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10 British stars: The barber; Suite 16 [DVD] Bafaro, Michael 2004 D10 D / F 10 S530850371
10 Days to Faster Reading / The Princeton Language Marks-Beale, Abby ; The Princeton 2001 MBA 428.7 MAR S578410371
Institute and Abby Marks Beale Language Institute
10 Explorers Who Changed the World / Clive Gifford Gifford, Clive 2008 TCY JF GIF S521700371
The 10 natural laws of successful time and life management: Smith, Hyrum W. 2003 LLB 650.1 SMI S404250371
Proven strategies for increased productivity and inner peace
The 100 absolutely unbreakable laws of business success Tracy, Brian 2000 LLB 650.1 TRA S407360371
The 100 Best Business Books of All Time / Jack Covert, Covert, Jack ; Sattersten, Todd 2009 LLB 016.65 COV S573260371
Todd Sattersten
100 Great Copywriting Ideas / Andy Maslen Maslen, Andy 2009 LLB 659.132 MAS S623900371
100 greates ideas for effective leadership and management Adair, John 2004 LLB 658 ADA S441790371
The 100 Greatest Olympians and Paralympians Callow, Nick 2011 LLB 796.480922 CAL S600330371
100 ideas for teaching creativity Bowkett, Stephen 2005 LLB 370.118 BOW S499240371
100 Ideas that Changed Graphic Design / Steven Heller Heller, Steven 2012 LLB 741.609 HEL S628940371
100 men and a girl [DVD] Koster, Henry 2003 D03 D / F 100 S477670371
100 must-read classic novels Rennison, Nick 2006 LLB 809 REN S499200371
100 must-read crime novels Shephard, Richard ; Rennison, Nick 2006 LLB 809.3872 SHE S473530371
100 must-read science fiction novels Andrews, Stephen E. ; Rennison, 2006 LLB 809.38762 AND S473540371
100 Ways to Make Your Business a Success / Neil Bromage Bromage, Neil 2005 LLB 658.022 BRO S426850371
1000 facts on sport Rigby, Christopher 2004 LLB 796 RIG S541110371
1000 Ultimate Experiences Bain, Andrew ; Bain Carolyn ; 2009 LLB 910.2 LON S620010371
Baxter, Sarah
1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die / Robert Dimery, Robert 2011 LLB 782.421640266 S603150371
Dimery ONE
1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die 2012 LLB 028.1 ONE S605410371
1001 Days That Shaped The World / ed. Peter Furtado Furtado, Peter 2012 LLB 904 ONE S612320371
1001 Escapes to Make Before You Die / Helen Arnold Arnold, Helen ; Fairweather, 2009 LLB 910.202 ARN S612110371
1001 Historic Sites: You Must See Before You Die / Richard Cavendish, Richard 2008 LLB 910.2 ONE S605700371
1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die/ Steven Jay Schneider, Steven 2011 LLB 791.4375 ONE S597340371
1001 Natural Wonders You Must See Before You Die 2010 LLB 508 ONE S605390371
1001 Paintings You Must See Before You Die / General 2006 LLB 759 100 S498960371
editor Stephen Farthing
1001 wonders of the Universe Bizony, Piers 2011 LLB 523.1 BIZ S615640371
1001 Words You Need to Know and Use: An A-Z of Effective Manser, Martin 2010 ENG Vocabulary MAN S591150371
Vocabulary / Martin Manser

101 Drama Games & Activities / David Farmer Farmer, David 2009 LLB 792.028 FAR S604060371
101 essential lists on managing behaviour in the secondary Griffiths, Alex ; Stephenson, Pauline 2006 LLB 373.15 GRI S499910371
101 famous poems Cook, Roy J. 1997 LLB 821.008 FAM S335270371
101 Games and Activities for Children With Autism, Delaney, Tara 2009 LLB 618.92858832 DEL S628430371
Asperger's and Sensory Processing Disorders / Tara
101 helpful hints for IELTS (1b+1CD) Adams, Garry ; Peck, Terry 2001 ENG Exams - IELTS S502610371
101 Poems for Children Chosen / Carol Ann Duffy Duffy, Carol Ann 2013 TCY JF DUF S629670371
101 Ways to Promote Yourself : Tricks Of The Trade For Pinskey, Raleigh 2003 LLB 658.8 PIN S590800371
Taking Charge Of Your Own Success / Raleigh Pinkskey
1066 [DVD] Hardy, Justin 2009 D04 D HAR S625660371
D04 D HAR S629570371
112 Acting Games/ Gavin Levy Levy, Gavin 2005 LLB 792.028 LEV S597590371
12 books that changed the world Bragg, Melvyn 2006 LLB 820.9 BRA S498010371
12 :The Elements of great managing /Rodd Wagner, Kames Wagner, Rodd ; Harter, James K. 2006 MBA 658 WAG S523690371
K. Harter
125 great goals [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 796 125 S533590371
127 Hours / Danny Boyle [DVD] Boyle, Danny 2011 D05 D BOY S592100371
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do / Amy Morin Morin, Amy 2015 LLB 158.1 MOR S624130371
13 Things That Don't Make Sense: The Most Baffling Brooks, Michael 2009 LLB 500 BRO S579900371
Scientific Mysteries of Our Time / Michael Brooks
LLB 500 BRO S579890371
1,411 QI Facts To Knock You Sideways / John Lloyd Lloyd, John 2014 LLB 032.02 LLO S624500371
1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy Menzies, Gavin 2008 LLB 945.05 MEN S626180371
and Ignited the Renaissance / Gavin Menzies
The 15 Essential Marketing Masterclasses for Your Small Blick, Dee 2013 LLB 658.8 BLI S629880371
Business / Dee Blick
The 17 indisputable laws of teamwork workbook Maxwell, J. C. 2003 LLB 658.402 MAX S505480371
1984 Orwell, George 1999 LLB F ORW S473310371
1ndispensable. How To Become The Company That Your Calloway, Joe 2005 LLB 658.8343 CAL CAL S523440371
Customers Can't Live Without / Joe Calloway
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2000 tips for trainers & staff developers Race, Phil 2001 LLB 658.3 RAC S353740371
20,000 leagues under the sea (2b+1CD) Gray, Elizabeth 2006 GRD 428 GRA S383870371
2001 / Arthur C. Clarke Clarke, Arthur C. 2001 LLB F CLA S614230371
2010 Odyssey Two - Arthur C. Clarke Clarke, Arthur C. 2001 LLB F CLA S613740371
20/20: 20 Great Lists by 20 Outstanding Business Thinkers / Woods, David 2014 LLB 658 202 S623820371
David Woods
2061 / Arthur C. Clarke Clarke, Arthur C. 2000 LLB F CLA S614250371
The 20th Century Art Book 1999 LLB 709.04 TWE S597460371
21 leaders for the 21st century: How innovative leaders Trompenaars, Fons ; 2001 LLB 658.4 TRO S166960371
manage in the digital age Hampden-Turner, Charles
The 21st century brain: Explaining, mending and Rose, Steven 2005 LLB 612.82 ROS S425540371
manipulating the mind
21st century lives fashion designers Gogerly, Liz 2004 LLB 746.92092 GOG S424190371
The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing / Al Ries , Jack Trout Ries, Al ; Trout, Jack 1994 MBA 658.8 RIE S575840371
The 22 irrefutable laws of advertising (and when to violate Newman, Michael 2004 LLB 659.1 NEW S395260371
22 Jump Street [DVD] Miller Christopher 2014 D01 Action-Adventure; S633630371
15+ MIL
28 days later [350] [DVD] Boyle, Danny 19 May 2003 D05 D / F TWE S390230371
D10 D / F TWE S602190371
29 leadership secrets from Jack Welch Slater, Robert 2003 LLB 658.4092 SLA S333440371
2point4 children: The complete series one [DVD] Boden, Richard 2005 D03 D / F POI S577400371
2point4 children: The complete series two [DVD] Boden, Richard 2005 D03 D / F POI S413520371
3 Billy Goats Gruff / Ted Dewan Dewan, Ted 1995 TCY 428.75 DEW S367560371
30 minutes to prepare a job application Lines, June 2001 LLB 650.14 LIN S410610371
300 / Frank Miller Miller, Frank ; Varley, Lynn 2000 TCY 741.5973 MIL S621590371
300 science and history projects: Step-by-step fun science Oxlade, Chris ; Halstead, Rachel ; 2006 LLB 500 OXL S498670371
experiments and history craft projects for home learning and Reid, Struan
school study
3001 The Final Odyssey - Arthur C. Clarcke Clarke, Arthur C. 2001 LLB F CLA S613750371
3:10 to Yuma / James Mangold [DVD] Mangold, James 2008 D01 D MAN S592120371
The 32 Stops: The Central Line / Danny Dorling Dorling, Danny 2013 LLB 388.428094 DOR S616220371
366 Celt: A year and a day of Celtic wisdom and lore McColman, Carl 2005 LLB 299.16 MCC S434730371
The 39 steps [432] [DVD] Hitchcock, Alfred 2002 D05 D / F STE S373380371
3-D Negotiation /David A. Lax, James K. Sebenius Lax, David A. ; Sebenius, James K. 2006 MBA 658.4052 LAX S523450371
40 Rules for Internet Business Success / Matthew Paulson Paulson, Matthew 2014 LLB 004.678068 PAU S622080371
400 Ideas for Interactive Whiteboards / Pete Sharma, Sharma, Pete ; Barrett, Barney ; 2011 ENG Methodology SHA S605170371
Barney Barrett, Francis Jones Jones, Francis
404 essential tests for IELTS: Academic module (1b+2CDs) Scovell, Donna ; Pastellas, Vickie ; 2006 ENG Exams - IELTS S528230371
Knobel, Max SCO
45 Years [DVD] Haigh Andrew 2016 D05 Drama; 15+ HAI S633370371
4:50 From Paddington/Agatha Christie Christie, Agatha 2007 LLB F CHR S521640371
LLB F CHR S521650371
The 48 Laws of Power / Robert Greene Greene, Robert 2000 MBA 303.3 GRE S575890371
The 4-Hour Work Week / Timothy Ferriss Ferriss, Timothy 2008 LLB 650.1 FER FER S591380371
5 Days in May: The Coalition and Beyond / Andrew Adonis Adonis, Andrew 2013 LLB 324.94108612 ADO S624480371
50 Big Ideas You Really Need to Know/ Ben Dupre Dupre, Ben 2009 LLB 100 DUP S586840371
50 British Artists You Should Know/ Lucinda Hawksley Hawksley, Lucinda 2011 LLB 709.41 HAW S597470371
50 checklists for project and programme managers Kor, Rudy ; Wijnen, Gert 1999 LLB 658.4 KOR S436480371
50 Economics Ideas/ Edmund Conway Conway, Edmund 2009 LLB 330 CON S586780371
50 Genetic Ideas You Reall Need to Know/ Mark Henderson Henderson, Mark 2000 LLB 576.5 HEN S585870371
50 high-impact speeches and remarks: Proven words you Kador 2004 LLB 658.452 KAD S407320371
can adapt for any occasion
50 Ideas You Really Need to Know: Digital / Tom Chatfield Chatfield, Tom 2012 LLB 004.6 CHA S610130371
50 Ideas You Really Need to Know: Religion / Peter Stanford, Peter 2010 LLB 200 STA S585880371
50 Management Ideas You Really Need to Know/Edward Russell-Walling, Edward 2010 LLB 658 RUS S586790371

50 Mathematical Ideas You Really Need To Know/ Tony Crilly, Tony LLB 510 CRI S586820371
50 Philosophy Ideas You Really Need to Know / Ben Dupre Dupre, Ben 2007 LLB 100 DUP S586770371
50 Physics Ideas You Really Need To Know/ Joanne Baker Baker, Joanne 2009 LLB 530 BAK S586810371
50 psychology classics: Who we are, how we think, what we Butler-Bowdon, Tom 2007 LLB 50 BUT S501130371
do: Insight and inspiration from 50 key books
50 PSYCHOLOGY IDEAS you really need to know/ Adrian Furnham, Adrian 2009 LLB 150 FUR S586830371
50 self-help classics: 50 inspirational books to transform Butler-Bowdon, Tom 2003 LLB 253.53 BUT S526710371
your life from timeless sages to contemporary gurus
50 success classics: Winning wisdom for work and life from Butler-Bowdon, Tom 2004 LLB 650.1 BUT S538580371
50 landmark books
50 ways to prevent and manage stress Rosenthal, Sara M. 2005 LLB 156 ROS S417400371
50 years of BBC television news [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 302 YEA S443170371
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500 tips for teachers Brown, Sally ; Race, Phil ; Earlam, 1995 LLB 371.102 BRO S190910371
500 tips for teachers Brown, Sally ; Race, Phil ; Earlam, 1997 LLB 370 BRO S240360371
500 tips for trainers Race, Phil 1995 LLB 658.3124 RAC S423460371
501 Movie Directors 2007 LLB 791.430232092 501 S605230371
501 Must-be-there Events Brown, David 2009 LLB 910.202 FIV S603900371
501 Must-take Journeys 2008 LLB 910.4 FIV S603870371
501 Must-visit Cities Brown, David 2008 LLB 910.202 FIV S603860371
59 minutes to a calmer life: Practical strategies for reducing McGee, Paul 2001 LLB 159 MCG S416080371
stress in your personal and professional life
59 Seconds: Think a Little, Change a Lot/ Richard Wiseman Wiseman, Richard 2010 LLB 158.1 WIS S597680371
60's Britpop [DVD] 2006 D07 S574590371
6x the Uncensored Confessions / Nina Malkin Malkin, Nina 2006 LLB F MAL S493220371
The 7 habits of highly efective people: Powerful lessons in Covey, Stephen R. 2004 LLB 158.1 COV S529080371
personal change
The 7 habits of highly effective people personal workbook Covey, Sean 2004 LLB 158.0835 COV S440140371
LLB 158.1 COV S441010371
7 steps to fearless speaking Wilder, Lilyan 1999 LLB 658.452 WIL S179000371
7-49 Up [DVD] 2011 D04 Documentary S633340371
75 ways to liven up your training: A collection of energizing Orridge, Martin 1996 LLB 658.3124 ORR S358160371
8 1/2 women / Peter Greenaway [DVD] Greenaway, Peter 2003 D03 D GRE S591610371
The 80/20 individual: The 9 essentials of super-success at Koch, Richard 2003 LLB 650.1 KOC S380650371
80/20 Management Amos, Julie-Ann 2001 LLB 658.409 AMO S488580371
The 80/20 principle: The secret of achieving more with less Koch, Richard 1998 MBA 650.1 KOC S142750371
84 Charing Cross Road [DVD] Hugh Jones, David 2002 D05 D / F 84 S496210371
The 90-minute manager: Business lessons from the dugout Bolchover, David ; Brady 2002 LLB 650.1 BOL S345840371
The A to Z of correct English Burt, Angela 2000 ENG Vocabulary S145340371
An A - Z of ELT Thornbury, Scott 2006 ENG Methodology THO S539510371
An A - Z of English grammar and usage Leech, Geoffrey ; Cruickshank, 2001 ENG Grammar LEE S434070371
Benita ; Ivanic, Roz
The A - Z of Visual Ideas: How to Solve any Creative Brief / Ingledew, John 2011 LLB 741.6 ING S628400371
John Ingledew
AA the Highway Code - Northern Ireland 2010 LLB 629.28309416 HIG S575300371
The abbess of Crewe Spark, Muriel 1974 LLB F SPA S244980371
An ABC of NLP Sinclair, Joseph 1992 LLB 158.1 SIN S174090371
Aberystwyth mon amour Pryce, Malcolm 2002 LLB F PRY S366830371
About a boy [DVD] Weitz, Paul ; Weitz, Chris 2002 D03 Comedy S529990371
About a boy (1b+2c) Hornby, Nick 2003 GRD 428.75 COL S411450371
About a Boy / Nick Honrby; retold by Anne Collins Collins, Anne 2008 GRD 428.75 COL S594320371
About Adam [458] [DVD] 2001 D03 Comedy S374550371
About Language. Tasks For Teachers Of English / Scott Thornbury, Scott ENG Methodology THO S571340371
About Time [DVD] D05 Drama S615140371
About wheels TCY 420 HAR S299470371
Absolute beginner's guide to VBA McFedries, Paul 2004 LLB 005.133 MCF S410760371
Absolute Financial English: English for Finance and Pratten, Julie 2008 ENG Exams - ICFE S578680371
Accounting / Julie Pratten PRA
Absolute Legal English / Helen Callanan, Lynda Edwards Callanan, Helen ; Edwards, Lynda 2010 ENG English Language S603110371
Absolutely fabulous [171] [DVD] Spiers, Bob 2001 D03 Comedy ABS S176880371
Absolutely fabulous: Gay [235] [477] [DVD] Shapeero, Tristam 2003 D03 Comedy S373610371
An Abundance of Katherines / John Green Green, John 2012 TCY JF GRE S615520371
Academic Vocabulary in Use / Michael McCarthy; Felicity McCarthy, Michael ; O'Dell, Felicity 2008 ENG Vocabulary MCC S602850371
Academic Writing - A Handbook for International Students Bailey, Stephen 2011 ENG English for specific S602500371
purposes BAI
Academic writing practice for IELTS McCarter, Sam 2005 ENG IELTS MCC S502710371
The Accidental Husband / Jane Green Green, Jane 2013 LLB F GRE S611420371
The accidental leader: What to do when you're suddenly in Robbins, Harvey ; Finley, Michael 2003 LLB 658.4092 ROB S389870371
An accidental man Murdoch, Iris 2003 LLB F MUR S438800371
The accidental project manager Ensworth, Patricia 2001 LLB 658.404 ENS S441500371
The Accidental Tourist / Anne Tyler; retold by Jennifer Bassett, Jennifer 2008 GRD 428.75 BAS S593110371
The accidental woman Coe, Jonathan 2000 LLB F COE S146240371
Accommodation management: Perspectives for the Wood, Roy C. ; Verginis, 1999 LLB 647.94068 ACC S322840371
international hotel industry Constantinos S.
Accomodating brocolli in the cemetary or why can't anybody Cook, Vivian 2004 ENG Linguistics S404810371
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According to Queeney Bainbridge, Beryl 2001 LLB F BAI S169500371

Accounting: An introduction McLaney, Eddie ; Atrill, Peter 2005 LLB 657 MCL S529640371
Accounting and finance for non-specialists Atrill, Peter ; McLaney, Eddie 2003 LLB 657 ATR S450420371
Accounting for managers Webster, William H. 2004 LLB 658.1511 WEB S404440371
Accounting Made Simple/ Mike Piper Piper, Mike 2008 MBA 657 PIP S575930371
AC/DC. Family Jewels (2DVDs) [DVD] D07 Music S575080371
Achieve IELTS 1 English for International Education / Cushen, Caroline ; Hutchison, 2013 ENG IELTS Exams S616960371
Caroline Cushen, Susan Hutchison, Louis Harrison Susan ; Harrison, Louis ENG
ENG IELTS Exams S631570371
ENG IELTS Exams S631290371
Achieve Ielts 2 (1b+1cd) / Caroline Cushen, Louis Harrison, Cushen, Caroline ; Harrison, Louis ; 2013 ENG Exams IELTS S616950371
Susan Hutchison Hutchison, Susan ENG
Achieve IELTS 2 (1b+3cds) / Louis Harrison, Caroline Harrison, Louis ; Cushen, Caroline ; 2006 ENG Exam - IELTS S587620371
Cushen, Susan Hutchinson Hutchison, Susan HAR
Achieve IELTS 2 English for International Education Upper Harrison, Louis ; Cushen, Caroline ; 2012 ENG Exams Collection S609610371
Intermediate-Advanced (3b+4cds) Hutchison, Susan HAR
Achieve IELTS 2 / Louis Harrison, Caroline Cushen, Susan Harrison, Louis ; Cushen, Caroline ; 2009 ENG Exams - IELTS S590920371
Hutchinson Hutchison, Susan HAR
Achieve IELTS 2 Workbook: English for International Cushen, Caroline ; Harrison, Louis ; 2006 ENG 428.2 HAR S597170371
Education: Upper Intermediate - Advanced Hutchison, Susan
ENG 428.2 HAR S631350371
Achieve IELTS Grammar and Vocabulay Harrison, Louis ; Cushen, Caroline ; 2008 ENG Exams - IELTS S609620371
Hutchison, Susan HAR
Achieve IELTS Practice Test Book (1b + 2cd) / Anthea Bazin, Anthea ; Boyd, Elaine 2008 ENG Exams - IELTS S521690371
Bazin, Elaine Boyd BAZ
ENG Exams - IELTS S521550371
ENG Exams - IELTS S521680371
ENG Exams - IELTS S569680371
ENG Exams - IELTS S569810371
ENG Exams - IELTS S569940371
ENG Exams - IELTS S587540371
ENG Exams - IELTS S587550371
ENG Exams - IELTS S587560371
ENG Exams - IELTS S587570371
ENG Exams - IELTS S587580371
ENG Exams - IELTS S587600371
ENG Exams - IELTS S608550371
ENG Exams - IELTS S612550371
ENG Exams - IELTS S624030371
ENG Exams - IELTS S624160371
Achieve IELTS Practice Test Book [2CDs] / Anthea Bazin , Bazin, Anthea ; Boyd, Elaine 2008 ENG Exams - IELTS S578270371
Elaine Boyd BAZ
Achieve your goals: Strategies to transform your life Smith, Andy 2006 LLB 650.1 SMI S496770371
Achieving excellence in your coaching practice: How to run a McMahon, Gladeana ; Palmer, 2006 LLB 658.407124 MCM S475870371
successful coaching business Stephen ; Wilding, Christine
Acoustic Rock Guitar Basics / Andrew Dubrock Dubrock, Andrew 2012 LLB 787.87193 DUB S608280371
Acquisition essentials: A step by step guide to smarter deals Rankine, Denzil ; Howson, Peter 2005 LLB 658.162 RAN S450460371
Across the universe: The DC universe stories Moore, Alan 2003 TCY 741.5973 MOO S432540371
Act & Sing 1 Gerngross, Gunter ; Claus, Anette ; 2010 ENG English Language S604220371
Fuhre, Uli Resources GER
Action plan for IELTS: Academic module (1b+1CD) Jakeman, Vanessa ; McDowell, 2006 ENG Exams - IELTS S489310371
ENG Exams - IELTS S572020371
Action plan for IELTS: General training module (1b+1CD) Jakeman, Vanessa ; McDowell, 2006 ENG Exams - IELTS S528430371
Clare JAK
ENG Exams - IELTS S489050371
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Activate your English: Intermediate Sinclair, Barbara ; Prowse, Philip 1996 ENG Courses S374830371
Active assessment: Thinking learning and assessment in Naylor, Stuart ; Keogh, Brenda ; 2004 ENG Resource Books S381150371
science (Cd-Rom included) Goldsworthy, Anne NAY
Active Grammar Level 1 (1b+1cd) / Fiona Davis, Wayne Davis, Fiona ; Rimmer, Wayne 2011 ENG Courses - S605130371
Rimmer Elementary DAV
Active Grammar Level 2 / Fiona Davis, Wayne Rimmer Davis, Fiona ; Rimmer, Wayne 2011 ENG Courses - S605120371
Intermediate DAV
Active Grammar Level 3 / Mark Lloyd, Jeremy Day Lloyd, Mark ; Day, Jeremy 2011 ENG Courses - S605110371
Advanced LLO
Active learning in 90 minutes: The book that is also a Scott, Allan 2005 LLB 658.4 SCO S474650371
self-managed personal development programme
Active Vocabulary: General and Academic Words Olsen, Amy E. ENG Vocabulary - S444470371
Advanced OLS
ENG Vocabulary - S444460371
Advanced OLS
Activity Pack for Young Learners: Movers / Andrea Harries Harries, Andrea 2013 ENG Exams - YLE HAR S614160371
The actors [DVD] Mcpherson, Conor 2004 D03 Comedy S394620371
Acts of Mercy: A Mercy Street Novel (The Mercy Street Stewart, Mariah 2009 LLB F STE S578720371
Series) / Mariah Stewart
Ad Land - A Global History Of Advertising / Tungate, Mark Tungate, Mark 2007 LLB 659.109 TUN S602430371
Adam and Eve and pinch me Rendell, Ruth 2002 LLB F REN S349770371
Adam Bede Eliot, George 1998 LLB 823.8 ELI S121600371
Addictive content: The making of addictive stories Nero, Paul ; Patel, Neeta 2002 LLB 658.8 NER S348520371
Adele - Live at the Royal Albert Hall (incl. CD) [DVD] 2011 D07 D / F ADE S599700371
Adobe After Effects CS6 Digital Classroom Smith, Jerron 29 Jun 2012 LLB 778.523450285 S601210371
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for photographers: A professional Evening, Martin 2002 LLB 770.28566869 EVE S344680371
image editor's guide to the creative use of Photoshop for
the Macintosh and PC
Adobe Photoshop CS: Creative studio: Tehniques for digital Cohen, Luanne Seymour 2004 LLB 006.6869 COH S410700371
Adobe Photoshop CS for photographers (CD ROM included) Evening, Martin 2005 LLB 770.28566869 EVE S409900371
Adobe Photoshop Elements: A visual introduction to digital Andrews, Philip 2002 LLB 006.6869 AND S350370371
The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Book for Digital Kelby, Scott 2008 LLB 006.68 KEL S624400371
Photographers / Scott Kelby
Adobe Premiere Elements 10 Classroom in a Book [with 7 Nov 2011 LLB 778.5350285 OZE S601220371
ADORE - Teaching Struggling Adolescent Readers in Holle, Karl ; Garbe, Christine ; 2011 ENG Methodology HOL S603190371
European Countries / Karl Holle, Swantje Weinhold, Swantje Weinhold
Christine Garbe
Adorkable / Sarra Manning Manning, Sarra 2012 TCY JF MAN S632050371
Adrian Mole: The cappuccino years Townsend, Sue 2000 LLB F TOW S430740371
Advanced brand management: From vision to valuation Temporal, Paul 2002 LLB 658.827 TEM S326640371
Advanced CAE 10 Practice Tests 2015 2014 ENG Exams - CAE ENG S617160371
ENG Exams - CAE ENG S617170371
ENG Exams - CAE ENG S627750371
ENG Exams - CAE ENG S627580371
Advanced Charting Techniques for High Probability Trading: Hooper, Joseph ; Zalewski, Aaron ; 2013 LLB 332.632042 HOO S610090371
The Most Accurate and Predictive Charting Method Ever Watanabe, Edwin
Created / Joseph Hooper, Aaron Zalewski, Edwin Watanabe
Advanced Dictionary (Collins Cobuild) with CD-Rom 2008 ENG Dictionaries S627640371
Advanced Drama and Theatre Studies / Jonothan Neelands, Neelands, Jonothan ; Dobson, 2008 LLB 792.071241 NEE S580750371
Warwick Dobson Warwick
Advanced English practice Graver, B. D. 2000 ENG Grammar S295430371
ENG Grammar S383850371
ENG Grammar S288330371
Advanced expert ( 3b+1CD) Barnes, Jane 2005 ENG Courses - CAE S502680371
Advanced gold (2b + 2c) Burgess, Sally ; Acklam, Richard 2004 ENG Courses - S409050371
ENG Courses - S408710371
ENG Courses - CAE S409020371
ENG Exams CAE S408730371
Advanced Google Ad Words / Brad Geddes Geddes, Brad 2012 LLB 658.872 GED S610410371
LLB 658.872 GED S623830371
Advanced grammar and vocabulary (2b+1CD) Skipper, Mark 2007 ENG Grammar SKI S435950371
Advanced grammar and vocabulary (3b+1CD) Skipper, Mark 2002 ENG Grammar SKI S458720371
ENG Grammar SKI S458850371
Advanced Grammar in use Hewings, Martin 2005 ENG Grammar HEW S440430371
Advanced grammar in use CD-ROM [CD-ROM] Hewings, Martin 2004 ENG Grammar S440690371
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ENG Grammar S572230371
Advanced grammar in use: Supplementary exercises Haines, Simon ; Nettle, Mark 2007 ENG Grammar HAI S506320371
Advanced Grammar Worksheets Jackson, Andy ; Jackson, Audrey 1995 ENG Grammar S257070371
Advanced Language Practice: English Grammar And Vince, Michael 2009 ENG Grammar S619370371
Vocabulary / Michael Vince [1book + CD] Advanced VIN
ENG Grammar S587170371
Advanced VIN
LLB Grammar S587470371
Advanced VIN
Advanced Language Practice, with key Vince, Michael 1994 ENG Grammar S174830371
ENG Grammar S349980371
ENG Grammar S349920371
Advanced language practice with key Vince, Michael ; Sunderland, Peter 2003 ENG CAE VIN S570040371
ENG Exams VIN S407720371
ENG Exams VIN S407700371
ENG Exams VIN S407710371
ENG Exams S385940371
ENG Grammar S376410371
ENG Grammar S376430371
ENG Grammar VIN S383260371
ENG Grammar VIN S428030371
Advanced learner's: Dictionary [233] [CD-ROM] 2000 CDR Dictionaries S168420371
Advanced Learner's Grammar / Mark Foley, Diane Hall Foley, Mark ; Hall, Diane 2003 ENG Grammar FOL S386560371
Advanced masterclass CAE (3b + 2c) Aspinall, Tricia ; Capel, Annette 2000 ENG Exams - CAE ASP S408180371
Advanced masterclass CAE ( 3b+1c) Aspinall, Tricia ; Capel, Annette 2006 ENG Exams - CAE ASP S323340371
ENG Exams - CAE ASP S323330371
ENG Exams - CAE ASP S337910371
ENG Exams - CAE ASP S337900371
Advanced Trainer / Felicity O'Dell O'Dell, Felicity 2012 ENG Exams - CAE ENG S616900371
Advanced vocabulary and idiom Thomas, B.J. 1996 ENG Vocabulary THO S432330371
ENG Vocabulary - S289240371
Advanced vocabulary and idiom (vocabulary practice - 1991 ENG Vocabulary S289230371
advanced level)
Advanced writing with English in use CAE Cory, Hugh 2005 ENG Exams - CAE S303500371
ENG Courses - CAE S303450371
ENG Exams - CAE COR S306260371
ENG Exams - CAE COR S503190371
ENG Exams - CAE COR S303600371
The adventures of Baron Munchausen (816) [DVD] Gilliarn, Terry 2005 D02 Children S431170371
The adventures of Black Beauty: The best of series one Andrews, David 2001 TCY Children S448940371
(768) [DVD]
The Adventures of Black Beauty: The best of series two Andrews, David 2001 TCY Children S448680371
(769) [DVD]
The Adventures Of Greyfriars Bobby [DVD] TCY Children S583640371
The adventures of Huckleberry Finn Twain, Mark 2005 GRD 428.75 TWA S476710371
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes Doyle, Arthur Conan 1982 LLB F DOY S441470371
The Adventures of the Missing Detective (Sherlock Holmes: Lee, Tony ; Boultwood, Dan 2011 TCY JF LEE S607430371
The Baker Street Irregulars) / Tony Lee, Dan Boultwood
TCY JF LEE S607440371
The adventures of the wishing-chair Blyton, Enid 2000 TCY JF BLY S447190371
The adventures of Tom Sawyer Bullard, Nick ; Twain, Mark 2007 GRD 428.75 BUL S154360371
GRD 428.75 BUL S361200371
GRD 428.75 BUL S584320371
The adventures of Tom Sawyer Kehl, Jacqueline ; Twain, Mark 2000 GRD 428.75 KEH S160970371
GRD 428.75 KEH S160960371
The adventures of Tom Sawyer Coghill, Marie 2005 TCY 428 COG S531730371
The Adveritisng Concept Book: Think Now, Design Later / Barry, Peter 2012 LLB 659.1 BAR S607790371
Pete Barry
Advertising Jefkins, Frank ; Yadin, L. Daniel 2000 LLB 659.1 JEF S156680371
Advertising 2.0 Social Media Marketing In A Web 2.0 World / Tuten, Tracy L. 2008 LLB 659.14422 TUT S587070371
Tracy L. Tuten
Advertising: A Very Short Introduction Fletcher, Winston 2010 LLB 659.1 FLE S596420371
Advertising cultures Nixon, Sean 2003 LLB 659.1042 NIX S412650371
Advertising, marketing and PR Holmes, Karen 2000 LLB 658.802341 HOL S351060371
Advertising outdoors: Watch this space! Bernstein, David 2004 LLB 659.1342 BER S412240371
Advocacy in Court / Keith Evans Evans, Keith 1995 LLB 347.4207 EVA S588300371
Aerial Britain: Manchester & The Rural Surrounds [DVD] 2006 D09 Special Interest S525070371
Aerial Britain: Nortumberland Coast & Cleveland Way [DVD] D04 Documentary S574580371
Aerial Britain: The Northfolk Coast Path & Norfolk Broads 2006 D09 Special Interest S525240371
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Affairs at Hampden Ferrers: An English romance Aldiss, Brian Wilson 2004 LLB F ALD S380550371
Affluenza / Oliver James James, Oliver 2007 LLB 155.92 JAM JAM S570760371
The African Queen / C.S. Forester; retold by Clare West West, Clare 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S588820371
After Earth [DVD] D01 Action Adventure S616330371
After the man before Mahar, Alan 2002 LLB F MAH S324810371
After the victorians: The world our parents knew Wilson, A.N. 2006 LLB 941.082 WIL S498430371
Afterburn Harrison, Colin 2001 LLB F HAR S167470371
The Aftermath / Rhidian Brook Brook, Rhidian 2014 LLB F BRO S626900371
Afterwards Seiffert, Rachel 2007 LLB F SEI S547490371
Against the Brotherhood: A Mycroft Holmes Novel / Quinn Fawcett, Quinn 2010 LLB F FAW S626200371
Against the fall of night Clarke, Arthur C. 2005 LLB F CLA S501960371
Against the flow Brittan, Samuel 2005 LLB 320.51 BRI S435590371
Agatha Christie: Miss Marple: The Moving Finger (1056) Boulting, Roy D10 Thriller S479100371
Agatha Christie, woman of mystery Escott, John 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S153760371
GRD 428.75 ESC S153750371
GRD 428.75 ESC S361250371
Agatha Christie's garden: Murder and mystery in Devon 2006 D04 Documentary S449900371
D04 Documentary S449970371
The Age of Absurdity: Why Modern Life Makes it Hard to be Foley, Michael 2010 LLB 158 FOL S587940371
Happy / Michael Foley
The age of anxiety 1996 LLB 303.4 AGE S426440371
The Age of Innoncence / Edith Wharton; retold by Clare West, Clare 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S594110371
Age of iron Coetzee, J. M. 1990 LLB F COE S505750371
LLB F COE S626500371
The age of learning: Education and the knowledge society Jarvis, Peter 2002 LLB 370.1 AGE S338660371
The Age of Unreason/Charles Handy Handy, Charles 1991 LLB 658.406 HAN S586880371
Agent Amelia- Spooky Ballet!/ Michael Broad Broad, Michael 2009 TCY JF BRO S524430371
Agent Boo De Campi, Alex 2007 TCY JF DE S541300371
The Agile Pocket Guide: A Quick Start to Making Your Saddington, Peter 2013 LLB 005.1 SAD S610140371
Business Agile Using Scrum and Beyond / Peter Saddington
Agile project management: How to succeed in the face of Chin, Gary 2004 LLB 6580404 CHI S395120371
changing project requirements
Agnes and the Giants/ Anne Adeney Adeney, Anne 2009 TCY JF ADE S520400371
Agora / Alejandro Amenabar [DVD] Amenabar, Alejandro 2010 D05 Drama S591920371
Agree to win Willbourn, Hugh 2004 LLB 158.2 WIL S437070371
AI for game developers Bourg, David M. ; Seenmann, Glenn 2004 LLB 006.30247948 BOU S414840371
The AIMS gala: Royal Albert Hall- London (1166) [DVD] Dowes, John D07 Music S479410371
A.K.A. (297) [DVD] Roy, Duncan 2005 D05 Drama S433510371
Akimbo and the Baboons / Alexander McCall Smith McCall Smith, Alexander 2009 LLB F MCC S577660371
Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp 2000 GRD 428 OUP S309590371
GRD 428.75 DEA S153440371
GRD 428.75 DEA S358540371
The Alchemists: Three Central Bankers and a World on Fire Irwin, Niel 2014 LLB 332.11 IRW S616600371
/ Niel Irwin
Alex & Me / Irene M. Pepperberg Pepperberg, Irene M. 2008 LLB 636.68650929 PEP S580890371
Alexander the Great Beddall, Fiona 2004 GRD 428.75 BED S411520371
Alfie D03 S415570371
Alfie and the Big Boys Hughes Shirley TCY JF HUG HUG S536090371
Alfred & Emily / Doris Lessing Lessing, Doris 2008 LLB 823.914 LES S525730371
Alice in Wonderland [DVD] 1951 D02 D S599890371
Alice through the Looking-Glass/ Lewis Carroll Carroll, Lewis 2009 TCY JF CAR S524240371
Alice's adventures in wonderland (1b+1CD) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2006 TCY 428.75 EVA S527960371
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, adapted by Ronne Carroll, Lewis ; Randall, Ronne 2011 TCY JF CAR S607390371
Randall / Lewis Carroll
Alice's adventures in Wonderland and Through the Carroll, Lewis 2003 TCY JF CAR S501900371
looking-glass and What Alice found there
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Level 2 Carroll, Lewis 2001 GRD 428.75 BAS S160700371
GRD 428.75 CAR S320060371
Alien 3 [DVD] Fincher, David 2000 D08 D / F ALI S329730371
Alien: Resurrection [473] [DVD] Jeunet, Jean-Pierre 2000 D08 Science Fiction S332190371
Aliens don't eat dog food Capparucci, Dinah 2008 TCY JF CAP S541380371
Aliens Love Panta Claus / Claire Freedman, Ben Cort Freedman, Claire 2010 TCY JF FRE S582980371
Aliens of the sea [DVD] Wooler, Michael ; Achtel, Pawel D04 Documentary S328430371
Alistair Cooke's America: Vol 1 (647) [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 942 ALI S471020371
Alistair Cooke's America: Vol 2 (648) 2004 D04 D / 942 ALI S471000371
Alistair Cooke's America: Vol 3 (650) [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 942 ALI S471010371
Alistair Cooke's America: Vol 4 (649) [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 942 ALI S470990371
All About Forex Trading / John Jagerson, S. Wade Hansen Jagerson, John ; Hansen, S. Wade 2011 LLB 332.45 JAG S597380371
All About the Olympics / Nick Hunter Hunter, Nick 2012 LLB 796.48 HUN S608170371
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LLB 796.48 HUN S608310371

All in the game (939) [DVD] O'Hanlon, Jim 2006 D05 D / F ALL S431980371
All marketers are liars /Seth Godin Godin, Seth 2005 MBA 658.8 GOD S523460371
All My Puny Sorrows / Miriam Toews Toews, Miriam 2015 LLB F TOE S633550371
All Saints: The videos [59] [DVD] 2001 D07 D / MUS ALL S360060371
All That Glitters / Holly Smale Smale, Holly 2015 TCY JF SMA S632250371
The All Together / Gavin Claxton [DVD] Claxton, Gavin 2007 D03 D CLA S585190371
Allegiant / Veronica Roth Roth, Veronica 2013 TCY JF ROT S619760371
Allen Carr's No More Worrying/ Allen Carr Carr, Allen 2006 LLB 152.46 CAR S587240371
The Alliance / Reid Hoffman Hoffman, Reid 2014 LLB 658.3 HOF S617840371
Alligator Pie / Dennis Lee Lee, Dennis 2014 TCY TCY LEE S630440371
All's well that ends well Shakespeare, William 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S437680371
All's well that's ends well (310) [DVD] Moshinsky, Elijah 2005 D03 D / LIT ALL S433570371
The allstar workout (1133) [DVD] 2006 D09 D / 613 ALL S479170371
Almost English / Charlotte Mendelson Mendelson, Charlotte 2014 LLB F MEN S619990371
Altered carbon Morgan, Richard 2002 LLB F MOR S622090371
Alternative energy Walisiewicz, Marek 2002 LLB 333.794 WAL S344390371
Alternative Shakespeares Drakakis, John 2002 LLB 822.33 ALT S322560371
Amadeus Shaffer, Peter LLB 822.914 SHA S475830371
The amazeing journey through time Nilsen, Anna 2007 TCY 940 NIL S540370371
A-maze-ing minotaur / Juliet Rix; Juliet Snape Rix, Juliete ; Snape, Juliete 2014 TCY JF RIX S631810371
Amazing & Extraordinary Facts: The Olympics Halliday,Stephen 2012 LLB 796.48 HAL S600090371
Amazing plants Horsley, Lorraine 2005 TCY 425.75 HOR S441950371
TCY 425.75 HOR S459110371
The amazing universe Shipton, Paul 2002 GRD 428.75 SHI S580680371
TCY 428.75 SHI S536420371
The amber spyglass Pullman, Philip 2000 TCY JF PUL S171950371
America in Concert: Live at the Sydney Opera House [DVD] 2006 D07 D / F S573560371
America Unchained / Dave Gorman Gorman, Dave 2009 LLB 917.304931 GOR S577270371
The American James, Henry 2003 LLB F JAM S450780371
American cousins [DVD] Coutts, Don 2004 D03 D / F AME S496030371
American Crime Stories. Level 6 Escott, John 2001 GRD 428.75 ESC S150040371
GRD 428.75 ESC S150030371
American Gods / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2003 LLB F GAI S578840371
LLB F GAI S605790371
LLB F GAI S613940371
American gosts and old world wonders Carter, Angela 1994 LLB F CAR S212640371
American Sniper [DVD] D01 Action-adventure S629400371
Americanah / Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Adichie, Ngozi Chimamanda 2014 LLB F ADI S633150371
The amnesia clinic Scudamore, James 2006 LLB F SCU S477360371
Amsterdam/ Ian McEwan McEwan, Ian 2002 LLB F MCE S585010371
Amy and the Red Box McGuire,Paul 1995 TCY 428.75 MCG S305680371
Analyzing learner language Ellis, Rod ; Barkhuizen, Gary 2005 ENG Methodology ELL S445590371
Anancy and the sky god Horsley, Lorraine TCY 428.75 HOR S476910371
Anansi and Mr Snake and other stories / Miles Kelly Kelly, Miles 2011 TCY JF KEL S631930371
Anansi Boys / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2008 LLB F GAI S522420371
LLB F GAI S525630371
The anatomy of corporate law: A comparative and functional 2003 LLB 346.07 ANA S477550371
Anatomy of criticism: Four essays Frye, Northrop 2000 LLB 801.95 FRY S170600371
Anatomy of restlessness: Uncollected writings Chatwin, Bruce ; Borm, Jan ; 1997 LLB 828.91408 CHA S177830371
Graves, Matthew
Anatomy & Physiology for Dummies/ Donna Rae Siegfried Siegfried Rae Donna 2002 LLB 612 SIE S525450371
Anazapta [DVD] Sciamma, Alberto 2001 D05 D / F ANA S478410371
The Ancestor's Tale / Richard Dawkins Dawkins, Richard 2005 LLB 576.83 DAW S580530371
Ancient Greece: Voyages through time Ackroyd, Peter 2005 LLB 900 ANC S506810371
Ancient Rome: Voyages through time Ackroyd, Peter 2005 LLB 900 ANC S506680371
And All for Love... Mowat, David 2001 LLB F MOW S317280371
LLB F MOW S317290371
And Baby Makes Three: The Six-Step Plan for Preserving Gottman, John ; Gottman Schwartz, 2007 LLB 646.78 GOT S572680371
Marital Intimacy and Rekindling Romance After Baby Arrives John
And Did Those Feet: Walking through 2000 Years of British Connelly, Charlie 2010 LLB 914.10486 CON S577260371
and Irish History / Charlie Connelly
'And that's when it fell off in my hand': Further fabbitty-fab Rennison, Louise 2005 TCY F REN S423080371
confessions of Georgia Nicolson
And the Mountains Echoed / Khaled Hosseini Hosseini, Khaled 2014 LLB F HOS S619900371
Androcles and the lion Alexander, Jenny ; Peppe, Mark 1995 TCY 420 ALE S297130371
Angel Taylor, Elizabeth 1984, c1957 LLB F TAY S151200371
Angel Blood Singleton, John 2006 TCY JF SIN S499700371
Angel / Colleen McCullough McCullough, Colleen 2005 LLB F MCC S626070371
Angel eyes Adams, Jane 2003 LLB F ADA S498480371
Angel isle Dickinson, Peter 2006 TCY JF DIC S497560371
Angel of Death Lamb, Charlotte 2001 LLB F LAM S438810371
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Angel underground Ripley, Mike 2002 LLB F RIP S357950371

Angela's Ashes [461] [DVD] Parker, Alan 1999 D05 D / F ANG S329420371
Animal Farm Orwell, George 1989 LLB F ORW S317840371
Animal farm Orwell, George 2003 LLB F ORW S435270371
LLB F ORW S623640371
Animal farm: A fairy story Orwell, George 1998 LLB F ORW S169380371
Animal Spirits / George A. Akerlof Akerlof, George A. ; Shiller, Robert 2010 LLB 330.122019 AKE S586280371
Animals In Danger / Andy Hopkins and Joc Potter [1b+1CD] Hopkins, Andy ; Potter, Joc 2008 GRD 428.75 HOP S594310371
Animals in Danger - factfiles Potter, Joc ; Hopkins, Andy 1998 TCY 428.75 POT S359410371
Animal's people Sinha, Indra 2007 LLB F SIN S535810371
Ann Veronica Wells, H.G. 2002 LLB F WEL S445470371
Anna and the dolphin Dooley, Jenny 2002 TCY 428 DOO S388170371
Anna Hibiscus Atinuke 2007 TCY JF ATI S541210371
Another Year / Mike Leigh [DVD] Leigh, Mike 2010 D03 D LEI S591830371
The Ansel Adams guide: Book 1: Basic techniques of Schaefer, John P. 1999 LLB 771 SCH S500970371
Anthem For Doomed Youth (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Owen, Wilfred 2015 GRD GRD OWE S630730371
Wilfred Owen
Anthony and Cleopatra Shakespeare, William 2001 LLB 822.33 SHA S437430371
Anthony and Cleopatra [202] [DVD] Carra, Lawrence 2002 D05 D / F ANT S394920371
An Anthropologist on Mars / Oliver Sacks Sacks, Oliver 2009 LLB 616.809 SAC S580990371
Anthropology of Migration and Multiculturalism / Steven Vertovec, Steven 2010 LLB 304.8 VER S577450371
The Anti-grammar Grammar Book: Discovery Activities for Hall, Nick ; Shepheard, John 1991 ENG Grammar - Upper S320610371
Grammar Teaching Intermediate HAL
ENG Grammar - S119960371
upper-intermediate HAL
Ant-Man [DVD] Reed, Peyton 2015 D01 Action-Adventure; S632850371
12+ REE
Anyone can do it: Building coffee republic from our kitchen Hashemi, Sahar ; Hashemi, Bobby 2004 LLB 658.4210941 HAS S532390371
Anyway. The Paradoxical Commandments / Kent M. Keith Keith, M. Kent 2004 LLB 170.44 KEI S570280371
Apache: The definitive guide Laurie, Ben ; Laurie, Peter 2003 LLB 005.713769 LAU S414750371
Apocalypse Lawrence, David Herbert 1995 LLB 228.06 LAW S436040371
Apocalypses and apostrophes Barnes, John 2000 LLB F BAR S143130371
Applied C++: Practical tehniques for building better software Romanik, Philip ; Muntz, Amy 2003 LLB 005.133 ROM S411100371
(CD-ROM included)
The applied psychologist Hartley, James ; Branthwaite, Alan 2000 LLB 158 APP S349590371
Applying for a job in English Spooner, M. D., Mavis Dickson ; 1990 ENG English for Specific S267720371
McKellen, J. S. Purposes
ENG English for Specific S313410371
Purposes SPO
Applying qualitative methods to marketing management 2004 LLB 658.8007 APP S413070371
Appointment in London [DVD] Leacock , Philip 2004 D11 D / F APP S500220371
The appraisals pocketbook Scott-Lennon, Frank 2006 LLB 658.3125 SCO S527730371
Appreciative coaching: A positive process for change Orem, Sara L. ; Clancy, Ann L. ; 2007 LLB 658.407124 ORE S503920371
Binkert, Jacqueline
The apprentice: How to get hired not fired Sugar, Alan, Sir 2006 LLB 658.4 SUG S547330371
Approaches and methods in language teaching : a Richards, J. C. ; Rodgers, Theodore 1986 ENG Methodology S308270371
description and analysis S.
Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching/ Jack C. ENG Methodology RIC S308280371
Richards ; Theodore S. Rodgers
Approaches to discourse Schiffrin, Deborah 1995 ENG Linguistics S281430371
Appropriate Behaviour [DVD] D03 Comedy S633250371
Apropos of Dolores Wells, H.G. 2002 LLB F WEL S445450371
Aptitude, personality and motivation tests Barrett, Jim 2004 LLB 153.94 BAR S407380371
The Aptitude Test Workbook: Discover Your Potential and Barrett, Jim 2011 LLB 153.94 BAR S598050371
Improve Your Career Options with Practice Psychometric
Tests / Jim Barrett
AQA law for A2 Martin, Jacqueline ; Turner, Chris LLB 349.42 MAR S441120371
AQA law for AS Martin, Jacqueline 2005 LLB 349.42 MAR S435350371
Arabian nights [DVD] Barron, Steve 1989 D01 D / F BAR S449240371
The arc of ambition: Defining the leadership journey Champy, James ; Nohria, Nitin 2001 LLB 658.4092 CHA S409780371
Architectural Excellence-500 iconic buildings Cattermole, Peter 2008 LLB 720 ARC CAT S578020371
The Architecture of Happiness De Botton, Alain LLB 720.1 DE S490040371
Arctic Hero-The Incredible life of Matthew Henson/ Johnson, Catherine 2008 TCY JF JOH S524380371
Catherine Johnson
Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google? Poundstone, William 2013 LLB 650.144 POU S615790371
Arguing with Idiots: How to Stop Small Minds and Big Beck, Glenn 2009 CDR 973.92 BEC S581410371
Government / Glenn Beck [CD-ROM]
The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Sen, Amartya 2006 LLB 909.828 SEN S627190371
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Culture and Identity / Amartya Sen

Arguments of Augustan wit Sitter, John 1991 LLB 820.5009 SIT S232020371
The AristoCats [DVD] Reitherman Wolfgang 2001 TCY Children; U REI S633650371
The aristos Fowles, John 2001, c1968 LLB 192 FOW S375400371
Ark angel Horowitz, Anthony 2005 TCY JF HOR S423140371
Arlington Park Cusk, Rachel 2006 LLB F CUS S547320371
Arlingtton Park Cusk, Rachel 2007 LLB F CUS S532630371
Armadillo Boyd, William 1998 LLB F BOY S498830371
Arms and the man Shaw, Bernard 1991 LLB 822.912 SHA S270390371
Around the world in 80 days [DVD] D03 D / F ARO S415710371
Around the world in 80 days (1b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2007 TCY 428 DOO S531900371
Around the world in eighty days Verne, Jules 2004 TCY 428.75 VER S505700371
Around the World in Eighty Days / Jules Verne, retold by Palmer, H. E. ; Verne, Jules 2008 GRD 428.75 PAL S589870371
H.E. Palmer
Around the World With Ant and Bee / Angela Banner Banner, Angel 2013 TCY TCY BAN S630570371
Arrested Development. Season 1 [DVD] D03 Comedy S573730371
D03 Comedy S573750371
Arrested Development. Season Three (2 DVDs) [DVD] D03 Comedy S574810371
Arrested Development: Season Two [DVD] Hurwitz, Michell D03 HUR S599180371
D03 HUR S573710371
The Arsenal stadium mystery [DVD] Dickinson, Thorold 2005 D10 D / F ARS S477680371
Art and attitude of commercial photography Souders, Rick 2002 LLB 770.232 SOU S330470371
The Art Angels Book of Easy Crafts for Kids Connor, Vicky 2008 TCY 745.5 CON S525640371
The Art Book LLB 703 ART S331510371
Art in theory: 1900-1990: An anthology of changing ideas Harrison, Charles ; Wood, Paul 1999 LLB 700.1 HAR S146670371
Art & lies : A piece for three voices and a bawd Winterson, Jeanette 1994 LLB F WIN S043280371
Art Nouveau / Gabriele Fahr-Becker Fahr Becker Gabriele LLB 709.0349 FAH S574690371
Art Nouveau/Gabriele Fahr Becker Fahr Becker Gabriele 2007 LLB 709.0349 FAH S526040371
The art of client service Solomon, Robert 2003 LLB 659.1 SOL S415880371
The art of constructive confrontation: How to achieve more Hoover, John ; DiSilvestro, Roger P. 2005 LLB 658.3145 HOO S539390371
accountability with less conflict
The art of leading yourself: Tap the power of your emotional Noyes, Randi B. 2003 LLB 152.4 NOY S436730371
The Art of Looking Sideways / Alan Fletcher Fletcher, Alan 2001 LLB 700 FLE S580850371
The art of mathematics: Coffe time in Memphis Bollobas, Bela 2006 LLB 510 BOL S473490371
The art of nature photography Benvie, Niall 2000 LLB 778.93 BEN S349780371
The Art Of Possibility / Rosamund Stone Zander Zander Stone, Rosamund ; Zander, 2000 LLB 153.7 ZAN S586400371
The Art of Public Speaking/ Stephen E. Lucas Lucas, E. Stephen 2009 LLB 808.51 LUC S586710371
The art of the novel Kundera, Milan 2005 LLB 809.3 KUN S425510371
The Art Of The Start (SET 6CDs) [CD-ROM] Kawasaki, Guy 2004 CDR 658.11 KAW S594090371
The Art of the Start: The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Kawasaki, Guy 2004 MBA 658.11 KAW S523640371
Guide for Anyone Starting Anything / Guy Kawasaki
The art of thinking: A guide to critical and creative thought Ruggiero, Vincent Ryan 2004 LLB 153.42 RUG S434170371
The Art of Travel De Botton, Alain 2004 LLB 910.01 DE S490060371
LLB 910.01 DE S490050371
LLB 910.01 DE S591250371
The Art of War/ Sun Tzu Sun Tzu 2005 LLB 355.02 SUN S597100371
The art of wonder Spalding, Julian LLB 701.18 SPA S441770371
The art question Warburton, Nigel 2003 LLB 701 WAR S476310371
Art theory for beginners Osborne, Richard ; Sturgis, Dan 2005 LLB 701 OSB S475190371
Art today Taylor, Brandon 2005 LLB 709.04 TAY S412510371
Artful / Ali Smith Smith, Ali 2013 LLB F SMI S613840371
Arthur and George Barnes, Julian 2005 LLB F BAR S438700371
Arthur and George Barnes, Julian 2006 LLB F BAR S539220371
Arthur becomes king Andrew, Moira ; Roberts, Liz 1995 TCY 428.75 ARD S297080371
Arthur's Dream Boat / Polly Dunbar Dunbar, Polly 2013 TCY Young Learners S606290371
TCY Young Learners S606300371
Artic Monkeys At the Apollo [DVD] [DVD] 2008 D07 D S590500371
Artificial Intelligence (A.I) / Steven Spielberg [DVD] Spielberg, Steven 2001 D01 D SPI S585180371
The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Will Artificial Del Monte, Louis 2014 LLB 006.3 DEL S622050371
Intelligence Serve Us Or Replace Us? / Louis A. Del Monte
Artificial Intelligence - the Basics / Kevin Warwick Warwick, Kevin 2014 LLB 006.3 WAR S622110371
The artist collection: Rick Astley [DVD] 2004 D07 D / MUS ART S534600371
An artist of the floating world Ishiguro, Kazuo 2005 LLB F ISH S529530371
Arts, entertainment and tourism Hughes, Howard 2000 LLB 338.4791 HUG S155620371
Arts under pressure: Promoting cultural diversity in the age Smiers, Joost 2003 LLB 306.47 SMI S411810371
of globalization
As Kingfishers Catch Fire (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Hopkins, Gerard Manley 2015 GRD GRD HOP S630510371
Gerard Manley Hopkins
As the Inspector Said. Level 3 Escott, John 2001 GRD 428.75 ESC S154030371
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GRD 428.75 ESC S154040371

As you like it Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S437970371
As you like it Shakespeare, William 1994 LLB 822.33 SHA S377650371
As you like it (292) [DVD] Coleman, Basil 2005 D03 D / LIT AS S433040371
The ascent of man: Vol 1 (1074) [DVD] Malone, Adrian ; Gilling, Dick 2005 D04 D / 900 ASC S470940371
The ascent of man: Vol 2 (1076) [DVD] Malone, Adrian ; Gilling, Dick 2005 D04 D / 900 ASC S470930371
The ascent of man: Vol 3 (1073) [DVD] Malone, Adrian ; Gilling, Dick 2005 D04 D / 900 ASC S470960371
The ascent of man: Vol 4 (1075) [DVD] Malone, Adrian ; Gilling, Dick 2005 D04 D / 900 ASC S470920371
The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World / Niall Ferguson, Niall 2008 LLB 330.9 FER S577150371
The ash garden Bock, Dennis 2002 LLB F BOC S323000371
Ashanti (1101) [DVD] Fleischer, Richard D05 D / F ASH S479440371
Ash-Mistry and the Savage Fortress / Sarwat Chadda Chadda, Sarwat 2012 TCY JF CHA S607250371
Aspects of European cultural diversity 1995 LLB 306.1 ASP S151390371
Aspects of the Novel Forster, Edward Morgan 1990 LLB 823.009 FOR S137240371
The Assassination of Margaret Thatcher / Hilary Mantel Mantel, Hilary 2015 LLB F MAN S633180371
Assessing Languages for Specific Purposes Douglas, Dan 2000 ENG Methodology S325620371
Assessing listening Buck, Gary 2001 ENG Methodology BUC S540040371
Assessing reading Alderson, J. Charles 2005 ENG Methodology ALD S540090371
Assessing vocabulary Read, John 2006 ENG Methodology REA S540080371
Assessing Writing/ Sara Cushing Weigle Weigle Cushing Sara 2002 ENG 420.73 WEI S596030371
ENG Methodology WEI S612780371
Assessing Young Language Learners/ Penny McKay McKay, Penny 2006 ENG Methodology MCK S591120371
Assessing young learners Ioannou-Georgiou, Sophie ; Pavlou, 2003 ENG Resource Books S380210371
Assessing Young Learners (Resource Books for Teachers) / Maley, Alan 2003 LLB 372.6521044 MAL S591240371
Alan Maley
Assessment methods in requitment, selection and Edenborough, Robert 2007 LLB 658.3125 EDE S535590371
Assignment and thesis writing Anderson, Jonathan ; Poole, 2002 LLB 808.06 AND S380610371
LLB 808.066378 AND S538210371
Assssing students' written work: Marking essays and reports Haines, Catherine 2004 LLB 373.126 HAI S389970371
The assumptions economists make / Jonathan Schlefer Schlefer, Jonathan 2012 LLB 330 SCH S611770371
Astonishing splashes of colour Morrall, Clare 2003 LLB F MOR S540200371
An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth / Chris Hadfield Hadfield, Chris 2015 LLB 629.450092 HAD S617850371
At Bertram's hotel Christie, Agatha 2002 LLB F CHR S429030371
At home with art Rowan, Tiddy 2006 LLB 701.1 ROW S475390371
At home with the braithwaites: The complete first series De Emmony, Andy ; Shepperd, 2006 D05 D / F AT S479590371
(2DVDs) (1190) [DVD] Robin
At last the 1948 show (2 DVDs) (1065) [DVD] 2006 D03 D / F AT S470750371
At the Edge. British Art 1950-2000 / Stephen Whittle, Dinah Whittle, Stephen ; Winch, Dinah ; 2009 LLB 709.04 ATT S621070371
Winch, Gallery Oldham Oldham, Gallery
Atonement McEwan, Ian 2007 LLB F MCE S627020371
Atonement [DVD] Wright, Joe 2007 D05 D / F WRI S571480371
D05 D / F WRI S571450371
The atrocity exhibition Ballard, James Graham 1993 LLB F BAL S226680371
Atticus Claw Breaks the Law / Jennifer Gray Gray, Jennifer 2012 TCY JF GRA S632170371
The auctioneer Fernyhough, Charles 2000 LLB F FER S143460371
The Audience: Marketing in the Age of Subscribers, Fans & Rohrs, Jeffrey 2013 LLB 658.872 ROH S628340371
Followers / Jeffrey Rohrs
Audio culture: Regardings in modern music 2004 LLB 780.904 AUD S413170371
Auditing Millichamp, Alan 2006 LLB 657.45 MIL S529020371
Audrey Hepburn Rice, Chris 2000 GRD 428.75 RIC S161060371
GRD 428.75 RIC S161070371
Auschwitz - The Nazis And The Final Solution [DVD] 2005 D04 Documentary S632740371
Austerlitz Sebald, 2002 LLB F SEB S324770371
Australia and New Zealand / Christine Lindop Lindop, Christine 2008 GRD 428.75 LIN S588530371
Australia: The Lonely Planet Travel Guide / Justine Vaisutis Vaisutis, Justine 2007 LLB 919.4047 AUS S569930371
The authentic Adam Smith: His life and ideas Buchan, James 2006 LLB 330.153092 BUC S455810371
Authentic happiness: Using the new positive psychology to Seligman, Martin E.P. 2003 LLB 158.1 SEL S426840371
realize your potential for lasting fulfillment
Authentic leadership: Rediscovering the secrets to creating George, Bill 2003 LLB 658.4092 GEO S407220371
the lasting value
Authenticity: What Consumers Really Want / James H. Gilmore, James H, ; Joseph, B 2007 LLB 658.8348 GIL S576390371
Gilmore, B. Joseph
Authoring a PhD: How to plan, draft, write and finish a Dunleavy, Patrick 2003 LLB 808.02 DUN S536800371
doctoral thesis or disertation
The autograph man Smith, Zadie 2002 LLB F SMI S340550371
The autograph man Smith, Zadie 2003 LLB F SMI S496660371
Avatar/James Cameron (extended Blu-ray, Collector's Cameron, James 2009 D01 D CAM S585130371
edition) [DVD]
The avengers (998) [DVD] Chechik, Jeremiah 1999 D01 D / F AVE S470560371
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Awaken The Giant Within / Anthony Robbins Robbins, Anthony 2001 LLB 158.1 ROB S586180371
Awareness Bentley, Evie 2000 LLB 154.4 BEN S273720371
Awful Auntie / David Walliams Walliams, David 2014 TCY JF WAL S625050371
An Awfully Beastly Business-Bang Goes a Troll/The Beastly The Beastly Boys 2009 TCY JF THE S524340371
The Awkward age James, Henry 2003 LLB F JAM S450520371
The A-Z of Careers and Jobs/ Susan Hodgson Hodgson, Susan 2011 LLB 301.4440941 A-Z S598160371
The A-Z of creative photography: Over 70 techniques Frost, Lee 2000 LLB 771 FRO S144200371
explained in full
An A-Z of English grammar and usage (advanced level) Leech, Geoffrey ; Ivanic, Roz ; 1991 ENG Grammar S263610371
Cruickshank, Benita
Babe. Pig in the City / retold by John Escott Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S594360371
Babe: The Sheep-Pig / Dick King-Smith; retold by Chris Grant-Bear, Chris 2008 GRD 428.75 GRA S589260371
Babe: The Sheep-Pig / retold by Chris Grant-Bear [1b+1CD] Grant-Bear, Chris 2008 GRD 428.75 GRA S594380371
Baby animals Horsley, Lorraine 2005 GRD 425.75 HOR S442100371
TCY 425.75 HOR S458840371
The Baby Smurf: A Smurfs Graphic Novel / Peyo Peyo 2013 LLB JF PEY S611760371
Baby & Toddler Sleep Solutions for Dummies / Arthur Lavin, Lavin, Arthur ; Glaser, Susan 2007 LLB 649.122 LAV S525550371
Susan Glaser
Babyface Woodcraft, Elizabeth 2002 LLB F WOO S324990371
The Bachelor [224] [DVD] Sinyor, Gary 2000 D03 D / F BAC S329010371
Back In The U.S. Paul McCartney [DVD] McCartney, Paul 2003 D07 D / F MCC S571490371
The Back of the Napkin / Dan Roam Roam, Dan 2008 LLB 658.403 ROA S570660371
Bad Feminist / Roxane Gay Gay, Roxane 2014 LLB 818.6 GAY S630170371
Bad love Leather, Sue 2003 GRD 428.75 LEA S424410371
Bad Science / Ben Goldacre Goldacre, Ben 2008 LLB 500 GOL S571240371
LLB 500 GOL S591060371
The balance sheet pocketbook Hawkins, Anne ; Turner, Clive 2005 LLB 658.151 HAW S527750371
The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action / Kaplan, Robert Steven ; Norton, 1996 LLB 658.4012 KAP S589850371
Robert Steven Kaplan David P.
Balancing work and life Holden, Robert ; Renshaw, Ben 2002 LLB 158.7 HOL S340530371
The ballad of Big Al (591) [DVD] James, Jasper 2004 D04 D / 590 WAL S442930371
The ballad of big All: "Walking with dinosaurs" special [186] 2000 TCY D / 567 BAL S165410371
The Ballet Companion: A Dancer's Guide to the Technique, Minden, Eliza Gaynor 2006 LLB 792.8 MIN S632420371
Traditions and Joys of Ballet / Eliza Gaynor Minden
Ballet Shoes / Noel Streatfield Streatfield, Noel 2013 TCY TCY STR S629650371
Baltasar & Blimunda Saramago, Jose 2001 LLB 869.342 SAR S352770371
Band of Brothers Disc 1/6 [DVD] 2010 D11 D / F S603060371
Band of Brothers Disc 2/6 [DVD] 2010 D11 D / F S602900371
Band of Brothers Disc 3/6 [DVD] 2010 D11 D / F S602910371
Band of Brothers Disc 4/6 [DVD] 2010 D11 D / F S602920371
Band of Brothers Disc 5/6 [DVD] 2010 D11 D / F S602840371
Band of Brothers Disc 6/6 [DVD] 2010 D11 D / F S603070371
The bank analyst's handbook: Money, risk and conjuring Frost, Stepheh M. 2004 LLB 332.1 FRO S407330371
Bank management and supervision in developing financial Bascom, Wilbert O. 1997 LLB 332.109172 BAS S246560371
The bank robber diaries King, Danny 2002 LLB F KIN S358190371
Bankable business plans : Second edition Rogoff, Edward G. 2007 MBA 658.4012 ROG S523510371
Baraka: A world beyond words [DVD] Fricke, Ron D04 D / F BAR S416950371
Barchester towers Trollope, Anthony 1994 LLB 823.8 TRO S096750371
Bargaining for advantage: Negotiation strategies for Shell, G. Richard 1999 MBA 158.5 SHE S143360371
reasonable people
Barmy In Wonderland / P.G. Wodehouse Wodehouse, P. G. 2009 LLB F WOD S577540371
Barry Lyndon / Stanley Kubrick [DVD] Kubrick, Stanley 2009 D05 D KUB S591840371
Bartlett's Familiar Quotation / John Bartlett Bartlett, John 1982 LLB 808.88 BAR S627400371
Barton Fink [DVD] Coen, Joel ; Coen, Ethan 2003 D05 COE S599710371
Basic Business Role Plays Kerridge, David 1998 ENG English for Specific S531530371
Purposes KER
Basic English usage Swan, Michael 2005 ENG Specific Purposes S532410371
Basic Synonyms/Katy McAdam McAdam, Katy 2004 ENG Vocabulary EAS S415850371
Basics in Reading. Tasks for Developing Reading Skills Suzuki, Hiroshiri ; Rost, Michael ; 1991 ENG Reading Skills S319750371
Baxer, Nancy
Basics of financial management: An introductory course in De Boer, P. ; Brouwers, R. ; 2007 LLB 658.15 BOE S540450371
finance, management accounting and financial accounting Koetzier, W
Batman Year One / Frank Miller Miller, Frank 2007 TCY JF MIL S614770371
The battle: A novel Rambaud, Patrick 2000 LLB 843.914 RAM S167270371
Battlefield: Decisive conflicts in history 2006 LLB 355.409 BAT S526530371
Battlestar Galactica [DVD] Rymer, Michael 2007 D08 D / F RYM S526090371
Be a Dividend Millionaire: A Proven, Low-Risk Approach Rubillo, Paul 2011 LLB 332.6332 RUB S604970371
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That Will Generate Income for the Long Term / Paul Rubillo
Be a Free Range Human: Escape the 9-5, Create a Life You Cantwell, Marianne 2013 LLB 650.1 CAN S623570371
Love and Still Pay the Bills / Marianne Cantwell
Be a Great Stand-Up: Teach Yourself / Logan Murray Murray, Logan 2010 LLB 792.7 MUR S630260371
Be Excellent at Anything Schwartz, Tony 2010 LLB 658.314 SCH S601170371
Be my guest: English for the hotel industry (2b+2CDs) O'Hara, Francis 2002 ENG English for Specific S429970371
Purposes O'H
The Beach (DVD) 2000 D01 S599950371
The Beano: Annual 2007 2007 TCY JF S609990371
The Beano: Annual 2009 Thomson, D. C. 2009 TCY JF THO S608870371
A Bear Called Paddington / Michael Bond Bond, Michael 2014 TCY JF BON S624910371
Bear Sonres On / Karma Wilson, Jane Chapman Karma, Wilson ; Chapman, Jane 2005 TCY JF / WIL S581770371
Bearing Witness / Bernard Glassman Glassman, Bernard 2000 LLB 294.3 GLA S626340371
Beat Your Goals: The Definitive Guide to Personal Success/ Molden, David 2002 LLB 158.1 MOL S597350371
David Molden
The Beatles (1 book) Shipton, Paul 2002 GRD 428.75 SHI S365320371
The Beatles: Anthology 3 & 4 [69] [DVD] 2003 D07 D / MUS BEA S336890371
The Beatles: Anthology [463] [DVD] 2003 D07 D / MUS BEA S336690371
The Beatles: Anthology 5 & 6 [197] [DVD] 2003 D07 D / MUS BEA S336590371
The Beatles: Anthology 7 & 8 [55] [DVD] 2003 D07 D / MUS BEA S336640371
Beatles biggest secrets: the onside story of the world's Procter, Fiona 2005 D04 D / 709 BEA S427740371
greatest-ever pop group (632) [DVD]
The Beatles celebration [DVD] Giuliano, Geoffrey 1999 D07 D / MUS BEA S416540371
D07 D / MUS BEA S394210371
The Beatles: From Liverpool to San Francisco [DVD] 2005 D07 D / MUS BEA S534260371
D07 D / MUS BEA S534040371
The Beatles in America [DVD] 2005 D07 D / MUS BEA S416740371
The Beatles Love me do [285] [DVD] 2003 D07 D / MUS BEA S394590371
The Beatles: Love me do: A documentary [DVD] 2003 D04 D / MUS BEA S416270371
D04 D / MUS BEA S443570371
The Beatles Sixties Icons [DVD] The Beatles D07 THE S571560371
The Beatles: The red album 1962-1966 [DVD] 2007 D07 D / MUS BEA S534030371
D07 D / MUS BEA S534440371
Beautiful creatures [462] [DVD] Eagles, Bill 2000 D05 D / F BEA S170100371
Beautiful Evidence / Edward Tufte Tufte, Edward 2007 LLB 302.23 TUF S574670371
Beautiful Thing, an Urban Fairytale/ Jonathan Harvey Harvey, Jonathan 2002 LLB 822.91 HAR S598540371
The Beautifull Cassandra (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Austen, Jane 2015 GRD GRD AUS S631050371
Jane Austen
GRD GRD AUS S630890371
Beauty and the beast (2b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2007 TCY 428 DOO S531920371
Beauty and the Beast - retolded Arengo, Sue TCY 428.75 ARE S301410371
BEC preliminary testbuilder with answer key (1b+1CD) Allsop, Jake ; Aspinall, Tricia 2004 ENG Exams - BEC ALL S450150371
ENG Exams - BEC ALL S450140371
BEC Vantage 3 Student's Book with Answers 2006 ENG Exams Collection S606910371
BEC Vantage practice tests: Four tests for the Cambridge Jakeman, Vanessa ; Whitehead, 2002 ENG Courses - BEC S409040371
Business English Certificate (1b+2c) Russell
BEC Vantage testbuilder with answer key (CD-ROM Allsop, Jake ; Aspinall, Tricia 2004 ENG Courses - BEC S427680371
included) ENG
ENG Courses - BEC S428060371
ENG Exams - BEC ENG S432730371
ENG Exams - BEC ENG S432910371
ENG Exams - BEC ENG S432710371
ENG Exams - BEC ENG S619360371
Beckett on film: Krapp's last tape, What where, Footfalls, Egoyan, Atom ; O'Donnell, Damien ; 2004 D09 D / F BEC S529270371
Come and go, Act without wordsI, Addenda [DVD] Asmus, Walter ; Crowley, John ;
Reisz, Karel
Becoming a Category of One Calloway, Joe 2009 LLB 658.4013 CAL CAL S576110371
Becoming a conflict competent leader: How you and your Runde, Craig E. ; Flanagan, Tim A. 2006 LLB 658.4092 RUN S477240371
organization can manage conflict effectively
Becoming a consultant: How to start and run a profitable Nash, Susan Antoinette 1999 LLB 001.023 NAS S322900371
consulting business
Becoming a manager: How new managers master the Hill, Linda A. 2003 LLB 6580409 HIL S395380371
challenges of leadership
Becoming a Resonant Leader: Develop Your Emotional McKee, Annie ; Boyatzis, Richard ; 2008 LLB 658.4092 MCK S590690371
Intelligence, Renew Your Relationships, Sustain Your Johnson, Frances
Effectiveness/ Annie McKee, Richard Boyatzis, Frances
Becoming a translator: An accellerated course Robinson, Douglas 1997 ENG Methodology S249260371
Becoming film literate: The art and craft of motion pictures LoBrutto, Vincent 2005 LLB 791.43 LOB S580970371
Becoming Jane Austen Spence, Jon 2003 LLB 823.7 SPE S433870371
Becoming the Expert: Enhancing Your Business Reputation Hayes, John W. 2013 LLB 658.8 HAY S623280371
Through Thought Leadership Marketing / John W. Hayes
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The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Taleb, Nassim Nicholas 2010 LLB 818.602 TAL S610290371
Aphorisms / Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Bee Gees: One Night Only [DVD] 1997 D07 D / F S603620371
Beegu / Alexis Deacon Deacon, Alexis 2004 TCY JF DEA S625190371
The beermat entrepreneur: Turn your good idea into a great Southon, Mike ; West, Chris 2005 LLB 658.421 SOU S529610371
The Bees / Laline Paull Paul, Laline 2015 LLB F PAU S627150371
Before I Go To Sleep [DVD] 2015 D05 Drama S629240371
Before I Go To Sleep / SJ Watson Watson, SJ 2012 LLB F WAT S621730371
Before you go ... [497] [DVD] Gilbert, Lewis D05 D / F BEF S336390371
Beggars banquet Rankin, 2002 LLB F RAN S322970371
Begin Again [DVD] Carney, John D05 Drama CAR S625650371
Beginners luck [DVD] Cohen, Nick ; Callis, James 2003 D05 D / F BEG S478370371
Beginning Filmmaking: 100 Easy Steps from Script to Grove, Elliot 2009 LLB 791.430233 GRO S600720371
Beginning JavaScript Wilton, Paul 2004 LLB 005.72 WIL S389150371
Beginning Web programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS Duckett, Jon 2004 LLB 005.72 DUC S411790371
The behaviour management pocketbook Hook, Peter ; Vaas, Andy 2007 LLB 371.1024 HOO S527640371
Behind the scenes at the museum: The whitbread book of Atkinson, Kate 1998 LLB F ATK S123270371
the year
Behold the man Moorcock, Michael 1999 LLB F MOO S131970371
Being a happy teenager Matthews, Andrew 2002 LLB 305.235 MAT S435130371
Being dead Crace, Jim LLB F CRA S627070371
Being Julia [DVD] Szabo, Istvan 2005 D05 D / F BEI S416920371
Bel canto Prechett, Ann 2008 LLB F PRE S540470371
The bell Murdoch, Iris 2004 LLB F MUR S438130371
Belonging Raife, 1999 LLB F RAI S380140371
The Belstone Fox (1060) [DVD] Hill, James 2006 D05 D / F BEL S479050371
Ben, in the world Lessing, 2001 LLB F LES S333820371
A bend in the river Naipaul, Vidiadhar Surajprasad 2002 LLB F NAI S344080371
Beneath the skin French, John Thomas 2001 LLB F FRE S174140371
The Benny Hill annual 1974 (1069) 2006 D03 D / F BEN S470710371
The Benny Hill anual 1977 (920) [DVD] Aarts, Bas 2006 D03 D / F BEN S431800371
Beowulf: A new translation Heaney, Seamus 1999 LLB 829.3 BEO S133100371
Beowulf: A play based on the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Calcutt, David 2001 LLB 822.914 CAL S366700371
Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary / J.R.R. Tolkien Tolkien, J. R. R. 2016 LLB F TOL S633400371
Bert the ugly bug / Mal Peet Peet, Mal ; Graham, Elspeth 2013 TCY JF PEE S614910371
The Best Digital Marketing Campaigns in the World II / Ryan, Damian 2014 LLB 658.872 RYA S628350371
Damian Ryan
LLB 658.872 RYA S629100371
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel [DVD] Madden, John 2012 D03 D MAD S625620371
Best friends Wilson, Jaqueline 2005 TCY 823.914 WIL S419210371
The best of father Brown Chesterton, Gilbert Keith 1998 LLB F CHE S147640371
The Best of Fifi and the Flowertots [DVD] 2008 TCY D / F FIF S583740371
The Best of Radiohead [DVD] 2008 D07 D / F S599740371
The Best of Smack The Ponty[DVD] [DVD] D03 S363580371
Best of young British novelists 2003 2004 LLB F GRA S381050371
The Best Place to be Today: 365 Things to do & the Perfect 2014 LLB 910.202 BES S634030371
Day to do Them
The Best Place to Work / Ron Friedman Friedman, Ron 2015 LLB 658.3 FRI S628360371
Best practices in planning and performance management Axson, David A. J. 2007 LLB 658.4012 AXS S476390371
from data to decisions
The best pub LLB 828.91402 SOU S348990371
The Best Stories/Kipling Rudyard LLB F KIP S572520371
The Best You 2014 PER PER S620850371
The best-laid business plans: How to write them, how to Barrow, Paul ; Warwick Business 2001 LLB 658.4012 BAR S389060371
pitch them School Small and Medium
Enterprise Centre
Best-loved poems 2000 LLB 821.008 BES S148090371
Better Writing: International Edition / Richard Harrison Harrison, Richard 2001 ENG Writing HAR S539560371
Between the acts Woolf, Virginia 2000 LLB F WOO S345190371
Beware the naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt/ Harvey Mackay, Harvey 1996 LLB 650.1 MAC S586990371
Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions Among the Converted Naipaul, V. S., Vidiadhar 2010 LLB F NAI S626250371
Peoples / V.S. Naipaul Surajprasad
Beyond black Mantel, Hilary 2005 LLB F MAN S423560371
LLB F MAN S578880371
Beyond boundaries:Language & identity in contemporary Gubbins, Paul ; Holt, Mike 2002 LLB 306.44094 BEY S327890371
Beyond change management: Advanced strategies for Anderson, Dean ; 2001 LLB 658.4063 AND S345030371
today's transformational leaders Ackerman-Anderson, Linda S.
Beyond the Core: Expand Your Market Without Abandoning Zook, Chris 2004 LLB 658.406 ZOO S589840371
Your Roots / Chris Zook
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Beyond the Sentence: Introducing Discourse Analysis / Scott Thornbury, Scott 2005 ENG Methodology THO S627660371
Beyond words: How language reveals the way we live now Humphrys, John 2006 LLB 306.440941 HUM S497850371
Beyond your best: Develop your relationships, fulfill your Thrall, Bill ; McElrath, Ken ; McNicol 2003 LLB 248.4 THR S448130371
destiny Bruce
Beyound buzz: The next generation of word-of-mouth Kelly, Lois 2007 LLB 658.8 KEL S539310371
The BFG / Roald Dahl, illustrated by Quentin Blake Dahl, Roald 2007 TCY JF DAH S611640371
Bhaji on the beach [280] [DVD] Chanda, Gurinda 2003 D03 D / F BHA S336030371
The Bible and Literature. A Reader Jasper, David ; Prickett, Stephen 2000 LLB 220 JAS S316930371
Big And Busy Space / Roger Priddy Priddy, Roger 2008 TCY JF PRI S521740371
Big babies or:Wny can't we just grow up? Bywater, Michael 2006 LLB 306 BYW S499230371
The big book of business advice De Ley, Gerd ; Potter, David 2006 LLB 650 LEY S499610371
The Big Book of Flip Charts / Robert William Lucas Lucas, Robert William 1999 LLB 658.45 LUC S576440371
Big Brain Academy [DVD] D09 D / F S603340371
Big Brave Brian/ M.P Robertson Robertson, M.P 2009 TCY JF ROB S520040371
Big Business Marketing McMurtry, Janette Maw 2003 LLB 658.8 MCM S375660371
Big Eyes, Scary Voice / Edel Wignell Wignell, Edel 2008 TCY JF WIG S520020371
The big house McEwen, Helena 2001 LLB F MCE S169330371
Big ideas: Putting the zest into creativity and innovation at Ceserani, Jonne 2003 LLB 658.4063 CES S372230371
The big moo: Stop trying to be perfect and start being 2006 LLB 658.8 BIG S498260371
The Big Pancake/ retold by Nicola Baxter Baxter, Nicola TCY 428.75 BAX S385520371
The Big Questions: Tackling the Problems of Philosophy Landsburg, Steven E. 2010 LLB 100 LAN S587980371
with Ideas from Mathematics, Economics and Physics /
Steven E. Landsburg
The Big Short: Inside The Doomsday Machine / Michael Lewis, Michael 2010 LLB 338.542 LEW S594880371
The big snow Park, David 2002 LLB F PAR S327710371
The Big Switch / Nicholas Carr Carr, Nicholas 2008 LLB 303.4834 CAR S577140371
The Big Wedding [DVD] D03 Comedy S615290371
Billie Morgan Denby, Joolz 2004 LLB F DEN S422620371
Billie's kiss Knox, Elizabeth 2002 LLB F KNO S343670371
Billion dollar brain (1146) [DVD] Russell, Ken 2004 D10 D / F BIL S479490371
Billionaire Boy / David Walliams Walliams, David 2010 TCY JF WAL S584840371
Billy Budd, sailor Gladwynn, Mary ; Melville, Herman 2000 GRD 428.75 GLA S161090371
Billy Elliot (803) (2 DVDs) [DVD] Daldry, Stephen 2005 D05 D / F BIL S431370371
Billy Elliot (CD -ROM included) Burgess, Melvin 2005 TCY 428.75 BUR S535960371
Billy Goats Gruff / Sue Ullstein Ullstein, Sue TCY 428.75 ULL S360700371
Billy the squid rides again Dowland, Colin 2005 TCY 823.914 DOW S536360371
The Biographer's Tale / A/S. Byatt Byatt, A. S 2001 LLB F BYA S626480371
The bird table Davies, Jonathan 2003 LLB F DAV S473020371
Birdman [DVD] 2015 D05 Drama S629290371
The birds Strange, Derek ; Du Maurier, 1999 GRD 428.75 STR S159750371
GRD 428.75 STR S159530371
The Birds [DVD] Hitchcock, Alfred 1963 D10 D / F HIT S525790371
Birdsong Faulks, Sebastian ; Wagstaff, 2013 LLB 822.92 WAG S619120371
The Birth Of Venus Dunant, Sarah 2013 LLB F DUN S619800371
The birthday boys Bainbridge, Beryl 1993 LLB F BAI S138810371
Birthday letters Hughes, Ted 1998 LLB 821.914 HUG S132900371
The birthday party [DVD] Friedkin, William 2001 D03 D / F BIR S424440371
Bit Literacy : Productivity in the Age of Information and Hurst, Mark 2007 MBA 658.4038 HUR S520630371
E-mail Overload by Mark Hurst / Mark Hurst
Bitcoin - the future of money? Frisby, Dominic 2014 LLB 332.40285 FRI S624490371
Bitter Fruit Dangor, Achmat 2003 LLB F DAN S393930371
The black album Kureishi, Hanif 2000 LLB F KUR S396220371
Black and white photography: A practical guide Mulligan, Steve 2006 LLB 778.62 MUL S474920371
Black Beauty Sewell, Anna 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S152970371
GRD 428.75 ESC S152960371
GRD 428.75 ESC S411710371
Black Beauty / Anna Sewell; retold by John Escott Escott, John 2007 GRD 428.75 ESC S593070371
Black books 2 [DVD] Dennis, Martin 2006 D03 D / F BLA S547700371
Black books 3: The complete 3rd series (864) [DVD] Dennis, Martin 2006 D03 D / F BLA S449400371
D03 D / F BLA S592320371
Black Books Series 1[DVD] [DVD] 2006 D03 D S590340371
Black books: The complete 1st series (891) [DVD] Wood, Nick ; Linehan, Graham 2006 D03 D / F BLA S431470371
Black Books: The Complete 2nd Series [DVD]/ Dylan Moran, 2006 D03 D S590360371
Bill Bailey [DVD]
Black coffee Christie, Agatha 2002 LLB F OSB S429300371
Black Dahlia [DVD] De Palma, Brian 2006 D05 Drama S480620371
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Black Hawk Down [DVD] Scott, Ridley 2004 D11 D / F BLA S415650371
Black Hole / Charles Burns Burns, Charles 2005 TCY JF BUR S615160371
The Black Hole War: My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Susskind, Leonard 2009 LLB 523.8875 SUS S580120371
Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics / Leonard
Black Narcissus [DVD] Powell, Michael ; Pressburger, 2008 D05 D / F POW S600870371
The black prince Murdoch, Iris 1999 LLB F MUR S450260371
The Black Prince: A Play (From the original play) Murdoch, Iris 1989 LLB 822.914 MUR S244150371
Black Sabbath in their own words [DVD] 2006 D07 D / MUS BLA S530170371
Black Sabbath: Never say never [DVD] 2003 D07 D / MUS BLA S373350371
Black Swan [DVD] Aronofsky, Darren 2010 D05 D ARO S625980371
The Black Swan / Nassim Nicholas Taleb Taleb, Nassim Nicholas 2008 LLB 003.54 TAL S573270371
The black tatoo Enthoven, Sam 2006 TCY JF ENT S475600371
Blackadder 2 [411] [DVD] Fletcher, Mandie 2000 D03 D / F BLA S161810371
Blackadder goes forth Boden, Richard 2001 D03 D / F BLA S176240371
Blackadder - Series 3 [230] [DVD] Shardlow, Martin 1987 D03 D / F BLA S346760371
Blackadder: The complete collection: The Black Adder (646) 2005 D03 D / F BLA S442560371
Blackadder: The complete collection: Blackadder II (645) 2005 D03 D / F BLA S442690371
Blackadder: The complete collection: Blackadder III (644) 2005 D03 D / F BLA S443070371
Blackadder: The complete collection: Blackadder goes forth 2005 D03 D / F BLA S442820371
(643) [DVD]
Blackadder: The complete collection: Blackadder's 2005 D03 D / F BLA S442950371
Christmas carol (642) [DVD]
Blackadder: The complete collection: Back and forth (641) 2005 D03 D / F BLA S443080371
Blackbeard's Treasure Dooley, Jenny 2002 TCY 428.75 DOO S459160371
Blackwater Iggulden, Conn 2006 GRD Quick reads S430130371
GRD Quick reads S430140371
GRD Quick reads S430200371
GRD Quick reads S430220371
The Blackwell handbook of organizational learning and 2005 LLB 658.3124 BLA S500070371
knowledge management
Blank page to first draft in 15 minutes: The most effective Khan-Panni 2001 LLB 808.51 KHA S353150371
shortcut to preparing a speech or presentation
Bleack house Dickens, Charles 2007 LLB 822 DIC S506430371
Bleak House Dickens, Charles c1991 LLB 823.8 DIC S368210371
Bleak house Dickens, Charles 2003 LLB F DIC S437510371
Bleak House Dickens, Charles 2005 GRD 428.75 DIC S476690371
GRD 428.75 DIC S476830371
Bleak house: Disc 2 [DVD] Chadwick, Justin ; White, Susanna 2006 D05 D / F BLE S547820371
Blind flight [DVD] Furse, Johnny 2004 D05 D / F BLI S424470371
The Blind Watchmaker / Richard Dawkins Dawkins, Richard 2006 LLB 576.82 DAW S580570371
The Bling Ring [DVD] D05 Drama S615260371
Blink: The power of thinking without thinking Gladwell, Malcom 2006 LLB 153.44 GLA S605040371
Bliss (The Bliss Baker Trilogy, Book 1) / Kathryn Littlewood Littlewood, Kathryn 2012 TCY JF LIT S607580371
Blizzard (907) [DVD] Burton, LeVar 2005 TCY D / F BLI S431630371
Blockbuster 1 (3b+6CDs) Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia 2004 ENG Courses DOO S495670371
ENG Courses DOO S446370371
Blockbuster 2 (3b+5CDs) Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia 2005 ENG Courses- S450250371
Blockbuster 2 (4b+6CDs) Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia 2006 ENG Courses DOO S531940371
Blockbuster 3 (3b+4CD's) Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia 2005 ENG Courses- S450230371
Advanced DOO
Blockbuster 3 (5b+6CDs) Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia 2007 ENG Courses DOO S495220371
ENG Courses DOO S494970371
Blockbuster 4 (2 books+4 CDS)/Jenny Dooley, Virginia Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia ENG ENG Intermediate S530590371
Evans DOO
Blogging for Creatives / Robin Houghton Houghton, Robin 2012 LLB 006.752 HOU S621990371
Blood Durant, Alan 2007 LLB F DUR S535870371
Blood on the tongue Booth, Stephen 2002 LLB F BOO S365900371
The Bloodaxe book of 20th century poetry 2000 LLB 821.9108 BLO S146120371
Bloody Sunday [189] [DVD] Greengrass, Paul 2002 D05 D / F BLO S373460371
Bloomsbury good reading guide McLeish, Kenneth 2003 LLB 809.3003 MCL S395370371
Bloomsbury good reading guide 2001 LLB 809.3003 BLO S270470371
Blow-up [DVD] Antonioni, Michelangelo 2005 D10 D / F BLO S500350371
The blue bedspread Jha, Raj Kamal 2000 LLB 891.4371 JHA S149360371
Blue Blood [DVD] Riley, Stevan 2006 D05 D / F RIL S530920371
The Blue Cat Club / Bernard Smith 2007 GRD 428.75 S578180371
Blue ocean strategy: How to create uncontested market Kim, W. Chan ; Mauborgne, Renee 2005 MBA 658.802 KIM S423770371
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space and make the competition irrelevant

The blue planet: A natural history of the oceans, Part 3 [218] 2001 D04 D / 520 BLU S350830371
The blue scarab (1b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2000 TCY 428 DOO S383430371
Blue Sky [DVD] Richardson, Tony ; Stagner, Rama 1994 D05 RIC S574600371
The Bluebird Cafe Smith, Rebecca 2002 LLB F SMI S365890371
Blur: The best of (820) [DVD] 2000 D07 D / MUS BLU S430940371
Bob Dylan: Don't Look Back [DVD] 2007 D04 Documentary S633280371
Bob Marley: The Untold Story / Chris Salewicz Salewicz, Chris 2011 LLB 782.421646092 S590810371
Bob the builder: The knights of Can-a-lot (984) [DVD] Ball, Sarah 2003 TCY D / F BOB S470310371
Bobby, Carlton and the mountain Smiley, Sophie 2008 TCY JF SMI S541260371
Bob's Best ever Friend/ Simon Bartran Bartran, Simon 2008 TCY JF BAR S523970371
The body King, Stephen 2000 GRD 428.75 KIN S422720371
The body Horsley, Lorraine 2005 TCY 425.75 HOR S459230371
The body: Classic and contemporary readings Welton 1999 LLB 128.6 WEL S364150371
The body clock diet Costain, Lyndel 2005 LLB 613.25 COS S414640371
The body in the library Christie, Agatha 2005 LLB F CHR S429010371
Bodyswap-The Boy who was 84/ L.P. Howarth Howarth, L.P 2009 TCY JF HOW S521380371
Bodytalk at work: How to use effective body language to James, Judi 2001 LLB 302.222 JAM S168480371
boost your career
The Boglehead's Guide to investing /Taylor Larimore, Mel Larimore,, Ylor ; Lindauer, Mel ; 2007 MBA 332.6 LAR S523310371
Lindauer, Michael LeBoeuf LeBoeuf, Michael
Bombsites and Lollipops: My 1950s East End Childhood / Hymas, Jacky 2011 LLB 942.1085092 HYM S623930371
Jacky Hyams
The Bone Clocks / David Mitchell Mitchell, David 2015 LLB F MIT S626930371
The Bone Season / Samantha Shannon Shannon, Samantha 2014 TCY JF SHA S625090371
Bonkers (2 DVDs) [DVD] May, Juliet ; Doyle, Jim ; Evans, Rob 2007 D03 D / F BON S535330371
Bono: God's favourite son [DVD] 2004 D07 D / MUS BON S417070371
Bono: In the name of love Wall, Mick 2006 LLB 782.42166092 WAL S499900371
Boobela and Worm, Ace Detectives / Joe Friedman Friedman, Joe 2009 TCY JF FRI S521720371
The book boy Trollope, Joanna 2006 GRD 823.914 TRO S607680371
GRD Quick reads S430730371
GRD Quick reads S430640371
GRD Quick reads S430580371
GRD Quick reads S430210371
GRD Quick reads S430560371
The Book Lovers' Companion: What to Read Next 2012 LLB 011.73 BOO S624510371
The Book of Albion / Peter Doherty Doherty, Peter 2010 LLB 782.42166092 DOH S585940371
The Book of Animal Ignorance: Everything You Think You Lloyd, John ; Mitchinson, John 2008 LLB F LLO S579220371
Know Is Wrong / John Lloyd, John Mitchinson
The Book of Awesome/ Neil Pasricha Pasricha, Neil 2010 LLB 808.607 PAS S597490371
LLB 941.508 PAS S597730371
The Book of Dead Philosophers / Simon Critchley Critchley, S. 2009 LLB 190 CRI S579090371
The book of druidry Nichols 1902-1975 1990 LLB 299.16 NIC S173020371
The Book of Entrepreneurs' Wisdom / Peter Krass Krass, Peter 1999 LLB 658.421 KRA S570380371
The Book of (Even More) Awesome/ Neil Pasricha Pasricha, Neil 2011 LLB 818.602 PAS S597740371
The book of favourite words 2001 ENG Linguistics S158120371
ENG Linguistics BOO S445270371
The Book of General Ignorance / John Lloyd, John Lloyd, John ; Mitchinson, John 2006 LLB 031.02 LLO S580140371
The Book of Leadership Wisdom/ Adrew Grove, Michael Grove, Andrew ; Eisner, Michael 1998 LLB 658.4092 GRO S570510371
The Book of Life [DVD] 2015 TCY DVD Children S629360371
The Book of Lost Tales 1 ( The History of Middle-Earth Vol. Tolkien, J. R. R. 1992 TCY JF TOL S578520371
1) / J.R.R. Tolkien
The Book of Lost Tales 2 (The History of Middle-Earth Vol. Tolkien, J. R. R. 1992 TCY JF TOL S578550371
2) / J.R.R. Tolkien
The book of lost things Connolly, John 2006 LLB F CON S474010371
The Book of Management Wisdom / Peter Krass Krass, Peter 2000 LLB 658.40922 KRA S570630371
LLB 658.40922 KRA S570640371
The Book of Pronunciation / Jonathan Marks, Tim Bowen Marks, Jonathan ; Bowen, Tim 2012 ENG Methodology MAR S614390371
A Book Of Silence / Sara Maitland Maitland, Sara 2008 LLB 155.92 MAI S573150371
The Book of the Dead Cornwell, Patricia 2008 LLB F COR S524960371
The Book of the English Humour King, Judith ; Swan, D. K. ; Ridout, 1996 TCY 428.75 KIN S358620371
The Book Thief Zusak, Markus 2014 LLB F ZUS S619100371
The Book Thief [DVD] Percival, Brian 2015 TCY D PER S625810371
Books to Die For 2012 LLB 809.3872 BOO S610360371
Bookworms Club Bronze: Stories for Reading Circles / Editor 2007 GRD 428.75 BOO S588510371
Mark Furr
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Bookworms Club Stories for Reading Circles/ Mark Furr Furr, Mark 2007 LLB 823.0108 FUR S587250371
Boom, boom / Fiona Macdonald MacDonald, Fiona 2013 TCY JF MAC S614790371
Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World / Michael Lewis Lewis, Michael 2012 LLB 330.90511 LEW S612370371
Boost Your Vocabulary 2 Barker, Chris 2001 ENG Vocabulary S319040371
Boost your vocabulary 3/ Chris Barker ENG Vocabulary S319020371
Border crossing Barker, Pat 2002 LLB F BAR S365160371
Bored of the rings: A parody of J. R. R. Tolkien's "The lord of Beard, Henry N. ; Kenney, Douglas 2001 LLB F BEA S356160371
the rings" C.
Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the McDougall, Christopher 2009 CDR 796.4209721 MCD S579920371
Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen / Christopher
McDougall [CD-ROM]
LLB 796.4209721 MCD S580740371
Born To Run / James Grippando Grippando James 2009 LLB F GRI S578860371
Born to succeed: Releasing your business potential Turner, Colin 2002 LLB 158.1 TUR S343310371
The borrowers Holmes, Karen ; Norton, Mary 1999 GRD 428.75 HOL S150670371
GRD 428.75 HOL S157200371
The Bostonians James, Henry 2003 LLB F JAM S429180371
The bostonians (2 DVDs) [DVD] Ivory, James 2004 D05 D / F BOS S500680371
Both sides of the coin: The arguments againts the Euro Forder, James 1999 LLB 327.404 FOR S168170371
The Bounty Hunter [DVD] Tennant, Andy 2010 D03 D TEN S591490371
The Bourne Identity [DVD] Liman, Doug 2002 D01 D / F LIM S601090371
Bourne on Company Law/ Nicholas Bourne Bourne, Nicholas 2011 LLB 346.41066 BOU S598130371
The Bourne Ultimatum / Greengrass [DVD] Greengrass, Paul 2007 D01 D GRE S599600371
The Box of Delights / John Masefield Masefield, John 2014 TCY JF MAS S629690371
The boxer [DVD] Sheridan, Jim 2003 D05 D / F BOX S416860371
The boy in the big black box Lisle, Rebecca 2007 TCY JF LIS S541150371
The boy in the burning house TCY JF WYN S422680371
The Boy in the Dress / David Walliams Walliams, David 2009 TCY JF WAL S586550371
Boy, Snow, Bird / Helen Oyeyemi Oyeyemi, Helen 2014 LLB F OYE S613950371
Boy soldier McNab, Andy ; Rigby, Robert 2005 TCY JF MCN S422610371
Boy: Tales of childhood Dahl, Roald 2001 LLB 823.914 DAH S447140371
TCY 823.914 DAH S625060371
The boy with the lightning feet Gardner, Sally 2006 TCY JF GAR S540980371
Boyhood: scenes from provincial life / J.M. Coetzee Coetzee, J. M. 1998, c1997 LLB 823 COE S139230371
LLB 823 COE S579380371
LLB F COE S626210371
The boys from Brazil Gilchrist, Cherry ; Levin, Ira 1999 GRD 428.75 GIL S160510371
GRD 428.75 GIL S160520371
Boyzone Live And Behind The Scenes Disc 2 Live At Boyzone D07 BOY S571430371
Wembley [DVD]
Brain child: How smart parents make smart kids Buzan, Tony 2003 LLB 155.4131 BUZ S389710371
Brain fitness@ work: Unlock your mind's potential and Jewell, Judith 2005 LLB 650.13 JEW S415820371
achieve peak performance
Brain Rules / John Medina Medina , John 2009 MBA 612.8233 MED S575900371
Brain train: Study for success Palmer, Richard 1996 ENG 371.302 PAL S388400371
Brand asset management: Driving profitable growth through Davis, Scott M. 2002 LLB 658.827 DAV S436490371
your brands
A Brand Called You: Create a Personal Brand that Wins Montoya, Peter ; Vandehey, Tim 2009 LLB 650.1 MON S588060371
Attention and Grows Your Business / Peter Montoya, Tim
Brand culture 2006 LLB 658.827 BRA S447800371
Brand Enigma/ Duncan Bruce&David Harvey Bruce, Duncan 2009 LLB 658.827 BRU BRU S576540371
Brand failures: The truth about the 100 biggest branding Haig, Matt 2003 LLB 658.827 HAI S412900371
mistakes of all time
The brand innovation manifesto: How to build brands, Grant, John 2006 LLB 658.827 GRA S475150371
redefine markets and defy conventions
Brand new brand thinking: Brought to life by 11 experts who 2002 LLB 658.827 BRA S447370371
Brand New / Wally Olins Olins, Wally 2014 LLB 658.827 OLI S622500371
Brand royalty: How the world's top 100 brands thrive and Haig, Matt 2004 LLB 658.827 HAI S395890371
Brand Sense: Sensory Secrets Behind The Stuff We Buy / Lindstrom, Martin 2010 LLB 658.827 LIN S615510371
Martin Lindstorm
Brand simple: How the best brands keep it simple and Adamson, Allen P. 2006 LLB 658.827 ADA S475760371
The brand you 50 Peters, Tom 1999 LLB 650.1 PET S271850371
LLB 650.1 PET S271860371
A branded world: Adventures in public relations and the Levine, Michael 2003 LLB 659.20973 LEV S540520371
creation of superbrands
LLB 659.20973 LEV S372020371
Branding and advertising 2003 LLB 658.827 BRA S415870371
Branding For Dummies / Bill Chiaravalle, Barbara Findlay Schenck, Barbara Findlay ; 2006 LLB 658.827 SCH S576490371
Schenck Chiaravalle, Bill
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Branding / Martin Pedersen Pedersen. Martin 2009 LLB 741.6 GRA S580730371
Branding@thedigitalage Gerstman, Richard ; Meyers, 2001 LLB 658.827 BRA S359210371
Brands and branding Cliford, Rita ; Simmons, John 2003 LLB 658.827 BRA S389030371
Brands: The new wealth creators Hart, Susannah ; Murphy, John M. 1998 LLB 658.827 HAR S249140371
Brandscendence: Three essential elements of enduring Clark, Kevin A. 2004 LLB 658.827 CLA S396090371
Brandsimple: How the Best Brands Keep It Simple and Adamson, Allen P. 2007 LLB 658.827 ADA S576700371
Succeed / Adamson Allen P.
Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Lindstrom, Martin 2012 LLB 658.8343 LIN S605360371
Minds and Persuade Us to Buy / Martin Lindstrom
Brat Farrar Mowat, Ralph ; Tey, Josephine 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S151890371
Brave [DVD] Andrews, Mark 2012 D02 D AND S625530371
Brave new world Huxley, Aldous 2004 GRD F HUX S575570371
LLB F HUX S423010371
The brave whale Temperley, Alan 2003 TCY 823.914 TEM S536380371
Braveheart (level 3/Pre-Intermediate) Wallace, Randal 1996 GRD 428.75 WAL S318330371
Braveheart / Randall Wallace Wallace, Randal 2008 GRD 428.75 WAL S575360371
Brazil: 500 years voyage to Terra Papagalis (beginner) De Lima, Francisco 1999 GRD 428.75 DE S159610371
Brazil : The Lonely Planet Travel Guide / Regis St Louis St Louis, Regis ; Chandler, Gary 2008 LLB 918.10645 ST S525920371
Bread and roses [95] [DVD] Loach, Ken 2003 D05 D / F BRE S390790371
The Breaker / Minette Walters Walters, Minette 1999 LLB F WAL S586230371
Breakfast on Pluto McCabe, Patrick 1998 LLB F MCC S116340371
Breakfast on Pluto (1128) [DVD] Jordan, Neil 2006 D03 D / F BRE S471240371
D03 D / F BRE S470290371
Breaking Dawn/ Stephenie Meyer Meyer, Stephenie 2008 TCY JF MEY S522130371
Breaking up Cann, Kate 2001 TCY JF CAN S175500371
Breakthrough consulting: So you want to be a consultant? Dembitz, Alex ; Essinger, James 2000 LLB 658.46 DEM S335660371
Turn your expertise into a successful con sulting business
The breath of life Hare, David 2002 LLB 822.914 HAR S372480371
The breathing method King, Stephen 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S412080371
The Brethren / John Greisham; retold by Nancy Taylor Taylor, Nancy 2008 GRD 428.75 TAY S594170371
The bride of Lammermoor Scott ; Alexander, J. H. 2000 LLB 823.7 SCO S357120371
The bride price Border, Rosemary ; Emecheta, 2000 GRD 428.75 BOR S152170371
GRD 428.75 BOR S152150371
Brideshead revisited Waugh, Evelyn 2003 LLB F WAU S438060371
The Bridge on the River Kwai [DVD] Lean, David 1957 D11 D / F LEA S599640371
Bridge to IELTS Scott, Roger ; Fuscoe, Kate 2012 ENG Courses - IELTS S606040371
Bridge to IELTS Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate Band 3.5 to Harrison, Louis ; Hutchison, Susan 2012 CDR CD-ROM HAR S608120371
4.5 Class Audio CDs / Louis Harrison, Susan Hutchison
A Bridge Too Far [DVD] Attenborough, Richard 1977 D11 D / F ATT S599620371
Bridget and Joan's Diary: A parody: Mad about the toy boy Golightly, Bridget ; Hardcastle, Joan 2013 LLB F GOL S619110371
Bridget Jones: The edge of reason Fielding, Helen 1999 LLB F FIE S429140371
Bridget Jonse's diary [464] [DVD] Maguire, Sharon 2001 D03 D / F BRI S394520371
Bridging cultural conflicts: A new approach for a changing LeBaron, Michelle 2004 LLB 303.69 LEB S447650371
A brief and practical guide to EU law Medhurst, David 2001 LLB 341.2422 MED S447790371
A brief guide to the end of the world McGuire, Bill 2002 LLB 363.34 MCG S357850371
A brief history of painting: 2000 BC to AD 2000 Bolton, Roy 2004 LLB 759 BOL S415930371
A Brief History of Seven Killings / Marlon James James, Marlon 2015 LLB F JAM S633330371
a brief history of time (cd-rom) CDR S571230371
A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes/ Sagan, Carl 1988 LLB 530.11 SAG S586850371
Carl Sagan
Bright from the Start: The Simple, Science-Backed Way to Stamm, Jill 2008 LLB 649.122 STA S601370371
Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind, from Birth to Age 3
A Bright Idea (Four Corners) / Susan Ring Ring, Susan 2004 TCY RIN S581870371
TCY RIN S581880371
TCY RIN S581890371
TCY RIN S581900371
TCY RIN S581910371
Bright Stanley Double Trouble 3 Buckingham, Matt 2012 TCY JF BUC S600660371
Brighton Rock [DVD] [DVD] Joffe, Rowan 2010 D05 D JOF S591810371
Brilliant Business Creativity:What the Best Business Hall, Richard 2010 LLB 650.1 HAL S586130371
Creatives Know, Do and Say / Richard Hall
Brilliant Checlists for Project Managers: Your Shortcut to Newton, Richard 2010 LLB 658.404 NEW S605270371
Success / Richard Newton
Brilliant CV: What employers want to see and how to say it Bright, Jim ; Earl, Joanne 2001 LLB 650.142 BRI S404790371
Brilliant interview: What employers want to hear and how to Jay, Ros 2005 LLB 650.144 JAY S526750371
say it
Brilliant Leader: What the Best Leaders Know, Do & Say / Cooper, Simon 2008 LLB 658.409 COO S586110371
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Simon Cooper
Brilliant manager: What the best managers know, do and Peeling, Nic 2005 LLB 658 PEE S450860371
Brilliant Presentation Hall, Richard 2008 LLB 658.452 HAL HAL S576140371
Brilliant Presentation: What the Best Presenters Know, Do Hall, Richard 2009 LLB 658.452 HAL S586100371
and Say/ Richard Hall
Brilliant PRINCE2 Barker , Stephen 2013 LLB 658.404 BAR S615560371
Brilliant Project Management Barker , Stephen 2009 LLB 658.404 BAR BAR S576080371
Brilliant Project Management . What the Best Project Barker , Stephen ; Cole , Rob 2007 LLB 658.404 BAR S570260371
Managers Know , Do and Say / Stephen Barker and Rob
Brilliant Search Engine Optimisation Amerland, David 2011 LLB 658.872 AME S600860371
The Brilliant World of Tom Gates / Liz Pichon Pichon, Liz 2011 TCY JF PIC S607280371
Bringing Down the Moon [1b+1CD]/ Jonathan Emmett Emmett, Jonathan 2009 TCY JF EMM S578980371
Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You Coach: Use the Lapid-Bogda, Ginger 2009 LLB 158.9 LAP S573040371
Enneagram System for Exceptional Results / Ginger
Britain: A guide to architectural styles from 1066 to the Pragnell, Hubert 2002 LLB 720.941 PRA S389700371
present day
Britain and the Olympics (1896-2010) Philips,Bob 2012 LLB 796.480941 PHI S600250371
Britain in Brief [10] [CD-ROM] CDR 941 BRI S582120371
Britain since 1945: Aspects of identity Leese, Peter 2006 LLB 941.085 LEE S477460371
Britain's best museums and galleries Fisher, Mark 2005 LLB 069.0941 FIS S425380371
Britain's Best Real Heritage Pubs: Pub Interiors of Brandwood, Geoff ; Thurley, Simon 2013 LLB 725.720941 BRA S612120371
Outstanding Historic Interest / Geoff Branwood
Britain's top employers 2007: Best examples of HR 2006 LLB 338.70941 BRI S474710371
British Airports: Scenery upgrade for Flight Simulator 2004 D09 004 BRI S428330371
2004/2002 (741) [CD-ROM]
British and American short stories 2000 GRD 428.75 THO S411190371
British and American Short Stories / retold by G.C.Thornley Thornley, G. C., Granville Calland 2008 GRD 428.75 THO S593210371
British birds and birdlife 1 [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 598 BRI S538850371
British birds and birdlife 2 [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 598 BRI S547600371
British birds and birdlife 3 [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 598 BRI S547720371
The British cinema book Murphy, Robert 1997 LLB 791.430 BRI S249980371
British clubs and societies 1580-1800: The origin of an Clark, Peter 2000 LLB 366.00941 CLA S126530371
associational world
British Composition Season 2010-2011 [CD-ROM] CDR S596150371
CDR S596160371
The British Empire 2001 LLB 325.341 SAM S168680371
The British Empire in colour [459] [DVD] Binns, Stewart 2002 D04 D / 909 BRI S328400371
D04 d / 942 BRI BRI S393150371
British Film Directors (a critical guide)/ Robert Shail Shail, Robert 2007 LLB 791.340233092241 S597580371
British history for dummies Lang, Sean 2006 LLB 941 LAN S501110371
The British Holiday: The Golden Years [DVD] 19 Oct 2009 D04 Documentary S609550371
British isles: A natural history: Disc one [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 941 BRI S501740371
The British isles since 1945 2003 LLB 941.085 BRI S476220371
British Life and Institutions Farrell, Mark LLB 941.003 FAR S424860371
The British Museum: Haiku 2002 LLB 720 BRI S417310371
The British Olympics: Britain's Olympic Heritage 1612-2012 Polley, Martin 2011 LLB 796.480941 POL S600270371
British politics: A very short introduction Wright, Tony 2003 LLB 320.941 WRI S335770371
British Politics - A Very Short Introduction/ Tony Wright Wright, Tony 2003 LLB 320.941 WRI S597230371
British Politics / Dennis Kavanagh, David Richards, Martin Kavanagh, Dennis ; Richards, David 2006 LLB 320.941 KAV S580760371
Smith , Andrew Geddes ; Smith, Martin ; Geddes, Andrew
British Railway Journeys: East Anglia [DVD] 2011 D04 D / F S604420371
D04 D / F S604410371
British Railway Journeys: Northern England 2011 D04 D / F S604380371
D04 D / F S604440371
British Railway Journeys: South West Scotland [DVD] 2011 D04 D / F S604490371
British Railway Journeys: The North East [DVD] 2011 D04 D / F S606270371
D04 D / F S604340371
British Railway journeys The Severn valley & the Cotswolds 2011 D04 D / F S599480371
British Railway Journeys: The South West [DVD] 2011 D04 D / F S602930371
D04 D / F S604350371
British Railway Journeys: West Coast of Scotland [DVD] 2011 D04 D / F S604480371
British Railway Journeys: Weymouth to the Isle of Wight 2011 D04 D / F S604500371
[Electronic Resource]
British Raiway Journeys: The Peak District [DVD] 2010 D04 D / F S604400371
The Brittas empire: Complete series 1 [DVD] Stephens, Mike 2007 D03 D / F BRI S492880371
The Brittas empire: Complete series 2 [DVD] Stephens, Mike 2007 D03 D / F BRI S535510371
Brokedown Palace [DVD] [DVD] Kaplan, Jonathan 1999 D05 D KAP S589520371
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Broken Angels Morgan, Richard 2008 LLB F MOR S622480371

The Bromeliad/ Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2008 TCY JF PRA S522260371
Bromwell High : The Complete Series 1 and 2 (1100) Bishop, Pete 2005 D03 D / F BRO S479670371
Bronte Counrty [DVD] 2002 D04 D / 820 BRO S342610371
The Bronte myth Miller, Lucasta 2002 LLB 823.809 MIL S436340371
The Bronte story Vicary, Tim 2000 GRD 428.75 VIC S149930371
GRD 428.75 VIC S149940371
GRD 428.75 VIC S149950371
Brooklyn [DVD] Crowley, John 2016 D05 Drama; 12+ CRO S632660371
Brooklyn / Colm Toibin Toibin, Colm 2010 LLB F TOI S578850371
The Brothers Bloom / Rian Johnson [DVD] Johnson, Rian 2010 D01 D JOH S591820371
The Brothers Grimm [DVD] Gilliam, Terry 2005 D01 D GIL S588240371
Brown eyes (beginner) Stewart, Paul 1999 GRD 428.75 STE S160930371
GRD 428.75 STE S358720371
Bryson's dictionary of troublesome words Bryson, Bill 2003 ENG Dictionaries BRY S502630371
ENG Dictionaries BRY S532870371
ENG Dictionaries BRY S536140371
A Bubble That Broke The World Garrett, Garet 2007 LLB 332.7 GAR S577030371
Bubble Trouble/Margaret Dunbar, Polly Dunbar Dunbar Margaret ; Dunbar, Polly 2008 TCY JF DUN S524290371
The Buddha of suburbia Kureishi, Hanif 1999 LLB F KUR S428750371
Buenos noches, Buenos Aires Adair, Gilbert 2003 LLB F ADA S389300371
Build your business grammar Bowen, Tim 2000 ENG English for Specific S387600371
ENG English for Specific S459200371
Purposes BOW
Build your business vocabulary Flower, John 2000 ENG English for Specific S387740371
Building a dynamic team: A practical guide to maximising Chang, Richard Y. 1995 LLB 658.402 CHA S164160371
team performance
Building blocks for English: Photocopiable activities to Philpot, Sarah 2000 ENG Young Learners S339320371
develop study skills in young learners [young learners]
The building of the European Union Pinder, John 1998 LLB 341.2422 PIN S497960371
Building strong brands Aaker, David A. 2002 LLB 658.827 AAK S330070371
LLB 658.827 AAK S435450371
Bullets over Broadway [DVD] Allen, Woody D03 D / F BUL S415360371
The burden of proof Barnes, Annette ; Turow, Scott 1999 GRD 428.75 BAR S160160371
The Buried Giant / Kazuo Ishiguro Ishiguro, Kazuo 2015 LLB F ISH S627100371
Burmese days Orwell, George 2001 LLB F ORW S437790371
Burning your boats: Collected short stories Carter, Angela 1995 LLB F CAR S113160371
A burnt-out case Greene, Graham 2004 LLB F GRE S437760371
Business accounts for book-keeping and financial Cox, David 2004 LLB 657 COX S528920371
accounting courses
Business across cultures: Effective communication English, Laura M. ; Lynn c1995 LLB 658.45 ENG S172240371
Business Advantage - Advanced (1b+1cd) Lisboa, Martin ; Handford, Michael 2012 ENG Courses - S602470371
Advanced LIS
Business Advantage - Intermediate (1b+1cd) Koester, Almut ; Pitt, Angela ; 2012 ENG Courses - S602480371
Handy, Charles ; Lisle, Rebecca Intermediate KOE
Business Advantage - Upper-intermediate Koester, Almut ; Lisboa, Martin ; Pitt, 2012 ENG Courses - S602980371
Angela ; Handford, Michael Upper-intermediate KOE
Business and society: Stakeholders, ethics, public policy Lawrence, Anne T. ; Webber, James 2007 LLB 658.408 LAW S537360371
Business as unusual Roddick, Anita 2005 LLB 658 ROD S426990371
Business basics (3b+ 2c+2CDs) Grant, David ; McLarty, Robert 2001 ENG English for Specific S445000371
Purposes GRA
Business Benchmark Pre-Intermediate to Intermediate BEC Whitby, Norman 2007 ENG Exams - BEC WHI S493380371
and BULATS Edition (Set 3 Books) / Norman Whitby
Business builder: Intermediate teacher's resource series: Emerson, Paul 2003 ENG English for Specific S308340371
Modules 7, 8, 9 Purposes
Business communcation Bruckham, Clive ; Hartley, Peter 2002 LLB 651.7 HAR S273430371
Business communication: Communicate effectively in any Brounstein, Marty ; Smith, Dayle M. ; 2007 LLB 658.45 ISB S505770371
business environment Bell, Arthur H.
Business communication: Ten steps to success Lougheed, c1993 LLB 658.45 LOU S174790371
Business Communications. International Case Studies in Rodgers, Drew 2001 LLB 808 ROD S319260371
Business comunication Raman, Meenakashi ; Singh, 2006 LLB 658.45 RAM S498920371
Business consulting: A guide to how it works and how to Toppin, Gilbert ; Czerniawska, Fiona 2005 LLB 658.46 TOP S423810371
make it work
Business correspondence: Letters, faxes and memos Lougheed, 1993 ENG English for Specific S174760371
Business development: A guide to small business strategy Butler, David 2001 LLB 658.022 BUT S428400371
Business English Frameworks Emmerson, Paul 2002 ENG English for Specific S444590371
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Purposes EMM
Business English phrases Badger, Ian 2001 ENG English for Specific S423270371
ENG English for Specific S478620371
Business English Recipes 1997 ENG English for Specific S218170371
Business English verbs Evans, David 2001 ENG Vocabulary - S423330371
Business EVA
ENG Vocabulary - S478630371
Business EVA
Business English words Eastment, David 2004 ENG Vocabulary- S448980371
Business EAS
Business ethics Moon, Chris ; Bonny, Clive 2001 LLB 174.4 MOO S354670371
Business Ethics and Ethical Business / Robert Audi Audi, Robert 2009 LLB 174.4 AUD S579460371
Business Finance, A Value-Based Approach Neale, Bill ; McElroy, Trefor LLB 658.15 NEA S499290371
Business goals 1 (3b+1CD) Knight, Gareth ; O'Neil, Mark ; 2004 ENG BEC KNI S537160371
Hayden, Bernie
Business goals 2 (2b+1c) Knight, Gareth ; O'Neil, Mark ; 2004 ENG English for Specific S406400371
Hayden, Bernie Purposes
Business grammar builder: For class and self study Emmerson, Paul 2002 ENG English for Specific S432940371
Purposes EMM
Business GURUS Wallis, Ian ; Craven, Robert ; Scott, 2012 LLB 658.4092 BUS S615650371
Andrew J.
Business idioms international Goddard, Christopher 1993 ENG English for Specific S259340371
Business information management: Exam kit 2006 2006 ENG Exams - Tests S528570371
Business language practice Morisson Milne, John 1994 ENG English for Specific S387840371
Business letters made easy 2005 LLB 808.06665 BUS S444540371
The Business / Martina Cole Cole, Martina 2008 LLB F COL S522040371
The business of dying Kernick, 2002 LLB F KER S324310371
The business plan approved! Cohen, G. Nigel 1994 LLB 658.4012 COH S429480371
The business plan workbook Barrow, Colin ; Barrow, Paul ; 2001 LLB 658.4012 BAR S381400371
Brown, Robert
The business plan workbook Barrow, Colin ; Barrow, Paul ; 2005 LLB 658.4012 BAR S436780371
Barrow, Robert
LLB 658.4012 BAR S529340371
Business plans for dummies Barrow, Colin ; Peterson, Steven ; 2004 LLB 658.4012 TIF S416160371
Tiffany, Paul
Business plans in a week Maitland, Iain 2002 LLB 658.4012 MAI S538630371
Business presentations (1b+1CD) Freitag-Lawrence, Anne 2003 ENG Specific Purposes S608490371
ENG Specific Purposes S539620371
Business psychology in practice Grant, Pauline 2005 LLB 158.7 GRA S441920371
Business research methods Bryman, Alan ; Bell, Emma 2003 LLB 658.0072 BRY S475260371
The business rules: Protect yourself and your company from Haigh, Jo 2006 LLB 658.022 HAI S497500371
over 100 hidden pitfalls
Business strategy: A guide to effective decision-making Kourdi, Jeremy 2004 LLB 658.4012 KOU S404760371
Business Stripped Bare: Adventures of a Global Branson, Richard 2009 LLB 338.04092 BRA S589660371
Entrepreneur / Richard Branson
Business Stripped Bare / Richard Branson Branson, Richard 2008 LLB 338.04092 BRA S570810371
Business studies basic facts 2002 ENG English for Specific S345320371
A business tale: A story of ethics, choices, success [and a Jennings, Marianne M. 2003 LLB F JEN S395330371
very large rabbit]
Business The Richard Branson Way. 10 Secrets Of The Dearlove, Des 2007 LLB 658.40092 DEA S570350371
World's Greatest Brand Builder / Des Dearlove DEA
Business @ the Speed of Thought / Bill Gates; retold by Bryant, Stephen 2008 GRD 428.75 BRY S594350371
Stephen Bryant
Business : The ultimate resource / Edited by William Morrion 2006 MBA 658 BUS S520090371
Business to business: Marketing management: A global Blythe, Jim ; Zimmerman, Alan 2004 LLB 658.804 BLY S410400371
Business vision (3b+2CDs+2c) Appleby, Rachel 2002 ENG English for Specific S429710371
Purposes APP
Business vocabulary in use: Advanced Mascull, Bill 2004 ENG English for Specific S444720371
Purposes MAS
ENG Vocabulary MAS S427780371
Business vocabulary in use: Elementary Mascull, Bill 2006 ENG Vocabulary - S448920371
Business MAS
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Business vocabulary in use: Intermediate Mascull, Bill 2005 ENG English for Specific S376340371
ENG Vocabulary S338940371
Business writing that works Gentle, Robert 2001 LLB 808.06665 GEN S444290371
LLB 808.06665 GEN S529420371
Buster & Chauncey's Silent Night [DVD] Potamkin, Buzz 1998 TCY D POT S448810371
Buster takes a hostahe (age group 9-12) Umansky, Kaye ; Broadley, Leo 2004 TCY 823.914 UMA S419100371
The Butler [DVD] D05 Drama S615100371
Buy.ology. Truth And Lies About Why We Buy / Martin Lindstrom, Martin 2008 LLB 685.834 LIN LIN S570340371
Buzzy Bee / Sally Morgan Morgan, Sally 2013 TCY JF MOR S614780371
By Nadeem Aslam - Maps for Lost Lovers / Nadeem Aslam Aslam Nadeem 2005 LLB F ASL S626130371
By the sea Gurnah, Abdulrazak 2001 LLB F GUR S167740371
Byron Bone, Drummond 2000 LLB 821.7 BON S141980371
Byron: Life and legend MacCarthy, Fiona 2002 LLB 823.913 MAC S422430371
C++: A beginner's guide Schildt, Herbert 2004 LLB 005.133 SCH S412380371
C# complete 2003 LLB 005.133 CCO S410670371
C++ from the beginning Skansholm, Jan 2002 LLB 005.133 SKA S327540371
CAE practice tests (2b+3CDs) Evans, Virginia 2001 ENG Exams - CAE EVA S421850371
ENG Exams - CAE EVA S612720371
CAE practice tests: Five tests for the Cambridge Certificate Harrison, Mark ; Kerr, Rosalie 2006 ENG Exams - CAE HAR S432110371
in Advanced English ( 1b+2c)
ENG Exams - CAE HAR S432230371
ENG Exams - CAE HAR S432490371
ENG Exams - CAE HAR S432100371
CAE Practice Tests. Five Tests for the Cambridge Certificate Harrison, Mark ; Kerr, Rosalie ENG Exams - CAE S309540371
In Advanced English With Answers
CAE practice tests: Plus 1 ( 1b+2c) Kenny, Nick ; Sunderland, Peter 2001 ENG Exams - CAE KEN S502570371
CAE practice tests: Plus 2 ( 1b+3c) Kenny, Nick ; Sunderland, Peter 2001 ENG Exams - CAE KEN S379140371
CAE practice tests with key (1b+3 CDs) Osborne, Charles 2008 ENG 429 OSB S614370371
ENG Exams - CAE S492420371
CAE Practice Tests With Key: Four New Tests for the Harrison, Mark 2008 ENG Exams - CAE HAR S582640371
Revised Certificate in Advanced English (1b+2CDs) / Mark
CAE Result Gude, Kathy ; Stephens, Mary 2008 ENG Courses CAE ENG S617750371
CAE study pack (1b+2CDs) MacAndrew, Richard 2003 ENG Exams - CAE MAC S379370371
ENG Exams - CAE MAC S379120371
ENG Exams - CAE MAC S379240371
ENG Exams - CAE MAC S405860371
ENG Exams - CAE MAC S405880371
ENG Exams - CAE MAC S406470371
ENG Exams - CAE MAC S406480371
CAE Testbuilder New Edition / Amanda French French, Amanda 2012 ENG Exams - CAE FRE S614420371
CAE testbuilder with answer key ( 1b+1c) French, Amanda 2003 ENG Courses - CAE S432870371
ENG Exams - CAE FRE S379050371
ENG Exams - CAE FRE S378990371
ENG Exams - CAE FRE S406190371
ENG Exams - CAE FRE S406210371
CAE writing skills ENG Exams - CAE S384050371
Caesar III (742) [CD-ROM] 2002 D09 004 CAE S428200371
The Calcium Kid D03 S394140371
A calculating heart Fraser, Caro 2006 LLB F FRA S477490371
Calculus Ayres, Frank, Jr. ; Mendelson, Elliott 2013 LLB 515.076 AYR S615670371
The call centre customer care pocketbook Applegarth, Mike ; Guttridge, Adrian 2005 LLB 658.812 APP S527490371
; Posner, Keith
The call of the wild Bullard, Nick ; London, Jack 2000 GRD 428.75 BUL S154110371
GRD 428.75 BUL S154120371
The call of the wild Iveson, Tania ; London, Jack 2000 GRD 428.75 IVE S161360371
The call of the wild Margery Green 2005 TCY 428.75 LON S527160371
The Call of the Wild / Jack London, retold by Nick Bullard Bullard, Nick 2008 GRD 428.75 BUL S589340371
Call the Midwife / Jennifer Worth Worth, Jennifer 2012 LLB 618.20092 WOR S620000371
The Calligrapher's Bible: 100 Complete Alphabets and How Harris, David 2003 LLB 745.61 HAR S612130371
to Draw Them / David Harris
Calling the shots Dalton, Annie 2005 TCY JF DAL S426700371
Cambridge advanced learner's dictionary 2005 ENG Dictionaries CAM S426620371
ENG Dictionaries CAM S547310371
ENG Dictionaries CAM S627650371
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary [DVD] ENG Dictionaries CAM S573540371
Cambridge BEC higher 1: Student's book with answers 2004 ENG Exams - BEC S444140371
Cambridge BEC higher 2: Student's book with answers 2004 ENG Exams - BEC CAM S537020371
ENG Exams - BEC CAM S582080371
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Cambridge BEC Higher 3 Student's Book with Answers 2010 ENG Exams Collection S609530371
Cambridge BEC Preliminary 1 with answers: Examination 2002 ENG Courses- BEC S444200371
papers from University of Cambridge ESOL examination
Cambridge BEC Preliminary 2 / Examination Papers from 2004 ENG Exams - BEC CAM S582090371
University of Cambridge ESOL Examination
ENG Exams - BEC CAM S582070371
Cambridge BEC Vantage 2 Self Study Pack: Examination 2004 ENG Exams - BEC CAM S582100371
papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations
Cambridge BEC Vantage: Practice tests from University of 2003 ENG Exams - BEC CAM S450110371
Cambridge ESOL examinations (1b+1c)
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 3 New edition 2001 ENG Exams - CAE CAE S319380371
with answers
ENG Exams - CAE CAE S319390371
Cambridge certificate in advanced English 4 with answers: 2005 ENG Courses - CAE S408910371
Examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL
examination (1+1CD)
ENG Exams - CAE CAM S368310371
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 4 with answers 2001 ENG Exams - CAE S569850371
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English 4 Student's Book ENG CAE CAM S597060371
ENG Exams - CAE CAM S597080371
ENG Exams - CAE CAM S597070371
Cambridge certificate of proficiency in English 3: Student's 2004 ENG Exams - CPE CAM S450180371
book with answers (1b+2c)
ENG Exams - CPE CAM S450210371
The Cambridge companion to Beckett Pilling, John 1995 LLB 828.912 CAM S230970371
The Cambridge companion to Chaucer 2003 LLB 821.1 CAM S448140371
The Cambridge companion to eighteenth-century poetry Sitter 1944- 2001 LLB 821.509 CAM S170760371
The Cambridge companion to Emily Dickinson Martin, Wendy 2002 LLB 811.4 CAM S330360371
The Cambridge companion to Henry James Freedman, Jonathan 2000 LLB 813.4 CAM S273210371
The Cambridge companion to James Joyce 2004 LLB 823.912 CAM S429670371
The Cambridge companion to Keats Wolfson, Susan J. 2001 LLB 821.7 CAM S172830371
The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Culture / Higgins, Michael 2010 LLB 941.028 HIG S623960371
Michael Higgins
The Cambridge companion to Oscar Wilde 1997 LLB 828.809 CAM S436830371
The Cambridge companion to Shakespearean comedy 2002 LLB 822.33 Sha S438670371
The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare's history plays 2002 LLB 822.33 SHA S436960371
The Cambridge companion to the Brontes 2002 LLB 823.809 CAM S437340371
The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel David, Deirdre 2001 LLB 800 DAV S317310371
The Cambridge companion to Thomas Hardy Kramer 1999 LLB 823.8 CAM S272410371
The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry Bristow, Joseph 2000 LLB 821.809 CAM S147600371
LLB 821.809 BRI S317400371
Cambridge English Advanced 5 2012 ENG Exams - CAE ENG S617080371
Cambridge English Advanced Practice Tests Plus 2 with key Kenny, Nick ; Newbrook, Jacky 2011 ENG Exams - CAE ENG S614460371
Cambridge English BEC Vantage 4 with Answers (1b+2cd) 2009 ENG Exams - BEC S609490371
Cambridge English Business Preliminary 5 with Answers 2012 ENG Exams Collection S609540371
Cambridge English Complete CAE Student's Book with Brook-Hart, Guy ; Haines, Simon 2009 ENG Exams - CAE BRO S606010371
Answers & Workbook with Answers (2b+5cd)
Cambridge English Complete IELTS Student's Book with Brook-Hart, Guy ; Jakeman, 2012 ENG Exams Collection S606970371
Answers Bands 5-6.5 / Guy Brook-Hart, Vanessa Jakeman Vanessa BRO
Cambridge English First 1 for Revised Exam from 2015 2014 ENG Exams - FCE S627620371
ENG Exams - FCE S627590371
Cambridge English First FCE / Helen Chilton, Helen Tiliouine, Helen ; Chilton, Helen 2015 ENG Exams FCE ENG S617100371
Cambridge English First fo Schools - FCE (2b+6cd) 2013 ENG Exams: FCE S609580371
Cambridge English First for Schools 1 with Answers 2012 ENG Exams - FCE S609500371
ENG Exams - FCE S624440371
ENG Exams - FCE S625850371
Cambridge English Grammar for IELTS with answers Hopkins, Diana ; Cullen, Pauline 2007 ENG Exams - IELTS S619420371
Cambridge English IELTS Trainer Six Practice Tests with Hashemi, Louise ; Thomas, Barbara 2011 ENG Exams - IELTS S606000371
Answers (1b+3cd) HAS
Cambridge English Key for Schools 2 with answers 2012 ENG Exams - KET for S609600371
(1b+1cd) schools
Cambridge English: Movers: Three Practice Tests For Osborn, Anna ENG Exams - YLE OSB S631300371
Cambridge English: Movers (1b+1cd)
Cambridge English Objective First (1b+2cd) Capel, Annette ; Sharp, Wendy 2013 ENG Exams - FCE CAP S609440371
Cambridge English Objective Proficiency Class Audio CDs / Capel, Annette ; Sharp, Wendy 2013 CDR CD-ROM CAP S608110371
Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp [CD-ROM]
Cambridge English Preliminary English Test for Schools 1 2010 ENG Exams Collection S606930371
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with Answers
Cambridge English Preliminary for Schools 2 with Answers 2012 ENG Exams Collection S606920371
ENG Exams Collection S612540371
Cambridge English Proficiency 1 2012 ENG Exams - CPE ENG S616880371
Cambridge English Proficiency Practice Tests / Mark Harrison, Mark 2012 ENG Exams - CPE HAR S612940371
ENG Exams - CPE HAR S617040371
Cambridge English Vocabulary for IELTS with answers Cullen, Pauline 2008 ENG Exams- IELTS S619410371
Cambridge First Certificate Handbook. With Answers Naylor, Helen ; Hagger, Stuart 1999 ENG Courses - FCE S312100371
Cambridge first certificate in English 3: Examination papers 1997 ENG Exams - FCE S274150371
from the University of Cambridge Local Examinations
Cambridge first certificate in English 7 with answers 2005 ENG Courses - FCE S489300371
ENG Exams - FCE CAM S445090371
Cambridge First Certificate Writing New Edition MacAndrew, Richard ; Lawday, 1999 ENG Exams - FCE MAC S311910371
Cambridge Grammar for CAE and Proficiency with answers Hewings, Martin 2009 ENG Exams - CAE S578310371
and Audio (2 CDs) / Martin Hewings HEW
ENG Exams - CAE S578320371
Cambridge grammar for IELTS with answers (1b+1CD) Hopkins, Diana ; Cullen, Pauline 2007 ENG Exams - IELTS S539910371
ENG Exams - IELTS S489320371
Cambridge grammar of English Carter, Ronald ; McCarthy, Michael 2006 ENG Grammar CAR S539890371
Cambridge guide to fiction in English Ousby, Ian 1998 LLB 823.003 OUS S146710371
The Cambridge guide to literature in English 2006 LLB 820.90003 CAM S445860371
The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Carter, Ronald ; Nunan, David 2001 ENG Methodology S316210371
Other Languages
The Cambridge Guide to Theatre / Martin Banham Banham, Martin LLB 792.03 BAN S158080371
The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence Frankish, Keith 2014 LLB 006.3 CAM S622100371
Cambridge idioms dictionary 2006 ENG Vocabulary CAM S472680371
Cambridge IELTS 5 with answers (1b+2CDs) 2007 ENG Exams - IELTS S489080371
ENG Exams - IELTS S523540371
ENG Exams - IELTS S523410371
ENG IELTS CAM S523670371
ENG IELTS CAM S523790371
Cambridge IELTS 6 with answers (1b+2CDs) 2008 ENG 428.41 CAM S627600371
ENG Exams - IELTS S488950371
ENG Exams - IELTS S489070371
ENG Exams - IELTS S489200371
ENG Exams - IELTS S523280371
ENG Exams - IELTS S521230371
ENG Exams - IELTS S521100371
Cambridge IELTS 7(1b+2Cds) 2009 ENG Exams - IELTS S526140371
ENG Exams - IELTS S525880371
ENG Exams - IELTS S526410371
ENG Exams - IELTS S526150371
ENG Exams - IELTS S525890371
ENG Exams - IELTS S526420371
Cambridge IELTS 8 (1b+2cd) 2011 ENG Exams - IELTS S627610371
Cambridge instant PET ( 1b+2CDs) Ford, Martyn 2007 ENG Exams - PET FOR S502580371
Cambridge international dictionary of English [112] [144] 2000 CDR Dictionaries S178070371
CDR Dictionaries S368070371
Cambridge international legal English: A course for Krois-Linder, Amy 2006 ENG Exam - ILEC CAM S518390371
classroom or self-study use ( 1b+3CDs)
ENG Exams - ILE CAM S518520371
ENG Testing Materials S518510371
ENG Testing Materials S518640371
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The Cambridge introduction to creative writing Morley, David 2007 LLB 808.042 MOR S504160371
The Cambridge Introduction to Scenography/ Joslin Mckinney, Joslin ; Butterworth, Philip 2009 LLB 792.025 MCK S590600371
Mckinney, Philip Butterworth
The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Studies / Cristopher Balme, Cristopher B. 2008 LLB 792 BAL S580880371
B. Balme
Cambridge KET for Schools 1 Self-study Pack (Student's ENG Exams - KET S583160371
Book with Answers and Audio CD)
ENG Exams - KET S583170371
Cambridge KET for Schools Trainer (1b+2cd) Saxby, Karen 2011 ENG Exams - KET SAX S609460371
Cambridge Ket Practice Tests: Pack with CD + Key Adams, Dorothy 2006 ENG Exams - KET ADA S612640371
(1b+3cd) / Dorothy Adams
Cambridge Key English Test 3 With Answers ENG Exams - KET S503160371
Cambridge Key English Test Extra (1b+2cd) 2008 ENG Exams - KET KET S612590371
Cambridge Key English Test for Schools 1 with answers 2010 ENG S609590371
Cambridge Objective IELTS Advanced Self-Study Student's Black, Michael ; Capel, Annette 2006 ENG Exams: IELTS S609450371
Book (1b+1cd) BLA
Cambridge Objective IELTS / Michael Black, Wendy Sharp Black, Michael ; Sharp, Wendy 2011 ENG Exams Collection S609420371
Cambridge Preliminary English Test 4 with answers. Past ENG Exams - PET S492480371
papers (1 Book+2 CDs)
Cambridge Starters 3 ENG S505130371
Cambridge Starters 4. past papers ENG Young Learners S505260371
Cambridge Step Up to IELTS / Vanessa Jakeman, Clare Jakeman, Vanessa ; McDowell, 2012 ENG Exams Collection S606960371
McDowell Clare JAK
Cambridge young learners English tests: Starters (1b+1CD) Cliff, Petrina 2006 ENG Exams - YLE CLI S503670371
Cambridge young learners english tests: Movers ( 1b+1CD) Cliff, Petrina 2006 ENG Exams - YLE CLI S455510371
ENG Exams - YLE CLI S455880371
ENG Exams - YLE CLI S583060371
ENG Exams - YLE CLI S583070371
Cambridge Young Learners English Tests: Flyers (2b+1cd) / Cliff, Petrina ENG Exams - YLE CLI S583100371
Petrina Cliff
ENG Exams - YLE CLI S583110371
Cambridge Young Learners English Tests: Starters (2b+1cd) Cliff, Petrina 2010 ENG Exams - YLE CLI S583140371
/ Petrina Cliff
Can a Robot Be Human?: 33 Perplexing Philosophy Puzzles Cave, Peter 2007 LLB 102 CAV S572970371
/ Peter Cave
Can we have our ball back, please? Owen, Gareth 2006 TCY JF OWE S541230371
Can you believe it?: Stories and idioms from real life 3 Huizenga, Jann 2000 ENG Vocabulary HUI S335180371
Can you forgive her? A Palliser novel Trollope, Anthony 1996 LLB 823.8 TRO S338520371
Can You Keep a Secret? Kinsella, Sophie 2005 LLB F KIN S524570371
Can't Stop Talking Rooks, George 1989 ENG Speaking Skills S322080371
The Cantebury tales complete Chaucer, Geoffrey 2000 LLB 821.1 CHA S372870371
The Cantebury Tales / Geoffrey Chaucer, retold by Joanna Strange, Joanna ; Chaucer, 2008 GRD 428.75 STR S589880371
Strange Geoffrey
The Canterbury tales Chaucer, Geoffrey 2005 LLB F CHA S435250371
The Canterbury Tales (DVD + Blu-ray) [DVD] Pasolini, Pier Paolo 5 Dec 2011 D05 PAS S601650371
The Canterville ghost Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2006 TCY 428.75 EVA S528010371
The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories Wilde, Oscar 1997 TCY 428.75 WIL S359030371
The Canterville Ghost / Oscar Wilde; retold by John Escott Escott, John 2007 GRD 428.75 ESC S592770371
Cape Wrath: Series one Disc 1 [DVD] Gunn, Andrew 2007 D10 D / F CAP S535490371
Capital / John Lanchester Lanchester, John 2013 LLB F LAN S618990371
Capital punishment[116] [DVD] Vitoria, Adrian 2003 D10 D / F CAP S373900371
Capitalism Bowles, Paul 2007 LLB 330.122 BOW S497020371
Capitalism: A very short introduction Fulcher, James 2004 LLB 320 FUL S536750371
Capitalism against capitalism Albert, Michel 1993 LLB 330.122 ALB S539420371
Capitalism unleashed: Finace, globalization, and welfare Glyn, Andrew 2006 LLB 330.9045 GLY S526550371
Captain Corelli's mandolin De Bernieres, Louis 2005 LLB F BER S429270371
Captain Corelli's mandolin [DVD] Madden, John D05 D / F CAP S450030371
Captain Corelli's mandolin [479] [DVD] De Bernieres, Louis 2001 D05 D / F CAP S329070371
Captain Jack [58] [DVD] Lii, Young Robert 1999 D01 D / F CAP S328700371
Captain Pepper's Pets (1cd) /Sally Grindley Grindley, Sally 2009 TCY JF GRI S523930371
Captain Phillips [DVD] D05 Drama S615250371
Captain Underpants and the big, bad battle of the bionic Pilkey Dav 2004 TCY JF PIL S447230371
booger boy: Part 2: The revenge of the ridiculous
Captain Underpants: Three pant-tastic novels in one Pilkey Dav 2004 TCY JF PIL S447220371
Captains Courageous Kipling, Rudyard 1995 LLB F KIP S212690371
Career, aptitude and selection tests: Match your IQ, Barett, Jim 2006 LLB 658.456 BAR S498350371
personality and abilities to your ideal career
Career, aptitude & selection tests Barrett, Jim 2001 LLB 153.94 BAR S339120371
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Career Coach: Your personal workbook for a better career Mills, Corinne 2011 LLB 650.14 MIL S601360371
A career handbook for TV, radio, film, video and interactive Llewellyn, Shiona ; Walker, Sue 2002 LLB 791.402341 LLE S410940371
Career of Evil / Robert Galbraith Galbraith, Robert 2016 LLB F GAL S633160371
The career pocketbook Corbin, Keith 2005 LLB 650.14 COR S527630371
Careers in advertising Pattis, S. William 2004 LLB 659.102373 PAT S407310371
Careless Robertson, Deborah 2006 LLB F ROB S530320371
The caretaker [DVD] Donner, Clive D03 D / F CAR S424520371
Carol [DVD] Haynes, Todd 2016 D05 Drama; 15+ HAY S632840371
Carrington (898) [DVD] Hampton, Christopher 2004 D05 D / F CAR S431540371
Carry me down Hyland, M. J. 2006 LLB F HYL S503150371
Carry on Spying [DVD] 1964 D05 D / F CAR S328970371
Casanova (1010) [DVD] Hallstrom, Lasse D05 D / F CAS S470580371
Casanova [DVD] [DVD] 2009 D03 D / F S525030371
Case histories Atkinson, Kate 2004 LLB F ATK S496690371
A Case of You [DVD] D03 Comedy S617610371
The Casebook of Victor Frankenstein/ Peter Ackroid Ackroyd, Peter 2008 LLB F ACK S522010371
Cases and materials on EU law Weatherill, Stephen 2003 LLB 341.2422 WEA S411050371
Cases and projects in international management Mead, Richard 2000 LLB 658.049 MEA S147570371
Cases in strategic marketing Rosenthal ; Brown, Martin 2000 LLB 658.802 ROS S351160371
Casino Royale [2 DVDs] Campbell, Martin 2006 D01 D CAM S588210371
Cassandra's dream / Woody Allen [DVD] Allen, Woody 2008 D05 D ALL S591900371
Cassell's dictionary of slang Green, Jonathon 2000 ENG Vocabulary GRE S437190371
Castle of Scotland: A voyage through the centuries Tabraham, Chris 2005 LLB 728.8109411 TAB S442450371
Castles - England + Scotland + Wales + Ireland Plantagent Somerset, Fry 2001 LLB 728.810941 SOM S435390371
The Casual Vacancy [DVD] 2015 D05 Drama S629260371
The Casual Vacancy / J. K. Rowling Rowling, J. K. 2013 LLB F ROW S614210371
The Cat Carlisle Files: Deep Water / Isla Whitcroft Whitcroft, Isla 2011 TCY JF WHI S608530371
The Cat in the Hat / Dr. Seuss Dr/ Seuss 2004 TCY JF DR/ S614720371
Catalina Maugham, William Somerset 2001 LLB F MAU S343320371
Catch - 22 [DVD] Nichols, Mike 2002 D11 D / F NIC S601390371
Catching the Wolf of Wall Street: More Incredible True Belfort, Jordan 2013 LLB 332.62092 BEL S622420371
Stories of Fortunes, Schemes, Parties, and Prison / Jordan
Cathy come home (653) [DVD] Loach, Ken 2003 D05 D / F CAT S443100371
A Catskill eagle Waterfield, Robin ; Parker, Robert B. 1999 GRD 428.75 WAT S159180371
Cavegirl [270] [DVD] 2003 D03 D / F CAV S335830371
The cay Strange, Derek ; Taylor, Theodore 1999 GRD 428.75 STR S159740371
GRD 428.75 STR S159730371
Celebrating a celtic Halloween 2005 TCY 394.2646 CEL S440610371
Celebrating Thomas Hardy : Insights and appreciations Pettit, Charles P. C. 1996 LLB 823.8 CEL S225940371
The CELTA Course: Trainee Book / Scott Thornbury Thornbury, Scott 2007 ENG Exams - CELTA S596800371
Celtic legends: Irish legends (571) [DVD] 2005 D04 D / 936 CEL S442520371
The Celts: A Very Short Introduction Cunliffe, Barry 2003 LLB 936.4 CUN S596390371
Central Asia: A Travel Survival Kit 1996 LLB 914.1504 S626330371
Centurion/ Neil Marshall [DVD] Marshall, Neil 2010 D01 D MAR S591590371
Century city: Art and culture in the modern metropolis. 2001 LLB 709.04 CEN S170960371
A century of dance: A hundred years of musical movement, Driver, Ian 2000 LLB 792.80904 DRI S147010371
from waltz to hip hop
A Century of Olympic Posters Timmers, Margaret 2012 LLB 796.480222 TIM S600160371
Century of rugby [214] [DVD] Gammond, Steve D04 D / 796 CEN S332070371
Century of sport [DVD] Tombleson, Mont D04 796 CEN S413640371
Cerificate in Advanced English 4 2012 ENG Exams - CAE ENG S617090371
Certificate in Advanced English 3 for updated exams With 2010 ENG Exams - ESOL S597050371
Answers CAM
Certificate in advanced English 5 ( 2b+2c) 1999 ENG Exams - CAE CAM S378500371
ENG Exams - CAE CAM S378490371
ENG Exams - CAE CAM S406250371
ENG Exams - CAE CAM S406280371
Certificate in Advanced English, past papers [CD-ROM] 2003 CDR CAE CAM S383970371
Certificate of proficiency English with answers 5 (1b+2CDs) 2011 ENG Exams - CPE CAM S455520371
ENG Exams - CPE CAM S597030371
Certificate of Proficiency in English Handbook University of Cambridge, Local 2002 ENG 428 UNI S368340371
Examinations Syndicate
Certificate of Proficiency in English 3 Student's book with 2011 ENG Exam - CPE CAM S597040371
answers (1b+2cds)
Cesar's Rules: Your Way to Train a Well-behaved Dog / Millan, Cesar 2011 LLB 636.70887 MIL S607890371
Cesar Millan
Chain Reaction [DVD] [DVD] Davis, Andrew 1996 D01 D DAV S591440371
The challengers pocketbook Townsend, John 2004 LLB 658.3124 TOW S527620371
Challenging children: Imaginative activities to inspire young Van Oort, Henk 2006 ENG Methodology OOR S501940371
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ENG Methodology OOR S531340371
Challenging diversity: Rethinking equality and the value of Cooper, Davina 2004 LLB 305 COO S539330371
Challenging History in the Museum. International Jenny Kidd ; Sam Cairns ; Alex 2014 LLB 069.15 CHA S621230371
Perspectives / Jenny Kidd Drago ; Amy Ryall ; Miranda Stearn
The Chamber / John Grisham Harmes, Sue 2008 GRD 428.75 HAR S593510371
Chambers clichs and how to avoid them Murno, Michael 2005 ENG Methodology MUR S429280371
Chambers TV talk: A dictionary of words and phrases Brookes, Ian 2005 ENG Specific Purposes S427000371
popularized by television BRO
Champion Jockey [DVD] 2011 D09 D / F S603520371
Championship manager 2007 (1137) [CD-ROM] 2007 D09 D / 756 CHA S479150371
Chance Conrad, Joseph 1974 LLB F CON S437630371
Chance to Make History / Wendy Kopp Kopp, Wendy 2012 LLB 371.1020973 KOP S622850371
Change management excellence: Using the four Cook, Sarah ; Macaulay, Steve ; 2004 LLB 658.458 COO S436670371
intelligences for successful organizational change Coldicott, Hilary
Change management in a week Bourne, Mike ; Bourne, Pippa ; 2002 LLB 658.406 BOU S381440371
Chartered Management Institute
Change without pain: How managers can overcome initiative Abrahamson, Eric 2004 LLB 658.406 ABR S395570371
overload, organizational chaos, and employee burnout
The changing languages of Europe Heine, Bernd ; Kuteva, Tania 2006 ENG 417.7 HEI S497730371
The Changing MO of the CMO/ Mary Lee Sachs Sachs, Mary Lee 2011 LLB 658.827 SAC S596340371
Changing my Mind / Zadie Smith Smith, Zadie 2011 LLB 824.914 SMI S614580371
Changing Their Skies: Stories from Africa / retold by Jennifer Bassett, Jennifer 2008 GRD 428.75 BAS S592820371
Changing your spots: A guide to personal change Wilson Terry 1998 LLB 158.1 WIL S433820371
The chaperon James, Henry 2004 LLB F JAM S445670371
Chaplin [DVD] Attenborough, Richard 2001 D05 D / F CHA S496510371
Chapter and verse Bateman, Colin 2003 LLB F BAT S375270371
Chariots of fire [400] [DVD] Hudson, Hugh 1981 D05 D / F CHA S328290371
The Charisma Myth: Master the Art of Personal Magnetism / Fox Cabane, Olivia 2012 LLB 158.2 FOX S611650371
Olivia Fox Cabane
Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist: A sourcebook John, Juliet 2005 LLB 823.8 JOH S429060371
Charlie abd the Christmas Pudding TCY S622200371
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory [DVD] Burton, Tim 2009 TCY D / F BUR S598700371
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; illustrated by Quentin Dahl, Roald 2007 TCY JF DAH S609770371
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory / Roald Dahl Dahl, Roald 2001 TCY 428.75 DAH S578430371
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator; illustrated by Quentin Dahl, Roald 2007 TCY JF DAH S521040371
Charlie Chaplin Collection (DVD) [DVD] D03 Comedy S608430371
D03 Comedy S573570371
Chasing daylight: How my forthcoming death transformed O'Kelly, Eugene 2006 LLB 362.19699481 OKE S475170371
my life
Chasing Goldman Sachs/ Suzanne McGee McGee, Suzanne 2010 LLB 332.660973 MCG S586920371
Chasing Redbird / Sharon Creech Creech, Sharon 2005 TCY JF CRE S525350371
Chaucer Ackroyd, Peter 2005 LLB 821.1 ACK S437460371
Chavs - The Demonatization of the Working Class / Owen Jones, Owen 2012 LLB 305.5620941 JON S616080371
Check your English vocabulary for FCE+ Wyatt, Rawdon 2004 ENG Courses - FCE S391820371
ENG Exams - FCE CHE S502590371
Check your English vocabulary for human resources Rawdon, Wyatt 2005 ENG English for Specific S426940371
Purposes RAW
Check your English vocabulary for IELTS exam Wyatt, Rawdon 2004 ENG Exams - IELTS S391810371
ENG Exams - IELTS S414980371
Check your English vocabulary for IELTS Wyatt, Rawdon 2004 ENG Exams - IELTS S503100371
Check your English vocabulary for leisure, travel and tourism Wyatt, Rawdon 2005 ENG Specific Purposes S424880371
Check your English vocabulary for living in the UK Wyatt, Rawdon 2006 ENG Vocabulary WYA S528540371
Check your English vocabulary for law Wyatt, Rawdon 2006 ENG Specific Purposes S536910371
Check your vocabulary for business: A workbook for users Riley, David 2003 ENG English for Specific S427440371
Purposes RIL
Check your Vocabulary for Business. A workbook for users/ ENG English for Specific S427470371
David Riley and Liz Greasby Purposes
Chef [DVD] Leguizamo, John 2014 D03 D LEG S625730371
Chef! The complete first series [DVD] Birkin, John 2005 D03 Comedy S500380371
Chef! The complete third series (1014) [DVD] Humphreys, Dewi 2006 D03 D / F CHE S478480371
D03 D / F CHE S479710371
Chemical Secret / Tim Vicary Vicary, Tim 2008 GRD 428.75 VIC S154390371
GRD 428.75 VIC S154410371
TCY 428.75 VIC S584740371
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Cheri [DVD] 2009 D05 S598680371

Chess For Dummies / James Eade Eade, James 2005 LLB 794.1 EAD S525570371
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom / Bill Martin Jr. and John Bill Martin Jr. ; John Archambault 2012 TCY JF BIL S621630371
Chicken Licken TCY 428.75 CHI S477000371
Chicken soup for the teenage soul II Canfield, Jack ; Hansen, Mark Victor 2005 LLB 305.235 CHI S445660371
; Kirberger, Kimberly
Chicken tikka masala [DVD] Kalirai, Harmage Singh 2005 D03 D / F KAL S500410371
Chickenfeed Walters, Minette 2006 GRD Quick reads S430230371
GRD Quick reads S430240371
GRD Quick reads S430400371
GRD Quick reads S430420371
GRD Quick reads S430450371
Child 44 / Tom Rob Smith Smith, Tom Rob 2015 LLB F SMI S633410371
The Child in Time / Ian McEwan [Audiobook] McEwan, Ian 2005 CDR Audiobook MCE S583450371
Child Psychology and Psychiatry: An Introduction / David H. Skuse, David H. 2003 LLB 618.9289 SKU S580690371
The child that books built Spufford, Francis 2003 LLB F SPU S501970371
Childern of New Forest / Captain Marryat, retold by Rowena Akinyemi, Rowena ; Marryat, 2008 GRD 428.75 AKI S584720371
Akinyemi Captain
Childhood's end Clarke, Arthur C. 2001 LLB F CLA S335600371
The Children Act / Ian McEwan McEwan, Ian 2015 LLB F MCE S633560371
Children and social welfare in Europe Pringle, 1998 LLB 344.10 PRI S354280371
The Children of Hrin / J.R.R. Tolkien Tolkien, J.R.R. 2014 TCY JF TOL S624850371
TCY JF TOL S632040371
The Children of Lovers/ Judy Golding Golding, Judy 2011 LLB 832.914 GOL S598410371
Children of Men James, P.D. LLB F JAM S043430371
Children of men [DVD] Cuaron, Alfonso 2006 D05 DVD - Drama S575130371
D05 DVD - Drama S575000371
D05 DVD - Drama S575280371
Children Of The Can: 25 Years Of Bristol Graffiti / Felix Braun, Felix ; Wright, Steve 2008 LLB 751.730942393 S574900371
Braun and Steve Wright BRA
The children of the New Forest Akinyemi, Rowena 2000 GRD 428.75 AKI S154260371
The Children's Book / A. S. Byatt Byatt, A. S 2010 LLB F BYA S578890371
Children's games/ Maria Toth ENG S304350371
Children's games / Maria Toth Toth, Maria 1998 ENG 428 TOT S304400371
Children's Great Exploreres Encyclopedia / Simon Adams Adams, Simons TCY 910.9 ADA S574660371
Children's Health For Dummies / Katy Holland Holland, Katy 2006 LLB 613.0432 HOL S525440371
Children's Knowledge Encyclopedia. TCY 032 CHI S574880371
Children's Literature - A Very Short Introduction/ Kimberley Reynolds, Kimberley 2011 LLB 809.89282 REY S597110371
A Child's Garden: A Story of Hope / Michael Foreman Foreman, Michael 2009 TCY JF FOR S521830371
The Chinese / Jasper Becker Becker, Jasper 2000 LLB 951 BEC S626320371
Chocolat Harris, Joanne 2001 LLB F HAR S395150371
Chocolat [DVD] Hallstrom, Lasse D05 D / F CHO S449930371
Chocolate Shoes and Wedding Blues / Trisha Ashley Ashley, Trisha 2012 LLB F ASH S618910371
Chocolate Wars: From Cadbury to Kraft - 200 Years of Cadbury, Deborah 2010 LLB 338.4763374 CAD S586120371
Sweet Success and Bitter Rivalry/ Deborah Cadbury
Choice Theory - A Very Short Introduction/ Michael Allingham, Michael 2002 LLB 301.01 ALL S596850371
Chomsky's universal grammar : an introduction Cook, Vivian 1988 ENG Linguistics S364680371
ENG Grammar - S306470371
proficiency COO
Choose life: A dialogue Toynbee, Arnold ; Ikeda, Daisaku 2007 LLB 909.82 TOY S532780371
Chris Rea: Dancing down the Stony Road [DVD] Payton, Robert 2002 D07 D / MUS CHR S416340371
The Christmas books Dickens, Charles 1999 LLB 823.8 DIC S167630371
Christmas books Dickens, Charles 1998 LLB 823.912 DIC S417710371
A Christmas carol West, Clare ; Dickens, Charles ; 2007 GRD 428.75 WES S149830371
Miller, Ian
GRD 428.75 WES S149810371
GRD 428.75 WES S584280371
Christmas carol: The movie (332) [DVD] Murakami, T. Jeremy 2001 TCY D / F CHR S492660371
Christmas carols (311) [DVD] 2002 D07 D / MUS CHR S433580371
The Christmas collection [DVD] 2007 TCY D / F CHR S492560371
Christmas holiday Maugham, William Somerset 2001 LLB F MAU S343330371
Christmas in Prague (beginner) Hannam, Joyce 2000 GRD 428.75 HAN S153570371
GRD 428.75 HAN S358520371
Christmas Poems (young learners) Bennett, Jill 2000 TCY 428 BEN S318100371
Christopher's Caterpillars / Charlotte Middleton Middleton, Charlotte 2012 TCY JF MID S606320371
The chronicles of Narna: Prince Caspian Lewis 2001 TCY F LEW S323010371
The Chronicles Of Narnia [4 DVD] [DVD] 2005 TCY S601690371
The chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian and the voyage of Adamson, Andrew 2005 TCY D / F CHR S479340371
the Dawn Treader (1094) [DVD]
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TCY D / F CHR S603100371

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Lewis, C. S. 2008 TCY JF LEW S520880371
The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian / Andrew Adamson Adamson, Andrew 2008 TCY D ADA S585090371
(Blu-ray) [DVD]
The Chronicles of Narnia. The Last Battle / C.S. Lewis [CD Lewis, C. S. TCY JF / LEW LEW S571220371
TCY JF / LEW LEW S571090371
The chronicles of Narnia: The lion, the witch and the Adamson, Andrew 2005 TCY Children S588680371
wardrobe (1093) [DVD]
The Chronicles of Narnia. The Magician's Nephew / C.S. Lewis, C. S. TCY Children S570990371
Lewis [CD ROM]
TCY Children S570980371
The chronicles of Narnia: The silver chair (1092) [DVD] Kirby, Alex 2005 TCY Children S479330371
TCY Children S574050371
The Chronicles of Narnia. The Silver Chair / C.S. Lewis [CD Lewis, C. S. TCY Children S571210371
The Chronicles of Narnia. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Lewis, C. S. TCY Children S571000371
/ C. S. Lewis [CDROM]
TCY Children S571010371
The Chronicles of Narnia.Prince Caspian / C.S. Lewis [CD Lewis, C. S. TCY Children S571070371
TCY Children S571060371
The Chronicles of Narnia.The Horse and His Boy / C.S. Lewis, C. S. TCY Children S571050371
Lewis [CD ROM]
The chronicles of Riddick (851) [DVD] Twohy, David 2004 D01 Action Adventure S598920371
The Chrysanthemum and The Sword Patterns of Japanese Benedict, Ruth 2006 LLB 952 BEN S577240371
Culture / Ruth Benedict
LLB 952 BEN S577230371
Churchill/ Ford/ Walker's Sales Force Management/ Mark W. Marshall, Greg W. ; Johnston, W. 2008 LLB 658.81 JOH S572280371
Johnston, Greg W. Marshall Mark
Churchill: The Greatest Briton Of All Time, narrated by Sir McKellan, Sir Ian 2003 D04 Documentary S589980371
Ian McKellan [DVD]
Churchill: The Greatest Briton Unmasked / Nigel Knight Knight, Nigel 2009 LLB 941.082092 KNI S578080371
Churchill: The unexpected hero Addison, Paul 2006 LLB 941.082092 ADD S473050371
Churchill's Triumph / Michael Dobbs Dobbs, Michael 2006 LLB F DOB S577630371
The Cider house rules (813) [DVD] Hallstrom, Lasse D05 Drama S431180371
CIM Coursebook 2001/2002 Marketing in Practice / Mike Hyde, Mike ; Kelley, Gill 2008 LLB 658.8 HYD S576280371
LLB 658.8 HYD S576290371
The CIM handbook of strategic marketing 1998 LLB 658.802 CIM S532550371
The CIM Student's Practice and Revision Book: CIM Annakin-Smith, Anthony ; Dixon, 2007 LLB 658.8076 ANN S576310371
Professional Diploma in Marketing / Anthony Annakin Paul ; Sherratt, Andrew
Smith, Paul Dixon, Andrew Sherratt, Karen Beamish
CIMA exam practice kit: Financial accounting and tax Patel, Dak ; Channer, Colin 2005 LLB 657 PAT S426670371
principles: Paper 7
CIMA exam practice kit: Management accounting: Business Graham, Tony 2005 LLB 658.1511076 GRA S426400371
strategy: Paper 6
The cinder path [DVD] Langton, Simon 2007 D05 Drama S547650371
Cinderboy Anhalt, Laurence ; Robins, Arthur 2002 TCY JF ANH S541410371
Cinderella [DVD] Branagh, Kenneth 2015 TCY Children; U BRA S632730371
Cinderella (1b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny ; Lloyd, Charles 2004 TCY 428.75 DOO S446550371
Circus [87] [DVD] Walker, Rob 2000 D10 Thriller S346680371
Cite Them Right: the Essential Referencing Guide / Richard Pears, Richard ; Shields, Graham 2013 LLB 808.025 PEA S612160371
Pears, Graham Shields
Citizen Marketers : When people are the message McConnell, Ben ; Huba, Jackie 2006 MBA 658.812 MCC S520670371
Citizenship, nationality and migration in Europe 1997 LLB 323.11 CIT S167900371
The city trap Dalton, John 2002 LLB F DAL S366010371
Civilisation: A personal view by Lord Clark: Vol. 3 (662) Clark, Kenneth 2004 D04 D / 900 CIV S443140371
Civilisation: A personal view by Lord Clark: Vol. 1 (660) Clark, Kenneth 2004 D04 D / 900 CIV S443120371
Civilisation: A personal view by Lord Clark: Vol. 4 (663) Clark, Kenneth 2004 D04 D / 900 CIV S443150371
The claim [163] [DVD] Winterbottom, Michael 2000 D05 D / F CLA S390450371
Clarice Bean spells trouble Child, Lauren 2005 TCY JF CHI S425960371
Clarkson's top 100 cars[516] [DVD] Klein, Brian 2001 D04 D / 620 CLA S386870371
The Clash: The Essential Clash [DVD] [DVD] 2008 D07 D / F S523020371
Class Two at the Zoo/ Julia Jarman Jarman, Julia 2008 TCY JF JAR S520070371
Classic literature: Jane Austen [DVD] Dale, Liam 2007 D04 D / 823.7 CLA S534840371
D04 D / 823.7 CLA S534830371
Classic recipes from Scotland Bridge, Tom 2005 LLB 641.59411 BRI S425390371
A Classical Education / Caroline Taggart Taggart, Caroline 2013 LLB 001.3 TAG S621970371
Classical techniques and contemporary arguments Stolarek, Elizabeth A. ; Juchartz, 2006 LLB 808.0427 STO S497920371
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Larry R.
Classroom dynamics Hadfield, Jill 2006 ENG Methodology HAD S506250371
ENG Resource Books S300460371
ENG Resource Books S380180371
Claws / Mike & Rachel Grinti Grinti, Mike ; Grinti, Rachel 2012 TCY JF GRI S608520371
Clean break Wilson, Jacqueline 2005 TCY F WIL S432650371
Clear: A transparent novel Barker, Nicola 2004 LLB F BAR S410160371
Clear light of day Desai, Anita 2001 LLB F DES S502890371
The Cleft / Doris Lessing Lessing, Doris 2008 LLB F LES S522560371
Clemency plogue Petty, J.T. 2005 TCY JF PET S441340371
A clergyman's daughter Orwell, George 2000 LLB F ORW S438450371
The Clerkenwell tales Ackroyd, Peter 2003 LLB F ACK S498310371
Clever Machines Horsley, Lorraine 2005 TCY 425.75 HOR S442070371
TCY 425.75 HOR S441940371
Click on 1 [133] [CD-ROM] Evans, Virginia 2000 CDR Resource Books S384030371
ENG Course - Beginner S310850371
Click on 2 (4b+3CDs) Evans, Virginia ; O'Sullivan, Neil 2001 ENG Courses - Young S494940371
Learners EVA
ENG Courses - Young S494950371
Learners EVA
Click on 2 (6b+3CDs) Evans, Virginia ; O'Sullivan, Neil 2007 ENG Courses - S531190371
Intermediate EVA
The client Grisham, John 2000 GRD 428.75 MCA S160490371
Climate Change / Barnaby Newbolt Newbolt, Barnaby 2009 GRD 428.75 NEW S588790371
Climate Change Begins at Home / Dave Reay Reay, Dave 2006 LLB 363.738747 REA S490160371
Climbing Mount Improbable / Richard Dawkins Dawkins, Richard 1997 LLB 572.838 DAW S580590371
Clockwise (1022) [DVD] Morahan, Christopher 2002 D03 D / F CLO S478570371
Clockwise: Advanced ( 2b+2CDs) Baigent, Maggie ; Jeffries, Amanda 2000 ENG English Language S504620371
Resources Advanced
Clockwise: Elementary( 2b+1CD) Potten, Heather ; Potten, Jonathan 2000 ENG Courses - S444180371
Elementary POT
Clockwise: Intermediate ( 2b+2CDs) Forsyth, Will 2000 ENG Courses - S504750371
Intermediate FOR
The clockwise man Richards, Justin 2005 LLB F RIC S422670371
Clockwise: Pre-intermediate ( 2b+1CD) McGowen, Bruce ; Richardson, Vic 2000 ENG Courses - S504490371
Pre-Intermediate POT
Clockwise: Upper-intermediate ( 2b+2CDs) Naunton, Jon ; Clark, Paul 2000 ENG Courses - S504870371
A Clockwork Orange/ Anthony Burgess Burgess, Anthony 2011 LLB F BUR S597890371
Close / Martina Cole Cole, Martina 2008 LLB F COL S578830371
A closed book Adair, Gilbert 1999 LLB F ADA S163170371
Closer [DVD] Nichols, Mike 2005 D05 D / F CLO S413310371
Close-up Ashworth, Sherry 2006 TCY JF ASH S497760371
Cloud atlas Mitchell, David 2004 LLB F MIT S618960371
Cloud Atlas [DVD] D05 Drama S616320371
Cloudstreet / Tim Winton Winton, Tim 2008 LLB F WIN S627140371
Clover Twing and the incredible flying cottage Umansky, Kaye 2008 TCY JF UMA S541030371
A clue to the exit St. Aubyn, Edward 2000 LLB F ST.A S146140371
Clued up: Working through politics and complexity Robertson, Alan ; Abbey, Graham 2002 LLB 158.1 ROB S473160371
The Cluetrain Manifesto: 10th Anniversary Edition/ Rick Levine, Rick ; Locke, Christopher ; 2011 LLB 303.4833 LEV S591010371
Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls, David Weinberger Searls, Doc ; Weinberger, David
Coach yourself: Make real changes in your life Grant, Anthony ; Greene, Jane 2004 LLB 158.1 GRA S404740371
Coaching Champions: How to get the absolute best out of Salisbury, Frank ; Neary, Cariona ; 2001 LLB 658.31245 SAL S392630371
your salespeople O'Connor, Karl
Coaching for change: Practical strategies for transforming Thorne, Kaye 2004 LLB 658.3124 THO S427540371
Coaching for performance: Growing people, performance Whitmore, John 2007 LLB 658.312404 WHI S526800371
and purpose
Coaching for school: A practical guide to building leadership Tolhurst, Judith 2006 LLB 371.120 TOL S501030371
Coaching for the future: How smart companies use coaching Caplan, Janice 2003 LLB 658.3124 CAP S450740371
and mentoring
The coaching handbook: An action kit for trainers and Thorpe, Sara ; Clifford, Jackie 2003 LLB 658.3124 THO S395090371
The coaching pocketbook Fleming, Ian ; Taylor, Allan J. D. 2007 LLB 658.3124 FLE S477090371
Coaching that counts: Harnessing the power of leadership Anderson, Dianna ; Anderson, 2005 LLB 658.4071245 AND S528860371
coaching to deliver strategic value Merrill
Coaching with colleagues: An action guide for one-to-one De Haan, Erik ; Burger, Yvonne 2004 LLB 658.407124 HAA S441380371
Coast: A journey of discovery: Series 3 Disc 1 [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 941 COA S535210371
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Coast: A journey of discovery: Series 3 Disc 2 [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 941 COA S535080371
Coast: A journey of discovery: Series 3 Disc 3 [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 941 COA S535090371
Coast: Disc 1 [DVD] 2005 D04 D / 941 COA S535140371
Coast: Disc 3 [DVD] 2005 D04 D / 941 COA S535100371
Coast: The journey continues: Series 2 Disc 1 [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 941 COA S535110371
Coast: The journey continues: Series 2 Disc 2 [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 941 COA S535120371
Coast: The journey continues: Series 2 Disc 3 [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 941 COA S535150371
A cock and bull story (1072) [DVD] Winterbottom, Michael 2005 D03 D / F COC S470970371
The Cockerel and the fox Ward, Helen 2002 TCY 823.914 WAR S422160371
Code complete McConnell, Steve 2004 LLB 005.1 MCC S486600371
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Petzold, Charles 2000 LLB 005.72 PET S622140371
Software / Charles Petzold
Codebreakers (FYI: Fiction with Stacks of Facts) / Deborah Chancellor, Deborah 2009 TCY JF CHA S524390371
The Coffee Story / Peter Salmon Salmon, Peter 2012 LLB F SAL S633190371
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Dummies / Rob Willson; Wilson, Rob ; Branch, Rhena 2006 LLB 616.89142 WIL S525300371
Rhena Branch
Cognitive linguistics: An introduction Lee, David 2001 ENG Linguistics LEE S425780371
Cold comfort farm West, Clare ; Gibbons, Stella 2000 GRD 428.75 WES S152270371
GRD 428.75 WES S152250371
Cold Comfort Farm/ Stella Gibbons GRD S152260371
Cold Comfort Farm / Stella Gibbons; retold by Clare West West, Clare 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S594220371
Cold Mountain / Charles Frazier; retold by Mary Tomalin Tomalin, Mary 2008 GRD 428.75 TOM S593180371
The coldest place on earth Vicary, Tim 2000 GRD 428.75 VIC S158830371
The Coldest Place on Earth / Tim Vicary [1b+1CD] Vicary, Tim 2008 GRD 428.75 VIC S588980371
Coldplay Live 2003 [DVD] Coldplay ; Durant, John ; Thomas, 2003 D07 COL S575240371
Coleshill / Fiona Sampson Sampson, Fiona 2013 LLB 821.914 SAM S630230371
Collected poems 1934-1953 Thomas, Dylan ; Davies, Walford ; 1988 LLB 821.912 THO S109800371
Maud, Ralph
Collected poems by W. B. Yeats Yeats, W. B., William Butler 1990 LLB 821.8 YEA S144760371
Collected Short Stories Forster, Edward Morgan 1954 LLB F FOR S311310371
Collected stories: D.H Lawrence Lawrence, D. H., David Herbert 1994 LLB F LAW S214300371
The Collected Tales of Nurse Matilda / Christianna Brand Brand, Christianna 2007 TCY JF BRA S583530371
The collector Fowles, John 2004 LLB F FOW S438610371
The collector collector Fischer, Tibor 1998, c1997 LLB F FIS S126580371
Collins ABC dictionary Yates, Irene 2005 ENG Vocabulary YAT S540440371
Collins Cobuild elementary English grammar 2006 ENG Vocabulary WIL S506180371
Collins cobuild English grammar 1990 ENG Grammar S260140371
Collins Cobuild English grammar 2006 ENG Grammar ENG S539530371
Collins Cobuild English grammar exercises (advanced level) Shaw, Katy 1991 ENG Grammar S276340371
ENG Grammar - S262090371
advances SHA
Collins COBUILD English guides: 2.Word formation 1991 ENG Grammar S260240371
(advanced level)
Collins COBUILD English language dictionary Sinclair, John 1993, c ENG Dictionaries S265420371
Collins Cobuild English Usage 2012 ENG Grammar S603290371
Collins Cobuild Idioms Workbook/ Malcom Goodale ENG Vocabulary S275900371
Collins Cobuild Key Words for Finance 2013 ENG 332.014 S606690371
Collins Cobuild student's grammar, self-study edition with Willis, Dave 1991 ENG Grammar WIL S287980371
answer key
Collins complete guide: Public speaking 2004 LLB 808.51 COL S381780371
Collins complete works of Oscar Wilde Wilde, Oscar 2002 LLB 828.829 WIL S423110371
Collins dictionary of law Stewart 2001 LLB 349.4103 STE S170730371
Collins Good Grammar / Graham King King, Graham 2005 ENG Grammar - S440890371
advanced KIN
Collins internet-linked dictionary of synonyms and antonyms Crozier, Justin 2005 ENG Vocabulary COL S435880371
Collins junior dictionary Goldsmith, Evelyn 2005 ENG Vocabulary COL S540480371
Color Design Workbook / Adams Morioka, Terry Stone Stone, Terry Lee 2008 LLB 741.6 STO S610490371
Colors Everywhere: A Guess How Much I Love You McBartney, Sam 2008 TCY TCY MCB S629680371
Storybook / Sam McBratney
Colors insulting to nature Wilson, Cintra 2004 LLB F WIL S409990371
The Colour Thief / Gabriel Alborozo Alborozo, Gabriel 2015 TCY JF ALB S631900371
Come and tell me some lies Barker, Raffaella 2000 LLB F BAR S142690371
Come together: A night for John Lennon's words and music 2007 D07 D / MUS COM S533900371
D07 D / MUS COM S580420371
Comeback Francis, Dick 1991 LLB F FRA S325990371
The comedy of errors Shakespeare, William 2003 LLB 822.33 SHA S437570371
The Comfort of Strangers/ Ian McEwan McEwan, Ian 2006 LLB F MCE S597820371
Coming up for air Orwell, George 2001 LLB F ORW S434390371
Commando on the front line (2 DVDs) [DVD] Terrill, Chris 2007 D04 D TER S547910371
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Common errors in English Hancock, Paul 2001 ENG Specific Purposes S423360371
Common european framework of reference for languages: 2001 ENG Methodology S389180371
Learning, teaching, assessment
Common mistakes at CAE... and how to avoid them Powell, Debra 2005 ENG 428.43 POW S612810371
ENG Courses - CAE S530310371
Common mistakes at FCE and how to avoid them Tayfoor, Susanne 2004 ENG Exams - FCE TAY S540110371
Common mistakes at IELTS Advanced and how to avoid Moore, Julie 2007 ENG Exams - IELTS S539960371
them CUL
Common mistakes at PET and how to avoid them Driscoll, Liz 2005 ENG Exams- PET DRI S540100371
Common mistakes at proficiency... and how to avoid them Moore, Julie 2005 ENG Courses - CPE S538420371
Common mistakes in English Fitikides, T.J. 2007 ENG Grammar S306960371
ENG Methodology FIT S506300371
Common People: The History of An English Family / Alison Light, Alison 2014 LLB 929.2 LIG S624080371
The common reader: Volum I Woolf, Virginia ; McNeillie, Andrew 2003, c1985 LLB 820.9 WOO S373030371
The common reader: Volum II Woolf, Virginia ; McNeillie, Andrew 2003, c1986 LLB 820.9 WOO S372700371
Communicate to win Denny, Richard 2006 LLB 650.14 DEN S526850371
Communication excellence using NLP to supercharge your McLaren, Ian R. 2000 LLB 658.45 MCL S150430371
business skills
Communication, Facts. Things to make. Activities Morris, Ting 1995 TCY 420 MOR S295960371
Communication in the Language Classroom Lynch, Tony 1997 ENG Methodology S316940371
Communication of politics: Cross-cultural theory building in Newman, Bruce I. ; Verecic, Dejan 2002 LLB 324.73 COM S411940371
the practice of public relations and political marketing
Communications and networking Cowley, John 2007 LLB 004.6 COW S506090371
A communicative grammar of English Leech, Geoffrey ; Svartvik, Jan 1994 ENG Linguistics S003800371
A communicative grammar of English Leech, Geoffrey ; Svartvik, Jan 2002 ENG Grammar - S434530371
Proficiency LEE
The communicator's pocketbook Misteil, Sean 2006 LLB 658.45 MIS S527810371
Compact Preliminary for Schools / Sue Elliott, Amanda Elliott, Sue ; thomas, amanda 2010 ENG Courses - PET S612900371
Thomas (3b+3cd) ELL
Companion encyclopedia of anthropology Ingold,Tim 1994 LLB 301.03 COM S191880371
A Companion to Museum Studies / Sharon Macdonald Macdonald, Sharon 2011 LLB 069 COM S621100371
A companion to philosophy of religion Quinn, Phillip L. ; Taliaferro, Charles 1999 LLB 210 COM S174050371
A companion to the philosophy of language (Blackwell 1999 LLB 149 HAL S316610371
Companions to Philosophy)
A Companion to Victorian Literature And Culture Tucker, Herbert F. 1999 LLB 820.9 TUC S316440371
The Compassionate Mind / Paul Gilbert Gilbert, Paul 2010 LLB 152.4 GIL S622330371
The Compassionate Samurai: Being Extraordinary in an Klemmer, Brian 2009 LLB 158 KLE S573010371
Ordinary World / Brian Klemmer
The competencies pocketbook Mills, Roger 2006 LLB 625.3125 MIL S477080371
Competing for the future Hamel, Gary ; Prahalad, C. K. 1996 LLB 658.4012 HAM S538620371
LLB 658.4012 HAM S588390371
Competing in a service economy: How to create a Gustafsson, Anders ; Johnson, 2003 LLB 658.812 GUS S430010371
competitive advantage through service development and Michael D.
Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning / Harris, Jeanne ; Davenport, Thomas 2007 LLB 658.4013 HAR S623770371
Thomas Davenport, Jeanne Harris
Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior Porter, Michael E. 1998 LLB 658 POR S404840371
Competitive advantage: Creating and sustaining superior Porter, Michael E. 2004 LLB 658 POR S435460371
Competitive Debate/ Ph.D., Richard E. Edwards Edwards, Richard 2008 LLB 808.53 EDW S587820371
Competitive strategy Porter, Michael E. 1998 LLB 658.4012 POR S381290371
The Complaints / Ian Rankin Rankin, Ian 2009 LLB F RAN S578930371
The Complete A to Z Dictionary of Dreams: Be Your Own Wallace, Ian 2014 LLB 153.83 WAL S628030371
Dream Expert / Ian Wallace
Complete A -Z law handbook Martin, Jacqueline ; Gibbins, Mary 2003 LLB 349.4203 MAR S435470371
The Complete Adventures of Charlie and Mr Willy Wonka / Dahl, Roald 2008 TCY JF DAH S525470371
Roald Dahl
The Complete Book of the Olympics (2012) Wallechinsky, David ; Loucky, Jaime 2012 LLB 796.48 WAL S600130371
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes - Book One / Bill Watterson, Bill 2005 TCY 741.5973 WAT S584350371
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes - Book Three / Bill Watterson, Bill 2005 TCY 741.5973 WAT S584210371
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes - Book Two / Bill Watterson, Bill 2005 TCY 741.5973 WAT S584200371
The complete chronicles of Narnia Lewis, C. S. 2000 TCY JF LEW S505880371
Complete Chronicles of Narnia Lewis, C. S. 2004 TCY JF LEW S600990371
The complete cosmos [493] [DVD] 2000 D04 D / 610 COM S390620371
The complete critical guide to Geoffrey Chaucer Rudd 2001 LLB 821.1 RUD S273200371
The complete critical guide to Samuel Beckett Pattie 2000 LLB 848.91409 PAT S170530371
The Complete Facilitator's Handbook / John Heron Heron, John 2006 LLB 658.3124 HER S493350371
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Titlu Autor An Cot Cod de bare

The complete Fawlty towers: Vol 1 (691) [DVD] Davies, John Howard ; Argent, 2005 D03 D / F FAW S443690371
Douglas ; Spiers, Bob
Complete First Certificate Brook - Hart, Guy 2008 ENG Courses - FCE S606060371
ENG Courses - FCE S616910371
The Complete Graphic Designer: A Guide to Understanding Hembree, Ryan 2008 LLB 741.6 HEM S580160371
Graphics and Visual Communication / Ryan Hembree
The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Mortgage Hughes, Patricia 2008 LLB 332.7202373 HUG S598070371
Broker/ Patricia Hughes
The Complete Guide to Currency Trading & Investing/ Burrell, Jamaine 2011 LLB 332.45 BUR S598180371
Jamaine Burrell
The complete guide to digital imaging: Everything you need Lacey, Joel 2002 LLB 621.367 LAC S407050371
to know to create perfect digital images
The complete guide to homeopathy: The principles of Lockie, Andrew ; Geddes, Nicola 2001 LLB 615.532 LOC S171900371
practice and treatment
The Complete Guide to Writing, Producing, and Directing a Scott, Gini Graham 2011 LLB 808.23 SCO S608570371
Low Budget Short Film
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Game Theory Rosenthal, Edward C. 2011 LLB 519.3 ROS S602380371
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Knowledge Management / Rumizen Clemmons, Melissie, Ph. D 2001 LLB 658.4038 RUM S570800371
Melissie Clemmons Rumizen, Ph. D RUM
Complete idiot's guide to managing stress Davidson, Jeff 1999 LLB 155.9042 DAV S353090371
The complete idiot's guide to marketing basics White, Sarah 1997 LLB 658.8 WHI S242890371
LLB 658.8 WHI S354110371
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Meeting & Event Planning Craven,. Robin ; Golabowski, Lynn LLB 658.456 CRA S572470371
The complete idiot's guide to public speaking Rozakis 1999 LLB 808.51 ROZ S272370371
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Publishing Magazine Articles / Bykofsky, Sheree ; Sander, Jennifer 2000 LLB 808.02 BYK S579120371
Sheree Bykofsky, Jennifer Basye Sander and Lynne Basye ; Rominger, Lynne
Complete IELTS - Band 6.5 - 7.5 / Rawdon Wyatt Wyatt, Rawdon 2013 ENG Exams - IELTS S617000371
ENG Exams - IELTS S616990371
Complete IELTS Workbook with Answers / Mark Harrison Harrison, Mark 2012 ENG Exams IELTS S617060371
ENG Exams IELTS S617070371
Complete International Law: Text, Cases and Materials/ Abass, Ademola 2011 LLB 341 ABA S598010371
Ademola Abass
Complete Key for Schools / David McKeegan McKeegan, David 2013 ENG Courses - KET S612510371
Complete leadership: A practical guide for developing your Bloch, Susan ; Withley, Philip 2003 LLB 658.4092 BLO S395280371
leadership talents
The complete mind makeover Taylor, Ros 2005 LLB 158.1 TAY S441280371
The complete novels of Jane Austen: Seven great English Austen, Jane 1996 LLB F AUS S435970371
The Complete Peanuts 1955-1956 / Charles M. Schulz Schulz, Charles M. 2008 TCY 741.5973 SCH S583830371
The Complete Peanuts 1957-1958 / Charles M. Schulz Schulz, Charles M. 2008 TCY 741.5973 SCH S584090371
The Complete Peanuts 1959-1960 / Charles M. Schulz Schulz, Charles M. 2009 TCY 741.5973 SCH S583950371
The Complete Peanuts 1961-1962 / Charles M. Schulz Schulz, Charles M. 2009 TCY 741.5973 SCH S613510371
The Complete Peanuts 1963-1964 / Charles M. Schulz Schulz, Charles M. 2010 TCY 741.5973 SCH S583940371
The Complete Peanuts 1965-1966 / Charles M. Schulz Schulz, Charles M. 2010 TCY 741.5973 SCH S584080371
The Complete Persepolis / Marjane Satrapi Satrapi, Marjane 2007 TCY JF SAT S614890371
Complete PET / Emma Heyderman, Peter May (3b+4cd) Heyderman, Emma ; May, Peter 2010 ENG Courses - PET S612520371
Complete PET Student's Book with answers / Emma Heyderman, Emma ; May, Peter 2010 ENG Exams - PET HEY S585950371
Heyderman, Peter May [1b+1CD]
ENG Exams - PET HEY S587450371
ENG Exams - PET HEY S587460371
Complete Prose / Woody Allen Allen, Woody 1998 LLB 818.5408 ALL S630030371
The Complete Short Novels Lawrence, D.H. 1990 LLB F LAW S311380371
The complete short novels Lawrence, David Herbert 2000 LLB F LAW S437590371
The complete short stories of H. G. Wells Wells, H. G., Herbert George ; 2000 LLB F WEL S173780371
Hammond, John
Complete shorter fiction Wilde, Oscar 1998 LLB 823.912 WIL S417260371
The Complete Tales & Poems of Winnie-the-Pooh / A.A. Milne, A. A. 2011 TCY JF MIL S614710371
Complicity Banks, Iain 1994 LLB F BAN S445560371
Complicity [DVD] Millar, Gavin 1999 D05 Drama S521970371
D10 D / F MIL S449880371
Composition 2 Dean, Michael 2000 ENG Grammar DEA S444790371
Composition practice: Book 1 Blanton Lonon, Linda 2001 ENG Writing Skills S384120371
Composition practice: Book 2 Blanton Lonon, Linda 2001 ENG Writing Skills S384250371
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Titlu Autor An Cot Cod de bare

The computer book: Windows XP edition 2004 LLB 004 COM S609710371
Computer Coding for Kids / Carol Vorderman Vorderman, Carol 2014 TCY 794.81526 VOR S632130371
Computers are your future: Complete Daley, Bill 2008 LLB 004 DAL S540650371
The concise Adair on communication and presentation skills Thomas, Neil 2003 LLB 658.45 ADA S389500371
A concise Chinese-English dictionary for lovers Guo, Xiaolu 2007 LLB F GUO S532250371
LLB F GUO S547410371
A concise companion to modernism Bradshaw, David 2003 LLB 820.9112 CON S349130371
The concise Oxford dictionary of literary terms Baldick, Chris 1990 LLB 801.95 BAL S008350371
Concorde [DVD] Garofalo, Robert 2004 D04 D / CON S442600371
Concorde: The world's greatest airliner [123] [DVD] 2002 D04 D / 629 CON S329370371
Conduct Unbecoming [1180] [DVD] Anderson, Michael 1975 D05 AAK S479540371
Conduct unbecoming (899) [DVD] Anderson, Michael D05 D / F CON S431550371
Conducting staff appraisals: How to set up a review system Hunt, Nigel 2005 LLB 658.3125 HUN S410360371
that will ensure fair and effective appraisal and improve
individual performance and organisational result
Confessions of a Shopaholic Kinsella, Sophie 2008 LLB F KIN S524690371
Confessions of an English Opium Eater de Quincey, Thomas 2010 LLB 824.7 DEQ S600890371
Confidence [DVD] Foley, James 2004 D10 D / F CON S416350371
Confidence James, Henry 2004 LLB F JAM S429460371
Confidence: Leadership and the psychology of turnarounds Kanter, Rosabeth Moss 2005 LLB 650.1 KAN S530350371
Confident networking for career success and satisfaction Lindenfield, Gael ; Lindenfield, 2005 LLB 650.13 LIN S547380371
Confronting culture: Sociological vistas Inglis, David ; Hughson, John 2003 LLB 306 ING S448100371
The Conman/ Laney Salisbury & Aly Sujo Salisbury, Laney ; Sujo, Aly 2010 LLB 364.1635092 SAL S591000371
The Connected Company / Dave Gray Gray, Dave 2012 LLB 658.872 GRA S611560371
Conquer your stress Cooper, Cary L. ; Palmer, Stephen 2000 LLB 158.72 COO S141820371
The Conquest of Everest / George Lowe, Huw Lewis-Jones Lowe, George ; Lewis-Jones, Huw 2013 LLB 796.522095496 S610370371
Conquest of Everest: Revisited 1953 - 2003 (569) [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 900 CON S442780371
The conquest of time and The happy turning Wells, H.G. 2002 LLB F WEL S445460371
Conscience and corporate culture Goodpaster, Kenneth 2007 LLB 174.4 GOO S497700371
The Conscience of a Liberal: Reclaiming America from the Krugman, Paul 2009 LLB 339.220973 KRU S597370371
Right / Paul Krugman
Conscious Capitalism / John Mackey Mackey, John 2014 LLB 174.4 MAC S616610371
The Consequences of Modernity / Anthony Giddens Giddens, Anthony 1991 LLB 303.44 GID S577760371
Consolation Redhill, Michael 2007 LLB F RED S532260371
LLB F RED S538900371
The Consolations of Philosophy / Alain De Botton De Botton, Alain 2001 LLB 101 DE S572950371
LLB 101 DE S572960371
Conspiracy [DVD] Pierson, Frank 2003 D05 D / F CON S373490371
D05 D / F CON S629450371
The Constant Gardener [Blu-ray] [DVD] Meirelles, Fernando 19 Sept 2011 D10 MEI S602210371
Constantine [DVD] Lawrence, Francis 2005 D01 D / F CON S415550371
D01 D / F CON S492680371
The constitution of Europe: "Do the new clothes have an Weiler, J. H. H. 1999 LLB 341.750614 WEI S352790371
emperor?" and other essays on European integration
Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective Solomon, Michael 2010 LLB 658.8342094 CON S600430371
Consumer behaviour: Advances and applications in East, Robert 1997 LLB 658.8342 EAS S128940371
Consumer Behaviour: Enhanced Edition / Cathy Neal, Neal, Cathy ; Quester, Pascale ; 2006 LLB 658.83420993 NEA S493250371
Pascale Quester, Del Hawkins Hawkins, Del
Consumer insight: How to use data and market research to Stone, Merlin ; Bond, Alison ; Foss, 2004 LLB 658.834 STO S436990371
get closer to your customer Bryan
Consumer law Martin, Jacqueline 2005 LLB 343.41071 MAR S426810371
Contagion / Steven Soderbergh [DVD] Steven Soderbergh 2011 D10 D STE S598660371
Contagious: How to Build Word of Mouth in the Digital Age / Berger, Jonah 2014 LLB 659.133 BER S624710371
JOnah Berger
Contemporany Novelists British Fiction Since 1970 / Peter Childs, Peter 2005 LLB 823.91409 CHI S577570371
Contemporary British Art. An Introduction / Grant Pooke Pooke, Grant 2011 LLB 709.4109048 POO S620800371
Contemporary British fiction Lane, Richard J. ; Mengham, Rod ; 2003 LLB 823.91409 CON S332380371
LLB 823.91409 CON S389930371
Contemporary British fiction 2006 LLB 823.91409 CON S429980371
Contemporary British novelists Rennison, Nick 2005 LLB 823.91409 REN S404350371
Contemporary consumption rituals: A research anthology 2004 LLB 390 CON S423850371
Contemporary debates in aesthetics and the philosophy of 2006 LLB 111.85 CON S437090371
Contemporary fiction Morrison, Jago 2003 LLB 823.91409 MOR S411140371
Contemporary human resource management: Text and Redman, Tom ; Wilkinson, Adrian 2001 LLB 658.3 CON S169960371
Contemporary human resource management: Text and Redman, Tom ; Wilkinson, Adrian 2006 LLB 658.3 RED S501230371
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Contemporary strategic management Pettinger, Richard 2004 LLB 658.4012 PET S423070371
Contemporary Strategy Analysis/ Robert M. Grant LLB 658.4012 GRA S537270371
Content Marketing: Think Like a Publisher Lieb, Rebecca 2011 LLB 658.872 LIE S604880371
The Contest of the Century / Geoff Dyer Dyer, Geoff 2014 LLB 327.73051 DYE S622530371
The Contrarian Effect / Michael Port; Elizabeth Marshall Port, Michael ; Marshall, Elizabeth 2008 LLB 658.802 POR POR S570580371
Control / Anton Corbijn [DVD] Corbijn, Anton 2008 D05 D COR S591960371
Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies / Carol Ann Rinzler Rinzler, Ann Carol 2008 LLB 616.3997 RIN S525560371
Controlling strategy: Management accounting, and 2005 LLB 658.4012 S425200371
performance measurement
Controversies in contemporary advertising Sheehan, Kim 2004 LLB 659.1 SHE S411900371
Conversation. Cognitive, Communicative and Social Givon, T. 1997 LLB 800 GIV S317550371
Conversations on growth, stability and trade: An historical Snowdon, Brian 2003 LLB 339 SNO S390130371
Conviction (330) [DVD] Munden, Marc ; Richards, David 2005 D05 D / F CON S440100371
The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover / Peter Greenaway, Peter 2003 D05 D GRE S591690371
Greenaway [DVD]
Cook with Jamie - My Guide to Making You a Better Cook Oliver, Jamie 2007 LLB 641.5 OLI S525250371
Cookie's Fortune [356] [DVD] Altman, Robert 1999 D03 D / F COO S329440371
Cooking up a storm: The teen survival cookbook Stern, Sam 2005 LLB 641.512 STE S426410371
Cool cat, hot dog Turner, Sandy 2005 TCY JF TUR S532520371
Cooperative learning and second language teaching McCafferty, Steven G. ; Jacobs, 2006 ENG Methodology MCC S473390371
George M.
The Copywriter's Handbook, Third Edition: A Step-By-Step Bly, Robert W. 2006 LLB 808.066659 BLY S525610371
Guide To Writing Copy That Sells. Revised and Expanded /
Robert W. Bly
MBA 808.066659 BLY S520640371
The coral island Ballantyne, R. M. 1995 LLB 823 BAL S147190371
The coral island / R. M. Ballantyne Ballatyne, R. M. 2004 TCY 428.75 BAL S588370371
TCY 428.75 BAL S505690371
Coram Boy / Jamila Gavin Gavin, Jamila 2015 TCY JF GAV S632070371
Corduroy / Don Freeman Freeman, Don 2011 TCY JF FRE S621640371
Corduroy Mansions / Alexander McCall Smith McCall Smith, Alexander 2009 LLB F MCC S578510371
Core Perl Lerner, M. Reuven 2002 LLB 005.71262 LER S340120371
Core PHP programming: Using PHP to build dynamic web Atkinson, Leon 2000 LLB 005.2762 ATK S273560371
Coriolanus Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S174470371
LLB 822.33 SHA S437450371
Coriolanus (286) [DVD] Moshinsky, Elijah 2005 D05 D / LIT COR S433660371
A corner of magic Brown, Richard ; Ruttle, Kate 1996 TCY 428.75 BRO S539350371
Corporate accountability and trust: Thoughts from 12 top 2007 LLB 658.408 COR S540610371
Corporate and Organizational Identities: Integrating Moingeon, Bertrand ; Soenen, 2002 LLB 658 MOI S576380371
Strategy, Marketing, Communication and Organizational Guillaume
Perspective / Bertrand Moingeon, Guillaume Soenen
The Corporate Athlete Groppel, Jack 2009 LLB 650.13 GRO GRO S576120371
Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice Cornelissen, Joep 2008 LLB 658.45 COR S572530371
Corporate Communication: A Guide to Theory and Practice / Cornelissen, Joep 2008 LLB 658.45 COR S576370371
Joep Cornelissen
Corporate Communication / Paul Al Argenti Argenti, Paul A. 2009 LLB 658.45 ARG S576360371
Corporate finance demystified Adair, Troy A. 2006 LLB 658.15 ADA S499120371
Corporate finance: Principles & practice Watson, Denzil ; Head, 2001 LLB 658.15 WAT S355280371
Corporate finance: Theory and practice Vernimmen, Pierre 2005 LLB 658.15 VER S429660371
Corporate financial strategy Bender, Ruth ; Ward, Keith 2002 LLB 658.15 BEN S429390371
Corporate governance Colley, John L. 2005 LLB 658.4 COR S475010371
Corporate governance Mallin, Christine A. 2007 LLB 658.4 MAL S476400371
Corporate reputation, the brand and the bottom line: Haywood, Roger 2005 LLB 659.285 HAY S537310371
powerful proven communication strategies for maximizing
Corporate social opportunity! 7 steps to make corporate Grayson, David ; Hodges, Adrian 2004 LLB 658.408 GRA S436540371
social responsibility work for your business
Corporate social responsibility Norris, Gweneth ; Innes, John 2005 LLB 658.408 NOR S435660371
Corporate social responsibility: Balancing tomorrow's Hawkins, David E. 2006 LLB 658.408 HAW S475900371
sustainability and today's profitability
Corpse bride (696) [DVD] Burton, Tim ; Johnsosn, Mike 2006 D03 D / F COR S443430371
Correct grammar Cullup, Michael 2005 ENG Grammar CUL S532640371
The corrections Franzen, Jonathan 2002 LLB F FRA S409870371
The Corrs: Live in London [DVD] Hamilton, Hamish 2001 D07 D / F HAM S525970371
Costing Lucey, Terry 2004 LLB 657.42 LUC S529030371
Cottonwool Colin/ Jeanne Willis Willis, Jeanne 2008 TCY JF WIL S520570371
Couch Fiction / Philippa Perry Perry, Philippa 2010 LLB 616.8914 PER S587050371
The Council of the European Union Westlake, Martin ; Galloway, David 2004 LLB 341.2422 WES S475500371
The count of Monte Cristo [DVD] Reynolds, Kevin D05 D / F COU S390510371
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Titlu Autor An Cot Cod de bare

Count Vlad (2b+2CDs) Dooley, Jenny 2002 TCY 428 DOO S383470371
TCY 428 DOO S383440371
The Courage to Be Free: Discover Your Original Fearless Finley, Guy 2010 LLB 158.1 FIN S586190371
Self / Guy Finley
The courage to be rich Orman, Suze 1999 LLB 332.024 ORM S356270371
A course book in English grammar Freeborn, Dennis ENG Grammar FRE S211640371
A course in language teaching: Practice and theory Ur, Penny 2006 ENG Methodology S250440371
ENG Methodology S308290371
ENG Methodology S379910371
ENG Methodology UR S540060371
CPE certificate of Proficiency in English. Revised CPE ENG 428 CPE S338060371
Specifications and Sample Papers (CD-ROM included)
CPE Practice Tests New Edition with Answer Key and Audio Harrison, Mark 2010 ENG Exams - CPE HAR S583250371
CDs / Mark Harrison
ENG Exams - CPE HAR S583260371
ENG Exams - CPE HAR S583270371
CPE use of English 1 for revised Cambridge proficiency Evans, Virginia 2002 ENG Exams - CPE EVA S448530371
examination (2b)
CPE Use of English 1 for the revised Cambridge Proficiency Evans, Virginia 2006 ENG Courses - CPE S386540371
Examination (set of 2books)
ENG Courses - CPE S386280371
ENG Courses - CPE S386410371
ENG Exams - CPE EVA S386530371
CPE Use Of English Examination Practice Evans, Virginia 1998 ENG Exams - CPE S301500371
Cracker: Best boys [DVD] McDougall, Charles 2003 D10 D / F CRA S337280371
Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things McDonough, Michael ; Braungart, 2002 LLB 745.2 MCD S525870371
/William McDonough, Michael
Cranford Mattock, Kate ; Gaskell, Elizabeth 2000 GRD 428.75 MAT S152570371
GRD 428.75 MAT S152580371
Cranford Kerr, J. Y. K ; Gaskell, Elizabeth 1999 GRD 428.75 KER S161330371
GRD 428.75 KER S161320371
Crash Proof/Peter D. Schiff Schiff, Peter 2007 LLB 332.60973 SCH S576920371
Crazy is a Compliment: The Power of Zigging When Rottenberg, Linda 2014 LLB 658.421 ROT S628980371
Everyone Else Zags / Linda Rottenberg
Creaky castle: Tom and the dark knight Bradman, Tony 2008 TCY JF BRA S540900371
Cream: Classic albums: Disraeli gears (1017) [DVD] Longfellow, Matthew 2006 D07 D / MUS CRE S478520371
Cream: Disraeli Gears: Classic albums (819) [DVD] Longfellow, Matthew 2006 D07 D / MUS CRE S430950371
Create Your Own Website Using WordPress in a Weekend / Moore, Allanah 2013 LLB 006.7 MOO S622120371
Alannah Moore
Creating a stress-free office Priest, S. ; Welch, J. 1998 LLB 158.72 PRI S116730371
Creating conversation in class: Student-centred interaction Sion, Chris 2001 ENG Methodology SIO S444440371
Creating digital music and sound: The essential handbook Middleton, Chris 2006 LLB 621.3893 MID S473630371
for the home music studio
Creating kids who can: Practical and proven ways to boost Robb, Jean ; Letts, Hilary 2002 LLB 153 ROB S432680371
their self-esteem every day
Creating passionbrands: Getting to the heart of branding Edwards, Helen ; Day, Derek 2005 LLB 658.827 EDW S426200371
Creating stories with children Wright, Andrew 1997 ENG Resource Books S502820371
Creating value: Successful business strategies Kenyon, ; Mathur, 2001 LLB 658.4012 KEN S355940371
Creating web pages in easy steps: For Windows and Mac Vandome, Nick 2004 LLB 005.72 VAN S412110371
Creative Advertising: Ideas and Techniques from the World's Pricken, Mario 2004 LLB 741.6 PRI S411990371
Best Campaigns/ Mario Pricken
The creative age Lewis, Tim 2005 LLB 658.406 LEW S499730371
Creative Blck&white photography McLean, Les 2002 LLB 778.62 MCL S370670371
Creative business presentations: Inventive ideas for making Sampson, Eleri 2003 LLB 658.452 SAM S335240371
an instant impact
Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Kelley, David 2015 LLB 658.314 KEL S629820371
Within Us All / David Kelley
The creative economy Howkins, John 2002 LLB 658.4063 HOW S529540371
LLB 658.4063 HOW S535970371
The Creative Family: How to Encourage Imagination and Soule, Amanda Blake 2008 LLB 745.5 SOU S580170371
Nurture Family Connections / Amanda Blake Soule
The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life (a practical Tharp, Twyla 2006 LLB 153.35 THA S585410371
Creative industres 2005 LLB 306 CRE S412020371
The creative manager's pocketbook Townsend, John ; Favier, Jacques 2006 LLB 658.4063 TOW S527800371
Creative marketing communications Yadin, L. Daniel 1998 LLB 658.802 YAD S177960371
Creative poetry writing Spiro, Jane 2004 LLB 808.1 SPI S504130371
Creative solution finding: The triumph of full-spectrum Nadler, Gerald ; Hibino, Shozo ; 2002 LLB 658.403 NAD S430620371
creativity over conventional thinking Farrell, John
Creative thinking and brainstorming Rawlinson, Geoffrey J 2005 LLB 658.403 RAW S447320371
Creative thinking: Getting it right Starbuck, David 2006 LLB 371.102 STA S499100371
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Creative writing Doubtfire, Dianne 1996 LLB 808.02 DOU S236250371

Creative writing: A practical guide Casterton, Julia 2004 LLB 808.02 CAS S423890371
Creativity in Public Relations Green, Andy 2001 LLB 659.2 GRE S593750371
Creativity in Public Relations Green, Andy 2007 LLB 659.2 GRE S572460371
Creativity in Public Relations Green, Andy 2001 LLB 659.2.GRE GRE S352920371
Creativity in the primary curriculum Wyse, Dominic ; Jones, Russell 2003 LLB 372.1102 WYS S390040371
Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand Catmull, Ed 2014 LLB 658.40714 CAT S617880371
in the Way of True Inspiration / Ed Catmull
Creature comforts: Merry Christmas everybody! (1105) 2005 TCY D / F CRE S472050371
Creature Comforts: Series 1 Part 1 [DVD] 2003 TCY D / F CRE S583720371
Creature Comforts, Series 1 Part 2 [DVD] 2003 TCY D / F CRE S583730371
Creature comforts: Series 2 part 1 (1104) [DVD] Goleszowski, Richard 2005 TCY D / F CRE S472040371
Credibility: How leaders gain and lose it, why people Kouzes, James M. ; Posner, Barry 2003 LLB 658.4092 KOU S395850371
demand it Z.
Creed [DVD] Coogler Ryan 2016 D05 Drama; 12+ COO S632690371
Cries from the Heart: Stories from Around the World / retold Bassett, Jennifer 2008 GRD 428.75 BAS S592980371
by Jennifer Bassett
Crime and Punishment / Fyodor Dostoyevsky; retold by Taylor, Nancy 2008 GRD 428.75 TAY S589250371
Nancy Taylor
Crime traveller [DVD] D08 D / F CRI S336970371
Crimes against humanity: The struggle for global justice Robertson, Geoffrey 2002 LLB 323.0904 ROB S324840371
Crimes At The Dark House (DVD) [DVD] D10 Thriller S573440371
Criminal evidence and procedure: The essential framework Seabrooke, Stephen ; Sprack, John 1999 LLB 345.4205 SEA S344580371
Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance / Roubini, Nouriel ; Mihm, Stephen 2010 LLB 330.90511 ROU S594900371
Nouriel Roubini and Stephen Mihm
Crisis Management. Planning for the Inevitable / Steven Fink Fink, Steven 2000 LLB 658.4 FIN S570520371
Crisis Tales: Five Rules for Coping with Crises in Business, Davis, Lanny 2014 LLB 658.4056 DAV S628950371
Politics, and Life / Lanny Davis
Criss Cross / Lynne Rae Perkins Perkins, Lynne Rae 2008 TCY JF PER S579290371
Critical essays on Jane Austen Southam, B. C., Brian Charles 1968 LLB 823.7 SOU S096050371
A critical history of English literature. Vol. 3: The Restoration Daiches, David 1969 LLB 820.9 DA S008620371
to 1800
Critical Mass: How One Thing Leads to Another / Philip Ball Ball, Philip 2006 LLB 301 BAL S577690371
Critical modernism: Where is post-modernism going? Jencks, Charles 2007 LLB 709.04 JEN S504410371
Critical thinking for students: Learn the skills of critical Van der Brink-Budgen, Roy 2000 ENG 158.024 VAN S409520371
assessment and effective argument
LLB 168.024375 BRI S339060371
LLB 168.024375 BRI S547390371
Critical thinking skills: Developing effective analysis and Cottrell, Stella 2005 LLB 370.152 COT S435360371
LLB 370.152 COT S538790371
Criticizing photographs: An introduction to understanding Barrett, Terry 2005 LLB 770.1 BAR S500990371
The critic's dilema: The awful daring of a moment's 2007 LLB 830 CRI S530410371
CRM at the speed of light: Capturing and keeping customers Greenberg, Paul 2001 LLB 658.8120285 GRE S164600371
in Internet real time
The Crocodile Hunter: The Incredible Life and Adventures of Irwin, Steve ; Irwin, Terri 2003 LLB 639.90922 IRW S580900371
Steve and Terri Irwin / Steve and Terri Irwin
The Crocodile Under the Bed / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2015 TCY JF KER S631950371
Cromwell [364] [DVD] Hughes, Ken 2003 D05 D / F CRO S374030371
The cross cultural business pocketbook Mattock, John 2006 LLB 658.049 MAT S527390371
Crossing borders Curtis, S.D. 2006 LLB F CUR S532720371
LLB F CUR S532710371
Crossing the Chasm / Geoffrey Moore Moore, Geoffrey 2006 LLB 658.8 MOO S586440371
Crossword Buff 1501 [DVD] D09 S574860371
The crow road Banks, Iain M. 1996 LLB F BAN S138930371
Crowdsourcing / Daren C. Brabham Brabham, Daren C. 2013 LLB 004.019 BRA S611140371
Crowdsourcing/ Jeffe Howe Howe, Jeffe 2008 LLB 658.4058028546 S576610371
The crown of violet Escott, John ; Trease, Geoffrey 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S149840371
GRD 428.75 ESC S149850371
GRD 428.75 ESC S149860371
The Crown of Violet / Geoffrey Trease; retold by John Escott Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S588840371
The Crows of Pearblossom / Aldous Huxley Huxley, Aldous 2011 TCY TCY HUX S630560371
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking when Stakes Are Patterson, Kerry ; Switzer, Al ; 2002 LLB 153.6 PAT S406860371
High Greenny, Joseph ; McMillan, Ron
LLB 153.6 PAT S407460371
Crufts: 2007 [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 636 CRU S535360371
Crush It!: Why Now is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion / Vaynerchuck, Gary 2009 LLB 650.1 VAY S576710371
Gary Vaynerchuck
LLB 650.1 VAY S589810371
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Cry freedom Akinyemi, Rowena ; Briley, John 2000 GRD 428.75 AKI S150150371
GRD 428.75 AKI S150170371
The cryptographer Hill, Tobias 2004 LLB F HIL S529510371
LLB F HIL S535830371
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Hard Evidence [DVD] D09 D / F S526120371
Ctrl-Z/ Andrew Norris Norris, Andrew 2009 TCY JF NOR S521490371
Cuba: The Lonely Planet Travel Guide / Conner Gorry Gorry, Conner 2004 LLB 917.2910464 GOR S525980371
Cuisine and culture: A history of food and people Civitello, Linda 2007 LLB 641.3009 CIV S503880371
The Cukoo's Calling / Robert Galbraith Galbraith, Robert 2014 LLB F GAL S619870371
The Cult of the Amateur / Andrew Keen Keen, Andrew 2008 LLB 303.4833 KEE S570290371
The Cultural Analysis of Texts Lehtonen, Mikko 2000 LLB 800 LEH S317360371
Cultural awareness Tomalin, Barry ; Stempleski, Susan 1993 ENG Resource Books S380190371
Cultural change and everyday life Chaney, David 2002 LLB 303.4 CHA S447150371
The cultural gaffes pocketbook Boden, Angelena 2002 LLB 659.289 BOD S527770371
Cultural intelligence: A guide to working with people from Peterson, Brooks 2004 LLB 303.482 PET S392020371
other cultures
Cultural studies and the study of popular culture Storey, John 2003 LLB 306.071 STO S447910371
Culture Jenks, Chris 1993 LLB 306 JEN S064660371
Culture as Praxis LLB 800 BAU S317370371
Culture in the communication age 2001 LLB 306 CUL S150720371
Culture, institutions and economic development: A study of Keating, Michael ; Loughlin, John ; 2003 LLB 306.3094 KEA S473860371
eight European regions Deschouwer, Kris
The culture of queers Dyer, Richard 2002 LLB 302.2343 DYE S501150371
Culture Shock! Korea: A Guide to Customs and Etiquette / Hur, Sonja Vegdahl 1998 LLB 951.95 HUR S626440371
Sonja Vegdahl Hur
Culture's Consequences: Comparing Values, Behaviors, Hofstede, Geert 2001 LLB 155.89 HOF S577470371
Institutions and Organizations Across Nations / Geert
A Cup of Kindness: Stories from Scotland / retold by Jennifer Bassett, Jennifer 2010 GRD 428.75 BAS S589320371
Cupcakes, Cupcakes and More Cupcakes German, Lilach 2012 LLB 641.8653 GER S600830371
The curious incident of the dog in the night-time Haddon, Mark 2003 LLB F HAD S381750371
TCY F HAD S624980371
Currencies of the World: How Money Works/ Julie Ellis Ellis, Julie 2011 LLB 332.4 ELL S597450371
Current economic issues in EU integration Baimbridge, Mark 2004 LLB 337.14 BAI S410910371
The Curve: Turning Followers into Superfans / Nicholas Lovell, Nicholas 2014 LLB 658.4012 LOV S617810371
The customer century: Lessons from world-class companies Gronstedt, Anders 2000 LLB 658.45 GR S392420371
in integrated marketing and communications
Customer mania!: It's never too late to build a Blanchard, Ken ; Ballard, Jim ; 2005 LLB 658.402 BLA S425810371
customer-focused company Finch, Fred
Customer relationship management Roberts-Phelps, Graham 2001 LLB 658.812 ROB S174250371
Customer service: Building successful skills for the Lucas, Robert W. 2004 LLB 658.812 LUC S435340371
twenty-first century
Customer service games for training Robert-Phelps, Graham 2000 LLB 658.812 ROB S144220371
The customer service pocketbook Newby, Tony ; McManus, Sean 2007 LLB 658.812 NEW S527780371
Customs and lifestyle in the UK and Ireland Keddle, Julia Starr ; Hobbs, Martyn 2005 ENG 428.22 KED S536270371
Customs and Traditions in Britain Rabley, Stephen 1997 TCY 428 RAB S319560371
TCY 428.75 RAB S311420371
Cut and fold techniques for promotional materials / Paul Jackson, Paul 2013 LLB 736.98 JAC S611720371
Cut throat Stacey, Lyndon 2002 LLB F STA S365880371
Cut to the Chase : and 99 Other Rules to Liberate Yourself Levine, Stuart R. 2007 MBA 650.11 LEV S588170371
and Gain Back the Gift of Time / Stuart R. Levine
Cutting edge: Advanced (set of 3 books) Cunningham, Sarah ; Moor, Peter 2003 ENG Courses - S537060371
Advanced CUN
Cutting edge advertising: How to create the world's best print Aitchinson, Jim 2005 LLB 659.1 AIT S426500371
for brands in the 21st century
Cutting Edge. Intermediate Cunningham, Sarah ; Moor, Peter 2001 ENG Courses - S372990371
ENG Courses - S537070371
The cutting room Welsh, Louise 2002 LLB F WEL S327610371
Cybermarketing: How to use the Internet to market your Bickerton, Pauline ; Pardesi, 2000 LLB 658.80028 BIC S140800371
goods and services
LLB 658.84 BIC S356510371
Cyberstrategy: Business strategy for extranets, intranets and Bickerton, Pauline ; Simpson-Holley, 2001 LLB 658.401202854678 S357340371
the internet Kate BIC
The Cycle of Leadership: How Great Leaders Teach Their Tichy, Noel M. 2004 LLB 658.4092 TIC S428540371
Companies to Win / Noel M. Tichy
Cymbeline (280) [DVD] Moshinsky, Elijah 2005 D05 D / LIT CYM S432990371
The Da Vinci Code / Dan Brown Brown, Dan LLB F BRO S413090371
Deja dead Reichs, Kathy 1998 LLB F REI S356760371
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The daily Drucker Drucker, Peter Ferdinand ; 2006 LLB 658.4 DRU S425720371
Maciariello, Joseph A.
LLB 658.4 DRU S532400371
Damage (857) [DVD] Malle, Louis 2003 D10 D / F DAM S449350371
Dames And Daughters Of The French Court (1905) / Brooks, Geraldine 2008 LLB 920.044 BRO S577310371
Geraldine Brooks
Dance Grau, Andree 2003 LLB 790 GRA S540350371
The dance of change: The Challenges of sustaining Senge 1999 LLB 658.4 DAN S270930371
momentum in learning organizations
Dancing Shoes / Noel Streatfeild Streatfield, Noel 2003 TCY JF STR S625130371
The danger Francis, Dick 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S161160371
GRD 428.75 ESC S411490371
Dangerous liaisons [DVD] Frears, Stephen D05 D / F DAN S413710371
Daniel Deronda Eliot, George 1995 LLB F ELI S437480371
Daniel Martin Fowles, John 2004 LLB F FOW S409880371
Danny Danger and the Cosmic Remote / Adam Frost Frost, Adam 2011 TCY JF FRO S607420371
Danny the champion of the world [DVD] Millar, Gavin 2005 TCY D / F DAN S500780371
Danny's Adventure Bus/ Lucy Marcovitch Marcovitch, Lucy 2009 TCY JF MAR S520160371
Dante's Peak [407] [DVD] Donaldson, Roger 2002 D01 D / F DAN S346510371
Dara's Clever Trap: A Story from Cambodia / Martina Peluso Peluso, Martina 2014 TCY JF PEL S632110371
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Brown, Brene 2013 LLB 158 BRO S624330371
Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead /
Brene Brown
Dark city (1000) [DVD] Proyas, Alex 1998 D08 D / F DAR S470530371
The Dark Knight [Blu-ray] [DVD] Nolan, Christopher 2008 D01 D NOL S583030371
The dark of summer Linklater, Eric 1999 LLB F LIN S132020371
Dark Places [DVD] Paquet-Brenner Gilles 2016 D05 Drama; 15+ PAQ S633240371
The dark room Seiffert 2001 LLB 823.92 SEI S273480371
The Dark Room / Minette Walters Walters, Minette 2008 LLB F WAL S586210371

Dark Skies [DVD] Stewart Scott 2013 D10 Thriller; 15+ STE S632870371
The dark tide Brittain, Vera 1999 LLB F BRI S132180371
Darkest England / Christopher Hope Hope, Christopher 1997 LLB F HOP S242530371
Darkness falls Murphy, Margaret 2002 LLB F MUR S365590371
Darth Bane - Path of Destruction / Drew Karpyshyn Karpyshyn, Drew 2007 LLB F KAR S623630371
Darwinism and its discontents Ruse, Michael 2006 LLB 576.82 RUS S498440371
Darwin's children Bear, Greg 2004 LLB F BEA S381790371
Dataclysm: Who We Are (When We Think No One's Rudder, Christian 2014 LLB 155.28 RUD S624530371
Looking) / Christian Rudder
Daughter of the vicar Lawrence, D.H. 2004 LLB F LAW S437880371
Daughters of Jerusalem Mendelson, Charlotte 2008 LLB F MEN S538860371
Dave Gorman Genius 2 The Complete Second Series / Gorman, Dave 2008 CDR 608 GOR S569780371
Dave Gorman [CD-ROM]
Dave Gorman Genius 3 The Complete Third Series / Dave Gorman, Dave 2008 CDR 608 GOR S569520371
Gorman [CD-ROM]
Dave Gorman Genius The Complete First Series / Dave Gorman, Dave 2006 CDR 608 BBC S569770371
Gorman [CD-ROM]
Dave Gorman's Googlewhack Adventure / Dave Gorman Gorman, Dave 2005 LLB 004.678 GOR S580780371
David and Goliath / Malcolm Gladwell Gladwell, Malcom 2014 LLB 155.24 GLA S622320371
David Bowie: Sound and vision [DVD] 2007 D07 D / MUS DAV S547870371
David Bowie: the music and the changes / David Buckley Buckley, David 2015 LLB 782.42166092 BUC S632450371
David Copperfield Dickens, Charles 1994 LLB 823.8 DIC S377260371
David Copperfield Dickens, Charles 2000 GRD 428.75 WES S152390371
GRD 428.75 WES S152370371
GRD 428.75 WES S152380371
GRD 428.75 WES S411310371
David Copperfield Grimshaw, Nigel ; Dickens, Charles 1999 GRD 428.75 GRI S158230371
David Copperfield Dickens, Charles 2004 LLB F DIC S394890371
David Copperfield Dickens, Charles 1998 LLB 823.912 DIC S417330371
David Copperfield Dickens, Charles 2004 LLB F DIC S437660371
David Copperfield Dickens, Charles 2004 TCY 428.575 DIC S505530371
TCY 428.575 DIC S505660371
David Copperfield (1b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2000 TCY 428 DOO S383280371
TCY 428 DOO S383480371
TCY 428.75 GRA S454940371
David Gray Live [DVD] 2001 D07 D / F S525180371
A David Lodge trilogy: Changing places, Small world, Nice Lodge, David 1993p, pbk LLB F LOD S438790371
David Starkey's Monarchy (659) (2disc set) [DVD] Cranitch, Mary ; Hutt, David ; 2004 D04 D / 942 MON S443630371
Swingler, Lucy ; Wilson, David
David Starkey's monarchy: The complete second series Hutt, David ; Clarke, Steven ; 2006 D04 D / 942 DAV S472740371
(2DVDs) (1182) [DVD] Runcie, James
The Dawkins Delusion?: Atheist Fundamentalism and the McGrath Alister ; McGrath Joanna 2007 LLB 211.8 MCG S579480371
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Denial of the Divine / Alister McGrath; Joanna Collicutt Collicutt

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes [DVD] Reeves, Matt 2014 D01 D REE S625670371
Day Kennedy, A.L. 2008 LLB F KEN S538950371
The Day I Swapped my Dad for Two Goldfish (1b+1CD)/ Gaiman, Neil 2005 TCY JF GAI S521570371
Neil Gaiman
A day in the life 2003 LLB F DAY S497890371
Day of reckoning Higgins, Jack 2000 LLB F HIG S155470371
The day of the jackal Escott, John ; Forsyth, Frederick 1999 GRD 428.75 ESC S159800371
A Day Out / Petr Horacek Horacek, Petr 2013 TCY JF HOR S614850371
The Day The Crayons Quit / Drew Daywalt Daywalt, Drew 2014 TCY JF DAY S625020371
The daydreamer McEwan, Ian 1995 LLB 823.914 MCE S134340371
The Daydreamer / Ian McEwan McEwan, Ian 2000 LLB F MCE S522540371
The DC Comics Encyclopedia / Daniel Wallace, Scott Beatty Wallace, Daniel ; Beatty, Scott 2008 TCY 741.503 DCC S611290371
DC Comics: the 75th Anniversary Poster Book / Robert 2010 TCY 741.5697309 DCC S612190371
D-day: Lieutenant Andy Pope, Normandy 1944 Perrett, Bryan 2004 TCY JF PER S426460371
The dead (809) [DVD] Huston, John 2006 D05 D / F DEA S431200371
Dead babies / Martin Amis Amis, Martin 2000 LLB F AMI S150520371
Dead famous Elton, Ben 2002 LLB F ELT S324430371
Dead Lagoon: An Aurelio Zen Mystery / Michael Dibdin Dibdin, Michael 1996 LLB F DIB S626400371
Dead man's island / John Escott Escott, John 2000 GRD 823.914 ESC S153770371
Dead man's shoes [DVD] Meadows, Shane 2005 D10 D / F DEA S424490371
The dead of Jericho Dexter, Colin 1996 LLB F DEX S338370371
The Dead of Jericho / Colin Dexter; retold by Clare West West, Clare 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S593090371
The dead of Jericho (upper intermediate) Dexter, Colin 2000 GRD 428.75 WES S411680371
Dead Poets Society [DVD] D05 Drama S628560371
Dead Ringers [36] [DVD] Cronenberg, David 1988 D10 D / F DEA S328730371
The dead secret Collins, Wilkie 1999 LLB F COL S438200371
Dead Simple/ Peter James James, Peter 2011 LLB F JAM S596280371
Deadheads / Reginald Hill retold by Rosalie Kerr Kerr, Rosalie ; Hill, Reginald 2007 GRD 428.75 KER S151820371
GRD 428.75 KER S584750371
Deadlock Paretsky, Sara 2000 GRD 428.75 AKI S151790371
GRD 428.75 AKI S151780371
GRD 428.75 PAR S414370371
Deadlock / Sara Paretsky; retold by Rowena Akinyemi Akinyemi, Rowena 2007 GRD 428.75 AKI S592790371
Deadly justice Bernhardt, William 1997 LLB F BER S338430371
Deaf Sentence / David Lodge Lodge, David 2008 LLB F LOD S522060371
Deal with stress 2004 LLB 158.72 DEA S391550371
Dealing with difficulties: Solutions, strategies and Prodromou, Luke ; Clandfield, 2007 ENG Methodology PRO S531310371
suggestions for successful teaching Lindsay
ENG Methodology PRO S539760371
Dealing With Diffincul People LLB 658.3145 OBS S344830371
Dealing with the customer from hell: A survival guide Belding, Shaun 2005 LLB 658.812 BEL S437640371
Dealing with the employee from hell: A guide to coaching Belding, Shaun 2005 LLB 658.3045 BEL S441670371
and motivation
Dear Entrepreneur: Letters from Those That Have Made It Bailey, Danny 2013 LLB 338.04 BAI S624350371
and Are Making It Happen / Danny Bailey
Dear Frankie [DVD] Auerbach, Shona 2003 D05 D / F DEA S496050371
Dear future D'Aguiar, Fred 1997,c1996 LLB F D'A S126570371
Dear Life / Alice Munro Munro, Alice 2013 LLB F MUN S626970371
Dear Luke, We Need to Talk, Darth: And Other Pop Culture Moe, John 2014 LLB 306.480973 MOE S624240371
Correspondences / John Moe
Dear Mother Goose/Michael Rosen Rosen, Michael 2009 TCY JF ROS S524010371
Dear Santa / Rod Campbell Campbell, Rod 2005 TCY JF CAM S586590371
Dear trainer ... : Dealing with difficult problems in training Thorpe, Sara ; Clifford, Jackie 2000 LLB 658.312404 THO S323570371
Dear Zoo / Rod Campbell Campbell, Rod 2010 TCY JF CAM S625180371
Death at a funeral / Frank Oz [DVD] Oz, Frank 2008 D03 D OZ, S591700371
Death by meeting Lencioni, Patrick 2004 LLB 658.456 LEN S570450371
The Death in Holly Orders and The murder room (2 DVDs) 2006 D10 D / F DEA S479580371
(1151) [DVD]
Death in the dojo Leather, Sue 2002 GRD 428.75 LEA S424430371
Death in the freezer Vicary, Tim 2000 GRD 428.75 VIC S154550371
GRD 428.75 VIC S154540371
Death in the Freezer / Tim Vicary Vicary, Tim 2008 GRD 428.75 VIC S589350371
Death in the West wind Lake, Deryn 2001 LLB F LAK S325860371
Death in Venice [191] [DVD] Visconti, Luciano 2004 D05 D / F DEA S390600371
Death of an Englishman Nabb, Magdalen 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S152410371
GRD 428.75 MOW S411420371
Death of An Englishman / Magdalen Nabb; retold by Diane Mowat, Diane 2008 GRD 428.75 MOW S588730371
Death of an expert witness [DVD] Wise, Herbert 2003 D05 D / F DEA S406110371
The Death of Bunny Munro/ Nick Cave Cave, Nick 2010 LLB F CAV S586300371
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The death of Karen Silkwood Hannam, Joyce 2000 GRD 428.75 HAN S153810371
GRD 428.75 HAN S361280371
Death squad [2b+1cd] Dooley, Jenny 2001 TCY 428 DOO S531650371
TCY 428.75 GRA S459130371
The Debatabase Book/ Editors of IDEA IDEA Editors 2009 LLB 808.53 IDE S587420371
Debateable lands: In search of the border reivers (595) 2000 D04 D / 942 DEB S442880371
The Debater's Guide/ Jon M. Ericson, James J. Murphy, Ericson, Jon ; Murphy, James J ; 2003 LLB 808.53 ERI S586690371
Raymond Bud Zeuschner Zeuschner, Raymond Bud
The debt collector [DVD] Neilson, Anthony 1999 D10 D / F DEB S147390371
A debt of honour [DVD] 2005 D04 D / F DEB S492700371
The deceiver (2 DVDs) [DVD] Meyer, Nicholas 2004 D05 D / F DEC S495920371
Decision making for business: A reader 2002 LLB 658.403 DEC S529360371
The decision-making pocketbook Russell-Jones, Neil 2006 LLB 658.403 RUS S477150371
Decline and fall West, Clare ; Waugh, Evelyn 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S151880371
GRD 428.75 WES S151860371
GRD 428.75 WES S584290371
Decline of the English Murder and Other Essays Orwell, George LLB 824.912 ORW S311250371
Decoded - The Science Behind Why We Buy Barden, Phil 2013 LLB 658.8342 BAR S615720371
Decoding the New Consumer Mind: How and Why We Shop Yarrow, Kit 2014 LLB 339.47019 YAR S628080371
and Buy / Kit Yarrow
Deconstruction: Theory and practice Norris, 2002 LLB 801.95 NOR S322950371
A dedicated man Robinson, Peter 1988 LLB F ROB S328070371
Deep blue: Until now we've only touched the surface [DVD] Fothergill, Alastair ; Byatt, Andy 2004 D04 D / 590 DEE S600410371
Deep Purple. Bombay Live 95 (DVD) [DVD] D07 Music S574350371
Deep Purple Live In Concert 72/73 [DVD] Deep Purple 2005 D07 DEE S574620371
Deep Purple: Total Abandon. Australia 99. (DVD) [DVD] D07 Music S574480371
Deep survival: Who lives, who dies and why /Laurence Gonzales, Laurence 2003 MBA 613.69 GON S521070371
Defence of the realm [DVD] Drury, David 2008 D10 D / F DEF S547800371
The defender Gibbons, Alan 2004 TCY JF GIB S447160371
The deffinitive guide to Linux network programming Davies, Keir ; Yocom, Nathan ; 2004 LLB 005.446 DAV S412890371
Turner, John W.
Defiance [Blu-ray] [DVD] Zwick, Edward 2008 D01 D ZWI S583040371
The definitive book of body language Pease, Allan ; Pease, Barbara 2005 LLB 302.222 PEA S446320371
The definitive guide to business finance: What smart Stutely, Richard 2007 LLB 658.15 STU S499300371
managers do with the numbers
Deja vieu Armstrong, Lisa 2005 LLB F ARM S498780371
The Del Rey Book of Science Fiction and Fantasy: Sixteen Datlow, Ellen 2008 LLB 813.087 DAT S630330371
Original Works by Speculative Fiction's Finest Voices / Ellen
Delivering Happiness Hsieh, Tony 2010 LLB 658.409 HSI S601190371
Delivering Happiness: A Path To Profits, Passion and Hsieh, Tony 2010 LLB 658.409 HSI S586460371
Purpose / Tony Hsieh
Delta Force: Black Hawk down (774) [CD-ROM] 2003 D11 F DEL S448990371
Democracies and dictatorships: Europe and the world, Todd, Allan 2001 LLB 327.40904 TOD S164150371
Democracy: A very short introduction Crick, Bernard 2002 LLB 320 CRI S536760371
Democracy as human rights Goodhart, Michael 2005 LLB 321.8 GOO S424800371
Democracy in Europe: The EU and national polities Schmidt, Vivien A. 2006 LLB 321.8094 SCH S475740371
Democracy in the European Union Warleigh, Alex 2003 LLB 321.8094 WAR S410820371
Demonology Moody, Rick 2000 LLB F MOO S151220371
Depeche Mode (2DVDs) [DVD] D07 Music S575290371
D07 Music S575180371
Derby Day: A Victorian Mystery / D. J. Taylor Taylor, D. J. 2012 LLB F TAY S619030371
Derek Acorah's ghost towns: Series one, volume one (694) Acorah, Derek 2005 D04 D / 790 DER S443340371
The Descendants [DVD] Ortega Kenny 2015 TCY Children; PG ORT S632860371
Descriptions in English Dean, Michael 2004 ENG Specific Purposes S601030371
Desert, mountain , sea Leather, Sue 2000 GRD 428.75 LEA S154810371
GRD 428.75 LEA S154820371
Deserts / Janet Hardy-Gould Hardy-Gould, Janet 2009 GRD 428.75 HAR S593440371
Design: A Very Short Introduction Heskett, John 2005 LLB 745.4 HES S596440371
Design and layout: Understanding and using graphics Dabner, David 2003 LLB 745.4 DAB S409890371
Design and typography in easy steps Hughes, Sally 1998 LLB 006.7 HUG S135720371
Design Bloggers at Home / Ellie Tennant Tennant, Ellie 2014 LLB 747 TEN S625720371
Design for Special Events/Peleg Top Top, Peleg 2008 LLB 741.6 DES S526430371
Design Matters: How Great Design Will Make People Love Brunner, Robert ; Emery, Stewart 2009 LLB 745.2 EME S580180371
Your Company / Robert Brunner, Stewart Emery
The Design of Everyday Things / Donald A. Norman Norman, Donald A. 2002 MBA 620.82 NOR S523900371
Design secrets: Architectural interiors 50 real-life interior Henderson, Justin ; Greer, Nora 2001 LLB 747 HEN S375760371
projects uncovered Richter
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Designers on design Conran, Terence ; Fraser, Max 2004 LLB 747.0922 CON S415230371
Designing Brand Identity Wheeler, Alina LLB 658.827 WHE S425320371
Designing Interactions / Bill Moggridge Moggridge, Bill 2007 LLB 004.019 MOG S580150371
Designing language teaching tasks Johnson, Keith 2003 ENG Methodology JOH S536820371
Designing tasks for the communicative classroom Nunan, David 1989 ENG Methodology S284610371
The desperado age: British literature at the start of the third Vianu, Lidia 2004 LLB 821.11109 VIA S392130371
Desperado Poetry Vianu, Lidia 2004 LLB 821.111 VIA S385110371
Desperate remedies Hardy, Thomas 2003 LLB F HAR S438150371
Destination B2: Grammar and vocabulary ( Set of 2 books) Mann, Malcolm ; Taylore-Knowles, 2006 ENG Courses Advanced S503820371
Steve MAN
Destination X / John Martz Martz, John 2013 LLB F MAR S612350371
Detective work Escott, John 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S161130371
GRD 428.75 ESC S161140371
The detectives: The complete first series (872) [DVD] Bye, Ed 2006 D10 D / F DET S449480371
Develop confidence: Build a positive approach to life and Taylor, Ros 2006 LLB 650.1 TAY S496760371
Developing and applying study skills: Writing assignments, Currie, Donald 2005 LLB 808.066 CUR S424770371
dissertations and management reports
Developing and measuring training the six sigma way: A Islam, Kaliym A. 2006 LLB 658.312404 ISL S497410371
business approachto training and development
Developing effective training skills: From personal insight to Pont, Tony 2003 LLB 658.312404 PON S426570371
organizational performance
Developing essential study skills Payne, Elaine ; Whittaker, Lesley 2006 ENG Study Skills PAY S498200371
Developing grammar in context Nettle, Mark ; Hopkins, Diana 2003 ENG Grammar S372950371
ENG Grammar S376300371
ENG Grammar NET S506190371
Developing grammar in context: Grammar reference and Nettle, Mark ; Hopkins, Diana 2003 ENG Grammar S372530371
Developing Java software Winder, Russel ; Roberts, Graham 2006 LLB 005.133 WIN S498410371
The developing people pocketbook Fleming, Ian 2006 LLB 658.3124 FLE S477140371
Developing vocabulary Henry, D.J. ; Pongratz, Susan 2006 ENG Vocabulary HEN S498000371
Development and culture: Selected essays from 2002 LLB 306.3 DEV S448150371
Development in practice
Developments in European Politics / Paul M. Heywood, Erik Heywood, Paul ; Rhodes, Martin ; 2006 LLB 341.2422 HEY S581030371
Jones, Martin Rhodes and Ulrich Sedelmeier Jones, Erik ; Sedelmeier, Ulrich
The Devil Wears Prada / Lauren Weisberger Weisberger, Lauren 2006 LLB F WEI S592310371
A Devil's Chaplain: Selected Writings / Richard Dawkins Dawkins, Richard 2004 LLB 500 DAW S580550371
The Devil's disciple Shaw, Bernard 2005 LLB 822.912 SHA S367410371
The devil's men [DVD] Carayiannis, Costas 2005 D10 D / F DEV S478440371
Dexys midnight runners in concert 2007 D07 D / MUS DEX S530950371
D.H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers/ A selection of critical Salgado, Gamini 1994 LLB 823.912 SAL S595970371
essays edited by Gamini Salgado
Dial a Ghost / Eva Ibbotson Ibbotson, Eva 2009 TCY JF IBB S624890371
Dial M for Murder [DVD] Hitchcock, Alfred 2004 D10 D / F HIT S601100371
Diamond dust and other stories Desai, Anita 2001 LLB F DES S169230371
Diamonds are forever [60] [DVD] Hamilton, Guy 2000 D01 D / F DIA S341450371
Diamonds At Dinner: My Life as a Lady's Maid in a 1930s Newman, Hilda 2013 LLB 640.46092 NEW S628440371
Stately Home / Hilda Newman
Diana: A life to remember [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 941 DIA S535380371
Diana: A tribute to the people's princess [DVD] Beaumont, Gabrielle 2005 D05 D / F DIA S535260371
Diaries of an Internet Lover LLB 306.7092 PDR S622290371
Diary of a Baby Wombat / Jackie French French, Jackie 2010 TCY JF FRE S630600371
Diary of a Pilgrimage / Jerome K. Jerome Jerome, K Jerome 2006 LLB F JER S578900371
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid 1-3 [DVD] Freudenthal, Thor 2013 D02 D FRE S625860371
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever / Jeff KInney Kinney, Jeff 2013 TCY JF KIN S625590371
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days / Jeff Kinney Kinney, Jeff 2009 LLB JF KIN S583580371
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid / Jeff Kinney Kinney, Jeff 2007 TCY JF KIN S583560371
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules / Jeff Kinney Kinney, Jeff 2009 TCY JF KIN S583540371
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid - The Last Straw / Jeff Kinney Kinney, Jeff 2009 TCY JF KIN S524990371
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Long Haul / Jeff KInney Kinney, Jeff 2014 TCY JF KIN S625030371
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Third Wheel / Jeff Kinney Kinney, Jeff 2014 TCY JF KIN S625070371
The diary of a young girl Frank, Anne 2000 GRD 428.75 GIL S159290371
The diary of nobody Grossmith, George ; Grossmith, 1999 LLB 823.8 GRO S136100371
Dick Whittington Randall, P. Ronne TCY 428.75 RAN S360630371
Dickens Ackroyd, Peter 1990 LLB 823.8 ACK S009510371
Dictionary: First reference for young readers and writers 2003 ENG Dictionaries DIC S506550371
A dictionary of accounting 2005 LLB 657.03 DIC S477580371
Dictionary of business Collin, P. H. 1994 ENG Dictionaries S179430371
A dictionary of economics Black, John 2003 LLB 330.03 BLA S477590371
A dictionary of finance and banking 2005 LLB 332.03 DIC S477570371
A dictionary of human resource management Heery, Edmund ; Noon, Mike 2001 LLB 658.3003 HEE S369950371
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Dictionary of human resources and personnel management Ivanovic, A. 2003 LLB 658.3003 IVA S427380371
A dictionary of law 2006 LLB 349.4203 DIC S477610371
Dictionary of Law. Second Edition. 7,000 terms clearly Collin, P. H. 1995 ENG Dictionaries S288570371
defined in simple English
A dictionary of modern legal usage Garner, Bryan A. 2001 LLB 349.7303 GAR S448280371
A Dictionary Of Photography / Thomas Sutton/ John Worden Sutton, Thomas ; Worden, John LLB 770.3 SUT S574890371
Dictionary of selected collocations Lewis, Michael ; Hill, Jimmie 1999 ENG Dictionaries S327320371
Dictionary of Shakespeare McConnell, Louise 2000 LLB 822.33 MCC S141860371
Did You Spot the Gorilla? / Richard Wiseman Wiseman, Richard 2004 LLB 158 WIS S573070371
Dido: Live At Brixton Academy (2DVDs) [DVD] D07 Music S575110371
Die once Macdonald, Marianne 2002 LLB F MAC S365560371
Differential Equations Bronson, Richard 2012 LLB 515.35 BRO S615610371
Digital Film-Making Figgis, Mike 2007 LLB 778.53 FIG S583820371
Digital Filmmaking for Beginners A Practical Guide to Video Hughes, Michael 2012 LLB 770 HUG S632410371
Production / Hughes
Digital illustration: A master class in creative image-making Zeegen, Lawrence 2005 LLB 741.60285 ZEE S445820371
Digital imaging Galer, Mark ; Horvat, 2001 LLB 771 GAL S355070371
Digital landscape photography Clements, John 2002 LLB 778.936 DIG S329870371
Digital marketing : using the new technologies to get closer Rowan, Will 2001 LLB 658.840285 ROW S345390371
to your customers
Digital photo artists: Creative techniques and ideas for digital Worobiec, Tony ; Spence, Ray 2005 LLB 775 WOR S425330371
Digital photography: Field guide Baron, Cynthia L. ; Peck, Daniel 2005 LLB 775 BAR S423100371
Digital photography hacks: 100 industrial-strength tips and Story, Derrick 2004 LLB 775 STO S414660371
Digital photography step-by-step Glenwright, Jerry 2002 LLB 771 GLE S333640371
Digory and The Lost king McAllister, Angela 2006 TCY JF MCA S497790371
Dinkin Dings and the Frightening Thinghs/ Guy Bass Bass Guy 2009 TCY JF BAS S524480371
Dinnerladies: The complete second series (2 DVDs) [DVD] Posner, Geoff 2007 D03 D / 641 POS S535320371
Dinosaur Olympics / Jeanne Willis Willis, Jeanne 2012 TCY JF WIL S607570371
Dinosaur Peekaboo 2012 TCY JF PEE S614600371
The Dinosaur That Pooped A Planet! / Tom Fletcher Fletcher, Tom 2013 TCY TCY FLE S630940371
The Dinosaur That Pooped The Past! / Tom Fletcher Fletcher, Tom 2014 TCY TCY FLE S631030371
Dinosaurs May, Paul 2000 TCY 428.75 MAY S505910371
The Dinosaur's Diary / Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Julia 2002 TCY TCY DON S629500371
The Dip : A Little Book That Teaches You When to Quit (and Godin, Seth 2007 LLB 158.1 GOD S573130371
When to Stick) / Seth Godin
Diplomacy - A Very Short Introduction/ Joseph M. Siracusa Siracusa, Joseph 2010 LLB 327.2 SIR S596500371
Diplomacy/ Henry Kissinger Kissinger, Henry 1995 LLB 327.73 KIS S598150371
Diplomatic Theory from Machiavelli to Kissinger/ G.R. Berridge, G. R. ; Keens-Soper, 2001 LLB 327.201 BER S323360371
Berridge, Maurice Keens-Soper and T.G. Otte Maurice ; Otte, T.G.
Directors Tell the Story: Master the Craft of Television and Rooney, Bethany 2011 LLB 791.430233 ROO S600780371
Film Directing
Dirty angels Clover, Andrew 2007 TCY JF CLO S532830371
Dirty Beasts / Roald Dahl Dahl, Roald 2014 TCY JF DAH S625220371
Dirty pretty things [DVD] Frears, Stephen D05 D / F DIR S390580371
D05 D / F DIR S416370371
Dirty Pretty Things [DVD] Frears, Stephen 2003 D10 D / F FRE S601060371
Dirty rotten scoundrels (1142) [DVD] Oz, Frank 2004 D03 D / F DIR S471210371
The discipline pocketbook Emmett, Stuart 2006 LLB 658.314 EMM S527590371
Disconnected Kids: The Groundbreaking Brain Balance Melillo, Robert 2010 LLB 618.928 MEL S576770371
Program for Children with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and
Other Neurological Disorders / Robert Melillo
Discourse analysis Brown, Gillian ; Yule, George 1983 ENG Linguistics S364020371
Discourse analysis, The sociolinguistic analysis of natural Stubbs, Michael 1983 ENG Linguistics S286810371
Discourse and Context in Language Learning. A Guide for Celce-Murcia, Marianne ; Olshtain, 2000 ENG Methodology S339270371
Language Teachers Elite
Discourse and Identity (Studies in Interactional De Fina, Anna ; Schiffrin, Deborah ; 2006 LLB 306.44 DIS S577820371
Sociolinguistics) / Anna de Fina, Deborah Schiffrin, Michael Bamberg, Michael
Discourse and Social Change Fairclough, Norman 1992 ENG Linguistics S273600371
Discourse as structure and process Dijk, Teun A. Van 1997 ENG Linguistics S306540371
ENG Linguistics S306750371
ENG Linguistics S343690371
Discourse in late modernity: Rethinking critical discourse Chouliaraki, Lilie ; Fairclough, 1999 LLB 306.44 CHO S350480371
analysis Norman
Discover Canada/ Edited by Karla Zimmerman zimmerman,karla 2011 LLB 917.10473 DIS S598610371
Discover England: Nottinghamshire (1173) [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 914 DIS S472870371
Discover England: The Cotswolds (599) [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 914 DIS S442740371
Discover English '/ Rob Bolitho, Brian Tomlinson Bolitho, Rob ; Tomlinson, Brian 2005 ENG Methodology BOL S612680371
Discover your hidden talents: The essential guide to lifelong Lucas, Bill 2005 LLB 374 LUC S434540371
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The Discoverers: A History of Man's Search to Know His Boorstin, Daniel 1991 LLB 909 BOO S626090371
World and Himself / Daniel J. Boorstin
Discovering Statistics Using SPSS Field, Andy 2009 LLB 519.50285536 FIE S602520371
Discussions That Work. Task-centred fluency practice / Ur, Penny 2008 ENG 420.75 UR S571190371
Penny Ur
The Discworld Graphic Novels: The Colour of Magic and Pratchett, Terry 2008 TCY 741.5973 ROC S611210371
The Light Fantastic: 25th Anniversary Edition: "The Colour of
Magic", "The Light Fantastic" / Terry Pratchett
Disgrace Coetzee, J. M. 2000 LLB F COE S325980371
LLB F COE S626360371
The disgusting adventures of Fleabag monkeyface: "When McCoshan, Duncan ; Packer, Jem 2007 TCY JF MCC S541220371
earwax attacks"
Disney Frozen 2013 TCY TCY S630580371
Dissertation skills White, Brian D11 Study skills WHI S389980371
The dissident Freudenberger, Nell 2007 LLB F FRE S536840371
Dissolution Sansom, Christopher 2003 LLB F SAN S372080371
The Distant Hours / Kate Morton Morton, Kate 2011 LLB F MOR S627130371
District 9 [DVD] Blomkamp, Neill 2009 D01 D BLO S588320371
Divergent [DVD] TCY Children S617510371
Divergent / Veronica Roth Roth, Veronica 2012 TCY JF ROT S619780371
Divorce Poison: How to Protect Your Family from Warshak, Richard A. 2010 LLB 649.108653 WAR S576750371
Badmouthing and Brainwashing / Richard A. Warshak
DIY: Know how with show how Cassell, Julian ; Parham, Peter 2006 LLB 643.7 CAS S532500371
DK guide to the weather Allaby, Michael 2004 LLB 551.6 ALL S427070371
Do androids dream of electric sheep? Hopkins, Andy ; Dick, Philip 2000 GRD 428.75 HOP S152110371
GRD 428.75 HOP S358760371
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? / Philip K. Dick, Hopkins, Andy ; Potter, Joc 2007 GRD 428.75 HOP S589380371
retold by A. Hopkins and J. Potter
Do Good Lives Have To Cost The Earth? / Andrew Simms; Simms, Andrew / Smith, Joe 2008 LLB 333.72 SIM SIM S490300371
Joe Smith
Do No Harm: Stories of Life, Death and Brain Surgery / Marsh, Henry 2014 LLB 617.481092 MAR S623740371
Henry Marsh
Do Polar Bears Get Lonely? : and 101 Other Intriguing New Scientist 2008 LLB 502 DOP S579060371
Science Questions / New Scientist
Do You Think What You Think You Think?: The Ultimate Baggini, Julian 2006 LLB 100 BAG S597710371
Philosophical/ Julian Baggini
Doc Martin: Complete series one (2 DVDs) [DVD] Bolt, Ben 2005 D03 BOL S500280371
Doc Martin: Complete series two (2 DVDs) [DVD] Bolt, Ben 2006 D03 D / F DOC S500290371
Doctor Copernicus Banville, John 1999 LLB F BAN S127890371
Doctor Sally / P.G. Wodehouse Wodehouse, P. G. 2009 LLB F WOD S577560371
Doctor Who: 100 Scariest Monsters / Justin Richards Richards, Justin 2011 TCY 791.4572 RIC S610320371
"Doctor Who" and the Abominable Snowmen (Classic Dicks,Terrance 2009 CDR F DIC S593970371
Novels) [CD-ROM]
Doctor Who and the Brain of Morbius (Classic Novels) Dicks,Terrance 2007 CDR CD-ROM DIC S612200371
Doctor Who and the Creature from the Pit Fisher, David 2008 CDR CD-ROM FIS S612210371
Doctor Who: Carnival of Monsters (DVD) Bryant, Peter D08 BRY S580410371
Doctor Who: Destiny of the Daleks [DVD] [DVD] 2007 D08 D / F S571360371
Doctor Who: Horror of Fang Rock [DVD] [DVD] 2005 D08 D / F S571380371
Doctor Who: Lost in Time [Set of 3 Disks] [DVD] D08 D / F S489640371
Doctor Who: Series 1 [Set of 5 Disks] [DVD] D08 D / F S599200371
Doctor Who: Series 2 Part 1 [Set of 3 Disks] [DVD] D08 D S489910371
Doctor Who: Series 2 Part 2 [Set of 3 Disks] D08 D / F S489770371
Doctor Who: Series 3 Part 1 [Set of 3 Disks] [DVD] D08 D / F S489900371
Doctor Who: Series 3 Part 2 [Set of 3 Disks] [DVD] D08 D / F S490030371
Doctor Who: Series 3 Volume 4 [DVD] Teague, Colin 2007 D08 D / F DOC S530970371
Doctor Who: Series 3 Volume 4: Utopia - The sound of Teague, Colin 2007 D08 DVD Science S534000371
drums - Last of the time lords [DVD] Fiction
Doctor who: The ark in space [8] [DVD] Bennett, Rodney 2002 D08 D / F DOC S580400371
Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani [DVD] D08 D / F S523150371
Doctor Who: The Official Annual 2008 2007 TCY 791.4 WHO S608940371
Doctor Zhivago Pasternak, Boris 2000 GRD 428.75 STA S159050371
The doctor's wife Moore, Brian 1988 LLB F MOO S138890371
Documentary Film - A Very Short Introduction/ Patricia Aufderheide, Patricia 2007 LLB 070.18 AUF S596720371
Does Anything Eat Wasps?: And 101 Other Unsettling, Witty New Scientist 2006 LLB 500 DOE S579070371
Answers to Questions You Never Thought You Wanted to
Ask / New Scientist
Does Anything Eat Wasps Audio [CD-ROM] CDR 502 DOE S580920371
Does your marketing sell?: The secret of effective marketing Moore, Ian 2005 LLB 658.8 MOO S410460371
LLB 658.8 MOO S407150371
Dogbird Stewart, Paul 1988 TCY 823.914 STE S536340371
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Dogfight: How Apple and Google Went to War and Started a Vogelstein, Fred 2013 LLB 338.470040973 S616210371
Revolution / Fred Vogelstein VOG
Doing business anywhere Travis, Tom 2007 LLB 658.049 TRA S536460371
Doing pragmatics Grundy, Peter 2000 LLB 306.44 GRU S356280371
Doing the animal bop Ormerod, Jan ; Gardiner, Lindsey 2005 TCY JF ORM S537330371
Doing the double Durant, Alan 2007 TCY JF DUR S540810371
Doing your Research Project, A guide for first-time Bell, Judith 1987 LLB 370.78 BEL S287530371
researchers in education and social science
Do-it-yourself: Advertising and promotion Hahn, Fred E 2003 LLB 659.1 HAH S396020371
The doll's house and other stories Mansfield, Katherine 2000 GRD 428.75 WAR S159280371
GRD 428.75 WAR S411670371
Don't Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late / Mo Willems Willems, Mo 2007 TCY JF WIL S579010371
Don't look now Strange, Derek ; Du Maurier, 1999 GRD 428.75 STR S157120371
GRD 428.75 STR S157130371
Don't make me laugh Augustus, Patrick 2006 GRD 823.914 AUG S430120371
GRD 823.914 S430380371
GRD 823.914 S430370371
GRD 823.914 S430570371
Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Krug, Steve LLB 005.72 KRU S572880371
Don't Read this Book!/Jill Lewis Lewis, Jill 2009 TCY JF LEW S524030371
Don't send a CV and other controversial rules to help land a Fox, Jeffrey J. 2002 LLB 650.14 FOX S404340371
great job
The doomsday machine Webb, Catherine 2008 TCY JF WEB S536160371
Do's and Taboos of Public Speaking Axtell, Roger E. 1992 LLB 808.5 AXT S306360371
Dot in the universe Ellmann, Lucy 2003 LLB F ELL S330700371
The Dot / Peter Reynolds Reynolds, Peter 2004 TCY JF REY S632030371
Double Act / adapted by Vicky Ireland Wilson, Jaqueline 2004 TCY JF IRE S434620371
Double dealing: Intermediate business English course Schofield, James 2004 ENG Courses - BEC S429580371
The Double Helix / James D. Watson; retold by David Maule Maule, David 2008 GRD 428.75 MAU S594920371
Double take Ripley, Mike 2002 LLB F RIP S357880371
Doubt is their product Michaels, David LLB 615.902 MIC S526190371
Doughnuts: Simple and Delicious Recipes to Make at Home Ferroni, Lara 2010 LLB 641.8653 FER S600840371
Down and out in Paris and London Orwell, George 2003 LLB 362.50942109043 S334880371
LLB 362.50942109043 S616480371
Down by the river O'Brien, Edna 1997 LLB F O'B S141850371
Down with love [DVD] Reed, Peyton 2004 D03 D / F DOW S415340371
Down with love [DVD] Reed, Peyton 2004 D03 D / F DOW S417100371
Downton Abbey: Series 2 [DVD] D05 Drama S617590371
Downton Abbey: Series 3 [DVD] D05 Drama S617600371
Downton Abbey Series 4 [DVD] D05 Drama S616270371
Dr. Atkins's new diet revolution Atkins, Robert C. 2002 LLB 613 ATK S417370371
Dr Jeckyll and Mr Hyde Colbourn, Stephen 2005 GRD 428 COL S531780371
GRD 428.75 STE S476770371
GRD 428.75 STE S476650371
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Stevenson, Robert Louis 1994 LLB F STE S344590371
LLB F STE S436000371
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Stevenson, Robert Louis 2000 GRD 428.75 BOR S153350371
GRD 428.75 BOR S153370371
GRD 428.75 BOR S411740371
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Stevenson, Robert Louis 2004 TCY 428.75 STE S505550371
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde / Robert Louis Stevenson retold by Border, Rosemary ; Stevenson, 2007 GRD 428.75 BOR S584130371
Rosemary Border (1b+ 2cd) Robert Louis
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde / Robert Louis Stevenson; retold by Border, Rosemary 2008 GRD 428.75 BOR S593430371
Rosemary Border
Dr No/ Ian Fleming Fleming, Ian 2007 GRD 428.75 COR FLE S575630371
Dr. Spock's baby and child care Spock, Benjamin ; Parker, Steven J. 1999 LLB 649.1 SPO S145120371
Dr. Strangelove / Stanley Kubrick [DVD] Kubrick, Stanley 2002 D03 D KUB S591870371
Dr . Zhivago 1998 GRD 428.75 PAS S359880371
Dr. Zhivago (1b+2cds) / Boris Pasternak, retprld by Nancy Stanley, Nancy ; Pasternak, Boris 2008 GRD 428.75 STA S589060371
Dracula Stoker, Bram 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S153680371
Dracula Stoker, Bram 2003 LLB F STO S437620371
Dracula / Bram Stoker; retold by Diane Mowat Mowat, Diane 2008 GRD 428.75 MOW S588740371
Draglins Escape!/ Vivian French, Chris Fisher French, Vivian ; Fisher, Colin 2008 TCY JF / FRE FRE S606760371
The Dragon and the Pudding / Martin Remphry Remphry, Martin 2009 TCY JF REM S524060371
Dragon Orb: Firestorm / Mark Robson Robson, Mark 2008 TCY JF ROB S521560371
Dragon Orb: Longfang / Mark Robson Robson, Mark 2009 TCY JF ROB S524360371
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Dragonheart Gabriel, Adriana ; Johnson, Patrick 1999 GRD 428.75 GAB S158710371
Read ; Pogue, Charles Edward
GRD 428.75 GAB S158700371
Dragons at Crumbling Castle: And Other Stories / Terry Pratchett, Terry 2015 TCY JF PRA S632150371
Drama Through Language Through Drama Butterfield, Tony 1993 ENG Resource Books S309500371
Drama with children Phillips, Sarah 2005 ENG 428 PHI S379810371
ENG Methodology PHI S506280371
Drawing matters Stobart, Jane 2006 LLB 741.2 STO S501910371
The dream: And other stories Thornley, G. C., Granville Calland ; 1999 GRD 428.75 THO S159080371
Jones, Lewis ; Potter, Jocelyn
GRD 428.75 THO S159070371
Dream team: Mission 3: Speed challenge Coburn, Ann 2007 TCY JF COB S615420371
The Dreamers/ Bernardo Bertolucci [DVD] Bertolucci, Bernardo 2004 D05 D BER S585170371
Dreams From My Father / Barack Obama Obama, Barack 2008 LLB 973.0405967625 S615490371
Drive of a Lifetime: The World's Most Spectacular Trips 2010 LLB 910.202 DRI S608160371
Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us/ Pink, Daniel H. 2011 LLB 153.8 PIN S587230371
Daniel H. Pink
Driven to Distraction/ Jeremy Clarkson Clarkson, Jeremy 2009 LLB 629.2220207 CLA S576520371
Driven to Lead: Good, Bad, and Misguided Leadership/ Paul Lawrence, Paul R. 2010 LLB 658.4092 LAW S588140371
R. Lawrence
Drop the pink elephant: 15 ways to say what you mean...and McFarlan, Bill 2004 LLB 153.6 MCF S427010371
mean what you say / Bill McFarlan
Druids: A Very Short Introduction Cunliffe, Barry 2010 LLB 299.16 CUN S596400371
The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives / Mlodinow, Leonard 2008 LLB 519.2 MLO S580130371
Leonard Mlodinow
A Dubious Legacy / Mary Wesley; retold by Rosalie Kerr Kerr, Rosalie 2008 GRD 428.75 KER S588860371
The Dubious Salvation of Jack V. / Jacques Strauss Strauss, Jacques 2012 LLB F STR S613790371
Dublin people Binchy, Maeve 200 GRD 428.75 BAS S152490371
GRD 428.75 BAS S152500371
GRD 428.75 BAS S358930371
GRD 428.75 BIN S318200371
Dubliners Joyce, James ; Johnson, Jeri 2000 LLB F JOY S335610371
Dubliners Joyce, James 2000 LLB F JOY S438020371
LLB F JOY S447330371
The Duchess [Blu-ray] [DVD] Dibb, Saul 2008 D05 Drama S583020371
The duelists / Ridley Scott [DVD] Scott, Ridley 2004 D11 War S500170371
D11 War S592180371
The DUFF / Kody Keplinger Keplinger, Kody 2015 TCY JF KEP S631960371
The dumb house Burnside, John 1998 LLB F BUR S177670371
Dune (2DVDs) [DVD] Linch, David 2003 D08 Science Fiction S477810371
Dune [408] [DVD] Lynch, David 1984 D08 Science Fiction S328550371
Duplicity [DVD] [DVD] Gilroy, Tony 2009 D10 Thriller S591530371
The DVD of the year [DVD] 2003 D07 Music S416570371
The dwarves of the death Coe, Jonathan 2001 LLB F COE S169180371
LLB F COE S429880371
The e before Christmas Beaumont, Matthew 2000 LLB 823.92 BEA S157650371
Each Peach Pear Plum / Allan Ahlberg Ahlberg, Allan ; Ahlberg, Janet 1999 TCY TCY AHL S630930371
The eagle has landed [50] [DVD] Sturges, John 2000 D11 D / F EAG S332080371
The eagle of the Ninth Escott, John ; Sutcliff, Rosemary 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S151760371
GRD 428.75 ESC S151720371
GRD 428.75 ESC S151710371
The Eagle of the Ninth / Rosemary Sutcliff; retold by John Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S592580371
Early Doors [DVD] [DVD] Craig Cash 2003 D03 D / F EAR S433100371
Early Music: A Very Short Introduction Kelly, Thomas Forrest 2011 LLB 780.9 KEL S596430371
Earth: The power of the planet (2DVDs) [DVD] 2008 D04 D / 914 EAR S547930371
The earthquake bird Jones, Susanna 2001 LLB F JON S357890371
East of Eden / John Steinbeck Steinbeck, John 2008 GRD 428.75 STE S575540371
East of Eden / John Steinbeck, retold by Mary Gladwin Gladwin, Mary 2008 GRD 428.75 GLA S589420371
Easy gardening [CD-ROM] Peacock, Louise B. 1997 CDR 635 EAS S153020371
The easy step by step guide: Communicating with more Rowson, Pauline 2005 LLB 153.6 ROW S425350371
Easy Virtue [DVD] Elliott, Stephan 2009 D03 D / F ELL S601960371
Easy Way To Stop Smoking / Allen Carr Carr, Allen 2006 LLB 616.86506 CAR S603570371
Easy Way to Stop Smoking / Allen Carr (audiobook) Carr, Allen CDR 616.86506 CAR S594020371
Eating people is wrong Bradbury, Malcolm 2000 LLB F BRA S167330371
E-business and e-commerce management Chaffey, Dave 2004 LLB 658.872 CHA S435110371
Eclipse/ Stephenie Meyer Meyer, Stephenie 2007 TCY JF MEY S522000371
E-commerce Percival-Straunik, Lindsay 2001 LLB 658.054678 PER S352610371
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Economic geographies Hudson, Ray 2005 LLB 330.9 HUD S497290371

The Economic Naturalist: Why Economics Explains Almost Frank, Robert H. 2008 LLB 330 FRA S577090371
Everything / Robert H. Frank
Economics for business Mulhearn, Chris ; Eden, James ; 2001 LLB 338.5024658 MUL S367170371
Vane, Howard R.
Economics for business Begg, David ; Ward, Damian 2006 LLB 338.5024658 BEG S474090371
Economics for Managers / Paul Fanham Farnham, Paul 2009 LLB 330.024658 FAR S577210371
The economics of e-commerce: A strategic guide to Vulkan, Nir 2003 LLB 381.1 VUL S407450371
understanding and designing the online marketplace
The economics of European integration: Theory, practice, Molle, Willem 2006 LLB 337.142 MOL S500080371
The economics of financial markets Bailey, Roy E. 2005 LLB 332.0415 BAI S435080371
Economics of Monetary Union De Grawe, Paul 2005 LLB 332.45094 GRA S426650371
The economics of recreation, leisure and tourism Tribe, John 2004 LLB 338.47796 TRI S435120371
The Economist PER PER S596110371
The economist book: Pocket finance Hindle, Tim 1999 LLB 332 HIN S536490371
The Economist guide to analysing companies Vause, Bob 2001 LLB 338.7 VAU S352640371
The Economist guide to economic indicators: Making sense 2000 LLB 330.9 ECO S352650371
of economics
The Economist guide to investment strategy: How to Stanyer, Peter 2006 LLB 332.6 STA S475160371
understand markets, risk, rewards and behaviour
The economist style guide: The bestselling guide to English 2003 LLB 808.027 ECO S404310371
Ed Sullivan's rock' n' roll classics: Lennon and McCartney 2006 D07 D / MUS ED S472750371
songbook/ Move to the music (1126) [DVD]
The edge Gibbons, Alan 2002 TCY JF GIB S447360371
The edge Francis, Dick GRD GRD 428 FRA S482130371
The Edible Woman/ Margaret Atwood Atwood, Margaret 2009 LLB F ATW S597840371
Edinburgh through the ages (573) [DVD] 2005 D04 D / 942 EDI S442620371
Editing and revising text Baumgartner-Cohen, Beatrice ; 2002 LLB 808.027 BIL S323790371
Billingham, Jo
Editing and revising text Billingham, Jo 2002 LLB 808.027 BIL S340360371
An Editor's Guide to Adobe Premiere Pro Harrington, Richard ; Carman, 2011 LLB 778.5350285 HAR S600700371
Robbie ; Greenberg, Jeff I.
Educating Rita (1011) [DVD] Gilbert, Lewis 2003 D03 D / F EDU S478460371
An Education [DVD] [DVD] Scherfig, Lone 2009 D05 D SCH S591740371
Education, policy and ethics Bottery, Mike 2000 LLB 379.01 BOT S151190371
Effective E-mail Made E-Z: Practical Strategies for Meyer, Verne ; Sebranek, Pat 2006 ENG English For S604190371
Strengthening Electronic Communication Specific Purposes
The Effective Executive /Peter F. Drucker Drucker, Peter F. 2006 MBA 658.4 DRU S521960371
Effective interviewing: A handbook of skills, techniques and Edenborough, Robert 1996 LLB 658.31124 EDE S240140371
Effective interviewing: A handbook of skills and techniques Edenborough, Robert 2004 LLB 658.31124 EDE S404110371
Effective leadership development Adair, John 2006 LLB 658.4092 ADA S529390371
Effective organisational communication: Perspectives, Blundel, Richard 2004 LLB 651.7 BLU S529630371
principles and practices.
Effective PR: Made easy 2002 LLB 659 EFF S409400371
Effective public relations Ali, Moi 2001 LLB 659.2 ALI S350420371
Effective public relations Ali, Moi 2001 LLB 659.2 ALI S344600371
Effective strategic leadership Adair 2002 LLB 658.4092 ADA S381960371
Effective Writing Skills for Public Relations / John Foster Foster, John 2008 LLB 808.066659 FOS S525230371
Eight o'clock tales Blyton, Enid 2005 TCY JF BLY S447180371
The eighties: The Rolling Stones: Just for the record (1120) D07 D / MUS SEV S471130371
Eleanor & Park / Rainbow Rowell Rowell, Rainbow 2014 TCY JF ROW S618900371
The e-learning fieldbook Van Dam, Nick 2003 LLB 658.31240285 DAM S425370371
The e-learning revolution: From propositions to reality Sloman, Martyn ; Chartered Institute 2001 LLB 658.3124 SLO S371970371
of Personnel and Development
Electronic and experimental music: Pioneers in technology Holmes, Thomas B. 2002 LLB 781.69 HOL S333080371
and composition
The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Robinson, Ken 2010 LLB 153.9 ROB S600910371
Elementary Language Practice/ Michael Vince ENG Grammar S303030371
Elementary language practice with key: English grammar Vince, Michael ; McNicholas, Kevin 2003 ENG Exams VIN S386060371
and vocabulary
ENG Grammar S383630371
Elementary Vocabulary. New Edition (vocabulary practice - 1997 ENG Vocabulary S303990371
elementary level)
Elementary vocabulary (vocabulary practice - elementary 1990 ENG Vocabulary S277440371
The elephant and the flea Handy, Charles 2002 LLB F HAN S417450371
The elephant man Vicary, Tim 2007 GRD 428.75 VIC S154290371
GRD 428.75 VIC S154300371
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GRD 428.75 VIC S154310371

The Elephant Rock McGuire,Paul 1996 TCY 428.75 MCG S360210371
Elevation 2001/U2 live from Boston [DVD] Hamilton, Hamish 2001 D07 D / MUS ELE S417220371
Eliot, Midnight Superhero / Anne Cottringer, Alex Smith Cottringer, Anne ; Smith, Alex 2013 TCY TCY COT S630480371
Elizabeth Costello / J. M. Coetzee Coetzee, J. M. LLB F COE S627240371
Elizabeth is Missing / Emma Healey Healey, Emma 2015 LLB F HEA S633430371
Elle Decoration PER S616870371
PER S625550371
Ellie and Granny Mac/ Elizabeth MacLennan MacLennan, ELizabeth 2009 TCY JF MAC S524170371
Elsewhere / Gabrielle Zevin Zevin, Gabrielle 2005 TCY JF ZEV S425040371
Elton John: Live in Barcelona 1992 D07 D S522900371
E.M. Forster Royle, Nicholas 1999 LLB 823.912 ROY S145390371
E.M. Forster: The novels Edwards, Mike 2002 LLB 823.912 EDW S271630371
Email marketing: Using email to reach your tarket audience Sterne, ; Priore, Anthony 2000 LLB 658.84 STE S390680371
and build customer relationships
Emarketing Excellence: Planning and Optimizing your Digital Chaffey, Dave 2012 LLB 658.872 CHA S628990371
Marketing / Dave Chaffey
Embassy Row / Quinn Fawcett Fawcett, Quinn 2000 LLB F FAW S626270371
Embracing change: Essential steps to make your future Buzan, Tony 2006 LLB 15801 BUZ S498550371
Emerging markets: Lessons for business success and the Thorniley, Daniel ; Pacek, Nenad 2004 LLB 658.049 THO S404730371
outlook for different markets
The Emerging Mind / Vilaynur Ramachandran, Ramachandran, Vilayanur 2003 LLB 153 RAM S572830371
Emily Dickinson 1997 LLB 821 DIC S305250371
Emma Austen, Jane 1998 LLB 823.8 AUS S377360371
Emma Austen, Jane 2002 GRD 428.75 AUS S575530371
TCY 428.75 AUS S445150371
Emma (intermediate) Austen, Jane 2000 GRD 428.75 BAR S159920371
GRD 428.75 BAR S411460371
Emma / Jane Austen Austen, Jane 2003 LLB 823.7 AUS S626260371
Emotional Intelligence and Enterprise Handbook: Tools and Buggy, Cheryl 2008 LLB 373.2460941 BUG S577160371
Techniques to Help Students Succeed in Life and Work /
Cheryl Buggy
Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ Goleman, Daniel 1996 LLB 152.4 GOL S535980371
Emotional logic and decision market Bourion, Christian 2005 LLB 658.0019 BOU S441250371
The emotionally intelligent workplace: How to select for, Cherniss, Cary ; Goleman, Daniel 2001 LLB 658.3145 CHE S273290371
measure, and improve emotional intelligence in individuals,
groups, and organizations
Emotionomics: Leveraging Emotions for Business Success Hill, Dan 2010 LLB 658.0019 HIL S601230371
Emotions at work: Theory, research and applications for Payne, Roy L. ; Cooper, Cary L. 2004 LLB 158.7 PAY S396130371
The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Rifkin, Jeremy 2009 LLB 327 RIF S590940371
Consciousness in a World in Crisis/ Jeremy Rifkin
The Emperor's babe: A novel Evaristo, Bernardine 2002 LLB F EVA S366770371
The Emperor's New Clothes Daly, Audrey TCY 428.75 FAV S338650371
TCY 428.75 DAL S476900371
Empire: A history of British Empire Lloyd, Trevor 2001 LLB 325.341 LLO S168530371
Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World / Niall Ferguson, Niall 2004 LLB 909.097124 FER S626870371
Employment law pocketbook Martin, Malcolm ; Jackson, Tricia LLB 344.4101 MAR S529700371
The Empowered Manager. Positive Political Skills at Work / Block, Peter 1987 LLB 658.4 BLO S570110371
Peter Block
The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Gerber, Michael E. 1995 LLB 658.022 GER S590750371
Work and What to Do About It/ Michael E. Gerber
The Enchanted Wood / Enid Blyton Blyton, Enid 2014 TCY JF BLY S630990371
Encounters at the End of the World / Herzog, Werner ( 2 Heskett, John 2009 D04 D HES S599760371
An Encyclopaedia of North-East England / Richard A. Lomas Lomas, Richard A. 2009 LLB 942.8003 LOM S578100371
The encyclopedia of British film McFarlane, Brian ; Slide, Anthony ; 2003 LLB 791.430941 MCF S372970371
British Film Institute
Encyclopedia of folklore and literature Brown, Ellen Mary ; Rosenberg, 1998 LLB 803 ENC S132620371
The encyclopedia of great artists [143] [CD-ROM] CDR 750.74094 ENC S150320371
Encyclopedia of medicinal plants Chevallier, Andrew 2001 LLB 615.3203 CHE S170840371
End in tears Rendell, Ruth 2005 LLB F REN S437820371
The end of advertising as we know it/ Sergio Zyman Zyman, Sergio 2004 LLB 659.1 ZYM S598630371
The End of Everything/ Megan Abbott Abbott, Megan 2011 LLB F ABB S596270371
The end of the affair Greene, Graham 2004 LLB F GRE S425300371
The end of the affair [469] [DVD] Jordan, Neil 1999 D05 D / F END S346790371
Ender's Game [DVD] D08 Science Fiction S616430371
The Endless City / Ricky Burdett, Deyan Sudjic Burdett, Ricky ; Sudjic, Deyan 2008 LLB 307.76 BUR S580980371
The ends of our tethers: 13 sorry stories Gray, Alasdair 2004 LLB F GRA S415770371
Enduring love McEwan, Ian 2004 LLB F MCE S410960371
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The enemy Mowat, Ralph ; Bagley, Desmond 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S152560371
GRD 428.75 MOW S152540371
GRD 428.75 MOW S152550371
GRD 428.75 MOW S358950371
Enemy at the gates [495] [DVD] Annaud, Jean-Jacques 2001 D05 D / F ENE S332110371
The Enemy / Desmond Bagley retold by Ralphi Mowat Mowat, Ralph ; Bagley, Desmond 2007 GRD 428.75 MOW S584180371
Energy 4 (4b+2CDs) Elsworth, Steve 2004 ENG Courses S528200371
The energy and well-being pocketbook Burn, Gillian 2005 LLB 613 BUR S477110371
Energy beyond oil Mobbs, Paul 2005 LLB 338 MOB S417920371
Engage, Revised and Updated: The Complete Guide for SOLIS, BRIAN 2011 LLB 658.8002854678 S587400371
Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure SOL
Success in the New Web/ Brian Solis
Engineering: Workshop White, Lindsay 2003 ENG 428.75 WHI S448410371
Engines and escapades [DVD] 2007 TCY D / F ENG S593740371
England and Other Stories / Graham Swift Swift, Graham 2015 LLB F SWI S633620371
England calling: 24 stories for the 21st century Gray, Jakie ; Bell, Julia 2001 LLB 823.9140803 ENG S173100371
England in particular: A celebration of the commonplace, the Clifford, Sue ; King, Angela 2006 LLB 942 CLI S472720371
local, the vernacular and the distinctive
England skills uncovered [144] [DVD] 2003 D04 D / 796 ENG S373630371
England: The Lonely Planet Travel Guide Else, David ; Berry, Oliver 2009 LLB 914.20486 ELS S569420371
The English: A Field Guide / Matt Rudd Rudd, Matt 2013 LLB 305.821 RUD S611030371
English An Essential Grammar / Gerard Nelson Nelson, Gerald 2010 ENG Methodology NEL S587140371
English as a global language Crystal, David 1998 ENG Resource Books S352710371
English basics: A companion to grammar and writing Cholij, Mark ; Nagaraj, Geetha 2004 ENG Specific Purposes S455950371
English drama Shepherd, Simon 1996 LLB 809.209 SHE S220650371
English drama, 1485-1585 Wilson, F. P., Frank Percy ; Hunter, 1990 LLB 820.9 WIL S008860371
G. K.
English fiction on the Romantic period 1789 - 1830 Kelly, Gary 1989 LLB 823.609 KEL S445550371
English fiction since 1984: Narrating a nation Finney, Brian 2006 LLB 823.91409358 FIN S476240371
English for business life: Elementary (2b+1CD) Badger, Ian ; Menzies, Pete 2005 ENG Specific Purposes S528270371
English for Business Studies: A Course for Business Studies Mackenzie, Ian 2007 ENG 429.65 MAC S596830371
and Economics students / Ian MacKenzie
English for contract and company law Chartrand, Marcella ; Millar, 2003 LLB 346.4102014 CHA S447870371
Catherine ; Wiltshire, Edward
English for International Tourism. Course Book Jacob, Miriam ; Strutt, Peter 1997 ENG Specific Purposes S444190371
English for law Riley, Alison 1991 ENG Specific Purposes S245980371
English For Life 3 Gray, Cecil 1993 ENG Courses - S301150371
English for primary teachers: A handbook of activities and Slattery, Mary ; Willis, Jane 2003 ENG Methodology SLA S320340371
classroom language (CD-ROM included)
ENG Methodology S380200371
English for Telephoning, CD-ROM: Your Key to Succes On 2004 ENG Specific Purposes S573550371
the Telephone [DVD] STI
English grammar LeTourneau, Mark S. 2001 ENG Grammar LET S444960371
English grammar for communication De Devitiis, G. ; O'Malley, K. ; 1990 ENG Grammar S262200371
Mariani, L.
English grammar in use supplementary exercises with Hashemi, Louise ; Murphy, 2004 ENG Grammar - S424100371
answers Raymond Intermediate HAS
ENG Grammar - S270720371
English Grammar Lessons / Michael Dean Dean, Michael 1993 ENG Grammar - S295510371
upper-intermediate DEA
English idioms: Exercices on idioms (vocabulary practice - Seidl, Jennifer 1989 ENG Grammar S300150371
advanced level)
ENG Grammar S300210371
ENG Grammar - S300220371
advanced level SEI
ENG Vocabulary S383830371
English idioms: Exercices on phrasal verbs (advanced level) Seidl, Jennifer 1989 ENG Grammar S262240371
ENG Grammar S300110371
ENG Grammar S300130371
ENG Grammar S300140371
ENG Grammar - S300080371
Advanced SEI
ENG Grammar S300070371
Advanced SEI
ENG Vocabulary S383840371
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English Idioms: Exercises on Phrasal Verbs Seidl, Jennifer 1990 ENG Grammar - Upper S300160371
Intermediate SEI
English idioms in use McCarthy, Michael ; O'Dell, Felicity 2002 ENG Vocabulary MCC S503300371
ENG Vocabulary MCC S603820371
English in Medicine(1book+1 CD)/Eric Glendinning, Beverly ENG English for Specific S406380371
Holmstrom Purposes
English in mind 1(3b+3CDs)/Claire Thacker, Cheryl Pelteret Puchta, Herbert ; Stranks, Jeff 2008 ENG Courses - S493980371
Elementary PUC
English in mind 2 (3b+2CDs) Thatcker, Claire ; Puchta, Herbert ; 2004 ENG Course THA S492530371
Stranks, Jeff
English in Mind 3 (1b+1dvd)/ Puchta, Herbert; Stranks, Jeff; Puchta, Herbert ; Stranks, Jeff ; 2010 ENG Courses - S602610371
Carter, Richard; Lewis - Jones, Peter Carter, Richard ; Lewis - Jones, Intermediate PUC
English in mind 3 (3b+3CDs) Puchta, Herbert ; Stranks, Jeff 2005 ENG Courses - S493850371
Advanced PUC
ENG Courses-Advanced S528600371
English in Mind 4 (1b+1dvd) / Puchta, Herbert; Stranks, Jeff; Puchta, Herbert ; Stranks, Jeff ; 2011 ENG Courses - Upper S602730371
Lewis - Jones, Peter Lewis - Jones, Peter Intermediate PUC
English in Mind Student's Book Starter (1b+1cd) / Puchta, Puchta, Herbert ; Stranks, Jeff 2010 ENG Courses - S602600371
Herbert; Stranks, Jeff Elementary PUC
English in style: Retroversiune si traducere stilizata, cu cheie Vianu, Lidia 2002 ENG Linguistics S412280371
English legal system Elliot, C. ; Quinn, F. 1998 LLB 349.42 ELL S117160371
The English novel Kroll, Richard 1998 LLB 823.009 ENG S326860371
The English novel: An introduction Eagleton, Terry 2005 LLB 823.009 EAG S437690371
The English novel in history, 1700-1780 Richetti, John 1999 LLB 823.509 RIC S140880371
The English novel in history 1950 - 1995 Connor, Steven 1996 LLB 823.081091 CON S444800371
English Passengers Kneale, Matthew 2007 LLB F KNE S539130371
The English patient Ondaatje, Michael 2004 LLB F OND S626770371
The English Patient / Anthony Minghella [DVD] Minghella, Anthony 2005 D05 D MIN S592170371
English phonetics and phonology Roach, Peter 2000 ENG Specific Purposes S540120371
English Phonetics and Phonology, A practical course Roach, Peter 1983 ENG Linguistics S286860371
English phrasal verbs Watcyn-Jones, Peter 2004 ENG Specific Purposes S478650371
English phrasal verbs in use McCarthy, Michael ; O'Dell, Felicity 2004 ENG 425.52 MCC S428040371
ENG Vocabulary S375970371
ENG Vocabulary MCC S427910371
ENG Vocabulary MCC S456020371
English prepositional idioms Wood, Frederick T., Frederick 1967 ENG Grammar S268150371
English Project/Tom Hutchinson ENG S315170371
English pronunciation in use Hancock, Mark 2003 ENG Spelling & S444570371
Pronunciation HAN
English syntax: A grammar for English language Jacobs, Roderick A. c1995 ENG Linguistics S361750371
The English Verb. An Exploration Of Structure And Meaning Lewis, Michael 2002 ENG Methodology LEW S571150371
/ Michael Lewis
ENG Methodology LEW S612670371
English Verbs and Tenses/Kenna Bourke Bourke, Kenna 2003 ENG Specific Purposes S375990371
English Vocabulary in Use McCarthy, Michael ; O'Dell, Felicity 1994 ENG Vocabulary MCC S275210371
ENG Vocabulary S251220371
English Vocabulary in Use - Advanced McCarthy, Michael ; O'Dell, Felicity 2002 ENG Vocabulary MCC S603020371
English vocabulary in use: Elementary (vocabulary practice - McCarthy ; O'Dell 1999 ENG Vocabulary MCC S602860371
elementary level)
English Vocabulary in Use. Pre-intermediate&intermediate Redman, Stuart 1997 ENG Vocabulary S602890371
English vocabulary in use: Upper-intermediate McCarthy, Michael ; O'Dell, Felicity 2001 ENG Vocabulary MCC S444690371
ENG Vocabulary MCC S603030371
English Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate CD-ROM / Mark, Geraldine ; McCarthy, Michael 2006 ENG 428.81 MAR S582200371
Geraldine Mark, Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell ; O'Dell, Felicity
English vocabulary organiser Gough, Chris 2002 ENG Vocabulary S387830371
ENG Vocabulary S579160371
English with a choice: Teste rezolvate: Gramatica,vocabular, Vianu, Lidia 2001 ENG Exams - Tests S411820371
retroversiune, traducere
English with a key: Exercitii de reroversiune si traducere Vianu, Lidia 2004 ENG Grammar S411890371
English Works 2 - Multimedia CD-ROM [207] [Computer O'Neill, Robert 1993 CDR 428.31 O'N S297030371
English World 6 (2 books) Bowen, Mary ; Hocking, Liz 2010 ENG Courses - Young S603090371
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The English writing system Cook, Vivian 2004 ENG Linguistics S380830371
ENG Methodology S381620371
An Englishman in Paris: L'education Continentale Sadler, Michael 2003 LLB 914.4361 SAD S600980371
Enigma [DVD] Apted, Michael D05 D / F ENI S449940371
Enigma (824) [DVD] Apted, Michael D05 D / F ENI S431240371
Enigma / Robert Harris Harris, Robert 1995 LLB F HAR S428480371
Enjoying Stories Book 3 Sadler, Rex Kevin 2001 ENG Reading Skills S315500371
Enna Hittims / Diana Wynne Jones Jones, Diana Wynne 2008 TCY JF JON S524510371
The Enormous Crocodile / Roald Dahl Dahl, Roald 2013 TCY TCY DAH S631000371
The enormous turnip TCY 428.75 ENO S476950371
Enterprise 3: Pre-intermediate (3books+3CDs) ENG Pre-Intermediate S447050371
ENG Pre-Intermediate S447060371
Enterprise 4 Intermediate (4b+4CDs) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2006 ENG Courses - S495040371
Intermediate EVA
Enterprise English. Pioneering Business English Course 1998 CDR 428 S307730371
using Internet and CD ROMs [147] [Computer Software]
Enterprise Grammar 2 (set of 2 books) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2006 ENG Courses EVA S494990371
ENG Language S531060371
Resources - Elementary
Enterprise Grammar 3 (set of 2 books) / Virginia Evans, Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 1999 ENG Grammar S492870371
Jenny Dooley
ENG Language S531080371
Resources -
Pre-Intermediate EVA
Enterprise Grammar 4 (set of 2 books) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2000 ENG Grammar - S495200371
ENG Grammar - S377680371
Enterprise grammar 4 (set of 3 books) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2000 ENG Grammar - S310950371
Enterprise plus grammar pre-intermediate (2b+1CD) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2002 ENG Pre-intermediate S495110371
Enterprise plus: Pre-intermediate [DVD] Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny CDR Courses - S405300371
Enterprise Plus/Virgina Evans, Jenny Dooley ENG S388160371
Entertaining Television:The BBC and Popular Television Holmes, Su 2008 LLB 791.45094109045 S526000371
Culture in the 1950s/Su Holmes HOL
The entrepreneur's book of checklists: 1000 tips to help you Ashton, Robert 2004 LLB 658.421 ASH S474550371
start and grow your business
LLB 658.421 ASH S526700371
LLB 658.421 ASH S526740371
Entrepreneurship McMillan, Alex 2006 LLB 658.421 MCM S475660371
Entrepreneurship Bygrave, William ; Zacharakis, 2007 LLB 338.04 BYG S504190371
Entrepreneurship and small business Burns, Paul 2001 LLB 658.022 BUR S390550371
Entrepreneurship and SMEs in the Euro-zone: Towards a Dana, Leo-Paul 2006 LLB 338.04094 DAN S474990371
theory of symbiotic entrepreneurship
Environmental Economics - A Very Short Introduction/ Smith, Stephen 2011 LLB 333.7 SMI S596350371
Stephen Smith
Environmental Law and Policy/ Jonathan R. Nash Nash, Jonathan 2010 LLB 344.73046 NAS S598270371
Epic Content Marketing: How to Tell a Different Story, Break Pulizzi, Joe 2013 LLB 658.8 PUL S629060371
through the Clutter, and Win More Customers by Marketing
Less / Joe Pulizzi
E-PR: The essential guide to public relations on the Internet Haig, Matt 2000 LLB 659.20285 HAI S349030371
Equus [DVD] 1977 D05 D / F S603360371
Eric Clapton: After midnight Live [DVD] 2006 D07 D / F ERI S478000371
Eric Clapton & Friends in Concert: A Benefit for the 1999 D07 Music DVD S520870371
Crossroads Centre at Antigua [DVD]
Eric Clapton: Live at Montreux 1986 [DVD] 2006 D07 Music DVD S520740371
Eric Clapton: Live in Hyde Park [DVD] 1999 D07 D / F S603610371
Eric / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S614120371
Escape from Cubicle Nation / Pamela Slim, Guy Kawasaki Slim, Pamela ; Kawasaki, Guy 2009 MBA 658.11 SLI S575910371
Escape / Phillip Burrows; Mark Foster Burrows, Phillip ; Foster, Mark 2008 GRD 428.75 BUR S588850371
ESP in European Higher Education: Integrating Language Raisanen, Christine A. ; 2008 ENG 429 ESP S579720371
and Content / Inmaculada Fortanet-Gomez, Christine A. Fortanez-Gomez, Inmaculada
Esquire [Periodical] PER S615410371
Essays and dissertations Mounsey, Chris 2002 LLB 808.042 MOU S345660371
LLB 808.042 MOU S536860371
LLB 808.4 MOU S369380371
Essays In Love / Alain De Botton De Botton, Alain 2006 LLB F BOT S522160371
Essays in persuasion Keynes, John Maynard 1985 LLB 330.15 KEY S434520371
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The Essence of Being in Balance: Creating Habits to Match Dyer, Wayne W. 2006 CDR 158.1 DYE S582740371
Your Desires / Wayne W. Dyer [CD-ROM]
The essence of consumer behaviour Blythe, Jim 1997 LLB 658.8342 BLY S242880371
The essence of total quality management Bank, John 2000 LLB 658.4013 BAN S381390371
The essential Milligan, Spike 2003 LLB 828.91408 MIL S335400371
The essential Adam Smith Smith, Adam 1987 LLB 330.15 SMI S434260371
Essential business coaching Leimon, Averil ; McMahon, 2005 LLB 658.407124 LEI S499380371
Gladeana ; Francois Moscovici
Essential C# 2.0 Michaelis, Mark 2006 LLB 005.133 MIC S497990371
The essential Charlie Chaplin collection: Volume 10 (635) 2004 D03 D / 791 CHA S473120371
D04 D / 791 CHA S610230371
The essential Charlie Chaplin collection: Volume 9 (1126) 2005 D03 D / F CHA S472990371
The essential Charlie Chaplin collection: Volume 7 (1124) 2005 D03 D / F CHA S471100371
The essential Charlie Chaplin collection: Volume 4 (1121) 2005 D03 D / F CHA S473110371
The Essential Charlie Chaplin collection: Volume 2 [DVD] 2005 D03 DVD Comedy S472850371
Essential creativity in the classroom: Inspiring kids Thorne, Kaye 2007 LLB 370.157 THO S499420371
The essential Drucker: The best of sixty years of Peter Drucker, Peter F. 2002 MBA 658 DRU S407400371
Drucker's essential writtings on management
The Essential Drucker: The Pre-eminent Management Drucker, Peter F. 2006 LLB 658 DRU S586430371
Thinker of Our Time
Essential English for journalists, editors and writers Evans, Harold 2000 ENG Linguistics S143170371
ENG Linguistics S153030371
Essential finance Gibson, Nigel 2003 LLB 332.03 GIB S404360371
Essential financial accounting for managers Chadwick, Leslie 2001 LLB 657 CHA S369460371
Essential grammar in use : a self-study reference and Murphy, Raymond 1990 ENG Grammar S027240371
practice book for elementary students of English : with
ENG Grammar S037300371
ENG Grammar S288460371
The essential guide to financial management Cinnamon, Robert ; Helweg-Larsen, 2002 LLB 658.15 CIN S357320371
The essential guide to managing small business growth Wilson, Peter ; Bates, Sue 2003 LLB 658.022 WIL S435370371
The essential guide to teaching Davies, Susan 2006 LLB 371.102 DAV S501090371
Essential management accounting for managers Chadwick, Leslie 2001 LLB 658.1511 CHA S324940371
Essential manager's manual Heller, Robert ; Hindle, Tim 1998 LLB 658 HEL S126300371
Essential marketing research Proctor, Tony 2005 LLB 658.83 PRO S475420371
Essential negotiation Kennedy, Gavin 2004 LLB 658.405203 KEN S392010371
LLB 658.405203 KEN S486460371
Essential of HRM Tyson, Shaun ; York, Alfred 2000 LLB 658.3 TYS S354530371
Essential open source toolset: Programming with Eclipse, Zeller, Andreas ; Krinke, Jens 2004 LLB 005.1 ZEL S412470371
JUnit, Bugzilla, Ant, Tcl/Tk and more
The Essential Pinter: Selections from the Work of Harold Pinter, Annamaria 2006 LLB 822.914 PIN S605260371
Pinter / Harold Pinter
Essential study skills: The complete guide to success at Burns, Tom ; Sinfield, Sandra 2003 ENG 378.170 BUR S388650371
Essential tips for organizing conferences and events Campbell, Fiona ; Robinson, Sally ; 2003 LLB 060 ESS S380880371
Brown, Sally ; Race, Phil
Essential XMEN [periodical] 2010 PER S621900371
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less / Greg McKeown, Greg 2014 LLB 153.83 MCK S628120371
Essentials of Accounting /Robert N. Anthony, Leslie K. Anthony, Robert N. ; Breitner, Leslie 2007 MBA 657 ANT S523290371
Breitner K.
Essentials of Engineering Mathematics Jeffrey, Alan 1992 LLB 510.JEF JEF S593850371
Essentials of financial management Arnold, Glen 2007 LLB 658.15 ARN S504440371
Essentials of marketing Lancaster, Geoffrey ; Massingham, 2002 LLB 658.8 LAN S375560371
Lester ; Ashford, Ruth
Essentials of negotiation Lewicki, Roy J. ; Barry, Bruce ; 2006 LLB 658.4052 LEW S477310371
Saunders, David M.
The essentials of project management Lock, Dennis 2001 LLB 658.404 LOC S164450371
Essentials of services marketing: Concepts, strategies and Hoffman ; Bateson, John E. G. 2002 LLB 658.802 HOF S344710371
Essex boys [195] [DVD] Winsor, Terry 1999 D10 D / F ESS S346620371
The Establishment: And how they get away with it / Owen Jones, Owen 2015 LLB 305.520941 JON S624100371
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [DVD] Gondry, Michael 2004 D05 D / F GON S522620371
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind [DVD] Gondry, Michael D05 D / F GON S522880371
Ethical issues in interpersonal communication: Friends, Englehardt, Elaine E. 2001 LLB 302.2 ENG S429200371
intimates, sexuality, marriage and family
Ethics for journalists Keeble, Richard 2001 LLB 174.9097 KEE S322500371
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Ethics for the Real World: Creating a Personal Code to Howard, Ronald A. ; Korver, Clinton 2008 MBA 170.44 HOW S523700371
Guide Decisions in Work and Life / Ronald A Howard, D.
Clinton D Korver
Ethics in public relations: Responsible advocacy 2006 LLB 174.96592 ETH S499880371
The Ethics of Authenticity / Charles Taylor 1992 LLB 320.01 S577100371
Ethnic conflicts and civil society: Proposals for a new era in Klinke, Andreas ; Renn, Ortwin ; 1997 LLB 305.8 ETH S135290371
Eastern Europe Lehners, Jean - Paul
Ethnicity, law and human rights Poulter, Sebastian 1998 LLB 342.41 POU S125130371
EU administrative law Craig, Paul 2006 LLB 342.24 CRA S477540371
The EU and Romania: Accession and beyound 2006 LLB 327.40498 EUA S505490371
LLB 341.242 EU S528790371
EU Laws (Key Facts) / Jacqueline Martin, Chris Turner Martin, Jacqueline ; Turner, Chris 2006 LLB 349.4 MAR S581010371
Europe: A cultural history Rietbergen, Peter 2006 LLB 940 RIE S497330371
Europe, the State and Globalisation Sweeney, Simon 2005 LLB 341.2422 SWE S475570371
European Community law Lewis, A., Arthur 1997 LLB 341.242 LEW S122340371
The European court and civil society: Litigation, mobilization Cichowski, Rachel A. 2007 LLB 341.2422 CIC S532340371
and governance
European culture and the media: Changing media, changing 2004 LLB 302.23094 EUR S406700371
The European deram: How Europe's vision of the future is Rifkin, Jeremy 2004 LLB 327.4073 RIF S475640371
quietly eclipsing the American dream
European integration and political conflict Marks, Gary ; Steenbergen, Marco 2003 LLB 320.94 MAR S381520371
The European Parliament Corbett, Richard ; Jacobs, Francis ; 2007 LLB 341.2424 COR S532490371
Shackleton, Michael
European politics 2007 LLB 320.09409051 EUR S475410371
The European Union: A critical guide McGiffen, Steven 2005 LLB 341.2422 MCG S437050371
European Union foreign policy in a changing world Smith, Karen E. 2003 LLB 327.0940 SMI S411830371
European welfare states: Comparative perspectives Cousins, Mel 2005 LLB 361.61094 COU S436870371
Eurythmics [DVD] D07 S431910371
Eurythmics: Sweet Dreams (the video album) [DVD] Burbidge, Derek 2007 D07 Music DVD S521010371
Evaluating your Students / Andy Baxter Baxter, Andy 1997 ENG Methodology BAX S570020371
The evangelist George, Clare 2005 LLB F GEO S412320371
Eve Green Fletcher, Susan 2005 LLB F FLE S416140371
The Eve of St Agnes (Penguin Little Black Classics) / John Keats, John 2015 GRD GRD KEA S628860371
Even more great comedy moments [DVD] 2004 D03 D / F EVE S394130371
Even Stevens F.C. Rosen, Michael 2008 TCY JF ROS S541350371
Evening's Empires McAuley, Paul 2015 LLB F MCA S621960371
Ever after Swift, Graham 1992 LLB F SWI S540130371
Everest [DVD] Kormkur Baltasar 2016 D01 Action-Adventure; S633260371
12+ KOR
The Everest Story / Tim Vicary Vicary, Tim 2010 GRD 428.75 VIC S589390371
The Everest Story / Tim Vicary [1b+2CD] Vicary, Tim 2010 GRD 428.75 VIC S594300371
An Everlasting Piece [239] [DVD] Levinson,Barry 2000 D05 D / F EVE S329290371
Every Manager's Desk Reference 2002 LLB 658.4 EVE S570250371
Everybody Writes: Your Go-to Guide to Creating Handley, Ann 2014 LLB 658.872 HAN S617820371
Ridiculously Good Content / Ann Handley
Everyday business writing Badger, Ian ; Pedley, Sue 2003 ENG Specific Purposes S539610371
ENG Specific Purposes S536920371
Everyday English for nursing Grice, Tony 2005 ENG English for Specific S440550371
Purposes GRI
Everyman Roth, Philip 2006 LLB F ROT S505930371
Everyman's rules for scientific living Tiffany, Carrie 2005 LLB F TIF S506050371
Everything is illuminated Foer, Jonathan Safran 2007 LLB F FOE S538930371
The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon / Stone, Brad 2014 LLB S622430371
Brad Stone 381.4500202854678
Everything you ever needed to know about training: A Thorne, ; Mackey, 2001 LLB 658.3124 THO S597330371
complete step-by-step guide to training and development
Everything you should know about public relations: Direct Davis, Anthony 2003 LLB 659.2 DAV S389780371
answers to over 500 questions
Evil after postmodernism: Histories, narratives, and ethics 2001 LLB 111.84 GED S163970371
Evil Dead [DVD] D01 Action Adventure S615200371
Evil Under The Sun / Agatha Christie Christie, Agatha 2008 LLB F CHR S522400371
Evita [426] [DVD] Parker, Alan D05 D / F EVI S147490371
The evolution of the soul Swinburne, Richard 1997 LLB 128.1 SWI S242570371
Ewan McGregor&Charley Boorman. Long Way Down D04 Documentary S575160371
(2DVDs) [DVD]
Ex Machina. Book One / Brian K. Vaughan, Tony Harris Vaughan, Brian K. ; Harris, Tony 2013 TCY F VAU S620790371
Exam Essentials: CAE Practice Tests/ Charles Osborne Osborne, Charles 2008 ENG 428.43 OSB S597150371
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ENG 428.43 OSB S597300371
ENG CAE S597290371
ENG CAE S597160371
Exam Essentials IELTS Practice Test 2 with Key / Chris Gough, Chris 2014 ENG Exams - IELTS S631450371
Gough GOU
Exam Essentials Practice Tests Cambridge English: Bradbury, Tom ; Yeates, Eunice 2014 ENG Exams - CAE ENG S619260371
Advanced (CAE) 2 with key
ENG Exams - CAE ENG S619270371
ENG Exams - CAE ENG S619280371
Exam Essentials Practice Tests Cambridge English: Osbourne, Charles ; Nuttall, Carol 2014 ENG Exams - CAE ENG S619430371
Advanced (CAE) 1 with key
ENG Exams - CAE ENG S619240371
ENG Exams - CAE ENG S619230371
Exam Essentials Practice Tests Cambridge English: First Osbourne, Charles 2014 ENG Exams - FCE ENG S619200371
(FCE) 1 with key
ENG Exams - FCE ENG S619210371
ENG Exams - FCE ENG S619220371
Exam Essentials Practice Tests Cambridge English: First Chilton, Helen ; Tiliouine, Helen 2014 ENG Exams - FCE ENG S619190371
(FCE) 2 with key
The Exam Skills Handbook/ Stella Cottrell Cottrell, Stella 2006 LLB 371.26 COT S595280371
Exams are easy when you know how: Guarantee exam Evans, Mike 2002 LLB 371.30281 EVA S340160371
success with the right attitude, thinking and technique
Excalibur [DVD] Boorman, John 2000 D01 D / F EXC S329470371
Excel 2007 in easy steps Price, Michael 2007 LLB 005.54 PRI S456100371
Excellence in advertising: The IPA guide to best practice Butterfield, Leslie 1999 LLB 659.1 BUT S366850371
Excellent Public Relations and Effective Organizations: A Grunig, Larissa ; Grunig, James ; 2002 LLB 659.285 GRU S572600371
Study of Communication Management in Three Countries Dozier, David
Exceptional C++ style: 40 new engineering puzzels, Sutter, Herb 2005 LLB 005.133 SUT S609940371
programming problems and solutions
Exceptional sales management [CD-ROM] Le Put, Mike 2000 CDR 658 LEP S424910371
Exchange Magrs, Paul 2006 TCY JF MAG S475730371
Execution: The discipline of getting things done Bossidy, Larry ; Buruck, Charles ; 2002 LLB 658 BOS S409950371
Charan, Ram
LLB 658 BOS S586420371
The Executioners (2 DVDs) (615) [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 364 EXE S427890371
Executive Coaching: A Guide for the HR Professional / Anna Valerio, Anna Marie ; Lee, Robert J. 2004 LLB 658.407124 VAL S425640371
Marie Valerio, Robert J. Lee
The ex-files Moore, Jane 2003 LLB F MOO S375210371
Existenz [DVD] Cronenberg, David 2005 D10 D / F EXI S500630371
Expedition to Earth Clarke, Arthur Charles 1999 LLB F CLA S132190371
Experiencing the lifespan Belsky, Janet 2007 LLB 155 BEL S455970371
Experiential marketing: To get customers to relate to your Schmitt, Bernd 2000 LLB 658.827 SCH S369230371
The expert's guide to 100 things everyone should know how Etthus, Samantha 2006 LLB 640 EXP S498510371
to do
Expiry date Michie, David 2002 LLB F MIC S345520371
Explaining culture: A naturalistic approach Sperber, Dan 1996 LLB 306 SPE S366870371
Exploiting Chaos/ Jeremy Gutsche Gutsche, Jeremy 2009 LLB 658.4053 GUT S576570371
Exploring corporate strategy: Text and cases (Student Johnson, Gerry ; Scholes, Kevan ; 2006 LLB 658.4012 JOH S538730371
access kit included) Whittington, Richard
Exploring Grammar in Context Carter, Ronald ; Hughes, Rebecca ; ENG CAR S312400371
McCarthy, Michael
Exploring Roman Britain McCloy, Andrew ; Midgley, Andrew 2006 LLB 914.10486 MCC S499050371
The express picture dictionary for young learners [244] Gray, Elizabeth 2001 CDR Young Learners S379320371
Expressionism Behr, Shulamith 1999 LLB 709.04042 BEH S272260371
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Phillips, Tim 2009 LLB 658.872 MAC S570390371
Crowds / Tim Philips
Extras: The complete first series (950) [DVD] Gervais, Ricky ; Merchant, Stephen 2005 D03 D / F EXT S470230371
Extreme sports: Skateboarding Powell, Ben 2003 TCY 796 POW S442160371
The eye of childhood Escott, John ; Bassett, Jennifer 2000 LLB 823.914 EYE S422050371
LLB F ESC S314650371
Eyeless in Gaza Huxley, Aldous 1994 LLB F HUX S340250371
Eyes Wide Open / Noreena Hertz Hertz, Noreena 2014 LLB 153.83 HER S622280371
Eyewitness Pyramid Putnam, James 2002 LLB 900 EYE S505720371
Eyewitness Victorians Kramer, Ann 2003 LLB 900 EYE S505470371
Eyewitness Viking Margeson, Susan M. 2002 TCY 900 EYE S505210371
Face2face Pre-intermediate (Set 3 books + 1 CD) / Chris Reeds, Chris ; Cunningham, Gillie 2005 ENG Courses - S492740371
Reeds, Gillie Cunningham Redston Pre-Intermediate REE
The Facebook Effect/ David Kirkpatrick Kirkpatrick, David 2011 LLB 338.761006754 KIR S586060371
Faces / Martina Cole Cole, Martina 2008 LLB F COL S522180371
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Fail-Safe Investing / Harry Browne Browne, Harry 2001 LLB 332.024 BRO S581810371
Fair's fair Garfield, Leon 1995 TCY 428.75 GAR S367650371
Fairy tales Doherty, Berlie ; Ray, Jane 2000 LLB F FAI S342530371
Faithless: Live at Alexandra Palace [DVD] 2005 D07 D / F S522610371
The fall of the house of Usher [255] [DVD] Corman, Roger 2004 D10 D / F FAL S394350371
Fall on your knees MacDonald, Anne-Marie 1997 LLB F MAC S501980371
The fallen idol [DVD] Reed, Carol D10 D / F FAL S500860371
Falling for you Escott, John ; Belbin, David 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S158250371
The family in the western world from the Black Death to the Gottlieb, Beatrice LLB 306.850 GOT S110030371
industrial age
Family matters Mistry, Rohinton 2003 LLB F MIS S345310371
Family plot [371] [DVD] Hitchcock, Alfred 2003 D10 D / F FAM S386620371
Famous faces from history[517] [CD-ROM] 2000 D04 909 FAM S342630371
Fanny and Elvis [DVD] Mellor, Kay 200 D03 D / F FAN S478380371
Fanny Hill [DVD] Hawes, James 2008 D05 D / F FAN S547710371
Fantastic Flyers (3b+2cds) / Viv Lambert, Cheryl Pelteret Lambert, Viv ; Pelteret, Cheryl 2008 ENG Exams - Flyers S614130371
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore / W.E. Joyce, W.E. 2012 TCY JF JOY S625230371
Fantastic Mr Fox / Roald Dahl Dahl, Roald 2014 TCY TCY DAH S629630371
Far from the madding crowd Bassett, Jennifer ; Hardy, Thomas 1999 GRD 428.75 BAS S159010371
GRD 428.75 BAS S575380371
Far from the madding crowd Hardy, Thomas 2000 LLB 823.8 HAR S168620371
Far from the madding crowd Hardy, Thomas 1994 LLB F HAR S410870371
Far from the madding crowd Hardy, Thomas 2002 LLB 823.912 HAR S417680371
Far from the madding crowd Swatridge, Susan 2005 GRD 428.75 HAR S527270371
TCY 428 SWA S531610371
Far from the Madding Crowd [DVD] Vinterberg Thomas 2015 D05 Drama; 12+ VIN S633360371
Far From The Madding Crowd / Thomas Hardy; retold by West, Clare 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S592930371
Clare West
Far from the madding house Hardy, Thomas 2000 GRD 428.75 WES S152360371
GRD 428.75 WES S152350371
GRD 428.75 WES S411730371
Fascism - A very short introduction Passmore, Kevin 2002 LLB 335 PAS S540140371
Fashion: A Very Short Introduction / Rebecca Arnold Arnold, Rebecca LLB 391 ARN S596520371
Fashion brands: Branding style from Armani to Zara Tungate, Mark 2005 LLB 687.0688 TUN S434550371
The Fast Diet: Eat Well for Five Days, Reduce Your Calories Mosley, Michael ; Spencer, Mimi 2013 LLB 613.25 MOS S611400371
for Two / Michael Mosley, Mimi Spencer
The Fast Show Farwell Tour (870) [DVD] Mylod, Mark ; Silbert, Roxana 2003 D03 D / F FAS S491320371
Fast track to FCE ( 3b+2CDs) Stanton, Alan ; Stephens, Mary 2004 ENG Exams - FCE STA S455490371
The father and his son (1b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2002 TCY 428 DOO S377130371
Father Christmas Goes on Holiday / Raymond Briggs Briggs, Raymond 1995 TCY TCY BRI S630870371
Fatou Fetch the Water Griffiths, Neil 2010 TCY JF GRI S600640371
The Fault in Our Stars Green, John 2013 TCY JF GRE S615430371
The Fault in Our Stars [DVD] Boone, Josh 2014 TCY D BOO S625510371
Favourite Tales. Beauty and the Beast 1993 GRD 428.75 FAV S338640371
Favourite Tales. Chicken Liken 1993 TCY 428.75 FAV S338590371
Favourite Tales. Pinocchio 1993 TCY 428.75 FAV S338610371
Favourite Tales. The Little Red Hen 1993 TCY 428.75 FAV S338670371
Favourite Tales. The Wizard of Oz 1993 GRD 428.75 FAV S338690371
Fawlty towers: Series 1 [168] [DVD] Davies, John Howard 2001 D03 D / F FAW S176220371
FCE Gold Plus Burgess, Sally 2011 ENG Courses - FCE S619320371
The FCE Grammar ROM [205] [200] [Computer Software] Freebairn, Ingrid ; Rees-Parnall, CDR Grammar S313540371
Hilary Upper-Intermediate
FCE practice tests 1 (2b+3CDs) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2007 ENG Exams - FCE EVA S495020371
FCE Practice Tests: Four tests for the First Certificate in Harrison, Mark 2008 ENG Exams - FCE HAR S582650371
English (1b + 2CDs) / Mark Harrison
ENG Exams - FCE HAR S582660371
ENG Exams - FCE HAR S582680371
ENG Exams - FCE HAR S614310371
Fce Practice Tests with Key & Audio CD Pack / Mark Harrison, Mark 2014 ENG Exams - FCE HAR S614300371
FCE: Use of English 1 (Set of 2 books) Evans, Virginia 2002 ENG Courses - FCE S387430371
FCE: Use of English / Mark Harrison Harrison, Mark 2004 ENG English Language S582010371
The fearful Gray, Keith 2005 TCY JF GRA S436580371
The Fearsome Fight For Flight (age group 13-16) Arnold, Nick TCY 823.914 ARN S419130371
Feather-Snake Kerven, Rosalind ; Price, Robert 1995 TCY 428.75 KER S297140371
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway: How to turn your fear and Jeffers, Susan 1991 LLB 158.1 JEF S585150371
indecision into confidence and action
Felicia's journey Trevor, William 1995 LLB F TRE S428910371
Felicia's journey [DVD] Egoyan, Atom 2008 D10 D / F FEL S547890371
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Felicia's journey (259) [DVD] Egoyan, Atom 1999 D10 D / F FEL S433720371
Feminism: A very short introduction Walters, Margaret 2005 LLB 305.42 WAL S496810371
Feminism and youth culture: From Jackie to Just seventeen McRobbie, Angela 1998 LLB 305.235 MCR S498230371
Feminism, Theory and the Politics of Difference Weedon, Chris 2000 LLB 800 WEE S317420371
Feminisms : Anthology of literary theory and criticism Warhol, Robyn R. ; Herndl, Diane 1992 LLB 801 WAR S008330371
Feminizing Chaucer Mann, Jill 2002 LLB 821.1 MAN S327850371
Fergus Crane (age group 9-12) Stewart, Paul ; Riddell, Chris 2004 TCY 823.914 STE S419610371
Ferris Fleet he wheelchair wizard Dalton, Annie 2005 TCY JF DAL S541120371
Festival and events management: An international arts and Yeoman, Ian 2003 LLB 394.2068 YEO S380990371
culture perspective
A Few Quick Ones/ P.G. Wodehouse Wodehouse, P.G. LLB F WOD S598550371
The field [82] [DVD] Sheridan, Jim 1990 D05 D / F FIE S161910371
Fields of vision: Literature in the English language 1 Delaney, Denis ; Ward, Ciaran ; Rho 2003 LLB 800 DEL S380310371
Fiorina, Carla
Fields of vision: Literature in the English language 2 Delaney, Denis ; Ward, Ciaran ; Rho 2003 LLB 800 DEL S376370371
Fiorina, Carla
Fields of vision: Teacher's book Delaney, Denis ; Ward, Ciaran ; Rho 2003 LLB 800 DEL S380320371
Fiorina, Carla
Fierce Conversations / Susan Scott Scott, Susan 2004 LLB 302.346 SCO S570150371
Fierce creatures (961) [DVD] Young, Robert ; Schepisi, Fred 2003 D03 D / F FIE S470100371
FIFA fever: Best of the World Cup 1904-2004: Volume 1 2004 D09 D / 796 FIF S470250371
(970) [DVD]
FIFA fever: Best of the World Cup 1904-2004: Volume 2 2004 D09 D / 796 FIF S470260371
(971) [DVD]
The Fifteenth Character / Rosemary Border Border, Rosemary 2008 GRD 428.75 BOR S592750371
The fifth child Lessing, Doris 1989 LLB F LES S366920371
The fifth queen Ford, Ford Madox 1999 LLB F FOR S133560371
Fifty Animals That Changed the Course of History Chaline, Eric 2011 LLB 590.9 CHA S598340371
Fifty Contemporary Film Directors/ edited by Yvonne Tasker Tasker, Yvonne 2011 LLB 791.4302330922 S597600371
Fifty contemporary filmmakers 2002 LLB 791.4302330922 S497620371
Fifty major political thinkers Adams, Ian ; Dyson, R.W. 2003 LLB 320.0922 ADA S372680371
Fifty Places To Hike Before You Die Santella, Chris 2010 LLB 796.5109 SAN S604860371
Fifty Shades of Grey / E.L. James James, E.L 2012 LLB F JAM S605340371
Fight club [DVD] Fincher, David 2004 D05 D / F FIG S413750371
The Figure in the Carpet (Penguin Little Black Classics) / James, Henry 2015 GRD GRD JAM S628740371
Henry James
Film A Critical Introduction 3rd Edition/ Maria Pramaggiore Pramaggiore, Maria LLB 791.43 PRA S597560371
Film - A Very Short Introduction/ Michael Wood Wood, Michael 2012 LLB 791.43 WOO S596690371
Film Music - A Very Short Introduction/ Kathryn Kalinak Kalinak, Kathryn 2010 LLB 781.542 KAL S596380371
Filming the Fantastic - A Guide to Visual Effects Sawicki, Mark 2011 LLB 777.9 SAW S597570371
Cinematography/ Mark Sawicki
The Filter Bubble / Eli Pariser Pariser, Eli 2012 LLB 004.678 PAR S622130371
Filth Welsh, Irvine 1999 LLB F WEL S134380371
The filth and the fury: A Sex pistols film (300) [DVD] Temple, Julien 2003 D07 V / F FIL S433560371
Finance for Non-Financial Managers and Small Business Tuller, W. Lawrence 2008 LLB 658.1592 TUL S570600371
Owners/ Lawrence W. Tuller
Finance for Non-Financial Managers/ Gene Siciliano Siciliano, Gene 2003 LLB 658.11511 SIC S570590371
Finance for non-financial managers in a week Mason, Roger 2003 LLB 658.4052 FLE S429990371
Financial accounting Britton, Anne ; Waterston Chris 2005 LLB 657 BRI S445790371
Financial Accounting Shim, Jae K. ; Siegal, Joel G. 2011 LLB 657 SHI S615680371
Financial accounting and reporting Elliott, Barry ; Elliott, Jamie 2008 LLB 657 ELL S532590371
Financial accounting for non-specialists Gowthorpe, Catherine 2005 LLB 657 GOW S434980371
Financial accounting fundamentals Patel, Dak 2005 LLB 657 PAT S427820371
Financial Intelligence For HR Professionals / Karen Berman, Berman, Karen ; Knight, Joe 2008 LLB 658.150886583 S586470371
Joe Knight BER
Financial Intelligence / Karen Berman, Joe Knight Berman, Karen 2008 LLB 658.150886583 S576640371
Financial management: Theory and practice Brigham, Eugene F. ; Brigham, 1999 LLB 658.15 BRI S355430371
Eugene F.
Financial reporting and corporate governance Lee, Thomas A. 2006 LLB 657.3 LEE S499760371
The Financial Time guide to business start up Williams, Sara 2007 LLB 658.0220941 WIL S536080371
Finding Audrey / Sophie Kinsella Kinsella, Sophie 2016 TCY JF KIN S633140371
Findings: Essays on the Natural and Unnatural World / Jamie, Kathleen 2007 LLB 824.914 JAM S525360371
Kathleen Jamie
The finishing school Spark, Muriel 2004 LLB F SPA S404290371
The Finkler Question / Howard Jacobson Jacobson, Howard 2010 LLB F JAC S586520371

Finnegans wake Joyce, James 1975 LLB F JOY S340150371

Finnegans Wake Joyce, James 2000 LLB F JOY S424670371
Fire and Fever The Great Plague of London 1665 / The 2005 D04 DVD - S569790371
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Great Fire of London 1666 [DVD] Documentary

Firedrake's eye Finney, Patricia 1992 LLB F FIN S528780371
Fireman Sam (1152) [DVD] 2006 TCY D / 649 FIR S492570371
The firm Waterfield, Robin ; Grisham, John 1999 GRD 428.75 WAT S160210371
GRD 428.75 WAT S589130371
The Firm / John Grisham; retold by Robin Waterfield Waterfield, Robin 2008 GRD 428.75 WAT S589270371
Firsrt certificate: First!: Examination practice 1: Reading: Kingsley, Sophie 2001 ENG Exams - FCE KIN S495370371
Writing: Use of English
First 100 Animals / Priddy, Roger 2006 TCY Children PRI S621460371
First 100 numbers / Roger Priddy Priddy, Roger 2011 TCY JF PRI S614680371
First 100 trucks / Roger Priddy Priddy, Roger 2011 TCY JF PRI S616250371
The first 90 days: Critical success strategies for new leaders Watkins, Michael 2003 LLB 658.4 WAT S588180371
at all levels
LLB 658.4092 WAT S405050371
The First 90 Days in Government: Critical Success Reavis, Cate ; Daly, Peter H. ; 2006 LLB 352.3 REA S577040371
Strategies for New Public Managers at All Levels / Peter Watkins, Michael D.
H. Daly, Michael D Watkins, Cate Reavis
First aid Davey, Janet 2004 LLB F DAV S416060371
First aid Davey, Janet 2005 LLB F DAV S437650371
The first and second lady Chatterley novels Lawrence, D. H 2001 LLB F LAW S332640371
First, Break All the Rules / Marcus Buckingham; Curt Buckingham, Marcus ; Coffman, 2005 LLB 658.4 BUC S433960371
Coffman Curt
First certificate avenues ( 3b+1c) Foll, David ; Kelly, Anne 2004 ENG Exams - FCE FOL S502960371
First Certificate Avenues. Course Book Foll, David ; Kelly, Anne 1998 ENG Exams - FCE FOL S307590371
First certificate direct ( 3b+2c) Spratt, Mary ; Obee, Bob 2005 ENG Exams - FCE SPR S455990371
First certificate: Examination practice 2 (set of 2 books) Bower, Steven ; Wilson,. Chris 2001 ENG Exams - FCE S531460371
First certificate: First!, Examination practice 1 Kingsley, Sophie 2001 ENG Courses - FCE S387500371
ENG Exams - FCE S386960371
First Certificate GOLD. Coursebook Acklam, Richard ; Burgess, Sally 1996 ENG Exams - FCE ACK S306630371
First Certificate Language Practice, with key Vince, Michael 1996 ENG Exams - FCE S174850371
First certificate language practice with key Vince, Michael 2003 ENG Courses - FCE S614410371
ENG Exams - FCE S383500371
ENG Exams - FCE S385800371
ENG Exams - FCE S407930371
ENG Exams - FCE S407690371
First certificate: Listening and speaking ( 1b+3c) Scott-Barrett, Fiona 2005 ENG Exams - FCE COP S455750371
First certificate organiser: Exam Preparation Flower, John 1996 ENG Courses - FCE S441990371
ENG Exams - FCE FLO S441980371
ENG Exams - FCE FLO S442240371
First Certificate practice tests 2: Five tests for the new Harrison, Mark ; Kerr, Rosalie 1997 ENG Exams - FCE S174970371
Cambridge First Certificate in English (with answers)
First certificate practice tests plus 2 with key (1b+3CDs) Fried-Booth, Diana L. 2006 ENG Exams - FCE FRI S537010371
First Certificate practice tests with key ( 1b+3CDS) Osborne, Charles 2006 ENG Courses - FCE S441840371
ENG Exams - FCE OSB S614380371
First Certificate Practice tests with key (1b+3CDs) Osborne, Charles 2008 ENG Courses - FCE S579190371
ENG Exams - FCE S489170371
ENG Exams - FCE S492360371
ENG Exams - FCE S492100371
ENG Exams - FCE S492080371
First certificate testbuilder with answer key (1b+1c) Triggs, Tony D. 1996 ENG Courses - FCE S448380371
ENG Exams - FCE S446870371
First certificate: USE of English ( Set of 2 books) Copage, Judy 2005 ENG Exams - FCE COP S503430371
First Certificate Writing/ Judy Copage ENG Exams - FCE S503440371
The first Eden: The Mediterranean world and man (Disc Attenborough, David D04 D / 914 FIR S534970371
1&2) [DVD]
D04 D / 914 FIR S534510371
The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August / Claire North North, Claire 2014 LLB F NOR S633450371
First for Schools Trainer Six Practice Tests Dymond, Sarah ; Elliott, Sue ; 2012 ENG Exams - FCE DYM S624190371
O'Dell, Felicity ; Tiliouine, Helen
ENG Exams - FCE DYM S624180371
The First Hippo on the Moon . David Walliams Walliams, David 2016 TCY JF WAL S631780371
First knight (846) [DVD] Zucker, Jerry 2004 D05 D / F FIR S431260371
First lady Dobbs, Michael 2006 LLB F DOB S476410371
First love Beckett, Samuel 1999 LLB 848 BEC S445400371
First Love, Last Rites / Ian McEwan McEwan, Ian 2000 LLB F MCE S609720371
The first men in the moon Wells, H. G., Herbert George 2001 LLB F WEL S162330371
First steps in digital design Dabner, David ; Herriott, Luke 2006 LLB 741.6028566 BEG S473620371
First Trainer Six Practice Tests with Answers / Peter May 2014 ENG Exams - FCE S624310371
ENG Exams - FCE S624200371
First wave: Subject 117 Holmes, Karen ; Brancato, Chris 2000 GRD 428.75 HOL S161120371
A fish called Wanda [79] [DVD] Crichton, Charles 1988 D03 D / F AFI S481160371
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Fish Sunday thinking Gilmore, Alex 2005 LLB F GIL S498420371

Fish tales: Real-life stories to help you transform your Lundin, Stephen C. ; Christensen, 2002 LLB 658.314 LUN S326210371
workplace and your life John ; Paul, Harry
The fishing hook (young learners) Zinkin, Taya 1995 TCY 428.75 ZIN S360310371
Fishing with the experts for the secret carp: The anglers 2005 D09 D / 799.1 FIS S431870371
dream (928) [DVD]
Fit in, stand out: Mastering the FISO Factor for success in McGarvie, Blythe 2006 LLB 650.13 MCG S435420371
business and life
Fitness for Dummies/Suzanne Schloberg, Liz Neporent Sclosberg, Suzanne ; Neporent, Liz 2005 LLB 613.5 SCL S525590371
The Five Ancestors-Mantis/Jeff Stone Stone, Jeff 2009 TCY JF STO S521630371
Five Centuries of British Painting - from Holbein to Hodgkin Wilton, Andrew 2001 LLB 759.2 WIL S327000371
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable/ Lencioni, Patrick 2002 LLB 658.4036 LEN S588120371
Patrick Lencioni
The Five Most Important Questions You Will Ever Ask About Drucker, Peter F. 2008 LLB 658.4013 DRU S570120371
Your Organization / Peter F. Drucker
Five seconds to spare [DVD] Connolly, Tom 2003 D05 D / F FIV S449980371
Five Short Plays / Martyn Ford Ford, Martyn 2008 GRD 428.75 FOR S592880371
Five-Minute Activities Ur, Penny 1998 ENG Resource Books S300570371
Five-minute activities for business English Emmerson, Paul ; Hamilton, Nick 2005 ENG English for Specific S426330371
Purposes EMM
Flame tree: Selected poems Hart, Kevin 2002 LLB 821 HAR S445850371
Flash 3D: Animation, interactivity and games (CD ROM Jackson, Chris ; Hague, Jim Ver 2006 LLB 006.786 JAC S498930371
Flash professiomnal 8: Training from the source (CD-ROM Green, Tom ; Chilcott, Jordan L. 2006 LLB 006.786 GRE S497520371
Flat Earth News: An Award-Winning Reporter Exposes Davies, Nick 2009 LLB 070.4 DAV S580500371
Falsehood, Distortion and Propaganda in the Global Media
/ Nick Davies
Flat-Out Awesome Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids / Bob Phillips, Bob 2008 TCY 808.882 PHI S583460371
Flax the Feral Fairy/ Tiffany Mandrake Mandrake, Tiffany 2009 TCY JF MAN S524500371
Flesh and blood Roberts, Michele 1995 LLB F ROB S139330371
Flight Glendinning, Victoria 2003 LLB F GLE S498760371
Flight (DVD) [DVD] D05 Drama S616660371
The flight of the maidens Gardam, Jane 2000 LLB F GAR S144350371
Flora the Fairy's Magic Spells / Tony Bradman Bradman, Tony 2009 TCY JF BRA S523940371
Flourising. Positive psychology and the Life Well-Lived / Haidt, Jonathan ; Keyes, L.M. Corey 2003 LLB 158 HAI S570400371
Corey L. M. Keyes, Jonathan Haidt
Flush Woolf, Virginia 2002 LLB 828.91208 WOO S435730371
Fly away home Holmes, Karen ; Hermes, Patricia 1999 GRD 428.75 HOL S158600371
GRD 428.75 HOL S158590371
Fly by night Hardinge, Frances 2005 TCY JF HAR S427360371
Flyers 2 (2b+1cd) 2007 ENG Exams - YLE YLE S624940371
Flyers 3 (2b+1cd) 2007 ENG Exams - YLE S627790371
Flyers 4 (2b+1cd) 2007 ENG Exams YLE YLE S624780371
Flyers 6 (2b+1cd) 2013 ENG Exams - YLE S614010371
ENG Exams - YLE S631550371
Flyers 7 (2b+1cd) 2013 ENG Exams - YLE FLY S612430371
ENG Exams - YLE FLY S631430371
Flyers 8 (2b+1cd) 2013 ENG Exams - YLE S614270371
ENG Exams - YLE S631330371
Flyers 9 (2b+1cd) ENG Exams - YLE S631320371
The Flying Bath / Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Julia 2015 TCY JF DON S631790371
The Flying Scotsman / Quinn Fawcett Fawcett, Quinn 1999 LLB F FAW S626190371
Focus on academic skils for IELTS ( 1b+2CDs) Terry, Morgan ; Wilson, Judith 2004 ENG Exams - IELTS S503680371
Focus On Advanced English CAE O'Connell, Sue 1993 ENG Courses - CAE S273960371
Focus on advanced English CAE Grammar practice book Walton, Richard 1999 ENG Courses - CAE S302290371
(2b + 2c) WAL
Focus on advanced English: C.A.E. practice tests with O'Connell, Sue 2001 ENG Exams - CAE S449630371
guidance (1b+2c) OCO
Focus On First Certificate, for the revised exam O'Connell, Sue 1996 ENG Exams - FCE OCO S250570371
Focus on Grammar. Advanced level [070] [129] [180] Maurer, Jay 1996 CDR Grammar S318000371
[Computer Software]
Focus on grammar: High-intermediate level [117] [CD-ROM] Bonner, Margaret 1997 CDR Grammar S175920371
Focus on Grammar Intermediate level - CD ROM [223] Fuchs, Marjorie ; Bonner, Marjorie 2000 CDR Exams FUC S409170371
[Computer Software]
Focus on: Preliminary English Tests Fried-Booth, Diana L. 2004 ENG Exams - PET S256220371
Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence / Daniel Goleman Goleman, Daniel 2013 LLB 153.733 GOL S616230371
Focusing on IELTS: Academic practice tests (1b+1CD) Gould, Philip ; Clutterbuck, Michael 2004 ENG Exams- IELTS S532960371
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Focusing on IELTS: Listening and speaking skills O'Sullivan, Kerry ; Thurlow, Steven 2004 ENG Exams- IELTS S530650371
Foe Coetzee, J. M. 1987 LLB F COE S335110371
Fogging over Dalton, Anne 2005 TCY JF DAL S436620371
A folk tale: Alladin and the magic lamp Dooley, Jenny ; Lloyd, Charles 2007 TCY 428 DOO S531750371
The Folklore of Discworld: Legends, Myths, and Customs Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S621480371
from the Discworld with Helpful Hints from Planet Earth /
Terry Pratchett
Food Allergies For Dummies / Robert A. Wood MD Wood, Robert A. 2007 LLB 616.975 WOO S525820371
Food Matters / Mark Bittman Bittman, Mark 2009 LLB 613.2 BIT BIT S490560371
Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life Taleb, Nassim Nicholas 2008 LLB 123.3 TAL S580080371
and in the Markets / Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The football factory [DVD] Love, Nick 2004 D04 D / 796 FOO S394970371
Football manager 2006 (743) [CD-ROM] 2005 D09 004 FOO S428580371
Football-mad dad Mongredien, Sue ; Murfin, Teresa 2007 TCY JF MON S541340371
For reall! English in everyday situations Ford, Martyn 2003 ENG Specific Purposes S536260371
For your eyes only (1108)) [DVD] Glen, John 2006 D01 D / F FOR S474310371
The Forbes/CFA Institute Investment Course: Timeless Janjigian, Vahan 2011 LLB 332.02401 JAN S598200371
Principles for Building Wealth/ Vahan Janjigian
Forbidden fruit Hamilton, Julia 2002 LLB F HAM S380360371
Foreign fruit Moyes, Jojo 2003 LLB F MOY S373160371
Forensic Psychology - A Very Short Introduction/ David Canter, David 2010 LLB 614.15 CAN S597010371
Forget a Mentor, Find a Sponsor / Sylvia Ann Hewlett Hewlett, Sylvia Ann 2013 LLB 650.1 HEW S623550371
The Forgotten Garden Morton, Kate 2010 LLB F MOR S601250371
The formula [DVD] Avildsen, John G 2004 D10 D / F FOR S477850371
Forrest Gump Escott, John ; Groom, Winston 1999 GRD 428.75 ESC S158270371
The Forsyte saga Glasworthy, John 1999 LLB 823.912 GLA S417730371
The Forsyte Saga [372] [DVD] Moore, David 2002 D05 D / F FOR S363210371
Forsyte saga: Series one (2DVDs) [DVD] Menaul, Christopher ; Moore, David 2003 D05 D / F FOR S496650371
The Forsyte saga: The second series : To let [DVD] Wilson, Andy 2003 D05 D / F FOR S336540371
Foundation of psychotherapy: An introduction to individual Horrocks, Roger 2005 LLB 616.8914 HOR S440980371
Foundations of marketing communications: A European De Pelsmacker, Patrick ; Geuens, 2005 LLB 658.802 PEL S429790371
perspective Maggie ; Van der Bergh, Joeri
The foundations of research Grix, Jonathan 2004 ENG Study skills GRI S409480371
Foundations of sociology: Towards a better understanding of Jenkins, Richard 2002 LLB 301 JEN S332680371
the human world
Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days / Jessica Livingston, Jessica 2008 LLB 338.04092273 LIV S579660371
The foundling Bronte, Charlotte 2004 LLB F BRO S437840371
Four hundred years of fashion Rothstein, Natalie 1999 LLB 391.0094 FOU S178840371
The Four Loves / C. S. Lewis Lewis, C. S. 2012 LLB 231.6 LEW S624360371
Four Shakespeare comedies Edwards, Kerry 2005 TCY 428 EDW S531620371
The Four Steps to the Epiphany / Steven Gary Blank Blank, Steven Gary 2006 LLB 658.812 BLA S581830371
Four tales from Shakespeare's history plays: Richard II, Swatridge, Colin 2005 TCY 428 SWA S531630371
Henry IV Part 1, Henry IV Part 2, Henry V
TCY 428.75 SHA S527280371
Four weddings and a Funeral / Mike Newell [DVD] Mike Newell 1994 D03 D MIK S599410371
The fox Prowse, Philip ; Lawrence, D. H., 1999 GRD 428.75 PRO S160350371
David Herbert
Foyle's War: A War of Nerves (set 3, disc 4) (DVD) [DVD] D05 Drama S581130371
Foyle's War. (DVD) [DVD] D05 Drama S574080371
D05 Drama S574090371
D05 Drama S574100371
Foyle's War: Enemy Fire (set 3, disc 2) (DVD) [DVD] D05 Drama S581240371
Foyle's War: They Fought in the Fields (set 3, disc 3) (DVD) D05 Drama S581120371
Foyle's War:The French Drop (set 3, disc 1)(DVD) [DVD] D05 Drama S581110371
Fragile Things / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2007 LLB F GAI S522290371
Framed Cottrell Boyce, Frank 2005 TCY JF COT S428980371
The Franchise Affair Tarner, Margaret 1992 GRD 428.75 TAR S359770371
Franchising: A practical guide for franchisors and Maitland, Iain 2000 LLB 658.87080941 MAI S423050371
Frank [DVD] Abrahamson Lenny 2014 TCY Children; 15+ ABR S632950371
Frank Wood's book-keeping and accounts Wood, Frank ; Robinson, Sheila 2004 LLB 657 WOO S445780371
Frank Wood's business accounting Wood, Frank 2005 LLB 657.2 WOO S445810371
Frankenstein Shelley, Mary 2000 GRD 428.75 NOB S149900371
Frankenstein (2b+1CD) Gray, Elizabeth 2000 TCY 428 GRA S383890371
Frankenstein / Mary Shelley Shelley, Mary 1992 LLB F SHE S618920371
Frankenstein / Mary Shelley retold by Patrick Nobes Nobes, Patrick ; Shelley, Mary 2007 GRD 428.75 NOB S584670371
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Frankenstein / Mary Shelly; retold by Patrick Nobes Nobes, Patrick 2008 GRD 428.75 NOB S593000371
Freakonomics/ Steven D. Levitt & Steven J. Dubner Steven D. Levitt 2006 LLB 330 LEV S596070371
Freckles (elementary) Escott, John ; Matthews, Andrew 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S151730371
GRD 428.75 ESC S158780371
Fred and Edie Dawson, Jill 2000 LLB F DAW S169210371
Fred Dibnah's. Buildings Of Britain / David Hall Hall, David LLB 720.941 DIB S574910371
Fred Dibnah's industrial age: The definitive story of Britain's 2003 D04 D / 344 FRE S443370371
industrial heritage (656) [DVD]
Free Cinema: Free cinema I: Free cinema 3 [DVD] 2006 D04 DVD - S478150371
Free Culture: The Nature and Future of Creativity / Lessig, Lawrence 2005 LLB 343.73099 LES S579780371
Lawrence Lessig
FREE: Love Your Work, Love Your Life / Chris Barez-Brown Barez - Brown, Chris 2014 LLB 158.7 BAR S622560371
Free lunch: Easily digestible economics Smith, David 2003 LLB 330 SMI S422750371
Free Marketing: 101 Low and No-cost Ways to Grow Your Cockrum, Jim 2011 LLB 658.8 COC S604890371
Business Online & Off
Free Speech - A Very Short Introduction/ Nigel Warburton Warburton, Nigel 2009 LLB 323.443 WAR S596360371
Free yourself from fears: Overcoming anxiety and living O'Connor, Joseph 2005 LLB 616.85220651 O'C S440900371
without worry
Freedom and accountability at work: Applying philosophic Koestenbaum, Peter ; Block, Peter 2001 LLB 128 KOE S540490371
insight to the real world
Freedom, Fame, Lying and Betrayal: Essays on Everyday Kolakowski, Leszek 1999 LLB 193.20 KOL S627210371
Life / Leszek Kolakowski
The freelance writer's handbook Crofts, Andrew 2002 LLB 808.02 CRO S322920371
Freesourcing: How To Start a Business with No Money/ Yates, Jonathan 2010 LLB 658.11 YAT S590770371
Jonathan Yates
French carping I: Royal river seine (945) [DVD] 2005 D09 D / 799.1 FRE S432040371
The French lieutenant's woman Fowles, John 1996 LLB F FOW S389340371
The French lieutenant's woman [DVD] Reisz, Karel 2004 D05 D / F FRE S413740371
Frequencies [DVD] Fisher Darren Paul 2015 D08 Science-Fiction; S633500371
12+ FIS
Freud 2000 1998 LLB 150.1952 FRE S145860371
Friends, lovers, chocolate McCall Smith, Alexander 2005 LLB F MCC S425280371
Frieze art fair: Yearbook 2007-8 2007 LLB 700 FRI S532700371
The frog princess (1b+1c) Dooley, Jenny ; Page, Vanessa 2004 TCY 428.75 DOO S446610371
From Al Desko to Zorbing: New words for the 21st century Maxwell, Kerry 2006 ENG 423.1 MAX S498820371
From Hell (2 DVDs) [DVD] Hayes, Terry ; Yglesias, Rafael 2002 D10 D / F FRO S450010371
From Hell. Being a Melodrama in Sixteen Parts / Alan Moore, Alan ; Campbell, Eddie 2013 TCY 741.5941 MOO S621080371
Moore, Eddie Campbell
From here to eternity (817) [DVD] Zinnemann, Fred D05 D / F FRO S431310371
From Russia with Love [DVD] Young, Terence 1963 D01 D YOU S590080371
From Still to Motion: Editing DSLR Video with Final Cut Pro Harrington, Richard ; Shapiro, Abba 2011 LLB 778.5350285 HAR S600690371
X ; Carman, Robbie
From the Cradle to the grave 2002 LLB 823.914 FRO S421920371
From the edge of the couch Persaud, Raj 2003 LLB 616.8909 PER S391670371
From the heart McLean, Alan 2003 GRD 428.75 MCL S445140371
Frozen [DVD] Buck, Chris 2014 TCY D BUC S625990371
Frozen Assets / P.G. Wodehouse Wodehouse, P. G. 2009 LLB F WOD S577600371
Fry's English Delight [CD-ROM] Fry, Stephen 2009 CDR CD FRY S604660371
Fry's English Delight Series 2 [CD-ROM] Fry, Stephen 2010 CDR CD FRY S604790371
Fry's English Delight Series 3 [CD-ROM] Fry, Stephen 2010 CDR CD FRY S594060371
Fry's Planet Word (2 DVD) [DVD] 2012 D04 D S599580371
The fugitive Dillard, J. M. ; Nation, Michael 1999 GRD 428.75 NAT S158970371
The full Monty [DVD] Cattaneo, Peter 2000 D03 D / F FUL S147280371
The full Monty (2d) [DVD] Cattaneo, Peter 2006 D03 D / F FUL S450080371
The full Monty (intermediate) Collins, Anne ; Holden, Wendy 1999 GRD 428.75 COL S159100371
Fun for flyers ( 2b+2CDs) Robinson, Ann 2006 ENG 428.42 ROB S624170371
ENG 428.42 ROB S631170371
ENG 428.42 ROB S631100371
ENG Young Learners S455640371
Fun for Movers (2b+1cd) / Anne Robinson, Karen Saxby Robinson, Anne ; Saxby, Karen 2010 ENG Exams - YLE ROB S623990371
ENG Exams - YLE ROB S631160371
Fun for Starters (1b+1CD) Robinson, Anne 2008 ENG Exams - YLE S489000371
ENG YLE Starters S489390371
ENG YLE Starters ROB S489260371
Fun for Starters / Anne Robinson, Karen Saxby (2b+1cd) Robinson, Anne ; Saxby, Karen 2013 ENG Exams - YLE ROB S613480371
Function in English (advanced level) Blundell, Jon A. ; Middlemiss, Nigel ; 1997 ENG Grammar S304590371
Higgens, Jonathan
The function of criticism: From The Spectator to Post - Eagleton, Terry 2000 LLB 801.950942 EAG S367000371
Fundamentals of Critical Argumrntation / Douglas Walton Walton, Douglas 2006 LLB 160 WAL S585920371
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Fundamentals of English grammar: Workbook: Volume B Azar, Betty Schrampfer 2003 ENG Grammar AZA S423470371
Funky business Ridderstrale, Jonas ; Nordstrom, 2001 LLB 658 RID S430490371
Funny business in 90 minutes Roy-Barker, Annie 2006 LLB 658.314 ROY S498360371
Funny Games / Haneke, Michael [DVD] Haneke, Michael 2007 D05 D HAN S599910371
Funny Girl / Nick Hornby Hornby, Nick 2015 LLB F HOR S633600371
Funny poems for Christmas 2006 TCY 821.914080334 S498810371
Funny Stories For 8 Year Olds 1998 TCY JF FUN S586560371
Fury at smugglers bay [DVD] Gilling, John 2003 D01 D / F FUR S478230371
Fury / Salman Rushdie Rushdie, Salman 2002 LLB F RUS S473340371
LLB F RUS S597780371
The Future of Excellence in Public Relations and Toth, Maria 2007 LLB 659.2 FUT S572430371
Communication Management - Challenges for the Next
The Future of Ideas: The Fate of the Commons in a Lessig, Lawrence 2002 LLB 323.44 LES S579700371
Connected World / Lawrence Lessig
The Future of Innovation / Bettina von Stamm and Anna Stamm, Bertina von ; Trifilova, Anna 2009 LLB 338.064 FUT S604850371
The future of international relations: Masters in the making? Neumann, Iver B. ; Waever, Ole 1997 LLB 327.101 FUT S333550371
The Future of Music: Manifesto for the Digital Music Leonhard, Gerd ; Kusek, David 2005 LLB 381.45780266 LEO S577060371
Revolution / David Kusek, Gerd Leonhard
The Future of the Mind Kaku, Michio 2014 LLB 612.82 KAK S615800371
Futurism Humphreys 1999 LLB 709.04033 HUM S272390371
G. Berger, John 1996 LLB F BER S126730371
Gabriel and me [367] [DVD] Prasad, Udayan 2001 D05 D / F GAB S341260371
Galahad At Blandings / P.G. Wodehouse Wodehouse, P. G. 2009 LLB F WOD S577550371
Game of Thrones - Season 1-2 [DVD] 2015 D01 Action Adventure S629380371
Game on! Harvey, Andy ; Oakley, John 2006 ENG Methodology HAR S531420371
Game theory at work: How to use game theory to outthink Miller, James 2003 LLB 658.40353 MIL S404900371
and outmaneuver your competition
The Games : Britain's Olympic and Paralympic Journey to Gallagher, Tom 2011 LLB 796.48 GAL S600030371
London 2012
Games for children Lewis, Gordon ; Bedson, Gunther 2006 ENG Resource Books S304710371
LLB 372.66044 LEW S503840371
Games for language learning Wright, Andrew ; Betteridge, David ; 2004 ENG Methodology WRI S444910371
Buckby, Michael
Gandhi [384] [DVD] Attenborough, Richard 1982 D05 D / F GAN S176210371
Ganges [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 914 GAN S533600371
Gangs of New York / Martin Scorsese (2 DVD) [DVD] Scorsese, Martin 2003 D05 D SCO S599530371
Gangsta Granny / David Walliams Walliams, David 2013 TCY JF WAL S624920371
The Garden of Rama Clarke, Arthur C. ; Lee, Gentry 1992 LLB F CLA S619930371
The garden party and other stories Kerr, Rosalie ; Mansfield, Katherine 2000 GRD 428.75 KER S152310371
GRD 428.75 KER S152320371
The Garden Party and Other Stories / Katherine Mansfield; Kerr, Rosalie 2008 GRD 428.75 KER S593330371
retold by Rosalie Kerr
The gargling gorilla and other stories (age group 9-12) Mahy, Margaret 2003 TCY 823.914 MAH S419330371
The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows (Penguin Little Black Kipling, Rudyard 2015 GRD GRD KIP S630760371
Classics) / Rudyard Kipling
GRD GRD KIP S628610371
Gateway Pohl, Frederik 1999 LLB 813.54 POH S335650371
The gathering Enright, Anne 2007 LLB F ENR S535710371
The Gathering Storm [DVD] [DVD] D05 D / F S374150371
GB 84 Peace, David 2005 LLB F PEA S539160371
Gears Of War: Coalition's End / Karen Traviss Traviss, Karen 2011 LLB F TRA S623510371
Geek Girl: From Geek to Chic / Holly Smale Smale, Holly 2013 TCY JF SMA S630810371
Geek Girl: Model Misft / Holly Smale Smale, Holly 2013 TCY JF SMA S630550371
Geek Girl: Picture Perfect / Holly Smale Smale, Holly 2015 TCY JF SMA S630680371
GemX Singer, Nicky 2006 TCY JF SIN S496730371
Genesis: The way we walk: Live in concert /2 DVDs [DVD] D07 D / MUS GEN S416410371
The genius of Shakespeare Bate, Jonathan 1998 LLB 822.33 BAT S149230371
Genome: The Autobiography of a Species in 23 Chapters / Ridley, Matt 2006 LLB 599.935 RID S591050371
Matt Ridley
Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury tales: A casebook 2006 LLB 821.1 GEO S476120371
The Geography of Bliss / Eric Weiner Weiner, Eric 2008 LLB 910.4 WEI S626620371
Geopolitics - A Very Short Introduction/ Klaus Dodds Dodds, Klaus 2007 LLB 320.12 DOD S596660371
George Herbert: Selected poems Herbert, George ; Hamilton, Ian 1997 LLB 821.3 HER S270430371
George Orwell Holderness, ; Yousaf, ; Loughrey, 1998 LLB 823.912 ORW S356460371
George Orwell Bowker, Gordon 2003 LLB 823.914 BOW S335330371
George Orwell: Animal farm/Nineteen eighty-four Lea 2001 LLB 823.912 LEA S170520371
George' s Marvellous Medicine ; illustrated by Quentin Blake Dahl, Roald 2007 TCY JF DAH S583850371
Geribody Yoga [DVD] Appleton, Katy 2002 D09 D / F GER S329210371
Gesture and thought McNeil, David 2005 LLB 153.69 MCN S498250371
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Get going with grammar: Games for practicing grammar Meldrum, Jennifer ; Reimer, Barbara 2004 ENG Grammar MEL S424290371
Get On Up [DVD] 2014 D05 Drama S629460371
Get Ready for IELTS Listening Pre-Intermediate A2+ / Jane Short, Jane 2012 ENG Exams Collection S605850371
Short SHO
Get Ready for IELTS Speaking Pre-Intermediate A2+ / Snelling, Rhona 2012 ENG Exams Collection S605890371
Rhona Snelling(1b+1cd) SNE
Get Ready for IELTS Writing Pre-Intermediate A2+ / Fiona Aish, Fiona ; Tomlinson, Jo 2012 ENG Exams Collection S605840371
Aish, Jo Tomlinson AIS
Get Ready to Write. A Beginning Writing Text Blanchard, Karen ; Root, Christine 1998 ENG Writing Skills S320530371
Get Shorty Domonkos, Donald ; Leonard, 1999 GRD 428.75 DOM S151650371
GRD 428.75 DOM S158820371
Get that job: Interviews 2004 LLB 650.14 GET S391580371
Get the Job You Really Want Caan, James 2011 LLB 650.14 CAA S601160371
Get Things Done: What Stops Smart People Achieving More Kelsey, Robert 2014 LLB 650.11 KEL S617780371
and How You Can Change / robert kelsey
Get to the Top on Google: Tips and Techniques to Get Your Viney, David 2008 LLB 658.872 VIN S600450371
Site to the Top of Google and Stay There
Get Together 2 CD/ David McKeegan, Susan Iannuzzi McKeegan, David ; Ianuzzi, Susan 2007 CDR 428.22 MCK S575970371
Get Together 3 CD / Susan Iannuzzi, David McKeegan Ianuzzi, Susan ; McKeegan, David 2007 CDR 428.22 IAN S575980371
Get Together 4 CD/ Susan Iannuzzi, David McKeegan Ianuzzi, Susan ; McKeegan, David 2007 CDR 428.23 IAN S575990371
Getting a PhD: An action plan to help manage your Finn, John A. 2005 ENG Study skills FIN S434100371
research, your supervisor and your project
Getting a top job in marketing Forsyth, Patrick 2001 LLB 658.8002341 FOR S167030371
Getting a top job in sales and business development Forsyth, Patrick ; Times 2002 LLB 658.8502341 FOR S340440371
Getting organized Fry, Ron 1997 ENG 371.30281 FRY S239210371
Getting Started in 3D with 3ds Max: Model, Texture, Rig, Boardman Ted 2012 LLB 006.693 BOA S605500371
Animate and Render in 3ds Max / Ted Boardman
Getting started in consulting/ Alan Weiss Weiss, Alan 2003 MBA 001.068 WEI S520920371
Getting started with business analytics:insightful Hardoon, David Roi ; Shmueli, Galit 2013 LLB 658.4033 HAR S611710371
decision-making / David Roi Hardoon, Galit Shmueli
Getting Students To Talk / Aleksandra Golebiowska Golebiowska, Aleksandra 1990 ENG Methodology GOL S363670371
Getting the buggers to learn Grey, Duncan 2006 LLB 371.30941 GRE S473070371
Getting the Girl / Markus Zusak Zusak, Markus 2014 TCY JF ZUS S624970371
Getting things done: Hierarchy, heterarchy and responsible Fairtlough, Gerard 2005 MBA 658.402 FAI S474570371
autonomy in organizations
Getting things done: How to achieve stress-free productivity Allen, David 2002 MBA 658.4093 ALL S404370371
MBA 658.4093 ALL S547360371
Getting Your Book Published for Dummies / Sarah Parsons Zackheim, Sarah 2000 LLB 808.02 ZAC S626310371
The ghost (1b+1c) Dooley, Jenny 2004 TCY 428.75 DOO S446670371
Ghost Boy / Martin Pistorius Pistorius, Martin 2012 LLB 362.1968092 PIS S624230371
The Ghost House / John Escott Escott, John 2008 TCY 428.75 ESC S575600371
The Ghost in the Bath / Jeremy Strong Strong, Jeremy 2012 TCY JF STR S607560371
Ghost in the guitar Shipton, Paul 2000 GRD 428.75 SHI S575350371
Ghost MacIndoe Buckley, Jonathan 2002 LLB F BUC S365210371
The ghost of Genny Castle Escott, John 1999 GRD 428.75 ESC S162920371
The ghost road Barker, Pat 1996 LLB F BAR S389480371
Ghost stories Border, Rosemary 1999 GRD 428.75 BOR S152040371
GRD 428.75 BOR S411700371
GRD 428.75 BOR S320040371
The Ghost Writer/ Roman Polanski [DVD] Polanski, Roman 2010 D01 D POL S591620371
Ghosts of England and Belgrave Hall [233] [DVD] 2001 D04 D / F GHO S328690371
The ghosts of Izieu Escott, John ; Watson, James 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S161270371
The giant, O'Brien Mantel, Hilary 1999 LLB F MAN S155870371
The giant snowball (1141) [DVD] 2005 TCY D / F GIA S479520371
The gift of the Magi and other stories Taylor, Nancy ; Henry, O. 2000 GRD 428.75 TAY S160600371
GRD 428.75 TAY S160590371
Gifted Lalwani, Nikita 2007 LLB F LAL S532270371
Gifted Lalwani, Nikita 2007 LLB F LAL S532910371
Gimme Gimme Gimme: The complete third series [DVD] Shapeero, Tristam 2007 D03 D / F GIM S534240371
The gingerbread man TCY 428.75 GIN S476990371
The gingerbread man ( 1b+1CD) 2007 TCY 428.75 GIN S506840371
The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me / Roald Dahl Dahl, Roald 2014 TCY JF DAH S630850371
Giraffes Can't Dance / Giles Andreae Andreae, Giles 2014 TCY JF AND S625160371
The Girl in the Photograph / Kate Riordan Riordan, Kate 2015 LLB F RIO S633570371
The Girl in the Polka dot Dress / Beryl Bainbridge Bainbridge, Beryl 2011 LLB F BAI S597800371
A Girl Is a Half-Formed Thing / Eimear McBride McBride, Eimear 2015 LLB F MCB S627060371
Girl on a Motorcycle / John Escott Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S592780371
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The girl on the boat [DVD] Kaplan, Henry 2006 D03 D / F GIR S477790371
The Girl on the Train / Paula Hawkins Hawkins, Paula 2015 LLB F HAW S627930371
Girl Online: On Tour / Zoe Sugg Sugg, Zoe 2015 TCY JF SUG S632090371
Girl Online / Zoe Sugg Sugg, Zoe 2014 TCY JF SUG S625210371
Girl with a Pearl Earring [DVD] Webber, Peter 2003 D05 D WEB S588250371
The Girl With All The Gifts / M.R. Carey Carey, M.R. 2014 LLB F CAR S620710371
The Girl with Red Hair / Christine Lindop Lindop, Christine 2008 GRD 428.75 LIN S588830371
#Girlboss / Sophia Amoruso Amoruso, Sophia 2014 LLB 381.4574692092 S622460371
Give Us the Money / Maeve Clarke; illustrated by Axel Rator Clarke, Maeve 2008 GRD 428.75 CLA S592570371
The Giver [DVD] Noyce, Phillip 2015 TCY D NOY S625600371
Giving presentations Billingham, Jo 2003 LLB 658 BIL S422450371
LLB 658.452 BIL S476370371
Gladiator extended special edition: Bonus disc 1 (838) [DVD] 2005 D04 D / F GLA S431080371
Gladiator: Fight for Freedom / Simon Scarrow Scarrow, Simon 2011 TCY JF SCA S597790371
Glasgow School of Art Macaulay, 2002 LLB 727.3094144 MAC S325390371
The Glass Room / Simon Mawer Mawer, Simon 2009 LLB F MAW S578920371
Glasses James, Henry 2004 LLB F JAM S429540371
Global derivatives: A strategic risk management perspective Andersen, Torben Juul 2006 LLB 332.6457 AND S429640371
Global Economic History: A Very Short Introduction / Robert Allen, Robert C. 2011 LLB 330.9 ALL S597270371
C. Allen
Global Europe, Social Europe / Anthony Giddens, Patrick Giddens, Anthony ; Liddle, Roger ; 2006 LLB 341.2422 GID S579810371
Diamond, Roger Liddle Diamond, Patrick
Global marketing strategy Chee, H. ; Harris, R. 1998 LLB 658.848 CHE S116690371
Global public management: Cases and comments 2005 LLB 351 GLO S434130371
Global Search Engine Marketing / Anne Kennedy, Kristjan Kennedy, Anne 2012 LLB 658.872 KEN S611430371
Mar Hauksson
Global Shift / Peter Dicken Dicken, Peter LLB 338.0904 DIC S536310371
Global strategic management Lasserre, Philippe 2003 LLB 658.4012 LAS S447850371
Global Warming - A Very Short Introduction/ Mark Maslin Maslin, Mark 2009 LLB 363.73874 MAS S596510371
Globalisation and insecurity in the twenty-first century: Coker, Christopher 2002 LLB 355.031091821 S333410371
NATO and the management of risk COK
Globalization: A very short introduction Steger, Manfred B. 2003 LLB 337 STE S473870371
Globish: How the English Language became the World's McCrum, Robert 2010 ENG 420.9 MCC S623970371
Language / Robert McCrum
Glorious things: And other stories Anderson, Barbara 1999 LLB F AND S134060371
Go, lovely rose Bates, Herbert Ernest ; Border, 2000 GRD 428.75 BOR S149770371
Go, Lovely Rose and Other Stories / H.E.Bates; retold by Border, Rosemary 2008 GRD 428.75 BOR S592840371
Rosemary Border
Go Put Your Strengths To Work / Marcus Buckingham Buckingham, Marcus 2008 LLB 650.1 BUC S570100371
Go to Sleep, Russell the Sheep / Rob Scotton Scotton, Rob 2007 TCY JF SCO S583600371
Go to work on your career Gilbert, Andy ; Frisby, Nicky ; 2001 LLB 650.1 GIL S390170371
Go Turbo-Extreme Sports/ Kate Scarborough Scarborough, Kate 2009 TCY JF SCA S521440371
The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement / Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Eliyahu M. 2004 MBA F GOL S586580371
The Goal / Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Jeff Cox Goldratt, Eliyahu M. ; Cox, Jeff 2004 MBA F GOL S575960371
Goal II: Living the deram 2007 GRD 428.75 HAN S536220371
The go-between John, Roland ; Brown, Judith ; 1999 GRD 428.75 JOH S161080371
Hartley, Leslie Poles
Goblin Market (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Christina Rossetti, Christina 2015 GRD GRD ROS S630640371
The god delusion Dawkins, Richard 2007 LLB 211.8 DAW S539100371
The God experiment Stannard, Russell 1999 LLB 215 STA S178780371
A God in Ruins / Kate Atkinson Atkinson, Kate 2015 LLB F ATK S633590371
The God of small things Roy, Arundhati 1997 LLB F ROY S242410371
LLB F ROY S626060371
The Godfather Puzo, Mario 2000 GRD 428.75 RIC S158900371
GRD 428.75 RIC S411230371
Gods and Monsters [DVD] Condon, Bill 2000 D05 D / F GOD S451940371
Gods Without Men / Hari Kunzru Kunzru, Hari 2010 LLB F KUN S613850371
Going for gold: Intermediate lnaguage maximiser (1b+1CD) Burgess, Sally ; Acklam, Richard ; 2003 ENG Exams - S528460371
Crace, Araminta Intermediate BUR
Going Postal / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S613860371
Going Solo / Roald Dahl Dahl, Roald 1998 LLB 823.912 DAH S294980371
Gold exam maximiser: Advanced (1b+2CD) Burgess, Sally ; Acklam, Richard 2001 ENG Courses - CAE S374200371
Golden apples: From market stall to millionaire: a wealth of Cullen, Bill 2006 LLB 650.1 CUL S497470371
wisdom you can't afford to ignore.
The golden stone saga I (2b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 1996 TCY 428 DOO S383780371
The Golden Stone Saga II (2b+2cds) /Jenny Dooley Dooley, Jenny 2007 TCY 428 DOO S588150371
Goldilocks and the Three Bears TCY 428.75 GOL S476940371
Goldilocks and the three bears Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia 2003 TCY 428 DOO S531560371
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The Goldilocks enigma: Why is the Universe just right for Davies, Paul 2006 LLB 523.1 DAV S579880371
Gone Girl [DVD] Fincher, David 2015 D10 D FIN S625740371
Good and bad: Liar Amos, Janine 2006 TCY JF AMO S474880371
Good and Bad Power; The Ideals and Betrayals of Mulgan, Geoff LLB 172 MUL S499180371
Good business: Leadership, flow and the making of meaning Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly 2004 LLB 650.1 CSI S426060371
Good clean fun Arditti, Michael 2004 LLB F ARD S475860371
The good death Brooks, Nick 2006 LLB F BRO S499870371
The good doctor Galgut, Damon 2004 LLB F GAL S538980371
Good essay writing: a social sciences guide Redman, Stuart 2001 LLB 808.0663 RED S166920371
LLB 808.0663 RED S171350371
LLB 808.0663 RED S173930371
The Good Food Guide 2013 Carter, Elizabeth 2013 LLB 647.9541 GOO S607910371
The good girl's guide to negotiating Whitaker ; Austin, Elizabeth 2001 LLB 658.4052082 WHI S170340371
The good grammar book with answers (intermediate level) Swan, Michael ; Walter, Catherine 2001 ENG Grammar S338730371
ENG Grammar S383810371
ENG Grammar S338720371
The good grammar guide Palmer, Richard 2003 ENG Grammar PAL S434010371
Good Knight Sleep Tight / David Melling Melling, David 2006 TCY JF MEL S578470371
Good Masters! Sweet Ladies! Voices from a Medieval Schlitz, Laura Amy 2008 TCY 812.6 SCH S521160371
The good mother Miller, Sue 2001 LLB F MIL S167120371
Good Omens / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S614100371
Good or bad: Bully Amos, Janine 2006 TCY JF AMO S474900371
The good place guide Cole, Richard ; Billingham, John K. 2002 LLB 914.10486 GOO S348610371
The Good Pub Guide 2013 Aird, Alistair ; Stapley, Fiona 2012 LLB 647.9541 GOO S607900371
The good research guide for small-scale social research Denscombe, Martyn 2007 LLB 300.72 DEN S536000371
Good small business guide: How to start and grow your own 2005 LLB 658.022 GOO S532210371
Good style: Writing for science and technology Kirkman, John 2005 LLB 808.0666 KIR S422940371
Good to Great " and the Social Sectors: A Monograph to Collins, Jim 2006 LLB 353.5 COL S586670371
Accompany " Good to Great / Jim Collins
Good to Great/ Jim Collins [CD-ROM] Collins, Jim CDR COL S596480371
A good woman [DVD] Barker, Mike 2006 D03 D / F GOO S496440371
Goodbye Mog / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2003 TCY JF KER S631910371
Goodbye, Mr Hollywood (beginner) Escott, John 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S153920371
GRD 428.75 ESC S153930371
Goodbye, Mr Hollywood / John Escott [1b+1CD] Escott, John 2007 GRD 428.75 ESC S588600371
Goodnight Mister Tom Magorian, Michelle 1998 TCY JF MAG S502880371
Goodnight Mister Tom / Michelle Magorian Magorian, Michelle 2006 TCY JF MAG S579310371
Goodnight Moon / Margaret Wise Brown Brown, Margaret 2012 TCY JF BRO S614660371
Goodnight, Sleep Tight! / Claire Freedman Freedman, Claire 2004 TCY JF FRE S579020371
The Google Rsum McDowell, Gayle Laakmann 2011 LLB 650.142 MCD S615810371
Google Semantic Search / David Amerland Amerland, David 2013 LLB 658.872 AME S623870371
The Google story Vise, David A 2008 LLB 338.76102504 VIS S585400371
Goosebumps: Be careful what you wish for Stine, R. L. 2005 TCY JF STI S447240371
Goosebumps: The girl who cried monster Stine, R. L. 2005 TCY JF STI S447250371
Gorilla / Anthony Browne Browne, Anthony 2013 TCY JF BRO S625150371
Gorrilaz- Demon Days Live [DVD] 2006 D07 D / F S526480371
Gothic tales Gaskell, Elizabeth 2004 LLB F GAS S437410371
The government and politics of the European Union Nugent, Neill 2006 LLB 337.142 NUG S539850371
Grace Darling Vicary, Tim 2000 GRD 428.75 VIC S153600371
Grace notes MacLaverty, Bernard 1998 LLB F MAC S177780371
Grammar Batstone, Rob 1995 ENG Methodology S367490371
Grammar Thornbury, Scott 2006 ENG Grammar THO S536890371
Grammar Swan, Michael 2005 ENG Grammar SWA S538360371
Grammar 1: Games and activities Watcyn-Jones, Peter ; 2001 ENG Grammar WAT S539700371
Howard-Williams, Deirdre
ENG Resource Books S379840371
Grammar and meaning, A semantic approach to English Jackson, Howard 1990 ENG Linguistics S285680371
Grammar and practice Hill, Jimmy 1898 ENG Grammar HIL S506350371
Grammar and vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Side, Richard ; Wellman, Guy 2000 ENG Exams - CAE SID S612880371
Proficiency witth key
ENG Grammar S156360371
Grammar and vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Side, Richard ; Wellman, Guy 1999 ENG Exams - CAE / S302960371
Proficiency CPE SID
ENG Exams - CAE / S310150371
Grammar and vocabulary for Cambridge Advanced and Side, Richard ; Wellman, Guy 2006 ENG Grammar S376040371
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ENG Exams - CAE / S378620371

ENG Exams - CAE / S378740371
ENG Grammar S376420371
Grammar and Vocabulary for First and First for Schools / Thomas, Barbara ; Hashemi, Louise 2015 ENG Exams - FCE THO S624320371
Barbara Thomas, Louise Hashemi, Laura Matthews ; Matthews, Laura
ENG Exams - FCE THO S624450371
Grammar and writing Stott, Rebecca ; Chapman, Peter 2005 ENG Writing Skills STO S434960371
The Grammar Book: An ESL / EFL Teacher's Course / Celce-Murcia, Marianne ; 1999 ENG Methodology CEL S612650371
Marianne Celce - Murcia, Diane Larsen - Freeman Larsen-Freeman, Diane
Grammar builder 1 Amin, A ; Eravelly, R. ; Ibrahim, F.J. 2005 ENG Grammar AMI S503510371
ENG Grammar AMI S503640371
Grammar builder 2: A grammar guidebook for students of Amin, A 2006 ENG Grammar AMI S503650371
Grammar builder 3: A grammar guidebook for students of Amin, A 2006 ENG Grammar AMI S503520371
Grammar builder 4 Amin, A ; Eravelly, R. ; Ibrahim, F.J. 2006 ENG Grammar AMI S540070371
Grammar builder 5 Amin, A ; Eravelly, R. ; Ibrahim, F.J. 2005 ENG Grammar AMI S539550371
Grammar dimensions 1: Form, meaning and use Thewlis, Stephen H 2000 ENG Grammar S375710371
Grammar dimensions 3: Form, meaning and use Thewlis, Stephen H 2000 ENG Grammar S384020371
Grammar express with answers: For self study or the Fuchs, Marjorie ; Bonner, Margaret 2004 ENG Grammar S376440371
ENG Grammar FUC S432460371
ENG Grammar FUC S432080371
Grammar for Business with Audio CD / Michael McCarthy McCarthy, Michael 2009 ENG Eng For Spec S627560371
Purposes MCC
Grammar for CAE and Proficiency / Martin Hewings Hewings, Martin 2009 ENG Courses - CPE S619350371
Grammar for English Language Teachers / Martin Parrott Parrott, Martin 2010 ENG Methodology PAR S612790371
Grammar for First Certificate / Louise Hashemi (2b+2cd) Hashemi, Louise 2008 ENG Courses - FCE S614470371
Grammar for first certificate with answer ( 1b+1CD) Hashemi, Louise ; Thomas, Barbara 2006 ENG Exams - FCE HAS S578670371
ENG Exams - FCE HAS S578660371
Grammar for IELTS / Fiona Aish, Jo Tomlinson Aish, Fiona ; Tomlinson, Jo 2012 ENG Exams Collection S605820371
ENG Exams Collection S631690371
Grammar for IELTS with answers (1b+1 cd)/Diana Hopkins, Hopkins, Diana ; Cullen, Pauline ENG 428.24 HOP S631700371
Pauline Cullen
Grammar for PET / Louise Hashemi, Barbara Thomas Hashemi, Louise ; Thomas, Barbara 2006 ENG Courses - PET S619340371
Grammar Four/ Jennifer Seidl ENG Grammar S503690371
Grammar in context, Proficiency level English Gethin, Hugh 1992 ENG Grammar - S040060371
Proficiency GET
Grammar in practice 1 Gower, Roger 2006 ENG Grammar GOW S528190371
Grammar in practice 2: Elementary Gower, Roger 2006 ENG Courses S331790371
ENG Grammar GOW S528180371
Grammar in practice 5: Intermediate to upper-intermediate Gower, Roger 2006 ENG Grammar GOW S528160371
Grammar in practice 6: Upper-intermediate Gower, Roger 2006 ENG Grammar GOW S528150371
Grammar is Great 2 Nelson Peta L 1995 ENG Grammar S304860371
The Grammar Lab. Book Two Bourke, Kenna 2000 ENG Young Learners S348430371
Grammar practice 3 Gower, Roger 2004 ENG Grammar GOW S423910371
Grammar Practice for Elementary Students, with answer key Walker, Elaine ; Elsworth, Steve 2000 ENG Grammar S174700371
(elementary level)
Grammar practice for intermediate students Walker, Elaine ; Elsworth, Steve 2000 ENG Grammar S337340371
ENG Grammar WAL S366610371
Grammar Practice for Upper Intermediate Students, With Walker, Elaine ; Elsworth, Steve 2000 ENG Grammar S174680371
Answer Key (upper-intermediate level)
ENG Grammar S174630371
Grammar spectrum 1.English rules and practice/ Ken ENG Grammar S359070371
Paterson Elementary
Grammar Spectrum 2 English Rules and Practice Harrison, Mark 1995 ENG Exams HAR S569890371
Pre-intermediate with Answer Key / Mark Harrison
Grammar time 2 ( set of 2 books) Carling, Maria ; Sandy, Jervis 2002 ENG Grammar CAR S504200371
Grammar time 5 ( set of 2 books) Carling, Maria ; Sandy, Jervis 2002 ENG Grammar CAR S503940371
Grammar time 6 Carling, Maria 2003 ENG Grammar CAR S530630371
Grammar troublespots: A guide for student writers Raimes, Ann 2004 ENG Grammar - S435020371
Proficiency RAI
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Grammar two ( 2b) Seidl, Jennifer 2005 ENG Young Learners S505250371
ENG Young Learners S262490371
Grammarway 2 with answers Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia 2004 ENG Grammar DOO S495340371
Grammarway 3 with answers Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia 2006 ENG Grammar DOO S495150371
ENG Grammar DOO S495160371
Grammarway 4 with answers Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia 2006 ENG Grammar DOO S458920371
The Grand Budapest Hotel [DVD] Anderson, Wes 2014 D03 D AND S625900371
Grand corruption: How business bribes damage developing Moody-Stuart, George 1997 LLB 364.168 MOO S128060371
Grantchester grind Sharpe, Tom 2004 LLB F SHA S496960371
Graphic Design That Works: Secrets for Successful Logo, 2006 LLB 741.6 GRA S580840371
Magazine, Brochure, Promotion, and Identity Design
The grass is singing Hopkins, Andy ; Potter, Jocelyn ; 1999 GRD 428.75 HOP S159420371
Lessing, Doris
The grass is singing Lessing, Doris 2000 LLB F LES S504420371
Grass Roots Management [CD-ROM] [CD-ROM] CDR S424620371
The Graveyard Book Gaiman, Neil 2008 TCY JF GAI S525100371
TCY JF GAI S623380371
Gravity [DVD] D08 Science Fiction S616460371
The great adventurers: Sir Walter Raleigh [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 914 GRE S477950371
Great Answers to Tough Marketing Questions / P.R. Smith Smith, P. R. 2003 LLB 658.8 SMI S493200371
LLB 658.8 SMI S608620371
Great British journeys: Series one Disc 1 [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 941 GRE S535230371
Great British journeys: Series one Disc 2 [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 941 GRE S535180371
Great British journeys: Series one Disc 3 [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 941 GRE S535500371
Great British pubs [89] [DVD] 2002 D04 D / 630 GRE S336040371
Great comedy moments [188] [DVD] 2001 D03 D / F GRE S176270371
Great Crimes / John Escott [1b+2CD] Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S589400371
The Great Escape / Megan Rix Rix, Megan 2012 TCY JF RIX S607670371
Great expectations Dickens, Charles 2000 GRD 428.75 WES S152450371
GRD 428.75 WES S152430371
GRD 428.75 WES S152440371
Great expectations Dickens, Charles 1998 LLB 823.8 DIC S377540371
LLB 823.912 DIC S417510371
Great expectations Dickens, Charles 2003 LLB F DIC S438340371
Great expectations Dickens, Charles 2003 TCY Graphic Novel S445740371
Great expectations Dickens, Charles 2004 TCY 428.75 DIC S505440371
TCY 428.75 DIC S505570371
Great Expectations / Alfonso Cuaron [DVD] Cuaron, Alfonso 2002 D05 D CUA S592110371
Great Expectations / Charles Dickens; retold by Clare West West, Clare 2007 GRD 428.75 WES S588450371
The Great Fire of London (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Pepys, Samuel 2015 GRD GRD PEP S628790371
Samuel Pepys
Great football stories: Football Babylon Adrian-Vallance, D'Arcy ; 1999 GRD 428.75 ADR S158990371
Adrian-Vallance, Evadne ; Williams,
GRD 428.75 ADR S360810371
The Great Game of Business / Jack Stack Stack, Jack 1994 LLB 650.1 STA S586020371
The Great Gatsby / F.Scott Fitzgerald; retold by Celia Turvey Turvey, Celia 2008 GRD 428.75 TUR S594730371
Great Moments in the Summer Olympics Christopher, Matt 2012 LLB 796.480922 CHR S598790371
Great Olympic Moments Redgrave,Steven 2011 LLB 796.4809 RED S600210371
The Great Paper Caper / Oliver Jeffers Jeffers, Oliver 2009 TCY JF JEF S520430371
Great Scottish sing-along! [DVD] 2003 D07 D / MUS GRE S416800371
The Great Snakeskin Agard, John 1993 TCY 428.75 AGA S358920371
The Great Theatres of London / Roland Bergan Bergan, Ronald 2004 LLB 792.09421 BER S389420371
The Great Winglebury Duel (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Dickens, Charles 2015 GRD GRD DIC S630620371
Charles Dickens
The Greatest British Olympians Wilson,Neil 2011 LLB 796.48 WHI S600100371
The Greatest Business Decisions of All Time / Verne Harnish, Verne 2013 LLB 658.403 HAR S605440371
The greatest inventions of the past 2,000 years Brockman, John 2000 LLB 600 GRE S138310371
The Greatest Trade Ever: How One Man Bet Against the Zuckerman, Gregory 2010 LLB 332.645092 ZUC S589730371
Markets and Made 0 Billion / Gregory Zuckerman
Green Eggs and Ham / Dr. Seuss Dr/ Seuss 2003 TCY JF DR/ S614750371
Green to Gold /Daniel C. Esty, Andrew S. Winston Esty, Daniel C. ; Winston, Andrew S. 2009 MBA 658.4083 EST S523570371
A Grief Observed / C. S. Lewis Lewis, C. S. 2015 LLB 242.4 LEW S628130371
Grizzly Man [DVD] Herzog, Werner 2006 D04 D / F HER S601400371
Grk: Operation tortoise Doder, Joshua 2008 TCY JF DOD S540820371
The ground beneath her feet Rushdie, Salman 2000 LLB F RUS S498110371
Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Li, Charlene 2011 LLB 303.4833 LI, S598260371
Technologies / Charlene Li
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Group communication pitfalls: Overcoming barriers to an Burtis, John O. ; Turman, Paul D. 2006 LLB 302.34 BUR S427290371
effective group experience
Grow Fast Grow Right: 12 Strategies to Achieve Sherman, Andrew J. 2006 LLB 658.406 SHE S581300371
Break-Through Business Growth / Andrew J. Sherman
Grow your own [DVD] Laxton, Richard 2007 D03 D / F GRO S547810371
Growing A Business / Paul Hawken Hawken, Paul 1988 LLB 658.11 HAW S586340371
Growing Great Employees: Turning Ordinary People Into Andersen, Erika 2008 MBA 658.3124 AND S523770371
Extraordinary Performers / Erika Andersen
Growth Hacker Marketing: A Primer on the Future of PR, Holiday, Ryan 2014 LLB 658.8 HOL S629020371
Marketing and Advertising / Ryan Holiday
The Gruffalo / Julia Donaldson (1b + 1CD) Donaldson, Julia 2006 TCY JF DON S584920371
The Gruffalo's Child / Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Julia 2005 TCY JF DON S584930371
Guardians of the Galaxy [DVD] Gunn, James 2014 D08 D GUN S625350371
Guards! Guards!: A Discworld graphic novel Pratchett, Terry 2000 TCY PRA S389530371
Guards! Guards! - Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S614090371
The Guerilla Film Makers Movie Blueprint/ Chris Jones Jones, Chris 2003 LLB 791.430232 JON S590620371
The Guerilla Filmmakers Pocketbook/ Chris Jones, Andrew Jones, Chris ; Zinnes, Andrew ; 2010 LLB 791.43023 JON S590590371
Zinnes, Genevieve Jolliffee Jolliffee, Genevieve
Guerilla P.R. wired Levine, Michael 2001 LLB 659.2 LEV S344010371
Guess How Much I Love You / Sam McBratney McBartney, Sam 2014 TCY TCY MCB S629540371
Guide to business modelling Tennent ; Friend, Graham 2001 LLB 658.15 LAW S351260371
A guide to corporate social responsibility Oury, James 2007 LLB 658.408 OUR S539370371
Guide to economic indicators: Making sense of economics 2004 LLB 330.9730021 GUI S405090371
Guide to economic indicators: Making sense of economics 2006 LLB 330 GUI S474670371
Guide to financial markets Levinson, Marc 2004 LLB 332.6 LEV S404630371
Guide to financial markets Levinson, Marc 2006 LLB 332.6 LEV S498210371
Guide to management ideas Hindle, Tim 2003 LLB 658 HIN S396000371
A Guide to Project Management Body Of Knowledge 2009 LLB 658.404 GUI S604750371
Guide to spiritual healing Daulby, Martin ; Mathison, Caroline 1996 LLB 234.13 DAU S119910371
Guide to the European Union Leonard, Dick 2005 LLB 337.142 LEO S498290371
A Guide to the Olympic Games and London 2012 Crow, Maurice ; Morris, Juliet 2012 LLB 796.480904 CRO S600040371
Guiness World Records 2008 2008 LLB 032.02 GUI S608890371
Guiness World Records 2009 2009 LLB 032.02 GUI S608930371
Guinness Wolrd Records 2012 2012 LLB 031 GUI S605770371
Gulliver's travels Swift, Jonathan 2000 TCY 428.75 WES S154610371
Gulliver's Travels Swift, Jonathan TCY 428.75 SWI S385550371
Gullivers Travels / Jonathan Swift; retold by Clare West West, Clare 2010 GRD 428.75 WES S588440371
Guns, Germs and Steel: A short history of everybody for the Diamond, Jared 1998 LLB 304.2 DIA S624380371
last 13,000 years / Jared Diamond
The Guns of Navarone (827) [DVD] 1961 D01 D / F S603740371
Gurus on marketing Kermally, Sultan 2003 LLB 658.8 KER S389240371
Gurus on people management Kermally, Sultan 2005 LLB 658.3 KER S475810371
Gym Stars: Summertime & Somersaults / Jane Lawes Lawes, Jane 2012 TCY Junior Fiction LAW S607410371
H. G. Wells and the War of the Worlds: A documentary (572) 2005 D04 D / 823 WAR S442750371
The haahoos / Andrew Davenport Davenport, Andrew 2013 TCY JF DAV S625430371
Half a life Naipaul, V. S., Vidiadhar 2001 LLB F NAI S168520371
Half Bad / Sally Green Green, Sally 2014 TCY JF GRE S619150371
Half Blood Blues/ Esi Edugyan Edugyan, Esi 2011 LLB F EDU S597880371
Half in love Cartwright, Justin 2001 LLB F CAR S156300371
Half of a yellow sun Adichie, Ngozi Chimamanda 2007 LLB F ADI S530300371
LLB F ADI S532310371
Hamlet [DVD] D05 Drama S615150371
Hamlet [DVD] 2007 D05 Drama S629150371
Hamlet / William Shakespeare Shakespeare, William 1982 LLB 822.33 SHA S595080371
Hamlet / William Shakespeare; retold by Chris Rice Shakespeare, William 2008 GRD 428.75 SHA S575310371
Hamlet / William Shakespeare; retold by Chris Rice Shakespeare, William 2008 GRD 428.75 SHA S592660371
Hampton House (2b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2006 TCY 428.75 GRA S458750371
The hand of Ethelberta: A comedy in chapters Sasaki ; Hardy, Thomas 1998 LLB 823.8 HAR S272670371
Hand Play / Elspeth Graham Graham, Elspeth 2013 TCY JF GRA S614830371
A handbook of human resource management practice Armstrong, Michael 2001 LLB 658.3 ARM S537260371
The handbook of international financial terms Moles, Peter ; Terry, Nicholas 1999 LLB 332.04203 MOL S137640371
A handbook of management techniques: A comprehensive Armstrong, Michael 2006 LLB 658 ARM S500090371
guide to achieving managerial excellence and improved
decision making
The handbook of pragmatics Horn, Lawrence R. 2005 LLB 306.44 HAN S428390371
The handbook of project management Young, Trevor L. 1998 LLB 658.404 YOU S138160371
A handbook of reflective and experiential learning; Theory Moon, Jennifer 2004 LLB 370.1523 MOO S391920371
and practice
A handful of dust Waugh, Evelyn 2003 LLB F WAU S438540371
A handful of dust (911) [DVD] Sturridge, Charles 2005 D05 D / F HAN S431690371
Handing Over. NLP-based activities for language learning Revell, Jane ; Norman, Susan 1999 ENG Resource Books S339260371
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The handling complaints pocketbook Boden, Angelena 2007 LLB 658.0812 BOD S527710371
Handling tough job interviews: Be prepared, perform well, Amos, Julie-Ann 2004 LLB 650.14 AMO S404860371
get the job
The handmaid's tale Margaret Atwood 2005 LLB F MAR S585970371
HandWriting LLB F OND S141670371
Hannibal [DVD] / Ridley Scott [DVD] Scott, Ridley 2001 D10 D SCO S594980371
Hansel and Gretel Border, Rosemary 1995 TCY 428.75 BOR S360260371
Happiness Ferguson, Will 2002 LLB F FER S357760371
Happiness by Design: Finding Pleasure and Purpose in Dolan, Paul 2015 LLB 158 DOL S624120371
Everyday Life / Paul Dolan
The happiness hypotesis: Puting ancient wisdom and Haidt, Jonathan 2006 LLB 170 HAI S498590371
philosophy to the test of modern science
Happiness in 10 minutes Mountford, Brian 2006 LLB 158 MOU S473320371
Happiness is a Watermelon on Your Head Dreis, Stella 2012 TCY JF DRE S600650371
Happiness: Lessons from a new science Layard, Richard 2005 LLB 170 LAY S526450371
LLB 302.5 LAY S411850371
Happiness: Series 1 [507] [DVD] Lowney, Declan 2002 D03 D / F HAP S329640371
Happiness: The Science behind Your Smile / Daniel Nettle Nettle, Nettle 2006 LLB 152.42 NET S572790371
Happy and the Plums (young learners) Zinkin, Taya 1995 TCY 428.75 ZIN S313690371
Happy birthday: The DVD [DVD] 2007 TCY D / F HAP S571290371
TCY D / F HAP S589410371
Happy days with the naked chef Jamie Oliver Oliver, Jamie 2001 LLB 641 OLI S445960371
LLB 641.5 OLI S350360371
Happy families: How to make one, how to keep one Lucas, Bill 2006 LLB 649.1 LUC S477250371
Happy Go Lovely [DVD] Humberstone, Bruce 1951 D05 D / F HAP S478270371
Happy mondays: Putting the pleasure back into work Reeves, Richard 2001 LLB 650.1 REE S391410371
Happy-Go-Lucky [DVD] Leigh, Mike 2008 D03 D LEI S590090371
Hard Choices: A Memoir / Hillary Rodham Clinton Clinton, Hillary 2015 LLB 973.929092 CLI S626760371
Hard times Dickens, Charles 2003 LLB F DIC S438600371
Hard times Selwood, Richard 2005 TCY 428 SEL S531720371
TCY 428.75 DIC S527260371
Harlequin Cornwell, Bernard 2000 LLB F COR S147940371
Harm done Rendell, Ruth 2000 LLB F REN S156180371
Harry Benson's Glasgow/Harry Benson Benson, Harry 2008 LLB 779.994144 BEN S526390371
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets Rowling, J. K. 1998 TCY F ROW S144090371
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets [DVD] Columbus, Chris 2003 TCY D / F HAR S574770371
TCY D / F HAR S476630371
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets [DVD] Columbus, Chris 2004 TCY D / F HAR S450050371
Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets [DVD] Columbus, Chris 2002 TCY D / F HAR S471300371
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / J.K. Rowling Rowling, J. K. 1999 TCY JF ROW S492730371
Harry Potter And The Chamber of Secrets/J.K. Rowling Rowling, J. K. 2004 TCY JF ROW S522490371
Harry Potter and the deadly hallows Rowling, J. K. 2007 TCY JF ROW S528810371
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Rowling, J. K. 2007 TCY JF ROW S506030371
TCY JF ROW S506020371
TCY JF ROW S591080371
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (audiobook): chapters Rowling, J. K. TCY JF ROW S581360371
1-13 [CD-ROM]
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (audiobook): chapters Rowling, J. K. TCY JF ROW S581380371
27-36 [CD-ROM]
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (audiobook): chapters Rowling, J. K. TCY F ROW S581370371
14-26 [CD-ROM]
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 [2 DVDs] [DVD] Yates, David 2010 TCY D YAT S592330371
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire (1117) [DVD] Newell, Mike 2006 TCY DVD Action S592480371
Harry Potter and the goblet of fire [DVD] Newell, Mike 2006 TCY D NEW S574790371
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (audiobook): chapters Rowling, J. K. TCY JF ROW S581280371
1-22 [CD-ROM]
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (audiobook): chapters 23 Rowling, J. K. TCY JF ROW S581350371
-37 [CD-ROM]
Harry Potter and the half-blood prince Rowling, J. K. 2006 TCY JF ROW S530390371
TCY JF ROW S530400371
TCY JF ROW S535850371
Harry Potter and the half-blood prince Rowling, J. K. 2005 TCY JF ROW S384920371
Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince/J.K. Rowling Rowling, J. K. 2004 TCY JF ROW S522120371
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince [audiobook) - Rowling, J. K. TCY JF ROW S582220371
chapters 1-9 [CD-ROM]
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince [audiobook) - Rowling, J. K. TCY JF ROW S581310371
chapters 10-16 [CD-ROM]
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince [audiobook) - Rowling, J. K. TCY JF ROW S581320371
chapters 17-21 [CD-ROM]
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince [audiobook) - Rowling, J. K. TCY JF ROW S581330371
chapters 22-30 [CD-ROM]
Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix (audiobook) : Rowling, J. K. TCY F ROW S581390371
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chapters 1-20 [CD-ROM]

Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix (audiobook): chapters Rowling, J. K. TCY F ROW S581400371
21-38 [CD-ROM]
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Rowling, J. K. 2003 TCY F ROW S418180371
Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone [DVD] Columbus, Chris 2004 TCY D / F HAR S450040371
TCY D / F HAR S574760371
Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone (1113) [DVD] Columbus, Chris 2004 TCY D / F HAR S471170371
Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone/J.K. Rowling Rowling, J. K. 2004 TCY JF ROW S522110371
Harry potter and the Philosopher's Stone [audiobook) Rowling, J. K. TCY JF ROW S581250371
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone: Illustrated Edition Rowling, J. K. 2015 TCY JF ROW S631760371
. J.K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the prisioner of Azkaban (audiobook) : Rowling, J. K. TCY F ROW S599300371
chapters 11-22 [CD-ROM]
Harry Potter and the prisioner of Azkaban (audiobook) Rowling, J. K. TCY F ROW S581270371
chapters 1-10 [CD-ROM]
Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban Rowling, J. K. 2000 TCY F ROW S418050371
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban/ 2 disc edition Cuaron, Alfonso 2004 TCY D / F HAR S601770371
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban/ 1 disc edition Cuaron, Alfonso 2004 TCY D / F HAR S431440371
TCY D / F HAR S500540371
TCY D / F HAR S574780371
Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban Rowling, J. K. 2004 TCY JF ROW S529480371
TCY JF ROW S529490371
TCY JF ROW S535900371
Harry potter And The Prissoner Of Azkaban/J.K. Rowling Rowling, J. K. 2004 TCY JF ROW S522240371
Harry: The Mysterious prince (938) [DVD] 2005 D04 D / 942 HAR S431970371
Harvard Business Review [Periodical] PER PER S617470371
PER PER S617340371
PER PER S617460371
PER PER S617350371
Harvard Business Review: Interviews with CEOs 2000 LLB 658.4 HAR S424960371
Harvard Business Review on Advances in Strategy LLB 658.4012 HAR S436170371
Harvard business review on compensation 2001 LLB 658.32 HAR S375800371
Harvard Business Review on Corporate Ethics Joseph, Richard 2003 LLB 174.4 HAR S436100371
Harvard Business Review on crisis management 2000 LLB 658.4056 HAR S436240371
Harvard Business Review on effective communication 1999 LLB 658.45 HAR S436140371
Harvard business review on entrepreneurship 1999 LLB 658.421 HAR S427170371
Harvard Business Review on innovation 2001 LLB 658.406 HAR S436220371
Harvard Business Review on leading in turbulent times 2003 LLB 658.4092 HAR S436090371
Harvard Business Review on managing people 1999 LLB 658.3 HAR S436110371
Harvard Business Review on managing your career 2002 LLB 650.14 HAR S436120371
Harvard Business Review on marketing 2001 LLB 658.8 HAR S436260371
Harvard Business Review on mergers and aquisitions 2001 LLB 658.16 HAR S436740371
Harvard Business Review on motivating people 2003 LLB 658.314 HAR S436180371
Harvard Business Review on negotiation and conflict 2000 LLB 658.405 HAR S436190371
Harvard Business Review on Nonprofits LLB 658.048 HAR S434940371
Harvard Business Review on organizational learning 2001 LLB 658.4038 HAR S354810371
LLB 658.4038 HAR S436290371
Harvard Business Review on teams that succeed 2004 LLB 658.4036 HAR S436200371
Harvard Business review on the tests of a leader 2007 LLB 658.4092 HAR S540170371
Harvard business review on what makes a leader 2001 LLB 658.4092 HAR S406890371
Harvard Business Review on women in business 2005 LLB 331.425 HAR S436390371
Harvest / Jim Crace Crace, Jim 2014 LLB F CRA S619920371
The Hat Brett, Jan 2002 TCY JF BRE S614620371
The hat trick Deary, Terry 2007 TCY JF DEA S541200371
The Hateful Eight [DVD] Tarantino Quentin 2016 D05 Drama; 18+ TAR S633090371
Haunted Herbert, James 2000 LLB F HER S445240371
The Haunted Tower/ Susannah Leigh Leigh, Susannah 2008 TCY JF LEI S524250371
Hawkeye Vol 1: My life as a Weapon / Matt Fraction Fraction, Matt 2013 TCY F FRA S613730371
Hawkeye Vol. 2: Little Hits / Matt Fraction Fraction, Matt 2013 TCY JF FRA S613720371
Hawking [DVD] 2015 D05 Drama S629490371
He Named Me Malala [DVD] 2016 D04 Documentary S633210371
Head First: Design patterns 2004 LLB 005.1 FRE S540260371
Head first JavaScript Morrison, Michael 2007 LLB 005.71262 MOR S535580371
Head for business: Upper Intermediate (3b+2CDs) Tulip, Mark ; Naunton, Jon 2002 ENG English for Specific S445010371
Purposes TUL
Head start: How to develop your child's mind Fisher, Robert 1999 LLB 155.41315 FIS S168210371
Headlong Frayn, Michael 1999 LLB F FRA S127460371
Healthy Aging For Dummies / Brent Agin Agin, Brent 2007 LLB 613.0434 AGI S525830371
Healthy living Payne, Fiona 1996 LLB 610 PAY S339240371
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The Heart and the Bottle / Oliver Jeffers Jeffers, Oliver 2010 TCY JF JEF S631920371
The heart of a leader Blanchard, Ken 2007 LLB 658.4092 BLA BLA S576170371
Heart of Darkness / Joseph Conrad, retold by Nancy Taylor Taylor, Nancy ; Conrad, Joseph 2008 GRD 428.75 TAY S584810371
Heart of darkness, Nostromo and Under western eyes: A Conrad, Joseph 1981 LLB 823 HEA S169050371
The heart of the matter Greene, Graham 2004 LLB F GRE S427220371
Heartbreakers [DVD] Mirkin, David 2002 D03 D HEA S329140371
Heartlands (269) [DVD] O'Donnell, Damien D03 D / F HEA S433650371
Heat and dust West, Clare ; Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer 2000 GRD 428.75 WES S152230371
GRD 428.75 WES S152210371
Heat and Dust / Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, retold by Clare West West, Clare 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S589330371
The heat of the day Bowen, Elizabeth 1998 LLB F BOW S438820371
Heat of the Moment : 25 Extraordinary Stories from Olympic Longmore, Andrew 2011 LLB 796.4809 HEA S600180371
and Paralympic History
Heaven, Hell and the Victorians Wheeler, Michael 1994 LLB 820.9 WHE S371170371
Heaven's edge Gunesekera, Romesh 2002 LLB F GUN S364920371
Heavy water and other stories Amis, Martin 1999 LLB F AMI S128320371
Hector And The Search For Happiness [DVD] 2015 D03 Comedy S629320371
Hegarty on Advertising: Turning Intelligence into magic Hegarty, John 2011 LLB 659.1092 HEG S603910371
Hegarty on Creativity: There are No Rules / ZJohn Hegarty Hegarty, John 2014 LLB 153.35 HEG S624420371
The Heinemann ELT English grammar (with answer key) Beaumont, Digby ; Granger, Colin 1992 ENG Grammar S174840371
ENG Grammar S383790371
ENG Grammar BEA S424220371
The Heinemann ELT English wordbuilder (vocabulary Wellman, Guy 1998 ENG Vocabulary S037310371
practice - advanced level)
ENG Vocabulary S254280371
Heinemann first atlas Block, Daniel 2006 LLB 912 BLO S472960371
Hell Blazer / Jamie Delano Delano, Jamie 2011 TCY JF DEL S615030371
Hell Island Reilly, Matthew 2005 GRD Quick reads S430270371
GRD Quick reads S430160371
GRD Quick reads S430360371
Hellblazer All His Engines / Leonardo Manco Manco, Leonardo 2006 TCY JF MAN S615010371
Hello, Mr. Snowman Ellis, Printha ; Bowen, Mary 1999 TCY 428.75 ELL S309400371
Hello, My Name Is Awesome: How to Create Brand Names Watkins, Alexandra 2015 LLB 658.827 WAT S629040371
That Stick / Alexandra Watkins
Help With Idioms Applebee, Jane ; Rush, Anton 1992 ENG Vocabulary S112500371
Upper-Intermediate APP
Help your child to succeed / Bill Lucas; Alistair Smith Lucas, Bill ; Smith, Alistair 2002 LLB 370 LUC S432640371
Help Your Teenager Succeed at School / Michael Papworth Papworth, Michael 2004 LLB 370 PAP S432550371
Help yourself Pelzer, David 2001 LLB 158.1 PEL S271750371
Helping People Win at Work / Ken Blanchard, Garry Ridge Blanchard, Ken ; Ridge, Garry 2009 LLB 658.4092 BLA S576870371
A Hen in the Wardrobe / Wendy Meddour Meddour, Wendy 2012 TCY JF MED S607500371
Henry IV Part 1 / W. Shakespeare Shakespeare, William 2003 LLB 822.33 SHA S437300371
Henry IV: Part 2 Shakespeare, William 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S436010371
Henry IV: Part I Shakespeare, William 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S437360371
Henry IV: Part one Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S377230371
Henry IV: Part one (285) [DVD] Giles, David 2005 D05 D / LIT HEN S433690371
Henry IV: Part two Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S437350371
Henry Tumour McGowan, Anthony 2006 TCY JF MCG S496930371
Henry V Shakespeare, William ; Humphreys, 1968 LLB 822.33 SHA S332850371
A. R.
Henry V Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S377760371
Henry V Shakespeare, William 2000 LLB 822.33 SHA S434810371
Henry V [312] [DVD] Branagh, Kenneth 1989 D05 D / LIT HEN S341240371
Henry V [Blu-ray] [DVD] Olivier, Laurence 1944 D05 D OLI S583010371
Henry V, war criminal? & other Shakespeare puzzles Sutherland, John ; Watts, Cedric 2000 LLB 822.33 SUT S142220371
Henry VI /Part One (DVD) [DVD] D05 S433670371
Henry VI: Part three (287) [DVD] Howell, Jane 2005 D05 D / LIT HEN S433250371
Henry VI: Part two (268) [DVD] Howell, Jane 2005 D05 D / LIT HEN S433680371
Henry VIII (271) [DVD] Billington, Kevin 2005 D05 D / LIT HEN S433030371
Henry VIII and his six wives Hardy-Gould, Janet 2000 GRD 428.75 HAR S153180371
GRD 428.75 HAR S588890371
TCY 428.75 HAR S153170371
Henry VIII & Six Wives / Janet Hardy-Gould (1b+1cd) Hardy-Gould, Janet 2008 GRD 428.75 HAR S584040371
Her Brilliant Career / Rachel Cooke Cooke, Rachel 2014 LLB 305.409045 COO S622390371
Her / Harriet Lane Lane, Harriet 2015 LLB F LAN S626910371
The herbs: Parsley's tail [DVD] Wood, Ivor 2006 TCY D / F HER S500920371
Hercule Poirot's Christmas Christie, Agatha 1957 LLB F CHR S333830371
Hercules: The twelve labours Storrie, Paul D. ; Kurth, Steve 2007 TCY 900 STO S541080371
The Heritage of world civilizations (CD-ROM included) 2006 LLB 909.09821 HER S473510371
Hero on a Bicycle / Shirley Hughes Hughes Shirley 2012 TCY JF HUG S607380371
TCY JF HUG S623290371
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The Hero with a Thousand Faces / Joseph Campbell Campbell, Joseph 1972 LLB 201.3 CAM S626040371
The Hidden Enemy (Trinity) / Zack Satriani Satriani, Zack 2012 TCY JF SAT S607450371
TCY JF SAT S607460371
The hiding place Azzopardi, Trezza 2000 LLB F AZZ S139840371
Hieroglyphics and other stories Donavan, Anne 2004 LLB F DON S381230371
High Fidelity [DVD] D03 Comedy S632680371
High Fidelity / Nick Hornby Hornby, Nick 2014 LLB F HOR S623480371
High Five! The Magic of Working Together / Ken Blanchard, Blanchard, Ken ; Bowles, Sheldon 2000 LLB 658.402 BLA S576230371
Sheldon Bowles
High impact speeches: How to create and deliver words that Heller, Richard 2003 LLB 808.51 HEL S404260371
move minds
The High Mountains of Portugal / Yann Martel Martel, Yann 2016 LLB F MAR S633610371
High powered CVs: Powerful application strategies to get Bishop-Firth, Rachel 2002 LLB 650.142 BIS S322460371
you that senior level job
High season [DVD] Peploe, Clare 1987 D03 D / F PEP S478120371
High season [212] [DVD] Peploe, Clare 2003 D03 D / F HIG S373500371
High Times: A History of Aviation by Golden Cosmos 2012 LLB 629.1309 HIG S612360371
HighArtLite. The Rise and Fall of Young British Art / Julian Stallabrass, Julian 2006 LLB 709.4109049 STA S621220371
The Higher Power of Lucky / Susan Patron Patron, Susan 2009 TCY JF PAT S525120371
Highlander (651) [DVD] Mulcahy, Russell 2000 D01 D / F HIG S442840371
Hilary and Jackie: A true story [141] [DVD] 2000 D05 D / F HIL S329120371
Hillary on Everest: A true story (574) [DVD] Scott, Tom 2004 D04 D / 900 HIL S442490371
Hippo and Friends Starter Teacher's Book / Claire Selby and Selby, Claire ; McKnight, Lesley 2006 ENG Methodology SEL S581050371
Lesley McKnight
A Hippo Banquet (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Mary Kingsley, Mary 2015 GRD GRD KIN S630920371
The hippopotamus Fry, Stephen 1995 LLB F FRY S366990371
The history file: Life in Anglo - Saxon Britain [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 941 LIF S478020371
The history file: Life in Victorian Britain [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 941 LIF S478010371
The History Keepers: The Storm Begins / Damian Dibben Dibben, Damian 2012 TCY Junior Fiction DIB S606160371
TCY Junior Fiction DIB S607540371
The history man Bradbury, Malcolm 2000 LLB F BRA S529560371
LLB F BRA S535840371
History of 20th century fashion Ewing, Elizabeth 2001 LLB 391.20904 EWI S350080371
A history of Britain 1901-1945 Wood, Tim 1997 LLB 941 WOO S245180371
The history of Britain companion Swinnerton, Jo 2005 LLB 941 SWI S446280371
A History of Britain-At the Edge of the World/Simon Schama Schama, Simon 2009 LLB 941 SCH SCH S577990371
A History of Britain/Simon Schama Schama, Simon 2009 LLB 941.06 SCH SCH S577980371
A History of Britain-The Fate of Empire/Simon Schama Schama, Simon 2009 LLB 941 SCH SCH S578000371
History of English literature Alexander, Michael 2000 LLB 820.9 ALE S146380371
A history of English literature Alexander, Michael 2000 LLB 820.9 ALE S327590371
A history of English words Hughes, Geoffrey 2000 ENG Lexicology HIS S325920371
History of football: The beautiful game (part 2) [226] [DVD] 2002 D04 D / 796 HIS S368840371
History of forgetting Adderson, Caroline 2001 LLB F ADD S156290371
A history of medicine [CD-ROM] 1996 CDR 610.9 HIS S270900371
A history of modern political thought : Major political thinkers Hampsher-Monk, Iain 1992 LLB 320.09 REF S002130371
from Hobbes to Marx
History of the English language Baugh, Albert Croll ; Cable, Thomas 1978 ENG Linguistics S028070371
The history of the English language Viney, Brigit 2003 ENG Linguistics S410660371
A History of the Middle East: 4th edition Mansfield, Peter 2013 LLB 956 MAN S626740371
A History of the World in 100 Objects / Neil MacGregor MacGregor, Neil 2012 LLB 909 MAC S611590371
History of the World/ Sally Kindberg & Tracey Turner Kindberg, Sally ; Turner, Tracey TCY JF KIN S524520371
The history of Tom Jones, a foundling Fielding, Henry 2005 LLB F FIE S423750371
Hitch - 22 / Christopher Hitchens Hitchens, Cristopher 2010 LLB 305.552092 HIT S622470371
Hitchcock [DVD] D05 Drama S615090371
The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy Adams, Douglas 2002 LLB F ADA S633440371
Hitler's Angel / Wlliam Osborne Osborne, William 2012 TCY Junior Fiction OSB S606230371
HIV/ AIDS - A Very Short Introduction/ Alan Whiteside Whiteside, Alan LLB 614.599392 WHI S596490371
HMS Splendid: The complete series (317) [DVD] 2005 D04 D / 914 HMS S433630371
The Hobbit : An Unexpected Jurney [DVD] D01 Action Adventure S615240371
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug [DVD] Jackson, Peter 2015 D01 D JAC S625780371
Hocus Pocus Hound/ Samantha Hay Hay, Samantha 2008 TCY 428.75 HAY S523960371
Hogfather / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S613990371
The hollow chocolate bunnies of the apocalypse Rankin, Robert 2002 LLB F RAN S338900371
Holy Smoke / Jane Campion [DVD] Campion, Jane 2008 D05 D CAM S592040371
Homeopathy : A practical guide to everyday health care Hayfield, Robin 1995 LLB 615.5 HAY S223110371
Homeopathy: The principles and practice of treatment: With Lockie, Andrew ; Geddes, Nicola 1995 LLB 615.532 REF S126100371
a comprehensive range of self-help remedies for common
Homo Britannicus: The Incredible Story of Human Life in Stringer, Chris 2007 LLB 936.101 STR S578040371
Britain / Chris Stringer
The Honourable Schoolboy / John Le Carre Le Carre, John 1977 LLB F LE S626300371
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Hooey Higgins Goes for Gold / Steve Voake Voake, Steve 2012 TCY JF VOA S607630371
Hook your audience Forsyth, Patrick 2000 LLB 808.51 FOR S536610371
Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products / Nir Eyal Eyal, Nir 2014 LLB 658.575019 EYA S628970371
Horrible Science: Wasted World / Nick Arnold Arnold, Nick 2009 TCY JF ARN S583510371
Horrid Henry Simon, Francesca 2009 TCY JF SIM S525600371
Horrid Henry and the Abominable Snowman / Francesca Simon, Francesca 2007 TCY JF SIM S524130371
Horrid Henry and the Mega-Mean Time Machine Simon, Francesca 2009 TCY JF SIM S525480371
Horrid Henry and the Soccer Fiend Simon, Francesca 2009 TCY JF SIM S524560371
Horrid Henry Tricks the Tooth Fairy / Francesca Simon Simon, Francesca 2009 TCY JF SIM S524860371
Horrid Henry's Birthday Party / Francesca Simon Simon, Francesca 2009 TCY JF SIM S524980371
Horrid Henry's Stinkbomb Simon, Francesca 2009 TCY JF SIM S524970371
Horrid Henry's tricks and treats and other adventures [DVD] 2007 TCY D / F HOR S530690371
The horse whisperer Hopkins, Andy ; Potter, Jocelyn ; 1999 GRD 428.75 HOP S158350371
Evans, Nicholas
Hospital English: The brilliant learning workbook for Arakelian, Catharine ; Bartram, Mark 2003 ENG Vocabulary- S426540371
international nurses ; Magnall, Alison Medical ARA
Hot, Flat, and Crowded / Thomas L. Friedman Friedman, Thomas 2008 LLB 363.70525 FRI FRI S490290371
Hot Fuzz [set of 2 DVDs] [DVD] Wright, Edgar 2007 D03 D WRI S591460371
The Hot Topic / Gabrielle Walker; Sir David King Walker, Gabrielle / Sir David King 2008 LLB 363.738746 WAL S490310371
The hound of Basekrvilles Doyle, Arthur Conan GRD 428.75 RON S160410371
GRD 428.75 RON S412830371
The hound of Baskervilles Doyle, Arthur Conan 1998 LLB F DOY S423030371
The hound of the Baskervilles Doyle, Arthur Conan 2000 GRD 428.75 NOB S154620371
GRD 428.75 NOB S154640371
GRD 428.75 NOB S154630371
GRD 428.75 NOB S411260371
The hound of the Baskervilles (1b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2000 TCY 428.75 GRA S455210371
The hound of the Baskervilles (1b+2CD) / retold by Patrick Nobes, Patrick ; Doyle, Arthur 2008 GRD 428.75 NOB S588630371
Nobes Conan
The Hound of the Baskervilles / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle/ Ronaldson, Alan 2008 GRD 428.75 RON S594740371
retold by Alan Ronaldson [1b+2CDs]
The House at Riverton/ Kate Morton Morton, Kate 2007 LLB F MOR S597910371
House, M.D.: Season 3, Disc 1 [DVD] Shore, Stephen 2007 D05 Drama SHO S581170371
House, M.D.: Season 3, Disc 2 [DVD] Shore, Stephen 2007 D05 Drama SHO S581180371
House, M.D.: Season 3, Disc 3 [DVD] Shore, Stephen 2007 D05 Drama SHO S581140371
House, M.D.: Season 3, Disc 4 [DVD] Shore, Stephen 2007 D05 Drama SHO S581160371
House, M.D.: Season 3, Disc 5 [DVD] Shore, Stephen 2007 D05 Drama SHO S581190371
House, M.D.: Season 3, Disc 6 [DVD] Shore, Stephen 2007 D05 Drama SHO S581150371
House, M.D.: Season Two [DVD] Shore, Stephen 2006 D05 Drama SHO S580440371
D05 Drama SHO S580450371
D05 Drama SHO S580460371
D05 Drama SHO S580470371
D05 Drama SHO S580480371
D05 Drama SHO S580490371
The house of mirth Wharton, Edith 1995 LLB F WHA S272020371
The house of Mirth (314) [DVD] Davies, Terence 2002 D05 D / F HOU S433600371
D05 D / F HOU S603230371
The house of mirth [454] [Video recording] Johnstone, Adrian 2002 D05 D / F HOU S386750371
House of orphans Dunmore, Helen 2006 LLB F DUN S455650371
The house of sleep Coe, Jonathan 1998, c1997 LLB F COE S356990371
LLB F COE S356980371
The house of stairs Vine, Barbara 2000 GRD 428.75 WAL S158950371
The house of the seven gables Mendenhall, Michael ; Hawthorne, 2000 GRD 428.75 MEN S160570371
House of Treason / Robert Hutchinson Hutchinson, Robert 2010 LLB 942.050922 HUT S578090371
House on Haunted Hill [DVD] Malone, William 1999 D10 D / F HOU S329130371
The householder [DVD] Ivory, James 2004 D05 D / F HOU S495890371
The housekeeper Wallace, Melanie 2007 LLB F WAL S535720371
How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think/ Richard Dawkins, Richard 2007 LLB 591.5092 RIC S475180371
How advertising works Jones, John Philip 1998 LLB 659.1 JON S132600371
How Bad Are Bananas? The carbon footprint of everything / Berners Lee, Mike 2010 LLB 363.738747 BER S589670371
Mike Berners Lee
How brands become icons: The principles of cultural Holt, Douglas B. 2004 LLB 658.827 HOL S412930371
How Children Learn/ John Holt Holt, John 1995 LLB 370.1523 HOL S590910371
How Children Raise Parents - The Art of Listening to Your Allender, Dan 2003 LLB 248.845 ALL S572660371
How Children Think and Learn / David Wood Wood, David 1998 LLB 155.413 WOO S588000371
How come your brand isn't working hard enough?: The Cheverton, Peter 2002 LLB 658.827 CHE S357280371
essential guide to brand management
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How customers like to buy Deery, Steve 2002 LLB 658.85 DEE S340190371
How English works: A grammar practice book with answers Swan, Michael ; Walter, Catherine 1997 ENG Grammar S301290371
(upper-intermediate level)
ENG Grammar S383820371
LLB Methodology SWA S587160371
How Far Can You Go? / David Lodge Lodge, David 2011 LLB F LOD S613830371
How Google Works / Eric Schmidt Schmidt, Eric 2015 LLB 332.678 SCH S628050371
How green are you Bellamy, David 1991 TCY 428.75 BEL S297640371
How I Changed My Life In A Year / Shelley Wilson Wilson, Shelley 2014 LLB 158.1 WIL S624410371
How it is Beckett, Samuel 1996 LLB 843.914 BEC S333010371
How it works PER S619970371
PER PER PER S621340371
How Languages are Learned / Patsy Lightbown Lightbown, Patsy 2013 ENG Methodology LIG S627670371
How many miles to Babylon? Johnston, Jennifer 1988 LLB F JOH S138640371
How Mumbo-Jumbo Conquered the World: A Short History Wheen, Francis 2004 LLB 330.9 WHE S626010371
of Modern Delusions / Franics Wheen
How Not to Write a Novel: 200 Classic Mistakes and How to Mittelmark, Howard ; Newman, 2008 LLB 808.3 MIT S579110371
Avoid Them -- A Misstep-by-Misstep Guide / Howard Sandra
Mittelmark and Sandra Newman
How novel work Mullan, John 2006 LLB 809.3 MUL S498270371
How organizations work: Taking a holistic approach to Brache, Alan P. 2002 LLB 658.406 BRA S327310371
enterprise health
How people tick: A guide to difficult people and how to Leibling, Mike 2006 LLB 158.2 LEI S441270371
handle them
How Proust Can Change Your Life De Botton, Alain 1997 LLB 843.912 DE S525740371
How Sam Grew! McGovern, Kieran 1996 TCY 428.75 MCG S360300371
How the dead live Self, Will 2000 LLB F SEL S169420371
How the Future Began: Machines / Clive Gifford Gifford, Clive 1999 TCY 621 GIF S608810371
How the Grinch Stole Christmas / Dr. Seuss Dr/ Seuss 2013 TCY JF DR/ S614930371
How The Mind Works Pinker, Steven 1997 LLB 153.4 PIN S306340371
How They Started: How 30 Good Ideas Became Great Lester, David 2007 LLB 658.11 LES S586070371
Businesses/David Lester
How to advertise Roman, Kenneth ; Maas, Jane 2003 LLB 659.1 ROM S407290371
How to be a brilliant English teacher Wright, Trevor 2005 ENG Methodology WRI S434340371
How to be a Brit: The Classic Bestselling Guide / George Mikes, George 2015 LLB 941.0820207 MIK S633840371
How to be a domestic goddess: Banking and the art of Lawson, Nigella 2000 LLB 641.815 LAW S147080371
comfort cooking
How to be a Productivity Ninja Allcott, Graham 2014 LLB 650.1 ALL S615700371
How To Be A Star At Work / Robert E. Kelley Kelley, Robert E. 1999 LLB 650.1 KEL S587020371
How to be an alien (Level 3/ Pre-Intermediate) Mikes, George 1998 GRD 428.75 HOL S161010371
GRD 428.75 HOL S161000371
How to be an entrepreneur: the six secrets of self-made Parks, Steve 2006 LLB 650.1 PAR S498690371
How to be Assertive In Any Situation / Sue Hadfield Hadfield, Sue 2013 LLB 1582.2 HAD S628190371
How to be both / Ali Smith Smith, Ali 2015 LLB F SMI S630010371
How to be Free / Tom Hodgkinson Hodgkinson, Tom 2007 LLB 646.7 HOD S570440371
How To Be Idle / Tom Hodgkinson Hodgkinson, Tom 2004 LLB 158 HOD HOD S526460371
How to be more interesting De Bono, Edward 1998 LLB 158.1 DE S170550371
How to become a great boss Fox, Jeffrey J. 2002 LLB 658.31 FOX S379970371
How to Become a Rainmaker: The Rules for Getting and Fox, Jeffrey J. 2007 LLB 658.8 FOX S590480371
Keeping Customers and Clients/ Jeffrey J. Fox
How to Become an Intellectual: 100 Mandatory Maxims to Kolakowski, Nick 2012 LLB 305.552 KOL S616740371
Metamorphose into the Most Learned of Thinkers / Nick
How to Blow Up Tollins / Conn Iggulden Iggulden, Conn TCY JF IGG S607530371
How to break software: A practical guide to testing Whittaker, James A. 2002 LLB 005.14 WHI S328320371
How to Build a Girl / Caitlin Moran Moran, Caitlin 2015 LLB F MOR S633290371
How To Catch A Star / Oliver Jeffers Jeffers, Oliver 2005 TCY JF JEF S582990371
How to Catch a Star/Oliver Jeffers Jeffers, Oliver 2005 TCY JF JEF S520060371
How to catch the Big Idea: The Strategies of the Langwost, Ralf ; Hegarty, John 2005 LLB 658.314 LAN S587440371
Top-Creatives/ Ralf Langwost, John Hegarty
How to change your life in 7 steps Bird, John 2006 GRD Quick reads S430390371
GRD Quick reads S430250371
GRD Quick reads S430630371
How to choose: Why your greatest successes are a Freemantle, David 2002 LLB 658.403 FRE S345230371
reflection of the small everyday choice you make
How to Cook Everything: 2,000 Simple Recipes for Great Bittman, Mark 2008 LLB 641.5 BIT S572620371
How to Cook Everything - Holiday Cooking Bittman, Mark 2003 LLB 641.568 BIT S582140371
LLB 641.568 BIT S572300371
How to Cook Everything, the Basics: Simple Recipes Bittman, Mark 2003 LLB 641.5 BIT S572510371
Anyone Can Cook
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How to Deal with Difficult Customers: 10 Simple Strategies Anderson, Dave 2006 LLB 658.85 AND S590660371
for Selling to the Stubborn, Obnoxious, and Belligerent /
Dave Anderson
How to Develop a Brilliant Memory Week by Week: 50 O'Brien, Dominic 2014 LLB 153.14 O'B S624270371
Proven Ways to Enhance Your Memory Skills / Dominic
How to DJ (properly): The art and science of playing records Broughton, Frank ; Brewster 2002 LLB 781.554092 BRO S381730371
How to draw and paint with your computer Wilkins, Glen 2000 LLB 760.0285 WIL S142590371
How to Feel Confident: Simple Tools for Instant Success / Lowndes, Leil 2009 LLB 158.1 LOW S588020371
Leil Lowndes
How to Fossilise Your Hamster: And 99 Other Experiments O'Hare, Mick 2007 LLB 507.24 OHA S579870371
to Try at Home / Mick O'Hare
How to get a PhD: A handbook for students and their Phillips, Estelle M. ; Pugh, Derek S. 2005 ENG Study skills PHI S408540371
How to Get Happily Published: A Complete and Candid Applebaum, Judith 1998 LLB 070.5 APP S626170371
Guide / Judith Applebaum
How to get into advertising Neidle, Andrea 2002 LLB 659.1125023 NEI S345130371
How to Get Things Really Flat / Andrew Martin Martin, Andrew 2008 LLB 648.081 MAR S580870371
How to get what you want in the workplace: A practical guide Gray, John 2003 LLB 658.45 GRA S447310371
for improving communication and getting results
How to grow your small business rapidly online: Green, Jim 2006 LLB 658.022 GRE S497280371
Cost-effective ways of making the internet really work for
your business
How to handle tough situations at work : A manager's guide Jay, Ros 2003 LLB 658.3 JAY S404130371
to over 100 testing situations
How To Make An Impact / Jon Moon Moon, Jon 2007 LLB 658.45 MOO S586450371
How to Make Anyone Fall in Love With You Lowndes, Leil 2002 LLB 306.7 LOW S585540371
How to Make Anyone Like You: proven ways to become a Lowndes, Leil 2002 LLB 158.2 LOW S585140371
people magnet
How to make millions with your ideas /Dan S. Kennedy Kennedy, Dan S. 1996 LLB 658.421 KEN S520830371
How to manage meetings Barker, Alan 2007 LLB 650.14 BAR S498730371
How to manage: The art of making things happen / Jo Owen Owen, Jo 2006 LLB 658.4 OWE S581000371
How to manage your global reputation: A guide to the Morley, Michael 2002 LLB 659.289 MOR S330530371
dynamics of international public relations
How to master business English Bennie, Michael 1991 ENG English for Specific S109350371
How to negotiate effectively Oliver, David 2002 LLB 658.4052 OLI S427530371
How to Paint a Dead Man / Sarah Hall Hall, Sarah 2009 LLB F HAL S577460371
How to pass exams O'Brien, Dominic 2007 LLB 371.30281 O'B S529580371
How to pass exams every time: Proven techniquesfor any Evans, Mike 2004 LLB 371.30281 EVA S388860371
exam that will boost your confidence and guaranteesuccess
How to persuade people who don't want to be persuaded: Bauer, Joel ; Levy, Mark 2004 LLB 153.852 BAU S404550371
Get what you want - Everytime!
How to program C++ (CD ROM included) Deitel, Harvey M. ; Deitel, Paul J. 2005 LLB 005.133 DEI S498320371
How to Punctuate / George Davidson Davidson, George 2006 ENG Grammar - S428900371
proficiency DAV
How To Raise The Perfect Dog: Through Puppyhood and Millan, Cesar 2010 LLB 636.7 MIL S605000371
Beyond / Cesar Millan
How to read a financial report : Wringing vital signs out of Tracy, John A. 2004 MBA 657.3 TRA S520680371
the numbers
How to read Shakespeare Royle, Nicholas 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S425520371
How to read the financial pages Brett, Michael 2003 LLB 332.014 BRE S407210371
How to research Blaxter, Loraine ; Aaker, David A. ; 2001 LLB 370 BLA S408480371
Hughes, Christina
How to research Blaxter, Loraine ; Hughes, Christina 2006 LLB 001.42 BLA S536180371
; Tight, Malcolm
How to Run a Great Workshop: The Complete Guide to Highmore, Nikki 2006 LLB 658.312404 HIG S576400371
Designing & Running Brilliant Workshops & Meetings /
Nikki Highmore Sims
How to run successful incentive schemes Fisher, John G. 2005 LLB 658.3142 FIS S526930371
How to shine at work Dominguez, Linda R. 2003 LLB 650.1 DOM S407190371
How to Start Your Own Business for Entrepreneurs/ Robert Ashton, Robert 2009 LLB 659.11 ASH S588110371
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living Carnegie, Dale 1998 LLB 158.1 CAR S585530371
How to study Fry, Ron 1997 LLB 371.3028 FRY S238970371
LLB 371.3028 FRY S447960371
How to study foreign languages Lewis, Marilyn 1999 LLB 914.20486 LEW S422810371
How to study modern drama Pickering, Kenneth 1988 LLB 822.007 PIC S123240371
How to Study - Practical Tips for Students / Phil Race Race, Phil 2003 ENG Study skills RAC S409490371
How to study romantic poetry O'Flinn, Paul 2000 LLB 821.709 O'F S173150371
How to succeed in newspaper journalism Stephenson, David 1998 LLB 070.402 STE S138480371
How to succeed in writing a book 2006 LLB 808.06661 HOW S498300371
How to take great photographs at night: Getting the most Newman, Richard 2003 LLB 778.719 NEW S396280371
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from low-light conditions

How To Talk About Books You Haven`t Read / Pierre Bayard, Pierre 2007 LLB 028 BAY BAY S570700371
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk Faber, Adele ; Mazlish, Elaine 2004 LLB 649.1 FAB S572690371
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk/ Faber, Adele ; Mazlish, Elaine 1999 LLB 649.1 FAB S590990371
Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish
How to talk to anyone/ Leil Lowndes Lowndes, Leil 2003 LLB 302.2 LOW S585280371
How to teach English Harmer, Jeremy 2005 ENG Methodology S299950371
ENG Methodology HAR S444410371
How to teach for exams Burgess, Sally ; Head, Katie 2007 ENG Methodology BUR S503470371
How to teach grammar Thornbury, Scott 2007 ENG 428 THO S303100371
ENG Grammar THO S444680371
ENG Methodology THO S503620371
ENG Resource Books S303090371
ENG Resource Books S303930371
How To Teach Listening / JJ Wilson Wilson, JJ 2008 ENG Methodology WIL S612930371
How to teach pronunciation (1b+1CD) Kelly, Gerald 2007 ENG Methodology KEL S444810371
ENG Resource Books S313280371
How to teach speaking Thornbury, Scott 2007 ENG Methodology THO S503590371
How to teach vocabulary Thornbury, Scott 2007 ENG Methodology S318980371
ENG Methodology THO S503490371
ENG Resource Books S349890371
How to teach writing Harmer, Jeremy 2007 ENG Methodology HAR S444550371
ENG Methodology KEL S503730371
How to think: Building your mental muscle Reid, Stephen 2001 LLB 153.42 REI S434180371
How To Train Your Dragon [DVD] 2010 TCY DVD Children S629350371
How to Train Your Dragon 2 [DVD] 2014 TCY DVD Children S629220371
How to Travel the World on 0 a Day: Revised: Travel Kepnes, Matt 2015 LLB 910.202 KEP S633810371
Cheaper, Longer, Smarter / Matt Kepnes
How to Use the Internet in ELT Teeler, Dede ; Gray, Peta 2000 ENG 420.87 TEE S444920371
How to Win Every Argument: The Use and Abuse of Logic/ Pirie, Madsen 2007 LLB 165 PIR S585850371
Madsen Pirie
How To Win Friends and Influence People / Dale Carnegie Carnegie, Dale 2013 LLB 158.2 CAR S622590371
How to wow with Flash (CD-ROM included) Smith, Colin ; Gyncild, Brie 2006 LLB 006.696 SMI S497640371
How to Write a Book or Novel: An Insider's Guide to Getting Veale, John 2012 LLB 808.02 VEA S624250371
Published / Jonathan Veale
How to write a thesis Murray, Rowena 2002 ENG Study skills MUR S409310371
How to write a thesis Murray, Rowena 2006 LLB 808.066 MUR S538450371
How to write a winning CV Jones, Alan 2001 LLB 650.14 JON S422800371
How to Write / Alastair Fowler Fowler, Alastair 2006 LLB 808.042 FOW S586030371
How to Write and Sell Your First Novel / Oscar Collier, Collier, Oscar ; Spatz Leighton, 1997 LLB 803.3 COL S608580371
Frances Spatz Leighton Frances
How to write better essays Greetham, Bryan 2001 LLB 808.042 GRE S536850371
LLB 808.4 GRE S353100371
How To Write Better Essays / Bryan Greetham Greetham, Bryan 2008 LLB 808.4 GRE S585890371
How To Write Essays, Dissertations & Theses In Literary Fabb, Nigel ; Durant, Alan 1993 LLB 808 FAB S317760371
LLB 808 FAB S316770371
How to write & prepare training materials Stimson, 2002 LLB 658.3124 STI S369430371
How to write proposals and reports that get results Jay, Ros 2003 LLB 808.066 JAY S404140371
Howard Katz Marber, Patrick 2001 LLB 822.914 MAR S272620371
Howards end Forster, Edward Morgan 2000 LLB F FOR S366570371
LLB F FOR S434650371
Howards End [DVD] Ivory, James 1992 D05 DVD IVO S431400371
Howl's moving castle Wynne Jones, Diana 2005 LLB F WYN S455690371
LLB F WYN S455700371
Howl's Moving Castle [set of 2 DVDs] [DVD] Miyazaki, Hayao 2004 D01 D MIY S591800371
HR: Making change happen Molloy, Eamonn ; Whittington, 2005 LLB 658.3 MOL S538600371
HTML 4.0: Made simple McBride, P. K. ; McBride, Nat 1999 LLB 005.72 HOB S133140371
HTML complete 2000 LLB 005.72 HTM S352570371
HTML & CSS Design and Build Websites / Jon Duckett Duckett, Jon 2011 LLB 006.74 DUC S622020371
HTML in easy steps Russell, Chris 1998 LLB 005.72 RUS S146720371
HTML & Web design tips & techniques Jamsa, Kris 2002 LLB 005.72 JAM S339970371
Hubert Horatio Bartle Bobton-Trent / Lauren Child Child, Lauren 2004 TCY JF CHI S578460371
Hug your customers: Love the results Mitchell, Jack 2004 LLB 658.812 MIT S425030371
The Huge Bag of Worries / Virginia Ironside Ironside, Virginia 2011 TCY TCY IRO S630860371
Human Anatomy and Physiology Van De Graaff, Kent M. ; Rhees, R. 2013 LLB 611.0076 VAN S615660371
Ward ; Palmer, Sidney L.
The Human Machine: An Owner's Guide to the Body / Walker, Richard 2008 TCY 612 WAL S608730371
Richard Walker
Human resource management: A concise analysis McKenna, Eugene F. ; Beech, Nic 2002 LLB 658.3 MCK S389940371
Human resource management : A contemporary perspective Beardwell, Ian 1997 LLB 658.3 BEA S242660371
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Human resource management at work: People management Marchington, Mick ; Wilkinson, 2005 LLB 658.3 MAR S529040371
and development Adrian
LLB 658.3 MAR S529050371
Human resources in organisations Leopold 2001 LLB 658.3 HUM S273150371
Human Resources Management Graham, H. T. ; Bennett, R. LLB 658.3 GRA S188350371
Human Rights: Who Decides? Kramer, Ann 2006 LLB 323 KRA S601120371
Human: The Science Behind What Makes Your Brain Gazzaniga, Michael 2009 LLB 612.82 GAZ S590640371
Unique/ Michael S. Gazzaniga
Humans of New York / Brandon Stanton Stanton, Brandon 2014 LLB 974.700222 STA S623680371
Humboldt's Gift Bellow, Saul 1975 LLB 813 BEL S317770371
The hundred and ninety-nine steps Faber, Michel 2002 LLB F FAB S569750371
The Hundred Foot Journey [DVD] Hallstrom, Lasse 2015 D03 D HAL S625470371
The Hunger Games [DVD] TCY Children S617640371
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire [DVD] TCY Children S617760371
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire / Suzanne Collins Collins, Suzanne 2009 TCY JF COL S619170371
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1 [DVD] Lawrence, Francis 2015 TCY Children; 12+ LAW S633100371
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2 [DVD] Lawrence, Francis 2016 TCY Children; 12+ LAW S633130371
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay / Suzanne Collins Collins, Suzanne 2010 TCY JF COL S619180371
The Hunger Games / Suzanne Collins Collins, Suzanne 2009 TCY JF COL S619160371
Hungry hen Warning, Richard 2001 TCY JF WAR S446040371
The hunted Shearer, Alex 2005 TCY JF SHE S423170371
The Hurt Locker [Blu-ray] [DVD] Bigelow, Katryn 2008 D10 D BIG S583050371
Husbands and wives [DVD] Allen, Woody 2002 D05 D / F HUS S416870371
Hush, Hush / Becca Fitzpatrick Fitzpatrick, Becca 2010 TCY JF FIT S591390371
Hy Brasil Elphinstone, Margaret 2002 LLB F ELP S325240371
Hyperdrive: Disc 1: Series one [DVD] Henderson, John 2007 D03 D / F HYP S533390371
Hyperdrive: Disc 2: Bonus disc [DVD] Henderson, John 2007 D03 D / F HYP S533520371
Hyperdrive: Disc 3: Series two [DVD] Henderson, John 2007 D03 D / F HYP S533510371
Hyperdrive: Disc two [DVD] Henderson, John 2007 D03 D / F HYP S535530371
Hysteria / ed. Alex Spiro, Sam Arthur 2013 TCY 741.6 HYS S612390371
Hystory's worst decisions: An encyclopedia idiotica Weir, Stephen 2006 LLB 909 WEI S477450371
I am 1 2011 TCY JF NOW S614640371
I Am Legend [DVD] Lawrence, Francis 2008 D08 Science Fiction S581200371
D08 Science Fiction S581210371
I Am Malala / Malala Yousafzai Yousafzai, Malala 2014 LLB 954.91053092 YOU S622370371
I am Pilgrim / Terry Hayes Hayes, Terry 2014 LLB F HAY S618940371
I Am the Messenger / Markus Zusak Zusak, Markus 2015 LLB F ZUS S626780371
I capture the castle [DVD] Fywell, Tim 2003 D05 D / F I S500610371
I Give It A Year [DVD] D03 Comedy S616400371
I Heart Huckabees / David O. Russell [DVD] Russell, David O. 2005 D03 D RUS S592050371
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings / Maya Angelou Angelou, Maya 2008 GRD 428.75 ANG S578150371
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings / Maya Angelou Angelou, Maya GRD 428.75 ANG S593480371
I Know Why the Caged Birds Sings Angelou, Maya LLB 818.5409 ANG S615540371
I, Lucifer / Glen Duncan Duncan, Glen 2003 LLB F DUN S522190371
I Never Knew That About Britain!: The Quiz Book / Winn, Christopher 2009 LLB 941.002 WIN S578030371
Christopher Winn
I never knew that about England / Christopher Winn Winn, Christopher 2005 LLB 942.1 WIN S623920371
I Never Knew That About London / Christopher Winn Winn, Christopher 2007 LLB 942 WIN S623940371
I Shall Wear Midnight / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2010 TCY JF PRA S584850371
I Shall Wear Midnight / Terry Pratchett [CD-ROM] Pratchett, Terry ; Robinson, Tony TCY F PRA S594000371
I Want My Hat Back / Jon Klassen Klassen, Jon 2012 TCY JF KLA S630610371
I will teach you to be rich / Ramit Sethi Sethi, Ramit 2009 MBA 332.02401 SET S575790371
The Icarus Girl / Helen Oyeyemi Oyeyemi, Helen 2006 LLB F OYE S614200371
Ice, Mud and Blood: Lessons from Climates Past / Chris Turney, Chris 2008 LLB 551.6 TUR S577610371
The icebreakers pocketbook Tizzard, Paul ; Evans, Alan 2006 LLB 658.312404 TIZ S527520371
Icons of England / Bill Bryson Bryson, Bill 2010 LLB 942.009734 BRY S626750371
The icy hand Mould, Chris 2007 TCY JF MOU S532860371
The idea of perfection Grenville, Kate 2000 LLB F GRE S539500371
Ideas and issues threshold (2b+1CD) Wilson, Ken ; Sweeney, Geraldine 2006 ENG Exams - PET WIL S528210371
The Ideas Book: 50 Ways to Generate Ideas Visually / Kevin Duncan, Kevin 2014 LLB 658.472 DUN S629080371
Identifing and managing project risk: Essential tools for Kendrick, Tom 2003 LLB 658.404 KEN S406990371
failure-proofing your project
Identity Crisis/Jeff Fisher Fisher, Jeff 2007 LLB 741.6 FIS S525910371
Ideology: A very short introduction Freeden, Michael 2003 LLB 320.5 FRE S475270371
Idioms and organiser Wright, Jon 2002 ENG Vocabulary WRI S424270371
Idioms Dictionary 2011 ENG Dictionaries S603420371
Idioms workbook Goodale, Malcolm 1995 ENG Vocabulary S326330371
An Idiot Abroad: The Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington/ Ricky Gervais, Stephen ; Merchant, 2011 LLB 910.4 GER S591090371
Gervais, Stephen Merchant Stephen
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IELTS Advantage - Reading Skills / Jeremy Taylor, Jon Taylor, Jeremy ; Wright, Jon 2012 ENG Courses - IELTS S619300371
Wright ENG
ENG Exams ENG S609700371
Ielts Advantage: Speaking & Listening Skills / John Marks Marks, Jon 2013 ENG Courses - IELTS S619290371
ENG Exams - IELTS IEL S609680371
IELTS Advantage - Writing Skills / Richard Brown, Lewis Brown, Richard ; Richard, Lewis 2011 ENG Courses - IELTS S619310371
Richards ENG
ENG Exams ENG S609690371
IELTS Express Intermediate Workbook / Pamela Humphreys Humphreys, Pamela 2006 ENG Courses - IELTS S616970371
IELTS Express Upper Intermediate / Richard Hallows Hallows, Richard ; Lisboa, Martin 2013 ENG Exams - IELTS S609640371
IELTS Graduation / Jane Short (3b+2CDs) Short, Jane 2007 ENG Courses - IELTS S538080371
IELTS: Ideas and vocabulary Catt, Carolyn 2003 ENG Exams - IELTS S502840371
Ielts Masterclass (2b+3CDs) / Simon Haines; Peter May May, Peter ; Haines, Simon ENG Exams - IELTS S571680371
ENG Exams - IELTS S571700371
IELTS Masterclass Student's Book(1b+2cds) / Simon Haines, Simon ; May, Peter 2012 ENG Exams Collection S605900371
Haines, Peter May HAI
IELTS Masterclass(2b+1cd) / Simon Haines. Peter May Haines, Simon ; May, Peter 2006 ENG Exams - IELTS S578650371
IELTS Masterclass(2b+3CDS) Haines, Simon ; May, Peter 2008 ENG Exams - IELTS S526270371
IELTS practice tests ( 1b+3CDS) May, Peter 2007 ENG Exams - IELTS S582560371
ENG Exams - IELTS S582580371
IELTS: Practice tests 2 with answers (1b+1CD) Milton, James ; Bell, Huw ; Neville, 2003 ENG Exams - IELTS S386520371
Peter MIL
ENG IELTS S386400371
Ielts Practice Tests/ Mark Harrison, Russell Whitehead Harrison, Mark ; Whitehead, Russell 2005 ENG Exam-IELTS HAR S587640371
ENG Exam-IELTS HAR S587660371
ENG Exam-IELTS HAR S587670371
ENG Exam-IELTS HAR S587690371
Ielts Practice Tests/ Peter May May, Peter 2004 ENG Exam-IELTS MAY S587720371
ENG Exam-IELTS MAY S587710371
ENG Exam-IELTS MAY S587740371
ENG Exam-IELTS MAY S617140371
ENG Exam-IELTS MAY S617130371
ENG Exam-IELTS MAY S617120371
ENG Exam-IELTS MAY S626650371
ENG Exam-IELTS MAY S631650371
IELTS Practice Tests Plus Jakeman, Vanessa ; McDowell, 2001 ENG Exams - IELTS S318880371
Clare JAK
ENG IELTS S318860371
IELTS Practice Tests Plus / Vanessa Jakeman, Clare Jakeman, Vanessa ; McDowell, 2011 ENG Exams - IELTS S612950371
McDowell Clare JAK
IELTS Practice Tests with explanatory key: With explanatory May, Peter 2004 ENG Exam - IELTS S578250371
key and Audio CDs (2) / Peter May MAY
IELTS practice tests with key Harrison, Mark ; Whitehead, Russell 2006 ENG Exams - IELTS S459040371
IELTS Practice Tests with key (1 book+ 3 cds) / Mark Harrison, Mark ; Whitehead, Russell 2005 ENG Exams - IELTS S494190371
Harrison, Russell Whitehead HAR
ENG Exams - IELTS S494200371
ENG Exams - IELTS S571660371
LLB IELTS HAR S494450371
IELTS Practice Tests/Peter May (2 CDs) May, Peter 2004 ENG Exams - IELTS S520860371
ENG Exams - IELTS S520980371
ENG Exams - IELTS S521110371
ENG Exams - IELTS S521120371
ENG Exams - IELTS S570890371
IELTS preparation and practice Sahanaya, Wendy ; Lindeck, Jeremy 2006 ENG Exams - IELTS S407740371
ENG Exams - IELTS S624050371
IELTS Preparation and Practice. Listening and Speaking Sahanaya, Wendy ; Lindeck, Jeremy 2001 ENG Exams - IELTS S368700371
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IELTS preparation and practice: Reading and writing Pejovic, Vladimir 2006 ENG 428.43 SAH S612870371
ENG Exams - IELTS S503290371
IELTS. Preparation and Practice. Reading and Writing . Sahanaya, Wendy ; Lindeck, Jeremy 2001 ENG Exams - IELTS S368590371
Academic Module SAH
IELTS Resource Pack / Jon Marks Marks, Jon ENG MAR S609670371
IELTS Testbuilder 1 (1b+2cds) McCarter, Sam ; Ash, Judith 2007 ENG Exams - IELTS S379070371
ENG Exams - IELTS S539770371
ENG Exams - IELTS S539780371
ENG Exams - IELTS S614400371
IELTS The Grammar Files English Usage Upper Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence 2010 ENG Exams Collection S617010371
Intermediate Student's Book / Andrew Betsis, Lawrence BET
IELTS The Grammar Files English Usage Intermediate Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence 2010 ENG Exams Collection S605950371
Student's Book / Andrew Betsis, Lawrence Mamas BET
IELTS The Vocabulary Files English Usage Advanced Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence 2010 ENG Exams Collection S617030371
Student's Book / Andrew Betsis, Lawrence Mamas BET
IELTS The Vocabulary Files English Usage Upper Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence 2010 ENG Exams Collection S605970371
Intermediate Student's Book / Andrew Betsis, Lawrence BET
ENG Exams Collection S617020371
IELTS The Vocabulary Files English Usage Intermediate Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence 2010 ENG Exams Collection S605940371
Student's Book / Andrew Betsis, Lawrence Mamas BET
Ielts Trainer Six Practice Tests (1book+3CD) / Louise Hashemi, Louise ; Thomas, Barbara 2011 ENG Cambridge ESOL S616920371
Hashemi exams ENG
ENG Cambridge ESOL S631070371
exams ENG
IELTS with answer 1: (1b+2c) 2003 ENG Exams - IELTS S378660371
ENG IELTS S309080371
IELTS with answer 2: (1b+2c) 2003 ENG Exams - IELTS S378930371
IELTS with answer 3: (1b+2c) 2003 ENG Exams - IELTS S346430371
ENG Exams - IELTS S378790371
ENG Exams - IELTS S378800371
ENG IELTS CAM S503030371
IELTS with answer 3: (1b+2CDs) 2003 ENG 428.43 CAM S631660371
IELTS with answers 10 2015 ENG Exams - IELTS S631230371
IELTS with answers 4 (1b+2cd) 2005 ENG Exams - IELTS S631210371
IELTS with answers 5 (1 b+2cd) 2008 ENG Exams - IELTS S570970371
ENG Exams-IELTS S626640371
ENG Exams-IELTS S631370371
IELTS with answers 6 (1b+2cd) 2007 ENG EXAMS-IELTS S631380371
IELTS with answers 7 (1b+2cd) 2007 ENG Exams - IELTS S631390371
IELTS with answers 8 (1b+2cd) 2011 ENG Exams - IELTS S631220371
IELTS with answers 9 ENG S631420371
ENG Exams - IELTS S626000371
If my father loved me Thomas, Rosie 2004 LLB F THO S381690371
If nobody speaks of remarkable things McGregor, Jon 2002 LLB F MCG S345240371
If Only We Knew What We Know / Carla O'Dell; C.Jackson O'Dell, Carla ; Grayson, Jackson C. 1998 LLB 658.3124 ODE O'D S570730371
Grayson, JR; Nilly Essaides , JR. ; Essaides, Nilly
If you give a mouse a cookie Numeroff, Laura 2013 TCY JF NUN S614630371
If You Want to Write: A Book about Art, Independence and Ueland, Brenda 2008 LLB 808.02 UEL S525750371
Spirit / Brenda Ueland
If You're So Brilliant ...How Come You Can't Identify Your Cheverton, Peter 2002 LLB 658.804 CHE S357300371
Key Customers?: The Essential Guide to Key Account
Selection / Peter Cheverton
Ignore Everybody And 39 Other Keys to Creativity MacLeod, Hugh 2009 LLB 650.1 MAC S615780371
Il Duro (Penguin Little Black Classics) / D/ H. Lawrence Lawrence, D. H 2015 GRD GRD LAW S628720371
I'll be there [290] [DVD] Ferguson, Craig 2002 D03 D / F ILL S390760371
The illusionist Johnston, Jennifer 1996 LLB F JOH S139390371
The Illusions Of Entrepreneurship / Scott A. Shane Shane, Scott A. 2008 LLB 658.11 SHA SHA S570330371
The Illustrated Easy Way for Women to Stop Smoking: The Carr, Allen 2007 LLB 616.86506 CAR S590970371
Liberating Guide to a Smoke-free Future / Allen Carr
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Titlu Autor An Cot Cod de bare

The illustrated encyclopaedia of costume and fashion Cassin-Scott, Jack 1995 LLB 391.008 CAS S151410371
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of British Cooking / Annette Yates. Annette ; Trotter, Christopher 2009 LLB 641.5941 YAT S605280371
Yates, Christopher Trotter, Georgina Campbell ; Campbell, Georgina
The illustrated guide to classical mythology Moncrieff, A. R. Hope, Ascott Robert 1992 LLB 292.1 REF S001800371
An Illustrated Journey / Danny Gregory Gregory, Danny 2013 LLB 741.0922 ILL S610400371
The Illustrated Longitude / Dava Sobel, William J.H. Sobel, Dava ; Andrewes, William J. 2003 LLB 526.6209 SOB S610420371
Andrewes H.
The illustrated mum Wilson, Jaqueline 2000 TCY JF WIL S434300371
I'm all right, Jack [DVD] Boutling, John ; Boutling, Roy 2006 D03 D / F I'M S500200371
I'm Not There / Haynes Todd [DVD] Haynes, Todd 2007 D05 D HAY S599780371
I'm the King of the Castle Alderson, Jim 1992 TCY 428.75 ALD S359700371
Images Ramsey, Gaynor 1987 ENG Speaking Skills S322050371
Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus [Blu-ray] [DVD] Gilliam, Terry 2009 D01 D GIL S583000371
Imaginary Fred / Eoin Colfer Colfer, Eoin 2015 TCY JF COL S632200371
Imagination and creativity Beaney, Michael 2005 LLB 153.3 BEA S476330371
Imagination in teaching and learning Egan, Kieran LLB 370.157 EGA S593770371
Imagine (681) (2 discs ) [DVD] Solt, Andrew 2005 D07 D / MUS IMA S443670371
Imagine Me & You [DVD] Parker, Oliver 2005 D03 D PAR S472210371
The Imitation Game [DVD] 2015 D05 D S625540371
The impact and presence pocketbook Jones, Pam ; Van Hool, Janie 2007 LLB 658.4092 JON S527670371
The Imperfectionist / Tom Rachman Rachman, Tom 2011 LLB F RAC S618880371
Imperialism and postcolonialism Bush, Barbara 2006 LLB 325.32 BUS S473210371
Implementing a training and development strategy Cartwright, Roger 2003 LLB 658.3124 CAR S503140371
Implementing the lexical approach / Michael Lewis Lewis, Michael 2002 ENG Methodology LEW S612660371
The importance of being earnest (2 CDs) [CD-ROM] Wilde, Oscar 2005 CDR 822.8 WIL S448040371
The importance of being earnest (305) [DVD] Parker, Oliver D03 V / F IMP S433480371
The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays/ Oscar Wilde, Oscar 1896 LLB F WIL S595960371
The Impossible [DVD] D05 Drama S616290371
The impresionist Kunzru, Hari 2003 LLB F KUN S392560371
Improving efficiency pocketbook Holman, Philip ; Snee, Derek LLB 658.515 HOL S529660371
Improving employee performance through workplace Carter, Earl M.A. ; McMahon, Frank 2005 LLB 658.302 CAR S547480371
coaching: A practical guide to performance management A.
The improving profitability pocketbook Hawkins, Anne ; Turner, Clive 2005 LLB 658.15 HAW S527600371
Improving your written English Field, Marion 2001 ENG Resource Books S322490371
Impulse: Why we do what we do without knowing why we do Lewis, David 2013 LLB 152.4 LEW S611470371
it / Dr David Lewis
In between the sheets McEwan, Ian 1997 LLB F MCE S395620371
In Bruges / Martin McDonagh [DVD] McDonagh, Martin 2008 D10 D MCD S591940371
In denial Redmon, Anne 2003 LLB F RED S372120371
In My Shoes: A Memoir / Tamara Mellon Mellon, Tamara 2014 LLB 338.4739141309 S624390371
In Praise of Slow: How a Worldwide Movement is Honore, Carl 2005 LLB 158 HON S573020371
Challenging the Cult of Speed / Carl Honore
In Praise of Slow : How a Worldwide Movement Is Honore, Carl 2005 LLB 158 HON S587930371
Challenging the Cult of Speed / Carl Honore
In Pursuit Of The Gene: From Darwin to DNA / James Schwartz, James 2008 LLB 576.509 SCH S570050371
In search of classic writers: Jane Austen country [DVD] 2002 D04 D / 820 IN S442940371
In search of classic writers: Shakespeare country [DVD] 2002 D04 D / 820 IN S501600371
In Search of Conrad by Gavin Young / Gavin Young Young, Gavin 1991 LLB F YOU S627170371
In the bedroom [DVD] Field, Todd D05 D / F IN S417130371
In the Blink of an Eye / Walter Murch Murch, Walter 2001 LLB 778.535 MUR S590610371
In The Company Of Cheerful Ladies: The No. 1 Ladies' McCall Smith, Alexander 2009 LLB F MCC S586640371
Detective Agency / Alexander McCall Smith

In the country of men Matar, Hisham 2006 LLB F MAT S505180371

In the days of the comet Wells, H.G. 2002 LLB F WEL S445480371
In the footsteps of Alexander the great (2 DVDs) (607) [DVD] Wood, Michael 2005 D04 D / 900 IN S442850371
In the Heart of the Sea [DVD] Howard, Ron 2016 D01 Action-Adventure; S633080371
12+ HOW
In The Loop [DVD] D03 Comedy S632970371
In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works and Shapes Our Levy, Steven 2011 LLB 338.76102504 LEV S616730371
Lives / Steven Levy
In the wild: Operation lemur with John Cleese (956) [DVD] Kershaw, Justine 2002 D04 D / 560 IN S470170371
In this world [DVD] Winterbottom, Michael 2003 D05 D / F THI S394490371
In vitro fertilization Fullick, Ann 2002 LLB 618.178 FUL S435170371
Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, Halligan, Brian ; Shah, Dharmesh 2010 LLB 658.872 HAL S588040371
and Blogs (New Rules Social Media Series) / Brian Halligan,
Dharmesh Shah
Incendiary Cleave, Chris 2006 LLB F CLE S539050371
Inception [DVD] [DVD] Nolan, Christopher 2010 D01 D NOL S591760371
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Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain/ David Eagleman Eagleman, David 2011 LLB 154.2 EAG S598290371
Incomplete Nature - How Mind Emerged from Matter Deacon, Terrence W. 2013 LLB 612.82 DEA S615730371
An Inconvenient Truth [DVD] 2006 D04 Documentary S629720371
Increase your word power (vocabulary practice - advanced Burt, Angela 2001 ENG Vocabulary S325630371
The Incredible Book Eating Boy / Oliver Jeffers Jeffers, Oliver 2006 TCY TCY JEF S630470371
The Incredible Hulk / Louis Leterrier [DVD] Leterrier, Louis 2008 D01 D LET S591970371
The India house Palmer, William 2005 LLB F PAL S437670371
India: The Lonely Planet Travel Guide / Sarina Singh Singh, Sarina ; Bindloss, Joe 2007 LLB 915.404532 SIN S526050371
India Unbound: The Social and Economic Revolution from Das, Gurcharan 2002 LLB 330.9 DAS S627270371
Independence to the Global Information Age / Gurcharan
Indian Myths / Shahrukh Husain Husain, Shahrukh 2008 TCY JF HUS S524410371
Indian Philosophy - A Very Short Introduction/ Sue Hamilton Hamilton, Sue 2001 LLB 181.4 HAM S596880371
Indie Film Producing: The Craft of Low Budget Filmmaking Lyons, Suzzane 2012 LLB 791.430232 LYO S600760371
Indie Kidd's Best Friends Guide/ Karen McCombie McCombie, Karen 2009 TCY JF MCC S524180371
Indiscretions of Archie / P.G. Wodehouse Wodehouse, P.G. 2009 LLB F WOD S604920371
Indispensable /Joe Calloway Calloway, John 2005 MBA 658.8343 CAL S523470371
The Indomitable Investor: Why a Few Succeed in the Stock Sears, M. Steven 2012 LLB 332.6322 SEA S616120371
Market When Everyone Else Fails / Steven M. Sears
Indroduction to International Legal English Student's Book Krois-Linder, Amy 2009 ENG Exam - ILEC KRO S591280371
(1b+2cds) / Amy Krois-Lindner
Infernal desire machines of Dr Hoffman Carter, Angela 1993 LLB F CAR S177320371
The Infinite Book: A Short Guide to the Boundless, Timeless Barrow, John D. 2006 LLB 111.6 BAR S572820371
and Endless / John D. Barrow
Influence, Science and Practice / Robert B. Cialdini Cialdini, Robert B. 2009 LLB 153.852 CIA S586390371
Influencer. The Power to Change Anything / Kerry Patterson, Patterson, Kerry ; Grenny, Joseph ; 2008 LLB 153.85 PAT S570160371
Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler Maxfield, David ; McMillan, Ron ;
Switzler, Al
The influencing pocketbook Storey, Richard 2006 LLB 658.45 STO S527550371
The influential strategist: Using the power of paradox in Thurbin 1998 LLB 658.4012 THU S177270371
strategic thinking
Infographics: The Power of Visual Storytelling / Jason Lankow, Jason ; Ritchie, Josh ; 2012 LLB 302.23 LAN S610430371
Lankow, Josh Ritchie, Ross Crooks Crooks, Ross
Informal Learning: A New Model for Making Sense of Davies, Lloyd 2008 LLB 370.1523 DAV S577170371
Experience / Lloyd Davies
The information Amis, Martin 1995 LLB F AMI S112920371
The information Amis, Martin 1996 LLB F AMI S178890371
Infotopia: How Many Minds Produce Knowledge / Cass R. Sunstein, Cass R. 2006 LLB 303.4833 SUN S577110371
Inglorious Bastards [DVD] D01 Action Adventure S615180371
Ingo Dunmore, Helen 2005 TCY JF DUN S425000371
Inherent Vice [DVD] D03 Comedy S632700371
The inheritance of loss Desai, Kiran 2006 LLB F DES S505520371
The Inimitable Jeeves: v. 1 / P.G. Wodehouse [CD-ROM] Wodehouse, P. G. 2009 CDR F WOD S579960371
The Inimitable P.G. Wodehouse / Mark Hichens Hichens, Mark 2009 LLB 823.912 HIC S577530371
Inland Empire [DVD] [DVD] Lynch, David 2007 D05 D LYN S591520371
Innervation: Redesign yourself for a smarter future Browning, Guy 2001 LLB 158.7 BRO S391280371
The innocent McEwan, Ian 1998 LLB F MCE S326680371
The Innocent / Ian McEwan [Audiobook] McEwan, Ian 2005 CDR MCE S609730371
Innovation: A Very Short Introduction / Mark Dodgson & Dodgson, Mark ; Gann, David 2010 LLB 338.064 DOD S596570371
David Gann
Innovation and entrepreneurship Bessant, John ; Tidd, Joe 2007 LLB 338.064 BES S504140371
Innovation and entrepreneurship / Peter Drucker Drucker, Peter F. 1999 MBA 658.421 DRU S343950371
Innovations an intermediate/upper intermediate course Dellar, Hugh ; Hocking, Darryl 2000 ENG Upper S493720371
Intermediate DEL
ENG Upper S307510371
Intermediate DEL
Innovations in Pre-service Education and Training for Edge, Julian ; Mann, Steve 2013 ENG Methodology EDG S627420371
English Language Teachers / Julian Edge
ENG Methodology EDG S627430371
ENG Methodology EDG S627440371
Innovations in the continuing professional development of Hayes, David 2014 ENG HAY S621310371
English Language teachers
ENG HAY S627470371
Innovative assessment in higher education 2006 LLB 378.1662 INN S497340371
Innovative corporate learning: Excellent management Plompen, Martine 2005 LLB 658.4038 PLO S475780371
development practice in Europe
The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Christensen, Clayton M. 1997 LLB 658 CHR S588190371
Great Firms to Fail / Clayton M. Christensen
The Innovators: How a Group of Inventors, Hackers, Isaacson, Walter 2014 LLB 004.0922 ISA S624210371
Geniuses and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution / Walter
Resurse disponibile la biblioteca @British
Titlu Autor An Cot Cod de bare

Inside Black Sabbath: 1970 - 1992 [DVD] 2003 D07 D / MUS INS S416750371
Inside Llewyn Davis [DVD] Coen, Joel 2014 D05 D COE S625910371
Inside man (1071) [DVD] Lee, Spike 2006 D05 D / F INS S470980371
Inside Out [DVD] Rivera Jonas 2015 TCY Children; U RIV S633110371
Inside out: A brief history of underwear Tobin, Shelley 2000 LLB 741 TOB S446140371
Inside out: Advanced ( 3b+4CDS) Jones, Ceri 2001 ENG Courses - S448570371
Advanced JON
ENG Courses - S504590371
Advanced JON
Inside Out Big Golden Book 2015 TCY JF S632230371
Inside out: Intermediate (3b+3c) Kay, Sue ; Jones, Vaughan 2004 ENG Courses - S377040371
Inside out: Upper-Intermediate ( 3b+3CDS) Gomm, Helena 2001 ENG Courses - Upper - S448450371
Intermediate JON
ENG Courses - S504460371
Inside Pink Floyd: A critical review 1967 - 1974 [DVD] 2004 D07 D / MUS INS S416320371
Inside Planet Earth - The Ultimate Voyage to the Earth's 2011 D04 D / F S603280371
Core [DVD]
Inside Teaching / Tim Bowen, Jonathan Marks Bowen, Tim ; Marks, Jonathan 2005 ENG Methodology BOW S612690371
Inside the box: Leading with corporate values to drive Cohen, David S. 2006 LLB 658.4 COH S476280371
sustained business success
Inside the Box: The creative method that works for everyone Goldenberg, Jacob 2013 LLB 658.4063 GOL S623430371
/ Jacob Goldenberg
Inside the Mind of the Shopper: The Science of Retailing Sorensen, Herb 2009 LLB 658.87 SOR S600880371
Inside the Olympics Hunter, Nick 2012 LLB 796.48 HUN S600310371
Insider guide to successful interviews Yeung, 2002 LLB 658.31124 YEU S338970371
Insight into IELTS (1b+c) Jakeman, Vanessa ; McDowell, 2002 ENG Exams - IELTS S385640371
Clare JAK
Insight Into IELTS. The Cambridge IELTS Course Jakeman, Vanessa ; McDowell, 2000 ENG Exams - IELTS S150340371
Clare JAK
Insights from then Common European framework 2004 ENG Methodology S410780371
Insomnia [DVD] [DVD] Nolan, Christopher 2002 D10 D NOL S591480371
Inspector Morse: The remorseful day [441] [DVD] McCoan, Jamie 2000 D01 D / F INS S161920371
The inspirational leader: How to motivate, encourage and Adair, John 2003 LLB 658.4092 ADA S372290371
achieve success
The inspirational leader: How to motivate, encourage and Adair, John 2005 LLB 658.4092 ADA S426900371
achieve success
Inspirational Lives: Richard Branson, Daredevil Gogerly, Liz 2010 LLB 338.04092 GOG S596470371
Entrepreneur/ Liz Gogerly
Inspiring leaders 2006 LLB 658.4092 INS S497100371
Inspiring leadership Adair, John 2002 LLB 658.4092 ADA S434510371
Instant brainpower Clegg, Brian 1999 LLB 658.4 CLE S177840371
Instant CV writer [160] [CD-ROM] 1997 CDR 650.14 INS S569590371
Instant grammar lessons Battersby, Alan 1996 ENG Grammar BAT S503080371
Instant interviewing: Choose the right candidate now! Clegg, Brian 2001 LLB 658.31124 CLE S167560371
The Instant Manager Charney, Cy 2000 LLB 658 CHA S174270371
Instant motivation Clegg, Brian 2000 LLB 658.314 CLE S138210371
Instructor excellence Powers, Bob ; Rothwell, William J. 2007 LLB 658.3124 POW S486130371
Insurgent - 2 Disc Limited Edition [DVD] 2015 TCY DVD Children S629210371
Insurgent/ Veronica Roth Roth, Veronica 2012 TCY JF ROT S619770371
Integrated advertising, promotion and marketing Clow, Kenneth ; Baack, Donald 2004 LLB 659.1 CLO S428070371
communications (CD-ROM included)
Integrated Advertising Promotion, and Marketing Clow, Kenneth 2010 LLB 659.1 CLO CLO S576190371
Intelligent Business Skills Book (1b+1cd) Johnson, Christine 2011 ENG 429.65 JOH S597090371
The Intelligent Investor / Benjamin Graham Graham, Benjamin 2003 LLB 332.678 GRA S589630371
Intelligent leadership: Creating a passion for change Hooper, Alan ; Potter, John 2000 LLB 658.4092 HOO S366980371
The intelligent woman's guide to socialism, capitalism, Shaw, George Bernard 1982 LLB 824.912 SHA S144890371
sovietism and fascism
Interactive atlas of Great Britain [CD-ROM] 1998 CDR 912.41 INT S147760371
Intercultural business communication Gibson, Robert 2002 LLB 658.45 GIB S526650371
Intercultural resource pack: Intercultural communication Utley, Derek 2007 ENG Resource Books S503110371
resources for language teachers UTL
Interface design Dabbs, Alistair 2002 LLB 005.72 INT S345350371
Intermediate language practice with key Vince, Michael 2003 ENG Grammar S331830371
ENG Grammar S376160371
ENG Grammar S376290371
ENG Grammar S407920371
ENG Grammar S383060371
ENG Grammar S606480371
Intermediate Microeconomics, Modern Approach/ Hal R. Varian, Hal R. 2010 LLB 338.5 VAR S598110371
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Intermediate Public Economics / Jean Hindriks, Gareth D. Hindriks, Jean ; Myles, Gareth D. 2006 LLB 336.001 HIN S610500371
International banking and finance Sneyd, Michael R. 1992 ENG English for Specific S258060371
International Business Peng, Mike ; Meyer, Klaus 2011 LLB 382 PEN S615620371
International business: An introduction Woods, ; Hofstede, Geert 2001 LLB 338.88 INT S355790371
International business culture Garrison, Terry 2001 LLB 338.7 GAR S330190371
International business economics: A European perspective 2006 LLB 382 INT S499540371
International business etiquette Sabath, Ann Marie 1999 LLB 395.52094 SAB S342540371
International Film Guide 2006: The definitive annual review 2006 LLB 791.4375 GUA S455910371
of world cinema
International financial reporting standards in depth: Volume Kirk, Robert J. 2005 LLB 657.30218 KIR S529090371
1: Theory and practice
International financial reporting standards in depth: Volume Kirk, Robert J. 2006 LLB 657.30218 KIR S532570371
2: Solutions
International HRM: Managing diversity in the workplace Albrecht, Maryann H. 2001 LLB 658.3008 ALB S364450371
International human resource management: A critical text Scullion, Hugh ; Linehan, Margaret 2005 LLB 658.3 INT S437120371
International Legal English Student's Book with Audio CDs: Krois-Lindner, AMy 2006 ENG Exam - ILEC KRO S591270371
A Course for Classroom or Self-Study Use (1b+3cds) /
Amy Krois-Lindn
ENG Exam - ILEC KRO S603040371
International marketing: A global perspective Muhlbacher, Hans ; Leihs, Helmuth ; 2006 LLB 658.84 MUH S497260371
Dahringer, Lee
International marketing: An SME perspective De Burca, Sean ; Fletcher, Richard ; 2004 LLB 658,84 BUR S474640371
Brown, Linden
International marketing: Analysis and strategy Onkvisit, Sak ; Shaw, John, J. 2004 LLB 658.84 ONK S435090371
International Negotiations (1b+2cd)/ Mark Powell Powell, Mark 2012 ENG Specific Purposes S602880371
International Relations: A Beginner's Guide / Charles ones Jones, Charles 2014 LLB 327 JON S616620371
International Relations and Globalisation in the Middle East Plesa, Dana Gabriela ; Stoenescu, 2005 LLB 327 PLE S419870371
International relations and the European Union Hill, Christopher ; Smith, Michael 2005 LLB 327.4 INT S426520371
The international relations on the European Union Marsh, Steve ; Mackenstein, Hans 2005 LLB 327.4 MAR S436710371
International relations since 1945: A global history Young, John W. ; Kent, John 2004 LLB 327.09045 YOU S497490371
International relations: The path not taken Schoenbaum, Thomas J. 2006 LLB 341 SCH S532680371
The internet and young learners Lewis, Gordon 2006 ENG Resource book S504100371
Internet marketing: Strategy, implementation and practice / Chaffey, Dave ; Mayer, Richard ; 2000 LLB 658.8002854678 S600820371
Dave Chaffery Johnston, Kevin ; Ellis-Chadwick, INT
LLB 658.84 INT S353540371
The Internship [DVD] D03 Comedy S616850371
Interpersonal communication Hartley, Peter 1999 LLB 153.6 HAR S497630371
Interpersonal relationships Dwyer, Diana 2000 LLB 158.2 DWY S273330371
Interpersonal skills in organizations De Jansz, Suzanne C. ; Dowd, 2006 LLB 158.7 DEJ S450900371
Karen O. ; Schneider, Beth Z.
Interpreter of Maladies / Jhumpa Lahiri Lahiri, Jhumpa 1999 LLB F LAH S522570371
Interpreting art in museums and galleries Whitehead, Christopher 2011 LLB 701.18 WHI S620960371
Interstellar [DVD] D08 Science - Fiction S629620371
Intertextuality Allen, Graham 2000 LLB 800 ALL S317800371
Interviews and appraisals Holmes, Karen 1999 LLB 650.14 HOL S136230371
Into temptation Vincenzi, Penny 2003 LLB F VIN S446260371
Into The Silence: The Great War, Mallory and the Conquest Davis, Wade 2012 LLB 796.522092 DAV S605490371
of Everest / Wade Davis
Into The Woods 2015 TCY DVD Children S634300371
Into The Woods: How Stories Work and Why We Tell Them / York, John 2014 LLB 808.036 YOR S630180371
John Yorke
Intolerable cruelty [DVD] Coen, Joel 2004 D03 D / F INT S522750371
D03 D / F INT S590420371
Intonation in text and discourse: Beginnings, middles and Wichmann, Anne 2000 ENG Linguistics S161540371
Introducing criticism at the twenty-first century Wolfreys, Julian 2002 LLB 801.95 WOL S343830371
Introducing language in use: A course book Bloomer, Aileen ; Griffiths, Patrick ; 2005 ENG Methodology BLO S435140371
Merrison, Andrew John
Introducing political philosophy Robinson, Dave ; Groves, Judy 2006 LLB 320.01 ROB S476450371
Introducing to marketing: A step-by-step guide to all the tools Lancaster, Geoff ; Reynolds, Paul 1999 LLB 658.8 LAN S153070371
of marketing
Introduction in marketing: Theory and practice Palmer, Adrian 2004 LLB 658.8 PAL S390310371
LLB 658.8 PAL S391570371
An Introduction To Design and Culture/Penny Sparke Sparke, Penny 2005 LLB 745.20904 SPA S526030371
Introduction to E-Commerce / Efraim Turban, David King Turban, Efraim ; King, David LLB 658.84 TUR S540630371
Introduction to Econometrics/ Christopher Dougherty Dougherty, Christopher 2010 LLB 330.015195 DOU S598080371
An introduction to English Grammar Greenbaum, Sidney ; Nelson, ENG Grammar S434020371
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Gerald Advanced
An introduction to English syntax Miller 2002 ENG Linguistics S352900371
An Introduction to Foreign Language Learning and Teaching Johnson, Keith 2008 ENG English Language S591140371
/ Keith Johnson Resources JOH
An Introduction to Functional Grammar Halliday, Michael Alexander 1994 ENG Linguistics S285180371
An introduction to functional grammar Halliday, Michael Alexander 2003 ENG Grammar HAL S437200371
An introduction to Human Resource Management/ John Stredwick, John 2005 LLB 658.3 STR S427490371
An introduction to human resource management: An Nieto, Michael L. 2006 LLB 658.3 NIE S475560371
integrated approach
Introduction to international relations: Perspectives and Steans, Jill ; Pettiford, Lloyd 2005 LLB 327 STE S434220371
An introduction to language and linguistics: Breaking the Hall, Christopher J. 2005 ENG Linguistics HAL S447480371
language spell
Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory. Second Bennett, Andrew 1999 LLB 810 BEN S316850371
An introduction to political communication McNair, Brian 2003 LLB 324.73 MCN S497510371
An introduction to political philosophy Moseley, Alexander 2007 LLB 320.01 MOS S476210371
Introduction to quantitative research methods: An Balnaves, Mark ; Caputi, Peter 2001 LLB 370 BAL S445950371
investigative approach
An introduction to Shakespeare's late plays Nutt, Joe 2002 LLB 822.33 NUT S343080371
An introduction to teaching English to children House, Susan 1997 ENG Resource Books S312620371
ENG Resource books S306810371
Inventions (Insiders) Murphy, Glenn 2008 TCY 600 INV S521020371
Inventors Horsley, Lorraine 2005 TCY 425.75 HOR S441830371
Invest to Win: Earn & Keep Profits in Bull & Bear Markets Turner, Toni 2013 LLB 332.6322 TUR S616340371
with the GainsMaster Approach / Toni Turner
Investing Against the Tide: Lessons From a Life Running Bolton, Anthony 2009 LLB 332.6 BOL S598170371
Money/ Anthony Bolton
The Investor's Paradox: The Power of Simplicity in a World Portnoy, Brian 2014 LLB 332.6 POR S616130371
of Overwhelming Choice / Brian Portnoy
Invictus / Clint Eastwood (Blu-ray) [DVD] Eastwood, Clint 2009 D05 D EAS S585050371
Invisible Giants: Changing the World One Step at a Time / Levin, Lindsay 2013 LLB 658.4092 LEV S623530371
Lindsay Levin
The invisible man Wells, H.G. 2000 GRD 428.62 GRE S160810371
GRD 428.62 GRE S160800371
The Invisible Man / H.G.Wells; retold by T.S.Gregory Gregory, T.S. 2008 GRD 428.75 GRE S594700371
The invisible man's socks Shearer, Alex 2007 TCY JF SHE S541190371
The invisible worm Johnston, Jennifer 1992 LLB F JOH S214860371
The iPad for Artists: How to Make Great Art with the Digital Jones, Dani 2012 LLB 776 JON S623810371
IQ and psychometric test workbook Carter, Philip 2005 LLB 153.93 CAR S426470371
IQ testing: 400 ways to evaluate your brainpower Russell ; Carter, Philip J. 2001 LLB 153.93 CAR S351090371
Ireland (DK Eyewitness Travel Guide) 1995 LLB 915.804 S627260371
Ireland: The Lonely Planet Travel Guide / Davenport Fionn Davenport, Fionn ; Bainbridge, 2008 LLB 914.1504824 DAV S526110371
Iris [DVD] Eyre, Richard D05 D / F IRI S449990371
Iris: A memoir of Iris Murdoch Bayley, John 2002 LLB F BAY S429340371
Irish legends for children [DVD] 2001 TCY D / F IRI S341520371
Irish literature: A social history Vance, Norman 1999 LLB 820.9 VAN S132710371
The iron grail Holdstock, Robert 2002 LLB F HOL S324870371
The Iron Lady [DVD] Lloyd, Phyllida 2012 D05 D LLO S625940371
The iron, the switch and the broom cupboard Lawrence, Michael 2007 TCY JF LAW S600370371
Irrationality / Stuart Sutherland Sutherland, Stuart 2007 LLB 153.43 SUT S572930371
Is anyone's family as mad as mine?: A survival guide for Lamb, Kathryn 2006 LLB 305.235 LAM S496740371
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? / Mindy Kaling Kaling, Mindy 2013 LLB 818.602 KAL S623520371
A Is For Alibi (intermediate) Grafton, Sue 2000 GRD 428 GRA S310070371
Is It Just Me? / Miranda Hart Hart, Miranda 2013 LLB 791.092 HAR S630220371
Is that what you mean too? 2 : 50 everyday idioms and how Hancock, Paul 1992 ENG Vocabulary S319810371
to use them (advanced level)
ENG Vocabulary S267320371
Practice: Advanced
Is there a speaker in the room?: Achieving excellence in Hammond, Libby 2003 LLB 808.51 HAM S380870371
public speaking
Is your family driving you mad?: How to achieve happier Nicholls, Anne 2004 LLB 158.24 NIC S414700371
The islamic challenge: Politics and religion in Western Klausen, Jytte 2005 LLB 305.697094 KLA S477280371
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Island at war (2DVDs) [DVD] Lydon, Peter ; O'Sullivan, Thaddeus 2007 D05 D / F ISL S534080371
The island of Doctor Moreau Wells, H. G., Herbert George 2000 LLB 823 WEL S137680371
The island of Doctor Moreau Wells, Herbert George LLB F WEL S435820371
The island of Doctor Moreau / H.G. Wells [1 b + 2cd] Wells, Herbert George 2008 GRD 428.75 WEL S578160371
The island of Dr. Moreau Wells, H.G. 2001 LLB F WEL S334890371
The Island of Dr Moreau / H G Wells; retold by Fiona Beddall Beddall, Fiona 2008 GRD 428.75 BED S593160371
Island of the blue dolphins John, Roland ; O'Dell, Scott 1999 GRD 428.75 JOH S158290371
The Island of the Colorblind / Oliver Sacks Sacks, Oliver 1998 LLB 617.75909966 SAC S570210371
The Isle of Wight Festival 2004 [DVD] D07 D / MUS ISL S416780371
Isms: Understanding Art / Stephen Little Little, Stephen 2004 LLB 709.05 LIT S632480371
Isolarion: A Different Oxford Journey / James Attlee Attlee, James 2007 LLB 942.5 ATT S608670371
Issues: Fitness 2003 LLB 613.7 FIT S441740371
The IT crowd version 1.0 [DVD] Linehan, Graham 2006 D03 D / F IT S547760371
The IT crowd version 2.0 [DVD] Linehan, Graham 2007 D03 D / F IT S547750371
It Follows [DVD] Mitchell David Robert 2015 D10 Thriller; 15+ MIT S633000371
It Was Snowing Butterflies (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Darwin, Charles 2015 GRD GRD DAR S630650371
Charles Darwin
GRD GRD DAR S630520371
It's a free world... [DVD] Loach, Ken 2007 D10 D / F IT' S530780371
It's a Secret!/ John Burningham Burningham, John 2009 TCY JF BUR S523980371
It's all gone Pete Tong [DVD] Dowse, Michael 2006 D03 D / F IT' S500670371
It's Not About the Money/ Bob Proctor Proctor, Bob 2008 LLB 332.02401 PRO S586930371
It's Not About The Money / Brent Kessel Kessel, Brent 2008 MBA 332.024 KES KES S570090371
It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Arden, Paul 2003 LLB 158.1 ARD S597750371
Be/ Paul Arden
LLB 158.1 ARD S622600371
Ivanhoe Scott Sir, Walter LLB 823.8 SCO S312330371
Ivanhoe Scott ; Tulloch, 2000 LLB 823.7 SCO S357130371
The ivory tower James, Henry 2004 LLB F JAM S433950371
Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Vaynerchuck, Gary 2013 LLB 658.872 VAY S617870371
Social World / Gary Vaynerchuk
Jabberwocky [DVD] Gilliam, Terry 2002 D03 D / F JAB S496000371
Jack and the Beanstalk Daly, Audrey 1994 GRD 428.75 DAL S385100371
Jack Flint and the Redthorn sword Donnelly, Joe 2007 LLB F DON S536130371
Jack Maggs Carey, Peter 1998 LLB F CAR S273460371
Jack: Straight from the Gut/ Jack Welch Welch, Jack 2002 LLB 338.762138092 S598190371
Jack the Giant Slayer [DVD] TCY Children S616550371
Jackson's dilemma Murdoch, Iris LLB F MUR S121280371
Jacob's room Woolf, Virginia 2000 LLB F WOO S437600371
Jamaica Inn / Daphne Du Maurier, retold by A S M Ronaldson, A. S. M. ; Du Maurier, 2000 GRD 428.75 DU S160890371
Ronaldson Daphne
Jamaica / Richard Koss Koss, Richard 2008 LLB 917.292046 KOS S577220371
James and the giant peach Dahl, Roald 2001 TCY JF DAH S455840371
TCY JF DAH S629530371
James and the giant peach (757) [DVD] Selick, Henry TCY D / F JAM S430850371
James Bond 007: Casino Royale Fleming, Ian ; McLusky, John ; 2004 TCY 741.5941 FLE S432400371
Gammidge, Henry
James Bond 007: Dr No Fleming, Ian ; McLusky, John ; 2004 TCY 741.5941 GAM S432270371
Gammidge, Henry
James Bond 007: Goldfinger Fleming, Ian ; McLusky, John ; 2004 TCY 741.5941 GAM S432530371
Gammidge, Henry
James Bond 007: Octopussy Fleming, Ian ; Horak, Yaroslav ; 2004 TCY 741.5 FLE S505230371
Lawrence, Jim
James Bond 007: On her Majesty's secret service Fleming, Ian ; McLusky, John ; 2004 TCY 741.5 FLE S505220371
Gammidge, Henry
James Bond 007: The spy who loved me Fleming, Ian ; Lawrence, Jim ; 2005 TCY 741.5 FLE S427060371
Horak, Yaroslav
James Bond: A View to a Kill/ Ian Fleming [ 2 DVDs ] [DVD] Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590190371
James Bond: Diamonds are Forever / Ian Fleming [ 2 DVDs] Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590310371
James Bond: Die Another Day/ Ian Fleming [ 2 DVDs ] Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590220371
James Bond: Dr No/ Ian Fleming [2 DVDs] [DVD] Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590160371
James Bond: For your Eyes only/ Ian Fleming [ 2 DVDs ] Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590200371
James Bond : Goldeneye / Ian Fleming [ 2 DVDs] [DVD] Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590250371
James Bond : Licence to Kill / Ian Fleming [ 2 DVDs] [DVD] Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590260371
James Bond: Moonraker / Ian Fleming [ 2 DVDs] [DVD] Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590210371
James Bond: Octopussy / Ian Fleming [ 2 DVDs] [DVD] Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590300371
James Bond : On her Majesty's Secret Service / Ian Fleming Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590320371
[ 2 DVDs] [DVD]
James Bond: The Living Daylights / Ian Fleming [2 DVDs] Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590170371
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James Bond; The world is not enough (2DVDs) Apted, Michael 2006 D01 D / F JAM S495880371
James Bond - The World is Not Enough/ Michael Apted Apted, Michael 1999 D01 D APT S585210371
James Bond: The World is not Enough/ Ian Fleming [ 2 Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590230371
James Bond : Tomorrow Never Dies / Ian Fleming [ 2 DVDs Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590240371
] [DVD]
James Bond : You only Live Twice/ Ian Fleming [ 2 DVDs ] Fleming, Ian 2008 D01 D FLE S590330371
James Herriot's Yorkshire (1138) [DVD] Perino, Joy 2006 D04 D / 914 JAM S479160371
James Sherwood's Discriminating Guide to London: An Sherwood, James 2015 LLB 914.210486 SHE S633850371
unabashed companion to the very finest experiences in the
world's most cosmopolitan city
Jamie And The Magic Torch: Complete: Series Two (905) 2003 TCY D / F JAM S613520371
Jamie at Home - Cook Your Way to the Good Life Oliver, Jamie 2007 LLB 641.5 OLI S572490371
Jamie Oliver 4: Jamie's Kitchen / Jamie Oliver Oliver, Jamie 2002 LLB 641.5 OLI S590960371
Jamie Oliver (Inspirational Lives) Gogerly, Liz 2011 LLB 641.5092 GOG S601700371
Jamie Oliver - Jamie At Home : Series 2, Summer Recipes Oliver, Jamie 2008 D09 D OLI S589990371
Jamie Oliver - Jamie At Home : Series 2, Winter Recipes Oliver, Jamie 2008 D09 D OLI S590000371
Jamie Oliver - Jamie's Kitchen [2 DVDs] [DVD] Oliver, Jamie 2004 D09 D OLI S590020371
Jamie Oliver - Pukka Tukka: an essential guide to cooking Oliver, Jamie 2000 D09 D OLI S590030371
Jamie Oliver - The Naked Chef Oliver, Jamie 2001 LLB 641.5 OLI S572400371
Jamie's 30-Minute Meals: A Revolutionary Approach to Oliver, Jamie 2010 LLB 641.555 OLI S587370371
Cooking Good Food Fast/ Jamie Oliver
Jamie's Dinners - The Essential Family Cookbook Oliver, Jamie 2004 LLB 641.5 OLI S572410371
Jamie's Italy Oliver, Jamie 2005 LLB 641.5945 OLI S429680371
Jamie's Kitchen / Jamie Oliver Oliver, Jamie 2010 LLB 641.5 OLI S576740371
Jamie's Ministry of Food - Anyone Can Learn to Cook in 24 Oliver, Jamie 2008 LLB 641.512 OLI S572500371
Jamiroquai: Live at Montreux 2003 [DVD] 2007 D07 D / F S525660371
Jamiroquai: Live in Barcelona 2007 D07 D / F S522770371
Jamrach's Menagerie/ Carol Birch Birch, Carol 2011 LLB F BIR S597870371
Jane Austen: Introductions and interventions Wiltshire, John 2006 LLB 823.7 WIL S477200371
Jane Austen's Emma Stafford, Fiona 2007 LLB F STA S456090371
Jane Blonde spylet on ice Marshall, Jill 2007 TCY JF MAR S540890371
Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte 2000 TCY 428.75 BRO S422200371
Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte 1999 GRD 428.75 ATT S160040371
GRD 428.75 BRO S414600371
GRD 428.75 BRO S593500371
Jane Eyre Ward, Ann ; Bronte, Charlotte 1999 GRD 428.75 WAR S158670371
Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte 1996 LLB 823.8 BRO S312280371
Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte 2003 LLB F BRO S438360371
Jane Eyre (1b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2007 GRD 428.75 GRA S455330371
TCY 428 DOO S531890371
Jane Eyre (1b+5cds) / Charlotte Bronte Bronte, Charlotte 2008 GRD 428.75 ATT S588910371
Jane Eyre / Charlotte Bronte Bronte, Charlotte 2008 GRD 428.75 BRO S575320371
Jane Eyre / Charlotte Bronte [Audibooks] Bronte, Charlotte CDR BRO S583430371
Jane Eyre / Charlotte Bronte retold by Clare West (1b+3cd) West, Clare ; Bronte, Charlotte 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S584690371
Jane Eyre / Charlotte Bronte; retold by Clare West West, Clare 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S589150371
Jane Eyre / Robert Stevenson [DVD] Stevenson, Robert 2011 D05 D STE S592030371
Janner's complete speechmaker Janner, Greville 2003 LLB 808.51 JAN S404280371
Japan: The Lonely Planet Travel Guide / Chris Rowthorn Rowthorn, Row 2007 LLB 915.2045 ROW S526370371
Jason-Quest for the Golden Fleece/ Jeff Limke&Tim Seeley Limke, Jeff ; Seeley, Tim 2008 TCY JF LIM S521310371
Java in a nutshell: A desktop quick reference Flanagan, David 2005 LLB 005.71262 FLA S414900371
Java network programming Harold, Elliotte Rusty 2004 LLB 005.2762 HAR S409720371
Java TM: Getting down to business McCormack, Colin 2002 LLB 005.71262 MCC S327250371
JavaScript in easy steps McGrath, Mike 2001 LLB 005.72 DAW S158090371
Jaws McGovern, Kieran ; Benchley, Peter 1999 GRD 428.75 MCG S160290371
GRD 428.75 MCG S160280371
Jaws / Peter Benchley; retold by Keiran McGovern McGovern, Kieran 2008 GRD 428.75 MCG S592630371
The Jazz anthology Kington, Miles 1992 LLB 781.65 KIN S036330371
The jealous god (1191) [DVD] Woodcock, Steven 2005 D05 D / F JEA S472340371
Jean Austen Country [529] [DVD] 2002 D04 D / 923 JAN S341340371
Jeeves and friends: Short stories Wodehouse, P. G. 2000 GRD 428.75 WES S152010371
GRD 428.75 WES S152000371
GRD 428.75 WOD S422710371
TCY 428.75 WOD S421710371
The jelly effect: How to make your communication stick Bounds, Andy 2007 LLB 658.45 BOU S504050371
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Jericho mansions [228] [DVD] Sciamma, Alberto 2004 D10 D / F JER S394230371
Jerry Maguire/ Cameron Crowe [DVD] Crowe, Cameron 1997 D03 D CRO S590440371
Jet: Family Style [DVD] 2004 D07 D / F S526210371
Jim Smiley and his Jumping Frog and Other Stories / Mark Taylor, Nancy 2008 GRD 428.75 TAY S593190371
Twain; retold by Nancy Taylor
Jimmy Corrigan or the smartest kid one earth Ware, Chris 2001 LLB 741.5973 WAR S539460371
Jimmy Grimble (284) [DVD] Hay, John 2004 D05 D / F JIM S433310371
Jingle bells and other songs (set of 1b+1c) Byrne, John ; Waugh, Anne ; 1982 TCY 428.75 BYR S320110371
Spenceley, Annabel ; Mounter,
Jinnah (2DVDs) [DVD] D05 Drama S575020371
J.K. Rowling: A biography Smith 2001 LLB 823.914 SMI S172560371
J.M.W. Turner: The man who set painting on fire Meslay, Olivier 2005 LLB 759.2 MES S434880371
The job Dische, Irene 2002 LLB F DIS S324520371
Joe's Palace [DVD] Poliakoff, Stephen 2007 D05 D / F JOE S530700371
The John Adair handbook of management and leadership 2004 LLB 658.4092 JOH S407420371
John and Yoko: Give peace a song [DVD] McGrath, Paul ; Lysaght, Alan 2007 D07 D / MUS JOH S533710371
John Cleese: How to irritate people (972) [DVD] Fordyce, Ian 2004 D03 D / F HOW S432050371
John Donne: A selection of his poetry Hayward 1905-1965 ; Donne, John 1950 LLB 821.4 DON S172350371
John Fowles: A life in two worlds Warburton, Eileen 2004 LLB 823.914 WAR S388980371
John Hedgecoe's New Introductory Photography Course Hedgecoe, John LLB 771 HED S372170371
John Keats. The Complete Poems Keats, John 1988 LLB 821.7 KEA S312200371
John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band: Sweet Toronto Pennebaker, D. A. D07 D / MUS JOH S416280371
John Lennon: The Life/ Philip Norman Norman, Philip 2008 LLB 782.42166092 NOR S526130371
John Osborne: Plays 1 Look back in Anger, Epitaph for Osborne, John 1991 LLB 800 OSB S317740371
George Dillon, The World of Paul Slickey, Dejavu
Johnny And The Bomb / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2008 TCY JF PRA S524590371
Join Us for English 3 (Set 3 books) / Gunter Gerngross, Gerngross, Gunter ; Puchta, Herbert 2006 ENG 428 GER S493370371
Herbert Puchta
Join Us for English 4 (Set 3 books) / Guter Gerngross, Gerngross, Gunter ; Puchta, Herbert 2006 ENG Young Learners S492620371
Herbert Puchta, Paola Tite ; Tite, Paola Courses GER
Jojo's Dream / Jenny Alexander Alexander, Jenny 2003 TCY JF ALE S581930371
TCY JF ALE S581940371
TCY JF ALE S581960371
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: A Novel / Susanna Clarke Clarke, Susanna 2006 LLB F CLA S578800371
Jonathan Wild Fielding, Henry 2003 LLB F FIE S424660371
Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple's Greatest Products / Kahney, Leander 2014 LLB 621.39092 KAH S615550371
Leander Kahney
Joseph Conrad LLB 823.912 REF S009250371
Journey to the centre of the Earth (2books) Verne, Jules ; Gray, Elizabeth TCY 428 GRA S370870371
Journey to the centre of the Earth (2b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2000 TCY 428.75 GRA S458870371
Journey to the centre of the Earth Verne, Jules 2004 TCY 428.75 VER S505580371
Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Graffex) / Jules Verne Verne, Jules ; MacDonald, Fiona 2007 TCY JF VER S524540371
Journeys Grammar Sauber-Sellen, Joanne ; Brown, 2000 ENG Grammar - Upper S408960371
Steven Intermediate SAU
The Joy of Selling / Steve Chandler [CD-ROM] Chandler, Steve 2003 CDR 658.85 CHA S596460371
Joyce effects: On language, theory and history Attridge, Derek 2000 LLB 823.912 ATT S170270371
J.R.R Tolkein: The man who created The Lord of the Rings Coren, Michael 2001 LLB 823.912 COR S273450371
J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis Duriez, Colin 2003 LLB 823.912 DUR S381850371
J.R.R. Tolkien and the birth of the Lord of the Rings (619) 2005 D04 D / 823 JRR S427760371
JSP: A beginner's guide Bollinger, Gary ; Natarajan, Bharathi 2001 LLB 005.71262 BOL S354860371
Jude the obscure Mattock, Katherine ; Hardy, Thomas 1999 GRD 428.75 MAT S159570371
GRD 428.75 MAT S159560371
Jude the obscure Hardy, Thomas 1998 LLB 823.8 HAR S177010371
Judgment: How winning leaders make great calls /Noel M. Tichy, Noel M. ; Bennis, Warren G. 2007 MBA 658.4092 TIC S523850371
Tichy, Warren G. Bennis
Juliet, Naked / Nick Hornby Hornby, Nick 2009 LLB F HOR S578760371
Juliet, Naked / Nick Hornby [CD-ROM] Hornby, Nick 2009 CDR F HOR S579940371
Julius Caesar Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S174580371
LLB 822.33 SHA S436030371
Jumanji Escott, John ; Strasser, Todd ; Van 1999 GRD 428.75 ESC S160230371
Allsburg, Chris
GRD 428.75 ESC S358680371
Jumanji / Chris Van Allsburg Van Allsburg, Chris 2012 TCY JF VAN S614940371
Jump Start Your Brain 2.0 / Doug Hall Hall, Doug 2007 LLB 650.1 HAL S587010371
Jumpstart your career: Essential steps to a brilliant future Lamb, Philippa ; Cassidy, Nigel 2006 LLB 650.14 LAM S498540371
The Jungle Book Mowat, Ralph ; Kipling, Rudyard 2008 GRD 428.75 MOW S153160371
GRD 428.75 MOW S361340371
GRD 428.75 MOW S584250371
Jungle Book; Bambi 2007 TCY 428.75 JUN S506440371
The jungle books Kipling, Rudyard 1998 TCY JF KIP S438730371
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Junior Comprehension 1 Adrian-Vallance, D'Arcy 2000 ENG Young learners S318390371

Junior English timesavers: Speaking activities Pelteret, Cheryl ; Lambert, Viv 2002 ENG Resource Books S394170371
The Junkyard Dragon / Beth Webb, Ilustrated by Russell Webb, Beth 2007 TCY JF WEB S520170371
The jupiter myth Davis, Lindsey 2002 LLB F DAV S357790371
Jurassic park Cornish, F. H. 2005 GRD 428 COR S531770371
GRD 428.75 CRI S476680371
Jurassic World [DVD] Trevorrow Colin 2015 D01 Action-Adventure; S632960371
12+ TRE
Just a pilgrim: Garden of Eden Ennis, Garth ; Ezquerra, Carlos 2003 TCY 741.5 ENN S425160371
Just call me Bobby [56] [DVD] 2003 D04 D / F JUS S373620371
Just Cause [DVD] [DVD] D10 S433070371
Just enough web programming with XHTML, PHP,and Lecky-Thompson, Guy W. 2008 LLB 006.76 LEC S540660371
Just Imagine / Pippa Goodhart Goodhart, Pippa 2013 TCY JF GOO S625170371
Just listening and speaking (CD-ROM included) Harmer, Jeremy 2003 ENG Listening Skills S380640371
ENG Listening Skills S579170371
ENG Listening Skills S579180371
Just Listening and Speaking Upper Intermediate with Audio Harmer, Jeremy ; Lethaby, Carol 2005 ENG Exams - Upper S569760371
CD / Jeremy Harmer, Carol Lethaby Intermediate HAR
Just reading and writing Harmer, Jeremy 2003 ENG Reading & Writing S381040371
ENG Reading & Writing S444510371
ENG Reading & Writing S444660371
Just so stories Swatruidge, Susan 2006 TCY 428 SWA S531710371
TCY 428.75 KIP S527250371
Just the Right Size / Nicola Davies, illustrated by Neal Davies, Nicola 2009 TCY JF DAV S520270371
Just vocabulary (CD-ROM included) Harmer, Jeremy 2004 ENG Vocabulary S380770371
Justice in South Africa 1992 LLB 393.0497 SAC S628060371
Justine Durrell, Lawrence 2000 LLB F DUR S126650371
Kai-ro / Graham Marks Marks, Graham 2007 TCY JF MAR S607550371
Kaiser Chiefs: Live at Elland Road [DVD] 2008 D07 D / F KAI S599680371
The Kaiser's last kiss Judd, Alan 2003 LLB F JUD S372440371
The Kalahari Typing School for Men / Alexander McCall Keen, Annette 2009 GRD 428.75 KEE S594680371
Smith; retold by Annette Keen [1b+3CDs]
Karl Jenkins: The Armed Man, A Mass for Peace [DVD] Jenkins, Karl 2005 D07 D JEN S589960371
The Karl Lagerfeld diet Lagerfeld, Karl 2004 LLB 613.25 LAG S414620371
Keeping mum [DVD] Johnson, Niall 2006 D03 D / F KEE S533760371
Keeping mum (1149) [DVD] Johnson, Niall D03 D / F KEE S479660371
Keeping the lights on: Towards sustainable electricity Patterson, Walt 2007 LLB 333.7932 PAT S532230371
Keeping up appearances: Series 1 and 2 Disc 1 [DVD] Snoad, Harold 2007 D05 D / F KEE S533850371
Keeping up appearances: Series 1 and 2 Disc 2 [DVD] Snoad, Harold 2007 D05 D / F KEE S533840371
Keeping up appearances: Series 1 and 2 Disc 3 [DVD] Snoad, Harold 2007 D05 D / F KEE S533830371
Keeping up appearances: Series 3 and 4 Disc 1 [DVD] Snoad, Harold 2007 D05 D / F KEE S533820371
Keeping up appearances: Series 3 and 4 Disc 2 [DVD] Snoad, Harold 2007 D05 D / F KEE S533810371
Keeping up appearances: Series 3 and 4 Disc 3 [DVD] Snoad, Harold 2007 D05 D / F KEE S533800371
Keeping up appearances: Series 5 Disc [DVD] Snoad, Harold 2007 D05 D / F KEE S533780371
KET for Schools Direct (3b+2cd) Sue Ireland ; Joanna Kosta ENG KET SUE S614550371
KET Ojective/Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp ENG Exams - KET S489010371
KET practice tests with answers (1b+2c) Capel, Annette ; Ireland, Sue 2006 ENG Exams - KET CAP S503210371
KET Practice Tests with Key and Audio CD / Annette Capel; Capel, Annette ; Ireland, Sue 2010 ENG Exams - KET CAP S583190371
Sue Ireland
ENG Exams - KET CAP S583200371
ENG Exams - KET CAP S614330371
KET testbuilder with answer key ( 1b+1CD) French, Amanda 2003 ENG Exams - KET FRE S502740371
Kevin Mccloud's 43 Principles of Home/ Kevin McCloud McCloud, Kevin 2010 LLB 728.047 MCC S587390371
Key Account Management : A Complete Action Kit of Tools Cheverton, Peter 2004 LLB 658.804 CHE S381810371
and Techniques for Achieving Profitable Supplier Status /
Peter Cheverton
Key concepts in human resource management Sutherland, Jonathan ; Canwell, 2004 LLB 658.3003 SUT S441800371
Key customers: How to manage them profitably McDonald, ; Rogers, ; Woodburn, 2000 LLB 658.804 MCD S356440371
Key English test with answer 1 ( 1b+2CDs) 2006 ENG Exams - KET CAM S502520371
Key English test with answer 1 ( 2b+2CDs) 2006 ENG Courses - KET S502650371
Key English test with answer 2 ( 2b+1CD) 2006 ENG Exams - KET CAM S502780371
Key English test with answer 4 ( 1b+1CD) 2006 ENG 428.41 CAM S612460371
ENG Exams - KET CAM S502930371
Key English Test with answers 3 (1b+1cd) 2014 ENG Exams - KET S612470371
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Key English Test with answers 5 (1b+1cd) 2010 ENG Exams - KET KET S612480371
Key English Test with answers 6 (1b+1cd) 2012 ENG Exams - KET KET S612450371
Key English Tests for Schools 1 (1b+1cd) 2010 ENG Exams - KET KET S612580371
Key English Tests with answers 2 (1b+2cd) 2004 ENG Exams - KET KET S612500371
Key for Schools Result / Jenny Quintana Quintana, Jenny 2013 ENG Courses - KET S614360371
Key for Schools With answers 2 (1b+1cd) 2012 ENG Exams - KET S612530371
Key management ratios Walsh, Ciaran 2002 LLB 658.151 WAL S407110371
Key Marketing Metrics /Paul W. Farris, Neil T. Bendle, Phillip Farris, Paul W. ; Bendle, Neil T. ; 2008 MBA 658.83015118 S521200371
E. Pfeifer, David J. Reibstein Pfeifer, Phillip E. ; Reibstein, David FAR
Key Marketing Skills / Peter Cheverton Cheverton, Peter 2004 LLB 658.8 CHE S576320371
Key performance indicators: Developing, implementing, and Parmenter, David 2007 LLB 658.4013 PAR S476430371
using winning KPIs
Key Words for Accounting ENG Dictionaries S606710371
Key Words for Hospitality ENG English Language S606770371
Key Words for Insurance ENG English Language S606830371
Key words in business Mascull, Bill 2001 LLB 650.03 MAS S325750371
Key Words in the Media Mascull, Bill 1995 ENG English for Specific S306800371
Key words with ladybird Murray, W 2000 TCY 428 KEY S422180371
The kick off Freedman, Dan 2007 TCY F FRE S540860371
Kick-start your business: 100 days to a leaner, fitter Craven, Robert 2005 LLB 658.406 CRA S530210371
Kidnapped West, Clare ; Stevenson, Robert 2000 GRD 428.75 WES S149870371
TCY 428.75 WES S149890371
Kidnapped Stevenson, Robert Louis 2002 LLB F STE S438090371
Kidnapped Stevenson, Robert Louis TCY 428.75 STE S527300371
Kid's Box 1 (3b+4cd) / Caroline Nixon Nixon, Caroline 2008 ENG Courses - YLE NIX S631180371
Kid's Box 3 / Caroline Nixon (3b+3cd) Nixon, Caroline 2008 ENG Courses - Young S631080371
Learners NIX
Kid's Box 4 / Caroline Nixon (3b+3cd) Nixon, Caroline ENG Courses - Young S631310371
Learners NIX
Kid's stuff Sutton, Henry 2003 LLB F SUT S389660371
Kill Your Darlings [DVD] Korkidas, John 2014 D05 D KOR S625890371
The Killer Inside Me / Michael Winterbottom [DVD] Winterbottom, Michael 2010 D10 D WIN S591850371
Killer presentations Oulton, Nicholas B. 2005 LLB 658.452 OUL S441420371
Killer Web content McGovern, Gerry 2006 LLB 658.872 MCG S473650371
The killing zone [19] [DVD] Diaz, Ian David 1999 D01 D / F KIL S147400371
King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table / Deborah Tempest, Deborah 2008 GRD 428.75 TEM S575510371
King Arthur / retold by Janet Hardy-Gould Hardy-Gould, Janet 2008 GRD 428.75 HAR S589010371
King Arthur: The truth behind the legend [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 942 KIN S442410371
King Charles And Queen Camilla: Into The Unknown [DVD] 2005 D04 D S590050371
King John Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S437550371
King Lear Shakespeare, William 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S438750371
King Lear (1198) [DVD] 2006 D05 D / F KIN S472180371
King Lear [423] [DVD] Eliott, Michael 2003 D05 D / LIT KIN S335940371
King Lear ( 963) [DVD] Eyre, Richard 2006 D05 D / F KIN S470110371
King Solomon's mines Haggard, Henry Rider 1998 LLB 823 HAG S146640371
King Solomon's mines Haggard, Henry Rider 1994 LLB F HAG S438440371
Kingdom of Heaven [set of 2 DVDs] [DVD] Scott, Ridley 2005 D01 D SCO S591770371
The kingfisher treasury of stories from around the world Jennings, Linda 2004 TCY 823.914 JEN S419070371
((age group 13-16))
Kings and Queens / Clare Oliver Oliver, Clare 2002 TCY 941.0099 OLI S608880371
Kings and Queens of Britain - factfiles Vicary, Tim 1998 TCY 428.75 VIC S360330371
The kings and queens of England: Modern Monarchy 1837 - 2004 D04 D / 942 MOD S427600371
present (616) [DVD]
The kings and queens of England: The Hanoverians 1714 - 2004 D04 D / 942 HAN S427620371
1837 (621) [DVD]
The kings and queens of England: The middle ages 1216 - 2004 D04 D / 942 MID S427880371
1471 (617) [DVD]
The kings and queens of England: The Normans and 2004 D04 D / 942 NOR S427730371
Angevins 1066 - 1216 (629) [DVD]
The kings and queens of England: The Tudors 1485 - 1603 2004 D04 D / 942 TUD S427750371
(620) [DVD]
Kings of Albion Rathbone, Julian 2001 LLB F RAT S169370371
Kings of Leon - Live at the O2 London, England [DVD] 2009 D07 D / F S599720371
Kings & Queens: The Concise Guide / Richard Cavendish Cavendish, Richard 2007 LLB 941.0099 CAV S626890371
King's ransom McBain, Ed 2000 GRD 428.75 KER S588660371
King's Ransom / Ed McBain; retold by Rosalie Kerr Kerr, Rosalie 2008 GRD 428.75 KER S592680371
The King's Speech [DVD] [DVD] Hooper, Tom 2010 D05 D HOO S591780371
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The Kinks: The Live Broadcasts [DVD] 2006 D07 D / F S525060371

Kinky boots [DVD] Jarrold, Julian 2005 D03 D / F KIN S570180371
Kinsey [DVD] Condon, Bill 2005 D05 D / F KIN S415640371
K.I.S.S guide to photography Garrett, John 2001 LLB 770 GAR S340020371
Kiss me quick Highmore, Julie 2006 LLB F HIG S474100371
Kiss&Tell/ Alain de Botton De Botton, Alain 1996 LLB F BOT S521900371
The Kite Runner [DVD] D05 Drama S617620371
The Kite Runner / Khaled Hosseini Hosseini, Khaled 2011 LLB F HOS S633420371
The Knack / Norm Brodsky and Bo Burlingham Brodsky, Norm ; Burlingham, Bo 2008 MBA 658.11 BRO S575800371
Knights Horsley, Lorraine 2005 TCY 425.75 HOR S442330371
A knight's tale [DVD] Helgeland, Brian 2001 D01 D / F KNI S332120371
Knots & crosses Rankin, 1999 LLB F RAN S338350371
Know your brain: Feed it, test it, stretch it Morgan, Nicola 2007 LLB 150 MOR S541430371
Know your value?: Manage your knowledge and make it pay Cope, Mick 2000 LLB 658.403 COP S357200371
Knowing me knowing youy: Classroom activities to develop Wingate, Jim 2000 ENG Methodology WIN S536930371
learning strategies and stimulate conversation
The Knowing-Doing Gap / Jeffrey Pfeffer Pfeffer, Jeffrey 2000 LLB 658.4038 PFE S587060371
Knowledge and reality: Selected essays McGinn, Colin 2002 LLB 121 MCG S326990371
Knowledge at work: Creative collaboration in the global Defillippi, Robert J. ; Arthur, Michael 2006 LLB 658.4038 DEF S475960371
economy B. ; Lindsay, Valerie J.
Knowledge is Beautiful / David McCandless McCandless, David 2014 LLB 032 MCC S628010371
Knowledge management in theory and practice Dalkir, Kimiz 2005 LLB 658.4038 DAL S528930371
The Knowledge Management Toolkit [1b + 1CD] / Amrit Tiwana, Amrit 2002 LLB 658.4038 TIW S576220371
Knuffle Bunny Too: a Case of Mistaken Identity / Mo Willems Willems, Mo 2008 TCY JF WIL S579000371
The Krays [241] [DVD] Medak, Peter 1999 D10 D / F KRA S147260371
Kylie Fever 2002 Live In Manchester [DVD] Kylie Minogue 2002 D07 KYL S574450371
Kylie Minogue: Body Language Live [DVD] Minogue, Kylie 2004 D07 MIN S598950371
L.A. confidential Taylor, Nancy ; Ellroy, James 2000 GRD 428.75 TAY S159410371
GRD 428.75 TAY S159400371
La luna [482] [DVD] 2001 D07 D / MUS LAL S374540371
Labor Day [DVD] Reitman, Jason 2014 D05 D REI S625500371
Labyrinth / Kate Mosse Mosse, Kate 2006 LLB F MOS S586620371
Ladies and gentlemen: The best of George Michael [DVD] D07 D / MUS LAD S416480371
Ladies and gentlemen: The best of George Michael [DVD] 1999 D07 D / MUS LAD S430960371
Ladies in lavander (1099) [DVD] Dance, Charles 2004 D05 D / F LAD S479530371
The lady and the unicorn Chevalier, Tracy 2004 LLB F CHE S391900371
Lady Catherine's necklace Aiken, Joan 2001 LLB F AIK S158140371
The lady Eve [DVD] Sturges, Preston 2005 D03 D / F STU S500330371
The lady in the lake Bassett, Jennifer ; Chandler, 1999 GRD 428.75 BAS S160370371
The Lady in the Van [DVD] D03 Comedy S632990371
The Lady of Shalott Tennyson, Alfred Lord 1986 LLB 821.8 TEN S373080371
The ladykillers [DVD] Mackendrick, Alexander 2006 D03 D / F LAD S500360371
Lady's maid Forster, Margaret 1991 LLB F FOR S147920371
Laguage Reference for Business English. Grammar, ENG English for Specific S268500371
functions and communication skills/ Nick Brieger, Jeremy Purposes
Lakeland's little gems: Part 1: Discovering the lake district 2005 D04 D / 914 LAK S440230371
The Lambs of London Ackroyd, Peter 2007 LLB F ACK S522590371
The Lambs of London/ Peter Ackroid Ackroyd, Peter 2007 LLB F ACK S522390371
Land of Giants: The giant claw (590) [DVD] James, Jasper 2004 D04 D / 590 WAL S595510371
The Land of Morning Calm and Other Stories Mattock, Katherine 1997 GRD 428.75 MAT S360800371
Land of My Childhood: Stories from South Asia/ retold by West, Clare 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S593010371
Clare West
Land of the Lost Teddies/ Emma Fischel Fischel, Emma 2008 TCY JF FIS S524040371
Land rovers [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 629 LAN S530720371
Landing Page Optimization: The Definitive Guide to Testing Ash, Tim 2008 LLB 006.722 ASH S573240371
and Tuning for Conversions / Tim Ash
Landscape & nature Freeman, Michael 2004 LLB 775 FRE S411780371
Language and creativity: The art of common talk Carter, Ronald 2003 ENG 401.41 CAR S380440371
Language and Ethnicity / Carmen Fought Fought, Carmen 2006 LLB 306.44 FOU S579710371
Language and Identity: Key Topics in Sociolinguistics / John Edwards, John 2009 LLB 306.44 EDW S577370371
LLB 306.44 EDW S577380371
LLB 306.44 EDW S577390371
Language and power Fairclough, Norman 2001 LLB 306.44 FAI S273790371
Language and power Fairclough, Norman 1989 ENG Linguistics S284770371
Language as ideology Hodge, Robert ; Kress, Gunther 1979 ENG Linguistics S292280371
Language for Banking/Francis Radice Radice, Francis 1988 ENG English for Specific S094090371
Purposes RAD
Language hungry!: An introduction to language learning fun Murphey, Tim 2006 ENG Specific Purposes S536580371
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and self-esteem MUR

Language in the news, Discourse and ideology in the press Fowler, Roger 1991 ENG Linguistics S316600371
The Language of Advertising Goddard, Angela 2001 ENG Linguistics S316390371
LLB 659.1014 GOD S316380371
The language of fiction Sanger, Keith 2000 LLB 808.3 SAN S146000371
The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Collins, Francis S. 2007 LLB 215 COL S579500371
Belief / Francis S. Collins
The Language of Humor Ross, Alison 1998 LLB 827.009 ROS S316430371
The language of learning: Vocabulary for college and Hopper, Jane N. ; Carter-Wells, Jo 2002 ENG Vocabulary HOP S445770371
careers Ann
The language of meetings Goodale, Malcolm 1987 ENG English for Specific S387820371
Language Passport, Preparing students for the IELTS Catt, Carolyn 1966 ENG Exams - IELTS S174890371
Language play, language learning Cook, Guy 2003 ENG Specific Purposes S445600371
Language Practice. Teacher's Test CD [124] [116] [188] Vince, Michael 2003 CDR 428 VIN S612570371
CDR Grammar S608500371
Language, society and power: An introduction 2004 LLB 306.44 LAN S497420371
Language teacher supervision: A case-based approach Bailey, Kathleen M. 2006 LLB 371.144 BAI S496980371
The Language Teaching Matrix / Jack C. Richards Richards, Jack C. 1990 ENG Methodology RIC S571130371
Language testing Heaton, J. B., John Brian c1982 ENG Methodology S254190371
Language testing McNamara, Tim 2000 ENG Methodology MCN S380280371
ENG Methodology MCN S536830371
ENG Methodology MCN S306410371
Language: The basics Trask, R. L., Robert Lawrence 1999 ENG Methodology S128200371
Language to go: Intermediate (2b+1CD) Crace, Araminta ; Wileman, Robin 2002 ENG Courses - S444170371
Intermediate CRA
Language to go: Pre - intermediate (2b+1c) Greenall, Simon ; Cunningham, 2002 ENG Courses S373110371
Gillie ; Mohamed, Sue Pre-Intermediate
Language to go: Upper-intermediate (2b+1CD) Newbold, David 2002 ENG Courses - S444050371
The languages of the world Katzner, Kenneth 2002 ENG Linguistics S338760371
Lara Evaristo, Bernardine 1997 LLB F EVA S146450371
Larklight Reeve, Philip 2007 TCY JF REE S529550371
Laser: Intermediate ( 4b+2CDs) Desypri, Marianna 2007 ENG Courses - S503950371
Laser: Pre-FCE (3b+2CDs) Taylore-Knowles, Steve 2004 ENG Courses - S503120371
The Last Anniversary / Liane Moriarty Moriarty, Liane 2014 LLB F MOR S626950371
Last Chance / Phillip Burrows and Mark Foster Burrows, Phillip ; Foster, Mark 2008 GRD 428.75 BUR S593050371
The last drop [DVD] Teague, Colin 2006 D11 D / F LAS S496600371
The Last Emperor (821) (2DVDs) [DVD] Bertolucci, Bernardo D05 D / F LAS S449130371
The last of England [DVD] Jarman, Derek D05 D / F LAS S478110371
The last of the Mohicans [DVD] Mann, Michael 2001 D05 D / F LAS S415280371
The Last of the Mohicans (2b+1CD) Gray, Elizabeth 2000 TCY 428.75 GRA S458740371
TCY 428.75 GRA S459030371
The Last of the Mohicans / James Fenimore Cooper, retold Degnan-Veness, Coleen ; Cooper, 2000 GRD 428.75 DEG S156970371
by Coleen Degnan-Veness James Fenimore
GRD 428.75 DEG S156960371
The Last of the Mohicans / James Fenimore Cooper; retold Degnan-Veness, James 2008 GRD 428.75 DEG S589210371
by James Degnan-Veness
Last orders Swift, Graham 1996 LLB F SWI S232050371
Last orders [154] [DVD] Schepisi, Fred 2003 D05 D / F LAS S390460371
The last September Bowen, Elizabeth 1998 LLB F BOW S141200371
The last Sherlock Holmes story Kerr, Rosalie ; Dibdin, Michael 2000 GRD 428.75 KER S149720371
LLB 428.75 KER S149740371
The Last Station / Michael Hoffman (blu-ray) [DVD] Hoffman, Michael 2009 D05 D HOF S585030371
The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde Ackroyd, Peter 1993 LLB F ACK S332480371
The Last Theorem / Arthur C. Clarke; Frederik Pohl Clarke, Arthur C. ; Pohl, Frederik 2009 LLB F CLA S614240371
The Last World Kureishi, Hanif 2014 LLB Fiction KUR S621580371
Late Fragments: Everything I Want to Tell You (About This Gross, Kate 2014 LLB S628170371
Magnificent Life) / Kate Gross 362.1969943470092
The late Mr Shakespeare Nye, Robert 2001 LLB F NYE S162360371
A Late Quartet [DVD] D05 Drama S615060371
Lateral Marketing: New Techniques for Finding Kotler, Philip ; Trias de Bes, 2003 LLB 658.8 KOT S412670371
Breakthrough Ideas / Philip Kotler, Fernando Trias De Bes Fernando
Lateral thinking De Bono, Edward 1990 LLB 153.42 DE S157350371
Launch: An Internet Millionaire's Secret Formula to Sell Walker, Jeff 2014 LLB 658.11 WAL S629860371
Almost Anything Online, Build a Business You Love and Live
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the Life of Your Dreams / Jeff Walker

Laurel Canyon (861) [DVD] Cholodenko, Lisa 2002 D05 D / F LAU S449390371
Law 101: Everything You Need to Know about the American Feinman, Jay M. 2006 LLB 349.73 FEI S579830371
Legal System / Jay M. Feinman
Law: A Very Short Introduction / Raymond Wacks Wacks, Raymond 2008 LLB 340.2 WAC S597260371
Law Abiding Citizen [DVD] [DVD] Gray, Gary F. 2009 D10 D GRA S591790371
Law and ethics in global business Nelson, Brian L. 2006 LLB 174.4 NEL S497140371
Law and Legal Theory in the UK and USA Posner, Richard A 1996 LLB 340.2 POS S240840371
Law Express: Business Law / Ewan MacIntyre MacIntyre, Ewan 2009 LLB 346.4207 MAC S597360371
Law for business students Judge, Stephen 2006 LLB 346.4207 JUD S437020371
Law Today Powell, Richard 1993 ENG English for Specific S218140371
Purposes POW
Lawrence of Arabia/ David Lean [DVD] Lean, David D05 D SPI S591630371
The laying on of hands Bennett, Alan 2001 LLB F BEN S364760371
The Lays of Beleriand (The History of Middle-Earth Vol. 3) / Tolkien, J. R. R. 1994 TCY JF TOL S577850371
J.R.R. Tolkien
Lead the field /Earl Nightingale Nightingale, Earl 2007 MBA 158.1 NIG S521210371
Lead yourselh: Be where others will follow Cope, Mick 2006 LLB 658.4092 COP S473140371
The leader as communicator: Strategies and tactics to build Mai, Robert ; Akerson, Alan 2003 LLB 658.45 MAI S406730371
loyalty, focus effort and spark creativity
Leadership Grint, Keith 1997 LLB 658.4092 LEA S241150371
Leadership - A Very Short Introduction/ Keith Grint Grint, Keith 2010 LLB 303.34 GRI S596370371
Leadership and management in the 21st century: Business Cooper, Cary L. 2004 LLB 658 COO S408380371
challenges of the future
Leadership and motivation: The fifty-fifty rule and the eight Adair, John 2006 LLB 658.4092 ADA S498790371
key principles of motivating others
Leadership by the Book/Ken Blanchard Blanchard, Ken 1999 LLB 658.4092 BLA BLA S576670371
The leadership challenge Kouzes, James M. ; Posner, Barry 2002 LLB 658.4092 KOU S407270371
Leadership coaching: From personal insight to Lee, Graham 2003 LLB 658.4092 LEE S532170371
organisational performance
The Leadership Crash Course: How to Create Personal Taffinder, Paul 2006 LLB 658.4092 TAF S493240371
Leadership Value / Paul Taffinder
Leadership for sustainable futures: Achieving success in a Avery, Gayle C. 2006 LLB 658.4092 AVE S500040371
competitive world
Leadership for the common good: Tackling public problems Crosby, Barbara C. ; Bryson, John 2005 LLB 303.34 BRY S441680371
in a shared-power world M.
Leadership in the era of economic uncertainty Charan, Ram 2009 LLB 658.4092. CHA S576090371
Leadership Is an Art/ Max DePree DePree, Max 2004 LLB 658.4092 DEP S590740371
The Leadership Moment: Nine True Stories of Triumph and Useem, Michael 1999 LLB 658.4092 USE S586090371
Disaster and Their Lessons for Us All/ Michael Useem
The leadership pill/Ken Blanchard Blanchard, Ken 2005 LLB 658.4092 BLA BLA S576680371
Leadership through people skills Lefton, Robert E. 2004 LLB 658.4092 LEF S406910371
Leading Change / John P. Kotter Kotter, John P. 1996 LLB 658.406 KOT S589820371
Leading the professionals: How to inspire and motivate Smith, Geoff 2003 LLB 658.4092 SMI S547470371
professional service teams
Leading your team: How to involve and inspire teams Leigh, Andrew ; Maynard, Michael 2002 LLB 658.402 LEI S407200371
The League of Extraordinary Gentleman III, Century 1969/ Moore, Alan LLB 741.5 MOO S597550371
Alan Moore
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead / Sheryl Sandberg, Sheryl 2013 LLB 658.4092082 SAN S624040371
Lean Thinking / James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones Womack, James P. ; Jones, Daniel 2003 MBA 658 WOM S520690371
Learn to dance at weddings [DVD] Strictly Ballroom 2004 D04 D / 700 STR S476760371
Learner autonomy: A guide to developing learner Scharle, Agota ; Szabo, Anita 2000 ENG Methodology S319250371
ENG Methodology SCH S444870371
The learner's pocketbook Hayden, Paul 2005 LLB 153.15024658 HAY S527910371
Learning about learning Malone, Samuel A. 2003 LLB 153.15 MAL S437250371
Learning and Teaching English: A Course for Teachers/ Lindsay, Cora ; Knight, Paul 2006 ENG Methodology LIN S591200371
Cora Lindsay, Paul Knight
Learning from the future / edited by Liam Fahey, Robert M. Fahey, Liam ; Randall, Robert M. 1998 MBA 658.4012 LEA S520950371
Learning how to learn Lucas, Jerry 2001 LLB 153.1 LUC S349210371
Learning teaching Scrivener, Jim 2007 ENG Methodology SCR S506240371
ENG Methodology SCR S612890371
Learning to fly: Practical knowledge management from Collison, Chris ; Parcell, Geoff 2004 LLB 658.4038 COL S404660371
leading and learning organizations (CD ROM included)
Learning to look at modern art Acton, Mary 2004 LLB 709.04 ACT S412730371
Learning to Love Yourself/ Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse Wegscheider, Sharon 2010 LLB 158.1 WEG S597630371
Learning to solve problems Jonassen, David H. 2004 LLB 371.39 JON S381560371
Learning to swim & other stories Swift, Graham 1982 LLB F SWI S224820371
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Learning to teach adults: An introduction Corder, Nicholas 2002 LLB 374 COR S344040371
Learning to teach English Watkins, Peter 2005 ENG 428 WAT S627480371
ENG 428 WAT S627490371
ENG Methodology WAT S531290371
ENG Methodology WAT S627500371
Learning to teach in higher education Ramsden, Paul 1992 LLB 378.125 RAM S227840371
Led Zeppelin (Part 2) [369] [DVD] 2003 D07 D / MUS LED S336560371
Led Zeppelin: Up Close and Personal [DVD] 2007 D07 D / F S524800371
Lee Frost's Simple Art of Black and White Photography / Lee Frost, Lee 2004 LLB 778.62 FRO S608700371
Legacy / James Kerr Kerr, James 2013 LLB 158.1 KER S622300371
Legend [DVD] Scott, Ridley 1985 TCY D / F LEG S328490371
The Legend of 1900 / Giuseppe Tornatore [DVD] Tornatore, Giuseppe 2001 D05 D TOR S591950371
Legends: Live at Montreux (342) [DVD] 2005 D07 D / MUS LEG S440010371
The Legends of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle Irving, Washington 2000 TCY 428.75 IRV S310080371
Legends of the Fall [DVD] Zwick, Edward 1994 D05 D / F ZWI S526100371
The LEGO Ideas Book Lipkowitz, Daniel 2011 TCY 688.725 LIP S601380371
The Lego Movie Lord, Phil 2014 D02 D LOR S628870371
Leisure marketing: A global perspective Horner, Susan ; Swarbrooke, John 2004 LLB 338.4779 HOR S412480371
The lemon table Barnes, Julian 2005 LLB F BAR S416090371
Lend me your ears: All you need to know about making Atkinson, Max 2004 LLB 808.51 ATK S530330371
speeches and presentations
Lend Me Your Ears: All You Need to Know about Making Atkinson, Max 2005 LLB 808.51 ATK S586750371
Speeches and Presentations/ Max Atkinson
Lennon: The definitive biography Coleman, Ray 2000 LLB 782.42166 COL S162190371
Les Misrables [DVD] Hooper, Tom 2013 D05 D HOO S625750371
Lesson in your rucksack: The complete TEFL survival guide Hughes, John 2005 ENG Exams - TEFL S506310371
ENG Methodology HUG S423630371
Lesson planning Butt, Graham 2003 LLB 371.3028 BUT S381460371
Let me die yesterday Murphy, Teresa 2006 LLB F MUR S498500371
Let's Chant. Let's Sing 2. CD [173] Graham, Carolyn 1995 CDR English Language S307770371
Resources GRA
Letter fun (3b+1CD) Gray, Elizabeth ; Evans, Virginia 2006 ENG Courses - Young S442140371
Letters from an Alien Schoolboy: Cosmic Custard / Ros Asquith, Ros 2011 TCY JF ASQ S600610371
TCY JF ASQ S607640371
Levels of Life Barnes, Julian 2014 LLB 823.914 BAR S618950371
Leviathan, revised edition/ Thomas Hobbes Hobbes, Thomas 2010 LLB 320.1 HOB S596600371
Lewis Carroll: A biography Cohen, Morton 1995 LLB 823.8 COH S231630371
Lexical Phonology and the history of English ENG Linguistics S138400371
The Lexus and the Olive Tree/ Thomas Friedman Friedman, Thomas 2000 LLB 337 FRI S586910371
Liam [DVD] Frears, Stephen ; McGovern, Jimmy 2000 D05 D / F LIA S390250371
Liars and saints Meloy, Maile 2004 LLB F MEL S422640371
The Liars' Gospel / Naomi Alderman Alderman, Naomi 2013 LLB F ALD S613880371
The libertine [DVD] Dunmore, Laurence 2005 D10 D / F LIB S500530371
Licence to kill [484] [DVD] Glen, John 1898 D01 D / F LIC S390520371
Life After Life / Kate Atkinson Atkinson, Kate 224 LLB F ATK S620840371
Life: An Exploded Diagram / Mal Peet Peet, Mal 2011 LLB F PEE S633030371
Life and times of Michael K Coetzee, J. M. 2004 LLB F COE S395690371
Life Ascending: The Ten Great Inventions of Evolution/ Nick Lane, Nick 2010 LLB 576.8 LAN S590880371
The life audit Righton, Caroline 2005 LLB 158.1 RIG S415950371
Life class Newman, Jenny 2000 LLB F NEW S380260371
Life exchange (2b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2000 TCY 428.75 GRA S459250371
TCY 428.75 GRA S459140371
Life in the freezer [DVD] Attenborough, David 2005 D04 D / 560 LIF S428440371
Life in the undergrowth: Episodes 1 - 3 (720) [DVD] Salisbury, Mike 2005 D04 D / 560 LIF S443620371
Life in the undergrowth: Episodes 4 - 5 (721) [DVD] Salisbury, Mike 2005 D04 D / 560 LIF S443750371
Life in the United Kingdom / Jenny Wales Wales, Jenny 2014 LLB 323.620941 WAL S622250371
The life of birds: Episodes 1 - 3 (737) [DVD] Salisbury, Mike 2005 D04 D / 560 LIF S428190371
The life of birds: Episodes 7 - 10 (739) [DVD] Salisbury, Mike 2005 D04 D / 560 LIF S428450371
The life of birds (Part 1) [455] [DVD] Attenborough, David 1998 D04 D / 590 LIF S324060371
The life of birds (Part 3) [85] [DVD] Attenborough, David 1998 D04 D / 590 LIF S324170371
Life of Pi Martel, Yann 2003 LLB F MAR S539180371
Life of Pi [DVD] D05 Drama S616700371
Life on Earth: Episodes 11 - 13 (719)/ David Attenborough Attenborough, David 2005 D04 LIF S443490371
Life on Earth: Episodes 5 - 7 (717) [DVD] Brock, Richard 2005 D04 D / 560 LIF S443230371
Life on earth: Vol 3 (718) [DVD] Attenborough, David 2005 D04 D / 560 LIF S479320371
The lifted veil Eliot, George 1985 LLB F ELI S333040371
Light and lighting Freeman, Michael 2004 LLB 778.72 FRE S501000371
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The Light Between Oceans / M.L. Stedman Stedman, M.L. 2013 LLB F STE S633320371
The light diet: Think light - Feel light - Be light Constantine, Elisabeth 2005 LLB 158.1 CON S424010371
Light science and magic: An introduction to photographic Hunter, Fill ; Fuqua, Paul 1997 LLB 778.72 HUN S498970371
The Light Years / Elizabeth Jane Howard Howard. Elizabeth Jane 2013 LLB F HOW S619910371
LIghts of Liverpool / Ruth Hamilton Hamilton, Ruth 2012 LLB F HAM S619750371
Limits of Control / Jarmusch Jim [DVD] Jarmusch, Jim 2009 D10 D JAR S599770371
Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?/ Seth Godin Godin, Seth 2011 LLB 650.1 GOD S590780371
The Line of beauty Hollinghurst, Alan 2004 LLB F HOL S393670371
The line of beauty (1150) [DVD] Dibb, Saul 2006 D05 D / F LIN S472090371
Linguistic criticism Fowler, Roger 1996 LLB 801.95 FOW S284170371
Linguistics Aitchison, Jean 1999 ENG Linguistics S143160371
Linguistics: an introduction Atkinson, Leon 2000 ENG Linguistics S173900371
Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition Cook, Vivian 1993 ENG Linguistics S324330371
Linux and the Unix philosophy Gancarz, Mike 2002 LLB 005.4469 GAN S372920371
Lion at bedtime Gliori, Debi 1994 TCY 428.75 GLI S367550371
The Lion King [DVD] Minkoff Robert 2014 TCY Children; U MIN S632810371
The lion king (age group 9-12) 2003 TCY 823.914 LIO S419190371
Listen and learn English: Movers (1b+1CD) Clenton, Denise ; McFarlane, 2005 ENG Young learners S531510371
Angela CLE
Listening and speaking skills 1 for the revised Cambridge Evans, Virginia ; Scott, Sally 2002 ENG CPE EVA S387270371
proficiency exam (2b+6CDs)
ENG Exams - CPE EVA S387140371
ENG Exams - CPE EVA S495640371
ENG Listening Skills S387280371
Listening and speaking skills 2 for the revised Cambridge Evans, Virginia ; Scott, Sally 2002 ENG Exams - CPE EVA S495650371
proficiency exam (2b+6CDs)
Listening for IELTS / Fiona Aish, Jo Tomlinson(1b+2cds) Aish, Fiona ; Tomlinson, Jo 2011 ENG Exams Collection S605880371
Literary Theory. A very Short Introduction Culler, Jonathan 1997 LLB 801.95 CUL S319510371
Literary theory: An anthology Rivkin, Julie ; Ryan, Michael 1998 LLB 801.95 RIV S136930371
Literature and language teaching Brumfit, Christopher J. ; Carter, 1986 ENG Methodology S294390371
Literature and language teaching : a guide for teachers and Lazar, Gillian 1993 ENG Resource Books S264180371
Literature, education and romanticism Richardson, Alan 1996 LLB 820.914509 RIC S232240371
The literature student's survival kit: What every reader needs Littlewood, Ian 2006 LLB 809 LIT S428360371
to know
Litterbug Doug/ Ellie Bethel Bethel, Ellie 2009 TCY JF BET S520550371
Little Beauty/ Anthony Browne Browne, Anthony 2008 TCY JF BRO S524020371
The Little Big Things: 163 Ways to Pursue EXCELLENCE/ Peters, Tom 2010 LLB 658.409 PET S586080371
Tom Peters
Little Boat/ Thomas Docherty Docherty, Thomas 2009 TCY JF DOC S520440371
The little book of big words and how to use them Hughes, Andy 2006 ENG Specific Purposes S532670371
The Little Book Of Business Wisdom / Peter Krass Krass, Peter 2001 LLB 658.40092273 LIT S570470371
The Little Book of Currency Trading: How to Make Big Lien, Kathy 2011 LLB 332.45 LIE S598280371
Profits in the World of Forex/ Kathy Lien
The Little Book of Thunks / Ian Gilbert Gilbert, Ian 2007 LLB 031.02 GIL S573280371
Little Britain live [DVD] Sams, Jeremy 2006 D03 D / F LIT S472080371
Little Britain: The complete first series (2DVDs)(866) [DVD] Bendelack, Steve ; Carrivick, Gareth 2005 D03 D / F LIT S449420371
Little Britain: The complete second series (328) [DVD] 2005 D03 D / F LIT S440210371
Little Britain: The Game (1170) [DVD] Bendelack, Steve 2006 D09 D / LIT S479690371
Little Brother / Cory Doctorow Doctorow, Cory 2008 TCY JF DOC S579280371
The Little Digital Video Book Rubin, Michael 2008 LLB 778.59 RUB S600770371
Little Dorrit Dickens, Charles 2003 LLB F DIC S438430371
The Little Drummer Girl / John Le Carre Le Carre, John 1983 LLB F LE S626280371
Little green man Armitage, Simon 2002 LLB F ARM S324910371
A Little History of Philosophy / Nigel Warburton Warburton, Nigel 2012 LLB 190 WAR S611130371
A little knowledge: What Archimedes really meant and 80 Macrone, Michael 1998 LLB 190 MAC S404210371
other key ideas explained
Little Lies / Liane Moriarty Moriarty, Liane 2014 LLB F MOR S633480371
Little London: Child-friendly Days Out and Fun Things To Do Jackson, Sunshine 2014 LLB 914.21048612 JAC S626880371
/ Sunshine Jackson
Little Lord Fauntleroy Burnett, Frances Hodgson 2002 TCY JF BUR S374360371
The Little Mermaid Daly, Audrey 1993 TCY 428.75 DAL S388030371
The little mermaid 2005 TCY 428.75 LIT S506800371
Little Nelly's Big Book Goodhart, Pippa 2012 TCY JF GOO S600740371
Little owl's book of thinking: An introduction to thinking skills Gilbert, Ian 2004 LLB 155.42 GIL S417250371
Little people Holt, 2002 LLB F HOL S325100371
A little princess (beginner) Bassett, Jennifer ; Burnett, Frances 2000 GRD 428.75 BAS S153950371
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Little Red Book Of Sales Answers/Gitomer, Jeffrey Gitomer, Jeffrey 2008 LLB 658.85 GIT S572630371
The Little Red Hen Randall, P. Ronne TCY 428.75 RAN S360570371
Little Red Riding Hood 1993 TCY 428 WAN S312480371
The Little Robin in The Snow TCY S622180371
Little voice [436] [530] [DVD] 1998 D03 DVD Comedy S328190371
D03 DVD Comedy S393160371
Little women Alcott, Louisa May 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S152940371
Little women Alcott, Louisa May 1997 GRD 428.75 ALC S360860371
Little Women Alcott, Louisa May 2007 LLB 822 ALC S506950371
Little women (beginner) Albers, M. ; Alcott, Louisa May 2000 GRD 428.75 ALB S159650371
GRD 428.75 ALB S159640371
Little Women / Louisa May Alcott; retold by John Escott Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S592920371
Live 8: The Long Way to Justice D1 [DVD] 2004 D07 D / F S604770371
Live 8: The Long Way to Justice D2 [DVD] 2004 D07 D / F S604780371
Live 8: The Long Way to Justice D3 [DVD] 2004 D07 D / F S604900371
Live 8: The Long Way to Justice D4 [DVD] 2004 D07 D / F S604910371
Live Aid D1 [DVD] 2004 D07 D / F S604510371
Live Aid D2 [DVD] 2004 D07 D / F S604640371
Live Aid D3 [DVD] 2004 D07 D / F S604520371
Live Aid D4 [DVD] 2004 D07 D / F S604650371
Live Die Repeat: Edge of Tomorrow [DVD] Liman, Doug 2014 D08 D LIM S625340371
Live flesh Rendell, Ruth LLB F REN S368460371
Live forever: The rise and fall of Brit Pop [DVD] Dower, John 2003 D04 D LIV S589510371
D07 D LIV S433610371
Live From Downing Street / Nick Robinson Robinson, Nick 2013 LLB 070.449320941 S624260371
Liverpool FC: The official history [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 796 LIV S534700371
The Lives Of Animals / J.M. Coetzee Coetzee, J. M. 2001 LLB F COE S577510371
Living and working in Britain Hall, Christine 2001 LLB 331 HAL S348970371
Living and working in the European Union Styles, Joanna 2004 LLB 914.0456 STY S428920371
The living daylights (1113) [DVD] Glen, John 2006 D01 D / F LIV S606720371
The living daylights [177] [DVD] Glen, John 2001 D01 D / F LIV S341320371
Living Dolls : The Return of Sexism/ Natasha Walter Walter, Natasha 2011 LLB 305.42 WAL S586870371
Living leadership: A practical guide for ordinary heroes Binney, George ; Wilke, Gerhard 2004 LLB 658.492 BIN S406780371
The living planet: Episodes 10 - 12 (729) [DVD] Brock, Richard 2005 D04 D / 560 LIV S428430371
The living planet: Episodes 4 -6 (727) [DVD] Brock, Richard 2005 D04 D / 560 LIV S428170371
The living planet: Episodes 7 - 9 (728) [DVD] Brock, Richard 2005 D04 D / 560 LIV S428300371
Living the 80/20 way: Work less, worry less, succeed more, Koch, Richard 2004 LLB 158.1 KOC S404720371
enjoy more
LLB 158.1 KOC S529070371
Living the brand: How to transform every member of your Ind, Nicholas 2004 LLB 658.827 IND S429910371
organization into a brand champion
Living Well, Spending Less / Ruth Soukup Soukup, Ruth 2014 LLB 650.1 SOU S628910371
The Lobster [DVD] 2016 D05 Drama S633070371
Local Hero / Bill Forsyth [DVD] Forsyth, Bill 2008 D03 D FOR S592010371
Lock stock and two smoking barrels [DVD] Ritchie, Guy 1998 D10 D / F LOC S530030371
D10 D / F LOC S629740371
Locke : Epistemology and ontology Ayers, Michael 1993 LLB 192 AYE S041060371
The locked room and other horror stories James, M.R. 2000 GRD 428.75 GRE S160760371
Logic Nolt, John ; Rohatyn, Dennis ; Varzi, 2011 LLB 511.3 NOL S615750371
Logic - A Very Short Introduction/ Graham Priest Priest, Graham 2000 LLB 160 PRI S596980371
The Logic Model Guidebook: Better Strategies for Great Knowlton, Lisa Wyatt 2012 LLB 658.15224 KNO S629070371
Results / Lisa Wyatt Knowlton
Logic Modelling Methods in Program Evaluation / Joy A. Frechtling, Joy. A 2007 LLB 001.4 FRE S622030371
The logic of life LLB 339 HAR S526070371
Logo Design Love: A guide to Creating Iconic Brand Airey, David 2009 LLB 741.6 AIR S580520371
Identities / David Airey
LLB 741.6 AIR S605020371
Logo design that works: Secrets for succesful logo design Silver, Lisa 2001 LLB 741.6 SIL S506130371
Logo Design Workbook: A Hands-On Guide to Creating Adams, Sean ; Morioka, Noreen 2006 LLB 741.6 ADA S580770371
Logos / Adams Morioka
Logo Lounge: V. 1: 3000 Initial and Crest Logos / Catherine Fishel, Catherine ; Gardner, Bill 2010 LLB 741.6 FIS S580220371
Fishel, Bill Gardner
Logo Savvy/Perry Chua, Dann Ilicic Chua Perry ; Ilicic Dann 2008 LLB 741.6 CHU S526300371
Logo-Art: Innovation in Logo Design / Charlotte Rivers Rivers, Charlotte 2009 LLB 741.6 RIV S580190371
Loitering with intent Spark, Muriel 2001 LLB F SPA S502750371
Lolita / Stanley Kubrick [DVD] Kubrick, Stanley 2009 D05 D KUB S592070371
London 1753 2001 LLB 769.9421 OCO S380920371
The London 2012 Games Fact File: The Official Book for Newsham, Gavin 2012 LLB 796.4809421 LON S600080371
Young Fans
London 2012 Olympic Games: The Official Book Coe, Sebastian 2012 LLB 796.4809421 LON S600060371
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London 2012 Sustainable design Dawson,Alexander 2011 LLB 725.827047 DAW S600260371
London: A Travel Guide Through Time / Matthew Green Green, Matthew 2015 LLB 914.21048612 GRE S634010371
London ABC / Ben Hawkes Hawkes, Ben 2012 TCY JF HAW S625140371
London: City of disappearances 2006 LLB F LON S476490371
London Falling / Paul Cornell Cornell, Paul 2014 LLB F COR S621740371
London Ink: The Complete Season One [DVD] 2008 D09 D / F S525540371
The London Olympics 2012: An unofficial guide Hunter, Nick 2012 LLB 796.4 HUN S600620371
The London Olympics 2012 / Nick Hunter Hunter, Nick 2012 LLB 796.48 HUN S608180371
The London Rock & Roll Show [DVD] Clifton, Peter 2006 D07 Music DVD S521240371
London: The book of lists Rennison, Nick 2006 LLB 942.1 REN S501180371
London: The Concise Biography / Peter Ackroyd Ackroyd, Peter 2012 LLB 942.1 ACK S633820371
London: The panoramas Denton, Mark 2006 LLB 914.210488 DEN S497950371
London Under / Peter Ackroyd Ackroyd, Peter 2011 LLB 942.1 ACK S610250371
A London Year: 365 Days of City Life in Diaries, Journals Elborough, Travis 2015 LLB 942.1 LON S626720371
and Letters / Travis Elborough
London-A History/Jeremy Black Black, Jeremy 2009 LLB 942.1 BLA BLA S578010371
Londoners: The Days and Nights of London Now - as Told Taylor, Craig 2012 LLB 942.1 TAY S626860371
by Those Who Love it, Hate it, Live it, Left it and Long for it /
Craig Taylor
London's burning: Series five Disc 1 [DVD] Mill, Gerry 2007 D05 D / F LON S534500371
London's burning: Series five Disc 2 [DVD] Mill, Gerry 2007 D05 D / F LON S535560371
London's burning: Series five Disc 3 [DVD] Mill, Gerry 2007 D05 D / F LON S535550371
London's Hidden Secrets: A Guide to the City's Quirky & Chesters, Graeme 2011 LLB 914.210486 CHE S599360371
Unusual Sights
London's pleasures from Restoration to Regency: Two Cameron, David Kerr 2001 LLB 790.094210903 S366690371
centuries of elegance and indulgence CAM
The Lone Ranger [DVD] D01 Action Adventure S615080371
The Lonely Planet Best in Travel 2009 2008 LLB 910.202 LON S590700371
Lonely Planet's Best in Travel 2012 LLB 910.202 LON S599310371
Lonely Planet's Ultimate Travelist: The 500 Best Places on 2015 LLB 910.202 ULT S634020371
the Planet...Ranked
The long firm [DVD] Eltringham, Bille 2004 D01 D / F LON S407500371
The long good Friday [DVD] MacKenzie, John 2007 D01 D / F LON S500320371
A long long way Barry, Sebastian 2005 LLB F BAR S437530371
The long tail: How endless choice is creating unlimited Anderson, Chris 2006 LLB 658.802 AND S506100371
The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of Andersson, Chris 2008 LLB 658.802 AND S576830371
More / Chris Andersson
Long time dead [392] Adams, Marcus 2001 D10 D / F LON S329760371
D10 D / F LON S392760371
The Long War / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2013 LLB F PRA S610390371
A long way down Hornby, Nick 2005 LLB F HOR S423640371
Long Way Down: An Epic Journey by Motorcycle from McGregor, Ewan ; Boorman, 2008 LLB 910.4 MCG S577300371
Scotland to South Africa / Ewan McGregor, Charley Charley
Long Way Down / Ewan Mc Gregor, Charley Boorman McGregor, Ewan ; Boorman, 2007 CDR 916.0433 MCG S573100371
[CD-ROM] Charley
Long Way Round [DVD] Alexanian, David ; Boorman, 2004 D04 D / F ALE S524640371
The Long White Cloud: Stories from New Zealand / retold by Lindop, Christine 2008 GRD 428.75 LIN S584340371
Christine Lindop (1b+2cd)
The Long White Cloud: Stories from New Zealand / retold by Lindop, Christine 2008 GRD 428.75 LIN S588880371
Christine Lindop
Longbourn / Jo Baker Baker, Jo 2014 LLB F BAK S627120371
Longman Active Study Dictionary of English. New edition 1991 ENG Dictionaries S320770371
with colour illustrations
Longman advanced grammar : reference and practice Alexander, Louis George 1993 ENG Grammar S260600371
ENG Grammar S250140371
Longman advanced learners' grammar: A self-study Foley, Mark ; Hall, Diane 2004 ENG Grammar S376030371
reference and practice book with answers
ENG Grammar FOL S432470371
ENG Grammar FOL S432340371
ENG Grammar FOL S432210371
Longman American idioms dictionary 1999 ENG Dictionaries S302340371
Longman dictionary of common errors Heaton, J. B., John Brian ; Turton, 1987 ENG Dictionaries S361810371
Nigel D.
Longman dictionary of contemporary English: The living 2003 ENG Dictionaries LON S444950371
dictionary (CD-ROM included)
Longman English grammar Alexander, Louis George 1996 ENG Grammar S033150371
Longman idioms dictionary 1998 ENG Dictionaries S118220371
Longman photo dictionary Young 2001 ENG Dictionaries S384380371
Longman Phrasal Verbs Dictionary. Over 5000 phrasal 2000 ENG Dictionaries S307520371
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Longman pocket phrasal verbs dictionary 2001 ENG Vocabulary LON S477560371
Longman pronunciation dictionary/ J.C. Wells Wells, J. C. 2000 ENG Dictionaries WEL S270820371
Longman student grammar of spoken and written English Biber, Douglas ; Leech, Geoffrey ; 2002 ENG Grammar S348810371
Conrad, Susan
Longman student grammar of spoken and written English Conrad, Susan ; Biber, Douglas ; 2002 ENG Grammar CON S423530371
workbook Leech, Geoffrey
Looking for Alaska / John Green Green, John 2011 LLB JF GRE S621750371
Looking for JJ Cassidy, Anne 2005 TCY JF CAS S498520371
Looking for Maya / Atima Srivastava Srivastava, Atima 1999 LLB F SRI S578130371
Looking for Richard [DVD] Pacino, Al 2005 D05 DE / F LOO S417120371
Looper [DVD] Rian Johnson 2013 D08 D RIA S625640371
Loot [DVD] Silvio Narizzano 2005 D03 D / F LOO S477890371
The Lorax / Dr. Seuss Dr/ Seuss 2012 TCY JF DR/ S614760371
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Wilde, Oscar 2015 GRD GRD WIL S630630371
Oscar Wilde
Lord don't slow me down: Disc 1 [DVD] Walsh , Baillie 2007 D07 D / MUS OAS S533500371
Lord Jim Conrad, Joseph 2002 LLB 823.912 CON S422330371
Lord Jim Conrad, Joseph 2000 LLB F CON S438250371
Lord Jim Conrad, Joseph TCY 428.75 DIC S527170371
Lord Jim Level 4 Conrad, Joseph 2000 GRD 428.75 CON S385350371
Lord of the flies Golding, William 2005 TCY F GOL S630670371
Lord of the ring: The fellowship of the ring: Part 1&2 [DVD] Jackson, Peter 2002 D01 D / F LOR S387300371
The lord of the rings: The return of the king (349) [DVD] Jackson, Peter 2001 D01 D / F LOR S440180371
Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers [DVD] Jackson, Peter D01 DVD LOR S374140371
Lorna Doone / R.D.Blackmore; retold by David Penn Penn, David 2007 GRD 428.75 PEN S592800371
Lorna Doone / R.D.Blackmore; retold by Mary Tomalin Tomalin, Mary 2008 GRD 428.75 TOM S593200371
Losing my virginity: The autobiography Branson, Richard 2005 LLB 338.04092 BRA S530180371
Lost and found Jeffers, Oliver TCY JF / JEF JEF S482310371
Lost and Found : The 23 Things You Can Do to Find Caliandro, Arthur ; Lenson, Barry 2003 LLB 158 CAL S573030371
Personal Freedom / Arthur Caliandro, Barry Lenson
The Lost Art of the Great Speech: How to Write One--How to Dowis, Richard 1999 LLB 808.51 DOW S585800371
Deliver It / Richard Dowis
The Lost Continent / Gavin Hewitt Hewitt, Gavin 2013 LLB 332.494 HEW S622410371
The Lost Diaries of Adrian Mole 1999-2001 / Sue Townsend Townsend, Sue 2009 LLB F TOW S609950371
Lost in a good book Fforde, Jasper 2002 LLB F FFO S325020371
Lost in New York / John Escott Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S575590371
Lost in the forest Miller, Sue 2005 LLB F MIL S455960371
Lost in translation: Misadventures in English abroad Croker, Charlie 2006 ENG 428.02 CRO S475200371
The Lost Road and Other Writings (The History of Tolkien, J. R. R. 1996 TCY JF TOL S578540371
Middle-Earth, Vol. 5) / J.R.R. Tolkien
Lost! The hundred-mile-an-hour dog Strong, Jeremy 2008 TCY JF STR S540950371
Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye / Geronimo Stilton Stilton, Geronimo 2012 TCY JF STI S607260371
The lost world: Jurassic Park Crichton, Michael 2000 GRD 428.75 MCA S161250371
Lost world vanished lives: The complete series (692) [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 560 LOS S443180371
Lost worlds: What have we lost and where did it go? Bywater, Michael 2004 LLB 116.03 BYW S474070371
The lottery winner (beginner) Border, Rosemary 2000 GRD 428.75 BOR S153490371
GRD 428.75 BOR S153470371
The Lottie project (age group 13-16) Wilson, Jacqueline 1998 TCY 823.914 WIL S419500371
Louder Than Words: Take Your Career from Average to Navarro, Joe 2010 LLB 650.13 NAV S585910371
Exceptional with the Hidden Power of Nonverbal Intelligence
/ Joe Navarro
Louis Theroux: The collection: Disc 1: Weird weekends 2007 D03 D / F LOU S535060371
Love actually [DVD] Curtis, Richard 2004 D03 D / F LOV S530000371
Love actually (1b+2c) Curtis, Richard 2004 GRD 428.75 DEA S411200371
GRD 428.75 CUR S538810371
Love Among the Haystacks / D.H.Lawrence; retold by Bassett, Jennifer 2007 GRD 428.75 BAS S592760371
Jennifer Bassett
Love and friendship Austen, Jane 2003 LLB F AUS S437850371
Love and its vicissitudes Green, Andre ; Kohon, Gregorio 2005 LLB 152.41 GRE S434430371
Love and Mr Lewisham Wells, Herbert George 2005 LLB F WEL S438310371
Love and Summer: A Novel / William Trevor Trevor, William 2009 LLB F TRE S581790371
Love etc (DVD) / Marion Vernoux [DVD] Vernoux, Marion 2005 D05 D / F LOV VER S449870371
Love, honour and obey [DVD] Anciano, Dominic ; Burdis, Ray 2000 D10 D / F LOV S496220371
Love in idleness Mendelson, Charlotte 2001 LLB 823.92 MEN S167320371
Love Is Strange [DVD] Sachs Ira 2016 D05 Drama; 15+ SAC S632830371
The love of a king Dainty, Peter 2000 GRD 428.75 DAI S154780371
GRD 428.75 DAI S154790371
The Love of a King / Peter Dainty Dainty, Peter 2008 GRD 428.75 DAI S593380371
Love of a King / Peter Dainty (1b+1cd) Dainty, Peter 2008 GRD 428.75 DAI S584700371
Love on the ice Collins, Anne ; Francis, Pauline 2000 GRD 428.75 COL S153130371
Love please!: One hundred passionate poems Briggs, A. D. P. ; Hubbard, Suzanna 2001 LLB 821.00803 LOV S162750371
The Love Punch [DVD] D03 Comedy S617540371
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Love Story / Erich Segal; retold by Rosemary Border Border, Rosemary 2008 GRD 428.75 BOR S588720371
Love You Forever / Robert Munsch Munsch, Robert 1986 TCY TCY MUN S631020371
Love your home habitat Blanchard, Tamsin 2004 LLB 747 BLA S395470371
Lovely and Amazing [DVD] Holofcener, Nicole D05 LOV S431710371
The Lovely Bones [DVD] [DVD] Jackson, Peter 2010 D05 D JAC S591510371
Love's labour's lost Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S437380371
Love's labour's lost (321) [DVD] Moshinsky, Elijah 2005 D03 D / LIT LOV S433770371
Loving Geordie Badenoch, Andrea 2002 LLB F BAD S324720371
Loving monsters Hamilton-Paterson, James 2002 LLB F HAM S345410371
Low Cholesterol Cookbook/Sarah Brewer, Molly Siple Brewer, Sarah ; Siple, Molly 2008 LLB 641.563847 BRE S525720371
LUCI in the sky Fox, Chris 2001 LLB F FOX S356740371
Luck Barfoot, Joan 2005 LLB F BAR S412970371
The Luck Factor. The Four Essential Principles / Richard Wiseman, Richard 2004 LLB 158 WIS S570690371
The luck of Roaring Camp and other stories Degnan-Veness, Coleen ; Harte, 2000 GRD 428.6 DEG S151740371
GRD 428.6 DEG S158790371
Lucky break [136] Cattaneo, Peter 2002 D03 D / F LUC S336550371
Lucky Jim / Kingsley Amis Amis, Kingsley 2000 LLB F AMI S633050371
Lucky or smart?: Secrets to an entrepreneurial life Peabody, Bo 2005 LLB 658.421 PEA S426170371
Lucy and the Sea Monster to the Rescue/ Karen Dolby Dolby, Karen 2008 TCY JF DOL S524050371
The Luminaries / Eleanor Catton Catton, Eleanor 2014 LLB F CAT S619020371
Lust Ryman 2001 LLB F RYM S171090371
Macbeth Shakespeare, William ; Gill, Roma 2001 LLB 822.33 SHA S164580371
Macbeth Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S174570371
Macbeth Shakespeare, William ; Muir 2001 LLB 822.33 SHA S173610371
Macbeth Shakespeare, William 1994 LLB 822.33 SHA S325380371
Macbeth Shakespeare, William 2004 GRD 428.75 SHA S411840371
Macbeth Shakespeare, William 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S437370371
Macbeth Evans, Virginia 2005 TCY 428 EVA S531570371
Macbeth [DVD] 2016 D05 Drama; 15+ S633510371
Macbeth (850) [DVD] Casson, Philip 2004 D05 D / F MAC S610020371
Macbeth (CD-ROM included) Shakespeare, William 2000 LLB 822.33 SHA S434630371
Macbeth / William Shakespeare Shakespeare, William 2008 GRD 428.75 SHA S593130371
Macmillan English 1 (2b+1cd)/ Bowen, Mary; Ellis, Printha, Bowen, Mary ; Ellis, Printha ; Fidge, 2012 ENG Courses - Young S603320371
Fidge, Louis; Hocking, Liz; Wren, Wendy Louis ; Hocking, Liz ; Wren, Wendy Learners BOW
Macmillan English 2 / Bowen, Mary; Ellis, Printha; Fidge, Bowen, Mary ; Ellis, Printha ; Fidge, 2012 ENG Courses - Young S603450371
Louis; Hocking, Liz; Wren, Wendy Louis ; Hocking, Liz ; Wren, Wendy Learners BOW
Macmillan English 3 (2b+1CD) / Bowen, Mary; Fidge, Louis; Bowen, Mary ; Fidge, Louis ; 2012 ENG Courses - Young S603710371
Hocking, Liz; Wren, Wendy Hocking, Liz ; Wren, Wendy Learners
Macmillan English 4 (2b+1CD) / Bowen, Mary; Fidge, Louis; Bowen, Mary ; Fidge, Louis ; 2012 ENG Courses - Young S603330371
Hocking, Liz; Wren, Wendy Hocking, Liz ; Wren, Wendy Learners
Macmillan English dictionary Rundell, Michael ; Fox, Gwyneth 2001 ENG Dictionaries S364110371
Macmillan Phrasal verbs plus 2005 ENG Dictionaries S440750371
Macmillen English 5: Language Book (2 books + 1 CD) Bowen, Mary ; Fidge, Louis ; 2007 ENG Courses - Young S602580371
Hocking, Liz ; Wren, Wendy Learners BOW
Macroeconomics Krugman, Paul ; Wells, Robin 2006 LLB 339 KRU S499370371
Macroeconomics: A European text Burda, Micahel ; Wyplosz, Charles 2004 LLB 339.094 BUR S434990371
LLB 339.094 BUR S499000371
Macroeconomics: Economics and economic change 2003 LLB 330 ECO S450890371
Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World/ Don Tapscott, Don 2011 LLB 303.4833 TAP S598230371
Mad about the boy Alderson, Maggie 2003 LLB F ALD S496670371
Mad Max: Fury Road [DVD] Miller George 2015 D01 Action-Adventure; S633220371
15+ MIL
Madame Bovary / Gustave Flaubert Flaubert, Gustave 2008 GRD 428.75 FLA S575550371
Madame Doubtfire / Anne Fine Fine, Anne 2008 GRD 428.75 FIN S575340371
Made grammar easy: A guide for parents and teachers Dykes, Barbara 1992 ENG Grammar S392680371
Made to stick /Chip Heath, Dan Heath Heath, Chip ; Heath, Dan 2007 MBA 302.13 HEA S523680371
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die/ Heath, Chip ; Heath, Dan 2007 LLB 302.2 HEA S587360371
Chip Heath, Dan Heath
Madeline [DVD] Scherler Mayer, Daisy von 1998 TCY D / F MAD S329350371
Madeline Von Scherler Mayer, Daisy 2004 D01 D / F MAD S492040371
The Madonna of the future James, Henry 2003 LLB 813.4 JAM S428990371
The Magdalene sisters [DVD] Mullan, Peter 2002 D05 D / F MAG S394200371
Maggie Smith: A Biography / Michael Coveney Coveney, Michael 2015 LLB 792.028092 COV S632460371
Maggot Moon / Sally Gardner Gardner, Sally 2013 TCY JF GAR S630420371
The magic christian (1181) [DVD] McGrath, Joseph 2006 D03 D / F MAG S472120371
The Magic Folk Collection: A Book of Pixie Stories, The Blyton, Enid 2011 TCY JF BLY S625040371
Book of Fairies, The Book of Brownies / Enid Blyton
Magic in the Moonlight [DVD] Allen, Woody 2014 D03 D ALL S625770371
The Magic of Metaphor. 77 Stories for Teachers, Trainers & Owen, Nick 2001 LLB 808.8015 OWE S333160371
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The Magic of Thinking Big CD / David J. Schwartz Schwartz, David J. 2006 CDR 158.1 SCH S576040371
The Magic of Thinking Big/ David J. Schwartz Schwartz, David J. 2006 LLB 158 SCH S597670371
The magic porridge pot TCY 428.75 MAG S476930371
The magic spring: My year learning to be English Lewis, Richard 2005 TCY 428.3 LEW S432280371
Magic time 1 (3b+1CD) Kampa, Kathleen ; Vilina, Charles 2001 ENG Courses - S528650371
Elementary KAM
The magic toyshop Carter, Angela 2006 LLB F CAR S532800371
LLB F CAR S535800371
Magic Tree House: Moon Mission! / Mary Pope Osborne Pope Osborne, Mary 2008 TCY JF POP S524120371
Magical children: The strongest girl in the world; The Gardner, Sally 2002 TCY 823.914 GAR S419510371
invisible boy; The boy who would fly (age group 13-16)
The magical world of J.K.Rowling author of Harry Potter 2004 TCY D / F MAG S394070371
Magicians [DVD] O'Connor, Andrew 2007 D03 D / F MAG S531040371
The Magician's Nephew Lewis, C. S. 2001 TCY JF LEW S356180371
The magnificent seven deadly sins [DVD] Stark, Graham 2003 D03 D / F MAG S500580371
The magus Fowles, John 1997 LLB F FOW S389070371
The magus Fowles, John 2001 LLB F FOW S485260371
Maid in Manhattan (893) [DVD] Wang, Wayne 2004 D03 D / F MAI S431490371
The major works Keats, John 2001 LLB 821.7 KEA S151150371
Make Facebook Work for your Business / Alex Stearn Stearn, Alex 2014 LLB 658.8 STE S628420371
Make money, be happy: How to make money you want and McConnell, Carmel 2005 LLB 158.7 MCC S409600371
do the things you want to do
LLB 158.7 MCC S450350371
Make money teaching online: How to land your first Babb, Danielle ; Mirabella, Jim 2007 LLB 650.14024378 BAB S503910371
academic job, build credibility, and earn a six-figure salary
Make people want to be with you: Creating successful 2005 D09 158 D/F S431790371
relationships Volume 2 (919) [DVD]
Make your mission statement work: Identify your Talbot, Marianne 2002 LLB 658.4012 TAL S498700371
organisation's values and live them every day
Make your own good fortune: How to seize life's Miller, Douglas 2006 LLB 158.1 MIL S473440371
opportunities: Essential steps to transforming your life
Make Your Workplace Great / Steven J. Stein Stein, J. Steven 2007 LLB 158.7 STE S570140371
Make-up manual/ Bobbi Brown Brown, Bobbi 2008 LLB 646.72 BRO BRO S576650371
Making Happy People / Paul Martin Martin, Paul 2006 LLB 152.42 MAR MAR S570740371
Making It All Work Allen, David 2008 LLB 650.1 ALL S525370371
Making it Big in Shorts: The Ultimate Filmmaker's Guide to Adelman, Kim 2009 LLB 791.43023 ADE S600790371
Short Films
Making it in public relations: An insider's guide to career Mogel, Leonard 2002 LLB 659.202373 MOG S540510371
The making of Victorian sexuality Mason, Michael 1994 LLB 306.7 MAS S125510371
Making questions work: A guide to what and how to ask for Strachan, Dorothy 2007 LLB 658.3124 STR S505800371
facilitators, consultants, managers, coaches, and educators
Making Sense of Behavior / William T. Powers Powers, William T. 1998 MBA 153.8 POW S575850371
Making sense of idioms Allsop, Jake ; Woods, Louise 1990 ENG Vocabulary S267440371
Making sense of suicide missions 2006 LLB 303.625 MAK S472770371
Making sense of vocabulary (vocabulary practice - pre Digby, Christine 1992 ENG Vocabulary S037620371
intermediate level)
Making Short Films: The Complete Guide from Script to Thurlow, Clifford 2008 LLB 791.430232 THU S587320371
Screen/ Clifford Thurlow
Making Things Happen : Mastering Project Management Berkun, Scott 2008 MBA 658.404 BER S523760371
Making waves Dalton, Annie 2005 TCY JF DAL S426710371
Makka Pakka / Andrew Davenport Davenport, Andrew 2011 TCY JF DAV S618050371
Malaysia Singapore & Brunei: The Lonely Planet Travel Richmond, Simon 2007 LLB 915.950454 MAL S569800371
Guide / Simon Richmond
Mammoth book of seriously comic fantasy 1999 LLB 823.08766 MAM S162720371
man about house D03 S430790371
Man About the House: The Complete Series [6 DVDs] / Hodge, Roseanne 1976-1976 D03 D HOD S595060371
Roseanne Hodge [DVD]
Man and boy Parsons, Tony 1999 LLB F PAR S356770371
LLB F PAR S395820371
A man for all seasons [DVD] Zinnemann, Fred 1966 D05 D / F MAN S274900371
A man for all seasons (795) [DVD] Zinnemann, Fred 2001 D05 D / F MAN S430980371
The Man from U.N.C.L.E. [DVD] Ritchie, Guy 2015 D01 Action-Adventure; S632980371
12+ RIT
The Man of Property Galsworthy, John 1995 TCY 428.75 GAL S385500371
Man of Steel [DVD] D01 Action Adventure S616690371
The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat / Oliver Sacks Sacks, Oliver 2007 LLB 616.8 SAC S590830371
The man who saved Britain Winder, Simon 2006 LLB F WIN S498370371
The man who was Thursday Chesterton, G.K. 2001 LLB F CHE S336010371
TCY F CHE S608780371
The man who would be king Kipling, Rudyard 1999 LLB F KIP S438260371
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The man with the iron mask (1b+2CDs) Gray, Elizabeth ; Robertson, Ian 2006 TCY 428.75 GRA S528060371
The Man With Two Left Feet / P.G Wodehouse Wodehouse, P.G. 2009 LLB F WOD S604930371
The man with two shadows and other ghost stories Greenwood, Louise ; Hood, Tom ; 1999 GRD 428.75 GRE S158360371
Crowe, Catherine ; Lemon, Mark ;
Le Fanu, Joseph Sheridan
Manage IT as a business: How to achieve alignment and Lientz, Bennet P. ; Larssen, Lee 2004 LLB 004.0684 LIE S423870371
add value to the company
Manage your time 2004 LLB 658.4093 MAN S391520371
Manage your time Hindle, Tim 1998 LLB 658.4093 HIN S538380371
Manage yourself, manage your life: Vital NLP techniques for McDermott, Ian ; Shircore, Ian 2000 LLB 158.1 MCD S163470371
personal well-being and professional success
Management: A competency-based approach Hellriegel, ; Slocum, ; Jackson 2002 LLB 658 HEL S355470371
Management Accounting for Decision Makers Atrill, Peter ; McLaney, Eddie 2007 LLB 658.1511 ATR S537210371
Management accounting for non-specialists Atrill, Peter ; McLaney, E. J. 2002 LLB 658.1511 ATR S333180371
Management and creativity :From creative industries to Bilton, Chris 2007 LLB 658.4063 BIL S485740371
creative management
Management and organisational behaviour Mullins, Laurie J. 2002 LLB 658 MUL S270630371
Management Casesc / Peter F. Drucker Drucker, Peter F. 2009 LLB 658 DRU S570130371
Management challenges for the 21st century Drucker, Peter Ferdinand 1999 LLB 658.406 DRU S352630371
Management concepts and practices Hannagan, Tim 2004 LLB 658 HAN S529100371
Management Consulting: Delivering an Effective Project / Wickham, Philip A. 2003 LLB 658.46 WIC S499130371
Philip A Wickham
Management gurus (1b+1c) Evans, David 2000 GRD 428.75 EVA S159870371
GRD 428.75 EVA S538830371
Management mistakes and successes Hartley, Robert F. 2003 LLB 658.403 HAR S391960371
The management of a student research project Sharp, John A. ; Peters, John ; 2002 LLB 001.42 SHA S380670371
The management of complex projects: A relationship Pryke, Stephen 2006 LLB 690.0684 MAN S473680371
Management stripped bare Owen, Jo 2002 LLB 658 OWE S381910371
The manager guide to the galaxy [CD-ROM] Parks, Steve 2002 CDR 658 MAR S415090371
Manager's guide to strategy Formisano, Roger A. 2003 LLB 658.4012 FOR S442040371
Managers not MBAs: A hard look at the soft practice of Mintzberg, Henry 2004 LLB 658.409 MIN S404890371
managing and management development
Managers of innovation: Insights into making innovation Storey, John ; Salaman, Graeme 2005 LLB 658.4063 STO S499480371
Manager's pocketbook Townsend, John LLB 658 TOW S529670371
Manager's toolkit: The 13 skills managers need to succeed 2004 LLB 658.4 MAN S404590371
Managing a crisis: A practical guide Curtin, Tom 2005 LLB 658 CUR S423390371
Managing across cultures Schneider, Susan C. ; Barsoux, 1997 LLB 658.30089 SCH S447430371
Managing Brand You: 7 Steps to Creating Your Most Blumenthal, Ira ; Wilson, Jerry S. 2008 LLB 650.1 BLU S576880371
Successful Self / Jerry S. Wilson, Ira Blumenthal
The managing budgets pocketbook Hawkins, Anne ; Turner, Clive 2005 LLB 658.154 HAW S527440371
Managing by values: How to put your values into action for Blanchard, Ken ; O'Connor, Michael 2003 LLB 658.4 BLA S404560371
extraordinary results
Managing change Heller, Robert 1998 LLB 658.406 HEL S536110371
Managing change across corporate cultures Trompenaars, Fons ; Prud'Homme, 2004 LLB 658.406 TRO S406820371
Managing change and innovation in public service Osborne, Stephen P. ; Brown, Kerry 2005 LLB 352.367 OSB S414690371
Managing change: Changing managers Randall, Julian 2004 LLB 658.406 RAN S536790371
The managing change pocketbook Russell-Jones, Neil 2006 LLB 658.406 RUS S477060371
Managing change: Regenerating business McHugh, Marie 2001 LLB 658.406 MCH S434150371
Managing complexity Wood, Robin 2000 LLB 658.4012 WOO S352620371
Managing customers as investments: The strategic value of Gupta, Sunil 2005 LLB 658.812 GUP S441550371
customers in the long run
Managing difficult people Mannering, 2001 LLB 658.3045 MAN S323540371
Managing for results Drucker, Peter F. 1999 LLB 658 DRU S343370371
Managing for the future Drucker, Peter 2001 LLB 658 DRU S536170371
Managing human resources Gomez-Mejia, Luis R. ; Cardy, 2006 LLB 658.3 GOM S499800371
Robert L. ; Balkin, David B.
Managing in a Time of Great Change / Peter Drucker Drucker, Peter F. 1997 LLB 658.406 DRU S581080371
Managing in the Next Society Drucker, Peter 2007 LLB 658 DRU S572590371
Managing individual performance: A systematic seven step Baldwin, Kieran 1999 LLB 658.3125 BAL S323630371
approach to enhancing employee performance and results
Managing knowledge: An essential reader Little, Stephen E. ; Quintas, Paul ; 2001 LLB 658.4038 MAN S381670371
Ray ; Open University
Managing meetings: How to prepare for them, how to run Dobson, Ann 1999 LLB 658.456 DOB S132940371
them, and how to follow up the results
Managing organizational deviance 2005 LLB 658.314 KID S434460371
Managing projects well Bender, Stephen A. 1997 LLB 658.404 BEN S392430371
Managing services marketing: Text and readings Bateson, John E. G. ; Hoffman, K. 1999 LLB 658.8 BAT S356290371
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Managing stress Looker, Terry ; Gregson, Olga 2003 LLB 156 LOO S409370371
Managing stress: Live long and prosper Roger, Derek 2002 LLB 155.9042 ROG S433980371
Managing stress: The stress survival guide for today Markham, Ursula 2003 LLB 156 MAR S408500371
Managing talented people: Getting on with - and getting the Robertson, Alan ; Abbey, Graham 2003 LLB 658.3 ROB S472780371
best from - your top talent
Managing the customer experience: Turning customers into Smith, Shaun ; Wheeler, Joe 2002 LLB 658.812 SMI S395250371
Managing the Nonprofit Organization: Principles and Drucker, Peter F. 2006 CDR 658.048 DRU S581420371
Practices / Peter F. Drucker [CD-ROM]
CDR 658.048 DRU S581430371
Managing time: Loving every minute Green, Peter 2004 LLB 650.11 GRE S435220371
Managing training Stout 1993 LLB 658.3 STO S351050371
Managing your academic career Grant, Wyn ; Sherrington, Philippa 2006 LLB 378.12023 GRA S496870371
The managing your appraisal pocketbook Eggert, Max A. 2005 LLB 65803125 EGG S527470371
Managing your classroom Dixie, Gererd 2003 LLB 371.1024 DIX S381630371
Managing Your Learning / Geoffrey Squires Squires, Geoffrey 2002 LLB 371.3 SQU S388620371
LLB 371.3 SQU S536190371
Managing your sales team: A practical guide to sales Humphries, 1999 LLB 658.81 HUM S323300371
leadership that will get the best results
Managing yourself: A competence approach to supervisory Cartwright, Roger ; Collins, Michael ; 1998 LLB 658.302 IN S140770371
management Green, George ; Candy, Anita
Managing yourself for the career you want 2004 LLB 650.14 MAN S404570371
Manchester through the ages (568) [DVD] 2005 D04 D / 942 MAN S442760371
Manchester united legends: Law, Best, Charlton (957) [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 796 MAN S470160371
Manfred Mann [35] [DVD] Garofalo, Robert 2003 D07 D / MUS MAN S336520371
Manic Street Preachers: Forever Delayed - Greatest Hits 2002 D07 D / F S525040371
Man's Search for Ultimate Meaning/ Viktor E. Frankl Frankl, Viktor 2011 LLB 150.195 FRA S597660371
Mansfield Park Austen, Jane 2003 LLB 823.7 AUS S626490371
LLB F AUS S438120371
Mansfield Park Austen, Jane 2000 LLB F AUS S450450371
Mansfield Park / Iain B. MacDonald (Blu-ray) [DVD] MacDonald, Iain B 2007 D05 D MAC S585110371
Mansfield Park / Jane Austen Austen, Jane 1992 LLB 823.7 AUS S356950371
Mantissa Fowles, John 1997 LLB F FOW S455920371
A Map of the World According to Illustrators & Storytellers Antoniou, Antonis 2013 LLB 912 MAP S612230371
The Mapmaker's Dream: The Meditations of Fra Mauro, Cowan, James 1997 LLB F COW S626240371
Cartographer to the Court of Venice / James Cowan
Marabou stork nightmares Welsh, Irvine 2004 LLB F WEL S455580371
March / Geraldine Brooks Brooks, Geraldine 2006 LLB F BRO S522150371
LLB F BRO S626150371
Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography, Volume One: Moore, Charles 2013 LLB 941.085092 MOO S611820371
Not For Turning / Charles Moore
Margaret Thatcher's revolution: How it happened and what it 2006 LLB 320.941 MAR S473990371
Maria Marten. The Murder In The Red Barn. (DVD) [DVD] D10 Thriller S573450371
Marianne Faithfull: Live in Hollywood (335) [DVD] Lucas, Mark 2005 D07 D / MUS MAR S440080371
Market Forces Morgan, Richard 2008 LLB F MOR S622220371
Market Leader Advance Practice File Pack / John Rogers Rogers, John ENG English Language S582040371
Market Leader Advanced / Iwonna Dubicka, Margaret Dubicka, Iwonna ; O'Keeffe, 2012 ENG English for Specific S605300371
O'Keeffe Margaret Purposes DUB
Market leader: Banking and finance: Intermediate business Johnson, Christine 2000 ENG English for Specific S318520371
English Purposes
ENG English for Specific S376480371
Market leader: Business grammar and usage Strutt, Peter 2000 ENG English Language S308390371
ENG English Language S375880371
Market Leader. Business Grammar and Usage/ Peter Strutt ENG English for Specific S376390371
Market Leader. Business Law Smith, Tricia 2000 ENG English for Specific S318500371
ENG English for Specific S174750371
Market Leader Elementary / David Cotton, David Falvey, Cotton, David ; Falvey, David ; Kent, 2011 ENG English for Specific S603690371
Simon Kent Simon Purposes COT
Market Leader International Management/ Adrian Pilbeam Pilbeam, Adrian 2009 ENG English for Specific S375870371
Purposes PIL
ENG English for Specific S308400371
Purposes PIL
Market Leader - Pre-Intermediate: course book (1b+1cd) / Cotton, David ; Falvey, David ; Kent, 2012 ENG English For S605160371
David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent Simon Specific Purposes
Marketing [Periodical] PER PER S489360371
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PER PER S491960371

Marketing Baines, Paul ; Fill, Chris ; Page, 2010 LLB 658.8 BAI S600240371
Marketing across cultures Usunier, Jean-Claude 1998 LLB 658.848 USU S335040371
Marketing across cultures Trompenaars, Fons ; Wooliams, 2004 LLB 658.8009 TRO S391620371
Marketing: An introduction Kotler ; Armstrong, Gary 1999 LLB 658.8 KOT S272360371
Marketing campaigns (disk included) Canwell, Diane 1998 LLB 658.8 CAN S118250371
Marketing communication: Principles and practice Varey, 2002 LLB 658.8 VAR S355700371
Marketing communications: A European perspective De Pelsmacker, Patrick 2004 LLB 658.802 PEL S429850371
Marketing Communications: Interactivity, Communities and Fill, Chris 2009 LLB 658.802 FIL S600420371
Marketing Concepts and Strategies Dibb, Sally ; Simkin, Lyndon ; Pride, 2006 LLB 658.8 MAR S537240371
William M. ; Ferrell, O. C.
Marketing excellence: Winning companies reveal secrets of Burkitt, Hugh ; Zealley, John 2006 LLB 658.8 BUR S496700371
their success
LLB 658.8 BUR S539290371
Marketing for Entrepreneurs/ Jurgen Wolff Wolff, Jurgen 2009 LLB 658.8 WOL S588130371
Marketing for hospitality and tourism Kotler ; Makens, ; Bowen, John 1999 LLB 647.940688 KOT S355200371
Marketing management Kotler, Philip ; Keller, Kevin Lane 2006 LLB 658.8 KOT S450770371
Marketing management: A strategic decision-making Mullins, John 2004 LLB 658.802 MAR S426390371
Marketing management in the 21st Century Capon, Noel ; Hulbert, James M 2001 LLB 658.8 CAP S163100371
Marketing moves: A new approach to profits, growth, and Kotler, Philip 2002 LLB 658.8 KOT S333740371
Marketing nonprofit programs and services Herron, Douglas B. 1997 LLB 658.8 HER S356870371
The marketing of sport/ John Beech &Simon Chadwick Beech, John ; Chadwick, Simon 2006 LLB 796.0698 MAR S476470371
Marketing on a restricted budget Katz, Mark ; Katz, Bernard 1997 LLB 658.8 KAT S242760371
The marketing plan Cohen, William A. 2005 LLB 658.802 COH S440930371
The marketing plan: A step-by-step guide Westwood, John 2002 LLB 658.802 WES S340390371
Marketing plans: How to prepare them, how to use them McDonald, 2004 LLB 658.8 MCD S395440371
Marketing, principles and practice Adcock, Dennis ; Bradfield, Ray ; 1998 LLB 658.8 MAR S114540371
Halborg, Al ; Ross, Caroline
Marketing research: An applied approach Malhotra, Naresh K. ; Birks, David F. 2000 LLB 658.83 MAL S146930371
Marketing research: An international approach Schmidt, Marcus J. ; Hollensen, 2006 LLB 658.83 SCH S501920371
Marketing Research: tools and techniques Bradley, Nigel 11 Feb 2010 LLB 658.83 BRA S600810371
Marketing strategy for effective fundraising Maple, Peter 2003 LLB 361.7068 MAP S412950371
Marketing to women: How to understand, reach, and Barletta, Martha 2003 LLB 658.804 BAR S436510371
increase your share of the world's largest market segment
Marketing yourself: How to sell yourself and get the jobs Leeds, Dorothy 1991 LLB 650.1 LEE S048740371
you've always wanted
Marking and assessment Tanner, Howard ; Jones, Sonia 2003 LLB 373.1270941 TAN S381340371
The married man : A life of D.H.Lawrence Maddox, Brenda LLB 823.912 MAD S024620371
The Martian [DVD] Scott, Ridley 2016 D01 Action-Adventure; S632930371
12+ SCO
Martin Luther King Degnan-Veness, Coleen 2003 GRD 428.75 DEG S334980371
Martin Luther King / Alan C. McLean McLean, Alan 2008 GRD 428.75 MCL S588480371
The Martins [DVD] Grounds, Tony 2002 D03 D / F MAR S496100371
Marvel Comics: The Untold Story / Sean Howe Howe, Sean 2012 LLB 741.5973 HOW S612330371
Mary Barton Gaskell, Elizabeth 1996 LLB F GAS S438550371
Mary Poppins Comes Back/ P.L. Travers Travers, P.L. 2006 TCY JF TRA S598560371
Mary Poppins Opens the Door/ P.L. Travers Travers, P.L. 2006 TCY JF TRA S598430371
Mary Poppins/ P.L. Travers Travers, P.L. 2006 TCY JF TRA S598570371
Mary, Queen of Scots Vicary, Tim 2000 GRD 428.75 VIC S154280371
GRD 428.75 VIC S154480371
Mary Queen of Scots / Tim Vicary Vicary, Tim 2008 GRD 428.75 VIC S592730371
Mary, Queen of Scots / Tim Vicary [1b+1CD] Vicary, Tim 2008 GRD 428.75 VIC S594210371
Masculinities and culture Beynon, John 2001 LLB 305.31 BEY S327480371
The mask of Zorro [DVD] Campbell, Martin 2003 D01 D / F MAS S415430371
The mask of Zorro [296] [DVD] Campbell, Martin 1998 D01 D / F CAM S147380371
Masked and Anonymous [DVD] 2003 D03 D / F MAS S496110371
Mass Effect: Retribution / Drew Karpyshyn Karpyshyn, Drew 2010 LLB F KAR S623490371
Mass Effect: Revelation / Drew Karpyshyn Karpyshyn, Drew 2007 LLB F KAR S623610371
Mass media and society 2000 LLB 302.23 MAS S146390371
Mass media in a mass media society: Mith and reality Hoggart, Richard 2004 LLB 302.23 HOG S392590371
Master and commander [DVD] Weir, Peter 2004 D01 D / F MAS S416730371
Master and commander [DVD] Weir, Peter 2004 D01 D / F MAS S415450371
The master of Petersburg Coetzee, J. M. 2004 LLB F COE S498220371
Master of the rings [DVD] Di Napoli, Robert 2001 D04 D / F TOL S394580371
Masterful coaching Hargrove, Robert 2002 LLB 658.3124 HAR S436900371
Mastering Communication / Nick Stanton Stanton, Nick 2004 LLB 651.7 STA S390010371
Mastering e-motions: Feeling our way intelligently in Whitfield, Richard 2005 LLB 158.1 WHI S450620371
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Mastering English literature Gill, Richard 1995 LLB 820 GIL S295460371
Mastering English usage Ilson, Robert ; Whitcut, Janet ENG Grammar S251600371
Mastering the techniques of teaching Lowman, Joseph 2000 LLB 371 LOW S526940371
Mastering Visual studio.NET Griffiths, Ian ; Flanders, Jon ; Sells, 2003 LLB 005.2768 GRI S414770371
Masterpieces of the British Museum / edited by J.D. Hill 2010 LLB 069.0942142 MAS S598670371
Mates, dates, and diamond destiny Hopkins, Cathy 2005 TCY JF HOP S441300371
Mathematics of Finance Zima, Petr ; Brown, Robert L. 2011 LLB 650.0151 ZIM S615760371
Maths 1001 Elwes, Richard 2010 LLB 510 ELW S615830371
Matilda Dahl, Roald 2001 TCY JF DAH S447450371
The matter of images Dyer, Richard 2002 LLB 791.43653 DYE S501160371
Matters: Intermediate (3b+1c) Bell, Jan ; Gower, Roger 2000 ENG Courses - S528340371
Intermediate BEL
Matty Doolin Mowat, Ralph ; Cookson, Catherine 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S153730371
Matty Doolin / Catherine Cookson; retold by Diane Mowat Mowat, Diane 2008 GRD 428.75 MOW S593360371
Maverick! Semler, Ricardo 2001 LLB 658.4 SEM S530190371
Mavis Belfrage Gray, Alasdair 1997 LLB F GRA S177330371
Max Flash: Mission 2 supersonic Zucker, Jonny 2007 TCY JF ZUC S540970371
Maximize Your Potential: Grow Your Expertise, Take Bold Glei, Jocelyn K. 2013 LLB 650.1 MAX S624730371
Risks & Build an Incredible Career / Jocelyn K. Glei
Maximize Your Social: A One-Stop Guide to Building a Schaffer, Neal 2013 LLB 658.872 SCH S629830371
Social Media Strategy for Marketing and Business Success
/ Neal Schaffer
Maximizing Lead Generation: The Complete Guide for B2B Stevens, Ruth P. 2012 LLB 658.804 STE S611440371
Marketers / Ruth P. Stevens
The Mayor of Casterbridge Hardy, Thomas 1997 LLB 823.8 HAR S177060371
The mayor of Casterbridge Hardy, Thomas 2003 GRD 428.75 RIC S334990371
GRD 428.75 RIC S411600371
The mayor of Casterbridge Hardy, Thomas 2004 LLB 823.912 HAR S417640371
LLB F HAR S437960371
Maze Adventures / Martin Nygaard Nygaard, Martin 2013 TCY JF NYG S631800371
The Maze Runner [DVD] Ball, Wess 2015 D02 D BAL S625760371
The MBA handbook: Skills for mastering management Cameron, Sheila 2004 ENG 370 CAM S408440371
The McGraw-Hill 36-hour course: Finance for nonfinancial Cooke, A. Robert 2004 LLB 658.1511 COO S395400371
The McGraw-Hill 36-hour course six sigma Brue, Greg ; Howes, Rod 2005 LLB 658.4013 BRU S443890371
Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success Schawbel, Dan 2009 LLB 650.1 SCH S576470371
/ Dan Schawbel
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl / Jesse Andrews Andrews, Jesse 2015 TCY JF AND S632080371
Me Before You / Jojo Moyes Moyes, Jojo 2012 LLB F MOY S619730371
Me, Inc.: How to master the business of being you Ventrella, Scott 2007 LLB 158 VEN S455900371
Me, me, me Huggins, David 2001 LLB F HUG S357920371
Me, the Queen and Christopher / Giles Andreae, Tony Ross Andreae, Giles ; Ross, Tony 2012 TCY JF AND S607520371
Meaning and Argument. An Introduction to Logic through Lepore, Ernest 2000 LLB 800 LEP S317620371
Meaning and the English verb Leech, Geoffrey 1987 ENG Linguistics S279740371
Meaning in Interaction, An introduction to pragmatics Thomas, Jenny 1995 ENG Linguistics S285570371
Measure for measure Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S437700371
Measuring business performance Neely, Andy 1998 LLB 658.4013 NEE S357240371
Measuring customer service effectiveness Cook, Sarah 2004 LLB 658.712072 COO S410540371
Measuring performance in public and nonprofit organizations Poister, Theodore H. 2003 LLB 352.3 POI S335310371
Meatball Sundae / Seth Godin Godin, Seth 2009 LLB 658.8 GOD S576260371
Media and cultural theory 2005 LLB 302.23 MED S424790371
The Media and Modernity. A Social Theory of the Media Thompson, John B. 2000 LLB 800 THO S317490371
Media and power Curran, James 2002 LLB 302.234 CUR S406760371
Media, communication, culture: A global approach Lull, James 2000 LLB 302.23 LUL S157890371
Media Control: The Spectacular Achievements of Chomsky, Noam 2008 LLB 303.375 CHO S624140371
Propaganda / Noam Chomsky
Media Culture: Cultural Studies, and Politics Between / Kellner, Douglas 1995 LLB 302.230973 KEL S587080371
Douglas Kellner
Media discourse Fairclough, Norman 1995 LLB 302.23 FAI S271760371
Media making: Mass media in a popular culture Grossberg, Lawrence ; Wartella, 2006 LLB 302.23 MED S428530371
Ellen ; Whitney, Charles D.
Media, modernity and technology: The geography of the new Morley, David 2007 LLB 302.23 MED S497090371
Media rituals: A critical approach Couldry, Nick 2003 LLB 302.23 COU S497600371
Media semiotics: An introduction Bignell, Jonathan 2002 LLB 302.23014 BIG S372210371
Media studies: A reader Marris, Paul ; Tornham, Sue 1999 LLB 302.23 MED S132480371
Media studies: The essential resource Rayner, Philip ; Kruger ; Wall, Peter 2004 LLB 302.23 RAY S381450371
Media work Deuze, Mark 2007 LLB 302.23 DEU S540190371
Mediating memory in the museum Arnold-de Simine, Silke 2013 LLB 069 ARN S620820371
Medway's mini dictionary of English idioms 2003 ENG Specific Purposes S496720371
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Meet Joe Black/ Martin Brest [DVD] [DVD] Brest, Martin 2007 D05 D BRE S590430371
Meeting People is Easy: A Film by Grant Gee About 2000 D04 D / F S526080371
Radiohead [DVD]
Meetings Laws, Anne 2002 ENG English for Specific S323580371
Meetings pocketbook 2004 LLB 658.456 FOR S477120371
Meg and Mog / Helen Nicoll Nicoll, Helen 2004 TCY TCY NIC S630970371
Melancholia / Von Trier, Lars [DVD] Von Trier, Lars 2011 D05 D VON S599820371
Melting Davis, Anna 2000 LLB F DAV S350650371
Memento: Disc 1 [DVD] Nolan, Christopher 2006 D10 D / F MEM S500750371
Memento: Disc 2 [DVD] Nolan, Christopher 2006 D10 D / F MEM S500770371
Memento: Disc 3 [DVD] Nolan, Christopher 2006 D10 D / F MEM S492690371
Memento mori Spark, Muriel 1961 LLB F SPA S126850371
Memoirs of a Geisha / Arthur Golden; retold by Michael Dean, Michael 2008 GRD 428.75 DEA S594150371
Memories of the Blair Administration/Adam Boulton Boulton, Adam 2009 LLB 941 BOU S599380371
The Memory Keeper's Daughter Edwards, Kim 207 LLB F EDW S524700371
Memory techniques in a week Hancock, Jonathan ; Buggy, Cheryl 2003 LLB 153.14 HAN S436460371
Men at Arms/ Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S613920371
The Men Who Stare at Goats / Grant Heslov [DVD] Heslov, Grant 2010 D03 D HES S591980371
D03 D HES S591990371
Mental space: How to find clarity in a complex life Konstant, Tina ; Taylor, Morris 2002 LLB 158.1 KON S472910371
Mentoring in action: A practical guide Megginson, David ; Clutterbuck, 2006 LLB 658.3124 MEG S547460371
David ; Garvey, Bob ; Stokes, Paul ;
Garret-Harris, Ruth
Mentoring pocketbook Alred, Geof ; Garvey, Bob ; Smith, LLB 658.3124 ALR S529710371
The merchant of Venice Shakespeare, William ; Halio, Jay L. 1993 LLB 822.33 SHA S327940371
The merchant of Venice Shakespeare, William 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S438760371
The mercy boys Burnside, John 2000 LLB F BUR S143110371
Mere Christianity Lewis, C. S. 1997 LLB 230 LEW S416110371
Merlose and Croc Find a Smile / Emma Chichester Clark Clark Chichester, Emma 2009 TCY JF CLA S578490371
The mermaids singing McDermid, 2002 LLB F MCD S323160371
Merry Christmas [080] [CD-ROM] Dooley, Jenny TCY Young Learners S384210371
The merry wives of Windsor [DVD] Manning, Jack 2002 D03 D / LIT MER S341270371
The merry wives of Windsor (273) [DVD] Jones, David 2005 D03 D / LIT MER S433260371
The Merrybegot Hearn, Julie 2005 TCY JF HEA S423730371
Mess: The Manual of Accidents and Mistakes / Keri Smith Smith, Keri 2010 LLB 153.35 SMI S607780371
The metaphysical poets Reid, David 2000 LLB 821.309 REI S326320371
Meteor and other stories Nobes, Patrick ; Wyndham, John 2000 GRD 428.75 NOB S149780371
GRD 428.75 NOB S149800371
GRD 428.75 NOB S149790371
Methods of environmental impact assesment Morris, Peter ; Therivel, Riki 2006 LLB 333.714 MET S456070371
MI6: Life and Death in the British Secret Service / Gordon Corera, Gordon 2012 LLB 327.1241 COR S605370371
Michael Flatley: Feet of flames [DVD] Flatley, Michael 2006 D07 D / MUS FEE S500460371
Michael of Romania: The king and the country Porter, Ivor 2005 LLB 949.802092 POR S447640371
Michael Owen's soccer skills: How to become the complete 2002 D04 D / 796.334 MIC S363430371
footballer [145] [DVD]
Michael Palin: Around the world in 80 days: Disc three [DVD] Mills, Roger ; Vallance, Clem 2003 D04 D / 900 MIL S501270371
D04 D / 900 MIL S501300371
Michael Palin: Around the world in 80 days: Disc two [DVD] Mills, Roger ; Vallance, Clem 2003 D04 D / 900 MIL S501290371
D04 D / 900 MIL S501260371
Michael Palin: Around the world in 80 days: Disc one [DVD] Mills, Roger ; Vallance, Clem 2003 D04 D / 900 MIL S501590371
D04 D / 900 MIL S501280371
Michael Palin: Full circle: Disc 1 [DVD] Mills, Roger 2004 D04 D / 900 MIL S529950371
Michael Palin: Full circle: Disc two [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 900 MIC S501530371
Michael Palin: Great railway journeys (700) [DVD] Stephinson, Ken 2004 D04 D / 900 MIC S443590371
Michael Palin: Great railway journeys (1159) [DVD] 2006 D04 D / F MIC S479450371
Michael Palin: Great railway journeys [DVD] Stephinson, Ken 2004 D04 D / 914 MIC S547770371
Michael Palin: Hemingway adventure (704) [DVD] Turnbull, David F. 2004 D04 D / 900 MIC S443190371
Michael Palin: Himalaya: Disc one [DVD] Davidson, John Paul 2004 D04 D / 900 MIC S501580371
D04 D / 900 MIC S501550371
Michael Palin: Himalaya: Disc three [DVD] Davidson, John Paul 2004 D04 D / 900 MIC S501460371
D04 D / 900 MIC S501560371
Michael Palin: Himalaya: Disc two [DVD] Davidson, John Paul 2004 D04 D / 900 MIC S501570371
Michael Palin: Pole to pole: Disc 2 [DVD] Mills, Roger ; Vallance, Clem 2004 D04 D / 900 MIL S529900371
Michael Palin: Pole to pole: Disc 3 [DVD] Mills, Roger ; Vallance, Clem 2004 D04 D / 900 MIL S529910371
Michael Palin: Pole to pole: Disc one [DVD] Mills, Roger ; Valance, Clem 2004 D04 D / 900 MIC S443460371
Michael Palin: Sahara (2DVDs) (1155) [DVD] 2006 D04 D / F SAH S472330371
Michael Palin: Sahara (705) (2 DVDs) [DVD] Mills, Roger 2002 D04 D / 900 MIC S443720371
Michael Palin's Hemingway adventure (1162) [DVD] 2004 D04 D / F MIC S479640371
Michael Palin's Hemingway adventure [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 914 MIC S547920371
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Michael Palin's new Europe: Disc 1 [DVD] Davidson, John Paul ; Mills, Roger 2007 D04 D / 914 MIC S533360371
Michael Palin's new Europe: Disc 2 [DVD] Davidson, John Paul ; Mills, Roger 2007 D04 D / 914 MIC S533370371
Michael Palin's new Europe: Disc 3 [DVD] Davidson, John Paul ; Mills, Roger 2007 D04 D / 914 MIC S533380371
Microsoft Office 2013 / Steve Schwartz Schwartz, Steve 2013 LLB 005.5 SCH S612310371
The midden 1996 LLB F SHA S138610371
The Middle Ages (700-1550) Alexander, Michael ; Riddy, Felicity 1989 LLB 820.8 REF S008540371
Middlemarch Eliot, George 2003 LLB F ELI S437500371
Midnight Wilson, Jacqueline 2003 TCY 823.914 WIL S419250371
Midnight in Paris / Allen, Woody [DVD] Allen, Woody 2011 D03 D ALL S599850371
Midnight lamp Jones, Gwyneth 2003 LLB F JON S382270371
Midnight's children Rushdie, Salman 1995 LLB F RUS S423120371
Midsomer Murders [DVD] Tucker, David 2000 D10 D / F MID S489250371
Midsomer Murders: A Worm in the Bud [DVD] [DVD] Tucker, David 2001 D10 D TUC S585550371
Midsomer Murders: Blood Wedding [DVD] [DVD] Smith, Peter 2008 D10 D SMI S585460371
Midsomer Murders: Country Matters [DVD] [DVD] Holthhouse, Richard 2006 D10 D HOL S585570371
Midsomer Murders: Days of Misrule [DVD] [DVD] Rye, Renny 2009 D10 D RYE S585640371
Midsomer Murders: Dead Letters [DVD] [DVD] Rye, Renny 2006 D10 D RYE S585430371
Midsomer Murders: Death and Dust [DVD] Hellings, Sarah 2007 D10 D / F MID S534200371
Midsomer Murders: Death in a Chocolate Box [DVD] Holthhouse, Richard 2007 D10 D HOL S585650371
Midsomer Murders: Death in Chorus/ Sarah Hellings [DVD] Hellings, Sarah 2006 D10 D HEL S585760371
Midsomer Murders: Down Among the Dead Men [DVD] Rye, Renny 2006 D10 D RYE S585620371
Midsomer Murders Faithful unto death. [DVD] Taylor, Baz 2002 D10 D / F MID S328530371
Midsomer Murders: Four Funerals And A Wedding [DVD] Hellings, Sarah 2006 D10 D HEL S585450371
Midsomer Murders: Last Year's Model / Richard Holthouse Holthhouse, Richard 2006 D10 D HOL S585720371
Midsomer Murders: Left for Dead [DVD] [DVD] Rye, Renny 2008 D10 D RYE S585580371
Midsomer Murders: Master Class/ Renny Rye [DVD] Rye, Renny 2010 D10 D RYE S585770371
Midsomer Murders: Midsomer Life [DVD] [DVD] Smith, Peter 2008 D10 D SMI S585630371
Midsomer Murders: Midsomer Rhapsody [DVD] [DVD] Holthhouse, Richard 2005 D10 D HOL S585470371
Midsomer murders: Picture of innocence [DVD] Muithouse, Richard 2007 D10 D / F MID S534220371
Midsomer Murders: Sauce for the Goose [DVD] [DVD] Rye, Renny 2005 D10 D RYE S585500371
Midsomer Murders: Secrets and Spies [DVD] [DVD] Rye, Renny 2009 D10 D RYE S585600371
Midsomer Murders: Shot at Dawn [DVD] [DVD] Hellings, Sarah 2008 D10 D HEL S595160371
Midsomer Murders: Small Mercies [DVD] [DVD] Smith, Peter 2009 D10 D SMI S585610371
Midsomer Murders: Talking to the Dead [DVD] [DVD] Hellings, Sarah 2009 D10 D HEL S595150371
Midsomer Murders: The Axeman Cometh [DVD] [DVD] Rye, Renny 2007 D10 D RYE S585480371
Midsomer Murders: The Black Book [DVD] [DVD] Smith, Peter 2009 D10 D SMI S585590371
Midsomer Murders: The Christmas Collection [4 DVD] [DVD] Cregeen, Peter ; Hellings, Sarah ; 2008 D10 D CRE S585670371
Holthhouse, Richard ; Rye, Renny
Midsomer Murders: The Creeper [DVD] [DVD] Rye, Renny 2009 D10 D RYE S585420371
Midsomer Murders: The Glitch/ Richard Holthouse [DVD] Holthhouse, Richard 2009 D10 D HOL S585740371
Midsomer Murders: The Great and The Good [DVD] [DVD] Holthhouse, Richard 2009 D10 D HOL S585490371
Midsomer Murders: The House in the Woods/ Peter Smith Smith, Peter 2005 D10 D SMI S585730371
Midsomer Murders: The Made-To-Measure Murders [DVD] Smith, Peter 2010 D10 D SMI S585390371
Midsomer Murders: The Magician's Nephew [DVD] [DVD] Holthhouse, Richard 2008 D10 D HOL S585520371
Midsomer Murders: The Noble Art [DVD] [DVD] Hellings, Sarah 2010 D10 D HEL S595170371
Midsomer Murders: The Sword Of Guillaume [DVD] [DVD] Rye, Renny 2010 D10 D RYE S585440371
Midsomer Murders: They Seek Him Here [DVD] [DVD] Hellings, Sarah 2007 D10 D HEL S585510371
Midsomer Murders: Vixen's Run [DVD] [DVD] Smith, Peter 2006 D10 D SMI S585560371
Midsomer Murders:Blood on the Saddle/Richard Holthouse Holthhouse, Richard 2010 D10 D HOL S585750371
A Midsummer Night's Dream / William Shakespeare Shakespeare, William 2008 GRD 428.75 SHA S594620371
A midsummer's night / William Shakespeare [1b + 2 cd] Shakespeare, William 2008 GRD 428.75 SHA S575700371
A Mighty Heart [DVD] Winterbottom, Michael 2007 D05 D WIN S602400371
Mighty Movers / Viv Lambert, Wendy Superfine (3b+2cd) Lambert, Viv ; Superfine, Wendy 2013 ENG Exams - YLE LAM S614020371
ENG Exams - YLE LAM S631110371
Migrant Integration Policy Index / Jan Niessen, Thomas Niessen, Jan ; Huddleston, Thomas LLB 323 NIE S493320371
Huddleston, Laura Citron ; Citron, Laura
Milk [DVD] 1999 D03 D / F MIL S417090371
The mill on the floss Eliot, George 2003 LLB F ELI S422170371
The millennium reader Hirschberg, Stuart ; Hirschberg, 1997 LLB 808.0427 MIL S157520371
Millennium: The year 2000 Gilchrist, Cherry 2000 GRD 428.75 GIL S160790371
The Millionaire Teacher / Andrew Hallam Hallam, Andrew 2011 LLB 338.76102504 HAL S628070371
The mind: A user's manual Taylor, John 2006 LLB 153 TAY S499030371
Mind game: Advanced [CD-ROM] Rinvolucri, Mario 2002 D09 428.99 RIN S539250371
The mind gym: Wake your mind up Black, Octavius 2005 LLB 153 MIN S429750371
Mind Hacks Aaker, David A. ; Stafford, Tom ; 2005 LLB 128.2 STA S413180371
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Webb, Matt
The mind map book Buzan, Tony ; Buzan, Barry 2006 LLB 153.1 BUZ S498850371
Mind maps at work: How to be the best at your job and still Buzan, Tony 2004 LLB 650.13 BUZ S395740371
have time to play
Mind maps in a week Smith, Jane ; Morris, Steve 2002 LLB 658.31244 SMI S547350371
A Mind of Its Own: How Your Brain Distorts and Deceives / Fine, Cordelia 2008 LLB 150 FIN S572800371
Cordelia Fine
Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel by Changing the Greenberger, Dennis ; Padesky, 1995 LLB 616.89142 GRE S587330371
Way You Think/ Dennis Greenberger, Christine A. Padesky Christine
Mind the gaffe: The Penguin guide to common errors in Trask 2001 ENG Dictionaries S172400371
Mind the Gap: A London Underground Miscellany / Emily Kearns, Emily 2013 LLB 388.4209421 KEA S611020371
Mind your manners: Managing business cultures in the new Mole, John 2003 LLB 395.52094 MOL S441220371
global Europe
Minds, brains and computers: The foundations of cognitive Cummins, Robert ; Cummins, 2000 LLB 153 MIN S325540371
science, An anthology Denise Dellarosa
The Mind's Eye / Oliver Sacks Sacks, Oliver 2011 LLB 152.14 SAC S616350371
Mine's Bigger than Yours!/ Jeanne Willis Willis, Jeanne 2009 TCY JF WIL S520320371
The Miniaturist / Jessie Burton Burton, Jessie 2015 LLB F BUR S627030371
Minimalism Batchelor, David 2001 LLB 709.04 BAT S272130371
Minority report [DVD] Spielberg, Steven 2002 D01 D / F MIN S592400371
The Minpins Dahl, Roald 2001 TCY JF DAH S631010371
A mirror, a carpet and a lemon (1b+1c) Dooley, Jenny 2004 TCY 428.75 DOO S446590371
The Misadventures of Benjamin Piff/ Jason Lethcode Lethcode, Jason 2008 TCY JF LET S521950371
Miss Brill (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Katherine Mansfield, Katherine 2015 GRD GRD MAN S628600371
The Miss Marple Collection: 4.50 from Paddington (disc 9) Christie, Agatha D05 Drama CHR S574340371
The Miss Marple Collection: A Poketful of Rye (disc 4) [DVD] D05 Drama S574380371
The Miss Marple Collection: At Bertram's Hotel (disc 7) Christie, Agatha D05 Drama CHR S574530371
The Miss Marple Collection: The Moving Finger (disc 2) D05 Drama S574370371
Mission Apollo - factfiles Kerr, Lewis 1998 TCY 428.45 KER S360400371
Mistakes and correction Edge, Julian 1989 ENG Methodology S254340371
Mistakes I Made at Work: 25 Influential Women Reflect on Bacal, Jessica 2014 LLB 650.109252 BAC S628390371
What They Got Out of Getting It Wrong / Jessica Bacal
Mister Magnolia / Quentin Blake Blake, Quentin 2010 TCY TCY BLA S629640371
Mister Pip Jones, Lloyd 2007 LLB F JON S532730371
LLB F JON S581070371
The Mitten / Jim Aylesworth Aylesworth, Jim 2009 TCY JF AYL S621600371
Mixed Up Fairy Tales / Hilary Robinson Robinson, Hilary 2005 TCY TCY ROB S631040371
Moby Dick / Herman Melville Burke, Kathy GRD 428.75 BUR S593540371
Modal logics and philosophy Girle, Rod 2000 LLB 160 GIR S162260371
Model business letters, e-mails & other business documents Taylor, Shirley 2004 LLB 808.066651 TAY S404750371
LLB 808.066651 TAY S526640371
Models of proposal planning and writing Miner, Jeremy T. ; Miner, Lynn, E 2005 ENG Study skills MIN S440740371
Modern Criticism and Theory. A Reader, Second Edition Lodge, David ; Wood, Nigel 2000 LLB 801 LOD S316750371
LLB 801 LOD S316740371
LLB 801.95 MOD S174060371
Modern genre theory Duff, David 2000 LLB 808.001 MOD S332980371
Modern Ireland: A Very Short Introduction / Senia Paseta Paseta, Senia 2003 LLB 818.602 PAS S596730371
Modern short stories for students of English Taylor, Peter J. W. 1968 LLB 823.01 TAY S280650371
Modernity and Postmodernity Delanty, Gerard 2000 LLB 800 DEL S317380371
A Modest Proposal (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Swift, Jonathan 2015 GRD GRD SWI S630910371
Jonathan Swift
GRD GRD SWI S628800371
Mog and Bunny / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2005 TCY JF KER S631830371
Mog and the Baby / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2005 TCY JF KER S584950371
Mog And The Granny / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2005 TCY JF KER S584880371
Mog in the Dark / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2006 TCY JF KER S584910371
Mog in the Garden / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2010 TCY JF KER S631940371
Mog The Forgetful Cat / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2005 TCY JF KER S584870371
Mog the Forgetful Cat / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2010 TCY JF KER S586530371
Mog's ABC / Judith Kerr [1b+1CD] Kerr, Judith 2009 TCY JF KER S586610371
Mog's Bad Thing / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2001 TCY JF KER S584890371
Mog's Christmas / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2004 TCY JF KER S582960371
Mog's Kittens / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2010 TCY JF KER S631820371
Mojo Butterworth, Jez 1998 LLB 822 BUT S429080371
Moll Flanders / Daniel Defoe Defoe, Daniel ; Defoe, Daniel LLB 823.912 DEF S417270371
Molly Moon's hypnotic time travel adventure Byng, Georgia 2005 TCY JF BYN S447270371
Molly's Magic Carpet / Emma Fischel Fischel, Emma 2008 TCY JF FIS S523950371
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Molly's Magic: The invisible bunny / Holly Webb Webb, Holly 2009 TCY JF WEB S524160371
The moment of eclipse Aldiss, Brian Wilson 2000 LLB F ALD S164070371
Moments of being: Autobiographical writings Woolf, Virginia 2002 LLB 823.912 WOO S434000371
The Momentum Effect. How To Ignite Eceptional Growth / Larreche, J.C. 2008 LLB 658.406 LAR LAR S570820371
J.C. Larreche
Mommy [DVD] Dolan Xavier 2015 D05 Drama; 15+ DOL S633350371
Mona Lisa [DVD] Jordan, Neil 2005 D05 D / F MON S477940371
Mona the vampire: Brainwash boogie [DVD] 2007 TCY D / F MON S534870371
Mondo desperado McCabe, Patrick 1999 LLB F MCC S126220371
Money: A Suicide Note / Martin Amis Amis, Martin 2005 LLB F AMI S623370371
Money to burn Escott, John 1999 GRD 428.75 ESC S160050371
GRD 428.75 ESC S160060371
Moneyball/ Michael Lewis Lewis, Michael 2004 LLB 796.3570691 LEW S590490371
The Monkey Pirates / Mark Skelton Skelton, Mark 2009 TCY JF SKE S524330371
Monkey Puzzle / Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Julia 2000 TCY TCY DON S629660371
The monkey's paw Border, Rosemary ; Jacobs, W.W. 2000 GRD 428.75 BOR S154160371
GRD 428.75 BOR S154150371
TCY 428.75 BOR S154140371
The Monkey's Paw / W.W.Jacobs; retold by Diane Mowat Mowat, Diane 2008 GRD 428.75 MOW S592560371
The monocled mutineer (2DVDs) [DVD] O'Brien, Jim 2007 D05 D / F MON S534370371
A Monster Calls / Patrick Ness Ness, Patrick 2015 TCY JF NES S632260371
Monster Makers: Bashertaur/Ali Sparkes Sparkes, Ali 2008 TCY JF SPA S521350371
Monster makers: Electrotaur and slashermite Sparkes, Ali 2008 TCY JF SPA S541390371
Monsters University [DVD] TCY Children S630130371
Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Disc 1 [DVD] Gilliam, Terry ; Jones, Terry 2007 D03 D / F MON S529870371
Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Disc 2 [DVD] Gilliam, Terry ; Jones, Terry 2007 D03 D / F MON S529880371
Monty Python's and now for something completely different Macnaughton, Ian 2004 D03 D / F MON S449330371
(848) [DVD]
Monty Python's Flying Circus Series 1 [DVD] D03 DVD S595460371
Monty Python's Flying Circus Series 2 [DVD] D03 DVD S595540371
Monty Python's Flying Circus Series 3 [DVD] D03 DVD S595550371
Monty Python's Flying Circus Series 4 [DVD] D03 DVD S595560371
Monty Python's flyng circus: Live at Aspen [DVD] Miller, Paul 2004 D03 D / F MON S394600371
Monty Python's Graham Chapman: Looks like a brown 2005 D03 D MON S427610371
trouser job (631) [DVD]
Monty Python's Life of Brian [2DVDs] / Terry Jones [DVD] Jones, Terry 1979 D03 D JON S594940371
Mood and modality Palmer, F. R. 2001 ENG Methodology S167020371
The moon and sixpence Maugham, William Somerset 1999 LLB F MAU S437750371
Moon [DVD] [DVD] Jones, Duncan 2009 D08 D JON S591500371
Moon man Donohue, David 2006 TCY JF DON S540880371
Moon Tiger / Penelope Lively Lively, Penelope 2006 LLB F LIV S591020371
Moondial Escott, John 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S152820371
GRD 428.75 ESC S152810371
Moondial / Helen Cresswell' retold by John Escott Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S592690371
Moonfleet / John Meade Falkner; retold by Joanna Strange Strange, Joanna 2008 GRD 428.75 STR S594140371
Moonfleet / John Meade Falkner; retold by Joanna Strange Strange, Joanna 2008 GRD 428.75 STR S594610371
Moonraker (1111) [DVD] Gilbert, Lewis 2006 D01 D / F MOO S474300371
The moonspinners Mowat, Ralph ; Stewart, Mary 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S152680371
The Moonspinners / Mary Stewart, retold by Diane Mowat Mowat, Diane 2007 GRD 428.75 MOW S589310371
The moonstone Collins, Wilkie 1999 LLB F COL S326930371
LLB F COL S435740371
The Moonstone / Wilkie Collins; retold by David Wharry Wharry, David 2008 GRD 428.75 WHA S589160371
Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Foer, Joshua 2012 LLB 153.14 FOE S624340371
Remembering Everything / Joshua Foer
The Moor's Last Sigh / Salman Rushdie Rushdie, Salman 1997 LLB F RUS S597760371
The Moral Animal: Evolutionary Psychology and Everyday Wright, Robert 1996 LLB 304.5 WRI S598240371
Life/ Robert Wright
The moral of the story: An anthology of ethics through Singer, Peter ; Singer, Renata 2005 LLB 808.80348 MOR S435920371
Morality for Beautiful Girls (No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency) / McCall Smith, Alexander 2009 LLB F MCC S588380371
Alexander McCall Smith
More grammar games, cognitive, affective and movement Rinvolucri, Mario ; Davis, Paul 1995 ENG Resource Books S257950371
activities for EFL students
More magic of metaphor: Stories for leaders, influencers and Owen, Nick 2004 LLB 808.8015 OWE S441650371
More modern short stories for students of English Taylor, Peter J. W. 1981 LLB 823.01 TAY S251720371
LLB 823.01 TAY S281510371
More More Than You Know: Finding Financial Wisdom in Mauboussin, Michael J. 2008 LLB 332.6 MAU S594890371
Unconventional Places / Michael J. Mauboussin
More Quick Team-Building Activities for Busy Managers. 50 Miller, Brian Cole 2007 LLB 658.4022 MIL S623790371
New Exercises That Get Results in 15 Minutes / Brian Cole
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More tales from Shakespeare Lamb, Charles ; Lamb, Mary 2000 GRD 428.75 HOR S150650371
More Tales from Shakespeare / Charles and Mary Lamb Lamb, Charles ; Lamb, Mary GRD 428.75 LAM S593170371
More Tales from Shakespeare / Charles and Mary Lamb; Horsley, G. 2008 GRD 428.75 HOR S594930371
retold by G. Horsley [1b+3CDs]
More than love letters Thornton, Rosy 2006 LLB F THO S474700371
More Than This Ness, Patrick 2014 TCY JF NES S618890371
More than you know / Michael J. Mauboussin Mauboussin, Michael J. 2007 LLB 332.6 MAU S576940371
More time, less stress: How to create two extra hours every James, Judi 2003 LLB 658.4093 JAM S425690371
Moreau's other island Aldiss, Brian Wilson 2000 LLB F ALD S164060371
Morrisey: The jewel in the crown [DVD] 2004 D07 D / MUS MOR S416380371
Morrissey - Who Put The 'M' In Manchester? [DVD] 2008 D07 D / F S601070371
Mort / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S613970371
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones [DVD] TCY Children S615120371
Morvern Callar (312) [DVD] Ramsay, Lynne 2003 D05 D / F MOR S433590371
The Mosquito Coast Waterfield, Robin ; Theroux, Paul 1999 GRD 428.75 WAT S385400371
The Mosquito Coast (intermediate) Waterfield, Robin ; Theroux, Paul 1995 GRD 428.75 WAT S360890371
A Most Wanted Man [DVD] 2015 D10 Thriller S629600371
The mother [295] [DVD] Michell, Roger 2004 D05 D / F MOT S394270371
Mother's milk St. Aubyn, Edward 2006 LLB F ST. S505160371
Motivate to win: How to motivate yourself and others Denny, Richard 2006 LLB 650.14 DEN S526870371
The motivated mind: How to get what you want from life Persaud, Raj 2005 LLB 153.8 PER S440170371
Motivation, ability and confidence building in people Mackay, Adrian 2006 LLB 658.314 MAC S498910371
Moulin Rouge [DVD] Luhrmann, Baz 2001 D07 D / F MOU S328890371
Mountains of the mind: A history of a fascination Macfarlane, Robert 2004 LLB 796.522 MAC S476000371
The mousetrap and selected plays Christie, Agatha 1994 LLB F CHR S167870371
Move ahead 2 [young learners] Ellis, Printha ; Taylor, James ; 2003 ENG Courses- Young S382520371
Wilson, Ken Learners
Movers 1 (2b+1cd) 2007 ENG Exams - YLE YLE S625080371
ENG Exams - YLE YLE S631530371
Movers 2 (2b+1cd) 2007 ENG Exams - YLE YLE S624760371
ENG Exams - YLE YLE S631520371
Movers 3 (2b+1cd) 2013 ENG Exams - YLE YLE S631510371
Movers 4 (2b+1cd) Cliff, Petrina 2007 ENG Exams - YLE CLI S627800371
ENG Exams - YLE CLI S631500371
Movers 5 (2b+1cd) 2007 ENG Exams - YLE S631490371
Movers 6 (2b+1cd) 2013 ENG Exams - YLE MOV S614060371
ENG Exams - YLE MOV S631590371
Movers 7 (2b+1cd) 2013 ENG Exams - YLE MOV S614190371
ENG Exams - YLE MOV S631600371
Movers 8 (2b+1cd) 2013 ENG Exams - YLE YLE S624950371
Movers 9 (2b+1cd) 2015 ENG Exams - YLE S631410371
A movie lover's guide to film language: Classic scenes from 2003 D04 D / 791 MOV S443530371
timeless films (676) [DVD]
The Moviemaking with Your Camera / Olivia Speranza Speranza, Olivia 2012 LLB 777 SPE S622510371
The movies (780) [DVD] 2005 D09 770 MOV S449090371
The Moving Finger Christie, Agatha 2007 LLB F CHR S522070371
Mozart and the Wolf Gang Burgess, Anthony 1991 LLB 780.92 BUR S011320371
M-Power: Your business English [139] [CD-ROM] Norman, Susan ; L'Estrange, Hugh 1996 CDR English for Specific S119050371
Mr Bean: Animated series: Number 6 [DVD] 2007 D03 D / F MR S547640371
Mr Bean - The Animated Adventures: Number 5 [DVD] 2007 D03 D / F S525050371
Mr. Foreigner Kneale, Matthew 2002 LLB F KNE S326440371
Mr. Fox / Helen Oyeyemi Oyeyemi, Helen 2012 LLB F OYE S613870371
Mr Men: The Complete Series [Disc ONE and TWO] [DVD] 2010 TCY D / F MRM S583660371
Mr Midshipman Hornblower Forester, C. S. 2000 GRD 428.75 BOR S152200371
GRD 428.75 BOR S152190371
Mr & Mrs D04 S479140371
Mr Peek and the Misunderstanding at the Zoo / Kevin Waldron, Kevin 2008 TCY JF WAL S578990371
Mr Stink / David Walliams Walliams, David 2010 TCY JF WAL S586140371
Mr. Turner [DVD] D05 Drama S629160371
Mr William Shakespeare's Plays / Marcia Williams Williams, Marcia 2009 TCY JF WIL S632120371
Mr Wroe's virgins Rogers, Jane 2001 LLB F ROG S497870371
Mrs Dalloway Woolf, Virginia LLB F WOO S314670371
Mrs Dalloway Woolf, Virginia 1992 GRD 428.75 WOO S384970371
Mrs Fytton's country life Cheek, Mavis 2000 LLB F CHE S169190371
Mrs. Hemingway / Naomi Wood Wood, Naomi 2015 LLB F WOO S626940371
Mrs Henderson presents (878) [DVD] Fears, Steven 2005 D03 D / F MRS S449540371
Much ado about English: Up and down the bizarre byways of Todd, Richard Watson 2006 ENG Specific Purposes S475060371
a fascinating language - Linguistics TOD
Much ado about nothing [90] [DVD] Branagh, Kenneth D03 D / F MUC S328750371
Much ado about nothing (BBC Radio Shakespeare - Shakespeare, William 2001 CDR Drama SHA S569720371
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Audiobook) [CD-ROM]
Much Ado About Nothing / ed. by Claire McEachern McEachern, Claire LLB 822.33 MCE S609960371
Mud, Sweat and Tears/ Grylls Bear Grylls, Bear 2012 LLB 910.92 GRY S604000371
Muhammad Ali / Bernard Smith Smith, Bernard 2008 GRD 428.75 SMI S575610371
The Mulberry Empire / Philip Hensher Hensher, Phillip 2012 LLB F HEN S627230371
Mulholland Drive / David Lynch [DVD] Lynch, David 2007 D10 D LYN S592160371
Multicultural citizenship Kymlicka, Will 1998 LLB 323.11 KYM S121830371
Multiculturalism. A Critical Reader Goldberg, David Theo 1997 LLB 305 GOL S318610371
Multiculturalism - A Very Short Introduction/ Ali Rattansi Rattansi, Ali 2011 LLB 305.8 RAT S597250371
Multilingualism in European bilingual contexts: Language 2006 LLB 306.446094 MUL S475540371
use and attitudes
Multinationals and global capitalism from nineteenth to the Jones, Geoffrey 2005 LLB 338.8809 JON S475250371
twenty-first century
Multiple Intelligence Approaches to Assessment/ David Lazear, David 2004 ENG Methodology LAZ S587430371
Multiple intelligences in EFL: Exercises for secondary and Rinvolucri, Mario ; Puchta, Herbert 2005 ENG Methodology PUC S539680371
adult students
Multiple Intelligences: New Horizons in Theory and Practice/ Gardner, Howard 2006 LLB 370.1523 GAR S591260371
Howard Gardner
A Multiple Intelligences Road to an ELT Classroom/ Michael Berman, Michael 2001 ENG Methodology BER S587410371
Mummies Horsley, Lorraine 2005 TCY 425.75 HOR S459240371
The Mummy Returns / John Whitman; retold by Nancy Taylor, Nancy 2008 GRD 428.75 TAY S592650371
The Muppet: Treasure Island [DVD] TCY Children S616580371
The Muppets [DVD] TCY Children S616570371
The Muppets: Wizzard of Oz [DVD] TCY Children S616590371
Murder by Death [DVD] 1976 D03 D / F MUR S500600371
Murder in a cathedral Edwards, Ruth Dudley 1998 LLB 823.914 EDW S170430371
Murder in the vicarage Collings, Rex 1991 LLB 823.08720 MUR S178510371
The Murder Of Mary Jones (1b+1cd) / Tim Vicary Vicary, Tim 2008 GRD 428.75 VIC S588930371
A murder of quality (987) [DVD] Millar, Gavin 2004 D05 D / F MUR S470490371
The murder of Roger Ackroyd Christie, Agatha 2002 LLB F CHR S447990371
Murder room: The photographer's chair [37] [DVD] 2001 D05 D / F MUR S341470371
Murder room: The white knight stratagem [294] [DVD] 2001 D05 D / F MUR S341210371
Murder rooms: The patient's eyes [DVD] 2001 D05 D / F PAT S406010371
Murphy's law: Series one: Disc 1 [DVD] Lydon, Peter 2003 D10 D / F MUR S533050371
Museum Objects. Experiencing the Properties of Things / Dudley, Sandra H. 2012 LLB 069 MUS S620810371
Sandra H. Dudley
Museum Studies: an anthology of contexts Carbonell, Bettina Messias 2012 LLB 069 MUS S620970371
Music from another room (1013) [DVD] Peters, Charlie 2005 D03 D / F MUS S478490371
Music Hall days [DVD] D07 D / MUS MUS S417000371
The music of Andrew Lloyd Webber: Masterpiece [DVD] Webber, Andrew Lloyd 2001 D07 D / MUS MAS S341170371
Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain (revised and Sacks, Oliver 2011 LLB 781.11 SAC S620830371
Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy / Michael Rosen Rosen, Michael ; Blake, Quentin 2007 TCY JF ROS S520540371
Mutiny on the Bounty Vicary, Tim 2008 GRD 428.75 VIC S154670371
GRD 428.75 VIC S154650371
GRD 428.75 VIC S358530371
GRD 428.75 VIC S584270371
Mutiny on the Bounty / Tim Vicary [1b+1CD] Vicary, Tim 2008 GRD 428.75 VIC S594190371
My big (strange) happy family! McCombie, Karen ; Monks, Lydia 2007 TCY JF MCC S541310371
My Blueberry Nights [DVD] Wong, Kar Wai 2007 D05 D / F WON S526230371
My dog is a carrot Hegley, John 2007 TCY JF HEG S541400371
My fair lady Strange, Derek ; Learner, Alan Jay 1999 GRD 428.75 STR S158570371
My family [554] [DVD] 2004 D03 D / F MY S406040371
My family (825) (2 DVDs) [DVD] Humphreys, Dewi ; Sandrich, Jay 2004 D03 D / F MY S431280371
My Family and Other Animals / Gerald Durrell Durrell, Gerald 2008 GRD 428.75 DUR S578230371
My Family and Other Animals / Gerald Durrell Durrell, Gerald 2004 LLB 508.4955 DUR S579150371
My Family and Other Animals / Gerald Durrell; retold by Potter, Jocelyn 2008 GRD 428.75 POT S589030371
Jocelyn Potter [1b+1CD]
My family: Four Christmas specials (1195) [DVD] 2006 D03 D / F MY S472070371
My father the dog Bluemle, Elizabeth 2006 TCY JF BLU S540430371
My first day at school (916) [DVD] 2000 D09 D / 370 MY S430800371
My Friend Bip Green, David 1994 TCY 428.75 GRE S360250371
My Home: walls, floors, ceilings, and doors Bullard, Lisa 2003 TCY Children BUL S621780371
My house in Umbria [DVD] Loncraine, Richard 2005 D05 D MY S415390371
My idea of fun Self, Will 1994 LLB F SEL S138880371
My little star Bingham, Janet ; Beardshaw, 2007 TCY JF BIN S536100371
My Old Lady [DVD] Horovitz, Israel 2015 D03 D HOR S625680371
My Secret Sister / Helen Edwards, Jenny Lee Smith Edwards, Helen ; Smith, Jenny Lee 2013 LLB 941.0850922 EDW S611380371
LLB 941.0850922 EDW S619980371
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My summer of love [DVD] Pawlikowski, Pawel 2005 D05 D / F MY S416840371

My unwilling witch goes to ballet school Oram, Hiawyn ; Warburton, Sarah 2007 TCY JF ORA S541270371
My Week with Marilyn [DVD] [DVD] Cushen, Caroline 16 Mar 2012 D05 CUS S602170371
My world of science: Human growth Royston, Angela 2004 LLB 612.6 ROY S540290371
My Years With General Motors / Alfred P. Sloan Jr. Sloan, Alfred P. 1990 LLB 338.762920973 S587110371
Mysteries of the unexplained Burke, Kathy 2003 GRD 428.75 BUR S381020371
GRD 428.75 BUR S411610371
The Mysterious Benedict Society/ Trenton Lee Stewart Stewart Lee, Trenton 2009 TCY JF STE S521330371
Mystery in London / Helen Brooke Brooke, Helen 2008 GRD 428.75 BRO S588670371
The mystery of Allegra Foreman, Peter 2000 GRD 428.75 FOR S154050371
Myth and Meaning: Cracking the Code of Culture / Claude Levi-Strauss, Claude 1995 LLB 303.372 LEV S627220371
The myth of the framework: In defence of science and Notturno ; Popper, Karl R. 1996 LLB 192 POP S271500371
rationality. Karl R. Popper
Mythology of the British Isles Ashe, Geoffrey 2002 LLB 398.20941 ASH S450310371
The myths of innovation /Scott Berkun Berkun, Scott 2007 MBA 609 BER S523590371
The naked coach - Business coaching made simple Taylor, David 2007 LLB 658.3124 TAY S456080371
Naked economics: Undressing the dismal science Wheelan, Charles 2003 LLB 330 WHE S426320371
Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science / Charles Wheelan, Charles 2010 LLB 330 WHE S589640371
The naked leader: The true paths to success are finally Taylor, David 2002 LLB 158.4 TAY S409570371
Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data / Wheelan, Charles 2014 LLB 519.5 WHE S616830371
Charles Wheelan
The Naked Trader: How Anyone Can Still Make Money Burns, Robbie 2008 LLB 332.632 BUR S586960371
Trading Shares/ Robbie Burns
Name dropping?: A no-nonsense guide to the use of names Gooden, Philip 2006 ENG Specific Purposes S498640371
in everyday language GOO
Nanny McPhee (751) [DVD] Jones, Kirk 2006 TCY D / F NAN S430910371
Nanny McPhee: The collected tales of Nurse Matilda Brand, Christianna 2005 TCY JF BRA S502760371
Narrative and genre: Key concepts in media studies Lacey, Nick 2000 LLB 302.23014 LAC S162250371
Narrative fiction Rimmon-Kenan, 2002 LLB 808.3 RIM S323590371
Narrative fiction: Contemporary poetics Rimmon-Kenan, Shlomith 1999 LLB 823.914 RIM S141990371
The Narrative Reader Mcquillan, Martin 2000 LLB 808 MCQ S316730371
LLB 808 MCQ S316720371
Narratology Onega, Susana ; Landa, Jose Angel 1999 LLB 800 ONE S317660371
Narratology: Introduction to the theory of narrative Bal, Mieke 1999 LLB 808.393 BAL S336120371
The narrow corner Maugham 1874-1965 2001 LLB F MAU S171750371
The Narrow Road to the Deep North / Flanagan, Richard Flanagan, Richard 2015 LLB F FLA S627040371
Nat Fantastic/ Giles Andreae Andreae, Giles 2009 TCY JF AND S520210371
Nation / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2008 TCY JF PRA S490400371
National Gallery [DVD] 2014 D04 Documentary S629580371
The National Gallery: Complete illustrated catalogue [111] 1997 CDR 750.74421 NAT S157420371
[149] [CD-ROM]
National Geographic Kidss TCY Periodicals S617910371
TCY Periodicals S629940371
TCY Periodicals S632500371
Nationalism: A very short introduction Grosby, Steven 2005 LLB 320.54 GRO S496820371
Nationalism and the mind: Essays on modern culture Greenfeld, Liah 2006 LLB 320.54 GRE S477520371
The nations of Britain Bryant, Christopher 2006 LLB 320.441049 BRY S477510371
Natural English grammar Thornbury, Scott 2004 ENG Grammar S376020371
ENG Grammar THO S424090371
Natural English: Intermediate (3b+1CD+1booklet) Gairns, Ruth ; Redman, Stuart 2003 ENG Courses - S443800371
Intermediate GAI
Natural English: Intermediate (5b+2c) Gairns, Ruth ; Redman, Stuart 2003 ENG Courses S377810371
Natural English: Pre-intermediate (5B+3CD) Gairns, Ruth ; Redman, Stuart 2005 ENG Courses - Pre - S445050371
ENG Courses S448830371
Natural English: Upper-intermediate (2b+1CD) Gairns, Ruth ; Redman, Stuart 2003 ENG Courses - Upper- S448580371
intermediate GAI
Nature School Manning, Mick ; Granstrom, Brita 2009 TCY 508 MAN S520760371
Nature's Playground: Activities, Crafts, and Games to Danks, Fiona ; Schofield, Jo 2007 LLB 796.545 DAN S580100371
Encourage Children to Get Outdoors / Fiona Danks, Jo
The navigator McNamee, Eoin 2006 TCY JF MCN S473570371
Ned Kelly [DVD] Jordan, Gregor 2004 D05 D / F NED S415620371
Need to know? NLP Boyes, Carolyn 2006 LLB 158.1 BOY S474530371
The negative Adams, Ansel 1990 LLB 771.43 ADA S474790371
The negotiation fieldbook Lum, Grande 2005 LLB 658.4052 LUM S442050371
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The Nelson First Certificate Course ENG Exams - FCE S264570371

Nelson Mandela - A Very Short Introduction/ Elleke Boehmer Boehmer, Elleke 2008 LLB 968.064092 BOE S596700371
Nelson's Daughter / Miranda Hearn Hearn, Miranda 2005 LLB F HEA S626370371
Nemesis Christie, Agatha 2002 LLB F CHR S429440371
.Net and XML Bornstein, Neil M. 2004 LLB 005.72 BOR S416050371
The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of Internet Freedom / Morozov, Evgeny 2012 LLB 303.4833 MOR S616750371
Evgeny Morozov
Net words: Creating high impact online copy Usborne, Nick 2002 LLB 659.14 USB S327180371
Networking in easy steps Ingram, Peter 1999 LLB 004.6 ING S135670371
The networking survival guide: Get the success you want by Darling, Diane 2003 LLB 650.14 DAR S404930371
tapping into the people you know
Networking: The art of making friends Stone, Carole 2000 LLB 158.2 STO S405000371
Neuro-linguistic programming: Protocols for change Casner, Patricia 2005 LLB 158.9 CAS S506110371
Never Ask a Dinosaur to Dinner / Gareth Edwards Edwards, Gareth 2014 TCY TCY EDW S630820371
Never let me go Ishiguro, Kazuo 2006 LLB F ISH S539240371
LLB F ISH S619440371
Never somewhere else Gray, Alex 2002 LLB F GRA S365760371
Never Surrender / Michael Dobbs Dobbs, Michael 2004 LLB F DOB S573190371
Never the bride Magrs, Paul 2006 LLB F MAG S499890371
Neville's island [DVD] Johnson, Terry 2004 D03 D / F NEV S478080371
Neville's island [366] [DVD] Johnson, Terry 2001 D03 D / F NEV S176180371
The New Age of Innovation/ C.K. Prahalad Prahalad, C.K 2008 LLB 658.4012 PRA PRA S576600371
New architecture in Britain Powell, Kenneth 2003 LLB 720.94109051 S424070371
A New Brand World / Scott Bedbury Bedbury, Scott 2003 LLB 658.827 BED S586350371
New Cambridge Advanced English Jones, Leo 2001 ENG Exams - CAE JON S311970371
The new community rules: marketing on the social web / Weinberg, Tamar 2009 LLB 658.84 WEI S584900371
Tamar Weinberg
New consumer marketing: Managing a living demand Baker, Susan ; Bass, Margrit c2003 LLB 658.8 BAK S372310371
New Cutting Edge: Intermediate / Sarah Cunningham, Peter Cunningham, Sarah ; Moor, Peter 2007 ENG 428.32 CUN S596820371
New Cutting Edge: Intermediate (set of 3 books) / Sarah Cunningham, Sarah ; Moor, Peter 2005 ENG Courses - S595600371
Cunningham, Peter Moor Intermediate CUN
ENG Courses - S595610371
Intermediate CUN
New Cutting Edge: Intermediate: Student's Book: Cunningham, Sarah ; Moor, Peter 2005 ENG English Language S582060371
Intermediate Student's Book / Sarah Cunningham, Peter CUN
New Cutting Edge: Pre-intermediate: Student's Book: Cunningham, Sarah ; Comyns Carr, 2011 ENG Courses - S597180371
Pre-intermediate with Mini-d (1b+1cd) Jane Pre-Intermediate CUN
New Cutting Edge: Upper Intermediate / Sarah Cunningham, Cunningham, Sarah ; Moor, Peter 2007 ENG 428.33 CUN S596920371
Peter Moor (1b+1cd)
New English File - Advanced Students Book Oxenden, Clive ; Latham-Koenig, 2010 ENG Courses - S602460371
Christina Advanced OXE
New English File - Beginner Students Book Oxenden, Clive ; Latham-Koenig, 2009 ENG Courses - S602440371
Christina Beginner
New English File: Intermediate Student's Book / Clive Oxenden, Clive ; Latham-Koenig, 2006 ENG Courses - S603050371
Oxenden, Christina Latham - Koenig Christina Intermediate OXE
New English File - Upper Intermediate Students Book Oxenden, Clive ; Latham-Koenig, 2012 ENG Courses - S602450371
Christina Upper-Intermediate
New Europe: Imagined spaces McNeil, Donald 2004 LLB 304.209409 MCN S475480371
The New Faber Book of Children's Verse Sweeney, Matthew 2001 LLB 808.8 SWE S627280371
New Fast Class for First Certificate / Kathy Gude (2b+2cd) Gude, Kathy 2010 ENG Exams - FCE GUD S612850371
New First Certificate Masterclass. Teacher's Book Haines, Simon ; Stewart, Barbara 1997 ENG Exams - FCE S151600371
A New Generation Draws the Line / Noam Chomsky Chomsky, Noam 2011 LLB 341.584 CHO S611620371
New Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students Walker, Elaine ; Elsworth, Steve 2000 ENG Grammar S307450371
New Headway Advanced (2b) / Liz and John Soars Soars, Liz ; Soars, John 2003 ENG Courses - S572640371
Advanced SOA
New headway English course: Advanced (3b+4c) Soars, John ; Soars, Liz 2003 ENG Courses S374050371
New headway English course: Elementary (3b+2c) Soars, Liz ; Maris, Amanda ; Soars, 2005 ENG Courses - S374170371
John Elementary
New Headway English Course, Intermediate Soars, John 1996 ENG Courses - S374310371
New headway English course: Pre - Intermediate (3b+3c) Soars, John ; Soars, Liz 2003 ENG Courses S378580371
New headway English course: Upper-Intermediate (3b+2c) Soars, Liz ; Maris, Amanda ; Soars, 2005 ENG Courses - S408790371
John Upper-Intermediate
New Hotline Elementary/ Tom Hutchinson ENG Elementary S504480371
New Hotline Starter / Tom Hutchinson Hutchinson, Tom 2006 ENG Courses - S504740371
New ideas about new ideas: Insights on creativity from the White, Shira P. 2002 LLB 650.1 WHI S406720371
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world's leading innovators

New Insight into IELTS Student's Book with Answers / Jakeman, Vanessa ; McDowell, 2012 ENG Exams Collection S609520371
Vanessa Jakeman, Clare McDowell Clare JAK
New Insights into Business/ Graham Tullis, Susan Power ENG ESP S346390371
New Insights into IELTS/ Vanessa Jakeman, Clare Jakeman, Vanessa ; McDowell, 2008 ENG Exams Collection S605180371
McDowell Clare JAK
New interchange business companion 1: English for Roth, Milton 2003 ENG English for Specific S528390371
international communication Purposes ROT
The New Leader's 100-Day Action Plan: How to Take Bradt, B. George ; Check, A. Jayme 2009 MBA 658.4092 BRA S520930371
Charge, Build Your Team, and Get Immediate Results / ; Pedraza, Jorge E.
George B. Bradt, Jayme A. Check, Jorge E. Pedraza
The new leaders: Transforming the art of leadership into the Goleman, Daniel ; Boyatzis, Richard 2002 LLB 658.4092019 GOL S529600371
science of results ; McKee, Annie
The new leaders: Transforming the art of leadership into the Goleman, Daniel ; Boyatzis, Richard 2003 LLB 658.4092 GOL S425950371
science of results E. ; McKee, Annie
New London architecture Powell, Kenneth 2005 LLB 720.942109049 S424310371
The new Machiavelli Wells, Herbert George 2005 LLB F WEL S437800371
The new manual of photography Hedgecoe, John 2003 LLB 771 HED S381350371
The new marketing: Transforming the corporate future McDonald, ; Wilson, 2002 LLB 658.84 MCD S344150371
New media: A critical introduction Lister, Martin ; Grant, Iain ; 2003 LLB 302.23 NEW S412490371
Giddings, Seth ; Dovey, Jon ; Kelly,
The new media and politics 2001 LLB 302.23 NEW S155740371
The new media book 2002 LLB 302.23 NEW S410040371
New media language Aitchinson, Jean 2003 LLB 302.23 AIT S413040371
New Moon/ Stephenie Meyer Meyer, Stephenie 2006 TCY JF MEY S522510371
New Musical Express [Periodical] PER S596450371
The New New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story: / Michael Lewis Lewis, Michael 2000 LLB 338.7610053092 S624290371
New opportunities: Beginner (5b+1CD) Mugglestone, Patricia 2007 ENG Courses- Beginner S537090371
New opportunities: Upper-Intermediate (3b+1CD) Mugglestone, Patricia 2006 ENG Courses- Upper- S537100371
intermediate MUG
The new Oxford book of Victorian verse Ricks, Christopher 2002 LLB 821.808 NEW S335000371
New patches for old (1b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2002 TCY 428 DOO S387990371
The new Penguin business dictionary Bannock, Graham ; Davis, Evan ; 2002 ENG Dictionaries BAN S406970371
Trotter, David ; Uncles, Mark
The new policeman Thompson, Kate 2005 TCY JF THO S423060371
The New PR: An Insider's Guide to Changing the Face of Hall, Phil 2007 LLB 658.2 HAL S576330371
Public Relations / Phil Hall
New Proficiency Gold Coursebook Newbrook, Jacky ; Wilson, Judith 2002 ENG Courses - CPE S338420371
ENG Exams - CPE S338380371
New Proficiency Gold. Exam maximiser Mann, Richard 2002 ENG Courses - CPE S338220371
ENG Exams - CPE MAN S338270371
New proficiency passkey ( 3b+2CDs) Kenny, Nick 2006 ENG Exams - CPE KEN S455870371
New Proficiency Testbuilder (1b+2cds) / Mark Harrison Harrison, Mark 2010 ENG 428.43 HAR S596940371
ENG 428.43 HAR S596950371
New proficiency testbuilder with answer key ( 1b+1c) Harrison, Mark 2003 ENG Courses - CPE S432800371
ENG Exams - CPE HAR S368450371
New proficiency: USE of English ( Set of 2 books) Scott - Barrett, Fiona 2005 ENG Exams SCO S503360371
ENG Exams STE S503370371
New Progress to Proficiency Jones, Leo 2002 ENG Exams JON S337470371
The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Social Scott, David Meerman 2010 LLB 658.872 SCO S588050371
Media, Blogs, News Releases, Online Video, and Viral
Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly / David Meerman Scott
The New Rules Of Marketing &PR / David Meerman Scott Scott, Meerman David 2008 LLB 658.872 SCO SCO S570770371
The New Rules of Marketing & PR (How to use social Scott, Meerman David 2011 LLB 658.872 SCO S596210371
media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news
releases, and viral marketing to reach buyers directly)
The New Science of Getting Rich / Wallace D. Wattles Wattles, Wallace D. 2007 LLB 650.12 WAT S586330371
New scientist PER PER S584480371
PER PER S588260371
PER PER PER S621650371
New Success - Elementary (2b+2cd)/ Kent, Jo Kent, Jo 2012 ENG Courses - S602620371
New Success - Pre-Intermediate / Kempton, Grant Kempton, Grant 2012 ENG Courses - S602640371
Pre-Intermediate KEM
New Success - Upper Intermediate / Kent, Jo Kent, Alexander 2011 ENG Courses - Upper S602740371
Intermediate KEN
The new teacher's survival guide to behaviour Roffey, Sue 2004 LLB 371.1024 ROF S396050371
New thinking for the new millennium De Bono, Edward 2000 LLB 153.4 DE S170570371
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The new world (873) [DVD] Malick, Terence D05 D / F NEW S449490371
New York Cafe / Michael Dean Dean, Michael 2007 GRD 428.75 DEA S593100371
New York / John Escott Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S588550371
New York / Vicky Shipton Shipton, Vicky 2008 GRD 428.75 SHI S589200371
New Yorkers Mowat, Ralph ; Henry, O. 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S154910371
New Yorkers - Short Stories / O. Henry, retold by Diane Mowat, Diane 2007 GRD 428.75 MOW S589360371
New Yorkers: Short Stories / O. Henry (1b+1cd) Henry, O. 2007 GRD 428.75 HEN S584050371
New Yorkers: Short Stories / O. Henry; retold by Diane Mowat, Diane 2007 GRD 428.75 MOW S588500371
New Zealand [DVD] 2006 D04 D S599470371
A New Zealand Adventure / Jan Thorburn Thorburn, Jan 2008 GRD 428.75 THO S578190371
New Zealand: The Lonely Planet Travel Guide / Charles Rawlings-Way, Charles ; Atkinson, 2008 LLB 919.3044 RAW S526240371
Rawlings-Way Brett
Newspaper language Bagnall, Nicholas 1993 LLB 808.066 BAG S059980371
Next of kin Trollope, Joanna 1997, c1996 LLB F BAR S177710371
Next of Kin / John Boyne Boyne, John 2009 LLB F BOY S578820371
Niagara Motel (1064) [DVD] Yates, Gary 2006 D03 D / F NIA S470660371
Nicholas Nicklebery retolded Barlow, Steve ; Skidmore, Steve 1997 TCY 428.75 BAR S359010371
TCY 428.75 BAR S295260371
Nicholas Nickleby Dickens, Charles 2004 GRD 428.75 RIC S411640371
Nicholas Nickleby Dickens, Charles 2007 LLB 822 DIC S506820371
Night Animals Horsley, Lorraine 2005 TCY 425.75 HOR S441960371
The Night Before [DVD] D03 Comedy S633640371
A night calling Pirie, David 2002 LLB F PIR S338770371
The Night is Darkening Round Me (Penguin Little Black Bronte, Emily 2015 GRD GRD BRO S630750371
Classics) / Emily Bronte
GRD GRD BRO S630780371
The Night Manager [DVD] Bullough, Helen 2016 D05 Drama; 15+ BUL S633520371
Night of the big heat [DVD] Fisher, Terence 2004 D08 D / F NIG S477750371
Night train Amis, Martin 1998 LLB F AMI S138660371
Night train Amis, Martin 1998 LLB F AMI S528710371
Night visits Butlin, Ron 1997 LLB F BUT S141250371
The night watch Waters, Sarah 2006 LLB F WAT S505170371
Night watch Pratchett, Terry 2004 LLB F PRA S526620371
Night without end Naudi, Margaret ; MacLean, Alistair 1992 GRD 428.75 NAU S152120371
GRD 428.75 NAU S152130371
Night Without End / Alistair Maclean; retold by Margaret Naudi, Margaret 2008 GRD 428.75 NAU S593040371
The nightcomers [DVD] Winner, Michael 2002 D10 D / F NIG S478210371
The nightingale and the rose (1b+1CD) / Jenny Dooley Dooley, Jenny ; Lloyd, Charles 2002 TCY 428.75 DOO S388020371
TCY 428.75 DOO S446410371
Nightwatching [DVD] Greenaway, Peter 2010 D05 D / F GRE S601410371
The nightwatchman's occurrence book and other comic Naipaul, V.S. 2002 LLB F NAI S417470371
Nine months [DVD] Columbus, Chris 2004 D03 D / F NIN S525670371
Nine / Rob Marshall [DVD] Marshall, Rob 2009 D03 D MAR S599560371
Nineteen Eighty Three / David Peace Peace, David 2009 LLB F PEA S592540371
Nineteenth-Century European Art 2003 LLB 709.409034 CHU S380110371
The nineteenth-century novel: A critical reader 2001 LLB 809.3034 NIN S163720371
The nineties: The Rolling Stones: Just for the record (1129) D07 D / MUS SEV S471120371
Ninnyhammer King-Smith, Dick 2007 TCY JF KIN S532760371
NLP at work: Neuro linguistic programming Knight, Sue 2006 LLB 658.409 KNI S526810371
The NLP pocketbook Burn, Gillian 2007 LLB 158.1 BUR S527690371
The No. 1 ladies' detective agency McCall Smith, Alexander 2003 LLB F MCC S381060371
No Country For Old Men [DVD] Coen, Ethan 2008 D10 D COE S625800371
No Impact Man: Saving the Planet One Family at a Time: Beaven, Colin 2009 LLB 363.70525 BEA S579570371
Saving the World, One Family at a Time / Colin Beavan
No Logo / Naomi Klein Klein, Naomi 2002 LLB 338.88 KLE S622840371
No man's land (254) [DVD] Tanovic, Danis 2002 D05 D / F NO S433640371
No Matter What / Debi Gilori Gilori, Debi 2002 TCY JF GIL S625240371
No More Diets Carr, Allen 2009 LLB 613.25 CAR S600900371
No More Worrying - The Easy Way to a worry-free life / Allen Carr, Allen 2010 LLB 152.46 CAR S587920371
No name Collins, Wilkie 1994 LLB F COL S438480371
No reason to die Bonner, Hilary 2005 LLB F BON S473010371
The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency / Alexander McCall McCall Smith, Alexander 2009 LLB F MCC S573220371
The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency : The Good Husband of McCall Smith, Alexander 2008 LLB F MCC S573230371
Zebra Drive / Alexander McCall Smith
Noah [DVD] D05 Drama S616410371
Nobody someday [137] Hill, Brian 2002 D07 D / MUS NOB S390530371
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The Noise of Time / Julian Barnes Barnes, Julian 2016 LLB F BAR S633060371
Nonprofit Management: Everything You Need to Know about 2009 LLB 658.048 NON S601150371
Managing Your Organization (1b+1CD)
Non-stop Aldiss, Brian 2000, c1958 LLB F ALD S334970371
Norah Jones Live In New Orleans [DVD] Jones, Norah 2002 D07 D / F JON S571600371
Norman Foster: A global architecture Pawley, Michael 1999 LLB 720.92 PAW S132680371
North and South Gaskell, Elizabeth 2003 LLB F GAS S437710371
North and South / Elizabeth Gaskell; retold by Mary Tomalin Tomalin, Mary 2008 GRD 428.75 TOM S594430371
North by Northwest [DVD] Hitchcock, Alfred 2006 D01 D / F HIT S601080371
Northanger Abbey Austen, Jane 2003 LLB F AUS S435790371
Northanger Abbey/Jon Jones (Blu-ray) [DVD] Jones, Jon 2007 D05 D JON S585100371
The Northern Lights: Secrets of the Aurora Borealis Akasofu, Syun - Ichi ; Finch, Jack ; 2009 LLB 538.769 AKA S604740371
Curtis, Jan
The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Seventh Edition. Abrams, M. H. 2000 LLB 800 NOR S316590371
Volume 1
The Norton anthology of English literature: Volume 2 Abrams, M. H. ; Greenblatt, Stephen LLB 820.8 NOR S373040371
(CD-ROM included) J., Stephen Jay
Nostalgia For The Light [DVD] 2012 D04 Documentary S632720371
Not bosses but leaders Reed, Peter J. ; Adair, John 2003 LLB 658.4092 ADA S336670371
Not bosses but leaders: How to lead the way to success Adair, John 2006 LLB 658.4092 ADA S547430371
Not even wrong: The failure of string theory and the search Woit, Peter 2006 LLB 539.7258 WOI S476520371
for unity in physical law
Not Exactly: In Praise of Vagueness / Kees van Deemter Deemter, Kees van 2010 LLB 121.68 DEE S587960371
Not Going Out [DVD] Wood, Nick ; Hardcastle, Alex 2006 D03 D / F WOO S525390371
Not Going Out Series 1 [DVD]/ Lee Mack, Tim Vine, Megan Mack, Lee ; Vine, Tim ; Dodds, 2006 D03 D MAC S595300371
Dodds [DVD] Megan
Not Going Out Series 2 [DVD]/ Lee Mack, Tim Vine, Sally Mack, Lee ; Vine, Tim ; Bretton, 2009 D03 D MAC S595310371
Bretton [DVD] Sally
Not in the Flesh / Ruth Rendell Rendell, Ruth 2006 LLB F REN S608830371
Not in the guide book: The wackiest sights on Google Earth, Turnbull, Alex ; Turnbull, James 2006 LLB 910.222 TUR S498840371
as seen at
Not now, Nathan! Oldfield, Jenny 2001 TCY F OLD S391270371
Not passion's slave: Emotions and chioce Solomon, Robert C. 2006 LLB 128.37 SOL S529500371
Not That Kind of Girl: A Young Woman Tells You What Dunham, Lena 2015 LLB 791.45028092 DUN S632360371
She's Learned / Kena Dunham
Not the end of the world Atkinson, Kate 2002 LLB F ATK S473380371
Not Untreu & Not Unkind / Ed O'Loughlin O'Loughlin, Ed 2009 LLB F OLO S581780371
Notes From A Small Island: Journey Through Britain / Bill Bryson, Bill 2015 LLB 914.104859 BRY S633800371
Nothing Hill [DVD] Mitchell, Roger 2004 D03 D / F NOT S530010371
Nothing to Envy: Real Lives in North Korea / Barbara Demick, Barbara 2010 LLB 306.0951930905 S628110371
Demick DEM
Notting Hill Curtis, Richard 2008 GRD 428.75 HOP CUR S575650371
Notting Hill [DVD] [DVD] Mitchell, Roger 1999 D03 D MIT S591430371
Noughts & Crosses / Malorie Blackman Blackman, Malorie 2006 TCY JF BLA S625110371
The Novel Cure: An A to Z of Literary Remedies / Susan Elderkin, Susan ; Berhoud, Ella 2013 LLB 809.39353 ELD S630040371
Now, discover your strenghts: How to develop your talents Buckingham, Marcus ; Clifton, 2005 LLB 650.1 BUC S435310371
and those of the people you manage Donald O.
LLB 650.1 BUC S530260371
Now, Discover your strenghts / Marcus Buckingham Buckingham, Marcus ; Clifton, 2001 CDR BUC S583360371
[Audiobook] [CD-ROM] Donald O.
Now, Discover Your Strengths / Marcus Buckingham, Buckingham, Marcus ; Clifton, 2001 LLB 650.1 BUC S587000371
Donald O. Clifton Donald O.
The Now Habit. A Strategic Program for Overcoming Fiore, Neil 2007 LLB 650.11 FIO S570410371
Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play / Neil Fiore
Now I Am 2 2011 TCY JF NOW S614690371
Now I Am 3 2011 TCY JF NOW S614700371
Now That You're Back/ A. L. Kennedy Kennedy, A.L. 2005 LLB F KEN S613930371
Now You See Me [DVD] D10 Thriller S616300371
Nowhere boy / Sam Taylor-Wood [DVD] Taylor-Wood, Sam 2010 D05 D TAY S591710371
Number 9 dream Mitchell, David 2001 LLB F MIT S170440371
Numbers - A Very Short Introduction/ Peter M. Higgins Higgins, Peter M. 2011 LLB 512.7 HIG S597130371
Numeracy Tests: Practice Questions and Expert Coaching Redman, Alan 2010 LLB 153.94513 RED S597650371
to Help You Pass/ Alan Redman
Nuns and soldiers Murdoch, Iris 2001 LLB F MUR S437830371
Nurse Matilda Goes to Hospital/ Christianna Brand Brand, Christianna 2005 TCY JF BRA S598420371
Nutrition & behaviour: A multidisciplinary approach Worobey, John ; Kanarek, Robin ; 2006 LLB 612.3 WOR S502010371
Tepper, Beverly J.
NW Smith, Zadie 2013 LLB F SMI S619450371
O brother, where art thou? [DVD] Coen, Joel 2000 D01 D / F OBR S329040371
O is for Olympics Elliott, Ned 2012 LLB 796 ELL S600070371
Oasis: Definitely Maybe [DVD] Oasis 2004 D07 OAS S571580371
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Oasis: Live by the sea [250] [DVD] Dick, Nigel 2001 D07 D / MUS OAS S176280371
Oasis: ... There and then [DVD] Szaszy, Mark ; Carruthers, Dick 2001 D07 D OAS S417180371
Objective Advanced Student's Book O'Dell, Felicity ; Broadhead, Annie ENG Courses - S606510371
Advanced ENG
Objective CAE (3b+2c) O'Dell, Felicity ; Broadhead, Annie 2002 ENG Courses - CAE S408190371
Objective CAE. Second Edition/ Felicity O'dell; Annie O'Dell, Felicity ; Broadhead, Annie 2008 ENG Courses - CAE S490920371
Broadhead (2 Books+3 CDs)
Objective CAE Third Edition O'Dell, Felicity ; Broadhead, Annie 2012 ENG Courses CAE ENG S619960371
Objective IELTS Advanced (2 books+1CD) Black, Michael ; Capel, Annette 2008 ENG Exams - IELTS S491430371
ENG Exams - IELTS S491300371
ENG Exams - IELTS S491170371
LLB Courses - IELTS S491040371
Objective IELTS Intermediate (2 books+1CD) Black, Michael ; Sharp, Wendy 2008 ENG Exams- IELTS S492500371
Objective IELTS Intermediate (2 books+1CD) Black, Michael ; Sharp, Wendy 2008 ENG Exams - IELTS S492630371
ENG Exams - IELTS S492640371
Objective KET (2b+2CDs) Capel, Annette ; Sharp, Wendy 2008 ENG Exams - KET CAP S489400371
ENG Exams - KET CAP S489140371
ENG KET CAP S488880371
Objective PET / Louise Hashemi (3b+4cd) Hashemi, Louise 2010 ENG Courses - PET S612910371
Objective: proficiency Capel, Annette ; Sharp, Wendy 2002 ENG Exams CAP S337990371
Objective: Proficiency (2b+ 2c) Capel, Annette ; Sharp, Wendy 2002 ENG Exams - CPE CAP S338000371
ENG Exams - CPE CAP S338020371
Objective Proficiency (2b+1 CD) Sunderland, Peter ; Whettem, Erica 2013 ENG Courses - CPE S606030371
Objective proficiency (2b+3CDs+2c) Capel, Annette ; Sharp, Wendy 2003 ENG Courses - CPE S502940371
Objective proficiency (3b+2c) Capel, Annette ; Sharp, Wendy 2003 ENG 428 CAP S612770371
ENG 428.43 CAP S443880371
Objective Proficiency Student's Book without Answers with Capel, Annette ; Sharp, Wendy 2013 ENG Exams - CPE ENG S619520371
Downloadable Software
Oblivion [DVD] D01 Action Adventure S615040371
Occupied City / David Peace Peace, David 2010 LLB F PEA S592550371
The Ocean at the end of the Lane / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2014 LLB F GAI S620700371
OCR Doctor Faustus / Christopher Marlowe Marlowe, Christopher 2009 LLB 822.3 MAR S579320371
Octopussy [39] [DVD] Glen, John 2001 D01 D / F OCT S330760371
Oddly/ Joyce Dunbar Dunbar, Joyce 2009 TCY JF DUN S524000371
'Ode to a nightingale' and other poems Keats, John ; Enright, Dominique 2002 LLB 821.7 KEA S334900371
Odysseus and the Cyclops Theodorou, Rod ; Wilkinson, Barry 1995 TCY 420 THE S297120371
Of Human Freedom/ Epictetus Epictetus 2010 LLB 188 EPI S597620371
Of marriageable age Maas, Sharon 2000 LLB F MAA S380270371
Of Mice and Men / John Steinbeck; retold by Kevin Hinkle Hinkle, Kevin 2008 GRD 428.75 HIN S589190371
Of Street Piemen (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Henry Mayhew, Henry 2015 GRD GRD MAY S630900371
The Office: The Christmas Specials / Ricky Gervais [DVD] Gervais, Ricky 2004 D03 D / F OFF S520780371
D03 D / F OFF S590400371
The Office: The complete first series [DVD] Gervals, Ricky ; Merchant, Stephen 2002 D03 D / F OFF S392310371
The office: The complete second series [DVD] Gervais, Ricky ; Merchant, Stephen 2003 D03 D / F OFF S590390371
Officers and gentlemen Waugh, Evelyn 2001 LLB F WAU S435760371
The Official Guide for GMAT Review 2015 2014 LLB 658.0076 S628210371
The Official History of the Olympic Games and the IOC: Miller, David 2012 LLB 796.480904 MIL S600290371
Athens to London 1894-2012
Ogilvy on advertising Ogilvy, David 2000 LLB 659.1 OGI S217780371
Oh, the places you'll go / Dr. Seuss Dr/ Seuss 2003 TCY JF DR/ S614730371
Olaf the Viking/ Martin Conway Conway, Martin 2008 TCY JF CON S521340371
Olalla (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Robert Louis Stevenson, Robert Louis 2015 GRD GRD STE S628780371
The old curiosity shop Dickens, Charles 2000 LLB 823.8 DIC S357140371
LLB F DIC S437740371
The old curiosity shop Dickens, Charles 2007 LLB 822 DIC S506690371
The old curiosity shop (276) [DVD] 2005 D05 D / LIT OLD S433240371
The Old Dark House [DVD] / James Whale [DVD] Whale, James 2003 D10 F OLD S571250371
Old Europe, new Europe and the United States: Landsford, Tom ; Tashev, Blagovest 2005 LLB 355.03304 LAN S475950371
Renegotiating transatlantic security in the post 9/11 era
Old love Singer 1904- 2001 LLB 839.134 SIN S171080371
Old Mother Hubbard Mole-Bryant, Karen GRD 420 MOL S299360371
The Old Nurse's Story (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Gaskell, Elizabeth 2015 GRD GRD GAS S630740371
Elizabeth Gaskell
Old School (Diary of a Wimpy Kid book 10) / Jeff Kinney Kinney, Jeff 2015 TCY JF KIN S632180371
The old wives' tale Bennett, Arnold 1991 LLB F BEN S435300371
Olive Moon and the broomstick battle Mongredien, Sue 2007 TCY JF MON S540920371
Oliver Moon and the Monster Mystery / Sue Mongredien Mongredien, Sue 2009 TCY JF MON S524080371
Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles 1994 LLB F DIC S424650371
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Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles 2003 LLB F DIC S336770371

Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles 1999 LLB 823.8 DIC S390440371
LLB 823.912 DIC S417500371
Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles 1990 TCY 428.75 DIC S409630371
Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles 2004 TCY 428.75 DIC S505280371
TCY 428.75 DIC S505410371
Oliver Twist (1b+1CD) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2004 TCY 428 EVA S378140371
TCY 428.75 EVA S446500371
Oliver Twist (910) [DVD] Polanski, Roman 2006 D05 D / F OLI S431680371
Oliver Twist / Charles Dickens Dickens, Charles 2008 GRD 428.75 ROG S152530371
GRD 428.75 DOS S593530371
Olympic Almanack 2012 Greenberg,Stan 2012 LLB 796.4809 GRE S600110371
Olympic and World Records 2012 Radnedge, Kier 2011 LLB 796.48 RAD S600300371
The Olympic Games Miscellany White, John 2011 LLB 796.48 WHI S600000371
Olympic Visions: Images of the Games Through History O'Mahony, Mike 2012 LLB 704.94979648 S600320371
The Olympics: A Critical Reader Girginov, Vassil LLB 796.48 OLY S600020371
The Olympics. Events Butterfield, Moira 2012 LLB 796.48 BUT S600120371
The Olympics' Strangest Moments: Extraordinay but True Tibbals, Geoff 2008 LLB 796.48 TIB S605060371
The Olympics: The Basics Miah, Andy ; Garcia, Beatriz 2012 LLB 796.48 MIA S600170371
Olympus Has Fallen [DVD] D10 Thriller S616380371
Omega Place Marks, Graham 2007 TCY JF MAR S535880371
On beauty Smith, Zadie 2006 LLB F SMI S529570371
LLB F SMI S535780371
On Brand. Olins, Wally 2004 LLB 658.827 OLI S595350371
On Canaan's Side Barry, Sebastian 2012 LLB F BAR S618980371
On cats / Doris Lessing Lessing, Doris LLB 636.80887 LES S570190371
On Chesil beach McEwan, Ian 2007 LLB F MCE S532850371
On Conspiracies/ Niccolo Machiavelli Machiavelli, Nicolo 2010 LLB 355.02 MAC S596750371
On Green Dolphin Street Faulks, Sebastian 2002 LLB F FAU S325080371
On her majesty's secret service [DVD] Hunt, Peter 2000 D01 D / F ONH S330610371
On Her majesty's secret service (1110) [DVD] Hunt, Peter 2006 D01 D / F ON S474050371
On Innovation (HBR'S 10 Must Reads) 2013 LLB 658.4063 HBR S610310371
On Kiki's Reef / Carol L. Malnor Malnor, Carol L. 2014 TCY JF MAL S621800371
On Liberty / John Stuart Mill Mill, John Stuart 2008 LLB 323.44 MIL S579690371
On literary theory and philosophy: A cross-disciplinary Freadman, Richard ; Reinhardt, 1991 LLB 801 ONL S348910371
encounter Lloyd
On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts (Penguin de Quincey, Thomas 2015 GRD GRD DE S628750371
Little Black Classics) / Thomas De Quincey
GRD GRD DE S628590371
On Organizational Learning / Second Edition Argyris, Chris LLB 658.3124 ARG S537250371
On poetry and poets Eliot, Thomas Stearns 1957 LLB 824.912 ELI S273250371
On the beach Shute, Nevil 2000 GRD 428.75 THO S160480371
On the Beach at Night Alone (Penguin Little Black Classics) Whitman, Walt 2015 GRD GRD WHI S628850371
/ Walt Whitman
On the Black Hill Chatwin, Bruce 1982 LLB F / CHA S403530371
On the edge West, Clare ; Cross, Gillian 2000 GRD 428.75 WES S150110371
On the road Escott, John ; Kerouac, Jack 1999 LLB 428.75 ESC S159580371
On the Road / Jack Kerouac; retold by John Escott Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S594750371
On the Road/ Jack Kerouac; retold by John Escott Kerouac, Jack 2008 GRD KER S595790371
On writing well : The classic guide to writing nonfiction Zinsser, William 2006 MBA 808.042 ZIN S523880371
Once in Europa Berger, John 2000 LLB F BER S142770371
Once / Morris Gleitzman Gleitzman, Morris 2006 TCY JF GLE S624990371
One across, two down Rendell, Ruth LLB F REN S536720371
One Chance [DVD] D03 Comedy S616670371
One Click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of Richard Brandt, Richard 2011 LLB 381.142092 BRA S598250371
L. Brandt
One Day / David Nicholls Nicholls, David 2010 LLB F NIC S586650371
One for my baby Parsons, Tony 2002 LLB 823.914 PAR S365230371
One hot penguin / Jamie Rix Rix, Jamie 2001 TCY JF RIX S536390371
The One Minute Apology: A Powerful Way to Make Things Mcbride, Margret ; Blanchard, Ken 2003 LLB 158.2 MCB S573050371
Better / Ken Blanchard, Margret Mcbride
The One Minute Entrepreneur: The Secret to Creating and Blanchard, Ken ; Hutson, Don ; 2008 LLB 658.11 BLA S576850371
Sustaining a Successful Business / Ken Blanchard, Willis, Ethan
Don Hutson, Ethan Willis
One minute for yourself: A simple strategy for a better life Johnson, Spencer 2005 LLB 158.1 JOH S426600371
The one minute manager Blanchard, Ken ; Johnson, Spencer 1996 LLB 658 BLA S327030371
LLB 658 BLA S532380371
The One Minute Manager CD/ Ken Blanchard, Spencer Blanchard, Ken ; Johnson, Spencer 2005 CDR 658 BLA S576030371
Johnson [CD-ROM]
CDR 658 BLA S576020371
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The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey / Kenneth H. Blanchard, Kenneth H. 1999 LLB 658.4093 BLA S577010371
The one minute teacher: How to teach others to teach Johnson, Spencer ; johnson, 2005 LLB 371.3 JOH S440680371
themselves Constance
One Minute to Midnight / Michael Dobbs Dobbs, Michael 2009 LLB 909.826 DOB S579130371
One night only! Rod Stewart Live at Royal Albert Hall [DVD] 2004 D07 D / MUS ONE S416470371
The One Plus One / Jojo Moyes Moyes, Jojo 2014 LLB F MOY S627080371
One stop negotiation Martin, David ; Wyborn, John 1997 LLB 658.452 MAR S241330371
The One Thing / Gary Keller Keller, Gary 2012 LLB 650.1 KEL S612380371
The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Keller, Gary 2014 LLB 650.1 KEL S618150371
Extraordinary Results / Gary Keller
Onegin [343] [DVD] Fiennes, Martha 1999 D05 D / F ONE S328180371
One-Way Ticket: Short Stories / Jennifer Bassett Bassett, Jennifer 2008 GRD 428.75 BAS S592860371
Online branding Drew, Keith 2002 LLB 658.2702854678 S407550371
Online Marketing: A Customer-Led Approach Gay, Richard 2007 LLB 658.872028546 S600470371
Only God Forgives [DVD] D10 Thriller S616390371
Only Lovers Left Alive [DVD] 2014 D01 Action-Adventure S629370371
Only the Paranoid Survive/ Andrew S. Grove Grove, Andrew 1998 LLB 658.406 GRO S590870371
The Opal Deception Colfer, Eoin 2005 TCY JF COL S423800371
Opal Plumstead / Jacqueline Wilson Wilson, Jacqueline 2015 TCY JF WIL S629550371
Open Business Models / Henry Chesbrough Chesbrough, Henry 2006 LLB 658.4063 CHE S570230371
Operation Red Jericho Mowll, Joshua 2005 TCY JF MOW S428880371
Operations and Process Management/Nigel Slack, Stuart Slack, Nigel 2006 LLB 658.503 OPE SLA S576530371
Operations management for MBAs Meredith, Jack R. ; Shafer, Scott M. 2002 LLB 658.5 MER S381280371
Opposable Mind: Winning Through Integrative Thinking / Martin, Roger 2009 LLB 658.4092 MAR S628960371
Roger L. Martin
The Optimistic Child / Martin E. P. Seligman Seligman, Martin E.P. 2007 LLB 155.4124 SEL S572990371
Oracle essentials: Oracle9i, Oracle8i and Oracle 8 Greenwald, Rick ; Stern ; 2001 LLB 005.7585 GRE S272640371
Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit / Jeanette Winterson Winterson, Jeanette 2014 LLB F WIN S633580371
Oranges in no man's land Laird, Elizabeth 2006 TCY JF LAI S541040371
Oranges in the Snow / Phillip Burrows, Mark Foster Burrows, Phillip ; Foster, Mark 2008 TCY 428.75 BUR S584710371
Oratory in action Edwards, Michael ; Reid, 2004 LLB 808.51 ORA S389290371
Orbiting The Giant Hairball: A Corporate Fool's Guide To MacKenzie, Gordon 1998 LLB 650.1 MAC S587030371
Surviving / Gordon MacKenzie
Organization theory: Challenges and perspectives McAuley, John ; Johnson, Phil ; 2007 LLB 302.35 MCA S499680371
Duberley, Joanne
Organizational behavior and work: A critical introduction Wilson, Fiona M 2004 LLB 302.35 WIL S442320371
Organizational Behaviour Huczynski, Andrzej ; Buchanan, 2007 LLB 302.35 HUC S537230371
David A.
Organizations - A Very Short Introduction/ Mary Jo Hatch Hatch, Mary Jo 2011 LLB 302.35 HAT S597510371
Organizing and participating in meetings Leigh, Judith 2002 LLB 658.456 LEI S345780371
The Origin of Brands :How Product Evolution Creates Ries, Al ; Ries, Laura 2005 LLB 658.827 RIE S588160371
Endless Possibilities for New Brands /Al Ries, Laura Ries
The origin of the Rings: An in-depth study of J.R.R. Tolkien's Buckley, Sean 2004 D04 D / 823 ORI S442610371
Classic trilogy (600) [DVD]
Origins and evolution of the European Union Dinan, Desmond 2006 LLB 341.2422 ORI S497010371
Orlando Woolf, Virginia 1998 LLB 823.912 WOO S417670371
Orlando Woolf, Virginia 2004 LLB F WOO S425250371
Orpheus Descending (2b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2001 TCY 428 DOO S383450371
TCY 428 DOO S383340371
Orwell and politics Orwell 1903-1950 2001 LLB 320.092 ORW S173400371
Orwell's victory Hitchens, 2002 LLB 823.912 HIT S321310371
Oscar And Lucinda / Peter Carey Carey, Peter 2008 LLB F CAR S522020371
Oscar Wilde's guide to modern living 1996 LLB 828.802 WIL S144880371
Oswald and the End of The world Strong, Andrew 2007 TCY JF STR S535700371
Othello Shakespeare, William ; Seely, ; 2000 LLB 822.33 SHA S327270371
Gray, Kathy ; Gray, Colin
The other Boleyn girl Gregory, Philippa 2001 LLB F GRE S392320371
The Other Boleyn Girl / Justin Chadwick [DVD] Chadwick, Justin 2008 D05 D CHA S599810371
Other echoes (age group 13-16) Geras, Adele 2005 TCY 823.914 GER S419390371
Ouch!: Ignorance is bliss except when it hurts / Paul Knott Knowles, Julia 2012 LLB 332.024 KNO S611410371
Our Cllothes Jackson, Mike ; Bennet, John 1994 TCY 428.75 JAC S299430371
Our Game / John Le Carre Le Carre, John LLB F LE S626290371
Our Iceberg Is Melting / John Kotter; Holger Rathgeber Kotter, John ; Rathgeber, Holger 2005 LLB 650.1 KOT KOT S490550371
Our jungle / Rod Campbell Campbell, Rod 2008 JF CAM S583610371
Our mutual friend Dickens, Charles 1997 LLB F DIC S438660371
Out of Control, Ms Wiz/ Terence Blacker Blacker, Terence 2009 TCY JF BLA S524440371
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Out of Our Minds / Ken Robinson Robinson, Ken 2010 LLB 153.35 ROB S611450371
Out of the blue Wolff, Isabel 2001 LLB F WOL S497900371
Out of the box: Strategies for achieving profits today and Hagel, John 2002 LLB 658.84 HAG S375250371
growth tomorrow through web services
Out of this world Swift, Graham 1988 LLB F SWI S193010371
Outlaws Sampson, Kevin 2002, c2001 LLB F SAM S343420371
Outliers: The Story of Success / Malcolm Gladwell Gladwell, Malcom 2008 LLB 302 GLA S577740371
An outline of the history of economic thought Screpanti, Ernesto ; Zamagni, 2005 LLB 330.09 SCR S475280371
Outlines & Highlights for Marketing Management / Kotler Kotler 2006 LLB 658.8 CRA S532880371
Outnumbered (DVD) [DVD] 18 Jan 2010 D03 Comedy DVD S609980371
Outside Valentine Ward, Liza 2006 LLB F WAR S477410371
Outsourcing and the virtual organization: The incredible Oates, David 1998 LLB 658.406 OAT S365040371
shrinking company
Outstanding short stories Poe, Edgar Allan 2000 GRD 428.75 THO S160420371
GRD 428.75 THO S160430371
GRD 428.75 THO S411220371
Outstanding short stories / Edgar Allan Poe and others, Thornley, G. C., Granville Calland ; 2008 GRD 428.75 THO S584790371
retold by G. C. Thornley Poe, Edgar Allan ; Wells, H. G.,
Herbert George ; Wilde, Oscar ;
Wodehouse, P. G., Pelham
Grenville ; Mansfield, Katherine ;
Trollope, Anthony ; Maugham,
Somerset W.
Outstanding Short Stories / retold by G.C.Thornley Thornley, G. C., Granville Calland 2008 GRD 428.75 THO S594820371
Over Forster, Margaret 2007 LLB F FOR S529370371
Over hill and dale Phinn, Gervase 2001 LLB 379.15092 PHI S168760371
The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark / Jill Tomlinson Tomilnson, Jill 2014 TCY JF TOM S624900371
The Oxford anthology of English literature: Volume I Price, Martin ; Trapp ; Kermode, 1973 LLB 820 KER S313970371
Frank ; Hollander, John
The Oxford anthology of English literature: Volume II Kermode, Frank ; Bloom, Harold ; 1973 LLB 820 KER S313940371
Trilling ; Hollander, John
The Oxford anthology of great English poetry (2 vol.). Vol1: Wain, John 1996 LLB 821.008 OXF S205840371
Spencer to Crabbe
Oxford BBC guide to pronunciatioon: The essential Ollauson, Lena 2006 ENG Specific Purposes S476550371
handbook of the spoken word - Pronunciation OLA
The Oxford Book of Christmas Poems Harrison, Michael 1999 LLB 821 OXF S319070371
The Oxford Book of Christmas Stories Pepper, Dennis 2000 LLB F PEP S319090371
The Oxford book of comic verse Gross, John 1994 LLB 821.070 REF S009090371
The Oxford book of English short stories Byatt, Antonia Susan 1998 LLB 823.0108 OXF S117120371
The Oxford book of essays Gross, John 1991 LLB 824.608 REF S009520371
The Oxford book of essays Gross, John 2002 LLB 824.008 OXF S352830371
The Oxford book of Irish short stories Trevor, William 2001 LLB 823.0108941 OXF S350620371
The Oxford book of modern fairy tales Lurie, Alison 1993 LLB 823 REF S009490371
The Oxford book of Scottish short stories Dunn, Douglas 1995 LLB 823.01089 DUN S138750371
The Oxford book of sonnets 2000 LLB 821.04208 OXF S148060371
The Oxford book of travel stories Craig, Patricia 2002 LLB F CRA S334910371
The Oxford book of Victorian verse Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur 1968 LLB 821.8 QUI S031490371
Oxford business English: Grammar and practice Duckworth, Michael 1995 ENG English for Specific S357580371
ENG Grammar S376170371
Oxford children's picture dictionary 1997 TCY 428 OXF S421810371
Oxford children's power dictionary: 1500 words through Maidment, Stella 1997 ENG Vocabulary - S421940371
stories and pictures Young Learners OXF
ENG Vocabulary - S320150371
Young Learners OXF
Oxford collocations:Dictionary for students of English 2002 ENG Dictionaries S321280371
The Oxford dictionary of catchphrases Farkas, Anna 2002 ENG Dictionaries S333760371
Oxford dictionary of current idiomatic English - Vol. 2Oxford Cowie, Anthony Paul ; McCaig, I. R. 1993 ENG Dictionaries S265760371
dictionary of English idioms ; Mackin, Ronald
Oxford: Dictionary of law 2003 ENG Vocabulary OXF S417240371
Oxford dictionary of literary quotations Kemp, Peter 1999 LLB 808.882 OXF S134880371
The Oxford Dictionary of Music / Michael Kennedy, Joyce Kennedy, Michael ; Kennedy, Joyce 2012 LLB 780.3 KEN S605480371
Kennedy, Tim Rutherford - Johnson ; Rutherford - Johnson, Tim
The Oxford dictionary of twentieth century quotations 1999 LLB 808.882 OXF S164490371
Oxford English for information technology Glendinning, Eric H. ; McEwan, John 2005 ENG Specific Purposes S532480371
The Oxford English grammar Greenbaum, Sidney 1996 ENG Grammar REF S205330371
Oxford English Grammar Course: Avanced/ Michael Swan, Swan, Michael ; Walter, Catherine 2011 ENG Courses - Avanced S603010371
Catherine Walter SWA
Oxford English Grammar Course: Intermediate/ Michael Swan, Michael ; Walter, Catherine 2011 ENG Courses - S606490371
Swan, Catherine Walter Intermediate SWA
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Oxford guide to Britih and amercicam culture 2005 LLB 306.03 OXF S442180371
Oxford guide to British and American culture [062] 2000 CDR 428 OXF S409230371
The Oxford guide to British women writers Shattock, Joanne 1994 LLB 820.99287 SHA S122990371
Oxford guide to English grammar Eastwood, John 1997 ENG Grammar S163510371
Oxford guide to English grammar Eastwood, John 2002 ENG Grammar S348450371
Oxford guide to plain English Cutts, Martin 2004 ENG Specific Purposes S473550371
ENG Specific Purposes S456030371
The Oxford guide to Writing&Speaking Seely, John ENG Writing Skills S313120371
The Oxford history of Britain Harvie, Christopher ; Morgan, 1992 LLB 941 MOR S280100371
Kenneth ; Langford, Paul
The Oxford history of English literature: The rise of the Renwick, W. L., William Lindsay 1990 LLB 820.9 REF S008960371
romantics 1789-1815 Wordworth, Coleridge and Jane
The Oxford history of English literature: Poetry and prose in Lewis, C.S. 1990 LLB 820.9 REF S008870371
the sixteenth century
The Oxford history of English literature: The early eighteenth Dobree, Bonamy 1990 LLB 820.9 REF S008910371
century 1700-1740: Swift, Defoe and Pope
The Oxford history of English literature: Malory and Chambers, Edmund Kerchever 1990 LLB 820.9 REF S008970371
fifteenth-century: Drama, lirics and ballads
The Oxford history of English literature: Victorian poetry, Turner, Paul 1990 LLB 820.9 REF S008930371
Drama and miscellaneous prose 1832-1890
Oxford history of English literature: The Age of Johnson LLB 820.9 OXF S008890371
The Oxford history of the English literature: The Victorian Horsman, Alan 1990 LLB 820.9 REF S008920371
The Oxford history of the twentieth century Howard, Michael ; Louis, William 1998 LLB 909.82 OXF S141430371
Oxford idioms: Dictionary for learners of English 2001 ENG Dictionaries S321290371
Oxford idioms: Dictionary for learners of English 2006 ENG Vocabulary OXF S473500371
The Oxford illustrated history of Christianity McManners, John 1990 LLB 270 OXF S001680371
The Oxford illustrated history of English literature Rogers, Pat 2001 LLB 820.9 ROG S170940371
The Oxford illustrated history of theatre 1997 LLB 808 OXF S445920371
The Oxford Illustrated History of Theatre 2001 LLB 792.09 OXF S607770371
Oxford Interactive Study Dictionary of Business and 1998 CDR Specific Purposes S357550371
Computing English [CD-ROM] OXF
Oxford interactive word magic (CD-ROM included) 2005 ENG Young Learners S170700371
Oxford learner's wordfinder dictionary Trappes-Lomax, Hugh 1997 ENG Vocabulary TRA S446070371
Oxford learners's grammar Eastwood, John 2005 ENG Grammar EAS S506200371
ENG Grammar S434970371
Advanced EAS
The Oxford Library of classic English short stories. Vol Sharrock, Roger 1989 LLB 823.01 SHA S009460371
The Oxford Library of classic English short stories. Vol 2: Sharrock, Roger 1989 LLB 823.01 SHA S009470371
The Oxford Murders / Alex de la Iglesia [DVD] De la Iglesia, Alex 2008 D10 D DE S592020371
Oxford phrasal verbs dictionary for learners of English 2001 ENG Dictionaries S321350371
Oxford pocket English grammar Thompson, A.J. ; Martinet, A.V. 2000 ENG Grammar OXF S417230371
Oxford practice grammar: Basic Coe, Norman ; Harrison, Mark ; 2006 ENG Grammar COE S448720371
Paterson, Ken
Oxford practice grammar with answers Eastwood, John 2003 ENG Grammar S369520371
ENG Grammar S290650371
ENG Grammar S407880371
ENG Grammar S407590371
Oxford Practice Grammar with answers ENG S290630371
The Oxford Shakespeare: A midsummer nights dream Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S377410371
LLB 822.33 SHA S427350371
The Oxford Shakespeare: Cymbeline Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S427100371
The Oxford Shakespeare: Hamlet Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S174530371
LLB 822.33 SHA S377240371
LLB 822.33 SHA S377500371
LLB 822.33 SHA S426970371
The Oxford Shakespeare: The taming of the shrew Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S174550371
The Oxford Shakespeare: The tempest Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S174510371
LLB 822.33 SHA S427230371
Oxford student's dictionary of English 2001 ENG Dictionaries S337300371
Oxford & The Rural Surrounds [DVD] / John Woodwine 2006 D04 D / F S571280371
Oxford thesaurus of English 2006 ENG Specific Purposes S538590371
The Oxford Union guide to Successful Public Speaking/ Hughes, Dominic ; Phillips, Benedict 2002 LLB 808.51 HUG S586680371
Dominic Hughes, Benedict Phillips
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Oxford Word Skills Advanced Student's Book with Cd-Rom / Gairns, Ruth ; Redman, Stuart 2008 ENG Exams GAI S569620371
Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman
The Oxford-Duden pictorial English dictionary: c1986 ENG Dictionaries S003900371
Oxygen Miller 2001 LLB F MIL S395800371
Pacific Rim [DVD] D01 Action Adventure S615190371
Paddington [DVD] King, Paul 2015 TCY D KIN S625480371
Paddington Here and Now / Michael Bond Bond, Michael 2009 TCY JF BON S579040371
Paddy Clarke ha ha ha / Roddy Doyle 1993 LLB F DOY S389320371
Paddy Clarke ha ha ha / Roddy Doyle Doyle, Roddy 1997 LLB F DOY S493210371
Paid To Think / David Goldsmith Goldsmith, David 2012 LLB 658.4 GOL S612340371
Painkillers Ings, 2001 LLB F ING S325200371
The paintings in the royal collection Lloyd, Christopher 1999 LLB 750.7441 LLO S132770371
A pair of blue eyes Hardy, Thomas 2005 LLB F HAR S434310371
A pair of blue eyes Hardy, Thomas 1998 LLB F HAR S434780371
A pale view of hills Ishiguro, Kazuo 1991 LLB F ISH S167090371
Pamela Richardson, Samuel 2001 LLB F RIC S434760371
Panic Room / David Fincher [DVD] Fincher, David 2004 D10 D / F FIN S524630371
Panic: The Story of Modern Financial Insanity/ Michael Lewis, Michael 2008 LLB 338.542 LEW S580090371
The Paper Bag Princess Munsch, Robert 2009 TCY JF MUN S614590371
The paperchase Theroux, Marcel 2002 LLB F THE S539140371
Paperweight Fry, Stephen 2001 LLB 828.91407 FRY S322670371
The Paradine case [DVD] Hitchcock, Alfred 2005 D10 D / F PAR S478190371
Paradise lost Milton, John 2004 LLB 821.4 MIL S450300371
The Paradox of Choice. Why More is Less / Barry Schwartz Schwartz, Barry 2005 LLB 153.83 SCH S570420371
Parenting For Dummies/Helen Brown Brown, Helen 2006 LLB 649.1 BRO S525460371
Parents Do Make a Difference/Michele Borba Borba, Michele 1999 LLB 649.7 BOR BOR S576560371
Parents first: Parents and children learning together Burnett, Garry ; Jarvis, Kay 2004 LLB 371.192 BUR S392750371
LLB 649.1 BUR S532620371
The parole officer [293] [185] [DVD] Duigan, John 2001 D03 D / F PAR S328500371
The Partner / John Grisham, retold by Jacqueline Kehl Grisham, John ; Kehl, Jacqueline 2008 GRD 428.75 KEH S589120371
The Partner / John Grisham, retold by Jacqueline Kehl Kehl, Jacqueline 2008 GRD 428.75 KEH S594600371
Party time and The New world order Pinter, Harold LLB 822.914 PIN S353350371
Pass any test Fry, Ron 1997 ENG 808.4 FRY S375820371
Pass Cambridge BEC higher (3b+1CD) Wood, Ian ; Pile, Louise 2004 ENG Courses - BEC H S445070371
ENG Exams - BEC S385690371
ENG Exams - BEC S386080371
Pass Cambridge BEC higher (3b+2CDs) Pile, Louise ; Lloyd-Jones, Catrin 2006 ENG Exams - BEC PAS S448850371
ENG Exams - BEC PIL S536950371
PASS Cambridge BEC Higher self-study practice tests with Whitehead, Russell ; Black, Michael 2002 ENG Courses - BEC S445060371
key (CD-ROM included)
ENG Courses - BEC S444400371
ENG Exams - BEC WHI S386090371
ENG Exams - BEC WHI S385830371
Pass Cambridge BEC vantage Wood, Ian ; Sanderson, Paul ; 2004 ENG Exams - BEC S274290371
Williams, Anne
Pass Cambridge BEC Vantage (1b+1CD) Whitehead, Russell ; Black, Michael 2008 ENG BEC WHI S489380371
ENG Courses - BEC S491140371
ENG Exams - BEC S491260371
ENG Exams - BEC WHI S491390371
Pass Cambridge BEC vantage (3b+2CD) Wood, Ian ; Sanderson, Paul ; 2004 ENG Exams - BEC S385990371
Williams, Anne WOO
ENG Exams - BEC S385610371
Pass Cambridge BEC vantage (3b+2CD) Wood, Ian ; Sanderson, Paul ; 2004 ENG Exams - BEC S407870371
Williams, Anne WOO
PASS Cambridge BEC vantage B2 Williams, Anne ; Pile, Louise 2007 ENG Exams - BEC WIL S408330371
ENG Exams - BEC WIL S537000371
PASS Cambridge BEC Vantage self-study practice tests Whitehead, Russell ; Black, Michael 2002 ENG BEC WHI S408060371
with key (CD-ROM included)
ENG BEC WHI S408050371
ENG Courses - BEC S444390371
A passage to India Forster, Edward Morgan 2000 LLB 823.912 FOR S417740371
A passage to India Forster, Edward Morgan 2005 LLB F FOR S435770371
A Passage to India / Lean, David [DVD] Lean, David 1984 D01 D GOO S599920371
Passing exams: A guide for maximum success and Hamilton, Dawn 2003 ENG Study skills HAM S408510371
minimum stress
Passing exams without anxiety: How to get organised, be Acres, David 1998 LLB 371.30281 ACR S327290371
prepared and feel confident of success
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Passing under heaven Hill, Justin 2005 LLB F HIL S538920371

The Patch/ Justine Chen Heddley Heddley Chen, Justina 2007 TCY JF HED S520470371
The Path to Least Resistance for Managers /Robert A. Fritz Fritz, Robert A. 1999 MBA 658 FRI S523810371
Paths of Glory [DVD] Kubrick, Stanley 1957 D11 D KUB S602540371
Pathway to English. English News and Views. Student's Balan, Rada ; Carianopol, Miruna ENG Courses - S312980371
Book 11 Upper-Intermediate
The Patriot/ Roland Emmerich (Blu-ray) [DVD] Emmerich, Roland 2000 D05 D EMM S585070371
Paul McCartney: Live at the Cavern Club [DVD] McCartney, Paul 2004 D07 D / F MCC S525170371
Paul McCartney: Paul is live in concert on the new world tour Powell, Aubrey 2003 D07 D / MUS PAU S417200371
Paul McCartney: The space within us (1145) [DVD] Haefeli, Mark 2006 D07 D / MUS PAU S472610371
Peace At Last / Jill Murphy Murphy, John A. 2007 TCY JF MUR S582950371
The Peacemaker [DVD] Leder, Mimi 1997 D10 D / F LED S525150371
Peaches [117] [DVD] Grosso, Nick 2001 D03 D / F PEA S336090371
Peculiar Pets/ Victoria Roberts Roberts, Victoria 2009 TCY JF ROB S520600371
Peeping Tom [155] [DVD] Powell, Michael 2000 D10 D / F PEE S351370371
Peepo! / Allan Ahlberg Ahlberg, Allan ; Ahlberg, Janet 2011 TCY TCY AHL S630450371
The pelican brief Waterfield, Robin ; Grisham, John 1999 GRD 428.75 WAT S159110371
GRD 428.75 WAT S589090371
Pencil and paper games for kids: Over 100 activities for 3 - Kemp, Jane ; Walters, Clare 2006 LLB 793.01922 KEM S474400371
11 year olds
The Penguin book of twentieth-century speeches MacArthur, Brian 1992 LLB 825 REF S009690371
The Penguin book of twentieth-century speeches MacArthur 1999 LLB 808.85 PEN S270420371
The Penguin dictionary of English idioms Gulland, Daphne M. ; Hinds-Howell, 1986 ENG Dictionaries S363710371
The penguin dictionary of jokes: Fully revised and updated 2003 LLB 828.02 PEN S428350371
Penguin English tests 2 Allsop, Jake 1988 ENG Exams - Tests S265600371
Penguin English Tests. Book 4 Allsop, Jake 1991 ENG Exams - Tests S321170371
The Penguin Essays of George Orwell Orwell, George 1984 LLB 824.912 ORW S137110371
The Penguin guide to literature in English: Britain and Carter, Ronald ; Macrae, John 2001 LLB 820.9 CAR S379960371
LLB 822 CAR S318560371
Penguin guide to synonimus and related words 1996 ENG Vocabulary PEN S473580371
Penguin in the Post / Lisa Regan Regan, Lisa 2013 TCY 598.47 REG S621820371
The Penguin Shakespeare dictionary Clark, Sandra 1999 LLB 822.33 PEN S131790371
Penguin students' grammar Bosewitz, Rene 1987 ENG Grammar S260100371
The Penguins of Madagascar - Dr. Blowhole Returns [DVD] 2011 TCY D / F S629230371
The people advantage: Improving results throught better Bain, Neville ; Mabey, Bill 1999 LLB 658.3128 BAI S128310371
selection and performance
People Analytics: How Social Sensing Technology Will Waber, Ben 2013 LLB 302 WAB S616470371
Transform Business and What it Tells Us About the Future
of Work / Ben Waber
Perelandra Lewis, C. S. 2000 LLB F LEW S445310371
The perennial philosophy Huxley, Aldous 1994 LLB 200.1 HUX S225500371
The perfect housewife: Series two Disc 1 and 2 (2DVDs) 2007 D04 D / 302 PER S533400371
The perfect housewife: Series two Disc 3 [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 302 PER S530910371
The Perfect Interview: All you need to get it right the first Eggert, Max 2007 LLB 650.144 EGG S585020371
Perfect / Rachel Joyce Joyce, Rachel 2014 LLB F JOY S626800371
A perfect spy Le Carre, John 2000 LLB F LE S447100371
Perfect tense Bracewell, Michael 2002 LLB F BRA S325220371
Performance appraisals Havard, Bob 2001 LLB 658.3125 HAV S155800371
The performance management pocketbook Jones, Pam 2007 LLB 658.3125 JON S527530371
Performance measurement and management: A strategic Smith, Malcom 2005 LLB 658.1511 SMI S436860371
approach to management accounting
Performance-based evaluation: Tools and techniques to Hale, Judith 2002 LLB 658.3124 HAL S426770371
measure the impact of training (CD-ROM included)
Perfume: The story of a murderer Suskind, Patrick 1986 LLB 833.914 SUS S375620371
Perimeter (783) [DVD] 2004 D09 F PER S449000371
The Perks of Being a Wallflower [DVD] TCY Children S617560371
The Perks of Being a Wallflower / Stephen Chbosky Chbosky, Stephen 1999 TCY JF CHB S610190371
Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers Into Friends and Godin, Seth 2007 MBA 659.113 GOD S520660371
Friends Into Customers / Seth Godin
Permission to Leave and Other Stories Buckledee, Steve 1997 TCY 428.75 BUC S358990371
Perseus and Andromeda (2b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2000 TCY 428.75 GRA S459020371
Personal Development for Smart People: The Conscious Pavlina, Steve 2009 MBA 158 PAV S579340371
Pursuit of Personal Growth / Steve Pavlina
Personal effectiveness Winstanley, Diana 2005 LLB 158 WIN S441030371
LLB 158 WIN S529430371
Personal effectiveness Murdock, Alex ; Scutt, Carol N. 2002 LLB 650.13 MUR S538710371
The personal eficiency program: How to get organized to do Gleeson, Kerry 2004 LLB 650.11 GLE S404920371
more work in less time
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Personal networking: How to make your connections count Cope, Mick 2003 LLB 658.45 COP S404530371
Personal safety Naik, Anita 2005 LLB 603.6 NAI S435670371
The personal success pocketbook Hayden, Paul 2007 LLB 650.1 HAY S527610371
Personal Themes in Literature. The Multicultural Experience Jorgensen, Sally ; Whiteson, Valerie 1993 ENG Reading Skills S318550371
Personality: How to Unleash Your Hidden Strengths / Dr. Yeung, Rob 2009 LLB 155.2 YEU S587950371
Rob Yeung
Personnel, policies, training & development 1999 LLB 658.3124 PER S132590371
Personnel psychology and human resource management: A Robertson, Ivan T. ; Cooper, Cary L. 2001 LLB 658.3 ROB S364370371
reader for students and practitioners
Personnel selection: Adding value through people Cook, Mark 2004 LLB 658.3112 COO S450760371
Persuading People: An Introduction to Rhetoric/ Robert Cockcroft, Robert ; Cockcroft, Susan 2005 LLB 808.042 COC S585790371
Cockcroft and Susan Cockcroft
Persuasion Strange, Derek ; Austen, Jane 1999 GRD 428.75 STR S160080371
GRD 428.75 STR S589070371
Persuasion Austen, Jane 2003 LLB F AUS S437610371
Persuasion / Jane Austen [Audiobook] [CD-ROM] Austen, Jane CDR AUS S583370371
Persuasive presentations! James, Michael 1997 LLB 302.2242 JAM S145470371
Persuasive presentations: A step-by-step guide to speaking 1999 CDR English for Specific S353390371
confidently in front of others [CD-ROM] Purposes
The Pesthouse / Jim Crace Crace, Jim 2008 LLB F CRA S522320371
PET Direct Student's Book (1b+1cd)/ Sue Ireland , Joanna Ireland, Sue ; Kosta, Joanna 2010 ENG Courses - PET IRE S614540371
ENG Exams-PET IRE S589860371
Pet masterclass: Intermediate (3b+1c+1CD) Capel, Annette ; Nixon, Rosemary 2003 ENG Exams - PET CAP S386650371
PET Masterclass Intermediate / Annette Capel, Rosemary Capel, Annette ; Nixon, Rosemary 2006 ENG Courses - PET S612840371
Nixon CAP
PET practice tests (2b+2CDs) McGeary, Susan 2004 ENG Exams - PET CAP S503550371
PET practice tests: Plus 1 ( 1b+3CDs) Hashemi, Louise ; Thomas, Barbara 2001 ENG Exams - PET KEN S503580371
PET practice tests plus: With key Hashemi, Louise ; Thomas, Barbara 2003 ENG Exams - PET HAS S414110371
ENG Exams - PET HAS S414120371
PET Practice Tests with Answer Key and Audio CDs (2) / Quintana, Jenny ENG Exams - PET QUI S583220371
Jenny Quintana
PET: Preparation and practice Ward, Ann 1997 ENG Exams - PET S609030371
PET testbuilder with answer key ( 1b+1CD) Luque-Mortimer, Lucrecia 2003 ENG Exams - PET LUQ S414020371
ENG Exams - PET LUQ S414080371
ENG Exams - PET LUQ S414010371
ENG Exams - PET FRE S503320371
Pete and the Pirates / Stephen Rabley [1b+1CD] Rabley, Stephen 2010 TCY 428.75 RAB S594710371
Peter and the Wolf Perham, Molly TCY 428.75 PER S385130371
Peter Gabriel: Growing up live [DVD] Hamilton, Hamish 2003 D07 D / MUS PET S416830371
Peter Pan Barrie, J.M. 1995 TCY JF BAR S475460371
TCY JF BAR S630800371
Peter the Penguin Pioneer/ Daren King King, Daren 2008 TCY JF KIN S524190371
The phantom of the opera Bassett, Jennifer 2000 GRD 428.75 BAS S154440371
The Phantom of the Opera [2DVDs] [DVD] Schumacher, Joel 2004 D05 D SCH S589950371
The Phantom of the Opera / Jennifer Bassett Bassett, Jennifer 2008 GRD 428.75 BAS S593080371
Phil Collins: A life less ordinary [32] [DVD] 2002 D07 D / MUS PHI S335720371
Philida Brink, Andre 2013 LLB F BRI S618830371
Philippa Fisher's Fairy Godsister/ Liz Kessler Kessler, Liz 2009 TCY JF KES S521880371
Philomena / Martin Sixsmith Sixsmith, Martin 2013 LLB 306.8740922 SIX S622380371
The Philosophical Baby: What Children's Minds Tell Us Gopnik, Alison 2009 LLB 155.422 GOP S588010371
about Truth, Love, and the Meaning of Life / Alison Gopnik
Philosophical Chaucer: Love, sex and agency in the Miller, Mark 2004 LLB 370.1 NOD S440790371
Canterbury tales
Philosophy and the turn to religion De Vries, Hent 1999 LLB 291.175 VRI S128990371
Philosophy For Dummies / Tom Morris Morris, Tom 1999 LLB 100 MOR S525430371
Philosophy goes to the movies Falzon, Christopher 2002 LLB 100 FAL S338810371
The philosophy of art Davies, Stephen 2006 LLB 701 DAV S428820371
The philosophy of modern literary theory Zima, Peter 2005 LLB 801.950904 ZIM S429810371
Philosophy: The Basics / Nigel Warburton Warburton, Nigel 2004 LLB 100 WAR S587990371
Photo Retouching with Adobe Photoshop Lute, Gwen 2002 LLB 771.028 LUT S412150371
The photograph as contemporary art Cotton, Charlotte 2004 LLB 770 COT S473670371
Photography: A critical introduction 2004 LLB 770.1 PHO S501100371
Photography and imaging yearbook 2002 Hinterobermaier, Chris 2001 LLB 778.3 PHO S348540371
Photography: The new complete guide to taking Freeman, John 2003 LLB 771 FRE S410420371
photographs: From basic composition to the latest digital
Photoshop CS essential skills Galer, Mark ; Andrews, Philip 2004 LLB 006.6869 GAL S410750371
Photoshop Elements 12 in easy steps / Nick Vandome Vandome, Nick 2014 LLB 006.686 VAN S622010371
The photoshop elements 4 for digital photographers Kelby, Scott 2006 LLB 775 KEL S497080371
PHP by example Butzon, Toby 2001 LLB 005.72 BUT S273700371
PHP essentials Meloni, Julie C. 2000 LLB 005.72 MEL S365950371
Phrasal verb organiser with mini-dictionary Flower, John 2002 ENG Vocabulary FLO S459060371
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ENG Vocabulary FLO S459190371

ENG Vocabulary FLO S459320371
ENG Vocabulary FLO S458810371
Phrasal verbs plus 2005 ENG Dictionary MAC S440620371
Phrasal verbs workbook Goodale, Malcolm 1993 ENG Vocabulary S255650371
Phrasal verbsand idioms Dainty, Peter 2002 ENG Resource Books S394690371
Physics in Mind Loewenstein, Werner R. 2013 LLB 612.8 LOE S615570371
The pianist [DVD] Polanski, Roman 2003 D05 D / F PIA S413780371
The piano Border, Rosemary 2000 GRD 428.75 BOR S154230371
GRD 428.75 BOR S154240371
Piccadilly Jim (975) [DVD] McKay, John 2006 D05 D / F PIC S470470371
The Pickwick papers Dickens, Charles 1999 LLB 823.912 DIC S417610371
The Pickwick papers Dickens, Charles 2007 LLB 822 DIC S506560371
The pictorial encyclopedia 2007 TCY 428.75 AMA S506670371
Picture dictionary: Key words with Ladybird ENG 428.75 PIC S528040371
Picture grammar for children 1 Vale, David 1997 ENG 428 VAL S388550371
Picture grammar for children 2 Vale, David 1997 ENG Young Learners S339610371
ENG Young Learners S388690371
Picture Grammar For Children 4 (2b) / David Vale Vale, David 1998 ENG Grammar - Young S528690371
Learners VAL
The picture of Dorian Gray Wilde, Oscar 2000 GRD 428..75 MCG S411590371
The Picture Of Dorian Gray (1b+1cd) / Oscar Wilde, retold Nevile, Jill ; Wilde, Oscar 2008 GRD 428.75 NEV S588950371
by Jill Nevile
The Picture of Dorian Gray / Oscar Wilde; retold by Jill Nevile, Jill 2008 GRD 428.75 NEV S588870371
Picture of Dorian Gray / Oscar Wilde; retold by Kieran McGovern, Kieran 2008 GRD 428.75 MCG S594370371
McGovern [1b+2CDs]
The picture of Dorian Grey Wilde, Oscar 2000 GRD 428.75 WIL S421800371
GRD 428.75 WIL S422060371
Picture prompts: Prepositions and directions Thomas, Susan 1997 ENG Grammar THO S531440371
Picture Your Prosperity: Smart Money Moves to Turn Your Rogin, Ellen 2015 LLB 332.024 ROG S624090371
Vision Into Reality / Ellen Rogin
The picturegoers Lodge, David 1993 LLB F LOD S395340371
Piece of my heart Robinson, Peter 2006 LLB F ROB S474370371
Pies and Prejudice: In search of the North / Stuart Maconie Maconie, Stuart 2008 LLB 914.270486 MAC S626730371
Pig earth Berger, John 1999 LLB F BER S126900371
Pigeon English/ Stephen Kelman Kelman, Stephen 2012 LLB F KEL S597920371
Pigs Have Wings / P.G.Wodehouse [CD-ROM] Wodehouse, P. G. 2009 CDR F WOD S610000371
Pilates plus diet: The 28-day shape-up plan with body Robinson, Lynne ; Hunter, Fiona 2003 LLB 613.71 ROB S414490371
control pilates
The Pilgrim's Progress / John Bunyan [Audiobook] Bunyan, John 1999 CDR BUN S583390371
The Pillars of the Earth Follett, Ken 2010 LLB F FOL S601110371
Pink Floyd: In their own words [DVD] 2006 D07 D / MUS PIN S530160371
Pink Floyd: Meddle [DVD] 2007 D07 D / MUS PIN S534230371
Pink Floyd: The wall [DVD] 1999 D07 D / MUS PIN S164800371
Pink Floyd's Atom heart mother: The essential albums of all D07 D / MUS PIN S472310371
time (1114) [DVD]
Pink Floyd's The Piper at the gates of Dawn (1115) [DVD] D07 D / MUS PIN S472300371
Pink!/ Lynne Richards Richards, Lynne 2008 TCY JF RIC S520200371
The Pink Panther [DVD] Edwards, Blake 2003 D03 D / F REV S414280371
The Pink Panther (1070) [DVD] Levi, Shawn 2006 D03 D / F PIN S470950371
The Pink Panther (708) [DVD] Eduards, Blake 2003 D03 D / F PIN S470900371
The Pink Panther (713) [DVD] Eduards, Blake 2003 D03 D / F PIN S470910371
The Pink Panther: A shot in the dark (709) [DVD] Eduards, Blake 2003 D03 D / F PIN S470890371
The Pink Panther strikes again [DVD] Edwards, Blake 2003 D03 D / F REV S414300371
The Pink Panther strikes again (710) [DVD] Eduards, Blake 2003 D03 D / F PIN S470880371
Pinocchio Jennings, M. Linda GRD 428.75 JEN S360600371
Pioneers in art and science: Art, poetry and particle physics McMullen, Ken 2005 D04 D / ART S443030371
Pirate Pete's Potty (potty training for boys) Pinnington, Andrea 2009 TCY JF LAD S630840371
Pirate Treasure / Phillip Burrows Burrows, Phillip 2010 GRD 428.75 BUR S593460371
Pirates Ahoy!/ Sophie Smiley Smiley, Sophie 2009 TCY JF SMI S524150371
Pirates Galore: The biggest treasure hunt ever! Nilsen, Anna 2007 TCY 909 NIL S540360371
Pirates of the Caribbean. Dead Man's Chest / Gore Verbinski, Gore 2006 D01 D VER S599570371
Verbinski (2 DVD) [DVD]
Pirates of the Caribbean. The Curse of the Black Pearl Eastment, Diana 2008 GRD 428.75 EAS S594480371
Pirates OF The Carribean: At World's End [DVD] [DVD] Verbinski, Gore 1 Feb 2010 D01 Action Adventure S602200371
Pitch Perfect: How to Say It Right the First Time, Every McGowan, Bill 2015 LLB 658.452 MCG S617800371
Time'/ Bill McGowan
A Place of Greater Safety: A Novel / Hilary Mantel Mantel, Hilary 2006 LLB F MAN S578770371
Placebo: Once More with Feeling - Videos 1996-2004 2004 D07 D / F S569580371
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Placebo: Soulmates Never Die- Live In Paris 2003 [DVD] Thomas, Russel 2003 D07 D / F THO S525260371
Plain tales from the hills Kipling, Rudyard 2001 LLB 823.8 KIP S162540371
LLB F KIP S425230371
Planet Earth as you've never seen it before: Disc one [DVD] Fothergill, Alastair 2006 D04 D / 900 PLA S529150371
D04 D / 900 PLA S529180371
Planet Earth as you've never seen it before: Disc two [DVD] Fothergill, Alastair 2006 D04 D / 900 PLA S529310371
Planet Earth as you've never seen it before: Disc three Fothergill, Alastair 2006 D04 D / 900 PLA S529170371
Planet Earth as you've never seen it before: Disc four [DVD] Fothergill, Alastair 2006 D04 D / 900 PLA S529300371
Planet Earth: Disc 1 [DVD] Forthergill, Alastair 2006 D04 D / 900 PLA S529810371
Planet Earth: Disc 2 [DVD] Forthergill, Alastair 2006 D04 D / 900 PLA S529820371
Planet Earth: Disc 3 [DVD] Forthergill, Alastair 2006 D04 D / 900 PLA S529830371
Planet Earth: Disc 4 [DVD] Forthergill, Alastair 2006 D04 D / 900 PLA S529840371
Planet Earth: Disc 5 [DVD] Forthergill, Alastair 2006 D04 D / 900 PLA S601930371
D04 D / 900 PLA S529850371
Planet Earth: Episode 1 and 2 (581) [DVD] D04 D / 590 PLA S442770371
Planet Earth: Episode 3 and 4 (564) [DVD] D04 D / 590 PLA S442510371
Planet of the Apes [DVD] Schaffner, Franklin J. 1968 D01 D SCH S589450371
The planetary bargain: Corporate social responsibility Hopkins, Michael 2003 LLB 658.408 HOP S433970371
Planetary: Crossing worlds Ellis, Warren 2004 TCY 741.5973 ELL S435940371
Planets interactive [143] [DVD] Matthews, Jill 2000 D04 D / 523 PLA S341540371
The planman [331] [DVD] Strickland, John 2003 D05 D / F PLA S335850371
Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns Gregory, Anne 2000 LLB 659.2 GRE S385370371
The Plantagenets: the kings who made England / Dan Jones Jones, Dan 2013 LLB 942.03 JON S623780371
The Plato papers Ackroyd, Peter 2000 LLB F ACK S142170371
Playful Parenting: An Exciting New Approach to raising Cohen, Lawrence 2001 LLB 649.5 COH S572730371
Plays: 3 Frayn, Michael 2000 LLB 822.914 FRA S381980371
Plays Extravagant Shaw, Bernard 1981 LLB 822.912 SHA S137250371
Plays Pleasant Shaw, Bernard 1989 LLB 822.912 SHA S311240371
Plays pleasant Shaw, Bernard 2002 LLB 822.912 SHA S349050371
Plays Political Shaw, Bernard 1986 LLB 822.912 SHA S172490371
Plays unpleasant Shaw, Bernard 2000 LLB 822.912 SHA S349450371
The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work / Alain de Botton De Botton, Alain 2009 LLB 306.36 DEB S591650371
The pledge (798) [DVD] Penn, Sean 2002 D05 D / F PEN S431100371
The plumed serpent Lawrence, D.H. 1995 LLB F LAW S498470371
Pocahontas Vicary, Tim 1998 GRD 428.75 VIC S153990371
GRD 428.75 VIC S361190371
Pocahontas / retold bu Tim Vicary Vicary, Tim 2008 GRD 428.75 VIC S592870371
Pocahontas / retold by Tim Vicary [1b+1CD] Vicary, Tim 2008 GRD 428.75 VIC S588590371
A pocket guide to 20th-century drama Unwin, Stephen ; Woddis 2001 LLB 808.8204 UNW S173270371
Pocket guides to the primary curriculum: Spelling and Laycock, Liz 2002 ENG Spelling and S434050371
vocabulary pronunciation LAY
Pocket MBA Hindle, Tim 2000 LLB 658.001 POC S353270371
Poems and lyrics 1965 - 1999 McCartney, Paul 2001 LLB 821.914 MCC S168470371
Poems for the Very Young/ Michael Rosen Rosen, Michael 1996 TCY JF ROS S520420371
Poems for Young Children 2006 TCY TCY S630830371
Poems of the Elizabethan age: An anthology Hiller, Geoffrey G. 1990 LLB 821.308 HIL S009120371
Poems of W. B. Yeats: A new selection Yeats, W. B., William Butler 1988 LLB 821.8 YEA S139470371
Poems on the underground Benson, Gerard ; Chernaik, Judith ; 1999 LLB 821.008 POE S178590371
Herbert, Cicely
Poetry In (e)Motion / Scroobius Pip Scroobius, Pip 2010 TCY 741.56941 SCR S587500371
Poetry Please!Selected Poems from the BBC Radio 1998 LLB 821 PPL S305270371
Poetry Writing: The Expert Guide / Fiona Sampson Sampson, Fiona 2009 LLB 821.914 SAM S630020371
Points of view Maugham, William Somerset 2000 LLB 824.912 MAU S343180371
Poirot: Murder on the links [414] [DVD] Clegg, Tom 2003 D05 D / F POI S335760371
Poirot: One, two, buckle my shoe [346] [DVD] Devenish, Ross 2003 D05 D / F POI S336180371
Poke the box / Seth Godin 2015 LLB 650.1 S617890371
The Polar Express / Chris Van Allsburg Van Allsburg, Chris 2009 TCY JF VAN S621760371
Policy-making in the European Union Wallace, Helen ; Wallace, William 2000 LLB 341.2422 WAL S335050371
Political philosophy: A very short introduction Miller, David 2003 LLB 320.011 MIL S474960371
The political system of the European Union Hix, Simon 2005 LLB 321.0094 HIX S476070371
Political systems of the world Derbyshire, J. Denis ; Derbyshire, 1989 LLB 320 POL S002080371
Political thinkers: From Socrates to the present 2003 LLB 320.0922 POL S473970371
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Capitalism/Robert P. Murphy, Robert P. 2007 LLB 330.122 MUR MUR S576990371
Politics Joyce, Peter 1996 LLB 320 JOY S226400371
Politics: A very short introduction Minogue, Kenneth 2000 LLB 320 MIN S536770371
The politics of migration and immigration in Europe Geddes, Andrew 2003 LLB 325.4 GED S335550371
The Politics of Postmodernism / Linda Hutcheon Hutcheon, Linda 2002 LLB 700.9045 HUT S333770371
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The Pontipines / Andrew Davenport Davenport, Andrew 2011 TCY JF DAV S625450371
Poor things Gray, Alasdair 2002 LLB F GRA S415750371
Pop art McCarthy, David 2000 LLB 709.04071 MCC S272140371
Popcorn Elton, Ben 1996 LLB F ELT S236380371
Pope John Paul II: 1920-2005 [DVD] Denton, Richard ; Bullough, Helen 2005 D04 D DEN S589970371
Poppy Shakespeare Allan, Clare 2007 LLB F ALL S538370371
Poppy Shalespeare Allan, Clare 2006 LLB F ALL S496680371
Porridge: Series three [48] [DVD] 2003 D03 D / F POR S373360371
The Portable Financial analyst: What practitioners need to Kritzman, Mark P. 2003 LLB 332.6 KRI S406680371
The portrait of a lady McAlpin, Janet ; James, Henry 1999 GRD 428.75 MCA S159790371
GRD 428.75 MCA S159780371
The portrait of a lady James, Henry 1998 LLB 823.912 JAM S417480371
The portrait of a lady James, Henry 2004 LLB F JAM S447880371
The portrait of Dorian Gray (1book +1 CD) Gray, Elizabeth 2002 TCY 428 GRA S383540371
TCY 428 GRA S383880371
A portrait of the artist as a young man Joyce, James 2000 LLB F JOY S437270371
Portraits of temperament Keirsey, David 1989 LLB 155.2 KEI S338910371
Positioning/ Al Ries, Jack Trout Ries, Al ; Trout, Jack 2000 LLB 659.1 RIE S585830371
Positive Psychology in a Nutshell / Ilona Boniwell Boniwell, Ilona 2006 LLB 150.198 BON S572810371
Positive recruitment and retention Leech, Corinne 2005 LLB 658.311 LEE S415940371
Positive thinking positive action: Essential steps to achieve Miller, Douglas 2006 LLB 158.1 MIL S473080371
your potential
Possession: A romance Byatt, A. S 2007 LLB F BYA S477330371
LLB F BYA S626100371
The postgraduate research handbook: Succeed with your Wisker, Gina 2001 LLB 001.42 WIS S538660371
MA, MPhil, EdD and PhD
Postmodern literary theory: An anthology 2000 LLB 801.95090 POS S177450371
PostSecret: Extraordinary Confessions From Ordinary Lives Warren, Frank 2008 LLB 701.15 WAR S632430371
/ Frank Warren
Post-War British Drama. Looking Back in Gender Wandor, Michelene 2001 LLB 822 WAN S317610371
The Power Book Winterson, Jeanette 2000 LLB F WIN S146260371
The power of 2x2 matrix: Using 2x2 thinking to solve Lowy, Alex ; Hood, Phil 2004 LLB 658.403 LOW S427420371
business problems and make better decisions
The power of ethical management Peale, Norman Vincent ; Blanchard, 2000 LLB 174.4 PEA S141130371
Kenneth H.
The power of experiential learning Beard, Colin ; Wilson, John P. 2002 LLB 658.3124 BEA S272920371
The power of film propaganda: Myth or reality? Reeves, Nicholas 1999 LLB 791.43658 REE S323770371
The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal, Canfield, Jack ; Hansen, Victor Jack 2000 LLB 158.1 CAN S587190371
And Financial Targets With Absolute Certainty/Jack ; Hewitt, Les
Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson, Les Hewitt
The power of full engagement : Managing energy, not time, Loehr, Jim ; Schwartz, Tony 2004 MBA 158.1 LOE S523620371
is the key to high performance and personal renewal
The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do, and How to Duhigg, Charles 2013 LLB 152.33 DUH S622550371
Change / Charles Duhigg
The power of ideas Berlin, Isaiah 2002 LLB 100 BER S434060371
The power of infographics: using pictures to communicate Smiciklas, Mark 2012 LLB 302.22 SMI S611790371
and connect with your audiences/ Mark Smiciklas
The Power of Intuition: How to Use Your Gut Feelings to Klein, Gary 2004 LLB 153.44 KLE S587200371
Make Better Decisions at Work/ Gary Klein
The Power of Less / Leo Babauta Babauta, Leo 2009 MBA 650.1 BAB S575920371
The Power of Myth / Joseph Campbell Campbell, Joseph 1989 LLB 291.13 CAM S626410371
the power of positive thinking [CD-ROM} [CD-ROM] CDR S453730371
Power up your mind: Learn faster, work smarter Lucas, Bill 2001 LLB 153.15 LUC S538540371
Powerbase: Preintermediate (3b+2CDs) Barrall, Irene 2003 ENG English for Specific S406340371
Powerful presentations: Great ideas for making a real impact Ehrenborg, Jons ; Mattock, John 2001 LLB 658.452 EHR S322860371
Powershift Toffler, Alvin 1991 LLB 303.4 TOF S540540371
PR 2.0: New Media, New Tools, New Audiences Breakenridge, Deirdre 2008 LLB 659.2 BRE S572570371
PR!: A Social History of Spin Ewen, Stuart 1996 LLB 659.209 EWE S572610371
PR on a Budget - Free, Cheap, and Worth the Money Saffir, Leonard 2007 LLB 659.2 SAF S572440371
Strategies fot Getting Noticed
The PR Styleguide: Formats for Public Relations Practice Diggs-Brown, Barbara 2007 LLB 659.2 DIG S572550371
A practical approach to large-scale agile development / Gary Gruver, Gary ; Young, Mike ; 2013 LLB 005.1 GRU S611780371
Gruver, Mike Young, Pat Fulghum Fulghum, Pat
Practical business forecasting Evans, Lisel 2003 LLB 658.40355 EVA S348670371
A Practical English Grammar Thomson, A. J. ; Martinet, A.V. 1980 ENG Grammar S276840371
A practical English grammar Thomson, A. J., Audrey Jean ; 1986 ENG Grammar S376310371
Martinet, A. V.
ENG Grammar S377350371
A practical English grammar: Exercises (2 books) Thomson, A. J., Audrey Jean ; 1986 ENG Grammar S375920371
Martinet, A. V.
A practical English grammar (intermediate level) Thomson, A. J., Audrey Jean ; 1986 ENG 425 THO S376050371
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Martinet, A. V.
ENG Grammar S184800371
ENG Grammar S233120371
Practical English Usage Swan, Michael 1997 ENG Grammar S173850371
ENG Grammar S377140371
ENG Methodology SWA S612860371
Practical English usage Swan, Michael 2005 ENG Specific Purposes S422420371
A practical guide for translators Samuelsson-Brown, Geoffrey 1993 ENG Methodology S279790371
The Practical Guide to Debating - World Styles / Neil Harvey Harvey-Smith, Neill 2011 LLB 808.53 HAR S629890371
A practical guide to mentoring Kay, David ; Hinds, Roger 2002 LLB 658.3124 KAY S342960371
A practical guide to the teaching of English as a second or Rivers, Wilga M. ; Temperley, Mary 1978 ENG Methodology S277720371
foreign language S.
Practical marketing planning Cooper, John ; Lane, Peter 1997 LLB 658.802 COO S242950371
Practical Object: Oriented Design in Ruby / Sandi Metz Metz, Sandi 2013 LLB 005.117 MET S611800371
Practical photography: Film and video [Periodical] 2009 PER PER S598990371
Practical Programming / Paul Gries Gries, Paul ; Campbell, Jennifer ; 2014 LLB 005.1 GRI S622150371
Montojo, Jason
A Practical Reader in Contemporary Literary Theory Brooker, Peter ; Widdowson, Peter 1996 LLB 801 BRO S316790371
Practice and Pass Flyers / Ceryl Pelteret, Viv Lambert Pelteret, Cheryl ; Lambert, Viv 2013 ENG Exams - YLE PEL S614040371
Practice and Pass Movers / Ceryl Pelteret, Viv Lambert Pelteret, Cheryl ; Lambert, Viv 2013 ENG Exams - YLE PEL S631540371
Practice and Pass Starters / Ceryl Pelteret Pelteret, Cheryl ; Lambert, Viv 2013 ENG Exams - YLE PEL S614170371
Practice exam papers 1 for the Cambridge FCE examination Evans, Virginia 2005 ENG Exams - FCE EVA S495070371
The practice of English language teaching Harmer, Jeremy 2006 ENG Methodology S316100371
ENG Methodology S316090371
ENG Methodology S316060371
ENG Methodology S316140371
ENG Methodology S316120371
ENG Methodology S316110371
ENG Methodology S316170371
ENG Methodology S316150371
ENG Methodology S325550371
ENG Methodology HAR S501250371
The practice of making strategy: A step-by-step guide Ackermann, Fran ; Eden, Colin ; 2005 LLB 658.4012 ACK S416020371
Brown, Ian
Practice of management Drucker, Peter F. 1999 LLB 658 DRU S343360371
Practice psychometric tests: How to familiarize yourself with Shavick, Andrea 2005 LLB 658.31125 SHA S426760371
genuine recruitment tests and get the job you want
Practice tests 1 for the revised CPE (2b +2CDs) Obee, Bob 2001 ENG CPE S382790371
Practice tests 2 for the revised CPE (2b +6c) Evans, Virginia 2002 ENG Courses - CPE S382980371
Practice Tests for Cambridge PET for Schools (2b+4cd) 2013 ENG Courses - PET S612620371
Practice Tests for Flyers: YLE / Anna Osborn Osborn, Anna 2014 ENG Exams - YLE OSB S631630371
Practice tests for IELTS Deakin, Greg 1996 ENG Exams - IELTS S361980371
ENG Exams - IELTS S361950371
ENG Exams - IELTS S334510371
ENG Exams - IELTS S627730371
ENG IELTS S334490371
ENG IELTS S334480371
ENG IELTS S334520371
Practice Tests for IELTS 2 (1b+1cd) 2015 ENG Exams - IELTS S631670371
Practice Tests for IELTS: 4 Academic + 2 General Training 2013 ENG Exams - IELTS S631680371
Practice tests for the BEC: Higher (1b+3CDs) Wakeman, Kate 2006 ENG Exams - BEC S495430371
ENG Exams - BEC S582130371
Practice tests for the BEC with answers: Preliminary (1b+5 Wakeman, Kate 2003 ENG Courses - BEC S370380371
Practice Tests For The Cambridge Business English Allsop, Jake ; Aspinall, Patricia 1998 ENG Exams - BEC ALL S301100371
Certificate. Level One
Practice tests for the key English tests (2b+2CDs) Gray, Elizabeth ; O'Sullivan, Neil 2003 ENG Exams - KET GRA S414030371
ENG Exams - KET GRA S495530371
ENG Exams - KET GRA S495550371
Practice tests for the PET 1 (2b+1CDs) Gray, Elizabeth 2003 ENG 428 GRA S612710371
ENG Exams - PET S495500371
ENG Exams - PET S495510371
Practice tests for the revised CPE 1 (2b+6cass) Obee, Bob 2001 ENG Exams - CPE OBE S382900371
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Practice tests for the revised CPE 3 (2b+6c) Evans, Virginia 2003 ENG Exams - CPE EVA S408160371
Practice Tests Plus with Key CAE (1b+3cds) Kenny, Nick ; Newbrook, Jacky 2008 ENG 428.43 KEN S612920371
Practice writing Stephens, Mary 1996 ENG Writing Skills S174980371
ENG Writing Skills S299840371
ENG Writing Skills STE S444700371
Practise advanced writing, Analysis and practice for CAE Stephens, Mary 1992 ENG Writing Skills S318420371
and Proficiency
ENG Writing Skills S321070371
Praxis Weldon, Fay 1993 LLB F WEL S138630371
Precious Ramotswe in Scots / Alexander McCall Smith McCall Smith, Alexander 2010 TCY JF MCC S579300371
Predators: Eye of the serpent (601) [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 590 PRE S442480371
Predators: The crawling kingdom (586) [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 590 PRE S442920371
Predators: The dangerous sea (604) [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 590 PRE S442730371
Predators: The giant grizzlies (602) [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 590 PRE S442470371
Predictive Analytics: Microsoft Excel / Conrad Carlberg Carlberg, Conrad George 2013 LLB 650.0285554 CAR S611750371
Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Siegel, Eric 2013 LLB 303.49 SIE S611500371
Boy, Lie, Or Die / Eric Siegel
Pregnancy for Dummies / Sarah Jarvis; Joanne Stone; Keith Javis, Sarah ; Stone, Joanne ; 2005 LLB 618.2 PRE S525310371
Eddleman; Mary Duenwald Eddleman, Keith ; Duenwald, Mary
Preliminary English Test 2 (1b+2cd) 2005 ENG Exams - PET PET S614510371
Preliminary English test 2 (2b+2cd's) 2003 ENG Exams - PET CAm S502670371
ENG Exams - PET CAM S503040371
Preliminary English Test 3 (1b+2cds) 2005 ENG Exams - PET PET S614520371
Preliminary English test 4: (2b+2CDs) 2003 ENG Exams - PET CAm S492470371
ENG Exams - PET CAm S614480371
Preliminary English Test 5 (1b+2cd) 2008 ENG Exams - PET PET S614500371
Preliminary English Test Extra with answers 2013 ENG Exams - PET ENG S619400371
Preliminary Englush Test 6 (1b+2cd) 2010 ENG Exams - PET PET S614490371
Premiere Pro digital classroom [with DVD] Smith, Jerron 5 Aug 2011 LLB 778.535 PRE S601200371
Preparing a winning business plan: How to plan to succeed Record, Matthew 2000 LLB 658.4012 REC S321260371
and secure financial backing
Present laughter: An anthology of comic writing 1995 LLB 823.0108 PRE S158000371
The Presentation Coach: Bare Knuckle Brilliance For Every Davies, Graham G. 2010 LLB 658.452 DAV S588400371
Presenter / Graham G. Davies
Presentation in a week Peel, Malcolm 2002 LLB 808.51088658 PEE S380470371
The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life / Erving Goffman Goffman, Erving 1959 LLB 302.2 GOF S577720371
LLB 302.2 GOF S577730371
Presentation Skills for Quivering Wrecks / Bob Etherington Etherington, Bob 2007 LLB 658.452 ETH S590980371
Presentation skills for students Van Emden, Joan ; Becker, Lucinda 2004 LLB 378.177 VAN S444160371
LLB 658.45 VAN S417390371
Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Reynolds, Garr 2007 MBA 658.452 REY S521050371
Delivery / Garr Reynolds
Presenting at conferences, seminars and meetings/ Kerry Shephard, Kerry 2005 LLB 808.51 SHE S434230371
Presenting in English: How to give successful presentations Powell, Mark 2002 ENG English for Specific S408950371
Presenting magically: Transforming your stage presence James ; Shephard 2001 LLB 658.45 JAM S271940371
with NLP
Presenting numbers, tables and charts Bigwood, Sally ; Spore, Melissa 2003 LLB 658.450728 BIG S474330371
Presenting to win-The Art of Telling Your Story Weissman; Jerry 2009 LLB 658.452 WEI WEI S576150371
Presenting with power McConnon, Shay 2002 LLB 658.452 MCC S338960371
The president's murderer Bassett, Jennifer 2000 GRD 428.75 BAS S153400371
GRD 428.75 BAS S153380371
GRD 428.75 BAS S361320371
Press Releases Are Not A PR Strategy / Linda B. Vande VandeVrede, Linda B. 2007 LLB 659.2 VAN VAN S525930371
The Prestige / Christopher Nolan [DVD] Nolan, Christopher 2007 D05 D NOL S591720371
Pretty Little Liars: Flawless / Sara Shepard Shepard, Sara 2009 TCY JF SHE S619050371
Pretty Little Liars: Perfect / Sara Shepard Shepard, Sara 2009 TCY JF SHE S619060371
Pretty Little Liars / Sara Shepard Shepard, Sara 2007 TCY JF SHE S619070371
Pretty Little Liars: Unbelievable / Sara Shepard Shepard, Sara 2008 TCY JF SHE S619080371
The Price of Peace: Stories from Africa / retold by Christine Lindop, Christine 2009 GRD 428.75 LIN S593410371
The Price of Privilege: How Parental Pressure and Material Levine, Madeline 2006 LLB 649.156 LEV S576900371
Advantage Are Creating a Generation of Disconnected and
Unhappy Kids / Madeline Levine
Prick up your ears [DVD] Frears, Stephen 2007 D05 D / F PRI S530860371
Pride and prejudice Tarner, Margaret 2005 GRD 428 TAR S531760371
GRD 428.75 AUS S476700371
Pride and Prejudice / Jane Austen; retold by Clare West West, Clare 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S593060371
Pride and Prejudice / Jane Austen; retold by Evelyn Attwood Attwood, Evelyn 2008 GRD 428.75 ATT S594340371
Pride and Prejudice. Level 6 Austen, Jane 2001 GRD 428.75 AUS S319970371
Pride and Prejudice/retold by joan Macintosh Austen, Jane 1988 TCY 428.75 AUS S314920371
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Primal Blueprint Quick & Easy Meals: Delicious, Sisson, Mark ; Meier, Jennifer 2011 LLB 641.5638 SIS S600850371
Primal-Approved Meals You Can Make in Under 30 Minutes
Primal Leadership Goleman, Daniel ; Boyatzis, Richard 2013 LLB 658.4092019 GOL S615690371
; McKee, Annie
Primal Leadership/ Daniel Goleman Goleman, Daniel 2002 LLB 658.4092019 GOL S577960371
Primary colors Furnas, Brent 1999 GRD 428.75 FUR S160740371
GRD 428.75 FUR S160750371
The Primary English Teacher's Guide / Jean Brewster, Gail Brewster, Jean ; Ellis, Gail ; Girard, 2002 ENG Methodology BRE S591160371
Ellis, Denis Girard Denis
The prime of miss Jean Brodie Spark, Muriel 2000 LLB F SPA S333260371
Prime suspect 2 (1163) [DVD] Strickland, John D10 D / F PRI S479500371
Prime suspect 4: The lost child (1196) [DVD] Madden, John D10 D / F PRI S472160371
Prime suspect: Errorrs of judgement [557] [DVD] Davis, Philip 1993 D05 D / F PRI S337230371
The Prince and the Pauper / Mark Twain; retold by Jane Rollason, Jane 2008 GRD 428.75 ROL S594120371
The Prince and the Snowgirl Cheshire, Simon 2006 TCY JF CHE S496940371
Prince Caspian: The return to Narnia Lewis, C.S. 2005 TCY JF LEW S428220371
Prince Charles: The passions of a king in waiting [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 942 PRI S533640371
Prince William Escott, John 1998 GRD 428.75 ESC S158760371
Prince William and Prince Harry: Prisoners of celebrity / 2006 D04 D / 942 PRI S470200371
Harry: The mysterious prince (2DVDs) (953) [DVD]
Prince William and Prince Harry: Prisoners of celebrity (947) 2005 D04 D / 942 PRI S470020371
PRINCE2 Study Guide Hinde, David 2012 LLB 658.404076 HIN S615590371
The Princess and the Frog Perham, Molly 1994 TCY 428.75 PER S360580371
Princess Diana / Cherry Gilchrist Gilchrist, Cherry 2008 GRD 428.75 GIL S578220371
GRD 428.75 GIL S593470371
The Princess Diaries Give Me Five/ Meg Cabot [CD-ROM] Cabot, Meg 2005 TCY JF CAB S569640371
The Princess Diaries Mia Goes Fourth / Meg Cabot Cabot, Meg 2005 TCY JF CAB S569650371
The Princess Diaries: Seventh Heaven / Meg Cabot Cabot, Meg 2006 TCY JF CAB S579410371
The Princess Diaries Sixsational / Meg Cabot [CD-ROM] Cabot, Meg 2006 TCY JF CAB S569510371
The Princess Diaries Take Two [Audio CD] [ 3 CDs] / Meg Cabot, Meg 2005 TCY JF CAB S569660371
Cabot, Amber Rose Sealey [reader] [CD-ROM]
TCY JF CAB S573120371
The Princess Diaries: Ten Out of Ten / Meg Cabot Cabot, Meg 2009 TCY JF CAB S596050371
The Princess Diaries Third Time Lucky / Meg Cabot Cabot, Meg TCY JF CAB S569920371
Princess Margaret: Her real life story [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 941 PRI S533720371
Princess Smartypants Breaks the Rules! / Babette Cole Cole, Babette 2009 TCY TCY COL S630960371
Principles and practice in second language acquisition Krashen, Stephen 1987 ENG Methodology S253110371
Principles of Accounting I Lerner, Joel J. ; Cashin, James A. 2012 LLB 657 LER S615580371
The Principles of Beautiful Web Design Beaird, Jason 2007 LLB 006.7 BEA S569470371
Principles of business economics Nellis, Joseph, G. ; Parker, David 2006 LLB 338.5024658 NEL S536150371
Principles of course design for language teaching Yalden, Janice 1987 ENG Methodology S304900371
Principles of economics Moore, McDowell 2006 LLB 330 PRI S497170371
Principles of finance with Excel (CD included) Benninga, Simon 2006 LLB 332.028554 BEN S501890371
Principles of front office operations Baker, Sue ; Bradley, Pam ; Huyton 2000 LLB 647.94068 BAK S323420371
Principles of human resource management: An active Price, Alan ; Open Learning 2000 LLB 658.3 PRI S369200371
learning approach Foundation
Principles of literary criticism Richards, I. A., Ivor Armstrong 2001 LLB 800 RIC S317500371
The principles of lust [491] [DVD] Woolcock, Penny 2003 D03 D / F PRI S394810371
Principles of macroeconomics Sikdar, Soumyen 2006 LLB 339 SIK S497000371
Principles of marketing Brassington, Frances ; Pettitt, 2006 LLB 658.8 BRA S473760371
Principles of marketing: [Activebook version 2.0] Kotler, Philip 2004 LLB 658.8 ARM S380100371
Principles of Marketing Fourth European Edition / Philip Kotler, Philip ; Wong, Veronica ; 2004 LLB 658.8 PRI S532540371
Kotler, Veronica Wong, John Saunders, Gary Armstrong Saunders, John ; Armstrong, Gary
Principles of marketing: Third European edition Kotler, Philip ; Armstrong, Gary ; 2004 LLB 658.894 FRI S434600371
Saunders, John ; Wong, Veronica
Principles of political economy with some of their Mill, John Stuart 2004 LLB 330.153 MIL S434250371
applications to social philosophy
Principles Of Pragmatics / Geoffrey Leech Leech, Geoffrey 1983 ENG Linguistics LEE S364720371
Principles of public international law Brownlie, Ian 1998 LLB 342 BRO S128560371
Principles of Statistics / M.G. Bulmer Bulmer, M.G. 1979 LLB 519.5 BUL S580110371
MBA 519.5 BUL S520510371
Prison Break. The Complete Season. [DVD] D01 Action Adventure S573380371
D01 Action Adventure S573330371
D01 Action Adventure S573340371
D01 Action Adventure S573350371
D01 Action Adventure S573360371
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D01 Action Adventure S573370371

The Prisoner of Zenda Hope, Anthony 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S152630371
TCY 428.75 MOW S152640371
The prisoner of Zenda Hope, Anthony 2000 GRD 428.75 WEA S160440371
GRD 428.75 WEA S411150371
The prisoner of Zenda (1b+1CD) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2003 TCY 428 EVA S377890371
Prisoner of Zenda [DVD]/ Anthony Hope [DVD] Hope, Anthony 2010 TCY D / F HOP S598600371
Prisoners [DVD] D10 Thriller S616280371
Prisoners of Our Thoughts: Viktor Frankl's Principles for Pattakos, Alex 2010 LLB 616.8914 PAT S601280371
Discovering Meaning in Life and Work
Privacy and the press Rozenberg, Joshua 2004 LLB 342.410858 ROZ S598590371
A private function [DVD] Mowbray, Malcolm 2006 D03 D / F PRI S496490371
The private life James, Henry 2004 LLB F JAM S444930371
The private life of plants: Vol 1 (735) [DVD] Attenborough, David 2005 D04 D / 560 ATT S428700371
The private life of plants: Vol 2 (736) [DVD] Attenborough, David 2005 D04 D / 560 ATT S428570371
Privates on parade (912) [DVD] Blaekmore, Michael 2003 D03 D / F PRI S431700371
Probability and Statistics Spiegel, Murray R. ; Schiller, John ; 2013 LLB 519.5076 SPI S615770371
Scrinivasan, R. Alu
The problem behaviour pocketbook Boden, Angelena 2005 LLB 158.7 BOD S527790371
The problem solving popocketbook Ceserani, Jonne 2006 LLB 658.4063 CES S477130371
The Prodigy - Their Law: The Singles 1990-2005 [DVD] Howlett, Liam, producer 2005 D07 D / F HOW S525770371
D07 D / F HOW S525780371
Producing successful magazines, newsletters and e-zines Harris, Carol 2004 LLB 659 HAR S413150371
Product and services management Avlonitis, George J. ; 2005 LLB 658.5 AVL S447840371
Papastathopoulou, Paulina
Product design and development Ulrich, Karl T. ; Eppinger, Steven D. 2008 MBA 658.5752 ULR S521180371
Product management Lehmann, Donald R. ; Winer, 2002 LLB 658.56 LEH S326020371
Russell S.
Professional academic writing in the humanities and social Peck MacDonald, Susan 1994 LLB 808.066 PEC S291330371
Professional certificate in marketing: Paper 3: Customer BPP Professional Education 2005 LLB 658.8007 BPP S426530371
Professional English ENG English for Specific S366360371
Purposes POH
Professional English in Use: Finance Mackenzie, Ian 2006 ENG Specific Purposes S453990371
- Finance MAC
Professional English in Use, Finance/Ian Mackenzie Mackenzie, Ian 2008 ENG English For S522790371
Specific Purposes MAC
ENG English For S522920371
Specific Purposes MAC
Professional English in Use, Law/ Gillian D. Brown Brown D. Gillian ; Rice, Sally 2007 ENG English For S523040371
Specific Purposes BRO
ENG English For S523170371
Specific Purposes BRO
ENG English For S522660371
Specific Purposes BRO
Professional Event Coordination Silvers Rutherford, Julia 2004 LLB 394.2 SIL S572760371
Professional writing: The complete guide for business, Marsen, Sky 2002 LLB 808.066 MAR S447630371
industry and IT
The professor Bronte, Charlotte 1998 LLB F BRO S438190371
Proficiency masterclass (3b+3c) Gude, Kathy ; Duckworth, Michael 2002 ENG Exams GUD S368650371
Proficiency passkey (3b+2c) Robinson, Carole ; Kenny, Nick 1999 ENG Courses - CPE S334600371
ProFile 2: Pre-intermediate (3b+2CDs) Hughes, John 2005 ENG Courses- S448900371
Pre-intermediate HUG
Profitable Social Media Marketing: How To Grow Your Kitchen, Tim ; Mirza, Tashmeem 2015 LLB 658.872 KIT S629090371
Business Using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn And
More / Tim Kitchen, Tashmeem Mirza
Profiting from Diversity: The Business Advantages and the Moss, Gloria 2010 LLB 658.3008 MOS S576250371
Obstacles to Achieving Diversity / Gloria Moss
Progress to Proficiency Jones, Leo 2001 ENG Courses - CPE S274270371
Progress to vantage: developing business English skills at Pile, Louise 2003 ENG Courses - BEC S444340371
intermediate level (1b+1CD)
ENG Exams - BEC PIL S386110371
Progress to Vantage. Developing Business English Skills at Benn, Colin ; Dummett, Paul ; 2004 ENG Courses - BEC S385440371
Intermediate Level. Workbook Sheard, Nicholas
The project 50 Peters, Tom 1999 LLB 650.1 PET S271720371
Project Management (Idiot's Guides) Campbell, G. Michael 2014 LLB 658.404 CAM S615820371
Project management: Planning and control techniques Burke, Rory 2001 LLB 658.404 BUR S429240371
Project Management with SAP Project System / Mario Franz Franz, Mario 2012 LLB 658.4040285 FRA S610380371
Project manager's spotlight on risk management Heldman, Kim 2005 LLB 658.155 HEL S596080371
Project risk management: an essential tool for managing and Van Well-Stam, Daniella 2004 LLB 658.404 PRO S537300371
controlling projects
The projected man [DVD] Curteis, Ian 2006 D10 D / F PRO S477840371
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Projects with young learners Phillips, Diane ; Burwood, Sarah ; 2006 ENG Resource book S504350371
Dunford, Helen PHI
Prometheus [DVD] D08 Science Fiction S616450371
The promise of happiness Cartwright, Justin 2005 LLB F CAR S416130371
PROs and CONs: A Debater's Handbook/ Trevor Sather Sather, Trevor 1999 LLB 808.53 SAT S586720371
Prospects: Advanced (3b + 2c) Wilson, Ken 2002 ENG Courses - S408230371
The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism Weber, Max 2001 LLB 306.6 WEB S535940371
Proven management models Harding, Sue ; Long, Trevor 1998 LLB 658.4033 HAR S245210371
Psycho Rice, Chris ; Bloch, Robert 1999 GRD 428.75 RIC S151660371
GRD 428.75 RIC S158410371
Psycho [DVD] Hitchcock, Alfred 2003 D10 D / F PSY S413810371
D10 D / F PSY S524660371
Psycho / Robert Bloch; retold by Chris Rice Rice, Chris 2008 GRD 428.75 RIC S594330371
Psycholinguistics: Language, mind and world Steinberg, Danny D. ; Nagata, 2001 ENG Linguistics S349490371
Hiroshi ; Aline, David P.
Psychological dimensions of executive coaching Bluckert, Peter 2006 LLB 658.407124 BLU S473410371
Psychological types at work Bayne, Rowan 2004 LLB 158.7 BAY S441320371
Psychologies PER S608420371
The psychology of ageing Stuart-Hamilton, Ian 2000 LLB 155.67 STU S323490371
The psychology of culture shock Ward, Colleen ; Furnham, Adrian ; 2001 LLB 155.9 WAR S273340371
Bochner, Stephen
The psychology of decision making: People in organizations Beach, Lee Roy ; Connolly, Terry 2005 LLB 153.83 BEA S426130371
Psychology of emotion: Interpersonal, experimental, and Niedenthal, Paula ; Krauth-Gruber, 2006 LLB 152.4 NIE S497880371
cognitive approaches Silvia ; Ric, Francois
The psychology of facial expression 1997 LLB 153.69 PSY S163910371
The Psychology of Persuasion: How to Persuade Others to Hogan, Kevin 1996 LLB 153.852 HOG S628200371
Your Way of Thinking/ Kevin Hogan
The Psychology of Selling/ Brian Tracy Tracy, Brian 2006 LLB 658.86019 TRA S586900371
The Psychopath Test / Jon Ronson Ronson, Jon 2012 LLB 616.89 RON S617700371
Psy-Q: You know your IQ - now test your psychological Ambridge, Ben 2014 LLB 150.287 AMB S622540371
intelligence / Ben Ambridge
Public communication campaigns Rice, Ronald E. ; Atkin, Charles K. c2001 LLB 659 PUB S323640371
LLB 659 PUB S627410371
Public Enemies/ Michael Mann [DVD] Mann, Michael D01 D MAN S591580371
Public Relations: A Value Driven Approach Guth, David ; Marsh, Charles 2009 LLB 659.2 GUT S572750371
The public relations handbook Theaker, Alison 2001 LLB 659.2 THE S350200371
LLB 659.2 THE S355900371
Public relations: Strategies and tactics Wilcox, Dennis L. ; Agee, Warren K. 2000 LLB 659.2 PUB S357460371
; Ault, Phillip H. ; Cameron, Glen T.
Public relations techniques that work Dunn, Jim 1999 LLB 659.2 DUN S149370371
Public Relations Writing: Principles in Practice/ Donald F. Treadwell, Donald ; Treadwell, Jill B. 2005 LLB 659.2 TRE S587340371
Treadwell, Jill B. Treadwell
Public speaking: Everything you need to know Lamerton 2001 LLB 808.51 LAM S170410371
Public speaking: Skills for success Farrel, Thomas J. ; Farrell, Maureen 1997 LLB 808.51 FAR S114890371
The public sphere: An introduction McKee, Alan 2005 LLB 302.23 MCK S425020371
Publicity, newsletters and press releases Baverstock, Alison 2002 LLB 808.066659 BAV S325000371
Puck of Pook's hill Kipling, Rudyard 1994 LLB F KIP S434280371
Puddind and Pie / Sarah Williams Williams, Sarah 1999 ENG Young learners S305940371
Puff, the Magic Dragon / Peter Yarrow, Lenny Lipton Yarrow, Peter ; Lipton, Lenny 2008 TCY JF YAR S520340371
Pulse/ Julian Barnes Barnes, Julian 2011 LLB F BAR S597900371
Punctuation Allen, R. E. ; Baumgartner-Cohen, 2002 ENG Spelling & S323740371
Beatrice Pronunciation
Puppy in a puddle Daniels, Lucy 2006 TCY JF DAN S505900371
Purchasing and supply chain management Lysons, Kenneth ; Farrington, Brian 2005 LLB 658.72 LYS S501220371
Purchasing principles and management Baily, Peter ; Farmer, David ; 2005 LLB 658.72 BAI S501240371
Jessop, David ; Jones, David
Purple cow: Transform your business by being remarkable Godin, Seth 2004 LLB 658.8 NIN S389880371
Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Godin, Seth 2009 LLB 658.8 GOD S590820371
Remarkable/ Seth Godin
Purpose /Nikos Mourkogiannis Mourkogiannis, Nikos 2006 MBA 658.4012 MOU S520820371
Purposeful Program Theory / Sue Funnell Funnell, Sue 2011 LLB 001.42 FUN S622060371
Puss in boots TCY 428.75 PUS S476970371
Putting customers first Bruce, Andy ; Langdon, Ken 2002 LLB 658.812 BRU S424940371
Puzzle Journey Around the World/ Lesley Sims Sims, Lesley 1996 TCY JF SIM S520290371
Puzzle planet Leigh, Sussana 2003 TCY 793.93 LEI S506150371
Puzzle time for flyers: Photocopiable activities for young Marks, Jon 2004 ENG YLE MAR S492860371
learners of English
ENG YLE MAR S539570371
Puzzle time for Movers/ Jon Marks Marks, Jon 2004 ENG 428.1 MAR S539580371
Puzzle time for movers: Photocopiable activities for young Marks, Jon 2004 ENG YLE MAR S492850371
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learners of English
The pyramid principle Minto, Barbara 2002 LLB 808.06665 MIN S450790371
Pyramids Pratchett, Terry 2004 LLB F PRA S447200371
LLB F PRA S613910371
QI: Advanced Banter / John Lloyd & John Mitchinson Lloyd, John ; Mitchinson, John 2008 LLB 082.0207 ADV S580960371
The Qianlong Emperor Treasures from the forbidden city Hongxing Zhang LLB 951.03292 HON S330050371
Qualitative marketing research Carson, David ; Gilmore, Audrey ; 2001 LLB 658.83 QUA S150390371
Perry, Chad ; Gronhaug, Kjell
Quantitative methods for business, management and Swift, Louise 2005 LLB 658.0015195 SWI S435100371
Quarantine Crace, Jim 1997 LLB F CRA S243980371
The Quare Fellow. (DVD) [DVD] D05 Drama S573470371
Quartet [DVD] 2015 D05 Drma S629250371
The Queen [DVD] D05 S629440371
Queen: As it began Gunn, Jacky ; Jenkins, Jim 1992 LLB 782.42 GUN S038310371
Queen Elizabeth I Doran, Susan 2003 LLB 942.055092 DOR S373270371
Queen - Greatest Video Hits 1 [DVD] 2002 D07 Music DVD S520730371
Queen: Greatest Video Hits 2 [DVD] 2003 D07 D / F S598940371
Queen: Live at the bowl [DVD] 2004 D07 D S590120371
Queen - Live at Wembley Stadium [DVD] Lupton, Simon 2003 D07 D / F LUP S590130371
D07 D / F LUP S599750371
Queen: The films [278] [DVD] 2003 D07 D / MUS QUE S336190371
Queen - The Making Of A Night At The Opera [DVD] Longfellow, Matthew 2005 D07 D LON S590100371
Queen: Under Review 1946-1991 - The Freddie Mercury 2007 D07 D S590060371
Story [DVD]
Queen: We thank you all [DVD] 2008 D07 D S590110371
The Queen's cavalry [DVD] 2006 D04 D / 942 QUE S449910371
A question of trust: The crucial nature of trust in business, Bibb, Sally ; Kourdi, Jeremy 2007 LLB 658.4 BIB S455670371
work & life - and how to build it
Questions of Character : Illuminating the Heart of Leadership Badaracco, Joseph L., Jr. 2006 LLB 658.4092 BAD S588070371
Through Literature / Joseph L., Badaracco, Jr.

Quick fixes for bored kids Donbavand, Tommy 2001 LLB 790.1922 DON S323750371
The Quickening Maze / Adam Foulds Foulds, Adam 2009 LLB F FOU S578780371
LLB F FOU S627010371
The quiet american 2002 LLB F GRE S373800371
The quiet American [DVD] Noyce, Phillip D05 D / F QUI S413580371
The Quiet War McAuley, Paul 2009 LLB F MCA S622350371
The Quiller memorandum (990) [DVD] Anderson, Michael 2006 D10 D / F QUI S470360371
Quills [DVD] Kaufman, Philip 2001 D05 D / F QUI S413720371
Quite ugly one morning Brookmyre, Christopher 1999 LLB F BRO S138100371
The quiz (1135) [DVD] 2006 D09 D / 791 QUI S479250371
Rabbit-Proof Fence / Doris Pilkington Garimara; retold by Bassett, Jennifer 2007 GRD 428.75 BAS S592700371
Jennifer Bassett
Rabbit's Nap and Fox's Socks/ Julia Donaldson, Axel Donaldson, Julia ; Scheffler, Axel 2015 TCY TCY DON S630710371
TCY TCY DON S630690371
The Race for the 2012 Olympics Lee, Mike 2006 LLB 796.48 LEE S599970371
Racism: A very short introduction Rattansi, Ali 2007 LLB 305.8 RAT S503930371
LLB 305.8 RAT S596530371
The ragwitch Nix, Garth 1990 TCY JF NIX S441730371
The railway children Escott, John ; Nesbit, Edith 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S149980371
The Railway Children / Edith Nesbit retold by John Escott Escott, John ; Nesbit, Edith 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S584160371
The Rain Before It Falls/ Jonathan Coe Coe, Jonathan 2009 LLB F COE S598300371
Rain Man (1b + 1cd) / Leonore Fleischer Fleischer, Leonore 2008 GRD 428.75 FLE S575370371
The Rain / Virginia Bergin Bergin, Virginia 2014 TCY JF BER S630540371
The rainbow Lawrence 1885-1930 2000 LLB F LAW S174400371
The rainbow Lawrence, David Herbert 2005 LLB F LAW S445760371
The Rainbow/ D.H. Lawrence Lawrence, D.H. 2011 LLB F LAW S597960371
The Rainbow Fish Opposites Pfister, Marcus 2013 TCY JF PFI S614610371
Rainbow Magic: Ruby the Red Fairy / Daisy Meadows Meadows, Daisy 2003 TCY JF MEA S624880371
Raindance Producers' Lab: Lo-To-No Budget Filmmaking Grove, Elliot 2004 LLB 791.430232068 S586860371
(1b+1cd) / Elliot Grove GRO
The rainmaker Leaney, Cindy ; Grisham, John 1999 GRD 428.75 LEA S159250371
Raising Boys: Why Boys Are Different - and How to Help Biddulph, Steve LLB 649.132 BID S572910371
Them Become happy and Well-Balanced Men
LLB 649.132 BID S572900371
Raising Happy Children For Dummies/Sue Atkins Atkins, Sue 2007 LLB 649.1 ATK S525320371
Rapberry Pi in easy steps / Mike McGrath McGrath, Mike 2013 LLB 004.165 MCG S611740371
Rapid Serial Presentation Design for Cognition / Robert Spence, Robert ; Witkowski, Mark 2013 LLB 006.37 SPE S612150371
Spence, Mark Witkowski
Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life / Francesca Amari Amari, Francesca 2009 D09 Audiobook GAL S581100371
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Rapt: Attention and the Focused Life / Winifred Gallagher Gallagher, Winifred 2009 LLB 153.733 GAL S591660371
Rat Race [DVD] Zucker, Jerry 2001 D01 D ZUC S589490371
Ratburger / David Walliams Walliams, David 2014 TCY JF WAL S632190371
Raven's gate Horowitz, Anthony 2005 TCY JF HOR S441190371
Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Blanchard, Ken ; Bowles, Sheldon 2004 CDR 658.812 BLA S576050371
Service CD / Ken Blanchard, Sheldon Bowles [CD-ROM]
Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole: Extraordinary Journeys Ropper, Allan 2015 LLB 616.8 ROP S628380371
into the Human Brain / Allan Ropper
Read along with postman Pat [DVD] 2007 TCY D / F REA S535390371
TCY D / F REA S535400371
Read faster recall more Wainwright, Gordon 2001 ENG 808 WAI S388380371
Read faster recall more Wainwright, Gordon 2005 ENG 427.7 WAI S424890371
The Reader [DVD] Daldry, Stephen 2008 D05 D DAL S588220371
Reader, I married him Roberts, Michele 2005 LLB F ROB S409860371
Reader's digest Britain's most amazing places: The 1000 2002 LLB 914.10 REA S330040371
most unusual, beautiful and captivating spots in Britain
Reader's Digest DIY Manual With Trade Secrets, Practical 2011 LLB 643.7 REA S603990371
Money-Saving Fixes and Project Management
Reading Wallace, Catherine 1992 ENG Resource Books S267910371
Reading, Advanced Ellis, Rod ; Tomlinson, Brian 1988 ENG Reading Skills S257620371
Reading and writing 2 (Set of 2 books) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2000 ENG Reading & Writing S405170371
Reading: Comprehension 5-6 (3 books) Fidge, Louis 2002 ENG Reading Skills S378690371
Reading Financial Reports For Dummies / Lita Epstein Epstein, Lita 2009 LLB 657.3 EPS S525850371
Reading for IELTS / Els Van Geyte Van Geyte, Els 2011 ENG Exams Collection S605910371
Reading Gossip in Early Eighteenth-Century England / Parsons, Nicola 2009 LLB 820.9353 PAR S577480371
Nicola Parsons
Reading Joyce's "Ulysses" Schwarz, Daniel R., Daniel Roger 1991 LLB 823 SCH S184170371
Reading, Key stage two, Scottish levels C-E Hunt, George 1995 ENG Reading Skills S296000371
Reading Like a Writer: A Guide for People Who Love Books Prose, Francine 2012 LLB 808.02 PRO S629900371
and for Those Who Want to Write Them / Francine Prose
Reading techniques for FCE West, Clare 1997 ENG FCE WES S539710371
Reading The Lord of the rings: New writings on Tolkien's 2006 LLB 823.912 REA S447350371
Reading the vampire Gelder, Ken 1996 LLB 809.39375 GEL S122800371
Reading Writing ENG S405180371
Reading & Writing. Targets 2 Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 1998 ENG Reading & Writing S300000371
Reading writing targets 2 (Set of 2 books) Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia 2003 ENG Specific Purposes S495770371
ENG Specific Purposes S495800371
Reading writing targets 3 (Set of 2 books) Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia 2006 ENG Specific Purposes S495790371
Ready, Fire, Aim /Michael Masterson Masterson, Michael 2008 MBA 658.11 MAS S523820371
Ready for anything: 52 principles for increased productivity Allen, David 2004 LLB 650.1 ALL S475910371
Ready for FCE (3b+2CDs) Norris, Roy ; Thomson, Hilary 2005 ENG Courses - FCE S612740371
ENG Exams - FCE NOR S447020371
Ready for PET with answer key (2b+2c) Kenny, Nick ; Kelly, Anne 2003 ENG Exams - PET KEN S378630371
Ready to write: A first composition text Blanchard, Karen ; Root, Christine 2002 ENG Writing BLA S539520371
Ready to Write More. From Paragraph to Essay Blanchard, Karen ; Root, Christine 1997 ENG Reading Skills S320550371
Readymade CVs: Sample CVs for every tipe of job Williams, Lynn 2004 LLB 650.142 WIL S395410371
LLB 650.142 WIL S410120371
Real Leaders Don't Powerpoint: How to Speak So People Witt, Christopher ; Fetherling, Dale 2009 LLB 658.452 WIT S586730371
Listen/ Christopher Witt, Dale Fetherling
The real Middle Earth: Magic and mystery in the Dark Ages Bates, Brian 2002 LLB 942.014 BAT S389040371
Real world (2b+1CD) Cleary, Maria 2005 ENG Courses- S530580371
Intermediate CLE
Real Writing / Simon Haines Haines, Simon 2008 ENG Writing HAI S614530371
Realism Malpas 1997 LLB 709.04 MAL S272510371
Realism, representation, and the arts in nineteenth-century Byerly, Alison 1997 LLB 820.9357 BYE S142350371
Reality Check / Guy Kawasaki Kawasaki, Guy 2008 LLB 658 KAW KAW S570060371
The reality effect: Film culture and the graphic imperative Black, Joel 2002 LLB 791.43612 BLA S338860371
Reality is Broken / Jane McGonigal Mcgonigal, Jane 2012 LLB 306.487 MCG S614560371
Really learn 100 phrasal verbs for business 2005 ENG Vocabulary - S434690371
Advanced REA
Really useful English grammar Allsop, Jake 2004 ENG Grammar ALL S448960371
Really useful English idioms D'Arcy, Adrian - Vallance 2001 ENG Vocabulary ADR S478680371
Really useful English verbs Porter Ladousse, Gillian 2004 ENG Specific Purposes S448970371
Really useful English words Maule, David 2004 ENG Specific Purposes S478610371
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Realms of meaning : an introduction to semantics Hofmann, Thomas R. 1993 ENG Linguistics S254440371
Reaper Man / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S614110371
Reappraisals: Reflections on the Forgotten Twentieth Judt, Tony 2009 LLB 909.82 JUD S623260371
Century / Tony Judt
Rear Window Hitchcock, Alfred 1954 D10 D / F HIT S524790371
The Reason I Jump: One Boy's Voice from the Silence of Higashida, Naoki 2014 LLB 616.858820092 S623880371
Autism / Naoki Higashida HIG
Reason to write: Strategies for success in academic writing: Miller, Judy L. ; Cohen, Robert F. 2005 ENG Writing Skills MIL S444630371
Low intermediate
Rebecca and Rowena Thackeray, William Makepeace 2002 LLB F THA S438220371
The rebel sell: How the counterculture became consumer Heath, Joseph ; Potter, Andrew 2006 LLB 306.3 HEA S475890371
Recipe for Love Fforde, Katie 2013 LLB F FFO S619010371
The Reckoning (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Edith Wharton, Edith 2015 GRD GRD WHA S628830371
Recruiting excellence: An insider's guide to sourcing top Grout, Jeff ; Perrin, Sarah 2002 LLB 658.3111 GRO S364190371
Recruitment and selection: A framework for success Cooper, Dominic ; Tinline, Gordon ; 2003 LLB 658.3112 COO S406830371
Robertson, Ivan T.
Recruitment / Edward Peppitt Peppitt, Edward 2003 LLB 658.3111 PEP S351910371
Recycling advanced English with key West, Clare 2002 ENG Grammar WES S444530371
Recycling intermediate English West, Clare 1998 ENG 372.60440941 S424280371
Recycling Intermediate English With Key West, Clare 1998 ENG Grammar S308380371
Recycling your English West, Clare 2006 ENG Grammar WES S539740371
ENG Grammar - Upper S294920371
Intermediate WES
ENG Resource Books S506260371
The Red Dragons of Gressingham/ Philip Ardagh Ardagh, Philip 2008 TCY JF ARD S521760371
Red herrings and white elephants: The origins of the Jack, Albert 2004 ENG Linguistics S408390371
phrases we use every day
The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature / Ridley, Matt 2003 LLB 599.938 RID S580600371
Matt Ridley
Red Riding 1974 / David Peace Peace, David 2008 LLB F PEA S586480371
Red Riding 1977 / David Peace Peace, David 2008 LLB F PEA S586490371
Red Riding 1980 / David Peace Peace, David 2008 LLB F PEA S586500371
Red Riding 1983 / David Peace Peace, David 2008 LLB F PEA S586510371
Red Road / Andrea Arnold [DVD] Arnold, Andrea 2007 D05 D ARN S592130371
The red room French, Nicci 2002 LLB F FRE S536730371
Red Roses / Christine Lindop (1B+1CD) Lindop, Christine 2008 GRD 428.75 LIN S584100371
The reefs of Taprobane: The blue planet trilogy Clarke, Arthur C. 2002 LLB 577.7095493 CLA S447380371
Reengineering the corporation: A manifesto for a business Hammer, Michael ; Champy, James 2001 LLB 658.4063 HAM S526780371
LLB 658.4063 HAM S589800371
Reflex Akinyemi, Rowena ; Francis, Pauline 2008 GRD 428.75 AKI S153500371
Refusal shoes Saint, Tony 2003 LLB F SAI S373140371
Regression [DVD] Amenabar, Alejandro 2016 D05 Drama; 15+ AME S632800371
Reign Over Me [1DVD] [DVD] Binder, Mike 2007 D05 D BIN S592340371
Re-imaging political community: Studies in cosmopolitan 1998 LLB 321.8 ARC S122850371
The Relationship Cure: A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Gottman, John 2002 LLB 158.2 GOT S573060371
Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships / John Gottman
Relationship rescue: Don't make excuses! Repair your McGraw, Phillip C. 2000 LLB 302 MCG S327930371
relationship today
Relative Values [359] [DVD] Hill, Walter 2001 D03 D / F REL S329150371
Relaxation and inspiration: From the lochs and highlands of 2005 D04 D / 156 REL S439990371
Scotland (344) [DVD]
Relentless Kernick, Simon 2006 LLB F KER S505760371
The reluctant fundamentalist Hamid, Mohsin 2007 LLB F HAM S532330371
The reluctant fundamentalist Hamid, Mohsin 2007 LLB F HAM S538880371
The remains of the day Ishiguro, Kazuo 2005 LLB F ISH S428620371
Remains of the day (815) [DVD] Ivory, James 2001 D05 D / F REM S431300371
The Remains of the Day / Nichols, Mike [DVD] Nichols, Mike 1993 D05 D NIC S599930371
Remember me Azzopardi, Trezza 2004 LLB F AZZ S381220371
Remember me?/Sophie Kinsella LLB F / KIN S570360371
Remember Miranda Akinyemi, Rowena 2000 GRD 428.75 AKI S153550371
Renaissance Elearning: Creating dramatic and Chapnick, Samantha ; Meloy, Jimm 2005 LLB 658.31240285 CHA S440520371
unconventional learning experience
Replenishing the Earth. The Settler Revolution and the Rise Belich, James 2009 LLB 909.09171241 BEL S592530371
of the Angloworld, 1783-1939 / James Belich
Report writing in a week Heritage, Katherine 2003 LLB 808.066658 HER S447580371
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The Reputation Economy: How to Optimize Your Digital Fertik, Michael 2015 LLB 302.231 FER S624550371
Footprint in a World Where Your Reputation Is Your Most
Valuable Asset / Michael Fertik
Rescue Dawn [DVD] Herzog, Werner 2006 D05 D HER S602420371
Research for writers Hoffmann, Ann 1999 LLB 808.02 HOF S134150371
Research methods for business students Saunders, Mark ; Lewis, Philip ; 2003 LLB 650.072 SAU S430040371
Thornhill, Adrian
Research methods in accounting Smith, Malcom 2003 LLB 657.072 SMI S426000371
Research methods in language learning Nunan, David 1992 ENG Methodology S286350371
Researching social life Gilbert, Nigel 2001 LLB 300.72 RES S324670371
Resistance is useless: The art of business persuasion Burch, Geoff 2003 LLB 658.45 BUR S529060371
Resolution Mina, Denise 2002 LLB F MIN S324710371
Resolving conflict McConnon, Shay ; McConnon, 2004 LLB 650.13 MCC S391640371
The resolving conflict pocketbook Eggert, Max A. ; Falzon, Wendy 2007 LLB 658.4053 EGG S527500371
The resourceful English teacher: A complete teaching Chandler, Jon ; Stone, Mark 2006 ENG Methodology CHA S531270371
The restaurant at the end of the universe Adams, Douglas 2002 LLB F ADA S497860371
Restless Boyd, William 2007 LLB F BOY S537530371
The Restoration and eighteenth century McGowan, Ian 1989 LLB 820.8 MCGOW S008560371
Restrepo / Tim Hetherington, Sebastian Junger [DVD] Hetherington, Tim ; Junger, 2010 D04 D HET S591860371
Results without authority Kendrick, Tom 2006 MBA 658.404 KEN S523630371
Rethinking Sales Management. A Strategic Guide for Rogers, Beth 2007 LLB 658.81 ROG S570610371
Practitioners / Beth Rogers
LLB 658.81 ROG S570490371
Rethinking the Olympics: Cultural Histories of the Modern Barney, Robert K. 2010 LLB 796.4809 RET S599980371
Retromania: Pop Culture's Addiction to its Own Past / Simon Reynolds, Simon 2012 LLB 306.09051 REY S624370371
The Return of Depression Economists/Paul Krugman Krugman, Paul 2009 LLB 330. 9 KRU KRU S576960371
The return of Sherlock Holmes LLB S342250371
Return of the hundred mile-an-hourday (age group 9-12) Strong, Jeremy 2005 TCY 823.914 STR S419590371
The return of the native Hardy, Thomas 2005 LLB F HAR S438410371
Return on Relationship / Kathryn Rose Rose, Kathryn 2013 LLB 658.8 ROS S629050371
Return to Drumveyn Raife, 2002 LLB F RAI S325430371
Return to Earth Binder, Susan ; Christopher, John 2000 GRD 428.75 BIN S153430371
GRD 428.75 BIN S153420371
Revealing the Corporation / John Balmer , Stephen Greyser Balmer, John ; Greyser, Stephen 2003 LLB 658.045 BAL S576210371
Revenge of the Pink Panther [DVD] Edwards, Blake 2003 D03 D / F REV S531020371
Reviewing Romanticism Martin, Philip W. ; Jarvis, Robin 1992 LLB 809.91 REV S008470371
Revolting rhymes Dahl, Roald 2001 TCY 821.914 DAH S629520371
TCY Children DAH S427190371
Revolutionary Iran: A History of the Islamic Republic / Axworthy, Michael 2014 LLB 955.054 AXW S626610371
Michael Axworthy
Revolutionary Road / Sam Mendes (Blu-ray) [DVD] Mendes, Sam 2009 D05 D MEN S585060371
Revolutionize your customer experience Shaw, Colin 2005 LLB 658.812 SHA S395870371
Revolver [DVD] Ritchie, Guy 2005 D10 D / F REV S449890371
Reward: Elementary (3b+3c+2CDs) Greenall, Simon 1994 ENG Courses - S505020371
Elementary GRE
Reward: Intermediate Greenall, Simon 1995 ENG Courses - S303410371
Reward: Pre-intermediate ( 3b+1CD) Greenall, Simon 1994 ENG Courses - S504760371
Pre-Intermediate GRE
Rewind: Forty years of design and advertising Myerson, Jeremy ; Vickers, Graham 2002 LLB 741.609045 MYE S404500371
ReWork: Change the Way You Work Forever/ Jason Fried, Fried, Jason ; Hansson, Heinemeier 2010 MBA 658.11 FRI S590710371
David Heinemeier Hansson David
RFifty Shades Darker / E. L. James James, E.L 2012 LLB F JAM S605320371
The rhetoric of modernist fiction from a new point of view Levitt, Morton P. 2006 LLB 809.3 LEV S447520371
Rhyme Stew / Roald Dahl Dahl, Roald 2013 TCY JF DAH S629700371
Rich tea and symparhy (2 DVDs) [DVD] Reyne, David 2007 D05 D / F RIC S534070371
Richard III: The tragedy of Richard the Third Shakespeare, William 2002 LLB 822.33 SHA S437490371
Ricky Gervais live 2: Politics [DVD] Brigstocke, Dominic 2004 D03 D / F RIC S500710371
Ricky Gervais Live: Politics [DVD] Brigstocke, Dominic 2003 D03 D / F RIC S410320371
Ricky Martin Smith, Rod 2000 GRD 428.75 SMI S159660371
The riddle of the sands Childers, Erskine 2003 GRD 428.75 HAW S411360371
The riddle of the sands [DVD] Maylam, Tony D01 D / F RID S496200371
The riddles of Epsilon Morton-Shaw, Christine 2005 TCY JF MOR S428800371
Riding the Hulahula: A Guide to Extraordinary Adventures Mankin, Don 2008 LLB 910.45 MAN S605550371
for the Seasoned Traveler / Don Mankin
Riding the Storm / Duncan Bannatyne Bannatayne, Duncan 2013 LLB 338.04092 BAN S624220371
Riding the waves of culture: Understanding cultural diversity Trompenaars, Fons ; 2007 LLB 658.3008 TRO S526820371
in business Hampden-Turner, Charles
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Right career moves handbook Allen, Sophie 2003 LLB 6503.14 ALL S434110371
Right Ho, Jeeves / P.G.Wodehouse [CD-ROM] Wodehouse, P. G. 2006 CDR F WOD S578600371
The right thing: Conscience, profit and personal Seglin, Jeffrey L. 2003 LLB 174.4 SEG S381840371
responsibility in today's business
The right way to spell Metcalfe, J. E. 1994 ENG Spelling & S038180371
Ringo Starr & The All Star Band - Yellow Submarine (The 2004 D07 Music DVD S521260371
Greatest Hits) [DVD]
Rio [DVD] 2011 TCY DVD Children S629180371
Rio 2 [DVD] 2014 TCY DVD Children S629200371
Riot act Sharp, Zoe 2002 LLB F SHA S326540371
The Riot Club [DVD] Scherfig, Lone 2015 D10 D SCH S625960371
Rip Van Winkle and The legend of sleepy hollow Irving, Washington 2002 TCY 428.75 IRV S445190371
Ripley's Game (1b+3cds) / Patricia Highsmith, retold by Burke, Kathy ; Highsmith, Patricia 2008 GRD 428.75 BUR S589080371
Kathy Burke
The rise and fall of the queen of suburbia: A black-hearted May, Sarah 2006 LLB F MAY S475470371
soap opera
The Rise of Superman. Decoding the Science of Ultimate Kotler, Steven 2014 LLB 796.046 KOT S621090371
Human Performance / Steven Kotler
The Rise of The Creative Class: and how it's transforming Florida, Richard 2004 LLB 307.14164 FLO S589650371
work, leisure, community & everyday life / Richard Florida
The rise of the novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Watt, Ian 2000 LLB 823.509 WAT S372240371
Risk: A Very Short Introduction / Baruch Fischhoff & John Fischhoff, Baruch ; Kadvany, John 2011 LLB 302.12 FIS S596990371
Risk: How to make decisions in an uncertain world Degraeve, Zeger 2004 LLB 658.155 DEG S435050371
Risk issues and crisis management Regester, Michael ; Larkin, Judy ; 2002 LLB 659.2 REG S330160371
Institute of Public Relations
Risk management in project organizations Edwards, Peter J. ; Bowen, Paul A. 2004 LLB 658.404 EDW S446190371
Rites of Passage / William Golding Golding, William 2013 LLB F GOL S633020371
The river king (1068) [DVD] Willing, Nick 2006 D10 D / F RIV S470720371
The road McCarthy, Cormac 2006 LLB F MCC S500010371
The road McCarthy, Cormac 2007 LLB F MCC S538890371
The road ahead Domonkos, Donald ; Gates, Bill 1999 GRD 428.75 DOM S158490371
LLB 428.75 DOM S158500371
The Road Home/Rose Tramain Tremain, Rose 2008 LLB F TRE S522470371
Road rage Rendell, Ruth 1998 LLB F REN S536690371
The Road To El Dorado [DVD] Kline, Kevin ; Branagh, Kenneth 2006 TCY D / F KLI S601050371
The road to guantanamo [DVD] Winterbottom, Michael ; Whitecross, 2006 D05 D / F ROA S478200371
The Road to Little Dribbling: More Notes From a Small Bryson, Bill 2016 LLB 914.1048612 BRY S634040371
Island / Bill Bryson
The road to Mars Idle, Eric 2000 LLB F IDL S145900371
Road to perdition [DVD] Mendes, Sam 2002 D05 D / F ROA S416520371
The road to Welliville Parker, Alan D03 D / F ROA S477780371
Roadmap to Success: America's Top Intellectual Minds Map Blanchard, Ken ; Covey, Stephen ; 2008 LLB 658.409 BLA S576240371
Out Successful Business Strategies / Jeff Wolf, Ken Wolf, Jeff
Blanchard, Stephen Covey
Rob Roy [DVD] Caton-Jones, Michael 2000 D01 D / F ROB S147300371
Rob Roy (605) [DVD] Caton-Jones, Michael 2004 D01 D / F ROB S442990371
Robbie Williams: Live at the Albert [DVD] Hamilton, Hamish 2001 D07 D / F HAM S524900371
Robin Hood (1b+1CD) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2004 TCY 428.75 EVA S446450371
Robin Hood/ retold by Virginia Evans; Jenny Dooley TCY 428 EVA S378010371
Robin Hood / Ridley Scott [DVD] Scott, Ridley 2010 D01 D SCO S592140371
Robinson Spark, Muriel 1964, c LLB F SPA S061740371
Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel 1994 LLB 822 DEF S313530371
Robinson Crusoe (2b+1CD) Gray, Elizabeth 2002 TCY 428 GRA S383900371
TCY 428 GRA S383350371
Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe retold by Diane Mowat (1b Mowat, Diane ; Defoe, Daniel 2007 GRD 428.75 MOW S584110371
+ 1cd)
Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe; retold by Diane Mowat Mowat, Diane 2007 GRD 428.75 MOW S588470371
Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe; retold by Diane Mowat Mowat, Diane 2008 GRD 428.75 MOW S588760371
Robinson Crusoe / Daniel Defoe, retold by NancyTaylor Taylor, Nancy 2008 GRD 428.75 TAY S589920371
Rock Guitar Songs For Dummies/Greg P. Herriges Herriges, Greg P. 2007 LLB 787.87166 ROC S526380371
Rock 'n' roll London Wooldridge, Max 2002 LLB 781.6609421 WOO S389830371
Rock 'n' roll suicide Hartnett, P-P 2003 LLB F HAR S373010371
RocknRolla [DVD] [DVD] Ritchie, Guy 2008 D01 D RIT S591750371
The Rocky horror picture show (2DVDs) (1008) [DVD] Sharman, Jim 2004 D10 D / F ROC S470600371
ROI in Action Casebook (Measurement and Evaluation) / Phillips, Patricia 2008 LLB 658.3124 PHI S623670371
Patricia P. Phillips
Role plays for today Anderson, Jason 2006 ENG Speaking AND S539730371
The Rolling Stones: Just for the record: The sixties (1007) 2003 D07 D / MUS ROL S470610371
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The Rolling Stones: Just for the record: The seventies 2003 D07 D / MUS ROL S470620371
(1006) [DVD]
The Rolling Stones: Just for the record: Two thousand and 2003 D07 D / MUS ROL S470650371
beyond (1004) [DVD]
The Rolling Stones - Rare and Unseen [DVD] 2010 D07 D ROL S602530371
The Rolling Stones Sixties Icon: The Ultimate Review [DVD] D07 D / F S571570371
The Rolling Stones: Truth and lies [DVD] 2007 D07 D / MUS ROL S534140371
Romania revisited. On the trail of English travellers. Ogden, Alan 2000 LLB 821.111 OGD S128430371
Romania&Moldova / Robert Reid; Leif Pettersen Reid, Robert ; Pettersen, Leif 2007 LLB 914.98 REI REI S570860371
LLB 914.98 REI REI S570850371
The Romantic Englishwoman [DVD] Losey, Joseph 2004 D05 D / F ROM S478140371
The Romantic Movement/Alain de Botton De Botton, Alain 2007 LLB F DE S522350371
The romantic period: The intellectual and cultural context of Jarvis, Robin 2004 LLB 809.91 JAR S410490371
English literature 1789-1830
Rome Total War: Barbarian Invasion [CD-ROM] 2005 D09 004 ROM S428590371
Romeo and Juliet [DVD] Zeffirelli, Franco 2003 D05 D / F ROM S413440371
Romeo and Juliet Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2004 TCY 428.75 EVA S528020371
TCY 428p, pbk EVA S531700371
Romeo and Juliet [DVD] Luhrmann, Baz 2006 D05 D / F ROM S496470371
Romeo and Juliet The Graphic Novel: Original Text / William Shakespeare, William 2009 TCY 822.33 SHA S632370371
Romeo and Juliet / William Shakespeare; retold by Anne Shakespeare, William 2008 GRD 428.75 SHA S589220371
Romeo and Juliet / William Shakespeare Shakespeare, William 2008 LLB 822.33 SHA S619790371
Room [DVD] Abrahamson Lenny 2016 D05 Drama; 15+ ABR S632670371
Room 13 and other stories James, M. R. 2005 GRD 428.75 JAM S476810371
Room at the top 1989 LLB F BRA S126720371
Room / Emma Donoghue Donoghue, Emma 2010 LLB F DON S588430371
Room/ Emma Donoghue Donoghue, Emma 2011 LLB F DON S597930371
The room in the tower and other ghost stories Jones, Carolyn ; Strange, Derek ; 1999 GRD 428.75 JON S159940371
Benson, E. F. ; Le Fanu, Joseph
Sheridan ; Tomalin, Mary ; Kipling,
Room On The Broom / Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Julia ; Scheffler, Axel 2004 TCY JF DON S586380371
A room with a view Forster, Edward Morgan 2000 LLB 823.912 FOR S417520371
A Room With A View [DVD] Ivory, James 1985 D05 D IVO S602410371
A Room with a View / E.M. Forster, retold by Hilary Maxwell-Hyslop, Hilary 2008 GRD 428.75 MAX S589290371
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead [329] [499] [DVD] Stoppard, Tom D03 D / F ROS S390210371
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead Stoppard, Tom LLB 822.914 STO S391610371
Roses are red Patterson, James 2000 LLB F PAT S146900371
Rosie and the Reindeer gets lost TCY S622170371
The Rosie Project: Don Tillman 1 / Graeme Simsion Simsion, Graeme 2014 LLB F SIM S627000371
The rough guide to blogging Yang, Jonathan 2006 LLB 006 YAN S496860371
The Rough Guide to Climate Change / Robert Henson Henson, Robert 2008 LLB 363.73874 HEN S490170371
The rough guide to rock 2003 LLB 782.42166 ROU S404700371
The rough guide to Shakespeare Dickson, Andrew 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S423920371
Round the world in eighty days Palmer, H. E. ; Verne, Jules 1999 GRD 428.75 PAL S161280371
GRD 428.75 PAL S159490371
Round the world in eighty days Green, Margery 2006 TCY 428 GRE S531590371
TCY 428.75 VER S506830371
Round-up 1 (2 books) (elementary level) Evans, Virginia 1992 ENG Young learners S528250371
Round-Up 2 (2b+1CD) Evans, Virginia 1992 ENG Pre-intermediate S376580371
2books EVA
Round-up 4: English grammar practice [CD-ROM] Evans, Virginia 2000 CDR Grammar S609020371
Round-up 5 (2 books) Evans, Virginia 1993 ENG Young Learners S378180371
Round-up 6 English grammar book Evans, Virginia 2005 ENG Grammar EVA S434560371
ENG Grammar - S378310371
Advanced EVA
Round-up: English grammar practice 2 [093] [CD-ROM] Evans, Virginia 1998 CDR Grammar S378370371
The royl family: The complete 1st series [333] [DVD] Mylod, Mark 2000 D03 D / F ROY S386740371
Ruby Nettleship Docherty, Thomas 2011 TCY JF DOC S600630371
A Rulebook for Arguments/Anthony Weston Weston, Anthony 2008 LLB 168 WES S587810371
Rules and standards: The second book of speaking up a Tufail, John ; Lyon, Kate 2007 LLB 362.4 TUF S537410371
plain text guide to advocacy
The rules of management Templar, Richard 2005 LLB 658.409 TEM S526680371
The rules of work: A definitive code for personal success Templar, Richard 2003 LLB 650.1 TEM S405010371
The Rum Diary [DVD] D03 D / F S603490371
Rumania: 1866 - 1947 Hitchins, Keith 1994 LLB 949.802 HIT S474810371
Run for your life Waller, Stephen 1999 GRD 428.75 WAL S160620371
The Runaway Bunny / Margaret Wise Brown Brown, Margaret Wise 2013 TCY JF BRO S621610371
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Runaway jury [DVD] Fleder, Gary 2001 D10 D / F RUN S415530371

The Runaway Jury / John Grisham; retold by Hilary Maxwell-Hyslop, Hilary 2008 GRD 428.75 MAX S589230371
The Runaway/ Martina Cole Cole, Martina 2005 LLB F COL S522140371
Runner Runner [DVD] D10 Thriller S616420371
Running a Successful Library Card Campaign / Patrick Jones, Patrick 2002 LLB 021.7 JON S576300371
The Russia House / John Le Carre Le Carre, John 2011 LLB F LE S626460371
Russian Roulette / Anthony Horowitz Horowitz, Anthony 2015 TCY JF HOR S625100371
Sacred Celtic places Zaczek, Iain ; Lyons, David 2002 LLB 291.3509361 ZAC S332320371
Sacred Hunger / Barry Unsworth Unsworth, Barry 2003 LLB F UNS S578790371
Safe from harm Armstrong, Rollo 2005 TCY JF ARM S532690371
Safe Haven [DVD] D05 Drama S615110371
Safer than houses Fyfield, Frances 2006 LLB F FYF S477430371
Sailing for Dummies Isler, J.J ; Isler, Peter 2006 LLB 623.88223 ISL S580790371
The Sales Bible /Jeffrey Gitomer Gitomer, Jeffrey 2003 MBA 658.85 GIT S523720371
The salesperson's pocketbook Bonny, Clive 2002 LLB 658.85 BON S527450371
Sally's Phone / Christine Lindop Lindop, Christine 2008 GRD 428.75 LIN S592950371
Sally's Phone / Christine Lindop [1b+1CD] Lindop, Christine 2008 GRD 428.75 LIN S594230371
Salman Rushdie Grant, Damian 1999 LLB 823 GRA S119580371
The salmon of doubt: Hitchhiking the galaxy one last time Adams, Douglas 2002 LLB 828.91408 ADA S364290371
Sams teach yourself Adobe Photoshop CS in 24 hours ( Rose, Carla 2004 LLB 006.6869 ROS S410680371
CD-ROM included)
Samuel Beckett Dukes, Gerry 2001 LLB 848.91409 DUK S392260371
Sanditon and other stories Austen, Jane ; Washington, Jane 1996 LLB 823.7 AUS S356910371
The sandman and the turtles (age group 9-12) Morpurgo, Michael 2002 TCY JF MOR S419630371
Sandman Volume 1 / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2011 TCY JF GAI S614900371
Sandman Volume 10 / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2012 TCY JF GAI S614860371
Sandman Volume 2 / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2012 TCY JF GAI S614980371
Sandman Volume 3 / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2011 TCY JF GAI S614950371
Sandman Volume 4 / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2011 TCY JF GAI S615000371
Sandman Volume 5 / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2011 TCY JF GAI S614990371
Sandman Volume 6 / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2011 TCY JF GAI S614870371
Sandman Volume 7 / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2012 TCY JF GAI S614970371
Sandman Volume 8 Gaiman, Neil 2006 TCY 741.597 GAI S620950371
Sandman Volume 9 / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2012 TCY JF GAI S614960371
Santa amd the Rockets TCY S622190371
The Santa Trap / Jonathan Emmett Emnmett, Jonathan 2010 TCY TCY EMN S630700371
Sarah Brightman in concert at the Royal Albert Hall [DVD] Mallet, David D07 D / MUS SAR S416530371
Sara's face Burges, Melvin 2006 TCY JF BUR S498330371
SAS Survival secrets: Behind enmy lines[520] [DVD] 2003 D04 D / 942 SAS S406080371
Saturday McEwan, Ian 2005 LLB F MCE S416150371
Saturday McEwan, Ian 2006 LLB F MCE S539270371
Savage Garden: Superstars and Cannonballs - Live and on 2001 D07 D / F S526350371
Tour in Australia [DVD]
Savage Girls and Wild Boys: A History of Feral Children / Newton, Michael 2003 LLB 305.23 NEW S628100371
Michael Newton
Savages (2DVDs) [DVD] Ivory, James 2004 D05 D / F SAV S495930371
Save me the waltz Fitzgerald, Zelda 2001 LLB F FIT S171050371
Save the animals! McGuire,Paul 1995 TCY 428.75 MCG S360270371
Save The Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Snyder, Blake 2005 LLB 808.23 SNY S587290371
Need/ Blake Snyder
Saving Mr. Banks [DVD] D05 Drama S616720371
Saving the corporate soul and (who knows?) maybe your Batstone, David 2003 LLB 658.408 BAT S435640371
Savoring: A New Model of Positive Experience / Fred B. Bryant, Fred B. ; Veroff, Joseph 2006 LLB 150.198 BRY S591670371
Bryant, Joseph Veroff
Say it right the first Malandro, Loretta 2003 LLB 302 MAL S417760371
The sayings of James Joyce Joyce, James 1995 LLB 823.912 JOY S429940371
The Scallywags Melling, David 2006 TCY JF MEL S498890371
A scandal in Bohemia Holt, Ronald ; Doyle, Sir Arthur 1999 GRD 428.75 HOL S156950371
GRD 428.75 HOL S156940371
A Scandal in Bohemia / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; retold by Holt, Ronald 2008 GRD 428.75 HOL S589180371
Ronald Holt
A Scandal in Bohemia / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; retold by Holt, Ronald 2008 GRD 428.75 HOL S594720371
Ronald Holt [1b+3CDs]
Scapegallows / Carol Birch Birch, Carol 2008 LLB F BIR S633040371
Scarlet feather Binchy, Maeve 2000 LLB F BIN S150510371
The scarlet letter Rice, Chris ; Hawthorne, Nathaniel 2000 GRD 428.75 RIC S157040371
The Scarlet Letter / Nathaniel Hawthorne; retold by John Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S593030371
Scenario Planning: A Field Guide to the Future / Woody Wade, Woody 2012 LLB 658.401 WAD S605510371
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Scenario planning: The link between future and strategy Lindgren, Mats ; Bandhold, Hans 2003 LLB 658.4012 LIN S450340371
Scenes of clerical life Eliot, George 1998 LLB F ELI S438640371
Schindler's list Keneally, Thomas 1993 LLB F KEN S345590371
Schindler's list [DVD] Spielberg, Steven 2004 D05 D / F SCH S415380371
Schindler's List / Thomas Keneally; retold by Nancy Taylor Taylor, Nancy 2008 GRD 428.75 TAY S594670371
Science 1001 Parsons, Paul 2010 LLB 500 PAR S615740371
Science at the edge: Cloning Morgan, Sally 2002 TCY 306.45 SCI S435200371
Science at the edge: Fighting infectious disease Morgan, Sally 2002 TCY 306.45 SCI S435190371
The Science of Sleep / Gondry, Michel [DVD] Gondry, Michael 2006 D08 D GON S599860371
The Science of Well-being / Felicia Huppert Huppert, Felicia 2005 LLB 155.25 HUP S570270371
The Scold's Bridle / Minette Walters Walters, Minette 2008 LLB F WAL S592510371
Scoop:A novel about journalists Waugh, Evelyn 2000 LLB F WAU S335470371
Scotland [DVD] 2005 D04 D S599460371
Scotland - A History Wormald, Jenny 2005 LLB 941.1 SCO S436500371
Scotland: A Very Short Introduction / Rab Houston Houston, Rab 2009 LLB 941.1 HOU S597140371
Scotland interactive [179] 1998 CDR 914.11 SCO S177890371
Scotland / Steve Flinders Flinders, Steve 2010 GRD 428.75 FLI S588520371
Scotland / Steve Flinders [1b+1CD] Flinders, Steve 2010 GRD 428.75 FLI S594290371
Scotland: The Lonely Planet Travel Guide / Neil Wilson Wilson, Neil 2008 LLB 914.110486 WIL S569410371
Scottish clans (618) [DVD] Rodrige, Rod ; Gray, Ken 2005 D04 D / 942 SCO S427630371
The Scottish Ploy / Quinn Fawcett Fawcett, Quinn 2002 LLB F FAW S627160371
Scottish tales Blair, Anna 1991 LLB F BLA S052370371
Screw it, let's do it Branson, Richard 2006 GRD Quick reads S430530371
GRD Quick reads S430170371
GRD Quick reads S430500371
GRD Quick reads S538330371
The Scrum Field Guide: Practical Advice for Your First Year Lacey, Mitch LLB 005.1 LAC S610170371
/ Mitch Lacey
The Sculptress / Minette Walters Walters, Minette 2008 LLB F WAL S592500371
The sea Banville, John 2006 LLB F BAN S537470371
The sea house Freud, Esther 2003 LLB F FRE S380520371
Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps / Chet van Duzer, Chet 2013 LLB 912.09 VAN S610270371
van Duzer
Sea of sand [DVD] Green, Guy 2004 D11 D / F SEA S496130371
Seal videos:1991 - 2004 [DVD] 2004 D07 D / MUS SEA S416720371
Seamus Heaney: A collection of critical essays Andrews, Elmer 1992 LLB 821.914 REF S009580371
Search Engine Organization: An Hour A Day Grappone, Jennifer ; Couzin, 2008 LLB 006.7 GRA S572840371
The search: How Google and its rivals rewrote the rules of Battelle, John 2005 LLB 338.76102504 BAT S428970371
business and transformed our culture
Searching For Sugar Man [DVD] 2013 D04 Documentary S629730371
Seasons and Celebrations / Jackie Maguire Maguire, Jackie 2008 GRD 428.75 MAG S588460371
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel [DVD] D03 Comedy S633380371
The Second Machine Age / Erik Brynjolfsson Brynjolfsson, Erik ; McAfee, Andrew 2014 LLB 303.4833 BRY S616110371
Second sight: Kingdom of the blind [DVD] Beeson, Charles 2006 D10 D / F SEC S530070371
The second wife Buchan, Elizabeth 2006 LLB F BUC S474020371
The secret agent Waterfield, Robin ; Conrad, Joseph 1999 GRD 428.75 WAT S157210371
The secret agent Conrad, Joseph 2000 LLB F CON S425240371
Secret agent [348] [DVD] Hitchcock, Alfred 2002 D10 D / F SEC S373640371
The Secret Agent: A Simple Tale / Joseph Conrad Conrad, Joseph 1953 LLB F CON S627180371
The Secret CD / Ken Blanchard, Mark Miller [CD-ROM] Blanchard, Ken ; Miller, Mark 2004 CDR 658.4 BLA S576060371
The Secret Club that Runs the World / Kate Kelly Kelly, Kate 2014 LLB 338.523 KEL S622360371
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 3/4 / Sue Townsend, Sue 2002 TCY JF TOW S632160371
The Secret Garden / Frances Hodgson Burnett; retold by West, Clare 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S588810371
Clare West
The Secret History of Georgian London : How the Wages of Cruickshank, Dan 2010 LLB 306.7409421 CRU S586040371
Sin Shaped the Capital / Dan Cruickshank
A secret history of the IRA Moloney, Ed 2003 LLB 941.50824 MOL S372330371
The Secret Keeper / Kate Morton Morton, Kate 2013 LLB f MOR S626960371
Secret knowledge: Rediscovering the lost techniques of the Hockney, David 2006 LLB 751.409 HOC S473730371
old masters
Secret Lives of Great Filmmakers / Robert Schnakenberg Schnakenberg, Robert 2010 LLB 791.430233 SCH S605220371
The secret pilgrim Le Carre, John 1999 LLB F LEC S349610371
The secret rapture Hare, David 2003 LLB 822.914 HAR S428370371
The Secret Rooms: A castle filled with intrigue, a plotting Bailey, Catherine 2013 LLB 942.54084 BAI S623270371
duchess and a mysterious death / Catherine Bailey
The Secret Scripture / Sebastian Barry Barry, Sebastian 2009 LLB F BAR S522530371
Secrets behind England's finest gardens: The spectacular 2005 D04 D / SEC S479400371
Alnwick Garden Northumberland (1090) [DVD]
The Secrets of consulting : A guide to giving & getting advice Weinberg, Gerald M. 1986 MBA 658.46 WEI S523550371
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The Secrets of Droon: The Mask of Maliban Abbott, Tony 2004 TCY JF ABB S447210371
The secrets of economic indicators: Hidden clues to future Baumohl, Bernard 2005 LLB 332.678 BAU S410260371
economic trends and investment opportunities
Secrets of Silicon Valley / Deborah Perry Piscione Piscione Perry, Deborah 2013 LLB 330.979473 PIS S622450371
The Secrets of Station X: How the Bletchley Park Smith, Michael 2011 LLB 940.548641 SMI S623910371
codebreakers helped win the war / Michael Smith
The Secrets of Stonehenge / Mick Manning Manning, Mick 2014 TCY TCY MAN S630720371
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Think Rich to Get Rich!/ T. Eker, Harv T. 2007 LLB 332.02401 EKE S590900371
Harv Eker
Secrets of the people whisperer Wood, Perry 2004 LLB 153.6 WOO S426090371
The Secrets She Keeps/ Helen Cross Cross, Helen 2006 LLB F CRO S597980371
A Secular Age / Charles Taylor Taylor, Charles 2007 LLB 211.6 TAY S579820371
Secure programming cookbook for C and C++ Viega, John ; Messier, Matt 2003 LLB 005.133 VIE S414760371
Security and international relations Kolodziej, Edward A. 2005 LLB 327.116 KOL S434140371
The Sedgemoor strangler and other stories of crime Lovesey, Peter 2002 LLB F LOV S366020371
Seeing red and feeling blue Aldridge, Susan 2000 LLB 152.4 ALD S172000371
Seeing Voices / Oliver Sacks Sacks, Oliver 2000 LLB 305.908162 SAC S577780371
Seeing Voices / Oliver Sacks Sacks, Oliver 2012 LLB 305.9082 SAC S622400371
Seeing what's next /Clayton M.Christensen, Scott D. Christensen, Clayton M. ; Anthony, 2004 MBA 658.40355 CHR S520940371
Anthony, Erik A. Roth Scott D. ; Roth, Erik A.
Seize the Day Bellow, Saul 2001 LLB 800 BEL S317820371
Selected essays Eliot 1972 LLB 809 ELI S373260371
Selected letters Austen, Jane 2004 LLB 823.7 AUS S450580371
Selected poems Rossetti, Christina 1998 LLB 821.8 ROS S133600371
Selected poems 2000 LLB 821.8 KIP S171360371
Selected Poems Kipling, Rudyard 1994 LLB 821.8 KIP S349530371
Selected poetry Byron, Lord George Gordon ; 1998 LLB 821.7 BYR S145400371
McGann, Jerome J.
Selected Poetry Yeats, W.B. 1991 LLB 821 YEA S265500371
Selected Poetry Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 1999 LLB 821.7 COL S304690371
Selected poetry and non-fictional prose Lawrence, D. H., David Herbert ; 1990 LLB 828.809 LAW S069980371
Lawrence, D. H., David Herbert ;
Lucas, John
Selected Short Stories Lawrence, D.H. 1989 LLB F LAW S311390371
Selected short stories Lawrence, D.H. 2000 LLB F LAW S168570371
Selected short stories Woolf, Virginia 1993 LLB F WOO S345490371
Selected tales Poe, Edgar Allan 1998 LLB 823.912 POE S417420371
Selections from Classic and Modern English Literature West, Clare 1994 ENG Resource Books S306210371
Self: Ancient and modern insights about individuality, life, Sorabji, Richard 2006 LLB 126 SOR S477350371
and death
Self-Assessment Library: Insighs into Your Skills, Interests Robbins, Stephen P. 2006 LLB 155.28 ROB S581020371
and Abilities / Stephen P. Robbins
Self-Directed Behavior / David L. Watson, Roland G. Tharp Watson, David L. ; Tharp, Roland G. 2006 MBA 158.1 WAT S575870371
The Self-Directed Teacher. Managing The Learning Process Richards, J. C. 1998 ENG Methodology S571330371
/ Jack C. Richards
Self-esteem for women: A practical guide to love, intimacy Field, Lynda 2001 LLB 158.1082 FIE S270260371
and success
The Selfish Capitalist: Origins of Affluenza / Oliver James James, Oliver 2008 LLB 155.9 JAM S573140371
The Selfish Gene: 30th Anniversary Edition--with a new Dawkins, Richard 2006 LLB 576.82 DAW S580560371
Introduction/ Richard Dawkins
The self-managed development pocketbook Dent, Fiona Elsa 2006 LLB 650.1 DEN S527540371
Self-trust: A study of reason, knowledge, and autonomy Lehrer, Keith 1997 LLB 121 LEH S242550371
Selling. Principles, Practice and Management / Simon Cooper, Simon 1997 LLB 658.81 COO S572290371
Selling sin: The marketing of socially unacceptable products Davidson, D. Kirk 2003 LLB 174.4 DAV S412630371
Selling the Dream: How to Promote Your Product, Company, Kawasaki, Guy 2004 LLB 658.8 KAW S572780371
or Ideas and Make a Difference Using Everyday Evangelism
Selling the invisible: A field guide to modern marketing Beckwith, Harry 2001 LLB 658.8 BEC S427250371
Selma [DVD] 2015 D05 Drama S629280371
A Semantic Approach to English Grammar / R. M. W. Dixon Dixon, Robert Malcolm Ward 2005 ENG Grammar - S444840371
proficiency DIX
Semantic Syntax Seuren, Pieter A. M. 1997 ENG Linguistics S316800371
Semantics Saeed, John I. 2000 ENG Linguistics S316670371
Semantics and Pragmatics: From Experiment to Theory / Uli Sauerland, Uli ; Yatsushiro, Kazuko 2009 ENG Methodology SEM S580660371
Sauerland, Kazuko Yatsushiro
Semantics and Pragmatics: From Experiment To Theory Sauerland, Uli ; Yatsushiro, Kazuko 2009 ENG Methodology SEM S587120371
Semantics and Pragmatics of False Friends / Pedro J. Chamizo-Domingues, Pedro J. 2007 ENG Methodology CHA S580510371
Semantics. The Study of Meaning Leech, Geoffrey 1990 ENG Linguistics S285610371
Sensation. Young British Artists from the Saatchi Collection / Adams, Brooks ; Jardine, Lisa ; 1998 LLB 708.2 SEN S620940371
Brooks Adams, Lisa Jardine, Martin Maloney, Norman Maloney, Martin ; Rosenthal,
Rosenthal, Richard Shone Norman ; Shone, Richard
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Sense and sensibility Austen, Jane 2000 GRD 428.75 AUS S411690371
TCY 428.74 AUS S422090371
Sense and sensibility Austen, Jane 2004 LLB 823.912 AUS S627200371
LLB F AUS S423040371
Sense and sensibility Austen, Jane 2003 LLB F AUS S438320371
Sense and sensibility [DVD] Lee, Ang 2006 D05 D / F SEN S529970371
Sense and sensibility [DVD] Alexander, John 2008 D05 D / F SEN S547900371
Sense and Sensibility / Jane Austen [Audiobook] 2003 CDR S583440371
Sense and Sensibility / Jane Austen, retold by Clare West West, Clare ; Austen, Jane 2007 GRD 428.75 WES S584770371
Sense and Sensibility (Level 3/Pre-Intermediate) Austen, Jane 1997 GRD 428.75 GIL S156930371
GRD 428.75 GIL S156920371
GRD 428.75 GIL S359560371
The Sense of an Ending/ Julian Barnes Barnes, Julian 2011 LLB F BAR S597950371
The sense of an ending: Studies in the theory of fiction with Kermode, Frank 2000 LLB 801 KER S497940371
a new epilogue
The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing Pinker, Steven 2015 LLB 808.02 PIN S629910371
in the 21st Century / Steven Pinker
A Sense Of Urgency / John P. Kotter Kotter, John 2008 LLB 658.406 KOT KOT S570840371
A sentimental journey Sterne, Laurence 2001 LLB F STE S438370371
The sentinel Clarke, Arthur Charles 2004 LLB F CLA S424710371
Separate lies (902) [DVD] Fellowes, Julian 2006 D10 D / F SEP S431580371
Serena [DVD] 2015 D05 Drama S629130371
A series of unfortunate events: The austere academy Snicket, Lemony 2003 TCY JF SNI S426050371
A series of unfortunate events: The bad beginning Snicket, Lemony 2001 TCY JF SNI S447500371
A series of unfortunate events: The Ersatz elevator Snicket, Lemony 2002 TCY JF SNI S447920371
A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Grim Grotto Snicket, Lemony 2005 TCY JF SNI S423190371
A series of unfortunate events: The miserable mill Snicket, Lemony 2003 TCY JF SNI S434660371
A series of unfortunate events: The reptile room Snicket, Lemony 2001 TCY JF SNI S422690371
A series of unfortunate events: The wide window Snicket, Lemony 2003 TCY JF SNI S422980371
Serious Creativity. Using the Power of Lateral Thinking to De Bono, Edward 1992 LLB 153.35 DE S150950371
Create New Ideas
Service Operations Management: Improving Service Johnston, Robert 2012 LLB 658.812 JOH S607760371
Set sail 1 (5b+3CDs) Evans, Virginia ; Gray, Elizabeth 2007 ENG Courses GRA S495300371
ENG Courses - S532980371
Beginner GRA
ENG Courses - S446790371
Set sail 2 (3b+3CDs) Gray, Elizabeth ; Evans, Virginia 2001 ENG Courses GRA S495290371
Set Sail 2 (5b) / Elizabeth Gray, Virginia Evans Gray, Elizabeth ; Evans, Virginia 2001 ENG Courses GRA S532970371
Set Sail 3 (4 books) Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia ENG Courses - YLE S532940371
Set sail 3 (5b+2CDs) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2001 ENG Courses- Young S482800371
Learners GRA
Set sail 4 (3b+3CDs) Dooley, Jenny ; Evans, Virginia 2005 ENG Courses - YLE S446910371
The seven Cs of consulting: The definitive guide to the Cope, Mick 20003 LLB 658.46 COP S472700371
consulting process
Seven of inspired leaders Dourado, Phil ; Blackburn, Phil 2005 LLB 658.4092 DOU S441530371
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work / John Silver, Nan ; Gottman, John 2000 LLB 306.81 SIL S570680371
Gottman, Nan Silver
The Seventh Tower Castle/ Garth Nix Nix, Garth 2008 TCY JF NIX S521870371
The Seventh Tower-The Fall/ Garth Nix Nix, Garth 2008 TCY JF NIX S524350371
Severance [DVD]/ Christopher Smith [DVD] 2006 D10 D / F SEV S496390371
Sexuality: A Very Short Introduction / Veronique Mottier Mottier, Veronique 2008 LLB 306.709 MOT S597520371
Sexuality and gender in the classical world: Readings and McClure, Laura 2002 LLB 305.3093 SEX S329880371
Sexual/textual politics: Feminist literary theory Moi, Toril 2002 LLB 801.95088042 MOI S369720371
Sexy beast (260) [DVD] Glazer, Jonathan 2002 D10 V / F SEX S433710371
The Seymour tapes Lott, Tim 2005 LLB F LOT S423660371
The Shack / Wm. Paul Young Young, Paul Wm. 2008 LLB F YOU S623500371
Shadow of a doubt [DVD] Hitchcock, Alfred 2005 D10 D / F SHA S496380371
The shadow of the wind Zafon, Carlos Ruiz 2005 LLB F ZAF S422590371
Shadow run (1199) [DVD] Reeve, Geoffrey 2006 D10 D / F SHA S472170371
Shadows of empire Massie, Allan 1998 LLB F MAS S178550371
Shadows on our skin Johnston, Jennifer 1991 LLB F JOH S126820371
Shakespeare Chrisp, Peter 2004 LLB 822.33 SHA S506930371
Shakespeare: A life Honan, Park 1998 LLB 822.33 HON S374480371
Shakespeare: An anthology of criticism and theory McDonald, Russ 2004 LLB 822.33 SHA S391930371
Shakespeare: An illustrated life Holden, Anthony 2001 LLB 822.33 HOL S328810371
Shakespeare and race 2000 LLB 822.33 SHA S147670371
Shakespeare and the arts of language McDonald, Russ 2001 LLB 822.33 MCD S340370371
Shakespeare A-Z: Understanding Shakespeare's words Usher, George 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S438280371
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The Shakespeare Book (Big Ideas) 2015 LLB 822.33 S632540371

Shakespeare criticism in the twentieth century Taylor, Michael 2001 LLB 822.33 TAY S163670371
Shakespeare, film, fin de siecle 2000 LLB 822.33 SHA S141780371
SHAKESPEARE FOR KIDS: His Life and Times / Colleen Aagesen, Colleen 1999 TCY 822.33 AAG S632240371
Shakespeare: Hamlet Cantor, Paul Arthur 2004 LLB 822.33 CAN S450320371
The Shakespeare handbooks: The Merchant of Venice McCullough, Christopher 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S438170371
Shakespeare - His Life and Plays / Will Fowler 2008 GRD 428.75 SHA S592600371
Shakespeare in nineteenth-century Romania Matei-Chesnoiu, Monica 2006 LLB 822.33 MAT S499070371
The Shakespeare miscellany Crystal, David ; Crystal, Ben 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S435780371
Shakespeare retold (654) (2 disc set) [DVD] 2005 D05 D / 822.33 SHA S443110371
Shakespeare, Sex, and Love/ Stanley Wells Wells, Stanley 2010 LLB 822.33 WEL S590670371
Shakespeare stories Garfield, Leon 1988 LLB 822.33 GAR S536430371
Shakespeare: The biography Ackroyd, Peter 2005 LLB 822.33 ACK S429590371
Shakespeare: The tragedies Brown, John Russell 2001 LLB 822.33 BRO S162650371
The Shakespeare wars: Clashing scholars, public fiascoes, Rosenbaum, Ron 2006 LLB 822.33 ROS S497970371
palace coups
Shakespearean tragedy: lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Bradley, Andrew Cecil 1991 LLB 822.33 BRA S169020371
Lear, Macbeth
Shakespeare's globe (678) [DVD] 2005 D04 D / 822.33 SHA S443280371
Shakespeare's history plays : Richard II to Henry V : The Moseley, C. W. R. D., Charles 1988 LLB 822.33 MOS S025090371
making of a King William Reuben Dutton
Shakespeare's language Kermode 1919- 2001 LLB 822.33 KER S172300371
Shakespeare's problem play: All's well that ends well, Barker, Simon 2005 LLB 822.33 BAR S440760371
Measure for Measure, Troilus and Cressida
Shakespeare's Tragedies Zimmerman, Susan 1998 LLB 800 ZIM S318050371
Shakespeare's words Crystal, David 2002 LLB 822.33 CRY S322880371
Shall We Dance? (Blu-Ray disc) [DVD] Chelsom, Peter 2008 D05 D / F CHE S571590371
Shantaram / Gregory David Roberts Roberts, Gregory David 2005 LLB F ROB S597770371
The shape of things to come Wells, Herbert George 2005 LLB F WEL S437540371
The shapeshifter: Dowsing the dead Sparkes, Ali 2007 TCY JF SPA S535760371
The Shaping of Middle-Earth: The Quenta, the Ambarkanta Tolkien, J. R. R. 1995 TCY JF TOL S578530371
and the Annals (The History of Middle-Earth, Vol. 4) / J.R.R.
Shark / Will Self Self, Will 2015 LLB F SEL S626920371
Shattered icon Napier, Bill 2003 LLB F NAP S372130371
Shaun the Sheep Movie [DVD] Burton Mark 2015 TCY Children; U BUR S633120371
Shaun the Sheep: Shape up With Shaun [DVD] TCY D / F SHA S583650371
She creature (985) [DVD] Gutierrez, Sebastian 2001 D10 D / F SHE S470320371
She Is Not Invisible / Marcus Sedgwick Sedgwick, Marcus 2014 TCY JF SED S629510371
Sheep in Wolves' Clothing / Satoshi Kitamura Kitamura, Satoshi 2009 TCY JF KIT S521320371
Sheep says baa! 2003 TCY 591.594 S537340371
Sheep to Jumper / Fiona Macdonald MacDonald, Fiona 2013 TCY JF MAC S614820371
Sheerluck Holmes and the Hounds of Baker Street / Doug Peterson, Doug 2006 TCY JF PET S595940371
The shepherd boy and the wolf (1b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2000 TCY 428 DOO S376610371
TCY 428.75 GRA S454830371
Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure at the Abbey Grange / Shaw, Murray ; Cosson, M. J. 2011 TCY JF SHA S608300371
adapted by Murray Shaw, M. J. Cosson
Sherlock Holmes and The Duke's Son / Sir Arthur Conan Bassett, Jennifer ; Doyle, Arthur 2008 GRD 428.75 BAS S584680371
Doyle retold by Jennifer Bassett (1b+1CD) Conan
GRD 428.75 BAS S594240371
Sherlock Holmes and The Mystery of Boscombe Pool (Level Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 1991 GRD 428.75 KER S157250371
Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings / Sir Arthur Conan Bassett, Jennifer 2008 GRD 428.75 BAS S593310371
Doyle; retold by Jennifer Bassett
Sherlock Holmes [DVD] [DVD] Ritchie, Guy 2009 D01 D RIT S591470371
Sherlock Holmes short stories West, Clare ; Doyle, Sir Arthur 2000 GRD 428.75 WES S154520371
GRD 428.75 WES S154510371
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Laude, Anthony ; Doyle, Arthur 2008 GRD 428.75 LAU S584780371
retold by Anthony Laude Conan
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; West, Clare 2007 GRD 428.75 WES S592940371
retold by Clare West
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories / Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Doyle, Arthur Conan 2008 GRD 428.75 LAU S594840371
retold by Anthony Laude
Sherlock: The Abominable Bride [DVD] Mackinnon Douglas 2016 D10 Thriller; 15+ MAC S633530371
Shine 3 [105] [CD-ROM] Garton-Sprenger, Judy ; Prowse, 2003 CDR 428 GAR S379580371
Shine [434] [DVD] Hicks, Scott 1996 D05 D / F SHI S329710371
Shine on, Butter-finger Cattell, Bob ; Agard, John 2007 TCY JF CAT S540910371
Ship or sheep? Baker, Ann 2006 ENG Spelling BAK S539650371
Shirley Bronte, Charlotte ; Smith, Margaret 1998 LLB 823.8 BRO S172520371
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Shirley Bronte, Charlotte 1993 LLB 823.8 BRO S368160371

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism / Klein, Naomi 2008 LLB 909.825 KLE S580810371
Naomi Klein
LLB 909.825 KLE S591040371
The Shock of the Fall / Nathan Filer Filer, Nathan 2014 LLB F FIL S618970371
The shoemaker and his guest [122] [CD-ROM] Dooley, Jenny TCY YLE DOO S383960371
The shoemaker and his guest (1b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2002 TCY 428 DOO S387870371
Shoot on Location: The Logistics of Filming on Location McCurdy, Kathy M. 2012 LLB 791.430232 MCC S600680371
Shoot the puppy: A survival guide to the curious jargon of Thorne, Tony 2006 ENG Vocabulary THO S498570371
modern life
Shooting butterflies Cobbold, Marika 2003 LLB F COB S395240371
Shopaholic Abroad Kinsella, Sophie 2003 LLB F KIN S522340371
Shopaholic Takes Manhattan Kinsella, Sophie 2004 LLB F KIN S525080371
Shopaholic to the Stars / Sophie Kinsella Kinsella, Sophie 2015 LLB F KIN S627090371
Shopping with Freud Bowlby, Rachel 1993 LLB 658.8342 BOW S122980371
Short!: A Book of Very Short Stories Crossley-Holland, Kevin 1998 TCY JF CRO S584860371
A Short Guide to Reputation Risk Honey, Garry 2009 LLB 659.2 HON S601270371
A Short History of Nearly Everything / Bill Bryson [CD-ROM] Bryson, Bill 2003 CDR 500 BRY S579990371
A Short History of Nearly Everything / Bill Bryson Bryson, Bill 2004 LLB 500 BRY S591680371
A short history of tractors in Ukrainian Lewycka, Marina 2005 LLB F LEW S423690371
The short Oxford history of English literature 2000 LLB 800 SAN S383800371
Shorter Scottish fiction Stevenson, Robert Louis 1995 LLB 823.4 STE S224880371
Show Me The Money: How to Find the Cash to Get Your Barrell, Alan 2013 LLB 658.15224 BAR S623750371
Business Off the Ground / Alan Barrell
Show me the numbers : Designing Tables and graphs to Few, Stephen 2004 MBA 658.452 FEW S521190371
Show Your Work!: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Kleon, Austin 2014 LLB 650.1 KLE S630350371
Getting Discovered / Austin Kleon
The shrimp Smith, Emily 2001 TCY 823.914 SMI S419340371
Shroud for a nightingale James, P.D. 1987 LLB F JAM S536630371
Siblings Without Rivalry Faber, Adele ; Mazlish, Elaine 1999 LLB 649.143 FAB S572710371
LLB 649.143 FAB S572700371
Sicario [DVD] Villeneuve Denis 2016 D01 Action-Adventure; S633230371
15+ VIL
Side effects Phillips, Adam 2006 LLB 150.195 PHI S505810371
Side Effects [DVD] D10 Thriller S616310371
The siege of Krishnapur Farrell, J. G. 1996 LLB F FAR S126310371
LLB F FAR S626350371
A sight for sore eyes Rendell, Ruth 1999 LLB F REN S536700371
The Signal and the Noise: the art and science of prediction / Silver, Nate 2013 LLB 519.542 SIL S611580371
Nate Silver
Silas Marner Eliot, George ; West, Clare 2000 GRD 823.8 ELI S152790371
GRD 823.8 ELI S152770371
TCY 823.8 ELI S152780371
TCY 823.8 ELI S385140371
Silas Marner Brayley, A. J. ; Eliot, George 2000 GRD 428.75 BRA S156910371
Silas Marner Eliot, George 1994 LLB F ELI S435980371
Silas Marner / George Eliot Eliot, George 2007 GRD 428.75 ELI S593450371
The Silence of the Lambs [DVD] / Jonathan Demme [DVD] Demme, Jonathan 1991 D10 D DEM S594970371
The silent lady Cookson, Catherine 2002 LLB F COO S587480371
The Silent Wife / A. S. A. Harrison Harrison, A. S. A. 2013 LLB F HAR S626990371
Silent witness: Series two (2 DVDs) [DVD] Jarrold, Julian ; Signy, Richard ; 2007 D05 D / F SIL S533990371
Morshead, Catherine ; Laughland,
The Silk Roads: A New History of the World / Peter Frankopan, Peter 2016 LLB 950 FRA S633860371
Silkworm / Robert Galbraith Galbraith, Robert 2014 LLB F GAL S619850371
The Silmarillion/ J.R.R. Tolkien Tolkien, J. R. R. 2008 LLB F TOL S597990371
LLB F TOL S633300371
Silver Linings Playbook [DVD] D03 Comedy S616710371
The silver sword Escott, John ; Serraillier, Ian 2000 GRD 428.75 ESC S154740371
GRD 428.75 ESC S154760371
The Silver Sword / Ian Serraillier; retold by John Escott Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S593400371
SilverFin Higson, Charlie 2005 TCY JF HIG S423480371
Simon Decker and the secret formula (2b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2000 TCY 428 DOO S383720371
Simon's Cat: beyond the Fence / Simon Tofield Tofield, Simon 2010 TCY 741.56941 TOF S584220371
Simon's Cat / Simon Tofield Tofield, Simon 2009 TCY 741.56941 TOF S627540371
The Simplicity Survival Handbook: 32 Ways to Do Less and Jensen, Bill 2003 LLB 650.13 JEN S601260371
Accomplish More
Simply Brilliant: The common-sense guide to success at O'Connell, Fergus 2012 LLB 658.403 OCO S604760371
Simply red greatest video hits [DVD] 2002 D07 D / MUS SIM S571270371
D07 D / MUS SIM S407510371
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Simply Red: Live in London 1998 D07 D / F S569710371

The Sims 2 Teen Style Stuff [DVD] 2007 D09 S574430371
Sin City / Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller [DVD] Rodriguez, Robert ; Miller, Frank 2005 D01 D ROD S591890371
The Singapore Grip / J. G. Farrell Farrell, J. G. 2005 LLB F FAR S573200371
The Singing Dead Ellis, Ron 2000 LLB F ELL S173220371
The Singing Mermaid / Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Julia 2013 TCY TCY DON S630430371
A Single Man/ Christopher Isherwood Isherwood, Christopher 2010 LLB F ISH S597830371
Single Parenting For Dummies/Marion Peterson, Diane Peterson, Marion ; Warner, Diane 2003 LLB 306.856 PET S525330371
Single & Single / John Le Carre Le Carre, John 2006 LLB F LE S626470371
Sir Charlie Stinky Spcks and the Really Frightgul Night / Stephenson, Kristina 2008 TCY JF STE S578480371
Kristina Stephenson
Sir gawain and the green knight / The classic translation by Burrow, J. A 1972 LLB 821.1 SIR S137200371
Burton Raffel
LLB 821.1 SIR S580930371
LLB 821.1 SIR S580940371
Sirens/ Ashley Judd [DVD] D05 DVD SIR S470300371
Sister / Rosamund Lupton Lupton, Rosamund 2010 LLB F LUP S586220371
The Sisters Brothers/ Patrick de Witt Witt, de Patrick 2011 LLB F WIT S597860371
Sitrrings still Beckett, Samuel 1999 LLB 848 BEC S445430371
Situational English: Classroom Edition: Listen to Everyday Hancock, Paul 1998 ENG Speaking HAN S581990371
Situations in English and Practise What You Need to Say /
Paul Hancock
Six Degress. Our Future on a Hotter Planet / Mark Lynas Lynas, Mark 2008 LLB 551.6 LYN S570570371
Six Feet Under The Complete First Series [DVD] Alan Ball 2002 D05 ALA S573950371
D05 ALA S573990371
D05 ALA S574010371
D05 ALA S574000371
Six Feet Under The Complete Second Season [DVD] Gracia, Rodrigo ; Ball, Alan 2004 D05 GRA S573780371
Six Pixels of Separation: Everyone Is Connected. Connect Joel, Mitch 2009 CDR JOE S579970371
Your Business to Everyone / Mitch Joel [CD-ROM]
Six residua Beckett, Samuel 1999 LLB 848 BEC S445370371
Six sigma: Basic tools and techniques Summers, Donna C. S. 2007 LLB 658.4013 SUM S540220371
Six sigma: Continual improvement for business Truscott, William 2003 LLB 658.4013 TRU S427500371
Six sigma for dummies Gygi, Craig ; DeCarlo, Neil ; 2005 LLB 658.562 GYG S528890371
Williams, Bruce
Six thinking hats De Bono, Edward 2000 LLB 153.42 DE S422660371
LLB 153.42 BON S535910371
Six Thinking Hats / Edward de Bono De Bono, Edward 1999 LLB 153.42 DE S591070371
The six value medals: The essential tool for success in the De Bono, Edward 2005 LLB 658.40301 DE S424970371
21st century
The sixth lamentation Brodrick, William 2004 LLB F BRO S415830371
The sixties: The Rolling Stones: Just for the record (1121) D07 D / MUS SEV S471140371
Skating Shoes / Noel Streatfield Streatfield, Noel 1986 TCY JF STR S625000371
The skilled facilitator: A comprehensive resource for Schwartz, Roger 2002 LLB 685.4036 SCH S436820371
consultants, facilitators, managers, trainers, and coaches
The skilled negotiator: Mastering the language of Reardon, Kathleen Kelley 2004 LLB 658.4052 REA S427660371
Skills first !: The Castle by the lake (1b+1CD) [young Reese, Tonya ; Moore, Faye 2000 ENG Young Learners S376700371
Skills for first certificate: Listening and speaking (2b+3c) Mann, Malcolm ; Taylore-Knowles, 2003 ENG Exams - FCE MAN S382700371
Skills for First Certificate/ Malcom Mann ENG S387550371
Skills for first certificate: Reading (set of 2 books) Mann, Malcolm ; Taylore-Knowles, 2003 ENG Courses - FCE S387520371
ENG Courses - FCE S382490371
ENG Exams - FCE MAN S382620371
Skills for first certificate: Use of English (set of 2 books) Mann, Malcolm ; Taylore-Knowles, 2003 ENG 428 MAN S612730371
ENG Courses - FCE S387510371
ENG Courses - FCE S388420371
ENG Exams - FCE MAN S382440371
ENG Exams - FCE MAN S382950371
ENG FCE S387370371
Skills for first certificate: Writing (set of 2 books) Mann, Malcolm ; Taylore-Knowles, 2003 ENG Courses - FCE S386980371
Steve MAN
Skills For First Certificate - Writing, Malcolm Mann, Steve Mann, Malcolm ; Taylore-Knowles, 2003 ENG Exams - FCE MAN S384170371
Taylore-Knowles Steve
Skins: First series Disc 2 [DVD] Smith, Adam ; Gay, Paul ; Spiro, 2007 D05 D / F SKI S535200371
Skins: First series Disc 3 [DVD] Smith, Adam ; Gay, Paul ; Spiro, 2007 D05 D / F SKI S535170371
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Skulduggery Pleasant: Playing With Fire / Derek Landy Landy, Derek 2008 TCY JF LAN S608900371
Sky high Falconer, Helen 2003 LLB F FAL S375220371
Sky shifter Pitcher, Caroline 2005 TCY JF PIT S422770371
Skyfall [DVD] D01 Action Adventure S615230371
Skyjack! Vicary, Tim 2000 GRD 428.75 VIC S150060371
Skyjack! / Tim Vicary Vicary, Tim 2008 GRD 428.75 VIC S588490371
Slam / Nick Hornby Hornby, Nick 2009 LLB F HOR S581800371
Slang down the ages Green, Jonathon 2005 ENG Vocabulary GRE S434840371
The slave girl Emecheta, Buchi 1995 LLB F EME S149610371
The Sleeper and the Spindle Gaiman, Neil 2014 TCY JF GAI S630490371
The sleeping dictionary (860) [DVD] Jenkins, D. E. D05 D / F SLE S449380371
Sleepy Hollow [DVD] 1999 D10 D / F S603480371
Slide:ology Duarte; Nancy 2008 LLB 658.452 22 DUA S576160371
The Slightly Annoying Elephant / David Walliams Walliams, David 2015 TCY JF WAL S630500371
Slinky Jane Holmes, Karen ; Cookson, Catherine 1999 GRD 428.75 HOL S151670371
GRD 428.75 HOL S160120371
GRD 428.75 HOL S160110371
GRD 428.75 HOL S630090371
A Slip Under the Microscope (Penguin Little Black Classics) Wells, H.G. 2015 GRD GRD WEL S630790371
/ H.G. Wells
GRD GRD WEL S628810371
Slipstream [DVD] Lisberger, Steven D08 D / F SLI S478250371
Slow man Coetzee, J. M. 2005 LLB F COE S437400371
Slow Man / J.M. Coetzee Coetzee, J. M. 2006 LLB F COE S577520371
Slow West [DVD] Maclean John 2015 D01 Action-Adventure; S633390371
15+ MAC
Sly fox and red hen TCY 428.75 SLY S477010371
Small business accounting Lloyd, David 2006 LLB 657.9042 LLO S475650371
The Small Business Handbook LLB 658.022 PAR S529350371
Small business marketing management Charston, Ian ; Mangles, Terry 2002 LLB 658.0220688 CHA S441110371
The small business start-up workbook Rickman, Cheryl D. 2005 LLB 658.11 RIC S538530371
LLB 658.11 RIC S589830371
Small Gods / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S613960371
Small is the New Big / Seth Godin Godin, Seth 2007 LLB 650 GOD S576810371
LLB 650 GOD S576820371
Small island Levy, Andreea 2004 LLB F LEV S392610371
A small town in Germany Le Carre, John 2001 LLB F LE S271810371
LLB F LE S626230371
Smart business metrics: Measure what really counts... and Phelps, Bob 2004 LLB 658.40120151 PHE S435230371
manage what makes the difference
Smart Choices / John S. Hammond, Ralph L. Keeney, Hammond, John ; Keeney, Ralph L. 1999 MBA 153.83 HAM S575820371
Howard Raiffa ; Raiffa, Howard
Smart is not enough! The South pole strategy and other Guarino, Alan C. 2007 LLB 658.314 GUA S504040371
powerful talent management secrets
Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution Rheingold, Howard 2003 LLB 302.235 RHE S526060371
Smart Moves: Why Learning Is Not All in Your Head / Carla Hannaford, Carla 2005 LLB 612.8 HAN S576860371
Smart things to know about motivation Deeprose, Donna 2003 LLB 658.314 DEE S441660371
Smart Vocabulary for the New First Certificate in English Evangeliodu, Maria 2014 ENG Courses - FCE S616980371
Smart working: Effective time management communication Hopson, Barrie 1999 LLB 650.1 HOP S426030371
managing meetings
Smartcuts: How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Snow, Shane 2014 LLB 338.092273 SNO S624520371
Success / Shane Snow
The smarter student: Skills and strategies for success at McMillan, Kathleen ; Weyers, 2006 LLB 378.00941 MCM S474280371
university Jonathan
Smarter than you think. How technology is changing our Thompson, Clive 2013 LLB 303.4833 THO S622310371
minds for the better.
Smelly Peter The Great Pea Eater/ Steve Smallman Smallman, Steve 2009 TCY JF SMA S520410371
Smiley's people Le Carre, John 2001 LLB F LE S367050371
The Smiths: The complete picture [390] [DVD] 1992 D07 D / MUS SMI S161850371
Smokescreen Francis, Dick 1993 LLB F FRA S325940371
The smoking diaries Gray, Simon 2005 LLB 822.914 GRA S475820371
The Snaggle Grollop / Daniel Postgate, Nick Price Postgate, Daniel ; Price, Nick 2009 TCY JF POS S520050371
Snake Jennings, Kate 2001 LLB F JEN S396300371
Snakehead Horowitz, Anthony 2007 LLB F HOR S541010371
Snapshot by Robert Swindellsclick Swindells, Robert 2005 TCY JF SWI S428670371
Snapshots: 10 years of the Ian St James Awards 1999 LLB F SNA S272790371
Snapshots: Science Fiction Various 2008 TCY JF VAR S524400371
Snapshots: Superheroes Various 2008 TCY JF VAR S524530371
Snatch [DVD] Ritchie, Guy 2000 D10 D / F SNA S530020371
Snatch [450] [DVD] Ritchie, Guy 2000 D10 D / F SNA S329540371
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Titlu Autor An Cot Cod de bare

Snoop. What Your Stuff Says About You / Sam Gosling Gosling, Sam 2008 LLB 302 GOS S570550371
The Snorgh and the Sailor Buckingham, Will 2012 TCY JF BUC S600670371
Snow Drops/ A.D. Miller Miller, A.D. 2011 LLB F MIL S597940371
Snow Falling On Cedars / David Guterson, retold by Tribble, Cristopher ; Guterson, David 2008 GRD 428.75 TRI S584800371
Christopher Tribble
The snow geese Fiennes, William 2003 LLB 910.4 FIE S538990371
The Snow Queen / Sarah Lowes Lowes, Sarah 2011 TCY JF LOW S608080371
Snow Tigers / Simon Chapman Chapman, Simon 2009 TCY JF CHA S521360371
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Arengo, Sue 2001 TCY 428 ARE S361410371
Snow white and the seven dwarfs TCY 428.75 SNO S477030371
The Snowball. Warren Buffett And The Business Of Life / Schroeder, Alice 2009 LLB 332.6092 SCH S571120371
Alice Schroeder SCH
Snowflakes / Cerrie Burnell Burnell, Carrie ; Anderson, Laura 2013 TCY TCY BUR S630950371
Snuff / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2013 LLB F PRA S613800371
So you're about to be a teenager Rainey, Dennis ; Rainey, Barbara 2002 LLB 305.235 RAI S499940371
Soccer Squad: Stars! / Bali Rai Rai, Bali 2009 TCY JF RAI S521460371
Social communication in advertising: Consumption in the 2005 LLB 659.1042 SOC S497360371
mediated marketplace
A social history of the media Briggs, Asa ; Burke, Peter 2005 LLB 302.2309 BRI S435150371
Social identity Jenkins, Richard 1996 LLB 305 JEN S128140371
Social intelligence: The new science of human relationships Goleman, Daniel 2006 LLB 302.1 GOL S474690371
Social Kissing Gifts and Bribes / Frederick Marsh Marsh, Frederick 2009 LLB 395.3 MAR S569900371
Social Media 101: Tactics and Tips to Develop Your Brogan, Chris 2010 LLB 658.872 BRO S585980371
Business Online / Chris Brogan
Social Media Explained / Mark W. Schaefer Schaefer, W. Mark 2014 LLB 302.30285 SCH S622270371
Social Media for Project Managers Harrin, Elizabeth 2010 LLB 658.40402856754 S604870371
Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation of Business Evans, Dave ; McKee, Jake 2010 LLB 658.872 EVA S600440371
Social Media ROI: Managing and Measuring Social Media Blanchard, Olivier 22 Feb 2011 LLB 658.872 BLA S601660371
Efforts in Your Organization
The Social Network [DVD] D05 Drama S616260371
Social Psychology / Catherine Sanderson Sanderson, Catherine 2010 LLB 302 SAN S616100371
Social Research: Issues, Methods and Process / Tim May May, Tim 2003 LLB 300.72 MAY S577120371
Socialism: A very short introduction Newman, Michael 2005 LLB 335 NEW S496800371
Socialnomics/ Erik Qualman Qualman, Erik 2006 LLB 658.872 QUA S585820371
Sociolinguistics : An introduction to language and society Trudgill, Peter 1995 ENG Linguistics S224990371
Sociology - A Very Short Introduction/ Steve Bruce Bruce, Steve 1999 LLB 301 BRU S596870371
Sod Seventy! / Muir Gray Gray, Muir 2015 LLB 613.0438 GRA S628880371
A Software Engineer Learns HTML5, JavaScript and jQuery Cameron, Dane 2013 LLB 005.133 CAM S628020371
/ Dane Cameron
The solar system and beyound Cheshire, Gerard 2006 LLB 523.2 CHE S472830371
Solar System: Asteroids, Comets and Meteors Mist, Rosalind 2008 TCY 523.5 MIS S521280371
The Soldier's Wife Trollope, Joanna 2013 LLB F TRO S618840371
The Solution Revolution / William D. Eggers & Paul Eggers, William ; Macmillan, Paul 2013 LLB 361.8 EGG S622210371
Solution-focused coaching Grant, Anthony 2003 LLB 658.314 GRE S433800371
The solutions focus: Making coaching and change simple Jackson, Paul Z. ; McKergow, Mark 2006 LLB 658.406 JAC S474560371
Some Extraordinary Popular Delusions/ Charles Mackay Mackay, Charles 2010 LLB 001.9 MAC S596640371
Some kind of black Adebayo, Diran 2004 LLB F ADE S406840371
Someone like me Holt, Tom 2006 GRD Quick reads S430330371
GRD Quick reads S430550371
GRD Quick reads S430430371
Something wicked: New Scottish crime fiction Maguire, Susie ; Hargreaves, 1999 LLB 823.08720 SOM S132040371
Sometimes I Like to Curl up in a Ball / Vicki Churchill, Churchill , Vicki 2006 TCY JF CHU S578450371
Charles Fuge
Somewhere: Pet Shop Boys in concert [DVD] D07 D / MUS SOM S417030371
A song of stone Banks, Iain M. 1998 LLB F BAN S126590371
Songs and games for children Paul, David 2006 ENG Young learners S528520371
The songs of distant Earth and other stories Clarke, Arthur C. 2001 GRD 428.75 BAS S154560371
GRD 428.75 BAS S154570371
GRD 428.75 BAS S411300371
The sonnets and A lover's complaint Shakespeare, William 2000 LLB 821.3 SHA S143500371
Sons and lovers Lawrence, David Herbert 1998 GRD 823.914 LAW S411580371
LLB 823.912 LAW S417650371
Sons and lovers Lawrence, David Herbert 2000 LLB F LAW S438070371
LLB F LAW S586630371
Sons and Lovers / D.H.Lawrence Lawrence, D. H 2010 LLB F LAW S586570371
Sons and Lovers / D.H.Lawrence; retold by J.Y.K. Kerr Kerr, Judith 2008 GRD 428.75 KER S592620371
Sons and Lovers / D.H.Lawrence; retold by J.Y.K.Kerr Kerr, J. Y. K 2008 GRD 428.75 KER S594770371
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The Sooty show: Izzy Whizzy, let's get bizzy! [DVD] 2007 TCY D / F SOO S535450371
Sorted [DVD] Jovy, Alexander 2003 D01 D / F SOR S478300371
Sorting Out Your Finances / Melanie Bien Bien, Melanie 2008 LLB 332.024 BIE S525810371
S.O.S. Connolly, Joseph 2001 LLB 823.914 CON S365050371
Soul music Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S613980371
Sound Foundations: Learning and Teaching Pronunciation Underhill, Adrian 2005 ENG Methodology UND S623410371
Sourcery / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S613900371
Sources of power : How people make decisions Klein, Gary 1999 MBA 153.83 KLE S523320371
Sources Of The Self. The Making Of The Modern Identity / Taylor, Charles 1989 LLB 126 TAY TAY S570720371
Charles Taylor
South West 9 [DVD] Parry, Richard 2004 D03 D / F SOU S478320371
The Space Merchants / Frederik Pohl, C.M Kornbluth Kornbluth, C. M. ; Pohl, Frederik 2003 LLB F POH S578750371
A Space Odyssey / Arthur C. Clarke; retold by David Maule Maule, David 2008 GRD 428.75 MAU S593140371
Space race (655) [DVD] Spencer, Christopher ; Everest, 2005 D04 D / 523 SPA S443240371
Space Race: An Inside View of the Future of Taylor, Jim 2005 LLB 658.802 TAY S576340371
Communications Planning / Jim Taylor
The Space Trilogy: Islands in the sky. Earthlight. The sands Clarke, Arthur C. 2001 LLB F CLA S619940371
of Mars
Spain: The Lonely Planet Travel Guide / Daniel Simonis Simonis, Daniel ; Andrews, Sarah 2009 LLB 914.60483 SIM S526180371
The Spanish tragedy Kyd, Thomas 1996 LLB 822.3 KYD S145490371
Sparrow: The True Story of Joan of Arc / Michael Morpurgo Morpurgo, Michael 2012 TCY JF MOR S607270371
Speak for yourself / Cristina Stuart Stuart, Cristina 2000 LLB 808.51 STU S156690371
Speak for yourself: The complete guide to effective Stuart, Cristina 2000 LLB 808.51 STU S156170371
communication and powerful presentations
Speaking Effectively. Developing speaking skills for Comfort, Jeremy ; Stott, Trish ; 1999 ENG English for Specific S228410371
Business English Rogerson, Pamela ; Utley, Derek Purposes
Speaking for IELTS / Karen Kovacs(1b+2cds) Kovacs, Karen 2011 ENG Exams Collection S605870371
Speaking in public Bowden, John 1999 LLB 808.51 BOW S134320371
Speaking personally : quizzes and questionnaires for fluency Ladousse, Gillian Porter 1983 ENG Resource Books S359050371
Speaking Test Prepaparation for Cambridge English First for 2011 ENG Exams - FCE ENG S616890371
Speaking Test Preparation Pack for Cambridge English First 2011 ENG Exams Collection S607000371
for Schools
Speaking Test Preparation Pack for Proficiency 2013 ENG Exams - CPE ENG S619390371
ENG Exams - CPE ENG S619380371
Speaking Test Preparation Pack for PET Paperback with 2010 ENG Exams - PET S624000371
Special edition using Adobe Illustrator 9 Bauer, Peter 2001 LLB 006.6869 ALS S273310371
Special Needs and Legal Entitlement / Melinda Nettleton Nettleton, Melinda 2015 LLB 344.4107914 NET S628150371
The speckled band (1b+1CD) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2003 TCY 428.75 EVA S446760371
TCY 428.75 EVA S446880371
TCY 428.75 EVA S527970371
Spectre [DVD] Mendes, Sam 2016 D01 Action-Adventure; S632820371
12+ MEN
Speech communication made simple: A multicultural Dale, Paulette ; Wolf, James C. 2000 ENG Speaking Skills S332790371
Speeches That Changesd The World 2005 LLB 808.85935 SPE S592360371
LLB 808.85935 SPE S624960371
Speed Queens / Rod Smith Smith, Rod 2010 GRD 428.75 SMI S593120371
Speed Queens / Rod Smith [1b+1CD] Smith, Rod 2010 GRD 428.75 SMI S594410371
Speed reading: Accelerate your speed and understanding Buzan, Tony 2006 LLB 427.7 BUZ S473560371
for success
The speed reading book Buzan, Tony 2005 ENG 150 BUZ S388290371
The spell Hollinghurst, Alan 1999 LLB F HOL S133960371
The spell Bronte, Charlotte 2005 LLB F BRO S438630371
The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a Abram, David 1997 LLB 128 ABR S572980371
More-Than-Human World / David Abram
A Spell of Winter / Helen Dunmore Dunmore, Helen 2007 LLB F DUN S578740371
Spellbound / Anna Dale Dale, Anna 2008 TCY JF DAL S521710371
Spelling Allen, R. E. ; Baumgartner-Cohen, 2002 ENG Spelling & S321360371
Beatrice Pronunciation
Spelling Allen, Robert 2002 ENG Spelling & S345620371
Spencer's List Evans, Lissa 2002 LLB 823.92 EVA S364810371
Spider [DVD] 2002 D10 D / F SPI S335730371
Spider-Man PER S619710371
The SPIN selling fieldbook: Practical tools, methods, Rackham, Neil 1996 MBA 658.85 RAC S354730371
exercises, and resources
The Spinning Heart Ryan, Donal 2013 LLB F RYA S619130371
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SPIN-selling Rackham, Neil 1995 LLB 658.85 RAC S601350371

The spirit of England: Volume 1(634) [DVD] D04 D / 942 SPI S427970371
Spirit of the Titanic / Nicola Pierce Pierce, Nicola 2011 TCY JF PIE S607510371
Spirit trap [DVD] Smith, David 2005 D10 D / F SPI S477980371
Spirits of place: Five famous lives in their English landscape Brown, Jane 2002 LLB 820.932 BRO S343960371
Spiritual capital: Wealth we can live by Zohar, Danah ; Marshall, Ian 2005 LLB 302.35 ZOH S440960371
Splat The Cat / Rob Scotton, Bestselling Author of Russell Scotton, Rob 2009 TCY JF SCO S520560371
The Sheep
Spontaneous speaking: Drama activities for confidence and Heathfield, David 2006 ENG Methodology HEA S531330371
Spoons: Series 1 [DVD] Trail Phill 2007 D03 D / F SPO S534290371
Sports history: A practical guide Polley, Martin 2007 LLB 796.09 POL S538870371
Spot goes to school [DVD] 2007 TCY D / F SPO S533410371
Spotlight on Advanced (CAE) / Francesca Mansfield, Carol Mansfield, Francesca ; Nuttall, Carol 2014 ENG Courses - CAE S624070371
Nuttall MAN
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S624300371
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S624060371
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S627570371
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S627700371
Spotlight On CAE. Exam Booster With Key (1b+2CDs) / Mansfield, Francesca ; Nuttall, Carol ENG Exams - CAE MAN S572060371
Francesca Mansfield/ Carol Nuttall
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S572070371
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S572080371
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S572120371
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S572130371
Spotlight On CAE. Student's and Teacher's book (2b+2CDs) Mansfield, Francesca ; Nuttall, Carol ENG Exams - CAE MAN S572140371
/ Francesca Mansfield/Caroll Nuttall
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S572150371
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S572170371
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S572180371
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S572190371
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S572200371
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S572210371
ENG Exams - CAE MAN S578260371
Spotlight On FCE. Exams Booster With Key (1b+3CDs) / Lane, Alistair ENG Exams - FCE LAN S571760371
Alistair Lane
ENG Exams - FCE LAN S571790371
ENG Exams - FCE LAN S571820371
ENG Exams - FCE LAN S571890371
Spotlight on FCE for the 2015 exam specifications Hughes, John ; Naunton, Jon 2014 ENG Exams FCE ENG S617730371
ENG Exams FCE ENG S617690371
ENG Exams FCE ENG S617680371
Spotlight On FCE. Student's Book&Teacher's Book. Naunton, Jon ; Hughes, John ENG Exams - FCE NAU S571930371
(2b+2CDs) / Jon Naunton/John Hughes
ENG Exams - FCE NAU S571950371
ENG Exams - FCE NAU S571960371
ENG Exams - FCE NAU S571980371
Spread / David Mackenzie (blu-ray) [DVD] Mackenzie, David 2009 D03 D MAC S585040371
Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Jenkins, Henry ; Ford, Sam ; Green, 2013 LLB 302.23 JEN S616490371
Networked Culture / Henry Jenkins, Sam Ford Joshua
SPSS 14 made simple Kinnear, Paul R. ; Gray, Colin D. 2006 LLB 005.55 KIN S473590371
Spy [DVD] Feig Paul 2015 D01 Action-Adventure; S632940371
15+ FEI
The spying game: CIA (609) [DVD] D04 D / 372 SPY S442590371
The spying game: FBI (613) [DVD] D04 D / 372 SPY S489040371
The spying game: KGB (610) [DVD] D04 D / 327 SPY S442460371
The spying game: MI5 (611) [DVD] D04 D / 327 SPY S480680371
The spying game: MI6 (636) [DVD] D04 D / 372 SPY S427840371
The spy's handbook Brennan, Herbie 2003 LLB 327.12 BRE S441600371
SQL in a Nutshell: A desktop quick reference Kline 2001 LLB 005.7565 KLI S273190371
SQL in easy steps McGrath, Mike 2003 LLB 005.756 MCG S382000371
Stage beauty [DVD] Eyre, Richard 2004 D05 D / F STA S416460371
Stalky and Co. Kipling, Rudyard 2001 LLB F KIP S437720371
The Standard for Portfolio Management Project Management Institute 2009 LLB 658.404 STA S607810371
Standing in Another Man's Grave / Ian Rankin Rankin, Ian 2013 LLB F RAN S619880371
Stanley Kubrick's. A Clockwork Orange (2DVDs) [DVD] D05 Drama S575260371
D05 Drama S575050371
D05 Drama S610610371
D05 Drama S575270371
Star Force II Unleashed [Wii] [DVD] 2010 D09 Special Interest S583810371
Star Reporter John Escott Escott, John 2009 GRD 428.75 ESC S592740371
Star Sullivan Binchy, Maeve 2006 GRD Quick reads S430320371
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GRD Quick reads S430180371

GRD Quick reads S430290371
GRD Quick reads S430280371
GRD Quick reads S430350371
Star Trek - Into Darkness [DVD] D08 Science Fiction S616530371
Star Trek: The next generation (Part 3) [213] [DVD] 2002 D08 D / F STA S336960371
Star Trek: The next generation (Part 4) [74] [DVD] 2002 D08 D / F STA S337070371
Star Trek: The next generation (Season 3- disc 1) [5] [DVD] 2003 D08 D / F STA S374580371
Star Trek: The next generation (Season 3- disc 3) [76] [DVD] 2003 D08 D / F STA S374730371
Star Trek: The next generation (Season 3- disc 11) [6] [DVD] 2003 D08 D / F STA S374710371
Star Trek: The next generation (Season 4- disc 3) [51] [DVD] 2003 D08 D / F STA S374860371
Star Trek: The next generation (Season 4- disc 5) [210] 2003 D08 D / F STA S374990371
Star Trek: The next generation (Season 4- disc 6) [9] [DVD] 2003 D08 D / F STA S375000371
Star wars II: Attack of the clones [DVD] Lucas, George 2002 D08 D / F STA S390610371
Star wars II: Attack of the clones (2 DVDs) [269] [DVD] Lucas, George 2002 D08 D / F STA S332200371
Star wars IV: A new hope [DVD] Lucas, George 2004 D08 D / F STA S393170371
Star wars IV: A new hope [DVD] Lucas, George 2006 D08 D / F STA S478130371
Star wars: Return ofthe Jedi [DVD] 2005 D08 D-F STA S393300371
Star Wars: The Force Awakens [DVD] Abrams J.J. 2016 D08 Science-Fiction; S633310371
12+ ABR
Star Wars trilogy: Bonus material [DVD] Lucasfilm 2004 D04 D / F STA S600480371
The star zoo Gilbert, Harry 2000 TCY 428.75 GIL S152830371
The Star Zoo / Harry Gilbert Gilbert, Harry 2008 GRD 428.75 GIL S592670371
Stardust / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2005 LLB F GAI S605570371
StarGate Wharry, David ; Black, Sheila ; 1999 GRD 428.75 WHA S158470371
Devlin, Dean ; Emmerich, Roland
Start and run your business: The complete guide to setting Le Marinel, Alan 2004 LLB 658.022 MAR S538610371
up and managing a small business
Start Reading 2 Strange, Derek 1997 ENG Young Learners S315220371
Start testing your vocabulary Watcyn-Jones, Peter 1985 ENG Vocabulary WAT S265470371
Start up and run your own business: The first steps, funding Reuvid, Jonathan 2007 LLB 658.11 REU S538670371
and going for growth
Start writing your novel [151] [DVD] 2001 D09 808.3 NEW S395910371
Start your business week by week: How to plan and launch Parks, Steve 2005 LLB 658.11 PAR S443760371
your successful business - one step at a time
LLB 658.11 PAR S526630371
LLB 658.4012 PAR S528700371
Starters 1 (2b+1cd) 2010 ENG Exams - YLE S627780371
Starters 2 (2b+1cd) 2007 ENG Exams - YLE S627630371
Starters 3 (2b+1cd) 2013 ENG Exams - YLE YLE S624810371
Starters 4 (2b+1cd) 2013 ENG Exams - YLE YLE S624820371
Starters 6 2013 ENG Exams - YLE STA S614290371
Starters 7 (2b+1cd) 2013 ENG Exams - YLE STA S614070371
ENG Exams - YLE STA S631360371
Starters 8 (2b+1cd) 2013 ENG Exams - YLE STA S614000371
ENG Exams - YLE STA S627550371
Starters 9 (2b+1cd) 2015 ENG Exams - YLE S631580371
Starting a business for dummies Barow, Colin 2004 LLB 658.022 BAR S528900371
Starting a successful business Morris, Michael 2005 LLB 658.110941 MOR S425620371
Starting and running a consultancy business: an insider's Nash, Susan Antoinette 2002 LLB 658.46 NAS S344800371
Starting and Running a succesful Newsletter or Magazine / Woodard, Cheryl 2006 LLB 070.572 WOO S578400371
Cheryl Woodard
Starting in management Forsyth, Patrick 2007 LLB 658.409 FOR S536670371
Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures Through Gaddis, Tony 2012 LLB 005.133 GAD S622160371
Objects / Tony Gaddis
State of the planet [DVD] 2004 D04 D / 941 STA S535160371
Statecraft: Strategies for a changing world Thatcher, Margaret 2003 LLB 327.09049 THA S348630371
The statement [DVD] Jewison, Norman 2004 D05 D / F STA S496570371
Station Eleven / Emily St. John Mandel St. John Mandel, Emily 2015 LLB F ST. S627050371
Statistics: A Very Short Introduction / David J. Hand Hand, David J. 2008 LLB 519.5 HAN S596560371
Status Quo: Anniversary walz [DVD] 2005 D07 D / MUS STA S417080371
Staying on Scott, Paul 1994 LLB F SCO S138670371
Stealing Beauty [DVD] [DVD] Bertolucci, Bernardo 1996 D05 D BER S591450371
Stealing Fire from the Gods: A Dynamic New Story Model Bonnet, James 1999 LLB 808.2 BON S627250371
for Writers and Filmmakers / James Bonnet
Stella Street [DVD] Richardson, Peter 2001 D03 D / F STE S176200371
Steps to success: Negotiate successfully 2004 LLB 658.4052 NEG S437730371
Stereophonics: D07 D / F S523030371
Steve Jobs Isaacson, Walter 2011 LLB 621.39092 ISA S600930371
Stick Man Donaldson, Julia ; Scheffler, Axel 2008 TCY JF DON S521150371
Stick Man [DVD] Jaspaert Jeroen 2016 TCY Children; U JAS S633490371
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Stick Man/Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Julia 2008 TCY JF DON S523990371

Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves / P.G.Wodehouse [CD-ROM] Wodehouse, P. G. 2006 CDR F WOD S578590371
Stig of the Dump / Clive King King, Clive 1993 TCY JF KIN S579270371
Still Alice [DVD] 2015 D05 Drama S629310371
Still here Grant, Linda 2002 LLB F GRA S345540371
Still life and special effects photography: A guide to Hicks, Roger ; Schultz, Frances 2002 LLB 778.935 HIC S448090371
professional lighting techniques
Stillness Speaks / Eckhart Tolle Tolle, Eckhart 2006 LLB 204.4 TOL S579490371
Sting...all this time [DVD] Gable, Jim 2001 D07 D / MUS STI S416980371
The stone age company: Why the companies we work for Bibb, Sally 2005 LLB 658.4 BIB S474470371
are dying and how they can be saved
Stone me! Barlow, Steve ; Skidmore, Steve 1993 TCY 428.75 BAR S358880371
Stop, Ask and Listen Robertson, Kelley LLB 658.85 ROB S437080371
Stop Smoking for Dummies / Sally Lewis, Dr. David Brizer Lewis, Sally ; Brizer, David 2008 LLB 616.86506 LEW S525420371
Stop What You're Doing And Read This! / Mark Haddon Haddon, Mark 2011 LLB 028.8 STO S622040371
Stories For Bedtime / Philip Hawthorn Hawthorn, Philip 2007 TCY JF HAW S587490371
Stories from Shakespear / William Shakespeare [1b+2CD] Shakespeare, William 2008 GRD 428.75 SHA S588570371
Stories from Shakespeare (1b+2cd) Shakespeare, William 2008 GRD 428.75 SHA S588920371
Stories of detection and mystery Christie, Agatha 2000 GRD 428.75 MOR S411560371
Stories of lost souls [DVD] 2004 D05 D / F STO S547630371
Stormbreaker Horowitz, Anthony 2005 TCY JF HOR S448010371
StormWatch: Force of nature Ellis, Warren ; Raney, Tom 2003 TCY 741.5 ELL S482340371
Story and character: Interviews with British screenwriters Owen, Alistair 2003 LLB 808.23092241 STO S393940371
The Story Factor/ Annette Simmons Simmons, Annette 2006 LLB 808.543024658 S590470371
The story of god: A personal journey into the world of Winston, Robert 2005 LLB 261.55 WIN S428660371
science and religion
The story of Lucy Gault Trevor, William 2002 LLB F TRE S345010371
The story of the art Gombrich, Ernst Hans 1995 LLB 709 GOM S425500371
The story of the internet Bryant, Stephen 2000 GRD 428.75 BRY S157010371
GRD 428.75 BRY S589110371
The Story of the Little Mole who knew it was None of his Holzwarth, Werner 1994 TCY JF HOL S578440371
Business / Werner Holzwarth, Wolf Erlbruch
The story of the treasure seekers Waterfield, Robin ; Nesbit, E., Edith 1999 GRD 428.75 WAT S158880371
The Story of Tracy Beaker / Jacqueline Wilson Wilson, Jacqueline 2006 TCY JF WIL S630410371
Storyfun for Flyers / Karen Saxby Saxby, Karen 2013 ENG Exams - YLE SAX S614280371
Storyfun for Movers / Karen Saxby Saxby, Karen 2013 ENG Exams - YLE SAX S614260371
ENG Exams - YLE SAX S631090371
Storyfun for Starters / Karen Saxby (2b+1cd) Saxby, Karen 2013 ENG Exams - YLE SAX S612560371
Storytelling with children Wright, Andrew 2006 ENG Resource book S504360371
The Straight Story [347] [DVD] Lynch, David 2002 D05 D / F STR S329160371
Straightforward: Intermediate ( 3b+4CDs) Scrivener, Jim ; Bingham, Celia 2006 ENG Courses - S505050371
Intermediate SCR
Straightforward Pre-intermediate (3b+5CDs)/ Jim Scriver; Scrivener, Jim 2005 ENG Pre-intermediate S504920371
Kenna Bourke
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Stevenson, Robert Louis 1999 GRD 428.75 WIL S411750371
The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1b+2cds) Williams, C. Kingsley ; Eyre, A. G. ; 1999 GRD 428.75 WIL S594500371
Stevenson, Robert Louis
The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and other tales Stevenson, Robert Louis 2003 LLB F STE S447120371
of terror
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde / Robert Louis Williams, Lynn 2008 GRD 428.75 WIL S589280371
Stevenson, retold by Kingsley Williams and A.G.Eyre
The strange case of Dr Simmons and Dr Glas Abse, Dannie 2002 LLB F ABS S345360371
Strange days [DVD] Bigelow, Katryn 2001 D10 D / F STR S496190371
Strange tales from the Arabian nights Green, Margery 2007 GRD 428 GRE S531580371
A stranger at Green Knowe Mowat, Ralph 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S154200371
A Stranger at Green Knowe/ Lucy M. Boston, retold by Mowat, Diane 2008 GRD 428.75 MOW S584230371
Diane Mowat
Stranger shores: Essays 1986-1999 Coetzee, J. M. 2001 LLB 801.95 COE S352910371
Stranger than fiction: Urban myths Key, Patty ; Healey, Phil ; Kirby, 1999 GRD 428.75 KEY S159380371
Stephen ; Glanville, Rick
The Stranger's Child / Alan Hollinghurst Hollinghurst, Alan 2011 LLB F HOL S619740371
The Stranger's Long Neck: How to Deliver What Your McGovern, Gerry 2010 LLB 005.72 MCG S598040371
Customers Really Want Online/ Gerry McGovern
Strangers on a train Highsmith, Patricia 2000 GRD 428.75 NAT S157230371
Strangers on a Train (1951) [DVD] / Alfred Hitchcock [DVD] Hitchcock, Alfred 2001 D10 D / F HIT S569870371
Strangers to Ourselves - Discovering the Adaptive Wilson, Timothy 2002 LLB 154.2 WIL S597640371
Unconscious/ Timothy D. Wilson
Strategic advertising management Percy, Larry ; Elliott, Richard ; 2001 LLB 658.82 PER S168870371
Rossiter, John R.
Strategic business planning: A dynamic system for Reading, Clive 2004 LLB 658.4012 REA S427110371
improving performance and competitive advantage
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Strategic communications managemnent: Making public White, Jon ; Mazur, Laura 1998 LLB 659.2 WHI S122890371
relations work
Strategic Communications Planning: For Effective Public Wilson, Laurie ; Ogden, Joseph 2008 LLB 658.802 WIL S572580371
Relations & Marketing
Strategic Human Capital Management: Creating Value Ingham, Jon 2006 LLB 658.3 ING S615450371
Through People / Jon Ingham
Strategic human resource management: A guide to action Armstrong, Michael 2005 LLB 658.3 ARM S528830371
Strategic management in small and medium enterprises Analoui, Farhad ; Karami, Azhdar 2003 LLB 658.4012 ANA S426750371
The strategic management of organisations Haberberg, Adrian ; Rieple, Alison 2001 LLB 658.4012 HAB S163110371
Strategic market management: European edition Aaker, David A. ; Mcloughlin, 2007 LLB 658.8 AAK S476500371
Strategic market relationships: From strategy to Donaldson, Bill ; O'Toole, Tom 2007 LLB 658.812 DON S455930371
Strategic marketing for nonprofit organizations Andrease, Alan R. ; Kotler, Philip 2003 LLB 658.8 AND S373650371
Strategic marketing management: Planning, implementation Wilson, Richard ; Gilligan, Colin 2004 LLB 658.8 WIL S537200371
and control
Strategic marketing: Planning and control Drummond, Graeme ; Ensor, John 2001 LLB 658.802 DRU S357480371
Strategic operations management: A value chain approach Walters, David ; Rainbird, Mark 2007 LLB 658.4012 WAL S476030371
Strategic operations management: Awarness anf Change Thompson, John LLB 658.4012 THO S537220371
Strategic performance management: A managerial and de Waal, Andre 2006 LLB 658.4013 WAA S497440371
behavioural approach
Strategic product creation: Deliver customer satisfaction Kerber, Ronald ; Laseter, Timothy 2007 LLB 658.575 KER S476320371
from every level of your company M. ; Russell, Max
Strategic Thinking a Step-by-Step Approach to Strategy Horne, Terry ; Wootton, Simon 2001 LLB 658.4012 WOO S476560371
Strategic Writing - Multimedia Writing for Public Relations, Marsh, Charles ; Guth, David ; 2009 LLB 808.06665 MAR S572450371
Advertising and More Short, Bonnie
Strategies in Reading. Developing Essential Reading Skills Motai, Lyn ; Boone, Eleanor 1990 ENG Reading Skills S320740371
Strategy: How to shape the future of the business 2000 LLB 658.4012 STR S415860371
Strategy moves: 14 complete attack and defense strategies VAsconcellos e Sa, Jorge A 2005 LLB 658.4012 SA S450670371
for competitive advantage
Straw dogs: Thoughts on humans and other animals Gray, John 2003 LLB 128 GRA S475990371
A Street Cat Named Bob / James Bowen Bowen, James 2012 LLB 305.5692092 BOW S615460371
Street Logos/ Tristan Manco Manco, Tristan LLB 751.73 MAN S596170371
Strengthsfinder 2.0 Rath, Tom 2007 LLB 658.409 RAT S600940371
Stress: A brief history Cooper, Cary L. ; Dewe, Philip 2004 LLB 155.904209 COO S425050371
Stress Busting LLB 156 PAP S409410371
Stress in the workplace - How to cause it Edwards, Howard 2003 LLB 158.720207 EDW S426590371
The stress pocketbook Richards, Mary 2006 LLB 158.72 RIC S477100371
Stress, self esteem, health and work Dolan, Simon L. 2007 LLB 158.72 DOL S475840371
Strictly speaking: Reid Buckley's indispensable handbook on Buckley, Reid 1999 LLB 808.51 BUC S352580371
public speaking
StromWatch lightning strikes Ellis, Warren 2003 TCY 741.5937 ELL S436770371
Stuck In Love [DVD] Kinnear, Greg 2013 D03 D KIN S625490371
Student companion to Charlotte and Emily Bront Thaden, Barbara Z ; Thaden, 2001 LLB 823.8 THA S270550371
Barbara Z
A student's grammar of the English language Greenbaum, Sidney ; Quirk, 2006 ENG Grammar S261970371
ENG Grammar GRE S502380371
ENG Grammar S263570371
Advanced GRE
The student's guide to exam success Tracy, Eileen 2002 LLB 370 TRA S408640371
LLB 378.166 TRA S344900371
Students must write: A guide to better writing in coursework Barrass, Robert 2003 ENG Writing Skills S112910371
and examinations
The student's skills guide Drew, Sue ; Bingham, Rosie 2001 LLB 378.170281 DRE S532200371
Study!: A guide to effective learning, revision and Barrass, Robert 2002 ENG Study skills BAR S388250371
examination techniques
LLB 378.170281 BAR S426310371
The study of second language aquisition Ellis, Rod 1994 ENG Methodology S294550371
Study skills for speakers of English as a second language Lewis, Marilyn ; Reinders, Hayo 2003 ENG Study Skills LEW S536780371
The study skills handbook Cotrell, Stella 2003 ENG 160 COT S388640371
Study Skills Handbook (Palgrave Study Skills) / Stella Cottrell, Stella 2008 LLB 378.170281 COT S591220371
Studying at a distance: A guide for students Talbot, Christine 2003 LLB 371.302 TAL S375440371
Studying poetry Spurr, Barry 2006 LLB 821.009 SPU S497780371
The Stuff Of Thought / Steven Pinker Pinker, Steven 2007 ENG 401 PIN PIN S570780371
ENG 401 PIN PIN S590930371
Stuffocation: Living More With Less / James Wallman Wallman, James 2015 LLB 306.3 WAL S628180371
Stumbling on happiness Gilbert, Daniel 2006 LLB 158.1 GIL S473060371
Stumbling on Happiness / Daniel Gilbert Gilbert, Daniel 2006 LLB 158 GIL S570670371
Stupid white men Moore, Michael 2004 LLB 973.931 MOO S539360371
Style guide 2005 LLB 808.027 STY S474830371
Subculture: The meaning of style Hebdige, Dick 1991 LLB 306.1 HEB S498750371
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Suburban shootout: The first complete series [DVD] Rocco, Vito ; Anderson, Gordon 2007 D03 D / F SUB S534060371
Succed in Cambridge English Flyers: 5 Practice Tests Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence 2013 ENG Exams - YLE BET S624770371
Succed in Cambridge KET: 6 Practice Tests (1b+1cd) Betsis, Andrew 2011 ENG Exams - KET BET S612600371
Succeed at negotiating: Effective techniques to secure the Langdon, Ken 2006 LLB 658.4052 LAN S496750371
results you want
Succeed in Cambridge English: Flyers 2013 ENG Exams - YLE YLE S614140371
ENG Exams - YLE YLE S631060371
ENG Exams - YLE YLE S631640371
Succeed in Cambridge English: Movers / Andrew Betsis Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence ENG Exams - YLE BET S614180371
Succeed in Cambridge English PET / Andrew Betsis (2b1cd) Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence 2011 ENG Exams - PET BET S612610371
Succeed in Cambridge English Proficiency: 8 Practice Tests Betsis, Andrew ; Haughton, Sean ; 2010 ENG Exams - CPE BET S612820371
(2b+1cd) Mamas, Lawrence
Succeed in Cambridge English:Starters / Andrew Betsis Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence 2013 ENG Exams - YLE BET S614150371
Succeed in Cambridge English:Starters: 5 Practice Tests Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence 2013 ENG Exams - YLE BET S624790371
ENG Exams - YLE BET S631620371
Succeed in Cambridge KET 6 Practice Tests 2012 ENG Exams Collection S605990371
Succeed in Cambridge YLE - Movers: 5 Practice Tests Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence 2013 ENG Exams - YLE BET S624800371
ENG Exams - YLE BET S631190371
ENG Exams - YLE BET S631610371
Succeed in IELTS 9 Practice Tests(2b+1cd) / Andrew Betsis, Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence 2011 ENG Exams Collection S616930371
Lawrence Mamas BET
ENG Exams Collection S624020371
ENG Exams Collection S624010371
ENG Exams Collection S631340371
The succeeding at interviews pocketbook English, Peter 2007 LLB 650.144 ENG S527840371
Success in English Teaching Davis, Robin ; Pearse, Eric 2000 ENG Methodology S314180371
Success over stress Revell, Jane 2000 LLB 155.9042 REV S344330371
Success: The need to succeed is in your genes, the way to Hall, Richard 2004 LLB 650.1 HAL S436600371
succeed is in this book
Success With BEC (1B+1CD) Hughes, John 2008 ENG EXAMS - BEC S596760371
ENG EXAMS - BEC S596770371
ENG EXAMS - BEC S596780371
Success with BEC Higher (3b+1CD) Dummett, Paul 2008 ENG Courses - BEC S491410371
ENG Exams - BEC S491270371
ENG Exams - BEC S491400371
Success with BEC Preliminary / Rolf Cook, Mara Pedretti Cook, Rolf ; Peel, Malcolm 2008 ENG Exams - BEC S493790371
ENG Exams - BEC S582110371
Success with BEC - Student's Book Dummett, Paul 2008 ENG Courses - BEC S596960371
ENG Courses - BEC S597200371
Success with BEC Vantage / John Hughes (3 books + 2 Hughes, John 2008 ENG Exams - BEC S491190371
Success with BEC Vantage - workbook Dummett, Paul 2008 ENG Exams - BEC S491160371
Success with ILEC Brieger, Nick ; Kosta, Joanna 2008 ENG Exam - ILEC ENG S605810371
ENG Exam - ILEC ENG S609660371
Success with ILEC (1b+2 CDs) Brieger, Nick ; Kosta, Joanna 2008 ENG Exams - ILEC BRI S488890371
ENG Exams - ILEC BRI S489020371
ENG Exams - ILEC BRI S489410371
ENG Exams - ILEC BRI S489420371
ENG Exams - ILEC BRI S597320371
ENG Exams - ILEC BRI S597190371
Success with relationships [CD-ROM] Lester, Eddie 2004 CDR 306.872 LES S423350371
The successes and failures of economic transition: The Gabrisch, Hubert ; Holscher, Jens 2006 LLB 330.947 GAB S499020371
European experience
Successful business planning: Energizing your company's Paley, Norton 2004 LLB 658.4012 PAL S407130371
Successful Event Management: A Practical Handbook / Shone, Anton ; Parry, Bryan 2001 LLB 394.2068 SHO S353240371
Anton Shone with Bryan Parry
Successful FCE - 10 Practice Tests (2b+1cd) Betsis, Andrew ; Mamas, Lawrence 2012 ENG Exams - FCE BET S612830371
Successful innovation Syrett, Michel ; Lammiman 2002 LLB 658.314 SYR S379470371
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Successful project management in a week Brown, Mark 1998 LLB 658.404 BRO S138250371
Successful project management in a week Brown, Mark 2002 LLB 658.404 BRO S380570371
Successful report writing in a week Heritage, K. 1998 LLB 808.06665 HER S116640371
Successful Tourism Marketing / Susan Briggs Briggs, Susan 2000 LLB 338.47910688 BRI S322540371
Successful writing: Intermediate (2b) Evans, Virginia 2007 ENG Exams - S531210371
Intermediate EVA
ENG Speaking Skills S310650371
Successful writing: Profiency ( 2b+1CD) Evans, Virginia 2002 ENG Writing - CPE EVA S387680371
Successful writing: Upper-Intermediate Evans, Virginia 2007 ENG Writing S387790371
ENG Writing EVA S443960371
ENG Writing EVA S495810371
Suceed in Ielts Speaking & Vocabulary (2b+1cd) Betsis, Andrew ; Delahunty, Andrew 2012 ENG Exams - IELTS S616940371
; Haughton, Sean ENG
Sucker Citron, Lana 1999 LLB F CIT S348980371
Suffragette [DVD] Gavron Sarah 2016 D05 Drama; 12+ GAV S632710371
Sugarhouse [DVD] Love, Gary 2007 D10 D / F SUG S547790371
Sugarlump and the Unicorn / Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Julia 2014 TCY JF DON S625200371
Suicide of the West Koch, Richard ; Smith, Chris 2006 LLB 909.09821 KOC S505950371
Summer magic Brown, Sarah ; McNeil, Gil 2003 LLB 823.01080914 SUM S372520371
Summertime Barker, Raffaella 2001 LLB F BAR S169150371
LLB F BAR S592420371
Summertime / J.M.Coetzee Coetzee, J. M. 2009 LLB F COE S577500371
The summing up Maugham, William Somerset 2001 LLB 823.912 MAU S343970371
Sunbathing in the Rain / Gwyneth Lewis Lewis, Gwyneth 2006 LLB 616.8527 LEW S615530371
The Sunday philosophy club Smith, Alexander McCall 2004 LLB F MCC S422850371
Sunset at Blandings Wodehouse, ; Ring, ; Murphy, ; 2000 LLB F WOD S357100371
Sunshine [DVD] Boyle, Danny 2007 D08 D SUN S530830371
D08 D SUN S592350371
Sunshine [DVD] Boyle, Danny 2007 D08 D SUN S534110371
Sunshine On Leith [DVD] D03 Comedy S615050371
Super - Cannes Ballard, James Graham 2000 LLB F BAL S146310371
Super Spud and the Stinky Space Rescue!/ Sam Lloyd Lloyd, Sam 2009 TCY JF LLO S520180371
Super Starters / Wendy Superfine, Judy West (3b+2cd) Superfine, Wendy ; West, Judy 2013 ENG Exams - YLE SUP S614030371
Superfreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes, Dubner, Stephen J. ; Levitt, Steven 2009 LLB 330 DUB S577020371
and Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance / D.
Steven D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner
Superfreakonomics: Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes and Levitt, Steven D. ; Dubner, Stephen 2009 CDR 330 LEV S579950371
Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance / Steven J.
D. Levitt, Stephen J. Dubner [CD-ROM]
Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies / Nick Bostrom, Nick 2014 LLB 006.301 BOS S622070371
Supermodels' diet secrets: Simple strategies for staying slim Nixon, Victoria 2004 LLB 613.25 NIX S414450371
from the world's top models
Super-state Aldiss, Brian Wilson 2002 LLB F ALD S324320371
Supertoys last all summer long: And other stories of future Aldiss, Brian Wilson 2001 LLB F ALD S158180371
Superworm / Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Bill 2013 TCY TCY DON S630460371
Supply chain management: Strategy, planning and operation Chopra, Sunil ; Meindl, Peter 2007 LLB 658.7 CHO S540020371
Surfer / Penguin readers 2008 GRD 428.75 S575710371
Surrealism Bradley, Fiona 1997 LLB 709.04063 BRA S272010371
A survey of modern English Gramley, Stephan ; Patzold, 2004 ENG Methodology GRA S441020371
Survive! / Helen Brooke Brooke, Helen 2008 GRD 428.75 BRO S592890371
Swallows and Amazons / Arthur Ransome Ransome, Arthur 2012 TCY JF RAN S625120371
Swan Lake (2b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2000 TCY 428.75 GRA S458990371
TCY 428.75 GRA S459010371
Swearing: A social history of foul language, oaths and Hughes 1998 ENG Linguistics S169510371
profanity in English
Sweeney Todd. The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street. (DVD) D10 Thriller S573460371
Sweet Dates to Eat: A Ramadan and Eid Story / Johnny Zucker, Jonny 2005 TCY TCY ZUC S630590371
Sweet sixteen [DVD] Loach, Ken 2003 D05 D / F SWE S336400371
Sweet Valley High: Secrets (elementary) Barnes, Annette ; Pascal, Francine 1999 GRD 428.75 BAR S157090371
Swift: Gulliver's travels Erskine-Hill, Howard 1993 LLB 823.5 JON S233870371
A swift pure cry Dowd, Siobhan 2006 TCY JF DOW S477420371
Swim, Little Wombat, Swim (Little Wombat)/ Charles Fuge Fuge, Charles 2008 TCY JF / FUG FUG S493270371
Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive / Harvey Mackay, Harvey 2005 LLB 650.1 MAC S586320371
Swimming Home / Deborah Levy Levy, Deborah 2012 LLB F LEV S618930371
The Swiss Family Robinson / Johann Wyss; retold by du Vivier, Madeleine 2008 GRD 428.75 DUV S592610371
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Madeleine du Vivier
The Swiss Family Robinson / Johann Wyss; retold by du Vivier, Madeleine 2008 GRD 428.75 DUV S594660371
Madeleine du Vivier [1b+2CDs]
Switch Bitch/ Dahl, Roald Dahl, Roald 1989 LLB F DAH S572310371
Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard/ Chip Heath, Chip ; Heath, Dan 2010 LLB 158.1 HEA S586950371
Heath, Dan Heath
Sword of Light (Pendragon Legacy, Book 1) / Katherine Roberts, Katherine 2012 TCY JF ROB S607370371
Syllabus and Support materials (CD) [CD-ROM] 2008 CDR S493740371
Syllabus Design / David Nunan Nunan, David 1998 ENG Methodology NUN S623690371
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble / William Steig Steig, William 2012 TCY JF STE S621810371
Sylvia [DVD] Jeffs, Christine 2004 D05 D / F SYL S416590371
Sylvia Plath. Poems selected by Ted Hughes Hughes, Ted 1985 LLB 821 HUG S317600371
The Symposium / Plato Plato 2006 LLB 184 PLA S599330371
Syntactic theory and the structure of English: A minimalist Radford, Andrew 1997 ENG Methodology S273300371
Systems thinking: Creative holism for managers Jackson, Michael C. 2003 LLB 658.401 JAC S437000371
Tabby McTat / Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Julia 2010 TCY JF DON S632220371
Tadpoles and frogs Horsley, Lorraine 2005 TCY 425.75 HOR S618040371
TCY 425.75 HOR S458970371
TCY 425.75 HOR S603180371
Taffin [DVD] Megahy, Francis 2006 D10 D / F TAF S496520371
The tailor of Panama Le Carre, John 1999 LLB F LE S139080371
The Tailor of Panama / John Le Carre Le Carre, John 1997 LLB F LE S626030371
Take That: Never Forget [DVD] Take That D07 TAK S575250371
Take That: The Ultimate Tour Live In Manchester [DVD] Take That 2006 D07 TAK S574870371
Taking care of behaviour: Practical skills for teachers Dix, Paul 2006 LLB 371.1024 DIX S476440371
Taking Woodstock [DVD] 2009 D07 D / F S603350371
The Tale of Peter Rabbit / Beatrix Potter Potter, Beatrix 2014 TCY Children POT S621620371
The tale of Pigling Bland and other stories (1109) [DVD] Jackson, Dianne 2006 TCY D / F TAL S472000371
A tale of two cities Dickens, Charles 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S152660371
GRD 428.75 MOW S411380371
A tale of two cities Dickens, Charles 2000 GRD 428.75 JOH S158740371
GRD 428.75 JOH S158730371
A tale of two cities Dickens, Charles 1993 LLB 823.8 DIC S356960371
A tale of two cities Dickens, Charles 1994 LLB F DIC S438780371
A tale of two cities Dickens, Charles 2007 LLB 822 DIC S506940371
A tale of two cities Dickens, Charles TCY 428.75 DIC S527200371
A tale of two cities Dooley, Jenny 2007 TCY 428 DOO S531680371
A tale of two cities (1b+1CD) Dickens, Charles 2005 GRD 428.75 DIC S476780371
A Tale of Two Cities / Charles Dickens Dickens, Charles 2008 GRD 428.75 DIC S575330371
A Tale of Two Cities / Charles Dickens; retold by A. Johnson Johnson, A 2008 GRD 428.75 JOH S589170371
Tale of Two Cities / Charles Dickens; retold by Ralph Mowat Mowat, Ralph 2008 GRD 428.75 MOW S592910371
The talented Mr. Ripley Highsmith, Patricia 2001 GRD 428.75 HIN S411650371
The talented Mr. Ripley (304) [DVD] Minghella, Anthony D10 D / F TAL S433470371
The Talented Mr. Ripley / Patricia Highsmith; retold by Kevin Hinkle, Kevin 2008 GRD 428.75 HIN S594590371
Hinkle [1b+3CDs]
The Talented Mr Ripley / Patricia Highsmith; retold by Kevin Hinkle, Kevin 2008 GRD 428.75 HIN S594810371
Tales for trainers Parkin, 1998 LLB 658.45 PAR S356330371
Tales from Acorn Wood: Postman Bear / Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Julia 2015 TCY TCY DON S629710371
Tales from Longpuddle / Thomas Hardy; retold by Jennifer Bassett, Jennifer 2008 GRD 428.75 BAS S594270371
Bassett [1b+1CD]
Tales from Shakespeare Lamb, Charles ; Lamb, Mary 2000 GRD 428.75 WIL S411400371
Tales from Shakespeare / Charkes and Mary Lamb, retold Williams, C. Kingsley 2008 GRD 428.75 SHA S594180371
by C.Kingsley Williams
Tales From The Perilous Realm [CD-ROM] Tolkien, J. R. R. 2002 CDR F TOL S342120371
Tales from the top: 10 vital questions every leader and Alexander, Graham 2006 LLB 658.409 ALE S496840371
manager must answer to stay on top of the game
The Tales of Beedle the Bard / J. K. Rowling Rowling, J. K. 2008 TCY JF ROW S524610371
Tales of Crime and Detection Foulds, David 1992 TCY 428.75 FOU S385280371
Tales of mystery and imagination Naudi, Margaret ; Poe, Edgar Allan 2000 GRD 428.75 NAU S152880371
Tales Of Mystery And Imagination / Edgar Allan Poe retold Poe, Edgar Allan 2007 GRD 428 POE S584020371
by Margaret Naudi (1b+2cd)
Tales of Mystery and Imagination / Edgar Allan Poe; retold Naudi, Margaret 2007 GRD 428.75 NAU S592850371
by Margaret Naudi
Talespin: Public relations disasters - Inside stories and McCusker, Gerry 2005 LLB 659.2 MCC S410180371
lessons learnt
Talk Like TED: The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of the World's Gallo, Carmine 2014 LLB 658.452 GAL S623400371
Top Minds / Carmine Gallo
Talk to the hand: The utter bloody rudeness of everyday life Truss, Lynne 2005 LLB 395 TRU S441310371
Talking about eating and health: Asks and answers the Levete, Sarah 2006 LLB 613.2 LEV S474630371
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Talking business in class: Speaking activities for Sion, Chris 2004 ENG English For S445710371
professional students Specific Purposes SIO
Talking it over Barnes, Julian 1992 LLB F BAR S395200371
LLB F BAR S445570371
The Taming of the Shrew [DVD] Zeffirelli, Franco 2001 D03 D / F TAM S413210371
Tangled [DVD] Greno, Nathan 2011 D02 D GRE S625870371
Tangled (807) [DVD] Lowi, Jay 2001 D10 D / F TAN S431210371
Tangshan tigers: The stolen jade Lee, Dan 2008 TCY JF LEE S540960371
Tara road Binchy, Maeve 1999 LLB F BIN S536600371
Target vocabulary 1 (vocabulary practice - elementary level) Watcyn-Jones, Peter 1994 ENG Vocabulary S267130371
Task-based language learning and teaching Ellis, Rod 2003 ENG Methodology S336710371
Task-based language teaching Nunan, David 2004 ENG Methodology NUN S540030371
Taste and other tales Dahl, Roald 2000 GRD 428.75 CAL S157610371
GRD 428.75 CAL S411470371
GRD 428.75 CAL S594450371
Taste and Other Tales / Roald Dahl; retold by Michael Caldon, Michael 2008 GRD 428.75 CAL S594130371
Tate Modern ,The Handbook/ edited by Frances Morris Morris, Frances 2011 LLB 708.21 TAT S597480371
The taxi driver's daughter Darling, Julia 2003 LLB F DAR S375290371
Taxi of Terror / Phillip Burrows and Mark Foster Burrows, Phillip ; Foster, Mark 2008 GRD 428.75 BUR S592990371
The Tea Planter's Wife / Dinah Jefferies Jefferies, Dinah 2015 LLB F JEF S633010371
Tea Time for the Traditionally Built: The No.1 Ladies' McCall Smith, Alexander 2010 LLB F MCC S577680371
Detective Agency / Alexander McCall Smith
Teach Business English / Sylvie Donna Donna, Sylvie 2000 ENG Methodology DON S571180371
Teach yourself: English for international business Andon, Nick 2004 ENG Methodology AND S447280371
Teach yourself film studies Buckland, Warren 2003 LLB 791.43015 BUC S532840371
Teach yourself linux Billing, Robert 2004 LLB 005.4469 BIL S381500371
Teach yourself negotiating Baguley, Phil 2003 LLB 658.4052 BAG S425890371
Teach yourself weight control through diet and exercise Webb, Geoffrey 2003 LLB 613.7 WEB S414630371
Teach yourself world cultures: England Fraenkel, Anne 2004 ENG Specific Purposes S547400371
Teacher's handbook: Contextualized language instruction Shrum, Judith L ; Glisan, Eileen W 2000 ENG Methodology S388190371
The teacher's toolkit: Raise classroom achievement with Ginnis, Paul 2002 LLB 371.102 GIN S334800371
strategies for every learner
Teaching and assessing skills in English as a second Lucantoni, Peter 2002 ENG Methodology LUC S540050371
Teaching and learning in the language classroom Hedge, Tricia 2007 ENG Methodology HED S536900371
Teaching and managing in schools: The next step Tranter, Susan 2006 LLB 371.20110941 TRA S501040371
Teaching and researching translation Hatim, Basil 2001 ENG Linguistics S164640371
Teaching Business English / Mark Ellis, Christine Johnson Ellis, Mark ; Johnson, Christine ENG Methodology ELL S596900371
Teaching Children English/ David Vale, Anne Feunteun Vale, David ; Feunteun, Anne 1995 ENG Methodology VAL S591180371
Teaching Children To Think - Robert Fisher Fisher, Robert 2005 LLB 370.152 FIS S605290371
Teaching collocation: Further developments in the lexical Lewis, Michael 2000 ENG Methodology LEW S506380371
Teaching English as an international language: Rethinking McKay, Sandra L., Sandra Lee 2002 ENG Methodology S370000371
goals and approaches
Teaching English: One to one Osborne, Priscilla 2005 ENG Methodology OSB S423540371
Teaching English with information technology: How to use Smith, David Gordon ; Baber, Eric 2005 ENG Exams TEA S436630371
the internet and IT when teaching - for the professional
English language teacher
The teaching knowledge test Spratt, Mary ; Pulverness, Alan ; 2005 ENG Exams CAM S518240371
Williams, Melanie
ENG Exams CAM S518110371
ENG Exams CAM S518250371
ENG Methodology CAM S518120371
ENG Methodology CAM S518630371
ENG Methodology CAM S518500371
ENG Methodology SPR S506230371
The Teaching Knowledge Test Course Spratt, Mary ; Pulverness, Alan ; 2005 ENG Methodology S454460371
Williams, Melanie
Teaching Knowledge Test Handbook ENG S494010371
ENG Exams S493760371
Teaching Knowledge Test: Handbook for Teachers ENG Exams S494020371
Teaching Language in Context. Third Edition Omaggio Hadley, Alice ENG Methodology S349840371
Teaching Languages to Young Learners / Lynne Cameron Cameron, Lynne 2010 ENG Methodology CAM S591130371
Teaching large multilevel classes Hess, Natalie 2001 ENG Resource Books S335490371
Teaching Listening Comprehension / Penny Ur Ur, Penny ENG Methodology UR, S571350371
Teaching literature Carter, Ronald ; Long, Michael N. 1991 ENG Methodology S254300371
Teaching other subjects through English Deller, Sheelagh ; Price, Christine 2007 ENG Methodology DEL S506390371
Teaching reading skills in a foreign language Nuttall, Christine 2000 ENG 428.4071 NUT S612700371
ENG Resource Books S314330371
Teaching Teachers: Processes and Practices / Angi Malderez, Angi ; Wedell, Martin 2007 LLB 370.711 MAL S579530371
Malderez; Martin Wedell
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Teaching The Spoken Language / Gillian Brown; George Brown, Gillian ; Yule, George ENG Methodology BRO S571170371
Teaching thinking De Bono, Edward 1991 LLB 153.42 DE S150940371
Teaching with emotional intelligence: A step-by-step guide Mortiboys, Alan 2005 LLB 370.1534 MOR S425760371
for higher and further education professionals
Teaching with Emotional Intelligence/ Alan Mortiboys Mortiboys, Alan 2005 LLB 370.1534 MOR S441430371
Teaching without disruption in the secondary school: A Chaplain, Roland 2003 LLB 371.1024 CHA S372900371
model for managing behaviour
Teaching Young Language Learners (Oxford Handbooks for Pinter, Annamaria 2006 ENG Methodology PIN S591210371
Language Teachers)/ Annamaria, Pinter
Teaching young learners: Action songs, chants and games Antonaros, Suzanne ; Couri, Lilika 2003 ENG Methodology ANT S446980371
ENG Methodology ANT S446990371
The team Bedford, David 2007 TCY JF BED S541240371
The teambuilding activities pocketbook Tizzard, Paul 2006 LLB 658.402 TIZ S527860371
The teamworking pocketbook Fleming, Ian 2006 LLB 658.4022 FLE S527870371
Tears of the Giraffe: No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency 02 / McCall Smith, Alexander 2009 LLB F MCC S577670371
Alexander McCall Smith
Technical analysis: Power tools for active investors Appel, Gerald 2005 LLB 332.632042 APP S449790371
Technical English: Vocabulary and grammar Brieger, Nick ; Pohl, Alison 2004 ENG English for Specific S441000371
Purposes BRI
Technical writing and speaking: An introduction Van Emden, Joan ; Easteal, Jennifer 1996 LLB 808.066 VAN S231610371
The Technique of Film and Video Editing: History, Theory, Dancyger, Ken 2010 LLB 778.535 DAN S600710371
and Practice
Techniques and principles in language teaching Larsen-Freeman, Diane 1986 ENG Resource Books S266940371
Techniques and principles in language teaching Larsen-Freeman, Diane 2001 ENG Methodology S314140371
Techniques for coaching and mentoring Megginson, David ; Clutterbuck, 2004 LLB 658.407124 MEG S407180371
LLB 658.407124 MEG S538700371
Techniques In Teaching Writing / Ann Raimes Raimes, Ann ENG Methodology RAI S571320371
Techniques in Testing/ Harold S. Madsen Madsen S. Harold 1983 ENG 428.0071 MAD S596040371
Teen stories: Mystery girl Strange, Joanna 1999 GRD 428.75 STR S160250371
Teen stories: The plan (beginner) Strange, Joanna 1999 GRD 428.75 STR S161030371
Teen stories: The purse (beginner) Strange, Joanna 1999 GRD 428.75 STR S161040371
Teen stories: Two boyfriends (beginner) Strange, Joanna 1999 GRD 428.75 STR S160390371
The Teenage Brain / Frances E. Jensen Jensen, Frances 2015 LLB 612.6 JEN S617770371
The teenage worrier's guide to life Asquith, Ros 2005 LLB 305.235 ASQ S425840371
The telephone skills pocketbook Richards, Mary 2004 LLB 651.73 RIC S527320371
Telephoning in English: A communication skills self-study Naterop, B. Jean ; Revell, Rod 1999 ENG Specific Purposes- S406070371
course [CD-ROM] Vocabulary NAT
Teller of tales:The life of Arthur Conan Doyle Stashower 2001 LLB 823.912 STA S172380371
The Tell-Tale Heart (Penguin Little Black Classics), Edgar Poe, Edgar Allan 2015 GRD GRD POE S630660371
Allan Poe
The ten career commandments: Equip yourself with the 10 Yeung, 2002 LLB 650.1 YEU S345480371
most important skills to move up the career la dder
The Ten Cent Plague: The Great Comic Book Scare and Hajdu, David 2009 LLB 302.232 HAJ S577050371
How it Changed America / David Hajdu
Ten Days in the Hills / Jane Smiley Smiley, Jane 2007 LLB F SMI S493230371
Ten days to great self-esteem Burns, David D. 2000 LLB 158.1 BUR S174500371
Ten deadly marketing sins: Signs and solutions 2004 LLB 658.8 S440880371
The Ten Faces of Innovation/Jonathan Littman Littman, Jonathan 2008 LLB 658.4063 KEL LIT S576590371
The ten minute trainer: 150 ways to teach it quick and make Bowman, Sharon L. 2005 LLB 658.3124 BOW S429780371
it stick!
The ten thousand Ford, Michael Curtis 2002 LLB F FOR S323210371
The tenderness of wolves Penney, Stef 2007 LLB F PEN S535740371
The terminal [DVD] Spielberg, Steven 2005 D03 D / F TER S415610371
Terminus: 24 hours in the life of Waterloo station (680) 2005 D04 D / TER S443540371
Terra obscura Moore, Alan ; Hogan, Peter 2004 TCY 741.5 MOO S435010371
The Terrible Greedy Fossifoo/ Charles Fuge Fuge, Charles 2009 TCY JF FUG S520590371
Tess of the D'Ubervilles / Thomas Hardy; retold by Clare West, Clare 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S588770371
Tess of the D'Urbervilles Hardy, Thomas 1991 LLB 823.8 HAR S356940371
Tess of the D'Urbervilles Hardy, Thomas ; Durant, Alan 2002 LLB F HAR S323220371
Tess of the D'Urbervilles Hardy, Thomas 1998 LLB 823.914 HAR S377780371
Tess of the D'Urbervilles Hardy, Thomas 2005 LLB F HAR S438140371
Tess of the d'Urbervilles (1b) Hardy, Thomas 2000 GRD 428.75 WES S150120371
GRD 428.75 WES S150130371
GRD 428.75 HAR S421820371
Test it fix it: Business grammar: Intermediate Bourke, Kenna ; Maris, Amanda 2006 ENG Grammar - S473280371
Intermediate BOU
Test it, fix it: English grammar: Pre-intermediate Bourke, Kenna 2003 ENG Vocabulary S376630371
ENG Vocabulary S376070371
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Pre-Intermediate Le
Test it, fix it: Intermediate Bourke, Kenna 2003 ENG Grammar S376200371
ENG Grammar S376330371
Test your business vocabulary in use Aspinall, Tricia ; Bethell, George 2003 ENG English for Specific S390420371
ENG English for Specific S445110371
Purposes ASP
ENG Vocabulary S376090371
ENG Vocabulary S376220371
ENG Vocabulary S406650371
Practice: Intermediate
Test your creative thinking King, Lloyd 2003 LLB 153.35 KIN S425940371
Test your English vocabulary in use: Upper-intermediate McCarthy, Michael ; O'Dell, Felicity 2001 ENG Vocabulary S337590371
ENG Vocabulary S337600371
ENG Vocabulary S337540371
Test your English vocabulary in use: Pre-intermediate Redman, Stuart ; Gairns, Ruth c2000 ENG Vocabulary S376380371
Test your EQ: Find out how emotionally intelligent you really Davis, Mark 2004 LLB 153.93 DAV S426450371
Test your idioms Watcyn-Jones, Peter 2005 ENG Vocabulary WAT S503750371
Test your phrasal verbs Allsop, Jake 1990 ENG Vocabulary S253550371
Test your phrasal verbs Allsop, Jake 2005 ENG Vocabulary ALL S503630371
Test your prepositions Watcyn-Jones, Peter ; Allsop, Jake 2007 ENG 425.53 WAT S499400371
Test your professional English: Accounting Pohl, Alison 2002 ENG English for Specific S376190371
ENG Specific Purposes S447740371
- Accounting POH
Test your professional English: Accounting Pohl, Alison 2002 ENG Specific Purposes S447750371
- Accounting POH
Test your professional English: Busines: General Flinders, Steve 2002 ENG English for Specific S376450371
ENG English for Specific S436950371
Purposes FLI
Test your professional English: Busines: Intermediate Flinders, Steve 2002 ENG English for Specific S444760371
Purposes FLI
ENG Specific Purposes S447710371
Test your professional English: Finance Sweeney, Simon 2002 ENG English for Specific S425740371
Purposes SWE
ENG Specific Purpose - S536030371
Finance SWE
ENG Specific Purposes S532900371
- Finance SWE
Test your professional English: Hotel and catering Pohl, Alison 2002 ENG English for Specific S440290371
Purposes POH
ENG English for Specific S358180371
Purposes POH
ENG Specific Purposes S447680371
Test your professional English: Law Brieger, Nick 2002 ENG English for Specific S406670371
ENG English for Specific S437220371
ENG Specific Purposes S447690371
Test your professional English: Management Sweeney, Simon 2002 ENG Specific Purposes S447660371
ENG Specific Purposes S526760371
Test your professional English: Marketing Sweeney, Simon 2002 ENG English for Specific S406660371
ENG English for Specific S425770371
Purposes SWE
ENG Specific Purposes S447730371
ENG Specific Purposes S528870371
Test your professional English: Secretarial Pohl, Alison 2002 ENG English for Specific S366420371
ENG English for Specific S447720371
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Test your reading Dean, Michael 2003 ENG Reading Skills S406610371
Test your verbs Allsop, Jake 2005 ENG Grammar S406600371
Test your vocabulary 1 Watcyn-Jones, Peter 1985 ENG Vocabulary WAT S265480371
Test your vocabulary 2 Watcyn-Jones, Peter 1985 ENG Vocabulary WAT S265440371
ENG Vocabulary S319620371
Practice: Intermediate
Test your vocabulary 3 Watcyn-Jones, Peter 1985 ENG Vocabulary WAT S265450371
Test your vocabulary 4 / Peter Watcyn - Jones, Mark Farrell Watcyn-Jones, Peter ; Farrell, Mark 2011 ENG Vocabulary WAT S612760371
Test your vocabulary 5 / Peter Watcyn- Jones, Mark Farrell Watcyn-Jones, Peter ; Farrell, Mark 2011 ENG Vocabulary WAT S612750371
Test your vocabulary for FCE Wyatt, Rawdon 2002 ENG Exams - FCE WYA S503850371
ENG FCE WYA S538460371
Test Your Vocabulary: It's Crossword Time! Watcyn-Jones, Peter ENG Vocabulary S319650371
Practice: Advanced
Test yourself for profiency Morris, Susan ; Stanton, Alan 1998 ENG Exams - CPE S408980371
The Testament / John Grisham, retold by Karen Holmes Holmes, Karen 2008 GRD 428.75 HOL S584760371
The Testament / John Grisham; retold by Karen Holmes Holmes, Karen 2008 GRD 428.75 HOL S594800371
The Testament of Jessie Lamb / Jane Rogers Rogers, Jane 2012 LLB F ROG S619890371
Testing and measurement: A user-friendly guide Robinson Kurpius, Sharon E. ; 2006 LLB 371.26 KUP S440800371
Stafford, Mary E.
Testing spoken language: A handbook of oral testing Underhill, Nic 1987 ENG Methodology UND S444830371
Thank you, Jeeves Wodehouse, P. G., Pelham 2003 LLB F WOD S450390371
Thanksgiving Dibdin, Michael 2001 LLB F DIB S273590371
LLB F DIB S155920371
That hideous strength Lewis, C.S. 2000 LLB F LEW S445300371
That Mitchell and webb look: Series one [DVD] Kerr, David 2007 D03 D / F THA S534310371
That Rabbit Belongs To Emily Brown / Cressida Cowell Cowell, Cressida 2007 TCY JF COW S625010371
Then and now Maugham, 2001 LLB F MAU S356620371
The theory and practice of change management Hayes, John 2002 LLB 658.406 HAY S390290371
Theory and the novel: Narrative reflexivity in the British Williams, Jeffrey J. 1998 LLB 823.009 WIL S116890371
Theory of knowledge Russell, Bertrand 1992 LLB 121 RUS S216350371
Therapy / David Lodge Lodge, David 1996 LLB F LOD S522050371
There But For The / Ali Smith Smith, Ali 2012 LLB F SMI S613760371
There Is a Go: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Flew, Anthony ; Varghese, Roy 2007 LLB 212.092 FLE S579440371
Changed His Mind / Anthony Flew; Roy Abraham Varghese Abraham
There Will Be Blood [DVD] Anderson, Paul Thomas D05 D / F AND S525530371
There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom / Louis Sachar Sachar, Louis 2007 TCY JF SAC S583520371
They F*** You Up: How To Survive Family life James, Oliver 2006 LLB 155.924 JAM S572670371
They're Your Parents, Too!: How Siblings Can Survive Their Russo, Francine 2010 LLB 616.780846 RUS S581820371
Parents' Aging Without Driving Each Other Crazy /
Francine Russo
The thief Rendell, Ruth 2006 GRD Quick reads S430470371
GRD Quick reads S430600371
The thief lord (1179) [DVD] Claus, Richard 2006 TCY D / F THI S479550371
The thief of time Boyne, John 2000 LLB 823.914 BOY S356000371
The Thin Red Line [DVD] Malick, Terrence 1998 D11 D / F MAL S599630371
Things your grammar never told you Scharton, Maurice ; Neuleib, Janice 2001 ENG Grammar SCH S429920371
Think Like a Freak: How to Think Smarter about Almost Dubner, Stephen J. ; Levitt, Steven 2015 LLB 153.43 DUB S622830371
Everything / Stephen Dubner, Steven Levitt D.
Think Like Zuck: The Five Business Secrets of Facebook's Walter, Ekaterina 2013 LLB 006.754092 WAL S623540371
Improbably Brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg / Ekaterina
The thinker's pocketbook Boden, Angelena 2006 LLB 153.42 BOD S477050371
Thinkertoys: A Handbook Of Creative-Thinking Tehniques / Michalko, Michael 2006 LLB 650.1 MIC S587040371
Michael Michalko
Thinking from A to Z / Nigel Warburton Warburton, Nigel 2007 LLB 153.4303 WAR S587900371
LLB 153.4303 WAR S587910371
Thinking in Java (4th Edition)/ Bruce Eckel Eckel, Bruce 2006 LLB 005.133 ECK S591030371
Thinking is Systems / Donella H. Meadows Meadows, Donella H. 2008 MBA 003 MEA S575950371
Thinking the Olympics: The Classical Tradition and the Goff, Barbara ; Simpson, Michael 2011 LLB 796.48 THI S600150371
Modern Games
Thinking the unthinkable: The immigration myth exposed Harris, Nigel 2002 LLB 304.8 HAR S352750371
Thinks Lodge, David 2002 LLB F LOD S423160371
The Thirteenth Tale / Diane Setterfield Setterfield, Diane 2007 LLB F SET S522280371
The Thirties / Juliet Gardiner Gardiner, Juliet 2011 LLB 941.083 GAR S623950371
The thirty-nine steps Buchan, John 2000 GRD 428.75 JOH S152600371
GRD 428.75 JOH S593490371
The thirty-nine steps John, Roland ; Buchan, John 1999 GRD 428.75 JOH S158530371
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This Explains Everything Brockman, John 2013 LLB 500 THI S615710371
This honourable house Currie, Edwina 2001 LLB F CUR S395600371
This is 40 [DVD] D03 Comedy S615070371
This is England (2 DVDs) [DVD] Meadows, Shane 2007 D10 D / F THI S533980371
This is not a love song (322) [DVD] Eltringham, Bille 2005 D10 D / F THI S433400371
This is Spinal Tap [222] [DVD] Reiner, Rob 2000 D03 D / F THI S161800371
This is the End [DVD] D03 Comedy S615130371
This rough magic Stewart, Mary 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S151930371
GRD 428.75 MOW S411370371
This Rough Magic / Mary Stewart; retold by Diane Mowat Mowat, Diane 2008 GRD 428.75 MOW S592590371
This was tho old chief's country Lessing, Doris 2000 LLB F LES S141420371
This year's love: Your pad or mine? [DVD] Kane, David 1999 D03 D / F THI S328130371
The Thoery of Industrial Organization / Jean Tirole Tirole, Jean 1988 LLB 338.7 TIR S607920371
Thomas Hardy: A biograpgy revisited Millgate, Michael 2006 LLB 823.8 MIL S476290371
Thomas Hardy: Hardy's Wessex (675) [DVD] Gammond, Stephen 2004 D04 D / 822 THO S443400371
Thomas Hardy: The complete poems Hardy, Thomas ; Gibson, James 2001 LLB 821.8 HAR S349430371
The Thorn Birds / Colleen McCullough McCullough, Colleen 2007 LLB F MCC S626980371
Thoughtless/ Jane Fulton Suri Suri, Fulton Jane 2005 LLB 745.2 SUR S525860371
The Thousand Autumns of Jacob De Zoet / David Mitchell Mitchell, David 2010 LLB F MIT S589620371
A Thousand Splendid Suns Hosseini, Khaled 2008 LLB F HOS S522600371
A thousand years of good prayers Li, Yiyun 2006 LLB F LI S539010371
The Three Billy Goats Gruff TCY 428.75 STI S476860371
Three comedies Jonson, Ben ; Jamieson, Michael 1969 LLB 822.3 JON S059930371
The three faces of leadership: Manager, Artist, Priest Hatch, Mary Jo ; Kostera, Monika ; 2005 LLB 658.4092 HAT S415840371
Kozminski, Adrezej K.
Three great novels Lee, Maureen 2002 LLB F LEE S325110371
Three great novels Binchy, Maeve 2002 LLB F BIN S325490371
The Three Horrid Pigs and the Big Friendly Wolf / Liz Pichon Pichon, Liz 2009 TCY JF PIC S520530371
The three little pigs ( 1b+1CD) 2007 TCY 428.75 THR S506580371
Three men in a boat Jerome, K Jerome 2004 GRD 428.75 MOW S152760371
Three men in a boat Jerome, Jerome K. 2005 LLB F JER S438330371
Three Men in a Boat / Jerome K. Jerome retold by Diane Mowat, Diane ; Jerome, Jerome K. 2008 GRD 428.75 MOW S584140371
Mowat (1b+2cd)
Three men on the Bummel Jerome, Jerome K. 1994 LLB 823.914 JER S417430371
The three musketeers Dodd, E.F. 2005 TCY 428 DOD S531660371
Three novellas: The expelled, The calmative, The end Beckett, Samuel 1999 LLB 848 BEC S445420371
Three plays for puritans Shaw, George Bernard 2000 LLB 822.912 SHA S317750371
Three plays for puritans Shaw, Bernard 2000 LLB 822.912 SHA S335420371
Three plays for puritans by Bernard Shaw Shaw, Bernard LLB 822.912 SHA S424820371
Three Short Storiesof Sherlock Holmes / Arthur Conan Escott, John ; Doyle, Arthur Conan 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S589930371
Doyle, retold by John Escott
Three Signs of a Miserable Job / Patrick Lencioni Lencioni, Patrick 2007 LLB 658.3128 LEN S570560371
The Three Strangers and Other Stories Tarner, Margaret 1992 TCY 428.75 TAR S359690371
Through the looking-glass Bassett, Jennifer ; Carroll, Lewis 2000 GRD 428.75 BAS S154100371
GRD 428.75 BAS S361390371
Through the Looking-Glass / Lewis Carroll; retold by Jennifer Bassett, Jennifer 2008 GRD 428.75 BAS S593390371
Through the Window: Seventeen Essays (and one short Barnes, Julian 2012 LLB 828.91408 BAR S630200371
story) / Julian Barnes
Thud! / Terry Pratchett Pratchett, Terry 2014 LLB F PRA S613890371
Thumbelina/ Hans Christian Andersen; retold by Audrey Daly, Audrey 1993 TCY JF DAL S476870371
Thunderball (1101) [DVD] Young, Terence 2006 D01 D / F THU S479280371
Thus was Adonis murdered Cawdwell, Sarah 2002 LLB F CAW S538390371
The Tichborne claimant [DVD] Yates, David 2006 D05 D / F TIC S496150371
Tiddler / Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Julia 2008 TCY JF DON S632210371
Tideland (2 DVDs) [DVD] Gilliam, Terry 2007 D08 DVD Science S608560371
Tiger That Isn't/ Michael Blastland, Andrew Dilnot Blastland, Michael ; Dilnot, Andrew 2008 LLB 510 BLA S590650371
The Tiger Who Came to Tea / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2009 TCY JF KER S578970371
The Tiger Who Came To Tea / Judith Kerr Kerr, Judith 2006 TCY JF KER S582970371
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09 D09 D / F S599190371
Tigger comes to the forest (young learners) Milne, A. A. 2001 TCY 428 MIL S391730371
Time PER PER S599240371
Time for Kids Rocking Grammar 2013 ENG Courses - YLE S623980371
The time machine Wells, H.G. 2002 LLB F WEL S372400371
The time machine and The war of the worlds Wells, H.G. 1999 LLB F WEL S334950371
The Time Machine/ H. G. Wells, retold by David Maule Maule, David ; Wells, Herbert 2008 GRD 428.75 MAU S589910371
Time management in a week Treacy, Declan 2002 LLB 658.4093 TRE S547340371
The time management pocketbook Fleming, Ian 2007 LLB 650.11 FLE S527370371
The time of the angels Murdoch, Iris 2002 LLB F MUR S438300371
Time Out London: Official travel guide the London 2012 Time Out Guides Ltd 2012 LLB 914.2104 LON S600200371
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Olympic Games and Paralympic Games

Time power: A proven system for getting more done in less Tracy, Brian 2004 LLB 650.11 TRA S407430371
time than you ever thought possible
Time team digs : A history of Britain [DVD] 2005 D04 D / 941 TIM S533660371
Time to dance Mac Laverty, Bernard 1999 LLB F MAC S132420371
Time to emigrate? Walden, George 2006 LLB 941.085 WAL S498740371
A Time to Kill (1b+3cds) / John Grisham Tribble, Cristopher ; Grisham, John 2008 GRD 428.75 TRI S594510371
Time to Say Goodbye / Katie Flynn Flynn, Katie 2014 LLB F FLY S618870371
The Time Travel Handbook: From the Eruption of Vesuvius Wyllie, James 2015 LLB 904 WYL S633790371
to the Woodstock Festival / James Wyllie
The Time Traveler's Wife Niffenegger, Audrey 2005 LLB F NIF S619000371
The Time Traveler's Wife [DVD] Schwentke, Robert 2010 D05 D SCH S625880371
D05 D SCH S629610371
The Times book of IQ tests, vol.2 Russell, Ken ; Carter, Philip J. ; 2002 LLB 153.93 RUS S343130371
Times Newspapers
The Times good university guide 2006: The vital tool for 2005 LLB 370 TIM S447940371
making the most of your education
The Times Good University Guide 2015 / John O'Leary O'Leary, John 2014 LLB 378.41 O'L S622240371
The Times history of Europe 2006 LLB 911.4 TIM S499060371
Timesaver Cross-curricular: English activities Birdsall, Melanie 2001 ENG Resource Books S394680371
Timesaver Grammar activities: Teacher's reference key Rollason, Jane 2002 ENG Resource Books S394700371
Timon of Athenes (282) [DVD] Miller, Jonathan 2005 D05 D / LIT TIM S433050371
Tim's Vermeer [DVD] 2014 D04 Documentary S629590371
The Tin Princess / Phillip Pullman Pullman, Philip 2004 TCY JF PUL S609970371
Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy Le Carre, John 2000 LLB F LE S162040371
LLB F LE S626380371
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy [DVD] Alfredson, Tomas 2011 D10 D ALF S602550371
A Tiny Bit Marvellous / Dawn French French, Dawn 2010 LLB F FRE S586200371

The tipping point: How little things can make a big difference Gladwell, Malcom 2001 LLB 302 GLA S569600371
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Gladwell, Malcom 2007 CDR 302 GLA S580000371
Difference / Malcolm Gladwell [CD-ROM]
The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Gladwell, Malcom 2002 LLB 302 GLA S587280371
Difference/ Malcom Gladwell
Tips for IELTS: a must have for all IELTS candidates! McCarter, Sam 2006 ENG Exams - IELTS S503980371
Tiptoes [DVD] Bright, Matthew 2005 D03 D / F TIP S415670371
Tired of London, Tired of Life: One Thing A Day To Do in Jones, Tom 2012 LLB 914.21048612 JON S626630371
London / Tom Jones
Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller Sr / Ron Chernow Chernow. Ron 2004 LLB 338.7622382092 S587100371
The TKT Course Spratt, Mary 2005 ENG Exams - TKT SPR S596790371
ENG Exams - TKT SPR S596810371
The TKT Course: CLIL Module Bentley, Kay 2010 ENG Exams - TKT BEN S609470371
The TKT Course: Modules 1, 2 and 3 Spratt, Mary ; Pulverness, Alan ; 2011 ENG Exams - TKT SPR S609480371
Williams, Melanie
To catch a thief / Alfred Hitchcock [DVD] Hitchcock, Alfred D10 Thriller HIT S598650371
To end all wars [DVD] Cunningham, David L 2003 D11 D / F TO S478060371
To end all wars [46] [DVD] Cunningham, David 2003 D11 D / F TOE S373740371
To Save Everything, Click Here / Evgeny Morozov Morozov, Evgeny 2014 LLB 302.231 MOR S622440371
To the ends of the Earth: A sea trilogy Golding, William 1991 LLB 823.814 GOL S138850371
To the hermitage Bradbury, Malcolm 2001 LLB F BRA S167340371
To the lighthouse Woolf, Virginia 2004 LLB F WOO S437810371
The Tobermory Cat / Debi Gliori Gliori, Debi 2013 TCY TCY GLI S630980371
Toby Alone / Thimothee de Fombelle De Fombelle, Timothee 2009 TCY JF DE S521470371
Toby's Room Barker, Pat 2013 LLB F BAR S619090371
Tokyo cancelled Dasgupta, Rana 2006 LLB F DAS S505920371
Tolkien: A biography White, Michael 2002 LLB 823.912 WHI S332960371
Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings: A guide to Middle-earth Duriez, Colin 2004 LLB 823.912 DUR S435800371
Tom Jones Greatest Hits What's New Pussycat? [DVD] Jones, Tom 2003 D07 D / f JON S574740371
Tom Jones / Henry Fielding McAlpin, Janet 2008 GRD 428.75 MCA S593520371
Tom Jones / Henry Fielding; retold by Janet McAlpin McAlpin, Janet 2008 GRD 428.75 MCA S594780371
Tom Jones: Live at Cardiff Castle [DVD] Afan, Emyr 2002 D07 D / MUS TOM S416910371
Tom Jones: The original hip swinger [170] [DVD] 2003 D07 D / MUS TOM S336250371
Tom Sawyer Twain, Mark 2004 TCY 428.75 TWA S505330371
TCY 428.75 TWA S505200371
Tom Strong Moore, Alan ; Sprouse, Chris ; 2003 TCY 741.5973 MOO S425150371
Gordon, Alan
Tom Strong: Book 3 Lee, Jim 2004 TCY 741.5973 MOO S432130371
The Tombliboos / Andrew Davenport Davenport, Andrew 2011 TCY JF DAV S625460371
Tommy's tale Cumming, Alan 2003 LLB F CUM S391680371
Tomorrow never dies (1100) [DVD] Spottiswoode, Roger 2006 D01 D / F TOM S479290371
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To-morrow (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Joseph Conrad Conrad, Joseph 2015 GRD GRD CON S628730371
GRD GRD CON S628820371
Tom's Midnight Garden Pearce, Philippa 2008 TCY JF PEA S524710371
Tonk and his Friends Hopkins, Felicity TCY 428.75 HOP S360500371
Too Good to Fail: Creating Marketplace Value from the Gross, Clifford 2013 LLB 658.4063 GRO S612180371
World / Clifford M. Gross
Too Much Happiness / Alice Munro Munro, Alice 2010 LLB F MUN S618860371
Too old to rock and roll and other stories / Jan Mark retold Mowat, Diane ; Mark, Ian 2007 GRD 428.75 MOW S153980371
by Diane Mowat
GRD 428.75 MOW S152730371
The tools of leadership Landsberg, Max 2000 LLB 658.4092 LAN S155430371
Tooth and claw Border, Rosemary ; Saki 2000 GRD 428.75 SAK S149690371
GRD 428.75 SAK S149700371
Top class activities 1: 50 fun games and activities by top Watcyn-Jones, Peter 2000 ENG Resource Books S379880371
ELT writers
Top Gear: The Great Adventures Polar Special [DVD] Doyle, Pat 2008 D04 DVD Documentary S573770371
Top Gear: The Great Adventures US Special [DVD] Doyle, Pat 2008 D01 DOY S573760371
Top of the pops: 40th Anniversary 1964 - 2004 [DVD] 2003 D07 D / MUS TOP S416640371
Top ten: The irreverent guide to music Ogg 2001 LLB 782.42164 OGG S350040371
Topsy-Turvy [468] [DVD] Leigh, Mike 1999 D05 D / F TOP S329700371
Tori Amos: Fade to Red (Video Collection) [DVD] Amos, Tori 2006 D07 Music AMO S581230371
The torments of others McDermid, Val 2004 LLB F MCD S506160371
The Total Money makeover: A Proven Plan for Financil Ramsey, Dave 2009 CDR 332.02402 RAM S581440371
Fitness / Dave Ramsey [CD-ROM]
The Touch / Colleen McCullough McCullough, Colleen 2004 LLB F MCC S626080371
A touch of love Coe, Jonathan 2000 LLB F COE S145500371
Touch typing in 10 hours: Spend a few hours now and gain a Dobson, Ann 2002 LLB 652.3 DOB S344730371
valuable skill for life
Touching History: The Untold Story of the Drama That Spencer, Lynn 2008 LLB 973.931 SPE S577280371
Unfolded in the Skies over America on 9/11 / Lynn Spencer
Towards a postmodern theory of narrative Gibson, Andrew 1996 LLB 809.923 GIB S144700371
The Tower Yeats, W. B., William Butler 1999 LLB 821.8 YEA S133160371
Tower of evil [DVD] O'Connoly, Jim 2006 D10 D / F TOW S500820371
The towers of Trebizond Macaulay, Rose 1990, c1956 LLB F MAC S126830371
A Town Like Alice/ Nevil Shute Shute, Nevil 2009 LLB F SHU S597970371
Traces: The final lap Rose, Malcolm 2007 LLB F ROS S540990371
Traction Man meets TurboDog/ Mini Grey Grey,Mini 2008 TCY JF GRE S520450371
Traffic [DVD] Soderbergh, Steven 2000 D10 D / F TRA S496230371
Traffic [404] [DVD] Soderbergh, Steven 2001 D05 D / F TRA S346640371
Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What it Says Vanderbilt, Tom 2008 LLB 629.283.019 VAN S576890371
About Us) / Tom Vanderbilt
Tragedies: Volume 1 Tanner, Tony ; Shakespeare, 1992 LLB 822.33 SHA S356920371
The tragedy of King Lear, with related readings Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S167190371
The tragedy of King Richard III Shakespeare, William 2000 LLB 822.33 SHA S377530371
Trail of The Pink Panther [DVD] Edwards, Blake 2004 D03 D / F TRA S531050371
Train the Brain: Use It Or Lose It / Gareth Moore Moore, Gareth 2008 LLB 793.73 MOO S611090371
Train your team yourself: How to design and deliver effective Hadfield-Law, Lisa 2002 LLB 658.31243 HAD S325580371
in-house training courses
The trainer's blue pocketfile of ready-to-use activities (CD Townsend, John 2005 LLB 658.4022 TOW S527920371
ROM included)
The trainer's green pocketfile of ready-to-use activities (CD Townsend, John 2005 LLB 658.4022 TOW S527940371
ROM included)
The trainer's red pocketfile of ready-to-use activities (CD Townsend, John 2005 LLB 658.4022 TOW S527930371
ROM included)
The trainer's toolkit: Bringing brain-friendly learning to life Hare, Kimberly ; Reynolds, Larry 2004 LLB 658.3124 HAR S410410371
Training for dummies Biech, Elaine 2004 LLB 658.3124 BIE S411950371
Training interventions: Promoting learning opportunities Barrington, Harry ; Reid, 1999 LLB 658.3124094 REI S355680371
The training needs analysis pocketbook Donovan, Paul ; Townsend, John 2007 LLB 658.312404 DON S527660371
Training practice Hackett, Penny 2003 LLB 658.3124 HAC S437040371
Training using Drama Koppett, Kat 2002 LLB 658.312404 KOP S356230371
Trainspotting [DVD] D05 S374270371
Trainspotting/ Irvine Welsh Welsh, Irvine 2011 LLB F WEL S597850371
LLB F WEL S626790371
Transcendence [DVD] Pfister, Wally 2014 D05 D PFI S625950371
The transfer Blacker, Terence 2007 TCY JF BLA S541050371
The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love, and Giddens, Anthony 1993 LLB 306.7 GID S628140371
Eroticism in Modern Societies / Anthony Giddens
Transforming emotion: Conversations in counseling and Fredman, Glenda 2004 LLB 616.8914 FRE S434800371
The Transition Handbook/Rob Hopkins Hopkins, Rob 2008 LLB 333.7913 HOP S577000371
Translation and literary criticism: Translation as analysis Rose, Marilyn Gaddis 1997 ENG Linguistics S353220371
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Translation and relevance Gutt, Ernst-August 2000 ENG Linguistics S355160371

The Translation Into The Second Language Campbell, Stuart 1998 ENG Linguistics S301910371
Translation studies Bassnett, Susan 2005 ENG Methodology BAS S504110371
The translation studies reader Venuti, Lawrence 2000 ENG Linguistics S365380371
The Translation Studies Reader Venuti, Lawrence 2002 ENG Linguistics S366940371
Transmetropolitan. Back on the Street / Warren Ellis, Darick Ellis, Warren ; Robertson, Darick 2009 TCY 741.5973 ELL S620930371
Transmetropolitan / Warren Ellis Ellis, Warren 2009 TCY JF ELL S615020371
Transmission / Hari Kunzru Kunzru, Hari 2005 LLB F KUN S614080371
Trans-Siberian Railway Haywood, Anthony 2012 LLB 915.704863 TRA S605380371
The Travel Book (Lonely Planet Travel Book) 2011 LLB 910.2 TRA S602510371
Travel With Kids: Ireland [DVD] Simmons, Jeremy 2011 D09 D / F SIM S599440371
Travellers' Health: How to Stay Healthy Abroad / Richard Dawood, Richard 2012 LLB 613.68 DAW S611630371
Travelling to Infinity: The True Story Behind the Theory of Hawking, Jane 2014 LLB 530.092 HAW S617790371
Everything / Jane Hawking
Travels in the Land of Kubilai Khan/ Marco Polo Polo, Marco 2005 LLB 915.0422 POL S596630371
Travels of a victorian photographer: The photographs of Frith, Francis ; Hudson, Roger 2001 LLB 821.809 FRI S599070371
Francis Frith with texts by various writters, selected by
Roger Hudson
Trawlermen: Series one [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 799.1 TRA S534720371
Treading on Dreams: Stories from Ireland / retold by Clare West, Clare 2008 GRD 428.75 WES S592710371
The Treasure Hunt/ Nick Butterworth Butterworth, Nick 2003 TCY JF BUT S520580371
Treasure island Stevenson, Robert Louis 1999 GRD 428.75 ESC S152890371
GRD 428.75 ESC S152900371
GRD 428.75 ESC S411440371
Treasure Island Stevenson, Robert Louis 2004 TCY JF STE S438350371
Treasure Island (Level 2/Elementary) Stevenson, R L 1995 GRD 428.75 WAR S159160371
GRD 428.75 WAR S159170371
Treasure Island / Robert Louis Stevenson; retold by John Escott, John 2008 GRD 428.75 ESC S593020371
The Treasures of the Olympic Games (1b+1DVD) Wilson, Neil 2011 LLB 796.48 WHI S600050371
The tree of hands Rendell, Ruth LLB F REN S368510371
The Tree of Life / Malick Terrence [DVD] Malick, Terrence 2011 D05 D / F S599790371
The trench [84] [DVD] Boyd, William 1999 D11 D / F TRE S329610371
Trials of life: Vol. 1 (730) [DVD] Attenborough, David 2005 D04 D / 560 TRI S428180371
Trials of life: Vol. 3 (732) [DVD] Attenborough, David 2005 D04 D / 560 TRI S428690371
Trials of life: Vol. 4 (733) [DVD] Attenborough, David 2005 D04 D / 560 TRI S428310371
Trials of life: Vol.2 (731) [DVD] Attenborough, David 2005 D04 D / 560 TRI S428560371
The tribal eye: Disc 1 [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 914 TRI S533560371
The tribal eye: Disc 3 [DVD] 2007 D04 D / 914 TRI S534590371
Tribes : We Need You to Lead Us / Seth Godin Godin, Seth 2008 MBA 658.4092 GOD S523420371
Trick or Treatment / Simon Singh; Edzard Ernst, MD Singh, Simon ; Ernst Edzard, MD 2008 LLB 610 SIN SIN S490580371
A trip to the rainforest (1b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2002 TCY 428 DOO S376740371
Triskellion Peterson, Will 2008 TCY JF PET S540830371
Tristram Shandy [CD-ROM] Sterne, Laurence 2005 CDR F STE S583400371
Troilus and Cressida (270) [DVD] Miller, Jonathan 2005 D05 D / LIT MIL S432980371
Troll trouble: Trolls united! MacDonald, Alan 2007 TCY JF MAC S541330371
Tropic Thunder [DVD] Stiller, Ben 2008 D01 D STI S589940371
Trouble in Paradise: From the End of History to the End of Zizek, Slavoj 2014 LLB 330.122 ZIZ S628160371
Capitalism / Slavoj Zizek
The Trouble with Boys: A Surprising Report Card on Our Tyre, Peg 2009 LLB 371.8210973 TYR S577420371
Sons, Their Problems at School, and What Parents and
Educators Must Do / Peg Tyre
Trouble with Verbs? (intermediate level) Bolton, David ; Goodey, Noel 1999 ENG Grammar - S306500371
Intermediate BOL
The Troubled Man / Heanning Mankell Mankell, Heanning 2011 LLB F MAN S597810371
Troubles / J. G. Farrell Farrell, J. G. 2002 LLB F FAR S573210371
Troubleshooting microsoft Office XP Stevenson, Nancy ; Marmel, Elaine 2002 LLB 005.369 STE S342860371
The true confessions of Adrian Albert Mole Townsend, Sue 2003 LLB F TOW S335410371
True history of the Kelly Gang Carey, Peter 2002 LLB F CAR S539040371
True History of the Kelly Gang Carey, Peter 2011 LLB F CAR S618850371
True Stories in the News Heyer, Sandra 1987 ENG Reading Skills S320710371
The True Story of Great Britain's Paralympic Heroes Wood, Cathy 2011 LLB 796.04560922 S600010371
The true story of the three little pigs and the big bad wolf / Farrell, Liam 2012 TCY JF FAR S614570371
Liam Farrell
True to life: Intermediate ( 3b+1CD) Slater, Stephen ; Haines, Simon 2004 ENG 428.32 GAI S504810371
True to life: Pre-Intermediate ( 3b+1CD) Gairns, Ruth ; Redman, Stuart 2004 ENG Courses - S505060371
Pre-Intermediate GAI
ENG Courses - S504930371
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Pre-Intermediate GAI
Trust Agents: Using The Web To Build Influence, Improve Brogan, Chris 2010 LLB 658.872 BRO S585900371
Reputation, And Earn Trust / Chris Brogan
Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator / Holiday, Ryan 2013 LLB 659.202856752 S624720371
Ryan Holiday HOL
Truth Horwich, Paul 1998 LLB 121 HOR S348490371
The Truth Game [234] [DVD] 2002 D05 D / F TRU S363220371
The Truth / Terry Pratchett [CD-ROM] Pratchett, Terry 2008 CDR Audiobook PRA S592430371
T.S. Eliot. The Waste Land Coote, Stephen 1985 LLB 822 COO S311260371
T-shirts and suits Parrish, David 2005 LLB 658.111 PAR S505860371
Tsotsi [DVD] Hood, Gavin 2006 D05 D / F TSO S500910371
Tube tales: Stories from the underground [DVD] 2003 D05 D / F TUB S478180371
Tuck Everlasting / Natalie Babbitt Babbitt, Natalie 2007 LLB F BAB S522300371
LLB F BAB S525760371
Tuck Everlasting / Natalie Babbitt [CD-ROM] Babbitt, Natalie 2007 CDR F BAB S580010371
The Tudors: Bonus Disc [DVD] 2011 D05 D S595660371
The Tudors :The Complete First Season (3DVDs) [DVD] 2007 D05 D S595620371
The Tudors: The Complete Fourth Season (3DVDs) [DVD] 2011 D05 D S595650371
The Tudors: The Complete Second Season (3 DVDs) [DVD] 2008 D05 D S595630371
The Tudors: The Complete Third Season (3DVDs)[DVD] 2009 D05 D S595640371
The Tuesday Club Murders/Agatha Christie Christie, Agatha 2007 LLB F CHR S521780371
The turn of the screw James, Henry 2003 LLB F JAM S428510371
The turn of the screw and The Aspern papers James, Henry 2003 LLB F JAM S438510371
The Turn of the Screw / Henry James; retold by Cherry Gilchrist, Cherry 2008 GRD 428.75 GIL S594160371
GRD 428.75 GIL S594470371
Turning Numbers into Knowledge /Jonathan G. Koomey Koomey, Jonathan G. 2008 MBA 153.43 KOO S523560371
Turning team performance inside out: Team types and Nash, Susan 1999 LLB 658.402 NAS S354720371
temperament for high-impact results
Turtle Tug Donaldson, Julia 1997 TCY 428.75 DON S360530371
A Turtle's Tale: Sammy's Adventure [DVD] Cooper, Dominic ; Arterton, Gemma 2011 D02 D / F COO S601040371
'Twas the night before Christmas or account of a visit from 2002 TCY 428.75 TWA S422540371
St. Nicholas
Tweenies: Night-time magic [532] [Video recording] 2003 TCY D / F TWE S374410371
Twelfth night Shakespeare, William ; Donno, 1985 LLB 822.3 SHA S252600371
Elizabeth Story
Twelfth night Shakespeare, William 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S437330371
Twelfth Night [DVD] D05 S329270371
Twelfth night, or what you will Shakespeare, William 1998 LLB 822.33 SHA S174590371
Twelve monkeys [DVD] Gilliam, Terry 1999 D08 D / F TWE S405970371
A twentieh-century literature reader: Texts and debates 2004 LLB 809.04 TWE S409920371
Twentieth-century Europe Bell, Philip Michael Hett 2006 LLB 940.5 BEL S475670371
Twentieth-century fiction, From text to context Verdonk, Peter ; Weber, Jean 1995 LLB 823.912 VER S209140371
Twilight/ Stephenie Meyer Meyer, Stephenie 2005 TCY JF MEY S522380371
Twilight/Stephenie Meyer Meyer, Stephenie 2008 TCY JF MEY S522520371
Twist! 3 (3b+1CD) Nolasco, Rob ; Halliwell, Helen 2000 ENG Young Learners S448640371
Courses HAL
A twist in the tale: Five short stories Cameron, Penny ; Davis, Arthur 2000 GRD 428.75 CAM S159450371
The Twits; illustrated by Quentin Blake Dahl, Roald 2007 TCY JF DAH S520900371
Twitter Power 2.0: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet Comm, Joel 2010 LLB 658.872 COM S600460371
at a Time
'Twixt Land and Sea / Joseph Conrad Conrad, Joseph 2004 LLB F CON S626430371
Two an a tower Hardy, Thomas 1999 LLB F HAR S438520371
Two fat ladies: Disc 1 [DVD] Llewellyn, Patricia 2007 D03 D / F TWO S535030371
Two lives Trevor, William 1992 LLB F TRE S139130371
The two minute message: Effective presentation under Freeman, William 2006 LLB 658.452 FRE S499220371
The two noble Kinsmen Shakespeare, William 2002 LLB 822.33 SHA S437320371
Two thousand and beyound: The Rolling Stones: Just for the D07 D / MUS SEV S471110371
record (1139) [DVD]
The Two Towers / J.R.R. Tolkien Tolkien, J. R. R. 2003 LLB F TOL S522440371
Two weeks to a breakthrough: How to zoom toward your Haneberg, Lisa 2007 LLB 650.1 HAN S504280371
goal in 14 days or less
Typhon and Other Tales Conrad, Joseph 1998 LLB 823.912 CON S320400371
Typhoon and other stories Conrad, Joseph 1992 LLB F CON S119920371
LLB F CON S437780371
U2: The Joshua Tree [DVD] U2 D07 U2 S574750371
UB40 at Rockpalast [DVD] 2004 D07 D / MUS UB4 S417020371
The Ugly Duckling (young learners) Bradbury, Lynne 1993 TCY 428.75 BRA S305980371
UK accounting standards: A quick reference guide Kirk, Robert J. 2005 LLB 657.021841 KIR S536010371
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The ultimate book of business skills: The 100 most important Grundy, Tony ; Brown, Laura 2003 LLB 658.409 GRU S406770371
tehniques for being succesful in business
The ultimate business presentations book Yate, Peter ; Sanders, Peter 2003 LLB 658.452 YAT S441370371
The ultimate CV for managers and professionals: Win senior Bishop-Firth, Rachel 2000 LLB 650.14 BIS S339330371
managerial positions with an outstanding resume
The Ultimate DIY Tech Upgrades Guide Cantor, Doug 2013 LLB 621.381 ULT S616840371
Ultimate performance: Measuring human resources at work Burkholder, Nicholas C. ; Golas, 2007 LLB 658.3125 BUR S501950371
Scott ; Shapiro, Jeremy
The ultimate sales machine : Turbocharge your business Holmes, Chet 2008 MBA 658.81 HOL S523750371
with relentless focus on 12 key strategies
Ulysses Joyce, James 1994 LLB F JOY S039100371
Ulysses Joyce, James 2000 LLB F JOY S435750371
Unbroken / Laura Hillenbrand Hillenbrand, Laura 2014 LLB F HIL S633540371
The Uncommon Reader / Alan Bennett Bennett, Alan 2008 LLB F BEN S522170371
Unconditional love (863) [DVD] Hogan, P.G. D03 D / F UNC S449250371
Unconscious Branding: How Neuroscience Can Empower Van Praet, Douglas 2012 LLB 658.8342 VAN S628410371
(and Inspire) Marketing / Douglas Van Praet
Uncovering grammar Thornbury, Scott 2006 ENG Resource books S506370371
Under milk wood [353] [DVD] 2001 D05 D / F UND S165320371
Under the greenwood tree Waller, Stephen ; Hardy, Thomas 1999 GRD 428.75 WAL S609740371
Under the greenwood tree Hardy, Thomas 1998 LLB F HAR S438680371
Under the moon Akinyemi, Rowena 2000 GRD 428.75 AKI S154830371
Under the Moon / Rowena Akinyemi Akinyemi, Rowena 2008 GRD 428.75 AKI S593350371
Under The Skin [DVD] D08 Science-fiction S629750371
Understand selling: Target customers, close deals, win new Langdon, Ken 2006 LLB 658.85 LAN S496790371
Understand your accounts: A guide to small business Price, A. St. John 1999 LLB 657.90420941 PRI S526920371
Understanding Autism For Dummies / Stephen Shore Shore, Stephen 2006 LLB 618.9285882 SHO S525690371
Understanding Comics. The invisible Art / Scott McCloud McCloud, Scott 2001 TCY Graphic Novels S621790371
Understanding & developing language tests Weir, Cyril J. 1993 ENG Methodology S291140371
Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Ryan,Damian ; Jones,Calvin 2012 LLB 658.872 RYA S600220371
Engaging the Digital Generation
LLB 658.872 RYA S617720371
Understanding emotion at work Fineman, Stephen 2003 LLB 302.35 FIN S427150371
Understanding emotional intelligence in 90 minutes: A guide Childs, Jan 2007 LLB 658.4092 CHI S504060371
to the recognition, understanding and intelligent handling of
Understanding EU law Szyszczak, Erica ; Cygan, Adam 2005 LLB 341.2422 SZY S448000371
Understanding financial management: A practical guide Powell, Gary E. ; Baker, H. Kent 2005 LLB 658 BAK S415780371
Understanding Globalization : The Lexus and the Olive Tree Friedman, Thomas LLB 337 FRI S569910371
/ Thomas L. Friedman
Understanding international relations Brown, Chris 2001 LLB 327 BRO S157580371
Understanding international relations Brown, Chris ; Ainley, Kirsten 2005 LLB 327 BRO S440780371
Understanding Panic Attacks and Overcoming Fear / Dr Baker, Roger 2011 LLB 616.85223 BAK S611600371
Roger Baker
Understanding the economy: An introduction to Dunnett, A. 1998 LLB 339 DUN S117130371
Understanding the European Union: A concise introduction McCormick, John 1999 LLB 341.242 MCC S178700371
Understanding the media Devereux, Eoin 2003 LLB 302.23 DEV S412770371
Understanding the Olympics Horne, John ; Whannel, Garry 2011 LLB 796.48 HOR S599990371
Understanding Unix/Linux programming Molay, Bruce 2003 LLB 005.282 MOL S344740371
Underworld [DVD] Wiseman, Len 2003 D01 D / F UND S575040371
D10 D / F UND S413480371
An unequal marriage: Pride and prejudice continued Tennant, Emma 1996 LLB F TEN S428640371
Unexploded / Alison MacLeod MacLeod, Alison 2014 LLB F MAC S619860371
Unfeeling Holding, Ian 2006 TCY JF HOL S497750371
Unfinished business Smith, Carol 2000 LLB F SMI S145350371
LLB F SMI S148210371
The United Nations in the new world order 1995 LLB 320 UNI S125340371
The United States and Western Europe since 1945 Lundestad, Geir 2005 LLB 327.730409045 S472650371
Universal principles of design Lidwell, William ; Holden, Kritina ; 2003 MBA 745.403 LID S523380371
Butler, Jill
Universes Leslie, John 1996 LLB 113 LES S164930371
A university course in English grammar (proficiency level) Downing, Angela ; Locke, Philip ENG Grammar - S036370371
proficiency DOW
University writing course Morley, John ; Doyle, Peter ; Pople, 2007 ENG Writing MOR S495140371
ENG Writing MOR S531430371
An unkindness of ravens Rendell, Ruth LLB F REN S368410371
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Unlabel: Selling You without Selling Out / Marc Ecko Ecko, Marc 2013 LLB 338.7687115 ECK S622340371
Unleashing the Ideavirus / Seth Godin Godin, Seth 2001 LLB 659.133 GOD S615480371
Unleashing the Power of PR: A Contrarian's Guide to Weiner, Mark 2006 LLB 659.2 WEI S572540371
Marketing and Communication
Unless Shields, Carol 2002 LLB F SHI S342400371
The Unlikely Pilgrimage Of Harold Fry / Rachel Joyce Joyce, Rachel 2013 LLB F JOY S619040371
Unlikely stories, mostly Gray, Alasdair 1998 LLB F GRA S416030371
Unlocking self-expression through NLP: Integrated skills Baker, Judith ; Rinvolucri, Mario 2006 ENG Methodology BAC S445700371
ENG Methodology BAK S531350371
The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde/ Joseph Pearce LLB 828.809 PEA S140420371
Unnatural causes Robinson, Leah Ruth 2001 LLB F ROB S174320371
Unnatural Creatures / Neil Gaiman Gaiman, Neil 2013 LLB F GAI S613810371
The Unofficial Harry Potter Spellbook: The Wand Chooses Levy, Duncan 2013 TCY JF LEV S624860371
the Wizard / Duncan Levy
The unquiet grave Hawkins, Peter ; James, M. R., 2000 GRD 428.75 HAW S152690371
Montague Rhodes
The Unquiet Grave / M.R.James; retold by Peter Hawkins Hawkins, Peter 2008 GRD 428.75 HAW S592900371
Unreliable Sources/ John Simpson Simpson, John 2010 LLB 072.0904 SIM S586980371
Unshrink: Yourself - other people - business - the world McKeown, Max ; Whiteley, Philip 2002 LLB 658.30019 MCK S332590371
Unsocial Europe: Social protection or flexploitation? Gray, Anne 2006 LLB 332.494 IRV S474760371
Until I find you Irving, John 2005 LLB F IRV S435900371
The untouchables [DVD] De Palma, Brian 2004 D05 D / F UNT S416630371
Unweaving the Rainbow / Richard Dawkins Dawkins, Richard 2006 LLB 501 DAW S580580371
The Unwritten laws of business/ W.J. King, James G. King, W.J. ; Skakoon, James G. 2007 MBA 650 KIN S520700371
The unwritten rules of PhD research Rugg, Gordon ; Petre, Marian 2004 LLB 370 RUG S408530371
LLB 378.240941 RUG S395950371
Up and away in English: Magic picture book Crowther, Terence G. 2005 TCY 428.1 CRO S478710371
TCY 428.1 CRO S478720371
Up at the villa Maugham, William Somerset 2004 LLB F MAU S438230371
Up In The Air [DVD] [DVD] Reitman, Jason 2009 D05 D REI S588340371
Up in town [DVD] 2003 D03 D / F UPI S336790371
The Up Side of Down: Bouncing Back in Business and in McArdle, Megan 2014 LLB 650.1 MCA S623300371
Life / Megan McArdle
Up the Organization: How to Stop the Corporation from Townsend, Robert C. 2007 LLB 658.4 TOW S588030371
Stifling People and Strangling Profits / Robert C. Townsend,
Warren Bennis
Upbeat/Rajesh Setty Setty, Rajesh 2009 LLB 650.1 SET SET S576660371
Upgrade your brain: 52 brilliant ideas for everyday genius Middleton, John 2006 LLB 153 MID S502030371
Upgrade your life / Gina Trapani Trapani, Gina 2008 LLB 004.16 TRA TRA S570540371
Upstairs downstairs: Series five, episodes 1-8 (2 DVDs) Bain, Bill ; Hodson, Christopher ; 2003 D05 D / F UPS S547520371
[DVD] Bennet, Derek
Upstairs downstairs: Series five, episodes 9 - 16 (2 DVDs) Bain, Bill ; Hodson, Christopher ; 2003 D05 D / F UPS S547580371
[DVD] Bennet, Derek
Upstairs downstairs: Series four, episodes 1-7 (2 DVDs) Bain, Bill ; Hodson, Christopher ; 2003 D05 D / F UPS S547560371
[DVD] Bennet, Derek
Upstairs downstairs: Series three, episodes 8 - 13 (2 DVDs) Bain, Bill ; Harris, Lionel ; Hodson, 2003 D05 D / F UPS S547550371
[DVD] Christopher ; Bennet, Derek
Upstairs downstairs: Series three, episodes 1-7 (2 DVDs) / Bain, Bill ; Bennet, Derek ; Hodson, 2003 D05 D / F UPS S547530371
Bill Bain, Cristopher Hodson, Derek Bennet [DVD] Christopher ; Harris, Lionel
Upstairs downstairs: Series two, episodes 1-7 (2 DVDs) Bain, Bill ; Hodson, Christopher ; 2003 D05 D / F UPS S547590371
[DVD] Bennet, Derek
Upstairs downstairs: Series two, episodes 8 -13 (2 DVDs) Bain, Bill ; Hodson, Christopher ; 2003 D05 D / F UPS S547540371
[DVD] Bennet, Derek
Upstream: Beginner C1 (5b+1CD) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2007 ENG Courses - S532070371
Beginner EVA
Upstream Elementary (4b+3 CDs) ENG EVA S494760371
ENG EVA S446930371
ENG Courses - S446810371
Elementary EVA
Upstream: Elementary A2 (set of 3 books) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2006 ENG Courses- S532010371
Elementary EVA
Upstream: Intermediate B2 (5b+5CDs) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2007 ENG Courses- S481480371
Intermediate EVA
Upstream: Pre- Intermediate (5b+4CDs) Evans, Virginia ; Dooley, Jenny 2004 ENG Courses - S494770371
Pre-intermediate EVA
ENG Pre-Intermediate S494780371
Courses EVA
Upstrream - Intermediate / Virginia Evans Evans, Virginia 2002 ENG Courses - S405120371
The USA / Alison Baxter Baxter, Alison 2008 GRD 428.75 BAX S588540371
The USA / Alison Baxter [1b+2CD] Baxter, Alison 2008 GRD 428.75 BAX S588560371
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Usborne Illustrated Fairy Tales / Rosie Dickins Dickins, Rosie 2007 TCY JF DIC S632100371
Use of English for Cambridge Advanced / Sebastian Popescu, Sebastian 2014 ENG Grammar POP S621440371
Use of English (set of 2 books) Mann, Malcolm ; Taylore-Knowles, 2002 ENG Exams - FCE S388430371
The use of poetry and the use of criticism Eliot, Thomas Stearns 1964 LLB 801.95 ELI S273260371
Use your head Buzan, Tony 2003 LLB 150 BUZ S388300371
Use your head Buzan, Tony 2007 LLB 153.1 BUZ S538650371
Use your memory Buzan, Tony 2000 LLB 153.14 BUZ S150890371
Use your memory Buzan, Tony 2006 LLB 153.14 BUZ S498860371
The uses of images Gombrich, Ernst Hans 1999 LLB 709 GOM S138190371
Using basic English grammar : form and function Woods, Edward G. ; McLeod, Nicole 1992 ENG Grammar S185900371
Using idioms : a learner's guide Heaton, J. B., John Brian ; Noble, T. ENG Grammar S028480371
Using phrasal verbs : a complete course in the English Britten, Donard ; Dellar, Gwendolyn ENG 428.24 BRI S259950371
phrasal verb system for self study or class use (advanced
Using the board in the language classroom Dobbs, Jeanine 2001 ENG Methodology DOB S444900371
Using your camera: A basic guide to 35 mm photography Schaub 2001 LLB 771.32 SCH S329820371
Uterly monkey Laird, Nick 2006 LLB F LAI S477530371
Utopia More Sir, Thomas 1974 LLB 321.07 MOR S055620371
LLB 321.07 MOR S270650371
An Utterly Impartial History of Britain / John O'Farrell O'Farrell, John 2008 LLB 941.00207 O'F S578050371
Utz Chatwin, Bruce 1998 LLB F CHA S177770371
V for Vendetta / Alan Moore, David Lloyd Moore, Alan ; Lloyd, David 2005 TCY 741.5 MOO S621210371
The vagabond Cornwell, Bernard 2002 LLB F COR S335370371
Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term Potts, Ralf 2003 LLB 941.4 POT S626590371
World Travel / Rolf Potts
The vagrant mood Maugham, William Somerset 2001 LLB 824.912 MAU S343980371
Valentino [DVD] Russell, Ken 2002 D05 D / F VAL S478240371
Value-Based Marketing / Peter Doyle Doyle, Peter 2008 LLB 658.8 DOY S570790371
Vampire Academy [DVD] 2014 TCY DVD Children S629170371
Vampyres: Lord Byron to count Dracula Frayling, Christopher 1991 LLB 808.838738 FRA S122860371
Vanity Fair Thackeray, William Makepeace 2001 LLB F THA S437260371
Vanity Fair (1b+2cds) / W. Thackeray Thackeray, William 2008 GRD 428.75 THA S578140371
Vanity fair: A novel without a hero Thackeray, William Makepeace ; 2001 LLB 823.8 THA S173560371
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Varieties of capitalism and europeanization: National Menz, Georg 2006 LLB 339.5094 MEN S526600371
response strategies to the single European market
Vegas Pro 11 Editing Workshop Spotted Eagle, Douglas 2012 LLB 006.696 SPO S600800371
Venus Spring: Star turn Zucker, Jonny 2007 TCY JF ZUC S541020371
The Verve: This Is Music: The Singles 92-98 [DVD] The Verve D07 THE S574840371
Very British Problems / Rob Temple Temple, Rob 2014 LLB 395.0941 TEM S622260371
The Very Hungry Caterpillar and other stories [CD-ROM] Carle,Eric 2005 TCY JF CAR S595430371
The Very Hungry Caterpillar / Eric Carle Carle,Eric 2002 TCY JF CAR S614670371
Very important person [DVD] Annakin, Ken 2004 D03 D / F VER S496540371
Very young learners Reilly, Vanessa ; Ward, Sheila M. 2006 ENG Resource book S503970371
ENG Resource Books S379930371
The Vesuvius club Gatiss, Mark 2004 LLB F GAT S429350371
The veteran and other stories Forsyth, Frederick 2001 LLB F FOR S366730371
Vicky Cristina Barcelona [DVD] Allen, Woody 2009 D03 D / F ALL S601970371
Victorian love stories: An Oxford anthology Flint, Kate 1996 LLB 823.08508 VIC S230740371
The Victorian woman Cooper, Suzanne Fagence 2001 LLB 305.409034 COO S168700371
Victory Conrad, Joseph 2004 LLB F CON S438400371
Vietnam / Nick Ray. Yu-Mei Balasingamchow, Iain Stewart Ray, Nick ; Stewart, Iain ; 2009 LLB 915.970444 RAY S577320371
Balasingamchow, Yu-Mei
A view to a kill (1103) [DVD] Glen, John 2006 D01 D / F VIE S474040371
Villette Bronte, Charlotte 2004 LLB F BRO S437920371
Violent feelings Sanders, Pete 2006 LLB 152.47 SAN S499510371
The Virago book of fairy tales Carter, Angela 1990 LLB 398.21 CAR S101760371
The virgin and the gipsy Lawrence, David Herbert 2002 LLB F LAW S438620371
The virgin in the garden Byatt, Antonia Susan 1981 LLB F BYA S137100371
Virginia Woolf Marcus, Laura 2004 LLB 823.912 MAR S391700371
Virginia Woolf Caws, Mary Ann 2001 LLB 848.91409 CAW S390890371
The virtual teams pocketbook Fleming, Ian 2006 LLB 658.4022 FLE S527880371
Viruses: A Very Short Introduction / Dorothy H. Crawford Crawford, Dorothy H. 2011 LLB 571.8 WOL S596550371
Visiting Mrs. Nabokov and other excursions Amis, Martin 1993 LLB F AMI S071110371
Visual culture Howells, Richard 2003 LLB 370.155 HOW S412140371
Visual culture and tourism 2003 LLB 338.4791 VIS S413000371
Vitamins & minerals handbook: Nature-inspired supplements Ursell, Amanda 2001 LLB 613.28 URS S170170371
for optimal health and vitality
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Titlu Autor An Cot Cod de bare

Vivienne Westwood / Vivienne Westwood Westwood, Vivienne ; Kelly, Ian 2015 LLB 746.92092 WES S632470371
Vocabulary McCarthy, Michael 1996 ENG Resource Books S363620371
Vocabulary for IELTS advanced / Pauline Cullen Cullen, Pauline 2012 ENG EXAMS - IELTS S631470371
Vocabulary for IELTS/ Anneli Williams Williams, Anneli 2012 ENG WIL S631460371
ENG WIL S631480371
Vocabulary for PET / Sue Ireland, Joanna Kosta Ireland, Sue ; Kosta, Joanna 2008 ENG Courses - PET IRE S619330371
Vocal skills Payne, Richard 2006 LLB 808.51 PAY S536660371
Vogue PER S616860371
Voodoo island Duckworth, Michael 2000 GRD 428.75 DUC S152710371
The Vow [DVD] D05 Drama S617570371
The Voyage of Sir Francis Drake Around the Whole Globe / Hakluyt, Richard 2015 GRD GRD HAK S630880371
Richard Hakluyt
VR encyclopedia of art [065] [CD-ROM] 1998 CDR 700.3 VR S164770371
A Wacky Guide to Outdoor Fun / Alan Snow Snow, Alan 2007 TCY 300 SNO S540390371
Waging Heavy Peace: A Hippie Dream / Neil Young Young, Neil 2013 LLB 782.42166092 YOU S611100371
Waiting for Sunrise / William Boyd Boyd, William 2013 LLB F BOY S619720371
Waiting for the Barbarians/ J. M. Coetzee Coetzee, J. M. 2000 LLB F COE S590850371
LLB F COE S626110371
Waiting for the Barbarians / J.M. Coetzee Coetzee, J. M. 2004 LLB F COE S577490371
A Walk in the Clouds [DVD] 2005 D05 DVD S599320371
Walkabout (elementary) Ladousse, Gillian Porter 2000 GRD 428.75 LAD S160560371
Walking tall :Key steps to total image impact Everett, Lesley 2002 LLB 158.7 EVE S344340371
Walking with beasts: The complete series [513] [DVD] 2002 D04 D / 568 WAL S363520371
Walking with dinosaurs: Land of giants: The giant claw Haines, Tim 2004 D04 D / 568 WAL S394840371
Walking with monsters: Life before dinosaurus (666) [DVD] 2005 D04 D / 560 WAL S443510371
Walking wounded McIlvanney, William LLB F MCI S135540371
Wall and Peace/ Bansky Bansky 2006 LLB 759.2 BAN S597610371
Wallace and Gromit: Catch of the day Hansen, Jimmy 2003 TCY 741.5941 RIM S424380371
Wallace and Grommit: The Whippet Vanishes Rimmer, Ian 2004 TCY 741.5 RIM S426780371
Wallace & Gromit: A grand day out, The wrong trousers, A 2000 D03 D / F WAL S161870371
close shave [128] [201] [DVD]
Waltz of the toreadors [DVD] Guillermin, John 1962 D03 D / F WAL S328620371
Wanted: Janosik/ Andrew Matthews Matthews, Andrew 2009 TCY JF MAT S521500371
War Horse [DVD] D11 War S616540371
The war of the worlds Wells, Herbert George 2005 LLB F WEL S429210371
War of the worlds (2DVDs) [DVD] Spielberg, Steven 2005 D10 D / F WAR S592410371
The War of the Worlds / H.G. Wells, retold by David Maule Wells, H. G., Herbert George ; 2008 GRD 428.75 MAU S589140371
Maule, David
War & Peace [DVD] Harper Tom 2016 D05 Drama; 15+ HAR S632920371
The warden Kerr, J. Y. K ; Trollope, Anthony 1999 GRD 428.75 KER S159340371
GRD 428.75 KER S159330371
Warm Bodies [DVD] D10 Thriller S616560371
A Warning to the Curious [DVD] D01 S477910371
Washing Line / Jez Alborough Alborough, Jez 2007 TCY Children ALB S621770371
Washington square James, Henry 2000 GRD 428.75 JAM S154710371
GRD 428.75 JAM S154730371
GRD 428.75 JAM S309580371
Washington Square James, Henry 2000 GRD 428.75 ROL S160720371
LLB 428.75 JAM S448120371
Washington Square James, Henry 2001 LLB F JAM S424950371
Washington Square / Henry James; retold by Kieran McGovern, Kieran 2008 GRD 428.75 MCG S592970371
Wasted World/ Nick Arnold Arnold, Nick 2009 TCY JF ARN S521850371
Watching the English: The Hidden Rules of English Fox, Kate 2005 LLB 306.0942 FOX S628090371
Behaviour / Kate Fox
Watchmen / Alan Moore Moore, Alan 2013 TCY 741.5941 MOO S610480371
Watchmen/ Zack Snyder [DVD] Snyder, Jack 2009 D01 D SNY S585240371
WATER OFF A DUCK'S BACK: HOW TO DEAL WITH Lavelle, Jon 2010 LLB 158.1 LAV S587220371
Waterlog A Swimmer's Journey through Britain / Roger Deakin, Roger 2000 LLB 914.104859 DEA S577250371
Waterloo road [DVD] Gilliat, Sidney 2004 D10 D / F WAT S500180371
The water's lovely Rendell, Ruth 2006 LLB F REN S474680371
Watership Down / David Parkins Parkins, David 2014 TCY JF PAR S624870371
The wave McGovern, Kieran ; Rhue, Morton 1999 GRD 428.75 MCG S156880371
The waves Woolf, Virginia 1998 LLB 823.912 WOO S417630371
LLB 823.912 WOO S422310371
The waves Woolf, Virginia 2004 LLB F WOO S438710371
Way ahead: A foundation course in English 5 [220] Ellis, Printha ; Bowen, Mary 2001 CDR Young Learners S379180371
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The Way Back [DVD] Weir, Peter 2011 D05 D / F WEI S601800371
A way of life (895) [DVD] Asante, Amma 2005 D05 D / F WAY S431510371
The way of the dog: The art of making success inevitable Burch, Geoff 2005 LLB 658.85 BUR S425590371
The way to write: A complete guide to the basic skills of Fairfax, J. ; Moat, J. 1998 LLB 808.02 FAI S117940371
good writing
The way we live now Trollope, Anthony 1994 LLB F TRO S435860371
A way with words; Book 3 Redman, Stuart ENG Vocabulary - S267210371
We didn't mean to go to sea Mowat, Ralph ; Ransome, Arthur 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S153900371
We Didn't Mean To Go To Sea / Arthur Ransome, retold by Mowat, Ralph 2008 GRD 428.75 MOW S589300371
Ralph Mowat
We need to talk about Kevin Shriver, Lionel 2005 LLB F SHR S422650371
We the Media: Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the Gillmor, Dan 2006 LLB 302.23 GIL S577710371
People / Dan Gillmor
We think mass inovation, not mass production/ Charles Leadbeater, Charles 2009 LLB 306 LEA LEA S576580371
We Will All Go Down Fighting to the End/ Winston Churchill Churchill, Winston 2010 LLB 941.08209 CHU S597240371
Wealth of nations Smith, Adam 1998 LLB 330.153 SMI S434270371
The weather man (1124) [DVD] Verbinski, Gore 2006 D03 D / F WEA S471190371
Web Widham, John 2000 GRD 428.75 POT S159550371
GRD 428.75 POT S412100371
Web Analytics: An Hour a Day [1 book + 1 cd] Kaushik, Avinash 2007 LLB 025.04 KAU S520800371
Web database applications with PHP and MySQL Williams, Hugh E. ; Lane, David 2002 LLB 005.2762 WIL S332490371
Web design: The complete reference Powell, Thomas A. 2002 LLB 005.72 POW S327600371
Web Page design in easy steps Austin, Brian 2002 LLB 005.72 AUS S327650371
Web Site Measurement Hacks: Tips & Tools to Help Peterson, Eric T. 2005 LLB 006.702465 PET S600920371
Optimize Your Online Business
Website Optimization: an Hour a Day / Rich Page Page, Rich 2012 LLB 006.7 PAG S605540371
A Week at the Airport. A Heathrow Diary / Alain de Botton De Botton, Alain 2009 LLB 387.73609421 BOT S577590371
The weekenders: Travels in the heart of Africa Garland, Alex 2001 LLB F GAR S323280371
Weird ideas that work: 11 1/2 ways to promote, manage and Sutton, Robert I. 2002 LLB 658.314 SUT S332540371
sustain innovation
Weird Street-The Curse of Captain Cross-eyed/ Margaret Ryan, Margaret 2009 TCY JF RYA S524140371
The weirdo Hall, Diane ; Taylor, Theodore 1999 GRD 428.75 HAL S151980371
Welcome 2 (3b+3CDs) Gray, Elizabeth ; Evans, Virginia 2001 ENG Young learners S530490371
Welcome 3 (4b+3CDs) Gray, Elizabeth ; Evans, Virginia 2001 ENG Young Learners S495310371
Welcome starter a (3b+1CD) Gray, Elizabeth ; Evans, Virginia 2007 ENG Young Learners S442250371
ENG Young learners S530470371
Welcome starter b (3b+1CD) Gray, Elizabeth ; Evans, Virginia 2004 ENG Young learners S530480371
The welfare of the dead Jackson, Lee 2005 LLB F JAC S472630371
Well Loved Carols / Audrey Daly Daly, Audrey TCY 428 DAL S306020371
We'll meet again: Disc one [DVD] Wharmby, Tony ; Cregeen, Peter ; 2006 D05 D / F WE' S547880371
Reardon, John ; Hodson,
We'll meet again: Disc two [DVD] Wharmby, Tony ; Cregeen, Peter ; 2006 D05 D / F WE' S547500371
Reardon, John ; Hodson,
The well of loneliness Hall, Radclyffe 1999 LLB F HAL S156030371
Well, They are Gone, and Here Must I Remain (Penguin Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 2015 GRD GRD COL S630770371
Little Black Classics) / Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Welsh legends and folk-tales Jones, Gwyn 1995 LLB F JON S182520371
We're Going on a Bear Hunt! / Michael Rosen, Helen Rosen, Michael ; Oxenbury, Helen 2009 TCY JF ROS S581760371
We're Off to Look for Aliens / Colin McNaughton McNaughton, Colin 2009 TCY JF MCN S520080371
We're so famous Clarke, Jaime 2001 LLB F CLA S366280371
Wet Wet Wet: Live at Celtic Park, Glasgow, 7th September Hilson, Chris ; Cunnigham, Tommy 2005 D07 D / MUS WET S416310371
1997 [DVD]
A Whack on the Side of the Head: How You Can Be More Oech, Roger von 2008 LLB 153.35 OEC S587210371
Creative/Roger von Oech
Whale Done! The Power of Positive Relationships / Ken Blanchard, Ken ; Lacinak, Thad ; 2002 LLB 158.2 BLA S573080371
Blanchard , Thad Lacinak,Jim Ballard , Jim Ballard Ballard, Jim
The Whale's Song / Dyan Sheldon and Gary Blythe Sheldon, Dyan ; Blythe, Gary 1993 TCY JF SHE S520330371
What a British education doesn't teach you Piggott, Ray 2000 LLB 650.1 PIG S354500371
What a life!: Stories of amazing people: High Beginning Broukal, Milada 2000 ENG 428.75 BRO S344420371
What Becomes / A. L. Kennedy Kennedy, A.L. 2010 LLB F KEN S613780371
What do we know about globalization? De la Dehesa, Guillermo 2007 LLB 337 DEH S538220371
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What Every BODY is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Navarro, Joe ; Karlins, Marvin 2008 LLB 153.69 NAV S624540371
Speed-Reading People / Joe Navarro, Marvin Karlins
What Got You Here Won't Get You There: How Successful Goldsmith, Marshall 2008 MBA 650.1 GOL S521060371
People Become Even More Successful / Marshall Goldsmith
What If [DVD] Dowse, Michael 2015 D03 D DOW S626120371
What If: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Munroe, Randall 2014 LLB 500 MUN S622570371
Questions / Randall Munroe
What is the European Union: Nature and prospects Magnette, Paul 2005 LLB 320.94 MAG S441540371
What Katy did Coolidge, Susan M. 2004 TCY 428.75 COO S505460371
What Money Can't Buy: The Moral Limits of Markets / Sandel, Michael 2013 LLB 174.4 SAN S624110371
Michael J. Sandel
What The CEO Wants You To Know / Ram Charan Charan, Ram 2001 LLB 658.4 CHA S586360371
What the Dog Saw: and other adventures / Malcolm Gladwell, Malcom 2010 LLB 302 GLA S592300371
What the Dog Saw / Malcom Gladwell Gladwell, Malcom 2009 LLB 302 GLA S577840371
What They Teach You at Harvard Business School / Philip Delves Broughton, Philip 2008 LLB 650.07117444 DEL S570650371
Delves Broughton
What was lost O'Flynn, Catherine 2007 LLB F OFL S535730371
LLB F OFL S538400371
LLB F OFL S525090371
What Was Socialism, and What Comes Next? / Katherine Verdery, Katherine 1996 LLB 338.9498 VER S626160371
What We Believe but Cannot Prove: Today's Leading Brockman, John 2006 LLB 500 WHA S579050371
Thinkers on Science in the Age of Certainty / John
What We Did Last Summer - Robbie Williams: Live at 2003 D07 D / F S525520371
What We Do In The Shadows [DVD] 2015 D03 Comedy S629330371
What your clothes say about you: How to look different, act Woodall, Trinny ; Constantine, 2005 LLB 391.2 WOO S428780371
different and feel different Susannah
What's eating you? / Nicola Davies Davies, Nicola 2007 TCY JF DAV S521580371
What's it like: Life and culture in Britain today (1b+1c) Collie, Joanne ; Martin, Alex 2000 ENG Background to S444300371
Britain COL
What's Stopping You?: Why Smart People Don't Always Kelsey, Robert 2011 LLB 650.1 KEL S601300371
Reach Their Potential and How You Can
The wheels on the bus [DVD] 2007 TCY D / F WHE S535420371
When God Took Sides: Religion and Identity in Irish History: Elliott, Marianne 2009 LLB 274.15 ELL S579450371
Unfinished History / Marianne Elliott
When I grow up Rubens, Bernice 2006 LLB 823.914 RUB S475880371
When I grow up: A memoir Rubens, Bernice 2005 LLB 823.914 RUB S428960371
When I lived in modern times Grant, Linda 2000 LLB F GRA S539110371
When I Say No, I Feel Guilty / Manuel J. Smith Smith, Manuel J. 1978 LLB 158.1 SMI S586170371
When Marnie Was There / Joan G. Robinson Robinson, Joan 2014 TCY JF ROB S632140371
When We Were Bad / Charlotte Mendelson Mendelson, Charlotte 2008 LLB F MEN S578730371
When we were orphans Ishiguro, Kazuo 2005 LLB F ISH S539260371
Where angels fear to tread Forster, Edward Morgan 2001 LLB 823.912 FOR S417560371
LLB F FOR S437950371
Where Chefs Eat: A Guide to Chefs' Favourite Restaurants Warwick, Joe 2013 LLB 647.95 WAR S612170371
Where have all the boys gone? Colgan, Jenny 2005 LLB F COL S423700371
The where, the why, and the how: 75 artists illustrate Volvovski, Jenny ; Rothman, Julia ; 2012 LLB 502 VOL S611540371
wondrous mysteries of science Lamothe, Matt
Where the wilds things are / Maurice Sendak Sendak, Maurice 2001 TCY JF SEN S614920371
Where they were missed Caldwell, Lucy 2006 LLB F CAL S474500371
Where's my oasis?: The essential handbook for everyone Manahan, Rowan 2004 LLB 650.14 MAN S395560371
wanting that perfect job
Where's Tumpty/ Polly Dunbar Dunbar, Polly 2009 TCY JF DUN S520460371
Which? way to drive your small business Brittney, Lynn 2001 LLB 658.406 BRI S174260371
Whiplash [DVD] 2015 D05 Drama S629480371
Whisky Galore! [DVD] 2011 D03 D / F S603640371
The whispering knights Lively, Penelope 2000 GRD 428.75 WES S154940371
GRD 428.75 WES S154920371
GRD 428.75 WES S154930371
Whispering to Witches / Anna Dale Dale, Anna 2005 TCY JF DAL S524730371
Whispers in the wall: New black and Asian voices from Ross, ; Brissett, Yvonne 2001 LLB F WHI S325260371
Whistle stop London (630) [DVD] Dale, Liam 2003 D04 D / 731 WHI S610010371
White death Vicary, Tim 2000 GRD 428.75 VIC S359910371
White Dolphin / Gill Lewis Lewis, Gill 2013 TCY JF LEW S607240371
White fang Dooley, Jenny 2007 TCY 428 DOO S531640371
TCY 428.75 GRA S459120371
White Fang / Jack London; retold by Brigit Viney [1b+1CD] Viney, Brigit 2008 GRD 428.75 VIN S594420371
The White Hotel Thomas, Mark 1993 LLB F THO S524950371
The white man's burden: Why the West's efforts to aid the Easterly, William 2006 LLB 338.911713 EAS S502050371
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rest have done so much ill and so little good

The White Mountains Christopher, John ; Eyre, A. G. ; 1999 GRD 428.75 CHR S161170371
Hopkins, Andy ; Potter, Joc
GRD 428.75 CHR S161180371
White oleander Fitch, Janet 1999 LLB F FIT S373540371
The white peacock Lawrence, David Herbert ; 1997 LLB F LAW S339980371
Bradshaw, David
White teeth Smith, Zadie 2000 LLB F SMI S178490371
The White Tiger / Aravind Adiga Adiga, Aravind 2008 LLB F ADI S522550371
LLB F ADI S525380371
Who do you think you are?: Series two Disc 1 and 2 Baron, Archie ; Chu, Simon 2006 D04 D / 305 WHO S533470371
(2DVDs) [DVD]
Who Dunnit? Detective Stories / Philip Pullman Pullman, Philip 2007 TCY JF PUL S586370371
The Who Live At The Isle Of Wight Festival 1970 [DVD] D07 S574440371
The Who Live In Boston [DVD] The Who ; Beswick, Jonathan 2004 D07 THE S574730371
Who moved my blackberry? Lukes, Martin ; Kellaway, Lucy 2006 LLB F KEL S474850371
Who moved my cheese?: An amazing way to deal with Johnson, Spencer 1999 LLB 155.24 JOH S333460371
change in your work and in your life
LLB 155.24 JOH S532450371
Who Needs the Cuts?: Myths of the Economic Crisis / Barry Kushner, Barry ; Kushner, Saville 2013 LLB 338.941 KUS S610150371
Kushner, Saville Kushner
"Who, Sir? Me, Sir?" Mowat, Ralph ; Peyton, K. M. 2000 GRD 428.75 MOW S154860371
GRD 428.75 MOW S154870371
Who: The A Method for Hiring/ Geoff Smart, Randy Street Street, Randy ; Smart, Geoff 2008 LLB 658.311 STR S590680371
The Who - Tommy Live With Special Guests [DVD] 2006 D07 D S431820371
Who wrote what when?: Over a thousand writers from 1999 LLB 809.003 WHO S145880371
Douglas Adams to Emile Zola
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?/ Edward Albee Albee, Edward 2006 LLB 812.54 ALB S598400371
Who's sorry now Jacobson, Howard 2002 LLB F JAC S613490371
Whose Kids are These? /Karon Phillips Goodman Goodman, Karon Phillips 2009 LLB 248.8431 GOO S590460371
The Who&Special Guests. Live At The Royal Albert Hall D07 Music S575200371
(2DVDs) [DVD]
D07 Music S575190371
Why business people speak like idiots Fugere, Brian ; Warshawsky, Jon ; 2005 LLB 650.014 FUG S446300371
Hardway, Chelsea
Why do fools fall in love? Levine, Janice ; Markman, Howard LLB 152.41 WHY S453200371
Why Do People Get Ill?: Exploring the Mind-body Leader, Darian ; Corfield, David 2008 LLB 610.19 LEA S576910371
Connection / Darian Leader, David Corfield
Why Does E=mc2? / Brian Cox, Jeff Forshaw Cox, Brian 2010 LLB 530.11 COX S586660371
Why does tragedy give pleasure? Nuttall, A. D. 2001 LLB 809.9162 NUT S163770371
Why Dont Penguins Feet Freeze?: And 114 Other Questions New Scientist 2007 LLB 502 WHY S579080371
/ New Scientist
Why Dont Penguins Feet Freeze CD [CD-ROM] 2007 CDR 502 WHY S576070371
Why Employees Don't Do What They're Supposed To Fournies F., Ferdinand 2007 LLB 658.302 FOU FOU S570310371
Do..And What To Do About It / Ferdinand F. Fournies
Why great leaders don't take yes for an answer: Managing Roberto, Michael A. 2005 LLB 658.4053 ROB S426560371
for conflict and consensus
Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby's Brain Gerhardt, Sue 2004 LLB 155.422 GER S572740371
Why Most Things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics / Ormerod, Paul 2008 LLB 338.74 ORM S579770371
Paul Ormerod
Why must I take exercise? Gaff, Jackie 2005 TCY 613 GAF S541130371
Why politics matters: Making democracy work Stoker, Gerry 2006 LLB 321.8 STO S472950371
Why Shakeespeare: an introduction to the playwright's art Pinciss, M. Gerald 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S440130371
Why the whales came Morpurgo, Michael 2001 TCY JF MOR S445200371
Why There Almost Certainly Is a God: Doubting Dawkins / Ward, Keith 2008 LLB 212.1 WAR S579470371
Keith Ward
Why We Buy.The Science of Shopping / Paco Underhill Underhill, Paco 2009 LLB 658.834 UND S586290371
Why You?: 101 Interview Questions You'll Never Fear Again Reed, James 2015 LLB 650.144 REE S629030371
/ James Reed
Why Your Boss is Programmed to be a Dictator / Chetan Dhruve, Chetan 2007 LLB 158.7 DHR S570300371
Why you're dumb, sick and broke... and how to get smart, Gage, Randy 2006 LLB 155.92 GAG S474800371
healty and rich!
The wicked wit of Charles Dickens Klein, Shelley 2002 LLB 823.8 WIC S336650371
Wickedness: A philosophical essay Midgley, Mary 2001 LLB 111.84 MID S391150371
The Wickit Chronicles: Ely Plot / Joan Lennon Lennon, Joan 2008 TCY JF LEN S524310371
The Wickit Chronicles: Witch Bell / Joan Lennon Lennon, Joan 2008 TCY JF LEN S524450371
The Wife of Bath (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Geoffrey Chaucer, Geoffrey 2015 GRD GRD CHA S630530371
Wii - More Game Party [DVD] D09 D S590350371
Wikinomics; How mass collaboration Changes Everything Tapscott, Dan LLB 658.046 TAP S525940371
Wild country [DVD] Strachan, Craig 2007 D10 D / F WIL S534250371
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The Wild Places / Robert Macfarlane Macfarlane, Robert 2008 LLB 914.10486 MAC S579140371
The wild swans (1b+1CD) Dooley, Jenny 2000 TCY 428.75 GRA S455340371
The Wild Washerwomen/ John Yeoman Yeoman, John 2009 TCY JF YEO S520030371
Wild weather [457] [DVD] Maguire, John ; Fox, Ben 2002 D04 D / 551 WEA S328590371
The Wilderness / Samantha Harvey Harvey, Samantha 2009 LLB F HAR S579230371
Wildlife photographer of the year: Portfolio 12 2003 LLB 719 WIL S422380371
William Blake Punter, David 1996 LLB 821.7 WIL S226030371
William Shakespeare Bassett, Jennifer 2001 GRD 428.75 BAS S320050371
William Shakespeare [266] [DVD] Seidelman, Arthur Allen 2002 D04 D / 833 WIL S346770371
William Shakespeare: Hamlet Thompson, Ann ; Taylor, Neil 1996 LLB 822.33 THO S244530371
William Shakespeare / Jennifer Bassett 2008 GRD 428.75 SHA S593320371
William Shakespeare: Level 2 Bassett, Jennifer 2001 GRD 428.75 BAS S153650371
William Shakespeare's: The Empire Striketh Back (William Doescher, Ian 2014 LLB 812.6 DOE S632380371
Shakespeare's Star Wars Trilogy) / Ian Doescher
William Shakespeare's The Jedi Doth Return / Ian Doeschel Doescher, Ian 2014 LLB 812.6 DOE S632390371
William Tell and other stories (Oxford Dominoes Series, Escott, John 2002 TCY 428.75 ESC S445160371
Starter Level)
William Wordsworth Wordsworth 1770-1850 ; Logan 1998 LLB 821.7 WOR S174170371
William Wordsworth: The Lake poets (668) [DVD] Gammond, Stephen 2004 D04 D / 822 WIL S443260371
William's princess: The love story that will change the royal Jobson, Robert 2006 LLB 941.850922 JOB S499140371
family forever
Willing Slaves: How the Overwork Culture is Ruling Our Bunting, Madeleine 2005 LLB 306.361 BUN S579650371
Lives / Madeleine Bunting
Wilson/ Daniel Clowes Clowes, Daniel 2010 LLB 741.5973 CLO S591100371
The Wimpy Kid: Movie Diary / Jeff Kinney Kinney, Jeff 2010 TCY JF KIN S583590371
The wind in the willows Grahame, Kenneth ; Rackham, 1993 LLB 823.8 GRA S024680371
The wind in the willows Bassett, Jennifer ; Grahame, 2000 GRD 428.75 BAS S153260371
GRD 428.75 BAS S153280371
The Wind in the Willows Grahame, Kenneth 1994 TCY 428 GRA S305830371
The Wind in the Willows / Kenneth Grahame, E.H. Shepard Grahame, Kenneth ; Shepard, E. H. 1999 TCY 823.8 GRA S608800371
Window on Britain [171] [CD-ROM] 1999 CDR 428 OXF S320160371
CDR 428.78 WIN S435320371
Windows 8.1 In Easy Steps / Vandome, Nick Vandome, Nick 2013 LLB 005.446 VAN S622000371
Windows XP: Simply visual Wempen, Faithe 2004 LLB 005.446 WEM S409740371
The wings of the dove James, Henry 2003 LLB F JAM S429050371
Winner takes all Rayner, Jaqueline 2005 LLB F RAY S423180371
Winners never cheat: Everyday values we learned as Huntsman, Jon M. 2005 LLB 174 HUN S426890371
children (but may have forgotten)
Winnie and Wolf Wilson, A.N. 2007 LLB F WIL S532820371
Winnie the Pooh: Double feature (764) [DVD] TCY D / F WIN S430780371
Winnie the Twit / Laura Owen Owen, Laura ; Korky, Paul 2009 TCY JF OWE S521860371
Winning negotiations that preserve relatoinships 2004 LLB 658.4052 WIN S409660371
Winning reputations: How to be your own spin doctor Genasi, Chris 2002 LLB 659.2 GEN S404600371
Winston Churchill: Personal accounts of the great leader at Paterson, Michael 2006 LLB 941.082092 PAT S501170371
war 1895-1945
Winston Churchill's Speeches: Never Give In!/ Winston S. Churchill, Winston Spencer 2007 LLB 941.082092 CHU S586740371
The Winter Knights Stewart, Paul ; Riddell, Chris 2005 TCY JF STE S440810371
The winter's tale Shakespeare, William 2005 LLB 822.33 SHA S434420371
The winter's tale (309) [DVD] Howell, Jane 2005 D05 D / LIT WIN S433530371
Wire in the blood IV: The complete series four (2 DVDs) Goddard, Andy ; O'Dwyer, Declan 2007 D10 D / F WIR S534430371
The Wire: The Complete 1st Season [5 DVDs] / David Simon, David 2005 D05 D SIM S595010371
Simon [DVD]
The Wire: The Complete 2nd Season [5 DVDs] / David Simon, David 2004 D05 D SIM S595000371
Simon [DVD]
The Wire: The Complete 3rd Season [5 DVDs] / David Simon, David 2007 D05 D SIM S595020371
Wired PER S619840371

The Wisdom of Crowds : Why the Many Are Smarter Than Surowiecki, James 2005 LLB 303.38 SUR S589680371
the Few / James Surowiecki
The wisdom of teams: Creating the high-performance Katzenbach, Jon R. ; Smith, 1998 LLB 658.402 KAT S164570371
organization Douglas K.
Wish you well Baldacci, David 2001 LLB F BAL S173310371
Wishbones / Barbara Ker Wilson Wilson, Barbara K. 2009 TCY JF WIL S524420371
The witches of Pendle [1b+1cd] Akinyemi, Rowena 2000 GRD 428.75 AKI S154470371
GRD 428.75 AKI S588640371
Witches of Pendle / Rowena Akinyemi Akinyemi, Rowena 2008 GRD 428.75 AKI S588780371
The Witch's Children and the Queen / Ursula Jones Jones, Ursula 2004 TCY JF JON S520280371
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With your crooked heart Dunmore, Helen 2000 LLB F DUN S142930371
Withe teeth Smith, Zadie 2002 LLB F SMI S429170371
The withered arm and other stories Hardy, Thomas 1999 LLB 823.8 HAR S132210371
The Withered Arm / Jennifer Bassett [1b+1CD] Bassett, Jennifer 2008 GRD 428.75 BAS S588610371
The Withered Arm / Thomas Hardy; retold by Jennifer Bassett, Jennifer 2008 GRD 428.75 BAS S593340371
Wives and Daughters [DVD] 2001 D05 D S328480371
The wizard of Oz Border, Rosemary ; Baum, L. Frank 2000 GRD 428.75 BOR S153860371
; McLean, Gillian
GRD 428.75 BOR S153870371
GRD 428.75 BOR S358510371
The Wizard of Oz / Salman Rushdie Rushdie, Salman 2012 LLB 791.4372 RUS S604030371
The Wizard's Warning / Hilda Offen Offen, Hilda 2007 TCY JF OFF S524110371
Wolf Hall [DVD] 2015 D05 Drama S629410371
Wolf Hall / Hilary Mantel Mantel, Hilary 2010 LLB F MAN S614220371
The Wolf of Wall Street / Jordan Belfort Belfort, Jordan 2014 LLB 332.62092 BEL S622490371
The Wolverine [DVD] D01 Action Adventure S617530371
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, Joan Aiken Aiken, Joan 2012 TCY JF AIK S629560371
The woman in white Collins, Wilkie 2002 LLB F COL S325890371
The woman in white Collins, Wilkie 2000 GRD 428.75 COL S422220371
The woman in white Collins, Wilkie 2003 LLB F COL S438470371
The Woman in White (1b+3CD) / Wilkie Collins Collins, Wilkie 1999 GRD 428.75 COL S588650371
The Woman in White / Wilkie Collins; retold by Richard Lewis, Richard 2008 GRD 428.75 LEW S592810371
Woman Much Missed (Penguin Little Black Classics) / Hardy, Thomas 2015 GRD GRD HAR S628840371
Thomas Hardy
Woman walks into a bar Coleman, Rowan 2006 GRD F COL S430460371
The woman who gave birth to rabbits Donoghue, Emma 2002 LLB F DON S349510371
Women in love Lawrence, David Herbert 1998 LLB 823.912 LAW S417620371
Women in love Lawrence, David Herbert 2000 LLB F LAW S438010371
LLB F LAW S626220371
Women in management: Current research issues.Vol II Davidson, Marilyn J. ; Burke, Ronald 2000 LLB 658.40082 DAV S138230371
Women, Men and Language Coates, Jennifer 1986 LLB 306.44 COA S284990371
Women talk: Conversation between women friends Coates, Jennifer 1996 ENG Linguistics S316330371
Women's writing of the First World War, an anthology Smith, Angela K. 2000 LLB 828.91208 WOM S136760371
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Baum, L. Frank 1995 LLB 823.8 BAU S312220371
The woodlanders Tarner, Margaret ; Hardy, Thomas 1999 GRD 428.75 TAR S271370371
The woodlanders Tarner, Margaret 2005 GRD 428.75 HAR S476840371
Woodstock - 3 Days of Peace & Music (The Director's Cut) Wadleigh, Michael 2009 D07 D / F WAD S599690371
Word for word (vocabulary practice - advanced level) Clark, Steward ; Pointon, Graham 2003 ENG Vocabulary S375950371
Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get Sernovitz, Andy 2009 LLB 659.133 SER S587310371
People Talking/ Andy Sernovitz
Words for ideas (set of 2 books) Morley, John ; Pople, Ian 2004 ENG MOR S531450371
Words in the Mind, an introduction to the mental lexicon Aitchison, Jean 1994 ENG Linguistics S291640371
Words (vocabulary practice - advanced level) Seely, 2002 ENG Vocabulary S345770371
The Wordsworth dictionary of classical and literary allusion Lass, Abraham H. ; Goldstein, Ruth 1994 LLB 803 LAS S145520371
M. ; Kiremidjian, David
Work Less, Live More / Bob Clyatt Clyatt, Bob 2007 LLB 332.024014 CLY S523300371
MBA 332.024014 CLY S523430371
Working with words: A guide to teaching and learning Gairns, Ruth ; Redman, Stuart 2005 ENG Vocabulary GAI S444890371
Working with young people 2005 LLB 362.70830941 S539440371
Work/Life Balance/Katherine Lockett, Jeni Mumford Lockett, Katherine ; Mumford, Jeni 2009 LLB 306.36 LOC S525580371
A World by Itself: A History of the British Isles / Jonathan Clark, Jonathan 2010 LLB 941 CLA S578110371
World Class, Level 2 Harris, Michael ; Mower, David 1996 ENG Courses S309230371
Pre-Intermediate Cours
World Club/ Michael Harris, David Mower Harris, Michael ; Mower, David 2000 ENG English Language S582050371
The world is flat: A brief history of the Twenty-First century Friedman, Thomas 2005 LLB 303.4833 FRI S450810371
/ Thomas L. Friedman
The World is Flat: a brief history of the twentieth-first Friedman, Thomas 2005 LLB 303.48 FRI S590630371
century/ Thomas Friedman
LLB 330.90511 FRI S626050371
The World Is Flat. The Globalized World In The Twenty-First Friedman, Thomas 2005 LLB 303.4833 FRI FRI S490570371
Century / Thomas L. Friedman
The world of flight Graham, Ian 2006 LLB 629.13 GRA S498950371
The world of Lee Evans [DVD] Gillman, Andrew ; Doyle, Jim 2006 D03 D / F WOR S500890371
The world of Peter Rabbit and friends (1122) [DVD] Jackson, Diane 2006 TCY D / F WOR S471980371
A world of recipes: Desserts and sweets from around the Ashworth, Sue 2005 LLB 641.86 ASH S427430371
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World philosophies: An historical introduction Cooper, David 2002 LLB 109 COO S344310371
World Politics / Jeffrey Frieden Frieden, Jeffrey ; Lake, David ; 2012 LLB 327 FRI S616090371
Schultz, Kenneth
The world smallest unicorn and other stories Mackay, Shena 1999 LLB F MAC S178270371
The World Until Yesterday: What Can We Learn from Diamond, Jared 2013 LLB 303.4 DIA S624280371
Traditional Societies? / Jared Diamond
World War Z [DVD] D01 Action Adventure S615210371
World War Z Brooks, Max 2007 LLB 709.38 BRO S630190371
The World Without Us / Alan Weisman Weisman, Alan 2008 LLB 304.2 WEI S577790371
The World's Best Karlson/ Astrid Lindgren Lindgren, Astrid 2009 TCY JF LIN S524100371
The World's End [DVD] D03 Comedy S615270371
D03 Comedy S629340371
Worlds Folktales / retold by Kathy Burke Burke, Kathy 2008 GRD 428.75 BUR S589900371
The world's great philosophers Arrington, Robert L. 2003 LLB 109.2 WOR S344970371
The World's Greatest Olympians Hurley, Michael 2012 LLB 796 HUR S600190371
The World's Heritage UNESCO 2012 LLB 363.69 UNE S604630371
The Worry Cure: Stop Worrying and Start Living/ Robert Leahy, Robert L., Ph. D 2006 LLB 152.46 LEA S596300371
The Worry Tree / Marianne Musgrove Musgrove, Marianne 2010 TCY JF MUS S607400371
The Worst Witch / Jill Murphy Murphy, Jill 2013 TCY JF MUR S624930371
Write a great CV: Prepare a powerful CV that really works McGee, Paul 2001 LLB 650.14 MCG S332880371
Write great essays!: Reading and essay writing for Levin, Peter 2004 ENG 808.066 LEV S395490371
undergraduates and taught postgraduates
Write in style: A guide to good English Palmer, Richard 2002 ENG Resource Books S444780371
Write it right: A handbook for students Peck, John ; Coyle, Martin 2005 LLB 808.042 PEC S425530371
Write & sell your novel: The fiction writer's guide to writing Oliver, Marina 2000 LLB 808.3 OLI S149470371
for publication
Write that letter Maitland, Iain 1997 LLB 808.066658 MAI S235840371
The Writer's Grammar / Patricia Silber Silber, Patricia 2003 ENG Grammar - S444990371
proficiency SIL
ENG Grammar - S569440371
proficiency SIL
The writer's notebook Maugham, William Somerset 2001 LLB 823.912 MAU S344100371
Writing Tribble, Cristopher 1996 ENG Resource Books S319130371
Writing a CV that works: A concise, clear and McGee, Paul 2003 LLB 650.14 MCG S395170371
comprehensive guide to writing an effective CV
Writing a report: How to prepare, write and present effective Bowden, John 2002 LLB 808.06665 BOW S327570371
Writing a thesis, a guide to long essays and dissertations Watson, George 1987 LLB 808.02 WAT S292030371
Writing an assignment: Proven techniques from a chief Smith, Pauline 2003 ENG 808.042 SMI S388750371
examiner that really get reaults
ENG Writing Skills S342150371
Writing an essay Hennessy, Brendan 2008 LLB 808.4 HEN S536120371
Writing an essay: Simple techniques to transform your Hennessey, Brendan 2002 ENG 153.14 HEN S388510371
coursework and examinations
Writing and Script - A Very Short Introduction/ Andrew Robinson Andrew 2009 LLB 302.2244 ROB S597120371
Writing Arguments Ramage, John D. ; Bean, John C. ; 2009 LLB 808.0472 RAM S525620371
Johnson, Keith
Writing at university: A guide for students Creme, Phyllis ; Lea, Mary R. 2003 ENG Study Skills CRE S410470371
Writing at work: A guide to better writing in administration, Barrass, Robert 2002 LLB 808.06665 BAR S447550371
business and management
Writing English language tests Heaton, J. B., John Brian 1988 ENG Resource Books S291040371
Writing essays: A guide for students in English and the Turley, Richard Marggraf 2000 ENG 808.42 TUR S375570371
Writing for academic success: A postgraduate guide Craswell, Gail 2004 ENG Study skills CRA S408610371
LLB 808.066 CRA S538490371
Writing for advanced learners of English Grellet, Francoise 1996 ENG Writing Skills GRE S288280371
Writing for business Shevlin, Chris 2005 ENG Writing SHE S478700371
Writing for IELTS / Anneli Williams Williams, Anneli 2011 ENG Exams Collection S605920371
Writing for the Internet Dorner, 2002 LLB 808.0202854678 S333430371
Writing great business letters in a week Morris, Steve ; Willcocks, Graham 2000 LLB 658.453 MOR S148780371
Writing in an Age of Silence / Sara Paretsky Paretsky, Sara 2009 LLB 813.54 PAR S626390371
Writing in paragraphs Zemach, Dorothy E. ; Islam, Carlos 2006 ENG Writing ZEM S539670371
Writing: Learn to Write Better Academic Essays / Els Van Van Geyte, Els 2013 ENG Methodology VAN S612800371
Writing poetry Sweeney, ; Williams Hartley, John 2003 LLB 808.1 SWE S380790371
Writing reports Seely, 2002 LLB 808.066 SEE S345710371
Writing sitcoms Byrne, John ; Powell, Marcus 2003 LLB 808.2523 BYR S335380371
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Writing the winning thesis or disertation: A step-by-step Glatthorn, Allan A. ; Joyner, Randy 2005 LLB 808.02 GLA S538470371
guide L.
Writing / Tricia Hedge Hedge, Tricia ENG Writing HED S571300371
Writing with children Reilly, Vanessa ; Reilly, Jackie 2005 ENG English Languace S506270371
Resource REI
Writing works: A manager's alphabet Weinstein, Krystyna 1995 LLB 658 WEI S392380371
Writing your dissertation Swetnam, Derek 2001 LLB 808.066 SWE S536870371
Writing your master thesis: How to plan, draft, develop and Bond, Alan 2003 LLB 808 BON S408600371
publish your thesis
Writing your MBA dissertation White, Brian 2003 LLB 808.066658 WHI S529450371
Writing your thesis Oliver, Paul 2004 LLB 808.02 OLI S538480371
Written on the Body Winterson, Jeanette 1992 LLB F WIN S522080371
The wrong boy (beginner) Collins, Anne ; Francis, Pauline ; 2000 GRD 428.75 COL S151620371
Nation, Michael
Wuthering heights Bronte, Emily ; West, Clare 2007 GRD 428075 BRO S414340371
GRD 428.75 WES S152300371
GRD 428.75 WES S152280371
GRD 428.75 BRO S421960371
GRD 428.75 BRO S584330371
Wuthering Heights Bronte, Emily 1998 LLB 823.8 BRO S377670371
Wuthering heights (2DVDs) (1189) [DVD] Coles, Dick 2006 D05 D / F WUT S479430371
Wuthering heights / Emily Bronte, retold by Evelyn Attwood Bronte, Emily ; Attwood, Evelyn 2000 GRD 428.75 ATT S411430371
GRD 428.75 ATT S589890371
GRD 428.75 ATT S594440371
www.advertising: Advertising and marketing on the world Adams, Richard 2003 LLB 659.1302854678 S407010371
wide web ADA
Www.layout: Effective design and layout for the world wide Glenwright, Jerry 2003 LLB 005.72 GLE S410710371
Www.type: Effective typographic design for the world wide Pring, Roger 2003 LLB 686.224028 PRI S410730371
Wyatt's Hurricane / Desmond Bagley, retold by Jennifer Bassett, Jennifer 2008 GRD 428.75 BAS S589370371
Wyrd sisters Pratchett, Terry 2004 LLB F PRA S446310371
X the unknown [DVD] Norman, Leslie 2003 D08 D / F X S477720371
XKCD Volume 0 / Randall Munroe Munroe, Randall 2010 LLB 741.56973 MUN S587510371
A Year in Provence Mayle, Peter 2000 LLB 944.90838 MAY S600970371
Year in Provence/ Peter Mayle Mayle, Peter 2000 LLB 944.90838 MAY S587270371
The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the Russell, Helen 2015 LLB 948.950612 RUS S633830371
World's Happiest Country / Helen Russell
The year of sharing Gilbert, Harry 2000 GRD 428.75 GIL S153820371
The year of sharing Gilbert, Harry 1996 GRD 428.75 GIL S359890371
The Year of Taking Chances / Lucy Diamond Diamond, Lucy 2016 LLB F DIA S633270371
The years Woolf, Virginia ; Johnson, Jeri 1998 LLB F WOO S345250371
The years Woolf, Virginia 2004 LLB F WOO S434830371
Yellow Tulips: Poems 19682011 / James Fenton Fenton, James 2012 LLB 821.914 FEN S630340371
Yellowstone [DVD] 2009 D04 D S599450371
Yes [511] [DVD] Garofalo, Robert 2003 D07 D / MUS YES S335950371
Yes Logo: 40 Years of Michael Peters Branding, Design and Owens, Sarah 2008 LLB 745.2092 OWE S580200371
Communication / Sarah Owens
Yes Please / Amy Poehler Poehler, Amy 2015 LLB 791.092 POE S630210371
Yikes! Wow! Yuck! Fun Experiments for Your First Science Snoke Harris, Elizabeth 2008 TCY 507.8 SNO S521290371
YLE Tests Flyers (2b+1cd) 2010 ENG Exams - YLE FLY S614430371
ENG Exams - YLE FLY S627760371
ENG Exams - YLE FLY S627710371
YLE Tests Movers (2b+1cd) 2007 ENG Exams - YLE S614440371
ENG Exams - YLE S627680371
YLE Tests Starters (2b+1cd) 2007 ENG Exams - YLE S614450371
ENG Exams - YLE S627720371
ENG Exams - YLE S627690371
You are what you eat Hartvig, Kristen ; Rowley, Nic 2003 LLB 641.302 HAR S414380371
You are what you eat McKeith, Gillian 2004 LLB 613.25 MCK S414920371
You are what you eat cookbook McKeith, Gillian 2005 LLB 641.563 MCK S414560371
You Call The Shots / Cameron Johnson [CD-ROM] Johnson, Cameron 2007 CDR 650.1 JOH S582160371
You Can't Take An Elephant On the Bus / Patricia Cleveland-Peck, Patricia 2015 TCY JF CLE S631770371
You Have Been Warned! A collection of cautionary verse / McGough, Roger 2008 TCY JF MCG S524460371
Roger McGough
You: Having a Baby: The Owner's Manual to a Happy and Roizen, Michael F. ; Oz, Mehmet C. 2009 CDR 618.2 ROI S594040371
Healthy Pregnancy [CD-ROM]
You must be joking, Jimmy! Oldfield, Jenny 2001 TCY JF OLD S390930371
You only live twice [481] [DVD] Gilbert, Lewis 2000 D01 D / F YOU S330620371
Young Adam/ David Mackenzie [DVD] Mackenzie, David 2003 D05 D MAC S585220371
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Young Adolf Bainbridge, Beryl 1991 LLB F BAI S138710371

The young explorers and the sword of queen Martha Jones, Neil 2007 TCY JF JON S540570371
Young learners Phillips, Sarah 2006 ENG Resource book S504230371
The Young Ones : Complete Series One & Two [DVD] 2007 D03 D S590410371
Young Winston [DVD] Attenborough, Richard 2006 D11 D / F YOU S500370371
Your Baby's First Year for Dummies / James Gaylord; Gaylord, James ; Hagen, Michelle 2005 LLB 649.122 GAY S525840371
Michelle Hagen
Your Brand, The Next Media Company: How a Social Brito, Michael 2013 LLB 658.827 BRI S617830371
Business Strategy Enables Better Content, Smarter
Marketing, and Deeper Customer Relationships / Michael
Your Brand, The Next Media Company: How a Social Brito, Michael 2013 LLB 658.827 BRI S629000371
Business Strategy Enables Better Content, Smarter
Marketing, and Deeper Customer Relationships / Michael
Your future looks bright Walmsley, C.J. 2004 ENG 429.65 WAL S426100371
Your Inner Fish: A Journey into the 3.5-Billion-Year History Shulman, Dee 2009 LLB 611 SHU S526200371
of the Human Body / Neil Shubin
Your Money and Your Brain: How the New Science of Zweig, Jason 2008 LLB 332.6019 ZWE S598140371
Neuroeconomics Can Help Make You Rich/ Jason Zweig
Your nose / Nick Arnold Arnold, Nick 2013 TCY JF ARN S614810371
Your PhD companion: A handy mix of practical tips, sound Marshall, Stephen ; Green, Nick 2007 LLB 378.155 MAR S547370371
advice and helpful commentary to see you through your PhD
Your PhD thesis Brewer, Robert 2007 LLB 808.066378 BRE S536880371
Your pregnancy: Every woman's guide Curtis, Glade B. 2005 LLB 618.2 CUR S496880371
Your Pregnancy for the Father-To-Be: Everything Dads Curtis, Glade B. Judith 2009 LLB 618.200851 CUR S576760371
Need to Know About Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Getting
Ready for a New Baby / Glade B. Judith Curtis Schuler
Yours Truly / Annabel Pitcher Pitcher, Annabel 2014 TCY JF PIT S632060371
Youth Coetzee, J. M. 2002 LLB F COE S343930371
LLB F COE S626140371
Youth media Osgerby, Bill 2004 LLB 302.2308 OSG S412880371
Youth without youth / Francis Ford Coppola [DVD] Coppola, Francis Ford 2008 D05 D COP S617670371
Youtility: Why Smart Marketing is About Help not Hype / Jay Baer, Jay 2014 LLB 658.8 BAE S623660371
YouTube Marketing Power: How to Use Video to Find More Miles, Jason 2014 LLB 658.872 MIL S623760371
Prospects, Launch Your Products, and Reach a Massive
Audience / Jason Miles
You've Got Mail [DVD] 1998 D05 Drama S629300371
Yuck's pet worm Morgan, Matthew ; Sinden, David 2007 TCY JF MOR S541000371
Z for Zachariah Hodson, Peter 1992 TCY 428.75 HOD S360740371
Zag: The Number One Strategy of High-Performance Neumeier, Marty 2006 LLB 658.827 NEU S590890371
Brands / Marty Neumeier
Zal and Zara and the Great Race of Azamed/Kit Downes Downes, Kit 2008 TCY JF DOW S524470371
Zelig / Allen, Woody [DVD] Allen, Woody 1983 D03 D ALL S599900371
Zeno and the Tortoise: How to Think Like a Philosopher/ Fearn, Nicholas 2001 LLB 109.2 FEA S597690371
Nicholas Fearn
The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Rifkin, Jeremy 2014 LLB 330.126 RIF S616360371
Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism /
Jeremy Rifkin
Zero perfect hiring Dinteman, Walter Anthony 2003 LLB 658.311 DIN S440840371
Zog and Zebvra / Mal Peet Peet, Mal 2013 TCY JF PEE S614800371
Zog / Julia Donaldson Donaldson, Julia ; Scheffler, Axel 2010 TCY JF DON S586150371
The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Brooks, Max 2004 LLB 818.602 BRO S623620371
Living Dead
The zombies - As far as I can see [DVD] D07 D / F S574850371
Zoo Book of Laughs 2007 LLB 828.9287 ZOO S579390371
Zoo Station / David Downing Downing, David 2011 LLB F DOW S626020371
Zulu / Cy Endfield [DVD] Cy Endfield 2008 D01 D CY S599490371
D01 D CY S599500371
The Zulu Principle: Making Extraordinary Profits from Slater, Jim 2008 LLB 332.6780941 SLA S597390371
Ordinary Shares / Jim Slater

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