Fuzzy Expert Systems Using CLIPS
Fuzzy Expert Systems Using CLIPS
Fuzzy Expert Systems Using CLIPS
R=19950013220 2017-10-19T19:10:12+00:00Z
N95. 19636
Fuzzy Expert Systems Using CLIPS
Thach C. Le
The Aerospace Corporation
Los Angeles, Califomia
I. Introduction
Fuzzy systems, based on fuzzy set theory, also seek to encode human problem-solving
knowledge. One of the most important contribution of fuzzy logic to the field of heuristic
systems is the introduction of the concept of linguistic variables [5]. Linguistic variables
are linguistic terms that are used to represent qualities of objects or concepts as in natural
languages. In fuzzy systems, linguistic variables are represented by a mathematical
function from which a value can be derived to indicate the similarity of an object to the ideal
form. The implication is rather significant: instead of modeling the real world asa discrete
world, linguistic variables allow a whole spectrum of continuous possibility to be modeled.
For example, instead of speaking about a world of discrete terms such as circles, squares,
and triangles, one can use linguistic variables to describe a larger set of the objects in terms
of the degree to which an object is similar to circles, squares or triangles. In addition to
linguistic variables, there is a set of operations in a fuzzy system. In the last few years,
fuzzy systems have proven their effectiveness in solving difficult problems, particularly in
the area of control [5]. Several commercial hardware and software tools have been
intrO'duced recently to build fuzzy systems.
In the following sections, we will describe the architecture of a typical Boolean production
system exemplified by CLIPS, the architecture of a fuzzy system, the design and
implementation issues of FCLIPS, the FCLIPS application to the cart-pole balancing
problem, and future FCLIPS extensions
Production systems are based on the principles of modularity and contextual dependent
reaction in human behavior. A typical production system has three distinct modules, a
production memory for containing production rules, a working memory for facts, and an
inference engine for execution [1]. The production memory contains rules which have the
form of:
(defrule My_House
(the house number is 123)
(the street name is Pennsylvania)
Antecedent, also called therule's left hand side (LHS), contains Boolean predicates that
state the conditions for the actions to take place as specified in the consequent, or the right
hand side (RHS). A rule becomes a candidate for execution if its antecedent is satisfied by
facts in the working memory.
The working memory contains facts which describe the current state of a situation or a
problem The set of facts in the working memory is often changed as new data arrives or
as the result of a rule being executed at each inference cycle.
The inference engine decides which rule is to be executed given the current set of facts in
the working memory. It first performs matching between rules and existing facts In
CLIPS this matching is implemented using Rete net [2], known as the best pattern
matching algorithm. After matching, there may be more than one matched rule. The set of
matched rules is called the conflict set. Only one rule from the conflict set will be selected
to be executed via the process called conflict resolution. Once a rule is selected, its RHS is
executedwhich often affectsthe workingmemoryby adding,modifying or deletingfacts
from the working memory. As theresultof theworking memorybeingchanged,a new
conflict set is produced. The cycle goeson until the conflict set is empty or a halt
instructionis encountered.
Another important feature of CLIPS is modularity [8]. Rules that share some commonality
can be grouped into a module. Modules allow the implementation of context-switching. At
any time, only one module can be active and only its rules participate in the matching and
selection process. The concept of modularity allows more efficient organization of the
production memory and improves the scalability of a production system in terms of its
scope and speed [3].
Fuzzy systems are based on fuzzy set theory [4]. They are similar to Boolean production
systems in their use of if-then rules. However, they are different in two major aspects.
First, the LHS and RHS predicates of a fuzzy rule are fuzzy statements, not Boolean
statements. Secondly, fuzzy rules whose RHS have linguistic variables describing the
same subject, are all executed and collectively contribute to the final conclusion. In a
Boolean production system, rules compete to be solely executed. Example 1 shows fuzzy
expert system rules:
The terms "Hot", "Cold", "High", "Medium", "Large" and "Small" are linguistic
variables. A linguistic variable describes tlie quality of a concept or an object in term of
degree of truth. The degree of truth is defined by a membership function that maps the
domain of a concept into a degree of truth between 0 and 1. Figure 1 shows examples of
membership functions of Temperature linguistic variables.
Low Medium
0.6 0.8
/ I .-
_ 0
0 I . _,-
20 Pressure Change"
70 Temperature
Given a temperature value of 70, and a pressure Value Of 20, the statement "Temperature is
Hot" in Rule 1 is evaluated to a truth value of .6. Similarly, "Temperature is Cold" is
evaluated to .3, "Pressure is High" to .5, and "Pressure is Medium" to .8.
The typical method of evaluating a rule is by taking the minimum of the truth values of the
LHS of the rule and applying an alpha-cut [5] to its RHS. The evaluations of Rule 1 and
Rule 2 are shown in Figure 2. The results from both rules are combined using the
maximum envelop operation and then defuzzified to give the final answer. There are
several methods for defuzzification such as the centroid or the mean-of-max methods [5].
Figure 2 shows the defuzzification of the variable Change using the centroid method.
Small Large
.5 Rule 1
0 _ Small Large
Change 4_, 1
Small Large _' 0
/ centroid Change
Rule 2 .value
As new values of Temperature and Pressure become available, the evaluation cycle repeats
and a new value for Change is generated.
Fuzzy system technology has been applied successfully to many difficult control problems.
It offers a straightforward way to encode human experience of solving real control
p roblems into mach'_ne automation The features of linguistic variables and rule
contribution from fuzzy systems have proven to be very effective in modeling and solving
many problems for which the continuity of variables involved is critical.
There have been several commercial tools developed to facilitate the implementation of
fuzzy systems. However, they often allow only rules of common consequent and
therefore, small in number. This small and monolithic characteristic of current_fuzzy
system implementations prevents them from addressing problems that require deep
reasoning such as those in the areas of diagnosis, planning, or design.
Combining the best features of fuzzy systems and Boolean production systems will create
a general system that can address more effectively a greater range of problem domains.
Such systems are called fuzzy expert systems. In the following sections we will describe
our fuzzy system extensions to CLIPS, including design and implementation issues.
Our goal is to simply extend CLIPS to allow linguistic variables to be used in rules and to
provide the necessary fuzzy operations to support them. The addition of support for
linguistic variables in CLIPS is straightforward and does not pose any conflict with the
original philosophy of production systems. However, the conflicting approaches of rule
competition in Boolean production systems and rule cooperation in fuzzy systems needs to
be resolved in a way that does not violate the original philosophies of either technique. Our
approach to the CLIPS extensions is to preserve the integrity of CLIPS as much as possible
and to only introduce new constructs when necessary.
Once the linguistic variable is defined, a value, for example, 8, can be tested against the
membership function to give the corresponding degree of truth, or truth value, using the
function "deg".
(deg 8 Hot)
The above statement will return a truth value of .8. Another very useful function is the
Boolean function "is" which checks out if a value is within the domain of a membership
function. It returns true if the value is within the domain and false otherwise. For
(is 8 Hot) returns true, and (is -100 Hot) returns false.
In addition to the class MFunc, a fuzzy variable is represented by the class FVar. For
example, "Change", an object instance of the class FVar, is first defined as follows:
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A fuzzyvariablecanhavea valueof nil or of a piece-wiselinear function. This valuecan
becombinedin the MIN-MAX fashionwith anotherlinearpiece-wisefunctionto yield a
(defruleRule 1
(Temperature?x&:(is?x Hot))
(Pressure?y&:(is ?y High))
Since the LHS only contains Boolean predicates, it fits into the CLIPS defrule construct.
Truth values of Temperature and Pressure are not evaluated until the rule is executed. This
is designed to avoid unnecessary evaluations during the rule matching stage. If the rule is
chosen for execution, the MIN-MAX operation is performed as specified in the RHS.
The function "fmin" returns the minimum value of the truth values in the LHS. The
function "set" then uses this value to perform an alpha-cut on the membership function
Large, which is then combined with the current value of the fuzzy variable Change using
the maximum envelop operation.
With a few new classes and functions, a fuzzy rule can now be written in CLIPS format.
The next section discusses issues related to the interaction of multiple fuzzy rules.
Fuzzy Processing
When multiple fuzzy rules exist in the production memory, a fuzzy cycle has to be
implemented so that the contributing results to fuzzy variables from each rule can be
integrated into a single value. We achieve this goal in FCLIPS by having a fuzzy inference
rule of lower priority or salience value which is executed at the end of each fuzzy cycle.
The set of fuzzy rules in section III can be rewritten as follows:
(defmodule FuzzyModule
(defrule Rule 1
(Temperature ?x&:(is ?x Hot))
(Pressure ?y&:(is ?y High))
(defrule Rule 2
(Temperature ?x&:(is ?x Cold))
(Pressure ?y&:(is ?y Medium))
(defrule Fuzzy_Engine
(declare (salience -10))
?fl <- (Temperature ?x)
?f2 <- (Pressure ?y)
During a fuzzy cycle, the fuzzy variable Change accumulates the results from rules
executed. At the end of the cycle, the Fuzzy_Engine rule is executed. Change is typically
defuzzified and the result is asserted into the working memory or sent to an external
To avoid potential interference from other rules in the production memory, this set of rules
can be conveniently grouped into a CLIPS module. With a few extra fuzzy related classes
and functions, CLIPS is now capable of supporting traditional fuzzy systems as described
in section III. There are no changes necessary to the conflict resolution or rule matching
modules of CLIPS. Yet, a new kind of mixed systems is also now possible. In these
systems, not only can the LHS of a rule have any number of mixed Boolean or fuzzy
predicates, but the RHS can also. This is a major improvement from traditional fuzzy
systems whose rules' RHS have to be about the same subject.
Of course, due to the differences in the nature of production systems and fuzzy systems,
there are several issues that need to be addressed for systems that allow mixed rules: (1)
how to prioritize mixed rules in conflict resolution, (2) how to group fuzzy rules of
different RHS' into fuzzy modules, (3) how to differentiate fuzzy cycles and Boolean
cycles, and (4) how to propagate fuzzy conclusiens. To illustrate these issues more
clearly, we will use the examples of the following rules. The assumed truth values of
antecedents are given on the right.
truth values
rule 2: if (A is Large) .7
(D is Small) .3
(set c to Medium)
(set E to Small)
Forthe first issue,basedon the truthvaluesalone,how shouldtheserulesbe prioritized?
Wearguethattheyall shouldhavethesameprioritydespitethefactthatthetruthvaluesfor 4r
somefuzzy predicatesarelessthanothers. The fuzzy statement"B is Small" with truth
valueof .3is no lesssignificantthan"A is Large"with truthvalue .7,becausetruthvalues
in fuzzylogic arenot thesameasuncertaintyvalueswhich havebeenusedasa criteriafor
conflict resolutionin somesystems."B is Small" with truthvalue.3 is a descriptionwith
completecertaintyof howsmallB is,whichis indicatedby the truthvalueof .3. Besides,
in traditionalfuzzysystems,a smalltruthvalueof a fuzzypredicatein aruledoesnot affect
therule'sconclusionvalidity, but onlytheactualvalueof theconclusion.Consequentlyas
long as a fuzzy predicatehasa truthvalue of greaterthan0 in FCLIPS,it is considered
equivalent to a Boolean statementof value true. This interpretationis particularly
significant in that it doesnot requireextra processingfor mixed rules during the rule
The secondissuepoints to the fact that traditionalfuzzy systemsonly allow rulesthat
addressthe samesubjecton their RHS. In the exampleabove,thereis no obviousway to
groupthesethreerulesinto fuzzymodulessincetheir RHS'arenot exactlyaboutthesame
subjects. Rule l's RHS is aboutC andD, rule 2 C andE, andrule 3 E. It turnsout that
we don'thaveto group them,asthefollowing discussionwill show.
The thirdissueconcernsthe interpretationof thesignificanceof a fuzzyrule,a Booleanrule
anda mixedrule. This interpretationis importantfor determininghow conflictresolution
shouldbe changed.Therearetwo interpretationsfor the significanceof fuzzy rulesand
fuzzy modulesversus a Booleanrule. In the first interpretation,a fuzzy module is
consideredequivalentto a Booleanrulein a Booleanproductionsystem,sinceall therules
in a fuzzy modulecanbe thoughtof asbeingexecutedin parallel andcontributingto a
singleconclusion. This interpretationis valid andin commonuse[7]. It canalreadybe
implementedin FCLIPSby usingtheexistingdefmoduleconstructto groupfuzzyrulesof
the samemodule,asshownin Example2.
In the secondinterpretation, all three kinds of rules are equivalent and competefor
executionon the samegrounds. This interpretationis intuitive andlessrestrictive,but it
posesa questionaboutwhen a fuzzycycle startsandstops,i. e.whenis a fuzzyvariable
defuzzified? In FCLIPS, this questionof fuzzy cycle is resolvedby introducingrulesof
highersaliencevaluespecifyingdefuzzifyingconditionsfor eachfuzzyvariablementioned
in therules'RHS. An exampleof a defuzzifyingrulefor thefuzzyvariableC in Example3
is asfollows:
if (dectare(salience10))
(TimeStamp> 10)
(C not equalnil)
Therearesimilar defuzzificationrulesfor D andE. The secondissueconcerninghow to
grouprules into fuzzy modulesis no longeran issue,becausethereis no fuzzymodule,
only defuzzifyingconditionsfor fuzzyvariablesin a ruleconsequent.Both interpretations
areimplementableunderFCLIPS. The first is moretraditionalandof commonuse. The
secondis moregeneralandinteresting.
And finally, the fourth issueconcernsthe multiple-stepreasoningwhere conclusions
reachedremain in fuzzy form to matchthe rules in the following cycles. By avoiding
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defuzzification in intermediate reasoning steps, less information will be lost. Given the
following two rules,
Rule 1: if (A is Small)
then (B is Large)
Rule 2: if (B is Small)
then (C is Medium)
assume that Rule 1 is executed and generates a fuzzy value X for "B is large". The truth
value for "B is Small" in rule 2 will then be calculated as [15]:
This operation is not yet (but will be soon) implemented in FCLIPS. Currently, B has to
be defuzzified after rule i execution before being matched into rule 2 antecedent.
The Cart-Pole Balancing problem, also called the Inverted-Pendulum problem, is a popular
test case for fuzzy systems. In this section, we describe the structure and key components
of a FCLIPS program that solves this problem. The problem is stated as follows:
A cart is moveable along 1 dimension with a pole on top as shown in Figure 3. Its state
variables, which include the pole angle, the pole angular velocity, the current position and
velocity of the cart, are known. Calculate the appropriate force to apply to the cart to keep
the pole balanced.
I_ _- Velocity
First, a function called "model" that simulates the dynamics of the cart-pole system is
defined. It takes the applied force and the current state variables as arguments and generates
a new set of state variables.
Six membership functions for the pole angle or pole position, A NegMed, A NegSmaI1,
A_Zero, A_PosSmall, A PosMed, and A_VerySmall, are defined-
The initial configuration of the cart-pole system is defined in the startup rule. The values
can be changed for testing purposes.
(defrule startup
(defrule Rulel
(PolePosition ?x&:(is ?x A PosMed))
(PoleVelocity ?y&:(is ?y A_ Zero))
(defrule Rule2
(PolePosition ?x&:(is ?x A PosSmall))
(PoleVelocity ?y&:(is ?y A__PosSmall))
.. ( more defrules' )
(defrule engine
(declare (salience -10))
?fl <- (PolePosition ?x)
?f2 <- (PoleVelocity ?y)
?f3 <- (Position ?z)
?f4 <- (Velocity ?w)
(retract ?fl ?f2 ?f3 ?f4) ; delete old facts
(bind ?torq (cent-;-,Nd (send [Force] get-Val))) ; defuzzification
(bind ?vals (model ?to N ?x ?y ?x ?w)) ; new values
(assert (PolePosition (nth$1 ?vals))) ; create new facts
(assert (PoleVelocity (nth$ 2 ?vals)))
(assert (Position (nth$ 3 ?vals)))
(assert ('Velocity (nth$ 4 ?vals))))
The function "centroid" performs defuzzification using the centroid method [5]. The new
values can be sent to graphs, files or simulation. In our testing, the results were sent via
ToolTalk to a separate graphic simulation process for displaying the cart-pole system
behavior. After some tuning of the membership functions, the system was able to balance
the pole.
[1] Brownston, L., Farrell, R., Kant, E., and Martin, N., Programming Expert Systems in
OPS5, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1985.
[2] Forgy, C., "Rete: A Fast Algorithm for the Many Pattern/Many Object Pattern Match
Problem," Artificial Intelligence, vol. 19, 1982, p. 17-37.
[3] Le, T., Homeier, P., "Portable Inference Engine: An Extended CLIPS for Real-time
Production Systems", Space Operations Automation and Robotics (SOAR '88), Dayton
OH, July 20-23, 1988, Proceeding p. 187-192.
[4] Graham, I. and Jones, P., Expert Systems - Knowledge, Uncertainty and Decision,
Chapman and Hall, 1988.
[5] Bezdek, J.C., Ruspini, E., Zadeh, L.A., et al, Fuzzy Logic Inference Systems, Short
Course Notes, Intelligent Inference Systems Corp., 1993.
[6] FuzzyCLIPS Version 6.02 User's Guide, Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Institute
for Information Technology, National Research Council of Canada. May 1994.
[8] CLIPS Reference Manual, CLIPS Version 6.0, Software Technology Branch, Lyndon
B. Johnson Space Center, June 2nd, 1993.