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Computational Fluid Dynamics

Prof. SreenivasJayanti
Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras

Module No.# 01
Lecture No: #01
Motivation for CFD
Introduction to the CFD approach

Welcome to the course on computational fluid dynamics. Many of you in your

undergraduate and postgraduate days would have taken a course on fluid
mechanics or momentum transfer; you would also have taken a course
oncomputational techniques, where you would havelearnt how to
solveequations;for example, a set ofand algebraic equations, or a matrix equation
type ofproblems, and root finding of non-linear equations, partial differential
equations, ordinary differential equations and soon.

This course, computational fluid dynamics, it derives both from fluid mechanics
and also from computational techniques andcomes up with a set ofnumerical
methods which will enable us to solve the equations, which govern the flow of a
fluid in any domain; this enables us to go much beyond what we can do
inanalytical part of a fluid mechanics course; in fluid mechanics, we have studied
how flow goes through a straight pipe and how flowflowgoes over, for example, a
sphere under creeping flow conditions and what type of velocity profile we have
for flow over a flat plate; in such simple geometries, we know how the flow takes
place and we can characterize the pressure drop or the drag coefficient or the
friction factors in such simple cases; but we know that when we want to deal with
practical problems, we have a difficulty in extending what we have learnt in a basic
fluid mechanics courseto complicated geometries and the complicated geometries
need not be very complicated.

For example, if you have a room like this, and as an engineer you want to putan air
conditioner. So, the question would bethat, you would pose yourself is that where
would I put the air conditioner in order to have maximum effectiveness. And so, if
you want to answer this type of question, you have to know how the cold air from
the air conditioner would flow in thisroom andwhat sort of coldness it would give
to people occupying people in different places; you would have to understand in
such a case, the buoyancy related flow which is induced by the cold air flowing
from the air conditioner; and that is a complicated problem that you cannot deal
with from what you would have known and learnt ina basic course in fluid

If you take another example like, you have a chemical reactor,you take the simplest
shapea cylindrical vessel which is half filled withone reactant liquid reactant and
another liquid reactant is being poured into it and the two have to,let us say that,
there is a density difference between the two. So, if you leave the two reactants like
that, the lighter fluid would go to the top, and the colderthe heavier liquid fluid will
go to the bottom; you want to have these two mixed together in order to have a
reaction which we wantto take place in this reactor. So, what could we do, we
could put an impeller to an agitator to mix the two fluids; the question would be,
what should be the type of mixer? What should be the type of agitator? Where
should we place it? And you also may want to put a catalyst for this reaction tobe
catalyzedto be enhanced; andin such a case, you would like to have the catalyst
thoroughly mixed. So, you may want to..,you are not only interested in how the
two immiscible liquidscome together, but you also like to know how the catalyst,
which may be in a solid form,would be dispersed withinthe liquid media.

So, again the question would be, what kind of impeller you would like to put and
where would you like to put, at what velocity you would like to rotate. So, as to
achieve the task of good mixing, ensuring good contact between the various
phases, but without spending too much in terms of the cost of the impellerwhich is
an initial investment and also the cost of maintenance in the sense of what is the
power, which is required to keep these impellers rotating at the given speed. So, if
you want to look at overall costfrom a designers point of view, you would have to
know how the fluid is taking place within thisand how the solid particles are
moving along and what is the distribution that is achieved andunder what ideal
conditions optimal conditions can we get the best mixing with as little power
consumption as possible. So, in such a case, againyour basic knowledge of fluid
mechanics will not be able to give us much information on this.

One may do experiments, but experiments will be very costly. So, again therethere
is a requirement for us to know how fluid flows in situations, which do not fall into
one of the ideal categories like fully developed flow in a pipe or flow over
ainfinitely long flat plate or flow over a sphere or a cylinder which is submerged in
an infinite expanse fluid. So, these are all cases which are very simple, but when
we look at the practical situation, we may havemuch more complexity.

We can take another example - a common example - let us say that you have
ainternal combustion engine and inside that you know that you are sending fuel
and the fueltypicallyliquid fuel, which is sent in the form of fine droplets; these
droplets would evaporate and then there would be a combustion; and the
combustion would release energy, which is then used to drive this internal
combustion engine.

As an engineer you would like to know what is happening inside theengine, sothat
you can control not only the delivery of the power not only the amount of power
that you are able to extract from this, but also you would like to control and
minimize the formation of undesirable products like, pollutants,for example, the
nitrous oxides; and if you have some sulfursulfurdioxide andthose kind of
pollutants and in order to do that, you would have to look at how myhow the fluid
is being injectedin to this and how it is vaporizing and what kind ofdisturbance to
the flow field that is obtained from this vaporization and how the vaporized fuel
and the oxidant that is rest of the air are mixing together; and that is how they are
combusting, what kind of heat is being released andhow the heat is being diffused
into the rest of thedomain and what are the conditions in which chemical reactions
are taking place for this combustion to take place and what are the conditions that
are prevalent in which these stray species like, nitrogenoxides are formed.

So, there you are looking at a combination of fluid flow, together with heat transfer
together with chemical reaction andlots of time scales and length scales are
involved;and this all this is happening while the piston is moving up and down; so,
that is a very complicated situation and one can never hope to get any kind
ofsimplest solution thatfor this kind of complexity; but if we have generic
specialized tools,which constitute the body of computational fluid dynamics at our
disposable, then it is possible to represent this transient turbulent chemical reacting
flowsimulation to be done in a computer; and from this we can derive some
information which willbe useful for us engineers.

We can control therate of fuel injection at which point we inject the fuel,at which
point of time we inject the fuel, and in what form we inject the fuel, and how the
rest of therest of the power transmission and heat transmission is taking place it is
possible tosimulate all these things in the computer. So, that we can therefore,
make modifications totothe processes to the process that are in our control to
derive the bestperformance from thefrom the engine, whether it is terms of fuel
economy or whether it is in in theinin terms of the delivery of the power, the
smoothness of delivery of power or in terms of pollutant formation and soon; and
there is also theother more chemical engineering aspect of this internal combustion
engine that, if you want to put a catalytic converter so as toabsorb the pollutants
that are produced in that; then again you are looking at some further chemical
reaction that is taking place inside a reactor through which the gases the exhaust
gases flow.

So, you have to make sure that,there is good contact between theexhaust gases and
theandthe surfaces at which the chemical reaction would take place; and you would
also need to make sure that,there is enoughprovision is there for this to happen
optimally without too much of pressure drop, so that the back pressure would not
bebuilt up to somuch and without anybypassing of the gas;if there is some part of
the exhaust gas, which is not able to get into contact with the solid surfaceand if it
is not able toparticipate in the chemical reaction, then that part of the pollutant
which is there in this bypassing gas will not be converted. So, that will come out in
the eventual exhaust.

So, again there is a possible, there is a need for us to for an engineer to know how
fluid is flowing throughthis catalytic converter. So, these are these are typical type
of fluid flowsituations that are encountered by an engineer inthe daily profession
for which one would like to knowanswers to the flow of the fluid; along with the
flow of the heat and chemical reactions that may be taking place; and if we need to
answer these questions, we cannot rely on what we havelearnt in in our basic
courses or advanced courses inin heat transfer and transport phenomena;we have to
be able to go beyond what we can do with analytical techniques; so, this is where
computational fluid dynamicssteps in.

Computational fluid dynamics, as the name implies,is ais a subject that deals with
computational approach to fluid dynamics; and it deals with a numerical solution
of the equations which govern fluid flow and although it is called computational
fluid dynamics; it does not dealjust with the equations of the fluid flow, it is also
generic enough to be able to solve simultaneously together the equations that
govern theenergy transfer and also the equations thatdetermine the chemical
reaction rates and how the chemical reaction takes place and how mass transfer
takes place; all these things can be tackled together in the same overall format. So,
this framework enables us to deal witha very complicated flow situationsin
reasonably fasttime, such that, we canget a simulation,for example, in ain a few
hours time orin an overnight computation; and for a given setofconditions, an
engineer would be able to simulate and see how the flow is taking place and what
kind of temperature distribution there is and what kind of products are formed and
where they are formed, sothathe or she can then make changes to the parameters
that are under his control to modify the way that these things are happening. So, in
that sense computational fluid dynamics or c f d becomesa great tool forfor a
designer for an engineer.

It is also a great tool forforananalysis for a post-mortem of a of reactor or an

equipment which is not functioning well;because in typical industrial
applications,many things may be happening and whata designer has hadin mind at
the time of fabricating or designing the equipment may not be actually what an
operatorof the equipmentintroduces into the equipment at the time of operation,
maybe after five years or ten years changes might have taken place in between; and
in such a case, the performance of the equipment may not be up to the standard and
you would like to modify it in such a way that you can get better performance.

So, the question is then, what has led to the fall in the performance and what kind
of measures we can make without making an overall change in theand
equipment,withinwhat is within the means of the operator to control; is it
possibleto get better performance from the equipment; is it possible to increase the
productivity; if you want to look at these kind of what-if kind of analyses, then
again computational fluid dynamicswellwell-built computational fluid dynamics
model will be able to answer these kind ofquestions.

So, we can see a role for c f d both in the initial design of industrial equipment and
also in the day-to-day operation and also in the case ofwhat-if kind of scenario
investigations. So, this becomes this makes c f d a very versatile tool in the hands
of engineers and also scientists; one would say that,scientists would be interested
in knowing,for example, what may be happening in a very small micro
scalereactor; if you take micro reactor, one would like to know, what may be
happening in that; and it may be very difficult to do experiments in those
conditions; and one may be a scientist, may be interested in the very fine transient
of a particularphenomenon or a particular situation and it may be very difficult to
get anexperimentalnon-intrusive measurement to the same. So, even fora scientist,
c f d would makea very good sense as in as a tool for analysis.

So,in that sense, one would say that,c f dis a very useful tool; and over the pasttwo
to three decades, c f d tools have become sospecialized and finally, tuned finely
honed that they now have become an indispensable tool in the hands of engineers;
for a range of industrial applications, all the way from aerospace to
metallurgyincludingchemical, and mechanical engineering, civil engineering,
environmentalbiological processes and soon.

So, in this course, we are not going to look more on the applications on how we
can make use of the c f d codes, but we are going to look primarilyat what how we
can get a solution to a set of equations; we are going to look at what kind of
equations we need to solve in order to answer these kind of problems and how we
can solve these equations using c f d; we will also look at, obviously, why we
cannot solve them usinganalytical methods; then we will see how we can solve this
usingc f d methods; what we shouldkeep in mind is that,c f d is not mathematics, it
is a specialset of techniques which are ideally tuned for the solution ofspecific type
of equations that occur in fluid flow is a subject of interest. So, it is not general
mathematics that we are interested in, we are interested in in looking at special
techniques which have been developed to solve these equations in a very efficient
manner;it is those techniques that we want to do. So, we will see that it is nota
simple solutionlike that, we would look at what constitutes a c f d solution.

We have a wholly different philosophy of answering a question that,you havesaya

particular flow domain what is the flow field. So, we will we will let us start with a
simple example, sothat we can try to differentiate between an analytical solution
and a c f d approach. So, in this introductory lecture, we will look ata problem
which is solved in the c f d way for a very simple problem;for thisproblem, we
probably do not need to use c f d, but we will show how we solve it using c f d. So,
as to bring out the difference betweenan analytical solution and the c f d solution
and then we will elaborate what more we have to do in order to solve the
generalproblem. So, at the end of that,we will havea good idea of what c f d is
about and we will be able to give an outline of what we are going to do in the rest
of the forty to forty five lectures.

So, let us start with an application of the c f d for a simple problem; the problem
that we are looking at isa fully developed steady flow through a duct, which is
rectangular in cross section; this is a case for which analytical solutions do exist,
but these analytical solutions are obtained in a difficultway,we may have to do
conformal mapping of aof thegeometry from a rectangular domain aintoa circular
domain; and then we can get a solution to that. So, it is beyond the scope of an
ordinary,the general syllabus that is thought inin undergraduate chemical

So, we will see when we try to use c f d techniques for this;we do not have to do go
intosophisticated mathematics, with the simple mathematics that we already know,
we can generate a solution, but the method of generating the solution is not
somethingthat is enable to handheld calculation; it is amenable only tocomputer-
based calculation. So, this is where computational approachcomes into the picture;
and it is only with the advent of fast computers with cheap memory thatwe are able
to solve a large number of industrial problems using c f d techniques.

If computers had not been there or if computers had been there, but they they were
very very expensive, then c f d could not havecould not have spread to lots of
industries; it would have still remained in in sophisticatedlabs inelite institutions.
So, it is theit is the bringing together of a robust set of numerical methods for the
efficient solution of equations; the easy availability and offast computers with
loads of memory storage capability that has really given rise to the development of
c f d as an engineering tool.

(Refer Slide Time: 21:37)

So, we will just look at,we will start with looking at a simple case of flow througha
rectangular pipe. So, what we are looking at is, a pipe of rectangular cross section.
So, this is an infinitely long pipe and we have taken a section here; the flow is fully
developed;let us fix somecoordinates;we can put x here y in this direction, and z in
this direction. So, this is y and this is z.

We have chosen herea right-handed coordinate system,such that, if you rotate the x
axis about the y, the z is in thein thedirection of the right hand threaded screw like
this. So, this is thenotation that we have; and along with this x y z notation, we
denote the respective velocity components as u v and w. So, the u velocity
component is the velocity component in the x direction; v is the velocity
component in the y direction; and w is the velocity component in the z direction;
and the problem that we have is,the flow is steady laminar and fullydeveloped; and
under these conditions, we know that, u is equal to 0 and v is equal to 0
throughout; and we are interested in the flow essentially essentially two-
dimensional, in two-dimensional in the sense that,only w is the non-zero
component and the w is a function of both x and y and it is not a function of z and
it is not a function of time.

So, the flow is steady. So, w is the only non-zero component of the velocity,three
velocity components, because its flow issteady and fully developed andlaminar
andit is not a function of z. So, at any cross section, theflow field, that is the
variation of w with x and y will be the same and its steady and its two-
dimensional,in the sense, w is a function of x and y. So, the problem that you want
to know is,what is, how does w vary with x and y. So, this is the flow field that we
are interested in.

As i mentioned,there are analytical solutions to this, but we are not interested in the
analytical solutions; we would like to do this using computational fluid dynamics
approach; and this is a simple case, because there is no time dependence and there
is only one velocity componentand it is a function of bothonly x and y; and the
domain is such that, the flow domain is such that, it fits into a Cartesian coordinate
system x yz. So, in that sense,it is a simple problem, and we would like to solve
this simple problem for the sake of illustration as to how c f d works.

Now, what do we mean byhow c f d works. So, in c f d wesolve the governing

equations using numerical methods. So, first of all we need to find out what is the
governing equation or what are the governing equations.

So, in this particular case, we will show later on that the governing equations is
given by, we are putting it as g e for governing equationas, dou square w by dou x
squared plus dou square w by dou y square times mu, where mu is the dynamic
viscosity, is equal to d p by d z, where d p by d z is a is a constant; it is negative in
the sense that, as z increases pressure decreases. So, it is a negative constant. So,
we can put this as minus c,for example, where c is a positive quantity. So, c is a
constant and pressuregradient is constant, because it is a fully developed steady
flow inin the rectangular diagram. So, right now we do not have to worry about
where this equation has come from;we only say that this is this is a governing
equation; and a governing equation is we can see is a partial differential equation.
So, this requires boundary conditionssince the flow is steady; there is no time
derivative. So, it does not require initial conditions. So, what will be the boundary
conditions for this?

We need to look at the variable that we are solving for, the variable that we are
looking at is the w component. So, we need to know what is the w. When we talk
about boundary conditions, what is the value of w on the boundaries? So, theflow
domain of interest is this domain and we know that for fluid flowwhich isbounded
by these walls; we know that,the most obvious most applicable boundary
conditionis the no slip boundary condition. So, we can say that w is equal to 0 on
all walls

So, this is the second part of the specification of problem. So, we now have a
mathematical problem which is specified, that is, this equation with a given value
of constant; so, this is given here; and with the boundary condition that w is equal
to 0 on all the walls of this specifies the mathematical problem.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:54)

(Refer Slide Time: 30:26)

Given this problem we want to know, if this is the casefor a given

dynamicviscosity, for a given pressure gradient; and for a given domain,for
example, for length, for example, capital x and for height capital y like this, what is
then the variation of wat any x and y. So, this is the mathematical problem that we
want to solve. So, this mathematical problem is solved in c f d not like this,it is not
exactly solved exactly like this. So, at the end of the c f d solution we would not be
getting w as a function of x and y. So, in the c f d approach,we do not get wat x y,
instead of that we give the value of w at loosely speaking x i and y j,that is where x
i and y j are thecoordinates of points, which are spreadwithin the computational
(Refer Slide Time: 30:53)

(Refer Slide Time: 31:26)

So, instead of saying, instead of seeking a solution of w as a function of x and y,

which is a continuously variable; we are giving a solution of w at discrete points
which arespread throughout the domain. So, we give w at discrete points spread
throughout the domain; and if you want to have a solution at a point, which does
not coincide with any of these points;for example, we havethese things typically
we give at several points which are at several points in a fairly orderedlogical
sequence like this. So, at these points marked by the crosses we give the solution;
and if you are lookingfor a solution at this point, we do not get it from c f d
directly, but given that the solution is known at these neighboring points, we can
get it by interpolation.

So, we do not derive the value ofa solutionat any x and y; we evaluate the value
only at specified points, which are known as the grid points; and so,this we are not
getting a continuous solution we are getting a discrete solution, but the points at
which we are evaluating are in our points in a way,we decide where to evaluate the
points. So, at the same time we do not have total control,for example, we cannot
say that, in this overall domain I want at this point and this point and this point; we
are forced to have the solution at several points at manymanypoints within the
overall domain; typically, it may be a million points within the domain only by
putting, only by evaluating the solution at million points,may we have to getcan we
getan accurate solution.

(Refer Slide Time: 33:01)

So, the first point we would like to know about a c f d solutionis, the solution is
obtained at discrete pre identified points which are spread throughout the domain;
and if we want to get a solution at any point in between, we have to do it by
interpolationor extrapolation as necessary typically interpolation; and if there are
other points of interest,for example, if we want to get the sheer stress of the heat
transfer coefficient. So, that information can be derived fromthese values which are
obtained as a part of thesolution.
For example, the sheer stress is given by the gradient of velocity. So, since we
know the w at several points, we can evaluate the gradient and we can multiply by
the velocity and then we can get the sheer stress. So, in that sense we are going
from a continuous solution to a discrete solution.

The second point that we want to emphasize about c f dis that, we are not giving a
solution which satisfies the governing solution exactly. So, we are giving a solution
which satisfies the governing equation and the boundary conditions approximately.

So, we are not getting an exact solution of the governing equation; we are getting
only an approximate solution of the governing equation; again here, asthe solution
seekers, we havesome control over what would be the solution, we can reduce,for
example, the error in the solution that we may be expected, we do not have the
exact error, because we do not know the exact solution. So, we can reduce the error
the possible error between the c f d solution and the exact solution of the governing
equation by choosing a larger number of points or bychanging the way that we
approximate the equations. So, we do have a control over howwhat will be the how
to reduce the error andthat gives us some satisfaction of getting a solution; but we
must keep in mind that, the solution that we are getting from c f d is an
approximate solution of governing equation; and it is not guaranteed to bean exact
solution may be an exact solution under special cases, but ingeneral, it is an
approximate solution. So, how do we generate this approximate solution like this?
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(Refer Slide Time: 36:38)

There are several ways of doing it, but for the sake of illustration,what we the way
that we try to do is, we thattake the partial derivative here and for each
derivativewe substitute an equivalent approximate finite difference
approximationfinite difference formula for it;for example, if you have dou square
w by dou x square then at a particular point i, j, if this is a point that has to be
evaluated; then we can write this roughly as w at i plus 1, j minus 2 w i, j plus w i
minus 1, j divided by delta x square.
Now, this requires us to what we mean by this i, j and all this. So, we will go back
to this domain here; we choose the points that we want to evaluate in this
finitedifference approachat points which are,for example, which are uniformly
spread here and which are also intersections of lines of constant x and constant y.

For example, this is line of constant y equal to 0; this is y equal to capital y like
that; and this isa line of constant x. So, this point here is anintersection of constant
x line and constant y line. So, the i and j here denote the ith constant line in x
direction and the j th constant line in the y direction. So, for example, we can put
this to be i equal to 0, this is 1 2 3 4 5 and 6. So, we have these lines out of which
the zeroth line and the sixth line constitute the left boundary and the right boundary
of this; and similarly, we can put j equal to 0 as the line corresponding the bottom
boundary and this is the 1 2 3 4. So, we have divided the domain intoone two three
four five six divisions in the x directions and four divisions in the y direction. And
so, as they are at the intersection of each of these lines, there are points and at these
points we want to evaluate the w; andand we see that some of these points lie on
the boundary; and at that point, we already know that w is equal to 0.

So, this is known as a dirichlet problem, where the value of the variable that we are
evaluating is specified in the boundaries; so, in that sense these are the values,
these are the locations at which we do not need to evaluate w, becauseit is already
known at all these points; we do not need to evaluate, we only need to evaluate the
values in the interior. So, when we say, we can now takeith x equal to constant line
and a jth y equal to constant line. So, this is an ithx equal to constant line; the
intersection of this here, this point is the i, j point. So, the point is denoted by
theindex i denoting the ith coordinate constant coordinate line in the x direction
and j indicating the constant coordinate line in thej direction. So, under these
conditions assuming uniform spacing in the x direction and uniform spacing in the
y direction, we can represent, we can writean approximate formula for the second
derivative in thex direction like this, where this value is being evaluated ati j and
this is i plus 1 j. So, it is now we are looking at this particular point. So, this is w i
plus 1 j means this point here, w i minus 1 is this and w i j is this. So, we have, we
are approximately writing,we have a formula for writing this and this is a formula
which is one of the many formulas and we will bederiving how to do this
approximation later on we will be deriving this inlater parts of the course.

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Similarly, we can write another approximation for this,dou square w by at the same
point i, j can be written as w i j plus 1 minus 2 w i, j plus w i j minus 1divided by
delta w square. So, this again is an approximate formula for the dou square w by
dou y square at i, j. So, now, we can take thisequation here; replace this derivative
by this formula; and replace this derivative by this formula; if we do that, what we
will get is an algebraic equation; the resulting equation will not have any partial
derivatives, it will only have thesevariables w at several points within the domain
of interest. So, let us do that; we will take for the sake of simplicity mu here andput
this as c by muas some constantk c 1. So, we can say that, dou square w by dou x
square by dou square w by dou y square equal to c 1, where c 1 is 1 by mu d p by d
z, we can now be written as, w i plus 1, j minus 2 w i, j plus w i minus 1, j by delta
x square plus w i j plus 1 minus 2 w i j plus w i j minus 1by delta y square equal to
c 1; here delta x is the spacing in the x directionand delta y is the spacing in the y
direction which is known; c 1 is a constant, again which is known; and again we
can rearrange this and write it as 1 by delta x square wi plus 1, j plus 1 by delta x
square wi minus 1, j minus 2 by 2 w i, j1 by delta x square by 1 by delta y square
plus w i j plus 1 by deltay square plus w i j minus 1 1 by delta 1 square equal to c
1; and what we see here is, these are the variables and each of them has a
coefficient 1 by delta x square like this these things the coefficients are something
that we can do. So, we can rewrite this expression as a i jis equal to 0,where this is
this is an algebraic equation; and this algebraic equation hereis an equation forpoint
i j. So, in this equation, there arethe coefficients here 1 by delta x square delta y
squareand all those things; they depend on theparticularvalues of the variables that
come in this particular approximation. So, if you were to look atthis case, we will
just takea generic points like this, these are lines of constant x, these are lines of
constant y here.

(Refer Slide Time: 47:19)

If you are looking at i here, and j here. So, this is a point that we are looking at. So,
we can see that, this hasthis value is appearing and the neighboring value to the
right and the neighboring value to the left and the neighboring value to the top and
the bottom. So, these five are thevariables unknowns which are appearing in the
equation for the point i, j; and similarly, we can writederive a similar equation for
all the points at which we want to know, we want to find the value of variables; so,
that is for all these points; at each of these points we writethe same finite difference
approximation for the derivative and each of those approximations will give us an
algebraic equation like this.

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(Refer Slide Time: 48:28)

So, if we have here we have fifteen pointsalgebraic equations for the fifteen
variables w at this point, this point,this point, like this. So, at the end of that, this
partial differential equationis converted in to an equation like a w equal to b, where
a is the coefficient matrix, and w is the set of unknowns, that is w 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5
1 and then1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 like this. So, we they will have a set of fifteen
equations, fifteen algebraic equations for the fifteen unknowns; and the unknowns
are the value of w at the fifteen grid points.

In this simple case, the fifteen equations that we are getting are linear equations;
linear equations in the sense, equations in which these are the variables which have
the coefficients of which are constants, delta x is constant, delta y is a constant. So,
all these things are constant.
(Refer Slide Time: 49:31)

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So, what we have ended for this particular problem; this partial differential
equation is computed to a matrix witha matrix of fifteen variables with constant
coefficients; and as part of this substitution which is known asa discretization step,
we not only have the value of the coefficients a i j, but we also have this is not
zero, here this is let us say b i j. So, we also have the value of the b for each
equation; and there are several methods for the solution of these matrix equations;
and there are, for example, direct Gaussian elimination is one equation, which is
fairly widely practiced and then we have iterative methods like Jacobi method and
gauss seidel method and soon. So, there are several techniques for the solution of a
w equal to b when we do this inversion. So, from this we can get w that is we can
get w at x i y j. So, this is how we are getting a solution in the c f d approach.

We are not solving equations directly, in the sense that,we are not, for this
governing equation and for this boundary conditionwe are not getting w at any x y,
we are getting only at the selected grid points and not only that we are not getting
thevalue of this w at x l y j, but by solving the exact equation.
(Refer Slide Time: 51:26)

(Refer Slide Time: 51:33)

We are solving only an equation which is an approximation of this governing

equation, because we have made an approximate formula for thetwo derivatives.
So, in that sense, in the c f d approach we convert the governing equation in to an
approximate set ofalgebraic equation; and then we solve it tomachine accuracy or
to some degree of accuracy usingnumerical methods and that will finallygive us the
solution at the preselectedgrid points, which are spread throughout the domain. So,
this is we canhow the c f d approach works; and we can see that in the process of
generating this solution, we have not really useda lot of mathematics that we are
notunaware of. So, these approximations finite difference approximations are fairly
well known; and the conversion of substitution of this and conversion of this in
tothe matrix equation is just a question of good book keeping it is not very
difficult, once we evaluate these formulas and the solution of the matrix equation is
also not very difficult.

So, in that sense, we are not on unfamiliar territory for this simple case, but when
we look at the general case, when we look at the real three dimensional turbulent
reacting flow case, then many of these solutions becomemuch more complicated
andthat is where c f d comes intopicture; because for a simple problem, we are
looking at fifteen equations, but if you want to get good accuracy thenwe need to
put lots of points; we would ultimately like to get a solution of w x and y which is
very accurate; so, that means, the approximation of this p d in to the
correspondingdifference approximation is this has to be very accurate; and that is
possible if you have large number of points, the more the number of points the
better will be the accuracy.

(Refer Slide Time: 53:41)

So, we should have large number of points; and what that meansis that, the size of
this matrix equation, the size of thiscoefficient matrix a becomes very large; and
instead of fifteen equation we may have fifteen hundred equations or fifteen
thousand equations.
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So, as the matrix size increases, the solution of this herebecomes very problematic,
it becomes very time consuming. So, we need to have very efficient
solutionsmethods for the solution of these equations. So, that is one difficulty; then
you have a more general problem, you normally do not have a single equation, you
have three equations,for example, for a general two-dimension flow or four
equations for a general isothermal non-reaction flow a lamina flow; so, that means,
you do not have a single reaction, but you you have four variables and we have to
solve that thing four times and not only thatwe will see that the equations are not in
such a way that we can solve them separately; if we want to solve the four
equations, which govern, which are called the navier stokes equation; you cannot
solve them individually, you have to solve them together and that makes it a
problem for the solution. So, not only that, in the general case, this sort of
approximation does not give us linear equation; for the simple case of this type of
posa equation we get a linear algebraic equation; and in the general case, we have
non-linear algebraic equations for which the solution of which is even more
difficult; and when you look at a general domain and not something that fits in to
this x y z coordinates like this, then putting identifying the points at which we want
to get the solution and spreading them throughout the domain that itself becomes a
project. So, every aspect of this solution, that is, from the equations and finding the
corresponding approximations and spreading the points throughout the domain
converting thisequation intoan algebraic equation and then the solution, every
partof this becomes much more difficult as we go to the general case; and this
difficulty iswhat has drivena lot of developmental activity towards finding
specialized algorithms, which are needed for each of these steps; and that is what
constitutes the body of c f d; and that is what we should be aware of in order to get
a c f d solution for the general case; when we do that, essentially, the world is atour
feet; and we can use these techniques for the general case of fluid flow in any type
of situation.

So, in the next class we will illustrate one method,which is,which can be used for
the solution of these equations; we will work out an actual problem, sothat we
canget a real feel for this; and thenwe will take it further to discussthe case of
genericgeneric fluid flow solution.

Thank you.

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