is the opportunity for those TVL students even without college. Technical-Vocational-
Livelihood track will equip for the TVL students with job-ready skills for their future. This track
also invests primarily on skills that can gain requisites COCs (Certificates of Competency) and
NCs (National Certifications). This would be essential when looking for better career that consist
in Agriculture, and electronic trade. If ever to those TVL students who will not continuing
college courses and to direct finding a jobfares because they has already certified NC and also,
according to the Department of Education (DepEd), the TVL track especialized may be taken
To highlight its worth in the K-12 curriculum, the Department of Education (DepEd) has formed
a Technical Vocational unit in the Bureau of Secondary Education. For them, this unit needs
strengthening as one of the three key strands that will prepare high school graduates by arming
Contrary to what most people think, the K-12 program trains students in joining the workforce as
early as 7th grade. The TLE or technological livelihood education subjects in junior high school
or JHS follow the rules of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority or
TESDA. This will allow the students to earn a national certification (NC) required by the
Each TLE subject in Grades 7 and 8 is exploratory. This means each student has the chance to
1) Agri-Fishery Arts
2) Home Economics
4) Industrial Arts
Students can choose a maximum of four TLE mini courses in Grade 7 and another four in Grade
8 that the school offers per localitys needs and school assets.
In Grades 7 and 8, the student does not yet earn a Certificate of Competency (COC). The
exploratory courses are a prelude to earning a COC in Grade 9 and an NC I/II in 10th grade.
In Grade 9, the student chooses one course to focus on from among the exploratory courses he
chose in 7th and 8th grades. Under this level, the student can earn a COC. In Grade 10, the
student pursues the TLE specialization course he chose in 9th grade. This allows him to get at
specialty. They can choose from the three main tracks such as Academic, Technical
If the student picks the TVL track as specialty in senior high school or SHS, he/she will continue
the TLE course he/she studied in 9th and 10th grades. This will allow him/her to earn NC II that
he/she can use as credentials in applying for a job if he/she wants to work after SHS graduation.
Yet if the student will study further, he/she can pursue the TVL track and earn a bachelors
programs. Its goal is for the development of a holistically developed Filipino with the 21st
century skills who are ready for employment, entrepreneurship, middle level skills development
and higher education upon graduation from Grade 12 (The K to 12 Basic Education Program,
The structure of K to 12 implementation which provides addition of two (2) years level
from the old system which are Grades 11 and 12 which the students will take core courses and
career pathways. This will result to no enrollment in first year and second year college which
will be a big challenge to colleges and universities during the School Year 2017-2018 and 2018-
2019. The offering of Career Tracks in Grades 11 and 12 could be an avenue for colleges and
universities to collaborate with the Department of Education (DepEd). In this way, resources of
colleges and universities who have no enrollees can utilize their resources to the maximum level.
The literature sought develops a Senior High School program of the Leyte National High
School through the determination of career track choices and its relationships to the profile of
The choice of Career Tracks of the students plays a great role in the preparations of the
schedule for the Senior High School. These career tracks are associated with career preferences
which were the bases in the conduct of the present study. Career preferences as defined by
Martinez and Fuller (1999) pertains to the identification of ones work schedules and activities in
relation to individuals abilities, skills, competencies and with the assistance of management in
order that he can take greater job and personal responsibility for his future. In other words, this is
a preferred career choice of an individual that should be decided ahead of time. In an article on
What is Most Important to Students by Duffy and Sedlacek from 1995 to 2004 revealed that
male preferred to select careers which will generate money and female would like to select
career which will concentrate on working with people and those which can contribute to society.
Association of the Career Track Choices and Profile of the Respondents Witko, Bernes,
Magnusson and Bardick (2006) studies on senior high school students' occupational aspirations
found out those interests, skill, personal meaning, challenges and parental support are variables
contributory to the occupational aspirations of senior high school students. In like manner with
the study of La (2009) on factors influencing the educational and career choices of senior high
school students revealed that parent supports, school structure, gender and grade point averages
have considerable influence on the Vietnamese Senior high school students educational and
career choice. In same year, Leonard (2009) study on high school students' course selection
decisions in South Carolina found out that parents and teachers are highly influential in the
course selection decision. In addition, Heilbronner (2011) claimed that the greater number of the
students manifested to proceed to STEM courses in college. This is brought about with the
quality, adequacy of preparations and scholastic experiences of the students. Eremie, (2014)
Study on comparative analysis of factors influencing career choices among senior secondary
school students in Rivers State, Nigeria. The result showed that there were significant differences
in the career preferences when grouped according to their sex, parity, and parental influence. In
postsecondary degree. Cultural factors, especially English fluency, were also relevant.