In This Issue: June 2009 Volume 12, Number 2
In This Issue: June 2009 Volume 12, Number 2
In This Issue: June 2009 Volume 12, Number 2
The Domain Name System (DNS) has been the target of attacks over
its many years of existence. In recent years, new attacks have emerged
that exploit some of the attributes of the DNS protocol and its imple-
mentation. One of the corrective measures is to improve the security
of DNS caches. There are several ways to improve cache security,
most of which involve changing the protocol. Another way, without
changing the protocol, is to reduce the attack surface of your cache
by shrinking the number of users of any given cache. Our first article,
by Bill Manning, explores this view in more detail.
he Domain Name System (DNS) specification calls for the
use of caching. Caching is expected to improve the overall
responsiveness of the system by ensuring that answers to ques-
tions are known and stored locally and that the query load placed
on the authoritative servers is minimized. Certain presumptions are
associated with caches that may no longer hold. This article looks at
some of these presumptions and explores some of the problems that
emerge when they are violated. Based on our observations, we offer
some recommendations on DNS cache best practices and show our
results of testing these practices.
The Problem
A DNS resolver can no longer trust the data it gets—because the data
generally comes from nonauthoritative nodes or caches operated
by third parties, most of whom have no vested interest in providing
accurate data. Removing or bypassing caching from the DNS and going
directly to the authoritative servers is considered a fatal flaw because
authoritative servers are presumed to have neither the bandwidth nor
the processing power to accommodate the perceived demand from a
cacheless service. This article looks at the bandwidth and processing
capabilities of modern authoritative servers to ascertain the viability
of these presumptions. We start by looking briefly at the DNS.
The DNS namespace is made visible and useful by nodes publishing
authoritative information about the namespace and resolvers that
send queries about the namespace to these servers. As an optimization,
other nodes may act as intermediates or proxies for the authoritative
servers for one to many resolvers. These intermediate nodes are called
caching nameservers or iterative mode resolvers. This flow is shown
in Figure 1.
au au nz sg
Refer to NS Name Server
Name gov edu
Server Name Server
Refer to NS
Query sa ips gbrmpa
Address of Name Server
Query Reply
Fixing a resolver to a specific cache does have the benefit of being tied
to a known business relationship; for example, using your ISP’s cach-
ing service. In contrast, mobile nodes often get an IP address from a
provider’s Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers,
which also hand out more “local” caching servers to be used by the
mobile node.
ISPs and even some caching service providers are starting to manip-
ulate caches as a means to monetize their operations.[1] Numerous
techniques are in use, from the nominally benign method of using
wildcards to more insidious capture and rewrite of NXDOMAIN
replies, to outright intentional cache pollution.
This technique has the added advantage of reducing the “attack sur-
face” by reducing the effect of cache poisoning or rewriting replies to
a small handful of nodes. The perceived disadvantage is the increased
load on network bandwidth and query load on authoritative servers
as the number of caches increases.
The Experiment
Our experiment has two parts: first we looked at authoritative server
processing capabilities and then at the bandwidth effects of a larger
number of caches.
On the surface, this result would indicate that there is enough over-
head to be able to process more queries, regardless of how they are
originated. Regarding bandwidth, a survey of Top-Level Domain
(TLD) operators has shown that 92 percent of the delegations have
two or more authoritative servers for that data on networks with a
minimum uplink bandwidth of 100 Mbps. Selected path character-
ization from clients to target authoritative servers seems to support
our presumption that bandwidth is not of concern.
We then added 9 new caches and redistributed the 140 stub resolv-
ers among the 10 caches into a sparse cache mode (Figure 3) and
restarted all the caches. In the first 15 minutes, the number of prim-
ing queries from each of the caches averaged 61, with a total of 622
unique priming queries for all caches. The number of “duplicate”
queries between caches averaged 45. Although the number of queries
to the authoritative servers was slightly higher, the results seem to
indicate that there is a small but significant difference in each of the
Resolvers Authoritative
Reducing the size of the user population for each cache reduces the
attack surface for the DNS overall because we have effectively com-
partmentalized the threat to a small number of nodes. Generally,
restarting a cache for a small number of nodes is considered accept-
able, whereas restarting a cache for 10,000 or 100,000 nodes would
significantly affect operations.
[1] “Preliminary Report on DNS Response Modification,” 20 June
BILL MANNING has been in the network field since 1979, currently with the Keio
University, Shonan Fujisawa Campus, and USC/ISI. He has been an IETF Working
Group chair and RFC author, and he currently serves on numerous ICANN com-
mittees. He is part of the team that runs one of the Internet Root nameservers.
opular mobile devices now ship with several integrated wired
and wireless network interfaces. Personal Digital Assistants
(PDAs) and smartphones, for example, are increasingly sup-
porting communications through both cellular technologies and
Wireless LANs (WLANs); laptops typically come with built-in
Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth[1]. As multiaccess devices proliferate,
we move closer to a network environment that is often referred to
as “beyond 3G” (B3G). Key success factors for cellular third-gener-
ation (3G) communications include better cell capacities, increased
data rates, transparent mobility within large geographical areas, and
global reachability. For B3G, the next frontier lies beyond transparent
mobile connections within the same access technology because users
will expect to be globally reachable anytime, anywhere, and remain
“always best-connected” (ABC)[2]. In order to select the best possible
connectivity option (anytime, anywhere), mobile devices and access
networks will have to work together in order to enable users to take
full advantage of all available options.
Letter Ballot
The main design elements of IEEE 802.21 can be classified into three
categories: a framework for enabling transparent service continuity
while handing over between heterogeneous access technologies; a set
of handover-enabling functions; and a set of Service Access Points
For instance, lack of the required level of QoS support or low avail-
able capacity in a candidate access network may lead the network
selecting entity to prevent a planned handover. On the other hand,
for example, increasing delay, jitter, or packet-loss rates in the cur-
rently serving network may degrade the perceived QoS throughout
the network, or only for a particular application, triggering the mo-
bility manager to start assessing the potential of candidate target
access networks and subsequently initiate an IEEE 802.21-assisted
Handover-Enabling Functions
IEEE 802.21 defines a set of handover-enabling functions, which are
specified with respect to existing network elements in the protocol
stack, and introduces a new logical entity called Media-Independent
Handover Function (MIHF). The MIHF logically resides between the
link layer and the network layer. It provides, among others, abstracted
services to entities residing at the network layer and above, called
MIH Users (MIHUs). MIHUs are anticipated to make handover and
link-selection decisions based on their internal policies, context¸ and
the information received from the MIHF. To this end, the primary
role of the MIHF is to assist in handovers and handover decision
making by providing all necessary information to the network selec-
tor or mobility management entities. The latter are responsible for
handover decisions regardless of the entity position in the network.
The MIHF is not meant to make any decisions with respect to net-
work selection.
MIH User
L3 and Higher Mobility Protocol (MIP, HIP, etc.)
Handover Policies
Link Layer
IEEE 802.3 IEEE 802.11 IEEE 802.15 IEEE 802.16 3GPP 3GPP2
Information MIH
Query MIH Commands MIH Remote MIH
Events Indication Events
Information Remote MIH
Query Events
Remote MIH
Information Link Remote Link
Link Commands Commands
Server Events
Home Core Network
802.11 PoA
3G PoA
Wi-Fi, EDGE,
3G and Wi-Fi Visited WiMAX and 3G
and Visited WiMAX
In Phase I, the mobile node has two network access options. It can
use a free and open Wi-Fi network or connect to the cellular op-
erator’s 3G/UMTS network. Note that opting to use the latter may,
for instance, depend on the charging scheme of the operator. If sub-
scribers pay based on traffic volume, one would assume that the free
Wi-Fi network is a better option. On the other hand, as flat-rate plans
become more popular, 3G may be a better option with its extended
coverage and QoS guarantees. The IEEE 802.21 MIIS can provide
this type of information, allowing for automation in dynamic access
In Phase II, as the user moves, the device goes through a cellular tech-
nology handover from 3G/UMTS to Enhanced Data rates for GSM
Evolution (EDGE)[8]. At the same place, the public Wi-Fi network is
still available and a new WiMAX network has just been detected.
Assume that EDGE is not sufficient for delivering the IPTV stream. If
in Phase I the network selection process opted for using the cellular
network, then in Phase II the client application will experience sig-
nificant degradation in service if it continues to use the EDGE access
network. A vertical handover to the Wi-Fi or the WiMAX network
should be considered. In contrast, if the mobile node first chose to
stream the IPTV channel over the Wi-Fi access network, then it may
need to reassess the situation based on events and link parameter re-
ports using MIES and MICS, as we explain in the following sections.
For example, an information query can reveal whether the WiMAX
network is operated by a partner Internet Service Provider (ISP), and
what the roaming cost would be.
Service Management
In order to use and provide MIHF services, MIHF entities need to
be configured appropriately. IEEE 802.21 defines three service man-
agement functions: MIH capability discovery, MIH registration, and
MIH event subscription.
MIHF may discover other MIHF entities and their capabilities using
the MIH capability discovery procedure. Depending on the informa-
tion obtained from this procedure, the local MIHF can determine
which peer MIHFs it should register with. The MIH capability
discovery function uses the MIH protocol (introduced in the fol-
lowing section) at Layer 2 or Layer 3, and media-specific Layer 2
broadcast messages are allowed. For example, an MIHF can listen
to media-specific broadcast messages, such as IEEE 802.11 beacons,
or media-independent Layer 2 MIH_Capability_Discover broadcast
messages, because an MIHF entity residing in the network may an-
nounce its existence and capabilities periodically. MIHF can also
send MIH_Capability_Discover request messages using multicast or
unicast to detect peer MIHFs in a solicited way. For instance, MIHF
can send a request by unicast for obtaining the capabilities of a spe-
cific IEEE 802.21 network entity. In this case, only the IEEE 802.21
network entity addressed should respond to these request messages.
2 Octets 2 Octets
MIH Message ID
Version Ack Ack UIR M FN Rsvd (16)
(4) Req Res (1) (1) (7) (1) SID Opcode AID
(1) (1) (4) (2) (10)
The Version field in the MIH frame header specifies the version of
the MIH protocol used. The two Ack fields are for acknowledgement
purposes and are discussed later in the article. The Unauthenticated
Information Request (UIR) flag indicates that the response message
may be sent with a limited length because of the nature of unauthen-
ticated message exchange. Recall that when an MIHF issues requests
without registering first with its peer, it may receive less information
than if it had registered earlier. If this flag is set, then the information
included in the response message may not reflect the complete infor-
mation available to registered MIHFs. The More Fragments (M) and
Fragment Number (FN) fields are used in message fragmentation.
MIH Protocol Source MIHF Destination MIHF Service Specific Service Specific
Header Identifier TLV Identifier TLV TLV1 TLV2
Let us revisit the example use case of IEEE 802.21 illustrated in Figures
4 and 5. Figure 9 presents the IEEE 802.21 message exchanges in
mobile- and network-initiated handover procedures in the case where
the mobile node hands over from a Wi-Fi to the 3G cellular network
(between Phase II and Phase III in Figure 5) and then hands over to a
WiMAX network (Phase III in Figure 5). First, during the discovery
of handover candidate PoAs, the mobile node MIHF employs MIIS
to gather static information about the surrounding networks. The re-
quest is issued over the currently used Wi-Fi access. This information
is obtained from the information server that may reside in a different
network than the one currently in use.
Network Gets
Information Request Information Query
Information Request
Resource Preparation
HO Commit Request
HO Commit Response
HO Commit Request
Handover Execution
As illustrated in the example, the handover decision and target as-
sessment constitute a multiphase process where the assistance of
IEEE 802.21 is essential. However, the actual handover execution
is outside the scope of the standard. This section briefly describes
how handovers can be carried out by MIP with the cooperation of
IEEE 802.21. After choosing the target network by capitalizing on
the IEEE 802.21 services, the mobile node establishes a new con-
nection with the handover target network while still routing traffic
through the currently serving network. The mobile node obtains a
Care-of Address (CoA) for this new link from the IP address space
of the target network. The CoA is an IP address assigned to the new
link of the mobile node and is used while connected to the visiting
network[11]. With MIPv4, the CoA is provided by a Foreign Agent
(FA) in the visited network, which also acts as a router for the mobile
node[12]. With MIPv6, the Foreign Agent is not needed[13] and the
CoA is obtained directly, say, for example, from a Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) sever. The mobile node can obtain
the IP address of the DHCP server in the target network through the
IEEE 802.21MIIS.
In MIP, each mobile node has a Home Agent (HA), which routes the
traffic of the mobile node. After successfully affiliating with a PoA in
the target network, the mobile node notifies the Home Agent of the
CoA by performing a binding update. In a bidirectional tunnel mode,
the Home Agent establishes an IP-IP tunnel between the Home Agent
and the Foreign Agent (MIPv4) or the Home Agent and the mobile
node CoA (MIPv6). This mode does not require any binding updates
on the Correspondent Node (CN). In other modes, either the uplink
traffic of the mobile node is sent directly to the Correspondent Node
using the CoA as source address, or all bidirectional communication
between the Correspondent Node and the mobile node uses the CoA
only. In the first case, traffic from the Correspondent Node to the
mobile node travels through the Home Agent, but in the latter case
there is no need for the Home Agent detour. However, these modes
need address binding at the Correspondent Node and are in practice
less frequently used than the bidirectional tunnel mode.
Wi-Fi Home Network
Visited Network
[1] T. Sridhar, “Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and WiMAX,” The Internet
Protocol Journal, Volume 11, No. 4, December 2008.
[12] C. Perkins (Ed.), “IP Mobility Support for IPv4,” RFC 3344,
August 2002.
ESA PIRI received his M.Sc. from the University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, in 2008.
During his studies, he specialized in information networks systems and wrote his
Master’s thesis on mobility management issues in heterogeneous networks. Currently
he is working as a Research Scientist at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in
Oulu, Finland. He can be contacted by e-mail at:
Geeks Bearing Gifts is divided into 60 short chapters, arranged in
chronological order from the time the ideas originated, rather than
when they appeared in fully developed form (indeed many are still
developing). In the initial chapters Nelson covers topics such as lan-
guage, alphabets, and encryption before moving on to examine the
origins of computing. He then examines the contribution of pioneers
from both inside and outside the United States, giving more credibil-
ity to contributors from outside of the United States than is normal.
Nelson next considers PUI (the PARC user interface), PCs, the role
of the Microsoft and Apple operating systems and their evolution,
the influence of the spreadsheet, the Internet, browsers, the Internet
crash, and the current major companies in computing. He explores
the promise, hype, and reality of the Web 2.0 model and its likely
influence. (PARC stands for the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center.)
Nelson captures most of the important developments in the computer
industry, although he acknowledges that in 199 pages it is possible to
tell the reader only a little of where the software ideas come from and
what they are. He sets out to show how varied and conflicting the
initiatives that have propelled the evolution of computer technology
have been, exposing the “ideas, disagreements, manoeuvres, forgot-
ten possibilities, and politics.”
The book reads like a collection of themed essays, rather than a co-
herent sequence of stories. Nonetheless it is both informative and
The Author
Ted Nelson is considered to be a radical thinker; he is one of the pio-
neers of the computer industry initiating the Xanadu project, which
was started in the early 1960s with the objective of developing a
computer network with a simple user interface. He is credited with
inventing the term “hypertext.”
This publication is distributed on an “as-is” basis, without warranty of any kind either
express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. This publication could contain technical
inaccuracies or typographical errors. Later issues may modify or update information provided
in this issue. Neither the publisher nor any contributor shall have any liability to any person
for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the information contained herein.