Lesson 1 - The Big Rock and The Blackfoot
Lesson 1 - The Big Rock and The Blackfoot
Lesson 1 - The Big Rock and The Blackfoot
Teacher Name Ms. Gauthier
Subject Area Social Studies Grade 4
Topic Foothills region geography Time 40 min (x2)
General Learner 4.2 Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the role of stories, history, and culture
Outcome(s) in strengthening communities and contributing to identity and a sense of belonging.
Taken from Alberta
Program of Studies
4.2.1 appreciate how an understanding of Albertas history, peoples, and stories contributes to their own
sense of belonging and identity:
- recognize oral traditions, narratives, and stories as valid sources of knowledge about the land, culture, and
Specific Learner history
Outcome(s) - recognize the presence and influence of diverse Aboriginal peoples as inherent to Albertas culture and
Taken from Alberta identity
Program of Studies base
on evidence of
4.2.2 assess critically, how the cultural and linguistic heritage and diversity of Alberta has evolved over time
assessment (elementary
only have 3-4) by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues:
- which First Nations originally inhabited the different areas of the province
-what do the stories of Aboriginal peoples tell us about their beliefs regarding the relationship between
people and the land?
Learning Students will be able to:
1) Listen to the Blackfoot story and class discussion
What do you want your
2) Use their understanding of the story to create a comic that shows the important parts of the story
students to learn? 3) Think critically about the message of the story and the importance of oral tradition to the first nations
assessment targets people
Assessment 1. Students have created a comic that coincides with the Blackfoot story Napi and The Rock
How will you know your 2. They have answers the two questions on the worksheet using the class discussion on the moral of the story
students have learned? and Blackfoot oral tradition
Google Slide The Big Rock and The Blackfoot People
Materials Printed Worksheets (25 plus extra)
What resources will you
Printed Napi story
Pencils, pencil crayons
Introduction So who remembers this? - Yes! I talked about it briefly in my introduction slideshow because its in
(attention grabber) Okotoks! Its called the Big Rock
Slideshow and Napi and The Rock Story
- Teacher Actions
o Instructional Sequence essential information for students to get organized/started
o Go through the slideshow with the students use the speaker notes embedded.
On slide 3 write student answers on the board for the questions:
How do you think the rock got there?
What do you notice about the rock?
Activity #1 On slide 5 as students if they know what a moral is. Explain that is the lesson the
Slideshow and Napi story is trying to teach us.
and The Rock story After slide 5 read the Napi and The Rock story aloud to the students. Before you
begin, ask them to listen for the moral of the story.
Write student answers and class discussion on the board for slide 6. The answers are
in the speaker notes of the slide. Create a mind map for the second question.
Slide 8 explain to students that they will create a comic of the story! They will have
to decide what parts of the story and the most important because they only get 6
squares. They must use pictures and words. Show them the example of a comic
(slide 8).
Tell students that they will get a worksheet that they will draw their comic on. On
the sheet they will also answer 2 questions based on the class discussion on the
Slide 9 tell students that this is the story I just read to them. They can use it as a
reference when creating their comic, as I will leave it up on the board.
o Ask 2 students to hand out the worksheets to the rest of the class. Once they have a
worksheet, they may quietly grab their pencil crayons if they arent in their desk. If they dont
have any colors, they may borrow some from the front, or ask to share with their elbow
o Tell students that for today, I would like this activity to be done independently.
o Considerations safety, resource availability, social factors, etc.
o Social factors the classroom shouldnt get too noisy, as we dont want to distract our peers
o Check for Understanding strategy to ensure all students know expectations before starting
o Ask students of they have any questions about the activity
o Fist to 5 5 if youre excited to get started and know exactly what you have to do, 1 if you
have no idea what were doing. If any students hold up a 1 or 2, ask them as the other
students begin to start their comic.
- Student Actions - Detail what students will be doing to learn the objective(s) of Activity #1- Specify
student roles and responsibilities that promote learning of the objective(s)
o Students will listen to the slideshow and participate in class discussion
o They will listen for the moral of the story when I read the story of Napi and The Rock
- Assessment Evidence - Specify what you will look and listen for to monitor the extent of student
learning - Articulate essential performance criteria here
o Look and listen to see that students are paying attention to the slideshow and contributing to the class
o Look to see that students are using the story as a reference to create their comic
o Look to see that students are using the class discussion notes on the board to help them answer the
- Transition Details - Articulate what students need to know/do for an effective transition to the next
o Once activity is explained, fist to 5 is complete, and there are no more questions, students may begin.
o Ask students if it is okay if I play some music quietly?
Comic Worksheet (formative)
- Teacher Actions
o As students complete the worksheet, go around and observe their work.
o Answer any student questions.
- Student Actions
o Students will complete the worksheet by:
Creating a comic of the Napi and the Rock story using pictures and words
Answer the following questions using the class discussion:
What do you think is the moral of the story?
Why do think First Nations people continue to tell stories like this
Activity #2
- Assessment Evidence
Comic Worksheet o Look and listen to see that students are paying attention to the slideshow and
contributing to the class discussion
o Look to see that students are using the story as a reference to create their comic
o Look to see that students are using the class discussion notes on the board to help
them answer the questions.
- Transition Details
o Students will continue to work on the worksheet until the end of class. If they finish
early, they may read silently at the back of the room.
o 5-10 minutes before the end of class ask students to quietly put their materials away
and hand in their sheet at the front of the room. If they have not finished, inform
them that they will have time to finish the next time I teach them.
(consolidation of Specify how you will summarize/review student learning of todays objectives
Once everyone has put their materials away and they are sitting quietly in their desk tell students that
they will continue to work on their comic worksheets next class if they have not finished. Now you can
go home and tell your family what you learned about the Big Rock today!