Globalization Debate Lesson Plan
Globalization Debate Lesson Plan
Globalization Debate Lesson Plan
CCSS and CA SS /Standards: (What are the skills being taught? Which standards are being Agenda: (What is the snapshot of my class flow?)
specifically addressed in this lesson?) Day 1
Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of sources, attending to such Places Clothes Tag 3 min
features as the data and origin of the information (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9- Model Annotations 10 min
Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic from several sources and points
Close read/Annotation of articles: Identify main
of view (CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.9-10.9). argument, evidence, and flaws 20 min
Come to a debate discussion prepared, having read and research materials under Complete Graphic Organizer 5 min
study, drawn on that preparation by referring to evidence from texts on the topic to Pair &Share with opposing article partner 5 min
stimulate a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas (CCSS.ELA- Index Card Check for Understanding 5 min
LITERACY.SL.9-10.1A). Day 2
Debate Norm Setting 5 min
Debate 35 min
Debate Reflection 10 min
Whole Class Discussion: Predict conflict &
cooperation between countries 5 min
Lesson Objective: (What will my students KNOW by the end of the lesson? What will they DO to learn it?)
Students will use a graphic organizer to identify in writing the pros/cons of globalization.
Students will identify and write the bias behind the article they read by researching the author.
Additionally, students will cite textual evidence verbally in a debate setting to support the position of which they have been
Lastly, Students will formulate their own opinions based on the provided articles, the debate, and prior knowledge and experiences
through a short answer reflection.
Context of Lesson (what happened previous to lesson and how does this lesson build on that)
Relevant to this lesson is the greater unit Geography of Globalization. Students have previously discussed geographies of identity and culture and
now we will be looking beyond individuals and into the geographic interconnections of individuals on a global level. Students will have
constructed their own working definition of globalization based on a photo analysis. This definition will be refined throughout the unit.
Get started/Drill/Do Now: (What meaningful activity will students complete as soon as they Attendance
enter the classroom?)
Sit down, ready to learn
Engage/Motivation: (How will student interest be sparked? Is there prior knowledge that Checking for attention
should be tapped? Is there vocabulary that must be cleared? Is there brainstorming that students contribute names of
student need to complete before the lesson begins?)
5 min made in clothing
Introduce purpose to article debate activity
Relate to prior knowledge places clothing tags
Whole Group Instruction: (Focus lessons [explicit teaching/modeling, strategy Students are asked guiding Article
demonstration, activate prior knowledge], shared reading, shared writing, discussion, writing questions
10 process.) Doc Camera
Observing if students are
min Modeling Annotation of Article following along with checklist
Students follow along with checklist
Independent Practice: (individual practice, discussion, writing process.) Walking around classroom Article
check for annotations and later Graphic Organizer
25 Independent reading of articles and annotation graphic organizer content
min Independent filling out graphic organizer
Group Practice/Small Group Instruction: (teacher-facilitated group discussion, student Check for students Article
or teacher-led collaboration, student conferencing, re-teaching or intervention, writing process)
5 min Pair and Share with peers who read a different article than you. creation of argumentation Graphic Organizer
Formulate pro/con list of evidence to support day 2 debate. list
Closing Activities/Summary: (How will I tie up loose ends, reinforce/revisit the objective Index Cards
and connect the lesson to the unit?)
5 min Index Card Check On back of Annotation Checklist: What have you
learned and What are you unsure about/still question?
Get started/Drill/Do Now: (What meaningful activity will students complete as soon as they Attendance
enter the classroom?)
5 min Few minutes to study for Map Quiz Tomorrow
Get out articles and organizer for debate
Engage/Motivation: (How will student interest be sparked? Is there prior knowledge that Poster
should be tapped? Is there vocabulary that must be cleared? Is there brainstorming that
2 min student need to complete before the lesson begins?)
Student reads definition of globalization off poster on the back wall, because a few
students said they were unsure of what globalization even means.
LTEL 2 Students are advanced reclassified and need little support, but I
do check in once or twice during class. Students were given
articles with the appropriate reading level and were checked in
on during the lessons.