Jackson County Comprehensive High School Shared Vision & Rationale

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Jackson County Comprehensive High School Shared Vision & Rationale

Jason Gregory Guzzardo

Instructional Technology Leadership-ITEC 7410

Fall 2018

Dr. David Beeland, Jr.

Jackson County Comprehensive High School Shared Vision & Rationale

Vision Statement

Jackson County Comprehensive High School will use technology as a vehicle to allow learners

uncover their unique capacity for learning, provide our teachers the competence to enhance student learning,

and ​encourage collaborative partnerships with parents, businesses, and community​ stakeholders. The JCCHS

technological enhancements will also provide various avenues for learning through ​rigorous and engaging

learning experiences for all students through the use of technology, which will result in an increase in student

performance around the 4C’s (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, & communication). This united

vision at JCCHS aims to provide individualized learning opportunities and reach our diverse learning styles

through innovative approaches and practices.


Jackson County High School does not currently have a technology plan therefore the groundwork for

a technology plan, a vision for technology use and technology integration began with a survey to its’ teachers

and those that support teachers. The survey was given to 84 teachers and support staff. Respondents were

not required to participate in the survey nor required to answer all eight questions. The responses received

are available in Appendix A1. The survey revealed that teachers and support staff want to see the school's

1:1 initiative continue to progress with the expectation that in 2 years all instructional classrooms would have

enough laptops for each student. The survey also uncovered that the school’s network and internet

capabilities and infrastructure should be upgraded and made current while professional learning for

technology should closely resemble a coaching model within each department.

For the school and district’s 1:1 initiative, teacher and support personal envision 1:1 laptop classroom

scenarios will be used to enhance instruction, provide more individualized learning opportunities and
immediate feedback to students through websites, online assessments and collaboration. Enhanced

instruction at JCCHS could include but would not limited to the following:

❏ Technology Literacy​-JCCHS will offer and highly recommend all freshmen a technology literacy

course which will be awarded elective credit towards graduation. This course could provide students

with the opportunity to learn how to appropriately use technology and navigate and format computer

applications to enhance learning.

❏ Learning Exercises​-JCCHS classrooms could access district provided resources to allow for

exploration and application of various topics to keep students actively engaged.

❏ Student Collaboration​-JCCHS classrooms could incorporate the use of websites, academic

discussion/interactive boards and the use and google applications to communicate effectively and

immediately for course content topics.

❏ Virtual Labs/Field Trips​-JCCHS classrooms could integrate virtual opportunities to take the

traditional classroom beyond the walls.

❏ Student Research/Data Collection​-JCCHS classrooms could navigate and interpret academic

information to enrich and deepen the information sought for a specific objective, concept or course


❏ Student Assessments​-JCCHS classrooms could administer assessments to students more readily and

provide instant feedback and remediation.

❏ Project Based Learning​-JCCHS classrooms could integrate several recommended technology

enhancements to provide real world and multi-content learning opportunities.

Accompanying enhanced learning at JCCHS the internet infrastructure will be improved by adding

WIFI access points to each classroom and updating software and firewalls as necessary to allow the school

WIFI to run effectively and efficiently. JCCHS will continue to provide student and teacher WIFI throughout

the campus to allow for flexible and enhanced learning. Not only will JCCHS have a consistent WIFI
connection, but most importantly a current and robust internet infrastructure. In accordance with ​U.S.

Department of Education’s E-Rate program​ JCCHS will continue to update infrastructure annually and meet

the E-Rate eligibility requirements to reduce the financial burden of the maintaining this robust and high

performance network.

Enhancing instruction through technology requires a significant level of competency from its’

instructors to successfully integrate technology properly and appropriately into the classroom. Research

completed by Vermont’s Agency of Education on Coaching reveals a “positive impact on teacher efficacy

and effectiveness. There is also evidence that effective coaching can help educators make informed

instructional decisions and can contribute to increased instructional capacity” (Vermont: Agency of

Education, 2016). Teachers and support staff at will adopt the Technology Instructional Coach and Teacher

Leader roles at JCCHS. The Technology Instructional Coach will provide on-going, embedded, and

non-evaluating professional learning for technology integration to Teachers Leaders in each department.

Teacher Leaders in each department will work closely with their department colleagues and facilitate

professional learning on a individualized platform (Vermont: Agency of Education, 2016). Providing an

enhanced technological classroom is of vital importance to JCCHS teachers and support staff. JCCHS will

continuously investigate opportunities to increase student performance while providing 21st century learning

opportunities and experiences. JCCHS will also progressively enhance instruction and student learning

through the readily available technological avenues in education, while maintaining high levels of research

based instructional practices.

Diversity Considerations

The student body at Jackson County High School is made up of 1,174 students with 77% of the

students being White, 11% of the students being Hispanic, 5% of the students being Black, 4% Asian/Pacific

Islander, and 3% Multi-Racial. While 32% (376) of the students at JCCHS qualify for Free and/or Reduced

Lunch, only 10% (117) of the student body have disabilities and 1% (12) consist of English Language
Learners (Georgia School Reports, 2018). The poverty rate in Jefferson, Ga where JCCHS is located is

12.5% which is only 3.5% below the state of Georgia’s poverty rate and 1.5% below the National Poverty

rate (DataUSA.io, 2018). Given the school and regional data the vision for Jackson County Comprehensive

High School’s diverse learners will focus on ​ISTE’s​ essential conditions, Equitable Access (Essential

Conditions, 2016).

This focus will include providing 1 to 1 technology in every classroom to all give students no matter

their socioeconomic status the opportunity to enhance their learning experience. JCCHS will “advocate for

equitable access to educational technology, digital content and learning opportunities to meet the diverse

needs of all students” (ISTE-E, 2016). Supplementing this focus, JCCHS will ensure that all students will

know how and where to access technology and digital platforms, how and where to obtain help for

technologically related issues, and are confident they will be provided flexibility to meet their diverse

learning needs (Essential Conditions, 2016). These will be ensured through the roles stakeholders will

accomplish for this shared vision.

Stakeholder Roles

School Leadership

School Leadership will include the JCCHS Principal, Administrators and Media Specialist/LST.

JCCHS school leaders primary focus will be to promote the shared technology vision of the school to

enhance instruction for teachers in the classroom and improve student performance. These leaders will also

“evaluate progress on the strategic plan, make course corrections, measure impact and scale effective

approaches for using technology to transform learning” (ISTE-S, 2016). Effectively communicating and

forming a positive relationship with the school’s stakeholders will be of vital importance to continue the

growth and support of JCCHS technology vision. This communal relationship will allow JCCHS leaders to

“share lessons learned, best practices, challenges and the impact of learning with technology with other
education leaders who want to learn from this work” as the Jackson County School System prepares its

stakeholders for educational experiences in 21st century.


Educators at JCCHS will continuously enhance instruction by endeavoring technology by using best

instructional practices, but also through application of new innovative approaches. This continuing education

will be lead by individual educators in each department that have the confidence and competence to “model

for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation, curation and adoption of new digital resources and

tools for learning” (ISTE-E, 2016). JCCHS educators will connect stakeholders to learning experiences

through the various avenues provide by the JCCHS technology and network.. This connection will allow the

use of “collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-world learning experiences by engaging

virtually with experts, teams and students, locally and globally” (ISTE-E, 2016). Educators will be given the

freedom to determine a student’s path to mastering a concept with the us of “technology to create, adapt and

personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and

needs. This focus will empower educators at JCCHS to have the confidence to take informed risk using

technology to enhance instruction while increasing overall student performance through being a Learner,

Leader, Collaborator and Facilitator (ITSE-E, 2016).


Students at JCCHS will actively access and use technology on a regular basis in the classroom and at

home. This access will require great responsibility by all students who will use ISTE’s student standards to

enhance their learning opportunities. Specifically, students at JCCHS will focus on being empowered

learners, high quality digital citizens and creative communicators as defined by the ISTE student standards

(ISTE-S, 2016).

Students at JCCHS will empower their learning by using “technology to seek feedback that informs

and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways” (ISTE-S, 2016). Students
will also “understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose,

use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging

technologies” (ISTE-S, 2016). High quality digital citizenship will be accomplished through students

engaging appropriately and safely while using JCCHS technology and demonstrating “an understanding of

and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property” (ISTE-S, 2016). Creative

communication by JCCHS students will allow them to “create original works or responsibly repurpose or

remix digital resources into new creations” and “communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by

creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.” (ISTE-S, 2016).

These three focus areas aim to improve student performance and efficacy while completing courses required

by the state and district.


Parents of JCCHS student will be able to connect to their student’s academic achievements and

progress through a unified platform provided by the district which allows parent to monitor performance.

Parents will be given the opportunity to access all of their students’ digital classroom platforms for their

individual courses and be updated regularly by the course’s educator through various forms of digital

communication. Many of the instructional enhancements parents will be able to navigate, but not limited to

are Infinite Campus, Canvas, Google Classroom, Remind, and Gmail. Parents of JCCHS will seek research

and information provided on the school and district websites to educate themselves and

on these 21st century instructional enhancements. ​ ​Embracing the 21st century classroom with their student

will allow JCCHS student’s become more apt to be college readiness and the ability to obtain jobs which

may not exist yet in today’s market.


Ark, T. V. (2017, March 01). 10 Strategies Promoting Digital Access and Equity. Retrieved October 17,
2018, from ​http://www.gettingsmart.com/2017/03/10-strategies-promoting-digital-access-and-equity/

Coaching as Professional Learning: Guidelines for Implementing Effective Coaching Systems [PDF]. (2016,
March). Vermont:Agency of Education.

Data USA. (2018, October 17). Retrieved October 18, 2018, from ​https://datausa.io/

E-Rate Program - Discounted Telecommunications Services -- Office of Non-Public Education. (2017,

March 01). Retrieved October 20, 2018, from ​https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oii/nonpublic/erate.html

Essential Conditions. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2018, from


Georgia School Reports. (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2018, from


Guzzardo, J. (2018, October 1). Snapshot: Technology Shared Vision Survey Results. Retrieved October 05,
2018, from ​https://spark.adobe.com/page/qHJJeuQDDaJqh/

ISTE Standards for students​[PDF]. (2016). ISTE. Retrieved October 15, 2018 from

ISTE standards for Educators​[PDF]. (2016). ISTE. Retrieved October 15, 2018 from

ISTE standards for Education Leaders​[PDF]. (2016). ISTE. Retrieved October 15, 2018 from

Lenz, B. (2013, February 22). Is Educational Technology Worth the Hype? Retrieved October 19, 2018,
from ​https://www.edutopia.org/blog/ed-tech-worth-the-hype-bob-lenz

Reis, R. (n.d.). Enhancing Learning with Laptops in the Classroom. Retrieved October 20, 2018, from

Schools and Libraries. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2018, from


ENGAGEMENT IN FULLY ONLINE COURSES. Retrieved October 20, 2018, from


JCCHS Technology Questionnaire

The following is a questionnaire regarding your vision, current reality and evaluation of technology uses for
instructional purposes at JCCHS. This questionnaire is to be used for research purposes only and completely
voluntary. All questions are not mandatory either, so you would answer as much or little as you would like.
Those that choose to participate and give feedback on all questions will receive a nice treat in their mailbox
at the conclusion of the research!
District Technology Integration Goals:
"A strategic goal of Jackson County School System is to personalize the learning experience for each of our
students in every capacity".
"The Jackson County School System Technology department is dedicated to supporting the effective
integration of technology into all aspects of teaching, learning, and school administration".

1. How is technology being used now in our school?

15 responses
❏ Students use technology to complete assignments, collaboration, and to keep up with assignments.
❏ I use it for instruction daily for the students to interact with their literature and writing.
❏ For instruction, for tutoring, for data review and analysis, for self paced learning
❏ Smart Boards, laptops, student cell phones, Remind, teacher websites, Google Classroom, other
❏ We use our Smart Boards/projectors to give notes, show videos, play games, and interact with
students. We are working on becoming 1:1 so that technology is more readily available for students
during the school day, and we can continue to utilize it successfully.
❏ Our school uses technology in a variety of ways, communication being one of the most common. We
use several platforms to communicate with students, parents, and community members and, in some
cases, allow them to communicate with us. Technology is also employed to make lessons more
engaging, resources accessible even between classes, and data more easily trackable.
❏ To assist in lesson delivery, lesson development, and provide teachers and students with resources.
❏ For the most part, it is being used as an extra tool rather than a device to work alongside, and enrich
learning. However, I think most teachers are figuring out ways to make technology more immersive
and enriching.
❏ I have greater access to resources at JCCHS than any other school. As a chromebook grant recipient,
I spend quite a lot of time guiding students through innovative technologies. I do feel that there's a bit
of a divide among the teachers, with some being tech savvy and others being more resistant to
❏ That varies from teacher to teacher I think. Obviously for instruction.
❏ Student access to Chromebooks and infrastructure that supports BYOT and student owned devices
that can be integrated into the lesson. Access to Teacher and Student support software to enhance
learning and create a student centered learning environment.
❏ Technology is being used in many different facets of our classes. In science, we use all in learning to
collect data on assessments, vernier probes to collect data within labs (like CO2 output or O2 output),
google classroom to share and collect assignments, pear deck for notes within classes, kahoot and
quizlet live to review for assessments, USA Test Prep to review for the EOC, etc. All but three of our
teachers have applied and received the grant for 1:1 instruction. So, we are able to use more
technology because of this. We no longer have to fight for computer uses.
❏ Smartboards, projectors, computers, web based applications for teaching and distributing
information, Google,
❏ It is used on a daily basis in many classrooms. It is used as a tool of instruction and it is also used as a
tool to aid instruction.
❏ It is being used to inspire, teach and maximize the unlimited potential within our students.

2. To what extent are our current uses aligned with the school/district’s vision?
16 responses
❏ Not all students have equal access to technology . The technology department is very helpful.
❏ I use Kami to annotate texts, which allows for audio, video, and written annotations.
❏ nearly perfectly aligned.
❏ the software we use (like IXL) personalized learning for students based on their weaknesses. Remind
allows students to text teachers questions about homework.
❏ I think that our journey to become 1:1 helps us align with both of our goals, that the learning
experience will be more personalized for students and that the tech department is supporting the
effective integration of technology. Utilizing technology in the classroom allows for more student
choice and interaction with one another through games, discussion boards, blogs, etc.
❏ Our current uses are strongly aligned with the vision for our school and district.
❏ My classes (Computer Science Courses) all use computers every day. Students are learning to
program and understand a bit about how computers work. It is individualized to an extent in that
some of the work they do is self-paced but they still have deadlines for when the work is due.
❏ Very
❏ At this point, teachers are still figuring out ways to utilize tech to personalize learning. We have the
ability, but many teachers don't know how to use it. I think our tech department has provided staff
with a plethora of tools to support learning with tech - both in hardware and in software.
❏ I think we are working towards this strategic goal as a whole, and I do think technology can really
help to personalize learning.
❏ Not quite. Probably about 75 - 80% of our use is aligned with the district's vision.
❏ Access to a variety of tools used to demonstrate learned competencies and content standards.
Examples include Pear Deck, Read Theory, XtraMath, Socrative
❏ Learning is becoming much more personalized and diversified within our school because of the
district efforts. Students are being taught/re-taught based on where they are and not where the class as
a whole is. Part of this is because it is much easier to analyze data quickly and have a quick turn
around with assignments and assessments that help students succeed based on their level of
❏ My students write papers, do projects, and research on computers.
❏ I think that we are approaching our systems views on instructional technology by getting closer to
each school being 1 to 1. We are also offered a lot of training opportunities in technology.
❏ I see the vision through the implementation of new Chromebooks, projectors and networking
capabilities. I see that Technology is providing the tools for teachers to be as successful as they can to
teach students. I also see teachers that have this Technology available developing lesson plans that tie
Technology into the learning experience so there is a greater impact in learning.

3. What current conditions are enabling or impeding our ability to reach our school/district vision? Explain
15 responses
❏ Every student needs their own tablet or laptop.
❏ I really have to consider it because I think we are on our way.
❏ Not enough computers. We need 1 to 1.
❏ The wifi doesn't always work, though it has been better. Technology gets outdated quickly and it's
hard to keep up.
❏ I think that the biggest condition that impedes our ability to reach this vision is the lack of funding. If
we had Title 1 funding as we are eligible for, I think we would be able to provide better tech options
for our students. I think that our district's perseverance is one of the strongest factors in enabling our
district to reach our vision.
❏ A lack of foundational computer skills puts our students at a disadvantage when trying to incorporate
tech tools seamlessly. Many of our current students have never taken a typing, word processing, or
computer skills class because it is mistakenly assumed that since they are digital natives they are
proficient in using educational and professional technologies. Incorporation of typing and computer
skills courses (how to create and format certain documents, how to use various functions in
spreadsheets, how to prepare presentations, how to develop graphics, etc.) would be beneficial to our
students and would allow them to be more successful in their assignments across all disciplines.
❏ Occasionally, slow or outdated technologies impede our ability to reach the vision. Many of these
technologies are in the process of being replaced, which will further enable us to fully achieve the
district vision.
❏ I have one class with over 30 students so that makes individualized instruction a little tougher.
However, each student has a computer to work with and wireless access allows us to reach the online
component of the courses.
❏ Collaboration Time
❏ Access to devices is nearly 1:1 which is great! We also are given nearly every tool we ask for - which
is good and bad because it leads to "having too much" (yes there is such a thing). Also, many teachers
need training on how to use many of the tools available to them - they are usually pushed out with
little to no clarification or training.
❏ Lack of funding.
Not enough computers for each student and time to learn to implement new technology ideas in class.
One session does not make you an expert!
❏ The amount of computers (although, we are a lot closer than we once were).
❏ While my students use computers, they do not always know how to reach the information they need.
Many of my students either don't have the internet or don't use it for educational purposes outside of
❏ Funds. Getting more technology into school cost money.
❏ I think with the influx of new technology that we will only get closer to the main focus of our goal.
The more Technology we can get in our school system the closer we will get to 1:1 and that opens
unlimited possibilities.

4. How do you think technology should be used in our school?

16 responses
❏ It should be used to complete assignments.
❏ I think students should be creating websites and blogs about their educational experiences in the
classroom, which will enable them to have global discussions.
❏ Like it is. I don't know how else.
❏ to improve learning, but we shouldn't use it for the sake of using it.
❏ I have a love/hate relationship with technology. As much as it bothers me that students consistently
have their phones in their hands or on their desks even if they're not using them, it can certainly be
useful in the classroom. I don't believe that technology should be used for everything (i.e. a paperless
classroom). Research shows that students retain information better if they have to hand-write notes,
and I think that consistently having a screen in front of them leads to a worsened attention span in the
classroom. Additionally, some of our students don't have access to the internet outside of school and
may struggle to complete assignments on time. However, I do think that technology should be
utilized to enhance and support learning in the classroom. It keeps teachers and students from losing
materials, and can help with organization as well. Pros and cons, for sure!
❏ I think our current uses of technology are appropriate for an educational setting. I would venture that
that appropriateness is largely dependent on how well or how strictly the supervising
teacher/coach/etc. monitors technology use.
❏ I think we are doing a good job of enabling much of the work to be done electronically with Google
Classrooms. This allows the students to turn assignments in without having to print them and use up
paper and ink.
❏ To assist in the learning process and not become a crutch
❏ Technology should be used to support students and to help enrich their learning. It should also be a
tool they want learn how to use so that they are better prepared for the real world. Many older
students still don't see the significance of technology in the work world and are not able to use it to its
fullest capacity. Many students still shy away from some of it - especially when it comes to
something new (i.e. Canvas).
❏ selectively. Not everything needs technology, and when we do use technology, we should do so
❏ I think technology is great for instruction. As a fine arts teacher, however, I try to emphasize the
"human" aspect of the arts. Admittedly, I am not an extensive user of technology for the very reason
that kids are immersed in it all the time, and for at least one class period they can dispense with it.
Idea is headed in the right direction. Technology needs to remain updated and constantly relevant to
student changing needs.
I think we are doing a great job of using technology. I believe though that it should be used more with
computers and less with cell phones. Students take advantage of using technology (apps, etc) when
they have their cell phones out.
❏ Absolutely!!! I truly can't think of a job that does not use some form of technology.
❏ To make students better prepared for the world in which they live and to aide in their current
❏ I do not feel as though students should be stuck on a computer all day long while at school. I see it as
a tool to guide and improve the learning experience but I think too much screen time can be a bad
thing. I think Technology is best used to compliment the lesson plan that was delivered by the

5. Where should we be heading in the future in Regards to Technology? Why?

16 responses
❏ All assignments, lessons, and assessments should be completed using a tablet or laptop.
❏ It should ultimately replace pen and paper in the classroom. I love books, but they make ebooks.
Digital classrooms make it possible for students to engage in learning even when they are away from
school. It is the wave of the future.
❏ More flipped lessons.
❏ Continue using it to improve learning, but don't forget about paper and pencil. The old way is better
sometimes and we need to make sure we are questioning every use of technology for how efficient it
is at helping students master content.
❏ I would like to see our district continue on the path to 1:1. Like I stated in the previous question, I
don't agree with paperless classrooms. However, allowing each student to have a device in each class
would smooth transitions from each activity, hold students accountable for participating in online
games like Kahoot or Quizlet Live, and open our doors to more instructional strategies.
❏ We should be implementing and reinforcing basic skills that will allow students to adapt to new
technologies as they come out or as students face them in work settings.
❏ More of the same and I believe computer courses should be required. There are very few jobs where
computers are not used and students who know how to use them are ahead of the game. Additionally,
many colleges have required computer courses so students who take those classes in high school will
be well prepared for that part of their college course load.
❏ More efficient use technology
❏ Once we go 1:1, I think that there should be more different types of hardware available to students.
Chromebooks are great for many things, but students need to use technology that is found in the real
world. Students need to be familiar with the wide variety of technology that is available because
Chromebooks are rarely seen in the work place. Computer engineering, robotics, medical field, and
even agriculture are using amazing tech tools these days, and our students need to know what they
are and at least be somewhat familiar with them.
❏ I'd like to see us 1:1 with continued support to keep teachers on top of ways to keep the technology
relevant and rigorous
❏ Unknown.
❏ Technology should be engaging, relevant and encourages the natural process of learning, extending
the desire to be lifelong learners to foster creativeness never substituting for actual knowledge.
❏ I think the direction we are going is good, but I do believe some people rely on technology too much
(to take notes, to study, etc). There is proven research that states that taking notes by hand (not on the
computer and not by taking a picture of it) is linked to higher learning. So even though there is a push
for students to use computers/cell phones/etc, it is not always the best option when it comes to human
❏ I think we should not only be a one student/one computer school, but I also think we should be
working with internet providers to ensure we have the best connectivity in the county. These students
will be using computers and internet in future jobs. We need to send them out knowing more about
computers and technology than the current employers.
❏ 1 to 1. Everything that our students will do outside of the school walls involves technology to a
certain extent. Schools should model that.
❏ I feel as though we should be trying to find ways to implement Technology into more of a hands on
learning experience approach. I think that would prepare students so much for the workforce once
they move onto College and their careers. In my opinion you learn the best by actually doing or
getting more hands on experience.

6. What concrete goals do you think we can achieve in a year’s time frame that will move us toward our
“technology vision”?
13 responses
❏ All students will receive a tablet or laptop by 2020.
❏ My goal is to have a paperless classroom by the end of the year. Like you, I am working on a
Specialist Degree in Technology, and I am trying to make things useful for my classroom to help us
achieve a 21st Century classroom.
❏ purchase more computers or tablets
❏ This is a tough one. We could try to make it a goal to become 1:1 in at least one classroom per
department in a school per year. That way each department can more successfully integrate
technology, and it would allow instructional strategies and student choice to grow.
❏ Evaluating student's knowledge or comfort levels using different technologies--could be
accomplished via a survey completed during advisement. Assessing whether students know (y/n
questions) or how comfortable students feel (likert scale questions) performing basic computer skills
would confirm or negate whether there is a need to address this. (It could just be my students that
seem to have this need.)
❏ I'm not sure about this one.
❏ Technology used for collaboration not just lessons.
❏ The goals need to start with the training of teachers. A one-time lunch and learn is not going to cut it
for many teachers. They need time to be shown how to use the tech themselves so that they can show
their students how to use it. Once we are there, the vision would start to fall in place.
❏ Unknown.
❏ One on one technology
❏ With one on one, I believe it will help us to reach our personalized learning goal.
❏ Continue to get more computers in students hands. They need to be using technology on a daily basis
in each class. We need to be at 75% technology to student ratio by the end of next school year
❏ The continuing of purchasing new equipment to maximize learning.

7. How will we know if we reach these goals (how could we measure them)?
13 responses
❏ We could count how many students have them.
❏ We could actually visit student websites as they recount their educational experiences in the
❏ count :)
❏ We'll know if each department receives enough devices for another 1:1 classroom.
❏ We can know if we have evaluated by documenting what percentage of students complete the survey
described above.
❏ Goals need to be measurable but I'm so new here I don't know what is in place and where we need to
❏ Time used for collaboration as well as lessons.
❏ Teachers need to be surveyed now to get a feel for where they are at, and what they want to learn.
❏ Then a survey mid-way through, and a survey at the end of a year.
❏ Unknown.
❏ Equal access to computers and support of technological improvements
1. Ask students, parents, and teachers in a survey if we are or are not reaching this goal and what we
need to do improve
2. While Austin is fabulous at getting to tickets, the process stinks and he is a very busy man. If
another technology person was kept just as busy as Austin with some type of easier ticket measure we
would know. Also, offering help sessions or counting the number of one-on-one, group/dept, sessions
around technology.
❏ 75% tech in hand
❏ By seeing what has been approved for purchase by the Board of Education.

8. What strategies and resources would you recommend that we will need to reach these goals.
14 responses
❏ Find a way to fit it into the budget.
❏ Blogger, Google Sites, Pear Deck, Kami, Google Suite
❏ fundraisers and elicit donations from the community
❏ We'll need more funding and to reach out to the community to make this a possibility!
❏ Deliver the survey via Google Forms during advisement.
❏ Maybe yet another committee to address these issues?
❏ Time and money
❏ Lots of PD time, outside training, bringing in trainers... just dedicating time to this - if it's something
the district wants, then they need to start with the most integral piece - the teachers.
❏ I am not the person to ask.
❏ Financial support of district initiatives and business and industry support via funding
❏ our media specialist. She is working tirelessly to learn and bring us different types of technology for
the secondary classroom.
1. a good google survey
2. money for additional staff
❏ More funds to get computers
❏ A larger budget to be able to purchase more devices. Also, an openness from teachers to take on the
learning curve of new Technology so they can effectively develop more intricate lesson plans.

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