EE100 Syllabus F 17
EE100 Syllabus F 17
EE100 Syllabus F 17
Final Exam: The final exam is cumulative, cannot be missed or made up and will count
40% of your grade. Please do not plan on taking the final exam at an alternate time or
day because of your vacation plans, plane flights, etc. This request will not be granted.
Grading Policy:
Homeworks 10 %
Midterms (2) 50 %
Final Exam 40 %
Classroom Rules:
1. The use of cellular phones, MP3 players and other electronic equipment is strictly
forbidden during class. Cell phones must be turned OFF (not left on vibrate) before
entering the classroom and must be kept inside a backpack, purse or pocket. Ear pieces
must be removed and music players must be put away before entering the classroom. In
other words, cell phones, MP3 players, video game consoles, laptops, etc. should not be
visible in the classroom.
2. No food or drink in the classroom (exception: bottled water with cap on)
Americans with Disabilities Act: Students with special needs as addressed by the
Americans with Disabilities Act who need reasonable modifications, special assistance,
or accommodations in this course should promptly direct their request to the Office for
Students with Disabilities (OSD). Any student who currently has a documented disability
(physical, learning, or psychological) needing academic accommodations should
contact OSD (Murphy Hall, Room A255, 310-825-1501) as early in the quarter as
possible. All discussions will remain confidential. Please visit
for additional information.
Important Dates:
Probable Midterm Dates: Thursday, October 19; Thursday, November 9
The policies, dates, and procedures stated in this document may be changed at the discretion
of the instructor at any time during the quarter. Such changes will be announced in class.