Fusion of Target Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral Images
Fusion of Target Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral Images
Fusion of Target Detection Algorithms in Hyperspectral Images
DOI: 10.1039/b000000x
Abstract: Target detection in hyperspectral images is important in many applications including search and rescue operations, defence
systems, mineral exploration and border security. For this purpose, several target detection algorithms have been proposed over the years,
however, it is not clear which of these algorithms perform best on real data and on sub-pixel targets, and moreover, which of these
algorithms have complementary information and should be fused together. The goal of this study is to detect the nine arbitrarily placed
sub-pixel targets, from seven different materials from a 1.4km altitude. For this purpose, eight signature-based hyperspectral target
detection algorithms, namely the GLRT, ACE, SACE, CEM, MF, AMSD, OSP and HUD, and three anomaly detectors, namely RX,
Maxmin and Diffdet, were tested and compared. Among the signature-based target detectors, the three best performing algorithms that
have complementary information were identified. Finally these algorithms were fused together using four different fusion algorithms.
Our results indicate that with a proper fusion strategy, five of the nine targets could be found with no false alarms.
Figure 3. The photograph of the area imaged. (a) The white box shows
the area that is being analysed [28]. (b) Locations of the targets on the
false-color hyperspectral image.
follows: [18-22] If this energy is minimized with a constraint that S=1, the
CEM target detector is obtained as:
H0 = not a target
H1 = + target () = (5)
Then, the GLRT score can be computed as: where is the correlation matrix. The correlation matrix might
2 be preferred for faster and easier computations when the matrices
[( ) 1 ( )]
() = (1) get too large to handle.
[( ) 1 ( )]. [1 + () . ( ) 1 ( )]
where M is the number of pixels, is the mean of the backgroud 3.6. AMSD
and is the covariance of the background. If is bigger than Different from all the other methods discussed so far, AMSD
a specified threshold, then H1 is satisfied, meaning the tested considers the abundances and the endmembers of the
pixel x is a target; otherwise H0 is satisfied and the tested pixel is background. Let B be these endmembers and ab be the
not a target. abundances of these endmembers. In this case, the hypothesis are
GLRT can be used as a subpixel target detector; however, it as follows:
assumes that the background covariance is the same for both
hypothesis, which may not be the ideal assumption and could be H0 : = + nontarget
very restrictive. Therefore, several extensions to GLRT relax this H1 : = + + target
assumption that we briefly summarize below.
With these hypothesis, the AMSD target detector is defined as:
3.2. ACE
( )
ACE is an extension to GLRT that assumes different () = (6)
backgrounds for the hypothesis as follows [21, 22]:
H0 : = nontarget where E is a matrix that includes all the endmembers of the
background and the target, and
H1 : = + target
= ( )1
With this, the ACE target detector can be computed as:
2 = ( )1
[( ) 1 ( )]
() = (2)
[( ) 1 ( )]. [( ) 1 ( )] Here and are the orthogonal subspace projections the
matrices onto their pseudoinverses.
DACE equals its maximum value when x = S, meaning the tested
pixel is the target and its minimum value when x = , meaning 3.7. OSP
the tested pixel is the background. OSP is also like AMSD, but it only uses the endmember
3.3. SACE matrix of the background, B [27], and simply computes:
background covariances are the same for target and nontarget where;
pixels. MF is computed as [27]: = ( 1 )1 1 ( 1 )1
( ) 1 (
) (4)
() = = 1 (
( ) 1 ( )
which are iterated to meet the Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
3.5. CEM
4. Anomaly Detection Methods
CEM is a bit different from the other methods in that, it uses a
The eight target detectors listed above are based on comparing a
finite impulse response filter to suppress the energy of the
lab-measured signature to all the pixels in the image and seeing
background [25, 26, 43]. The filter is of the form:
which ones fit most. An alternative to these methods, as described
This journal is Advanced Technology & Science 2013 IJISAE, 2016, 4(4), 103-110 | 105
in this section, would be to find which pixels differ most from the
background. These would result in many false alarms, but were
considered to see if they would decrease the false alarm rates
during fusion by providing complementary information.
Three anomaly detection methods were tested; the Reed-Xiaoli
(RX) [31], maximum-minimum detector (MAXMIN) [4] and the
differential detector (DIFDET) [34]. The goal of these methods is
to find to pixels that are different than the background. Unlike the
signature-based methods, anomaly detection algorithms may be
able to find all the targets at once, as they are not looking for a
specific target.
Figure 6. Maxmin method divides the images into two. For an LxKxD
4.1. RX image, there are two hyperspectral images of size LxKxD/2.
RX algorithm is arguably the most well-known method for Maxmin is a very fast method that requires only finding 4
anomaly detection. It puts a window on the pixel being tested as extreme values. However, our experiments show that these
shown in Figure 5. The inner window is used as a buffer region extremities may not always be reliable.
and the part between the inner and the outer windows is used as
an estimate of the background. Hence, if the pixel being tested is 4.3. DIFFDET
different than the background, it is considered as an anomaly. RX In the Diffdet method, the average spectrum in the local
is computed as: neighbourhood of a test pixel is computed. The sum of the
() = ( ) 1 ( ) (9) absolute difference in each band between the test pixels
where the mean and the covariance are estimated from the spectrum and its neighbourhood average is considered as the
background. For each pixel, the window is slided and the detector response. If the detector response exceeds a threshold
anomaly value is computed. In practice, to have a nonsingular value, the pixel is considered an anomaly.
solution, the outer window should have as many pixels as 10
times the number of bands. 5. Results of Target Detection
In this section, we provide the anomaly detection results on the
Chooke City dataset, followed by the results of signature-based
target detection methods.
5.1. Anomaly detection results:
For anomaly detection, we test all the 3 detectors, namely the RX,
Maxmin and Diffdet, using increasing window sizes. Since all of
our targets are subpixel (or at most 1 pixel), the inner window
size was selected as 3 for all methods, and only the outer window
size was varied. As stated before, in a single run of the algorithm,
Figure 5. RX anomaly detector all of the targets can be searched for, as the anomaly detection
methods are not looking for a specific target.
The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves are given in
In the Maxmin method, the image bands are divided into two as Figure 7. In the ROC plots, x-axis shows the probability of false
shown in Figure 6. Then, the extremities in each region is found alarm (PFA) and the y-axis shows the probability of detection
as: (PD). Ideally, we would like to have the PFA to be zero and the
MaMi = Matrix of maximum spectral values for the ith subimage. PD to be one. Therefore, the closer the line to the left upper part,
MiMi = Matrix of minimum spectral values for the ith subimage. the better the algorithm is. Based on this information, RX can be
MaAi = The average of maximum spectral values for the said to operate best at a window size of 25, Maxmin at 11, and
background in the ith subimage. Diffdet at 45.
MiAi = The average of minimum spectral values for the
background in the ith subimage.
and the following anomaly detector value is computed:
MaxMini = | MaMi[p,q] - MaAi|+ | MiMi[p,q] - MiAi|, i = 1,2
Here, p and q are the coordinates of the test pixel, i stands for the
106 | IJISAE, 2016, 4(4), 103-110 This journal is Advanced Technology & Science 2013
Table 4. Number of False Alarms using the Signature-based Target
Detection Algorithms
Number of False Alarms when the Optimal Threshold Value is
F1 (3mx3m) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
F4a (2mx2m) 13 13 13 1 1 0 29 47
(c) DiffDet Results ROC curves Looking at the results, the best scores on the cloth targets were
Figure 7. Anomaly Detection Results. The y-axis shows the probability detected with AMSD. When the cloth targets are bigger than
of detection whereas the x-axis shows the probability of false alarm.
2mx2m, AMSD could perform with no false alarms. On the other
If we fix the PD at 80%, the FAR values are given in Table 2. hand, GLRT and ACE had similar performances; and SACE
The minimum value in the table is shown in bold: with 14% false always had a better performance than ACE. This makes sense as
alarm rates, RX algorithm with window size 25 performs the best. SACE is basically ACE, but also considers if the material is an
However, this comes with an expensive execution time as shown absorbing or emitting type; and both ACE and SACE are
in Table 3. Despite its common use, it was found that RX extensions to the GLRT algorithm.
execution time was the largest among the three detectors, and In addition, we analyzed where each algorithm gave their false
increased significantly based on the window size. This is due to alarms in the image. It was seen that the following groups of
the covariance matrix, which gets harder to invert, as it gets algorithms gave the false alarms in the similar parts of the
larger. images:
- Group 1: AMSD, OSP and HUD
- Group 2: GLRT, ACE and SACE
Table 2. False Alarm Rates of Anomaly Detection Algorithms when the - Group 3: CEM and MF
Positive Detection Rate is 80%.
Among these groups, AMSD, CEM and SACE stood out as the
Window Size RX MAXMIN DIFDET better of the eight algorithms. In addition, based on where they
11 0.58 0.81 0.62 gave false alarms, they were seen to complement each other. One
15 0.25 0.70 0.60 example is shown in Figure 8 for target V1. The white circles
25 0.14 0.47 0.53
show the location of the target. The other grayscale points are the
35 0.21 0.38 0.42
45 0.27 0.35 0.32
false alarms, where a bright value indicates a higher score of the
target detection algorithm. It can be seen that most false alarms
Table 3. Execution times of the anomaly detection algorithms in seconds, are occurring at different places, giving an indication that these
with respect to increasing window sizes.
three algorithms are good to fuse together. In Figure 8, AMSD is
Window Size 11 15 25 35 45 giving more false alarms on the upper right corner, CEM is
RX time: (sn) 1302 1667 4504 7110 10514 giving more false alarms on the lower left corner and SACE is
MAXMIN time (sn): 2.47 2.47 2.66 3.34 3.50 giving more false alarms to the bottom right corner.
DIFDET time (sn): 8 12 26 60 67 Also, in Table 5, we show the number of false alarms common to
5.2. Results of Signature-based Target Detection all three algorithms. It can be seen that under a good threshold
value, these three algorithms complement each other nicely, and
Using the signature-based target detection methods, only one lead to zero false alarms for most targets. For this reason, in the
target can be tested at a time. This makes these ROC curves have next section, we investigate methods for the fusion of these three
only one jump corresponding to finding/not finding the target.
Therefore, a better way to describe these the success of these
algorithms may be to list the number of false alarms when the
target is first detected. One can think of this as the optimal
threshold where the algorithm would find the target and give the
least number of false alarms. Out of 50750 pixels in the image,
the number of false alarms when the optimal threshold value is
selected is given in Table 4.
This journal is Advanced Technology & Science 2013 IJISAE, 2016, 4(4), 103-110 | 107
be the outputs of the algorithms to fuse. Hybrid fusion works as
1. Compute 1 , the number of pixels in the image that
satisfy 1 () 1 ( ) where is the test pixel.
2. Compute 1+2 , the number of pixels in the
image that satisfy both 1 () 1 ( ) and
2 () 2 ( ).
(b) CEM results on the V1 target 3. Compute ( ) = 1+2.
4. Compute the output of the hybrid detector as
( ) = ( ) . 1 ( ).
Finally, the last two methods, product and sum fusion, simply
multiply or sum the outputs of the target detectors.
6.3. Fusion Results
(c) SACE results on the V1 target As stated before, AMSD, CEM and SACE algorithms were
Figure 8: AMSD, CEM and SACE results on the V1 target. The circle selected from signature-based target detection; and RX was
shows where the target is, the other gray points show the false alarms.
selected from anomaly detection for fusion. Before the fusion
Gray levels are due to each point's AMSD, CEM and SACE scores.
algorithms are applied, all the outputs of the target detectors were
normalized to be between 0-1, so that no detector dominates the
Table 5. Number of false alarms that are common to SACE, CEM and
Two of the ROC curves resulting from the fusion are given in
Figure 9 and Figure 10 for targets F3 and V3. Since there are two
Number of False Alarms Common to All F3 targets, the ROC is a staircase; and since V3 is a single target,
Three Algorithms
Target SACE CEM AMSD Common
there is only one jump, indicating the target has been found.
F1 0 0 0 0 Considering both of the F3 targets and only the CEM and SACE
F2 342 0 0 0 algorithms, MFF fusion of CEM and SACE results in the best
F3a 24 8 0 0 detection rates in Figure 9. (Note that the colors might be
F3b 1851 348 135 2 overlapping). Figure 10, shows a zoomed version of the ROC
F4a 13 1 0 0 curve, therefore, the algorithms that did not perform well were
F4b 2490 94 15695 64
cropped (which would be at the right upper corner of the figure).
V1 3733 93 3 0
V2 1652 30368 6064 93 If only CEM and SACE fusion is considered, among the other
V3 28 582 37 0 alternatives, the product of SACE and CEM gives the best fusion
results and significantly shifts the ROC curve from the right
6. Fusion Methods (green line) to the left (blue line).
In this study, it was seen that none of the anomaly detectors or the
signature-based detectors could reach 100% detection. Therefore,
to combine all these algorithms in the best possible way, the
multiplication, summation [10], hybrid fusion [44] and matched
filter fusion (MFF) [45- 47] methods that excel in the literature,
were tested. Below, we briefly explain these methods and give
the results of fusion.
6.1. MFF
The hybrid fusion algorithm depends on the number of pixels Figure 10. Sample fusion results for target V3, considering only the
that exceeds the score value of the test pixel. Let 1 and 2 fusion of CEM and SACE.
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