Female 18: 8: 1959 12: 8: 5
Female 18: 8: 1959 12: 8: 5
Female 18: 8: 1959 12: 8: 5
Basic Details
Sex Female
Date of Birth 18 : 8 : 1959
Time of Birth 12 : 8 : 5
Day of Birth Tuesday
Ishtkaal 015-06-53
Place of Birth Trichy
Time Zone 5.5
Latitude 10 : 48 : N
Longitude 78 : 41 : E
Local Time Correction 00.15.15
War Time Correction 00.00.00
LMT at Birth 11:52:49
GMT at Birth 6:38:5
Tithi Purnima
Hindu Week Day Tuesday
Paksha Shukla
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Name Nirmala Julian Day 2436799 Asc Lord VEN Bal. Dasa Mar 4 Y 6 M 19 D
Sex Female Ayan Type Lahiri Asc Libra Karan Bav
Date 18.8.1959 Ayan 023-17-34 Yoga Sobhana Star Lord MAR
Day Tuesday Place Trichy Tithi Purnima Star - Pada Dhanishta-2
Time of Birth 12.8.5 Longitude 78.41.E Sunset 18.33.08 Rasi Lord SAT
SID 09.36.19 Latitude 10.48.N Sunrise 06.05.19 Rasi Capricorn
Ju Ra 4 2
8 6 Pl 5 Sa 1 Ra Su
Sa 9 Ne 5 Ma Su
Ve 3
Mo 6 12
Ur 9
Mo 10 4 Me
1 Ke Ve 7 11Ur
8 10
Me Ma Ne
11 3
12 2 Planetary Positions
Planets Sign Latitude Nakshatra Pada
Ke ASC Libra 29-32-07 Vishakha 3
Sun Leo 01-17-45 Magha 1
Moon Capricorn 27-59-47 Dhanishta 2
Mars Leo 24-46-24 Purvaphalgini 4
Vimshottari Dasha Merc Cancer 14-43-39 Pashyami 4
MAR -7 Years RAH -18 Years JUP -16 Years
18/ 8/59 - 7/ 3/64 7/ 3/64 - 7/ 3/82 7/ 3/82 - 7/ 3/98 Jupt Scorpion 00-04-49 Vishakha 4
MAR 00/00/00 RAH 19/11/66 JUP 25/ 4/84 Venu [R] Leo 21-46-14 Purvaphalgini 3
RAH 00/00/00 JUP 13/ 4/69 SAT 7/11/86 Satn [R] Sagittarius 07-24-48 Mula 3
JUP 28/ 7/59 SAT 19/ 2/72 MER 13/ 2/89 Rahu [R] Virgo 12-37-03 Hasta 1
SAT 7/ 9/60 MER 7/ 9/74 KET 19/ 1/90 Ketu [R] Pisces 12-37-03 Uttarabhadra 3
MER 4/ 9/61 KET 25/ 9/75 VEN 19/ 9/92 Uran Cancer 23-50-34 Ashlesha 3
KET 1/ 2/62 VEN 25/ 9/78 SUN 7/ 7/93 Nept Libra 11-10-19 Swati 2
VEN 1/ 4/63 SUN 19/ 8/79 MON 7/11/94
Plut Leo 10-17-39 Magha 4
SUN 7/ 8/63 MON 19/ 2/81 MAR 13/10/95
MON 7/ 3/64 MAR 7/ 3/82 RAH 7/ 3/98 Ashtakvarga Table
Sign No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SAT -19 Years MER -17 Years KET -7 Years Sun 4 3 5 4 4 6 2 4 3 3 3 7
7/ 3/98 - 7/ 3/17 7/ 3/17 - 7/ 3/34 7/ 3/34 - 7/ 3/41 Moon 4 6 5 3 2 3 7 4 3 4 5 3
SAT 10/ 3/01 MER 4/ 8/19 KET 4/ 8/34 Mars 1 3 5 3 4 4 4 3 4 2 1 5
MER 19/11/03 KET 1/ 8/20 VEN 4/10/35 Merc 6 3 7 4 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 5
KET 28/12/04 VEN 1/ 6/23 SUN 10/ 2/36
Jupt 5 7 5 3 5 5 3 7 3 3 6 4
VEN 28/ 2/08 SUN 7/ 4/24 MON 10/ 9/36
SUN 10/ 2/09 MON 7/ 9/25 MAR 7/ 2/37 Venu 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 3 3 6
MON 10/ 9/10 MAR 4/ 9/26 RAH 25/ 2/38 Satn 3 4 5 3 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 5
MAR 19/10/11 RAH 22/ 3/29 JUP 1/ 2/39 Total 27 30 37 24 27 30 29 29 25 21 23 35
RAH 25/ 8/14 JUP 28/ 6/31 SAT 10/ 3/40
Chalit Table
JUP 7/ 3/17 SAT 7/ 3/34 MER 7/ 3/41
Bhav Sign Bhav Begin Sign Mid Bhav
1 Libra 14.20.54 Libra 29.32.06
VEN -20 Years SUN -6 Years MON -10 Years 2 Scorpion 14.20.54 Scorpion 29.09.42
7/ 3/41 - 7/ 3/61 7/ 3/61 - 7/ 3/67 7/ 3/67 - 7/ 3/77 3 Sagittarius 13.58.30 Sagittarius 28.47.18
VEN 7/ 7/44 SUN 25/ 6/61 MON 7/ 1/68 4 Capricorn 13.36.05 Capricorn 28.24.53
SUN 7/ 7/45 MON 25/12/61 MAR 7/ 8/68 5 Aquarius 13.36.05 Aquarius 28.47.18
MON 7/ 3/47 MAR 1/ 5/62 RAH 7/ 2/70 6 Pisces 13.58.30 Pisces 29.09.42
MAR 7/ 5/48 RAH 25/ 3/63 JUP 7/ 6/71 7 Aries 14.20.54 Aries 29.32.06
RAH 7/ 5/51 JUP 13/ 1/64 SAT 7/ 1/73 8 Taurus 14.20.54 Taurus 29.09.42
JUP 7/ 1/54 SAT 25/12/64 MER 7/ 6/74 9 Gemini 13.58.30 Gemini 28.47.18
SAT 7/ 3/57 MER 1/11/65 KET 7/ 1/75 10 Cancer 13.36.05 Cancer 28.24.53
MER 7/ 1/60 KET 7/ 3/66 VEN 7/ 9/76 11 Leo 13.36.05 Leo 28.47.18
KET 7/ 3/61 VEN 7/ 3/67 SUN 7/ 3/77 12 Virgo 13.58.30 Virgo 29.09.42
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|| Your Ascendant ||
What is Ascendent?
The ascendant house is considered very important in Vedic astrology. During the birth of a person, the sign
which rises in the sky is called the persons ascendant. And, the sign which comes in this house is called the
ascendant sign. The ascendant helps in calculating minutest event in a person's life through astrology. Whereas,
the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly predictions are made on the basis of moon sign and sun sign.
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|| Life Predictions ||
You are a person of considerable action. You are never still. You are always making plans and the thing you can
least tolerate is inactivity. You have much self will, and the spirit of independence is firmly planted in you. You
resent the interference of others, perhaps more than you should, and freedom is a quality you prize very highly-
freedom not only of action but also of thought.You think out things that are original in character. These may
take widely diverse forms. You might invent some very ingenious contrivance or evolve a new method.
Whatever it is, the world will be taken a step forward on your account.There is no doubt that you set great score
on honesty, using the term in its widest sense. You require your friends to be honest in purpose, honest in
speech, as well as in money affairs.Your greatest weakness lies in the way you treat others. You cannot tolerate
inefficiency and you are apt to consider those who do not see eye to eye with you as being hopelessly beneath
contempt. It would not be difficult for you to cultivate a more charitable and tolerant view towards those who
are likely to earn your disapproval. At any rate, it is well worth trying.
Life Style
Your parents serve as a spiritual factor influencing you to accomplish certain objectives. Try to do what you
want to do. Perform for yourself and not for them.
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|| Life Predictions ||
Because you are sensitive to any happenings in your career life, you prefer to have jobs which require little
hassle and pressure. Aiming your vocational directions with this in mind will result in a career of performance.
You have, above all, a facility for putting thoughts into eloquent words. Thus, you would do admirably as a
journalist, a lecturer or even as a traveller salesman. Never would you be at a loss for something to say. This
quality would fit you for a teacher also. But, when your impatient moods overtake you, you would fare badly. In
almost any occupation requiring quick thinking, you will succeed very well. But, it must not be monotonous
work or you will prove an utter failure. You like change and variety, so that any job which takes you up and
down the country or to some far-flung outpost, will be suitable for you. You will fare better as your own master
than when working for somebody else. You want to come and go when you like and, to be able to do this, you
must be your own master.
From the point of view of health, you are fortunate. You have an excellent constitution. But, if any part of your
body is less robust than the rest, it is your heart and all that immediately depends on it. Therefore, consider
yourself carefully when the age of forty is reached and avoid overstrain. As a secondary caution, avoid
damaging your eyes. This, however, applies more to early youth than to later life. If you have passed this age
and your sight is unimpaired, you may reckon that the danger no longer exists. Stimulants have a specially bad
effect on you and, if these are shunned ruthlessly, there is every reason to suppose that you will attain a good
age and live a long, useful life.
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|| Life Predictions ||
You are exceptionally good with your hands. As a man, you can make things for the home and take a delight in
mending the toys of your children. As a woman, your are expert needle worker, painter, cook etc. and prefer to
make the children's clothes rather than buy them.
Love Matters
You drift into matrimony almost as a matter of course. Very frequently, there is no courtship, so much as a
friendship. Generally, you will not write love letters and the less romance comes into the affair the better. But
do not conclude that you view marriage in a detached light. Far from it, once you marry, you do it with the full
intention of marking the union as harmonious as is humanly possible and this ideal is not cast aside even after
the lapse of a few years.
In matters of finance you will be fortunate and will be likely to acquire considerable wealth. You will be careful
in speculation, investing your money in solid concerns and in building up industry and business. As a rule, you
will be more lucky in money matters than otherwise, having much given to you and meeting great opportunities.
If you had to go into business you would make a success of enterprises connected with the luxurious side of life
more than any other, such things as the decorations of homes, millinery, dresses and flower shops, the catering
of food, restaurants or hotels. Your class of brain is of a very clever order but so quick and versatile that you
would tired easily of any routine or monotonous life.
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In the birth chart, Mangal is placed in Eleventh house from Lagna, while in the Moon chart Mangal is placed in
Eighth house.
Hence Mangal Dosha is not present in Lagna Chart while present in Moon Chart.
Mangal Dosha is considered to create hurdles in the married life of a person. According to some, Mangal Dosha
results in frequent illness or ultimately death of partner(s).
It is considered that if a manglik person marries to another manglik person then the manglik dosha gets
cancelled and has no effect.
Note: We strongly recommend you to consult an astrologer before performing these remedies by your own.
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|| Sadesati Report ||
Name Nirmala
Date 18/8/1959
Time of Birth 12:8:5
Place of Birth Trichy
Sex Female
Rasi Capricorn
Tithi Purnima
Nakshatra Dhanishta
S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
1 Sade Sati Sagittarius November February 01, Rising
08, 1958 1961
2 Sade Sati Capricorn February 02, September Peak
1961 17, 1961
3 Sade Sati Sagittarius September October 07, Rising
18, 1961 1961
4 Sade Sati Capricorn October 08, January 27, Peak
1961 1964
5 Sade Sati Aquarius January 28, April 08, Setting
1964 1966
6 Sade Sati Aquarius November December 19, Setting
03, 1966 1966
7 Small Panoti Aries June 17, 1968 September
27, 1968
8 Small Panoti Aries March 08, April 27,
1969 1971
9 Small Panoti Leo September November
07, 1977 03, 1979
10 Small Panoti Leo March 15, July 26, 1980
11 Sade Sati Sagittarius December 17, March 20, Rising
1987 1990
12 Sade Sati Capricorn March 21, June 20, 1990 Peak
13 Sade Sati Sagittarius June 21, 1990December 14, Rising
14 Sade Sati Capricorn December 15, March 05, Peak
1990 1993
15 Sade Sati Aquarius March 06, October 15, Setting
1993 1993
16 Sade Sati Capricorn October 16, November Peak
1993 09, 1993
17 Sade Sati Aquarius November June 01, 1995 Setting
10, 1993
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|| Sadesati Report ||
S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
18 Sade Sati Aquarius August 10, February 16, Setting
1995 1996
19 Small Panoti Aries April 18, June 06, 2000
20 Small Panoti Leo November January 10,
01, 2006 2007
21 Small Panoti Leo July 16, 2007 September
09, 2009
22 Sade Sati Sagittarius January 27, June 20, 2017 Rising
23 Sade Sati Sagittarius October 27, January 23, Rising
2017 2020
24 Sade Sati Capricorn January 24, April 28, Peak
2020 2022
25 Sade Sati Aquarius April 29, July 12, 2022 Setting
26 Sade Sati Capricorn July 13, 2022 January 17, Peak
27 Sade Sati Aquarius January 18, March 29, Setting
2023 2025
28 Small Panoti Aries June 03, 2027 October 19,
29 Small Panoti Aries February 24, August 07,
2028 2029
30 Small Panoti Aries October 06, April 16,
2029 2030
31 Small Panoti Leo August 28, October 22,
2036 2038
32 Small Panoti Leo April 06, July 12, 2039
33 Sade Sati Sagittarius December 08, March 06, Rising
2046 2049
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|| Sadesati Report ||
S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
34 Sade Sati Capricorn March 07, July 09, 2049 Peak
35 Sade Sati Sagittarius July 10, 2049 December 03, Rising
36 Sade Sati Capricorn December 04, February 24, Peak
2049 2052
37 Sade Sati Aquarius February 25, May 14, 2054 Setting
38 Sade Sati Aquarius September February 05, Setting
02, 2054 2055
39 Small Panoti Aries April 07, May 27, 2059
40 Small Panoti Leo October 13, February 03,
2065 2066
41 Small Panoti Leo July 03, 2066 August 29,
42 Sade Sati Sagittarius January 17, July 10, 2076 Rising
43 Sade Sati Sagittarius October 12, January 14, Rising
2076 2079
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|| Sadesati Report ||
Note: Above predictions are of general nature and are based on general belief that Sade Sati is harmful. Truly
speaking, we found that it is not always the case and we recommend reading this article on Sade Sati. Any
conclusion based on Sade Sati alone is not correct and has good chances of failing. Certain factors like current
running dasa and nature of Saturn also needs to be analyzed before we can conclude whether Sade Sati period
will be malefic or benefic. You are advised not to take above forecasts seriously and in case of any doubt,
consult a good astrologer.
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|| Kalsarpa Dosh ||
Kalsarpa Dosh/Yog
As per the current definition, when all planets are situated in middle of Rahu and Ketu in birth-chart or
horoscope, the astrologers call it Kalsarp Dosh. In present days, discussions about this dosh are vogue among
Jyotishi or Hindu Astrologers of India. Many of troubles in one's life are mostly because of Kalsarp Dosh.
Without analyzing other areas of astrology, most astrologers, in fact, accept kalsarp dosh is main root of
problems. But the reality is this that if all planets are well posited in horoscope, kalsarp dosh will not be
harmful, and can be supportive to beneficial results endowed by good positions of planets. Kalsarp dosh is
inauspicious when positions of planets are unfavorable in one's horoscope. Therefore, it is not wise to fear
hearing just about 'Kalsarp Dosh'. It is in fact always better to reach on remedies only after consulting jyotishi
for deep analysis on negative influences of Kalsarp dosh. Interestingly, influence of kalsarp dosh is different in
different people. Because influence of kalsarp dosh is based on points-which sign is posited in which house, and
what other planets occupied that house, what are their influences and so on.
Lagna Chart:
Ju Ra
8 6 Pl
Sa 9 Ne 5 Ma Su
Mo 10 4 Me
11 3
12 2
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
Janam (Birth) Varsha (Year)
Female Sex Female
18/8/1959 Date of Birth 18/8/2017
12:8:5 Time of Birth 8:59:45
Tuesday Day of Birth Friday
Trichy Place of Birth Trichy
10 Latitude 10
78 Longitude 78
00.15.15 Local Time Correction 00.15.15
00.00.00 War Time Correction 00.00.00
11.52.48 LMT at Birth 08.44.28
06.05.19 Sunrise 06.05.28
18.33.08 Sunset 18.32.46
Libra Lagna Virgo
VEN Lagna Lord MER
Capricorn Rasi Gemini
SAT Rasi Lord MER
Dhanishta Nakshatra Ardra
MAR Nakshatra Lord RAH
Sobhana Yoga Vajra
Bav Karan Baalav
Leo Sun Sign (Western) Leo
023-17-34 Ayanamsa 024-06-10
Lahiri Ayanamsa Name Lahiri
7 5
Sa 8 Ju 4 Ra Ma
Pl 9 3 Mo
Ke 10 2
11 1
Ne Ur
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
Muntha:12 Bhav
You may get indulge into sudden losses financially. Failure in attempts will make you feel frustrated. You will
have to slog as the work burden will be too much. There is displacement, transfer and trouble in foreign lands.
There are chances of falling into bad companies so, better aware of that. Your health will be weak and you will
be caught by many diseases. Your social reputation can also be hampered. There will be disputes with good
people in the society.
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
January 17, 2018 - February 16, 2018 Dasha Moon
Moon is in Bhav Number 10
Very successful and perspective period is waiting for you ahead. Creative approaches and opportunities for
additional earning are on the cards. You will share a very good rapport with seniors and supervisors. A marked
increase in your income is indicated. There will be expansion of trade and increase iof reputation. Overall this is
a period of all round successs.
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|| Vimshottari Mahadasha Phal (Dasha Predictions) ||
Mars Mahadasha Phal (Birth - March 7, 1964)
Mars is in Leo in your 11th house
You will get full co-operation from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions. You can make
great progress professionally. You might have to shoulder important responsibilities both at the career and
domestic fronts. There will be a good opportunity to come into contact with compatible persons in the course of
your official duties/ travels. You will be precious metals, gems and jewelry. Your children will require attention
as they will be more vulnerable during this period.
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|| Yogini Dasha ||
Pi 2 Years Dh 3 Years Br 4 Years Ba 5 Years
From 15/12/58 From 6/12/60 From 6/12/63 From 6/12/67
To 6/12/60 To 6/12/63 To 6/12/67 To 6/12/72
Pi 15/12/58 Dh 4/ 2/61 Br 14/ 4/64 Ba 15/ 7/68
Dh 15/ 2/59 Br 4/ 6/61 Ba 3/11/64 Ul 15/ 5/69
Br 5/ 5/59 Ba 4/11/61 Ul 3/ 7/65 Si 5/ 5/70
Ba 15/ 8/59 Ul 4/ 5/62 Si 13/ 4/66 Sn 15/ 6/71
Ul 15/12/59 Si 4/12/62 Sn 5/ 3/67 Ma 4/ 8/71
Si 5/ 5/60 Sn 4/ 8/63 Ma 15/ 4/67 Pi 14/11/71
Sn 15/10/60 Ma 4/ 9/63 Pi 5/ 7/67 Dh 14/ 4/72
Ma 6/12/60 Pi 6/12/63 Dh 6/12/67 Br 6/12/72
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|| Yogini Dasha ||
Ul 6 Years Si 7 Years Sn 8 Years Ma 1 Years
From 6/12/08 From 6/12/14 From 6/12/21 From 6/12/29
To 6/12/14 To 6/12/21 To 6/12/29 To 6/12/30
Ul 21/10/09 Si 1/ 3/16 Sn 30/ 7/23 Ma 31/10/29
Si 21/12/10 Sn 21/ 9/17 Ma 20/10/23 Pi 20/11/29
Sn 20/ 4/12 Ma 1/12/17 Pi 30/ 3/24 Dh 20/12/29
Ma 20/ 6/12 Pi 21/ 4/18 Dh 30/11/24 Br 30/ 1/30
Pi 20/10/12 Dh 21/11/18 Br 20/10/25 Ba 22/ 3/30
Dh 20/ 4/13 Br 31/ 8/19 Ba 30/11/26 Ul 22/ 5/30
Br 20/12/13 Ba 20/ 8/20 Ul 31/ 3/28 Si 1/ 8/30
Ba 6/12/14 Ul 6/12/21 Si 6/12/29 Sn 6/12/30
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|| Char Dasha ||
Char Maha Dasha
LIB 10 Year 18/ 8/59 18/ 8/69 CAP 01 Year 18/ 8/89 18/ 8/90
SCO 09 Year 18/ 8/69 18/ 8/78 AQU 05 Year 18/ 8/90 18/ 8/95
SAG 11 Year 18/ 8/78 18/ 8/89 PIS 04 Year 18/ 8/95 18/ 8/99
ARI 04 Year 18/ 8/99 18/ 8/03 CAN 06 Year 18/ 8/07 18/ 8/13
TAU 03 Year 18/ 8/03 18/ 8/06 LEO 12 Year 18/ 8/13 18/ 8/25
GEM 01 Year 18/ 8/06 18/ 8/07 VIR 02 Year 18/ 8/25 18/ 8/27
Char Antardasha
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|| Char Dasha ||
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Sun in your 11th house:
If benefic
(1) If the native is vegetarian he will have three sons and will himself be head of the house and will get
benefits from government.
If malefic
(1) The Moon is in the 5th house and the Sun is not aspected by good planets, the will have a short life span.
Remedial Measures
(1) Abstain from meat and wine.
(2) Keep almonds or radishes near the head of the bed and offer it in the temple next day for long life and
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Moon in your 4th house:
The results of the 4th house are the general product of the total influences of Moon, the lord of the 4th Rashi
Cancer and the permanent resident of the 4th house. Here the Moon becomes very strong and powerful in every
The use of, and association with the things represented by the Moon will prove highly beneficial to the
native. Offer milk in place of water to the guests. Obtain blessings of your mother or the elderly women by
touching their feet. The 4th house is the river of income which will continue to increase expenditure. In other
words, expenditure will augment income.
The native will be a reputed and honoured person with soft heart and all sorts of riches. He will inherit all the
traits and qualities of his mother and will face the problems of life boldly like a lion. He will receive honour and
favours from the government along with riches and will provide peace and shelter to others.
Good education will be ensured for the native. If Jupiter is placed in the 6th house and Moon in the 4th,
parental profession will suit him. If a person has mortgaged certain valuables to the native, he will never come
back to demand it.
If Moon be placed with 4 planets in the 4th house, the native will be economically very strong and wealthy.
The male planets will help the native like sons and the female planets like daughters.
(1) Selling of milk for profit and burning of milk for making Khoya, etc., will have a very adverse effects on
income, life span and mental peace.
(2) Adultery and flirtation will be seriously detrimental to the native's reputation and prospects of wealth gains.
(3) The more the expenses, the more the income.
(4) Before beginning any auspicious or new work, place a pitcher or any container filled with milk in the
(5) For warding off the evil generated by the Jupiter placed in the 10th house, the native should visit places of
worship along with his grandfather and offer their oblations by placing their forehead at the feet of the deity.
(1) One should never sell one's ancestral property.
(2) Keeping Sindoor or honey in an earthen pot will give good results.
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Mercury in your 10th house:
Mercury in the 10th house provides favour from the government. Gives good sources of livelihood.he manages
to get his work done in every way. The business of such a native flourishes in a shermukhi house, but residency
in such a house gives very bad result and can be disastrous.
(1) Consumption of eggs, meat and liquor are strictly prohibited.
(2) Offer rice and milk in religious places.
As long as the wife of the native is with him, the native will continue gaining honour and wealth despite the
fact that his wife and her family may be suffering because of ill health and other problems. The native is
admired by females and inherits the property of his father. He may be benefited by lottery or property of a
person having no issues, if the 2nd, 6th and 8th houses are auspicious and Saturn is not placed in the 10th.
(1) Charity and donations will ensure prosperity.
(2) Offer milk to snakes for warding off the evils of Saturn placed in the 10th.
(3) Fill up the pits if any on the road side, in front of your house.
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Venus in your 11th house:
Venus in this house is influenced by Saturn and Jupiter, because this house belongs to Jupiter and Saturn. This
house is aspected by 3rd house which is influened by Mars and Mercury. Native's wife, through her brothers,
will prove very beneficial.
(1) Remedies of Mercury will be useful.
(2) Oil to be given on Saturday.
(3) The native usually suffers from low sperm count in his semen. Native should drink milk in which hot piece
of gold has been dipped.
(1) Serve three dogs.
(2) Distributing medicines for eyes free.
(3) Keeping a dark room in the house will prove highly beneficial.
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Rahu in your 12th house:
12th house belongs to Jupiter. It signifies bedroom. Rahu here gives mental troubles, insomnia. It also leads to
excessive expenditure on sisters and daughters. If Rahu is with its enemies then it becomes next to impossible to
make ends meet, despite hard labour. It also leads to false allegations. One may even go to the extreme of
contemplating suicide. One has mental worries.
Telling lies, deceiving others etc. may make Rahu even more malefic. If some body sneezes at the start of any
new work if gives malefic effect. There may be theft, diseases or false allegations. If mars is with Rahu here,
then it gives good results.
(1) Take your meals in the kitchen itself.
(2) Keep Saunf and khand under the pillow for good night's sleep.
If Jupiter is benefic then the native has a long life and his mother is happy and the life is peaceful. If any two
of the male planets viz Sun, Jupiter, Mars are in good position then Ketu is benefic.
If Ketu is malefic in 6th house then maternal uncle suffers . The native has to suffer due to useless travels.
People turn into enemies without any reason. The native suffers from skin diseases. If Moon is in 2nd house
then mother suffers and even the native's old age is troubled.
(1) Wear golden ring in the finger of left hand.
(2) Drink milk with saffron and wear gold in the ear.
(3) Heat up a rod of gold and then dip it in milk. Then drink it. It would restore mental peace, increase
longevity and is good for sons.
(4) Keep a dog.
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|| Lal Kitab Calculation ||
Name Nirmala Sunrise 06.05.19 Dasa Balance MAR 4 Y 6 M 19 D
Sex Female Longitude 78.41.E Tithi Purnima Sunset 18.33.08
Date 18.8.1959 Latitude 10.48.N Yoga Sobhana Karan Bav
Day Tuesday Place Trichy Lagna Libra Lagna Lord VEN
Time of Birth 12.8.5 Ayan 023-17-34 Rashi Capricorn Rasi Lord SAT
SID 09.36.19 Ayan Type Lahiri Naskshatra Dhanishta-2 Naskshatra Lord MAR
Lagna Chart
Planetary Degree And Their Positions
Planets Sign Positions Soya Kismat Benefic /
Ju Ra
Jaganewala Malefic Pl
2 12
Sun Aquarius ---- Yes No Benefic Sa 3 11 Ma Su
Moon Cancer ---- No Yes Benefic Ve
Mars Aquarius ---- Yes No Benefic Ur
Mercury Capricorn ---- No No Malefic Mo 4 10 Me
Jupiter Taurus ---- Yes No Benefic 7
Venus Aquarius ---- Yes No Benefic
Saturn-Ret Gemini ---- Yes No Benefic 5 9
Rahu-Ret Pisces ---- No Yes Malefic 6 8
Ketu-Ret Virgo ---- No Yes Malefic Ke
Ven 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mer 2 Year Sat 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year
From 18/08/1983 From 18/08/1986 From 18/08/1992 From 18/08/1994 From 18/08/2000 From 18/08/2006
To 18/08/1986 To 18/08/1992 To 18/08/1994 To 18/08/2000 To 18/08/2006 To 18/08/2009
Mars 18/08/1984 Mars 18/08/1988 Moon 18/04/1993 Rahu 18/08/1996 Mars 18/08/2002 Sat 18/08/2007
Sun 18/08/1985 Sat 18/08/1990 Mars 18/12/1993 Mer 18/08/1998 Ketu 18/08/2004 Rahu 18/08/2008
Moon 18/08/1986 Ven 18/08/1992 Jup 18/08/1994 Sat 18/08/2000 Rahu 18/08/2006 Ketu 18/08/2009
Jup 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year Ven 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mer 2 Year
From 18/08/2009 From 18/08/2015 From 18/08/2017 From 18/08/2018 From 18/08/2021 From 18/08/2027
To 18/08/2015 To 18/08/2017 To 18/08/2018 To 18/08/2021 To 18/08/2027 To 18/08/2029
Ketu 18/08/2011 Sun 18/04/2016 Jup 18/12/2017 Mars 18/08/2019 Mars 18/08/2023 Moon 18/04/2028
Jup 18/08/2013 Moon 18/12/2016 Sun 18/04/2018 Sun 18/08/2020 Sat 18/08/2025 Mars 18/12/2028
Sun 18/08/2015 Mars 18/08/2017 Moon 18/08/2018 Moon 18/08/2021 Ven 18/08/2027 Jup 18/08/2029
Sat 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year Jup 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year
From 18/08/2029 From 18/08/2035 From 18/08/2041 From 18/08/2044 From 18/08/2050 From 18/08/2052
To 18/08/2035 To 18/08/2041 To 18/08/2044 To 18/08/2050 To 18/08/2052 To 18/08/2053
Rahu 18/08/2031 Mars 18/08/2037 Sat 18/08/2042 Ketu 18/08/2046 Sun 18/04/2051 Jup 18/12/2052
Mer 18/08/2033 Ketu 18/08/2039 Rahu 18/08/2043 Jup 18/08/2048 Moon 18/12/2051 Sun 18/04/2053
Sat 18/08/2035 Rahu 18/08/2041 Ketu 18/08/2044 Sun 18/08/2050 Mars 18/08/2052 Moon 18/08/2053
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Sun Consideration
Your Sun is in Leo sign which is a Own sign for Sun. Sun is lord of 11th house and situated in 11th house. Sun
aspects 5th house and aspected by .
The present position of Sun will bring you favorable results. You will become healthy, wealthy and happy in
life. You take lots of care of your self-respect. You avoid speaking, too much. Though you are married but you
spend life like an ascetic. You have a sound knowledge of how to behave well. You will always defeat your
Due to present position of Sun, it will help you in making investments at the right place, thus resulting in
profits. You are an ambitious person and you have the ability to earn wealth. You will get a life partner with an
appealing personality. You friends will hold reputed positions and you will also get profit and favors from
them. Also, you will be getting support from the higher authorities.
The Sun posited here may decrease the number of children you may have; along with, you may have some
stomach related problems. The Sun that is posited here may not be in your mother's favor, however, it will give
good results to your maternal uncle and to the relations from your mother's side. If you are a non-vegetarian,
then it not only affects your reasonability, but it may not be good for your children as well.
Moon Consideration
Your Moon is in Capricorn sign which is a Neutral sign for Moon. Moon is lord of 10th house and situated in
4th house. Moon aspects 10th house and aspected by Mercury,Rahu.
The Moon posited here indicates that you have a close attachment with your mother and family. Generosity can
easily be seen in your nature. Usually, you try to stay happy. Except few conditions, you feel mental peace in
most of the situations.
You will not have to put much efforts to get luxuries, good vehicles, good friends and wealth. Thus, you will
get all the things easily. You like to live at the places nearby to water places and like to go for trips. You may
have to change your home oftenly in a lifetime.
You are person who is loved by all and will be the same all your lifetime. Your life partner will also be famous
and loved by all. The present position of Moon will give you good retention power. if you live in your paternal
home or you give support in maintenance of your paternal home, it will bring good luck in your life.
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Mars Consideration
Your Mars is in Leo sign which is a Friendly sign for Mars. Mars is lord of 7th, 2nd, house and situated in 11th
house. Mars aspects 2nd, 5th, 6th house and aspected by .
The Mars posited in eleventh house, makes you a person with lots of patience. The presence of Mars gives you
lots of chances to travel a lot. You are a brave person and will gain lot of profit in your life. But you may have
the problem of getting angry very soon, which is needed to be controlled. Along with this you may become
harsh at using words. Hence, try to be soft spoken and keep a control over your tongue.
You will be able to fulfill your wishes by the help of your friends. But, you may also have differences and
disputes with friends. You will have lesser friends, but the friends that you would have, will be the best of your
buddies. You respect your teachers. You will have royal qualities in your nature, which means you will consider
yourself as a king.
Mars is posited in eleventh house and is aspecting the fifth house, hence you may have some problems related
to children like delays in the birth of a child or you may have some progeny problems. You may use some harsh
words, at times. Also, if your family values allow, you may also become non-vegetarian. Your elder siblings
may become fretful but they will be energetic.
Mercury Consideration
Your Mercury is in Cancer sign which is a Enemy sign for Mercury. Mercury is lord of 9th, 12th, house and
situated in 10th house. Mercury aspects 4th house and aspected by Moon,Jupiter,Ketu.
The Mercury posited in tenth house, is appreciated by experts. Due to the present position of Mercury you
become a person who favors justice and ethics. You will be patient and a sweet-spoken person. You are a
reasonable, skilful and a truthful person. You will have patience and modesty. You are an intelligent and a soft-
spoken person, along with this you have the ability to speak according to the situation. You are person who
believes in doing good and noble deeds. You are a social person. You will get glory and respect. Also, you are a
very well-behaved person.
You are accepted by all and have an eminent personality. You will also own many vehicles. You will be a
wealthy person and will accumulate different types of capital. Since, you will be wealthy person, you will enjoy
your life with fun and enjoyment. You will be able to accumulate wealth by help of Government or you may get
posted at some higher position. You will pay regards to your parents and teachers.
At the age of 28 years, you may face some eye related problems. You should always try to do good deeds in life
and should work to keep them the same way. You may make earnings by means of poetry, architecture, writing,
conciliator or through cooperative work. The work initiated by you, will give you success from starting. You
will gain profit and glory by means of business.
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Jupiter Consideration
Your Jupiter is in Scorpion sign which is a Friendly sign for Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of 3rd, 6th, house and
situated in 2nd house. Jupiter aspects 6th, 8th, 10th house and aspected by Mars,Ketu.
The Jupiter posited here makes you beautiful and attractive by face. You are a beautiful, well toned and long
lived person. You are a soft-hearted person and religious person. Your courage and ethics are appreciable. You
are a soft-spoken, loved by all and a respectable person. You always remain happy and your respect is your
biggest asset. Everyone respects you and pay regards.
You will have an influencing and nice way of speaking. You speak sweetly and right words. The speech given
in between the audience, would be mesmerizing. You will be wealthy and will enjoy many rights. You will be
blessed with children and capital. You will be expert in saving and earning money. However, due to malefic
effects and position, Jupiter may give opposite results.
Gold-silver, Government job, legal work, bank, educational institutes, temples, religious organizations etc. may
help you to earn money and glory. Other than this you will have knowledge of chemical science, different
languages, poetry. You will have right to punish someone, it means you may become magistrate, collector or a
judge. You will win over your enemies and will get happiness from friends. You will get awarded by rulers or
Venus Consideration
Your Venus is in Leo sign which is a Enemy sign for Venus. Venus is lord of 8th, 1st, house and situated in
11th house. Venus aspects 5th house and aspected by .
The Venus posited here will give you various favorable results. You will have beautiful personality and will
remain healthy. You are very well mannered and generous. You may have interest in singing and dancing. You
and your family likes listening music.
You are a generous and an ethical person. You are person with the best of qualities, joyous nature and likes
speaking truth. You always believe in doing right things. You behave in a religious and proper manner. You are
knowledgeable and a firm devotee of God. You will become famous due to your wittiness. You will own many
Your home will be flourished with everything. You will gain constant wealth and it will keep on increasing.
You may become a jeweler, writer or will get favors from royal people, earn wealth from females. You will also
get profit from the business of construction or after getting married.
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Saturn Consideration
Your Saturn is in Sagittarius sign which is a Neutral sign for Saturn. Saturn is lord of 4th, 5th, house and
situated in 3rd house. Saturn aspects 5th, 9th, 12th house and aspected by .
The Saturn posited here make you factual, intelligent and you will favor justice. You are a deep thinker and a
good advisor. You may have interest in occult sciences like astrology. You are a healthy, Yogi, and a less
talkative person. You are good at reasoning. You are a brave, glorious and a person who completes work on
You defeat your enemies. You are a lucky and playful person. You help everyone without any mean thoughts
and favor them upto the maximum extent. You become famous on a huge scale. You will have luxurious
vehicles. You may be head of village or city and will gain respect from royal people.
You will have large circle of friends and will be liked by opposite gender. You will accumulate good wealth.
The Saturn posited here gives you some unfavorable results, also. You may be lazy, unhappy, or may feel
disturbed. There may face some hurdles in education. You may fall ill during rainy season or winters.
Rahu Consideration
Your Rahu is in Virgo sign which is a - sign for Rahu. Rahu is lord of house and situated in 12th house. Rahu
aspects 4th, 6th, 8th house and aspected by Saturn,Ketu.
The Rahu posited makes you brave and glorious. You are a generous, ambitious, and have high values. You are
a friendly person. You will be happy, as you are a hard working person. You are a charitable person, also. To
attain spiritual knowledge, is an easy task for you. You have an interest in Vedas Vedantas and you will be
saint like person.
You may get profit by means of public organizations. Even if you stay at one place and do not work, your
wishes will be getting fulfilled. But, you may receive some bad results, even if you do lot of efforts. But, at the
end they themselves turn out into good results. The Rahu posted here destroys your enemies.
It is possible that in the initial time of life, you may not become stable and you may have to go far away to
make earnings including a foreign land, too. As, the Rahu present here does not gives favors from your birth
place. Going to some other place, other than your birth place will bring you good luck and lot of income.
However, you will have lot of expenses. You are advised to stay away from being impatient or cheater. Also, do
not involve in ill thoughts, conspiracies or bad acts.
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Ketu Consideration
Your Ketu is in Pisces sign which is a - sign for Ketu. Ketu is lord of house and situated in 6th house. Ketu
aspects 10th, 12th, 2nd house and aspected by Mars,Jupiter,Rahu.
The Ketu posited here makes you healthy. Even if you fall ill, you recover soon. You will be loved by your
brothers and will have generous nature. You are a talented person and keeps your promises firmly. You will be
a famous person and will gain fame due to your education and knowledge. You will hold a good position in
your life. You will attain fulfillment of wishes.
You may have attachment with animals, hence you may have lots of animals and you will be getting financial
profit from them. You are person who defeats his enemies and wins over all the disputes. You will be getting
monetary benefits. You will accumulate wealth wisely rather than spending it uselessly. The Ketu posited here,
gives some bad results also. As a result, you may become quarrelsome.
You may have problem due to some paranormal activities. You may have some danger from your mother or
from anyone from your mother's side relation. You may not get happiness from maternal uncle. Due to some
argument with your maternal uncle, you may not receive much respect from your maternal relations. You may
also have some disease related to teeth and lips. You will achieve success in different competitions and
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Lagna Chart Hora Wealth
Sa Pl
Ne MoUr
Ju Ra Su
Pl Ra Ke
8 6 5 3
Sa 9 Ne 5 MaSu 6 Ma 2
Ve Ju Me Ve
7 4
Mo 10 4 Me 7 1
1 10
11 3 8 12
12 2 9 11
Ke Su Ke
4 2 5 3
Su 5 1 Ve Ma 6 2 Ma
3 4
Mo 6 12 Ur Mo 7 1 Ur
9 10
7 Sa 11 Ne Pl Ju 8 Ne 12
8 10 9 11
Ju Me Ra Ra Sa Ve
Ra Pl
Ju Ju
2 12 4 2
Ur 3 Me 11 5 Sa 1 Ra Su
1 3
4 10 Mo Mo 6 12
7 Sa 9
Su 5 Pl 9 Ve Ne Ke Ve 7 11 Ur
6 8 8 10
Ke MeMa Ne
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Dashamamsha - Profession Dwadashmamsha - Parents
Su Mo Su
5 3 7 5
Ra 6 Me 2 Ju Mo 8 4 Ke
4 6
Ur 7 1 Ma Me 9 3
10 12
Pl 8 Ne 12 Ve Ke Ra 10 2 Ma
9 11 11 1
Sa Ne Sa Ur Ve
4 8
7 1 Ur Ve 11 5
10 2
Me 8 Pl 12 Sa 12 4 Ur
9 11 1 3
Ra Ma Ke Pl
Me Ju Ve
5 3 10 8
Su 6 Ju 2 Ra Mo MeMa 11 Ke 7 Ur Sa
4 9
7 1 Ne 12 6
10 3
8 Ve 12 Ma 1 Ra 5 Mo Ne
9 11 2 4
Ur Su
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Trimshamsha - Misfortune Khavedamsha - Auspicious Results
Mo Ne
8 6 5 3 Pl
Pl Ne 9 5 Ve 6 2 MeSu
7 4
Ur 10 4 Ju 7 1
1 10
Sa 11 Su 3 Ma Ve Mo 8 Ma 12
12 2 9 Sa 11
Ra Me Ke Ju Ke Ra
Pl Ra Ne
Sa Su Mo
10 8 7 5
Me 11 7 Ju 8 Ma 4
9 6
Ur 12 6 Su Me 9 3 Ur
3 Ma 12
Ve 1 Ra 5 Ju Ne 10 Ve 2
2 4 11 1
Sa Pl Ke
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|| KP System / Nakshatra Nadi ||
Name Nirmala Sunrise 06.05.19 Dasa Balance MAR 4 Y 6 M 19 D
Sex Female Longitude 78.41.E Tithi Purnima Sunset 18.33.08
Date 18.8.1959 Latitude 10.48.N Yoga Sobhana Karan Bav
Day Tuesday Place Trichy Lagna Libra Lagna Lord VEN
Time of Birth 12.8.5 Ayan 023-12-11 Rashi Capricorn Rasi Lord SAT
SID 09.36.19 Ayan Type KP Naskshatra Dhanishta-2 Naskshatra Lord MAR
Ruling Planet
Planet Rasi Lord Nak Lord Sub Lord
Ne(7) Moon SAT MAR SAT
Day Lord MAR
8 7 Cuspal Positions
Mo(10)9 6 Cusp Degree RASH NAK SUB SS
Ju(8) Ra(6)
1 209-37-29 VEN JUP MON RAH
2 238-29-25 MAR MER SAT MER
3 267-43-09 JUP SUN MON JUP
4 298-30-16 SAT MAR SAT MER
5 330-31-24 JUP JUP MON SUN
10 4 Su(5) Pl(5)
6 001-28-14 MAR KET VEN MAR
1 7 029-37-29 MAR SUN RAH JUP
8 058-29-25 VEN MAR SAT MER
9 087-43-09 MER JUP VEN JUP
10 118-30-16 MON MER SAT MER
Ke(12) 3 Me(4) Ur(4) 11 150-31-24 MER SUN RAH VEN
12 181-28-14 VEN MAR MER JUP
1 2
Planetary Positions
Planet Degree RASH NAK SUB SS
Sun 121-23-08 SUN KET VEN MON
Moon 298-05-09 SAT MAR SAT SAT
Mars 144-51-47 SUN VEN MER MON
MAR -7 Years RAH -18 Years JUP -16 Years Mercury 104-49-01 MON SAT RAH MAR
18/ 8/59 - 7/ 3/64 7/ 3/64 - 7/ 3/82 7/ 3/82 - 7/ 3/98
Jupiter 210-10-12 MAR JUP MON MER
MAR 00/00/00 RAH 19/11/66 JUP 25/ 4/84
Venus 141-51-37 SUN VEN JUP RAH
RAH 00/00/00 JUP 13/ 4/69 SAT 7/11/86
Saturn 247-30-10 JUP KET RAH MAR
JUP 28/ 7/59 SAT 19/ 2/72 MER 13/ 2/89
Rahu 162-42-25 MER MON RAH SAT
SAT 7/ 9/60 MER 7/ 9/74 KET 19/ 1/90
Ketu 342-42-25 JUP SAT MAR VEN
MER 4/ 9/61 KET 25/ 9/75 VEN 19/ 9/92
Uranus 113-55-57 MON MER MAR VEN
KET 1/ 2/62 VEN 25/ 9/78 SUN 7/ 7/93
Neptune 191-15-42 VEN RAH SAT VEN
VEN 1/ 4/63 SUN 19/ 8/79 MON 7/11/94
Pluto 130-23-02 SUN KET SAT VEN
SUN 7/ 8/63 MON 19/ 2/81 MAR 13/10/95
MON 7/ 3/64 MAR 7/ 3/82 RAH 7/ 3/98 Significators of Houses
House Planet
SAT -19 Years MER -17 Years KET -7 Years 1 MA JU VE
7/ 3/98 - 7/ 3/17 7/ 3/17 - 7/ 3/34 7/ 3/34 - 7/ 3/41 2 MO MA ME SA KE
SAT 10/ 3/01 MER 4/ 8/19 KET 4/ 8/34 3 MO JU RA
MER 19/11/03 KET 1/ 8/20 VEN 4/10/35 4 ME SA KE
KET 28/12/04 VEN 1/ 6/23 SUN 10/ 2/36 5 SU JU SA KE
VEN 28/ 2/08 SUN 7/ 4/24 MON 10/ 9/36 6 MO MA
SUN 10/ 2/09 MON 7/ 9/25 MAR 7/ 2/37 7 MO MA
MON 10/ 9/10 MAR 4/ 9/26 RAH 25/ 2/38 8 MA VE
MAR 19/10/11 RAH 22/ 3/29 JUP 1/ 2/39 9 ME
RAH 25/ 8/14 JUP 28/ 6/31 SAT 10/ 3/40 10 SU MO MA VE RA
11 ME RA
JUP 7/ 3/17 SAT 7/ 3/34 MER 7/ 3/41
12 MA VE
VEN -20 Years SUN -6 Years MON -10 Years Planet Signification
7/ 3/41 - 7/ 3/61 7/ 3/61 - 7/ 3/67 7/ 3/67 - 7/ 3/77
VEN 7/ 7/44 SUN 25/ 6/61 MON 7/ 1/68 Planet House
Sun 5 10
SUN 7/ 7/45 MON 25/12/61 MAR 7/ 8/68
Moon 2 3 6 7 10
MON 7/ 3/47 MAR 1/ 5/62 RAH 7/ 2/70
Mars 1 2 6 7 8 10 12
MAR 7/ 5/48 RAH 25/ 3/63 JUP 7/ 6/71 Mercury 2 4 9 11
RAH 7/ 5/51 JUP 13/ 1/64 SAT 7/ 1/73 Jupiter 1 3 5
JUP 7/ 1/54 SAT 25/12/64 MER 7/ 6/74 Venus 1 8 10 12
SAT 7/ 3/57 MER 1/11/65 KET 7/ 1/75 Saturn 2 4 5
MER 7/ 1/60 KET 7/ 3/66 VEN 7/ 9/76 Rahu 3 10 11
KET 7/ 3/61 VEN 7/ 3/67 SUN 7/ 3/77 Ketu 2 4 5
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Dasa Balance: MAR 4 Y 6 M 19 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 18/ 8/59 - To 7/ 9/60 From 7/ 9/60 - To 4/ 9/61 From 4/ 9/61 - To 1/ 2/62 From 1/ 2/62 - To 1/ 4/63 From 1/ 4/63 - To 7/ 8/63
SAT 1/10/59 MER 28/10/60 KET 13/ 9/61 VEN 11/ 4/62 SUN 7/ 4/63
MER 28/11/59 KET 19/11/60 VEN 7/10/61 SUN 2/ 5/62 MON 18/ 4/63
KET 21/12/59 VEN 18/ 1/61 SUN 15/10/61 MON 7/ 6/62 MAR 25/ 4/63
VEN 28/ 2/60 SUN 6/ 2/61 MON 27/10/61 MAR 2/ 7/62 RAH 14/ 5/63
SUN 18/ 3/60 MON 6/ 3/61 MAR 5/11/61 RAH 5/ 9/62 JUP 1/ 6/63
MON 21/ 4/60 MAR 27/ 3/61 RAH 27/11/61 JUP 1/11/62 SAT 21/ 6/63
MAR 14/ 5/60 RAH 20/ 5/61 JUP 17/12/61 SAT 7/ 1/63 MER 9/ 7/63
RAH 14/ 7/60 JUP 8/ 7/61 SAT 10/ 1/62 MER 7/ 3/63 KET 16/ 7/63
JUP 7/ 9/60 SAT 4/ 9/61 MER 1/ 2/62 KET 1/ 4/63 VEN 7/ 8/63
From 7/ 8/63 - To 7/ 3/64 From 7/ 3/64 - To 19/11/66 From 19/11/66 - To 13/ 4/69 From 13/ 4/69 - To 19/ 2/72 From 19/ 2/72 - To 7/ 9/74
MON 25/ 8/63 RAH 3/ 8/64 JUP 14/ 3/67 SAT 26/ 9/69 MER 29/ 6/72
MAR 7/ 9/63 JUP 13/12/64 SAT 1/ 8/67 MER 21/ 2/70 KET 23/ 8/72
RAH 8/10/63 SAT 16/ 5/65 MER 4/12/67 KET 21/ 4/70 VEN 26/ 1/73
JUP 6/11/63 MER 4/10/65 KET 24/ 1/68 VEN 12/10/70 SUN 12/ 3/73
SAT 10/12/63 KET 1/12/65 VEN 18/ 6/68 SUN 3/12/70 MON 28/ 5/73
MER 9/ 1/64 VEN 13/ 5/66 SUN 1/ 8/68 MON 1/ 3/71 MAR 22/ 7/73
KET 22/ 1/64 SUN 1/ 7/66 MON 13/10/68 MAR 28/ 4/71 RAH 9/12/73
VEN 27/ 2/64 MON 22/ 9/66 MAR 4/12/68 RAH 2/10/71 JUP 12/ 4/74
SUN 7/ 3/64 MAR 19/11/66 RAH 13/ 4/69 JUP 19/ 2/72 SAT 7/ 9/74
From 7/ 9/74 - To 25/ 9/75 From 25/ 9/75 - To 25/ 9/78 From 25/ 9/78 - To 19/ 8/79 From 19/ 8/79 - To 19/ 2/81 From 19/ 2/81 - To 7/ 3/82
KET 29/ 9/74 VEN 25/ 3/76 SUN 11/10/78 MON 4/10/79 MAR 11/ 3/81
VEN 2/12/74 SUN 19/ 5/76 MON 8/11/78 MAR 6/11/79 RAH 8/ 5/81
SUN 21/12/74 MON 19/ 8/76 MAR 27/11/78 RAH 27/ 1/80 JUP 28/ 6/81
MON 23/ 1/75 MAR 22/10/76 RAH 16/ 1/79 JUP 9/ 4/80 SAT 28/ 8/81
MAR 15/ 2/75 RAH 4/ 4/77 JUP 1/ 3/79 SAT 4/ 7/80 MER 22/10/81
RAH 11/ 4/75 JUP 28/ 8/77 SAT 20/ 4/79 MER 21/ 9/80 KET 14/11/81
JUP 2/ 6/75 SAT 19/ 2/78 MER 6/ 6/79 KET 22/10/80 VEN 17/ 1/82
SAT 2/ 8/75 MER 22/ 7/78 KET 25/ 6/79 VEN 22/ 1/81 SUN 6/ 2/82
MER 25/ 9/75 KET 25/ 9/78 VEN 19/ 8/79 SUN 19/ 2/81 MON 7/ 3/82
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Dasa Balance: MAR 4 Y 6 M 19 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 7/ 3/82 - To 25/ 4/84 From 25/ 4/84 - To 7/11/86 From 7/11/86 - To 13/ 2/89 From 13/ 2/89 - To 19/ 1/90 From 19/ 1/90 - To 19/ 9/92
JUP 20/ 6/82 SAT 20/ 9/84 MER 3/ 3/87 KET 3/ 3/89 VEN 29/ 6/90
SAT 21/10/82 MER 29/ 1/85 KET 20/ 4/87 VEN 29/ 4/89 SUN 17/ 8/90
MER 10/ 2/83 KET 22/ 3/85 VEN 6/ 9/87 SUN 16/ 5/89 MON 7/11/90
KET 25/ 3/83 VEN 24/ 8/85 SUN 17/10/87 MON 14/ 6/89 MAR 3/ 1/91
VEN 3/ 8/83 SUN 10/10/85 MON 25/12/87 MAR 3/ 7/89 RAH 27/ 5/91
SUN 11/ 9/83 MON 26/12/85 MAR 13/ 2/88 RAH 24/ 8/89 JUP 5/10/91
MON 15/11/83 MAR 19/ 2/86 RAH 15/ 6/88 JUP 8/10/89 SAT 7/ 3/92
MAR 30/12/83 RAH 6/ 7/86 JUP 4/10/88 SAT 2/12/89 MER 23/ 7/92
RAH 25/ 4/84 JUP 7/11/86 SAT 13/ 2/89 MER 19/ 1/90 KET 19/ 9/92
From 19/ 9/92 - To 7/ 7/93 From 7/ 7/93 - To 7/11/94 From 7/11/94 - To 13/10/95 From 13/10/95 - To 7/ 3/98 From 7/ 3/98 - To 10/ 3/01
SUN 4/10/92 MON 17/ 8/93 MAR 27/11/94 RAH 23/ 2/96 SAT 29/ 8/98
MON 28/10/92 MAR 15/ 9/93 RAH 17/ 1/95 JUP 18/ 6/96 MER 2/ 2/99
MAR 14/11/92 RAH 27/11/93 JUP 2/ 3/95 SAT 5/11/96 KET 5/ 4/99
RAH 28/12/92 JUP 1/ 2/94 SAT 25/ 4/95 MER 7/ 3/97 VEN 6/10/99
JUP 6/ 2/93 SAT 17/ 4/94 MER 13/ 6/95 KET 28/ 4/97 SUN 30/11/99
SAT 22/ 3/93 MER 25/ 6/94 KET 2/ 7/95 VEN 22/ 9/97 MON 2/ 3/00
MER 2/ 5/93 KET 23/ 7/94 VEN 28/ 8/95 SUN 5/11/97 MAR 3/ 5/00
KET 19/ 5/93 VEN 13/10/94 SUN 15/ 9/95 MON 17/ 1/98 RAH 16/10/00
VEN 7/ 7/93 SUN 7/11/94 MON 13/10/95 MAR 7/ 3/98 JUP 10/ 3/01
From 10/ 3/01 - To 19/11/03 From 19/11/03 - To 28/12/04 From 28/12/04 - To 28/ 2/08 From 28/ 2/08 - To 10/ 2/09 From 10/ 2/09 - To 10/ 9/10
MER 27/ 7/01 KET 12/12/03 VEN 8/ 7/05 SUN 15/ 3/08 MON 28/ 3/09
KET 24/ 9/01 VEN 19/ 2/04 SUN 5/ 9/05 MON 14/ 4/08 MAR 1/ 5/09
VEN 5/ 3/02 SUN 9/ 3/04 MON 10/12/05 MAR 4/ 5/08 RAH 26/ 7/09
SUN 24/ 4/02 MON 12/ 4/04 MAR 17/ 2/06 RAH 25/ 6/08 JUP 12/10/09
MON 15/ 7/02 MAR 5/ 5/04 RAH 8/ 8/06 JUP 11/ 8/08 SAT 13/ 1/10
MAR 11/ 9/02 RAH 5/ 7/04 JUP 10/ 1/07 SAT 5/10/08 MER 3/ 4/10
RAH 7/ 2/03 JUP 28/ 8/04 SAT 10/ 7/07 MER 23/11/08 KET 7/ 5/10
JUP 16/ 6/03 SAT 2/11/04 MER 22/12/07 KET 13/12/08 VEN 12/ 8/10
SAT 19/11/03 MER 28/12/04 KET 28/ 2/08 VEN 10/ 2/09 SUN 10/ 9/10
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Dasa Balance: MAR 4 Y 6 M 19 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 10/ 2/09 - To 10/ 9/10 From 10/ 9/10 - To 19/10/11 From 19/10/11 - To 25/ 8/14 From 25/ 8/14 - To 7/ 3/17 From 7/ 3/17 - To 4/ 8/19
MON 28/ 3/09 MAR 3/10/10 RAH 23/ 3/12 JUP 27/12/14 MER 10/ 7/17
MAR 1/ 5/09 RAH 3/12/10 JUP 10/ 8/12 SAT 21/ 5/15 KET 1/ 9/17
RAH 26/ 7/09 JUP 27/ 1/11 SAT 22/ 1/13 MER 30/ 9/15 VEN 25/ 1/18
JUP 12/10/09 SAT 30/ 3/11 MER 18/ 6/13 KET 24/11/15 SUN 8/ 3/18
SAT 13/ 1/10 MER 26/ 5/11 KET 18/ 8/13 VEN 26/ 4/16 MON 21/ 5/18
MER 3/ 4/10 KET 19/ 6/11 VEN 9/ 2/14 SUN 11/ 6/16 MAR 11/ 7/18
KET 7/ 5/10 VEN 26/ 8/11 SUN 30/ 3/14 MON 27/ 8/16 RAH 21/11/18
VEN 12/ 8/10 SUN 16/ 9/11 MON 25/ 6/14 MAR 20/10/16 JUP 17/ 3/19
SUN 10/ 9/10 MON 19/10/11 MAR 25/ 8/14 RAH 7/ 3/17 SAT 4/ 8/19
From 4/ 8/19 - To 1/ 8/20 From 1/ 8/20 - To 1/ 6/23 From 1/ 6/23 - To 7/ 4/24 From 7/ 4/24 - To 7/ 9/25 From 7/ 9/25 - To 4/ 9/26
KET 25/ 8/19 VEN 21/ 1/21 SUN 16/ 6/23 MON 20/ 5/24 MAR 28/ 9/25
VEN 25/10/19 SUN 12/ 3/21 MON 12/ 7/23 MAR 19/ 6/24 RAH 22/11/25
SUN 12/11/19 MON 7/ 6/21 MAR 30/ 7/23 RAH 6/ 9/24 JUP 9/ 1/26
MON 12/12/19 MAR 7/ 8/21 RAH 16/ 9/23 JUP 14/11/24 SAT 6/ 3/26
MAR 3/ 1/20 RAH 10/ 1/22 JUP 27/10/23 SAT 5/ 2/25 MER 26/ 4/26
RAH 26/ 2/20 JUP 26/ 5/22 SAT 15/12/23 MER 17/ 4/25 KET 17/ 5/26
JUP 14/ 4/20 SAT 7/11/22 MER 28/ 1/24 KET 17/ 5/25 VEN 17/ 7/26
SAT 11/ 6/20 MER 2/ 4/23 KET 16/ 2/24 VEN 12/ 8/25 SUN 4/ 8/26
MER 1/ 8/20 KET 1/ 6/23 VEN 7/ 4/24 SUN 7/ 9/25 MON 4/ 9/26
From 4/ 9/26 - To 22/ 3/29 From 22/ 3/29 - To 28/ 6/31 From 28/ 6/31 - To 7/ 3/34 From 7/ 3/34 - To 4/ 8/34 From 4/ 8/34 - To 4/10/35
RAH 22/ 1/27 JUP 11/ 7/29 SAT 2/12/31 KET 16/ 3/34 VEN 14/10/34
JUP 24/ 5/27 SAT 20/11/29 MER 19/ 4/32 VEN 10/ 4/34 SUN 5/11/34
SAT 20/10/27 MER 16/ 3/30 KET 15/ 6/32 SUN 18/ 4/34 MON 10/12/34
MER 2/ 3/28 KET 3/ 5/30 VEN 27/11/32 MON 30/ 4/34 MAR 5/ 1/35
KET 23/ 4/28 VEN 19/ 9/30 SUN 15/ 1/33 MAR 8/ 5/34 RAH 8/ 3/35
VEN 26/ 9/28 SUN 30/10/30 MON 6/ 4/33 RAH 30/ 5/34 JUP 4/ 5/35
SUN 12/11/28 MON 8/ 1/31 MAR 3/ 6/33 JUP 20/ 6/34 SAT 10/ 7/35
MON 29/ 1/29 MAR 26/ 2/31 RAH 28/10/33 SAT 13/ 7/34 MER 10/ 9/35
MAR 22/ 3/29 RAH 28/ 6/31 JUP 7/ 3/34 MER 4/ 8/34 KET 4/10/35
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Dasa Balance: MAR 4 Y 6 M 19 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 10/ 2/36 - To 10/ 9/36 From 10/ 9/36 - To 7/ 2/37 From 7/ 2/37 - To 25/ 2/38 From 25/ 2/38 - To 1/ 2/39 From 1/ 2/39 - To 10/ 3/40
MON 28/ 2/36 MAR 19/ 9/36 RAH 4/ 4/37 JUP 10/ 4/38 SAT 4/ 4/39
MAR 10/ 3/36 RAH 11/10/36 JUP 24/ 5/37 SAT 3/ 6/38 MER 1/ 6/39
RAH 11/ 4/36 JUP 30/10/36 SAT 24/ 7/37 MER 21/ 7/38 KET 24/ 6/39
JUP 9/ 5/36 SAT 24/11/36 MER 18/ 9/37 KET 10/ 8/38 VEN 1/ 9/39
SAT 13/ 6/36 MER 15/12/36 KET 10/10/37 VEN 6/10/38 SUN 21/ 9/39
MER 12/ 7/36 KET 23/12/36 VEN 13/12/37 SUN 23/10/38 MON 24/10/39
KET 25/ 7/36 VEN 18/ 1/37 SUN 2/ 1/38 MON 21/11/38 MAR 17/11/39
VEN 30/ 8/36 SUN 25/ 1/37 MON 3/ 2/38 MAR 11/12/38 RAH 17/ 1/40
SUN 10/ 9/36 MON 7/ 2/37 MAR 25/ 2/38 RAH 1/ 2/39 JUP 10/ 3/40
From 10/ 3/40 - To 7/ 3/41
MER 1/ 5/40
KET 22/ 5/40
VEN 21/ 7/40
SUN 9/ 8/40
MON 9/ 9/40
MAR 30/ 9/40
RAH 23/11/40
JUP 11/ 1/41
SAT 7/ 3/41
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|| Friendship Table ||
Permanent Friendship
SUN --- Friend Friend Neutral Friend Enemy Enemy
MOON Friend --- Neutral Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral
MARS Friend Friend --- Enemy Friend Neutral Neutral
MERC Friend Enemy Neutral --- Neutral Friend Neutral
JUPT Friend Friend Friend Enemy --- Enemy Neutral
VENU Enemy Enemy Neutral Friend Neutral --- Friend
SATN Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Neutral Friend ---
Temporal Friendship
SUN --- Enemy Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Enemy
MOON Enemy --- Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy Friend
MARS Enemy Enemy --- Friend Friend Enemy Enemy
MERC Friend Enemy Friend --- Enemy Friend Enemy
JUPT Friend Friend Friend Enemy --- Friend Friend
VENU Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Friend --- Enemy
SATN Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy ---
Five-fold Friendship
SUN --- Neutral Neutral Friend Intimat Bitter Bitter
MOON Neutral --- Enemy Neutral Friend Enemy Friend
MARS Neutral Neutral --- Neutral Intimat Enemy Enemy
MERC Intimat Bitter Friend --- Enemy Intimat Enemy
JUPT Intimat Intimat Intimat Bitter --- Neutral Friend
VENU Bitter Bitter Enemy Intimat Friend --- Neutral
SATN Bitter Neutral Bitter Neutral Friend Neutral ---
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ShadBala Table
BhavBala Table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bhavadhipati Bala 404.22 314.49 507.75 352.19 352.19 507.75 314.49 404.22 470.6 541.25 662.62 470.6
Bhavdig Bala 60 10 10 60 20 40 30 40 20 0 50 50
Bhavdrishti Bala 31.09 3.67 41.1 81.81 36.43 37.32 71.25 41.15 18.71 52.16 14 21.4
Total Bhav Bala 495.31 328.17 558.85 494 408.62 585.07 415.74 485.37 509.31 593.41 726.62 542
Total Bhav In Rupas 8.26 5.47 9.31 8.23 6.81 9.75 6.93 8.09 8.49 9.89 12.11 9.03
Relative Rank 7 12 4 8 11 3 10 9 6 2 1 5
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|| Ashtakvarga Table ||
Rashi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SUN 4 3 5 4 4 6 2 4 3 3 3 7
MOON 4 6 5 3 2 3 7 4 3 4 5 3
MARS 1 3 5 3 4 4 4 3 4 2 1 5
MERC 6 3 7 4 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 5
JUPI 5 7 5 3 5 5 3 7 3 3 6 4
VENU 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 3 3 6
SATU 3 4 5 3 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 5
Total 27 30 37 24 27 30 29 29 25 21 23 35
Ashtakvarga Chart:
29 30
8 6
25 9 5 27
21 10 4 24
23 11 3 37
12 2
35 30
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|| Prastharashtakvarga Tables ||
Sun Moon
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
Su 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 8 Su 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 6
Mo 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 4 Mo 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 6
Ma 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 8 Ma 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 7
Me 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 7 Me 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 8
Ju 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 Ju 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 7
Ve 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 3 Ve 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 7
Sa 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 8 Sa 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 4
As 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 6 As 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 4
Total 4 3 5 4 4 6 2 4 3 3 3 7 Total 4 6 5 3 2 3 7 4 3 4 5 3
Mars Mercury
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
Su 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 5 Su 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 5
Mo 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 Mo 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 6
Ma 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 7 Ma 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 8
Me 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 Me 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 8
Ju 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 Ju 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4
Ve 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 Ve 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 8
Sa 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 7 Sa 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 8
As 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 5 As 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 7
Total 1 3 5 3 4 4 4 3 4 2 1 5 Total 6 3 7 4 5 5 5 5 4 3 2 5
Jupiter Venus
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
Su 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 9 Su 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3
Mo 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 5 Mo 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 9
Ma 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 7 Ma 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 6
Me 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 8 Me 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 5
Ju 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 8 Ju 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 5
Ve 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 6 Ve 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 9
Sa 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 4 Sa 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 7
As 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 9 As 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 8
Total 5 7 5 3 5 5 3 7 3 3 6 4 Total 4 4 5 4 5 5 4 4 5 3 3 6
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
We wants to make it clear that we put our best efforts in providing this report but any prediction
Su 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 7
that you receive from us is not to be considered as a substitute for advice, program, or treatment
Mo 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 that you would normally receive from a licensed professional such as a lawyer, doctor,
Ma 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 6 psychiatrist, or financial adviser. Although we try our best to give you accurate calculations, we
do not rule out the possibility of errors. The report are provided as-is and we provides no
Me 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 6
guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind, and will not be responsible for any
Ju 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 4
interpretation made or use by the recipient of the information and data mentioned above. If you
Ve 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 are not comfortable with this information, please do not use it. In case any disputes the court of
As 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 6
Total 3 4 5 3 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 5
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