On The Semilocal Convergence of A Fast Two-Step Newton Method

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Revista Colombiana de Matematicas

Volumen 42(2008)1, paginas 15-24

On the semilocal convergence of a fast

two-step Newton method
Convergencia semilocal de un metodo de Newton de dos pasos

Ioannis K. Argyros

Cameron University, Lawton, USA

Abstract. We provide a semilocal convergence analysis for a cubically conver-

gent two-step Newton method (2) recently introduced by H. Homeier [8], [9],
and also studied by A. Ozban [13]. In contrast to the above works we examine
the semilocal convergence of the method in a Banach space setting, instead of
the local in the real or complex number case. A comparison is given with a two
step Newtonlike method using the same information.
Key words and phrases. Two-step Newton method, Newton method, Banach
space, majorizing sequence, NewtonKantorovich hypothesis, semilocal conver-
gence, Frechet-derivative.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 65H10, 65G99, 47H17, 49M15.

Resumen. Proporcionamos un analisis de convergencia semilocal para un metodo

de Newton de dos pasos, cubicamente convergente, recientemente introducido
por H. Homeier [8], [9], tambien estudiado por A. Ozban [13]. En contraste
con esto, examinamos la convergencia local del metodo en espacios de Banach
en lugar del local, en el caso real y complejo. Damos una comparacion con el
metodo de Newton de dos pasos usando la misma informacion.
Palabras y frases clave. Metodo de Newton de dos pasos, metodo de Newton,
espacio de Banach, secuencia mayorante, hipotesis de NewtonKantorovich,
convergencia semilocal, derivada de Frechet.

1. Introduction
In this study we are concerned with the problem of approximating a locally
unique solution x of the nonlinear equation
F (x) = 0, (1)


where F is a Frechet-differentiable operator defined on the closure U (x0 , R)

(R > 0) of a ball U (x0 , R) = {x | x X | kx x0 k < R} in a Banach space X
with values in a Banach space Y .
Many problems in applied mathematics, and also in engineering, can be
formulated as in equation (1) for a suitable choice of the operator F [4], [10],
Recently H. Homeier [8], [9] and A. Ozban [13] studied the local convergence
of the cubically convergent two-step Newton method
yn = xn F (xn )1 F (xn )
(n 0), (x0 D),
1 xn + yn
xn+1 = xn F (zn ) F (xn ), zn = (2)
for all n 0 in the special case when X = Y = R or C. In [7], [10] it was
already demonstrated experimentally that method (2) can compete in efficiency
with other methods using the same information.
Method (2) was originally studied in [11], [5], where the cubic convergence
was established under hypotheses on the second Frechetderivative of operator
Semilocal and local convergence theorems on Newton-like methods under
various conditions can be found in [1], [14], and the references there. Therefore
one can immediately obtain sufficient convergence conditions for the local as
well as the semilocal case by simply referring to those results (see, in particular
[3], [4]).
Results on other fast methods can be found in [1], [6], [7]. However here we
decided to study the semilocal convergence of method (2) on a Banach space
setting motivated by the efficiency of the method when X = Y = R or C using
a direct approach and precise majorizing sequences along the lines of our works
in [3], [4].
We assume that for some x0 D, F (x0 )1 L(Y, X) and for all x, y
U (x0 , R)
kF (x0 )1 [F (x) F (x0 )]k w0 (kx x0 k), (3)
kF (x0 ) [F (x) F (y)]k w(kx yk) (4)
for some monotonically increasing functions w0 , w defined on [0, R] and satis-
lim w0 (r) = lim w(r) = 0. (5)
r0 r0
Conditions of the form (3) - (5) were inaugurated in the elegant work in [2]
(see also [3], [4]) in connection with the study of Newtons method
xn+1 = xn F (xn )1 F (xn ) (n 0), (x0 D), (6)
in the special case when w0 (r) = w(r) for all r [0, R].
The advantages of introducing function w0 in the study of Newton-like me-
thods have been explained in [3], [4]. In fact this way under the same or even
weaker hypotheses finer error bounds on the distances kyn xn k, kxn+1 xn k,

Volumen 42, Numero 1, Ano 2008


kyn x k, kxn x k (n 0) can be obtained and an at least as precise

information on the location of the solution x .
A comparison with the twostep Newton-like method
yn = xn F (xn )1 F (xn ) (n 0), (x0 D)
xn+1 = xn F (yn )1 F (xn )
is given. Note that both methods (2) and (7) use two inverses and one function
evaluation at every step. Numerical examples can also be found in [8], [13].

2. Semilocal convergence analysis of Newton-like method

Let 0. It is convenient for us to define scalar sequences {sn }, {tn } (n 0)
for t0 = 0, s0 = , t1 = s0 + s0 +t0
1w0 2
w (t (tn+1 tn )) (sn tn )dt + [1 + w0 (tn )](tn+1 sn )
sn+1 = tn+1 + , (8)
1 w0 (tn+1 )
and R 1 h1 i
w 2 (s n t n ) + t(t n+1 t n ) (tn+1 tn )dt
tn+2 = tn+1 +   , (9)
1 w0 tn+1 +s 2

for all n 0.
It follows by the definition of sequences {sn }, {tn } that if there exists
[0, R] such that
sn tn+1 < w01 (1) for all n 0, (10)
then both sequences are monotonically increasing, bounded above by , and
as such they converge to a common limit t such that
tn sn tn+1 (n 0), (11)
t . (12)
We can show the following semilocal convergence theorem for Newton-like
method (2) using majorizing sequences {tn } and {sn }.

Theorem 2.1. Under conditions (3), (4) and (8) for F (x0 )1 F (x0 ) ,
kF (z0 )1 F (x0 )k t1 sequence {xn } (n 0) generated by Newton-like method
(2) is well defined, remains in U(x0 , t ) for all n 0, and converges to a unique
solution x of equation F (x) = 0 in U(x0 , t ).
Moreover the following estimates hold for all n 0:
kyn xn k s n tn , (13)
kxn+1 xn k tn+1 tn , (14)
kyn x k t s n , (15)
kxn x k t tn . (16)

Revista Colombiana de Matematicas


Furthermore if there exists R0 (t , R] such that

Z 1
w[tt + (1 t)R0 ]dt < 1, (17)
then the solution x is unique in U (x0 , R0 ).
Proof. We shall show:
kyk xk k s k tk , (18)
kxk+1 xk k tk+1 tk , (19)

U (yk , t sk ) U (xk , t tk ), (20)
U (xk+1 , t tk+1 ) U (xk , t tk ). (21)

For every z U (y0 , t s0 ),
kz y0 k kz y0 k + ky0 x0 k t s0 + s0 = t = t t0
implies z U(y0 , t t0 ). Similarly, for every w U (x1 , t t1 )
kw x0 k kw x1 k + kx1 x0 k t t1 + t1 = t
implies w U (x0 , t t0 ).
Estimates (16) and (17) hold true for k = 0 by the initial conditions. Let us
assume estimates (16) - (19) hold for n = 0, 1, . . . , k, then
kyk x0 k kyk xk k + kxi xi1 k
s k tk + tk t0 = s k t0 t
X k+1
kxk+1 x0 k kxi xi1 k (ti ti1 )
i=1 i=1
= tk+1 t0 t ,

yk + xk 1
x0 [kyk x0 k + kxk x0 k]
2 2
1 1
(sk + tk ) (t + t ) = t ,
2 2
kxk + t(xk+1 xk ) x0 k tk + t(tk+1 tk ) t for all t [0, 1].
Let u U (x0 , t ), then using (3) and the induction hypotheses we get

F (x0 )1 [F (u) F (x0 )] w0 (ku x0 k) w0 (t ) < 1. (22)
It follows from (20) and the Banach Lemma on invertible operators [10] that
F (u)1 exists and
F (u) F (x0 ) [1 w0 (ku x0 k)]1 .

Volumen 42, Numero 1, Ano 2008


In view of (2) we obtain the identity

F (xk+1 ) = F (xk+1 ) F (xk ) F (xk )(yk xk )
Z 1
= [F (xk + t (xk+1 xk )) F (xk )] (xk+1 xk )dt
+ [F (xk ) F (x0 )] (xk+1 yk ) + F (x0 )(xk+1 yk ), (24)
and by composing by F (x0 )1 we get using (4)

F (x0 )1 F (xk+1 )
Z 1

= F (x0 ) [F (xk + t(xk+1 x k )) F (xk )] (xk+1 xk )dt


+ F (x0 )1 [F (xk ) F (x0 )](xk+1 yk ) + kxk+1 yk k
Z 1
w (kt(xk+1 xk )k) kxk+1 xk kdt
+ w0 (kxk x0 k)kxk+1 yk k + kxk+1 yk k
Z 1
w(t(tk+1 tk ))(tk+1 tk )dt + w0 (tk )(tk+1 sk )
+ (tk+1 sk ). (25)
Similarly from (2) we obtain the identity
xk + yk
F (xk+1 ) = F (xk+1 ) F (xk ) F (xk+1 xk ) (26)
Z 1  
xk + yk
= F (xk + t(xk+1 xk )) F (xk+1 xk )dt.
0 2
Therefore again by (24) and (4), we get

F (x0 )1 F (xk+1 )
Z 1  
xk + yk
w xk + t(xk+1 xk )
kxk+1 xk kdt
0 2
Z 1  
w kyk xk k + tkxk+1 xk k kxk+1 xk kdt
0 2
Z 1  
w (sk tk ) + t(tk+1 tk ) (tk+1 tk )dt. (27)
0 2
x +y
In view of (2), (21) (for u = xk+1 , and u = k+1 2 k+1 respectively), (23)
and (25), we obtain:

kyk+1 xk+1 k F (xk+1 )1 F (x0 ) F (x0 )1 F (xk+1 ) sk+1 tk+1 ,
kxk+2 xk+1 k tk+2 tk+1 , (29)
which show (16) and (17) for all n 0.

Revista Colombiana de Matematicas


Thus for every w U (xk+2 , t tk+2 ), we have

kw xk+1 k kw xk+2 k + kxk+2 xk+1 k t tk+2 + tk+2 tk+1
= t tk+1 , (30)
which imply
z U(xk+1 , t tk+1 ). (31)

Similarly for every z U (yk+1 , t sk+1 ), we get
z U(yk , t sk ). (32)
The induction for estimates (16) - (19) is now complete.
In view of (8), (9), and (16) - (19), sequences {xn }, {yn } are Cauchy in a
Banach space X and as such they converge to a common limit x U(x0 , t )
(since U (x0 , t ) is a closed set). By letting k in (26) we get F (x ) = 0. Es-
timates (13) and (14) follow from (11) and (12) by using standard majorization
techniques [4], [10], [12].
To show uniqueness of x first in U (x0 , t ), let y be a solution of equation
F (x) = 0 in U(x0 , t ). In view of (3) and (8), we get
Z 1

F (x0 )1
[F (y + t(x y )) F (x0 )]dt

Z 1  
w0 t kx x0 k + (1 t) ky x0 k dt w0 (t ) < 1. (33)

It follows from (30) and the Banach Lemma on invertible operators that
linear operator L given by
Z 1
L= F (y + t (x y )) dt (34)
is invertible.
Using the identity
0 = F (x ) F (y ) = L(x y ), (35)
we deduce x = y .
Finally to show uniqueness in U (x0 , R0 ), again as in (30) we obtain
Z 1

F (x0 )1 (L F (x0 )) w0 (tt + (1 t)R0 ) dt < 1, (36)

which again together with (33) yields to x = y . That completes the proof of
the theorem. X

Remark 2.1. Although stronger but easier to verify conditions implying crucial
hypothesis (8) have already been given in [2], when w0 (r) = w(r) for all r
[0, R], and us [3], [4], when functions w0 and w are not necessarily the same,
we decided to leave condition (8) as uncluttered as possible. In order for us

Volumen 42, Numero 1, Ano 2008


to find conditions other than (8), let us assume there exists a monotonically
increasing function w satisfying (5) and for all t s, with s, t [0, R]:
Z ts Z t
w(t)dt [w(t) w(s)] dt. (37)
0 s
Such an estimate can follow e.g. from
w(r) = sup{w(u) + w(v) : u + v = r}. (38)
This function may be calculated explicitly in some cases. For example, in the
Holder case
w(r) = r (0 < 1) (39)
we have
w(r) = 21 r . (40)

In general, if w is a concave function on [0, R], we have w(r) = 2w 2 . Clearly
w is always increasing, concave, and
w(r) w(r) for all r [0, R]. (41)
Conditions of the form (35) - (36) were first given in [2]. More information on
the motivation for the introduction of function w can be found in [2] - [4].
It is convenient n
for us
o to define scalar functions f , g on [0, R], and sequences
{sn }, tn , sn , tn (n 0) for all n 0 by
Z r
f (r) = r + w(t)dt, (42)
Z 1
g(r) = r+ w(t)dt, (43)
t0 = 0, s0 = , t1 = s0 + ,

1 w s0 +t2

w t tn+1 tn sn tn dt
sn+1 = tn+1 + , (44)
1 w(tn+1 )
R 1 1   
w 2 sn tn + t tn+1 tn tn+1 tn dt
tn+2 = tn+1 +   (45)
1 w tn+1 +s

t0 = t0 , s 0 = s 0 , t1 = t1 ,
f1 tn , sn , tn+1
sn+1 = tn+1   , (46)
g tn+1
f2 tn , sn , tn+1
tn+2 = tn+1  , (47)
tn+1 +sn+1

Revista Colombiana de Matematicas


Z 1
f1 (a, b, c) = w[a + t(c a)](b a)dt w(a)(b a),
f2 (a, b, c) = w[b + t(c a)](c a)dt w (c a).
0 2
In view of (3) and (4) it follows that
w0 (r) w(r) for all r [0, R], (48)
and can be arbitrarily large [3], [4]. By comparing sequences {sn }, {tn }
w0 (r) 
with {sn } and tn and using induction on n 0 we deduce
sn sn , (49)
tn tn , (50)
s n tn sn tn , (51)
tn+1 tn tn+1 tn , (52)

t sn t sn , t = lim tn , (53)

t tn+1 t tn+1 , (54)

t t . (55)
Note also that strict inequality holds in (47) - (50) if (44) also holds as a strict
Moreover if (35) or (36) hold then
sn sn , (56)
tn tn , (57)
s n tn sn tn , (58)
tn+1 tn tn+1 tn , (59)

t sn t sn , t = lim tn , (60)

t tn+1 t tn+1 , (61)

t t . (62)
 n o
Clearly, if conditions for the convergence of sequences sn , tn are imposed,
the same conditions
 will imply the convergence of the finer sequences {sn },
{tn }, {sn }, and tn (n 0). Such a condition is:
(C) Equation
f (r) = 0 (63)
has a unique solution [0, R].

Volumen 42, Numero 1, Ano 2008


Note that in this case

lim sn = lim tn .
n n

The proof is omitted since it has essentially been given in Theorem 2 in [2,
p. 5].
Remark 2.2. Concerning related method (7), let us consider  the  corresponding

scalar majorizing sequences {pn }, {qn }, {pn }, {q n }, pn , q n , (n 0)
defined as the stsequences, respectively.
For example, sequences {pn }, {qn } as defined as {sn }, {tn } given in (6) and
tn + s n
(7) but sn , tn , tn+1 , are now pn , qn , pn+1 , pn , respectively, etc.
Clearly, method (7) also converges under condition (C).

Note that a similar proof as in Theorem 2.1 can be given for method (7).
We do not known if the stsequences are finer than the pqsequences. In
practice, we will use both to see which ones provide the more precise estimates
on the distances k yn xn k, k xn+1 xn k, k yn x k (n 0).
Finally note that the results obtained here can be extended to the more
general method (2) where zn = (1 )xn + yn , 0 1. However here we
decided to examine (2) only in the case = 12 which although seems to be the
most popular [7], [8], [13] we do not know yet if it is always the best choice.

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Revista Colombiana de Matematicas


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(Recibido en octubre de 2007. Aceptado en marzo de 2008)

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Cameron University
Lawton OK 73505
Lawton, USA
e-mail: iargyros@cameron.edu

Volumen 42, Numero 1, Ano 2008

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