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General Specifications
Civil & Architectural Works (Division 1 ~ 12)



Preamble of Specifications Pr/1- 2

General Specification (Part-A) GS/1-2



Section 01110 Summary of Work 01110/ 1 - 6
Section 01312 Coordination & Meeting 01312/ 1 - 4
Section 01313 Job Site Administration 01313/ 1 - 2
Section 01330 Submittals 01330/ 1 - 9
Section 01350 Special Projects Requirements 01350/ 1 - 1
Section 01422 References 01422/ 1 - 1
Section 01451 Quality Control 01451/ 1 - 4
Section 01458 Testing Laboratory Services 01458/ 1 - 5
Section 01500 Temporary Works 01500/ 1 - 7
Section 01520 Field Offices for Engrs Supervision 01520/ 1 - 2
Section 01610 Basic Products Requirements 01610/ 1 - 5
Section 01630 Product Substitution Procedure 01630/ 1 - 2
Section 01722 Field Engineering 01722/ 1 - 3
Section 01732 Cutting and Patching 01732/ 1 - 5
Section 01741 Final Cleaning 01741/ 1 - 2
Section 01750 Starting and Adjusting 01750/ 1 - 2
Section 01770 Closeout Procedure 01770/ 1 - 4
Section 01783 Operation and Maintenance data 01783/ 1 - 3
Section 01787 Warrantees and Guarantees 01787/ 1 - 5
Section 01789 Project Record Document 01789/ 1 - 3


Section 02210 Subsurface Investigation 02210/ 1 - 1
Section 02220 Demolition 02220/ 1 - 4
Section 02230 Site Clearing 02230/ 1 - 2
Section 02240 Dewatering 02240/ 1 - 3
Section 02250 Earthwork Support (Shoring) 02250/ 1 - 4
Section 02315 Earthwork 02315/ 1 - 8
Section 02321 Excavation for Utilities 02321/ 1 - 8
Section 02360 Termite Control 02360/ 1 - 2
Section 02370 Erosion Control 02370/ 1 - 3
Section 02510 Water Distribution 02510/ 1 - 17
Section 02530 Drainage 02530/ 1 - 15
Section 02580 External Power and Comm. System 02580/ 1 - 2
Section 02630 Storm Water System 02630/ 1 - 4

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Military Engineering Projects Table of Content TC/ 1 - 3


Section 02740 Asphalt Paving 02740/ 1 - 4

Section 02772 Precast Concrete Kerbs 02772/ 1 - 3
Section 02780 Unit Pavers 02780/ 1 - 4
Section 02820 Fence and Gate 02820/ 1 - 5
Section 02890 Traffic Marking and Sign 02890/ 1 - 2

Section 03100 Concrete Form Work 03100/ 1 - 10
Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcement 03200/ 1 - 7
Section 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete 03300/ 1 - 31
Section 03353 Sand Blasted Concrete 03353/ 1 - 3
Section 03355 Concrete Surface Hardener 03355/ 1 - 3
Section 03410 Structural Precast Concrete 03410/ 1 - 12
Section 03450 Faced Architectural Precast Concrete Panel 03450/ 1 9
Section 03455 Glass Fiber Reinforced Precast Concrete Plant Cast 03455/ 1 - 6
Section 03490 Glass Reinforced Concrete (GRC) 03490/ 1 - 8
Section 03500 Screed & lightweight concrete 03500/ 1 - 6
Section 03600 Grout 03600/ 1 - 5

Section 04200 Unit Masonry 04200/ 1 - 15
Section 04270 Glass Unit Masonry (Glass Block) 04270/ 1 - 3

Section 05120 Structural Steel 05120/ 1 - 18
Section 05165 Steel Space Frame 05165/ 1 - 6
Section 05500 Metal Fabrication 05500/ 1 10


Section 06100 Rough Carpentry 06100/ 1 4
Section 06200 Finish Carpentry 06200/ 1 5
Section 06400 Architectural Wood Work 06400/ 1 - 12


Section 07110 Membrane Waterproofing 07110/ 1 - 4
Section 07140 Fluid Applied Waterproofing 07140/ 1 - 4
Section 07160 Cistern Waterproofing 07160/ 1 - 5
Section 07200 Insulation 07200/ 1 - 4
Section 07320 Roofing Tiles 07320/ 1 - 7
Section 07400 Preformed Sandwich Insulated Metal Panel 07400/ 1 6
Section 07410 Tensile Roofing 07410/ 1 5
Section 07420 Aluminium Bounded Wall Panels 07420/ 1 - 3
Section 07500 Composite Roofing system 07500/ 1 - 7

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Section 07610 Sheet Metal Roofing and Sidings 07610/ 1 - 9

Section 07620 Sheet Metal Flashing 07620/ 1 - 4
Section 07810 Sprayed on Fire Proofing 07810/ 1 - 4
Section 07910 Joint Fillers & Gaskets 07910/ 1 - 4
Section 07920 Joint Sealant 07920/ 1 6


Section 08110 Metal Door & Frame 08110/ 1 - 7
Section 08210 Wood Door & Frame 08210/ 1 - 6
Section 08331 Overhead Coiling Door 08331/ 1 - 5
Section 08520 Aluminum Doors & Windows 08520/ 1 - 10
Section 08600 Skylight 08600/ 1 - 6
Section 08710 Finish Hardware 08710/ 1 - 14
Section 08800 Glazing 08800/ 1 - 9

Section 09200 Lath and Plaster 09200/ 1 - 10
Section 09250 Gypsum Board Wall 09250/ 1 - 6
Section 09310 Ceramic Tiles 09310/ 1 - 8
Section 09420 Precast Terrazzo 09420/ 1 - 6
Section 09450 Stone/Marble/Granite Cladding 09450/ 1 - 9
Section 09510 Acoustical Ceiling 09510/ 1 - 6
Section 09515 Acoustic Gypsum Board Ceiling 09515/ 1 - 5
Section 09535 Glass Reinforced Gypsum Ceiling 09535/ 1 - 5
Section 09545 Linear Metal Ceiling 09545/ 1 - 6
Section 09600 Stone/Marble/Granite Flooring 09600/ 1 - 8
Section 09650 Resilient (PVC/VINYL) Floor Tiling 09650/ 1 - 5
Section 09680 Carpet 09680/ 1 - 6
Section 09800 Epoxy Floor Coating 09800/ 1 - 7
Section 09900 Painting 09900/ 1 - 14

Section 10155 Toilet Partition 10155/ 1 - 5
Section 10200 Louvers 10200/ 1 - 7
Section 10270 Access Flooring 10270/ 1 - 6
Section 10500 Metal Lockers 10500/ 1 - 3
Section 10800 Toilet and Bath Accessories 10800/ 1 - 5

Section 12300 Counter & Cabinet 12300/ 1 - 6

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Military Engineering Projects Table of Content TC/ 3 - 3


The General Specifications shall include two parts (Part-A & B):


Shall include General Specifications, Standards and Regulations of Statutory Authorities and
Ministries etc. of the Government of Kuwait including all revisions issued up to the date of signing
of the contract.


Shall include General Specifications of Ministry of Defense, prepared by Military Engineering

Project (MEP) including any modifications issued up to the date of signing of the contract.

MEP General Specifications are prepared in CSI-16 Division Master Format, which includes
Divisions and Sections. The contractor shall choose such sections of Specifications, which are
relevant and necessary for the execution and proper functioning of the project. The final
responsibility as to which section provides materials and workmanship specifications to be
incorporated in the works rest with the contractor. However any section of specifications, which are
considered as irrelevant or redundant for the project shall be disregarded.


Particular Specifications shall be prepared and provided in the tender if it is necessary for the
specific requirements of the project (Tender Package). The Particular Specifications may be
provided in the tender in the form of modifications, amendment, revisions and additions to the MEP
General Specifications (Part-B). These modifications, additions etc. may also be provided in the
drawings and in the descriptions of the Bills of Quantities, which shall be considered also as a
particular specification of the project.

In case of any conflict or contradictions in the Specifications the following criteria shall be
adopted for the governing documents:

(1) The Particular Specifications shall take precedence over the MEP General Specifications

(2) The MEP General Specifications shall take precedence over the General Specifications

(3) In case of any contradiction between the Division-1 General Requirements (Specifications
Part-B) and the Tendering Procedure (Document-1), the Tendering Procedure (Doc.-1) shall
take precedence over the General Requirements.

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Military Engineering Projects Preamble of Specifications Pr/ 1 - 2

(1) The Contractor shall carefully study, review and compare the documents each other and with
the information provided in the Tender. In case of any inconsistencies, ambiguities or
discrepancies, missing information, typing/spelling error etc. in the Specifications, the
contractor shall inform the Engineer during tendering period or in the Pre-tender meeting(s),
the Engineer who shall then take measure for correction, adjustment or explanation as may be
necessary. If the contractor does not inform such inconsistencies during tendering period or at
the latest before signing of the Contract, the contractor shall abide by the decision of the
Engineer in this regard and shall bear any attributed cost for correction and rectification of
such inconsistencies as may be necessary. If the contractor performs any construction activity
after awarding the contract knowing it involves a recognized error, inconsistency or omission
in the Specifications, the contractor shall assume appropriate responsibility for such
inconsistencies and performance and shall bear an appropriate amount of the attributed cost for

(2) The referenced standards in the specifications shall be applied in selection of materials for the
particular requirement of the contract and proper functioning of the project. Where no such
standard exists in any of the specifications, as for example in the case of patents or special
materials, all such materials and workmanship shall be of the best quality and full details of the
materials and any tests to which they are subjected shall be submitted to the Engineer for
approval. In this regard Engineers decision shall be considered as final.

(3) Materials and Work shall conform to the latest edition of the referenced standards specified
in the Specifications. If the referenced standards specified in the specifications contradicts each
other( such as ASTM to BS etc.), the most stringent condition shall apply.

(4) For No less than equal product/material: See Section 01630 Alternatives for details.

However the Engineer has the sole discretion to approve/select the alternative/substituted materials,
as he thinks reasonable. In this regard the Engineers decision shall be considered as final.

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The following General Specifications (Part-A) are necessary while executing the project. They are
considered to be valid without any reference. These Specifications are to provide overall guidance
in the execution of the works and shall apply except otherwise contradicted by the MEP General
Specifications (Part-B).

1. For Building and Engineering Works The GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR

of Public Works of the State of Kuwait in the year 1990.

2. For Road, Parking (Asphalt & Concrete Road), Traffic Markings & Signs and Site works
(Stormwater & Sanitary Sewer, Landscape & Irrigation, Fencing works etc.) The
of the Ministry of Public Works, Road Administration, of the State of Kuwait in the year

3. Similarly for Fresh Water Networks, and Electrical Works and other related works the
SPECIFICATIONS FOR ELECTRICAL WORKS as issued by the Ministry of Electricity
and Water of the State of Kuwait.

4. For Fire Fighting Works and Fire Protection the Specifications and Regulation of the
KUWAIT FIRE BRIGADE DEPARTMENT (KFBD) shall be followed when applicable
and otherwise is not provided.


Ministry of Communications shall be followed when applicable and otherwise is not

6. For Fuel Distribution System, the SPECIFICATIONS AND REGULATIONS of the

Kuwait National Petrloleum Corporation (KNPC) shall be followed when applicable and
otherwise is not provided.

7. Specifications and Regulations of other Ministries and Statutory Authorities of the State of
Kuwait shall also be taken into account where appropriate, which may be including but not
limited to the followings:

i. Ministry of Public Health Instructions regarding labor protection against climatic

ii. Ministry of Public Health Regulations regarding provision and preparation of food
on contract.
iii. Special Conditions for Public Services, Safety Regulations for Individuals,
Properties and Public Utilities.
iv. Special Conditions and Tendering Rules of the Central Tender Committee, of the
State of Kuwait.

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Military Engineering Projects General Specifications (Part A) GS/ 1 - 2
8. Not with standing anything herein the Contractor shall be responsible for complying in all
respects with such By-Laws and Regulations as may be in force at the time of execution of
the works. Such references shall in every case be deemed to include latest edition or issue of
such standards and bye-laws including all revisions issued up to the date of signing of the

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Military Engineering Projects General Specifications (Part A) GS/ 2 - 2


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects General Requirements Division 1



A. This Section identifies the Project and provides a general description of the work
covered by the Contract Documents, and shall not be considered as a Limited Scope of
works for the Project.


A. The work under this Contract comprises the construction, completion, handing over and
maintenance of Structural, Architectural, Finishes, Services, Site works and any other
works whatever nature may be, as mentioned and described in the Drawings,
Specifications, BOQ and other Contract Documents. However for the detail description
of the work see General Scope of Work in the BOQ Document. All of the Contract
Documents shall be complementary to each other in defining the Scope of Work.


A. It is the contractors responsibility to provide the complete description of the project

construction method statement and development of the schedule of work. The contractor
is also responsible for the sequence of work and interface between different tasks during


A. All references to codes, specifications and standards referred to in the Contract

Documents shall mean, and are intended to be, the latest edition, amendment or revision
of such reference standard in effect as of the date of these Tender Documents. The
Contractor shall have a copy of the latest edition of all codes, standards and technical
literature referenced in the Contract Documents kept on the Site, maintained in good
order and available to the Engineer and his Representative at all times. Within 15 days
from the date of signing the Contract, the Contractor shall provide the Engineer or
Engineers Representative adequate proof that the referenced codes, standards
specifications etc. have been ordered or are in the Contractors possession and available
for use on site. Failure to provide this proof within the said 15 days or to have the codes
etc. on site within 30 days of the Date of Enterprise shall entitle the Engineer to purchase
the referenced codes, standards, specifications and the like and the costs will be
recovered from the Contractor.


A. Reference to any Technical Society, Institution, Association, or Government Authority

is referred to in the Specifications in accordance with internationally recognized

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A. Reasonable samples of all work shall be executed on Site for the approval of the
Engineer or Engineers Representative all at the expense of the Contractor. All materials
and workmanship thereafter shall conform fully to the approved samples. See Sample
and Mock-up in the individual Specifications Sections.


A. The object of this contract is to construct, equip, handing over and maintain the Project
as described specified in the Drawings, Specification, Bills of Quantities and other
Contract Documents.

B. The Particular Specifications shall be read in conjunction with the other Contract
Documents. Specifications given in one Division shall apply to other Divisions unless
otherwise stated.

C. Not with standing anything contained herein the contractor shall be responsible for
complying in all respects with such Bylaws and Regulations as may be in force at the
time of execution of the Works.

D. The Contractor shall provide and do everything necessary for the proper execution of the
Works according to the intent and meaning of the Tender, Contract Documents and
Drawings, whether the same may or may not be particularly shown on the Drawings or
included in the Documents provided that the same is reasonable to be inferred there

E. The Works shall be completed in strict accordance with the Documents and Drawings
and any further drawings or instructions issued or approved by the Engineer during the
execution of the Works.

F. The work to be performed under this Contract includes, but is not necessarily limited to,
the furnishing of all supervision, labor, materials, temporary works, false-work, plant,
machinery, equipment, parts, tools, supplies, transportation, utilities ,construction
facilities, incidentals and logistic support necessary for the performance and
maintenance of the Works, accomplishing the same in a workmanlike manner.

G. All work shall be executed by skilled tradesman who shall be thoroughly acquainted
with all aspects of their trade including any special local customs and modes of
H. The Contractor shall be deemed to have based his tender on the information in respect of
hydrological, Physical and climatic conditions of the site and have inspected the site and
its surroundings and satisfied himself before submitting his tender. The Engineer and
any person authorized by him shall at all times have access to the works and to the site
and to all workshops and places where work is being obtained for the works.

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A. Soil Investigation Report will be included in the Tender Documents. This Report is
intended to be indicative only of the conditions of various points within the contract
area, and the Owner does not guarantee the accuracy of the data in the Report, nor does
he guarantee it is typical of the ground conditions likely to be encountered. If the Soil
Report is not provided in the Tender Document, then the contractor shall consider that
the Soil Report either shall be provided by the contractor at his own cost or the Report
shall be provided during the Tendering period. This requirement will be indicated in the
tender/contract document.

B. The Contractor shall inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and shall satisfy
himself before submitting his Tender as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil, the
quantities and nature of the works and materials, tools and equipment necessary for the
Completion of the Works.

C. The information and details given on the Drawings are not guaranteed to be accurate or
correct and are given for guidance in compiling the tender. The contractor shall make his
own investigations and inquiries of the various Government, Ministries, and other
Authorities to ascertain the exact positions, sizes, numbers, and details of all obstacles to
be encountered.

D. The rates given in the Bills of Quantities by the tenderers shall include for all costs
involved in the negotiating obstacles and no claim will be considered for additional
expenses the contractor may incur on account of any unforeseen obstacle of whatever

E. Any excavations needed to determine the exact location and levels of obstacles shall be
done by the Contractor, and shall be deemed to be included as part of the rates for
related work in the Bills of Quantities.

F. The Contractor shall take full responsibility of the coordination to fit his work with other
constructions and utilities on the same site.

G. The elevations and co-ordinates used in the Drawings are not related to Municipality or
any other system but have been defined for the purpose of this Project only.

H. The Contractor shall obtain all further information required as to the risk ,contingencies
and other circumstances, which may influence or affect the execution of the Works and
include the costs thereof in his Tender.


A. Access to the Site shall be agreed with the Engineer prior to commencement and
maintained by the contractor who shall be responsible for all damage resulting from the
use of this access.

B. All construction operations and site establishment facilities shall be confined to within
the Site Boundaries unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer.

C. The contractor shall be responsible for safeguarding all structures and the like in the
vicinity of the Site. Also he shall ascertain from the Public utility Authorities positions
of all existing underground services; maintain and protect or divert as required.
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D. The Contractor shall have full possession of the Site at the location of the works only,
and be responsible for arranging his own working space, the storage of materials, setting
of all temporary accommodation, etc.; locations are to be agreed with the Engineer. No
claim whatsoever will be entertained for any reason regarding the setting or location of
any working space regardless of the distance.

E. Security: Access of the Contractors Engineering staff and labor must be permitted at all
times in all construction areas, for the purpose of security. The contractor shall follow
and abide by any special security arrangement and rules by the concerning Authorities.


A. Co-operate fully with other separate contractors engaged by the Employer, within and
outside the side boundaries, so that work under those contracts may be carried out
smoothly, without interfering with or delaying the work under this contract.


A. The contractor shall notify the Ministries, Establishments, and Departments which have
certain services at the Site of Works, at least two weeks before he desires to carry out
any work, near, above or under the services of these Ministries and Establishments. He
shall submit a detailed program of each area on which the work shall be commenced and
the anticipated date of commencement in addition to a report, signed by the MEP
Engineer, to the Engineer of the Ministry to whom the services belong and the
Contractor's representative, confirming this Notice of intent.

B. It should be noted that the contractor shall not be allowed to work in any area where
services are still covered and the Engineer shall have the right to stop the work in any
part of the Works where the contractor fails to take the necessary measures to uncover or
protect the services and the Contractor shall not claim for compensation in time or

C. The Contractor shall refer to and comply the current Regulations and Specifications of
Public Utilities Authorities before commencing any works adjacent with equipment,
plant, cables, etc. The above requirement will not relieve the Contractor of any
responsibility for taking every precaution to avoid damage to equipment, plant, cables,
etc. and he will be held responsible for the cost or repair of all damage in accordance
with the Conditions of Contract and Specifications. Payment for complying with the
above requirements will be deemed to have been included in the rate for Works included
in Bills of Quantities.



A. During construction the Contractor shall provide all protection for existing utilities,
services, and adjacent properties as may be required for his construction operations,
including protection for the construction of detours and diversions, as directed by the
Engineer and as required by the Contract Documents.

B. In addition to the requirements as specified in the other Contract Documents, the

Contractor shall conform to the following requirements:

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1. Use of all necessary precautionary and protective measures required to maintain the
existing utilities, services, adjacent properties, buildings etc., and appurtenances. In
particular, the Contractor shall take adequate measures to prevent undermining of
utilities and services whether they are presently in service or not.

2. Protect existing or new utilities and services when considering necessary and
directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for bracing and
supporting utilities and services to prevent settlement, displacement, or damage to
the same .The protection of utilities and services as specified herein will not be paid
for separately but shall be included in contractor's Contract Price.

3. The Contractor shall recover, remove, or abandon redundant utility and service lines
as required by the Contract Documents and/or as directed by the Engineer.

4. The contractor shall not remove any utility or service line, conduit or structure until
he has received written permission from the Engineer.

5. The Contractor shall, at all times during the progress of the Works, afford facilities
to properly accredited agents of any Authority for access to all or any of their
apparatus situated in or under the Site, as may be necessary for inspecting, reporting,
maintain, removing, renewing or altering such apparatus in connection with the
construction of the Works or for any other purpose whatsoever.

6. Prior to commencing construction and subsequent to the Contractor's determination

of the location of the existing utility and service lines and the condition of the
adjacent areas, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer for his review
shop drawings complete with the description of procedure and materials and related
data of the Contractor's proposed method of protection for the said lines. Review,
comments, and approval by the Engineer shall in no way relieve the Contractor of
the full responsibility for all protection and precautions required during the Works.

7. All cost for the above requirements shall be included in the contractors tender price.


A. In the event of any damage to utilities or properties as a result of work carried out by the
Contractor, his agents, employees, or by the sub-contractors or their agents, employees,
the Contractor shall be responsible for indemnification against such damages.

B. The Employer shall have the right, upon receiving any claims from the party concerned
in respect for such damages, to deduct the actual costs charged to the Employer from
moneys due or becoming due to the Contractor without it being necessary to serve a
notice or warning or to take any legal action and the Contractor shall not be entitled to
object, refrain from or suspend the work on account of such deduction.

C. In the event of any damage whatsoever to any existing or relocated utility and/or service
lines or any properties the Contractor shall immediately notify the Employer, the
Engineer and the relevant utility or Service Ministries, Authorities or Companies. The
Contractor shall co-operate with the Employer and the owner of such utility or service
and take whatever steps necessary to repair and restore such utility or service all in
accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The decision of the
Engineer regarding responsibility for any damage or interruption of any utility or service
shall be final.
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A. This Section includes Administrative and Supervisory requirements necessary for co-
coordinating construction operation including, but not necessarily limited to the

1. General Project Coordination Procedure

2. Pre-construction conference
3. Site mobilization conference
4. Progress meetings
5. 5Pre-installation conferences


A. The following Sections contain requirements that relate to these sections:

1. Section 01330 - Submittal

2. Section 01451 Quality Control
3. Section 01610 Basic Products Requirements
4. Section 01722 - Field Engineering
5. Section 01770 Closeout Procedure

B. The requirements of the above Sections do not supercede or take precedence over any
provision of the Tendering Procedure Doc-1 and Conditions of Contract Doc-2. Should
any discrepancy become apparent among those documents, the contractor shall notify
the Engineer in writing, and the Engineer shall interpret and decide such mattes in
accordance with the applicable provisions of the Contract. In this regard Engineers
decision shall be considered as final/


A. Coordinate scheduling, submittals, and work of the various sections of Specifications to

ensure efficient and orderly sequence of installation of interdependent construction

B. Coordinate work of various sections having interdependent responsibilities for installing,

connecting to, and placing in service, such equipment.

C. Coordinate space requirements and installation of mechanical and electrical work, which
are indicated diagrammatically on Drawings. Follow routing shown for pipes, ducts, and
conduit as closely as practicable; place runs parallel with line of building. Utilize spaces
efficiently to maximum accessibility for other installations, for maintenance and for

D. In finished areas conceal pipes, ducts and wiring within the construction. Coordinate
locations of fixtures and outlets with finish elements.

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E. Coordinate completion and clean up of work of separate sections in preparation for
Substantial Completion and for portions of work designated for Employers partial

F. Coordinate with other Contractor(s) employed by the Employer, for all activities
interfacing or interfering with this work, in particular on the common boundary limits.

G. After Employer occupancy of premises, coordinate access to site for correction of

defective work and work not in accordance with Contract Documents, to minimize
disruption of Employers activities.


A. Employer and Engineer will schedule a conference after Contractor has selected his
major sub-trades and prior to signing of Employer/Contractor Agreement.

B. Attendance Required; Employer, Engineer and Contractor.

C. Agenda:
1. Submission of list of Subcontractors, list of products, schedules of values and
progress schedule.
2. Designation of responsible personnel and manpower organization.
3. Procedures and processing of field decisions shop drawings, submittals,
substitutions, applications for payments, proposal requests, variations, checklists and
Contract closeout procedures.
4. Scheduling and sequence of work.
5. Use of premises by Employer and Contractor.
6. Employers requirements.


A. Engineer and Employer will schedule a conference at the Project Site prior to Contractor

B. Attendance Required: Employer, Engineer, and Contractor.

C. Agenda:
1. Use of premises by Employer and Contractor
2. Employers requirements
3. Construction facilities and controls provided by Contractor
4. Temporary Utilities provided by Contractor
5. Survey and Building layout
6. Security and housekeeping procedures
7. Schedules
8. Procedures for testing
9. Procedures for maintaining record documents.
10. Requirements for start-up of equipment
11. Inspection and acceptance of equipment put into service construction period.
12. Guarantee period for all equipments.

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A. The Engineer should schedule weekly and monthly construction progress meetings, co-
ordination meetings, and pre-installation conferences, throughout progress of work for
the proper management and coordination of the Contract and as required by the

B. The Engineer makes physical arrangements prepare agenda and distribute notice of each
meeting to participants, three days in advance of meeting date.

C. The Engineer will preside at meetings. Record minutes and distributes copies within two
days after meeting to participants, to entities affected by decisions at meetings, with two
copies to each of Engineer and Employer.

D. Location of Meetings: Conference Room on Site.

E. Attendance: Contractor, Project Manager, Subcontractors and Suppliers as appropriate to

agenda; Employer, Engineer, Professional Consultants.

F. Minimum Agenda:
1. Approval of minutes of previous meetings.
2. Review of Work progress and CPM program.
3. Field observations, problems, and decisions.
4. Identification of problems, which impede planned progress.
5. Review of submittals schedule and status of submittals.
6. Review of off-site fabrication and deliver schedules.
7. Maintenance of progress schedule.
8. Corrective measures to regain projected schedules.
9. Planned progress during succeeding works period.
10. Coordination of projected progress.
11. Maintenance of quality and work standards.
12. Effect of proposed changes on progress schedule and coordination.
13. Safety.
14. Contractors Resources: management, Men, Money, Materials, and Machinery.
15. Contractors on-site staff progress report.
16. Contractors Employers and Engineers Office Managements observations and
17. Other business relating to work.
18. Samples and mock-ups as required by the Engineer or the Employer before
execution of the work.

G. Subcontractors Site Meetings:

1. The Contractor should hold meetings with appropriate subcontractors and suppliers
shortly before main site progress meetings to facilitate accurate reporting of


A. When requires in individual specification Section, convene a pre-installation conference

at work site prior to commencing work of the Section.

B. Require attendance of entities directly affecting, or affected by work of the Section.

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C. Notify Engineer four days in advance of meeting date.

D. Prepare agenda, preside at conference, record minutes, and distribute copies within two
days after conference to participants with two copies to Engineer.

E. Review conditions of installation, preparation and installation procedures, and

coordination with related work.


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A. General: Provide administrative and supervising personnel requirements necessary for

Project coordination, construction, completion, and maintenance.


A. General: Coordinate construction activities included under various Sections of these

Specifications to assure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the work.
Coordinate construction operations included under different Sections of the
Specifications that are dependent upon each other for proper installation, connection,
and operation.

1. Where installation of one part of the Work is dependent on installation of other

components, either before or after its own installation, schedule construction
activities in the sequence required to obtain the best results.

2. Where availability of space is limited, coordinate installation of different

components to assure maximum accessibility for required maintenance, service,
and repair.

3. Make adequate provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation.

4. Where necessary, prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved

outlining special procedures required for coordination. Include such items as
required notices, reports, and attendance at meetings.

5. Prepare similar memoranda for the Employer and other Contractors where
coordination of their work is required.

B. Administrative Procedures: Coordinate scheduling and timing of required administrative

procedures with other construction activities to avoid conflicts and ensure orderly
progress of the work. Such administrative activities include, but are not limited to, the

1. Preparation of schedules.

2. Installation and removal of temporary facilities.

3. Delivery and processing of submittals.

4. Progress meetings.

5. Project Close-out activities.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Job Site Administration 01313/ 1 - 2
C. Drawings: Prepare and submit coordination Drawings where close and careful
coordination is required for installation of products and materials fabricated off-site by
separate entities, and where limited space availability necessitates maximum utilization
of space for efficient installation of different components.

1. Show the interrelationship of components shown on separate shop drawings.

2. Indicate required installation sequences.

3. Comply with requirements contained in Section 01330 Submittals.

4. Refer to Division-15 Mechanical and Division-16 Electrical for specific

coordination drawing requirements for mechanical and electrical installations.


A. The Tenderer shall provide the names and details of the Contractors Technical Site
Staff that will be provided if this tender is awarded to him. These details shall be stated
on the forms provided in the Doc.-I, Tendering Procedure.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Job Site Administration 01313/ 2 - 2



A. The Contractor shall be responsible for the preparation and timely provision of Shop
Drawings for all the items of works of all the Disciplines indicating the proposed
methods of construction, fabrication, erection, layout and setting out; diagrams on
various systems, equipment and controls; and other descriptive data, catalogues and
brochures as required to show that the materials, equipment and systems and position
thereof conform to the Contract Documents. Shop Drawings shall be at suitable scale as
per Engineers requirements and shall establish actual details of all items, indicate
proper relation to adjoining work, amplify design details of mechanical and electrical
etc., in proper relation to physical spaces within the structure and incorporate minor
changes of design or construction to suit actual conditions at the Project Site at no
additional cost to the Employer.

B. The term Samples as used in the Contract Documents includes natural materials,
fabricated items, equipment, devices, appliances, or parts thereof as specified, and other
samples as may be required to determine whether kind, quality, construction,
workmanship, finish, color and other characteristics of materials conform to
requirements of the Contract Documents. Samples shall establish kind, quality, and other
required characteristics of various parts of the Works. Manufacturers literature as
used in the Contract Documents shall include the manufacturers descriptive data for
materials, equipment, and fixtures together with performance characteristics, capacities
and other pertinent data.

C. The Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings and samples at his own cost and in such
sequence as per the Contractors Construction Schedule approved by the Engineer so as
to cause no delay in the Works or in the Work of other Contractors or Sub-Contractors.
No extension of time will be granted because of Contractors failure to have Shop
Drawings submitted in ample time to allow for processing and review.

D. The Contractor if required, shall conduct coordination meetings with all other
Contractors where work is affected. Following the coordination of the work each
Contractor shall indicate his approval on the reproducible original coordination drawings
by signing such drawings. The Contractor shall then distribute a copy of the coordination
drawings to each of the Contractors for their respective use.

E. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, individual Shop Drawings following the
distribution of the coordination drawings that shall bear a stamp indicating that the work
has been coordinated with all other contractors and approved by all concerned.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Submittals 01330/ 1 - 9
F. Composite Shop Drawings:

1. The Contractor shall prepare at his own expense, composite Shop Drawings and
installation layouts, when required by the Engineer, to depict proposed solutions for
tight Site conditions. The composite Shop Drawings and Site installation layouts shall
be coordinated on the Site by the Contractor with other Contractors for proper
relationship to the work of all other Contractors based on Site conditions.

2. The Contractor shall be responsible for the coordination of all structural, architectural,
and all required Services and Utilities works and materials and equipment fabricated off-
site by separate entities. Before materials are fabricated or work begins, the contractor
shall submit to the Engineer for approval complete Composite Shop Drawings in the
Way/Form as approved by the Engineer.

G. Shop Drawings and Samples shall be properly identified with the name of the Project,
the Contractor, and the date etc., as directed by the Engineer/Engineers Representative.

H. Shop Drawings shall show in detail, materials, dimensions, thickness, assembly, joints,
attachments, relation to adjoining work, and all other pertinent data and information. In
checking Shop Drawings, the Contractor shall verify all dimensions and field conditions
and shall check and coordinate the Shop Drawings of any Section or Trades with the
requirements of the Sections or Trades of other contractors as related thereto, as required
for proper and complete installation of the Works. The Works shall conform to the
Contract Drawings or to such other Drawings as may be issued from time to time during
the progress of the Works by the Engineer or Engineers Representative.

I. The Engineers Representatives review of Shop Drawings and Samples submitted by

the Contractor is for general conformance with the design concept and information given
in the Contract Documents and shall not be construed as a complete check nor shall it
relieve the Contractor from responsibility for errors of any kind in Shop Drawings or
Schedules, or from the necessity of furnishing any work required by the Contract
Documents, which may have been omitted on the Shop Drawings. The Engineers
Representative will review Shop Drawings and Samples and will return them to the
Contractor with his approval and stamp applied thereto. No acceptance or approval of
Shop Drawings or Samples, nor any indication or request marked by the Engineer or the
Engineers Representative on any Shop Drawing or Sample, shall constitute any
authorization for any increase in the Contract Sum or Contract Time or a change in the
Contract requirements.

J. The Contractor will not be relieved of responsibility for any deviation from the
requirements of the Contract after approval of Shop Drawings or product data by the
Engineers Representative or such deviation at the time of submitting Shop Drawings or
product data. The Contractor shall indicate on resubmitted shop drawings and product
data, all revisions as well as those requested by the Engineer or Engineers

K. The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall bear the cost of the preparation of all
drawings necessary to provide those amplifications of drawings needed for completion
of the construction. The Contractor shall be responsible for the correct location of his
Works irrespective of approval by the Engineers Representative and shall pay all costs
and expenses incurred by other Contractors due to improper location of his Works.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Submittals 01330/ 2 - 9

A. Contractor shall submit Shop Drawings and Samples accompanied by Shop Drawing
and Sample Transmittal forms.

1. The format of transmittal forms shall be to the approval of the Engineer or Engineers

B. Fill out transmittal form in the following manner using a typewriter and retain a copy:

1. Contractor Job No. - Contractors Name and job number.

2. Specification Section - The Specification Section number where

item is specified-do not submit items
from more than one specification Section
on the same form.

3. Submitted by - Name and signature of Contractors

employee responsible for Contractors

4. Contract Works Title - Name and number of Contract.

5. Transmittal No. - Transmittal numbers shall be

consecutive for the Works and shall
incorporate the project element
identification system.

6. Date Submitted - Date leaving Contractors office.

7. Sub-Contractor - Name of firm preparing original

(and/or Supplier) documents (Shop Drawings or

8. Submission No. - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., depending on

previous submission for same items
(see re-submittal procedure).

9. Specification Section - Specific paragraph under which item

Paragraph is specified.

10. Copies & Type - Number of copies submitted and type

of material submitted (sepia, print,
brochure or sample, etc.)

11. Drawing No./ - Number o the drawing. Title on the

Description & Date Submission (where possible) and date
on the submission. Where a group of
related drawings is submitted as one
unit, only one entry need be made with
a general description of what is included.
(Drawings should then be numbered
consecutively and have the same date).
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Submittals 01330/ 3 - 9
12. Contractors Remarks- Clearly note any exceptions or devia-
tions from the Contract Documents and
state reasons for them.

C. Re-submissions: Re-submittal procedure shall follow the same procedures as the initial
submittal with the following exceptions:

1. Transmittal shall contain the same information as the first transmittal except that
transmittal numbers shall run consecutively and the submission number shall
indicate 2nd, 3rd, etc., submission. The drawing number/description shall be identical
to the initial submission and the date shall be the revised date for that submission.

2. No new material shall be included on the same transmittal for a resubmission.

D. Engineers or Engineers Representative Action on Transmittal Form: Incomplete or

erroneous transmittals will be returned with directives indicated.

E. Submittal Procedures by Contractor

1. One sepia with approved edge holder for suspension filing and six prints of each
Shop Drawing with transmittal forms to the Engineer or Engineers Representative.

2. Three samples of each material or prefabricated component with transmittal forms to

the Engineer or Engineers Representative.

3. Three copies of brochures, one of which must be an original, with transmittal forms
to the Engineer or Engineers Representative. Brochures shall be in English or
accompanied by a certified English translation. Brochures in Arabic shall be
acceptable at the Engineers discretion.

F. Engineers or Engineers Representative Review

1. The Engineer or Engineers Representative will process the submission and

indicate the appropriate action on the submission and the transmittal.

2. The Engineer or Engineers Representative will fill out transmittal in the

following sequence:

a. Date Received - Date arriving in the Engineers or

Engineers Representatives office.

b. Date Return - Date leaving the Engineers or

Engineers Representative office to the Contractor.

c. To/Date - Name of consultant or MOD Section to

whom submission is sent for review
and date leaving the Engineers office.

d. From/Date - Name of consultant or MOD Section

reviewing submission and date arriving
in the Engineers.

e. Action - Indicate action taken on submission.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Submittals 01330/ 4 - 9
f. Distribution - Number of copies distributed and type
of material distributed (sepia, print,
brochure or sample, etc.)

g. Engineers or - Note major deviations from the

Engineers Contract Documents or reasons for
Representative Resubmit if there are no notes on the
Remarks material submitted.


A. Site Layout Organization Chart

1. Within seven (7) calendar days of the date of signature of Contract and the
Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer or Engineers Representative
for approval a Site Layout Organization Plan and any modifications or relocations
thereafter showing the Contractors proposed layout of facilities on the Site.

2. The layout of facilities shall provide clear full details of location, capacity, etc.,
and shall include but not be limited to: -

a. Temporary facilities including accommodation and safety fence.

b. Plant, storage areas.
c. Access for other Contractors, visitors and the like.

B. Contractors Site Staff Organization

1. Within seven (7) calendar days of the date of signature of contract, the Contractor
shall submit a full listing of his proposed site staff for the organization,
management, and supervision of the Works. The list shall include all personnel
from Project Manager through to foreman level and shall amplify and reflect the
details already given by the Contractor in the Site Organization Chart submitted
with his Tender and incorporated in the Contract. Such listing shall be supported
by authenticated details of the qualifications and experience of such personnel, (to
the extent not previously submitted with the Tender and incorporated in the
Contract) for review and approval by the Engineer.

2. Before being approved the Engineer shall have the right to interview any of the
Contractors proposed staff and notwithstanding their approval the Engineer
retains the right to instruct the removal forthwith of any person employed by the
Contractor in or about the Works, who, in the opinion of the Engineer,
misconducts himself, or is incompetent or negligent in the proper performance of
his duties, or whose employment is otherwise considered by the Engineer to be

Ministry of Defence
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A. Prepare and submit the following Progress Reports described hereinafter in a form
approved by the Engineer or Engineers Representative. Work activities and
procurement reports should be referenced where relevant to the approved Contractors
Construction Schedule.

1. Daily Report: Submit this report on daily basis. The report shall describe the labor
force and its allocation, material, equipment utilized and describe the work in
progress during the day.

2. Procurement Status Report: Submit the Procurement Status Report on weekly basis.
The report shall include the submittal and preparation status of Shop Drawings,
material submittals, samples, catalogues of equipment, approval status, procurement
of materials and delivery dates to site.

3. Monthly Report: Submit a detailed report reflecting the monthly progress and status
of work. This report shall include a description of problem areas, current or
anticipated causes of delay, and their estimated impact on progress, together with a
description of corrective measures taken or proposed. Monthly report shall contain
copy of latest monthly updated Contractors Construction Schedule.


A. Except where more are required by the Contract, all correspondence to the Engineer or
Engineers Representative shall be submitted as follows:

1. One original and three photocopies of transmittals and letters including


2. All correspondence from the Contractor to the Engineer or Engineers

Representative shall be submitted on A4 size paper whenever possible. All
correspondence shall clearly indicate:

a. Contract Number.
b. Title of the Project.
c. Contractors Name.
d. Date and reference number of the correspondence.


A. Within 30 days from signing the Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, for
his approval, a detailed CPM or Precedence Network diagrams. The degrees of detail which
is required here should include and cover all activities and operations for each and every
trade as well as shop drawings, submittals, samples of materials, catalogues of equipment
submittals, Engineers approval, place order, manufacture and delivery to Site.

B. The CPM Time Schedules should comply with the following:

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Submittals 01330/ 6 - 9
(1) Preparation of Network Diagrams

Networks diagrams should be prepared by a qualified and experienced CPM or Precedence

Network Planner in collaboration with the Contractor and his sub-contractors key staff for
the execution of the project. The network should indicate the coordination and the inter-
relation amongst all activities of the different trades, services and furnishings in the project.

In producing the fair diagrams of the network, careful attention must be paid to the orderly
arrangement of activities. The arrows should be drawn horizontally with all the ends turned
to connect to events (CPM) and activities (Precedence), so that the description (CPM) and
figures (Precedence) can be easily written and read. The description of activities entered
above each arrow (CPM) or inside each box (Precedence) should be clear and concise.
Abbreviations and codes used should be indicated on the network sheets or on a separate
sheet. The use of inexplicit abbreviations or codes should be avoided. Networks should be
drawn with progress from left to right.

(2) Durations, Estimates and Units

The time estimate of the duration of the activities should be logical and consistent with the
Contract Documents as well as being based, on realistic and available resources (manpower,
materials, tools and equipment etc.) of the Contractor. The unit time for measuring the
duration of activities is the day.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer all the back-ups used as the basis for estimating
the duration of activities together with networks. The Contractors attention is drawn to the
duration and the lags of some activities which are mentioned in the Contract Documents such
as curing of concrete, stripping of formwork, plaster, painting, the manufacturers
instructions for installations, and time allowed for submission of shop drawings and samples
of materials.

(3) Producing the Time Schedules

The Time Schedules should be produced by an Electronic Computer. The minimum

information on the Time Schedule reports are: the number of the activity, description,
duration (in days), early and late start, early and late finish and the total float. The dates of
start and finish should be in the form of day/month/year, as an example 31 JAN 99.

The following Time Schedules are required:

(i) Time Schedules in the early start sequence.

(ii) Time Schedules in the Working Item Manner.
(iii) Time Schedules in the critical (minimum float) sequence.
(iv) Time Schedules for each trade and/or Subcontractor in the early start sequence.

(4) Progress of Work: Review and Control

During the course of the work, site progress meetings shall be held at regular intervals of not
more than one month in the presence of the Engineer, the Engineers Representative and
Owners Representative for the purpose of reviewing and controlling the Contractors and
Subcontractors progress to ensure compliance with the approved program of work.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Submittals 01330/ 7 - 9

A. Provide at least 20 photographs of site and construction throughout progress of work

produced by a commercial photographer, acceptable to Engineer.

B. Take photographs on cutoff date on each month.

C. In addition take photographs at beginning and completion of elements of constructions:

1. Site clearing
2. Excavations
3. Foundations
4. Structural Framing
5. Enclosure of building
6. Final Completion

D. Submit 4 sets of full color prints, contained in separate Album.

E. Paper: Single weight, neutral black image tone, and white base

F. Finish: Smooth surface, glossy

G. Size: 130 x 180mm Mount with binder tables.

H. Identify each print on back. List name of Project, Contract, phase, orientation of view,
date and time of view, name and address of photographer and photographers numbered
identification of exposure sign on each photo.

I. Deliver negatives to Employer. Catalogue and index negatives in chronological

sequence; provide typed table of contents.

J. Provide factual presentation showing progress of each division of the Work.

K. Provide correct exposure and focus, high resolution and sharpness, maximum depth of
field and minimum distortion.

L. Provide non-aerial photographs from eight views at each specified time, until Date of
Substantial Completion.

M. Consult with Engineer for instructions on views, angles, and locations required.

N. With each submission provide sufficient perspective photographs to clearly indicate the
location of each progress photograph.

O. Deliver prints with transmittal letter.

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Military Engineering Projects Submittals 01330/ 8 - 9

A. As the work progresses, the Contractor at his own expense shall maintain a complete
and accurate record of all changes and deviations from the Contract drawings, Shop
Drawings and Contract Documents, indicating the Works actually installed. This record,
set of prints of Contract Drawings, Shop Drawings, and Contract Documents shall be
kept at the Site for inspection by the Engineer, his Representative, or Employers

B. Upon completion of the Works the Contractor shall certify that each of the revised prints
of the Drawings and Documents stated above is complete and accurate and shall submit
them to the Engineers Representative for review and approval

C. Within thirty (30) days of the Completion of the Works, the Contractor shall submit with
no extra cost to the Employer, one reproducible original and two printed sets of the
Record (As-built) Drawings together with two complete copies reduced to
international size A3, along with Computer CD containing the same together with two
(2) copies of manufacturers descriptive data for materials and fixtures including
performance characteristics, technical information, and other pertinent data necessary to
enable the Employer and/or ultimate User to maintain and adjust all parts of the Works.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Submittals 01330/ 9 - 9



A. The Contractor shall plan the Works to achieve the entire completion of Project within
the time period indicated in the Project Construction Schedule commencing from the
Date of Enterprise.


A. The Contractor shall allow for all costs related to working within M.O.D. property,
which has high security measures in force. The Contractor shall make all provisions
necessary for obtaining prior approval for access to the Site in compliance with M.O.D.
Security Regulations and Procedures. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining
all necessary passes for his work force, Subcontractors, etc., as the Employer will not
consider any claims for costs due to the Contractors failure to obtain such passes.
Subcontractor(s), supplier(s) etc., are deemed to be aware of these special provisions.


A. All design layouts included in this tender are for the purpose of General Guidance. The
Contractor is required to submit shop drawings, complete with calculations, catalogues,
etc., as required for the Engineers approval.




Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Special Projects Requirements 01350/ 1 - 1



A. Comply with all codes, regulations, specifications and standards referred to throughout
the contract documents.


A. All references to codes, regulations, specifications and standards referred to in the

Contract Documents shall, unless otherwise stated, mean the latest edition, amendment
or revision of such reference standard in effect as of the date of these Tender
Documents. The Contractor shall obtain an original copy of the latest edition of all
codes, regulations, standards and technical literature referred to in the Contract
Documents and the same shall be kept on the project site, properly indexed and
maintained in good order and available to the Engineer at all times.

B. Proof of Compliance: Whenever the Contract Documents require that a product

complies with Federal Specification, British Standard, ASTM Designation, ANSI
Specification or other association, standards, etc., the Contractor shall present an
affidavit from the manufacturer certifying that the product complies therewith. Where
requested or specified, submit supporting test data to substantiate compliance.

C. Where reference standard referred to herein is in the form of a recommendation or

suggestion, such recommendation or suggestion shall be deemed to be mandatory under
this Contract unless conflicting with particular specifications contained herein.


A. Where as shown, as indicated, as detailed, as described or words of similar

import are used, it shall be understood that reference to the Drawings accompanying the
Specifications is made unless otherwise stated. Where as approved, as reviewed, as
accepted, or words of similar import are used, it shall be understood that the approval,
direction, requirement, permission, authorization review, or acceptance of the Engineer
is intended, unless otherwise stated.

B. As used in the Contract Documents, provide shall be understood to mean, provide

complete in place, that is, furnish and install.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects References 01422/ 1 - 1



A. Provide and maintain an effective Contractor Quality Control (CQC) program and
perform sufficient inspections and tests of all items of work, including those of Sub-
Contractors, to ensure compliance with Contract Documents. Include surveillance and
tests specified in the technical Sections of the Specifications. Provide appropriate
facilities, instruments, and testing devices required for performance of the quality
control function. Controls must be adequate to cover construction operations and be
keyed to the construction sequence.


A. Include a control system for the following phases of inspection:

1. Preparatory Inspection: Perform this inspection prior to beginning of work on any

definable feature of the Works. Include a review of the Contract requirements with
the supervisors directly responsible for the performance of the work; check to
assure that materials, products and equipment have been tested, submitted and
approved; check to assure that provisions have been made for required control
testing; examine the work area to ascertain that preliminary work has been
completed; physically examine materials and equipment to assure that they
conform to Shop Drawings and data and that the materials and equipment are on

2. Initial Inspection: Perform this inspection as soon as the work commences on a

representative portion of a particular feature; review control testing for compliance
with Contract requirements.

3. Follow-up Inspection: Perform these inspections on a regular basis to assure

continuing compliance with Contract requirements until completion of that
particular work.

4. Documentation of CQC Program: Identify the inspections hereinbefore specified

and document in the CQC report with a brief description of the subject matter
covered and the personnel involved.


A. Perform factory quality control inspection for items fabricated or assembled Off-Site as
opposed to off-the-shelf items. The CQC representative at the fabricating plant shall
be responsible for release of the fabricated items for shipment to the Site. The CQC
representative at the Site shall receive the item and note any damage incurred during
shipment. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting and maintaining the item in
good condition throughout the period of On-Site storage and during erection,
installation, and maintenance. Although any item found to be faulty might be rejected
before it is used, final acceptance of an item by the Engineer is based on its satisfactory
incorporation into the Works and acceptance of the completed Project.
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Quality Control 01451/ 1 - 4

A. Provide a schedule outlining the procedure, instructions, and reports to be used as


1. Quality control organization.

2. Qualification of personnel.

3. Authority and responsibility of personnel.

4. Schedule of inspections and tests with personnel assigned to each task and duration
of each task.

5. Test methods.

6. Methods of performing and documenting control operations.


A. Inspections shall be recorded and submitted daily on approved forms certifying items
correctly installed and items found to be defective with a statement on corrective
measures taken.


A. The Contractors Quality Control Program shall provide for procedures, which will
assure that the applicable portions of the Contract Documents, Shop Drawings and
instructions required by the Contract are used for fabrication testing and inspection.


A. Provide and maintain all measuring and testing devices, equipment, instruments and
supplies necessary to accomplish the required site testing and inspection. All measuring
and testing device shall be calibrated periodically against certified standards.


A. To facilitate the Engineers checking of the quality of workmanship, compliance with

Specifications, etc., the Contractor shall submit signed Request for Inspection lists as
detailed in the Appendix. The list shall be deemed to constitute:

1. A request by the Contractor for the Engineer to inspect the preparation or completion
of a certain element of the work in a particular location before proceeding with the
next stage in such work.

2. A representation by the Contractor to the effect that the work for which he is
requesting inspection has been properly co-coordinated between all trades, complies
with the applicable Specifications, shop drawings and other data included in the
Contract or approved by the Engineer, and is complete in itself and ready for such
inspection and for the next stage of related work.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Quality Control 01451/ 2 - 4
B. Request for Inspection Lists shall be dated and numbered in approved sequence and
submitted for each of the elements of the Works. Each of the Request for Inspection
lists shall be signed by all concerned electrical and mechanical sub-contractors thereby
warranting that all trades have been properly coordinated and completed prior to the
Request for Inspection list submission.

C. In addition to the signature of all concerned electrical and mechanical sub-contractors

upon the Request for Inspection lists required by the preceding Sub-Clause, such sub-
contractors shall also submit, to the Engineer through the Contractor, Request for
Inspection for all mechanical and electrical elements of the works upon completion and
testing of sections thereof, prior to embedding in concrete, covering up with finishing,
etc. Mechanical and Electrical Requests for Inspection shall be signed by the
Contractor and his concerned Sub-Contractor on a form and in a manner as required and
approved by the Engineer.


A. Materials, products and equipment shall be properly packaged and protected to prevent
damage during transportation and handling.

B. More detailed requirements for transportation and handling are specified under the
technical Sections.


A. Manufactured articles, materials, and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected,

erected, used, cleaned and conditioned as directed by the respective manufacturers,
unless more stringent requirements are specified.


A. Name plates and other identifying markings shall not be affixed on exposed surfaces of
manufactured items installed in finished spaces.


A. The term product shall include material, equipment, assembly methods, manufacturer,
brand, trade name, or other description.

B. References to approved equal or similar terms mean that approval of the Engineer is

C. The sum named in the Tender shall be deemed to include the materials described by
proprietary designation. Materials described in the Specification by proprietary
designation shall be provided as specified subject to the provisions of the Conditions of

D. Proof of Compliance: Whenever the Contract Documents require that a product

complies with Federal Specification, British Standard, Kuwaiti Standard, ASTM
Designation, ANSI Specification or other association standard, the Contractor shall
present an affidavit from the manufacturer certifying that the product complies
therewith. Where requested or specified, submit supporting test data to substantiate
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Quality Control 01451/ 3 - 4

A. All materials and work will be tested as required in the Specifications and Testing shall
be carried out at the Contractors expense at any of the following:

a. MEP Laboratories.

b. Approved Testing agency or approved Testing laboratory.

The Contractor shall obtain prior approval from the Engineer to the tests to be
conducted at any or all of the above facilities.

For detail of Testing of Materials refer to Section 01458

B. The Contractor is specifically required to follow for all testing of sample cubes of
concrete to be carried out at the MEP Laboratories.

C. The Contractor shall allow for all necessary labor, containers, wrappings, and labeling in
connection with the samples for testing and for all transport charges.

D. Samples for testing will be taken at the place of origin, or working site or from the
Works as appropriate and as required by the Engineer.

E. The Contractor shall provide all facilities including testing equipment in connection with
Site Compaction Tests.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Quality Control 01451/ 4 - 4



A. Section Includes: Administrative and Supervisory requirements necessary for co-

coordinating construction operations including but not necessarily limited to the following:

1. Selection and Payment.

2. Contractor Submittals.
3. Laboratory Responsibilities.
4. Laboratory Reports.
5. Limits of testing laboratory authority.
6. Contractor responsibilities.
7. Schedule of inspections and tests.

B. Related Sections:

1.Information Available to Tenderers: Soil Investigation Data.

2.Document II Conditions of Contract: Inspections, testing and approvals required by
public authorities.
3.Section 01300 Submittals: Manufacturers Certificates.
4.Section 01451 Quality Control.
5.Individual Specification Sections: Inspections and tests required and standards for


A. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM)

1. ASTM C802 : Practice for Conducting and Inter Laboratory Test Program to
Determine the Precision of Test Methods for Construction.

2. ASTM C1021 : Practice for Laboratories Engaged in the Testing of Building


3. ASTM C1077 : Practice for Laboratories Testing Concrete and Concrete Aggregates
for Use in Construction and Criteria for Laboratory Evaluation.

4. ASTM C1093 : Practice for Accreditation of Testing Agencies for Unit Masonry.

5. ASTM D290 : Recommended Practice for Bituminous. Mixing Plant Inspection.

6. ASTM D3740 : Practice for Evaluation of Agencies Engaged in Testing and/or

Inspection of Soil and Rock as Used in Engineering Design and Construction.

7. ASTM D4561 : Practice for Quality Control Systems for an Inspection and
Testing Agency for Bituminous Paving Materials.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Testing Laboratory Services 01458/ 1 - 5
8. ASTM E329 : Practice for Use in the Evaluation of Inspection and Testing
Agencies as Used in Construction.

9. ASTM E543 : Practice for Determining the Qualification of Non-destructive

Testing Agencies.

10. ASTM E548: Practice for Preparation of Criteria for Use in the Evaluation of
Testing Laboratories and Inspection Bodies.

11. ASTM E699: Practice for Criteria for Evaluation of Agencies Involved in Testing,
Quality Assurance and Evaluating Building Components in Accordance with Test
Methods promulgated by ASTM Committee E6.


A. Employment and payment for services of an independent testing laboratory to perform

specified inspecting and testing shall be at the Contractors expense.

B. Employment of testing laboratory in no way relieves Contractor of obligation to perform

work in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents.


A. Comply with requirements of ASTM C802, ASTM C1021, ASTM C1077, ASTM
C1093, ASTM D290, ASTM D3740, ASTM D4561, ASTM E329, ASTM E543, ASTM
E548, ASTM E699.

B. All materials and work will be tested as required in the Specifications and testing shall be
carried out at the Contractors expense at any of the following:

1. MEP Laboratories (MEP Testing facilities along with the charges may be obtained on

2. MPW Research Station Testing Facilities.

3. Approved testing agency or independent approved testing laboratory.

C. The Contractor shall obtain prior approval from the Engineers Representative to the tests
to be conducted at any or all of the above facilities.

D. Laboratory Staff: Maintain a full time registered Engineer on staff to review services.

E. Testing Equipment: Calibrated at reasonable intervals with devices of an accuracy

traceable to either National Bureau of Standards or accepted values of natural physical


A. Prior to start of work, submit testing laboratory name, address and telephone number and
names of full time registered Engineer for approval by the Engineers Representative.

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Military Engineering Projects Testing Laboratory Services 01458/ 2 - 5

A. Test samples of mixes submitted by Contractor.

B. Provide qualified personnel at site. Co-operate with Engineers Representative and

Contractor in performance of services.

C. Perform specified inspecting, sampling and testing of products in accordance with

specified standards.

D. As certain compliance of materials and mixes with requirements of Contract Documents.

E. Promptly notify Engineers Representative and Contractor of observed irregularities or

non-conformance of Work Products.

F. Perform additional inspection and tests required by Engineers Representative.

G. Attend pre-construction meetings and progress meetings.


A. After each inspection and test, promptly submit three (3) copies of laboratory report to
Engineers Representative and additional copy of Contractor.

B. Include:
1. Date issued.
2. Project title and number.
3. Name of inspector.
4. Date and time of sampling or inspection.
5. Identification of product and specifications section.
6. Location in the Project.
7. Type of inspection or test.
8 Date of test.
9 Results of tests.
10. Conformance with Contract Documents.

C. When requested by Engineers Representative provide interpretation of test results.


A. Laboratory may not release, revoke, alter or enlarge on requirements of Contract


B. Laboratory may not approve or accept any portion of the work.

C. Laboratory may not assume any duties of Contractor.

D. Laboratory has no authority to stop the work.

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Military Engineering Projects Testing Laboratory Services 01458/ 3 - 5

A. Deliver to laboratory at designated location, adequate samples of materials proposed to

be used which require testing, along with proposed mix designs.

B. The Contractor shall allow for all necessary labor, containers, wrappings and labeling in
connection with the samples for testing and for all transport charges.

C. Co-operate with laboratory personnel and provide access to the work.

D. Provide incidental labor and facilities to undertake the following:

1. Provide access to work to be tested.

2. Obtain and handle samples at the site or at source of products to be tested.
3. Facilitate tests and inspections.
4. Provide storage and curing of test samples.

E. Notify Engineers Representative and laboratory 24 hours prior to expected time for
operations requiring inspecting and testing services.

F. Employ services of an independent qualified testing laboratory and pay for additional
samples and tests required by Contractor beyond specified requirements.


The Testing schedule of materials shall refer to the corresponding section of the Specifications,
which shall be including but not limited to the following sections of specifications:

A. Requirements for testing Earthwork.

B. Requirements for testing Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving.
C. Requirements for testing Water supply & Drainage system.
D. Requirements for testing Irrigation System.
E. Requirements for testing Planting Soil.
F. Requirements for testing Cast-in-Place Concrete & Concrete Accessories.
G. Requirements for testing Structural Precast Concrete.
H. Requirements for testing Architectural Precast Concrete.
I. Requirements for testing Building Stone.
J. Requirements for testing Structural Steel.
K. Requirements for testing Latex Waterproofing.
L. Requirements for testing Roof Tiles.
M. Requirements for testing Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing.
N. Requirements for testing Sealant.
O. Requirements for testing Wood & Steel Doors and Frames.
P. Requirements for testing Aluminium Doors and Frames.
Q. Requirements for testing Aluminium Windows.
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Military Engineering Projects Testing Laboratory Services 01458/ 4 - 5
R. Requirements for testing Door Hardware.
S. Requirements for testing Glazing.
T. Requirements for testing Glazed Curtain Walls.
U. Requirements for testing Elevators.
V. Requirements for testing Basic Materials and Methods.
W. Requirements for testing Fire Protection.
X. Requirements for testing Fire Protection Piping.
Y. Requirements for testing Fire Protection Specialties.
Z. Requirements for testing Plumbing Systems.
A1 Requirements for testing Plumbing Systems.
A2 Requirements for testing Water Storage Tanks.
A3 Requirements for testing Sanitary Fixtures and Fittings.
A4 Requirements for testing Plumbing Equipment.
A5 Requirements for testing General Requirements for HVAC Works.
A6 Requirements for testing Hydronic Piping System.
A7 Requirements for testing Electric Boilers.
A8 Requirements for testing Split D/X Cooling Units.
A9 Requirements for testing Metal Ducts.
A10 Requirements for testing Duct Accessories.
A11 Requirements for testing Fan Coil Units.
A12 Requirements for testing Finned Tube Radiation.
A13 Requirements for testing Fans.
A14 Requirements for testing HVAC Installations Air Handling Units
A15 Requirements for testing Air Filters.
A16 Requirements for testing Automatic Temperature Control Systems.
A17 Requirements for testing Building Automation System.
A18 Requirements for testing Adjusting and Balancing.
A19 Requirements for testing Basic Electrical Requirements.
A20 Requirements for testing Conductors and Cable Requirements.
A21 Requirements for testing Distribution Switch Gear and Switch Boards.
A22 Requirements for testing Earthing.
A23 Requirements for testing Emergency Power Generator.


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A. All temporary work shall be executed, maintained and operated by the Contractor at his
own expense and shall be cleared away and the areas cleaned on completion of the
Contract and made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer and Engineers

B. The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed for providing, maintaining and
operating an approved system for refuse collection, surface water drainage and sewage
disposal for the duration of the Contract and for clearing away, deodorizing, sterilizing
and backfilling same as necessary upon completion to the satisfaction of the Engineer
and Engineers Representative.

C. Adequate and proper provision shall be made for the storage and protection of materials,
plant, and equipment to the satisfaction of the Engineer and Engineers Representative.

D. The Contractor shall in addition make his own arrangements for the provision of
telephone, facsimile and/or wireless communication for his use and that of his Sub-
Contractors, which shall be separate from that provided for the Engineer and Engineers

E. All temporary facilities shall be constructed to the standards for similar permanent

F. Provide and maintain all temporary connections to utilities and services in locations
acceptable to M.O.D, the Engineer, Engineers Representative and local authorities
having jurisdiction thereof. Make all installations in a manner subject to the acceptance
of such authorities, the Engineer and Engineers Representative. Remove temporary
installations and connections when no longer required and restore the services and
sources of supply to proper operating condition.

G. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the relevant authorities approval
including the M.O.D to construct all temporary facilities.


A. Contractors Offices: The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for the provision
and maintenance during the operational life of the Contract of adequate air conditioned
office accommodation, for the usage of the Contractor and his Sub-Contractors.
Adequate fire prevention measures shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Engineer,
or Engineers Representative. Such offices shall be sited as approved by the Engineer
and M.O.D and shall be cleared away on completion to the satisfaction of the Engineer
or Engineers Representative.

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Military Engineering Projects Temporary Works 01500/ 1 - 7

A. Submit to the Engineer or Engineers Representative for approval, drawings showing

proposed layout of temporary storage and plant on the Site and areas for use by specialty
trades. Drawings for each proposed change in layout of storage and plant must be re-

B. Provide at the Site and maintain in good condition, suitable watertight storage required
for materials that may be damaged by storage in open and provide adequate Fire
Protection as approved by the Engineer or Engineers Representative.

C. On completion of the Works, or when directed by the Engineer, or Engineers

Representative clear away all temporary storage and plant to the satisfaction of the
Engineer or Engineers Representative.


A. Protect finished surfaces including jambs and soffits of openings used as passageways or
through which materials are handled against possible damage resulting from conduct of
work by trades.

B. Tight wood sheeting shall be laid under all materials stored on finished surfaces.
Planking shall be laid before moving materials over finished areas. Wheelbarrows used
for such areas shall have rubber-tyred wheels.

C. Finished surfaces including factory finished and job-finished items shall be clean and not
damaged upon delivery of the building to the Employer. The Contractor shall, without
extra compensation, refinish such spaces where surfaces prove to have been
inadequately protected and are damaged.

D. Waterproofed and roof surfaces shall not be subjected to heavy traffic nor used for
storage of materials. Where some activity must take place in order to carry out the work,
adequate protection, subject to approval by the Engineer or Engineers Representative,
shall be provided.

E. Provide all necessary protection to executed work to the approval of the Engineer or
Engineers representative, including but not limited to temporary coverings and
protective measures stated herein.


A. Ensure that no fires are lit in or about the Site and take all reasonable precautions to
avoid outbreaks of fire on the works, temporary works, offices, stores and other places
and things connected therewith, especially with respect to the safe storage of petroleum
products, paints, explosives and other combustible, dangerous or hazardous goods.
Comply with all rules, regulations and orders made by any local authority having
jurisdiction and provide and maintain in good order and hold available at all times and in
all places connected with the works a sufficiency of efficient fire fighting facilities and
equipment together with personnel trained in its use.

B. The type, location, and sufficiency of the fire fighting facilities and equipment shall be
to the Engineers satisfaction. Provide all fire fighting facilities and equipment required
by the Kuwait Fire Department, whether or not specifically detailed herein.
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Military Engineering Projects Temporary Works 01500/ 2 - 7
C. The temporary fire fighting system shall be fully operational as soon as construction
reaches ground floor level, unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer or Engineers
Representative. Extend the system progressively as construction proceeds, maintaining
its operational status at all times.

D. Ensure that adequate, and to the extent possible, unimpeded means of egress from all
parts of the Works, is available at all times in case of fire.

E. At the completion of the work, or at such times as the Engineer or Engineers

Representative may direct, remove all temporary fire fighting installations and
equipment and replace all worn or damaged parts of the permanent systems leaving such
systems in first-class condition equal to new.


A. Provide temporary material hoists to the Engineer or Engineers Representative approval

and as required to facilitate execution of the Works. Such hoists shall be erected and
maintained in compliance with any local regulations and in accordance with ANSI
A10.5 Safety Requirements for Material Hoists, and shall not be used for transporting


A. Make all arrangements with the MEW for temporary electrical service to the
construction site, pay all expenses and provide all equipment necessary for temporary
power and lighting. The electrical service shall be of adequate capacity for all
construction tools and equipment without overloading the temporary facilities and shall
be made available for power, lighting, and construction operations of all trades. If
temporary supply is not granted by the MEW, then the Contractor must make his own
arrangements for providing supply of electricity in order to complete the Works.

The Contractor shall provide all equipment necessary for temporary lighting and power.

B. Provide power distribution as required throughout the Works for power tools of all
kinds. Termination of power distribution shall be at locations approved by the Engineer
or Engineers Representative. Termination shall be provided complete with circuit
breakers, disconnect switches and other electrical devices as required to protect the
power supply system.
C. Temporary lighting system shall be furnished, installed, and maintained by the
Contractor as required to satisfy minimum requirements of safety and security.
Temporary lighting system shall afford not less than one watt per sq.ft. of floor area for
illumination in areas of the building where work is being performed. Where work is
being performed at night, increase the illumination to approximately 5 ft. candles
overall, with adequate levels at special work areas, but not less than 10 ft. candles. The
Contractor shall provide adequate outdoor lighting to illuminate staging, stockpiles,
trenches, projections, etc., to the satisfaction of the Engineer or Engineers
Representative and general illumination throughout, adequate for watchmen and
emergency personnel.

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Military Engineering Projects Temporary Works 01500/ 3 - 7
D. Temporary equipment and wiring for power and lighting shall be in accordance with the
applicable provisions of the governing codes. Temporary wiring shall be maintained in a
safe manner and utilized so as not to constitute a hazard to persons or property.

E. At the completion of the Works remove all temporary electrical equipment and wiring.


A. The Contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself regarding the suitability and
availability for his use during the Contract Period of access routes and the like and shall be
entirely responsible for the provision of any signs or directions on such routes that may be
considered necessary for the guidance of his personnel, Sub-Contractors, suppliers and the
like and for obtaining all necessary permission from any Government or Ministry or M.O.D
for the use of such routes or the provision of such signs or directions.

B. The Employer will not guarantee the suitability or availability of any particular access route
and will not entertain any claim in respect of the non- suitability or non-availability for
continuous use during the Contract Period of any such route.

C. The Contractor shall from commencement of the works provide and maintain all necessary
means of access to the Site from the nearest permanent roadway together with any necessary
crossovers and all necessary temporary site roads leading to or upon the Site and/or working
areas. The Contractor shall take over the existing temporary roads, utilize them, and
maintain the same during his Contract period.

D. The means of access, crossovers and temporary roads shall be maintained, altered, adapted,
etc., as may be found necessary during the course of the Contract and excavated and cleared
away upon completion including forking over and leaving same to the satisfaction of the
Engineer or Engineers Representative.

E. Access to the Site for delivery of construction material or equipment shall be made only
from locations approved by the Engineer or Engineers Representative.
F. The Contractor must ensure that all M.O.D site access remains clear to provide access to
other users such as may be required for emergency vehicles, service vehicles, and other


A. Provide and maintain all equipment such as temporary stairs, scaffolding ladders, ramps,
runways, chutes, etc., as required for the proper execution of the Works.

B. As soon as permanent stairs are erected, provide temporary protective treads, handrails
and shaft enclosures.


A. The sanitary accommodation at the ground level shall comprise a temporary toilet
building in an approved location, of approved construction containing one (1) water
closet cubicle for the use of and per each twenty five (25) employees, including those of
Sub-Contractors, each size 1.00 x 1.50m on plan, with an Asiatic or European W.C.
complete with high level cistern and a tap for washing purposes. The building shall be
provided with a continuous water supply and all W.Cs shall be connected to a drain and

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Temporary Works 01500/ 4 - 7
run to a temporary interceptor septic tank and percolating pit or connected into the
existing drains.

B. Toilets must be kept clean and sanitary.

C. Labor, workmen or staff found to be using areas other than this accommodation shall be
discharged immediately.


A. Provide all water required for the performance of the contract. All water shall be clean,
clear, drinkable, and free of deleterious substances. No brackish water will be allowed to
be used for construction of the Works. Water outlets shall be conveniently located for
Sub-Contractors about the Site at ground level. All costs of providing temporary water
shall be borne by the Contractor. Provide an adequate supply of drinking water from
approved sources of acceptable quality, satisfactorily cooled, for employees. Where
required, provide drinking water in suitable containers and provide cups for use of
employees. Drinking water dispensers shall be conveniently located where work is in

B. The Contractor shall provide the distribution system.


A. Upon taking possession of the Site the Contractor shall assume full responsibility for
draining rainwater, ground water and water arising from construction processes, and
shall provide and maintain such temporary drainage installations as may be necessary
during the period of construction in a manner approved by the Engineer and so as not to
adversely affect the permanent works or adjacent areas and properties.

B. Temporary drainage installations (storm water and foul water) may be connected to
existing drains provided written permission is obtained from the local authorities have
jurisdiction thereof, and provided such connection work is executed and maintained in
strict accordance with those authorities regulations and directions.

C. At completion of the work, or at such times as the Engineer may direct, remove all
temporary drainage installations and make good existing to the Engineers satisfaction
and as required by the concerned authorities.


A. The Contractor shall ensure that all kitchens and canteens are maintained to the hygienic
requirements of the Ministry of Public Health.

B. Food beverages served from all kitchens shall be prepared and provided in conformance
with the latest requirements of the Ministry of Public Works and the Kuwait
Municipality. All kitchens shall be open to inspections for hygiene conducted by the
concerned governmental authorities.

C. All staff who are employed to prepare food and beverages from the kitchens shall have
been medically certified and accordingly obtained health cards from the Ministry of
Public Health before commencing duties.

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D. The Ministry of Health and the Governmental Authorities supervising the health-affairs
in the country shall have the right to remedy the health-requirements by Contractors
personnel and the Contractor will not be entitled to claim for any compensation
pertaining thereto.


A. See Conditions of Contract Cause for contractual requirements governing Safety

Measures and Standards.

B. The Contractor shall provide each of his employees with an identification badge or card
showing the Contractors name, and the name registration number, C.I.D. number and a
recent photograph of the Employee. Such badges or cards shall be carried by the
Contractors Employees whilst engaged upon the site.


A. Before ordering any material or carrying out any work, the Contractor shall verify all
measurements and be responsible for their correctness. No extra charge or compensation
will be allowed on account of difference between actual measurements and the
dimensions given in the Contract Documents. Any difference which may be found shall
be submitted to the Engineer or Engineers Representative in writing for consideration
before proceeding with the works.

B. Site Bench Marks shall be accurately and safely established by the Contractor,
maintained and cleared away upon completion of the works or when no longer required
all to the satisfaction of the Engineer or Engineers Representative. Such Bench Marks
shall be related to the nearest permanent Bench Mark fixed by the Municipality.

C. The Contractor shall prepare a plan detailing the location of the Bench Marks and keep
up to date throughout the operational period of the Contract. Reproducible copies of the
plan so prepared shall be supplied to the Engineer or Engineers Representative as and
when required.

D. The Engineer or Engineers Representative shall order levels to be taken at any time
considered necessary for the full and proper supervision and measurement of the Works.

E. Before the works or any part thereof are commenced the Contractor and the Engineer or
Engineers Representative shall together survey and take levels of the Site of the works
and agree upon all particulars on which setting out of the Works shall be based.

F. Such levels shall be related to the aforesaid Bench Marks and shall be plotted by the
Contractor. After agreement, the drawings shall be signed by the Engineer or Engineers
Representative and the Contractor and, shall form the basis of setting out of the works.

G. Failing such surveys and agreements being prepared and/or signed by the Contractor, the
surveys of the Engineer or Engineers Representative shall be final and binding upon
both parties.

H. The Contractor shall plot these levels and after they have been signed by the Engineer or
Engineers Representative and the Contractor, the original with three (3) copies will be
submitted to the Engineer or Engineers Representative at the Contractors cost.

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I. The Contractor shall provide, for the use of the Engineer or Engineers Representative
and his staff, all necessary survey instruments, including a modern theodolite and stand,
modern level, level staff, load lines, 30 meter steel tapes and other equipment and labor
and attendance which the Engineer or Engineers Representative may require for
checking, setting out and marking the works. The survey instruments shall remain the
property of the Contractor.


A. Provide openings in slabs, walls and partitions where required for moving in or out large
pieces of equipment and plant. Close or restore and finish all openings after the
equipment and plant is in place or removed. Proposed structural modifications shall be
subject to prior review by the Engineer or Engineers Representative.


A. The Contractor shall provide and maintain a 2.5m high-closed type safety fence to
completely enclose the site with gates to prevent unauthorized persons visiting the works
site area. Sheets for the fence shall be of braced construction in galvanized steel sheets
1.8mm thick and 2500mm high. The gates shall be provided with a lock.


A. No signs or advertisements will be allowed to be displayed on the site without the

acceptance of M.O.D and the Engineer or Engineers Representative.

B. One construction signboard complete with lettering shall be supplied erected,

maintained, and later removed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall paint his name
and other details, on the board, in English and Arabic languages.


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Military Engineering Projects Temporary Works 01500/ 7 - 7



A. Temporary Field Offices

B. Maintenance and Cleaning

C. Removal

D. Obtain approvals from Authorities having jurisdiction, pay fees and provide guarantees
as required.


A. Section 01101 Summary of Work

B. Section 01500 Temporary Facilities and Controls



A. Serviceable, new, adequate for required purpose.



A. Fill and grade sites for temporary structures to provide drainage away from buildings.


A. Install Field Offices ready for occupancy by supervision staff within 30 days after Date
of Enterprise.


A. Portable or mobile buildings, or buildings constructed with floors raised above ground,
securely fixed to foundations, with steps and landings at entrance doors.

B. Construction: Structurally sound, secure, weathertight enclosures for office and storage
spaces. Maintain during progress of the Works and until removal is authorized.

C. Temperature Transmission Resistance of Floors, Walls, and Ceilings: Compatible with

occupancy and storage requirements.

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Military Engineering Projects Field Office for Engr's Supervision 01520/ 1 - 2
D. Exterior Materials: Weather-resistant, and heat insulated finished in one color acceptable
to Engineer or Engineers Representative.

E. Interior Materials in Offices: Sheet type materials for walls and ceilings, heat and sound
insulated pre-finished or painted; resilient floors and bases.

F. Lighting for Offices: Fluorescent to all rooms, 500 lux at desktop height, exterior
lighting at entrance doors.

G. Fire Extinguishers: Appropriate type fire extinguisher at each office area and each
storage area.

H. Interior Materials in Storage Sheds: As required to provide specified conditions for

storage of products.


A. Heating, Cooling and Ventilating for Offices: Automatic equipment to maintain comfort
conditions. 20 Degrees C. heating and 23 degrees C. Cooling.

B. Storage Spaces: Ventilation as needed to maintain products in accordance with Contract

Documents; adequate lighting for maintenance and inspection of products.


As per requirements of the contract (See detail in Document-I, Tendering Procedure)


As per requirements of the contract (See detail in Document-I, Tendering Procedure)


A. At completion of specified period and subject to Engineer or Engineers Representative

approval, remove furniture, buildings, foundations, utility services, and debris. Restore
areas. Obtain and submit Municipality Certificate.

B. As a minimum the offices shall be maintained until all work including remedial works,
additional works and testing and commissioning are completed to approval.

C. Obtain Engineers approval to discontinue facilities and services and to remove



As per requirements of the contract (See detail in Document-I, Tendering Procedure)


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Military Engineering Projects Field Office for Engr's Supervision 01520/ 2 - 2



A. Section 01630 - Alternatives

B. Section 01451 - Quality Control: Product quality monitoring


A. Products: means new material, machinery, components, equipment, fixtures, and system
forming the work. Does not include machinery and equipment used for preparation,
fabrication, conveying, and erection of the Work. Products may also include existing
materials or components required for reuse.

B. Provide interchangeable components of the same manufacturer, for similar components.



1. Transport materials and plant from source, whether inside or outside Kuwait to

2. Require supplier to package products in boxes or crates for protection during

shipment, handling, and storage. Protect sensitive products against exposure to
elements and moisture.

3. Protect sensitive equipment and finishes against impact, abrasion, and other
damage effect insurance to the full value of the shipped product.


1. Arrange deliveries of products to the Site in accordance with construction progress

schedules. Allow time for inspection prior to installation.

2. Coordinate deliveries to avoid conflict with Work and conditions at site; work of
other contractors; or Employer; limitations on storage space; availability of
personnel and handling equipment; and Employers use of premises.

3. Deliver products in undamaged, dry condition, in original unopened containers or

packaging with identifying labels intact and legible. Program delivery and
unloading to avoid traffic back-ups on or adjacent to Site.

4. Clearly mark partial deliveries of component parts of equipment to identify

equipment and contents to permit easy accumulation of parts and to facilitate

5. Immediately on delivery, inspect shipment to assure:

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Basic Products Requirements 01610/ 1 - 5
a. Product complies with requirements of Contract Documents and reviewed

b. Quantities are correct.

c. Accessories and installation hardware are correct.

d. Containers and packages are intact and labels legible.

e. Products are protected and undamaged.

6. Replace damaged products and plant at no expense to the Employer.


1. Provide equipment and personnel to handle products, by methods to prevent

soiling and damage.

2. Provide additional protection during handling to prevent marring and otherwise

damaging products, packaging and surrounding surfaces.

3. Handle product by methods to avoid bending or overstressing. Lift large and heavy
components only at designated lift points.

4. Comply with suppliers/manufacturers and Engineers recommendations and


5. Observe safety regulations.


A. Store and protect Products in accordance with manufacturers instructions, with seals
and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weather tight, dustproof, and
climate-controlled enclosures.

B. For exterior storage of fabricated Products place on sloped supports, above ground and

C. Provide off-site storage and protection when site does not permit on-site storage or

D. Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet covering. Provide

ventilation to avoid condensation.
E. Storage loose granular materials on solid flat surfaces in a well-drained area. Prevent
mixing with foreign matter.

F. Provide equipment and personnel to store products by methods to prevent soiling,

disfigurement, or damage.

G. Provide surface drainage to prevent erosion and ponding of water.

H. Prevent mixing of refuse or chemically injurious materials or liquids.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Basic Products Requirements 01610/ 2 - 5
I. Maintenance of Storage:

1. Periodically inspect stored products on a schedule basis. Maintain a log of

inspections, make available to Engineer on request.

2. Verify that storage facilities comply with manufacturers product storage


3. Verify that manufacturer required environmental conditions are maintained


4. Verify that surfaces of products exposed to the elements are not adversely
affected; that any weathering of finishes is acceptable under requirements of
Contract Documents.

J. Maintenance of equipment storage:

1. For mechanical and electrical equipment in long-term storage, provide

manufacturers service instructions to accompany each item, with notice of
enclosed instructions shown on exterior of package.

2. Service equipment on a regularly scheduled basis, maintaining a log of services;

submit as a record document.


A. Products specified by reference standard or by description only: any product meeting

those standards or description.

B. Products specified by naming one or more manufacturers is deemed to include or

approved alternative or (approved substitute). Submit a request for substitutions for
any equal product of any manufacturer not specifically named.

C. Or approved alternative or (approved substitute) means the products of a different

manufacturer may be substituted if prior approval has been obtained, but the Engineer
reserves the right to insist on the named product (s).

D. Rates or prices will be held to be based on the product(s) specified, unless otherwise
agreed and any cost arising out of the use of any substitute material or product shall be
borne by the Contractor and any saving arising there from shall be passed on to the

E. Where used in this combination:

1. Manufacturer means the firm under whose name the particular product is
2. Reference means the proprietary brand name and/or reference by which the
particular product is identified.

F. Where a choice of manufacturer or source of supply is allowed for any particular product
or material, the whole quantity required to complete the work must be of the same type,
manufacturer, and/or source. Do not change without prior approval of the Engineer.

G. Product written evidence of sources of supply when requested by the Engineer.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Basic Products Requirements 01610/ 3 - 5

A. Within 30 days after date of Employer-Contractor Agreement, transmit four copies of a

list of all products, which are proposed for installation, including name of manufacturer.

B. Tabulate products by Specifications section number, Title, and Article number.

C. For products specified only by reference standards, give manufacturer, trade name,
model or catalogue designation and reference standards.

D. Engineer will reply in writing within (21) days stating whether there is reasonable
objection to listed items. Failure to object to a listed item shall not constitute a waiver of
requirements of Contract Documents.

E. All materials and systems to be incorporated in the Project are subject to the approval of
the Employer.


A. Except in special instances, the Specification gives one to three manufacturers of

products specified and the products of the listed manufacturers have been used for
detailing and as the standard of quality, appearance, and function. Products proposed for
substitution shall conform basically to design and performance requirements.

B. Written requests for substitutions or approved alternatives (substitutions) products will

be considered only within 45 days after date of Employer-Contractor Agreement.
Subsequent requests will be considered only in case of product unavailability or other
conditions beyond control of Contractor. Allow sufficient time for Engineers review.
C. Substitutions will not be considered when indicated on shop drawings or product data
submittals without separate formal request, when requested directly by subcontractor or
supplier, or when acceptance will require submittal revision of Contract Documents.

D. Substitute products shall not be ordered or installed without written acceptance and
approval by the Engineer and Employer.

E. Only ON REQUEST FOR SUBSTITUTION for each product will be considered. When
substitution is not accepted, provide specified product.

F. Engineer will determine acceptability of substitution.

Notes: See the detail requirement of substitution in the section 01630 Substitution


A. Submit separate request for each substitution. Document each request with complete
data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution and detailed drawing with
requirements of Contract Documents.

B. Identify product by Specifications section and Article numbers. Provide manufacturers

name and address, trade name of product and model or catalogue number. List
fabricators and suppliers as appropriate.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Basic Products Requirements 01610/ 4 - 5
C. Attach product data.

D. List similar projects using product, dates of installation and names of Engineer and

E. Give itemized comparison of proposed substitution with specified product, listing

variations and reference to Specifications section and article number.

F. Give quality and performance comparison between proposed substitution and the
specified product and compatibility with adjacent components.

G. Give cost data comparing proposed substitution with specified product and amount of
net change to Contract Sum.

H. List availability of maintenance services and replacement materials.

I. State effect of substitution on construction schedule and changes required in other work
or products.


A. Request for substitution constitutes a representation that Contractor has investigated

proposed product and has determined that it is equal to or superior in all respects to
specify product or that the cost reduction offered or advantageous delivery dates is
ample justification for accepting the offered substitution. Only with these reasons and
justifications would the Engineer consider the request for substitution.

B. Contractor will provide same warranty for substitution as for specified product.

C. Contractor will coordinate installation of accepted substitute, making such changes as

may be required for Work to be complete in all respects.

D. Contractor certified that cost data presented is complete and includes all related costs
under this Contract.

E. Contractor waives claims for additional costs related to substitution, which may later
become apparent.


A. Submit three copies of request for substitution.

B. Engineer will review Contractors request for substitutions with reasonable promptness.
C. During the bidding period, no submittals for substitutions are allowed unless specifically
D. After award of Contract, Engineer will notify Contractor, in writing of decision to accept
or reject requested substitution within 21 days.
E. For accepted products, submit shop drawings, product data, and samples under
provisions of Section 01330, Submittal Procedures.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Basic Products Requirements 01610/ 5 - 5



A. Definition: The term product shall mean any material including proprietary goods,
equipment and manufactured items as per requirement of the contract.

B. The specifying of manufacturers or their products by name, trade name, catalogue

number, etc., shall not act to relieve the Contractor either from his responsibility to meet
other specification requirements, or from his responsibility to make material submittals
for approval.

C. Alternative Products: References herein to No less than equal term shall

mean that the approval of the Engineer is required to any alternative product proposed
by the Contractor. The Contractors freedom, however, to propose alternatives for the
Engineers review and approval, shall not be limited to those products in respect of
which the term approved equal or similar has been used in the Contract Documents,
and he may propose alternatives to any specified products provided such alternatives are
equal in all respects to the quality, durability and performance characteristics of the
specified product, if not shall be better than the specified but shall not be less than the
specified in quality and performance in any case.

D. Substitute products: If the Contractor is unable to obtain the specified product in spite of
his best endeavours, and if he is unable to find and propose a suitable equal alternative
he may propose a substitute for the Engineers review and approval, which substitute
shall be similar to, if not better than but not less than the quality, durability and
performance characteristics of the specified product. A substitute product will only be
considered if the Contractor has proved to the Engineers reasonable satisfaction that the
specified product is unobtainable.

E. Engineers approval of alternatives and substitutes: The approval of any alternative or

substitute product shall be solely at the discretion of the Engineer and such approval
shall in no way relieve the Contractor of any of his liabilities and obligations under the
Contract. The burden of proof in satisfying the Engineer as to the suitability of any
proposed alternative or substitute product shall rest with the Contractor. The Engineer
may request and the Contractor shall provide such supporting data, carry out such tests,
etc., as the Engineer may reasonably require in order to satisfy himself as to such
suitability. Any delays or extra costs suffered by the Contractor because of his failure to
propose alternatives timely so as to allow the Engineer reasonable time to review, or
because of rejection of alternatives or substitutes found by the Engineer to be unsuitable,
shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and he shall not be entitled to additional
payment nor extra time for completion in this respect.

F. Cost effect in approving alternatives and substitutes: Should any alternative or substitute
product be approved by the Engineer, any net increase in cost over and above the
specified product shall be borne by the Contractor and, any net saving in cost shall be to
the benefit of the Employer. The Engineer shall decide the amount of any decrease in
cost (i.e. net saving) of the alternative or substitute product. In this respect Engineers
decision shall be considered as final.
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Product Substitution Procedure 01630/ 1 - 2
G. Alternative or substitute products where permitted and approved, must conform to the
Engineers designed space requirements. Any such alternative or substitute product that
does not meet such space requirements, whether approved or not, shall be replaced at the
Contractors expense and any modification of replaced systems thereby arising shall also
be made at his expense.

H. Submission of details of alternatives and substitutes: With any alternative or substitute

proposal, submit copies of detailed specifications, brochures, etc., and quotations, in
respect of the alternative or substitute materials proposed, for the Engineers review and

I. Request for substitutions including submittal procedure etc. refer to the section 01610,
Basic product Requirements


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Product Substitution Procedure 01630/ 2 - 2



A. Field Engineering services.

B. Engineer will identify control points and property line corner stakes.


A. Section 01010 - Summary of Work;


A. Experienced Land Surveyor in the discipline required for specific service on Project.


A. Submit name and resume of qualifications for Land Surveyor before starting survey

B. On request, submit documentation verifying accuracy of survey work.


A. Maintain complete, accurate log of control and survey work as it progresses.

B. On completion of foundation walls and major site improvements, prepare a certified

survey showing dimensions, locations, angles and elevations of construction and site




A. Verify locations of survey control points prior to starting work. Promptly notify
Engineer of any discrepancies discovered.

B. The Contractor shall be responsible for the accurate setting out of the works both on
drawings and on site.

C. The Contractor shall satisfy himself that the existing ground levels as indicated in the
Contract are correct. Should the Contractor wishes to dispute any levels, we shall submit
to the Engineer a schedule of the position of the levels considered to be in error and a set
of revised levels. Levels shall not be disturbed during execution without the approval of
the Engineer.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Field Engineering 01722/ 1 - 3

A. Protect survey control points prior to starting site work; preserve permanent reference
points during construction. Make no changes without prior written notice to Engineer.

B. Promptly report to Engineer the loss or destruction of any reference point or relocation
required because of changes in grades or other reasons. Replace dislocated survey
control points based on original survey control.


A. Establish, if required by Engineer, other permanent benchmarks on site, referenced to

established control points, Record locations with horizontal and vertical data on Project
Record Documents.

B. Establish lines and levels, locate and lay out by instrumentation and similar appropriate
1. Site improvements, including pavements, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil
placement and utility locations, slopes and invert elevations.
2. Grid or axis for structures.
3. Buildings foundations, column locations, ground floor elevations, and the like.

C. Periodically verify layouts by same means.

D. Provide instruments and assistance for checking the laying out and levels.


A. Layout the Works using methods and necessary instruments described in BS 5606 Code
of Practice for Accuracy in Building Section 5 and within the permissible deviations as
agreed by the Engineer.

B. Obtain the true and accurate building lines from the Municipality and layout the works
as shown on the drawings.

C. Submit details of methods and equipment to be used in laying out the works.

D. Check the levels and dimensions of the Site against those shown on the Drawings and
record the results on a copy of the Drawings. Notify the Engineer in writing of any
discrepancies and obtain instructions before proceeding.
E. Inform the Engineer when overall laying out is complete.

F. Arrange the setting out, erection, juxta-position of components and application of

finishes (working within the practical limits of the design and Specification) to ensure
that there is a satisfactory fit at junctions and that the finished work has a well aligned,
true and regular appearance.

G. Wherever satisfactory accuracy, fit and/or appearance of the work are likely to be critical
or difficult to achieve, obtain approval of proposals or of the appearance of the relevant
aspects of the partially finished work as early as possible.

H. Work, which fails to meet the specified levels of accuracy, must not be rectified without
Engineers written approval.
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Field Engineering 01722/ 2 - 3
I. Submit proposals for such rectification and meet all costs arising, including effects on
other work.

J. Allow for the possibility that approval will not be given, necessitating removal and
replacement of the work.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Field Engineering 01722/ 3 - 3



This Section includes administrative and procedural requirements for cutting and


A. Cutting and Patching Proposal: Submit a proposal describing procedures well in advance
of the time Cutting and Patching will be performed the Engineers Representative
approval before proceeding. Request approval to proceed, include the following
information, as applicable, in the proposal:

1. Describe the extent of cutting and patching required. Show how it will be performed
and indicate why it cannot be avoided.

2. Describe anticipated results in terms of changes to existing construciton. Include

changes to structural elements and operating components as well as changes in the
buildings apperance and other significant visual elements.

3. List products to be used and firms or entities that will perform work.

4. Indicate dates when cutting and patching will be performed.

5. Utilities: List utilities that cutting and patching procedures will disturb or affect. List
utilities that will be relocated and those that will be temporarly out of service.
Indicate how long service will be disrupted.

6. Where cutting and patching involves adding reinforcement to structural elements,

submit details and engineering calculations showing integration of reinforcement
with the original structure.

7. Approval by the Engineers Representative to proceed with cutting and patching

does not waive the Engineers right to later require compete removal and
replacement of unsatisfactory work.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Cutting and Patching 01732/ 1 - 5

A. Requirements for Structual Work: Do not cut and patch structural elements in a manner
that would change their load-carrying capacity or load-deflection ratio.

1. Obtain approval of the cutting and patching proposal before cutting and patching the
following structural elements:

a. Foundation construcation.
b. Bearing and retaining walls.
c. Structural concrete.
d. Structural steel.
e. Lintels.
f. Timber and primary wood framing.
g. Structural decking.
h. Stair systems.
i. Miscellaneous structural metals.
j. Exterior curtain-wall construction.
k. Equipment supports.
l. Piping, ductwork, vessels and equipment.
m. Structural systems of special construction in Division 13 Sections.

B. Operation Limitations: Do not cut and patch operating elements or related components
in a manner that would result in reducing their capacity to perform as intended. Do not
cut and patch operating elements or related components in a manner that would result in
increased maintenance or decreased operational life or safety.

1. Obtain approval of the cutting and patching proposal before cutting and patching the
following operating elements or safety related systems:

A. Primary operational systems and equipment.

B. Air or smoke barriers.
C. Water, moisture or vapor barriers.
D. Membranes and flashings.
E. Fire protection systems.
F. Noise and vibration control elements and systems.
G. Control systems.
H. Communication systems.
I. Conveying systems.
J. Electrical wiring systems.
K. Operating systems of special construction in Division 13 Sections.

C. Visual Requirements: Do not cut and patch construction exposed on the exterior or in
occupied spaces in a manner that would, in the Engineers or Engineers Representative
opinion, reduce the buildings aesthetic qualities. Do not cut and patch construction in a
manner that would result in visual evidence of cutting and patching. Remove and replace
construction cut and patched in a visually unsatisfactory manner.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Cutting and Patching 01732/ 2 - 5

A. Existing Warranties: Replace, patch and repair material and surfaces cut or damaged by
methods and with materials in such a manner as not to void any warranties required or



A. Use materials identical to existing. For exposed surfaces, use materials that visually
match existing adjacent surfaces to the fullest extent possible if identical materials are
unavailable or cannot be used. Use materials whose installed performance will equal or
surpass that of existing materials.



A. Examine surfaces to be cut and patched and conditions under which cutting and patching
is to be performed before cutting. In unsafe or unsatisfactory conditions are encountered,
take corrective action before proceeding.

1. Before proceeding, meet at the Project Site with parties involved in cutting and
patching, including mechanical and electrical trades. Review areas of potential
interference and conflict. Coordinate procedures and resolve potential conflicts
before proceeding.


A. Temporary Support: Provide temporary support of work to be cut.

B. Protection: Protect existing construction during cutting and patching to prevent damage.
Provide protection from adverse weather conditions for portions of the Project that might
be exposed during cutting and patching operations.

C. Avoid interference with use of adjoining areas of interruption of free passage to

adjoining areas.

D. Avoid cutting existing pipe, conduit or ductwork serving the building but scheduled to
be removed or relocated until provisions have been made to bypass them.


A. General: Employ skilled workmen to perform cutting and patching. Proceed with cutting
and patching at the earliest feasible time and complete without delay.

1. Cut existing construction to provide for installation of other components or

performance of other construction activities and the subsequent fitting and patching
required to restore surfaces to their original condition.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Cutting and Patching 01732/ 3 - 5
B. Cutting: Cut existing construction using methods least likely to damage elements
retained or adjoining construction. Where possible, review proposed procedures with the
original installer, comply with the original installers recommendatiions.

1. In general, where cutting, use hand or small power tools designed for sawing or
grinding not hammering and chopping. Cut holes and slots as small as possible,
neatly to size required and with minimum disturbance of adjacent surfaces.
Temporarily cover openings when not in use.

2. To avoid marring existing finished surfaces, cut or drill from the exposed or fiished
side into concealed surfaces.

3. Cut through concrete and masonry using a cutting machine, such as a Carborundum
saw or a diamond-core drill.

4. Comply with requirements of applicable Division 2 Sections where cutting and

patching requires excavating and backfilling.

5. Where services are required to be removed, relocated or abandoned by-pass utility

services, such as pipe or conduit, before cutting. Cut-off pipe or conduit in walls or
partitions to be removed. Cap, valve or plug and seal the remaining portion of pipe
or conduit to prevent entrance of moisture or other foreign matter after by-passing
and cutting.

C. Patching: Patch with durable seams that are as invisible as possible. Comply with
specified tolerances:

1. Where feasible, inspect and test patched areas to demonstrate integrity of the

2. Restore exposed finishes of patched areas and extend finish restoration into retained
adjoining construction in a manner that will eliminate evidence of patching and

3. Where removing walls or partitions extends one finished area into another patch and
repair floor and wall surfaces in the new space. Provide an even surface of uniform
color and appearance. Remove existing floor and wall coverings and replace with
new materials, if necessary, to achieve uniform color and appearance.
a. Where patching occurs in a smooth painted surface, extend final paint coat over
entire unbroken surface containing the patch after the area has received primer
and second coat.

4. Patch, repair or re-hang existing ceilings as necessary to provide an even-plane

surface of uniform appearance.

D. Plaster Installation: Comply with manufacturers instructions and install thickness and
coats as indicated:
1. Unless otherwise indicated, provide 3-coat work.
2. Finish gypsum plaster to match existing adjacent surfaces. Sand lightly to remove
trowel marks and arises.
3. Cut, patch, point-up and repair plaster to accommodate other construction.
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Cutting and Patching 01732/ 4 - 5

A. Clean areas and spaces where cutting and patching are performed. Completely remove
paint, mortar, oils, putty and similar items. Thoroughly clean piping conduit and similar
features before applying paint or other finishing materials. Rstore damaged pipe
covering to its original condition.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Cutting and Patching 01732/ 5 - 5



Construction Cleaning Individual Specifications Sections: Specific cleaning for product or work.


A. Final cleaning of Project.


A. Execute final cleaning prior to inspection for Substantial Completion of each designated
portion of the work.



A. Use material which will not create hazards to health or property and which will not damage

B. Use only materials and methods recommended by manufacturer of material being cleaned.
Submit to Engineer for approval.



To be executed by an industrial cleaning (Specialist) Subcontractor immediately prior to

handing over the works. Cleaning operation shall include:

In addition to removal of debris and cleaning specified in other sections, clean interior and
exterior exposed to view surfaces.

Remove temporary protection, wrappings, markings and labels not required to remain.

Clean finishes free of dust, stains, paint films and mortar splashes and other foreign

Clean transparent and glossy materials inside and out to a polished condition, remove
foreign substances. Polish reflective surfaces to a clear shine.

Clean, scrub, damp, mop or wax and polish resilient and hard surfaced floors as specified.

Clean surfaces of equipment, remove excess lubrication.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Final Cleaning 01741/ 1 - 2
Clean and polish plumbing fixtures and equipment to a sanitary condition.

Clean permanent filters of ventilating equipment and replae disposable filters when units
have been operated during construction, in addition, clean ducts, blowrs and coils when
units have been operated without filters during construction.

Clean light fixtures and lamps.

Maintain cleaning until Substantial Completion.

Remove waste, foreign matter and debris from roofs, gutters, area and drainae systems.

Remove waste, debris and surplus materials from site. Clean grounds, remove stains, spills,
and foreign substances from paved areas and sweep clean. Rake clean other exterior


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Final Cleaning 01741/ 2 - 2



A. Section Includes: Administrative and supervisory requirements necessary for coordinating

construction operations including but not necessary limited to the following:

1. Starting Systems.
2. Demonstration and instructions.
3. Testing, adjusting and balancing.

B. Related Sections:

1. Section 01400 Quality Control.

2. Section 01700 Contract Closeout
3. Section 01730 Operation and Maintenance Data.
4. Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (Division 15 Mechanical)


A. Coordinate schedule for start-up of various equipment and systems.

B. Notify Engineers Representative and Employer Seven (7) days prior to start-up of each

C. Verify that each piece of equipment or system has been checked for proper lubrication,
drive rotation, belt tension, control sequence or for other conditions, which may cause

D. Verify that tests, meter readings and specified electrical characteristics agree with those
required by the equipment or system manufacturer.

E. Verify wiring and support components for equipment are complete and tested.

F. Execute start-up under the supervision of applicable Contractors personnel, in accordance

with manufacturers instructions.

G. When specified in individual specification Sections, require manufacturer to provide

authorized representative to be present at site to inspect, check and approve equipment or
system installation prior to start-up, and to supervise placing equipment or system in

H. Submit a written report in accordance with Section 01400 that equipment or system has
been properly installed and is functioning correctly.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Starting and Adjusting 01750/ 1 - 2

A. Demonstrate operation and maintenance of Products to Employers personnel two weeks

prior to date of Substantial Completion unless specified otherwise in particular sections.

B. Utilize operation and maintenance manuals are basis for instruction. Review contents of
manual with Employers personnel in detail to explain all aspects of operation and

C. Demonstrate start-up, operation, control, adjustment, trouble shooting, servicing,

maintenance and shutdown of each item of equipment at agreed time at equipment location.

D. Prepare and insert additional data in operations and maintenance manuals when needed for
additional data becomes apparent during instruction.

E. The amount of time required for instruction on each item of equipment and system is that
specified in individual sections.


A. Contractor shall appoint, employ and pay for services of an independent firm to perform
testing, adjusting and balancing.

B. The independent firm will perform services specified in Division 15

C. Reports will be submitted by the independent firm to the Engineer and Contractor, in
duplicate, indicating observations and results of tests and indicating compliance or non-
compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents.




Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Starting and Adjusting 01750/ 2 - 2



A. Section 01569 Construction Cleaning.

B. Section 01730 Operation and Maintenance Data.


A. Closeout Procedures.

1. Substantial Completion.
2. Closeout Submittals.
3. Statement of Adjustment of Accounts.
4. Contractors Obligations.

B. Final Cleaning.

C. Adjusting.

D. Warranties.

E. Spare parts and Maintenance Materials.


A. Substantial Completion

1. When Contractor considers work is substantially complete, submit written notice

with list of items to be completed or corrected.

2. Should Engineer inspection find work is not substantially complete, he will promptly
notify Contractor in writing listing observed deficiencies.

3. Contractor shall remedy all deficiencies and send a second written notice of
Substantial Completion.

4. When Engineer finds work is substantially complete he will prepare a Certificate of

Substantial Completion in accordance with provisions of the Conditions Documents.

B. Closeout Submittals.

1. Evidence of Compliance with Requirements of Governing Authorities and as

requested by the Engineer.

2. Project Record Documents: Under Provisions of Section 01720.

3. Operation and Maintenance Data: Under provisions of Section 01730.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Closeout Procedure 01770/ 1 - 4
4. Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials.

5. Keys and Keying Schedule.

6. Evidence of Payment: In accordance with Conditions of the Contract.

7. Certificate of Insurance for Products and Completed Operations: In accordance with

Particular Conditions.

C. Statement of Adjustment of Accounts

1. Submit final statement reflecting adjustments to Contract Sum indicating:

a. Original Contract Sum.
b. Previous Variations.
c. Deductions for uncorrected work.
d. Deductions against Advance Payment, if any.
e. Dectuctions for delays penalties.
f. Deductions for Engineers fees.
g. Other adjustments to Contract Sum.
h. Total Contract Sum as adjusted.
i. Previous payments.
j. Sum remaining due.

2. Engineer will issue a final variation reflecting approved adjustments to Contract Sum
not previously made by variations for Employer Authorization.

D. Contractors Obligations during the Maintenance Period.

1. Make good all damage consequent upon the work.

2. Touch up minor faults in newly painted/re-painted work, carefully matching color

and brushing out edges. Repaint badly marked areas back to suitable breaks or

3. Adjust ease and lubricate moving parts of new work as necessary to ensure easy and
efficient operation, inluding doors, windows, drawers, harware, appliances and

4. Leave the works secure with all accesses locked. Account for and adequately label
all keys and handover to the Employer with itemised schedule, retaining a duplilcate
schedule signed by the Employer as a receipt.

5. Where any section of the work will after its practical completion, depend for its
adequate functioning on work located elsewhere in the work, complete such other
work in time to permit Sectional Completion as required.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Closeout Procedure 01770/ 2 - 4
6. During execution of the remainder of the works insure that completed sections of the
works have continuous and adequate provision of services, fire precautions, means of
escape and safe access.

7. Make arrangements with the Employers Representative and derive reasonable notice
of the precise dates of access to the various parts of the Works for purposes of
making good defects. Inform the Engineer when remedial works to the various parts
of the Works are completed.


A. Description

1. Execute final cleaning in accordance with Section 01710.


A. Adjust operating products and equipment to ensure smooth and unhindered operation.


A. Form of Submittals

1. Bind in commercial quality 210 x 297mm (A4) three ring side binders, with
hardback, cleanable, plastic covers.

2. Label cover of each binder with typed or printed title WARRANTIES AND
BONDS, with title of project, name, address and telephone number of Contract and
name of responsible principal.

3. Table of Contents: Neatly typed, in the sequence of the Table of Contents of the
Project Manual, with each item identified with the number and title of the
specification section in which specified and the name of Product or work item.

4. Separate each warranty or bond with index tab sheets keyed to the Table of Contents
listing. Provide full information, using separate typed sheets as necessary. List
subcontractor, supplier and manufacturer, with name, address and telephone number
of responsible principal.

B. Preparation of Submittals

1. Obtain warranties and bonds, executed in duplicate by responsible subcontractors,

suppliers and manufacturers, within fourteen days after completion of the applicable
item of work. Except for items put into use with Employers permission, leave date
of beginning of time of warranty until the Date of Substantial Completion is

2. Verify that documents are in proper form contain full information and are notarised.

3. Co-execute submittals when required.

4. Retain warranties and bonds until time specified for submittal.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Closeout Procedure 01770/ 3 - 4
C. Time of Submittals.

1. For equipment or component parts of equipment put into service during construction
with Employers permission, submit documents within fourteen days after

2. Make other submittals within fourteen days after Date of Substantial Completion,
prior to final Application for Payment.

3. For items of work when acceptance is delayed beyond Date of Substantial

Completion, submit within fourteen days after acceptance, listing the date of
acceptance as the beginning of the warranty period.


A. Products Required:

1. Provide quantities of products, spare parts, maintenance tools and maintenance

materials specified in individual sections to be provided to Employer, in addition to
that required for completion of work.

2. Products: Identical to those installed in the work. Include quantities in original

purchase from supplier or manufacturer to avoid variations in manufacture.

B. Storage, Maintenance:

1. Store all products with products to be installed in the work, under provisions of
Section 01610.

2. After delivery of products to site, maintain spare products in same space and
condition as products to be installed in the work.

3. When adequate, secure storage facilities are available at site, capable of maintaining
conditions required for storage and not required for Contract work or storage, spare
products may be stored in available space.

4. Maintain spare products in original containers with labels intact and legible, until
delivery to Employer.
C. Delivery

1. Co-ordinate with Employer: Deliver and unload spare products to Employer at

Project site and obtain receipt prior to final payment.




Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Closeout Procedure 01770/ 4 - 4



A. Section 01330 Submittals.

B. Individual Specifications Sections: Specific requirements for operation and maintenance



A. Format and content of manuals.

B. Instruction of Employers personnel.

C. Schedule of submittals.


A. Prepare data in the form of an instruction manual.

B. Binders: Commercial quality, size A4 three-ring binders with hardback, cleanable,

plastic covers, 25mm maximum ring size. When multiple binders are used, correlate data
into related consistent groupings.

C. Cover: Identify each binder with typed or printed title OPERATION AND
MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS, list title of Project identify subject matter of

D. Arrange content by systems under section numbers and sequence of Table of Contents of
this Project Manual.

E. Provide tabbed fly leaf for each separate product and system, with typed description of
product and major component parts of equipment.

F. Text: Manufacturers printed data or typewritten data.

G. Drawings: Provide with reinforced punched binder tab. Bind in with text, fold larger
drawings to size of text pages.


A. Table of Contents: Provide title of Project, Names, Addresses and Telephone numbers of
Engineer and Contractor with name of responsible parties, schedule of products and
systems indexed to content of the volume.
B. For Each Product or System: List Names, Addresses and Telephone numbers of
Subcontractors and suppliers, including local source of supplies and replacement parts.

C. Product Data: Mark each sheet to clearly identify specific products and component parts
and data applicable to installation, delete inapplicable information.
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Operation and Maintenance Data 01783/ 1 - 3
D. Drawings: Supplement product data to illustrate relations of component parts of
equipment and systems to show control and flow diagrams. Do not use Project Record
Documents as maintenance drawings.

E. Typed Text: As required to supplement product data. Provide logical sequence of

instructions for each procedure.

F. Warranties and Bonds: Bind in copy of each.


A. Building Products, Applied Materials and Finishes: Include product data, with catalog
number, size, composition and color and texture designations. Provide information for
re-ordering custom manufactured products.

B. Instructions for Care and Maintenance: Include manufacturers recommendations for

cleaning agents and methods, precautions against detrimental agents and methods and
recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance.

C. Moisture-protection and Weather-exposed Products: include product data listing

applicable reference standards, chemical composition and details of installation. Provide
recommendations for inspections, maintenance and repair.

D. Additional Requirements: As specified in individual Specifications Sections.

E. Provide a listing in Table of Contents for design data, with tabbed fly sheet and space for
insertion of data.


A. Each Item of Equipment and Each System: Include description of unit or system and
component parts. Give function, normal operating characteristics and limiting
conditions. Include performance curves with engineering data and tests and complete
nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts.

B. Panel Board Circuit Directories: Provide electrical service characteristics, controls and

C. Include as-installed color coded wiring diagrams.

D. Operating Procedures: Include start-up, break-in and routine normal operating

instructions and sequences. Include regulation, control, stopping, shut-down, and
emergency instructions. Include summer, winter and any special operating instructions.

E. Maintenance Requirements: Include routine procedures and guide for trouble shooting,
disassembly, repair and reassembly instructions and alignment, adjusting, balancing and
checking instructions.

F. Provide servicing and lubrication schedule and list of lubricants required.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Operation and Maintenance Data 01783/ 2 - 3
G. Include manufacturers printed operation and maintenance instructions.

H. Include sequence of operation by controls manufacturer.

I. Provide original manufacturers parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings and diagrams
required for maintenance.

J. Provide as-installed control diagrams by controls manufacturer.

K. Provide Contractors coordination drawings with as installed color coded piping


L. Provide charts of valve tag numbers with location and function of each valve, keyed to
flow and control diagrams.

M. Provide list of original manufacturers spare parts, current prices and recommended
quantities to be maintained in storage.

N. Include test and balancing reports.

O. Additional Requirements: As specified in individual Specifications Section.

P. Provide a listing in Table of Contents for design data, with tabbed fly sheet and space for
insertion of data.


A. Submit two copies of preliminary draft or proposed formats and outlines of contents
before start of work. Engineer will review draft and return one copy with comments.

B. For equipment or component parts of equipment put into service during construction and
operated by Employer submit documents within ten days after acceptance.

C. Submit one copy of completed volumes in final form 15 days prior to final inspection.
Copy will be returned after final inspection with Engineer comments. Revise content of
documents as required prior to final submittal.

D. Submit four copies of revised volumes of data in final form within ten days after final




Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Operation and Maintenance Data 01783/ 3 - 3



A. This section includes administrative and procedural requirements for warranties required
by the Contract Documents, including manufacturers standard warranties on products
and special project warranties.

B. Related Sections:

1. Section 01770 Contract Closeout specifies contract closeout procedures.

2. Division 2 through 16 Sections for specific requirements for warranties on products

and installations specified to be warranted.

C. Disclaimers and Limitations: Manufacturers disclaimers and limitations on product

warranties do not relieve the Contractor of the warranty on the work that incorporates
the products. Manufacturers disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not
relieve suppliers, manufacturers and subcontractors required to countersign special
project warranties with the Contractor.


A. Standard product warranties are preprinted written warranties published by individual

manufacturers for particular products and are specifically endorsed by the manufacturer
to the Employer.

B. Special project warranties are written warranties required by or incorporated in the

Contract Documents, either to extend time limits provided by standard warranties or to
provide greater rights for the Employer.


A. Related Damages and Losses: When correcting failed or damaged warranted

construction, remove and replace construction that has been damaged as a result of such
failure or must be removed and replaced to provide access for correction of warranted

B. Reinstatement of Warranty: When work covered by a warranty has failed and been
corrected by replacement or rebuilding, reinstate the warranty by written endorsement.
The reinstated warranty shall be equal to the original warranty with an equitable
adjustment for depreciation.

C. Replacement Cost: Upon determination that work covered by a warranty has

failed, replace or rebuild the work to an acceptable condition complying with
requirements of the Contract Documents. The Contractor is responsible for the
cost of replacing or rebuilding defective work regardless of whether the
Employer has benefited from use of the work through a portion of its anticipated
useful service life.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Warrantees and Guarantees 01787/ 1 - 5
D. Employers Recourse: Expressed warranties made to the Employer are in
addition to implied warranties and shall not limit the duties, obligations, rights
and remedies otherwise available under the law. Expressed warranty periods
shall not be interpreted as limitations on the time in which the Employer can
enforce such other duties, obligations, rights or remedies.

1. Rejection of Warranties: The Employer reserves the right to reject

warranties and to limit selection to products with warranties not in
conflict with requirements of the Contract Documents.

E. Where the Contract Documents require a special project warranty or similar

commitment on the work or part of the work, the Employer reserves the right to
refuse to accept the work, until the Contractor presents evidence that entitles
required to countersign such commitments are willing to do so.


A. Submit written warranties to the Engineers Representative prior to the date certified for
Substantial Completion. If the Certificate of Substantial Completion designates a
commencement date for warranties other than the date of Substantial Completion for the
work or a designated portion of the work, submit written warranties upon request of the
Engineers Representative.

1. When a designated portion of the work is completed and occupied or used by the
Employer by separate agreement with the Contractor during the construction period,
submit properly executed warranties to the Engineers Representative within 15 days
of completion of that designated portion of the work.

B. When the Contract Documents require the Contractor or the Contractor and a
Subcontractor supplier or manufacturer to execute a special project warranty, prepare a
written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution
by the required parties. Submit a draft to the Engineers Representative for approval
prior to final execution.

C. List of special warranties and form formats for special project warranties are included at
the end of this Section. Prepare a written document utilizing the appropriate form, ready
for execution by the Contractor.

1. Refer to Divisions 2 through 16 Sections for specific content requirements and

Particular Requirements for submitting Special Project Warranties.

E. Form of Submittal: At Substantial Completion compile three (3) copies of each required
warranty properly executed by the Contractor. Organize the warranty documents into an
orderly sequence based on the table of contents of the Project Manual.

F. Bind warranties and bonds in heavy duty, commercial quality, durable vinyl covered
loose leaf binders, thickness as necessary to accommodate contents and sized to receive
A4 paper.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Warrantees and Guarantees 01787/ 2 - 5
1. Provide heavy paper dividers with celluloid covered tabs for each separate warranty.
Mark the tab to identify the product or installation. Provide a typed description of the
product or installation, including the name of the product and the name, address and
telephone number of the Installer.

2. Identify each binder on the front and spine with the typed or printed title
Warranties, Project title or name and name of the Contractor.

3. When warranted construction requires operation and maintenance manuals, provide

additional copies of each required warranty, as necessary, for inclusion in each
required manual.




A. Schedule: Provide warranties on products and installations as specified in the following


1. Section-02580 Pavement Marking.

2. Section-02700 Drainage.
3. Section-02810 Irrigation Systems.
4. Section-03250 Concrete Accessories.
5. Section-07160 Bituminous Damp proofing.
6. Section-07210 Building Insulation.
7. Section-09310 Ceramic Tiles.
8. Seciton-10800 Toilet and Bath Accessories.
9. Section-12390 Lab Furniture.
10. Section-14000 Conveying Systems.
11. Section-15300 Fire Protection.
12. Section-15400 Plumbing.
13 Section-15500 HVAC Works
14. Section-16000 Electrical.
15. Section-16620 Emergency Generator.

B. Schedule: Provide Special Project Warranties on products and installations as specified

in the following Sections:
1. Section - 02282 Termite Control
2. Section - 07110 Membrane Waterproofing
3. Section 07120 Fluid Applied Waterpoofing
4. Section 07125 Latex Waterproofing
5. Section 07550 Protection Membrane Roofing
6. Section 07820 Metal Framed Skylight
7. Section 07910 joint Fillers & Gaskets
8. Section 07920 Sealants
9. Section 08110 Steel Doors and Frames
10. Section 08120 Aluminium Doors and Frames
11. Section 08211 Flush Wood Doors
12. Section 08520 Aluminium Doors Windows & Screens

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Warrantees and Guarantees 01787/ 3 - 5
13. Section 08711 Hardware Set Schedule
14. Section 08800 Doors & Windows Glazing
15. Section 08900 Glazed Curtain Walls
16. Section 09510 Acoustical Ceiling
17. Section 09690 Carpet
18. Section 09700 Synthetic Flooring


The Contractor shall submit warranty forms in the format shown:


Special Project Warranty
Contract Ref.No.
Name of Project
Warranted System Validity Commencement Date Expiry Date
We the undersigned (insert full name and address of Company):
Contractor : .
Installer : .
Manufacturer : .

Agree to provide the special project warranty of the (description and location of
Product/System) ..
agreeing to repair or replace subject to the warranty requirements below and conditions
stated in the contract documents during the period of (state period) from the above
mentioned commencement date at our own complete cost and expense to the full satisfaction
of the Employer or his approved Representative.

Warranty Requirements:

1. (Describe nature of warranty responsibility).

2. Related Damages and Losses: When correcting failed or damaged warranted

construction, remove and replace construction that has been damaged as a result of
such failure or must be removed and replaced to provide access for correction of
warranted construction.

3. Reinstatement of Warranty: When work covered by a warranty has failed and been
corrected by replacement or rebuilding, reinstate the warranty by written
endorsement. The reinstated warranty shall be equal to the original warranty with an
equitable adjustment for depreciation.

4. Replacement Cost : Upon determination that work covered by a warranty has failed,
replace or rebuild the work to an acceptable condition complying with requirements
of the Contract Documents. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of replacing or
rebuilding defective work regardless of whether the Employer has benefited from use
of the work through a portion of its anticipated useful service life.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Warrantees and Guarantees 01787/ 4 - 5
5. Employers Recourse: Expressed warranties made to the Employer are in addition to
implied warranties and shall not limit the duties, obligations, rights and remedies
otherwise available under the law. Expressed warranty periods shall not be
interpreted as limitations on the time in which the Employer can enforce such other
duties, obligations, rights or remedies.

a. Rejection of Warranties: The Employer reserves the right to reject warranties and
to limit selection to products with warranties not in conflict with requirements of
the Contract Documents.

6. Where the Contract Documents require a special Project warranty or similar

commitment on the work or part of the work, the Employer reserves the right to
refuse to accept the work, until the Contractor presents evidence that entities required
to countersign such commitments are willing to do so.

Signature: Date:

Contractor ..

Installer ..

Manufacturer ..


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Warrantees and Guarantees 01787/ 5 - 5



A. Section 01722 Field Engineering.

B. Section 01330 Submittals.
C. Section 01783 Operation and Maintenance Data.
D. Individual Specifications Sections: Manufacturers Certificates and Certificates of


A. Maintenance of Record Documents and Samples.

B. Submittal of Record Documents and Samples.


A. In addition to requirements in General and Particular Conditions maintain at the site for
Employer and Engineer one record copy of:

1. Contract Drawings.
2. Project Manual.
3. Addenda.
4. Variations and other modifications to the Contract.
5. Reviewed and stamped shop drawings, product data and samples.
6. Field test records.
7. Inspection certificates and checklists.
8. Manufacturers certificates.

B. Store Record Documents and samples in Field Office apart from documents used
for construction. Provide files, racks and secure storage for Record Documents
and samples.

C. Label and file Record Documents and samples in accordance with Section number
listings in Table of Contents of this Project Manual. Label each document PROJECT
RECORD in neat, large, printed letters.

D. Maintain record Documents in a clean, dry and legible condition. Do not use Record
Documents for construction purposes.

E. Keep Record Documents and samples available for inspection by Engineer.


A. Record daily as-built information on a set of blue or black line opaque drawings and in
a copy of a Project Manual.
B. Provide felt tip marking pens, maintaining separate colors for each major system, for
recording information.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Project Record Document 01789/ 1 - 3
C. Record daily information concurrently with construction progress. Do not conceal any
work until required information is recorded.

D. Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings: Legibly mark each item to record actual
construction, including:

1. Measured depths of elements of foundation in relation to finish first floor datum.

2. Measured horizontal and vertical locations and sizes of underground utilities and
appurtenances, referenced to permanent surface improvements.

3. Measured locations of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in construction,

referenced to visible and accessible features of construction.

4. Field changes of dimension and detail.

5. Changes made by Modifications.

6. Details not on original Contract Drawings.

7. References to related shop drawings and Modifications.

E. Specifications: Legibly mark each item to record actual construction, including:

1. Manufacturer, trade name and catalog number of each product actually installed,
particularly optional items and substitute items.
2. Changes made by Addenda and Modifications.

F. Other Documents: Maintain manufacturers instruction manuals and certifications,

inspection certifications, field test records and other Documents required by
individual Specifications Sections.

G. Labor Record:

1. Each day provide for verification by the Engineer a record showing the number and
description of craftsmen, labors and other persons employed on or in connection with
the works including those employed by Assigned Subcontractors.

H. Visitors Record:

1. Maintain a record of visitors to the Site and submit at monthly intervals to the

I. Weather Records:

1. Keep an accurate record of:

a. Daily maximum and minimum air temperatures (including overnight)

b. Number of hours per day in which work is prevented by inclement weather.

2. Provide at least two maximum and minimum thermometers at agreed locations inside
the building.
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Project Record Document 01789/ 2 - 3

A. Within 45 days of the Date of Substantial Completion, for each of the relevant portions
of the Work, submit two original sepia prints (one regular size and one reduced size) and
five printed sets of Record (As Built) Documents plus four complete drawings copies
reduced to size 600 x 400mm. Obtain approval of size of drawings, quality of
transparent sheets, method of drawing and the like, prior to preparation of drawings.
Also provide 2 copies of computer diskettes of all project drawings.

B. Transmit with cover letter in duplicate, listing:

1. Data.
2. Project title and number.
3. Contractors name, address and telephone number.
4. Number and title of each Record Document and arrange in correct sequence.
5. Signature of Contractor or authorized representative.

C. Where provision of Record drawings is required by Ministries or the Municipality as a

precondition to providing their service connections, approvals and the like, submit
drawings at the correct time.




Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Project Record Document 01789/ 3 - 3


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Site Construction Division 2




1. If a Soil Investigation/Report is prepared and included in this tender, then it shall

be for guidance and convenience only. The availability of this report to the
Contractor does not relieve the Contractor of obligations to thoroughly investigate
the nature of the Site and the Sub-soil conditions therein, nor does it relieve the
Contractor of any obligations and responsibilities under the terms and conditions
of the Contract Documents.

2. If the Soil Investigation/Report is not provided in the tender. The foundation is

designed with assumed bearing capacity of soil. After awarding the contract, the
contractor shall execute the Bore holes at his own cost and submit the
Investigation/Report for Engineers review and approval. See detail requirements
in the Doc.III-4, BOQ, General Scope of Work.


The Contractor shall be deemed to have visited the Site prior to submitting his Tender and
made all necessary inspections and investigations and, to have decided for himself the
means of access and working space, the nature of the ground and sub-soil, the presence of
existing foundations or other hidden obstructions, the level of the water table, the extent of
rock, support to neighboring properties and structures and all factors affecting the Work and
shall be deemed to have allowed for these in his Tender. Any information made available to
the Contractor, either in these documents or the soils reports will not relieve the contractor
of his responsibility to decide for himself the nature and extent of the work, nor will it
guarantee that similar conditions will apply on other parts of the Site.




Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Subsurface Investigation 02210/ 1 - 1



A. The extent of the demolition work is as indicated on the drawings or as implied there
from. The demolition works includes the following:

1. General demolition.
2. Selective demolition

B. Types of Demolition Work: Demolition requires the general and selective removal and
subsequent offsite disposal of the following:

1. General demolition shall be comprised of demolition of any obstruction visible or

underground and which should be included in the Site clearing or Earthwork in
excavation for foundation.

2. Selective demolition shall be indicated on drawings or to be included in the BOQ

description and as required to accommodate new construction.

3. Removal of part or full of any redundant existing underground Service/Utilities etc.

if exists shall be including whether indicated on the drawings or not.

4. The exact requirement and extent of demolition work shall be ascertained

during site visit


A. Perform demolition work in accordance with applicable rules, regulations, codes, and
ordinances of local authorities, and in accordance with the requirements of the public
utility owners having jurisdiction over the work. Obtain and pay for all necessary
permits, licenses, and certificates and give all notices as required during the performance
of the demolition work.


A. Before commencing any work, submit for approval, a schedule showing the
commencement, the order, and completion dates for the various parts of this work.

B. Before commencing any work relating to existing utilities (electrical, telephone, water,
etc.,) that will temporarily discontinue or disrupt service to the existing buildings, notify
the Engineer 72 hours in advance and obtain his approval in writing before proceeding
with this phase of the work.

Owner assumes no responsibility for actual condition of items to be demolished.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Demolition 02220/ 1 - 4

A. Provide, erect and maintain all catch platforms, lights, barriers, warning signs, and all
other items as required for the proper protection of the workmen engaged in the
demolition operations, public, adjacent construction and occupants of adjacent buildings.

B. Do not close or obstruct streets or sidewalks without the proper permit. Conduct
operations with minimum traffic interference.

C. Protect all public and private property adjacent to the job site, and including utility lines,
streets, sidewalks, light standards, street and other signs, and make all repairs
necessitated by reason of, or in the course of operations under this Contract to the
complete satisfaction of the Owner of the damaged property.

D. Make such explorations and probes as are necessary to ascertain any required protective
measures before proceeding with demolition and removal work.

E. Do not close or obstruct walkways or passageways without the authorization of the


F. The Contractor shall be held responsible for any damage caused to the existing
structures by reason of insufficient protection.


A. Promptly repair damages caused to adjacent facilities by demolition work at no cost to

the Owner.


A. All motorized equipment on the Site, including hauling trucks shall be equipped with
sound control devices at all times. The sound level measured at a distance of 5 meters
from any piece of equipment shall not exceed 60 decibels.

B. Workmens voice communication shall be kept under control at all times.


A. Take necessary precautions to prevent dust and dirt from rising by wetting demolished
masonry, concrete and similar debris. Comply with governing regulations pertaining to
environmental protection.



A. Refer to relevant Specification Sections for respective materials required for the works
of this Section.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Demolition 02220/ 2 - 4


A. Prior to Commencement of Demolition Work: Inspect areas in which work will be

performed. Photograph existing conditions to structure surfaces, equipment or to
surrounding properties which could be misconstrued as damage resulting from selective
demolition work; file with Owners Representative prior to starting work.


A. Provide interior and exterior shoring, bracing, or support to prevent movement,

settlement, or collapse of structures to be demolished and adjacent facilities to remain.

B. Take precautions to guard against movement, settlement, or collapse of any surrounding

construction designated to remain and be liable for any such movement, settlement, or

C. Cease operations and notify the Owners Representative immediately if safety of

structure appears to be endangered. Take precautions to support structure until
determination is made for continuing operations.

D. Cover and protect furniture, equipment and fixtures to remain from soiling or damage
when demolition work is performed in rooms or areas from which such items have not
been removed.

E. Erect and maintain dust-proof partitions and closures as required to prevent spread of
dust or fumes to occupied portions of the building.


A. Perform demolition works in a systematic manner. Use such methods as required to

complete work indicated on the drawings or inferred there from in accordance with the
demolition schedule and governing regulations.

B. All work shall be carried out with due care and attention with the contractor being held
fully responsible for any damages caused to any part or parts of the existing building and
or the buildings structure.

C. Existing service piping and cables shall be removed in conformity with the requirements
of the local public utility having jurisdiction, the Engineer, and the utility owner. Before
cutting in on the above services notify the Engineer, proper officials, persons or
departments owning same, obtain instructions for carrying out the work and take all
precautionary measures they may deem necessary.

D. Asphalt Areas

1. Asphalt areas designated to be demolished generally include:

a. Asphalt paved roads, paths, and parking.

b. Precast concrete kerb complete with concrete foundation and hunching, if

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Demolition 02220/ 3 - 4
2. All asphalt areas designated to be demolished shall be broken up and removed from
the site. Concrete steps shall be broken into small sections and removed. Kerbstones
shall be removed with foundation broken up and dugout fully.


A. Materials and/or items required by the Employer, instructed by the Engineer or

described in the Specifications to remain the property of the Employer shall be removed
with due care and stored in Ministry of Defense stores, as directed by the Engineer. Such
materials/items shall include those resulting from the rerouting of services, etc.

B. Materials and/or items demolished and not designated to become the property of the
Employer shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the


A. General

1. Remove from the Site all debris, rubbish, and other materials resulting from
demolition operations and which are not required to be retained for the Employer.

2. Generally all materials and/or items salvaged from the demolition operation shall
remain the property of the Employer. Materials and/or items to be retained for the
Employer shall be confirmed and identified with the Engineer/Employer, by the
Contractor, before disposal of any materials. Clean and store such materials as
specified and as directed by the Engineer.

3. Burning of removed materials from demolished structures will not be permitted on


4. Transport materials removed from demolished structures and dispose of off site.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Demolition 02220/ 4 - 4



A. General preparation of the site by removal of all impediments prior to the

commencement of the work.

B. Clear the site from trees, plant, and grass.

C. Remove complete roots of trees and shrubs.

D. Remove surface debris.

E. Divert utilities and other services (if any) in compliance with regulations.

F. Disposal of removed materials away from site and in a legal manner in full compliance
with local authorities rules and regulations.


These hereinafter-listed related sections are intended to be used as a helpful indication of the
related sections within the Project Specifications. They are not necessarily comprehensive
are complete and it is the Contractors responsibility to ascertain all applicable sections
required to understand the full scope of works intended.

2. Section 02315 - Earthwork


A. Conform to local codes and regulations for disposal of debris.

B. The approval of the Engineer that the site has been properly prepared shall be obtained
before subsequent earthworks are put into operations.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Site Clearing 02230/ 1 - 2


A. Remove all debris from the site of the Works inclusive of loose and semi-buried pieces
of concrete, etc., which require disposal, to avoid incorporation with excavated material
which may be used in filling into excavations.

B. Scrape out all growing vegetation including roots, which require disposal, to avoid
incorporation with excavated material, which may be used in filling into excavations.

C. All material removed under this section shall be disposed of in a place of deposit found
by the Contractor who shall be responsible for all charges in connection therewith.
Burning of materials on site will not be allowed.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Site Clearing 02230/ 2 - 2



The work included in this Section covers the complete dewatering of the Site as required
during the excavation and construction of the building, including the provision of temporary


The work includes but is not limited to the labor, materials, equipment and services required
for designing, furnishing, installing, maintaining, operating, monitoring and moving systems
for dewatering the site, controlling surface water and collecting and disposing of discharge
water during the construction process, and until sufficient dead load of the structure is in
place to prevent floatation.


A. The Contractor shall submit for approval his proposed design and detailed layout for the
dewatering system or systems he intends to install. The proposed system(s) shall be
designed to ensure the following:

i) The lowering of the water table over the site to allow excavation to proceed and
maintaining the water level below the base of excavation as it proceeds (draw down

ii) The reduction of piezometric levels in the underlying strata sufficiently during the
draw down stage to ensure stability of the excavation.

iii) Once excavation is complete the water level in the ground must be maintained,
during the construction period, at least 0.50 meter below the deepest excavation level
until the Engineer decides that dewatering may be stopped.

Restoring the water level to its initial position shall be made after the space between the
face of the excavation and the basement wall is backfilled and once the weight of the
structure exceeds the hydrostatic uplift. In any event, the decision as to when dewatering
operations shall cease or be reduced shall be exclusively that of the Engineer.

iv) That heave of the excavation base due to upward groundwater pressure does not

v) The System(s) must run twenty-four (24) hours a day and the design shall include
sufficient standby pumps connected in the system(s) so as to operate automatically in
case of pump failure.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Dewatering 02240/ 1 - 3

Perform dewatering work in accordance with applicable rules, regulations, codes, and
ordinances of local authorities, and in accordance with the requirements of the public utility
owners having jurisdiction over the work. Obtain and pay for all necessary permits, licenses,
and certificates and give all notices as required during the performance of the dewatering


A. Before commencing any work under this Section submit the following for approval by
the Engineer:

i) Detailed shop drawings system(s) layout, pumps, standby pumps, generators, access,
temporary piezometers etc., and complete design criteria and calculations.

ii) A dewatering program showing commencement and completion dates for the various
stages of the dewatering works and indicating the methods and sequence of operations
involved, with full details of the necessary attendant labor to be provided on a full time
round-the-clock basis.

B. The Engineers approval to the above referred submittals shall not relieve the Contractor
from his obligations and liabilities under the Contract and the Contractor shall be
responsible for selecting, operating and maintaining an efficient dewatering system(s)
such as will ensure dry working conditions throughout the draw down and construction



A. Provide and maintain complete dewatering equipment necessary for lowering and
maintaining the water table at the required level.

B. Provide all necessary perimeter trenches, pipes, pumps, etc., as required for the purpose
of collecting and disposing of all excess water inflow into the bottom of excavations.

C. Provide and maintain minimum one temporary piezometer for monitoring the water
table levels on site on a daily basis during the draw down and construction phases. The
location and design of the temporary piezometer shall be approved by the Engineer.

D. Failure of equipment or system(s) installed by the Contractor shall not entitle the
Contractor to additional payment or extra time for completion in respect of any
additional measures necessarily employed by him in order to provide and maintain dry
working conditions.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Dewatering 02240/ 2 - 3


A. Install and maintain complete dewatering system(s) and temporary piezometer in

accordance with the approved shop drawing and dewatering program.

B. All pumps and other equipment shall have proper safety guards and locations of all
equipment shall be properly lit and supervised at all times. Stations in the Contractors
Watchmans Tour System shall include the dewatering system(s).

C. Provide and maintain easy and safe access to all pumps and valves in the dewatering

D. Maintain the area between the shoring line and the structure and keep free of any oil,
fuel, rubbish, etc., arising from the operation and maintenance of the dewatering system..


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Dewatering 02240/ 3 - 3



A. Provide all labor, material, equipment and services required for designing, furnishing,
installing and maintaining a lateral support system, including bracing and tiebacks,
installed to the depths required for the support of the perimeter of the excavation and
adjacent facilities.

B. Design, furnish, install, test and maintain lateral bracing or tieback systems including the
vertical shoring support system if required.

C. Provide adequate and continuous support of structures, streets, utilities, sidewalks and
other facilities within the vicinity of the excavation to protect such facilities against
damaging movements or other effects of the work.

D. Provide support for including underpinning of walls of adjacent property should this be

E. Provide shop drawings for the lateral support system for the approval of the Engineer.

F. Continually inspect and monitor the performance of the system and report findings to the
Engineer. The Engineer may request independent inspections and testing of the system.
Such inspections and testing if requested should not relieve the Contractor of the
responsibility to carry out his own inspections.


A. This schedule is intended to be used as a helpful indication of the related sections within
the Project Specifications. It is not necessarily comprehensive or complete and it is the
Contractors responsibility to ascertain all applicable sections required to understand the
full scope of work intended.

1. Section 01330 - Submittals

2. Section 02240 - Dewatering
3. Section 02315 - Earthwork


A. BS 5950 Code of Practice for the structural use of steel in building.

B. BS 5268 Code of Practice for the structural use of timber.

C. BS 8110 Code of Practice for the structural use of concrete.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Earthwork Support 02250/ 1 - 4

A. The Contractor shall submit for approval manufacturers specifications and installation
instructions for each item of proprietary material used, and shall confirm his intention to
comply with such requirements.

B. Shop drawings showing overall plan layout of the system indicating clearances from
existing and proposed utilities, structures or other obstructions. Indicate the dimensions,
material properties, locations, and spacing and penetration depths of all members and the
locations of the various types of lateral supports.

C. Written data and calculations showing the design intent for the lateral support systems,
to include Engineering calculations and design assumptions for determination of loads
and stresses acting on and within the lateral support systems. The calculations shall be
prepared by a Registered Professional Engineer, who is experienced in this field.

D. As-built information for the lateral support system including a detailed as-built location
plan of all members showing identification, size, plan, location plan at the top and
excavation level for each member, length and top elevation of each member, support
levels, location of walling, and other supplementary members.


A. Design earthwork support under the direct supervision of a professional Structural

Engineer experienced in this work and registered with Kuwait Society of Engineers.
Work should conform to necessary code requirements.

B. The Contractor shall provide personnel, qualified by training and experience to perform
the required tests and to monitor, record, plot and report the data.

C. The Engineer may be present for selected installations and shall be allowed unrestricted

D. Examine the site and all work prepared by others and monitor as work progresses and
report to the Engineer any defects having detrimental effects on work of this Section.

E. The Contractor shall be responsible for making prompt and continuous evaluations of
the test data and written weekly reports of the lateral support system performance and
whenever necessary, taking immediate steps to correct any deficiencies in the capacities
of individual members or providing other corrective measures which may be required to
prevent damage or excessive movement.


A. Work shall comply with all rules, regulations, laws and ordinances of all authorities
having jurisdiction.

B. Obtain all necessary permits. Obtain written permission from adjoining property owners
if proposed system of the tie-back anchors will project beyond the vertical projection of
the contract limit lines. Submit such permissions with shop drawings.

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A. Structural steel used for shoring and lateral-bracing systems shall be designed in
accordance with BS 5950 Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Steelwork in

B. Timber used for shoring and lateral bracing system shall be in accordance with BS 5268
Code of Practice for the Structural Use of Timber.

C. Concrete used for lateral bracing system shall be in accordance with BS 8110 Code of
Practice for the Structural Use of Concrete.

D. Tieback tendons if required shall consist of either high strength bars or groups of wire
strand cables; the sizes and capacities to be proposed by the Contractor.

E. Cement grout materials and admixtures for tieback anchorage shall be proposed by the
Contractor for approval of the Engineer.



A. The following Geotechnical data is available and included in this document for the
Contractors information Soil Investigation Report. The accuracy of the borehole test
information cannot be guaranteed. The borehole logs and related information depict
subsurface soil and groundwater conditions at the specific locations and dates indicated.
Soil conditions and water levels at other locations and times may differ from conditions
occurring at the specific borehole locations.

B. The Contractor shall visit the site and make such inspections, as he deems necessary and
reach his own conclusions regarding the nature of the ground and the conditions likely to
be encountered. No claim due to site conditions, nature of soil and obstacles encountered
will be entertained.

C. Perform preparatory work to discover, protect, maintain, and restore utilities or other
facilities located in close proximity of the lateral support bracing system.


A. Subsurface soil and water data for use in determination of lateral pressures for design of
the lateral support system are provided to the Contractor for information only within the
Soil Investigation Report, see article above 3.1A. It is intended that the Contractor shall
be responsible for the detailed design of excavation supports, which must take into
account the actual field conditions.

B. The Contractor is to supply a method statement for the execution of the work endorsed
by a qualified Geotechnical Engineer.

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C. The Contractors design shall take into account all soil pressures, hydrostatic pressures,
applicable traffic and construction equipment loads, stockpiles and any other surcharge

D. The lateral support system shall retain and provide support for adjacent soil, water,
subsurface, utilities, streets, and other features and protect them from damage due to
settlement, lateral movement, loss-of-ground, vibration or any other causes related to the
work. All precautions should be taken to prevent such damage.

E. The Contractor shall be responsible for monitoring the movements of the lateral support
system by carrying out regular tests or inspections of specific reference points in the
support system. All such data are to be collected, recorded, and submitted to the
Engineer for approval.

F. The Contractor shall take steps to control any unacceptable movement in the lateral
support system immediately by providing supplemental bracing or other measures
(working 24 hours per day if necessary) as required if any of the following occur:

1. Field measurements indicate that significant or sustained movements are occurring to

the lateral support system.

2. Detrimental movements of adjacent structures, utilities, and other facilities are noted.


A. Produce a program scheduling the start and finish date of the works and the sequence of

B. Agree schedule with the Engineer and Construction Manager.


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Excavation of all types of material to elevations and limits indicated, including removal of
existing foundations abandoned utilities and other sub-surface structures.

Removal of all loose and unsuitable soil, as defined by the Engineer, below foundations, if
encountered at the required bearing elevation, and backfilling of such over-excavation with
Lean Concrete Fill or Compacted Structural Fill.

Placement of working mats of the type, thickness and to the limits indicated after final
excavation for protection of foundation bearing surfaces.

Backfill, fill and grade as required to complete all work shown on the drawings.

Co-ordination of the work specified in this section with other ongoing works.


Submit to the Engineer for approval at least two weeks prior to the start of any excavation
work, a site plan showing limits and sequence of excavation stages, proposed locations of
access ramps and benched excavations. The plan shall contain sufficient detail and written
explanation to fully describe the work.

Deliver to the Engineer for approval at least five working days prior to use, a representative bag
sample for each proposed backfill material. Each sample shall be clearly labeled as to source of
material, sieve analysis, proposed use, date of delivery and shall weigh approximately 22 kg.


Work shall comply with all rules, regulations, laws, and ordinances of all authorities having
jurisdiction. Obtain all necessary permits.

Labor, materials, equipment, and services necessary to make the work comply with such
requirements shall be provided at no additional cost to the Owner.

Contractor's quality control of earthwork operations will be monitored by the Engineer.

During final stages of excavation, sugared preparation, placement of working mats, and
controlled filling operations, the Contractor shall provide sufficient notice to the Engineer
prior to the work and shall co-operate with the Engineer in all respects to facilitate any
testing or observations required.

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The Contractor shall visit the Site, make such inspections, as he deems necessary and reach his
own conclusions regarding the nature of the ground and the conditions likely to be

The Contractor is referred to the Site Investigation Report, which is issued with the Tender and
Contract Documents. Making this Report available shall in no way or guarantee that similar
conditions as revealed therein will apply generally to the Site or at the time of executing the

The Contractor shall at his own expense verify the soil bearing capacity with the one
considered in the design and report his findings to the Engineers Representative.

No claim due to site conditions, nature of soil and obstacles encountered will be entertained.



Earth materials used as fill shall be as designated herein.

A. Structural Fill

Compacted Structural Granular Fill shall be sandy gravel or gravelly sand, free of organic
material, loam, and other objectionable materials, well graded within the following limits.

ASTM Sieve Size Total % Passing By Weight

51mm 100
38mm 70 - 100
25mm 55 - 85
19mm 50 - 80
9mm 40 - 70
No. 4 30 - 60
No. 10 20 - 50
No. 40 10 - 30
No. 200 5 - 15

Crushed stone shall consist of clean, hard, durable natural rock, free of organic matter, rock
dust and other contaminates.

Gradations in the table above represent the limits, which shall determine the suitability of
aggregate for use from the sources of supply.

Structural fill may be classified as well-graded granular soils - Group 1 (non-plastic soils with a
uniformity coefficient exceeding 10.)

Use structural fill under concrete slabs, sidewalks, paving, under utility pipes, and at other soil
bearing situations for fill within 300mm measured horizontally of foundation walls, retaining
walls, edges of footings and other below-grade vertical surfaces as approved by the Engineers
Representative, except where drainage fill is indicated or specified.
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If sufficient structural fill materials is not available from excavations under this Contract or
spoil heaps excavated under separate Contracts, then additional fill, suitable for use, shall be
brought to the Site from other sources. Both excavated material from the Site or spoil heaps for
use as structural fill and material brought to the Site for use as structural fill, shall meet the
above requirements.

B. Ordinary fill

Shall consist of well-graded natural soil substantially free of organic materials, loam, wood,
trash, and other objectionable materials which may be compressible or which cannot be
compacted properly. Ordinary Fill shall not contain stones larger than 150mm in largest
dimension and shall have physical properties such that it can be readily spread and compacted.

Ordinary fill may be classified as uniformly graded material - Group 2 (non-plastic soils with a
uniformity coefficient of 10 or less).

Use ordinary fill for spot reinforcement, general grading, and backfilling except in areas where
structural or drainage fill is required.

If sufficient ordinary fill material is not available from excavations under this Contract or spoil
heaps excavated under separate Contracts, then additional fill, suitable for use, shall be brought
to the Site from other sources. Both excavated material from the Site or spoil heap for use as
ordinary fill and material brought to the Site for use as ordinary fill, shall meet the above

C. Drainage Fill

Unless otherwise specified, drainage fill material shall be fine aggregate, clean, well-graded,
free-draining sand, complying with ASTM C33. Shall be washed, hard, durable crushed stone,
and/or crushed or uncrushed gravel and well-graded within the following limits:

Sieve Size Percent Finer by Weight

(16mm) 100

(12mm) 85 - 100
(10mm) 15 - 45
#4 0 - 15
#8 0 - 5

D. Lean Concrete Fill

Shall be concrete having compressive strength of 15 N/mm2 at 28 days, and having a slump not
exceeding 150mm as measured at the time of placement. Other requirements shall be as
specified for Section: 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE.

Provide adequate quantities of fill materials listed hereinbefore where existing on-site materials
are insufficient or unsuitable for use as specified.

E. Sand

The sand shall be as specified in section 03300 herein.

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Examine the site and all work prepared by others and report to the Engineer in writing any
conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work of this section.


Excavation consists of the removal and disposal of materials encountered when establishing the
required limits and grade elevations.

Excavate to elevations and dimensions indicated on the drawings or required for the work and
approved by the Engineer.

Except where noted otherwise on the drawings, excavate and remove below grade portions of
previous foundations, abandoned utilities, etc.

Remove from the site all debris and other excavated material not suitable for use as fill, to a
dump area approved by competent authorities.

Rock or boulders encountered in the excavation shall be removed within required excavation
limits and to such additional depth and extent as directed and authorized by the Engineer.

When excavation has reached the required sub grade elevation, notify the Engineer who will
make an inspection of conditions to observe the strength and bearing capacity of the soils.
If disturbed and otherwise unsuitable bearing materials are encountered at the required sub
grade elevations, carry excavations deeper and replace the excavated material with Lean
Concrete Fill or Compacted Structural Granular Fill as directed by the Engineer.

Removal of disturbed material and its replacement as directed shall be at the Contractor's own

In excavation for foundations, take care not to disturb the bottom of the excavation. Excavate
by hand or smooth-blade bucket to final grade just before the working mat is placed. Trim and
groom bottom of excavation by hand to the required lines and grades to leave a solid base to
receive concrete.

Bearing surfaces for foundation mat shall be compacted with two passes with a vibratory plate
compactor or other similar equipment. Dewatering shall be performed as required in
accordance to section 02240, DEWATERING. If water has been allowed to accumulate or
stand in foundation excavations, such water shall be removed and softened or disturbed soil
removed to firm bearing. Excavation and backfilling with Lean Concrete Fill or Compacted
Structural Granular Fill of such disturbed or softened soil shall be conducted, at no additional
cost to the contract.

Deepening during intermediate stages of excavation shall commence at least 6 meters from the
earth support system and then advance in successive stages toward the perimeter of the

As soon as a section of the required excavation for foundation has been approved by the
Engineer, a working mat of the type, thickness and limits proposed by the contractor and
approved by the Engineers representative, shall be placed over the soil bearing surface within
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the same work day. If excavation is begun for foundation, which will not be protected by a
working mat prior to the end of that workday, the excavation bottom shall remain at least
300mm above the design bottom of foundation bearing level until just before the working mat
is placed.

Excavate trenches to the depth indicated or required. Carry the depth of trenches for piping to
establish the indicated flow lines and invert elevations.

Grade bottoms of trenches as indicated, notching under pipe bells to provide solid bearing for
the entire body of the pipe.


The excavations shall at all times be kept free from storm water, percolating water or subsoil
water by any means necessary, on condition not to disturb the excavation surface. The
Contractor shall provide, maintain, and clear away on completion any equipment necessary
together with temporary drains and the like.

In pumping out excavations and in any lowering of the water table the Contractor shall pay due
regard to the stability of neighboring structures.

The Contractor shall ensure adequate safety for excavation walls, beds, existing and proposed
structures, and guard against undesirable settlements or movement of the soil.

Dewatering must continue until

a) All foundation work and damp proofing has been carried out to the satisfaction of the

b) Adequate compensation of uplift forces, increased by a suitable factor of safety has

been attained.


Materials: Materials for fill and backfill shall be as hereinbefore specified, obtained from the
required excavation on Site, if acceptable, or from borrow sources.

Suitable excavated material for fill and backfill as defined in Paragraph Materials, shall be
approved by the Engineer. Material, which is suitable for use as fill under exterior slabs and
paving and for backfill, shall be separated from material, which is only suitable for general

Provide additional material, if required, at no additional cost to the Employer. Acceptable

borrow shall consist of suitable material as hereinbefore specified. Representative samples of
each type of borrow material considered suitable shall be delivered to the Engineer for

Place fill materials in horizontal loose layers in such manner as to produce a uniform thickness
of material. Placement shall start in the deepest area and progress approximately parallel to the
finished grade. Thickness of layers after compacting shall not exceed 200 mm for cohesive
soils or 30 mm for cohesion less soils.

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1. No fill material shall be placed on areas where free water is standing or on surfaces,
which have not been approved by the Engineer.

Compact each layer of fill with equipment to achieve the following percentages of maximum
density at optimum moisture content when tested in accordance with ASTM D1557:


Under Isolated and Continuous Footings. 95

Under Paved Areas and Kerbs. 95
Under Mat Slabs and Slabs on Grade. 95
General Grading. 90

Do not compact soil when the moisture content varies more than 3% from the optimum
moisture content. Maintain moisture content by wetting or drying manipulation.
Suspend compacting operations when satisfactory results cannot be obtained because of
rain or other unsatisfactory conditions.

In lieu of drying by manipulation, hydrated lime, monohydrated lime, or similar

beneficial ingredients may be used to reduce the moisture content, reduce the plasticity
index, or improve workability. Apply such ingredients in a manner and quantity as
recommended by the manufacturer or as required by the Government Testing Station
and approved by the Engineer.


After completion of foundation walls and removal of forms, clean the excavation of all rubbish
and debris before application of waterproofing and placement of backfill. Backfill as
hereinbefore specified for fill operations. Maintain symmetrical backfill loading and compact
each layer by hand tampers or other suitable equipment.

Do not backfill against foundation or basement walls until completion of supporting floor
construction to top of backfill or to first level above top of backfill unless approved by the
Engineer. In placing backfill, take special care to prevent wedge action, eccentric loading or
overloading of the structure by equipment used in compacting backfill material, and to prevent
damage to waterproofing on walls.


A. Employ, at no extra cost to the Employer, the Government Testing Station to perform all
tests and submit reports specified in this Section.

B. The Government Testing Station shall be responsible for conducting and interpreting the
tests, shall state in each report whether or not the test specimens comply with all
requirements of the Contract Documents and shall specifically note any deviations there

C. Testing of Materials: The Government Testing Station shall perform all tests herein
specified and any additional tests as may be required and submit test reports to the
Engineer, include the following:

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1. One optimum moisture maximum density curve for each type of soil encountered in
sub grades and fills under isolated and continuous footings, slabs on grade and paved
areas. Determine maximum densities in accordance with ASTM D1557.

2. Each type of borrow material shall receive :

a. Mechanical Analysis. ASTM D422/AASHTO T88.

b. Plasticity Index Determination. ASTM D4318/AASHTO T91.

c. Moisture-Density Curve Determination. ASTM D1557.

d. CBR test as a measure for bearing capacity when required.

3. The Government Testing Station shall determine the suitability of materials to be used
for fills and to the approval of the Engineer.

D. Testing of Sub grade and Fill Layers: Sub grades and fill layers shall be approved by the
Government Testing Station and the Engineer before construction of any further work
thereon. Tests of sub grades and fill layers shall be taken as follows:

1. The top 300 mm of sub grade resulting from excavation shall have the maximum
density at optimum moisture as hereinbefore specified. In fill areas, each layer of fill
shall meet the required density as hereinbefore specified. Make at least one (1) field
density test of the sub grade for every two hundred square meters (200 M2) of
isolated and continuous footings, paved area, or slabs on grade, but in no case less
than three (3) tests. In each compacted fill layer, make one (1) field density test for
every overlaying two hundred square meters (200 M2) of isolated and continuous
footings, paved area or slabs on grade, but in no case less than three (3) tests.
Perform field density tests in accordance with ASTM D1556 or ASTM D2167.

2. At foundation wall backfill take at least three (3) field density tests (ASTM D1556 or
ASTM D2167) at locations and elevations as directed by the Engineer.

E. Cooperate with the Government Testing Station in every respect in the performance of the
required. Tests.

F. If, based on reports of the Government Testing Station and inspection, the sub grade or
backfills are found to be below the specified density, the Engineer may require additional
compaction and testing and all this shall be carried out at the expense of the Contractor.


A. The following material shall be disposed of legally off the site unless otherwise directed by
the Engineer.

1. Unsuitable excavated materials.

2. Excess excavated material.

B. Excess suitable excavated material may, if approved by the Engineer, be deposited in

spoil heaps at locations, within the boundary of the Campus, directed by the Engineer.

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C. Material resulting from clearing and grubbing operations must not be burnt on the site.
Dispose of all such material legally off the Employers property and surrounding areas.


A. Perform all work in such manner as to ensure the safety of the Works, the public and
adjoining sites and so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to the public and
adjoining Owners, and allow in the Tender for all necessary precautions to that end.


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A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced.
The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only. Reference in the
specification to U.S. (American) standards (e.g. ASTM, ASME, NEMA, ANSI, IEEE,
etc.) is made to establish a level of quality and standardization for this project. Other
internationally recognized standards such as British Standards (BS), and International
Electro-technical Commission (IEC) which have been adopted as local acceptable
standards in Kuwait, may be used to define equivalent quality and standardization in
compliance with local requirements as approved by the Engineer.


ASTM D 422 (1963; R 1990) Particle-Size Analysis of Soils

ASTM D 1140 (1992) Standard Test Method for Amount of Material

in Soils Finer Than the No. 200 (0.075 MM) Sieve

ASTM D 1556 (1990) Density and Unit Weight of Soil in Place by the
Sand-Cone Method

ASTM D 1557 (1991) Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified

Effort (56,000 ft-lbf/cu. ft. (2,700 kN-m/cu. m.))

ASTM D 2487 (1993) Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes

(Unified Soil Classification System

ASTM D 2922 (1991) Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by Nuclear

Methods (Shallow Depth)

ASTM D 3017 (1988; R 1993) Water Content of Soil and Rock in Place by Nuclear
Methods (Shallow Depth)

ASTM D 4318 (1984) Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and
Plasticity Index of Soils

ASTM E 11 (1987) Wire-Cloth Sieves for Testing Purposes

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1.2.1 Degree of Compaction

A. Degree of compaction shall be expressed as a percentage of the maximum density

obtained by the test procedure presented in ASTM D 1557, Procedure C [152.4 mm (6-
inch) mold] or AASHTO T-180 abbreviated herein as percent of laboratory maximum
density. The moisture content at time of compaction shall be uniform and within plus
two and minus one percent of optimum moisture.


The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01330: SUBMITTAL


1.3.1 Reports

A. Field Density Tests. Testing of Backfill Materials.

B. Copies of all laboratory and field test reports within 24 hours of the completion of the



2.1.1 Satisfactory Materials

A. Satisfactory materials shall consist of any material classified by ASTM D 2487 using
ASTM D 422, ASTM D 1140, and ASTM D 4318 as GW, GP, GM, GC, SP, SC, SM
and SW. Sieves shall conform to ASTM E 11. The amount of material passing No.
200 sieve shall not be greater than 25 percent. ML and CL are satisfactory in-situ, when
natural (not man-made), but unsatisfactory for fill and backfill. Particles shall not be
larger than 75 mm (3 inches) in any dimension, with 70% to 100% passing the 20 mm
(3/4-inch) sieve. The plasticity index shall be less than 12 and the liquid limit shall
be less than 35.

2.1.2 Unsatisfactory Materials

A. Unsatisfactory materials shall be materials that do not comply with the requirements for
satisfactory materials. Unsatisfactory materials include, but are not limited to, those
materials containing roots and other organic matter, trash, debris, lenses or pockets of
gypsum and gypsiferous soils, expansive soils, and stones larger than 75 mm (3 inches),
and materials classified in ASTM D 2487, using ASTM D 422, ASTM D 1140, and
ASTM D 4318 as PT, OH, MH, CH, and OL. ML and CL are unsatisfactory when
expansive. SC and GC are unsatisfactory when the clay fraction is expansive.
Unsatisfactory materials also include man-made fills, refuse, and planting/landscaping
materials or backfills from previous construction. Unsatisfactory materials also include
those materials listed in paragraph SATISFACTORY MATERIALS, if they are
determined by the Engineer to be in a saturated, dry uncompacted, disturbed, or
otherwise unacceptable condition at the time of construction of fills and embankments.

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2.1.3 Cohesionless and Cohesive Materials

A. Cohesionless materials shall include materials classified in ASTM D 2487 as GW, GP,
SW, and SP. Cohesive materials include materials classified as GC, SC, ML, CL, MH,
and CH. Materials classified as GM and SM will be identified as cohesionless only when
the fines are nonplastic.

2.1.4 Rock

A. Rock includes all natural solid mineral materials occurring in masses or fragments not
classified in ASTM D 2487.

2.1.5 Gypsiferous Soils

A. Gypsiferous soils are those found to contain 25 percent or more gypsum as determined
by visual inspection. If there is disagreement with the classification by visual
inspection, the following test shall apply: A 1,000 gram (2.2 pound) sample shall be
heated to 110oC (230oF) for 24 hours; at this point, the sample will be broken apart.
The gypsum can be identified by its white color. The gypsum content can be determined
by weight from a chemical analysis if necessary to establish exact quantities. All testing
will be done at the expense of the Contractor.

2.1.6 Expansive Soils

A. Expansive soils are defined as soils classified as CH that have a liquid limit equal to or
greater than 50 and a plasticity index equal to or greater than 25 when tested in
accordance with ASTM D 4318.

2.1.7 Unyielding Material

Unyielding material shall consist of rock and gravelly soils with stones greater than 75
millimeters (3 inches) in any dimension or as defined by the pipe manufacturer,
whichever is smaller.

2.1.8 Unstable Material

A. Unstable material shall consist of materials too wet to properly support the utility pipe,
conduit, or appurtenant structure.

2.1.9 Initial Backfill Material

A. Unless otherwise specified in Section 16375: ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION

SYSTEM, UNDERGROUND, initial backfill shall consist of satisfactory material
classified as GW, GP, SW or SP, with the maximum size of 12 mm (1/2 inch).

2.1.10 Plastic Marking Tape

A. Plastic marking tape shall be acid and alkali-resistant polyethylene film, 152 mm (6
inches) wide with minimum thickness of 0.102 mm (0.004 inch). Tape shall have a
minimum strength of 12.1 MPa (1750 psi) lengthwise and 10.3 MPa (1500 psi)
crosswise. The tape shall be manufactured with integral wires, foil backing or other
means to enable detection by a metal detector when the tape is buried up to 1 meter (3
feet) deep. The tape shall be of a type specifically manufactured for marking and
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locating underground utilities. The metallic core of the tape shall be encased in a
protective jacket or provided with other means to protect it from corrosion. Tape color
shall be as specified in TABLE 1 and shall bear a continuous printed inscription
describing the specific utility.

TABLE 1. Tape Color

Red: Electric
Yellow: Gas, Oil, Dangerous Materials
Orange: Telephone, Telegraph, Television,
Police, and Fire Communications
Blue: Water Systems
Green: Sewer Systems



A. Excavation shall be performed to the lines and grades indicated. Rock excavation shall
include removal and disposition of material defined as rock in paragraph MATERIALS.
Earth excavation shall include removal and disposal of material not classified as rock
excavation. During excavation, material satisfactory for backfilling shall be stockpiled in
an orderly manner at a distance from the banks of the trench equal to 1/2 the depth of
the excavation, but in no instance closer than 600 mm (2 feet). Excavated material not
required or not satisfactory for backfill shall be removed from the site. Grading shall be
done as may be necessary to prevent surface water from flowing into the excavation, and
any water accumulating therein shall be removed to maintain the stability of the bottom
and sides of the excavation. Unauthorized over excavation shall be backfilled in
accordance with paragraph BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION at no additional cost
to the Government.

3.1.1 Trench Excavation

A. The trench shall be excavated as recommended by the manufacturer of the pipe to be

installed. Trench walls below the top of the pipe shall be sloped, or made vertical, and of
such width as recommended in the manufacturer's installation manual. Where no
manufacturer's installation manual is available, trench walls shall be made vertical.
Trench walls more than 1.5 meters (5 feet) high shall be shored, cut back to a stable
slope, or provided with equivalent means of protection for employees who may be
exposed to moving ground or cave in. Vertical trench walls more than 2 meters (10
feet) high shall be shored. Trench walls that are cut back shall be excavated to at least
the angle of repose of the soil. Special attention shall be given to slopes which may be
adversely affected by weather or moisture content. The trench width below the top of
pipe shall not exceed 600 mm (24 inches) plus pipe outside diameter (O.D.) for pipes of
less than 600 mm (24 inches) inside diameter and shall not exceed 900 mm (36 inches)
plus pipe outside diameter for sizes larger than 600 mm (24 inches) inside diameter.
Where recommended trench widths are exceeded, redesign, stronger pipe, or special
installation procedures shall be utilized by the Contractor. The cost of redesign, stronger
pipe, or special installation procedures shall be borne by the Contractor without any
additional cost to the Government. The trench shall be excavated only so far in advance
of the pie laying as is permitted by the Engineer. Excavations made by machines must

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not be deeper than 150 mm (6 inches) above the bottom of the trench without approval
of the Engineer. Bottom Preparation

A. The bottoms of trenches shall be excavated to a depth at least 150 mm (6 inches) below
the indicated grade. The bottom of the trench shall be brought to grade with initial
backfill material and mechanically compacted to 95 percent of maximum density. After
compaction, bell holes and depressions for joints shall be excavated to the minimum
necessary size at each joint or coupling, as required for properly making the particular
type of joint accurately graded to provide uniform bearing and support for the bottom
quadrant of each section of the pipe. Bell holes shall be excavated to the necessary size
at each joint or coupling to eliminate point bearing. Removal of Unyielding Material

A. Where unyielding material is encountered in the bottom of the trench, such material shall
be removed 100 millimeters (4 inches) below the required grade and replaced with
suitable materials as provided in paragraph BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION. Removal of Unstable Material

A. Where unstable material is encountered in the bottom of the trench, such material shall
be removed to the depth directed and replaced to the proper grade with initial backfill
material as provided in paragraph BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION. When
removal of unstable material is required due to the fault or neglect of the Contractor in
his performance of the work, the resulting material shall be excavated and replaced by
the Contractor without additional cost to the Government. Excavation for Appurtenances

A. Excavation for manholes, catch-basins, inlets, or similar structures shall be of sufficient

size to permit the placement and removal of forms for the full length and width of
structure footings and foundations as shown. Rock shall be cleaned of loose debris and
cut to a firm surface either level, stepped, or serrated, as shown or as directed. Loose
disintegrated rock and thin strata shall be removed. Removal of unstable material shall
be as specified above. When concrete or masonry is to be placed in an excavated area,
special care shall be taken not to disturb the bottom of the excavation. Excavation to
the final grade level shall not be made until just before the concrete or masonry is to
be placed. Stockpiles

A. Stockpiles of satisfactory materials shall be placed and graded as specified. Stockpiles

shall be kept in a neat and well drained condition, giving due consideration to drainage
at all times. The ground surface at stockpile locations shall be cleared, grubbed, and
sealed by rubber-tired equipment, excavated satisfactory and unsatisfactory materials
shall be separately stockpiled. Stockpiles of satisfactory materials shall be protected
from contamination which may destroy the quality and fitness of the stockpiled
material. If the Contractor fails to protect the stockpiles, and any material becomes
unsatisfactory, such material shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory material
from approved sources at no additional cost to the Employer. Locations of stockpiles of
satisfactory materials shall be subject to prior approval of the Engineer.
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A. Backfill material shall consist of satisfactory material or initial backfill material as

required. Backfill shall be placed in layers not exceeding 150 mm (6 inches) loose
thickness for compaction by hand operated machine compactors, and 200 mm (8 inches)
loose thickness for other than hand operated machines, unless otherwise specified. Each
layer shall be compacted to at least 95 percent maximum density.

3.2.1 Trench Backfill

A. Trenches shall be backfilled to the grade shown. The trench shall be backfilled to 0.6
meters (2 feet) above the top of pipe prior to performing the required pressure tests. The
joints and couplings shall be left uncovered during the pressure test. Replacement of Unyielding Material

A. Unyielding material removed from the bottom of the trench shall be replaced with initial
backfill material. Replacement of Unstable Material

A. Unstable material removed from the bottom of the trench or excavation shall be replaced
with initial backfill material placed in layers not exceeding 150 mm (6 inches) loose
thickness. Backfill

A. Initial backfill material shall be placed and compacted with approved tampers to a height
of at least 300 mm (one foot) above the utility pipe or conduit. The backfill shall be
brought up evenly on both sides of the pipe for the full length of the pipe. Care shall be
taken to ensure thorough compaction of the fill under the haunches of the pipe. Final Backfill

A. The remainder of the trench, except for special materials for roadways, shall be filled
with satisfactory material. Backfill material shall be placed and compacted as follows:

1. Roadways: Backfill shall be placed up to the elevation at which the requirements for the
pavement section control. Water flooding or jetting methods of compaction will not be

2. Sidewalks, Turfed or Seeded Areas and Miscellaneous Areas: Backfill shall be deposited
in layers of a maximum of 300 mm (12-inch) loose thickness, and compacted to 95
percent maximum density. This requirement shall also apply to all other areas not
specifically designated above.

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3.2.2 Backfill for Appurtenances

A. After the manhole, catch basin inlet, or similar structure has been constructed and the
concrete has been allowed to cure for 7 days, backfill shall be placed in such a manner
that the structure will not be damaged by the shock of falling earth. The backfill
material shall be deposited and compacted as specified for final backfill, and shall be
brought up evenly on all sides of the structure to prevent eccentric loading and excessive


A. Special requirements for both excavation and backfill relating to the specific utilities are
as follows:

3.3.1 Water Lines and Irrigation Lines

A. Trenches shall be of a depth to provide a minimum cover of 0.9 meters (3 feet) from the
indicated finished grade to the top of the pipe.

3.3.2 Electrical Distribution System

A. Direct burial cable and conduit or duct line shall have a minimum cover of 600 mm (24
inches) from the finished grade, unless otherwise indicated. Special trenching
requirements for direct-burial electrical cables and conduits are specified in Division

3.3.3 Gas Distribution

A. Trenches shall be excavated to a depth that will provide not less than 450 mm (18
inches) of cover. Trenches shall be graded as specified for below grade piping
requirements in Division 15, GAS PIPING SYSTEMS.

3.3.4 Plastic Marking Tape

A. Warning tapes shall be installed directly above the pipe, at a depth of 450 millimeters
(18 inches) below finished grade unless otherwise shown.


A. Testing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and shall be performed at no

additional cost to the Employer.

3.4.1 Testing Facilities

A. Tests shall be performed by an approved testing laboratory or may be tested by facilities

furnished by the Contractor. No work requiring testing will be permitted until the
facilities have been inspected and approved by the Engineer. The first inspection shall be
at the expense of the Government. Cost incurred for any subsequent inspection required
because of failure of the first inspection will be charged to the Contractor. The Engineer
shall have access to the laboratory, all testing equipment and all survey equipment used
by the Contractor in the performance of this contract for use in performing quality
assurance checks. The Contractor shall keep at all times at the work site equipment
required to perform horizontal and vertical survey control.
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3.4.2 Testing of Backfill Materials

A. Characteristics of backfill materials shall be determined in accordance with particle size

analysis of soils ASTM D 422 and moisture-density relations of soils ASTM D 1557. A
minimum of one particle size analysis and one moisture-density relation test shall be
performed on each different type of material used for bedding and backfill.

3.4.3 Field Density Tests

A. Tests shall be performed in sufficient numbers to ensure that the specified density is
being obtained. A minimum of one field density test per lift of backfill for every 50
meters (165 feet) of installation shall be performed. One moisture density relationship
shall be determined for every 1500 cubic meters (1500 cubic yards) of material used.
Field in-place density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1556 or ASTM
D 2922. When ASTM D 2922 is used, the calibration curves shall be checked and
adjusted using the sand cone method as described in paragraph Calibration of the ASTM
publication. ASTM D 2922 results in a wet unit weight of soil and when using this
method, ASTM D 3017 shall be used to determine the moisture content of the soil.
The calibration curves furnished with the moisture gauges shall be checked along with
density calibration checks as described in ASTM D 3017. The calibration checks of
both the density and moisture gauges shall be made at the beginning of a job, on each
different type of material encountered, at intervals as directed by the Engineer. Copies of
calibration curves, results of calibration tests, and field and laboratory density tests shall
be furnished to the Engineer. Trenches improperly compacted shall be reopened to the
depth directed, then refilled and compacted to the density specified at no additional cost
to the Government.

3.4.4 Displacement of Sewers

A. After other required tests have been performed and the trench backfill compacted to 0.6
meters (2 feet) above the top of the pipe, the pipe shall be inspected to determine
whether significant displacement has occurred. This inspection shall be conducted in the
presence of the Engineer. Pipe sizes larger than 900 mm (36 inches) shall be entered and
examined, while smaller diameter pipe shall be inspected by shining a light or laser
between manholes or manhole locations, or by the use of television cameras passed
through the pipe. If, in the judgment of the Engineer, the interior of the pipe shows poor
alignment or any other defects that would cause improper functioning of the system, the
defects shall be remedied as directed at no additional cost to the Employer.


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A. Section 02200 Earthwork: Backfill materials


A. Soil treatment below slabs-on-grade for subterranean insects.

B. Soil treatment at interior and exterior foundation perimeter, for subterranean insects.


A. Building Research Establishment.

1. Overseas Building Notes No.170: Termites and Tropical Building.


A. Applicator: Company specializing in soil treatment for termite control with five
years documented experience.

B. Materials: Provide certification that toxicants conform to specified requirements.

C. Materials Packaging: Manufacturers labels and seals identifying contents.


A. Submit product data under provisions of Section 01300.

B. Indicate toxicants to be used, composition by percentage, dilution schedule, and

intended application rate.

C. Submit manufacturers installation instructions under provisions of Section 01300.


A. Accurately record moisture content of soil before treatment, date and rate of
application, areas of applications, diary of meter readings and corresponding soil

1.7 WARRANTY (Defined in General conditions as defects liability)

A. Provide ten-year warranty for material and installation under provisions of contract
from the date of certified completion.
B. Warranty: Cover against invasion or propagation of subterranean termites, damage to
building or building contents caused by termites; repairs to building or building
contents so caused.
C. Inspect work annually and report in writing to Employer.
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A. Toxicant Chemical: Water based emulsion, uniform composition, and synthetic dye to
permit visual identification of treated soil, of the generic chemical chlordane, aldrin or


A. Dilute toxicant chemical aldrin or dieldrin to a 0.5 percent solution.

B. Dilute toxicant chemical chlordane to a one percent solution.



A. Verify the soil surfaces are sufficiently dry to absorb toxicant, ready to receive

B. Beginning of application means acceptance of soil conditions.


A. Apply toxicant immediately prior to installation of slab-on-grade or finish grading

outside foundation walls.

B. Apply toxicant in accordance with manufacturers instructions.

C. Apply toxicant to soil at the following rates, using metered applicator:

1. Under floor slabs-on-grade: 5 liters/m2

2. Both sides of foundation wall 6-liters/linear meter/300 mm depth of soil
D. Apply extra treatment to structure penetrations, pipe, ducts, and other soil
E. Apply as a coarse spray to ensure uniform distribution.

F. Coordinate soil treatment at foundation perimeter with finish grading and

landscaping work to avoid disturbance of treated soil. Retreat disturbed treated soil.


A. If inspection identifies the presence of termites, retreat soil and retest.

B. Use same toxicant as for original treatment.


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A. Provide all materials, labor, and equipment to install the erosion control system
over the earth embankment.


B. Section 02315 Earthwork: Backfill materials


A. International Erosion Control Association.

B. American Society for Surface and Mining Reclamation Soil and Water
Conservation Society.


A. Applicator: Company specializing in soil stabilization with five years documented


B. Materials: Provide certification that toxicants conform to specified requirements.

C. Materials Packaging: Manufacturers labels and seals identifying contents.


A. Submit product data and manufacturers installation instruction


A. Accurately record moisture content of soil before treatment, date and rate of
application, areas of applications, diary of meter readings and corresponding soil

1.7 WARRANTY (Defined in General conditions as defects liability)

A. Provide manufacturers warranty for material and installation under provisions of

contract from the date of certified completion.

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A. The erosion control material, a liquid form co-polymer is an elaborate method to prevent
soil erosion, movement of sand dunes, dust control, and making temporary roads. The
product should be of immediate effect on soil.

B. The material a liquid form co-polymer should work very well against erosion caused by
wind and water. Its formulating crust binds the soil particles and effectively controls dust
and sand blown by wind. The successful use of the co-polymer does not only form a
crust, but can also penetrate as deep as a half an inch in the soil and in some areas where
soil is loose or sandy yet is highly effective to obtain a larger penetration to control the
surface erosion. The thickness of the formulating crust, formed through the application
of the co-polymer is affected by the soil type and temperature of the soil surface.

C. The soil stabilizing compound shall include silicates which facilitates the penetration of
the compound in to the earth, and which assists in creating a crust through the cohesive
bonding of the surface particles to a depth sufficient the stabilize to soil surface. The
compound shall contain an antifoaming agent, allowing said compound to be mixed
within a hydraulic application device to prohibit foaming. The compound shall contain a
color additive which will assist the applicator in the uniform application of the product
after mixing with water, and which will disappear from the soil surface within two
weeks. The compound shall be formulated for maximum elasticity with
TIPOLYCATE in order to assure complete protection in adverse weather condition
and shall be formulated for maximum resistance from degradation by ultraviolet
radiation or sunlight.

D. The soil stabilizing emulsion shall consist of not less than 52.6% and not more than 60%
active solids, and shall be readily miscible in water, non-injurious to seed or to animal
life, non-flammable, and capable of providing surface soil stabilization in various soil
classifications without totally inhibiting water infiltration. When the emulsion is mixed
with water and applied to the soil more than one (1) PH unit. The emulsion shall air cure
within 36 to 48 hours under normal conditions and must be transparent after drying.

The components for the Soil stabilizing material shall comprise of the following
requirements as minimum:

Co-polymer of Methacrylates/Acrtylates/Acrylics/Tripolycate : 60%

Ethoxylated Surfactants : 20%
Silicates : 2.0%
Inert ingredients : 36.0%
pH : 4.6 +/- 0.5%
Color : Milky white
Lbs. Per U.S. Gal. : 9.5lbs+0.5 lbs
Toxicity : Non-Toxic
Flammability : Non-Flammable
Odor : Slight

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A. The soil stabilizing shall be a co-polymer emulsion, SOIL MASTER WR as supplied


B. Or no less than equal



Verify the soil surfaces are sufficiently dry to absorb toxicant, ready to receive treatment.

Beginning of application means acceptance of soil conditions.


Apply material in accordance with manufacturers instructions.

B. The soil stabilizing solution shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturers
instructions. The stabilizing compound shall be poured into a container with water required
for its proper mixture. The soil stabilizing compound shall be added to the water in a
quantity so as to achieve the manufactures recommended solution. The soil stabilizing
solution shall be applied evenly in a homogeneous spray, the droplets of which should not
be smaller than those encountered in a moderate rainstorm.

C. All materials shall be delivered to the site in unopened containers, and all containers
shall remain rightly closed until used.

D. Coordinate soil treatment at foundation perimeter with finish grading and landscaping work
to avoid disturbance of treated soil. Retreat disturbed treated soil.


If inspection identifies the defective work, retreat soil and retest.

Use same material as for original treatment.


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A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced.
The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only. Reference in the
specification to U.S. (American) standards (e.g. ASTM, ASME, NEMA, ANSI, IEEE, etc.) is
made to establish a level of quality and standardization for this project. Other internationally
recognized standards such as British Standards (BS), and International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) which have been adopted as local acceptable standards in Kuwait, may be
used to define equivalent quality and standardization in compliance with local requirements
as approved by the Engineer.


ASTM A 53 (1993) Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded and

ASTM B 88 (1993a) Seamless Copper Water Tube

ASTM C 150 (1992) Portland Cement


ASME B16.1 (1989) Cast Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings

ASME B16.3 (1992) Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 150 and 300

ASME B16.26 (1988) Cast Copper Alloy Fittings for Flared Copper Tubes


AWWA B300 (1992) Hypochlorites

AWWA B301 (1992) Liquid Chlorine

AWWA C104 (1990) Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings for

AWWA C105 (1988) Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile-Iron Piping for Water and
Other Liquids

AWWA C110 (1993) Ductile-Iron and Gray-Iron Fittings, 3 In. Through 48 In., for
Water and Other Liquids

AWWA C111 (1990) Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings

AWWA C115 (1988) Flanged Ductile-Iron Pipe with Threaded Flanges

AWWA C151 (1991) Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast, or Water or Other liquids
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AWWA C153 (1988) Ductile-Iron Compact Fittings, 3 In. Through 16 In., for Water
and Other Liquids

AWWA C203 (1991) Coal-Tar Protective Coatings and Linings for Steel Water
Pipelines - Enamel and Tape - Hot-Applied

AWWA C207 (1986) Steel Pipe Flanges for Waterworks Service - Sizes 4 In. Through
144 In.

AWWA C500 (1986) Gate Valves for Water and Sewerage Systems

AWWA C502 (1985) Dry-Barrel Fire Hydrants

AWWA C504 (1987) Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves

AWWA C509 (1987) Resilient-Seated Gate Valves for Water and Sewerage Systems

AWWA C600 (1987) Installation of Ductile-Iron Water Mains and Their


AWWA C606 (1987) Grooved and Shouldered Joints

AWWA C700 (1990; C700a) Cold-Water Meters - Displacement Type, Bronze Main

AWWA C701 (1988) Cold-Water Meters - Turbine Type, for Customer Service

AWWA C800 (1985) Underground Service Lines, Valves and Fittings


DIPRA-01 (1992; Errata May 1993) Thrust Restraint Design for Ductile Iron



MSS SP-80 (1987) Bronze Gate, Globe, Angle and Check Valves


NFPA 24 (1995) Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their



SSPC Paint 21 (1991) White or Colored Silicone Alkyd Paint

SSPC Paint 25 (1991) Red Iron Oxide, Zinc Oxide, Raw Linseed Oil and
Alkyd Primer (without Lead and Chromate Pigments)

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B.S. 5154 (1991) Copper Alloy Globe, Globe Stop and Check, Check and Gate

B.S. 5155 (1984) Butterfly Valves


ISO 2531 (1991) Ductile Iron Pipes, Fittings and Accessories for Pressure Pipe


A. Provide all labor, materials, equipment, services, and accessories necessary to furnish and
install the work of this Section, complete and functional, as indicated in Documents and as
specified herein.

B. The principle work of this Section includes, but may not be limited to, the followings:

1. External Fresh Water System.

2. External Treated Water System.

3. Survey the proposed water lines, establish lines and levels etc, and submit the
drawings and report for Engineers approval

4. Testing, cleaning, flushing and disinfections the system


A. This section covers Domestic Water Supply, Fire water, Irrigation lines distribution, service
lines, and connections to building service at a point approximately 1.5 m (5 feet) outside
buildings and structures to which service is required. The Contractor shall have a copy of
the manufacturer's recommendations for each material or procedure to be utilized available
at the construction site at all times.

1.3.1 Service Lines

A. Piping for water service lines less than 80 mm (3 inches) in diameter shall be galvanized
pipe, unless otherwise shown or specified. Piping for water service lines for size 80 mm (3
inches) and larger shall be ductile iron 300-mm (12-inch) nominal diameter, unless
otherwise shown or specified.

1.3.2 Distribution Lines

A. 80 mm (3 Inches) or Larger Piping for water distribution lines 80 mm (3 inches) or larger

shall be ductile iron through 300 mm (12 inch) nominal diameter, unless otherwise shown
or specified.

1.3.3 Supply Lines

B. 80 mm (3 Inches) or Larger Piping for water supply lines 80 mm (3 inches) or larger shall
be ductile iron through 900 mm (36 inch) nominal diameter, unless otherwise shown or
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1.3.4 Sprinkler Supply Lines

A. Piping for water lines supplying sprinkler systems for building fire protection shall conform
to NFPA 24 from the point of connection with the fire or water distribution system to the
building 1.5 m (5 foot) line.

1.3.5 Excavation, Trenching, and Backfilling

A. Excavation, trenching, and backfilling shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions
UTILITIES SYSTEMS, except as modified herein.


1.4.1 Product data, Samples, and Shop drawings shall be submitted in accordance with the
relevant clause of the Contract Documents. The submittal shall include but may not be
limited to the followings:

A. Manufacturers printed brochures and catalogues (one original and three copies) with
relevant information highlighted (or irrelevant information struck out), along with write up
of selection criteria.

B. General piping layout drawings to a scale approved by the Engineer.

C. Detailed piping layout plans to a scale approved by the Engineer along with profiles or as
directed by the Engineer.

D. Builders work plans to a scale of 1:100 / 1:50 as required.

E. Installation details of:

1. Valve Chambers and manholes to a scale of 1:50

2. Chambers and manhole covers, sleeves and penetrations and items of similar nature
to a scale of 1:10.

F. Calculations/details to substantiate the shop drawings.

G. Project record documents and as-built drawings of all works installed under this section
shall be submitted in accordance with the relevant clause of the Contract Documents.

1.4.2 Statements:

A. Waste Water Disposal Method.

1. The method proposed for disposal of waste water from hydrostatic tests and disinfection,
prior to performing hydrostatic tests.

B. Statement of Satisfactory Installation.

1. A statement signed by the principal officer of the contracting firm stating that the
installation is satisfactory and in accordance with the contract plans and specifications

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and the manufacturer's prescribed procedures and techniques, upon completion of the
project and before final acceptance.

1.4.3 Reports

A. Bacterial Examination: Test results from the laboratory verifying disinfection.


A. Pipe and accessories shall be handled so as to insure delivery to the trench in sound,
undamaged condition. Particular care shall be taken not to injure the pipe coating or lining.
If the coating or lining of any pipe or fitting is damaged, the repair shall be made by the
Contractor at his expense in a satisfactory manner. No other pipe or material of any kind
shall be placed inside a pipe or fitting after the coating has been applied. Pipe shall be
carried into position and not dragged. Use of pinch bars and tongs for aligning or turning
pipe will be permitted only on the bare ends of the pipe. The interior of pipe and
accessories shall be thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter before being lowered into the
trench and shall be kept clean during laying operations by plugging or other approved
method. Before installation, the pipe shall be inspected for defects. Material found to be
defective before or after laying shall be replaced with sound material without additional
expense to the Employer. Rubber gaskets that are not to be installed immediately shall be
stored in a cool and dark place.


A. The work of this Section shall be completely coordinated with the work of other Sections.
Verify dimensions and work of other trades, which adjoin materials of this section before
the installation of items herein specified.


A. Attention is directed to provisions of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT regarding

guarantee and warranties for work under this Contract.

B. Manufacturers shall provide their warranties for work under this Section. However, such
warranties shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other liabilities, which manufacturers
and Contractor may have by law or by other provisions of the Contract Documents.


2.1 PIPE

A. Pipe shall conform to the respective specifications and other requirements specified below.

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2.1.1 Ductile-Iron Pipe

A. All Ductile-iron pipe shall conform to AWWA C151 and ISO 2531 latest edition, or B.S.
4772 with working pressure not less than 1.03 MPa (150 psi), unless otherwise shown or
specified. Pipe shall be cement-mortar lined in accordance with AWWA C104. Linings
shall be double lined type II Portland cement. Lining thickness shall be as follows.

Pipe Diameter Lining

From To Thickness
(mm) (mm) (mm)

60 300 3.2
350 600 4.8
700 1200 6.4

When installed underground, pipe shall be encased with 8-mil thick polyethylene in accordance
with AWWA C105. Flanged ductile iron pipe with threaded flanges shall be in accordance
with AWWA C115.

2.1.2 Galvanized-Steel Pipe

A. Galvanized-steel pipe shall conform to ASTM A 53, standard weight. Protective materials
for steel pipe shall be mechanically applied in a factory or plant especially equipped for the
purpose. Steel pipe and fittings less than 80 mm (3 inches) in diameter shall be thoroughly
cleaned of foreign material by wire brushing and solvent cleaning, and then given one coat
of coal-tar primer and two coats of coal-tar enamel conforming to AWWA C203; threaded
ends of pipe and fittings shall be adequately protected prior to coating.


2.2.1 Ductile-Iron Pipe

A. Fittings and special shall be suitable for 1.03 MPa (150 psi) pressure rating, unless
otherwise specified. Fittings and specials for mechanical joint pipe shall conform to
AWWA C110 and ISO standards. Fittings and specials for use with push-on joint pipe shall
conform to AWWA C110 and AWWA C111. Fittings and specials for grooved and
shouldered end pipe shall conform to AWWA C606. Fittings and specials shall be cement-
mortar lined (standard thickness) in accordance with AWWA C104. Ductile iron compact
fittings shall conform to AWWA C153. Galvanized-Steel Pipe

A. Steel fittings shall be galvanized. Screwed fittings shall conform to ASME B16.3. Flanged
fittings shall conform to AWWA C207. Dielectric Fittings

A. Dielectric fittings shall be installed between threaded ferrous and nonferrous metallic pipe,
fittings and valves, except where corporation stops join mains. Dielectric fittings shall
prevent metal-to-metal contact of dissimilar metallic piping elements and shall be suitable
for the required working pressure.

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2.3.1 Ductile-Iron Pipe

A.. Mechanical joints shall be of the stuffing box type and shall conform to AWWA C111 and
ISO standards.

B. Push-on joints shall conform to AWWA C111.

C. Rubber gaskets and lubricant shall conform to the applicable requirements of AWWA

2.3.2 Bonded Joints

A. Where indicated, a metallic bond shall be provided at each joint, including joints made with
flexible couplings, caulking, or rubber gaskets, of ferrous-metallic piping to effect
continuous conductivity. The bond wire shall be Size 1/0 copper conductor suitable for
direct burial shaped to stand clear of the joint. The bond shall be of the thermal weld type.

2.3.3 Isolation Joints

A. Isolation joints shall be installed between non-threaded ferrous and nonferrous metallic
pipe, fittings and valves. Isolation joints shall consist of a sandwich-type flange isolation
gasket of the dielectric type, isolation washers, and isolation sleeves for flange bolts.
Isolation gaskets shall be full faced with outside diameter equal to the flange outside
diameter. Bolt isolation sleeves shall be full length. Units shall be of a shape to prevent
metal-to-metal contact of dissimilar metallic piping elements.

B. Sleeve-type couplings shall be used for joining plain end pipe sections. The two couplings
shall consist of one steel middle ring, two steel followers, two gaskets, and the necessary
steel bolts and nuts to compress the gaskets.

C. Split-sleeve type couplings may be used in aboveground installations when approved in

special situations and shall consist of gaskets and housing in two or more sections with the
necessary bolts and nuts.


2.4.1 Check Valves

A. Check valves shall be designed for a minimum working pressure of 1.03 MPa (150 psi) or
as indicated. Valves shall have a clear waterway equal to the full nominal diameter of the
valve. Valves shall open to permit flow when inlet pressure is greater than the discharge
pressure, and shall close tightly to prevent return flow when discharge pressure exceeds
inlet pressure. The size of the valve, working pressure, manufacturer's name, initials, or
trademark shall be cast on the body of each valve.

B. Valves 50 mm (2 inches) and smaller shall be all bronze designed for screwed fittings, and
shall conform to MSS SP-80, Class 150, Types 3 and 4 as suitable for the application.

C. Valves larger than 50 mm (2 inches) shall be iron body, bronze mounted, shall have flanged
ends, and shall be the non-slam type. Flanges shall be the Class 125 type conforming to
ASME B16.1.
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2.4.2 Gate Valves

A. Gate valves shall be designed for a working pressure of not less than 1.03 MPa (150 psi).
Valve connections shall be as required for the piping in which they are installed. Valves
shall have a clear waterway equal to the full nominal diameter of the valve, and shall be
opened by turning counterclockwise. The operating nut or wheel shall have an arrow, cast
in the metal, indicating the direction of opening.

B. Valves smaller than 80 mm (3 inches) shall be all bronze and shall conform to MSS SP-80,
Type 1, Class 150 or Class PN 25, series B to B.S. 5154.

C. Valves 80 mm (3 inches) and larger shall be iron body, bronze mounted, and shall conform
to AWWA C500 or Class PN 25, series B to B.S. 5154. Flanges shall not be buried. An
approved pit shall be provided for all flanged connections.

D. Resilient-Seated Gate Valves: For valves 80 to 300 mm (3 to 12 inches) in size,

resilient-seated gate valves shall conform to AWWA C509 or Class PN 25, series B to B.S.

2.4.3 Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valves

A. Rubber-seated butterfly valves shall conform to the performance requirements of AWWA

C504 or B.S. 5155. Wafer type valves conforming to the performance requirements of
AWWA C504 or BS 5155 in all respects, but not meeting laying length requirements will
be acceptable if supplied and installed with a spacer providing the specified laying length.
All tests required by AWWA C504 shall be met. Flanged-end valves shall be installed in an
approved pit and provided with a union or sleeve-type coupling in the pit to permit
removal. Mechanical-end valves 80 mm (3 inches) through 250 mm (10 inches) in
diameter may be direct burial if provided with a suitable valve box, means for manual
operation, and an adjacent pipe joint to facilitate valve removal. Valve operators shall
restrict closing to a rate requiring approximately 60 seconds, from fully open to fully
closed. Valves shall be designed for a working pressure of not less than 1.64 MPa (237


A. Valve boxes shall be cast iron or concrete. Cast-iron boxes shall be extension type with
slide-type adjustment and with flared base. The minimum thickness of metal shall be 4.8
mm (3/16 inch). Concrete boxes shall be the standard products of a manufacturer of precast
concrete equipment. The word "WATER" shall be cast in the cover. The box length shall
adapt, without full extension, to the depth of cover required over the pipe at the valve


A. Valve pits shall be constructed at locations indicated or as required above and in

accordance with the details shown. Concrete shall have compressive strength of 21 MPa
(3000 psi) in accordance with Section 03300: CONCRETE FOR BUILDING

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A. The fire hydrants and installation procedure shall be in accordance with the Kuwait Fire
Brigade requirements. Hydrants shall be dry-barrel type conforming to AWWA C502 with
valve opening at least 125 mm (5 inches) in diameter and designed so that the flange at the
main valve seat can be removed with the main valve seat apparatus remaining intact, closed
and reasonably tight against leakage and with a breakable valve rod coupling and breakable
flange connections located no more than 200 mm (8 inches) above the ground grade.
Hydrants shall have a 150 mm (6 inch) bell connection, two 65 mm (2-1/2 inch) hose
connections and one 100 mm (4 inch) pumper connection. The two 65 mm (2-1/2 inch)
hose connections shall be fitted with landing valve single release hose coupling (merrsion
type) and instantaneous couplings, meeting the Kuwait Fire Brigade requirements, fitted
with blank cap and chain. Working parts shall be bronze. Design, material, and
workmanship shall be similar and equal to the latest stock pattern ordinarily produced by
the manufacturer. Hydrants shall be painted with one coat of red iron oxide, zinc oxide
primer conforming to SSPC Paint 25 and two finish coats of silicone alkyd paint
conforming to SSPC Paint 21, of the color directed.


2.8.1 Service Clamps

A. Service clamps shall have a pressure rating not less than that of the pipe to be connected
and shall be either the single or double flattened strap type. Clamps shall have a galvanized
malleable-iron body with cadmium-plated straps and nuts. Clamps shall have a rubber
gasket cemented to the body.

2.8.2 Corporation Stops

A. Corporation stops shall have Standard Corporation stop thread conforming to AWWA
C800 on the inlet end, with flanged joints, compression pattern flared tube couplings, or
wiped joints for connections to goosenecks.

2.8.3 Goosenecks

A. Copper tubing for gooseneck connections shall conform to the applicable requirements of
ASTM B 88, Type K, annealed. Length of cable requirement connections shall be in
accordance with standard practice.

2.8.4 Service Stops

A. Service stops shall be water-works inverted-ground-key type, oval or round flow way, tee
handle, without drain. Pipe connections shall be suitable for the type of service pipe used.
All parts shall be of bronze with female iron-pipe-size connections or compression-pattern
flared tube couplings, and shall be designed for a hydrostatic test pressure not less than
1.375 kPa (200 psi).

2.8.5 Service Boxes

A. Service boxes shall be cast iron or concrete and shall be extension service boxes of the
length required for the depth of the line, with either screw or slide-type adjustment. The
boxes shall have housings of sufficient size to completely cover the service stop or valve
and shall be complete with identifying covers.
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2.8.6 Disinfection

A. Chlorinating materials shall conform to the following:

1. Chlorine, Liquid: AWWA B301.

2. Hypochlorite, Calcium and Sodium: AWWA B300.

2.8.7 Meters
A. Meters shall be of the displacement type conforming to AWWA C700 or turbine type
conforming to AWWA C701. Registers may be round or straight reading type. Connection
to the water line shall be as required for the particular installation. All meters used for the
same system shall be of one type and manufacturer.

2.8.8 Meter Boxes

A. Meter boxes shall be of cast iron or concrete of sufficient size to completely enclose the
meter and shut-off valve or service stop. Box height shall extend from invert of the meter to
final grade at the meter location. Cover shall be cast iron with the word "WATER" cast in



3.1.1 Cutting of Pipe

A. Cutting of pipe shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the
pipe. Unless otherwise recommended by the manufacturer and authorized by the Engineer,
cutting shall be done with an approved type mechanical cutter. Wheel cutter shall be used
when practicable. Copper tubing shall be cut square and all burrs shall be removed.
Squeeze type mechanical cutters shall not be used for ductile iron.

3.1.2 Adjacent Facilities Sewer Lines

A. Where the location of the water pipe is not clearly defined in dimensions on the drawings,
the water pipe shall not be laid closer horizontally than 3 m (10 feet) from a sewer except
where the bottom of the water pipe will be at least 300 mm (12 inches) above the top of the
sewer pipe, in which case the water pipe shall not be laid closer horizontally than 1.8 m (6
feet) from the sewer. Where water lines cross under gravity-flow sewer lines, the sewer
pipe for a distance of at least 3 m (10 feet) each side of the crossing shall be fully encased
in concrete or shall be made of pressure pipe with no joint located within 900 mm (3 feet)
horizontally of the crossing. Water lines shall in all cases cross above sewage force mains
or inverted siphons and shall be not less than 600 mm (2 feet) above the sewer main. Joints
in the sewer main, closer horizontally than 900 mm (3 feet) to the crossing, shall be
encased in concrete.

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A. Water lines shall not be laid in the same trench with sewer lines, gas lines, fuel lines, or
electric wiring. Nonferrous Metallic Pipe

A. Where nonferrous metallic pipe, e.g., copper tubing, crosses any ferrous piping material, a
minimum vertical separation of 300 mm (12 inches) shall be maintained between pipes. Structures

A. Where water pipe is required to be installed within 1 m (3 feet) of existing structures, the
water pipe shall be fully encased in concrete. The thickness of the concrete encasement
including that at the pipe joints shall be not less than 100 mm (4 inches). Care shall be
exercised and proper precautions taken during installation of the water pipe and sleeve to
assure that there will be no damage to the structures and no settlement or movement of
foundations or footings.

3.1.3 Joint Deflection Ductile-Iron Pipe

A. The maximum allowable deflection shall be as given in AWWA C600. If the alignment
requires deflection in excess of the above limitations, special bends or a sufficient number
of shorter lengths of pipe shall be furnished to provide angular deflections within the limit
set forth.

3.1.4 Placing and Laying

A. Pipe and accessories shall be carefully lowered into the trench by means of derrick, ropes,
belt slings, or other authorized equipment. Under no circumstances shall any of the water-
line materials be dropped or dumped into the trench. Care shall be taken to avoid abrasion
of the pipe coating. Except where necessary in making connections with other lines or as
authorized by the Engineer, pipe shall be laid with the bells facing in the direction of
laying. The full length of each section of pipe shall rest solidly upon the pipe bed, with
recesses excavated to accommodate bells, couplings, and joints. Pipe that has the grade or
joint disturbed after laying shall be taken up and relayed. Pipe shall not be laid in water or
when trench conditions are unsuitable for the work. Water shall be kept out of the trench
until joints are complete. When work is not in progress, open ends of pipe, fittings, and
valves shall be securely closed so that no trench water, earth, or other substance will enter
the pipes or fittings. Where any part of the coating or lining is damaged, the Contractor at
his expense shall make the repair in a satisfactory manner. Pipe ends left for future
connections shall be valved, plugged, or capped, and anchored, as shown. Connections

A. Where connections are made between new work and existing mains, the connections shall
be made by using specials and fittings to suit the actual conditions. Where made under
pressure, these connections shall be installed using standard methods as approved by the

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A. Pipe passing through walls of valve pits and structures shall be provided with ductile-iron
or Schedule 40 steel wall sleeves. Annular space between walls and sleeves shall be filled
with rich cement mortar. Annular space between pipe and sleeves shall be filled with
mastic. Flanged Pipe

A. Flanged pipe shall only be installed above ground or with the flanges in valve pits.

3.1.5 Jointing Ductile-Iron Pipe

A. Mechanical and push-on type joints shall be installed in accordance with AWWA C600 for
buried lines or AWWA C606 for grooved and shouldered pipe above ground or in pits. Galvanized-Steel Pipe

A. Screw joints shall be made tight with a stiff mixture of graphite and oil, inert filler and oil,
or with an approved graphite compound, applied with a brush to the male threads only.
Compounds shall not contain lead. Bonded Joints

A. Bonded joints shall be installed in accordance with details specified for joints in paragraph
JOINTS. Isolation Joints and Dielectric Fittings

A. Isolation joints and dielectric fittings shall be installed in accordance with details specified
in paragraph JOINTS. Dielectric unions shall be encapsulated in a field-poured coal-tar
covering, with at least 3.2 mm (1/8 inch) thickness of coal tar over all fitting surfaces. Connections

A. Connections between different types of pipe and accessories shall be made with transition
fittings approved by the Engineer.

3.1.6 Service Lines

A. Service lines shall include the pipeline connecting building piping to water distribution
lines to the connections with the building service at a point approximately 1.5 m (5 feet)
outside the building where such building service exists. Where building services are not
installed, the Contractor shall terminate the service lines approximately 1.5 m (5 feet) from
the site of the proposed building at a point designated by the Engineer. Such service lines
shall be closed with plugs or caps. All service stops and valves shall be provided with
service boxes. Service lines shall be constructed in accordance with the following

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Water Distribution 02510 / 12 - 17 Service Lines 50 mm (2 Inches) and Smaller

A. Service lines 50 mm (2 inches) and smaller shall be connected to the main by a directly-
tapped corporation stop or by a service clamp. A corporation stop and a copper gooseneck
shall be provided with either type of connection. Maximum sizes for directly-tapped
corporation stops and for outlets with service clamps shall be as in TABLE I. Where 2 or
more gooseneck connections to the main are required for an individual service, such
connections shall be made with standard branch connections. The total clear area of the
branches shall be at least equal to the clear area of the service, which they are to supply.


Corporation Stops, mm (Inches) Outlets w/Service

Pipe Size For Ductile-Iron Pipe Clamps, mm (Inches)
mm (Inches) Single & Double Strap

80 (3) -- 25 (1)
100 (4) 25 (1) 25 (1)
150 (6) 32 (1-1/4) 40 (1-1/2)
200 (8) 40 (1-1/2) 50 (2)
250 (10) 40 (1-1/2) 50 (2)
300 (12) & larger 50 (2) 50 (2) Service Lines 40 mm (1-1/2 Inches) and Smaller

A. Service line 40 mm (1-1/2 inches) and smaller shall have a service stop. Service Lines 50 mm (2 Inches) in Size

A. Service lines 50 mm (2 inches) in size shall have a gate valve. Service Lines Larger than 50 mm (2 Inches)

A. Service lines larger than 50 mm (2 inches) shall be connected to the main by a tapped
saddle, tapping sleeve and valve, service clamp or reducing tee, depending on the main
diameter and the service line diameter, and shall have a gate valve. Lines 80 mm (3
inches) and larger may use rubber-seated butterfly valves as specified above, or gate
valves. Service Lines for Sprinkler Supplies

A. Fire water service lines used to supply building sprinkler systems for fire protection shall be
connected to the fire water, or domestic water distribution main in accordance with NFPA Setting of Fire Hydrants, Valves and Valve Boxes Fire Hydrants

A. Fire hydrants shall be located and installed as shown. Each hydrant shall be connected to
the main with a 150 mm (6 inch) branch line having at least as much cover as the
distribution main. Hydrants shall be set plumb with pumper nozzlefacing the roadway, with
the center of the lowest outlet not less than 450 mm (18 inches) above the finished
surrounding grade, and the operating nut not more than 1.2 m (48 inches) above the
finished surrounding grade. Except where approved otherwise, the backfill around hydrants
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shall be thoroughly compacted to the finished grade line immediately after installation to
obtain beneficial use of the hydrant as soon as practicable. The hydrant shall be set upon a
slab of concrete not less than 100-mm (4 inches) thick and 400 mm (15 inches) square. Not
less than 0.2 cubic meters (7 cubic feet) of free draining broken stone or gravel shall be
placed around and beneath the waste opening of dry barrel hydrants to ensure drainage. Valves

A. After delivery, valves, including those in hydrants, shall be drained and shall have the
interiors cleaned of all foreign matter before installation. Stuffing boxes shall be tightened
and hydrants and valves shall be fully opened and fully closed to ensure that all parts are in
working condition. Check, pressure reducing, vacuum, and air relief valves shall be
installed in valve pits. Valves and valve boxes shall be installed where shown or specified,
and shall be set plumb. Valve boxes shall be centered on the valves. Boxes shall be
installed over each outside gate valve unless otherwise shown. Where feasible, valves shall
be located outside the area of roads and streets. Earth fill shall be carefully tamped around
each valve box or pit to a distance of 1.2 m (4 feet) on all sides of the box, or the
undisturbed trench face if less than 1.2 m. (4 feet). Valve wrenches shall be provided on the
basis of one wrench for every 10 valves. Service Boxes

A. Where water lines are located below paved streets having curbs, the boxes shall be installed
directly back of the curbs. Where water lines are located below paved streets having curbs
with adjacent sidewalks, the boxes shall be installed directly back of the sidewalk. Where
no curbing exists, service boxes shall be installed in accessible locations, beyond the limits
of street surfacing, walks and driveways.

3.1.8 Tapped Tees and Crosses

A. Tapped tees and crosses for future connections shall be installed where shown.3.1.9 Thrust

B. Plugs, caps, tees and bends deflecting 11-1/4 degrees or more, either vertically or
horizontally, on waterlines 100 mm (4 inches) in diameter or larger, and fire hydrants shall
be provided with thrust restraints. Valves shall be securely anchored or shall be provided
with thrust restraints to prevent movement. Thrust restraints shall be either thrust blocks
or, for ductile-iron pipes, restrained joints. Thrust Blocks

A. Thrust blocking shall be concrete of a mix not leaner than: 1 cement, 2-1/2 sand, 5 gravel;
and having a compressive strength of not less than 14 MPa (2,000 psi) after 28 days.
Cement shall be Portland cement type V conforming to ASTM C150. Blocking shall be
placed between solid ground and the hydrant or fitting to be anchored. Unless otherwise
indicated or directed, the base and thrust bearing sides of thrust blocks shall be poured
directly against undisturbed earth. The sides of thrust blocks not subject to thrust may be
poured against forms. The area of bearing shall be as shown or as directed. Blocking shall
be placed so that the fitting joints will be accessible for repair. Steel rods and clamps,
protected by galvanizing or by coating with bituminous paint, shall be used to anchor
vertical down bends into gravity thrust blocks.

Ministry of Defence
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A. For ductile-iron pipe, restrained joints shall be designed by the Contractor or the pipe
manufacturer in accordance with DIPRA-01.

3.1.10 Galvanized-Steel Pipe

A. Field joints shall be given one coat of coal-tar primer and two coats of coal-tar enamel
conforming to AWWA C203. The tests of the coating shall conform to AWWA C203, and
any flaws or holidays found in the coating of pipe and joints shall be repaired by patching
or other approved means such that the repaired areas will be at least equal in thickness to
the minimum coating required for the pipe.


A. Where any section of a water line is provided with concrete thrust blocking for fitting or
hydrants, the hydrostatic tests shall not be made until at least 5 days after installation of the
concrete thrust blocking, unless otherwise approved.

3.2.1 Pressure Test

A. After the pipe is laid, the joints completed, fire hydrants permanently installed, and the
trench partially backfilled leaving the joints exposed for examination, the newly laid piping
or any valved section of piping shall, unless otherwise specified, be subjected for 1 hour to
a hydrostatic pressure test of 1.38 MPa (200 psi). Water supply lines designated on the
drawings shall be subjected for 1 hour to a hydrostatic pressure test of 1.38 MPa (200 psi).
Each valve shall be opened and closed several times during the test. Exposed pipe, joints,
fittings, hydrants, and valves shall be carefully examined during the partially open trench
test. Joints showing visible leakage shall be replaced or remade as necessary. Cracked or
defective pipe, joints, fittings, hydrants and valves, discovered in consequence of this
pressure test shall be removed and replaced with sound material, and the test shall be
repeated until the test results are satisfactory. The requirement for the joints to remain
exposed for the hydrostatic tests may be waived by the Engineer when one or more of the
following conditions is encountered:

1. Wet or unstable soil conditions in the trench.

2. Compliance would require maintaining barricades and walkways around and across an
open trench in a heavily used area that would require continuous surveillance to assure
safe conditions.

3. Maintaining the trench in an open condition would delay completion of the


B. The Contractor may request a waiver, setting forth in writing the reasons for the request and
stating the alternative procedure proposed to comply with the required hydrostatic tests.
Backfill placed prior to the tests shall be placed in accordance with the requirements of

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3.2.2 Leakage Test

A. Leakage test shall be conducted after the pressure tests have been satisfactorily completed.
The duration of each leakage test shall be at least 2 hours, and during the test the water line
shall be subjected to not less than 1.38 MPa (200 psi) pressure. Water supply lines
designated on the drawings shall be subjected to a pressure equal to 1.38 MPa (200 psi).
Leakage is defined as the quantity of water to be supplied into the newly laid pipe, or any
valved or approved section thereof, necessary to maintain pressure within 34.5 kPa (5 psi)
of the specified leakage test pressure after the pipe has been filled with water and the air
expelled. No piping installation will be accepted if leakage exceeds the allowable leakage
which is determined by the following formula, L = 0.0001351ND(P raised to 1/2 power)

L = Allowable leakage in gallons per hour

N = Number of joints in the length of pipeline tested
D = Nominal diameter of the pipe in inches
P = Average test pressure during the leakage test, in psi gauge

B. Should any test of pipe disclose leakage greater than that calculated by the above formula,
the defective joints shall be located and repaired until the leakage is within the specified
allowance, without additional cost to the Government.
3.2.3 Time for Making Test

C. Except for joint material setting or where concrete thrust blocks necessitate a 5-day delay,
pipelines jointed with rubber gaskets, mechanical or push-on joints, or couplings may be
subjected to hydrostatic pressure, inspected, and tested for leakage at any time after partial
completion of backfill. Cement-mortar lined pipe may be filled with water as recommended
by the manufacturer before being subjected to the pressure test and subsequent leakage

3.2.4 Concurrent Hydrostatic Tests

A. The Contractor may elect to conduct the hydrostatic tests using either or both of the
following procedures. Regardless of the sequence of tests employed, the results of pressure
tests, leakage tests, and disinfection shall be satisfactory as specified. All replacement,
repair or retesting required shall be accomplished by the Contractor at no additional cost to
the Owner.

1. Pressure test and leakage test may be conducted concurrently.

2. Hydrostatic tests and disinfection may be conducted concurrently, using the water treated
for disinfection to accomplish the hydrostatic tests. If water is lost when treated for
disinfection and air is admitted to the unit being tested, or if any repair procedure results
in contamination of the unit, disinfection shall be re-accomplished.


3.3.1 Bacteriological Disinfection

A. Before acceptance of the potable, and fire water operation, each unit of completed waterline
shall be disinfected as specified herein. After pressure tests have been made, the unit to be
disinfected shall be thoroughly flushed with water until all entrained dirt and mud have
been removed before introducing the chlorinating material. The chlorinating material shall
be either liquid chlorine, calcium hypochlorite, or sodium hypochlorite, conforming to
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paragraph MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. The chlorinating material shall provide a dosage
of not less than 50 ppm and shall be introduced into the water lines in an approved manner.
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe lines shall be chlorinated using only the above specified
chlorinating material in solution. In no case will the agent be introduced into the line in a
dry solid state. The treated water shall be retained in the pipe long enough to destroy all
non-spore-forming bacteria. Except where a shorter period is approved, the retention time
shall be at least 24 hours and shall produce not less than 25 ppm of free chlorine residual
throughout the line at the end of the retention period. All valves on the lines being
disinfected shall be opened and closed several times during the contact period. The line
shall then be flushed with clean water until the residual chlorine is reduced to less than 1.0
ppm. During the flushing period, each fire hydrant on the line shall be opened and closed
several times. From several points in the unit, personnel from the Contractor's laboratory
shall take at least 10 water samples from different points, approved by the Engineer, in
proper sterilized containers and perform a bacterial examination in accordance with U.S.
approved methods. The laboratory must be certified by the Host Nation Ministry of
Electricity and Water approving authority for examination of potable water. The
disinfection shall be repeated until tests indicate the absence of pollution for at least 2 full
days. The unit will not be accepted until satisfactory bacteriological results have been

3.3.2 Lead Residual

A. Following the bacteriological disinfection and testing, the system shall be flushed with a
sufficient velocity of water and sufficient tests performed at each hot- and cold-water
discharge point until discharge shows less than 15 ppb lead residuals remain in the system.
All tests and samples shall be performed in accordance with U.S. Federal regulations.
Samples for testing are to be collected after a 6-hour continuous period of no flushing, and
will be considered first draw samples. The laboratory must be certified by the Host Nation
Ministry of Electricity and Water approving authority for examination of potable water.
Lead residual test results are to be submitted to the Engineer. The system will not be
accepted until satisfactory bacteriological results and lead residual test results have been
obtained. All flushing and testing for lead residuals, including all costs, is the responsibility
of the Contractor.


A. Upon completion of the installation of water lines, and appurtenances, all debris and
surplus materials resulting from the work shall be removed.


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A. General

1. Provide all Drainage Work complete in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract Documents.

B. Scope of Work: Shall include but not be limited to the following:

1. Survey existing manholes and pipe work for foul and storm water drainage connections.

2. External Drainage System.

3. Reinstate street, side walk or landscape surfaces.

4. Testing, cleaning and flushing all drainage works.


A. External Drainage Works General Requirements

1. All references to existing services such as size, designation, location, gradient,

material, etc., indicated on the Contract Drawings are for general guidance only. The
Contractors Tender shall be deemed to include for identifying existing services and
providing the required work and materials to suit all existing conditions found on the
Site in order to complete the Contract.

2. The Drawings show the various piping systems schematically. No added

compensation will be permitted for variations due to field conditions.

3. Carefully examine the structural, mechanical, and electrical drawings to avert

possible installation conflicts.

4. Submit to the Engineer shop drawings covering all items of work under this
Contract. No work shall be carried out until the shop drawings have been approved
by the Engineer Reproduction of Contract Drawings by the Contractor shall not be
acceptable as shop drawings.

5. The Contractor shall allow in his Tender for making all connections to existing
drainage and shall submit details and drawings of each connection to the Engineer
and MOD or any other authority for their prior approval.

6. Check the existence of any service, surface, or sub-surface structure in the vicinity of
the work. Do not disturb or damage any of these services or structures and make
necessary provisions by shoring or other means in order to avoid damaging these
services or structures. Repair any damage immediately.
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7. Provide all sleeves for passage of pipes through substructure, structural masonry and
concrete walls and elsewhere as will be required for the proper protection of each
pipe passing through building surfaces or substructure.


A. Install all work in full accordance with the requirements of all Ministry Departments
having jurisdiction over these matters, as well as with any requirements of applicable

B. The Contractor shall submit one copy of all B.O.C.A National Plumbing Code, Ministry
Specifications, and Drawings, as requested by the Engineer, prior to the commencement
of works on site. Refer to Item 1.03, Standards in Section 01010, Summary of Works.

C. Generally the work shall be executed in accordance with the following Codes of Practice
and design guides. Only the current edition of the following codes and design guides
shall be followed:

1. B.O.C.A. National Plumbing Code.

2. These Standards are available from:

a. Building Officials & Code

Administrators International Inc.
4051W Flossmoor Road,
Country Club Hills, IL 60478-5795

Tel: (708) 799-2300

D. Work shall also comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Public Works General
Specifications Road Administration (Document III-1) Latest revision (hereinafter
referred to as M.P.W. G.S. R.A.


A. Ensure that, where applicable, the work and any materials used in the execution of the
work in accordance with this Specification, comply with the requirements of the
particular Public Authority.
B. Where necessary to comply with regulations, inform the Public Authority of the
proposed work and obtain from them any written approval that may be required.

C. Submit to the Ministry of Public Works Testing Research Station any materials for
testing that the Authority may require. Provide the Engineer with a copy of all
correspondence, test certificates, etc., in connection with the above.

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A. All materials and equipment shall comply in all respects with the relevant International
Standard Specifications stated herein as a minimum, including dimensional standards,
where these exist, except so far as this Specification is at variance therewith. Other
international standard specifications are acceptable, provided that the equipment and
materials are equivalent in technical characteristics, thickness and will pass all
prescribed tests, as in the Standards specified herein.

B. All materials and equipment shall be the best of their respective kinds and shall be
approved by the Engineer before use.

C. Install and connect all equipment in accordance with standard engineering practice and
the manufacturers instructions and recommendations. Furnish and install completely all
associated piping, connections, etc., recommended by the manufacturer or as required by
or for proper operation of the equipment and the system.

D. All workmanship shall be of the highest standard in every respect and shall be performed
only by skilled tradesmen, recognized as such in their respective trades.

E. Avoid the cutting or drilling of work of other Trades, finished or otherwise, wherever
possible. However, if due to ill-timed work or errors in laying out of the Contractors
work, cutting or drilling can in no way be avoided, do such cutting or drilling necessary
for the proper installation and entry of the work. The cutting and drilling must be kept to
a bare minimum. No cutting or drilling of any building structural member will be
permitted without the approval of the Engineer. Do all repairs to areas where cutting is
carried out without additional cost.


A. General: All submissions for approval shall be submitted sufficiently in advance of

requirements to allow the Engineer ample time for checking and approving. These
clauses are in addition to Section 01300 and the Conditions of Contract.

B. Samples: Submit samples, as requested by the Engineer, of all materials specified herein
in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents and, before order, obtain
written approval from the Engineer. All samples shall be properly tagged when
submitted for approval.

C. Manufacturers Data

1. Before the purchase of any material and equipment, and prior to submission of the
shop drawings, submit to the Engineer three (3) sets of the complete schedule of the
material and equipment proposed for installation. Shop drawings will not be
accepted prior to submission of the schedule.

2. Data of equipment and material shall include detailed manufacturers drawings, cuts
of catalogues, and descriptive literature showing specifications, type, construction,
component parts, dimensions, size, arrangement, operating clearances, capacity and
testing information. Data of a general nature will not be accepted.

3. Catalogues, pamphlets of manufacturers drawings submitted for approval shall be

clearly marked in ink for proper identification of the items being proposed. Deviation
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from the Specification and the Drawings shall be indicated clearly with the reason
for each deviation.

4. Submit original catalogues of manufacturers data for all materials and equipment.
No equipment or material shall be installed, delivered to Site or purchased, until the
Engineer has approved the items.

D. Shop Drawings

1. Prepare the following shop drawings as a minimum and further allow in the Tender
Price for any other shop drawings, which may be requested by the Engineer to
amplify the detail in any smaller scale drawing.

2. Prepare one set of plans at 1:100 scale showing the drainage pipe routes and profiles.
These drawings shall show pipe sizes, pipe gradients, pipe locations, manhole
locations and types, and any other fitting or fixture connection and location.

3. Prepare 1:10 scale details of all manholes and similar drainage chambers.

4. Prepare at 1:2 scale details of all pipe bedding and jointing for all types of drainage

5. Prepare coordinated services layouts at 1:100 scale.

E. Progress Drawings

1. Furnish and keep on the job site at all times one complete and separate set of black
line prints of the works on which shall be clearly, neatly and accurately noted,
promptly as the work progresses, all changes, revisions and additions to work as
actually installed. Wherever work is installed other than as shown on the shop
drawings, such changes shall be noted.

2. Indicate daily progress on progress prints by coloring in the various pipes, manholes,
etc., and associated attachments as they are erected.

3. No approval of requisition for payment of work installed will be given unless

supported by record prints as required above.


A. At the conclusion of work, prepare and submit Record Drawings.

B. These drawings shall be titled Record Drawings and shall be prepared from the
marked up progress prints. Submit Record Drawings to the Engineer for review and


A. Protect pipes with suitable coverings as soon as set. Close all open ends of pipes with a
plug fitting to prevent obstruction and damage.

B. Before final connections are made, thoroughly blow out, rod out, or wash out all piping.

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A. Provide all trenching, pipe bedding, haunching, manholes, openings in walls, floors,
roofs and foundations for drainage, and temporary works etc., and all other builders
work required to perform the work satisfactorily to the approval of the Engineer.


A. Connection from Final Foul Manholes to Existing Sewer

1. Provide the drainage connection from the final foul manholes to the Existing sewer
manhole 31-A as indicated on the Drawings. Carry out the connection strictly in
accordance with the latest requirements and Specifications of the Ministry of Public

2. Provide a complete installation including but not limited to the following:

a. Setting out.
b. Excavations.
c. Protection of existing services.
d. Pipe work and manhole installation.
e. Testing.
f. Reinstatement.

3. Give all notices, obtain all approvals and complete the installation to the approval of
the Engineer.

4. The laying of all pipe work shall be carried out in strict accordance with the
requirements of the pipe manufacturer and the Ministry of Public Works.

B. Connection from Final Storm water Manhole to Existing Storm water Sewer

1. Provide the drainage connection from the final storm water manhole to the Existing
sewer manhole 81 as indicated on the Drawings. Carry out the connection strictly in
accordance with the latest requirements and Specifications of the Ministry of Public

2. Provide a complete installation including but not limited to the following:

a. Setting Out.

b. Excavations.

c. Protection of existing services.

d. Pipe work and manhole installation.

e. Testing.

f. Reinstatement.

3. Give all notices, obtain all approvals and complete the installation to the approval of
the Engineer.
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A. Manufacturers shall provide their standard guarantees for products furnished under this
Contract. However, such guarantees shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other
liabilities, which manufacturers and the Contractor may have by law or by other
provisions of the Contract Documents.

B. All materials, items of equipment and workmanship furnished under this Contract shall
carry standard warranty against all defects in materials and workmanship. Any fault due
to defective or improper material, equipment, workmanship or Contractors design
which may develop shall be made good, forthwith, by and at the expense of the
Contractor, including all other damage done to areas, materials and other systems
resulting from this failure.


A. Include for Maintenance and Preventive Maintenance during the two (2) year
Maintenance Period.

B. Include all spare parts and all maintenance tools and equipment required for proper
maintenance of the works for smooth operation.

C. The Contractor shall note that during the Maintenance Period, rapid response to calls for
attendance on-site may be necessary. It may, therefore, be necessary, at times, for the
Contractor to undertake repairs to defective works outside normal working hours.

D. If Contractor fails to adequately respond to calls for attendants on site, then the
Contractor shall pay a penalty in the sum of KD. 150/- (Kuwaiti Dinars One Hundred
and Fifty) per day or part thereof for each period of non-attendance, such period to be
determined by the Engineer or the Employer.

E. Include all routine and preventive scheduled maintenance as recommended by the

manufacturers to keep the system in perfect operating condition.

F. Keep all records, logbooks, log sheets, maintenance job cards, etc., in neat order to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

G. During the Maintenance Period maintain, replace and repair any part of the Drainage
Installation work which may prove defective due to Contractors design, erection,
operation, performance, or workmanship, or prove defective from any act or omission
that may develop from use in the works or any section thereof.

H. The foregoing Clauses are in addition to and in no way relieve the Contractor of his
liabilities and obligations under the Contract. However if it contradicts with General and
Particular conditions of contract or Tendering Procedure the latter shall precedence.

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A. The Contractor shall note that references to all manufacturers and model numbers are
purely for establishing a standard or maintaining consistency with the existing installed
systems. The Contractor may submit alternative manufacturers equipment provided that
it meets the standard and is to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


A. Use the following materials for the external stated pipe work systems:

1. All gravity sanitary drainage pipe work between manholes shall be vitrified clay and
comply with BS 65:1981 Extra Strength.

2. Pressurized sanitary drainage pipe work shall be ductile iron unlined to BS 4772.

3. All storm water drainage pipe work up to and including 500mm diameter shall be
un-reinforced concrete with spigot and socket joints incorporating a push-fit
synthetic annular sealing technique. Pipes shall be manufactured from sulphate
resisting cement and shall be work tested all in accordance with MPW G.S.R.A.
Clause 600.05.

4. All storm water drainage pipe work of 75mm diameter up to and including 250mm
diameter shall be UPVC and comply with ASTM D2729 with ends suitable for
spigot and socket joints assembly. Other international standard UPVC pipes may be
used subject to the approval of the Engineer. If an alternative mechanically jointed
system is proposed, submit details to prove that the system is suitable and complete.
This Clause applies to drainage laid below basement level and drainage laid external
from building up to manholes.

5. All storm water drainage pipe work of 700mm and above shall be reinforced
concrete spigot and socket joints incorporating a sulphate resisting cement mortar
joints or a push fit synthetic granular sealing technique. Pipes shall be manufactured
from sulphate resisting cement and shall be works tested, all in accordance with
MPW G.S.R.A. Clause 600.05.


A. Use the following pipe joints and fittings in the external stated pipe work systems:

1. Vitrified Clay Pipe work (Sanitary Drainage): Pipes shall be jointed using spigot and
socket joints incorporating a Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR) sealing ring
complying with B.S. 2494. 100mm Diameter pipes and below may be jointed using a
push-fit polypropylene flexible coupling incorporating an S.B.R. sealing ring
complying with B.S. 2494.

2. Below Grade Cast Iron Storm water Drainage: Below grade cast iron sanitary
drainage shall have no-hub mechanical joints consisting of cast iron coupling,
stainless steel nuts and bolts, and nitride rubber gasket complying with B.S. 2494.

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The jointing couplings must be approved by the manufacturer of the pipe and be
suitable for the grade of pipe specified.
3. Concrete Pipe work (Storm water Drainage): Pipes shall be jointed with spigot and
socket joints incorporating a push-fit synthetic annular sealing technique. Jointing
shall be carried out strictly in accordance with MPW General Specification roads
administration, with particular reference to clause 600.06 Joints.


A. Heavy Weight Storm water: Shall be 610mm Diameter clear opening Grade (A) heavy
duty cast iron storm water cover and frame coupling with K.S.S. 23-1973 and BS 497.

B. Heavy Weight Sanitary: Shall be 600mm diameter clear opening heavy duty manhole
cover and frame constructed from grade 12 cast iron complying with BS 497.

C. Medium Weight Sanitary and Storm water: Shall be 600mm x 600mm clear opening
grade (B) medium duty single seal cover and frame constructed from Grade 12 cast iron
and complying with BS 497.

D. Light Weight Sanitary and Storm water: Shall be 610mm x 610mm clear opening grade
(C) light duty double seal cover and frame constructed from grade 12 cast iron and
complying with BS 497.


A. Manhole step irons shall be heavy-duty galvanized cast iron in compliance with B.S.
1247 and as detailed on the MPW Roads and Drainage Typical Drawings.


A. Reinforced concrete shall comply with M.P.W. G.S R.A Class K-300 concrete.

B. Plain concrete shall comply with M.P.W. G.S R.A Class K-140 concrete.

C. Cement and sand mortar at 1:2 ratio mix in accordance with M.P.W G.S R.A Clause
500.17 shall be used for the following :

1. Invert formations and benching.

2. Manhole frame bedding.

3. Jointing drain saddle connections.

D. Cement shall be high sulphate resistant Type V in accordance with M.P.W. G.S. R.A.
Clause 500.12.

E. Steel for reinforced concrete shall comply with M.P.W. G.S. R.A. Clause 501.11.

F. Blocks shall be as specified under Block work but shall be solid sulphate resisting
concrete blocks conforming to ASTM C145, Type N-I, normal weight.

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G. Granular material for bedding: Granular material for use for bedding pipes shall comply
with one of the requirements set out below. The greater the proportion of fines in the
material the greater is the care needed in compaction.

1. Nominal single sized aggregate to table 4 of BS 882:1983 as follows:

100mm Dia. pipe and below - 10mm size

150mm Dia. pipe - 10mm or 14mm size
200mm Dia. pipe and above - 10mm, 14mm or 20mm size

2. Graded aggregate to table 4 of BS 882: 1983 as follows :

DN 150mm Dia pipe graded 14mm to 5mm

DN 200mm Dia pipe and graded 20mm to 5mm;
Or Above graded 14mm to 5mm.

3. Granular material having a compaction fraction value not greater than 0.2 when
tested in accordance with appendix D of BS 8301:1985. Particle size should not
exceed 20mm.

H. Selected Backfill

Selected backfill shall exclude stones retained on a 40mm sieve and timber, vegetable or
foreign matter. Cohesive soil that has dried out on a spoil heap shall not be utilized.

1. General backfill: Normally the excavated material from the trench will be suitable
for backfill above the selected material. Boulders, lumps of concrete, timber, and
vegetable matter shall be excluded.


A. Attention is drawn to the fact that certain materials cannot be imported into Kuwait
without permission from the Ministry of Commerce. The Drawings and Specifications
may call for materials of a non-standard type with respect to local production. Under no
circumstances will local standard materials be accepted in place of those specified.
Obtain non-standard materials from a local manufacturer to match those specified or
obtain the necessary approvals to allow importation. This matter shall be taken up at the
start of the Contract and no excuse for delay in manufacture or fabrication, etc., will be


A. Piping shall be kept free from scale and dirt. Pipes shall not be split, bent, flattened, nor
otherwise injured either before or during the installation. No bend or curve shall be made
in any pipe, which will diminish the waterway or alter the internal diameter of the pipe
in any part.

B. All cutting shall be square to the pipe axis by approved means and all burrs removed.
The use of pipe cutting machines, which diminish the bore of the pipe, shall not be

C. All pipes shall be free from cuts, dents or other surface damage. At the time of final
inspection, damaged pipes shall be removed and replaced with new pipes.
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D. Where practicable, pipe work shall be carried out as the building proceeds, so as to
minimize the amount of cutting away and repairing.

E. Mark out correctly the positions of all necessary holes in walls, floors, etc., for pipes and
pipe supports.

F. The run and arrangement of all pipes shall be approximately as shown on the Drawings
and as directed during installation. They shall be as straight and direct as possible, but
forming right angles or parallel lines with building walls and other pipes and is neatly

G. Clearance between exposed pipes and the finished surface of wall or partition shall be
not less than 50 mm.

H. Flexible joints shall be provided wherever shown and/or necessary to accommodate

settlement of the buildings on the drainage system.

I. All ends of pipes shall be temporarily plugged to prevent dirt accumulating or stoppage
of the pipes to fixtures by an approved plug. Paper, wood, rag, etc., shall not be used.

J. Flexible joints shall be placed in all pipes where they cross building expansion and
construction joints. Cross check all drainage layouts with Structural Drawings.


A. The Contractor shall on completion of the drainage system remove all silt and foreign
matter from the drain runs, manholes, sumps etc. and leave in a clean and workable

2.10 TESTS

A. The drainage work shall be inspected and tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the
following times in an approved manner and shall be retested as necessary until passed. A
complete record shall be kept of all pipe test approvals and the length approved shall be
clearly marked on the progress drawings with the date approved and the signature of the

B. Tests unless otherwise directed shall be in accordance with British Standard Code of
Practice CP 301-1971, Sections 5.1 to 5.8. Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer,
tests shall be applied at the following times:

First Test : Applied after laying pipes but before surrounding with

Second Test : Applied on completion of the work and just prior to

handing over to the Employer.

C. Further tests shall be applied at any time as instructed by the Engineer. All tests shall be
repeated until such time as the Engineer is satisfied that the pipe work is correctly
installed and all joints are airtight.

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D. Furnish and pay for all devices, materials, supplies, labour and power required in
connection with tests. Make all tests in the presence and to the satisfaction of the
Engineer and other Public Utilities Inspectors having jurisdiction.

E. Repair, or if required by the Engineer, replace defective work with new work without
extra charge to the Employer. Repeat tests as directed, until all work is proven

F. Restore to its original condition any work damaged or disturbed by tests, engaging those
responsible for the original work to do the work of restoration.

G. Test all fittings for soundness, stability of support and satisfactory operation.

H. Notify the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance of making the required tests, so that
arrangements may be made for his presence to witness the tests.

I. Test equipment in service and demonstrate that the equipment performs the work
intended for it and that it complies with the requirements of these Specifications for such

J. Keep on Site at all times all the necessary plugs and test equipment for executing both
air and water test for drainage pipe work and for pressure testing the pump discharge
pipe work. Air and Water test equipment is available from:

1. Brickhouse Broads International Ltd.

Dudley Road, West Tipton,
West Midlands DY4 7XD

2. Thames Bank Iron Company Ltd.

Lodge Road
St. Johns Wood
London NW8 8NU

3. Lee, Howl and Co. Ltd.

Alexandra Road, Tupton
West Midlands, DY48 TA



A. Do all excavation, bedding and backfilling required for the complete drainage systems,
all in accordance with Section 02200 of the Specification.

B. Piping shall be kept free from scale and dirt. Pipes shall not be split, bent, flattened, nor
otherwise injured either before or during the installation. No bend or curve shall be made
in any pipe, which will diminish the waterway or alter the internal diameter of the pipe
in any part.

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C. All pipes shall be free from cuts, dents, or other surface damage. At the time of final
inspection, damaged pipes shall be removed and replaced with new pipes.

D. The run and arrangement of all pipes shall be approximately as shown on the Drawings
and as directed during installation. They shall be as straight and direct as possible, but
forming right angles or parallel lines with building walls and other pipes and be neatly

E. All ends of pipes shall be temporarily plugged to prevent dirt accumulating by an

approved plug. Paper, wood, rag, etc., shall not be used.

F. Generally all pipes shall be installed in accordance with the respective manufacturers

G. The Contractor shall reinstate all existing areas affected by excavations to the complete
satisfaction of the Engineer.

H. Provide temporary safety fencing and temporary bridge facilities to excavations where

I. Keep all excavations free of construction debris, surface water, rainwater, ground water,
etc.; pumps shall be used where required. The water level shall not be allowed to rise
above newly cast concrete manholes or encasing until the concrete has acquired the
necessary strength and water tightness. Ensure that all pipes and structures when laid or
constructed are secured against floating by backfilling or by some other approved
means. The site staff shall be alerted at all times to take action necessary in the event of
flooding. Obtain the fullest possible information on the variations in watercourses that
may affect the work, and carry out work in accordance with the information.


A. As the work proceeds, lower the pipe into the trench by ropes or mechanical means.
Before lowering, and while suspended, inspect the pipe for defects. Defective, damaged
or unsound pipe will be rejected. Take up and re-lay any pipe that has the grade or joint
disturbed after laying. Clean the interior of the pipe of all foreign material before
lowering into the trench.

B. Laying shall start at the lowest point in the area in which work is being carried out, and
pipe sections shall be laid with spigot or tongue pointing in the direction of flow. The
spigot or tongue shall be completely socketed in the bell or groove. All pipe shall be laid
true to line and grade to form a smooth and uniform invert. At all times, when pipe is not
being laid, seal the end of the pipe with a tight-fitting plug. If any field cutting of the
pipe is required, use approved equipment to produce ends, which are perpendicular to
the axis of the pipe and if this cannot be achieved then supply special lengths.

C. The Contractor shall reinstate all existing areas affected by excavations to the complete
satisfaction of the Engineer.

D. Pipes shall not be laid in water or when the trench or weather conditions are unsuitable
for such work, except by permission of the Engineer.

E. Pipe joints shall be as specified herein, and jointing techniques shall comply with the
pipe manufacturers recommendations.
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F. Rocker pipes shall be provided for all drainage connections to manholes and other fixed
structures. The rocker pipe shall consist of two standard flexible pipe couplers spaced at
600mm centers with the first coupler at 150mm from the face of the manhole or

G. Where connecting to existing manholes the contractor shall:

1. Re-bench manhole to suit pipe work configuration.

2. Replace manhole cover and frame if existing is broken or damaged.

3. Make good any internal manhole defects to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

H. All pipes shall be bedded/haunched as indicated on the design drawings or directed by

the Engineer.


A. Excavations shall be backfilled with selected excavated material free of vegetation,

construction debris, large stones and flints.

B. Backfilling shall be deposited in 150mm thickness layers, and shall be hand compacted
until the backfilling is not less than 300mm above the crown of the pipe. The remaining
backfilling may be mechanically compacted.

C. Backfilling compaction density shall comply with M.P.W. G.S. R.A. Clause 600.28.

D. Remaining excavated material shall be removed from the Site.

E. After backfilling, any pipeline, which fails a pressure test or has become misaligned or
broken, shall be repaired at the Contractors expense to the complete satisfaction of the

3.04 TESTS

A. Testing shall, where applicable, comply with the M.P.W. G.S. R.A. as described

1. Storm water Drainage

All pipelines must be inspected and approved by the Engineer before backfilling.

Previous to the inspection of the Engineer final cleaning of every pipe work, manhole,
etc. shall be carried out by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. All pipelines
with 300-600mm diameter shall be checked by mirror test. All pipelines, manholes, etc.
with 800mm diameter and more shall be inspected inside. This checking and inspection
shall be done by the Contractor at his own expense. The result of these investigations
shall be recorded on special forms and submitted to the Engineer for approval.

The pipeline, which is the straight part connecting between manholes, shall be tested
after making the joints for bearing the pressure of a water head of 150 cms, in respect of
pipes, as follows:

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The lower end of the pipe to be tested shall be closed with a solid plug, sealed by mortar
or shall be closed by a rubber plug and the upper part of the pipe shall be fitted with a
plug having an opening fitted with a funneled-top vertical pipe and then the pipeline
shall be filled with water.

The Engineer will have the authority to make visual inspection of all lines and joints to
ensure that there is no leakage. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, after test, pipes show
any unreasonable signs of moisture then the Engineer shall have the authority to reject or
to instruct to be taken at the Contractors expense, any measures he deems necessary to
rectify such work.

Any pipes which show cracks, holes or any other defect which the Engineer deems to be
in excess of a slight nature then he shall have the authority to reject and instruct the
Contractor to remove and replace in a satisfactory manner. The Contractor is to exercise
extreme care in fitting the necessary rubber rings and/or making the cement mortar
joints, including connections to manholes and gullies and other appurtenances, in a
manner to ensure that no leakage whatsoever occurs from the joints. Should such
leakage occur then the Contractor will remove and refit in a manner to the satisfaction of
the Engineer. The complete expenses of all tests, replacements, and/or reparative work
etc. shall be borne by the Contractor.

2. Sanitary Drainage:

a) The Contractor shall test all drainage pipelines, joints, fittings, and house
connections before carrying out haunching or surrounding of pipes or backfilling
trenches. The tests shall be carried out between each two manholes or less including
branch drains in the presence and with the approval of the Engineer and to his

b) The following points shall be taken into consideration when conducting the

i) Drainage pipelines and concrete works shall be clean and dry and the
joints not covered with earth.

ii) The underground water level shall be at the lowest possible level.

c) Air, smoke or water may be used for testing drainage pipelines and the
Engineer shall reserve the right to carry out the tests by any of the three methods, and
the Contractor shall comply with such opinion without claiming any compensation
or additional costs.

d) Testing by air or smoke

Pipes to be tested shall be filled under pressure with air or smoke (after blocking all
openings). The pressure shall amount to 10cm of water to appear on a U-tube gauge
fixed at the end of the pipeline for this purpose and the result shall be considered
accepted if this pressure is not below 7.5 cms at the end of the first five minutes of
stopping and discontinuing the pressure.

e) Testing by Water

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Water shall pass in the part of pipes, of whatever diameter to be tested including
house connections, so that all air in the pipes is expelled and the pipes are filled with
water, provided that the highest point in the sewage line or house connections shall
be subjected to the pressure of a water head 1.5 meter high. The sewage line shall be
considered acceptable if no leakage is visible in pipes, connections or fittings and if
the above water head in a testing pipe of 7.5 cms diameter is not reduced by more
than 1 cm. per minute per each 30 meter length of pipes, if the pipes were below the
underground water level, or 1.5 cms. per minute for each length of 30 meters if the
entire sewage line was above the underground water level. The Contractor shall,
after filling the pipes, allow some time to pass before conducting the test in order to
allow the pipes their first natural saturation with water.

f) If any damage is noticed in the pipeline, the Contractor shall repair such
damage to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

g) If in the opinion of the Engineer any damage had occurred in the pipelines in
the process of pouring the concrete or backfilling, he shall have the right to order
retesting of the doubtful part by any of the aforesaid three methods. If a second
testing proves that the pipeline is not serviceable, then the Contractor shall have to
locate the damage, make it good, and carry out retesting until he secures satisfactory
results. The cost of all such works shall be at the Contractors expense.

h) If it transpires after installing any of the pipes that the average infiltration to
the inside of the pipes is in excess of 5 liters per minute per kilometer length of
pipes, then the Contractor shall (and at his own expenses) locate the parts of
infiltration and shall make good and retest such parts to the satisfaction of the

i) All manholes shall be constructed so as to prevent leakage of water there

from. Normally no testing for leakage of water from manholes is conducted unless it
is necessary in the opinion of the Engineer.

In such a case, the Engineer shall have the right to instruct the Contractor to carry out
the tests to the manholes (in connection with water leakage) prior to backfilling
around manholes, and any damage revealed as a result of such tests shall be made
good. All these works shall be carried out at the Contractors expense and in
accordance with the direction of the Engineer.


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A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances and materials, and performing all operations in connection with:-

1. Underground ducts at road crossings for Electrical Works.

2. Underground ducts at road crossings for Communication Works.


Section 02200 - Earthwork


The work shall conform to the Codes and Standards of the following agencies as further
cited herein:-

MEW Standard Specifications

MOC Standard Specifications


A. Deliver and store materials in a manner to prevent mechanical damage or damage by


B. Deliver materials to site in ample time to avoid delay in job progress and at such times
as to permit proper co-ordination of the various parts.


The work of this Section shall be completely co-ordinated with the work of other Sections.
Verify dimensions and work of other trades, which adjoin materials of this Section before
the installation of items herein specified.


2.01 DUCTS

A. All ductwork material for electrical works shall be in accordance with MEW Standard

B. All materials for ductwork, manholes and hand holes for communications shall be in
accordance with MOC Standard Specifications.

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A. Excavate trenches, supply, lay and joint ducts for electrical crossings all in accordance
with MEW Standard Specifications.

B. Cabling work shall be carried out by MEW.


A. Excavate trenches, supply, lay and joint duct for communications crossings all in
accordance with MOC Standard Specifications.

B. Construct manholes and hand holes all in accordance with MOC Standard


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A. Storm drainage piping, fitting, and accessories.

B. Connection of building storm water drainage system to municipal sewers.

C. Gullies paved area drainage manhole access, site surface drainage.


A. Section 02200 Earthwork Excavation and Backfill.

B. Section 03300 Cast-in-place concrete: Concrete type for manhole clean out base
and construction.


A. ANSI/ASTM A74 Cast iron soil pipe and fittings.

B. ANSI/ASTM C12 Practice for installing vitrified clay pipelines.

C. ANSI/ASTM C14 Concrete sewer, storm drain, and culvert pipe.

D. ANSI/ASTM C76 Reinforced Concrete culvert, storm drain, and sewer pipe.

E. ANSI/ASTM C425 Compression joints for vitrified clay pipe and fittings

F. ANSI/ASTM C443 Joints for circular concrete sewer and culvert pipe, using
rubber gaskets.

G. ANSI/ASTM C700 Vitrified clay pipe, extra strength, standard strength and

H. ANSI/ASTM D2321 Recommended Practice for underground installation of

flexible thermoplastic sewer pipe.

I. ANSI/ASTM D2739 Polly (Vinyl chloride) (PNV) sewer pipe and fittings.

J. ANSI/ASTM D2751 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) sewer pipe and


K. ANSI/ASTM D2774 Recommended practice for underground installation of

thermoplastic pressure piping.

L. ANSI/ASTM D3033 Type PSP.

M. ANSI/ASTM D3034 Type PSM (Vinyl chloride) (PVC) sewer pipe and fittings.
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N. ANSI A21.11 Rubber gasket joints for cast iron and ductile-iron pressure pipe and


A. Conform to applicable code for materials and installation of the work of this Section.


A. Submit shop drawings under provisions of Section 01300.01340.

B. Submit shop drawings indicating dimensions, layout of piping, gradient of slope

between corners and intersections, locations and elevations of catch basins,
manholes, clean outs.

C. Submit product data under provision of Section 01300.01340.

D. Submit product data indicating pipe, pipe accessories.

E. Submit manufacturers installation instruction under provision of Section



A. Submit documents under provisions of Section 01700.01720.

B. Accurately record location of pipe runs, connections, catch basins, and manholes,
clean outs and invert elevations.

C. Identify and describe unexpected variations to subsoil conditions or discovery of

uncharted utilities.



A. The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality or better than
specified may be acceptable subject to Engineer's approval.




A. Reinforced concrete pipe: ANSI/ASTM C76, with wall type mesh bar reinforcement,
inside nominal diameter of 250-500mm bell and spigot end joints.

B. Reinforced concrete pipe joint device: ANSI/ASTM C443 rubber compression

gasket joint.
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A. Pipe joints: Bell and spigot joint with ribbed gasket for positive seal.


A. Standard gullies as per N.I.C. Kuwait product.


A. Lid and frame: Cast iron construction, removable lid, closed lid design, nominal lid
and frame diameter of manufactured by Kuwait Foundry.

B. Shaft construction: Reinforced precast or cast-in-place concrete pipe sections, lipped

male/female joints cast steel ladder rungs into shaft sections at size 1.00m x 1.00m or
1.50m x 1.5m.

C. Base pad: Cast-in-place concrete of type specified in section 03300, leveled top
surface to receive concrete shaft section, sleeved to receive sewer pipe section.



A. Verify that trench cut is ready to receive work and excavations, dimensions and
elevations are as indicated on shop drawings.

B. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing conditions.


A. Hand trim excavations to required elevations. Correct over excavation with fill
material of lean concrete.
B. Remove large stone or other hard matter, which could damage drainage tile or
impede consistent backfilling or compaction.


A. Install pipe, fittings and accessories in accordance with ANSI/ASTM C12,

ANSI/ASTM D2321, ANSI/ASTM D2774 and Manufacturers instructions seal
joints watertight

B. Place pipe on minimum 100mm deep bed of fine filter aggregate.

C. Lay pipe to slope gradients noted on drawings, with maximum variation from true
slope of 3mm in 3m.

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A. Form bottom of excavation clean and smooth to correct elevation.

B. Form and place cast-in-place concrete base pad, with provision for storm sewer pipe
end sections.

C. Establish elevations and pipe inverts for inlets and outlets as indicated.

D. Mount lid and frame level in grout, secured to top cone section to elevation


A. Field inspection will be performed under provisions of section 01400. 01410.


A. Protect finished installation under provisions of section 01500. 01535.

B. Protect pipe and filter aggregate cover from damage or displacement until backfilling
operation is in progress.


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A. General: Provide Asphalt concrete paving in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract Documents.


A. Comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following:

1. MPW Roads Administration General Specifications for Motorway/

Expressway system September 1987 (MPW R.A.G.S. Sept. 1987) (See
Document III-1).

2. The Asphalt Institute.

3. B.S. 594 Rolled Asphalt.


A. Perform work in accordance with MPW R.A.G.S. Sept. 1987, (Document III-1).

B. Obtain materials from same source throughout.

C. Mixing plant shall comply with the requirements of the MPW R.A.G.S. Sept. 1987.

1.04 TESTS

A. Perform all necessary tests and analysis of asphalt mixes, complying with relevant
provisions of MPW R.A. G.S. Sept. 1987.

B. Submit proposed mix design to the Engineer for review, prior to commencement of


A. Product Data: Submit to the Engineer, for information only, copies of manufacturers
and suppliers specifications and other data as required to show compliance with the Contract

B. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract Documents, shop drawings showing general layout, curve setting, longitudinal and
cross section profiles, details at kerb and at connection to existing road paving and any other
details required for proper execution of the asphalt works.

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A. Do not place asphalt paving when base surface temperature is less than 5 Deg. C.


A. Contractors included in Central Tenders Committee (CTC) list of approved road

contractors are approved by the Engineer as Specialist Sub-Contractors capable of carrying out
asphalt paving work.



A. General: Comply with the applicable provisions of Ministry of Public Works, Roads
Administration, General Specifications for Motorway/Expressway system September 1987,
Section IV.

B. Fine Aggregate: Natural sand and/or crushed sand passing the No. 8 sieve.

1. Sampling: In accordance with AASHTO T2.

2. Sieve Analysis: In accordance with AASHTO T27 and AASHTO T11.

3. Sodium Sulfate Soundness Loss: Maximum 15% when tested in

accordance with AASHTO T104.

C. Coarse Aggregate: Crushed natural stones and gravel retained on the No. 8

1. Sampling: In accordance with AASHTO T2.

2. Sieve Analysis: In accordance with AASHTO T27 and AASHTO T11.

3. Sodium Sulfate Soundness Loss: Maximum 12% when tested in

accordance with AASHTO T104.

D. Asphalt Cement

1. One of the following types as approved:

a. Penetration Grade 60-70, in accordance with AASHTO M20 and as

shown in the MPW Roads Administration General Specifications for
Motorway/Expressway System, September 1987. Table 402.04a or Table
400.11a of G.S. Roads Administration (Document III-1) December 1984.

b. Viscosity Grade AC-40 in accordance with AASHTO M226 and as

shown in the MPW Roads Administration General Specifications for
Motorway/Expressway Systems, September 1987. Table 402.04b or
Table 400.11b of G.S. Roads Administration (Document III-1) December
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2. The asphalt cement shall be prepared by the refining of petroleum. It shall be
uniform in character and shall not foam when heated to 175 Deg C. Blending of asphalt
cement materials from different refineries will be permitted only with the written
approval of the Engineer.

F. Liquid Asphalt: For prime coat application; MC-70 medium curing cutback asphalt in
accordance with AASHTO M82 and as modified by MPW Roads Administration General
Specifications for Motorway/Expressway System, September 1987. Table 402.05.

G. Emulsified Asphalt: For tack coat application; CSS-1h cationic emulsified asphalt in
accordance with AASHTO M208 or SS-1h anionic emulsified asphalt in accordance with


A. General: Comply with MPW Roads Administration General Specifications for

Motorway/Expressway System, September 1987. Clause 411 with applicable sub-clauses.

B. Job Mix Formula: Submit proposed job mix formula to the Engineer prior to
commencement of work.

C. Types of Mixes

1. Provide asphalt-paving courses of the following types for thicknesses as shown on

the Drawings:

a. Base course: Type I

b. Surface/wearing course: Type III



A. Inspection of Surface: Inspect surfaces on which asphalt paving is to be placed for

conformance with the required compaction, profiles, grades, and sections. Rectify defects
before proceeding. Refer to Section 02200 Excavation and Earthwork and also to MPW
Roads Administration General Specifications for Motorway/Expressway System, September
1987 (Document III-1) for requirements of sub-grade preparation.

B. Control of Traffic: Do not permit unnecessary traffic to use the surface after it has been
approved to receive paving.

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A. Apply liquid asphalt (MC-70) prime coat on earth sub grade as shown, at a rate
between 0.45 to 1.50 Kg/m2 as directed by the Engineer.

B. Apply emulsified asphalt tack coats as shown, on previously prepared asphalt courses
to provide bond for the next course. The approved emulsion shall be diluted with
approximately an equal quantity of water and thoroughly mixed as directed by the Engineer.
Apply the diluted emulsion at a rate between 0.15 to 0.75 Kg/m2 as directed by the Engineer.


A. General: Comply with relevant provisions of MPW Roads Administration General

Specifications (Document III-1) September 1987.

B. Place each course to compacted thickness identified on the Drawing. Compact paving
by rolling. Develop rolling with consecutive passes to achieve an even and smooth finish
without roller marks.

C. Provide suitable protection for kerbs, gulleys, manholes, and adjacent finishes during
laying of asphalt paving.

D. Construct traverse and longitudinal joints in asphalt paving as required and as

approved. Make joints so as to ensure a thorough and continuous bond.

E. Each asphalt-paving course shall be constructed to the lines, grades and thickness
shown on Drawing.

F. Tolerances

1. Flatness: Maximum variation of 6mm measured with 3 m straight edge.

2. Compacted Scheduled Thickness: Within 6mm of design thickness.

3. Variation from True Elevation: Within 12mm.


A. Field inspection and testing shall be performed as required by the Engineer and shall be
in accordance with the applicable provisions of MPW Roads Administration General
Specifications for Motorway/Expressway System September 1987 (Document III-1).


A. Protect all paving from mechanical injury immediately after placement of asphalt


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The work of this Section is integral with the whole of the Contract Documents and is not
intended to be interpreted outside that context.


A. Provide all labor, material, equipment, services and accessories necessary to furnish and
install the work of this Section, complete and functional, as indicated in Documents and as
specified herein.

B. The principle work of this Section includes, but may not be limited to the following.

1. Precast concrete kerbs (Raised or Sunken as Described).


A. Earthwork : Section 02315.

B. Cast-in-Place Concrete: Section 03300


The work shall conform to the codes and standards of the following agencies as further cited

ASTM : American Society for Testing and Materials.

BS 368 :Precast Concrete Flags.


Prepare and submit shop drawings in accordance with the requirements of the Contract and
as directed by the Engineer and obtain the Engineers approval before proceeding with the
fabrication and work.


A. Submit all samples and other information as requested by the Engineer of materials
specified herein in accordance with requirements of the Contract, and before ordering
materials, obtain written approval from the Engineer.

Precast Concrete Kerbs: Size as shown on drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

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B. After the material samples have been approved, build for the Engineers approval a sample
length of precast concrete kerb, in conjunction with the sample panel of unit pavers,
showing materials and jointing to be used.

Combined sample of unit pavers and precast concrete kerb to be retained as assurance of
the minimum standard acceptable, Protect sample for the duration of the works and
remove upon completion.


A. All materials in so far as practicable shall be delivered in the manufacturers original

unopened containers and packages with seals unbroken and labels intact and shall be stored
in a dry place. Materials such as cements, which are partially caked, the containers for
which show water stains, or which are otherwise damaged or unsuitable for use, shall be
removed from the site immediately.

B. Take all necessary precautions to prevent chipping, cracking, or other damage, during the
unloading, and storage on the site. Damaged kerbs will not be allowed to be installed, and
should any damage be found in installed work, such work shall be removed immediately
and replaced with new material. The Contractor shall assume all expenses incurred


The work of this Section shall be completely co-ordinated with the work of other Sections.
Verify dimensions and work of other trades, which adjoin materials of this Section before
the installation of items herein.



A. Precast Concrete Kerbs shall be formed on hydraulic presses and shall be obtained from
National Industries Kuwait or any approved equal quality.

B. Face Section of Precast Concrete Kerbs shall consist of Portland Cement conforming to
ASTM: C-150, Type V and BS No. 12 sulphate resistant cement.

C. Desert sand to BS 882 or 1201. The maximum clay and silt content should not exceed 3%.

D. Coarse aggregates to BS 882. Aggregate shall be free of deleterious materials and organic


Concrete bedding materials shall be in accordance with Specifications Section 03300.

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A. The Contractor shall be responsible for preparing a proper surface to receive precast
concrete kerbs.

B. Floor slabs and concrete to receive precast concrete kerb finish shall be clean and free of all
foreign matter detrimental to the bond.


A. Set kerbs in full bed of mortar complying with ASTM 270 Type M to the approval of the

B. Provide expansion joints in kerbs at the ends of all returns and at intervals not exceeding 6


At the end of each day, remove from the site and dispose of all cartons, rubbish and debris
resulting from the work of this Section.


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A. General: Provide unit pavers in accordance with the requirements of the Contract


A. In addition to requirements shown or specified, comply with the latest applicable

standards, specifications, and published recommendations by KSS, BS, ACI, AWS, PCI,
National Building Granite Quarries Association Inc. and Marble Institute of America.
This specification governs in case of conflicting requirements.


A. Manufacturer shall have a minimum of 5 years successful experience in the fabrication

of concrete pavers and stone work units of the sizes, shapes and finishes to the units
required for this project and shall have adequate facilities to provide the units.


A. Product Data: Submit manufacturers technical data for the types of manufactured units,
including certification that the types of manufactured units comply with specified

B. Shop Drawing: Submit shop drawings indicating the dimension of units, details of
special shapes and reinforcing for each unit.

C. Samples: Submit full size samples using the materials, and finish specified. Sample
acceptance will be for color, finish, and appearance only. Compliance with other
requirements is the responsibility of the Contractor.


A. Following approval of samples of unit pavers construct a visual mock-up of 15 M2 of

each type of paving on a location approved by the Engineer. Mock-up shall be
representative of the final work in all respect, including setting bed and joint grout.
Mock-up, if approved, may be used in the final work.


A. Transport, store and handle paver units in a manner to avoid undue strains, cracks,
staining or other damage. Store units free of the ground and protect from mud or rain

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A. Interlocking Paving Blocks: Shall conform to ASTM C 936-82. Precast Interlocking

tiles, Size shall be 210 x 205 x 60mm, Type X-910, color red unless otherwise shown in
the drawings. The Interlocking tile shall be of the type and quality from National
Industries, Kuwait or any approved equal quality.

B. Concrete Pavers: Precast concrete tile, Size and Type shall be as per requirement of the
contract and as shown in the drawing and shall be obtained from National Industries
Kuwait or any approved equal quality.

1. General: Obtain cement, aggregate, and water from single source sufficient to
complete the entire work and assure regularity of appearance and uniformity of

2. Portland Cement: BS 12 or ASTM C 150, Type I, or KSS 36, non-staining. Cement

used shall be from the same mill and manufacturer to ensure uniform color for the
entire paver units required for the project.

3. Aggregates: Provide aggregates from a single source to ensure uniformity of color,

size, and shape.

a. Fine Aggregate: BS 882 or ASTM C33.

b. Course Aggregate: BS 882 or ASTM C33, size No. 7.

4. Admixture: ASTM C260, air-entraining type.

5. Water: Potable clean water.

6. Formwork: Comply with Section.

7. Mix Design

a. Properties of Mix: Adjust design mix (mixes) as required to obtain the

strength specified.

(i) Compressive Strength: 300 Kg/Sq. cm characteristic cube strength

minimum at 28 days.

(ii) Slump: 75mm maximum.

(iii) Air Entrainment: 3% minimum, 5% maximum.

8. Size: As shown.

C. Setting Bed for Interlocking Tile and Concrete Pavers: Sand complying with BS 882 or

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D. Joint Grout

1. Precast Concrete Pavers:

a. Cement: BS 12 or ASTM C150, Type I or KSS 36, non-staining as


b. Sand: Clean, natural sand complying with ASTM C144.

c. Water: Potable clean water.

d. Mix: One part cement to three part sand by volume, with water as
required to produce a workable homogenous mix.

2. Interlocking Paving Block: Fine sand; as recommended by the paver manufacturer.

E. Control Joint Filler: Comply with Section 07910 Joint Fillers and Gaskets.

F. Pigment: Pure mineral pigment, resistant to alkalies, non-fading and weatherproof, color
as required to match approved sample.



A. Concrete Paving and Interlocking Paving Blocks

1. Sub grade: Grade and compact the sub grade to the required elevation. Reduce high
spots and raise low spots to grade with approved compacted materials.

2. Setting Bed: Spread bedding sand, on compacted sub grade, and compact to the
thickness shown to achieve an even, accurate surface, at proper elevation, for the
pavers and blocks.

3. Pavers and Blocks

a. Set the pavers and blocks on the setting bed and work into place so as to
provide total bearing of the setting bed, without voids under the pavers and

b. Set pavers in the pattern shown with uniform open joints of the size shown. If
joint width is not shown provide 10mm wide joints.

c. Grout paver joints as per manufacturers instruction.

d. Provide control joints with compressible joint filler, at every 6.00m on both
directions, unless shown otherwise.

e. Set Interlocking blocks in the pattern shown with close joints and grout the
joints with fine sand.

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f. Provide a complete installation to the pattern, grades, and lines shown, not more
than 3mm out of level or alignment with adjacent units. Replace damaged or
defective units.

g. Use plate vibrator having 3500-5000 cycles per second frequency. A rubber mat
shall be attached to the vibrator to protect the tiles from cracking and chipping.
Carry out the compaction job all as per Manufacturers instruction.

h. Follow and comply with the manufacturers instructions for laying of

Interlocking paving blocks.


A. Clean and protect finished work from damage due to subsequent building operations. Do
not permit vehicular traffic on finished work.


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A. General: Provide ornamental fencing and gates in accordance with the requirements of
the Contract Documents.


A. The fence and gate except as otherwise shown or specified, shall comply with the
following codes, specification, and standards.

1. AASHTO M-181: Chain Link Fence.

2. BS 1722 PART 1: Specification for Chain Link Fences.

3. FS RR-F-191/1B, 3B, and 4B: Fencing, Wire and Posts Metal (Chain Link Fence
Fabric, Posts, Top Rails, Braces and Accessories) Detail Specifications.

4. ASTM A116: Specification for Zinc Coated (Galvanized) Steel Woven Wire
Fence Fabric.

5. ASTM A120: Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot Dipped Zinc Coated
(Galvanized) Welded and Seamless, for Ordinary Uses.

6. ASTM A123: Specification for Zinc (Hot Galvanized) Coatings on Products

Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars and Strip.

7. ASTM A153: Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel

8. ASTM A513: Specification for Square Steel Tube.

9. ASTM F668: Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Coated Steel chain
Link Fence Fabric.


A. Manufacturers Literature: Submit to the Engineer, for information only, copies of

manufacturers specifications and installation instructions for chain link fencing and
other data as may be required to show compliance with the Contract Documents.

B. Samples: Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract
Documents, samples of PVC coated fabric material, post section, and typical

C. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract Documents, shop drawings, including plan layout and details illustrating fence
height, location and sizes of posts, rails, footings, accessories and erection procedure.
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A. The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or better than those
specified, will be considered acceptable, subject to the Engineers approval.

B. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with the requirements of the Contract Documents,

provide products of one of the following or other equal and approved manufacturers :

1. Chain Link Fencing

a. The Chain Link Industries Co. W.L.L., Kuwait.

b. Chain Link Fencing Ltd., Kings Langley, Herts, England.
c. American Fence Corporation, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.


A. Mesh and Gauge: Provide chain link fabric, in one-piece widths, height as shown on the
Drawings with 6 gauge (4.88mm) wires and 50 x 50 mm mesh. Top and bottom selvages
twisted and barbed.

B. Polyvinyl Chloride Finish (PVC) : Minimum 22 mil (0.56 mm) polyvinyl chloride resin
fusion bonded or thermal extruded over hot dip galvanized wire with minimum zinc
coating of 120 g/m2 (0.4 oz. Per sq. ft.) in accordance with ASTM A116. Comply with
ASTM F668, Class 1. Color shall be selected by the Engineer.

C. Framing and Accessories

1. Steel Framework, General: Galvanized steel, ASTM A120 or A123 with not less
than 550 g. zinc per M2 (1.8 oz. Zinc per sq. ft.) of surface.

a. Fittings and Accessories: Galvanized, ASTM A153, with zinc wrights in

accordance with Table I.
b. Steel Framework Finish: Provide framework, fittings and accessories in
accordance with manufacturers standard fusion coated chemically bonded
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic resin finish over galvanizing with an
appropriate cured primer. Coating thickness to be 10 to 15 mils (0.254 to
0.381mm). Color to match chain link fabric.

2. End and Line (Intermediate) Posts: Provide end and line posts of the minimum sizes
and weights as follows:

a. 48.3mm O.D. pipe weighing 4.05 Kg/lin.m.

3. Brace Rails: Provide brace rails between posts where shown on the Drawings,
consisting of 42.2mm O.D. pipe weighing 3.38 Kg/lin.m.

4. Tension Wire: Provide tension wire where required consisting of galvanized 6 gauge
(4.88mm) coiled spring wire coated to match fabric.

a. Locate at top, middle, and bottom of fabric.

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5. Wire Ties: Provide tie wire consisting of galvanized 9 gauge (3.76mm) wire coated
to match fabric.

a. Use for tying fabric to line posts at 350mm centers.

6. Hog Rings: Provide hog rings of galvanized 9 gauge (3.76mm) wire coated to match

a. Use for tying fabric to tension wire at 500mm centers.

7. Post Tops: Provide weather tight closure cap with loop to receive tension wire; one
cap for each post. Coat cap to match fabric.

8. Stretcher Bars and Bands: One piece lengths equal to full height of fabric, with a
minimum cross-section of 5mm x 20mm. Provide one stretcher bar for each end post.
Secure bars to end posts with bands spaced not more than 375mm centers.

D. Miscellaneous Materials

1. Concrete: Provide concrete consisting of sulphate resisting cement. Provide all

concrete work as specified in relevant Concrete Section Specifications as applicable.


A. Gates

1. Steel gates (as shown in the drawing) shall be either Swing or Sliding type as
shown in the drawing.. Frames shall be 150 x 150 mm and 100 x 50 mm steel box
sections conforming to ASTM-A513. Picket dimensions and spacing shall be 6 x 50
mm flats. All standard mounting hardware, including locks and latches, wheels and
drop bolts shall be supplied. Gates shall be manually operated.

2. Chain link gate (as shown in the drawing) shall be of swing type, comprising of
50mm diameter vertical, horizontal and cross frame and 50 x 50 mm diamond mesh
infill panels. Frames shall be 100 x 150 mm hollow metal box section conforming to
ASTM-A513 including all standard mounting hardware, including locks and latches,
wheels, drop bolts. The gate shall be similar in shape to the existing one. Gate shall
be manually operated.

B. Coatings

1. All panels, gates and hardware shall be coated in a similar fashion after fabrication
and surface preparation of no less than SS PC-SP 2-63, hand tool cleaning or SS PC-
SP-3-43, power tool cleaning followed by coating of iron phosphate, using one of the
following methods:

a. Zinc chromate gloss enamel applied electro-statically to provide a uniform 2-

layer coating with a minimum 1.5 mil. Dry film thickness.

b. Electrostatically applied UL approved resin base fusion bonded polyester

with a minimum 3 mil. Film thickness.

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c. The above coatings shall be applied after hot dip galvanizing with a
minimum of 1.2 ounces of zinc per square foot as per ASTM-A90.

2. All panels, gates and hardware shall be spray coated with a high quality rust-
inhibiting metal paint. Contractor to submit color samples to match building cladding
to be approved by the Engineer.



A. General: Do not begin fence installation and erection before the final grading is
completed, with finish elevations established, unless otherwise permitted by the

B. Excavation: Excavate holes of sizes and spacing shown, for post footings in firm,
undisturbed, or compacted soil.
C. Setting Posts: Remove all loose and foreign materials from sides and bottoms of holes,
and moisten soil prior to placing concrete.

1. Center and align posts in holes 75mm above bottom of excavation.

2. Place concrete around posts in a continuous pour, and vibrate or tamp for
consolidation. Check each post for vertical and top alignment, and hold in position
during placement and finishing operations.

3. Trowel finish tops of footings, and slope or dome to direct water away from posts.

4. Keep exposed concrete surfaces moist for at least 7 days after placement, or cure
with membrane curing material, or other acceptable curing method.

D. Concrete Strength: Allow concrete to attain at least 75% of its minimum 28-day
characteristic cube strength, but in no case sooner than 7 days after placement, before
tension wires or fabric are installed. Do not stretch and tension fabric and wires until the
concrete has attained its full design strength.

E. Brace Rails: Provide brace rails where shown. Install in one piece between posts and
flush with post on fabric side, using special offset fittings where necessary.

F. Tension Wire: Install tension wires, if required, through loops in the posts before
stretching fabric and tie to each post with not less than 6 gauge galvanized wire. Fasten
fabric to tension wire using 9 gauge galvanized steel hog rings spaced 500mm centers.

G. Fabric: Leave approximately 200mm between finish grade and bottom selvage. Pull
fabric taught and tie to posts, rails, and tension wires. Anchor fabric to framework so
that fabric remains in tension after pulling force is released.

H. Stretcher Bars: Thread through or clamp to fabric at 100mm centers, and secure to posts
with metal bands spaced at 375mm centers.

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I. Tie Wires: Use U-shapes wire, conforming to diameter of pipe to which attached,
clasping pipe and fabric firmly with ends twisted at least 2 full turns. Bend ends of wire
to minimize hazard to persons or clothing. Space tie wires at 350mm centers.


A. General: Job site shall be cleared of excess spillage of concrete, spent welding
equipment, packaging, and other debris. No work is to begin prior to final grading,
unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer.

B. Frames, Pickets and Rails: Frames and pickets shall be installed truly vertical and all
rails shall be truly horizontal.

C. Retouching: After installation the complete gate shall be retouched wherever paint has
been scratched, abraded or removed. Retouching paint shall be of the same formulation
and color as that used for the original painting.


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A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment
appliances and materials and performing all operations in connection with: -

1. Traffic Marking

2. Traffic Signs


Section 02315 - Earthwork

Section 02740 - Asphalt Paving
Section 02780 - Unit Pavers
Section 03300 - Cast-in-situ Concrete


A. The work under this section shall conform to the codes and standards of the following: -

1. Kuwait Municipality Traffic Signs Manual

2. MPW, Road Administration General Specification


A. Provide traffic marking and signs work fabricated by a firm specializing in the fabrication
of traffic marking and signs and who are capable of producing work of the highest standard
of quality in the industry.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer for approval manufacturers specifications

and installation instructions and other data to proof compliance with these specifications.

B. Shop Drawings

1. Submit shop drawings for fabrication and erection of traffic signs. Include details of
sections and connections at not less than 1:5 scale. Show anchorage and necessary
items and finishes.
2. Submit shop drawings for arrangement of traffic marking including detailed

3. Samples: Submit to the Engineer samples as follows: -

a. 150 x 150mm samples of each metal and finish required for traffic signs.

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A. Deliver all components and materials to project site completely identified. Store in
accordance with manufacturers instructions, protect from weather, construction activities
and other possibility of damage or loss.

B. Deliver materials to site in ample time to avoid delay in job progress and at such times as to
permit proper coordination of other trades.



A. All material for signage and marking shall be in accordance with Kuwait Municipality
traffic signs manual and MPW, Road Administration General Specifications.


A. Concrete foundations, where required shall be provided in sulphate resistant concrete grade
300 Kg/cm2, all as specified in Section 03300 Cast-In-Place Concrete.



A. Fabricate and install plate signs true to the required dimensions and with edges finished
neat and clean all in accordance with the requirements of Kuwait Municipality Traffic
Department Manual and MPW Road Administration, General Specification.

B. Protect portions of posts, which are buried below ground by coating internally and
externally with bitumen.


A. Paint used for pavement marking shall be designed for application and wearability over
asphalt pavements.

B. Apply road marking and kerb paint in accordance with the requirements of Kuwait
Municipality Traffic Department and to MPW Road Administration, General


A. Protect the finished works from damage, which might result from other work being

B. At completion clean soiled sign surfaces in accordance with manufacturers instructions.


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Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Concrete Division 3



A. Materials and labor required for the complete installation of the work of this section
including furnishing, erecting, shoring, re-shoring, and removal of formwork.


A. Except as otherwise specified herein, perform work in accordance with specifications,

codes, and standards cited therein, and latest applicable addenda and supplements. Copies
of these items shall be kept available in shop and field.

B. 'Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete' (ACI 318-83), American Concrete

C. BS 8110 - The Structural Use of Concrete - Part 1, Design, and Construction.

D. UK Structural Design Standards specified herein can be substituted by standard listed in

"CIRIA Special Publication 35 - Structural Design Standards: Selected National and
International Title and Sources", provided that request for substitution is made and
reviewed by Architect's Representative before use in project.

E. Any material or operation specified by reference to published specifications of

manufacturer or published standard shall comply with said specification or standard. In
case of conflict between referenced specifications, most stringent requirement shall govern.
In case of conflict between referenced specifications and Project Specifications, Project
specifications shall govern.


A. The Contractor shall submit manufacturer's specifications and installation instruction for
each item of proprietary material used, and shall confirm his intention to comply with such

B. Submit for the Architect's approval detailed formwork shop drawings, schedules of
placement; construction joints and control joints with methods of forming; general
arrangement sizes of panels and alignment.

C. Except as otherwise noted, review of shop drawings will be for size and arrangement of
components. Errors in dimensions shown on shop drawings shall be responsibility of
Contractor. Check and co-ordinate cast-in-place concrete work with work of other trades
before submitting shop drawings.

D. Do not proceed with fabrication of material or performance of work until corresponding

item on shop drawing has been reviewed by the Engineer.

E. Submit to Architect's Representative for general review plan layouts for all shoring and re-
shoring of beams and slabs.
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Military Engineering Projects Concrete Formwork 03100 / 1 - 10
F. Do not proceed with fabrication of material/product or performance of work until
submittals have been approved by the Engineer.

G. Submit to Architect's Representative, on request, manufacturer's and/or installer's affidavit

stating that material or product provided complies with Contract Documents.


A. Design: Design of formwork is the Contractors responsibility. Shoring construction should

be considered to limit the amount of initial deflection.


A. Handle and store materials separately in such manner as to prevent intrusion of foreign
matter or deterioration.



A. General: Form materials shall be new, except for metal forms. Materials may be reused
during progress of the Work, provided they are completely cleaned, reconditioned, re-coated
for each reuse, and capable of producing formwork of the required quality. Reuse of forms
will not be considered an excuse for imperfect work. Concrete exposed to view shall have
no visible flaws.

B. The formwork shall be designed and constructed so that it can be tightened at joints to avoid
offsets, fins, and mortar joints. The Contractor shall ensure that the pattern left by formwork
on exposed surfaces is to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall design and
construct his formwork such that the forms shall be straight free from distortion and shall
leave, after stripping, a regular pattern on the surface of the concrete and he shall submit to
the Engineer for approval, details of the formwork he proposes to use.


A. Where practicable, steel forms shall be used. However, forms may be wood, plywood,
structural hardboard, fiberglass-reinforced plastic, or metal, to produce specified surface
finished without adverse affect on the concrete.

B. Provide form material of sufficient thickness to withstand pressure of newly placed concrete
without excessive and objectionable bow or deflection from the following types of material:

1) Wood: Tongue and groove or shiplap boards of uniform thickness and evenly
matched; undressed square-edge or surfaced 2 edges, boards B, or better lumber.

2) Concrete Form Plywood: Product Standard PS-1, not less than 18 mm (6/8 inch)

3) Hardboard: Tempered hardboard (fiberboard) treated for concrete formwork, not less
than 6 mm (1/4 inch) thick.

4) Metal: Surfaces free from irregularities, dents, and sage.

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Douglas Fir, or equal boards or planks secured to wood or steel stakes, substantially constructed to
shapes indicated and to support dowels and screeds for the forms.

2.4 Studs, Walers, Shoring, Bracing, and Centering: Standard grade or better Douglas Fir, or
equal, adequately designed sizes, not less than 50 x 100 mm (2 x 4 in.).

2.5 Form Lining:

1. Plywood: Exterior, not less than 6 mm (1/4 inch) thick, mill-oiled only for concrete
surfaces concealed from public view.

2. Hardboard: Tempered hardboard with sealed surface not less than 5 mm (3/16 inch)

3. Absorptive-type lining shall have absorption coefficient sufficient to eliminate voids and
pitting, provide a dense uniform concrete surface and shall not have adverse affect on
concrete finish.

2.6 Form Oil: Paraffin-base mineral oil: use only on forms for concrete surfaces to be concealed
from public view.

2.7 Form Sealer: Pentachlorophenol wood preservative type or lacquer type, free from wax,
grease, or oil; impervious to water and resistant to cement alkalis.

2.8 Form Release Agent: A chemical compound which contains substances that react chemically
with alkali from concrete that positively prevents bonding between placed concrete and the form; shall
contain no ordinary lubricating oil, no conventional fuel oil, nor kerosene. Release agent shall be non-
staining and shall not impair natural bonding of paint, plaster, and like other surface coatings on
concrete. Use form release agent on forms for concrete surfaces exposed to public view.

2.9 Precautions:

A. Formwork shall conform to the shape, lines, grades and dimensions of concrete as required
by the drawings and shall be constructed of approved timber or metal, in which all bolts and
rivet heads in contact with concrete are counter-sunk. The supporting structure shall be of
sufficient strength to carry the concrete without deflection and the tolerances of the concrete
when stripped shall be in accordance with those specified within the tolerances given below.

B. The formwork shall be designed and constructed so that it can be tightened at joints to avoid
offsets, fins, and mortar joints. The Contractor shall ensure that the pattern left by formwork
on exposed surfaces is to the approval of the Architect's Representative. The Contractor
shall design and construct his formwork such that the forms shall be straight, free from
distortion and shall leave, after stripping, a regular pattern on the surface of the concrete and
he shall submit to the Architect's Representative for approval, details of the formwork he
proposes to use.

C. The Contractor shall provide all necessary bracing to the supporting structure to ensure
lateral stability of the formwork.

D. Where concrete is poured against brickwork, suitable precautions shall be taken against loss
of water by absorption. This may consist of 0.2 mm thick polythene sheets or a thorough
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wetting down for some surfaces or a 12 mm thick fiberboard against large brick walls. Care
must be exercised when pouring concrete alongside brick walls to avoid over stressing the
walls due to hydrostatic pressure of concrete.

E. Plywood or metal formwork, of suitable surface quality as approved by the Architect's

Representative, shall be used to achieve the following classes of concrete finishes:-

1. Finishes as are specifically indicated or implied on the drawings, being architecturally

featured as fair faced concrete, painted or unpainted.

2. Standard off-the-forms concrete finish in location exposed during construction but not
architecturally used in the finished structure.

3. Finish on concrete surfaces, which are to be rendered or topped.

Undressed timber formwork may be used for all external faces, which are to be
concealed by back filling or otherwise permanently conceal provided the joints are grout

F. Formwork shall be oiled or greased to prevent adhesion of mortar. Oil or grease shall be of
non-staining mineral type, applied in a thin film, before reinforcement is placed.

G. Temporary openings shall be provided at the bases of the column and wall forms and at
other points where necessary to facilitate cleaning and inspection immediately before the
placing of the concrete.

H. Unless otherwise specified the soffits of all beams more than 5.00m span shall be cambered
by an amount in mm equal to the square of the span in mm divided by 7000 times the depth
of the beam in mm. The specified depth of a beam so cambered must at all points be
maintained. In certain circumstances this may be varied by the Architect's Representative.

I. Cambers to beams and slabs with spans greater than 8.00 m shall be agreed with the
Architect's Representative.


A. General

1) Design, erect, support, brace, and maintain formwork so that it will safely support
vertical and lateral loads that might be applied until such loads can be supported by the
concrete structure.

2) Carry vertical and lateral loads to ground by formwork system until in-place
construction has attained adequate strength for that purpose.

3) Construct formwork so that concrete members and structures are of correct size, shape,
alignment, elevation, and position.

4) Design forms and false work to include assumed values of live load, dead load, weight
of moving equipment operated on formwork, concrete mix, height of concrete drop,
vibrator frequency, ambient temperature, foundation pressures, stresses, lateral stability,
and other factors pertinent to safety or structure during construction.

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5) Provide shores and struts with positive means of adjustment capable of taking up
formwork settlement during concrete placing operations, using wedges or jacks or a
combination thereof.

6) Provide trussed supports when adequate foundations for shores and struts cannot be

7) Support form facing materials by structural members spaced sufficiently close to

prevent objectionable deflection.

8) Fit forms placed in successive units for continuous surfaces to accurate alignment, free
from irregularities, and within allowable tolerances.

9) Provide camber in formwork as required for anticipated deflections due to weight and
pressures of fresh concrete and construction loads.

10) Provide formwork sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of cement paste during concrete
placement. Solidly butt joints and provide backup material at joints as required to
prevent leakage and finds.

B. Earth Forms: Side forms of footings may be omitted and concrete placed directly against
excavation only when requested by Contractor and certified by Engineers Representative.
When omission of forms is accepted, provide additional concrete 50 mm (2 inch) on each
earth form side of the minimum design profiles and dimensions required.

C. Formwork shall be designed to allow the removal of soffits without the removal of the
permanent props. This may mean the use of a proprietary system and will require careful
planning advance by the Contractor. Re-propping will not normally be permitted.



Moulds for construction of waffle floor slabs to be nominal 900 square by 425 deep moulds
are to be injection molded polypropylene moulds obtained from an approved manufacturer
and are to be used strictly in accordance with their written instructions.

The moulds are to be erected with all necessary temporary supports and props all as
instructed by the mould manufacturer. The Contractor's attention is drawn to the fact that
the moulds are to be rectangular in plan and with stiffening ribs so designed that supports
are required to two opposite edges only, the other two edges being tightly butt jointed to
adjacent moulds so that the moulds may be withdrawn prior to the main supports and props
being removed.

The moulds are to be treated with mould oil and release agent all as recommended by the

In no circumstances must nails be driven through the moulds.

Where supports to soffits of waffle slab construction are described as lined with plywood to
give a fair finish to the ribs between moulds, the Contractor is to include for taping the
joints between the moulds and the plywood with a suitable industrial tape, if the Contractor
considers that this is required to produce an acceptable finish.
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Examine the substratum and conditions under which work is to be performed, and correct
unsatisfactory conditions, which would prevent proper and timely completion of the Work. Do not
proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.

Examine all work prepared by others to receive work of this section and report any defects affecting
installation to the Contractor for correction.


A. General

1) Construction forms complying with ACI 347, to the exact size, shapes, lines, and
dimensions shown, and as required to obtain accurate alignment, location, grades, level,
and plumb work in finish structures.

2) Provide for all openings, offsets, keyways, recesses, moldings, reglets, chamfers,
blocking, screeds, bulkheads, anchorage, inserts and other features required. Use
selected materials to obtain required finishes.

3) Forms for openings, and construction which accommodates installation by other trades
whose materials and products must be fabricated before the opportunity exists to verify
the measurements of adjacent construction which affects such installations, shall be
accurately sized and located as dimensioned on the certified drawings. In the event that
deviation from the required dimension results in problems in the field, the Contractor
shall be responsible for resolution of the conditions as certified by the Engineers
representative, without additional expense to the client.

B. Fabrication

1) Fabricate forms for easy removal without hammering or prying against concrete
surfaces. Provide crush plates or wrecking plates where stripping may damage cast
concrete surfaces. Provide top forms for inclined surfaces where the slope is too steep to
place concrete with bottom forms only. Use Kerf wood inserts for forming keyways,
reglets, recesses, and the like, to prevent swelling and assure ease of removal.

2) Provide temporary openings where interior area of formwork is inaccessible for

cleanout, for inspection before concrete placement, and for placement of concrete.
Brace temporary closures and set tightly to temporary openings on forms in as
inconspicuous locations as possible, consistent with design requirements. Form
intersecting planes to provide true clean-cut corners.

C. False work

1) Erect false work and support, brace, and maintain it to safely support vertical, laterals,
and symmetrical loads applied until such loads can be supported by in-place
construction. Construct false work so that adjustments can be made for take-up and

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2) Provide wedges, jacks, or camber strips to facilitate vertical adjustments. Carefully
inspect false work and formwork during and after concrete placement operations to
determine normal deflection or signs of failure; make necessary adjustments to produce
Work of required dimensions.

D. Forms for Exposed Concrete

1) Drill forms to suit ties used and to prevent leakage of concrete mortar around tie holes.
Do not splinter forms by driving ties through improperly prepared holes.

2) Provide sharp, clean corners at intersecting planes, without visible edges or offsets.
Back joints with extra studs or girts to maintain true, square intersections.

3) Use extra studs, walers, and bracing to prevent objectionable bowing of forms between
studs and to avoid bowed appearance in concrete. Do not use narrow strips of form
material, which will produce bow.

4) Assemble forms so they may be readily removed without damage to exposed concrete

E. Corner Treatment: Form chamfers with 19 mm (3/4 inch) x 19 mm (3/4 inch) strips x 10
mm (3/8 inch) x 10 mm (3/8 inch) where exposed to view), accurately formed and surfaced
to produce uniformly straight lines and tight edge joints on exposed concrete. Extend
terminal edges to require limit and miter chamfer strips at changes in direction.

F. Control Joints: Located as indicated on certified drawings, as required for expansion of the
concrete or the structure as a whole, and as directed.

G. Provision for Other Trades: Provide openings in concrete formwork to accommodate work
of other trades. Verify size and location of openings, recesses, and chases with the trade
requiring such items. Accurately place and secure support items to be built into forms.

H. Cleaning and Tightening: Thoroughly clean forms and adjacent surfaces to receive concrete.
Remove chips, wood, sawdust, dirt, and other debris just before concrete is placed.
Retighten forms immediately after concrete placement as required to eliminate mortar leaks.

Use forms for all concrete, except as otherwise permitted by Architect. Design and construct
concrete forms to withstand all forces, including construction live loads imposed upon them
during placing and curing of concrete, and with adequate bracing to hold them within
specified tolerances for lines and grades shown on drawings.

After erection form tops shall be covered all times until concreting commences to prevent
accumulation of debris and deterioration from the weather.

Before reinforcement is placed on or against formwork, formed surfaces coming in contact

with fresh concrete shall be cleaned and then treated with approved form release agent.

Permanent props for all beams, slabs and walls shall be steel with adjustable height to allow
fine movements for pre-camber and leveling. The propping for the formwork must be
separately considered and may be removed according to the stripping times set out below.
The permanent props to carry the structural member after formwork is removed must
remain in place until the concrete has sufficient strength to carry the construction loading, or
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until the Architect's Representative approves removal. It is possible that in some cases the
construction live load will be greater than the final working load, and in others that de-
propping too early may lead to unacceptable deflections.

The setting out and the dimensions of the finished work shall, unless otherwise specified on
the drawings, be within the tolerance given below:-

On dimensions of 3000 mm and over 6 mm this tolerance must not be cumulative.

On dimensions below 3000 mm 4 mm

On dimensions of cross-sections of
members and slab thicknesses 4 mm

Top beams and slabs 10mm in level

Plumbness of columns and walls 6mm per storey height but 13

mm in full height

For the positions of reinforcement the tolerance shall be + 3 mm.

For a minimum of one hour prior to concrete placement, wet forms continuously with water
to swell forms in order to prevent leakage of concrete matrix and to minimize absorption of
concrete matrix water by form materials. Care must be exercised to prevent a build-up of
water at base of forms.
Before form materials can be re-used, surfaces that will be in contact with freshly cast
concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned, damaged areas repaired and projecting nails
withdrawn. Re-use of form material shall be subject to the approval by Architect.


Coat form contact surfaces with form coating compound before reinforcement is placed. Do not
allow excess form coating material to accumulate in the forms or to come into contact with surfaces,
which will be bonded, to fresh concrete. Apply in compliance with manufacturer's instructions and/or
as directed by the Engineers representative.


A. General: Set and build into the work, anchorage devices, sleeves and other embedded items
and penetrations required for the work that is attached to or supported by, cast-in-place
concrete. Use setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instructions, and directions provided
by suppliers of the items to be attached hereto.

B. Edge Forms and Screed Strips for Slabs: Set edge forms or bulkheads and intermediate
screed strips for slabs to obtain required elevations and contours in the finished slab surface.
Provide and secure units to support types of screeds required.

C. Embedded Pipes and Conduits:

1. Pipes and conduit shall be embedded in accordance with section 6.3 of ACI 318 and as

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Maximum size of pipe or steel conduit shall be 1/3 thickness of slab, spaced not less
than 3 diameters center to center. Maximum of two conduits 25 mm (1 inch) or smaller
will be permitted in any joint.

2. No sleeves or pipes will be permitted in columns without the Engineer Representative's

certification except as detailed on certified drawings.


No concrete shall be placed in forms until formwork, reinforcements, embedment, and all other aspects
of the work performed herein have been examined and certified by the Engineers Representative and
by other trades which will use the blockouts, embedment, penetrations, and anchorages positioned in
the forms.


A. Striking and removal of formwork shall be carried out carefully and under competent
direction to ensure that the concrete is not jarred or the surface damaged and the Contractor
shall take particular care in striking and removal of formwork from surfaces to remain
exposed in the finished work. Furthermore, formwork shall be left in place where, in the
opinion of the Architect's Representative, it is advisable to protect the concrete against the
effects of low temperatures or excessive evaporation. The Contractor shall notify the
Architect's Representative of his intention 24 hours before removing formwork or de-

For concrete using ordinary Portland Cement, unless otherwise approved by the Architect's
Representative, the following minimum periods shall elapse, after placing of concrete has
been completed before removal of forms shall be commenced.

1. Vertical formwork to columns

Walls and large beams ... 2 days

2. Beams sides ... 2 days

3. Beam soffits formwork ... 15 days

4. Props to beams ... 21 days

5. Soffits formwork to slab ... 7 days

6. Props to slab ... 15 days

The removal time shall be increased by one half day for each day where concrete is cast at temperature
of 10oC and below and by one further half () day for each day at temperature of 2oC and below.

The Architect's Representative may, should he consider conditions so warrant, direct that the stripping
times set out herein be varied, and in all cases there shall be sufficient intermittent props to transmit the
forces of any additional loading. Permanent propping shall not be removed until the Architect's
Representative instructs or confirms that it may be removed.

The Contractor shall prepare a detailed program for the removal sequence of formwork in multi-storey
construction based on the following considerations:

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Contractor shall be fully responsible for proper removal of forms. Contractor shall replace any work
damaged due to improper or too early removal of forms shores or reshores.

B. Finished Surfaces: Exercise care in removing forms from finished exposed concrete
surfaces, so that such surfaces are not marred or gouged, and that corners are true, sharp,
and unbroken. Release sleeve nuts or clamps, and pull the form ties neatly.

C. Form Ties:

1. No steel spreaders, form ties, or other metal shall project from, or be visible on, any
concrete surface except where required by the design. Exercise care in withdrawing rods
to pull them toward the inside face and avoid spilling on exposed surfaces.

2. Holes resulting from form ties, rods, and similar items shall be solidly packed through
all exterior walls by pressure grouting with a device certified by Engineers
representative. Before grouting, flush the holes with water. Use the specified cement
grout for plugging material.

3. Grouted holes on interior exposed surfaces shall be screeded off flush and ground to
match contiguous surfaces.

D. Determination of the time of form removal and supports shall conform to ACI-347
specifications, Section 3.6.


Re-use Formwork only with the approval of the Engineer. Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be
reused in the work. Split, frayed, delaminated or otherwise damaged form-facing material will not be
accepted. Apply fresh form coating compound to concrete contact surfaces as specified for new
formwork. When forms are reused for successive concrete placement, thoroughly clean surfaces,
remove fins and laitance, and tighten forms to close all joints. Align and secure joints to avoid offsets
in surfaces designed to be in the same plane.


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A. Materials and labour required for the complete installation of the work of this section, including
furnishing and placing of reinforcing steel and related positioning.


A. Except as otherwise specified herein, perform work in accordance with specifications,

codes, and standards cited therein, and latest applicable addenda and supplements. Copies of
these items shall be kept available in shop and field.

BS 4449 Hot rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete.

BS 8110 The Structural Use of Concrete - Part 1 Design and Construction.

BS 4483 Steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete.

BS 4466 Bending dimensions and scheduling of bars for the reinforcement of concrete.

ASTM standards referenced hereinafter.

CRSI "Manual of Standard Practice" and ACI 318.

B. UK Structural Design Standards specified herein can be substituted by standard listed in

"CIRIA Special Publication 35 - Structural Design Standards : Selected National and
International Title and Sources", provided that request for substitution is made and reviewed
by Architect's Representative before use in project.

C. Any material or operation specified by reference to published specifications of manufacturer

or published standard shall comply with said specification or standard. In case of conflict
between referenced specifications, most stringent requirement shall govern; and in case of
dispute, the Engineers decision shall be final. In case of conflict between referenced
specifications and Project Specifications, Project Specifications shall govern.


A. The Contractor shall submit manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for
each item of proprietary material used, and shall confirm his intention to comply with such

B. Submit to the Engineer detailed Reinforcement Shop Drawings including cutting lists, bar
bending schedule and erection drawings.
C. Submit to the Engineer prior to delivery of reinforcing steel certified mill test reports of
reinforcing steel (including names and locations of mills and shops, and analyses of
chemical and physical properties), properly correlated to be used in this project.

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D. Tests will be required by the Engineer on steel reinforcement and they shall be carried out in
strict accordance with the provisions of the British Standards in Clause 03900/1/1.02.

E. Tensile tests providing information on elastic limit, ultimate strength, and stress-strain curve
will be required from each delivery of reinforcement and measurements will also be
required of cross-sectional area and deformation/bond characteristics of deformed bars.

F. The Contractor is to allow for six tensile and six bond tests, at his own cost, for each size of
bar to be used in the concrete construction.

G. One set of test results for each bar size shall be submitted to the Engineer 3 weeks before
concrete work commences on site. Remaining tests will be carried out at the discretion of
the Engineer. Further test may be called for when the source of supply of reinforcement
changes or upon the Engineer's instructions.

H. Where any test results do not confirm to the values laid down in the above standards, the
defective materials shall be removed from the site, and any remedial work shall be borne by
the Contractor.

I. Submit to the Engineer, manufacturers, and/or supplier's and/or installer's affidavit stating
that material or product provided complies with Contract Documents.

J. Delivery: Deliver reinforcement to the job site in padded bundling bands, tagged, and
marked. Use metal tags indicating bar size, lengths, and other information corresponding to
markings shown on placement diagrams. All systems for handling coated bars shall have
padded contact areas, wherever possible, all bundles of coated bars shall be lifted with a
strong back, spreader bar. The bars or bundles shall not be dropped or dragged.

K. Storage: Store reinforcement at the job site in a manner to prevent damage and
accumulation of dirt and rust, above-ground on padded supports, using timber pieces
covered with Hessian. Separate each bundle with timber to avoid abrasion of "Steel to
Steel". Cover bundles with black PVC or other suitable lightproof material to prevent
discoloration due to ultra violet rays and dust particle adhesion.



A. Acceptable Manufacturer: United Steel Industrial Co., Kuwait, or no less than equal quality.


2.2.1 Epoxy Coated Reinforcing bars: Optional (If it is shown in the drawings)

A. Acceptable Material: Epoxy coating of rebar to ASTM-A775.

B. Reinforcing Bars - Epoxy Coated: ASTM A616-81A, Grade 50 deformed; tie and stirrups.
Epoxy coating of deformed reinforcing rebar shall conform to ASTM A-775 Grade 60.

C. Tie Wire: 16-gauge minimum. Should be carbon steel soft temper, Nylon epoxy, or plastic
coated. All Tie Wires should be bent back away from form surfaces. Ties shall be such that

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when forms are removed, no metal-coated ties shall be within 25 mm (1 in.) of the finished

D. Support for Reinforcement: All standard chairs, bolsters and similar support accessories
shall be Epoxy coated in accordance with CRSI Chapter 3 - Bar Supports, and shall be Class
A (basic) for general work. Support material of size, type, and spacing required to maintain
indicated position of reinforcement shall be provided to comply with requirements on
certified drawings.

1. Use support complying with CRSI recommendations, unless otherwise indicated. Do

not use wood, brick, and other unacceptable materials.

2. For slabs on grade, use supports with sand plates or horizontal runners where base
material will not support chair legs.

3. For exposed-to-view concrete surfaces, where legs of supports are in contact with
forms, provide supports with either hot-dip galvanized, plastic, or plastic-protected

E. Reinforcing Bar Splices: Provide reinforcing bar splices as follows:

1. Bar Splices: Conform to requirements of Section 15 of the Concrete Reinforcing

Steel Institute "CRSI Handbook" and Epoxy coated in accordance with ASTM A-

Notes: Epoxy coated reinforcement will be used only if it is particularly mentioned in the structural


2.3.1 High Yield Reinforcing bars and wire mesh:

A. High yield steel reinforcing bars used for the work shall have a minimum yield stress of 420
N/mm2 (Hot Rolled), ASTM A615, Grade 60

B. High yield steel threaded reinforcement bars used for the work shall have a minimum yield
stress of 420N/mm2 (Hot rolled), ASTM A615, Grade 60
C. Welded Wire Fabric shall conform to ASTM A185 or BS 4483.

D. Couplers of reinforcement are to be of the mechanical type and used on all bars on members
where shown on the drawings.

E. Mechanical couplers shall be of the following types:

F. Threaded steel type - where used the reinforcement shall be High Yield Course threaded re-
bars as Clause 2.01 of this specification or to have course threaded ends. All threads to be
compatible with coupler used.

G. Coupler Types:

H. GEWI - Steel Coupling (Dywidag Systems (UK) Ltd.)

McCalls Threaded Coupler (McCalls Special Products)

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I Extruded steel type - where used the reinforcement shall be High Yield reinforcement as
Clause 2.01 of this specification.

J Coupler Type:

K Dywidag Extruded Coupler splices Dywidag Systems International.


A. General: Fabricate reinforcing bars to conform to required shapes and dimensions, with
fabrication tolerances complying with ACI 315 and CRSI Handbook. In case of fabricating
errors, do not rebend or straighten reinforcement in a manner that will injure or weaken the

B. Handling: Bending, placing, spacing, and splicing of steel shall comply in all cases with the
requirements of ACI-311 and 318.

C. Unacceptable Materials: Reinforcement with any of the following defects will not be
permitted in the Work:

1. Bar lengths, depths, and bends exceeding specified fabrication tolerances.

2. Bends or kinks not required by the Work.
3. Bars with reduced cross-section due to excessive resting or other cause.
4. Bars with damaged Epoxy Coating.

D. Bending: Bend Epoxy Coated reinforcing steel in accordance with the following:

1. Bending radii must conform to ASTM A775/M-86.

2. Use Nylotron mandrels on the bending machine.

3. Cover all base metal contact areas with soft padding.

4. Bending is to be done smoothly and at a uniform rate.

5. If structural design necessitates radii smaller than A775/M-86 requirements, check

for cracking and repair any damage with manufacturers touch-up kit.



Examine work prepared by other trades to receive work of this section and report any defects affecting
installation to the Contractor for correction. Commencement of work will be construed as complete
acceptance of preparatory work by others.


A. The Contractor shall supply and incorporate in the work all such steel reinforcement
including tie wire, support and spacer bars and the like whether shown or not shown on the
drawings which are necessary to complete the work, all to the satisfaction of the Architect's
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1. The Contractor shall supply incorporate in the work all such steel reinforcement
including tie wire, support and spacer bars and the like whether shown or not
shown on the drawings which are necessary to complete the work, all to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

2. The Contractor shall check his bending schedules against the latest drawings and
any discrepancy must be immediately referred to the Engineer. The Contractor is
responsible for ordering all materials required to complete the job according to
normal good practice and to the approval of the Engineer.

3. All reinforcement will be properly stored under cover to avoid contact with the
ground, moisture, dust, and salts and to avoid distortion once bent to shape.
Improper storage will be sufficient cause for rejection of reinforcement.

4. All steel, before being placed in position, shall be thoroughly cleaned of loose rust,
scale and other coating that will destroy or reduce bond. If reinforcement has been
badly rusted or fitted, it will be rejected. Mechanical brushes shall be used in
cleaning the steel bars.

5. Where there is a delay in depositing concrete after the placement of the

reinforcement the Engineer may require the Contractor to restore the
reinforcement to a satisfactory condition and any required protection of the same
from further corrosion.

6. The splice lengths of all reinforcing bars which have to be spliced shall, unless
otherwise shown on the drawings, be in conformity with the following:

a) Plain round bars (50 diameters) 500mm minimum

b) Deformed bars (60 diameters) 600mm minimum

c) Epoxy coated bars (65 diameters) 500mm minimum

d) Fabric (175mm minimum, but overlap measured between outer most wires of
each sheet not less than pitch of secondary reinforcement wires).

e) Spliced bars are to be securely tied together.

7. Splices to be staggered to the approval of the Engineer, and the fabric is to be

securely tied layer to layer.

8. All reinforcing bars uncoated and coated must be bent cold unless otherwise
permitted by the Engineer.

9. All reinforcement shall be placed accurately in position and securely fastened in

place to prevent displacement during the placing of the concrete. Particular care
shall be taken to ensure that the protective cover to reinforcement specified on the
drawings is obtained by the use of approved plastic tipped steel chairs for lower
reinforcement and cranked bars for upper reinforcement. All bars shall be securely
tied together at every alternative intersection, or as approved by the Engineer.

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10. Ends of bars, which are left projecting for any period exceeding 4 weeks, shall be
painted with a heavy coat of neat cement grout, which shall be removed prior to
continuation of concreting.
11. Concrete cover to reinforcement shall be as shown on the drawings and the
allowable tolerances shall be in accordance with BS 8110: PART 1: 1985.

12. Tie wire shall be annealed iron wire not less than No. 16 gauge or approved
fasteners, unless shown otherwise on the drawings.

13. No welding (including spot welding) will be permitted.

14. Reinforcement that has in any way been previously used shall not be used in the

15. The Engineers approval is to be obtained in writing before cutting or heating any
reinforcement detailed on the drawings.

B. All reinforcement shall be placed accurately in a position and securely fastened in place to
prevent displacement during the placing of the concrete. Particular care shall be taken to
ensure that the protective cover to reinforcement specified on the drawings is obtained by
the use of approved plastic tipped steel chairs for lower reinforcement and cranked bars for
upper reinforcement. All bars shall be securely tied together at every alternative
intersection, or as approved by the Engineer.

C. Before concrete is cast, check all reinforcement after it is placed to insure that reinforcement
conforms to Contract Documents and approved shop drawings. Such checking shall be done
only by qualified experienced personnel. In addition, the Architect shall be notified at least
24 hours prior to concrete placement and given opportunity to schedule site visit to observe
completed reinforcement and formwork before concrete placement.

D. Where there is delay in depositing concrete after the placement of the reinforcement the
Architect's Representative may require the Contractor to restore the reinforcement to a
satisfactory condition and may require protection of same from further corrosion.

E. Ends of bars, which are left projecting for any period exceeding 4 weeks, shall be painted
with a heavy coat of neat cement grout, which shall be removed prior to continuation of

F. Unless shown on the drawings concrete cover to all reinforcement shall be a minimum as

Suspended Slabs Solid - 20mm

Suspended Slabs Waffle - 35mm bottom, 25mm top
Suspended Beams - 30mm
Columns - 40mm
Retaining Walls
- External Faces - 40mm
- Internal faces - 30mm
Foundations - 50mm

G. Tie wire shall be annealed iron wire not less than No. 16 gauge or approved fasteners,
unless shown otherwise on the drawings.

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H. Reinforcement that has in any way been previously used shall no be used in the work.

I. The Engineer's approval is to be obtained in writing before cutting or heating any

reinforcement detailed on the drawings.


A. Construction joints shall be located as required, or as certified by the Engineers


1. Joints in walls and column shall be at the underside of floor slabs, beams or girders
and at the tops of footings.

2. Joints in slabs and beams perpendicular to the main reinforcement shall occur as
shown on details.

3. All reinforcing steel and mesh shall be continued across joints. Longitudinal keys
at least 32 mm (1-1/4 inches) deep and inclined dowels shall be provided in all
joints in walls indicated on the Project drawings or as certified by the Engineers


A. Testing of Reinforcement Steel:

1. Tests will be required by the Engineer on steel reinforcement and they shall be
carried out in strict accordance with the provision of the above British Standards.

2. Tensile tests providing information on elastic limit, ultimate strength, and stress-
strain curve will be required from each delivery of reinforcement and
measurements will also be required of cross-sectional area and deformation/bond
characteristics of deformed bars.

3. The Contractor is to allow for six tensile and six bond tests, at his own cost, for
each size of bar to be used in the concrete construction.

4. One set of test results for each bar size shall be submitted to the Engineer three (3)
weeks before concrete work commences on Site. Remaining tests will be carried
out at the discretion of the Engineer.

5. Further tests may be called for when the source to supply of reinforcement changes
in which case the cost of such extra testing will be borne by the Contractor. When
any test results do not conform to the above standard the reinforcement steel shall
be removed from the site and the cost of subsequent testing and any remedial work
shall be borne by the Contractor.


Epoxy Coated reinforcing steel in place will be inspected by the Engineers Representative. Do not
pour concrete until the reinforcing steel has been certified by the Engineers Representative.


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A. All concrete work is governed by this Section.

B. Provide all cast-in-place concrete, complete and in place, as required by the Work, specified
herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation.


A. Reference Codes and Standards

Concrete work shall conform to the "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete", of
the American Concrete Institute, ACI 318or the equivalent British Standard.

The following codes and standards referenced herein but not dated shall be those of the latest
edition on the date of the Purchase Order contract.

GEMS A-1P11 - Concrete Construction Procedure

American Concrete Institute (ACI)

ACI 301-75 Specifications for Structural Concrete for


ACI Committee Report on "Hot Weather Concreting", ACI Journal Proceedings V. 74,
No. 33, August 1977, pp. 317-332

ACI 308-71 Recommended Practice for Concrete Curing

ACI 315-7 Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures

ACI 318-77 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete

ACI Committee 212 Guide for Use of Admixtures in Concrete, Title No. 68-56, ACI Journal,
September 1971

ACI 347-68 Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

ASTM A185-73 Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement

ASTM A307-78 Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners

ASTM A615-76a Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcements

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ASTM C31-69 Making and Curing Concrete Compressive and Flexural Strength Test
Specimens in the Field

ASTM C33-77 Concrete Aggregate

ASTM C39-72 Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete

ASTM C94-78a Ready-Mixed Concrete

ASTM C143-78 Test for Slump of Portland Cement Concrete

ASTM C150-77 Portland Cement

ASTM C171-69 Specifications for Waterproof Paper for Curing Concrete

ASTM C172-71 Methods of Sampling Fresh Concrete

ASTM C173-78 Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by Volumetric Method

ASTM C309-74 Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete

American Welding Society (AWS)

D12.1-78 Recommended Practice for Welding Reinforcing Steel, Metal Inserts, and
Connections in Reinforced Concrete Construction

B. Qualification of Installers:

1. Throughout the progress of the work, provide at least one supervisor who shall be
thoroughly familiar with the specified requirements, completely trained and experienced
in the necessary skills, and who shall be present at the site and shall direct all work.

2. Use adequate number of skilled workmen who are thoroughly trained and experienced
in the necessary crafts and who are completely familiar with the specified requirements
and the methods needed for proper execution of this Section.

3. In acceptance or rejection of work performed, the Engineer will make no allowance for
lack of skill on the part of workmen.

C. Quality Control: Do not begin concrete production until all mix designs have been reviewed
and certified by the Engineers Representative.

D. Workmanship: The Contractor is responsible for correction of concrete work, which does
not conform to the specified requirements including strength, tolerances, and finishes. The
Contractor shall correct deficient concrete as directed by the Engineers Representative.

Should cylinders and/or cubes indicate unacceptable concrete, load testing or removal and
replacement of the concrete may be required at no cost to the client.

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E. Concrete Testing Services:

1. The Contractor shall employ, at his own expense, a testing laboratory approved by the
Engineers Representative, experienced in design and testing of concrete materials and
mixes to perform material evaluation tests, to design concrete mixes, and to perform
strength tests associated with form removal. Testing agency shall meet the requirements
of ASTM E 329.

2. The Client might, at the discretion of the Engineers Representative employ an

independent testing laboratory to perform the testing of the concrete during the progress
of the work. Free access to material stockpiles and facilities shall be provided at all
times. Tests not specifically indicated to be done at Clients expense, including the
retesting of rejected materials and installed work, shall be done at the Contractor's


A. Manufacturer's Data: Submit manufacturer's product data, specifications with application

and installation instructions for proprietary materials and items, including admixtures, joint
systems, and chemical floor hardeners.

B. Purchase Orders: Copies of all purchase orders shall be certified by the Engineers
Representative before being issued for procurement.

C. Delivery Tickets: With each load of concrete delivered to the job, duplicate tickets shall be
furnished by the ready-mix concrete producer. Furnish one (1) to the Engineers
Representative. Delivery tickets shall provide all the information outlined in ASTM-C94
paragraph 15.

D. Shop Drawings:

Submit detail fabrication and placement drawings for all formwork and reinforcement steel,
which are correlated with forming and concrete placement techniques and requirements.

1. Reinforcing shall be detailed based on construction joint locations, which shall have
been shown on shop drawings reviewed and approved by the Engineer.

2. The drawings shall be in such detail as to assure that difficulties in execution of the
work in the field are minimized.

3. The drawings shall consist of sections, plans, and details clearly showing locations,
sizes, and spacing of all reinforcing steel, supporting bars and accessories. Including
bends, sizes, and lengths of all reinforcing steel beams.

4. A separate set of shop drawings, which shows the construction joint locations, shall
show all floor openings, wall openings, and edges of concrete. Floor wall openings and
sleeves for all mechanical, plumbing and electrical work shall be coordinated with the
respective trades and shown on these shop drawings in accordance with the criteria
indicated on the Contract drawings and contained in the various applicable Sections of
the Specification.

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5. No work shall be fabricated until all shop drawings have been reviewed and approved
by the Engineer (with corrections and resubmittals as required by the Contract
Documents). After review and approval by the Engineer, furnish all copies needed for
use of other trades.

6. Be fully responsible for furnishing and installing all materials called for or required by
the Contract Documents even though these materials may have been omitted from the
reviewed shop drawings.

7. Submit shop drawings for all formwork showing locations of joints, tie bolts, cones,
dummy cones, openings, chambers, inserts, fittings and accessories for the approval of
the Engineer before fabrication of formwork.

8. Submit design calculations in accordance with ACI Standard 301, Chapter 4, Para. 4.2,
wherever required for the supporting system of the formwork along with the shop
drawings for the supporting system, for approval of the Engineer.

E. Samples:

1. Provide cut lengths of reinforcing as requested by the Engineer for testing or evaluation
by the Government Research Station Laboratory, or any other Laboratory as required by
the Engineer. The Contractor shall not fabricate any reinforcing bars prior to the
approval of the Engineer.

2. Provide samples of all materials and concrete accessories of every type proposed for use
including component parts of prefabricated formwork systems and manufacturers
technical literature relating thereto. Prepare mock-ups and carry out such tests on the
proposed prefabricated formwork systems as may be required by the Engineer in order
that he may be satisfied as to the systems suitability.

3. Furnish reinforcement and accessories for sample panels and mocked-up portions of the
structure as required using all materials and techniques as they will be used in actual

F. Mill Tests:

Furnish the Engineer with certified mill test reports for cement, steel reinforcement, and welded
wire fabric.

G. Test Reports:

Submit preliminary test results for the Engineers approval at least three weeks prior to the
beginning of the work. In addition to the test reports specified under Quality Control,
submit the following directly to the Engineer:

1. Preliminary Design Mix Reports (BS 8110 SECTION 6)

2. Aggregate Soundness Test Reports (ASTM C88).

3. Aggregate Staining Test Reports (ASTM C641).

4. Air Entertainment test Reports (ASTM C260).

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1.4 Product Handling:

A. Comply with BS 8110, Section 6.

1.5 Environmental Conditions:

A. Hot Weather Concreting:

Refer to Clause 1.02 STANDARDS.

(ACI 305)

1.6 Quality Control:

A. Preliminary Tests (Trial Tests):

1. Target Mean Strength: The concrete mix shall have at least the required minimum
cement content and mean strength greater than the required characteristic strength by at
least the current margin. The current margin shall be taken as the lesser of:

a) 1.64 times the standard deviation of cube tests on at least 100 separate batches of
concrete of nominally similar proportions of similar materials and produced over a
period not exceeding 12 months by the same plant under similar supervision, but not
less than one sixth (1/6) of the characteristic strength for concrete of grade 70, 100
or 150 or not less than 37.50 kg/cm2 for concrete of grade 200 or above.

b) 1.64 times the standard deviation of cube tests on at least 40 separate batches of
concrete of nominally similar proportions of similar materials and produced over a
period not exceeding 5 days but not exceeding 6 months by the same plant under
similar supervision, but not less than one third (1/3) of the characteristic strength for
concrete of grade 70, 100 or 150 or not less than 75 kg/cm2 for concrete of grade
200 or above.

If enough data is not available to satisfy the requirements of either (a) or (b) above
mentioned, the margin shall be taken as two-thirds (2/3) of the characteristic strength for
concrete of grade 70, 100 and 150 or 100 kg/ cm2 for concrete of grade 200 or above.
When required characteristic strength approaches maximum possible strength of
concrete a smaller margin but not less then 75 kg/cm2 shall be permitted. Evidence shall
be submitted to the Engineer for each grade of concrete showing that at the intended
workability, the proposed mixed proportions and manufacturing method will produce
concrete of required quality. Declare any change in source of material and any change in
cement content, nature and source of each material, full details of tests on trial mixes,
proposed quantities of each ingredient per cubic meter of fully compacted concrete.

2. To establish the suitability of any material used in the concrete work, unless specified
otherwise, make preliminary tests and prepare design mixes, in accordance with ACI-
301, Chapter 3, Paragraph 3.8, Method 1 or Method 2, in a design laboratory acceptable
to the Engineer.

3. In addition to the tests required to establish the suitability of materials, make one test for
each design mix to verify that the total Chloride (Cl) ion content and the total sulfate
(SO3) content of each mix is within the specified limits. Perform Chloride tests in
accordance with Standard Method of Sampling and Testing for total, Chloride Ion in
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Concrete as contained in Report No. FHWARD-77-85 published by U.S. Department
of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. Perform Sulfate (SO3) tests in
accordance with ASTM C114.

4. Trial Mixes:

a) Where trail mixes are requested by the Engineer, three separate batches of concrete
shall be made using materials likely to be typical of the proposes supply and
preferably under full scale production conditions. If circumstances make this
inconvenient the batches may be mixed in the laboratory only if approved by the

b) Sampling and testing shall be strictly in accordance with B.S. 1881. The workability
of each batch of concrete shall be determined and three (3) cubes made from each
batch of concrete of test at 28 days. A further three (3) cubes from each batch shall
be made for test at earlier age. The trial mix proportions shall be approved by the
Engineer if the average strength of nine (9) cubes tested at 28 days exceeds the
specified characteristic strength by the appropriate margin of if nine (9) cubes tested
at an earlier age indicate that it is likely to be exceeded by this amount, the
appropriate margin is the margin as given in Clause 1.06.A.1 herein for concrete of
nominally similar proportions and of similar materials to the trial mix. For this
purpose if the trial does not differ by more than 30 kg/m3 of cement from a
reference mix of similar workability, then the proportions may be regarded as
nominally similar and the current margin for the reference mix can be taken as the
appropriate margin for the trial mix. If trial mixes are required to demonstrate that
the maximum free water/cement ratio is not exceeded, two batches shall be made in
a laboratory with cement and saturated sand surface dry aggregate known past
records of the suppliers of the materials to be typical. The proposed mix proportions
shall be accepted only if both batches have the correct cement content and free/water
ratio below the maximum specified value at the proposed degree of workability.

5. Have a representative present at the laboratory when the preliminary tests are made.
Whenever a change of brand or source of any of the concrete ingredients occurs,
additional Preliminary tests will be required and the cost of these tests shall be borne
by the Contractor.

B. Plant and field Tests and Inspection:

1. Concrete work will be subject to detailed inspection and tests at the plant and in the
field. Notify the engineer one day in advance of concrete work. Inspection, field tests,
and sampling of concrete taken from the job will be carried out under the direction of
the Engineer. Likewise the conducting of tests carried out by the Contractor in his site-
testing laboratory shall be under the direction of the Engineer.

2. Concrete shall be produced in accordance with BS 5328. BS 5328 requires that tests are
made on the constituent materials in accordance with the relevant British Standard,
(refer to Part 2 of this Section), and that control tests are made on concrete to ensure
compliance with the specified requirements.

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3. When tested, the concrete shall meet the appropriate requirements specified in BS 5328,

a. Characteristic comprehensive strength;

b. Specified mix proportions;

c. Minimum or maximum cement content;

d. maximum free-water/cement ratio;

e. Workability;

f. Air content of concrete;

g. Temperature of fresh concrete;

h. Density of fully compacted concrete;

4. Rate of sampling and testing shall be specified and/or as directed by the Engineer. The
cost of sampling and testing shall be borne by the Contractor.

5. Facilitate sampling procedure and provide labour and material as required. Notify the
Engineer when reinforcing steel is in place in order to facilitate any inspection he deems
necessary. Submit checking sheets before placing concrete. Do not place concrete until
these inspections have been completed and all deficiencies reported by the Engineer
have been corrected to the Engineers satisfaction.

6. Supply all moulds required for tests as described below, using moulds of the same type
and manufacture for making all test specimens. If field tests show excessive slumps or
other violations of the Contract Documents, the entire batch of concrete from which the
sample in question was taken will be rejected and shall be removed from the site at the
Contractors expense. The Engineer will inspect all concrete operations in the plant and
in the field.

7. If ready-mix concrete is used, each load of concrete arriving at the job shall be
accompanied by a delivery ticket which shall be subject to checking by the Engineer at
the plant and which shall contain the following information:

a) The strength of the mix concrete being delivered.

b) The exact time the cement and aggregate were discharged into the delivery truck. If
upon reaching the job the concrete cannot be placed within the time limits stated, or
if the type of concrete delivered is incorrect, the Engineer will reject the load and it
shall be removed from the site at the Contractors expense.

c) List of admixtures and concentration percentage.

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8. Under the supervision and direction of the Engineer the Contractor will take specimens
of each class of concrete from different locations on the job as follows:

a) At least twelve (12) specimens for each 40 cubic meters or fraction thereof of each
class of concrete and in any case not less than twelve (12) specimens for any one
days operations.

b) Test specimens will be taken at pouring locations to give a fair average of the
concrete in the part of the construction indicated.

c) Samples will be obtained in accordance with B.S. 1881.

d) At least two slump tests: ASTM C143.

e) Testing shall conform to B.S. 1881 or ASTM C31 in making, curing, and
subsequently handling test specimens, except as modified herein. Cubes shall be
engraved with the date of placing and the serial number representing the number of
the pour.

f) The cubes shall be placed in laboratory storage on Site under moist curing
conditions at approximately 21oC within 24 hours after moulding and maintained
therein until ready for testing

g) Two units weight and yield tests: ASTM C138.

9. Under the supervision and direction of the Engineer the Contractor will take specimens
of each class of concrete, and an independent Testing Agency, approved by the
Engineer, will perform one test for each 100 cubic meters to verify that the total
Chloride ion content and the total Sulfate content are each within the specified limits. As
soon as the concrete is no longer plastic, but in no event more than 24 hours after
placement, the Testing Agency will perform tests in accordance with the procedures
herein specified under Paragraph 1.6.A.3.

10. Keep records of all specimens taken and tests made using a proforma approved by the
Engineer. Such records shall be signed by the Contractor and the Engineer.

C. Change of Current Margin:

When the results of a sufficiently large number of tests show that the previously established
margin is significantly too large or to small, a change in the current margin used for judging
compliance with the specified characteristic strength may be appropriate. Recalculation of
the margin shall be carried out as before, but the adoption of recalculation value will not
generally be justified in the two values differ by less than 18% when based on tests on 40
separate batches or less than 11% when based on tests on 100 separate batches or less than
5% when based on tests on 500 separate batches. This recalculated margin if adopted
becomes the current margin for the judgment of compliance with the specified characteristic
strength of concrete.

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D. Testing Plan:

1. Each 3 cubes shall be made from a single sample taken from a randomly selected batch
of concrete. The sample shall be taken from the point of discharge from the delivery
vehicle, the characteristic strength of concrete shall comply with the following

a) The average strength determined from any group of four consecutive sets of test
cubes exceeds the specified characteristic strength by not less than 0.3 times the
current margin.

b) Each individual test result is greater than 85% of the specified strength.

The current margin shall be taken as given in Paragraph 1.6.A.1. If only one cube
result fails to meet the second requirement mentioned above, that result may be
considered to represent only the particular batch of concrete from which that cube
was taken, provided the average strength of the group satisfied the first requirement.
If more than one cube fails to meet the second requirement or if the average strength
of any group of four consecutive test cubes fail to meet the second requirement, then
all the concrete in all the batches by all such cubes shall be deemed not to comply
with the strength requirements.

2. Enforcement:

When the average strength of four consecutive strength test cubes fail to meet the first
requirement mentioned in the testing plan, the mix proportions of subsequent batches of
concrete shall be modified to increase the strength. The Engineer shall decide as to what
action may be taken for test cubes that fail to meet the requirements mentioned. In
estimating the quality of the sub-standard concrete and in determining the action to be
taken, the following shall be considered:

a) The validity of test results and confirmation that specimen sampling and testing have
been carried out in accordance with B.S. 1881. Concrete shall be judged by the
strength of specified characteristic comparison with the specified minimum cement

b) The mix proportions actually used in concrete under investigation.

c) The actual section of the structure represented by the test cubes.

d) The possible influence of any reduction in concrete quality in the strength and
durability of this section of structure.

The Engineer may require to be carried on the hardened concrete in structure. Where
test show that concrete is below specified strength, remove all or a part of, the
concrete in all of the batches deemed not to comply with the strength requirement as
directed by the Engineer. Full cost of removal of low strength concrete and its
replacement with concrete of proper specified strength shall be borne by the

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3. Strength:

Compliance with the specified characteristic strength shall be judged by tests made on
cubes at an age of 28 days. Not more than 5% of the cube test results shall be allowed to
fall below the characteristic strength of concrete.

E. Lightweight Concrete:

1. Mix Design:

Design lightweight concrete mix to produce the following physical properties.

a. Dry Density: 500 Kg/m3

b. Compressive Strength: 25 Kg/cm2

c. Use minimum amount of water to produce a workable mix.

d. Do not exceed maximum air content recommended by aggregate manufacturer.



The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of establishing
minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or better than those specified, will be
considered acceptable. The decision of acceptability will rest with the Engineer.


A. Cement:

1. Alkaline Content For All types of Cement:

Maximum 0.6% equivalent Sodium Oxide (NO2)) (ASTM C227).

2. Ordinary Cement: B.S. 12 or ASTM C150, Type 1 or K.S.S. 36, non-staining.

3. Sulphate Resisting Portland Cement: B.S. 4027 or ASTM C150, type V.

4. White Cement: Ordinary Portland cement as above containing an approved lime-proof

non-fading white color pigment complying with BS 1014.

5. Sulphate resisting cement shall be used as directed by the Engineer in all work below
the ground floor level which is in contact with soil or waterproofing or protection board
or vapour barrier.

6. Cement shall originate from sources and manufacturers acceptable to the Engineer and
shall be delivered in sealed bags. Only one brand of cement shall be used for each type
of cement when received at batch plant, all bags shall be intact and cement shall be
completely dry. Cement exposed to moisture or wetting of any kind during shipment or
storage shall not be used on the job.

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7. Stale cement or cement with cakes or lumps shall not be used.

8. All cement stored at site shall be kept thoroughly dry and shall be stored in water tight
sheds on a floor raised at least 200mm above ground. Cement stacks shall have labels
indicating dates of manufacture and arrival at the storage site. A maximum of fifteen
bags shall be stacked if the storage period is not more than four weeks and eight bags if
the storage period is over four weeks but not more than three months. Any cement
stored for more than three months shall not be used without the explicit written
permission of the Engineer.

9. When tests performed on field samples, subsequent to the original approved tests, show
that the cement does not comply with the Specifications, the entire consignment from
which the samples were taken shall be rejected. Rejected cement shall not be permitted
in storage areas or on the Site and shall be removed within twenty-four hours.

10. Cement shall be protected from direct exposure to sun. Cement temperature shall not
exceed 50oC.

11. All Type V Cement shall have tricalcium aluminates content not exceeding five percent

B. Aggregate:

1. In general, aggregate shall comply with B.S. 882, Concrete Aggregates from Natural
Sources, or ASTM C33, and shall be graded in accordance with these requirements,
irrespective of whether concrete is mixed on site or elsewhere. The contractor shall
nominate the source of supply and shall provide grading curves of aggregates for

2. Aggregate shall consist of fine sand or stone aggregates and crushed rock or gravel.
Separate stockpiles of fine aggregate and each size of coarse aggregate gradation shall
be used. Each aggregate type shall be from a single consistent source.

3. Storage piles of aggregates shall be placed on concrete hardstand, which has good
drainage. Stockpiles shall have walls separating adjacent materials and shall be covered
to preclude segregation or intrusion of foreign materials and to preserve the gradation.
Sufficient storage shall be maintained to assure placement of concrete at the necessary
rate. Use properly constructed sheds to protect aggregates from direct sun radiation and
from blowing sands.

4. Aggregates shall be hard, durable, clean, and free from adherent coatings and dust and
when directed by the Engineer, shall be washed and sieved to remove deleterious

5. Aggregates shall not contain harmful materials, such as salts, iron pyrites, coal, mica,
shale, or similar particles, which may reduce the strength or durability of the concrete.
Aggregates shall not contain any material or that may be chemically active with
reinforcement or that may react to cause efflorescence or that may be alkali reactive.

6. Alkali reactive limestone aggregates such as Dolomite shall not be used.

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7. The grading of each size of aggregate from each pit, quarry or other sources of supply
shall be determined at least once weekly. The results of such tests shall be reported to
the Engineer and shall be used to check whether the grading are similar to those of the
samples used in the establishment of batch weight used.

8. Suppliers certificate shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval of the source of the

9. Aggregate for exposed unpainted concrete shall be specially selected for color as
approved by the Engineer and shall come from a single source.

10. All aggregates shall be screened and washed and shall have less than the following
maximum salt contents as acid soluble chlorides and sulphates. The table also shows the
maximum salt content allowed in the mixed concrete. Aggregates for colored concrete
must be approved by the Engineer prior to use.

Chloride Sulphate
Percent of weight of
fine aggregate 0.06 0.4

Percent of weight of
coarse aggregate 0.03 0.4

Total percent in concrete

as percent by weight of 0.1 (OPC)
cement 0.2 (SRPC) 4.0

11. Fine aggregates shall consist of natural sand or crushed gravel sand and shall comply
with BS 882 Concrete Aggregates from Natural Sources having hard and durable
particles or other inert materials having similar characteristics conforming to the
following requirements.

a) Fineness Modulus: 2.4 to 3.0 ASTM C125.

b) Fineness modulus shall not vary more than 0.20 from value used in establishing mix
proportions. If greater deviation, the use of such aggregates shall be discontinued
until suitable adjustments in mix proportions can be made and reviewed.

c) Sodium Sulphate Soundness: Max. 6 percent loss ASTM C88.

d) Potential Reactivity: Not reactive ASTM C289.

e) Content of Clay Lumps: Max. 1% weight ASTM C142.

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f) Gradation requirements as follows:

Size of Sieve Opening Percentage by Weight

(Square Openings) Passing - ASTM, C33, C117

3/8 inch ( 9.5 mm ) 100

No. 4 ( 4.75 mm ) 95-100
No. 8 ( 2.36 mm ) 80-100
No. 16 ( 1.18 mm ) 50-85
No. 30 ( 0.60 mm ) 25-60
No. 50 ( 0.30 mm ) 15-30
No. 100 ( 0.15 mm ) 3-10
No. 200 ( 0.075 mm ) 0-5

Other gradations not meeting the above requirements may be permitted upon submission of relevant
data and reviewed by the Engineer.

g) Fine aggregates shall be free of organic materials (ASTM C40) and other foreign

12. Coarse aggregates for concrete shall consist of crushed gravel or crushed stone. The
crushing shall be regulated so that the material retained on the No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve, at
least 90 percent by weight shall consist of pieces with at least one fractured face and at
least 75 percent by weight shall consist of material with at least two fractured faces. In
addition, the course aggregates shall meet the following requirements:

a) Sodium Sulphate Soundness: max. 12% loss ASTM C88, 5 cycles.

b) Potential Reactivity: Not Reactive ASTM C289.

c) Abrasion: Max. 10% loss ASTM C131, 100 revolutions.

d) Flat and Elongated Particles: 3:1 max. 30% ASTM C125 5:1 max. 100%.

e) Content of Clay Lumps: max. 0.5% by weight ASTM C142.

f) Shale: Max. 2% by weight.

g) Bulk Saturated Surface Dry Specific Gravity: Min. 2.58 ASTM C125.
h) Gradation requirements are as follows:

Size of Sieve Opening Percentage by Weight

(Square Openings) Passing - ASTM, C33

1-1/2 inch 1 inch 3/4 inch

(37.5mm) (25.4mm) (19.0mm)
Size Size Size

2 inch (50.0 mm) 100 - -

1-1/2 inch (37.5 mm) 95 - 100 100 -
1 inch (25.4 mm) 60 - 85 95 - 100 100
3/4 inch (19.0 mm) 35 - 70 60 - 85 95 - 100
1/2 inch (12.7 mm) 20 - 50 25 - 60 60 - 75
3/8 inch (9.5) mm) 10 - 30 15 - 45 20 - 55
No. 4 (4.75 mm) 0-5 0 - 10 0 - 10
No. 8 (2.36 mm) - 0-5 0-6

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Other gradations not meeting the above requirements may be permitted upon submission of relevant
data and review by the Engineer.

i) The Maximum size of aggregates shall be 1 inch (25.4 mm) for columns, walls,
and basements slabs and 3/4 inch (19.0 mm) for slabs and beams. In addition, the
maximum aggregate size shall not exceed 20 percent of the narrowest member that is
being concreted, nor shall it exceed 75 percent of the clear spacing between adjacent
steel reinforcement or between reinforcement and adjacent formwork.

13. Light Weight aggregate for insulating concrete shall comply with ASTM C332.

C. Water:

1. Water for washing aggregates and for mixing of concrete shall be clean, fresh and free
of harmful matter such as oil, salts, acids, alkali, sewage, deleterious minerals or
organic matter. Water shall be filtered to remove any color or residues present due to
contamination from water piping or transportation or storage methods.

2. Water shall comply with the requirements of BS 5328.

3. Water shall be tested in accordance with BS 3148.

D. Admixtures:

1. Suitable admixtures of the following approved types may be incorporated in the

concrete only with the prior written approval of the Engineer.

a) Water reducing set retarders.

b) set retarders.

c) Water reducing agents.

d) Air entraining admixtures for lightweight concrete.

2. The Engineer shall be advised in advance of the following data:

a) The typical dosage and detrimental effects of under-dosage and over-dosage.

b) Chemical name(s) of the main active ingredient(s) in the admixture.

c) Whether or not the admixtures lead to the entrainment of air when used at
manufacturers recommended dosage.

d) Admixtures containing chlorides in excess of 0.03% by mass of the cement,

nitrates, calcium chloride, sulfides and sulphates shall not be used.

e) Admixtures submitted for Engineers approval shall be certified in writing by the

manufacturer to be in compliance with B.S. 5075 or ASTM C494.

f) Air-entraining admixtures for lightweight concrete shall comply with ASTM C260
or B.S. 5075: PART (2).

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g) The type of admixture selected in accordance with the above mentioned standards
must be to the approval of the Engineer. All admixtures must be mutually

h) Admixture used in the work shall be obtained from reliable manufacturers whose
products have previously been used successfully in Kuwait or on other
international projects in countries having similar climate to Kuwait.

i) Admixtures shall be used in strict accordance with manufacturers printed

instructions and recommendations and shall be certified by the manufacturer to be
suitable for use during hot weather extremes. Admixtures shall be stored safe from
adverse temperatures in accordance with manufacturers printed instructions or

j) The Suitability and effectiveness of any admixture approved by the Engineer shall
be verified by trial mixes with the cements, aggregates, and other materials to be
used in the works before final approval given.

k) Notwithstanding what has been stated above, the Contractor must allow in his
Tender for testing the type of admixture he proposes to use.

l) Admixtures where approved may be added only by using the manufacturers

recommended dispensers - no adding of admixture by hand is allowed.

m) The entire amount of materials used for concrete shall have controlled sources of
individual components such that the total mix meets the requirements of the
Contract Documents. Unless specified otherwise, the total Chloride (Cl) ion
content in the entire mix shall not exceed 0.20 percent of the weight of cement
when SRPC is used and 0.1 percent when OPC is used. The total water-soluble
Sulfate (SO3) content in the entire mix shall not exceed 4 percent SO3 of the
weight of cement in the mix. The total Calcium Chloride (Ca cl2) content in the
total mix shall not exceed 0.01 percent of the weight of cement.

n) The total alkali content of the concrete mix of Na2O equivalent shall not exceed 3
kg/m3. All sources of alkali shall be taken into account for calculating the total
alkali content. In particular the contribution of Sodium Chloride whether from
aggregate or from mixing must be included.

E. Vapour Barrier:

Polyethylene sheeting minimum 0.15 mm thick of approved manufacture tested in

accordance with ASTM E96 and E154.

F. Curing Materials:

1. Liquid Membrane Compound:

AASHTO M148 OR ASTM C309, Type 1-D with fugitive dye and Type 2; formulated
to disintegrate after 28 days, and guaranteed no to affect the bond of applied finishes.
2. Polthylene Film:

ASTM C171, 0.10mm thick, opaque black.

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3. Reinforced Waterproof Building Paper:
ASTM C171, opaque.

4. Burlap:


5. Water:

B.S. 5328 and B.S. 3148.

6. Methods for determining the efficiency of curing compounds shall be in accordance

with ASTM C156 OR United Kingdom Ministry of Public Building and Works
(M.P.B.W.) for Curing Membrane OR United Kingdom Department of Transport

7. Notwithstanding that has been stated above, the Contractor must allow in his Tender for
testing the type of curing compound he proposes to use.

G. Moist Cure, Hardener and Sealer:

1. Hardeners:

a) Lapidolith - Sonneborn Contech, U.S.A.

b) Anti-Hydro - Anti Hydro Co., U.S.A.
c) Sciolith - Chem-Masters Corp., U.S.A.
d) Eucosil - The Euclid Chemical Co., U.S.A.
e) Pena-lith - W.R. Meadows Inc., U.S.A.
f) Surcoat - Al Hamra Co. Kuwait
g) Or equal and approved.

2. Sealers:

a) Son-No-Mar- Sonneborn Contech, U.S.A.

b) A-H Clear Cure - Anti Hydro Co., U.S.A.
c) Tranz - Chem-Masters Corp., U.S.A.
d) Eucopoxy I - The Euclid Chemical Co., U.S.A.
e) Tiah - W.R. Meadows Inc., U.S.A.
f) Surcoat - Al Hamra Co. Kuwait
g) Or equal and approved.

H. Water stops:

Extruded shapes formed of virgin polyvinylchloride, tensile strength 134 kg/cm2, and
minimum elongation 200%. The type and size of the water stop shall be suitable to its
particular application as recommended by the manufacturer and be subject to the approval
of the Engineer.

I. Sealant:

Refer to Section 07920, Sealant for joint Sealant.

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J. Grout:

1. Non-Metallic: One of the following or no less than equal:

a) Sono Grout (Sonneborn - Contech)

b) Five Star Grout (U.S. Grout Corp.).

c) Masterflow 713 (Master Builders Company)

d) Euco NS (The Euclid Chemical Company)

K. Pigmented Concrete: Pigments for integrally colored concrete submitted for the
Engineers approval shall be certified in writing by the manufacturer to be in
compliance with ASTM C 979.


A. Proportioning of Concrete:

1. Comply with ACI Standard 211.1, OR BS 8110-85, Section 6, Para. 6.2.4. Assume full
responsibility for the strength, consistency, water/cement ratio, and handling of
concrete, Cement, fine aggregate shall be measured by weight.

2. Water/Cement Ratio: Comply with BS 8110-85, Section 6, Para. 6.2.4, OR ACI 301,
Chapter 3, Para. 3.8, Method 1 or 2. The water/cement ratio of a batch of concrete shall
not exceed the specified maximum value by more than 5% of that value. If a maximum
water/cement ratio has been determined the ability to comply with that requirement at a
suitable level of workability, shall be determined by trial mixes. Maximum
water/cement ratio may be judged from workability and approved by the Engineer.

3. Cement Content:

The cement content of any batch of concrete shall not be less than the specified
minimum value minus 5% of that value, nor more than the specified maximum value
plus 5% of that value. The cement content may be determined from samples
representative of any batch of concrete provided suitable test is used to measure the
cement content of fresh concrete to an accuracy of + 5% of the actual value with a
confidence of 95% and approved by the Engineer. Table 6.1 of BS 8110: Part 1: 1985
gives the minimum cement required when using a particular size of aggregate in a
Portland cement concrete, to provide acceptable durability under appropriate conditions
of exposure. The reduced minimum cement contents shall only be used when trial mixes
have verified that concrete with a maximum free water/cement ratio not greater than that
given for a particular conditions of placing and compacting. The Engineer shall
determine the degree of exposure to be adopted for mix design.

4. Requirements for Fresh Concrete:

Workability of concrete shall be such that the concrete is suitable for the conditions of
handling and placing so that after compaction it surrounds all reinforcement and
completely fills the formwork. Workability shall be assessed by means of the slump test
or compacting factor test. An acceptable value for the mean slump for each concrete mix

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shall be agreed with the Engineer and a value of 65 mm can be taken as a guide.
Following are the limits of workability of concrete for these tests:

Slump +/- 25 mm or CF +/- .03 where required value is 0.9 or more.

+/- .04 where the required value is less than 0.9 but
more than 0.8.

+/- .05 where the required value is 0.8 or less.

The amount of water shall be measured by volume or by weight. The batch weights of
aggregates shall be adjusted to allow for moisture content typical of the aggregates
being used. The accuracy of the measuring equipment shall be within +/- 3% of the
quantity of cement, water, or total aggregate being measured and within +/- 0% of the
quantity of any admixture being used. All measuring equipment shall be maintained in a
clean, serviceable condition. The mixer shall comply with the requirements of B.S. 1305
or B.S. 4251 where applicable. The mixing time shall not be less than that used by the
manufacturer in assessing the mixer performance.

5. Adjustment to Mix Proportions:

During production adjustments of mix proportions will be made in order to minimize the
variability of strength and to approach more closely the target mean strength as
approved by the Engineer. Such adjustments are regarded as part of the proper control of
production but the specified limits of minimum cement content and maximum
water/cement ratio shall be maintained. Such adjustments to mix proportions shall not
be taken to imply any change to the current margin.

B. Classes of Concrete:

Grade Characteristic Cube Type and Use

Strength (28 days)

K-150 150 Kg/cm2 Blinding/Plain Concrete

K-250 250 Kg/cm2 All Cast-in-Place

K-300 300 Kg/cm2 Reinforced Concrete
K-350 350 Kg/cm2 except where indicated
K-400 400 Kg/cm2 otherwise

For uncontrolled hot weather and drying conditions, it is recommended that the specified characteristic
cube strength for cast-in-place reinforced concrete shall be increased by 50 Kg/cm2.


A. Expansion Joint Filler: Refer to Section 07910, Joint Fillers and Gaskets for expansion
joint filler.

B. Joint Filler (Cellular): Provide one of the following manufacturers, or equal, 12 mm (1/2
inch) thick unless otherwise required:
a) Retnord, Inc.
b) Hercules
c) Sonneborn Building Products, a Div. of Contech
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C. Bond Breaker: No. 15 pitch or asphalt-impregnated roofing felt.

D. Surface Hardener & Nonslip Aggregate Finish: Shall be a proprietary brand suitable for use
on the floor topping for heavy-duty surfaces as mentioned. Shall be one of the followings or
no less than equal quality as per Engineers approval and shall be applied strictly as per
manufacturers instructions:

1. Nitofloor Emeritop (For heavy traffic Use) Industrial flooring aggregate as

anufactured by FOSROC.

2.SpEctop Armourite E9: Emery based, dry shake monolithic surface hardener for heavy
traffic use (Min. application: 7kg/m2). Local Agent: Al-Bahar & Bardawil Specialties
W.L.L., Kuwait.


Provide a factory-mixed nonmetallic, nonshrink grout and ready to use. Grout formulation shall
provide for shrinkage correction by producing a controlled expansion to compensate for the vertical
and horizontal shrinkage in cementitious mixtures. Grout shall provide a solid load-bearing surface that
insures the structural integrity of any installation and have the following characteristics:

a) Compressive strength: 6000 psi minimum (28 days) tested per ASTM C 109.

b) Volume change, percent: +0.02, -0.0 tested per ASTM C 157.

c) Noncorrosive and nonreactive in contact with aluminum or magnesium.

d) "Master flow 713" by Master Builders, or approved equal.



A. General: For detail Refer to Section 03100. However consider the followings if it do not
contradict with the above section.

1. The responsibility for the safety and adequacy of the whole of the formwork shall rest
entirely with the Contractor. Coordinate the work of all other trades affecting or affected
by work of this Section.

2. Except when they are varied by the requirements of these Specifications, the
requirements of the British Standard BS 8110 Section 6 shall form a binding part of
these Specifications.

3. Give 24 hours minimum notice to the Engineer as to when formwork will be ready for
inspection and allow sufficient time for inspection and adjustment.

4. Any work showing signs of damage through premature loading shall be demolished and
reconstructed at the Contractors expense.

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B. Workmanship

1. Reference shall be made to BS 5975 and appendix C of the Concrete Society

Technical Report No. 13, Formwork and the CIRIA Data Sheet Concrete Pressure on

2. Except for areas having suspended false ceiling within the project, most of the structure
is either exposed or receiving applied finish. Tolerances specified under this part are
more stringent than those specified in BS 5606 or ACI 301.

3. Provide cambers as specified on drawings.

4. All formwork shall be constructed plumb, true, water and mortar tight, sufficiently rigid
and strong to prevent sagging between supports and to maintain true position and shape
during and after placing of concrete without bowing and distortion.

5. Exceptional care shall be taken to minimize fins, ridges, offsets, leaking of fins and
other defects.

6. Only workmen experienced in formwork shall be used for this work.

7. Supports shall be designed to withstand the worst combination of self-weight and other
loads including formwork, reinforcement, wet concrete, construction and wind loads
together with all incidental dynamic effects caused by placing vibrating and compacting
of concrete.
8. Deflection: The maximum permissible deflection under all loads shall not exceed 2 mm
or 1/600 of the free span, whichever is less.

9. Forms for beams and girders shall be designed to permit removal of at least one side
without shock to the partially set concrete and without disturbing the bottom portion of
the forms or its supports.

10. Prefabricated formwork shall be used in strict accordance with manufacturers printed
instructions and approved shop drawings.

11. Provide 15 x 15 mm wrought hardwood fillet or other suitable material in the angles of
the formwork as shown on Drawings or as required by the Engineer to provide chamfers
in columns and beams and walls.

12. Anchor bolts, plates, sleeves, pipes, inserts, fixtures, electrical boxes, reinforcing steel,
duct openings, conduits, etc., shall be installed as per Drawings. Ample time shall be
allowed for the proper installation of such items. All steel items (other than
reinforcement) embedded in concrete shall be hot-dipped galvanized.

13. Form Cleaning: All forms shall be thoroughly cleaned before placement of concrete and
suitable temporary openings provided to permit removal of undesirable materials from
the interior without disturbing the whole formwork. All surfaces in contact with
concrete shall be wetted or treated with an approved form-releasing agent before placing
of reinforcement. All formwork shall be thoroughly cleaned of any old concrete or other
deposit before re-use.

14. During concreting, formwork and supports shall be inspected by experienced workmen
and any portion showing signs of sagging or displacement shall be rectified.
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15. All formwork shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer. This approval, however,
does not relieve the Contractor of any of his liabilities and responsibilities under the

16. The Contractor must allow in his Tender for cost of testing the type of form releasing
agent he proposes to use.


A. General: For detail Refer to Section 03200. However consider the followings if it do not
contradict with the above section.

1. Comply with B.S. 4449; B.S. 4461; B.S. 4482; B.S. 4483 or ACI 301, Chapter 5,
Paragraph 5.1, and ASTM A775.

B. Fixing

1. Comply with BS 8110, Section 7, Para. 7.3 OR ACI Standard 301, Chapter 5, Para. 5.5.
Reinforcement shall be secured against displacement outside the specified limits unless
specified otherwise:

a. The actual concrete cover shall be not less than the required nominal cover minus 5

b. Where reinforcement is located in relation to only one face of a member (e.g. a

straight bar in a slab) the actual concrete cover shall not be more than the required
nominal cover plus:

(i) 5mm on bars unto and including 12mm size.

(ii) 10mm on bars over 12mm unto and including 25mm size.

(iii) 15mm on bars over 25mm size.

2. Spacer chairs or other supports detailed on Shop Drawings, together with such other
supports as may be necessary shall be used to maintain the reinforcement in its correct
position. In a member where the nominal cover is dimensioned to the links, spacers
between the links and formwork shall be of the same dimension as the nominal cover.

3. Non-structural connections for the positioning of reinforcement shall be made with steel
wire or tying devices. Care should be taken to ensure that the projection ends of ties or
clips do not encroach into the concrete cover.

4. The position of reinforcement shall be checked before and during concreting, particular
attention being paid to the position of top reinforcement in cantilever sections. Where
there is delay in depositing concrete after the placement of the reinforcement the
Engineer may require the Contractor to restore the reinforcement to a satisfactory
condition and may require protection of same from further corrosion.

5. Surface Condition of Reinforcement: Concrete shall not be placed unless reinforcement

is free from mud, oil, paint, retarders, loose rust, loose mill scale, grease or any other
substance badly rusted or pitted reinforcement will be rejected. Mechanical brushes shall
be used in cleaning steel bars.
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6. All reinforcement shall be stored under cover to avoid with the ground, moisture, dust,
and salts and to avoid distortion once bent to shape. Improper storage will be sufficient
cause for rejection of reinforcement.

7. Laps and Joints of Reinforcement: Laps and joints shall only be made by methods
specified and at the positions shown on the Drawings or as agreed by the Engineer.

8. Ends of bars, which are left projecting for any period exceeding 4 weeks, shall be
painted with a heavy coat of neat cement grout, which shall be removed prior to
continuation of concreting.

9. Concrete cover to reinforcement shall be as shown on the drawings and the allowable
tolerances shall be in accordance with BS 8110.

10. Tie wire shall be annealed iron wire not less than No. 16 gauge or approved fasteners,
unless shown otherwise on the drawings.

11. Reinforcement that has in any way been previously used shall not be reused in the work.

12. Welding of Reinforcement: Welding on site shall be avoided if possible, but where
suitable safeguards and techniques are employed and provided that the types of steel
(including high yield steel to B.S. 4449 and B.S. 4461) have the required welding
proportions, it may be undertaken. Generally, however, all welding shall be carried out
under controlled conditions in a factory or workshop. The competence of the operators
shall be demonstrated prior to and periodically during the welding operations.

13. Cutting and Bending Reinforcement: Reinforcement shall be cut and/or bent in
accordance with B.S. 4466. Bends in reinforcement shall have a substantially constant
curvature. Where the temperature of the steel is below 5 Deg. C, special precautions
may be necessary such as reducing the speed of bending or, with the Engineers
approval, increasing the radius of bending. Where it is necessary to bend reinforcement
projecting from concrete, care should be taken to ensure that the radius the bend is not
less than that specified in B.S. 4466. The Engineers written approval shall be obtained
before cutting or heating any reinforcement detailed on the drawings. All reinforcement
bars, coated and uncoated, shall be bent cold unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
Where it is necessary to reshape steel previously bent, this shall only be done with the
Engineers approval and each bar shall be inspected for signs of fracture.

14. Reinforcement (particularly grade 410/425 should not be subject to mechanical damage
or shock loading prior to embedment. It is permissible to bend grade 250 reinforcement
projecting from concrete provided that care is taken to ensure that the radius of bend is
not less than that specified in BS 4466. Grade 410/425 bars should not be rebent or
straightened without the Engineers approval.


A. Ready Mixed Concrete

1. Comply with ASTM C94.

2. Add mixing water only at the Site.

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3. Discharge the concrete completely at the Site within one hour after the introduction of
the water to the aggregates. In hot weather reduce this time limit so that no stiffening of
the concrete shall occur until after it has been placed.

4. Begin the mixing operation within thirty minutes after the cement has been intermingled
with the aggregates.

B. Batch Mixing at Site (if permitted by Governmental authority having jurisdiction)

1. Comply with BS 8110, Section 6, OR ACI 301, Chapter 7, Paragraphs 7.2 and 7.5.

2. Excessive mixing requiring the addition of water to preserve the required consistency
will not be permitted. Mix concrete to a consistency, which can be readily placed
without segregation.

3. Where admixtures are specified, equip mixers with a device for measuring and
dispensing the admixture.

C. Hand Mixed Concrete: This is not permitted.


A. Construction and Control Joints

1. Comply with BS 8110, Section 6, Paragraph 6.12, or ACI 301, Chapter 6, Paragraph 6.1
and B.S. 5337.

2. Construction joints other than when formed at movement joints shall be kept to a
minimum possible consistent with convenience of construction and design
consideration. Concreting shall be carried out continuously unto locations of
construction joints.

3. Where it is necessary to introduce construction joints, careful consideration shall be

given to their exact location. The location of construction joints shall be subject to
agreement between the Engineer and the Contractor before any work commences.
Construction joints shall be at right angles to the general direction of the member and
shall take due account of shear and other stresses.

4. Vertical joints shall be formed against a stop board. The top surface of a layer of
concrete shall be level and reasonably flat unless design considerations make this
undesirable. Joint lines shall be so arranged that they coincide with features of the
finished work.

5. Kickers (i.e. a starter stub) shall be at least 150 mm high and carefully constructed and
shall be cast along with the main concrete.

6. Immediately prior to recommencement of concreting on a joint, the surface of the

concrete against which new concrete will be cast shall be free from laitance and shall be
roughened to the extent that the largest aggregate is exposed but not disturbed. Care
shall be taken that the joint surface is cleaned immediately before the fresh concrete is
placed against it.

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7. Saturate the cleaned surface with water and slush with a coating of 1:1 cement-sand
grout. Place new concrete before grout has attained its initial set. Clean horizontal
construction joints and pour the cement-sand mortar over joints in walls to a depth of 25
mm before depositing concrete. In walls, do not space construction joints more than 15
meters apart, unless otherwise shown.

8. Care shall be taken in the placing of the new concrete close to the joint. This concrete
shall be well compacted and vibrated.

9. Control for control of thermal cracking should be formed using crack inducers or water
stops having built-in inducers. Control joints shall be placed in slabs-on-grades, tanking
walls and retaining walls at spacing indicated on structural drawings. Control joints in
concrete topping to PC beams at typical floors and at other locations in slabs and cast-
in-place beams shall be formed in accordance with the details shown on structural

B. Water stops: Comply with B.S. 5337, Appendix D, Paragraph D4, OR ACI 301, Chapter 6,
Paragraph 6.3. Clamp water stops at top to prevent displacement.

C. Embedded Items

1. Comply with ACI 301, Chapter 6, Paragraphs 6.4 and 6.5.

2. Set anchorage devices by line and transit, and coordinate the locating of all anchorage
devices to be set for the accommodation of the work of other trades.

3. Locate anchor bolts and/or threaded type insert and bars as shown on the Drawings and
on shop drawings. Obtain necessary templates from the mechanical trades as required
for the setting of anchor bolts and other items for mechanical equipment, as required.

4. Assist other trades in the installation of piping, pipe sleeves, conduit, and similar items
where such items are to be installed in concrete. Provide frames to securely hold anchor
bolts and anchorage devices in place during construction, and take care that no
displacement occurs during the placing of concrete. Under this Section furnish and set
items not furnished by other trades using approved standard type items suitable for their
intended purpose.


A. Comply with ACI Standard 301, Chapter 8, Para. 8.1 for preparation before placing and
with BS 8110, Section 6, Para 6.5 and 6.8. Notify the Engineer 24 hours before each
placement so that the forms and reinforcement may be examined. Do not place concrete
until inspection has been made or waived.

B. Concrete shall not be mixed or placed at shade air temperature below 2 Deg. C on a rising
thermometer, or at a shade air temperature below 3 Deg. C on a falling thermometer. When
the shade air temperature is 32 Deg. C and rising, special precautions shall be taken during
concrete operations, such as shading of the aggregates, formwork and plant, cooling of the
mixing water or other methods approved by the Engineer so that the temperature of the
concrete when placed shall not exceed 30 Deg. C. The temperature of the concrete can be
reduced by cooling the water and the aggregate.

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C. Fresh concrete placed at these temperatures shall be shaded from the direct rays of the sun
to the satisfaction of the Engineer for a period of 24 hours. Concrete is not to be mixed and
placed when the shade air temperature is 38 Deg. C or above.

D. Before concrete is placed, clean mixing and conveying equipment from hardened concrete
and foreign matter. Check forms for construction and detail. Secure reinforcement sleeves
and inserts in correct position. Forms shall be free of water and all debris. Sprinkle with
water any semi-porous sub-grade to eliminate suction. Water shall be removed from
excavation before depositing concrete, such water shall not be allowed to wash over newly
formed concrete.

E. Comply with ACI Standard 301, Chapter 8, Para 8.2 for conveying concrete. Concrete shall
be transported from the mixer to the formwork as rapidly as practicable by methods, which
will prevent the segregation or loss of any of the ingredients and maintain the required
workability. Concrete shall be placed and compacted without addition of water. Care shall
be taken to avoid displacement of reinforcement or movement of formwork and damage to
faces of formwork.

F. Care shall be exercised to prevent segregation of concrete and to prevent splashing the
forms while placing concrete. Concrete shall be placed through canvas tremie tubes only
equipped with suitable hopper heads. Chutes or trunking shall be of variable lengths so that
the free fall of the concrete from the end shall not exceed one meter and a sufficient number
shall be used to ensure that the concrete surface is approximately level at all times. Where
alternative provisions can be made, which are acceptable to the Engineer, then low slump
concrete can be dropped vertically through greater heights than one meter.

G. Concrete shall be thoroughly compacted by vibration, pressure, shock or other means during
the operation of placing and thoroughly worked around the reinforcement, around
embedded fixtures and into corners of the formwork to form a solid mass free from voids
and which will have required surface finish when formwork is removed. Vibration shall be
applied continuously during the placing of each batch of concrete until the expulsion of air
has practically ceased and there is no secretion of ingredients. Care shall be taken that the
vibrator is not used any closer than 75 mm from the formed surface. Where permanent
precast concrete formwork is used in the structure, its energy absorption should be taken
into account when deciding on the method of vibration to be used, and the Engineers prior
approval shall be obtained in respect thereof.

H. Concrete, which has achieved its initial set and cannot be properly compacted shall not be
placed in the forms.

I. Concrete topping: Before application the surfaces shall be thoroughly wetted and brushed
over with a coat of neat cement grout. The topping shall be placed before the grout has
started to set.

J. Slope surfaces to drains where indicated. Slope shall be as indicated on Drawings.

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A. General

1. Comply with BS 8110, Section 6, Para. 6.6 and 6.8 and ACI Standard 301, Chapter 12.

2. The methods of curing and their duration shall be such that the concrete will have
satisfactory durability and strength, and the member will suffer a minimum distortion,
be free of excessive efflorescence and will not cause by its shrinkage, undue cracking in
the structure. Insulate the concrete so that it is maintained at a suitable temperature or
both to prevent excessive moisture loss from the concrete. Curing shall be appropriate to
different members and products. Where necessary special care shall be taken to ensure
that similar components are cured under the same conditions.

3. Curing shall be promptly commenced, be total in coverage and continued without


B. Curing Methods

1. Ponding with Water: Effective for flat surfaces. Curing water shall not be more than 11
Deg. C (52 Deg. F) cooler than the concrete and shall be free of substances that may
stain or discolor concrete.

2. Saturated Material: Saturated material shall be held in close contact with concrete
surfaces and maintained in moist condition so that a film of water remains on the
concrete surface throughout the curing period. Saturated materials shall be kept wet for a
minimum of seven days after stripping.

3. Intermittent Spraying with Water: Care shall be taken that newly finished concrete is not
damaged by water erosion. If spraying is done at intervals, concrete surfaces shall not
dry out between applications of water.

4. Top of columns and walls shall be cured after initial setting. As soon as formwork is
loosened water curing shall be applied to sides of columns and walls, and shall continue
uninterrupted for a minimum of seven days.

5. Slabs and flat surfaces shall be cured by flooding. Flat concrete surfaces shall be
covered immediately after concrete is placed, tamped, and leveled, with polyethylene
sheet and flooded with water as soon as initial hardening of concrete occurs. Covering
surface shall follow progress of concrete placement until the whole surface is covered
and flooded. Polyethylene sheet may be removed after 24 hours and regular flooding
maintained for a minimum of 7 days.

6. Use special thermometers of sufficient length of stem to monitor the concrete

temperature of the raft foundation slab as soon as concrete is placed to the required
level. Monitor temperature of concrete for 7 days and provide the Engineer with daily

7. Curing Compounds

a. Where there is lack of adequate supplies of clean water, curing membrane solution
shall be applied at the coverage rate recommended by the manufacturer (two coats,
one at right angles to the other), immediately after placing concrete.
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b. Concrete surfaces shall be damp when the coating is applied. Curing compounds
shall not be used if bond is necessary such as in base slab of two-course floor.

c. Conventional curing compounds shall not be used if a special finish is to be applied.

In such cases, special resin solutions that do not affect adhesion of finishes may be
used as approved by the Engineer.

C. Curing Periods: Seven (7) days is the minimum curing period for all cast-in-place concrete.
At the discretion of the Engineer the curing period may be extended.


A. Comply with BS 8110:85, Section 6, Para. 6.9.3 OR ACI 301, Chapter 4, Para. 4.5.

B. Do not remove forms or supports until the concrete has thoroughly hardened and has
attained sufficient strength to support its own weight and construction live loads to be
placed thereon; without damage to the structure. Do not disturb forms or supports until the
concrete has attained at least 40% of design strength for side forms and 80% of design
strength for bottom forms. Be responsible for proper form removal and replace any work
damaged due to inadequate maintenance or improper or premature form removal.

C. The following shall be the minimum periods before striking formwork, unless otherwise
directed by the Engineer:

1. Vertical formwork to columns,

walls and large beams 2 days

2. Beam sides 2 days

3. Beam soffits formwork 15 days

4. Props to beams 21 days

5. Soffit formwork to slab 7 days

6. Props to slab 15 days

D. The removal time may be decreased with the Engineers approval where surface
temperature of concrete is 16 Deg. C and above; refer to Table 6.6, Section 6 of BS 8110,
Part 1.

E. Protect the newly placed concrete from high and low temperatures using suitable means of
insulation for the duration of the curing.

F. Care shall be exercised in form removal to prevent chipping of corners and other damage.
Experienced foremen shall supervise form removal.

G. Removal of bottom form linings between props prior to the removal of supports may be
permitted provided the formwork has been designed to allow such removal without
disturbing the supports.

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H. No new permanent structure shall be constructed on any part of the erected structure while
the latter is still supported by formwork unless walls are built above another wall carried on
a properly supported base. This requirement does not prohibit the use of props to take the
load of more than one level of framing.


A. Comply with B.S. 5606 or ACI Standard 117-81, Part 5, unless noted otherwise.


A. Efflorescence, stains, oils, grease, or any unsightly accumulation of foreign materials that
are visible on the exposed exterior and/or interior surface of finished concrete, shall be
removed. Such action may cover all exposed concrete or when irregular lapping can be
avoided, only such parts as are affected by the stains or other unsightly appearances. No
such remedial action shall be taken without the approval of the Engineer.


A. Comply with ACI 301, Chapter 9.


A. General Requirements for Flatwork: Strike off top surfaces of finished fill and monolithic
slabs true and level within a tolerance of 3 mm in 3 meters and measured with a 3 meter
straight edge placed in any direction at any location.

B. Monolithic Floor Finish: Level surface and remove excess laitance by tamping, screeding
and preliminary wood floating. When the slab has hardened sufficiently so that water and
fine material will not be worked to the top, compact the surface with motor-driven floats of
the disc type and trowel smooth with two steel toweling operations. Do the second toweling
after the concrete has become so hard that no mortar will adhere to the edge of the trowel.
Leave floors with a smooth, hard finish free of blemishes and true to a maximum tolerance
of 3mm in 3 meters. Monolithically finish surfaces scheduled to receive the following:

1. Hardener and Sealer.

C. Motor Float Finish: Level surface and remove excess laitance by tamping, screeding, and
preliminary wood floating. When the slab has hardened sufficiently so that water and fine
material will not be worked to the top, compact the surface with motor-driven floats of the
disc type. Leave floors/roofs with a smooth finish and true to a maximum tolerance of 3mm
in 3 meters. Motor float finish surfaces scheduled to receive the following:

1. Membrane Waterproofing.

D. Rough Slab Finish: Tamp the concrete using special tools to force the aggregate away from
the surface, then screed with straight edges to produce a reasonably true and uniform
surface. Rough slab finish surfaces scheduled to receive the following:

1. Floor beds (Ceramic tiles, Marble, Insulation, Etc. )

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E. Wood Float Finish: Tamp the concrete using special tools to force aggregate away from the
surface, then screed with straight edges to bring surfaces to the required lines. While the
concrete is still green, wood float to a true and uniform plane to a 3mm in 3m tolerance with
no coarse aggregate visible and apply a medium stiff broom finish striated uniformly at
right angles to traffic pattern and in the direction indicated then moisture and seal the

1. Driveway, Ramps and Parking.

F. Interior Exposed Concrete Surfaces of Slab, Beams, Columns, and Walls: Unless otherwise
shown, leave a smooth finish, even-textured and free of blemishes. Repair or replace
defective areas, as directed. As soon as the face forms are removed, remove all fins and
other projections carefully, level offsets, and grind where necessary. Repairing, replacing
and pointing and filling voids shall be done to the Engineers satisfaction. Patch as specified
under paragraph Patching. Refer to architectural drawings to determine surfaces
scheduled to receive paint.


A. Place lightweight concrete in accordance with manufacturers instructions, using equipment

and procedures to avoid segregation of mix and loss of air content. Maintain thickness and
slopes as shown on Drawings. Leave top surfaces in acceptable condition to receive
subsequent application.

B. Cure lightweight concrete as recommended by the manufacturer.


A. Examine condition of porous fill and remedy any unsatisfactory portions prior to applying
vapour barrier.

B. Cover porous fill with vapour barrier of polyethylene sheeting. Do not lay sheeting until
immediately prior to placing of reinforcing mesh and concrete. Seal seams as recommended
by the manufacturer.

C. Do not place concrete over vapour barrier until all breaks have been patched and sealed.


A. Apply in accordance with the approved manufacturers printed instructions, on all areas
designated to receive hardener.


A. Mix grout in accordance with the approved manufacturers instructions to a consistency,

which will permit placement. Place grout so as to ensure complete bearing and elimination
of air pockets.

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A. General: The following concrete shall be deemed to be defective and shall be removed
from the site:

1) Concrete, which is not formed, as indicated, is not true to intended alignment, is not
plumb or level where so intended, is not true to intended grades and levels.

2) Has voids or honeycomb that has been cut, resurfaced, or filled, unless acceptable to the
Engineers Representative.

3) Has any sawdust, shavings, wood, or embedded debris; or

4) Does not fully conform to Contract provisions.

B. Repairs and Replacements:

1) No patching shall be done until concrete has been inspected by the Engineers
Representative. The Engineers Representative will inspect concrete surfaces
immediately after forms are removed. Permission to patch does not imply waiver of the
Engineers Representative's right to require complete removal and replacement of said
work, if in the Engineers Representative's opinion said patching does not satisfactorily
restore quality and appearance of work.

2) Defective concrete may be cut and repaired by approved methods, when and as directed
by the Engineers Representative.
3) If any defective surfaces are found after removal of forms, the concrete shall be out if
necessary, the defects corrected, and the surfaces made to match the adjoining surfaces.

4) Work all uneven surfaces and angles of the concrete to a surface matching the correct
contiguous surfaces.

5) Any concrete not formed as required, concrete out of alignment, surfaces beyond
required tolerances or defective surfaces which cannot be properly repaired, or patched,
shall be removed and replaced at Contractor's expenses, including any concrete failing
to meet the specified strength because of Contractor's procedures.

6) All bolt and tie holes and other similar defects shall be cleaned, dampened, and filled
with patching concrete immediately after removing forms.

7) Bulges, projections, honeycomb, and all other defects in exposed concrete shall be
removed to sound concrete. Thickness or patch shall be 25 mm (1 inch) minimum.

8) The perimeter edges of all areas to receive patching shall be cut perpendicular to the
surface or undercut. Featheredge patched will not be allowed.

9) A bond coat of stiff neat Portland cement and water shall be brushed into the
predampened patching area and allowed to partially set. Fill area with specified
patching mix in 12 mm (1/2 inch) layers, compared and surface scratched to receive
successive layers.

10) Patching mix shall be one part Portland cement to two parts sand.

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11) Large patches shall be held in place with forms matching original forms.

12) The patched area shall be left undisturbed for one hour before final finishing.

13) Patched areas shall be kept damp for 7 days.

14) Metal tools shall not be used in finishing patches on exposed surfaces.


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A. General: This specifications shall include the sand blasted finish over faced pre-cast
(Plant pre-cast) concrete in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Document.


A. Section 03300 : Cast-in-place Concrete.

B. Section 03450 : Faced Architectural Precast concrete panel


Abrasible blast finish to architectural concrete.

Masking of adjacent untreated surfaces.

Extent of work is indicated on drawings.


A. All work and material shall conform to the Portland cement association sand blasting
specification, latest edition and as herein specified.

B. A record of satisfactory performance in the work this section shall be provided and only
a qualified crew of sandblasters used throughout the duration of the work. Only qualified
journeymen (and apprentices) shall be engaged in the sandblasting work and shall hold a
Tradesmens Qualified Certificate of Proficiency.


A. ACT 301 - Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings

B. BS 882 - Concrete Aggregates
C. BS 5328:1981 - Ready-mix Concrete
D. ASTM C150 - Portland Cement
E. BS5075 Part-2:1982 - Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete
F. ASTM C494 - Chemical Admixtures for Concrete.


A. Prepare 3 control sample panels minimum size 600x600mm using the proposed
method of construction for the job, including plant, form-work, release agent,
reinforcement, specified concrete mix and method of obtaining form-work finish.
B. Obtain approval of appearance of each control sample before blasting concrete
represented by the sample.

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C. Type of nozzle, nozzle pressure and blasting techniques required to achieve accepted
samples, max. length of hose 50m.

D. Accepted samples shall be the control standard for all subsequent work, however the
first 10m sq. on site in a location agreed with the Engineer to be approved prior to
commencement of remainder of work.


A. Immediately upon arrival at the site the sand shall be stored in a dry weather-tight
and properly ventilated structure. All storage facilities shall be subject to approval of
the Engineer.



A. As specified in Section 03300 and 03450.


A. Natural or manufactured sand as used to produce sample panels acceptable to the


B. Gradation of the sand and aggregate at time of usage shall conform to the following

Sieve Size Percent Passing

4.8 mm 100
2.0 mm 90 - 100
1.2 mm 40 - 60
300 mm 5 - 7
150 mm 0 - 2
75 mm 0 - 1

The aggregate shall be wet processed an automatic type of classifier. It shall be sized as to
maximum particle size by screed 015% by weight.


A. All compressors, pots, lines and nozzles shall be in good condition throughout the course
of the work. The compressor shall have ample capacity to maintain the required amounts
of air for the production rate anticipated. Proper maintenance shall be given to the pots,
lines and nozzles in order to ensure continuously trouble-free operation and maintain the
proper rate of flow and pressure.

B. Sandblasting equipment shall have air compressor capacity of 140 cubic

decimeters/second. Hose lengths shall not exceed 60m and diameter less than 38mm.
A=9.5mm diameter nozzle shall be used unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.

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A. Examine all surface conditions which are to receive sandblasting treatment. Verify that
they are adequate to provide a satisfactory finish. Report any deficient surfaces to the


A. Perform (in relationship to paragraph 3.01 above) minor surface preparation work to
ensure no visual defects in final finished work.

B. Prepare protection to adjacent concrete surfaces not to receive sand blasting treatment
and other non concrete surfaces requiring protection.


A. Schedule of Abrasive Blast Finishes as follows:

1. SF-2 Light : Exposes some of the fine aggregate as well as removing surface dirt
and stains. Depth of cut shall not exceed 1.5mm.

B. Commence sandblasting within 10 days of stripping form-work and at a consistent data

in relationship to the continuous fabrication of the architectural precast concrete units.

C. Every square centimeter shall be blasted uniformly by at least two passed of the sand
gun with the nozzles held at right angles to the surface and no closer than 900mm.

D. Operating pressure shall be 500 to 700 KF at the nozzle.

E. After blasting areas shall be thoroughly blow down with air pressure at 0.517 Mpa



1. Stop abrasive blasting at formed recesses or stops as detailed on the drawings.

2. Use back-up boards to maintain uniform edge lines.


A. Control dust, debris and concrete chips in area of work and remove such material at end
of application.

B. Control migration of airborne materials by use of screens.

C. Protect adjacent finishes from over-spray. Be responsible for all damage resulting from
inadequate protection.

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A. Provide all labour, materials, equipment, hoists, tools and sundries required to complete,
protect and maintain the surface hardener over concrete topping or directly over concrete
stabs as per contractual requirements.


A. Provide materials and components and perform work in accordance with relevant British
Standards, including but not limited to the following:

1. BS 476: Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures

2. BS 8204-3:1994: Code of Practice for Polymer Modified Cementitious
Wearing Surface


A. Product Data: Provide product data for surface hardener, giving details of treatment,
compatibilities, and limitations.

B. Submit to the Engineer detailed design mix to be used method of statement for the
execution of the job, for approvals.

C. Submit to the Engineer, samples of hardener to be used in the project.


A. Manufacturers Instruction: Provide manufacturers instruction for mixing and method of


B. Product Catalogues: Provide manufacturers product catalogue, giving full details of

application and recommended areas of use.

1.05 MOCK-UP

A. Construct a complete mock-up for an area of 20 M2 along with surface hardener directed by
the Engineer. Co-ordinate work along with other disciplines to have a final finish. Approved
mock-up can remain as part of a final work.


A. Deliver all packaged materials to the site in original unopened containers, clearly indicating
manufacturers name, brand name, and other identifying information.
B. Store material in a dry, well-ventilated location, off the ground and in such a manner so
as to prevent damage or intrusion of foreign matter. All materials, which, in the opinion of
the Engineer, have become damaged or otherwise unfit for use during delivery or storage,
shall be replaced.
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A. Products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Manufacturers, which are equal to or better
than those specified, and which conform to the Engineers design requirements and color
sections, may be acceptable subject to the Engineers approval.


A. FOSROC Chemicals
Agent in Kuwait: Boodai Trading and Contracting
Tel: 4817618

B. Master Builders Technologies & Spectop

Agent in Kuwait: Al-Bahar & Bardawil
Tel: 482144

C. 3M Gulf Ltd.
Agent in Kuwait: Al-Bahar & Bardawil
Tel: 4812144

D. Approved equal


A. Apply Nitoflor Emeritop of FOSROC chemicals. Surface hardener will be a monolithic

compound containing non-metallic, rust-free dynagrip aggregates. The aggregates shall have a
value not less than 9 on Mohs scale and the compound shall have the ability to improve the abrasion
resistance of concrete by 300%. Product described is from FOSROC Chemicals. Other approved
manufacturers equal will be allowed if better than the specified and approved by the Engineer.



A. Verify that floor surfaces are acceptable to receive the work of this Section.

B. Co-ordinate works with cement concrete work for application.


A. Thoroughly clean and ensure that surfaces are dry and structurally sound.

B. Divide the area into bays, for easy installation purpose.


A. Apply Emeritop surface hardener by dry shake method at the rate of not less than 5 kg/m2.

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B. Surface hardener will be applied in two stages. The first application is spread at an even rate
of 3 kg/m2 on to the concrete surface when the concrete is green.

C. By means of power float, produce a smooth surface.

D. The second application is spread at the rate of 2 kg/m2 evenly at right angles to the first,
when the moisture has been absorbed.

E. Final finishing of the floor will be carried out when the floor has stiffened sufficiently so
that damage will not be caused.


A. Protect the surface from any damage until used for traffic.


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A. General: Engineer, furnish, cure, reinforce pre-cast structural (Plant pre-cast) concrete in
accordance with the requirements of the Contract Document.


A. Section 03100: Concrete Formwork

B. Section 03200: Concrete Reinforcement

C. Section 03300: Cast-In-Place Concrete.


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with
the applicable provisions and recommendations of the standards and codes listed in
Clause 1.02 of Section 03300 and also the PCI Manual for Quality Control of Plants
and Products of Pre-cast and Pre-stressed Concrete Producers. (PCI Manual 116

This Specifications Section shall govern all Structural Pre-cast concrete work for the project
except where more stringent or specialized requirements are indicated. All work shall be
performed to secure for the project homogeneous concrete having the required strength,
surface finish, materials, durability and weathering resistance, without planes of
weakness or other structural defects and free of honeycombs, air pockets, voids,
projections offset of plane and other defacements of concrete. Be fully responsible for
any defects or damage in the building arising from faulty materials or workmanship and
the costs of remedial measures in order to ensure that the completed work complies with
the Contract Documents.

C. Base construction methodology on the construction indicated in the Contract

Documents. No alterations or substitutions of the structural systems shown on the
drawings are permitted unless otherwise specified.

D. Supervise and coordinate all phases of the structural precast concrete construction
process and be responsible for the complete manufacturing process. All methods of
manufacture and practices of handling raw materials and manufactured concrete shall be
reviewed by the Engineer prior to execution of the structural precast concrete work.

E. Only materials of know quality shall be incorporated in the work. All materials shall be
selected reviewed and approved by the Engineer before use, and maintained during
shipment, storage and use. Construction systems and techniques shall be selected,
reviewed and approved by the Engineer before use, and maintained throughout the
complete structural precast concrete construction phase. Adequate spare equipment,
parts, additional components, and repair facilities shall be available for all tools and
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F. Be responsible for all materials, methods of structural precast concrete work, and if any
work does not satisfy the Contract Documents, implement removal, replacement or
remedial work and revise procedures or materials to prevent recurrence of unacceptable
work at no additional cost to the Employer.


A. Comply with applicable requirements of the following standards and those referenced in
this Section. Where these standards conflict with other requirements, the most restrictive
requirements shall govern.

1. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements of

Reinforced Concrete.
2. ANSI/ASTM A 36 - Structural Steel.
3. ANSI/ASTM A 185 - Welded Steel Wire Fabric for
Concrete Reinforcement
4. ANSI/ASTM A 307 - Carbon Steel Externally Threaded
Standard Fasteners.
5. ASTM A 325 - High Strength Bolts for Structural
Steel Joints.
6. NSI/ASTM A 386 - Zinc Coating on Assembled Steel
7. ASTM A 615 - Deformed and plain billet Steel Bars
for Concrete Reinforcement.
8. ANSI/ASTM A 666 - Austenitic Stainless Steel, Sheet, Strip,
Plate and Flat Bar for Structural
9. ANSI/ASTM C 31 - Making and Curing Concrete Test
Specimens in the Field.
10. ASTM C 33 - Concrete Aggregates.
11. ASTM C 143 - Test for Slump of Portland cement
12. ASTM C 150 - Portland Cement.
13. ASTM C 260 - Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete.
14. AWS-D1.1 - Structural Welding Code.
15. PCI - Manual for Structural Design of
Plant-Pre-cast Architectural Concrete.
16. PCI MNL-117 - Manual for Quality Control for Plants
and Production of Plant-Pre-cast
Architectural Concrete Products.
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17. PCI MNL-120 - Design Handbook-Pre-cast and
Pre-stressed Concrete.

18. All applicable federal, state, and municipal codes, laws and regulations for structural


A. Structural precast concrete work shall be executed by a specialist Sub-Contractor unless

the Contractor can satisfy the Engineer that he (the Contractor) has sufficient experience
and expertise in this field to execute this work himself in which case his tradesmen and
their supervisory personnel engaged in such work must have successful experience with
work comparable to that shown and specified including organized quality control and
testing procedures.


A. Concrete shall be tested. Refer to Section 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete Clause 1.06
Quality Control for testing requirements.

B. Conduct load tests in accordance with ACI 318 before erection and also after erection
and casting of topping slab to substantiate the performance characteristics of structural
precast elements so designated by the Engineer.

1. Review itinerary with the Engineer prior to testing.

2. Provide calibrated instrumentation for measuring and recording loads, deflections,

stresses, and strains.

C. The Engineer will evaluate the adequacy of the Contractors quality control. In addition
to the requirements hereinafter specified under Paragraph MIX DESIGN the
Contractor shall:

1. Furnish labour required to facilitate testing.

2. Inform the Engineer with at least one days advance notice when concrete is to be
3. Provide storage facilities for concrete test cubes.

4. Provide material samples and access to materials as required for testing.

D. Be responsible for the expose of testing or inspection resulting as a consequence to the


1. Work not in compliance with this Specifications.

2. Additional testing such as additional cubes for early breaks, etc. for construction

3. Testing to verify the adequacy of work done without prior notice, without proper
supervision or contrary to standard construction practice.
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4. Providing additional tests as specified in Section 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete.

E. The Engineer may station a qualified inspector at the batch plant during the entire time
of batting and shall test, inspect and report on the following:

1. The batching equipment and procedures.

2. The conformance of the materials (cement, aggregates, water and admixtures) to the
approved materials.

3. The proportioning of the concrete.

4. Mix transport equipment.

5. The Contractor shall supply office space, acceptable to the Engineer, for exclusive
use by the Inspector.

F. The Engineer will station a qualified inspector at the casting site to test, inspect and
report of the following:

1. For each forty cu. m of each different concrete type or portion thereof cast per day,
the following tests will be performed in accordance with the applicable standards.

a. Six strength tests using 150 x 150 x 150mm cubes per B.S. 1881, made from a
mix selected at random. Break 3 Cubes at age 7 days and three cubes at age 28
days. Additional test specimens may be cast for construction progress control

b. Two Slump Tests: ASTM C143.

c. Two Temperature Tests: Use thermometer calibrated to +/- 0.5% accuracy.

Immerse the thermometer probe into concrete batches selected at random at time
of placement. Stabilized temperature of concrete shall be less than the specified
30C limit.

2. Check all reinforcing, stands, de-bonding and jacking installations to verify

conformance with Contract Documents and approved shop drawings.
3. Check all embedded items to verify conformance with Contract Documents and
approved shop drawings.

4. Check all formwork to verify conformance with Contract Documents and approved
shop drawings.

5. Check all openings and provisions for co-ordination with all trades in the Contract,
as shown on approved shop drawings.

G. The Contractor shall provide facilities and equipment for the conducting of all tests
specified herein except for the strength test, which should be carried out by an
independent testing agency. Comply with B.S. 1881.

H. All welding of steel supports, anchorages connections and attachments will be visually
inspected and measured by the Engineer.

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A. The Contractor shall prepare and provide his quality control program for structural pre-
cast concrete work with particular attention to details, pre-checking processes,
procedures, and close supervision.

B. The Contractor shall arrange for the training of his quality control personnel who will
perform quality control of structural pre-cast concrete work. Training shall include but is
not limited to materials, evaluation, special mix design techniques, mix placement,
vibrator selection and use, form-work details, form-work protection and release agent
use, reinforcing steel, tendons, de-bonding, inserts and jacking detailing and installation,
finishing equipment and techniques, corrective procedures and protection of completed

C. The Contractors quality control personnel shall be responsible for verifying all details
necessary to produce the final structural design objectives. The Contractors quality
control personnel shall also verify the quality of the structural pre-cast concrete work
and guide the production of results, which will be within acceptable physical tolerances.


A. Within one week prior to commencement of structural precast concrete work, the
Contractor shall schedule a pre-construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time with
the Engineer and his designated Representatives, to discuss design, materials, methods
of work and forming systems for structural precast concrete work.

B. Prior to this meeting, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer all pertinent
information including written procedural outlines, description of forming systems,
brochures of proposed equipment, sources of all materials and characteristics of all
materials. The information shall be received by the Engineer at least 30 days prior to the
pre-construction meeting.

C. During the pre-construction meeting the Contractor shall present an outline plan for all
concrete work to be accomplished and indicating special procedures relate to the
structural precast concrete work. The outline shall include reviews of sources of
materials, commentary on source, source variations during the course of the work,
storage and use of materials, description of all equipment necessary for batching,
mixing, conveying, placing, forming, reinforcing, compacting and finishing of structural
precast concrete.


A. Manufacturers Literature: Submit to the Engineer in accordance with requirements of

the Contract Documents, copies of manufacturers specifications and installation
instructions for each item of proprietary material used, showing compliance with these

B. Design Mixes: Submit to the Engineer copies of mix designs with support material, as
described under Paragraph MIX DESIGN.

C. Mill Certificates: Submit to the Engineer copies of manufacturers certificate of mill

tests of all cement, reinforcing steel.

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D. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer in the manner prescribed in the Contract
Documents, layout plans and detailed fabrication and placement drawings for each
structural precast element. The shop drawings are to include the following information:

1. Size, grade, profile and dimensions of all materials used.

2. Connection and anchorage details.

3. Lifting devise, locations and handling limitations.

4. Steel reinforcement details.

5. Tendon layout and dimensions locating tendons in horizontal plane at all points.
Details horizontal curvatures of tendons at block-outs and anchorges.

6. Tendon profiles showing any required placement support devices. Show the location
of each tendon and the method of tendon support.

7. All openings, sleeves, insert, and other provisions in full coordination with all trades
in the contract.

8. Provide structural calculations and written descriptions of procedures covering the

following items:

a. Jacking force and jacking pressure.

b. Maximum temporary jacking fore and jacking pressures.

c. Certified jack calibrations and method of identification. Submit certificates of
calibration from an acceptable testing laboratory to the Engineer for all jacks

d. Sequence of tendon jacking for each different tendon layout.

e. Method of deterring tendon slab, if any.

f. Method of determining anchor force, or force remaining in tendons after

anchorage is complete.

g. Method of sealing tendons.

9. Identification Marks.

E. A record shall kept for every piece of precast element produced showing the following:

1. Type and No.

2. Date of pour.

3. Concrete test results.

4. Ref. Shop drawing No.

5. Type and duration of curing.

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6. Date of delivery to site.

7. Date of fixing in position.

F. Erection Procedures: Submit to the Engineer a detailed outline of sequence and methods
of erection.

G. The initial camber of single and double tees at erection time is estimated at:

20mm for PB1

14mm for PB2
15mm for OB3

The Contractor shall ensure that only beams with cambers varying by 3mm are erected in
adjoining areas of the same floor level. To facilitate this the Contractor shall store beams
arriving to site in groups in accordance with their camber/age.

H. Test Reports: Submit to the Engineer copies of all testing and inspection reports required
under Clause TESTING.

I. Calculations: Submit to the Engineer calculations to substantiate design of proposed

framing elements and connections except where the Contractor has checked and
declared his acceptance of the design prepared by the Engineer.


Transport, store, and handle structural precast units in a manner to avoid under strains, hair
cracks, staining, or other damage. Deliver units from casting site to project site in accordance
with schedule and setting sequence. Store structural precast units clear of the ground and
protected from wind or rain. Cover and protect the units from dust, direct or other staining


A. During fabrication, construction and after erection, protect castings.



A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified

for the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in
quality to or better than those specified will be considered acceptable. The
decision of acceptability will rest with the Engineer.

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B. General: Obtain cement aggregates and water from single source, sufficient to
complete the structural pre-cast and pre-cast pre-stressed concrete work and to
assure regularity of appearance and uniformity of color. Provide all materials in
accordance with and meet all applicable requirements of Section 03300 Cast-in-
Place Concrete.

C. Reinforcing Bars: Reinforcing bars shall meet the requirement of Section 03200
Concrete reinforcements.


A. Properties of Mix: Adjust design mixes as required to obtain the strength specified.

1. Compressive Strength

a. Structural Pre-cast Concrete

(i) Floor Planks, Lintels, Steps, and other members unless stated Otherwise:
300 Kg/sq. cm characteristic cube strength minimum at 28 days and 250
Kg/sq. cm at the time of stripping.


A. ACI 347: Dimensional and surface finish controls specified in Sub-Clause

3.010Tolerances. Formed surfaces of the structural pre-cast elements are to be as
smooth, flat, and joint free as 19mm plywood formed finish or better.

B. Construct forms of non-staining metal, fiberglass reinforced polyester or other approved

material. Fabricate and reinforce for close control of dimensions, shapes, profiles,
curvatures, smooth and perfect edge and corner finishes and details. Construct forms
tightly to prevent leakage of water or mortar. Form joints will not be permitted on faces
exposed to view in the finished work.


A. General: Connecting hardware shall be engineered and designed by the fabricator to
accommodate all loads to which it will be subject to both in the permanent condition and
during handling. Connection details indicated on the drawings shall be considered
minimum required and shall be strengthened as necessary in accordance with design

B. Connecting and Support Devices: ANSI/ASTM A666, Type 316 stainless steel.

C. Bolts, nuts, washers: ANSI/ASTA A666, Type 316 stainless steel.

D. All embedded steel and supporting devices shall be stainless steel unless otherwise
mentioned in the drawing or BOQ. In case of using hot dip galvanized steel embedments
and supporting devices, it shall follow ASTM A36 and following requirements:

1. Galvanize loose stock for welding after fabrication.

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2. After welding prime exposed surfaces of embedments and loose stock with zinc

2.04 MOCK-UP

A. The contractor shall produce one sample mock-up as directed by the Engineer. If the
first mock-up is not accepted by the Engineer (visually and/or structurally) the contractor
shall provide further mock-ups until the Engineers approval is given.


A. Quick drying non-staining type. Obtain manufacturers supplied solvent for cleaning
pre-stressing standards, re-bars and embedded items.

2.07 GROUT

A. Non-Shrink Grout: Non-shrink, non-metallic grout as specified in Section 03300 Cast-

in-Pace Concrete.

B. Epoxy Grout: One of the following or other equal and approved.

1. Expocrte GP (Expandite Ltd.,)

2. Yppol Epoxy Grout (HBM Polymete Products Ltd.)

3. Sikadur 42 (Sika Ltd.)



A. General: Forms and casting beds are to be seated so as not to deflect or be displaced
under concerning. Correct for thermally induced strains or forces.

1. For member penetrations larger than 150mm coring or field cutting is not permitted
unless pre-arranged with and approved by the Engineer.

2. Clean and coat forms with release agent prior to installation or reinforcing or

B. Refer to Section 03300 Cast-in-Place Concrete for materials and other requirements of

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C. Tolerances: Comply with tolerances outlines in PCI Manual 116, summarized and/or
modified as follows:

1. Dimensions:
a. Length : 5mm.

b. Width : 3mm.

c. Thickness : Stem 3mm; flange 2.0mm.

d. Embedment or Penetration Location : +/- 0.20%

1. Straightness : 3mm

2. End Squarences: 3mm.


A. Place mild steel in accordance with placement drawings.

B. Embedments, inserts and lifting devices are to be anchored to resist misplacement during

C. Tolerances: Maximum permissible deviation from detailed placement.

1. Mild Steel Reinforcing : Surface clearance +/-6m.

2. Embedments

a. In Plane : : 1/200.

b. In Position : +/-o mm

D. Broken strands and strands showing fabrication defects shall be removed and replaced.

E. Unbonded part of tendons shall be coated with rust preventive, lubricating mastic and
enclosed in a sheath that will permit the tendons for that part to return to their natural

F. Each tendon may be handled mechanically or manually. Care shall be exercised in

unloading and handling the tendons. Use belt or wedded slings when tendons are
handled mechanically.

G. Tendon placement shall not vary more than 3mm vertically from the points
dimensioned. Tendons shall not be moved laterally to clear openings and/or sleeves.

H. Concrete between tendons and openings in slabs shall be at least 150mm. Reinforcing
steel shall be required at corners of all openings placed in accordance with details shown
on drawing S-01.
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I. Maintain profiles by tying tendons to reinforcing steel, clips or other supports with wire
ties. Tendons shall be supported at a maximum spacing of 1.2m center to center.

J. When welding or burning near tendons, avoid tendon over-heating, or molten slab
coming in contact with the tendon. Do not ground welding equipment to tendons.

K. See Section 0330 Case-in-Place Concrete for additional requirements for all
reinforcing bars.


A. Batch, transport, deposit, consolidate, and strike off the concrete to produce dense
homogeneous concrete elements.

B. Curing: Comply with B.S. 8110 Section 6.

1. Membrane forming curing compounds shall not be used on surfaces to which

topping is to be bonded.

2. Steam Curing:

a. Do not apply steam until concrete undergoes initial set (2 to 4 hours).

b. Heat Gain in Enclosure: Maximum 4C per hour.

c. Maximum Heat in Enclosure: 65C.


A. Remove the structural precast from the form without damaging or overstressing and
store or place for transportation on a stable bed that will not allow further distortion of
the member. Separate stacked members with suitable battens and bracings.

B. Coat all exposed metal inserts with rust preventive paint.

C. Mark each member with an identifying reference or piece mark, and the date of casting.
All piece marks are to be correlated with test reports and plan layouts or erection

D. Transport the structural precast with sufficient, battens, bracing and supports so as not to
overseers by vibration or impact loading.


A. General: Minor cracks and spells not affecting the structural integrity of the element
shall be patched with epoxy type bonding agents and patching compounds:

1. Cracks and honeycomb, in anchorages bearings or otherwise critical zones will be

unacceptable unless repair can be affected and substantiating testing performed.

2. Do not attempt any repair without the Engineers knowledge and approval.

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A. General: Erection responsibilities include the safe placing, aligning and leveling of the
structural precast and precast pre-stressed elements on the accepted bearing surfaces and
affecting their proper securement.

B. Survey: Before placement of structural precast and precast pre-stressed elements, survey
the base structure to confirm line and grade and bearing surface conditions.

C. Guying, Bracing and Shoring: Install in proper sequence and maintain all temporary
supports shown or required to control alignment, deflection and stress levels. Retain
temporary supports until framing elements braced thereby have attained integral stability
in accordance with the design.

D. Adjustment and Correction: Compensate and correct for misaligning affect of

temperature, draw from welding bolting or erection sequence or grouting.

E. Erection Tolerances: Comply with the following erection tolerances:

1. Variations From Plumb: 6mm in any 6mm run, 12mm total in any 12m or longer

2. Variation From Level or Elevation: 6mm in any 6m run; 12mm in any 12m run, total
12mm at any location.

3. Variation From position in Plan: +/-12mm maximum at any location.

4. Offsets in Alignment of Adjacent Members at Any Joint: 1.5mm in any 3mm run,
6mm maximum.

F. Welding: In accordance with AWS Recommendations:

1. Do not weld until all adjacent elements to be connected have been aligned, firmly
seated, and braced.

2. Spelled or heat damaged concrete around weldments is not acceptable.

G. Grouting: Complete joints, gaps, and connections by filling with grout as shown on
drawings and as approved by the Engineer.


A. Field cutting of holes may be done only with the Engineers concurrence and only with
power saws or core drills.

1. Maximum hole size is 150mm diameter or as limited by member size or strand


2. Cracks, spalls and sharp corners created by field cutting shall be ground, eased, and
patched with epoxy type bonding and patching compounds.

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A. Engineer, furnish and erect finished and cured, reinforced, plant-pre-cast architectural

1. Import and mix colored aggregate for all exposed work such as Wall Cladding,
Coping etc. Finish may be bush hammered, sand blasted, exposed aggregate or any
other finish mentioned in the drawings.


A. Section 03300 - Cast-in-Place Concrete

B. Section 04220 Concrete Unit Masonry
C. Section 05500 Metal Fabrications
D. Section 07200 Insulation


A. Comply with applicable requirements of the following standards and those referenced in
this Section. Where these standards conflict with other requirements, the most restrictive
requirements shall govern.

1. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements of

Reinforced Concrete.

2. ANSI/ASTM A 36 - Structural Steel.

3. ANSI/ASTM A 185 - Welded Steel Wire Fabric for

Concrete Reinforcement

4. ANSI/ASTM A 307 - Carbon Steel Externally Threaded

Standard Fasteners.

5. ASTM A 325 - High Strength Bolts for Structural

Steel Joints.

6. NSI/ASTM A 386 - Zinc Coating on Assembled Steel


7. ASTM A 615 - Deformed and plain billet Steel Bars

for Concrete Reinforcement.

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8. ANSI/ASTM A 666 - Austenitic Stainless Steel, Sheet, Strip,
Plate and Flat Bar for Structural
9. ANSI/ASTM C 31 - Making and Curing Concrete Test
Specimens in the Field.

10. ASTM C 33 - Concrete Aggregates.

11. ASTM C 143 - Test for Slump of Portland cement


12. ASTM C 150 - Portland Cement.

13. ASTM C 260 - Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete.

14. AWS-D1.1 - Structural Welding Code.

15. PCI - Manual for Structural Design of

Plant-Pre-cast Architectural Concrete.

16. PCI MNL-117 - Manual for Quality Control for Plants

and Production of Plant-Pre-cast
Architectural Concrete Products.

17. PCI MNL-120 - Design Handbook-Pre-cast and

Pre-stressed Concrete.

18. All applicable federal, state, and municipal codes, laws and regulations for structural


A. Perform work in accordance with latest PCI Manuals for Structural Design of Plant-Pre-
cast Architectural Concrete.

B. Welding: ANSI/AWS D1.1.

C. Design reinforcement under direct supervision of a professional structural Engineer

experienced in design of this work and licensed in Kuwait.

D. Incase insulation is required to be embedded in the panel, the contractor shall provide the
detail of such incorporation for Engineers review and approval. Insulation shall follow
the section 07200

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A. Submit the following under provisions of Division 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:

1. Literature: Manufactures complete product data specifications for Portland cement,

each admixture proposed to be used, integral colorants, curing compounds,
compressible fillers, and other manufactured items.

2. Shop Drawings:

a. Except as otherwise noted, approval of shop drawings will be for size and
arrangement of components, errors in dimensions shown on shop drawings shall
be the responsibility of Contractor. Check and coordinate cast-in-place concrete
work with work of other trades before submitting shop drawings.

b. Do not proceed with fabrication of material or performance of work until

corresponding item on shop drawing has been approved by the Engineer.

3. Samples:

a. Submit three samples, each 300x300x50mm size to match the sample kept and
available for viewing in the Engineers Office.

1.06 MOCK-UP
A. Provide minimum 3 samples 50x50cm as per specified finish.

B. After initial approval of the 50cm x 50cm samples furnish a mock-up of full size at
location identified by the Engineer.


A. Fabricator: Company specializing in performing the work of this Section with minimum
ten (10) years experience.

B. Precast Manufacturers and Erectors: Qualified in accordance with PCI Manual.

C. Welders: Employ only experienced welders, who are certified for the specific, weld
processes and positions required and who have been qualified within the preceding
twelve (12) months under AWS standard qualification procedure for the type of work

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A. Handle precast units to position, consistent with their shape and design. Lift and support
only form support points.

B. Lifting or handling equipment: Capable of maintaining units during manufacture,

storage, transportation, and erection in position for fastening.

C. Blocking and lateral support during transport and storage: Clean, non-straining, without
causing harm to exposed surfaces. Provide temporary lateral support to prevent bowing
and warping.

D. Protect units to prevent staining, clipping or spalling of concrete.

E. Mark units with date of production in location not visible to view when in final position
in structure.


A. Coordinate the work of this Section with the respective trades responsible for installing
interfacing work and ensure that the work performed hereunder is acceptable to such
trades for the installation of their work.

B. Coordinate the placement of anchorage devices and embedded inserts.



A. Concrete Materials:

1. Cement: ASTM C 150, Portland Type 1 white or normal to match specified finish
and sample approved by the Engineers Representative. Use only one brand
throughout project.

2. Fine Aggregate: Washed, inert, sand of color characteristics which when combined
with other constituents will produce concrete of specified color. Fine aggregate shall
conform to ASTM C33 and shall be graded as per Clause 2.01.C.10 of Section

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3. Coarse Aggregate: Provide white marbles, aggregate conforming to ASTM C33 and
shall be hard, durable, carefully selected, graded and free of materials causing
staining or reacting with cement. Provide stone of color that would produce off white
panels in accordance with the mock-up panel approved by the Engineer. Size
gradation shall be limited between maximum inch and minimum inch.

4. Air Entraining Admixture: ASTM C260 as approved by Engineers Representative.

5. Water Reducing Admixture: ASTM C494, Type A, unless otherwise approved by the
Engineers Representative.

6. Water: Clean and not detrimental to concrete.

B. Design of Concrete Mix:

1. Prepare design mixes for each type of concrete required and obtain the Engineers
Representatives approval of the proposed design mix. Provide cement and aggregate
control to provide two uniform colors of precast concrete.

2. Proportion mixes either by laboratory trial batch or field experience methods, using
material to be incorporated on the work for each type of concrete required and
complying with ACI 211.1

3. Concrete Mix: Provide separate back up and facing mixes or only face mix at
fabricators option.

a. General: Comply with ANSI/ACI 301.

b. Minimum compressive strength: 250 kg/cm2 (28-day strength).
c. Air entrainment: 5 to 7 percent.
d. Concrete slump: 75 to 100mm (3 to 4 inches).
e. No calcium chloride will be permitted in mix.

C. Reinforcing Steel: As engineered by fabricator:

1. ASTM A615, grade 60, deformed billet steel, unfinished, of sizes shown on the
approved shop drawings.

2. ANSI/ASTM A185 welded steel wire fabric, in flat sheets, unfinished, of sizes
shown on the approved shop drawings.

3. Tie wire, minimum 1.5mm (16 gage) annealed type.

D. Exposed Aggregate Retarder: (if selected for finish) provide non-staining product, which
produces results matching approved samples and mock-ups. Water-base concrete surface
retarders conforming to FOSROC-Preco Hydrated or approved equivalent. Trials to be
performed prior to manufacture of concrete units to confirm the correct grade of

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A. General: Connecting hardware shall be engineered and designed by the fabricator to

accommodate all loads to which it will be subject to both in the permanent condition and
during handling. Connection details indicated on the drawings shall be considered
minimum required and shall be strengthened as necessary in accordance with design

B. Connecting and Support Devices: ANSI/ASTM A666, Type 316 stainless steel.

C. Bolts, nuts, washers: ANSI/ASTA A666, Type 316 stainless steel.

D. All embedded steel and supporting devices shall be stainless steel unless otherwise
mentioned in the drawing or BOQ. In case of using hot dip galvanized steel embedments
and supporting devices, it shall follow ASTM A36 and following requirements:

1. Galvanize loose stock for welding after fabrication.

2. After welding prime exposed surfaces of embedments and loose stock with zinc


A. Non-shrink grout: Premixed compound consisting of non-metallic aggregate, cement,

water reducing and plasticizing agents: capable of developing minimum compressive
strength of 170 kg/cm2 (2400 psi).

B. Sealant: As specified in Section 07920-Sealants, calking and seals.


A. Fabrication procedure to conform to PCI Manual.

B. Maintain plant records and quality control program during production of precast units.
Make records available upon request.

C. Use rigid molds constructed to maintain precast unit uniform in shape, size, and finish.
Use fillet and chamfer strip, 20x20mm (unless shown otherwise or required otherwise)
in timber of PVC to the approval of the Engineers Representative.

D. Maintain consistent quality during manufacture.

E. Fabricate connecting devices, plates, angles, insets, bolts, and accessories. Fabricate to
permit initial placement and final attachment.

F. Embed reinforcing steels, anchors and inserts plates, angles, and other cast-in items as
indicated on shop drawings.
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G. Cure units to develop concrete quality and to minimize appearance blemishes such as
non-uniformity, staining, or surface cracking.

H. Minor patching in plant is acceptable, provided structural, adequacy and appearance of

units is not impaired, and patch is acceptable to the Engineers Representative.

I. Coating: Coat forms before each pour with non-staining form release agents, which will
not interfere with adhesion of sealant, glazing compounds insulation adhesive, applied
finishes and similar applied products.


A. Ensure exposed to view finish surfaces of precast units are uniform in color and
appearance and match sample approved by the Engineer.

B. Conform to PCI Manual for finish surfaces.

C. Allowable casting tolerance to conform to PCI Manual.

D. The exposed surfaces to precast units shall be sand blasted to the Engineers
Representatives approval.



A. Inspect all surfaces and verifies that they are in proper condition to receive the work of
this Section.

B. Verify that building structure, anchors, devices and openings are ready to receive work
of this Section.

C. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing site conditions.

D. Submit a complete method statement for fabrication including but not limited to the

1. Approval of molds
2. Inspection procedures at plant before delivery and receiving on site.
3. Qualification of erectors and welders.
4. Installation inspection process.

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A. Provide erection procedures and induced loads during erection. Maintain temporary
bracing in place until final support is provided.


A. Erect units without damage to shape or finish. Replace or repair damaged panels at no
additional cost to the Engineer.

B. Erect units level and plumb within allowable tolerances.

C. Align and maintain uniform horizontal and vertical joints as erection progresses.

D. When units require adjustment beyond design or tolerance criteria, discontinue affected
work, advise Engineers Representative.


A. Maximum Variation from Plane of Location: 6mm (1/4 inch) in 3000mm (10 feet) and
9mm (3/8 inch) in 30m (100 feet) non-cumulative.

B. Maximum Offset from True Alignment between Two Connecting Units: 6mm (1/4

C. Joint Tolerance: Plus or minus 6mm (1/4 inch).

D. Refer to PCI Manual for tolerances of internal dimensions of units.


A. Adjust units so that joint dimensions are within tolerances.


A. Excessive honeycomb or embedded debris in concrete is not acceptable. Notify

Engineers Representative of discovery upon delivery at job site.

B. Patch imperfections as directed, in accordance with ACI 301.

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A. Defective Concrete: Concrete not conforming to required lines, details, dimensions,

tolerances and specified requirements.

B. Repair or replacement of defective concrete will be determined by the Engineers


C. Do not patch, fill, touch-up, repair, or replace exposed concrete except upon express
direction of Engineers Representative for each individual area.


A. Protect units from damage.

B. Provide non-combustible shields during welding operations.


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A. Side labor, equipment and services and perform operations required for installation of
glass fiber reinforced precast concrete (GRC) fabrications, including integrated supports,
anchors, dowels, clamps, rods, clips, ties, bolts and other fastening devices.

B. Work Includes:

1. GRC panels and screens as shown on Drawings.


A. Samples representative of finished, exposed face showing typical range of color and
texture and of appropriate thickness.

B. Shop drawings detailing fabrication and installation of GRC panels and screens,
including the following:

1. Unit shapes (elevations and sections) patterns and dimensions.

2. Thickness of facing and GRC backing.
3. Finishes.
4. Face pattern with depth of pattern indicated (if required).
5. Joint reveal and connection details.
6. Support system.
7. Relationship to adjacent materials.

C. Backup test data on which GRC design is based and data on GRC insert and anchor


A. Design Responsibility: Design GRC fabrications by registered professional Engineer

employed or retained by panel manufacturer, using property data generated from
manufacturers actual production. Comply with procedures in Pre-stressed Concrete
Institute (PCI) MNL-128 Recommended Practice for Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete
and MNL-130-1 Quality Control for GRC.

B. Quality Assurance: The manufacturer shall form the approved design drawings prepare
and submit to the Engineer for approval design calculations to establish the final choice
of pattern, size web layout and cross sectional dimension to meet the structural live and
dead loads for basic wind speed of 35 m/s. The manufacturer shall in addition, prepare
and submit to the Engineer for approval design calculations to establish the choice of
type, size and nature of fixing required for each type of panel.

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Military Engineering Projects (Plant Cast) 03455 / 1 - 6
C. Manufacturers Qualifications: Firm with a demonstrated capability to produce GRC
products of quality and scope required for this project and actively involved in GRC
production for at least ten (10) years. Manufacturer must have sufficient production
capacity to produce, transport and deliver required units without causing delay in the

D. Job Mock-up: After samples are accepted for color, pattern, and texture, produce full-
scale units for panels meeting design requirements for fabrication, locations and extent
as shown on drawings.

1. Retain job mock-up on site as standard of quality for GRC work, when accepted by
Engineers Representative.

2. Incorporate approved mock-up into work in location acceptable to Engineers


3. Distress an area and then patch mock-up to display variations in color and texture to
be expected in fieldwork.


A. Delivery and Handling: Handle and transport units in a position consistent with their
shape and design in order to avoid excessive stresses or damage.

1. Lift or support units only at points indicated on shop drawings.

2. Place non-staining resilient spacers of even thickness between units.

3. Support units during shipment on non-staining shock-absorbing material.

4. Protect units from dirt and damage during handling and transport.

B. Job-Site Storage: Store units to protect from contact with soil, staining, and physical

1. Store units with non-staining resilient supports at same positions when transported.

2. Store units on firm, level and smooth surfaces.

3. Place stored units so that identification marks are readily accessible.



A. General: Produce GRC fabrications consisting of the following materials.

B. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I, natural color.

1. For surfaces exposed to view in finished structure, use same brand, type, and source
of supply throughout GRC production.

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C. Sand: Washed and dried silica (98% minimum) content by weight with a maximum
moisture content of 2% by weight or other acceptable material with successful use in
GRC production meeting compositional requirements of ASTM C 144, all passing
through No. 16 sieve. Chemical or sieve analysis must be obtained prior to commencing
of work.

D. Facing Aggregate: ASTM C 33, except maximum size not to exceed inch, clean, hard,
strong, durable, inert, and free of staining or deleterious materials.

1. Match facing aggregate samples with Engineers Representative.

E. Water: shall be clean, potable, and chilled so as the temperature and the slurry does not
exceed 25 C at the time of spraying.

F. Admixtures

1. ASTM C 260 for air entrainment, ASTM C 494 for chemical admixtures, or ASTM
C 618 for fly ash or natural pozzolan admixtures, at manufacturers option. Do not
use admixtures that contain more than 0.1 percent chloride ions.

2. Use thermoplastic co-polymer where fabricator recommends it for required


G. Coloring Agent: ASTM C 979; ultraviolet and alkali resistant, high-temperature stable,
harmless to concrete set or strength.

1. Match color sample with Engineers Representative.

H. Glass Fiber: Specifically designed for compatibility with aggressive alkaline

environment of Portland cement-based composites, complying with PCI-MNL-
128/Cem-FIC 250/5B.
I. Fixing: All fixing shall be in stainless steel grade 304 or 306, approved by Engineers


A. Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars: ASTM C 36.

B. Cold Drawn Wire: ASTM A 580, Type 304, Condition A.

C. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 666, Type 304L, Grade as required.

D. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A 307 or ASTM A 325.

E. Threaded Anchors Finish: Electrodeposited zinc, ASTM B 633 or cadmium coated,

ASTM B 766.

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2.03 MIXES

A. General: Combine Portland cement, glass fibers, sand, and selected admixtures in proper
proportions to meet design requirements. Provide nominal glass content of not less than
5 percent, average yield strength of 60 kgs/cm2 , and ultimate strength not less than 170
kg/cm2 .
B. Coloring Agent: Not to exceed 10 percent of cement weight.


A. Forms: Construct of rigid materials that will result in finished products conforming to
profiles, dimensions, and tolerances indicated. Use form release agent compatible with
architectural finish and joint sealants.

B. Facing Materials: Place facing materials into forms so that there will not be
displacement during GRC application. Fabricate with face pattern as shown on approved
Shop Drawings.

C. Proportioning and Mixing: Carefully measure amounts of mix constituents to achieve

desired mix proportions.

1. Meter glass fiber and cement slurry to spray head at rates to achieve desired mix
proportion and glass content. Check in accordance with standard procedures
recommended by PCI-MNL-128.

D. Hand-Spray Application: As follows:

1. Spray mist coat consisting of matrix without fibers onto forms, if required. Do not
exceed 1/16 inch thickness to prevent an un-reinforced surface.

2. Proceed with spray-up of main body before mist coat has set, using procedures that
produce a uniform thickness and distribution of glass fibers and matrix.

3. Consolidate applied materials by rolling or other technique to achieve complete

encapsulation of fibers and compaction.

4. Control thickness by using pin-gauge or other acceptable method.

E. Perform hand forming of intricate details, incorporation of formers or infill materials,

and over-spraying before material has taken initial set to ensure complete bonding.

F. Inserts and Embedments: Properly embed inserts in built-up homogenous GRC bosses or
bonding pads to develop their strength.

G. Dimensional Tolerances: Manufacture units so that each panel complies with following
dimensional tolerances. For dimensional tolerances not listed below, comply with PCI-
MNL-117 MANUAL FOR quality Control for Plants and Production of Architectural
Precast Concrete Products.

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1. Skin Thickness: Plus 6mm, minus 0mm.

2. Architectural Facing Thickness: Plus 3mm, minus 0mm.

H. Finishes: Exposed face of panels to match Engineers Representatives samples. Joint

marks, grain, or other obvious defects on panel faces such as blowholes, voids, ridges
or any other defects are not acceptable. Elements shall be manufactured so as to prevent
water penetration.

I. Curing: Employ initial curing method that will ensure sufficient strength for removing
units from form.

1. After initial curing, remove panel from form and place in a controlled curing
environment. Keep panels continuously moist for minimum seven (7) days in
accordance with manufacturers standard curing practice. Maintain temperature
between 16 C and 42 C during this period.

2. An acrylic thermoplastic co-polymer dispersion may be used as curing admixture in

lieu of moist curing. Use only co-polymer shown to eliminate need for moist curing
through published independent laboratory test data.

J. Panel Identification: Mark each GRC panel to correspond to identification mark on shop
drawings for panel identification. Mark each panel with casting date.



A. Prior to installation of units, check job-site dimensions affecting installation of GRC

units. Bring to the Engineers Representatives attention any discrepancy between design
dimensions and field dimensions that could adversely affect installation. If discrepancies
do exist, do not proceed until corrected or until installation requirements are modified as
acceptable to Engineers Representative.

B. Test Boards/Test etc.


A. Supports and Bracing: Provide temporary supports and bracing as required to maintain
position, stability, and alignment as units are being permanently connected.

B. Fastening: Fasten GRC units in place by approved stainless steel bolting or welding, as
indicated on approved Shop Drawings.


A. General: Patching will be permitted provided structural adequacy of unit and appearance
is not impaired, as acceptable to Engineers Representative and as demonstrated on job

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B. Patching Mix: Match color and texture of GRC unit. Blend and mix materials so that
cured patching blends with adjacent surfaces are not evident when viewed from a
distance of six (6) feet.


A. General: Perform cleaning procedures as recommended by GRC unit manufacturer.

1. Clean soiled GRC surfaces with detergent and water, using soft fiber brushes and
sponges, and thoroughly rinse with clean water.

2. Use care to prevent damage to GRC surfaces and to adjacent materials.


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A. Provide labor, equipment and services and perform operations required for installation of
glass fiber reinforced precast concrete (GRC) fabrications, including integrated supports,
anchors, dowels, clamps, rods, clips, ties, bolts and other fastening devices.

B. Work Includes:

1. GRC panels and screens as shown on Drawings.


A. Comply with the Standards and Codes of Licensed and Certified manufacturer and Glass
Reinforced Cement Association (GRCA).

B. All work shall be performed to secure for the project homogeneous GRC having the
required strength, surface finish, pattern, materials, durability, and weathering resistance,
without planes of weakness or other structural defects and free of honey combs, air
pockets, voids, projections, offset of plane and other defacements of GRC. Be fully
responsible for any defects or damage in the building arising from faulty materials or
workmanship and the cost of remedial measures in order to ensure that the Completed
work complies with the contract documents.

C. Supervise and co-ordinate all phase of the GRC construction process and be responsible
for the complete manufacturing process. All methods of manufacture and practices of
handling raw materials and manufactured GRC shall be reviewed by the Engineer prior
to execution.

D. Only materials of known quality shall be incorporated in the work. All materials shall
be selected, reviewed and approved by the Engineer before use, and maintained during
shipment, storage, and use. Construction systems and techniques shall be selected,
reviewed and approved by the Engineer before use and maintained throughout the
complete GRC construction phase. Adequate spare equipment, parts, additional
components, and repair facilities shall be available for all tools and equipment.

E. Be responsible for all materials, methods of GRC work, and if any work does not satisfy
the Contract Documents, implement removal, replacement or remedial work and revise
procedures or materials to prevent recurrence of unacceptable work at no additional cost
to the Employer.


A. All GRC work shall be manufactured by a specialist manufacturer licensed, certified and
having at least 10 years of established experience and manufacturing facilities in the
Gulf region.

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B. The manufacturer shall at all times allow access for inspection at all stages of
Manufacture to the Engineer, Architect and licenser.

C. The Standard of workmanship is required to be of the highest to comply with

Performance stated in this specification.


A. The manufacturer shall, from the approved design drawings, prepare and submit to the
Engineer for approval design calculations to establish the final choice of pattern, size,
Web-layout and cross sectional dimensions to meet the structural live and dead loads for
a basic wind speed of 35 meter/second. Comply with procedures in Pre-stressed
Concrete Institute (PCI) MNL-128 Recommended Practice for Glass Fiber Reinforced
Concrete and MNL-130-1 Quality Control for GRC.

B. The manufacturer shall, in addition, prepare and submit to the Engineer for approval
design calculations to establish the choice of type, size and number fixings required for
each of the panel type.


A. The manufacturer shall perform all the quality control recommended by the Licenser and
records must be kept for inspection by the Engineer.

B. The manufacturer shall submit monthly within the manufacturing period test results on a
statistical basis.

C. Requirements shall be as follows:

i. Method of mixing Hand spray

ii. Compressive Strength Min.400 kg/cm2

iii. Glass content Not less than 5% by weight

iv. MOR (according to QC/700) 21N/mm2

v. LOP (according to QC/700) 8N/mm2

vi. Density 1.9-2.1 Ton/m3

vii. Water Percent 17% by weight

D. The Contractor shall submit with his proposal the name of the GRC Manufacturer he
will use on the project.




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E. The Contractor shall submit three (3) calendar days of award of contract all specific
requirements, i.e. structural, required clearances, etc. for the GRC system.


A. Within one week prior to commencement of GRC work, the Contractor shall schedule a
Pre-construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time with the Engineer and his
designated representatives, to discuss design, materials, methods of work and forming
Systems for GRC.

B. Prior to this meeting, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer all pertinent information
including written procedural outlines description of forming systems, brochures of
proposed, equipment, sources of all materials and characteristics of all materials. The
above information shall be received by the Engineer at least 30 days prior to the pre-
construction meeting.

C. During the pre-construction meeting the Contractor shall present an outline plan for all
GRC work to be accomplished. The outline shall include review of sources of materials
commentary on source variations during the course of the work, storage, and use of
materials, description of all equipment necessary for batching, mixing conveying,
placing, forming, reinforcing, compacting, and finishing of GRC.


A. Manufacturers Literature: Submit to the Engineer in accordance with requirements of

the Contract documents, copies of manufacturers specifications and installation
instructions for each item of proprietary material used, showing compliance with these

B. Design Mixes: Submit to the Engineer copies of mix designs with support material.

i. Mill Certificates: Submit to the Engineer copies of manufacturers certificate of mill

tests of all cement, glass reinforcement etc.

ii. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer in the manner prescribed in the Contract
Documents, layout plans and detailed fabrication and placement drawings for each
GRC panel. The shop drawings are to include the following information:

(a) Size, grade, profile, decoration/pattern and dimensions of panels.

(b) Connection and anchorage details
(c) Lifting devices, locations, and handling limitations.

C. Records:

A record shall be kept for every piece of precast GRC panel produced showing the

a. Type and No.

b. Date of pour.

c. Test results.

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d. Ref. Shop drawing No.

e. Type and duration of curing

f. Date of delivery to site

g. Date of fixing in position

D. Job Mock-up: After samples are accepted for color, pattern, and texture, produce full-
scale units for panels meeting design requirements for fabrication, locations and extent
as shown on drawings.

1. Retain job mock-up on site as standard of quality for GRC work, when accepted by
Engineers Representative.

2. Incorporate approved mock-up into work in location acceptable to Engineers


3. Distress an area and then patch mock-up to display variations in color and texture to
be expected in fieldwork.


A. Transport, store and handle GRC panels in a manner to avoid undue strains, hair cracks,
staining or other damage. Deliver panels from casting site to project site in accordance
with schedule and setting sequence. Store structural precast GRC panels clear of the
ground and protected from wind or rain. Cover and protect the panels from dust, dirt, or
other staining materials.


A. During fabrication, construction and after erection, protect castings.



A. Prior to commencing the work, the manufacturer shall submit to the Engineer for
approval the design of mix of GRC he intends to use.

B. All materials used in the manufacture of the GRC shall be according to the relevant BS
specifications at the time of going to tender and as proved or recommended by the

i. Cement shall be ASTM C 150, Type I, natural color or white as per requirement
obtained from one source throughout the manufacture. Test certificate must be
obtained from the supplier for every consignment.

ii. Sand shall have 98% min. silica and shall meet the requirements of ASTM C 144; all
passing through No. 16 sieve. Chemical and sieve analysis must be obtained prior to
commencing of work.

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iii. Fiber shall be Cemfil 2 AR, Alkali resistant specifically designed for compatibility
with aggressive alkaline environment of Portland cement-based composites,
complying with PCI-MNL-128/Cem-FIC 250/5B.

iv. Water shall be clean, potable and chilled SP as the temperature of the slurry does not
exceed 25 degrees C at the time of spraying.

v. Any admixtures used shall be approved by the Engineer. ASTM C 260 for air
entrainment, ASTM C 494 for chemical admixtures, or ASTM C 618 for fly ash or
natural pozzolan admixtures, at manufacturers option. Use of accelerator is not

vi. Release agent must be compatible with the specified architectural finish.

vii. Coloring Agent: ASTM C 979; ultraviolet and alkali resistant, high temperature
stable, harmless to concrete set or strength.

1. Match color sample with Engineers Representative.

viii. Fixing: All fixing shall be in stainless steel grade 304 or 306, approved by
Engineers Representative.

C. The Contractor shall supply and fix fiberglass rigid board insulation with minimum
density of 48 kg/m3, with required thickness on the interior side of the GRC units. The
Engineer shall approve the method of fixing the insulation material.


A. Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars: ASTM C 36.

B. Cold Drawn Wire: ASTM A 580, Type 304, Condition A.
C. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 666, Type 304L, Grade as required.
D. Anchor Bolts: ASTM A 307 or ASTM A 325.
E. Threaded Anchors Finish: Electrodeposited zinc, ASTM B 633 or cadmium coated,
ASTM B 766.


A. All the moulds for the manufacture of the GRC shall be with GRP facing or equal
suitable reinforced to avoid distortions. The surface must be such as to avoid any surface
imperfection, joint lines or waving on the finished unit.


A. The manufacture of GRC shall be by the spray method. The manufacturer shall submit to
the Engineer a method statement prior to commencing of work in accordance with
recommendations of the licenser and stating the control of the mix, manufacture,
demoulding, storing, stacking and transportation of the panels.

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2.05 MIXES

A. General: Combine Portland cement, glass fibers, sand, and selected admixtures in proper
proportions to meet design requirements. Provide nominal glass content of not less than
5 percent, average yield strength of 60 kgs/cm2 , and ultimate strength not less than 170
kg/cm2 .

B. Coloring Agent: Not to exceed 10 percent of cement weight.


A. Forms: Construct of rigid materials that will result in finished products conforming to
profiles, dimensions, and tolerances indicated. Use form release agent compatible with
architectural finish and joint sealants.

B. Facing Materials: Place facing materials into forms so that there will not be
displacement during GRC application. Fabricate with face pattern as shown on approved
Shop Drawings.

C. Proportioning and Mixing: Carefully measure amounts of mix constituents to achieve

desired mix proportions.

1. Meter glass fiber and cement slurry to spray head at rates to achieve desired mix
proportion and glass content. Check in accordance with standard procedures
recommended by PCI-MNL-128.

D. Hand-Spray Application: As follows:

1. Spray mist coat consisting of matrix without fibers onto forms, if required. Do not
exceed 1/16 inch thickness to prevent an un-reinforced surface.

2. Proceed with spray-up of main body before mist coat has set, using procedures that
produce a uniform thickness and distribution of glass fibers and matrix.

3. Consolidate applied materials by rolling or other technique to achieve complete

encapsulation of fibers and compaction.

4. Control thickness by using pin-gauge or other acceptable method.

E. Perform hand forming of intricate details, incorporation of formers or infill materials, and
over-spraying before material has taken initial set to ensure complete bonding.
F. Inserts and Embedments: Properly embed inserts in built-up homogenous GRC bosses or
bonding pads to develop their strength.

G. Dimensional Tolerances: Manufacture units so that each panel complies with following
dimensional tolerances. For dimensional tolerances not listed below, comply with PCI-
MNL-117 MANUAL FOR quality Control for Plants and Production of Architectural
Precast Concrete Products.

1. Skin Thickness: Plus 6mm, minus 0mm.

2. Architectural Facing Thickness: Plus 3mm, minus 0mm.

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H. Finishes: Exposed face of panels to match Engineers Representatives samples. Joint
marks, grain, or other obvious defects on panel faces such as blowholes, voids, ridges
or any other defects are not acceptable. Elements shall be manufactured so as to prevent
water penetration.

I. Curing: Employ initial curing method that will ensure sufficient strength for removing
units from form.

1. After initial curing, remove panel from form and place in a controlled curing
environment. Keep panels continuously moist for minimum seven (7) days in
accordance with manufacturers standard curing practice. Maintain temperature
between 16 C and 42 C during this period.

2. An acrylic thermoplastic co-polymer dispersion may be used as curing admixture in

lieu of moist curing. Use only co-polymer shown to eliminate need for moist curing
through published independent laboratory test data.

J. Panel Identification: Mark each GRC panel to correspond to identification mark on shop
drawings for panel identification. Mark each panel with casting date.



A. General: Erection responsibilities include the safe placing, aligning, and leveling of the
GRC panels on the accepted bearing surfaces and affecting their proper securement.

B. Survey: before placement of GRC Panels survey the base structure to confirm line and
grade and bearing surface conditions.

C. Guying, Bracing and Shoring: Install in proper sequence and maintain all temporary
supports shown on required to control alignment, deflection and stress levels. Retain
temporary supports until framing elements braced thereby have attained integral stability
in accordance with the design.

D. Adjustment and Correction: Compensate and correct for misaligning affect of

temperature, draw from welding, bolting or erection sequence or sealing.

E. Erection Tolerances: Comply with the following erection tolerances:

i. Variations From Plumb: 6mm in any 6m run; 12mm total in any 12m or longer run.

ii. Variation From Level or Elevation: 6mm in any 6m run, 12mm in any 12m run, total
12mm at any location.

iii. Variation From Position in Plan: +/- 12mm maximum at any location.

iv. Offsets in Alignment of Adjacent Members at Any Joint: 1.5mm in any 3m run, 6mm

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F. Welding: In accordance with Aws Recommendations:

i. Do not weld until all adjacent elements to be connected have been aligned, firmly
seated and braced.

ii. Spalled or heat damaged GRC around weldments is not acceptable.


A. Field cutting of holes may be done only with the Engineers concurrence and only with
power saws or core drills.

B. Cracks, spalls and sharp corners created by field cutting shall be ground, eased and
patched with epoxy type bonding and patching compounds.


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This section establishes requirements for Foamed lightweight concrete work, screeds, setting beds
and mortar backings.


A. The minimum standards for products specified in this section shall be relevant BSI
standards including but not limited to the following:

BS 12 : Portland Cement (Ordinary and Rapid Hardening)

BS 812 : Methods for Sampling and Testing of Mineral Aggregates, Sands and Fillers

BS 887 : Foamed or Expanded Blast furnace Slag Lightweight Aggregates for


BS 1165 : Clinker Aggregate for Concrete

BS 1881 : Methods of Testing Concrete

BS 3681 : Methods for the Sampling and Testing of Lightweight Aggregates for

BS 3797 : Lightweight Aggregates for Concrete

BS 4449 : Hot Rolled Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete

BS 4461 : Cold Worked Steel Bars for the Reinforcement of Concrete

BS 4483 : Steel Fabric for the Reinforcement of Concrete

CP 203 : Methods of Testing Moisture in Concrete

45.109 : Curing Concrete


A. The Contractor shall design all work to meet the following performance requirements.

B. Should the thickness of the screed shown on drawings indicate that the Contractors
design mix for a plain sand/cement screed would crack or otherwise fail under normal
occupancy conditions the use of admixtures or a proprietary screed may be used subject
to submission of design and testing information to the Engineers Representative for his

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C. All defective screeds will be replaced at no additional cost to the contract.

D. The maximum density for all Lightweight/Foam concrete shall be 600 Kg/m3, air
entrained concrete.

E. The mix design for fill, screeds, setting beds and mortar shall meet the following

i. Characteristic strength : 20N/mm2

ii. Maximum Aggregate Size : 5mm

F. The cement content` shall be : minimum 280 Kg/m3, maximum 500 Kg/m3.

G. Water cement ratio for all concrete shall not exceed 0.6

H. Total acid soluble salts in concrete mix and constituent materials shall be limited to the

I. Sulphates (as Sulphate ions) 4% by weight of cement;

J. Chlorides (as chlorides ions) 0.35% by weight of cement.

K. All mixes shall be designed and tested by the Contractor to the direction and satisfaction
of the Engineers Representative.

L. All screeds setting beds and fill shall be laid to a tolerance of +/- 2mm in 3 meters from
the level indicated on the Drawings.

M. All other Lightweight/Foam concrete shall be cast to a tolerance +/- 5mm in 3 meters
from dimensions indicated on approved shop drawings.

N. Curing - Concrete shall be kept constantly wet for 7 days and shall be covered by a layer
of approved material to prevent loss of water.


A. Submit samples of all materials in accordance with the Contract Documents before
commencement of work.

B. All manufacturers of cement used in the works shall be approved by the Engineer before
ordering of supplies.

C. Submit in accordance with the Contract Documents to the Engineer copies of the
following information from the supplier, and confirm that one (1) copy of each item has
been distributed to the installer:

D. Certificate (in the form of standard data sheet or letter) that concrete mix to be used
complies with these specifications.
E. Statement that each mix design to be provided is recommended for the application shown
on the drawings.

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F. Complete instructions for handling, storage, mixing, priming, installation, curing, and
protection of all concrete work.

G. All cement and associated materials delivered to site shall be approved by the Engineer
before it is to be used in the works.

H. The surface and limits of all concrete members after a formwork has been struck shall not
vary from the dimensions shown on structural detail drawings. To avoid undue delay and
expense the dimensions of all member shall be checked on removing the formwork and
the Engineer informed immediately of any discrepancies.

I. In one part of the building selected by the Engineers Representative, apply materials of
this section under direction of manufacturer of materials, until a level of workmanship is
reached approved by the Engineers Representative. Material improperly installed shall
be removed and replaced to approved standards. At the discretion of the Engineers
Representative workmanship on repetitive work may be approved before completion of
the complete unit.



A. Cement shall be Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) to BS12 or ASTM C150, Type 1.

B. The use of other cements or pozzolanic replacement materials in order to control

temperature effects may be proposed by the Contractor but they shall only be used with
the approval of the Engineers Representative.

C. Aggregates shall comply with BS 882, 1201 or ASTM C332 and the stipulations laid
down for performance requirements in this section. Aggregates with high drying
shrinkage shall not be used (CP110).

D. Foaming Agent: Aveolitte chemical foaming agent or approved equal.

E. Water shall be clean, potable, free from soil, salts, acids, alkalines, organic impurities and
other harmful matter to the Engineers Representatives satisfaction. The water shall be
tested on a monthly basis in accordance with BS 3148 and a full chemical analysis made.
Chloride ions shall not exceed 0.05% by weight for concrete, which is to contain steel.

F. The Contractor shall obtain the Engineers approval for the use of any admixtures prior to
their use in each mix. In any case, the suitability of the admixtures shall be verified by
trial mixes.
G. Neither calcium chloride nor any admixture containing it shall be used.

H. Admixtures shall comply with one of the following British Standards: Bs 1014, BS 3587,
BS 3892, or BS 5075 as appropriate.

I. If two or more admixtures are proposed to be used in any one mix, the manufacturers of
each shall be consulted and their advice passed to the Engineer.

J. Both the amount of admixture to be added and the method of use require the approval of
the Engineer for whom the following data shall be provided:
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i. The chemical name(s) of the main active ingredient(s) in the admixture;

ii. Whether or not the admixture contains chlorides;

iii. The typical dosage and detrimental effects of under-dosage and over-dosage;

iv. Whether or not the admixture leads to the entrainment of air when used at the
manufacturers recommended dosage.

v. Air entraining agents shall be such that the air content can be maintained within the
limits specified even if the mixing time is extended to 30 minutes.

K. Shuttering shall be smooth board timber or plywood.

L. All materials proposed for movement joints require the approval of the Engineers
Representative. Full technical data together with samples of the materials proposed shall
be supplied for approval.


I. Foam concrete comprising of a cement-sand-water slurry foamed with a Foaming Agent,

having the following properties:

Roof Screeds and all fill areas: Minimum Density 600Kg/M3


A. Cement shall be stored in weatherproof containers off the ground and protected from the
weather and in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. Sand and aggregates
shall be stored in separate bins or in separate piles on a concrete slab to prevent
contamination by undesirable substances. Reinforcement shall be stored flat, clear of the
ground, and covered to protect from weather.



A. Examine surfaces (substrate) to receive concrete, inclusive of adjoining construction. Do

not proceed if conditions are deemed unsatisfactory

B. Commencement of work shall imply acceptance of surfaces and condition under which
the work is conducted and installed. All defects in sealing and caulking resulting from
such acceptance shall be corrected at the Contractors cost.

C. Concrete surfaces to receive screeds or fill shall be thoroughly hacked and roughened to
improve bond for screeds to the Engineers Representatives satisfaction.

D. Clean surfaces to receive work of this section immediately before installation. Remove
dirt, insecure coatings, moisture and other substances which would interfere with bond.

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A. The Contractor shall take all necessary steps to ensure that problems do not arise due to
heat. Guidance is given in the following documents:

Concreting in Hot Weather C&CA (UK)

Hot Weather Concreting ACI 305R-77 (USA)
Standard Practice for Curing Concrete ACI 308-81 (USA

B. The concrete screed and setting beds, will be workable enough to be fully compacted not
be prone to segregation, bleeding or cracking, and suitable for the method of operation
proposed to achieve the required finishes to the satisfaction of the Engineers

C. The mix shall be such that there will not be excess water on the top surface on
completion of compaction. It may be necessary to reduce the water content of batches at
the top of deep lifts to compensate for water gain from the lower levels, but this should
be avoided by designing the mix, checking the preliminary trials, and accurately
controlling the mix proportions throughout the work.

D. Refer to the supplier/manufacturer of floor finish for specific setting bed requirements.
Unless otherwise specified by supplier/manufacturer setting beds shall be as follows:

i. For setting beds below 13mm thickness, use a 1:2 cement/sand mix.

ii. For setting beds between 13mm and 20mm thickness generally use a 1:3
cement/sand mix.

iii. For setting beds in excess of 20mm thickness use a thick bed semi dry mix 1:4
sand/cement compacted on the substrate. Mix should be dry enough that when
squeezed in the hand will just hold together. Setting bed is then to be sprinkled with
dry neat cement, 1m2 at the time or 1:1 cement/sand grout for setting beds. Floor
finishes are then tamped down. Large areas of flooring done in this fashion should be
laid in chequer board fashion 1m2 at a time.

iv. Provide reinforcement over all services set in screeds, min. 200mm wider than

E. Concrete shall be placed continuously up to all joints. Particular care shall be taken in the
placing of the new concrete close to joints.

F. Construction joints shall be located to meet the requirements of finishes which are to
applied and shall be to the Engineers Representatives approval.

G. All concrete work except aerated concrete shall be fully compacted and finished surfaces
shall be free from voids, honeycombing, and other blemishes.

H. Screeds and fill shall be wood float finished unless directed otherwise by the Engineers

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A. All concrete shall be fully cured using a cover or compound approved by the Engineer.

B. Alternative wetting and drying shall be avoided, especially in the form of cold water
applied to warm concrete surfaces.

C. All screeds shall be tested for moisture content in accordance with CP 203 and
satisfactorily demonstrated to the Engineers Representative that the screed is fully cured
before setting beds or other finishes are applied.


A. Upon completion of installation and curing clean concrete surfaces of all loose material.
Protect finished surfaces during and after curing against damage during subsequent
construction operations and remove such protection when required by the Engineer.

B. Any damage shall be repaired and parts replaced, including repairs to adjacent work
damaged in connection with work of this section.


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A. Section 03100 - Concrete Formwork

B. Section 03300 - Cast in Place Concrete
C. Section 04220 - Unit Masonry
D. Section 05120 - Structural Steel
E. Section 05500 - Metal Fabrications


A. Pre-mixed and packaged non-shrinking grout.

B. Site mixed grout/concrete containing an expanding additive.



1. Complete a sample of the premixed and site mixed work in an approved location and
obtain Engineer or Engineers Representatives approval before proceeding. Additive
Manufacturers representative to be present to supervise control sample.



1. Submit sample of any proposed additives before delivery of material generally.

2. Submit sample of any proposed premixed grout before delivery of material



1. Submit name of manufacturer of premixed grout and additives and specific brand

2. Submit copies of manufacturers technical data.

3. Submit copies of manufacturers recommended mixing and placing instructions.


1. Prior to commencing work submit details of methods and techniques proposed for
the design and execution of the work.

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1. Cement: As specified in Section 03300.

2. Premixed Grout and Additive: Materials to be delivered to site in manufacturers

unopened containers, the labels of which shall bear the date of manufacture. Shelf
life shall not exceed one year.


1. Cement : As specified in Section 03300.

2. Aggregates: As specified in Section 03300.

3. Premixed Grout and Additives: in accordance with manufacturers




1. As specified in Section 03300, and to manufacturers instructions.



A. Non shrink non-metallic grout formulated to comply with U.S. Corps of Engineers
Specification CRD-C-621-81 and indicating no decrease in volume change when tested
under conditions of ASTM C827. Early volume change of Cementitious Mixtures.

B. Curing compound (for application to exposed surfaces of grout) conforming to ASTM


2.02 CEMENT :


1. Portland cement as specified in Section 03300.



1. To be as specified in Section 03300.

2. Selected to reduce bleeding to a minimum.

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1. Washed dry sand.


1. Rounded and evenly graded, 10mm nominal size except where pumping is employed
when 6mm nominal size to be used.

2. Percentage passing No. 16 sieve not to exceed 5%.


1. To the approval of the Engineer or Engineers Representative.


1. As specified in Section 03300.

2.04 MIXES:

A. Select the mix proportions and workability for each type of grout to produce the required

B. The minimum characteristic strength of the grout shall be equal to the strength of

C. Grout for filling uncongested areas over 50mm wide:

1. Mix proportions-1:1.25:1.75 (Cement/fine aggregate/course aggregate) by weight.

Or adjusted to meet B above.

2. Workability - slump 100-200mm.

D. Grout for filling narrow areas less than 50mm wide:

1. Mix proportions - 1:2 (cement: fine aggregate) by weight.

2. Workability - slump to be kept to a minimum to allow placing.

E. Dry packing for area over 75mm wide:

1. Mix proportions - 1:1:2 (cement/fine aggregate/course aggregate 10mm

nominal size) by weight.

2. Workability - Slump not to exceed 5 mm.

F. Dry packing for areas less than 75mm wide:

1. Mix proportions - 1:2 (cement: fine aggregate) by weight.

2. Workability - slump not to exceed 5mm.

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G. Alternative mixes incorporating additives to be used with the Engineers prior approval.

H. Premixed grout to voids of small widths and apertures of limited accessibility.


A. As specified in Section 03300.

B. For smaller areas to manufacturers instructions.



A. Examine surfaces and conditions to which the work of this Section is to be applied to
ensure that they are adequate to provide a satisfactory application.

B. Report any unsatisfactory conditions to the Engineer or Engineers Representative.


A. Scrabble concrete surfaces to provide key.

B. Ensure spaces to receive grout are clean and free from debris.

C. Thoroughly wet surfaces and allow free water to disperse prior to application of grout.


A. Generally refer to Section 03100.

B. Fix edge formwork where necessary.

C. Edge formwork to base plates to be to the level of the plate. Clearance between
formwork and plate normally 75mm.
D. Strike formwork within 24 hours of filling or as manufacturers recommendation.


A. Mix non-shrink grout in accordance with manufacturers instructions in relationship to

temperature and workability conditions.

B. Basically in all conditions, materials shall be applied in a plastic or trowelable workable

condition, firmly pressed, rubbed into place or hand trowelled. Should conditions be
such that flowable condition is considered more practical, obtain Engineer or Engineers
Representatives prior approval. Flowable application must allow for high points to be
adequately vented to allow entrapped air to escape, and an approved method of
containing grout until set.

C. Strike edges clean and compress to conditions as indicated on the drawings.

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D. Materials shall be applied in position within one hour of mixing (unless manufacturers
literature states otherwise). After half an hour discard any grout mix that shows signs of

E. As soon as grout sets, cure exposed surfaces with curing compound applied in strict
accordance with manufacturers instructions.



1. Mix grout by mechanical mixer (colloidal type) for large quantities or by hand for
small quantities (one quarter of cubic metre or less) on a clean, level banker board.

2. Thoroughly mix grout so that all individual constituents are incorporated early.

3. Do not over mix.

4. Use grout as soon as possible after mixing, maximum period 1 hour.

5. Do not use grout after commencement of initial set.

6. Do not re-mix or re-temper grout after commencement of initial set.


1. Pour grout into recesses or formwork and work into position to completely fill the

2. Ram dry packing to ensure optimum compaction.

3. Work from one side to avoid formation of air pockets or voids.

4. Preferably bolt pockets shall be filled at same time as packing to base plates. If
separate operation, fill bolt pockets to within 50mm of the level of the concrete
surface before main filling.

5. Do not vibrate grout.

6. Form neat chamfered edge to packing under plates.

7. Do not place grout when concrete temperature is less than 5 Deg. C. or more than 35
Deg. C.

8. Cure grout by covering with moist Hessian for not less than 5 days.


A. Promptly, as the Work proceeds and upon completion, scrape off and remove all grout
materials from adjacent surfaces. Clean up and remove any surplus material and rubbish
resulting from the work of this Section.

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Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Masonry Division 4



A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances and materials and performing all operations in connection with Unit Masonry
Walls (Block wall and Sand Lime Brick wall cladding).

B. Work included: Work of this section shall include, but not to be limited to the

1. Concrete masonry unit Exterior wall

2. Concrete masonry unit Interior wall and partitions
3. Concrete masonry unit lintels (Bond beam unit)
4. Exterior Sand Lime Brick masonry Unit walls
5. Grouting of metal items in masonry work
6. furnishing of dovetail anchor slots for installation in concrete for anchoring
7. Furnishing and installation of anchors, joint reinforcement, wall ties, joint filler
strips, expansion joints etc. as specified herein


The Work shall conform to the Codes and Standards of the following Agencies as further
cited herein: -

1. American National Standard Institute (ANSI)

ANSI A41.1 Building Code Requirements for Masonry.

ANSI A41.2 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Masonry.

2. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)

ASTM C 31 Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field.

ASTM C 33 Specification for Concrete Aggregates.

ASTM C 39 Test for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete


ASTM C90 Specification for Hollow Load-Bearing Concrete Masonry


ASTM C 145 Specification for Solid Load-Bearing Concrete Masonry


ASTM C270 Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry

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3. British Standard Institute (BSI)

BS 12 Specification for Ordinary and Rapid Hardening Portland


BS 187 Specification for Calcium Silicate bricks.

BS 729 Hot Dip Galvanised Coatings on Iron and Steel.

BS 877 Foamed or Expanded Blast furnace Slag Lightweight

Aggregate for Concrete.

BS 890 Building Limes.

BS 1200 Building Sands from Natural Sources.

BS 5075, Specification for Air Entraining

Part 2 Admixtures.

BS 6073, Specification for Precast Concrete Masonry Units.

Part 1

BS 6073, Method for Specifying Precast Concrete Masonry Units.

Part 2

4. American Concrete Institute (ACI)

ACI Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete


5. National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA), USA

TEK Information Series.


A. Erector Qualifications: Work is to be carried out by persons skilled in laying unit


B. Fire Rated Partitions :

1. Requirements for fire-rated or lateral support conditions are to be regulated in

compliance with local building codes and are not necessarily fully defined on the

2. Whenever a fire-rating is shown for a wall use masonry units in that wall complying
with the requirements established by the local governing authorities.

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1.04 MOCK-UP

1. Prior to the installation of unit masonry work, and preceding pre-installation

conference, provide a sample wall mock-up for all types of masonry units.

2. Provide each sample wall panel using materials, together with bond and joint tooling,
shown or specified for final work. Provide special features as directed for caulking
and contiguous work.

3. Build each sample wall panel mock-up at the site, as directed, of full thickness and
approximately 1 m high x 1.5 m long, unless otherwise shown, indicating the
proposed range of color, texture and workmanship to be expected in the completed

4. Obtain Engineers acceptance of visual qualities of each sample panel before

proceeding with the final work.

5. Retain each sample panel mock-up during construction period as a standard for
judging completed masonry work. Do not alter, move or destroy mock-up until work
is completed.


A. Manufacturers Literature: Submit to the Engineer manufacturers printed literature

indicating product specification and installation instructions for each product required by
this Section.

B. Samples: Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract
Documents, and following the submittal of manufacturers literature and data, 3 samples
of each unit masonry hereinafter listed. Samples will be reviewed for color and/or
texture only. Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of
the Contractor. Samples to be submitted one of each type and size

C. Shop Drawings:

1. Submit Shop Drawing indicating details of anchors, inserts, joints, and connections
to adjoining work or materials. Also include elevations indicating setting out and
placement of all joints, openings, cutouts, etc.

2. In addition to above submit Shop Drawings for fabrication, bending and placement
of reinforcement bars for unit masonry work. Comply with ACI 315. Manual of
Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structure unless more stringent
requirements are specified. Show bar schedules, diagrams of bent bars, stirrup
spacing, lateral ties and other arrangements and assemblies as required for
fabrication and placement of reinforcement for unit masonry work.

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A. Pre-Installation Conference: Prior to the start of each major type of masonry work, meet
at the site and review the installation procedures and co-ordination with other work.
Meetings shall include Contractor, Engineer and Major Material Manufacturers as well
as other whose work must be coordinated with the masonry work.

B. Co-ordination with Inserts: Ensure co-ordination between masonry work and concrete
work such that all inserts and flashing reglets required for the proper installation of
masonry work, are correctly pre-installed.

C. Pre-Installation Inspection: Examine all parts of the supporting structure and the
conditions under which the masonry work is to be installed, and notify the Engineer in
writing of any conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work.
Do not proceed with the installation of masonry work until satisfactory conditions have
been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.


A. Hot Weather Work: Take all necessary precautions to keep mortar and blocks and other
materials cool and in particular:

1. Do not mix mortar or lay units while shade temperature is above 40 Deg. C. on a
rising thermometer or above 43 Deg. C. on a falling thermometer.

2. Do not allow temperature of fresh mixed mortar to exceed 32 Deg. C. Take suitable
measures to ensure this.

3. Do not lay masonry units having a film of water on their surfaces

4. The Contractor will be deemed to have allowed in his Tender for all steps necessary
for compliance with the above.


A. Do not change brands or sources of supply for masonry materials during the course of
the work.

B. Deliver unit masonry materials, other than bulk materials, to site in manufacturers
unopened containers, bundles, pallets or other standard packaging devices, fully
identified with name, type, grade, color and size.

C. Protect all unit masonry material during shipment, storage and construction against
wetting and soilage or intermixture with earth or other types of materials.

D. Take all necessary precautions to prevent all masonry items from chipping, cracking or
other damage during transportation, unloading and storage on site. Damaged units will
not be allowed to install.

E. Do not use metal reinforcing or ties having loose rust or other coatings that will reduce
or destroy bond.
F. Outside storage of masonry units and reinforcement shall be on plank platforms, off the
ground, in dry locations.
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A. Protection During Progress of Work:

1. When the ambient air temperature is more than 30 Deg. C. in the shade and the
relative humidity is less than 50% protect the masonry from direct exposure to the
wind and sun for 48 hours after installation.

2. Protect partially completed unit masonry walls against weather when work is not in
progress, by covering top of walls with strong, waterproof, non-staining membrane.
Extend membrane atleast 600mm down both sides of walls and anchor securely in
place ensuring that there is free air flow sufficient to prevent heat build-up.

B. Protection of Completed Work:

1. Keep completed walls clean and protect from staining. Use suitable corner guards to
protect the corners of exposed masonry walls.


The Work of this Section shall be completely coordinated with the work of other sections.
Verify dimensions and work of other trades, which adjoin materials of this Section before
the installation of items herein.



A. Portland Cement for Mortar: Comply with ASTM C 150, Type I, or BS 12, ordinary,
non-staining, without air entrainment, natural color or white as required to produce the
required color of mortar or grout.

B. Hydrated Lime : ASTM C 207, Type S or BS 890

C. Aggregates: ASTM C 144, or BS 1200 except for joints less than 6 mm use aggregate
graded with 100% passing the No. 16 sieve (1.18 mm).

1. White aggregates: Natural white sand or ground white stone.

2. Colored aggregates: Ground granite, marble or other stone as required to match

Engineers sample.

D. Water: BS 3148 Clear and free of deleterious material salts; etc. which would impair the
E. Water Retaining/Reducing Admixtures: BS 5075 Part I or ASTM C 499 Type B, free
from chlorides and compatible with cement. Do not use without prior approval of

F. Plasticisers: BS 4887, free from Chlorides and compatible with cement. Do not use
without prior approval of Engineer.

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A. Measurement: Use methods, which will ensure that proportions are controlled and
accurately maintained. Measure aggregate materials in a damp, loose condition.

B. Mortar: Comply with the proportion and physical requirements of ASTM C 270 for the
following type:

1. Type S.

C. Grout: Comply with the proportion requirements of ASTM C 476 for the following
types, as applicable.

1. Fine Grout.

2. Course Grout.

D. Do not use mortar or grout, which has begun to set, or if more than 1.1/2 hours have
elapsed after initial mixing.

E. Do not add plasticisers or other admixtures to mortar or grout materials specified.


A. Unit Masonry Mortar: ASTM C 270, except limited to the mix materials herein-before
specified and the following cement/lime ratios by volume; wherein sand (in damp
condition) equals 2.1/4 to 3 times the sum of the volumes of cement and lime:

1. Type M: Not more than part lime per part Portland cement.
2. Type S: Not more than part lime per part Portland cement.

3. Type N: Not more than 1 part lime per part Portland cement.


A. General:

Provide blocks as shown, complying with type classifications, weights, grades and curing
requirements as hereinafter specified and the following general requirements:

1. Do not use blocks, which have chips, cracks, voids, streaks, iron spots or other
substances, which might stain exposed finished surfaces.
2. Obtain blocks from the approved manufacturer National Industries, Kuwait or equal
quality, cured by one process and of uniform texture and color, for each type
required, for each continuous area and visually related areas.

3. Face Dimensions: Manufacturers standard, nominal 400 mm long x 200 mm high

unless otherwise shown.

4. Provide special shapes wherever shown and wherever required to build corners,
lintels, jambs, control joints and expansion joints, and for other uses where necessary
to provide a complete installation in accordance with the highest standard of
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B. Load-Bearing Solid Concrete Blocks: ASTM C145 or BS 6073 Part 1, using concrete
aggregates complying with ASTM C33 or BS 882, with dry net concrete weight of not
less than 2000 kg/cu.m. (125 lb. Per cu.ft.) Grade N or the equivalent grade of BS 6073,
Parts 1 and 2.

C. Non-Load Bearing Solid Concrete Blocks: ASTM C129, or BS 6073, Part 1 using
concrete aggregates complying with ASTM C33 or BS 882 with dry net concrete weight
of not less than 2000 Kg/cu. M. (125 lb. Per cu. Ft.), Type I or the equivalent grade of
BS 6073 Parts 1 and 2.

D. Lightweight Insulated Blocks:

Lightweight Insulated Blocks shall meet the thermal conductivity factor required by
Ministry of Electricity and Water, and shall have compression strength not less than 30
kg/cm2, density not less than 480 kg/cu.M.

Lightweight Insulated Blocks shall be used at location shown on drawings.

E. Moisture Controlled Curing:

1. Cure blocks by low pressure steam curing at a pressure of 0.7 kg/cm2. Raise the
curing temperature uniformly at not more than 0.56 Deg. C per minute from 30 Deg.
C to 66 Deg. C and allow the masonry units to cure for approximately 3 hours
from initial set period. Thereafter keep the units moist for a period of 7 days by
means of a fine spray of water and then allow to air dry for 14 days. Allow an
interval of not less than 3 hours between the forming of the units and the curing

2. Cure blocks in a moisture-controlled atmosphere at normal temperature and pressure,

and limit moisture absorption to 35% of saturation at time of delivery and until time
of installation. Comply with ASTM Type I classification.

F. Finishes:

Standard Finish: Provide block units with exposed faces of the manufacturers standard
color and texture, unless otherwise shown or specified.


A. Bricks shall be clean, hard, uniform in color, sound, free from cracks, balls of clayloam
or visible particles of lime and have sharp, well defined arises.

B. Size and color of bricks shall be of standard size and generally yellow color unless
otherwise mentioned.

C. Average wet compressive strength shall be not less than 30 Kg/cm2.

D. Drying shrinkage (% of wet length) shall be 0.025%.


A. All Concrete Masonry Units, Insulated Block, Sand Lime Brick etc. shall be obtained
from National Industries Kuwait or no less than equal quality.
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A. Horizontal Joint Reinforcing: Truss type welded wire units of 3 m (10 ft.) lengths with
prefabricated corner and tee units. Fabricate from ASTM A 82 or BS 4482 cold drawn
steel wire with deformed side rods and plain 9 gauge truss rods, crimped if used in
cavity wall construction. Provide width of between 37 and 50 mm (1,1.2 and 2) less
than wall thickness.

1. Fabricate with 9 gauge (3.7 mm) side rods, unless otherwise shown.

2. Provide units with a single pair of side rods, unless otherwise shown.

3. For use in interior partition walls, fabricate from mill-galvanised wire.

4. For use in exterior walls, hot dip galvanise after fabrication, with 458 g/sq.m. (1.5
oz.), zinc coating; ASTM A 153, Class B-2 or BS 729, Table 1.

B. Concrete Inserts:

1. Unit Type: Furnish unit-type inserts of the type and size shown, of cast iron or
malleable iron, or fabricated from not less than 2.6 mm (12 gauge) steel with 458
g/sq.m. hot-dip zinc coating after fabrication (ASTM A 153, Class B-2 or BS 729
Table 1).

2. Dovetail Strap Type: Furnish dovetail slots with 22mm wide flat bar anchors formed
from 1.5 mm (16 gauge) galvanized steel, with 6 mm upturned end or 12 mm dia.
hole located within 12 mm of end. Anchor to extend to within 37 mm of face of
masonry units.

a. At Contractors option, 3.7 mm (No. 9 gauge) galvanized wire triangular tie-

backs with metal tabs for insertion into dovetail slots may be provided in lieu
of flat bar anchors.

C. Anchoring Devices:

Provide bolts, straps, bars and rods of the type and size shown, but fabricated from not
less than 1.5 mm (16 gauge) sheet metal or 9 mm diameter rod stock unless otherwise

1. Fabricate devices from steel with mill galvanized or hot-dip zinc coating.

D. Lateral Support for Wall Heads :

Provide continuous 50 x 50 x 3 mm thick metal angle on both sides as wall head lateral

E. Vertical Restraints

Block work to be restrained at vertical abutments with concrete with stainless steel wall
starters with integral ties for building in.

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F. Reinforcing Bars :

Steel reinforcing bars, complying with ASTM A615, intermediate grade, size as shown
or specified, free from mill scale and excess or loose rust deposits.


A. Anchors and Ties:

1. Dovetail Anchors: Minimum 16 gauge 25.4mm (1 inch) wide, length as required to

suit condition, corrugated hot-dipped galvanized steel.

2. Adjustable Wall Ties: Composed of 14 gauge by 25.4mm by 177.8mm (1 inch wide

and 7 inches long) with 7.1 mm (9/32 inches) hole, corrugated hot-dipped galvanized
anchor and 4.8 mm (3/16 inches) diameter mill galvanized ASTM 82 or B.S. 4482
cold drawn steel wire of proper length required for embedment in wythe of masonry
all as per requirement of the work and Engineers approval.

3. Flat Metal Ties: Galvanized steel, 16 gauge by 22.2mm (7/8 inch) wide, corrugated,
by length to suit condition.

4. Wire Mesh: Galvanized 16 gauge steel wire, 6.4mm (1/4 inch) square mesh, width
12.7mm (1/2 inch) less than wall thickness, by length to suit condition.

The wall ties shall be used at the rate of one vertical row at each end of the wall and
the vertical spacing shall be around 20cm.


A. Wall Control Joint Filler:

Provide compressible control joint filler of closed cell PVC, SBR or Neoprene, either
solid or tube type, of proper dimensions to serve as back-up for joint sealant at face of
masonry, (Do not use control joint filler at building expansion joints).

1. Provide solid rubber key section in control joint filler (60 to 80 Shore A durometer
hardness) designed to maintain lateral stability in masonry wall.

B. Wood Nailers:
For wood nailers and similar items to be set into the masonry work see other relevant
sections of these specifications.

C. Reglets and Flashing:

For masonry reglets and flashing see other relevant sections of these specifications.

D. Joint Fillers:

Use approved material to meet the required fire rating and as specified in Section 07910,

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E. Sealant:

Use approved sealant to meet the required fire rating (if any) and as specified in Section
07920, SEALANT.



A. Examine Surfaces: Inspect existing surfaces and ensure that they are satisfactory for
work to proceed as specified. Report unsatisfactory conditions to Engineer and do not
proceed until rectified to satisfaction of Engineer.


A. Manufacturers Recommendations: Comply with the manufacturers printed instructions

and recommendations for the installation of each type of masonry products, unless
otherwise shown or specified.

B. Thicknesses: Build masonry construction to the full thickness shown, except for single
wythe masonry walls which may be built to the actual thickness of the masonry units,
using blocks of nominal thickness shown.

C. Chases: Form chases and recesses as shown and as may be required for the work of other
trades. Do not chase hollow blocks. Do not cut horizontal or diagonal chases in load
bearing work. Provide not less than 200 mm of masonry between chase or recess and
jamb of openings and between adjacent chases and recesses.

D. Construction Openings: Leave openings for equipment as shown or required to be

installed at later date. Complete masonry work after equipment is in place using
materials identical with those immediately adjacent to the opening.

E. Construction Joints: Step back unfinished work for joining with new work; toothing will
not be permitted. Before new work is started clean exposed surfaces of set masonry, wet
units lightly (if specified to be wetted), and remove loose blocks and mortar prior to
laying fresh masonry.

F. Cutting Blocks: Use motor driven saw designed to cut blocks with clean sharp corners.
Cut blocks as required to provide pattern shown and to fit adjoining work neatly. Use
full blocks without cutting wherever possible. Avoid the use of less than half size blocks
at corners, jambs and wherever possible at other locations. Do not use chipped or broken

G. Age of Blocks: Do not build in concrete blocks until at least 28 days after manufacture
and until they are fully cured.

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A. Mortar Types, General: Except as otherwise shown or specified use Type S mortar for
exterior masonry work and Type N mortar for interior masonry work.

1. Use Type M mortar for special structural requirements where shown, and for
grouting reinforcing steel in masonry lintels unless concrete is shown.

B. Bond: Use running bond for all single-wythe masonry walls unless otherwise shown. In
multiple-wythe walls, bond wythes together with header blocks wherever possible,
unless otherwise shown. Where wythes cannot be masonry bonded, use wire ties of the
type and spacing shown, unless horizontal joint reinforcing provides the tie between
wythes. Where type and spacing of wire ties is not shown provide either continuous or
individual type ties, installed so that double wires will be spaced not more than 600 mm
centres both horizontally and vertically.

C. Laying Procedure for Walls:

1. Lay solid blocks with completely filled bed head and collar joints. Butter ends with
sufficient mortar to fill head joints and push into place. Do not slush head joints.

2. Lay up walls plumb and true with courses level and accurately spaced and co-
ordinated with other work. Variation from plumb, true or level of more than 1/800 in
any direction are unacceptable.

3. Do not carry up work higher than 1.5 M in one day.

4. Overhead laying must not be used without prior approval.

5. Provide concrete tie beam if the height of the wall exceeds 4 M to the approval of the
Engineers Representative.

6. Build bearing plates, masonry anchors, flashings, sleeves, door frames and other
miscellaneous items into masonry as work progresses. Fill hollow metal frames
adjoining masonry work solidly with mortar.

7. Provide anchoring devices of the type shown, or of standard type if none are shown.
Anchor masonry work to all abutting structural members. Space anchors 600 mm
centres at vertical and overhead support locations, and 600 mm centres both ways
behind masonry veneer work, unless otherwise shown.

8. Maintain uniform joint width except for minor variations to maintain bond
alignment. Except for cavity wall construction leave no voids between blocks. Slush
and grout back joints against other work as blocks are pushed into place.

9. Finish masonry walls which are concealed or to be covered with other materials with
flush joints, unless otherwise shown.

10. Tool exposed wall joints slightly concave, unless otherwise shown.

11. Provide horizontal joint reinforcement and vertical reinforcement in all masonry
walls, unless specifically noted or specified to be omitted. Space horizontal
reinforcement 600 mm centres for interior walls and 400 mm centres for exterior
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Military Engineering Projects Unit Masonry 04200 / 11 - 15
walls unless otherwise shown or specified. Lap reinforcement a minimum of 150 mm
at ends and do not bridge control and expansion joints with reinforcement except at
wall openings. Use matching prefabricated T and L sections of reinforcement at
corners and wall intersections to provide continuity. Centre reinforcement in wall to
provide a minimum mortar cover of 15 mm at side rods.

12. At all openings of more than 300 mm width, provide joint reinforcement in 2
horizontal joints, approximately 200 mm apart, both immediately above the
lintel and immediately below the sill. Extend the reinforcing a minimum of 600
mm beyond the opening bridging control joints, if any.

D. Control Joints: Install control joints in masonry walls where shown. Rake out mortar in
preparation for application of sealant.

E. Control Joint Spacing: If control joint locations are not shown, place joints vertically,
spaced at each structural column or joint between bays of the building but in no case
spaced more than 9 m. Also, place vertical joints at points of natural weakness in the
masonry work, including the following locations:

1. At locations where masonry wall height changes by more than 20%.

2. Above expansion or control joints in the supporting structure.

3. Where end of masonry wall butts against supporting structure.

F. Control Joint Construction: Form continuous control joints 10 mm wide across which
build-in 40 mm wide x 200 mm long galvanized mild steel flats minimum 1.6 mm (16
gauge) thick at each alternate course. Fill vertical joints with mortar except where wall is
a fire compartment wall when it shall be filled as described in other relevant Section of
the Specifications.

G. Grouting:

1. Use fine grout for filling spaces less than 100 mm in both horizontal directions.

2. Use coarse grout for filling spaces 100 mm or larger in both horizontal directions.

3. Prior to grouting, clean and inspect grout spaces and close cleanout holes. Remove
dust, dirt, mortar droppings, loose pieces of masonry and other foreign materials
from grout spaces.


A. R.C. Lintels and Bond Beams: Provide R.C. lintels, bond beams etc. wherever shown,
and wherever openings in the masonry of more than 300 mm are shown without
structural steel or other supporting lintels. The reinforcement of the lintels shall be
provided as per Engineers approval.

B. Steel Lintels: Galvanized Steel lintels shall be used at location indicated on drawings or
as proposed by the Contractor with the approval of the Engineer. Contractor to provide
sizes as recommended by the manufacturer.

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A. In addition to requirements herein before specified the following shall apply to the
installation of exterior masonry walls:

1. Space horizontal joint reinforcing 400 mm centres in exterior walls, unless otherwise

2. Install reglets and nailers for flashings and other related work where shown to be
built into masonry work.

3. Provide flashings in masonry work as shown and extend details to corners and
intersections to provide complete waterproofing.

4. Keep cavity clean of mortar droppings in cavity wall construction. Strike mortar
joints flush as the work progresses.

5. Place wall ties in cavity work as the work proceeds and set with slope to outer wythe.
Do not raise one wythe more than 1350 mm above the other where wire ties are used
or 450 mm above the other where any other type of tie is used. Close cavities at
openings and top.

6. Provide ties 150 mm long for cavities up to 50 mm wide and 200 mm long for
cavities 56 100 mm wide.

7. Space ties in cavity as follows:

Wythes of thickness Cavity Spacing of Ties

(one or both) Width Horiz. Vert.
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
90 or more both wythes 50 75 900 450
90 or more both wythes 75 100 750 450
90 or more both wythes 100-150 450 450


A. Mortar Types, General: Except as otherwise shown or specified use Type S mortar for
exterior masonry work and Type N mortar for interior masonry work.

B. Construction:

1. All bricks shall be set out and built to the dimensions shown on the drawings.

2. Bricks shall be laid and jointed in gauged mortar with proper level and horizontal
joints and all walls plumbed perpendicular. Quoins, jambs and other angles shall be
plumbed, as the work proceeds. Sand lime bricks shall generally be laid with the frog
or depression for mortar upwards. In cases where sand lime bricks are used in the top
course of a wall, which is not protected by a coping, the bricks shall be laid with the
frogs downwards. Each course shall be well flushed up with mortar. Joints between
courses shall be equal but not exceeding 10mm. The courses shall be set out in
accordance with the approved Shop drawings.

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3. Brick work shall be carried up regularly without leaving any part more than one meter
lower than another unless prior permission of the Engineer is obtained in writing.
Work left at different levels shall be raked back.

4. Broken bricks shall not be used in any case except where required for bond.

5. Sand lime brick work shall be constructed with selected bricks and shall be pointed
with a neat weathered joint horizontally and flush pointed vertical joints as the work
proceeds. The material for pointing shall be of cement sand (1:3) mortar, tinted to the
approval of the Engineer.

6. Where bricks abut concrete columns or walls etc., they shall be tied to the column,
wall etc., by means of wall ties or galvanized strips cast into the concrete and built
into the bricks at every second course.

C. Fair Face Work: Brick walling, which is to be left in the exposed state, i.e. without an
applied finish, shall be built with a fair face as the work proceeds. Fair face work shall
be deemed to mean that the wall built to uniform plumb and uniform face and the joints
finished with a regular groove dimension of 10mm depth or as approved by the
Engineer, from the wall face and may apply to one or both faces of the wall.

D. Mastic Filling Around Windows:

1. The mastic for pointing at abutments, window frames and elsewhere shall be silicone
rubber mastic recommended by the manufacturer for use in this location.

2. Joint surfaces shall be clean and dry and the application of primer, bond breaker, and
sealant shall be in accordance with manufacturers specific recommendations.

3. Masking tape shall be used to ensure a clean operation and the tape shall be removed
immediately after the finish tooling and before the sealant beings to cure. A concave
profiled tools shall be used to recess the sealant in joints.

E. Control and Expansion Joints:

1. Provide vertical and horizontal expansion, control and isolation joints in masonry
where shown and as specified. Build in related items as the masonry work

2. If location of control and expansion joints is not shown, place vertical joints spaced
not to exceed 9m (30 feet) center to center. In addition, locate joints at points of
natural weakness in the masonry work, including the following:

a. At structural column or joint between bays.

b. Above expansion or control joints in the supporting structure.

c. Above major openings at end of lintels upward and below at ends of sills
downward. Place at one side of jamb for openings less than 2100mm (7 feet)
wide and at both sides for openings over 1800 mm (6 feet) wide.

d. Where masonry abuts support structure.

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Military Engineering Projects Unit Masonry 04200 / 14 - 15
3. Expansion joints shown on the drawings are to be 20mm thick and to be filled with
FLEXCELL bitumen impregnated fibreboard filler. Vertical joints are to be rebated
within the thickness of the wall.


A. Replace blocks which are chipped, broken stained or do not match adjoining units as
intended, or are otherwise damaged; provide new blocks promptly to match adjoining
blocks, pointing up mortar or grout joints to eliminate evidence of replacement.

B. Cleaning:

During the completion of masonry installation and the tooling of joints, enlarge any
voids or holes and completely fill with mortar. Point up all joints at corners, openings
and adjoining work to provide a uniform, neat appearance, properly prepared for the
application of sealant compounds and other work to follow. Clean the exposed masonry
surfaces as follows :

1. All exposed work shall be cleaned without the use of acid. Cleaning shall not be
done until mortar is thoroughly set and hard.

2. Before wetting wall, remove large particles of mortar by means of wood scraper, or,
if necessary, by means of chisel or wire brush.

3. Pre-soak the wall, saturating the masonry with clean water and flush off all loose
mortar and dirt.

4. Using a stiff fibre brush only, scrub down the wall with a solution of 0.25 litre
household detergent and 0.25 litre of trisodium phosphate dissolved in 4 litres of
clean water.

5. Thoroughly wash off all cleaning solution, dirt and mortar crumbs using clean
pressurised water.

6. If after this cleaning procedure is completed, the wall or portion of the wall is not
clean, in the judgement of the Engineer, the Contractor shall clean with an acid
solution by means and methods acceptable to the Engineer. If cleaned with an acid
solution, all sash, metal lintels and other material shall be thoroughly protected.

7. Particular care shall be taken to prevent smearing mortar on surfaces of concrete

masonry units. If mortar smearing occurs, it shall be removed while soft, when
possible; if dry and hard, it shall be removed by rubbing with a small piece of
concrete masonry. All mortar smears, drippings, etc., on expanded faces of concrete
masonry units shall be removed.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Unit Masonry 04200 / 15 - 15



A. The work included in this section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment
appliances and materials and performing all operations in connection with glass unit
masonry, which including but not limited to the followings:

1. Glass Block in wall openings as window assembly

2. Glass Block partition
3. Glass block in floor and roof system


A. The work required under this section shall be fabricated and installed by manufacturer
having a minimum of 10 years in similar glass unit masonry construction.

B. Supply written confirmation that international standards (either BS or ASTM) are fully
complied with for this section using appropriate materials and accessories as may be
recommended by the glass block manufacturer for this application.

C. Co-ordinate this section of work with other trades.


A. ASTM A 153 Class B2, Specifications for Zinc coating (Hot dip) on Iron and steel

B. ASTM E 163, Fire Test of Window assemblies (equivalent to UL 9 and CAN 4-S 106-

C. ASTM C207, Specs for Hydrated lime and masonry mortar



1. Glass blocks, submit sample for approval prior to placing orders and ensure
sample has suppliers or manufacturers name indicated.

2. Submit assembly instructions and shop drawings as required to indicate the

methods of construction, location and spacing of anchorage, joinery, finishes,
sizes, shape, thickness and alloy materials, paver units and relationship to the
adjoining work. Submit design of webs, joints, and cavities for approval prior
to manufacture.

Ministry of Defence Glass Unit Masonry

Military Engineering Projects (Glass Block) 04270 / 1 - 3


A. Type:

1. Square glass unit masonry block, evacuated hollow construction.

2. Nominal size 200x200x100mm (actual size 190x190x90mm), colour, natural,

finish, opaque or sand blast as per Engineers approval.


A. Joints reinforcement and perimeter supports shall be as recommended by the


B. Calculate locations of reinforcement, anchors, and other structural requirements to

ensure that the prefabricated glass block panel will carry and support its own weight and
the pedestrian traffic weight perpendicular to the top surface.

C. Provide joints and sealants as recommended by the manufacturer.


A. Approved manufacturers:-

1. Fidenza Vetroarredo
Via R. Giuliani, 360-50141 Firenze, Italy
Tel: + 39 55 44951 Fax: 455295

2. Pittsburgh Corning International Ltd.

South court, 29 South Street, Reading
Berkshire - RGI 4QU
Tel: 0044 1189 500655
Fax: 0044 1189 509019

3. or equal and approved quality




1. Construct panel with all materials fully bonded or tied together, and joints
fully filled, to ensure compliance with design and Regulatory Authorities
requirements for stability, strength, fire resistance, thermal and sound
insulation as relevant.

2. Fill joints of glass unit masonry with mortar.

3. Ensure that no emulsion stains or disfigures faces and exposed surfaces.

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Military Engineering Projects (Glass Block) 04270 / 2 - 3

1. Keep courses level and in line.

2. Accurately level panel faces, angles, and features.

3. Set out carefully to ensure satisfactory junctions and joints with adjoining or built-in
elements and components.


1. Joints between glass blocks should be at least 3 cm.

2. Mortar pointing to be flush profile with glass unit masonry faces. Remove surplus
from glass block as work proceeds; do not use abrasive implements or cleaning
solutions without approval.

3. Prevent staining by mortar or disfigurement and damage at all edges and arises of
units. Discard units that are chipped or damaged in any way.


1. Provide as required by the manufacturer or supplier to restrain units safely upon


2. Ensure that the support is running along the entire perimeter of the panel and provide
slip joint.

3. Provide elastic expansion joint finished with suitable sealant as recommended by the
manufacturer all at the edge of the panel.


1. Allow for at least 2-3 cm between load-bearing structure and the first row of glass
blocks in the panel, or as recommended by the manufacturer to avoid direct contact
between glass block and the support.


A. Clean off all surplus mortar and sealant as the work proceeds, do not permit any to
remain on the glass units face.

B. At completion of work wash with a weak solution of household detergent and clean
warm water, taking extreme care not to soil or damage adjacent work.

C. Remove all spoil and debris upon completion of work.


Ministry of Defence Glass Unit Masonry

Military Engineering Projects (Glass Block) 04270 / 3 - 3


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Metals Division 5



A. The work covered by this section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment
appliances and materials and performing all operations in connection with Structural
Steel Works.


A. All structural steel except as otherwise shown shall comply with the applicable
provisions and recommendations of the following codes, Specifications and Standards:

1. ASTN A6-83 Specification for the General Requirements for

Rolled Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling, and Bars for
Structural Use.

2. ASTM A36-81A Standard Specification for Structural Steel

3. ASTM A325-83C Specification for High Strength Bolts for

Structural Steel Joints.

4. ASTM A325M-83 Specifications for High Strength Bolts for

Structural Steel Joints (Metric)

5. ASTM A490-83A Specification for Heat Treated, Steel

Structural Bolts.

6. ASTM A490M-82 Specification for High Strength Steel Bolts for

Structural Steel Joints (Metric)

7. ASTM E709-80 Practice for Magnet Particle Examination.

8. ASTM E119 Specification for fire resistance.

9. AWS D1.1-86 Structural Welding Code-Steel.

10. AISC S326 Specification for the design, fabrication and

erection of structural steel for buildings latest

11. AISC Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings

and Bridges.

12. Industrial fasteners Institute Fastener Standards Book

13. AISC S314 Specifications for Structural Joints Using ASTM

A325 or ASTM A490 (Nov.1985).
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Structural Steel 05120 / 1 - 18
14. SSPC Steel Structures Painting Manual, Volume 2,
Systems and Specifications.

B. Copies of all the above codes and standards shall be submitted to the Engineer.


A. Inspection and acceptance of materials, contract drawing and workmanship by the

Engineer and/or Engineers representative does not in any way relieve the contractors of
his responsibilities under the contract.

B. The works to be executed as specified and in accordance with good practice. No changes
are permitted without written approval.

C. Before work commence, the Contractor to submit for approval, his proposed

D. The Contractor is to review the detail of this specification and consider the times
required for testing, preparation of samples, production of fabrication drawings and
approval of information by the Engineer and/or Engineers representative. This
information to be included in the Contract Programme.

E. All publications referred to hereafter are to be the issues current at the date of invitation
to Tender.

F. The following materials are specifically precluded from all specifications pertaining to
works carried out under this Contract.

a) High alumina cement or concrete.

b) Wood wool slabs as permanent shuttering
c) Calcium chloride in admixtures for use in reinforced concrete.
d) Asbestos in any form.
e) Calcium silicate bricks.
f) Urea formaldehyde.

G. The Contractor is required to ensure that all efforts be made, and using the best
information available to him that these substances are not incorporated into the works. In
the event that he is unwilling or unable to comply with these requirements, he is to
inform the Owner/Engineer in writing in sufficient time for consultations to be held and
alternatives to be considered.

H. Any requirements provided in the drawings shall take precedence over this


A. This schedule is intended to be used as a helpful indication of the related sections within
the Project Specifications. It is not necessarily comprehensive or complete and it is the
Contractors responsibility to ascertain all applicable sections required to understand the
full Scope of Works intended.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Structural Steel 05120 / 2 - 18

A. Design, fabricate and install structural steel works and miscellaneous metal work
including all fixings required to carry imposed loads including factors of safety and to
secure items as necessary and not specified in other sections.

B. Before preparing detailed fabrication drawings submit calculations for all major
connections and general arrangement drawings with individual steel members clearly

C. Do not proceed with fabrication of materials until corresponding item on shop drawings
are approved by the Engineer.

D. Manufacturers Mill Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specified


E. Mill Test Reports: Certify welders employed on the Work, verifying AWS qualification
within the previous 12-months.

F. Welders Certificates: Certify welders employed on the work, verifying AWS

qualification within the previous 12 months.

G. Any design requirements provided in the drawings shall take precedence over this


A. Submit to the Engineer for approvals all the necessary structural calculations and
detailed shop drawings indicating the followings:

1. Profiles, sizes, spacing, locations of structural members, openings, attachments,

fasteners, connections, chambers, welds, shop and site finishes, etc. The drawings
shall clearly distinguish between shop and field, bolts and welds.

2. Field assembly and erection drawings, which show all field assembly prior to erection
and after erection. The drawings shall indicate all details, schedules, procedures, and
diagrams showing field assembly and sequence of erection. The information shall
indicate locations of shoring and how shoring is stabilized and controlled. The
drawings shall indicate elevations of shored points and splice locations. The
procedures shall indicate step by step erection sequences including intermediate
surveys and allowances for temperature. Diagrams shall indicate erection equipment
size and weight and additional elements, which may be required to support or
stabilize elements during erection.

3. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer written procedures for
fabrication of the steel work. The procedure shall describe the complete welding
process including machine, current, and voltage, preheat, filler metal, welding
system (manual, semi-automatic or automatic) positions of welding, etc. These
procedures shall indicate the Contractors quality control measures, monitoring and
repair procedures.

4. The Contractor shall be responsible for the arrangement of all joints and their load
carrying capacities. The connection may or may not be shown on the contract
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Structural Steel 05120 / 3 - 18
drawings. Submit all details along with calculations to Engineer prior to fabrication
for approval.

B. Manufacturers Literature

1. Submit to the Engineer manufacturers specifications and installation instruction for

the following products, including laboratory test reports and such other data to show
compliance with these Specifications (including specified standards):

a. Structural steel, (each type) including certified copies of mill reports covering
the chemical and physical properties, country and rolling mill of origin, and
including a statement indicating that the steel is new billet steel and that
testing has been performed in accordance with ASTM or equivalent

b. High strength bolts (each type) including nuts and washers.

c. Welding electrodes (each type).

d. Shop coat primer paint, field touch-up paint.

e. Coal tar epoxy paint.

f. Bearing materials or assemblies.

C. Testing Reports

1. The following reports shall be submitted in triplicate directly to the Engineer by the
Testing Laboratory, with copy to the Contractor.

a. Shop Welders Certification.

b. Field Welders Certification.

c. Magnetic Particle Test, Shop Welds, and Field Welds.

d. Ultra-sonic tests, shop welds and field welds.

e. High strength bolted connection tests, shop, and field.


A. The Contractor shall engage, at his own expense, an independent certified Testing
Laboratory approved by the Engineer to inspect high strength bolted connections and
welds, and to perform all tests and submit test reports to the Engineer as herein

B. The Contractor shall submit evidence regarding qualification of the proposed Testing

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Structural Steel 05120 / 4 - 18
C. The Contractor shall provide the Testing Laboratory with the following:

1. A complete set of shop fabrication and erection drawings.

2. Cutting lists, order sheets, material bills, shipping bills and mill test reports. Provide
certified copies of mill test reports of bolts, nuts and washers, including names and
locations of mills and shops and analysis of chemical and physical properties.

3. Information as to time and place of all rolling and shipment of material to shops.

1. Representative sample pieces requested for testing.

2. Full and ample means and assistance for testing all material.

3. Proper facilities including scaffolding, temporary work platforms, hosting facilities,

etc. for inspection of the work in the mills, shop and field.

D. Bolted connections shall be inspected by the Testing Laboratory in accordance with

AISC Specifications for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325-83C, ASTM 325M-83
and ASTM 490-83A or ASTM 490-82.

E. Welding shall be inspected and tested by a Testing Laboratory approved by the Engineer
during fabrication and erection of structural steel as follows:

1. Certify all welders in accordance with AWS and make inspections and tests as
required. Record types and locations of all defects found in the work, and measures
required and performed to correct such defects.

2. In addition to visual inspection of all welds, magnetic particle and ultrasonic

inspection shall be made of all welds indicated on the drawings. Magnetic particle
inspection shall be made on the root pass and finished weld.

3. The method of magnetic particle inspection shall be in accordance with ASTM E109.
Any type of crack or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration will not be acceptable.

4. Ultrasonic inspection shall be performed in accordance with AWS D1.1.

F. Each bolting crew and welder shall be assigned an identifying symbol or mark and all
shop and field connections shall be so identified so that the inspector can refer back to
the crew or person making the connection.

G. The Testing Laboratory shall be responsible for conducting and interpreting the tests,
shall state in each report whether or not the test specimens conform to all requirements
of the contract Documents, and shall specifically not any deviations there-from.

H. Access to places where material for this Contract is being fabricated or produced shall be
provided to the Engineer and the Testing Laboratory for the purpose of inspection and

I. The Engineer and the Testing Laboratory may inspect structural steel at the plant before
shipment, however, the Engineer reserves the right to reject any material, at any time
before final acceptance, which does not conform to all of the requirements of the
drawings and specifications.
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Military Engineering Projects Structural Steel 05120 / 5 - 18
J. The Testing Laboratory shall perform specified tests and submit reports to the Engineer.
Corrective measures, including additional and more complete testing which may result
from these tests shall be the Contractors responsibility, all costs of which shall be paid
for by the Contractor.

K. The Contractor shall coordinate and allow for necessary time for the Testing Laboratory
complete all testing and inspections prior to shop painting.

L. The Testing Laboratory shall prepare test specimen from steel samples cut from
delivered material and shall conduct tension tests in accordance with ASTM. The
Contractor shall mill order 1.0 metre extra length for the members noted on the drawings
to provide the steel for testing.


A. Fabricate structural steel members and perform work in accordance with relevant
code BSI standards or AISC code.

B. Maintain one copy of each document on site.

C. Fabricator: company specializing in performing the work of this section with

minimum 10 years documented experience.

D. Erector: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with

minimum 10 years documented experience.


A. Samples: Random samples of bolt, nuts, washers as delivered to the job site shall be
taken in the presence of the Engineers Representative and provided for testing to
establish compliance with specified requirements.

B. The Contractor shall submit specimens of all types of welded joints and weld metal to an
approved testing laboratory for testing to British Standards. The Contractor shall allow
in his costs for all necessary testing, trial test prices and attendance.

C. The Contractor shall submit specimens of painted members and painting materials to an
approved testing laboratory for testing to British Standards.


A. Prior to erection, an erection plan and schedule of the structural steel framing shall be
prepared by the Contractor and shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval.

The erection plan shall describe all necessary temporary supports including the sequence
of installation and removal.

Approval of the schedule, as submitted, shall constitute a basis for scheduling of

subsequent related and unrelated construction work.

B. No approval will relieve the Contractor of his obligations, and shall not be construed as
an acceptance of deviation from the requirements of the drawings, specifications and
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Structural Steel 05120 / 6 - 18

A. Store fabricated steelwork clear of the ground, keep clean and under cover.

B. Handle and store so as to avoid damage to steel work and protective coatings.

C. Identification marks to be visible when members are stacked.

D. All bundling, packing, handling and transport shall be carried out in a manner designed
to prevent damage to the steelwork and to any protective coating.


A. The Contractor to submit details of proposed methods of identifying and recording

materials and components to ensure appropriate use and location within the structure.
B. Marks to be placed in positions, which can be checked after erection.

C. Marking of weathering steel to be on surfaces, which will not be exposed to view in the
completed work.

D. Marking of steel, which is to be shot, blasted, pickled, metal sprayed or galvanised, to be

by an approved method, which cannot be obliterated.



A. Alternative manufacturers or products may be allowed subject to the Engineers

approval. The materials provided are to be to the sizes and grades as given to the


A. All materials, components, ordinary bolts, plain washers, welding consumables etc. shall
be to BS 5950 Part 2 unless otherwise specified.

B. Manufacturing tolerances to comply with clause 7.2 of BS 5950 Part 2: 1985 unless
there is a requirement to reduce the tolerances to ensure compatibility with other
elements of the construction.

C. Structural steel built-up from hot rolled plates conforming to ASTM A-572 Grade 50 (or
equivalent). Plates to be welded by a continuous weld to produce the required section.

D. Structural Steel: Hot rolled sections are mill formed sections complying with BS 4360,
Grade 43 (or equivalent).

E. Bolts, Nuts and Washers: ASTM A325 bolts, ASTM A563 nuts, hot dip galvanized to
ASTM requirements unless otherwise noted.

F. Sliding bearing Plates: Teflon coated or no less than equal.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Structural Steel 05120 / 7 - 18
G. Grout: General-purpose non-shrink cementitious grout. conbextra GP by Fosroc ltd or
no less than equal.

H. Shop and Touch-Up primer: In accordance with SSPC and compatible with finish coats
of paint and with fireproofing materials.


A. All welding electrodes shall be E70XX and shall comply with the provisions of AWS
Specifications A5.1, A5.5, A5.17, A5.18, 15.20.

B. All welds not specified shall be continuous fillet welds using not less than the minimum
size based on thickness of the thicker part jointed.

1. Thickness to 12mm -minimum size 4mm.

2. Over 12mm to 20mm -minimum size 6mm.

3. Over 20mm to 40mm -minimum size 8mm.

4. Over 40mm to 50mm -minimum size 10mm.

2.04 PAINT

A. Primers: Steel surfaces which are not embedded in concrete to be painted with coal tar
epoxy, anti-corrosive primer (KPID) complying with B.S.5493, minimum dry film
thickness 50 microns for all members that will receive finishing coat. All other
members/surfaces will receive 3 coats of total thickness 150 microns.

B. Finishing Coat: All steel members exposed to view or covered with cladding system
(refer architectural drawing) shall have special structural approved paint system to be
used to protect structure (built up section and metal deck) against corrosive. Submit
color chart for Engineer selection.

C. Use spray application for painting. The minimum thickness shall be maintained on all
corners, edges and ends of pieces. The surface to be painted shall be dry and above 2C,
the temperature of the air shall be over 5C. Do not paint outdoors in rainyand dusty
weather. Allow paint at least 24 hours drying time in good weather before re-coating.

D. Fire Protection Spray applied system of approved product Mandolite P20 or

vermiculite or Perlite including binder shall be applied to all steel members and metal
deck to the exposed structure in enclosed room areas as shown in architectural drawing.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Structural Steel 05120 / 8 - 18

A. Fabricate structural steel to specialists steelwork suppliers shop drawing and in

accordance with applicable codes.

B. Cut, shapes and assemble parts to ensure accurate erection.

C. Grind all burrs smooth from cut sections and grind all welds to a clean finish.



A. Deliver items, which are to build into the work of other sections in time so as not to
delay the progress of the works.

B. Examine the site and all work prepared by others and report to the Engineer in writing in
writing any conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of work of this


A. Submit details of method and sequence of erection, type of carnage and temporary guys
and bracing proposed for use during erection at least two weeks before starting erection
of steelwork.

B. Take all measurements required on site. Check measurement, compare dimensions and
other data with various trades installing adjoining work to assure proper co-ordination.

C. Allow for erection loads, and for sufficient temporary bracing to maintain structure safe
plumb, and in true alignment until completion of erection and installation of permanent

D. Field weld components indicated on shop drawings.

E. Field connect members with threaded fasteners; torque to required resistance.

F. Do not field cut or alter structural members without approval of Engineer.

G. After erection, prime welds, abrasions, and surfaces not shop primed except surfaces to
be in contact with concrete.

H. Grout under steel column base plates in accordance with manufacturers

recommendation. Trowel grout surface smooth, splay neatly to 45 degrees.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Structural Steel 05120 / 9 - 18

3.3.1 WELDING GENERALLY. Metal arc welding of steel to BS 6323 and BS 4360 to be in
accordance with the definitive requirements of BS 5135. However, for the purposes of this
specification the Information and Requirements to be supplied by the Purchaser contained
in Clause 3.1 of BS 5135 are not applicable and are replaced by the requirements of Clause
3.2 above.

3.3.2 CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. When not given on the contract

drawings the fabricator is required to submit the following information for approval:

A. Specification of the parent metal and the weld metal.

B. Locations, dimensions and details, i.e. form of joint, angle between fusion faces, gaps
between parts etc. of all welds.

C. Whether the welds are to be made in the shop or elsewhere. Written welding procedures
according to Clause 20 of BS 5135 when requested on the drawing.

D. Welding procedure approval testing in accordance with Clause 22 of BS 5135 for the
details marked on the drawings.

E. Means of identification of the operative responsible for making the weld.

F. Details of quality control system.

G. Joints requiring post-weld treatment for the relief of residual stresses and details of the
treatment proposed.

H. Such information as is relevant for approval according to Clause 3.2 of BS 5125.

I. Where steel to grade 50 or 55 of BS 4130 has been prepared by flame cutting proposals
for alleviating any hardening so caused.

J. The pro-forma to be completed for all welding defined on the fabrication drawings and
submitted for approval.

3.3.3 SUPERVISION. All welding shall be carried out under the direction of a competent
Welding Technologist. Evidence of this competence to be submitted for approval.

3.3.4 WELDING ON SITE is not permitted unless shown on drawings or otherwise approved. If
site welding is authorised the Contractor is to submit details of staging platforms, weather
protection etc. for welders and materials. Only fully qualified welders are to be employed
for site operations. Do not weld when surfaces are wet.

3.3.5 THE ACCEPTANCE LEVEL for welding to be in accordance with Table 2 of the National
Structural Steelwork Specification for Building Construction. The Contractor to allow in his
costs all facilities and testing required to demonstrate compliance with the specification.

3.3.6 WELDING PROCEDURES: approval tested to BS 4870: Part 1 unless permitted otherwise,
using equipment, materials consumables and welding positions representative of those
proposed for the work. Submit evidence for approval. In addition:

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Structural Steel 05120 / 10 - 18
A. Procedures to be such that distortion is reduced to a minimum and local distortion
rendered negligible in the final structure. Corrections, if necessary, to be undertaken by a
method approved by the Engineer.

B. Unless specified otherwise all welds to be butt-welds. BUTT WELDS: use run on and run off plates to ensure full throat thickness at ends of
butt welds as follows:

A. Material for plates to be of same grade as material to be welded.

B. Prepare plates in same manner as those to be joined.

C. After completion of welding, remove plates by cutting and grind smooth the surfaces
where they were attached.

D. Retain and identify plates for inspection.

E. When specified on the drawings the Contractor to submit specimens of welded joints
and weld metal to an approved testing authority for testing to BS 4870 or BS 4872 as
required. The Contractor to allow in his costs for all necessary testing, trials test pieces
and attendance.

F. The approved testing authority to submit full details of all test results as soon as they are


A. All welds to be inspected visually by a suitably qualified person prior to non-destructive

testing according to Table 1 of the National Structural Steelwork Specification for
Building Construction.

B. The inspecting authority to prepare a schedule of inspection according to Table 2 of that

specification and to submit proposals to the Engineer.

C. A period of at least 48 hours to elapse between the completion of welding and

inspection. The elapsed time to be recorded by the inspecting authority.

D. TEST FAILURE: If any sample fails a test the consignment which it represents may be
rejected in whole or in part at the discretion of the Engineer.


A. Inspection and testing-Structural Steel: Testing and inspection of structural steel shall be
performed in accordance with applicable codes and standards.

B. Inspection and Testing-bolt Connections: bolted connections shall be inspected in

accordance with AISC requirements.

C. Inspection and Testing-Welding: Welding shall be inspected and tested during

fabrication and erection of structural steel.

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Military Engineering Projects Structural Steel 05120 / 11 - 18
D. Certify all welders and make inspections and test as required. Record types and
locations of all defects found in the work, the measures required and performed to
correct such defects.
E. In addition to visual inspection of all welds, magnetic particle, ultra-sonic and
radiographic inspection shall be made of all welds as specified elsewhere in the Contract
Documents. Magnetic particle inspection shall be made on the root pass and finished

F. The method of magnetic particle inspection shall be in accordance with ASTM E709.
Any type of crack or zone of incomplete fusion or penetration will be acceptable.

G. Radiographic inspection technique and standards of acceptance shall be in accordance

with AWS D1.1 and ASTM E94.

H. Ultra-sonic inspection shall be performed in accordance with AWS D1.1.

I Repair and Re-inspection of Welds: Repair welds in accordance with AWS D1.1; or
replace the weld; and re-examine repaired and replaced welds by the method used to
examine the original weld. In addition, when defective welds are found, Contractor shall
determine the cause of the defective welding and institute immediate corrective action.

J. Inspection and Testing bolts: Each shipping lot or production of ASTM A490 high
strength bolts shall be checked for hardness to the acceptance quality level (AQL). Bolts
with hardness outside the range specified shall be rejected.


3.5.1 General

A. Unless otherwise specified the position of any bolt at the point where it connects to the
steelwork shall not vary by more than 3mm from its specified position for bolts rigidly
cast in and 5mm for bolts in sleeves. The position of the bolt to be such that the end-to-
end deviation of the connecting member does not exceed 1/600 of the length of the
connecting line.

B. The projection at the end of the bolt to be not less than three threads and not more than

C. Movement tolerances for bolts in sleeves. It must be possible to move the bolts to the
full extent of the sleeve as provided.


A. In the undeflected state the deviation of any point in the frame, at a junction of members
along a span or column height not to exceed A10mm from the specified position and

B. In the undeflected states the deviation of any member from its specified position and
level is not to exceed 1/600 of the length A10mm whichever is the smaller.

C. Tolerances on the linear distance between any two points not to exceed 1/750 of the
length or 3mm whichever is the larger.

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D. Where significant deflections may be expected the Engineer will require that the
contractor submit a method statement containing proposals for meeting the specified


A. The levels of the upper and lower surfaces of two or more beams meeting a column are
not to vary by more than 10mm.

B. Within any connection the deviation of the centre line of any member, relative to any
other member, not to exceed 3mm of the defined relationship between the centre lines.

3.5.4 COMBINING TOLERANCES: Tolerances are not to be combined except with approval of
the Engineer.


A. The recommendations of any clause or sub-clause of BS 5493: 1977 are requirements of

this specification.


A. A high quality finishes both structurally and aesthetically is required for all visible

B. The quality of finish on an agreed sample to be approved by Engineer before painting


C. Significantly visible welds are to be ground flush to a finished surface as required.

D. Before work begins the Contractor may submit alternative proposals, which must be
supported by evidence showing that these are at least the equivalent of those specified.

E. Use methods and equipment, which will minimise chafing, chipping and other damage
to the coated components.

F. Ensure an adequate drying/curing period for each coat before handling.

G. Use suitable packing, lashings, lifting harnesses, nylon sings, rubber protected chains
and chocks, etc.

H. Stack coated components clear of the ground, separated by timber chocks, and so that
ponding does not occur.


A. Adequately protect freshly applied surface coatings from damage.

B. Exhibit Wet Paint signs and provide protective barriers where necessary.

C. Adequately protect surfaces adjacent to those being covered.

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A. Early degradation of coatings by blistering, peeling, flaking, cracking, lack of adhesion,

etc. to be made good by complete removal, preparation and reapplication of all coats, as

B. Inadequate dry film thickness or surface defects due to inclement weather may,
depending on the type of paint, be remedied by rubbing down and applying further
coat(s), as instructed.
C. Mechanical damage to coatings to be made good by local cutting back of coatings,
preparation and reapplication of all coats to leave a neat, continuous and flat finish.

D. Where damage to coatings or subsequent surface preparation has exposed bare metal,
thoroughly clean and prime within two hours.

E. Cleaning to be by white spirit or Naphtha followed by scrubbing with a 2% solution of

Teepoland a thorough rinse with clear water. Where the contamination (e.g. oil or
grease) cannot be removed by these means, a suitable solvent to be obtained from the
paint manufacturer followed by scrubbing and rinsing as above.



Preparation: Acid pickling


Preparation: Blast cleaning to BS 4232, third quality (for roughness) using chilled iron
grit grade G24, followed by acid pickling.

Galvanizing: To BS 729, minimum average coating thickness 140 microns.


A. OFFSITE PREPARATION AND PAINTING to be carried out under cover in properly

lit, heated and ventilated conditions. Select sequence of working from one of the
following and inform Engineer before starting work:

- Fabricate blast clean prime as specified.

- Blast clean fabricate prime as specified (Immediately before priming remove flash
rust with a light overall sweep blast), or

- Blast clean prime with a weldable prefabrication primer recommended by the

manufacturer of the specified primer fabricate prime as specified (thickness of post-
fabrication priming coat may be reduced as recommended by manufacturer).

3.6.6 INACCESSIBLE SURFACES: The sequence of working to be such as to ensure that

surfaces inaccessible after assembly receive the full specified treatment and coating system
including, if necessary, local shop application of site coatings.

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A. Ensure that steel complies with Swedish Standard SIS 05 59 00 at time of blasting as

Dry blasting: Initial rust grade A or B.

Wet blasting: Initial rust grade A, B or C.
B. Thoroughly degrease. Remove mill scale by chipping, grinding and/or heat treatment.

C. Blast clean to the specified BS 4232 quality, and control quality of preparation in
accordance with BS 5493, Appendix F. Use chilled iron abrasives to BS 2451, Grades
G17 or S170, free from contamination by dust, water and oil.

D. Remove all surfaces defects likely to be detrimental to the protective painting system,

E. Defects in the steel, including cracks, surface laminations, shelling and deep pitting as
required by BS 4360.

F. Defects resulting from fabrication, including fins at cuts, burns, sharp edges and weld

G. Rogue peaks remaining after blasting. Where extensive grinding is necessary to remedy
defects, reblast the dressed areas.

H. Thoroughly clean off all dust in a clean area of the works using a vacuum head fitted
with edge brushes.

I. Apply primer as soon as practicable and within four hours of blasting. Steel not to be
exposed out of doors during this period.


A. Ensure that steel complies with Swedish Standard SIS 05 59 00 initial rust grade C at
time of cleaning.

B. Chip, scrape, disc sand and grind surfaces to remove all fins, burrs, sharp edges, weld
spatter, loose rust and loose scale. Clean out all crevices.

C. Thoroughly degrease using emulsion cleaners followed by thorough rinsing with water.

D. Apply primer when surface is dry and on the same day as cleaning.


A. Blast clean and mask weld areas before coating surrounding areas. If more than one coat
is applied to surrounding areas, step each 30mm back from edge of preceding coat.
Remove masking immediately before welding.

B. Alternatively prepare and shop paint weld areas as specified, then grind off to bare steel
immediately before welding.

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A. After welding, and without delay, remove all scale and weld spatter from the weld areas
by grinding or chipping, abrade to remove all traces of rust, wash with clean water and
allow to dry.

B. Prime without delay and apply further coatings to the weld areas to match the
surrounding painted areas.


A. Where steelwork is to be shop painted, ensure that the full shop specification is applied
to joint faces.

B. Where steelwork is to be erected with a mill finish and then site painted, prepare and
prime joint faces before erection and allow to dry.

C. Immediately before assembling bolted joints in externally exposed steelwork, apply a

further coat of primer and bring the surfaces together while still wet.

D. Before applying site coatings to externally exposed steelwork, seal all crevices to bolts
and joint perimeters with compatible mastic.


A. Blast clean and mask before coating surrounding areas. The masking must adequately
protect the faying surface from deterioration and contamination.

B. If more than one coat is applied to surrounding areas, step each 30mm back from edge of
preceding coat.

C. Remove masking immediately before bolting, check faying surfaces are free from
adhesive and clean with solvent if necessary.


A. After final tightening of bolts, and without delay, thoroughly degrease and clean bare
steel at joint edges and prime as specified.

B. Seal all crevices to bolts and joint perimeters with compatible mastic.

C. Apply further coatings to surrounding areas to match adjacent shop painted areas before
applying specified site coatings.

3.6.14 UNCOATED FASTENINGS: After erection, thoroughly degrease and clean and, without
delay, apply coating(s) to match surrounding shop painted areas before applying specified
site coating(s).

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3.6.15 GALVANIZED FASTENINGS: After erection, thoroughly degrease and clean and apply a
suitable etch primer before applying specified site coating(s).

remedial work as specified. Prepare all surfaces by abrading and/or washing down as
recommended by manufacturer before applying coats.


degrease. If metal coating is defective obtain instructions before proceeding. Remove any
white corrosion products with a stiff brush, wash off and allow to dry before applying
specified etching wash or primer.



Do not apply coatings:

A. To surfaces affected by moisture.

B. When relative humidity is more than 80%.

C. When heat is likely to cause blistering or wrinkling.

D. Take all necessary precautions including restrictions on working hours, providing

temporary protection and allowing extra drying time, to ensure that coatings are not
adversely affected by climatic conditions before, during and after application.

Application of coatings will be taken as joint acceptance by the Main Contractor and
Subcontractor of the suitability of surfaces and conditions within any given areas.


A. Paints to be applied in accordance with the manufacturers instructions so as to give an

even and uniform coating. No thinners or other additives to be used unless approved by
the Engineer.

B. Adjacent coats of the same material (including any stripe coats) to be of a different tint
to ensure that each coat provides complete coverage.

C. Apply coatings to clean, dust free, suitably dry surfaces in dry atmospheric conditions
and after any previous coats have hardened.

D. Apply coatings evenly to give a smooth finish of uniform thickness and colour, free
from brush marks, nibs, sags, runs and other defects.
E. Keep all surfaces clean and free from dust during coating and drying. Adequately protect
completed work from damage.

F. The drying periods before exposure to weather or to being transported to be those stated
by the manufacturers. Steelwork protected only by prefabrication primer not to be stored
outside for more than 21 days.

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A. Wet film thickness of each coat to be not less than that required to give the specified dry
film thickness. Before starting work prepare and measure test samples to verify the
relationship between wet and dry film thickness and submit results to Engineer.

B. Check the thickness of each coat during application using a wet film thickness wheel or
comb in accordance with BS 3900: Part C5.

C. After each coat has dried measure the total accumulated dry film thickness using a
magnetic or electromagnetic meter, checked against standard shims and recalibrate
regularly as recommended by the manufacturer, the number and position of
measurements to be as directed by Engineer. Carry out all measurements in the presence
of the Engineer unless otherwise directed.

D. Over any square metre of coating the average accumulated dry film thickness must equal
or exceed the specified thickness, with no reading less than 75% of the specified

E. If at any stage the accumulated dry film thickness is deficient, the Engineer may require
application of additional coat(s) at no extra cost. The full topcoat thickness must be
maintained, notwithstanding any greater than specified undercoat thickness.

3.7.4 STRIPE COATS: An extra stripe coat of primer, of the same thickness as the general coat,
to be applied to all edges and corners of steelwork that will be exposed externally in the
finished structure. This is to be applied after application of the general coat.

Stripe coats of undercoat, if specified, to be similarly applied. If stripe coats of topcoat are
specified these to be applied before application of the general coat. Stripe coats of primer or
undercoat to be applied after the general coat. Stripe coats of topcoat must be applied before
the general coat.

3.7.5 COLOUR OF TOP COAT to be selected by Engineer (unless already specified). Colour of
preceding coat to be as recommended by the paint manufacturer to suit the top coat colour.

3.7.6 JUNCTIONS WITH CONCRETE: Where exposed steelwork is partially embedded or

encased in concrete, apply two coats of an approved rubber/bituminous coating locally to the
steel/concrete junction as instructed by Engineer.


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A. The scope of works shall cover the design, fabrication, supply and installation of the
Space Frame system as indicated on the contract drawings and in accordance with the
requirements of the Tender documents.


A. The Space Frame works shall comprise of the following:

(i) Engineering design of Space Frame structures including the preparation of support
reactions, structural calculations, shop and erection drawings.

(ii) The fabrication, surface finishing, packaging and delivery of Space Frame materials
to the job site.

(iii)The assembly and erection of the Space Frame structure under the direct supervision
of the manufacturers qualified technical staff.


A. The design, fabrication, surface finishing and Space Frame erection shall be in
accordance with ISO 9000 Quality System Procedures. Also following stated standards
as applicable.

(i) SASO Specifications: Saudi Arabian Standards Organisation.

(ii) AISC (89): specification for the design, fabrication and erection of structural
steel for buildings.

(iii) AISC (86): Code of standard practice for steel buildings and bridges.

(iv) ANSI ASCE 7-88: Minimum design loads for buildings and structures.

(v) ANSI/AWS D1.1-1994: Structural welding code - Steel.

(vi) ASTM A53: Standard specification for Seam Welded Pipes (ERW).

(vii) BS 1387: Standard specification for Tubes.

(viii) ASTM A36: Standard specification for Structural Steel.

(ix) DIN 17200: Standards for materials.

(x) ASTM F568: Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Bolts.

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A. The Space Frame system shall be of modular, three dimensional steel construction, made
of hot rolled and/or cold formed structural steel members concentrically connected to
pre-threaded hot forged spherical nodes. The system shall be thoroughly tested to
internationally recognised standards and shall have been successfully used on previous
projects of similar area, span, design loading and modulation. The system shall conform
with all the requirements indicated on the Contract Drawings and Project Specification.


A. The design submittal shall comprise of the technical calculations and shop drawings. It
shall be prepared by a licensed and certified Engineering Design Office, and shall bear
the seal and approval of the Space Frame manufacturer.


A. The Space Frame design shall be in compliance with the AISC design code, or
equivalent internationally approved standard. All loading criteria shall be clearly stated
and all load cases and load combinations must comply with ANSI-ASCE 7-88, or
equivalent internationally approved standard. All design loadings shall be applied to the
Space Frame nodal positions; No direct load shall be applied to any chord or diagonal
member, unless expressly noted.


A. The actual dead and superimposed loads, as defined by the project drawings and
specification shall be used in the design of the Space Frame structure, no departure from
the above shall be permitted. In the absence of such information, the Space Frame may
be designed for the following loading conditions :

(i) Dead Load : Actual system self weight (Space Frame + Purlins +
(ii) Live Load : 60 Kg/m2
(iii ) Service Load : As specified
(iv) Wind Load : 80 Kg/m2 or as specified.
(v) Temperature : 30

B. All extra loadings specified in the project documents must be transferred to the Space
Frame through their respective nodal (joint) connection.


A. Members shall be sized by the Space Frame designer and fabrication of the same must
comply with the selected member sizes. The engineering calculations shall include an
illustrated geometrical layout of the Space Frame structure identifying support positions,
support type, system height and Space Frame modulation. The method of design shall be
clearly defined in the introduction to the technical calculations and all design loadings
and load combinations clearly stated. The calculations shall include a complete analysis
of the system indicating member stresses and forces, nodal displacements and
deflection/ponding requirements together axial load, shear load and member stress
envelopes. All pages shall be numbered and a contents list provided for ease of
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B. The contractor shall ensure that the Space Frame supporting structure can safely
accommodate all the loads, reactions and moments induced by the Space Frame analysis.


A. Shop drawings must clearly indicate the geometric layout of the Space Frame structure.
They shall comprise of top and bottom chord plans, sections, support and connection
details, and all other relevant connection details between Space Frame and adjacent
building components (e.g. roofing, skylights, HVAC etc.,).



A. Materials shall conform to the requirements specified for the particular item, and where
these requirements are not specified in detail, the materials shall be as recommended by
the manufacturer and designed for the intended use. All materials shall be subject to the
approval of the Client, or his representatives, prior to fabrication of the Space Frame

B. Certificates of Compliance for all approved materials used in the fabrication of the
Space Frame shall be submitted. A method of fabrication shall also be submitted for the
Clients; approval.



Nodes shall be manufactured in the form of hot forged steel elements made of quality
steel conforming to DIN 17200 C45 steel or equivalent. Nodes may have upto fourteen
(14) threaded bolt holes. Holes shall only be drilled where required. Bar (member)
elements shall be screwed to the nodes on site.


Members shall consist of circular pipes conforming to ASTM A53-A grade steel or as
specified in the design. These pipes shall be welded at both ends to conical tips which
shall house the end bolts. The cones must transmit both compressive and tensile forces
as specified by design. The welding of the cones must conform to ANSI/AWS D1.1
utilising semiautomatic MIG and FCMAW (Self Shielding) welding processes.


Round headed bolts positioned inside the conical tips shall be free to rotate. A hexagonal
sleeve (similar in appearance to a nut shall be attached to each bolt by a connecting pin).
Bolts shall conform to ASTM F568 and shall be zinc electroplated to ASTM
A164/B633. Bolts must be labelled with the necessary information to define their

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A. The manufacturer shall provide all structural members, nodes and accessories necessary
for a complete Space Frame installation. Each member shall be clearly marked in
accordance with all shop and erection drawings for ease of identification and
installation. The Space Frame system shall be manufactured in accordance with the
requirements of ISO 9002.


1. Khalid Ali Al-Kharafi & Bros.

P. O. Box. 2886, Safat 13029,

2. Rafid Space Frame Factory

P.O. Box. 89700, Riyadh 11692,
Saudi Arabia.

3. Khalid Ali Al-Kharafi & Bros.

P. O. Box. 2886, Safat 13029,

4. Mero Structures Inc.

N112, W18810 Mequoun Road,
P.O. Box. 610, German Town,
Winconsin 53022.

Or equivalent and approved.

B. Space Frame systems other than specified herein may be acceptable, provided that they
do not result in additional costs due to design changes required to accommodate them,
and provided that they do not compromise the basic architectural design concepts.


A. All Space Frame members and exposed accessory parts shall be factory finished in
accordance with manufacturers instructions. Colour shall be baked-on using polyester
powder coating. After erection, field bolt heads and nuts, field welds and any abraded
spots shall be primed and finish painted with a compatible material as recommended by
the Space Frame manufacturer, and of the same colour as the factory finish.


A. All installation works shall be carried out by a qualified erection company with
considerable experience in the installation of nodal space frame systems. The erection of
the Space Frame works shall be by one of the following methods:

(i) In-situ assembly from either full eight mobile or fixed scaffold.

(ii) Assembly on Ground and lift into position by means of suitably sized crane.

(iii)Partial assembly on ground, lift into position by crane and completion of

assembly works from mobile scaffold.
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Military Engineering Projects Steel Space Frame 05165 / 4 - 6
On projects where craneage is to be used, the lifting points shall be determined / approved by the
Engineering Department responsible for the Space Frame design.


Material specification : Quenched & Tempered Steel DIN 17200


Design Criteria : Node size is determined to allow enough spacing

for the pipes without any interference and to carry
the forces applied by the connected members.

Manufacturing Technique : By hot forging and then machining Forging

Standard: DIN 7256 or equivalent.


Material specification : Free cutting Mild Steel to ASTM A36 or


Design Criteria : Conical tip is determined to fit inside the pipe to

transmit safely the member forces.

Manufacturing Technique : Machining or forging


Material Specification : Free cutting Mild steel to ASTM A36 or


Design Criteria : Nuts are designed mainly for compressive forces.

Effective net area of the nut is compared with its
bearing area at Nodal connection and it is designed
according to the most unfavourable one of these

Manufacturing Technique : Machining.


Material Specification : (a) Drawn Steel for cold rolled screw (Bolt)
Quality Spec. ASTM F568 or equivalent.

(c )Coating specs. (electrogalvanised - ASTM B633).

Design Criteria : Bolts are designed mainly for tension members. For
its design load carrying capacity effective net area
after reduction of Pin hole is considered.

Manufacturing Technique : Threaded by Cold rolling then heat treated.

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Material Specification : Hot rolled steels for quenched and tempered

springs quality spec. DIN 17221.

Design Criteria : To carry the torque applied to the bolt for fixing.

Manufacturing Technique : By hot rolling.


Material Specification : Pipe, steel, black and hot dipped zinc coated
(galvanised) ASTM A53 and/or BS 1387 (Electric
Resistance Welded).

Manufacturing Technique : Bar consists of circular hollow section (tube) with

coaxial cones welded at both ends.


Material Specification : Channels, black and hot dipped zinc coated

(Galvanised) to JIS G3350 or equivalent.

Manufacturing Technique : Cold formed and then fabricated.


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A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances, and materials and performing all operations in connection with metal
fabrication work.

B. Metal fabrication work is defined as including any items shown on the Drawings and/or
specified herein, fabricated from steel and iron shapes, plates, bars, pipes, tubes, casting
and roll-formed shapes which are not a part of an overall system specified in any other
Section of these Specifications. Such works are including but not limited to the

1. Steel Railing
2. Steel Access/Cat Ladder
3. Steel Frame and Cover
4. Steel Steps and Stair
5. Steel Lintel
6. Steel Nosing etc.


Section 09900 Painting.


A. The metal fabrication work, except as otherwise specified, shall comply with the
following codes, specifications and standards:

1- AISC S326 Specifications for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural
Steel for Building, including commentary.

2- Specifications for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members, AISI.

3- AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code Steel.

4- ASTM A-6 Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes,
Sheet Piling and Bars for Structural Use:.

5- Handbook on Bolt, Nut and Rivet Standards, Industrial Fasteners Institute.

6- Steel Structural Painting Manual, Volume 2, Systems and Specifications, (SSPC).

7- Part 1910 of the Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA) as applicable to
stairs, railings and the protection of floor openings.

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Military Engineering Projects Metal Fabrications 05500 / 1 - 10
8- ANSI A 12.1 Safety Requirements for Floor and Wall Openings, Railings and Toe

9- ANSI A58.1 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures.

10- ASTM A123 Specification for Zinc (Hot-Galvanized) Coatings as Products

Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, and Strip.

11- ASTM A153 Specification for zinc Coatings (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel

12- ASTM A283 Specification for Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel
Plates, Shapes and Bars.

13- ASTM A307 Specification for Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard

14- ASTM A307 Specification for Carbon

15- ASTM A545 Specification for Steel Wire, Carbon, Cold-Heading Quality for
Machine Screws.


A. Employ only experienced tradesmen for both fabrication and installation, who are
capable of producing work of the highest standards of quality in the industry.


A. Manufacturers Literature: Submit to the Engineer manufacturers specifications, load

tables, dimensions diagrams, anchor details and installation instructions for products to
be used in the manufacture of metal fabrications, including paint products.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer, shop drawings for the fabrication and erection
of all assemblies of metal fabrication work, which are not completely shown by
manufacturers date sheets. Include plans and elevations at not less than 1:10 scale and
included details of sections and connections at not less than 1:4 scale. Show anchorage
and accessory items.

C. Samples: Submit to the Engineer samples of each different railing member including
handrails, top rails, posts and balusters. Include samples of fittings and welded
connections. Samples will be reviewed by the Engineer for colour, texture and
reflectivity only. Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive responsibility
of the contractor. Provide samples of all other items specified under this section for
review of the Engineer.


A. Store all materials in clean, dry location, away from uncured concrete and masonry,
protected against damage of any kind. Cover with waterproof paper, tarpaulin or
polyethylene sheeting, allow for air circulation inside covering.

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A. Examine the substrate and conditions under which the work is to be installed. Do not
proceed with the installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a
manner acceptable to the Engineer.



A. The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or better than those
specified, will be considered acceptable. The decisions as to acceptability will rest with
the Engineer.


A. Structural Steel Shapes and Plates: ASTM A36 and ASTM A6.

B. Steel Plate for Cold-Forming: ASTM A283 Grade C and ASTM A6.

C. Hot-Rolled Steel bars (including bar-size shapes): ASTM A575 (Merchant Quality)
or ASTM A576 (Special Quality), Quality and Grade as selected by the fabricator, and

D. Cold-Finished Steel Bars: ASTM A108, Grade as selected by fabricator, and ASTM

E. Steel Pipe: ASTM A53, Type E, F or S at fabricators option, Grade A, black finish
unless shown or specified as galvanized, standard weight (Schedule 40) unless otherwise
shown or specified.

F. Hot-Formed Rectangular Steel Tubing: ASTM A 501, butt welded, cold-finished and
stress relieved.

G. Cold-Drawn Steel Tubing: Plain, round complying with FS-FF-W-92, locking helical
spring complying with FS-FF-W-84.

H. Grey Iron Castings: ASTM A 48, Class 30B.

I. Malleable Iron Castings: ASTM A47, Grade as selected.

J. Steel Sheet for Cold-Forming: ASTM A569 and ASTM A568, hot rolled sheet steel of
commercial quality pickled and oiled, free of defects which would impair the look.


A. General: Fasteners provided for exterior use, or where embedded in exterior walls,
floors or roofs shall be zinc coated complying with ASTM A153.

B. Bolts and Nuts: ASTM A307, Grade A.

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C. Machine Screws: ASTM A545.

D. Expansion Bolts: Toothed steel or lead shield expansion devices of the type and size
shown, with galvanized bolts, except do not use lead shield bolts for overhead

E. Lag Bolts: FS FF-B-561, type and grade as required.

F. Toggle Bolts: FS FF-B-588, type and class as required.

G. Washers: Carbon steel: Plain round complying with FS FF W 92, locking helical
spring complying with FS FF W 84.

I. Power Driven Anchors: Type and size as shown or, if not shown, comply with
manufacturers standards. Use only devices and tools, which comply with ANSI A10.3.
Do not used as suspension member anchor.

J. Non-shrink, nonferrous Grout: Por-Rok Anchoring Cement, Lehn and Fink Industrial
Products Div. Of Sterling Drug or equal and approved.


A. General: Primers selected shall be compatible with finish paints. Refer to Section
09900, Painting for finish paint material and applications.

B. Ferrous Metal (Fast Drying): For clean smooth surfaces, as approved by the Engineer.

C. Ferrous metal (Slow Drying): For clean rough surfaces with light rust or mill scale, as
approved by the Engineer.

D. Galvanized Metal: Pre-treat galvanized metal surfaces in accordance with SSPC-PT 3-

64. Prime coat with one of the following or other equal and approved.

1. 721 Phenolic Zinc Rich; Detroit Graphite

2. B50 A1 Galvanized Iron Primer: Sherwin Williams
3. 5229 Galvanized Iron Primer; Glidden-Durkee
4. Galvanized Metal Primer; Pratt & Lambert


A. For the manufacture of metal fabrications, which will be exposed to view, use only
materials, which are smooth and free of surface blemishes including pitting, seam marks,
roller marks, rolled trade names and roughness. Remove such blemishes by grinding, or
by welding and grinding, prior to cleaning, treating and application of finishes including
zinc coatings.

B. Use materials of the size and thickness shown, or if not shown, of the required size and
thickness to produce adequate strength and durability in the finished product for the
intended use. Work to the dimensions shown or accepted on shop drawing, using proven
details of fabrication and support. Use the type of materials as appropriate and approved
for the various components of works.

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C. Form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight
sharp edges. Ease exposed edges to radium of approximately 1 mm unless otherwise
shown. Form bent metal corners to the smallest radius possible without causing grain
separation or otherwise impairing the works.

D. Verify dimensions by accurate field measurement before fabrication wherever work

adjoins other work that precedes it in construction. However, do not delay job progress;
allow for trimming and fitting of metal fabrication work wherever the taking of field
measurements before fabrication might delay the work. On shop drawings note which
dimensions have been verified by field measurement.

E. Weld corners and seams continuously and in accordance with the recommendations of
AWS. Grind exposed welds smooth and flush, to match and blend with adjoining

F. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, which are flush and smooth, using
concealed fasteners wherever possible. Use exposed fasteners of the type shown, or if
not shown, use an appropriate and approved by the Engineer.

G. Pre-drill bolt and/or screw holes as shown and as required for attachment of metal
fabrication work and for the attachment of adjacent materials.

H. Furnish inserts and anchoring devices, which must be set in concrete or built into
masonry for the installation of metal fabrication work. Co-ordinate deliveries of such
devices with other work so as to avoid any delay.

I. Provide for anchorage of the type shown, co-coordinated with the supporting structure
and the construction program. Fabricate and space anchoring devices as shown and as
required providing adequate support for the intended use of the work.

J. Cut, reinforce, drill and tap metal fabrication work as may be required to receive finish
hardware and similar items of work.

K. Use hot-rolled steel bar for work fabricated from bar stock, unless work is shown or
specified to be fabricated from cold-finished or cold-rolled stock.

L. Pre-assemble work at shop to the greatest extent possible, so as to minimize field

splicing and assembly of units at the project site. Disassemble units only to the extent

necessary to comply with shipping limitations. Mark units clearly for shipping

limitations. Mark units clearly for re-assembly and proper installation.

M. Where shown as galvanized, complete the shop fabrication prior to application of the
coating. Remove mill scale and rust, clean and pickle the units as required for coating.
Apply hot-dip zinc coating of 0.6 kg/m2 in accordance with ASTM A123.

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A. Miscellaneous Trims:

Provide shapes and sizes as required for the profiles shown. Except as otherwise noted,
fabricate units from structural steel shapes, plates and steel bars, with continuously
welded joints and smooth exposed edges. Use concealed field splices wherever possible.
Provide cutouts, fitting and anchorages as required for co-ordination of assembly and
installation with other work.

B. Railings and Handrails

Provide galvanized steel railings and handrails of designs and dimensions shown, with
smooth bends and welded joints ground smooth and flush, comply with ANSI A12.1
A58.1 for railings around floor openings and exposed edges of floors, stairs, ramps, etc.
and similar location. Installed railings, and support, shall withstand a 110 Kg. Load
applied at any point, downward or horizontally or 75 Kg/m along the top rail, whichever
is greater, complete with all sleeves, brackets, bolts and fastening devices as required for
a complete installation.

C. Edge Angles and Seating Angles:

1. Provide edge angles or seating angles of size as shown on the Drawings with
welded-on strap anchors .6m (2ft) on centers.

2. Install angles in as long lengths as possible. Mitre and weld corners and provide
splice plates for alignment between sections.

D. Stair Nosing:

Provide stair nosing by full width of treads in single piece fabricated of abrasive
surfaced material and with welded-on anchors spaced not more than 300mm on center.

E. Trench Covers:

1. Provide removable cast iron medium duty chequer plate covers over HT and
LT trenches in electrical sub-station complete with angles, junctions, etc.

2. Provide angle frames and anchors as required to support grating and fixing
frames to structure.

F. Roof Hatches

1. Furnish and install insulated metal roof hatches where indicated on drawings. Cover
shall be galvanized steel not less than 14 gauge with 3 beaded flange, neatly welded.
Insulation shall be glass fiber 1 thick, fully covered and protected by a liner not less
than 22 gauge Galvanized Steel.
2. Curb shall be minimum 14 gauge and insulated all around with 1 rigid fiberboard. Curb
shall be equipped with an integral metal cap flashing of the same gauge and metal as the

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3. Roof Hatches shall be completely assembled with heavy pintle hinges. Compression
spring operators enclosed in telescopic tubes, positive snap latch with turn handles and
padlock hasps inside and outside, and thermoplastic rubber gasket. Cover shall be
equipped with an automatic hold-open arm complete with vinyl grip handle to permit
easy release and one hand control of the cover to its closed and latched position. All
hardware shall be stainless steel.

4. Roof Hatches shall be wind and watertight after installation.

G. Gratings

1. Obtain duct cover and closure steel grating from a manufacturer specializing in the
fabrication of the type of units required, who has tested his units for load bearing
strength and deflection, and has currently published load tables based on recognized
test procedures.

2. Fabricate steel gratings from galvanized steel sections in accordance with the details
shown for size, spacing, pattern and top surface profile, or condition.

3. Provide brackets and anchors, spaced as required, to support grating, as shown and
as approved.

H. Steel Staircase

1. Fabricate galvanized steel staircase for the locations shown and as required for
proper installation and use.

I. Access Ladders and Rungs

1. Fabricated galvanized steel ladders for the locations shown and as required for
proper installation and use. Comply with applicable requirements of ANSI A14.3 for
permanent ladders.

2. Provide 6 x 65mm continuous steel rails spaced 450mm apart and 19mm diameter
(round) steel rungs spaced 300mm center. Extend rungs through holes at centerline
of rails, plug weld and grind smooth and flush at outside surface of rails.

Support each ladder at top, bottom and at intermediate points spaced not more than
1500mm centers using welded or bolted steel brackets, designed for adequate
support and anchorage and to hold the ladder 250mm clear of the wall surface and
other obstructing construction. Extend rails 1000mm above top rung where shown.
Spread the rail to 600mm where shown. If the adjacent structure does not extend
above the top rung, goose neck the extended rail back to the structure to provide
secure ladder access.

3. Fabricate galvanized steel rungs comprising 50mm long angle brackets 200 x 100 x
6mm thick, 450mm apart, and 19mm diameter (round) steel bars. Extend steel bars
through holes at centerline of bracket angles, plug weld and grind smooth and flush
at outside surface of brackets. Fix side brackets with minimum one bolt to the
structure and with rungs 180mm clear of the structure.

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J. Corner Guard

1. Provide corner guards, fabricated from galvanized steel angle section, of the size and
at locations shown. Fabricate guards with anchors for casting into concrete or
building into masonry, all as shown on the Drawing.


1. Comply with ANSI A 12.1, A 58.1 for railings. Provide galvanized steel handrails on
walls at stairs and similar locations as required by ANSI A 12.1.

2. Provide brackets and anchors for railing posts and for handrail supports, as shown
and as approved.

3. Custom fabricate pipe railings to the dimensions and details shown, with smooth
bends and welded joints ground smooth and flush.

4. Fabricate railings from galvanized steel pipe, unless shown otherwise.


A. Clean, treat and paint metal fabrications work in the shop prior to delivery to the project
site, except for work, which has been hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. Include all
surfaces, inside and out, whether exposed or concealed in the construction.

B. Site painting: Site painting is included in Division 9, Section 09900 Painting. However
if painting item/quantity not shown separately in the BOQ, the contractor shall consider
that it is included in the metal work. All painting over steel work shall be of
rustproof/weatherproof Alkyd paint quality approved by the Engineer.


A. Steel Finish: Hop dip galvanized to comply with ASTM A123 for galvanized iron and
steel products made from rolled, pressed and forged steel loops, castings, plates, bars
and strips.


A. Clean steel and wrought iron work by Solvent Cleaning method specified in SSPC-SP
1-63, followed by Hand Tool Cleaning to remove lose mill scale and rust by methods
specified in SSPC-S 2-63.

B. Apply prime coat of slow drying type paint as soon as possible after cleaning. Provide a
smooth coat, with uniform dry film thickness of 2.0 mils.

C. Apply a second coat of the same slow drying type paint and same thickness on
concealed work which is to be built into exterior walls, roofs, decks or below grade
work, or is to be concealed in areas designated a high humidity areas.

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A. Clean and paint work which is not accessible to foot traffic, floor cleaning operations or
hand contact, as specified for Fully Concealed Work, except that mill scale and rust
which would result in visible roughness must be removed and the surfaces must be made
smooth before painting.

B. Apply the following cleaning, treatment, and painting to interior work which is exposed
(or partially exposed), and is subject to foot traffic, floor cleaning operations, or hand
contact by the building occupants.

1. Clean by Solvent Cleaning method specified in SSPC-SP 1-63, followed by Hand

Tool Cleaning by method specified in SSPC-SP 2-63 or Power Tool Cleaning by
method specified in SSPC-SP 3-63 to remove loose mill scale and rust. Pickle by
methods specified in SSPC-SP 8-63 to remove all remaining mill scale and rust,
grind rough surfaces as may be necessary to provide smooth metal surfaces. Tool
cleaning and pickling may be omitted from cold-rolled or cold-finished stock and
from castings, provided the surfaces are not heavily rusted.

2. Apply pre-treatment to inhibit corrosion and improve paint adhesion, by methods

specified in SSPC-PT 2-64 for Cold Phosphate treatment.

3. Apply prime coat of metal primer paint as soon as possible after pre-treatment.
Provide a smooth coat, with uniform dry film thickness of 2.0 mils (0.05mm).


A. Protect exposed finishes by covering with adhesive paper or other suitable covering prior
to shipment from the fabrication or finishing shop.

B. Protect installed works from all damage until completion of the Works.



Examine the substrate and conditions under which the work is to be installed. Do not
proceed with the installation until satisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner
acceptable to the Engineer.


A. Set metal fabrication works accurately in location, alignment, and elevations, plumb,
level, true and free of rack, measured from established lines and levels.

B. Anchor securely as shown or as required for the intended used, using concealed anchors,
wherever possible. Fastenings to wooden plugs will not be permitted. Drill holes for
bolts to the exact diameter of the bolt, using a rotary drill for concrete and percussion
drills for masonry.

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C. Where pipe sleeves are used to support miscellaneous ironwork, anchor sleeve securely
to supporting concrete or structure to provide rigid support.

1. Pipe sleeves shall be of galvanized steel of size shown and adequate to meet the

D. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form tight hairline joints. Weld
connections, which are not to be left as, exposed joints, but cannot be shop welded
because of shipping size limitations. Grind joints smooth and touch up shop paint coat.
Do not weld, cut or abrade the surfaces of exterior units which have been hot-dip
galvanized after fabrication, and are intended for bolted or screwed field connections.

E. Deliver items, which are to be built into the work of other sections in time so as not to
delay the progress of work.

F. Leave work exposed to view clean, smooth, and neatly finished.


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Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Wood and Plastics Division 6



A. Provide labor, material, equipment and services and perform operation required for
installation of rough carpentry and related works in accordance with the requirements of
the Contract Documents.

B. The work of this section shall include but not limited to the followings:

1. Sub-frames (for doors frames or other): wood nailers, blocking, furring and grounds

2. Plywood backing panels

3. Anchors, fasteners and rough hardware required to erect, apply and install the work of
this section.


A. All material and workmanship shall be in accordance with the latest issue of the
applicable standards of the American Plywood Association (APA), Western Wood
Products Association (WWPA), National Forest Products Association (NFPA),
American Wood Preservers Association (AWPA) and with the applicable lumbermens
association rules under which each species of lumber is produced.


A. Wood Treatment Data: Submit chemical treatment manufacturers instructions for

handling, storing, installation, and finishing of treated material.

1. Preservative Treatment: For each type specified, include certification by treating

plant stating type of preservative solution and pressure process used, net amount of
preservations retained and conformance with applicable standards.

2. For water-borne treatment include statement that moisture content of treatment

materials was reduced to levels indicated prior to shipment to project site.

B. Fire Retardant Treatments Data: Include certification by treating plant that treated
material complies with specified standard and other requirements.


A. Keep rough carpentry work dry during delivery, storage, and installation, and until finish
is applied and building is enclosed. Provide for air circulation in stacks of lumber and

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Military Engineering Projects Rough Carpentry 06100 / 1 - 4


A. General: Lumber species equivalent to those specified and having equivalent appearance
and fiber bending stresses, will be considered as acceptable.
B. General Framing: 1200f (8.3 Mpa); any species, unless otherwise shown and described.

C. Grounds, Nailers, Blocking, Furrings: No. 1 Common; Douglas Fir, Southern Pine or
Cedar, Hardwood, economy grade, teak.

D. Lumber Grading: Comply with Simplified Practice Recommendations PS-20,

American Softwood Lumber Standards, by U.S. Department of Commerce, and with
applicable lumbermens association rules under which each species of lumber is

E. Grade Marking: Each piece of lumber shall be grade marked identifying mill and
grading agency and signifying that lumber conforms to type, size, grade and seasoning
provisions of the rules under which it was graded.

F. Sizes and Patterns: Provide lumber, which is dressed and surfaced four sides (S4S) and
worked to such patterns as shown or specified. Dimensions designate the nominal
undressed size of the item.

G. Moisture Content: Provide lumber which has been seasoned by air drying or kiln drying
to a moisture content not to exceed 19%.


A. Backing: Interior type, Grade C-D (Plugged); Douglas Fir.

B. Plywood Grading : Comply with Product Standard PSI, Construction and Industrial
Plywood, or ANSI A 199.1.

C. Certification and Marking: The producer shall include a Certificate of Inspection with
each shipment. Grade mark each panel in compliance with applicable standards of
Product Standard PSI.

D. Moisture Content: Provide plywood which has been seasoned by air drying or kiln
drying to a moisture content not to exceed 18%.


A. Fasteners and Anchorages: Provide size, type, material and finish as indicated and as
recommended by applicable standards, complying with applicable Federal Specifications
for nails, staples, screws, bolts, nuts, washers and anchoring devices. Provide metal
hangers and framing anchors of the size and type recommended by the manufacturer for
each use including recommended nails.

1. Where rough carpentry work is exposed to weather, in ground contact, or in area of

high relative humidity, provide fasteners and anchorages with a hot-dip zinc coating
(ASTM A 153).
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B. Steel Plates and Shapes: Comply with ASTM A 36, galvanized for exterior.

C. Paint: Shop primer for ferrous metal, zinc chromate primer with a synthetic resin carrier.



A. Examine substrates, adjoining construction, and conditions under which the work is to
be installed and do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions detrimental
to the proper and timely completion of the work have been corrected.

B. Whenever rough carpentry is fitted to other work, obtain measurements of such other
work; verify dimensions shown and the shop drawing details.


A. Frame to fit closely, and set accurately to required lines and levels; secure rigidly in
place in accordance with details and good practice.

B. Use shims of slate or plastic for leveling wood members on concrete or masonry, unless
otherwise described.

C. Cut and fit to accommodate other work as required and in neat workmanlike manner.


A. Provide blocking and nailers between framing members and at masonry, concrete or
steel as shown or required for fastening work of other trades.


A. Provide grounds for securing wood trim and other items in plaster work.

B. Size: 38 mm by thickness required to finish flush with surface of plaster or as shown or


C. Install rigidly, true to line, and dimension.


A. Furring: Provide where shown and as a base for paneling. Place furring only to
thoroughly dry substances.

B. Size: 25 x 75 mm continuous strips, spaced 400 mm on center unless otherwise shown.

C. Secure with hardened masonry nails, expansion shields, or toggle bolts as appropriate.

3.06 CANT STRIPS: Continuous, cut with square ends, in as long lengths as possible. Secure by
nailing to previously installed blocking or nailers.

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A. Apply plywood backing in accordance with the recommendations of American Plywood



A. Apply heavy brush coat of same wood preservative material to surface exposed by
sawing, cutting, or drilling. Comply with AWPA-M-4.

B. Apply heavy brush coat of same fire retarding chemicals to any surfaces, which are cut
after treatment.


A. Paint rough hardware and ferrous metal one shop coat of specified paint.

B. Paint fire retarding treated wood with one coat of alkyd type paint or moisture
transmission resistant immediately.


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A. General: Provide finish carpentry in accordance with the requirements of the Contract


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents comply with the
applicable provisions and recommendations of the following:

1. AWI Quality Standards.

2. NAAMM Metal Finishes Manual.


A. Fire Retardant Treated Wood: Treat those items required by applicable codes as shown
or specified.


A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of finish carpentry work. Include large-scale
details, dimensioned plans and elevations, and adjacent work of other trades. Show
details of anchorage, fixing methods, grain direction, joints, shims, trim, etc. Extent of
detailing and scales required shall be approved by the Engineer prior to commencing the
shop drawings.

B. Samples: Submit samples of each type of finish carpentry items or as required by the


A. The work of this Section shall be executed by an approved specialist Sub-Contractor

having a minimum of 5 years experience on projects of similar size and quality to that
specified and shown.


A. Do not install finish carpentry work in any space until wet works in such areas are dry to
the satisfaction of the installer and the Engineer.

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Military Engineering Projects Finish Carpentry 06200 / 1 - 5

A. Protect finish carpentry work during transit, delivery, storage and handling to prevent
damage. Cover and keep covered with protective wrapping.

B. Store finish carpentry work in a dry, well ventilated and air-conditioned space, matching
the conditions of the finished installation.


2.01 WOOD

A. General

1. Standards: In addition to requirements shown and specified, comply with applicable

provisions for grading and workmanship of AWI Quality Standards.

2. Surfaces and Patterns: Provide lumber surfaces 4 sides (S4S) and worked to profiles

3. Moisture Content: Kiln-dry lumber to the moisture content recommended by the

AWI Section 100-G-3.

B. Lumber: AWI Section 100 with the following requirements:

1. Hardwood for Opaque Finish: Any hardwood which, when finished, will not show
any grain, imperfection or other surface defects when used with the opaque finish

2. Hardwood for Concealed Framing and Blocking: Economy Grade, any species.

3. Hardwood for Natural Finish: Premium Grade, select Burma Teak (Tectona Grandis)
as shown.

C. Plywood: AWI Section 200; Veneer core, or lumber core unless otherwise specified and
with the following requirements:

1. Hardwood: Premium Grade, Section 200-3, face veneers as shown or specified.

2. Softwood: Premium Grade, Section 200-2, face veneers as shown or specified.

3. Plywood Edges: Banded with hardwood in accordance with Premium Grade, Section
400-8. Provide special banding where shown. Provide Burma Teak edges where
natural finish is specified.

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D. Veneers

1. Face Veneers for Opaque Finish: Any hardwood veneer that, when finished, will not
show any grain, imperfection or other surface defects when used with the opaque
finish specified.

2. Face Veneers for Natural Finish

a. Teak veneer as shown.

E. Finishing (Wood)

1. Natural Finish: Provide natural finish (clear finish) for items designated to receive
clear finish, as specified in Section PAINTING.

2. Opaque Finish: Provide painted finish for items designated to receive painted finish
as specified in Section PAINTING.

3. Unexposed Wood Finish: Alkyd type primer-sealer.


Provide Oak wood, Premium Grade with natural finish to details shown on drawings.


A. Fasteners

1. Wood Screws: FF-S-111, type, size, material and finish as required for the condition
of use.

2. Nails: FS FF-N-105, type, size, material and finish as required for the condition of

3. Anchors: Type, size, material, and finish as required for the condition of use.

B. Joint Fillers: Back up rods for sealant as specified in Section JOINT FILLERS AND

C. Sealant: Sealant for joint sealing as specified in Section SEALANT.


A. Provide lumber framing for finish carpentry work and fastening devices as required for a
rigid installation.

B. Do all fabrication from field measurement with provision for scribing as required to
meet built-in conditions.

C. Coordinate the work of this Section with the work of other trades.

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D. Details indicate the required type and quality of construction. Modifications to conform
to manufacturers standards will be considered providing they comply with the Contract
Documents, maintain the profiles shown, and are subject to acceptance by the Engineer.

E. Comply with AWI Section 1500, Premium Grade for sanding, filling countersunk
fasteners, back priming and similar preparations for the finishing of architectural

F. Provide finishes as shown or specified.


A. Skirting: Fabricate skirting in as long pieces as practicable with minimum joints. Neatly
and accurately make joints in the running length and mitre corners.

B. Wall Cladding and Cornices: To be fabricated to the details and patterns shown on the



A. General

1. Coordinate installation with the work of other trades to ensure exact fit and perfect
alignment. Verify dimensions before proceeding and obtain measurements at job site
for work required to be accurately fitted to other construction.

2. Install work plumb, level, true and straight with no distortions. Provide shims as

3. Cutting, trimming, fitting and matching of prefinished work will not be permitted.

4. Where cutting is required, scribe to fit adjoining work so as not to damage finished

5. Securely fasten finish carpentry work items to blocking with concealed fasteners
only. Where surface nailing is required, countersink and fill flush with the woodwork
so that the finished heads are undetectable.

B. Decorative Wall Cladding and Cornices

Install all decorative woodwork to shapes and patterns shown with adequate concealed
supports to the approval of the Engineer. Coordinate works with all related trades.

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A. Damage Prevention: Protect finish carpentry work so that it will be without damage at
the time of completion of the works.

B. Damaged or soiled surfaces, panels, etc., shall be removed and replaced to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.


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A. Section Includes: Architectural Woodwork in accordance with the requirements of the

Contract Documents. Work includes but is not limited to the following:

1. Standing and running trim, skirting, door frames etc.

2. Wood panels, cladding on wall etc.
3. Wood veneer casework, cabinetry and countertops
4. Wood railings
5. Plastic laminated casework, shelves, cabinetry, countertops, worktops etc.
6. Closet, cupboard, shelf etc.

B. Related Sections:

1. Section 06100- Rough Carpentry

2. Section 08211 Wood Doors
3. Section 08710 Finish Hardware
4. Section 09900 Painting


A. American National Standards Institute (ANSI):

1. ANSI A 156 : Cabinet Hardware

2. ANSI A 208.1 : Particle Board

B. The applicable provisions of the following standards, publications and

codes shall apply throughout the architectural woodwork:

1. AWI : Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards 6th edition version 1.0,

2. NAAMM : National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers
Metal Finishes Manual.
3. IS : Industry Standard.
4. NWMA : National Wood-ware Manufacturers Association.


A. Quality Standards: Except as otherwise shown or specified, comply with specified

provisions of the following:

1. Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) Quality Standards, as established by the

AWI, Chesterfied House, Suite A, 5055 S. Chesterfied Road, Arlington, Virginia

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Architectural Woodwork 06400 / 1 - 12
2. National Wood Window & Door Association (NWWDA) Industry Standard, I.S.6
Wood Stile and Rail Doors and I.S.9 Wood Primary Entrance Doors.

3. These standards shall govern work of this section and by reference, are hereby made
part of this specification.

B. Quality Marking: Mark each unit of architectural woodwork with mills or

Fabricators identification and grade mark, located on surfaces which will not be
exposed after installation.

C. Fire Retardant Marking (FR-S): Mark each unit of fire-retardant treated wood and
plywood, and UL rated doors with producers label and UL label, showing grade and
rating. Mark on surface, which will not be exposed after installation.

D. Arrange for the fabrication and installation of architectural woodwork, with sequence
matched wood veneers, to be produced by a single firm. Include the veneering of wood
doors in the single-firm production.

E. Jobsite Mock-up:

1. Casework: After approval of shop drawings and samples, installer shall erect a full
size jobsite mock-up of cabinetry and casework where directed by the Engineer.
Mock-up shall include construction necessary to demonstrate, type, finish,
appearance and hardware of casework.

2. Wall Panels: After approval of shop drawings and samples, installer shall provide
templates of each arch showing proposed profile, shapes, and sizes. After approval of
templates, installer shall erect a full size jobsite mock-up of one complete wall as
directed by the Engineer. Mock-up shall include construction necessary to
demonstrate, type, finish, appearance and related work.

3. Mock-up may with Engineers approval become part of the finished work.


A. Product Data: Submit manufacturers specifications and installation instructions for

each item of factory-fabricated woodwork specified herein.

1. Fire-Retardant Materials (FR-S): Include manufacturers instructions for handling,

storing, and installation of fire-retardant treated materials. Include certification that
fire-retardant treated materials comply with governing regulations for interior wood
and exterior wood treatments.

2. Quality Certification: Submit manufacturer and fabricators certification stating that

the fabricated work meets the woodwork grades specified.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings for work specified herein for approval.

1. Shop drawings shall show locations of work in the Project, elevations, and profiles.
Indicate materials, sizes, shapes, thickness, and finishes, sizes and locations of
reinforcing, location, and installation requirements for hardware and anchorage,
joints connection and relation to other work.
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Military Engineering Projects Architectural Woodwork 06400 / 2 - 12
2. Shop drawings shall be in addition to the manufacturers standard printed literature.

C. Samples: Submit the following samples for each species and cut or pattern of
architectural woodwork:

1. 300mm (12 inches) square for panels.

2. 300mm (12 inches) long by full size for each standing and running trim type.

3. 150mm (6 inches) square wood veneer for casework.

4. 300mm (12 inches) long railing with sample anchorage.

5. Exposed cabinet hardware, one unit of each type and finish.

6. Concealed cabinet hardware one unit of each type and finish.

7. Closet rod, 150mm (6 inches) long.

8. Plastic laminate, 300mm (12 inches) square of each type.

9. Fabric wrapped panels, 300mm (12 inches) square with each fabric finish.

D. Templates and Mock-ups: Refer to Clause 1.02 Quality Assurance for additional requirements.


A. Protect work during transit, delivery, storage, and handling to prevent damage, soiling,
and deterioration.

B. Do not deliver work until painting, wet work, taping and spackling of gypsum board and
similar operations, which could damage, soil or deteriorate woodwork have been
completed in installation areas. If, due to unforeseen circumstances, items specified
herein must be stored in other than installation areas, store only in areas meeting
requirements specified for installation areas.


A. Conditioning: Installer shall advise Contractor and the Engineers Representative of

temperature and humidity requirements for installation areas. Do not install work until
required temperature and relative humidity have been stabilized and will be
maintained in installation areas.

B. Maintain temperature and humidity in installation areas as required to maintain moisture

content of installed woodwork within 1.0 percent tolerance of optimum moisture
content, from date of installation through remainder of construction period. The
fabricator of woodwork shall determine optimum moisture content and required
temperature and humidity conditions.

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Military Engineering Projects Architectural Woodwork 06400 / 3 - 12
C. Do not deliver materials in wet weather. Arrange for delivery to coincide with building
management operations. Upon delivery, materials shall not be piled directly on concrete
slabs or cement floors without providing ample supports holding them at least 150mm (6
inches) above slabs or floors, and they shall not be stored in basement or sub-grade
spaces unless temperature and humidity requirements specified herein are strictly
adhered to. Do not stack doors, store them standing on edge with 150mm (6inch) air
space between faces.

D. Protection: The Contractor shall provide and maintain suitable coverings, barricades, and
other forms of protection as may be required to protect the work of this section, the work
of others and adjacent surfaces and objects.



A. Except as otherwise indicated, comply with following requirements for architectural

woodwork not specifically indicated as prefabricated or pre-finished standard products.

B. Wood Moisture Content: Provide kiln-dried lumber with an average content range of 6
to 11 percent. Maintain temperature and relative humidity during fabrication, storage,
and finishing operations so that moisture content values for woodwork at time of
installation do not exceed 5 to 10 percent.

C. Plywood: AWI Section 200, Premium grade plywood.

D. Wood for transparent finish shall be of species specified herein and shall be premium

E. Veneer Matching: Where matched veneer treatment is shown, provide following match
and assemble for continuous sequential use of flitches across each separate expanse of
matched work as indicated (panels, doors and similar units).

1. Match: Flat cut book match.

2. Assembly: Center matches each assembly (use even number of equal width pieces to
make panel width).

F. Wood for Painted Finish: Comply with quality standards for selection of species, grade
and cut (Fabricators option, except as otherwise indicated).

G. Plastic Laminate shall comply with current NEMA LD-3 with colors, finish and patterns
as indicated on the drawings from manufacturers standard products and shall be of type
and thickness specified herein.

1. Plastic Laminate Type: Fire rated type, 1.27mm (0.050 inch) thick; UL tested and
labeled ratings of 25 for flame spread, 25 for fuel contributed and 100 for smoke
developed when bonded to wood particle board.

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Military Engineering Projects Architectural Woodwork 06400 / 4 - 12
2. Plastic Laminate Finished Casework, Cabinets and Countertops

a. Grade: Premium.

b. Plastic Laminate for Horizontal Surfaces, including countertops, backsplashes,

and shelves: 1.27mm (0.050 inch) thick, General Purpose Type (high pressure).

c. Plastic Laminate for External Vertical Surfaces: 0.71 mm (0.028 inch) thick,
General Purpose Type (high Pressure).

d. Plastic Laminate for Post forming: 1.07mm (0.042 inch) thick, Post forming
Type (high pressure).

e. Plastic Laminate for Cabinet Linings: 0.50mm (0.020 inch) thick, Cabinet-Liner
Type (high pressure).

f. Plastic Laminate for Concealed Panel Backing: 0.50mm (0.020 inch) thick,
Backer type (high pressure).

H. Hardware and Accessory Materials:

1. Provide cabinet hardware and accessory materials associated with architectural

woodwork and as specified herein.

2. Hardware Standards: Except as otherwise indicated, comply with ANSI A156.9

American National Standard for Cabinet Hardware.

3. Cabinet Hardware Schedule: Contractor shall include specific hardware and

accessory items required for architectural woodwork, and shall ascertain the General
Scope and quantity of items required from his observations made of the drawings,
specifications, and jobsite mock-ups. The drawings are not to be considered
encompassing and shall not act to limit the overall scope of work of this section.
Contractor shall provide a complete job, with necessary items of cabinet hardware.


A. Finished Wood Work as per requirement of the contract:

1. Kuwait Carpentry Workshops

P.O. Box 3431, Safat 13035, Kuwait
Tel: 4718154, Fax : 4734305

2. Ogab Al-Khateeb for Furniture Factory & Decoration Co.

P.O. Box 759, Safat 13008, Kuwait
Tel : 2460585, Fax : 2406124

P.O. Box 25575, Safat 13116, Kuwait
Tel : 4741126, Fax : 4727694

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Military Engineering Projects Architectural Woodwork 06400 / 5 - 12
4. Substitutions: The workmanship of the fabricators and installers specified hereinafter
are acceptable to the Engineer. Other fabricators and installers whose workmanship
is similar to or better than those specified may be acceptable subject to the
Engineers approval.


A. Quality Standards: For following types of architectural woodwork, comply with

indicated standards as applicable:

1. Lumber Grades: AWI Section 100.

2. Plywood and Particle Board Grades: Section 200.

3. Standing and Running Trim: AWI Section 300.

4. Casework and Countertops: AWI Section 400.

5. Flush Paneling: AWI Section 500A.

6. Shelving: AWI Section 600.

7. Miscellaneous Work: AWI Section 700.

8. Stile and Rail Doors: AWI Section 1400

9. Factory Finishing: AWI Section 1500.

B. Design and Construction Features: Comply with details shown for profile and
construction of architectural woodwork, and where not otherwise shown, comply
with applicable Quality Standards with alternate details as Fabricators option.

C. Pre-cut Openings: Fabricate architectural woodwork with pre-cut openings, wherever

possible, to receive hardware, appliances, plumbing fixtures, electrical work and similar
items. Locate openings accurately and use templates or roughing-in diagrams for proper
size and shape. Smooth edges of cutouts and where located in countertops and similar
exposures, seal edges of cutouts with a water resistant coating. Provide protective rubber
grommets for cable penetrations.

D. In fabricating work, provide adequate space within the construction of architectural

woodwork items for concealed conduit and cable runs, and removable sections of
woodwork where required for access to conduit, wire boxes, valves etc. Verify locations
in the field of such concealed items and indicate same on shop drawings.

E. Measurements: Before proceeding with fabrication of woodwork required to be fitted to

other construction, obtain measurements and verify dimensions and shop drawings
details as required for accurate fit. Where sequence of measuring substrates before
fabrication would delay the project, proceed with fabrication (without field
measurements) and provide ample borders and edges to allow for subsequent scribing
and trimming to woodwork for accurate fit.

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F. Standing, Running Trim, Bases, Frames, Chair Rails, Casings and Moldings

1. Grade: Premium.

2. Species WD-01: Anigre (highly figured), unless otherwise indicated on drawings.

3. Fabricate work to profiles, sizes, shapes, dimensions and thick-nesses detailed and
indicated. Rout or groove reverse side (backed-out) of trim members to be applied to
flat surfaces, except for members with ends exposed in finished work.

4. Apply three (3) vinyl or neoprene silencers to door jambs unless otherwise indicated.

G. Wood Panels (Veneer)

1. Species WD-01: Anigre (highly figured) unless otherwise indicated on drawings.

2. Grade: Premium.

3. Fabricate as indicated and finish exposed edges. Fabrication shall be strictly in

accordance with industry standards.

4. Fabricate operable wood panels as indicated with matching cornice insert. Line edge
with felt cloth to protect cornice. Felt color shall match adjacent surfaces.

H. Wood Casework and Cabinetry

1. Grade: Custom.

2. Species WD-01: Anigre (highly figured) unless otherwise indicated on drawings.

3. Fabricate casework in accordance with quality standards specified. Casework shall

be factory or plant assembled. Joints and connections shall be factory mortise and
ten-on or doweled construction, glued under pressure.

4. No exposed fastening (nail or screws) shall be permitted, fasteners shall be blind or


I. Railings

1. Provide railings in accordance with AWI Section 800, Premium Grade, of the
profiles shown.

2. Provide rails of Oak, in stain to match wood panels, in finish to match transparent

J. Exterior Woodwork Items

1. Provide exterior items (screening, columns, etc.) in accordance with AWI Section
700, Premium Grade, of the dimensions, profiles, and details indicated.

2. Provide items in species indicated, if not indicated, provide items in Burmese Teak,
in finish as selected by the Engineer for each application.

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K. Plastic Laminate Finished Casework Cabinets, Countertops, and Worktops.
1. Grade: Premium.

2. Fabricate exposed edges of casework, including edges of doors, panels and drawers
when open with matching plastic laminate, except as otherwise indicated. Fabricate
inside surfaces with matching plastic laminate unless otherwise indicated.
a. PL-01: 932 Antique White in matte finish by Formica.

b. PL-02: 832-58 Graphite in matte finish by Formica.

L. Finishing

1. The entire finish of architectural woodwork of this section, regardless of whether

shop applied or applied after installation.

a. Shop Finishing: To the greatest extent possible finish architectural woodwork at

shop or factory. Defer only final touchup, cleaning and polishing for time after
delivery and installation. The priming and pre-finishing of architectural
woodwork required to be performed at the shop, factory or in the field is
specified as work of this section.

b. Preparations for Finishing: Comply with AWI Quality Standards, Section 1500,
for sanding, filling countersunk fasteners, back priming and similar preparations
for finishing of architectural woodwork, as applicable to each unit of work.

2. Transparent Finish

a. General Finish Standard: AWI Finish System No.3, Premium Grade, and open
grain finish.
i. Shop Application: Stain and sealer (match approved sample for color).

ii. Final Finish: Sanding, followed by two (2) coats of clear alkyd urea
conversion varnish, rubbed to medium sheen, or polyurethane filler and
finish, to produce finish equal to or exceeding finish of previously erected
jobsite mock-up.

3. Paint Finish:

a. General Finish Standard: AWI Finish System No.8, Premium Grade, closed grain

b. Machine sand to remove offsets and non-level conditions, ridges, cups and
sanding machine marks, which would be visually noticeable after finishing. Use
three (3) grades of sandpaper, ending with 00 grade. Clean wood and
immediately apply primer.

c. Shop Application: Apply primer specified herein to a minimum dry film

thickness of 50 micrometers (2.0 mils) in accordance with manufacturers

d. Sand primer surfaces with 220 grit striated paper and completely clean.

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e. Shop Application: Apply top coat paint specified herein in accordance with
manufacturers recommendations. Lightly sand between coats and completely
clean prior to application of subsequent coat.

f. Mix and prepare painting materials strictly in accordance with the manufacturers

g. Stir materials before application to produce a mixture of uniform density, and as

required during the application of the materials. Do not stir any film, which may
form on the surface into the material. Remove the film and, if necessary, strain
the material before using.

h. Tint each undercoat with a slightly different shade to facilitate identification of

each coat where multiple coats of the same material are to be applied. Tint
undercoats to match the color of the finish coat, but provide sufficient difference
in shade of undercoats to distinguish each separate coat. Provide a code number
to identify material tinted by the manufacturer.

M. Fabricate Wrapped Panels:

1. Pre-stretch designated fabric at room temperature for at least four (4) days,
immediately prior to installation.

2. Stretch fabric around all four edges of panel board with uncut corners and un-frayed
edges, taking care not to distort the weave and creating a smooth surface free of sags
or wrinkles.

3. Fasten fabric to the panel back as shown and secure with staples three (3) inch
maximum on center or other suitable fasteners.



A. Examine conditions at the job site where work of this section is to be performed to
insure proper arrangement and fit of the work. Start of work implies acceptance of job
site conditions.


A. Condition woodwork to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas prior

to installing.

B. Pre-Installation Meeting: Meet at project site prior to delivery of architectural woodwork

and review coordination and environmental controls required for proper installation and
ambient conditioning in areas to receive work. Include in meeting the Engineer,
installers of architectural woodwork, wet work such as plaster patching, taping and
spackling of gypsum board, other finishes, painting, mechanical work and electrical
work, and firms or persons responsible for continued operation (whether temporary or
permanent) of HVAC system as required to maintain temperature and humidity
conditions. Proceed with woodwork installation only when everyone concerned agrees
that required ambient conditions can be properly maintained.
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C. Deliver anchoring devices to be built into substrates; well in advance of time substrates
are to be built.

D. Prior to installation of architectural woodwork, examine shop-fabricated work for

completion and complete work as required, including back priming and removal of


A. Install the work plumb, level, true, and straight with no distortions. Shim as required
using concealed shims. Install to a tolerance of 3.2mm in 2.4m (1/8 inch in 8 foot) for
plumb and level (including countertops) and with 1.6mm (1/16mm inch) maximum
offset in flush adjoining surfaces, 3.2mm (1/8 inch) maximum offsets in revealed
adjoining surfaces. Maximum allowable wrap and twist in doors shall be 1.6mm (1/16
inch) as measured by a 1.6mm (1/16 inch) feeler gauge and a straightedge extending
from corner to corner of the door face at stiles, top and bottom rails, and along both
B. Scribe and cutwork to fit adjoining work, and refinish cut surfaces or repair damaged
finish at cuts.
C. Standing, Running Trim, Chair Rails, Casings and Moldings: Install with minimum
number of joints possible, using full-length pieces (from maximum length of lumber
available) to the greatest extent possible. Stagger joints in adjacent and related members.
Cope at returns, miter at corners, and comply with Quality Standards for joinery.
D. Fire-Retardant Woodwork: Handle, store and install in accordance with manufacturers
directions and as required to meet required classification or rating for interior or exterior
applications as required. Provide special fasteners, moldings, adhesives and other
accessories as tested and listed for type of fire-retardant woodwork indicated. Re-coat
cut surfaces with a heavy brush coating of same compound used for wood treatment.
E. Woodwork: Anchor woodwork to anchors or blocking built-in or directly attached to
substrates. Secure to grounds, stripping and blocking only with countersunk, concealed
fasteners and blind nailing as required for installation. No exposed nailing shall be
permitted or transparent finished work. The use of fine finish nailing for exposed
nailing, countersunk and filled flush with woodwork on painted woodwork is permitted.
F. Casework: Install without distortion so that doors and drawers will fit openings properly
and be accurately aligned. Adjust hardware to center doors and drawers in openings and
to provide unencumbered operation. Complete the installation of hardware and
accessory items as indicated. Maintain veneer sequence matching of casework with
transparent finish.
G. Countertops: Anchor securely to base units and other support systems as indicated.
Fasteners shall be concealed.
H. Closet Rod: Install straight, true, and securely anchor to substrates.

I. Frames: Wood frames shall be in the correct locations in perfect alignment, plumb,
straight and true. Frames shall be braced securely until permanent anchors are set.

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J. Doors and Hardware:

1. The finish hardware for doors and frames, specified under the Finish Hardware
Section 08710 shall be installed as part of the work of this Section. Doors shall be
fitted with the specified hardware, hung, and immediately before final completion of
work, any additional adjustments shall be made so that doors operate in perfect

2. Where not otherwise shown, pedestrian doors shall have 1.6mm (1/16 inch)
clearance at top and sides, 4.8mm (3/16 inch) bottom clearance over thresholds,
9.6mm (3.8 inch) bottom clearance over floors covered with resilient flooring, and
19mm (3/4inch) bottom clearance over floors covered with carpeting.

3. Wrapping or other factory-applied protection furnished with finish hardware,

installed under this section, shall be left on such hardware, or if removed, replaced
on completion of hardware installation, until final acceptance of the building by the
Engineer, at which time protection shall be removed and work left in proper

4. Exposed surfaces shall be free of any tool marks, rust, or blemishes, and any damage
to exposed surfaces shall be repaired or replaced at the Contractors expense and to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.

K. Railings

1. Install in accordance with AWI Section 800.

2. Provide necessary fastening as indicated on drawings and as required.

L Fabric Wrapped Paneling:

1. Provide a system of concealed panel hanger clips and corresponding wall clips to
support the fabric wrapped panel system.

2. Hang the fabric-covered panels in the designated locations. Panels shall be straight,
level, flat and flush with adjoining panels.

3. Where reveals are indicated keep panels spaced so that reveals are parallel and of
widths shown.


A. During the progress of the work, remove from the site discarded paint materials, rubbish,
cans and rages at the end of each work day.

B. The Contractor shall go over of the building where he has worked, retouch where
necessary, restore where damaged or defaced, and clean off paint spots from floors,
walls, finish hardware, glass and other unpainted surfaces and shall leave painted
surfaces clean and in a condition satisfactory to the Engineer.

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C. Protect work of other trades, whether to be painted or not, against damage by painting
and finishing work. Correct any damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and
repainting as acceptable to the Engineers Representative and at no extra cost to the

D. Provide Wet Paint signs as required to protect newly painted finishes. Remove
temporary protective wrappings provided by others for protection of their work, after
completion of painting operations.

E. Repair damaged and defective woodwork wherever possible to eliminate defects

functionally and visually, where not possible to repair properly, replace woodwork at no
extra cost to the Engineer. Adjust joinery for uniform appearance.

F. Clean hardware, lubricate and make final adjustments for proper operation.

G. Clean Woodwork: On exposed and semi-exposed surfaces. Touch up shop applied

finishes to restore damaged or soiled areas.

H. Complete the finishing work specified as work of this section to whatever extent not
completed at shop or prior to installation of woodwork.

I. Protection: Installer of architectural woodwork shall advise Contractor and the

Engineers Representative of final protection and maintain conditions necessary to
insure that work will be without damage or deterioration at time of acceptance.


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Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Thermal and Moisture Protections Division 7



A. General: Provide membrane waterproofing below grade and associated work in

accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents.

B. The Drawings show the extent of Membrane Waterproofing works hereby defined to
include (but not necessarily limited to) the following areas.

1. Over blinding bed.

2. Over vertical face of basement walls.
3. Waterproofing System inside wet areas (Toilet & Kitchen)
4. Waterproofing System over Roof
5. Around internal faces of concrete planters and the like.


A. The manufacturer shall provide evidence indicating that the specified materials have
been successfully utilized on work of a similar scope to that shown and specified for this
Project. The system examples cited shall have been completed and in use for minimum
two (5) years without any evidence of failure.

B. Membrane Waterproofing shall be executed by an approved Specialist Sub-Contractor

with minimum of 10-year experience.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer manufacturers specifications and

installation instructions for the membrane waterproofing system and other data to show
compliance with the Contract Documents.

B. Contractors Review: Before commencing Work submit written statement signed by the
Contractor, stating that the Contract Documents for the membrane waterproofing system
have been reviewed with a qualified representative of the waterproofing materials
manufacturer and that he is in agreement that the selected materials for membrane
waterproofing system are proper, compatible and adequate for the application shown.

C. Guarantee

1. Provide 10-year manufacturers warranty.

2. Submit a 10-year guarantee effective from the date of Substantial Completion of the
Works against leaks occurring in membrane waterproofing work. Upon notification
of any leak within the guarantee period, make the necessary repairs and replacements
including the removal and replacement of work superimposed over the membrane
waterproofing, at the convenience of the Employer and to the complete satisfaction
of the Engineer.

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Military Engineering Projects Membrane Waterprofing 07110 / 1 - 4
3. The guarantee shall be supported by a bank guarantee to be obtained from a bank
approved by the Employer and shall be for a minimum amount of the value of the
works in the Bills of Quantities.


A. Deliver materials in manufacturers unopened containers identified with name, brand,

type, grade, class, and all other qualifying information.

B. Deliver bulk materials with a certification from the manufacturer stating the name, type,
and grade of each product used. Furnish certificate accompanying each load (or furnish
manufacturers blanket certificate) for each bulk product used in the work.

C. Store materials in a dry location, in such manner as to prevent damage or intrusion of

foreign matter. Conspicuously mark Rejected on materials which have once been wet
or damaged and remove from the job site.


A. Do not apply membrane waterproofing during inclement weather or when air

temperature is outside the range recommended by the manufacturer.


A. Protect membrane waterproofing from damage during construction period so that it will
be without any indication of abuse or damage at time of completion or covering with
other materials.

B. Protect the building from damage resulting from spillage, dripping and dropping of
materials. Repair and restore other work damaged during membrane waterproofing

C. Prevent materials from running into and clogging drains.

D. Take all necessary precautions against fire and other hazards during delivery, storage
and installation of flammable materials specified herein. Comply with local ordinances
and fire regulations in the installation of hazardous materials specified or required under
this Section.



A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or
better than those specified, may be acceptable subject to the Engineers approval.

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B. Waterproofing Membrane: Flame bonded single-ply membrane, 4 (+/- 0.2) mm thick,
composed of asphalt or bitumen modified with thermoplastic resins and reinforced with
non-woven polyester fabric. Provide the following or other equal and approved:

1. Paralon NT4; Imper, Italy (Supplied by Specialities Co., Kuwait).

2. Testudo Polyester Spunbond 16; Index, Italy (Supplied by Al-Juman

Commercial Corporation, Kuwait).

3. Marley Torch 400S; Marley Waterproofing Ltd.

Use primer as recommended by the approved waterproofing membrane manufacturer.

C. Protection Board: One of the following or as recommended by the manufacturer of sheet

membrane waterproofing:

1. Sealtight Protection Course PC-2 (W.R. Meadows, Inc.).

2. Elastoboard (The Celotex Corp.).

3. Servi-Pak 3mm (Servicised Ltd.).

D. Water stops: 240mm Four ribbed polyvinyl chloride water stop with nailing flange.

E. Vapour Barrier: Polyethylene sheeting minimum 0.15mm thick of approved

manufacturer in accordance with ASTM E96 and E154.



A. Examine all surfaces to which the membrane waterproofing is to be installed. Do not

proceed with the installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected and
approved by the Engineer.


A. Prior to the installation of membrane waterproofing, meet at the Project Site to review
the material selections, installation procedures, and coordination of the work with other
trades. Meeting shall include the Contractor, the Engineer, the Sub-Contractor,
Manufacturers Representatives, and any other Contractors/Sub-Contractors whose work
requires coordination with this work.


A. Clean substrate of debris and deleterious material, which would impair the work.

B. Do not proceed with membrane waterproofing until all drains, piping, conduit, vents,
ducts and other projections through the substrate have been installed.

C. Treat external and internal corners of substrate in accordance with manufacturers

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A. Install membrane waterproofing in accordance with manufacturers printed instructions

except as hereinafter specified.

B. Prime surfaces in accordance with manufacturers instructions.

C. Follow the recommended technique of the membrane manufacturer for cleaning, seam,
lap and splice areas, for the method and sequence of forming field joints in the

D. Flash all pipes, conduits, sleeves and other projections passing through membrane
waterproofing and provide tight construction throughout. Use prefabricated boots or
field-fabricated boots, fitted coverings, and other accessories as required.

E. Provide water cut-off in accordance with the approved membrane manufacturers


F. Install protection board in accordance with manufacturers instructions.

G. Upon completion of any portion of waterproofing, immediately cover that portion with
protective covering.


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A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances and materials and performing all operations in connection with Fluid Applied

B. The principal work of this Section includes, but may not be limited to, the following:-

1. Protective painting of concrete in contact with soil.

2. Protective painting for setting floor tiles in wet areas (Toilet & Kitchen)
3. Protective painting on top of Roof concrete slab


Section 07110 - Membrane waterproofing

Section 07115 - Cistern Waterproofing


A. The work shall conform to the Codes and Standards of the following agencies as further
cited herein:

BS 3416: Rubberised Bitumen Paint


A. The manufacturer shall provide evidence indicating that the specified materials have
been successfully utilised on work of a similar scope to that shown and specified for this
Project. The system examples cited shall have been completed and in use for a minimum
five (5) years without any evidence of failure.

B. Fluid applied waterproofing shall be executed by an approved specialist Sub-Contractor.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer Manufacturers specifications and

installation instructions for the fluid applied waterproofing system and other data to
show compliance with the Contract Documents.

B. Contractors Review: Before commencing work submit written statement signed by the
Contractor stating that the Contract Documents for the fluid applied waterproofing
system have been reviewed with a qualified representative of the waterproofing
materials manufacturer and that he is in agreement that the selected materials for fluid
applied waterproofing system are proper, compatible and adequate for the application

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Military Engineering Projects Fluid Applied Waterproofing 07140 / 1 - 4

A. The Contractor shall deliver the approved products to the job site in their original
unopened containers clearly labelled with the manufacturers name, brand, designation,
type and class as applicable, and the date of manufacture and expiration (if any).

B. Products shall be stored in an approved dry area and protected from contact with soil.
Products shall be kept dry at all times.

C. Products shall be handled in a manner that will prevent breakage of containers and/or
damage to the products.


A. Do not apply fluid applied waterproofing during inclement weather or when air
temperature is outside the range recommended by the manufacturer.


A. Protect fluid applied waterproofing from damage during construction period so that it
will be without any indication of abuse or damage at time of completion or covering
with other materials.

B. Protect the building from damage resulting from spillage, dripping and dropping of
materials. Repair and restore other work damaged during fluid applied waterproofing

C. Prevent materials from running into and clogging drains.

D. Take all necessary precautions against fire and other hazards during delivery, storage
and installation of flammable materials specified herein. Comply with local ordinances
and fire regulations in the installation of hazardous materials specified or required under
this Section.



A. 1. Rubberised Bitumen Paint

2. Rubberised cold applied Elastomeric coating W.P.4

B. The rubber bitumen emulsion shall comply with BS 3416 Type I Class A or B and shall
be a water bound emulsion with a minimum 60% total solids content by volume,
comprising bitumen with fine particles of rubber. Not less than 10% nor more than 20%
of the total solids shall be rubber. The consistency shall be such that it can be applied to
the surface by brush at normal temperature comply with CP 231 for application of paint.

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Military Engineering Projects Fluid Applied Waterproofing 07140 / 2 - 4

A. The product and manufacturer specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or better than,
those specified may be acceptable subject to the Engineers approval.

1. Nito Proof 100 - Fosroc International Ltd

2. Febit - FEB Construction Products
3. Pasta Imper - Imper Italia SPA
4. Rubberised cold appl. Elast.
Coat. WP4 - Specialty Engineering Chemicals
Agent in Kuwait: Al-Bahar & Bardawil



A. Examine all surfaces to which the fluid applied waterproofing is to be applied. Do not
proceed with the application until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected and
approved by the Engineer.


A. Prior to the installation of fluid applied waterproofing, meet at the Project Site to review
the material selections, installation procedures and co-ordination of the work with other
trades. Meeting shall include the Contractor, the Engineer, the Sub-Contractor,
Manufacturers Representatives and any other Contractors/Sub-contractors whose work
requires co-ordination with this work.


A. Clean substrate of debris and deleterious material, which would impair the work.

B. Do not proceed with fluid applied waterproofing until all drains, piping, conduit, vents,
ducts and other projections through the substrate have been installed.


A. Install fluid applied waterproofing in accordance with manufacturers printed

instructions except as hereinafter specified.

B. Prime surfaces in accordance with manufacturers instructions.

B. The second coat consisting of undiluted emulsion (Fluid waterproofing) shall be applied
as soon as the priming coat is dry, at the approximate rate of 10 litres per 15 square

C. Extra thickness of waterproofing material to be applied at corners, intersections and


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D. The emulsion shall be applied by brush, squeegee or spraying strictly in accordance with
the manufacturers instructions. It shall not be applied during, or when rain or dust
storms are to be expected.

E. For underground structures backfilling shall not be commenced until the second coat of
emulsion is quite dry.


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Military Engineering Projects Fluid Applied Waterproofing 07140 / 4 - 4


1.01 SCOPE

A. Work Included: All cistern waterproofing shown on the Drawings or inferable there
from and/or as specified, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract

B. The Drawings show the extent of Cistern Waterproofing works hereby defined to
include (but not necessarily limited to) the following areas.

1. On interior surfaces of WATER BEARING STRUCTURES such as water tank,

swimming pools etc..


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract Documents, manufacturers specifications and installation instructions for the
cistern waterproofing system, including certifications and other data as may be required
to show compliance with the Contract Documents.

B. Samples: Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract
Documents, cistern waterproofing samples, prepared on plywood not less than 300 mm

C. Guarantee: Submit a Guarantee stating that the Latex Waterproofing System installed
will be waterproof and free from defects for a period of not less than five (5) years from
the date of substantial completion of the works and that in the event any leaks occur
within the period stipulated, the Contractor shall, at the convenience of the Employer,
effect all repairs and replacements necessary to remedy defects all to the complete
satisfaction of the Engineer.

D. Certification: Furnish certificate accompanying each delivery of cistern waterproofing

material indicating compliance with the Contract requirements. Submit certification that
the cistern waterproofing is non-toxic and will not affect the quality or taste of the water.


A. Comply with manufacturers recommendations for application and curing under the
applicable climatic conditions.


A. Delivery and Storage: Deliver materials in manufacturers unopened containers fully

identified with brand, type, grade, class and all other qualifying information, including
date of manufacture. Store in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Cistern Waterproofing 07160 / 1 - 5

A. Prior to the installation of cistern waterproofing, and at the Contractors direction, meet
at the project site to review the material selections, installation procedures and
coordination of the work with other trades. Meeting shall include the Contractor,
manufacturers representatives, Engineer and any Sub-Contractor whose work requires
coordination with the cistern waterproofing work.



The manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of establishing
minimum quality standards. Manufacturers other than specified producing equally products
or better than what specified can be used subject to the approval of the Engineer.

1. Vandex
P.O. Box. 1369, CH-3601

2. CIM Industries Inc.

94 Grove St., Peterborough,
NH 03458
Fax: (603) 924-9482

3. Master Builders Technologies,

P.O. Box. 5558, Sharjah

Or equal and approved.

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A. Cistern Waterproofing: A cold-applied two component polyurethane rubber having 100%

solids. Provide a complete system for horizontal and vertical application including flashings,
cants, sealers, primers, and sealant by a single manufacture. The cured waterproofing system
shall meet the following requirements:



Tensile strength 13.8 Kg/ ASTM D412

Elongation 500% ASTM D412
Modulus at 100% 5.25 Kg/ ASTM D412
Hardness, Shore A 30 min. ASTM D2240
Tear resistance, Die C 6.3 Kg/cm ASTM D624
Adhesion to Concrete 2.1 Kg/cm ASTM D429

(Method B)
Brittleness temperature - 45 Deg. C ASTM D746
Flash Point Above 94 Deg. C ASTM D1310
Resistance to Water
for 336 Hrs. at 22 Deg. C:
Change in weight +0.7% ASTM D471
Volume increase 1% ASTM D471
Change in tensile strength 0% ASTM D412
Change in elongation - 10% ASTM D412
Change in tear, Die C + 10% ASTM D624
Resistance to Water
for 72 Hours at 70 Deg. C.
Change in weight +2.2% ASTM D471
Volume increase 2.5% ASTM D471
Change in tensile strength 0% ASTM D412
Change in elongation 0% ASTM D412
Change in tear, Die C 0% ASTM D624
Water permeability 0.25 perms ASTM E96

(Method BW)
Heat aging for 168 Hrs.
At 82 Deg. C:
Change in weight -3.1% ASTM D471
Change in tensile strength -10% ASTM D412
Change in elongation -12% ASTM D412

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A. Examine the substrates, adjoining construction and the conditions under which the Work
is to be installed. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been


A. Clean all debris and deleterious material, which would impair the work.

B. Do not proceed with installation until projections through the membrane such as doors,
ladder, piping, drains, conduit, vents and ducts have been installed. Holes, honeycomb,
and cavities shall be pointed and filled and finished flush in accordance with
manufacturers directions. Cut off high spots and grind smooth.


A. Install and complete the system to assure that no water leakage through the system

B. At the start of the installation and periodically as work progresses provide the services of
the manufacturers technical representative at the job site as often as deemed necessary
by the manufacturer to advise on all phases of this work.

C. Install the system in accordance with the manufacturers instructions, except where more
stringent requirements are shown or specified.

D. Provide flashing materials at control joints, cracks, and penetrations as required and with
such materials and designs as recommended by the manufacturer of the waterproofing

E. Fill cracks and joints with sealant or other compounds as recommended by the
waterproofing materials manufacturer for compatibility.

F. Prime metal substrates. Seal stone concrete. Use products and methods recommended by
the waterproofing materials manufacturer.

G. Install cant strips where shown or recommended by the waterproofing materials


H. Apply cistern waterproofing to a total thickness of 1.5 mm utilizing methods

recommended by the waterproofing materials manufacturer. Apply additional materials
to correct areas deficient in thickness by procedures recommended by the materials

I. Allow waterproofing to cure properly. During this period block off traffic and protect
waterproofing from physical damage.

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A. After curing, test for leaks by filling the cistern for 24 hours. Examine leaks and repair
and re-test until no leakage is observed.


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A. General: Provide building insulation in accordance with the requirements of the Contract


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer manufacturers specifications and

installation instructions for the type of insulation required.

B. Samples: Submit to the Engineer 300 x 300 mm square samples of the type of insulation


A. Do not allow building insulation to become wet or soiled. Comply with other
precautions and recommendations of the manufacturer to protect insulation from

B. Examine all parts of the supporting structure or substrate and the conditions under which
the insulation work is to be performed. Do not proceed with the installation until
unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.


A. Deliver insulation materials in manufacturers unopened containers or packages, fully

identified with trade name, type, class, and other identifying information. Store above
grade and protect from weather and damage from any source.


A. Attention is directed to provisions of the conditions of contract regarding warranties.

B. Manufacturers shall provide their warranties for work specified in this section. However,
such warranties shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other liabilities, which
manufacturers and contractor may have by law or by other provisions of the Contract

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Insulation 07200 / 1 - 4


A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or
better than those specified, will be considered acceptable.


A. High Density Rigid Plastic Insulation for Wall and Roof Areas

1. Extruded rigid closed-cell expanded polystyrene foam insulation board with ship
lapped or rebated edges and having the following properties:

a. Density: 45 Kg/M3.

b. Five year aged average thermal conductivity of 0.030 W/m.k., when tested at 24
Deg. C in accordance with ASTM C 518 or DIN 52612.

c. Compressive Strength: 450 Kpa average, when tested according to ASTM D

1621 or DIN 53421.

d. Water Absorption: 1% average, when tested according to ASTM D 2842.

e. Water Vapor Permeability: 0.67 perm. Cm average, when tested in accordance

with ASTM C 355.

2. Minimum Thickness: 50mm for walls and 75mm for roof, unless otherwise shown.

3. Manufacturer: One of the following or other equal and approved:

a. Essocofoam 45, Gulf Insulating Materials manufacturing & Trading Co.


b. XFS 43001; Dow Chemical Company

c. Isofoam-(Isoboard HD) Insulating Materials Plants-Kuwait

4. Notes: Expanded Polystyrene board will not be accepted.


A. In-organic glass fibers and resinous binder formed into rigid slabs with aluminium foil
facing or other approved vapor barrier and as required for the application shown, having
thermal conductivity (k-value) of 0.034 and a minimum density of 36 Kg/cum.

B. Thermal Conductivity: The thickness shown are for the thermal conductivity, k-value
at 25 Deg. C for the type of insulation wherein k = W/M degree C. If alternate type(s) of
insulation are permitted, provide thickness as required to provide an equivalent
insulating value of the type shown.
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Military Engineering Projects Insulation 07200 / 2 - 4

A. Foil Faced Blanket Insulation: Thermal insulation produced by combining either glass
fibers or mineral fibers with thermosetting resins and containing a reflective vapor-
retarder membrane facing on one surface: manufacturers standard size as shown; one of
the following:

1. Mineral Fiber: Complying with ASTM C665, Type III

2. Glass Fiber: Complying with ASTM C553, Class B-4


A. Provide rigid or semi-rigid, spun mineral fiber blanket with aluminium foil covering,
where required for fire rated construction or to achieve STC ratings shown. Comply with
FS HH-1-521E, Type 1, and of the thickness, density and type tested and approved for
the required ratings.


A. Adhesive for Bonding Insulation: An adhesive of the type recommended by the

insulation manufacturer.

B. Mastic Sealer and tape: Type recommended by insulation manufacturer for filling voids
in insulation work.

C. Anchors for Insulation: For mineral insulation slabs use special clips or adhesive as
recommended by insulation manufacturer.

D. Metal Furring strips: 24 gauge electrogalvanized steel members; ThermoStud(W.R.

Grace Co. or approved equal) and Z-Furring channels (US Gypsum Co. or approved

E. Polypropylene Nylon Mesh: As Terram 1000 manufactured by I.C.I. Industries, USA

or Dupont Typar 3337 manufactured by Dupont Geotextile, UK. 94 Regent Road,
Leicester, LE1 7DJ, UK., or other equal and approved.

F. Building Paper
1. Paper-Laminate Vapor Barrier: Kraft paper sheets laminated together with asphalt or
other vapor retaining compound, with laboratory tested vapor transmission rating of
0.5 perms; scrim reinforced at edges of sheets.



A. Comply with manufacturers instructions for the particular condition of use and type of
insulation in each case. If printed instructions are not applicable to the condition of use,
consult the manufacturers representative for specific recommendations before
proceeding with installation.

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Military Engineering Projects Insulation 07200 / 3 - 4
B. Extend insulation full thickness over entire area to be covered, unless otherwise shown.
Cut and fit insulation tightly around all obstructions so that no voids exist in the
insulation course.

C. Set vapor retarder faced units with vapor retarder to warm side of construction, except
otherwise indicated. Do not obstruct ventilation spaces, except for fire stopping. Tape
joints and ruptures in vapor retarder and seal each continuous area of insulation to
surrounding construction to ensure airtight installation.

D. Apply metal furring strips to rigid insulation at 600mm on centers. Use fasteners
recommended by the furring strip manufacturer.

E. Mechanical Attachment: Provide type and spacing of mechanical anchoring devices as

shown and as recommended by the insulation manufacturer for the thickness and
condition of use shown.

1. For adhesively applied insulation clips adhesive and spacing of clips shall be that
recommended by the manufacturer for the condition and substrate indicated.


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Military Engineering Projects Insulation 07200 / 4 - 4



A. General: Provide Precast Terrazzo Roof Tile or Precast Concrete Roof Tile in
accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents (as shown in the drawing
or BOQ). For Precast Terrazzo roof tile follow the specification Section 09420.


A. In addition to requirements shown or specified, comply with the latest applicable

standards, specifications and published recommendations by ACI, AWS and PCI. This
Specification governs in case of conflicting requirements. Manufacturing, quality control
and inspection procedures are to comply with applicable sections of PCI Manual 117.
Formwork quality shall comply with ACI 347 Recommended Practice for Concrete


A. Contractors and their supervisory personnel engaged in the Work of this Section shall
have successful experience with work comparable to that shown and specified including
organized quality control and testing procedures.


A. The requirements of Section CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE Paragraph Quality

Control, apply to work under this Section.

B. The Contractor shall prepare and provide his quality control program for precast roof
tiling work with particular attention to details, pre-checking processes, procedures and
close supervision. In order to assure that proper work is performed to prevent later
corrective actions.

C. The Engineers Representative may station a qualified inspector at the batch plant during
the entire time of batching, to continuously test, inspect and report on the following.

1. The batching equipment and procedures.

2. The conformance of the materials (cement, aggregates, water and admixtures) to the
approved materials.

3. The proportioning of the approved mix.

4. Mix transport equipment.

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Military Engineering Projects Roofing Tiles 07320 / 1 - 7
D. The Contractor will station a qualified inspector at the casting site to continuously test,
inspect and report on the following.

1. For each forty (40) cu.m. of each different concrete type or portion thereof cast per
day, the following tests will be performed in accordance with the applicable

a) Twelve strength tests using 150 x 150 x 150 mm cubes per BS 1881, made from
a mix selected at random. Break 6 cubes at age 7 days and six cubes at age 28
days. Additional test specimens may be cast for construction progress control

b) Two Slump Tests - BS:1881 or ASTM C143

c) Two Temperature Tests - Use thermometer calibrated to +/- 0.5% accuracy.

Immerse the thermometer probe into concrete batches selected at random at time
of placement. Stabilized temperature of concrete shall be less than the specified
300C limit.

2. Check all reinforcing, strands, de-bonding and jacking installations to verify

conformance with Contract Documents and approved shop drawings.

3. Check all form work to verify conformance with Contract Documents and approved
shop drawings.

4. Check all openings and provisions for full co-ordination with all other trades as
shown on approved shop drawings.

E. The Contractor shall arrange for all tests specified herein to be carried out by a
recognized testing agency. Test specimens may be cured by immersion.

F. All welding of steel supports, anchorage, connections and attachments will be visually
inspected and measured by the company Representative.


A. Manufacturers Literature: Submit to the Engineer manufacturers specifications and

installation instructions for each item of proprietary material used, showing compliance
with these Specifications.

B. Design Mixes: Submit to the Engineer copies of mix designs with support material, as
described under Paragraph MIX DESIGN.

C. Mill Certificates: Submit to the Engineer copies of manufacturers certificate of mill

tests of all cement, reinforcing steel and embedments.

D. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings indicating the following: profiles, slopes, low
and high points, dimensions, joints and arrangement of units, detail of special design or
shapes; details of joints, connections to adjoining work or materials, reinforcing for each
unit, and method of installation. Indicate positions of service outlets including roof
drains, vent pipes, exhaust fans, roof hatches, skylights, etc., and coordinate with all
other trades.

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Military Engineering Projects Roofing Tiles 07320 / 2 - 7
E. Samples: Submit 400 x 400 x 40 mm (nominal) samples of concrete roof tiling prior to
fabrication of units. Sample acceptance will be for colour, appearance and configuration
of aggregate and depth of exposure only. Compliance with other requirements is the
responsibility of the Contractor.


A. Provide mock-up (2.80 x 2.80 m bay) of full sized architectural precast concrete units.
Mock-up shall be representative of the finished work in all respects indicating joint
conditions and all other features as will be used in the final work. Mock-up assembly
will be used as a standard for judging acceptability of work on project and may be used
in the finished work.


A. Transport, store and handle precast units in a manner to avoid undue strains, hair cracks,
staining, or other damage. Deliver units from plant to project site in accordance with
schedule and proper setting sequence. Store precast units free of the ground and
protected from mud or rain splashes. Cover units, secure covers firmly, and protect the
units from dust, dirt or other staining materials.


A. During construction, and after erection, protect units tiles subject to damage until
completion of the Works.



A. General: Obtain cement, aggregates and water from single sources sufficient to complete
the entire work and to assure regularity of appearance and uniformity of colour.

B. Portland Cement: B.S. 12 or ASTM C 150, Type I; white. Cement acceptance shall be
based on the manufacturers ability to produce a consistently uniform colour. All cement
used shall be from the same mill and manufacturer, and furnished to ensure cement of
uniform colour.

1. Mill certificate, including chemical analysis and results of physical tests, and colour
samples shall be submitted to the Engineer with each shipment of cement to the
concrete supplier.

C. Aggregate: Aggregate of architectural concrete shall be clean, washed materials and

shall meet the requirements of B.S. 882 and ASTM C 33. The gradation and colour of
the aggregate must be consistent. Any batch of aggregate not meeting these requirements
will be rejected.

D. Water-Reducing and/or Retarding Densifier Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type A, Type D;

as required. Recommended architectural concrete dosages are in excess, normally by
50% of those generally used for structural concrete.

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Military Engineering Projects Roofing Tiles 07320 / 3 - 7
E. Air Entraining Admixture: ASTM C 260.

F. Fly ash or calcium chloride or other accelerating admixture shall not be used.

G. Reinforcing Bars: B.S. 4449 or ASTM A 615, Grade 60 in general and as required.

H. Welded Wire Reinforcement: B.S. 4483 or ASTM A 185 or A 497, galvanized.

I. Water: Potable clean water.


A. Properties of Mix: Adjust design mix (mixes) as required to obtain the strength

1. Compressive Strength: 300 Kg/ characteristic cube strength minimum at 28


2. Slump: 75 mm maximum.

3. Air Entrainment: 5% minimum, 7% maximum.


A. Comply with Quality Control: Section PRECAST CONCRETE.

B. Factory cast units indoors for maximum quality control.

C. Forms: Construct forms of non-staining metal, fiberglass reinforced polyester, concrete,

or other acceptable materials. Fabricate and reinforce for close control of dimensions
and details. Make forms sufficiently rigid so that precast units will meet the casting
tolerances. Construct forms tightly to prevent leakage of mortar or paste. Form joints
will not be permitted on faces exposed to view in the finished work. Correct for
thermally induced strains or forces.

D. Reinforcement: Place welded wire fabric and/or reinforcing bars of size and spacings as
required to resist shrinkage, temperature and handling stresses and to achieve design
requirements. Support and space reinforcement using high density polyethylene devices
to ensure that it will remain positioned in the precast units as shown. Keep reinforcement
a minimum of 19mm from the edges and surfaces of the units. Assemble contiguous
reinforcement as a single assembly (cage) prior to placing in forms.

E. Mixing and Placing: Mix concrete to distribute fine and coarse aggregate evenly
throughout. Place concrete so as to prevent segregation in the forms.

F. Curing: Cure by artificial means until concrete has achieved atleast 70% of its design

G. Surface Treatment: Finish surfaces exposed to view to match accepted samples and
mock-up panels in all respects.

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Military Engineering Projects Roofing Tiles 07320 / 4 - 7
1. Smooth, hard finish, free of blemishes, honeycombing or other surface
imperfections; achieved by the use of disc-type motor driven float and/or steel

2. Abrasive Blasting: All concrete to attain at blast of 28 day strength. Protect

corners to preserve uniform, straight, sharp corners. Blast in a continuous operation,
to achieve a uniform appearance. Do not change equipment, materials, procedure or
operating personnel during the course of the abrasive blasting work for the entire
project. Discard and replace precast concrete units which develop any irregular
penetration of appearance as a result of blasting. Select type of nozzle, pressure, type
of abrasive and speed of operation to achieve 3 to 5mm penetration.

H. Tolerances: As follows:

1. Overall height and width: 3mm.

2. Plane of the side mould: 1.5 mm per 150 mm in depth (1/100).

3. Thickness: +/- 3 mm.

4. Out of square (diagonal length): 3 mm in 1.8 m (1/600).


1. All precast cement tile and skirting shall be obtained from National Industries, Kuwait
unless otherwise mentioned.


A. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I, while where required.

B. Pigment: Pure mineral pigments, resistant to alkalics, non-fading and weather proof,
colour as required and approved by the Engineer.

C. Water: Clear and without deleterious substances which would impair the work.

D. Sand: ASTM C 144.


A. Cement and sand screed 1:10 by volume, mixed with minimum amount of water added
for percent concrete tiles.


A. Comply with specification Section Sealant and Joint Fillers for tile joint sealant and
back-up rod.

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Military Engineering Projects Roofing Tiles 07320 / 5 - 7


A. Before delivery, examine and measure units to establish conformity with sizes and
dimensions shown on shop drawings. Units whose dimensions vary in excess of
specified tolerances are unacceptable and will be rejected.

B. Discard and replace units which are cracked, chipped, stained or otherwise damaged.
Patched units are not acceptable, except in specific instances when the Engineer
determines the unit may be repaired. The Engineer reserves the right to reject any unit if
it does not match the accepted mock-up.

C. Before beginning erection, examine all parts of the substrate and the conditions under
which the work is to be done. Do not proceed with the installation until unsatisfactory
conditions have been corrected.


A. Remove the precast elements from the form without damaging or overstressing and store
or place for transportation on a stable bed that will not allow further distortion of the
member. Separate stacked members with battens.

B. Transport the precast element with sufficient battens, bracing and support so as not to
overstress by vibration or impact loadings.


A. Precast concrete roof tiling.

1. Survey: Before placement of precast elements, survey the base to confirm proper line
and grade.

2. Lay units in accordance with approved shop drawing.

3. Lay Cement and Sand screed bed, compact and level to required thickness, ensuring
proper line, fall and cross-falls are existing on the substrate.

4. Install precast tile units properly set with close joints and ensuring full bearing on the
setting bed. Set units at skirting true in level, line and watching joints with general
area tiling.

5. Seal all joints in sand. Seat top of skirting with sealant and back-up rod.

6. Provide control joints or expansion joints where required or as established by

approved shop drawing. Control or expansion joint shall be 10mm wide, for the full
thickness of tile, filled with compressible filler rod and surface, not less than 15 mm
deep pointed in sealant.

7. Incase of laying the precast tile with aggregate strip, then lay the tiles in 2.80x2.80m
bay with 15-20 cm aggregate strip filled with selected gravel unless otherwise
mentioned or agreed by the Engineer.

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Military Engineering Projects Roofing Tiles 07320 / 6 - 7

A. Holes may be field cut only with the Engineers approval, and only with power saws or
core drills. Cracks, spalls and sharp corners created by field cutting are to be ground,
eased and patched with epoxy type bonding and patching compound.


A. Upon completion of the work, thoroughly clean exposed surface of precast units, by
scrubbing with a solution of soap powder, using stiff fiber brushes, followed by a
thorough rinsing with clean water. All surface stains shall be removed by means as
recommended by the manufacturer, and to the approval of the Engineer.


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Military Engineering Projects Roofing Tiles 07320 / 7 - 7



A. Provide exterior wall, roof, and cantilever assemblies (Metal sandwich panel) in
accordance with the requirements of the Contract Document.

B. The extent of the Panel System is shown on the drawings. Provide roof and wall panels
as detailed, including weeps, perimeter extrusions, extruded stiffeners, extruded corner
clips, gaskets, sealant, fasteners, related flashing, adapters and masking for a complete
watertight installation.

C. Related Sections

05120 - Structural Steel

08520 - Aluminium Doors, Windows and Screens
08800 - Glazing


A. General: The drawings and details show the preferred profiles and performance
requirements. Provide a watertight and structurally sound, self-draining, non-sequenced,
removable, and replaceable panel system.

B. Fabrication: Fabricator shall assume responsibility for all components of the panel
system, and shall have at least ten-year successful experience of composite panel

C. Design Criteria

1. Make allowance for free vertical and horizontal thermal movement due to the
contraction and expansion of component parts, for an ambient temperature range
from plus 20 Deg. F to plus 180 Deg. F. Base calculations for deflections upon the
combination of maximum direct loadings building deflections, thermal stresses and
erection tolerances. Buckling, opening of joints, undue stress on fasteners, failure of
sealant or any other detrimental effects due to the thermal movement of component
parts will not be permitted. Fabrication, assembly and erection procedure shall take
into account the ambient temperature range at the time of the respective operation.
Panel systems that use panel bow and return edge flex to accommodate contraction
and expansion will not be approved.

2. The assemblies as shown shall be a complete system including all stiffeners,

fasteners, sealant, joints, supports, miscellaneous pieces, and material thickness as
required to form a waterproof, windproof and dustproof covering in accordance with
the specifications and profiles shown.

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Military Engineering Projects Metal Panel 07400 / 1 - 6
3. Attachment and sealant details for the system are shown schematically, and together
with the specifications and profiles shown are intended to establish performance
requirements and material qualities desired. The manufacturer of the system shall be
responsible for development of final details to accommodate the engineering,
fabrication, erection and installation of the work in accordance with the design intent
shown. The drawings are not to be construed as shop drawings.

4. Details not shown shall be similar in character to those detailed. Where specific
details, dimensions, or design intent cannot be determined, consult the Engineer
before proceeding with the work.

5. All details shall be coordinated with the structural frame and other building
components, including exterior and interior finishes, in order to provide a complete
system of approved finish material.

6. All sandwich panels shall have a consistent, uniform colour and appearance and shall
be visually flat under all lighting conditions. It shall be possible to remove each
individual panel without removing adjacent panels.

7. The anchorage, angles, shapes and details shown are suggestive and shall be
engineered and detailed as required by the Contractor to meet the performance
criteria and design intent shown and specified. The Contractor shall coordinate all
anchorage details with the appropriate trades. All fasteners shall be concealed unless
specifically shown otherwise.

D. Wind Load

Assemblies herein specified shall be designed for flexural, shear and torsional stresses
for the following positive and negative wind pressures acting normal to the plane of the
wall. Design shall be based on the provisions of ASCE 7-88 (formally ANSI A58.1) but
in no case less than 20 pounds per square foot positive and negative and 25 pounds per
square foot corner pressure.

E. Pressure and Load

Normal to the plane of the wall, deflection of perimeter framing member shall not
exceed 1/175 of span length or , whichever is less.

F. Leakage of Water and Sand/Dust: Design, fabricate and install the system, including
joints between panels and other work, to effectively prevent leakage of either water or
sand/dust within the panel cavities, both under specified test conditions and under any
combination of the foregoing performance requirements when any type or amount of
precipitation occurs. Leakage of water is defined as the appearance of uncontrolled
water, other than condensation, on any internal part of the wall cladding. Leakage of
sand/dust is defined as infiltration of any such material whatsoever.

G. Heat and Ultraviolet Radiation: All facing materials shall be designed and manufactured
so as not to lose any of their properties due to exposure to heat and ultra violet radiation.

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Military Engineering Projects Metal Panel 07400 / 2 - 6

A. Manufacturers Data: Submit copies of the manufacturers specifications and installation

instructions for each item or component part and for the complete installation.

B. Test Data: Submit certified test reports by a recognized testing laboratory showing that
the panel system as shown and specified has been tested and has met or exceeded all the
specified performance requirements.

C. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and design calculations for the panel system.
Show large-scale typical details of all conditions for every member, joint and anchorage.
Assemble shop drawings of the principal component parts, which may be specified in
other Sections, into this submittal and prepare coordination details and erection diagrams
for the entire system.


A. Deliver component parts to project site completely identified in accordance with erection

B. Store in accordance with manufacturers instructions, above grade, on dunnage, properly

protected from the weather and construction activities.

C. Properly protect panels from any damage after erection.



A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or
better than those specified, will be considered acceptable. The decision of acceptability
will rest with the Engineer.


A. Panel system shall be equal to an approved system manufactured and distributed by one
of the following as shown in their typical manufacturers documentation and in the
contract documents for this project.
B. Composite panels comprising rigid polyurethane core manufactured by press injection
between exterior steel facings. Panels shall meet or exceed in every respect the printed
technical specifications published by the manufacturer.

C. Approved Manufacturers

1. Kirby Building Systems Kuwait

2. Kharafi Steel.

3. Zamil Steel.

Or equal and approved.

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Military Engineering Projects Metal Panel 07400 / 3 - 6
D. Panel System

1. Panel Thickness: 92mm Overall.

2. Profile: Deep rib panel as Kirby sandwich panel type SP1.

3. Steel Facings: 24 Gauge steel, hot dipped galvanized and with baked enamel
polyester film thickness 1.0 mil. Colour as selected by the Engineers

4. Flashing, Trims & Closures: 24 Gauge steel as specified for panels shall be used at
the raking corners, coves, framed openings, and wherever necessary to provide
weather tightness and finished appearance. Colour as selected by the Engineers

5. Gutters: Box shaped using 24 gauge steel as specified for panels shall be used at the
perimeters and shall connect to down pipes.


A. Fabricate panel units to dimensions indicated on the drawings based on an assumed

design temperature of 70 Deg. F. Allow for ambient temperature range at time of
fabrication and erection.

B. Fabricate panels in sizes shown using composite aluminium panel material and
perimeter extrusions. Completed panels shall be properly fabricated and designed so that
no restraints can be placed on the panel, which might result in compressive skin stress.
The installation detailing shall be such that the installed panels shall remain flat
regardless of temperature changes and at all times remain watertight, windtight and

C. Where practical, shop fabricate and assemble units ready for erection. If not shop
assembled, pre-fabricate components at the shop as required for proper and expeditious
field assembly.

D. Design, fabricate, assemble, and erect wall panel units, including sealed joints with other
work, to be completely windproof, dustproof and free from any water leakage.

E. Provide required stiffeners secured to rear face of panels and mechanically secured to
edge trim members.

F. Separate unlike metal or alloys with a heavy coating of bituminous paint or other
suitable permanent separation as required to prevent galvanic action.

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A. Delivery: Deliver fabricated units and component parts properly identified in accordance
with the approved erection drawings.

B. Protection of Surfaces: Protect surfaces from damage during shipping and erection.
Inspect units for damage upon delivery, all damaged material shall be rejected.

C. Panel Penetrations: Penetrations required by other trades should be properly coordinated

with the trade involved.


Examine supporting structure and conditions under which the work is to be erected, and
notify the Engineer in writing of conditions detrimental to proper and timely completion of
the work. Do not proceed with erection until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.


A. General

1. Verify dimensions of supporting structure at the project site by accurate field

measurements so that panel system work will be accurately designed, fabricated and
fitted to the structure. Tolerances for supporting structure will be furnished by the
Engineer if requested by the Contractor. Notify the Engineer in writing, of any
dimensions found to be different than shown, including given tolerances. Use
established benchmarks as basis of measurements.

2. Coordinate work with contiguous work and provide components at the proper time
and sequence to avoid delays in the work. Place such items, including inserts and
anchors, accurately in relation to the final wall cladding components.
3. Install assembly in strict compliance with current published literature and the
instructions of the Engineer and manufacturer. All work must be supervised by
personnel with previous experience in this type of installation.

4. Dimensions shown on drawings are based on an assumed design temperature of 70

Deg. F (21 Deg. C) Fabrication and erection procedures shall take into account the
ambient temperature range at the time of the respective operations.

5. Cut and trim component parts of the system during erection only with the approval
of the manufacturer or fabricator, and in accordance with his recommendations. Do
not cut through reinforcing or prestressing members. Restore finish completely to
protect material and remove all evidence of cutting and trimming. Remove and
replace members where cutting and trimming has impaired strength or appearance,
as directed by the Engineer.

6. Do not erect members which are observed to be warped, bowed, deformed or

otherwise damaged or defaced to such extent as to impair strength or appearance.
Remove and replace members damaged in the process of erection, as directed by the

Ministry of Defence Preformed Sandwich Insulated

Military Engineering Projects Metal Panel 07400 / 5 - 6
7. Upon completion of all adjustments to the system, the sealant shall be applied in
strict accordance with manufacturers instructions.

8. Paint concealed contact surfaces of dissimilar materials with a heavy coating of

bituminous paint, or provide other dielectric separation as per manufacturers

9. Weld with electrodes and by methods recommended by manufacturer of material

being welded, and in accordance with appropriate recommendations of the AWS.
Use only methods, which will avoid distortion or discolouration of exposed faces.
Grind exposed welds smooth, using only clean wheels and compounds, which are
free of iron compounds. Restore finish of component parts after welding and

10. Paint clip angles, and other ferrous metal parts, which will be concealed, with a zinc
chromate paint.

B. Protection and Cleaning

1. In addition to specific protection and cleaning methods required for each component
part by the respective Sections of these Specifications, and recommended by the
respective manufacturers, maintain the system throughout the construction period in
a clean and properly protected condition so that it will be without any indication of
use or damage at the time of completion of the works.

2. Cleaning and protective methods shall be carefully selected, applied and maintained
so that finishes will not become uneven or otherwise impaired as a result of unequal
exposure to light and weathering conditions.


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The work included under this section comprises of engineering design, preparation of
shop drawings, fabrication, erection of membrane structures, steel fabrication, testing and
commissioning of complete structure as shown on the drawings and/or as specified herein
and in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. Work includes, but is
not limited to the following:-

(1) PVC/PVDF FLUOTOP 1 fabric structure.

(2) Steel framing, cables and accessories.
(3) Cables anchoring.
(4) Circular steel columns.
(5) Steel pipe sections.
(6) Painting.
(7) Co-ordination, fixing, connecting of any specific requirement.


1.2.1 The Contractor shall prepare a fully coordinated design for the works and shall ensure that
all elements therein are mutually compatible.

1.2.2 The Contractor shall determine the size, strength, quality and type of items and materials
to be used in the works unless otherwise stated on the drawings, with reference to the
particular characteristics of the site and the building. Consideration shall be given to all the
environmental conditions such as:-

Prevailing wind conditions.

Temperature fluctuations.
Solar Radiation.
Orientation to sun path.

1.2.3 The works shall not be susceptible to vibration, fatigue, excessive deflection or instability.

1.2.4 The arrangement, shape and dimensions of the fabric structures and associated steel
elements shall be as indicated on the drawings.


1.3.1 Employ only experienced tradesmen for both fabrication and installation, who are capable
of producing work of the highest standards of quality in the industry.

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Military Engineering Projects Tensile Roofing 07410 / 1 - 5

A. Manufacturers Literature: Submit to the Engineer manufacturers specifications, load

tables, dimensions diagrams, anchor details and installation instructions for products to
be used in the manufacture of metal fabrications, and Teflon texture.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer, shop drawings for the fabrication and erection
of all assemblies of metal fabrication work which are not completely shown by
manufacturers date sheets. Include plans and elevations at not less than 1:10 scale, and
included details of sections and connections at not less than 1:4 scale. Show anchorage
and accessory items.

C. Samples: Submit to the Engineer samples of each different member including steel and
Teflon texture, include samples of fittings, cable anchoring and welded/bolted
connections. Samples will be reviewed by the Engineer for colour, texture and
reflectivity only. Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive responsibility
of the Contractor. Provide samples of all other items specified under this section for
review of the Engineer.


A. Store all materials in clean, dry location, away from uncured concrete and masonry,
protected against damage of any kind. Cover with waterproof paper, tarpaulin or
polyethylene sheeting, allow for air circulation inside covering.



A. The products and manufacturers specified herein-after are specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or better than those
specified, will be considered acceptable. The final decisions as to acceptability will rest
with the Engineer.

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Military Engineering Projects Tensile Roofing 07410 / 2 - 5

American Society for Testing and Materials

(1) ASTM A36 Specification for Structural Steel.

(2) ASTM A53 Specification for Pipe, Steel Black and Hot-
dipped Zinc coated welded and seamless.

(3) ASTM A325 Specification for High Strength Bolts for

Structural Steel Joints.

(4) ASTM 84 Test Method for surface burning

Characteristics of building material.

(5) ASTM E108 Method for test roof.

(6) ASTM 136 Test Method for behavior of materials in a

vertical tube furnace at 750 deg.C.

(7) ASTM E424 Test methods for solar energy transmittance.


Paint system for steel surface.

Steel Preparation:

Cleaning the surface by brushing and airless spray with 150 bars nozzle pressure. Dry the
surface with a temperature above the dew point to avoid cond.


Hot dip galvanized in conformance to ASTM A-123 standard.


1ST Reaction Primer A Acts as a phosphatizing and deactivating

agent with improved intercoat adhesion.

2nd Reaction Primer B Acts as a phosphatizing and deactivating

agent with improved intercoat adhesion.

3rd Polyurethane finish Two back polyurethane coating suitable for

corrosive environments marines.

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Military Engineering Projects Tensile Roofing 07410 / 3 - 5


To be according to ASTM or British Steel Construction Institute.

British Steel Construction Institute.

American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)
ASTM A36 Structural Steel.

American Welding Society.

Structural Welding Code AWS D.1.1

Symbol for welding and non-destructive
Testing AWS 2.4

Research Council on Riveted and Structural Joints

Specifications for Structural Joints using

ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts

Where the Contractor has a preference for justifying his design against one or other of the
above standards or code of practice from the above institutions, he must first seek the
Engineers approval before carrying out any design work.

(1) Structure self weight.

(2) Uniform stress in two directions.
(3) Live load = 0.5 kPa.
(4) Wind loads in accordance with;
CP3; Chapter V; Part 2, wind loads.


The structural fabric shall be PVDF fluotop T The primary materials shall be obtained
from one manufacturer and the membrane shall be fabricated from one type of fabric.

National Fire Protection Association

NFPA 701, Fire Tests for Flame Resistant
Textile and Films.


Approved manufacturers for the products specified in this section is :

M/S. Ali Tamini Sons Co. (ATSCO)

Sulay, Riyadh, R.S.A.
P.B. 93979, Riyadh-11683
Tel:+9661) 2436565
Fax (+9661) 2432144
Website :

Manufacturer who produce products equal in quality to, or better than these specified
above may be accepted subject to the approval of the Engineer.
Ministry of Defence
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Examine the substrate and conditions under which the work is to be installed. Do not
proceed with the installation until satisfactory conditions have been corrected in a manner
acceptable to the Engineer.


A. Fabric and metal fabrication work accurately in location, alignment and elevations,
plumb, level, true and free of rack, measured from established lines and levels.

B. Deliver items which are to be built into the work of other sections in time so as not to
delay the progress of work.

C. Leave work exposed to view clean, smooth and neatly finished.

D. The stability and final shapes of the structures always conform to the original plans of
the architect.


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A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances and materials and performing all operations in connection with aluminum
bonded composite wall paneling.


A. Employ only experienced tradesmen who have at-least five (5) years experience in the
installation of such products and who are capable of producing work of the highest
standard of quality in the industry. Work under this Section shall be executed by an
approved specialist Sub-Contractor.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer manufacturers specifications and

installation instructions for paneling, to show compliance with the Contract Documents.

B. Samples: Submit to the Engineer samples of paneling, not less than 600mm square
together with all related hardware. Sample submittal and Engineers approval shall be
for color and texture only. Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive
responsibility of the Contractor.

C. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer detailed shop drawings showing panel details,
elevations and fixing details.

D. Maintenance Instructions: Submit to the Engineer manufacturers printed instructions

and recommendations for care, handling, cleaning, maintenance and repair of paneling.

1.04 MOCK-UP

A. Following review and approval of sample paneling, and after submittal and approval of
shop drawings construct mock-ups at the fabricators yard or at the Site, as appropriate,
for the wall paneling as indicated on the drawings.

B. Assemble mock-ups to simulate final conditions and indicating joint conditions, fixing to
substrates and all other features of the final work.

C. Use materials, of Contractors choice, to simulate adjacent work and to indicate joint
conditions between paneling and adjoining work.


A. The Contractor shall coordinate the work under this Section with work of all other
related trade. Provide cutouts in panels required for penetrations by other trades.

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Military Engineering Projects Aluminium Bonded Wall Panels 07420 / 1 - 3

A. Deliver materials in manufacturers unopened containers, fully identified with name,

brand type, grade, class and all other qualifying information.

B. Protect pallets against rain, penetration of moisture, condensation. Pile pallets in stacks
one top of other. Avoid storage for a period of over 6 months.

C. Store materials above grade, protected from the weather, soiling or damage from any
source. Store in accordance with manufacturers instructions.



A. General: The product consists of two aluminum cover sheet bonded together with a
plastic filled core. The products specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or better than those
specified, may be acceptable subject to the Engineers approval.


A. Provide materials bearing markings, indicating the fire hazard classification of the
covering, as determined by BS476 Part 6 and 7, UK and ASTM E-84 USA.


A. Panels shall have sound absorption coefficient in range average = 0.05

B. Panel Finish: Aluminum covered on front face with weather resisting stone or
stove lacquered finish and back of the panels shall have stove lacquered finish panels
with fire rated fabric with colour samples approved prior to installation.

C. Panel Dimension: Panel dimension shall be as shown on drawings and shall be pre-sized
by the manufacturer for filed dimensions.


Approved manufacturers for the products specified in this Section are as follows:

Alcon Singen GmbH
Composites Division
D-78221 Singen, Germany.
Phone: + 49 7731/802498
Fax: + 49 7731/802845
Email: Composites calcom. com

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Manufacturers who produce products equal in quality to, or better than these
specified above may be accepted subject to the approval of Engineer.
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A. Examine the areas and the conditions under which wall paneling is to be installed and
notify the Engineer in writing of conditions detrimental to the proper and timely
completion of the work. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions
have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.

B. Install specified materials only when normal temperature and humidity conditions
approximate to the conditions that will exist when the building is occupied.


A. General: Perform all installation works strictly in accordance with the recommendations
of the panel manufacturer and as per approved shop drawings.

B. Wall Paneling:

1. Peel off protection foil as soon as possible after installation.

2. Concealed fix wall panels secured by means of screws or staples.

C. Joints: All butt joints sections covered with all weather synthetic rubber gaskets.


A. Immediately after the installation is completed, thoroughly clean and remove adhesive
spots with a damp cloth. Remove all droppings, trimmings and other debris and protect
the installation so that it will be clean and without any indication of damage at the time
of Substantial Completion of the works. Use choice of suitable cleaning agents
recommended by the manufacturers of such panels.

B. Damaged, soiled or discolored panels will be removed and replaced to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.


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A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour,
equipment, appliances and materials and performing all operations in
connection with Composite Roofing System.

B. The principal work of this Section includes, but may not be limited to, the
following: -

1. Waterproofing paint, Heat Insulation, Lightweight Concrete, Membrane

roofing and flashing, Precast pavers, Sand-cement setting bed and polythene
sheet, Sealant etc.


A. Section 15400 - Plumbing

B. Roof drains and vent stacks, specified under PLUMBING Section but flashed under the
work of this Section.


A. The work shall conform to the codes and standards of the following agencies as further
cited herein:

B. ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania 19103 USA as published in Compilation of ASTM Standards in Building

C. UL: Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Publications Stock, 333 Pfingsten Road,

Northbrook, Illinois 60062 USA.

D. General Specifications for Building and Engineering Works of the Ministry of Public
Works of the Government of Kuwait, latest edition.


A. Manufacturers Literature: Submit to the Engineer manufacturers specifications and

installation instructions for roofing membrane and accessory items and for each item of
proprietary material used, showing compliance with these Specifications.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing details, dimensions, locations and
installation methods of Roofing System including membrane, insulation, lightweight
concrete, roofing tiles, flashing, etc. and all accessories; indicate the following: -
profiles, slopes, low and high points, dimensions, joint and arrangement of units, detail
of special design or shapes; detailed of anchors, inserts, joints, connections to adjoining
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Composite Roofing System 07500 / 1 - 7
work or materials, and method of installation and anchoring. Indicate positions of
service outlets including roof drains, vent pipes, exhaust fans, roof hatches, skylights,
etc., and co-ordinate with all other trades.

C. Erection Procedures: Submit to the Engineer a detailed outline of sequence and

methods of erection.

D. Samples: Submit samples of membrane insulation, roofing tiles and other items required
by the Engineer.

E. Guarantee: Submit a guarantee stating that the roofing membrane system installed will
be waterproof and free from defects for a period of not less than ten (10) years from date
of Substantial completion of the Works and that in the event any leaks occur within the
period stipulated, the Contractor shall, at the convenience of the Employer, effect all
repairs and replacements necessary to remedy defects all to the complete satisfaction of
the Engineer.

1.05 MOCK-UP

A. Provide mock-up (3 x 3 m bay) of roofing system with full sized roofing tiles. Mock-up
shall be representative of the finished work in all respects indicating joint conditions and
all other features as well be used in the final work. Mock-up assembly will be used as a
standard for judging acceptability of work on project and may be used in the finished


A. All membrane roofing, flashing, sheet metal and insulation materials furnished and
installed under this Section shall be the product of single manufacturer, or shall be
specifically approved for use with his materials by the manufacturer whose roofing
specification is used. Furnish a written affidavit stating that this requirement has been
complied with.

B. Roofing and flashing shall be executed by a specialist roofing Sub-Contractor licensed,

franchised or approved by the roofing materials manufacturer, using experienced skilled
roofers, having a minimum of five (5) years experience in the installation of materials
specified herein on projects comparable to this Project. Furnish a written affidavit stating
that the roofing applicator is licensed.

C. All roofing and flashing work shall be applied in strict accordance with the roofing
manufacturers written requirements and specifications applicable to roof conditions.
D. Where additional work or materials, or greater quantities of materials than required by
roofing manufacturer are specified herein, these Project Specifications shall govern.

E. The roofing material manufacturers representative shall inspect the work during roof
installation and furnish a copy of his inspection reports to the Engineer. Reports shall be
on roofing manufacturers standard inspection report form, dated and signed. This
inspection shall be provided at no additional cost.

F. Do not proceed with roofing work during inclement weather. Comply with
manufacturers recommendations for application and curing under specific climatic

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A. Pre-Roofing Conference:

1. After approval of all materials and prior to installation, a pre-roofing

conference shall be held at the job site. In attendance shall be (1) Engineer
(2) Contractor, (3) Roofing Sub-contractor and (4) Manufacturers

2. The parties shall review Drawings, specifications and approved materials.

Correct conflicts, if any, between approvals and specification requirements.
Examine job site conditions, including inspection of deck, material labels
and methods of storing materials. Confirm that all curbs and edges are
provided and correctly installed. Review installation procedures, scheduling
and temperature requirements, and establish protection methods for finished
roof from other trades.


A. Upon completion of the installation, an inspection shall be made by a representative of

the roofing material manufacturer in order to ascertain that the Roofing System has been
properly installed.


A. Deliver roofing materials in manufacturers unopened containers or bundles fully

identified with brand, type, grade, class and all other qualifying information.

B. Deliver bulk materials with a certification from the manufacturer stating the name, type
and grade of each product used. Furnish certificate accompanying each load (or furnish
manufacturers blanket certificate) for each bulk product used in the work.

C. Store materials in a dry location, in such manner as to prevent damage or intrusion of

foreign matter. Conspicuously mark Rejected on materials which have once been wet
or damaged and remove from job site.


A. Protect roofing system installation from damage during construction period so that it will
be without any indication of abuse or damage at the time of completion.

B. Protect the building from damage resulting from spillage, dripping and dropping of
materials. Repair and restore other work damaged during roofing membrane operations.

C. Prevent materials from running into and clogging drains.

D. Take all necessary precautions against fire and other hazards during delivery, storage
and installation of flammable materials specified herein. Comply with local ordinances
and fire regulations in the installation of hazardous materials specified or required under
this Section.

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A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or
better than those specified, will be considered acceptable. The decision of acceptability
will rest with the Engineer.


A. General: Provide the products and systems specified in the roofing material
manufacturers latest published manual for the slope and type of substrate shown.

B. Materials for Composite Roof Water proofing System:

1. Waterproofing paint coat over concrete roof slab: Fluid Applied

waterproofing paint, see section 07140.

2. Foam Concrete: Foamed lightweight concrete, see section 03500

3. Heat Insulation: 75 mm thick Rigid plastic insulation, see section 07200.

4. Waterproofing Membrane: 4 mm thick membrane waterproofing, see

section 07130.

5. Primer for Bitumen Sheet Roofing Membrane:

Provide the following:

i. Impertene Primer, Imper, Italy.

ii. Indomastic Primer, Index, Italy.

iii. Marley Bitumen Primer, Marley Waterproofing Ltd.

iv. Or as recommended by the manufacturer of bitumen sheet roofing


6. Vapour barrier: Polyethylene sheet min. 1000 gauge of approved

manufacturer in accordance with ASTM E96 and E154

7. Roofing Tiles: Roofing Tiles, Section 07320. For Precast Terrazzo,

see section 09400, size as required.

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A. Where shown on Drawings, the surface on which the membrane waterproofing is to be

applied will be left by others without serious projections and sharp edges. Surfaces shall
be free of projections, voids, depressions, scale efflorescence, loose material, laitence,
oil grease and other foreign contaminants. Before starting work, inspect all surfaces to
be waterproofed and report in writing to the Engineer, any surfaces that are not suitable
for correct application of the waterproofing.

B. If any surfaces are unsuitable to receive waterproofing, the Contractor shall see that the
same are corrected by the respective trade prior to application of his work.


A. All preparation of surfaces, including construction joints shall be completed before

membrane waterproofing is installed. Commencement of application of membrane
waterproofing to any surface will be construed as acceptance of that surface as proper to
receive the waterproofing and any defects in the work thereafter shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor without additional cost to the Employer.

A. Waterproofing paint: Fluid applied waterproofing paint shall be applied over concrete
roof by brush in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations and as per
section 07140

B. Heat Insulation: The insulation shall be supplied and laid all as per section 07200. Set
polystyrene insulation in thickness indicated, using dry method (without the use of
adhesive or bitumen) with long joints continuous and short joints staggered, butting each
panel tightly to adjoining panel.

Discard all damaged insulation boards. Neatly cut and shape insulation at all projections
through roof and at all other vertical projections allowing at least 12mm clearance.

Under no circumstances allow insulation to remain uncovered in damp, wet weather,

overnight or exposed to sunlight for prolonged periods of time.

Immediately after insulation is applied, apply polythene sheet directly on top of


C. Foam Concrete: Foam concrete shall be laid as methods of obtaining falls to the roof all
as per manufacturers instructions and as per section 03500 over polyethylene sheet or
building paper spread on top of the thermal insulation.

D. Mortar Screed: The mortar screed shall be laid in proper thickness and carefully
trowelled to an even surface, maintaining the falls. The cement, fine aggregates and
water for the mix shall be as per section 09200, lath and plaster.

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E. Waterproofing Membrane: The waterproofing membrane shall be comprising of one
layer of 4 mm thick modified asphalt membrane as per section 07130 and as approved
by the Engineer and shall be applied as per manufacturers recommendations. Before
laying the membrane, ensure that the screeds are to the correct falls, and that any
preliminary preparation work including the formation of grooves is completed. The
screed shall be clean and dry and wood float finished. Prime all surfaces receiving
roofing membrane. Use products and methods recommended by the roofing membrane
materials manufacturers.

The overlaps between two contiguous layers shall be minimum 100 mm wide and
carried out carefully. The overlap shall be smoothed-on with a hot round tipped trowel.
Flash all roof outlets, pipes, sleeves and other projections through roof deck and provide
tight construction throughout.

Skirting, up-stand, roof drains, pipe outlets etc. shall be carried out in accordance with
the manufacturers recommendations with the materials well and carefully worked into
corners, edges, angles holes etc. Additional reinforcement over those areas shall be
provided where required as per Engineers instruction and approval.

F. Roof Tiles: Precast concrete roofing tile shall be as per section 07320 and Precast
Terrazzo tile shall be provided and laid as described in section 09420. Tiled skirting
shall consist of a triangular fillet backing of concrete or sand cement mortar with a row
of cement tile skirting or 20mm thick terrazzo tiles (size as required) bedded on in sand
cement mortar to form a skirting to match the horizontal tiling. The top of the tile
skirting shall be let into the wall/parapet and the joint carefully pointed and sealed with
an approved quality sealant. Skirting may be laid recessed and vertically against parapet
if shown in the drawings or agreed by the Engineer.

Expansion Joints: Expansion joints in roof tiling shall be formed where and as required
(generally 3.00mx3.00m bay) and shall be continuous throughout the depth of screed
and tiling. The expansion joints shall generally be filled with bitumen impregnated joint
filler and sealed with a resilient polyurethane polymer sealant, approved by the
Engineer, to the required depth with rubber back-up rod and shall be finished with a
tooled concave joint. The sealant shall be applied strictly in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions.

All surfaces, which will be in contact with the sealant, shall be primed with an approved
primer made by the manufacturer of the sealant. Care shall be taken to prevent staining
of the adjoining surfaces when filling the joint. Expansion joints shall continue into the
tile skirting and fillet as required.


A. The horizontal areas of waterproofing shall be tested prior to applying consecutive layer.

B. Such testing shall be by flooding sections of the waterproofed area with a minimum 20
cm head of water for 48 hours. Flooding shall include proper damming of areas as
required. This applicator shall provide his own hoses. Mark any leaks and repair when
the membrane is dry. Before flood testing, ascertain from the Structural Engineer that
the structure will withstand the dead load of the water.

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C. Any area where leaks occur shall be drained, thoroughly dried, repaired and then re-

D. At completion of flood testing, remove all dams and traces of water to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.

E. Installation of mortar beds, insulation fill materials or concrete which are applied over
the waterproofing shall not start until such time as the membrane is leak free and has
been accepted by the Engineer and has been protected with screed.


A. Make good, all damage to the building resulting from this work or operations. Particular
care shall be taken to avoid staining any part of the exposed structural or finished work.
Hoisting of materials shall be done with extreme care. Use approved means to protect
exposed surfaces.

B. At completion of work under this Section, remove from the site and legally dispose of
packaging, containers and other accumulated materials, and leave the work in a clean
and satisfactory condition.


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Military Engineering Projects Composite Roofing System 07500 / 7 - 7



A. Provide labor, equipment, materials and services, and perform operations required for
installation of sheet metal roofing and wall including related works as indicated on the
drawings or as described.

B. Work Included: The work of this section shall include, but not to be limited to, the

1. Sheet metal roofing

2. K-Span Roofing
3. Sheet metal ridge, fascia, trim, and rain water gutter
4. Sheet metal wall/sidings
5. All required accessories, fasteners etc.


The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The
publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only.


AISI SG-673 (1986) Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual


ASTM A 36 (1991) Structural Steel

ASTM A 325 (1992a) Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum
Tensile Strength

ASTM A 446 (1991) Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot-Dip

Process, Structural (Physical) Quality

ASTM A 570 (1992) Steel, Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot-Rolled, Structural Quality

ASTM B 117 (1990) Salt Spray (Fog) Testing

ASTM D 522 (1992) Mandrel Bend Test of Attached Organic Coatings

ASTM D 714 (1987) Evaluating Degree of Blistering of Paints

ASTM D 968 (1981; R 1991) Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by Falling


ASTM D 1654 (1992) Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to

Corrosive Environments
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Sheet Metal Roofing and Siding 07610 / 1 - 9
ASTM D 2247 (1992) Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in 100 Percent Relative

ASTM D 2794 (1990) Resistance of Organic Coatings to the Effects of Rapid

Deformation (Impact)

ASTM D 4214 (1989) Evaluating the Degree of Chalking of Exterior Paint Films


AWS D1.1 (1992) Structural Welding Code Steel


MBMA-01 (1986; Errata; Supple 1990) Low Rise Building Systems Manual


UL 580 (May 17, 1988; 3rd Ed; Rev Dec 28, 1989) Tests for Uplift Resistance
of Roof Assemblies


A. Section 05120: Structural steel

B. Section 05500: Metal fabrication


A. The work shall be performed by a firm having 5 years experience in the installation of
materials specified herein on projects comparable to this Project.


A. SAMPLES: Submit samples of each metal required. Engineers review and acceptance
of samples will be for color and finish only. Compliance with all other requirements is
the responsibility of the Contractor.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of metal roofing and accessories. Show complete
information concerning fabrication, installation, joint details, fastenings, and other

C. Manufacturers Data: Submit manufacturers specifications and installation instructions

and other data as may be required to show compliance with the Contract Documents.

D. Guarantee: Submit a 10-year guarantee against leaks resulting from defects of materials
or workmanship. Upon notification of such defects, within the guarantee period, make
the necessary repairs and replacements at the convenience of the Owner.

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Military Engineering Projects Sheet Metal Roofing and Siding 07610 / 2 - 9

A. Deliver materials in tagged bundles or in manufacturers unopened containers fully

identified to show name, brand, type, grade, and thickness. Store, protect, and keep
materials dry.


A. Except as modified hereinafter, steel covering shall be designed in accordance with AISI
SG-673. Maximum deflection of wall and roof panels under live or wind loads shall
be limited to the extent that permanent distortions will not occur. Maximum deflections
shall be based on sheets continuous across three or more supports. In addition to
the loads indicated above, the roof paneling shall be designed for a 200-pound
concentrated load at mid span on a 12-inch wide section of paneling.

B. Gutters and downspouts shall be designed to carry the flow from the roof resulting from
rain falling at the rate of 4 inches per hour for a five minute duration.

C. Continuous roof ventilators (If required and shown on drawings), where indicated, shall
be ridge mounted gravity type designed for a minimum capacity of 2500 cubic feet of
air per minute for each 10-foot section based on a wind velocity of 5 mph and an
exterior- interior temperature differential of 10 degrees F and without screens in place.
Ventilators shall be provided with dampers.

D. Drift provisions or lateral deflections at the roof level of a structure in relation to the
finish floor level, caused by deflection of horizontal force resisting elements shall
conform to MBMA-01. The maximum bare frame building drift shall not exceed

E. Masonry walls shall be isolated from the steel framing making up the metal building



A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or
better than those specified, will be considered acceptable. The decision of acceptability
will rest with the Engineer.

B. Approved Manufacturers

1. Kirby Building Systems Kuwait

2. Kharafi Steel.

3. Zamil Steel.

Or no less than equal quality.

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Military Engineering Projects Sheet Metal Roofing and Siding 07610 / 3 - 9

A. Roof Covering and Wall Covering: Roof and wall covering shall be steel and shall have
a factory color finish meeting the requirements specified below. Panels shall have
configurations for overlapping adjacent sheets or interlocking ribs for securing adjacent
sheets. The system for securing the roof covering to structural framing members shall be
exposed, penetrating fastener type. Wall covering shall be fastened to framework using
concealed fasteners. Length of sheets shall be sufficient to cover the entire length of any
unbroken roof slope or the entire height of any unbroken wall surface when such slope
or height is 30 feet (9 m) or less. When length of run exceeds 30 feet (9 m), each sheet
in the run shall extend over three or more spans. Sheets longer than 30 feet (9 m) shall
not be allowed. Width of sheets with overlapping configurations shall provide not less
than 24 inches (60 cm) of coverage in place; width of sheets with interlocking ribs shall
provide not less than 12 inches (30 cm) of coverage in place. Height of all corrugations
at overlap for adjacent roof sheets or standing ribs of interlocking panels for adjacent
roof sheets shall be the building manufacturer's standard for the indicated roof slope.
Design provisions shall be made for thermal expansion and contraction consistent with
the type of system to be used. All sheets shall be square cut, except gable end wall sheets
may be cut in the shop to correspond to the roof slope and may have a horizontal joint at
the eave line.

B. Thickness of Steel Roof and wall Covering: Zinc-coated steel conforming to ASTM A
446, Grade D, G 90 coating designation. Roof and wall covering shall be 0.0239 inch
(24 gage) thick minimum.

C. Factory Color Finish: Wall and roof panels shall have a factory applied polyvinylidene
fluoride finish on the exposed side. The exterior finish shall consist of a baked-on 70%
Kynar 500, 70% Hylar 5000, or equivalent fluoropolymer enamel topcoat with an
appropriate prime coat. Color shall be the manufacturer's standard color most nearly
matching the color indicated on the drawings. The exterior coating shall be a nominal 1
mil thick consisting of a polyvinylidene fluoride topcoat of not less than 0.7 mil (18
microns) dry film thickness and the paint manufacturer's recommended primer of not
less than 0.2 mil (5 microns) thick. The interior color finish shall consist of a nominal 1
mil thick polyvinylidene fluoride finish otherwise the same as the exterior. The exterior
color finish shall meet the test requirements specified below.

D. Salt Spray Test: A sample of the sheets shall withstand a salt spray test for a minimum
of 1000 hours in accordance with ASTM B 117, including the scribe requirement in the
test. Immediately upon removal of the panel from the test, the coating shall receive a
rating of not less than 8F, few #8 blisters, as determined by ASTM D 714; and a rating
of 6, 1/8-inch (3 mm) failure at scribe, as determined by ASTM D 1654.

E. Formability Test: When subjected to a 180-degree bend over the larger of an 1/8-inch
(3.2 mm) or 3t diameter mandrel in accordance with ASTM D 522, the coating film shall
show no evidence of fracturing to the naked eye.

F. Accelerated Weathering, Chalking Resistance and Color Change: A sample of the

sheets shall be tested for a minimum of 500 hours in accordance with ASTM G 23,
method 2, using a Type EH apparatus with cycles of 60 minutes radiation and 60
minutes condensing humidity. The coating shall withstand the weathering test without
cracking, peeling, blistering, loss of adhesion of the protective coating, or corrosion of
the base metal. Protective coating that can be readily removed from the base metal with
tape in accordance with ASTM D 3359, Test Method B, shall be considered as an area
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Military Engineering Projects Sheet Metal Roofing and Siding 07610 / 4 - 9
indicating loss of adhesion. Following the accelerated weathering test, the coating shall
have a chalk rating not less than No. 8 in accordance with ASTM D 4214 test
procedures, and the color change shall not exceed 5 CIE or Hunter Lab color difference
(_E) units in accordance with ASTM D 2244.

G. Humidity Test: When subjected to a humidity cabinet in accordance with ASTM D 2247
for 1500 hours, a scored panel shall show no signs of blistering, cracking, creepage or

H. Impact Resistance: Factory-painted sheet shall withstand direct and reverse impact in
accordance with ASTM D 2794 equal to 1.5 times metal thickness in mils, expressed in
inch-pounds, with no loss of adhesions.

I. Abrasion Resistant Test: When subjected to the falling sand test in accordance with
ASTM D 968, the coating system shall withstand a minimum of 80 liters of sand before
the appearance of the base metal. The term "appearance of base metal" refers to the
metallic coating on steel or the aluminum base metal.

J. Pollution Resistance: Coating shall show no visual effects when immersion tested in a
10 percent hydrochloric acid solution for 24 hours in accordance with ASTM D 1308.


A. Flashing, trim, metal closure strips, caps, and similar metal accessories shall be not less
than the minimum thicknesses specified for covering. Molded closure strips shall be
bituminous-saturated fiber, closed-cell or solid-cell synthetic rubber or neoprene, or
polyvinyl chloride pre-molded to match configuration of the covering. Accessories shall
be compatible with the system furnished. Exposed metal accessories shall have a factory
finish to match the building finish and shall not absorb or retain water.


A. Fasteners: Fasteners for wall and roof panels shall be zinc-coated steel, corrosion
resisting steel, or nylon capped steel, type and size specified below or as otherwise
approved for the applicable requirements. Fasteners for accessories shall be the
manufacturer's standard. Exposed roof fasteners shall be gasketed or have gasketed
washers on the exterior side of the covering to waterproof the fastener penetration.
Washer material shall be compatible with the covering and with a minimum diameter of
3/8 inch (9 mm) for structural connections, and gasketed portion of washers shall be
neoprene or other equally durable elastomeric material approximately 1/8 inch (3 mm)
thick. Exposed fasteners shall be factory color finished or provided with plastic color
caps to match the covering. Non-penetrating fastener system using concealed clips shall
be manufacturer's standard for the system provided.

B. Screws: Screws shall be not less than No. 14 diameter if self-tapping type and not less
than No. 12 diameter if self-drilling and self-tapping type.

C. End-Welded Studs: Automatic end-welded studs shall be shouldered type with a shank
diameter of not less than 3/16 inch (5 mm) and cap or nut for holding covering against
the shoulder.

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Military Engineering Projects Sheet Metal Roofing and Siding 07610 / 5 - 9
D. Blind Rivets: Blind rivets shall be stainless steel with 1/8 inch (3 mm) nominal diameter
shank. Rivets shall be threaded stem type if used for other than the fastening of trim.
Rivets with hollow stems shall have closed ends.

E. Bolts: Bolts shall be not less than 1/4 inch (6 mm) diameter, shouldered or plain shank
as required, with proper nuts.


A. Gutters and downspouts shall be fabricated of zinc-coated steel. All accessories

necessary for the complete installation of the gutters and downspouts shall be furnished.
Accessories shall include gutter straps, downspout elbows, downspout straps and
fasteners fabricated from metal compatible with the gutters and downspouts.


A. Roof ventilators shall be fabricated of zinc-coated steel and shall be complete with insect
screens. Ventilators shall be designed to provide rigid weathertight construction upon
installation, free from vibration and movement.


A. Materials, other than roof and wall covering and wall liner, shall be of thicknesses
necessary to conform to design requirements, however the following table lists the
minimum thicknesses which will be allowed:

Items Min.uncoated thickness

Light Gage Steel-Structural Members 0.048 Inch Steel

other than Wall and Roof Covering

Gable and Eave Trim, Fascia Closure 0.018 Inch Steel

Strips, Rake Flashing, Coping and
Liner Panels

Gutter and Downspouts 0.018 Inch Steel

Roof Ventilators 0.018 Inch Steel

Louvers 0.048 Inch Steel


A. Sealant shall be an elastomeric type containing no oil or asphalt. Exposed sealant shall
be colored to match the applicable building color or shall be clear, and shall cure to a
rubber like consistency. Concealed sealant may be the non-hardening type. Sealant for
standing seam panels shall be factory applied conforming to the manufacturer's
recommendations. See Section 07920-Sealant for detail.

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Military Engineering Projects Sheet Metal Roofing and Siding 07610 / 6 - 9

A. Ferrous surfaces shall be cleaned of oil, grease, loose rust, loose mill scale, and other
foreign substances and shop primed. Primer coating shall be in accordance with the
manufacturer's standard system. Gutters, downspouts, louvers and ventilators shall be
shop painted in the manufacturers' standard color.


A. Flashing devices around pipe penetrations shall be flexible, one-piece devices molded
from weather resistant EPDM rubber. Rubber boot material shall be as recommended by
the manufacturer. The boots shall have base rings made of galvanized steel that
conforms to the contours of the roof panel to form a weather-tight seal.


A. Roof curbs shall be prefabricated, using as a minimum, a galvanized sheet steel having
the same thickness and material properties as required for the roof paneling. Curbs shall
include fully mitered and welded corners, flanges matched to the configuration of the
roof panels, and as determined by the manufacturer internal reinforcing, insulation, and a
cricket for diverting water. Curbs shall match the slope of the roof and provide a level
top surface with a minimum height of 300 mm (12 inches) clear above the finished roof
and be factory finished to match the roof paneling specified.



A. Examine structural steel framing and substrate, adjoining construction and conditions
under which work is to be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory
conditions have been corrected.


A. Comply with applicable recommendations and details of the Architectural Sheet Metal
Manual by SMACNA, approved manufacturers recommendations and approved shop


A. General: Erection shall be in accordance with the approved erection instructions and
drawings and with applicable provisions of AISC Specification for the Design,
Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. Finished structure shall be
proven weathertight. Dissimilar materials which are not compatible when contacting
each other shall be insulated from each other by means of gaskets or insulating
compounds. Framing members fabricated or modified on-site shall be sawn or abrasive
cut; bolt holes shall be drilled. On-site flame cutting of framing members, with the
exception of small access holes in structural beam or column webs, shall not be
permitted. Improper or mis-located drill holes in sheet material shall be plugged with an
oversize screw fastener and gasketed washer; however, sheets with an excess of such
holes or with such holes in critical locations shall not be used. Improper or mis-located
bolt holes in structural members or other misfits caused by improper fabrication or
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Sheet Metal Roofing and Siding 07610 / 7 - 9
erection, shall be repaired in accordance with AISC S303.Exposed surfaces shall be kept
clean and free from sealant, metal cuttings, excess material from thermal cutting, and
other foreign materials. Exposed surfaces which have been thermally cut shall be
finished smooth within a tolerance of 1/8 inch. Welding of steel shall conform to AWS
D1.1. High-strength bolting shall conform to AISC S329 using ASTM A 325. Stained,
discolored or damaged sheets shall be removed from the site. Curbs and scuttles shall
be installed where indicated and shall be securely fastened into place in accordance with
the manufacturer's recommendation for a weathertight installation.

B. Wall and Roof Covering: Wall covering shall be applied with the longitudinal
configurations in the vertical position.Roof covering shall be applied with the
longitudinal configurations in the direction of the roof slope. Closure strips shall be
provided as indicated and where necessary to provide weathertight construction.

C. Lap Type Panels with Exposed Fasteners: Side laps shall be laid away from the
prevailing winds. Side laps, end laps, joint sealing, and spacing of fasteners shall be in
accordance with the manufacturer's standard practice insofar as the maximum fastener
spacing specified are not exceeded and provided such standard practice will result in a
structure which will be free from water leaks and meet design requirements. Spacing
of fasteners shall present an orderly appearance and shall not exceed: 8 inches (20 cm)
on center at end laps of covering, 12 inches (30 cm) on center at connection of covering
to intermediate supports, 12 inches (30 cm) on center at side laps of roof coverings, and
18 inches (45 cm) on center at side laps of wall covering except when otherwise
approved. Side laps and end laps of roof and wall covering and joints at accessories
shall be sealed. Method of applying joint sealant shall conform to the manufacturer's
recommendation. Fasteners shall be installed in straight lines within a tolerance of 1/2
inch (12.5 mm) in the length of a bay. Fasteners shall be driven normal to the surface
and to a uniform depth to properly seat the gasketed washers. Accessories shall be
fastened into framing members, except as otherwise approved.

D. Concealed Fastener Wall Panels: Panels shall be fastened to framing members with
concealed fastening clips or other concealed devices standard with the manufacturer.
Spacing of fastening clips and fasteners shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's
written instruction insofar as the maximum fastener spacing specified are not exceeded
and provided such standard practice will result in a structure which will be free from
water leaks and meet design requirements. Spacing of fasteners and anchor clips along
the panel interlocking ribs shall not exceed 12 inches (30 cm) on center except when
otherwise approved. Fasteners shall not puncture covering sheets except as approved
for flashing, closures, and trim; exposed fasteners shall be installed in straight lines.
Interlocking ribs shall be sealed with factory-applied sealant. Joints at accessories shall
be sealed.

E. Gutters and downspouts shall be rigidly attached to the building. Gutters shall be
installed to provide drainage and shall be designed with adequate provisions for
expansion and contraction.

F. Louvers and ventilators shall be rigidly attached to the supporting construction in a

manner to assure a rain tight installation.

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Military Engineering Projects Sheet Metal Roofing and Siding 07610 / 8 - 9
G. Doors and windows, including frames and hardware, shall be securely anchored to the
supporting construction, shall be installed plumb and true, and shall be adjusted as
necessary to provide proper operation. All joints at doors and windows shall be sealed
to provide weathertight construction and in accordance with the manufacturer's


A. Immediately upon detection, abraded or corroded spots on shop-painted surfaces shall be

wire brushed and touched up with the same material used for the shop coat.
Shop-primed ferrous surfaces exposed on the outside of the building and all shop-primed
surfaces of doors and windows shall be painted with two coats of an approved exterior
enamel. Factory color finished surfaces shall be touched up as necessary with the
manufacturer's recommended touch-up paint.


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Military Engineering Projects Sheet Metal Roofing and Siding 07610 / 9 - 9



A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances, and materials and performing all operations in connection with Sheet metal
flashing, Fascia, Trim, Coping and Expansion joint covers.


A. Section 07400 Metal Sandwich panel

B. Section 07500 - Composite Roofing system
C. Section 07920 Sealant.


A. Comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following Codes,
Specifications, and Standards:

AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code.

NAAM Metal Finishes Manual
SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual.


A. The work shall be performed by a firm having 5 years experience in the installation of
materials specified herein on projects comparable to this Project.


A. SAMPLES: Submit samples of each metal required. Engineers review and acceptance
of samples will be for colour and finish only. Compliance with all other requirements is
the responsibility of the Contractor.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of metal flashing and accessories. Show
complete information concerning fabrication, installation, joint details, fastenings, and
other information.

C. Manufacturers Data: Submit manufacturers specifications and installation instructions

and other data as may be required to show compliance with the Contract Documents.

D. Guarantee: Submit a 10-year guarantee against leaks resulting from defects of materials
or workmanship. Upon notification of such defects, within the guarantee period, make
the necessary repairs and replacements at the convenience of the Owner.

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Military Engineering Projects Sheet Metal Flashing and Trim 07620 / 1 - 4

A. Deliver materials in tagged bundles or in manufacturers unopened containers fully

identified to show name, brand, type, grade, and thickness. Store, protect, and keep
materials dry.



A. Aluminium flashing and expansion joint covers shall be fabricated from 20 gauge NS3
or NS4 aluminium alloy to comply with BS 1450.

B. Aluminium finish shall be bronze anodized to a minimum thickness of 20 microns.

C. Copings: Provide copings systems fabricated of extruded aluminum 6063-T5 or T52

sections, minimum 1.6mm (0.063 inch thick) with concealed splice plates and hold
down plates. Provide copings designed to snap-lock into place under permanent
compression without the use of exposed fasteners. Copings shall be provided with
weather tight expansion joints. Provide copings by one of the following:

D. Caps, Fascias and other Metal Trim: Provide caps, gravel stops, gutters,
downspouts, leaders and other metal trim by the same manufacturer as the copings.

1. Sheet Aluminum: ASTM B209, alloy 3003, temper H14, 1.3mm (0.050 inch) thick.

2. Extruded Aluminum: Manufacturers standard extrusions of sizes and profiles

indicated, 60063-T52, 2mm (0.080 inch) minimum thickness for primary legs of


A. General: Provide miscellaneous items as shown or as required to complete the work.

Provide items best suited for intended use. Non-corrosive and capable of sustaining the
imposed service loads.

B. Fasteners: Same metal as sheet metal or stainless steel, ANSI Type 316 as recommended
by sheet manufacturer. Match finish of exposed heads with material being fastened.

C. Bituminous Coating: SSPC Paint 12, solvent-type bituminous mastic, nominally free
of sulfur, compounded for 375 micrometers (15 mil) dry film thickness per coat.

D. Mastic Sealant: Polyisobutylene, non-hardening, non-skinning, non-drying, non-

migrating sealant.

E. Adhesives: Type recommended by sheet manufacturer for waterproof/weather-resistant

seaming and adhesive application of metal sheet.

F. Elastomeric Sealant: Generic type recommended by manufacturer of metal and

fabricator of components being sealed and complying with requirements for joint
sealants as specified in Section 07920 Sealants, Caulking and Seals.

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G. Epoxy Seam Sealers: Two-part non-corrosive metal seam cementing compound,
recommended by metal manufacturer for exterior/interior non-moving joints including
riveted joints.

H. Adhesives: Type recommended by sheet manufacturer for waterproof/weather- resistant

seaming and adhesive application of flashing sheet.

I. Paper Slip Sheet: 0.24 kg/m2 (5 lb) rosin-sized building paper.

J. Polyethylene Underlayment: Minimum 150 micrometers (6 mil) carbonate polyethylene

film resistant to decay when tested in accordance with ASTM E154.

K. Reglets: Metal or plastic units of type and profile indicated, compatible with flashing
indicated, non-corrosive.

L. Metal Accessories: Provide sheet metal clips, straps, anchoring devices and similar
accessory units, matching or compatible with material being installed, non-corrosive,
size and gauge required for performance.

M. Elastic Expansion joints: Prefabricated unit consisting of a strip of cured, calendared

neoprene at least 1.6mm (1/16 inch) thick with closed cell foam insulation bonded
thereto and stainless steel wings on either side. Provide prefabricated sections for all tee,
crossover, and corner conditions and for transitions and terminations at vertical surfaces.
Provide size of joint covers as recommended by the manufacturer to suit the joint sizes

1. Metal flange edges, 75mm to 100mm (3 to 4 inches) wide, formed to profiles as

indicated to fit curbs and designed for nailing to curb substrate. Provide metal flanges in
the same thicknesses as sheet metal trim.

2. Looped Bellows Width: 125mm to 150mm (5 to 6 inches) exclusive of flanges.


A. General :

1. Custom fabricate units to the sizes, type and profile, shown on drawings.

2. Verify measurements and dimensions at the job site and cooperate in the
coordination and scheduling of the work of this Section with the work of related


A. General: As shown for the respective units and matching the Samples approved by the
Engineer. Remove scratches, abrasions, dents, die markings and other defects prior to
finishing operations. Perform this work in addition to finish treatment specified.

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B. Resinous Coating For Aluminum: AA-C12Rlx and AAMA 605.2 in custom colors as
selected, using 70% minimum Polyvinylidene Fluoride Fluorocarbon Resin
(Ausimont, Hylar 5000 or Atochem, Kynar 500 or approved equal), applied to a total dry
film thickness of not less than 37.5 micrometers (1.6 mil).

1. Color shall be custom colors as selected and approved by the Engineer.

C. Dielectric Separator: Bituminous paint, Bitumastic 50 (Kop-Coat, Inc.) Jennite J-16

(Maintenance Coatings Co.) or approved equal.



A. Examine substrate, adjoining construction and conditions under which work is to be

installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.


A. Comply with applicable recommendations and details of the Architectural Sheet

Metal Manual by SMACNA, approved manufacturers recommendations and
approved shop drawings.

B. Provide flashing and expansion joint covers, and all accessories to provide a watertight

C. Install as shown. Set unit level and plumb, true to line and coordinate with other work.
Anchor securely in place with aluminium alloy screws and/or concealed non-ferrous

D. Coat concealed contact surfaces of dissimilar metals and metals contacting concrete with
bituminous paint.

E. In general, furnish flashing and expansion joint pieces in appropriate lengths with joints
welded as necessary.

F Angles and the like on flashing and expansion joint covers requiring dressing shall be
mechanically welded where required for watertightness.

G. Sheet metal shall be designed and detailed for a temperature of 21 Deg. C at time of
installation with allowance made for a 82 Deg. C. ambient temperature range. Make all
necessary adjustment for installations at other than design temperature.


A. Upon completion of work, remove flux residue with a solution of washing soda or
ammonia, then drench with clear water.


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A. General: Provide sprayed-on fireproofing, in accordance with the requirements of the

Contract Documents.

B. This work shall be executed by an approved specialist Sub-Contractor.


A. Fireproofing: Before proceeding with fireproofing work, obtain approvals of the

proposed materials and thicknesses from Kuwait Fire Department (KFD) and other
governing authorities, as may be required.


A. Employ only qualified tradesmen who have experience with the use of the spraying
equipment in the application of the specified fireproofing.

B. Product Variations: If the manufacturer produces several materials which comply with
the requirements for a material specified herein, select the particular material
recommended by the manufacturer for the intended application.


A. Asbestos Prohibited: None of the sprayed-on fireproofing materials specified hereinafter

shall contain any asbestos fibers or dust particles, any free silica or mica particles. All
products submitted for review by the Engineer shall be accompanied by a Certificate,
stating that the products do not contain any asbestos fiber or dust particles, any free
silica or mica particles, signed by the Manufacturer and the Contractor.

B. Fireproofing Materials: Where shown or specified as Fireproofing, provide materials

which have been tested and rated in accordance with ASTM E 119, NFPA 251 or an
equivalent test method.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer copies of manufacturers specifications

and installation instructions for the type and class of fireproofing materials required.
Include manufacturers certification and laboratory test reports to show that materials
comply with these Specifications.

B. Guarantee: Submit to the Engineer, a written guarantee, whereby the Contractor

undertakes to repair or replace any sprayed-on fireproofing which has cracked, flaked, or
peeled from the substrate within a period of 5 years from the date of substantial
completion of the Works.

C. Test Reports: See paragraph FIELD QUALITY CONTROL.

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Military Engineering Projects Sprayed-on Fire Proofing 07810 / 1 - 4

A. Deliver materials to Project site in manufacturers unopened containers fully identified

with trade name, type, grade, and other identifying data. Store above grade, indoor in a
dry location and protected from the weather. Discard materials, which have been
exposed to dampness before use.


A. Conduct spraying operations in a manner, which protects persons in the vicinity against
exposure to spray-on materials.

B. Protect completed work from damage by other construction activities.



A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or
better than those specified, will be acceptable. The decision of acceptability will rest
with the Engineer.


A. General: Factory-mixed dry formulation of inorganic binders and lightweight mineral

aggregates mixed with water at Project Site to form a slurry for pumping and for
dispersal by compressed air introduced at spray nozzle.

B. Physical Properties: Minimum values, unless otherwise indicated, measured per standard
test methods referenced with each property, as follows:

1. Bond Strength: 3830 N/m2 (390 Kgf/m2) per ASTM E736.

2. Compressive Strength: 0.024 N/mm2 (0.244 kgf/cm2) per ASTM E761.

3. Corrosion Resistance: No evidence of corrosion per ASTM E937.

4. Deflection: No cracking, spalling, delamination or the like per ASTM E759.

5. Effect of Impact on Bonding: No cracking, spalling, delamination or the like per

ASTM E760.

6. Air Erosion: Maximum weight loss of 0.27 grams/cu.m.per ASTM E859.

7. Dry Density: Values for average and individual densities as required for fire-
resistance rating indicated, per ASTM E605, but not less than 225 Kg/cu.m.

8. Surface Burning Characteristics: Maximum flame spread and smoke developed

values of 10 and 0, respectively.

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9. Acceptable Products: Monokote Zonolite Construction Productions Co., Division
of W.R. Grace & Co., Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140, U.S.A.


A. General: Provide auxiliary fireproofing materials that are compatible with sprayed-on
fireproofing products and substrates, are approved for use indicated by manufacturer of
sprayed-on fireproofing.

B. Adhesive for Bonding Fireproofing: Type recommended by manufacturer of sprayed-on




A. Examine the substrate and the conditions under which sprayed-on fireproofing is to be
installed. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been
corrected in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.


A. Clean substrate and remove coatings and other substances, which might interface with
bond of fireproofing or adhesive.

B. Remove projections, which might interface with the visual uniformity of exposed
fireproofing work.

C. Fill voids and joints in the substrate, using trowelled fireproofing or other material, so
that exposed fireproofing work will be uniform in thickness and without visual
indications of voids and other imperfections in the substrate.

D. Do not apply sprayed-on fireproofing materials to substrates, which are at temperatures

below 4 Deg. C. Maintain optimum relative humidity to assure proper drying of the
applied material.

A. Manufacturers Instructions: Comply with manufacturers instructions for the type of

fireproofing and condition of substrate in each case. Consult with manufacturers
technical representative at the project site to determine proper procedure for conditions
not fully covered by printed instructions. Record in writing any oral instructions
received, with copy to the Engineer and the manufacturer.

B. Coat substrates with adhesive prior to application of fireproofing where required to

achieve fire-resistance rating or recommended by fireproofing manufacturer for material
and application indicated.

C. Thickness: Provide fireproofing of type required and as tested for a minimum of two (2)
hour rating.

D. Use spray equipment of the type recommended by the fireproofing manufacturer.

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E. Maintain a minimum temperature of 13 Deg. C during spraying of fireproofing and until
complete installation has dried thoroughly.

F. Sample Installation: Before proceeding with the work, prepare a sample installation, not
less than 2 sq. m. in area, and representative of substrate conditions and contours.
Review visual effect with the Engineer and alter procedure in minor ways as required to
achieve a satisfactory effect. Proceed with the work as directed.

G. Extend fireproofing full thickness over entire substrate to be covered, in a monolithic

blanket of uniform texture, unless otherwise shown.

H. Trowel the surface of sprayed-on cementitious type fireproofing immediately after

placement, unless it is in a concealed location that does not serve as a ventilation air
plenum. Trowel to a reasonably smooth, level, void-free surface in accordance with
manufacturers instructions.


A. Immediately after completion of sprayed-on fireproofing application in each room or

space, clean the adjoining surfaces of over-sprayed material and fall-out from the
spraying operation.


A. Engage an independent testing laboratory to inspect, sample, test and verify the
thickness and density of direct-to-steel sprayed-on fireproofing in accordance with
ASTM E605 and to verify Cohesion-Adhesion (Bond Strength) in accordance with
ASTM E736. Inspection and testing methods shall also conform with requirements of
the authorities having jurisdiction and as a minimum shall comply with pamphlet
Inspection Procedure for Field Applied Spray Fire Protection Materials as published
by the International Association of Wall & Ceiling Contractors/Gypsum Drywall
Contractors International (WCC/GDCI). Inspection and tests shall be made as the work
progresses and shall include :

1. Condition of Substrates: Visual all areas.

2. Thickness: Test 25% of the area.

3. Density: One (1) test per 280 sq.m.

4. Bond Strength: Two (2) tests per 280 sq.m.

5. Condition of Finished Material: Visual all areas including patched areas if any. No
cracks, which expose the substrate, will be accepted.

B. In addition to the reports required by ASTM E605 and ASTM E736, submit a statement
that the sprayed-on fireproofing has been tested and complies with the requirements of
the Engineer and the Contract Documents.


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Military Engineering Projects Sprayed-on Fire Proofing 07810 / 4 - 4



A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances and materials and performing all operations in connection with Joint fillers
and Gaskets.


Section 07920 - Sealant

Section 08800 - Glazing - Sealant


A. The work shall conform to the codes and standards of the following agencies as further
cited herein:

ASTM D 1752 Type III Resilient and non-extruding Joint Filler

AASHTO M 153 Type III Resilient and non-extruding Joint filler

ASTM D 1056, Grade SCE 41 Expanded Neoprene closed cell gasket

ASTM D 2000 Moulded, resilient neoprene gasket.


A. Manufacturers Literature: Submit to the Engineer copies of the following information

from the manufacturer.

1. Published data, or manufacturers letter, clearly indicating that each product to be

furnished complies with these Specifications, is recommended for the application
shown, and is compatible with each other material in the joint system.

2. Complete instructions for handling, storage, installation and protection of each


B. Samples: Submit to the Engineer (following the submittal of manufacturers data),

samples of each type of exposed joint filler or gasket. Samples will be reviewed by the
Engineer for colour and texture only. Compliance with all other requirements is the
exclusive responsibility of the Contractor.
C. Compliance with Performance Requirements: Notwithstanding the types of joint fillers
and gaskets specified herein, the Contractor shall in all cases be responsible for
providing sealant materials the best of their respective kind, compatible with adjoining
materials and suitable for the purpose intended, all at no additional expense to the

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Joint Filler and Gaskets 07910 / 1 - 4

A. Deliver materials in manufacturers unopened containers or bundles fully identified with

brand, type, grade, class and all other qualifying information.

B. Store materials in a dry location in such a manner as to prevent damage or intrusion of

foreign matter. Conspicuously mark Rejected on materials which have once been wet
or damaged and remove from the job site.



A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or
better than those specified, may be acceptable subject to the Engineers approval.

B. Size and Shape: Provide joint fillers and gaskets as shown or, if not shown, consult the
manufacturer and determine the proper size and shape considering joint movement and
conditions at time of installation.

C. Hardness and Compressibility: Provide joint fillers and gaskets as specified, and as
recommended by the manufacturer for proper performance in each specific condition of

D. Compatibility: Provide only the type of joint filler which is compatible with the joint
surfaces and each sealant or caulking compound, as stated in the data published by the
manufacturers of the joint filler and the sealant or caulking compound, or as certified by
the joint filler manufacturer for each application.

E. Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive: Apply to joint fillers and gaskets, wherever applicable and
at Contractors option, to facilitate installation.

F. Colour: For exposed gaskets or joint fillers, provide the colour shown or, if the colour is
not shown, it will be selected by the Engineer from the manufacturers standard colours.
For concealed joints, provide the manufacturers standard colour which has the best
overall performance characteristics.


A. Resilient and Nonextruding: ASTM D 1752, Type III and AASHTO M 153, Type III.

1. Tex-Mastic Self-Expanding Cork, J & P Petroleum Products Inc.

2. Self-Expanding Cork Expansion Joints; W.R. Meadows, Inc.

3. Self-Expanding Cork, Code 4324; W.R. Grace & Co.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Joint Filler and Gaskets 07910 / 2 - 4

A. Closed Cell: Not less than 34.5 Kpa for 25% compression deflection, resistant to
petroleum oils and solvents, surface water absorption of not more than 5%.

1. Expanded Polyethylene; Construction Gaskets Inc.

2. Ethafoam SB; Dow Chemical Co.

3. Sealtight Backer Rod; W.R. Meadows Inc.

4. Ethafoam 90; Pecora Corp.

5. Sonofoam; Sonneborn-Contech Inc.

6. Flexifoam - Kuwait Sponge Industries Co. WLL


A. Closed Cell: ASTM D 1056, Grade SEC-41.

1. Elastomeric Panel Seals; Construction Gaskets Inc.

2. Neoprene Type SCE-41; Construction Gaskets Inc.

3. Everlastic Panel Seals; Williams Products, Inc.

4. Everlastic, Neoprene Type NN1, Williams Products, Inc.


A. ASTM D 2000, 50 to 70 shore A durometer, non-cellular, moulded or otherwise

fabricated to form the sizes and shapes shown or as reuired to effectively seal each joint.

1. Dense Neoprene Stripping; Construction Gaskets Inc.


Non staining lubricant which bonds and seals gasket in place when cured, as recommended
by the gasket manufacturer.



A. Examination: Examine the joint surfaces and the conditions under which the work is to
be done. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been
corrected in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.

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Military Engineering Projects Joint Filler and Gaskets 07910 / 3 - 4

A. Comply with manufacturers instructions for the installation of each type of joint filler or

B. Apply in continuous runs without voids or interruptions, except as may be otherwise

shown. Trim for tight fit around obstructions or elements penetrating the joint.

C. Do not puncture the surface or self-skin on moulded or extruded types of cellular joint

D. Depress face edge of joint fillers accurately, wherever used as backup for sealant, as
shown or as specified by sealant manufacturer for proper application of sealant.

E. Recess exposed edges of joint fillers and gaskets slightly behind face of adjoining
surfaces unless shown otherwise.


Protect joint fillers and gaskets during the remainder of the construction period so that they
will be without indication of deterioration of damage at the time of completion of the works.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Joint Filler and Gaskets 07910 / 4 - 4



A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances and materials and performing all operations in connection with Joint Sealants
and accessories.


Section 07910 - Joint Fillers and Gaskets

Section 08800 - Glazing - Sealant


A. Manufacturers Literature: Submit to the Engineer the following information from the

1. Published Data or manufacturers letter, clearly indicating that each product to be

furnished complies with these Specifications, is recommended for the application
shown and is compatible with each other material in the joint system.

2. Complete instructions for handling, storage, mixing, priming, installation, curing and
protection of each type of sealant.

B. Samples: Submit to the Engineer (following the submittal of manufacturers data),

samples of each type of exposed sealant. Provide samples 300 mm long installed
between two samples of the materials to be sealed, fully cured. Samples will be reviewed
by the Engineer for colour and texture only. Compliance with all other requirements is
the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor.

C. Compliance with Performance Requirements: Notwithstanding the types of sealant

specified herein, the Contractor shall in all cases be responsible for providing sealant
materials the best of their respective kinds, compatible with adjoining materials and
suitable for the purpose intended, all at no additional cost to the Employer.


A. Do not proceed with installation of sealants during inclement weather unless all
requirements and manufacturers instructions can be complied with, and unless the work
can proceed in accordance with the agreements of the pre-installation meeting. Do not
proceed with the installation of sealants under extreme temperature conditions which
would cause joint openings to be at either maximum or minimum width, nor when such
extreme temperatures or heavy wind loads are forecast during the period required for
initial or nominal cure of elastomeric sealants. Whenever possible, schedule the
installation and cure of elastomeric sealants during period of relatively low temperatures
(but well within manufacturers recommend range) so that subsequent tensile stresses
upon the cured sealants will be minimised.

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Military Engineering Projects Joint Sealant 07920 / 1 - 6

A. Prior to the installation of caulking or sealants, and at the Engineers direction, meet at
the project site to review the material selections, installation procedures and co-
ordination with other trades. Meeting shall include the Contractor, manufacturers
representative, the Engineer and representatives of other trades or Sub-Contractors
affected by the sealant installation. Examine sample applications to determine and record
whether all parties agree that the proposed installations are likely to perform as required.


A. Provide sample applications of caulking or sealants at locations designated by the

Engineer. Samples shall represent the primary types of materials, substrate surfaces,
joint size, exposure, and other conditions to be encountered in the work. Preparation,
priming, application, and curing, shall comply with manufacturers recommendations
and actual proposed methods. Schedule the applications, with allowance for sufficient
curing time, so that samples may be examined and any necessary adjustments made at
least one (1) week prior to date scheduled for commencing installation of the work.

B. The samples shall be visually examined for staining, dirt pickup, shrinkage, colour,
general workmanship and appearance. Cut and pull the caulking or sealant from each
sample joint to examine for internal bubbles or voids, adhesion, and general
compatibility with substrate.


A. Deliver materials in manufacturers unopened containers fully identified with brand,

type, grade, class and all other qualifying information.

B. Store materials in a dry location, in such a manner as to prevent damage or intrusion of

foreign matter. Conspicuously mark Rejected on materials, which have once been wet
or damaged and removed from the job site.



A. Product Variations: If more than one of the manufacturers products comply with the
requirements for any item specified herein, provide the specific product recommended
by the manufacturer for the particular condition of use in each case.

B. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or
better than those specified, may be acceptable subject to the Engineers approval.

C. Compatibility: Provide only sealants, caulking compounds and joint primers which are
compatible with the joint surfaces and backing or filler materials, as stated in the
manufacturers published data, or as certified by the manufacturer for each application.
Confirm compatibility of sealants that may be in contact with each other.

D. Determine the proper hardness or consistency of elastomeric sealant in consultation with

the manufacturer, considering joint movement and exposure for the size of joint shown.
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Joint Sealant 07920 / 2 - 6
E. Ranges of Hardness: In general, provide sealants with the following ranges of hardness
(fully cured sealant at 24 Deg. C.):

1. For joints subject to maximum movement and nominal exposure to weather and
abrasion: 15 to 25 Shore A durometer hardness.

2. For joints subject to moderate movements and severe weather exposure or moderate
abrasion: 25 to 40 Shore A durometer hardness.

3. For joints subject to minimum movement and severe abrasion: 35 to 60 Shore A

durometer hardness.

F. Modulus of Elasticity: In general, for elastomeric sealants, provide sealants having the
lowest modulus of elasticity, which is consistent with the degree of exposure to wear and
abrasion. Any sealant exposed to traffic must have strength and modulus sufficiently
high to resist damage by traffic.

G. Colour: For fully concealed joints, provide the manufacturers standards colour of
sealant, which has the best overall performance characteristics for the application shown.
For exposed joints provide the colour shown, or if the colour is not shown provide
colours as follows:

1. The colour, in each case, will be selected by the Engineer from manufacturers
standards colours, to match or blend with adjoining materials in a manner to be
determined by the Engineer.

H. Manufacturers Representative: Do not use elastomeric sealants produced by any

manufacturer who will not agree to send a qualified technical representative to the
project site when requested, for the purpose of rendering advice concerning the proper
installation of his materials.


A. One-part Silicone Rubber Sealant (1SRS): Exterior Glazing: One-component

elastomeric sealant, FS-TT-S-001543, Class A, Type II non-sag:

1. Silpruf; General Electric Co., Waterford, New York, USA.

2. 790 Building Sealant; Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Michigan, USA.

B. Two-part Polyurethane Modified Sealant (2-PUMS): Exterior-general application: FS

TT-S-00227, Class A, Type II non-sag, elastomeric sealant:

1. Dymeric; Tremco Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

2. Iso-Flex 2000; Harry S. Peterson Co., Elmhurst, Illinois, USA.

3. Dynatrol II; Pecora Corp; Harleysville, Pennsylvania, USA.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Joint Sealant 07920 / 3 - 6

A. One-Part High Modulus Silicone Rubber Sealant (1HMSRS): One-component

elastomeric sealant, FS-TT-S-001543, Class A, Type II non-sag acetoxy type; colour to
be selected by the Engineer.

1. Silicone Sealant 1200; General Electric Co.

2. 999 Building Sealant; Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Michigan, USA.


A. Polyisobutylene/Polybutene Mastic Compound (PPMC): Heavy bodied non-drying, non-

hardening, non-skinning compound, specifically recommended as an acoustical sealant:

1. DAP Acoustical Sealant; DAP Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA.

2. Tremco Acoustic Sealant; Tremco Mfg. Co.

3. BA-98 Acoustic Sealant; Pecora Corp; Harleysville, Pennsylvania, USA.

B. Silicone Sanitary Sealant (SSS) (All wet areas unless otherwise noted): FS-TT-S-
001543, Class B, Type II non-sag, elastomeric sealant containing fungicide for mildew

1. 785 Interior Sealant; Dow Corning Corp., Midland, Michigan, USA.

2. 1702 Sanitary Sealant; General Electric Co.


A. Joint Cleaners, Primers and Sealers: Products as recommended by the manufacturer of

the caulking compound or sealant, for each specific joint surface and condition.

B. Tape Type Bond Breaker: Pressure-sensitive polyethylene tape, or other plastic tape, as
recommended by the sealant manufacturer to prevent bond of the sealant in the heel of
the joint.



A. Examine the component surfaces and fillers of the joints to be sealed, and the conditions
under which the work is to be done. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory
conditions have been corrected in a manner acceptable to the Engineer.


A. Clean bonding joint surfaces to remove deleterious substances, which might interfere
with bond or otherwise impair the work. Do not apply elastomeric sealants to joint
surfaces previously painted or treated with sealer, curing compound, water repellent or
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Joint Sealant 07920 / 4 - 6
other coatings, unless a laboratory durability test of bond-cohesion has been performed
and successfully demonstrated that bond will be durable. Test method shall comply with
procedures of the Federal Specification, or other referenced standard, as applicable to the
particular sealant.

B. Do not apply paint and other coatings or substances to surfaces adjoining joint surfaces
until sealants have been installed and are nominally cured, so that adhesion will not be
impaired by migration of such substances onto the joint surfaces.

C. Concrete and Masonry Joint Surfaces: Etch bonding surfaces with a 5% solution of
muriatic acid to remove excess alkalinity. Rinse thoroughly with a diluted ammonia
solution, and then with clear water, and dry before installation of elastomeric sealants.


A. Comply with the manufacturers instructions for the use and installation of each type of
sealant, unless otherwise shown or specified.

B. Prime or seal the bonding joint surfaces in accordance with the sealant manufacturers
recommendations. Avoid migration of primer or sealer onto adjoining surfaces and
remove any spillage promptly.

C. Install bond breaker in joints as shown and wherever recommended by the sealant
manufacturer to prevent bond of the sealant to surfaces where such bond might impair
the performance of the sealant. Do not puncture surface or skin of compressible rod type
bond breaker.

D. Have the manufacturers technical representative present when beginning the installation
of each major type of sealant.

E. Comply with manufacturers printed instructions and recommendations, except as may

be otherwise shown, or except as may be otherwise directed (and recorded) by the
manufacturers representative.

F. Employ only tradesmen who are experienced in the use of the materials specified. Use
only the types of equipment recommended by the sealant manufacturer.

G. Apply compounds in continuous beads or rivers, filling joint from the bottom without
openings, voids or air pockets. Force compound to sides of joint so as to carefully and
thoroughly wet opposite joint bond surfaces, forming equal areas of contact with

H. Confine compounds to joint areas shown by use of masking tapes or other precautions to
prevent spilling and migration onto adjoining surfaces. Apply compounds in concealed
compression joints accurately so that excess compound will not exude from the joint.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Joint Sealant 07920 / 5 - 6
I. Apply sealants in the depth shown or, if none is shown, apply in accordance with the
manufacturers recommendations and the following general proportions and limitations:

1. Apply elastomeric sealants, in joints subject to traffic or other abrasion, to a depth

equal to 75% of the joint width, but not less than 10 mm and not more than 19 mm.

2. Apply elastomeric sealants, in joints not subject to traffic or other abrasion, to a

depth equal to 50% of the joint width, but not less than 6mm and not more than 13

J. Tool exposed surfaces so as to compress sealants to the profile shown or, if none is
shown, tool surface slightly concave except provide a slight wash on horizontal joints
where horizontal and vertical surfaces meet.

K. Against rough surfaces or in joints of uneven widths avoid the appearance of excess
sealant by locating the sealant well back into joint wherever possible.

L. Remove excess sealant promptly as the work progresses and clean the adjoining surfaces
as may be necessary to eliminate any evidence of spillage.

M. If job progress or any other condition requires the installation of sealants at temperatures
below those recommended by the manufcturer, consult the manufacturers representative
and establish the minimum provisions required to ensure satisfactory work. Record in
writing the conditions under which such installations must proceed and the provisions
made to ensure satisfactory work.


A. Cure the sealants in accordance with the manufacturers instructions, to obtain maximum
bond to surfaces, cohesive strength and durability at the earliest possible date.
B. Protect the sealants during the remainder of the construction period, so that they will be
without any indication of deterioration or damage at the time of completion of the


A. After curing exterior joints exposed to the weather, test for leaks by applying a stream of
water perpendicularly from a 19mm hose at normal city water pressure or at a pressure
determined by the Engineer. Test approximately 5% of the exposed joint system where
leakage could be observed. Conduct tests in the presence of the Engineer who will
determine the actual percentage of joints to be tested, and the period of water flow
exposure, based on any observed leakage. Repair leaks and re-test as directed.


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Military Engineering Projects Joint Sealant 07920 / 6 - 6


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Doors and Windows Division 8



A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances, and materials and performing all operations in connection with Hollow metal
doors and frames, Steel door etc..


Section 05500 Metal Fabrications


A. Rated Fire Separating Requirements: Comply with fire rating requirements as specified
and applicable local codes. Fabricate doors and frames in accordance with these
requirements for the class of doors opening shown or scheduled. Provide required fire
separation as tested in accordance with ASTM E 152 or equivalent test method.


A. Provide doors and frames manufactured by a firm specializing in the production of

hollow metal work.

B. Provide hollow metal doors and frames for fire rated openings manufactured by a firm
whose units are inspected and tested for fire rated doors and the certificates are approved
by Kuwait Fire Brigade.


The work shall conform to the Codes and Standards of the following Agencies as further
cited herein: -

1. AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code Steel1.05

2. SDI-100 (Steel Door Institute USA) Standard Steel doors and Frames.
3. ANSI A151.1 Test Procedure and Acceptance Criteria for physical Endurance for
steel doors and hardware reinforcing.
4. ASTM A569 Steel, Carbon, Hot-rolled sheet and strip, commercial quality.
5. ANSI/ASTM A366 Steel sheet, Carbon, Cold-rolled, commercial quality.
6. ANSI/ASTM E283 Rate of Air leakage through exterior windows and doors.
7. BS 1245 Metal Door and Frame(Steel)


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer for information only, copies of

manufacturers specifications for fabrication and shop painting, and instructions for
installation of hollow metal doors and frames.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Metal Doors and Frames 08110 / 1 - 7
B. Fire Rating Certificate: Submit to the Engineer manufacturers certification for each
steel door and frame which is shown as fire rated. Doors should comply with
requirements of NFPA and Kuwait Fire Brigade.

C. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract Documents, shop drawings for hollow metal doors and frames. Show typical
details of all conditions at large scale (not less than 1:4) for every opening.

D. Samples: Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract
Documents, 450 x 600mm cut-away sample doors with provisions for lockset and a pair
of hinges and corner section of door frame.


A. Protect hollow metal units from damage during transit, storage and installation. Tool
marks, rust, blemishes and only other damage on exposed surfaces will not be
acceptable. Store material in a dry location, off the ground and in such a manner as to
prevent deterioration.



A. Cold-Rolled Sheet Steel: ASTM A366 and A568, free from scale, pitting or other
defects; finish, stretcher leveled for doors.

B. Galvanized Sheet Steel: ASTM A526, galvanized in accordance with ASTM A525,
Coating Designation G90 (275 g/sq.m) zinc coating, phosphatized; stretcher leveled for

C. Supports and Anchoring Devices: Structural steel, ASTM A 36; or sheet steel, ASTM
A366 cold-rolled or ASTM A569 hot-rolled and ASTM A568; as shown but not less
than 16 gauge (1.5mm) fabricating; comply with ASTM A153, Class B.

D. Filler: Sound deadening and heat-retarding mineral fiber insulating material.

E. Fasteners: Galvanized or cadmium plated steel.

1. Bolts and Nuts: ASTM A307, Grade A.

2. Expansion Bolts: FS FF-S-325, Group III, expansion shield (self-drilling tubular

expansion sheet bolt anchors), Type 1 or II recess, type 2c flat head.

3. Machine Screws: FS FF S 92 carbon steel, type III cross recessed, design I or II

recess, style 2C plat head.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Metal Doors and Frames 08110 / 2 - 7
F. Sheet Steel Primers: One of the following compatible with finish and intended service
refer to Section 09900, Painting.

1. FS TT-P-57 Type I (Oil/Alkyd, Zinc Chromate, Iron Oxide base)

2. FS TT-P-57 Type II (Alkyd, Zinc Chromate, Iron Oxide base)
3. FS TT-P-86 Type III (Alkyd, Red Lead base)
4. FS TT-P-664 (Rust-inhibiting, lacquer-resisting, Zinc Chromate, Iron Oxide base).

G. Galvanized Steel Primer: FS TT-P-641 Type II (Alkyd, Zinc Dust-Zinc Oxide).

H. Provide manufacturers standard hinges, pull and locking handles and all other hardware
required for the operation indicated. Finish of all hardware items to be approved by the

I. Weather/Acoustic Seals: Closed cell sponge neoprene.


A. Provide products manufactured by local manufacturers who are specialized in

manufacturing Metal doors and frame and have proven record of manufacturing metal
door and frame for about 10 years. Submit the manufacturers qualification, data and
work experience etc. to the Engineer for approval.


A. Fabricate doors and frames to the design and dimensions shown in accordance with best
shop practices. Unless otherwise shown, fabricate doors and panels to a thickness of
45mm. Take field measurements where co-ordination with adjoining work is necessary.

B. Make hollow metal works strong, rigid, neat in appearance, and free from defects.
Reinforce corners of doors as required to prevent twisting or sagging.

C. Form exposed surfaces free from warp wave and buckle, with all corners square, unless
otherwise shown. Form moulded members straight and true, with joints coped or mitre,
well formed, and in true alignment. Dress welded joints on exposed surfaces smooth so
they are invisible after finishing.
D. Provide undercuts and clearances for doors as required and for rated doors and panels
within the limitations established by the authority having jurisdiction. Prepare doors and
frames to receive weather seals and acoustic seals shown or specified.

E. Provide a full mitre continuously welded on back side at frame corners and stops with
edges straight and true. Grind welds smooth and flush on exposed surfaces.

F. Accurately machine, file and fit exposed connections with hairline joints unless
otherwise shown.

G. Conceal fastenings unless otherwise shown. Countersink exposed screws using flat,
Philip head screws.

H. Conform to the requirements of the Structural Welding Code of the American

Welding Society for the welding of steel. Provide welds of adequate strength and
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Metal Doors and Frames 08110 / 3 - 7

A. Comply with the Specifications herein for flush doors and to the requirements of Clause


A. Construct interior doors with 18 gauge (1.2mm) outer sheets and exterior doors with 16
gauge (1.5mm) galvanized outer sheets, with edges welded, and finished flush. Do not
expose seams or joints on door faces or edges. Reinforce the outer face sheets with 20
gauge (0.85mm) interlocking vertical C-shaped or Z-shaped reinforcing members spaced
not over 150 mm apart and spot welded to outer face sheets. Provide flush inverted 16
gauge (1.5mm) steel channels welded to outer sheets at top and bottom of door. Place
filler between reinforcing members.

1. Optional Framing for Core: A continuous truss formed inner core of sheet metal, not
lighter than 28 gauge (0.4mm), spot welded to the face sheets every 70mm
horizontally and 75mm vertically over the entire surface on both faces.

B. Provide flush closure at the top of exterior doors. Weld inverted steel channels to both
outer sheets to form integrally with edge construction of door.

C. Mortise, reinforce, drill and tap doors at factory to receive mortise type hardware in
accordance with the contract hardware schedule and templates. Provide reinforcing,
drill, and tap for doors to receive surface applied hardware, except at push plates and
kick plates provide reinforcing only. Use steel secured by spot welding as reinforcement.
Hardware reinforcement shall be as follows:

1. Hinge reinforcements: 5 x 38-x 225 mm.

2. Lock front reinforcement: 5mm thick by size as required by hardware manufacturer.

3. Lock reinforcement units: 16 gauge (1.5mm) by size as required by hardware


4. Closer Reinforcement: 12 gauge (2.6mm) one-piece channel by size as required by

hardware manufacturer.

5. Other hardware reinforcements: As required for adequate strength and anchorage.

6. In lieu of reinforcement specified, hardware manufacturers recommended reinforcing

units may be used.


A. Form to thickness and dimensions shown and comply with applicable requirements for
flush doors. Prepare transom panels for concealed support and anchorage.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Metal Doors and Frames 08110 / 4 - 7

A. Provide special acoustical doors where shown or scheduled complete with panels and
frames, using 14 gauge (1.9 mm) steel for frames and face sheets of doors and panels.
Provide a Sound Transmission Class as required, in accordance with ASTM E90, for
each door, panel, and frame assembly when installed. Unit shall be complete with
necessary gasketing to achieve the rating.


A. Provide combination type fully welded hollow metal doors frames to be used as both
door buck and trim, formed to profiles indicated and, unless otherwise shown, of the
following minimum gauges:

1. Interior Doors : 16 gauge (1.5mm) steel.

2. Exterior Doors : 14 gauge (1.9mm) galvanized steel.

3. Acoustical doors: 14 gauge (1.9mm) steel.

B. Anchor frame jambs to concrete or masonry which has been placed prior to setting of
frames with 10mm countersunk flat head bolts into expansion type shields or inserts,
minimum of 4 per jamb.

1. Face of frame shall be dimpled to accept counter-sunk bolt head. Reinforce frame
with spacer to prevent bowing. Bolt head shall be set slightly below soffit face, filled
and ground smooth at the time of installation.

C. Provide 16 gauge (1.5mm) steel channel spreaders at the bottom of all 3 sided frames to
prevent distortion during shipment and storage and to hold frames in proper position
until anchorage and adjacent construction has been completed.

D. Terminate bottom of frames at the indicated finished floor level. Where floor fill or
setting beds occur support frame by 4 gauge (1.9mm) metal strap welded to frame and
adjustable anchor strip anchored to the structural substrate. Floor anchor strips shall be
14 gauge (1.9mm), punched for two (2) 6mm fasteners.

E. Reinforce head of frames over 900mm wide with 12 gauge (2.6mm) steel channel unless
a structural lintel is provided to support the wall construction above the frame or unless
there is not wall construction above the frame.

F. Mortice, reinforce, drill and tap frames for mortice type hardware. Provide internal
reinforcement for surface mounted hardware which is to be field drill and tapped. Locate
hardware in frames to match location shown or specified for doors and in accordance
with the hardware schedule and templates. Provide the following:

1. Hinge Reinforcements: 5 x 38-x 325 mm

2. Strike reinforcements: 5mm by size required by hardware manufacturer.

3. Closer and holder reinforcement: 12 gauge (2.6mm), by size as required by hardware


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Metal Doors and Frames 08110 / 5 - 7
4. Full enclosing steel cover boxes over all mortises: Provide removable access plates
in the heads of frames to receive concealed door closers. Off-set reinforcement so
that faces of hinges or keepers are flush with face of the frame rebate.

5. Holes for Rubber Door Silencers: 3 for single doors and 4 for pairs of doors. Install
plastic plugs in silencer holes to keep holes clean during installation.


A. Comply with the Specifications herein for hollow metal door frames, and form to the
profiles required to receive weather seals and acoustic seals. Drill and tap frame as

B. Install seals in single lengths for each side with uniform exposure of 10mm, using
adhesive and other attachments as per the seal manufacturer recommendations and


A. Comply with the Specifications herein for hollow metal door frames and to the
requirements of Clause 1.03.


A. Clean, treat, and paint surfaces of fabricated hollow metal work, inside and out, whether
exposed, or concealed in the construction.

B. Thoroughly clean all metal surfaces of loose scale, shavings, fillings, dirt and other
deleterious materials by use of wire brushes or other effective means. Remove grease
and oil by one of the methods specified in SSPC-SP-1-63 Solvent Cleaning. Fill as
required to seal seams in edges.

C. Apply 2 coats of metal primer to all reinforcement and attachment steel and framing,
which will be contact with masonry or concrete.

D. Chemically treat surfaces with phosphate compound to assure maximum paint adhesion.
Apply a sufficient number of coats of any approved enamel filler, baked on, to obtain
uniformly smooth exposed surfaces. In addition, apply one coat of light coloured primer,
baked on, to both inside and outside surfaces. Touch-up surfaces having runs, smears, or
bare spots.

E. Provide minimum mil thickness of coatings as recommended by the paint manufacturer.



A. Examine the substrates, adjoining construction and the conditions under which the work
is to be installed. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Metal Doors and Frames 08110 / 6 - 7

A. Set hollow metal frames at locations shown, in perfect alignment and elevations, plumb,
level, straight, true, and free from rack. Brace frames to prevent displacement.

B. Extend frame anchorages below fills and finishes, except over membrane waterproofed
areas. Anchor bottom of frames to floors with anchor bolts or with power driven
fasteners. Coordinate the installation of built-in anchors for wall and partition
construction as required with other work.

C. After wall construction has been completed, remove temporary braces, including
spreaders at base of 3 sides frames. Leave surfaces smooth and undamaged.
D. Apply hardware in accordance with hardware manufacturers instructions and fully
coordinate with him in making the necessary door and frame preparations for and fixing
all hardware. Drill and tap metal door and frames for machine screws as required and do
not use self-tapping sheet metal screws. Anchor panels in place with concealed fasteners.
Adjust door installation to provide uniform clearance at head and jambs, and to contact
stops uniformly. Remove and replace doors, which are found to be warped, bowed or
otherwise damaged and cannot be properly fitted in frames.

E. Remove hardware before painting and re-fix after painting of doors is completed. Adjust
and lubricate hardware for proper operation at completion and throughout the Contract
Maintenance Period, and instruct Employers staff in the proper maintenance and
adjustment of all hardware supplied.


A. Upon completion of installation, clean exposed metal surfaces as recommended by

manufacturer and leave ready for final painting.

B. Protect units during construction period against deterioration and damage, replace
damage components as instructed by the Engineer.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Metal Doors and Frames 08110 / 7 - 7



A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labor, equipment,
appliances, and materials and performing all operations in connection with Wood doors
and frames.


Section 08710 Finish Hardware


A. Provide doors and frames manufacture by a firm specializing in the production of timber


A. Materials shall conform to the latest edition of referenced standards and industry
standards listed below and specified herein and to applicable codes and requirements of
local Authorities having jurisdictions

1. AWI Quality standards, Section 1300, architectural Flush Door, Premium Grade.
2. USDOC Commercial Standard 171, hardwood Veneered Doors.
3. NWWDA Wood Flush Door Standard NWWDA I.S.1
4. ANSI Standard for Hardwood & Decorative Plywood ANSI/HPMA HP
5. For Fire Door: Comply with the label requirements of NFPA Underwriters Laboratories
Inc.(UL). Fabricate doors in accordance with requirements of NFPA No.80for the class of
door opening corresponding to the hourly rating shown.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer for information only, copies of door
manufacturers specifications and installation instructions for each type of wood door
required and other data to show compliance with these Specifications.

B. Samples: Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract
document samples of each type of door specified showing construction, finish, and
colour Samples shall be 600 x 600 mm corner section.

C. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer shop drawings for all wood doors and frames.
Show typical details of all conditions at large scale (not less than 1:4) for every opening.
Show types of material, details of cutouts, sizes and finishes.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Wood Doors and Frame 08210 / 1 - 6

A. Package pre-finished doors and panels in heavy-duty cardboard cartons at the factory
prior to shipment. Mark items with identifications for proper location.

B. Protect doors against damage during handling, transit and storage. Store in a clean, dry,
well-ventilated place; protect from dampness, moisture and the weather. Stack in
accordance with manufacturers directions. Handle doors with clean gloves and o not
drag doors across one another or across other surfaces.

C. Replace all damaged items as directed by the Engineer at no additional cost to the

D. Sequence deliveries to avoid project delays and to permit proper co-ordination of the



A. All door frames shall be of solid hardwood (Teak or Oak) rebated and grooved 60-70
mm thick as approved and shall be fixed over sub-frame (concealed). Width of the door
frame shall be up to the full width of the wall unless otherwise mentioned. Architrave
shall be of solid hardwood and of size and decoration as per Engineers approval.

B. All door panels shall be 45-50mm thick unless otherwise shown and shall be any of the
following types as per drawings and approval of the Engineer.

1. Solid core teak veneer door (Natural/Lacquer Finish)

2. Solid core plastic laminated finish.
3. Solid (teak or oak) door (Natural Finish)

C. General:

1. Standards: In addition to requirements shown and specified, comply with applicable

provisions for grading and workmanship of AWI Quality Standards

2. Surfaces & Patterns: Provide lumber surfaced 4 sides (S4S) and worked to profiles

3. Moisture Content: Kiln-dry lumber to the moisture content recommended by the

AWI Section 100-G-3.

D. Particle Board Core: Single thickness slab of 3 ply particle board complying with
ANSI A208.1, Grade 1-L-1, average density not les than between 448-512 Kg/M3, hot
pressed with synthetic resin glue. Linear expansion shall not exceed 0.03% in either
direction when tested in accordance with ASTM D1037, Sections 76 through 79. Faces
of core slab shall be of 0.254mm thick flakes, with resin content a minimum of 50%
higher than core resin content. Face layer density shall be minimum of 25% higher than
core density.

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Military Engineering Projects Wood Doors and Frame 08210 / 2 - 6
E. Lumber Core: AWI Section 100 with the following requirements: Low density
thoroughly kilns dried wood blocks not more than 76.2mm wide random lengths.

F. Mineral Core: Incombustible mineral composition free of asbestos fiber.

G. Top and bottom edge bands: Thoroughly kiln dried hardwood, free from defects,
which will be visible when finished as specified herein.

H. Blocking: hardwood blocking as per manufacturers standard designed for the

purpose intended.

I. Side Edge bands: Thoroughly kiln dried hardwood, free from defects, which will be
visible when finished as specified herein.

1.Wood for side edge bands shall be matching face veneers for natural finish doors.

J. Cross bands: Minimum 1.6mm thick after sanding, properly dried hardwood.

K. Face veneer for natural Finish: Standard thickness, thoroughly dried conforming to
CS35, premium grade. Match face of doors in pairs and end match transoms. Face
veneer shall tapeless spliced with grain running vertically, belt and polish sanded, of the
following species:

1. Veneer: Anigre in cut and characteristics to match sample approved by the Engineer

L. Face veneers for opaque finish: Any hardwood veneer that, when finished, will not
show any grain, imperfection or other surface defects when used with the opaque finish

M. Face veneer for Interior painted finish: Standard thickness sound grade hardwood
veneer conforming to CS35, overlaid with medium density cellulose fiber sheets
impregnated with phenolic resin.

N. Type of Veneer and Finish shall be as per Engineers choice and approval.

O. Door with Plastic Laminate Finish: High pressure laminated plastic (Melamine resin
surface), 1.2mm thick conforming to NEMA LD-1, special colour and texture as
selected by the Engineer. Vertical edges shall be finished in plastic laminate to match
door face, applied before face sheets are applied.


A. Fasteners:

1. Wood Screws: FF-S-111, Type, Sizes, material and finish as required for the
condition of use.

2. Nails: FS FF-N-105, Type, Size, material and finish as required for the condition of

3. Anchors: Type, Size, material and finish as required for the condition for use.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Wood Doors and Frame 08210 / 3 - 6
B. Adhesives:

1. For Laminating Plastic Laminate Surfaces: Melamine, phenolresin, or resorcinol-

resin complying with FS MMM-A-81, Type, Grade and class best suited for the

2. For all other uses: Moisture resistant complying with FS MMM-A125, Type II or
MMA-A-188, Type I, II or III, Type best suited for the purpose.

C. Joint Fillers: Back up rods for sealant as specified in Section JOINT FILLERS AND

D. Sealant: Sealant for joint sealing as specified in Section SEALANT.


A. Provide products manufactured by local manufacturers who are specialized in

manufacturing Wood doors and frame, have well equipped carpentry shop and have
proven record of manufacturing wood fabrication for about 10 years. Submit the
manufacturers qualification, data and work experience etc. to the Engineer for approval.


A. General:

1. Provide lumber framing for architectural woodwork, complete with all bracing and
fastening devices as required for a rigid installation and as required to sustain the
imposed loads.

2. Do all fabrication from field measurement with provision for scribing as required to
meet built-in condition.

3. Co-ordinate the work of this Section with the work of other trades.

4. Fabricate units in largest practicable section. Assemble in the shop for trial fit,
disassemble for shipment and reassemble with concealed fastens.

5. Maintain relative humidity and temperature during fabrication, storage, and finishing
operations matching that of the areas of installation.

6. Details indicate the required type and quality of construction. Modifications to

conform to manufacturers standards will be considered providing they comply with
the Contract Documents, maintain the profiles shown and subject to acceptance by
the Engineer.

7. Reinforcing shown in minimum. Provide additional reinforcing as required to ensure

a rigid assembly. Exposed surfaces shall be free from dents, tool marks, war page,
buckle, glue and open joints or other defects affecting serviceability or appearance.
Accurately fit all joints, corners, and mitre. Conceal all fasteners. Make threaded
connections up tight so that threads are entirely concealed.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Wood Doors and Frame 08210 / 4 - 6
8. Welding and brazing shall be of adequate strength and durability with joints tight and
flush, smooth and clean. All exposed surfaces shall be ground and finished flush,
free of weld marks. Welds or brazes on finished surfaces shall be indistinguishable
from parent metal.

9. Factory finish all items where possible. Defer finish touch-up, cleaning, and
polishing after delivery and installation.

10. Comply with AWI Section 1500, Premium Grade for sanding, filling countersunk
fasteners, back priming and similar preparations for the finishing of architectural

11. Provide finishes as shown or specified.


1. Type I Construction (Veneer or Plastic Laminated Door): Staved lumber core block
with end joints well staggered. Glue core and edge bands with Type II adhesive.
Stiles shall be minimum 35 mm wide consisting of an outer band minimum 16 mm
thick in one (1) piece without finger joints and an inner band of Maple or Birch
diestock. Rails shall be minimum 35 mm wide consisting of two (2) strips. Cross-
band shall extend full width of door with grain at right angles to face veneers, tape
less spliced without voids. Face veneers shall be as specified, laminated to cross-
band. Glue face veneers and cross-bands together and to core with Type I adhesive
by hot plate process.

2. Type II Construction: Fire rated Doors as per Kuwait Fire Brigade Department
approval (See Specifications for Fire Resistant Doors).

3. Type III Construction: Acoustical doors. Construct in accordance with the sound
transmission class (STC) shown on the Drawings. Provide drop seal gasket and
gasketted stops at jambs and head.

4. For Solid Hardwood door with decorative or flush panel, the Contractor shall
submit shop drawings for Engineers approval.


1. Door to receive plastic laminate face veneers shall be Type I construction.

2. Doors to receive anigre veneers or hardwood (Teak/Oak/maple/cherry etc.) face

veneers for natural finish (lacquer) shall be Type I construction.

3. Doors to be fire rated 1 hour, 1 hour, or hour shall be Type II construction. Face
veneers and finishes shall match adjacent non-rated doors.

4. Doors to be acoustically rated shall be Type III construction. Face veneers and
finishes shall match adjacent non-rated doors.

5. Transom panels shall match door construction in every respect.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Wood Doors and Frame 08210 / 5 - 6


Examine the Substrates, adjoining construction and the conditions under which the Work is
to be installed. Do not proceed with the Work until unsatisfactory conditions have been


A. Do not install doors until concrete, masonry, plaster, tile and other wet work is
completed and dried in the areas to receive doors.

B. Doors shall be conditioned to the average prevailing moisture (humidity) of the locality
before hanging. Doors shall not be subjected to abnormal heat, dryness, or humidity.
Avoid sudden changes such as forced heat.

C. Cutting, trimming, fitting, and machining of pre-finished doors will not be permitted.

D. Install doors in required openings as shown. Install flush panels with concealed

E. Apply hardware in accordance with the hardware manufacturers instructions and as per
requirement of the specification Section 08710. Adjust door installation to provide
uniform clearance at head and jambs, and to contact stops uniformly. Remove and
replace doors, which are found to be warped, bowed or otherwise damaged and can not
be properly fitted in frames.

F. Remove hardware before painting and re-fix after painting of doors is completed. Adjust
and lubricate hardware for proper operation at completion.


A. Cleaning: Upon completion of installation of doors, clean all exposed surfaces as

recommended by the manufacturer.

B. Protection: Protect doors and hardware during construction. Replace damaged

components as directed by the Engineer.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Wood Doors and Frame 08210 / 6 - 6



A. The work covered by this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances and materials and performing all operations in connections with the
Electrically operated Insulated Steel Roll-up Shutter/Coiling Doors.


A. All work shall be in accordance with the requirements of the authorities having
jurisdiction and all applicable codes, rules and regulations, and ordinances.


A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent
referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only.


ASTM A 525 (1993) General Requirements for Steel Sheet, Zinc-coated (Galvanized) by
the Hot-Dip Process

ASTM E 84 (1991a) Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials



ASHRAE-03 (1993; Errata) Handbook, Fundamentals I-P Edition


NEMA ICS 2 (1993) Industrial Control Devices, Controllers, and Assemblies

NEMA ICS 6 (1993) Enclosures for Industrial Control and Systems

NEMA MG 1 (1993) Motors and Generators


NFPA 70 (1993) National Electrical Code

NFPA 80 (1992) Fire Doors and Windows

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Overhead Coiling Door 08331 / 1 - 5

A. Rolling shutters shall be installed and in full operative condition by experienced

workmen in the type of installation required.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer for information only, copies of

manufacturers specifications and installation instruction for each type of rolling shutter
to show compliance with these Specifications.

B. Samples: Submit to the Engineer, samples of each curtain slat. Engineers review of
samples shall be for design, requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the

C. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer, detailed drawings of special components

required for the proper installation including anchoring and supporting systems. Prepare
details at 1:25 and 1:10 minimum scale as approved by the Engineer and show details of
construction, location and installation of hardware, shape and thickness of materials,
details of joints and connections, details of guides, power operators, controls and other

D. Operating and Maintenance Manuals: Submit to the Engineer, 3 copies of the

manufacturers operating and maintenance manuals including parts lists and all other
information needed for proper operation and maintenance of Rolling Shutters. The
instructions shall include the Manufacturers name, Model number, Service manual,
Parts list, and brief description of all equipment and their basic operating features. The
spare parts Data/List shall include a complete list of parts and supplies, source of supply


A. Deliver rolling shutters and accessories completely identified for installation procedure.
Use care in handling to prevent damage. Store all equipment clear of grade and protect
from damage and deterioration. All door panels shall be protected by a polythene film
for handling and delivery to reduce the risk of surface damage. This film is easily
removed by peeling off after the door has been fixed. All panels are to be delivered
wrapped in polycap PC220 cellular polythene for protection during storage and delivery.


A. Operation Life Cycle: All portions of the door and door operating mechanism
that are subject to movement, wear, or stress fatigue shall be designed to operate
through a minimum of 50,000 cycles. One complete cycle of door operation will
begin with the door in the closed position, move to the full open position and
return to the closed position.

B. Special Project Warranty: Submit a written warranty, executed by the Contractor,

Installer and Manufacturer, agreeing to repair or replace components or entire units
which fail in materials or workmanship within the specified warranty period. Failures
include, but are not necessarily limited to, structural failure including excessive
deflection, excessive leakage or air infiltration, failure of hardware, deterioration of
metals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal weathering.
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Overhead Coiling Door 08331 / 2 - 5
C. Warranty period for the Roller Shutters shall be Ten (10) years after the date of
substantial completion.



A. Manufacturers: Provide Insulated Rolling shutters of type shown. All shutters shall be
provided by a single manufacturer. The products and manufacturer specified herein are
specified for the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal or
better than those specified, will be acceptable subject to the Engineers approval. The
decision of acceptability shall rest with the Engineer.

Bostwick Doors (U.K) Ltd.
Mersey Industrial Estate, Stockport
Cheshire SK4 3ED England.
Phone: 061-442 7227

Crawford Doors (U.K) Ltd.
Local Agent: Hamad & Firoze Trading & Cont. Co.
P.O. Box 43409, Hawally, Kuwait
Tel: 2419602, Fax: 2405548


A. Description: Overhead rolling doors shall be spring counterbalanced, rolling type, with
insulated door panel complete with guides, fastenings, brackets, roller track and
operating mechanisms, and shall be designed for use on openings as indicated. Each
door shall be provided with a permanent label showing the manufacturer's name and
address and the model number of the door. Doors shall be provided with a certificate
signed by an official of the company, certifying that the door and operator have been
designed to meet the specified requirements.

B. Insulated Door Panel: The insulated door panel shall be of laminated sandwich
construction formed from inner and outer 18 gauge (1.25mm) galvanized steel sheet and
polyurethane foam. The inner and outer facing sheets are not connected and a Thermal
Break is therefore to be provided. The panel shall be 43 to 45 mm thick with male and
female edges forming tongue and groove continuous interlocking joint, which fitted with
a compressible rubber strip to fill and seal the joint between the panels. The panel shall
be of minimum U-vale of o.47 w/M2 0C. The standard finish of the panels shall have a
polyester resin plastic coat to BS 4800. Colour shall be selected by the Engineer from
the manufactures product colour range.

C. Compressible Rubber Seal: A 25 mm wide, 6 mm thick compressible rubber seal is to be

provided at every horizontal panel joint to form a weather seal.

D. End cap: The ends of each panel shall be fitted with galvanized steel end caps to provide
additional strength to the vertical edge of the door.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Overhead Coiling Door 08331 / 3 - 5
E. Top section and seal: The top panel shall have an extruded aluminium section fitted with
a rubber seal, which closes against beam/lintel as the door descends.

F. Bottom section and seal: The bottom panel shall have an extruded aluminium section
fitted with a rubber seal. All doors are fitted with rubber loop seal.

G. Roller and Stainless Steel Carrier: Each door panel shall be fitted with two stainless steel
roller carriers, which support the roller shafts.

H. Stainless Steel Hinge: The panels are to be connected by stainless steel hinges, which are
fitted to the inside face of the door panels.

I. Roller Track: Each door to be provided with J section cold rolled galvanized steel
tracks and are supplied with preformed radii bends for changing from vertical to the
horizontal or inclined position.

J. Track fixing angle: Each track is to be supplied with galvanized steel fixing angle
100mmx65mm, which extends from the floor level to the top of the bearing plate.

K. Bearing Plate: Galvanized steel Bearing plates are to be provided to support the spring
shaft assembly at positions across the opening at high level.

L. Counter Balance Spring Shaft Assembly: Each counter balance spring assembly to be
calculated individually to suit each door. The helical torsion springs are moulded on a
25mm dia. Solid bright steel shaft with a continuous keyway.

M. Alloy Cable Drum: A pair of alloy cable drums is to be provided to the ends of each
shaft and vary according to the type of lift.

N. Steel Operating Cable: The bottom panel of the door is to be connected to the cable
drum and counterbalance spring shaft by two galvanized steel operating cables 7/19
aircraft quality.

O. Buffer and Pusher Springs: Each door shall be fitted with a pair of either (galvanized)
buffer or pusher springs according to door layout, which ensure that the galvanized steel
operating cables, are in tension.

P. Vision Panels: Vision panels shall be those of manufacturers standard and openings as
per requirement. The vision panels shall be fitted with Acrylic or toughened glass sheet.



A. Electric power operators shall be heavy-duty industrial type. The unit shall operate the
door through the operational cycle life specified. The electric power operator shall be
complete with electric motor, auxiliary operation, necessary means of reduction, brake,
mounting brackets, push button controls, limit switches, magnetic reversing starter, and
all other accessories necessary to operate the system. The operator shall be so designed
that the motor may be removed without disturbing the limit-switches settings and
without affecting the emergency chain operator.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Overhead Coiling Door 08331 / 4 - 5
B. Doors shall be provided with an auxiliary operator for immediate emergency manual
operation of the door in case of electrical failure. The emergency manual operating
mechanism shall be so arranged that it may be operated from the floor without affecting
the settings of the limit switches. A mechanical device shall be included that will
disconnect the motor from the drive operating mechanism when the auxiliary operator is
used. Where control voltages differ from motor voltage, a control voltage transformer
shall be provided in and as part of the electric power operator system.


A. Locking for motor operated doors shall consist of self-locking gearing and optional
master keyed cylinder with electrical interlock.

2.05 NOTES

The technical information illustrated and provided above shall be considered as a

minimum requirement of the contract.



A. Erect each rolling shutter complete, in accordance with manufacturers instructions.

Upon completion, test operation of each installation to demonstrate satisfactory
operation, acceptable to the Engineer.


A. Following complete installation of each rolling shutter, clean surface, joints, and
bearings of unit in accordance with manufacturers instructions; lubricate as
recommended by manufacturer. Protect each rolling shutter during construction period
from weathering, deterioration or damage from any source so that it will be without any
indication of use or damage at the time completion of the Works.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Overhead Coiling Door 08331 / 5 - 5



A. The work covered by this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances, and materials and performing all operations in connections with Aluminium
Doors Windows and Screens as per requirements of the contract.

B. The principal work of this Section includes, but may not be limited, the following:

1. Hinged doors and windows.

2. Tilt and turn aluminium windows.

3. Pivoted windows and screens.

4. Fixed and Sliding Windows and Screens.

5. Aluminium Louvers

6. Operable hardware in conjunction with the above items.

7. Glass and glazing in conjunction with the above items.

8. Sealant, caulking, joint fillers, and gaskets in conjunction with the above items.


Section 07910 Joint Fillers and Gaskets

Section 07920 Sealant
Section 08800 Glazing
Section 08710 Finish Hardware


A. NAAMM Standards: In addition to the requirements shown and specified in this

Section comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following:

1. AWS Structural Welding Code, D.1.1.

2. AWS Structural Welding Code-Aluminium D.1.2.

3. ANSI/AAMA 302.9.

4. NAAM Metal Finishes Manual.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Aluminium Doors, Windows and Screens 08520 / 1 - 10

Provide aluminium doors, windows and screens manufactured by a firm specializing in their
production. Installation shall be carried out by workmen experienced in the type of
installation required.


A. Units shall be suitable for a design wind load of 1780 N/M and shall be tested in
accordance with DD4 1971 up to severe exposure for water and air filtration or ASTM E
283 and E 331 certification of testing shall be provided. Testing shall be as follows:

B. Door, Window, and Screen units shall meet or exceed the following values. Test reports
indicating compliance shall be submitted prior to approval.

1. Air Infiltration: Shall not exceed 0.046 1/Sec./Lin. M of ventilator perimeter when
subject to a static pressure drop of 30.46 kg/sq. m (80 kilometers/hr).

2. Water Infiltration: No leakage shall occur during 15 minute application of 204

liters per sq. meter of windows area under a static pressure of 30.46 kg/sq. m (80

3. Performance Test: The maximum deflection of any member shall not exceed 1/175
of its span when tested for performance under uniform loading in accordance with
ASTME E 330 and when the load is removed there shall be no evidence of
permanent deformation or damage.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer to manufacturers specifications and

installations and other data to show compliance with these Specifications.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of all components for review by the Engineer.
Include full size sections of all typical members, dimensioned elevations, anchors, and
other accessories required elevations, anchors and other accessories required. Show glass
thickness and glazing details.

C. Samples

1. Submit to the Engineer sets of samples for each type, finish, and colour required.
Submit sample of the specified alloy on 300-mm lengths of extrusion; show the
maximum range or variation in colour, and shade. Sample submittal and approval
shall be for colour, texture, and specular gloss only. Compliance with all other
requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor.

2. Submit sample corners of door and window units, with hardware, representative of
fabrication techniques and workmanship of the final products.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Aluminium Doors, Windows and Screens 08520 / 2 - 10

A. Except as otherwise indicated, comply with all applicable requirements including air
infiltration test, water resistance tests, and applicable load tests specified in
ANSI/AAMA 302.9 classification PA 3 HP60.

B. Design, fabricate install aluminium doors, windows and screens so that the total,
installed, glazed unit will withstand the gravity loads and wind pressure.

C. Maximum full load deflections, normal to the plan of the wall for any member of the
door and window frame shall not exceed 1/175 of the span of the glass. Submit
engineering calculations to show maximum deflections based on full panel loads, on
installed deflections based on full panel loads, on installed glazed door and window
units, uniformly distributed.

D. Permanent deformation, disengagement or breakage of frame members and weld or

fastener damage or failure shall not occur under loading equal; to 1.5 times the design
load and pressure, positive or negative. Permanent deformation is defined as deflection
without recovery exceeding length 1000.

E. Anchorage disengagement or breakage shall not occur when installed unit is subjected to
a force equal to 2.5 time the design load.

F. Make provisions at sill to drain water and condensation to exterior face of the frames.

G. Provide tight joints and effectively seal windows against water leakage and air
infiltration. Water leakage is defined as the appearance of uncontrolled water, other than
condensation, on any inboard part of window, either during testing or under actual
weather conditions.

H. Design Modification: Make design modification of work shown only as may be

necessary to meet performance requirements ad co-ordinate the work. Variations in
details and materials, which do not adversely affect appearance, durability or strength,
shall be submitted to the Engineer for review.


A. Before dispatch from the Works all exposed surfaces shall be protected with a suitable
low tack type, or other means of protection recommended by the manufacturer. The
adhesion, resistance to atmospheric conditions and elasticity of the tape shall be suited to
the purpose intended.

B. If during fixing or glazing any protection is remove it must be refitted or replaced

immediately afterwards.

C. Deliver all components to project site completely identified. Store in accordance with
manufacturers instructions, above grade on dunnage, properly protect from the weather,
construction activities and other possibility of damage or loss.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Aluminium Doors, Windows and Screens 08520 / 3 - 10


A. Manufacturers: The materials specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Materials equal in quality to, or better than
those specified, may be acceptable subject to the Engineers approval.

1. DASCO Aluminum
P.O.Box 6192, Hawalli, 32036 Kuwait
Tel: 4746559 - 4732361
Fax: 4736432, Web:

2. Installux Gulf, Web Site:

Agent in Kuwait : Kuwait Ahli Aluminum MFG. Co
P.O.Box 42392, Shuwaikh, 70654, Kuwait
Tel: 4808050, Fax: 4725930

3. Aluminium and Light Industries Co. (ALICO)

P.O.Box 6011, Sharjah, U.A.E.
Tel: 00971 6 339 178
Fax: 00971 6 330 750

4. Gartner-Saudi Arabia
Agent in Kuwait: Riham Al-Kuwait
Tel: 4822707


Tel: 00971 2 634 5120
Fax: 00971 2 634 5110


A. Aluminium Extrusions: Shapes and Profile (Door Window Frame, Mullions etc.) as
shown and as required fulfilling performance requirements, but not less than 100 mm
wide and 2mm thick, unless otherwise shown or mentioned. Suitable alloy and proper
temper for extruding and fabricating with adequate structural characteristics and suitable
controlled alloy and temper as recommended by aluminium manufacturer to provide
required colour and colour matching.

B. Aluminium sheets and Plates: Sizes and minimum gauge as required to fulfil
performance requirements. Suitable alloy and proper temper for forming and fabricating
with adequate structural characteristics and suitable for finishing as required.

C. Stainless Steel Sheet and Plates: Sizes and minimum gauge as required to fulfil
performance requirements. Suitable alloy and proper temper for forming and fabricating
with adequate structural characteristics and suitable for finishing as required.

D. Steel Angles, Plates, Bars, Rods and Other Steel Accessories Required to Join or
Reinforce Assembly of Aluminium Components: ASTM A36 and ASTM A283,
galvanized or, if galvanizing is not compatible with alloy or component parts, shop
painted with zinc chromate primer after cutting to size.

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E. Aluminium Angles, Plates Bars and Other Aluminium Members required to Join
or Reinforce Assembly of Aluminium Components: Alloys recommended by
manufacturer or fabricator to develop required strength of assembly.

F. Fasteners: Stainless steel type 300 series, selected to prevent galvanic action with the
components fastened. Where exposed in finished surfaces, use oval head countersunk
Phillips heads with colour to match adjacent surfaces.

G. Weather Stripping: Moulded PVC gaskets, moulded expanded neoprene gaskets or

moulded neoprene gaskets, factory applied in an integral dovetail self-locking groove.

H. Hardware

1. Provide manufacturers standard hinges, supporting arms, closures, pull and

locking handles, and all other hardware required for the operation indicated.

2. Hardware shall be fabricated of stainless steel complying with ASTM A167

and finished to match the component to which it is fixed.

3. All hardware shall be approved by the Engineer.

K Glass and Glazing: See Section 08800 GLAZING, for Specifications applicable to
glass and glazing system shown.

L. Insulation (where applicable): Inorganic glass fiber flexible blankets with a minimum
density of 32 Kg/cum.


A. Generally

1. Construct aluminium door, window, and screen units to the sizes and dimensions
shown on the Drawings and as specified. Doors and operable parts of the window
shall be complete with all necessary hardware.

2. Tilt and Turn Windows: Provide complete tilt and turn window units as shown
including specified manufacturers recommended supporting arms, assemblies, non-
ferrous mechanisms, concealed hinges, hardware, trim pieces, etc., as required for a
complete and finished installation.

a. AS-46 System; Light Metal Systems, Zurich, Switzerland.

3. Operable/Fixed Windows and Screens: Provide complete operable/fixed window

and screen units as shown including specified manufacturers recommended
supporting arms, assemblies, non-ferrous mechanisms, concealed hinges, hardware,
trim pieces, etc. as required for a complete and finished installation. Locksets for
aluminium doors shall be master keyed with the other building doors.

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B. Unit Construction

1. Glazed Doors, Windows, and Screens

a. Provide framed members, fabricated with mitred joints, structurally welded

with reinforcing inserts to develop the full strength of the metal and
maximum rigidity in the frame assembly.

b. Fabricate doors of sections, which shall allow replacement of glass from

inside without disassembly of door stile and rails. Provide snap on extruded
aluminum glazing stops with exterior stops anchored for non-removal.

c. Provide sound deadening filler material on inside of stiles and rails.

Clearances for door shall be 2.0 mm at jambs and heads and 6mm clearance
above finish floor except for carpet, where the clearance shall be 15mm.

d. Mortise, reinforce, drill and tap doors to receive hardware in accordance with
hardware schedule.

2. Frames, Mullions and Transoms: Mitred, Sealed rigidly and permanently joined.
Frames to be in one piece of largest size possible. Provide intermediate support
members where shown on Drawings or as required.

3. Ventilators

a. Miter cut all corners, weld throughout entire section profile and dress weld
smooth on all exposed and contact surfaces.

b. Vent members shall be designed to overlap the frame members to provide an

uninterrupted compression seal around the entire perimeter of the window or
screen members providing true pressure equalizing and to allow frictionless
operation during opening and closing.

4. Insulated Panels

a. 50mm Nominal thick insulated panels shall be formed in 50mm thick core of
fibre glass blanket having a density of 96 kg/m3 faced internally 1.50mm thick
anodized aluminium sheet and externally braced with galvanized steel flat
bracing and stiffeners to make it rigid when fixed.

b. Insulated panels shall be fixed into aluminium frame with aluminium beads and
synthetic rubber gasket complying with BS 4255 Part 1.


A. Remove die markings prior to finishing operations. Where necessary to remove die
markings from any part of the work. All members must be finished by the same process,
whether or not die marking exists. Perform this work in addition to the finish specified.
Scratches, abrasions, dent and similar defects are unacceptable.

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B. Polyester Powder Coating: Thermosetting polyester powder in colour to be selected by the
Engineer, applied electrostatically on pre-treated aluminium and cured to a dry film
thickness of 80 microns. Colour shall be selected by the Engineer. The finish shall meet the
following requirements:

1. Gloss: (DIN 67530) The minimum gloss level of powder coating delivery is
65% when measured at 60 Deg. Incident light.

2. Impact Resistance: (ASTM 2784) Withstand 20 in./lbs without film cracking.

3. Flexibility: (DIN 53152/150 ISO 1519) Pass the 6mm cylindrical mandrel
bending test.

4. Film Hardness: (DIN 53153/ISO 2815) Identation resistance according to

buchholz: 80-115.

5. Drilling, Milling and Sawing Test: No flaking of coating.

6. Salt Spray: (ASTM B 117-73) No bustering or loss of adhesion after 1000


7. Humidity Test: (ASTM/DIN 50017) To withstand 1000 hours, 100%

relative humidity at 40 Deg. C and retain adhesion, corrosion resistance,
colour and gloss.
8. Water Resistance: (ISO/R 1621-1971) to withstand 100 hours in deionised
(but not aerated) water at 40 Deg. C.

9. Adhesion Test: (DIN 53151/ISO 2409-2mm) Cross hatch rating Gt 0

(100%) adhesion).

C. Anodized Coating

1. All visible external and internal aluminium surfaces shall be finished with electro-
colour anodized to a depth of 25 microns in strict accordance with BS 1615 Grade

2. Colour to be selected by the Engineer.


For finishes over Aluminium either Powder coating or Anodization, Contractor shall
refer to drawings and BOQ.


A. Complete the welding, cutting, drilling and fitting of joints prior to finishing. Weld with
electrodes and by methods recommended by the metal manufacturer in accordance with
applicable recommendations of the AWS. Use only methods, which will avoid distortion
or discoloration of exposed faces. Grind weld areas smooth before proceeding with other

B. Conceal all fastenings unless otherwise shown or specified.

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C. Fit and assemble all work in the shop insofar as practicable. Mark and disassemble
units, which are too large for shipment to project, retaining units in sizes as large as
possible for shipment and erection.
D. Carefully fit and match all work with continuity of line and design, using rigidly secured
joints with hairline contact, mitred corners, unless otherwise shown.

E. Reinforce members and joints with steel or aluminium plates, bars, rods, or angles for
rigidity and strength as needed to fulfill performance requirements. Use concealed
fasteners for jointing which cannot be welded.

F. Separate unlike metals or alloys with a heavy coating of bituminous paint or other
suitable permanent separation as required to prevent galvanic action.


A. Finish Colour Range: During production, maintain large size colour range samples for
use in comparing against production material. Mark and code extremes of the colour
range so that these will not be installed adjacent to one another in any one unit.



A. Examine the substrates and adjoining construction and conditions under which the work
is to be installed. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions
detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work have been corrected.


A. Verify dimensions of openings by field measurements so that aluminium doors.

Windows and screens will be accurately designed, fabricated, and fitted to the structure.

B. Co-ordinate aluminium doors, windows and screens, with the work of other trades and
provide items to be placed during the installation of other work. Check the location of
such items and verify that they have been set accurately in relation to the final location
of doors, windows, and screens.

C. Erect the doors, windows and screens, in accordance with the manufacturers written
instructions and recommendations. Employ only experience erectors.

D. Erection Tolerances: Erect aluminium doors, windows, and screens within the following

1. Variation from plumb: 3mm maximum

2. Variation from level: 3mm maximum

E. Cut and trim component parts during erection only with the approval of the
manufacturer or fabricator and in accordance with his recommendations. Do not cut
through reinforcing members. Restore finish completely to protect materials and remove
all evidence of cutting and trimming. Remove and replace members where cutting and
trimming have impaired strength or appearance.
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F. Do not erect members, which are observed to be warped, bowed, deformed or otherwise,
damaged or defaced to such extent as to impair strength or appearance. Remove and
replace members damaged in the process of erection, as directed.

G. Set units level, plumb and true to line, with uniform joints. Support on metal shims and
secure in place by bolting to clip angels and similar supports anchored to supporting
structure. Use only the types of equipment, ropes, wedges, spacers, shims, and other
items during erection, which will not stain or mark the finish of units.

H. Paint concealed contact surfaces of dissimilar materials with a heavy coating of

bituminous paint, or provide other separation as per manufacturers recommendations.

I. Weld with electrodes and by methods recommended by manufacturer of material being

welded, and in AWS. Use only methods, which will avoid distortion or discoloration of
exposed faces. Grind exposed welds smooth, using only clean wheels and compounds
which are free of iron or iron compounds. Restore finish of component parts after
welding and grinding.

J. Solder and braze only to fill or seal joints (not to form structural joints), and in
accordance with component part manufacturers recommendations. Grind smooth and
restore finish.

K. Paint clips, angles, and other ferrous metal parts, which will be concealed, with zinc
chromate paint.

L. Seal joints in concealed manner, unless exposed sealant is shown.

M. Adjust ventilators and hardware to provide a tight fit at contact points and at weather
stripping. Lubricate hardware and other moving parts.


A. In addition to specific protection and cleaning methods required for each component part
by the respective Sections of these Specifications and recommended by the respective
manufacturers, maintain the work throughout the construction period in a clean and
properly protected condition so that it will not be damaged at the time of completion of
the works.

B. Carefully remove protective material and clean down aluminium doors, windows and

C. Cleaning and protective methods shall be carefully selected, applied, and maintained so
that finishes will not become uneven or otherwise impaired as a result of unequal
exposure to light and weathering conditions.

D. Remove deleterious materials from surfaces of aluminium immediately.

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A. Water Penetration Test: After completion of the installation and normal curing of sealant
and glazing compounds, test for water leaks in accordance with Specifications for Field
Check of Metal Curtain Walls for Water Leakage AAMA Standard FC176. Conduct
tests in the presence of the Engineer. Repair or replace any component, which leaks and
retest as directed.


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The work included in this section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment, appliances and
materials and performing all operations in connection with Aluminium/Metal framed skylight as
indicated in the drawings and specified herein.


1. Section 07910 Joint Fillers and Gaskets

2. Section 07920 - Sealants
3. Section 08800 - Glazing
4. Section 08520 Aluminium Doors & Windows


A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

1. ASTM A/36A A36M-94 : Specification for carbon

Structural steel.

2. ASTM A666-94 : Specification for austenitic

stainless steel, strip, plate and flat bar.

3. ASTM B136 : Stain test.

4. ASTM B137 : Anodic Coating Weight.

5. ASTM B 209-93 : Specification for aluminium

alloy sheet and plat (Metric).

6. ASTM B 244 : Specification for aluminium and

aluminium alloy.

7. ASTM B 244 : Anodic coating thickness

8. ASTM B 429-92a : Specification for aluminium-

alloy extruded structural pipe and tube.

9. ASTM D 2000 : Gasket materials.

10. ASTM D 2287 : PVC Gasket.

11. ASTM E 283-91 : Test method for determining the

rate of air leakage through exterior
windows, curtain walls and doors under
specified pressure differences across the
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Military Engineering Projects Skylight 08600 / 1 - 6
B. National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers (NAAMM):
1. Metal finishes manual for architectural and metal products 1988.

C. American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA):

1. 605.2-92 : High performance organic coatings on architectural.

2. 611-92 : Aluminium extrusions and panels-Voluntary standards for
anodized architectural aluminium.
3. 1600-90 : Voluntary specification for skylight.


A. Parameters:

1. Except as otherwise shown or specified, fabricate skylight items from

extruded aluminium conforming to. ASTM B221 anodized aluminium and
colour to be selected by the Engineers Representative.

2. The profile of skylight members are indicated to establish the design intent
only; it is the Contractors responsibility to size the skylight members and
submit all design calculations to the Engineers Representative for approval.

3. Custom fabricate unit, which are not available as a standard manufactured

product, complying with the requirements shown as specified.

4. Fabricate each item in the shop as a complete unit for coordination with
adjoining work. Provide anchoring and flashing flanges, offsets, cant strips
and nailers for roofing, expansion sleeves (concealed on exposed fascias),
hardware and non-corrosive bearings for operating parts and gaskets and
sealant recesses as required to make the installation weather tight.


A. Product Data: Submit to the Engineers Representative for information only in

accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, copies of
manufacturers specifications, standard drawings and installation instructions and
other data as may be required to show compliance with these Specifications.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineers Representative shop drawings and

structural calculations for the design, fabrication, and installation of skylight unit.
Include details at not less than 1:5 scale. Show jointing, anchorage, accessory items,
shop finishes, glass and glazing details, waterproofing terminations, and any other
details as directed by the Engineers Representative.
C. Sample Skylights: Submit to the Engineers Representative samples of exposed
metal finish required for the skylight units including Quarter Dome sections of
profiles with all attached accessories such as gaskets, beads, hardware, etc., and glass
sample fixed in the profile. Prepare samples of metal of the same alloy and gauge to
be used for the work. Samples will be reviewed by the Engineers Representative
for colour, texture and specular gloss only. Compliance with all other requirements
is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor.

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D. Pre-Installation Conference: Prior to commencement of installation of skylights,
representatives of skylight manufacturer, glazier, and sealant manufacturers shall
meet at project site to review procedures, schedules and coordination of metal
framed skylight.

E. Testing: Carry out appropriate test on completed skylight installation to ensure that
whole assembly is watertight and air-tight. Provide required test certificates from
approved testing agency as directed by the Engineers Representative.


A. Manufacturers Qualifications: Manufacturers shall have minimum of ten (10) years

experience designing and manufacturing custom structural skylight framing system.

B. Installer Qualifications: Arrange for installation of prefabricated skylights by a firm

that can demonstrate successful experience in installing items similar in type and
quality to those specified in this project.


A. Special Project Warranty: Submit a written warranty, executed by the Contractor,

Installer and Manufacturer, agreeing to repair or replace components or entire units
which fail in materials or workmanship within the specified warranty period.
Failures include, but are not necessarily limited to, structural failure including
excessive deflection, excessive leakage or air infiltration, failure of hardware,
deterioration of metals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal

B. Warranty period for prefabricated skylight shall be five (10) years after the date of
substantial completion.



1. Coxdome Limited, Field Way, Tring

Hertfordshire HP23 4RF, England
Tel: 01442-824222, Fax: 01442-891183

2. Hi Pro International, 50498 National Drive

Knoxville, TN 37914
Tel: 423-637 1711, Fax: 423-546 9546

Substitutions: The products and manufacturer specified herein are specified for the purpose
of establishing minimum quality standards. Products better than those specified, will be
acceptable subject to the Engineers approval. The decision of acceptability shall rest with the

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A. Aluminium Extrusion: 6063-T5, T6, or 6061-T6 extrusions complying with ASTM

B221, thickness shall not be less than 2mm in any case. Submit full design
calculations complying with structural loading requirements for approval by the

B. Break shapes or flashings supplied by manufacturer: Standard aluminium alloy

compatible with extrusions.

C. Fasteners: 18.8 or 300 series stainless steel.

D. Glazing:

1. Glass shall be Double skin, outer skin 8mm thick tinted + 12 mm gap + inner skin
6mm clear glass (overall 26 mm thick) as per approval of the Engineer (For detail of
glazing contractor shall refer to the section 08800-Glazing)

E. Glazing caps and miscellaneous non-supporting trim: Extruded aluminium alloy

6063-T5 or T52 or 6063-T6 with minimum thickness of 2 mm.

F. Steel Sections: Hot-rolled structural shapes to fit framing sections, complying


G. Gasket:
1. EPDM or Silicon 65#Durometer.
2. Setting Block: Thermoplastic 50-90 Durometer.


A. Aluminium Finishes:

1. Remove die marking prior to finishing operations. Perform this work in addition to
the finish specified. Scratches, abrasions, dents and similar defects are unacceptable.

2. Powder coating finish: Min. 80-120 micron coating of an approved colour. For detail
of powder coating see specifications for Door and Window Section 08520.


A. Nominal Size: As scheduled on drawing.

B. Configuration: Multiple units or Single units as shown and approved.
C. Shape: Parabolic, Spherical, Circular as shown in the drawing and approved.
D. Fabricate skylights to meet aesthetic and performance criteria specified. Fabricate to the
custom sizes and configurations indicated on approved shop drawings using
manufacturers standard aluminium extrusions.

E. Fit and assemble components in the manufacturers shop to fullest extent practicable and
prior to application of finishes.

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F. Design and assemble components to drain water passing joints, condensation occurring
in glazing channels, condensation occurring within framing members and moisture
migrating within the system to the skylight exterior.

G. Provide continuous aluminium curb with expansion joints and with locked and sealed or
fully welded corners. Locate weep holes in curb at each rafter connection to drain

H. Prepare components to receive anchor and connection devices and fasteners. Provide
concealed connectors, attachments and fasteners, unless otherwise indicated. Where
fasteners exposed to view from interior are permissible, provide bolts and screws with
counter sunk heads. Provide acceptable exposed fasteners with finish matching the
framing members or trim.

I. Where shop welding is permissible or required use only the Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
(TIG) or Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG) process. Grind visible welds to a minimum of
100 frit finish.

J. Factory glaze structural silicone work. Clean the frames and glazing surfaces with
suitable solvent. Prime surfaces and install sealant manufacturers recommendations.
Clean excess sealant before the sealant cures. Do not transport units until sealant has



A. Examine the substrates and adjoining construction and conditions under which the
work would be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions
detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work have been corrected.


A. Provide a complete installation of skylight units, which is fully coordinated and

compatible with the roofing system and as per manufacturers recommendations.


A. Install skylight units as shown and in accordance with the manufacturers

instructions. Set each unit level and plumb, true to line and coordinated with other
work. Anchor securely in place, by welding, bolting, or screwing to the substrate
where required for proper support. Where required for waterproof roof construction
set flanges of units in roofing mastic, and leave surfaces smooth and clean for
application of roofing and flashing. Strip in flanges of metal roof accessories and all
other items to be embedded into or in contact with the roofing.

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A. Clean both metal and glazing materials of the completed skylights inside and outside
during or promptly after erection, allowing for nominal curing of liquid sealants.
Remove protective coverings and strippable coatings from prefinished metal

B. Remove remaining excess sealant by moderate use of solvent acceptable to the

sealant manufacturer.

C. Demonstrate proper cleaning methods and materials to the Employers maintenance



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A. General: Perform all work necessary to complete all finish hardware work as shown
on Drawings or inferable there from and/or as specified herein, in accordance with
the requirements of the Contract Documents.

B. Quality Assurance

1. Applicable Codes and Standards: The codes and standards generally

applicable to work of this section are listed hereinafter:

BS British Standards:
459 Doors
476 Fire Tests in building materials and Structures
1227 Hinges for General Building purposes
2038 Performance tests for locks
3827 Glossary of terms related to Builders Hardware
4951 Builders Hardware: Lock and Latch Furniture (Doors)


A. Coordinate the application of hardware items with door and frame details and with
methods of fastening as hereinafter specified.

B. Adaptation of Hardware Items: Where the type of hardware specified is not

adaptable to the finished size of members requiring hardware, submit an item having
a similar operation and quality to the Engineer for review.

C. Templates: Make finish hardware to templates, with wood and/or machine screws
as applicable to door and frame details. Provide templates and schedules to door and
frame manufacturers and other trades requiring same, so that doors and frames can
be cut, reinforced, and prepared in the shop to receive hardware.

D. No names, designs, or labels will be permitted on the following items: Turnpieces, or

operating trim of lock sets or latch sets, push bars, pull handles, plates.

E. Single Source: Use only the products of one manufacturer for each type of hardware

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A. Hardware at rated openings: Provide hardware in accordance with NFPA standard No.80
for openings specified, shown or scheduled for a fire rated opening or to receive a UL
table. In case of conflict between type of hardware specified and type required for fire
protection, provide type required by NFPA and UL.

1. Provide hardware of type listed by UL for usage with the types and sizes of fire
doors and frames required. Unless otherwise shown or specified, arrange doors at
fire rated openings to remain in the normally closed position by furnishing each unit
with an automatic closing device. Provide active latch bolts, of UL approved throw,
that cannot be held in the retracted position.


A. Manufacturers Literature: Provide to the Engineer, for information only, copies of

manufacturers specifications, maintenance and keying manuals, and installation
instructions (templates to suit each particular installation), for each item of finish
hardware. Include photographs, catalogue cuts, marked templates and other data as may
be required to show compliance with these specifications.

B. Sample, Items: In conjunction with the submission of the finish hardware schedule,
submit to the Engineer, in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents,
one sample of each typical item of exposed hardware. Engineers review of samples will
be for design, pattern, finish and color only. All other requirements are the exclusive
responsibility of the Contractor.

1. After final review, deliver samples to job site for comparison with hardware
delivered for installation. Unblemished samples may be used in work.

C. Shop Drawings, Finish Hardware Schedule: Submit to the Engineer for review, in
accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents, copies of finish hardware
schedules covering the complete identification of all items required for the Project.
Include manufacturers names and identification of finishes. Include a separate schedule
of the key and master-key system with the final submittal of schedule. The Engineers
review of the schedules shall not be construed as a complete check and shall not relieve
the contractor of any responsibility for errors, deviations, or omissions from the
requirement to provide complete hardware for the Project.

Coordinate hardware schedule with door manufacturers Door Schedule.

D. Statement of Application: Submit to the Engineer, in accordance with the requirements

of the Contract Documents, one copy of a statement confirming that the finish hardware
work complies with these Specifications and, that the methods of installation were
proper and adequate for the condition of installation and use. The Contractor shall sign
the statement of Application.

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Military Engineering Projects Finish Hardware 08710 / 2 - 14

A. Package and label each item of hardware separately. Tag each item in accordance with
the final hardware schedule. Each package shall contain appropriate fastenings,
instructions, and installation templates. Protect all items from loss or damage in


A. After delivery of the hardware and prior to the installation, a meeting shall be held
between the Contractor, the Engineer and all manufacturers representatives. Compare
final samples with actual hardware delivered to assure acceptability. Review catalogues,
brochures, template installation instructions and the final hardware schedules. Rehearse
installation procedures and workmanship, with special emphasis on unusual conditions;
so as to ensure correct technique of installation, and coordination with other work.

1. Finish and colour of each hardware item is to match samples provided to, reviewed
and selected by the Engineer as herein before specified.



A. Refer to Drawings for application of individual hardware items as referenced to each

opening or function.

B. Manufacturers:

1. The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to or better than
those specified will be considered acceptable. The decision of acceptability will rest
with the Engineer.

2. The hardware manufacture(s) shall have extensive experience in manufacturing of

contract hardware for large projects and must evidence this in the form of references
from previous projects.
3. The hardware manufacture(s) must provide field service on site in the form of an
experienced qualified hardware consultant who has been with the hardware
manufacturer for a minimum of five years. He must be available at reasonable times
during the delivery and installation period and must be able to attend at the site
within 7 days of receiving notice from the Contractor or Engineer.


A. Produce finishes to an exact match with the Engineers selected sample(s). Reduce
variance in hue in the colour of each finish, as much as possible, whether the base
material is cast, forged or stamped, or when plating is applied over steel, brass or bronze.
Finishes of the same designation, that come from 2 or more sources, shall match when
the items are viewed at arms length and approximately 600mm apart. Unless otherwise
specified, match the finish of each item of hardware with the finish selected for lock sets
and latches.
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Military Engineering Projects Finish Hardware 08710 / 3 - 14
1. Type of finish for each hardware shall be indicated in the hardware schedule
prepared by the contractor for Engineers approval.


A. The following mounting heights shall apply throughout the works, unless otherwise
shown or specified:

1. Lock sets and latches: 950 mm to center of handle from floor.

2. Butt Hinges: 250 mm to center of lowest hinge from floor, 125mm to center of upper
hinge from top of door, space other hinges equally between lower and upper hinges.

3. Door Pulls: 1120 mm finished floor to center of pull, center line in 125mm from
edge of flush doors, and centered on stile of narrow stile glass doors.

4. Deadlocks: Center line of cylinder to align with centerline of cylinder for locksets,
unless indicated otherwise.

5. Cross-bar of exit device: 950 mm finished floor to center of crossbar.

6. Push Bar: 1050 mm finished floor to center of push bar.

7. Push Plate: 1120 mm finished floor to center of plate through mounted to pulls.

8. Flush bolt operating mechanisms: Top bolt 1650 to 1800 mm above finished floor,
bottom bolt 250 to 300 mm above finished floor.


A. Provide concealed fastening wherever possible. The use of self-tapping or sheet metal
screws are prohibited except for the applicable of flush mounted push and kick plates.

1. Concealed Fasteners: Furnish hardware items with appropriate type and length of
screws or other fastenings suitable to ensure permanent anchorage.

2. Exposed fasteners: Furnish hardware with countersunk Phillips oval head type
screws where concealed fastening is not possible. The finish or colour of these
screws is to match that of the hardware item being fastened.


A. General: Pack all hinges with machine or wood screws as required by door and frame
construction. Where door jamb or trim projects to such an extent that the width of leaf
specified will not allow the door to clear such frame or trim, furnish hinges with leaves
of sufficient width to clear. Furnish template hinges in accordance with door and frame
material requirements.

B. Butt Hinge Sizes

Door Thickness Hinge Size

Less than 100mm 114 x 114 mm (4.5 x 4.5)
100mm and over 125 x 125 mm (5 x5)
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C. Butt Hinge Quantities per door leaf:

Height of Door No. of Hinges

1.50 m or less 2
1.51 m to 2.25 m 3
2.26 m to 3.00 m 4

D. Hinge Base metals:

1. Interior: Stainless Steel.

2. Exterior: Stainless Steel.

E. Butt Hinge Characteristics: The following apply throughout the work:

1. Ball bearing: Bearings contained within or flush with barrels. Minimum metal gauge

2. Plain Bearing: Five knuckle flush barrel, minimum metal gauge 0.130

3. Pins: All interior hinges shall have non-rising pins.

All exterior hinges shall have non-removable pins (NRP).

4. Tips: Button.

5. Application: Full mortise.

F. Types and manufacturers:

1. Regular Weight, Ball Bearing, stainless steel:

a. Hanger B.B. Type (U.S.A).

b. Stanley: FBB 191
c. BSW: BB 01179 (West Germany)


A. General: Provide mortise type lock sets and latch sets as scheduled. All lock sets, latch
sets or deadlocks to be provided complete with trim, armor fronts and 5 pin cylinders,
concealed fastenings, washers and bushings. Provide wrought box strikes for each lock
set, latch set or deadlock with curved lips of sufficient length to protect frame. All locks
shall have special type self-locking square spindles with ball bearing guides, square
front, and strike.

1. Provide a minimum 19-mm throw on locksets and latch sets for pairs of doors.

2. Provide a minimum 22-mm throw on deadlocks for pairs of doors.

B. Deadlocks: Furnish deadlocks from the same manufacturer as lock sets and latch sets
with the same turnpiece and cylinder trim as furnished for lockets and latch sets provide
deadlocks with 22mm throw bolts.

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C. Manufacturers Lock series:

1. Mortise toilet lock case

a. ASSA/Ruko:565T
b. Sargent: 7765
c. KFV: 706 WC.
2. Mortise cylinder lock case
a. ASSA/Ruko: Equivalent
b. Sargent: Equivalent
c. KFV: 165 DIN 18082. 706 PZW

3. Mortise dead lock case

a. ASSA/Ruko: Equivalent
b. Sargent: Equivalent
c. KFV: GIG-706R

4. ANSI strike plate

a. ASSA/Ruko: 408066
b. Sargent: ANSI strike
c. KFV : DIN strike

D. Trims and accessories:

1. Lever handles
a. FSB: Equivalent
b. Glutz: Equivalent
c. Orgo: 8100

2. Roses

a. FSB: Equivalent
b. Glutz: Equivalent
c. Orgo: 6550

3. Escutcheon

a. FSB: Equivalent
b. Glutz: Equivalent
c. Orgo: F0 6550

4. Cylinder accessories

a. ASSA/ Ruko: 2356

b. KFV: 730 Equivalent
c. Orgo: Equivalent

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E. Toilet signs

1. Toilet sign, Male

a. FSB: 4058.36
b. Quality: 58A
c. Orgo: TZ 5646

2. Toilet sign, Female

a. FSB: 4058.37
b. Quality: 58A
c. Orgo: Female


A. General: 5-Pin with security profile key, removable core cylinders masterkeyed into
building system, with cams to suit lock functions, and provide with square shouldered
blocking removing cylinder.

B. Type and Manufacturers

1. Single cylinder

a. ASSA/Ruko: 156
b. Sargent: 40
c. DOM: 33N
d. KFV: 701

2. Cylinder for Panic Device

a. ASSA/Ruko: 5103
b. Sargent: 34
c. DOM: 333N
d. KFV: 700

3. Temporary construction cylinders

a. ASSA/Ruko: 156
b. Sargent: 40
c. DOM: Construction key
d. KFV: Equivalent


A. General: Rim type for single door. UL-listed for fire exits. Cylinder
outside or no outside operation. For double doors, one rim type and one
rim vertical type UL-listed for fire exits. Provide panic devices where
scheduled, subject to the following:

1. Keying: Keyed devices shall be provided less cylinders. Cylinders shall be as

hereinbefore specified, keyed to building system.

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2. Outside Trims: Custom application as scheduled and as follows:
a. Pulls: Custom types as scheduled and as hereinafter specified.

B. Type and Manufacturers:

1. Panic bolt for single doors

a. FSB: Equivalent
b. Sargent: Equivalent
c. Dorma: 4000 Series
d. Adams Rite: 8400 series


A. General: Closer sizes shall be as recommended by the manufacturer unless larger sizes
are scheduled. Closer shall have the following features; full rack and pinion, independent
closing speed and latch regulating valves, adjustable backcheck. Additional features
shall be provided as hereinafter specified. Closers are to be provided for 180-degree
opening where partition will permit. Schedule indicates regular or parallel arms and
hold-open features.

B. Single Size, Heavy Duty Reversible: Additional features shall include

reversible (non-handed) application permitting regular or parallel arm
placement to suit door installation requirements.

C. Type and Manufacturers:

1. Overhead backcheck door closer, Regular arm fixing

b. Sargent: 1250
c. LCN: 1460

2. Overhead backcheck door closer, Parallel arm fixing

a. DORMA: TS 73A
b. Sargent: 1250 PA
c. LCN: 4010

3. Overhead backcheck door closer, Hold-open arm fixing

a. DORMA: TS 83H0
b. Sargent: 1250 H
c. LCN: 4010


A. General: Closer sizes and fittings shall be as recommended by the manufacturer for size
of door and application in consideration of the details shown and specified with special
details as follows: -

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B. Center Hung, Type and Manufacturers:

1. Floor spring single action with hold open

a. GEZE: TS 500 - HO
b. DORMA: BTS 84
c. YALE USA: Equivalent
d. LCN (Canada): Equivalent


A. General: All flush bolts are to be provided in pairs (top and bottom of door). Provide the
top bolt in a length sufficient to locate the flush bolt operator no more than 1.8 m above
the finished floor. Provide standard strikes for top bolts. Provide Dust-Proof Strikes
for bottom bolts. Flush bolts for steel doors to comply with ANSI A115.4. Flush bolts to
wood doors to have min 10-mm rods with a throw of min. 15-mm.

B. Type and Manufacturers:

1. Flush bolts and wood doors 250 x 25 mm

a. Perkins and Powel (England): 7356

b. ASSA/Ruko: 1096
c. Trimco: 3999

2. Flush bolts for metal doors, 300mm and 600mm

a. Perkins & Powel: (Equivalent)

b. Trimco: 3917
c. Quality: (U.S.A) 1358


A. General: Kick plates shall be surface mounted, beveled 3 sides, 1.50 mm minimum
metal thickness and mounted with oval head Philip fasteners. Size 100 mm high x door
width less 37 mm for single doors or door leaf less 19 mm for pairs.


Shall be complete with motor and sliding mechanism along with vision pulse or radar door
actuators. Motor to be controlled by a key switch for operation or stop mode.


A. Type and Manufacturers:

1. Dust proof sockets

a. Perkins & Powel: 7344
b. Frank Allart & Co.: 5640
c. Quality: 1226

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A. Type and Manufacturers:

1. Door selector to pair of doors

a. DORMA: 390
b. Glyn Johnson: Equivalent


A. Type and Manufacturers:

1. Push plate 400 x 75x 1 mm

a. Trimco: Equivalent
b. FSB: Series 5325
c. OGRO: TZ2084


A. Type and Manufacturers:

1. Straight pull handle 125 x 19 mm secret fixing.

a. D-Line 4212
b. FSB: 667038 and 667034
c. Ogro TG 9025


A. Type and Manufacturers:

1. Door Stop

a. FSB: 3881
b. Balwin: Equivalent
c. D-Line: 5070

2. Coat Hook with door stop

a. FSB: 3646
b. Trimco: Equivalent
c. Quality: Equivalent

3. Coat Hook

a. FSB: 3645
b. Trimco: Equivalent
c. Quality: Equivalent

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A. Type and Manufacturers:

a. Zero: 555
b. Reese: 39
c. Pemko: Equivalent


A. Type and Manufacturers:

a. Zero: 656 - 657

b. Reese: S206 S207
c. Pemko: 180 AV


A. Provide 3 change keys per cylinder.

B. A Great grand master key system has to cover all door types such as wood, hollow metal
and glass doors. The system has to be designed by the manufacturer in accordance with
the Employer and Engineers requirement.

C. Cylinders must have a minimum of 5 pins.

D. Provide keys of nickel silver only.

E. Provide 5 keys for each master key level.

F. Finish of cylinders shall be US 15 to match finish of the hardware finish.

G. Provide temporary cylinders for use during construction period only.

H. Provide 10 construction keys during construction period.

I. After completion of installation and prior to handing over to the Employers

representative, call the manufacturer who shall organize the transfer from construction
master key system to the approved master key system. The Grand Master keys must be
handed over directly to the Employers representative by the manufacturer and obtain a
receipt for the same and provide the receipt to the Contractor as evidence of completing
the obligation.

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J. Provide steel key cabinet with cabinet lock having a capacity of 150 hooks. Provide a
complete colour cap key control system of the type specified. Provide complete
accessories including key gathering envelopes, labels, reserve-pattern colour caps with
self locking key clips, key receipt forms and holders, card index and temporary and
permanent key markers.

1. Type and Manufacturers

Key cabinet, 150 hooks

a. ASSA/Ruko: 9801/150
b. Lund Equipment: Equivalent
c. DOM: KC150

K. On handing over, each key shall be fitted to a coloured nylon key tag with clear labeling
of cylinder/key marking. On handing over, all individual keys shall be placed on the
hooks inside the key cabinet except the master keys, which are to be handed over in a
sealed envelope by the manufacturer.


Dorma GmbH + Co. KG P.O. Box. 4009

D-58247 Ennepetal

Dorma Door Controls Ltd. Dorma Trading Park

Staffa Road
London E10 7QX

Dorma Door Controls Dorma drive

Reamstownn, Pa, 17567

Karl Fliether GmbH + Co. Nevigeser Strasse 22

P.O. Box. 100347
D-42503 Velbert

Franz Schneider Brakel Postfach 1440

D-43029 Brakel

Hoppe AG CH-7537 Muestair (GR)


D-Line International AS Carl Jacobsens Vej 28,

DK-1790 Copenhagen V

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Finish Hardware 08710 / 12 - 14
Ogro Beschlagtechnik GmbH P.O. Box. 150140
Donnenberger Strabe 2
D-5620 Verbert 15 (Veviges)

Pemko MFG. P.O. Box. 3780

Ventura, CA 93006

Perkins & Powell Cobden Works

Leopold Street
Birmingham B12 OUJ

Frank Allart & Co. Ltd. 36 Sherborne Street

B16 8DB

Dom Sicherheitstechnik GmbH+Co. P.O. Box. 1949

D-5040 Bruhl

Ryobi Limited 762 Mesaki-cho, Fuchu-Shi

Hiroshima-Ken, 726

Or no less than equal approved manufacturers.

Important Notes:

The contractor shall submit the list of all required Hardware/Ironmongery for the doors (each
door separately) for the Engineers approval. The list shall be provided/selected in conformity
with the specifications. In the list the contractor shall mention the name of the approved
hardware manufacturer(s). However the Engineer has the right to change any hardware listed by
the contractor in view of function of the door and other technical criteria.



A. Receive hardware for doors as shown and scheduled, and as specified in the applicable
hardware portions of these specifications. Store in a locked space to prevent loss.

B. Apply to doors as recommended by hardware manufacturer and as required. Fit locks

and latch in their respective doors and remove before painting. Reinstall after painting of
doors is completed. Upon completion, adjust and lubricate hardware for proper
C. Instruct Employers personnel in the proper adjustment and maintenance of hardware.

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A. The hardware supplier shall assist the Contractor in adjusting and checking the
installation of finish hardware. Check, test and adjust moving parts to ensure free and
smooth operation. Provide to the Employer the special tools required to adjust and
maintain hardware.

1. After the building is completed and in use, adjust hardware to compensate for air
movement and other conditions, so that all items will operate properly.

2. A factory representative of the lock and latch manufacturer shall examine all
hardware, with an Employers Representative, 6 months after handing over to the
Employer. Adjust the hardware for proper operation.

3. Clean and polish all exposed hardware at the time of handing over to the Employer.


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A. General: Provide glazing in accordance with the requirements of the Contract


B. Glazing shall be executed by an approved specialist Sub-Contractor.


A. Glass shall meet requirements of FS DD-G-451d for the applicable quality hereinafter
specified for each type of glass, except that for heat absorbing glass, the acceptable
range of colour and/or defects (as defined by FS DD-G-451d) shall be determined by
samples of such defects and/or colour range. Glass which does not fall within the
accepted sample range shall be subject to rejection by the Engineer. In the event such
samples are not or cannot be provided; the Engineer will determine the acceptability of
glass relative to colour and/or observable defects in each case.

B. For criteria pertaining to the design of glass and framing members for exterior glazing

1. Design Wind Pressure: Design, fabricate and install component parts so that the
completed glazed curtain wall including glass and stabilizer, will withstand the
inward and outward pressure as shown on drawing.

2. Glass Statistical Factor (Safety Factor): Glass thickness when shown on the
Drawings are for convenience of detailing only and are to be confirmed by the
Contractor and/or glass manufacturer. The glass manufacturer shall provide on
request, substantiating glass breakage data if such data is not otherwise available as
manufacturers published data.

3. Thermal Movement: Design, fabricate and install glazed curtain wall to withstand
expansion and contraction forces resulting from an ambient temperature range of 48
Deg. C (which may result in external curtain wall material temperature ranges
exceeding 81 Deg. C).

4. Deflections: Base calculations for such deflections upon the combination of

maximum direct loading, building deflections, thermal stresses and erection
tolerances. Do not permit any permanent deflections in the curtain wall work.

5. Design Factor of Safety: All structural components of the curtain wall, including
members glazing stops or gaskets, weldments, connections, adhesives and sealant
used as adhesives, shall be designed and fabricated with a factor of safety not less
than 2.5, i.e. failure of any structural component shall not occur at less than 2.5 times
the maximum Design Wind Pressure as determined by the Test for Structural
Performance specified hereinafter. Failure is defined as breakage, component
disengagement, or permanent distortion. The Engineer will furnish specific data on
anticipated building movements as may be requested by the Contractor.
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6. Building Movement: Design, fabricate and install curtain wall to withstand building
movements including thermal movements, loading deflections, shrinkage, creep and
similar movements.

7. Leakage of Water and Air: Design, fabricate and install the curtain wall, including
joints between curtain wall and other work, to effectively prevent leakage of either
water or air into the building, both under specified test conditions and under any
combination of the foregoing performance requirements when any type or amount of
precipitation occurs. Leakage of water is defined as the appearance of uncontrolled
water, other than condensation, on any indoor part of the curtain wall. Leakage of air
is defined as air infiltration at a rate exceeding 18 1/min/sq.m. on a complete module
or bay of the curtain wall.

8. Design Modifications: Make design modifications of work shown only as may be

necessary to meet performance requirements and coordinate the work. Variations in
details and materials, which do not adversely affect appearance, durability, or
strength, shall be submitted to the Engineer for review. Maintain the general design
concept without altering profiles and alignments shown.

C. Comply with recommendations and requirements of the Glazing Sealing Systems

Manual published by the Flat Glass Marketing Association., except that for heat
absorbing glass and insulating glass, comply with the manufacturers recommendations
when they are at variance with FGMA.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer the following information from the

1. Statement from the glass manufacturer that he has reviewed glazing details including
the use of sealant and gaskets and that each product to be furnished is recommended
for the application shown.

2. Statement from the glass manufacturer that he has reviewed all glass thickness as
shown on Drawings and the application of heat absorbing glass for the effects of
partial or full shading under the expected service temperature ranges and that the
resulting thermal stresses will not reduce the Glass Statistical Factor below 2.5 as
defined in Clause 1.02.

3. Manufacturers literature for glazing gaskets and each type of glazing sealant (refer
to Section SEALANT, Para. SUBMITTALS).

B. Samples: Submit to the Engineer (following the submittal of manufacturers data),

samples of each type of glass, glazing sealant or gasket. The Engineer will review
samples for colour and texture only. Compliance with all other requirements is the
exclusive responsibility of the contractor.

1. Provide 300 x 300mm samples of each type of glass specified.

2. Provide colour range samples for each type of glass if production run colour
variations are expected.

3. Provide 300mm long samples of glazing gaskets.

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4. Provide cured glazing sealant samples as specified in Section, SEALANTS.


A. Prepare sample installation as required to match specified work in all respects before
proceeding with the work. Glaze sample in the presence of both glass and glazing
materials manufacturers not less than one (1) week in advance of the scheduled glazing
work. Before actual glazing work proceeds examine the sample in the presence of those
present earlier and obtain the Engineers approval to proceed.


A. Deliver glazing materials to project site in manufacturers unopened containers, fully

identified with trade name, colour, size, hardness, type, class, and grade. Store each item
in accordance with manufacturers instructions.

B. Deliver and store glass in accordance with manufacturers recommendations, protected

from weather, staining, damage, and loss. During storage and handling of glass provide
cushions at edges to prevent impact damage. Protect faces from scratches and abrasion.



A. Manufacturers: The materials specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Materials equal in quality to, or better than
those specified, may be acceptable subject to the Engineers approval. Colour and type
of all glazing shall be as shown in the drawings or BOQ and shall be provided as per
choice and approval of the Engineer.

1. Pilkington Glass U.K. Limited

Tel: 01744 692000. e-mail:

2. Saint Gobain U.K. Limited

Tel: 024 7654 7400

3. Okalux Kapillarglass GmbH, Germany

Fax: 0049 9391900 e-mail:


A. Float Glass: Type I, Class 1, Quality Q3. Transparent, flat, float glass of glazing quality.


A. Glass for Tempering/Toughening

1. Float: Type I, Class 1, Quality Q3. Transparent, flat, float glass of glazing quality.

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B. Sizes and Cuttings: Prior to tempering/toughening or heat treating, cut glass to required
sizes as determined by accurate measurement of openings to be glazed, making
allowance for required edge clearances. Cut and process edges in accordance with glass
manufacturers recommendations. Do not cut or treat edges in the field.

C. Full Tempered/Toughened Glass: Provide glass tempered/toughened to increase flexural

strength 4 5 times its strength before treatment. Wherever possible locate tong marks
along an edge, which will be concealed in the glazing system. Do not exceed maximum
warpage in either face of each piece, in any direction, as listed in the latest printed
literature of PPG Industries, Libbey-Owens-Ford Co., or Pilkington.


A. Tinted glass shall be body tinted and solar control type and shall be of the required
colour and thickness and complying with B.S. 952. The colour of the glass shall be
constant throughout and be subject to the Engineers approval.

B. Tinted glass shall be heat tempered/toughened glass.


A. Insulating Glass (i.e. double glazing units) 24mm thick overall comprising 6mm thick
clear float tempered glass inside and 6mm tinted tempered glass outside separated by
12mm dehydrated air space, hermetically sealed at all edges with a permanent
elastomeric sealant (Dual Seal- Butyl Primary Seal and Silicone Secondary Seal) and
protective metal edge strip of aluminium or stainless steel. Glass quality shall be as
hereinbefore specified for each type.

B. Insulating Glass Unit shall be certified through the Insulating Glass Certification
Council (IGCC) in accordance with ASTM Specifications E-773, E-774

C. Manufacture: Manufacturers of insulating glass units shall have been in the business of
producing units of similar size and configuration for not less than ten (10) years.

D. Guarantee

1. Provide a ten (10) year manufacturers warranty.

2. Insulating glass units shall be guaranteed by the Contractor for a period of ten (10)
years from the date of Substantial Completion of the Works not to develop material
obstruction of vision as a result of dust or film formation on the internal glass
surfaces as a result of the failure of the hermetic seal.

3. The guarantee shall be supported by a bank guarantee obtained from a bank

approved by the Employer and shall be for the minimum amount of the value of the
Works established by a final remeasurement of the same at the unit rates contained in
the Bills of Quantities.

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A. Type I, Class I of the following quality: Quality ql, if less than 2.25 sq.m. Quality q2, if
more than 2.25 sq.m.

B. Provide silvering, copper backing and protective coating conforming to FS DD-M-411.

C. Guarantee

1. Mirror glass shall be guaranteed by the Contractor for a period of ten (10) years from
date of Substantial Completion not to show evidence of silver spoilage.

2. The guarantee shall be supported by a bank guarantee obtained from a bank

approved by the Employer and shall be for the minimum amount of the value of the
Works established by a final measurement of the same at Unit Rates contained in the
Bills of Quantities.


A. Refer to Section, SEALANT for Specifications and manufacturer of the types of sealant
suitable for glazing work.


A. Refer to Section JOINT FILLERS AND GASKETS for Specifications and

manufacturers of the type of gaskets suitable for glazing work.


A. Joint Fillers : Refer to Section, JOINT FILLERS AND GASKETS, for Specifications
and manufacturers of the types of joint fillers suitable for glazing work.

B. Setting Blocks: Glass lights should be set on two 80 to 90 durometer neoprene setting
block positioned at the quarter points. When this is not practical, the setting g blocks can
be installed to within 6" (152mm) of the vertical glass edge. Length of the setting block
should be 0.1" (2.5mm) in length for each square foot of glass area, but not less than 4"
(102mm) in length. The setting block should be 1/16" (1.6mm) less than the full channel
width and be of sufficient height to provide the nominal recommended bite and
minimum glass edge clearance.
C. Spacers: Neoprene or silicone blocks of 40 to 50 Shore A durometer hardness, adhesive
backed on one face only, and tested for compatibility with specified glazing sealant. Use
silicone only for silicone glazing.

D. Edging: Stainless Steel Edge Framing manufactured specially for setting mirrors to
plywood backing.

E. Weep System: Water should not be permitted to remain in the glazing rabbet. A weep
system should incorporate enough weep holes to ensure adequate drainage; usually this
consists of three 3/8" (9.5mm) diameter holes or equivalent, equally spaced at the sill.

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A. Cutting: Obtain sizes from shop drawings or by field measurement. Cut glass to fit each
opening with minimum edge clearances and bite on glass as recommended by glass
manufacturer. Do not nip glass edges. Factory cut all glass. Do not cut, seam, nip or
abrade tempered/toughened and heat-strengthened glass after tempering/toughening.
Take field measurements of each opening, before glazing, to verify adequate bite on the
glass and minimum edge clearance. Openings which do not fall within the tolerances for
which pre-cut glass has been sized shall be glazed only with glass specially cut to fit



A. Examine substrates and adjoining construction, and conditions under which work is to
be installed. Do not proceed with work until unsatisfactory conditions detrimental to the
proper and timely completion of the work have been corrected.


A. Pre-Installation Meeting: Meet at the Project site with the glass manufacturers
representative, sealant manufacturers representative, glazier and fabricator of framing
or other supporting structure to receive glass. Review the glazing procedure applying
glazing materials and installing removable stops. Evaluate suitability of specified
compounds and sealant for anticipated weather conditions. Review co-ordination with
other work.

B. Before beginning work, inspect sash, frames, and rebates to receive glass to determine
that other trades have completed preparatory work and that sash and frames are ready to
receive glazing materials.

C. Sash, frames and members shall be adjusted, plumbed, and squared. All rivets, screws,
bolts, nail heads, welds, and other projections shall be finished flush in glazing rebates.
All corners and intersections shall be sealed and watertight.

D. Operable sash shall be fastened and kept stationary until glazing compounds, except
non-setting types, have cured or set.
E. Surfaces to receive glazing materials shall be free of dirt, dust, grease, oil, and other
foreign materials, and shall be painted or sealed before glazing work is begun.

F. Any members that are not acceptable to receive glass shall be reported to the General
Contractor for correction. Commencement of work by this installation shall constitute
acceptance of surfaces to receive his work and all defects occurring thereafter shall be
corrected by this installer without additional cost to the Employer.

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A. The installation of each light of glass shall be watertight and airtight, and capable of
withstanding temperature changes, wind loading (exterior glass) and without failure of
any kind including loss or breakage of glass, failure of seal, exudation of sealant and
excessive deterioration of glazing material.

B. Inspect each piece of glass immediately before installation. Do not install any pieces
which have damaged edges, scratches, or abrasion or any other evidence of damage.
Remove of glazing labels from glass before installation.

C. Do not begin glazing until all cleaning and repairing of concrete and masonry surfaces
has been completed.

D. Aluminum glazed frames requiring dry glazing method shall be glazed in accordance
with manufacturers written specification which shall become a part of the work herein as
though written out in full.

E. Follow Surround Preparation instructions of FGMA Glazing Manual. Thoroughly

clean glazing surfaces of glass and frame.

F. Do not begin glass installation until rebates and glazing stops have been primed and are
thoroughly dry. Do no glazing when ambient temperatures are less than 40oC.

G. All glass shall be clean cut. Nipping to remove flares or to reduce oversize dimensions
will not be permitted. Glass shall be shop cut to fit openings allowing required clearance.
Openings to receive glass shall be perfectly square. Any out of square shall be reported
and corrected before glass is sized. Protect edges of glass from abrasion with ground or
adjacent surfaces.

H. Cut glass accurately to fit openings. Sizes of glass indicated on the Drawings are
approximate only and the actual sizes required shall be determined by measuring the
frames to receive the glass. Size glass to permit required clearance and bite around full
perimeter of glass as set forth in the FGMA Manual.

I. Apply glazing compounds and other materials in strict accordance with manufacturers
printed recommendations.

J. Glass shall be set without springing and with proper clearances at all edges. Edge
clearance and tolerance shall be in accordance with recommendations of FGMA Glazing
Manual, latest edition.

K. All edges of exposed glass shall be ground and polished to profiles indicated, except as
hereinbefore specified for glass millions and entrance glass doors.

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A. Interior Channel Glazing Method: At metal doors, pressed metal frames and other
interior openings required to receive glass, apply back-bed of elastic glazing compound
over full face of backstop, and install spacer shims at least two at each edge and not
greater than 600mm o.c. to maintain uniform 3mm thickness of bedding. Press glass into
back bed of compound. Seal around entire perimeter of glass with elastic glazing
compound. Apply and secure face stops over 3mm spacer shims and fill the space
between face stops and glass with elastic glazing compound. Tool compound at both
sides of glass even with sight line. When glass size is more than 1250mm (width plush
height), install setting blocks at quarter points and use pre-shimmed polybutylene tape
against fixed rebate in lieu of the glazing compound. Tape shall be set slightly below the
sight line for tolerance when pressure is exerted against the glass. When tape is used, it
shall be even with sign line.

B. Exterior Tape/Liquid Polymer Sealant Method: At all areas where glass is set into
frames, apply 3mm minimum thickness pre-shimmed glazing tape over full face of
backstop, using polybutylene tape and maintain precise edge at sight line except for sill
which shall be kept back to receive final application of sealant. Do not break tap except
at corners and their sealant. Do not break tape except at corners and there seal together
with longitudinal pressure. Set glass on neoprene setting blocks at quarter points
allowing required clearance around full perimeter of glass. Allow no direct contact
between glass and frame. Apply full heel bead of liquid polymer sealant around entire
perimeter of glass. Set 3mm minimum thickness spacer shims on front face of glass as
required to maintain uniform joint width, shove face stops into place, and secure. Fill-in
and finish with liquid polymer sealant. The interior shall receive sealant at full perimeter
and exterior at sill only. Trim tape at jambs and head even with sight line and tool all
sealant to tight joint.

C. Exterior and Interior Dry Seal Glazing Method: At all aluminum frames required gasket
glazing set glass using setting blocks and applicable materials hereinbefore specified in
accordance with manufacturers written specification. Replace all aluminum face stops
in proper alignment with member, securing in place without distortion and rattles.


A. Set insulating glass units as per manufacturers recommendations to prevent water

leakage. Do not glaze metal bound and organic bound insulating glass units with oil
based mastic or other glazing compounds which might have a deleterious effect on the
hermetic seal of the units. Completely conceal edge binding of insulating glass units
with glazing material and extend material a minimum of 3mm onto glass surfaces at
each edge, to provide glazing seal independent of hermetic seal.


A. Comply with gasket manufacturers printed instructions and recommendations. Mitre-

cut corners of loose zipper strips slightly longer to provide permanent compression at
joints. Use special tool to install and remove filler strip; lubricate as may be required, in
accordance with manufacturers instructions. Use lubricants recommended by gasket

B. Comply with glass manufacturers printed instructions for the use of setting blocks,
liquid or tape sealant and weep holes in the glazing recess of lock strip gaskets.
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A. After completion of exterior glazing and nominal curing of sealant and glazing
compounds test for water leaks. Conduct tests in the presence of the Engineer in
accordance with Specifications for Field, AAMA Standard FC 1- 76, except perform
tests on not less than 5% of all exterior lights.


A. All glass shall be protected from damage until acceptance of the work and if glass is
broken remove and replace with specified type. The Contractor shall be responsible for
protection of glass and the replacement of all such damaged materials after glazing work
is completed.

B. Glass breakage or damage to metal caused by negligence or any other reason shall be
replaced at the expense of the Contractor.

C. The Contractor may, at his own option, carry glass breakage insurance, but failure to
carry proper insurance shall in no way relieve him of his responsibility in this regard.

D. All glazed openings shall be identified with markers such as tapes or glass that are not in
contact with the glass, but which are held in position away from the glass.

E. All glass shall be examined on a monthly basis during the guarantee period to detect any
formation of staining and/or etching. If staining or etching is noticeable, notify Engineer
immediately for determination of proper remedial procedures. Plaster, mortar, paint
spatter, or any other coating shall be removed immediately after contact and shall not be
permitted to collect or remain on glass surfaces.


A. Remove all labels, excess-glazing compounds, stains, and spots from glass and metal on
completion of glazing.

B. Remove all rubbish and debris from the site at the end of each days work. Clean
compound smears and stains from adjacent surfaces as the work progresses.

C. At the completion of the work under this Section, all glass surfaces shall be thoroughly
cleaned and washed. At the completion of the entire project all glass surfaces shall be
thoroughly cleaned and washed.


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Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Finishes Division 9



A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances, and materials and performing all operations in connection with Portland
cement plasterwork as per requirements of the contract.


The Work shall confirm to the Codes and Standards of the following Agencies as further
cited herein:

1. American Society for Testing Materials

ASTM C 144 Aggregate for Masonry Mortar

ASTM C 150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement
ASTM C 206 Finishing Hydrated Lime
ASTM C 631 Bonding Compounds for Interior Plastering
ASTM C 926 Application of Portland Cement Based Plaster
ASTM A 42.2 Portland Cement Plastering and Stucco.

For Metal lathing and Furring:

a. Specifications for Interior Lathing and Furring: ANSI A42.4-1967, of

the American National Standards Institute.

b. Specifications for Portland Cement Plastering (including Requirements

for Lathing) : ANSI A42.3-1971 of the American National Standards

c. Standard Specification for Metal Lath: ASTM C847.

d. Standard Specification for Installation of Interior Lathing and Furring:

ASTM C841.

2. British Standards Institute:

BS 12 Specification for Ordinary Portland Cement

BS 822, 1201 (Part 2) Aggregate from Natural sources for Concrete
(Including Granolithic)
BS 890 Building Limes
BS 1198,1199,1200 Building Sands from Natural sources
BS 1369 Metal Lathing (Steel) for Plastering
BS 1485 Galvanized Wire Netting
BS 5492 Code of Practice for Internal Plastering

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A. Applicator Qualification: Work shall be carried out by persons skilled in plastering and

B. Tolerances and Permissible Deviations: Finish surfaces within following tolerances and

1. Finish Plaster: Straight, true, square with adjoining work, smooth or keyed where
required free from imperfections impairing appearance or performance, and where
not textured, not deviating more than 3mm from a 180mm straight edge placed
anywhere on surface. Make angles plumb and true.

2. Ceilings: Make surface of ceilings and bulkheads horizontal, vertical or sloping as

applicable and level. Do not deviate more than 5mm from a 3m straight edge.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to Engineer, manufacturers specifications and installation

instruction for each materials required, including other data to show compliance with
Contract Documents.

B. Samples Panel:

1. Furnish sample panels of each finish not less than 600mm square, on movable
frames for preliminary review.

2. Sample panels shall be representative of materials, colours, textures and

workmanship for the entire work. Acceptance will be for colour and texture only.

3. For final review of each finish complete one wall or ceiling are in job site before
proceeding with the work.

C. Accessories: Samples of all miscellaneous accessories as specified herein.

D. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer shop drawings for the fabrication and erection
of all assemblies of all custom ornamental metal work and proprietary products which
are not otherwise completely shown by manufacturers data sheets.

Include plans and elevations at not less than 1:10 scale, and include details of sections
and connections at not less than 1:4 scale as directed by the Engineer. Show anchorage
and accessory items, and finishes.


A. The work of this Section shall be co-coordinated with that of associated trades. In no
case shall work required inspection be concealed by plaster until it has been approved by
the Engineer.

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B. Make all changes and adjustment of the materials of this Section necessary to
accommodate the prescribed work of other Sections, including cutting and patching.
Samples on same type of material as to be used in the work. Samples will be reviewed
by the Engineer for colour, texture, and reflectivity only. Compliance with all other
requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor.


A. Protect exposed mechanical finishes by covering with adhesive paper or other suitable
covering prior to shipment from the fabrication or finishing shop.

B. Protect exposed chemical finishes by spray coating with lacquer to not less than 0.5mm
thick, prior to shipment from the fabrication or finishing shop.

C. Deliver all components to site completely identified. Store in accordance with

manufacturers instructions, above grade on dunnage, properly protected from the
weather, construction activities, and other possibility of damage or loss.


A. Temperature and Ventilation: Generally comply with ASTM C926 and BS 5492 as

B. Ventilation: Ventilate building spaces as required to remove water in excess of that

required for hydration of plaster. Begin ventilation immediately after plaster is applied
and continue until it sets.


A. Protect all fixtures, frames, inserts, and other contiguous work from rusting, soiling, or
clogging due to plastering.



A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or
better than those specified may be acceptable subject to the Engineers approval.


A. Bonding Agent: Provide a bonding agent composed of a resinous emulsion about the
consistency of paint, formulated for use in bonding one coat finish plaster and/or two
and three coat work to concrete walls, columns, etc. ASTM C 932 for Portland cement


A. For All Uses Not Otherwise Specified: ASTM C 150 Type I or Type II or BS 12.

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A. Lath

1. Expanded Metal Lath: Fabricate expanded metal lath from prime coated or
galvanized steel sheet to produce lath complying with ASTM C847 for type,
configuration and other characteristics indicated below, with uncoated steel sheet
painted after fabrication into lath.

a. Diamond Mesh Lath.

i Flat Diamond Mesh Lath: 1.8 kg per m2 .

ii Self-Furring Diamond Mesh Lath: 1.8 kg per m2

b. Rib Lath: Rib depth 9.6mm (3/8 inch) 1.8 kg per m2

2. Provide devices of material and type required by referenced standards and

recommended by lath manufacturer for secure attachment of lath to framing
members and of lath to lath.

B. Accessories: Comply with material provisions of reference standards coordinate depth of

accessories with thicknesses and number of plaster coats required.

1. Corner Beads: Not less than 26 gauge (0.45mm) galvanized steel, formed with a bead
not exceeding 5mm, with expanded flanges at least 63mm wide.

2. Casing and Stop beads: Not less than 24 gauge (0.60mm) galvanized steel, formed
with expanded wing unless otherwise shown.

3. Metal Corner Reinforcement: Expanded large mesh diamond lath fabricated from zinc
alloy or welded wire mesh fabricated from 1.2mm diameter zinc coated (galvanized)
wire and specially formed to reinforce external corner of portland cement plasters on
exterior exposures while allowing full plaster encasement.

4. Control Joints Two Piece type: Pair of galvanized steel casing beads with back
flanges formed to provide slip joint action, adjustable for joint widths 3mm to


A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or
better than those specified may be acceptable subject to the Engineers approval.

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A. Sand: Naturally occurring or consisting of crushed rock or gravel or a combination of the

two clean hard and free from adherent coatings and deleterious matter and complying
with BS 1199.

B. Bond Plaster:

1. Bonding Agent: Provide a bonding agent composed of a resinous emulsion about the
consistency of paint, formulated for use in bonding plaster work to walls, columns
etc. in accordance with ASTM C 631.

C. Portland Cement:

1. For all used ASTM C150 Type I or Type II or BS12.

D. Aggregates

i. Portland Cement Plaster Base coats: ASTM C 897, natural sand.

ii. Portland Cement Plaster Finish: ASTM C 897 and one of the following as
directed :

1. Graded silica sand passing a 30 mesh screen in colour required to match Engineers
2. Gem Silica sand passing a 30 mesh screen in colour required to match Engineers

E. Gypsum Plaster Materials

i. Base Coat Plasters: ASTM C28, Gypsum ready mixed plaster with mill-
mixed perlite aggregate.

ii. Finish Coat Plasters: Gypsum ready-mixed finished plaster, manufacturers

standard mill-mixed gauged interior finish.

iii. Finishing Hydrated Limes: ASTM C206, Types: special hydrated lime for
finishing purposes.

iv. Aggregates for Base Coat Plasters: ASTM C35, Perlite aggregate where

v. Aggregates for Finish Coat Plaster with Floated Finish: ASTM C35, graded
as per ASTM C842, perlite aggregate.

vi. Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the


1. Gypsum Ready-Mixed Base Coat Plasters

a. Gypsolite; Gold Bond Building Products Div.,

National Gypsum Co.,

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b. Structo-Lite; United States Gypsum Co.

2. Gypsum Ready-Mixed Finish Plaster

a. Red Top Finish; United States Gypsum Co.

3. Finishing Hydrated Limes, Types

a. Ivory Finish Lime; United States Gypsum Co.

b. Snowdrift Finish Lime; United States Gypsum Co.

vii. Bonding compound for Gypsum Plaster: ASTM C631.

F. Miscellaneous Accessories:

1. Corner Beads: Not less than 26 gauge (0.45mm) galvanized steel, formed with a
bead not exceeding 5mm, with expanded flanges atleast 63mm wide.

2. Casing and Stop Beads: Not less than 24 gauge (0.6mm) galvanized steel, formed
with expanded wing unless otherwise shown.

3. Metal Corner Reinforcement: Expand large mesh diamond lath fabricated from zinc
alloy or welded wire mesh fabricated from 1.2mm diameter zinc coated (galvanized)
wire and specially formed to reinforce external corner of Portland cement plasters on
exterior exposures while allowing full plaster encasement.

4. Control Joints Two Piece Type: Pair of galvanized steel casing beads with back
flanges formed to proved slip joint action, adjustable for joint widths 3mm to 15mm.

5. Control Joints One Piece Type: Folded pair of galvanized non-perforated screed in
`M shape configuration, with expanded flanges.

6. Strip Lath: Expanded copper bearing steel not less than 1.36 Kg/sq.m.

G. Water: Shall be potable and free from deleterious materials.

H. Metal Lath:

Lathing shall be mechanically fixed to masonry or concrete to the complete approval of the

2.07 MIXES

A. General

1. Proportions: AL1 mixes are by volume unless otherwise specified. All mix
proportions are suggestive only; variations to meet local conditions and achieve the
desired finish are permitted within the limits specified in ASTM C926 or BS
5492/5262 as appropriate.

2. Lime Putty: Make from hydrated lime; machine-mix with water to putty form; allow
to stand at least 15 minutes before using.
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B. Portland Cement Plaster Mixes:

1. Base Coat: ASTM C926 or BS 5492/5262 as appropriate as follows:

1 part Portland Cement

3 to 5 parts natural sand
part lime putty

2. Brown Coat: ASTM C926 or BS 5492/5262 as appropriate as follows:

1 part Portland Cement

3 to 5 parts silica sand
part lime putty

3. Finish Coat: Same as brown coat.

C. Gypsum Plaster Mixes and Composition

Comply with ASTM C842 and manufacturers directions for gypsum plaster base coat and
finish coat.

1. Brown Coat: Gypsum ready mixed plaster with mil mixed perlite.

2. Finish Coat: Trowelled finish gypsum gauging plaster as indicated below :

1 part plaster
2 parts lime



A. Examine substrate and the conditions under which the work is to be installed, and do not
proceed until unsatisfactory conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion
of the work have been corrected.


A. Acceptance of Background: Ensure the following background conditions are satisfied

before applying coatings:

1. Adequately true and level to achieve specified tolerance.

2. Adequately fixed.

3. Free from contamination and loose layers.

4. Adequately prepared to give a good bond.

5. Free of any coatings of bituminous compound or any other detrimental

waterproofing or damproofing agent.

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B. Preparation of surfaces:

1. Comply with ASTM C 926 BS 5262 Para 20 for all plaster.

2. Do not apply materials to damp or wet surfaces or to concrete that is less than 6
weeks old.

3. Do not begin plastering until:

a. Openings, chases or other apertures required for services are formed.

b. Fixing for pipes, fixing pads and plugs have been fixed.

c. Making good has been completed.

d. Cut ends of metal mesh beads etc., and damaged areas of conduit switch and
outlet boxes etc. have coated with black tar-based paint.

C. Bonding Agents: These may not be used in lieu of metal lath or wire lath for monilithic
bonding of plaster to concrete ceilings or wall surfaces which require more than 10mm
of plaster, to produce required lines or surfaces.


A. General: The term Plaster shown on the drawings means Portland Cement Plaster
unless otherwise noted. Apply 3-coat work on all bases. Apply finish coat with a
reasonably uniform thickness over entire surface straight and plumb. Make interior
angles square, and make arrisses square but slightly rounded. Solidly grout hollow metal
frames occurring in plaster walls with plaster specified for base or brown coat. Where
casing beads do not occur at the juncture of plaster and hollow metal frames, cut a
groove in the base coat and later in the finish coat to minimize the appearance of cracks
at these joints.

B. Mixing: Use mechanical mixers for mixing plaster. Hand mixing is not permitted. Do
not use frozen, caked or lumped material. Clean mechanical mixers, mixing boxes and
tools after mixing each batch; keep free of plaster from previous mixes. Thoroughly mix
plaster with proper amount of water until uniform in colour and consistency.
Retempering not permitted; discard plaster, which has begun to stiffen. Provide
waterproof protection under mixer.

C. Machine Applied Plaster: Determine proper consistency by slump test as follows: Take
slump test samples from nozzle of plastering machine hose using a 50 x 100 x 150 mm
slump cone. Samples will be taken at random as often as may be required and without
prior notice.

1. Portland Cement Plaster: Maximum 63mm slumps

D. Method of Application: By hand or machine application. Limit machine application to

base coats, except where machine texture finish is specified.

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A. Portland Cement Plaster: Comply with ASTM C 926 or BS 5262/5942 as appropriate for
all applications not otherwise shown or specified.

B. Gypsum Plaster: 10mm Nominal, unless otherwise indicated, to gypsum board as



A. General: To avoid abrupt changes in the uniform appearance of the succeeding coat,
each plaster coat shall be applied to an entire wall or ceiling panel without interruption.
Joining of wet plaster to set plaster should be made at naturally occurring interruptions
in the plane of the plaster, such as arises or wall and ceiling openings. Where this is not
possible, such joining shall be cut square and straight and at least 150mm, away from a
joining in the proceeding coat.

B. Apply Portland Cement plaster in accordance with ASTM C926 or BS 5262/5942 as



A. Corner Beads: Provide on all external corners and arises and in single lengths where the
length of a corner or arises does not exceed the standard stock lengths. Mitre or cope the
beads at corners and fasten securely with the wires, hardened galvanized nails, and
staples or offset head or hook head lath nails spaced not more than 200 mm staggered.

B. Casing or Stop beads: Provide where shown and where plastering terminates and is not
covered by other finish. Provide sheet metal closures at reveals. Set the beads level,
plumb and true to line. Install in lengths as long as is practicable and align joints with
concealed splice or tie plates. Secure beads with tie wire, hardened galvanized nails or
other accepted methods. Space fastenings not more than 200mm apart.

C. Strip Lath: Where plaster is to be applied across differing backgrounds and over chases
provide strip lath 300mm wide located centrally over joint: except that where small
widths of one materials are involved completely bridge the one materials with mesh
wide enough to extend 74mm each side. Insert an isolating membrane of building paper
under lath to separate plaster from base materials, and bed lath in undercoat.


A. Apply in accordance with manufacturers printed instructions.


A. Apply gypsum plaster materials, composition, mixes and finishes indicated to comply
with ASTM C 842.

B. Apply gypsum plaster of composition indicated over gypsum board ceiling.

C. Apply trowelled finish for gypsum finish coat plasters, unless otherwise required.

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A. Plaster Sampling: Samples may be taken from work in place at any time. Areas
represented by samples which shown oversanding or wrong aggregate proportion will be


A. Work containing cracks, blisters, pits, checks, or discoloration will not be accepted.
Remove such work, including rejected work, and replace with new. Patching of defected
work permitted only with the Engineers approval.

B. Perform cutting, patching, repairing, and pointing-up operations neatly and thoroughly.
Repair the cracks and indented surfaces by moistening the plaster and filling with new
materials, trowelled or tamped flush with adjoining surfaces point-up and finish surfaces
around fixtures, outlet boxes piping, fittings, tile and other work flush with adjacent
plaster. Where new plaster adjoins plaster, which has been installed more than 48 hours,
cut existing plaster at an angle of approximately 45 Deg. with the surface before
installing new plaster.


A. Make provisions to minimize the spattering of plaster on other work. Promptly clean
windows and other surfaces, which have been soiled.

B. Protect plaster from the weather, premature drying, marking, dirt, dust, marring or other
damage throughout the construction period so that it will be without any indication of
damage at the time of Substantial Completion of the Works.


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A. Provide labour, material, equipment and services, and perform operations required for
installation of gypsum board and related works as indicated on the drawings and
specified herein.

B. The work of the gypsum board on steel stud framework in partitions complete with
acoustical thermal insulation and all accessories, which shall be including but not
limited to the followings:

1. Gypsum board partition including framing members.

2. Gypsum board over metal furring framing members.
3. Gypsum board adhered to concrete or masonry surfaces.
4. Framing members include studs, floor and ceiling runners, furring, channels,
hangers and bracing.
5. Accessories including fasteners, anchors, acoustical insulation, sealant, joint
compound and tape, and other accessories as required for installation.

The gypsum wall shall be finished with required quality of paint as specified in the
Painting Section.


A. Section 09515: Gypsum board ceiling and accessories.


A. The work shall conform to the codes and standards of the following agencies as
further cited herein:

1. ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania 19103 USA as published in Compilation of ASTM Standards in
Building Codes, such as:

i. ASTM C11; gypsum board Construction Terminology

ii. ASTM C645; Specifications for non-load (axial) bearing steel studs, runners
(track) and rigid furring channels for screw application of Gypsum board.

iii. ASTM C754; Specifications for steel framing members to receive screw attached
gypsum board, backing board or water resistant board.

iv. ASTM C840; Specifications for Application and Finishing of Gypsum board.

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v. ASTM C1002; Specifications for steel drill screws for the application of Gypsum

2. Gypsum Construction Handbook: Published by United States Gypsum, 101 South

Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois 606606 USA and latest standard specifications for
Gypsum board construction by the Gypsum association::

3. ANSI: American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New Hork, New York
10018 USA.

4. UL: Underwriters Laboratories Inc., Publications Stock, 333 Pifngsten Road,

Northbrook, Illinois 60062 USA.

i. Fire Resistant Ratings: Provide fire-resistant-rated assemblies identical to those

indicated by reference to design designations in UL Fire Resistant Directory or
in listing of other testing and agencies acceptable to authorities having


A. Product Data: Submit copies of manufacturers latest published literature for materials
specified herein for approval.

B. Certificates: Submit applicable test certificate conforming to requirements of authorities

having jurisdiction on fire rated assemblies as required.

C. Shop Drawings: Shop drawings for work specified herein shall be submitted for
approval. Shop drawings shall include construction and system details for partitions
including fire, sound rated and shaft wall partitions in large scale detail, including
details of control joints.


A. Submit all samples as requested by the Engineer of materials specified herein in

accordance with requirements of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT, and before
ordering materials, obtain written approval from the Engineer.

B. Mock-Up: prior to commencement of work, this trade shall provide on site at a location
directed by the Engineer, a 2400mm x 2400mm mock-up panel. The panel shall be
constructed using metal stud framing and gypsum base board and shall include corner
bead, expansion joint and special accessories of type specified herein. Replace panel as
many times as necessary until Engineers approval has been obtained. Construct all
subsequent gypsum board partition work to conform to the approved mock-up panel. At
the completion of work, remove panel and legally dispose of all materials.


A. All manufactured materials shall be delivered to site in original packages or

containers bearing the manufactures names and brand names, provide adequate
protection against damage from all sources.

B. Deliver materials to site in ample time to avoid delay in job progress and at such
times as to permit proper coordination of the various parts.
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A. In no case shall work requiring inspection be concealed by gypsum base board

until it has been inspected and approved.

B. Starting of work shall be construed as acceptance of related work by others as being

satisfactory and any defects resulting from such accepted related work shall be corrected
under this Section without additional cost to the Employer. Surfaces found
unsatisfactory shall be reported to the Engineer in writing.


A. Attention is directed to provisions of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT regarding

guarantees and warranties for work under this Contract.

B. Manufacturers shall provide their warranties for work under this Section. However, such
warranties shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other liabilities, which
manufacturers and Contractor may have by law or by other provisions of the Contract



A. Obtain gypsum boards, trim accessories, adhesives and joint treatment products from a
single manufacturer or from manufacturers recommended by the prime manufacturer of
gypsum boards.

B. Acceptable Manufacturer:

1. Kuwait Gypsum Manufacturing & Trading

Tel. 4816761

2. National Gypsum Co.

Tel. 495 3780/3730

or no less than equal approved quality of any G.C.C. Countrys Gypsum Company

C. In general, all material shall be the product of one manufacturer, products of different
manufactures may be used only after approval by the Engineer.

D. Accessories, joint treatment materials, fasteners, stud and furring channels, etc. shall be
integrated systems.


A. Gypsum Board: shall be 12.5mm thick, tapered edge, conforming to ASTM C36, Type

B. Fire Retardant Gypsum Board: shall be tapered edge, conforming to ASTM C36, Type

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C. Water Resistant Gypsum Board: shall be tapered edge, conforming to ASTM C630.

D. Corner Bead and Edge trim: ANSI Standard A 97.1

E. Control Joint: shall be based on USG Control Joint No.093, plastic removable insert, or

F. Joint Reinforcement: shall be Imperial Tape coated glass fiber tape, or equal.

G. Accessories: Clips, splices and other accessories required to complete the work,
including 14 gauge anchor plates, angles or channels to secure partition head to
structural members.

H. Special accessories: All special shapes to be specially fabricated to meet detail profiles.


A. Steel studs shall be galvanized steel C sections in both vertical and horizontal
positioning with all necessary accessory pieces required for the framework. The
minimum thickness of steel studs shall not be less than 25 gauge.

B. Framework shall be a proprietary system as before described and is all subject to the
Engineers approval.


A. Sound Insulation: Shall conform to Federal specifications HH-I-521f, Type I, Class A

and ASTM C665 and shall be thickness shown, 600mm or 450mm wide as required,
friction-fit paperless semi-rigid mineral fiber blanket sound-attenuation building
insulation batts, tightly butted and fitted between studs leaving no voids at top or bottom
of studs or around pipes or conduit.

B. Acoustical Sealant: shall be applied by this installer at all partitions as required and
around wall penetrations. Sealant shall be a non-hardening, non-skinning, non-staining,
non-bleeding, flexible adhesive of synthetic rubber with at least 20-year minimum life
expectancy as approved by the Engineer. Consistency shall be 290-310 ASTM D-217
brass cone, 5 seconds, 150 grams to the moving load, and extension of cured bead shall
be 150 to 100%. Adhesion metal to concrete, gypsum to melt and gypsum to concrete
shall be excellent. Sealant shall not exude oil when applied between two metal panels
bolted together allowing 1.6mm seal when assembly is conditioned for one week at
158F (70C.). Sealant shall have approximately 90% solids content, be gun-able at
5F(-15C) with 9.5mm nozzle. All sealant shall be concealed.

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A. All work shall be done in the best possible manner by skilled workmen and shall meet
all requirements of the American National Standards Institute for Plastering, Lathing
and Furring, and manufacturers handbook on Gypsum Construction which are
applicable to work of this Section and made a part of this Section as though written out
in full herein. The installer will be held strictly responsible for results of the un-
satisfactory quality. Unsound and unsightly work shall be removed and replaced by
work satisfactory to the Engineer.


A. Align tracks accurately it floor and ceiling and securely anchor with fasteners according
to manufacturers recommendations. Studs shall be spaced as determined by
manufacturers recommendations based on stud depth and height of partition. Set track
in acoustical sealant.

B. Position studs vertically in tracks and space as hereinbefore specified. Install acoustical
insulation between metal stud partitions and walls where indicted, applied in accordance
with insulation manufacturers recommendations. All partitions shall be full height from
structural slab to structural deck above unless otherwise indicated on the drawings.

C. Anchor studs adjacent to door frames, partition intersections and corners by positive
screw engagement through each stud flange and track flange.

D. All door frames shall be installed under DOORS AND FRAMES Section in
collaboration with partition installation. Double studs shall be at doorframe jambs.
Secure studs to frame anchors with sheet metal screws or by spot welds. Provide runner
channels at midpoint height of exterior studs placed horizontally continuously, let
through holes in stud and secured at each number.

E. Screw-attach section of track with web bent at each end to jamb studs over
doorframe openings. Install jack studs as required.

F Except for blocking required for all mechanical and electrical work provide support
blocking for shelves or other relatively lightweight fixtures, accessories or devices
consisting of 50mm x 100mm and 50mm x 150mm preservative treated wood members
running horizontally between two adjacent studs. Horizontal wood blocking shall be
screwed to web of each stud with not less than two screws. Locations, both horizontally
and vertically, of each piece of wood blocking shall be recorded so blocking may be
easily found later after the wallboard is in place. Exceptionally lightweight items may be
fastened with molly bolts or similar devise set through the finished wallboard.
Determination of allowable load on each type of support shall be in accordance with
manufacturers recommendations. Wood blocking may be substituted using minimum
16 gauge metal plates between studs as approved by the Engineer in widths and lengths
required for conditions. Coordinate with trades requiring blocking, such as toilet
accessories, metal partitions, casework, millwork and the like.

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A. Do not commence installation until the building is closed-in and interior temperatures
can be maintained uniformly above 55 Deg.F. (13 Deg.C) during this work and until
completion of the building.

B. Installation shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturers written specifications,

and in accordance with approved details and requirements specified below.

C. Cut and position board accurately. Extend the board full-height to structure above and
cut to conform to all irregularities. Bring all joint edges together but do not force into
place. Position all end joints over framing members. Minimize gaps between adjacent
panels to avoid ridging.

D. Minimize the number of end joints by using maximum practical lengths with proper
positioning. Wallboard shall be installed vertically. Ceiling boards shall run
perpendicular to furring members. All joints shall occur over framing members.

E Stagger joints so that they occur on different framing members and are not directly
opposite one another on any stud. Avoid joining plaster base at corners of doors,
window frames and other openings, except where control joints are indicated.

F. Provide openings indicated and install all access panels furnished under other Sections
for wall construction.

G. Center and secure joint reinforcement mesh using 8mm non-corrosive staples over all
joints and interior angles. Use Imperial mix filled over joints 150mm wide prior to
setting mesh. Position staples approximately 600mm on centers in each wing and
directly opposite one another at either end. After the first staples are placed at the end of
a joint or angle, keep tension on unstapled mesh as stapling proceeds to assure that mesh
will lie flat against the mix and plaster base board.

H. Provide corner beads on all external vertical and horizontal corners. Corner beads shall
be single lengths where length of corner or jamb does not exceed standard stock lengths.
Fasten securely at 300mm centers splay wings as required.

I. Install casing beads, accessories, and special accessories wherever board abuts non-
gypsum material. Secure same as corner bead. Use casing beads back-to-back for
expansion joint detailing. Make tight to abutting material.


A. Protect all other work against damage while carrying out this Section of the works.

B. Upon completion of all work, remove all rubbish debris, scaffolding, and tools from the
work and leave the premises broom clean, and to the Engineers satisfaction.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Gypsum Board Wall 09250 / 6 - 6



A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances, and materials and performing all operation in connection with ceramic tiles

B. The principal work of this section includes, but may not be limited to the followings:

1. Non-glazed (Non-slip) Ceramic floor tiles

2. Glazed Ceramic wall tiles
3. Ceramic Coved skirting
4. Ceramic Tile accessories
5. Mortar, Grout, Adhesive etc.


1. Section 03500: Screed and Lightweight Concrete

2. Section 07110: Sheet Membrane Waterproofing
3. Section 07140: Fluid Applied Waterproofing
4. Section 07920: Sealant
5. Section 09200: Plaster
6. Section 10800: Toilet Accessories
7. Section 15400: Plumbing fixture


A. Except as modified by the Contract Document comply with the applicable provisions
and recommendations of Handbook of Ceramic Tile Installation from Tile Council of
America and Recommended Standard Specifications for Ceramic Tile TCA-137.1 or BS
1281, 1286, 5385 and BS CP202.

B. Obtain each material required for any one type and colour of the work from a single
sources, so as to minimize variation in appearance and quality.

C. American National Institute:

1. ANSI A108 Installation of Ceramic Tile

2. ANSI A118 Standard Specifications for Mortar
3. ANSI A136.1 Organic Adhesives for Installation of Ceramic Tile

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Military Engineering Projects Ceramic Tiles 09310 / 1 - 8
4. ANSI A137.1 Ceramic Tile

D. Tile Council of America:

1. TCA handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation


A. The tile work shall be executed by a firm having a minimum of five (5) years experience
in the installation of materials specified herein on projects comparable to this project.


A. Manufacturers Data:

For each product or material used, submit manufacturers product data, including
installation instructions, use, limitations, and recommendation. Provide certification
stating that materials comply with requirements.

B. Samples:

Submit the following duplicate samples: For each tile type, submit samples of four tiles,
each mounted on rigid panels board. Board shall include grouted joints. Engineers
acceptance shall be for colour, pattern, texture, and joint width only. Compliance with
other requirements is the responsibility of the Contractor.

C. Shop Drawings:

Provide shop drawings for installation and erection of all parts of the work. Indicate Tile
Layout, Patterns, colour arrangement, Perimeter conditions, Junctions with dissimilar
material, Control and expansion joints, Threshold, Ceramic accessories, and setting

Take measurements in the field and verify all dimensions before submitting Shop


A. Construct 3m long and 3m wide (or as instructed by the Engineer) with all floor and wall
layers, finish grout and specified accessories. Accepted Mockup may remain as part of


A. Deliver, store, and handle materials and products in a manner to prevent damage.
Replace damaged items with no change in Contract price.

B. Deliver materials and products in unopened factory labeled packages indicating the
name, brand, type, class, size, and colour.

C. Store and handle in strict compliance with manufacturers instruction of the work.

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Military Engineering Projects Ceramic Tiles 09310 / 2 - 8
D. Sequence deliveries to avoid project delays and to permit proper co-ordination of the


A. Completely co-ordinate the work specified in this Section with all other work. Verify
field dimensions and condition of work, which adjoins materials of this Section, and
notify the Engineer of deviations from the Contract documents before proceeding with
the work specified in this Section.


A. Method of installation of ceramic tile shall be in strict accordance with manufacturers




A. Products and manufacturers hereinafter are specified for the purposes of establishing
minimum quality standards. Products which are equal to, or better than, those specified
ad which conform to the Engineers design requirements and colour selection, may be
acceptable subject to the Engineers approval.


A. Ceramic tiles and skirting shall be of types and sizes shown on drawings and of colours
as selected by the Engineer.

B. Use stair treads with projecting nosing and non-slip strip.

C. Stair risers shall be as shown on drawings.

D. Unless otherwise specified, use glazed tiles for walls and unglazed tiles for floors.

E. Manufacturers: -

1. American Olean Tiles -USA

2. Agrob-Buchtal GMBH- Germany

3. Gail - Germany

4. ArteCaza Local Agent Hasan Abul

5. Or no less than equal approved.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Ceramic Tiles 09310 / 3 - 8

A. Metal Edge Strip: Shape, metal finish and anchorage system where applicable.

B. Trim Shapes: Shapes as shown for typical conditions and as required making a complete
installation at all conditions. Match types, class, colour and edge of adjoining field units
and co-ordinate sizes with field units.


A. Portland Cement: ASTM C150 Type I, white where required.

B. Pigments: Pure mineral pigments, resistant to alkalis, non-fading and weatherproof,

colour as required and approved by the Engineer.

C. Water: Clear and without deleterious substances, which would impair the work.

D. Sand: ASTM C144.


A. Latex Mortar Setting Beds: One 1) part Portland cement with three (3) parts sand mixed
dry and then additive No.3701 (Laticrete International) or other equal and approved to
bring the cement setting bed to the proper consistency for placing. Amount of gauging
liquid required and the consistency of cement setting bed for using a dry tamp method
shall be as recommended by the manufacturer of the liquid latex additive.

B. Liquid Latex Mortar (Thin Set): Laticrete 4237 Liquid as manufactured by Laticrete
International and Portland Cement or other equal and approved, mixed in a ratio of 2.25
Kg. Portland cement to 1 litre 4237 liquid unless otherwise recommended by liquid
latex manufacturer. Addition of find sand to cement shall be only as necessary for
filling rough surfaces and as recommended by the liquid latex manufacturer.

1. Use of the above is required for all thin set applications and as slurry bond coats at
mortar and bed applications.

C. Grout for Non-Vitreous Tiles: Colour as shown or as required.

D. Grout for Vitreous Tiles: Colour as shown or required.

E. Tile Adhesive: Water resistant ceramic tiles adhesive complying with ANSI A 136.1 and
as recommended by the tile manufacturer to suit the type of application.

F. Chemical Resistant Tile Grout: As recommended by the manufacturer and approved by

the Engineer.


A. Sealant for tiles shall be based on silicone type recommended for tile work as
manufactured by Dow Chemical, General Electric, or other equal and approved. Colour
to match adjoining tile colour.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Ceramic Tiles 09310 / 4 - 8


A. Thoroughly examine all surfaces to receive work of this Section, and notify Engineer in
writing of all conditions, which would adversely affect this work. Do not commence
work in any area where such notice of adverse conditions has been sent to the Engineer,
until corrective work has been completed or waived.

B. Starting of work in any area without issuance of such notice should constitute
acceptance of conditions in the area by this applicator who shall from that time be
responsible for the satisfactory results or his work and any defects occurring thereafter
shall be corrected without additional charges to the Engineer.

C. Allow slabs to dry adequately before applying materials. At the direction of Engineer,
perform simple calcium-chloride test to ensure concrete surfaces are free of contained

D. Fill all cracks in sub-surfaces using approved crack-filler in accordance with

manufacturers printed instructions. Clean sub floors of all remaining dirt and loose
particles before application of flooring materials.

E. Allowable Variations in Substrate Levels:

1. Mortar Set Floor: 1/500 distance and 9mm total maximum variation from levels

2. Mortar Set Walls and Ceilings: 1/400 distance and 6mm total maximum variation
from planes shown.

F. Thin-Set Work: Same as allowable variation in finished work.


A. Etch substrate with 10% solution of muriatic acid as may be required to remove curing
compounds or other substances that would interfere with proper bond of specified mortar
for tiles. Rinse with water to remove all traces of acid.

B. Seal substrate with sealer as recommended by manufacturer.


A. Standards: Unless otherwise shown or specified comply with applicable requirements of

ANSI A 108.1 through A108.6, ANSI 137.1 and recommendations of TCA, Handbook
for Ceramic Tile Installation.

B. Manufacturers Instructions: Comply with the manufacturers instructions for the

installation of each material required.

C. The tile applicator shall install all tiles using lighting conditions that will represent the
proposed lighting required in the areas involved. This requirement will be insisted upon
in order to achieve uniformity in laying out tiles.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Ceramic Tiles 09310 / 5 - 8
D. Tile shall be applied to full wall areas where mirrors and surface mounted accessories
are to be installed.

E. Surfaces to receive tile finish shall be clean and free of all foreign matter detrimental to
the bond.

F. Room temperatures at areas in which tiles materials are being installed shall be
maintained at not less than 4 Deg. F. (5 Deg. C) for a period of twenty-four hours prior
to commencement of work, during work, and afterwards until completion of
construction. Areas in which tile work is being done shall be closed to traffic until the
installation has set.

G. As far as possible, layout work so that no tile less than half size occurs. Align joints in
floor tile at right angles to each other and straight with walls to conform to patterns
selected. Verify locations of accessories before installing tile. Coordinate with plumbing
and other trades.

H. Allowable Variation in Finished Work: Do not exceed the following deviations from
level and plumb and from elevations, locations, slopes and alignments shown:

1. Floors: 1/100 run, any direction; +/- 3mm at any location; 0.8 mm offset at any

2. Walls: 1/800 run, any direction; +/- 3mm at any location; 0.8 mm offset at any

3. Joints: +/-0.8mm joint with variation at any location; 1/600 run for deviation from
plumb and true; and for other variations in alignment of joints.

I. Lay out tile work in pattern shown using field tile and trim shapes as shown. Center tile
fields both directions in each space on each wall area and adjust to minimize tile cutting.
Use uniform joint widths for ceramic tile unless otherwise shown or approved. Cut field
tile, not trim shapes, unless otherwise shown.

J. Extend tile work into recesses and under equipment and fixtures in the spaces shown or
scheduled to receive tiles. Form a complete covering without interruptions except for
control and expansion joints as shown and as required to comply with requirements.
Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges, and corners without disruption of pattern
or joint alignments.

K. Liquid Latex Mortar Thin-Set Installation: Use liquid latex mortar for thin-set tile work,
unless otherwise shown or required.

L. Adhesive Installation: Use appropriate adhesive for setting tiles where adhesive
installation is required.

M. Non-Slip Tiles Installation: Use non-slip tiles in areas shown as Non-Slip. Install as
specified for normal ceramic tiles of the same type and class.

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Military Engineering Projects Ceramic Tiles 09310 / 6 - 8
N. Metal Edge Strip Installation: Installation a continuous stainless steel edge strip
adequately anchored into the substrate; as follows:

1. Where shown.

2. Where exposed edge of ceramic tile flooring meets carpet or other soft floor

O. Provide control joints or expansion joints where shown, or required by ANSI or TCA
standard or by job condition for proper workmanship. Install removable divider strip of
proper width and depth of the tile and setting bed. Remove strips after grouting tiles and
properly curing the work. Install joint fillers and sealant, in control joints and expansion
joints, of type as recommended by the tiling manufacturer.


A. Do not commence grouting for at least 24-hours after placing of tile. Follow specific
instructions of listed standards. Mix and apply in strict accordance with manufacturers

B. Grout wall and floor tiles with indicated grout mixed to a workable stiff consistency in
accordance with manufacturers directions.

C. Force maximum grout into joints with trowel or squeegee. Before grout sets, strike or
tool joints to base of cushion and fill all skips and gaps. Do not permit setting bed
materials to show through grouted joints. Cure grout joints by maintaining damp


A. Apply silicone sealant in joints where ceramic tile terminates at thresholds, floor drains,
control joints in walls and other areas indicated. Co-ordinate with trades affecting these

B. Application of sealant shall conform to applicable requirements set forth under Sealant
and Caulking Section. Requirements therein shall become a part of the work under this
Section as though written out in full herein.


A. After tile has thoroughly set, sponge and wash tile thoroughly and diagonally across
joints. Remove all surface cement and take care not to damage tile or adjacent materials.
Do not use acid cleaners. Finally, clean all tiles using dry cloths.

B. Remove from the site and legally dispose of at the end of each day, all cartons, rubbish
and debris resulting from the work of this Section.

C. Protect tiles after cleaning with non-staining heavy Kraft paper or other approved
coverage until acceptance of the building.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Ceramic Tiles 09310 / 7 - 8

A. Upon completion of all work specified herein, the Contractor shall furnish to the
Owners Representative, literature on the Care of Ceramic and Quarry Tiles for future
maintenance use.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Ceramic Tiles 09310 / 8 - 8



A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances and materials and performing all operations in connection with Precast
terrazzo tiles.


Section 03300 Cast-in-place Concrete

Section 07920 Sealant
Section 09310 - Ceramic Tiles.


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with
applicable provisions and recommendations of the following:

1. NTMA - Terrazzo Specifications, Details and Technical Data.


A. The terrazzo work shall be performed by a firm having 5 years experience in the
installation of materials specified herein on projects comparable to this Project.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit manufacturers specifications and installation instructions

for each material, to show compliance with the Contract Documents.

B. Samples: Submit samples of each of the following items:

1. Tiles: 3 No. 30 cm x 30 cm.

Base: 3 No. 30 cm long

Sample submittal shall be for colour, pattern and texture only.

C. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing large scale details of layout, jointing
and edge conditions, and showing plans for layout of work. Include details of anchorage
and other special features required.


A. Deliver materials in manufacturers unopened containers fully identified with trade

name, grade and colour.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Precast Terrazzo 09420 / 1 - 6
B. Store materials above grade, protected from the weather, soiling or damage from any
source. Store in accordance with manufacturers instructions.


A. Completely co-ordinate the work specified in this Section with all other work. Verify
field dimensions and condition of work, which adjoins materials of this Section, and
notify the Engineer of deviations from the Contract Documents before proceeding with
the work specified in this Section.

B. Commence work of this Section only after work of other Sections, to be covered by
terrazzo tiles, has been installed.



A. Floor Tiles and base shall be to sizes indicated on drawings.

B. Precast Steps: One-piece full width of stair incorporating tread and riser size to suit step.

C. Manufacturer:

1. National Industries, Kuwait

2. Arab building materials Co., Kuwait
3. Terrazzo Ltd, Sharjah, U.A.E
4. Or no less than equal approved quality

D. Face section of terrazzo units shall consist of Portland Cement conforming to ASTM C-
150 Type I, nonstaining white marble chips, selected natural aggregate (clean and free of
all impurities), and background cement and colours. Aggregate proportion shall be not
less than 70% selected aggregate and 30% matrix. No aggregate with a value below Ha
10 as tested for abrasion resistance (ASTM C-241) shall be used.

E. Back or underlaying section of terrazzo units shall consist of Portland Cement and
coarse sand. Back section shall have a cement/sand ratio of 1:3.

F. Terrazzo units shall be compressed to produce the exact size as per drawings with
square, flush edges. Compressive strength shall be minimum of 280 Kg/cm2 when tested
in accordance with ASTM C-150 after curing for one day in moist air and 6 days in

G. Marble chips shall be natural sound marble chips without flats or flakes of sizes and
colours necessary to match sample.

H. Cement, Sand and Water shall be as specified in Clause 2.02.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Precast Terrazzo 09420 / 2 - 6

A. Cement: shall be standard brand of Portland Cement, conforming to current ASTM C-

150, Type I.

B. Sand: shall be clean, sharp, durable bank sand, free from silt, loam, clay, soluble salts
and/or vegetable matter, conforming to ASTM C-144 and graded fine-to-coarse within
the following limits: 100% passing No. 8 sieve, 90% to 100% passing No. 16 sieve, 60%
to 90% passing No. 30 sieve 25% to 55% passing No. 50 sieve and 0 to 15% passing No.
100 sieve.

C. Water: shall be clean, free from oils, acids, alkalis, organic and other injurious matter.

D. Waterproofing additive: Liquid latex additive No. 3701 (Laticrete International) for
external painting.


A. Metal Divider Strips: shall be of white metal zinc alloy, 3mm thick top angle shape
approved by the Engineer. Overall depth shall suit conditions of the job.

B. Cleaning Solution: shall be a specially prepared neutral chemical terrazzo cleaner that
will not change colour of terrazzo or damage it in any way.

C. Terrazzo Sealing Compound: shall be penetrating type, free from harmful alkali or acid
content. Sealer shall be specially prepared for the terrazzo trade. Compound shall not
yellow terrazzo or leave tacky finish on surface after buffing.


A. Mix bedding mortar in accordance with Tile Council of America Specifications for
Conventional Cement Mortar and ANSI A108.1, 1976.

B. Mortar bed mix shall be one part Portland Cement, 6 parts damp sand and upto 1/10 part
hydrated lime by volume.

C. When mixed with water, the mortar shall be of such consistency and workability to
allow maximum compaction during tamping of mortar bed.

D. Grout shall be inorganic Portland Cement dry curing grout, ready to use with addition of
water. Colour of grout shall be selected by the Engineer.



A. Thoroughly examine all surfaces to receive work of this Section, and notify Engineer in
writing of all conditions, which would adversely affect this work. Do not commence
work in any area where such notice of adverse conditions has been sent to the Engineer,
until corrective work has been completed or waived.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Precast Terrazzo 09420 / 3 - 6
B. Starting of work in any area without issuance of such notice should constitute
acceptance of conditions in the area by this applicator who shall from that time be
responsible for the satisfactory results of his work and any defects occurring thereafter
shall be corrected without additional charge to the Engineer.

C. Allow surfaces to dry adequately before applying materials.

D. Fill all cracks in sub-surfaces using approved crack-filler in accordance with

manufacturers printed instructions. Clean subfloors of all remaining dirt and loose
particles before application of flooring materials.

E. Underlayment used to correct floor slabs with surfaces not constructed to specified
tolerances shall be carried out in a manner approved by the Engineer. However, small
dips and minor imperfections on the floor surface shall be corrected using specified latex
levelling mortar as part of the work under this Section.

F. Allowable Variations in Substrate Levels:

1. Mortar Set Floors: 1/500 distance and 9 mm total maximum variation from
Levels shown.


A. Etch substrate with 10% solution of muriatic acid as may be required to remove curing
compounds or other substances that would interfere with proper bond of specified mortar
for tiles. Rinse with water to remove all traces of acid.

B. Seal substrate with sealer as recommended by manufacturer of mortar.


A. Manufacturers Instructions: Comply with the manufacturers instructions for the

installation of each material required.

B. Surfaces to receive tile finish shall be clean and free of all foreign matter detrimental to
the bond.

C. Room temperatures at areas in which tile materials are being installed shall be
maintained at not less than 4 deg. F. (5 Deg. C) for a period of twenty-four hours prior to
commencement of work, during work, and afterwards until completion of construction.
Areas in which tile work is being done shall be closed to traffic until the installation has

D. As far as possible, layout work so that no tile less than half size occurs. Align joints in
floor tiles at right angles to each other and straight with walls to conform to patterns
selected. Verify locations of accessories before installing tile. Coordinate with plumbing
and other trades.

E. Allowable Variations in Finished Work: Do not exceed the following deviations from
level and plumb and from elevations, locations, slopes and alignments shown:

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Precast Terrazzo 09420 / 4 - 6
1. Floors: 1/1000 run, any directions; +/- 3 mm at any location; 0.8mm offset
at any location.

2. Joints: +/- 0.8mm joint with variation at any location; 1/800 run for deviation from
plumb and true; and for other variations in alignment of joints.

F. Extend tile work into recesses and under equipment and fixtures in the spaces shown or
scheduled to receive tiles. Form a complete covering without interruptions except for
control and expansion joints as shown and as required to comply with requirements.
Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges and corners without disruption of pattern
or joint alignments.


A. Mix and apply mortar bed in accordance with Tile Council of America Specifications for
conventional Cement Mortar and ANSI A108.1. When mixed with water the mortar mix
shall be of such consistency or workability as to promote maximum density, determined
by stroking of mortar surface with a trowel. When of correct consistency, the trowelled
surface readily assumes a smooth, slickened appearance. Screed and tap mortar bed
firmly. Mortar beds shall be in thickness required, determined by the depression. Any
required pitch, which is not already in the slab, must be provided in the mortar bed.

B. While the mortar bed is still fresh but stiff enough to set tile, set tile as follows:

Trowel or brush a thin layer 1 mm to 1.5 mm in thickness, of neat Portland Cement paste
over the bed and/or the back of tile. A thin layer of dry Portland cement 1 mm. to 1.5
mm. thick over the setting bed worked lightly with a trowel may be permitted. These
areas (mortar bed and cement paste) shall be limited to what can be covered with tile
before the mortar bed sets. Tile shall be pressed firmly into the bed, tamping with wood
blocks to obtain smooth surface. All tiles shall be aligned properly with straight joints in
even widths. Tamping shall be completed within one hour after placing tile. Adjusting
work out of line shall be done within the one-hour period. Refer to drawings for location
of expansion joints. All such joints shall be clear of grout to receive sealant.


A. Cut through setting beds at perimeter joints and at projections through the floor. Install
neoprene or butyl rubber strip (Shore A Hardness 70) full depth of setting bed. Caulking
of joint with approved pouring grade sealant will be done under Sealants Section.

B. Provide control joints where floor tiles meet restraining surfaces such as perimeter walls,
cove bases, curbs, columns, pipes, etc. Control joints shall not exceed 10 meters c.c.
each way in floors, located as directed by Engineer. Form control joints in neat, straight
lines. Cut tile cleanly and to accurate radius at exposed junctions with pipes, etc. Tile
control joints shall be same width as grouted joints, but not less than 6 mm.

C. Fill control joints that will be exposed in the finished work to full depth of setting beds
from sub-surface to rear face of tile, with control joint backing. Keep remaining void
clear of grout and debris. After completion of grouting operations, control joint sealant
of colour to match adjoining grout will be applied under Sealants Section.

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Military Engineering Projects Precast Terrazzo 09420 / 5 - 6

Install white alloy or zinc divider strips adequately anchored into the substrate; as follows: -

1. At 2 M centres in both directions.

2. Between terrazzo tiles and dissimilar floor finish where thresholds do not occur.
Where divider strips are located across door openings, locate strip on the door side,
in line with the edge of doorstop, terminating at the rebate.


Do not commence grouting for at least 24 hours after placing of tiles. Follow specific
instructions of listed standards and apply in strict accordance with manufacturers


A. Cleaning: After tile has thoroughly set, sponge and wash tile thoroughly and diagonally
across joints. Remove all surface cement and take care not to damage tile or adjacent
materials. Do not use acid cleaners.

B. Sealing: As soon as terrazzo surfaces are thoroughly dry, apply sealer. The sealing shall
be done in strict accordance with manufacturers directions, leaving a polished surface
approved by the Engineer.


A. Protect tiles after cleaning and sealing with non-staining heavy Kraft paper or other
approved coverage. Replace torn or worn papers until acceptance of the building.
B. Remove from the site and legally dispose of at the end of each day, all cartons, rubbish
and debris resulting from the work of this Section.


A. Upon completion of all work specified herein, the Contractor shall furnish to the
Owners representative, literature on the Care of Terrazzo for future maintenance use.


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Military Engineering Projects Precast Terrazzo 09420 / 6 - 6



A. Provide Stone/Marble/Granite cladding/facing work in accordance with the Contract


B. The principal work of this Section mainly includes, but may not be limited to the

1. Stone/Marble/Granite cladding to walls, columns and beams etc. (Mechanical

Fixation as per requirement of the contract)

2. Cladding, Framing and Lining etc. (Semi-Mechanical fixation as per requirement of

the contract)


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, complies

with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following standards and
references, but not limited to:

1. National Building Granite/Stone Quarries Association Inc.

2. Marble Institute of America.

3. ASTM C97 Tests Methods for absorption and bulk specific gravity
of natural building Stone.

4. ASTM C99 Test Method for models of rupture of natural building


5. ASTM C119 Definitions of terms relating to natural building Stone.

6. ASTM A123 Zinc (not-galvanized) coatings on products fabricated

from rolled, pressed, and forged steel shapes, plates,
bars, and strip.

7. ASTM A153-82 Zinc coating (not dip) on iron and steel


8. ASTM A167-82 Stainless and heat resisting chromium nickel

steel plate, sheet, and strip.

9. ASTM C176 Specification for stainless and heat resisting

chromium steel-plate, sheet and strip.
10. ASTM C24 Test method for compressive strength of natural
building Stone.

Ministry of Defence Stone (including Marble/Granite)

Military Engineering Projects Cladding 09450 / 1 - 9
11. ASTM C24 Test method for abrasion resistance of Stone
subject to foot traffic.

12. ASTM A386-78 Zinc coating (hot dip) on assembled steel


13. ASTM A480/ General requirements for flat rolled stainless and
A480M-83A heat-resisting steel plate, sheet and strip.

14. ASTMC503-79 Exterior building Stone.


A. Fabricator: A firm with a minimum of 5 years successful experience in the

fabrication of Stone-work units of similar sizes, shapes and finishes to the units
required for this Project and which has ample production facilities to produce, furnish
and supply the units as required for installation without delay to the work.

B. Erector: A firm with a minimum of 5 years experience in the successful erection of

Stone work units of similar sizes and shapes and of similar quantities to the units
required for this project.

C. The work in this Section shall be executed by an approved specialist Sub-Contractor.


A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of Stone work for approval, and obtain approval
prior to fabrication of stone.

1. Shop drawings shall indicate and show the following:

a. Showing in detail the layout, jointing, dimensions sizes and locations of cutouts,
adjoining work etc. Each piece on the shop drawings shall correspond to the
identification number on the back of each Stone. Coordinate all components
which are specified elsewhere (flashing, insulation, sealant) which comprise the
system into this submittal. Coordinate shop drawings with all related trades.

b. Indicate materials, sizes, shapes, and thickness including dimensions of each

panel, finishes and fabrication tolerances.

c. Details of setting and anchorage system including type, size, weight, gauge or
diameter of anchors and supports, materials identification and installation
methods for anchors, fasteners, clips, dowels and supports. Provide detail of steel
back-up support over masonry wall surface.

d. Erection method and other relevant information.

e. Jointing clearances and clearances between the units and the structural building

f. Joints and connections to the work of other trade; locations of items required by
work of other trade, coordinated with the work of this section.

Ministry of Defence Stone (including Marble/Granite)

Military Engineering Projects Cladding 09450 / 2 - 9
B. Samples: Submit to the Engineer 600 x 600mm sample of Stone work required, showing
the full range of color and texture expected in the finished work; color and texture range.
Engineers review and approval of samples shall be for color, texture, and pattern only.
Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor.
Provide also 400 x 400mm Stone sample panels with central cross joint to show sealant
materials for the Engineers review and selection off jointing materials.

C. Manufacturers Literature: Submit manufacturers data sheet or equivalent printed

literature indicating product information correlated to specified requirements.

D. Test Reports and Calculations

1. Submit reports of testing and inspection of anchor plugs and fasteners. Provide
manufacturers certification stating that these inserts are appropriate for the intended

2. Submit calculations, certified by a licensed professional Engineer for structural

adequacy of Stones and anchorage system.

3. Submit reports of Stone panel testing.

E. Certification: After review of samples by the Engineer and prior to fabrication certify in
writing and submit any additional evidence required indicating that a sufficient quantity
of materials within the range of approved materials are available from a single quarry,
for each specified or approved Stone to satisfy the total requirements of the Project.


A. Design, fabricate and install the Stone work and anchorage systems to support the
gravity loads and to withstand the inward and outward pressures normal to the wall
plane as per the Wind Pressure Diagrams based on local regulation.

B. Stone breakage, anchorage failure, or displacement, either from the Stone or from the
support system, shall not occur under loading equal to 2.5 times the design load
pressures, positive and negative as given by the Engineer.

C. Maintenance Instructions: Submit to the Engineer recommended cleaning and

maintenance instructions for the Stone materials being provided.

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A. Stone Testing Program: Initial testing of specified Stone will be performed prior to all
other testing programs.

1. Provide samples of sizes and shapes of Stone as required for the following tests:

Physical Property Test Method No. of Tests

a. Compressive Strength ASTM C1170 2

b. Modules of Rupture ASTM C99
Tested Dry 4
Tested Wet 4
c. Flexure Bending ASTM C880
Tested Dry 4
Tested Wet 4
d. Density ASTM C97 2
e. Absorption (% by weight) ASTM C97 2

2. Above samples shall be taken at random locations from areas, which will be quarried
for the Project. Do not take all the samples from a single block. Identify and transmit
a record of the samples and quarry locations from which they were taken.

3. Based on the properties of Stone as determined by the above test program, the
Engineer may revise the design safety factor as specified.

B. Stone Panel Tests: In a certified testing laboratory acceptable to the Engineer, test three
full sized Stone panels and their anchors under gravity loads and uniform loads in
49 kg. Per sq. meter increments. Stone panels and anchors shall be representative of
the sizes and shapes as proposed for the installation.

1. Test the assembly to failure and record the test pressure at failure. Also record the
type of failure, anchor pullout, or Stone breakage, whether pressure was positive or
negative and any other pertinent information.

2. Prior to testing, submit for acceptance a description of the test assembly (including
pertinent data on materials), test apparatus, and procedures.

C. Welding: Provide visual inspection for 100% of welds, reporting on defects and
measures taken to correct those defects.


A. Following approval of sample slabs construct mock up as follows:

1. Wall Facing: Assembled to simulate final conditions, direction of grinning, and

indicating joint conditions, use of spacers, shims, anchorage, relieving anchors,
supports and all other features of the final work. Erect a full wall pattern as per the
approved shop drawing in place selected and agreed by the Engineer, adequately
reinforced and braced to sustain the imposed loads, build in all items of anchorage
and support. Maintain sample installation during construction as a standard for the
acceptability of work. Sample may be retained as a portion of the completed work.

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2. Provide mock-up for any other Stone work as shown on the drawings or as required
by the Engineer.


A. Carefully pack and load Stone for shipment and take necessary precautions against
damage in transit. Deliver Stone to project site using protection and handling equipment,
which will ensure that there will be no leakage, chipping, soiling, staining, discoloration,
warpage, or other damage. Store above grade on wood dunnage or other suitable
surfaces using polyethylene film to separate Stone from wood or other supporting or
protecting members. Protect from weather, soiling, and damage of every kind.

B. Deliver other materials, except bulk materials, to project site in manufacturers

unopened containers with name, brand, type, grade, and color fully indicated thereon.
Store bulk materials as required avoiding any deleterious effects of weather, soiling, or

C. Any cost arising from breakage of Stone during shipment, handling and installation shall
be borne by the Contractor.



A. Stone:

1. General: Stone shall be sound and free from defects, which would impair strength,
durability, or appearance. Each species of Stone shall be provided from a single
quarry. Quarries and fabrication plants shall be available for inspection by the

2. Stone Type: All Stone shall be of soundness (hardness and density) texture, graining,
color, tone and range matching the sample approved by the Engineer. See Drawings
and BOQ for requirement of Stone/Marble/Granite including types, sizes, thickness

B. White Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I, non-staining in accordance with

the definition and test requirements of ASTM C91.

C. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207, Type S.

D. Sand: Pure silica sand.

E. Shrinkage Reducing Accelerator: Sika Set: (Sika Corp.) or equal.

F. Mineral Coloring Admixture: Finally ground, synthetic, lime-proof, non-fading mineral

oxides having purity of 98% maximum 5% of cement by weight.

G. Water: Clear and free of deleterious material.

H. Anchorage Devices, Supports & Accessories for Mechanical fixation:

Ministry of Defence Stone (including Marble/Granite)

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1. Anchors, dowels, cramps, pins, plugs, angles, wire, ties, inserts, nuts, bolts and
washers in contact with stone shall be fabricated from Hot-dip Galvanized Steel.
Type, size, and thickness shall be indicated and as required to sustain imposed loads.
Wire shall be Stainless Steel 8 gauge.

2. Devices Embedded in Concrete or Masonry: Wedge inserts with tee-shaped wedge-

action slot, with asked head bolt, washer and nut; dovetail anchor slots of size to
receive specified anchor, filled with waterproof filler and open face sealed;
adjustable insert with square nut sliding in integral track, malleable iron castings or
steel fabrications, thickness as required to sustain imposed loads. All steel anchors
shall be supported over the concrete structure. Over the masonry surface steel back-
up support (Steel channels, guides etc) shall be provided and fixed with anchors
securely between the concrete beams (top and bottom) in order to transfer the
supporting load/impact directly over the concrete structure. Direct support over the
masonry surface will not be allowed.

I. Hot-Dip galvanizing:

1. ASTM A153 for galvanizing iron and steel hardware.

2. ASTM A123 for galvanizing rolled, pressed, and forged steel shapes, plates, bars and
strip 3mm thick and heavier.

3. ASTM A386 for galvanizing assembled steel products.

J. Dielectric Separator: Bituminous paint, Bitumen-50 (Koppers Co. Inc) or Jennite J-

16) Maintenance Coatings Co.)

K. Cushions: Clear plastic and 50 Durometer neoprene 25 x 25mm by thickness as required.

L. Reinforcing Mesh: Where required shall be 50x50mm by 16/16 gauge welded

galvanized reinforcing mesh, ASTM A185

M. Sealant: As specified in Section SEALANT.

N. Joint Filler: Neoprene joint filler for non-traffic vertical or horizontal joints shall be
closed cell, nitrogen blown, sponge neoprene, having a water absorption of not over 5%,
a density of 18 to 28 pounds and conforming to ASTM D1056, Class SC, Grade SCE43.

O. Waterproofing Additive to setting Bed: Liquid Latex additive No.3701 (Laticrete


P. Tile Adhesive: Epoxy adhesive complying with ANSI A 136.1 and as recommended by
the Stone supplier.

Q. Divider Strips: Complying with ASTM A167-82 size as shown and finish as approved
by the Engineer.

R. Structural Steel Shapes: Complying with ASTM A36, hot dip galvanized after
fabrication where shown.

S. Non-shrink anchor Grout: Nonshrink, nonstaining, nonmetalic high strength epoxy grout
shall be of Sikadur Hi-Mod by Sika Chemical corporation Inc.or approved equal.
Ministry of Defence Stone (including Marble/Granite)
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A. Accurately cut, dress, drill, fit and finish Stone-work to shapes and dimensions shown on
Drawing and approved shop-drawings. Make expose plane surfaces true in line and
exposed curved surfaces true in radius. Thickness of Stone shown is minimum. Any
deviation below these minimums will cause rejection and replacement of those Stone

B. Design Responsibility: The requirements shown by the Contract Drawings and details
are intended to establish basic dimensions of units or modules, profiles and sight lines.
Within these limitations the contractor is responsible for the implementation of the
design intent of the entire system and make whatever modifications of, and additions to,
the details as may be required to fulfil the performance requirements. Maintain the visual
design concept as shown, including sizes, profiles, and alignment of components.

C. The Contractor shall supplement the general design shown with more detailed shop
drawing. Shop drawings shall include major aspects of the system proposed, such as
sections, shapes, show how temperature movement is handled, joint connections,
anchorage to building, and moisture weeping system.



A. Prior to installation examine surfaces to receive Stone and do not proceed until any
defects detrimental to the finished work are corrected, including moisture protection,
structural supports, provisions for expansion, or any other condition, which might affect
the finished work in appearance, water tightness or integrity of the completed

B. Verify all measurements and dimensions, coordinate the installation of inserts for this
work and coordinate and schedule this work with the work of other trades.Give
particular attention to the location and size of cutouts required accommodating
mechanical, electrical, and other work of adjoining construction, in accordance with the
reviewed shop drawings for such trade.

C. Co-ordinate shop drawings of items or assemblies related to the support or anchorage of

Stone-work, including requirements for clearances for proper installation.


A. Semi-Mechanical Fix:

Semi-Mechanical Fixation with Mortar backing.

1. Stone setting, anchoring, and pointing shall be in accordance with applicable

requirements of specifications of the Marble Institute of American unless otherwise
specified or shown.

2. Set stone in accordance with approved shop drawings, level, plumb, square and true
with uniform joints, accurately aligned with grain running in the direction shown.
Match work to visual mock-up.
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3. The quality of field cutting shall be the same as for shop cutting.

4. Provide dowels anchors ties and wires etc. in sufficient quantity to eliminate rattle
or loose pieces and to ensure a rigid installation. Extent of anchorage and wires etc.
and installation details for semi-mechanical fixation shall be shown in shop drawings
for Engineers review and approval.

B. Mechanical Fix:

1. Stone setting, anchoring, and pointing shall be in accordance with applicable

requirements of specifications of the Marble Institute of American unless otherwise
specified or shown.

2. Set Stone in accordance with approved shop drawings, level, plumb, square and true
with uniform joints, accurately aligned with grain running in the direction shown.
Match work to visual mock-up.

3. After all adjustment have been made to Stone work anchorage devices; weld
adjustable supports so as to prevent future displacement or movement. All welds will
be subjected to visual inspection.

4. The quality of field cutting shall be the same as for shop cutting.

5. Provide dowels, anchors and ties in sufficient quantity to eliminate rattle or loose
pieces and to ensure a rigid installation. Extent of anchorage and installation details
shown is intended to indicate minimum requirements. In general, a minimum of one
anchor per 0.18 sq. meter of area is required, with additional anchorage provided
where necessitated by size, thickness, setting of shape.

6. Provide steels back-up support for Stone work over masonry surface area as required
providing rigid installation. Anchor steel support framing securely to building
structure (over concrete Beams, columns etc.). Do not provide the steel anchor
support directly over the masonry wall.

C. Erection Tolerances: Comply with the following maximum non-cumulative erection


1. Variation from Plumb: +/- 2mm in story height.

2. Variation from Level: +/- 2mm in 12m.
3. Variation from Location: +/- 3 mm in any bay
3. Edge alignment: 1 mm

H. Joint Widths: Provide Stone work joints widths as approved by the Engineer.


A. After initial cleaning, provide non-staining temporary wood guards at corners and other
surfaces subject to damage.

B. Protect works from damage due to subsequent building operations.

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A. Immediately prior to completion of the work clean Stone by washing with water and
bristle brushes; removing all stains, dirt and other discoloration. Do not use acids,
cleaning compounds or wire brushes.

B. On completion of construction, remove all temporary protection.


A. Installed units, which are chipped, cracked, or otherwise damaged or which in the
opinion of the Engineer do not conform to the specification requirements shall be
removed and replaced such that the completed work meets the entire satisfaction of the


Ministry of Defence Stone (including Marble/Granite)

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A. Provide Acoustical ceilings in accordance with the requirements of the Contract

Documents. The acoustical ceilings shall be including but not limited to the followings:

1. Suspended metal grid ceiling system

2. Gypsum Board (Pre-finished) Tile Ceiling
3. Mineral Fiber Tile Ceiling
4. Perimeter Trims
5. Sound absorbing pad (Optional requirement, if indicated or specified)


1. Access doors.
2. Integrated Ceilings
3. Light Fixtures in ceiling system
4. HVAC duct, Air Diffusers and Grills in Ceiling System


A. Reference Standards: Except as otherwise specified comply with the recommendations

and requirements of the following documents:

1. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)

a. ASTM C 423 Test Method for Sound Absorption and

Sound Absorption Coefficients by the
Reverberation Room Method.

b. ASTM C 523 Test Method for Light Reflectance of

Acoustical Materials by the Integrating
Sphere Reflectometer.

c. ASTM C 635 Specification for Metal Suspension

Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In
Panel Ceilings.

d. ASTM E 84 Test Method for Surface Burning

Characteristics of Building Materials.

e. ASTM E 90 Method for Laboratory Measurement of

Air-Borne Sound Transmission Loss of
building partitions.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Acoustical Ceilings 09510 / 1 - 6
2. British Standards Institute

a. BS CP 290 Suspended Ceilings and Linings of Dry

Construction Using Metal Fixing Systems.

b. Installer Qualifications: Employ only experienced tradesmen who

are capable of producing work of the highest standard of quality
in the industry. Acoustical ceilings shall be executed by an
approved specialist Sub-Contractor.


A. Fire-Rated Acoustical Ceiling Assemblies: Provide ceiling assemblies to achieve the

fire-resistance classification or rating as required. Comply with the material and
installation requirements of the UL Building Materials Test and other referenced
guides for the UL design numbers corresponding with the construction systems shown.


A. Samples: Submit samples of each acoustical material specified. Each set of samples shall
show the full range of texture and color to be expected in the completed work. Sample
submittal and Engineers acceptance will be for color and texture only. Compliance with
all other requirements is the responsibility of the Contractor.

1. Acoustic Tile full size.

2. Exposed Tees and Moldings 600 mm lengths.

3. Concealed Suspension System 600 mm lengths.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit detailed shop drawings including reflected ceiling plans of
acoustical ceilings before proceeding with work. Show location of all items of work,
which are to be coordinated with the acoustical ceilings, or are to be supported by the
acoustical ceiling system and detail in suitably large scales all edge conditions fixing
details and accessories. Scales to be approved by the Engineer.

C. Manufacturers Data: Submit manufacturers specifications and installation instructions

for each acoustical material, suspension system and other products required, including
certified laboratory test reports and other data as may be required to show compliance
with the Contract Documents.
1.06 MOCK-UP

A. Provide 3 x 3m mock-up of acoustical ceilings, including all services outlets such as

sprinklers, supply and return air grilles lighting fixtures, etc., in spaces within the
building to be designated by the Engineer. Mock-up shall be representative of the
finished work in all respects, and may, when approved, form part of the permanent work.


A. Deliver materials to the project site in manufacturers unopened containers, clearly

indicating manufacturers name, brand, type, style, size, colour, texture and other
identifying information.

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Military Engineering Projects Acoustical Ceilings 09510 / 2 - 6
B. Store materials in a dry location, off the ground and in a manner to prevent damage,
deterioration, and intrusion of foreign matter. Replace materials, which have been
damaged or are otherwise unfit for use, as directed.


A. Do not install acoustical materials unless temperature and humidity conditions closely
approximate and the interior conditions which will exist when the building is occupied.
Maintain temperature/humidity conditions before, during, and after installation.
Concrete and tiling work (including grinding) shall be complete and dry. Windows and
doors shall be in place and glazed.



A. Material type and face size as shown with the following minimum characteristics:

1. Light Reflectance: ASTM C 523, 0.75 or more.

2. Flame Spread: ASTM E 84, Flame Spread 25 or less.

3. Sound Absorption: ASTM C 423, NRC not less than 0.65.

4. Sound Transmission Class: ASTM E 90, not less than 35.

5. Suspension System: ASTM C 635, Heavy Duty Classification.


A. Approved manufacturers for the products (for both gypsum tile and mineral fiber tile)
specified in this section are as follows:

1. Armstrong World Industries (U.K)

2. United States Gypsum (U.S.A.)

4. Danogips Ceiling system (Denmark)

Local Agent: Al-Sayer Trad.&
Tel. 2435428/29, Fax: 2449728

4. Or approved equal quality.

The contractor shall submit catalogues with data and specifications for the above
products for Engineers approval. The Engineer has the sole discretion to approve
or select the product, as he thinks reasonable. In this regard Engineers decision
shall be considered as final.

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A. Gypsum Board Tile: Fully accessible, 600 x 600 x 12.50mm tile, complying with the
following requirements, including pattern and finish Similar to Danogips Ceiling
System as a guidance to provide as a minimum requirement of the contract.

1. Size and Thickness: 600 x 600 x 12.5 mm.

2. Tile Edges: Square edge to suit exposed grid suspension system and bevel and kerfed
edges with depth ready to accept concealed suspension system.

3. Pattern and Finish Description: Non-directional, Natural fine fissured or perforated,

matt white finish, fully washable surface as per Engineers choice and approval.

B. Mineral Fiber Tile: Mineral cast, fully accessible, 600 x 600 x 12.50mm tile, complying
with the following requirements, including pattern and finish. Similar to Armstrong
Natural Fissured (Armstrong World Industries, Inc.).

1. Size and Thickness: 600 x 600 x 12.5 mm.

2. Tile Edges: Square edge to suit exposed grid suspension system and bevel and kerfed
edges with depth ready to accept concealed suspension system.

3. Pattern and Finish Description: Non-directional, Natural Fine Fissured, matt white
with special painted fully washable surface (Factory applied vinyl latex paint).
C. Sound absorption pads: Line with sound-absorbent blanket encased in flameproof
membrane and supported on wire grid spacers. Form blanket of glass fiber or mineral
wool insulating material having a minimum density of 16 Kg/cu.m., a minimum
thickness as required to provide a noise reduction coefficient of not less than 0.75 for the
complete assembly, moisture absorption not exceeding 2.0% by weight.

D. Primary Suspension Members

1. Hanger Inserts: Galvanized mild steel flats, 25 x 5mm with 11mm holes punched on
center line and lower ends for strap hangers, and manufacturers appropriate hanger
inserts for rod hangers designed to develop the full strength of the type of hangers

2. Hangers: Galvanized steel strap hangers, 25 x 5mm or 6mm diameter galvanized

steel rod hangers with facility for length adjustment to achieve accurate leveling.

3. Carrying Channels: Galvanized cold rolled steel channels, 38 mm, 0.7 Kg/m.

E. Trim

1. Metal Wall Mouldings: Roll formed steel with manufacturers standard baked-on
white enamel coating to match finish of acoustical material.

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F. Exposed Grid Mechanical Suspension System for Acoustic Tile :

Manufacturers standard design system complying with ASTM C 635 Structural

Classification Heavy Duty, complete with hangers, main tees, cross tees, splices, angle
molding, hold down clips and accessories as required. Include components as follows:

1. Primary Suspension Members: As hereinbefore specified.

2. Main Tees: 38mm x 25mm wide formed of 0.63mm galvanized cold-rolled steel
section and bottom flange, faced with a roll formed galvanized steel cap; capable of
supporting lighting fixtures and acoustical ceiling tile with maximum deflection not
to exceed 1/360 of span between hangers or other supports.

3. Cross-Tees: 32mm x 25mm wide formed of 0.63mm galvanized cold-rolled steel,

double web bulb tee section and bottom flange, faced with a roll formed galvanized
steel cap. Web ends of cross-tees shall be die formed for the tablock attachment to
adjoining tee through the main tee, to provide alignment with a minimum of
torsional movement and lateral displacement.

4. Metal Wall Mouldings: As hereinbefore specified.

5. Accessories: Galvanized Steel, specifically designed for use with the main

6. Exposed Finish: Chemically clean, electro-galvanize and bonderize all rolled formed
parts. Finish with a white baked-on enamel coating to match finish of acoustic tiles
unless otherwise shown.



A. Examine the substrates and adjoining construction, and the conditions under which the
work is to be installed, and do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions
detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work have been corrected to the
Engineers satisfaction.


A. Verify all measurements and dimensions at the project site and coordinate the work with
the work of other trades, with particular attention given to the work of mechanical and
electrical trades.

B. Install all materials and systems in accordance with manufacturers printed instructions
unless otherwise shown or directed.

C. Make all exposed surfaces of acoustical units level and flush with all joints straight and
true. Neatly cut and fit units around light fixtures and around other items protruding
through acoustical ceilings. Install all exposed members with flush hairline joints.

D. Factory drill acoustic tile occurring at hidden loudspeakers and fire alarm gongs.

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E. Center tile or board pattern both directions in each major space or room as shown or
directed, and where possible adjust pattern so that edge pieces will be not less than
unit in width.

F. Run grain of units in one direction, as shown or directed, and align joints in both
directions unless otherwise shown.

G. Use procedures that will minimize damage or soiling of the units during installation.
Replace units, which are damaged or cannot be adequately cleaned as directed.


A. Install primary suspension members and mechanical suspension system in accordance

with manufacturers instructions to support required loads and to prevent deflection in
excess of 1/360 of the span. Spirit level accurately in both directions.

B. Comply with the requirements of ASTM C 636 and the following:

1. Attachment Devices: Device locations shall be coordinated to final layouts.

2. Hangers: Space not more than 150mm from each end and not more than 100mm o.c.
between ends of members to be supported. Provide additional hangers for support of
fixtures and other items to be supported by the ceiling suspension system, as required
to prevent eccentric deflection or rotation of supporting runners.

a. Provide necessary bracing and supports to allow for irregular stresses

imposed on the suspension system by any mechanical ductwork connection
to air handling fixtures.

3. Mouldings: Provide mouldings where ceilings meet walls, partitions and other
vertical elements.

a. Provide miter cut inside and outside corners.

C. Coordinate spacing of hangers and other suspension members with the location of
electrical fixtures and other items occurring in or on the ceiling. Provide additional
members or heavier members where necessary to suit interference.


A. Install tiles with edges resting on flanges of tees. Cut and fit tiles neatly against abutting
surfaces. Support edges by wall mouldings.


A. Upon completion of the work remove all unused materials, debris, containers, and
equipment from the project site. Clean and repair surfaces that have been stained,
marred, or otherwise damaged.

B. Protect acoustical ceilings during the construction period so that they will be without any
indication of deterioration or damage at the time of completion of the works.

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A. Provide Gypsum Board Ceilings in accordance with the requirements of the Contract
Documents, which including but not limited to the followings:

1. Suspended metal grid ceiling system

2. Gypsum Panels (Plain or Decorative) Jointless Ceiling
3. Perimeter trims
4. Sound Absorbing pad if indicated or specified.


1. Access doors.
2. Integrated Ceilings
3. Light Fixtures in ceiling system
4. HVAC Duct, Air Diffusers and Grill in Ceiling System
5. Section 09250: Gypsum Board Wall/Partition system


1. ASTM C 423 Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound Absorption
Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method.

2. ASTM C 523 - Test Method for Light Reflectance of Acoustical Materials

by the Integrating Sphere Reflectomer.

3. ASTM C 635 - Specification For Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical

Tile and Lay-in Panel Ceilings.

4. ASTM 84 - Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building


5. ASTM 90 - Method for Laboratory Measurement of Air-Borne Sound

Transmission Loss of building partitions.

6. BS CP 290 - Suspended Ceiling and Linings of Dry Construction Using

Metal Fixing Systems.


A. Installed system conforms to UL rating for ceiling and roof assembly.


A. Manufacturer: Company specializing in manufacture of ceiling suspension system and

suspended ceiling panels with ten years minimum experience.

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Military Engineering Projects Acoustic Gypsum Board Ceiling 09515 / 1 - 5

A. Conform to applicable local code for fire rated assembly, combustibility requirements
for materials.


A. Submit Shop drawings and products data.

B. Indicate on shop drawings, grid layout and related dimensioning, junctions with other
work or ceiling finisher, interrelation of mechanical and electrical items related to

C. Provide product data on metal grid system components, acoustic units.

D. Submit samples.

E. Submit manufacturers installation instructions.


A. Maintain uniform temperature of minimum 60 degrees F (16 C) during and after



A. Do not install gypsum board ceilings until building is enclosed, sufficient cooling is
provided, dust-generating activities have terminated, and overhead work is completed,
tested, and approved.

B. Schedule installation of gypsum board ceiling after interior wet work is dry.

C. Co-ordinate the work of this section with other affected sections.



A. Obtain gypsum boards, trim accessories, adhesives and joint treatment products from a
single manufacturer or from manufacturers recommended by the prime manufacturer of
gypsum boards.

B. Acceptable Manufacturer:

1. Kuwait Gypsum Manufacturing & Trading Co.

Tel. 4816761

2. National Gypsum Co.

Tel. 495 3780/3730

or no less than equal approved quality of any G.C.C. Countrys Gypsum Company

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Acoustic Gypsum Board Ceiling 09515 / 2 - 5
C. In general, all material shall be the product of one manufacturer, products of different
manufactures may be used only after approval by the Engineer.

D. Accessories, joint treatment materials, fasteners, stud and furring channels, etc. shall be
integrated systems.

E. Sound absorption pads (if required) : Line with sound-absorbent blanket encased in
flameproof membrane and supported on wire grid spacers. Form blanket of glass fiber or
mineral wool insulating material having a minimum density of 16 Kg/cu.m. and a
minimum thickness as required to provide a noise reduction coefficient of not less than
0.75 for the complete assembly, moisture absorption not exceeding 2.0% by weight.


A. Grid: ASTM C635, light, intermediate, heavy duty, non-fire rated exposed T / one
direction concealed T and concealed H and T paired access T downward access
removable T concealed Z concealed T metal pan T; components: die cut and

B. Grid: ASTM C635, intermediate, fire rated to 1 hour assembly two directional
concealed components die cut and interlocking.

C. Accessories: Stabilizer bars clips splices edge mouldings, hold down clips required for
suspended grid system.

D. Grid Materials: commercial quality cold rolled steel with galvanized coating.

E. Grid Finish: Colour as selected.

F. Support Channels and Hangers: Galvanized primed steel; size and type to suit
application, to rigidly secure acoustic ceiling system including integral mechanical and
electrical components with maximum deflection of 1/360 of span.


A. Gypsum Board Ceiling: conforming to the following:

1. Size: Gypsum board, plane or decorated as

shown in the drawings:
(a) Conforming to ASTM C-36 Type X - 2
Hour Min. Fire Rating
(b) Conforming to ASTM C630 for Water
Resistant Gypsum Board

2. Composition: Gypsum board

3. Surface Finish: (a) Plain or decorated jointless ceiling

with paint finish
(b) Water Resistant Gypsum Board with
waterproof paint over wet or external areas

4.Thickness: 12.5 mm thick gypsum board panel.

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5. Light reflectance : 75 percent

6. Fire Hazard Clarification : Non-combustible

7. Surface Color : White or as selected

8. Grid : For jointless gypsum board ceiling use

concealed grid as per Engineers approval.



A. Verify that existing conditions and work finished by other section is ready to receive

B. Verify hangers to be properly fixed and positioned so a not to interfere with other work.

C. Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing conditions.


A. Install system in accordance with manufacturers installation.

B. Install system capable of supporting imposed loads to a deflection of 1/360 of span


C. Install after major above ceiling work is completed. Coordinate the location of hangers
with other work.

D. Supply hangers of inserts for installation with instructions for their correct placement. If
metal deck is not supplied with hanger tabs, coordinate the installation of hanger clips
during steel deck erection provide additional hangers and inserts as requires.

E. Hang system independent of walls, columns, ducts, pipes and conduit. Where carrying
members are spliced, avoid visible displacement of face plane of adjacent members.

F. Where ducts of other equipment prevent the regular spacing of hangers, reinforce the
nearest affected spacing of hangers, reinforce the nearest affected hangers and related
carrying channels to span the extra distance.

G. Center and locate system on room axis leaving equal border units according to reflected
plan and shop drawings.

H. Do not support components on main runners or cross runners if weight causes total dead
load to exceed deflected capacity. Support fixture loads by supplementary hangers
located within ( 150 mm) or each corner, or support components independently.

I. Do not eccentricity load system or produce rotation of runners.

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J. Install edge moulding at intersection of ceiling and vertical surfaces, using longest
practical lengths. Miter corner: Provide edge moulding at junctions with other
interruptions. Field ribbett tile panel edge. Where bullnose concrete block cornersround
obstructions occur, provide preformed closures to match edge moulding.

K. Form expansion joints as detailed to accommodate plus or minus (20 mm).movement,

maintain visual closer.

L. Fit acoustic units in place, free from damaged edges of the defects detrimental to
appearance and function.

M. Lay directional patterned units one way with pattern parallel to longest shortest
room axis in basket weave pattern. Fit border neatly against abutting surfaces.

N. Install hold-down clips to retain panels tight to grid system within (6 m) of an exterior
O. Install light fixture boxes constructed of gypsum board above light fixture in
accordance with UL assembly requirements.


A. Variation from flat and level surface (3 mm in 3 m).

B. Variation from plumb of grid members caused by eccentric loads: Two degrees


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A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances, and materials and performing all operations in connection with Glass
Reinforced Gypsum (GRG) Ceilings and accessories.

B. The principal work of this Section includes, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. All pre-fabricated GRG ceiling units such as bulkhead waffles, bulkhead grids,
perimeter closure panels, uplighters, infill coffers and plain panels, etc., and all
shapes as shown on various suspended ceiling systems.

2. Prefabricated plain and vaulted GRG ceiling units with site applied painted finish.

3. All associated HVAC plenum, diffusers, metal moulding, electrical lighting waffles,

4. All associated fixing, anchorage, suspension, and supporting systems.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer manufacturers specifications and

installation instructions for each unit, suspension system and other products required,
including certified laboratory test reports and other data as may be required to show
compliance with the Contract Documents.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer detailed shop drawings, including reflected
ceiling plans for all GRG work. Provide typical and particular details of all conditions at
large scale to show services outlets, fittings and accessories, anchorage, methods of
support and complete coordination with all other trades. Include final engineering
calculations with shop drawings.

C. Samples: Submit to the Engineer samples as follows:

1. Two full size samples of each type of panel showing full profile, reinforcing and

2. One full size sample of each type of bulkhead waffle and grid showing reinforcing
and finish.

3. Two samples of each type of uplighter.

D. Certification: Submit manufacturers certification stating that units comply with the
flame spread rating specified, Submit certified test reports of an independent laboratory
indicating compliance with specified criteria.

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E. Maintenance: Submit in an approved form, the manufacturers printed instructions for
maintenance of the GRG units.


A. Installers: The Work of this Section shall be executed by an approved specialist Sub-
Contractor who can demonstrate past experience and capability in this type of work.

1.04 MOCK-UP

A. Provide mock-ups of the proposed ceiling systems as shown on the Drawings and as
directed by the Engineer. Locate the mock-ups where directed. Mock-up shall include all
services outlets such as lighting fixtures, sprinklers, diffusers, reveals, edge conditions,
etc. The approved mock-ups shall serve as a standard for the project and may form part
of the permanent work.


A. Structural: The GRG system, when installed, shall not develop structural failure, joint
failure, cracking, crazing, permanent distortion or displacement or other damage.
Permanent distortion and displacement are defined as values exceeding 50% of
installation tolerances.

B. The maximum temporary deflection due to all loads shall not exceed 1/360 of the
distance between supports.

C. Design, fabricate and install component parts and all associated supporting and
suspension system so that no movement will occur which might abrade abutting
members, loosen fastenings or anchorage or cause other detrimental effects.

D. Fire Resistance: The GRG units shall have ratings not exceeding the following when
tested in accordance with ASTM E 84:

1. Flame Spread 0

2. Fuel Contributed 0

3. Smoke Developed 5

E. Submit test certificates to the Engineer confirming material conformance to the above
tests from a recognized competent authority.


A. Protect GRG units during transit, storage, and installation, store above grade on dunnage
so as to avoid damage of any kind all in accordance with the manufacturers printed

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A. Do not install GRG units unless temperature and humidity conditions closely
approximate to the interior conditions, which will exist when the building is occupied.
Maintain temperature/humidity conditions before, during, and after installation.
Plastering, concrete and tiling work (including grinding) shall be complete and dry.
Windows and doors shall be in place and glazed.



A. Glass Reinforced Gypsum: Glass fiber reinforced and polymer modified gypsum, as
fabricated by Gillespie (UK) Limited, Alma House, 38 Crimea Road, Aldershot, Hants
GU11 1UD, UK. (Fax No. 252 336836).

B. Adhesive: Casein, conforming to FS MMM-A-125C, Type 2.

C. Joint Prefill: Durabond 90 Joint Compound (US Gypsum).

D. Joint Treatment Materials: Joint compound, joint tape and finishing compound; ASTM
C 475, asbestos free (UL Gypsum).

E. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 167, AISI Type 302 or Type 304, gauge and finish as
recommended by the GRG manufacturer.

F. Fasteners, Inserts and Attachment Devices: Stainless steel.

G. Steel Angles, Plates, Bars Rods and Other Steel Accessories to Join, Reinforce or
suspend Assemblies: ASTM A 36 and ASTM A 283, galvanised and painted, where
exposed to match GRG units.

H. HVAC Plenum: Form plenum in bulkhead waffle units as shown. Provide 24 gauge
galvanized steel sheet bottom with sufficient stiffeners, held in position with galvanized
steel angle cleats. Line plenum with 20 mm thick aluminium foil covered fiberglass
insulation complying with HVAC requirements.

J. Diffusers, Trims Mouldings, etc.: Provide diffusers, trims, mouldings, etc., as shown, of
the type approved and with baked enamel finish to match the units.

K. Lighting Baffles: Aluminium moulded construction to sizes shown, fabricated from

aluminium sheet of approved thickness. Aluminium extruded hollow section track of
approved size and design to meet the performance requirements. All in baked enamel
finish to match GRG units.
L. Suspension System: Provide a complete, fully designed and engineered suspension and
supporting system fabricated and installed to produce a rigid system capable of
supporting the proposed ceiling units including light fittings, HVAC installations, etc.,
with a maximum deflection of 1/360 of span. Provide galvanized steel suspension
system unless shown or required otherwise. Use only galvanized steel rod or flat
hangers. Use of wire hangers is not acceptable.

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A. Fabricate units to the shapes shown. Provide integral rib and edge reinforcing for units
as necessary for loads and handling stresses, and for anchorage reinforcing where shown
and where required. Provide necessary openings, reveals, supports, etc., for electrical
and HVAC installation.

B. Moulding tolerances shall be as follows :

1. Length, corner to corner of any straight

or curved edge +/- 1.6 mm

2. Twist or wrap, corner to diagonally opposite

corner measured along straight line across
back of unit. +/- 1.6 mm

3. Radius of curved surfaces measured with rigid

template of full cross section +/- 1.6 mm

4. Thickness +/- 3 mm

C. The finished product shall be free of visual defects, such as foreign matter, dry spots, air
bubbles, pin holes and pimples. Identifying markings shall not appear on any exposed


A. Factory Finish: Alkyd enamel painting applied to give a total minimum dry film
thickness of 3.5 mils (0.09 mm) in semi-gloss, eggshell or flat finish and of colour, all as
approved by the Engineer.

B. Site Applied Paint Finish: Alkyd enamel painting as specified in Painting Section.


A. Acceptable Manufacturer:

1. Kuwait Gypsum Manufacturing & Trading Co.

Tel. 4816761

2. National Gypsum Co.

Tel. 495 3780/3730

or no less than equal approved quality of any G.C.C. Countrys Gypsum Company



A. Examine the substrates, adjoining construction and the conditions under which the work
is to be installed. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions have been

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A. Verify all measurements and dimensions at the project site and fabricate bulkhead
waffles to precisely fit as-built dimensions of erected prestressed concrete beams.

B. Install all materials and systems as shown on the Drawings and approved shop drawings
and in accordance with the GRG manufacturers instructions.

C. Make all exposed abutting surfaces of units level, plumb, true to curve and flush with all
joints straight and true.

D. Use procedures that will minimize damage or soiling of the units during installation. Do
not erect units, which are damaged or defaced to such extent as to impair strength or
appearance. Replace units, which are damaged, or cannot be adequately repaired or
cleaned to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

E. Install supporting members to support required loads and to prevent distortion in excess
of that specified.

F. Set units level, plumb and true to line, with uniform joints. Comply with the following
erection tolerances:

1. Variation from Plumb 3 mm in 6 m

2. Joint alignment +/- 0.8 mm

3. Joint Width + 0.8 mm 0.0 mm

4. Surface alignment across joints +/- 0.8 mm

G. Paint all surfaces designated for site applied finish, as specified in the Painting Section.


A. Upon completion of the work thoroughly clean all exposed surfaces using materials and
methods recommended by the manufacturer. All surface stains shall be removed by
means compatible with paint finish as recommended by the manufacturer.

B. Protect exposed surfaces during the construction period so that they will be without any
indication of deterioration or damage at the time of completion of the Works.


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A. Provide linear metal ceilings in accordance with the requirements of the Contract

B. Work included - The work of this section shall include, but not be limited to the

1. Acoustical Metal pan ceiling

2. Ceiling suspension System
3. Plenum Sound barriers


1. Access doors.
2. Integrated Ceilings
3. Light Fixtures in ceiling system
4. HVAC duct, Air Diffusers and Grills in Ceiling System


A. Reference Standards: Except as otherwise specified comply with the recommendations

and requirements of the following documents:

1. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)

a. ASTM B 209 Specification for aluminium and aluminium

alloy sheet and plate.

b. ASTM C 635 Specification for Metal Suspension Systems for

Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panel Ceilings.

c. ASTM E 84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of

Building Materials.

2. British Standards Institute

a. BS CP 290 Suspended Ceilings and Linings of Dry

Construction Using Metal Fixing Systems.

B. Installer Qualifications: Employ only experienced tradesmen who are capable of

producing work of the highest standard of quality in the industry. Linear metal ceilings
shall be executed by an approved specialist Sub-Contractor.

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Military Engineering Projects Linear Metal Ceiling 09545 / 1 - 6

A. Fire Performance Characteristics: Provide panel units with surface burning

characteristics indicated below, as determined by testing assembled materials composed
of metal panels and sound absorption pads identical to those required in this section, in
accordance with ASTM E 84.


A. Samples: Submit samples of each material specified. Each set of samples shall show the
full range of textures, colours and patterns to be expected in the completed work. Where
finishes involve normal colour and texture variations, include samples showing full
range of variations expected. Sample submittal and Engineers acceptance will be for
colour, and texture only. Compliance with all other requirements is the responsibility of
the Contractor.

1. Linear Metal Panel full size.

2. Exposed Trims and Moldings 600 mm lengths.

3. Suspension System Members 600 mm lengths.

4. Filter Strips 600 mm lengths.

5. End caps.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit detailed shop drawings including reflected ceiling plans of
linear metal claddings before proceeding with work. Show location of all items of work,
which are to be coordinated with the linear metal ceilings, or are to be supported by the
ceiling system and detail in suitably large scales all edge conditions fixing details and
accessories. Scales to be approved by the Engineer.

C. Manufacturers Data: Submit manufacturers specifications and installation instructions

for each material, suspension system and other products required, including certified
laboratory test reports and other data as may be required to show compliance with the
Contract Documents.

1.06 MOCK-UP: Provide 3 x 3m mock-up of linear metal ceilings, including all services outlets
such as sprinklers, supply and return air grilles lighting fixtures, etc., in spaces within the
building to be designated by the Engineer. Mock-up shall be representative of the finished
work in all respects, and may, when approved, form part of the permanent work.


A. Deliver materials to the project site in manufacturers unopened containers, clearly

indicating manufacturers name, brand, type, style, size, color, texture, and other
identifying information.

B. Store materials in a dry location, off the ground and in a manner to prevent damage,
deterioration, and intrusion of foreign matter. Replace materials, which have been
damaged or are otherwise unfit for use, as directed.

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Military Engineering Projects Linear Metal Ceiling 09545 / 2 - 6

A. Do not install linear metal materials unless temperature and humidity conditions closely
approximate to the interior conditions, which will exist when the building is occupied.
Maintain temperature/humidity conditions before, during, and after installation.
Concrete and tiling work and other wet work (including grinding) shall be complete and
dry. Windows and doors shall be in place and glazed.



A. Material type and face size as shown with the following minimum characteristics:

1. Light Reflectance: ASTM C 523, 0.75 or more.

2. Flame Spread: ASTM E 84, Flame Spread 25 or less.

3. Sound Absorption: ASTM C 423, NRC not less than 0.65.

4. Sound Transmission Class: ASTM E 90, not less than 35.

5. Suspension System: ASTM C 635, Heavy Duty Classification.


Approved manufacturers for the products specified in this section are as follows:

1. Dampa Ceiling System

2. Hunter Douglas, U.K
3. Armstrong World Industries, U.K
4. USG Interiors Inc. U.S.A

5. Or no less than equal Approved quality

The contractor shall submit catalogues with data and specifications for the above
products for Engineers approval. The Engineer has the sole discretion to approve or
select the product, as he thinks reasonable. In this regard Engineers decision shall be
considered as final.


A. Metal Panel: Aluminium roll formed sheet, alloy AA5050. Similar to Luxalon type 84R
(Hunter Douglas).

1. Size and Thickness:

a. 84mm wide x 16mm deep x 0.5mm thick or as per drawings and Engineers

2. Tile Edges: Rounded edges.

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3. Pattern and Finish Description: Unperforated or Perforated as per Engineers choice
and approval, with baked enamel finish, colour to be selected by the Engineer from
manufacturers standard range.


A. Width and length to fill completely between carriers joined at the center of a panel.
Manufacturers standard sound-absorbent blanket encased in flameproof membrane and
supported on wire grid spacers. Form blanket of glass fiber or mineral wool insulating
material having a minimum density and a minimum thickness as required to provide a
noise reduction coefficient of not less than 0.75 for the complete assembly, moisture
absorption not exceeding 2.0% by weight.


A. Hanger Inserts: Galvanized mild steel flats, 25 x 5 mm with 11mm holes punched on
center line and lower ends for strap hangers, and manufacturers appropriate hanger
inserts for rod hangers designed to develop the full strength of the type of hangers used.

B. Hangers: Galvanized steel straphangers, 25 x 5mm or 6mm diameter galvanized steel

rod hangers with facility for length adjustment to achieve accurate leveling.

C. Carrying Channels: Galvanized cold rolled steel channels, 38 mm, 0.7 Kg/m.


A. Manufacturers standard design system complying with ASTM D 635 structural

classification Heavy Duty with operational and material requirement as follows:

1. Primary Suspension Members: As hereinbefore specified.

2. Access Panels: Manufacturers standard system consisting of door hinge assembly,
retainer bar. Assembled with ceiling panels and carrier sections into access doors of
required size, with upward or downward opening.

B. Typical Metal Wall Mouldings: Manufacturers standard finish mouldings as shown

with factory finish to match Engineers selected tile sample.


A. Provide exposed members as indicated or required for edges of ceiling, fixture trim,
changes in height and other conditions with baked enamel finish.



A. Examine the substrates and adjoining construction, and the conditions under which the
work is to be installed, and do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions
detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work have been corrected.

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Military Engineering Projects Linear Metal Ceiling 09545 / 4 - 6

A. Verify all measurements and dimensions at the project site and coordinate the work with
the work of other trades, with particular attention given to the work of mechanical and
electrical trades.

B. Install all materials and systems in accordance with manufacturers printed instructions
unless otherwise shown or directed.

C. Measure each ceiling area and establish layout of linear metal panel units to balance
border widths at opposite edges of each ceiling. Avoid use of less than half width units
at borders and comply with reflected ceiling plans.

D. Make all exposed surfaces of panels level and flush with all joints straight and true.
Neatly cut and fit units around light fixtures and around other items protruding through

E. Factory drill panels occurring at hidden loudspeakers and fire alarm gongs.

F. Run grain of units in one direction, as shown or directed, and align joints in both
directions unless otherwise shown.

G. Install acoustical insulation so that it does not hang unsupported.

H. Use procedures that will minimize damage or soiling of the units during installation.
Replace units, which are damaged or cannot be adequately cleaned as directed.


A. Install primary suspension members and mechanical suspension system in accordance

with manufacturers instructions to support required loads and to prevent deflection in
excess of 1/360 of the span. Spirit level accurately in both directions.

B. Comply with the requirements of ASTM C 636 as applicable and the following:

1. Attachment Devices: Device locations shall be coordinated to final layouts. Devices

shall be secure and appropriate for structure to which hangers are attached as well as
for type of hanger involved.

2. Hangers: Space not more than 150mm from each end and not more than 100mm
O.C. between ends of members to be supported. Provide additional hangers for
support of fixtures and other items to be supported by the ceiling suspension system,
as required to prevent eccentric deflection or rotation of supporting runners.

a. Provide necessary bracing and supports to allow for irregular stresses

imposed on the suspension system by any mechanical ductwork connection
to air handling fixtures.

3. Mouldings: Install mouldings of types indicated where ceilings meet walls, partitions
and other vertical elements, and at exposed edges.

a. Provide miter cut inside and outside corners.

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C. Coordinate spacing of hangers and other suspension members with the location of
electrical fixtures and other items occurring in or on the ceiling. Provide additional
members or heavier members where necessary to suit interferences.


A. Upon completion of the work remove all unused materials, debris, containers, and
equipment from the project site. Clean and repair surfaces that have been stained,
marred, or otherwise damaged in accordance with manufacturers instructions. Remove
or replace work, which cannot be successfully cleaned or repaired.

B. Protect ceilings during the construction period so that they will be without any indication
of deterioration or damage at the time of completion of the works.


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A. Scope of Work: Stone Work shall include Marble, Stone and Granite flooring, skirting,
counter, steps (treads & riser), topping and non-mechanical fix cladding etc. all in
accordance with the Drawings and Bills of Quantities.

B. Provide all labour, materials, equipment, services, and accessories necessary to furnish
and install the work of this Section, complete and functional, as indicated in Documents
and as specified herein.

C. The principal work of this Section includes, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Stone flooring
2. Stone Skirting
3. Non-Mechanical fix stone cladding
4. Stone to Staircases
5. Stone for Counters
6. Mortar materials for setting Stone.


A. Sealant except as specified herein, specified under SEALANT AND CAULKING


B. Concrete floor slab construction, specified under CONCRETE Division.

C. Ceramic tile work, specified under CERAMIC TILE Section.


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with the
applicable provisions and recommendations of the following standards and
specifications, but not limited to:

1. National Building Stone/Granite Quarries Association Inc.

2. Marble Institute of America.

3. ASTM C97 Tests Methods for absorption and bulk specific gravity of
natural building Marble.
4. ASTM C99 Test Method for models of rupture of natural building Marble.

5. ASTM C119 Definitions of terms relating to natural building Marble.

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6. ASTM A123 Zinc (not-galvanized) coatings on products fabricated from
rolled, pressed, and forged steel shapes, plates, bars, and

7. ASTM A153-82 Zinc coating (not dip) on iron and steel hardware.

8. ASTM A167-82 Stainless and heat resisting chromium nickel steel plate,
sheet, and strip.

9. ASTM C176 Specification for stainless and heat resisting chromium steel-
plate, sheet and strip.

10. ASTM C24 Test method for compressive strength of natural building

11. ASTM C24 Test method for abrasion resistance of Marble subject to foot

12. ASTM A386-78 Zinc coating (hot dip) on assembled steel products.

13. ASTM A480/ General requirements for flat rolled stainless and
A480M-83A heat-resisting steel plate, sheet and strip.

14. ASTMC503-79 Building Marble (exterior and interior)


A. Fabricator: A firm with a minimum of 5 years successful experience in the fabrication of

Stone-work units of similar sizes, shapes and finishes to the units required for this
Project and which has ample production facilities to produce, furnish and supply the
units as required for installation without delay to the work.

B. Erector: A firm with a minimum of 5 years experience in the successful erection of

Stone work units of similar sizes and shapes and of similar quantities to the units
required for this project.

C. The work in this Section shall be executed by an approved specialist Sub-Contractor.


A. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings of Stone work showing in detail the layout,
jointing, anchors and dowels, dimensions, sizes and locations of cut-outs, adjoining
work etc. Each piece on the shop drawings shall correspond to the identification number
on the back of each Stone. Special attention shall be given over the curved/circular areas
of Stone floor & clad. In such areas smaller sizes stone shall be required to match the
curvature. Coordinate all components which are specified elsewhere (flashing,
insulation, sealant) which comprise the system into this submittal. Coordinate shop
drawings with all related trades.

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B. Samples: Submit to the Engineer 600 x 600mm samples of each type and finish of Stone
required, showing the full range of color and texture expected in the finished work; in
addition submit one (1) full size sample of each type and finish, falling in the average
color and texture range. Engineers review and approval of samples shall be for color,
texture, and pattern only. Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive
responsibility of the Contractor. Provide also 400 x 400mm Stone sample panels with
central cross joint to show sealant materials for the Engineers review and selection of
jointing materials.

C. Manufacturers Literature: Submit manufacturers data sheet or equivalent printed

literature indicating product information correlated to specified requirements. Submit
cleaning and maintenance instructions.

D. Certification: After review of samples by Engineer and prior to fabrication certify in

writing and submit any additional evidence required indicating that a sufficient quantity
of materials within the range of approved materials is available from a single quarry, for
each specified or approved Stone to satisfy the total requirements of the Project.


A.Stone Testing Program: Initial testing of specified Stone will be performed prior to all
other testing programs.

1. Provide samples of sizes and shapes of Stone as required for the following tests:

Physical Property Test Method No. of Tests

a. Compressive Strength ASTM C1170 2
b. Modules of Rupture ASTM C99
Tested Dry 4
Tested Wet 4
c. Flexure Bending ASTM C880
Tested Dry 4
Tested Wet 4
d. Density ASTM C97 2
e. Absorption (% by weight) ASTM C97 2

2. Above samples shall be taken at random locations from areas, which will be quarried
for the Project. Do not take all the samples from a single block. Identify and transmit
a record of the samples and quarry locations from which they were taken.

3. Based on he properties of Stone as determined by the above test

program, the Engineer may revise the design safety factor as


A. Submit in suitable containers samples of all grout, cement, sealant, and other materials
specified herein to the Engineer for approval.

B. Submit duplicate samples approximately (300mm x 300mm) for each Stone to be used
in respective thickness. Samples shall show full colour variation that can be expected in
the finished work.
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C. The samples submitted shall show range in quality, colour and finish that will occur in
the material used on the job. Where there is little variation in character an average single
sample in lieu of duplicate may be submitted. The approved samples shall become the
standard for selection and finish of the materials furnished under this Contract. All
subsequent work shall comply with approved samples.


Following approval of sample slabs construct mock up as follows:

1. Provide mock-up for Stone work as required by the Engineer.


A. Carefully pack and load Stone for shipment and take necessary precautions against
damage in transit. Deliver Stone to project site using protection and handling equipment,
which will ensure that there will be no leakage, chipping, soiling, staining, discoloration,
warpage, or other damage. Store above grade on wood dunnage or other suitable
surfaces using polyethylene film to separate marble from wood or other supporting or
protecting members. Protect from weather, soiling, and damage of every kind.

B. Deliver other materials, except bulk materials, to project site in manufacturers

unopened containers with name, brand, type, grade, and color fully indicated thereon.
Store bulk materials as required to avoid any deleterious effects of weather, soiling or

C. Any cost arising from breakage of Stone during shipment, handling and installation shall
be borne by the Contractor.


A. Attention is directed to provisions of the GENERAL CONDITIONS regarding

guarantees and warranties for work under this Contract.

B. Manufacturers shall provide their warranties for work under this Section. However, such
warranties shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other liabilities, which
manufacturers and Contractor may have by law or by other provisions of the Contract



A. General: Stone shall be in thickness and sizes as shown on Drawings and as specified
hereinafter. All surfaces and exposed edges shall have a polished finish. Stone shall be
sound, dense, and free from defects, which may impair its strength and durability. Care
shall be exercised in selecting Stone when matching, to produce an even, overall colour
range. All cut outs for anchoring shall be done at plant.

All Stone shall be of standard grade, free of cracks, seams, or starts, which may impair
its structural integrity or function. Inherent variations characteristic of the quarry from
which it is obtained will be acceptable.
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B. Stone Types: All Stone shall be of soundness (hardness and density), texture, graining
colour tone, and range matching the sample approved by the Engineer.

1. See BOQ and Drawings for the exact requirement of Stone/Marble/Granite types,
sizes, thickness etc.


A. Cement: used for conventional setting beds shall be standard brand Portland Cement,
conforming to current ASTM C-150, Type II. Cement used where exposed for joints
shall be non-staining, conforming to ASTM C-91. Colour to be selected by the Engineer.

B. Cement Colouring: Cement used for grouting exposed joints shall be mixed with
approved non-fading, acid resistant pigmented colour as approved by the Engineer.

C. Sand: used in cement beds shall be clean, sharp, durable bank sand, free from silt, loam,
clay, soluble salts and/or vegetable matter, conforming to ASTM C-144 and graded fine
to coarse within the following limits: 100% passing 16 sieve, 60% to 90% passing 30
sieve, 25% to 55% passing 50 sieve and o to 15% passing 100 sieve.

D. Hydrated Lime: shall be ASTM C-206, Type S or ASTM C-207, Type S.

E. Water: shall be clean, fresh and suitable for domestic consumption.

F. Divider Strips: Where required provide divider strips complying with ASTM A167-82,
size and finish as approved by the Engineer.

G. Non-slip Inserts: Provide non-slip inserts for treads, finish as approved by the Engineer.


A. General: Grouting mortar shall be Portland cement/sand mortar gauged with an

approved latex admixture in accordance with manufacturers instructions and as further
specified herein.

B. Latex Additive: styrene butadene based latex liquid specifically designed for this
purpose. The use of polyvinyl acetate, natural rubber or resin latex emulsions shall not
be permitted. Additive shall be latex liquid based on Laticrete 3701 as manufacted by
Laticrete International Incorporated or no less than equal approved by the Engineer.

C. Cement: Portland Cement, conforming to current ASTM C-150, Type I.

D. Sand: clean, sharp, durable bank sand, free from silt, loam, clay soluble salts and/or
vegetable matter, conforming to ASTM C-144 and graded fine-to-coarse within the
following limits: 100% passing 8 sieve, 90% to 100% passing 16 sieve, 60% to 90%
passing 30 sieve, 25% to 55% passing 50 sieve and 0 to 15% passing 100 sieve.

E. Water: clean, fresh, and suitable for domestic consumption.

F. Physical characteristics of grout shall be as follows:

Water absorption less than 4%
Compressive strength 3000 psi
Bond strength 300 psi
Ministry of Defence Stone (including Marble & Granite)
Military Engineering Projects Flooring 09600 / 5 - 8


A. All Stone work shall be carefully packed for transportation, exercising reasonable
precautions against damage in transit and shall be delivered promptly as ordered and in
sequence in which it is to be installed.

B. Take all necessary precautions to prevent all Stone work from chipping, cracking, or
other damage, during the unloading and storage on the site. Damaged Stone work will
not be allowed to be installed, and should any damage be found in erected work, such
work shall be removed immediately and replaced with new work at no additional
expense to the Employer.
C. Stone work shall be stored at the building site on planking set entirely clear of the
ground and shall be protected by proper means from damage to arises and from contact
with anything which would result in the accumulation of dirt, dust, soot, mud, grease or
any other staining, discolouring or disfiguring elements. During extended period of
storage, cover the cut Stone with tarpaulins, non-staining building paper or boards.

D. Cements and Limes: shall be delivered in original sealed containers plainly marked with
name and brand of manufacturer and kept dry until use. Cements and limes which are
defective or show partial set or caking shall not be used and shall be immediately
removed from the premises.

E. Sand: shall be stockpiled on platforms or otherwise protected from direct contact with
the ground and shall be so stockpiled and handled as to prevent the inclusion of foreign
deleterious substances.


A. All Stone work shall be based on requirements established under the American Standard
Specifications for Interior Marble, of the Marble Institute of America Incorporated
(MIA) latest revision.

B. Method of installation of Stone work shall be in strict accordance with recommendations

and specifications of the MIA. All Stone shall be installed, grouted, cleaned; protected
and cured in accordance with requirements of Standard Specifications and as specified

C. All materials (Stone, Marble & Granite) shall conform to the requirements of applicable
specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials.

D. Work shall be commenced only after grounds, anchors, plugs, hangers and bucks, which
are to be in or behind the Stone work are installed. All surfaces shall be dry and clean
before setting beds are applied.

E. Note: The Stone setter shall install all work using lighting conditions that will represent
the proposed lighting required in the areas involved. These requirements will be insisted
upon in order to achieve uniformity in laying out Stone tiles.

F. The Stone setter shall cooperate fully with other trades to do all cutting, drilling, and
fitting to accommodate work of others.
Ministry of Defence Stone (including Marble & Granite)
Military Engineering Projects Flooring 09600 / 6 - 8

A. Thoroughly examine all surfaces to receive work of this Section, and notify Engineer in
writing of all conditions, which would adversely affect this work. Do not commence
work in any area where such notice of adverse conditions has been sent to the Engineer,
until corrective work has been completed or waived.

B. Starting of work in any area without issuance of such notice should constitute
acceptance of conditions in the area by this applicator who shall from that time be
responsible for the satisfactory results of his work, and any defects occurring thereafter
shall be corrected without additional charge to the Employer.


A. General: Concrete to receive setting beds, shall be completed and properly cured before
commencement of Stone/Marble/Granite floor and wall tile installation.

B. Setting Bed for Floor: shall be composed of one part Portland Cement, six parts damp
sand by volume with waterproofed compound, mixed in accordance with manufacturers
specifications. The setting bed for floor shall be applied with reinforcing mesh over
entire area. When mixed with water the mortar mix shall be of such consistency of
workability as to promote maximum density, determined by stroking the mortar surface
with a trowel. When of correct consistency, the trowelled surface readily assumes a
smoothed, slickened appearance, screed and tamp setting bed firmly. Setting beds shall
be in thickness as shown on the Drawings. While the setting bed is still fresh but stiff
enough to set tile, set tile as follows.

Setting: The setting bed shall be applied and rodded to a true and even surface. Tamp tile
in place with mallet until firmly bedded then removed. Trowel or brush a thin layer,
(.1mm) to (2mm) in thickness, of neat white Portland cement paste over the back of tile.
A thin layer or dry Portland Cement, (.1mm) to (2mm) thick may be applied over the
setting bed and worked lightly with a trowel. These areas (setting bed and cement paste)
shall be limited to what can be covered with tile before the mortar sets. Tile shall be
pressed back firmly into the bed tamping with wood blocks to obtain smooth surface. All
tile shall be aligned properly with straight hairline joints. All edges of marble tile shall
be uttered with neat non-staining white cement before closing joints. Wipe off excess
immediately with sponge and clear water. Tamping shall be completed within one hour
after placing tile. Adjusting work out of line shall be done within the one-hour period.
Refer to Drawings for location of expansion joints. All such joints shall be clear of grout
to receive sealant. Note: Threshold shall be set in the same manner as Stone tile with
ends keyed into jamb.
Pattern: Floor shall be applied in pattern in accordance with Drawings including
subsequent modification to the Shop Drawings

C. Wall cladding: Non-Mechanical Fixation with Mortar backing.

1. Stone setting and pointing shall be in accordance with applicable requirements of

specifications of the Marble Institute of American unless otherwise specified or

Ministry of Defence Stone (including Marble & Granite)

Military Engineering Projects Flooring 09600 / 7 - 8
2. Set Stone in accordance with the approved shop drawings, level, plumb, square and
true with uniform joints, accurately aligned with grain running in the direction
shown. Match work to visual mock-up.

3. The quality of field cutting shall be the same as for shop cutting.

4. Mortar Mixes

i. Mix mortars in small batches, to a stiff plastic mass, until thoroughly

homogeneous mortar achieved. Do not use mortar until it has set for one hour.
Mortar may be used only up to one hour after mixing.

ii. Mortar for Setting Stone: One part white Portland cement, one part hydrated
lime, three parts sand. Provide waterproof additive for wet areas and exterior
Stone. Prepare mortar with a shrinkage reducing accelerator diluted with water in
the ratio as recommended by the manufacturer.

iii. Pointing Mortar: One part white Portland cement, two parts sand, and mineral
coloring admixture as required to match stone. Mixed as dry as can be worked.
Provide waterproof admixture for exterior and wet area pointing

D. Stone Counters Provide Stone counters of the size and profile shown all as per shop
drawings. Provide cutouts as required. Accurately cut, dress, drill, laminate, fit and
finish Stone to shape and dimensions shown. Make exposed plane surfaces true and in
line. Cut all joints and edges square and at right angles to face unless otherwise shown.
Cut and drill stone in the shop as required for supports, anchors, ties and other inserts.


A. Cleaning: After Stone has thoroughly set, sponge, and wash thoroughly and diagonally
across joints. Remove all surface cement and take care not to damage marble or adjacent
materials. Do not use acid or abrasive cleaners. Type of cleaner shall be approved by the
Engineer prior to application. Finally, clean all tile using soft, dry cloths.

B. Protect work after cleaning with non-staining heavy Kraft paper or other approved
coverage until acceptance of the building. The Contractor shall replace torn or worn
papers after the tile setter has completed his work.


Ministry of Defence Stone (including Marble & Granite)

Military Engineering Projects Flooring 09600 / 8 - 8



A. The work included in this Section comprises furnishing all plant, labour, equipment,
appliances, and materials and performing all operation in connection with Vinyl
Tile/Roll Flooring.

1. Resilient (PVC/Vinyl) - composition Tile/Roll flooring.

2. Vinyl base/skirting.
3. Edging strips
4. Insets.


A. Terrazzo floor tile

B. Concrete floor
C. Sand cement screed

A. ASTM F1066 (1987)

B. Vinyl composition floor tile.

C. NFPA 99 - Conforms to the requirements of NFPA99 in effect at the time of


D. UL 779 - shall meet standard 779 "Standard for Electrically conductive flooring" and
is UL listed.

E. Asbestos free vinyl.


A. Manufacturer: Company specializing with manufacture of products specified with

minimum 10 years documented experience.


A. Shop drawings: Provide shop drawings for installation and erection of all parts of the
work. Provide plans, elevations and details where vinyl tiles and sheet terminate and
meeting of floor and walls.

B. Take measurements in the field and verify all dimensions before submitting shop

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Resilient (PVC/VINYL) Floor Tiling 09650 / 1 - 5

A. Submit samples for each tile type, sheet, and base as per Engineer's requirements.


A. Product Data: For each product or material used, submit manufacturer's product data,
including installation instructions, use, limitations and recommendations. Provide
certifications stating that materials comply with requirements. Submit maintenance data
with recommended cleaning and stain removal methods, cleaning materials.


A. Deliver, store and handle materials and products in a manner to prevent damage.
Replace damaged items with no change in contract price.

B. Deliver materials and products in unopened factory labeled packages.

C. Store and handle in strict compliance with instructions and recommendations.

D. Sequence deliveries to avoid project delays and to permit proper co-ordination of the


A. Completely co-ordinate the work specified in this Section with all other work. Verify
field dimensions and condition of work, which adjoins material of this section, and
notify the Engineer of deviations from the Contract Documents before proceeding with
the work specified in this section.

B. Commence work only after all electrical and mechanical work, which are to be in or
behind flooring work are installed.


A. Method of installation of Pvc/Vinyl tile shall be in strict accordance with manufacturer's



A. Attention is directed to provisions of the CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT regarding

guarantees and warranties. Such warranties shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all
other liabilities, which manufacturers and contractor may have by law or by other
provisions of the contract documents.



A. The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality or better than
specified may be acceptable subject to Engineer's approval.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Resilient (PVC/VINYL) Floor Tiling 09650 / 2 - 5
B. Recommended manufacturers:

1. Nora Freudenberg Germany.

2. Sommer - France.
3. Ger Floor - USA
5. Or no less than equal approved quality


A. Vinyl composition tile/roll: Shall conform to ASTM F1066, Class 2 (through pattern
tile) composition 1, asbestos free. Tile shall have the color and pattern uniformly
distributed throughout the thickness of the tile. Flooring in any one continuous area shall
be from the same lot and shall have the same shade and pattern. Tile thickness shall be
as mentioned in the drawings (from 3 to 5mm) colour, texture, pattern and style shall be
as per choice and approval of the Engineer.

B. Base/Skirting: Base shall conform to the requirement of ASTM F1066 and shall be
matching with surrounding floor tile/sheet. Base shall be either straight or coved as per
requirement and shall be of same thickness of tile and 10cm high or as specified.
Preformed outside corners shall be furnished. Colour, style, texture shall be matching
with floor.

C. Edging strips: Beveled edging strips composed of vinyl 25mm wide by 900mm long
by 3.2mm thick (or same thickness of floor vinyl).

D. Insets: Insets shall be of gesign, location and colour as indicated on the drawings and
as approved by the Engineer

E. Adhesive: Adhesive for flooring and wall base shall be as recommended by the flooring

F. Performance Data: The vinyl tile, base shall meet the following requirements:

1. Thickness: 3 to 5mm thick as shown or mentioned in the Drawings/BOQ.

2. Sizes of Tiles: As shown in drawings but shall be pre-grooved or square

edge custom size.

3. Electrical resistance (average of 5 or more readings per NFPA 99 or ASTM

F-150) :
(a) Between two electrodes: 2.5 x 104 to 106 ohms
(b) Floor to ground :106 to 108 ohms.

4. Static generation: less than 100 volts with conductive footwear per AATCC-
134 at 20% relative humidity.

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Military Engineering Projects Resilient (PVC/VINYL) Floor Tiling 09650 / 3 - 5
5. Fire resistance:
(a) Critical radiant flux (ASTM E-648 or NFFA253) - 1.03 W/cm2
(Class I interior floor finish, NFPA life safely code 101)
(b) Flame spread (ASTM E-84 or NFPA 255) - less than 450.

6. Abrasion resistance: ASTM D-1044, CS-10-F wheel, 500 gm, weight

Cycles % Gauge loss

2,500 0.40
5,000 0.80
7,500 1.20
10,000 1.60

7. Thermal conductivity: Ranges between 0.40 to 0.65 W/mK.

8. Tensile strength: Upton 28 N/mm2 .

9. Effect of high and low temperatures: Continuous exposures to temperatures

in excess of 30 Deg C should not cause discoloration.

10. Chemical resistance: Shall be highly resistance to alkalis, grease, oil, and
other chemicals.

11. Resistance to cigarette burns - No surface damage occur.



A. Prior to material installation verify the sub-floor. This would include insuring that the
sub-floors are structurally sound and rigid (inflexible), dry, clean, smooth and free from
all dust, dirt, adhesive, loose or scaly paint, wax, oil, grease etc.

B. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.


A. Sub-floor shall be in a true, level plane except where indicated as sloped. Since all sub-
floor irregularities may affect the appearance of the finished floor any imperfections and
defects such as rough or scaling concrete, cracks, or breaks, low and high spots and
uneven surfaces etc. shall be corrected.

B. Grind down all ridges and other irregularities. Fill all cracks, holes, and depression with
latex cement underlayment as recommended by the flooring manufacturer.

C. Broom or vacuum-clean sub floor prior to the installation of flooring material.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Resilient (PVC/VINYL) Floor Tiling 09650 / 4 - 5

A. Determine the suitability of the Terrazzo or Screed sub floor for receiving the resilient
flooring with regard to the moisture content by a bond test as recommended by the
flooring manufacturer.


A. Tile flooring shall be installed with adhesive in accordance with the manufacturer's
installation instructions. Tile lines and joints shall be kept square, symmetrical, tight, and
even. Each floor shall be in a true, level plane, except where indicated as sloped. Edge
width shall vary as necessary to maintain full size tiles in the field, but no edge tile shall
be less than one-half the field tile size, except where irregular shaped rooms make it
impossible. Flooring shall be cut to and fitted around all permanent fixtures, built-in
furniture and cabinets, pipes, and outlets. Edge tile shall be cut, fitted, and scribed to
walls and partitions after field flooring has been applied.


A. Edge strips shall be secured with adhesive as recommended by the manufacturer. Edge
strips shall be provided at locations where flooring termination is higher than the
adjacent finished flooring, except at doorways where threshold are provided.


A. All bases shall be installed with adhesive in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. Base joints shall be tight and base shall be even with adjacent resilient


A. Immediately upon completion of installation of tile in a room or an area, flooring and

adjacent surfaces shall be cleaned to remove all surplus adhesive. No sooner than 5 days
after installation, flooring shall be washed with a nonalkaline cleaning solution, rinsed
thoroughly with clear cold water, and except for raised pattern flooring and static control
vinyl tile, given two coats of polish. After each polish coat, floors shall be buffed to an
even luster with an electric polishing machine.


A. From the time of laying until acceptance, flooring shall be protected from damage.
Flooring which becomes damaged, loose, broken, or curled shall be removed and


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Resilient (PVC/VINYL) Floor Tiling 09650 / 5 - 5



A. General: Provide and install carpeting in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract Documents.


A. Except as modified by governing codes and by the Contract Documents, comply with
the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following:

1. The Carpet and Rug Institute The Carpet Specifiers Handbook.


A. Manufacturer: A firm (carpet mill) with not less than 5 years of production experience
with carpet similar to types specified in this Section and whose published product
literature clearly indicates general compliance of products with requirements of this

B. Employ only experienced tradesmen for installation, who are capable of producing work
of the highest standard of quality in the industry. The installation of carpet shall be
carried out by an approved specialist Sub-Contractor.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit manufacturers printed literature, specifications and

installation instructions for materials specified herein and other data to show compliance
with the Contract Documents to the Engineer.

B. Certification: Submit certified laboratory test reports for fire hazard classification of
carpet and carpet cushion to the Engineer.

C. Samples: Submit samples of each type, colour, and pattern of carpet required to the
Engineer. Submit 150 mm long samples of carpet edge strip. Submit samples of carpet
tile in standard tile sizes. Samples of sheet carpet shall be 100cm x 100cm. Submit
samples as many as required for Engineers choice of colour, texture etc.

D. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing carpet layout, seam locations and edge
strip locations to the Engineer. Indicate direction of pattern and lay of pile. Show details
of cutouts.

E. Maintenance Instructions: Submit copies of manufacturers printed instructions and

recommendations for care, cleaning, maintenance and repair of carpeting to the

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Carpet 09680 / 1 - 6

A. Deliver materials in manufacturers unopened containers identified with name, brand

type, grade, class and all other qualifying information location of installation.

B. Store materials in a dry location, in such a manner as to prevent damage.


A. Provide 2% extra stock of carpet tile and carpet of each type and colour and pattern.
Store where directed by the Engineer, completely identified by type carpet code and



A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or
better than those specified, may be acceptable subject to the Engineers approval.

B. Carpet Fibers: Types as scheduled and as recommended by the carpet manufacturer for
the conditions of installation and use.

C. Pile Yarn: Provide yarn spun in the manner recommended by the yarn manufacturer and
the carpet manufacturer, in number of piles and denier indicated or required, to achieve
the pile yard weight, texture and pattern indicated.

D. Dye: Use dyes and dyeing methods recognized by the industry as successful for the type
of fiber being dyed and to achieve the required colours and fade resistance. Achieve the
fade resistance established by the Association of Textile Chemists and Colourists for
carpet when tested on the Atlas Fadeometer for 40 hours.

E. Carpet Cushion: Provide and install one of the following in areas where sheet carpet is

1. Rubber-Loc (Dayco Carpet Cushion Co., USA), 1.9 kg/m2, 9.5mm minimum
gauge, mothproof, antistatic.

2. Str-Lock (Chris-Craft Industries, Strianese Associates, Inc., USA), 1.9 kg/m2,

mothproof, antistatic.
3. Eurosol Heavy, 1.0 Kg/m2, 7.5mm thickness mixture of wool jute and man made
fibres mothproof antistatic.

4. Louis DePoortere, Rue DeLa Royenne, 45-7700 MOUSCRON, BELGIUM, Tel:

056-34-1010, Tlx 57367 LDPB, Fax 056-34-6856.

Or other approved equal.

F. Carpet Tile Adhesive: Release-type as recommended by the carpet manufacturer.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Carpet 09680 / 2 - 6
G. Tape: Woven fabric impregnated with plastic and coated with adhesive having high-tack
adhesion forming a secure bond. Provide water-resisting plastic-coated tape which will
unwind without adhesive transfer.

H. Tackless Stripping: Manufacturers standard wood tackless carpet stripper, arranged for
nail anchoring to wood, concrete and other hard surface floors. Size stripping as required
to be compatible with types of carpet and cushions provided.


A. Fabricate the carpet by construction methods indicated in the schedule by

manufacturers standard process, which is recognized by the carpet industry for that

B. Carpet, other than 100% wool carpet:

1. A minimum radiant flux of 0.22 watts/ when tested in accordance with ASTM
E648, based on the average of three replicate tests, and a specific optical density in
both the flaming and non-flaming modes not exceeding 300 within the first 4
minutes of test when tested in accordance with ASTM E662.


Refer to Drawings for Carpet locations.

A. Carpet Tiles

1. Manufacturer

a. Milliken & Company, 201 Lukken Industrial Drive West,

La Grange, Georgia 30240, USA, Tel: 404-883-6711.

b. Interface Flooring Systems, Inc. P.O. Box. 1503 Orchard Hill Road, La
Grange, Georgia, 30241, USA, Tel: 404-882-1891,
Fax: 706 882 0500.

c. Brinton Ltd., P.O. Box. 16 Exchange Street, Kidderminster,

Worcestershire, DY101AG, England, Telephone: 0562 820000,
Fax: 0562 515597.

Or other approved equal.

2. Quality: Shall be of the following selection as a minimum requirement:

a. Manufacturer: Milliken Contract.

b. Product: P/8503 Dalesman.

c. Construction: Tufted, Textured loop pile.

d. Face Yarn: Dupont Antron Legacy Continuous Filament

Nylon with antimicrobial and static guard and
Stain resistant treatment (or equal).
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Carpet 09680 / 3 - 6
e. Dye Method: Yarn Dyed.

f. Yarn Weight: 24 oz./sq.yd. (814 g./sq.m.).

g. Gauge: 1/8 in. (31.5/10 cm)

h. Tufts: 78.8/ (1221/

i. Finished Pile Ht: 0.14 in. (3.56 mm).

j. Backing: Everwher(R) or equal.

k. Total Thickness: Nominal: 0.296 inch. (7.5 mm) or as shown in the drawing.

l. Module Size : 18" x 18" (457.2 x 457.2 mm).

m. Color: Selected from manufacturers standard color


n. Warranty: 10 year commercial.

B. Sheet/Roll Carpet

1. Manufacturer

a. Brinton Ltd., P.O. Box. 16, Exchange Street, Kidderminster,

Worcestershire, DY101AG, England,
Tel: 0562 820000, Fax: 0562 515597.

b. Interface Flooring Systems, Inc. P.O. Box. 1503,

Orchard Hill Road, La Grange, Georgia, GA30241, USA,
Tel: 404-882-1891 Tlx: 540450.

c. Milliken & Company, 201 Lukken Industrial Drive West,

La Grange, Georgia 30240, USA, Tel: 404-883-6711.

Or other approved equal.

2. Quality: Shall be of following selection as a minimum requirement:

a. Manufacturer: Brintons Ltd.

b. Product: Broadloop

c. Construction: Genuine Woven Wilton

d. Face Yarn: 100% Polymide (Nylon)

e. Rows: 8/in. (31.5/dm)

f. Pitch: 8/4 per inch (31.5/15.75 per dm.)

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Carpet 09680 / 4 - 6
g. Width: 66 " (2.0m)

h. Color: Selected from manufacturers

standard color range.

i. Static Control: Will generate no more than 2.5 KV at

2.5 KV at 21 Deg. C., 30% Relative

j. Total Thickness: Nominal: 0.296 inch. (7.5 mm) or as

shown in the drawing.



A. Coordinate the installation of carpet so as not to delay the occupancy of the building or
interfere with the completion of construction.

B. Examine the substrates, adjoining construction and the conditions under which the Work
is to be installed. Report unsatisfactory conditions to the Engineer. Do not proceed with
the Work until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. Commencement of work
complies acceptance.


A. Sheet Stock

1. Comply with the manufacturers instructions and recommendations. Place seams at

locations indicated on approved shop drawings. Maintain direction of pattern, texture
and lay of pile.

2. Extend carpet into closets and offsets, and under moveable equipment of the rooms
and spaces shown or scheduled to receive carpet, including recessed covers within
those spaces.

3. Provide cutouts as required for removable access covers in substrates except do not
cutout for floor closer cover plates. Bind edges neatly and secure to substrate. Cut
only 3 sides wherever feasible to provide carpet flap in lieu of fully removable

4. Cut opening in carpet for electrical outlets, piping and other penetrations. Maintain
close tolerances so that edges of carpet will be covered by plates and escutcheons.

5. Install edge strip as approved by Engineer at every location where edge of carpet is
exposed to traffic, unless otherwise shown. Install carpet in single lengths wherever
possible, secured in accordance with manufacturers directions.

6. Tackless Installation

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Carpet 09680 / 5 - 6
a. Install tackless strip at perimeter of carpeting in accordance with
manufacturers directions. Maintain uniform spacing from stripping to wall
so that cut carpet edge will turn down to substrate in a tight slot.

b. Install carpet cushion in the largest possible size over the entire area to be
carpeted. Place cushion with face in direction recommended by the
manufacturer. Butt cushion tight against tackless strip. Layout cushion seams
so as not to occur under carpet seams. Butt edges of cushion and adhere
cushion to substrate with daubs of adhesive approximately 100 mm in
diameter, spaced approximately 600 mm apart at all edges.

c. Stretch, adjust and trim carpet in accordance with recognized industry

practice. Use power stretcher of a type recommended by the carpet
manufacturer. Secure edges to tackless strip.

d. Make seams so that pile of adjoining pieces has the same directional run and
so as to be practically invisible. Install carpet with seams sewn or taped using
permanent type construction, which is of sufficient strength for stretching and
wear without failure during the life of the carpet. Maintain straight seams
running true with the lines of the building.

B. Carpet Tile

1. Carpet tile with release adhesive shall be laid in strict accordance with the
manufacturers latest detailed written installation instructions, copies of which shall
be on the job site at all times.

2. Each tile shall be laid in a random ashlar pattern identified on the shop drawings,
which will alternate the direction of the pile lay so that it is not in continuous
direction in any one case.

3. The installation shall be designed so that all tiles abutt as tightly as possible with
perimeter units restrained by a reliable vertical surface, to prevent the build-up of
any accumulated spaces.


A. Vacuum carpet with a commercial vacuum, with rotating agitator or beater in the nozzle.
Remove soil spots in accordance with the carpet manufacturers recommendations.

B. Protect carpet from damage and soiling. Use non-staining cover material for protection.
Tape joints in protective covering.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Carpet 09680 / 6 - 6



A. Provide all labour, materials, equipment, hoists, tools and sundries required to complete,
protect and maintain the Epoxy Resin Floor Coating system, which shall be including
but not limited to the following:

1. Epoxy Resin Floor coating over concrete floor including Skirting (Coved Base)


A. Section 03300 Concrete floor for machine powered floated finish and water curing

B. Section 03550 Sand cement screed

C. Section 07110 waterproofing/vapor barrier beneath slabs on grade


A. Manufacturers, products, materials, ancillaries shall meet the following standards and
agency requirements:

1. BS 476 : Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures

2. BS 476-3 : 1958: External Fire Exposure Roof Test

3. BS 4800 : 1989: Specifications for Paint Colours for Building Purposes

4. BS 8204: Screeds, Bases and in-situ Flooring

5. BS 8204 3 : 1983: Code of Practice for Polymer Modified Cementitious

Wearing Surface

6. NFPA 255: Standard Method of Test of surface Burning

Characteristics of Building materials.

7. NFPA-Table A.10.2.2: (Chapter 12 through Chapter 42): Interior Finish

Classification System


A. Comply with all applicable requirements of the laws, codes, ordinances and regulations
of the Statutory Authorities having jurisdiction.

Ministry of Defence Special Coating

Military Engineering Projects (Epoxy Resin Floor Coating) 09800 / 1 - 7
B. Single Source responsibility: Obtain materials from a single manufacturer for the
complete coating system


A. The manufacturers shall provide evidence indicating that the specified materials have
been successfully utilized on work of similar scope to that shown and specified for this
project. The system examples cited shall have been completed and in use for minimum
five (5) years without any evidence of failure.

B. Installer / Applicator: A specialist floor coating installer / applicator, with a documented

successful track record, trained and prequalified by the manufacturer in the use of the
materials and equipment to be employed in the Work.


A. Product Data: Provide to the Engineer catalogues, manufacturers specifications and

installation instructions for the Epoxy Resin Floor coating system and other data to
show compliance with the contract documents. Provide independent Testing

B. Contractors Review: Before commencing work submit written statement signed by the
Contractor, stating that the Contract Documents for the Epoxy Resin Floor coating
system have been reviewed with a qualified representative of the Floor coating materials
manufacturer and that he is in agreement that the selected materials for the high
performance Epoxy Resin coating system are proper, compatible and adequate for the
applications shown.

C. Shop Drawings: If required by the Engineer, provide detailed shop drawings for all
typical installation details incorporate with all other trades prior to performing of works.

D. Samples:

1. Provide manufacturers complete color selection showing full range of colors

and finish characteristics.

2. Provide materials to be used with labels indicating colour, finish characteristics, and
locations of the Work. Samples will be reviewed for colour and appearance only.
Provide the following:

3. 150mm (6 inch) square sample of each floor coating type, applied to a rigid backing
in color and finish indicated.
E. Closeout Submittals: Submit the followings:

1. Maintenance and Operating Manual

2. Maintenance Practices: Manufacturers recommended practices describing the

materials, devices and procedures to be followed in cleaning and maintaining the
3. Quality Control record documents

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Military Engineering Projects (Epoxy Resin Floor Coating) 09800 / 2 - 7

A. Deliver materials in manufacturers unopened containers identified with name, brand,

type, grade, class and all other qualifying information.

B. Deliver bulk materials with a certification from the manufacturer stating the name, type
and grade of each product used. Furnish certificate accompanying each load (or furnish
manufacturers blanket certificate) for each bulk product used in the work.

C. Store materials in a dry location, in such manner as to prevent damage or intrusion of

foreign matter. Conspicuously mark Rejected on materials, which have once been wet
or damaged and removed from the job site. .


A. Do not apply coating system during inclement weather, dust storm or when air
temperature is out side the range recommended by the manufacturer.

B. Proceed with the Work in accordance with manufacturers requirements and instructions
and any agreements or restrictions of the Pre-Construction Conference.
C. Comply with Epoxy resin floor coating manufacturers directions for maintenance of
substrate temperatures, ventilation, and other conditions required to execute and protect
D. The Contractor shall verify through his own investigations whether the existing
substrates are acceptable. If the existing substrates are not acceptable to the Floor
Coating Sub-contractor, the Contractor shall advice the Owner in writing.

E. Provide adequate illumination during surface preparation and application.

1.08 MOCK-UP

A. Construct a complete mock-up for an area of 10 m2 with approved Epoxy coating

system as directed by the Engineer. Co-ordinate work along with other disciplines to
have a final finish Approved mock-up can remain as part of a final work.


A. Protect the coating from damage during construction period so that it will be without any
indication of abuses or damage at time of completion or covering with other materials.
B. Protect the building from damage resulting from spillage, dripping and dropping of
materials. Repair and restore other work damaged during the coating operation.
C. Prevent materials from running into and clogging drains.
D. Take all necessary precautions against fire and other hazards during delivery, storage
and installation of flammable materials specified here in. comply with local ordinances
and fire regulations in the installation of hazardous materials specified or required under
this section.

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Military Engineering Projects (Epoxy Resin Floor Coating) 09800 / 3 - 7

A. Attention is directed to the provisions of the conditions of contract regarding warranties

for work under this contract.
B. Manufacturers shall provide their warranties for work under this section. However, such
warranties shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other liabilities, which
manufacturers and contractor may have by law or by other provisions of the Contract



A. Products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Manufacturers which are equal to or better than
those specified, and which conform to the Engineers design requirements may be
acceptable subject to the Engineers approval.



JOTUN A/S P.O.Box 2021, N3235
Sandefjord, Norway, Tel. 004733457000
Fax: 0047 3346 4613. Web:
Agent: Concrete Competence centre, P.O. Box 3671, Dubai,
Fax: 0097142852576

II. CMCI (Construction Materials & Chemical Industry)

P.O.Box 7137, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia
Fax: 00966-(03) 847-1575 Web:

Agent in Kuwait: Al-Bahar Al-Bardawil
Tel: 4812144


A. Epoxy resin floor coating (For Store/Services Rooms etc.):

System consisting of primer/sealer and epoxy resin coating (resin and hardener).
System Thickness: Min. 300m dry film thickness
Colors: Refer to Drawings and Engineers Instructions.
Finish: Smooth.

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Military Engineering Projects (Epoxy Resin Floor Coating) 09800 / 4 - 7
Physical properties: Provide flooring system in which physical properties of coating
including aggregate where applicable, when tested in accordance with standards or
procedures referenced below, are as follows.


Bond strength to host concrete 2.3 N/mm2 BS 1881 : Part 207
Crack bridge ability Passed ASTM C884 No delimitation or rupture of the coating
Rapid chloride permeability 1508 Coulombs (low) AASHTO T277
Water permeability < 1mm DIN 1048
Acid/Alkali reaction Non reactive ASTM D543
No visible sign of discolouration or blistering
Weather/Salt spray test Passed N.F.C. standard No cracking, blistering or swelling
Impact resistance Passed ISO 6272 No surface cracking or defects
Shore A hardness Min. 75 ASTM D2240
Taber Abrasion (1,000 cycles) Passed ASTD D4060
(Weight loss <0.04%)
Toxicity Passed BS 6920
Fully complies with toxicity limits given in BS 6920
Part 1 and World Health Organization standards.
Flame spread Passed ASTM D1360 No ignition of coating

B. Joint Sealant material: Type recommended or produced by manufacturer of epoxy resin floor
coating system for type of service and joint condition indicated.



A. Site verification of Conditions and Floor Requirements: Examine and correct conditions
of area to receive the Work prior to installation.

B. Concrete floors need to be a minimum 28 days old to allow for curing. Prior to the
application of any coating, a maximum moisture content of 5% needs to be established.
Excess moisture can cause product failure in subsequent coatings. Surface relative
humidity should be less than 75%. The concrete mix design shall conform to acceptable
concrete standards with regard to water/cement ratio, use of admixtures, minimum
cement requirements and various strength criteria.


A. Surface Preparation:

1. General: Perform substrate cleaning and surface preparation procedures in strict

compliance with manufacturers instructions for particular substrate conditions
involved, and as herein specified.

2. The objective of surface preparation is to produce a clean concrete surface suitable

for the application and adhesion of the epoxy resin floor coating system. Therefore,
all concrete damaged or unsound in any way, shall first be removed to expose sound
concrete and adequately repaired. Any fins or protrusions on the concrete surface
shall be removed to achieve a smooth surface.

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B. Cleaning:

1. Concrete contaminated by any substance or chemical shall be completely cleaned

using an appropriate method so that it is left free of any contamination.

2. Initially, dislodge dust, dirt, mortar spatter, old and loose paint and other dry surface
accumulations and contamination by scraping, brushing, sweeping, vacuuming or
blowing down using clean and dry compressed air.

3. Surfaces that are contaminated with petroleum, oil, grease or chemicals shall be treated
using appropriate detergent, cleaners, surfactants followed by thoroughly rinsing with
high pressure fresh water or other appropriate method. Do not use mechanical
methods to remove such contamination.

C. Mechanical Surface Preparation:

1. Concrete floor surfaces shall be visibly dry, especially in cracks and other deep
discontinuities, prior to commencing mechanical cleaning and surface preparation.

2. Surface preparation shall provide the correct surface profile (roughness) to ensure
good adhesion and a suitable method and appropriate equipment must be used.
Comply with ASTM C 811 unless otherwise required by manufacturers instructions
and reviewed by Project Manager.

3. Verify acceptability of concrete moisture content by tests acceptable to epoxy resin

floor coating manufacturer.

4. Concrete floor surfaces shall be mechanically cleaned using a scrabbler, floor grinder,
captive blasting unit or approved equivalent. Acid etching is not considered an
acceptable surface preparation method and shall not be used.

5. Surface and embedded accumulations of paints, toppings, hardened concrete layers,

laitance, power trowel finishes and other similar surface characteristics shall be
removed leaving a bare concrete surface having a minimum profile 35 to 50 microns
or as recommended by the manufacturer of the epoxy resin floor coating.

6. Floor areas that are inaccessible to the cleaning machine shall be mechanically
abraded to the same specific degree of cleanliness, soundness and profile using
vertical disc scarifiers, starwheel scarifiers, grinders, or other suitably effective

7. Cracks in the floor 4.5mm or smaller shall be routed out to a minimum 2 cm V-

groove of sound concrete and filled with a polymer mortar or filler as recommended
by the epoxy resin floor coating manufacturer. Other significant surface
discontinuities such as holes, pits, depressions and exposed aggregate areas (from
chemical attack erosion) shall be filled with similar material as recommended by the
epoxy resin floor coating manufacturer to within 3mmof surrounding grade level.

8. Allow surface to dry or force dry with heat and circulating air to ensure that all
surface, especially discontinuities, are visibly dry.

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A. General: Apply the epoxy resin floor coating system in strict accordance with
manufacturers printed application instructions, submittals, applicable industry standards,
and governing regulatory requirements for the Work.

B. Produce a uniform monolithic wearing surface of thickness indicated, uninterrupted

except at divider strips, sawn joints or other types of joints, indicated or required.

1. Primer / sealer: Apply over prepared surface at manufacturers recommended film

thickness and in accordance indicated re-coating time intervals.

2. Body coat: Apply over prepared surface at manufacturers recommended film

thickness and in accordance indicated re-coating time intervals.

3. Topcoat (if any): Apply over prepared surface at manufacturers recommended film
thickness and in accordance indicated re-coating time intervals.

C. Curing: Comply with manufacturers directions, taking care to prevent contamination

during stages of application and prior to completion of curing process.


A. At the end of each work day, remove unused materials, debris and containers from the
project site.


A. Protect the Work so it will not deteriorate or be damaged. Remove protection at time of
Substantial Completion.


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A. Provide labor, materials, equipment and services and perform operation required to
complete all field painting and finishing of all items of architectural works, interior and
exterior which require paint finish for protection and/or appearance in accordance with
the requirements of the Contract Documents, which shall be including but not limited to
the following:

1. Internal Painting over masonry, plaster or fair face concrete surface

2. External Painting over masonry, plaster or fair face concrete surface
3. Painting over Gypsum board
4. Painting over Wood surface
5. Painting over metal surface
6. Painting to exposed bare and covered pipes and ducts, hangers, exposed steel and iron
work, and primed metal surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment
7. Special/Miscellaneous paint as described

B. Painting work shall be executed by an approved specialist Sub-contractor.


A. The Contractor shall examine other Sections of the Specifications for the various other
trades and shall thoroughly familiarize himself with all such terms and surfaces to be
included in this work, which are not included in other Sections.

B. The term paint, as used herein, includes paints, enamels, stains, varnishes, lacquers,
sealers, fillers, and other types of coatings whether used as primers, intermediate or finish


A. Shop Primed Items: Certain items of work are specified under other Sections to be shop
primed with finish painting specified in this Section.

B. Shop Primed Items: Certain items of work are specified under Sections to be shop
finished and do not require finish painting in the filed.

C. Wood preservative treatments, specified under CARPENTRY WORK Section.

D. Painted lines at parking area, specified under PARKING MARKING Section.

E. Identification stenciling required for utility lines and ducts, specified under respect

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Painting 09900 / 1 - 14

1. SSPC-SP (Surface Preparation Specifications).

2. SSPC-PT (Pre-treatment Specifications) SSPC-PA (Paint Application

Specifications). Steel Structures Painting Manual, Volume 2, Systems and
Specifications published by the Steel Structure painting Council, 400 Fifty Avenue,
Pittsburgh, Pa. and by reference are made a part of the painting specifications.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer the manufacturers specifications and

installation instructions for paint materials and systems, including certifications,
verification of mill thickness specified and other data to show compliance with these

B. Detailed Painting Schedule: Submit a Detailed Painting Schedule for review of the
Engineer. Prepare this schedule on the basis of surfaces, types of paint materials, types
of primers and sealer, number of coats and list the brand name of the product of the
manufacturer for each use.

C. Samples: Submit to the Engineer samples as hereinafter listed. Sample submittal shall be
for color and texture only. Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive
responsibility of the Contractor.

1. Sample Boards: Match Engineers Color chips on 300 x 300mm hardboard, with color,
texture and sheen duplicated to simulate actual conditions. Resubmit sample boards as
necessary for selection by the Engineer.

2. Sample Areas: Using selected 300 x 300 mm sample boards as a guide and prepare and
finish partial areas as directed by the Engineer for final approval of color, texture and
sheen. When approved, these areas shall serve as the standard for workmanship,
appearance and materials for similar areas throughout the project.


A. Prepare a sample panels, after approval of paint displays, totaling approximately 40M2
in spaces designated by the Engineer for his final review. Accepted work may retain as
apart of the work.


A. Where manufacture makes more than one grade of any material specified, this
applicator shall use the highest grade of each type, whether or not the material is
mentioned by trade name in these specifications.

B. Include on labels of all containers the manufacturers name, the product name and
number, the color and the batch number.

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A. Paint shall not be applied in rain, fog, or mist, or when the air is dust laden, or when the
relative humidity exceeds 85%. Paints, other than water-thinned coatings, shall be
applied only to surfaces that are completely free of surfaces moisture as determined by
sight, touch, and moisture meter, as specified.

B. Paint shall not be applied when temperature of the surfaces to be painted and the
surrounding atmosphere is below 10 Deg. C. for water-thinned coatings and below 7
Deg.C. for other coatings. Maintain temperatures within the building at a minimum of
16 Deg.C. during painting and drying periods.

C. During periods of inclement weather, painting may be continued if the areas and
surfaces to be painted are enclosed and artificial heat is supplied, provided that
temperature and humidity conditions prescribed above are maintained.

D. Where the paint manufacturers specifications or instruction differ from the above
specifications, the more stringent requirements shall apply to this work.


A. All materials shall be stored in designated spaces in a manner, which meets the
requirements of applicable code and fire regulations. When not in use, such spaces shall
be kept locked and in accessible to those not employed under this Section. Each space
shall be provided with a fire extinguisher of carbon dioxide or Dry Chemical type
bearing the label of the National Board of Fire Underwriters and tag of recent

B. All materials shall be brought to the site and stored in the mixing room in
manufacturers original sealed containers, bearing the manufacturers standard label,
indicating type and color. Materials shall be delivered in sufficient quantities in advance
of the time needed in order that work will not be delayed in any way.

C. Deliver work under this Section to site in ample time to avoid delay in job progress and
at such items as to permit proper coordination of the various parts.


A. Place paint or solvent soaked rags, waste, or other materials, which might constitute a
fire hazard in metal containers and remove from premises at the close of each days work.
Take every precaution to avoid damage by fire.

B. Protect the work of all other trades against damage the progress of the painting and
finishing work. Repair any damage done.

C. Re-finish any work made necessary by defective workmanship or materials, or

carelessness as directed by the Engineer.

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A. All materials used into he work shall be as hereinafter specified. No claims as to the
suitability of any material specified, or the Contractors inability to produce first class
work with these materials will be considered.

B. Provide only absolutely pure linseed oil, turpentine, shellac, and other like materials that
are of the highest quality with identifying labels intact and seals unbroken. Use no
thinners other than those specified by the manufacturer.

C. Use only primers and undercoats that are suitable for each surface to be covered and that
are compatible with the finish coat required.

D. Use products of the same manufacturer for succeeding coats. Where shop primed
materials are to be finish painted and/or prime coat materials are by a different
manufacture than the finish coat materials, confirm compatibility of the primers with the
manufacturer of the finish coat paints.


A. Knotting:

Shall comply with B.S. 1336.

B. Stopping:

Stopping for:

1. Plaster work shall be a plaster-based filler.

2. Concrete rendering or brickwork shall be similar material to the background and
shall be finished with a similar texture.
3. Internal woodwork, plywood, shall be putty complying with B.S. 544 and shall be
tinted to match the color of the undercoat.
4. External woodwork shall be white lead paste and shall be tinted to match the color of
the undercoat.
5. Clear finished woodwork shall be a stopping tinted to match the surrounding

C. Linseed Oil:

1. Refined linseed oil shall comply with B.S. 242.

2. Raw linseed oil shall comply with B.S. 243.
3. Boiled linseed oil shall comply with BS 259.

D. Turpentine:

Turpentine shall comply with B.S. 244 and B.S. 290.

E. White Spirit:

White spirit shall comply with B.S. 245.

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F. Priming/Under Coat:

1. For plaster and concrete surfaces shall be an alkali resistant primer obtained from the
maker of undercoat and finished coat to be used.
2. For alkaline surfaces shall be special primers obtained from the maker of undercoat
and finishing coats.
3. For bituminous surfaces to be finished with oil paint: special primer recommended
by the maker of undercoat and finishing coats.
4. For iron and steelwork: Red oxide priming paint complying with B.S. 2524.
5. For external galvanized steelwork: Apply a wash coat for the pre-treatment of new
galvanized surfaces. Use GDA 160, each solution of International paint Kuwait or
6. For internal wood work: an approved leadless white or light gray primary paint,
compatible with undercoat and finishing coats and obtained from the same maker.
7. For external woodwork: a ready mixed aluminium primary paint to comply with B.S.
8. For hardwood: a special ready mixed primer obtained from the maker of the
undercoat and finished coats.
9. For external block or concrete surface use SIGMA System Paint or as specified
and shown in the drawings.
10. For external white textured paint: use an alkali resistant under coat. Kupagrard
exterior masonry coating manufactured by the International paint, Kuwait or
equivalent shall be used.

G. Emulsion Paint:

Emulsion paint shall be of the polyvinyl acetate type as manufactured by G.T.C.,

Hempel, International Paint Co. Kuwait or approved equal. Thinner shall be supplied
by the same manufacturer.

H. Oil Paints:

Hard gloss and flat oil paints and their respective undercoats shall be from G.T.C.,
Hempel, International Paint Co. Kuwait or approved equal.

I. Oil alkyd based enamel paint for steelwork:

Apply an undercoat based on a thixotropic alkyd resin, air-drying type. Apply two coats
of oil alkyd resin based gloss enamel manufactured by G.T.C., Hempel, International
paint Co. Kuwait or equal to be used.

J. Teak Oil:

Teak oil shall be of an approved brand and applied in accordance with manufacturers

K. Varnish:

Varnish for woodwork shall be of an approved brand.

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A. Sigma Paint System:

Sigma paint system shall be including plastering of the external block/concrete wall surface
and applying Sigma paint in the following sequence:

1. Expanded metal lathe (UK made or equal) over whole are of plaster and painting
surfaces including corner/stop beads as per requirements.

2. Grouting of surfaces including special additives of Sigma.

3. Apply sand cement plaster (1:3) as per required thickness, smooth surface applying
special Sigma additives.

4. Provide all required joints (Expansion and Architectural joints).

5. Apply Sigma Rever 5 mm thick as per approved color and texture.

6. Provide two (2) coats of protection layer.

B. Texture Paint:

Exterior quality: 5 mm thick texture paint finish from G.T.C, Hempel or no

less than equal approved quality including protection layer may be used if it is mentioned
in the drawings and BOQ. In case the above-mentioned external quality pant is used, the
Contractor shall submit the manufacturers specifications and data including color schedule
for Engineers review and approval.


A. It is essential that paints applied in the shop and in the field be mutually compatible.
Shop drawings for fabricated items will indicate manufacturer and type of shop coat

B. This applicator shall determine that the materials specified in the Painting Schedule are
compatible with shop coats to which these materials are to be applied and he shall bring
to the Engineers attention any condition, which may require a change in the
specifications before proceeding with his work. Failure to do so shall be construed as
acceptance of the paints specified and this applicator shall correct at his own expense,
any defects in his work resulting from the use of such materials.

C. No claim by this applicator concerning the unsuitability of any material specified or his
ability to produce first class work with same will be entertainment after Contract is


A. The Engineer will furnish a schedule of colors for each area and surface. All colors shall
be mixed in accordance with manufacturers instructions.
B. Colors shall be pure, non-fading pigments, mildew proof, sun proof, finely ground in
approved medium. Colors used on concrete, wallboard surfaces (as applicable) shall be
lime proof. All materials shall be subject to the Engineers approval.
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A. Examine the substrata and adjoining construction, and the conditions under which the
work is to be installed. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions
detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work have been corrected.


A. Inspect all surfaces in regard to their suitability to receive a finish. In the event that
imperfections due to materials or workmanship appear on any surfaces after the
application of paint or coating, the cost of any correction shall be borne by the

B. Remove hardware, switch-plates, trim for mechanical work, lighting fixtures and similar
items placed prior to painting, set aside and re-fix on completion of painting work.
Protect items where not practicable to remove and upon completion of painting work
remove protection.

C. Clean all surfaces to be painted as required to remove dust and dirt. Sand as necessary to
properly prepare surfaces to receive paint or natural Finnish.

D. Before applying succeeding coats, primers and undercoats shall be completely integral
and shall perform the function for which they are specified. Properly prepare and touch
up all scratches, abrasions, or other disfigurements. Remove any foreign matte before
proceeding with the following coat. All spot priming or spot coating shall be featheredge
into adjacent coatings to produce a smooth and level surface.

E. Do not apply final coats until after other trades whose operations would be detrimental to
finish painting have finished with their work in the area to be painted and the areas have
been released for painting.

F. The Contractor must comply with the manufacturers instructions, Engineers

requirements and the following recommendations for the preparation of the under listed
type of surfaces wherever applicable.

1. Plaster, Concrete and Rendering:

All splashes of plaster, mortar etc. shall be removed from plastered, concrete surfaces
by scraping. All holes, cracks, etc. shall be stopped and the whole of the surfaces shall
be brushed down to remove dust and loose material.

Plastered surfaces shall receive two coats of linseed oil putty complying with B.S. 544
well worked in and spread over the entire surface and to be sanded down to give a
completely smooth and even surface. All traces of mould oil shall be removed from
concrete surfaces by scrubbing with water and detergent and rinsing with clean water
to remove all detergent. When efflorescence has occurred or is suspected, painting
shall be postponed for a period as required by the Engineer.

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2. Gypsum Board:

Minor imperfections in gypsum board to be painted shall be filled with the same filler
used for jointing the gypsum board. The whole of the surface shall be brushed down to
remove dust.

3. Plywood:

Surfaces of work to be painted shall be primed, filled as required with filler, rubbed
and dusted down and a second coat of primer applied.

After final priming all imperfections shall be stopped, rubbed down and brushed off.

4. Woodwork to be painted:

Before fixing woodwork, all surfaces, which will be visible after fixing, shall be
rubbed down and all knots and resin pockets shall be coated with knotting.

After priming and fixing, all nail holes and other imperfections shall be stopped and the
whole surfaces shall be rubbed down and all dust brushed off.

5. Wood work to receive a clear finish:

All holes and other imperfections in surfaces to receive a clear finish shall be stopped
and the whole surfaces shall be rubbed down and all dust brushed off.

6. Waterproof Coatings:

Surfaces of concrete shall be smooth and clean of dust and dirt before receiving the
primers of the waterproof coating.

All cracks, tie bolt holes, fins, etc. shall be filled, ground as per instructions of the
manufacturer of waterproof coating.

The waterproof coating shall be applied strictly as per manufactures recommendations

and instructions.

7. Ferrous Metals

Clean and prime ferrous metal surfaces, which have not been shop primed, before the
surface is damaged by weather or other exposure. After erection is completed touch up
heads of bolts, welded surfaces, which are unpainted, and surfaces or areas where the
primer has been abraded or otherwise damaged.

Prior to application of any field coats on ferrous metal surfaces, remove oil, grease,
welding flux residues and other contaminants harmful to painting in accordance with
the applicable requirements of SSPC-SP 1-63 Solvent Cleaning. After solvent
cleaning prepare any bare metal surfaces by removing all stratified rust (rust scale), all
loose mill scale, all loose or non-adherent rust and detrimental welding deposits by
methods specified in SSPC-SP 3-63 Power Tool cleaning. Prepare any corroded or
abraded surfaces of Architectural Steel or other shop-coated metal by sanding to bare

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8. Galvanized Metals

Clean galvanized metal surfaces of all oil, grease and other contaminants in accordance
with the applicable requirements of SSPC-SP 1-63 Solvent Cleaning, and pre-treat in
accordance with SSPC-PT 2-64 Cold Phosphate Treatment, prime as follows:

a. Prime with a Zinc Dust, Zinc Oxide, Alkyd Paint.

Prior to application of subsequent coats, thoroughly clean all surfaces to ensure the
removal of any grease, soil, dust, or foreign matter. Take particular care to prevent
the contamination of cleaned surfaces with salt, acids, alkali, or other corrosive
chemicals before prime coating and between subsequent coats of paint.

9. Touch-Up Painting of Primed Metal Surfaces

Heads of bolts, surfaces, which are unpainted because of welding, field connections
and any other areas on which the shop coat has been abraded or otherwise damaged
shall be touched up with the specified primer after erection.

All field welds and all areas within 50mm of weld on exposed surfaces of steel,
which are to be painted, shall be cleaned before painting, using surface preparation
methods as hereinbefore specified.

Touch up primer shall be the same metal primer used initially.

Surfaces requiring touch-up painting shall be cleaned and primed as soon as

practicable after erection and before excessive rusting or other damage occurs to
such surfaces from weather or other exposure.


A. Paint exterior surfaces exposed to view in accordance with this Schedule of Exterior
Painting, except as specifically shown or specified.

B. Ferrous Metal

1. Shop-Primed

a. 1st Coat: Alkyd Flat Semi Gloss.

b. 2nd Coat: Alkyd Flat Semi Gloss

2. Galvanized

a. 1st Coat: Zinc Dust Primer Vinyl Wash Primer

b. 2nd Coat: Alkyd Flat Semi Gloss
c. 3rd Coat: Alkyd Flat Semi Gloss

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C. Concrete, Concrete Masonry Units

1. Sigma paint system: Sigma Rever 5 mm thick as mentioned in article 2.03 A

2. External Texture paint over plaster surface: As mentioned in article 2.03 B

D. Wood

1. Stain Finish

a. 1st Coat: Stain Penetrating Wood Preservative

b. 2nd Coat: Clear Penetrating Wood Preservative

2. Gloss Semi Gloss or Eggshell Finish

a. 1st Coat: Wood Primer

b. 2nd Coat: Alkyd Paint
c. 3rd Coat: Alkyd Paint

3. Flat Finish

a. 1st Coat: Wood Primer

b. 2nd Coat: Acrylic Latex

c. 3rd Coat: Acrylic Latex


A. Paint interior surfaces exposed to view in accordance with this Schedule of interior
painting, except as specifically shown or specified in the drawings, BOQ or other
contract documents:

B. Ferrous Metal

1. Shop-Primed

a. 1st Coat: Enamel Undercoater

b. 2nd Coat: Alkyd Eggshell Enamel

2. Galvanized

a. 1st Coat: Zinc Dust Primer

b. 2nd Coat: Enamel Undercoater
c. 3rd Coat: Alkyd Eggshell Enamel

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C. Plaster and Drywall

1. Enamel Finish

a. 1st Coat: Latex Primer

b. 2nd Coat: Enamel Undercoater
c. 3rd Coat: Alkyd Eggshell Enamel

2. Flat Finish

a. 1st Coat: Latex Primer

b. 2nd Coat: Latex Flat
c. 3rd Coat: Latex Flat

D. Concrete, Concrete Masonry Units

1. Enamel Finish

a. 1st Coat: Latex Primer

b. 2nd Coat: Enamel Undercoater
c. 3rd Coat: Alkyd Eggshell Enamel

2. Flat Finish

a. 1st Coat: Latex Primer

b. 2nd Coat: Latex Flat
c. 3rd Coat: Latex Flat

E. Wood, except Shop Finished

1. 1st Coat: Alkyd Primer Sealer

2. 2nd Coat: Enamel Undercoater
3. 3rd Coat: Alkyd Eggshell Enamel

F. Piping and Mechanical Equipment: paint piping, pipe hangers and supports, heat
exchangers, tanks, ductwork, insulation, motors, electrical conduits, switchgear and
other mechanical and electrical equipment except equipment which is non-ferrous metal,
plated, finished by manufacturers, permanently concealed or noted to be painted under
other Sections. Properly clean, prepare and finish as specified. Paint materials shall be
heat-resisting type when applied to heating lines and equipment.

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1. Un-insulated Piping Ductwork, Fittings and Equipment

a. 1st Coat: Enamel Undercoater

b. 2nd Coat: Alkyd Eggshell Enamel

2. Insulated Piping Ductwork, Fittings and Equipment

a. 1st Coat: Latex Flat

b. 2nd Coat: Alkyd Flat Semi Gloss

3. Machinery and Equipment

a. 1st Coat: Epoxy Type Machinery Enamel

b. 2nd Coat: Epoxy Type Machinery Enamel


A. General:

1. All materials shall be used strictly in accordance with manufacturers instructions and
to the approval of the Engineer. Recommended dry film thickness (dft) is 75-125
microns/coat or as specified by the manufacturer.

The contents of all cans and containers must be properly and thoroughly studied
before and during use and stirred as and when necessary.

2. Paint shall be applied by a brush, roller, or spray in accordance with the

manufactures instructions. All materials, when brushed, shall be evenly flowed on
with brushes best suited for the type of material being applied. When using a roller,
the covers shall be carpet, velvet back, or high pile sheep wool best suited for
material and texture selected by the Engineer. Sprayed paint shall be uniformly
applied with suitable equipment. Provide for periodic supervision by representatives
of paint manufacturers.

3. Spread all materials evenly and smoothly without runs, sags, or other defects. Make
edges of paint adjoining other materials or colors shape and clean, without
overlapping. Allow sufficient time between coats to ensure proper drying. Sand
between coats with fine glass-paper, or rub surfaces with pumice stone where
required in accordance with manufactures directions to produce an even, smooth

4. Exposed surfaces shall mean all areas visible when all permanent or built-in
fixates, grilles, mechanical and electrical equipment housings, ducts, and conduits are
in place in all areas specified or scheduled to be painted.

5. Access panels and similar items in painted areas shall be painted to match the areas in
which they occur unless otherwise as specified in the schedules.

6. Paint the back side of access panels, removable or hinged covers. Do not paint
nameplates on equipment.
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Military Engineering Projects Painting 09900 / 12 - 14
7. Wherever steel or other metal parts are shown to be built into and concealed by
masonry construction the Contractor shall paint all such work same as herein
specified for exposed parts. Coordinate the work with all related trades, so that all
finish painting of concealed parts is completed before such work commences. Do not
finish paint-exposed parts until after completion of works.

B. Coatings to be dry and smooth:

All coatings shall be allowed to dry before application of succeeding coats.

All undercoats of oil paints and clear finishes shall be rubbed down to a smooth surface
with abrasive paper and all dust removed before succeeding coat is applied.

C. Color of undercoats:

Each succeeding coat of priming and undercoats shall be sufficiently different in color as
to be readily distinguishable.

D. Unsuitable conditions:

No painting shall be applied to surfaces affected by wet, damp, or other unsuitable


External painting work shall not be carried out during inclement weather.


A. Protection of Wet Surfaces:

Suitable precautions must be taken to protect surfaces, which are still wet by means of
screens and wet paint signs.

B. Protection to other trades:

Contractor shall ensure that work of other trades is protected from damage and soiling
from paint materials.

Moveable objects like furniture, equipment, fittings shall be moved, protected and re-
placed upon completion of an area.

All surfaces fixed ironmongery, fittings etc. shall be removed before painting and re-fixed
on completion.


A. All brushes tools, etc shall be kept in a clean condition. Painting shall not be carried out
in the vicinity of other operations, which might raise dust. Contractor shall not throw any
liquids, slop washings etc. into gullies, manholes, sinks, basins, W.Cs or any other
sanitary fittings. Suitable receptacles shall be provided by the Contractor to receive such
liquids and slop washings. All inflammable residues shall be removed from the Site.

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Military Engineering Projects Painting 09900 / 13 - 14

A. On completion of the work thoroughly clean the areas affected by painting works.
Remove all paint splashes and smears and surplus construction materials and debris
resulting from the work and dispose of same legally off the site.


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Military Engineering Projects Painting 09900 / 14 - 14


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Specialties Division 10



A. Provide Toilet Cubicles/Partition and Screen in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract Documents.

B. The work of this section shall be including but not limited to:

1. Floor supported Phenolic Toilet compartments/Partitions including hardware and

accessories, dimensions and thickness as shown.

2. Compartment Style: Floor anchored, maximum-privacy water-resistant.

3. Screen Style: Wall hung

4. Doors inside the compartment including frame and hardware same of partition as an
integrated system


A. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced.
The publications are referred to in the text by basic designation only.


FS RR-P-1352 (Rev C) Partitions, Toilet, Complete


A. Toilet partition system, including toilet enclosures, room entrance screens, and urinal
screens, shall be a complete and usable system of panels, hardware, and support
components. The partition system shall be provided by a single manufacturer and shall
be a standard product as shown in the most recent catalog data.


A. Section 10800: Toilet and Bath Accessories


A. The following shall be submitted in accordance with SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES:

1. Data

a. Toilet Partition System.

b. Manufacturer's technical data and catalog cuts including installation and

cleaning instructions.
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Military Engineering Projects Toilet Compartment/Partitions 10155 / 1 - 5
2 Shop Drawings

a. Toilet Partition System.

Drawings showing plans, elevations, details of construction, hardware,

reinforcing, fittings, mountings, and anchoring details.

b. Show locations of reinforcement and cutouts for compartment mounted toilet


3 Samples

a. Toilet Partition System.

b. Manufacturer's standard color charts and color samples.


A. Components shall be delivered to the job site in the manufacturer's original packaging
with the brand, item identification, and project reference clearly marked. Components
shall be stored in a dry location that is adequately ventilated and free from dust, water, or
other contaminants and shall have easy access for inspection and handling.


A. Field Measurements: Verify dimensions in areas of installation by field measurements

before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop drawings. Coordinate fabrication
schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the work.


A. Manufacturer's standard performance guarantees or warranties shall be provided.



A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers

offering products that may be incorporated into the work include, but are not limited to
the followings:

1. Bobrick Wash Room Equipment, Inc.

11611, Hart Street, North
Hollywood, CA 91605-5882
Fax: + 1818 503 9941

2. General Partitions Manufacturing Corp.

Erie, PA, Tel: +1814 833 1154
Fax: + 1818 833 3473
3. Rockville Partitions
4781 S. Highway 51 N
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Toilet Compartment/Partitions 10155 / 2 - 5
Merecer, W1 54547-9708
Tel: 715-476-3512
Fax: 715-476-3585

4. Or no less than equal approved quality


A. General: Provide materials that have been selected for surface flatness and smoothness.
Exposed surfaces that exhibit pitting, seam marks, roller marks, stains, discolorations,
telegraphing of core material, or other imperfections on finished units are unacceptable.

B. Stiles: 19 mm thick solidly fused plastic laminate with matte-finish melamine surfaces,
colored face sheets, and black phenolic resin core that are integrally bonded. Edges are
stainless steel.

Leveling Device: Two 10x19mm chrome treated steel bars are bolted to stile, furnished
with 10mm diameter threaded rods, nuts, washers, sleeve-anchors, and shoe retainers.

Shoe: 18-8, type-304, 22-gauge (0.8mm) stainless steel with satin finish, 102mm high.

C. Panels: 13 mm thick, solidly fused plastic laminate with matte-finish melamine surfaces,
colored face sheets and black phenolic-resin core that are integrally bonded with a 20
gauge stainless steel interlock moulding/edges.

D. Doors and Wall Posts: 19mm thick, solidly fused plastic laminate with matte finish
melamine surfaces, colored face sheets, and black phenolic-resin core that integrally
bonded with a 20 gauge stainless steel interlock moulding/edges. All doors shall be

E. Commercial hardware (standard): Hinges, door latches, door keepers, coat hooks and
mounting brackets are constructed of 18-8, Type-304, heavy gauge stainless steel with
satin finish. Threaded inserts are factory installed for securing hinges and door latch.
Theft-resistant, stainless steel one way screws are furnished for all door hardware.
Stainless steel Philips head screws are furnished for all mounting brackets (theft-
resistant, stainless steel one way screws are optional for mounting brackets specify Part
No.1-370. Rubber latch handle serves as door bumper for in swinging door. Balanced
hinge, which is adjustable, holds door of unoccupied toilet compartment partially open.
Toilet compartment door is locked from inside by sliding door latch into keeper. A1
locked compartment may be opened from outside by lifting door to disengage latch from
keeper. Track of door latch prevents in swinging door from swinging out beyond stile,
on out swinging door, the door keeper prevents it from swinging in beyond stile.

F. Anchorages and Fasteners: Manufacturers standard exposed fasteners of stainless steel

finished to match hardware, with theft-resistant-type heads. Provide sex-type bolts for
through-bolt applications. For concealed anchors, use hot-dipped galvanized or other
rust-resistant, protective-coated steel.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Toilet Compartment/Partitions 10155 / 3 - 5
Standard Size Components:

1. Stiles: For compartments 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 410, 510, or 610mm wide for screens
100mm wide. Floor anchored up to 1940mm high in any increment.

2. Doors: Up to 1830mm high in any increment. In swinging doors are standard for 560-
740mm widths in whole inch increments. Out swinging doors are standards for 810-
910mm widths in whole-inch increments.

3. Wall posts: Floor anchored 90mm wide, up to 1830mm high in any increment


A. General: provide standard doors, panels, screens, and pilasters fabricated for
compartment system. Provide units with cutouts and drilled holes to receive
compartment-mounted hardware, accessories, and grab bars, as indicated.

1. Provide internal reinforcement in solid phenolic core units for compartment-mounted

hardware, accessories and grab bars, as indicated.

B. Doors: Unless otherwise indicated, provide 610mm wide in-swinging doors for standard
toilet compartments and 914mm wide out-swinging doors with a minimum 810mm wide
clear opening for compartments indicated to be handicapped accessible.

1. Hinges: Manufacturers standard self-closing type that can be adjusted to hold door
open at any angle up to 90 degrees.

2. Latch and Keeper: Recessed latch unit designed for emergency access and with
combination rubber-faced door strike and keeper. Provide units that comply with
accessibility requirements of authorities having jurisdiction at compartments
indicated to be handicapped accessible.

3. Coat Hook: Manufacturers standard combination hook and rubber-tipped bumper,

sized to prevent door from hitting compartment-mounted accessories.

4. Door Bumper: Manufacturers standard rubber-tipped bumpers at out-swinging

doors or entrance screen doors.

5. Door Pull: Manufacturers standard unit that complies with accessibility

requirements of authorities having jurisdiction at out-swinging doors. Provide units
on both sides of doors at compartments that are to be allocated by the Engineer for
the accessibility of handicapped personnel.

C. Finish: shall be matt finish of manufacturers standard high pressure melamine of

approved color with a 20 gauge stainless steel interlock moulding/edges.

D. Protect all toilet compartments from damages by applying strippable, temporary

protective covering before shipment.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Toilet Compartment/Partitions 10155 / 4 - 5


A. Partition/Compartment: Toilet partitions shall be installed straight and plumb in

accordance with approved manufacturer's instructions with horizontal lines level and
rigidly anchored to the supporting construction. Where indicated, anchorage to walls
shall be by toggle bolting. Drilling and cutting for installation of anchors shall be at
locations that will be concealed in the finished work.

B. Screens: Attach with anchoring devices according to manufacturers written instructions

and to suit supporting structure. Set units level and plumb and to resist lateral impact.


A. Adjust and lubricate hardware according to manufacturers written instructions for

proper operation. Doors shall have a uniform vertical edge clearance of approximately 5-
mm (3/16 inch) and shall rest open at approximately 30 degrees when unlatched. Set
hinges on out swinging doors and swinging doors in entrance screens to return to fully
closed position. Toilet partitions shall be cleaned in accordance with approved
manufacturer's instructions and shall be protected from damage until accepted.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Toilet Compartment/Partitions 10155 / 5 - 5



A. General: Provide louvers in accordance with the requirements of the Contract


B. Louvers / Grilles shall be provided and installed by an approved specialist Sub-


C. The Drawings show the extent of Aluminium Louvers work, hereby defined to include
(but not necessarily limited to) the following components:

1. Architectural Fixed Aluminium Louvers / Grilles.

2. Aluminium Frame.

3. Aluminium bird screens.

4. Sealant, joint fillers and gaskets in conjunction with the above items.


A. NAAMM Standards: In addition to the requirements shown and specified in this Section
comply with the applicable provisions and recommendations of the following:

1. AWS Structural Welding Code Steel, D.1.1

2. AWS Structural Welding Code Aluminium, D.1.2

3. ANSI/AAMA 302.9.

4. AMCA Standard 500.

5. SMACNA Architectural Sheet Metal Manual.

B. Obtain louvers / grilles from a single source where alike in one or more respects with
regard to type, design and factory applied colour finish.

C. Installer Qualifications: Arrange for installation of louvers / grilles by a firm that can
demonstrate successful experience in items similar in type and quality to those specified.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Louvers 10200 / 1 - 7

A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer manufacturers specifications and

installation instructions and other data to show compliance with these Specifications.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit detailed shop drawings of all components for review by the
Engineer. Include full size sections of all typical members, dimensioned elevations,
anchors, and other accessories required.

C. Samples

1. Submit sample of each type of metal finish prepared on 150mm square metal
samples of the same thickness and alloy indicated for final unit of work. Sample
submittal and acceptance shall be for colour, texture, and specular gloss only.
Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive responsibility of the

2. Submit sample corner of operable louver unit and adjustable louver, with hardware,
representative of fabrication techniques and workmanship of the final products.


A. Deliver all components to project site completely identified. Store in accordance with
manufacturers instructions, above grade on dunnage, properly protected from the
weather, construction activities, and other possibility of damage or loss.



A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to, or
better than those specified will be acceptable, subject to the Engineers approval.

B. Approved Manufacturers

1. Universal Molding Co.

10807 Stanford Avenue
P.O.Box 292 , Lynwood
California 90262

2. American Abrasive Metals Co.

460 Coit Street,
Irvington, New Jersey 07111-4693

3. Construction Specialities Inc.

P.O. Box. 4658,
Safat, Kuwait.

4. Or no less than equal approved quality

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Louvers 10200 / 2 - 7

A. Aluminium Extrusions: Shapes as shown and as required to fulfill performance

requirements, but not less than 3 mm thick, or of larger thickness if otherwise shown.
Alloy designation 6063 T6 and proper temper for extruding and fabricating with
adequate structural characteristics, and suitable controlled alloy and temper as
recommended by aluminium manufacturer to provide required colour and colour

B. Aluminium Sheets: ASTM B 209, Sizes, and minimum gauge as required to fulfill
performance requirements. Suitable alloy and proper temper for forming and fabricating
with adequate structural characteristics and suitable for finishing as required.

C. Stainless Steel Sheets and Plates: Sizes and minimum gauge as required to fulfill
performance requirements. Suitable alloy and proper temper for forming and fabricating
with adequate structural characteristics and suitable for finishing as required.

D. Steel Angles, Plates, Bars, Rods and Other Steel Accessories Required to Join or
Reinforce Assembly of Aluminium Components: ASTM A36 and ASTM A283,
galvanized or, if galvanizing is not compatible with alloy or component parts, shop
painted with zinc chromate primer after cutting to size.

E. Aluminium Angles, Plates, Bars and Other Aluminium Members Required to Join or
Reinforce Assembly of Aluminium Components: Alloys recommended by manufacturer
or fabricator to develop required strength of assembly.

F. Fasteners: Stainless steel type 300 series, selected to prevent galvanic action with the
components fastened. Where exposed in finished surfaces, use oval-head countersunk
Phillips heads with colour to match adjacent surfaces.

G. Bituminous Paint: Cold applied asphalt mastic.

H. Hardware

1. Provide manufacturers standard hinges, supporting arms, pull and locking handles,
crank and crank operator and all other hardware required for the operation indicated.
Finish of all hardware items to be approved by the Engineer.

2. Link locking devices to the central master keying system as directed by the Engineer.

3. All hardware shall be of stainless steel or as otherwise approved by the Engineer.


A. Architectural Fixed Aluminium Louvers / Grilles

1. Fabricate of extruded aluminium shapes as shown with welded joints. Blades and
frame shall be minimum 3mm thick extruded aluminium. Provide bird screens
consisting of number 2 mesh 12 x 12 mm, 1.5 mm diameter aluminium wire held in
extruded aluminium frames. Finish of bird screens shall match finish of louvers
unless otherwise shown.

2. Free Area: 50%.

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Military Engineering Projects Louvers 10200 / 3 - 7

A. Generally: Remove die markings prior to finishing operations. Where necessary to

remove die markings from any part of the work, all members must be finished by the
same process, whether or not die marking exists. Perform this work in addition to the
finish specified. Scratches, abrasions, dents and similar defects are unacceptable.

B. Polyester Powder Coating: Thermosetting polyester powder in colour to be selected by

the Engineer, applied electrostatically on pre-treated aluminium and cured to a dry film
thickness of 60 microns. The finish shall meet the following requirement:

1. Gloss: (DIN 67530) The minimum gloss level of powder coating delivery is 65%
when measured at 60 Deg. Incident light.

2. Impact Resistance: (ASTM 2784) Withstand 20 in./lbs without film cracking.

3. Flexibility: (DIN 53152/150 ISO 1519) Pass the 6mm cylindrical mandrel bending

4. Film Hardness: (DIN 53153/ISO 2815) Indentation resistance acc. To buchholz : 80-

5. Drilling, Milling and Sawing Test : No flaking of coating.

6. Salt Spray: (ASTM B 117-73) No blustering or loss of adhesion after 1000 hours.

7. Humidity Test: (ASTM/DIN 50017) To withstand 1000 hours, 100% relative

humidity at 40 Deg. C and retain adhesion, corrosion resistance, colour and gloss.

8. Water Resistance: (ISO/R 1621-1971) to withstand 100 hours in de-ionized (but not
aerated) water at 40 Deg. C.

9. Adhesion Test: (DIN 53151/ISO 2409-2mm) Cross hatch rating Gt 0 (100%)


C. Anodized Coating (OPTIONAL)

1. All visible external and internal aluminium surfaces shall be finished with electro-
colour anodized to a depth of 25 microns in strict accordance with BS 1615 Grade

2. Colour to be selected by the Engineer.


A. Provide louvers / grilles and accessories of design, materials, sizes, depth, arrangement,
and metal thickness indicated, or if not indicated, as required for optimum performance
with respect to airflow; water penetration; air leakage, where applicable (for adjustable
units); strength; durability; and uniform appearance.

B. Pre-assemble louvers / grilles in shop to minimize field splicing and assembly.

Disassemble units as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Clearly mark units
for reassembly and co-ordinates installation.
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Military Engineering Projects Louvers 10200 / 4 - 7
C. Maintain equal louver blade spacing including separation between blades and frames at
head and sill to produce uniform appearance.

D. Fabricate frames including integral sills to suit adjacent construction with tolerances for
installation, including application of sealants in joints between louvers and adjoining

E. Include supports, anchorages, and accessories required for complete assembly.

F. Provide vertical mullions of type and at spacing indicated but not further apart than
recommended by manufacturer. At horizontal joints between louver units provide
horizontal mullions except where continuous vertical assemblies are indicated.

G. Join frame members to one another and to stationery louver blades by welding, except
where indicated otherwise or where field bolted connections between frame members
are made necessary by size of louvers. Maintain equal blade spacing, including
separation between blades and frames at head and sill, to produce uniform appearance.

H. Separate dissimilar metals with di-electric separator to prevent molecular breakdown.


A. Finish Colour Range: During production, maintain large size colour range samples for
use in comparing against production material. Mark and code extremes of the colour
range so that these will not be installed adjacent to one another in any one unit.



A. Examine the substrates and adjoining construction and conditions under which the work
is to be installed. Do not proceed with the work until unsatisfactory conditions
detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work have been corrected.


A. Verify dimensions of openings by field measurements so that metal louvers will be

accurately designed, fabricated, and fitted to the structure.

B. Coordinate metal louvers / grilles with the work of other trade and provide items to be
placed during the installation of other work. Check the location of such items and verify
that they have been set accurately in relation to the final location of louvers.

C. Erect the louvers in accordance with the manufacturers printed instructions and
recommendations. Employ only experienced erectors.

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Military Engineering Projects Louvers 10200 / 5 - 7
D. Erection Tolerances: Erect metal louvers within the following tolerances:

1. Variation from plumb: 3 mm maximum.

2. Variation from level: 3 mm maximum.

E. Cut and trim component parts during erection only with the approval of the
manufacturer or fabricator and in accordance with his recommendations. Do not cut
through reinforcing members. Restore finish completely to protect material and remove
all evidence of cutting and trimming. Remove and replace members where cutting and
trimming have impaired strength or appearance.

F. Do not erect members, which are observed to be warped, bowed, deformed, or otherwise
damaged or defaced to such extent as to impair strength or appearance. Remove and
replace members damaged in the process of erection, as directed.

G. Set units level, plumb and true to line, with uniform joints. Support on metal shims and
secure in place by bolting to clip angles and similar supports anchored to supporting
structure. Use only the types of equipment, ropes, wedges, spacers, shims, and other
items during erection, which will not stain or mark the finish of units.

H. Paint concealed contact surfaces of dissimilar materials with a heavy coating of

bituminous paint, or provides other separation as per manufacturers recommendations.

I. Weld with electrodes and by methods recommended by manufacturer of material being

welded, and in accordance with appropriate recommendations of the AWS. Use only
methods, which will avoid distortion or dis-colouration of exposed faces. Grind exposed
welds smooth, using only clean wheels and compounds which are free of iron or iron
compounds. Restore finish of component parts after welding and grinding.

J. Solder and braze only to fill or seal joints (not to form structural joints), and in
accordance with component part manufacturers recommendations. Grind smooth and
restore finish.

K. Paint clip angles and other ferrous metal parts, which will be concealed, with zinc
chromate paint.

L. Seal joints in a concealed manner, unless exposed sealant is shown.

M. Adjust hardware to provide a tight fit at contact points. Lubricate hardware and other
moving parts.

N. Refer to Section SEALANTS for Sealants in connection with installations of louvers.


A. In addition to specific protection and cleaning methods required for each component part
by the respective Sections of these Specifications and recommended by the respective
manufacturers, maintain the work throughout the construction period in a clean and
properly protected condition so that it will not be damaged at the time of completion of
the works.

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Military Engineering Projects Louvers 10200 / 6 - 7
B. Cleaning and protective methods shall be carefully selected, applied and maintained so
that finishes will not become uneven or otherwise impaired so that finishes will not
become uneven or otherwise impaired as a result of unequal exposure to light and
weathering conditions.

C. Remove deleterious materials from surfaces of aluminium immediately.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Louvers 10200 / 7 - 7



A. General: Furnish all labour, materials, and equipment necessary for the supply and
installation of the complete Access Flooring (Raised Floor) System.

B. The drawings show the extent of Access Flooring work, hereby defined to include but
not necessarily limited to the following components:

1. Access floor panels.

2. Floor coverings
3. Understructure
4. Various electrical mechanical, data, communication and structural accessories and
5. Panel lifting device.


A. Access floor system shall consist of nominal 24"x24" or 600mm x 600mm square,
modular panels supported by and secured to appropriate understructure.

B. All components of the access floor system are to be Electro galvanized steel structure or
die-cast aluminum (as per Engineers approval) except for panel core, surfacing
material and sound deadening pads between panels and supports.

C. Panels shall be easily removable by one person with standard tools and a lifting device
and shall be interchangeable except where cut for special conditions.

D. Stringers shall be easily removable without the use of special tool fasteners for stringer
attachment shall be accessible from the top surface of the stringer.

E. Complete floor system shall be sturdy, rigid, and free of overall rocking, rattles,
squeaks, and noises.

F. System shall be electrically conductive for dissipation of static while having enough
electrical resistance to provide protection against electrical shock.

G. The complete system shall provide a continuous smooth floor surface and an under floor
space to accommodate electrical, communication, computer/data and mechanical
service lines and when necessary, function as an air supply or return plenum.

1.03 Quality Assurance

A. The manufacturer of the flooring shall have a minimum ten (10) years experience in
access flooring of similar type and equal quality that meets or exceeds the requirements
of this specification. All structural access floor components shall be supplied by one
manufacturer to ensure compatibility.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Access Flooring 10270 / 1 - 6
B. Installation of the access flooring shall be by competent, experienced tradesman
authorized by the manufacturer and shall have a history of five years of successful
projects of similar size and complexity.

C. Method of testing concentrated, ultimate and rolling loads of access floor panels shall
be in accordance with the CISCA standard test procedure and shall be performed by an
independent testing laboratory regularly engaged in the testing of access floor system
and components.


A. Pedestals: Pedestals shall support a 7,000 lb. axial load without permanent deflection.
Pedestals shall provide a minimum of 1000 in-lb turnover moment when bonded to a
clean concrete slab.

B. Floor Panels:

1. Concentrated load of 1200 lbs on one square inch (5.28 KN on 645 mm2) in the
center of the panel with deflection of less than 1/300 of the span.

2. Uniform load of 300 lbs. per square foot with a maximum deflection of 1/500 span.

3. Ultimate load: 3500 lbs.

4. Rolling load:

a. Wheel 1: Panels shall with stand a rolling load of 1200 lbs. applied through a 3
inch diameter x 1 13/16 inch wide phenolic caster for 10 cycles.

b. Wheel 2: Panels shall withstand a rolling load of 800 lbs. applied through a
hard rubber-surfaced wheel 6 inch dia. x 1 inch wide for 10,000 cycles over
the same path with no damage to the panel surface.

c. Impact load: A 100 lbs. Load dropped from 36 inches on to a one square inch
indenture shall not case system failure.

C. Heat Transmission: Bottom surface temperature exposure to 1600 F. for fifteen minutes
shall not increase the top surface temperature more than 150 F. above the ambient

D. Fire Resistance: Floor panels less floor covering shall have a flame spread of 5 or less
and a smoke development of 10 or less when tested to ULC S102.2 1978 and ASTME-

E. Allowable Tolerance:

1. Panel size 0.015 inches.

2. Panel Flatness 0.015 inches or less
3. Panel squareness with 0.015 inches.
4. Panel interchangeability all panels except those altered to meet special conditions
shall be interchangeable.
5. Finished installation shall be level within plus or minus 0.060 inches for any 10 feet
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Military Engineering Projects Access Flooring 10270 / 2 - 6
F. Electrical Resistance: Maximum electrical resistance to be 1 ohm from the top of the
panel less surface covering to the pedestal base.


A. Samples: Submit a sample of the floor panel and each understructure component.

B. Shop Drawings:

1. Submit drawings indicating floor panel layout including, ramp, step and railing
2. Details of assembly components edge details and anchoring.

C. Certificates: All test procedures and reporting shall be in accordance with CISCA
Recommended Test procedure for Access Floors.

D. Manufacturers Data: Submit manufacturers specifications and installation instruction

and other data to show compliance with these specifications.


A. A Pre-job conference to establish schedule, review shop drawings, and co-ordinate

trades must be attended by the Main Contractor, Sub-Contractors (Access Floor,
Mechanical & Electrical Sub-Contractors) and all others whose work may be affected by
the Access Floor System.

B. Pedestal locations shall be established from approved shop drawings so that Mechanical
& Electrical work can be installed without interfering with Pedestal Installation.

C. Installation of Access Floor shall be co-coordinated with other trades to maintain the
integrity of the installed system.

D. Traffic shall not be permitted on any floor area for 24 hours to allow the Pedestal
adhesive to set.


A. Material shall be delivered in original, unopened packages clearly labeled with the
manufacturers name and item description.

B. Provide secure storage and a clean sub-floor, which is free of dust, construction debris,
and other trades during the installation of Access Floor.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Access Flooring 10270 / 3 - 6


A. Manufacturers: The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter are specified for
the purpose of establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality to or
better than those specified will be acceptable, subject to the Engineers approval.

B. Approved Manufacturers:

1. C-TEC Inc.,
3433 Lousma Drive, SE
Grnad Rapids, MI 49589-2299
Fax : 616/243-2202

2. HEWETSON, Hewestone Floor Limited

Burma Drive, Marfleet, Hull, HU9 5SG
Fax : 440-1482-799272,
Local agent: Fanan Intl
Tel: 2465577, Fax: 2424523

3. Tate Access Floors, Inc.,

16742 Burke Lane
Hantington Beach, California 92647
Fax: (714) 847 8608

4. USG Interiors Inc.,

Access Floor Systems
P.O. Box 398
S. Main Street Extended
Red Lion, PA 17356
Fax : (717) 244 4701

Or Approved equal Quality.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Access Flooring 10270 / 4 - 6

A. Floor Panels:

1. Standard Floor Panels:

a. Panels shall be in a modular size of 24" x 24" or 600mm x 600mm constructed

of a one (1") inch thick high density particle board core structurally bonded to
Electro-galvanized steel to and bottom sheets which are welded to 16 gauge
perimeter channels. The top and bottom sheets shall be permanently and
structurally hemmed together to provide positive electrical continuity. The
particleboard core is to be profiled to accept the perimeter channels. All panels
shall be identified with manufacturers name, model number, load rating and
made in panel assembly shall include four fasteners for attachment to the panel.
For Corner Lock System each panel corner to be drilled and counter sunk to
accept a fastener for direct attachment to the pedestals.

b. Floor Finish: Floor panels shall be either surfaced with factory applied high-
pressure plastic laminate (high wear type, grade HW 62 0.06" conforming to
NEMA LD3-1985 Standard) or carpet as per requirement of the contract.

2. Air Supply Panels:

a. Panels shall deliver a minimum 700 CFM at 2 inches water gauge of static

b. Panel shall have a damper (optional), which is adjustable from the top surface.

c. Perforated air supply panels may be used in lieu of air supply panels as per
design requirements.

1. Pedestal assemblies are to be of Electro-galvanized steel or die-cast aluminum (as
per Engineers choice and approval). The base shall be a minimum of 16 square
inches and shall be stamped and/or embossed on its underside and shall be
adhered to the sub-floor with an adhesive recommended by the Access Flooring
The threaded portion of the pedestal will be 3/4" diameter steel. The universal
head assembly shall be designed to allow without modification four (4) methods
of support:
- Stringerless
- Snap-on
- Bolted stinger or
- Corner lock applications.
The entire assembly shall provide a mechanical means to lock the floor in a level
plane and adjustments shall be capable of being made without special tools.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Access Flooring 10270 / 5 - 6
2. Stingers:
Stingers shall be roll formed 18 gauge Electro-galvanized tee sections which
double support the panel at the edge. Stringer shall rest between the panel flanges
and be capable of supporting a 350 lb. concentrated load with less than 0.010"
permanent set. Stringers shall be secured by a fastener or shall be snap-on and
removable without tools.

3. Ramps, handrail, steps, plenum divider, lateral bracing, and fascia etc. shall be as
per manufacturers standard and furnished where indicated.



A. Examine the sub-floor, which is to receive access flooring for dryness, unevenness, or
any irregularities that will affect the quality of the access flooring installation.

B. Do not commence installation of access flooring until sub-floor is clean and dry.

C. Concrete sealers, if used, shall be identified and proven to be compatible with pedestal
adhesive. Verify that adhesive achieves bond to slab before commencing work.


A. Install the access floor to the manufacturers instructions.

B. Pedestal locations shall be established from approved shop drawings so that Mechanical
and Electrical work can be installed without interfering with pedestal installation.

C. No dust or debris producing operations by other trades shall be allowed in areas where
access floor is being installed to ensure proper bonding of pedestals to sub-floor.

D. Sub-floor shall be kept broom clean as installation progresses.

E. Partially completed floors shall be braced against shifting to maintain integrity of the
installed system.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Access Flooring 10270 / 6 - 6



A. General: Provide metal lockers in accordance with the requirements of the Contract


A. Provide each metal locker as a complete unit produced by one manufacturer, unless
otherwise shown. Include hardware, accessory items, lock, fittings, and fastening.


A. Manufacturers Data: Submit to the Engineer, for information only, 2 copies of

manufacturers specifications and installation instructions for materials required.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit to the Engineer, shop drawings for the fabrication and
installation of metal lockers. Include floor plans, large-scale details, and locker
numbering system.

C. Samples: Submit to the Engineer, 150 x 150 mm metal samples of each color and finish
required for metal lockers. Engineers review and acceptance of samples shall be for
color and texture only. Compliance with all other requirements is the exclusive
responsibility of the Contractor.


A. Protect the metal lockers and accessories through the construction period, so that they
will be without damage or indication of use at the time of handing over to the Employer.



A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers

offering products that may be incorporated into the work include, but are not limited to
the followings:
1. American Locker Security System, Inc.
Te: (800) 828-9118
Fax: (716) 664 2949

2. Art Metal Products - USA

Tel: (954) 429-9662
Fax: (954) 429-9715

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Metal Lockers 10500 / 1 - 3
3. Bradley Corporation - USA.
Fax: (262) 251-5817

4. Or no less than equal approved quality


A. Steel: Mild annealed, cold rolled, full pickled, free from buckle, scale and imperfections
of any kind, minimum gauges as follows:

1. Doors and Frames: 16 gauge (1.5 mm).

2. Bottoms and Box Locker Shelves: 20 gauge (0.85 mm).

3. Bodies, Including Backs, Sides, Intermediate Partitions, Tops and Shelves: 24 Gauge
(0.6 mm).


A. Fabricate each locker with its own door and frame.

1. Double tier lockers shall be 300 x 450 x 900 mm each.

B. Door Frame: Channel shaped, with corners tensioned, and electrically welded, forming a
solid one-piece structure. Punch holes in frame on 225 mm centers for attachment to
body. Do not expose bolt or rivet heads on front of frame or locker. Extend vertical
members 150 mm below locker to form legs where shown. Provide adjustable rear legs
where required.

C. Door: Reinforce door top and bottom with right angle bends, a minimum of 21 mm
deep. Provide sides with channel formation, with door edges not less than 25 mm and
return flanges not less than 15 mm. Construct doors to prevent springing and to close
quietly against air cushion type rubber bumpers. Weld doors at all corners. Factory
install doors by a method that will prevent misalignment in handling, shipping, and
installation. Provide door swing of 180 Deg. Provide louvers in door top and bottom for

D. Hinges: 14 gauge (1.9 mm) steel, 5-knuckle, tight pin type, 50 mm long. Continuous
weld hinges to inside of channel frame. Attach hinges to door with a minimum of 2
factory installed fasteners, completely concealed and
tamperproof when locker door is closed. Provide 2 hinges for each door less than 1.1 m
high and 3 hinges for each door over 1.1 m high.

E. Combination Latch and Pull: FS AA-L-486, attached with not less than 4 fasteners,
adaptable for use with either a key lock or padlock and integral strike plate. Provide
enclosed latch lifter to lock bar with a minimum of 2 tamperproof fastenings.

F. Locking Device: Spring actuated slide latch having quiet, positive, and automatic
operation. Enclose latch on 4 sides in a boxed receptacle in the lock bar channel, and
engaging latch hooks on the frame opposite hinges. Provide pre-locking device (built-in
master keyed combination locks), which is tamperproof, pickproof and equipped with
rubber silencers.
Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Metal Lockers 10500 / 2 - 3
G. Body: Offset flanged sides to provide double thickness of metal at connections. Flange
tops, bottoms, and shelves on 4 sides. Form channel at front of shelves. Provide shelves
the full depth of lockers, and bottoms flush with frame.

H. Base: 20 gauge (0.85 mm) cold-rolled steel flanged inward at bottom 19mm minimum.
Cover front legs with base. Provide base only where lockers are installed directly on the
floor, unless otherwise shown.

I. Number Plates: 25 x 70mm Stainless steel with etched numbers in Arabic and English,
filled with black enamel. Rivet plate to door stop using a minimum of 2 rivets.
Numbering to be sequential starting with the number one (1).

J. Shelves: Formed from a single sheet of steel flanged on all 4 sides. Front flange to be
doubled back at an angle of 45 Deg.

K. Accessories: Provide each locker with the following accessories unless otherwise shown:

1. Double Tier Lockers: One (1) double-prong ceiling hook and three (3) single-prong
wall hooks.

2. Locks: Built-in master keyed combination locks.

3. Number Plates: One (1) plate for each locker.


A. Locker Doors: Lock doors and invert locker. Door shall withstand a drop of not less than
150 mm without the slide latched disengaging. Locker doors shall close and lock with
not more than 1.0 kg of pressure applied at the handle, without lifting handle.


A. Thoroughly clean all parts and treat with a phosphate solution to protect against rust and
corrosion. Finish all parts with baked enamel, color and texture to be approved by the



A. Install metal lockers at the locations shown in accordance with the manufacturers
instructions, anchoring securely to supporting construction unless otherwise shown.

B. Adjust doors and locks for proper operation.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Metal Lockers 10500 / 3 - 3



A. Provide Toilet and Bath Accessories in accordance with the Contract Documents.

B. Work Included: The work of this Section shall include, but not be limited to the

1. Flexible Hose.
2. Paper Towel Dispensing Units.
3. Toilet Tissue Dispensers.
5. Soap Tray
6. Soap Dispensers.
7. Grab Bars.
8. Framed Mirrors.

Notes: For the exact requirement of work refer to Drawing and BOQ

C. Related Work Specified Elsewhere

1. Sanitary Fixtures
2. Toilet Partitions.
3. Reinforcing Plates within Partitions.


A. Materials and work shall conform to the latest edition of referenced standards specified
herein and to applicable codes and requirements of local authorities having jurisdiction.
Whenever a conflict arises, consult the Engineer as to which requirements shall apply.


A. Product Data: Submit copies of manufacturers latest published literature for materials
specified herein for approval, and obtain approval before materials are delivered to the

B. Samples: When requested submit samples of materials specified herein for approval and
obtain approval before materials are delivered to the site.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Toilet and Bath Accessories 10800 / 1 - 5

A. Coordinate delivery with the work of other trades so as not to delay the job process.

B. Protection: Use means necessary to protect the materials of this section before, during,
and after installation and to protect the installed work and materials of other trades.

C. Replacement: In the event of damage, immediately make repairs and replacements

necessary to the approval of the Engineer and at no additional cost to the Engineer.



A. Toilet room accessories, as listed by catalog or model number and manufacturer under
Accessories refer to the products of the manufacturer listed for the purpose of
establishing a standard of quality, construction, appearance, function, size design, finish
and properties. Similar products of the following manufacturers may be submitted for
approval by the Engineer. Provide toilet room accessories from a single manufacturer to
the greatest extent possible, to provide undivided responsibilities for this work.

1. A & J Washroom Accessories Inc., 509 Temple Hill Road,

N.Y. 12553 Tel: (914) 562-3323

2. Bobrick Washroom Equipment Inc., Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

3. Accessory Specialist Inc. 441 Sawmill River Road, Yonkers NY 10701

USA, Tel. 914-476-9000.

4. Or approved equal.

B. Toilet room accessories provided for the project shall be by one of the above
manufacturers, except where other specific products are indicated under Accessories.

C. No stamped, printed, or other manufacturer identification shall appear on the exposed

surfaces of accessories furnished under this section.


A. Stainless Steel: When used for metal accessories and shall be AISI Type 302 or 304.
Exposed surfaces of stainless steel shall receive a No.4 satin finish as approved by the
B. Galvanized Steel: ASTM A525.

C. Chrome Plating: When specified shall be applied over a coating of nickel. On steel, the
nickel coating shall be applied over a coating of copper. Chrome plated surfaces shall
receive a US26D finish, as approved by the Engineer. Note that die-cast base metal is
not acceptable.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Toilet and Bath Accessories 10800 / 2 - 5
D. Fastening Devices: Anchors, clips, screws, bolts, expansion shields and plates shall be
furnished with each accessory as required by the type of accessory and the construction
to which it is attached, and shall be concealed where possible. Finish of exposed
fastening devices shall match that of the accessory. Exposed to view fastening devices
shall be tamper-resistant.

E. Mirrors: Locations and size indicated on the drawings or listed in the schedule shall be
framed with satin finished stainless steel with corners welded, ground smooth and
finished to match adjacent surfaces. Mirror shall have theft-resistant concealed
mountings with two setscrews. Glass for mirrors shall be silvering quality, conforming
to Federal Specification DD-G-00451. Mirrors shall receive two coats of silver and
electrolytically clad copper.

F. Sound Deadening Material: On back of recessed toilet room accessories shall be as

approved equal to Aquaplas by H.L. Blachford, Inc. and shall be applied by spraying
or troweling to a thickness of not less than 3.2mm.


A. General: Provide products of the same manufacturer for each type of accessory unit and
for units exposed in the same areas, unless otherwise acceptable to the Engineer.

1. Unless otherwise noted, items specified herein are wall-mounted accessories.

B. For location of the following Toilet Accessories, refer wet area details in Architectural

C. The required toilet accessories shall be as per drawings and BOQ. The following
accessories from the particular manufacturer are provided herewith to provide as a
guideline and as minimum requirement in the contract. The final selection shall be as per
Engineers choice and approval.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Toilet and Bath Accessories 10800 / 3 - 5

Description Model Remark
For required size, refer
1 Mirror with stainless steel channel frame B-165-Series architectural drawings.
2 Mirror without frame & water resistant ---------- For required size, refer
plywood back architectural drawings.
3 Stainless steel with bright polished finish B-8225 See manufacturer technical
lavatory mounted soap dispenser. specifications.
4 Recessed multi-roll toilet tissue B-4388 See manufacturer technical
dispenser for serving one compartment specifications.
5 Bright polished brass finish, stainless See manufacturer technical
steel paper towel dispenser for mounting B-526 specifications.
in countertop
6 Recessed stainless steel toilet paper B-669 See manufacturer technical
holder with bright polished brass finish. specifications.
7 24 surface mounted stainless towel bar B-673 See manufacturer technical
with bright polished brass finish. specifications.
8 32mm diameter, stainless steel grab bar For required size, refer
with snap flange cover and 38mm B-6806 architectural drawings.
clearance between grab bar and wall.
See manufacturer technical
9 Coat hook stainless steel B-682 specifications.

D. Contractor to submit comparative analysis (as against specified Bobrick Model Nos.) for
all items/accessories proposed by him from other equivalent sources, of Engineers



A. Examine conditions at the job site where work of this section is to be performed to
insure proper arrangement and fit of the work. Start of work implies acceptance of job
site conditions.


A. Templates: Furnish to the metal toilet partition Subcontractor templates required to

locate drilled holes and cutouts for installation of partition mounted accessories.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Toilet and Bath Accessories 10800 / 4 - 5

A. Toilet Room Accessories: Install where indicated on drawings, as recommended by the

manufacturer and as directed by the Engineers Representative, rigidly secured and in
perfect alignment with other fixtures.
B. Mirrors: Install in a perfectly flat plane, showing no distortion of image, strictly in
conformance with approved shop drawings.

C. Metal Trim: Items exposed in the finished work shall be free from buckle, warping and
oil-canning effects. Metal to metal contact shall have hairline joints.

D. Use concealed fastenings wherever possible.

E. Provide anchors, bolts and other necessary anchorages, and attach accessories securely
to walls and partitions in locations as shown or directed.

F. Install concealed mounting devices and fasteners fabricated of the same material as the
accessories, or of galvanized steel, as recommended by the manufacturer.

G. Install exposed mounting devices and fasteners finished to match the accessories.

H. Provide theft-resistant fasteners for accessory mountings.

I. Secure toilet room accessories in accordance with the manufacturers instructions for
each item and each type of substrate construction.


A. The Contractor shall suitably protect the work in order to maintain finishes in perfect
condition until final completion and acceptance. Any damaged or defective work shall
be removed and replaced at no additional cost to the Engineer.

B. The finished installation shall be sound and free from defects of materials and
workmanship. After the inspection of the installation and its approval by the Engineer,
protection, labels, smears and stains shall be removed and mirror shall be washed clean.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Toilet and Bath Accessories 10800 / 5 - 5


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Furnishings Division 12



A. General: Provide Counters and Cabinets including manufactured casework in

accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents.

B. The work under this Section shall include, but not be limited to the following:

1. Floor/wall Kitchen/Pantry Cabinets

2. Reception counters (with counter top), Vanity cabinets (other than Kitchen Cabinet)


Section 06100: Rough Carpentry

Section 06400: Finishh Carpentry


A. Construct all units in accordance with approved trade practice and complying
with applicable codes and standards.

B. The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the

extent referenced. The publications are referred to in the text by basic
designation only.


BHMA A156.9 (1988) Cabinet Hardware


KCMA A161.1 (1990; Errata May 1991) recommended Performance & Construction
Standards for Kitchen and Vanity Cabinets)


NEMA LD 3 (1991) High-Pressure Decorative Laminates


A. Architectural Woodwork Institute (USA):

1. PS 20 - American Softwood Lumber Standard.
2. FS MM-L-736 - Lumber, Hardwood.
3. FS MMM-A-130 - Adhesive, Contact.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Counters and Cabinets 12300 / 1 - 6
4. NEMA LD3 - High Pressure Decorative Laminates.
5. PS 1 - Construction and Industrial Plywood.
6. PS 51 - Hardwood and Decorative Plywood.
7. PS 58 - Basic Hardboard.

B. British Standards Institution.

1. BS 1186 : Part 2 Quality of Workmanship in Joinery.

2. BS 1202 : Nails.
3. BS 1204 : Synthetic Resin Adhesives (Phenolic and Aminoplastics) for Wood.
4. BS 1210 : Wood Screws.
5. BS 1455 : Plywood Manufactured from Tropical Hardwoods.
6. BS 3444 : Block-board and Laminboard.
7. BS 5669 : Specifications for Wood Chipboard and Methods for test for Particle
C Deutche Industrie Fuer Normung:

1. DIN 16926 for Decorative Surfaces (Worktops).

2. DIN 18022.
3. DIN 53799 for Decorative Surfaces (Carcase)
4. DIN 68861 for Furniture Surfaces Generally.


A. Provide products from a reputed manufacturer specialized in manufacturing similar

products and who has not less than five years manufacturing experience in this field.


A. Samples: Submit to the Engineer samples of materials, expected to be used in the

finished installation, as follows:

1. Stainless steel, Marble or Plastic Laminated Countertop: 300 x 300mm size, corner

2. Panel: Cabinet, cupboard construction, 300 x 300mm size for each;

door, sides, shelves, etc.

3. Hardware samples.

4. Any other sample as required by the Engineer.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Counters and Cabinets 12300 / 2 - 6
B. Shop Drawing: Submit to the Engineer, detailed shop drawings showing general layout,
location of cut outs, etc. Provide large scale details showing construction, fixing and
other information. Prepare shop drawings properly coordinating with other related trades
and showing items to be inset in worktop. Shop drawings shall be prepared in scales
approved by the Engineer.

1.06 MOCK-UP

A. Construct mock-up as shown on the Drawing and as required by the Engineer using
materials and workmanship expected to be used in the finished work. Approved mock-
ups may be incorporated in the final work if acceptable to the Engineer.


A. Delivered manufactured products completely identified in packing for installation

procedure. Handle carefully to prevent damage. Store clear of grade in well ventilated
area and protects from damage.



A. The products and manufacturers specified hereinafter is specified for the purpose of
establishing minimum quality standards. Products equal in quality or better than
specified may be acceptable subject to Engineer's approval.
1. Alno Mobelwerke GMBH & Co. KG
7798 Pfullendorf, P.O. Box 1160
Germany, Tel: 07552-21-0

2. Poggenpohl U.K. Ltd.

Thames House, 63 Kingston Road
New Molden Surrey KT3 3PB
Great Britain
P.O. Box 66 UK G
Tel: 01 949 5716

3. Siematic Limited
11-17 Fowler Road, II ford
Essex 166 3 UU
Great Britain

4. Or no less than equal approved quality


1. Core Material: Timber for all construction, unless shown otherwise, and as specified

2. Blockboard: Complying with BS 3444, Grade I veneer with type B.R. bonding

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Counters and Cabinets 12300 / 3 - 6
3. Plywood: Complying with BS 1455, WBP bonded, `Exterior Grade.

4. Particleboard: Complying with BS 5669 Type III, moisture resistant, density of 700

5. Provide timber core from one of the above as required and as approved by the

6. All timber elements shall be kiln dried to Ca 8% moisture content, or as

recommended by the AWI Section 100-G-3.

7. Back Panel: Medium density fibreboard having a density of 750 kg/m3.

8. Adhesive: Synthetic resin to BS 1204 Part 2. Use appropriate adhesive for laminating
stainless steel sheet to timber surfaces.


A. General: Provide all cabinets finished with Stainless steel grade 316 unless indicated

B. Base Units

1. Doors, sides, bottom, shelves and plinth shall be fabricated from 20mm thick panels
finished with stainless steel or Plastic laminate finish as indicated.

2. Back panels shall be of 12mm thick plastic laminate finish panel.

3. Worktop/Counter top: 3cm thick Worktop and backsplash shall be finished with
Stainless Steel Grade 316 or Marble 3 cm thick or Plastic laminate finish, rounded
edge as mentioned/shown in the drawing and BOQ.

C. Wall Units

1. Doors, sides, bottom, shelves and top shall be fabricated from 18mm thick stainless
steel faced or laminated panel as shown.

2. Back panels shall be of 12mm thick plastic laminate finish panel

D. Hardware

1. Hinges: All metal with integrated self closing function in the final closing action.
Concealed installation and finish to match units, all as approved.

2. Shelf support: All metal, adjustable type and designed to lock shelf into position;
finish to match unit, all as approved.

3. Knobs/Handle: Metal construction, finish to match unit all as approved.

E. Accessory Items

1. Filler Panels: Matching construction of units.

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Counters and Cabinets 12300 / 4 - 6
2. Anchors, supports, stiffeners, etc., as required to provide a rigid installation.

3. Sealant: As specified in Section SEALANT.


A General: Countertop and backsplash shall be constructed of 19 mm (3/4 inch) thick

plywood or 19 mm (3/4 inch) thick, 20 kg (45 pound) density particle board core and
shall be post formed cove type. Cove type shall be a single unit with self-edging and
plastic laminate coved at the juncture of the countertop and backsplash. Backsplash
shall be not less than 88 mm (3-1/2 inches) high. Edging and trim shall consist of
plastic laminate cut and fitted to all exposed edges. End splashes constructed of 19
mm (3/4 inch) plywood or 19 mm (3/4 inch) thick, 20 kg (45 pound) density particle
board core shall be supplied.

B. Melamine Laminates or Marble finish on Reception Countertops: Continuous sheets

of longest lengths practicable shall be provided. Joints in surface sheeting shall be
tight and flush and held to a practicable minimum. When the countertop and
backsplash are two separate units, GP50 plastic laminate shall be used. When the
countertop and backsplash is one unit, PF42 plastic laminate shall be used. Plastic
laminate shall conform to the requirements of NEMA LD 3 and plastic laminate
adhesive shall be contact type applied to both surfaces. For fully formed and cove
type countertops, the post-forming plastic laminate shall not be bent to a radius
smaller than the limit recommended by the plastic manufacturer. Design, color, and
finish shall be selected from manufacturer's standard.


A. General: Fabricate all units to precise sizes and dimensions established by actual site
measurements. All component parts shall be assembled in jigs for accurate alignment.
Stainless steel sheet finish shall be laminated neatly to achieve full bond to core. Finish
all edges with smooth uniform rounded corners with no sharp edges. Avoid joints in
sheet lamination on surfaces exposed to view.

B. Cabinet Base Units

1. Fabricate all units in proper modular form. Provide worktops in one piece or in as
long pieces as practicable with minimum joints. Neatly and accurately form recesses
and cutouts in worktops to receive items to be inset. Fabricate corner units to shapes

2. Provide necessary cutouts in back panels of sink units for service connections.

C. Cabinet Wall Units: Fabricate units in modular form as approved.

D. Counters: Fabricate units as per approved shop drawings.

Notes: The requirement of Section 06400 - Finish Carpentry shall also be incorporated
with the above work

Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Counters and Cabinets 12300 / 5 - 6


A. Examine all areas and surfaces to which casework is to be installed. Do not proceed with
the work until conditions detrimental to the proper and timely completion of the work
are rectified.

B. Verify dimensions before proceeding and obtain measurements at job site for installation
of casework. Be responsible for accuracy of such measurements and precise fitting and
assembly of finished products.

C. Coordinate work with all related trades, especially for items to be inset in the worktops.


A. Install all casework strictly in accordance with accepted shop drawings. Install units
properly supported and anchored to provide a rigid installation.


A. Clean and protect all installation from damage and soiling.


Ministry of Defence
Military Engineering Projects Counters and Cabinets 12300 / 6 - 6

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