Apartheid WB
Apartheid WB
Apartheid WB
Apartheid became the official policy of ____________ __________
in 1948
Acts of resistance against such unjust policies were often met
with __________ by the ________ and ____________.
Peaceful protests against apartheid led to many deaths,
including those of _____________.
Anti-apartheid leaders such as _________ _________faced
beatings and imprisonment for their efforts to end apartheid.
Read pages _____ & ______ for more information about South
Africa, Nelson Mandela, and ending apartheid.
1. Why might this sign be displayed?
2. What might this sign suggest to you about the society that created
3. What other forms of segregation may have existed in this place?
Sun City Resort & Casino
1. Based on what you saw in the clip, what group of people might
have vacationed at Sun City? What group of people might be the
ones working at Sun City?
2. How did Sol Kerzner promote Sun City as beneficial to the black
3. While not participating in apartheid, how might Sun City still
benefitted the South African apartheid government?
4. Do you believe the woman worker when she asserts that whites
and blacks are equal at Sun City? Why or why not?
1. What conclusions can you make about these two graphs, taking
into account the previous graphs you saw?
2. What sort of government policies might be in place to create
racial discrepancies such as these?
Life under Apartheid
1. According to the clip, what sort of laws and policies were made
against South Africans during apartheid?
2. What might be the relationship between the laws and statistics
you saw previously? Do you think these laws contribute to the
statistics on the inequality between whites and blacks? Why or why
3. In what ways might the policies of apartheid and the resulting
statistics discussed in the clip be connected?
Final Question
1. In what ways can a protest song such as Sun City inspire change in
regards to apartheid in South Africa?