Play Christmas
Play Christmas
Play Christmas
A Christmas
directed by LAUREN KEATING
Synopsis 3
Characters 4
This Ghostly Little Book 5
Charles Dickens Plea for the Poor 6,7
Dickens and the Christmas Tradition 8,9
Discussion Questions and Classroom Activities 17 - 19
For Further Information 20 - 21
RESEARCH Jo Holcomb and Carla Steen
Guthrie Theater, 818 South 2nd Street, Minneapolis, MN 55415 All rights reserved. With the exception of classroom use by
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are written especially for our Guide. Others are reprinted by
permission of their publishers.
The Guthrie Theater, founded in 1963, is an American center for theater performance, The Guthrie Theater receives support from the National
production, education and professional training. By presenting both classical literature and Endowment for the Arts. This activity is made possible in part
by the Minnesota State Arts Board, through an appropriation
new work from diverse cultures, the Guthrie illuminates the common humanity connecting by the Minnesota State Legislature. The Minnesota State Arts
Board received additional funds to support this activity from
Minnesota to the peoples of the world. the National Endowment for the Arts.
toast nonetheless, grateful for
what he has.
London, December 2425, 1843
Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly Ghost of Christmas Future Dick Wilkins, a fellow clerk at
businessman Ignorance and Want Fezziwigs
Bob Cratchit, his clerk Youngest Scrooge, Ebenezer Belle, Scrooges former fiance
Mrs. Cratchit, his wife Scrooge as a schoolboy Belles Husband
Martha, Peter, Belinda and Tiny Fanny, Scrooges older sister Mr. Wimple, Scrooges tenant
Tim, their children Mr. Fezziwig, Scrooges former Mrs. Dilber, Scrooges
Fred, Scrooges nephew employer housekeeper
Kitty, Freds wife Mrs. Fezziwig, his wife Old Joe, a junk salesman
Mrs. Polkinghorne, Kittys mother Daisy, Dora and Deirdre Scrooges Priest
Jane, Sally and Mabel, Fezziwig, their daughters Bunty and Bumble, taking a
Kittys sisters Daniel, David and Donald, collection for the poor
Topper, a suitor to Sally suitors to the Fezziwig daughters Various carolers, revelers,
Jacob Marley, the ghost of Young Scrooge, Ebenezer children, Fezziwig guests,
Scrooges old Scrooge as a young man citizens of London
business partner Young Marley, Jacob Marley as a
Ghost of Christmas Past young man
John Forster
The Life of Charles Dickens, 1874
Charles Dickens
Plea for the Poor
by Jo Holcomb
Production Dramaturg
As a child, Dickens had experienced reflect that memory, whether kind. Of those who did receive
the fear and uncertainty of his through the hard road of Oliver education, some attended schools
familys diminishing resources. Twist or the autobiographical run by private owners for the
When his father was sent to the David Copperfield. By the year of purpose of making a profit; these
workhouse for not being able to the writing of Carol, 1843, child were called ragged schools.
meet his debts, the rest of the labor in Great Britain had reached Ragged schools were charity
family joined him there, with the a critical point. Children who institutions created to provide
exception of 12-year-old Charles, did not attend school worked. a rudimentary education for
who was left on his own to make They worked in factories, mines, destitute children.
his keep in a blacking factory. It shipyards, construction or any
was grueling work and his losses number of menial jobs. Many Leading up to the writing of
were great. To Dickens, the most children worked from the age of A Christmas Carol, Dickens was
severe loss was his inability to 3 years and in some of the most particularly struck by two factors
continue serious education. dangerous places. Life expectancy directly related to the treatment
for these young laborers was no of poor children. Earlier in 1843, he
As an adult, having pulled himself older than mid-20s. had read a government report on
out of the mire of poverty, he child labor whose statistics were
never forgot the experience and In the mid-19th century, well over supported by interviews with child
in many ways continued to be 100,000 children in London had workers themselves. The report
damaged by it. His writing would never attended a school of any revealed that girls were sewing
Dickens Christmas
Carol has become
such an essential part
of Christmas that we
can hardly imagine
the holiday season
without it.
Theater, like the Holiday season, This section is designed to explore mixture of North American
is laden with traditions. Everyone Holiday traditions and invite you to commercialism. But it was not
knows never to utter the word come and take part, once again, in always this way, and Dickens is
Macbeth in a theater; never to the living tradition of the Guthries largely responsible for the festive,
wish an actor good luck but presentation of A Christmas Carol. family oriented celebration we
rather to break a leg; and to know today.
always keep the ghost light on.
Similarly, the Holiday season brings It is often said that Dickens There is no date given in the
with it many well-established invented modern Christmas. Christian Bible for the birth of
traditions: trips to visit Santa at While this may be a slight Jesus, but beginning in late
an insanely crowded mall; the exaggeration, it is no exaggeration antiquity and continuing through
decoration of Christmas trees and to suggest that he radically shaped the Middle Ages, the Feast of the
the hanging of mistletoe; huge and continues to shape the way Nativity was usually celebrated on
dinners of turkey or ham; Midnight we celebrate Christmas today. December 25. In the early Middle
Mass; or Chinese dinner and a Ages Advent was a time of general
movie. Our historical Christmas origin merriment: harvest festivals,
tale is generally well-known: feasting and revelry began on the
Since 1975, the Guthries annual Christian belief mixed in with the Feast of St. Martin de Tours on
production of A Christmas Carol Roman traditions of Saturnalia, November 11 and lasted for forty
has been a Minnesota tradition the Scandinavian Yule traditions days. When Charlemagne was
both for audiences and artists alike. of feasting and merriment and crowned Holy Roman Emperor on
This tradition, like the theater itself, a mixture of northern European Christmas Day 800 A.D., the actual
is living and organic. cuisines combined with a heady celebration on December 25 gained
Matt McGeachy This piece was adapted from the 2006 program for A
Christmas Carol at the Guthrie.
written for the 2010 play guide for A Christmas Carol.
Lauren Keating
I truly cant think of a better way to have spent the past month than
in the world and spirit of A Christmas Carol. Its an honor to helm
this production, to be trusted with this tradition, and to work with
the all-star Guthrie team and this all-Twin Cities acting company.
Matthew J.
his future. With the costumes and has been mended over and
we also wanted to represent the over and over again. I hope the
different class and economic audience empathizes with them,
structures within the London of and the clothing helps us to do that
Scrooge, especially the difference because it feels a little bit more
Costume Designer between the upper class and those concrete and real, not cartoony.
individuals who are poor and
for A Christmas Carol destitute. In contrast, the first big scene
taking place in Scooges past is
the Fezziwig party where we see Each one presents a different design specifically?
Scrooge as a young man, before challenge. For example, the main ML: I took a roundabout path to
he changes into his present miserly Ebenezer Scrooge (or present designing costumes. Like many
self. We see him fall in love, but we Scrooge) costume needed to be others, I started out in theater
also see him begin to change and texturally rich. To achieve that, training to be an actor. While
become more and more concerned we carefully selected fabrics that pursuing my theater degree in
with money. Since the scene spans have amazing texture and then college, I was required to take a
several decades of Scrooges life, concentrated on making those number of design courses. Ive
we hoped to show the progression into a extremely well-tailored suit. always liked to draw, so when I took
of, not only time, but also of Another example is Mrs. Cratchits a costume design class, it really
Scrooges character. Practically costume, which is fairly simple clicked that I should transition
speaking, each of Fezziwigs parties and pragmatic. However, there is from being on stage to behind
involves a lot of dancing, and the such a sense of wear, as well as a the scenes. And I believe my actor
costumes are very colorful and functional quality about it. Even training makes me a stronger
bright to reflect the festive mood. though her costuming reflects costume designer because I do
It really is a stark contrast to the her impoverished circumstances, think about the costumes as being
London of the older Scrooge we theres something really beautiful in an extension of the character. I
see later in the play, with his dark its spare simplicity. recommend that anybody who is
and muted colors. interested, specifically in theatrical
Q: What excited you most about costume design, should take some
In each of these time periods, the designing process and this acting classes. I think its important
texture plays a big role in my production in general? that a designer understands
designs, such as the ragged ML: Well, its such an amazing what its like to wear a costume
clothing of the poor Londoners story. Theres a reason why so on stage and how that costume
or the richer fabrics of the upper many theater companies produce supports the work that the actor
class characters. Texture helps the this story every year. Its really does. Its also important to see
audience feel and understand the an uplifting story, and it renews a lot of theater. Seek out a wide
lives of these characters without our faith in humanity. Its also a range of performance aesthetics.
having to know their full history. really great challenge, for no other Its sometimes a difficult career
reason than the sheer number of to make a living in, but being able
Q Is there a character you had the costumes and the several decades to design for a wide variety of
most fun designing? represented in the play. The play theater and performance styles
ML: This show in particular has has costumes that are very stark helps with that. I learned probably
many characters, and is very and spare, and also has costumes as much, if not more, about design
demanding in terms of the that are lush and vibrant. To be able by watching other productions and
number of costumes needed. With to do all of those in one production seeing how other designers solve
this particular production and is great. challenges than I did from sitting in
adaptation, we started a number The Guthrie is one of my favorite a classroom.
of years ago with the intent of theaters to work with because the
creating the costume designs in costume technicians who are
phases, focusing on different parts called drapers and tailors and the
of the play, one at a time, and then crafts people, and the wig people
over the next several years adding are of some of the best in the field.
new costumes in phases. As you Theyre some of the most skilled
may have guessed, that is a much that Ive ever worked with, and I
different process than designing am always excited about how my
costumes for a show that is only designs will look in their capable
produced once and then goes hands.
Q: What led you to becoming
The costumes are really like a costume designer, and what
my children, so I hesitate to advice do you have for students
say which one is my favorite. interested in the arts and costume
Crispin Whittell
of A Christmas Carol
Q: How do you feel the message It needs to change, if possible, each play when I was about 11 or 12 years
gained from A Christmas Carol is year just because its a strange old, in school. After being an actor
still relevant today? show to try and keep fresh. Really, I starting directing, but I continued
Crispin Whittell: Oh my goodness! the start of this adaptation came to write. So when I started
Its one of the great, great, great, when former Guthrie Artistic directing, I thought, Why would I
stories. Its so completely relevant Director Joe Dowling asked me if I direct plays that people have done
that its kind of hard to know where would you write a new A Christmas before? I may as well write them
to begin. Its relevant because Carol. from scratch. Writing words that
there are still people who think The previous version used by come out of other peoples mouths
that money is the most important the Guthrie has a narrator, and I is not something that I learned; its
thing in life. Recently moving back thought that I didnt want to have a just something I could always do.
to England got me to think about narrator. I wanted the piece to feel
what A Christmas Carol would look like a play instead of a story being Q: How would you encourage
like in London in 2016. Witnessing told to the audience. To begin the students to get started in
the way Britain and America right play, I thought of Tiny Tim, or a tiny playwriting?
now are reacting to who Dickens voice in the middle of an enormous CW: Just do it. Theres a fantastic
called the other. As long as there stage. Then I just kept going from Fringe Festival in Minneapolis! If I
are people who are less fortunate there. Each year, I think the play were in Minneapolis and I were 18,
than the Scrooges of this world, becomes closer to Dickens original thats what I would be doing. Id
and as long as people chase after novella. And something you might write and Id direct a Fringe show
money believing it to be the be all not know unless you are English every year, and Id make it as good
and the end all, these issues will is that we arent afraid to mess as it could possibly bealso, Id try
be staring us in the face. So, yes, I about with Shakespeare and even to make it funny, not too long, and
was thinking, How would one do Dickens. In my opinion, the British not boring. Thats what Id do. Just
a modern version of Carol? Well, feel that Dickens reputation is do it.
Tiny Tim would be Syrian or Iraqi solid, so we dont feel squeamish
and Scrooge wouldnt be the old about messing with his stories.
man with a bent back and a candle. Dickens is one of the greatest
Hed be working on Wall Street or people in history, but I didnt go
in the city. into adapting his story thinking that
I have to show reverence to him.
Q: What inspired you to create this I wanted it to be un-boring, alive,
specific adaptation? funny and be modern in feel. Its an
CW: Well, this adaptation has now important show for the Guthrie to
gone on quite a journey. This is the try and get as right as possible for
sixth year of this adaptation being the families who come and see it.
produced at the Guthrie, and Ive
written sort of a new version each Q: What made you become a
time. I think its great that that playwright?
happens and its essential for a CW: I think I was always going to
story and production like this one. be a playwright. I wrote my first
Patricia Olive
Props Master
for A Christmas Carol
Q: What was your favorite prop We also hold to something called the other, and it can take an hour
to create for this production and the 10-Foot and Squint Rule. This or many days to prepare a prop for
why? rule helps us to better understand the stage; it just depends.
Patricia Olive: Sometimes its just what the audience will see, since
the little things. The kids have coins most of the time we build the Q: Does this show have any magic
in a tin cup. Well, the coins are props so close to our faces that moments, and how do they work?
naturally going to fall out, theyre we see every minute detail in that PO: We do have one. Its one that
going to get lost, and its going prop. To see what the audience will our actor playing Scrooge, JC
to be a problem. So, what can we experience, we set the prop down, Cutler, happens to really like. Its
do to avoid that? So it could be a take a few steps back (usually actually a simple thing: a puff of
prop challenge that small. A lot of about 10 feet) and squint our eyes air is pushed through a hole in
what I love is the set decorating just slightly to see what it looks like. Scrooges counting table, which
for Scrooges house and all of the This prevents us from obsessing magically blows some papers up
shops. If people ever have a chance over any one prop. into the air. This trick is all about
to really look into the shops they making sure that the air gets to
will see how much detail there Q: On average, how long does it where it needs to go and also
really is, like all of the baked goods take to make a prop? making sure that the papers are
in the bakery shop. The pawn shop PO: It varies. It could take an hour in the right spot on the table. This
was fun, too. Creating that level of to come up with a prop made with effect helps portray a moment
detail is actually my favorite part. paper and a pen. Or, it could take when Scrooge senses his former
multiple hours to quilt a comforter. partner Marleys ghostly presence.
In A Christmas Carol, Scrooges Its just something super simple,
Q: How do you decide how much quilt on his bed was handmade just a poof of air, but we have to
detail is relevant for such a large from different pieces of fabric, make sure that its the right amount
stage? which was all done in our prop of pressure to set the right tone.
PO: That is a topic we spend a lot shop. We also make a lot of our We dont want it to be a comical
of time talking about in preparation own furniture, a task that typically moment. Its a mystery moment,
for A Christmas Carol. Not only do takes multiple people. For example, and probably my favorite one in the
we have to come up with a way one person will build the furnitures show.
to tell the audience what needs to framework while somebody else
be told, but we also need to listen upholsters the piece. Props like Q: How did you get into props and,
very carefully to what the director Scrooges bed were made from for students interested in pursuing
and the designers want. We then scratch, and then we have people the arts, specifically props, what is
pull all those things together. And who purchase other pieces of your advice for getting started?
sometimes, just for extra measure, furniture, either at yard sales or PO: I did high school theater,
we sneak things into the set that at antique shops. For a different where I thought I wanted to be
we like, too. We strive to be as production, we made a full size onstage. Then I was talked into
realistic as possible so that we Rolls Royce in our shop, which took doing props for a couple of shows,
dont distract the audience. We 12 people and a lot more time then which I really enjoyed. Since I
want to make sure that the props it took to complete Scrooges bed. was mostly interested in auto
actually help tell the story. We tend to go from one extreme to mechanics and woodworking in
college, I was studying to be a can use a hammer, but if you can
shop teacher. After school, I taught weld, that will put you at the top
industrial education, or shop class, of everybodys hiring list. Also, find
for nine years. On top of being somebody to be your mentor, even
a school teacher, I was required as early as high school. Your high
to participate in an outside school drama teacher probably
extracurricular activity. I was knows people in your local theater
assigned to build the scenery for a community. Finally, any time that
school play. From there I just stuck you can get into a theater and do
with theater, working summer stock whatever you can to learn about
because I had the summers off. the process, you put yourself a
Then a mentor of mine convinced step-and-a-half ahead of others
me to do something I didnt even even before you get to college.
know was possible, which was quit
teaching and pursue a career in
prop making full time. And thats
been my career for the past 35
NATURE VS. NURTURE Can you think of an example of through theatrical means either
For centuries, philosophers and art you have experienced that has as additional dialogue, lighting or
scientists have tackled the question made you think or feel differently setting instructions, movement,
of whether humans are born with about yourself or some aspect of music or any other element they
instincts that define their conduct the world? choose. Finally, have students read
throughout life, or whether their their scenes aloud for one another
behavior is the result of education, WHAT MAKES A CLASSIC? and discuss the challenges and
the influence of family, etc. How Every year, productions of A choices they made on behalf of
do you think this story of Scrooge Christmas Carol are staged in their own adaptation.
supports one theory vs. the other? theaters around the world. Why do
Do you think Scrooge is the you think this story has remained Classroom Activity: Read a passage
product of his environment, or was so popular for so many years? from the book A Christmas Carol
he born that way? How do you Some scholars believe that a classic aloud. What aspects of the text
explain his transformation based on is a story that both defines its own are effective as spoken language?
your assessment? era and transcends its time. Do you What aspects of the text seem
believe A Christmas Carol qualifies most appropriate for theatrical
THE LESSONS OF THE GHOSTS by this definition? Do you think this staging? How does the written text
Each of the ghosts that visit makes it a classic? What qualities differ from that scene as it was
Scrooge is meant to teach him do you think a book has to have staged in the production?
a lesson. What do you believe to be a classic? What other books
Scrooge learns from the Ghost have you read that you believe are Classroom Activity: Many TV and
of Christmas Past? The Ghost of classics? Why should those books film adaptations have been made
Christmas Present? The Ghost of be considered? of A Christmas Carol, including A
Christmas Future? Each Ghost in Divas Christmas Carol starring
this Guthrie production is very ADAPTATION Vanessa Williams for VH1, Mickeys
different from the other in Adapting a novel for the stage Christmas Carol by Disney and
terms of appearance, costuming, poses many challenges. After Scrooged starring Bill Murray. If
demeanor, gender, voice and seeing A Christmas Carol at the you were going to write a modern
movement. Why do you think each Guthrie and reading the book, find day version of A Christmas Carol,
Ghost has been created to appear examples of moments from the where would you set the story?
the way they do? How does the play that were adapted from prose Who would be your Scrooge? In
appearance complement the lesson not dialogue. How did the play what industry would they work?
to be learned from that particular use theatrical elements lighting, Individuals or small teams should
Ghost? symbolism, music, setting - to work to develop scenes from their
capture Dickens novel? When do modern day versions of the story to
If you were the central character you think this was most successful? present for one another.
of A Christmas Carol, what would Were there elements of the book
the Ghosts have revealed to you? that were lost in the production? THEATRICAL STAGING
What lessons do you think they Were there moments in the Often, the most theatrical moments
would have wanted you to learn? production that are not found in in a production highlight or point to
How would the Ghosts in your story the book? the plays most significant themes.
appear? In this production, what do you
Classroom Activity: Ask students believe are the most theatrical
Do you believe the lessons from to select a novel (other than A moments? Do you believe these
the Ghosts have any meaning in Christmas Carol) of their choice moments indicate the plays central
your own life? Did you learn or preferably a favorite book they themes?
discover anything from the play have read and know well. Ask
that might change your behavior students to select one section of How does the Guthrie production
or attitudes? If so, what? Do you text from their book that includes create the atmosphere of Dickens
believe it is possible to enrich both dialogue and descriptive 19th century London? What do
or understand your own life in a prose. Then, have them translate we learn about Scrooge and his
deeper way through seeing plays, that section into a theatrical script world through the set, costumes,
listening to music, reading books and encourage them to capture as props, lights and sound? How
or experiencing other types of art? much of the prose as they are able do costumes help us understand
characters social or economic from the play or from the Victorian to research specific Christmas
class? What changes in fashion era. Meet and mingle in character traditions or b) select a holiday
are apparent in the costumes as you enjoy the festivities. other than Christmas to explore in
for the scenes from Scrooges detail. Ask each student to prepare
childhood (set around 1790), to the HOLIDAY TRADITIONS a report or create a poster board
Fezziwig party (set around 1800), AROUND THE WORLD that features pictures, images or
to the party at Freds (set around Classroom Activity: Christmas is samples of holiday fare.
1840)? Select a scene or image celebrated differently throughout
you remember from the play and the world. In certain cultures,
describe each of the elements that Christmas is not a holiday but other
you can recall and how it supports wonderful celebrations take place
the scene. and are honored. Ask each student
to either a) select a country
Christmas carols and songs are
incorporated throughout this
production. Describe the different
ways music is used throughout
the play. How does the live music
set a tone for a scene, advance
the action of the story, define
characters and contribute to the
overall production?
Classroom Activity: As a class, plan
a Victorian holiday party complete
with food, games, songs, dances
and costumes of the era. Be as
authentic as you can! Ask each
student to come as a character The cast of A Christmas Carol