Multiphase Flows Dr. Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati Lecture - 22
Multiphase Flows Dr. Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati Lecture - 22
Multiphase Flows Dr. Rajesh Kumar Upadhyay Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati Lecture - 22
Lecture – 22
So, welcome back now we come to the end of this course and I thoroughly enjoyed this
course I hope that you might have also enjoyed the course if you have any problem.
Please let us know let we will try to solve your issues and you try your problem, I would
know quickly want to revise the course or I will summarize the course that; what is the
main base? An aim of the course, what we have tried to do and you may have got
benefited with some of this content.
So, what we initially did? The main motive of the course was as I said that multiphase
flow reactors a heart of any chemical process industries. So, if you go for any process
you go for any industry, petroleum industry, pharmaceutical industry, food industry,
treatment places to go for bulk chemical industries. You go for fine chemical industries
you go for power plants any places any chemical related industries you go for mining
you go for steel processing you will see that every where there is a multiphase flow
which is taking place ok. And the multiphase flow is generally the heart of that industry
you will see that whatever the reactor or the processes they are using the most critical
processes actually the multiphase flow process.
And we said that the multiphase flow process this is very ongoing research topic very hot
topic of the research and why it is still ongoing topic and very hot topic of research is
that; the phenomenon governing in the multiphase flow depends on different parameters
and that most critical parameter is that it depends on what type of fluids you are
handling? Whether the; you are using gas solid whether you are using liquid solid
whether you are using gas liquid whether you are looking liquid-liquid and all.
So, it depends on that type of the liquid it depends on the column geometry whether you
are operating a vertical column; whether you are operating a horizontal column it
depends on column dimensions,, whether you are operating a 1 inch column 2 inch
column 1 meter column 5 metre column which depends on the column inclination also
whether you are using a say vertical or horizontal whether if the column is inclined at 45
degree or.
So, there are lot of parameter is depends on and; that is the reason that the design and
scale up of these problem or this kind of a processes is still a challenge and most of the
time it depends on the art rather than the science. So, what we have tried to do in this
course? We have tried to remove the art part of it that we come over the empirical
correlation we try to see, that how to do the basic force balance? Basic material balance
basic rewrite the transport equations in such a way that we can understand the dynamics
of the bed. So, we what we did we first started with the basic introduction of the course
we introduce the different terminology.
I can introduce that what is the void fraction number density, what is autocorrelation
function? What is the mixture density and also we started with very basic definitions of
the multiphase flow. We tried to understand different kind of flow pattern which take
place. Now, once we are going with the flow patterns; which is very critical, because
again the behaviour of the bed depends on that; what regime you are operating? So, say
for the gas liquid whether you are operating in the bubbly regime whether you are
operating the slug flow regime churn turbulent regime and all. So, so on each kind of
each interaction have different regimes and your bed behaviour is largely depends on that
what regimes you are operating.
So, we have tried to discuss the regimes of operation for the gas liquid for the liquid
solid for the gas solid and for the liquid liquid both. So, all these things we have try to
understand the different regimes we have tried to see that; why? How these regimes are
dependent on the column geometry, it means the column inclination and column
dimensions. So, that makes the life for the complicated that these regimes are dependent
on the column geometry inclination and as well as the column dimensions and the fluid
type if you change the fluid type the; your regimes will change.
So, we have tried to classify the regimes we have try to understand that for different
processes, what type of regimes you should operate? What is the advantage of each
regime? What is the disadvantage of each regime? What is the typical characteristic of
each regime?
Then, we started with the your first principle equations, we started with the basic force
balance, we have tried to do the basic force balance, we have tried to drive the Reynolds
transport theorem from Reynolds transport theorem. We derive the Navier–
Stokes equation or momentum equation and then from both the momentum equation. We
have simplified it for the one dimensional domain. So, that we can easily understand, the
dynamics removing the critical part of the mathematics so that we can focus more on the
force balance centre.
So, we have done that single dimensional equation, we have written for again, we started
with the gas liquid, we have done it for the separated flow, we have done it for the
homogenous flow, we have done it for the bubbly flow, and we have done it for the
annular flow. We have written the basic equation mathematical equation starting from
the first principle of the force balance or momentum balance we have developed the
equation for the pressure drop of all this condition so that you can see that how the
different regime pressure drops will be different.
We have also discussed some of the empirical correlations like Lockhart Martinelli
equation which may not be very accurate, but gives a very good idea about the pressure
drop in a very short time. So, we have tried to blend it both the first principle as well as
the empirical equations together to understand the hard core knowledge or to understand
the physics of the multiphase flow and also to keep the calculation handy. So, that we
can easily calculate it is not like you need to wait for 1 month for 10 days or 20 days to
get the first hand calculations. So, that is why we discuss the in blend of both we blended
it the first principle as well as the empirical correlations together.
We have again developed the particle tracking equation for the single particles we have
keep on increasing the flow that forces we complicate the problem. We first initially that
only particle is falling down, then we are saying the particle is moving horizontal. First,
we started actually with the horizontal were only drag was there then we said that the
particle is moving downward it will settling down drag and gravity was taking a place,
then we introduced buoyancy forces. Then we introduce the any other forces like the
electro forces, forces electrical forces; that if it is there how the particle motions will be
there and we try to see that how the particle tracking can we take place in the Lagrangian
tracking domain.
Then once we have done for the one d models what we have done we have started
moving to the more complicated mathematical model which is kind of a current state of
the art. So, once you understood the one dimensional model the; now we tried to
introduce the basic part of the mathematics also to see that; how we can do it in the three
dimensional domain?
So, we introduce the different models which is being critically used in the industry or in
academe to understand this kind of reactor behaviour we started with the Lagrangian
track which we have already discussed then algebra slip model. We discuss about the
model equations the major assumption for which the model has been developed and the
limitation of each model. So, we discussed the algebraic slip we discussed the Euiler
Euiler we discussed the Euiler Lagrangian model for both gas liquid gas solid and liquid
solid all three this phases we have discussed and simply it is also applicable to the liquid
So, we discussed the different mathematical model which is being there we discuss the
advantage and disadvantage of each model limitation of each model capabilities of each
model, what you can expect from the model results where you cannot use where you can
use and all. So, all those things we have tried to discuss and then we found that all these
models are still not kind of; you can say the matured enough that you can surely depend
on the model predictions particularly for the multiphase flow. Therefore, you need a
experimental validation you need experiment input to see that, and why it is the state?
Because, several these models use several empirical developed correlations and we do
not know whether those empirically developed correlations are correct.
So, to understand that we discussed the different forces which is being used in this model
like, drag force, left force, virtual mass force, (Refer Time: 08:24) history forces all those
forces we have tried to see and we have discuss the different correlations available for
these forces which mean some of these correlations are developed empirically were with
like some other drag; we have discussed about the Gidaspow, Shyamlal ,Sciller
Neumann in the gas liquid flow mostly Alexander for the gas liquids. So, we have (Refer
Time: 08:44) the spectrum of the drag forces we have seen that how this drag forces are
being developed empirically develop actually.
And once you are using these developed drag forces in a numerical model definitely a
production of the numerical model is going to depend on the, what is the accuracy of
your drag model? And to understand: whether your drag model is valid there or not, you
have to have the experimental validation. Drag is a very simple example, that is why I
am giving, but there are several other correlations also which we have used like for the
gas solid we have used the solid as a continuous say in the Euler we have developed
several empirical correlations like for the solid viscosity (Refer Time: 09:19) Lun et al.,
and all. So, bulk viscosity this will this all those things we have discussed developed and
those things you need a serious experimental validations.
So, we discuss all those parameters then we also discuss about the drag that how the
single particle and multi particle drag will change and how the (Refer Time: 09:36)
correlation comes into the picture how the drag can be written in form of the β of k mf like
different books for this different correlations.
And, then we move towards the experimental validation that how you can do the
experimental validation, what are the different techniques available current date as of?
Now, we developed some briefly on this part and we try to understand the limitation and
advantage of each technique it means capabilities of each technique, what again similar
way? What you can expect from this technique? What is will be the accuracy whether it
can be used for the validation or not.
And there after we started with the different type of reactor. So, initially what we have
done we have discussed about the bubble column reactor. We have discussed again that;
what is the bubble column reactor? What is the application of this? How the
hydrodynamics in the bubble column depends? How to calculate the bubble diameter?
How to calculate the bubble velocity? How this coalescence will change the bubble
behaviour? What is the different type of the bubble column reactor available?
What is the advantage and disadvantage of each reactor? And, we will again use the
basic principle to calculate the first principle; whatever the way we have developed the
single dimensional equation, we did the force balance we tried develop the equation for
the bubble velocity we developed the equation for the bubble diameter calculation all.
So, all those things we have done and we have tried to develop that do the basic force
balance. So, that you can in a reactor you can do that force balance whatever we have
Then they move to the gas solid reactor we discuss the first the packed bed reactor.
Again, we discuss the advantage of the packed bed reactor then from the basic first
principle again. We did the force balance with see that how the force balance take place
in the packed bed reactor for different velocity, low velocity and higher velocity we have
discussed about the pressure drop how it will change. So, we have discussed the
Kozeny–Carman equation. So, we discussed the Burke-Plummer equation and then the
combination of that is actually called Ergun question. So, we discuss about the Ergun
equation that, how it is been derived? how this (Refer Time: 11:32) the particle shape
take a role in that a (Refer Time: 11:36) play a role in that we discuss all those things and
then finally, the move towards the gas solid fluidized bed reactor or say fluidized bed
We discuss the advantage of the fluidized bed reactor what packed bed like better heat
and mass transfer coefficient. We discuss that how critical it is to operator a fluidized
bed and how the hydrodynamics places a such a critical role, as while discussing we said
that the hydro dynamics of the bubble fluidized bed. Actually depends on many
parameters like column inclination, column angle, column geometry, whether it is a
vertical or conical then this gas velocity or the fluid velocity I will say.
What is the particle size? What is a particle density means? The Geldart classification of
the particle; what group of the Geldart particle you are using? What is your particle size
distribution; whether you want to operate a circulating bed or you want to operate a batch
reactor bad or mean say I will say that from the till the turbulent bed.
So, all those things changed your dynamics and what we have try to understand that to,
how to analyze the system? What is the critical parameter once you do that system and
how to calculate the minimum fluidization velocity?
So, inherently in this course the idea was to expose you with the different kind of a
multiphase flow reactors the problem which you phase in different type of multiphase
flow reactors. How the basic principles can be used? The basic force balance or maybe
say momentum balance can be used to analyze those kind of a problem. What you should
look for in these reactors? What are the critical things, which you should analyze while
designing this reactors and all.
So, this was the whole idea to introduce you about the multiphase flow different reactors
used in the multiphase flow and to give you idea that how critical they are and how by
using the very basic first principle you can analyze this system. I hope this course will be
enjoying for you must have enjoyed this course I just hope this. And if any problem is
there please feel free to contact us. With this I rest this course.
Thanks a lot.