somewhat less likely than that provided in specialty men- commonly used psychotropic medications. For this study,
tal health care settings to be guideline consistent and to the analyses were limited to antidepressant medications.
extend for an adequate time period.911 Furthermore, the The participants were asked to check the medication
patients who sought care in general medical settings were bottle for the exact name of the medication.
different in important characteristics from those who For the first 3 medication mentions, participants were
sought care in specialized mental health care settings.15,16 asked who prescribed that medicationa psychiatrist, a
However, past research on differences in treatment pat- general or family doctor, some other medical doctor, or
terns across the 2 groups of providers mostly predates the some other health professional. For this report, partici-
recent expansion in outpatient treatment of common men- pants were classified into 2 nonoverlapping categories:
tal disorders. participants who took an antidepressant prescribed by a
This study compared more recent patterns of antide- psychiatrist whether or not they also took antidepressants
pressant medication treatment by psychiatrists and gen- prescribed by a general medical provider and those who
eral medical providers in a representative sample of the took an antidepressant prescribed by a general medical
U.S. adult general population. More specifically, we com- provider only (a general or family doctor, some other
pared individuals treated with antidepressants by general medical doctor, or some other health professional).
medical providers and psychiatrists with respect to socio- Psychiatric diagnoses were ascertained using the
demographic characteristics, psychiatric diagnoses, pre- Composite International Diagnostic Interview,17 a lay-
senting complaints, type of medications, dose ranges, administered structured interview that provides psychi-
continuity of treatment, adherence to medications, and atric diagnoses based on the DSM-IV18 criteria. For this
perceptions of effectiveness of medication treatment. study, analyses were limited to lifetime diagnoses of com-
mon mood and anxiety disorders assessed in part 1 of the
METHOD NCS-R and for which treatment with an antidepressant
medication is indicated.
Sample Psychological distress was ascertained using the K6
Data were drawn from the National Comorbidity screening instrument.19 The 6 items of the K6 probe how
Survey Replication (NCS-R),2 a nationally representative often the participant has felt nervous, restless, hopeless,
cross-sectional survey of households in the 48 cotermi- worthless, extremely sad, or that everything was an ef-
nous United States. The NCS-R was administered to 9282 fort during a 1-month period in the past 12 months when
individuals aged 18 years between February 2001 and the participant was the most depressed, anxious, or emo-
April 2003 (response rate = 70.9%). The NCS-R inter- tionally stressed. Each K6 item is rated on a scale rang-
view included 2 parts administered in 1 interview session. ing from none of the time (0) to all of the time (4).
Part 1 comprised the core diagnostic assessment module Thus, K6 scores can range from 0 to 24. The K6 has been
and the pharmacoepidemiology module administered to shown to have a high internal consistency reliability
all participants. Part 2 included further diagnostic assess- (Cronbachs = 0.89) and concurrent validity against
ments as well as questions about current symptoms and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV.19 Consis-
was administered to 5692 part 1 participants who met life- tent with past research, we used a cutoff point of < 13 vs.
time criteria for any core disorder plus a probability sub- 13 to identify participants with serious psychological
sample of other participants. distress.19
Interviews were conducted in person. Informed con- Presenting problems were assessed for the first 3 medi-
sent was obtained before the interview. The human sub- cation mentions by giving the participants a list of com-
jects committees of Harvard Medical School, Boston, mon presenting problems and asking them to identify
Mass., and the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., problems for which they had taken the medication. For
approved these recruitment and consent procedures. Sec- this study, presenting problems were categorized into
ondary analyses of the data presented in this article were mood and anxiety symptoms, physical symptoms, cogni-
approved by the institutional review board of the Beth tive symptoms, role functioning problems, and alcohol/
Israel Medical Center, New York, N.Y. drug problems.
Sociodemographic variables included age (1824,
Assessments 2534, 3544, 4554 years), gender, race/ethnicity (non-
Antidepressant medication use was assessed by pre- Hispanic white, Hispanic, non-Hispanic black, other),
senting the participants with a list of specific psychotropic marital status (married or living as married, divorced/
medications and asking them which medicines on the list separated/widowed, never married), education (011,
they had taken in the past 12 months for problems with 12, 1315, 16 years), family income compared to
their emotions, nerves, mental health, substance use, en- U.S. federal poverty level for 2001 (low = < 1.5, low-
ergy, concentration, sleep, or ability to cope with stress. average = 1.5 to < 3, high-average = 3 to < 6, and high
The list included 215 generic and proprietary names for 6), urbanicity (metropolitan counties with 1,000,000
1065 PSYCHIATRIST.COM J Clin Psychiatry 69:7, July 2008
National Patterns in Antidepressant Treatment
population, other urban metropolitan counties with The relationship of type of prescribing professional
< 1,000,000 population, and nonurban counties, which with characteristics of medication treatment, including
include all nonmetropolitan counties),2 and insurance sta- continuity of treatment, adherence, and medication dose,
tus (any vs. no insurance, and for those with any insur- compared with the minimum recommended antidepressant
ance, whether preauthorization is required for specialist dose for all antidepressant medications together was fur-
referral or not). Questions about income and preautho- ther assessed using multivariate logistic regression analy-
rization were included in part 2 of the NCS-R. ses that adjusted for potentially confounding variables.
Medication dose was ascertained by asking partici- Medication treatment characteristics found in bivariate
pants about their frequency of use and doses of each analyses to be different across groups at a p < .05 level
medication. Daily dose was computed by multiplying were included in these analyses. These analyses adjusted
frequency of use by milligram amount in each dose of for sociodemographic and clinical characteristics that dif-
each medication. In addition, doses were compared with fered in the bivariate analysis at a p < .25 level.22
dose ranges recommended in the American Psychiatric The NCS-R used a complex stratified sampling design.
Associations Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Survey weights and design elements were included in the
Patients With Major Depressive Disorder.20 analyses to adjust for their effects and to make samples
Medication continuity and adherence were assessed representative of the U.S. population. All percentages re-
separately for each medication. Participants were asked ported are weighted by the NCS-R sampling weights.
how many days in the past 12 months they took the medi- STATA 9.223 software was used for all analyses. A p < .05
cation and if they were still taking the medication or had level was adopted as the threshold for judging the signifi-
stopped. For those who were still taking the medication, cance of statistical tests.
participants were asked on how many days out of the past
30 days they took the medication. Consistent with past re- RESULTS
search,21 continuity of antidepressant use was operational-
ized in 2 ways: (1) stopping antidepressants before 30 Overall, 975 (10.5%) of 9282 NCS-R participants re-
days of use and (2) using antidepressants for at least 90 ported having taken an antidepressant medication in the
days. For the first 3 medication mentions, participants past year. For 928 (96.6%) of these participants, informa-
were also asked, Think of a typical month when you took tion was available concerning the prescribing health care
(the medications name) in the past 12 months. How many professional. Of these, 237 (24.7%) reported taking antide-
days out of 30 did you typically either forget to take it or pressants prescribed by a psychiatrist only, 18 (1.7%) by
take less of it than you were supposed to take? a psychiatrist as well as a general medical provider, and
The NCS-R did not obtain information on time since 673 (73.6%) by a general medical provider only. For the
start of medication. Furthermore, for participants who re- present analyses, the group that reported taking antidepres-
ported taking more than 1 antidepressant medication, the sants prescribed both by a psychiatrist and a general medi-
order in which these medications had been prescribed was cal provider was combined with the group that reported
not ascertained. taking antidepressants prescribed by a psychiatrist only.
Perceived effectiveness of the antidepressant medica- The analytic groups thus comprised 255 participants pre-
tion treatment was assessed by asking the participants, scribed antidepressants by psychiatrists (or psychiatrists
Overall, how effective was (the medication name) in and general medical providers) and 673 participants pre-
doing the things you expected it to dovery, somewhat, scribed antidepressants by general medical providers only.
not very, or not at all effective? The ratings were coded There were minor sociodemographic differences be-
from 0 (not at all effective) to 3 (very effective). tween these 2 groups (Table 1). As compared with partici-
pants treated by general medical providers, participants
Data Analysis treated by psychiatrists were more likely to be male, to be
Sociodemographic characteristics, diagnoses, present- from the other racial/ethnic group, and to have never
ing problems, type of medications, and characteristics of married. In relation to participants treated with antidepres-
medication treatment such as medication dose compared sants by psychiatrists, those treated by general medical
to the minimum recommended dose and continuity were providers were more likely to be at least 65 years of age
compared across participants prescribed antidepressant and to reside in a nonurban area (Table 1).
medications by psychiatrists and general medical pro- Differences with regard to psychiatric diagnoses and
viders using bivariate logistic regression analyses. Dose psychological distress were more marked (Table 2). Com-
ranges for individual medications were also computed pared with participants treated with antidepressants by
and compared across psychiatrists and general medical general medical providers, those who were treated by psy-
providers using ordinal logistic regression models that ac- chiatrists were more likely to meet criteria for DSM-IV
commodate nonnormally distributed data such as medica- diagnoses of major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder,
tion doses. panic disorder, social phobia, and posttraumatic stress
Table 1. Sociodemographic Characteristics of National Comorbidity Survey Replication Participants Treated With Antidepressants
Prescribed by Psychiatrists and by General Medical Providersa
Prescribed by
Prescribed by General Medical Bivariate Binary Logistic Regression
Psychiatrists (N = 255) Providers (N = 673) for Comparison of Groups
Characteristic N % N % Odds Ratio 95% CI p Value
Age, yb
1824 20 9.0 50 8.8 1.00 Reference
2534 46 16.1 111 13.2 1.19 0.57 to 2.47 .630
3544 64 26.3 149 21.9 1.17 0.60 to 2.31 .634
4554 73 29.0 161 26.3 1.08 0.54 to 2.14 .832
5564 37 12.9 98 13.8 0.91 0.40 to 2.08 .823
65 15 6.6 103 16.1 0.40 0.20 to 0.80 .011
Female 176 63.6 507 73.5 1.00 Reference
Male 79 36.4 166 26.5 1.59 1.15 to 2.19 .006
Non-Hispanic white 207 83.2 572 85.8 1.00 Reference
Hispanic 15 6.0 44 8.0 0.78 0.34 to 1.81 .554
Non-Hispanic black 19 6.3 40 4.3 1.53 0.82 to 2.86 .176
Other 14 4.5 17 2.0 2.36 1.06 to 5.26 .037
Marital statusd
Married/living as married 117 44.6 373 54.3 1.00 Reference
Divorced/separated/widowed 85 30.8 190 28.1 1.34 0.82 to 2.17 .232
Never married 53 24.6 110 17.6 1.70 1.04 to 2.78 .034
Education, ye
011 33 12.7 105 16.8 1.00 Reference
12 75 31.7 195 32.3 1.30 0.72 to 2.34 .383
1315 81 30.5 225 30.2 1.33 0.69 to 2.58 .387
16 66 25.1 148 20.8 1.60 0.79 to 3.23 .189
Family income (part 2 sample)f
Low 68 28.8 117 25.3 1.00 Reference
Low average 48 18.8 135 21.9 0.75 0.37 to 1.53 .425
High average 68 29.7 199 33.3 0.78 0.45 to 1.35 .366
High 54 22.6 118 19.5 1.01 0.53 to 1.93 .963
Metropolitan 110 41.6 245 31.8 1.00 Reference
Other urban 96 32.8 253 31.0 0.81 0.56 to 1.16 .242
Nonurban 49 25.6 175 37.2 0.52 0.35 to 0.77 .002
Chronic physical conditions (part 2 sample)i
Present 154 63.5 362 64.0 1.00 Reference
Absent 93 36.5 231 36.0 0.98 0.71 to 1.36 .898
Health insurance status (part 2 sample)
Any insurance 218 88.4 551 91.8 1.00 Reference
No insurance 28 11.6 42 8.2 1.47 0.76 to 2.84 .248
Preauthorization for referralj
Not required 77 38.9 216 41.8 1.00 Reference
Required 135 61.1 315 58.2 1.13 0.74 to 1.72 .571
All percentages are weighted by the National Comorbidity Survey Replication sampling weights.
Overall test: F = 2.77; df = 5,38; p = .031.
Overall test: F = 2.30; df = 3,40; p = .092.
Overall test: F = 2.35; df = 2,41; p = .108.
Overall test: F = 0.72; df = 3,40; p = .547.
Overall test: F = 0.27; df = 3,40; p = .848.
Metropolitan consists of large, core metropolitan counties with a population 1,000,000; other urban consists of medium and lesser
metropolitan counties with a population < 1,000,000; and nonurban consists of all nonmetropolitan counties.
Overall test: F = 6.94; df = 2,41; p = .003.
Chronic medical conditions included arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, and other lung disease.
This question was asked to people who reported having any type of health insurance.
Symbol: = no data.
disorder. There was no significant difference between the ing problems across the 2 groups of participants (Table 2).
groups in the prevalence of dysthymia or generalized Compared with participants who were treated by general
anxiety disorder. Participants who took antidepressants medical providers, those who were treated by psy-
prescribed by psychiatrists experienced more psychologi- chiatrists were more likely to present with complaints of
cal distress as measured by the K6 (Table 2). mood and anxiety symptoms, including sadness, manic
Consistent with differences in diagnoses, there were mood, anger/irritability, panic, suicidal thoughts, and
also significant group differences with regard to present- poor concentration.
1067 PSYCHIATRIST.COM J Clin Psychiatry 69:7, July 2008
National Patterns in Antidepressant Treatment
Table 2. Diagnoses, Psychological Distress, and Presenting Complaints of National Comorbidity Survey Replication Participants
Treated With Antidepressants Prescribed by Psychiatrists and by General Medical Providersa
Prescribed by
Prescribed by General Medical Bivariate Binary Logistic Regression
Psychiatrists (N = 255) Providers (N = 673) for Comparison of Groups
Characteristic N % N % Odds Ratio 95% CI p Value
Lifetime psychiatric diagnoses
Mood disorders
Major depressive disorder 120 46.4 243 35.3 1.73 1.27 to 2.34 .001
Dysthymia 28 10.9 46 7.4 1.62 0.90 to 2.90 .105
Bipolar disorder 42 16.9 36 5.4 3.54 2.09 to 5.98 < .001
Any mood disorder 166 64.8 283 41.7 2.58 1.81 to 3.67 < .001
Anxiety disorders
Panic disorder 64 23.8 96 14.7 1.84 1.16 to 2.92 .011
Generalized anxiety disorder 39 14.6 95 14.1 1.06 0.68 to 1.66 .785
Social phobia 105 40.2 165 22.8 2.35 1.70 to 3.26 < .001
Posttraumatic stress disorder 71 26.0 102 16.3 1.94 1.34 to 2.80 .001
Any anxiety disorder 121 43.7 226 34.8 1.46 1.02 to 2.07 .036
Any mood or anxiety disorder 202 76.8 385 57.6 2.43 1.61 to 3.69 < .001
Psychological distress (K6 score)b
012 161 63.5 507 82.1 1.00 Reference
1324 86 36.5 105 17.9 2.64 1.62 to 4.30 < .001
Presenting problems
Mood and anxiety symptoms
Sadness/depression/crying 196 78.2 392 58.0 2.60 1.86 to 3.62 < .001
Manic mood 22 9.3 20 2.6 3.91 2.60 to 5.88 < .001
Anger or irritability 38 16.9 54 7.8 2.42 1.50 to 3.90 .001
Nerves/anxiety 89 36.0 237 36.1 1.00 0.71 to 1.40 .979
Panic 37 14.9 63 8.4 1.90 1.29 to 2.80 .002
Suicidal thoughts 14 5.4 11 1.7 3.42 1.52 to 7.70 .004
Physical symptoms
Low energy 27 10.4 56 7.9 1.36 0.77 to 2.39 .280
Poor appetite 10 4.5 18 2.9 1.58 0.55 to 4.52 .383
Poor sleep 57 22.3 136 19.0 1.22 0.79 to 1.88 .356
Little or no sexual functioning 8 3.7 9 1.3 2.84 0.75 to 10.72 .120
Physical pain 5 3.5 49 7.4 0.45 0.15 to 1.34 .148
Cognitive symptom
Poor concentration 34 14.4 41 5.8 2.76 1.38 to 5.49 .005
Poor memory 14 5.2 21 2.7 1.98 0.93 to 4.22 .076
Role functioning problems
Marital problems 7 2.8 12 1.8 1.59 0.51 to 4.92 .412
Not getting along with others 6 1.9 9 1.7 1.09 0.33 to 3.57 .881
Poor work performance 3 0.9 10 1.4 0.66 0.15 to 2.96 .576
Alcohol/drug problems 2 1.9 6 0.8 2.45 0.40 to 14.91 .321
All percentages are weighted by the National Comorbidity Survey Replication sampling weights.
Part 2 sample.
Symbol: = no data.
There were few differences between the groups with However, there were more differences across groups
regard to type of antidepressant medication prescribed with regard to doses of individual medications. Partici-
(Table 3). Participants treated with antidepressants by psy- pants treated by psychiatrists with sertraline, paroxetine,
chiatrists were significantly more likely than those who citalopram, and trazodone received higher doses of these
were treated by general medical providers to be prescribed medications than those treated by general medical provid-
fluoxetine and significantly less likely to be prescribed ers (Table 3). The doses of these medications compared
amitriptyline. Otherwise, there were no significant differ- with dose ranges recommended in the American Psychiat-
ences with regard to type of medication among groups. ric Associations Practice Guideline for the Treatment
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were of Patients With Major Depressive Disorder20 are also de-
the most commonly prescribed class of antidepressants picted in Figure 1, which reveals that a higher percentage
overall, prescribed to an equal percentage of participants of individuals treated by psychiatrists compared with gen-
treated by psychiatrists and general medical providers eral medical providers received at least the minimum anti-
(Table 3). The percentage of participants treated with tri- depressant dose of these medications or reached the maxi-
cyclic antidepressants was also very similar across groups mum dose.
(Table 3). Of note, only 1 participant reported having The differences across groups with regard to current
taken a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. status, the number of days that the participant forgot to
Table 3. Type and Doses of Medications Taken by National Comorbidity Survey Replication Participants Treated With Antidepressants Prescribed by Psychiatrists and by
General Medical Providersa
Doses of Medications (mg/day)
Medication Types Prescribed by Prescribed by
Prescribed by Prescribed by Bivariate Binary Psychiatrists General Medical Bivariate Ordinal
Psychiatrists General Medical Logistic Regression for (N = 255) Providers (N = 673) Logistic Regression for
(N = 255) Providers (N = 673) Comparison of Groups 25th75th 25th75th Comparison of Groups
Characteristic N % N % Odds Ratio 95% CI p Value Median Percentile Median Percentile Odds Ratio 95% CI p Value
Medication type
Sertraline 57 20.5 157 23.3 0.85 0.56 to 1.29 .429 100 50150 50 50100 2.61 1.32 to 5.13 .007
Paroxetine 45 16.5 133 21.2 0.73 0.51 to 1.05 .085 30 2040 20 1030 3.09 1.69 to 5.65 .001
Fluoxetine 50 21.2 98 14.9 1.54 1.01 to 2.56 .047 20 2040 20 2040 1.72 0.67 to 4.41 .251
Citalopram 32 14.7 61 9.8 1.58 0.91 to 2.71 .099 40 2040 20 2030 2.77 1.04 to 7.35 .042
Fluvoxamine 1 0.1 4 0.8 1.51 0.01 to 3.11 .214 300 100 50100
Any SSRI 168 66.6 433 66.6 1.00 0.74 to 1.34 1.000
Amitriptyline 11 4.5 66 9.5 0.45 0.21 to 0.96 .039 40 2550 50 2575 1.14 0.41 to 3.15 .793
Doxepin 8 3.0 13 1.4 2.16 0.89 to 5.24 .086 50 25150 20 2050 2.15 0.20 to 23.77 .503
Nortriptyline 7 2.5 7 0.9 3.04 0.74 to 12.39 .119 50 25100 37.5 1050 3.76 0.23 to 60.08 .312
Imipramine 0 0.0 5 0.7 50 25100
Clomipramine 2 0.9 0 0.0 b 62.5 25100
Desipramine 0 0.0 1 0.1 b
Protriptyline 0 0.0 1 0.3 b
Any tricyclic 27 10.5 92 12.8 0.80 0.46 to 1.38 .412
Bupropion 39 16.0 74 10.7 1.59 0.96 to 2.64 .073 300 250400 300 150300 2.03 0.78 to 5.31 .143
Venlafaxine 23 8.8 51 7.3 1.23 0.65 to 2.30 .513 150 75300 150 75150 2.12 0.59 to 7.55 .238
Any SNRI/NDRI 60 23.8 125 17.9 1.43 0.97 to 2.10 .067
Trazodone 27 10.4 47 6.6 1.64 0.93 to 2.92 .088 100 50300 50 50100 2.78 1.03 to 7.50 .044
Mirtazapine 7 3.2 7 1.0 3.29 0.91 to 12.24 .069 30 1530 30 1530 0.59 0.03 to 10.98 .689
Phenelzine 0 0.0 1 0.1 30
All percentages are weighted by the National Comorbidity Survey Replication sampling weights.
Regression analysis could not be conducted, as 1 group did not have any variability in outcome.
Abbreviations: NDRI = norepinephrine dopamine reuptake inhibitor, SNRI = serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor.
Symbol: = no data.
Figure 1. Percentage of Participants in Each Dose Range for Sertraline, Paroxetine, Citalopram, and Trazodone Prescribed by
Psychiatrists (PSY) and General Medical Providers (GEN)a
N = 50 N = 131 N = 45 N = 114 N = 29 N = 50 N = 26 N = 43
Maximum antidepressant dose or more
Minimum antidepressant dose or more
80 but less than maximum
Less than minimum antidepressant dose
Sertraline Paroxetine Citalopram Trazodone
Doses were compared with dose ranges recommended in the American Psychiatric Associations Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients
With Major Depressive Disorder.20
Table 4. Bivariate Analyses of Medication Use Characteristics of National Comorbidity Survey Replication Participants Treated
With Antidepressants Prescribed by Psychiatrists and by General Medical Providersa
Prescribed by Bivariate Binary Logistic and
Prescribed by General Medical Linear Regression Analyses
Psychiatrists (N = 255) Providers (N = 673) for Comparison of Groups
Characteristic N % N % Odds Ratio 95% CI p Value
Dose in relation to usual range
At or above lower bound 210 83.9 501 74.9 1.00 Reference
Below lower bound 45 16.1 172 25.1 0.68 0.43 to 1.06 .085
Stopped medication before 30 days
No 237 93.8 578 87.4 1.00 Reference
Yes 17 6.2 88 12.6 0.46 0.28 to 0.74 .002
Continued medication at least 90 days
No 40 17.6 179 25.8 1.00 Reference
Yes 214 82.4 487 74.2 1.63 1.06 to 2.50 .027
Current status
Still taking medication 177 68.6 450 68.0 1.00 Reference
Stopped medication 78 31.4 223 32.1 1.03 0.66 to 1.60 .895
Mean SE Mean SE b SE p Value
No. of days forgot to take medication
in a typical month or took less 2.09 0.36 2.83 0.30 0.74 0.47 .122
No. of days taking medication in the past 30 days
among those who still take medication 28.06 0.42 25.88 0.49 2.18 0.59 .001
Perceived effectiveness of medicationc 2.41 0.06 2.36 0.03 0.05 0.06 .459
All percentages are weighted by the National Comorbidity Replication sampling weights.
Unstandardized regression coefficient obtained in linear regression.
Scores range from 0 (not at all effective) to 3 (very effective).
Symbol: = no data.
take the medication or took a smaller dose in a typical before 30 days and more likely to continue taking the anti-
month, and perceived effectiveness of antidepressants depressant for 90 days or longer. Among participants who
were not statistically significant (Table 4). Participants continued taking the medication, those treated by psy-
treated by psychiatrists were more likely to receive medi- chiatrists reported skipping fewer doses in the past 30
cations at or above minimum recommended antidepres- days (Table 4).
sant doses (aggregated across all medication types), al- The significant group differences in continuity of anti-
though this difference was only at a trend level (p = .085) depressant treatment persisted in multivariate analyses
and did not reach a statistically significant level. How- adjusting for all sociodemographic and clinical variables
ever, differences across groups with regard to continuity found to be different across groups at a p < .25 level
of treatment and adherence did reach a statistically sig- (Table 5). Participants treated by psychiatrists were
nificant level. Participants treated with antidepressants significantly less likely to discontinue antidepressant
by psychiatrists were less likely to stop the medication treatment before 30 days and more likely to continue
Table 5. Multivariate Analyses of Medication Use Characteristics of National Comorbidity Survey Replication Participants Treated
With Antidepressants Prescribed by Psychiatrists and by General Medical Providersa
Stopped Medication Before 30 Days Continued Medication at Least 90 Days
Characteristic Adjusted Odds Ratio 95% CI p Value Adjusted Odds Ratio 95% CI p Value
Prescribed by
General medical provider Reference Reference
Psychiatrist 0.36 0.18 to 0.69 .003 1.91 1.10 to 3.31 .022
Age, y
1824 Reference Reference
2534 1.31 0.41 to 4.16 .640 1.51 0.71 to 3.20 .279
3544 0.63 0.19 to 2.12 .443 2.51 1.27 to 4.98 .010
4554 0.54 0.18 to 1.59 .256 1.99 0.91 to 4.34 .082
5564 0.36 0.10 to 1.27 .109 3.37 1.77 to 6.41 < .001
65 0.46 0.11 to 1.94 .285 4.23 1.80 to 9.98 .001
Female Reference Reference
Male 1.46 0.88 to 2.40 .139 0.62 0.43 to 0.92 .017
Non-Hispanic white Reference Reference
Hispanic 1.87 0.77 to 4.54 .163 0.56 0.26 to 1.19 .130
Non-Hispanic black 2.28 0.86 to 6.00 .094 0.32 0.15 to 0.66 .003
Other 2.40 0.79 to 7.28 .121 0.60 0.21 to 1.74 .335
Marital status
Married/living as married Reference Reference
Divorced/separated/widowed 1.00 0.51 to 1.95 .998 0.98 0.58 to 1.67 .949
Never married 1.30 0.62 to 2.73 .477 0.80 0.45 to 1.40 .418
Metropolitan Reference Reference
Other urban 0.40 0.20 to 0.80 .011 1.29 0.78 to 2.15 .314
Nonurban 0.52 0.31 to 0.88 .016 1.49 0.91 to 2.42 .110
Psychiatric diagnoses
Major depression 1.17 0.61 to 2.24 .635 1.01 0.62 to 1.65 .967
Dysthymia 0.53 0.17 to 1.69 .278 1.42 0.73 to 2.77 .299
Bipolar disorder 0.77 0.25 to 2.38 .639 1.57 0.63 to 3.92 .330
Panic disorder 1.24 0.61 to 2.52 .545 1.00 0.63 to 1.59 .999
Social phobia 0.66 0.32 to 1.37 .257 0.99 0.63 to 1.57 .973
Posttraumatic stress disorder 1.62 0.88 to 2.97 .118 0.82 0.52 to 1.31 .407
Psychological distress (K6 score)
012 Reference Reference
1324 1.81 0.99 to 3.32 .055 0.73 0.45 to 1.18 .194
Presenting problems
Sadness/depression/crying 0.65 0.40 to 1.06 .085 1.60 1.05 to 2.44 .031
Manic mood 0.28 0.06 to 1.28 .098 3.48 1.02 to 11.94 .047
Anger or irritability 2.01 0.72 to 5.64 .177 0.50 0.23 to 1.07 .073
Panic 0.58 0.21 to 1.56 .268 1.84 0.95 to 3.57 .069
Suicidal thoughts 1.77 0.37 to 8.61 .469 1.64 0.34 to 7.95 .531
Little or no sexual functioning b 0.81 0.18 to 3.68 .775
Physical pain 2.36 0.95 to 5.85 .063 0.51 0.21 to 1.22 .125
Poor concentration 0.84 0.21 to 3.34 .798 0.73 0.31 to 1.73 .466
Poor memory 0.41 0.07 to 2.55 .329 1.06 0.31 to 3.66 .921
Medication type
Paroxetine 0.77 0.33 to 1.81 .540 1.44 0.76 to 2.73 .257
Fluoxetine 0.52 0.20 to 1.35 .177 0.76 0.43 to 1.33 .326
Citalopram 0.99 0.49 to 2.02 .985 0.48 0.21 to 1.10 .080
Fluvoxamine b b
Amitriptyline 0.57 0.17 to 1.86 .342 1.08 0.58 to 1.99 .812
Doxepin 2.44 0.77 to 7.79 .127 0.88 0.33 to 2.39 .799
Nortriptyline b 1.67 0.17 to 16.76 .657
Bupropion 0.78 0.37 to 1.66 .510 0.71 0.39 to 1.28 .248
Trazodone 1.29 0.49 to 3.41 .605 0.81 0.39 to 1.71 .579
Mirtazapine b 1.65 0.13 to 20.61 .692
All analyses are weighted by the part 2 sample weights.
Variable was excluded from the regression model because it predicted outcome perfectly.
Symbol: = no data.
1071 PSYCHIATRIST.COM J Clin Psychiatry 69:7, July 2008
National Patterns in Antidepressant Treatment
antidepressant treatment for 90 days or longer (Table 5). (OR = 2.08, 95% CI = 1.54 to 2.80, p < .001). Finally, the
The analysis for the number of days taking the medi- study was naturalistic in design, and although multivariate
cation in the past 30 days among participants who con- analyses adjusted for several measured differences across
tinued treatment showed a trend level difference in the the study groups, unmeasured group differences may ex-
multivariate model (unstandardized regression coeffi- plain the differences in choice of providers and continua-
cient = 1.65, SE = 0.87, t = 1.90, df = 42, p = .064). tion of medication treatment. In particular, potentially im-
portant predictors of choice of provider and continuity of
DISCUSSION medication treatment such as participants motivation to
seek mental health treatment and their attitudes toward
The findings of this study should be interpreted in psychiatric medications16 were not assessed in the NCS-R.
the context of several limitations. First, information on Nevertheless, NCS-R data are unique in that they
medication use was based on self-report supplemented provide relatively recent and detailed information about
with information from medication bottle labels. Physi- the use of prescription medications from a representative
cian or pharmacy records were not available. However, population sample along with DSM-IV diagnoses based
past research indicates that depressed patients provide on structured interviews. These strengths make the NCS-R
accurate reports of their history of antidepressant medi- data especially suitable for analyses of recent patterns of
cation trials and duration of such trials, especially more antidepressant medication treatment in the U.S. general
recent trials.24 Second, the NCS-R data do not distinguish population.
new episodes of medication treatment from episodes that Three important findings emerge from the current
started more than 1 year ago. This limitation may explain analyses. First, antidepressants are commonly prescribed
the discrepancy in results between this report and an ear- to adults in the United States. During the course of 1 year,
lier report that found that 42.4% of patients who initiate 1 in 10 adults report receiving treatment with an antide-
antidepressants discontinue the medications within 30 pressant medication. Second, adults treated with antide-
days and only 27.6% continue beyond 90 days.21 Further- pressants by psychiatrists are significantly more likely
more, it is conceivable that short-time users of antide- than those treated by general medical providers to suffer
pressants who are overrepresented in the group of partici- from common DSM-IV mood and anxiety disorders, to
pants treated by general medical providers may have present with significant mood and anxiety symptoms, and
different reasons for stopping antidepressants from the to report psychological distress. Third, adults treated by
long-term users. Thus, combining the short-term and psychiatrists are more likely than those treated by general
long-term users might have blurred significant differ- medical providers to continue antidepressant treatment for
ences between these groups with regard to correlates of at least 1 month and less likely to discontinue within 3
stopping medications. Third, the survey asked about the months, even after adjusting for differences in diagnoses,
health care professional who prescribed the antidepres- presenting problems, and distress.
sant medication in the past year. Some participants might The rate of antidepressant treatment in the United
have been started on a medication by a psychiatrist States1 and in other industrialized countries11,2527 has
and then continued receiving their prescriptions from grown markedly over the past 2 decades. This trend paral-
a primary care provider or vice versa. Fourth, the cross- leled introduction of newer antidepressant medications
sectional nature of the data limits causal inferences. For with fewer side effects as well as expansion of the indica-
example, participants knowledge about insurance plan tions for antidepressant treatment. In the United States,
requirements for preauthorization to access a psychiatrist this trend also coincided with increased demand for and
may be the result of having sought such care rather than a use of mental health services overall,28 changes in the
determinant of choice between provider types. Individu- structure and financing of mental health care,5 and in-
als who prefer to receive mental health care from psy- creased visibility of antidepressant medications in popular
chiatrists may choose plans with freer access to spe- media,6 as well as the growth of direct to consumer adver-
cialists. Fifth, we examined the prevalence of lifetime tising of pharmaceuticals.3 These trends have given rise to
DSM-IV diagnoses, as some of the patients who have concerns about the possible overuse of antidepressants,
been receiving medications for a year or longer for main- especially in the general medical sector.29,30
tenance treatment of these disorders might not have ex- Compared with participants treated by general medical
perienced significant symptoms meeting diagnostic crite- providers, those who were treated with antidepressants by
ria in the past year. However, the results for 12-month psychiatrists were more likely to meet the criteria for com-
diagnoses were consistent with the results for lifetime di- mon DSM-IV mood and anxiety disorders except for dys-
agnoses. Overall, 60.6% of participants treated by psy- thymia and generalized anxiety disorder. They were also
chiatrists compared with 42.5% of those treated by gen- more likely to score in the significantly distressed range
eral medical providers met the 12-month diagnoses of on the K6. These epidemiologic results are consistent
mood and anxiety disorders included in this study with past clinical research documenting greater severity
of mental health conditions among individuals who seek likely to prescribe amitriptyline, which is more com-
treatment in the mental health specialty sector compared monly used than other antidepressants for the treatment of
with the general medical sector15,31 and are consistent chronic pain.40
with the greater specialized training of psychiatrists. A The high percentage of participants receiving lower
tendency for general medical providers to refer more se- than the recommended antidepressant dose of trazodone
verely ill adults to psychiatrists and self-selection of indi- and the differences across psychiatrists and general medi-
viduals with more severe symptoms into the mental health cal providers may be due to prescribing this medication at
specialty sector may further contribute to this pattern of lower doses as a sleep aid.41 Doses as low as 5 to 20 mg
illness severity. of trazodone have been shown to effectively improve
The differences across groups with regard to present- sleep.41
ing problems corroborate differences in diagnoses, as par- In line with our findings, past research15,31,42 has shown
ticipants treated by psychiatrists reported complaints that that older adults and women are less likely to receive anti-
were more consistent with severe mood and anxiety dis- depressants from psychiatrists and more likely to receive
orders. However, in contrast to past research in clinical them from general medical providers. This might be due
samples,32,33 in this community sample, individuals treat- to greater access of women and older adults to a regular
ed with antidepressants by general medical providers primary care provider or to these providers greater will-
were not more likely than those treated by psychiatrists to ingness to prescribe antidepressants to these groups rather
present with physical complaints such as low energy, poor than to refer them to psychiatrists.
appetite, or pain. In our analysis, health insurance, income, and
In line with previous studies,31,3436 adults treated by educationfactors traditionally associated with access to
psychiatrists tended to continue treatment for a longer specialty mental health caredid not influence the choice
time period. This difference in antidepressant treatment between psychiatrists and general medical providers. Fur-
continuity may be attributable to greater skill of psychia- thermore, among participants with insurance, the require-
trists in engaging patients in antidepressant treatment37 or ment for preauthorization to seek specialist care was not
to differences between individuals treated by psychiatrists associated with greater reliance on general medical pro-
and general medical providers. Although persistence of viders for antidepressant medication treatment.
depressive symptoms and distress appear to motivate pa- A puzzling finding in the multivariate analyses re-
tients to continue treatment,21,38 the associations between ported in Table 5 was the association of nonmetropolitan
distress and antidepressant treatment continuity may be residence with lower likelihood of stopping medication
quite complex. In our analyses, elevation of a nonspecific before 30 days. The basis of the association remains un-
psychological distress screen (K6) was weakly associated clear. However, nonmetropolitan areas are characterized
with early antidepressant discontinuation. However, as by relatively few per capita mental health service provid-
the time frame for the K6 rating was not ascertained in re- ers43 and lower rates of mental health treatment for de-
lation to antidepressant use, it is not possible to distin- pression.44 It is possible that the greater ease of access to
guish patients who experienced an increase in distress mental health services in metropolitan as compared with
soon after stopping antidepressant medications from nonmetropolitan areas contributes to antidepressant ini-
those who had elevated distress before initiating the tiation among adults with less motivation to continue
medication. Furthermore, the K6 was developed to cor- treatment. Further research on this important topic is
relate with a wide range of mental disorders,19 some of clearly needed with stronger measures of geographic ac-
which, such as nonaffective psychosis and bipolar disor- cess and motivation for antidepressant treatment.
der, may not respond favorably to antidepressant medi-
cation treatment. CONCLUSION
Some past reports have noted that psychiatrists tend to
use antidepressants at higher doses than general medical By the early 2000s, 1 of 10 American adults was
providers.10,11 This practice has been attributed to a reluc- treated with an antidepressant during the course of a year,
tance of general medical providers to use the full recom- and most of the antidepressant treatment was provided
mended doses of the older tricyclic antidepressants borne within the general medical sector.2,42 As compared with
of a concern over their side effects.39 In an era dominated antidepressant treatment provided by psychiatrists, the
by newer antidepressants, we found that psychiatrists treatment provided by general medical professionals was
continue to be more likely than general medical providers less targeted, with a smaller proportion of the treated in-
to prescribe antidepressants and, more specifically, SSRIs dividuals meeting criteria for common antidepressant
at a higher dose and to reach the maximum recommended indications. Furthermore, the adults treated by general
dose. There was little evidence that the 2 groups differed medical providers were typically treated with lower doses
with respect to selection of specific antidepressants, al- of antidepressants and more prone than their counterparts
though general medical providers were significantly more treated by psychiatrists to report early antidepressant
1073 PSYCHIATRIST.COM J Clin Psychiatry 69:7, July 2008
National Patterns in Antidepressant Treatment
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