Iop 3101 Introduction To Organizational Theory
Iop 3101 Introduction To Organizational Theory
Iop 3101 Introduction To Organizational Theory
Duration of the Course: The course is 3 Credit Units providing 45 Contact Hours.
Course Description:
Although many factors will determine whether an organization thrives or not, the discipline of organization theory
has a major part to play.
Course Content:
Overview of organization theorizing; How have organizations been studied: (The closed systems and Open
systems); Organization Structures, Organizational environment; Organizational technology; and Organization size.
Teaching methods
Lectures, Group work assignments, Seminar presentations, discussions and
Writing papers.
Learning outcomes
Evaluation of group work assignments, written papers during the semester.
Assessment of end of course exam CW =30% Exam = 70%
Key References
1. Hall, R.H. (2005). Organizations: Structures, Processes and outcomes. London: Pearson Education.
2. Katz, D. & Kahn, R.L. (1976).The social Psychology of Organizations (2nd Ed.). New York: Wiley & Sons.
3. Pugh, D.S. (1990). Organizational theory: selected readings (3 rd Ed.). London: Penguin Books.
4. Blunt, P., Jones, M.L. & Richards, D. (1993). Managing organizations in Africa: Readings, cases and
exercises. Walter de Gruyter: New York.
5. Blunt, P. (1983). Organizational theory and behavior: an African perspective. London: Longman.