Ort 15 928 Easy-Nim Datasheet Peo1

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EASY-NIM 928 Suite

High Performance, Multi-Function Nuclear

MCA/Counter/Timer/Rate Meter

A unique, PC-enabled NIM solution delivering

unmatched flexibility, reliability, and ease-of-use.

Nederland Belgi / Belgique

T +31 (0)24 648 86 88 T +32 (0)3 309 32 09 info@gotoPEO.com www.gotoPEO.com

EASY-NIM 928 Suite
The ORTEC EASY-NIM 928 suite of instruments offers a new approach to nuclear pulse counting and pulse-height analysis for
a variety of applications in nuclear science, providing customers flexibility, reliability, and ease-of-use in a cost effective package.
Each member of the family comprises hardware in the form of a compact single-width NIM module; software in the form of a
front panel emulator for the Windows environment, and an optional toolkit to enable the user to integrate the hardware into
his own experiment or instrumentation system.

Benefits Features
Flexibility HIGH PERFORMANCE, Multi-Function Nuclear
MCA/Counter/Timer/Rate Meter in a 1-wide NIM.
200 MHz Counter performance, Log/Lin alarming rate
Reliability meters, fast (1.25 s) 16k MCA, USB2.0 connectivity.
HIGH VISIBILITY Front Panel Emulator software and optional
programmers toolkit support.
Ease-of-Use POWERFUL Flexible internal interconnection.
PROGRAMMABLE external inputs and outputs.
Cost Effective architecture.
EASY TO INTEGRATE into measurement systems and

Hardware Summary
The range of hardware functions incorporated within the EASY-NIM 928 family members are:
Multichannel Analyzer
200 MHz Pulse Counter
Timer with internal or external timebase capability
Rate Meter with adjustable alarm threshold
6 configurable general purpose inputs
2 configurable outputs (rear panel)

Software Summary
Individual front panel emulators provide display and user control of the MCA and Counter/Timer/Rate Meter sections.
Through the design architecture of ORTEC CONNECTIONS, the EASY-NIM 928 suite of hardware can be controlled from these
applications installed locally or remotely across a network. The optional Programmers Toolkit allows custom, user-written
programs and control.

EASY-NIM 928 Suite
EASY-NIM Models at a Glance
The 928 model is a combination of a quad counter/dual timer and multichannel analyzer function. The 928-MCB model is a
MCA only instrument while the 928-COUNT2 and 928-COUNT4 models are counter/timer only instruments. Each model,
except the 928-MCB, is equipped with two programmable outputs and 6 inputs for internal connection or for connection to
external devices which may be assigned to a variety of sources.

All-in-One Stand Alone

928-MCB 928-COUNT2 928-COUNT4

928 MCB portion of the 2-Counter/1-Timer 4-Counter/2-Timer
Combination MCB/ instrument only portion of the portion of the
Quad Counter/ Dual (no Counter/Timer module only module only
Timer module. features). (no MCB features). (no MCB features).

928 928-MCB 928-COUNT4
Rear Panel Rear Panel Rear Panel

EASY-NIM 928 Suite
MCB Specifications Counter/Timer/Rate Meter Specifications
(928 and 928-MCB Models) (928, 928-COUNT2, 928-COUNT4)
ADC Successive-approximation type with sliding scale linearization. Maximum Counting Rate 200 MHz.
Max Resolution 16,384 channels, software selectable as Number of Counters 4 (2 in 928-COUNT2).
16,384, 8,192, 4,096, 2,048, 1,024, and 512. Number of Timers 2 (1 in 928-COUNT2).
Dead Time Per Event 2 s including memory transfer. Count Capacity 32-bits.
Integral Nonlinearity <+0.025% over the top 99% of the dynamic Pulse Pair Resolution 7 ns.
Differential Nonlinearity <1% over the top 99% of the dynamic Inputs and Outputs
Counter Input 1, 2, 3, 4 Fast analog signal input accepts analog
Gain Instability <+50 ppm/C. or digital pulses up to 5 V in amplitude on a front-panel BNC
Dead-Time Correction Software selectable for extended Live-Time connector. Pulses are counted as they cross the discriminator
correction according to the Gedcke-Hale method or ZDT Live-Time threshold. Computer selection of triggering on either positive or
corrections which monitors the counting rate and adjusts the negative slope. Threshold is computer adjustable from 1.6 V to
dead-time for fluctuating counting rates. +3 V in steps of 1.5 mV (minimum pulse 30 mV). Computer
selection of either 50- or 1000- input impedance, dc-coupled.
Data Memory 512 kb. Minimum input pulse width is 3.5 ns at the discriminator
threshold. Maximum counting rate is 200 MHz.
Inputs and Outputs
ADC INPUT Accepts positive unipolar, positive gated integrator, Input 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Front panel BNC inputs which accept TTL
or positive leading bipolar analog pulses in the dynamic range from input signals. Each input is considered low when <0.8 V and high
0 to +10 V; +12 V maximum; semi-Gaussian-shaped time when >2 V. Input impedance is 1000 to ground. Each input may
constants from 0.25 to 30 s, gated-integrator-shaped time be configured as described earlier in the Counter and Timer Setup.
constants from 3 to 30 s, or delay-line-shaped with widths Output 1, 2 Rear panel BNC outputs which act as general
>0.25s. Zin = 1 k dc-coupled. No internal delay, BNC connector. purpose TTL outputs. Low is indicated by <0.4 V. High is indicated
ADC GATE Optional TTL input. Computer selectable Coincidence by >+2.4 V. The outputs can drive 50 . The outputs may be
mode, Anti-coincidence mode, or Off. Signal must occur prior to configured under software control as described previously.
and extend 0.5-s beyond the peak of the pulse; BNC connector.
Zin = 1 k. Counter/Timer Software Control
Optional TTL Input Computer selectable Coincidence mode, Anti- Readout Control Timer and Counter live values may be polled at
coincidence mode, or Off. Signal must occur prior to and extend any time from the computer. In addition, each Counter or Timer
0.5-s beyond the peak of the pulse; BNC connector. Zin = 1 k. has a 128 word Fifo (First in first out) buffer which holds the
previous final Counter result at the moment the Counter or Timer
PUR Pile-up rejection input; accepts TTL signal; signal must occur was reset. Using the Fifo, Counters can be configured to be reset
prior to peak detect. Zin = 1 k. BNC connector. once a Timer reaches a preset value. The current Counter value is
BUSY Busy input used by live-time correction circuits. Accepts stored in its Fifo so that the computer can read successive values
TTL signal; signal must occur prior to peak detect. Zin = 1 k. BNC without the fear of losing results because of sluggish computer
connector. operation.

Presets may be set which will automatically stop MCB acquisitions.
In addition, the Counters and Timers may be configured to start
and stop in synchronization with the MCB.
Real Time/Live Time Multiples of 20-ms.
Region of Interest Peak count/Integral count.
Data Overflow Terminates data collection when any channel
exceeds 2311.
Peak Uncertainty Stops acquisition when the statistical or
counting uncertainty of a user-selected net peak reaches the
specified value.
Nuclide MDA Stops data collection when the value of the
Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA) for a user-specified MDA
reaches the specified value.

EASY-NIM 928 Suite
Electrical and Mechanical
USB-2.0 Standard USB connection via a supplied 10-ft. cable.
ADC Indicates activity for ADC-1.
Counter Illuminated if any of the four Counters is actively
MCB Software Controls
(Operates with included MAESTRO see data sheet for details.)
ADC LLD Computer controlled from 0 to 100% full scale.
ADC ULD Computer controlled from 0 to 100% full scale.
Live Time Correction Gedcke-Hale, ZDT.
Gate Coincidence, Anti-Coincidence, Off.
Power Required: +6 V, 350 mA; 6 V, 225 mA; +12 V,
100mA; 12 V, 100mA.
Net 0.9 kg (2 lb).
Shipping 2.25 kg (5 lb).
Dimensions NIM-standard, single-wide 3.43 x 22.13 cm
(1.35 x 8.714 in.) front panel per DOE/ER0457T.

Ordering Information
Model Description

928 Combination MCB/Quad Counter/Dual Timer module. Includes MAESTRO MCA Emulation software, Front
Panel software and USB cable.
928-MCB MCB portion of the instrument only (No Counter/Timer features). Includes MAESTRO MCA Emulation
software, and USB cable.
928-COUNT2 2-Counter/1-Timer portion of the module only (No MCB features). Includes Front Panel software and USB
928-COUNT4 4-Counter/2-Timer portion of the module only (No MCB features). Includes Front Panel software and USB
A11-B32 UMCBI Programmers Toolkit

EASY-NIM 928 Suite
Operating Overview

MAESTRO MCA Emulation Software (Models 928 and 928-MCB)

MAESTRO is an ORTEC CONNECTIONS product, providing industry leading advanced connectivity features within the Windows
Network environment. Any networked ORTEC instrument can be controlled from a single PC over your existing Ethernet.
Multi-Detector Interface
Seamless Networking for Remote Detector Systems
Secure Data with Personal Password Protection
Advance Peak Analysis Features
Complete Interactive Control of MCB Hardware Features

Advanced Features of MAESTRO

Mariscotti fast peak search, with nuclide identification by library lookup
Activity, net and gross areas (with uncertainty),
centroid and shape for peaks
Data protection with detector locking by name, not
by workstation
Comprehensive Job Streaming
Integrated Local Area Network (LAN) support
Single key or mouse button for:
Setting/deleting ROIs
Indexing to next ROI
Indexing to next peak
Indexing to next library energy
Logarithmic and auto-scaling-linear vertical display
True live display on any mix of MCBs
Identical operation for local MCBs and remote MCBs

1Zero dead-time or loss free counting. ORTEC Psatent no. 6,327,549.

See http://www.ortec-online.com/download/Application-Note-AN56-

EASY-NIM 928 Suite
Counter/Timer/Rate Meter Section (Models 928, 928-COUNT2 and 928-COUNT4)
Each model allows internal configuration of the signals to simplify the setup of a measurement system. (For example, through
the setup menu, one counter can be configured to count the overflow counts from another, or the MCA acquire signal may
be used to gate a counter with no cabling needed.)

Front Panel Emulator: Counters 14 Main Display Detail

Main Screen Counter/Timer/Rate Meter Display.

Setup Screen for the Counter/Timer/Rate Meter.

EASY-NIM 928 Suite
Counter Display Legend
1. Counter Friendly name. Can
be changed in the setup screen.
2. Counter value digital display.
Maximum value is
3. Alarming Counter/Rate Meter.
The analog meter can be set as
logarithmic or linear. The alarm
threshold is variable and can be
set to create an audible and a Counter Display.
hardware alarm signal for
external equipment.
4. Count Rate Meter (CRM), in counts per second (cps). If an alarm is
triggered, this field will flash red. The count rate can be read from user
written software.)
5. Data acquisition indicator. When counter is enabled, the LED blinks red.
6. Counter settings indicators. I = Counter input, G = Gate input, R = Reset
input, E = Enable input.
7. Counter Enable, Disable, and Reset buttons.

Counters 14 Setup and Options

Counter input: A counter input can be used simply as a pulse counter, or
can count any of the internal signals on the list shown in the figure. If ROI is
selected, the counter will register the counts occurring in the first (lowest
Counters 14 Setup.
energy) ROI set by the MAESTRO MCA software in the active MCA memory.
This function is useful in peak count-rate
monitoring (Model 928 only).
Gate input: The gate can be set as
inactive (always on), connected to the
interval signal from either of the timers,
or controlled from any of the six front-
panel inputs.
Reset input: A counter may be reset
from the main screen by selecting the
Reset Counters Command, a clear MCB
spectrum memory command from the
MCB (Model 928 only) with the MCB
Clear Command reset, a signal from any
of the six front-panel inputs, or the Group
1 or Group 2 reset signal.
Enable input: The Software Control
option allows starting and stopping the
counter from the main screen. The MCB
Active option starts the counter when
the MCB begins data acquisition (Model
928 only). Counters 14 Setup Options.

EASY-NIM 928 Suite
Software Group n Enable (n = 1 or 2): Starts the specified counter when the
corresponding group enable control is activated form the front panel.
Auto reset: When this box is marked, the counter counts up to overflow Enable Input Options.
(4294967295 counts) then automatically resets to zero and continues to
count up.
Fifo (first in first out buffer): Holds a maximum of 256 entries. The FIFO is designed for the Auto Reset.
Continuous Mode scenario where a timer interval is selected as the counter Gate
input and Auto Reset is selected for both the counter and the timer.

Fifo Contents Saved as Text File.

Timers Display
Timer Display Legend
1. User-defined timer Friendly name.
2. Timer value digital display. Maximum
value is 4294967295.
3. Timer settings indicators. TB = Time
base, P = Time preset, R = Reset input,
E = Enable input.
4. Enable, Disable, and Reset buttons.

Timers 1 and 2 Setup and Timer Display.

Time base: The time base clock can be derived from any of the external
inputs 16, or set internally from the selections on the list.
Reset input: A counter may be reset from the main screen by selecting
the Reset Counters Command, a clear MCB spectrum memory
command from the MCB (Model 928 only) with the MCB Clear Command
reset, a signal from any of the six front-panel inputs, or the Group 1 or
Group 2 reset signal.
Enable input: Software Individual Enable starts the counter from the Easy
NIM application main screen. Software Group n Enable (n = 1 or 2) starts
all counters for the specified group from the main screen. MCB Active
starts the counter when the MCB begins data acquisition (Model 928 Timers 12 Setup.
Time preset: Enter the duration of the event as a multiple of the currently selected Time base (e.g. a time base of 0.1 s and a
time preset of 100, the timer interval will be 10 s).
Auto reset: When this box is marked, the timer counts up to its time preset then automatically resets to zero and continues
to count up.
Fifo (first in first out buffer): Holds a maximum of 256 entries. The Fifo is designed for the Continuous Mode scenario where
a timer interval is selected as the counter Gate input and Auto Reset is selected for both the counter and the timer.

EASY-NIM 928 Suite

Auto Reset.


Timers 12 Setup Options.

Counter/Timer Group Controls

These Enable/Disable/Reset buttons operate with the Group 1 and 2 enable and reset options on the Instrument settings
screen. This makes it easy to control a group of counter/timer functions from a single front panel button. The use of the input
and output functions allows the
control of multiple counters
from a single front panel button Counter/Timer Group Controls.

Output 1 and 2
Output 1 and 2 do not appear on the software front panel. They may be configured to
perform a variety of logic functions. The logic high and logic low states are included
primarily to allow setting from user-programs.

Other Counter Input Settings

1. Signal threshold (V): the valid range is 1.6 V to 3.5 V.
2. Polarity: Positive or Negative.
3. Alarm threshold: if the CRM (count rate meter) exceeds this number, the alarm is
triggered. When this occurs, the CRM number on the main screen will flash red and
an alarm will sound. If the output is configured to CRM Alarm, then the output will be
Logic high.
4. Impedance: Choice of 50 or

Other Counter Input Settings. Output Setup.

EASY-NIM 928 Suite
Application Example:
Two 928 COUNT-4 Modules Configured to Operate as a Single 8-input Counter/Timer
As has been stated the EASY-NIM 928 modules offer a highly flexible and efficient means of configuring experimental
measurement systems. As an example, the figure below shows how two 928 COUNT-4 (or 928) modules can be configured
to operate as a single 8-input counter/timer.
The group controls on the first 928 are used to control the entire measurement. The second 928 is controlled via the output
1 and 2 of the first unit through its own general purpose inputs 1 and 2.
EASY-NIM is a concept which makes such configurations EASY!

EASY-NIM 928 Suite
UMCBI Programmers Toolkit with ActiveX Controls (optional)
The ORTEC EASY-NIM 928 suite of instruments are members of the ORTEC CONNECTIONS software architecture. CONNECTIONS
is a unified scheme under which all instruments communicate. Under the CONNECTIONS scheme a single software component,
the UMCBI, is used to transmit and receive instrument commands and responses.
The UMCBI is the lowest level software component that ORTEC applications use to communicate with hardware. The UMCBI
finds and establishes communication with ORTEC instruments that are directly connected to the computer, connected to
other computers in the network, or freestanding. It handles all of the details of network communication.
The UMCBI handles the sending of commands to the hardware and the receipt of responses. The Command syntax of
commands sent through the UMCBI conforms with the traditional NIM Digital Bus NIM/488 per DOE/ER-0457T (formerly
NIM-GPIB) protocol2 used for several years in all ORTEC MCB products.
In the case of the EASY-NIM 928 suite, the module itself uses these protocols; in certain other instrument the UMCBI
translates to and from these protocols via a loadable driver, specific to that instrument. The syntax is simple, for example:
START_COUNTER n1 Where n1 is the index of Counter 1 to 4 or Timer index 1 to 2.
STOP_COUNTER n1 Where n1 is the index of Counter 1 to 4 or Timer index 1 to 2.
are the start and stop commands sent to the instrument counter and timer from a user program.
The optional toolkit has two options for programming. For programmers familiar with Dynamic Linked Libraries (DLLs), it
provides DLLs and supplemental Windows application programming interfaces, which can be called from C, C++, or Visual
Basic. For programmers using ActiveX controls, all the functionality can be accessed more conveniently through ActiveX
methods, properties, and events. The ActiveX capability makes it easy to program the ORTEC products from LabVIEW
(Version 5.1 or later), Visual C++, and Visual Basic. Simple example programs are supplied with both programming options.
A sample program for the 928 is provided, written in Visual Basic .NET.
An automatic configuration program is included. The program will search the network for hardware and produce a list,
including the hardware type and the PC node to which it is connected. Also included is a Hardware Server program, which is
the server for remote access to the hardware.
ORTEC-written and user-written software may be combined by using the ORTEC standard software to setup the hardware,
followed by implementation of the special operations of the user-written application. For example, the included MAESTRO MCA
software or the EASY-NIM front panel emulator can be used to configure the system and perform most of the interactive
functions. The user-written application can then be used to handle the unique functions of the system.

2See Standard NIM Digital Bus (NIM/488), DOE/ER-0457T, U.S. NIM Committee, May 1990; Standard NIM Instrumentation System, NTIS, U.S.
Department of Commerce, Springfield, Virginia 22161.

Specifications subject to change


ORTEC www.ortec-online.com

Tel. (865) 482-4411 Fax (865) 483-0396 ortec.info@ametek.com
801 South Illinois Ave., Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0895 U.S.A.
For International Office Locations, Visit Our Website

Nederland Belgi / Belgique

T +31 (0)24 648 86 88 T +32 (0)3 309 32 09 info@gotoPEO.com www.gotoPEO.com

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