Advanced Electric Drives Prof. S. P. Das Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institution of Technology, Kanpur Lecture - 40
Advanced Electric Drives Prof. S. P. Das Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institution of Technology, Kanpur Lecture - 40
Advanced Electric Drives Prof. S. P. Das Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institution of Technology, Kanpur Lecture - 40
Prof. S. P. Das
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institution of Technology, Kanpur
Lecture - 40
Hello, and welcome to this lecture on advanced elective drives. In the last lecture we
were discussing about the semi controlled converter fed dc traction motor. We are trying
to control a traction motor using semi controlled converter, and we know that this is
much better than having contractor based control. We do not have any mechanical
contractor. We can vary the armature voltage smoothly by controlling the triggering
angle alpha. Now if we use a semi controlled converter, what are the advantages, and
what are the drawbacks? Now let us look at the circuit diagram of a semi controlled
converter fed traction motors.
So, this is what we have here. We have a semi converter here; it is a semi controlled
converter or a half control converter, because we have two SCRs in this case and two
diodes, and we have two traction motors. These are the traction motors here, separately
excited traction motors; the armature is shown here. The field may be separately excited
from a different converter. So, in the control for the field we are assuming that the field
is kept constant. And here the output voltage in this case v naught can be written in the
following fashion.
The average output voltage is integral from alpha to pi; the output voltage will look like
this. It is basically the triggering angle is alpha, from alpha to pi we have the powering
region; from pi to pi plus alpha we have the freewheeling region. So, this is the output of
the semi controlled converter. And if we find out the average value of this average
voltage we obtain root 2 v by pi into 1 plus cos alpha where v is the RMS value of the
input voltage. Now if we see the current, the current which is drawn from the supply is
not a sinusoidal current. In fact, it is a quasi rectangular current. It has got some part a 0,
some part would be the dc current, i dc, and it looks like this. We have the current which
is a quasi rectangular current. This is i dc, and this part is 0. And then we have again
minus i d c and so on.
And what is i dc? I dc is the dc current here. So, when it is freewheeling, the
freewheeling can take place to the diode because we have a filter inducted here, and the
armatures are also having the inductances. So, the current can freewheel from pi to pi
plus alpha through the diodes. So, this is the freewheeling circuit or the freewheeling
path. And when it is freewheeling the v naught or the output voltage will be equal to 0;
and the output voltage is equal to 0 means the motor is disconnected from the supply.
When the motors are disconnected from the supply the input current or the supply
current will be equal to 0, and that is shown in the waveform here. We see in this case
that for this region from pi to pi plus alpha this is pi plus alpha here. It is 0, and then
when from pi plus alpha to 2 pi it is again minus i dc; it goes on like this.
And if we take the fundamental component of this current; this current, obviously, is not
a sine wave; this has got lot of harmonics. Now we need to find out the fundamental
component of this current and see what is the displacement factor or the displacement of
this current with respect to the source voltage; the triggering angle here is alpha. So, if
we find out the 4 year components and take the fundamental component, we see that the
fundamental component is lagging behind the voltage by alpha by 2, and that is the
displacement angle. So, this angle is alpha by 2. It means the fundamental of this current
is lagging behind the voltage. The voltage here is V s.
The V s is sinusoidal in nature varying like this, and this current the fundamental of this
lags behind the voltage by alpha by 2, and that is a displacement factor; cos of alpha by 2
is the displacement factor that we discussed in the last lecture And the RMS component
or the RMS value of the fundamental component of current can be given by this
expression 1 by root 2 4 i d c by pi into cos alpha by 2. And this is the final expression
for the fundamental component, the RMS value of the fundamental component of
Now since we know the input voltage and we know the current we can find out the
reactive power that is drawn from the supply. Now this current i s 1 drawn from the
supply is having a displacement angle of alpha by 2. So, it is basically a lagging angle.
So, this converter is demanding a lagging current from the supply, and if alpha increases
alpha will increase the voltage is less or the speed is less for low speed application; for
low speed operation alpha will be low, and hence the displacement angle will be more;
alpha by 2 will be more.
So, if we calculate the reactive power here we can find out the reactive power like this.
This is q is the reactive power that is given by the voltage into the current. This is the
current that we have, the RMS of the fundamental component, and we ignore the
harmonics, because harmonics do not contribute to any average power. So, we are only
concentrating on the fundamental component, and we are taking the displacement of the
fundamental component with respect to the voltage ignoring the harmonics as harmonics
do not contribute to any average power. So, the interaction of 50 hertz component with
50 hertz component the 50 hertz voltage and the 50 hertz current, and 50 hertz current is
precisely the fundamental current.
And that is what we are seeing here that 2 into root 2 i d c by pi into cos alpha by 2 is the
current that is i s 1 into sin of alpha by 2, and this alpha by 2 is the phase angle. So, if we
want to find out the reactive power, we have to take the sin of the angle between the
voltage and current. So, that is what we obtain here. And if we simplify this, what we
obtain here is an expression as a function of sin alpha, and we can write that q equal to q
max into sin alpha. So, this is what we have here. And similarly from the output voltage
we know the output voltage here is v naught that is given by this expression v into root 2
by pi into 1 plus cos alpha. And then the maximum output voltage is v into root 2 by pi;
when the sin alpha is 0 we will have the maximum output voltage, and that is equal to 2
into root 2 into v by pi.
So, we can write down the output voltage v naught it has v naught max by 2 into 1 plus
cos alpha, because this is v naught max. So, this by 2 into 1 plus cos alpha is v naught.
And we express this in per unit. We in fact take this v naught maximum to the left hand
side, and what we obtain here is 2 into v naught by v naught max that is equal to 1 plus
cos alpha. And v naught by v naught max is v naught per unit. It is the per unit output
voltage. If you divide the output voltage by the maximum possible voltage we get the per
unit output voltage. So, v naught by v naught maximum; v naught maximum is the
maximum output voltage. So, v naught by v naught maximum is the per unit output
voltage that is v naught per unit.
And that we see in this equation that v naught per unit is 1 plus cos alpha. We separate
this cos alpha out. So, 2 v naught per unit minus 1 is cos alpha. So, this is equation
number 1. And from the reactive power similarly we obtained q naught max into sin
alpha is q and we take this q naught max from the left hand side q by q max. This
quantity is basically q per unit. Exactly in the same way if we divide the reactive power
by the maximum reactive power we get the per unit reactive power. So, that is q per unit,
and that is equal to sin alpha, and that is equation number 2.
So, we have the second equation that is q per unit is sin alpha, and from the first and
second equation the first equation gives cos alpha; the second equation gives sin alpha.
And from these two equations we can write this cos square alpha plus sin square alpha
equal to 1. So, we get this third equation 2 v naught per unit minus 1 square plus q per
unit square that is equal to 1. Now we get an equation which shows the variation of the
reactive power with the output voltage. It means as we change the reactive power, as we
go on changing the output voltage, the reactive power demand also changes. Now this is
the equation, and this equation is an important equation. This equation has got square
terms here. So, we can plot this in the following fashion.
So, what we do here we plot this equation. This is the equation that we have. And when
we plot this equation this equation will be something like this. It is not a circle, but it is a
quadratic equation in terms of v naught per unit and q per unit; we will have this kind of
set. We can find out the discreet values here. Now suppose we put v naught per unit is
equal to 0.5; now if we put v naught per unit is 0.5 what we have here 2 into point 5
minus 1 whole square plus q per unit square that is equal to 1. So, this is zero. So, what
we obtain here is that q per unit is equal to 1.
So, it means when v naught per unit is 0.5 as the output is the half of the maximum
output, and that is the point when we require the maximum reactive power. Now we can
see that corresponding to this v naught per unit equal to 0.5, what is the triggering angle?
The triggering angle alpha corresponding to this would be 90 degree. So, when alpha is
90 we have maximum reactive power drawn from the source. It is maximum. If alpha is
0 alpha by 2 is 45 degree, and that is why what we have here is that we have maximum
reactive power here; that is q per unit is 1.
And suppose we take in this case v naught per unit is 1 we want to obtain the maximum
possible output voltage. So, v naught per unit is 1. So, if v naught per unit is 1 what
about q per unit? We can substitute the same value in this equation; we have the equation
here, let us substitute this value. So, we have 2 into 1 minus 1 whole square plus q per
unit square that is equal to one. So, what we have here is 2 minus 1 that is equal to 1 plus
q per unit square is equal to 1 or q per unit equal to zero. So, it means when we want to
obtain the maximum possible voltage the reactive power requirement is 0. It means the
converter is operating at the minimum triggering angle that is alpha equal to 0. And
hence there is no delay of the current. The current is not lagging behind the voltage; it is
in phase with the voltage.
When the current is in phase with the voltage we get the reactive power equal to zero.
So, this is what we have here that that 0.5 in this case and here we have 1 and
corresponding to this q per unit equal to zero. So, as we change again we can say that if v
per unit is 0 let us say, we can again substitute these values here. So, again we have 2
into 0 minus 1 whole square plus q per unit square is equal to 1, or what we have here q
per unit again is equal to zero. So, we have three different points in this case; v per unit is
0.5, v per unit is 1, and v per unit is 0. And this is the three points here v per unit is 0, v
per unit is 0.5, and v per unit is 1.
So, it means as we go on increasing the output voltage from 0 to half the maximum
values to the full maximum value the reactive power changes, and it attains a maximum
at v per unit equal to 0.5. Now this is one of the biggest drawbacks of semi control
converter that the power factor as the reactive power drawn from the source increases,
and it changes with alpha. And hence we have to have some compensation technique to
compensate for the reactive power drawn by this converter. So, there is a solution to this,
instead having a single converter; now this is expression for a single converter. Now we
use two converters which are connected in series, and they are operated in sequence, and
that is called sequence control.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:35)
So, we will be discussing right now the single phase 2 stage converter with sequence
control, single phase 2 stage converter with sequence control. Now let us draw the circuit
diagram first; we have 25 KV ac traction. So, we have the traction supply here 25 KV,
and then we obtain this through the pantograph, and then we have this primary of the
high voltage transformer. Then we have two converters here, and the converters are semi
controlled converters, but we do not have any single converter. So, we have two
converters. So, this is another converter, and each one of this converter is half control
bridge. It is also a half control bridge here, and these are series connected.
And here is the dc link; we have filter inductor here, and it supplies to the traction motors
which have separately excited motors, armature of the traction motors. So, we have
another set of traction motors in series, and these converters are fed from the individual
secondaries. So, we have the secondary transformer here for feeding these converters,
and this is the dc link inductor L d, and this is the output voltage that is V o. And we
have V o 1 converter 1 and you have converter 2 V o 2. These are the two converter
voltages. We have this transformer which gives a coupling here, and we have the field of
this motor; the field are connected similarly in series and parallel. So, we have parallel
field connection here and these two fields.
This in fact, we have four motors, we have four fields here. They are connected to a third
converter for the field supply. So, this is the supply for the field. So, we have the field;
we have another secondary of the transformer. So, these are the field supply, and this is
the armature. So, in this case we have four dc traction motors. And in fact each motor is
a separately excited dc motor. So, four motors, two are connected in series and two series
combinations are connected in parallel. Now this combination of traction motor is fed
from two series connected semi converters. So, we will name this converter as converter
1 and converter 2 respectively.
So, we will call this to be converter 1 and this to be converter 2, and they operate in the
following fashion. First what we do we start with converter 1, both the converters are off.
When the converters are off means the triggering pulses are not applied; the voltage
output is 0, because the load is short circuited through the diode. In fact, what we have
here we have these diodes here. These diodes will freewheel the load current. We have
two diodes here and two diodes here. So, these are the diodes we have, and this diodes
will be giving a freewheeling pass for the current to freewheel. And hence when the
triggering pulses to both the converters are off we can assume v naught equal to 0; v
naught in fact is equal to V o 1 plus V o 2.
So, we can write down this expression here that v naught 1 plus v naught 2 are equal to
V o. So, if individual converters are 0, the output is 0. And this is the field converter
which is only supplying the field side. We have the fields four fields here; the four fields
are supplied from the field converter. Now if we want to keep the field current constant
we can operate this field converter at a constant triggering angle. So, the field converter
is only to control the field winding current, and the field winding current can be kept
constant if need be. Now the sequence control is employed only for the armature side
converters. We have converter 1 and converter 2; these converters are controlled in
sequence. First both converter 1 and converter 2 are off. So, we can start the various
steps here.
(Refer Slide Time: 25:02)
So, the steps are as follows. Initially both converter 1 and converter 2 are off, off means
no triggering pulse is applied; that is no triggering pulses are applied. This also means
alpha 1 equal to alpha 2 is equal to 180 degree. You can switch off the triggering pulses
or you can choose to apply the triggering pulse at alpha equal to 180 degree, because if
you apply alpha equal to 180 SCR is going to conduct. SCR will only be conducting
between 0 to 180. If the triggering angle is 180 no SCR is going to conduct. So, it is
equivalent to both the converters are off. Now what we do? We keep alpha 2 equal to
180 and change alpha 1 gradually from 180 to 0. So, that is step two. So, in step two
what we do? Keep alpha 2 is equal to 180 and gradually reduce alpha 1 from 180 to 0.
What we are trying to do here? We are trying to gradually increase the output voltage,
and the output voltage can be increased by decreasing the triggering angle. Because we
know that the output voltage is root 2 v by pi into cos alpha 1 for v o 1 and root 2 v by pi
into 1 plus cos alpha 2 per v o 2. So, if we gradually reduce alpha 1 the output voltage is
going to increase. So, this is the situation here. So, we are gradually reducing alpha 1
from 180 to 0. And then the third step is when alpha 1 reaches 0 alpha 1 is kept at 0, then
alpha 2 is controlled from 180 degree to 0 degree. So, when alpha 1 reaches 0 degree
then it is kept constant at alpha 1 equal to 0. Then alpha 2 is reduced from 180 to 0
So, it is basically controlled in sequence. First of all bridge 1 or the converter 1 is
operated. We are gradually reducing the value of alpha, alpha 1. It means we are
increasing V o 1 from 0 to the maximum value, and once the converter 1 has given the
maximum value of voltage we gradually increase the voltage of converter two. So, that is
called sequence control. In sequence control we do not use one bridge; we use two
bridges, and the two bridges are operated in sequence. One bridge from 0 voltage to
maximum voltage, then after bridge one reaches the maximum voltage, bridge two is
controlled again from 0 voltage to maximum voltage. So, we have the same smooth
variation, but here we are employing two converters, and we are operating them in
Now what is the waveform here? Now if we see the waveform the waveform is
interesting. Now let us see the output waveforms of the converter 1 and converter 2 and
also the overall output voltage waveform that is v naught. So, we can draw the voltage
waveforms here. So, let us assume that alpha 1 is equal to 90 degree and alpha 2 is 180
degree. So, if we assume this let us try to see what is the output voltage. So, if we are
plotting here v naught 1, v naught 1 will look like this. We have a rectified voltage here,
and this is alpha 1; alpha 1 is 90. So, the output will be like this.
So, this is 180, and this is 360. This is alpha is 90; this is pi plus alpha 1. This is omega t
here and what about the current? The current here i s 1, i s 1 is the current drawn by the
converter 1; this is i s 1. Similarly, i s 2 is the current run by converter two. So, we are
now controlling the first converter. So, we will find out what is i s 1, and i s 1 here will
be as we seen before it will be quasi rectangular current like this. This is omega t; this is
0 here, and this is pi. This is alpha 1; this is pi plus alpha 1, and here alpha 1 is 90 or pi
by 2, and what about v naught 1? Now v naught 1 here, this is our v naught 1, and we
can also plot v naught 2, and similarly i s 2. This is 0 and 0 here, and alpha 2 here is 180
or pi.
So, here alpha 2 is 180 or pi. So, this bridge does not conduct. So, this is pi, and this is 2
pi. So, this bridge does not conduct. So, since this bridge is not conducting the current
permanently remains equal to zero. So, this is pi, and this is 2 pi, and what about the total
voltage? The total voltage v naught is equal to V o 1 plus V o 2. Now this is same as V o
1 as V o 2 is equal to zero. So, we see that the second bridge is not operative here; the
second bridge does not have any voltage here because alpha 2 is 180. So, if alpha 2 is
180 the triggering angle is at the extreme point. So, second bridge is not conducting.
So, only the first bridge output is there, and hence the first bridge is drawing some
current from the supply i s 1. The second bridge i s 2 equal to zero. So, what about the
total current drawn from the supply? So, if we see the total current here, the total current
which is coming in this case i s, i s is i s 1 plus i s 2, because we are interested to find out
the combination of this converter 1 and converter 1. So, converter 1 is drawing i s 1,
converter 2 is drawing I s 2.
So, the total current due to this armature converter is i s 1 plus i s 2, and that is equal to;
we can also say that i s is equal to I s 1 plus i s 2; that is equal to i s 1 as i s 2 is equal to
zero. Now let us see the next situation. The next situation is this alpha 1 has reached 0;
alpha 1 has been controlled from 180 to 0, and then we are controlling alpha 2. So, we
will take a situation where alpha 1 is 0 and alpha 2 is 90 or pi by 2.
So, the current will be a rectangular current; there is no freewheeling interval. So, we
will see the current, the input current i s 1 to be a rectangular current. So, the current in
this case will be a rectangular current like this. So, this is 2 pi, and this is i d or i d c is
the dc current in this case. If you say that this current is i d or i d c here. So, this one is
plus i d and this is minus i d. What about the converter 2? The converter 2 alpha 2 is pi
by 2. So, the alpha 2 is pi by 2 there will be some current which is drawn by the
converter 2, and the converter 2 currents will be like this. We have this converter 2
current is i s 2, and converter 2 voltage is V o 2. So, we have the voltage here the
rectified one, and alpha 2 is pi by 2.
So, we will have the voltage which looks like this, it is omega t. This is pi; this is 2 pi,
alpha 2 pi plus alpha 2. And the current here as we have seen before it will be a quasi
rectangular current with a positive side; then we will have 0, and then we will have
negative side. So, this is pi, and this is 2 pi. This is alpha 2, and this is pi plus alpha 2 and
this is plus i d, and this is minus i d. So, we have the converter 1 and converter 2. Now if
we want to find out the total voltage v naught, the v naught in this case as before is the
sum of the two voltages v naught 1 plus v naught 2, and I s is the total current is the sum
of i s 1 and i s 2. Now we are discussing actually for the situation when converter 1 is
operated at triggering angle equal to 0, alpha 1 equal to 0, and converter 2 is operated at
alpha 2 equal to pi by 2 or 90 degree.
Now in this case we have seen these waveforms of both the converters, the converter
output voltage and the converter input current. Now this is the converter 1 output voltage
V o 1 and the input current is i s 1. So, this is basically for alpha 1 equal to 0, and the
converter 2 is operated at alpha 2 equal to 90 degree or pi by 2. And here V o 2 has got
the waveform like this, and the current here is a quasi rectangular current which is only
flowing from alpha 2 to pi and pi plus alpha 2 to 2 pi. Now when we see the total
converter; the total converter is the series combination of the two converters. The outer
voltages will be added; V o equal to V o 1 plus V o 2. The input currents will also be
added; I s equal to I s 1 plus I s 2.
Now we will see the net output voltage and the net output current of this combination.
So, if we see the net voltage and current they will look like this. Basically what we have
here? We have two converters. So, we will have the two voltages added together. So, the
first converter is operated at alpha 1 equal to 0. So, the output voltage is full output
voltage, and alpha 2 is pi by 2. So, there is a jump here. So, this is pi, and this is 2 pi, and
this is omega t in the x axis; this is v o. Similarly, i s is in the y axis; here also we have
the output looking like this, so on, and what about the current? The current will be the
sum of the two currents and that will be of this nature.
So, this is pi, and this is 2 pi, and this is alpha 2. This is pi plus alpha 2, and this is alpha
1. Alpha 1 is in fact equal to zero. So, this is the nature of the current that we have here.
Now this is the waveform of the voltages and current. In fact, if we see here the current
are i d; i d plus i d will be 2 i d. So, we will have 2 i d here plus 2 i d. And this is i d, and
this is minus i d; here we have i d or i d c, and this is plus 2 minus 2 i d. So, this is the
nature of the current. Now we see that the current here is better than a single converter in
the sense that this current will have a displacement factor which is closer to unity or
which will be higher than that of a single stage converter.
So, if you take the fundamental component of this, this current will be lagging by an
angle which is less than alpha by 2 or alpha 2 by 2. Now here if you take the
fundamental component of this current, this will be closer to the input voltage. So, this
could be i s 1, the fundamental component of this i s. So, when we operate this converter
in sequence control, the input power factor improves or the input current lags behind the
voltage by a lesser angle which means the displacement factor of the input current is
better. Now this can also be proven mathematically. Now when we use the two
converters, each converter will be giving us half the output voltage. So, the input voltage
is half; the output voltage is also half. So, we can write an equation for the output voltage
of these converters, and also in a same way we can float the reactive power versus the
output voltage. So, we will have the equations as follows.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:12)
So, we have seen that in case of a single stage converter what we have here is the
following that v naught equal to v naught max by 2 into 1 plus cos alpha, or from this we
can say that 2 v naught by v naught max is equal to 1 plus cos alpha or 2 v p u v naught p
u minus 1 is cos alpha. In a similar way, we can say that the reactive power q is equal to
q max into sin alpha, or q by q max is equal to sin alpha, or q per unit is equal to sin
alpha. And from this we have the equation v naught per unit minus 1 whole square, then
cos square alpha plus q per unit square that is equal to 1. So, this equation has got the
following graph. So, in the x-axis we have v naught per unit and the y-axis we have q.
So, we have a plot like this. This is 0.5, this is 1, and this is the maximum reactive power
that is 1 per unit. Now when we have two single stage converters, each converter is
going to give us half the output voltage. If the output voltage is let us say 400 volt dc, the
capability of each converter here will be 200 each. Now if the converters will give us the
half the output voltage, the input voltages also reduce to half. So, we can see this in the
diagram here. So, this is basically the V s by 2 here and this V s by 2. We have half the
supply voltage here, and v naught 1 will give us half the voltage, and v naught 2 will
give us half the voltage. The output is basically the sum of the two voltages v naught 1
and v naught 2.
So, this we can see here that for 2 stage converter, we have let us say v naught 1 if you
start with v naught 1. So, v naught 1 here is equal to V o max by 4 because this is half
the output voltage into 1 plus cos alpha 1 let us say, or we can say here that 2 v naught 1
by v naught max 2 into 2 here, because we have 4 here; that is equal to 1 plus cos alpha
1, or we can say that 4 v naught 1 per unit minus 1 is equal to cos alpha 1. In a similar
way we can also find out the expression for the reactive power. Reactive power here will
also be reduce by half, because each converter is supplied with half the supply voltage v
s by 2.
So, we can write down the expression for the reactive power as follows. So, we can say
that q is equal to q max by 2 into sin alpha 1. Let us say we are operating the converter 1,
or we can say that 2 q p u or q 1 p u is equal to sin alpha 1. If you say that this is our
equation a, this is equation a, and this is equation b. So, we can say that 4 v naught 1 per
unit minus 1 whole square plus 4 q 1 per unit square that is equal to 1. So, this is the plot
we have, and if we also plot in this case v naught 1 per unit and this is q 1 here; what is
the plot here? This plot will be like this. This is this is basically the equation c here, and
the equation c will have a plot like this.
Similarly for v o 2 if you plot here v o 2 from this, so we change from 0.5 per unit to 1
per unit; this is converter 1, and this is converter 2. So, the graph will be like this, and
this shows that the reactive power requirement in 2 stage converter is always less than
that of a single stage converter for the same output voltage. Say for example, we choose
an output voltage; we can select a voltage like this. So, if you select an output voltage
equal to this, this is having a lesser value than the single stage converter. And that is the
reason when we go for a single stage converter we have a higher reactive power burden
compared to the 2 stage converter operated in sequence control.
By sequence control here we mean first of all we operate converter 1, then we go for
converter 2 to get higher output voltage. So, from 0 to 0.5 p. u we operate converter 1;
that is the operation for converter 1. And from 0.5 p. u to 1 per unit we operate converter
2. And that is why the each converter is having its own reactive power, and the sum of
this will be always less than the total reactive power required here. So, this is what we
have here. It shows that the reactive power required by single stage converter is higher
than the reactive power required by the two converter operated in sequence control.
(Refer Slide Time: 52:53)
So, we can summarize the advantage of this, advantages of two converters operated with
sequence control. First of all it gives the modularity; we do not have to have a very large
converter. We can have small converters half the rating, and the rating of each converter
is half of the total rating of the drive. So, it is modular and has higher reliability. So, load
converter rating higher reliability of the overall system. So, even if one converter fails, if
suppose one converter 1 thyristor has gone down. So, even if a thyristor fails to trigger or
it is totally out of the circuit that converter can be bypassed and we can still operate at a
reduce voltage; that is the meaning of reliability. And it is modular, because we have
small modules of smaller size of the converters; we can use them as and when needed.
So, instead of a single converter we can go for 2 converters under sequence control. And
the second advantage is quite significant advantage that the reactive power requirement
in 2 converters under sequence control is much less than the reactive power requirement
for a single converter operated from 0 to 180 degree triggering angle. So, we can say that
the reactive power requirement of two converters under sequence control is less than that
of a single semi converter. Two semi converters under sequence control is less than that
of a single semi converter.
Now these are the reasons why be go for sequence control. Now this is about the
sequence control of two converters, and this is for dc motors. We also have ac motors.
The dc motors have their own drawbacks. Dc motors have got brush and commutators,
and nowadays people prefer ac motors. So, the ac motor topology is basically to have an
inverter after the ac to dc converter, and then we can use an ac motor following this ac to
dc converter and then dc to ac inverter.
So, the topology will be like this, 25 KV ac traction using ac motors. So, what we have
here is the following. We have the transformer here. It is 25 KV, then we have the step
down. We can use this rectifier in this case, and followed by the inverters it could be 3
phase inverter. We can use 3 phase motors; we have the dc link in this case. So, we have
the dc capacitor, and then we can have the breaking resistor for dynamic breaking, and
we have the motors connected to the output of these inverters. So, these are the induction
motors, and this is a voltage source inverter we have. So, this is a simple topology for a
25 KV ac traction with ac motors. What we do? We rectify the voltage, and then we use
a 3 phase inverter, a voltage source inverter to feed a group of induction motors.
And for the breaking we can break this, the dc link we have a breaking resistor, and by
using the breaking resistor we can go for dynamic breaking. So, in this lecture we have
seen the single stage converter also 2 stage converter feeding dc traction motors. And we
have seen the graph between the reactive power and output voltage for single stage
converter as well as 2 stage converter. And we have also seen that the 2 stage converters
require a smaller reactive power compared to a single stage converter.
So, this is the end of this lecture and of course, this is the end of this course on advanced
electric drives. Nowadays the dc motors are gradually getting obsolete, and this dc
motors are being replaced by induction motors. Induction motors control we have
already seen they can be VF control, they can be vector control, they can be director
control. So, we use ac to dc converter, and then we use inverters for the control of
induction motors.