Apush Chapter 13 Notes
Apush Chapter 13 Notes
Apush Chapter 13 Notes
Manifest Destiny- South and North
After Missouri crisis politicians avoided policies that would cause regional issues
Pacific Ocean
Push to Pacific
Manifest Destiny
April 1843. Another 5,000 settlers follow in the next two years
3,000 settlers leave Oregon trail at Snake River and go down California Trail
Mostly settled along Sacramento River where there were few Mexicans
American migrants in Sacramento Valley did not assimilate into Mexican society
Eastern river valleys were home to semi sedentary tribes and Indians that Andrew
Jackson removed
Hunted buffalo
Pastoral economy
Smallpox epidemic in 1779 spreads from New Spain and kills half of Great Plains
Acquisition of weapons through trading causes conflict between tribes for land,
Election of 1844
Politicians were reluctant to annex Texas into the U.S. but rumors of GB
Americans in Ohio River Valley and Great Lakes wanted American sovereignty
President John Tyler, who was pro slavery, called for annexation of Texas
Tyler hoped to win re elected as a Democrat because he was kicked out of the
Whig Party
In April 1844 Tyler and Secretary of State Calhoun sent Senate a treaty to annex
Buren and Clay oppose this because they feared issue of slavery
Most southerners favored annexation and supported neither Van Buren or Tyler
Young Hickory
Insisted US defy British claims and occupy all of Oregon till Alaskan border
Whigs nominate Henry Clay who advocated American System of tariffs, national
Whigs who refused to support expansion of slave states voted for James
Polk narrowly wins but congressional Democrats lack s majority to ratify treaty
Civil wars in Mexico cause political instability and left economy stagnant and
government weak
Did not have many citizens in California or New Mexico but wanted to preserve
Polk ordered navy to seize San Francisco bay and Californian coastal towns to
Polk sent Louisiana congressman John Slidell to Mexico, telling him to secure
Rio Grande boundary for Texas and to buy California and New Mexico for $30
Polk orders General Zachary Taylor and army of 2,000 soldiers to occupy
A clash between Taylors army and the Mexican army in May 1846 gave Polk the
To avoid simultaneous war with Britain Polk accepted British terms that
John Sloat and 250 marines take over Monterey in California and declare
Polk captures Santa Fe and then goes to Southern California to solidify victory
Polk orders General Winfield Scott to capture Veracruz and seize Mexico City
A Divisive Victory
War against Mexico initially sparks explosion of patriotism but war soon divides
the nation
Northern Whigs, such as Charles Francis Adams and Chancellor James Kent
Adams, Kent, and other conscience Whigs accuse Polk of waging a war of
Many soldiers desert and antiwar activists denounce enlistees as murderers and
Whig party takes control of Congress in 1846
Call for a huge annexation of Mexican territory south of the Rio Grande
Calhoun and other southern whites fear demand would extend costly war and
In 1848 Polk and Senate sign and ratify Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
United States paid Mexico $15 million for over of Mexican territory
Congress also passes Oregon Territory in 1848 and Oregon Donation Land Claim
Act in 1850, giving free farm-sized plots to settlers who moved there before 1854
Treaties with natives extinguished Indian land rights of the new territory
Free Soil
free-holder society
Many farmers join the party including Frederick Douglass, the most prominent
black abolitionist
Polk declines to run for second term because of exhaustion from Whig and Free-
Taylor wins majority in electoral college but only because Free-soil party took
In January 1848 workers in California discovered gold while working for John
Sutter tries hiding discovery but Americans from Monterey and San Francisco
By the end of 1849 nearly 80,000 people, mostly men, arrive in California to find
The Forty-Niners
Treated whites fairly but expelled Indians, Mexicans, and Chileans from
Miners were reluctant to go back home because of ambition or they were too tired
Took land away from natives and only gave them five reservations
Enslaved natives
unimproved land
Farmers in northern california discover they could grow most eastern crops
Ranchers gradually replaced Spanish cattle with American bred cows that yielded
Agricultural machinery produced huge crops of wheat and barley which was sold
Taylor advises settlers to skip territorial phase and immediately apply for
Calhouns Plan
slavery in the territories- insisted slaves were property, and Congress was
slavery follows the flag- that planters could by right take their slave
property into new territories. This won support in the deep south.
Pacific Ocean
Anti-slavery advocates refuse any plan that made California a slave state. Their
plan, the 4th plan, was to restrict slavery to its existing boundaries and eventually
A Complex Compromise
Whig leaders Clay and Webster and Democrat Stephen A. Douglas pass five
Boundary dispute between New Mexico and Texas favored New Mexico
Organized the rest of the conquered Mexican lands into territories of New
Religious leaders, conservative businessmen and leading judges call upon citizens
Free blacks and white abolitionists ignore consequences and protect fugitives
In Christiana, Penn, shootout between African Americans and slave catchers kills
Legislatures in the north protects slaves and pass personal liberty laws
Court in 1859
Proslavery Initiatives
Sought extensive Mexican lands south of Rio Grande to give more land for
Gadsden Purchase of 1853- Pierce buys land from Mexico that is now in
Arizona and New Mexico that opened the way for James Gadsden, the
Pierce encourages Cuba to declare independence from Spain and join United
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Chicago to California
Wanted to extinguish Native American rights on Great Plains and create
slave territories
popular sovereignty
They join ex-Whigs and Free Soilers to form new Republican Party
manual labor
Praised a society based on middle class working on land that they owned
Bleeding Kansas
Missouri encourages citizens to cross state border and vote in Kansas in favor of
Kansas, but majority of residents favored free soil and refused allegiance to
Lecompton government
Proslavery force looted and burned down free soil town of Lawrence
Enraged John Brown, 56 year old abolitionist from New York and Ohio
Republicans nominate Colonel John C. Fremont, free soiler who won fame in
Mexican-American war
Election of 1856
Buchanan wins
Scott claimed that residence in a free state and a free state and territory made him
Buchanan opposes Scotts appeal and pressured justices to side with south
7/9 judges declared Scott was still a slave but disagreed on legal rationale
federal courts
due process of law- southern citizens could move their slave property
north and still own them there. He called the Northwest Ordinance and
Buchanan ignored that antislavery proposals had clear majority in Kansas and
Stephen Douglas was angry with president and persuaded Congress to deny
statehood to Kansas
Buchanan resumed negotiations to buy Cuba in December 1858
Came from yeoman farm family who were continually on the move
Entered middle class by mastering its culture, joining the New Salem Debating
An Ambitious Politician
Lincolns ambition and admiration for Henry Clay drove him into politics
Lincoln believed human bondage was unjust but doubted that the federal
Voted for military appropriations but also for Wilmot Proviso ban on
slavery in territories
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Lincoln argued that the pro slavery Supreme Court might soon declare that the
Lincoln countered his racist attacks by arguing that free blacks should have equal
Lincoln asked Douglas how he could accept Dred Scott ruling which protected
Debates gave Lincoln national reputation and Republican party won control of US
house of representatives
Rise of Radicalism
southern slavery
In October 1859 abolitionist John Brown led 18 heavily armed black and white
Republicans condemn Browns unsuccessful raid but Democrats call his plot a
Slave trade
James K. Polk
Young Hickory
Insisted US defy British claims and occupy all of Oregon till Alaskan border
Frederick Douglass
Zachary Taylor
Louisiana slave owner who supported slavery in south but not in territories
Lewis Cass
Expansionist who wanted to buy Cuba, annex Mexicos Yucatan
Stephen Douglas
John Brown
Proslavery force looted and burned down free soil town of Lawrence in Kansas
Enraged Brown, 56 year old abolitionist from New York and Ohio who
In October 1859 abolitionist John Brown led 18 heavily armed black and white
Abraham Lincoln
Came from yeoman farm family who were continually on the move
Lincolns ambition and admiration for Henry Clay drove him into politics
Lincoln believed human bondage was unjust but doubted that the federal
Voted for military appropriations but also for Wilmot Proviso ban
on slavery in territories
His neutral policies were attacked by both abolitionists and proslavery congress
Lincoln argued that the pro slavery Supreme Court might soon declare that
slave state
Manifest destiny
Motto of James K. Polk who wanted US to defy British claims and occupy all of
Conscience Whigs
Whigs who accused Polk of waging a war of conquest to add slave states and give
free-holder society
or slave territory
Treated whites fairly but expelled Indians, Mexicans, and Chileans from
Legislatures in the north protect runaway slaves with personal liberty laws
German Catholics, prohibiting immigration and have literacy tests for voting
Bleeding Kansas
Kansas, but majority of residents favored free soil and refused allegiance to
Lecompton government
Proslavery forces loot and burn down Lawrence but abolitionist forces led by
Wilmot Proviso
Bill that David Wilmot proposed banning slavery in all territories gained from the
Mexican-American War
Compromise of 1850
Whig leaders Clay and Webster and Democrat Stephen A. Douglas pass five
Boundary dispute between New Mexico and Texas favored New Mexico
Gadsden Purchase
1853- Pierce buys land from Mexico that is now in Arizona and New Mexico that
opened the way for James Gadsden, the negotiator, to build railroad from New
Ostend Manifesto
Chicago to California
slave territories
popular sovereignty
Dred Scott was an enslaved African American who lived in Illinois for some time
Scott claimed that residence in a free state and a free state and territory made him
Buchanan opposes Scotts appeal and pressured justices to side with south
7/9 judges declared Scott was still a slave but disagreed on legal rationale
federal courts
due process of law- southern citizens could move their slave property
north and still own them there. He called the Northwest Ordinance and
Lincoln countered his racist attacks by arguing that free blacks should have equal
Lincoln asked Douglas how he could accept Dred Scott ruling which protected
1. How did westward expansion threaten war with Britain & Mexico?
Expansionists annexed Texas into the US to ward Britain off of claims in the west
The act required federal magistrates to determine status of alleged runaway slaves and
Free blacks and white abolitionists ignore consequences and protect fugitives
Legislatures in the north protects slaves and pass personal liberty laws
The northerners rejection for the Fugitive Slave Act made them reject the compromise as
3. Why did the southerners conclude that the North was bent on extinguishing slavery
in southern states?
His opinion on slavery was that it was a threat to the republicanism of the nation
Thought the south should not secede- America cannot exist as a half-free half-
slave country