Capstone Final Report
Capstone Final Report
Capstone Final Report
Bridging the Gap; 1:1 Devices for Fitzgerald High School Students
Christy Jacobs
November 2017
June 2016
Description of Experience
The capstone proposal, Bridging the Gap, 1:1 Devices for Fitzgerald High School
Students, proved to be a challenging task. The initial start, however, went smoothly. A survey
was created for the student population and it was administered within a reasonable amount of
time and resulted in 645 student responses (as current seniors in the spring of 2017 were not
surveyed). The results were evaluated to determine the additional need of devices for our student
Following the diagnostic survey, a grant was located that would put devices in the hands
of 300 students at Fitzgerald High School per year for the duration of five years. The media
specialist met with administration and received approval to apply for the grant along with the
help of our districts outsourced technology department, Vartek. At this point, the capstone was
going smoothly and aligned with the project timeline. The 1 Million Project funded by Sprint
was the grant of choice. This individual grant would help fulfil the requirements of the capstone,
and make a difference at the high school by providing students with individual devices. The
tedious work began of making sure that the high school fulfilled all the program requirements.
Our surveyed results and district Title One coordinator provided information that fulfilled the
eligibility of our student population. The media specialist began working with individuals within
the district regarding a parent/guardian consent form, designating responsibility for device
inventory, distributing, supporting, and updating the devices and student eligibility. Every part
of qualifying evidence was determined and a team was formed to ensure that Fitzgerald High
School was applicable for the grant. Upon meeting for the first time as a group, the media
specialist had individual packets of information per group member with one final grant
requirement to be met--- falling within the Sprint network. She had already printed a map of our
area and it appeared that we fell within extended coverage. A phone call to Sprint quickly ended
the option of the grant as Fitzgerald High School was designated as being in an area of the state
that was off-network and the devices, if awarded, would not work. The capstone project at this
Once the 1:1 grant was no longer applicable, the media specialist turned towards getting
devices within the school that included the use of student owned devices and cellphones---
originally not included in the capstone project. Due to school discipline reports and classroom
management issues with teenagers and their cell phones, she had wanted to have laptops or
tablets per student, however the proposal had to be adjusted. The media specialist then turned
towards administration that had access to Title One funding and pleaded the need for additional
classroom devices. The student information from the survey provided support towards the need
of additional technology devices to use in the classroom. Two full classroom carts were added
into circulation at the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year. Additional tablet devices were
also donated to the school for student and classroom use. Therefore, even though the initial grant
did not fall into place, the number of devices at Fitzgerald High School did increase and will
continue to do so once the budget for the new year is approved. While students do not have
individual devices on them always, they now have devices (computers or tablets) for half of our
Professional learning (PL) of technology tools have taken place to increase the teachers
comfort level through integrative technology, technology applications, programs, sites etc. PL
was an important aspect of the capstone project as increasing the devices coincides with
increasing the level of technology integration and application of the standards and student use.
The professional learning implemented and growth in technology used in the classrooms will not
end after the capstone. This aspect will become continuous as they all learn and grow together
through the various types and ways of successfully implementing technology in the classroom.
Therefore, even though the initial thought of the capstone project (devices in the hands of
students) was not able to be fulfilled, the high school was able to increase the devices available
for use in the building along with the positivity towards integrating technology in the classroom.
Plans to follow up with purchasing additional devices will occur in January of 2018 once the
budget has been approved. There are also plans to follow up with teachers who are showing
strength through technology integration in their classrooms and pairing them with teachers to
provide additional support. As the media specialist and future technology specialist in the
building, plans are in place to continue towards the goal of providing all students at Fitzgerald
High School with a device as it also helps prepare them to be successful in the educated society
The media specialist, a candidate in the Educational Specialist program for Instructional
Technology at Kennesaw State University, completed her capstone, Bridging the Gap, 1:1
devices for Fitzgerald High School Students in the fall of 2017. Throughout her capstone
experience she increased her knowledge, skills, and dispositions towards becoming a
Her growth in her knowledge, skills, and dispositions took place as she engaged the
entire school population and administration in a series of surveys, grants, interviews, and
professional learning to reach three project objectives outlined in the capstone. The objects set
were to increase the individual student technology use, increase teacher understating of how
to use technology effectively, and increase teachers comfort level with providing professional
development and learning through integrative technology. The objectives not only allowed the
KSU student the opportunity to learn about technology facilitation through surveying the types
of technology available, working devices that students had, and how to best increase the
number of student devices available, but it also allowed her to grow in her awareness of digital
equity and how to best facilitate the technology available through equalizing access for all
Growth as a technology leader has been evident through her work with teachers in
professional learning that attribute to classroom management and collaborative learning, and
selecting and evaluating digital tools and resources (PSC standards 3.1 and 3.6). Her knowledge
of how to interact with her peers through professional development grew with each session as
did her skills and dispositions to best meet the needs of the individual teachers in a
In conclusion, the media specialist or KSU graduate student quickly learned that her
capstone standards were set extremely high. While there was great potential early on for the
grant to be effective and meet the needs of the school and digital equity for all students, the
idea of truly closing the gap in less than one calendar year is close to impossible. For future
graduate candidates in completing their capstone course, a suggestion can be made to pick a
more direct project that has objectives that are not heavily dependent upon funding resources
as they may not always be available nor attainable within your short timeframe.