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Article history: In this study, a superhydrophobic nanobrous membrane was prepared on the basis of an electrospun
Received 16 November 2013 polyvinylidene uoride (PVDF)polytetrauoroethylene (PTFE) nanobrous scaffold coupled with a micropo-
Received in revised form 7 May 2014 rous PTFE substrate. The PVDFPTFE nanobrous scaffold was fabricated by electrospining of PVDFPTFE blend
Accepted 8 May 2014
solutions, it was observed that by changing the PTFE micro-powder content in the dope solutions from 0 wt.%
Available online 17 June 2014
to 12 wt.%, the water contact angle (WCA) and the liquid entry pressure (LEPw) of the membrane vary from
130.4 and 84 kPa to 152.2 and 137 kPa, respectively. The superhydrophobic PVDFPTFE nanobrous membrane
Electrospining was then tested for desalination by vacuum membrane distillation (VMD), a stable ux of 18.5 kg/m2 h and salt
PVDFPTFE rejection higher than 99.9% was presented throughout the entire testing period of 15 h, indicating the great po-
Superhydrophobic tential of the PVDFPTFE nanobrous membranes in VMD. For further application of the PVDFPTFE nanobrous
Nanobrous membrane membranes in VMD, a mathematical model was presented to predict the vapor ux of the novel membrane
Membrane distillation under various operation conditions. A good agreement between the experimental and theoretical values for
vapor uxes was obtained; the results indicated that the VMD ux increased with the increase of feed tempera-
ture and ow rate and decreased with the increase of permeate pressure.
2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0011-9164/ 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
176 Z.-Q. Dong et al. / Desalination 347 (2014) 175183
2B L cos Q t ht T m T s J w Hv : 3
LEPw NP interface P liquid P vapor 1
r max
The heat transfer coefcients hf can be estimated with the help of the 3.2. Mass transfer
known empirical correlations:
The permeate ux of water vapor, Jw, is related to the vapor pressure
Nu difference as follows:
hf 6
J w K t P m P s K s P s P v 10
where Nu can be obtained by empirical equations described in Ref. [5].
where Pm is the partial vapor pressure at membrane surface as the
0:74 0:33 function of membrane surface temperature Tm as described in Eq. (11)
Nu 0:0142Re Pr 7 and Ps and Pv are the vapor pressure at the sub-layer and vacuum side,
where Re and Pr are the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers, respectively.
The heat transfer coefcient of the top-layer (ht) and sub-layer (hs), P m P sat T m T m xm 11
can be calculated from the thermal conductivities of the hydrophobic
membrane polymer and the gas present inside the pores: where Psat(Tm) is the saturated vapor pressure of pure water at mem-
brane surface temperature Tm, (Tm) is the activity coefcient of water
kg t kt 1t and xm is the molar fraction of water at membrane surface.
ht 8 Kt and Ks are the permeability of the nanobrous top-layer and
porous sub-layer, respectively. According to the kinetic theory of
the dusty-gas model, the Knudsen diffusion and molecular diffusion
are taken place in the process of the vapor transporting through the
kg s ks 1s
hs : 9 membrane pores. As reported previously [5], the Knudsen diffusion of
water molecules is dominant in VMD process, Kt and Ks can be calculated
by Eqs. (12)(13)
In the above equations, k is the thermal conductivity, is the porosity
of the layer and is the thickness of the layer. The subscripts g, t, s refer 8 t rt 1
to gas present inside the pores, nanobrous top-layer and porous sub- Kt 12
3 t t 2RT m
layer, respectively.
8 s rs 1
Ks 13
3 s s 2RT s
amount of rough particles increased with the increase of PTFE concentra- Thus, the addition of the PTFE micro-powders increased the static
tions in dope solutions. Previous studies show that superhydrophobic contact angle 0 since PTFE has a lower surface energy (19 dyn/cm)
surfaces can be produced mainly in two ways. One is to create a rough than PVDF (25 dyn/cm) according to Eq. (2). Furthermore, the AFM im-
structure on a hydrophobic surface (CA N 90), and the other is to ages shown in Fig. 4 indicated that the average surface roughness (Ra)
modify a rough surface by compounds with low surface free energy, increased from 276 nm to 472 nm by changing the PTFE content from
such as uorinated or silicon compounds [32]. The addition of PTFE 0 wt.% to 12 wt.%, which further increased the water contact angle w.
micro-powders not only reduces the surface energy of the membranes The dynamic contact angle of these membranes is shown in Fig. 5.
but also improves the surface roughness, which is benecial to surface The result shows that the water contact angle of all the membranes de-
hydrophobicity. creases slightly over the entire time period, with the smallest decrease
The ber diameters and pore sizes of the fabricated membranes coming from the membrane dope solution containing 12 wt.% PTFE
were determined from the SEM image using the J Micro Vision image micro-powders (S4). This indicates that the membranes with the
analyzer and Image software. The ber diameters and pore sizes for highest PTFE content are able to retain their hydrophobicity over a lon-
various membranes are summarized in Table 2. Both the ber diameter ger period of time.
and pore size of the membranes increase slightly as the concentration of
PTFE micro-powder increases in the dope solution, since a high viscosity
favors the formation of thicker bers and bigger pore size. Similar inves- 4.3. Premilinary evaluation of PVDFPTFE nanobrous membranes in
tigations of dope solution viscosity on membrane properties have been vacuum membrane distillation
conducted previously [19].
A 15 hour continuous separation test was carried out for the PVDF
4.2. Membrane surface analysis PTFE nanobrous membrane samples (S1S4) and the commercial PTFE
membrane (S0), the results are summarized in Fig. 6. As shown in
The water contact angles (WCA) for all the electrospun membranes Fig. 6(a), the conductivity of the permeate water maintains at a quite
(S1S4) are shown in Table. 2, the WCA of the PTFE commercial mem- low level for all the membranes (b 5 S/cm), since the feed solution
brane is also characterized and denoted as S0. The result shows that can hardly penetrate to the condensed water in VMD. It can be seen
all the electrospun membranes (S1S4) have impressive water contact from Fig. 6(b) that the initial permeate ux of the S4 was 18.5 kg/m2 h
angles (130.4 to 151.2) compared with the PTFE commercial mem- for a feed solution containing 3.5 wt.% NaCl, while the feed temperature
brane (121.5). It can also be seen that the WCA of the electrospun and the permeate pressure side were 333 K and 9 kPa, respectively. This
membranes increased as the concentration of PTFE micro-powders in- permeation ux is as competitive as under the same MD conditions, the
creased in the dope solution, the superhydrophobic membrane (S4) permeate ux of the commercial PTFE membrane S0 was around 15 kg/
with a WCA of 151.2 was obtained when the concentration of PTFE m2 h. The high ux performance for the nanobrous membrane (S4) is
micro-powders was 12 wt.%, while the membrane (S1) prepared with mainly due to the high void volume fraction and interconnected open
pure PVDF solution only had a WCA of 130.4. The phenomenon that structure of the nanober layer compared with the commercial PTFE
the WCA increased signicantly with the addition of PTFE micro- membrane.
powders can be explained as follows. The uxes of the nanobrous membranes increased slightly from S1
Generally, the water contact angle for a at surface can be obtained to S4, since the pore size of the nanobrous membranes increased
by the well known Young equation as the following: slightly with PTFE addition. Besides, the uxes of all the nanobrous
membranes decreased over a period operation of around 15 h which
SA SL is an indication of pore wetting as reported previously [29]. As time
cos 0 : 14 progressed, more and more pores become wetted, thus resulted in the
decrease of membrane permeability and water ux. The smallest de-
crease was coming from the membrane S4 (b5%), suggesting that the
The characteristic angle 0 is called the static contact angle. SA and superhydrophobic surface of nanobrous membranes can alleviate the
SL are the surface energies of solid against air and liquid, respectively, pore wetting problem in vacuum membrane distillation. This phenome-
and LA is the surface energy of liquid against air [33]. If a water droplet non can be explained by the LEPw values listed in Table 2. The LEPw
is placed on a rough surface with a homogeneous interface, the area of values of the nanobrous membranes increased with the increase of the
interface increases with respect to that for a smooth surface. The PTFE content, which was mainly due to the change of WCA (Eq. (1)). Be-
Wenzel equation [34] could be used to predict the contact angle: sides, the LEPw value of the superhyphobic membrane S4 is competitive
as the LEPw values of the electrospun nanobrous membrane reported
cos w R f cos 0 15 in the previous literature was around 100 kPa [1820], indicating the su-
perior anti-wetting properties of this membrane in vacuum membrane
where w is the contact angle of a water droplet upon a rough solid sur- distillation.
face calculated by Wenzel equation. Rf is the non-dimensional surface Due to the superhydrophobic surface and inter-connected structure,
factor, equal to the ratio of the surface area to its at projected the PVDFPTFE nanobrous membrane S4 exhibited a stable perfor-
area. This Wenzel model also illustrates that a hydrophobic surface mance and satised water quality over the 15 h testing, which shows
(0 N 90) becomes more hydrophobic with an increase of surface the great potential of the PVDFPTFE nanobrous membranes in vacuum
roughness (Rf). membrane distillation.
Table 2
Properties of nanobrous membranes and commercial MD membrane.
Sample Fiber diameter (nm) Membrane thickness (m) Mean pore size (m) Porosity (%) CA () CA reduction (%) LEPw (kPa)
Fig. 4. Surface morphology and water contact angle of PVDFPTFE nanobrous membrane prepared with different PTFE contents.
Fig. 5. AFM images of surface for PVDFPTFE nanobrous membranes S1 and S4.
Z.-Q. Dong et al. / Desalination 347 (2014) 175183 181
Fig. 6. Dynamic water contact angle of PVDFPTFE nanobrous membranes and PTFE
commercial membrane.
h heat transfer coefcient
dh hydraulic diameter of channel (m)
Hv latent heat of vaporization (J/mol)
Jw permeate ux (Lh1m2)
K membrane permeability
M molecular mass (mol/kg)
Nu Nusselt number
P pressure (kPa)
Psat saturated vapor pressure (kPa)
Fig. 9. Effect of permeate pressure on the permeate ux of the PVDFPTFE nanobrous Pr Prendtl number
membrane. r size of membrane pore (m)
R gas constant (Jmol1K1)
transfer coefcients hf, thus results in the increase of temperature (Tm) Re Reynolds number
and vapor pressure (Pm) at membrane surface according to Eqs. (5) T temperature (K)
and (11). Therefore, higher ow rate increases permeate ux (Fig. 10). v solution velocity (m/s)
x molar fraction
5. Conclusions
Greek letters
Superhydrophobic PVDFPTFE nanobrous membranes with stable activity coefcient
MD performance were fabricated by electrospining of PVDFPTFE membrane thickness (m)
blend solution on a PTFE microporous substrate. The effect of PTFE porosity of the membrane
micro-powder contents in the dope solution on the properties of the viscosity of feed solution (Pas)
PVDFPTFE nanobrous membranes was investigated, the water con- density of solution (kg/m3)
tact angle (WCA) and the liquid entry pressure (LEPw) of the mem- pore tortuosity
branes increased signicantly as the PTFE concentration increased. The
highest water contact angle 151.2 was obtained at PTFE concentration
12% due to the hierarchical micro/nanostructure membrane surface.
Both the ber diameter and pore size of the nanobrous membranes
b bulk
increased slightly as the PTFE micro-powder concentration increased
f feed
in the dope solution, due to the increase of dope solution viscosity.
g gas
The long time performance of the PVDFPTFE nanobrous mem-
m membrane surface
branes for VMD application was studied. The superhydrophobic
s porous sub-layer
PVDFPTFE nanobrous membrane maintained a stable ux of
t nanobrous top-layer
18.5 kg/m2 h and salt rejection higher than 99.9% after a 15 h continuous
v vacuum side
separation test, suggesting the great potential of PVDFPTFE nanobrous
The authors thank for the nancial support by the Key Technology
R&D Program of Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology in
China (11DZ1205201), Special Project of the Development and Industri-
alization of New Materials of National Development and Reform Com-
mission in China (20132548), the Fundamental Research Funds for the
Central Universities (WA1214062) and the First-class General Financial
Grant from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2013M540336).
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