Impact of Crossfit Related Spinal Injuries
Impact of Crossfit Related Spinal Injuries
Impact of Crossfit Related Spinal Injuries
Introduction: Exercise-related injuries (ERIs) are a common cause of nonfatal emergency department and hospital visits.
CrossFit is a high-intensity workout regimen whose popularity has grown rapidly. However, ERIs due to CrossFit remained under
investigated. Methods: All patients who presented to the main hospital at a major academic center complaining of an injury
sustained performing CrossFit between June 2010 and June 2016 were identified. Injuries were classified by anatomical location
(eg, knee, spine). For patients with spinal injuries, data were collected including age, sex, body mass index (BMI), CrossFit
experience level, symptom duration, type of symptoms, type of clinic presentation, cause of injury, objective neurological exami-
nation findings, imaging type, number of clinic visits, and treatments prescribed. Results: Four hundred ninety-eight patients with
523 CrossFit-related injuries were identified. Spine injuries were the most common injuries identified, accounting for 20.9%. Among
spine injuries, the most common location of injury was the lumbar spine (83.1%). Average symptom duration was 6.4 months 6
15.1, and radicular complaints were the most common symptom (53%). A total of 30 (32%) patients had positive findings on
neurologic examination. Six patients (6.7%) required surgical intervention for treatment after failing an average of 9.66 months of
conservative treatment. There was no difference in age, sex, BMI, or duration of symptoms of patients requiring surgery with those
who did not. Conclusions: CrossFit is a popular, high-intensity style workout with the potential to injure its participants. Spine
injuries were the most common type of injury observed and frequently required surgical intervention.
Key Words: CrossFit, sports medicine, spine injury, spine surgery, exercise-related injury
(Clin J Sport Med 2017;0:14)
INTRODUCTION CrossFit has grown rapidly and has been adopted by many
military and civilian sport gyms worldwide with an estimated
Exercise-related injuries (ERIs) are a common cause of
13 000 affiliate gyms.13 CrossFits appeals, such as fitness
nonfatal emergency department and hospital visits.1 In the
gains, decreased blood pressure, lower resting heart rates,
United States alone, up to 7 million ERIs are treated annually,
increased aerobic capacity and associated weight loss, and
with over 4.3 million of these representing visits to the
have led to widespread adoption of its program.1521
emergency department.2,3 Similarly, the number of new and
Although numerous health benefits have been documented,
creative exercise modalities continues to grow faster than ever
injury risks have also become a relevant concern.15,2227 The
before, with an industry-wide revenue of roughly $24.2 billion
intensity and high-impact nature of CrossFit has led to an injury
yearly.4,5 As such, an appropriate understanding of ERI is
rate reported as high as 20% to 73%15,23 ranging from muscle
complicated by the constant introduction of new, potentially
tears to exercise-induced rhabdomyolysis.15,2227 Retrospective
high-impact, exercise modalities.1,612 There remains a need for
studies have even suggested that as many as 7% of documented
physicians to understand the associated risks with cult-like
CrossFit injuries go on to require surgical intervention.15,23
exercise programs that may predispose injuries to patients.
Of particular relevance, due to longevity of symptoms and
Among the most popular and rapidly growing high-
high costs associated with medical treatments are exercise-
intensity style workout routines is CrossFit, with an estimated
related spinal injuries. These injuries occur frequently in
2 to 4 million participants worldwide.13 This program
exercise settings, particularly in those involving high-intensity
involves heavy and rapid weight-lifting, gymnastics, pull-
weights, with reported injury rates as high as 23.1%.28
ups, and rope climbing combined into short, repetitive, high-
Participants must be aware of the potential risks associated
intensity workouts.14,15 Since its commercial release in 2000,
with involvement in new exercise modalities, as such risks are
Submitted for publication December 13, 2016; accepted July 18, 2017. rarely publicized or known to the inexperienced participant.
From the *Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois; The purpose of this study is to examine the type of injuries that
Departments of Neurological Surgery; and Orthopedic Surgery, Northwestern occur with high-intensity CrossFit workouts that may perhaps
University, Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois.
lead to preventative measures for future injury.
The authors report no conflicts of interest.
This abstract has been submitted and accepted as an oral presentation to the
Congress of Neurological Surgeons Spine Summit, March 8, 2017, Las Vegas,
Nevada. This manuscript has been previously submitted for publication Spine.
Corresponding Author: Nader S. Dahdaleh, MD, NMH/Arkes Family Pavilion Suite All patients who presented to a major academic center
2210, 676 N Saint Clair, Chicago, IL 60611 ( complaining of an injury sustained performing CrossFit
Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. between June 2010 and June 2016 were identified using the Electronic Data Warehouse, which is a clinical data
Volume 0
Number 0
Month 2017 1
Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
B.S. Hopkins et al. (2017) Clin J Sport Med
repository. Institutional review board approval was given for Microsoft Excel 2011 (Microsoft, Redmond, Washington)
retrospective review, and a comprehensive query of all was used to conduct all statistical analyses. Parametric data
archived medical records containing the key phrases Cross- were given as mean 6 SD. T tests were run to compare patients
Fit, crossfit, Crossfit, or cross fit was run. The key requiring surgical intervention with those not needing in-
phrase search contained all provider notes, including a variety tervention. Variables run include age, sex, duration of
of specialties all associated with the medical institution. symptoms, and number of clinic visits. A value of P , 0.05
Patient initial presentation location was also classified as was considered statistically significant.
either the hospitals emergency department or outpatient
clinics. Specialties evaluating injuries included Neurosurgery,
Orthopedic Surgery, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, RESULTS
and Sports Medicine. Those presenting with spine-related In our cohort, most patients were evaluated for musculoskel-
complaints were further evaluated by 1 of the 5 neuro- etal injuries (81.5%) with spine and shoulder injuries being
surgeons, or 1 of the 3 orthopedic surgeons at our institution the most common (20.9% and 18.3%, respectively). Patient
who specialize in treating spinal disorders. Initially, 955 demographics and clinical characteristics for patients sustain-
unique patients were identified having 1926 associated ing spinal injuries are shown in Table 2. The mean age and
medical records all containing one of the mentioned key BMI were 37.1 6 8.9 years and 26.8 6 4.8, respectively. The
phrases. Records were reviewed, and all patients were selected most common location of injury was the lumbar spine
who had sustained injuries associated with the mention of (83.1%) with radicular complaints in 53%, and an average
concurrent CrossFit participation. Reports of patients were symptom duration was 6.4 months 6 15.1. A total of 30
excluded if they either had no chief complaint or had complaints (32%) patients had positive findings on neurologic examina-
unrelated to participation in CrossFit exercise. Patients with tion including, but not limited to positive straight leg tests,
injuries known to have been sustained outside CrossFit were positive seated slump tests, decreased sensation, or motor
further excluded. A total of 498 patients with 523 injuries function. Most patients received no imaging (49.5%), with the
sustained from CrossFit met the inclusion criteria of this study most commonly chosen imaging modality being magnetic
(Table 1). Eighty-nine patients were further identified, having 89 resonance imaging (28.4%). There was no significant
distinct spinal injuries. Patients with self-reported spinal injuries, difference in subjective duration of symptoms for those
demographic data such as age, sex, body mass index (BMI), patients presenting initially to the emergency department as
CrossFit experience level, symptom duration, type of symptoms, compared to those presenting initially to an outpatient clinic.
type of clinic presentation, cause of injury, objective neurological The most commonly prescribed treatment for spine injuries
exam findings, imaging type, number of clinic visits, and was physical therapy, which was prescribed to 36 (40.4%)
treatments prescribed were collected. Radiculopathy was defined
as the subjective mention of pain radiation down either an upper
or lower extremity. TABLE 2. Patient Demographics and Clinical
Characteristics (n 5 89)
Patient Characteristics
TABLE 1. Distribution of CrossFit-Related Age, yr 37.2 6 8.9
Injuries Sex (male) 51 (57.3)
Count (%) BMI 26.8 6 4.8
Overall injury type (n 5 523) CrossFit experience
Musculoskeletal 426 (81.5) Beginner 8 (9.0)
Cardiopulmonary complaints 36 (6.9) Experienced 9 (10.1)
Other neurologic complaints* 32 (6.1) Unknown 72 (80.9)
Other injuries/conditions 29 (5.5) No. of clinic visits 2.7 6 3.5
Musculoskeletal injury type (n 5 426) Type of presentation
Spine 89 (20.9) Emergency department 12 (13.5)
Shoulder 78 (18.3) Outpatient 77 (86.5)
Knee 66 (15.5) Location of injury
Gluteal region 27 (6.3) Cervical 15 (16.9)
Elbow 24 (5.6) Lumbar 74 (83.1)
Leg 24 (5.6) Duration of symptoms 6.4 6 15.1
Wrist 18 (4.2) Radiculopathy present? 47 (52.8)
Ankle 16 (3.8) Objective neurologic findings? 30 (32)
Foot 15 (3.5) Imaging performed?
Hand 12 (2.8) Magnetic resonance imaging 25 (28.1)
Other musculoskeletal 38 (8.9) Radiograph 16 (18.0)
* Headaches, migraines, weakness, paresthesia. Both 5 (5.6)
Rhabdomyolysis, ocular dysfunction, abdominal pain, pulmonary symptoms, scrotal
inflammation, proteinuria, dehydration. None 45 (50.6)
Groin, fingers, arm, musculoskeletal chest pain. All values reported as mean 6 SD or value (%).
Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 0
Number 0
Month 2017
patients (Table 3). Surgery consultation was recommended for 9 TABLE 4. Surgical Characteristics (n 5 6)
(10.1%) of the patients presenting. A total of 6 patients (6.7%) of
Period of Conservative
the initial 89 underwent surgical intervention for treatment after
Age Sex Treatment, d Procedure
failing to respond to nonsurgical intervention. Surgical character-
istics and demographics for these 6 patients are further shown in 50 F 52 C6-C7 anterior cervical
Table 4. The most commonly performed procedure was a lumbar diskectomy and fusion
diskectomy. For those undergoing surgery, the average length of 28 M 105 L5-S1 diskectomy
conservative treatment was 9.57 months. There was no 38 M 191 L5-S1 diskectomy
difference in age, sex, BMI, or duration of symptoms of patients 20 F Unknown* L3-4 and L5-S1 diskectomy
requiring surgery with those who did not, with P values of 0.52,
30 F 268 L4-L5 diskectomy
0.50, 0.57, and 0.51, respectively. The group requiring surgical
intervention had significantly more clinic visits associated with 46 M 819 L5-S1 diskectomy
their injury than the group not requiring surgery (P , 4.4 E -09). * Procedure performed at an outside institution.
Each surgical patient showed degrees of symptomatic improve-
ment postoperatively. Spine surgery did not disqualify patients
from CrossFit, with a recommended return to play of 3 months been further shown that athletes are at an increased risk of
for patients undergoing decompression surgery (microdiskec- lumbar spine injuries as compared to the general population.29
tomy and laminectomy) and 1 year for patients undergoing For instance volleyball, basketball, or golf report rates of 0.9%,
fusion surgery. 4.7%, and 11%, respectively.3032 Other contact sport injury
rates vary, with rates as low as 9% in adolescent ice hockey, to
DISCUSSION higher, more variable ranges of 11.4% to 32% in competitive
rugby.33,34 Moreover, sports noted to have an increased risk of
CrossFit is a form of exercise that is growing exponentially in disk herniation include wrestling, rowing, ballet, diving,
popularity. CrossFits high-intensity workout style, while swimming, running, and baseball.29 Furthermore, the injury
providing many benefits to participants,16,1821 may lead to patterns for the spine, particularly those of the lower back, seem
various injuries. In the current study, we performed a compre- to reflect those of other high-intensity competitive weight lifters
hensive retrospective chart review of all patients with as described in previous studies.26,28 Raske and Norlin26
CrossFit-related chief complaints over the past 6 years at documents the proportion of lumbar spine injuries in elite
a single institution. Such injuries provide potential needs for power lifters as ranging from 17% to 27%. CrossFits unique
risky and costly treatments ranging from hospitalization to focus on high repetition and speed, in contrast to other forms of
invasive surgical management. To our knowledge, this is the powerlifting, allows for seemingly simple maneuvers to become
first study to date in which a large cohort of patients all very risky. The location of the injuries affecting the lower
experiencing CrossFit-related injuries or complaints was lumbar spine is most probably due to the axial loading that
assessed and analyzed. CrossFit exercises entail namely in squats and dead lifts. Both
Our study shows the most common injury to be spinal dead lifts and squats require the thoracic and lumbar spine to
injuries consisting of 20.9% of all reported injuries. Of these remain inline and neutral throughout each repetition. Through-
spinal injuries, the lumbar region was the most commonly out an entire workout, fatigue can make keeping technique
injured reporting 83.1% of all spine injuries. The average especially difficult. Because of the heavy axial load, and high
duration of symptoms was 6.4 6 15.1 months, and the average repetition, even minor lapses in form such as a slight forward
number of associated clinic visits was 2.7 6 3.5. Although the flexion are susceptible to increased intradiscal pressure and disk
most commonly prescribed treatment modality was physical herniation.23
therapy (40.4%), surgery was required in 6 patients (6.7%). Lumbar disk herniation has been further shown to have
The surgical group required more clinic visits than the worse associated clinical outcomes in elite athletes than in the
nonsurgical group (P , 4.4 E-09) as would be expected due general public.35 As such, treatment choice and outcomes are
likely to the severity and complexity of injuries sustained. of utmost importance to maximize return to play and overall
Multiple studies26 have reported the lower back and the quality of life. Although most of our reported injuries were
shoulder regions as the most prevalent locations of ERI. It has treated successfully conservatively, some ultimately required
surgical intervention at a rate of 6.7% with a decompression
TABLE 3. Treatment Characteristics (n 5 89) being the most common operation. However, some patients
required fusion surgeries to relieve their symptoms. This rate is
Treatments Recommended/Prescribed Value (%) very similar to the rate reported by Hak et al23 in a survey
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs* 25 (28.1) study of CrossFit injuries, documenting a surgical intervention
Steroids 9 (10.1) rate of 7%. Risk factors for development of such injuries
Physical therapy 36 (40.4) continue to remain unknown and unpredictable, further
adding to the need for awareness.
Rest 17 (19.1)
Our reported rate of surgery reflects only those patients
Injections 11 (12.4) needing medical attention. As a result, the true incidence of
Surgery 9 (10.1) CrossFit injuries requiring surgical intervention among the
Other pain medication* 6 (6.7) entire population of participants is likely lower and potentially
Patients undergoing surgical intervention 6 (6.7) less concerning. Further surveys or prospective studies are
needed to better elucidate the true incidence and subsequent
No surgical intervention 83 (93.2)
significance of such injuries to current and new participants
* Prescription medications only.
Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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Copyright 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.