Transmission Lines and E.M. Waves Lec 15

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Transmission Lines & E M.

Prof. R. K. Shevgaonkar
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Lecture 15
In this lecture, we solve few more problems of transmission lines but this time we are going
to make use of the switch chart to solve this transmission line problems. Let us take a
problem of impedance measurement using the transmission line.
(Refer Slide Time 01:37)

As we have seen earlier, the measurement of complex impedance is very tedious at higher
frequencies because the measurement of phase is unreliable. So the measurement of unknown
impedance at higher frequencies is carried out by measuring the standing wave ratio and the
location of the standing wave pattern maximum or minimum, we calculate the unknown
impedance. So here a setup we are having a transmission line to which the unknown
impedance is connected and by using what is called a slotted transmission line to measure the
standing wave pattern on the transmission line.
So this is a variation of the voltage as a function of length on the transmission line. So we
measure the parameters let us say the maximum voltage which we see on the transmission
line is 15 volts, the minimum voltage is which we see is 5 volts the location of the first
maximum is 27 centimeters from the load end of the line and the distance between the 2

edges and maxima is 30 centimeter knowing this information now, we would like to find out
what is the unknown impedance first thing since we know the distance between the 2 maxima
of the standing wave pattern, these distance is lambda by 2 and that is the reason we have
lambda by 2 equal to 30 centimeter. From here we can get the lambda which is 60 centimeter.
Once we get the lambda then the phase corresponding to this distance of 27 centimeter, 2 beta
l that is 2 into 2 phi by lambda into l which is 27 centimeter lambda is 60 centimeter.
So you get a phase 2 beta l which is 324 degrees, from the maximum and minima voltage on
the line we can calculate the VSWR and that is 15 by 5 that is equal to 3. Once, we have this
information then we can go for the switch chart to calculate the unknown impedance. So we
take the switch chart and since we know the VSWR, first we draw the VSWR circle on the
switch chart. So what we do we take the normalize R equal to 3 point on the horizontal axis
on the right side of the center of the switch chart and draw a circle passing through this.
So this circle is VSWR 3 circle then the right most point here that represents the location of
the voltage maximum and the left most point on the circle shows the location of the voltage
minima. Since, we know the location of the voltage maximum in our problem we know this
location on the transmission line and now, if I move from this voltage maximum points away
from the generator by a distance of 27 centimeter that is 324 degrees then I must reach to the
load point.
(Refer Slide Time 05:04)

So essentially from the maximum location if I move away from the generator that means in
the anticlockwise direction by an angle of 324 degrees on this constant VSWR circle
whatever point I reach to that point corresponds to the load impedance. If I make a moment
like this by 324 degrees I reach to this point. Now a if I read of the value of the normalize
resistance and reactance corresponding to this point I get a value 1.15 minus j 1.23.
(Refer Slide Time 06:01)

So the absolute impedance if I multiply this by the characteristic impedance of the line which
is 50 ohms then I get this normalize impedance multiply by characteristic impedance, I get
57.5 minus j 61.5 ohms. So the unknown impedance can be measured very easily without
doing much complex calculations by using the switch chart. Let us take now a problem for
the quarter wave transformer again, we will consider a general problem here that the
impedance to be matched by quarter wave transformer is not a real impedance, let us say a
load impedance of 75 minus j 35 ohms is to be matched to 50 ohms using quarter wave
transformer, design the matching set up.
Now if you recall the quarter wave transformer basically you can match 2 resistive
impedances. Since our characteristic impedance is real any real impedance can be match to
the characteristic impedance. However, the impedance which is given to us is a complex
impedance which is 75 minus j 35 ohms, so by using a section of a transmission line first we

must transforms the impedance to a real value, at that location we insert a quarter wave
transformer and we get a match.
So the set up essentially would be that this is the unknown impedance which is 75 minus j 35
ohms, I introduce a section of a line of the same characteristic impedance. Let us say this is Z
naught is 50 ohms, so this line also is of characteristic impedance 50 ohms then the
impedance transform seen at this location should be real. So at this location I can introduce a
quarter wave transformer I will get a match. So now 2 things have to be found out in this
problem, first is what should be this length and what should be the characteristic impedance
of this quarter wave transformer. The length of the quarter wave transformer is lambda by 4
for finding out the impedance at this location which will be real and the length we again
make use of the switch chart.
(Refer Slide Time 08:32)

So first thing what we do, we take the switch chart, mark the unknown impedance which is to
be matched to 50 ohms. So first we normalize this impedance of 75 minus j 35 ohms, mark
this point on the switch chart, draw a constant VSWR circle passing through this impedance.
So this circle is the constant VSWR circle corresponding to the load impedance 75 minus j
35. Now as we move on this constant VSWR circle towards the generator that may from the
clockwise direction if I move by a distance corresponding to A P the impedance at this
location seen will be real and it is the minimum resistance which we will see on the line, if I

move by a distance corresponding to AQ in the clockwise direction then I will reach to a

location of voltage maximum and then the resistance seen at that location will be R max.
So there are 2 possibilities either I insert a length of transmission line between the load and
the quarter wave of transformer by this and then, the impedance to be matched will
correspond to this value or I can take a distance corresponding to this and then, the
impedance to be match will correspond to R max value. So there are 2 solutions to this
problems, firstly if I move by a distance AP and how I measure a distance I take a radius
vector, go to the circle here here the lengths are marked on the outer most circle of this switch
chart its start from 0 it goes all the wave up to 0.25 and then goes up to 0.25. So here the
circumference is calibrated in terms of lambda.
So I can take a radius vector, read of this value this is 0.306 if I move up to a point P which
corresponds to 0.5 lambda, difference of these 2 will tell me the length of the line which is
to be introduce between the load and the quarter wavelength transform. So one possible
solution is that if I take this length then that length will be 0.194 lambda and the impedance
to be match will be R min and that will be the 50 ohms multiplied by the normalize value
here which is 0.5.
(Refer Slide Time 12:22)

So the now I get the impedance to be match will be 25 ohms if I insert a length of a line
between the load and the transformer are 0.194 lambda. Other possibility, if I go from A to
Q then the distance will be AQ will be 0.194 which is distance plus lambda by 4, 0.25 for
that distance will be 0.444 lambda. So if I introduce a quarter wave transformer at a
distance of 0.444 lambda from the load then the impedance to be match will be R max and
they are to be 50 into normalize value 2 corresponding to this point Q.
So if I take this as L in this case then the impedance to be match will be 25 ohms, so the
characteristic impedance of the quarter wave transformer will be geometric mean of the
characteristic impedance and the impedance to be match which is 25 ohms. So the
characteristic impedance of the quarter wave transformer will be 35.35 ohms. On the other
hand if I take L as 0.444 lambda then the resistance to be match will be 100 ohms and then
the characteristic impedance of the quarter wave transformer would be geometry mean of 50
and 100 and that will be 70.7 ohms.
So in this problem, we see how to match a complex impedance to the characteristic
impedance by using section of a transmission line and the quarter wave transformer. Let me
remind you that initially the quarter wave transformer can match the impedances which are
real, only thing is by using a section of a transmission line we have converted a complex
impedance into real impedance and then we have use the concept of the quarter wave
transformer. Let us take now one problem for the single stub matching let us say we are given
an impedance of 90 minus j 25 ohms.
Now as we know that is the single stub matching the line which are use for the matching
purpose is the main line and the stub they both have the same characteristic impedance 50
ohms. So the parameter which are to be now calculated or the length of the transmission line
L 1 that gives the location where the stub is to be introduce on the main line and the length of
the stub Ls. So these 2 quantities are unknown the impedance of the transformation line is
same as the characteristic impedance of the line which is 50 ohms. So as we proceed first
thing we do we normalize this impedance with the characteristic impedance.
So you get Z l normalize that is this ninety minus j 25 divide by 50 so this will be 1.8
minus j 0.5. Remember, now that this is the impedance the stub is connected in parallel
with the main transmission line. So as we have seen earlier whenever we have a parallel

connection that dealing with admittances is more a propagate. So first our task would be to
convert this impedance into admittance and then carry out the single step matching in terms
of admittances. So now you proceed as follows firstly we consider switch chart as the
impedance switch chart, since the impedance to be matched is 1.8 minus j 0.5
considering the chart as the impedance switch chart at mark this point Z l bar which is 1.8
minus j 0.5.
(Refer Slide Time 15:35)

So this point here is the impedance to be matched, I draw a constant VSWR circle passing
through this point, so this circle is the constant VSWR circle. Now since we want to do the
further calculations in admittances. First we convert this impedance to admittance and as we
have seen earlier if I take a diagonally opposite point of Z L bar on this constant VSWR circle
then I get the normalize admittance at that location. So this point diagonally opposite point Q
gives me a normalize admittance corresponding to this normalize impedance, let us say that
normalize load admittance is g l plus j b l.
So essentially our single stub matching starts from here, this is the admittance which is to be
match by using a single stub matching where stub is connected in parallel with main line.
As we have seen in the single stub matching the first is I move by a distance such that the
resistive part of this admittance becomes unity that means the conductance g 1 that get
transform to the unity at this location. So this point here if I see it should become from 1 plus

j b 1, so by moving along the main transmission line first we said the conductive part to unity
whatever is the susceptance part that you cancel out by placing a stub in parallel with main
transmission line.
So here first we move on this constant VSWR circle up to a point where this constant VSWR
circle intersect g equal to 1 circle, constant conductance g equal to 1 circle. So this location
here, this point now which is given as R, this point is R. The admittance corresponding to this
point is 1 plus j b 1, how do I get the length are the location of this this point. I just draw the
radius vectors passing through this 2 points that is the length which is L 1 on the main
transmission line. So again I can read of the values which are marked on the switch chart. So
this location corresponds to 0.032 lambda this is 0.152 lambda, I can get a length L 1
which is 0.152 minus 0.032 is equal to 0.12 lambda.
So the location of the stub is 0.12 lambda from the load, second thing you have to find out
is the length of the stub and for which this j b 1 acceptance has to be cancel. So the stub has
to introduce a acceptance of minus j b 1, as we do we take the mirror image of this point on
the constant VSWR circle, find a constant acceptance circle passing through this point take
the outer most point on this circle.
(Refer Slide Time 20:47)

So this point here T represents pure acceptance of a value minus j b 1. So now, if I want to
have a acceptance seen here minus j b 1 from that acceptance if I go away from the generator,
till I reach to the short circuit point then that gives me the length of the stub. So from here
this is my acceptance which I want to add I have to move now away from the generator. So I
have to go in the anticlockwise direction on this, till I reach to the short circuit point and
since this chart is become now the admittance chart, the point corresponding the short circuit
is the right most point, so this is short circuit. So I move on this in the anticlockwise direction
till I reach to the right most point on the switch chart. So again I can read the length this
points corresponds to 0.25 lambda this is 0.402 lambda.
So difference of these 2 that gives me the length of the stub and that is 0.402 minus 0.25
is equal to 0.152 lambda. So now we have got the length of the stub we have got the
location of the stub so in a single stub matching if the impedance is given first and if the line
is connected in parallel with stub then the first stub is to convert the impedance and
admittance beyond that point we did the chart as the admittance chart, do the moment on the
constant VSWR circle on the admittance chart while calculating the length of the stub
remember, since the chart is become admittance chart so the short circuit point is right most
point on the chart and the open circuit point is left most point on the chart.
(Refer Slide Time 21:20)

So move on the chart from the reactance value which you want to match up to the short
circuit point and you will get the length of the stub. So these are some of the problems which
can be solved very easily with the help of the switch chart, if I to do the same calculation by
using analytical approach you will see finding the lengths and locations of the stubs on the
transmission line is extremely tedious task. So these examples clearly demonstrate the use of
the switch chart for solving complex transmission line problems. Having discuss on these
problems, let me go to the final thing in the transmission line that is the characteristic
impedances for the various structure which you see in practice. At the beginning of this
discussion on transmission line, we are seen various kinds of transmission lines like a coaxial
line, parallel wire transmission line micro strip structure and so on.
In practice then, one would need to calculate the characteristic impedances of these lines. So
let us see here directly the formula which are use for the characteristic impedance of the
various transmission lines. So the most commonly use transmission line is the coaxial line
which is practically use for making connections between any electronic equipment. So this
structure is coaxial line has a outer conductor which is cylindrical and inner conductor, these
are conductance and you apply a voltage between the center conductor and the outer
Let us say the diameters of these 2 conductance are given by small d and capital D and let us
say, the dielectric which is filling the medium between these 2 conductors is having a
dielectric constant epsilon R for the relativity permittivity of the medium which is filling this
cable is epsilon R. In practice, we use the material like perfect short a plan for filling these
So the dielectric constant may lie typically in the range from 2 to 4. The characteristic
impedance of the structure Z 0 is equal to 138 divided by square root of epsilon R log of D by
d. So the characteristic impedance for a coaxial lines depends upon few things, the ratio of
the inner and outer diameter of the conductance and the dielectric constant of the medium
filling the coaxial cable. If I now take some typical value just to calculate the impedance of
that just to get a field what kind of parameters are required to realize certain characteristic
impedances, let me take just for simplicity the epsilon R is equal to 4.

So the Z 0 for this coaxial cable will be 138 upon square root of 4 log of D upon d. So that is
69 log of D upon d, so by inverting this relation I can get the ratio D upon d is equal to 10 to
the power Z 0 upon 69, what you see from this relation is that the ratio of D by d increases
very rapidly as the characteristic impedance increases, just when the Z 0 is equal to 69 ohm
the ratio of the diameters of the outer and inner conductor will be 10, when the impedance
becomes double of 69 the time the ration will become 100.
(Refer Slide Time 25:38)

(Refer Slide Time 28:34)

So the size of the outer conductor compare to the inner conductor increases very rapidly as
the characteristic impedance of this line increases, what that means is that this structure, the
coaxial structure is more suited for realizing low characteristic impedances and that is the
reason typically is the lines which are use in practice, the coaxial lines their characteristic
impedances are 50 ohms, 75 ohm something like that but if I say, I want to realize the
characteristic impedance of 200 ohms or 300 ohms, it will have a structure whose size will be
physically prohibited. We will not be able to realize the structure because the outer
conductance size will become very large compare to the inner conductor.
So the coaxial structure intrinsically is more suited for realizing low characteristic
impedances, so typically we get the characteristic impedance for these lines which we which
will be of the order of 50 ohms, 75 ohms and so on. Generally, the cables are standardize for
50 ohms. However, whenever we go for the antenna applications we get a cable which is
having characteristic impedance 75 ohms and the reason is that normally the antenna which is
use in practice as will see little later that is half way of dipole and its input impedance is very
close to 75 ohms.
So just from the comparatability point of the impedances whenever we use the cable for the
antennas we use the cable which is having a characteristic impedance 75 ohms. However
most of other applications or higher frequency equipments, the impedance has been almost
standardize to 50 ohms. Let us take the second line which is use very commonly in practice
and that is the parallel via transmission line. As the name suggest, it has 2 conductors which
are parallel, these are these are the conductors which are running parallel and let us say the
separation between these conductors center to center is given by d and let us say, the diameter
of each conductor is given by small d. Generally, these lines are use in air normally the open
via transmission line you will see the parallel structure which are realize in air.
So the dielectric material which separate these conductor is generally air. However, there are
certain application where these are encapsulated inside some dielectric material. You may go
and see this structure either whenever we are having open wired like a power line or
something just like you see this structure, you can also rewrite this structure whenever you
use the flat ribbon cable for connecting a yagi antenna to TV. The flat ribbon cable which are
runs from the yagi antenna to TV is essentially a parallel wire structure and in that case that is
no air medium you are having a plastic encapsulation on that. So there may be some kind of a

encapsulation which will be on that and then you will be this will be fill with a dielectric
material with some dielectric constant epsilon R. For this structure with general dielectric
constant epsilon R, the characteristic impedance Z 0 is 276 divided by square root of epsilon
R, log of 2 D divided by d. As I mentions the dielectric separating this conductor normally is
air because normally this structure is realize as a open structure.
So epsilon r is generally 1, if I take epsilon r equal to 1 then z 0 will be 276 log of 2 D upon
d. One thing immediately one can notice is that the D I can match as small as D only, if I
bring the 2 conductors to almost touch each other then, this quantity D will be equal to d. So
the minimum impedance which I can see on this line if I use the dielectric as air will be 276
log of 2 because D become equal to d to conductors are almost touching each other.
So the minimum impedance which I can see for a open wire, parallel wire transmission line
will be 276 log of 2. So which will be about .3, so if I take epsilon R is equal to 1 then Z 0
will be 276 log of 2 D upon d. So for minimum D equal to d, we get Z 0 minimum that is 276
log of 2 ultimately 82.8 ohms just should take another value, if I take D by d equal to 5, I
can substitute here D by d equal to 5, it is becomes 10, so log of 10 is equal to1.
(Refer Slide Time 32:49)

So Z 0 for this is be 276 ohms, so as we can see for this structure realizing low impedance is
more difficult. I cannot realize to impedance a lower than 82.8 ohms. However, I can

realize the high impedances rather easily I can get just by putting a D by d ratio of 5, I can
realize the impedance of 276 ohms and since I am talking about the 2 conductors which are
parallel separating this, these 2 conductors by large amount is not that difficult. So these lines
intrinsically are capable of giving you the high characteristic impedances, these lines are also
use in telephone lines.
So all the telephone line which you see on the towers they are in the form of this parallel wire
lines. So generally the parallel wire transmission lines are use in those applications where you
would like to realize high impedances or if you use the parallel wire transmission line
conversely, you have to deal with the high impedances. So the 2 structures, the coaxial cable
structure and parallel wire structure, they are complimentary in terms of characteristic
impedance. The coaxial cable structure can give you low impedances rather easily it difficult
to get high impedances whereas if you go to the parallel wire line then it is rather easier to
realize the high characteristic impedance then the low characteristic impedance.
(Refer Slide Time 35:50)

So typically for a parallel via transmission line the characteristic impedance would be like
300 ohms or 600 ohms. So the lines which are standardize for the parallel wire lines they
have the characteristic impedance either 300 ohms or 600 ohms. The third structure which
you see commonly in practice is what is called the microstrip line structure and this structure

normally the realize at the microwave frequencies for making circuits also whenever we have
a printed circuit board configurations, you have this kind of transmission lines.
So this structure is to have a dielectrics slab, dielectric constant is epsilon r which is plated
with conductor on one side and there is a strip of metal on the other side. The height of this
dielectric lab is let us say h and the width of this is W. The characteristic impedance of this
structure depends upon the dielectric constant and the ratio of w by h. So the characteristic
impedance for this line, what is called the microstrip line is approximately given as 377
divided by square root of epsilon r, again the dielectric which is use here can have a dielectric
constant ranging from 2 to even 10 because when you go to micro frequencies, you can use
the substrate which could be like alumina for with the dielectric constant is 9.8 or
So in this configuration that dielectric constant values may have a very wide range and also
the w by h can vary by a very wide range. So as we can see from here, you can realize a wide
range of characteristic impedances because if I use a high dielectric constant I can realize the
low characteristic impedance. However, if I take dielectric material who directly constant is
small then the characteristic impedance can be increase, also by changing the ratio of w by h
the impedance can be vary by a large amount.
(Refer Slide Time 38:58)

But when you go to high frequency its again we standardize the impedances either 250 ohms,
if I am going to connect this structure to a coaxial cable or I can realize this structure with
higher impedances, if I am going to um make the connection to the parallel wire structure that
is the small difference however between these two connections and that is if I take a structure
which is the coaxial cable structure then the voltage is connected between the center
conductor and the outer conductor and the outer conductor is ground. So I can have a voltage
source which is connected to this to in the center conductor and the outer conductor which is
which is the ground conductor.
(Refer Slide Time 39:59)

So in a coaxial cable I have a center conductor to which the voltage is connected and the
outer conductor is ground same is true for the micro strip line structure this plane is a ground.
So I can connect the voltage between this and the ground plane I get the same way is did for
the coaxial cable. So this is the voltage is connected between this and this and this point is
ground. So in both the cases the ground is define and the voltage is applied with respect to
ground, if I compare this structure however with the other structure which is the parallel wire
transmission line structure. This structure is a completely floating structure there is no ground
define for this structure.
So I can either say one of the conductor is a 0 potential and other one is that V or I can say
there is a virtual ground find somewhere which is set to that ground, this voltage is v by 2

plus this voltage is v by 1 minus. So this structure is a floating structure for which the ground
is not define whereas the other 2 structure if you take the ground is define and the voltage is
applied between the ground and the conductor. The other 2 structure are called then the
unbalanced structure and this structure is called the balanced structure.
(Refer Slide Time 41:45)

So this structure which is the parallel wire line this structure is a balanced structure whereas if
I take a line which is a coaxial line or the micro strip line then this structure is an unbalanced
structure. So in practice you see both kind of lines, the balanced lines and unbalanced lines
and whenever we make a connection between the balanced and unbalanced lines, 2 things are
to be seen one is of course the impedance has to be match, so that there is no reflection from
the junction.
Second thing is since we are making now a connection between the floating structure and a
structure which is a symmetric or unbalanced, you require a some transformer in between
which can connect appropriately the voltages from balanced structure to the unbalanced
structure. This device is called balanced to unbalanced transformer or in short, it is called
balanced. So a structure which matches the impedance as well as the nature of the cables is
what is called balun which is balanced to unbalanced structure. So on this side essentially, we
have a structure which is the coaxial cable structure. So I connect the outer conductance with
this center conductance goes to that and in the other side, you have a balanced structure.

(Refer Slide Time 42:03)

So you have a parallel wire line connected to this and other side. You will see this balun
whenever you make a connection between a yagi antenna and a TV that is the most practical
application you can see around, of course there are many other high level technical
applications where the balun is used but practically whenever you are using yagi antenna for
reception and connecting it to a TV, you bring the signal from the antenna by using that flat
ribbon cable which I mention that is the balanced structure then there is a small black box
which is kept just at the input of the TV because the connector which you are having on TV is
the coaxial connector.
So that connector is a unbalanced connector also the impedance which you see here is 50
ohms but the flat ribbon cable that impedance is might difference compare to the 50 ohms.
So normally we introduce a small box what is called a balun and which transform this
impedance from the balanced structure to the unbalanced structure, if you do not do that
many times we get the reflections from the junctions which appears in the form of the ghost
in TV. So appropriate transformation of the impedances on the line and also connecting
balanced and unbalanced structure properly with the help of balun improves the quality of the
reception of any high frequency signal that essentially completes our discussion on the
transmission line.

(Refer Slide Time 44:50)

Let me take a recap what we have done in this very important of that of higher frequency
circuits, what is called transmission lines. We saw the limitation of the analysis of the alarm
circuit and that is as we go to the higher frequencies, the size of the component becomes
comparable to the wavelength and then the voltages and currents cannot be assume constant
along any electronic component.
So we introduce the concept what is called the distributed element, we studied the effect what
is called the transit time effect and from there essentially we derive the relationship between
voltage and current for high frequencies circuits that means for the circuits over which a
transit time effects cannot be neglected and we saw that relationship was in the form of
differential equations when we solve the differential equations, we got a solution of voltage in
current which we saw where in the form of waves.
So in general, we saw when we go to higher frequencies the voltages and currents exist in the
form of waves on the electrical circuits then we studied the super position of this waves and
we saw that in general there could be standing waves we also investigated under what
condition you will have 2 wave which are travelling in opposite directions or you will have
standing waves.

So we introduce the concept of what is called the reflection coefficient which is a measure of
energy reflected from the load then we introduce the concept of what is called the matching
which means if the load impedance is equal to the characteristic impedance, the energy is
transformed from the generated to the load efficiently and there is no reflection on the line.
Following this we studied the very important thing which is the impedance transformation
characteristic of the transmission lines and that we want to many applications of transmission
So we studied the application of transmission line as circuit element, we studied the use of
transmission line as resonant circuit, we studied the use of transmission line as stopping of
voltage and current transformers and then we studied the graphical approach to analyze a
transmission line problems that was the switch chart. So we also solved certain problems and
towards the end of this discussion on the transmission lines we called the expression for the
characteristic impedances for various structures which are used a transmission lines at higher
So we saw the coaxial cable which is very common structure which is give you that higher
frequencies and we saw its characteristic impedance is rather low, it is difficult to realize high
characteristic impedances by using the coaxial structure. On the contrary the parallel wire
structure is more capable of giving you the high characteristic impedances, you also saw
certain applications where the coaxial and the parallel wire structure will be used .The third
structure which we saw for transmission line was the micro strip line structure which
normally is seen at microwave frequencies of you eagers also whenever we are having the
transmission line on printed circuit boards, this is the transmission lines.
So we had a comparative discussion of this structures and then, we also saw very briefly how
this different structure can be connected by using a device, what is called balun? So this gives
now a overall picture of the transmission lines. Today, when even the computer speeds are
going into Giga hertz, the transmission line are going to play very important role in circuit
design. So may be few decades back when the frequencies there not very high the electronic
circuit design was quite simple because all these transmission line concepts are not in playing
any role in the electrical circuit.

However, today when your chips are going to frequency the few Giga hertz, your computers
are going to frequency of 2 gigahertz that reflections, the mismatching all those things which
we discussed have become very vital in making the electronic circuits. So in todays
electronic circuits, the concept of transmission line play a very very important role. So the
subject of transmission line has become very important in this indices because of this high
speed electronic circuits which are now becoming part of our routine life.

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