Resource Guide: Identity Theft
Resource Guide: Identity Theft
Resource Guide: Identity Theft
Resource Guide
ne of the fastest growing crimes in the United States is identity theft. Identity theft
is a form of taking, accessing, or using someones personal information such as their
name, social security number, account number, or payment card number, without their
permission, pretending to be someone else by assuming anothers identity, or creating a fake
identity or account.
This identity theft resource guide provides you with detailed information to help you prevent
the theft of your identity and outlines the action you should take to repair damage caused by
identity theft. I urge you to study the information and share it with family and friends. It can
greatly reduce your risk of becoming a victim.
My office will continue to work to safeguard Missourians from identity theft. If you have
questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at or
Joshua D. Hawley
Attorney General
dentity theft is when someone wrongfully obtains and uses your private identifying
information, usually for financial gain. Identity thieves are resourceful: they rummage through
your garbage, the trash of businesses, or public dumps. They may work or pretend to work
for legitimate companies, medical offices, clinics, pharmacies, or government agencies, or
convince you to reveal personal information. Some thieves pretend to represent an institution
you trust, and try to trick you into revealing personal information by email or phone. Once
identity thieves have your personal information, they can drain your bank account, run up
charges on your credit cards, open new utility accounts, or get medical treatment on your health
insurance. An identity thief can file a tax refund in your name and get your refund. In some
extreme cases, a thief might even give your name to the police during an arrest.
There are several types of identity theft:
1. Financial Identity Theft
Financial identity theft occurs when someone uses anothers identity to obtain money,
credit, goods, or services.
Someone may actually steal your credit card or debit card, or they may steal your credit
card number or bank account number to access your money.
2. Tax Fraud Identity Theft
Tax fraud occurs when an identity thief uses a taxpayers stolen identity to file a fraudulent
return and claim the identity theft victims tax refund. The identity thief will use a stolen
Social Security number and consumer information to file a forged tax return early in the
filing season before the victim does. The scammer then receives the victims refund before
the IRS processes the real filing. To help prevent tax fraud, file your tax returns early and,
if you have someone help you with your return, use a reputable tax return preparation
You may be notified when you file your state or federal tax return that a return has already
been filed in your name.
If you receive mail from the Missouri Department of Revenue or the federal Internal
Revenue Service and you do not understand it, call our Office at 800-392-8222.
3. Medical Identity Theft
Medical identity theft occurs when someone uses anothers identity to obtain medical care
or drugs.
You may receive an invoice or a collection notice for services you did not obtain.
Contact the provider of the service and explain it was not you in order to dispute the
charge and to correct any inaccuracies in your medical history.
19. Make sure youve taken all steps above to Help prevent all types of identity theft.
20. Remember that your medical and insurance information are very valuable to identity thieves,
so do not hand it out unnecessarily.
24. Make sure youve taken all steps above to Help prevent all types of identity theft.
25. File your tax returns as early as possible.
26. Request a Personal Identification Number, or PIN, from the IRS. This can help prevent
scammers from filing a federal return in your name. Other PIN numbers help consumers make
secure payments on amounts owed to the IRS.
27. Consumers with questions about whether a contact from the IRS is authentic should call the
IRS toll-free number (1-800-829-1040) to confirm.
28. Keep copies of all your tax records in a secure location.
29. Check your credit reports and other records for accuracy. Check your banking records daily or
30. Report the improper use of your Social Security number to the Social Security Administration
at their fraud hotline (1-800-269-0271) or their website at
8 JUNE 2017
January 2016 IDENTITY
Checklist If You Think Youre a Victim of
Identity Theft
1. Order a copy of your credit report from one or more of the three credit bureaus. Check for
credit accounts that you didnt open, debts you didnt know about, inquiries from companies
you dont know, or any other incorrect or suspicious information.
2. Dispute any fraudulent charges or accounts.
Sample dispute letter for existing accounts [See Appendix C]
Sample dispute letter for new accounts [See Appendix C]
Sample Request for Fraudulent Transaction/Account Information [See Appendix C]
3. Place a fraud alert on your credit report with all three of the credit reporting agencies, which
tells creditors to follow certain procedures before they can open new accounts in your name
or make changes to existing accounts (calling and alerting one bureau will place an alert to all
4. Close any accounts that you think have been tampered with or opened fraudulently. If you
will continue to use an account, make sure that you are using a new account number.
5. Change all of your passwords, especially if you use the same passwords on multiple websites.
When creating new passwords, use a different password for each website, and use passwords
that are hard to guess. Be sure that your passwords have a combination of letters, numbers,
and special symbols.
6. Call the security or fraud departments of each company where an account was fraudulently
opened or changed without your permission; follow up in writing with documents that
support your claim.
7. Complete a Victims Complaint and Affidavit form. [See Appendix A]
8. Keep a log of all your actions, including all telephone calls, letters, other documents, and
deadlines that you encounter. Save copies of all letters and other documents. This information
may become extremely important for resolving the issue.
Credit Bureau and Law Enforcement Worksheet [See Appendix B]
Account Statement and Activity Worksheet [See Appendix B]
9. Block any fraudulent information from your credit report. [Sample letter to block info, See
Appendix C]
10. If you need to fix specific identity theft problems, like stolen checks or passports, phone
fraud, tax fraud, falsified change of address, or other problems, see the Attorney Generals
recommendations and important contact information on page 30 (Appendix F).
18. Make sure youve taken steps 1 through 12 above if you think youre a victim of any type of
identity theft.
19. Report it to the Internal Revenue Service at 800-908-4490. Consumers will need to complete
the form 14039 ( ) and return it to the IRS.
20. Missourians should also report the fraud to the Missouri Department of Revenue at
573-522-4866 or by email to
21. The Missouri Attorney Generals Consumer Protection Hotline is available to assist consumers
in reporting identity theft. Missourians can reach the hotline at 800-392-8222 or file a
complaint form (
There are a variety of commercial services that, for a fee, will monitor your credit reports for
activity and alert you to changes to your accounts. Prices and services vary widely. Many of
the services only monitor one of the three major consumer reporting companies. If youre
considering signing up for a service, make sure you understand what youre getting before you
buy. Also check out the company with the Better Business Bureau and the Consumer Protection
Division of the Attorney Generals Office to see if any complaints are on file at
If you receive a data breach notice, you may be offered free credit monitoring. Details will be in
your notice letter.
Tear out the following Identity Theft Victims Complaint and Affidavit or fill it out online at
Mail a copy of this form and documents to our Office at P.O. Box 899 Jefferson City, MO 65102
or email to
Provide copies of this form and documents to: FTC, police department, credit bureaus, and
attach to letters disputing fraudulent charges or acts.
City State Zip Code Country
The Paperwork Reduction Act requires the FTC to display a valid control number (in this case, OMB control #3084-0047)
before we can collect or sponsor the collection of your information, or require you to provide it.
Victims Name _______________________________ Phone number (____)_________________ Page 2
(13) I am OR am not willing to work with law enforcement if charges are brought
against the person(s) who committed the fraud.
City State Zip Code Country
(15) Additional information about the crime (for example, how the identity thief (14) and (15):
gained access to your information or which documents or information were Attach
used): additional
________________________________________________________________ sheets as
(16): Reminder:
(16) I can verify my identity with these documents: Attach copies
of your identity
A valid government-issued photo identification card (for example, my drivers documents
license, state-issued ID card, or my passport). when sending
If you are under 16 and dont have a photo-ID, a copy of your birth certificate or this form to
a copy of your official school record showing your enrollment and legal address is creditors
acceptable. and credit
Proof of residency during the time the disputed charges occurred, the loan agencies.
was made, or the other event took place (for example, a copy of a rental/lease
agreement in my name, a utility bill, or an insurance bill).
(18) Credit inquiries from these companies appear on my credit report as a result of this identity
Company Name: _______________________________________________________________
Company Name: _______________________________________________________________
Company Name: _______________________________________________________________
Victims Name _______________________________ Phone number (____)_________________ Page 4
(19) Below are details about the different frauds committed using my personal information.
___________________________________________________________________ If there were
Name of Institution Contact Person Phone Extension more than three
___________________________________________________________________ frauds, copy this
Account Number Routing Number Affected Check Number(s) page blank, and
attach as many
Account Type: Credit Bank Phone/Utilities Loan additional copies
as necessary.
Government Benefits Internet or Email Other
Enter any
Select ONE: applicable
This account was opened fraudulently. information that
you have, even if
This was an existing account that someone tampered with.
it is incomplete
___________________________________________________________________ or an estimate.
Date Opened or Misused (mm/yyyy) Date Discovered (mm/yyyy) Total Amount Obtained ($)
If the thief
committed two
types of fraud at
___________________________________________________________________ one company,
Name of Institution Contact Person Phone Extension
list the company
___________________________________________________________________ twice, giving
Account Number Routing Number Affected Check Number(s) the information
about the two
Account Type: Credit Bank Phone/Utilities Loan frauds separately.
Government Benefits Internet or Email Other Contact Person:
Someone you
Select ONE: dealt with, whom
This account was opened fraudulently. an investigator
This was an existing account that someone tampered with. can call about this
Date Opened or Misused (mm/yyyy) Date Discovered (mm/yyyy) Total Amount Obtained ($) Account Number:
The number of
the credit or
___________________________________________________________________ debit card, bank
Name of Institution Contact Person Phone Extension account, loan, or
___________________________________________________________________ other account
Account Number Routing Number Affected Check Number(s) that was misused.
Dates: Indicate
Account Type: Credit Bank Phone/Utilities Loan when the thief
Government Benefits Internet or Email Other began to misuse
your information
Select ONE: and when you
This account was opened fraudulently. discovered the
This was an existing account that someone tampered with. problem.
Officers Name (please print) Officers Signature
____________________________ (____)_______________
Badge Number Phone Number
Did the victim receive a copy of the report from the law enforcement officer? Yes OR No
As applicable, sign and date IN THE PRESENCE OF a law enforcement officer, a notary, or
a witness.
(21) I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, all of the information on and attached to
this complaint is true, correct, and complete and made in good faith. I understand that this
complaint or the information it contains may be made available to federal, state, and/or local
law enforcement agencies for such action within their jurisdiction as they deem appropriate. I
understand that knowingly making any false or fraudulent statement or representation to the
government may violate federal, state, or local criminal statutes, and may result in a fine,
imprisonment, or both.
_______________________________________ _________________________________________
Signature Date Signed (mm/dd/yyyy)
Your Affidavit
(22) If you do not choose to file a report with law enforcement, you may use this form as an Identity
Theft Affidavit to prove to each of the companies where the thief misused your information that
you are not responsible for the fraud. While many companies accept this affidavit, others require
that you submit different forms. Check with each company to see if it accepts this form. You
should also check to see if it requires notarization. If so, sign in the presence of a notary. If it
does not, please have one witness (non-relative) sign that you completed and signed this Affidavit.
_______________________________________ _________________________________________
Signature Printed Name
_______________________________________ _________________________________________
Date Telephone Number
Appendix B
Tear out and fill in the following worksheets to keep as a record of actions youve taken.
Place a fraud alert on your credit file and request a copy of your credit report. Report criminal activity to the appropriate authorities and agencies.
Missouri Attorney
Generals Office
Organization Postal
Inspection Service
Track when your statements arrive, what transactions occurred and the statement balance. Verify that the account activity is legitimate.
Issuer Account Type Date Received Statement Balance Notes
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your City, State, Zip Code]
[Your Account Number]
[Name of Creditor]
Billing Inquiries
[City, State, Zip Code]
Please investigate this matter and correct the fraudulent [charge/debit] as soon as possible.
[Your Name]
Identity Theft Victims Complaint and Affidavit
FCRA Sections 605B, 615(f ), 623(a)(6)
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your City, State, Zip Code]
P.O. Box 9554
Allen, TX 75013
Fraud Victim Assistance Department
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016
I am a victim of identity theft. I am writing to request that you block the following fraudulent
information from my credit report: [Identify item(s) to be blocked by name of source, such as
creditors or tax court, and identify type of item, such as credit account, judgment, etc].
This information does not relate to any transaction that I have made. I have enclosed a copy of
my Identity Theft Victims Complaint. In addition, I have enclosed a copy of section 605B of the
Fair Credit Reporting Act, which details your responsibility to block fraudulent information on
my credit report resulting from identity theft. Please let me know if you need any other informa-
tion from me to block this information from my credit report.
[Your Name]
Identity Theft Victims Complaint and Affidavit
FCRA Section 605B
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your City, State, Zip Code]
[Your Account Number (if known)]
[Name of Creditor]
Billing Inquiries
[City, State, Zip Code]
I am a victim of identity theft. I have recently learned that my personal information was used
to open an account at your company. I did not open this account, and I am requesting that the
account be closed and that I be absolved of all charges on the account.
Please investigate this matter, close the account and absolve me of all charges, take the steps
required of you under the FCRA, and send me a letter confirming your findings and actions, as
soon as possible.
[Your Name]
Identity Theft Victims Complaint and Affidavit
FCRA Sections 605B, 615(f ), 623(a)(6)
(a) Block
Except as otherwise provided in this section, a consumer reporting agency shall block
the reporting of any information in the file of a consumer that the consumer identifies as
information that resulted from an alleged identity theft, not later than 4 business days after the
date of receipt by such agency of--
(4) a statement by the consumer that the information is not information relating to any
transaction by the consumer.
(b) Notification
A consumer reporting agency shall promptly notify the furnisher of information identified by the
consumer under subsection (a) --
(3) that a block has been requested under this section; and
(1) In general
A consumer reporting agency may decline to block, or may rescind any block, of information
relating to a consumer under this section, if the consumer reporting agency reasonably deter-
mines that--
(A) the information was blocked in error or a block was requested by the consumer in
If a block of information is declined or rescinded under this subsection, the affected consumer
shall be notified promptly, in the same manner as consumers are notified of the reinsertion of
information under section 1681i(a)(5)(B) of this title.
For purposes of this subsection, if a consumer reporting agency rescinds a block, the presence of
information in the file of a consumer prior to the blocking of such information is not evidence of
whether the consumer knew or should have known that the consumer obtained possession of
any goods, services, or money as a result of the block.
This section shall not apply to a consumer reporting agency, if the consumer reporting agency--
(A) is a reseller;
(B) is not, at the time of the request of the consumer under subsection (a),
otherwise furnishing or reselling a consumer report concerning the information
identified by the consumer; and
(C) informs the consumer, by any means, that the consumer may report the identity theft
to the Bureau to obtain consumer information regarding identity theft.
The sole obligation of the consumer reporting agency under this section, with regard to any
request of a consumer under this section, shall be to block the consumer report maintained by
the consumer reporting agency from any subsequent use, if--
(A) the consumer, in accordance with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section,
identifies, to a consumer reporting agency, information in the file of the consumer
that resulted from identity theft; and
(3) Notice
The provisions of this section do not apply to a check services company, acting as such, which
issues authorizations for the purpose of approving or processing negotiable instruments,
electronic fund transfers, or similar methods of payments, except that, beginning 4 business
days after receipt of information described in paragraphs (1) through (3) of subsection (a), a
check services company shall not report to a national consumer reporting agency described in
section 1681a(p) of this title, any information identified in the subject identity theft report as
resulting from identity theft.
(1) In general
No person shall sell, transfer for consideration, or place for collection a debt that such person has
been notified under section 1681c-2 of this title has resulted from identity theft.
(2) Applicability
The prohibitions of this subsection shall apply to all persons collecting a debt described in
paragraph (1) after the date of a notification under paragraph (1).
(A) the repurchase of a debt in any case in which the assignee of the debt requires such
repurchase because the debt has resulted from identity theft;
(C) the transfer of debt as a result of a merger, acquisition, purchase and assumption
transaction, or transfer of substantially all of the assets of an entity.
A person that furnishes information to any consumer reporting agency shall have in place
reasonable procedures to respond to any notification that it receives from a consumer reporting
agency under section 1681c-2 of this title relating to information resulting from identity theft, to
prevent that person from refurnishing such blocked information.
There are three major credit reporting companies: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. These
companies collect and report your data to potential creditors, employers, insurers, and to others
for purposes allowed by law.
Call toll-free 877-322-8228, or
Complete the Annual Credit Report Request Form at and mail it to:
Annual Credit Report Request Service, P.O. Box 105281, Atlanta, GA 30348-5281.
You are also entitled to a free report if a company takes adverse action against you, such as
denying your application for credit, insurance, or employment, and you request your report
within 60 days of receiving notice of the action. You are also entitled to one free report a year
if you are unemployed anohd plan to look for a job within 60 days, you are on welfare, or your
report is inaccurate because of fraud. Otherwise, a consumer reporting company may charge
you around $10.00 for any other copies of your report.
To buy a copy of your report, or to request a fraud alert or security freeze, contact one of the
three credit bureaus:
Fraud Alert: You
CREDIT BUREAUS can add a fraud alert
P.O. Box 740241 P.O. Box 9554 P.O. Box 6790 credit report to help
Atlanta, GA 30374 Allen, TX 75013 Fullerton, CA 92834 protect your credit
888-766-0008 888-EXPERIAN (397-3742) 800-680-7289
information. Fraud
alert messages notify
potential creditors to verify your identification before extending credit in your name in case
someone is using your information without your consent.
Security Freeze: You can initiate a security freeze on your credit report to prevent a credit
reporting company from releasing your credit report without your consent. Be aware that a
security freeze limiting access to the personal and financial information in your file may delay,
interfere with, or prohibit the timely approval of any subsequent request or application you
Stolen Checks
If an identity thief steals your checks or counterfeits checks from your existing bank account,
contact your bank to have them put stop-payment-orders on your checks, and close your
Contact major check verification companies to request that they notify retailers who use
their databases not to accept your checks:
TeleCheck at 1-800-710-9898 or 1-800-927-0188, and
Certegy, Inc. (previously Equifax Check Systems) at 1-800-437-5120.
30 JUNE2015
Stolen Passport
If you believe your passport is lost, stolen, or is being used fraudulently, contact the United
States Department of State (USDS).
File a complaint with SSA online at, call: 1-800-269-0271, fax: 410-597-
0118, or write: SSA Fraud Hotline, P.O. Box 17785, Baltimore, MD 21235.
Request a replacement Social Security number card if yours is lost or stolen, or verify the
accuracy of reported earnings, by calling 1-800-772-1213.
Falsified Change of Address
If an identity thief has stolen your mail, has falsified change-of-address forms, or otherwise
obtained your personal information via mail fraud, contact your local postal inspector.
Contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) district office nearest you by calling your
local post office.
File a complaint with the USPIS online at
Tax Fraud
If you believe an identity thief has used your information to commit tax fraud, contact the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
If you have problems removing the fraudulent phone charges from your account or closing
an unauthorized account, contact the Missouri Public Service Commission by calling:
1-800-392-4211. You can file a complaint online at or by mail to Governor
Office Building, 200 Madison Street, P.O. Box 360, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0360.
For cellular phones and long distance, contact the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) by calling 1-888-CALL-FCC (TTY: 1-888-TELL-FCC).
File a complaint with the FCC online at; write: Federal
Communications Commission, Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau, Consumer
Inquiries & Complaints Division, 445 12th Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20554 or e-mail
Student Loan Fraud
If an identity thief has used your information to take out a student loan, contact the school or
program that opened the student loan to close the loan.
Report the fraudulent loan to the U.S. Department of Education Inspector Generals Hotline
by calling 1-800-MIS-USED.
File a complaint online at or write:
Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW,
Washington, DC 20202-1510.
Investment Fraud
If you believe an identity thief has tampered with your securities investments or brokerage
account, immediately report it to your broker or account manager.
File a complaint with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commissions Complaint Center at, send a fax to 703-813-6965, or write to: SEC Complaint
Center, 100 F Street NE, Washington, D.C. 20549-5990.
Contact the Securities Division of the Missouri Secretary of States Office, which is
responsible for ensuring compliance with state securities laws, at:
Other Identity Fraud
For other situations involving identity fraud not listed above, visit the FTC website at