Research On Drift Path Prediction Technology of Ships
Research On Drift Path Prediction Technology of Ships
Research On Drift Path Prediction Technology of Ships
2018 International Conference on Computer Modeling, Simulation and Algorithm (CMSA 2018)
Abstract—In order to improve the prediction fitting degree proposed a random particle simulation method, which describes
of the existing method to predict the drift path of the ship, the the influence of the uncertain and volatile marine environment
particle reloading simulation method was proposed to predict the and the wind pressure coefficient on the ship drifting.
drift path from the aspect of segment prediction. Particle Reference [4] proposed Monte Carlo prediction method, it
reloading simulation method divides the drift time into multiple based on classical probability theory and mathematical
segments, and then the information is updated after each segment. statistics theory and stochastic process. Reference [5] based on
The updating will continue the whole drift process, and then the the Leeway offshore drift theory and the Monte Carlo method.
drift path will be obtained. Experimental results indicate that our The experimental result was basically consisted with the actual
method is extremely promising for predicting drift paths of ships.
This is due to the avoidance of the problem of the Monte Carlo
method, which prediction accuracy of the long-distance decreases In this paper, we shall study the Monte Carlo method and
with time. then propose the particle reloading simulation method to
predict the drift path of the ship. The rest of this paper is
Keywords—drift path; particle reload simulation; prediction organized as follows. In section 2, we give the basic principles
degree; Monte Carlo of Monte Carlo method. In section 3, we analyze the ship drift
state and put forward a novel method that we call particle
I. INTRODUCTION reloading simulation.In section4, the paper provides
With the prosperity of maritime transport, there is the sea experimental results to validate the novel method. Finally, what
accident.The incidence of maritime accidents has been is presented is the conclusion.
increasing gradually, which has attracted people's attention.
Because the accident occurs on the sea, it is very difficult to II. MONTE CARLO METHOD
carry out the rescue. After accidents happen, we cannot rescue Monte Carlo prediction is one of the most widely used
real-time at sea, then the wrecked ship will drift over time, and methods in the drift path prediction. In the using of ship drift
the rescue will not be easy to obtain good results. If we can model, Monte Carlo method [6] simulates the ship drift process
predict the drift path of the wrecked ship, we can gain more at first, and then calculates the initial probability distribution
time for the rescue, and minimize the loss as much as possible. during the ship drift. Finally it solves the problem of ship drift
The existing methods of ship drift path prediction only solve path. Monte Carlo method bases on probability statistics, it
the problem of complex calculation, and it is better to predict regards the problem as a random event, and uses the random
the drift path of short distance. But in a long distance, the test to simulate the random feature of the problem of digital
performance is not satisfactory. At the same time, the fitting features, and the numerical features that obtained from the
degree and accuracy are not high. Precise prediction of paths is simulation of random events are considered as approximate
very important in helping to rescue and reduce casualties and solutions to the problem.
there is a pressing need for improved methods to help solve
challenging the prediction of the drift path problems. The drift model of the ship on the sea can be expressed by
the following simplified formula (only considering wind drift
For the study of ship drift paths on the sea, we need to and flow drift)
consider influencing factors of ship drift. There are some
existing methods for the prediction of the drift paths and the
analysis of drift on the sea. Reference[1] used a probability t t
model to predict the location and velocity of the drifting objects x(t ) x 0 V (t )dt [ L(t ) uw(t )]dt (1)
0 0
at each moment in the study of the drift trajectories of non-
powered ships, it obtained result that is the closest real speed of
drift at a time. Reference[2] considered the influence of the Where L(t ) is the wind drift, uw(t ) is the flow drift, x 0 is
natural environment factors such as the wind field and the flow initial drift distance.
field on the drift, and types of drifting objects were classified. The wind drift of the ship drift model is the drift that the
If final location of the drifting object and the type are known, ship is exposed to air and dragged or pushed by wind. Since the
finally they could obtain the drift trajectory. Reference [3] shape of the drift ship is not necessarily symmetrical, a wind
pressure angle between the direction of the ship drift and the Through the studying of wind drift and wind speed data can
downward wind direction is caused by a lateral wind force, and be obtained between about wind induced drift and wind speed
the wind pressure angle is likely to occur on either side of the regulation, but there are errors and accidental factors in
wind direction. According to the empirical formula, wind drift obtaining wind speed and linear relationship, Therefore, the
L(t ) is obtained as follows: slope and intercept of the linear relationship need to add a
random perturbation function[9],which satisfies the distribution
N(0, σ ). Wind drift coefficient is:
L(t ) Ld adW 10 bd (2)
Advances in Intelligent Systems Research (AISR), volume 151
A. Simulation Particle Drift State Analysis B. A New Path Generation Method Based on Particle
In this paper, drifting ship is transformed into a particle that Reloading Simulation
has no influence each other, and they have the properties of We know the speed v. Where t= t , it is small enough. The
floating ship and environmental forces. We need to analyze method can form the integral curve, this curve is the drift path.
properties and force situation of ships, and then get the ship's
force situation:
y x x 0 vdt (10)
(m m )dV n 0
Fi (7)
dt i 1
This method is predictive for short distance drift paths, but
for drift predictions can produce errors on long distance. In this
case, total time of the drift is divided into segments, and then
By studying the drift ship, there are four main forces that particles are reloaded for each period of time. Each period will
affect the drift of the ship. They are the drag force of the wind, update initial probability distribution of the particle and force
the radiation force of the waves, the drag force of the flow and state of the particle at this time, which will make the drift path
the thrust of the turbulence. In this paper, particles are only closer to the real state:
affected by the above four forces. As for the intrusion ratio and
the material of the ship, particles are automatically acquired,
because they included above forces. According to the drift of t1 t2 tn
the assumed condition, the acceleration of the ship drift model y x x 0 vdt vdt v n (11)
0 t1 tn 1
can be expressed as:
After particle updates the information in N-1th time,
tn n
(m m )dV n
tn1 v is based on the force condition and the initial
Fi Fa Fw Fc Ft probability distribution to obtain the drift path in Nth time.
i 1
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