G Ehret 2016
G Ehret 2016
G Ehret 2016
Austin U. Gehret*
Pop-It Beads to Introduce Catalysis
of Reaction Rate and Substrate
Depletion Effectsws
A kinesthetic classroom activity was designed to help stu- targeted learning outcomes. Unique to previous kinesthetic
dents understand enzyme activity and catalysis of reaction approaches that model Michaelis-Menten kinetics, this activ-
rate. Students served the role of enzymes by manipulating ity models the effects of substrate depletion on catalyzed
Pop-It Beads as the catalytic event. This activity illuminates reaction rate. Therefore, it could prove beneficial for convey-
the relationship between reaction rate and reaction progress ing the reasoning behind the initial rate simplification used
by allowing students to experience first-hand the effect of in Michaelis-Menten kinetics. V C 2016 by The International
substrate depletion on catalyzed reaction rate. Preliminary Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 00:000000,
findings based on survey results and exam performance 2016.
suggest the activity could prove beneficial to students in the
Michaelis-Menten kinetics is one of the most challenging undergraduates, a higher percentage of them believed that
topics undergraduates confront in biochemistry [1]. Implicit reaction rate increases with time [5]. Thus, misconceptions
in this challenge is that Michaelis-Menten kinetics is an about reaction dynamics persist with students at the bio-
application of reaction kinetics that students acquire in chemistry level and likely contribute to the challenge of
general chemistry courses. It has been documented that learning enzyme kinetics.
students exhibit a variety of misconceptions about funda- Constructivist learning theory states that new meaning
mental chemical concepts [2, 3] as well as a rapid decay in is constructed in the minds of learners in ways that make
knowledge without continued spiral use of concepts [4]. In sense to them using their conceptual framework [6]. This
fact, an analysis of third year undergraduates reasoning of theory has formed the basis for alternative teaching strate-
reaction kinetics revealed that while they harbored a better gies to confront students conceptions about biochemistry
understanding of the definition of reaction rate compared including the process oriented guided inquiry learning
to secondary education students and first year (POGIL) approach [7] and case-based instruction [8]. Kines-
thetic approaches have also been leveraged in an effort to
develop deeper meaning for students with conceptually
Volume 00, Number 00, Month/Month 2016, Pages 0000 abstract topics in chemistry [9] and students exhibit a
Abbreviations: DHH, deaf or hard-of-hearing strong preference for learning information through multiple
*Address for correspondence to: Department of Science and Mathe- modes of presentation while engaging multiple senses [10].
matics, National Technical Institute for the Deaf, 52 Lomb Memorial Many have seen the value in alternative approaches to
Dr., Rochester, NY 14623. E-mail: augnts@rit.edu teaching Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Student engagement
Received 1 October 2015; Revised 29 April 2016; Accepted 27 June with this concept has been enhanced through computer-
2016 based pedagogies [1, 1113] as well as kinesthetic
ws Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online
approaches [1417]. Regarding the latter, each approach
version of this article.
The corresponding author has no conflict of interest to declare related had students assume the role of enzyme by catalyzing a
to the work described in this manuscript. specific manipulative event with an object. Catalysis was
DOI 10.1002/bmb.21000 modeled to explain the nature of the turnover number (kcat)
Published online 00 Month 2016 in Wiley Online Library using marble transfer between bins [14] or the unscrewing
(wileyonlinelibrary.com) of bolt-nut substrate complexes [15]. Other approaches
The percentage of the class response (n 5 16).
Gehret 3
Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology Education
This group of students were enrolled in the course a year prior to the activity group. They were taught the same material and tested
with near-identical assessments without receiving the kinesthetic activity as described.
The exam errors are reported as SEM.
The percentage of class (n 5 16) that scored in that percentage on the exam.
provide students a deeper engagement with substrate deple- the start of the reaction, their rate of catalysis limits the over-
tion effects and how they influence reaction rate. Third year all reaction rate as their ability to collide with the beads
undergraduates harbor misconceptions about the change to occurs relatively quickly. This condition is not in violation of
reaction rate over time [5]. Furthermore, it has been sug- the assumption that [ES] breakdown is rate-limiting. At some
gested that the instantaneous rate is a critical learning out- point, which occurs at various times for students, a threshold
come for undergraduates to effectively understand reaction of substrate depletion occurs where the rate of collision now
systems [22]. As Michaelis-Menten kinetics is an application becomes rate-limiting and students directly observe a
of these principles, this activity might benefit a discussion on decrease in the calculated reaction rate. This condition is a
the topic to model these core concepts. violation of the assumption that [ES] breakdown is rate-
A fundamental hypothesis that underlies the Michaelis- limiting. Additionally, through the experience of acting as an
Menten equation is the breakdown of [ES] is rate-limiting [23]: enzyme, students recognize that their catalytic capabilities
(V0) are not being reflected by the reaction rate at this thresh-
V0 5k2 ES
old. An instructor could link this point to the moment
The activity can be modeled after the underlying steps that substrate is no longer considered constant and [Bead Pairs]
drive Michaelis-Menten kinetic behavior: has decreased to impact the rate of collision. While instanta-
neous rate is impossible to convey kinesthetically, the activity
collision does help illustrate the notion that reaction rate is dynamic
Hands 1 Bead Pairs ! Bead Pair in Hands
and thus could aid in an explanation of instantaneous rate.
Bead Pair in Hands ! Hands 1 2 Beads Visually-driven pedagogies have been shown to affect real
conceptual change in students perceptions of reaction system
dynamics [24] and this activity could have similar potential.
Consequently, the rate-limiting step for the activity is
The activity could also provide meaning for other basic
described as: kinetics concepts. Students harbor misconceptions between
V0 5catalysis Bead Pair in Hands the definition of reaction rate and rate constant [25] as well
as the nature of interactions between catalysts and sub-
The two individual rates that govern the overall reaction strates [5, 26]. In regards to the former, the activity demon-
rate can be described: strates a students desire to locate Pop-It Beads (collision)
remains constant while the rate of collision depends on Pop-
Rate of collision5collision HandsBead Pairs
Rate of catalysis5catalysis Bead Pair in Hands It Bead concentration and will decrease over time. Related to
the latter, students hands act directly with substrate to elicit
It was evident that students desire to locate Pop-It Bead pairs multiple turnovers but remain unchanged at the conclusion
(collision) does not change over the course of the activity. At of the reaction.
Gehret 5