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Jurnal Yuni
Jurnal Yuni
Research Article
Amino Acid Metabolism of Thermoanaerobacter
Strain AK90: The Role of Electron-Scavenging Systems in
End Product Formation
Copyright 2015 S. M. Scully and J. Orlygsson. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The catabolism of the 20 amino acids by Thermoanaerobacter strain AK90 (KR007667) was investigated under three different
conditions: as single amino acids without an electron-scavenging system, in the presence of thiosulfate, and in coculture with a
hydrogenotrophic methanogen. The strain degraded only serine without an alternative electron acceptor but degraded 11 amino
acids (alanine, cysteine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, serine, threonine, tyrosine, and valine) under both
of the electron-scavenging systems investigated. Acetate was the dominant end product from alanine, cysteine, lysine, serine, and
threonine under electron-scavenging conditions. The branched-chain amino acids, isoleucine, leucine, and valine, were degraded
to their corresponding fatty acids under methanogenic conditions and to a mixture of their corresponding fatty acids and alcohols
in the presence of thiosulfate. The partial pressure of hydrogen seems to be of importance for the branched-chain alcohol formation.
This was suggested by low but detectable hydrogen concentrations at the end of cultivation on the branched-chain amino acid in
the presence of thiosulfate but not when cocultured with the methanogen. A more detailed examination of the role of thiosulfate
as an electron acceptor was performed with Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus (DSM 2246) and Thermoanaerobacter brockii (DSM
in our research group showed that most species within made and added to the media to give a buffer capacity of
the genera of Thermoanaerobacter and Caldanaerobacter 50 mM. The vitamin solution was prepared according to
degrade the BCAAs not only to their corresponding fatty DSM141. The trace element solution consists of (g/L) FeCl2
acids but also to a mixture of BCFAs and branched-chain 4H2 O, 2.0, EDTA, 0.5, CuCl2 , 0.03, H3 BO4 , ZnCl2 , MnCl2
alcohols (BCOHs) under thiosulfate reducing conditions [16, 4H2 O, (NH4 )6 Mo7 O24 4H2 O, AlCl3 , CoCl2 6H2 O, NiCl2 ,
17]. all 0.05 mg, and 1 mL of concentrated HCl. The medium was
The present study focuses on the amino acid catabolism prepared by adding the phosphate buffer, yeast extract, and
of Thermoanaerobacter AK90, which was isolated from a resazurin to distilled water, which was then boiled for 5
hot spring in Iceland. Special emphasis was given to amino 10 min and cooled while flushing with nitrogen. The mixture
acid degradation by the strain in the presence of thiosul- was then transferred to cultivation bottles and autoclaved for
fate or in coculture with a hydrogenotrophic methanogen, 60 minutes. All other components of the medium were added
Methanothermobacter M39. For comparison, the degradation separately through filter-sterilized solutions. The gas phase
of BCAAs by Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus (DSM 2246) in all fermentation experiments consisted of 5.0 nitrogen
and Thermoanaerobacter brockii (DSM 1457) was investigated (<5 ppm O2 ). All experiments were performed at 65 C and
under the same growth conditions as well as using different pH 7.0 without agitation. When Methanothermobacter M39
concentrations of thiosulfate to reveal its effect on end was used in a coculture with other strains, it was pregrown on
product distribution between the corresponding BCFA and hydrogen and carbon dioxide (80/20 v/v) for one week. Prior
BCOH. to inoculating strain AK90 into the methanogenic cultures,
the bottles were flushed with nitrogen. The inoculum volume
of strain AK90 was 2% (v/v) from the exponential growth
2. Materials and Methods phase of stock cultures grown on glucose (20 mM) in all
cases. Substrate solutions were added to culture media after
2.1. Bacterial Strains. Thermoanaerobacter AK90 (KR007667)
autoclaving (121 C for 60 minutes) through a syringe filter
was isolated from a hot spring in Grensdalur (Southwest
(Whatman PES, 0.45 m). All experiments were done in
Iceland) using Timothy grass (Phleum pratense) hydrolysate
as a carbon source according to methods already described
[18]. Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus (DSM 2246) and Ther-
moanaerobacter brockii (DSM 1457) were purchased from 2.4. Degradation of Amino Acids. The ability of strain AK90
Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkul- to utilize amino acids was tested using the BM medium
turen (DSMZ). The hydrogenotrophic methanogen, Methan- supplemented with different amino acids (20 mM) in the
othermobacter strain M39, used in coculture experiments was presence or absence of thiosulfate (40 mM), or in a coculture
isolated as described earlier [19]. with Methanothermobacter M39. The samples were grown
for five days, at which time liquid (1 mL) and gas (0.2 mL)
2.2. Phylogenic Characterization. Phylogenetic characteri- samples were withdrawn and the end products analyzed.
zation of strain AK90 has been described earlier [17]. Fermentation of single amino acids and amino acids in the
The Methanothermobacter strain M39 was analyzed for 16S presence of thiosulfate was performed in 24.5 mL serum
rDNA by DSMZ. Genomic DNA extraction was carried bottles with a liquid-gas phase ratio of 1 : 1. Experiments with
out using MasterPure Gram Positive DNA Purification Kits amino acid degradation in the presence of the methanogen
from Epicentre Biotechnologies, Germany, according to the were performed in 117.5 mL serum bottles with a liquid-gas
manufacturers instructions. PCR mediated amplification of ratio of 0.2. Similar procedure was used for investigating the
the 16S rDNA and purification of the PCR product was growth of T. brockii and T. ethanolicus on BCAAs (20 mM)
carried out as previously described [20]. Purified PCR in the presence of the methanogen, but when thiosulfate was
products were sequenced using the BigDye Terminator v1.1 used, initial concentrations of thiosulfate varied between 5
Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems) as described and 80 mM.
in the manufacturers protocol. Sequence reactions were
electrophoresed using the 3500 xL Genetic Analyzer from 2.5. Analytical Methods. Hydrogen and methane were ana-
Applied Biosystems. The resulting sequence data was put lyzed using a PerkinElmer Auto System XL gas chromato-
into the alignment editor ae2 [21], aligned manually, and graph equipped with a thermoconductivity (TCD) detector.
compared with representative 16S rRNA sequences of organ- Nitrogen was used as a carrier gas at a rate of 3 mL/min,
isms belonging to Archaea [21]. For comparison, 16S rRNA with another 17 mL/min as make-up gas. The column used
sequences were obtained from the EMBL database or RPD was Supelco 1010 Carboxen GC Plot Capillary Column. The
[21]. oven temperature was 80 C, and the injector and detector
temperatures were kept at 200 C. Alcohols and volatile
2.3. Culture Conditions. The medium (per liter), hereafter fatty acids were measured by gas chromatography using a
referred to as BM medium, consisted of NH4 Cl 0.3 g, NaCl PerkinElmer Clarus 580 gas chromatograph equipped with
0.3 g, CaCl2 0.11 g, MgCl2 6H2 O 0.1 g, yeast extract 2.0 g, a flame ionization detector (FID) using standards purchased
resazurin 1 mg, trace element solution 1 mL, vitamin solution from Sigma Aldrich. The column used was 30 m DB-FFAP
1 mL, and NaHCO3 0.8 g. Phosphate buffers were also used capillary column (Agilent Industries Inc., Palo Alto, CA,
where 1 M stock solutions of NaH2 PO4 and Na2 HPO4 were USA). Amino acids were analyzed using the ninhydrin
Journal of Amino Acids 3
method by mixing 100 L of sample and 100 L of 1% 1.00 leucine 0.71 3-methylbutyrate + 0.38 CH4
(w/v) ninhydrin reagent (60% v/v 2-propanol and 40 mM
1.00 isoleucine 0.77 2-methylbutyrate + 0.47 CH4
acetate buffer, pH 5.5) in a microtiter plate and incubating
at 100 C for 20 minutes. After cooling, 200 L of 50% (v/v) 1.00 valine 0.72 2-methylpropionate + 0.60 CH4
2-propanol was added and the absorbance read at 580 nm on
a Bioscreen C (Oy Growth Curves AB, Finland). Hydrogen Methane production by a hydrogenotrophic methanogen
sulfide was analyzed according to the method described by uses 4 moles of hydrogen to produce 1 mole of methane. The
Cord-Ruwisch [22]. Thiosulfate was analyzed according to oxidative deamination and decarboxylation from one mole
Westley [23] modified for use in microplates. Sulfur was of a single BCAA should thus yield 0.5 moles of methane
detected by microscopic examination. since, for each mole of degraded BCAA, 2 moles of hydrogen
are produced [6]. This is reasonably consistent with the data
3. Results The aromatic amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine, as
3.1. Strains AK90 and M39. Strain AK90 was isolated from well as methionine, were almost completely degraded under
a hot spring in Iceland [17]. According to partial 16S methanogenic conditions. Several unidentified peaks were
rRNA sequence data, the strain belongs to the genus Ther- observed late in the gas chromatograph run (between 10 and
moanaerobacter with the most closely related strains being 14 min) from these amino acids and methane concentrations
T. thermohydrosulfuricus (100.0% similarity), T. ethanolicus were similar as produced from the BCAAs. Ethanol was only a
(99.7%), and T. pseudoethanolicus (99.5%). Strain M39 was minor product from all amino acids as is shown in Table 1 and
also isolated from a hot spring in Iceland [19]. According to usually in similar concentrations as was observed in control
partial 16S rRNA (about 800 nucleotides), the strain belongs bottles.
to the genus Methanothermobacter and is most closely related
to M. marburgensis MarburgT (99.7% similarity). 3.4. Degradation of Amino Acids in the Presence of Thiosul-
fate. The addition of thiosulfate in the present investigation
3.2. Degradation of Amino Acids by Strain AK90 without resulted in similar degradation spectra as observed for
an External Electron Acceptor. The following amino acids methanogenic conditions. Six amino acids were completely
were not degraded under any culture conditions by strain degraded (alanine, cysteine, isoleucine, leucine, serine, and
AK90: arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, glycine, glutamate, valine). Degradation of methionine, phenylalanine, and tyro-
glutamine, histidine, proline, and tryptophan. Of the 20 sine was between 11.7 and 16.4 mM (58.7 to 82.0%), but
amino acids tested as single substrates, only serine was lysine and threonine were only partially degraded (Table 1).
degraded (Table 1). Serine (16.0 mM) was degraded to ethanol As for methanogenic cultures on alanine, cysteine, and
(5.7 mM), acetate (15.7 mM), hydrogen (9.7 mmol/L), and serine, acetate was the major end product under thiosulfate
carbon dioxide (calculated; 21.4 mmol/L). When the quantity conditions. Similarly, unidentified peaks were observed from
of end products in the control bottles (yeast extract) was methionine, phenylalanine, and tyrosine. In all experimen-
subtracted from these values, a carbon balance of 87.5% was tal bottles, the thiosulfate concentrations were negligible
obtained. Other amino acids were only degraded to a small (<0.2 mM) at the end of cultivation and hydrogen sulfide
extent with end product formation similar to or slightly and sulfur were end products from thiosulfate reduction, but
higher than that observed in the control bottles. only hydrogen sulfide was quantified. The concentrations of
hydrogen sulfide from the BCAAs were between 12.4 and
13.5 mM.
3.3. Degradation of Amino Acids in the Presence of Methan- During the degradation of the BCAAs under these
othermobacter M39. During degradation of amino acids in conditions, not only the corresponding BCFAs but also the
the presence of Methanothermobacter M39, strain AK90 was BCOHs were produced. Thus, leucine was degraded to a
capable of degrading a much wider spectrum of amino acids mixture of 3-methylbutyrate and 3-methylbutanol, isoleucine
as compared to cultures without any electron-scavenging to 2-methylbutyrate and 2-methylbutanol, and valine to 2-
system (Table 1). The strain converted more than 90% of methylpropionate and 2-methylpropanol. The stoichiometry
cysteine, isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, serine, thre- for the BCAAs degradation was as follows (controls sub-
onine, and tyrosine. Additionally, between 11.5 and 16.7 mM tracted):
(57.5 to 83.5%) of alanine, leucine, lysine, and valine were
degraded. End products from alanine, cysteine, lysine, ser- 1.00 leucine 0.49 3-methylbutyrate + 0.18 3-
ine, and threonine were primarily acetate, although small methylbutanol + 0.47 H2 S
amounts of butyrate (2.3 mM) were produced from lysine.
The BCAAs were degraded to their corresponding BCFAs 1.00 isoleucine 0.78 + 2-methylbutyrate + 0.22 2-
(leucine to 3-methylbutyrate, isoleucine to 2-methylbutyrate, methylbutanol + 0.60 H2 S
and valine to 2-methylpropionate). Methane concentrations 1.00 valine 0.95 2-methylpropionate + 0.09 2-
from BCAA fermentation were similar, ranging from 8.9 to methylpropanol + 0.60 H2 S
11.7 mmol L1 (Table 1). The stoichiometry for the BCAAs
under methanogenic conditions was as follows (control In all cases, the branched-chain fatty acid concentration was
subtracted): greater than that of the corresponding alcohol.
Table 1: End product formation from amino acids by Thermoanaerobacter strain AK90. Initial amino acid concentration was 20 mM in all cases. Experiments were done with and 4
without electron-scavenging systems, either with 40 mM of thiosulfate (S2 O3 2 ) or in a coculture with a hydrogenotrophic methanogen (M39). Data represent the average of two replicate
experiments standard deviation. Experiments without added carbon source only contained 2 g/L of yeast extract (YE). Branched-chain fatty acids (BCFAs) are 3-methylbutyrate from
leucine, 2-methylbutyrate from isoleucine, and 2-methylpropionate from valine. Branched-chain alcohols (BCOHs) are 3-methylbutanol from leucine, 2-methylbutanol from isoleucine, and
2-methylpropanol from valine.
End products (mmol/L)
Substrate/conditions Amino acids (end of fermentation) Carbon balance (%)
Ethanol Acetate BCFA BCOH H2 H2 S CH4
YE ND 2.1 0.1 5.2 0.1 0.4 0.12 <0.13 7.1 0.2 ND ND ND
YE + S2 O3 ND 2.5 0.2 8.9 0.3 0.9 0.12 0.1 0.03 <0.1 0.3 0.1 ND ND
YE + M39 ND 1.0 0.1 8.7 0.2 0.9 0.2 <0.13 <0.1 ND 2.2 0.1 ND
Ala 19.2 1.5 1.2 0.1 3.4 0.3 <1.0 <0.1 10.9 0.2 ND ND ND
Ala + S2 O3 0.0 0.0 5.5 0.6 25.4 0.8 <1.0 <0.1 1.3 0.2 11.5 0.8 ND 97.54
Ala + M39 6.1 1.6 1.4 0.1 21.4 2.8 <1.0 <0.1 <0.1 ND 8.0 0.1 94.24
Cys 19.3 0.0 1.2 0.1 3.4 0.1 <1.0 <0.1 6.3 0.5 ND ND ND
Cys + S2 O3 0.2 0.1 3.0 1.1 24.2 1.6 <1.0 <0.1 1.6 0.1 12.9 0.4 ND 79.84
Cys + M39 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.1 25.6 1.7 <1.0 <0.1 <0.1 ND 8.6 0.4 87.04
Ile 16.2 0.4 1.4 0.3 3.0 0.5 3.8 0.2 <0.1 11.1 0.9 ND ND ND
Ile + S2 O3 0.0 0.0 2.9 1.2 8.1 1.1 15.9 0.7 4.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 12.5 0.6 ND 100.0
Ile + M39 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.3 8.4 1.4 15.6 1.6 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 ND 11.7 1.3 77.5
Leu 18.5 0.4 4.9 0.5 4.2 0.3 2.0 0.1 <0.1 8.9 0.3 ND ND ND
Leu + S2 O3 0.0 0.0 2.9 1.0 8.1 0.4 9.7 2.1 3.5 0.3 0.6 0.3 13.5 0.7 ND 64.5
Leu + M39 4.0 0.4 1.3 0.2 4.3 0.7 11.7 0.4 0.4 0.1 <0.1 ND 9.9 0.3 73.1
Lys 20.0 0.0 1.1 0.1 2.6 0.1 <1.0 <0.1 5.8 0.1 ND ND ND
Lys + S2 O3 15.9 2.2 3.7 0.4 9.9 0.5 <1.0 <0.1 0.1 0.0 2.2 0.4 ND ND5
Lys + M39 8.5 1.2 1.6 0.2 19.5 6.2 <1.0 <0.1 <0.1 ND 5.5 0.3 ND5
Met 19.5 0.5 3.0 0.9 4.0 0.2 <1.0 <0.1 8.2 0.4 ND ND ND
Met + S2 O3 3.6 0.5 3.0 0.3 6.1 0.3 <1.0 <0.1 0.7 0.1 12.4 0.9 ND ND
Met + M39 0.4 0.1 1.8 0.2 9.7 0.7 <1.0 <0.1 <0.1 ND 12.2 0.6 ND
Phe 20.4 0.6 1.1 0.1 2.6 0.1 <1.0 <0.1 8.0 0.1 ND ND ND
Phe + S2 O3 8.3 1.0 2.8 0.3 6.3 0.4 <1.0 <0.1 1.4 0.1 7.4 0.6 ND ND
Phe + M39 0.1 0.0 1.5 0.2 10.4 1.1 <1.0 <0.1 <0.1 ND 11.7 0.4 ND
Ser 4.0 0.5 5.7 0.5 15.7 0.6 <1.0 <0.1 9.7 0.5 ND ND 87.54
Ser + S2 O3 0.0 0.0 3.3 1.1 26.8 1.4 <1.0 <0.1 0.1 0.1 12.5 1.2 ND 93.54
Ser + M39 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.3 27.5 2.0 <1.0 <0.1 <0.1 ND 8.8 0.2 96.54
Thr 19.0 1.3 1.1 0.1 2.6 0.1 <1.0 <0.1 8.0 0.8 ND ND ND
Thr + S2 O3 14.5 2.5 3.0 0.4 25.4 2.1 <1.0 <0.1 0.1 0.0 11.5 1.0 ND ND6
Thr + M39 1.5 0.2 0.8 0.1 31.2 1.8 <1.0 <0.1 <0.1 ND 6.9 0.5 ND6
Tyr 19.3 0.5 1.1 0.1 2.6 0.1 <1.0 <0.1 6.3 0.5 ND ND ND
Tyr + S2 O3 6.8 1.3 3.4 0.1 7.7 0.3 <1.0 <0.1 0.9 0.2 9.5 0.3 ND ND
Tyr + M39 1.2 0.2 1.4 0.1 10.0 1.1 <1.0 <0.1 <0.1 ND 7.1 2.0 ND
Val 17.4 1.0 1.1 0.1 2.6 0.1 3.3 0.1 <0.1 9.5 0.1 ND ND ND
Val + S2 O3 0.0 0.0 3.2 1.1 7.6 0.6 19.2 1.0 1.8 0.5 0.6 0.2 12.4 0.5 ND 103.5
Val + M39 3.3 1.7 1.4 0.0 6.4 1.6 12.3 2.4 <0.1 <0.1 ND 8.9 2.0 71.8
ND: not determined.
Total of 3-methylbutyrate, 2-methylbutyrate, and 2-methylpropionate.
Total of 3-methylbutanol, 2-methylbutanol, and 2-methylpropanol.
Assuming that CO2 is produced in equimolar ratio with the production of acetate and ethanol.
Journal of Amino Acids
Butyrate was produced (2.2 mM) but not shown in the table for simplicity reasons.
Degradation pathway unknown and thus not calculated (see results and discussion).
Journal of Amino Acids 5
Table 2: Amino acid degradation and end product formation from branched-chain amino acids by Thermoanaerobacter brockii and
Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus in a coculture with Methanothermobacter strain M39. Initial amino acid concentration was 20 mM in all
cases. Data represent the average of two replicate experiments standard deviation. The branched-chain fatty acids from leucine, isoleucine,
and valine were 3-methylbutyrate, 2-methylbutyrate, and 2-methylpropionate, respectively. # Data from [16].
Amino acid (end of cultivation) Branched-chain fatty acid Methane
Strain and substrates
Concentration (mmol/L)
T. brockii: leucine# 1.5 0.2 15.9 2.3 9.3 0.8
T. brockii: isoleucine# 1.7 0.3 15.4 1.3 8.3 0.8
T. brockii: valine# 2.4 0.2 14.8 0.9 7.6 1.0
T. ethanolicus: leucine 3.5 0.3 15.0 1.3 7.4 1.1
T. ethanolicus: isoleucine 2.7 0.4 14.3 0.8 7.8 0.9
T. ethanolicus: valine 12.4 0.8 7.6 0.6 3.4 1.3
3.5. Degradation of Branched-Chain Amino Acids by Ther- step from 5 to 10 mM thiosulfate concentrations. At higher
moanaerobacter ethanolicus and Thermoanaerobacter brockii. thiosulfate concentrations, H2 S actually decreased in the
The type species of the genus Thermoanaerobacter is T. experimental bottles; microscopic observations as well as the
ethanolicuT (DSM 2246) and was investigated in this study formation of a strong yellow color, especially at high initial
as well as T. brockii (DSM 1457) for the ability to produce thiosulfate loadings, showed the presence of elemental sulfur.
BCOHs (and BCFAs) from BCAAs. These species were T. ethanolicus produced much lower amounts of BCFAs
cultivated at 20 mM concentrations of the BCAAs both in and BCOHs compared to strains AK90 and T. brockii,
the presence and absence of electron-scavenging systems as in the presence of thiosulfate with only between 3.0 and
was done for strain AK90, but the initial concentration of 10.0 mM of the amino acids being degraded (Figures 3(a)
thiosulfate varied between 5 and 80 mM. When cultivated 3(c)). Hydrogen concentrations at high initial thiosulfate
without any electron-scavenging system, the BCAAs were concentrations were also higher as compared to T. brockii.
only degraded to a minor extent, producing low amounts Hydrogen sulfide and BCOHs concentrations showed similar
of BCFAs (<2.0 mM) (Figures 2 and 3). An earlier study spectrum as with T. brockii, increasing from 5 to 10 mM
performed in our laboratory on T. brockii showed that, initial thiosulfate concentrations, but decreasing at higher
under methanogenic conditions, the BCAAs (20 mM) were concentrations. These values, however, were always found to
almost completely degraded and the production of BCFAs be in lower concentrations as compared with T. brockii.
varied between 14.8 and 15.9 mM, and similar amounts
of methane were produced as compared to strain AK90 4. Discussion
(between 7.6 and 9.3 mmol/L) (Table 2) [18]. A similar pattern
was also observed for T. ethanolicus when cocultivated with The amino acid metabolism of thermophilic bacteria has
the methanogen on leucine and isoleucine; almost complete been investigated previously [5, 6, 24, 25], though to a lesser
degradation of the BCAAs and the amounts of the BCFAs extent as compared to the metabolism of carbohydrates.
were 15.0 and 14.3 mM for leucine and isoleucine, respec- Many of these investigations focus on the thermodynamics
tively; methane was observed in similar concentrations (7.4 of amino acid degradation. BCAAs can only be degraded
to 7.8 mmol/L) as before (Table 2). Valine, however, was only when the electrons are scavenged either by the addition
partially degraded under these conditions by T. ethanolicus, of thiosulfate or by coculturing with a methanogen [6] or
resulting in lower concentrations of BCFAs and methane with sulfate reducing bacteria [26]. Strain AK90 could only
yields (Figure 3 and Table 2). degrade one amino acid (serine) when cultivated without
Similarly, cultivation with thiosulfate as an electron scav- any electron-scavenging system; the end product under these
enger by these two species resulted in the production of culture conditions was predominantly acetate and 80% of
BCFAs from BCAAs (20 mM), as well as the formation of the amino acid was degraded (Table 1). When serine was
their corresponding BCOHs (Figures 2 and 3). However, degraded in the presence of thiosulfate or in a coculture with
the amount of alcohol formation was lower as compared to Methanothermobacter M39, complete degradation occurred
strain AK90. By increasing the concentration of thiosulfate and increased acetate concentrations were observed. This
from 5 to 80 mM, an increase in the BCFA formation is similar to a study in which T. brockii was grown on
as well as in amino acid degradation was observed for serine where a shift from ethanol to acetate was reported
T. brockii (Figures 2(a)2(c)). At lower concentrations of under hydrogen-scavenging conditions [6]. For most of the
thiosulfate, the electron sink is not in excess, leading to other amino acids, only a small fraction is degraded with
hydrogen accumulation and inhibition of further amino acid the accumulation of hydrogen leading to thermodynamic
degradation. The highest amounts of BCOHs were produced hindrance for further degradation.
under these conditions. By increasing the initial thiosulfate Under methanogenic conditions, much wider spectra of
concentration, hydrogen was kept at lower concentrations, amino acids were degraded (Table 1). This is in agreement
allowing for almost complete degradation of the amino acids. with previous studies by others where proteins are degraded
The concentration of hydrogen sulfide is not correlated to to a greater extent under methanogenic conditions [15, 27].
increased initial thiosulfate concentrations except for the This was most clearly shown during the degradation of
6 Journal of Amino Acids
O NADH, H+ Branched-chain
R alcohol
Branched-chain NH3 Branched-chain CO2 Branched-chain
amino acid -keto acid aldehyde NAD +
NADH, H+ Branched-chain
Figure 1: The Ehrlich pathway (from [17]). Catabolism of branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine) leading to the
production of branched-chain acids and alcohols.
the BCAAs where more than 80% of them were degraded pressure of hydrogen and regulation of the NADH/NAD+
to their corresponding BCFAs. As stated previously, Ther- and the corresponding hydrogenases are involved. Although
moanaerobacter strain AK90 threonine was not degraded as the concentrations of hydrogen are very low under both
a single substrate but under methanogenic conditions it was electron-scavenging systems (methanogenic/thiosulfate), it
almost completely converted to acetate (Table 1). This implies was detectable under thiosulfate reduction conditions which
that its degradation pathway is more complex and it has been may explain the formation of the reduced alcohol.
shown in other studies that threonine is degraded to propi- Interestingly, threonine was only partially (5.5 mM)
onate or to a mixture of propionate and butyrate [5, 28]. The degraded under methanogenic conditions by strain AK90
amount of methane produced in experimental bottles supple- (Table 1). This is in contrast to the relatively large amounts of
mented with the aromatic amino acids and methionine was acetate produced. The reason might be that the strain is using
between 6.3 and 8.2 mmol/L which was lower as compared a pathway postulated by Barker [31]: formation of acetate
to methane from the BCAAs (between 8.9 and 11.1 mmol/L), from threonine can be accomplished by direct cleavage of
but well above the control value (yeast extract only). This, threonine to acetaldehyde and glycine by threonine aldolase
together with the fact that these four amino acids were almost reaction, followed by oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetate
completely degraded under these conditions, indicates an and the conversion of glycine to acetate. Since glycine is not
oxidative mechanism for their initial degradation pathways. utilized as a single substrate under any culture conditions
This was also indicated by a number of unidentified products by strain AK90, it could be accumulating in the culture
observed during the gas chromatography run from these broth (assuming this pathway is active), thus explaining the
amino acids. Thus, methionine is likely to be degraded to 3- seemingly partial degradation for threonine. From the H2 S
methylthiopropionate, phenylalanine to 2-phenylethanoate, and S formation observed during growth on phenylalanine,
and tyrosine to 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethanoate. It is known tyrosine, and methionine in the presence of thiosulfate and
that these end products have been produced by anaerobic the fact that the same unidentified peaks were also observed
bacteria [29]. as under methanogenic conditions, it can be deduced that
Thiosulfate reduction to sulfide and sulfur is a com- similar end products were produced.
mon characteristic among the genera Thermoanaerobacter, The degradation of the BCAAs in the presence of thio-
Caldanaerobacter, and Thermoanaerobacterium [6, 24, 30]. sulfate by T. brockii and T. ethanolicus led to the production
Fardeau and coworkers demonstrated a shift in end product of both BCOHs and BCFAs, similar to strain AK90, though
formation by Thermoanaerobacter finnii (now T. brockii to a lesser extent (Figures 2 and 3). By increasing the initial
subsp. finnii) on glucose in the presence and absence of concentrations of thiosulfate from 5 to 10 mM in T. brockii
thiosulfate [24]. Both ethanol and lactate decreased dur- cultures on the three BCAAs, an increase of hydrogen sulfide
ing thiosulfate reduction to hydrogen sulfide, while acetate was observed. However, by further increasing the thiosulfate
and biomass increased. The influence of using hydrogen- concentrations to 20, 40, and 80 mM, the hydrogen sulfide
scavenging systems has also been investigated during the concentrations did not increase in the experimental bottles;
amino acid degradation by Thermoanaerobacter brockii [6]. the hydrogen sulfide concentrations were, in fact, lower at
Both thiosulfate and the presence of a hydrogen-scavenging higher thiosulfate loadings. The most reasonable explanation
methanogen were crucial for the oxidative deamination of the is either thiosulfate or H2 S is converted to sulfur. Microscopic
BCAAs by this strain. analysis revealed the presence of sulfur granules in the
During the degradation of the BCAAs in the presence of cultures and a strong yellow color formation was observed.
thiosulfate, strain AK90 produced not only the correspond- T. ethanolicus degraded only between 3.0 and 10.0 mM
ing fatty acids, but also their corresponding alcohols (Table 1). of the BCAA in the presence of thiosulfate. Additionally,
This has only recently been shown by some species within hydrogen concentrations were higher at the end of incubation
the genera of Thermoanaerobacter and Caldanaerobacter [16, as compared with T. brockii and strain AK90. Thus, T.
17] and is known to occur in lactic acid bacteria [10] and ethanolicus seems to be less effective in reducing thiosulfate,
yeasts [12] through the Ehrlich pathway (Figure 1). The reason but hydrogen was found to be above 1 mmol L1 even at
for a mixture of a fatty acid and alcohol produced from very high thiosulfate concentrations. This is most likely the
the BCAAs can most likely be directly linked to the partial reason for incomplete BCAA degradation by this strain.
Journal of Amino Acids 7
18 20
Figure 2: Amino acid degradation and end product formation at five different initial thiosulfate (5, 10, 20, 50, and 80 mM) concentrations
by Thermoanaerobacter brockii. (a) Leucine degradation, (b) isoleucine degradation, and (c) valine degradation. Bars represent standard
deviation from two replicates.
The original characterization paper on T. ethanolicus indi- was also true for T. ethanolicus on both leucine and isoleucine,
cated that the strain was incapable of utilizing yeast extract but not on valine (only 7.6 mM degraded) (Tables 1 and 2).
only, but its presence was crucial for sugar degradation [1]. This apparent ability to degrade valine by T. ethanolicus may
Faudon and coworkers [25], however, showed that both T. be caused by differences in enzyme specificity.
brockii and T. ethanolicus were capable of peptide and amino The production of BCFAs and BCOHs from amino acids
acid degradation and that the presence of thiosulfate was has been well established in yeasts such as Saccharomyces
indeed of importance resulting in more efficient degradation. cerevisiae via the Ehrlich pathway [12, 32]. Recent investi-
However, T. brockii was much more efficient than T. ethano- gations on the degradation of BCAAs to BCOHs by Ther-
licus, which is in line with our results. moanaerobacter brockii and Caldanaerobacter subterraneus
Comparison of the three strains, AK90, T. brockii, and T. subsp. yonseiensis were recently reported [16]. This work led
ethanolicus, shows that, under the same growth conditions to a screening of various species within these two genera as
(20 mM BCAA, 20 mM thiosulfate), strain AK90 produces well as within Clostridium, Caldicellulosiruptor, Caloramator,
most of the BCOH (from 1.8 to 4.4 mM) and T. brockii and Thermoanaerobacterium [17]. From these studies, only
the least (between 0.1 and 1.0 mM) (Table 1; Figures 2 and Thermoanaerobacter and Caldanaerobacter species showed
3). Strains AK90 and T. brockii produced between 9.7 and the capacity to produce BCOHs from BCAAs. In both of
19.2 mM of the BCFA from the BCAA, but T. ethanolicus only these studies, it was clear that a factor of importance for
between 5.1 and 6.8 mM, which is reflected in lower BCAA BCOH formation was mainly the partial pressure of hydrogen
degradation. Under methanogenic conditions, strains AK90 [16, 17]. The present investigation shows that it is very likely
and T. brockii almost completely degraded the BCAA, which that strain AK90 is also producing a mixture of aromatic fatty
8 Journal of Amino Acids
Figure 3: Amino acid degradation and end product formation at five different initial thiosulfate (5, 10, 20, 50, and 80 mM) concentrations
by Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus. (a) Leucine degradation, (b) isoleucine degradation, and (c) valine degradation. Bars represent standard
deviation from two replicates.
acids and aromatic alcohols during hydrogen-scavenging coculture with a hydrogenotrophic methanogen). Branched-
conditions. chain amino acids were degraded to their corresponding
The degradation of amino acids presents a renewable branched-chain fatty acids under methanogenic conditions
route to potentially important feedstock chemicals. The inter- and to a mixture of branched-chain fatty acids and alcohols
est in BCAA degradation has often been directed towards under thiosulfate reducing conditions. This phenomenon was
the formation of flavor compounds (branched- and aromatic also exhibited by Thermoanaerobacter brockii (DSM 1457)
chain aldehydes, alcohols, and acids) in food and beverage and Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus (DSM 2246), though to
products [12]. Additionally, (S)-2-methylbutanol is a poten- a lesser extent. The formation of these end products seems to
tial biofuel [33] and some of the BCOHs may serve as be highly dependent upon partial pressure of hydrogen.
building blocks [34]. Recently, some studies have focused
on the production of branched-chain alcohols from protein-
rich waste using genetically engineered Escherichia coli and Conflict of Interests
Bacillus subtilis with the main focus being that BCOHs are
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests.
promising biofuel candidates [35, 36].
5. Conclusion Acknowledgments
Thermoanaerobacter strain AK90 degraded only serine when The authors wish to gratefully acknowledge Kristen L. Hoff-
used as a single substrate but degraded nine amino acids man and Eva Maria Ingvadottir for their helpful editorial
under electron-scavenging conditions (thiosulfate and a feedback during the preparation of this paper.
Journal of Amino Acids 9