SICAMFCMplus en Catalog Ed.1

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SICAM Feeder Condition

Monitor plus
SICAM FCM plus Catalog · Edition 1.0
2 SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog


SICAM Feeder Condition Description and Functions 1.1

Monitor plus System 2

Device Functions 2.1

Catalog Hardware Construction 2.2

Technical Documentation 3

Technical Data 3.1

Type Test Specifications 3.2

Case Dimensions 3.3

Terminal Details 3.4

Ordering Information 4

SICAM FCM plus 4.1

SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog 3

Description and Functions

SICAM FCM plus (SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus) is an
Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) which accurately monitors,
measures, and displays operational measured values and
performs the condition monitoring task in a medium-voltage
distribution system.
This device is used in the medium-voltage system upto 33 kV.
SICAM FCM plus measures the RMS value for alternating
voltage, alternating current, power, and frequency.

Main function Short circuit and ground-fault detection in [sc_sicamfcmplus_frontview, 1, --_--]

mediume-voltage distribution system
Binary inputs 6, DC 24 V to 60 V maximum
• Open-phase detection (ANSI 46BC)
Alternating-voltage input not supported
Binary outputs 4, dry contact type, Form A, latching relay
• Undervoltage and overvoltage detection (ANSI 27, 59)
Communication Front USB port (for configuration via Configu-
rator Web Software), • Modbus RTU
Rear RS485 port for Modbus protocol • RS485
Housing Polycarbonate case – flush mounting in the
RMU panel
• USB port
Configurator Web Software
Benefits PC software tool ensures a smooth configuration providing an
efficient and intuitive interface to the device.
• Suitable for solidly, low-resistive, isolated, and resonant-
grounded systems
• Integrated power-flow direction indicator
• Selective fault information with direction indication used as a • SICAM FCM plus is used in the medium-voltage system upto
33 kV.
basis for self-healing applications
• Service restoration times in the range of minutes or seconds • Applicable for radial/ring and compact distribution networks
• Up to date measured values for operational management • Compatible with SIBushing sensor
• Remote configuration via SICAM A80xx RTU and Modbus • Wide measuring range with accuracy of class 0.5 as per
IEC 61869
• Self-test mode function for remote communication connec- • Remote device management - firmware upload and configura-
tion using SIEMENS A80xx RTU
• Easy installation and plug-in interface on RJ45 connectors • Simple load-flow, power and energy measurement device for
• Reduced cost of installation, faster to troubleshoot, and easy ring main units (RMU)
• Minimum 8 hours of fault-status indication in absence of
auxiliary power supply
• Upto 50 events can be stored
• Improved measurement accuracy based on auto adaption of
correction factor

SICAM FCM plus provides 2 settings groups - Group 1 and 2
which can both be viewed/edited via the device HMI or configu-
rator Web software.
• Directional phase-fault and ground-fault detection [dw_sfcm-sib_vol-curr-temp, 1, en_US]
(ANSI 50/51/67 and ANSI 50 N/51 N/67 N)
• Non-directional phase-fault and ground-fault detection
(ANSI 50/51 and 50 N/51 N)
• Vector, Cos (φ) and Sin (φ), pulse location, intermittent, and
transient methods for ground-fault detection
• Inrush-current detection and blocking (ANSI 81HBL2)

4 SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog

Device Functions

Device Functions (ANSI) Directional Transient Ground-Fault Detection

27 Undervoltage Detection A ground fault in a resonant/isolated system starts with a tran-
sient process. This process is typically within a milliseconds
Undervoltages are typically caused by overload of lines or
range. Such transient occurrences are called transient ground
removal of lines from service. The device supports 2 stages of
faults. To detect the ground-fault direction based on these tran-
undervoltage detection to monitor the permissible voltage
sient occurrences, a special method of measurement is required
range and can provide alarm/warning for the values below the
that can also capture high-frequency samples (> 6.6 kHz).
undervoltage threshold.
The transient charging process is evaluated by a zero-sequence 2.1
46BC Open-Phase Detection
active power and an energy-integrating method to determine
The open-phase detection is used to detect an no-load condition the ground-fault direction. This method ensures high sensitivity
when a conductor breaks or a maloperation occurs. This func- and positive stability against parasitic signals in the zero-
tion monitors the I2/I1 ratio and if the ratio is greater than set sequence system.
threshold, then open-phase is detected.
Ground-Fault Detection with Cos φ/Sin φ Measurement
50 Phase-Fault Detection
This measurement is a watt-metric (cos φ in the arc-suppression
The 2 stage phase-fault element can detect short-circuit and coil ground system and sin φ in the isolated system) method for
high set overcurrent faults in electric equipment. Each stage can the direction determination of static ground faults.
be configured as INST(Instantaneous)/DTL element.
For direction determination, the current component which is
51 Phase-Fault Detection perpendicular to the set direction characteristic curve (= axis of
51 Inverse Definite Minimum Time Delay (IDMTL) element symmetry) is decisive (3I0dir.). You can adapt the stage to the
provides short-circuit and overcurrent detection. This function power-system conditions by a corresponding setting (position of
supports various IEC time-current curve characteristics. the direction characteristic curve). Therefore, highly sensitive
and precise measurements are possible.
50 N Ground-Fault Detection
Intermittent Ground-Fault Detection
The 2 stage ground-fault element can detect short-circuit and
high set overcurrent faults in electric equipment. This function Intermittent (reigniting) faults occur due to insulation weak-
derives the ground current internally from the 3-phase current nesses in cables or due to the ingress of water into cable joints.
sensor inputs to indicate a ground fault. Each stage can be The faults eventually go off by themselves or expand to perma-
configured as INST/DTL element. nent short-circuits. During intermittent operation, neutral-point
resistors can be thermally overloaded in low-impedance
51 N Ground-Fault Detection grounded systems.
51 N IDMTL element derives the ground current internally from The normal ground-fault detection cannot reliably detect and
the 3-phase current sensor inputs to indicate a ground fault. switch-off the current pulses that are sometimes brief. The
This function supports various IEC time-current curve character- necessary selectivity of detection in intermittent ground faults is
istics. achieved by adding up the single pulses over time and tripping
59 Overvoltage Detection after a reached (adjustable) total time. The pickup threshold IN>
Overvoltages are typically caused by loss of connection or evaluates fundamental Root Mean Square (RMS) values in rela-
sudden reduction in load, voltage controller failure at the trans- tion to a system period.
former. The device supports 2 stages of overvoltage detection to Pulse-Location Detection
monitor the permissible voltage range and can provide alarm
The pulse-location detection is used when a pulsating ground-
and warning for values above the overvoltage threshold.
fault current is generated for fault localization by connecting
67 Directional Overcurrent Detection and disconnecting a capacitor arranged in parallel to the arc-
Directional overcurrent is used to provide discriminative graded suppression coil. The function then detects a faulty feeder using
detection where the fault current can flow in either direction. the pulse pattern during a stationary ground fault in overcom-
The phase overcurrent elements can be set to forward, reverse, pensated systems.
non-directional, or bidirectional. Directional phase-fault
elements are polarized from the quadrature voltage.
67 N Directional Overcurrent Ground-Fault Detection
Calculated ground-fault elements can be configured as direc-
tional, forward, reverse, non-directional, or bidirectional. Direc-
tional calculated ground-fault elements are polarized from the
zero-sequence voltage.
81HBL2 Inrush Current Detection
The device detects the presence of high level of 2nd harmonic
current during transformer energization. If the 2nd harmonic
current is greater than the set threshold, then inrush current is
detected and triggers an inrush current blocking.

SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog 5

Hardware Construction

Hardware Components
• Microcontroller unit (MCU)
The device uses a 32-bit dual-core MCU for an efficient real-
time data processing.
LCD is used to view real-time values, events, archives, and
configure device parameters.
• Keypads
The 4 navigation keys are used to navigate through the device
menu and to select the desired parameters. The functions of
the navigation keys are specific to different menu sections.
• Front USB [sc_fcmplus_rear-view, 1, en_US]

The USB interface is used for device parameterization, firm-

ware upload, and to power the device in absence of auxiliary The terminal diagram is located on top of the housing and
power supply. displays the terminal numbers and terminals. The device
terminal label displays the MLFB code, serial number, descrip-
• LEDs tion, terminal contact details, and safety symbols.
The device provides 3 LEDs which indicate the status of the
– FAULT (Red) - Indicates when any distribution-system fault
is detected
– COM (Amber)
– Blinking indicates that the communication is active
between the Modbus master and the SICAM FCM plus via
– Glows continuously and indicates that the device is
powered by USB
– RUN (Red) - Glows continuously
– Indicates that the device is booting and getting ready
– Indicates that the device is in firmware upload mode
[dw_sfcm-sib_trml, 1, en_US]
– Run (Green) - Indicates the healthy condition of the device
• Digital input - The device provides 6 digital inputs which are
user configurable European CE marking

• Digital output - The device provides 4 digital outputs which

can be configured for different fault-type indications Guideline for the Eurasian Market

Mandatory Conformity Mark for Electronics and Electro-

technical Products in Morocco

Warning, risk of electric shock

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive


Terminal Number Terminal Name Description

(1) Functional ground as per
IEC 60417-5017

[sc_fcmplus_front-view, 1, en_US] (2) N(-)/~ Auxiliary power supply

(3) L(+)/~ Auxiliary power supply
(4) COM Binary input - common
(5) BI2+ Binary input 2 (+)
(6) BI1+ Binary input 1 (+)
(7) BO4 Binary output 4
(8) BO4 Binary output 4
(9) BO3 Binary output 3
(10) BO3 Binary output 3

6 SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog

Hardware Construction

Terminal Number Terminal Name Description Connection Elements Specifications

(11) BO2 Binary output 2 Capacitance (1, 2, 3 C-C) 32 pF/ft maximum
(12) BO2 Binary output 2 RJ45 Pin-out details 8: Ground for voltage sensor
(13) BO1 Binary output 1 7: Signal for voltage sensor
(14) BO1 Binary output 1 6: Not connected
(15) B/+ Modbus - Rx
5: Pt100
(16) A/- Modbus - Tx
4: Pt100
(17) COM Modbus - common
3: Not connected
(18) COM Binary input - common 2.2
2: S2 sensor coil for current measure-
(19) BI6+ Binary input 6 (+)
(20) BI5+ Binary input 5 (+)
1: S1 sensor coil for current measure-
(21) BI4+ Binary input 4 (+) ment
(22) BI3+ Binary input 3 (+)
(23) L3 RJ45 (3)
(24) L2 RJ45 (2)
(25) L1 RJ45 (1) Table 2.2/3 LAN Type Connection

(26) Device grounding as per

IEC 60417-5017 Recommended connector plug RJ45 type:
• Inelco PS88IND6 or
• Phoenix-Contact VS-08-RJ45-5-Q/IP20
Table 2.2/1 Terminal Specifications

Terminal Connections
You can connect the device terminals with a wire of cross-
section ranging from 0.75 mm2 to 2.5 mm2. Use the following
options to connect the terminals:
• Spring-cage connection
The Spring-cage connection is used to connect the terminals
1 to 22.
• LAN type connection
The LAN connection to connect the terminals 25 (L1), 24 (L2),
and 23 (L3).

The following tables show the technical details of the different

connection methods.

Connection Elements Specifications

Connection type Spring cage
Conductor size 1.5 mm2
Stripping length 8.0 mm
AWG (max. and min.) 24.0 and 16.0

Table 2.2/2 Spring-Cage Connection

Connection Elements Specifications

Cable type S/FTP (Cable shield/Foil Twisted Pair)
Maximum conductor DC resis- 94.2 Ω/km
tance (20 °C)
Delay (4 MHz) 570 ns/100 m maximum
NEXT (4 MHz) 56.3 dB minimum
PSNEXT (4 MHz) 56.3 dB minimum

SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog 7

Technical Documentation
Technical Data

Indication of Conformity Measured Value Accuracy – Current

Measured Accuracy Class 0.5 as per IEC 61869-10

This product complies with the directive of the
Council of the European Communities on the harmo-
nization of the laws of the Member States relating to Measuring 0.05⋅IPR 0.2⋅IPR 1⋅IPR 1250 A 6000 A
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Directive range
2014/30/EU) and concerning electrical equipment for Ratio error 3 0.75 0.5 0.5 1
use within specified voltage limits (Low Voltage Direc- in %
tive 2014/35/EU) as well as restriction on usage of Phase error 120 45 30 30 60
hazardous substances in electrical and electronic in minutes
equipment (RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU).
This conformity has been proved by tests performed Accuracy Power
according to the Council Directive and in accordance
with the generic standard IEC/EN 61326-1 (for EMC Current Power Factor 1-Phase 3-Phase
directive) and with the standards IEC/EN 61010-1 and Range (Typical (Typical
3.1 IEC/EN 61010-2-30 (for Low Voltage Directive) by Accuracy) Accuracy)
Siemens AG. Apparent 0.4⋅IN to – ±1% ±1%
The device is designed and manufactured for applica- power 25⋅IN
tion in an industrial environment. Active power Unit power ±1% ±1%
RoHS directive 2011/65/EU is met using the standard factor
IEC/EN 63000. Power factor > ±1% ±1%
The product conforms with the international stand-
ards of IEC 61326-1. Power factor < <±3% <±3%

Technical Data Zero power ±1% ±1%

Reactive Power factor < ±1% ±1%
General Specifications
power 0.707
Medium-voltage range 6.6 kV to 33 kV Power factor > <±3% <±3%
Frequency range 50 Hz (± 10%) to 60 Hz (± 10%) 0.707
Auxiliary power-supply voltage DC 24 V to 250 V (± 10 %) The accuracy claimed is carried at rated current (IN) = 50 A
range AC 230 V (± 20 %)
Measuring Input for Voltage
Rear RS485 interface
Voltage transformation ratio 10 000:1 Electrical interface RS485
Measuring range ph-n 76 V to 36.2 kV Connection type Terminal block with spring-loaded
Input impedance 2 MΩ/50 pF typical terminals
Supported communication Modbus RTU
Measuring Input for Current
Functionality Slave
Rated primary current 50 A at 50 Hz Baud rate (bps) 9600, 19 200, 38 400, 57 600,
Rated secondary voltage 22.5 mV at 50 Hz 115 200, and 128 000
27 mV at 60 Hz Default value: 115 200 bps
Measuring range 1 A to 12 000 A Data format 8N1, 8E1, 8O1
Default value: 8N1
Measuring Input for Temperature Supported address area 1 to 247
Measuring range -30 °C to 120 °C Default value: 247

Measured Value Accuracy – Voltage Front USB Interface

Type Micro-B USB 1.0
Measured Vari- Accuracy Class 0.5 as per IEC 61869-11
Binary Inputs and Outputs
Measuring range 0.02⋅VN 0.2⋅VN 0.8⋅VN to
1.9⋅VN Binary inputs1 6, DC 24 V to 60 V maximum2
Ratio error in % 6 3 0.5 Binary input control voltage Vlow ≤ DC 10 V
Phase error in 240 120 20 Vhigh ≥ DC 19 V

1 The binary inputs are unipolar and internal fuse is not available
2 AC voltage input not supported

8 SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog

Technical Documentation
Technical Data

Binary outputs 4, dry contact type, Form A,

latching relay
Maximum permitted voltage DC 60 V
Maximum switching capacity 1250 VA/AC 250 V (AC, resistive)
150 W/DC 30 V (DC, resistive)
Permissible current per contact 5A
Permissible current per contact 5A
Pickup time 10 ms typical
Dropout time 10 ms typical


Type of fixing Panel flush mounting 3.1

Cut-out (W x H) 92+0.5 mm x 45+0.5 mm
Overall depth 112.6 mm
Permissible switch panel thickness 2 mm to 4 mm
for installation
Mounting position Horizontal
Weight ≤ 350 g


Operating temperature range -40 °C to +70 °C

Storage temperature range -40 °C to +70 °C
-40 °C for maximum 2 weeks
Humidity range 0 % to 95 %, non-condensing
Altitude above sea level Maximum up to 2000 m

Degree of Protection

Device front IP 40
Device rear IP 20

Inrush Current of Auxiliary Power Supply at SICAM FCM plus


Peak inrush current 50 A maximum

Power Consumption

DC 24 V to 250 V ≤6W
AC 230 V ≤ 11 VA
Allowable superimposed AC 15 % of auxiliary direct voltage

SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog 9

Technical Documentation
Type Test Specifications

This section describes the type testing performed on SICAM FCM Electrical Tests
Climatic Stress Tests Insulation Test

Test and Test Circuits High Impulse

Temperature Voltage Voltage
Test Test3
Type tested (according to IEC 60086-2-1 -40 °C to +70 °C (1 min)
and IEC 60086-2-2)
High voltage Insulation test between ground 2.21 kV 4.0 kV
Permissible temporary operating temper- -40 °C to +70 °C and impulse and auxiliary power supply termi-
ature (tested for 96 h) voltage test nals (L, N), binary output termi-
Limiting temperatures for storage and -40 °C to +70 °C nals connected together
(IEC 61010-1
transport Insulation test between ground 1.39 kV 2.5 kV
The device must be stored and transported in factory packaging only. IEC 61010-2-30) and analog input terminals,
binary input terminals, communi-
cation terminals connected
Tests Standard Test Requirements
Dry heat test: Bd IEC 60068-2-2 +70 °C, 96 h
Insulation test between analog 1.39 kV 2.5 kV
3.2 Cold test: Ad IEC 60068-2-1 -40 °C, 96 h input terminals and all binary
Damp heat-cyclic test IEC 60068-2-30 25 °C to 40 °C input terminals connected
(12 h +12 h Cycle) together
95 % RH (6 cycles with 12 h
+ 12 h) Insulation test between analog 1.39 kV 2.5 kV
input terminals and communica-
Change of tempera- IEC 60068-2-14 Lower temperature: -40 °C
tion terminals
ture test
Upper temperature: 70 °C Insulation test between analog 2.21 kV 4.0 kV
Humidity: 0 % (5 cycles input terminals and auxiliary
with 3 h + 3 h) power supply terminals (L,N), all
Damp heat-steady IEC 60068-2-78 40 °C and 95 % RH (10 binary output terminals
state test days) connected together
Insulation test between all binary 2.21 kV 4.0 kV
input terminals and power supply
terminals (L, N), all binary output
Permissible humidity 95 % relative humidity terminals connected together
Siemens recommends installing the devices in a place where they are Insulation test between all binary 1.39 kV 2.5 kV
not exposed to direct sunlight or great temperature variations that input terminals and communica-
could lead to condensation. tion terminals
Insulation test between auxiliary 3.0 kV 6.0 kV
power supply terminals and
communication terminals
Insulation test between auxiliary 2.21 kV 4.0 kV
power supply terminals (L,N) and
all binary output terminals
connected together
Insulation test between communi- 3.0 kV 6.0 kV
cation terminals and all binary
output terminals connected
Insulation test between binary 2.21 kV 4.0 kV
output terminals
Insulation Resis- DC 500 V, 60 s, ≥100 MΩ – –
(IEC 61010-1,
IEC 61010-2-30)

3 (1.2 μs/50 μs, 5 Positive and Negative Cycles)

10 SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog

Technical Documentation
Type Test Specifications

Mechanical Tests EMI/EMC Tests for Immunity

Vibration and Shock Resistance during Stationary Operation EMC Tests for Interference Immunity

Test Standard Test Requirements Test Standard Test Requirements

Vibration IEC 60068-2-6 Sinusoidal Electrostatic IEC 61326-1, ± 6 kV contact discharge (direct and
response 10 Hz to 60 Hz: ± 0.035 mm ampli- discharge Level 3 indirect)
IEC 60255-21-1,
tude immunity
Class 1 IEC 61000-4-2 ± 8 kV air discharge
60 Hz to 150 Hz: Acceleration 0.5 g Both polarities
Frequency sweep 1 octave/min Electromag- IEC 61326-1, 80 MHz to 1 GHz (10 V/m)
1 cycle in 3 orthogonal axes netic high Level 3 1.4 GHz to 6 GHz (10 V/m)
Shock IEC 60068-2-27 Semi-sinusoidal frequency
IEC 61000-4-3 80 % AM (1 KHz), ± 1 % sweep rate,
response disturbance
IEC 60255-21-2, Acceleration 5 g, duration 11 ms 2 s dwell time
Class 1 Each 3 shocks (in both directions of susceptibility Spot frequencies (MHz): 80 ± 0.5 %,
the 3 axes) test) 160 ± 0.5 %, 380 ± 0.5 %,
Seismic IEC 60068-3-3 Sinusoidal 450 ± 0.5 %, 900 ± 5 %, 1850 ± 5 %,
vibration 2150 ± 5 % 3.2
IEC 60255-21-3, 1 Hz to 8 Hz: ± 3.5 mm amplitude
Class 1 (horizontal axis) Power IEC 61326-1, 30 A/m (continuous) and 300 A/m
frequency Level 3 (short duration for 1 s) on the X, Y,
1 Hz to 8 Hz: ± 1.5 mm amplitude
magnetic and Z axis of the product
(vertical axis) IEC 61000-4-8,
field 100 A/m (continuous field) and
8 Hz to 35 Hz: Acceleration 1 g Level 5
immunity 1000 A/m (short duration for 1 s) on
(horizontal axis) test the X, Y, and Z axis of the product
8 Hz to 35 Hz: Acceleration 0.5 g
Impulse IEC 61000-4-9, 1000 A/m (peak)
(vertical axis)
magnetic Level 5 DC input – 5 positive and 5 negative
Frequency sweep 1 octave/min field impulses
1 cycle in 3 orthogonal axes immunity
AC input – 20 positive and 20 nega-
tive impulses without phase
Vibration and Shock Resistance during Transport synchronization

Test Standard Test Requirements Orientation on X, Y, and Z axis of

the product, repetition rate: 10 s
Vibration IEC 60068 -2-6 Sinusoidal
endurance Damped IEC 61000-4-10, 100 A/m
IEC 60255-21-1, 10 Hz to 60 Hz: ± 0.075 mm ampli- oscillatory Level 5
tude Test duration – 2 s
Class 1 magnetic
10 Hz to 150 Hz: Acceleration 1 g Oscillation frequency: 0.1 MHz and
1 MHz
Frequency sweep 1 octave/min immunity
test Repetition rate – 40 transients at
20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes 0.1 MHz and 400 transients at
Shock endur- IEC 60068-2-27 Sinusoidal 1 MHz
ance Acceleration 15 g, duration 11 ms Electrical fast IEC 61326-1, ± 4 kV on auxiliary power supply,
IEC 60255-21-2,
Class 1 Each 3 shocks (in both directions of transient/ Level 3 analog inputs, digital input, and
the 3 axes) burst digital outputs
IEC 61000-4-4,
immunity ± 2 kV on communication port
Bump test IEC 60068-2-27 Semi-sinusoidal Level 4
IEC 60255-21-2, Acceleration 10 g, duration 16 ms
Surge IEC 61326-1, Pulse: 1.2 μs/50 μs
Class 1 1000 shocks each in both directions immunity Level 3 Auxiliary power supply:
of the 3 axes test
IEC 61000-4-5, Common mode: ± 4 kV; 12 Ω; 9 μF
Level 4
Enclosure Degree of Protection Differential mode: ± 2 kV; 2 Ω;
18 μF
Test Standard Test Requirements
Binary input and binary output
Degree of IEC 60529 IP40 for front side
protection Common mode: ± 2 kV; 42 Ω;
IP20 for rear side
0.5 μF
Differential mode: ± 1 kV; 42 Ω;
0.5 μF
Communication port RS485:
Common mode: ± 2 kV
Conducted IEC 61000-4-6, 150 kHz to 80 MHz (10 V);
susceptibility Level 3
1 kHz (80 % AM)
Spot frequencies 27 MHz ± 0.5 %;
68 MHz ± 0.5 %

SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog 11

Technical Documentation
Type Test Specifications

Test Standard Test Requirements EMC Tests for Interference Emission

Damped IEC 61000-4-18, 100 kHz; 40 surge/s
Test Standard Test Requirements
oscillatory Level 3
1 MHz; 400 surge/s Disturbance voltage to lines, only IEC 61326-1 150 kHz to 30 MHz
wave test
Auxiliary voltage, binary input, auxiliary voltage (conducted (Class A)
binary output emission test)
Common mode: ± 2.5 kV Disturbance-field strength, on IEC 61326-1 30 MHz to 1 GHz
enclosure (radiated emission (Class A)
Differential mode: ± 1 kV CISPR 32
test) 1 GHz to 6 GHz
Analog input ± 2.5 kV phase-to-
(Class A)
ground with shielded cable
Communication port ± 2 kV phase-
to-ground with shielded cable
Power IEC 61000-4-16 Binary input port
Common mode noise
disturbances 30 V, continuously

3.2 300 V, 1 s at 162/3 Hz, 50 Hz, 60 Hz

Voltage dips IEC 61000-4-29 40 % dip
(DC auxilliary
Duration (s) 0.001, 0.003, 0.010,
0.030; criterion A
Duration (s) 0.100, 0.300, 1.0; crite-
rion B
70 % dip
Duration (s) 0.001, 0.003, 0.010,
0.030, 0.100, 0.300, 0.500, 1.0;
criterion A
Voltage dips IEC 61326-1 0 % during 1/2 (50Hz), criterion A
(AC auxilliary
IEC 61000-4-11 0 % during 1 cycle (60 Hz), crite-
rion A
40 % during 10 cycles (50Hz), crite-
rion A
40 % during 12 cycles (60 Hz), crite-
rion A
70 % during 25 cycles (50Hz), crite-
rion A
70 % during 30 cycles (60 Hz), crite-
rion A
80 % during 250 cycles (50Hz),
criterion A
80 % during 300 cycles (60 Hz),
criterion A
Voltage IEC 61000-4-29 0 % interruption, duration (s) 0.020,
interruptions criterion A
(DC auxilliary 0 % interruption, duration (s) 0.030,
power 0.100, 0.300, 1.0; criterion B
Voltage IEC 61326-1 0 % during 250 cycles (50Hz), crite-
interruptions rion B
IEC 61000-4-11
(AC auxilliary
0 % during 300 cycles (60 Hz), crite-
rion B
Alternating IEC 61000-4-17 15 % of ripple of rated voltage
in DC auxil-
liary power

12 SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog

Technical Documentation
Case Dimensions

Rear, Front and Isometric Views

(1) Power supply

(2) Binary inputs 1 and 2
(3) Binary output 4
(4) Binary output 3
(5) Binary output 2
(6) Binary output 1
(7) Device ground
(8) RS485 Modbus RTU
(9) Binary inputs 3, 4, 5, and 6
(10) RJ45 interface 3 (L3)
(11) RJ45 interface 2 (L2)
(12) RJ45 interface 1 (L1)
[le_sfcm-sib_rearview, 1, --_--]
Figure 3.3/1 Rear View with Terminals

[dw_sfcm-sib_front, 1, en_US]

Figure 3.3/2 Front View

[dw_sfcm-sib_iso_view, 1, en_US]

Figure 3.3/3 Isometric View

SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog 13

Ordering Information

SICAM FCM plus – Ordering Information

Description Order No.

Compatible with SIBushing sensor for panel flush mounting with display 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

• Voltage, current, and temperature measurement 6 M D 2 3 2 3 – 1 A A 0 0 – 1 A A 0

• Housing: 96 mm x 48 mm x 113 mm
• Power supply: DC 24 V to 250 V/AC 230 V
• 6 digital input
• 4 digital outputs
• RS485 Modbus RTU
• 3 RJ45 analog interfaces


SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog 15

Legal notice

Indication of conformity Copyright

This product complies with the directive Copyright © Siemens AG 2022. All rights
of the Council of the European reserved. The disclosure, duplication,
Communities on harmonization of the distribution and editing of this document, or
laws of the Member States relating to utilization and communication of the
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Directive content are not permitted, unless authorized
2014/30/EU) and concerning electrical equipment for in writing. All rights, including rights created
use within specified voltage limits (Low Voltage by patent grant or registration of a utility
Direc-tive 2014/35/EU) as well as restriction on usage model or a design, are reserved.
of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic
equipment (RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU). Registered trademarks

This conformity has been proved by tests performed SICAM is a registered trademark of Siemens.
according to the Council Directive and in accordance Any unauthorized use is prohibited.
with the generic standard IEC/EN 61326-1 (for EMC
directive) and with the standards IEC/EN 61010-1
and IEC/EN 61010-2-30 (for Low Voltage Directive)
by Siemens AG.

The device is designed and manufactured for

application in an industrial environment.

RoHS directive 2011/65/EU is met using the standard

IEC/EN 63000.

The product conforms with the international stand-

ards of IEC 61326-1.

Disclaimer of liability

Subject to changes and errors. The information given

in this document only contains general descriptions
and/or performance features which may not always
specifically reflect those described, or which may
undergo modification in the course of further
development of the products. The requested
performance features are binding only when they
are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.

Document Edition: 01

Release Status: 09.2022

Version of the products described: V1.00

SICAM FCM plus ⋅ SICAM Feeder Condition Monitor plus ⋅ Catalog 23

Published by and copyright © 2022 Subject to changes and errors.

Siemens AG The information given in this document

Smart Infrastructure only contains general descriptions and / or
Digital Grid performance features which may not always
Humboldtstraße 59 specifically reflect those described or which
90459 Nuremberg may undergo modification in the course of
Germany further development of the products.

The requested performance features are

For enquires please contact our binding only when they are expressly
Customer Support Center agreed upon in the concluded contract.
Customer Support:
Phone: +49 911 2155 4466

Article No: E50417-X8940-C604-A1

© 2022 by Siemens AG, Berlin and Munich

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