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Chapter 12

A New Correlation for Prediction of

Viscosities of Omani Fahud-Field Crude Oils

Nabeel Al-Rawahi, Gholamreza Vakili-Nezhaad,

Ibrahim Ashour, Amin Fatemi

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
Crude oil viscosity is an important physical property that controls and influences the flow of
oil through porous media and pipes. The viscosity, in general, is defined as the internal
resistance of the fluid to flow. Viscosity is an extremely important property from process
and reservoir simulations to the basic design of a pipeline. Experimental liquid viscosities of
pure hydrocarbons and their mixtures under pressure are important to simulating the
behaviour of the fluid at reservoir conditions. Also, experimental measurements over a wide
range of temperature and pressure are needed to test the effectiveness of semi-theoretical
and empirical viscosity models [1]. Oil viscosity is a strong function of many
thermodynamic and physical properties such as pressure, temperature, solution gas-oil
ratio, bubble point pressure, gas gravity and oil gravity. Usually oil viscosity is determined
by laboratory measurements at reservoir temperature. Viscosity is usually reported in
standard PVT analyses. Oil viscosity correlations all belong to three categories: dead oil,
saturated oil and undersaturated oil viscosity correlation. Numerous correlations have been
proposed to calculate the oil viscosity. There have been a number of empirical correlations
developed for medium and light crude oils [2]. However their applicability is limited to
specific oils due to the complex formulation of the crude oils. These correlations are
categorized into two types. The first type which refers to black oil type correlations predict
viscosities from available field-measured variables including reservoir temperature, oil API
gravity, solution gas- oil ratio, saturation pressure and pressure [3-7]. The second type
which refers to compositional models is derived mostly from the principle of corresponding
states and its extensions. In these correlations beside previous properties, other properties
such as reservoir fluid composition, pour point temperature, molar mass, normal boiling
point, critical temperature and acentric factor of components are used [8].

2012 Al-Rawahi et al., licensee InTech. This is an open access chapter distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
294 Advances in Modeling of Fluid Dynamics

Ideally, viscosity is experimentally measured in laboratory. When such direct measurements

are not available, correlations from the literature are often used. Fundamentally, there are
two different types of correlations in the literature. The first group of correlations is
developed using randomly selected datasets [9]. Such correlations could be called generic
correlations. The second group of correlations, called specialized correlations, is developed
using a certain geographical area or a certain class/type of oil. Correlations using randomly
selected datasets may not be suitable for certain type of oils, or certain geographical areas.
Even though the authors of the generic correlations want to cover a wide range of data,
specialized correlations still work better for certain types of oils. Specialized correlations
represent the properties of a certain type of oil or geographical area (for which they are
developed) better than the general purpose correlations[9].

2. Experimental data and analysis

In this study, PVT experimental data of three sample oils from Omani dead oils have been
measured. Each sample was introduced into Viscometer tube and inserted into the heating
bath, set at initial temperature of 25oC with incremental temperature of 10 oC to a final
temperature of 85 oC. The viscosity of each sample was measured using Automatic
Rheometer System Gemini 150/200 3X Tbar with a temperature control accuracy of 0.1 C
from Malvern company. The advantage of this instrument is particulate material tolerable,
good repeatability, not so critical on misalignment and good temperature control accuracy
of 0.1 C.

Before viscosity measurement of samples, the viscometer was calibrated frequently

according to the instructions using standard calibration fluids provided by the supplier
company and then was checked with pure liquids with known dynamic viscosity.

The viscometer was placed in a dry place and the viscosity measurement proceeded as soon
as the sample was placed on viscometer cylinder. The sample is considered to be, no more in
contact with the external environment, the viscometer was operated at single shear rate 1 S-1
using double gap (DG 24/27)at 298.15 K to 358.15 K. The double gap measuring system
consists of a hollow cylinder with diameter 27.5 mm and height 53mm that is lowered into a
cylindrical grove in the outer cylinder. The sample is contained in the double annular gap
between them. Application material includes mobile liquids, suspensions and emulsion. The
viscosity measurements were performed ten times and the results were reported as an
average. Repeating the measurement several times could help attain data as close as
possible to the true value in spite of the variations that might occur in the midst of an
experimental process. The following table 1 shows the results of the measurements in the
laboratory for the three samples.

Plotting the data yields fig.1 in which viscosity versus temperature has been drawn for the
three samples. Fig.1 shows how viscosity changes according to temperature change and
how scattered the data of this reservoir are.
A New Correlation for Prediction of Viscosities of Omani Fahud-Field Crude Oils 295

T (C) 1. LEKH Incoming (cp) 2. Yibal Incoming(cp) 3. Booster Pump(cp)

25 6.0423 5.8935 34.3738
30 5.7104 5.5253 31.3382
35 5.3281 5.1092 28.6623
40 4.8819 4.6732 25.7045
45 4.6435 4.3483 23.2368
50 4.3218 3.9598 20.026
55 3.8478 3.6398 17.5592
60 3.4857 3.2408 15.55
65 3.1841 2.9537 13.7337
75 2.9678 2.5729 11.1786
85 2.6262 2.1869 8.7418
Table 1. Experimental data of three oil sample viscosities at different temperatures

Variable Range
Oil gravity, API 32.4 to 38.58
Pressure, atm 1
Temperature,C 25 to 85
Number of dead oil observations = 3

Table 2. Description of data used from the samples

LEKH Incoming
Yibal Incoming
Booster Pump


Viscosity, cp



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Temperature, C

Figure 1. Experimental data of three oil sample viscosities at different temperatures

296 Advances in Modeling of Fluid Dynamics

Some other properties of these oil samples (API degree and specific gravity) as reported by
the laboratory are shown in table 3.

3. Booster
Sample Properties 1. LEKH Incoming 2. Yibal Incoming
oAPI 38.58 39.34 32.4
Specific Gravity 0.832 0.8283 0.8633
Table 3. API gravity of the oil samples

3. Development of the proposed correlations

The most popular empirical models presently used in petroleum engineering calculations
for predicting dead oil viscosity (gas-free crude or stock tank) are those developed by Beal
[3], Beggs and Robinson [4], and Glas [5]. Beals model [3] was developed from crude oil
data from California, Beggs and Robinsons model [4] was developed from the crude oils of
an unknown location, whereas Galss model [5] from crude oils in the North Sea. Recently,
Labedi [6], and Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt [7] presented other empirical models for
estimating dead crude oil viscosity for African crudes and using data bank respectively. All
of these models have expressed dead oil viscosity as a function of both oil API gravity and
reservoir temperature(T), see Appendix A. When these correlations were applied to data
collected considerable errors and scatter were observed. These data, therefore, were used to
develop new empirical correlations for dead or gas-free crude oil as a function of API
gravity and temperature. Proposed correlation is based on real data, which covers Omani oil
types, given in Table 1. Best results were obtained by multiple regression analysis from the
following empirical model: The correlation for dead oil viscosity was developed by plotting
log10(T) vs. log10log10(DO + 1) on Cartesian coordinates. It was found that each line
represented oils of a particular API gravity. The equation developed is

DO 10 X 1 (1)


X y T 0.9863 (2)

y 10 Z (3)

Z 2.9924 0.11027 o (4)

DO is the dead oil viscosity in cp and T is the temperature in C. Table 2 suggests the
acceptable range of oil API gravity between 32.4 to 38.58 and temperature between 25 to 85
C. Development of these correlations neglects the dependence of oil viscosity on
composition, since oils of widely varying compositions can have the same gravity. Viscosity
does depend on composition, and if the composition is available other correlations [5-7]
A New Correlation for Prediction of Viscosities of Omani Fahud-Field Crude Oils 297

exist that should be used for greater accuracy. However, the correlations presented here are
easy to use and give fair accuracy and precision over an acceptable range of oil gravity and
temperature. As is the case with any empirical study, extrapolation outside the range of the
data used to develop the correlations should be done with caution [11,12].

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Validation of the proposed correlation
Table 4 shows the error percentage for all published dead crude oil models including the
one proposed in this study for the Omani crudes. Table 4 reveals average relative error
(ARE), absolute average relative error (AARE) and standard deviation (SD) for dead oil
viscosity correlation respectively. ARE, AARE, and SD are defined as below.

() ()
= (5)

() ()
= (6)

() ()
= (7)

Where i is the sample number and N is the total number of samples which is three. The
validity of the dead oil model, Eq. (1), is checked in Table 4. The proposed model shows that
dead crude oil viscosity decreases as the API gravity and/or the reservoir temperature
increases. Table 4 compares the behaviour of the proposed model in this study to those in
previously published models. It is important to note that in this table, errors reported by the
authors for their models when predicting dead crude oil viscosities are also shown. The
table depicts that Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt [7] model has an average absolute percentage
error as high as 40% in predicting dead oil viscosity of the crudes. It is obvious from the
figure that the new correlation provides results in good agreement with experimental

Average relative error Average absolute Standard deviation

% error % %
Beal [3] 28.5 31.6 37.3
Beggs and Robinson [3] 7.5 21.2 28.0
Glaso [5] 24.9 27.4 31.9
Labedi [6] -16.9 29.7 42.6
Kartoatmodjo and
30.9 33.1 37.25
Shmidt [7]
Present Study -2.5 19.2 25.8
Table 4. Accuracy of dead crude oil models for estimating viscosity of Omani Crude Oils
298 Advances in Modeling of Fluid Dynamics

In the following figure accuracy of the proposed model against the Omani crude oil data has
been examined. As depicted in fig. 2, laboratory measured dead oil viscosity data are plotted
against calculated oil viscosity data and the points fall on the line of. This obviously shows
that the measured quantities for the viscosity of the samples well match with the calculated
quantities from the correlation presented in section 3.



Calculated Dead Oil Viscosity, cp




Line of Unit Slop
* Compared Data

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Measured Dead Oil Viscosity, cp

Figure 2. Crossplot of oD versus calculated oD(this study)

5. Conclusions
In this study, using the laboratory data of Omani Fahud-field, a new empirical viscosity
correlation has been developed. The proposed correlation covers an acceptable range of
validity, and is superior to other published correlations in the literature. The comparisons
with previously published correlations showcased in section 4 supports the fact that the
proposed correlation better predicts the viscosity of this type of crude oils.

Author details
Nabeel Al-Rawahi
Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,
College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
A New Correlation for Prediction of Viscosities of Omani Fahud-Field Crude Oils 299

Gholamreza Vakili-Nezhaad*, Ibrahim Ashour and Amin Fatemi

Department of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering,
College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
Gholamreza Vakili-Nezhaad
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Kashan, Kashan, I. R. Iran
Amin Fatemi
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Geoscience & Engineering (G&E)
Department, Petroleum Section, Delft University of Technology, CN Delft, The Netherlands

The research leading to these results has received funding from Petroleum Development
Oman (PDO), Sultanate of Oman, through research agreement no. CTR #2009/111.

T = temperature, 0C
DO= viscosity of gas-free/dead oil at T, cp
0API = oil gravity, 0API

ARE = average relative error

AARE = absolute average relative error
SD = standard deviation

Appendix A. Dead oil viscosity models

A-1 Beal [1]

1.8(107 ) 360
od 0.32 a;
API 4.53 T 260

a 10(0.43 8.33/ API).

A-2 Beggs and Robinson [2]

od 10 x 1;
x y(T 460)1.163 ,
y 10 z ,

A-3 Glas [3]

od [3.141(1010 )](T 460)3.444 [log(API)]a ;

a 10.313[log(T 460)] 36.447.

* Corresponding Author
300 Advances in Modeling of Fluid Dynamics

A-4 Labedi [4]

od .
API 4.7013T f0.6739

A-5 Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt [5]

od 16(108 )T f2.8177 (log API)x ;

x 5.7526log(Tf ) 26.9718.

6. References
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Viscosity Correlations , 2005, SPE 97907-MS.
[3] Beal, C. Viscosity of Air, Water, Natural Gas, Crude Oil and Its Associated Gases at
011-FieldTemperatures and Pressures, Trans.,AIME (1946) 165, 94-115.
[4] Chew, J. and Connally, C. A.: A Viscosity Correlation for Gas- Saturated Crude Oils
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[7] Labedi R. Improved correlations for predicting the viscosity of light crudes, Journal
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[8] Kartoatmodjo F, Schmidt Z. Large data bank improves crude physical property
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[9] Houpemt,A. H. andLrelliez, M. B.: Predicting the Viscosity of Hydrocarbon Liquid
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[10] Little. J. E. and Kennedy, H. T.: A Correlation of the Viscosity of Hydrocarbon Systems
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[11] McCain, W.D., Jr.: Reservoir-Fluid Property Correlations State of the Art, SPE
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[12] Birol Dindoruk and Peter G. Christman, Shell Int. E & P. Inc., PVT Properties and
Viscosity Correlations for Gulf of Mexico Oils, SPE 71633

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