Dwarf Brewmasters in Warhammer Quest
Beer. It’s the one thing that
Dwarfs hold dear above all
else, except perhaps gold. Yet
there are those Dwarfs even
more fanatical than their
other kin. Those that savour
the taste of the golden throat
charmer and positively tingle
with glee at even the merest
thought of a tankard of
Bugman’s XXXXXX
affectionately known as
“Bowel-burner’. These Dwarfs
are the Brewmasters, a secret
guild of tasters and brewers
whose life goal is to make the
perfect beer, the one pure
drop to usurp all others and
grant them a place in Dwarf
history and what’s more the
fullest tavern in the entire Old
Josef Bugman is perhaps the
greatest Dwarf Brewmaster
who ever lived. His famous
‘Troll Brew and the legendary
Bugman's XXXXXX are almost
the stuff of myth. Bugman's
story is not without tragedy
By Nick Kyme
That Nick Kyme’s one prolific fellow and that’s for sure.
If you were to cut off his hands he'd start writing with
his tongue! Well here he is again, following up on his
success with Escape from Hag Graef (CJ 29), the Outlaw
character for Quest (CJ 33) and other incredible efforts
for Warhammer as well. A wobbly character that belches,
guzzles too much beer and is so fat he could eclipse the
sun, no it's not Fatbloke it's the Dwarf Brewmaste
however and whilst he was
away from his Brew House a
horde of Goblins ransacked
his home and destroyed and
devoured his precious brew.
Bugman was incensed and
took to roaming the hills and
mountains in search of
Goblins and other foul
creatures in the hope that he
would avenge the loss of his
fabled brew. It is the Guild of
Brewmasters that honour the
legends of Bugman’s brew
and wander the Old World in
search of ingredients and the
knowledge to make the one
perfect brew. There is also a
dual purpose in their quest,
to exact vengeance, as
Bugman did, upon the
enemies of the Dwarfs and
find retribution for that brew
that was destroyed, never to
pass the lips of a Dwarf again,
never to be savoured.
‘The Brewmasters take their
‘quest very seriously and will
often join up with a group of
Warriors and enter the dark
dungeons of the Old Dwarf
Empire in search of those
ingredients and the
knowledge that might make
them legends...
‘A Brewmaster is like any other
Dwarf except they could
probably drink more than a
‘Trollslayer (sounds incredible
doesn’t it). They bear grudges
like all of their kin and are
stubborn and cantankerous,
What sets a Brewmaster aside
from other Dwarfs are his
shifting mood swings brought
on by excessive drinking. One
‘moment they could be
cheerful and jokey and the
next depressed and sombre
like a Trollslayer. It is this
characteristic that makes it
difficult to fathom a
Brewmaster and his
motivations. His tracking skills
from many months roaming
the hills and mountain passes
of the Old World however are
very valuable as is his
incredible endurance that
even other Dwarfs are
impressed with. The first
thing the other Warriors will
notice about a Brewmaster is
his tremendous girth. His
beer gut is what provides the
Brewmaster with his
durability and it shows. A
Brewmaster is often ridiculed
due to his size and will
consequently find it difficult
to get into certain types of
armour or keep a mule for
very long. However the
Brewmaster is thick skinned
‘and will take any insult with a
few grumbles or sworn oath.
Only if he is really pushed willhe resort to the tried and
tested method of his axe...
You may start as a Level I
Brewmaster instead of
choosing one of the Warriors
from the Warhammer Quest
box. Just substitute the
Warrior counter for the
Warrior you are not using to
represent the Brewmaster.
Alternatively you could make
your own Brewmaster
‘Wounds 1D6+8
Move 4
‘Weapon Skill 4
Ballistic Skill 3+
Strength 3
‘Toughness 3
Initiative 4
Attacks 1
Pinning 4+
‘Weapons: The Brewmaster
starts the game with an axe
that does D6+3 wounds and
a Crossbow that does D6+5
wounds. The Brewmaster can
‘only use one weapon at a
time and cannot use his
Crossbow while pinned as per
the normal Warhammer Quest
Armour: The Brewmaster
also starts with a suit of
Chainmail. This armour only
just fits him but adds +1 to
his Toughness.
‘The Brewmaster has the Beer
Casks equipment. He has
three casks in total and each
contains a different brew that
can have profound effects
upon the Brewmaster. At the
start of the first adventure
each cask will contain enough
brew for D3 draughts, roll
separately for each brew. The
brews and their effects are
covered in the special rules.
Beer Gut: The Brewmaster's
beer gut acts as a virtual
shield against the attacks of
monsters and while it may
appear flabby the constant
roaming around the hillsides
has toned the soft flesh of the
Brewmaster’s stomach into
hard muscle. It is this that
grants the Brewmaster his
endurance, so much so that at
the start of every adventure
roll a D6. The number rolled
is the amount of wounds in
total that the Brewmaster can
ignore. Once these wounds
have been taken the
Brewmaster can be injured as
Beer Casks:
Bugman's XXXXXX ~ A very
rare beverage that is almost
considered sacred by
Brewmasters. Never as potent
as it was, Bugman’s original
XXXXXX puts this new batch
to shame but it is still a fine
brew. One draught of
Bugman’s XXXXXX will add
+3 to a Brewmaster’s
Strength for one turn and
allow him to completely
ignore the effects of Fear and
Terror for one whole combat.
Dwarf Special Reserve - A
fairly common but no less
enjoyable brew. It is said to
warm cold bellies and put
spirit into the heart of any
Dwarf who drinks it. One
draught of this brew will
restore D6 lost wounds. Roll a
D6 if you roll a‘6" it restores
all of your warrior’s wounds
but if you roll a ‘1’ he will
Mines a Pint... Hic
collapse blind drunk and may
do nothing for a whole turn.
Troll Brew — This brew is so
named due to the fact that the
main ingredient is Trolls
blood! It may sound bizarre
but mixed with the proper
ingredients the blood of a
‘Troll can take on a very sweet
taste and have interesting
effects upon the drinker. One
draught of this brew will add
+1 to a Brewmaster’s
‘Toughness for one turn and
allow him to Regenerate D6
wounds at the end of that
‘Once a Brewmaster has
supped all of the draught
his casks then he will not get
anymore until he refills them.
Also, only the Brewmaster or
another Dwarf may ever drink
from his Beer Casks, and can
only drink from one cask at
the start of the turn. The brew
is considered too potent and
too precious to waste on
Elves or Ment Also, whenever
the Brewmaster has a draught
of brew, roll a D6. If you roll a
“1’, he loses 1 Attack this turn
due to his giddy and drunken
Brewmasters and Events
Due to the Brewmaster’s size
and usually drunken
disposition there may be
‘occasions when other
particularly bold or foolish
individuals will try to take
advantage or make fun of
him. What they don’t know is
that beneath the glassy eyed
expression and beaming smile
there lies a cunning and
awareness that few people
would give the Brewmaster
credit for. In any event
whereby the Brewmaster
comes into contact with a
trader or anyone he has to
talk to, roll a D6. If you roll a
1 the Brewmaster takesMines a Pint... Hic
exception to a particularly
‘caustic remark (such as ‘you
fat sow!’ for instance) and
slugs the offending individual
in the chest.
Roll a D6
1. The disgruntled Brew-
master lays into the
insulting party with much
aplomb but not before
the Watch get wind of the
whole situation and turf
him out of the settle-
ment, groaning profusely
as they try to shift the
Brewmaster's immense
2-4. A swift blow to the top of
the head ensures that the
offending individual will
not wake for some time
and when he does it will
be with a tremendous
headache. The Brew-
master takes D6x10 gold
from the trader's purse
as recompense for the
5-6. As the Brewmaster
severely decks the loud
mouth to the ground a
great cheer echoes out
from the assembled
crowds. The Brewmaster
hhas just floored Cruel-
‘Tongued Pete, a
notoriously bad
tempered, cheating and
verbally abusive market
trader. The astonished
Brewmaster is hailed as a
local hero and gains 100
gold from the gratified
crowd. Furthermore
whenever he visits the
Alehouse in this
settlement he may roll
3D6 and pick whichever
two dice he wishes as the
‘The Brewmaster may use any
equipment ordinarily available
to the Dwarf except for Heavy
or Plate Armour as his ever
expanding beer gut just
wouldn't fit into any tight suit
of armour. A Brewmaster may
also use any treasure normally
available to a Dwarf but
whenever he finds a suit of
magical armour you must roll
a dice. On a roll of 5+ the
Brewmaster decides that the
armour looks too tight-fitting
and so he will not wear it and
nothing the other Warriors
will say can convince him
Brewmasters aren't great fans
of animals as they find the
constant rocking motion to be
err... uncomfortable. Not only
that but the fact that they are
so heavy means that most
mounts will struggle to carry
the Brewmaster up the street
let alone to the far reaches of
the Worlds Edge Mountains!
Brewmasters may purchase a
mule from the Animal
‘Trader's just like any other
Dwarf but each time you
reach a new settlement you
must roll a D6. On a roll of ‘1
the poor laboured beast
collapses from exhaustion
stone dead from carrying his
immense bulk!
Whilst in the dungeon and on
route to a set of caves or
mountainous underworld
domain the Brewmaster will
be on the lookout for special
plants and moss, even fresh
springs that might provide the
key ingredient for a new beer,
even the prefect brew. To
represent this whenever the
Warriors are travelling back
from the dungeon to
civilisation and they have an
Uneventful Week, roll a D6.
On the roll a ‘6 the
Brewmaster has found a rare
plant or a pure spring from
which he takes a large sample.
Furthermore, if in the
dungeon and the Warriors
come across the Guard Room
the Brewmaster may check
the barrels after the combat or
event has been resolved.
Again roll a D6. Ona 5+ the
Brewmaster has found the
remnants of an ancient
Dwarfish Brew.
In both of these situations
make a note whenever the
Brewmaster finds an
ingredient and write down
the number of times on his
adventure record sheet.
Whilst in a settlement the
Dwarf Brewmaster may visit
any of the traders and the
following special locations
Dwarf’s Guild, Alchemist’s
Laboratory, Gambling House,
‘Temple and Alehouse (2D6).
He may also visit a new
special location; The
Brewmaster's Tavern, rules for
which follow after the section
on Drinking Binges and
Brewing the Perfect Brew.
Drinking Binges
Dwarfs are renowned for their
drinking exploits but a
Brewmaster’s reputation even
precedes that of your average
Dwarf It is not uncommon
for a Brewmaster to go out on
a massive drinking binge at
least once when he visits asettlement and he will usually
drag the other Warriors along
After any settlement events
have been resolved and any
living expenses have been
paid the Brewmaster may
decide to go out on a
drinking binge. He will also
invite all of the other Warriors
who are welcome to accept or
decline if they wish. However
if you're a Barbarian or Dwarf
then shame on you if you
decline as it is distinctly out of
‘Once the Warriors have
decided who will go on this
binge of epic proportions roll
2D6 on the table below and
add the total number of
Warriors and then include any
modifiers that would usually
apply on the Alehouse table.
So, for example, if the party
consisted of a Barbarian,
Wizard, Trolislayer and
Brewmaster then you would
roll 2D6+4 (for the number
of Warriors) +0 for the
Barbarian, -3 for the Wizard
and +1 for the Trolislayer;
making a total of 2D6+2.
2D6+ modifiers
0-5 As soon as the warriors
hit the first tavern the
rude songs sung by the
Brewmaster offend some
of the patrons who
complain to the bar-
keeper. After an hour or
more of suffering he
throws the warriors out
with the help of some
cudgel armed thugs and
the warriors wake up in
the morning with sore
heads and purses D6x100
gold coins lighter.
69 After the third tavern the
Brewmaster locates a
particularly seedy bar in a
decidedly dodgy part of
town. The warriors have
only been drinking in the
establishment for a few
minutes when one of the
local ‘clientele’ takes
exception to one of the
Warriors and there is a
fight. A massive bar brawl
ensues and one of the
Warriors is injured. Each
Warrior must roll 2D6
and apply their Alehouse
modifier. The Warrior
with the lowest score
starts the next adventure
with -1 Toughness,
8-13 After a glorious night of
pure drinking and
gambling the Warriors
wake up in the morning
with their winnings of
D6x50 gold coins and a
piece of Treasure each!
But they make do
nothing for the next day
as they are too busy
throwing up.
14+ It is a binge of pheno-
menal proportions where
the warriors virtually
drink dry most of the
taverns they visit. The
merry making and songs
go on far into the night
and the next morning. A
local bar tender is so
impressed that he awards
the Warriors with 3 casks
of beer each and D6x100
gold coins for bringing in
a whole horde of extra
patrons and making his
tavern local folklore. Not
only that but it seems the
Mines a Pint... Hic
experience has fortified
the Warriors and they will
be immune to Fear and
Terror for the next
dungeon and gain an
extra wound perm-
Brewing the Perfect Brew
Instead of visiting any
locations the Brewmaster may
attempt to use any special
ingredients he has found on
his travels to make a brew.
‘This will require some time
and involves the Brewmaster
needing copper pipes, hops, a
huge vat and other brewing
‘equipment that is too heavy
for him to carry around,
If the Brewmaster wishes to
attempt a brew then he must
pay D6x20 gold getting the
‘equipment he needs together
and must then spend the
whole day assembling it and
preparing the brew itself.
Once prepared the
Brewmaster may leave the
brew to ferment for as many
days as he wishes at which
time he may visit locations as
normal. However at the end
of each day that the
Brewmaster leaves the brew
to ferment roll a D6. If you
roll a ‘I’ the brew explodes as
his brewing kit falls apart. The
brew is wasted as are all the
special ingredients used to
make it.
‘Once he visits the
Brewmaster’s Tavern he will
take his brew with him to
present to the Tavern Lord.
Make sure you keep a careful
note of how many days the
brew has been fermenting not
including the preparation day.
Dwarfs have special herbs and
spices that they put into beer
so that it ferments quicker but
the longer the Brewmaster
leaves a brew the better it will
be but the more likely it will
be to explode.Mines a Pint. Hic
‘These Taverns are strictly for
Dwarfs only and the
atmosphere within is usually
dark and smoke filled. It is
here that the Brewmasters
bring their newly created
brews and talk of their
exploits as well as refill their
empty beer casks in the huge
subterranean Beer Cellars that
lie beneath the Tavern floor.
The sweet smell of ale is
always ripe in the Tavern and
whenever a newcomer enters
the assembled Dwarfs all turn
to appraise the visitor hands
clasped firmly over their
‘The Tavern is governed over
by the esteemed Tavern Lord
who is basically the bar
keeper and purveyor of all
beers. He is a Dwarf of great
‘age, respect and of course
vast in beer belly! His
knowledge of the brew is
second to none and equal to
that of all the other Tavern
Lords in the Old World. The
‘Tavern Lord was also once a
Brewmaster but has settled
down to open his
establishment for all weary
Brewmasters, so that they
might sample some of his
Brewmaster Taverns are rare
and often in out of the way
places in a town or city. Like
all special locations they can
only be found by first rolling a
7+ with the modifiers that
apply to towns and cities as
given in the Warhammer
‘Quest rulebook.
Only the Brewmaster and any
Dwarfs who accompany him
may enter the Tavern and
while the other Dwarfs may
get involved in the various
‘events’ of the Tavern it is only
the Brewmaster who may buy
new beers and consult with
the Tavern Lord.
‘The Tavern is much larger
than its name would suggest
and is actually comprised of
three sections. The first is the
Drinking Hall where all of the
Brewmasters and other
Dwarfs assemble to eat, drink
and get drunk. The second is
the Ale Store and Beer Cellar
where the Brewmaster can
refill his casks and purchase
new brews and the final area
is the Brewhouse where the
‘Tavern Lord will consult with
the younger Brewmaster and
taste his brews.
Drinking Hall
This is where the Brewmaster
and any other Dwarfs will first
enter. The hall is usually
crowded and echoes with the
drone of Dwarf drinking
songs and other ditties. It is
also usually the site of many a
fierce drinking competition
and other wagers relating to
brew. When the Brewmaster
and his Dwarf companions
enter the Drinking Hall they
must roll a D6 on the table
below to see what ‘events’
they get involved in. The
Brewmaster may add +1 to
his roll.
1D6 Roll
1. The warrior partakes of a
particularly dubious brew
offered to him by a
young Brewmaster who
is eager to get an initial
reaction to his newest
creation. After taking a
large quaff of the brew
he suddenly starts to feel
dizzy as the liquid slips
down like tar more than
silk and then collapses
onto the floor out cold.
‘The last thing the warrior
remembers hearing is the
raucous laughter of the
other patrons. He gains
nothing from this visit to
the Tavern other than a
sore head and a hazy
recollection of what
‘The warrior quickly gets
involved in a hotly
contested drinking
competition. The ale
consumption is fast and
frenzied and it is a tough
and determined Dwarf
indeed who can emerge
victorious against such
well watered opponents.
‘To start the competition
off roll a D3 and add +2.
This is the number of
rounds the competition
lasts and in each round
the brew gets more
potent. To survive the
first round you must roll
a D6 and add your
warrior’s Toughness, if
you roll 6+ you may go
on to the next round. In
the following round you
must roll 7+ and then in
the third round 8+ and
so on until the last
round. If the warrior
survives all the rounds
then he emerges the
winner but if you fail to
roll high enough he
collapses into a drunken
stupor and can take no
further part in the
competition and must
pay a losers fee of 100
gold coins. If the warrior
wins the competition
then he is given 100 gold
coins for each round he
survived and a bonus of
an extra 50 goldxthe
number of total rounds,
for the last round.
‘The warrior gets talking
to an ageing Brewmaster
who seems to have been
propping up the bar for
most of his stay in the
Tavern. He takes a likingto the warrior, saying that
he has great courage and
a fine beard and then
offers a drink of his own
personal brew. The liquid
is extremely potent but
makes the warrior feel
incredibly strong. Roll a
D6 and add the warrior's
‘Toughness. If you roll 9+
you may add +1 to his
‘Toughness for the whole
of the next adventure
and gain one wound
permanently. If you roll 8
or less he still gets the
‘Toughness bonus but
collapses drunk before
the liquid can take full
effect and so he does not
gain an extra wound.
‘The fabled Volcano Brew
is perhaps one of the
most potent beers known
to all Brewmasters. It is a
fiery and vibrant draught
that is said to make 7+
beards bristle and hair
stand on end such is its
strength. The warrior is
challenged by a Brew-
master to drink a full
tankard of Volcano Brew
and remain standing after
the experience! If he
Volcanus Hellfire
Nordic Original
Lycanthropic Reserve
‘The Golden Drop
Bugman’s Premier Ale
accepts the challenge roll
2 2D6 and add his
‘Toughness. If you roll
12+ then he has survived
the experience and
remains on his feet much
to the adulation of the
amassed crowds who are
watching the spectacle.
Any less than 12 and he
finishes the tankard but
suddenly stands bolt
upright, his eyes rolled
back and then collapses
in a heap on the floor. If
the warrior is successful
in supping the Volcano
Brew then he may have a
Tune inscribed on his axe
for free by a Runesmith
who witnessed the event
and was impressed by his
courage. Follow the rules
as in the Dwarfs Guild in
the Warhammer Quest
rule book.
AAs the warrior take stock
of all the merry making,
and sup some of the
finest brews in the Dwarf
Kingdom he is brought
to one side by a
venerable looking
Brewmaster who presses
a small tankard into his
Mines a Pint. Hic
hand. He whispers the
words ‘Aye, young'n this,
tankard will never be
drained’ and a smile
plays across his craggy
features as he disappears
back into the throng, The
‘Tankard is magical and is
mysteriously never
empty... the Brewmaster
may pour one of his
original brews into the
tankard and it may then
be drunk from D6 times
in an adventure. At the
start of a new adventure
it will refill itself for
another D6 draughts.
‘There will be a fresh total
each time.
The Beer Cellar and
Ale Store
The Beer Cellar is just like any
other shop and there are
stock rolls and prices as there
are for most items. There are
no sell prices though as the
Beer Cellar will refuse to buy
‘second-hand’ brews. A
Brewmaster may only ever
have one cask of each type
and may only refill empty
‘casks and NOT casks that still
have draughts in them. But he
350 gold
250 gold
400 gold
500 gold
600 gold
Each cask has D3 draughts in it (2D3 for a double), except for Bugman’s Premier Ale which
only ever has one draught such is its precious nature and rarity.Mines a Pint... Hic
may buy a double amount, for
double gold, with a maximum
of six draughts in one cask
(except for Bugman’s Premier
Volcanus Hellfire: A heady
brew with a much longer
fermentation and run off
period than most brews. Its
actual brewing process is
something of a secret but
some say it is a magical
concoction enhanced with the
aid of Runesmiths who have a
passion for brewing. When a
Dwarf drinks this fiery brew
there is a sudden loud
gurgling heard in the pit of
his stomach, which builds up
toa massive crescendo when
the Dwarf finally emits a
tremendous belch and flames
burst forth from his moutht
Any one monster stood next
to the Dwarf will be hit by the
raging flames and suffers 2D6
Wounds with no modifiers for
Armour. A Dwarf may only
ever have one draught of
Volcanus Hellfire per combat
as it is far too volatile to quaff
in large quantities.
Nordic Original: Said to bail
from the icy lands of Norsca
and first brewed by the Norse
Dwarfs of the northern hold
of Kraka Drak this brew is
chilled to perfection but bears
the bite of the Northern
winds and the fiery
temperament of the Norse. AS
it is consumed the Dwarf
screws up his face and grits
his teeth due to the extreme
potency. When the last drop
goes down, froth begins to
bubble on the Dwarfs lips and
he goes totally Berserk just
like the Barbarian. He remains
in this state until the end of
Iycantbropic Reserve: Brewed
with the blood of the
Ulfwerener this beer is a deep
black in colour and leaves a
bitter but not wholly
unsatisfying taste in the
mouth, When consumed, the
Dwarf who drinks this beer
will seem to grow hair all over
his body. His blood will feel
like it is boiling and he will be
possessed with a beastlike
courage borne of the
Ulfwerener. For a whole turn
the Dwarf turns to his feral
instincts and gains D6 extra
Attacks and a +1 to Strength
as he batters his enemies with
barely concealed animalistic
fury, after which the hairs
recede and the Dwarf returns
to normal.
The Golden Drop: One of the
purest brews around, the
Golden Drop is a fine
beverage that is smooth and
creamy with a sweet tangy
aftertaste. When drunk this
ale will put a smile on any
Dwarf's face. He will feel light
and able. The Dwarf may
strike first for the rest of the
combat, regardless of
Initiative or who has the
lantern and what’s more he
will fight with +1 Attack and
+1 to his Move until the
‘combat ends.
Bugman's Premier Ale; Thi
perhaps the finest brew ever
devised in modern times. It is
said to ‘charm’ the throat and
slip down like silk. When this
beer is drunk and savoured
the Dwarf takes on a warm
glow and a positively beaming
smile. It immediately restores
all lost wounds and makes the
Dwarf who drinks it immune
to Fear and Terror for an
entire combat. It will also add
+1 to Strength and Toughness
for a whole combat.
Furthermore, once drunk, roll
a D6. If you roll a6 then you
may add +1 Wound to your
starting score permanently.
‘The Brew House
‘This is where the Brewmaster
will take his newly made
brews and present them to
the Tavern Lord for his
consumption. It is a very
secret meeting with only the
‘Tavern Lord and the
Brewmaster present. Roll on
the table below and add the
number of special ingredients
you have found and then add
the number of days you have
left the brew to ferment.
Roll D6+modifiers
1-3, The Tavern Lord takes
one swig of the brew and
his face screws up in
disgust as he spews it out
with revulsion! Your
brew has sadly not met
even the most meagre
requirements. You have
failed to impress the
‘Tavern Lord and he
throws you out of the
‘Tavern, You must hand
back any winnings or
special items gained in
competitions but you
may keep any beer casks
you have bought. You
leave the Brewmaster’s
‘Tavern head hung low in
shame and your gut
gurgling from lack of ale.
4-7 The Brewmaster is
welcomed by the Tavern
Lord who sups his brew
with mixed reactions. It
is a palatable brew but
then again it is nothing
special. Still it is a worthy
attempt and to en-courage you the Tavern
Lord offers to fill up one
of your original casks for
free. You may choose
which brew you gain and
if you already have brew
in your original casks
then you gain nothing,
8-10 The Tavern Lord
commends you ona fine
brew. He is very
impressed and gifts you
with a special mule from
his own personal stable.
Itis a Beercart Mule and
is the same as any other
mule except that it is a
particularly stout
creature that will not
collapse after reaching a
settlement. Furthermore
it is furiously loyal and
cannot be stolen but it
does cost an extra 2 gold
per day to feed and
11+ As the Tavern Lord
drinks up your brew he
takes on a beaming smile
and his cheeks are
flushed with colour. It is
one of the finest brews
he has ever tasted and he
pats the Brewmaster
solidly on the back with
his achievement. Any
gold he has spent on
brews bought from the
Beer Cellar and Ale Store
is immediately reim-
bursed. Work out the
gold spent and give it
back to the Brewmaster.
He may keep all the
brews for free. Further-
more he gives you a cask
of Bugman’s Premier Ale
as a gift!
The Brewmaster trains at the
Tavern and this involves
consulting with the Tavern
Lord and of course drinking
copious amounts of beer.
Within his training the
Brewmaster will learn to
appreciate the finer points of
the brew and will also
become more enduring and
knowledgeable. Training takes
‘one whole week and any skills
the Brewmaster gains are
generated by rolling 2D6 on
the table below. Needless to
say after his training the
Brewmaster will probably
have a sore head but a full
beer gut.
‘The Brewmasters skills are
actually a combination of the
Dwarf’s and his own special
attributes that make him a
Brewmaster, the details for
the Dwarf skills* can be found
on p47 of the Warhammer
Quest Roleplay book.
2 Mighty Blows
Through drinking vast
quantities of ale you bave
developed a near impene-
trable beer gut capable of
absorbing powerful blows.
Whenever the Brewmaster is
wounded roll a D6, if you roll
5+ any wounds caused are
halved rounding fractions up.
4 Trademaster*
5 eer Breath
As you are fighting a monster
‘you become locked in battle
but then emit a tremendous
belch of beer breath that puts
the beast off long enough for
you to land the telling blow...
Whenever a monster is next to
the Brewmaster and trying to
attack him he must roll a D6.
Ifyou roll a 4+ the creature is
put off by your pungent beer
breath and suffers a -1 to hit
for all of its attacks in that
combat. Make a separate roll
before each combat and for
each monster.
Mines a Pint... Hic
GAle Master
Entering the smoky
atmosphere of an Alebouse is
no problem for you. You feel
right at home and quickly
strike up @ conversation with
an interesting individual,
When rolling on the Alehouse
or Tavern Event Table you
may reroll the first result on
the table and roll again, you
must accept the second roll
‘7 Deathsong™
8 Path Finder =
The many months you bave
spent out in the wild bas
taught you bow to find safe
routes and short cuts in the
‘When travelling from the
dungeon if you generate an
uneventful week roll another
dice, if you roll a 6 you
manage to reduce the journey
time by D3 weeks.
9 Rapid Consumption
You are so fast at quaffing
vast quantities of ale you can
drink any Dwarf, Man or Elf
under the table.
You can drink two casks of
your original beer instead of
one in a single turn. The
effects of the casks are
cumulative and you may even
take two draughts from a
single cask. You can only
drink two casks of your
original beers and not any of
the other brews from the Beer
Cellar and Ale Store.
10 Endure
11 Bar Brawler
You can't even count the
number of bar brawls you've
been involved in but the
experience gained in suchMines a Pint... Hic
fights bas enabled you to adopt a
wrestling, brawling style of fighting
+B:iBe +B in the dungeon.
You may use bar brawling,
wrestling techniques to fight the
om.w.mnome- o monsters in the dungeon. This
basically involves using all manner
of dirty tricks and vicious crushing
holds. When you roll to hit if you
- a ” ” = roll a ‘6’ you may ignore a
monsters armour and will cause an
extra D6 wounds. This once per
dungeon. This skill. may be used
for one whole combat
12 Resilience
You tense your vast stomach
muscles, converting your gut into a
mass of hardened muscle and
This skill allows you to double your
‘Toughness for one turn once per
adventure. But after the combat roll
D6, if you roll a “I” the
eBe a % 2
? z $ $ 3 Brewmaster’s pants burst open
8 3 8 8 8 under the strain, and while a thick
- “ , 7 piece of string will keep them up
for the duration of the adventure
«i a a i = he must purchase some more as
soon as he arrives at a settlement,
for 50 gold coins.
If you're wondering what
miniatures would make good
Brewmaster characters then I advise
you to look no further than the
Bugman’s Brewers boxed set. After
all, they are all Brewmasters anyway
and what gave me the inspiration
to create this Warrior in the first
place! Obviously Josef Bugman
minus the banner pole is the
perfect choice but I personally go
with the Champion model as my
Brewmaster, the peg leg and eye
patch making him look particularly
mean! Seriously though, any stout
looking Dwarf model armed with
an axe and carrying a crossbow
would suffice as a good Brewmaster
and who knows, you may even
want to model on his Beer Casks
° 1
4000 1
12000 2
24000 2
45000 3
‘The Brewmaster's Move characteristic is given in his starting profile and remains at 4 throughout his Battle-Levels.the Elf Ranger, reprimanded. He knew this place to be the latr of the :
they were seeking and was keen to maintain the element of strprise:
et beardling. Your vast bulk alone is enough to wake an army of Gob
anally have no desire to complicate our quest any further’ The Elf maintaine
ae ie em fe aera ee
Wiad,‘do you zee zat.’ Bronlar the Barbarian pointed a steady finger tn
Ste olde wabood Get orale Shay ef doomed on Sone ed
Sis is te boas Berson. See ibe skulls that liter ibe Suter enarance;* Gala
to Bronlar concluded,
who nodded, ‘Its previous victims,’ the Bretonnian
‘he said simply. His eyes averted from the bloody carcass as:bé saie B
feet. The colour in Tirandon’s cheeks had returned as.be stood: