In This Issue: Computing. T. Sridhar Introduced Various Aspects of Cloud Com Puting

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December 2009

Volume 12, Number 4

A Quarterly Technical Publication for F r o m T h e E d i t o r

Internet and Intranet Professionals
In our last issue we brought you Part 1 of a two-part article on Cloud
Computing. T. Sridhar introduced various aspects of cloud com­puting,
In This Issue including the rationale, underlying models, and infrastructures. Part
2, subtitled “Infrastructure and Implementation Topics,” is included
in the current issue. Cloud computing has received a great deal of
From the Editor....................... 1
press in recent months and continues to be an area of rapid develop-
ment. I’m confident that we will have more articles about this topic in
Cloud Computing.................... 2 future editions of IPJ.

With this issue we start a new series of articles under the general
SSH........................................ 18 heading “Protocol Basics.” The idea is to present a series of in-depth
tutorials on numerous protocols that are used every day on the
Internet and in enterprise networks. The articles will cover protocol
Book Review......................... 30 details as well as implementation, deployment, and usage scenarios.
In some cases the articles will also summarize the “lessons learned”
Fragments.............................. 38 and present “best-practice” guidelines. To start the series, we asked
Bill Stallings to give us an overview of the Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol.
We invite you to send us suggestions for other protocols that you’d
like to see covered in this series.

Today’s Internet is a result of many years of technological develop-

ment and innovative uses of the resulting infrastructure. Of equal
importance has been many policy choices made over the years, rang-
ing from what protocols to use to how to allocate finite resources
such as the IPv4 address space. A new book, Protocol Politics: The
Globalization of Internet Governance, explores some of this history.
The book is examined in an extended review by Tom Vest.

Let me remind you that we will no longer be automatically extend-

ing your subscription when it expires. Please take a moment to check
your expiration date (printed on the back of the journal for subscrib-
ers in the United States, and on the envelope for our international
subscribers). Visit the “Subscriber Services” section of our webpage at to update or renew your subscription. You can
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You can download IPJ —Ole J. Jacobsen, Editor and Publisher
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ISSN 1944-1134
Cloud Computing—A Primer
Part 2: Infrastructure and Implementation Topics
by T. Sridhar

loud computing is an emerging area that affects IT infra-
structure, network services, and applications. In Part 1[0] of
this two-part article, we introduced various aspects of cloud
com­puting, including the rationale, underlying models, and infra-
structures. In Part 2 we discuss specific infrastructure aspects of cloud
computing in detail, specifically:
• Network Infrastructure
• Cloud-to-Cloud and Federation Considerations
• Security

In addition, we will provide some perspective on select topics in

cloud computing that have garnered interest. Remember that cloud
computing is an emerging area where approaches to some of these
topics are still evolving. In addition, although cloud computing is not
intrinsically dependent upon virtualization, there is common agree-
ment that virtualization (specifically, server virtuali­zation) will be an
integral part of cloud-computing solutions of the future. Consider
the discussion in the following sections in this context.

Network Infrastructure
In a limited sense, the cloud can be treated as a large data center
run by an external entity providing the capability for elasticity, on-
demand resources, and per-usage billing. Data-center architecture
often follows the common three-layer network topology of access,
aggregation, and core networks with enabling networking elements
(switches and routers). Consider the topology shown in Figure 4 of
Part 1, reproduced here as Figure 0. The servers can be connected
through a 1-Gbps link to a Top of Rack (TOR) switch, which in turn
is connected through one or more 10-Gbps links to an aggregation
End of Row (EOR) switch. The EOR switch is used for interserver
connectivity across racks. The aggregation switches themselves are
connected to core switches for connectivity outside the data center.

From a functional perspective, data-center server organization has

often adopted a three-tier architecture (a specific case of an N-tier
architecture). The three-tier functional architecture has a web or
Presentation Tier on the front end, an Application Tier to perform
the application and business-processing logic, and finally a Database
Tier (to run the database management system), which is accessed by
the Application Tier for its tasks (refer to Figure 1 on page 4).

The Internet Protocol Journal

Figure 0: Example Data-Center
Switch Network Architecture
(from Part 1)




Top of Rack
(TOR) Switch

Rack Rack Rack

with Servers with Servers with Servers

Although it is not necessary for each tier to be represented by its

own physical servers (for example, you could have the Application
and Database functions mapped into a single physical server), it is
a common representation. The reason for this multitiered design is
to control the connections and interactions, as well as for scaling
and security. It is not uncommon for the Presentation Tier to be in
a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) while the other tiers are located deep
inside the data center. Although all tiers could connect to storage
for performing their functions, the Database Tier is the one with the
maximum storage bandwidth requirements.
It follows that the server connectivity and the network topology for
the cloud data centers might follow a similar organization. If you are
an enterprise, you can perform the same business functions as be-
fore, but by using the external cloud. The choice of servers, software
loads, and their interconnection will depend upon what you need to
accomplish. In the following sections, we discuss how this design is
handled in Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service
(PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).

The Internet Protocol Journal

Cloud Computing: continued

Figure 1: Three-Tier Functional Server Architecture

Presentation/Web Servers

Application Servers

Database Servers
Client Requests

Switch Switch

Database Tier

Application Tier

Presentation or Web Tier

Data-Center Infrastructure Extension – IaaS

If the cloud is thus seen as an extension of the existing data center,
IaaS as outlined in Part 1 is a natural fit. Here, you would specify
the number of servers in each tier, load the appropriate server im-
age (web, business logic, or database manager), and “connect” them
(through a menu or Application Programming Interface [API] pro-
vided by the IaaS provider) by specifying the links between them.
You can also specify the network connectivity at this time (more on
this later). For an enterprise IT administrator, this model provides the
greatest degree of control and, to an extent, a familiar operating to-
pology. The cloud provider handles the elasticity by ensuring that the
number of servers and switches is adequate for you to configure and
connect in the specified topology. Per-use billing and on-demand re-
source addition and removal are also provided by the cloud provider.
Note that if you have complete control, you also are responsible for
security, application usage, and resource management.

PaaS and SaaS Infrastructure

In the case of PaaS, you transfer more control to your cloud service
provider. The platform used to build the service you require can scale
transparently without any of your involvement other than at the time
of configuration. You do not need to understand the tier connectivity,
bandwidth requirements, or how it all functions under the hood.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Cloud service providers can realize this function—often with a three-
tier topology similar to that for traditional data centers. However,
some of them have innovated to perform parts of the function
differently. For example, the database functions may rely upon a
model of scaling out (splitting the database across multiple servers)
instead of scaling up (increasing the capability of the machine running
the database servers). Their claim is that with clouds involving large
amounts of data that you can partition and work on, it is easier to
scale out than scale up. According to some cloud service providers,
traditional relational databases are not suitable candidates for scale-
out. Hence, some cloud vendors have provided their own database
models and implementations—a common one being the type known
as the Key-Value database.

SaaS vendors have the highest degree of control among the three
models. The realization of the network topology can be similar to
existing data centers and scale up or down according to the number
of users that are added. However, because they offer a specific set of
applications to the cloud users, their server and network topology is
quite straightforward.

For the following discussions, we will use IaaS as the representative

cloud service model, with a primary consideration being “cloud
bursting”—how an existing IT infrastructure can take advantage
of the power of the cloud when it needs additional resources.
Note that some of the discussion might also be relevant for internal
clouds. In addition, we will assume a virtualized server infrastructure
for the IaaS cloud because this infrastructure provides a greater
degree of flexibility for cloud service providers (Amazon being a key

Virtualization and Its Demands on Switching

In Part 1, we provided the context for a virtual switch within a
physical server containing multiple virtual machines. There are some
addressing and control factors to consider in this model. Consider a
data center with 100 servers, each with 16 virtual machines but with
one physical 10-Gbps Ethernet connection to the external switch
from each physical machine. If we were to carry forward the model
where each physical server is replaced with its virtual equivalent but
still needs to be addressable (through a Media Access Control [MAC]
layer address and an IP address), you would need 16 MAC and IP
addresses for the virtual servers that now reside “on top” of the single
physical link, for a total of 1600 addresses across all servers. This
problem is exacerbated when you increase the number of VMs per
server. Switching between MAC addresses belonging to the virtual
machines is done by the virtual switch inside the server.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Cloud Computing: continued

Consider the topology in Figure 2. The virtual switch treats the

physical link as an uplink to the external physical switch. This intra-
machine Virtual Machine (VM) switch with an uplink to the external
switch is completely in line with access and aggregation switch topol-
ogies where the access layer is subsumed inside the server. Note that
each physical host can have more than one virtual switch to support
greater logical segmentation. In such cases, it is common for each of
the virtual switches to have its own physical uplink to the external
Ethernet switch.

The virtual switch does not need to learn MAC addresses like a
traditional switch—it assumes that all destination-unknown frames
should be forwarded over the physical link (or uplink to the physical
switch). In addition, it switches traffic between the intramachine VMs
according to policy. For example, you could prohibit two VMs on the
same machine from communicating with each other by configuring
an access control list on the virtual switch. The VMs may all be on
the same or on different VLANs. Broadcasts and intra-VLAN traffic
are forwarded according to the rules for each VLAN. In effect, the
virtual switch is a simple function that is used for aggregation and
access control within a physical server containing VMs.

Management of these virtual switches can follow an aggregation

model—where multiple virtual switches are managed through an
external node (physical machine or VM), as shown in Figure 2.
This external node provides the management view on behalf of the
switches. Often, the external node can run control-plane protocols
for Layer 2/3 functions, in effect appearing like a control or manage-
ment plane with multiple data-plane instances (the virtual switches).
When VMs need to be migrated to other physical servers, this sep-
aration of control- or management-plane functions permits easier
migration of policy and access lists.

Virtual switches do have some disadvantages. Inter-VM traffic within

the same machine is not visible to the network and cannot be subject
to appropriate monitoring by network administ­rators. The IEEE is
discussing approaches to providing external network switches the vis-
ibility into the intra-VM traffic. The options include “hair pinning,”
where inter-VM traffic would still be carried over to an external
switch and brought back to the same physical server.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Figure 2: Virtual Switch Aggregation and Management by External Node


Applications Applications Applications Applications Applications Applications Applications Applications

External Node with

Control/Management Plane
for Virtual Switches

Guest (OS) Guest (OS) Guest (OS) Guest (OS) Guest (OS) Guest (OS) Guest (OS) Guest (OS)

Virtual Virtual Hypervisor Virtual Virtual Hypervisor

Switch Switch Switch Switch

Physical Ethernet Adapter Physical Ethernet Adapter Physical Ethernet Adapter Physical Ethernet Adapter

2 Ethernet MAC Addresses 2 Ethernet MAC Addresses

on Same Link on Same Link

2 Ethernet MAC Addresses on Same Link Ethernet Switches 2 Ethernet MAC Addresses on Same Link
Virtual Adapter

IaaS Private Clouds

Consider an IaaS cloud to which an enterprise connects to augment
its server capacity for a limited period of time. Assume that the en-
terprise uses a 10.x.x.x private addressing scheme for all its servers
because they are internal to the enterprise. It would be ideal if the
additional servers provided by the IaaS cloud were part of the same
addressing scheme (the 10.x.x.x scheme). As shown in Figure 3,
the IaaS cloud service provider has partitioned a portion of its public
cloud to realize a private cloud for enterprise A. The private cloud
is reachable as a LAN extension to the servers in enterprise A’s data

How is this reachability realized? A secure Virtual Private Network

(VPN) tunnel is first established between the enterprise data center
and the public cloud. This tunnel uses public IP addresses to es-
tablish the site-to-site VPN connection. The VPN gateway on the
cloud service provider side uses multiple contexts—each context cor-
responding to a specific private cloud. Traffic from enterprise A is
decrypted and forwarded over to an Ethernet switch to the private
cloud for enterprise A. A server on enterprise A’s internal data center
sees a server on private cloud A to be on the same network.

In practice, data-center servers might be segmented into their own

VLANs or IP networks according to policy and applications. The
configuration and forwarding policies on the private cloud end would
reflect this segmentation as well.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Cloud Computing: continued

Figure 3: Example of Private Clouds

Enterprise A

Private Cloud as an
Extension of
Enterprise Data Center


Network Cloud
e.g. Dedicated Links,
MPLS Network
or Internet
Private Physical &
Cloud A Virtualized

VPN Ethernet
Gateway Switch
Router Tunnel Virtualized
Tunnel Physical &



The following are some possible evolution scenarios for this scheme:
• Automation of the VPN connection between the enterprise and
cloud service provider: This automation can be done through a
management system responsible for the cloud bursting and server
augmentation. The system sets up the VPN tunnels and configures
the servers on the cloud service provider end. The management
system is set up and operated by the cloud service provider.
• Integration of the VPN functions with the site-to-site VPN network
functions from service providers: For example, service provid-
ers offer MPLS Layer 3 VPNs and Layer 2 VPNs (also known as
Virtual Private LAN Service, or VPLS) as part of their offerings.
Enterprise and cloud service providers could be set up to use these
network services.
• Cloud service providers using multiple data centers: In such a situ-
ation, a VPLS-like service can be used to bridge the individual data
centers, providing complete transparency from the enterprise side
about the location of the cloud servers.

CloudNet is an example of a framework being developed by AT&T

Labs and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst to address the
latter two scenarios.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Layer 2 versus Layer 3 Connectivity for Cloud Networks
Enterprises and vendors follow some guidelines regarding where to
use Layer 2 (switching) and Layer 3 (routing) in the network. Layer
2 is the simpler mode, where the Ethernet MAC address and Virtual
LAN (VLAN) information are used for for­ward­ing. The disadvantage
of Layer 2 networks is scalability. When we use Layer 2 addressing
and connectivity in the manner specified previously for IaaS clouds,
we end up with a flat topology, which is not ideal when there are a
large number of nodes. The option is to use routing and subnets—to
provide segmentation for the appropriate functions at the cost of for-
warding performance and network complexity.

VM migration introduces its own set of problems. The most com-

mon scenario is when a VM is migrated to a different host on the
same Layer 2 topology (with the appropriate VLAN configuration).
Consider the case where a VM with open Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) connections is migrated. If live migration is used,
TCP connections will not see any downtime except for a short “hic-
cup.” However, after the migration, IP and TCP packets destined
for the VM will need to be resolved to a different MAC address or
the same MAC address but now connected to a different physical
switch in the network so that the connections can be continued with-
out disruption. Proposed solutions include an unsolicited Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) request from the migrated VM so that
the switch tables can be updated, a pseudo-MAC address for the VM
that is externally managed (defined in research work being done at
the University of California at San Diego), and so on.

With VPLS and similar Layer 2 approaches, VM migration can pro-

ceed as before—across the same Layer 2 network. Alternatively, it
may be less complex to “freeze” the VM and move it across either a
Layer 2 or Layer 3 network with the TCP connections having to be
torn down by the counterpart(s) communicating with the VM. This
scenario is not a desired one from an application availability consid-
eration, but it can lower complexity.

Cloud Federation
Thus far we have considered the situation of data centers that are
owned or run by the same cloud services provider. Connectivity
between the data centers to provide the vision of “one cloud” is com-
pletely within the control of the cloud service provider.

There may be situations where an organization or enterprise needs

to be able to work with multiple cloud providers because of migra-
tion from one cloud service to another, merger of companies working
with different cloud providers, cloud providers who provide best-of-
class services, and so on. Cloud interoperability and the ability to
share various types of information between clouds become important
in such scenarios. Although cloud service providers might see less ur-
gency for any interoperability, enterprise customers will see a need to
push them in that direction.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Cloud Computing: continued

This broad area of cloud interoperability is sometimes known as

cloud federation. One definition of cloud federation as proposed by
Reuven Cohen of Enomaly follows:

“Cloud federation manages consistency and access controls when

two or more independent geographically distributed clouds share
either authentication, files, computing resources, command and
control, or access to storage resources.”

The following are some of the considerations in cloud federation:

• An enterprise user wishing to access multiple cloud services would
be better served if there were just a single sign-on scheme. This
scheme may be implemented through an authentication server
maintained by an enterprise that provides the appropriate creden-
tials to the cloud service providers. Alternatively, a central trusted
authentication server to which all the cloud services interface could
be used.
• Computing and storage resources may be orchestrated through
the individual enterprise or through an interoperability scheme
established between the cloud providers (through a federation
agree­ment, for example). Files may need to be transferred, ser-
vices invoked, and computing resources added or removed in a
useful and transparent manner. A related area is VM migration
and how it can be done transparently and reliably. The Desktop
Management Task Force (DMTF) has released a specification
called the Open Virtualization Format (OVF) for describing a VM.
It can be reasonably assumed that the payload for VM migration
will be in the OVF format so that it can be interpreted across mul-
tiple vendor offerings. In effect, cloud federation has to provide
transparent workload orchestration between the clouds on behalf
of the enterprise user.
• Connectivity between clouds includes Layer 2 versus Layer 3 con-
siderations and secure tunnel technologies that need to be agreed
upon. Consistency and a common understanding are required
irrespective of the model or technologies.
• An often-ignored concern for cloud confederation is charging or
billing and reconciliation. Management and billing systems need
to work together for cloud federation to be a viable option. This
reality is underlined by the fact that clouds rely on per-use bill-
ing. Cloud service providers might need to look closely at telecom
service provider business models for peering arrange­ments as a
possible starting point.

Cloud federation is a relatively new area in cloud computing. It is

likely that standards bodies will first need to agree upon a set of
requirements before the service interfaces can be defined and
subsequently realized. Provider and vendor innovation will also
significantly affect this area—in fact, cloud service operators are
likely to establish peering relationships and start addressing this area
even before the standards bodies.

The Internet Protocol Journal

As indicated in Part 1, the biggest deterrent for IT managers from
venturing into cloud computing is the problem of security and loss of
control. Before considering a move to a cloud service provider, enter-
prises need to consider some of the following security topics:
• The cloud service provider’s security processes will need to be as
good as or better than the processes that the enterprise uses. An
audit of the vendor’s processes will need to be done periodically,
possibly including patches and security updates for the individual
components that are used. For example, in an IaaS scenario with
some preconfigured images of operating systems and applications,
the cloud service provider should have the latest patches applied
on the individual components.
• Infrastructure and data isolation must be assured between multiple
tenants of the cloud service provider. This requirement is compli-
cated because it is closely intertwined with the business model
used by the cloud provider. For example, an IaaS provider might
provide multiple tenants with VMs running on the same physical
machine. Depending upon the type of work that is to be executed
on the cloud, this setup may or may not be acceptable to a cloud
user. In such cases, the cloud service provider should have the abil-
ity to provide separate physical servers for specific customers (and
bill appropri­ately).
• In cases where a hypervisor and VMs are used, the hypervisor
should be treated as an operating system and have the latest se-
curity patches applied to it. Security patches and updates are also
essential for paravirtualized operating systems used in the VMs.
• Security functions can run as virtual appliances over hypervisors
in a cloud environment. Thus it is possible for cloud users in an
IaaS environment to load and configure their own firewall or other
security virtual appliance to run within the cloud. The software
images used for these virtual appliances need to be managed and
patched similar to the way the OS, hypervisor, and other applica-
tions are managed and patched.
• Logging and audit trails for applications are important for enter-
prises to understand both application performance and security
gaps. Cloud services providers should enable access to their appli-
cation monitoring and profiling tools, where applicable.
• Authentication mechanisms (“You are who you say you are”) are
required at both ends of the connection—at the cloud user and
cloud service provider levels. The cloud user and operator must
agree upon schemes such as authentication with digital certificates
and certificate authorities.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Cloud Computing: continued

• Configuration and updates to the network infrastructure must be

audited and tracked. For example, incorrect VLAN configuration
on the switches can result in undesired traffic patterns between
physical machines and computing resources. It would be useful
to log and audit the configuration records for proper security and
• Because the cloud service is exposed to the outside world, the cloud
infrastructure should support security functions such as intrusion
detection and prevention, firewalling to prevent disallowed traffic,
and Denial of Service (DoS) prevention. The cloud service is vul-
nerable to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks—which
can effectively choke its access lines, resulting in cloud users being
locked out of the cloud service. Network-based DDoS prevention
is a possible solution—with one of the techniques involving distri-
bution of the cloud infrastructure to specific geographic areas and
the ability to redirect cloud users in case of DDoS lockouts.

Virtualization and Security

Two options are under discussion for security in the context of vir-
tualization. Both are useful in building out security-enabled cloud
infrastructures. One option involves plug-ins to the hypervisor so
that packets destined to the VMs are captured and processed by the
security plug-ins. This setup enables application of security functions
to the packet before it gets to the VMs. A second option is to make a
specific VM handle the security functions without changing or adding
to the hypervisor. The hypervisor plug-in option has the advantage of
performance and initial isolation, whereas the separate VM option
has the advantage of keeping the hypervisor simple and extrapolating
the model that exists in physical server infrastructure. Note that these
options are not mutually exclusive.

VM migration is another area where security is an important consider-

ation. The hypervisor is responsible for the two-way communication,
with the hypervisor on the destination physical machine to accom-
plish the migration. It is important that the connection between the
source and destination hypervisors is authenticated and encrypted
during the course of this migration. In addition, VM migration in-
troduces the possibility of a DoS attack because a rogue hypervisor
could overwhelm a destination machine by migrating a large number
of VMs to the destination machine. Policies and logic are required at
the hypervisor level to ensure that these vulnerabilities are addressed.
In addition, network-based throttling might be required so that live
migration does not cause congestion, which might happen if a large
number of VMs need to be migrated to a destination machine at the
same time.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Standards Bodies Involved in Cloud Computing
Numerous standards bodies are involved in cloud computing, ad-
dressing aspects of inter­operability, virtualization migration formats,
and security. Some of the organizations involved have established li-
aisons with the other Standards Development Organizations (SDOs)
so that there is no duplication of effort.

The Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF) has specified a por-

table format for packaging the software to run as a VM. Known as
the Open Virtualization Format (OVF), this package format is seeing
increased use. The VM can be written onto a disk or external stor-
age and can be moved from one physical machine to another. The
DMTF has also formed a group called the Open Cloud Standards
Incubator, which focuses on standardizing the interactions between
cloud environments, including the development of resource manage-
ment, packaging formats, and security.

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is a new group formed to address

security aspects of cloud computing with a focus on security assess-
ment and management. The initial part of the effort is on developing
an Audit, Assertion, Assessment and Assur­ance (API) set (A6).

The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information

Standards (OASIS) sees cloud computing as an extension of the
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) used today in IT environ­ments.
The areas for standardization include security and policy, content
format control, registry and directory standards, as well other SOA

The Storage Networking Industries Association (SNIA) has a Cloud

Storage Technical Working Group (TWG) that works on storage-
related problems related to implementation in a cloud. The TWG
has developed an interface known as the Cloud Data Management
Interface (CDMI), which clients will use for control and configura-
tion of the cloud.

Some Perspectives on Cloud Computing

In this section we outline and provide some perspective on cloud-com-
puting topics that have seen interest (and some heated discussion).
This list is not intended to be comprehensive but to provide a quick
snapshot. Though this section has a degree of subjectivity, it is di-
rected only to providing a broader perspective.
• Cloud computing and SOA: Some view cloud computing as a spe-
cific deployment case of an SOA—and this view is more popular
than the one that says that cloud computing is the evolution of
SOA. David Linthicum outlines that these views are complemen-
tary in that cloud-computing services will most likely be defined
through SOA. IaaS provides a new variant because you can now
access raw compute and storage resources as a service. Independent
of the argument that “We have seen this before,” there is value to
defining and invoking available services in the cloud.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Cloud Computing: continued

• Server virtualization schemes: Comparisons are sometimes made

based on how vendor products approach virtualization—type 1
versus type 2—and full versus paravirtualization. These approaches
have pros and cons. The final decision often hinges on total costs,
so it might be useful to move forward from this debate. Incidentally,
vendors provide several useful tools for VM backup, recovery,
fault tolerance, load management, and so on, and these tools work
equally well for the various approaches to virtualization. It may be
argued that these tools and features such as VM migration and the
associated costs are more useful areas for comparison.
• Other types of virtualization: This article has deliberately omitted
discussion of other types of virtualization, including desktop,
application, and presentation virtualization. Some of these schemes
(server-hosted desktop virtualization is one example) are affected
by the cloud, specifically in the areas of network connectivity,
authentication, and quality of experience. In general, any thin-client
experience is affected by the cloud or data center because most of
the work is done at the servers. From a cloud perspective, these
types of virtualization schemes are considered to be applications
that need to run reliably and consistently.

• Data transfer and network bandwidth: IaaS has provided a flexible

model, in which you are charged based on compute power usage,
storage consumed, and the duration of usage. However, there is
another important factor—data needs to be sent back and forth
between the cloud user and cloud service provider. Several IaaS
providers charge for the amount of data transferred over the link.
These charges can quickly add up if your applications are very
chatty and require a lot of back-and-forth data traffic. Another
concern here is the amount of time the initial upload or download
can consume—for example, when you want to move a large num-
ber of your files to the IaaS provider’s storage, you can tie up the
link for hours. In fact, one provider has a model where cloud us-
ers can send storage media through a postal or package service for
upload to the cloud provider’s storage arrays.
• WAN acceleration for the cloud: Continuing on the previous point,
chatty protocols and applications can benefit from WAN accel-
eration devices that can be used on both ends of a WAN link to
cache and locally serve enterprise applications. These devices are
not specific to the cloud—they have been used for several years
for application performance improvement when a WAN link is in-
volved. Recently, virtual network appliances for WAN acceleration
are seeing deployment—here the WAN acceleration is performed
by an individual VM instead of a dedicated appliance.
• VM migration: This article outlined some of the concerns with VM
migration with respect to Layer 2 and Layer 3 topologies. Another
consideration is the amount of data that needs to be moved when a
VM is migrated across a network. It can potentially be in the range
of gigabytes, depending upon the VM and the included operating

The Internet Protocol Journal

Live migration implements this transfer in an incremental fashion
so that the demand on the network is spread out. However, snap-
shot migration (where a VM is suspended or frozen and migrated
over the network in full) can cause a surge of data on the network,
leading to application performance problems for other VMs and
physical machines. Throttling the amount of data that can be sent
in a specific period of time, bandwidth reservation and policing at
the intermediate network devices is highly desirable in such situ-
• Management: The current management paradigms for the cloud
components are quite discrete and provide a strong level of control.
For example, it is possible to log in to the Command-Line Interface
(CLI) of a specific switch in the data center for configuration and
control of the switch parameters. Similarly, it is possible to use
the management console provided by the virtualization vendor to
configure individual parameters for the hypervisors and VMs (for
example, when to initiate VM migration to a different physical ma-
chine). Efforts are being made to unify management schemes not
just through partnerships between the individual vendors but also
with machine-readable interfaces (Extensible Markup Language
[XML] being a baseline) across the multiple types of equipment
and software in the cloud. Enterprise users are unlikely to accept
point solutions or tools that require extensive user interaction in
the long term.
• Energy considerations: One of the benefits of virtualization is the
use of a lower number of physical servers to realize a specific
function. It follows that overall energy consumption would be
reduced because you have fewer servers. Although this fact may
indeed be true, it would be good to characterize and monitor the
effective energy savings for a specific application (“Your mileage
may vary”). For example, the load on each server and the associated
I/O and storage traffic may lead to higher power requirements on an
individual server basis. Other considerations include the hardware
infrastructure of the cloud data center because the power and
cooling assumptions per rack are based on average server load.
• Legal and regulatory considerations: James Urquhart has compiled
a set of criteria for workload migration across multiple locations,
one of which is “Follow the law.” Consider the case of a cloud
services provider or operator that has data centers in two separate
countries. The operator might use the data centers for workload
migration as well as load balancing. A problem might arise if the
laws in one of the countries impose limitations on what can and
cannot be done at the data center. Scenarios include access to all
data stored at this data center by authorities or the ability to ex-
amine all transactions on the wire at the data center. Workload
migration policy statements have to be provided to cloud users so
that they understand what they are signing up to. Alternatively,
they might be provided the ability to set preferences for workload
migration. This area is potentially worrisome, so it is important
that cloud users are aware of their specific situation.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Cloud Computing: continued

This article has served as a vendor-neutral primer to the area of cloud
computing. In Part 1, we provided an introduction to the still-evolv-
ing area of cloud computing, including the technologies and some
deployment concerns. In Part 2, we provided a more detailed look
at the networking factors in the cloud, security aspects, and cloud
federation. We also highlighted some areas that are seeing increased
attention with cloud-computing proponents and vendors.

The area of cloud computing is very dynamic and offers scope for
innovative technologies and business models. Ongoing work with
respect to solutions is substantial, in the vendor research labs and
product development organizations as well as in academia. It is clear
that cloud computing will see significant advances and innovation in
the next few years.

For Further Reading (see Part 1 for additional references)

[0] T. Sridhar, “Cloud Computing: A Primer, Part 1: Models and
Technologies,” The Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 12, No.
3, September 2009.

[1] “Building Data-Centric n-Tier Enterprise Systems,” PowerVision

white paper,

[2] “Networking in the (Storm) Clouds,” Michael Morris,

[3] “Is the Relational Database Doomed?” Tony Bain,

[4] “Cisco VN-Link: Virtualization-Aware Networking,”

[5] IEEE work (in progress) on Virtual Ethernet Bridging—VEPA

and VN-Tag approaches—search for “VEPA” and “VN-Tag”
in the directory at:

[6] “PortLand: A Scalable Fault-Tolerant Layer 2 Data Center

Network Fabric,” Mysore et al.,

[7] “VL2: A Scalable and Flexible Data Center Network,” Greenberg

et al.,

[8] “The Case for Enterprise-Ready Virtual Private Clouds,” Wood

et al.,

The Internet Protocol Journal

[9] “Solving the Problem of Cloud Interoperability,” Reuven

[10] “Security Guidance for Critical Areas of Focus in Cloud

Computing,” Cloud Security Alliance,

[11] Rational Survivability Blog, Chris Hoff’s blog on various topics,

including cloud security,

[12] “Hey, You, Get Off of My Cloud: Exploring Information

Leakage in Third-Party Compute Clouds” by Ristenpart, et al,

[13] “Empirical Exploitation of Live Virtual Machine Migration,”

Oberheide et al.,

[14] List of and links to cloud standards organizations,

h t t p : / / c l o u d - s t a n d a r d s . o r g / w i k i / i n d e x .

[15] “Open Virtualization Format Specification,” DMTF,

[16] “SOA cloud computing relationship leaves some folks in a fog,”

David Linthicum,

[17] “Is your data center ready for virtualization,” Eaton white paper,

[18] “The great paradigm shift of cloud computing is not self-service,”

James Urquhart,

T. SRIDHAR received his BE in Electronics and Communications Engineering from

the College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Madras, India, and his Master
of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at
Austin. He can be reached at

The Internet Protocol Journal

Protocol Basics: Secure Shell Protocol
by William Stallings

ecure Shell (SSH) Protocol is a protocol for secure network com-
munications designed to be relatively simple and inexpensive to
implement. The initial version, SSH1, focused on providing a
secure remote logon facility to replace Telnet and other remote logon
schemes that provided no security[4]. SSH also provides a more gen-
eral client-server capability and can be used to secure such network
functions as file transfer and e-mail. A new version, SSH2, provides
a standardized definition of SSH and improves on SSH1 in numerous
ways. SSH2 is documented as a proposed standard in RFCs 4250
through 4256 [1–3], [5–8].

SSH client and server applications are widely available for most op-
erating systems. It has become the method of choice for remote login
and X tunneling and is rapidly becoming one of the most pervasive
applications for encryption technology outside of embedded systems.
SSH is organized as three protocols that typically run on top of TCP
(Figure 1):
• Transport Layer Protocol: Provides server authentication, data
confidentiality, and data integrity with forward secrecy (that is,
if a key is compromised during one session, the knowledge does
not affect the security of earlier sessions); the transport layer may
optionally provide compression
• User Authentication Protocol: Authenticates the user to the server
• Connection Protocol: Multiplexes multiple logical communica-
tions channels over a single underlying SSH connection

Figure 1: SSH Protocol Stack

SSH User Authentication Protocol SSH Connection Protocol

Authenticates the client-side Multiplexes the encrypted
user to the server. tunnel into several logical channels.

SSH Transport Layer Protocol

Provides server authentication, confidentiality, and integrity.
It may optionally also provide compression.

Transmission Control Protocol provides reliable,
connection-oriented end-to-end delivery.

Internet Protocol provides datagram delivery
across multiple networks.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Transport Layer Protocol
Server authentication occurs at the transport layer, based on the server
possessing a public-private key pair. A server may have multiple host
keys using multiple different asymmetric encryption algorithms.
Multiple hosts may share the same host key. In any case, the server
host key is used during key exchange to authenticate the identity
of the host. For this authentication to be possible, the client must
have presumptive knowledge of the server public host key. RFC 4251
dictates two alternative trust models that can be used:
1. The client has a local database that associates each host name (as
typed by the user) with the corresponding public host key. This
method requires no centrally administered infrastructure and no
third-party coordination. The downside is that the database of
name-to-key associations may become burdensome to maintain.
2. The host name-to-key association is certified by a trusted
Certification Authority (CA). The client knows only the CA root
key and can verify the validity of all host keys certified by accepted
CAs. This alternative eases the maintenance problem, because
ideally only a single CA key needs to be securely stored on the
client. On the other hand, each host key must be appropriately
certified by a central authority before authorization is possible.

Figure 2: SSH Transport Layer

Protocol Packet Exchanges
Client Server

Establish TCP Connection


Identification String
Exchange SSH-protoversion-softwareversion


Algorithm Negotiation

Key Exchange

End of Key

Service Request

The Internet Protocol Journal

SSH: continued

Figure 2 illustrates the sequence of events in the SSH Transport

Layer Protocol. First, the client establishes a TCP connection to the
server with the TCP protocol and is not part of the Transport Layer
Protocol. When the connection is established, the client and server
exchange data, referred to as packets, in the data field of a TCP seg-
ment. Each packet is in the following format (Figure 3):
• Packet length: Packet length is the length of the packet in bytes,
not including the packet length and Message Authentication Code
(MAC) fields.
• Padding length: Padding length is the length of the random pad-
ding field.
• Payload: Payload constitutes the useful contents of the packet.
Prior to algorithm negotiation, this field is uncom­pressed. If com-
pression is negotiated, then in subsequent packets this field is
• Random padding: After an encryption algorithm is negotiated, this
field is added. It contains random bytes of padding so that that to-
tal length of the packet (excluding the MAC field) is a multiple of
the cipher block size, or 8 bytes for a stream cipher.
• Message Authentication Code (MAC): If message authentication
has been negotiated, this field contains the MAC value. The MAC
value is computed over the entire packet plus a sequence number,
excluding the MAC field. The sequence number is an implicit 32-
bit packet sequence that is initialized to zero for the first packet
and incremented for every packet. The sequence number is not
included in the packet sent over the TCP connection.

Figure 3: SSH Transport Layer

Protocol Packet Formation


seq # pktl pdl Compressed Payload Padding

Encrypt MAC


pktl = Packet Length SSH Packet

pdl = Padding Length

The Internet Protocol Journal

After an encryption algorithm is negotiated, the entire packet (exclud-
ing the MAC field) is encrypted after the MAC value is calculated.

The SSH Transport Layer packet exchange consists of a sequence

of steps (Figure 2). The first step, the identification string exchange,
begins with the client sending a packet with an identific­ation string
of the form:

SSH-protoversion-softwareversion SP comments CR LF

where SP, CR, and LF are space character, carriage return, and
line feed, respectively. An example of a valid string is SSH-2.0-
billsSSH_3.6.3q3<CR><LF>. The server responds with its own
identification string. These strings are used in the Diffie–Hellman key

Next comes algorithm negotiation. Each side sends an SSH_MSG_

KEXINIT containing lists of sup­ported algorithms in the order of
preference to the sender. Each type of cryptographic algorithm has
one list. The algorithms include key exchange, encryption, MAC al-
gorithm, and compression algorithm. Table 1 shows the allowable
options for encryption, MAC, and compression. For each category,
the algorithm chosen is the first algorithm on the client’s list that is
also supported by the server.

Table 1: SSH Transport Layer Cryptographic Algorithms

Cipher MAC Algorithm

3des-cbc* Three-key Triple Digital Encryption Standard hmac-sha1* HMAC-SHA1; Digest length = Key length = 20
(3DES) in Cipher-Block-Chaining (CBC) mode
blowfish-cbc Blowfish in CBC mode hmac-sha1-96** First 96 bits of HMAC-SHA1; Digest length = 12;
Key length = 20
twofish256-cbc Twofish in CBC mode with a 256-bit key hmac-md5 HMAC-SHA1; Digest length = Key length = 16
twofish192-cbc Twofish with a 192-bit key hmac-md5-96 First 96 bits of HMAC-SHA1; Digest length = 12;
Key length = 16
twofish128-cbc Twofish with a 128-bit key
aes256-cbc Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in CBC
mode with a 256-bit key
aes192-cbc AES with a 192-bit key Compression Algorithm
aes128-cbc** AES with a 128-bit key none* No compression
Serpent256-cbc Serpent in CBC mode with a 256-bit key zlib Defined in RFCs 1950 and 1951
Serpent192-cbc Serpent with a 192-bit key
Serpent128-cbc Serpent with a 128-bit key
arcfour RC4 with a 128-bit key
cast128-cbc CAST-128 in CBC mode

* = Required
** = Recommended

The Internet Protocol Journal

SSH: continued

The next step is key exchange. The specification allows for alternative
methods of key exchange, but at present only two versions of Diffie–
Hellman key exchange are specified. Both versions are defined
in RFC 2409 and require only one packet in each direction. The
following steps are involved in the exchange. In this, C is the client;
S is the server; p is a large safe prime; g is a generator for a subgroup
of GF(p); q is the order of the subgroup; V_S is the S identification
string; V_C is the C identification string; K_S is the S public host key;
I_C is the C SSH_MSG_KEXINIT message; and I_S is the S SSH_MSG_
KEXINIT message that was exchanged before this part began. The
values of p, g, and q are known to both client and server as a result of
the algorithm selection negotiation. The hash function hash() is also
decided during algorithm negotiation.
1. C generates a random number x (1 < x < q) and computes e = gx
mod p. C sends e to S.
2. S generates a random number y (0 < y < q) and computes f = gy
mod p. S receives e. It computes K = ey mod p, H = hash(V_C ||
V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || e || f || K), and signature s on H with its
private host key. S sends (K_S || f || s) to C. The signing operation
may involve a second hashing operation.
3. C verifies that K_S really is the host key for S (for example, using
certificates or a local database). C is also allowed to accept the key
without verification; however, doing so will render the protocol
insecure against active attacks (but may be desirable for practical
reasons in the short term in many environments). C then computes
K = fx mod p, H = hash(V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || e || f || K),
and verifies the signature s on H.

As a result of these steps, the two sides now share a master key K. In
addition, the server has been authenticated to the client, because the
server has used its private key to sign its half of the Diffie–Hellman
exchange. Finally, the hash value H serves as a session identifier for
this connection. When computed, the session identifier is not changed,
even if the key exchange is performed again for this connection to ob-
tain fresh keys.

The end of key exchange is signaled by the exchange of SSH_MSG_

NEWKEYS packets. At this point, both sides may start using the keys
generated from K, as discussed subsequently.

The final step is service request. The client sends an SSH_MSG_

SERVICE_REQUEST packet to request either the User Authentication
or the Connection Protocol. Subsequent to this request, all data is ex-
changed as the payload of an SSH Transport Layer packet, protected
by encryption and MAC.

The Internet Protocol Journal

The keys used for encryption and MAC (and any needed IVs) are
generated from the shared secret key K, the hash value from the key
exchange H, and the session identifier, which is equal to H unless
there has been a subsequent key exchange after the initial key ex-
change. The values are computed as follows:
• Initial IV client to server: HASH(K || H || “A” || session_id)
• Initial IV server to client: HASH(K || H || “B” || session_id)
• Encryption key client to server: HASH(K || H || “C” || session_id)
• Encryption key server to client: HASH(K || H || “D” || session_id)
• Integrity key client to server: HASH(K || H || “E” || session_id)
• Integrity key server to client: HASH(K || H || “F” || session_id)

where HASH() is the hash function determined during algorithm ne-


User Authentication Protocol

The User Authentication Protocol provides the means by which the
client is authenticated to the server.
Three types of messages are always used in the User Authentication
Protocol. Authentication requests from the client have the format:


string username
string service name
string method name
.... method-specific fields

where username is the authorization identity the client is claiming,

service name is the facility to which the client is requesting access
(typically the SSH Connection Protocol), and method name is the
authentication method being used in this request. The first byte
has decimal value 50, which is interpreted as SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_

If the server either rejects the authentication request or accepts the

request but requires one or more additional authentication methods,
the server sends a message with the format:
name-list authentications that can continue
boolean partial success

where the name-list is a list of methods that may productively continue

the dialog. If the server accepts authentication, it sends a single-byte

The Internet Protocol Journal

SSH: continued

The message exchange involves the following steps:

1. The client sends a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST with a requested
method of none.
2. The server checks to determine if the username is valid. If not,
the server returns SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE with the partial
success value of false. If the username is valid, the server proceeds
to step 3.
3. The server returns SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE with a list of
one or more authentication methods to be used.
4. The client selects one of the acceptable authentication methods
and sends a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST with that method
name and the required method-specific fields. At this point, there
may be a sequence of exchanges to perform the method.
5. If the authentication succeeds and more authentication methods
are required, the server proceeds to step 3, using a partial success
value of true. If the authentication fails, the server proceeds to
step 3, using a partial success value of false.
6. When all required authentication methods succeed, the server sends
a SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS message, and the Authentication
Protocol is over.

The server may require one or more of the following authentication

• publickey: The details of this method depend on the public-key al-
gorithm chosen. In essence, the client sends a message to the server
that contains the client’s public key, with the message signed by the
client’s private key. When the server receives this message, it checks
to see whether the supplied key is acceptable for authentication
and, if so, it checks to see whether the signature is correct.
• password: The client sends a message containing a plaintext pass-
word, which is protected by encryption by the Transport Layer
• hostbased: Authentication is performed on the client’s host rather
than the client itself. Thus, a host that supports multiple clients
would provide authentication for all its clients. This method works
by having the client send a signature created with the private key of
the client host. Thus, rather than directly verifying the user’s iden-
tity, the SSH server verifies the identity of the client host—and then
believes the host when it says the user has already authenticated
on the client side.

Connection Protocol
The SSH Connection Protocol runs on top of the SSH Transport
Layer Protocol and assumes that a secure authentication connec-
tion is in use. That secure authentication connection, referred to as a
tunnel, is used by the Connection Protocol to multiplex a number of
logical channels.

The Internet Protocol Journal

RFC 4254, “The Secure Shell (SSH) Connection Protocol,” states
that the Connection Protocol runs on top of the Transport Layer
Protocol and the User Authentication Protocol. RFC 4251, “SSH
Protocol Architecture,” states that the Connection Protocol runs over
the User Authentic­ation Protocol. In fact, the Connection Protocol
runs over the Transport Layer Protocol, but assumes that the User
Authentication Protocol has been previously invoked.

All types of communication using SSH, such as a terminal session,

are supported using separate channels. Either side may open a
channel. For each channel, each side associates a unique channel
number, which need not be the same on both ends. Channels are
flow-controlled using a window mechanism. No data may be sent to
a channel until a message is received to indicate that window space
is available.

The life of a channel progresses through three stages: opening a chan-

nel, data transfer, and closing a channel.

When either side wishes to open a new channel, it allocates a local

number for the channel and then sends a message of the form:
string channel type
uint32 sender channel
uint32 initial window size
uint32 maximum packet size
.... channel type specific data follows

where uint32 means unsigned 32-bit integer. The channel type identi-
fies the application for this channel, as described subsequently. The
sender channel is the local channel number. The initial window size
specifies how many bytes of channel data can be sent to the sender
of this message without adjusting the window. The maximum packet
size specifies the maximum size of an individual data packet that can
be sent to the sender. For example, one might want to use smaller
packets for interactive connections to get better interactive response
on slow links.

If the remote side is able to open the channel, it returns a SSH_MSG_

CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION message, which includes the sender
channel number, the recipient channel number, and window and
packet size values for incoming traffic. Otherwise, the remote side
returns a SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE message with a reason
code indicating the reason for failure.

After a channel is open, data transfer is performed using a SSH_

MSG_CHANNEL_DATA message, which includes the recipient channel
number and a block of data. These messages, in both directions, may
continue as long as the channel is open.

The Internet Protocol Journal

SSH: continued

When either side wishes to close a channel, is sends a SSH_MSG_

CHANNEL_CLOSE message, which includes the recipient channel
number. Figure 4 provides an example of Connection Protocol

Figure 4: Example SSH Connectioin

Protocol Message Exchange
Client Server

Establish Authenticated Transport Layer Connection


Open a Channel



Data Transfer



Close a channel

Four channel types are recognized in the SSH Connection Protocol

• session: Session refers to the remote execution of a program. The
program may be a shell, an application such as file transfer or
e-mail, a system command, or some built-in subsystem. When a
session channel is opened, subsequent requests are used to start the
remote program.
• x11: This channel type refers to the X Window System, a computer
software system and network protocol that provides a GUI for
networked computers. X allows applic­ations to run on a network
server but be displayed on a desktop machine.
• forwarded-tcpip: This channel type is remote port forwarding, as
explained subsequently.
• direct-tcpip: This channel type is local port forwarding, as ex-
plained subsequently.

The Internet Protocol Journal

One of the most useful features of SSH is port forwarding. Port for-
warding provides the ability to convert any insecure TCP connection
into a secure SSH connection. It is also referred to as SSH tunneling.
We need to know what a port is in this context. A port is an identifier
of a user of TCP. So, any application that runs on top of TCP has a
port number. Incoming TCP traffic is delivered to the appropriate ap-
plication on the basis of the port number. An application may employ
multiple port numbers. For example, for the Simple Mail Transfer
Protocol (SMTP), the server side generally listens on port 25, so that
an incoming SMTP request uses TCP and addresses the data to desti-
nation port 25. TCP recognizes that this address is the SMTP server
address and routes the data to the SMTP server application.

Figure 5: SSH Transport Layer

Packet Exchanges
Client Server

Client Server
Application Application

x y
TCP Unsecure TCP Connection TCP
Entity Entity

(a) Connection via TCP

Client Server
Application Application

x y
Secure SSH Tunnel
Entity Entity

a b
TCP Unsecure TCP Connection TCP
Entity Entity

(b) Connection via SSH Tunnel

Figure 5 illustrates the basic concept behind port forwarding. We

have a client application that is identified by port number x and a
server application identified by port number y. At some point, the
client application invokes the local TCP entity and requests a connec-
tion to the remote server on port y. The local TCP entity negotiates
a TCP connection with the remote TCP entity, such that the connec-
tion links local port x to remote port y.

The Internet Protocol Journal

SSH: continued

To secure this connection, SSH is configured so that the SSH Transport

Layer Protocol establishes a TCP connection between the SSH client
and server entities with TCP port numbers a and b, respectively. A
secure SSH tunnel is established over this TCP connection. Traffic
from the client at port x is redirected to the local SSH entity and
travels through the tunnel where the remote SSH entity delivers the
data to the server application on port y. Traffic in the other direction
is similarly redirected.

SSH supports two types of port forwarding: local forwarding and

remote forwarding. Local forwarding allows the client to set up a
“hijacker” process. This process will intercept selected application-
level traffic and redirect it from an unsecured TCP connection to a
secure SSH tunnel. SSH is configured to listen on selected ports. SSH
grabs all traffic using a selected port and sends it through an SSH tun-
nel. On the other end, the SSH server sends the incoming traffic to the
destination port dictated by the client application.

The following example should help clarify local forwarding. Suppose

you have an e-mail client on your desktop and use it to get e-mail
from your mail server through the Post Office Protocol (POP). The
assigned port number for POP3 is port 110. We can secure this traffic
in the following way:
1. The SSH client sets up a connection to the remote server.
2. Select an unused local port number, say 9999, and configure
SSH to accept traffic from this port destined for port 110 on the
3. The SSH client informs the SSH server to create a connection to
the destination, in this case mailserver port 110.
4. The client takes any bits sent to local port 9999 and sends them
to the server inside the encrypted SSH session. The SSH server
decrypts the incoming bits and sends the plaintext to port 110.
5. In the other direction, the SSH server takes any bits received on
port 110 and sends them inside the SSH session back to the client,
which decrypts and sends them to the process connected to port

With remote forwarding, the user’s SSH client acts on the server’s be-
half. The client receives traffic with a given destination port number,
places the traffic on the correct port, and sends it to the destination
the user chooses.

A typical example of remote forwarding follows: You wish to access

a server at work from your home computer. Because the work server
is behind a firewall, it will not accept an SSH request from your home
computer. However, from work you can set up an SSH tunnel using
remote forwarding.

The Internet Protocol Journal

This process involves the following steps:
1. From the work computer, set up an SSH connection to your home
computer. The firewall will allow this, because it is a protected
outgoing connection.
2. Configure the SSH server to listen on a local port, say 22, and to
deliver data across the SSH connection addressed to remote port,
say 2222.
3. You can now go to your home computer and configure SSH to
accept traffic on port 2222.
4. You now have an SSH tunnel that you can use for remote logon
to the work server.
SSH is one of the most commonly used cryptographic applications.
It provides great flexibility and versatility for a wide variety of tasks,
including remote administration, file transfer, web development, and
penetration testing.

[1] Cusack, F. and Forssen, M. “Generic Message Exchange
Authentication for the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH),” RFC 4256,
January 2006.

[2] Lehtinen, S. and Lonvick, C., “The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol
Assigned Numbers,” RFC 4250, January 2006.

[3] Schlyter, J. and Griffin, W. “Using DNS to Securely Publish

Secure Shell (SSH) Key Fingerprints,” RFC 4255, January

[4] Ylonen, T., “SSH – Secure Login Connections over the Internet,”
Proceedings, Sixth USENIX UNIX Security Symposium, July

[5] Ylonen, T. and Lonvick, C., “The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol
Architecture,” RFC 4251, January 2006.

[6] Ylonen, T. and Lonvick, C., “The Secure Shell (SSH)

Authentication Protocol,” RFC 4252, January 2006.

[7] Ylonen, T. and Lonvick, C., “The Secure Shell (SSH) Transport
Layer Protocol,” RFC 4253, January 2006.

[8] Ylonen, T. and Lonvick, C., “The Secure Shell (SSH) Connection
Protocol,” RFC 4254, January 2006.

WILLIAM STALLINGS is a consultant, lecturer, and author of more than a dozen

books on data communications and computer networking. His latest book is
Cryptography and Network Security (Prentice Hall, 2010). He maintains a com-
puter science resource site for computer science students and professionals at and is on the editorial
board of Cryptologia. He has a Ph.D. in computer science from M.I.T. He can be
reached at

The Internet Protocol Journal

Book Review

Protocol Politics Protocol Politics: The Globalization of Internet Governance, by

Laura DeNardis, MIT Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-26204257-4.

In Protocol Politics, Dr. Laura DeNardis assembles a variety of sto-

ries gleaned from official and unofficial Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF) records and firsthand accounts, and supple­ments them
with primer-level descriptions of successive generations of Internet
addressing and routing protocols to create a broadly accessible over-
view of the factors that have shaped the present and evolving state of
these most central features of Internet technology.

The author, a former enterprise networking consultant and technol-

ogy analyst, joined the Yale Law School Information Society Project
as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in 2006, and became the Executive Director
of the program in late 2008. DeNardis approaches the challenge
of organizing these disparate materials by adopting an interpretive
framework that highlights the role of power—interpersonal as op-
posed to electrical—as both the primary input and most important
output or consequence of the definition, selection, and implementa-
tion of Internet protocols.

The book knits together a wealth of important historical information

that has to-date remained largely neglected outside of the technical
community. Although DeNardis’ choice of framing is perfectly legiti-
mate—and in fact quite common within the academic disciplines that
delve into the influence of institutions on industries, economies, and
society—in this case it leads her to overreach a bit, and arguably to
draw a few prominent conclusions that are not well-supported by the
balance of available historical evidence.

Organization of the Book

DeNardis employs this interpretive framework across six densely
written chapters, the first four of which directly address the signifi-
cance of power in a different functional context of relevance to the
evolution of Internet addressing and routing. The introductory chap-
ter investigates the signifi­cance of scarcity and its effect on protocol
resource management and Internet Governance. Here she devotes
considerable space to detailing the critical importance of IP addresses
as the single element among Internet protocols that is both indis-
pensable and nonsubstitutable. DeNardis’ insightful overview of the
general characteristics of IP addresses is some­what marred by her
mixing together of some basic, intrinsic functional properties of ad-
dressing (for example, identifier and locator functions) with vari­ous
necessary but extrinsic correlates or consequences of those func­tion­al
proper­ties (for example, universality, external observability), or with
contingent features of current IP address usage conventions (for ex-
ample, indifference to underlying tech­nologies).

The Internet Protocol Journal

In addition, despite the ostensible focus on scarcity in the chapter,
no reference is made to that other, equally essential and quantity-
constrained feature of the Internet service landscape—that is, the
inherently limited, occasionally overtaxed carrying capacity of Internet
routing sub­systems, particularly the collectively provisioned inter-
domain routing system. Overall, Protocol Politics provides almost
no exposure to the technical, operational, and economic constraints
that define the routing environment, much less to the constraints that
those factors impose on number resource distribution arrangements.
Chapter One closes with an overview of the priorities that justify and
define the sphere of Internet Governance which anticipates many of
the concluding observations in the book’s final chapter on “Opening
Internet Governance.” Both chapters acknowledge “technical exper-
tise” only as a source of institutional or political legitimacy, without
according any special significance to the content of such expertise,
or why it matters at all. Readers of Protocol Politics may thus come
away with insufficient appreciation of the fact that before Code can
become Law (or anything else), it first must be running code—and
that not every wish is translatable into running code.[1]

Piercing the Fog of Protocol War

In the three chapters that follow, DeNardis presents her observations
about how power shapes and flows from the definition and selection
of Internet proto­cols. Chapter Two covers the first half of this propo-
sition, focusing on the events that followed the December 1990 IETF
meeting where, DeNardis suggests, the twin challenges that would
shape the development of Internet addressing intersected with the
chief institutional impediment that would ultimately reveal the true
political nature of Internet standards development.

The first challenge that she identifies is the foreseeable inadequacy

of IPv4 as the exclusive addressing resource pool for a rapidly grow-
ing and globalizing Internet. In keeping with the overall theme of the
book, the second challenge that DeNardis chooses to highlight is the
implicitly political challenge of accommodating greater international
participation in the U.S.-centric Internet technical coordination and
decision-making bodies. Against this backdrop, DeNardis introduces
the other chief protagonist in her story, the International Organization
for Standardization (ISO), which backed the rival Open Systems
Inter­connection (OSI) family of protocols as an alternative, non-
TCP/IP-based foundation for the ongoing, global proliferation of
data networking. DeNardis details the convoluted, multi­dimensional
deliberations that followed that 1990 IETF meeting, which eventu-
ally culminated in 1994 in the formal recognition of IPv6 as “The
Next-Generation Internet Protocol.”

Chapter Three goes on to explore the implications of both IPv4 and

IPv6 for important civil liberties—especially privacy—and how such
considerations did and did not, but hypothetically might have, influ-
enced the choice and form of the most important features of TCP/IP.

The Internet Protocol Journal

Book Review: continued

Chapter Four rounds out the central thesis of the book by illust­rating
how various national-level considerations—especially government-
directed foreign and domestic economic policies—have resulted in an
increasingly diverse global pattern of IPv6 adoption.

DeNardis’ detailed account of the complexities surrounding the IP

Next-Generation (IPng) debate and its aftermath incorporates a di-
verse mix of sources, from pointed remarks made on various mailing
lists, to conference presentations and official Internet Architecture
Board (IAB) meeting minutes, and represents a major feat of his-
torical scholarship. That said, her presentation of “relevant historical
facts” from the 1990–1994 period is by no means complete, nor is her
interpretation of the facts that she does cover or the conclusions that
she draws from them immune to criticism. For example, in puzzling
over possible hidden forces behind the selection of IPv6, DeNardis
states that:

“If anything, there was market pressure to adopt an OSI rather

than TCP/IP-based protocol. The ISO alternative had the political
backing of most Western Euro­pean governments (sic) influential
technology companies, and users invested in OSI protocols, and
was even congruent with OSI directives of the United States. The
selection of IPv6…” (p. 61)

Although these facts may be beyond dispute, they do not represent

the full picture. To give one illustration, in 1989, almost 2 years be-
fore the date that DeNardis marks as the start of the IETF’s lone
struggle against the combined forces of Europe, influential carriers
and hardware manu­facturers, and the U.S. government, an indige-
nous movement of European network operators emerged and began
self-organizing to facilitate the exchange of TCP/IP-based traffic,
contact information, and operational tips, and to discuss best prac-
tices in areas of networking where individual network-level decisions
could have far-reaching effects on internetwork performance.

That organization would go on to become Réseaux IP Européens

Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), the first independent,
transnational registry for Internet Protocol number resources, and
the institution that would provide the organizational template for
the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) that subsequently sprang up
in Asia (APNIC, 1993), North America (ARIN, 1997), Latin Amer­
ica (LACNIC, 2002), and Africa (AFRINIC, 2004). These facts point
to a level of active indigenous European support for TCP/IP-based
networking that would seem to be at odds with any suggestion of a
continent united in support of OSI against a less-attractive standard
being pushed by an insular foreign organization.

Thus, regardless of whether DeNardis’ concerns about institutions

and power relations are well-founded, her intuitions about the
division of contestants in the great protocol power struggle clearly
are not.[2]

The Internet Protocol Journal

Market Contrast
Another question that DeNardis raises, obliquely but repeatedly, re-
lates to the possibility of “free markets” as an alternative mechanism
for defining, selecting, and distributing Internet protocols and the
virtual resources that they create.

In no less than a dozen separate passages scattered across each of the

chapters in the book, DeNardis sharply contrasts a range of IETF
and RIR institutional processes to the workings of the “free market.”
For example, she observes that the value of IP addresses is unknown
because they have never been exchanged in free markets (p. 16);
that Internet addresses have never been exchanged in free markets
(pp. 23, 190); that the privacy potential of Internet technologies is
enhanced by selection pressures from free markets (p. 74); that the
IETF refused to countenance an IPng protocol selection made by free
markets (p. 51); that the selection of IPv6 happened outside the realm
of free markets (p. 69); that widespread adoption of IPv6 is impeded
by the absence of a free market for protocols (p. 137); that IETF
philosophy holds that it would be inappropriate to exchange proto-
col resources in free markets (pp. 163, 183–184); that the Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) refused to relinquish IP ad-
dresses to free markets (pp. 163, 164); that traditional opposition to
the exchange of protocol resources in free markets fortified and cen-
tralized the IETF’s institutional control (p. 184); and that exchanging
IPv4 in free markets has pragmatic appeal, if only as a tempo­rary
stopgap (p. 228), although such exchanges might have unintended
consequences (p. 229).

Given this frequency of repetition, it is impossible to avoid forming

a strong impression of DeNardis’ underlying opinion about the
intrinsic merits of “free markets” as compared to the seemingly
market-antithetical goals and practices of the IETF and the other
TCP/IP-centric standards-setting and technical coordination bodies.
However, even if one stipul­ates that “free markets” would by
definition represent a superior alternative to the enumerated protocol
design and distribution mechanisms, DeNardis never provides any
clear indication of where a model for such “free markets” might be
found—whether in Europe, the United States, or anywhere else, now
or anytime in the past.

Even her own description of that fateful moment in networking his-

tory when IPv6 was selected clearly suggests that the alternative to
the IETF process that ultimately prevailed was itself neither “free”
nor especially market-like:

“… congruent with OSI directives of the United States. The selection

of IPv6, an expansion of the prevailing IPv4 protocol over such a
politically sanctioned OSI alternative solidified and extended the
position of the Internet’s traditional standards-setting establishment
as the entity responsible for the Internet’s architectural direction.”
(p. 61, emphasis added).

The Internet Protocol Journal

Book Review: continued

Arguably, the non-inclusion of a pure “free market” example is not

merely a coincidence, but rather reflects a more fundamental problem
inherent in the concept itself. Further, if one grants that the market
mechanism that is most free is the one that fosters the broadest par-
ticipation in those activities that make markets attractive—including
openness to participation, exercise of individual choice, competi-
tion, accelerated innovation, and wealth creation—then one might
inter­pret the two-plus orders-of-magnitude growth in the number of
independent network services providers operating on both sides of
the Atlantic since that time as a solid indicator that markets have not
suffered too badly from the 1994 decision to extend the lifetime of
TCP/IP through IPv6.

Clearly the looming inflection point in IP addressing will provide

many irresistible opportunities to revisit that choice in the days
ahead. Meanwhile, the question of whether the embrace of an OSI-
friendlier IPng by the IETF would have been sufficient to offset the
varied negative externalities that might have accompanied such a
choice must forever remain unans­wered. Would an IETF endorsement
have trumped the as-yet incomplete state of OSI standards, as well
as OSI’s tighter associations with non-standards-based operating sys-
tems, proprietary hardware platforms, and the connection-oriented
networking technologies favored by then Internet-averse incumbent
Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) operators? Would that
choice alone have created or been like­ly to foster a freer market, or
to have led to a more enthusiastic, widespread embrace of a differ­ent
post-IPv4 addressing format—or alternately would it have led to the
appearance of books like Protocol Politics, albeit written from the
opposite perspective, and possibly a decade sooner? Contrary to the
popular adage, hindsight is not 20/20, any more than is our vision of
where to go from here.[3]

Beyond the Clash of Idealizations

Writing a book review is an inherently risky undertaking, one that is
vulnerable to many of the same human biases and errors that have
unquestionably informed both the selection and development of vari-
ous technical standards, just as they have influenced the embrace,
rejection, or modification of various market arrangements through-
out history.

Even when people (book reviewers, for example) recog­nize that

real-world decisions and their consequences tend to be irreducibly
complex—or perhaps precisely because they recognize that com-
plexity—they never­theless tend to gravitate toward explanatory
frameworks and cognitive models that promise to invest their per-
ceptions and choices with the kind of absolute certitude that is very
rarely found outside of the physical world (and only infrequently
found there).

The Internet Protocol Journal

The problem, of course, is that many such explanatory frame­works
can be found to fit quite nicely with the same set of human experi-
ences, even though some of those models may be mutually orthogonal,
and some may be quite mutually and actively antagonistic. In this
sense, the juxtaposition of pure, frictionless “free markets” alongside
the idea of absolutely pure scientific or technical decision making
divorced from all other human considerations, while well-calibrated
to inflame passions, represents less a contrast of opposites than a
rather less illumin­ating pairing of two deeply unrealistic ideal types.
Distilling a book as rich and informative as Protocol Politics down to
one possible review-sized essence is much easier to accomplish from
just such a privileged vantage point, and no doubt this particular
review suffers from the all-too-predictable effects described herein.
However, with that caveat firmly established, a few more things
about Protocol Politics deserve to be mentioned here.

First, Protocol Politics is an important book. It is the well-written

and informative, and is the first to be written for a general audience
that draws on the right historical sources (or at least most of the right
ones that remain accessible) to cover this critical period in the devel-
opment of the Internet’s core addressing and routing proto­cols. Even
those who are least likely to be sympathetic to its findings are likely
to find Proto­col Politics to be a thoughtful and engaging read.

Second, IPJ readers and other tech­nologists should not dismiss

the inherently political, power-oriented framework that DeNardis
employs in Protocol Politics. In general, the most honest and effective
response to an assertion of systemic political or institutional bias is
not to claim an equally absolute, otherworldy detachment from the
affairs of man, but rather to remind the critic that in a world where
all institutions are regarded as manifestations of somebody’s will to
power, specific targeted criticisms based solely on that fact lose all
coherence. Would-be institutional critics who espouse such views
thus have no choice but to make a positive argument as to which
arrangement, among all of the equally power-tainted insti­tutional
arrangements that are possible, should be regarded as the preferable
outcome, for whom, and why. Judged in this light, this reviewer feels
that “the IETF way” still stands up pretty well, foibles and all. There
is always room for impro­vement, but just as in matters of code, a
concrete proposal for improvement is worth a thousand critiques of
the past.

Finally, the careful reader may notice a pattern within this review, one
composed of points highlighted here even though they may not be
equally central to the story presented in Protocol Politics (for exam-
ple, about the role of technical expertise in Internet governance, the
dynamic limitations of routing system carrying capacity, the possibil-
ity of free market alternatives to current Internet address distribution
arrangements, and so on).

The Internet Protocol Journal

Book Review: continued

Each of these points merits special attention because taken together

they help to illuminate the existence of an identical set of critiques
that have reappeared periodically in the course of another, much
older (actually, centuries-old) debate that parallels the as-yet unre-
solved debates outlined by DeNardis in Protocol Politics.

In both instances, the question at issue involves the relative merits

of nonmarket, technical expert-based systems as a means of manag-
ing resources that are uniquely central to economic growth, and for
mitigating the systemic risks that can threaten that growth. In that
other debate, arguments in favor of pure free market solutions have
generally been dismissed as extreme and unrealistic for more than
a century, ever since the last real-world implementation of such a
system finally succumbed to its own chronic instabilities and was
replaced by a nonmarket coordination arrangement. More recently,
however, a resurgence of extreme turmoil in that parallel industry
has undermined belief in expert management, if not in the underlying
“hard realities” that were supposed to constitute the managers’ tech-
nical domain of expertise. In turn this turmoil has sparked renewed
interest in the long-marginalized pure free market proposals, as well
as in alternative remedies involving much tighter industry control by
nonmarket authorities.

How the current chapter in either of these parallel stories will play
out remains to be written. However, those who are eager to antici-
pate the kind of language that is likely to play a central role in both
outcomes will find that a close reading of Protocol Politics provides
a wealth of possibilities to consider, and more than a few to keep one
up at night.
—Tom Vest, Consultant

[1] DeNardis makes several references to the idea that Code is Law,
which was first articulated by Larry Lessig in Code and Other
Laws of Cyberspace (1999) [Editor’s note: Code was reviewed
in IPJ Volume 11, No. 3]. Here the phrase is juxtaposed with
David Clark’s famous paean to “rough consensus and run-
ning code,” which DeNardis describes as an “articulation of
the IETF’s core philosophy” (p. 47), and amended with a para-
phrasing of an early (c. 1992) observ­­ation made by Marshall
Rose about a common problem encountered when attempting
to implement code to satisfy a non-operationally developed
standard. The original staying was, “The problems of the real
world are remarkably resilient to administrative fiat.”

The Internet Protocol Journal

[2] Several formerly obscure insights on the events of this period
were recently illuminated by RIPE co-founders Rob Blokzijl and
Daniel Karrenberg, during RIPE’s 20th Anniversary Commem­
or­ation at the RIPE 58 meeting in Amsterdam (May 2009).
Some of these are available at:

[3] Those wishing to investigate these questions further may ben-

efit substantially from yet another unique historical resource
that has recently been made available online. Thanks to the
Charles Babbage Institute and the Institute of Technology
at the University of Minnesota, the entire ten-year archive of
ConneXions—The Interoperability Report (1987–1996) is now
available online at:

In keeping with its mandate to track the interoperability of

emerging network technologies, ConneXions published more
than sixty substantive articles on OSI and GOSIP during the
period leading up to and following the IPng debates recounted
in Protocol Politics.


Read Any Good Books Lately?

Then why not share your thoughts with the readers of IPJ? We accept
reviews of new titles, as well as some of the “networking classics.” In
some cases, we may be able to get a publisher to send you a book for
review if you don’t have access to it. Contact us at
for more information.

The Internet Protocol Journal


Colitti and Kline Receive First Itojun Service Award

The first Itojun Service Award was presented at the recent IETF meet-
ing in Hiroshima, Japan to Lorenzo Colitti and Erik Kline of Google
for their outstanding contributions to the development and deploy-
ment of IPv6.

The award honours the memory of Dr. Jun-ichiro “Itojun” Hagino,

who passed away in 2007, aged just 37. Established by the friends
of Itojun and administered by the Internet Society (ISOC), the award
recognises and commemorates the extra­ordinary dedication exer-
cised by itojun over the course of IPv6 development.
Lorenzo Colitti (L) and Erik Kline
Photo: Matsuzaki Yoshinobu “The sustained efforts of Lorenzo and Erik have tangibly increased
the availability of Web-based services that use IPv6, reflecting the
Itojun Service Award’s focus on pragmatic contributions in the spirit
of serving the global Internet’s continued evolution,” said Jun Murai
of the Itojun Service Award committee and Director of the WIDE
Project. “The award aims to recognize how important both the de-
velopment of IPv6 and related protocols and efforts to advance their
deployment are to ensuring the Internet continues to serve as a plat-
form for innovation around the world.”

The award, expected to be presented annually, includes a presenta-

tion crystal, a US$3,000 honorarium and a travel grant.

Lorenzo Colitti, Network Engineer at Google said, “This is a great

honour. Itojun is a legend in the IPv6 community, and the Internet is
indebted to him. Without his foundational work, none of what we
achieved with IPv6 would be possible—we stand on the shoulders of
giants. Itojun has been a source of inspiration, and I regret never be-
ing able to meet him, to show him our work, and show him that we
too shared his vision of bringing IPv6 to the users of the Internet.”

Erik Kline, IPv6 Software Engineer at Google said, “It’s humbling to

be sharing the Itojun Service Award, having achieved by comparison
only a small fraction of the impact of his widely influential body of
work. For me personally, Google’s IPv6 efforts are not just for the
Internet and its future, but also a way to honor his vision, dedication,
and passion.”

More information on the Itojun Service Award is available at:

The Internet Protocol Journal

ISOC Donation to Support Evolution of W3C Organization
ISOC and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) recently an-
nounced a donation from ISOC for the purpose of advancing the
evolution of W3C as an organization that creates open Web stan-
dards. Citing strongly aligned views on the value of an open global
Internet and support for the current Internet governance and man-
agement model, ISOC pledged to support W3C efforts to implement
a more agile, inclusive, and flexible organizational structure.

“ISOC and W3C have worked together for years in a number of

areas, and have deeply shared values about the Internet’s develop-
ment,” said Lynn St. Amour, President and CEO of ISOC. “Our
support to the W3C in their transition efforts demonstrates our com-
mitment to ensuring the Internet continues to be a global platform
for innovation. What’s at stake is the Internet’s openness, which is
a critical enabler of new products and services to billions of users

“ISOC and W3C have a long history of cooperation and the Internet
ecosystem has benefited from our shared yet independent voices,”
said Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director. “The W3C staff, Members,
and community continue to work on making W3C more relevant
and valuable to the Web and Internet communities. ISOC support
will allow W3C to evolve its structure to ensure we continue to forge
solid working relationships with the increasing numbers of develop-
ers and users, worldwide.”

The two organizations will continue to operate independently, and

will maintain their long-standing, informal collaboration. ISOC’s
pledge of support is for three years, with both organizations working
to ensure progress. A FAQ with additional information is available
on both the ISOC site and the W3C site, see

DNSSEC Deployment in the Root Zone

In December 2009, ICANN and VeriSign began to deploy DNSSEC
across the root server system and launched a website that provides
information about DNSSEC for the root zone. The website is a
repository for the documentation relating to the deployment of
DNSSEC, and it includes information such as technical status updates
and the full timetable for the deployment osf DNSSEC.

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express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability,
fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. This publication could contain technical
inaccuracies or typographical errors. Later issues may modify or update information provided
in this issue. Neither the publisher nor any contributor shall have any liability to any person
for any loss or damage caused directly or indirectly by the information contained herein.

The Internet Protocol Journal

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Ole J. Jacobsen, Editor and Publisher
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