In This Issue: June 2009 Volume 12, Number 2

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June 2009

Volume 12, Number 2

A Quarterly Technical Publication for F r o m T h e E d i t o r

Internet and Intranet Professionals
After many years of using DSL as my only Internet access option from
home, I recently upgraded to a broadband solution provided by a
In This Issue cable modem. As a result, I faced the task of renumbering (and par-
tially rewiring) my home network. As you might have guessed, the
addressing scheme provided by my new ISP offers Network Address
From the Editor....................... 1
Translation (NAT), as well as a small number (5) of fixed IPv4 ad-
dresses, the latter at an extra cost as you might expect. I probably
DNS Caching........................... 2 should have tried to enable IPv6 just as an experiment, but this task
will have to wait for another day. In the meantime, I was pleased
to find a relatively user-friendly web interface to the cable modem
IEEE 802.21............................ 7 that allows me to configure numerous parameters, including the range
of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) pool so that
certain devices (printers and wireless access points in particular) can
Book Review......................... 28
have fixed IP addresses for ease of use and configuration. The entire
exercise, which took a couple of hours on my very small network,
Fragments.............................. 30 reminded me of what network managers face every day, particularly
as they consider the inevitable migration to IPv6. Let me take this
opportunity to invite you to share your network management and
Call for Papers....................... 31 operations experience, plans for IPv6 migration, and so on. You can
send us Letters to the Editor or article proposals. The address, as
always, is

The Domain Name System (DNS) has been the target of attacks over
its many years of existence. In recent years, new attacks have emerged
that exploit some of the attributes of the DNS protocol and its imple-
mentation. One of the corrective measures is to improve the security
of DNS caches. There are several ways to improve cache security,
most of which involve changing the protocol. Another way, without
changing the protocol, is to reduce the attack surface of your cache
by shrinking the number of users of any given cache. Our first article,
by Bill Manning, explores this view in more detail.

This journal has covered numerous current and emerging wireless

technologies such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, and mobile cellular
systems. In this issue, Esa Piri and Kostas Pentikousis describe Media-
Independent Handovers (MIH), which allow mobile devices to use
different wireless and wired network infrastructures transparently.
You can download IPJ
The protocols associated with operation across such diverse access
back issues and find
networks are being standardized by the IEEE 802.21 working group.
subscription information at:
—Ole J. Jacobsen, Editor and Publisher
ISSN 1944-1134
Intermediate DNS Caching as an Attack Vector
by Bill Manning

 he Domain Name System (DNS) specification calls for the
use of caching. Caching is expected to improve the overall
responsiveness of the system by ensuring that answers to ques-
tions are known and stored locally and that the query load placed
on the authoritative servers is minimized. Certain presumptions are
associated with caches that may no longer hold. This article looks at
some of these presumptions and explores some of the problems that
emerge when they are violated. Based on our observations, we offer
some recommendations on DNS cache best practices and show our
results of testing these practices.

The Problem
A DNS resolver can no longer trust the data it gets—because the data
generally comes from nonauthoritative nodes or caches operated
by third parties, most of whom have no vested interest in providing
accurate data. Removing or bypassing caching from the DNS and going
directly to the authoritative servers is considered a fatal flaw because
authoritative servers are presumed to have neither the bandwidth nor
the processing power to accommodate the perceived demand from a
cacheless service. This article looks at the bandwidth and processing
capabilities of modern authoritative servers to ascertain the viability
of these presumptions. We start by looking briefly at the DNS.

The DNS namespace is made visible and useful by nodes publishing
authoritative information about the namespace and resolvers that
send queries about the namespace to these servers. As an optimization,
other nodes may act as intermediates or proxies for the authoritative
servers for one to many resolvers. These intermediate nodes are called
caching nameservers or iterative mode resolvers. This flow is shown
in Figure 1.

Figure 1: DNS Query Flow

Manually Query

Configured “.” “.”
Root File Refer to au NS Name Server

au au nz sg
Refer to NS Name Server

Name gov edu
Server Name Server
Refer to NS

Query sa ips gbrmpa
Address of Name Server
Query Reply


The Internet Protocol Journal

Several assumptions about the use and placement of caches have been
questioned recently. The simplest is one of placement. A cache works
best when the Round-Trip Time (RTT) between the resolver and the
cache is low. Historically, a cache was placed at traffic aggregation
points such as an Internet Service Provider (ISP) operating a cache for
its clients. With increased mobility of nodes, this presumption is no
longer as firm. There are reported cases where resolvers continue to
use caches 300 ms away, while an authoritative server is 15 ms away.
So if the intent is to reduce network bandwidth, then a cache presum-
ing its client resolvers are all “local” might be misconstrued.

Fixing a resolver to a specific cache does have the benefit of being tied
to a known business relationship; for example, using your ISP’s cach-
ing service. In contrast, mobile nodes often get an IP address from a
provider’s Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers,
which also hand out more “local” caching servers to be used by the
mobile node.

This scenario would be fine—as long as the DNS namespace was in

fact a coherent, single space. Unfortunately it is not. So-called Walled-
Garden networks that have their own versions of DNS namespace
have been and remain common. In the Internet, there are more and
more alternate root hierarchies that diverge from what most think of
as “the” root namespace in either subtle or wildly divergent ways.
To date, there is no deployed way for a resolver to determine the
origin of the data stored in a cache. A resolver then has no way other
than verification of the data to know that the locally assigned cache
is in fact using the namespace desired. This situation represents one
important reason for going back to a well-known cache, even if it is
topologically remote. But this assumption may no longer be valid.

ISPs and even some caching service providers are starting to manip-
ulate caches as a means to monetize their operations.[1] Numerous
techniques are in use, from the nominally benign method of using
wildcards to more insidious capture and rewrite of NXDOMAIN
replies, to outright intentional cache pollution.

In this climate, a resolver should choose its cache carefully. We argue

that it is reasonable, in many of today’s environments, to place the
cache within 1 ms of the resolver; for example, run a cache on the lo-
cal node. This argument is an extension of the assertion[2] that claims
that caches are effective for client populations that are about 10 or

This technique has the added advantage of reducing the “attack sur-
face” by reducing the effect of cache poisoning or rewriting replies to
a small handful of nodes. The perceived disadvantage is the increased
load on network bandwidth and query load on authoritative servers
as the number of caches increases.

The Internet Protocol Journal

DNS Caching: continued

The Experiment
Our experiment has two parts: first we looked at authoritative server
processing capabilities and then at the bandwidth effects of a larger
number of caches.

Authoritative service is generally run on systems with modern soft-

ware, supporting threading or precomputed responses. Independent
testing shows that these stock software solutions can, on current
hardware, support query rates in the hundreds of thousands of que-
ries per second.[3]

A brief survey of authoritative server operators indicates that normal

query rates range from 12,000 to 64,000 queries per second.[4,5,6]

On the surface, this result would indicate that there is enough over-
head to be able to process more queries, regardless of how they are
originated. Regarding bandwidth, a survey of Top-Level Domain
(TLD) operators has shown that 92 percent of the delegations have
two or more authoritative servers for that data on networks with a
minimum uplink bandwidth of 100 Mbps. Selected path character-
ization from clients to target authoritative servers seems to support
our presumption that bandwidth is not of concern.

The DNS was designed to function as a roughly symmetrical transfer

of information: a request or query is sent and the reply reflects the
query and supplies the answer and additional data. Historically, the
request and reply were within the same order of magnitude. Into
the future, this model may no longer be valid. With Domain Name
System Security Extensions (DNSSEC), IP Version 6 (IPv6), and
Naming Authority Pointer (NAPTR) records being possible candi-
dates in the Resource Record set (RRset), the traffic profile more
resembles an HTTP request/response, with a significant amount of
data being returned from a simple question.[7]

With this information, we can project a worse case in today’s envi-

ronment where a query/reply is about 260 bytes to a worst case in a
future environment where a query/reply is about 9 KB, clearly indi-
cating that the amount of bandwidth to authoritative servers needs to
grow as new DNS capabilities are deployed, but for the nonce, most
have a bandwidth overhead sufficient to absorb a modest change in
the number of queries presented.

Modification of the Number of Caching Servers

We began with a cache that serviced 140 stub resolvers on the
University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute
(USC/ISI) campus in a “normal” dense cache mode (Figure 2).

Traffic traces show a distribution of priming queries to 534 authori-

tative servers in the first 15 minutes of clearing the cache.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Figure 2: Dense Cache




We then added 9 new caches and redistributed the 140 stub resolv-
ers among the 10 caches into a sparse cache mode (Figure 3) and
restarted all the caches. In the first 15 minutes, the number of prim-
ing queries from each of the caches averaged 61, with a total of 622
unique priming queries for all caches. The number of “duplicate”
queries between caches averaged 45. Although the number of queries
to the authoritative servers was slightly higher, the results seem to
indicate that there is a small but significant difference in each of the

Figure 3: Sparse Cache



Resolvers Authoritative

Reducing the size of the user population for each cache reduces the
attack surface for the DNS overall because we have effectively com-
partmentalized the threat to a small number of nodes. Generally,
restarting a cache for a small number of nodes is considered accept-
able, whereas restarting a cache for 10,000 or 100,000 nodes would
significantly affect operations.

Moving the cache closer to the resolver increases overall response

time and may support better mobility of the node. If validation is also
placed with the cache, it is possible to increase the confidence of vali-
dation because that information may not have to use DNS protocols
to send validation data over untrusted, open networks.

The Internet Protocol Journal

DNS Caching: continued

The concept of supporting larger numbers of full DNS servers

on more nodes raises concerns, but most systems these days have
enough processing power and bandwidth to support this application.
Administrative and management processes can be fully automated.
Overall, this design complements other, protocol-based attempts to
increase DNS integrity.

[1] “Preliminary Report on DNS Response Modification,” 20 June

[2] “DNS Performance and the Effectiveness of Caching,” Jaeyeon

Jung, Emil Sit, Hari Balakrishnan, and Robert Morris, IEEE/
ACM Transactions on Networking, Volume 10, No. 5, pp. 589–
603, October 2002.


[4] “An analysis of Wide-Area Name Server Traffic: A Study of

the Internet Domain Name System,” Peter B. Danzig, Katia
Obraczka, and Anant Kumar, ACM SIGCOMM Computer
Communications Review, Volume 22, No. 4, pp. 281–292,

[5] “An Analysis of the Queries from Caching Servers to Root

Servers, Tsuyoshi Toyono, NTT Laboratories, 2007 OARC

[6] RootServer supplied statistics:


[8] “Sharp Transition Towards Shared Vocabularies in Multi-

agent Systems,” Andrea Baronchelli, Maddalena Felici, Vittorio
Loreto, Emanuele Caglioti, and Luc Steels, Journal of Statistical
Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2006, P06014.

BILL MANNING has been in the network field since 1979, currently with the Keio
University, Shonan Fujisawa Campus, and USC/ISI. He has been an IETF Working
Group chair and RFC author, and he currently serves on numerous ICANN com-
mittees. He is part of the team that runs one of the Internet Root nameservers.

The Internet Protocol Journal

IEEE 802.21: Media-Independent Handover Services
by Esa Piri and Kostas Pentikousis, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

 opular mobile devices now ship with several integrated wired
and wireless network interfaces. Personal Digital Assistants
(PDAs) and smartphones, for example, are increasingly sup-
porting communications through both cellular technologies and
Wireless LANs (WLANs); laptops typically come with built-in
Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth[1]. As multiaccess devices proliferate,
we move closer to a network environment that is often referred to
as “beyond 3G” (B3G). Key success factors for cellular third-gener-
ation (3G) communications include better cell capacities, increased
data rates, transparent mobility within large geographical areas, and
global reachability. For B3G, the next frontier lies beyond transparent
mobile connections within the same access technology because users
will expect to be globally reachable anytime, anywhere, and remain
“always best-connected” (ABC)[2]. In order to select the best possible
connectivity option (anytime, anywhere), mobile devices and access
networks will have to work together in order to enable users to take
full advantage of all available options.

The IEEE 802.21 working group (see recently

finalized the first standard for dealing with handovers in heteroge-
neous networks, also called Media-Independent Handovers (MIH)[3].
The standard is expected to allow mobile users (and operators) to
take full advantage of overlapping and diverse access networks. It
provides a framework for efficiently discovering networks in range
and executing intelligent heterogeneous handovers, based on their
respective capabilities and current link conditions. This article aims
to serve as a primer for those interested in the IEEE 802.21 stan-
dard. After introducing the IEEE 802.21 reference model, we present
the MIH services and provide illustrative use cases that highlight the
benefits of employing the Media-Independent Handover Services
standard in heterogeneous networks.

Mobile and Wireless

The widespread success of 3G technologies[4, 5] is evidenced by the
rapid increase in the amount of data traffic over cellular networks
in recent years. In Sweden, for example, the total amount of mobile
data traffic leapt tenfold from just over 203 TB in 2006 to 2191 TB in
2007[6]. This trend is expected to continue unabated with the deploy-
ment of High-Speed Packet Access (HSPA) and Long-Term Evolution
(LTE) in the coming years. Of course, the amount of traffic over cel-
lular networks is only a proportion of the traffic that originates from
or terminates at WLANs worldwide. Campuswide deployments of
WLANs are becoming the norm in developed countries, and we even
find citywide WLANs, as in the case of the city of Oulu, Finland (see

The Internet Protocol Journal

IEEE 802.21: continued

Finally, many anticipate that mobile WiMAX[7] deployments will sig-

nificantly affect telecommunications markets. In short, we are moving
toward a far more heterogeneous network access environment than
the one users and operators face today, with multiple overlapping
mobile and wireless networks with diverse characteristics.

Multiaccess Devices in Heterogeneous Networks

As communication environments become more complex because of
the diversity of network access technologies that support, for exam-
ple, different access rates and Quality of Service (QoS) levels, users
expect more from their wireless operator. Mobile devices, once featur-
ing tiny screens, extremely limited processing and storage capacities,
and narrowband connectivity[8], now pack capabilities that just a few
years ago were typical of high-end laptops. This scenario has allowed
users to increasingly depend on mobile devices for e-mail and Instant
Messaging (IM), but also for making Voice over IP (VoIP) calls, lis-
tening to streaming Internet radio, and watching online videos.

With respect to user mobility patterns, campuswide Wi-Fi users typi-

cally spend most of their connection time attached to a small set of
access points located within a small radius[9, 10]. This situation is not
surprising, because Wi-Fi was originally designed and subsequently
deployed mainly as an extension to wired infrastructures. In the fu-
ture, however, we anticipate that multiaccess devices will employ
different network interfaces to attach to different access networks,
establish­ing multiple parallel connections over 3G/Universal Mobile
Telecommunications Service (UMTS) and Wi-Fi, for example. With
global reachability and ABC mechanisms in place, mobile devices
will be able to selectively connect to different access networks de-
pending on certain criteria. Keep in mind that from a conventional,
IP-centered point of view, changing the Point of Attachment (PoA)
calls for mobility management actions[11, 12, 13], although in practice
there may be no physical mobility whatsoever.

Given the diversity of networked applications running on mobile

devices, knowledgeable network resource planning and operation is
needed, in turn calling for a framework that allows users and their
applications to state their network access preferences. This frame-
work should also allow operators to steer terminal access patterns
aiming at maximizing resource usage and increasing user satisfaction.
For instance, podcasts can be downloaded only when connected to
an uncongested WLAN, but web, map/navigation, and e-mail clients
can use the cellular network or WLAN access on demand. Currently,
this process can only be done manually: users need to be watchful for
available access networks and choose which one to attach to based
on very rudimentary information such as signal quality. If mobile
nodes could collect timely and consistent information about the state
of all available networks in range and were given the means to con-
trol their network connectivity, then a whole range of possibilities
would become available.

The Internet Protocol Journal

In order to optimize the use of available network resources, mobile
nodes need to be able to collect information about numerous hetero-
geneous networks in a generic and standardized way, irrespective of
the underlying network access technology. The collected information,
both dynamic and static, can then be used by handover decision-mak-
ing processes, such as, say, mobility managers. Mobility managers
can be enhanced versions of Mobile IP (MIP)[11, 12, 13], proprie­tary
solutions, or other proposals stemming from recent research, such
as [14]. Researchers in the area have proposed several cross-layer
frameworks for enhancing the efficiency of handover decision makers
(see [14, 15] and the references therein), but none of them has been
formally standardized or is widely accepted so far. What is needed
is a standard framework that can attract ample support from major
vendors and operators, and can be deployed incrementally.

Introducing IEEE 802.21-2008

Figure 1 illustrates the progress toward the IEEE 802.21-2008
standard. The working group was initiated in 2004, and the latest
draft version of the standard was accepted as a new standard by the
IEEE-SA Standards Board in November 2008[3]. The standard was
published in January 2009. It is anticipated that actual deployment
of the standard will take place at the earliest in late 2009–2010.

Figure 1: Timeline of the IEEE 802.21-2008 Standardization Effort

802 Handover 802.21 Working Initial 802.21 Sponsor Standard Standard

Tutorial Group Created Draft Ballot Accepted Published Deployment

Letter Ballot

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

IEEE 802.21-2008, also known as Media-Independent Handover

Services, features a broad set of properties that meet the requirements
of effective heterogeneous handovers. It allows for trans­parent ser-
vice continuity during handovers by specifying mechanisms to gather
and distribute inform­ation from various link types to a handover
decision maker. The collected information comprises timely and con-
sistent notifications about changes in link conditions and available
access networks.

Note that the scope of IEEE 802.21-2008 is restricted to access

technology-independent hand­overs. Intratechnology handovers, hand-
over policies, security mechanisms, media-specific link layer enhance-
ments to support IEEE 802.21-2008, and Layer 3 (L3) and upper-layer
enhance­ments are outside the scope of IEEE 802.21-2008. This article
summarizes the salient points of [3], which henceforth is referred to as
IEEE 802.21.

The Internet Protocol Journal

IEEE 802.21: continued

The IEEE 802.21 Reference Model

IEEE 802.21 facilitates a variety of handover methods, including both
hard handovers and soft handovers. A hard handover, also known as
“break-before-make” handover, typically implies an abrupt switch
between two access points, base stations, or, generally speaking,
PoAs. Soft handovers require the establishment of a connection with
the target PoA while still routing traffic through the serving PoA. In
soft (“make-before-break”) handovers, mobile nodes remain briefly
connected with two PoAs. Note, however, that depending on service
require­ments and application traffic patterns, hard handovers may
often go unnoticed. For example, web browsing and audio/video
streaming with prebuffering can be accommodated when handing
over between differ­ent PoAs in the range of one network by employ-
ing mechanisms that allow transferring the node connection context
from one PoA to another quickly.

The main design elements of IEEE 802.21 can be classified into three
categories: a framework for enabling transparent service continuity
while handing over between heterogeneous access tech­nologies; a set
of handover-enabling functions; and a set of Service Access Points

Transparent Service Continuity

IEEE 802.21 specifies a framework that enables transparent service
continuity while a mobile node switches between heterogeneous ac-
cess technologies. The consequences of a particular handover need
to be communicated and considered early in the process and, clearly,
before the handover execution. In soft handovers, it is crucial that
service continuity, during and after the handover, is ensured without
any user intervention. To this end, IEEE 802.21 specifies essential
mechanisms to gather all necessary information required for an affili-
ation with a new access point before breaking up the currently used
connection. Interactive applications, such as VoIP, are typically the
most demanding in terms of handover delays, and high-quality VoIP
calls can be served only by soft handovers. On the other hand, video
streaming can accommodate hard handovers, as long as the vertical
break-before-make handover delay does not exceed the application
buffer interval delay. In the case of hard handovers, handover prepa-
ration signaling can initiate the connection context transfer from the
serving PoA to the target PoA beforehand.

For instance, lack of the required level of QoS support or low avail-
able capacity in a candidate access network may lead the network
selecting entity to prevent a planned handover. On the other hand,
for example, increasing delay, jitter, or packet-loss rates in the cur-
rently serving network may degrade the perceived QoS throughout
the network, or only for a particular application, triggering the mo-
bility manager to start assessing the potential of candidate target
access networks and subsequently initiate an IEEE 802.21-assisted
handover. ­

The Internet Protocol Journal

IEEE 802.21 also allows the reception of dynamic information about
the performance of the serving network and other net­works in range.
In other words, IEEE 802.21 provides methods for continuous moni-
toring of available access conditions. However, IEEE 802.21 does
not specify any methods for collecting this dynamic inform­ation at
the link layer.

Handover-Enabling Functions
IEEE 802.21 defines a set of handover-enabling functions, which are
specified with respect to existing network elements in the protocol
stack, and introduces a new logical entity called Media-Independent
Handover Function (MIHF). The MIHF logically resides between the
link layer and the network layer. It provides, among others, abstracted
services to entities residing at the network layer and above, called
MIH Users (MIHUs). MIHUs are anticipated to make handover and
link-selection decisions based on their internal policies, context¸ and
the information received from the MIHF. To this end, the primary
role of the MIHF is to assist in handovers and handover decision
making by providing all necessary information to the network selec-
tor or mobility management entities. The latter are responsible for
handover decisions regardless of the entity position in the network.
The MIHF is not meant to make any decisions with respect to net-
work selection.

Service Access Points

SAPs with associated primitives between the MIHF and MIHUs
(MIH_SAP) give MIHUs access to the following services that the
MIHF provides:
• The Media-Independent Event Service (MIES) provides event re-
porting about, for example, dynamic changes in link conditions,
link status, and link quality. Events can be both local and remote.
Remote events are obtained from a peer MIHF entity.
• The Media-Independent Command Service (MICS) enables MIHUs
to manage and control the parameters related to link behavior and
handovers. MICS provides a set of commands for accomplishing
that, as we will see later in this article. Commands can be both lo-
cal and remote. The information obtained with MICS is dynamic.
• The Media-Independent Information Service (MIIS) allows MIHUs
to receive static inform­ation about the characteristics and services
of the serving network and other available networks in range. This
information can be used to assist in making a decision about which
handover target to choose and to make preliminary preparations
for a handover.

Figure 2 illustrates the general reference model of IEEE 802.21. The

scope of IEEE 802.21 includes only the operation of MIHF and the
primitives associated with the interfaces between MIHF and other
entities. A single media-independent interface between MIHF and
MIHU (MIH_SAP) is sufficient.

The Internet Protocol Journal

IEEE 802.21: continued

On the other hand, there is a need for defining a separate technology-

dependent interface, which is specific to the corresponding media
type supported, between the MIHF and the lower layers (MIH_

The primitives associated with the MIH_LINK_SAP enable MIHF to

receive timely and consistent link information and control link op-
eration during handovers. For example, the currently supported link
layers include wired and wireless media types from the IEEE family of
standards (for example, 802.3, 802.11, 802.15, and 802.16), as well
as those defined by the Third-Gener­ation Partnership Project (3GPP)
and Third-Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2). Besides these,
IEEE 802.21 specifies a media-independent SAP (MIH_NET_SAP),
which provides transport services for Layer 2 (L2) and Layer 3 (L3)
MIH message exchange with remote MIHFs. Functions over the
LLC_SAP are not specified in IEEE 802.21.

Figure 2: The IEEE 802.21-2008 Reference Model

MIH User
L3 and Higher Mobility Protocol (MIP, HIP, etc.)
Handover Policies


Media Independent Handover Function

L2 and L3 MIH Event Service
Transport LLC_SAP
MIH Command Service
MIH Information Service


Link Layer

IEEE 802.3 IEEE 802.11 IEEE 802.15 IEEE 802.16 3GPP 3GPP2

Figure 3 presents the messages directions of each MIHF service class,

including both local and remote events and commands. The MIHF
can subscribe to particular sets of events from a peer MIHF. Remote
commands are initiated by local MIHUs and are conveyed to the
peer MIHF through the local MIHF. Finally, MIIS information can
be obtained through queries to the local database and to remote
Information Servers.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Figure 3: MIHF Services


Information MIH
Query MIH Commands MIH Remote MIH
Events Indication Events
Information Remote MIH
Query Events
Remote MIH
Information Link Remote Link
Link Commands Commands
Server Events

L2 and Below L2 and Below

IEEE 802.21 Entity IEEE 802.21 Entity

IEEE 802.21 Illustrated

Figure 4 illustrates an example topology where different wireless
networks overlap. Imagine that the multiaccess mobile device user
watches a high-bitrate IPTV channel as she moves in this area. Three
wireless access technologies are considered in this example: Wi-Fi
(IEEE 802.11), WiMAX (IEEE 802.16), and 3G/UMTS (3GPP). In
this example, we assume that all networks and the mobile device
are IEEE 802.21-compatible and that the Wi-Fi area is covered by
several 802.11 PoAs, as would be the case in a campus- or citywide

Figure 4: Example Topology with Heterogeneous Overlapping Wireless Access Networks

Home Core Network

Visited Core Network

3G PoA


802.11 PoA

3G PoA

Wi-Fi, EDGE,
3G and Wi-Fi Visited WiMAX and 3G
and Visited WiMAX

The Internet Protocol Journal

IEEE 802.21: continued

Figure 5 illustrates the network access environment as perceived by

a mobile device in the area. The figure depicts three snapshots, indi-
cating the overlapping networks in range at different locations. In
order to deliver the IPTV stream transparently, for each of the avail-
able access networks we need to consider their effective available
bandwidth, the associated cost per traffic unit, the terminal speed,
the cell coverage area, the level of QoS support it can provide, and
so on. Using information made available through the MIHF, we can
determine which should be the next target access network.

Figure 5: Example Network Environment in Different Locations


Phase I Phase II Phase III

In Phase I, the mobile node has two network access options. It can
use a free and open Wi-Fi network or connect to the cellular op-
erator’s 3G/UMTS network. Note that opting to use the latter may,
for instance, depend on the charging scheme of the operator. If sub-
scribers pay based on traffic volume, one would assume that the free
Wi-Fi network is a better option. On the other hand, as flat-rate plans
become more popular, 3G may be a better option with its extended
coverage and QoS guarantees. The IEEE 802.21 MIIS can provide
this type of information, allowing for automation in dynamic access

In Phase II, as the user moves, the device goes through a cellular tech-
nology handover from 3G/UMTS to Enhanced Data rates for GSM
Evolution (EDGE)[8]. At the same place, the public Wi-Fi network is
still available and a new WiMAX network has just been detected.
Assume that EDGE is not sufficient for delivering the IPTV stream. If
in Phase I the network selection process opted for using the cellular
network, then in Phase II the client application will experience sig-
nificant degradation in service if it continues to use the EDGE access
network. A vertical handover to the Wi-Fi or the WiMAX network
should be considered. In contrast, if the mobile node first chose to
stream the IPTV channel over the Wi-Fi access network, then it may
need to reassess the situation based on events and link parameter re-
ports using MIES and MICS, as we explain in the following sections.
For example, an information query can reveal whether the WiMAX
network is operated by a partner Internet Service Provider (ISP), and
what the roaming cost would be.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Finally, in Phase III, the coverage area of the public Wi-Fi network
ends. Through IEEE 802.21 services we find out that the only avail-
able networks are the roaming partner WiMAX and the home cellular
network that is now offering 3G service.

The environment with several overlapping networks described previ-

ously and illustrated in Figures 4 and 5 is already a reality today in
many places, and it is widely anticipated to be prevalent in the future.
Next, we examine the three services defined by IEEE 802.21, namely

Media-Independent Event Service

Events indicate or predict changes in the state and transmission be-
havior of physical, data link, and logical link layers. In general, events
are triggers for initiating candidate network discovery and handover
procedures. The events defined in IEEE 802.21 are categorized as
either Link Events or MIH Events, depending on their origin. Link
events emanate from the link layers, whereas MIH events emanate
from the MIHF and can be both remote and local. Local events prop-
agate from lower layers to upper layers through the MIHF. Remote
events occur at the protocol stack of another network entity and are
transmitted from a peer MIHF to the local MIHF, as illustrated in
Figure 3.

The Media-Independent Event Service (MIES) currently supports

five types of events: MAC and PHY State Change events, Link
Parameter events, Predictive events, Link Handover events, and Link
Transmission events. A short introduction to the event types and cor-
responding events follows.

MAC and PHY State Change events correspond to state changes in

MAC and physical (PHY) layers. The most characteristic events in
this category are Link_Up and Link_Down events, which are gener-
ated when a Layer 2 connection with an access point is established
or is torn down, respectively. Another event, called Link_Detected,
indicates that a PoA has been detected but no affiliation is established

Link Parameter events relate to changes in Layer 2 parameters. A

Link_Parameters_Report can be sent when a MIHU has set thresh-
olds for certain parameters. For example, a MIHU can set thresholds
for the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) on IEEE 802.11
links, so that when a threshold is crossed proper action can be taken.
A Link_Parameters_Report is also used for issuing periodical noti-
fications about link conditions. Based on Link Parameter events, a
MIHU can initiate the handover candidate discovery process, or trig-
ger applications to adapt to changing link conditions.

The Internet Protocol Journal

IEEE 802.21: continued

Predictive events inform about the probability of dramatic (nega-

tive) changes in link character­istics in the near future. For example,
if strong decay in signal strength is observed, this decay may indicate
imminent loss of link connectivity. Predictive events may include tem-
poral information about when the actual event is expected to occur
and what its presumed likelihood is. A Link_Going_Down event, for
instance, may trigger a MIHU to consider possibilities for handing
over to other available networks in range.

Link Handover events indicate the occurrence of Layer 2 handovers.

The Link_Handover_Imminent event serves as a notification for an
imminent handover, whereas a Link_Handover_Complete event re-
ports the successful change of PoA. These events emanate from the
link layer and are based solely on local Layer 2 information.

Link Transmission events show the transmission status of individual

higher-layer Protocol Data Units (PDUs) at the link layer. Upper
layers can, for example, adapt to data loss during a handover by
improving buffer management based on Link Transmission events.
These events may allow future upper-layer implementations to iden-
tify lost packets and recover without waiting for the expiration of
retransmission timers.

Currently, for example, in the case of an ongoing session over TCP,

the occurrence of a handover may have dramatic effects in perfor-
mance. With IEEE 802.21, MIHUs can be informed about individual
packets that have already been delivered to the sending buffer of the
MAC layer but were not successfully transmitted before the han-
dover occurred. In other words, the MAC layer outgoing buffer may
contain TCP segments that cannot be delivered through the wireless
network to the peer at the other end of the TCP connection. These
segments were not successfully delivered from the local Automatic
Repeat-reQuest (ARQ) module over the first hop, but are still buff-
ered and cannot be transmitted because there is no link connectivity.
In this case, TCP could use the information from Link Transmission
events that identifies which packets need to be resent through the
new access network, as illustrated in Figure 6 for packet numbers 1
and 2. Note, however, that IEEE 802.21 does not define any identi-
fier for reliable packet identification, only the size of the packet ID
(2 bytes), and it is up to the implementer to determine how different
messages will be locally identified.

Figure 6: Link Transmission Event

Indicating Undelivered Packets MAC Buffer of Current Link
TCP Window 3
Acked Acked 1 2 3 4 Access Point
.2} 2 1
MAC Buffer of Previous Link Previous
Access Point

The Internet Protocol Journal

Media-Independent Command Service
The Media-Independent Command Service (MICS) enables higher
layers to control the stream of events originating from lower layers.
Commands can originate from MIHUs (MIH commands) or from
the MIHF (Link commands) and the destination can be the MIHF
or any lower layer, respec­tively, as shown in Figure 3. The responses
to Link commands are sent to MIHUs as indications. MIHUs can
use command services to determine the status of different links in
a uniform way, and control each interface accordingly, aiming for
optimal connectivity. MICS defines the following set of commands
that enable MIHUs to configure, control, and get information from
the lower layers:
• MIH commands can be directed to lower layers residing at both
local and remote MIHF entities. They originate from the upper
layers and are directed to the MIHF. Similarly with MIH events,
MIH commands can be both remote and local. MIH commands
are typically used for network selection and handover management
because they allow upper layers to initialize, prepare for, and exe-
cute handovers. MIH commands are also used to configure custom
thresholds for link parameters. As mentioned previously, when set
thresholds are crossed, MIHUs get the corresponding notifications
through Link Parameter events.
• Link commands originate from the MIHF and are sent to lower
layers in order to control their operation. Link commands can be
issued only locally. Nevertheless, Link commands can be executed
on behalf of local MIHUs, which could act on information received
from a remote peer. Link commands are often initiated by MIHUs.
For example, an MIHU can issue the MIH_Get_Link_Parameters
MIH command, which when received by the local MIHF will lead
to the generation of a remote Link_Get_Parameters Link com-
mand, as shown in Figure 3. This way, the MIHF can acquire the
current parameter values of active link(s) for MIHU, and then de-
liver this information to the requesting MIHU. Note that MICS
provides dynamic information about different link parameters, in
contrast with MIIS, described next, which can report only static

Media-Independent Information Service

The Media-Independent Information Service (MIIS) facilitates han-
dovers through a unified set of mechanisms that the MIHF can use
to discover and obtain static (or rarely changing) inform­ation about
networks in the vicinity of a multiaccess node. In other words, MIIS
allows mobile nodes to check for available networks in range while
using their currently active access network. MIIS information ex-
change occurs at the link layer (Layer 2) or network layer (Layer 3),
so that all necessary information related to link layer or higher-layer
services is collected before a mobile node authenticates with a new

The Internet Protocol Journal

IEEE 802.21: continued

MIIS defines a set of Information Elements (IEs) that are indispens-

able for network selection, classified into three groups: General
Information and Access Network-Specific Information; PoA-Specific
Information; and Other Information, which includes vendor- and
network-specific details. The types of information handled by MIIS
are solely related to handover decisions and conform­ance to the
affiliation with the new PoA. Information relevant for assessing
candidate networks by the handover machinery includes connection
establishment details, such as PoA address and location; which secu-
rity mechanisms are supported in a given access network; and what
QoS guarantees can be provided.

General Information Elements and Access Network-Specific Infor-

mation Elements give a general overview of neighboring networks.
Information Elements may include, for instance, a list of available
networks and their associated operators, roaming agreements and
costs, and security and QoS support. For instance, user policies,
defined at higher layers, may dictate that if a given access network
operator charges users based on their traffic volume, then the net-
work selector entity should not con­sider the corresponding access
when a high-bitrate service, such as IPTV, is active.

PoA-Specific Information Elements refer to each PoA available in

the access network and report PoA location and addressing informa-
tion, supported data rates, PHY and MAC layer types, and channel
parameters that can optimize link layer connectivity. Some additional
information related to higher-layer services and individual capabili-
ties of particular PoAs may be included as well. For instance, an
advanced mobility manager on the mobile node can use the informa-
tion about the geographical position of a PoA and compare it with
the current or expected node location based on its mobility patterns.
With careful planning and by taking advantage of this information,
mobile nodes may be able to reduce the number of handovers and
optimize the use of network resources.

MIIS provides mechanisms for issuing and responding to queries for

Information Elements. Such information may reside in a separate
server or in a local information database at the mobile node (see
Figure 3). An MIHF could have access to an information server in its
IEEE 802.21-enabled Point-of-Service (PoS) range from which it can
obtain information regarding the home PoS and possibly other PoSs,
such as those of roaming partners. If the home information server is
not able to provide any information regarding the visited network, an
MIIS query can be directed to the peer MIHF, residing in the visited
PoS, which can access the visited PoS information server. Information
queries can often be answered locally, based on information gathered
from previous queries and by preprovisioning, for example, from the
information server.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Information Elements and their relationships are captured in an
Information Service schema which, in turn, defines the informa-
tion structure. IEEE 802.21 specifies that information that is to be
presented across different technologies should be in a standardized,
common, and open format, such as XML or Type Length Value

Service Management
In order to use and provide MIHF services, MIHF entities need to
be configured appropriately. IEEE 802.21 defines three service man-
agement functions: MIH capability discovery, MIH registration, and
MIH event subscription.

MIHF may discover other MIHF entities and their capabilities using
the MIH capability discovery procedure. Depending on the informa-
tion obtained from this procedure, the local MIHF can determine
which peer MIHFs it should register with. The MIH capability
discovery function uses the MIH protocol (introduced in the fol-
lowing section) at Layer 2 or Layer 3, and media-specific Layer 2
broadcast messages are allowed. For example, an MIHF can listen
to media-specific broadcast messages, such as IEEE 802.11 beacons,
or media-independent Layer 2 MIH_Capability_Discover broad­cast
messages, because an MIHF entity residing in the network may an-
nounce its existence and capabilities periodically. MIHF can also
send MIH_Capability_Discover request messages using multicast or
unicast to detect peer MIHFs in a solicited way. For instance, MIHF
can send a request by unicast for obtaining the capabilities of a spe-
cific IEEE 802.21 network entity. In this case, only the IEEE 802.21
network entity addressed should respond to these request messages.

MIH registration is a symmetric procedure by which two peer MIHFs

authenticate and can then communicate with each other in a more
trusted manner. After MIH registration is completed, the two peer
MIHF entities can symmetrically request services from their regis-
tered peer. Note that MIH registration is not necessary for obtaining
some level of support from a peer MIHF. However, by registering and
authenticating, peer MIHFs typically will get access to much more
extensive information. That is, although the MIHF residing on the
mobile node may be able to access information services from the
network-side MIHFs without registration and authentication, the
available information may be only a subset of that provided after

Finally, MIH event subscription enables MIHUs to subscribe to a

particular set of events provided by MIES from the local or peer
MIHF. Event subscription from a peer MIHF requires registration
and knowledge about its capabilities. The subscription contains only
the list of events the MIHU is interested in. Note that event sources
may not be necessarily capable of providing all events that the sub-
scriber is interested in subscribing to. Each subscription request is
matched by a confirm­ation message from the event source indicating
the events approved for subscription.

The Internet Protocol Journal

IEEE 802.21: continued

Media-Independent Handover Protocol

The Media-Independent Handover Protocol (MIHP) specifies the
rules and services for unified communic­ation between peer MIHFs.
The protocol defines the message format, header, and encoding for-
mat and is meant to be used solely for communicating with peer
MIHF entities. For internal communication no particular encoding
is dictated.

MIH protocol messages can be carried over Layer 2 management

frames, Layer 2 data frames, or over Layer 3/IP transport. Note
that cellular technologies do not provide Layer 2 transport without
changes in their protocol stack.

The MIH protocol messages, or frames, comprise a header part and a

TLV-encoded payload part. The MIHF frame header consists of eight
octets. Figure 7 illustrates the MIH protocol header indicating the
corresponding bit length for each field in parentheses.

Figure 7: MIH Protocol Header

2 Octets 2 Octets

MIH Message ID
Version Ack Ack UIR M FN Rsvd (16)
(4) Req Res (1) (1) (7) (1) SID Opcode AID
(1) (1) (4) (2) (10)

Rsvd Transaction ID Variable Load Length

(4) (12) (16)

The Version field in the MIH frame header specifies the version of
the MIH protocol used. The two Ack fields are for acknowledgement
purposes and are discussed later in the article. The Unauthentic­ated
Information Request (UIR) flag indicates that the response message
may be sent with a limited length because of the nature of unauthen-
ticated message exchange. Recall that when an MIHF issues requests
without registering first with its peer, it may receive less information
than if it had registered earlier. If this flag is set, then the information
included in the response message may not reflect the complete infor-
mation available to registered MIHFs. The More Fragments (M) and
Fragment Number (FN) fields are used in message fragmentation.

The MIH Message ID field comprises three subfields. The Service

Identifier (SID) field indicates the MIHF service class (MIES, MICS,
MIIS, or Service Management) that this message belongs to. The
Operation code (Opcode) specifies whether the message is a request,
response, or indication. The Action Identifier (AID) is related with
and scoped by the SID. For instance, if the SID indicates MIES, AID
points to the actual event type. The Variable Load Length field con-
tains the total length of the variable, TLV-encoded payload carried
by this message frame.

The Internet Protocol Journal

The MIH protocol messages use the Transaction ID and MIHF ID
fields as identifiers, but only the former is included in the header. The
Transaction ID field is an identifier that helps to match each request,
response, or indication message with its acknowledgement.

The payload part contains service-specific messages encoded in TLV

format. The first two TLVs in the payload part (not shown in Figure
7) should be the Source Identifier and Destination Identifier, which
are both the same data type as the MIHF ID. Every MIHF must have
a unique MIHF ID, which may be assigned to it at configuration
time. The MIHF ID shall be invariant and could be, for example, a
Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or Network Access Identifier
(NAI). The MIHF ID is used during the MIH registration phase and
is appended to the payload part of every message requiring endpoint
identification. In broadcast messages, the Destination Identifier TLV
is defined as zero length. Figure 8 shows the message structure con-
sisting of the MIH Protocol header, source and destination identifiers,
and service-specific TLVs. In TLV encoding, the Type field (1 octet)
denotes the parameter type, the Length field (variable octets) indi-
cates the length of the Value field, and the Value field (variable octets)
carries the actual value of the parameter.

Figure 8: MIH Protocol Frame Structure

MIH Protocol Source MIHF Destination MIHF Service Specific Service Specific
Header Identifier TLV Identifier TLV TLV1 TLV2

Length Length Length Length

Type Value Type Value Type Value Type Value
of Value of Value of Value of Value

Acknowledging MIH messages is not mandatory. Still, the MIH pro-

tocol does support the use of acknowledgements to ensure reliable
message exchange. The sender MIHF can set the ACK-Req field to
instruct the receiver to return an acknowledgement with ACK-Rsp
bit set. The MIH Message ID and Transaction ID must be the same
in the request message and its acknowledge­ment. An acknowledge-
ment message may carry no payload. Note, however, that despite
employ­ing these two ID fields, the MIH protocol does not specify any
further mechanisms for reliable authentication or shielding message
exchanges from third parties.

MIH Communication Model

The MIHF communication model specifies different MIHF roles
and their communication relation­­ships, such as supported transport
mechanisms and service classes. The assigned MIHF roles depend
on their location in the network. For example, an MIHF on a mo-
bile node can communicate directly with network-side entities called
MIH PoSs using Layer 2 or Layer 3 com­munication. MIH PoSs may
include the serving PoA or candidate PoAs. Network-side MIHFs
can communic­ate with each other at Layer 3 or above using the MIH
protocol, introduced in the previous section.

The Internet Protocol Journal

IEEE 802.21: continued

Let us revisit the example use case of IEEE 802.21 illustrated in Figures
4 and 5. Figure 9 presents the IEEE 802.21 message exchanges in
mobile- and network-initiated handover procedures in the case where
the mobile node hands over from a Wi-Fi to the 3G cellular network
(between Phase II and Phase III in Figure 5) and then hands over to a
WiMAX network (Phase III in Figure 5). First, during the discovery
of handover candidate PoAs, the mobile node MIHF employs MIIS
to gather static information about the surrounding networks. The re-
quest is issued over the currently used Wi-Fi access. This information
is obtained from the information server that may reside in a different
network than the one currently in use.

After receiving the response to its Information Request, the mobile

node initiates the handover process by querying about the availability
of resources in the networks it is interested in. These requests are sent
through the serving PoS (Wi-Fi-PoS in Figure 9), which disseminates
the requests to the MIH PoSs of the candidate networks (3G-PoS and
WiMAX-PoS in Figure 9). The response indicating the capabilities
of the two candidate networks is returned to the mobile node MIHF
from the serving PoS. After receiving this information, an MIHU on
the mobile node decides which network to hand over to, based on
policies and the output of its network selection algorithms. Then a
Handover Commit Request message is sent, and after the candidate
network has made its final commitment for the handover (and the
appropriate resources are reserved successfully), the mobile node
establishes a Layer 2 connection with the PoA in the area of the can-
didate PoS, that is, the 3G-PoS in our example case. Following this
successful intertechnology handover, the resources used in the previ-
ous link can optionally be released. In the case where no resources
are explicitly reserved, this step is skipped.

As we progress in the timeline of our example case, the network-side

MIHU initiates a handover to the WiMAX network. This handover
could be, for example, the result of observing congestion in the cel-
lular network that indicates that a new PoS should be found for the
mobile node. The serving PoS (3G-PoS) collects information about
networks in the range of the mobile node from the Information
Server. Upon determining that a suitable WiMAX candidate network
that can serve the mobile node exists, the 3G-PoS triggers a network-
initiated handover. First, the serving PoS requests permission from
the mobile node to proceed with the handover. If the mobile node
does not object, the serving PoS proceeds with the rest of the han-
dover procedure, which is similar to the mobile-initiated handover
described previously except that it is handled by a network entity.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Figure 9: IEEE 802.21-Assisted Handover Message Sequence Diagram

Mobile Node Wi-Fi-PoS Information Server 3G-PoS WiMAX-PoS

Information Request Information Query

Information Response

HO Candidate Query Request Resource Availability Check

HO Query Resources Request
HO Query Resources Response
HO Query Resources Request
HO Query Resources Response
HO Candidate Query Response

HO Commit Request Resource Preparation

HO Commit Request
HO Commit Response
HO Commit Response

Establish L2 and Higher Layer Connections

HO Complete Request Resource Release

HO Complete Response
HO Complete Request
HO Complete Response

Network Gets
Information Request Information Query
Information Request

HO Candidate Query Request

HO Candidate Query Response
HO Query Resources Request
HO Query Resources Response

Resource Preparation

HO Commit Request
HO Commit Response
HO Commit Request

Establish L2 and Higher Layer Connections

HO Commit Response
HO Complete Request Resource Release
HO CompleteRequest
HO Complete Response
HO Complete Response

The Internet Protocol Journal

IEEE 802.21: continued

Handover Execution
As illustrated in the example, the handover decision and target as-
sessment constitute a multiphase process where the assistance of
IEEE 802.21 is essential. However, the actual handover execution
is outside the scope of the standard. This section briefly describes
how handovers can be carried out by MIP with the cooperation of
IEEE 802.21. After choosing the target network by capitalizing on
the IEEE 802.21 services, the mobile node establishes a new con-
nection with the handover target network while still routing traffic
through the currently serving network. The mobile node obtains a
Care-of Address (CoA) for this new link from the IP address space
of the target network. The CoA is an IP address assigned to the new
link of the mobile node and is used while connected to the visiting
network[11]. With MIPv4, the CoA is provided by a Foreign Agent
(FA) in the visited network, which also acts as a router for the mobile
node[12]. With MIPv6, the Foreign Agent is not needed[13] and the
CoA is obtained directly, say, for example, from a Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) sever. The mobile node can obtain
the IP address of the DHCP server in the target network through the
IEEE 802.21MIIS.

In MIP, each mobile node has a Home Agent (HA), which routes the
traffic of the mobile node. After successfully affiliating with a PoA in
the target network, the mobile node notifies the Home Agent of the
CoA by performing a binding update. In a bidirectional tunnel mode,
the Home Agent establishes an IP-IP tunnel between the Home Agent
and the Foreign Agent (MIPv4) or the Home Agent and the mobile
node CoA (MIPv6). This mode does not require any binding updates
on the Correspondent Node (CN). In other modes, either the uplink
traffic of the mobile node is sent directly to the Correspondent Node
using the CoA as source address, or all bidirectional communication
between the Correspondent Node and the mobile node uses the CoA
only. In the first case, traffic from the Correspondent Node to the
mobile node travels through the Home Agent, but in the latter case
there is no need for the Home Agent detour. However, these modes
need address binding at the Correspondent Node and are in practice
less frequently used than the bidirectional tunnel mode.

Figure 10 illustrates a situation where a link with the Wi-Fi PoA

is broken down by the mobile node and the IPv6 traffic between
the Correspondent Node and the mobile node, now employing IEEE
802.21-enabled 3G network, travels through the tunnel between
Home Agent and the mobile node.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Figure 10: Mobile IPv6 Tunnel

Wi-Fi Home Network


Visited Network

Layer 3 handover executions based on RFC 3344[12] and RFC 3775[13]

may often exceed the typical handover delay budgets, thus introduc-
ing gaps in connectivity that are perceptible at the application layer.
Recent standardization efforts have focused on decreasing handover
delays by enhancing MIP so that it can provide for transparent mo-
bility management for both IPv4[16] and IPv6[17, 18]. The proposed
enhancements either reduce the amount of signaling or allow the
mobile node to configure the new Layer 3 connection before reas-
sociating with the new network. In this context, IEEE 802.21 can
provide the essential information for preestablishing the connection
based on media-independent Layer 2 link detection events as well as
static address information from the target network.

Summary and Outlook

We presented an overview of the IEEE 802.21 Media-Independent
Handover Services standard. We anticipate that its adoption in the
near future will allow for better network resource usage and permit
multiaccess devices to select the network access best suited for their
communication needs. After motivating the needs for a standard to
cope with heterogeneous network handovers, we introduced the IEEE
802.21 Reference Model and the MIH Services. We briefly presented
the MIH Protocol, although a more thorough description calls for
a separate overview article. Finally, we illustrated network opera-
tion when IEEE 802.21 is adopted using example use cases featuring
both network- and terminal-initiated intertechnology (or vertical)

We expect that in the future, when IEEE 802.21-2008 is widely de-

ployed, there will be significant efforts to further amend and extend
it in order to provide for even better services. In fact, because security
mechanisms are outside the scope of the base IEEE 802.21 standard,
the work on defining a security-related extension to IEEE 802.21
(IEEE P802.21a) has already begun. More­over, another amendment
(IEEE P802.21b) that deals with handovers with downlink-only
technologies, such as Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), has also
been introduced (see for more information
about the amendments). Nevertheless, it remains uncertain whether
vendors will stand by this promising standard and incorporate it in
future products and solutions.

The Internet Protocol Journal

IEEE 802.21: continued

[1] T. Sridhar, “Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and WiMAX,” The Internet
Protocol Journal, Volume 11, No. 4, December 2008.

[2] E. Gustafsson and A. Jonsson, “Always Best Connected,” IEEE

Wireless Communications, Volume 10, No. 1, February 2003.

[3] IEEE Std 802.21-2008, IEEE Standard for Local and

Metropolitan Area Networks—Part 21: Media Independent
Handover Services, IEEE, January 2009.

[4] H. Kaaranen, S. Naghian, L. Laitinen, A. Ahtiainen, and V.

Niemi, UMTS Networks: Architecture, Mobility and Services,
2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2005.

[5] V. Vanghi, A. Damnjanovic, and B. Vojcic, The cdma2000

System for Mobile Communications: 3G Wireless Evolution,
Prentice Hall, 2004.

[6] Y. Mälarstig, O. Holmström, and P. Davidsson, Svensk tele-

marknad 2007, PTS-ER-2008:15, ISSN 1650-9862, June

[7] J. Pinola and K. Pentikousis, “Mobile WiMAX,” The Internet

Protocol Journal, Volume 11, No. 2, June 2008.

[8] K. Pentikousis, “Wireless Data Networks,” The Internet

Protocol Journal, Volume 8, No. 1, March 2005.

[9] M. Balazinska and P. Castro, “Characterizing Mobility and

Network Usage in a Corporate Wireless Local-Area Network,”
Proc. First International Conference on Mobile Systems,
Applications, and Services (MobiSys), San Francisco, California,
USA, May 2003, pp. 303–316.

[10] T. Henderson, D. Kotz, and I. Abyzov, “The Changing Usage

of a Mature Campus-wide Wireless Network,” Computer
Networks, Volume 52, No. 14, October 2008, pp. 2690–2712.

[11] W. Stallings, “Mobile IP,” The Internet Protocol Journal, Volume

4, No. 2, June 2001.

[12] C. Perkins (Ed.), “IP Mobility Support for IPv4,” RFC 3344,
August 2002.

[13] D. Johnson, C. Perkins, and J. Arkko, “Mobility Support in

IPv6,” RFC 3775, June 2004.

The Internet Protocol Journal

[14] K. Pentikousis, R. Agüero, J. Gebert, J. A. Galache, O. Blume,
and P. Pääkkönen, “The Ambient Networks Heterogeneous
Access Selection Architecture,” Proc. First Ambient Networks
Workshop on Mobility, Multiaccess, and Network Management
(M2NM), Sydney, Australia, October 2007, pp. 49–54.

[15] J. Mäkelä and K. Pentikousis, “Trigger Management

Mechanisms,” Proc. Second International Symposium on
Wireless Pervasive Computing (ISWPC), San Juan, Puerto Rico,
February 2007, pp. 378–383.

[16] K. El Malki (Ed.), “Low Latency Handoffs in Mobile IPv4,”

RFC 4881, June 2007.

[17] H. Soliman, C Castelluccia, K. El Malki, and L. Bellier,

“Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 Mobility Management,” RFC 4140,
August 2005.

[18] R. Koodli (Ed.), “Mobile IPv6 Fast Handovers,” RFC 4068,

July 2005.

ESA PIRI received his M.Sc. from the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, in 2008.
During his studies, he specialized in information networks systems and wrote his
Master’s thesis on mobility management issues in hetero­geneous networks. Currently
he is working as a Research Scientist at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in
Oulu, Finland. He can be contacted by e-mail at:

KOSTAS PENTIKOUSIS studied computer science at Aristotle University of

Thessaloniki, Greece (B.Sc. 1996, summa cum laude) and State University of New
York at Stony Brook, USA (M.Sc. 2000, Ph.D. 2004). He has published internationally
in several areas, including mobile computing; transport protocols; applications;
network traffic measurements and analysis; and simulation and modeling. Dr.
Pentikousis is a Senior Research Scientist at VTT Technical Research Centre of
Finland. Visit for more information and
contact details.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Book Review
Geeks Bearing Gifts Geeks Bearing Gifts v1.1: How the computer world got this way, by
Ted Nelson, ISBN: 978-0-578-00438-9, Published by Mindful Press,
2009, distributed through Lulu.Com,

In a short but interesting book, computer pioneer Ted Nelson takes

a very broad look at the origins and evolution of many of the basic
ideas that underpin today’s computer industry. The emphasis is on
concepts and technologies rather than the success of individuals, the
companies they founded, and the shape of the computer industry.
This approach differentiates the book from other accounts, such
as Robert X. Cringley’s Accidental Empires and Martin Campbell-
Kelly’s From Airline Reservations to Sonic the Hedgehog.

Although the book is suitable for a fairly broad readership, an

appreciation of the current makeup of the industry is helpful in un-
derstanding the significance of some of Nelson’s ideas.

Geeks Bearing Gifts is divided into 60 short chapters, arranged in
chronological order from the time the ideas originated, rather than
when they appeared in fully developed form (indeed many are still
developing). In the initial chapters Nelson covers topics such as lan-
guage, alphabets, and encryption before moving on to examine the
origins of computing. He then examines the contribution of pioneers
from both inside and outside the United States, giving more credibil-
ity to contributors from outside of the United States than is normal.

As would be expected, Nelson deals in some detail with the topic of

information presentation, in particular the origins of hypertext and
associated developments such as Xanadu and the World Wide Web.
He discusses the differences between these technologies, spending
some time reflecting on his attempts to develop Xanadu at Brown
University; he suggests that many of the deficiencies of the Web come
from misdirection of that phase of the project.

Nelson next examines a wide selection of topics ranging from net-

works (both local and the Internet), object-orientated programming,
and early desktop machines, before reaching the pivot point of his
book: the UNIX operating system. He chose UNIX as the fulcrum of
his analysis because he believes “so much led into it and so much has
resulted from it.”

Nelson next considers PUI (the PARC user interface), PCs, the role
of the Microsoft and Apple operating systems and their evolution,
the influence of the spreadsheet, the Internet, browsers, the Internet
crash, and the current major companies in computing. He explores
the promise, hype, and reality of the Web 2.0 model and its likely
influence. (PARC stands for the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.)

The Internet Protocol Journal

The last two chapters are summaries and thought guides. The first of
these suggests that it is people and ideas rather than technology that
advance the computer industry and that the myth of technological
necessity has stifled imagination. The final chapter illustrates what
the book is about—the disagreements and decisions that have made
the technical world what it is today.

Nelson captures most of the important developments in the computer
industry, although he acknowledges that in 199 pages it is possible to
tell the reader only a little of where the software ideas come from and
what they are. He sets out to show how varied and conflicting the
initiatives that have propelled the evol­ution of computer technology
have been, exposing the “ideas, disagree­ments, manoeuvres, forgot-
ten possibilities, and politics.”

The book reads like a collection of themed essays, rather than a co-
herent sequence of stories. Nonetheless it is both informative and

The Author
Ted Nelson is considered to be a radical thinker; he is one of the pio-
neers of the computer industry initiating the Xanadu project, which
was started in the early 1960s with the objective of developing a
computer network with a simple user interface. He is credited with
inventing the term “hypertext.”

He holds a first degree in philosophy, a Masters in sociology, and a

Doctorate in Media and Governance. Among his honors are a visit-
ing fellowship at the Oxford Internet Institute and a Fellowship of
Wadham College, Oxford; in addition, France has knighted him as
“Officier des Arts et Lettres.” Visit:
...for more information.

—Edward Smith, BT, UK


Read Any Good Books Lately?

Then why not share your thoughts with the readers of IPJ? We accept
reviews of new titles, as well as some of the “networking classics.” In
some cases, we may be able to get a publisher to send you a book for
review if you don’t have access to it. Contact us at
for more information.

The Internet Protocol Journal

RIPE Announces IPv6 Website
The RIPE NCC recently announced the launch of the IPv6 Act Now!
website. Available at, the website explains
IPv6 in terms that everyone can understand and provides a variety of
useful information aimed at promoting the global adoption of IPv6.
The site is designed for anyone with an interest in IPv6, including
network engineers, company directors, law enforcement agencies,
government representatives and civil society. The content is regularly
updated and includes:
• Education, advice and opinions from the experts
• Latest IPv6-related news stories
• Videos and articles from Internet community leaders
• Current IPv4 exhaustion and IPv6 uptake statistics
• The RIPE community’s statement on IPv6 deployment
• Information on community-developed IPv6 distribution policies
• Useful links to other sources of information about IPv6
• A forum for everyone to share experiences, ask questions and find

The site also includes contributions from other Regional Internet

Registries (RIRs) and industry partners. If you have and comments
or suggestions about the website, please contact:

Four-byte AS numbers from APNIC

From July 1, 2009, the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre
(APNIC) will assign four-byte Autonomous System (AS) numbers by
default when receiving requests. Two-byte AS numbers will only be
assigned if the applicant can demonstrate that a four-byte only AS
number is unsuitable. This change marks the next phase of the transi-
tion to four-byte AS numbers. The final phase begins in January 2010,
when APNIC will cease to make any distinction between two-byte
and four-byte AS numbers, and will operate AS number assignments
from an undifferentiated four-byte AS number pool. For more infor-
mation please see:

Please Tell Us When You Move

We receive large quantities of undeliverable copies of The Internet
Protocol Journal. For international mailings, the returned mail piece
usually includes a standard CN 15 label, an example of which is
shown here. We have an extensive collection of CN 15 labels from all
over the world, but we would much rather ensure that your journal
is delivered to the correct address. So, if you’re moving your home
or office, please use the online subscription system to update your
details, or just send an e-mail message to with the
new information. You can also suspend paper delivery and read IPJ
online if you wish.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Call for Papers
The Internet Protocol Journal (IPJ) is published quarterly by Cisco
Systems. The journal is not intended to promote any specific products
or services, but rather is intended to serve as an informational and
educational resource for engineering professionals involved in the
design, development, and operation of public and private internets
and intranets. The journal carries tutorial articles (“What is...?”), as
well as implementation/operation articles (“How to...”). It provides
readers with technology and standardization updates for all levels of
the protocol stack and serves as a forum for discussion of all aspects
of internetworking.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

• Access and infrastructure technologies such as: ISDN, Gigabit
Ethernet, SONET, ATM, xDSL, cable, fiber optics, satellite,
wireless, and dial systems
• Transport and interconnection functions such as: switching, rout-
ing, tunneling, protocol transition, multicast, and performance
• Network management, administration, and security issues, includ-
ing: authentication, privacy, encryption, monitoring, firewalls,
troubleshooting, and mapping
• Value-added systems and services such as: Virtual Private Net-
works, resource location, caching, client/server systems, distributed
systems, network computing, and Quality of Service
• Application and end-user issues such as: e-mail, Web author-
ing, server technologies and systems, electronic commerce, and
application management
• Legal, policy, and regulatory topics such as: copyright, content
control, content liability, settlement charges, “modem tax,” and
trademark disputes in the context of internetworking

In addition to feature-length articles, IPJ contains standardization

updates, overviews of leading and bleeding-edge technologies, book
reviews, announcements, opinion columns, and letters to the Editor.

Cisco will pay a stipend of US$1000 for published, feature-length ar-

ticles. Author guidelines are available from Ole Jacobsen, the Editor
and Publisher of IPJ, reachable via e-mail at

This publication is distributed on an “as-is” basis, without warranty of any kind either
express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. This publication could contain technical
inaccuracies or typographical errors. Later issues may modify or update information provided
in this issue. Neither the publisher nor any contributor shall have any liability to any person
for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the information contained herein.

The Internet Protocol Journal

The Internet Protocol Journal, Cisco Systems
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The Internet Protocol Journal

Ole J. Jacobsen, Editor and Publisher
The Internet Protocol Journal is
Editorial Advisory Board published quarterly by the
Dr. Vint Cerf, VP and Chief Internet Evangelist Chief Technology Office,
Google Inc, USA Cisco Systems, Inc.
Dr. Jon Crowcroft, Marconi Professor of Communications Systems Tel: +1 408 526-4000
University of Cambridge, England E-mail:
David Farber
Distinguished Career Professor of Computer Science and Public Policy Copyright © 2009 Cisco Systems, Inc.
Carnegie Mellon University, USA All rights reserved. Cisco, the Cisco
logo, and Cisco Systems are
Peter Löthberg, Network Architect trademarks or registered trademarks
Stupi AB, Sweden of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its
affiliates in the United States and
Dr. Jun Murai, General Chair Person, WIDE Project certain other countries. All other
Vice-President, Keio University
trademarks mentioned in this document
Professor, Faculty of Environmental Information
or Website are the property of their
Keio University, Japan
respective owners.
Dr. Deepinder Sidhu, Professor, Computer Science &
Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Printed in the USA on recycled paper.
Director, Maryland Center for Telecommunications Research, USA

Pindar Wong, Chairman and President

Verifi Limited, Hong Kong

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