Volume 13
Volume 13
Volume 13
Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
December 2015
This handbook covers a full range of topics and design examples intended to provide bridge
engineers with the information needed to make knowledgeable decisions regarding the selection,
design, fabrication, and construction of steel bridges. Upon completion of the latest update, the
handbook is based on the Seventh Edition of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
The hard and competent work of the National Steel Bridge Alliance (NSBA) and prime
consultant, HDR, Inc., and their sub-consultants, in producing and maintaining this handbook is
gratefully acknowledged.
The topics and design examples of the handbook are published separately for ease of use, and
available for free download at the NSBA and FHWA websites: http://www.steelbridges.org, and
http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge, respectively.
The contributions and constructive review comments received during the preparation of the
handbook from many bridge engineering processionals across the country are very much
appreciated. In particular, I would like to recognize the contributions of Bryan Kulesza with
ArcelorMittal, Jeff Carlson with NSBA, Shane Beabes with AECOM, Rob Connor with Purdue
University, Ryan Wisch with DeLongs, Inc., Bob Cisneros with High Steel Structures, Inc.,
Mike Culmo with CME Associates, Inc., Mike Grubb with M.A. Grubb & Associates, LLC, Don
White with Georgia Institute of Technology, Jamie Farris with Texas Department of
Transportation, and Bill McEleney with NSBA.
This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Transportation in
the interest of information exchange. The U.S. Government assumes no liability for use of the
information contained in this document. This report does not constitute a standard, specification,
or regulation.
Quality Assurance Statement
The Federal Highway Administration provides high-quality information to serve Government,
industry, and the public in a manner that promotes public understanding. Standards and policies
are used to ensure and maximize the quality, objectivity, utility, and integrity of its information.
FHWA periodically reviews quality issues and adjusts its programs and processes to ensure
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Technical Report Documentation Page
1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipients Catalog No.
FHWA-HIF-16-002 - Vol. 13
4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date
Steel Bridge Design Handbook: Bracing System Design December 2015
6. Performing Organization Code
16. Abstract
This module discusses the design of bracing systems for the superstructures of straight and curved girder systems. I-girder and
box shaped members are covered. Bracing for other types of bridges, such as truss, arch or towers is not specifically addressed;
however much of the information included in this module may be applicable. Bracing systems serve a number of important roles
in both straight and horizontally curved bridges. The braces provide stability to the primary girders as well as improving the
lateral or torsional stiffness and strength of the bridge system both during construction and in service. Depending on the
geometry of the bridge, braces may be designated as either primary or secondary members.
The engineer needs to recognize the importance of the bracing systems and bracing member design for appropriates construction
and in-service stages. This module provides an overview of the design requirements of the braces so that engineers can properly
size the members to ensure adequate strength and stiffness.
The module provides: a) an overview of bracing utilized for I-girders is covered, b) a discussion of the bracing systems for tub
girders, c) design requirements for the members and connections of bracing systems.
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Torsional Behavior of Open and Closed Girders ............................................................. 1
1.2 Lateral Torsional Buckling .............................................................................................. 5
1.3 Categories of Bracing ...................................................................................................... 5
2.0 BRACING OF I-GIRDERS................................................................................................... 7
2.1 General Requirements ...................................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Cross Frame Spacing and Proportions .................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Top and Bottom Flange Lateral Systems .............................................................. 10
2.2 Cross-Frame Forces in Horizontally Curved Girders .................................................... 11
2.3 Stability Bracing of I-Girders ........................................................................................ 12
2.3.1 Torsional Bracing Design Requirements, T ........................................................ 15
2.3.2 Stiffness of Cross Frame and Diaphragm Systems b .......................................... 16
2.3.3 Web Distortional Stiffness, sec ............................................................................ 18
2.3.4 In-Plane Stiffness of Girders, g ........................................................................... 20
2.3.5 Connection Stiffness, conn .................................................................................... 21
2.4 Effects of Support Skew ................................................................................................ 22
2.5 Lean-On or Staggered Bracing ...................................................................................... 26
2.6 System Buckling of Interconnected Girders .................................................................. 31
2.7 Lateral Bracing Systems ................................................................................................ 34
2.8 Continuous Bracing ....................................................................................................... 37
3.0 BRACING OF TUB GIRDER SYSTEMS.......................................................................... 38
3.1 Top Flange Lateral Truss ............................................................................................... 39
3.1.1 Top Lateral Brace Forces ...................................................................................... 40
3.1.2 Selecting the Top Lateral Layout .......................................................................... 44
3.1.3 Determining the Brace Forces .............................................................................. 45 Torsion ................................................................................................ 45 Sloping Webs ...................................................................................... 47 Vertical Bending ................................................................................. 48
3.1.4 Top Flange Truss Details ...................................................................................... 50
3.1.5 Controlling Global Lateral Buckling .................................................................... 51
3.2 Intermediate Internal Cross Frames ............................................................................... 54
3.2.1 Tub Girder Distortion ........................................................................................... 55
3.2.2 Internal Cross Frame Details ................................................................................ 58
3.3 End Diaphragms............................................................................................................. 58
3.3.1 Diaphragm Strength Design Requirements .......................................................... 60
3.3.2 Diaphragm Stiffness Design Requirements .......................................................... 61
3.4 Intermediate External Cross Frames .............................................................................. 63
3.4.1 Analysis Approaches for Intermediate External Diaphragms .............................. 64
3.4.2 Spacing of Intermediate External K-frames ......................................................... 65
3.4.3 Forces in Intermediate External K-frames ............................................................ 65
4.0 BRACING MEMBER DESIGN AND CONNECTION DETAILS ................................... 68
4.1 Design of Tees and Angles ............................................................................................ 68
4.1.1 Tension Members.................................................................................................. 68
4.1.2 Compression Members ......................................................................................... 68 Single angles ....................................................................................... 68 Tees and Double Angles ..................................................................... 70
4.2 Fatigue Design of Cross-frame Members ...................................................................... 72
4.3 Welded and Bolted Connection Details ......................................................................... 72
5.0 SIMPLIFIED GEOMETRIC PROPERTIES FOR TUB GIRDERS ................................... 77
5.1 Shear Center, ey, for Open and Quasi-Closed Sections [60].......................................... 77
5.2 Monosymmetry Coefficient, x Open section only [61] .............................................. 78
5.3 Warping Moment of Inertia, Cw -- Open section only [61] ............................................ 78
6.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 79
List of Figures
Figure 1 Warping Stiffness is Related to the Bending Stiffness of the Plate Elements................. 2
Figure 2 Shear Flow in Tub Girder Due to Saint-Venant Torsion ................................................ 4
Figure 3 Categories of Bracing ...................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4 Collapse of a Bridge over the Tennessee River due to Insufficient Bracing................... 7
Figure 5 Web Distortion .............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 6 Restraining Forces ......................................................................................................... 14
Figure 7 Bending Stresses in Singly Symmetric Section............................................................. 16
Figure 8 Diaphragm Stiffness, b................................................................................................. 17
Figure 9 Stiffness Formulas for Twin Girder Cross Frames [21] ................................................ 18
Figure 10 Web Stiffener Geometry.............................................................................................. 19
Figure 11 Cross frame and Diaphragm Geometry ....................................................................... 19
Figure 12 Beam Load from Braces .............................................................................................. 21
Figure 13 Plan View of Bridge with Skewed Supports ............................................................... 22
Figure 14 Brace Orientations for Bridges with Skewed Supports ............................................... 23
Figure 15 Bent Plate Connection Detail Frequently Used in Bridges with Skewed Supports .... 25
Figure 16 Half-Pipe Web Stiffener .............................................................................................. 25
Figure 17 Summation of P Concept for Sideway Frame Stability ............................................ 26
Figure 18 Beams Linked Together at Compression Flange......................................................... 26
Figure 19 Graph of P Concept for Beams ................................................................................. 27
Figure 20 Lean on Cross Frame Bracing ..................................................................................... 28
Figure 21 Plan View of Bridge with Lean-On Cross Frame Bracing .......................................... 28
Figure 22 Lean on Bracing Layout in Bridge with Large Numbers of Girders ........................... 29
Figure 23 Stiffness and Strength Requirements for Lean-On Cross Frames ............................... 30
Figure 24 Staggered Cross Frame Layout ................................................................................... 31
Figure 25 System Buckling of a Twin Girder Widening, where the system has buckled out of
plane nearly 10 inches during deck placement ............................................................................. 32
Figure 26 Comparison of Individual Buckling Mode and System Buckling Mode .................... 33
Figure 27 Plan View of Typical Lateral (Relative) Bracing System ........................................... 35
Figure 28 Effective Length in X-type cross frames ..................................................................... 35
Figure 29 X-Framing Equilibrium ............................................................................................... 36
Figure 30 Twin Tub Girder System ............................................................................................. 38
Figure 31 Types of Bracing Systems for Tub Girders ................................................................. 38
Figure 32 Geometric Layout and Equivalent Plate Thickness of Top Lateral Systems [39] ...... 39
Figure 33 Top Lateral Truss Forces for Various Tub Girder Bracing Systems........................... 43
Figure 34 Deformations of different box girder bracing systems ................................................ 44
Figure 35 Diagonal Lateral Brace Forces Due to Torsion in a Tub Girder ................................. 46
Figure 36 Strut Forces from Torsion ........................................................................................... 47
Figure 37 Strut Forces from Top Flange Loads ........................................................................... 47
Figure 38 Tub Girder Vertical Bending Stresses ......................................................................... 48
Figure 39 Bending Induced Truss Forces .................................................................................... 50
Figure 40 Strut eccentricity in a tub girder cross section............................................................. 51
Figure 41 Effect of teq on global buckling on a tub girder section using a X-type lateral bracing
system ........................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 42 Effect of Partial End Panel Bracing on Girder Buckling Stress .................................. 54
Figure 43 Internal Intermediate Cross-Frame Layouts for Tub Girders ...................................... 55
Figure 44 Sources of Torsion in a Tub Girder ............................................................................. 55
Figure 45 Pure Torsional and Distortional Components in a Tub Girder.................................... 56
Figure 46 Sign Convention for eccentricity ................................................................................. 56
Figure 47 Approximate Distortional Forces in Intermediate Cross Frames in a Tub Girder ...... 57
Figure 48 Typical End Diaphragm Geometry ............................................................................. 59
Figure 49 Non-continuous flanges illustrated by a 3D FEM of the end diaphragm of a twin box
girder model .................................................................................................................................. 59
Figure 50 Girder end torsional demand that acts on diaphragms and the resulting shears .......... 60
Figure 51 Idealized Rectangular Diaphragm Plate ...................................................................... 61
Figure 52 Girder and Diaphragm Deformations .......................................................................... 62
Figure 53 Relative Deformation between Adjacent Girders........................................................ 63
Figure 54 K-frame Geometry....................................................................................................... 66
Figure 55 External K-Frame Forces ............................................................................................ 66
Figure 56 Typical Test End Connection ...................................................................................... 69
Figure 57 Eccentrically loaded WT section ................................................................................. 70
Figure 58 Improper orientation and sizing of WT section used for top flange lateral bracing
member ......................................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 59 Strut offset below diagonal .......................................................................................... 74
Figure 60 Large gusset plates used so working lines of bracing members intersect ................... 75
Figure 61 Shim plates can significantly increase the eccentricity of WT sections leading to
excessive bending ......................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 62 Partial depth end diaphragm. ....................................................................................... 76
Figure 63 Calculation of Shear Center for Open and Quasi-Closed Sections ............................. 77
Bracing systems serve a number of important roles in both straight and horizontally curved
bridges. The braces provide stability to the primary girders as well as improving the lateral or
torsional stiffness and strength of the bridge system both during construction and in service.
Depending on the geometry of the bridge, braces may be designated as either primary or
secondary members. In the AASHTO LRFD Specifications [1], the member designation as
primary or secondary is typically assigned based upon whether the member has a design force
obtained from a structural analysis. For example, a first-order analysis on a straight bridge
during construction will often result in no forces in the cross frames and the braces are often
designated as a secondary member. In many situations, the removal of the brace can result in a
partial or complete collapse of the structure due to instabilities that can develop as a result of the
larger unbraced length. In cases such as this, the engineer needs to recognize the importance of
the brace and design the members accordingly. This module provides an overview of the design
requirements of the braces so that engineers can properly size the members to ensure adequate
strength and stiffness.
In general, this module discusses the design of bracing systems for the superstructures of straight
and curved girder systems. I-girder and box shaped members are covered throughout this
module. Bracing for other types of bridges, such as truss, arch or towers is not specifically
addressed; however much of the information included in the module may be applicable.
The module has been divided into five primary sections. Following this introduction, an
overview of bracing utilized for I-girders is covered. A discussion of the bracing systems for tub
girders is then provided. The next section of the module outlines the design requirements for the
members and connections of bracing systems. The final section contains simplified solutions for
the calculation of geometric properties for tub girders.
Regardless of whether the bracing systems are utilized in straight or horizontally curved girders,
a clear understanding of the torsional behavior of both I-shaped and tub girder sections is
important. The need for torsional stiffness in horizontally curved girders is relatively obvious
since the girders are subjected to large torques due to the geometry of the bridge. However,
understanding the necessity of adequate torsional stiffness in straight girders is also important
since lateral-torsional buckling often controls the design of the girders during construction. In
many sections, such as tub girders, the presence of bracing dramatically impacts the torsional
stiffness of the section. Lateral instability of flexural members always involves torsion of the
cross section. Therefore, the remainder of this introductory section is focused on the torsional
stiffness of open and closed cross sections as well as a discussion of the buckling behavior of
steel bridge systems.
Torsional moments are resisted by the shear stresses on the girder cross section. The torsional
resistance in thin-walled structures is usually categorized as either Saint-Venant torsional
stiffness or warping torsional resistance. The Saint-Venant stiffness is often referred to as
uniform torsion since the stiffness does not vary along the length and is also not sensitive to the
support conditions of the section. St. Venant torsion results in a pure shear deformation in the
plane of the plates that make up the member.
The warping torsional resistance, on the other hand, is often referred to as non-uniform torsion
since the stiffness is associated with the bending deformation in the plane of the individual
plates. The warping stiffness of a section is related to the members resistance to warping
deformation. Two I-shaped sections subjected to a torque at the ends are shown in plan in Figure
1 to illustrate warping deformation and also warping stiffness. Figure 1a shows that warping
deformation consists of a twist of the flanges relative to each other about a vertical axis through
the web. Warping deformation distorts the cross section such that it no longer is a plane section
because the two flanges have distorted relative to each other. Twist about the longitudinal axis
of the member in Figure 1a is prevented at one end, however the warping deformations are not
restrained. Since the section is free to warp along the entire length, the flanges remain straight as
they twist relative to each other and the member only possesses St. Venant torsional stiffness.
a) warping b) warping
permitted restrained
Figure 1 Warping Stiffness is Related to the Bending Stiffness of the Plate Elements.
The wide flange section in Figure 1b has both twist and warping deformation prevented at one
end. With warping restrained at just one location along the length, the member cannot twist
without bending the flanges. Since the flanges must bend if the member twists, the section
therefore has warping stiffness. The warping torsion produces longitudinal stresses in the
flanges of the member.
Many members do not have a physical restraint preventing warping as shown in Figure 1b,
however the member still has warping stiffness if twist is prevented at a minimum of two points
along the longitudinal axis. The twist restraint can come from sources such as cross frames that
prevent the section from rotating about the longitudinal axis, but otherwise do not specifically
restrain warping deformation of the section. Since the bending stiffness is very sensitive to the
unsupported length, the warping stiffness is highly variable with the unbraced length.
In general, both Saint-Venant and warping torsional stiffness are developed when thin-walled
members are twisted. The torsional moment resistance, TT, of a section is a function of the
uniform torsional (TUT) and warping torsional (TW) components as follows:
TT = TUT + TW (1)
TUT GJ (2)
where G is the shear modulus, J is the torsional constant, is the rotation of the cross section,
and x denotes the longitudinal axis of the member. The torsional constant of an open section is
given by the following expression:
3 i
bi t i3 (3)
where bi and ti are the respective width and thickness of the plate elements that make up the cross
section of the girder. The torsional constant for single cell box or tub girders is given by
4A 0
J (4)
bi / t i
where A0 is the enclosed area of the cross section of the box girder, and the variables bi and ti in
the summation are the respective width and thickness of the ith plate that make up the cross
section. For example, in a box or tub girder with a cross section made up of four plates, the
denominator in Equation 4 is calculated by simply summing the width-to-thickness ratios of the
four plate elements. A0 is typically defined by the area enclosed from the mid-thickness of the
plates that make up the cross section.
d 3
TW EC w 3 (5)
where E is the modulus of elasticity, and Cw is the warping constant. For I-shaped sections bent
in the plane of the web, the warping constant is given by the expression:
I yc
where Iyc and Iy are the respective moments of inertia for the compression flange and the entire
section about an axis through the web, and ho is the spacing between flange centroids. For a
doubly symmetric section, the value of is 0.5 and Equation 6 reduces to the following
I y ho 2
Cw (8)
A rigorous theory for warping torsion was established by Vlasov [2]. The warping torsional
stiffness often plays an important role in the total stiffness in girders with an open cross section
such as I-shaped girders. For open sections with a relatively long length, the St. Venant stiffness
dominates the total stiffness, while for shorter segments the warping torsional stiffness plays a
much more significant component in the total stiffness. Closed box or tub girders are usually
dominated by Saint-Venant torsion due to the closed cross section and the longitudinal normal
stresses due to warping torsion are usually negligible [2]. The large Saint-Venant stiffness of a
box or tub girder provides a torsional stiffness that may be 100~1000 times that of a comparable
The shear stress due to Saint-Venant torsion can be solved using Prandtls membrane analogy
[2]. For example, for girders with a single cell cross-section, a uniform shear flow, q, develops
along the perimeter of the box and can be determined using the Bredts equation:
q = t (9)
2A 0
in which t is the thickness of the plate, and is the shear stress, which is essentially uniform
through the thickness of the plates. The distribution of torsional shear stress is demonstrated for a
tub girder in Figure 2.
q= t
Figure 2 Shear Flow in Tub Girder Due to Saint-Venant Torsion
Although the torsional warping stresses in the box or tub girder are usually negligible, significant
warping stresses due to the cross-sectional distortion of tub girders may develop, as is discussed
later in this module. The large torsional stiffness of box or tub sections in bridges is the result of
the closed cross section once the concrete deck cures. During construction of tub girders, the
steel girder is an open section and requires bracing to be designed by the engineer that will
stiffen the tub girder. The bracing systems for tub girders are covered later in the module.
1.2 Lateral Torsional Buckling
The overall stability of the girder system can be improved by either altering the geometry of the
individual girders or by providing braces to reduce the unsupported length of the girders.
Providing bracing is usually the more efficient solution and there are a variety of bracing systems
that are provided as is discussed later in this module. The elastic buckling solution for doubly-
symmetric beams is given in the following solution derived by Timoshenko [3]:
M cr EI y GJ I y C w
Lb Lb (10)
where, Lb is the unbraced length, and the other terms are as defined above. The first term under
the radical in Eq. 10 relates to the St. Venant torsional stiffness, while the second term within the
radical reflects the warping stiffness of the beam. Equation 10 was derived for the case of
uniform moment loading. Most design specifications make use of solutions derived for uniform
moment and then use a moment gradient factor (Cb) applied to the uniform moment solution to
account for the benefits of variable moment. In the derivation of the buckling expression,
Timoshenko assumed that the ends of the sections were restrained from twist. Although restraint
against lateral translation of the section was stated in the original derivation, the assumed support
condition was never applied or required to derive the expression. Therefore, effective bracing of
beams can be achieved by restraining twist of the section, which is the primary means of bracing
I-shaped members in bridges with the use of cross frames or diaphragms. Twist of the section
can also be restrained by preventing lateral translation of the compression flange of the section,
which therefore introduces another means of bracing. Both lateral and torsional bracing
requirements are discussed later in this module.
Lateral torsional buckling of closed box girders is not typically a concern due to the extremely
large torsional stiffness of the closed cross section. During construction of tub girders a quasi-
closed section is typically created by using bracing that simulates the stiffness of a top plate.
Global buckling failures of tub girder sections have occurred during construction when proper
bracing was not provided [4].
Bracing systems that are used to increase the stability of structural systems can be divided into
the four categories represented in Figure 3. This section introduces the basic bracing categories,
which are covered in more detail in the remainder of this module. Although the focus of this
document is on bracing for the super-structure elements of steel bridges, the basic categories also
apply to columns and frames, which is demonstrated in Figure 3. Diagonal bracing such as that
depicted in Figure 3a fits into the category of relative bracing since the braces control the relative
movement of two adjacent points at different lengths along the main members. The lateral
trusses that are used to create quasi-closed tub girders and the bottom flange bracing on I-girder
systems to improve the lateral stiffness fit into the category of relative bracing. Another very
common type of bracing in steel bridges are nodal systems such as those depicted in Figure 3b.
Nodal braces control the deformation of a single point along the length of the member. Cross
frames or plate diaphragms that frame between adjacent girders fit into the category of nodal
torsional bracing since the cross frames restrain girder twist at a single location. The unbraced
length of the girders is defined as the spacing between adjacent nodal braces. The lean-on
bracing concepts such as those depicted in Figure 3c are commonly used in framed structures
where lightly loaded members can provide bracing to other heavily loaded members by
providing struts to connect the main members. The heavier loaded members lean on the other
members for stability. The lean-on concepts also work by providing bracing between one set of
girders and then leaning several girders on a single brace. The last category of bracing is
continuous bracing in which the bracing is connected along the entire length of the main
members. One form of continuous bracing is the concrete deck that is often connected to the
girder top flange through the welded shear studs. The slab provides both continuous lateral and
torsional restraint to the girders. In typical bridge design, the lateral restraint provided by the
concrete deck is taken into account; but the torsional restraint offered by the deck is ignored.
Some bracing systems may fit into multiple categories; however the bracing design is usually
based upon selecting one design concept for a specific category. The design philosophies for the
different categories are covered in more detail in the remainder of this module. The bracing
behavior for I-shaped girders is discussed first followed by the behavior for tub girders.
comp cross
flange frames
a) relative b) discrete
girder B A
Bracing in steel bridges serves the dual purpose of providing overall stability of the girders as
well as directly increasing the stiffness and strength of the system. Typically, bridge girders are
braced by cross frames or full depth diaphragms, while lateral bracing is typically used when it is
necessary to resist larger lateral loads and limit lateral deflections during construction. In
addition to resisting lateral and/or torsional loads, the cross frame type bracing also aids in
distributing gravity loads in the structure. Additionally, from a stability perspective, effective
bracing must have sufficient stiffness and strength. Therefore, in subsequent discussions of
stability bracing both stiffness and strength requirements are outlined.
Most reported failures of I-girder bridges occur during the construction stage prior to the
hardening of the bridge deck. Except for lifting problems with curved girders, the majority of
construction failures can be traced to bracing issues. The collapse of the partially erected State
Highway 69 plate girder bridge over the Tennessee River on May 16, 1995 shown in Figure 4
illustrates the importance of properly designed bracing. In this case, the three 14 ft. deep plate
girders with a main span of 525 ft had been successfully in place for a few days. There was a
substantial bottom flange relative lateral bracing system (a lateral truss) to help resist wind and
other lateral forces. There was no top flange relative lateral system provided because the bridge
deck performs that function after the concrete hardens. Cross frames with double angle members
in a K-frame configuration between girders were specified to stabilize the top flange of the
girders, with the highest flange stresses occurring during the planned deck pour. To facilitate
erection of the third girder, during the successful lifting operation the contractor had only a few
of the cross frames in place to support just the dead weight of the girders. During the process of
installing the missing cross frames of the third erected girder, one of the previously erected cross
frames was removed because an angle member had sustained some damage. With the cross
frame removed, the unbraced length of the top flange was too large to support the dead weight of
the steel and the girder buckled leading to a total collapse of the bridge as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Collapse of a Bridge over the Tennessee River due to Insufficient Bracing
Bracing systems for I-girders may consist of combinations of cross frames, solid diaphragms, as
well as top and/or bottom flange lateral truss systems. In this module the term cross frame will
generally be used to also represent solid diaphragms since their functions are similar. For
straight girders the bracing system design is typically dominated by stability and skew issues. In
horizontally curved girders, the effects of torsion and lateral flange bending generally control the
bracing design.
This section discusses bracing on two levels: 1) Bracing needed to transfer loads within a bridge
system, and 2) Bracing required to provide stability to the bridge system. In the following
subsections, the design requirements and geometric arrangements for bracing systems affected
by torsion, stability and skew are presented. Sections 2.1 and 2.2 provide general design
requirements necessary to properly transfer the static and transient loads within a bridge system.
Section 2.3 provides details for the computations associated with determining the stability
requirements of a given bridge system. Also discussed within this section are the effects that
support skew has on bracing systems, the use of lean-on and staggered bracing, system buckling
of interconnected girders, lateral bracing systems, and continuous bracing systems.
The details and equations provided in Section 2.3 can be used to determine the stability bracing
forces. These equations and methods are usually sufficient for typical I-girder bridges, including
straight, curved, and skewed bridges. Using these equations the stability bracing forces are
additive to the bracing forces resulting from a first-order type of analysis (dead load, live load,
etc.). For more complex bridges, or as alterative to using the equations discussed in Section 2.3,
a large displacement analysis can be used to determine the bracing forces. In this type of
analysis, the bracing forces will include the bracing forces required to transfer loads within the
bridge system and the bracing forces required for stability. When a large displacement analysis
is used, the effects of imperfections must be considered in order to achieve the desired analysis
results. Furthermore, the equations provided in Section 2.3 will generally yield conservative
bracing forces, as compared to those that result from a large displacement analysis.
For I-girder bridge systems the most common bracing is a discrete torsional system consisting of
cross frames with a K- or X-configuration. Solid plate or channel diaphragms are also used. The
braces are usually fabricated from angles or of solid diaphragms constructed with channel-type
sections for ease in attachment to girder stiffeners. In addition, top or bottom lateral truss bracing
(a relative brace system) may be needed as temporary bracing during construction or permanent
bracing to mainly resist wind loads. The requirements given below for cross frames and lateral
flange bracing are generally taken from AASHTO [1].
Cross frames are necessary at all supports of straight and curved I-girder bridges to transfer
lateral loads from the superstructure to the bearings, to provide no-twist boundary conditions for
lateral buckling evaluation and transmit torsional overturning and uplift forces to the foundation.
For straight girders, previous bridge specifications required that intermediate cross frames be
spaced at no more than 25 feet. Since the first publication of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specification in 1994, this requirement has been replaced with the statement that the cross-frame
spacing should be determined by a rational analysis [1]. The elimination of the specified
maximum spacing for straight girders is intended to result in a reduction in the number of
fatigue-prone attachments. However, States may have their own requirements and preferred
practices regarding cross-frame spacing that may supersede the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Typically, cross frames play a more active role in horizontally curved steel girder bridges
compared to straight girder bridges without significant skew. Curved girders are subjected to
combined bending and torsion. Without cross frames, the flanges of the I-section would have to
be prohibitively large to control the flange lateral bending stresses (warping normal stresses) that
are combined with the ordinary bending stresses. Cross frames allow the girders to work together
as a system to resist the torsion on the curved bridge and they limit the lateral bending stresses by
supplying torsional supports along the span. Therefore, cross-frame members in curved bridges
are considered primary members, and should be designed for forces computed by appropriate
analysis methods (see Section 2.2).
In curved I-girder bridges, the cross frames should be orientated in a radial manner throughout
the span, whenever possible (In curved and skewed bridges, cross frames at the supports may be
placed along the skew or in a radial manner, and are often orientated in a radial manner within
the span.) The spacing of the cross frames, Lb, must control lateral buckling of the compression
flange and limit the magnitude of the flange lateral bending stresses. Davidson et al. [5]
developed an equation for the spacing required to limit the flange lateral bending stresses to a
specified percentage of the ordinary flange bending stress. However, AASHTO specifies a
maximum Lb limit as shown in the following expression:
L b 0.1R rt 30 ft (11)
where R is the radius of curvature and rt is the radius of gyration for lateral buckling. The
reasoning for these limits is given in the Behavior module (Section 5.3.7).
For straight girders with skewed supports, the relative displacement of the two ends of a cross
frame or diaphragm system can introduce significant live load forces into stiff bracing systems,
especially near supports. These displacement forces can cause fatigue issues at connections.
The skew also affects the stability brace stiffness and strength requirements. Where the supports
are not skewed more than 20 degrees, intermediate diaphragms are typically placed in contiguous
skewed lines parallel to the skewed supports. Where the supports are skewed more than 20
degrees, cross-frames are typically placed perpendicular to the girders on contiguous or
discontinuous lines. In cases where supports are skewed more than 20 degrees, it may be
advantageous to place cross-frames in discontinuous lines in an effort to reduce the transverse
stiffness of the bridge, particularly near interior supports. Placing the cross-frames in
discontinuous lines can decrease cross frame forces, but increase flange lateral bending effects
(see Sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3).
Diaphragms and cross-frames for rolled beams and plate girders should be as deep as practicable,
but as a minimum should be at least 0.5 times the beam depth for rolled beams and 0.75 times
the girder depth for plate girders. Cross frames should contain diagonals and top and bottom
chords even if analysis shows that a chord force is zero. The flexural stiffness of a cross frame
without a top or bottom chord is substantially reduced and may become ineffective as a stability
brace. Several orientations are possible for a cross-frame, such as an X-shape with top and
bottom chords, and K-shape where the diagonals intersect the bottom chord, or a K-shape where
the diagonals intersect the top chord. Cross-frame truss assemblies are preferably field delivered
as a single unit rather than individual pieces for erection efficiency as well as assisting the
erector with girder alignment. Efficient cross frames are typically as deep as practical so that the
diagonals of the cross frame have large enough angles to prevent the gusset-type plates at the
ends of the cross frame from becoming too large. For cases requiring relatively shallow cross
frames, the diagonals of X-systems may be subjected to large axial forces with large unbraced
lengths. In these cases, K-frame systems should be considered.
In steel I-girder bridges, the need for lateral bracing should be investigated for all stages of
construction, and the final condition. Lateral bracing may be required to resist lateral forces
from wind and during construction, when the deck is not in place. When lateral bracing is
required, it should be placed either in or near the plane of the flange being braced. Connecting
the lateral bracing directly to the flange with a bolted connection (with or without a connection
plate) is a preferred practice, as it eliminates the need for connection elements on the girder web
that can be sensitive to fatigue issues. In addition, connecting directly to the flange provides a
direct load path that improves the structural efficiency.
To help prevent lateral movement of the structural system during construction, especially in
spans greater than 250 feet, it may be desirable to consider providing either temporary or
permanent flange level lateral bracing. Flange level lateral bracing may also be needed in deck
replacement projects on long span bridges. In the final condition, the concrete deck can typically
resist lateral wind loads and prevent significant horizontal movement of the structure. However,
if the deck requires replacement and is removed, lateral deflections due to wind can be excessive
in long span bridges without lateral bracing. The large lateral flexibility may make the
construction workers uncomfortable or can result in system instability. Essentially, a lateral
bracing system will stiffen a non-composite structure significantly, as compared to one without
any lateral bracing.
As noted above, top flange level lateral bracing is preferred. When located in the same plane as
the top flange, the bracing is near the neutral axis of the final composite structure. As such, the
bracing located at the top flange will not be subjected to significant live load forces in the final
condition. In general, forces during construction related to wind and dead load will govern the
design of top flange level lateral bracing. If top flange lateral bracing is subjected to live load
forces in the finished structure, fatigue aspects of the detailing should be considered. Also, when
top flange lateral bracing is connected directly to the top flange, the deck formwork needs to be
detailed to avoid interference with the bracing members. For straight simply-supported girders, a
top lateral may be more advantageous than intermediate cross frames, especially for aesthetic
Bottom lateral bracing can provide a similar function as top lateral bracing, but the lateral trusses
can experience large forces induced by vertical bending of the I-girders, similar to those reported
in tub girders by Fan and Helwig [7]. These live load forces that result from the vertical bending
need to be considered by the designer. In I-girder bridges, bottom lateral bracing creates a
pseudo-closed section formed by the I-girders connected with bracing and the concrete deck. In
curved bridges where torsion is always present, the lateral truss will contribute significantly to
the torsional stiffness of the bridge system. In addition to significant bottom flange level bracing
forces caused by the torsion and pseudo-box effects, cross-frame forces will also be larger as the
cross-frames act to retain the shape of the pseudo-box section.
Cross frames are primary members in horizontally curved I-girder bridges. The cross-frame
forces from bending and torsion in all phases of construction and loading can be determined
directly from a first-order structural analysis of the bridge system. (Here, first-order structural
analysis refers to a typical design analysis for static and transient loads.) Guidelines for proper
modeling of the cross frames in 3D-FEA or grid analyses are described in the Structural Analysis
module of this handbook and in the AASHTO/NSBA [8]. The availability of computer programs
to determine the forces during erection and staged deck pours is improving [9]. Stability brace
forces can be determined using equations and methods discussed in Section 2.3. Alternatively,
brace forces can be determined by a large displacement analysis on straight and curved girders,
provided the effects of imperfections are considered. The necessity of including the
imperfections in the analysis is generally dependent on the degree of horizontal curvature. If a
first order analysis is used, stability brace force requirements (discussed later in this section)
should be added to the forces resulting from the first-order structural analysis of the curved
system. For straight and mildly-curved girders (radius approximately greater than 1200 feet),
stability forces will typically dominate. Initial imperfections are not important for girders with
significant curvature.
Cross-frame forces can be determined directly from 3D analysis methods, and somewhat directly
from 2D analysis methods. Cross-frame forces can also be determined by the approximate V-
load method mentioned in the Structural Analysis module. The development of the V-load
method is documented by Peollet [10]. The lateral flange bending curvature effects are
approximated by applying equal and opposite lateral loads, q = M/Rho, to each flange of an
equivalent length straight girder where R is the radius of curvature of the bridge. M is the girder
moment due to gravity loading and also vertical V- loads that are equivalent to the overturning
torsional moment in the curved system. The cross frames provide lateral support to each flange
with equal and opposite reactive forces qLb, where Lb is the spacing of the cross frames. The
distribution of the cross-frame end moments and shears across a transverse section of the bridge
is determined by equilibrium considerations only. The distribution of cross-frame end moments
and shears have been conveniently summarized by Liu and Magliola [11] for systems ranging
from 2-girder to 8-girder bridges. Design examples applying the V-load method are available
[10, 12]. The V-load method cannot be used if there is a flange lateral truss system present, as
the lateral truss resists the lateral flange bending effects and thus the V-load method will yield
inaccurate results. [13]. Other potential cross-frame forces from stability requirements, wind,
overhang brackets and other lateral loads should be added algebraically to the cross-frame forces
determined via the various analysis methods.
In relatively flexible systems, second order effects can be significant. For example, curved I-
girders with flange to depth ratios (bf/D) near the AASHTO limit of 1/6 [1] will be relatively
flexible and are likely to experience significant second order effects, particularly during erection
when the full bracing is not yet installed. Research on curved girders by Stith et al. [14] found
that proportioning girders with bf/D ratios of approximately 1/4 or greater significantly reduces
second order deformations. In these cases, cross frame forces due to horizontal curvature often
can be predicted from a first-order structural analysis of the curved system with sufficient
accuracy. These forces can be determined directly using commercial structural analysis
programs or by using the approximate V-load method.
For bridges with straight I-shaped girders, some type of bracing systems will most likely be
necessary to control lateral buckling of the compression flange(s) during construction. For short
or single spans where live load stresses dominate the design, consideration should be given to
use a section that can support the deck pour without bracing. While the bridge girders may be
heavier than a design with cross frames or other bracing systems, the final cost may be less
(minimum weight is not minimum cost.) Short straight bridges without diaphragms or cross
frames will also have less inspection and maintenance costs. Furthermore, it should be noted
that the inflection point should not be considered as a brace point, in accordance with Article
C6. of the AASHTO LRFD Specifications [1].
This section provides a discussion of design recommendations for torsional and lateral bracing,
related to the required stiffness of the various bracing components. While engineers historically
have not typically performed these calculations, they are provided so that engineers can ensure
that the stiffness provided by the cross-frame and connection details are sufficient. The details
and equations provided this section and subsections can be used to determine the stability
bracing forces. Using these equations the stability bracing forces are additive to the bracing
forces resulting from a first-order type of analysis (dead load, live load, etc.). For more complex
bridges, or as an alternative to using the equations discussed in Section 2.3, a large displacement
analysis can be used to determine the bracing forces.
Guidance on the practical implementation of stability bracing forces in bridge design are
provided in the Pennsylvania Department of Transportations Bridge Design Standard Drawing
BD-619M [15]. BD-619M provides design guidance on combining the stability bracing forces
with first-order analysis bracing forces in the context of AASHTO LRFD limit state load
For continuous straight spans, bottom flange compression will generally require cross frames,
diaphragms, or a bottom flange diagonal system. In composite construction the hardened deck
prevents the top flange from twisting and lateral movement and also provides a bracing effect to
the bottom flange if web distortion is considered. For rolled sections, web distortion is not a
significant issue because the web slenderness ratio is low (d/tw < 60) so lateral buckling of the
bottom flange does not have to be checked for live load [17].
For plate girders with stiffeners designed to control web distortion that are in contact with or
welded to the top flange, no live load lateral buckling can occur in the negative moment region.
For unstiffened plate girders in continuous composite construction, web distortional buckling as
shown in Figure 5 occurs along the bottom flange, not lateral buckling. Span length is not a
significant variable for distortional buckling so the classical lateral buckling moment given by
Eq. 10 does not apply. The web distortional buckling moment, M TB, for unstiffened bridge
girders in negative moment regions can be conservatively predicted by the following formulas
I y t 3w M CL
M TB 0.5C bT E and C bT 1.7 2 4.0 (12)
ho M END
where tw is the web thickness, MCL is the moment at midspan and MEND is the end moment.
Moments have a negative sign for compression in the bottom flange. If Eq. (14) is not satisfied
(MEND > MTB ), a cross frame or stiffener will be required in the negative moment region.
However, the practice of considering only the transverse stiffeners and web distortion as
discussed above is not a common practice in bridge engineering, and may only be suitable for
special conditions that may arise while the bridge is in service. For example, a bridge in service
could be hit by an over height vehicle and the cross frames could be damaged. In this case, it
may be necessary to remove the cross frame and determine the buckling strength without the
cross frame, and in accordance with the above equations.
Figure 5 Web Distortion
Stability bracing of beams is provided by lateral (L), torsional (T) and warping (W) restraints
as shown in Figure 6. Any one of these restraints alone can increase stability of the compression
flange. Relative, nodal and lean-on systems as described earlier provide lateral and/or torsional
restraint to single girders. Warping restraint is present only in continuous bracing systems.
Lateral and warping restraints control the lateral movement of the flange to which they are
attached. Lateral bracing must be connected to both flanges near inflection points. When
warping restraints such as pipe stiffeners are used, the stiffener must be connected to the top and
bottom flanges. On the other hand torsional braces (diaphragms or cross frames) prevent twist of
the cross section at the brace location so they do not need to be attached to the compression
flange to be effective [18].
Permanent metal deck forms (PMDF) that act as shear diaphragms and are attached directly to
the top flange of a girder can also improve the lateral stability. Such systems provide mainly
warping restraint to the top flange rather than lateral or torsional restraint. Stiffness and strength
design recommendations for PMDF-braced beams are given elsewhere [19]. The diaphragm
strength requirement, which is limited by the fastener capacity, generally controls the design.
Top or bottom flange lateral bracing in I-girder bridges is relative or lean-on; torsional bracing is
nodal, continuous or lean-on. If two adjacent beams are interconnected by a properly designed
cross frame or diaphragm at midspan, that point can be considered a torsionally-braced point
when evaluating the beam buckling strength. Since the beams can move laterally at midspan, the
effectiveness of such a torsional bracing system is sometimes questioned. As long as the two
flanges move laterally the same amount, there will be no twist. If twist is prevented, the beam
can be treated as braced at that point. Tests and theory confirm this approach [20, 21].
A general discussion of beam lateral and torsional bracing and the development of the design
recommendations with design examples for bridge girders are presented elsewhere [18]. The
design recommendations for torsional and lateral bracing given in Sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.5 have
been adopted by the AISC Specification. The Commentary on the AISC Specification should be
consulted for discussion on implementing the stability bracing requirements. The provisions are
limited to doubly- and singly-symmetric members loaded in the plane of the web. Beam loads
are assumed to be applied at the top flange, which is typical in bridges. Stability braces must
have sufficient stiffness and strength to be effective.
The most common form of bracing in steel bridge systems are cross frames or diaphragms that
restrain the twist of the girders and are thereby typically classified as torsional braces. Concrete
bridge decks in composite systems also provide torsional resistance to the girders. As noted
earlier, effective stability bracing must possess sufficient stiffness and strength. The strength and
stiffness requirements for torsional bracing from the AISC Specification [16]:
T L 2.4 LM 2f
Stiffness: T (13)
n nE I eff Cbb
0.005Lb LM 2f
Strength: M br Fbr hb 2
nE I eff Cbb ho
where = 0.75, Mf is the maximum moment within the span, Ieff = Iyc + (t/c) Iyt, t and c are as
defined in Figure 7, L is the span length, Lb is the unbraced length, n is the number of span
braces, ho is the distance between flange centroids and Cbb is the moment modification factor for
the full bracing condition. For a singly-symmetric section Iyc and Iyt are the out-of-plane
moments of inertia of the compression and tension flanges, respectively. If the cross section is
doubly symmetric, Ieff becomes Iy. All torsional bracing (nodal and continuous) use the same
basic design formulas. T and T are defined as the torsional stiffnesses of the nodal and
continuous bracing systems, respectively. Mbr is the moment to be resisted by the nodal torsional
brace (for continuous bracing Lb/ n=1). For cross frames the moment is converted to chord
forces, Fbr, by dividing by hb, the distance between the chords. When the values of the variables
in the two unbraced segments adjacent to a nodal brace are different, the brace can be designed
for the average of values of the strength and stiffness determined for both segments. It is
conservative to use Cbb = 1.0.
Figure 7 Bending Stresses in Singly Symmetric Section
In the development of the design recommendations outlined in this section, Yura et al. [21]
extended the work of Taylor and Ojalvo [22] and showed that a torsional brace is equally
effective if it is attached near the tension flange or the compression flange. A moment diagram
with compression in both flanges (reverse curvature) does not significantly alter the torsional
brace requirements. On the other hand, the stiffness of a torsional brace system T is greatly
affected by web cross-section distortion at the brace point, as illustrated in Figure 5, and by the
in-plane stiffness of the girders and is given by:
1 1 1 1
T b sec g
where b is the attached brace stiffness, sec is the distortional web stiffness and g is the in-plane
girder system stiffness (see Section 2.3.4). The effective T is always less than the smallest of b,
sec and g. Brace member sizes that satisfy the torsional brace stiffness and strength criteria are
usually small but connection details must be carefully considered to control distortion.
The b of some common torsional brace systems are given in Figure 8 and Figure 9. The choice
between the two diaphragm cases shown in Figure 8 depends on the deck details. If the distance
between the flanges of adjacent girders is maintained constant by the attachment of decking in
addition to the diaphragm, then all the girders must sway in the same direction and the diaphragm
stiffness is 6EIb/S. On the other hand, if adjacent flanges can separate as shown for the through
girders, then the diaphragm stiffness will be 2EIb/S. For regions of the girders with the top flange
in compression, placing a diaphragm above midheight will typically cause the two compression
flanges to displace laterally in the same direction bending the diaphragm in reverse curvature and
resulting in stiffness of 6EIb/S. Values of the torsional bracing stiffness shown in Figure 9 assume
that the connection between the girder and the brace can support a bracing moment Mbr. Elastic
truss analyses were used to derive the stiffness of the cross frame systems shown in Figure 9. If
the diagonals of an X-system are designed for tension only, then horizontal members are required
in the system. Although the top chord of the K-brace system has zero force, a top strut is still
recommended to link the top girder flanges together (to ensure the development of the stiffness
6 E Ib 2 E Ib
b S b S
Figure 8 Diaphragm Stiffness, b
In Figure 5, the top flange is prevented from twisting by the bridge deck but web distortion may
permit a relative displacement between the two flanges. A stiffener at the brace location as
shown in Figure 10 can be used to control the distortion. Note that in most bridge applications,
the stiffener should be full depth to account for potential fatigue issues related to web distortion.
The design method considers contributions of both the web and a transverse web stiffener. The
sec effect on the torsional brace system stiffness, related to the out-of-plane bending stiffness of
the web plus any web stiffening, is given by the following expression:
Figure 10 Web Stiffener Geometry
where tw is the thickness of web, ts is the thickness of stiffener and bs is the total width of the
stiffener(s) on either side of the web as shown in Figure 10. The two terms within the parenthesis
are the moments of inertia of the web, with an effective width of 1.5ho, and the stiffener. For
continuous bracing use a unit width instead of (1.5ho) in Eq. (16) and the torsional brace stiffness
per unit length ( b ) in place of b in Eq. (15) to determine required continuous brace system
stiffness, T . Equation (16) is similar to the expression for bending stiffness of a member with
the far end pinned, 3EI/L. For rolled sections, Figure 11 shows some of the geometrical decisions
on the layout that need to be made in detailing cross frames.
Figure 11 Cross frame and i Diaphragm Geometry
u of the bracing system. The portion of the web
The detailing can significantly affect the stiffness
along the depth of the brace (within the brace depth, hb) will not affect the stiffness of the brace
since that portion of the web cannot distort. Although a continuous stiffener (connection plate) is
typically provided for a cross frame, that portion is not shown in Figure 11 since the web cannot
distort in that region. Diaphragms are usually( W shapes or channel sections connected to the
I needed to control distortion, the stiffener size
girder web through stiffeners. When stiffeners are
) from Eq. (16). For rolled sections the stiffener
that gives the desired stiffness can be determined
must extend over three quarters of the web depth.. AASHTO requires the diaphragm or cross
i 19
frame to extend at least of the depth; however with adequate web stiffening effective bracing
can be achieved with smaller depth braces. For example, in through girder systems the floor
beams are relatively shallow compared to the girders. With proper web stiffening, the floor
beams provide good torsional restraint to the girders. For built-up members that have more
slender webs than rolled sections, full-depth stiffeners can be cut short of both flanges no more
than 6tw, except when hardened concrete bridge decks are used as torsional bracing to stabilize
the negative moment region in continuous construction. In this case the stiffeners must be in
contact with the top flange.
For partial depth stiffening details as illustrated in Figure 11, the web is broken up into segments
that depend on the stiffening conditions. For example, considering the section depicted in Figure
11, the web can be divided into an unstiffened compression region (c), an unstiffened tension
region (t), a stiffened region above the brace (s), and a stiffened region below the brace (u). The
stiffness values of the various portions of the web, hi =hc, hs. ht and hu, are evaluated separately by:
where ts is the thickness of the stiffener or connection plate and 1/ sec = (1/ i). For continuous
bracing, replace 1.5h with a unit width and neglect the ts term if there is no stiffener at that
location. The portion of the web within hb can be considered infinitely stiff. For cross frames, bs
should be taken as infinity; only ht and hc will affect distortion. The unstiffened depths, hc and ht,
are measured from the flange centroids. The depth of the diaphragm, hb, can be less than one-half
the girder depth yet provide the required stiffness. Cross frames with gusset connections as shown
in Figure 11, should be detailed so that (hc + ht) ho/4 to reduce the effects of distortion.
The diaphragm does not have to be located close to the compression flange. As noted above, the
location of the diaphragm may affect the brace stiffness (2EIb/S vs. 6EIb/S ); however for a given
brace stiffness value, the location of a diaphragm or cross frame on the cross section is not very
important. The most effective cross-section location for diaphragm/cross frames to minimize
distortion and stiffener sizes is centered about the beam midheight.
In cross frames and diaphragms the brace moments Mbr are reacted by vertical forces on the main
girders as shown in Figure 12. The vertical couple causes a differential displacement in adjacent
girders that reduces the torsional stiffness of the cross-frame system. These forces increase some
main girder moments and decrease others and cause a relative vertical displacement between
adjacent girders. The effect is greater for the two linked twin girder systems shown in Figure
12B compared to the fully interconnected system depicted in Figure 12A. For a brace only at
midspan in a multi-girder system, the contribution of the in-plane girder flexibility to the brace
system stiffness is [21]:
24(n g 1) 2 S 2 EI x
g (18)
ng L3
where Ix is the strong axis moment of inertia of one girder, ng is the number of girders connected
by the cross frames, and L is the span length. As the number of girders increase, the effect of
girder stiffness will be less significant. For example, in a two-girder system the term 24(ng-1)2/ng
is 12 while for a six-girder system the factor becomes 100. Helwig et al. [23] showed that for twin
girders the strong axis stiffness factor g is significant and Eq. (18) can be used even when there is
more than one brace along the span. If g dominates the torsional brace stiffness in Eq. (15), then a
system mode of buckling that is discussed later in this section is possible.
M br Beam Load
M br 2 Mbr
2 Mbr Brace Load
4 Mbr
2 Mbr
The diaphragm and cross-frame stiffnesses given in Figure 8 and Figure 9 assume that the
attachment connections are not flexible. Clip angles welded only along the toe and tee stubs with
bolted flanges will flex when tension is applied to the outstanding leg or tee stem. This flexibility,
conn, will reduce the system stiffness. If partially restrained connections are used, the flexibility of
the two connections should also be included in determining the system stiffness by adding the
term, 2/conn, to the right side of Eq. (15). Field studies [24] have reported a reduction of 40-70% in
the stiffness of the non-permanent external cross frames between tub girders due to tee stub flange
The brace force design requirements are directly proportional to the magnitude of the initial out-of-
straightness of the girders [25]. The brace force design requirements above are based on an out-of-
straightness of 0.002L. If oversize holes are used in the bracing details, the brace forces will be
increased if slip occurs in the connection. This can be considered in design by adjusting the
magnitude of the lateral and torsional brace force requirements by the modification factor, (1 +
oversize / (Lb/500)).
Due to geometric requirements with either intersecting roadways or the terrain of the job site, the
support lines of bridge systems often must be offset as depicted in the plan view in Figure 13.
Since skew angles increase the interaction between the steel girders and the braces, the behavior
of bridges with skewed supports becomes more complicated than that in bridges with normal
supports. The interaction between the girders and braces often results in large live load forces in
the cross-frames or diaphragms, which can lead to fatigue problems around the brace locations.
The severity of the fatigue problem is dependent on the details that are used for the bracing.
Figure 14 illustrates the two different orientations of braces for skewed bridges.
Figure 14 Brace Orientations for Bridges with Skewed Supports
If the skew angle is less than 20 degrees, AASHTO [1] allows the bracing to be parallel to the
skew angle. For skew angles greater than 20 degrees, AASHTO requires the bracing to be
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the girder. For braces parallel to the supporting
abutments, points A and B at the ends of the brace will have similar vertical displacements
during truck live load. However, when braces are normal to the girder lines, the two ends of the
braces will have different vertical displacements during truck loading. This differential vertical
displacement can result in large brace forces, which can lead to fatigue problems. Alternative
bracing layouts to help minimize live load induced forces are to use either lean-on bracing or a
staggered cross frame layout as discussed in the next section.
When the cross frames are oriented perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the girders as shown
in Figure 12(b), the provisions outlined in the previous sections for the stability stiffness and
strength requirements are directly applicable with no correction required for the skew angle. The
braces will develop additional forces due to differential displacement from the skew angle. For
skew angles larger than approximately 45 degrees, the forces induced due to the differential
displacement will be of similar magnitude or even larger than stability induced forces. During
construction of the concrete bridge deck, these forces can be predicted with reasonable accuracy
from a first-order analysis on a relatively simple computer model of the steel girders and bracing
system. The forces from such an analysis are additive to the stability forces predicted from Eqn.
(12) and Figure 9.
When the cross frames are oriented parallel to the skew angle as depicted in Figure 12(a), the
skew angle has an impact on both the stability stiffness and strength requirements of the bracing.
Wang and Helwig [26] present expressions for the stiffness and strength requirements of braces
in bridges with skewed supports. The required stiffness of the braces is given in the following
bSkew (19)
cos 2
where, b Skew is the stiffness requirement of the skewed brace, b is the required stiffness that
results from Eq. 13, and is the skew angle. Once the required skewed brace stiffness is
determined, the stiffness equations given in Figure 9 can be used to size the diagonals and struts
of the cross frame. Although s in the stiffness equations is typically thought of as the girder
spacing, for a skewed brace the value of s should be taken equal to the length of the cross frame
in the skewed orientation (equal to girder spacing/cos).
The strength requirement of the skewed brace is given in the following expression:
M br
M br Skew (20)
where Mbr Skew is the brace moment applied to the skewed brace and Mbr is the required brace
moment from Eq. (14).
If the cross frame is properly sized for the stiffness and strength requirements considering the
skewed geometry, there is no technical reason why a cross frame cannot be oriented parallel to
the skew for angles larger than 20 degrees. The engineer needs to recognize that the stiffness of
the cross frame is affected by the skew as a function of the above equations and also that the
parallel brace can becomes relatively long for larger skew angles. If the longer geometry is
considered in the equations the brace will have the proper stiffness and strength.
However, one problematic area with cross frames parallel to the skew angle can be the
connection details that are used between the brace and the girders. Many fabricators may use a
bent plate to make the connection between the brace and the connection plate (web stiffener).
Such a detail allows the fabricator to utilize a connection plate that is perpendicular the web
plate; however the bent plate connection can dramatically reduce the effectiveness of the brace
due to the flexibility introduced by the eccentric connection. One solution to eliminating the
bent plate is orienting the connection plate parallel to the skew angle; however such a detail can
be complicated for larger skew angles. In addition, fatigue tests on the angled stiffeners showed
a much lower life compared to perpendicular stiffeners [27]. Although for larger skew angles,
the intermediate cross lines will typically be oriented perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the
girders, at the supports the cross frames are usually parallel to the skew angle. In these instances,
the bent plate detail is typically used as shown in Figure 15 for a bridge with nearly a 60 degree
support skew.
Figure 15 Bent Plate Connection Detail Frequently Used in Bridges with Skewed Supports
Although currently not a standard practice, an alternative to the bent plate detail in skewed
bridges, Quadrato et al. [27] proposed the detail depicted in Figure 16 which shows a plan view
of an I-shaped girder with a half-pipe stiffener. The round pipe allows a perpendicular
connection between the skewed support cross frame and stiffener for any skew angle. The split
pipe stiffener serves as both the bearing stiffener and connection plate. The pipe stiffener
increases the warping resistance of the girder and thus improves the buckling resistance of the
girder. Further information regarding the increase in warping resistance can be found in
Quadrato et al. [27]. Additionally, with regard to fatigue behavior, analytical and experimental
research has shown that the pipe stiffener weld detail to the girder flanges is no worse than a
typical plate stiffener welded to the girder flanges [28]. However, the Engineer needs to be
aware that currently, the pipe material may not be approved for use in bridges, and may require
special approval from the Owner.
Cross Frame
Figure 16 Half-Pipe Web Stiffener
2.5 Lean-On or Staggered Bracing
A common practice in the design of frames is to provide lateral stability by using lightly loaded
columns to restrain other columns such as the case depicted in Figure 17.
Column A has pins at both ends and therefore has no lateral stiffness. However the column can
be laterally stabilized by leaning on Column B, provided that column is designed to possess
adequate lateral stiffness to support the total frame load. The figure demonstrates the P concept
that was presented by Yura [28] in which the frame is laterally stable in the sidesway buckling
mode provided the sum of the applied load is less than the sum of the sway mode contribution of
the columns in the plane of the frame. In the case depicted in Figure 17, Column A contributes
no lateral stiffness to the frame and therefore Column B must be able to support the entire frame
load. However, leaning columns such as Column A, must be able to support their axial force in
the no-sway mode.
The P concept also applies to beam systems such as the two beams depicted in Figure 18.
The beams are simply supported with gravity load that causes compression in the top beam
flange. The two beams are connected at the top flange through a shear link that does not restrain
the flange rotation, but instead causes the two flanges to have essentially the same lateral
displacement. The respective loads on the two beams are PA and PB, in which the load on beam
B is less than the members buckling load. Beam A can therefore lean on Beam B for stability
and the P concept, would simply require that the sum of the two applied loads are less than the
sum of the two beams buckling loads. The spacing between the shear links must be close enough
that beam A cannot buckle between the links.
The P concept for beams is demonstrated numerically from the graph shown in Figure 19 [21].
Buckling Load
2 P
0.5P 0.5P
W12x14 Span =24 ft.
Initial Deflection = 0.16 in.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 19 Graph of P Concept for Beams
The graph shows results from a three dimensional finite element analysis, for two beams linked
together at the top flange. The buckling load is indicated by the horizontal line in the graph that
that was determined from a critical load analysis (eigenvalue buckling analysis). The critical
load does not reflect the impact of imperfections on the behavior. The two solid lines represent
the results from a large displacement analysis on an imperfect system. The curves approach the
critical load results (buckling load) at relatively large displacements. In one of the large
displacement graph cases the two beams are equally loaded with 0.5P, while in the other case
only one of the beams was loaded with a load of P. The graphs show that the total load both
beam systems can support is approximately 2.5 kips despite extremely different load
The above cases demonstrate the bracing scenario where lightly loaded beams can provide
bracing to other, more heavily loaded beams. The lean-on concepts also apply to cases where
beams can lean on braces such as cross frames or diaphragms. Cross frames and diaphragms
represent relatively costly structural components in steel bridges from the perspective of both
fabrication and erection. The braces can often be difficult to install in the bridge due to fit-up
problems and also may attract significant live load forces, particularly in bridges with large
support skews. Therefore, minimizing the number of cross frames on the bridge can lead to
better overall bridge behavior as well as reduced maintenance costs. The typical practice in steel
bridge behavior is to place cross frames between each of the girders at a uniform spacing along
the length of the girders. Although this practice results in effective braces for providing overall
stability to the bridge girders, the resulting system is not necessary structurally efficient. Cross
frames and diaphragms fit into the category of torsional braces since they resist twist of the
girders. Improved structural efficiency is possible by utilizing lean-on bracing concepts in which
several girders can be braced across the width of the bridge by a single cross frame. Lean-on
bracing systems allow the designer to eliminate cross frames on parts of the bridge where the
brace is difficult to install or where large forces in the finished bridge may result from truck
traffic, thereby potentially leading to poor long term fatigue behavior. In a given bracing line, a
cross frame may be selectively positioned and 3 or more girders can lean-on that brace as
depicted in Figure 20. Girders that lean on the brace require top and bottom struts to control
girder twist.
Full Cross-Frame
Helwig and Wang [30] developed recommendations for girders with skewed supports so that
intermediate cross frames (between the supports) can be selectively located to minimize forces
induced in the cross frames. For example, the plan view of the bridge in Figure 21 shows a
possible layout that will reduce the number of cross frames and minimize the live load induced
124 ft.
In a given cross frame line, the full cross frame is located between the girders that will place the
cross frame as far away from the support as possible. In cross frame lines A and B, this puts the
cross frame near the top of the figure, while in lines D and E, the braces are near the bottom of
the plan view. Near midpsan, at least one full line of cross frames should be provided to link the
girders together and control differential displacement. In addition, the cross frame lines near the
supports (lines A and E) should not frame directly into the support, but instead be offset by
approximately 4 or 5 feet. Offsetting the bracing line from the skewed support reduces the
forces induced in the cross frame, while still producing effective bracing.
In systems with a large number of girders across the width, a contiguous line of cross frames
near midspan may not be necessary. Instead the cross frames can be distributed across the width
of the bridge as shown in Figure 22, which shows a plan view of a two span bridge with a 54
degree skew. The bridge was one of three bridges in Lubbock, Texas that was constructed using
lean-on bracing. The circled cross frames were cross frames that were necessary to provide
stability to the partially erected bridge.
Because there are several girders restrained by a single cross frame in lean on systems, the
individual cross frames need to be sized for the increased demand on the bracing. Figure 23 [30]
demonstrates the distribution of forces across the bridge in a cross frame system with lean on
-F 2F F
-3F -2F -F
Brace Strength:
ngc FLd Fs hb
M br
Fs (ngc 1) F s
Brace Stiffness:
ES 2 hb2
ngc L3d S3
(ngc 1) 2
Ad Ac
The cross frame is idealized as a tension-only system. The expressions in the figure show the
corresponding stiffness of the cross frame as well as the maximum forces in the struts and
diagonals of the cross frame. In most situations, although the forces vary the same size struts
will be used throughout.
One other modification that is necessary with lean-on bracing is a reduction in the in-plane
stiffness of girders. Since the bridge is not fully connected throughout, Helwig and Wang [30]
recommended that the in-plane stiffness of the girders be reduced by 50% in the brace system
stiffness calculation. This leads to the following expression for systems with lean-on bracing:
12(n g 1) 2 S 2 EI x
g Leanon (21)
ng L3
Note that ng in the above cross section is the total number of girders across the width of the
bridge and should not be confused with ngc in the lean on calculations.
Another cross frame configuration that is sometimes utilized in bridges with large support skews
is the staggered layout depicted in Figure 24.
In the staggered layout, the cross frames are oriented perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the
girders; however the individual cross frames are staggered along a line parallel to the skew angle.
The advantage of this layout is that the differential deflections of at the ends of the cross frame
lines are relatively similar since the centers of the individual cross frames are located at
approximately the same longitudinal location on the bridge. Therefore the behavior is similar to
the parallel layout; however perpendicular connections can be used. The basic stiffness and
strength expressions for the bracing are essentially the same as outlined for the cross frames
along contiguous lines. One of the drawbacks to this layout is that because the adjacent cross
frames (A and B in Figure 24) that connect to a girder are at different locations along the girder
length, the connection plates on an individual girder do not line up on the opposing sides of the
Cross frame and diaphragm systems provide bracing by restraining twist of the interconnected
girders. The generally accepted belief among designers is that reducing the spacing between
these braces will improve the buckling capacity of the girder systems. This belief holds true for
many applications. However, there have been a number of applications in which the buckling
behavior of the girder system can be relatively insensitive to the spacing or size of the braces.
For example, the two-girder widening shown in Figure 25 had relatively close cross frames,
however the girder experienced significant twisting during placement of the concrete deck as
evidenced by the 10 inch lateral deformation of the bottom flange relative to the plumb line. The
load on the twin girder system was balanced and did not have an eccentricity. The mode
exhibited by the bridge widening is a buckling failure of the entire girder system as described
Figure 25 System Buckling of a Twin Girder Widening, where the system has buckled out
of plane nearly 10 inches during deck placement
The buckling mode that is typically envisioned in a properly braced girder system is depicted in
Figure 26a, which shows a plan view of a twin girder system. By reducing the spacing between
the braces, the engineer can reduce the size of Lb and thereby improve the buckling capacity of
the girders that results from lateral-torsional buckling expressions such as Eq. (10). However in
girder systems with a relatively large length to width ratio (Lg/s), the controlling mode is the
buckled shape depicted in Figure 26b. In the system buckling mode, the girder system behaves
as a unit and the resulting resistance is not significantly affected by the spacing or size of the
(b) Global system buckling , plan view
Yura et al. [31] presented the following solution for doubly-symmetric girders that can be used to
evaluate the buckling capacity of a girder in the system buckling mode:
2 SE
M gs IyIx (22)
where: s is the girder spacing, Lg is the total length of the girder, E is the modulus of elasticity of
the steel girder, and Iy, and Ix are the respective moments of inertia of a single girder about weak
and strong axes. The expression estimates the capacity of one of the girders for comparison with
the girder design moment.
I eff I yc I yt (23)
where, Iyc and Iyt are the respective moments of inertia of the compression and tension flanges
about an axis through the web, and c and t are the respective distances from the centroidal axis to
the compression and tension flanges. For a doubly-symmetric section, Ieff given by Eq. (23)
reduces to Iy since c = t.
Equation 20 provides a closed form solution that can be used to evaluate the system buckling
capacity of twin girder systems. For a three girder system, replace Iyc in Eq. (23) with 3/2 Iyc,
and define S in Eq. (22) as 2S, which is the distance between the two exterior girders. For four
girders, replace the corresponding values of the Iyc, and S terms with 2Iyc and 3S. Equation (22)
shows that for a given girder span (Lg), the system buckling mode can be improved by either
increasing the stiffness of the individual girders or by increasing the girder spacing. Alternative
methods of improving the buckling capacity include adding a top and bottom flange lateral truss
near the ends of the girders as is discussed later in this module.
Common bracing systems that may be used in bridges consist of lateral trusses that control the
relative moment of two points along the girders. Relative bracing systems generally consist of a
combination of struts and diagonals as depicted in the plan view shown in Figure 27. As noted
in the previous section, the lateral truss type bracing depicted in Figure 27 may be used on the
bottom flanges of some I-girder systems to enhance the resistance to lateral loads from sources
such as wind. As is covered in detail later in this module, these types of lateral trusses are
extremely important to stiffen tub girders during construction. The struts are oriented
perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, while the diagonals connect together two points at
different lengths along the bridge. The spacing between the two points defines the unbraced
length. As the name implies, the bracing system controls the relative movement of the two
points. For example, the diagonal and two struts in Figure 27 combine to form a relative bracing
The stiffness of the lateral bracing is a function of both the strut and the diagonal sizes and the
bracing can be designed to control the movement of Point C relative to Points A and B. The
actual bracing system may vary in terms of the number or orientation of the diagonals. In some
cases, two diagonals may be used and the stiffness of the system is dependent on the buckling
capacity of the diagonals. A tension-only system with two diagonals is sometimes specified
such that the compression resistance of the diagonal is conservatively neglected since (depending
on the type of member selected) the buckling resistance may be low. However, since the lateral
truss often connects near the top or bottom flange of the girders, the designer needs to be aware
of forces that can be induced in the bracing due to stresses from vertical bending of the girders.
These stresses develop due to longitudinal strain compatibility between the bracing system and
the girder flanges that experience compression or tensile stresses due to girder flexure. The
nature of the stress induced in the lateral truss is the same state of stress in the girder where the
truss is connected. For example, if the lateral truss is located at the top flange near the midspan
region, gravity load stresses in the girders will induce compression in the truss. Generally, if a
perpendicular cut everywhere along the unbraced length passes through the brace, then the brace
system is relative.
Girder Flange
Girder Flange
Figure 27 Plan View of Typical Lateral (Relative) Bracing System
Designs that utilize cross framing or X-framing such as the system depicted in Figure 28 are
typically treated as tension-only systems in which only one of the diagonals is relied upon for
resisting lateral forces. The diagonal in compression is conservatively neglected. Structural
analysis models should account for the tension-only concept. There have been cases where
engineers conducting peer reviews were unaware of the tension-only philosophy used in the
original design. As a result the peer reviewer has requested costly retrofits because they claimed
the designs were inadequate because of an apparent compressive force in one of the diagonals
that exceeded the buckling capacity of that member. If one of the diagonals can support the
entire load in tension, then the design is satisfactory.
In X-frame systems that rely on the compression strength of the diagonals and are connected at
the intersection point, the out-of-plane and in-plane compressive strength can be determined
using an effective length of one-half the total diagonal length as shown in Figure 28. This is
contrary to the statement in C6.9.4.4 of AASHTO [1]. In the plane of the X-bracing, geometry
dictates an unbraced length of L/2. Out of plane, the tension diagonal provides sufficient bracing
to force the compression diagonal into an S-shape at buckling as shown in the Figure 28 photo of
a test on a U-shaped girder with a top lateral X-system.
The bracing effect of the tension diagonal comes from three potential sources: 1) the magnitude
of the force in the tension diagonal, 2) the out-of-plane flexural stiffness and 3) catenary action
[32]. As shown in Figure 29, conservatively placing a hinge in the diagonal at the intersecting
point, m, and displacing it a distance , equilibrium requires:
2T L
C T (24)
L 2
For most bracing geometries T is greater than or equal to C and must be zero for equilibrium.
Thus, the intersection point is a braced point, even if the compression diagonal is discontinuous
due to the presence of a splice. It has been shown [33, 34] both theoretically and experimentally
for T > 0.6C and no compression member splice that the effective length is 0.5L. These studies
neglect catenary action of the tension member, which is also effective in providing the necessary
bracing force at the intersection. Based upon these contributing factors, the effective length of
the compression diagonal is always half the length when the two diagonals are connected at the
C 2 2
No if T C
Figure 29 X-Framing Equilibrium
Winter [35] demonstrated that effective stability bracing must satisfy both stiffness and strength
requirements. He demonstrated the concept with a simple rigid link model that could be used to
determine the ideal stiffness requirements of the bracing as well as the impact of imperfections
on the brace strength requirements. The bracing requirements for relative bracing based on
Winters approach [35], are:
where = 0.75, Mf is the maximum moment within the unbraced length (Lb), ho is the distance
between flange centroids and the constant Cd = 1.0 for single curvature bending and 2.0 for
reverse curvature. The flange compressive force is conservatively approximated as Mf /ho.
These provisions are applicable for lateral bracing attached near the compression flange (except
for cantilevers where top flange bracing is more effective). Braces that are adjacent to an
inflection point must be attached to both flanges and the stiffness and strength requirements are
greater as given by the Cd factor. It should also be noted, that in most I-girder bridges, the design
of the lateral bracing members will be governed by the applied loads, and not necessarily the
bracing requirements presented above.
In a continuous bracing system with sufficient strength and stiffness, compression flange lateral
buckling cannot occur because of the very close spacing of the connection points. A concrete
bridge deck attached to the top flange through shear studs is an example of a continuous system.
The hardened concrete bridge deck has very large in-plane shear stiffness and bending stiffness
that effectively prevents top flange twist and lateral movement of the girders when attached by
shear studs or flange embedment.
During a deck pour, the concrete has no stiffness but the permanent metal deck forms (PMDF)
do have significant stiffness and strength. In building construction it is standard practice to use
the PMDF as beam bracing when the ribs are perpendicular to the beam because the PMDF is
attached directly to the top flange through the field welding of the shear studs.
In bridge constriction, the connection of the deck forms require leveling angles to account for
flange transitions or differential camber. The leveling angles introduce flexible connections that
reduce the effectiveness of the forms for bracing; however the forms still do provide some help
to the girder stabilty. A report [4] on a stability failure during a deck pour indicated that PMDF
increased the girder buckling capacity 50% compared to an unbraced girder, but the increase was
insufficient to support the entire deck weight. Field tests [24] on a U-shaped girder with the
PMDF attached directly to the flanges with powder-actuated fasteners showed good
performance. Improved PMDF attachment details have been successfully implemented on short
span bridges [36, 37] that eliminated all the intermediate cross frames. Currently, AASHTO
does not allow the Engineer to consider the stability that can be provided by the PMDFs, as
discussed in Section of the AASHTO LRFD Specifications.
U-shaped steel girders (tub girders) composite with a hardened concrete deck form a closed- box,
torsionally strong bridge system. A typical cross section of a twin tub girder system is shown in
Figure 30. Single tub girder systems are sometimes used for single-lane bridges. Prior to the
development of composite action, the tub girder itself is a torsionally-weak, open steel section
that must be braced to support the erection and construction loads. The three typical types of
bracing systems are: interior diaphragms (ID), a top flange lateral truss (LT) and external
intermediate cross frames (EC) between adjacent tub girders (see Figure 31).
The three bracing systems used with tub girders are designed to achieve one or more of the
following objectives mainly during the construction stage:
1. Control box girder distortion (ID)
2. Control lateral buckling of the individual top flanges (ID, LT)
3. Increase the torsional stiffness and strength (LT, EC)
4. Control global lateral buckling of the tub girder (LT)
5. Support sloping webs in trapezoidal cross sections (ID, LT)
6. Control warping normal stresses (ID)
7. Maintain alignment in multi-girder systems (EC)
External intermediate
cross- frame system
In the following sub-sections, the three types of bracing systems will be discussed and design
methods presented for spacing and proportioning the brace members.
Horizontally curved tub girders are subjected to significant torsional loading that open steel
sections cannot support by warping strength alone. By tying together the two top flanges of a tub
girder with diagonals and struts to form a top flange lateral truss, the cross section becomes
quasi-closed. When designing the top lateral bracing system, two major criteria must be
considered, torsional rigidity and torsional strength. Torsional rigidity is related to the torsion
constant J which is greatly enhanced by the top lateral system. A diagonal with an area of a few
square inches will increase J by more than a thousand times (Eq. 4/ Eq. 3) if the top flange lateral
truss is converted to an equivalent plate thickness, teq. As indicated by the expressions, the
equivalent thickness is a function of the area of the diagonals, struts, the top flange areas, and the
web areas. The top lateral members must have sufficient areas so that warping normal stresses
can be neglected and torsional deformations can be kept small. The areas of the members must
also be sufficient to resist the torsional forces imposed on the system. Vertical bending of the tub
girders during construction can also develop forces in the top lateral system.
Figure 32 Geometric Layout and Equivalent Plate Thickness of Top Lateral Systems [39]
Three common geometric arrangements for the top flange lateral truss as shown in Figure 32 are
the Warren, the Pratt and the X-type. The Pratt system is usually oriented so the diagonals are in
tension. In the Warren system the diagonal at the location of maximum torque is usually oriented
to be in tension. To maximize teq, the slope of the diagonals relative to the longitudinal axis of
the girder should be between 35 and 40 degrees [38]. The truss arrangement should have an
even number of panels within the span for the best performance especially for the Pratt and
Warren types. The panel spacing is controlled by geometry or the unbraced length of the top
The formulations for teq given in Figure 32 were derived by Kollbrunner and Basler [39]. If teq
of all three geometric arrangements are the same, the angle of twist will be the same but the
forces in the top lateral systems will vary as discussed in the next sub-section. To achieve the
same torsional rigidity, the X-type requires the smallest total Ad within the panel and the Pratt
system the largest. If the X-system diagonals are designed for tension only, then only one
diagonal should be considered effective and teq is determined using the Pratt formula. Frequently,
publications incorrectly define At in the teq formulations as the area of the top flange, Af. When
the top lateral truss is located below the top flanges, w is redefined as the width of the truss.
AASHTO [1] suggests as a guideline that Ad 0.03w (all units in inches) in curved tub girders.
This recommendation was developed by Heins [40] on the basis of limiting the warping normal
stresses, fw, to less than ten percent of the maximum bending stress, fb. As teq increases, the
warping normal stresses decrease. Heins [40] determined that if teq 0.05 in. for rectangular tub
girders with a width-to-depth ratio, w/d 2 and a radius of curvature, R 400 ft, the ten percent
limit would be satisfied. The teq value reduced to 0.03 in. for w/d =1. The teq 0.05 in. limit was
converted to an Ad limit for an X-type system by ignoring the At term in the denominator of the
teq expression in Figure 32 and assuming s = w (a 45 slope for the diagonals), which gives teq =
1.84 Ad/w. For teq 0.05 in., Ad 0.027w and is rounded to 0.03w in AASHTO [1]. This
guideline is only applicable for X-type systems with two effective diagonals within the panel.
Making the same Heins assumptions for the Pratt and Warren systems would require Ad
0.054w. Recent case and parametric studies (ac.)(ad.) on single diagonal top lateral systems
using 3D-FEM have shown that the fw/ fb ratio is directly proportional to the L/R ratio for a
constant teq. For bridges with L/R 0.3and 0.03 teq 0.05, the warping normal stresses were
less than 2% of the bending stress which shows that the warping effect is small when a realistic
top lateral system is in place.
Wind and other lateral forces during the construction stage also can cause torsion in a tub girder
because the shear center of the quasi-closed section is generally located below the bottom flange.
The location of the shear center for a single tub or quasi-closed section is given in the Section
4.3. The applied torque is the resultant lateral force times its distance to the shear center. In
straight tub girders with perpendicular supports, torsional loads do not dominate so a full length
top lateral system may not be necessary. Lack of a top lateral system, however, makes the tub
girder more susceptible to global lateral buckling as discussed later. If the supports are skewed,
torsion must be considered.
The forces in the members of a top lateral truss system can come from torsion, vertical bending,
lateral bending, cross-section geometry, distortion and stability effects. Except for relatively
straight girders, torsion effects dominate the forces in the bracing members. Figure 33 shows the
forces determined from 3D-FEM analyses for a curved 180 ft simply-supported with three
different top lateral truss arrangements [41]. The three different layouts consist of an X-type, a
Pratt, and a Warren truss layout. The teq = 0.05 in. is the same for all three systems. The brace
member sizes within each arrangement are different in order to achieve a similar teq but are
constant along the span. Only gravity load (steel and concrete deck self-weight) during
construction was applied and there are no distortion forces, lateral forces or stability effects
included in this comparison. The torsional forces in a lateral truss system are not significantly
affected by the truss member sizes but the plots show that the forces in the three systems are
In the X-system two diagonals are considered effective within each panel. For clarity the forces
in the two diagonals within each panel, designated as diagonal 1 and diagonal 2, are plotted
separately at the center of each panel along the span. For torsional loads only, the two diagonals
should have the same magnitude of force, one in tension and the other in compression. At the
left support, which is the location of maximum torque, the magnitudes of the two diagonal forces
differ slightly but the disparity increases away from the supports because of in-plane bending.
Although the tub girder alone is usually designed for the total bending gravity force during
construction by neglecting the top lateral truss, the top flange bending strain will induce forces in
the diagonals for strain compatibility. The bending forces are maximum at midspan and small
near the simple supports. On the other hand torsional moments are maximum near the supports
and zero at midspan so the diagonal forces at midspan are caused mainly by bending. Both
diagonals within the panel have a 30 k compressive force at midspan. Note also that the
maximum compressive force in a diagonal does not occur at the supports or midspan but at the
fourth panel from each end. The largest compressive force is 25% higher than the maximum
tension force in this example. Design approaches for X-type systems will be discussed later in
this section.
The diagonals in the Pratt and Warren systems show similar force distributions along the span.
The diagonals of the Warren truss alternate between tension and compression in adjacent panels,
whereas the Pratt system has only tension in this example. The maximum diagonal force occurs
at the end panels due to torsion and is approximately twice that in the X-type system since there
is only one diagonal in each panel. At midspan the Warren system has a maximum compressive
force of 10 kips and the Pratt system almost zero so the bending effect in these two systems is
much smaller than in the X-type arrangement. In both of these single diagonal systems, lateral
movement of the two top flanges occurs in the same direction due to bending, which reduces the
in-plane axial stiffness of the top lateral truss. In the Warren system the lateral displacements
(0.08 in.) occur in a local two-panel zigzag pattern along the span whereas the lateral
displacements of each panel in the Pratt system accumulate in the same direction with a
maximum lateral displacement at midspan (0.96 in) [42] as depicted in Figure 34. These lateral
displacements induce local lateral bending stresses in the two top flanges of the tub girder at each
strut location in the Warren system [7]. In the Pratt system, the local top-flange lateral bending
effect is concentrated only at midspan where the truss diagonals change their orientation.
The strut force magnitude and distribution vary among the three systems. The struts are also
usually part of the internal diaphragm system designed to control cross-section distortion and/or
flange lateral buckling. No internal diaphragms were used in the span analyzed for Figure 33 in
order to isolate certain types of forces in the top lateral system. In this case the strut forces can
be due to torsion, bending and sloping webs. In all three systems the horizontal tension force that
prevents the two flanges from spreading apart due to wet concrete load applied at the top flanges
is a constant along the span and is usually quite small. The main strut forces are developed from
torsion and bending. The strut forces due to torsion are zero in the X-type, are related to the
algebraic sum of the transverse component of the two diagonal forces adjacent to the strut in the
Warren system and are equal to the transverse component of the larger diagonal force framing
into ends of each strut in the Pratt system(except at midspan). In the Warren system the strut
forces due to torsion alternate from tension to compression along the span and are relatively
small compared to the compressive strut forces in the Pratt system. Tub girder bending causes
the large tensile forces in the struts near midspan of the X-type system (30 kips), 10 kip tensile
forces in the Warren system and almost zero force in the Pratt system. In the Warren system the
strut forces from all three sources (sloping webs, torsion and bending) are small and fairly
constant along the length compared to the large strut forces generated in the X-type and Pratt
The forces shown in Figure 33 do not include stability brace forces because a first order
structural analysis was performed. Stability brace forces develop from the initial out-of
straightness of the structural components. These forces and deformations are not included in a
first order structural analysis. A top flange lateral truss system is a relative brace system that
defines the unbraced length of the top flanges as the distance between panel points during the
construction stage. For design the stability brace force requirements shown previously should be
added to the first order analysis forces from torsion and bending. Usually the stability brace
requirements will not alter the top lateral truss design because the largest stability forces occur at
the location of the highest moment where the torsional forces are small. The stability brace
requirements will only affect the top lateral design when the girders are relatively straight.
X - type
diagonal1 1
diagonal strut diagonal 2
Forces (kip)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
-60 diagonal 2
diagonal 1
Forces (kip)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
diagonal 2
Forces (Kip)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Figure 33 Top Lateral Truss Forces for Various Tub Girder Bracing Systems
C) Single-Diagonal lateral bracing
Figure 34 Deformations of different box girder bracing systems
The layout of the top lateral system is based primarily on effectively resisting the torsional forces
during construction. Usually the member sizes are kept constant along the span to minimize
fabrication and detailing costs so the panels with the largest torsional moment near supports
controls the initial member sizes. The diagonal forces within each panel due to torsion are similar
for all three lateral systems. The Pratt system with the diagonals arranged for tension will
require the smallest diagonal area. The X-type diagonals, one in tension and the other in
compression, and the Warren system diagonals are controlled by compression. The two X-type
diagonals will have a smaller total weight than the single Warren diagonal because the force and
the unbraced length of the X- diagonal is one half that in a single diagonal system due to the
bracing effect of the tension diagonal. The Warren compression diagonal would be designed for
the slightly lower torsional moment in the panel adjacent to the one with the highest torsion
where the diagonal is in tension. On the other hand the strut forces from torsion are the highest in
the Pratt truss and are zero in the X-type. The net effect based on brace system weight alone
favors the Pratt tension system by approximately twenty percent over the Warren system. An X-
type system over the entire span is the most costly because of the greater number of pieces and
The Pratt system is attractive for simple spans because it appears that the diagonals can be
oriented in a tension only arrangement as shown in Figure 33 and the bending compatibility
forces are negligible. However, even in a simple span, compression can develop if the pouring
sequence starts at one end of the span. For example the girder in Figure 33 will develop
compressive top lateral loads (maximum value of 10 kips) in the three panels near midspan when
half the span is loaded. Evaluation of the pouring sequence is important in Pratt systems. In
continuous spans it is more difficult to ensure that tension will always control in each panel. This
dilemma can be overcome by using a few X-type panels in locations where compression may
develop in conjunction with the Pratt arrangement. The Warren diagonal design, which is
controlled by maximum compression, offers more flexibility to handle variations in the pouring
sequences that often occur in the field.
Torsional rigidity, which is affected by teq, should also be evaluated when designing the top
lateral bracing system. As discussed earlier, for a targeted teq the X-type arrangement requires the
least bracing weight, followed by the Warren and the Pratt systems. Comparing the Warren and
the Pratt system designs for the maximum loads given in Figure 34, the Pratt was 17 % lighter.
The teq from the formulas in Figure 31 were 0.023 for the Pratt truss and 0.039 for the Warren
truss indicating less rigidity for the Pratt system. For the Pratt truss design, a 3d-FEA analysis of
the uniformly-loaded simple span gave a midspan rotation 2.3 times greater than the rotation
with the Warren design. This rotation of the Pratt-system girder gave a 1.6 in. relative vertical
displacement between the two top flanges of the tub girder. When torsional rigidity is a principal
concern, both the Warren and X-type systems will be lighter than the Pratt arrangement with the
Warren being more cost effective.
The X-type top lateral truss attracts larger bending compatibility forces than the Warren or Pratt
systems as shown in Figure 33 because its geometric symmetry provides greater in-plane lateral
stiffness. If these girder-bending induced forces are considered in design, the member sizes may
be controlled by bending, not torsion. At locations of the highest girder bending stress where the
torsional moment may be small, both diagonals within the panel can have compressive loads. In
this case a diagonal is not braced at the intersection point because both diagonal can bend out-of-
plane. The unbraced length is the full length of the diagonal.
The forces in the top lateral system due to torsion, girder bending and sloping webs can be
determined directly if a 3D-FEA is used as illustrated in Figure 33. Field tests have shown [43]
that the top flange lateral truss and external intermediate cross frames function only during the
construction stage. Commercial analysis programs usually focus on the behavior of the
completed bridge and may be difficult to adapt for a staged deck pour during construction. A 3D-
FEM computer program for single and twin tub girder systems specifically designed for the
construction phase is available [44]. The struts in the top lateral system may also function as the
top chord of an intermediate cross frame used primarily to control distortion. Distortional forces
are discussed with intermediate cross frames later in this module. Structural models employed by
grid analyses do not directly model the top flange lateral trusses. In this section analytical
methods for determining the top lateral truss forces and the top flange lateral deflection bending
stresses developed mainly by Fan and Helwig [7] will be summarized. The comparison between
the forces from the analytical methods and 3D-FEM is very good. Torsion
An approximate torsional analysis of a quasi-closed box girder can be performed using the M/R
method (see Analysis Methods or Ref. [8]) to determine the torsional moment along the span
coupled with the equivalent plate method for determining the geometric properties of the cross
section. The resulting torsional properties are used in the structural analysis to determine the
torsional moments in the girders. Once the distribution of torsional moment, T, is known, the
shear flow, q, within each panel can be determined from Eq. 9 and used to determine the forces
in the top flange lateral truss. The shear flow acting on the fictitious plate is then transformed
into diagonal member forces in the lateral truss as demonstrated in Figure 35. The type of force
(compression or tension) is important with regard to superimposing the torsionally-induced force
with the other force components that will be discussed subsequently. Although a Warren truss is
shown in Figure 36b, the same expression would be used for the Pratt truss except the forces
would generally be all tension provided the diagonals are oriented properly.
After the diagonal forces from torsion have been established, the strut forces from torsion, Fs, are
determined for the Pratt and Warren truss systems as shown in Figure 36. In the Pratt system the
strut forces are equal to the transverse component of the larger diagonal force framing into the
ends of each strut except where the diagonals in adjacent panels meet at one point (midspan in
Figure 33). That particular strut would be in a Warren configuration. The simple expression for
the strut force in the Warren truss shown in Figure 36 conservatively neglects the effect of the
top flange lateral flexibility. More complex expressions that consider flange flexibility in the
Warren system have been developed [45] but since the strut forces are small in typical bridges,
this conservatism will not affect the design. The strut forces due to torsion are zero in the X-type.
The signs of the forces (tension or compression) must be maintained so truss forces from sources
can be properly superimposed.
Fictitious -X1
Plate F1 X1
q -X2
F1 F1
Fs = F1sin
Fs =(F1-F2)sin
The sloping webs of trapezoidal girders also induce a lateral load component on the top flange.
This lateral load component causes additional top flange lateral bending stress as well as axial
forces in the struts of the lateral truss. The struts are typically designed to carry the horizontal
component due to the sloping webs. Historically, some past design aides [8] provided
recommendations that the top and bottom flanges each support half of the horizontal web
components of the applied load. Based on this assumption, the half acting on the bottom flange
does not generate any top flange lateral bending stress or forces in the struts. While this
assumption would be relatively accurate for the girder self-weight, the sloping web component
from external loads from sources such as the fresh concrete deck must be resisted by the top
flange lateral truss. This can be demonstrated by considering a free body diagram of the top
flange with an externally applied distributed load of p/2 applied to each flange. Figure 37
demonstrates the transformation of the vertical load into a web shear and a horizontal
component, f (force per unit length). For a truss panel length of s, the recommended design
tensile force for the struts is equal to (f s). The maximum lateral flange bending moment due to
the top flange loading is (fs2)/12, assuming the top flange behaves as a continuous beam
supported at the strut locations.
47 Vertical Bending
In addition to torsionally-induced forces, the top flange truss also develops forces due to vertical
bending of the box girder. When the lateral truss system is attached to the top flanges of the tub
girder, the longitudinal top flange deformations between panel points from bending stresses
produces a compatible longitudinal deformation and corresponding force in the truss diagonals.
As shown in Figure 38, the tub girder and the top lateral truss together resist the vertical bending.
If the tub girder alone was designed to support the bending forces, the stress distribution through
the depth of the tub girder would be represented by the dashed line. The forces in the diagonals
reduce the tub bending stresses shown by the solid line. These strain- compatibility truss forces
are generally undesirable since the primary purpose of the lateral truss is for torsional stiffening.
The bending compatibility forces can be significant as illustrated in Figure 34, especially for the
X-type top lateral system. If the X-type redundant lateral system is not considered when
proportioning the tub girder for bending, then the compatibility forces determined from an elastic
analysis need not be considered in design. The diagonals can be designed for torsion alone.
Within a panel the compatibility forces increase the force in one diagonal and decrease the force
in the other diagonal by the same amount as shown in Fig 34. Torsion alone develops the same
absolute magnitude of force in both diagonals. If the diagonals are designed only for torsion, one
of the diagonals will reach its design limit first because of the added compatibility force, say 10
kips. The axial stiffness of that panel is then reduced and additional compatibility forces will also
be reduced as additional load is applied to the bridge. The other diagonal in the panel has a
smaller force than expected; the torsion force minus 10 kips. As additional bending and torsional
forces are applied to the tub girder, the force in the highest stressed diagonal will not change (it
is at its strength limit). The diagonal with the lower force will resist the torsion alone but it can
support an additional torsion force equivalent to the compatibility force (10 kips). The
compatibility forces do not affect the ability of a panel with two diagonals to resist the torsional
moments. There may be some initial sag in both diagonals at locations of low torsion, but this
does not affect structural performance of the tub girder system. Designing for compatibility
forces in redundant systems is somewhat self defeating. When the brace size increases, the
compatibility forces also increase.
In the Warren truss and Pratt systems with a single diagonal within each panel, the bending
compatibility forces must be considered because the system is not redundant. When the single
diagonal in compression reaches its strength limit by forces from torsion and bending
compatibility, only small additional forces can be applied.
Equations for predicting the truss forces induced due to vertical bending of the tub girder are
available [7] and summarized in Figure 39. The Warren truss layout also results in a lateral load
on the flanges that cause the flange stress denoted by fL bend in the figure. The formulations for
the diagonal forces are related to the strut and diagonal sizes; the larger the members, the larger
the forces in those members from tub girder bending. The top lateral compatibility forces will be
compressive in the positive moment regions and tensile for negative moments.
The expressions given in Figure 39 for the Warren system were developed for the specific case
of internal cross frames positioned in every other panel, which is a spacing of 2s, where s is the
spacing between the struts of the top flange truss. Bending induced forces in the top flange
Warren truss are sensitive to the spacing between the internal K-frames. When internal cross
frames are spaced at every panel point of the top flange truss (spacing of s), the bending induced
top lateral forces are actually larger [45, 46, 47]. The 2s (every other panel point) spacing of the
internal K-frames in the Warren truss system is recommended. At the truss panel points between
the internal K-frames only a strut is provided. The intermediate internal cross frame spacing
does not affect the forces in the X-type system.
There are currently no direct analytical solutions for the Pratt arrangement but 3D-FEA has
indicated that the diagonal and strut forces due to bending are much smaller than those in the
Warren system over most of the span. However, at locations where the Pratt diagonals change
their orientation (maximum bending moment locations), the two adjacent diagonals meet at one
point in a Warren configuration. At these locations the bending compatibility forces are
maximum and similar in both the Pratt and Warren orientations.
Dbend = diagonal force due to girder bending
Sbend = strut force due to girder bending
fx top = top flange bending stress in panel
s =panel length (spacing between struts)
= Angle between diagonal and flange
Ld = diagonal length
w = strut length
Ad, As = respective area of diagonal or strut
bf, tf = respective width and thickness of girder flange
fL bend = lateral bending stress in girder top flange
f xTop s cos f xTop s cos
Dbend D bend
K1 K2
Ld w
sin 2
sin 2 Ld 2wsin 2
3 K2
Ad As 2b f t f Ad As
S bend D bend sin S bend 2 D bend si
1.5 s
f L bend S
b f 2 t f bend
The number of panels and the orientation of the diagonals can have a significant effect on the
efficiency of the design as well as the performance of the girder system. In specifying the
number of panels along the span length, the angle of the diagonals defined in Figure 39 should
be kept within the range 35 < < 50. The upper limit on this range is related to economics
since larger values of will lead to more panels which results in more connections and larger
fabrication costs. The lower limit on this range is related to the compression behavior of
diagonals from both torsional and vertical bending. With a smaller angle of inclination, the
diagonals become relatively long and therefore possess a lower buckling capacity. In general,
diagonals with orientations outside of the recommended range are inefficient and should be
Structural T-sections are often used for the diagonals, while angles are commonly used for the
struts. For practicality of the connections and safety of the construction workers, the T-sections
should be oriented with the stem pointing downwards. The construction personnel often must
walk on these members during erection and early stages of construction. In addition, the stem
should be pointed downward to avoid clearance issues with the metal deck forms. In detailing
the connections for the diagonals, care should be taken not to employ excessively thick
connection plates or shims that will increase the eccentricity of the connection. The thickness of
the connection plate should be approximately equal to the thickness of the WT flange.
The strut for the top flange truss frequently serves as the top chord member of an internal cross
frame if one is provided at the panel point. To avoid congestion at the intersection of the struts
and the diagonals, some designers connect the strut to the web stiffener at an eccentricity denoted
as e in Figure 40.
This eccentricity generally has an insignificant effect on the performance of the top flange truss;
however the eccentricity should be limited to a maximum value of 3 or 4 inches. In many cases,
lowering the strut due to concerns about congestion between the diagonals and the struts is
unnecessary because of the inclination of the diagonals and the length of the connection. In
cases where the Pratt truss geometry is specified, the effects of e are more significant than for the
Warren and X-type layouts because the strut forces are much higher. With an eccentric
connection such as the one depicted Figure 40, forces from the diagonal in the Pratt truss would
be transferred into the web/stiffener of the girder, down to the strut and across the girder, back up
the web/stiffener of the girder and into the diagonal of the adjacent panel.
Open-section tub-girder cross sections are susceptible to lateral buckling due to the location of
the shear center (see Appendix), which is well below the bottom flange. Global buckling of tub
girders is discussed by Yura and Widianto [48]. It is very unconservative (by approximately a
factor of five) to use formulas developed for single web I-shaped members such as Eq. 10 for
checking lateral buckling of twin web tub girders. Another unconservative approach is to assume
that lateral buckling cannot occur if the tub girder is bent about its smallest principal axis. The
Marcy bridge that collapsed had Iy / Ix = 1.75. A girder with a trapezoidal shape has reduced
lateral buckling resistance compared to a rectangular girder.
The lateral buckling capacity of tub girders can be determined from a 3D-FEM buckling analysis
(a free download is available for one such program [44]) or from the classic lateral buckling
formula for singly-symmetric cross sections [25],
2 EI y x x2 GJ Lb Cw
M cr
EI y
2 Iy
Lb 4
where x is the monosymmetric constant. Formulations for x and Cw for an open-section tub
girder are given in Section 4.4. If Eq. (27) indicates that an open-section tub girder is inadequate
during the construction stage, a partial or full-length top flange lateral truss system or external
bracing will be required. The number of internal diaphragms does not affect global lateral
The effect of installing a top lateral X-type truss system along the entire length of a uniformly-
loaded, straight 170 ft simple span tub girder to improve the global buckling strength is
illustrated in Figure 41. The trapezoidal cross section used in the analysis was similar to the
Marcy Bridge. The area Ad of the truss diagonals was varied and a 3D-FEM buckling analysis
performed. For an open section (no lateral system), the girder buckled at a top flange bending
stress of 13 ksi. The addition of a top lateral system increases the buckling strength linearly as
the size of the truss diagonals increases. Only a very small area for the top lateral bracing
diagonals is required to increase the global buckling strength to adequate levels. For this
particular girder, if the bracing area of the X-type system is larger than 0.08 in2 (teq = 0.0015 in.),
then global LTB will occur at a stress higher than 50 ksi. Single diagonal bracing systems give
similar results provided that the area of the diagonal is two times the area shown for the X-type
Ad of X-type System (in)2
Figure 41 Effect of teq on global buckling on a tub girder section using a X-type lateral
bracing system
Installing a top lateral bracing along the entire span length for a condition that occurs during
construction may be expensive. A study [48] indicated that bracing of the end panels where the
flange stress is low is much more effective than bracing near midspan where the stress is
maximum. The effect of the end panel bracing on the global buckling strength is shown in
Figure 42.
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
Fcr (ksi)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number of braced panels at each end
X-type top lateral bracing system
b L=170 ft b
Both the number of braced panels and the ratio of the length of the braced panels at each end, b
to the length of the girder L are shown. The diagonal areas of the X-type and Single-Diagonal
systems are 1.05 in2 and 2.1 in2, respectively, corresponding to the teq of 0.019 inches and 0.012
inches. To achieve Fcr higher than 50 ksi so that yielding will govern, only bracing of four panels
at each end is required. Since the teq of both the X-type and the Single-Diagonal systems are
about the same, the effectiveness of both systems is almost the same. A global buckling
parameter study with span, number of braced panels, cross-section proportions and type of truss
layout as variables and a constant teq = 0.02 in. in the braced panels indicated that Mcr is linearly
proportional with the increase of b up to b/L = 0.2. Additional braced panels do not have a large
impact on the global lateral-torsional buckling strength.
The primary role of intermediate internal cross frames/diaphragms in tub girders is to maintain
the shape of the cross section against torsional forces that tend to distort the shape of the box
girder. Typical geometric arrangements, commonly called K-, X- or Z-frames, employed as
intermediate cross frames cross frame are shown in Figure 43. Solid plate intermediate
diaphragms are typically reserved for support regions. In the absence of a top lateral system,
internal cross frames act as torsional braces to control lateral buckling of the top flanges.
Torsional bracing stability requirements were presented earlier. This section outlines the design
requirements for internal cross frames to properly control distortion and provides
recommendations on detailing practices for the internal cross frames.
Depending on the distribution of the applied torsional loads, the cross-section of a quasi-closed
tub girder may distort from its original shape. This distortion of the cross-section can lead to
significant warping stresses, which are in addition to torsional warping stresses. Warping
stresses that develop as a result of distortion of the cross-section are appropriately referred to as
distortional warping stresses. While torsional warping stresses in box girders may be relatively
small, without proper bracing distortional warping stresses can be quite significant.
Forces develop in the intermediate cross frames and other bracing members due to the distortion
of the box section. Torsion in box girders is usually the result of either horizontal curvature of
the girder or unbalanced gravity loading that results in an eccentricity of the load on the cross-
section. Depending on the type of loading, the torque on girders can be visualized as either a
horizontal or vertical couple as depicted in Figure 44.
The torsional moments in curved tub girders determined from the M/R method can be visualized
as a horizontal couple. In the cases of unbalanced gravity loading, the effective eccentric loading
can be idealized as two couples, pure flexural load plus a torque consisting of a vertical couple.
Cross-sectional distortion of box girders is induced by the components of the two torsional loads
that are not directly distributed in proportion to a uniform Saint-Venant shear flow on the cross-
section. All practical loading cases cause some form of cross-section distortion since the load
application is never distributed in proportion to the Saint-Venant shear flow. Each torsional load
can be divided into pure torsional components (kips per unit length), q h,v,T, and distortional
components, qh,v,D as shown in Figure 45.
The pure torsional components are distributed around the cross section in proportion to the St.
Venant shear stresses. The distortional components of the applied loads on the right side of the
figure. yield zero net torque on the cross section. The horizontal and vertical torsional couples
produce distortional components that are in opposite directions even though both torsional
couples produce clockwise moments. Therefore, a distortional analysis requires a separation of
the horizontal and vertical components and a sign convention for the eccentricity (see Figure 46).
An approximate distortion analysis was developed by Fan and Helwig [49] for determining the
forces, H and V, (see Figure 47) applied to intermediate cross frames. H and V are equal to the
qhD and qvD distortional unit forces, respectively, given in Figure 45 multiplied by the spacing
between intermediate, SK. These applied forces are applicable for any of the cross-frame
arrangements shown in Figure 43. For the specific K-frame which is the most common, the H
and K forces are converted to diagonal and strut forces as follows:
s K LdK M b
D= ( - ep) (28)
2A0 R w
sK b b M
S= ( ep - ) (29)
4A0 w R
The M/R term in the parentheses is directed at the torsional effects of horizontal curvature while
the ep term in the parentheses captures the effects of eccentric gravity loading. The plus/minus
sign on the expressions indicates that the distortion induces tension and compression as indicated
in Figure 47b. One diagonal experiences compressions while the other experiences tension. In
the case of the strut, equal magnitudes of tension and compression are induced on either side of
the two diagonals. Since the struts serve as members of both the internal K-frames and the top
lateral truss, these members have torsional components from box girder bending, torsion, and
distortion. The components due to torsion and bending are uniform across the strut while the
distortional components have equal magnitudes of tension and compression as indicated by the
plus/minus sign in Eqn. (29). The distortional component can therefore be isolated from the
bending and torsional component by averaging the magnitudes of the strut force on either side of
the two diagonals.
Examples demonstrating the use of these preceding equations can be found in Fan and Helwig
[49] and Helwig, et. al [50].
As discussed in the subsection Vertical Bending, the spacing of the intermediate internal cross
frames, should be sk = 2s, where s is the panel spacing in the top lateral system in single diagonal
systems. Not only is the cost reduced by using fewer intermediate cross frames, but the forces in
the top lateral system are also reduced. The panels adjacent to the cross frames only have a single
top flange strut.
A K-frame composed of angles is the preferred layout arrangement based mainly on its
convenience when the interior of the closed box must be inspected. With an X-frame it is
difficult to travel within the interior. Z-frames with only one diagonal provide less interference
but the diagonal may be in compression. Since its diagonal is almost twice the length of a
diagonal in a K-frame, A heavier frame will be required. The intermediate cross should also be
detailed to minimize fatigue issues since live loads can cause distortion.
Diaphragms are provided at the supports of the tub girders. The diaphragms are required for
torsional equilibrium of the girder system. Diaphragms resist the girder twist at the ends of the
girders based primarily upon the shear stiffness of the diaphragm if the aspect ratio, Ld / hd, is
less than 4 [1]. The ends of the girders are typically closed by solid plates and the diaphragm
that connects the adjacent girders is may be trapezoidal in shape. The detailing requirements of
the support diaphragms depend on the aspect ratio of the end diaphragms. Although the end
diaphragm is typically trapezoidal in shape and is often bolted to the two adjacent girders, for
establishing the detailing requirements the effective length of the diaphragm can be assumed to
be measured as the spacing between the center of the bearings of two adjacent girders as shown
in Figure 48. For most tub girder geometries, the practical range of spacing between the bearing
centerlines and therefore the effective diaphragm length is in the range of 14 ft. < Ld < 20 ft. The
lower range of the diaphragm depth so that shear stiffness dominates the behavior is 3.5 feet at
the lower Ld range (14 ft.) and 5 feet at the upper Ld range (20 ft.). The end diaphragms are often
deeper than these lower-bound values so shear stiffness will govern the behavior of these braces.
w g w
hd Solid Plate
Centerline Centerline
of Bearing of Bearing
The fact that most end diaphragms have aspect ratios less than 4 is important from a detailing
perspective. The end diaphragms usually have top and bottom stiffening plates that increase the
out of plane stiffness of the diaphragm plates. Many designers treat the top and bottom plates as
flanges of a beam and then associate the connection requirements with what is frequently
required in the beams of a frame. The flanges of beams in a frame are often fully connected to
columns to create a moment connection between the beam and column. In the case of the plate
diaphragms, the primary mechanism of restraint provided by the diaphragm comes in the shear
stiffness of the plates and connecting the flanges has very little effect on the behavior of the
system. This is illustrated in Figure 49, which shows a 3D-FEM of the end diaphragm in a twin
box girder model. The end connections of the solid diaphragm were modeled with both
continuous top and bottom plates as well as discontinuous plates. There was virtually no
difference in the behavior of the two girder systems [46]. Only in cases where a relatively
shallow diaphragm with an effect aspect ratio in excess of 4 should designers consider making
the stiffening plates continuous across the ends of the girders. In most applications, simply
bolting the end diaphragm will provide exactly the same behavior as if the top and bottom
stiffening plates were connected.
3.3.1 Diaphragm Strength Design Requirements
There are two criteria that the designer should consider when proportioning the solid end
diaphragms for box girder applications. The most obvious consideration is the basic shear
strength of the plate diaphragm. The other consideration is related to excessive shear
deformations at the ends of the beams that can result in rigid body rotations of the girders along
the length. The strength limit state is relatively well-understood; however, an expression based
upon stiffness criteria is also presented in the following sub-section.
Figure 50 shows girder torsional demand that acts on diaphragms and the resulting shears that
develop as a result of these torsional moments.
T1 T2
Figure 50 Girder end torsional demand that acts on diaphragms and the resulting shears
The moments T1 and T2 are the torsional moments that come as output from the results from a
grid model. The girders are generally subjected to vertical gravity loading and although the net
end reaction will typically be upwards, the diaphragm tends to redistribute the gravity load so
that more of the gravity load shifts towards the exterior girder. Figure 50 shows the
redistribution in the form of a downward shear on one girder and an upward shear on the other
girder. The shear, V, represents the design shear for the end diaphragm. In terms of the girder
end torques, the shear is:
T1 T2
V (30)
In a curved girder Ld is the difference in the radii of the two girders. The design approach for
shear is based upon a uniform shear stress through the depth of the plate. Referring to the area of
the diaphragm plate as Ad = hdtd, the shear stress would be given as follows:
V T1 T2 T1 T2
Ad Ld Ad Ld h d t d
Based upon a uniformly distributed load on a simply supported girder, the end torque (neglecting
the presence of intermediate K-frames) is:
pL3i pL2
Ti i o (32)
24 Ri 24
where p is the uniformly distributed load, Li and Ri are the respective chord length and radius of
curvature of the ith girder, and o is the subtended angle within the span. This leaves the
designer with several options to design the plate diaphragm for strength. The torque from Eq.
(32) also provides a reasonable estimate of the design torques. Although the equation was
derived for a simply supported girder, there is little torsional interaction between adjacent spans
in box girders since the diaphragms are relatively stiff and the St. Venant stiffness tends to
dominate the behavior. Therefore Eq. (32) provides reasonable estimates of the end torques on
each girder. Alternatively, analysis results can also be used such as getting the torques from a
grid analysis. With the end torques in the two adjacent girders, the diaphragm shear V can be
found using Eq. (30) and compared with shear strength (ie. Vn from AASHTO LRFD
Specification [1]). For example if the web slenderness satisfies the requirements for full shear
yielding, the material shear = 0.58Fy can be applied with Eq. (31) to give:
T1 T2
Ld 0.58Fy
where Fyw is the material yield stress of the web of the diaphragm. For a diaphragm web not
satisfying the slenderness limits for full yielding, the appropriate expression for shear buckling
can be utilized.
Instead of the diaphragm strength limit, an alternative limit on the diaphragm may be shear
deformation. Relative vertical deformation between the adjacent girder flanges can also occur
due to deformations in the end diaphragms. To develop a deformational limit, some geometrical
approximations of the portion of the end diaphragm restraining girder twist must be established.
Although the diaphragm itself is usually viewed as a trapezoidal plate, since the plate is fully
bolted to the two girders with slip critical bolts, the portion of the diaphragm resisting girder
twist can be idealized as a rectangular plate extending form the middle of the two girder bearings
as depicted in Figure 51 for a total diaphragm effective length of Ld.
Figure 52 shows the girder end deformations at the diaphragm and then the resulting
deformations of the idealized rectangular diaphragm plate. As discussed above, the girder
deformations result in a rigid body deformation that causes a relative vertical movement between
the two flanges of the box girder. The vertical flange deformations are f in Figure 52. The
relative value between the two flanges is then given by the expression:
a bf
2 f o xr
Girder E Girder I
a) Girder Deformations
where o is the end twist due to the shear deformations in the end diaphragm, and the distance xr
is defined in the figure. Since the end diaphragm deformations result in rigid body movements
of the entire girder, these deformations are very undesirable and should be kept to a minimum.
As a result the diaphragms should be made relatively stiff to avoid large relative movements
between the adjacent girder flanges. A value for the tolerable relative movement is a matter of
judgment. In Ref. [50] a value of 0.5 in. was selected to control variations in the slab thickness
due to girder flexibility along the span. Since a rigid body rotation at the supports contributes to
the midspan relative deflection, the support deformations must be kept to a minimum. A limit of
2f < 5% x0.50 in. = 0.025 in. at midspan was chosen. In Ref, [49] the f = 0.0125 in. limit was
transformed into the following stiffness limit for the area of the diaphragm:
(T1 T2 ) xr
Ad hd td (35)
The controlling diaphragm area would be the larger value from Eq. 33 or the strength criteria
discussed in the previous sub-section.
3.4 Intermediate External Cross Frames
The primary role of the intermediate external diaphragms is to control the relative deformation
between adjacent curved girders during casting of the concrete bridge deck. In cases where the
external bracing is not removed after construction, the external bracing will also contribute to the
load transfer between adjacent tub girders. In a twin girder system depicted at midspan in
Figure 53, Girder E is the exterior girder with the longest individual span. The girders will twist
independently during construction if there are no intermediate external cross frames connecting
the two girders with Girder E having the larger angle of twist and vertical deflection compared to
Girder I on the interior. Since the girders have some flexibility, there will be a relative vertical
displacement rel between points B and C in (c) that causes a variation in the deck thickness and
reinforcement cover. The dashed lines in (b) and (c) represent a straight line between the
finishing machine rails at points A and D. The displacement rel must be controlled within some
practical limit. Stiffer girders (larger teq) can be one approach but may be cost-prohibitive and
very stiff girders pose greater problems with bolted field splices during erection. External
intermediate cross frames shown in (b) can be used to improve the constructability. Studies [46,
51] have shown that only one or two cross frames near midspan are sufficient to control rel.
w g w
Girder E Girder I
a) Unloaded
Cross frames should be concentrated towards the middle of the span instead of spreading the
braces out equally along the bridge length. Although the deformations often dont differ
substantially with the addition of several braces, the forces induced in the intermediate cross-
frames will be smaller as more braces are added. However, the forces in the intermediate cross-
frames from the construction loading are often relatively small except for spans with sharp
curves (R< 250 ft). With skewed supports, the forces in the cross frames do become larger.
Unless the support skew becomes large (greater than approximately 30 degrees), the forces can
often be handled with members satisfying slenderness limits.
External intermediate K-frames are primarily needed on horizontally curved girders. In straight
girders, if diaphragms are provided at the supports and a top flange lateral truss is utilized, the
girders are very stiff and intermediate external diaphragms can be omitted. Diaphragms would
be needed if a large unbalanced load (ie. large torque) is applied or if the supports have
significant skew. The problem with the large support skew is that the ends of the girders may
tend to twist due to the angled diaphragm. The twist at the support results in a rotation of the
girders that can result in problems with the uniformity in the slab thickness as outlined earlier.
Most practical applications of straight girders do not need external bracing.
In most situations, external intermediate K-frames can be removed once the concrete deck
hardens because field tests have shown that external K-frames have very little impact on live
load distribution. The cross frames are most often removed due to fatigue concerns.
The treatment of the external braces in the structural analysis as well as the accuracy of the
resulting forces depends heavily on the analysis method that is used. If a 3D-FEM is utilized, the
braces can be modeled relatively accurately and the member forces can be obtained directly from
the analysis. However, incorporating the external K-frames into a grid model poses a
complicated geometrical problem. Although the internal and external K-frames are trusses made
up of several members, the grid models treat these braces as a line element that spans between
the centerlines of the adjacent girders. Therefore estimating the stiffness of these external braces
can be difficult. In addition, the analytical estimates of the intermediate diaphragm moments
from a grid model may often be of questionable accuracy.
Another possible analysis approach is to designate the intermediate external K-frames solely as
members to help control the constructability of the slab. With this approach, the analysis would
be carried out only modeling the girders and solid diaphragms at the supports. The girders and
support diaphragms would therefore be sized to support the entire load. This will often result in
larger member sizes for the top flange lateral truss, when compared to an analysis that includes
the external braces; however the economics of the top flange truss should not change too
dramatically. The cost of the top flange truss is mainly related to fabrication costs, which are
often primarily a function of the number of pieces required to fabricate. Increasing the size of a
member by a few pounds per foot should not have too large of an impact on the design
economics, however the behavior and safety of the design are much easier to predict with this
approach. As mentioned above, a few external cross-frames concentrated near the middle of the
span often provide excellent control over the relative twist between adjacent girders. In the
following sections, approximate methods developed in [50] will be summarized that can be used
to determine the number of external cross frames needed to control constructability and to
predict the member forces in the external cross frame.
The approximate approach outlined is for determining how many intermediate cross-frames are
needed. The spacing equation is based on the following assumptions: a simple- span twin curved
girder symmetrical system with radial supports, no relative twist between the two supports of the
span and the two girders have similar cross-section properties. The vertical and horizontal
deflections at the web-top flange intersection at midspan for points B and C from vertical load
applied at the top flanges of the quasi- closed sections were determined. These calculations
required that the angle of twist of each girder, which is a function of the individual span lengths,
be determined along with the vertical displacement of both girders. Since the cross-sectional
properties of the two girders is the same, the difference between the perpendicular displacements
of points B and C relative to a straight line between screed rails, rel, is mainly a function of the
difference in span lengths between the two girders and the identical cross-sectional properties.
The difference in span lengths is related to the spacing between the two girders, (w + g), and the
subtended angle o = L/R of the bridge plan. With some minor assumptions associated with the
relative location of the screed rails on typical tub girder geometries, the relationship of the span
length between external cross frames and rel is
1.2 rel
L max (36)
5w 0 w g) EI
384EI GJ
For design the maximum permissible deviation in slab thickness rel can be set equal to some
maximum value, say 0.5 in., to determine Lmax. If Lmax is greater than the span length, no external
intermediate cross frames will be required for constructability.
To develop expressions for the forces in the external diaphragm, the case of a single external K-
frame located at midspan will be considered. The lengths, Li and Le, of the respective interior
and exterior girders in these derivations are taken as the total arclength of the respective girders
between the supports. The external diaphragm help to restrain twist and vertical deflections of
the box girders at the location of the braces. The basic geometry of the external K-frame and
box girder system are shown in Figure 54. The angle of the diagonal of the K-frame is
represented as , while the depth of the K-frame is denoted as hK. The rotation of the two
girders and the K-frame system are assumed to be the same and are represented as . The
distance from the center of a girder to where the top chord of the K-frame connections is shown
as LT. The distances hK and LT will be used to represent the torque exerted by the external K-
frame on the girders.
Exterior w
Figure 54 K-frame Geometry
Exterior Interior
Ve Vi
a) Forces on K-Frame b) Member Forces
Figure 55 External K-Frame Forces
The K-frames exert restraining forces H and V on the girders in the respective horizontal and
vertical directions. The equal and opposite forces that act on the K-frame are depicted in Figure
55a. The corresponding member forces that develop in the K-frames are depicted in Figure 55b.
FB FD cos FT (39)
LK hK cos LT sin
K 0 1 1 1 cos 0
GJ 2
Li Le
w g
L3i L3e
K 2 K 0 K1 sin 2 Li Le LK
12( EI / GJ )
w,rel K 0
384 EI
L4e L4i
5wL4i EI
w,int 1
384 EIRint GJ
5wL4e EI
w,ext 1
384 EIRext GJ
Comparison of the member forces with the forces from 3-D FEM show reasonable agreement
For tension and compression members, the 2014 AASHTO Specification [1] has adopted the
limit state provisions from the 2010 AISC Specification [16] and added mandatory L/r
limitations. Except for axial compression (=0.9), all other -factors in AASHTO [1] are larger
than their counterparts in the 2010 AISC Specification [16]. Therefore, the use of the design
capacities in the AISC Manual [52] for tension members and their connections is conservative.
If desired, engineers can adjust AISC Manual [52] tabulated values in the ratio of the respective
-factors (AASHTO/AISC). For compression members, the design strengths in the AISC Manual
are directly applicable.
Single angle, double angles, and tee-sections in tension are checked for the limit states of
yielding on the gross section, fracture on the net section, block shear at the end connections and
limiting slenderness ratio. When evaluating the slenderness ratio, any bracing member required
to enable a main member to support the applied loads should be treated as a primary member.
That is, if the main member cannot support the design loads without the bracing member, then
the bracing is not a secondary member. Single and double angle members are usually connected
at the ends through one of the legs. The eccentricity between the end connection and the angle
centroid has little structural significance and is typically ignored. Tees are mainly connected
through the flange. The bracing members are connected to the main member by connection
plates on the webs or directly to the flanges. The eccentricity between the connection and the
member centroid has little structural significance for tension members and can be ignored. Also,
the U-factor reduction in the net section fracture capacity in AASHTO Section [1] was
developed from test data with specimens that had eccentricities.
The methods specified in various design codes for the design of single angle compression
members loaded through one leg can be divided into two categories: column approaches and
beam-column approaches. The column approach, which is the simplest for design, was given in
the first edition (1971) of the ASCE Standard 10-97, Design of Latticed Steel Transmission
Towers [53]. Based on the results of many angle tests and full size tower tests, angle design was
based on axial load only with an adjusted L/rz used with the normal column formula to account
for eccentricities and end restraint. The British, European, South African and Japanese steel
design specifications use similar column approaches. The main variable among these different
standards is the axis used to define the critical column slenderness ratio. The ASCE method uses
the minimum principal radius of gyration, rz.
Prior to 2005, AISC [54] specified a beam-column approach that required the eccentricity to be
defined explicitly about both principal axes and also consider second-order effects. For unequal-
leg angles the orientation of the principal axes makes the geometry even more complex. Over the
past thirty years, numerous experimental studies have shown the AISC method to be overly
conservative [55]. Test loads 2-3 times greater than the AISC limit load are usually reported. The
evaluation of the AISC beam-column approach is best summed up by the following statement in
Ref. [56] This [54] approach is not widely used by design engineers, since it provides a very
conservative estimate of the load-carrying capacity and since it involves tedious calculations for
a member that most engineers consider to be a very simple member.
In 2005 the AISC Specification [16] adopted a new design approach based on the ASCE 10-97
[56] Standard for angles loaded through one leg. The ASCE method is based mainly on tests
with small (2.5 in.) equal leg angles. Tests with larger angles and unequal legs [58] showed that
the capacity with the short leg connected was approximately 80% greater than tests with the long
leg attached. The ASCE method predicted the same capacity for both cases since r z is constant
for both arrangements. Also, tests have shown that the dominant deformation is bending about
the centroidal axis parallel to the attached leg, which will always be called the x-axis, so L/rx
should be the controlling slenderness ratio. This dilemma was resolved by noting that the rz/rx
ratio for all equal leg angles have little variation with a narrow range of 0.61-0.65. Taking rz/rx =
0.63, the ASCE effective slenderness of KL/rz for typical tower framing details (not highly
restrained) was directly converted to an equivalent KL/rx formulation [58]. A sample conversion
is as follows ASCE [57]:
For 0 L/rz 120, KL/rz = 60+0.5(L/rz) 0 L/rx 75, KL/rx = 60+0.8(L/rx) (40)
There is an additional equation for longer members. Using rx instead of rz made the ASCE
formulation reasonably accurate for both equal and unequal leg angles. Equation (a) should be
applicable to typical end connections but AISC introduced additional conservatism by
developing a set of similar equations that were fit to test results on angles with knife-edge end
supports (zero restraint). AISC applies Eq. (a) to angles that are web members in space or box
trusses. As expected, the AISC formulations are conservative compared to other national codes
[55] but are still easier and more accurate than the earlier beam-column approach. AASHTO [1]
has adopted the new AISC method [16] for single angle compression members loaded through
one leg but only with the zero restraint condition. See AASHTO section [1].
base plate
Figure 56 Typical Test End Connection
The column approach is based on angle tests with similar small end eccentricities in the plane of
the outstanding leg at both ends, e.g. the connection plate thickness was similar to the angle
thickness. A typical test connection detail is shown Figure 56. If filler plates are used at the
connections, the increased eccentricity should be considered and Section H2 of the AISC
Specification [16] used for design. A summary of stability issues for angle members is given in
Ref. [59] and Chapter 11 of the SSRC Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures
A tee flange is normally attached to a gusset or top flanges by welding or bolting as shown in
Figure 57. The eccentrically loaded tee is subjected to a concentric load, P, and an end moment,
eP, where e is the eccentricity. Unlike tension members, the effects of the eccentricity must be
considered in the design of the brace because the compressive load amplifies the moments and
deflections. In tension members, the bending deformations and moments along the span are
reduced by the tension force. Designing tees and double angles for combined bending and axial
load by directly applying all the required design checks with the AISC Specification [16] is a
formidable task that is similar to the former design method for single angles described in
Unfortunately, there is no similar effective slenderness ratio method for tees or double angles.
Gordon [62] has developed tables of correction factors to the concentric column capacity for all
rolled WT shapes assuming a in gusset thickness.
The AISC approach is very conservative for singly-symmetric members. The principle reason
for the conservatism relates to combining bending and stability into one set of interaction
equations. There are two general behavioral phenomena for any member subjected to axial
compression and simultaneous bending in one plane: in-plane bending that includes column
buckling in that plane and out-of-plane buckling that includes stem buckling, lateral torsional
buckling, and flexural (column) buckling. The AISC interaction equations are accurate for in-
plane bending of doubly-symmetric sections. For W-shapes, AISC permits an alternative
approach of considering out-of-plane buckling separately from the in-plane interaction equations.
For eccentrically loaded tees and double angles, separating in-plane and out-of-plane behavior
greatly simplifies the design process and gives more accurate and economical designs. Also, the
AISC equations treat P and M as independent variables whereas P is the only load variable in a
brace strut. Galambos [63] gives the following general equation for elastic lateral-torsional
buckling of a singly-symmetric section loaded by P and M in the plane of symmetry with the
largest flange in compression:
where Pey is the out-of-plane Euler load, Pz is the torsional buckling load, and yo is the distance
beween the centroid and the shear center, x is the monosymmetry parameter as defined in
Galambos [63]. Pz is typically much larger than Pey. For M=0 in Eq. (41), the flexural-torsional
buckling load equations in the AISC [8] are obtained. For P=0, the beam lateral buckling
solution given earlier in Eq. (10) is determined. With no moment the lateral-torsional buckling
load is always smaller than the Euler load. But with moment present the flexural-torsional
buckling load can increase. The moment has a positive sign if the largest flange is in
compression. For the particular case of an eccentrically-loaded tee or double angle, the eccentric
load causes compression in the flange so eP has a positive sign. The shear center of a tee is at
the intersection of the flange and the stem. To illustrate the simplifications that follow the
eccentric load will be placed at the shear center so the right side of Eq. (41) becomes zero
(M=Pyo), resulting in the following expression:
or the pure torsional buckling load: Pcr Pz
ro2 x y o
There is no flexural torsional buckling so the smallest load is the normal y-axis column buckling
load. The torsional buckling load is actually increased by the presense of the moment. The main
point of the derivation is to illustrate that the in-plane eccentricity actually improves the out-of-
plane buckling strength. Parametric FEA studies with greater eccentricities also support this
statement. The out-of-plane buckling load is always flexural.
In plane the amplified moment, Mcr = eP / (1 P/Pex) should be used to determine the bending
stress at the flange and at the tip of the stem. Note that the Sx listed in the AISC manual is for
the stem. The section modulus at the flange tip is Ix / x(bar). Using the AISC interaction
equations, the flange and the stem should be checked separately as follows:
P Max
Flange Check: 1.0
Pn Fy I x
P Ma
Stem Check: 1.0
Pn Fy S x
Where, Pn is the column capacity based on L/rx. No Q reduction factors are necessary because
local stem buckling will not occur as established by FEA (the stem is always in tension). The
bending stress is limited to first yield and not 1.6Fy as permitted for pure bending of a tee.
Yielding of the stem does not affect the out-of-plane Euler load, but any yielding at either the
stem or the flange will reduce the in-plane stiffness and increase the bending amplification
factor. In summary, there are no flexural-torsional buckling equations to check and no web
slenderness effects. The use of compact flanges eliminates local flange buckling. Only normal
column buckling and an in-plane stress check are needed for safe designs.
The AASHTO/NSBA Collaboration publication, Guidelines for Design Details [65], shows
preferred details for connecting cross frame and lateral bracing members to girders.
Additionally, the NSBA publication, Practical Steel Tub Girder Design [66], provides bracing
connection details in tub girders that are based on preferred detailing practices for cost-effective
fabrication. In both publications, the details provided do not reflect any specific actual design
conditions, but are only preferred types of details. All details require careful analysis and
consideration, and the preferred details may not always be applicable.
This section contains a number of pictures of details that are not recommended as standard
practice details. Generally, if details such as these are used, special consideration must be given
by the designer with regard to load paths and load transfer through the various structural
components. Although the pictures focus on tub girders, many of the basic principles also apply
to a variety of different bracing systems. A brief description of the picture is given for each
In Figure 58, the WT for the top flange lateral truss on the box girder had an improper
orientation, and an incorrect size. The stem of the WT was oriented upwards, which increases
likely interference with the metal deck forms. The stem of the WT should point downward so
that the flat surface of the flange is available for the construction personnel to walk on and also
so that the WT can be placed very near the top flange. Also, orientating the WT so that the
flange is nearer to the top flange decreases the eccentricity between the flange and the WT
member, and thus decreasing subsequent bending moments in the WT caused by eccentric
loading. A larger eccentricity results in a very inefficient load path for the lateral bracing system
as the load from the flange is applied to the WT member in a very eccentric manner. This
eccentricity must be considered in the design of the lateral bracing member. Furthermore, in the
case shown in Figure 58, the diagonals were also improperly sized. Torsional loads on the box
produced compression in alternating diagonals that was unaccounted for, and members around
the supports near the regions of maximum torsion buckled with only the steel dead load acting on
the girders.
In Figure 59, the WT section is properly oriented; however the top strut of the cross-frame is
located well below the flange to avoid interference between the two members. The top strut of
the internal cross frame also participates in the lateral bracing system. This detail results in a
very inefficient load path between the two members since force components must be transferred
through the web between the two members. The designer must consider how this force is
transferred in the design of this connection. As an alterative, the top strut should be located as
close as possible to the same plane as the lateral bracing system, and ideally, as close as possible
to the top flange.
Figure 59 Strut offset below diagonal
Many poor bracing details are the result when working lines of the bracing members are forced
to intersect. An example of this is the top flange truss that is being fabricated in Figure 60. The
picture shows that very large gusset plates were used in an attempt to have the working lines of
the diagonals and the top struts .intersect. In the case shown here, the diagonals can cause a
significant eccentric moment on the gusset plate connection to the top flange, that must be
considered in the design of this connection. Better behavior would result if the diagonals were
offset slightly and bolted directly to the underside of the flange, thereby eliminating the gusset
connection plates. Although the working lines may not intersect with this detail, many stability
bracing systems can be offset from the working points by as much as 10% of the unbraced length
with very little impact on the structural performance. For tub girders, the designer can usually
offset the working line by approximately a flange width with little effect on the performance.
Connection eccentricities in the plane of the truss have very little impact on the performance of
the bracing system.
Figure 60 Large gusset plates used so working lines of bracing members intersect
As shown in Figure 61, eccentric connection can lead to poor behavior of the lateral bracing
members. In this case, a 1 inch thick shim plate was utilized to lower the top flange lateral truss
to avoid interference with the permanent metal deck forms. Even though the bolted connections
were fully tightened, the shim plate increases the eccentricity of the WT section and significantly
increased the bending of the member. Under steel dead load, the compression diagonals
experienced large bending deformations. In this case, the shim plates were unnecessary and led
to poor behavior of the bracing system.
increased by
shim plate
Figure 61 Shim plates can significantly increase the eccentricity of WT sections leading to
excessive bending
Figure 62 shows a partial depth end diaphragm that results in a poor load path that cannot anchor
the top flange lateral truss. The top flange lateral truss must be sufficiently anchored to the end
of the tub girder. The partial depth end diaphragm was used to accommodate a thickened armor
joint at the end of the bridge. However the thin web of the box girders may not stiff enough to
anchor the very large diagonal forces in the top flange lateral truss. The torsional stiffness of the
box is therefore reduced, which can lead to large deformations. In this case, the load path must
be considered in the design of this lateral bracing system, or a full depth end diaphragm should
be used.
5.1 Shear Center, ey, for Open and Quasi-Closed Sections [60]
The shear center location ey is measured from the centroid of the bottom flange. A negative value
indicates that the shear center is below the bottom flange. For open-section tub girders, teq= 0 and
qa = -btttw.
5.2 Monosymmetry Coefficient, x Open section only [61]
1 2 2 1 2 w2 2
b b
y A bb y b 2 At t
y bt yt
1 12 12 4
x 2y
Ix o
2tw xc 3
tan sin 24
w bb
w 4 bb w
yb yt
4 4
where At = bttt and Ab = bbtb. All geometric functions have positive values but x will be
ca2 Ab ca2 ca cb cb2 Aw cc2 cb2
12 6 6 2 t
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