Proposed Techniques For Identifying Faulty Sections in Closed-Loop Distribution Networks
Proposed Techniques For Identifying Faulty Sections in Closed-Loop Distribution Networks
Proposed Techniques For Identifying Faulty Sections in Closed-Loop Distribution Networks
Mahmoud Gilany
College of Technological Studies,
Electrical Technology Dept.,
the three main feeders (F1, F2 and F3) shown in Fig. 2. These
currents are monitored by the supreme control center. The
maintenance team usually depends on this sole information
current disturbance - to predict the location of affected loop
and the opened feeder. In many cases, this variation in the
current distribution doesn't give a clear indication about
neither the affected loop nor the affected section. The
maintenance teams in many cases have to search for it from a
substation to another.
In the proposed circuit, the status of the "normally-closed
auxiliary contact" of the selected CBs is transmitted to the
PLC unit at the substation through the spare wires of the pilot
cables. For example, the status of the auxiliary contact of CB5
(see Fig. 2) is transmitted to the main station M using spare
wires of two pilot cables: a spare pair from the cable between
"H75 and H33" and then the spare cable between "H33 and the
main station, M". Only a junction between the two spare wires
is required to be added to facilitate this operation.
Once a fault is cleared, the status of the NC auxiliary
contact of CB5 will be changed from "open" to "close".
Consequently, SMS message will be forwarded to a certain
cell phone number stored in the PLC program. The
maintenance team is easily informed about the cleared fault
and hence the faulty section is identified. Any other detected
short circuit fault is identified in a similar way.
An alternative method for identifying the faulty section
needs an RTU in each point in the loop plus an efficient
communication network between all the load points. Other
alternative techniques which depend on calculating the fault
distance are not easily implemented with closed loop systems.
The main feature of this technique is to instantaneously
identify the faulty section like DAS - but with minimum
additional cost added to the existing system (the cost of only
one PLC unit per substation). It saves a lot of time and efforts.
B. Locating an Undetected Open-Circuit Fault
Open conductor (downed conductors) from the point of
view of distribution utility is a public hazard in the main
consideration. It is not a system operation problem since the
system could continue without disconnecting such fault
The second fault scenario studied in this paper is to have
an undetected open circuit fault. This may happen as a result
of a cut in the power cable. In this case, the power cable (and
may be the pilot cable as well) is opened but the circuit
breakers of the faulty section - at both sides - are kept closed.
The only available indication showing that there is a
problem is the disturbance in currents distribution in the three
main branches of that loop (F1, F2 and F3 in Fig. 2).
However, this information is not guaranteed as the variation in
the currents may be very small. It is not always easy to
identify the affected section based on these current readings.
Again, even if we got information about the disturbance in
certain loop, this information can't tell us about the faulty
section in the affected loop specifically. The maintenance
crew has to go through the stations to check the status of the
breakers. Inspecting the location of faults is done with manual
intervention and are rectified in a time consuming way. For
This case is also expected if the fault occurred while only two
of the three 132/11 kV transformers are in service or if the
fault occurred through a fault resistance. Under such
conditions, the sensitivity of the relay will be reduced. The
fault current will find a path to the fault point even after
disconnecting the other two relays. If this fault persists for
long time, the transformer standby earth fault protection installed in the transformer neutral connection - will trip the
main transformer.
Usually, all the three 132/11 kV transformers are
connected in parallel with common standby earth fault relay. It
means that the station will be completely shut down under
such conditions.
The principle of the proposed solution is based on the fact
that if a fault in any section is detected by the corresponding
differential relay, then none of the overcurrent relays R1, R2
and R3 (see Fig 4) will operate. On the other hand, closing the
contacts of any of the three overcurrent relays R1 or R2 or R3
means that the differential relay for a certain section failed to
The idea of the proposed solution is to accelerate the trip
of the other two loop breakers as soon as a fault is detected by
any one of the three OC relays. The three CBs will trip
simultaneously once any relay contacts is closed as shown in
Fig. 4. This will partially prevent the condition of feeding a
fault from un-tripped feeder and consequently avoid the
complete shutdown.
some faults, it takes a long time and a lot of costs to solve the
With the proposed circuit under such condition, the PLC
unit will receive a signal from the NO auxiliary contact of the
relay associated with the faulty section once the current in that
section drops to zero and provided that the status of the CBs is
not changed. The case is then identified as "undetected opencircuit fault".
For example, if undetected open circuit fault is assumed
on the section between stations H38 and H53, then the NC
auxiliary contact of CB-8 will be kept "open" while the
auxiliary NO contact of relay-8 will be changed to "close"
The third problem addressed in the paper is to have a
permanent short circuit fault which is not detected by any of
the protection systems in the low-voltage side (neither
differential nor overcurrent protection) but it is isolated by the
transformer standby-earth fault relay located at the high
voltage side. In this case, not only the faulty loop will totally
be disconnected but also all the other healthy loops supplied
from the same bus bar at the substation (complete shut down).
There several reasons for such a problem. In some cases,
there is a poor discrimination between the 132/11 kV
transformer primary overcurrent relay and overcurrent relays
protecting the outgoing feeders. A typical case is shown in
Fig. 3.
The differential protection can't detect such a fault as it
occurs directly on the bus-bars of substation H53. The phase
overcurrent protection (OP's) for the three main feeders will
all trip to isolate the fault.
It can be seen from Fig. 3 that there is a very short time gap
between the transformer primary OC relay operation (2.71
sec) and the relay of feeder FD1 (2.69 sec.). There is a degree
of uncertainty in knowing which one will trip first. In many
cases, both operate at the same time. This coordination
problem is one of the reasons that lead to unnecessary
complete shutdown of the station.
In some other cases, especially with a single line to
ground fault, there is a probability that one of the three
overcurrent relays (F1, F2 and F3) may fail to detect the fault.
OP 2.71s
This paper presents a practical field experience with
Kuwait distribution networks. Novel circuits for identifying
the faulty section in case of detected short circuit fault and
undetected open-circuit fault are presented. Another circuit is
presented to avoid the problem of shut down of the whole
132/11 KV station. The proposed-circuits reduced technical
and commercial losses, lower electric service restoration time,
reduce the equipment damage, and enhanced power quality
and reliability. These circuits succeeded to fulfill many tasks
of DAS systems with almost neglected cost since it saves the
cost of communication network and the cost of the RTUs
required at each load point.
OP 2.69s 11.kV
F2 OP 1.83s
OP 1.05s
Hassan Nouri, Chun Wang and Terry Davies, "An Accurate Fault
Location Technique for Distribution Lines with Tapped Loads", IEEE
Porto Power Tech Conference, Porto, Portugal, 10 -13 September, 2001,
pp. 488 - 493.