World History Patterns of Interaction Glossary PDF
World History Patterns of Interaction Glossary PDF
World History Patterns of Interaction Glossary PDF
The Glossary is an alphabetical listing of many of the key terms from the chapters, along with their mean-
ings. The definitions listed in the Glossary are the ones that apply to the way the words are used in this
textbook. The Glossary gives the part of speech of each word. The following abbreviations are used:
adj. adjective n. noun v. verb
Pronunciation Key
Some of the words in this book are followed by respellings that show how the words are pronounced. The following key will
help you understand what sounds are represented by the letters used in the respellings.
Symbol Examples Symbol Examples
a apple [AP•uhl], catch [kach] oh road, [rohd], know [noh]
ah barn [bahrn], pot [paht] oo school [skool], glue [gloo]
air bear [bair], dare [dair] ow out [owt], cow [kow]
aw bought [bawt], horse [hawrs] oy coin [koyn], boys [boyz]
ay ape [ayp], mail [mayl] p pig [pihg], top [tahp]
b bell [behl], table [TAY•buhl] r rose [rohz], star [stahr]
ch chain [chayn], ditch [dihch] s soap [sohp], icy [EYE•see]
d dog [dawg], rained [raynd] sh share [shair], nation [NAY•shuhn]
ee even [EE•vuhn], meal [meel] t tired [tyrd], boat [boht]
eh egg [ehg], ten [tehn] th thin [thihn], mother [MUH•thuhr]
eye iron [EYE•uhrn] u pull [pul], look [luk]
f fall [fawl], laugh [laf] uh bump [buhmp], awake [uh•WAYK],
g gold [gohld], big [bihg] happen [HAP•uhn], pencil [PEHN•suhl],
h hot [haht], exhale [ehks•HAYL] pilot [PY•luht]
hw white [hwyt] ur earth [urth], bird [burd], worm [wurm]
ih into [IHN•too], sick [sihk] v vase [vays], love [luhv]
j jar [jahr], badge [baj] w web [wehb], twin [twihn]
k cat [kat], luck [luhk] y As a consonant: yard [yahrd], mule [myool]
l load [lohd], ball [bawl] As a vowel: ice [ys], tried [tryd], sigh [sy]
m make [mayk], gem [jehm] z zone [zohn], reason [REE•zuhn]
n night [nyt], win [wihn] zh treasure [TREHZH•uhr], garage [guh•RAHZH]
ng song [sawng], anger [ANG•guhr]
Syllables that are stressed when the words are spoken appear in CAPITAL LETTERS in the respellings. For example, the
respelling of patterns (PAT•uhrnz) shows that the first syllable of the word is stressed.
Syllables that appear in SMALL CAPITAL LETTERS are also stressed, but not as strongly as those that appear in capital letters. For
example, the respelling of interaction (IHN•tuhr•AK•shuhn) shows that the third syllable receives the main stress and the first
syllable receives a secondary stress.
Anabaptist [AN•uh•BAP•tihst] n. in the Reformation, a Atlantic slave trade n. the buying, transporting, and sell-
member of a Protestant group that believed in baptizing ing of Africans for work in the Americas. (p. 567)
only those persons who were old enough to decide to be autocracy [aw•TAHK•ruh•see] n. a government in which
Christian and believed in the separation of church and the ruler has unlimited power and uses it in an arbitrary
state. (p. 496) manner. (p. 109)
Anasazi [AH•nuh•SAH•zee] n. an early Native American Axis Powers n. in World War II, the nations of Germany,
people who lived in the American Southwest. (p. 443) Italy, and Japan, which had formed an alliance in 1936.
Anatolia [AN•uh•TOH•lee•uh] n. the Southwest Asian (p. 917)
peninsula now occupied by the Asian part of Turkey— ayllu [EYE•loo] n. in Incan society, a small community or
also called Asia Minor. (p. 62) family group whose members worked together for the
Angkor Wat [ANG•kawr WAHT] n. a temple complex common good. (p. 460)
built in the Khmer Empire and dedicated to the Hindu
god Vishnu. (p. 345)
Anglican [ANG•glih•kuhn] adj. relating to the Church of
England. (p. 494) balance of power n. a political situation in which no one
nation is powerful enough to pose a threat to others.
animism [AN•uh•MIHZ•uhm] n. the belief that spirits are (p. 672)
present in animals, plants, and other natural objects.
(p. 216) the Balkans [BAWL•kuhnz] n. the region of southeastern
Europe now occupied by Greece, Albania, Bulgaria,
annexation [AN•ihk•SAY•shuhn] n. the adding of a Romania, the European part of Turkey, and the former
region to the territory of an existing political unit. republics of Yugoslavia. (p. 689)
(pp. 799, 813)
Bantu-speaking peoples n. the speakers of a related
annul [uh•NUHL] v. to cancel or set aside. (p. 492) group of languages who, beginning about 2,000 years
anti-Semitism [AN•tee•SEHM•ih•TIHZ•uhm] n. prejudice ago, migrated from West Africa into most of the southern
against Jews. (p. 749) half of Africa. (p. 222)
apartheid [uh•PAHRT•HYT] n. a South African policy of baroque [buh•ROHK] adj. relating to a grand, ornate style
complete legal separation of the races, including the ban- that characterized European painting, music, and archi-
ning of all social contacts between blacks and whites. tecture in the 1600s and early 1700s. (p. 637)
(p. 1043) barter n. a form of trade in which people exchange goods
apostle [uh•PAHS•uhl] n. one of the followers of Jesus who and services without the use of money. (p. 23)
preached and spread his teachings. (p. 168) Battle of Britain n. a series of battles between German
appeasement n. the making of concessions to an aggres- and British air forces, fought over Britain in 1940–1941.
sor in order to avoid war. (p. 917) (p. 928)
aqueduct [AK•wih•DUHKT] n. a pipeline or channel built Battle of Guadalcanal [GWAHD•uhl•kuh•NAL] n. a
to carry water to populated areas. (p. 181) 1942–1943 battle of World War II, in which Allied
aristocracy [AR•ih•STAHK•ruh•see] n. a government in troops drove Japanese forces from the Pacific island of
which power is in the hands of a hereditary ruling class Guadalcanal. (p. 935)
or nobility. (p. 127) Battle of Midway n. a 1942 sea and air battle of World
armistice [AHR•mih•stihs] n. an agreement to stop fight- War II, in which American forces defeated Japanese
ing. (p. 855) forces in the central Pacific. (p. 934)
artifact n. a human-made object, such as a tool, weapon, Battle of Stalingrad [STAH•lihn•GRAD] n. a 1942–1943
or piece of jewelry. (p. 5) battle of World War II, in which German forces were
defeated in their attempt to capture the city of Stalingrad
artisan [AHR•tih•zuhn] n. a skilled worker, such as a weav- in the Soviet Union. (p. 941)
er or a potter, who makes goods by hand. (p. 20)
Battle of the Bulge n. a 1944–1945 battle in which Allied
Aryans [AIR•ee•uhnz] n. 1. an Indo-European people who, forces turned back the last major German offensive of
about 1500 B.C., began to migrate into the Indian subcon- World War II. (p. 944)
tinent (p. 63). 2. to the Nazis, the Germanic peoples who
formed a “master race.” (p. 936) Battle of Trafalgar [truh•FAL•guhr] n. an 1805 naval bat-
tle in which Napoleon’s forces were defeated by a British
assembly line n. in a factory, an arrangement in which a fleet under the command of Horatio Nelson. (p. 667)
product is moved from worker to worker, with each per-
son performing a single task in its manufacture. (p. 764) Benin [buh•NIHN] n. a kingdom that arose near the Niger
River delta in the 1300s and became a major West
assimilation [uh•SIHM•uh•LAY•shuhn] n. 1. the adoption African state in the 1400s. (p. 419)
of a conqueror’s culture by a conquered people (p. 205).
2. a policy in which a nation forces or encourages a sub- Beringia [buh•RIHN•jee•uh] n. an ancient land bridge over
ject people to adopt its institutions and customs. (p. 781) which the earliest Americans are believed to have migrat-
ed from Asia into the Americas. (p. 235)
Assyria [uh•SEER•ee•uh] n. a Southwest Asian kingdom
that controlled a large empire from about 850 to 612 B.C. Berlin Conference n. a meeting in 1884–1885 at which
(p. 95) representatives of European nations agreed upon rules for
the European colonization of Africa. (p. 776)
Atlantic Charter n. a declaration of principles issued in
August 1941 by British prime minister Winston Churchill Bill of Rights n. the first ten amendments to the U.S.
and U.S. president Franklin Roosevelt, on which the Constitution, which protect citizens’ basic rights and
Allied peace plan at the end of World War II was based. freedoms. (p. 645)
(p. 930) GLOSSARY R77
bishop n. a high-ranking Christian official who supervises capitalism n. an economic system based on private owner-
a number of local churches. (p. 171) ship and on the investment of money in business ventures
blitzkrieg [BLIHTS•KREEG] n. “lightning war”—a form in order to make a profit. (pp. 573, 734)
of warfare in which surprise attacks with fast-moving Carolingian [KAR•uh•LIHN•juhn] Dynasty n. a dynasty of
airplanes are followed by massive attacks with infantry Frankish rulers, lasting from A.D. 751 to 987. (p. 356)
forces. (p. 925) caste [kast] n. one of the four classes of people in the social
blockade [blah•KAYD] n. the use of troops or ships to pre- system of the Aryans who settled in India—priests, war-
vent commercial traffic from entering or leaving a city or riors, peasants or traders, and non-Aryan laborers or
region. (p. 668) craftsmen. (p. 64)
Boer [bohr] n. a Dutch colonist in South Africa. (p. 776) Catholic Reformation [REHF•uhr•MAY•shuhn] n. a 16th-
Boer War n. a conflict, lasting from 1899 to 1902, in which century movement in which the Roman Catholic Church
the Boers and the British fought for control of territory in sought to make changes in response to the Protestant
South Africa. (p. 778) Reformation. (p. 498)
Bolsheviks [BOHL•shuh•VIHKS] n. a group of revolution- caudillo [kaw•DEEL•yoh] n. a military dictator of a Latin
ary Russian Marxists who took control of Russia’s gov- American country. (p. 816)
ernment in November 1917. (p. 868) centralized government n. a government in which power
Boxer Rebellion n. a 1900 revolt in China, aimed at end- is concentrated in a central authority to which local
ing foreign influence in the country. (p. 808) governments are subject. (p. 200)
boyar [boh•YAHR] n. a landowning noble of Russia. Central Powers n. in World War I, the nations of Germany
(p. 608) and Austria-Hungary, along with the other nations that
fought on their side. (p. 845)
Brahma [BRAH•muh] n. a Hindu god considered the
creator of the world. (p. 194) Chaldeans [kal•DEE•uhnz] n. a Southwest Asian people
who helped to destroy the Assyrian Empire. (p. 97)
Brahmin [BRAH•mihn] n. in Aryan society, a member of
the social class made up of priests. (p. 63) Chartist movement n. in 19th-century Britain, members
of the working class demanded reforms in Parliament and
brinkmanship n. a policy of threatening to go to war in in elections, including suffrage for all men. (p. 748)
response to any enemy aggression. (p. 970)
Chavín [chah•VEEN] n. the first major South American
Bronze Age n. a period in human history, beginning civilization, which flourished in the highlands of what is
around 3000 B.C. in some areas, during which people now Peru from about 900 to 200 B.C. (p. 246)
began using bronze, rather than copper or stone, to
fashion tools and weapons. (p. 21) checks and balances n. measures designed to prevent any
one branch of government from dominating the others.
bubonic plague [boo•BAHN•ihk PLAYG] n. a deadly dis- (p. 645)
ease that spread across Asia and Europe in the mid-14th
century, killing millions of people. (p. 399) chivalry [SHIHV•uhl•ree] n. a code of behavior for knights
in medieval Europe, stressing ideals such as courage, loy-
bureaucracy [byu•RAHK•ruh•see] n. a system of depart- alty, and devotion. (p. 365)
ments and agencies formed to carry out the work of
government. (p. 105) CIS n. the Commonwealth of Independent States—a loose
association of former Soviet republics that was formed
burgher [BUR•guhr] n. a medieval merchant-class town after the breakup of the Soviet Union. (p. 1049)
dweller. (p. 391)
city-state n. a city and its surrounding lands functioning as
Bushido [BUSH•ih•DOH] n. the strict code of behavior fol- an independent political unit. (p. 31)
lowed by samurai warriors in Japan. (p. 343)
civil disobedience n. a deliberate and public refusal to
obey a law considered unjust. (p. 888)
civilization n. a form of culture characterized by cities, spe-
cabinet n. a group of advisers or ministers chosen by the cialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping,
head of a country to help make government decisions. and advanced technology. (p. 20)
(p. 617) civil service n. the administrative departments of a govern-
caliph [KAY•lihf] n. a supreme political and religious ment—especially those in which employees are hired on
leader in a Muslim government. (p. 269) the basis of their scores on examinations. (p. 203)
calligraphy [kuh•LIHG•ruh•fee] n. the art of beautiful civil war n. a conflict between two political groups within
handwriting. (p. 276) the same country. (p. 161)
Calvinism [KAL•vih•NIHZ•uhm] n. a body of religious clan n. a group of people descended from a common
teachings based on the ideas of the reformer John Calvin. ancestor. (p. 331)
(p. 495) classical art n. the art of ancient Greece and Rome, in
Camp David Accords n. the first signed agreement which harmony, order, and proportion were emphasized.
between Israel and an Arab country, leading to a 1979 (p. 136)
peace treaty, in which Egypt recognized Israel as a legiti- clergy [KLUR•jee] n. a body of officials who perform reli-
mate state and Israel agreed to return the Sinai Peninsula gious services—such as priests, ministers, or rabbis.
to Egypt. (p. 1020) (p. 370)
canon law n. the body of laws governing the religious
practices of a Christian church. (p. 371)
cloning [KLOH•nihng] n. the creation of plants or animals conquistadors [kahng•KEE•stuh•DAWRZ] n. the Spanish
that are genetically identical to an existing plant or soldiers, explorers, and fortune hunters who took part in
animal. (p. 1073) the conquest of the Americas in the 16th century. (p. 554)
coalition [kOH•uh•LIHSH•uhn] government n. a govern- conservative n. in the first half of the 19th century, a
ment controlled by a temporary alliance of several politi- European—usually a wealthy landowner or noble—who
cal parties. (p. 904) wanted to preserve the traditional monarchies of Europe.
codex [KOH•DEHKS] n. a book with pages that can be (p. 687)
turned, like the one you are reading now. (p. 448) constitutional monarchy [MAHN•uhr•kee] n. a system
Cold War n. the state of diplomatic hostility between the of governing in which the ruler’s power is limited by
United States and the Soviet Union in the decades law. (p. 617)
following World War II. (p. 969) consul [KAHN•suhl] n. in the Roman republic, one of the
collective bargaining n. negotiations between workers and two powerful officials elected each year to command the
their employers. (p. 738) army and direct the government. (p. 157)
collective farm n. a large government-controlled farm containment n. a U.S. foreign policy adopted by President
formed by combining many small farms. (p. 878) Harry Truman in the late 1940s, in which the United
States tried to stop the spread of communism by creating
colony n. a land controlled by another nation. (p. 554) alliances and helping weak countries to resist Soviet
Colossus of Rhodes [kuh•LAHS•uhs uhv ROHDZ] n. an advances. (p. 967)
enormous Hellenistic statue that formerly stood near the Continental System n. Napoleon’s policy of preventing
harbor of Rhodes. (p. 149) trade between Great Britain and continental Europe,
Columbian Exchange n. the global transfer of plants, ani- intended to destroy Great Britain’s economy. (p. 668)
mals, and diseases that occurred during the European col- corporation n. a business owned by stockholders who
onization of the Americas. (p. 571) share in its profits but are not personally responsible for
comedy n. a humorous form of drama that often includes its debts. (p. 731)
slapstick and satire. (p. 136) Council of Trent n. a meeting of Roman Catholic leaders,
command economy n. an economic system in which the called by Pope Paul III to rule on doctrines criticized by
government makes all economic decisions. (p. 877) the Protestant reformers. (p. 499)
Commercial Revolution n. the expansion of trade and coup d’état [KOO day•TAH] n. a sudden seizure of politi-
business that transformed European economies during the cal power in a nation. (p. 664)
16th and 17th centuries. (p. 389) covenant [KUHV•uh•nuhnt] n. a mutual promise or agree-
common law n. a unified body of law formed from rulings ment—especially an agreement between God and the
of England’s royal judges that serves as the basis for law Hebrew people as recorded in the Bible. (p. 78)
in many English-speaking countries today, including the creole [KREE•OHL] n. in Spanish colonial society, a
United States. (p. 394) colonist who was born in Latin America to Spanish par-
commune [KAHM•YOON] n. in Communist China, a col- ents. (p. 681)
lective farm on which a great number of people work and Crimean [kry•MEE•uhn] War n. a conflict, lasting from
live together. (p. 974) 1853 to 1856, in which the Ottoman Empire, with the aid
Communist Party n. a political party practicing the ideas of Britain and France, halted Russian expansion in the
of Karl Marx and V.I. Lenin; originally the Russian region of the Black Sea. (p. 787)
Bolshevik Party. (p. 873) crop rotation n. the system of growing a different crop
communism n. an economic system in which all means of in a field each year to preserve the fertility of the land.
production—land, mines, factories, railroads, and busi- (p. 717)
nesses—are owned by the people, private property does Crusade n. one of the expeditions in which medieval
not exist, and all goods and services are shared equally. Christian warriors sought to recover control of the
(p. 737) Holy Land from the Muslims. (p. 382)
Concert [KAHN•SURT] of Europe n. a series of alliances cultural diffusion n. the spreading of ideas or products
among European nations in the 19th century, devised by from one culture to another. (p. 31)
Prince Klemens von Metternich to prevent the outbreak
of revolutions. (p. 674) Cultural Revolution n. a 1966–1976 uprising in China
led by the Red Guards, with the goal of establishing a
concordat [kuhn•KAWR•DAT] n. a formal agreement— society of peasants and workers in which all were equal.
especially one between the pope and a government, (p. 975)
dealing with the control of Church affairs. (p. 664)
culture n. a people’s unique way of life, as shown by its
Congress of Vienna [vee•EHN•uh] n. a series of meetings tools, customs, arts, and ideas. (p. 5)
in 1814–1815, during which the European leaders sought
to establish long-lasting peace and security after the cuneiform [KYOO•nee•uh•FAWRM] n. a system of writing
defeat of Napoleon. (p. 672) with wedge-shaped symbols, invented by the Sumerians
around 3000 B.C. (p. 20)
Congress Party n. a major national political party in
India—also known as the Indian National Congress. cyberterrorism n. politically motivated attacks on informa-
(p. 997) tion systems. (p. 1088)
Cyrillic [suh•RIHL•ihk] alphabet n. an alphabet for the
writing of Slavic languages, devised in the ninth century
A.D. by Saints Cyril and Methodius. (p. 306)
czar [zahr] n. a Russian emperor (from the Roman title domino theory n. the idea that if a nation falls under
Caesar). (p. 311) Communist control, nearby nations will also fall under
Communist control. (p. 978)
Dorians [DAWR•ee•uhnz] n. a Greek-speaking people that,
according to tradition, migrated into mainland Greece
daimyo [DY•mee•OH] n. a Japanese feudal lord who com- after the destruction of the Mycenaean civilization.
manded a private army of samurai. (p. 542) (p. 125)
Daoism [DOW•IHZ•uhm] n. a philosophy based on the ideas Dreyfus [DRY•fuhs] affair n. a controversy in France in
of the Chinese thinker Laozi, who taught that people the 1890s, centering on the trial and imprisonment of a
should be guided by a universal force called the Dao Jewish army officer, Captain Alfred Dreyfus, who had
(Way). (p. 106) been falsely accused of selling military secrets to
D-Day n. June 6, 1944—the day on which the Allies began Germany. (p. 749)
their invasion of the European mainland during World Dutch East India Company n. a company founded by the
War II. (p. 944) Dutch in the early 17th century to establish and direct
Declaration of Independence n. a statement of the rea- trade throughout Asia. (p. 534)
sons for the American colonies’ break with Britain, dynastic [dy•NAS•tihk] cycle n. the historical pattern of
approved by the Second Continental Congress in 1776. the rise, decline, and replacement of dynasties. (p. 54)
(p. 641)
dynasty [DY•nuh•stee] n. a series of rulers from a single
delta n. a marshy region formed by deposits of silt at the family. (p. 31)
mouth of a river. (p. 36)
demilitarization [dee•MIHL•ih•tuhr•ih•ZAY•shuhn] n. a
reduction in a country’s ability to wage war, achieved by
disbanding its armed forces and prohibiting it from Eastern Front n. in World War I, the region along the
acquiring weapons. (p. 950) German-Russian border where Russians and Serbs battled
democracy n. a government controlled by its citizens, Germans, Austrians, and Turks. (p. 848)
either directly or through representatives. (p. 128) Edict of Nantes [EE•DIHKT uhv NAHNT] n. a 1598 decla-
democratization n. the process of creating a government ration in which the French king Henry IV promised that
elected by the people. (p. 950) Protestants could live in peace in France and could set up
houses of worship in some French cities. (p. 596)
Department of Homeland Security n. U.S. federal
agency created in 2002 to coordinate national efforts Emancipation Proclamation [ih•MAN•suh•PAY•shuhn
against terrorism. (p. 1091) PRAHK•luh•MAY•shuhn] n. a declaration issued by U.S.
president Abraham Lincoln in 1863, stating that all slaves
détente [day•TAHNT] n. a policy of reducing Cold War in the Confederate states were free. (p. 760)
tensions that was adopted by the United States during
the presidency of Richard Nixon. (p. 990) emerging nation n. a nation in which the process of
industrialization is not yet complete. (p. 1075)
developed nation n. a nation with all the facilities needed
for the advanced production of manufactured goods. émigré [EHM•ih•GRAY] n. a person who leaves their native
(p. 1075) country for political reasons, like the nobles and others
who fled France during the peasant uprisings of the
devshirme [dehv•SHEER•meh] n. in the Ottoman Empire, French Revolution. (p. 658)
the policy of taking boys from conquered Christian peo-
ples to be trained as Muslim soldiers. (p. 510) empire n. a political unit in which a number of peoples or
countries are controlled by a single ruler. (p. 33)
Diaspora [dy•AS•puhr•uh] n. the dispersal of the Jews
from their homeland in Palestine—especially during the enclosure n. one of the fenced-in or hedged-in fields creat-
period of more than 1,800 years that followed the ed by wealthy British landowners on land that was
Romans’ destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in A.D. formerly worked by village farmers. (p. 717)
70. (p. 170) encomienda [ehng•kaw•MYEHN•dah] n. a grant of land
dictator n. in ancient Rome, a political leader given made by Spain to a settler in the Americas, including the
absolute power to make laws and command the army for right to use Native Americans as laborers on it. (p. 557)
a limited time. (p. 157) English Civil War n. a conflict, lasting from 1642 to
direct democracy n. a government in which citizens rule 1649, in which Puritan supporters of Parliament battled
directly rather than through representatives. (p. 135) supporters of England’s monarchy. (p. 615)
dissident [DIHS•ih•duhnt] n. an opponent of a govern- enlightened despot [DEHS•puht] n. one of the 18th-
ment’s policies or actions. (p. 1042) century European monarchs who was inspired by
Enlightenment ideas to rule justly and respect the
divine right n. the idea that monarchs are God’s representa- rights of subjects. (p. 638)
tives on earth and are therefore answerable only to God.
(p. 594) enlightenment [ehn•LYT•uhn•muhnt] n. in Buddhism, a
state of perfect wisdom in which one understands basic
domestication n. the taming of animals for human use. truths about the universe. (p. 68)
(p. 16)
Enlightenment n. an 18th-century European movement
dominion n. in the British Empire, a nation (such as in which thinkers attempted to apply the principles of
Canada) allowed to govern its own domestic affairs. reason and the scientific method to all aspects of society.
(p. 752) (p. 629)
entrepreneur [AHN•truh•pruh•NUR] n. a person who “Final Solution” n. Hitler’s program of systematically
organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business. killing the entire Jewish people. (p. 937)
(p. 721) Five-Year Plans n. plans outlined by Joseph Stalin in 1928
epic n. a long narrative poem celebrating the deeds of for the development of the Soviet Union’s economy.
legendary or traditional heroes. (p. 125) (p. 877)
estate [ih•STAYT] n. one of the three social classes in Four Modernizations n. a set of goals adopted by the
France before the French Revolution—the First Estate Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping in the late 20th century,
consisting of the clergy; the Second Estate, of the nobili- involving progress in agriculture, industry, defense, and
ty; and the Third Estate, of the rest of the population. science and technology. (p. 1060)
(p. 651) Fourteen Points n. a series of proposals in which U.S.
Estates-General [ih•STAYTS•JEHN•uhr•uhl] n. an assem- president Woodrow Wilson outlined a plan for achieving
bly of representatives from all three of the estates, or a lasting peace after World War I. (p. 858)
social classes, in France. (pp. 397, 653) Franks n. a Germanic people who settled in the Roman
ethnic cleansing n. a policy of murder and other acts of province of Gaul (roughly the area now occupied by
brutality by which Serbs hoped to eliminate Bosnia’s France) and established a great empire during the Middle
Muslim population after the breakup of Yugoslavia. Ages. (p. 354)
(p. 1056) free trade n. commerce between nations without economic
excommunication [EHKS•kuh•MYOO•nih•KAY•shuhn] n. restrictions or barriers (such as tariffs). (p. 1076)
the taking away of a person’s right of membership in French and Indian War n. a conflict between Britain and
a Christian church. (p. 306) France for control of territory in North America, lasting
existentialism [EHG•zih•STEHN•shuh•LIHZ•uhm] n. a phi- from 1754 to 1763. (p. 564)
losophy based on the idea that people give meaning to
their lives through their choices and actions. (p. 899)
extraterritorial [EHK•struh•TEHR•ih•TAWR•ee•uhl] rights
n. an exemption of foreign residents from the laws of a gender inequality n. the difference between men and
country. (p. 806) women in terms of wealth and status. (p. 1084)
genetic [juh•NEHT•ihk] engineering n. the transferring
factors of production n. the resources—including land,
labor, and capital—that are needed to produce goods and
of genes from one living thing to another in order to pro-
duce an organism with new traits. (p. 1073)
genocide [JEHN•uh•SYD] n. the systematic killing of an
entire people. (p. 937)
services. (p. 718)
gentry n. a class of powerful, well-to-do people who enjoy a
factory n. a large building in which machinery is used to high social status. (p. 327)
manufacture goods. (p. 720)
geocentric theory n. in the Middle Ages, the earth-cen-
fascism [FASH•IHZ•uhm] n. a political movement that pro- tered view of the universe in which scholars believed that
motes an extreme form of nationalism, a denial of indi- the earth was an immovable object located at the center
vidual rights, and a dictatorial one-party rule. (p. 910) of the universe. (p. 623)
Fatimid [FAT•uh•MIHD] n. a member of a Muslim dynasty geopolitics [JEE•oh•PAHL•ih•tihks] n. a foreign policy
that traced its ancestry to Muhammad’s daughter Fatima based on a consideration of the strategic locations or
and that built an empire in North Africa, Arabia, and products of other lands. (p. 786)
Syria in the 10th–12th centuries. (p. 272)
Ghana [GAH•nuh] n. a West African kingdom that grew
favorable balance of trade n. an economic situation in rich from taxing and controlling trade and that estab-
which a country sells more goods abroad than it buys lished an empire in the 9th–11th centuries A.D. (p. 413)
from abroad. (p. 575)
ghazi [GAH•zee] n. a warrior for Islam. (p. 507)
federal system n. a system of government in which power
is divided between a central authority and a number of ghettos [GEHT•ohz] n. city neighborhoods in which
individual states. (pp. 645, 1041) European Jews were forced to live. (p. 937)
Fertile Crescent [FUHR•tuhl KREHS•uhnt] n. an arc of glasnost [GLAHS•nuhst] n. a Soviet policy of openness to
rich farmland in Southwest Asia, between the Persian the free flow of ideas and information, introduced in
Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea. (p. 29) 1985 by Mikhail Gorbachev. (p. 1046)
feudalism [FYOOD•uhl•IHZ•uhm] n. a political system in global economy n. all the financial interactions—involv-
which nobles are granted the use of lands that legally ing people, businesses, and governments—that cross
belong to their king, in exchange for their loyalty, mili- international boundaries. (p. 1076)
tary service, and protection of the people who live on Glorious Revolution n. the bloodless overthrow of the
the land. (p. 54) English king James II and his replacement by William
fief [feef] n. an estate granted to a vassal by a lord under and Mary. (p. 616)
the feudal system in medieval Europe. (p. 360) glyph [glihf] n. a symbolic picture—especially one used as
filial piety [FIHL•ee•uhl PY•ih•tee] n. respect shown by part of a writing system for carving messages in stone.
children for their parents and elders. (p. 104) (p. 448)
Gothic [GAHTH•ihk] adj. relating to a style of church heliocentric [HEE•lee•oh•SEHN•trihk] theory n. the idea
architecture that developed in medieval Europe, featuring that the earth and the other planets revolve around the
ribbed vaults, stained glass windows, flying buttresses, sun. (p. 624)
pointed arches, and tall spires. (p. 380) Hellenistic [HEHL•uh•NIHS•tihk] adj. relating to the civi-
Great Depression n. the severe economic slump that fol- lization, language, art, science, and literature of the
lowed the collapse of the U.S. stock market in 1929. Greek world from the reign of Alexander the Great to the
(p. 907) late second century B.C. (p. 146)
Great Fear n. a wave of senseless panic that spread through helot [HEHL•uht] n. in the society of ancient Sparta, a
the French countryside after the storming of the Bastille peasant bound to the land. (p. 129)
in 1789. (p. 655) hieroglyphics [HY•uhr•uh•GLIHF•ihks] n. an ancient
Great Purge n. a campaign of terror in the Soviet Union Egyptian writing system in which pictures were used to
during the 1930s, in which Joseph Stalin sought to elimi- represent ideas and sounds. (p. 40)
nate all Communist Party members and other citizens Hijrah [HIHJ•ruh] n. Muhammad’s migration from Mecca
who threatened his power. (p. 876) to Yathrib (Medina) in A.D. 622. (p. 265)
Great Schism [SIHZ•uhm] n. a division in the medieval Hittites [HIHT•YTS] n. an Indo-European people who set-
Roman Catholic Church, during which rival popes were tled in Anatolia around 2000 B.C. (p. 62)
established in Avignon and in Rome. (p. 399)
Holocaust [HAHL•uh•KAWST] n. a mass slaughter of Jews
Greco-Roman culture n. an ancient culture that developed and other civilians, carried out by the Nazi government of
from a blending of Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman Germany before and during World War II. (p. 936)
cultures. (p. 178)
Holy Alliance n. a league of European nations formed by
green revolution n. a 20th-century attempt to increase the leaders of Russia, Austria, and Prussia after the
food resources worldwide, involving the use of fertilizers Congress of Vienna. (p. 674)
and pesticides and the development of disease-resistant
crops. (p. 1074) Holy Roman Empire n. an empire established in Europe in
the 10th century A.D., originally consisting mainly of
griot [gree•OH] n. a West African storyteller. (p. 216) lands in what is now Germany and Italy. (p. 371)
guerrilla [guh•RIHL•uh] n. a member of a loosely organ- home rule n. a control over internal matters granted to the
ized fighting force that makes surprise attacks on enemy residents of a region by a ruling government. (p. 754)
troops occupying his or her country. (p. 669)
hominid [HAHM•uh•nihd] n. a member of a biological
guild [gihld] n. a medieval association of people working at group including human beings and related species that
the same occupation, which controlled its members’ walk upright. (p. 7)
wages and prices. (p. 388)
Homo sapiens [HOH•moh SAY•pee•uhnz] n. the biologi-
guillotine [GIHL•uh•TEEN] n. a machine for beheading cal species to which modern human beings belong. (p. 8)
people, used as a means of execution during the French
Revolution. (p. 660) House of Wisdom n. a center of learning established in
Baghdad in the 800s. (p. 276)
Gupta [GUP•tuh] Empire n. the second empire in India,
founded by Chandra Gupta I in A.D. 320. (p. 191) humanism [HYOO•muh•NIHZ•uhm] n. a Renaissance intel-
lectual movement in which thinkers studied classical
texts and focused on human potential and achievements.
(p. 472)
habeas corpus [HAY•bee•uhs KAWR•puhs] n. a docu- Hundred Days n. the brief period during 1815 when
ment requiring that a prisoner be brought before a court Napoleon made his last bid for power, deposing the
or judge so that it can be decided whether his or her French king and again becoming emperor of France.
imprisonment is legal. (p. 616) (p. 671)
Hagia Sophia [HAY•ee•uh soh•FEE•uh] n. the Cathedral Hundred Years’ War n. a conflict in which England and
of Holy Wisdom in Constantinople, built by order of the France battled on French soil on and off from 1337 to
Byzantine emperor Justinian. (p. 303) 1453. (p. 401)
haiku [HY•koo] n. a Japanese form of poetry, consisting of hunter-gatherer n. a member of a nomadic group whose
three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables. food supply depends on hunting animals and collecting
(p. 545) plant foods. (p. 14)
hajj [haj] n. a pilgrimage to Mecca, performed as a duty by Hyksos [HIHK•sohs] n. a group of nomadic invaders from
Muslims. (p. 267) Southwest Asia who ruled Egypt from 1640 to 1570 B.C.
Han [hahn] Dynasty n. a Chinese dynasty that ruled from (p. 89)
202 B.C. to A.D. 9 and again from A.D. 23 to 220. (p. 200)
Harappan civilization n. another name for the Indus
Valley civilization that arose along the Indus River, possi- Ice Age n. a cold period in which huge ice sheets spread
bly as early as 7000 B.C.; characterized by sophisticated outward from the polar regions, the last one of which
city planning. (p. 46) lasted from about 1,900,000 to 10,000 B.C. (p. 235)
Hausa [HOW•suh] n. a West African people who lived I Ching [ee jihng] n. a Chinese book of oracles, consulted
in several city-states in what is now northern Nigeria. to answer ethical and practical problems. (p. 107)
(p. 417)
icon [EYE•KAHN] n. a religious image used by eastern
Christians. (p. 306)
imperialism [ihm•PEER•ee•uh•LIHZ•uhm] n. a policy in
which a strong nation seeks to dominate other countries
politically, economically, or socially. (p. 773) Jainism [JY•NIHZ•uhm] n. a religion founded in India in the
impressionism [ihm•PREHSH•uh•NIHZ•uhm] n. a move- sixth century B.C., whose members believe that every-
ment in 19th-century painting, in which artists reacted thing in the universe has a soul and therefore should not
against realism by seeking to convey their impressions of be harmed. (p. 67)
subjects or moments in time. (p. 701) janissary [JAN•ih•SEHR•ee] n. a member of an elite force
Indo-Europeans [IHN•doh•YUR•uh•PEE•uhnz] n. a group of soldiers in the Ottoman Empire. (p. 510)
of seminomadic peoples who, about 1700 B.C., began to jazz n. a 20th-century style of popular music developed
migrate from what is now southern Russia to the Indian mainly by African-American musicians. (p. 899)
subcontinent, Europe, and Southwest Asia. (p. 61) Jesuits [JEHZH•oo•ihts] n. members of the Society of
indulgence [ihn•DUHL•juhns] n. a pardon releasing a per- Jesus, a Roman Catholic religious order founded by
son from punishments due for a sin. (p. 489) Ignatius of Loyola. (p. 499)
industrialization [ihn•DUHS•tree•uh•lih•ZAY•shuhn] n. the “jewel in the crown” n. the British colony of India—so
development of industries for the machine production of called because of its importance in the British Empire,
goods. (p. 718) both as a supplier of raw materials and as a market for
Industrial Revolution n. the shift, beginning in England British trade goods. (p. 791)
during the 18th century, from making goods by hand to joint-stock company n. a business in which investors pool
making them by machine. (p. 717) their wealth for a common purpose, then share the prof-
inflation n. a decline in the value of money, accompanied its. (p. 573)
by a rise in the prices of goods and services. (p. 173) Judah [JOO•duh] n. a Hebrew kingdom in Palestine, estab-
Inquisition [IHN•kwih•ZIHSH•uhn] n. a Roman Catholic lished around 922 B.C. (p. 81)
tribunal for investigating and prosecuting charges of Justinian [juh•STIHN•ee•uhn] Code n. the body of Roman
heresy—especially the one active in Spain during the civil law collected and organized by order of the
1400s. (p. 384) Byzantine emperor Justinian around A.D. 534. (p. 302)
institution n. a long-lasting pattern of organization in a
community. (p. 20)
intendant [ihn•TEHN•duhnt] n. a French government kabuki [kuh•BOO•kee] n. a type of Japanese drama in
official appointed by the monarch to collect taxes and which music, dance, and mime are used to present
administer justice. (p. 598) stories. (p. 545)
International Space Station n. cooperative venture spon- kaiser [KY•zuhr] n. a German emperor (from the Roman
sored by the United States, Russia, and 14 other nations title Caesar). (p. 697)
to establish and maintain a working laboratory for scien-
tific experimentation in space. (p. 1071) kamikaze [KAH•mih•KAH•zee] n. during World War II,
Japanese suicide pilots trained to sink Allied ships by
Internet n. a linkage of computer networks that enables crashing bomb-filled planes into them. (p. 945)
people around the world to exchange information and
communicate with one another. (p. 1073) karma [KAHR•muh] n. in Hinduism and Buddhism, the
totality of the good and bad deeds performed by a person,
intifada n. literally, “shaking off ”; Palestinian campaigns of which is believed to determine his or her fate after
violence and non-violent resistance against Israel. rebirth. (p. 67)
Violence during the 1980s intifada targeted the Israeli
army; violence during the 2000s intifada targeted Israeli Khmer [kmair] Empire n. a Southeast Asian empire, cen-
civilians. (p. 1021) tered in what is now Cambodia, that reached its peak of
power around A.D. 1200. (p. 345)
Irish Republican Army (IRA) n. an unofficial nationalist
military force seeking independence for Ireland from Khmer Rouge [roozh] n. a group of Communist rebels who
Great Britain. (p. 755) seized power in Cambodia in 1975. (p. 981)
iron curtain n. during the Cold War, the boundary separat- knight n. in medieval Europe, an armored warrior who
ing the Communist nations of Eastern Europe from the fought on horseback. (p. 360)
mostly democratic nations of Western Europe. (p. 967) Koryu [KAWR•yoo] Dynasty n. a dynasty that ruled Korea
Iroquois [IHR•uh•KWOY] n. a group of Native American from A.D. 935 to 1392. (p. 347)
peoples who spoke related languages, lived in the eastern Kristallnacht [krih•STAHL•NAHKT] n. “Night of Broken
Great Lakes region of North America, and formed an Glass”—the night of November 9, 1938, on which Nazi
alliance in the late 1500s. (p. 444) storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and
Islam [ihs•LAHM] n. a monotheistic religion that developed synagogues throughout Germany. (p. 936)
in Arabia in the seventh century A.D. (p. 265) Kuomintang [KWOH•mihn•TANG] n. the Chinese
isolationism n. a policy of avoiding political or military Nationalist Party, formed in 1912. (p. 882)
involvement with other countries. (p. 918) Kush [kuhsh] n. an ancient Nubian kingdom whose rulers
Israel [IHZ•ree•uhl] n. a kingdom of the united Hebrews in controlled Egypt between 2000 and 1000 B.C. (p. 92)
Palestine, lasting from about 1020 to 922 B.C.; later, the
northernmost of the two Hebrew kingdoms; now, the
Jewish nation that was established in Palestine in 1948.
(p. 81)
Magna Carta [MAG•nuh KAHR•tuh] n. “Great
Charter”—a document guaranteeing basic political
laissez faire [LEHS•ay FAIR] n. the idea that government rights in England, drawn up by nobles and approved
should not interfere with or regulate industries and busi- by King John in A.D. 1215. (p. 394)
nesses. (p. 734) Mahabharata [muh•huh•BAH•ruh•tuh] n. a great Indian
land reform n. a redistribution of farmland by breaking up epic poem, reflecting the struggles of the Aryans as they
large estates and giving the resulting smaller farms to moved south into India. (p. 64)
peasants. (p. 1034) Mahayana [MAH•huh•YAH•nuh] n. a sect of Buddhism
La Reforma [lah reh•FAWR•mah] n. a liberal reform that offers salvation to all and allows popular worship.
movement in 19th-century Mexico, led by Benito Juárez. (p. 193)
(p. 824) maize [mayz] n. a cultivated cereal grain that bears its
lay investiture [ihn•VEHS•tuh•chur] n. the appointment of kernels on large ears—usually called corn in the United
religious officials by kings or nobles. (p. 372) States. (p. 238)
League of Nations n. an international association formed Mali [MAH•lee] n. a West African empire that flourished
after World War I with the goal of keeping peace among from 1235 to the 1400s and grew rich from trade.
nations. (p. 859) (p. 415)
lebensraum [LAY•buhns•ROWM] n. “living space”—the Manchus [MAN•chooz] n. a people, native to Manchuria,
additional territory that, according to Adolf Hitler, who ruled China during the Qing Dynasty (1644–1912).
Germany needed because it was overcrowded. (p. 912) (p. 539)
Legalism n. a Chinese political philosophy based on the Mandate of Heaven n. in Chinese history, the divine
idea that a highly efficient and powerful government is approval thought to be the basis of royal authority.
the key to social order. (p. 106) (p. 54)
legion n. a military unit of the ancient Roman army, made manifest destiny n. the idea, popular among mid-
up of about 5,000 foot soldiers and a group of soldiers on 19th-century Americans, that it was the right and the duty
horseback. (p. 157) of the United States to rule North America from the
Legislative [LEHJ•ih•SLAY•tihv] Assembly n. a French Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean. (p. 758)
congress with the power to create laws and approve dec- manor n. a lord’s estate in feudal Europe. (p. 360)
larations of war, established by the Constitution of 1791. Maori [MOW•ree] n. a member of a Polynesian people who
(p. 657) settled in New Zealand around A.D. 800. (p. 752)
legitimacy [luh•JIHT•uh•muh•see] n. the hereditary right Marshall Plan n. a U.S. program of economic aid to
of a monarch to rule. (p. 673) European countries to help them rebuild after World
liberal n. in the first half of the 19th century, a European— War II. (p. 968)
usually a middle-class business leader or merchant—who martial [MAHR•shuhl] law n. a temporary rule by military
wanted to give more political power to elected parlia- authorities over a civilian population, usually imposed in
ments. (p. 687) times of war or civil unrest. (p. 1041)
lineage [LIHN•ee•ihj] n. the people who are descended mass culture n. the production of works of art and enter-
from a common ancestor. (p. 410) tainment designed to appeal to a large audience. (p. 766)
loess [LOH•uhs] n. a fertile deposit of windblown soil. materialism n. a placing of high value on acquiring materi-
(p. 50) al possessions. (p. 1096)
Long March n. a 6,000-mile journey made in 1934–1935 matriarchal [MAY•tree•AHR•kuhl] adj. relating to a social
by Chinese Communists fleeing from Jiang Jieshi’s system in which the mother is head of the family. (p. 192)
Nationalist forces. (p. 886)
matrilineal [MAT•ruh•LIHN•ee•uhl] adj. relating to a social
lord n. in feudal Europe, a person who controlled land and system in which family descent and inheritance rights are
could therefore grant estates to vassals. (p. 360) traced through the mother. (p. 410)
Lutheran [LOO•thuhr•uhn] n. a member of a Protestant Mauryan [MAH•ur•yuhn] Empire n. the first empire in
church founded on the teachings of Martin Luther. India, founded by Chandragupta Maurya in 321 B.C.
(p. 490) (p. 189)
lycée [lee•SAY] n. a government-run public school in May Fourth Movement n. a national protest in China in
France. (p. 664) 1919, in which people demonstrated against the Treaty of
Versailles and foreign interference. (p. 883)
Medes [meedz] n. a Southwest Asian people who helped to
Macedonia [MAS•ih•DOH•nee•uh] n. an ancient kingdom destroy the Assyrian Empire. (p. 97)
north of Greece, whose ruler Philip II conquered Greece Meiji [MAY•JEE] era n. the period of Japanese history from
in 338 B.C. (p. 142) 1867 to 1912, during which the country was ruled by
Maghrib [MUHG•ruhb] n. a region of western North Emperor Mutsuhito. (p. 811)
Africa, consisting of the Mediterranean coastlands of Mein Kampf [MYN KAHMPF] n. “My Struggle”—a book
what is now Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria. (p. 410) written by Adolf Hitler during his imprisonment in
1923–1924, in which he set forth his beliefs and his goals
for Germany. (p. 912)
mercantilism [MUR•kuhn•tee•LIHZ•uhm] n. an economic mosque [mahsk] n. an Islamic place of worship. (p. 267)
policy under which nations sought to increase their movable type n. blocks of metal or wood, each bearing a
wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold single character, that can be arranged to make up a page
and silver and by selling more goods than they bought. for printing. (p. 325)
(p. 574)
Mughal [MOO•guhl] n. one of the nomads who invaded the
mercenary [MUR•suh•NEHR•ee] n. a soldier who is paid to Indian subcontinent in the 16th century and established a
fight in a foreign army. (p. 173) powerful empire there. (p. 516)
Meroë [MEHR•oh•EE] n. center of the Kush dynasty from mujahideen [moo•JAH•heh•DEEN] n. in Afghanistan, holy
about 250 B.C. to A.D. 150; known for its manufacture of warriors who banded together to fight the Soviet-support-
iron weapons and tools. (p. 94) ed government in the late 1970s. (p. 1026)
Mesoamerica [MEHZ•oh•uh•MEHR•ih•kuh] n. an area mulattos [mu•LAT•ohz] n. persons of mixed European and
extending from central Mexico to Honduras, where African ancestry. (p. 682)
several of the ancient complex societies of the Americas
developed. (p. 240) mummification [MUHM•uh•fih•KAY•shuhn] n. a process
of embalming and drying corpses to prevent them from
mestizo [mehs•TEE•zoh] n. a person of mixed Spanish and decaying. (p. 38)
Native American ancestry. (p. 557)
Munich [MYOO•nihk] Conference n. a 1938 meeting of
Middle Ages n. the era in European history that followed representatives from Britain, France, Italy, and Germany,
the fall of the Roman Empire, lasting from about 500 to at which Britain and France agreed to allow Nazi
1500—also called the medieval period. (p. 353) Germany to annex part of Czechoslovakia in return for
middle class n. a social class made up of skilled workers, Adolf Hitler’s pledge to respect Czechoslovakia’s new
professionals, businesspeople, and wealthy farmers. borders. (p. 919)
(p. 725) Muslim [MUHZ•luhm] n. a follower of Islam. (p. 265)
middle passage n. the voyage that brought captured Muslim League n. an organization formed in 1906 to pro-
Africans to the West Indies, and later to North and South tect the interests of India’s Muslims, which later proposed
America, to be sold as slaves—so called because it was that India be divided into separate Muslim and Hindu
considered the middle leg of the triangular trade. (p. 569) nations. (p. 997)
migration n. the act of moving from one place to settle in Mutapa [moo•TAHP•uh] adj. relating to a southern African
another. (pp. 62, 220) empire established by Mutota in the 15th century A.D.
militarism [MIHL•ih•tuh•RIHZ•uhm] n. a policy of glorify- (p. 427)
ing military power and keeping a standing army always Mycenaean [MY•suh•NEE•uhn] n. an Indo-European per-
prepared for war. (p. 842) son who settled on the Greek mainland around 2000 B.C.
Ming Dynasty n. a Chinese dynasty that ruled from 1368 (p. 124)
to 1644. (p. 536) myth n. a traditional story about gods, ancestors, or heroes,
Minoans [mih•NOH•uhnz] n. a seafaring and trading peo- told to explain the natural world or the customs and
ple that lived on the island of Crete from about 2000 to beliefs of a society. (p. 126)
1400 B.C. (p. 72)
Mississippian [MIHS•ih•SIHP•ee•uhn] adj. relating to a
Mound Builder culture that flourished in North America
between A.D. 800 and 1500. (p. 443) Napoleonic [nuh•POH•lee•AHN•ihk] Code n. a compre-
hensive and uniform system of laws established for
mita [MEE•tuh] n. in the Inca Empire, the requirement that France by Napoleon. (p. 664)
all able-bodied subjects work for the state a certain num-
ber of days each year. (p. 461) National Assembly n. a French congress established by
representatives of the Third Estate on June 17, 1789, to
Moche [MOH•chay] n. a civilization that flourished on enact laws and reforms in the name of the French people.
what is now the northern coast of Peru from about A.D. (p. 654)
100 to 700. (p. 247)
nationalism n. the belief that people should be loyal main-
monarchy [MAHN•uhr•kee] n. a government in which ly to their nation—that is, to the people with whom they
power is in the hands of a single person. (p. 127) share a culture and history—rather than to a king or
monastery [MAHN•uh•STEHR•ee] n. a religious community empire. (p. 687)
of men (called monks) who have given up their posses- nation-state n. an independent geopolitical unit of people
sions to devote themselves to a life of prayer and wor- having a common culture and identity. (p. 687)
ship. (p. 354)
NATO [NAY•toh] n. the North Atlantic Treaty
monopoly [muh•NAHP•uh•lee] n. a group’s exclusive Organization—a defensive military alliance formed in
control over the production and distribution of certain 1949 by ten Western European nations, the United States,
goods. (p. 204) and Canada. (p. 969)
monotheism [MAHN•uh•thee•IHZ•uhm] n. a belief in a Nazca [NAHS•kah] n. a civilization that flourished on what
single god. (p. 78) is now the southern coast of Peru from about 200 B.C. to
Monroe Doctrine n. a U.S. policy of opposition to A.D. 600. (p. 247)
European interference in Latin America, announced by Nazism [NAHT•SIHZ•uhm] n. the fascist policies of the
President James Monroe in 1823. (p. 818) National Socialist German Workers’ party, based on total-
monsoon [mahn•SOON] n. a wind that shifts in direction itarianism, a belief in racial superiority, and state control
at certain times of each year. (p. 45) of industry. (p. 912)
Negritude [NEE•grih•TOOD] movement n. a movement in oracle bone n. one of the animal bones or tortoise shells
which French-speaking Africans and West Indians cele- used by ancient Chinese priests to communicate with
brated their heritage of traditional African culture and the gods. (p. 53)
values. (p. 1012) Oslo Peace Accords n. an agreement in 1993 in which
neoclassical [NEE•oh•KLAS•ih•kuhl] adj. relating to a Israeli prime minister Rabin granted Palestinian self-rule
simple, elegant style (based on ideas and themes from in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. (p. 1021)
ancient Greece and Rome) that characterized the arts ozone layer n. a layer of Earth’s upper atmosphere, which
in Europe during the late 1700s. (p. 637) protects living things from the sun’s damaging ultraviolet
Neolithic [NEE•uh•LIHTH•ihk] Age n. a prehistoric period rays. (p. 1079)
that began about 8000 B.C. and in some areas ended
as early as 3000 B.C., during which people learned to
polish stone tools, make pottery, grow crops, and raise
animals—also called the New Stone Age. (p. 7) Pacific Rim n. the lands that border the Pacific Ocean—
Neolithic Revolution n. the major change in human life especially those in Asia. (p. 796)
caused by the beginnings of farming—that is, by people’s Paleolithic [PAY•lee•uh•LIHTH•ihk] Age n. a prehistoric
shift from food gathering to food producing. (p. 15) period that lasted from about 2,500,000 to 8000 B.C.,
New Deal n. U.S. president Franklin Roosevelt’s economic during which people made use of crude stone tools and
reform program designed to solve the problems created weapons—also called the Old Stone Age. (p. 7)
by the Great Depression. (p. 909) Panama Canal n. a human-made waterway connecting the
New Kingdom n. the period of ancient Egyptian history Atlantic and Pacific oceans, built in Panama by the
that followed the overthrow of the Hyksos rulers, lasting United States and opened in 1914. (p. 821)
from about 1570 to 1075 B.C. (p. 90) papyrus [puh•PY•ruhs] n. a tall reed that grows in the Nile
nirvana [neer•VAH•nuh] n. in Buddhism, the release from delta, used by the ancient Egyptians to make a paperlike
pain and suffering achieved after enlightenment. (p. 69) material for writing on. (p. 40)
Nok [nahk] n. an African people who lived in what is now parliament [PAHR•luh•muhnt] n. a body of representatives
Nigeria between 500 B.C. and A.D. 200. (p. 217) that makes laws for a nation. (p. 395)
nomad n. a member of a group that has no permanent partition n. a division into parts, like the 1947 division of
home, wandering from place to place in search of food the British colony of India into the two nations of India
and water. (p. 14) and Pakistan. (p. 998)
nonaggression [NAHN•uh•GRESHS•uhn] pact n. an agree- pastoralist [PAS•tuhr•uh•lihst] n. a member of a nomadic
ment in which nations promise not to attack one another. group that herds domesticated animals. (p. 330)
(p. 925) paternalism [puh•TUR•nuh•LIHZ•uhm] n. a policy of treat-
nonaligned nations n. the independent countries that ing subject people as if they were children, providing for
remained neutral in the Cold War competition between their needs but not giving them rights. (p. 781)
the United States and the Soviet Union. (p. 982) patriarch [PAY•tree•AHRK] n. a principal bishop in the east-
Nuremberg [NUR•uhm•BURG] Trials n. a series of court ern branch of Christianity. (p. 306)
proceedings held in Nuremberg, Germany, after World patriarchal [PAY•tree•AHR•kuhl] adj. relating to a social
War II, in which Nazi leaders were tried for aggression, system in which the father is head of the family. (p. 192)
violations of the rules of war, and crimes against patrician [puh•TRIHSH•uhn] n. in ancient Rome, a mem-
humanity. (p. 950) ber of the wealthy, privileged upper class. (p. 156)
patrilineal [PAT•ruh•LIHN•ee•uhl] adj. relating to a social
system in which family descent and inheritance rights are
obsidian [ahb•SIHD•ee•uhn] n. a hard, glassy volcanic traced through the father. (p. 410)
rock used by early peoples to make sharp weapons. patron [PAY•truhn] n. a person who supports artists, espe-
(p. 453) cially financially. (p. 472)
Old Regime [ray•ZHEEM] n. the political and social sys- Pax Mongolica [paks mahng•GAHL•ih-kuh] n. the
tem that existed in France before the French Revolution. “Mongol Peace”—the period from the mid-1200s to the
(p. 651) mid-1300s when the Mongols imposed stability and law
oligarchy [AHL•ih•GAHR•kee] n. a government in which and order across much of Eurasia. (p. 333)
power is in the hands of a few people—especially one in Pax Romana [PAHKS roh•MAH•nah] n. a period of peace
which rule is based upon wealth. (p. 127) and prosperity throughout the Roman Empire, lasting
Olmec [AHL•mehk] n. the earliest-known Mesoamerican from 27 B.C. to A.D. 180. (p. 162)
civilization, which flourished around 1200 B.C. and influ- Peace of Augsburg [AWGZ•BURG] n. a 1555 agreement
enced later societies throughout the region. (p. 240) declaring that the religion of each German state would be
Open Door Policy n. a policy, proposed by the United decided by its ruler. (p. 492)
States in 1899, under which all nations would have Peloponnesian [PEHL•uh•puh•NEE•zhuhn] War n. a war,
equal opportunities to trade in China. (p. 808) lasting from 431 to 404 B.C., in which Athens and its
Opium War n. a conflict between Britain and China, lasting allies were defeated by Sparta and its allies. (p. 137)
from 1839 to 1842, over Britain’s opium trade in China. penal [PEE•nuhl] colony n. a colony to which convicts are
(p. 806) sent as an alternative to prison. (p. 752)
peninsulares [peh•neen•soo•LAH•rehs] n. in Spanish potlatch [PAHT•LACH] n. a ceremonial feast used to display
colonial society, colonists who were born in Spain. rank and prosperity in some Northwest Coast tribes of
(p. 681) Native Americans. (p. 441)
Peninsular [puh•NIHN•syuh•luhr] War n. a conflict, last- predestination [pree•DEHS•tuh•NAY•shuhn] n. the doctrine
ing from 1808 to 1813, in which Spanish rebels, with the that God has decided all things beforehand, including
aid of British forces, fought to drive Napoleon’s French which people will be eternally saved. (p. 495)
troops out of Spain. (p. 669) Presbyterian [PREHZ•bih•TEER•ee•uhn] n. a member of a
perestroika [PEHR•ih•STROY•kuh] n. a restructuring of the Protestant church governed by presbyters (elders) and
Soviet economy to permit more local decision making, founded on the teachings of John Knox. (p. 496)
begun by Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985. (p. 1047) PRI n. the Institutional Revolutionary Party—the main polit-
Persian Gulf War n. a 1991 conflict in which UN forces ical party of Mexico. (p. 1037)
defeated Iraqi forces that had invaded Kuwait and threat- proletariat [PROH•lih•TAIR•ee•iht] n. in Marxist theory, the
ened to invade Saudi Arabia. (p. 1079) group of workers who would overthrow the czar and
Persian Wars n. a series of wars in the fifth century B.C., come to rule Russia. (p. 868)
in which Greek city-states battled the Persian Empire. proliferation [pruh•LIHF•uh•RAY•shuhn] n. a growth or
(p. 131) spread—especially the spread of nuclear weapons to
perspective [puhr•SPEHK•tihv] n. an artistic technique nations that do not currently have them. (p. 1083)
that creates the appearance of three dimensions on a flat propaganda [PRAHP•uh•GAN•duh] n. information or mate-
surface. (p. 474) rial spread to advance a cause or to damage an opponent’s
phalanx [FAY•LANGKS] n. a military formation of foot sol- cause. (p. 854)
diers armed with spears and shields. (p. 131) Protestant [PRAHT•ih•stuhnt] n. a member of a Christian
pharaoh [FAIR•oh] n. a king of ancient Egypt, considered church founded on the principles of the Reformation.
a god as well as a political and military leader. (p. 37) (p. 490)
philosophe [FIHL•uh•SAHF] n. one of a group of social provisional government n. a temporary government.
thinkers in France during the Enlightenment. (p. 630) (p. 870)
philosopher n. a thinker who uses logic and reason to psychology [sy•KAHL•uh•jee] n. the study of the human
investigate the nature of the universe, human society, and mind and human behavior. (p. 766)
morality. (p. 138) pueblo [PWEHB•loh] n. a village of large apartment-like
Phoenicians [fih•NIHSH•uhnz] n. a seafaring people of buildings made of clay and stone, built by the Anasazi
Southwest Asia, who around 1100 B.C. began to trade and later peoples of the American Southwest. (p. 443)
and established colonies throughout the Mediterranean Punic Wars n. a series of three wars between Rome and
region. (p. 73) Carthage (264–146 B.C.); resulted in the destruction of
Pilgrims n. a group of people who, in 1620, founded the Carthage and Rome’s dominance over the western
colony of Plymouth in Massachusetts to escape religious Mediterranean. (p. 158)
persecution in England. (p. 562) Puritans n. a group of people who sought freedom from
plebeian [plih•BEE•uhn] n. in ancient Rome, one of the religious persecution in England by founding a colony at
common farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up Massachusetts Bay in the early 1600s. (p. 562)
most of the population. (p. 156) push-pull factors n. conditions that draw people to another
plebiscite [PLEHB•ih•SYT] n. a direct vote in which a location (pull factors) or cause people to leave their
country’s people have the opportunity to approve or reject homelands and migrate to another region (push factors).
a proposal. (p. 664) (p. 220)
PLO n. the Palestine Liberation Organization—dedicated to pyramid [PIHR•uh•mihd] n. a massive structure with a rec-
the establishment of an independent state for Palestinian tangular base and four triangular sides, like those that
Arabs and the elimination of Israel. (p. 1019) were built in Egypt as burial places for Old Kingdom
polis [POH•lihs] n. a Greek city-state—the fundamental pharaohs. (p. 37)
political unit of ancient Greece after about 750 B.C.
(p. 127)
Politburo [PAHL•iht•BYOOR•oh] n. the ruling committee of Qin [chihn] Dynasty n. a short-lived Chinese dynasty that
the Communist Party in the Soviet Union. (p. 1046) replaced the Zhou Dynasty in the third century B.C.
political dissent n. the difference of opinion over political (p. 107)
issues. (p. 1084) Qing [chihng] Dynasty n. China’s last dynasty, which ruled
polytheism [PAHL•ee•thee•IHZ•uhm] n. a belief in many from 1644 to 1912. (p. 539)
gods. (p. 31) Quetzalcoatl [keht•SAHL•koh•AHT•uhl] n. “the Feathered
pope n. the bishop of Rome, head of the Roman Catholic Serpent”—a god of the Toltecs and other Mesoamerican
Church. (p. 171) peoples. (p. 453)
Popol Vuh [POH•pohl VOO] n. a book containing a ver- quipu [KEE•poo] n. an arrangement of knotted strings on a
sion of the Mayan story of creation. (p. 448) cord, used by the Inca to record numerical information.
popular culture n. the cultural elements—sports, music, (p. 461)
movies, clothing, and so forth—that reflect a group’s Qur’an [kuh•RAN] n. the holy book of Islam. (p. 267)
common background and changing interests. (p. 1093)
Roosevelt Corollary [ROH•zuh•VEHLT KAWR•uh•lehr•ee]
n. President Theodore Roosevelt’s 1904 extension of the
racism [RAY•SIHZ•uhm] n. the belief that one race is supe- Monroe Doctrine, in which he declared that the United
rior to others. (p. 775) States had the right to exercise “police power” throughout
radical n. in the first half of the 19th century, a European the Western Hemisphere. (p. 821)
who favored drastic change to extend democracy to all Rowlatt Acts n. laws passed in 1919 that allowed the
people. (p. 687) British government in India to jail anti-British protesters
radioactivity n. a form of energy released as atoms decay. without trial for as long as two years. (p. 887)
(p. 765) Royal Road n. a road in the Persian Empire, stretching over
Raj [rahj] n. the British-controlled portions of India in the 1,600 miles from Susa in Persia to Sardis in Anatolia.
years 1757–1947. (p. 794) (p. 101)
rationing [RASH•uh•nihng] n. the limiting of the amounts Russification [RUHS•uh•fih•KAY•shuhn] n. the process of
of goods people can buy—often imposed by governments forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in the
during wartime, when goods are in short supply. (p. 854) Russian Empire. (p. 693)
realism n. a 19th-century artistic movement in which writ- Russo-Japanese War n. a 1904–1905 conflict between
ers and painters sought to show life as it is rather than life Russia and Japan, sparked by the two countries’ efforts to
as it should be. (p. 700) dominate Manchuria and Korea. (p. 812)
realpolitik [ray•AHL•POH•lih•TEEK] n. “the politics of reali-
ty”—the practice of tough power politics without room
for idealism. (p. 695) sacrament [SAK•ruh•muhnt] n. one of the Christian cere-
recession n. a slowdown in a nation’s economy. (p. 1034) monies in which God’s grace is transmitted to people.
Reconquista [reh•kawn•KEES•tah] n. the effort by (p. 371)
Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain, Safavid [suh•FAH•VIHD] n. a member of a Shi’a Muslim
lasting from the 1100s until 1492. (p. 384) dynasty that built an empire in Persia in the 16th–18th
Red Guards n. militia units formed by young Chinese peo- centuries. (p. 512)
ple in 1966 in response to Mao Zedong’s call for a social Sahel [suh•HAYL] n. the African region along the southern
and cultural revolution. (p. 975) border of the Sahara. (p. 213)
Reformation [REHF•uhr•MAY•shuhn] n. a 16th-century salon [suh•LAHN] n. a social gathering of intellectuals
movement for religious reform, leading to the founding and artists, like those held in the homes of wealthy
of Christian churches that rejected the pope’s authority. women in Paris and other European cities during the
(p. 489) Enlightenment. (p. 636)
refugee n. a person who leaves his or her country to move SALT n. the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks—a series of
to another to find safety. (p. 1086) meetings in the 1970s, in which leaders of the United
Reign [rayn] of Terror n. the period, from mid-1793 to States and the Soviet Union agreed to limit their nations’
mid-1794, when Maximilien Robespierre ruled France stocks of nuclear weapons. (p. 989)
nearly as a dictator and thousands of political figures and Salt March n. a peaceful protest against the Salt Acts
ordinary citizens were executed. (p. 660) in 1930 in India in which Mohandas Gandhi led his
reincarnation [REE•ihn•kahr•NAY•shuhn] n. in Hinduism followers on a 240-mile walk to the sea, where they
and Buddhism, the process by which a soul is reborn made their own salt from evaporated seawater. (p. 889)
continuously until it achieves perfect understanding. (p. 67) samurai [SAM•uh•RY] n. one of the professional warriors
religious toleration n. a recognition of people’s right to who served Japanese feudal lords. (p. 343)
hold differing religious beliefs. (p. 190) sans-culottes [SANS•kyoo•LAHTS] n. in the French
Renaissance [REHN•ih•SAHNS] n. a period of European Revolution, a radical group made up of Parisian wage-
history, lasting from about 1300 to 1600, during which earners and small shopkeepers who wanted a greater
renewed interest in classical culture led to far-reaching voice in government, lower prices, and an end to food
changes in art, learning, and views of the world. (p. 471) shortages. (p. 658)
republic n. a form of government in which power is in the satrap [SAY•TRAP] n. a governor of a province in the
hands of representatives and leaders are elected by citi- Persian Empire. (p. 101)
zens who have the right to vote. (p. 156) savanna [suh•VAN•uh] n. a flat, grassy plain. (p. 215)
Restoration [REHS•tuh•RAY•shuhn] n. the period of Schlieffen [SHLEE•fuhn] Plan n. Germany’s military plan
Charles II’s rule over England, after the collapse of Oliver at the outbreak of World War I, according to which
Cromwell’s government. (p. 616) German troops would rapidly defeat France and then
reunification [ree•YOO•nuh•fih•KAY•shuhn] n. a bringing move east to attack Russia. (p. 846)
together again of things that have been separated, like the scholastics [skuh•LAS•tihks] n. scholars who gathered and
reuniting of East Germany and West Germany in 1990. taught at medieval European universities. (p. 392)
(p. 1054) scientific method n. a logical procedure for gathering
romanticism [roh•MAN•tih•SIHZ•uhm] n. an early- information about the natural world, in which experimen-
19th-century movement in art and thought, which focused tation and observation are used to test hypotheses.
on emotion and nature rather than reason and society. (p. 625)
(p. 698)
Scientific Revolution n. a major change in European skepticism [SKEHP•tih•SIHZ•uhm] n. a philosophy based
thought, starting in the mid-1500s, in which the study on the idea that nothing can be known for certain.
of the natural world began to be characterized by careful (p. 597)
observation and the questioning of accepted beliefs. slash-and-burn farming n. a farming method in which
(p. 623) people clear fields by cutting and burning trees and
scorched-earth policy n. the practice of burning crops grasses, the ashes of which serve to fertilize the soil.
and killing livestock during wartime so that the enemy (p. 15)
cannot live off the land. (p. 669) Slavs [slahvz] n. a people from the forests north of the
scribe n. one of the professional record keepers in early Black Sea, ancestors of many peoples in Eastern Europe
civilizations. (p. 20) today. (p. 307)
secede [sih•SEED] v. to withdraw formally from an associ- social contract n. the agreement by which people define
ation or alliance. (p. 760) and limit their individual rights, thus creating an organ-
secular [SEHK•yuh•luhr] adj. concerned with worldly ized society or government. (p. 629)
rather than spiritual matters. (pp. 355, 472) Social Darwinism [DAHR•wih•NIHZ•uhm] n. the applica-
segregation [SEHG•rih•GAY•shuhn] n. the legal or social tion of Charles Darwin’s ideas about evolution and “sur-
separation of people of different races. (p. 761) vival of the fittest” to human societies—particularly as
justification for imperialist expansion. (p. 775)
self-determination [SEHLF•dih•TUR•muh•NAY•shuhn] n.
the freedom of a people to decide under what form of socialism n. an economic system in which the factors of
government they wish to live. (p. 858) production are owned by the public and operate for the
welfare of all. (p. 736)
Seljuks [SEHL•JOOKS] n. a Turkish group who migrated
into the Abbasid Empire in the 10th century and estab- Solidarity [SAHL•ih•DAR•ih•tee] n. a Polish labor union
lished their own empire in the 11th century. (p. 315) that during the 1980s became the main force of opposi-
tion to Communist rule in Poland. (p. 1052)
senate n. in ancient Rome, the supreme governing body,
originally made up only of aristocrats. (p. 157) Songhai [SAWNG•HY] n. a West African empire that con-
quered Mali and controlled trade from the 1400s to 1591.
sepoy [SEE•POY] n. an Indian soldier serving under British (p. 417)
command. (p. 791)
soviet [SOH•vee•EHT] n. one of the local representative
Sepoy Mutiny [MYOOT•uh•nee] n. an 1857 rebellion of councils formed in Russia after the downfall of Czar
Hindu and Muslim soldiers against the British in India. Nicholas II. (p. 870)
(p. 793)
Spanish-American War n. an 1898 conflict between the
serf n. a medieval peasant legally bound to live on a lord’s United States and Spain, in which the United States
estate. (p. 360) supported Cubans’ fight for independence. (p. 818)
Seven Years’ War n. a conflict in Europe, North America, specialization n. the development of skills in a particular
and India, lasting from 1756 to 1763, in which the forces kind of work, such as trading or record keeping. (p. 20)
of Britain and Prussia battled those of Austria, France,
Russia, and other countries. (p. 607) sphere of influence n. a foreign region in which a nation
has control over trade and other economic activities.
shah [shah] n. hereditary monarch of Iran. (p. 513) (p. 807)
shari’a [shah•REE•ah] n. a body of law governing the lives standard of living n. the quality of life of a person or a
of Muslims. (p. 268) population, as indicated by the goods, services, and luxu-
Shi’a [SHEE•uh] n. the branch of Islam whose members ries available to the person or people. (p. 1034)
acknowledge Ali and his descendants as the rightful suc- stateless societies n. cultural groups in which authority is
cessors of Muhammad. (p. 271) shared by lineages of equal power instead of being exer-
Shinto [SHIHN•toh] n. the native religion of Japan. (p. 339) cised by a central government. (p. 410)
Shiva [SHEE•vuh] n. a Hindu god considered the destroyer steppes [stehps] n. dry, grass-covered plains. (p. 61)
of the world. (p. 194) strike v. to refuse to work in order to force an employer to
“shock therapy” n. an economic program implemented meet certain demands. (p. 738)
in Russia by Boris Yeltsin in the 1990s, involving an stupa [STOO-puh] n. mounded stone structures built over
abrupt shift from a command economy to a free-market Buddhist holy relics. (p. 193)
economy. (p. 1050)
subcontinent n. a large landmass that forms a distinct part
shogun [SHOH•guhn] n. in feudal Japan, a supreme mili- of a continent. (p. 44)
tary commander who ruled in the name of the emperor.
(p. 343) Suez [soo•EHZ] Canal n. a human-made waterway, which
was opened in 1869, connecting the Red Sea and the
Sikh [seek] n. a member of a nonviolent religious group Mediterranean Sea. (p. 788)
whose beliefs blend elements of Buddhism, Hinduism,
and Sufism. (p. 518) suffrage [SUHF•rihj] n. the right to vote. (p. 747)
Silk Roads n. a system of ancient caravan routes across Sufi [SOO•fee] n. a Muslim who seeks to achieve direct
Central Asia, along which traders carried silk and other contact with God through mystical means. (p. 271)
trade goods. (p. 196) sultan n. “overlord,” or “one with power”; title for Ottoman
simony [SY•muh•nee] n. the selling or buying of a position rulers during the rise of the Ottoman Empire. (p. 507)
in a Christian church. (p. 379) Sunna [SOON•uh] n. an Islamic model for living, based on
the life and teachings of Muhammad. (p. 268)
Sunni [SOON•ee] n. the branch of Islam whose members Thirty Years’ War n. a European conflict over religion and
acknowledge the first four caliphs as the rightful succes- territory and for power among ruling families,
sors of Muhammad. (p. 271) lasting from 1618 to 1648. (p. 603)
surrealism [suh•REE•uh•LIHZ•uhm] n. a 20th-century artis- three-field system n. a system of farming developed in
tic movement that focuses on the workings of the uncon- medieval Europe, in which farmland was divided into
scious mind. (p. 899) three fields of equal size and each of these was succes-
sustainable growth n. economic development that meets sively planted with a winter crop, planted with a spring
people’s needs but preserves the environment and con- crop, and left unplanted. (p. 387)
serves resources for future generations. (p. 1080) Tiananmen [tyahn•ahn•mehn] Square n. a huge public
Swahili [swah•HEE•lee] n. an Arabic-influenced Bantu lan- space in Beijing, China; in 1989, the site of a student
guage that is spoken widely in eastern and central Africa. uprising in support of democratic reforms. (p. 1061)
(p. 422) tithe [tyth] n. a family’s payment of one-tenth of its income
to a church. (p. 363)
Tokugawa Shogunate [TOH•koo•GAH•wah
SHOH•guh•niht] n. a dynasty of shoguns that ruled a uni-
Taiping [ty•pihng] Rebellion n. a mid-19th century rebel- fied Japan from 1603 to 1867. (p. 544)
lion against the Qing Dynasty in China, led by Hong
Xiuquan. (p. 807) Torah [TAWR•uh] n. the first five books of the Hebrew
Bible—the most sacred writings in the Jewish tradition.
Taj Mahal [TAHZH muh•HAHL] n. a beautiful tomb in (p. 77)
Agra, India, built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for
his wife Mumtaz Mahal. (p. 519) totalitarianism [toh•TAL•ih•TAIR•ee•uh•NIHZ•uhm] n. gov-
ernment control over every aspect of public and private
Taliban n. conservative Islamic group that took control of life. (p. 874)
Afghanistan after the Soviet Union withdrew its troops;
driven from power by U.S. forces in December, 2001, total war n. a conflict in which the participating countries
because of its harboring of suspected terrorists. (p. 1026) devote all their resources to the war effort. (p. 853)
Tamil [TAM•uhl] n. a language of southern India; also, the totem [TOH•tuhm] n. an animal or other natural object that
people who speak that language. (p. 191) serves as a symbol of the unity of clans or other groups
of people. (p. 445)
technology n. the ways in which people apply knowledge,
tools, and inventions to meet their needs. (p. 8) tournament n. a mock battle between groups of knights.
(p. 367)
Tennis Court Oath n. a pledge made by the members of
France’s National Assembly in 1789, in which they vowed tragedy n. a serious form of drama dealing with the down-
to continue meeting until they had drawn up a new con- fall of a heroic or noble character. (p. 136)
stitution. (p. 654) Treaty of Kanagawa [kah•NAH•gah•wah] n. an 1854
terraces n. a new form of agriculture in Aksum, in which agreement between the United States and Japan, which
stepped ridges constructed on mountain slopes help retain opened two Japanese ports to U.S. ships and allowed the
water and reduce erosion. (p. 228) United States to set up an embassy in Japan. (p. 810)
terrorism n. the use of force or threats to frighten people Treaty of Tordesillas [TAWR•day•SEEL•yahs] n. a 1494
or governments to change their policies. (p. 1087) agreement between Portugal and Spain, declaring that
newly discovered lands to the west of an imaginary line
theocracy [thee•AHK•ruh•see] n. 1. a government in which in the Atlantic Ocean would belong to Spain and newly
the ruler is viewed as a divine figure. (p. 37) 2. a govern- discovered lands to the east of the line would belong to
ment controlled by religious leaders. (p. 496) Portugal. (p. 533)
theory of evolution n. the idea, proposed by Charles Treaty of Versailles [vuhr•SY] n. the peace treaty signed
Darwin in 1859, that species of plants and animals arise by Germany and the Allied powers after World War I.
by means of a process of natural selection. (p. 765) (p. 858)
theory of relativity [REHL•uh•TIHV•ih•tee] n. Albert trench warfare n. a form of warfare in which opposing
Einstein’s ideas about the interrelationships between time armies fight each other from trenches dug in the battle-
and space and between energy and matter. (p. 897) field. (p. 847)
Theravada [THEHR•uh•VAH•duh] n. a sect of Buddhism triangular trade n. the transatlantic trading network along
focusing on the strict spiritual discipline originally advo- which slaves and other goods were carried between
cated by the Buddha. (p. 193) Africa, England, Europe, the West Indies, and the
Third Reich [ryk] n. the Third German Empire, established colonies in the Americas. (p. 568)
by Adolf Hitler in the 1930s. (p. 918) tribune [TRIHB•YOON] n. in ancient Rome, an official
Third Republic n. the republic that was established in elected by the plebeians to protect their rights. (p. 156)
France after the downfall of Napoleon III and ended with tribute n. a payment made by a weaker power to a stronger
the German occupation of France during World War II. power to obtain an assurance of peace and security.
(p. 749) (p. 82)
Third World n. during the Cold War, the developing nations Triple Alliance n. 1. an association of the city-states of
not allied with either the United States or the Soviet Tenochtitlán, Texcoco, and Tlacopan, which led to the
Union. (p. 982) formation of the Aztec Empire (p. 454). 2. a military
alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
in the years preceding World War I. (p. 842)
Triple Entente [ahn•TAHNT] n. a military alliance vernacular [vuhr•NAK•yuh•luhr] n. the everyday language
between Great Britain, France, and Russia in the years of people in a region or country. (pp. 391, 475)
preceding World War I. (p. 843) Vietcong [vee•EHT•KAHNG] n. a group of Communist
triumvirate [try•UHM•vuhr•iht] n. in ancient Rome, a guerrillas who, with the help of North Vietnam, fought
group of three leaders sharing control of the government. against the South Vietnamese government in the Vietnam
(p. 161) War. (p. 980)
Trojan War n. a war, fought around 1200 B.C., in which an Vietnamization [vee•EHT•nuh•mih•ZAY•shuhn] n.
army led by Mycenaean kings attacked the independent President Richard Nixon’s strategy for ending U.S.
trading city of Troy in Anatolia. (p. 125) involvement in the Vietnam War, involving a gradual
troubadour [TROO•buh•DAWR] n. a medieval poet and withdrawal of American troops and replacement of them
musician who traveled from place to place, entertaining with South Vietnamese forces. (p. 980)
people with songs of courtly love. (p. 367) Vishnu [VIHSH•noo] n. a Hindu god considered the pre-
Truman Doctrine n. announced by President Harry server of the world. (p. 194)
Truman in 1947, a U.S. policy of giving economic and vizier [vih•ZEER] n. a prime minister in a Muslim kingdom
military aid to free nations threatened by internal or or empire. (p. 315)
external opponents. (p. 968)
tyrant [TY•ruhnt] n. in ancient Greece, a powerful individ-
ual who gained control of a city-state’s government by
appealing to the poor for support. (p. 127)
War of the Spanish Succession n. a conflict, lasting
from 1701 to 1713, in which a number of European states
fought to prevent the Bourbon family from controlling
Umayyads [oo•MY•adz] n. a dynasty that ruled the Muslim Spain as well as France. (p. 601)
Empire from A.D. 661 to 750 and later established a king- Warsaw Pact n. a military alliance formed in 1955 by the
dom in al-Andalus. (p. 271) Soviet Union and seven Eastern European countries.
union n. an association of workers, formed to bargain for (p. 969)
better working conditions and higher wages. (p. 738) Weimar [WY•MAHR] Republic n. the republic that was
United Nations n. an international peacekeeping organiza- established in Germany in 1919 and ended in 1933.
tion founded in 1945 to provide security to the nations of (p. 905)
the world. (p. 966) Western Front n. in World War I, the region of northern
Universal Declaration of Human Rights n. a 1948 France where the forces of the Allies and the Central
statement in which the United Nations declared that all Powers battled each other. (p. 846)
human beings have rights to life, liberty, and security. westernization n. an adoption of the social, political, or
(p. 1084) economic institutions of Western—especially European
unrestricted submarine warfare n. the use of sub- or American—countries. (p. 610)
marines to sink without warning any ship (including neu-
tral ships and unarmed passenger liners) found in an
enemy’s waters. (p. 852)
yin and yang n. in Chinese thought, the two powers that
urbanization [UR•buh•nih•ZAY•shuhn] n. the growth of govern the natural rhythms of life. (p. 107)
cities and the migration of people into them. (p. 723)
Yoruba [YAWR•uh•buh] n. a West African people who
U.S.A. Patriot Act n. an antiterrorism bill of 2001 that formed several kingdoms in what is now Benin and
strengthened governmental rights to detain foreigners southern Nigeria. (p. 418)
suspected of terrorism and prosecute terrorist crimes.
(p. 1092) Zapotec [ZAH•puh•TEHK] n. an early Mesoamerican civi-
lization that was centered in the Oaxaca Valley of what is
U.S. Civil War n. a conflict between Northern and Southern now Mexico. (p. 242)
states of the United States over the issue of slavery, last-
ing from 1861 to 1865. (p. 760) ziggurat [ZIHG•uh•RAT] n. a tiered, pyramid-shaped struc-
ture that formed part of a Sumerian temple. (p. 23)
utilitarianism [yoo•TIHL•ih•TAIR•ee•uh•NIHZ•uhm] n. the
theory, proposed by Jeremy Bentham in the late 1700s, Zionism [ZY•uh•NIHZ•uhm] n. a movement founded in the
that government actions are useful only if they promote 1890s to promote Jewish self-determination and the
the greatest good for the greatest number of people. establishment of a Jewish state in the ancient Jewish
(p. 735) homeland. (p. 750)
utopia [yoo•TOH•pee•uh] n. an imaginary land described
by Thomas More in his book Utopia—hence, an ideal
place. (p. 482)
vassal [VAS•uhl] n. in feudal Europe, a person who
received a grant of land from a lord in exchange for a
pledge of loyalty and services. (p. 360)
Vedas [VAY•duhz] n. four collections of sacred writings
produced by the Aryans during an early stage of their
settlement in India. (p. 63)