Roll Motions of Ships Due To Sudden Water Ingress, Calculations and Experiments
Roll Motions of Ships Due To Sudden Water Ingress, Calculations and Experiments
Roll Motions of Ships Due To Sudden Water Ingress, Calculations and Experiments
Roll-on Roll-off vessels appear to be sensitive to rapid capsizing due to sudden ingress of
water. Rapid capsizing is caused by a drastic decrease of static stability properties due to
free surfaces, as well as by inertia effects with regard to the roll motion. In this report it is
shown that the dynamic behaviour of the ship due to sudden ingress of water cannot be
neglected. To this end a calculation model was developed which was verified by ingress
tests. For these tests a wing tank cross-duct configuration was chosen. The results are
presented in this report.
and the distance of the centre of gravity
to the axis of rotation. The flow of the The aim of the work reported here was
water into the ship can be described with to determine whether dynamic
a first order differential equation. From considerations are required while
this equation a time constant TF can be judging the damage stability of ships
determined. during water ingress. In order to reach
this goal a fairly straightforward
Figure 1 shows the solution of a second approach was used. The next paragraph
order differential equation with two describes this approach.
different right hand terms. The time
constants of the response and the load Then on ship motions as well as on flow
terms are indicated. From the figure, it off fluids is fairly well developed.
can be seen that, when a heeling moment Therefore it is feasible to develop a
is applied to the ship a dynamic calculation method which can describe
amplification is to be expected when this both the roll motion of a ship and the
moment increases from 0 to its flow of fluid. The method is to be
maximum value within the roll period verified with ingress experiments on a
TR. When the moment increases much simple floating structure in laboratory
slower - i.e. from 0 to its maximum conditions, including the effect of roll
value during several times TR - then a motions. Once the calculation method is
much smaller dynamic amplification can verified, a systematic parameter study
be expected. can be carried out on actual ships. On
the basis of the parameter study,
Table 1 shows an estimate of both conclusions may be drawn with regard to
constants for an arbitrary chosen ferry the need to include dynamic
and for a damage area with a probability considerations while judging damage
of occurrence of 50 % (reference [10]). stability. Figure 2 shows this philosophy
schematically. This paper covers the first
four tasks, up to and including the
one degree of freedom is used. Coupling motions as presented in Chapter 5 were
effects with sway and yaw motions are based on the latter approach.
neglected as yet.
for both the water flow and the airflow
density of water, through each orifice *).
g acceleration of gravity, However, two adjustments are made:
displaced volume of ship, 1. The variation of the hydrostatic
water pressure to the height of the
GN metacentric above C.o.G. of ship, orifice is taken into account by
roll angle. subdividing the orifice into
horizontal strips. The flow
GN is usually available from contribution of each strip is
hydrostatic calculations. calculated separately followed by a
summation of the contributions of all
It should be noted that the righting strips.
moment coefficient c 44 (in fact a spring 2. In order to account for the pressure
loss through orifices, a pressure loss
constant) depends on the roll angle,
coefficient is introduced.
which disturbs the linearity of the
equation of motion.
Hence the water flow through each flow
strip is determined with the next
2 P
The heeling moment M k may be Qi = A
determined by a summation of the K
heeling moments caused by the weight Equation 5
of the fluid in each compartment.
M k = GViYi Qi volume of water flow,
i =1
P pressure loss through strip,
Equation 4 K pressure loss coefficient,
with: density of water,
A sectional area of flow strip.
Mk heeling moment,
The airflow through each strip is
density of water,
determined with a similar formula. In
g acceleration due to gravity, order to cater for the compressibility of
vi volume of water in each the air the density is not used any more.
damaged compartment i due to The air pressure in each compartment
water ingress, can be derived from the theorem of
yi heeling lover of water volume in Boyle - Gay Lussac. Thus the following
compartment i , formula is derived.
nc number of compartments.
P1 R T
Q1 = 2A
The volume in each compartment is P1 + P2 K
calculated by applying Bernoullis law
Equation 6
where: 4. the flow of water between the
compartments and the cross duct.
Q1 volume of airflow,
P1 pressure loss through strip, These aspects called for a fairly large
test model. Moreover the sensitivity of
R specific gas constant of air,
the pressure transducers also imposed
T temperature of air,
lower limits to the size of the test model.
P1 pressure at front of strip, However on the other hand there were
P2 pressure at rear of strip, limitations to the size of the model
K pressure loss coefficient, because of the size of the test basin.
A flow area of flow strip.
0.800 m order to obtain a preliminary idea of the
Mass of the model error introduced by this assumption,
(displacement intact), Vi 3937.5 m3 special attention was paid to the flow of
Moment of inertia of dry water into the test model and through the
test model (dry), I xx **) 1970 kgm2 cross-duct.
Please note that the value of the intact water pressure at the bottom of each
displacement, mass moment of inertia, compartment,
damping and trim ware not varied. air pressure at the top of each
compartment and
The following parameters were water levels in each compartment.
angle of roll, The actual locations of the gauges are
shown in Figure 3.
This applies in particular to:
mass moment of inertia I xx + a 44 ,
damping coefficient b44' ,
Data were recorded both in a digital way pressure loss coefficients K .
and an analogue way.
These properties were determined in the
Air pressures and water pressures were case where the independent variables
measured with pressure gauges, which were set as shown below:
were in contact with the top of the tank
via small tubes. Thus the gauges could centre of gravity above base, KG 0.747 m
area of damage orifice, Ai 0.126 m2
remain outside the tank. cross sectional area comp. 1 0.080 m2
cross sectional area comp. 2 0.055 m2
Water levels wore measured with two cross-sectional area comp. 3 0.080 m2
resistance wires per tank as is often used orifice area A, AA 0.027 m2
to measure wave heights at the bow orifice area B, AB 0.027 m2
orifice area C, AC 0.027 m2
during sea keeping experiments. orifice area D, AD 0.027 m2
Unfortunately these level gauges showed area of air hole 1, A1 0.001 m2
a non linear characteristic. area of air hole 2, A2 0.001 m2
orifice height C: 0.225 m
orifice height D: 0.225 m
area airvent SB: 0.002513 m2
area airvent PS: 0.002513 m2
Please note that the coefficients, as used reported here these motions are
in the calculations were determined in neglected. Some justification may be
such a way that the roll motion of run 53 found in the reasonable agreement
was described best. Subsequent the between calculated and measured
coefficients were kept constant. results. However a systematic
verification should be carried out.
The choice of the pressure loss
6.2. PRESSURE LOSS coefficients is of importance for both the
COEFFICIENTS maximum roll angle and the time
required to level out. Unfortunately the
Pressure loss coefficients, as measured, measured coefficients are not in line
show a strong flow speed dependency. with literature. Moreover measurements
Current literature ([8], [9] and [10]) does show that these coefficients vary with
not mention this dependency. Probably flow speed, which is not reported in
the dependency is due to the fact that literature either. Therefore it is proposed
during the tests the flow of water is far to investigate this matter more
from stationary, which is a requirement extensively. It should be noted that only
for applying the concept of pressure loss one of twelve measuring runs was
coefficients. Moreover inertia effects in analysed with regard to this aspect due
the fluids are neglected. The actual to budget limits.
figures vary within a large range (0.6 -
40.0). The results of the measurements and the
calculations refer to a rectangular
pontoon. It is essential to use the
6.3. OVERSHOOT calculation method on actual ships. Once
this has been done final conclusions may
From the measurements as well as from be drawn with regard to dynamic effects.
the calculations it can be concluded that
there is a significant overshoot in the It seems useful to link the computer
initial roll angle just after the water program as described here with existing
ingress has started. This overshoot is programs on hydrostatic data and cross-
entirely due to inertia effects associated curves. It is also useful to extend the
with the roll motion. Thus it can be current program with subroutines, which
stated that the dynamics of the roll determine added moment of inertia and
motion cannot be neglected when damping or establish a link with
judging the damage stability of ships. A hydrodynamic programs, which can
cross duct does not seem to affect this calculate such parameters.
overshoot significantly (see Table 4).
*) Apart from the air flow calculations,
this approach is taken from the IMCO
6.4. FURTHER RESEARCH recommendations for the determination
of minimum cross-duct areas [101.
During discussions about this project, it
was brought up that sway and yaw
motions could be of significant **) Calculated with: I xx =
Vi B
importance. In the calculation model as
6. Journe, J.M.J., Seaway-Delft, User
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Manual and Theoretical Background
of Release 3.0, Ship
The authors wish to record their Hydrodynamics Laboratory, Delft
appreciation of the work carried out by University of Technology, Report
staff members of the Shiphydro- No. 849, January 1990.
mechanics Laboratory of the Delft 7. lkeda Y. et al, Prediction Method
University of Technology. A special for Ship Rolling, Department of
word of thanks is addressed to Mr. E. Naval Architecture, University of
Vossnack (former head of design Osaka Prefecture, Japan, Report No.
department of Nedlloyd Fleet Services), 00405, 1978.
Mr. H. Vermeer (Netherlands 8. Blevins R.O., Applied Fluid
Directorate General of Shipping and Dynamics Handbook, von Nostrand
Maritime Affairs), Mr. D. Spanjer and Reinhold Company, New York,
Mr. J. Uwland (TNO). Finally, the 1984.
authors like to thank Mr. A. van Strien 9. Ireland N., Damage Stability Model
(Delft University of Technology), who Tests, Project No. 34620, British
has been a great help with the Maritime Technology, May 1988.
performance of the experiments. 10. IMCO, Explanatory Notes to the
Regulations on Subdivision and
Damage Stability of Passenger Ships
REFERENCES as Equivalent to Part B of Chapter 11
of the International Convention for
1. Spouge, J.R., The Technical Safety of life at Sea, 1960, ANNEX
Investigation of the Sinking of the II, STAB XV/11.
RO/RO Ferry EUROPEAN 11. Delft University of Technology,
GATEWAY, RINA Mar., No. 3, Numerical Analysis C1, Lecture
1986. Notes (in Dutch).
2. Boilwood, D.T., Ro/Ro Ship Sur-
vivability; Comments on Damage
Stability Modelling, Ro/Ro-88, NOMENCLATURE
Gothenburg, 7-9 June 1988.
3. Braund, N.A., Damage Stability; A flow area, m2
Research for the Future, Safe a 44 hydrodynamic moment of inertia, kgm2
Ship/Safe Cargo Conference, B beam, m
London, 1978. b44 hydrodynamic damping coeff., Nms/rad
4. Dand, I.W., Hydrodynamic Aspects '
b44 hydrodyn. damping factor, Nms 2 /rad2
of the Sinking of the Ferry HERALD
OF FREE ENTERPRISE, The bd breadth of duct, m
Naval Architect, May 1989. bt breadth of wing tank, m
5. Peach, et al, The Radii of Gyration c 44 spring coefficient, Nm/ rad
of Merchant Ships, North-East
CoG centre of gravity
Coast of Engineers and Shipbuilding D depth, m
Transactions, June 1987, Page 155 - P pressure loss, N/m2
117. Di diameter of damage orifice, m
g acceleration of gravity (9.81), m/s 2
GN metacentric height, m Q water flow, m3 /s
( varying with angle of heel) R gas constant, J/(kgK)
ht height of wing tank, m density of water, kg/m3
T draught, m
I xx ridgid moment of inertia of ship, kgm2
ui approximative value by Euler
K pressure loss coefficient, N/m2
KG height of CoG above base, m V volume of displacement, m3
L length of ship, m
v 2i approximative value by Euler
ld length of duct, m
lt length of tank, m vi approximative value by Euler
Mk heeling moment, Nm integration
nc number of compartments yi exact value
&& angular roll acceleration, rad/s 2 hd height of duct, m
& angular roll velocity, rad/s
roll angle, rad
Figure 2 Schematic Representation of the Philosophy
Figure 3 Cross-Section and Top View of Testmodel
Figure 4 Roll Motion Run 43 (Decreased Duct Area)
Figure 6 Roll Motion Run 53 (Initial Configuration)
Figure 8 Roll Motion Run 120 (Height of CoG Increased)
Figure 10 Pressure Loss Coefficient as Function of Flow Velocity, Damage Orifice