Uso Medicinal de Cordia Lutea
Uso Medicinal de Cordia Lutea
Uso Medicinal de Cordia Lutea
Infections of the reproductive tract, complications after childbirth, and reproductive problems continue to be a
major health challenge worldwide. An impressive number of plant species is traditionally used to remedy such
afflictions, and some have been investigated for their efficacy with positive results. A total of 105 plant species
belonging to 91 genera and 62 families were documented and identified as herbal remedies for reproductive
problems in Northern Peru. Most species used were Asteraceae (9.52%), followed by Lamiaceae and Fabaceae
(8.57% and 6.67%). The most important families are clearly represented very similarly to their overall importance in
the local pharmacopoeia. The majority of herbal preparations for reproductive afflictions were prepared from the
leaves of plants (22.72%), the whole plant (21.97%), and stems (21.21%), while other plant parts were used less
frequently. More than 60% of the cases fresh plant material was used to prepare remedies. Over 70% of the
remedies were applied orally, while the remaining ones were applied topically. Many remedies were prepared as
mixtures of multiple ingredients.
Little scientific evidence exists to prove the efficacy of the species employed as reproductive disorder remedies in
Northern Peru. Only 34% of the plants found or their congeners have been studied at all for their medicinal
properties. The information gained on frequently used traditional remedies might give some leads for future
targets for further analysis in order to develop new drugs.
2010 Bussmann and Glenn; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Bussmann and Glenn Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:30 Page 2 of 12
of everyday life [9-13]. TM is also gaining acceptance by conducted in Spanish by fluent speakers. Surveyors would
national governments and health providers. Perus approach healers, collectors and market vendors and
National Program in Complementary Medicine and the explain the premise for the study, including the goal of
Pan American Health Organization recently compared conservation of medicinal plants in the area.
Complementary Medicine to allopathic medicine in Vouchers of all specimens were deposited at the Her-
clinics and hospitals operating within the Peruvian bario Truxillensis (HUT, Universidad Nacional de Tru-
Social Security System. The results showed that the cost jillo), and Herbario Antenor Orrego (HAO, Universidad
of using Traditional Medicine was less than the cost of Privada Antenor Orrego Trujillo). In order to recognize
Western therapy. In addition, for each of the criteria Perus rights under the Convention on Biological Diversity,
evaluated clinical efficacy, user satisfaction, and future most notably with regard to the conservation of genetic
risk reduction Traditional Medicine s efficacy was resources in the framework of a study treating medicinal
higher than that of conventional treatments, including plants, the identification of the plant material was con-
fewer side effects, higher perception of efficacy by both ducted entirely in Peru. No plant material collected either
the patients and the clinics, and a 53-63% higher cost in this study in Northern Peru, or the previous study in
efficiency of Traditional Medicine over that of conven- Southern Ecuador was exported in any form whatsoever.
tional treatments for the selected conditions [14].
According to [6], the sustainable cultivation and harvest- Species identification and nomenclature
ing of medicinal species is one of the most important The nomenclature of plant families, genera, and species
challenges for the next few years. follows the Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Gym-
The present study attempts to give an overview on nosperms of Peru [15] and the Catalogue of Vascular
medicinal plant species employed in Northern Peru in Plants of Ecuador [16]. The nomenclature was com-
traditional remedies for reproductive problems and pared to the TROPICOS database. Species were identi-
female health, and compare this use to the western fied using the available volumes of the Flora of Peru
scientific evidence regarding their efficacy. [17], as well as [18-20], and the available volumes of the
Flora of Ecuador [21].
Materials and Methods
Plant Collections Results
Plants for the present study were collected in the field, in A total of 105 plant species belonging to 91 genera and
markets, and at the homes of traditional healers (curan- 62 families were documented and identified as herbal
deros) in Northern Peru in 10 2-3 months long field visits remedies for reproductive problems in Northern Peru.
between 2001 and 2009, as a larger scale project following Most species used were Asteraceae (9.52%), followed by
initial collections in southern Ecuador (Figure 1). The Lamiaceae and Fabaceae (8.57% and 6.67%). Other
same 116 informants (healers and market vendors) in the families were less important, and 44 contributed only
Trujillo and Chiclayo area were repeatedly interviewed one species each to the pharmacopoeia (Table 1). The
during this time, using structured questionnaires. The most important families are clearly represented very
informants were always provided with fresh (non-dried) similarly to their overall importance in the local phar-
plant material, either collected with them, by them, or macopoeia (Table 1) [9].
available at their market stands. The questionnaires did The majority of herbal preparations for reproductive
not include any reference as to disease concepts, plant issues were prepared from the leaves of plants (22.72%),
parts or preparations. In contrast, the participants were the whole plant (21.97%), and stems (21.21%), while
asked simple questions along the lines What is this plant other plant parts were used much less frequently (Table
used for, which part, which quantity, how is it prepared, 2). This indicates that the local healers count on a very
are any other plants added to the mixture. All questions well developed knowledge about the properties of differ-
were asked in the same order. All informants were of Mes- ent plant parts. In almost 62% of the cases fresh plant
tizo origin, and spoke only Spanish as their native lan- material was used to prepare remedies, which differs lit-
guage, and all interviews were conducted in Spanish. The tle from the average herbal preparation mode in North-
study covered the four existing medicinal plant markets of ern Peru. Over 70% of the remedies were applied orally,
the region, and included all vendors present. All interviews while the remaining ones were applied topically. Many
were conducted with the same set of participants. remedies were prepared as mixtures of multiple ingredi-
The specimens are registered under the collection series ents by boiling plant material either in water or in
RBU/PL, ISA, GER, JULS, EHCHL, VFCHL, sugarcane spirit.
TRUBH, and TRUVANERICA, depending on the year A complete overview of all plants encountered is given
of fieldwork and collection location. Surveys were in Table 3.
Bussmann and Glenn Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:30 Page 3 of 12
Table 1 Plants used for reproductive issues in Northern Table 1 Plants used for reproductive issues in Northern
Peru and Comparison of reproductive treatments to the Peru and Comparison of reproductive treatments to the
ten most important plant families of the medicinal flora ten most important plant families of the medicinal flora
of Northern Peru (after Bussmann & Sharon 2006) of Northern Peru (after Bussmann & Sharon 2006)
Family Genera Species % Medicinal flora of (Continued)
Northern Peru (most
Nyctaginaceae 1 1 0.95
important families)
Orchidaceae 1 1 0.95
Oxalidaceae 1 1 0.95
Asteraceae 9 10 9.52 13.64
Polygonaceae 1 1 0.95
Lamiaceae 7 9 8.57 4.87
Polypodiaceae 1 1 0.95
Fabaceae 6 7 6.67 6.82
Portulacaceae 1 1 0.95
Solanaceae 2 4 3.81 4.09
Proteaceae 1 1 0.95
Poaceae 3 3 2.84 2.33
Ranunculaceae 1 1 0.95
Cucurbitaceae 1 3 2.84 1.75
Rosaceae 1 1 0.95 1.75
Plantaginaceae 1 3 2.84
Rubiaceae 1 1 0.95
Amaranthaceae 2 2 1.92
Thelypteridaceae 1 1 0.95
Anacardiaceae 2 2 1.92
Thymeleaceae 1 1 0.95
Boraginaceae 2 2 1.92
Typhaceae 1 1 0.95
Brassicaceae 2 2 1.92
Urticaceae 1 1 0.95
Euphorbiaceae 2 2 1.92 2.33
Valerianaceae 1 1 0.95
Olacaceae 2 2 1.92
Verbenaceae 1 1 0.95
Rutaceae 2 2 1.92
Lycopodiaceae 0 0 0.00 1.95
Dioscoreaceae 1 2 1.92
TOTAL 91 105 100
Geraniaceae 1 2 1.92
Linaceae 1 2 1.92
Passifloraceae 1 2 1.92
Adiantaceae 1 1 0.95 officinalis: [40]). Similar efficacy has been shown for San-
Alstroemeriaceae 1 1 0.95 guisorba officinalis [51], and Ruta graveolens [23,52-55].
Amaryllidaceae 1 1 0.95 Various species of Passiflora have aphrodisiac activity
Apiaceae 1 1 0.95 2.14 [56-60], and Myristica fragrans as well as Syzygium aro-
Apocynaceae 1 1 0.95 maticum [61,62], and extracts of Lantana camara
Asclepiadaceae 1 1 0.95 [63,64] and Pilea spp. [23] fulfil the same purpose, while
Asphodelaceae 1 1 0.95 Portulaca oleracea showed efficacy in relieving uterine
Balanophoraceae 1 1 0.95 bleeding [65,66].
Bignoniaceae 1 1 0.95
Cactaceae 1 1 0.95 Conclusions
Convolvulaceae 1 1 0.95 Infections of the reproductive tract, complications after
Cupressaceae 1 1 0.95 childbirth, and reproductive problems continue to be a
Cyperaceae 1 1 0.95 major health challenge worldwide. An impressive num-
Dipsacaceae 1 1 0.95 ber of plant species is traditionally used to remedy such
Ericaceae 1 1 0.95
Erythroxylaceae 1 1 0.95
Gentianaceae 1 1 0.95 Table 2 Plant part used
Illiciaceae 1 1 0.95 Plant part % Species
Isoetaceae 1 1 0.95 Leaves 22.72 30
Krameriaceae 1 1 0.95 Whole plant 21.97 29
Lauraceae 1 1 0.95 Stems 21.21 28
Loganiaceae 1 1 0.95 Flowers 9.85 13
Loranthaceae 1 1 0.95 Root 8.33 11
Lythraceae 1 1 0.95 Seeds 6.82 9
Malvaceae 1 1 0.95 Bark 4.55 6
Menispermaceae 1 1 0.95 Fruit 2.27 3
Moraceae 1 1 0.95 Latex 1.52 2
Myristicaceae 1 1 0.95 Wood 0.76 1
Bussmann and Glenn Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:30 Page 5 of 12
Table 3 Species encountered and used in Northern Peru for reproductive problems
Family/Genus/ Indigenous name Plant part Admin. Use Coll. #
Species used
Adiantum concinnum Culantrillo del Pozo, Leaves and Oral Menstrual regulation VFCHL29, TRUBH17, RBU/
Wild. ex H.B.K. Culantrillo Stems, fresh PL265, JULS149
or dried
Alternanthera Sanguinaria, Moradilla, Whole plant, Topical Cleansing womb after childbirth EHCHL142, ISA56, RBU/
porrigens (Jacquin) Lancetilla fresh or dried PL301, RBU/PL324,
Kuntze EHCHL93, GER117
Iresine diffusa H.B.K. ex Paja Blanca, Sangrinaria Whole plant, Oral Inflammation of the ovaries, Menstruation JULS75, ISA62
Willd. fresh symptoms in adolescents
Bomarea angustifolia Cachuljillo Whole plant, Oral Infertility in women ISA27
Benth. dried
Eustephia coccinea Tumapara, Pomanpara, Bark, fresh or Oral Inflammation of uterus RBU/PL313, GER71,
Cav. Puma Para, Para Para dried EHCHL68
Mauria heterophylla H. Shimir, Tres Hojas, Trinidad, Leaves, fresh 1. Oral 1. Inflammation of uterus, Inflammation ISA24, JULS17, EHCHL83
B.K. Chacur, Ahimir, Feregreco 2. of the ovaries, Cysts, Fibroids
Topical 2. Vaginal cleansing
Schinus molle L. Molle, Moy Bark and Topical Vaginal infection EHCHL123, JULS196,
Latex, fresh GER13
Petroselinum crispum Perejil Whole plant, Oral Regulation of menstrual cycle ISA80, EHCHL31, ISA117,
(Miller) A.W. Hill fresh RBU/PL278, JULS225
Thevetia peruviana Mailchin, Maichil, Seeds, dried Oral Menopause EHCHL162, TRUVan/
(Pers.) Schum. Camalonga, Cabalonga Erica19, JULS187,
EHCHL174, GER225
Sarcostemma clausum Marrajudio Leaves, Oral Promoting lactation in women after birth JULS121, GER43
(Jacquin) Schultes Stems, fresh
Aloe vera (L.) Burm f. Sabila, Zabila, Aloe, Hojas de Leaves, fresh Topcial Vaginal inflammation, Vaginal ulcers, JULS274, GER22,
Sabila, Aloe Vera Vaginal cancer EHCHL165, VFCHL10
Ambrosia peruviana Altamisa, Marco, Artamisa, Leaves and Topical After birth to reduce inflamation and JULS108, TRUBH18, RBU/
Willd. Manzanilla del Muerto, Stems, fresh prevent spasms in the womans womb PL370, TRUBH15, JULS90,
Ajenjo, Llatama Negra GER9, GER110
Malera, Llatama Roja Malera
Artemisia absinthium Ajenco Whole plant, Oral Menstrual colics, Menstration, Regulating ISA66, RBU/PL363,
L. preferably the menstrual cycle GER146
Leaves and
Stems, fresh
Chuquiraga spinosa Chuquiragua, Huamanpinta Leaves, dried Oral Prostate, Prostate inflammation, Sexual EHCHL168, TRUBH9,
sp. huamanpinta C. impotence JULS276, RBU/PL373
Clibadium cf. sylvestre Flor de Novia Flowers, Topical Before marriage EHCHL80
(Aubl.) Baill. Leaves and
Stems, fresh
or dried
Matricaria frigidum Manzanilla Whole plant, Topical Inflammation of the vagina JULS22, EHCHL1, TRUBH7
(HBK) Kunth fresh or dried
Matricaria recutita L. Manzanillon, Agua de la Whole plant, Topical 1. Vaginal cleansing JULS192, RBU/PL306,
Banda, Manzanilla Blanca, fresh 2. Menstrual colics ISA120, ISA76, GER145
Manzanilla Amarga,
Bussmann and Glenn Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:30 Page 6 of 12
Table 3 Species encountered and used in Northern Peru for reproductive problems (Continued)
Monactis flaverioides Hierba del Susto (Amarillo), Stems and 1. 1., 2. Vaginal cleansing EHCHL19, RBU/PL274,
H.B.K. Malva, Mocura, Hierba del Leaves, fresh Topical TRUVan/Erica7, ISA104,
Susto, Hierba Susto 2. Oral ISA72
Paranephelius uniflorus Pacha Rosa, Carapa de Whole plant, Oral Inflammation of the ovaries, Uterus, EHCHL133, JULS125
Poepp. & Endl. Chancho fresh or dried Inflammation (internal female parts
Schkuhria pinnata Canchalagua, Canchalagua Whole plant, Oral Menstrual delay, Allergies, Menstruation RBU/PL266, JULS42,
(Lam.) Kuntze (Chica) fresh VFCHL27, GER228
Taraxacum officinale Diente de Leon, Amargon Whole plant, Topical Ovaries RBU/PL252, JULS150,
Wiggers fresh GER62, GER189
Corynaea crassa Hook. Huanarpo (hembra & Tuber/Root, Oral Fertility, Sexual potency, Male impotence JULS171, VFCHL52
F. macho) fresh
Crescentia cujete L. Higueron Latex from Topical Healing of belly button after birth JULS164
Leaf, fresh
Cordia lutea Lam. Overo, Flor de Overo, Overal Flowers, fresh Oral Prostate inflammation. ISA125, EHCHL77,
or dried JULS62, GER10
Tiquilia paronychoides Flor de Arena, Paja de Flowers, fresh Oral Inflammation of the ovaries JULS154, EHCHL107,
(Phil.) Rich. Lagartija, Mano de Raton or dried ISA58, GER20
Brassica rapa L. Nabo Root, fresh Topical Ovaries JULS201
Capsella bursa-pastoris Bolsita del Pastor, Hierba del Whole plant, Oral Prostate JULS7, VFCHL42,
(L.) Medic. Pastor, Bolsa de Pastor fresh or dried VFCHL12, RBU/PL257,
Opuntia ficus-indica Tuna Leaves, fresh Topical Hair loss JULS263, GER3
(L.) Miller
Ipomoea batatas (L.) Camote Whole plant, Oral Promoting lactation in women after JULS120
Lamarck fresh giving birth
Cucumis dipsaceus Jaboncillo de Campo, Fruits, fresh Topical Hair loss (prevention), Stopping baby JULS174, GER35, JULS221
Ehrenb. Jaboncillo, Patito de Campo from breastfeeding
Cucurbita maxina Zapallo Flowers and Oral Preventing miscarriage JULS272
Duch. joints of
Stems, fresh
or dried
Cucurbita moschata Zapallo Flowers and Oral Preventing miscarriage GER32
Duch. joints of
Stems, fresh
or dried
Cupressus lusitanica Cipre, Cipres Whole plant, 1. Oral 1. Vaginal hemorrhage RBU/PL288, JULS302
Miller fresh 2. 2. Hair loss
Oreobolos goeppingeri Hierba Chupaflor, Hierba de Leaves, dried 1. Aphrodisiac EHCHL149, TRUVan/
Sues Suerte, Hierba del Carpintero Topical Erica17, EHCHL67,
Dioscorea tambillensis Papa Semitona Tuber, fresh Oral Inflammation of ovaries JULS283, GER140
Dioscorea trifida L.f. Papa Madre, Papa Pacta Tuber, fresh 1. Oral 1. Uterus disease and discharge, Cysts, JULS214, EHCHL40,
2. Cancer of the Uterus, Inflammation of the JULS212, GER142,
Topical ovaries, Vaginal discharge, JULS213
2. Fungus, Vaginal cleansing, Cancer of
the Uterus
Bussmann and Glenn Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:30 Page 7 of 12
Table 3 Species encountered and used in Northern Peru for reproductive problems (Continued)
Scabiosa atropurpurea Ambarina, Ambarina Negra, Flowers, fresh 1. Oral Menstrual regulation JULS100, EHCHL111,
L. Flor de Ambarina 2. RBU/PL372, ISA50
Bejaria aestuans L. Pullunrosa, Cadillo, Payama, Flowers, 1. Oral Prostate, Menstrual regulation, VFCHL22, JULS50,
Hierba de la Postema, Leaves and Inflammation of uterus, Cysts, EHCHL39, ISA114, ISA43,
Purenrosa, Rosada, Hierba Stems, fresh Inflammation of ovaries, Inflammation of JULS234, GER121
del buen querer or dried the womb, Uterus, Menstrual pain
Erythroxylon coca Lam. Coca Leaves, dried Oral Induce child birth, Strength for woman JULS144, GER201
during childbirth, Helping delivery of
Chamaesyce Lecherita, Lechera Whole plant, Oral Promoting lactation in women after birth JULS67, GER41
hypericifolia (L.) fresh
Manhiot esculenta Yuca Tuber, fresh Oral Vaginal infection, Vaginal discharge GER192
Caesalpinia spinosa Tara, Talla, Chanchalagua Seeds pods, Topical Fungus, Inflammation of ovaries, ISA55, EHCHL27,
(Molina) Kuntze fresh or dried Inflammation of uterus, Inflammation of VFCHL21, JULS255,
the vagina GER143
Desmodium Pie de Perro, Pata-Perro, Pata Whole plant, Topical Inflammation of the ovaries, Inflammation JULS41, RBU/PL268,
molliculum (H.B.K.) DC. de Perro, Chancas de fresh or dried of the womb GER135, JULS44,
Comida, Mua, Manayupa EHCHL109, RBU/PL256
Indigofera suffruticosa Ail Stems, fresh Oral Cleaning of the woman, Expelling GER198
Miller placenta from woman after giving birth
Inga edulis C. Martius Huaba, Pacae, Guava, Pacai Flowers, fresh Topical Hair growth JULS168, JULS304, GER17
Inga feuillei DC. Huaba, Pacae, Guava, Pacai Flowers, fresh Topical Hair growth JULS168, JULS304, GER17
Mimosa nothacacia Ua de Gato de la Costa Bark, dried Topical Anus cyst, Vaginal pimples, Anal pimples JULS265, GER199
Prosopis pallida (H. & Algarrobo Seeds, dried Oral Sexual potency JULS97, GER8
B. ex Willd.) H.B.K.
Gentianella Anga Macha Whole plant, Oral Infection of the uterus, After giving birth JULS282
bruneotricha (Gilg.) J.S. fresh
Pelargonium Malva de Oro, Malva de Whole plant, Oral Inflammation of the ovaries, Inflammation TRUVan/Erica14, TRUBH6,
odoratisimum (L.) Olor, Malva Olorosa fresh or dried of the womb EHCHL89, JULS188
Pelargonium roseum Geranio Flowers and Oral Hemorrhages, Uterus pain, Inflammation JULS84
Willd. Leaves, fresh of the uterus
Illicium verum Hook. f. Anis Estrella Seeds, dried Oral Expel residues of feces in stomach of JULS102
newborn babies
Isoetes andina R. & P. Piri Piri Stems, fresh Oral Male impotence ISA100
Krameria lappacea Ratania, Raima Leaves and Oral Inflammation of the ovaries JULS53
(Dombey) Berdet & B. Root, fresh
Lepechinia meyenii Salvia, Salvia Real Whole plant, 1. Oral 1. Menstruation RBU/PL303, VFCHL17,
(Walpers) Epling fresh or dried 2. 2. Hair loss ISA91
Bussmann and Glenn Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:30 Page 8 of 12
Table 3 Species encountered and used in Northern Peru for reproductive problems (Continued)
Mentha spicata L. Hierba Buena, Hierba Buena Whole plant, Oral Aphrodisiac RBU/PL308, EHCHL74,
Silvestre, Menta fresh RBU/PL267, JULS72,
GER134, JULS20
Ocimum basilicum L. Albaca Mistura, Albaca Whole plant, Oral 1. To promote dialation of the uterus, JULS54, EHCHL48,
Negra, Albaca, Albaca fresh Hasten delivery, Preventing infections VFCHL13, RBU/PL284,
Morada, Albahaca (costa) related to birth, Refreshing womb, TRUVan/Erica8, GER191
Reducing inflammation after birth
2. After birth
Origanum majorana L. Mejorana Leaves and Oral Menstration EHCHL88, JULS19, RBU/
Stems, fresh PL317, GER165
Origanum vulgare L. Oregano Leaves and Oral Menstrual cramps, Menstration, Lower JULS205, GER114
Stems, fresh stomach cramps related to PMS
or dried
Rosmarinus officinalis Romero, Romero Castilla Leaves, fresh Topical Hair loss RBU/PL329, ISA78,
L. or dried TRUBH11, EHCHL3,
Salvia discolor H.B.K. Palmeras (Chica), Llatama, Stems, fresh 1. 1. Preventing infections related to birth, ISA93, ISA151(93a), ISA25
Yatama Topcial Fright/Susto in children
2. Oral 2. Preventing infections related to birth
Salvia officinalis L. Salvia Whole plant, Oral Control and regulate menstrual cycle JULS241
fresh or dried
Satureja pulchella (H.B. Panizara, Panisara Leaves, fresh Oral Menstrual delay GER148, JULS43
K.) Briquet or dried
Persea americana Mill. Palta Seeds, fresh Oral Contraceptive, Sterilization for women JULS211, GER18
Linum sativum L. Linaza Seeds, dried Oral Inflammation of the prostate EHCHL1599
Linum usitatissimum L. Linaza Seeds, dried Oral Inflammation of the prostate JULS185, GER139
Buddleja utilis Kraenzl. Flor Blanca Flowers, fresh Oral Menstruation, Inflammation of the womb, RBU/PL333, EHCHL38,
or dried Ovarian cysts, Inflammation of uterus ISA60, JULS155, GER136
Tristerix Suelda con Suelda Whole plant, Oral Vaginal discharge (white or yellow) JULS296, GER74
longibracteatus (Des.) dried
Barlow & Wiens
Cuphea strigulosa H.B. Lancetilla, Gacetilla, Leaves and Oral Discharges GER104, EHCHL35,
K. Sanguinaria, Gansetilla, Stems, fresh VFCHL34, JULS33, ISA51,
Hierba del Toro RBU/PL259, EHCHL43,
JULS59, ISA53, GER147
Malva sylvestris L. Malva (Chica), Malva Blanca Leaves and Topical Vaginal cleansing VFCHL49, EHCHL29
Stems, fresh
or dried
Abuta grandiflora Abuta (male and female) Root and Oral Contraceptive JULS88, RBU/PL312
(Mart.) Sand. Stems, fresh
or dried
Brosmium rubescens Palo Sangre, Palo de la Wood and Oral 1. Fertility, Sexual potency JULS209, ISA49,
Taubert Sangre, Ablita Bark, fresh or 2. Haemorrhages (prevention and healing EHCHL64, RBU/PL311,
dried GER86, EHCHL62
Myristica fragrans L. Nuez Moscada, Ajonjoli Seeds, dried Oral Fertility, Sexual potency RBU/PL385, EHCHL155,
JULS292, GER197
Mirabilis jalapa L. Buenas Tardes Root, fresh Oral Prostate, Pre-prostate cancer JULS116, GER185
Bussmann and Glenn Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:30 Page 9 of 12
Table 3 Species encountered and used in Northern Peru for reproductive problems (Continued)
Heisteria acuminata Chuchuasi, Chuchuhuasi Bark, fresh or Oral Sexual potency RBU/PL287, JULS138,
(H. & B.) Engler dried GER164
Ximenia americana L. Limoncillo Whole plant, Oral Menstrual regulation JULS184
fresh or dried
Aa paleacea (H.B.K.) Hierba de la Soledad, Hierba Leaves, fresh Oral Contraceptive, Sterilization of women ISA141, EHCHL75
Rchb. f. Sola
Oxalis tuberosa Molina Oca Rosada Tuber, fresh Oral Sexual potency JULS203
Passiflora Hojas de Tumbo Leaves, fresh Oral Menstrual pain EHCHL135
quardrangularis L.
Passiflora sp. Chulgan Leaves and Oral Promoting vaginal dilation during JULS279
Stems, dried childbirth.
Plantago major L. Llantn Leaves, fresh Topical Vaginal cleansing VFCHL50, EHCHL11,
Plantago sericea R. & Pajilla Blanca Whole plant, Oral Vaginal discharge JULS207
P. var. lanuginosa fresh or dried
Plantago sericea R. & Paja Blanca Stems, fresh Oral Ovarian pain, Inflammation of the ovaries, RBU/PL335, EHCHL96
P. subsp. sericans or dried Inflammation of the womb
(Pilger) Rahn
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Grama Dulce Stems, dried Oral Cysts of the ovary, Cysts of the uterus, ISA61, JULS73, ISA106,
Persoon Uterus, Fibroids, Uterus prolapse GER151
Saccharum officinarum Azucar de Caa, Caa de 1. Fresh sugar 1. 1. Aphrodisiac VFCHL4, JULS123,
L. Azucar, Caa Dulce 2. Stems, Topical 2. Inflammation of the prostate GER208
fresh 2. Oral
Triticum sativum L. Trigo Seeds, dried Topical Vaginal infection, Vaginal discharge GER182
Rumex crispus L. Acelga, Lengua de Vaca, Whole plant, 1. Oral 1. Infection of the uterus JULS70, EHCHL173
Hojas de Mala Hierba fresh 2. 2. Inflamation (internal woman parts),
Topical Vaginal inflammation
Polypodium Lengua de Ciervo, Calaguala Stems, fresh Oral Prostate EHCHL71, TRUBH38, RBU/
crassifolium L. PL331, RBU/PL332,
Portulaca villosa H.B.K. Verdolaga Root and Topical Hair loss GER171
Stems, fresh
Oreocallis grandiflora Rumilanche, Bunbun, Leaves and Oral Inflammation of the ovaries, Inflammation EHCHL127, JULS31,
(Lam.) R.Br. Huaminga Stems, fresh of uterus ISA28, ISA70
or dried
Laccopetalum Huamanripa, Pacra, Flor de Leaves, fresh Oral Fertilization (Heat Ovaries) VFCHL53, RBU/PL321,
giganteum (Wedd.) Guarmarya or dried EHCHL42, JULS284,
Ulbrich GER162
Sanguisorba minor Pimpinela, Flor de Overa Whole plant, Oral Menstrual regulation EHCHL117, TRUBH35,
Scop. fresh RBU/PL262, ISA57,
JULS25, ISA147(103a),
Cinchona officinalis L. Cascarilla, Quinuagiro Bark, dried Oral Fertility, Sexual potency RBU/PL314, JULS127,
ISA19, GER167
Bussmann and Glenn Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:30 Page 10 of 12
Table 3 Species encountered and used in Northern Peru for reproductive problems (Continued)
Ruta graveolens L. Ruda, Ruda (Macho y Whole plant, 1. Oral 1. Abortion ISA152, JULS1, TRUVan/
Hembra), Hierba del Quinde fresh 2. 2. Aphrodisiac. Erica20, EHCHL128,
Topical VFCHL16, ISA145(108a),
Pouteria lucuma (R. & Lucuma Fruit, fresh Oral Promoting lactation on women after JULS186
P.) Kuntze. giving birth
Cestrum auriculatum Hierba Santa, Agrasejo Leaves, fresh Topical Preventing spasms after giving birth, JULS166, RBU/PL281,
LHerit or dried Warming women EHCHL172, ISA122,
GER174, EHCHL102
Cestrum strigilatum R. Santa Mara Flowers, Oral Control and regulate menstrual cycle JULS245
& P. leaves and
Stems, fresh
or dried
Cestrum undulatum R. Santa Mara Flowers, Oral Control and regulate menstrual cycle JULS246
& P. leaves and
Stems, fresh
or dried
Solanum tuberosum L. Chuno de Papa Tuber, dried Oral After childbirth complications JULS140, JULS141
Thelypteris cf. scalaris Helecho Macho Whole plant, Oral Contraceptive JULS291
(Christ.) Alton fresh or dried
Daphnopsis Los Cholitos, Cholitos Seeds, dried Oral Infertility in women EHCHL153, JULS137,
weberbaueri Domke GER216
Typha angustifolia L. Chante Stems, dried Oral Prostate ISA45
Pilea microphylla (L.) Contra Hierba Whole plant, Oral Prostate, Cysts RBU/PL282, EHCHL33
Lieberman fresh
Phyllactis rigida (R. & Hornamo Estrella, Siete Stems, fresh Oral Menopause EHCHL163, TRUBH30,
P.) Persoon Sabios, Valeriana Estrella, JULS57, EHCHL44,
Valeriana, Hierba de la JULS46, ISA137, RBU/
Estrella PL365, RBU/PL355,
Lantana scabiosaefolia Mastrando, Mastrante Leaves and Oral Cold of the ovaries, Menstruation, VFCHL51, GER6
H.B.K. Stems, fresh Women after childbirth to avoid colds
or dried
afflictions, and some have been investigated for their studies are desperately needed to evaluate the efficacy
efficacy with positive results. An often-limiting factor to and safety of the remedies employed traditionally.
these investigations is lack of comprehensive ethnobota-
nical data to help choose plant candidates for potency/
Declaration of competing interests
efficacy tests. Since the plant parts utilized in prepara- The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
tion of the remedies are reported in this survey, it serves
as an indication of species that may need further ecolo- Authors contributions
RB collected/identified plant material analysis of the data as well as writing
gical assessment on their regeneration status. the manuscript. AG conducted fieldwork, data analysis and manuscript
The results of this study show that both indigenous composition. Both authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
and introduced species are used for the treatment of
reproductive system problems. The information gained The presented study was financed through MIRT/MHIRT (Minority Health
on frequently used traditional remedies might give some Disparity International Research and Training) a grant from the National
leads for future targets for further analysis in order to Institutes of Health (Fund: 54112B MHIRT Program, Grant: G0000613).
Fieldwork for this project was supported through the assistance of a large
develop new drugs. However, more detailed scientific
Bussmann and Glenn Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:30 Page 11 of 12
number of MIRT/MHIRT students and volunteers. Thanks to all of them. 22. Telefo PB, Moundipa PF, Tchouanguep FM: Oestrogenicity and effect on
None of the work would have been possible without the invaluable hepatic metabolism of the aqueous extract of the leaf mixture of Aloe
collaboration of Douglas Sharon and our Peruvian colleagues, especially buettneri, Dicliptera verticillata, Hibiscus macranthus and Justicia insularis.
curanderas Julia Caldern, Isabel Chinguel, and Olinda Pintado, curanderos Fitoterapia 2002, 73(6):472-478.
Germn Santisteban and Leoncio Carrin, and herbalists Manuel Bejarano, 23. Lans C: Ethnomedicines used in Trinidad and Tobago for reproductive
Elmer Cruz, and Ivn Cruz. Thanks also go to Eric Rodriguez (Herbarium problems. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2007, 3:13.
Truxillense, HUT) and Abundio Sagastegui, Segundo Leiva, and Mario Zapata 24. Adams JD Jr, Garcia C: Womens health among the Chumash. Evidence
(Herbario Antenor Orrego, HAO) for the use of their facilities and their Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2006, 3(1):125-131.
assistance in plant identification. 25. Maca MJ, Garca E, Vidaurre PJ: An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal
plants commercialized in the markets of La Paz and El Alto, Bolivia.
Received: 1 June 2010 Accepted: 1 November 2010 Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2005, 97(2):337-350.
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disorder? Menopause 2009, 16(3):616, author reply 616-617.
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