Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Alverno College
Lesson Plan 1
Please use this framework to design your plans for effective instruction. The embedded shaded guidelines and
questions will help you consider aspects to address as you prepare your plan. Be sure to keep in mind the Gradual
Release of Responsibility Model as you write your plan. Remember this learning model guides the learner through
teacher modeling and demonstration, shared teacher/learner demonstration, learner guided practice, and learner
independent practice. Please enlarge cells as needed when writing this plan.
General Information
First Name of Focus Learner: Date: 7/13/17
Guided Group 1: Will, Guided Group 2: Julien
Grade/Setting: 3rd and 4th Grade Class: Reading Readiness Length of Lesson:
Elementary School Guided Group 1= 15-20 mins
Guided Group 2= 15-20 mins
Subject/Unit: Focus Learner Disability(ies):
Guided Group 1: Non-Fiction (Animal Tracks) Guided Group 1: Specific Learning Disability
Guided Group 2: Non-Fiction ( Kids Inventions) Guided Group 2: Reading Delay
Learning Goal
Guided Group 1: The students will begin reading a non-fiction text and use its picture to make accurate
predictions to demonstrate understanding.
Guided Group 2: The students will begin reading a non-fiction text and will use text information and picture clues
to respond to questions.
Relevant Academic, Alternate, or Early Childhood Standard
Guided Group 1: By using the illustrations of the text, the student will accurately predict the correct animal on
each page demonstrating an understand of the words and pictures.
Guided Group 2: The student will accurately answer two teacher-directed questions about each invention
discussed by providing a verbal or written response.
Expressive/Receptive Communication Skill
Guided Group 1: The students will respond with the phrase “I predict…” when making predictions about which
animal made the tracks.
Guided Group 2: The student will respond in complete sentences when answering questions about the inventions.
For example: when asked “Who created this invention?” an appropriate response would be “Robbie created this
invention.” An inappropriate response would be “Robbie.”
Assessment Tools and Data Collection Procedures
List assessment tools used to monitor progress:
Rev. 12/9/15
Kelly McGonagil
Alverno College
Lesson Plan 1
The students will be given immediate feedback regarding their responses to the questions. Responses, whether
correct or incorrect will be recorded on a data collection sheet, and the number of correct responses given the
number of trials will be indicated. Should the students fall below expectation (100% accuracy) the lesson and
objectives will be revisited at a later date.
Instructional Strategies
List instructional strategies:
Guided Group 1: Students will engage in conversation Guided Group 1: Some possible vocabulary words
prior to reading to activate their background knowledge the student will need to know are:
about non-fiction text. Students will also express what -waddled
they know about animal tracks, and what information -scared
animal tracks can provide us. Students will need to have -reflection
prior knowledge of various animals and their names. -curving
Guided Group 2: Students will engage in conversation
prior to reading to activate their background knowledge Guided Group 2: The students may run into some
about non-fiction text. Students will also express what difficult vocabulary or nonsense words. The students
they know about inventions. Students will need to be able need to have a sense of decoding skills to help
to sort through detailed information, and have an understand these difficult words.
understanding of how photographs relate to the text.
Rev. 12/9/15
Kelly McGonagil
Alverno College
Lesson Plan 1
Guided Group 1:
10:05- -We will begin reading the text. I will read the first page
10:15 only. Students will make a predication about the
-Students will be prompted verbally to read a page silently,
or whisper read.
-1 student will be chosen to read out loud.
-Students will make a prediction about what animal they
think made the tracks using the phrase: “I predict…”
-Students will continue this order of events until the book is
-During the lesson, whiteboards will be used to discuss any
phonics challenges.
10:15- -The guided group will review what a non-fiction book is,
10:20 and discuss what we have learned about animal tracks.
Students can take turns saying one at a time what their
favorite animal/track was.
Rev. 12/9/15
Kelly McGonagil
Alverno College
Lesson Plan 1
-The guided group will review what a non-fiction book is,
and discuss what we have learned about inventions.
Students can take turns saying one at a time what their
favorite invention was, or what they may make someday.
Rev. 12/9/15