All Chapters
All Chapters
All Chapters
Essential reading
Church, J.R. and R. Ware Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach.
Chapter 3.
Tirole, J. The Theory of Industrial Organization. Introductory chapter.
Further reading
Hart, O. Firms, Contracts, and Financial Structure. (Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1995). Chapters 1–4.
Perry, M.K. ‘Vertical Integration: Determinants and Effects’, in Schmalensee, R.
and R. Willig (eds) Handbook of Industrial Organization, volume 1.
(Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1989).
Hart, O. ‘An Economist’s Perspective on the Theory of the Firm’, Columbia Law
Review (1989) 89(7), pp.1757–1774.
Hart, O. and J. Moore ‘Property Rights and the Nature of the Firm’, Journal of
Political Economy (1990) 98(6), pp.1119–1158.
Joskow, P.L. ‘Contract Duration and Relationship-Specific Investments:
Empirical Evidence from Coal Markets’, American Economic Review (1987)
77(1), pp.168–185.
Klein, B., Crawford, R.G. and Alchian, A.A. ‘Vertical Integration, Appropriable
Rents, and the Competitive Contracting Process’, Journal of Law and
Economics (1978) 21(2), pp.297–326.
Lafontaine and Slade ‘Vertical Integration and Firm Boundaries: The
Evidence’, Journal of Economic Literature (2007) 45(3), pp.629–685.
Monteverde, K. and D.J. Teece ‘Supplier Switching Costs and Vertical
Integration in the Automobile Industry’, Bell Journal of Economics (1982)
13(1), pp.206–213.
What explains the size and structure of firms? In fact, you may also ask:
why do agents group together to form firms? This chapter aims to provide
some answers to these questions and also to examine some more specific
99 Industrial economics
issues, namely why some transactions take place within firms while others
are conducted through external contractual relationships; what determines,
in the case of contracts between firms, the types of contracts used; and
finally, what are implications of alternative ownership structures are for
This chapter focuses on efficiency explanations for the size and
structure of firms. It is important to understand what ‘efficiency’ means in
this context. Efficiency motives are those associated with minimising costs
or maximising producer surplus in a way that may also be socially
beneficial, that is increase total social welfare. The efficiency of a certain
organisational form refers then here primarily to the firm or firms involved,
not necessarily to society as a whole.
You should bear in mind that there are also market power explanations for
the size and structure of firms. Unlike efficiency motives, market power
motives induce behaviour which, although profitable for the firm or firms
involved, is definitely detrimental to social welfare. For instance, two firms
producing the same product may merge not to reduce costs but simply to
enhance their ability to exercise market power. Much of the second part of
this subject guide is concerned with the behaviour of firms with market
power. So to make an overall assessment of the factors that determine the
size and structure of firms you should first work through most of the guide.
There are two broad classes of efficiency explanations: the technological
view of the firm and the transaction costs–property rights approach.
Technological factors
According to the technological view, optimal firm size and diversification
depend on the degree of economies of scale and scope.1 For instance, a 1
See Tirole (1988), pp.18–21 for
single-product firm may have an average cost curve such as the one details. On the concepts of scale
depicted in Figure 1.1. To minimise average cost, the firm will in this case and scope economies, you can
operate at a size between q1 and q2. also read Church and Ware
(2000), Chapter 3.
q1 q2 q
Figure 1.1
While technological constraints are important, they are not the whole story.
In particular, there are two problems with the technological view of the
• It may explain the joint use of facilities, but not joint ownership. Why
can’t agents write contracts to exploit economies of scale and scope
without joint ownership?
Chapter 1: Size and structure of firms
99 Industrial economics
A model
Let us formalise some of the above ideas using a simple model of a vertical
relationship between a buyer and a seller.2 There are two periods, t = 1 (ex
This part follows Tirole (1988),
ante) and t = 2 (ex post). We first want to focus on the issue of ex post pp.21–29.
efficiency, so assume for now that there is no investment ex ante. The two
parties can, if they wish, trade one unit of an indivisible good in period 2.
Let v denote the value of the good to the buyer (this can be the difference
between the value to the buyer in this relationship and that in an
alternative relationship), c the production cost, and p the price at which the
parties trade. If there is trade, the buyer has a gain of v – p, while the seller
has a gain of p – c. If there is no trade, both gain zero.
If v and c are known to both parties at the beginning of period 2, then the
volume of trade is efficient, which is another way of saying that trade will
occur if and only if there are gains from trade, in other words if and only if
v ≥ c. That is so because, if v ≥ c, the parties will agree to trade at a price p
such that c ≤ p ≤ v rather than make zero surplus.3 While if v < c, at least If v = c, the parties are
one party would be making negative surplus if trade were to occur, so this indifferent between trading at p
party will refuse to trade. More generally, it can be shown that under = c = v and not trading, so we
symmetric information we always obtain the ex post efficient outcome. assume for simplicity that they
choose to trade – this is only a ∂
If, however, there is asymmetric information, the volume of trade may be
technical point.
inefficient. Suppose that both parties know c but only the buyer knows v.
All the supplier knows is that v is distributed as a random variable with
cumulative distribution
_ function F(v)
_ and density function f(v) on the
interval [v_, v ] (hence F(v_) = 0, F(v ) = 1).4 Gains from trade exist with
Recall that f(v) =∂F(v)/∂v.
some probability between 0 and 1, that is v_ < c < v (the problem would be
trivial otherwise). To simplify the problem suppose further that the supplier 5
It would be more realistic to
has all the bargaining power in period 2, so he makes a take-it-or-leave-it assume that both parties have
offer to the buyer at price p.5 The buyer will accept this offer if v ≥ p, so some bargaining power, but this
trade will occur if and only if v ≥ p, that is with probability: would complicate the analysis
v without changing the qualitative
prob(v ≥ p ) = ∫ f ( s )ds = 1 − F ( p ) results.
Recall that if trade does not occur the supplier ends up with zero. So the
supplier’s expected profit is given by E(Π) = (p – c)[1 – F(p)]. The supplier
will choose p to maximise this, so:
∂ E (Π )
= 1 − F ( p) − ( p − c) f ( p) = 0
From this equation it can be seen that in general the supplier chooses p >
c, so there are circumstances where trade does not occur even though there
are gains from trade. In particular, this is the case when p > v ≥ c. In this
case the buyer rejects the supplier’s offer since he would make a loss by
accepting, so trade does not occur even though v ≥ c. For efficiency, on the
other hand, we would require p = c, so that trade occurs if and only if
v ≥ c. More generally, it can be shown that when both value and cost are
private information and gains from trade are not certain, the volume of
trade is not efficient.
Chapter 1: Size and structure of firms
Show that, if the parties could sign a contract in period 1 in this simple model, they
could devise a contract such that the efficient volume of trade is obtained.
The contract should simply give the power to choose the price p in period 2 to the buyer
(i.e. the informed party). The buyer would then set p = c in order to appropriate all the
surplus6. So trade would occur if and only if v ≥ c, which is what we require for
efficiency. The fact that the buyer would appropriate all the surplus is irrelevant as far as 6
Why is the supplier prepared to
efficiency is concerned, because all that efficiency requires is the maximisation of the trade if p = c? Recall that to
‘pie’. In any case, the parties could also specify in the contract a lump sum payment from avoid some purely technical
the buyer to the seller to create any division of the surplus: the outcome would depend problems we have assumed that
on the relative bargaining power of the parties in period 1, when the contract is signed. when a party is indifferent
Note, however, that, unlike our simple model, a complete contract cannot be written in between trading and not trading,
many practical situations. In those cases, asymmetric information will lead to inefficient it chooses to trade. Alternatively,
outcomes. you can imagine that the buyer
offers p = c + ε, where ε is
So far there was no ex ante relation-specific investment in the model. Now positive and very small.
let us assume that one of the parties, say the supplier, can invest in period
1, say in cost reduction. In particular, let c be a function of investment I:
c(I), with c’(I) < 0, c’’(I) > 0. Assume v ≥ c(0) to ensure positive optimal
investment. We want to focus on how ex post bargaining affects the volume
of investment undertaken, so we will further assume that there is
symmetric information and hence the volume of trade ex post is efficient. In
other words we abstract from additional complications created by
asymmetric information. So both v and c are commonly known at the
beginning of period 2 and trade occurs if and only if v ≥ c. Finally assume
for simplicity that the two parties have no ‘outside option’ ex post, that is to
say their only chance to realise a positive surplus is to trade between
themselves (there are no other buyers or sellers in period 2).
In period 2 the trading price p will be determined through bargaining. If
the two parties have equal bargaining power, the ex post surplus will be
split equally between them, namely:
v + c( I )
v − p = p − c( I ) ⇔ p =
Recall that v – p is the buyer’s ex post surplus (i.e. his gain over and above
his second-best alternative, which is in this case zero), while p – c(I) is the
seller’s ex post surplus. Note that the cost of investment I is not relevant as
far as the division of the ex post surplus is concerned because this
investment has already been sunk when the two parties bargain.
Now at date 1 the supplier chooses how much to invest. When making this
decision he anticipates what will happen in period 2, that is, he anticipates
that p = [v + c(I)]/2. He chooses I to maximise his net profit, which is
equal to the ex post surplus minus the cost of investment:
v + c( I )
p − c( I ) − I = − c( I ) − I
The first-order condition is – c’(I) = 2, and this implicitly defines the
privately optimal level of investment Ip. Is this level of investment efficient?
The efficient level of investment is the value of I that maximises the joint
net profit v – c(I) – I. In other words it is the value of I that maximises the
‘pie’ net of the cost of investment. You can also think of it as the value of I
that would be chosen if the supplier and the buyer merged into a single
entity. The first-order condition is –c’(I) = 1 and this defines the efficient
99 Industrial economics
level of investment I*. Since c’’(I) > 0 (i.e. the cost function is strictly
convex) we have Ip < I* (see Figure 1.2). The supplier invests less than
what is required for efficiency.
slope: –2
slope: –1
c (I)
Ip I* I
Figure 1.2
The intuition is simple. Since the ex post surplus is divided between the two
parties, the investing party does not capture all the cost savings from its
investment. This ‘distortion’ of incentives leads to underinvestment. The
model can also be refined to analyse the effect of the degree of investment
specificity on the level of ex ante investment. It turns out that the level of
investment is lower the higher the degree of specificity. Thus the higher the
degree of specificity, the bigger is the incentive for the firms to merge if a
contractual solution is not feasible. (Actually in our example a contractual
solution is feasible, but in more general settings it would not be.)
The above analysis has left some questions unanswered, however. Exactly
why does integration solve or reduce the hold-up problem (i.e. exactly
what changes when two firms merge?). And why then don’t firms always
merge (i.e. why are there limits to integration?).
Property rights
Hart and others have pointed out that, given that contracts are incomplete,
one thing that greatly matters in a relationship is which party has the right
to make decisions in the case of unspecified contingencies. Obviously, it is
the owner of the physical asset(s) who has this right, the ‘residual right of
control’. According to this view, a firm is seen as a collection of physical
assets that belong to it: machines, inventories, buildings, client lists, patents,
cash, etc. – excluding human capital. ‘Ownership’ is defined as the right to
specify all usages of these assets in any way not inconsistent with a previous
contract, custom or law. Note that the possession of residual rights of control
does not rule out ex post renegotiation. What it does is determine the ‘status
quo point’ in the bargaining process, in other words it puts the party that 7
Hart and Moore (1990), in their
has these rights in a better bargaining position. In this way it affects the Introduction, discuss a similar
division of the surplus ex post and therefore also influences the level of example with one asset and three
investment ex ante.7 agents which illustrates many of
Several conclusions have emerged from the property rights approach. the main ideas and results in the
Consider the case of two owner-managed firms that enter into a long-run property rights approach. Tirole
relationship and must both make a relation-specific investment. Then: (1988), pp.29–34, and Hart
(1995), Chapters 2–4, provide a
• Integration reduces opportunistic behaviour because if, say, firm A
more formal treatment as well as
acquires firm B, then the manager of firm B loses control of the
rich informal discussion.
physical assets of firm B, so he has much less bargaining power.
Chapter 1: Size and structure of firms
Empirical evidence
Much of the empirical work on the determinants of firm size and structure
that has followed the transaction costs approach has focused on the role of
investment specificity for vertical integration.9 Two examples are discussed
Other studies have focused on
below. Lafontaine and Slade (2007) provide a survey of the empirical the related issue of the role of
literature on the boundaries of the firm. investment specificity for the type
and duration of contracts signed
Klein, Crawford and Alchian (1978) describe the story of the 1926 merger
between firms. Joskow (1987) is
between General Motors (GM) and Fisher Body. In 1919 GM, a US car
a good example.
manufacturer, entered a 10-year contract with Fisher Body for the supply of
car bodies. To minimise the scope for opportunistic behaviour the contract
specified that GM should buy all their closed car bodies from Fisher and
also specified the trading price with the additional provision that this price
could not be greater than the average market price of similar bodies
produced by firms other than Fisher.
However, demand conditions changed dramatically after 1919: there was
a large increase in demand for cars, especially cars with closed bodies –
the type manufactured by Fisher. GM thought that Fisher’s cost had gone
down because of scale economies in the production of bodies and were
unhappy with the price they had to pay for Fisher bodies. Also, Fisher
refused to locate their plants close to GM plants – a move which GM
thought would increase production efficiency but which would diminish 10
This is the prevailing view on
the bargaining power of Fisher. These tensions ended in 1926, when GM the GM–Fisher merger. See,
acquired Fisher.10 however, Activity 3 below.
99 Industrial economics
Monteverde and Teece (1982) have examined why firms in the automobile
industry produce some components in-house while they buy others from
independent suppliers. One of their main hypotheses was that car
manufacturers will vertically integrate when the production process for
components generates transaction-specific know-how. That is so because it
is then more difficult for them to switch to other suppliers, so there is more
scope for opportunistic behaviour by suppliers.
Monteverde and Teece tested this hypothesis econometrically using data on
127 different components used by two big US car manufacturers. The
dependent variable in their regressions was a binary variable for in-house
production versus production by an external supplier. Their independent
variables included the cost of developing a component (a proxy for the
know-how generated in the production of a component), a dummy variable
for firm-specific components versus generic components, a firm dummy to
control for company effects, and other variables. Their results confirmed
the predictions of the transaction costs approach:
• The higher the development cost of a component, the more likely that
production was in-house.
• Firm-specific components were more likely to be produced in-house
than generic components.
1. Consider the model of a vertical relationship between a buyer and a seller
analysed above. We have seen that when the supplier can invest in period 1 to
reduce the production cost c, he chooses a level of investment which is not
efficient. Could a contract between the parties restore the efficient outcome?
When should this contract be signed and what should it specify? Assume that a
contract which directly specifies the level of investment that the supplier is to
undertake is not feasible because investment levels, although observable by the
parties, are not verifiable in a Court.
2. During the 1980s and 1990s, there was a trend towards de-integration across
many industries as well as a trend towards more flexible technologies. Could the
two be related and in what way?
3. The Klein, Crawford and Alchian (1978) interpretation of the 1926 merger
between General Motors and Fisher Body has been criticised by some
economists, including the Nobel prize winner Ronald Coase, who have argued
that the reason for the merger had nothing to do with opportunistic behaviour
and hold-up problems. This debate is not just about a particular event in
economic history. It is about one of the most frequently cited examples of market
failure. If the critics are right, then market failure in vertical relations between
firms may be less prevalent than the theory would lead us to believe.
What do you think? Make up your own mind after reading different views on the
GM–Fisher Body case. A good collection of articles – representing the different
views and including contributions by some of the protagonists of the debate –
has been published in the April 2000 issue of the Journal of Law and Economics.
You can also search the internet for more.
Chapter 1: Size and structure of firms
Chapter 2: Separation of ownership and control
Essential reading
Church, J.R. and R. Ware Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach.
Chapter 3.
Tirole, J. The Theory of Industrial Organization. Introductory chapter.
Further reading
Holmstrom, B.R. and J. Tirole ‘The Theory of the Firm’, in Schmalensee, R.
and R. Willig (eds) Handbook of Industrial Organization, volume 1.
(Amsterdam: North–Holland, 1989).
Abowd, J.M. and D.S. Kaplan ‘Executive Compensation: Six Questions that
Need Answering’, Journal of Economic Perspectives (1999) 13(4),
Nickell, S. ‘Competition and Corporate Performance’, Journal of Political
Economy (1996) 104(4), pp.724–746.
Nickell, S., D. Nicolitsas and N. Dryden ‘What Makes Firms Perform Well?’,
European Economic Review (1996) 41, pp.783–796.
Symeonidis, G. ‘The Effect of Competition on Wages and Productivity:
Evidence from the UK’, Review of Economics and Statistics (2008) 90,
A common assumption in most economic theory is that firms maximise
(expected) profits. This is probably what the owners of a firm would like to
do. However, in modern large companies, it is not the shareholders who
run the firm, but the managers, who are likely to have other objectives than
profit maximisation.
This separation of ownership and control gives rise to several important
issues. First, given that the owners typically have less information than the
managers and cannot perfectly monitor the behaviour of the latter, how can
they design incentive schemes that induce the managers to behave as much
99 Industrial economics
as possible according to their (the owners’) interests? Second, given that such
contracts are generally not perfect solutions to the problem of managerial
discretion, what other mechanisms are there that may limit the ability of
managers to pursue their own objectives rather than those of the owners?
Third, is profit maximisation a reasonable description of firm behaviour?
Managerial incentives
An obvious way for the owners to restrict managerial discretion is to offer
monetary or other incentives to managers. Some important insights on the
use of incentives can be drawn from a simple model of a firm run by a
single manager.1 The profit of the firm can take one of two values, Π1 and 1
This part follows Tirole (1988),
Π2, with Π1 < Π2. The manager chooses between two levels of effort, high pp.36–39.
and low (for simplicity: zero). His utility is U = u(w – Φ) if he makes high
effort and U = u(w) if he makes zero effort, where u is an increasing and
strictly concave function, w is the manager’s wage, and Φ > 0 is the
monetary disutility of high effort. Note that the strict concavity of u implies
that the manager is risk averse.2 Whether the firm makes Π1 or Π2 depends The strict concavity of u implies
on the manager’s effort as well as on the firm’s environment, which is that u’’(w) < 0.
uncertain. In particular, if the manager makes high effort, the profit is Π2
with probability x and Π1 with probability 1 – x. If the manager makes no
effort, the profit is Π2 with probability y and Π1 with probability 1 – y. We
have 0 < y < x < 1.
Now consider the following set-up. First, the owners of the firm choose a
contract (an incentive scheme) for the manager. At this stage, they do not yet
know what the profit of the firm will turn out to be. The contract therefore
specifies the wage of the manager for each of the two possible values of Π.
The objective of the owners is to maximise expected net profit E(Π – w).
Note that this objective function implies that the owners are risk neutral.
Given the incentive scheme chosen by the owners, the manager decides
whether to accept the job or not and, if he accepts, chooses the level of
effort that maximises his expected utility E(U). We assume that he can
always obtain a reservation wage w0, and hence utility U0 = u(w0), by
working outside the firm, so he will never accept to work for the firm if his
expected utility from doing so is less than U0. After the manager has made
his choice, the profit is observed and the manager gets paid. The question
is what incentive scheme the owners should choose to maximise E(Π – w).
If the owners could observe the manager’s effort level, there would be no need
for an incentive mechanism, since the owners could then impose an effort
level on the manager.3 All that they would need to do is ensure that the 3
The contract would provide for
manager accepts the job. This implies ensuring that the manager obtains a severe punishment if the
utility exactly U0: any payment giving him a higher utility would be manager fails to exert the level of
unnecessary and would reduce the expected profit of the firm. If the owners effort prescribed.
wanted no effort, they should pay the manager the reservation wage w0
whatever the profit turned out to be. Faced with this contract, the manager
would accept the job and make zero effort. Net expected profit would be yΠ2
+ (1 – y)Π – w . If the owners wanted high effort, they should pay the
1 0
manager w0 + Φ whatever the profit. The manager would then accept the job
and make high effort. Net expected profit would be xΠ2 + (1 -– x)Π1 – (w0 +
Φ). Obviously, the owners would choose to impose high effort if and only if:
xΠ2 + (1 – x)Π1 – (w0 + Φ) > yΠ2 + (1 – y)Π1 -– w0 <=> (x – y)(Π2 – Π1)
> Φ.
Let us assume that this holds, so the owners would prefer high effort, if
effort were observable – otherwise the problem under unobservable effort
level would be trivial.
Chapter 2: Separation of ownership and control
Prove that, if effort is observable, the owners offer w0 if they want no effort and w0 + Φ,
if they want high effort. Conclude that, if effort is observable, the risk averse party bears
no risk.
Solve the following trivial maximisation problem for the owners: choose w to maximise
E(Π – w) subject to the manager getting utility at least equal to U0. Since the manager
gets the same wage whatever the realisation of profit turns out to be, he bears no risk.
All the risk is borne by the owners (the risk neutral party).
The need for an incentive scheme arises when the effort level of the
manager cannot be observed by the owners and hence cannot be prescribed
in the contract. If they want to induce the manager to exert high effort, the
owners must reward the manager with a higher wage in the event that
profit turns out to be Π2 rather than Π1. More specifically, the owners must
design a wage structure wi(Πi), i = 1, 2, that maximises their expected net
x(Π – w ) + (1 – x)(Π – w )
2 2 1 1
subject to ensuring that the manager accepts the job and chooses to exert
high effort, that is subject to a ‘participation constraint’:
xu(w2 – Φ) + (1 – x)u(w1 – Φ) ≥ u(w0)
and an ‘incentive-compatibility constraint’:
xu(w2 – Φ) + (1 – x)u(w1 – Φ) ≥ yu(w2) + (1 – y)u(w1).
The first constraint says that, under the incentive scheme, the expected
utility of the manager if he exerts high effort is at least U0, so the manager
will accept the job. The second constraint says that the expected utility of
the manager if he makes high effort (the left-hand side of the inequality) is
at least as large as his expected utility if he makes zero effort (the right-
hand side of the inequality), so the manager chooses to make high effort.
It turns out that in this maximisation problem both constraints are satisfied
with equality. The incentive scheme chosen by the owners, if they want to
induce high effort, will have the following properties:
• the manager will be rewarded if profit is high: w2 > w1. This can be
derived from the incentive-compatibility constraint
• the expected wage xw2 + (1 – x)w1 will be higher than w0 + Φ, the
wage under observability of effort. This is a result of the concavity of
u. Hence, the owners’ net profit will be lower.
Note that if the owners want to induce no effort, all they need to do is offer
w0 whatever the profit; this will ensure that the manager participates and
chooses to make no effort. Net profit will be the same as under
observability of effort. What will the owners choose to do, offer a contract
that induces high effort or one that induces no effort? It depends on
whether their maximised net profit is higher under high effort or under
zero effort. We have assumed, of course, all along that (x – y)(Π2 – Π1) >
Φ, that is to say the owners would prefer high effort to zero effort, if effort
were observable. But this does not ensure that the same is true when effort
is unobservable, because unobservability reduces the owners’ net profit
under high effort but not under no effort. In other words, an additional
effect of unobservability is that the owners are more likely to tolerate
managerial slack.
99 Industrial economics
Empirical evidence
Empirical work on the performance of firms (for instance, Nickell 1996,
Nickell et al. 1996) has looked at a number of factors external to the firm
that are associated with improved productivity growth in UK firms. Three
such factors have been identified: product market competition, financial
market pressure (i.e. a high level of debt) and shareholder control (i.e. the
existence of a dominant external shareholder from the financial sector).
Using industry-level data, Symeonidis (2008) has found clear evidence of a
negative effect of cartels on productivity. Other studies have established a
positive effect of trade liberalisation on the productivity of firms in various
Chapter 2: Separation of ownership and control
99 Industrial economics
Chapter 3: Short-run price competition
Essential reading
Church, J.R. and R. Ware Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach.
Chapter 8.
Tirole, J. The Theory of Industrial Organization. Chapter 5.
Further reading
Cabral, L. Introduction to Industrial Organization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
2000). Chapter 7.
Carlton, D.W. and J.M. Perloff Modern Industrial Organization. (Pearson
Addison Wesley, 2005) fourth edition. Chapter 6.
Martin, S. Industrial Economics. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1994)
second edition. Chapter 5.
Shy, O. Industrial Organization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995). Chapter 6.
This chapter begins our analysis of firms’ conduct in oligopolistic markets.
We will start with the simplest strategic situations. In particular, we will
assume that the only decision firms have to make is to set a price for their
product, or a level of output. In fact, of course, firms can use many
instruments to compete in a market, and subsequent chapters will analyse
several examples of more complex strategic situations. The main reason
why it makes sense to abstract from these additional considerations in this
chapter is that price is an instrument that firms can change relatively
easily in the short run. On the other hand, other instruments are more
difficult to change. These include product design, the level of capacity, an
advertising-based brand image, product quality or cost determined by
research and development (R&D), and so on; ultimately there is also the
decision of whether or not to enter or stay in a market. Since these long-
run decisions are relatively difficult to change, they are taken as given
when making shorter-term decisions. Thus we can proceed to analyse
short-run competition between firms in the context of fixed cost structures
and product characteristics, and with a fixed number of firms in the
99 Industrial economics
Prove this result.
The proof consists in distinguishing cases and showing that in all of them except the
case p1 = p2 = c there exists a profitable deviation by at least one firm. Read, for
example, Tirole (1988), p. 210.
The intuition is that unless prices are the same and equal to c, each firm
has an incentive to undercut the other. Note that there is a qualification to
this result for the case of asymmetric marginal costs: in that case, at
equilibrium the low-cost firm sets a price marginally lower than the cost of
the high-cost firm2 and makes positive profit. Still, this profit is small if the 2
Provided this is not higher than
cost difference is small, and the high-cost firm makes no sales and no the monopoly price
profit. The outcome of the simple Bertrand game has therefore justifiably corresponding to its own cost;
been called the ‘Bertrand paradox’. otherwise it sets the monopoly
There are three resolutions to this paradox: repeated interaction, product
differentiation and capacity constraints.
Chapter 3: Short-run price competition
market demand
_ q
Figure 3.1
We will now show that the unique Nash equilibrium outcome of this game
_ _
is for both firms to set the price p* = 1 – q – q . At this price both firms
1 2
sell up to their respective capacities and the market clears. Note that this
price is higher than marginal cost (which is zero), and therefore implies
positive profits for both firms.
To show that this is a Nash equilibrium, we need to show that none of the
firms has an incentive to unilaterally deviate from this equilibrium. Is it
profitable for firm i to set a price lower than p*, given that _ firm j sets price
p*? The answer is no. By charging p* firm i sells exactly q . Now firm i
_ i
cannot produce more than qi anyway, so by reducing its price below p* it
would simply sell the same quantity at a lower price and would therefore
make less profit.
99 Industrial economics
Is it profitable for firm i to set a price higher than p*, given that firm j sets
price p*? The answer is again no, but the argument now is slightly more
subtle. Suppose that firm i sets a price p ≥ p*. Then it has residual demand
1 – p – q , because at price p total market demand is given by 1 – p and
j _ _
firm j sells qj. Firm i makes profit Π = p(1 – p – qj ). Using the inverse_
demand function, the expression for profit can be written as (1 – q – qj )q,
where q is the quantity_ sold by firm i at price p. Note that the profit
function Π = (1 – q – qj )q is exactly the same as the profit function_ of a
firm that chooses output q given that the rival firm chooses output qj . This _
in q, that is Π″(q) < 0. Also,
_ _∂Π/∂q = 1 – 2q – qj.
profit function is concave
Evaluated at q_ = qi this
_ derivative is equal to 1 – 2qi – qj , which is positive
because both q and q are less than 1/3. In other words, if firm i starts from
_ i j
qi and reduces its quantity, its profit will fall.4 This is another way of saying 4
The concavity of the profit
that if firm i starts from p* and increases its price, its profit will fall. function ensures that any
We have therefore shown that it is not profitable for firm i either to set a reduction of q below q will
price lower than p* or to set a price higher than p*, given that firm j sets reduce profit.
Choice of capacities
One issue which was swept under the carpet in the above discussion is the
choice of capacities.
_ We assumed that firms were capacity constrained, and
significantly so (qi < 1/3, i = 1, 2). But can’t firms build capacities that
would allow them to cut price down to marginal cost and supply the whole
market if they so choose? To examine this question, we would need to
construct a more complex game than the one we have analysed, namely a
two-stage game with choice of capacities in the first stage and price
competition in the second stage, when capacities are taken as fixed. Now
intuitively one would expect firms to strategically refrain from building too
much capacity because this would destroy their profits in the price
competition stage. This is exactly what the formal analysis of such games
predicts. In fact there is a much stronger result, due to Kreps and
Scheinkman: if demand is concave and the rationing rule is the efficient one,
then the outcome of this two-stage game is the same as the outcome of the
one-stage Cournot game (which involves Π > 0, as we will see below).
One difficulty in oligopoly theory has been that the widely used Cournot
model, which assumes that firms compete by setting quantities, may lack
strong foundations, since firms typically compete by setting prices, not
quantities. We have seen, however, that the Cournot model can be
interpreted in either of the following ways:
• as a one-stage pricing game between capacity-constrained firms
• as a reduced-form game for the two-stage game with choice of
capacities in the first stage and price setting in the second stage.
Of course, both these results rest on particular assumptions concerning the
rationing rule, so in more general settings we would not get equilibrium
outcomes that look exactly like the Cournot outcome. However, it is generally
valid to think of quantity competition as a choice of capacity or scale that
determines the firms’ cost function and hence the conditions of price
competition. It is therefore valid to interpret the distinction between price
Chapter 3: Short-run price competition
Derive the result (p – C1’)/p = s1/ε from the first-order condition for firm 1.
Straightforward algebraic manipulations yield the result.
99 Industrial economics
∂ ∏2 a − q1 − c2
= a − 2q2 − q1 − c2 = 0 ⇔ q2 = R2 (q1 ) =
∂q2 2
The functions R1 and R2 are the reaction functions of firm 1 and firm 2
respectively. Solving the system of the two equations we obtain the
equilibrium quantities:
a − 2c1 + c2 a − 2c2 + c1
q1* = q2 * =
3 3
Thus a firm’s output decreases with own marginal cost and increases with
rival marginal cost: the more efficient a firm the higher its market share. A
firm’s output also increases in the exogenous demand shift parameter a. It
can be checked that the same is true for the equilibrium profits. These are
positive even when the firms are symmetric (c1 = c2), a result which is in
sharp contrast with the Bertrand model.
Derive the equilibrium profits.
1 2
Substitute q1* and q2* into the profit functions Π = q1(p – c1) and Π = q2(p – c2) and
use the inverse demand function p = a – q1 – q2. You should obtain Π * = (a – 2c1 +
c2)2/9, Π2* = (a – 2c2 + c1)2/9.
The analysis proceeds along similar lines when the number of firms is
greater than two. An interesting property of the Cournot model with N
firms is that, under certain conditions regarding demand and costs, total
industry profits increase as concentration in an industry rises.5 This may be
See Tirole (1988), pp.218–223.
taken as one justification for the view that higher concentration increases
prices and profits because firms have more market power. However, bear in
mind that concentration is itself endogenous, and that both concentration
and profitability are ultimately determined by basic industry characteristics,
such as technology and demand. As discussed in Chapter 9 of this guide, a
positive association between the two need not imply a causal link or may
not exist at all once the endogeneity of concentration is taken into account.
Because profits are higher under quantity-setting (Cournot) than under
price-setting (Bertrand), the two models are often interpreted as
representing different degrees of competition. This interpretation is fine for
games where firms do not make any long-run decisions, except perhaps the
decision to enter or not the market. It is not appropriate when firms make
long-run choices such as investment, advertising, R&D, etc. before setting
prices or quantities.6 6
The reason will become clear
when you have read Chapter 5 of
Activities this guide.
Chapter 3: Short-run price competition
99 Industrial economics
Chapter 4: Dynamic price competition
Essential reading
Church, J.R. and R. Ware Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach.
Chapters 10 and 12.
Tirole, J. The Theory of Industrial Organization. Chapter 6.
Journal article
Porter, R.H. ‘A Study of Cartel Stability: The Joint Executive Committee,
1880–1886’, Bell Journal of Economics (1983) 14(2), pp.301–314.
Further reading
Bresnahan, T.F. ‘Empirical Studies of Industries with Market Power’, in
Schmalensee, R. and R. Willig (eds) Handbook of Industrial Organization,
volume 2. (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1989).
Cabral, L. Introduction to Industrial Organization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
2000). Chapter 8.
Carlton, D.W. and J.M. Perloff Modern Industrial Organization. (Pearson
Addison Wesley, 2005). Chapters 5–6.
Jacquemin, A. and M.E. Slade ‘Cartels, Collusion, and Horizontal Merger’, in
Schmalensee, R. and R. Willig (eds) Handbook of Industrial Organization,
volume 1. (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1989).
Martin, S. Industrial Economics. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1994).
Chapter 6.
Scherer, F.M. and D. Ross Industrial Market Structure and Economic
Performance. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990). Chapters 7–8.
Shy, O. Industrial Organization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995). Chapter 6.
Symeonidis, G. The Effects of Competition. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002).
Ellison, G. ‘Theories of Cartel Stability and the Joint Executive Committee’,
Rand Journal of Economics (1994) 25(1), pp.37–57.
Fershtman, C. and A. Pakes ‘A Dynamic Oligopoly with Collusion and Price
Wars’, Rand Journal of Economics (2000) 31(2), pp.207–235.
99 Industrial economics
Levenstein, M.C. ‘Price Wars and the Stability of Collusion: A Study of the Pre-
World War I Bromine Industry’, Journal of Industrial Economics (1997)
45(2), pp.117–137.
Levenstein, M.C. and V.Y. Suslow ‘What Determines Cartel Success?’, Journal
of Economic Literature (2006) 44(1), pp.43–95.
Slade, M. ‘Strategic Pricing Models and Interpretation of Price-War Data’,
European Economic Review (1990) 34, pp.524–537.
Symeonidis, G. ‘In Which Industries Is Collusion More Likely? Evidence from
the UK’, Journal of Industrial Economics (2003) 51(1), pp.45–74.
Attempts by firms to establish arrangements between themselves with a
view to increasing prices and profits are a recurrent theme in business
history and a matter of great concern for public policy. Such behaviour is
generally referred to as collusion and can be either explicit or tacit. It is
illegal under most competition laws, including US and EU law. Collusive
behaviour poses a whole range of questions. Are such arrangements stable?
Under what conditions is collusion more likely to occur? When do price
wars occur and why? How can economists help in identifying the existence
of collusion in particular industries?
In the first part of this chapter, we will examine models where a given set
of firms interact repeatedly for a finite or infinite number of periods. As
mentioned in the previous chapter, repeated interaction is one of the
resolutions to the Bertrand paradox. In particular, this approach is very
useful in explaining how firms can set prices at a higher level than the
static Bertrand or even Cournot prices, even though they behave non-co-
operatively (i.e. they do not sign any binding agreements). In the second
part of the chapter, we will discuss an econometric methodology which can
be used – with variations, depending on the kind of data available and the
type of industry in question – to measure the degree of market power of
firms and detect collusive behaviour in any given industry.
Modelling collusion
Firms that collude have generally three problems to solve. They must co-
We focus here on behaviour to
ordinate on a price or a set of prices.1 They must ensure that collusion is
increase prices, or restrict
enforceable (i.e. that none of the parties has an incentive to cheat). And
quantities sold. Of course, firms
they must sustain high profits against entry by other firms. Economic
can also collude in other ways,
theory has focused much more on the second of these issues than on the
(e.g. by regulating capacity
other two.2 There are several ways of modelling collusion using formal
expansion or by allocating
games where firms interact repeatedly. All of them are formalisations of the
territories). Such arrangements
basic idea that firms may be able to sustain collusion by threatening to
seem, however, to be less
retaliate in future periods in the event of a price cut today. You should see
frequent than collusion in price.
these approaches as complementary, since there seems to be a variety of
patterns of oligopoly behaviour in practice. 2
Scherer and Ross (1990) and
Church and Ware (2000) discuss
The simplest, and probably the most popular, approach is the one which is
the co-ordination issue.
based on the theory of repeated games with complete information.3 Recall
the one-shot Bertrand game of the previous chapter: two firms that produce 3
Tirole (1988), pp.253–261,
a homogeneous product and have the same constant marginal cost c presents a not-too-technical
simultaneously set prices. We have seen that the Nash equilibrium involved discussion of alternative
zero profit for both firms. Now suppose that this game is repeated T times, approaches.
where T is finite or infinite, with the outcomes of all preceding plays being
observed by both firms before the next play begins. The resulting game is a
‘repeated game’. At each period the firms choose their prices
simultaneously. Each firm seeks to maximise the present discounted value
of its payoffs from the T stage games.
Chapter 4: Dynamic price competition
The same argument can be made for every period in which all the
preceding outcomes have been (p , p ). Finally, we also need to show that
if firm i finds itself in a period where all the preceding outcomes have not
been (pM, pM), its best response is to set pi = c forever. This is so because
firm j will also set pj = c forever.
We have shown that the trigger strategies form a Nash equilibrium of the
game. To show it is also subgame-perfect, we need to show that it is a Nash
equilibrium in every subgame of the game. This is so, since every subgame
of this infinitely repeated game is identical to the game as a whole.
Thus collusion can be sustained in an infinitely repeated game if firms play
trigger strategies. Note that there are many equilibria of the game just
analysed. Replace p with any price between c and p . Then the trigger
strategies constitute a subgame-perfect equilibrium for δ ≥ 1/2. This is part
of a general result, which is referred to as the ‘Folk theorem’. For the game
analysed above, the Folk theorem says that there exist strategies that form
a subgame-perfect equilibrium such that firm i makes average per period
payoff Πi where Πi ≥ 0 (so the strategies are individually rational) and
Πi + Πj ≤ ΠM (so the strategies are feasible), for δ sufficiently close to 1. In
other words, anything between the static Bertrand profit (Πi = 0) and the
monopoly profit (Πi = ΠM) can be an average per period payoff for firm i.
These results can be generalised to N firms.
99 Industrial economics
Consider a game similar to the one analysed above, but with N, rather than with two,
firms. Show that the specified trigger strategies constitute a subgame-perfect equilibrium
for δ ≥ 1 – 1/N.
Note that the per period payoff of each firm under collusion is Π /N. Then apply the
same argument as for the two-firm case.
Chapter 4: Dynamic price competition
The theory of repeated games has provided an explanation for some of the
‘stylised facts’ regarding collusion. Other facts, however, have proved more
difficult to explain. For instance, collusion occurs more often in capital-
intensive and in homogeneous good industries than in labour-intensive or
differentiated good industries. You should bear in mind that the theory of
repeated games focuses on the enforcement of collusion. This theory
predicts that enforcement is easier under certain circumstances: when there
is low uncertainty about demand, when monitoring of rivals is easy, when
there is multimarket contact between firms, and so on. However, being able
to establish a collusive agreement and to sustain profits in the face of
potential entry are also necessary for successful collusion in practice. Thus
co-ordination is easier when there are few firms in the industry, the product
is homogeneous, product characteristics, costs and demand are stable over
time, and there are no big cost or size differences between firms. Avoiding
entry is easier in industries with high capital intensity and high entry costs.
Symeonidis (2003) provides an empirical analysis of industry
characteristics that facilitate collusion using data from the UK.
Firms can also take steps to facilitate collusion. These are called ‘facilitating
practices’ and include things such as giving advance notice of a price
change, exchanging information on prices and costs, meeting-competition
clauses (‘We will meet any price that a rival charges’) and most-favoured-
customer clauses (‘We will offer to all our customers the lowest price we
offer to any customer’).
Since collusion is illegal under most competition laws, it must be thought
to reduce social welfare. This is obvious when entry is restricted and the
only choice variable firms have is price, or output. It is less obvious when
entry is free, and especially when firms also make long-run decisions on
things such as product quality or product variety and cannot collude on
these long-run decisions as they can collude on price. Fershtman and Pakes
(2000) and others have shown that product quality and variety can
increase under price collusion, and the benefits for consumers may even
compensate for the negative effect of collusive prices. Symeonidis (2002)
presents evidence that, under free entry, cartels do not raise firms’ profits
but result in excessive entry of firms into the collusive industries.
99 Industrial economics
Chapter 4: Dynamic price competition
99 Industrial economics
Chapter 4: Dynamic price competition
1. It is often claimed that collusion is harder to sustain in industries where firms
face large and infrequent orders from buyers because infrequency of interaction
between firms hinders collusion. What is the theoretical basis for this claim?
2. Two firms set prices simultaneously, either high (H) or low (L), in each of an
infinite number of periods. The prices are observed by both firms before the next
play begins. The discount factor is δ < 1. The per period payoffs are as follows. If
both firms play H, each gets 10. If both firms play L, each gets 7. If one firm
plays H and the other plays L, their respective payoffs are 5 and 12. Identify the
Nash equilibrium of the one-period game. Then describe a ‘trigger strategy’ that
can enable the firms to reach a Pareto-superior outcome non-co-operatively. How
high must the discount factor be for this outcome to be sustainable?
3. Levenstein and Suslow (2006) write: ‘Cartels break up occasionally because of
cheating or lack of effective monitoring, but the biggest challenges cartels face
are entry and adjustment of the collusive agreement in response to changing
economic conditions. Cartels that develop organizational structures that allow
them the flexibility to respond to these changing conditions are more likely to
survive. Price wars that erupt are often the result of bargaining issues that arise
in such circumstances. Sophisticated cartel organizations are also able to develop
multipronged strategies to monitor one another to deter cheating and a variety
of interventions to increase barriers to entry.’
Assess the empirical evidence on which this statement is based. The Levenstein
and Suslow article is a good starting point, but you are also encouraged to check
for more, including information from antitrust cases. Once you have assessed the
evidence, think about its implications for economic theories of collusion.
4. Do cartels matter much? Assess the empirical evidence on their impact on prices
and profits as well as on non-price variables such as advertising, innovation,
investment, productivity, and concentration. Once again, the Levenstein and
Suslow survey is a good starting point, but you are also encouraged to check for
more, including econometric studies of cartels and information from antitrust
99 Industrial economics
Chapter 5: Entry deterrence and entry accommodation
Essential reading
Church, J.R. and R. Ware Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach.
Chapters 13–16.
Tirole, J. The Theory of Industrial Organization. Chapter 8.
Further reading
Cabral, L. Introduction to Industrial Organization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
2000). Chapter 15.
Carlton, D.W. and J.M. Perloff Modern Industrial Organization. (Pearson
Addison Wesley, 2005). Chapter 11.
Gilbert, R.J. ‘Mobility Barriers and the Value of Incumbency’, in Schmalensee,
R. and R. Willig (eds) Handbook of Industrial Organization, volume 1.
(Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1989).
Scherer, F.M. and D. Ross Industrial Market Structure and Economic
Performance. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990). Chapter 10.
Shy, O. Industrial Organization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995). Chapter 8.
Bulow, J.I., J.D. Geanakoplos and P.D. Klemperer ‘Multimarket Oligopoly:
Strategic Substitutes and Complements’, Journal of Political Economy
(1985) 93(3), pp.488–511.
Fudenberg, D. and J. Tirole ‘The Fat Cat Effect, the Puppy Dog Ploy and the
Lean and Hungry Look’, American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings
(1984) 74(2), pp.361–368.
Lieberman, M.B. ‘Excess Capacity as a Barrier to Entry: An Empirical
Appraisal’, Journal of Industrial Economics (1987) 35(4), pp.607–627.
Singh, S., M. Utton and M. Waterson ‘Strategic Behaviour of Incumbent Firms
in the UK’, International Journal of Industrial Organization
16 (1998), pp.229–252.
99 Industrial economics
One of the most interesting aspects of competition between firms is the use of
irreversible actions that affect the future behaviour both of the firm that takes
the action and of its rivals. In this chapter we examine a variety of strategic
situations involving first-mover advantages, strategies to deter entry, and
strategies to increase future profit by undertaking a costly and not easily
reversible action today. A common theme in all these situations is that it may
be profitable for a firm to limit its own flexibility by making a ‘commitment’,
that is a long-run (difficult to change) decision, because in this way it
influences the behaviour of its rivals. Of course, if a firm cannot influence the
behaviour of its rivals, it will never find it profitable to limit its own flexibility.
This would be the case if the commitment cannot be observed by the rivals.
We start with some preliminaries: the notions of strategic substitutes and
strategic complements. Then we examine a simple model that highlights
the value of irreversible decisions, and we use this model to analyse entry
deterrence and entry accommodation strategies. Finally, we develop a more
general framework that can be used to analyse in a unified way a wide
range of strategic situations. A game-theoretic device that is very useful in
tackling these issues is the multi-stage (usually two-stage or three-stage)
game. Unlike the static games of Chapter 3, these games are dynamic.
Unlike the repeated games of Chapter 4, they do not consist in the simple
repetition of a stage-game. The solution concept for these games is the
subgame-perfect equilibrium and the procedure for solving them is
backward induction.1 1
See Tirole (1988), pp.428–432,
or Shy (1995), pp.22–27.
Nash equilibrium
Nash equilibrium
q1 p1
Chapter 5: Entry deterrence and entry accommodation
If, on the other hand, the reaction functions are upward-sloping (Figure
5.2), we say that the actions of the firms are ‘strategic complements’. This is
typically the case when the product is differentiated and firms compete in
prices. Suppose, for example, that demand for good 1 is given by q = a –
bp1 + dp2 and demand for good 2 is given by q2 = a – bp2 + dp1, where a,
b, d are all positive parameters.2 The goods are differentiated because, even
Note that d > 0 implies that the
if pi > pj, qi = 0 – unlike the Bertrand model for homogeneous products. two goods are substitutes in
Firm i, i = 1, 2, chooses pi to maximise its profit Πi = (pi – ci)qi = (pi – demand. Demand substitutability
ci)(a – bpi + dpj), taking pj as given. The first-order condition is: or complementarity should not be
confused with strategic
∂ Πi a + dp j + bc i substitutability or
= a − 2bp i + dp j + bc i = 0 ⇔ p i = Ri ( p j ) =
∂ pi 2b complementarity.
which defines the reaction function of firm i.
The interpretation is that when firm j increases its price pj, the optimal
reaction of firm i is to also increase its price pi. Now sign(dRi/dpj) =
sign(∂2Πi/∂pi∂pj), and this expression is positive under strategic
complementarity. That is, the profit that firm i makes from a unit increase
in pi (i.e. ∂Πi/∂pi) rises if firm j increases pj. As was the case with strategic
substitutability, strategic complementarity is not tied to any specific
strategic variable.
Now compare these profits with those in a game where firms choose
capacities simultaneously. In that case K^1 = K^2 = 1/3 and Π ^1 =Π ^2 =
1/9 < 1/8 = Π * (check these results). We conclude that by exploiting its
first-mover advantage, firm 1 makes higher profit than firm 2 in the
sequential-move game and also makes higher profit than the profit it would
make in the simultaneous-move game. The reason is that, by committing
itself to a given level of capacity, firm 1 influences the choice of firm 2: firm
1 builds more capacity than it would build in a simultaneous-move game
and, as a result, firm 2 builds less.
99 Industrial economics
What is crucial for this strategy to work is that the decision is irreversible. If
firm 1 could change K1 at stage 2 of the game, then the overall outcome
would be the Nash equilibrium of the simultaneous-move game. So if
capital can be easily resold in the second-hand market, there is no scope for
a credible commitment. In other words, the investment must be sunk.
So far in this model, firm 1 cannot strategically deter firm 2 from entering
the industry and building some capacity. Let us now extend the model to
allow for this possibility. Assume that there is a fixed cost of entry f < 1/16.
The timing of the game is the same. At stage 1, firm 1 compares its profit
under two possible courses of action. If it decides to ‘accommodate’ the
entry of firm 2, then we have the case already examined above: K1* = 1/2,
Π1* = 1/8 and Π2* = 1/16. Note that these profits are now profits gross of
the cost of entry. Net equilibrium profits are Πi* – f, for i = 1, 2.
What if firm 1 tries to deter the entry of firm 2? Firm 2 will enter as long as
its gross profit covers the entry cost, that is Π (K1,K2) = K2(1 – K1 – K2) >
f. Now recall that ∂Π /∂K1 < 0: the higher the level of K1, the lower the
4 4
If Π2(K1,K2) = f, firm 2 is
value of Π2. So there will be a level of K1 that just deters the entry of firm indifferent between entering and
2. Let K1 denote this level. What we need to compute then is the profit of not entering. Let us assume, to
b b
firm 1 if it installs capacity K1 . To do this, we must first determine K1 . simplify the exposition, that in
(Note that we have set K = 0.) Hence entry deterrence is more profitable
than entry accommodation if and only if 2f1/2(1 – 2f1/2) > 1/8 ⇔ f > 0.0053.5
Note that firm 1 will never want
So the choice of firm 1 depends on the magnitude of the entry cost f. This
to install more capacity than K1b.
makes sense. If f is small, then firm 1 must install such a large capacity if it
This is easy to see from the profit
wants to deter the entry of firm 2 that entry accommodation is in fact
function of firm 1 when K2 = 0:
preferable. If f is large enough, then a smaller capacity will do the job and
Π1 is decreasing in K1 for values
entry deterrence becomes preferable to entry accommodation.
of K1 higher than 1/2 and hence
An interesting question in more complex models of entry deterrence than for any K1 > K1b (recall that
the one presented here is whether a firm may have an incentive, as part of K1b > 1/2).
an entry-deterring strategy, to install capacity that it will not use for
production. The theoretical results on this issue are mixed. There is,
however, little empirical support for this view. In particular, Lieberman
(1987) found that in only three out of 38 chemical products in his sample
did incumbent firms hold ‘excess capacity’ to deter entry. More common
was a strategy of capacity expansion by incumbent firms once entry had
occurred in an attempt to deter expansion by the entrants.
A final remark: capacity expansion is only one of a number of possible
entry deterrence strategies available to firms. Others include product
proliferation (see Chapter 6 of this guide), bundling (see Activity 3 below),
Chapter 5: Entry deterrence and entry accommodation
analytical exposition of the
issues discussed here.
Figure 5.3
99 Industrial economics
Using reaction functions, show that, if stage 2 competition is in prices, we again need
overinvestment to deter entry.
Under price competition, the reaction functions at stage 2 are upward-sloping. An
increase in K1 shifts the stage 2 reaction function of firm 1 to the left. Equilibrium prices
fall, and profits also fall – at least initially, when starting from the ‘benchmark’ level of
K1. So, unless f is very small, the equilibrium profit of firm 2 will at some point become
less than f and entry of firm 2 will be deterred.
Take now the case of entry accommodation. That is, firm 1 chooses K1 given
that it will have to compete with firm 2 at stage 2. This is the relevant case if f
is small. Should firm 1 overinvest or underinvest, in the same sense as above?
If stage 2 competition is in quantities, an increase in K shifts the reaction
function of firm 1 outwards (see again Figure 5.3). An increase in K1 above
the ‘benchmark’ level causes the market share of firm 1 to rise at the
expense of firm 2, so (up to a certain point) the stage 2 equilibrium profit
of firm 1 also rises. In short: because the reaction functions are downward-
sloping, more aggressive behaviour by firm 1 (a rise in q1) leads to a softer
action by firm 2 (a fall in q2). In this situation, firm 1 has an incentive to
overinvest, given that investment makes it ‘tough’.
If stage 2 competition is in prices, an increase in K1 shifts the reaction
function of firm 1 to the left (see Figure 5.4). This is because c1 falls, so for
any price p2 firm 1’s optimal reply is a lower p1. Again a higher K1 leads to
more aggressive behaviour by firm 1 at stage 2, that is investment makes
firm 1 ‘tough’. An increase in K1 above the ‘benchmark’ level causes a fall in
both p1* and p2*, so (up to a certain point) the stage 2 equilibrium profit of
firm 1 falls. In short: because the reaction functions are upward-sloping,
more aggressive behaviour by firm 1 (a fall in p1) leads to a more
aggressive response by firm 2 (a fall in p2). In this situation, firm 1 has an
incentive to underinvest, given that investment makes it ‘tough’.
p2 increase in K1
Figure 5.4
The framework presented above can be used to analyse a variety of
strategic situations, including product differentiation, learning by doing, the
imposition of price floors or quotas, multimarket contact, etc.7 In all these 7
See Tirole, pp.328–336, and
cases, the investment decision, and, in particular, the decision to Church and Ware, Chapter 16,
strategically over- or underinvest, depends on three things: for discussion of these and other
• does a firm want to deter or accommodate entry? examples.
Chapter 5: Entry deterrence and entry accommodation
Contestable markets
We conclude this chapter with a brief reference to a theory of market
structure proposed by Baumol, Panzar and Willig in the early 1980s. The
main idea is that, if potential entrants can costlessly enter and exit an
industry, incumbent firms must set price equal to average (and in some
cases even marginal) cost, and cannot make positive profits. The
requirements for this mechanism to work is that entry does not involve any
sunk costs and the incumbents are rather slow in responding to entry by
cutting price. These are strong assumptions, and they are generally not
satisfied in practice. It is therefore not surprising that the theory of
contestable markets has had little empirical support. It has rather helped
focus attention on the role of sunk costs for entry deterrence and the
determination of market structure.
1. It is sometimes claimed that ‘learning-by-doing’ through overproduction is a
profitable strategy since it allows firms to reduce their future costs and even
deter the entry of rivals. Do you agree?
2. A domestic and a foreign firm produce a homogeneous product and compete in
quantities. The government decides to impose a quota on the quantity sold by
the foreign firm. Using reaction curves, show that, if the quota results in only a
small reduction of the foreign firm’s volume of sales, it increases the profit of the
domestic firm and reduces the profit of the foreign firm.
3. The most famous antitrust case of the last twenty years was undoubtedly
Microsoft versus the US competition authorities. This was a complex case.
Microsoft was alleged to have used its market power in the market for personal
computer operating systems to exclude rival firms from the market for web
browsers by ‘bundling’ its operating system together with its web browser.
Moreover, the US competition authorities were concerned that Microsoft’s actions
might stifle potential competition in the market for operating systems itself.
Microsoft argued that its practice of bundling led to efficiency gains and
benefited consumers. Microsoft was later involved in an antitrust case brought by
the European Commission. In both instances, the firm was found in breach of the
competition laws.
The case is included in this chapter of the guide, despite the complex pricing
tactics and the fact that the background was an industry subject to rapid
technological change, because the core issue in the case is the alleged strategic
behaviour of a firm to exclude rivals from a market.
Who was right, Microsoft or the US competition authorities? What lessons can
be learned from this case? Make up your mind after reading different views of
the Microsoft case. Useful collections of articles have been published in the
Summer 2001 issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives and the March 2001
issue of the Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade. Some of these articles,
and many other papers on the case, including some more recent ones, are
available on the internet.
99 Industrial economics
Chapter 6: Product differentiation and non-price competition
Essential reading
Church, J.R. and R. Ware Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach.
Chapter 11.
Tirole, J. The Theory of Industrial Organization. Chapter 7.
Schmalensee, R. ‘Entry Deterrence in the Ready-to-eat Breakfast Cereal
Industry’, Bell Journal of Economics (1978) 9(2), pp.305–327.
Further reading
Cabral, L. Introduction to Industrial Organization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
2000). Chapter 12.
Carlton, D.W. and J.M. Perloff Modern Industrial Organization. (Pearson
Addison Wesley, 2005). Chapter 7.
Scherer, F.M. and D. Ross Industrial Market Structure and Economic
Performance. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990). Chapter 16.
Shy, O. Industrial Organization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995). Chapter 7.
George, L. and J. Waldfogel ‘Who Affects Whom in Daily Newspaper Markets’,
Journal of Political Economy (2003) 111(4), pp.765–784.
Judd, K.L. ‘Credible Spatial Preemption’, Rand Journal of Economics (1985)
16(2), pp.153–166.
Salop, S.C. ‘Monopolistic Competition with Outside Goods’, Bell Journal of
Economics (1979) 10(1), pp.141–156.
Shaked, A. and J. Sutton ‘Relaxing Price Competition through Product
Differentiation’, Review of Economic Studies 49(1) (1982), pp.3–13.
Waldfogel, J. ‘Preference Externalities: An Empirical Study of Who Benefits
Whom in Differentiated Product Markets’, Rand Journal of Economics,
(2003) 34(3), pp.557– 568.
99 Industrial economics
In many markets products are differentiated. Consumers care not only
about product price, but also about product characteristics, quality, the
location of the seller, pre-sale or post-sale services, etc. Thus firms compete
in these dimensions as well as competing on price. An important feature of
differentiated good markets is that the cross-price elasticity of demand is
not infinite at equal prices. That is, a firm can set its price above the price
of another firm and still have some demand for its product – even in the
absence of capacity constraints.
Industrial economists distinguish two types of product differentiation.
Under horizontal differentiation, different consumers prefer different
products when the prices of these products are the same. For instance:
orange cakes and chocolate cakes. Another example is location: if you live
in the centre of town you prefer to buy a product from a shop near your
home rather than buy the same product at the same price from a shop in a
suburb. So ‘spatial differentiation’ is a form of horizontal differentiation.
Under vertical differentiation, all consumers would buy the same
product if all product prices were the same. Of course, since at equilibrium
products have different prices and consumers have different incomes, they
buy different products: the point is that consumers agree over the
preference ordering. A typical example is the case where products are
differentiated by quality. For instance: a Volkswagen versus a Mercedes.
The distinction between horizontal and vertical differentiation is analytical.
In many markets, products are differentiated along both dimensions. In this
chapter we discuss both types of differentiation and their implications for
competition and market structure.
Chapter 6: Product differentiation and non-price competition
p1 p2
marginal consumer
a x b
Figure 6.1
Suppose prices are p1 and p2. Obviously, consumers situated close to firm 1
will prefer to buy from this firm, and those situated close to firm 2 will
prefer to buy from firm 2. To be more precise, we define the ‘marginal
consumer’, that is the consumer who is just indifferent between buying
from firm 1 or firm 2. He or she is located at distance x to the right of firm
1, where x is defined by:
2 2
p1 + tx = p2 + t(L – a – b – x) .
The expression on the left-hand side is the generalised cost (the sum of the
product price and the transportation cost) of the marginal consumer if he
buys from firm 1. The expression on the right-hand side is the generalised
cost of the marginal consumer if he buys from firm 2. These generalised
costs are depicted in Figure 6.1 by the two ‘umbrellas’.
Solving this equation for x we obtain:
L−a−b p1 − p 2
x= −
2 2t ( L − a − b)
All consumers to the left of the marginal consumer buy from firm 1, while
all consumers to the right of the marginal consumer buy from firm 2.
Hence demand for firm 1 is:
L−a −b p1 − p 2
D1 ( p1 , p 2 ) = a + x = a + −
2 2t ( L − a − b)
Suppose the price is exogenously fixed (by the government or by a manufacturer if the
two firms in the model are retailers) and the two firms only compete by simultaneously
choosing locations. Show that the Nash equilibrium of this game involves ‘minimal
differentiation’: both firms locate at the centre. Interpret the result.
Chapter 6: Product differentiation and non-price competition
Start by distinguishing cases:
• the firms are not located at the same point
• the firms are located at the same point but not the centre, and
• both firms are located at the centre.
Then show that in all but the third case there exists a profitable deviation by at least one
firm. The main thing to remember is that consumers buy from the nearest firm, so each
firm seeks to maximise its market share given the location of its rival. The intuition for
the result is that in this case there is no strategic effect, since the choice of location does
not affect the prices. There is only a demand effect, which works against differentiation.
99 Industrial economics
Firm i
1/ 1/
Firm i–1 N N Firm i+1
Figure 6.2
We proceed through backward induction. Assume that N firms have
entered and we are at stage 2. Since firms are symmetric,
_ we look for a
symmetric equilibrium where all firms set price p. Now in practice, firm i
competes only with the two neighbouring firms, so we can ignore the
remaining product space (see Figure 6.2).
Let us focus on the decision problem of firm i, taking as given the prices of
the other_firms. As a matter of fact, let us assume that all the other firms
set price p. This will be true in the symmetric equilibrium, so we can
_ that firm i sets price pi, while each of the two
anticipate it. Suppose then
neighbouring firms sets p. A consumer located at distance x away from firm
i is indifferent between buying from firm i or the neighbouring firm if:
p+ − pi
⎛1 ⎞ N
p i + tx = p + t ⎜ − x ⎟ ⇒ x =
⎝N ⎠ 2t
Demand for firm i’s product comes from consumers to its left and to its
right, so the total distance
_ covered is 2x. Hence the demand faced by firm i
_ Di(pi , p) = _2Sx. The firm chooses _pi to maximise Π = (pi –
is given by
c)Di(pi , p) = (pi – c)S(p+ t/N – pi)/t, taking p as given. The first-order
condition is:
S t
dΠ i / dpi = 0 ⇔ ( p + − 2 p i + c) = 0 .
t N
This defines the optimal choice of pi given p for any firm i. Now_ we can use
the fact that at _the symmetric equilibrium we will have pi = p, so the above
equation gives p = c + t/N. This is the second stage equilibrium price,
which is of course a function of N. To find
_ the equilibrium gross profit of
each firm as a_ function of N, substitute
_ p into the profit function Π , and
also set pi = p. We obtain Π = S(p – c)/N = St/N2.
At stage 1 there is free entry. This means that firms will be entering the
industry as long as they can make a non-negative net profit. Note that Π
decreases as N rises (i.e. as more firms enter). Initially Π is higher than f,
so firms keep entering, thereby causing Π to fall. There will be some point
where Π = f, and at that point entry will stop because any further entry is
unprofitable. (One additional entrant will cause Π to fall below f, so the
firms will anticipate that they will not be making enough gross profit at
stage 2 to cover the cost of entry at stage 1.) From the free-entry zero-
− 2 1/2
profit condition Π = f, we get St/N = f <=> N* = (St/f) . This is the
equilibrium number
_ of firms in the two-stage game. Substituting into the
expression for p we also get p* = c + (tf/S)1/2.
Chapter 6: Product differentiation and non-price competition
99 Industrial economics
_ _
ensure that N /2 < N < N . Intuitively, this says that the number of brands
must be sufficiently low so that they can all enjoy positive net profits, and
at the same time sufficiently high so that a potential entrant cannot enjoy
positive net profits.
Schmalensee has used an expanded version of this model to explain the
lack of entry into the US ready-to-eat breakfast cereal industry. In
particular, he has also included advertising and argued that high levels of
advertising were an additional entry-deterring mechanism. Also, he has
discussed additional complications stemming from the fact that the market
was growing and that entry did occur in the 1970s when a new market
segment (‘natural cereals’) emerged.3 All in all, it seems that the lack of 3
See Schmalensee (1978) for
entry into this industry may be explained by the joint effect of two different details.
mechanisms: the brand proliferation mechanism and the advertising
escalation mechanism. The latter refers to a situation where, as market size
increases, firms spend more on advertising and this prevents concentration
from falling.4
See Chapter 9 of this guide for
more on the advertising
Although the model of brand proliferation as an entry deterrence strategy
escalation mechanism.
has been much discussed because of the welfare issues involved, you
should bear in mind that product proliferation can also simply be a search
for successful products. Recall that repositioning costs and exit costs must
be substantial for the brand proliferation strategy to work. It probably
makes sense to assume high repositioning costs, but why is it costly to
withdraw a brand in the ready-to-eat cereal industry or most other
industries? This is a valid objection. One possible answer might be that the
cost is in terms of reputation: if an incumbent withdraws one brand in the
face of entry, then he will face more entry, while if he doesn’t, he may
convince other potential entrants that he is not likely to be withdrawing
brands and thereby discourage them from attempting to enter.
Suppose that in the model analysed above exit costs are zero. Show that in this case
brand proliferation does not deter entry.
Suppose the entrant enters at exactly the location of an existing brand, say brand i. Then
price competition drives the price of that brand down to marginal cost and the gross
profit of the entrant as well as of the incumbent producing brand i down to zero. Also,
the increased competition will lead to price reductions for the neighbouring brands, i–1
and i+1, and this will in turn affect brands i–2 and i+2, and so on. So if the firm that
produces brand i also produces some other brands, it will see its profits from those other
brands fall as a result of entry at location i. In this situation, the incumbent firm will have
an incentive to withdraw brand i since this is costless and will raise its overall profit by
relaxing competition overall (the firm is making zero profit from brand i anyway). So
brand proliferation cannot deter entry in the absence of exit costs.
Chapter 6: Product differentiation and non-price competition
which is incurred at this stage and increases the value of u: dF/du > 0. At
stage 2, firms compete in prices or in quantities. The choice of ui affects
stage 2 competition through its effect on the firms’ demand functions: given
the prices and the u’s of all the rival firms, an increase in ui shifts the
demand curve of firm i outwards (i.e. it increases the consumers’
willingness to pay for product i). In some models, the choice of ui also
affects the marginal cost c(ui): dc/dui > 0.
Vertical product differentiation implies that, if u1 > u2 and p1 = p2, then all
consumers would buy product 1. At equilibrium u1 > u2 ⇒ p1 > p2, so
some consumers buy good 2, but the point is that consumers have the same
ranking of the products.
We now briefly sketch a simple model of vertical product differentiation,
focusing on the structure of the model and the basic results.5 Firms offer
A detailed discussion of the
products which vary in quality u. Consumers are uniformly distributed with model can be found in Shaked
density S (a measure of market size) according to their income t, which lies and Sutton (1982).
between a and b. Each consumer buys one unit of a single product or none.
A consumer has utility U(t,0) = u0t if she doesn’t buy and U(t,k) = uk(t –
pk) if she buys good k at price pk, where t is income prior to any purchase.
The marginal cost of production is independent of quality; assume, for
simplicity, that it is zero. Finally, the game has three stages: at stage 1 firms
decide whether or not to enter the industry at a small sunk cost ε, at stage
2 each firm chooses a level of u, and at stage 3 firms set prices.
The main results of this model are the following:
• the ‘finiteness property’: there exists a lower bound to the number of
firms that can survive (i.e. make non-negative profit) at equilibrium,
which is independent of market size S and the entry cost ε
• the equilibrium number of firms is increasing in the degree of income
heterogeneity. For instance, if b/a ≤ 2, only one firm can survive; if
2 < b/a ≤ 4, there is room in the market for exactly two firms; and so
• suppose that 2 < b/a ≤ 4, so exactly two firms enter. Then the firms
choose different qualities and they both make positive net profits.
You should compare these results to those obtained under horizontal
product differentiation. In the circular location model, for example, we
found that, as S → ∞, N* → ∞. Also, free (and simultaneous) entry implied
zero net profit at equilibrium. In our simple vertical differentiation model,
in contrast, as S → ∞, N* does not change. Also, there are positive net
profits in the long run even under free and simultaneous entry.
How robust are the results of our vertical differentiation model? It turns
out that the crucial feature of the model is the assumption that marginal
cost is independent of quality. The ‘finiteness result’ in particular still holds
if marginal cost does not increase too fast with quality, but it breaks down
if marginal cost increases fast with u. In practice, then, the finiteness
property is likely to hold when most of the cost of quality is a fixed cost,
such as advertising or R&D, rather than a variable cost. Actually the
finiteness result still holds under general conditions in markets with both
horizontal and vertical differentiation, provided that c(u) is relatively flat.
99 Industrial economics
1. Consider the linear location model and assume that the location decisions are
taken sequentially. This is now a three-stage game: choice of location by firm 1,
then by firm 2 (which observes the choice of location by firm 1), then price
competition. Compute the subgame-perfect equilibrium.
2. Consider the circular location model and assume that the transportation cost is
quadratic rather than linear. Compute the equilibrium price, profit and number of
firms under free entry.
Chapter 7: Price discrimination
Essential reading
Church, J.R. and R. Ware Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach.
Chapter 5.
Tirole, J. The Theory of Industrial Organization. Chapter 3.
Further reading
Cabral, L. Introduction to Industrial Organization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
2000). Chapter 10.
Carlton, D.W. and J.M. Perloff Modern Industrial Organization. (Pearson
Addison Wesley, 2005). Chapters 9–10.
Martin, S. Industrial Economics. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1994).
Chapter 15.
Scherer, F.M. and D. Ross Industrial Market Structure and Economic
Performance. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990). Chapter 13.
Stole, L.A. ‘Price Discrimination and Competition’, in Armstrong, M. and R.
Porter (eds) Handbook of Industrial Organization, volume 3. (Amsterdam:
North-Holland, 2007).
Firms often sell the same product at different prices to different consumers,
or even to the same consumer. This practice is called price
discrimination. There is also a more subtle form of price discrimination,
namely using different qualities of a good or different packages in order to
separate consumers into different groups. In all these cases, the objective of
the firm is to increase its profit by capturing a larger fraction of consumer
surplus than it would capture under uniform pricing or by offering a single
quality or package. The scope for price discrimination is higher in those
markets where the possibilities for arbitrage are lower. Arbitrage is the
practice whereby consumers with low reservation price buy the good to
resell it to consumers with high reservation price.
99 Industrial economics
Chapter 7: Price discrimination
∑i=1 p i Di ( pi ) − C (q)
∑i =1
q= Di ( p i )
The optimal set of prices is then given by the inverse elasticity rule:
pi − C ′(q ) 1
pi εi
for each market i, where εi is the absolute value of the price elasticity of
demand in market i. Thus the monopolist should charge a higher price in
markets with the lower elasticity of demand. This may well explain why
profit-maximising firms offer discounts to students and senior citizens, why
many utilities charge different business and household rates, or why
differences in the price of a product across regions or countries are
sometimes hard to explain solely in terms of cost differences and trade
restrictions. Note, however, that before attributing any such cases to price
discrimination, one has to check that arbitrage between markets is
impossible or costly.
We now prove the inverse elasticity rule for the case where the monopolist
serves two different markets (the proof is similar for the general case of m
markets). The firm chooses prices p1 and p2 to maximise profit Π =
p1D1(p1) + p2D2(p2) – C[D1(p1) + D2(p2)]. The first-order conditions are
given by ∂Π/∂pi = Di(pi) + piDi′(pi) – C′[D1(p1) + D2(p2)]Di′(pi) = 0, for i
= 1,2. Now move the term Di(pi) to the right-hand side, divide both sides
by piDi′(pi) and set q = D1(p1) + D2(p2). We obtain:
p i − C ′( q) 1
pi − p i Di′ / Di
99 Industrial economics
Prove this result.
The monopolist can buy a firm in market 2, sell to it at a low price, according to the
inverse elasticity rule for market 2, and sell to all the other firms in markets 1 or 2 at a
higher price, according to the inverse elasticity rule for market 1. This will drive all the
other firms in market 2 out of business, and the monopolist will achieve the same profit
as under price discrimination.2
See Tirole (1988), p.141, for
Chapter 7: Price discrimination
Figure 7.1
In these circumstances, the monopolist will compare the profits from two
possible courses of action. The first is to serve only the type θ2 consumers.
In this case the problem reduces to one of choosing the optimal two-part
tariff for first-degree price discrimination applied to type θ2 consumers.4 4
Recall that all consumers of
The second is to serve both types of consumers. The problem then is to a certain type are identical, so
choose the two-part tariff that maximises total profit subject to giving an arbitrage within a group is not
incentive to both types to buy. Suppose the per unit price is p. Then the an issue.
highest fixed premium that a type θ1 is willing to pay for the right to
consume the good is A = S1(p). A type θ2 is also willing to pay this fixed
fee because S2(p) > S1(p). On the other hand, the firm has no reason to set
a lower premium for any given p. So the firm will in fact set A = S1(p) and
its problem then will be to choose the per unit price p that maximises its
overall profit:
Π = NS1(p) + (p – c)D(p),
where N is the number of consumers and D(p) is the aggregate demand of
the N consumers at price p.5 Setting ∂Π/∂p = 0 implicitly defines the 5
In Tirole’s exposition the
optimal per unit price p*, and hence also the optimal fixed fee A* = number of consumers is
S1(p*). The monopolist will therefore offer the two-part tariff A* + p*q, normalised to 1, so the
and type θ2 consumers will choose to consume a higher quantity than type aggregate demand as defined
θ1 consumers. here is N times the aggregate
M FD SD demand as defined in Tirole.
To conclude, let p , p and p denote the per unit prices under uniform
You can see that N is simply a
monopoly pricing, first-degree price discrimination and second-degree price
multiplication factor in this
discrimination in the above model, on the assumption that both consumer
model with constant marginal
types are served. Use similar superscripts for profits Π and total social
cost and its value does not
welfare W (the sum of producer and consumer surplus). It can be shown
affect the results.
that pM > pSD > pFD = c, ΠM < ΠSD < ΠFD, and WM < WSD < WFD. Note
that in these comparisons the higher the per unit price, the lower the
welfare, because the fixed fee is just a redistribution from consumers to the
firm and hence does not affect W.
The above framework can be used to analyse how a firm may use tie-in
sales as a price discrimination device. Suppose that a firm is the sole
producer of a ‘basic’ good that is consumed in fixed quantity and jointly
with a ‘complementary’ good which is consumed in variable amounts and
can be supplied by a competitive industry at a price equal to its marginal
cost. For instance: photocopying machines and copying paper. Suppose, as
above, that there are two types of consumers, with utility function U =
θV(q) – T if they consume q units of the complementary good and pay T,
and U = 0 if they do not buy. Consumers buy only one unit of the basic
99 Industrial economics
good, or none. θ is a taste parameter that differs across types, with θ < θ .
1 2
The marginal cost of the basic good is c0, while the marginal cost of the
complementary good is c. The reason why the above analysis of two-part
pricing is relevant in the present case is that the basic good can be seen as
a prerequisite for consuming the complementary good. Hence the
maximum amount a consumer would be willing to pay for the basic good is
the net surplus he or she derives from the consumption of the
complementary good.
Suppose that the manufacturer of the basic good can make the purchase of
the complementary good a condition for the sale of the basic good to any
buyer and can also prevent arbitrage. The firm then sets a price p for the
complementary good and a price A for the basic good. On the assumption
that the firm serves both types of consumers, it will set A = S1(p) and
choose p to maximise Π = NS1(p) + (p – c)D(p) – Nc0, so the result will be
the same as in our model of two-part pricing above.6 In particular, p* > c.
The cost of production of the
If the firm could not use tie-in sales, the price of the complementary good basic good is a fixed cost, so it
would be equal to its marginal cost c, and the producer of the basic good does not affect the firm’s
would set A = S1(c) > S1(p*). In other words, the result of tie-in sales is a maximisation problem over p.
higher price for the complementary good and a lower price for the basic
good. This amounts to price discrimination hurting type θ2 consumers. Note
that p* > c implies that welfare is unambiguously lower under tie-in sales
if both consumer types are served – the fact that A is lower is irrelevant
since this is a redistribution from the manufacturer of the basic good to
consumers. On the other hand, you must bear in mind that, if tie-in sales
are not allowed, the chances increase that the firm will choose to serve the
θ2 types only, so welfare could in fact increase under tie-in sales.
Another thing you should bear in mind is that price discrimination is not
the only reason for tie-in sales. Tying may be used to increase efficiency, as
in the case of goods that are usually consumed together. Or tie-in sales may
be used by a firm with market power in one market to eliminate or restrict
competition in another market (the one for the tied good) where it has
little market power. In an oligopolistic industry, tie-in sales may also serve
as a product differentiation device if some but not all firms use them.
As mentioned above, a two-part tariff is just one form of second-degree
price discrimination. In many situations, a monopolist can use a more
complex, but more profitable, pricing policy. This consists in offering
different packages, each directed to one consumer type. These packages are
chosen to maximise the firm’s profit subject to participation constraints (i.e.
each type must be willing to buy) and incentive-compatibility constraints
(i.e. no type must have an incentive to buy a package intended for another
type). For example, there may be two options for membership of a gym,
one that involves a fixed monthly fee and unlimited visits at no extra cost
and one with no fixed fee but a relatively high price per visit: the first
option would be intended for frequent users, the second for occasional
visitors. Or the options may be differentiated by quality, if different
consumers have different willingness to pay for quality. Or the same
product may be sold at a higher price initially, when availability is
guaranteed, and a lower price after a certain time, and possibly also subject
to availability – in an attempt to separate less patient or more committed
customers from more patient or less committed ones. When there are two
consumer types and therefore two packages, it turns out that one important
feature of the optimal pricing policy is that low-demand consumers derive
no net surplus, while high-demand consumers derive a positive net surplus,
just as in our model of two-part pricing.
Chapter 7: Price discrimination
1. Starworks Ltd. sells to two types of consumers, with respective demand functions
q = 1 – p (in proportion λ) and q = 2 – p (in proportion 1 – λ). Its unit
production cost is zero. The firm faces a fringe of competitive firms selling the
same good at price p0 < 1 (presumably these firms have unit cost equal to p0).
a. What is the optimal pricing policy of Starworks Ltd under standard linear
pricing (i.e. in the absence of any price discrimination)?
b. If the firm can tell consumers apart and prevent arbitrage, what is the
optimal pricing policy of Starworks Ltd?
2. Consider the same setup as in the previous question, but now assume that the
firm cannot tell consumers apart. What is the optimal two-part tariff under
second-degree price discrimination?
99 Industrial economics
e. Finally, suppose that the firm cannot tell the consumers apart and
there is no full arbitrage, so it practices second-degree price
discrimination by setting a two-part tariff. Derive the optimal two-
part tariff on the assumption that the firm chooses to serve both
types of consumers.
2. Analyse how tie-in sales can be used as a price discrimination device
and discuss the welfare implications of this practice.
Chapter 8: Vertical relations
Essential reading
Church, J.R. and R. Ware Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach.
Chapter 22.
Tirole, J. The Theory of Industrial Organization. Chapter 4.
Rey, P. and J. Stiglitz. ‘The Role of Exclusive Territories in Producers’
Competition’, Rand Journal of Economics (1995) 26(3), pp.431–451.
Further reading
Cabral, L. Introduction to Industrial Organization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
2000). Chapter 11.
Carlton, D.W. and J.M. Perloff Modern Industrial Organization. (Pearson
Addison Wesley, 2005). Chapter 12.
Competition Commission New Cars: A Report on the Supply of New Motor Cars
within the UK, Cm 4660 (London: TSO, 2000). Available online:
Martin, S. Industrial Economics. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1994).
Chapter 17.
Monopolies and Mergers Commission (MMC) New Motor Cars, Cm 1808
(London: HMSO, 1992). www.competition-
Katz, M.L. ‘Vertical Contractual Relations’, in Schmalensee, R. and R. Willig
(eds) Handbook of Industrial Organization, volume 1. (Amsterdam: North-
Holland, 1989).
Scherer, F.M. and D. Ross Industrial Market Structure and Economic
Performance. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990). Chapter 15.
Cooper, J.C., L.M. Froeb, D. O’Brien and M.G. Vita ‘Vertical Antitrust Policy as
a Problem of Inference’, International Journal of Industrial Organization
(2005) 23, pp.639–664.
Mathewson, G.F. and R.A. Winter ‘An Economic Theory of Vertical Restraints’,
Rand Journal of Economics (1984) 15(1), pp.27–38. 69
99 Industrial economics
In nearly all the topics discussed so far in Part 2 of this guide we have
made the simplifying assumption that firms produce goods which they then
sell directly to the final consumers. In this chapter, we focus on situations
where ‘upstream’ firms possessing market power are selling to ‘downstream’
firms which, in turn, sell to the final consumers. Examples include
manufacturers selling to retailers, or manufacturers of an intermediate
good selling to manufacturers of the final good. We will be using the terms
‘manufacturer’ and ‘retailer’ to denote respectively the upstream and the
downstream firm in what follows.
In these situations, manufacturers sometimes impose contractual restraints
on retailers, such as:
• resale price maintenance (RPM) – the imposition by the
manufacturer of a fixed or minimum retail price
• franchise fee or two-part pricing – the payment by the retailer of
a fixed fee in order to carry the manufacturer’s product
• exclusive territories – the allocation to each retailer of exclusive
rights to sell in a territory
• exclusive dealing – the requirement that a retailer does not sell
products of rival manufacturers.
What is the reason for imposing these vertical restraints? In particular,
are they used to restrict competition, in which case they unambiguously
reduce social welfare? Or are they used to increase the efficiency of the
vertical relationship, in which case they may be socially beneficial as well?
In this chapter we examine efficiency arguments for vertical restraints as
well as theories that view them as restrictions on competition. Some
empirical evidence is also discussed and policy implications are drawn.
unit production cost. Assume that c < 1. The retailer takes pw as given and pp.174–178.
Chapter 8: Vertical relations
Provision of services
Let us now extend and generalise this model. Suppose the manufacturer
sells to the retailer at price pw > c, where c is the unit production cost. The
retailer takes pw as given and chooses the retail price p. However, the
retailer can also supply pre-sale services – information, free delivery,
advertising in the local press, etc. – that increase demand for the product.
The retailer then chooses the level of services s along with the retail price.
Assume that the manufacturer cannot specify the level of s in the contract
with the retailer, since s is difficult to observe. Demand by consumers is
given by q = D(p,s), with Dp = ∂q/∂p < 0 and Ds = ∂q/∂s > 0. Finally,
assume that supplying a level s of services costs the retailer Φ(s) per unit of
services, with Φ′ = dΦ/ds > 0. So the total cost of services is qΦ(s).
The first-best outcome is the one which maximises the aggregate profit (i.e.
manufacturer’s plus retailer’s):
max [ p − c − Φ ( s )]D ( p, s ) = ( pw − c ) D ( p, s ) + [ p − pw − Φ ( s )]D ( p, s )
p ,s
99 Industrial economics
Now compare equations (1) and (3). The term (p – c)D (p,s) < 0 is
w p
missing in (3). In other words, when choosing p the retailer does not take
into account the effect of this choice on the manufacturer’s profit. In
particular, the retailer sets p > pm. Compare also equations (2) and (4).
The term (pw – c)Ds(p,s) > 0 is missing in (4). That is, when choosing s the
retailer does not take into account the effect on the manufacturer’s profit.
In particular, the retailer sets s < sm: services are underprovided. In both
cases there is a ‘vertical externality’ which occurs because both the
manufacturer and the retailer have market power.
One solution, through the use of vertical restraints, is for the manufacturer
to set pw = c, and extract the retailer’s profit through a franchise fee A =
[pm – c – Φ(sm)] D(pm,sm). Given that pw = c, the retailer will choose p and
s to maximise [p – c – Φ(s)]D(p,s), which is the same as the maximisation
problem of the integrated structure. So the retailer chooses pm and sm and
makes profit A. Hence the first-best outcome is attained.
Chapter 8: Vertical relations
99 Industrial economics
Rey and Stiglitz (1995), that involves the use of exclusive territories. There
are two manufacturers, producing a differentiated product. Final demand
for good 1 within any given territory is given by q = 1 – p + bp , while
1 1 2
final demand for good 2 is q2 = 1 – p2 + bp1, where 0 < b < 1 – so that
the own-price effect on demand is stronger than the effect of the rival’s
price. Assume, for simplicity, that the production cost is zero. The products
are distributed through retailers. Assume zero retail costs.
Consider first the case where there are no exclusive territories. In any given
territory, good 1 is distributed by a large number of retailers who all
compete with each other. Assume, for simplicity, that there is no spatial
differentiation between retailers (consumers have zero travel costs), so the
retail price of good 1 is driven down to w1, which is the price at which the
manufacturer of good 1 sells it to retailers. Thus p1 = w1. Similarly for
good 2: p2 = w2. In this case the retailers make no profits. The
manufacturers’ profits in any given territory are Π1 = w1(1 – w1 + bw2)
and Π2 = w2 (1 – w2 + bw1). The two manufacturers move simultaneously.
Manufacturer i chooses wi to maximise Πi taking wj as given, where i = 1,
2, j ≠ i. Solving the system of the two first-order conditions and also
substituting into the profit functions, we obtain equilibrium prices and
profits w1* = w2* = p1* = p2* = 1/(2 – b), Π1* = Π2* = 1/(2 – b)2
(check these results). Everything is as if the manufacturers sold directly
to consumers.
Consider now the case where each manufacturer grants exclusive territories
to the retailers carrying his product. Hence intra-brand competition is
eliminated. The only competition now is between good 1 and good 2 in any
given territory. Take two competing retailers, one selling good 1, the other
selling good 2. Their profit functions are respectively (p1– w1)(1 – p1 +
bp2) and (p2 – w2)(1 – p2 + bp1), where w1 and w2 have already been set
by the manufacturers and are taken as given by the retailers. The two
retailers move simultaneously. Retailer i chooses pi to maximise his profit
taking pj as given, where i = 1, 2, j ≠ i. Solving the system of the two first-
order conditions, we obtain equilibrium prices pi = (2 + b + 2wi +
bwj)/(4 – b ), with corresponding quantities qi = (2 + b – 2wi + b2wi +
2 R
Chapter 8: Vertical relations
Go through the computations in the above model. In particular, derive the expressions
^ i, where i = 1, 2.
^ i and Π
for piR, qiR, piRqiR, w
Are the profits Π1 and Π2 higher than those made by the manufacturers in
the absence of exclusive territories, that is Π1* and Π2*? It can be easily
verified that ^
Π i > Πi* ⇔ b3(4 – 3b) > 0, which is always true for b∈(0,1),
i = 1,2 (check). It can also be checked that the quantities produced are
lower than those produced without exclusive territories – which were
already lower than the socially optimal ones, given for w1 = w2 = 0. So
total welfare decreases.
In this model, then, exclusive territories restrict competition between
manufacturers. The model can be extended in two ways: (1) retailer i may
not be able to observe w , or (2) fixed fees cannot be used, say because of
arbitrage. In both cases the basic results carry through if b is high enough
(i.e. if the products are close substitutes).
99 Industrial economics
The MMC concluded that the vertical restraints were likely to have both an
efficiency effect and a market power effect. Overall, the MMC concluded
that profits of manufacturers and dealers did not appear excessive – and
that while prices were sometimes higher than in Europe, this could not be
attributed to the vertical restraints.
The main arguments for and against vertical restraints in the new car
market can be summarised as follows:
• The system of exclusive territories, combined with the restrictions on
sales outside the designated territory, restricts intra-brand competition.
It also prevents efficient dealers from expanding.
• On the other hand, this system encourages dealer investment and
provision of services.
• Exclusive dealing prevents consumers from directly comparing
competing makes, so it reduces inter-brand competition.
• On the other hand, since search costs are low relative to the cost of a
new car, consumers may visit many showrooms to make comparisons.
Also, economies of scope from retailing different makes may be
limited by the fact that the dealers also provide after-sale services.
• There is an efficiency gain from exclusive dealing in that dealers
concentrate more effectively on selling the particular make; this
indirectly promotes inter-brand competition.
Note that the MMC seemed to be less concerned with the effects of vertical
restraints on manufacturers’ incentives and competition between
manufacturers than with the effects on dealers’ incentives and competition.
Accordingly, the main objective of the MMC’s recommendations was to
increase competition between dealers. In particular, the MMC
recommended that the system of exclusive territories and that of exclusive
dealing both stay in place, but a number of ancillary restrictions be
eliminated, namely the restriction on advertising outside the designated
territories, the restriction on the selling of competing makes within or
outside the territory, and the restriction on the volume of cars a dealer may
Nearly 10 years later, the UK car market was again subject to an
investigation by the Competition Commission, the successor of the MMC.
The Commission found that car prices in the UK had been about 10 per
cent higher than in Germany, France and Italy for similar makes and
models. It concluded that the main cause was the restrictive distribution
system operated by car manufacturers through their dealer networks. It
therefore recommended several changes in the system of car distribution,
most of which were accepted by the UK government. These included:
• prohibiting suppliers from discriminating in pricing between fleet
buyers and private buyers
• allowing dealers to advertise car prices other than recommended retail
prices for new cars
• prohibiting car manufacturers from refusing to sell cars to dealers who
sell below recommended prices, and
• ensuring that dealers can take advantage of cheaper prices of cars by
importing from other European countries without restrictions.
The report did not, however, recommend abolition of the selective and
exclusive distribution system operated by car manufacturers, since this was
at the time allowed by the European Union. In 2002 the EU system was
modified. See also Activity 3 below.
Chapter 8: Vertical relations
1. A manufacturer produces a homogeneous good at constant unit cost c and sells
to a single retailer at price w. The retailer resells the good to final consumers at
price p. No services are provided. Explain why in this setup ‘double
marginalisation’ will create an inefficiency for the firms and will also be welfare-
reducing for consumers. Describe how double marginalisation can be eliminated.
2. Explain what are the ‘vertical’ and ‘horizontal’ externalities in a relationship
between a manufacturer and retailers.
3. Compare and contrast the two official reports on the UK car market and their
conclusions. How can one explain the differences in the conclusions of the
reports? If you were trying to defend the practices of the car manufacturers at
the time of the 2000 investigation, what would your arguments be? Perhaps you
would highlight some consumer benefits from the vertical restraints and the
potential harm in case they were abolished. Or you might put forward alternative
explanations for the price differentials between European countries.
In order to ‘decide’ the case, you will need to know more about the European car
market and about EU policy toward the car industry. There are several studies on
price discrimination in the European car market, including some available on the
internet. Moreover, until 2002 the car industry in the EU was allowed to operate
a selective and exclusive distribution system: each manufacturer could select
authorised dealers and grant them territorial exclusivity. The system was modified
in 2002: manufacturers may now impose either selectivity or exclusivity, but not
both. The UK, as part of the EU, has been affected by this legislation. The website
of the European Commission has a page on competition issues in the car
industry, with numerous links to various sources of information, including
regulations, news, reports and economic research:
99 Industrial economics
Chapter 9: The determinants of market structure
Essential reading
Sutton, J. Sunk Costs and Market Structure. Various chapters.
Sutton, J. ‘Market Structure: Theory and Evidence’, in Armstrong, M. and R.
Porter (eds) Handbook of Industrial Organization, volume 3. (Amsterdam:
North-Holland, 2007) Working paper version available at:
Further reading
Cabral, L. Introduction to Industrial Organization. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
2000). Chapters 9 and 14.
Carlton, D.W. and J.M. Perloff Modern Industrial Organization. (Pearson
Addison Wesley, 2005). Chapter 8.
Martin, S. Industrial Economics. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1994).
Chapter 8.
Scherer, F.M. and D. Ross Industrial Market Structure and Economic
Performance. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990). Chapters 3–4.
Symeonidis, G. The Effects of Competition. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002).
Sutton, J. ‘Technology and Market Structure’, European Economic Review
(1996) 40, pp.511–530.
Symeonidis, G. ‘Price Competition and Market Structure: The Impact of Cartel
Policy on Concentration in the UK’, Journal of Industrial Economics (2000)
48(1), pp.1–26.
This chapter examines the theory and empirical evidence on the
determinants of market structure. It attempts to shed some light on
questions like:
• why are some industries more concentrated than others?
• what is the link between competition and concentration, and between
technology and concentration?
99 Industrial economics
Basic concepts
Sutton (1991, 1996, 2007) has proposed and developed the bounds
approach to market structure and has produced many of the theoretical
and empirical results discussed in this chapter. A basic distinction in his
analysis of market structure is between exogenous sunk cost
industries and endogenous sunk cost industries.
Chapter 9: The determinants of market structure
In exogenous sunk cost industries, the only significant sunk costs are the
costs of setting up a plant of minimum efficient scale, and these are
exogenously determined by technology. You should see the notion of an
exogenous sunk cost industry as a useful approximation which captures
two things. First, the fact that firms must operate at a level close to
minimum efficient scale in order to be able to compete; it is for this reason
that setup costs are said to be exogenously determined by technology.
Second, the fact that in many industries there is limited scope for
advertising or Research and Development (R&D), that is for investment
that enhances brand image or product quality or reduces marginal cost.
Thus this category comprises both homogeneous good industries and
industries characterised by horizontal product differentiation (including
spatial differentiation).
In endogenous sunk cost industries, on the other hand, there are, in
addition to the exogenously determined sunk cost of entry, endogenous
sunk costs, such as advertising or R&D. These costs are fixed, they are sunk
before any price decisions are taken by the firms, and they are endogenous
because they can vary depending on each firm’s own decisions. This
category comprises industries characterised by vertical product
differentiation as well as homogeneous good industries in which there is
scope for cost-reducing R&D.
The notion that certain costs are sunk is closely linked to the distinction
between ‘long run’ and ‘short run’. Entry, advertising, or R&D are long-run
choices, while pricing behaviour is a short-run decision. This provides a
way of unravelling the two-way link between firm conduct and market
structure. In the short run, structure is given and we analyse short-run
conduct (i.e. pricing behaviour). In the long run, structure is not given and
we analyse long-run choices and the determination of structure. Thus:
• in exogenous sunk cost industries, competition can be modelled as a
two-stage game: entry at an exogenously fixed sunk cost, then
competition in prices or quantities
• in endogenous sunk cost industries, competition can be modelled as a
three-stage game: entry at an exogenously fixed sunk cost, then
decision to spend on advertising or R&D, then competition in prices or
99 Industrial economics
increase in t
Figure 9.1
The intuition for these results is easy to see. Take, for instance dN*/dS > 0.
As S increases, given N, Π rises. So starting from an equilibrium of the
two-stage game where each firm makes zero net profit, we now have Πi >
f. Hence entry will occur, which will cause Πi to fall (since ∂Πi/∂N < 0),
until we have again Πi = f. At the new equilibrium N* will be larger. The
intuition is similar for dN*/dt < 0 and dN*/df < 0.
As mentioned in Chapter 3 of this guide, the Cournot model can be interpreted as
representing less intense competition than the Bertrand model in games where firms do
not make any long-run decisions other than the decision to enter the market or not. The
present analysis predicts therefore that the equilibrium number of firms N* in a two-
stage game with free entry at cost f > 0 at stage 1 will be smaller under price-setting
than under quantity-setting at stage 2. Prove this for the case where demand is given by
q = a – p and all firms have the same constant marginal cost c.
If stage 2 competition is in quantities, you already know from Activity 2 in Chapter 3 that
stage 2 equilibrium profit is Π = (a – c)/(N + 1) . With free entry at stage 1, we get Π =
(a – c) /(N + 1) = f, which can be solved for N to give N* = [(a – c)/f1/2] – 1. So, in
2 2
general, we have N* > 1 when firms set quantities.3 If stage 2 competition is in prices, 3
N* cannot take any values less
then there are two possibilities for the second stage. Either only one firm has entered at than 1, since this does not make
stage 1, in which case it makes monopoly profit ΠM at stage 2, or more than one firm sense. And it is equal to 1 only
have entered, in which case each of them makes zero profit at stage 2. Now go back to in a very special case.
stage 1. If only one firm enters at stage 1, it makes overall (net) profit ΠM – f, while if
more firms enter, each of them makes negative overall profit – f. So there exists no
subgame-perfect equilibrium of the two-stage price-setting game with more than one
firms entering; the only subgame-perfect equilibrium outcome is N* = 1.
Chapter 9: The determinants of market structure
most fragmented equilibrium is the one where each firm produces one
variety (operates in one location), while various more concentrated
equilibria, symmetric or asymmetric, can occur if firms produce more than
one variety (operate in more than one location). This is illustrated in Figure
9.2. Thus there is a lower bound to concentration which declines
indefinitely with the ratio of market size to setup cost S/f and rises with the
intensity of price competition t. The actual level of concentration can be
anywhere above the bound.
increase in t
Figure 9.2
Whether we will get a more fragmented or a more concentrated structure
for given values of S, f and t depends on various factors, including chance.
For instance, economies of scope in setup costs favour more concentrated
equilibria. Also, strategic asymmetries such as first-mover advantages
favour more concentrated equilibria (recall our discussion of brand
The positive effect of the intensity of price competition on market
concentration that emerges from the theory of market structure has
important implications. Traditionally economists have regarded
concentrated markets as markets where firms make high profits at the
expense of consumers: high concentration was thought to imply a low
degree of competition and high profits. This view is not incorrect, but it
relies on assuming that incumbent firms can deter the entry of potential
rivals. With free (although not costless) entry, profits will be relatively low
and tougher competition among firms will tend to increase the level of
concentration in a market.
99 Industrial economics
It can be shown that for a broad class of models – robust to strategic profit, for given N and Ai.
Figure 9.3
The intuition is as follows. If S is below a threshold market size,
advertising/R&D is not profitable since the gross profit generated is not
enough to cover the fixed cost Ai. So minimum concentration declines as S
increases. For S above the threshold, advertising/R&D begins and the above
results apply. The reason we get these results is that as S increases, firms
have an incentive to spend more on advertising/R&D. Consider the free
entry condition Πi = f + Ai. As S increases, Πi rises, but at the same time Ai
rises as well. If the right-hand side increases by more (less) than the left-
hand side, given the initial number of firms N, then N must fall (rise) to re-
establish the equality Πi = f + Ai. In either case, the escalation of
advertising/R&D spending prevents the emergence of a fragmented
industry structure.
There are some further results for R&D-intensive industries in particular. In
these industries there is a trade-off between spending on R&D to enhance
the quality of an existing product and spending to develop a new product.
Whether firms opt for one or the other of these strategies depends to a
large extent on:
• The cost of achieving quality improvements on an existing product (a
technological characteristic) and the consumers’ willingness to pay for
these improvements (a demand characteristic). These determine the
returns from spending to enhance technical performance or quality.
Chapter 9: The determinants of market structure
Empirical evidence
The empirical evidence comes both from cross-industry studies and from
case studies of particular industries. We focus here on cross-industry results.
Symeonidis (2000, 2002) provides evidence on the price competition effect
on concentration. There was a major shift in UK competition policy in the
late 1950s, which led to the abandonment of price-fixing agreements
between firms. It is therefore possible to compare the group of industries
affected by the legal changes, which experienced an increase in the
intensity of price competition, with a ‘control’ group of industries in which
no restrictive agreements had existed. The econometric analysis suggests a
strong positive effect of price competition on concentration both in
exogenous and in endogenous sunk cost industries. For instance, the
change in the competition regime caused the five-firm concentration ratio
to increase, on average, by five to six percentage points in exogenous sunk
cost industries. What probably happened is that as t increased, Π fell, so
firms, or less efficient firms, could no longer cover their fixed costs. Hence
there was exit and mergers until the fall in N* caused Πi to rise sufficiently
to cover fixed costs.
High market concentration has traditionally been seen by policy makers as
a cause of concern, since it has been thought to facilitate the abuse of
market power by firms. An interesting policy implication of the results in
Symeonidis (2000, 2002) is that, under free entry and exit, higher
concentration need not be associated with less price competition; the
opposite may sometimes be the case, as more intense competition reduces
profit margins and the number of firms that can survive in an industry. So
competition policy authorities should perhaps be less concerned with
concentration than with ensuring that competition between firms is
‘effective’, that is, firms do not collude or otherwise abuse their market
power and there are no barriers to entry.
Sutton (1991) provides evidence on the market size–concentration
relationship using cross-section data on 20 food and drink industries for six
countries. Six of the industries were exogenous sunk cost industries (H)
and 14 were advertising-intensive (A). Sutton applies two types of
econometric tests.
The first test is to estimate the lower bound to concentration separately for
the two groups of industries, using non-standard econometrics. The
estimates imply that as S/f → ∞, the four-firm concentration ratio C4
approaches 19 per cent for the A group (non-convergence) and six per cent
99 Industrial economics
for the H group (convergence). Also, the estimated lower bound for the A
group is not just an upward shift of the bound for the H group, which
supports the view that advertising is an endogenous sunk cost, in contrast
with the older view of advertising as an exogenous barrier to entry.
The second test is to run a standard regression of C4 on ln(S/f) separately
for the two groups of industries. The theory predicts a negative relationship
for the H group and no clear relationship for the A group. This is confirmed
See Sutton (1991), Chapter 5,
by the empirical results.5
for details.
Sutton (1996) presents empirical results on R&D-intensive industries. He
tests the following theoretical prediction: as the number of ‘technological
trajectories’ within an industry rises, suggesting that product proliferation
increasingly dominates product enhancement, the lower bound to
concentration is expected to decline. Using data on US industries with
R&D-sales ratio higher than four per cent, Sutton obtains results that 6
Sutton’s more recent work has
confirm the theory.6
addressed issues such as the size
The bounds approach to market structure has implications for competition distribution of firms in an industry
policy. It suggests that there are constraints in the use of merger and anti- and market share dynamics.
trust policies. In particular, one cannot use such policies to try to impose a
market structure below the lower bound, as this is not sustainable. On the
other hand, merger and antitrust policies can be used above the lower
bound to influence the level of concentration in an industry.
1. The competition law in the country of Wonderland prohibits all mergers that
result in a single firm having more than 75 per cent of any market. Do you think
the law makes sense? Why or why not? What would your advice be to a new
government that proposes to make changes to the law?
2. The photographic film industry and the instrument industry are both
technologically progressive, with high levels of R&D intensity. However, the
former is much more concentrated than the latter. Do you think that this
difference can be explained on the basis of technological and demand
characteristics of these industries?
3. Sutton (2007) writes: ‘One reason for [the] continuing interest in market
structure is that this is one of the few areas in economics where we encounter
strong and sharp empirical regularities arising over a cross-section of industries.
That such regularities appear in spite of the fact than every industry has many
idiosyncratic features suggests that they are moulded by some highly robust
competitive mechanisms.’
What are the empirical regularities and the robust mechanisms Sutton refers to?
Do you agree with his statement above? What are, on the other hand, the
factors behind the idiosyncratic features of every industry and how important are
they? You will need to read both the theory on the determinants of market
structure and (especially) some of the empirical evidence, which is of two kinds:
econometric studies that focus on the general mechanisms, and case studies that
sometimes provide additional evidence on the working of these mechanisms and
sometimes shed light on particular features of every industry.
Studies by Sutton himself and by Symeonidis are good starting points, as is the
work of B. Lyons, S. Davies, C. Matraves and others on economic integration and
industrial market structure in the European Union. Recent empirical papers on
market structure include Ellickson’s ‘Does Sutton Apply to Supermarkets?’ and
Berry’s and Waldfogel’s ‘Product Quality and Market Size’. You can also find
reviews of Sutton’s two books Sunk Costs and Market Structure and Technology
and Market Structure by well-known economists such as T. Bresnahan, R.
Schmalensee, F.M. Scherer and others.
Chapter 9: The determinants of market structure
Chapter 10: Competition and industrial policy
Essential reading
Church, J.R. and R. Ware, Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach.
Various chapters.
Further reading
Carlton, D.W. and J.M. Perloff Modern Industrial Organization. (Pearson
Addison Wesley, 2005).
Geroski, P. ‘Markets for Technology: Knowledge, Innovation and
Appropriability’, in Stoneman, P. (ed) Handbook of the Economics of
Innovation and Technological Change. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1995).
Kwoka, J.E. and L.J. White (eds) The Antitrust Revolution: Economics,
Competition, and Policy. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004). Also the
companion website:
Martin, S. Industrial Economics. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1994)
second edition.
Mowery, D. ‘The Practice of Technology Policy’, in Stoneman, P. (ed) Handbook
of the Economics of Innovation and Technological Change. (Oxford:
Blackwell, 1995).
Scherer, F.M. and D. Ross Industrial Market Structure and Economic
Performance. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1990).
Whinston, M. ‘Antitrust Policy Toward Horizontal Mergers’, in Armstrong, M.
and R. Porter (eds), Handbook of Industrial Organization, volume 3.
(Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2007).
Carlton, D.W. ‘Does Antitrust Need To Be Modernized?’, Journal of Economic
Perspectives (2007) 21(3), pp.155–176.
Hall, B.H. ‘The Assessment: Technology Policy’, Oxford Review of Economic
Policy (2002) 18(1), pp.1–9 (special issue: Technology Policy).
99 Industrial economics
Government policy towards industry is necessary because firms may behave
in ways that reduce social welfare or may be prevented from behaving in
ways that would benefit society. Government policies fall into various
categories. Broadly, the role of competition policy – or antitrust
policy, as it is called in the US – is to design and enforce a set of rules
which ensure that competition is ‘effective’, in other words competing firms
behave in a way that results in the best possible allocation of resources. The
objective is to improve efficiency, which of course here refers to society as a
whole – so the appropriate measure is the sum of producers’ and
consumers’ surplus. Much of industrial policy is concerned with
promoting the best possible intertemporal allocation of resources, through
the provision of incentives to firms to undertake appropriate investments in
circumstances where market imperfections prevent them from doing so.
Regulation is the subject of the next chapter.
This chapter is an introduction to competition policy and industrial policy
towards R&D, with an emphasis on the economic issues rather than on the
legislative and institutional frameworks in different countries. You should
consult the readings given above for more details on how these policies are
operated in various countries. In the case of competition policy, these
readings also contain extensive discussion of particular cases; going
through these cases is essential for appreciating the complexities involved
in the design and implementation of competition policy.1 1
Especially good in this respect
are Carlton and Perloff (2005),
Church and Ware (2000), Kwoka
Competition policy: objectives and difficulties in design
and White (2004), Martin (1994)
and implementation and Scherer and Ross (1990).
The principal goal of competition policy is to set rules for competition
between firms so as to achieve improved market efficiency. There are,
however, three distinct aspects of efficiency. The first is static allocative
efficiency. Thus a central concern of competition policy authorities is the
extent to which firms can exercise market power by pricing above marginal
cost; this is because, as is well known, pricing above marginal cost results
in a ‘deadweight loss’ for society. The second aspect is static productive
efficiency (i.e. the internal efficiency of firms). And the third aspect is
dynamic efficiency, allocative or productive.
There are several reasons why the design and implementation of
competition policy are far from straightforward.
• Firm conduct which may improve one aspect of efficiency may also
worsen another. For example, a horizontal merger between two firms
may result in higher price-cost margins, which is bad for static allocative
efficiency, but it may also lead to lower current costs, which is good for
productive efficiency, or lower future costs or better products through
increased investment in R&D, which is good for dynamic efficiency.
• In many cases, the effect of a particular business practice on welfare
may not be clear, even when only one aspect of efficiency, say static
allocative efficiency, is considered. Recall, for instance, our discussion
of the welfare effects of price discrimination and vertical restraints in
previous chapters of this guide.
• Some practices, such as tacit collusion, are difficult to detect, thus
making the implementation of policy difficult even in cases where the
welfare implications of firm conduct are thought to be relatively
Chapter 10: Competition and industrial policy
99 Industrial economics
Merger policy
With merger policy the competition authorities can influence market
structure in particular industries by preventing certain mergers between
firms from taking place. The rationale for merger policy is that a
consequence of many mergers is the creation of additional market power.
In the case of horizontal mergers, the primary concern is the rise in market
share. In the case of vertical mergers, the primary concern is the possibility
that vertical integration hinders the access of non-integrated firms to
outlets or sources of supply. However, a large number of mergers do not
have any significant effect on competition. Moreover, even a merger which
creates more market power can have countervailing benefits, such as
current or future efficiency gains. Finally, some mergers that lead to a more
concentrated industry structure are made necessary by exogenous market
forces, such as a decline in demand or the intensification of competition
caused by stricter competition law or economic integration.
To ensure that competition authorities are not occupied with mergers that
have no significant effect on competition, competition laws typically specify
criteria that a merger must satisfy in order for it to be contestable. In
particular, a merger would be contestable if the level of concentration
and/or market shares after the merger are higher than specified thresholds.
For mergers that are in principle contestable, the next step is to examine
what are the likely effects on competition. This involves assessing the
market power of the firms involved as well as changes in market power
brought about by the merger. In the case of horizontal mergers, the primary
concern is the rise in market share and in industry concentration. In the
case of vertical mergers, the primary concern is the possibility that vertical
integration hinders the access of non-integrated firms to outlets or sources
of supply.
Then, for mergers that are thought to involve market power issues, the
competition authorities must examine whether the merger should be
allowed despite its effect on competition. This can be justified if customers
in the industry under question have significant ‘buyer power’. Or it can be
justified on efficiency grounds, if, for instance, the merger is thought to
result in lower average costs, better management, improved R&D
capabilities, alleviation of the double marginalisation problem (in the case
of a vertical merger), or some other efficiency gain. In practice, both in the
US and in the EU, there has been a certain reluctance to clear mergers on
efficiency grounds, and several European countries which had favoured the
creation of ‘national champions’ during the 1960s and 1970s have since
adopted a tougher attitude towards mergers. Note, finally, that mergers
may often be made necessary by changes in market conditions influencing
market structure. So, for instance, under the US and EU legislations a
merger can be allowed if it can be shown that one of the firms will
otherwise go out of business.
Chapter 10: Competition and industrial policy
There are also some exceptions, the most important of which concerns
agreements to co-operate in research and development.2 In the EU, some 2
See the section on policy toward
agreements for co-operative joint ventures in the production and R&D for a discussion of research
distribution of goods have also been allowed on efficiency grounds. In some joint ventures.
countries, such as Germany or Japan, cartels that have the purpose of
reducing capacity in declining industries have been allowed.
The main difficulty regarding horizontal restrictive practices is detection. As
was explained in Chapter 4 of this guide, it is not easy to distinguish
between collusive and non-collusive behaviour on the basis of the data
typically available to competition authorities. For instance, parallel pricing –
the similarity of prices and price changes – is not sufficient for concluding
that collusion exists. As a response to the detection problem, competition
authorities have also focused on secondary agreements that may facilitate
collusion, such as agreements between firms to exchange information on
prices, costs, etc. However, information exchanges may also improve the
knowledge of market conditions and thus promote competition. A
distinction sometimes applied is between exchanges of individual firm data
and dissemination of aggregate industry data; only the former are
suspected of being used to sustain collusion.
99 Industrial economics
Chapter 10: Competition and industrial policy
Government subsidies
Government financing of R&D performed by individual firms is an obvious
way to attempt to increase total R&D expenditure. Government subsidies
can be horizontal, for instance implemented as tax allowances based on a
firm’s total R&D spending. The USA, Japan and other countries have such
schemes. Or they can be more selective, for instance being given as grants
and targeted towards particular sectors, technologies or projects. Most
countries as well as the EU use such grants. Horizontal subsidies have some
99 Industrial economics
drawbacks, for example they may fail to have much effect on firms’ R&D
decisions or they may encourage firms to undertake projects with limited
value. On the other hand, a problem with selective financing of R&D is that
governments may have less good information than firms on the likelihood
of making a discovery or on its value. Note that to assess the effectiveness
of R&D subsidies and grants one must examine whether any additional
R&D performed as a result of these policies more than compensates for the
public revenues lost. As with co-operative research agreements, the
empirical evidence on this issue is not conclusive.
1. Suppose you are asked to assess the likely effects of a proposed horizontal
merger in a particular industry. What are the things you would look at and how
would each of these help you make your assessment?
2. Suppose you are asked to examine whether a firm that has exclusive dealing
agreements with its distributors is guilty of abusing market power. What are the
things you would look at and how would each of these inform your
3. The case studies included in Kwoka and White (2004) are strongly recommended
reading if you wish to obtain a better understanding of competition policy issues.
If access to this book is difficult, you can use the companion website:
This website contains more than 20 US antitrust policy case studies from
previous editions of the book, many of them written by well-known economists.
They cover horizontal mergers, collusion, strategic entry deterrence, horizontal
anti-competitive practices, vertical integration and vertical restraints. The authors
provide not only the facts and the outcome for each case, but also an economic
analysis and an assessment. Read critically the arguments for and against, and
assess the decision of the court and the author’s conclusions.
Chapter 11: Regulation
Essential reading
Armstrong, M., S. Cowan and J. Vickers Regulatory Reform. Chapters 1–6 and
Church, J.R. and R. Ware Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach.
Chapters 24 and 26.
Further reading
Armstrong, M., S. Cowan and J. Vickers Regulatory Reform. (Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press, 1994). Chapters 7–10.
Braeutigam, R.R. ‘Optimal Policies for Natural Monopolies’, in Schmalensee, R.
and R. Willig (eds) Handbook of Industrial Organization, volume 2.
(Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1989).
Carlton, D.W. and J.M. Perloff Modern Industrial Organization. (Pearson
Addison Wesley, 2005). Chapter 20.
Church, J.R. and R. Ware Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach. (Irwin
McGraw-Hill, 2000) Chapter 25.
Joskow P.L. and N.L. Rose ‘The Effects of Economic Regulation’, in
Schmalensee, R. and R. Willig (eds) Handbook of Industrial Organization,
volume 2. (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1989).
Armstrong, M. and D.E.M. Sappington ‘Regulation, Competition, and
Liberalization’, Journal of Economic Literature (2006) 44(2), pp.325–366.
Helm, D. and T. Jenkinson ‘The Assessment: Introducing Competition into
Regulated Industries’, Oxford Review of Economic Policy (1997) 13, pp.1–14
(special issue: Competition in Regulated Industries).
Vickers, J. ‘Regulation, Competition, and the Structure of Prices’ Oxford Review
of Economic Policy (1997) 13, pp.15–26 (special issue: Competition in
Regulated Industries).
In some industries effective competition is difficult or impossible since firms
possess a lot of market power and are likely to abuse it. In such cases the
direct regulation of firms becomes necessary. This is typically the case in
industries with ‘natural monopoly’ elements, that is industries whose
technological characteristics are such that average industry cost is
99 Industrial economics
minimised when a single firm serves the whole market. The utilities are
examples of industries which combine naturally monopolistic activities,
such as transmission networks, with potentially competitive activities, such
as the provision of services over the networks. These industries pose two
sets of questions, namely what is the best industry structure and what is the
best way to regulate firm behaviour.
In many cases these questions have been posed during the process of
privatisation of previously state-owned monopolies. While privatisation may
often improve the productive efficiency of firms, it may also worsen
allocative efficiency; hence the need for public policy following the
privatisation of a monopoly. This can take the form of liberalisation: the
removal of restrictions on competition such as restrictions on entry. Or it
can involve the restructuring of the industry: the breaking up of the
monopoly. Or it can involve the regulation of firm conduct. Or, finally, it can
be a combination of these. This chapter examines some of the theory and
practice of regulation as well as the links between liberalisation and
qA q
Figure 11.1
Since the AC curve is everywhere declining under increasing returns to
scale, the firm will produce exactly quantity q : if it produces less it will
make losses, while if it produces more it will not be able to sell the extra
Chapter 11: Regulation
quantity. Why is this optimal under the circumstances? For one thing, the
price cannot be lower than pA, since the firm will then not be able to sell a
sufficient quantity to achieve p = AC and will therefore make a loss. If, on
the other hand, the price is set by the regulator higher than pA, the
(possibly weighted) sum of producer and consumer surplus clearly
decreases. Note that, since AC > MC at price pA, we have p > MC; so
average cost pricing results in some allocative inefficiency.
An even better solution is a two-part tariff – a pricing schedule of the form
T(q) = A + pq. This is in fact fully efficient when all consumers are
identical, so that they can be regarded as a single consumer with a surplus
function (gross of any fixed fee) V(p). Suppose that the regulator chooses a
price p and a fixed fee A to maximise the sum of consumer surplus and
profit, namely W = [V(p) – A] + [A + pq(p) – C(q(p))], subject to a
consumer participation constraint V(p) – A ≥ 0 and a firm breakeven
constraint A + pq(p) – C(q(p)) ≥ 0. It turns out that price should be set at
the level given by the intersection of the demand curve with the marginal
cost curve, where p = MC and the market clears. In addition, the fixed fee
A should be set at a level such that both constraints are satisfied.1 1
When the objective function of
the regulator is a weighted sum
Activity of producer and consumer
Prove this result. surplus with more weight put on
consumer surplus, A should be
Answer set to just allow the firm to break
Ignore for the moment the two constraints and maximise W with respect to p, noting even and price should again be
that ∂V(p)/∂p = –q(p). The first-order condition implies p = ∂C(q)/∂q. Provided that equal to marginal cost. The
V(p) ≥ pq(p) – C(q(p)), A can then be chosen so that both constraints are satisfied. reason is that the problem then
reduces to simply choosing price
When consumers are not identical, a two-part tariff can again be used to to maximise consumer surplus
improve welfare relative to a uniform price, but it will not achieve full subject to the firm making zero
efficiency since it will involve a price higher than marginal cost.2 However, profit.
welfare could be improved through more general nonlinear pricing 2
Compare with the analysis of
schemes, such as different packages directed to different consumer types. second degree price
We have assumed so far that the monopolist produces a single product. discrimination in Chapter 7 of
What about the case of a multiproduct monopolist? Note that this guide.
‘multiproduct’ may also refer here to a single product sold to different 3
The definition of a natural
classes of consumers, or in different areas, on in different periods. Marginal monopoly has to do with the
cost pricing will again result in the firm making losses if it is a natural technological characteristics of an
monopoly.3 Therefore one solution is ‘Ramsey pricing’, that is the set of industry, and is distinct from the
linear prices that maximise the weighted sum of consumer surplus and question of whether an actual
profit subject to the firm breaking even. In the special case of independent monopoly exists in the industry.
demands for the products, Ramsey pricing gives (pi – ∂C/∂qi)/pi = λ/εi, ∀i, See Armstrong et al. (1994),
where εi is the elasticity of demand for product i and λ is chosen so that the pp.49–50, for a formal definition.
firm makes zero profit. An even better solution is to use nonlinear pricing.
In the case of a single product sold during different periods, some with a
higher demand than others, an additional problem is that capacity may be 4
See Armstrong et al. (1994),
costly to adjust over time, so there is a trade-off between excess capacity pp.51–58, and Church and Ware
during off-peak times and rationing during peak times.4 In practice, Ramsey (2000), for details on these
pricing is not often used, for a number of reasons, including the regulators’ schemes.
imperfect information about demand elasticities and the political
unacceptability of price discrimination in the utility industries driven by
differences in demand or service costs.
99 Industrial economics
Chapter 11: Regulation
At stage 2, the firm observes this rule and chooses e to maximise its
objective function.
Suppose the objective of the regulator is to choose p and ρ to minimise
expected total expenditure on the product,
_ _
E[p(c)] = p + (1 – ρ)E(c) = p + (1 – ρ)(μ – e),
subject to the participation constraint E(Π) – (γ/2)var(Π) ≥ Π , where Π is
0 0
the (non-random) reservation ‘utility’ level of the firm (if Π0 = 0, this
reduces to a form of breakeven constraint). Note that minimising total
expenditure is here equivalent to maximising consumer surplus, since
quantity is fixed and equal to 1.
We start with the firm’s action at stage 2 of the game. Its profit (i.e.
revenue minus production cost minus the cost of effort) is
_ 2 _ 2
p + (1 – ρ)(θ – e) – (θ – e) – e /2 = p – ρ(θ – e) – e /2.
Hence its expected utility is
_ 2 2 2 _
E(Π) – (γ/2)var(Π) = p – ρ(μ – e) – e /2 – γρ σ /2.8 8
Note that var(Π) = var[p - ρ(θ
_ - e) - e2/2 ] = var(-ρθ) = ρ2σ2.
The firm chooses e to maximise this, taking p and ρ as given. The first-
order condition gives e* = ρ.
Now we go back to the regulator’s decision at_stage 1. Since_the regulator
anticipates that e* = ρ, he will choose ρ and_ p to minimise p + (1 – ρ)(μ –
ρ) subject to the participation constraint p – ρ(μ – ρ) – ρ2/2 – γρ2σ2/2 ≥ Π .
Clearly, whatever the optimal value of ρ, total expenditure minimisation
implies that p will be set at the lowest level that allows the firm to make at
least utility Π0. In other words, it will be set so that the firm makes exactly _
Π0 and hence the participation constraint holds with equality. Substituting p
from the participation constraint (with equality) into the regulator’s objective
function, the problem simplifies to choosing the value of ρ that minimises
2 2 2
Π0 + ρ(μ – ρ) + ρ /2 + γρ σ /2 + (1 – ρ)(μ – ρ).
You can check that the first-order condition gives ρ* = 1/(1 + γσ ).
To summarise the main results of this model:
• The lower the value of ρ, the lower the effort level of the firm. This result
is independent of the values of γ and σ2. Thus price-cap regulation is
better for productive efficiency than rate of return regulation.
• If the firm is risk-neutral (γ = 0) or both the firm and the regulator
have perfect information about cost (σ = 0), then ρ* = 1, that is the
optimal scheme is pure price-cap regulation. The more risk averse the
firm or the higher the cost uncertainty, the more sensitive should the
regulated price be to cost. Thus price-cap regulation may be
problematic if there is significant cost uncertainty.
Finally, what does this model say about the trade-off between allocative and
productive efficiency? Note that the assumption of perfectly inelastic
demand does not allow us to directly introduce the allocative efficiency issue
in this model. Nevertheless, this is introduced somewhat indirectly through
the risk aversion of the firm. For instance, think what would happen if the
regulator chose ρ* = 1 in the interest of productive efficiency even if γ and
σ2 were both positive. Then total expenditure would not be minimised
because p would have to be higher to ensure that the firm participates. By
reducing ρ* the regulator sacrifices some cost savings to improve the firm’s
insurance, and hence also improve allocative efficiency. When γ = 0 or σ2 =
0, this effect no longer operates, and so ρ* = 1 is optimal. In a more general
setting, demand would be elastic and the allocative issue would be directly
introduced. In this case, a value of ρ* between 0 and 1 would normally be
optimal even if γ or σ2 were equal to 0.
99 Industrial economics
Chapter 11: Regulation
Another problem is that the firm may underinvest because, when the
regulator next reviews the price, the investment will be sunk and the firm
may be prevented from capturing the returns from its investment.10 A
Compare with a similar
solution to this problem may be to give the firm a ‘fair’ return on all ‘useful’ situation in Chapter 1 of this
investments. This can be explicitly specified as a right of the firm or left to guide.
be implicitly enforced by the fact that the regulator will want to build a
reputation of being fair.
Finally, you should bear in mind that regulators are not necessarily the
benevolent agents we have so far assumed them to be. Rather than
maximising social welfare, they may act in the interest of incumbent firms
in the regulated industry (which, in turn, may engage in wasteful
lobbying). To reduce the scope for ‘regulatory capture’, it is therefore
desirable to limit the regulators’ discretion.
99 Industrial economics
1. Consider the model of regulation of a single-product firm under asymmetric
information analysed above, but assume that the regulator’s objective is to
maximise profit minus total expenditure.
_ Show that this does not affect the
optimal choice of ρ and that p can be set anywhere between a lower bound (so
that a firm’s expected utility is at least Π0) and an upper bound (so that
consumers have non-negative expected utility).
2. Lump-sum transfers to firms are not generally used in regulation. Can you think
of any reasons why?
3. The deregulation of the Californian electricity sector in the 1990s has been the
subject of considerable criticism. How can we explain the experience of this
sector, including the much publicised crisis of 2000–2001? What are the lessons
to be learned? There is a large literature on this topic, including review articles by
P.L. Joskow in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 11, no. 3, 1997, and the
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, vol. 17, no. 3, 2001, and S. Borenstein in the
Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 16, no. 1, 2002. You can also search the
internet for more.
4. Not all regulated industries are natural monopolies. In fact, many are not, and
some would even appear to come close to the textbook example of perfect
competition! Take, for instance, taxi services. There are many buyers, many sellers,
and the cost of entry is low. Yet taxi services are regulated throughout the world.
Entry is restricted by limiting the number of licenses, and often prices are
regulated too. What could be the justification for this? Does regulation of taxi
services increase social welfare?
Chapter 11: Regulation
You may want to read two recent official reports about taxi service regulation in
the UK to find out more: The Regulation of Licensed Taxi and PHV Services in the
UK (2003) and Evaluating the Impact of the Taxi Market Study (2007). Both are
available online at the Office of Fair Trading website, together with additional
A lot more is available on the internet, both on entry regulations in general and
the taxi industry in particular, including a US Federal Trade Commission report on
taxicab regulation:
and numerous references to articles in academic journals.