Analysis of Pressure Vessel: Pravinkumar Nase, P. Srinivasa Kumar, P. H. V. Sesha Talapa Sai
Analysis of Pressure Vessel: Pravinkumar Nase, P. Srinivasa Kumar, P. H. V. Sesha Talapa Sai
Analysis of Pressure Vessel: Pravinkumar Nase, P. Srinivasa Kumar, P. H. V. Sesha Talapa Sai
Pressure vessel cylinders find wide applications in thermal and nuclear power plants, process and chemical
industries, in space and ocean depths, and fluid supply systems in industries. The failure of pressure vessel may
result in loss of life, health hazards and damage of property. In addition to the pressure, the pressure vessels area
also subjected to support loads that may be steady or variable, piping reactions, and thermal shocks which require
an overall knowledge of the stresses imposed by these conditions on various vessel shapes and appropriate design
means to ensure safe and long life. . In this paper, emphasis is on effect of stress concentration. It will be shown that
an appropriate location and size of the opening in a pressure vessel results in minimizing the stresses induced due to
the stress concentration resulting from the end flanges and other attachments. Also design and optimize the
spherical and elliptical head profile with hole on the head, also Analysis the above profiles for various stress
The pressure vessels are used to store fluids under pressure. The fluid being stored may undergo a change of state
inside the pressure vessels as in case of steam boilers or it may combine with other reagents as in chemical plants.
Pressure vessels find wide applications in thermal and nuclear power plants, process and chemical industries, in
space and ocean depths, and in water, steam, gas and air supply system in industries.In a appropriate location and
size of the opening in a pressure vessel results in minimizing the stresses induced due to the stress concentration
resulting from the end flanges and other attachments.
High Pressure vessels are used as reactors, separators and heat exchangers. They are vessel with an integral bottom
and a removable top head, and are generally provided with an inlet, heating and cooling system and also an agitator
system. High Pressure vessels are used for a pressure range of 15 N/mm 2 to a maximum of 300 N/mm2. These are
essentially thick walled cylindrical vessels, ranging in size from small tubes to several meters diameter. Both the
size of the vessel and the pressure involved will dictate the type of construction used.
A solid wall vessel consists of a single cylindrical shell, with closed ends. Due to high internal pressure
and large thickness the shell is considered as a thick cylinder. In general, the physical criteria are governed by the
ratio of diameter to wall thickness and the shell is designed as thick cylinder, if its wall thickness exceeds one-tenth
of the inside diameter. A solid wall vessel is also termed as Mono Block pressure vessel.
With increase in internal pressures in mono block vessels, the problems of economic use of material as well
as those of fabrication become critical. So a better utilization of the material is possible by setting upon initial
stresses in the shell, known as prestressing.
The advantage of prestressing a vessel is either the reduction of the maximum stress existing under
operating conditions i.e. to get uniform stress distribution throughout the shell or the reduction of the required shell
thickness when a specified maximum allowable design stress is used. Regardless of the theory employed to
calculate the maximum stress in the wall of a thick walled vessel, a non-uniform stress distribution under pressure
will be found to exist in a mono block vessel that has not been pre-stressed. The principle of prestressing is to
induce a permanent residual compressive stress existing under zero pressure at the point in the shell where the
maximum tensile stress is induced under pressure.
M. Javed Hydera, M. Asifb (2007) main objective the research work is to optimize the location and size of
opening (hole) in a pressure vessel cylinder using ANSYS. Analysis is performed for three thick-walled cylinders
with internal diameters 20, 25 and 30 cm having 30 cm height and wall thickness of 20 mm. It is observed that as the
internal diameter of cylinder increases the Von Misses stress increases. Optimization of hole size is carried out by
making holes having diameter of 4, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 20 mm located at center in each of the three cylinders, and
it is observed that initially Von Misses stress decreases and then become constant with hole size. The optimum size
of hole is found to be 8 mm for cylinder having internal diameter of 20 cm whereas a hole of size 10 mm for
cylinder having internal diameter of 25 cm and 30 cm on the basis of lowest Von Mises stress value. Lastly,
optimization of location of hole is carried out by making a 12 mm hole located at 1/16, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8 and 4/8 of
cylinder height from top in all the three cylinders. The Von Misses stress is maximum at the center i.e., 4/8 location
and decreases in the direction away from center and then stress increases as the location is changed from 1/8 to 1/16
from cylinder top due to the end effects. The optimum location of the hole is found to be at 1/8 of cylinder height.
Rashmi Ranjan Nath (2011) It is proposed to conduct stress analysis of a thick walled cylinder near the radial hole
on the surface. The literature indicated that there will be a ductile fracture occurring in such cases. The radial holes
cannot be avoided due to various piping attachments . Hence the stress analysis of cylinder and its ultimate failure
under internal pressure beyond elastic limit is an appropriate scenario. The plastic zone appearing in vicinity of
internal surface of cylinder propagates more fastly along hole side . When cylinder is unloaded it will cause reverse
plasticity. Therefore it is proposed to obtain numerical solution using Finite Element analysis of cylindrical segment
to obtain the radial & hoop stress distribution by including elastoplastic conditions. The stress analysis of thick
walled cylinders with variable internal pressure states is conducted Elastic analysis of uniform cylinder & cylinder
with holes is predicted both from theory (lames formulae) under & Finite element method. Also elasto plastic
analysis with bilinear kinematic hardening material is performed to know the effect of hole sizes. It is observed that
there are several factors which influence stress intensity factors. The Finite element analysis is conducted using
commercial solvers ANSYS & CATIA. Theoretical formulae based results are obtained from MATLAB programs.
The results are presented in form of graphs and tables.
Peng-fei LIU, Ping XU, Shu-xin HAN, Jin-yang ZHENG (2008) As the idea of simulated annealing (SA) is
introduced into the fitness function, an improved genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to perform the optimal design
of a pressure vessel which aims to attain the minimum weight under burst pressure constraint. The actual burst
pressure is calculated using the arc-length and restart analysis in finite element analysis (FEA). A penalty function in
the fitness function is proposed to deal with the constrained problem. The effects of the population size and the
number of generations in the GA on the weight and burst pressure of the vessel are explored. The optimization
results using the proposed GA are also compared with those using the simple GA and the conventional Monte Carlo
Table 3.1
Fig 4.1 Elliptical Head Without Hole Fig 4.2 Elliptical Head With Hole
Meshing Displacement
Stress Strain
Stress Strain
Meshing Displacement
Stress Strain
Stress Strain
Conclusion related your research work Conclusion related your research work Conclusion related your research
work Conclusion related your research work Conclusion related your research work Conclusion related your
research work Conclusion related your research work Conclusion related your research work Conclusion related
your research work Conclusion related your research work Conclusion related your research work
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