English 201 Syllabus
English 201 Syllabus
English 201 Syllabus
Email: Section:
Time: Room:
Learning Resources
Resources for this course are found in your Learning Management System. There is no purchased
text for this course.
Library resources, newspaper and magazine articles, online articles and other Internet- and
printbased materials.
Classmates, colleagues, and experts in your issue area.
A reliable computer and Internet connection
Headphones (optional)
Grading Scale
(total points earned divided by total points possible)
Grading Components
Assessment Activities Points
Prepare: This includes work written to be 30%
handed in (other than the Ponder and Prove
assignments listed below). Typically these will be
readings, assignment responses papers, and self
quiz assignments. The point values for individual
assignments will be given in the online learning
management system. This grade is a percentage
of total points possible.
Teach One Another: This includes
Learning Outcomes participation in discussions. It also includes the
peer reviews of writing assignments. Point
LDSBC cultivates a nurturing environment where values for individual assignments will be given
in the online learning management system. This
practical skills are learned and discipleship is
grade is a percentage of total points possible.
strengthened. 20%
Ponder: This includes the Reading Response 10%
There are three types of learning outcomes guiding Paper and the weekly Observe and Ponder
curriculum and authentic learning experiences at assignments. Obviously you will ponder on many
LDSBC. Students demonstrate the 1) College-Wide other assignments, but these will be singled out
for grading in this category.
Outcomes, 2) Program Competency Outcomes, and This grade is a percentage of total points
3) Course-Specific Outcomes through the Learning possible.
Pattern as they Prepare, Teach One Another, Ponder, Prove: The category includes the Viewpoints 40%
and Prove their knowledge, skills, and abilities. Paper, the Annotated Bibliography, and
Rogerian Paper. The largest part of the grade is
Through this process, all LDSBC graduates are the Classical Argument Paper, which will prove
prepared to contribute in their homes, communities, your understanding of the work listed under
the Lords church, and in future employment. Prepare. There will also be three short quizzes
on the materials in the PowerPoints. These will be
incremental, covering anything up to that week.
This grade is a percentage of the total points
1. College-Wide Outcomes
7. Use the reading and critical thinking skills of comprehension, analysis, reflection, and synthesis
to solve authentic problems.
8. Produce reflective, academic, and business writing documents that deal with complex, real-world
issues and that demonstrate critical thinking, information literacy, and use of basic writing
principles and grammatical conventions.
9. Convey messages confidently and competently in professional, ecclesiastical, and community
settings using sound reasoning to persuade, and technology principles if appropriate.
10. Use the scientific method of inquiry to formulate valid conclusions. Interpret tables and graphs, use
and evaluate formulas, order and compare numbers, and read scientific instruments.
11. Make reasoned decisions as a member of society by understanding social and cultural theoretical
issues, components and functions of governments, psychological theories, and the impact of economic
policy on social welfare.
12. Produce and interpret graphs and tables by using arithmetic, computation, variables, and formulas and
by applying principles of logic.
13. Judge the content and quality of artistic work in various types of visual arts, performing arts, and
literature, and accurately place them within their historical and cultural contexts.
14. Judge the content and quality of argumentative works by identifying various reasoning methods.
15. Communicate in writing and verbally, using correct English and technology skills to effectively
persuade, inform, and convey ideas.
3. Course-Specific Outcomes
Using your phone or social media during class affects your ability to concentrate and distracts other
COMPREHENSION, AND CHARACTER. I do have the right to ask you to turn off your phone or
computer and to ask you to leave class if you are using them for non-academic purposes.
You will have opportunity in this course to use library resources extensively. We will be using APA
documentation style, which can be found in both your text and through online resources.
We will use the learning management system as a delivery system for assignments and other
material for the class. The specific course assignments are found there.
Most classwork should be completed with a word processing program. You should also save all
your coursework on a flash drive, in an email, or in hard copy until you determine that your final
grade for the class is fair. You are responsible for checking that work has been recorded correctly
and for providing evidence of work that has not been recorded.
Assignments should be handed in at the appointed time. Unless you have contacted me and made
arrangements IN ADVANCE, work handed in late will be docked 10%. I will not accept
assignments that are more than one week late unless there are specific mitigating circumstances. If
you are having problems keeping up, please come and talk with me before you get too far behind.
Writing is revision. You may revise and re-submit the first three Prove assignments, and you will be
revising the Classical Argument Paper several times to improve the work and eventually receive a
final grade. Revising and proofreading your work is one key to a good grade in this course.
Building and maintaining a sense of community in this classroom helps each of us feel safe to
express our opinions and share our writing with others. Thus we should treat each other and each
others opinions with respect and consideration
College Policies
Official College messages to all students will be sent through LDSBC email. Students are responsible for all
information received through their LDSBC email account. Students are expected to regularly check their
LDSBC email accounts for official information from the College and their course instructors. This policy is
to ensure that important LDSBC communication is received in a timely and consistent manner.
The course materials used in this class may be protected by copyright laws. Students are expected to make a
good-faith effort to respect the rights of copyright holders. For more detailed information, please see the
LDS Business College Copyright Policy. Students who disregard the policy may be in violation of the
Church Education System Honor Code, may place themselves at risk for possible legal action, and may
incur personal liability.
Section 504 of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires that reasonable modifications be
provided for students with physical, cognitive, systemic, learning and psychiatric disabilities. In order to
receive modifications in the classroom, students must first provide documentation of disabilities to Holly
Brinkerhoff, Student Support & Disabilities Interim Director (hbrinkerhoff@ldsbc.edu; Room 933) in order
to obtain a modification form. Students needing modification for this course may then provide the instructor
with a copy of the approved modification form.
Students should be aware and review each semester the Honor Code Policies and Procedures and the
Academic Honesty Policy (See link below). The LDSBC learning environment and culture are created and
preserved through commitment to personal conduct that reflects these ideals and principles. Adherence to
these principles creates a community of saints where the Spirit may be in greater abundance.