Group Policy Adobe Acrobat Reader - Spiceworks PDF
Group Policy Adobe Acrobat Reader - Spiceworks PDF
Group Policy Adobe Acrobat Reader - Spiceworks PDF
This is a run through on how to install adobe acrobat across your organization via Group Policy. The information on how to
do this is scattered across the net so this last time I decided to create a how-to for the rest of us.
Go here and sign up for the redistributable once you get the redistribute you can proceed with the rest of the guide, I
suggest putting it in a folder labeled Adobe 9:
From Command line in the folder containing the adobe redistributable run:
"AdbeRdr90_en_US.exe -nos_o”Reader 9” -nos_ne"
This will expand redistributable .exe to .msi This will create a "Reader 9" Folder in the same directory as the exe to be used
IMPORTANT:(There is no space between the quote and nos_o, you will get an error if you space them)
Copy Adobe 9 Folder to a UNC (\\servername\software\)that is accessible by the appropriate members of the GPO you are
pushing to.
If you are using the computer deployment in this walk through you will need to make sure authenticated users or everyone is
allowed read permissions. This is a common area of failure when pushing out a piece of software.
File->Open package created in the expansion found in the "Reader 9" Folder (\\servername\software\Reader
9\AcroRead.msi) that you copied.
Once customizations have been made click Transform -> Create Transform file. Save it in the "Reader 9" folder as
1 de 5 08/04/2016 1:34
Group Policy Adobe Acrobat Reader - Spiceworks
Under Computer Configuration -> Software Settings Right click and create new package
Select the AcroRead.msi
You will want to do an Advanced Install to select the MST you created in step 4.
Under Modifications tab, Add the Enterprise_Adobe.mst
You will need to wait for replication and test on the Computers that are memebers of the OU you tied the policy to.
Windows XP will not install the first or second time it reboots, check here for the reason:
Your milage may vary on this setup but you can use this guide as a cheat sheet for many different MSI installs.
Flash player doesnt have a Customization package but you can still deploy this way.
Once your test group is working, you can link the GPO to the proper group. This will push the install to any PC. When
updating to the next version it will uninstall the previous one.
Let me know if there are any errors and I will update this guide properly.
Reference PDF
I used to unpack AdobeReader for the msi in a much more convoluted way!
2 de 5 08/04/2016 1:34
Group Policy Adobe Acrobat Reader - Spiceworks
3 de 5 08/04/2016 1:34
Group Policy Adobe Acrobat Reader - Spiceworks
PsExec does not seem to have a -t switch, at least according to its built-in help. Can you expand on what that switch does?
Thank you.
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4 de 5 08/04/2016 1:34
Group Policy Adobe Acrobat Reader - Spiceworks
5 de 5 08/04/2016 1:34