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1333 11 PB PDF
I Made Suarta
Local knowledge (local genius) is the quintessence of our ancestors
thinking either oral or written traditions which we have received to date. Thought
that, in the context of real archipelago has the same thread, which has a valuable
values and universal to strengthen the integrity of the Unitary Republic of
Indonesia. Through our founding genius thought that we should be able to
implement it in real life to be able to reach people who "Gemah ripah loh jinawi",
no less clothing, food, and shelter!
Some of the many concepts of mind for the people of Bali are reflected in the
work of puppeteer Ki Dalang Tangsub contributed to the development of
Indonesia and has a universal value is the concept of maintaining the environment,
save money, and humble. Through mental attitude has not always feel pretty; like
not smart enough, not skilled enough, and not mature enough experience, make us
always learn and practice. Learn and continue lifelong learning will make a man
more mature and a lot of experience. Thus, the challenges in life will be easy to
overcome. All that will be achieved, in addition to the hard work is also based on
the mental attitude of inferiority is not proud, haughty, arrogant and other negative
Thought care environment, managing finances, and humble as described above, in
Bali has been formulated through a literature shaped geguritan, namely Geguritan
I Gedé Basur Dalang Tangsub works, one of the great authors in the early 19th
dan sumber penghidupan. Itu artinya
Teba: pekarangan bagian belakang
rumah yang bersemak (Kamus alam telah ber-yadnya kepada
Bali-Indonesia, 1993: 703). manusia. Oleh karena itu, manusia
Teba, umumnya di Bali
digunakan sebagai tempat pun wajib ber-yadnya kepada alam.
untuk membuang sampah Proses timbal balik yang mutualisme
Sutrisna Wibawa
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Universitas Indonesia
Tayub or tayuban widespread until at least four provinces, namely Central
Java, East Java, West Java, and Yogyakarta Special Region. Based on the type of
rhythm, nuance, or character, consisting of tayub grengseng (angkleng), tayub
grengseng (arum manis), tayub grengseng (kijing miring), tayub grengseng
(ketawang puspawarna), tayub jepon (gunungsri), tayub jepon (wolu-wolu),
tayub jepon (cao glethak), tayub si Kucing, tayub Surobayan, tayub tawang
mangu, and tayub suwe ora jamu. This article trying outlines how the dynamics
of life tayub or tayuban in Indonesia especially Java today.
The art of dance in tayub regarding how a character speaks, being, and acting in
conjunction with another character in a performance. Space dimensions
concerning symmetry, asymmetry, balance, variety, contrast, and protrusion while
the time dimension associated with rhythm, aritme, tempo, and also balance,
variety, contrast, and protrusion. As well as the dance performances, tayub or
tayuban require reference aesthetic value: sem, nges, greget, and banyol.
Arrangement of makeup and fashion shaped in such a way that the actor can
portray a certain character in art tayub. Structuring the lights and the stage is a
unity that creativity coordinated with other aspects of the firm, so that the stage
had been set in accordance with the scene shown (right background).
The results of the discussion of "Dynamics of Life Tayub or Tayuban in Society
and Culture of Indonesia - Java" can be formulated as follows: ( 1 ) Art tayub or
tayuban still has powerful functions, positive, constructive towards Indonesian
society, especially in Java; (2 ) Art tayub up now has a function, either as a means
of ritual ( ceremony ), vows or nadar, togetherness, education, communication,
and entertainment; ( 3 ) Necessary raising funds good effort from central and local
government as well as private sectors to support conservation efforts tayub or
tayuban the art performed both at the sanggar and perwadahan; ( 4 ) the existence
tayub or tayuban art scattered in various provinces, both in West Java, Central
Java, East Java, and Yogyakarta Special Region is the wealth of local arts flourish
in Indonesia.
journal.oraltradition.org. Persiapan
penampilan tari tayuban untuk pesta.
Penampilan para penayub dalam
“tayuban” yang berlangsung di GK.
Dewi Asri STSI Bandung. Sabtu, 24
April 2010, oleh Ahda Imran.
journal.oraltradition.org. Seorang
ledhek bernyanyi pada sebuah
desa-tayuban; kepala kerbau turut
diarak warga dalam ritual bersih desa
Tayuban, Kulon Progo, kecamatan
Panjatan, DIY.
sukasari.wordpress.com. Tata Cara
Tayuban, 27 Maret 2011. Kawasan
timur Sumedang (Darmaraja,
Situraja, Jatinunggal, dan Wado)
The writing is based on four manuscripts that contains fitotherapy of eye disease
namely Boekoe Primboen Djampi Djawi, Serat Primbon, Serat Primbon Jawi, and
Serat Primbon. The method used is the method of modern philology. The analysis
used is descriptive analysis. The validity the data iis measured by using semantic
validity, and reliability by using intrarater, the use of secondary data in the form
of a dictionary. The results showed, that based on the description of the
manuscript, it is possible that the texts in the Serat Primbon examined, is a
product of the era of new Java (18th century), in the transliteration was found
some words that are no longer popular in the community, in the translation that
has been done, there are also words that are difficult to translate because there is
no synonym word in the dictionary. In fitotherapy of eye disease there are 48
kinds of herbal ingredients which are grouped into 6 sections. Among the herbal
ingredients are herbal ingredients which is difficult to find its equivalent in
everyday life as well as in the dictionary, so it is possible these herbal ingredients
had not recognized by modern society today.
Imam Sutardjo
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta
Javanese literary work creation and product from “Wali Sanga” in the
spread of Islam in Java in form of literary works: “suluk, pewayangan, tembang
macapat, and lagu dolanan”. If those four types of literary works aer studied, it
will be very benefit and valued in giving various virtue of life teaching. Human
life to be quality, to be the prime man, have a good character, supreme, wikan
sangkan paran, „understand the form and the purpose of human return‟, and also in
the searching of life excelently. Those Wali Sanga literary work also can add
wealth and repertoire of valuable Javanese literature development. Various
teaching which packed in those marks, need to be revealed to be exemplified and
applicated in daily life like hidden pearl and also the sea of Javanese literature
value‟s wealth which contains of Islamic philosophy.
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
The aim of research is give lesson materials and research about Javanese
manuscripts. The method used to explore manuscript is transliteration. Namely,
transfering from source letter to target letter, and more transliteration from old
Javanese language to Indonesian language.
The reaearch desaign is R and D (research and development). The subject matter
are students of Ekspresi Tulis Lanjut , in class G, H, and A in javanese
department. The collecting of data used to observation, dokument analysis, and
tasks. The object of research is Javanese manuscripts as the result of translation in
the class.
The results of this research are materials javanese manuscripts, namely: (1) serat
Darma laksita, (2) Serat Kudhup sari, and (3) Serat Kumandaka. The third of
Javanese manuscripts contens etics, relegion and aestetic that very important for
lesson and research. The form of manuscripts are tembang Macapat and gerongan
songs. The manuscripts letter can read clearly and easely. Finnaly, the results of
research very important for students, teachers, lecturer, and all of academics
Key words: javanese manuscript, transliteration
I Wayan Suardiana
Universitas Udayana
Play, is one of the world's human generation that is growing. Some of the growth
of the nation 's important to be good then be given room to play. Because play
requires space and time means a representative then becomes important prepare
before they start the game.
In this era of universality, space and time for our children increasingly limited due
to the damage of environment where they play and the strong influence of the
modern game. Public space, in the days of regional autonomy is increasingly less
attention because each district are competing to increase Natural Revenue District
(PAD ) in order to fund the development, so it is not rare that the public arenas
constructed notes as one of the play follow exploited. Meanwhile, time to play
collectively more narrow in the middle of modern games mushrooming of imports
that can be done individually by the children of the archipelago.
Provide space for our children to play forward important to note, especially
entering into the realm of traditional games such as modern technology, for
example. By entering the realm of traditional games to modern, the latter has
familiarly by our children then the opportunity to know the game was more open.
The Bhisma is a puppet character who remained faithful to uphold their oath
spoken. That, of course, can reflect to its executive officers, legislative, and
judicial branches of the organizers of the state in Indonesia. With that reflection,
the organizers must hold fast to the vows that have been spoken before assuming
his job. Remain faithful to uphold the words of the oath or affirmation is a
hallmark of the Javanese community. This value is as a reflection of ethnic
identity in question to hold, because the value is regarded by Javanese contain
values that can reconcile the communities, especially communities that have
multiculturalism. A plural society we need to keep his peace, if the mutual
interaction uphold their oath spoken. Those values are potential local knowledge
needed to be conserved, and its conservation through learning in school.
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
This article will describe about symbolic meaning and phylosophy value in
Kraton Surakarta.In 1745 Sunan Paku Buwono II moved his court to nearby
Surakarta where he had built a new palace. When the king ordered to move the
capital city of Kartasura eastward to the banks of Javas longest river, it was
certainly not without reasons. At that time over land communication was scarce
because of inaccesible swamps, high mountain ranges and impenetrable forests.
But the city must have its outlet, its contact with outer islands and Bengawan then
was the only economic and social life line.
Eko Santosa
Universitas Muhammadiyah Purworejo
The cultures is very dynamic, its will goes to moves always. The cultures can
became to moves and motivation for all mans. Its so to be doing and building
hims of area. The building culture can‟t lose from globalisation. The globalisation
give many effision, easy and freeland that have bigs interesting for the young.
The Javanes culture to became losing,lose interested for himselft of the
culture.The pop cultures give lose effect of the tradisional culture. The reason on
strategy culture was needed culture endure one there are javanes culture have
losed from global culture.
Avi Meilawati
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
This research aims to describe the topics in the ninth chapter of Serat
Sana Sunu, how the topicalization and what topics which build the discoure. It
consists of 34 stanza The theme on chapter IX focuses on how to say politely. The
data collects by reading and noting. The data analyzing by finding the topiks from
each stanza, each sentence, and word. The second step is describing the data
through the descriptive way.
There are two types of topicalitation. First, the author describes the topic full in
one paragraph. Second, the topic separate in many paragraps. The starting topic
is not only in the first line each paragraph, but also in the middle or in the last
There are two big theme in the chapter; the seven talking interdiction and the
polite way to say in many conditions. The seven interdictions are lie, gossip, say
something bad about someone else, arrogant, say jokingly, conceited, and say
something unuseful. The other commands are to say in polite way to brother,
sister; politeness as a servant, and the way to say in a meeting or forum. The rules
in chapter IX from Serat Sana Sunu can be used as a reminder to be polite. It also
can be an alternative way to solve the young generation problem to say in a better