, if so, simply state that. List any ISTE-S standards that
seem to naturally align with the selected resource.
1c. Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning
in a variety of ways.
2a. Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions
in the digital world.
2d. Students manage their personal data to maintain digital privacy and security and are aware of data-collection
technology used to track their navigation online.
6d. Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.
Give a brief description of the technology/resource.
LiveBinders is a website that allows you to create virtual binders. In these binders you can store almost anything. It allows users to
store PDFs, documents, photos, and even website links. There is an option to create tabs within each binder, as well as subtabs if
necessary. LiveBinders even allows all users to share their binders, and collaborate with other users on the site. It is easily
accessible and able to manage, as long as you have an account.
I believe this website could promote student-centered learning in a multitude of ways. For example, the website itself makes
things extremely convenient for the students and the teacher. It can basically make an entire classroom electronic. I could utilize
LiveBinders in my classroom, similar to how we use blackboard here at ASU. I could create a binder for each of my courses, and
within that binder have tabs where students can find all the resources that they need. I could upload homework, pictures of what
we learned in class, as well as screencasts of my lectures. Student can really utilize this resource in the same way. They could
create a binder for my classroom and share it with me, so I could go back and look at the work they have done. If they have a
group project, students can create a binder solely for that and I could easily look through each tab to make sure all the content is
there. It is also a good tool for students to collaborate with others, and share their online binders. It eliminates the stress and
worry about remembering to bring worksheets/assignments to class, because they could all be digital. It even saves money for
myself and the students, because they wont have to purchase a physical binder. Using LiveBinders could eventually be a school
wide change, where every classroom utilizes them.
3 2 1
The integration idea described: The integration idea described: The integration idea described:
transforms a lesson in a way that would enhances a lesson; likely to serves as a nice supplement to a lesson
be impossible or very difficult without it; increase student engagement and but wouldnt necessarily play a critical
very likely to increase student engagement support mastery of the concept(s) role within the lesson
and contribute to mastery of the
will most likely be used by the will most likely be used by the teacher
students directly during a lesson (e.g., a demonstration)
optimal in a student-centered
environment where students are active
and engaged in learning content
Based on the value-added rating scale above, how would you rate the technology integration you described, using the
selected resource?
Explain your rating based on the rubric indicators.
I would rate LiveBinders a 2 on the value-added rating scale. I believe this tool definitely aligns with the content standards that I
have listed. I think this could definitely enhance a lesson, because it makes students more interested in doing something online. It
also makes everything more accessible for students if we ever were to have a virtual class one day rather than in person. It allows
students to collaborate more than just talking in class. However, I dont see this as a tool that would completely transform the
lesson. I think it makes everything a lot more convenient, but is not necessary. I feel like this would be used half by me, and half
by my students. They could use it to keep track of their work and collaborate with peers, and I could use it to keep track of my
lessons and collaborate with other teachers.