IndianJPharmacol493229-3498174 094301
IndianJPharmacol493229-3498174 094301
IndianJPharmacol493229-3498174 094301
Research Article
OBJECTIVES: In this study, three(CS1 to CS3) azomethine derivatives of cinnamaldehyde were
green synthesized, characterized, and their antioxidant and antidepressant activities were explored.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The antioxidant effect of these compounds was initially performed
invitro using 1,1diphenyl2picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) and 2,2azinobis(3ethylbenzothiazoline6sulfonic
acid)(ABTS) assay methods before subjecting them to invivo experiments. Compounds showing
potent antioxidant activity (CS1 and CS2) were investigated further for their antidepressant
activity using the forced swim test(FST) and tail suspension test(TST). Ascorbic acid(AA) and
fluoxetine (20 mg/kg, p.o) were used as reference drugs for comparison in the antioxidant and
antidepressant experiments, respectively.
RESULTS: It was observed that CS2 and CS3 exhibited highest DPPH(half maximal inhibitory
concentration [IC50]: 16.22 and 25.18 g/mL) and ABTS (IC50: 17.2 and 28.86 g/mL) radical
Departments of
scavenging activity, respectively, compared to AA (IC50: 15.73 and 16.79 g/mL) and therefore,
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
and 1Pharmacology, both CS2 and CS3 were tested for their antidepressant effect using FST and TST as experimental
Faculty of Pharmacy, models. Pretreatment of CS2 and CS3(20mg/kg) for 10days considerably decreased the immobility
AIMST University, time in both the FST and TST models.
Semeling, 08100 Bedong, CONCLUSION: The antioxidant and antidepressant effect of CS2 and CS3 may be attributed to
Kedah, 2Department of the presence of azomethine linkage in the molecule.
Pharmacology, Faculty of
Medicine, CUCMS, 63000 Keywords:
Cyberjaya, 3Department 1, 1diphenyl2picrylhydrazyl and 2, 2azinobis(3ethylbenzothiazoline6sulfonate), antidepressant,
of Pharmaceutical antioxidant, azomethine, cinnamaldehyde, forced swim test, green synthesis, Schiff base, tail
Pharmacology and
suspension test
Chemistry, Faculty of
Pharmacy, Universiti
Teknologi MARA,
Selangor, Malaysia, Introduction produce a huge variety of Schiff bases using
Department of different chemical procedures. The general
Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Sultan Ul Uloom College
of Pharmacy, Hyderabad,
Telangana, India
T he green synthesis and structure of
Schiff bases(also called as azomethines)
have attracted much attention in the field
structural feature of Schiff bases is the
azomethine group with a general formula
RHC=NR1, where R and R1 represent
of pharmaceutical research. Schiff bases are alkyl, aryl, cyclo alkyl, or heterocyclic
Address for
correspondence: obtained by condensing primary amines groups. Several studies[68] revealed that the
Dr.Sridevi Chigurupati, with carbonyl compounds.[13] A considerable incidence of a lone pair of electrons in a sp2
Department of amount of research has been done by hybridized orbital of the nitrogen atom of
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Hugo(Ugo) Schiff[4,5] in the course of time to the azomethine group is of considerable
Faculty of Pharmacy,
AIMST University,
chemical and biological importance.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Semeling, 08100 Bedong,
Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike 3.0
Kedah, Malaysia. How to cite this article: Chigurupati S, Shaikh SA,
License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the Mohammad JI, Selvarajan KK, Nemala AR, Khaw CH,
work noncommercially, as long as the author is credited and the
com et al. In vitro antioxidant and in vivo antidepressant
new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
activity of green synthesized azomethine derivatives of
Submission: 26102016 cinnamaldehyde. Indian J Pharmacol 2017;49:229-35.
Accepted: 19052017 For reprints contact:
Recent literature revealed the use of cinnamaldehyde for purity checking. Spots of TLC were recognized by
as an antimicrobial, [9] anticancer, [10] and flavoring iodine chamber. The ultraviolet(UV)visible spectra of
agent for chewing gums. [11] Similarly, Schiff bases all the compounds were obtained at 200400nm using
have been reported for antibacterial,[12,13] antifungal,[14] a double beam Shimadzu UV 1800 spectrophotometer
antiproliferative, [15,16] and antipyretic properties.[17] at a concentration of 50 g dissolved in methanol. The
During the entire preceding history of medicine, fewer infrared(IR) spectra of synthesized compounds were
of drugs had known the focus of action, and then fewer recorded on a Thermo Nicolet Nexus 670FTIR using
had been submitted to synthetic investigations. It is an KBr disc method with minimum forty scans. 1HNMR
evident fact that azomethines with aryl substituents spectra were obtained on Bruker UXNMR instrument at
are more stable and readily synthesized, whereas those 300 MHz, using tetramethylsilane as an internal standard
containing alkyl substituents are relatively unstable. and CDCl3 as a solvent, and chemical shift values were
Azomethines of aliphatic aldehydes are usually readily expressed in ppm. 13C NMR spectra were recorded on
polymerizable and unstable while those with conjugated Bruker DPX at 300Hz. The mass spectra were recorded
aromatic aldehydes are more stable.[18] on MASPEC(MSW/9629), and values were expressed as
%relative abundance. Elemental analyses for synthesized
In an attempt to identify a potent and safer antidepressant compounds were carried over Perkin Elmer 240 CHN
agent, this study avoided the usage of hazardous analyzer.
chemicals and focused in green synthesis of novel
azomethines of cinnamaldehyde(CS1, CS2, and CS3). Synthesis of azomethine derivatives of
Both cinnamaldehyde [19,20] and their azomethine cinnamaldehyde
derivatives [21,22] were reported for their antioxidant An equimolar concentration of cinnamaldehyde(0.01M)
and antidepressant effects.[23,24] Hence, the synthesized and substituted aromatic amines(0.01M) were dissolved
cinnamaldehyde azomethines were subjected to invitro in 5ml of ethanol at room temperature until completely
antioxidant and invivo antidepressant studies. dissolved and then they were triturated for the mentioned
time[25,26] to give cinnamaldehyde azomethines[Figure1].
Materials and Methods The crystalline product was collected after filtration,
washed with water, and then recrystallized using
Drugs and chemicals aqueous ethanol. Abase catalyst triethylamine was
1,1diphenyl2picrylhydrazyl(DPPH), 2,2'azinobis added during trituration.[15] The completion of the
(3ethylbenzothiazoline6sulfonic acid) (ABTS), reaction was confirmed by Rf with TLC technique,
ascorbic acid(AA), and fluoxetine hydrochloride (FLX) using the appropriate solvent system, benzene:pyridine:
were obtained from SigmaAldrich(USA). All other ammonia(8:2:1), and the spots were recognized with the
chemicals used are of analytical grade were purchased help of iodine chamber. The formed crystalline powder
commercially from local vendors and were utilized was dried in oil pump, further dried in a desiccator.[27]
without further purification. The UVvisible, IR, NMR, and mass spectra supported
the structures of all synthesized compounds.
The melting points of the compounds were determined In vitro antioxidant assay
using an electric melting point apparatus(Toshniwal 1,1diphenyl2picrylhydrazyl assay
Pvt. Ltd., India) and the values were uncorrected. The stable free radicalscavenging potential was
Thin layer chromatography(TLC) technique on silica obtained by the 1,1diphenyl2picrylhydrazyl(DPPH)
gelGF254 coated plates (Merck, Germany) is used method.[28,29] Preparation of DPPH solution was done
Figure1: Scheme for the green synthesis of azomethines derivatives(CS1 to CS3) of cinnamaldehyde
using Molyneux[30] and Blois[31] method with minor Study design and treatment
modification. The samples used to dissolve the test Based on the invitro antioxidant results, CS1 was
compounds were 95%v/v ethanol. In brief, 0.5mL of excluded from animal studies, and CS2 and CS3 were
test compounds (0blank control, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, selected for invivo study. At the end of acclimatization
500, and 1000g/mL) was added to 0.5mL of DPPH period, rats and mice were randomly divided into four
(2 M in 95%v/v ethanol) and incubated the mixture groups(n=6/group) for forced swim test(FST) and
at room temperature for 30min. The absorbance was tail suspension test(TST), respectively. Control group
measured at a wavelength of 517nm, and the percentage animals were administered with vehicle(10mL/kg),
scavenging of free radicles by the test compounds positive control group animals were treated with
was calculated from the following equation using FLX(20mg/kg), and test group animals were treated
Microsoft Excel software(Version2010, Microsoft Corp., with CS2 and CS3(20mg/kg).
Seattle, WA, USA.) The standard used for comparison
was AA.[32] Forced swim test
The effect of CS2, CS3, and FLX treatment on
% Inhibition =(1absorbance sample/ depressivelike behavior of rats was measured in the FST.
absorbance control) 100 (1) [35,36]
The entire FST was performed after 2h of treatment
on the 9thand 10thday. On the 9thday, rats were exposed to
The half maximal inhibitory concentration(IC50) was a 15min FST(pretest) and followed by a 6min FST(test)
calculated using constructing a nonlinear regression on the next(10th) day. Rats were individually allowed to
graph between %inhibition versus concentration, perform FST inside a plastic cylinder(height 35 cm and
using GraphPad Prism software(version6, GraphPad diameter 25.5cm; containing 25cm of water maintained
Software, Inc., CA 92037, USA). at 25C). The rats were removed from the water and then
placed in the warm enclosure before accommodating into
2,2'azinobis(3ethylbenzothiazoline6sulfonic acid) the respective cages. Cylinders were cleaned thoroughly
assay and filled with fresh water after performing FST with
ABTS was dissolved in distilled water at the concentration each rat. In total, 6min test period, the immobility
of 7103 M and 2.45103 M of potassium persulfate was recorded only for the last 4min. Atimesampling
was added. This reaction mixture was left overnight technique was used, whereby the predominant behavior
(1216h) in the dark, at room temperature and used for in each 5 s interval of the 4min test swim was scored, the
the assay.[33] Various concentrations of test compounds rats behavior was judged as one of the following three
were prepared similar to that of DPPH assay and behaviors as described as follows:[37,38]
Immobility behavior: This includes the floating
were incubated with theABTSsolution for 30min.
behavior of rat with no additional activity other than
The absorbance was measured at 734nm[34], and the
that required to keep its head above the water
%scavenging of free radicles by the test compounds was
Climbing behavior: This behavior includes the
determined using the formula described in equation (1)
upwarddirected vigorous thrashing movements
and the IC50 was calculated. AA was selected as standard
with the forepaws, along the side of the swim
Swimming behavior: This behavior includes the
Antidepressant activity movement of rat on the water surface throughout the
Animals swim chamber, with its horizontal position
Twentyfour male SpragueDawley rats(standard
deviation: 150200 g) and 24 male Swiss Albino mice Tail suspension test
(1825g) were selected and housed in Central Animal The TST was performed as per the methods earlier
House, AIMST University, Malaysia. The animals described[39,40] with minor modifications. All the mice of
were separately housed in groups(6/cage) and four different groups received their respective treatments
were maintained at laboratory standard conditions for 10days and 2h after the last treatment(10thday) the
(room temperature: 22C 2C, relative humidity: mice were suspended upside down on a metal rod which
50%70%, photoperiod: 12h light/dark) with free access was placed at the height of 60cm from the ground level
to pellet rodent feed(Gold Coin, Port Klang, Malaysia) using an adhesive tape placed approximately 1cm from
and reverse osmosis treated water ad libitum. All animals the tip of the tail. Within 6min period, the total duration
were acclimatized to laboratory standard conditions for a of immobility was rated with each mice used only once.
week before the start of the experiment. The experimental
protocol was approved by AIMST University Human Statistical analysis
and Animal Ethics Committee (Ref. No: AUHAEC The means of total immobility time in seconds for FST,
13/FOP/SP/2015). TST, and behavioral scores(immobility, swimming, and
Indian Journal of PharmacologyVolume 49,Issue 3,MayJune 2017 231
[Downloaded free from on Wednesday, November 29, 2017, IP:]
climbing counts) in FST were analyzed using oneway 11.00(1H, s, COOH); MS(m/z,[relative abundance, %]):
analysis of variance further followed by Tukeys multiple 251 (M+, 32.6), 174, 130, 121, 102, 77, 53, 51 (BP, 100);
comparison test. P< 0.05 was measured statistically UVVis(MeOH)(lmax/nm): 307.
significant. All statistical analyses were performed
using GraphPad Prism statistical software(Version6, Antioxidant activity
GraphPad Software, Inc., CA 92037, USA). 1,1diphenyl2picrylhydrazyl method
The antioxidant potency of cinnamaldehyde
Results azomethines evaluated using DPPH[Figure2] and
ABTS method[Figure3].
The synthetic experiment offered three cinnamaldehyde The IC50(g/mL) values obtained with DPPH assay
azomethines(CS1, CS2, and CS3). The structures of all [AA(15.73) > CS3(16.22) > CS2(25.18) > CS1(35.47)]
synthesized compounds were established by UVvisible, and ABTS assay[AA(16.79) > CS3(17.2) > CS2(28.86)
IR, NMR, and mass spectral data. The spectral data for > CS1 (50.97)] are presented in the decreasing order.
the newly synthesized compounds are as follows: Among the cinnamaldehyde azomethines except
CS1, all other compounds showed the high(CS3) to
N(3phenylallylidene) benzamine (CS1): Yield: 70%; moderate(CS2) antioxidant potency. Hence, CS1 was
mp: 98100C; Anal. Calcd. for C15H13N:C, 86.92; H, 6.32; excluded from our invivo experiment.
N, 6.76%. Found C, 86.90; H, 6.28; N, 6.67%; IR(KBr, cm1):
3085 (=CH stretching of aromatic ring), 3039 (=CH Antidepressant activity
stretching of alkenyl group), 1600(C=N stretching Effect of CS2, CS3, and fluoxetine treatment on
azomethine group), 15401600 (C=Cstretching of immobility time in forced swim test and tail suspension
aromatic ring), 1320(CN, stretching of azomethine test
group); 1 HNMR (500.1 MHz, CDCl 3 d, /ppm): The effects of CS2, CS3, and FLX treatment on the mean
5.76 (1H, t, J = 9.5 Hz, H2), 6.52 (1H, d, J = 12 Hz, immobility time in FST and TST are shown in Table1.
H3), 7.237.60(10H, m, phenyl), 8.24(1H, d, J=7.8Hz, On by visual observation, in 15min FST(pretest), rats
H1); MS(m/z,(relative abundance, %)): 207(M+, 18.9), were very active, vigorously swimming, climbing
107, 102, 77, 53, 51, 130 (BP, 100); UVVis (MeOH) the wall, or diving down. At the end of 23min, the
(lmax/nm): 353. abovementioned activities subsidies, in which rat made
only those movements which are necessary to keep
4(3Phenylallylideneamino) phenol(CS2): Yield: 80%; its head above the water indicating the characteristic
mp: 120130C; Anal. Calcd. for C15H13NO: C, 80.68; behavior called as immobility. At 24h later, on the test
H, 5.87; N, 6.27%. Found C, 80.56; H, 5.78; N, 5.82%; date when rats subjected to 6min test session, there is
IR(KBr, cm 1): 3640 (Broad, OH Str), 3055 (=CH increased immobility time.
stretching of aromatic ring), 3038(=CH stretching
of alkenyl group), 1668(C=N stretching azomethine Similarly, in TST, initially, by making vigorous
group), 15401600 (C=Cstretching of aromatic ring), movements, the mice tried to escape but became immobile
1320(CN, stretching of azomethine group); 1HNMR after a while. The animals were exposed to this kind of
(500.1 MHz, CDCl3d, /ppm): 5.4 (1H, s,OH, D2O
exchangeable), 5.72(1H, t, J=9.5Hz, H2), 6.59(1H, d,
J=12Hz, H3), 7.47.8(10H, m, phenyl), 8.29(1H, d,
J = 7.8 Hz, H1); MS (m/z, (relative abundance, %)):
223(M+, 18.5), 146, 130, 102, 93, 77, 53, 51 (BP, 100);
UVVis(MeOH)(lmax/nm): 302. 70%
DPPH % Scavenging
4(3Phenylallylideneamino) benzoic acid(CS3): Yield: 50%
86%; mp: 130140C; Anal. Calcd. for C16H13NO2: C, 40%
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